,'ENTV-THIED YEAR—No. 12 at W«tHeld. N.J. llilM :on

Westfield Hospitals Drive Opens Unattended Minors School Holiday Westneld public schools will New Town Tax Assessment Curbed in Night close for the Tlmnksgi\ ing holi- o Aid Muhlenberg, Overlook day after a four hour session Wednesday and will reopen The Wcstfield Hos-pituks Campaign, jointly .sponsored hy School Visits Monday, Nov. 2C> at the regular Overlook and iMuhlrnbcrt; Hospitals, opened this week with th' Boro Education Board time. Closing hours for Wednes- Plan Given Clarification full endorsement of Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. of WcstlU'ld. day will In: as follows: Klemen- 1 Initiated by a group of Wtstfield sponsors last year, the Buns Use of Grounds tary schools (grades 1-ti) close 'S* Westfiekl -Hospitals Campaign 'brings home to the people of To Halt Vandalism ill 1 p.m.; junior and senior 1963 Cost to Properly Owner ^, Westfield the facts that in ternus of usage, Overlook ami Muhlen- high schools close at 12:110 Council Clarifies **" berg are Weslfield's hospitals. Weslfield is Ihe largest user of MOUNTAINSIDE — The Jloan p.m.; kindergarten morning sec- each facility next to its own home community. More than of Kducntion Tuesday night took tions attend from Ki-lf) until 11 Roles in School, Impossible to Estimate Now jl» 2,500 Westfielders turned,to these two hospitals for medical aid steps to curb after-hours vandal- and afternoon sections at- last year. Kour out of every five Westfield babius ure born in ism by adopting a resolution whicl tend from 1U:4H until 1 p.m. A sUirm of protest was welling up in West field thin week as Overlook or 'Muhleuberg. prohibits unattended minors from Tax Matters property mvnora began reet'lvlng Associated Survey letters advising JjC The combined 510,000,000 expansion programs undertaken use of schoul grounds after dark them of Ihe new true market >priees for their properties resulting from by these hospitals huve 'been largely to meet the needs of the It was explained the measure •A routine Town Council meeting the reappraisal studies which have been uinlerwiiy for moro than a • outlying towns they serve, like Westfield. stems from instances of vandalism Tuesday night clarified eounc year. The IctUim, lacking an explicit wiirntnic tn tlm recipients to including breakage of 1M windows role in two mutlcr-i alFecting tlx1 ^ -Mayor Towl, urging wholehearted support of the Wvslfield avoid trying to llguru what their A month ago at OeerfU'ld School. eitizens of Westfield. Srliool I' local tax for I'.lll.'l would be, Hospitals Campaign, pointed out that Overlook and Muhlenherg Children attending authorized l.Muyor Hurr A, Towl Jr., on- *l> have served Westfield for many years mid will for many lnore. prompted tniiiiy to upply the cur- meetings of scouts and other or- swering a query from the floor Balloting Dec. 27 renl $ll).n'^ per $1,000 tax rate to The mayor explained that the newly formed Htmpital Coun- ganizations are exempt from the clearly Indicated that the council the new 4(1 per cent & cil in Weslfield itself is purely investigatory; its decision* far ruling, it was pointed out. The Hoard of Kducnlhm will an II whole does not contemplate llgure. ,Q from made as to whether or not Westfield should huve its own The hoard nlso adopted a reso- taking any olllcial pus-it ion on the meet tonight at 8 p.m. In the ^ hospital. lution which gruntu the Civil De Hoard of Kducution's proposed t'iA Hoard of Kduealion office tochaugu The rcsultaiil lotuls- falsely Indi- fensc organization the use of Kcho million school construction refer- Ihe dnte for the special election cating u lietillhy tax hike bite for > Mayor Towl's statement roads: "To the People of West- for the junior high sellout expan- IliC.'l wnit Bern in ninny iiunrtors field : "This week, a group of residents of Weslfield are again Hrook School, Route 22, us a con- endum scheduled Dec. 27. iia Ihu reason for the sudden con- trol center. A basement area will In responsi.' to another question sion program to lice, i!7, 11)112. The undertaking a joint campaign to raise capital funds for Over- election, originally scheduled for cern of houje-holdcrn ulrcndy fncecl look and Muhlenherg Jlospitals. Their actions deserve the be utilized. from the audience, the. mayor em with rising cunts- of living on till whole-hearted support of all of us. (Continued on I'age «.) 11 was announced a plan IN he- phiisized that the release of leltem Dec. '1, in being rcneclieduk'i| unlo. ing prepared for dispersal of ehil- to properly owners this week re- ly to allow an amendment to be dren in event of an emergency. garding the results of the revaltm undo to the notices tn absentee Tlie nchiiil of the letter, Early Deadline For The project is in keeping with civil linn studies WIIH thu Hole re.ipnn voters. Thesu notices appear on according to Mayor Hurr A. Towll ommunity Service Set Next Weck'n Issue defense preparedness. Ibility of Associateil iSurvcy of page .'17 of today's Leader. Jr., wa» to ml vine I ha property Walter H. Hupp, public relations il'assiiic. owner of the new full current val- The "Lender" will publiih chairman, reported returns on a 'Heturniiig to the Hchool propiiHal ue of their property and that tholr Wedneiday next week and questionnaire prepared and dis- Mayor Towl made il jilaiu that McKinley Project now tax bane would be figured on or Thanksgiving Day will be delivered to lubicrih. tributed by a citizens' advisory he Inlcriuts of thu councllmen and a <0 per cent ratio of true IUUK'SU- en on that day inttead of group are being studied. The ques- liiinself will be along the lines of meiit. MIU,]|,, 'rt'shyteriau Church Thursday morning, Thanlci- tionnaire is designed to Kiiin in- WILLIAM T, BAKNES individual cilizens. He brushed Tract Transfer Another purpim' of tho letter, It iu Be Host to All j giving Day, the uiunl publi- formation members hope will lie NE wide any suggestion that the via* explained, was to offer eiwh cation dnte. helpful in obtaining approval of 'limning Hoard's quallfled op|K>si- recipient thu opportunity to appeal o Annual Community Thanks- j Early copy from adverliteri budgets hy voters. Barnes Installed iou might ho construed as being OK'd by Board tho now current market vnluo and publicity chairmen of all Service, sponsored hy the, It was announced revised plans he official governing body view. 1 KIMI on the. Aicuu'iiiUiil Survey's Xield Council of Churches, will I organization* it requested for a library, locker room and In renponst' to questioning the Tin Ucmi'il of Kdiu'titinn hmi revaluation Htudic*. /(•ok (HHCNI.SIMI pliuiK for Inking held in the 1're.sbyterinn i The deadline for display ad- ther facilities at Deerfield School As President Of 'I'nyor asserted he n luiablit to es- I'owible objectoi'N wen) provld- •eh, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. vertising will be Monday will be reviewed nt a meeting iniiile. Ihe 1'.)(!:{ tax rule iw a re- vcr n niiinioipitl iiliiy^rouiwl whk'ti s IIHIM) liy child ion of MiKinlcy I with II lim« In whii'li In revlow K:.W a.m. ! morning. Classified advertis- Tuesday. New bids will be sought. ull of a revatualloii program eom- Ith till' Awiorlali'd Survey jior- ing will be accepted until Exchange Cluh Schnol, c Rev. William K. Cober, inin- deted by Associated Surveys. Honnel Iu the .Municipal Hullilllig of the First Unptist Church I Monday evening at 5 o'clock, ille jiolnlrd out rcMidenls may Hounl iiKMttix't'H at. a iiiiM'tlti^ In the new vnluiitloim In order thnt although e'arlier copy is re- Theft Is Reported William T. Ibtrnes WJIH iiishillei K'ive the Thanksgiving ser- lUe.stli.n new iissessnieiitii llxed by hr Aiimintst nitiuii H u tl rt i n # must liu'iinllii'H) If mieli exiatPil, queited where possible. David Henderson of 721 Stevens us president of the Wi'stfielil Kx- Ite has chosen us his topic, ' lit. revaluation firm at any o! the itfi'ml tn ut'ct!|il llllr to I hi' plny- mild be .'ilrniglitetii'il out here bc- Ave. reported I.) the police Tues- [•luingc Club hist, wet'k at a dinner ling Hands With Life." Tho deadline for church icarings to be conducted in the rruimtl jitid tn nptTtilc and nialn- fiir« tin1 tan ai!«i'.iHor reports tho day thai Ihe following items are neeliug attended by nicmlierti and v liev. Ac- I.. Tlibhs of Ihe news and letters to the editor ilnnicipiil Chamber*. filti It its n pull of tho Hchool witc, IKWH'H total aumrisi'il viihiullon ti> missing from hi>s home: A lady's heir wives at the Half Way lions ijterian Church will bu the will be tomorrow at 3 p.m. (!. Alden llnriiard, town nssos- Tht* |>luy ground in rU'purnU'il the county. Till* report iimirdhiK and social, club, sports, gen- wri»twntcli vnliied at $iil>, missing in Mountainside last week. Mr. ft'tnn tho hi'lioul hy IMcr.Hiui Si, iling clergyman and will be i (('uiitinued on page :i) In Ceuige A. Harnanl, Ihu tax HS- cd in the program by the eral news and photographs form the windowsill iu the kitch- Mnrai'S, a charier nu'inber and IL' wan UMU'IKMI Town (lotincil '»; lit least II silver dollars taken 4iior, i.i due .lun. II). Kvmi M. Odden of the First j Monday al noon. Deadline onner seci-rtiiry anil treasurer of ins rioUIU'il the hoard it will in- Although thu lax revaluation Tcgational Church. j for pictures for ihe social from a bureau drtuvcr in the mus- tho club wan inHlaHcd hy Ahnei rodtu't: an oi'diliaiu't; Ln provlflo ter bedroom, und $15 in bills taken I P.M. law doc.'i not require local hoar- ecause Thanksgiving is a day section is Monday at 9 a.m. .lack»on,,a past president. 'of viifutiiijc a \0H fuol nLitp of lug* bu granted on new a«M;ns- We will appreciate your co- frorrr^Mr». 'HCTirterflonVwallet,'ft)!*-* Othof offlctrit Installed were iMct'Hoii.St. and iu!i!iiiKr IL t tho families are drawn together tcctlVcB are investigating. iiuinln, the local governing body, It •number Cod's blessings, we operation. Hugo Kugnianii, vice president; Warning Advice >lliy HM'H. was .Hinted, prelerred to givo Urn all residents of Westfiehl and Harold Mooro, secretary, and Cotinrii'H [iliui iil-io will pr liiivn'i-i property ownci'ii il eliailci' miding communities to attend '"rank IJeMnrco, treasurer. Newly for t'LiLliiiK rfiT.MfU St. (liidii lit lo appeal Ihe mirvi.-y rmultj now ommunity Thanksgiving srrv- REV. WILLIAM K. COBER Model Railroad Association 'iccli'ii Hoard of Control To Leaf Burners IV. Hrimil Nt. riilhcr Ihaii lo have lo III" indivld- a spokesman for the Church Who will gi»= the Community veie: \V. I,. 1'iekcring, Douglas The Hii^ct'«tiinj^ I lie pla.VK'"iind. I hiring cd by Ihe youngsters will again lake place. The occasion is Ihe aiinua lo town olIiciaN, inilicatcd l!l-)<> after serving four ye:ir:t in Kiri'iui'ii hi'Kiin palrolliiii: Ihe •u-lnn.l limii-s tin* [Kiiliuii {»f I'ii-r- Thanks For Efforts that many per.,.,mi, n-.l'ng an in- The Wc.tfield Police Ath- show of model trains, operalcd by the Central Jersey Model t|1(. li.S. Minini' Corps during itl'eet s Tuesday t" elll'olce tin- III'1 :inn SI. to l><- viK-ntcd i-. cluscd lo cr.'ai'.' iu lh"ir pio|,erl.y value, Attociation'* Annual In Election Hid As'-'.uciatinn :it i:i!i I'/lin SI. The exhibition will be open on three week- World War II. lie hn« been owner .ri-veiilion code which aiilhoi'i/.i-.< (lut)ic un'l*'i ii iilitii inUiuli'il ttlin have applied Ihe III per iviil ratio, ['Turkey Shoot" will be held ends, starting tomorrow through Sunday, Dec. 2. Hours fur the show of Mayfiiir Tailors on Quimby Si. ll<- chief to any l.olllile yi:nr. f,, mil an incHMKoil a. .K-:unient fig- Sunday from 9 A.m. to 1 p.m. ("ouncilniiin .lames Kcfiih.nilis arc 7 to !! p.m. Friday cvenii,i:-< for the jiasl i:i years. He is nlxu ,'hcn iilinosplu'rie I'oiidilioiiii «i ure mid have I lieu, in error, ap- pt the Police Pistol Range on of the I'ourth Ward,'who was de-2 to ;', p.m. and 7 to '.I p.m. Siilui- I.JC 1 A\ i n Numl a member of the American l.i'(;iun, Iher eireunistani'cs iiinice ..iiih ( t V plied Ihe ciirrenl. tux rale in tho Lambert* Mill Rd. feated in bis hid for a new term day afternoon., and evenings and HO VJUIH. gl^ lllglll Miirtin Wallberg J'OHI :i, a ineiii- IIM ha/ardoti:i. l.alc nflernooii mistaken belief that a ninillur I all) ; Police officinli »Atd the pub- as the Hepublican representative 2 to f. p.m. Sunday iiftei noons. mil her of the Chainher of Commerce, •af-liurning in recent weeks liu-i would apply in UMiX |ic it invited to participate in mi Town Council from his ward at At the foot of the stairway lead- has served on th<; United Cam- ii-ated polcnlially-diiiigcrnus poor 45th Anniversary the Nov. il election, today issued a ing to its ((unrters, the club has paign for a number of years and 1 ,M«;it observers feel that thin Is the "thoot" and that gum statement thanking those who as- To Feature Talk i- ibility in th' lown. l*nd ammunition 'will be fur- erected a two-arm, lower quadrant p.'ii'licipateil in other civic activi- According lo Chief ilmlie, th. :< • thu crux of Ihe curienl. ngltiitlon sisled him in his campaign anil semaphore signal, formerly used ties. The new iiri.'sldent and his Being Celebrated over the Aniociali'd Survey letters. >ti»hed. A special target will who supported him at. the polls: By Drexcl Aide K* (be rules fo.- burning of leav« i be uied for thote contesting by the On Ira I Railroad of N'ew wife, Inez, reside lit (i-lfl Tie |»|. ml trash in Ii:e nreii: II was i-.truiiKly si rcsHcd that no The statement follows; Jersey. The signal i;; .set at green Hull Hope, |W"t pl.-sillellt, Wll-. ilellnite tax l"tal for any indivld- With priiei to be awarded to Coll.'l'c lii"lil fur student-i and I. Ki'.siih-nls confine the By John Franks "An election campaign require;, over yellow, meaning "proceed, chairnian for the installation Cfi.-- (Conliniied on page .'I) the bc*t shooteri. the combined efforts of n con.-id- invents of W" (Mil Hi|:h School urniiig of lenvi's mid clipjiii.::; prepared lo slop." In this case,; ni'.nies and presented the nutguin^ urinK dayligbt hours until the wilml Iu. held Thur. day evening, .loll!) (.'raiilciiIcM,, one of New .Jer- crahle number of citizens. The proceed up the slabs and be pre- j ^ "'' piesidcnl, Herbert Kritz, with an the school. mil ..f I p.m. sey's larg"'il. independent clothing support at the polls requires the pared lo stop at one of the finest | • "';• -• '' ^ engraved silver trny. Ii. ['ires must he atleudi-il at. slor.':;, is preMi'iilly celebriillng the Jr. Theatre's Show 'eMolay Chapter I backing of citizens. model railroad layouts in the coun- I", (liilphiii, dean of ad- Jack was indueterl int.. I "To these two group--- I humbly II limes. loth aiiiiivr.-iiiiy i.f th'* opi'iiinj: ; missions, Pl.-xel Institute uf Tech- the club as u new member bv -I. Hum leaves in small qilaliti- 1 I extend my It .lull " will !><• the spenler at. the Hnlph Veager, past president. C!i. Saturday lo Tell •ance to Name I your 11D14-. clforl and support dur- Th" II •: i:li adtl corner of Mini and Morlh Avo, - 'I open incilinr in tin' iindiloriiiiii I'IIIIH for the annual children's •I. No liiirniiii: is [n'l'milted with jinK the recent general elvction. started al the [.re-ellt location ill I "I Th.: initiiil bmiiiesi venture by t H o'clock. Hi" topic w be "Th" Christina;* [.arty wer'- ilisrus-.-d. IT, feet of any hllilding evcejil i "I would prefer to personally lff,inul gratilud- for your j -„„ ,,.,., ,.f ,,,| ,r.,,li;,1.e, wr.'Til ine-ling in .tie andHorinin. g Mngmg fa fm H M1 11111 T*i S> n i ~ alleiiding w\tnii\. tli S«-lli',l Ilil'h KellMol aildito- Ii-»r,,-Temple from K p.m. until Lfforts nn my behalf. ; .()| UM (.a,,.fu|).v by hand to the ! Approximately om- lmiidr. d •..•liool.- \SlJt5rUlHJll L illl liLllliilll l.aler on Mr. V.-unizzi nii.l |,i, i riuin. rhildnn in I lie fourth, fifth Adniglit. The Majestic- will pro-1 "It ha? heen a distinct honor to j fi..{W. ,lf o KllUi.,.l uli'ich iu. an- that j and '-olh-ge.. will i.e rrprf ent.'d by j / €/ HI. Joilll opened the ".I,,!,,, j und .'.i>:lb l-i.'.'l", of W.-.-illield I'llll- 1" the music. Strict semi-formal i have served thr residents of the ,,,H-q.ii.rt.:r inch ".,<•:,!.'" ciuaN j a.'live alumni r.-pr.-ont.-i.ivc,, ,.- lie .S,l,,.oI who hid.I Junior Thi-u- P-s i- required with party dn/s-;- j ]-'.>uith Ward on the Town Coun- one real f«.t. Tin. trackage lini-./enl .-..lleg.' gra.hiate. . and nearby f'l.-uiks" llal,,-r,bi-.h. y Shop. A-. I .-I- .,1-riiM ;: lidiet). will nl tend. —>r is\v]> and coats ;uid ties for jcjl. It ha-: Keen an espericne" I «imul-ili., IT, lo JO miles of actual. <-»l]-g" '"h-.l. •• n.ic olhci'i-. I In.-- Sparks Final Uf Push | I.he store i-xpiiii.le.l lo nii-i-t tin-| ' , KMI'-IIII'I-'K lory long a !'-. The dance is, only open to j ;j.-,|] trcii^iii.' forever." I railroad "ve, •jr,,OII(l ti'-: Mip-i.-oll'-i'c night |.r..;:rani -itppl'.-m.-nts ; need:', ol' a i;i '.wing lien tele, |t W..M ! v, which aie h.ddjthe regular vi-it- of cll.-i- .-idui, • ,- in hook MIHI play foi in : poll the :ron rai l-'l llilhni'iil," the fi/ial j.h;i::e of thi y.-a I'tiite.l j wiife preail w ! ;i.,n- otliier-: lo !!;'• bi|'h ll'l ;i-, j ),,.,.,, Kjv,.,, I,, I hi-, iil'iiitilctioil II e cmdi.lntcs vying for th• eDemocrats to Mool ' in pla-.-i- >>y over Kin.'KiO ii.inia'.ure j Fun.I .MIM!.;. ii-ii . h.uii.'lied Tin • lay iiurhl i:, an i-lfort I' 11,1 ,' ill'- i-|. cli'd by ui.,,t of II," < .1 dm ill;.' Ih'- :.IH>'.1 y.-i.l. : • ibitanil- (|llil. |. (,.,,.,. „„,) ,.i,.v,.r ..(aging. of ••IicMolay fiwei-thtart" , , -;iil:e.-', ••"ill wi" ••! hh ij ; -'!l,7-|i; .till n- .|i-'l ihe i' ol $^:!i;,c,i;ii f,,,- .:ii|,|, ,1-1 of the ing unfa, till .-I . of II, und ter(- night i- iirrniu"'! ' f'i'j;'rh Kmil, our y.iiiMi; h.-ro. with 110 f.inny (Jreen, Karen Ol.-ion. i;,-si,!en!< "f th.- Kourlh 1 .livi.lually palled '-;• hammered in-| ]. 1 th" bi-|'innii,hi-fi II ninir ' of aann .-xclt- :.r.d mav auenrl affairs at ! in*. Tlf M-.-ior. slated !<• ,!art at. boa,-,1-. and the ,ix y i Womnana ' ('liii. i Mr -, fli'irt'i' A. III.OI.I fund-, ll.i-v iie.-'l In .-'.I,'hi- I i r-L ,i .hair..- if •lidn'l. i-, John l-'rani. in); ,-iie. ,,ff .-v.-n,-v.-iil ,•. v.-hiclv.-liicl., end i '"•"• and Atlantic City. Tickvts : S :-".t> p.m. "'" K'chidc a ','.-.,• II,.- !„:, 'k "I' >•"'"": in >.M:i.ii:u ;,riy i .i;iI , ;Sw;.ke i- .-ir,d i:idnd \V.'-|.-b. Th. f.-.-l 'h.-ii v.-e .-an ' 'i'lly ;ir"' T'i':- i'alty IV.." ']':>.• i-l:;.-:::'-- I .•• f.,;i.-l'e Me!,\li-!;' ' *'lni' . .-'.Inliii'.t.-.- i attain j'o.ll -.'.-(Il-jllil ON'on-e bij', filial I '''I"' <"'iil--- 1" '!:,'•• ill Ii." (Continued on'.i:-"! bv I'l. f i-: :-'-. hul'/i-. 'Hi' I '• ill e Mlllliy, I.-it 1 ; iiid-j ,,,,, , are: Adv.ii.. , i':! Mr--!-Vl . ..h" rcpol led ill all ; .'. only it'iiinriiil ! :::i,.-pt'-r. Ar'.l.iir A. Hi iw, Kdwanl V.lll i /)»-• 'Cf.t; ro i Ii nl iiil, '.-i'i' ] To fie Aired Monthly (•(• Ja^t yonr'a cunt rilniti I". .l.,hii-,',i) and Vincent I-'. Wtuh- [>«•( '*•;.t; on in'- , :< I n inaki; it." yiglit ut Meeting ; i ille. | H'l.'l p*:r i'i-r»t; |.f-i;it on •». i Alumni living in the i>n-a who Mr. Mon-rH-"^ urj^-'I JIH ' 70 ;:,..,.:•:• J.J.-.:,,. iii/h n""! ;havc hir.-n decimated hy their col- i, as voori an iht.y IIUIW il .oil'-i ion:iL ?-H,(|ft!* '>(' t'M.?. \f \ •v.ii .-..- :.','- <>-::n,K Mon- li-ir<- «•> the oflicinl ;-.liirnni repre '»licilation, tn turn id their ^.,;it. 1 at s o . \',cW fur ;tn oj>f.-n st-ntative for this art-a ari'I who import '-itJitT ut l'nit«-d Knrid licad-, ;i :ii.. \Vi--tfirld lioaril would like to r'.pro:-*f:nt th*-ii -chool *;narU-rii in tho Munii-ipnJ Ifuild- j <>•.)'.. pii,pw-:tj-i for addijo- n collojr*1 niprht ure uftvis.vd to c<>n- J inif or at the tlvAk in V:i and Itouicvell j Uirl Vincent \V«iKhvill< fuidhtirv J 'iiirtrt'-ri; wh»:rc :i IK;X H |»r«vidcij ] M'ho'.is. i director, at the high ?.i honl. ff/r lh** purpose. Thi w rcport-5 i Will's ('• On', president of tho i inu-t l* tin- j follow nnd there will be a lour of Jnhn I). Holm.'.; "f H!) Woodlaml iwurif-i will !>'. nmdc Nov. .'10. j fiw.icvtlt jilus ili»]iUyfl of theAve. rcporu-'l to police Tu»>d:iy Then' \va< stiff a fvi'tiiw of op- j -..II,.:.. •• U-". ••,;•-.: plans and •*»*: i:liv««M )<-t!l)"fjH UJ <* Hi;Vi-n JMT re tit " lillo ,,f -'[>rMi> S»t;t'- l..l|.->il CI..,Ptrr >l,,ncc Friday, Nov. 23 *l the Malonic Tempi. M;*.h*.r tlian i»t th'.* -ann' \n-ri'»\ rnt;ilion n rn bf! 10 ri^lit. Merrill SttvcDion, Cinny Green, Suiy Scha.ub j'rhasi-i placpii or: parents of ehil- I !'i:l bcuH Wuinun'» Pair* 2 THE WESTFIEt-D

Do You Remember When?

Do you remember when the Post Office was located at 35 Elm St. 7 This photo taken in 1917—the year the first "Franks" shop was opened—shows (he building. The National Bank of Weslfield was «ilso located in the building. The Post Office remained at this .site from 1.911 to 1928, and from 1928 to 1938 was at 128 Kim St. I,. 1938 it moved into its present home. At the time this picture was taken postage was 2 cents per ounce of First Glass mail and 1 cent for a post card . . . the carrier service, started in 15)01, had jirown in number to 9 (now there are 65) ... starting .salaries for postal employees, then working1 18 hours a week, were $835 a year . . . and of course there was no Air Mail service. Mail delivery service extended as far as Grove St. on the south and Dudley Avp. on the north. Those living in the sparsely populated areas beyond these boundaries hud to call for their mail at the Post Office. DO REMEMBER TO ENTER OUR 45th ANNIVERSARY DRAWING mmnm OTraoiiM^ You May Win A New Car Color TV Encyclopaedia Brittanica or one of more than 30 Prizes worth over $3,500 ENTER NOW!

PRIZES WOMEN'S PRIZES (Entry Box in WHO CAN ENTER The drawing: is open to all, except John Franks employees and (Entry Box on Main Floor) Country Clothes Sliop) their families. Children under the ago of 17 must be accompanied by their parents. You don't have to do anything or buy anything to enter. • AUTO—Fiat 600D, 2-Door Sedan • SHIRTS by LADY MANHATTAN • COLOR TV-RCA 21" Console, Four prizes of 3'shirts each "The Marshall" HOW TO ENTER— You can obtain an entry form at John Franks, VVestfield and • SWEATERS by WONDAMERE Plainfield. Fill in your name, address and telephone number. . . and drop it in the box. • SUIT by I1ICKEY FREEMAN Three prizes of one sweater each For the Boys' prize drawing, place your entry in Ihn box located in the Boys' Depart- • SUIT by GGG ment—and for the Women's prizes, in the Women's Country Clothes Shop. If you • SUIT by STEIN BLOCH • SUEDE JACKET, with zip-out can't visit John Franks, you can fill in the coupon below and mail it to us. We will place • SUIT by MICHAELS STERN lining it in the box for you. • SPORT COAT & SLACKS • "COUNTRY MISS" DRESS by MICHAELS STERN • ALL WOOL SLAX DATE OF DRAWING The drawing will bo held on the evening of November 30, • SPORT COAT by II. FREEMAN 19G2 in Westfield. Watch these pages for complete details. • SPORT COAT by IMA VEST • COAT by ALLIGATOR BOYS' PRIZES (Entry Box in • CAR COAT by MrGREGOR Boys Department) ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS—The winners will be announced at the time of the drawing, ami a list of winners • SHIRTS by EXCELLO. M> Hozen • ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITTANICA released t" the newspapers at that time. • SPORT SHIRTS by JAYSON, A list of winners will also be posted ill Vi> dozen box •BOYS' SUIT our stores. JOHN FRANKS • SHIRTS by MANHATTAN. '.•> dozen box •OUTERJACKET by McGREGOR 45th Anniversary Drawing PRIZES ON DISPLAY—All oi the • Pair of SHOES by NliNN BUSH •SPOUT COM & SLACKS |»y prizes to In- j/ivni away an- on display, Name • ALLIGATOR BELT by IIICKOK TOWN and CAMPUS or will l>c shown to you by our sales staff • HAT by CAVANAGH •SWEATER by PURITAN iipon riM|iu'sl. All ilfins of clothing and • SWEATER by ROBERT BRUCE funiishinjrs carry the .lolm Fntnks jruar- •SWEATER bv M•*•* I Assume thai the property has 1 Top Marksman j been revaluftted at H current tnnr- J in which tho young horo is placed iHlanniiwr your route Ahead of Council j kot price of $22,700. Apply the-1 Jr. Theatre in real dun>ri'r, fxpcrit'iictia real tiniu in one of the. inos • new 40 per cent r«tiu anil we flnd | panic atui sKeda r^al tenra. Ho also (Continued from page 1) wins & real victory," waya to minimize the winter weath- sor, noted residents may direct | that the assessment figure is IHIW j (Continued from yage 1) i according to the All- questions regarding the ri'valua- i $9.P£0 instead of $7,000. H.>w- ! (iirl Scouts l'tgtry Ellsworth nn.t ^^^.^j. Crusad." By uelevtitilf ever, bei'iiu-.'e the town's total vul- ; According to the New York tiion to his office or U> Associated I Siisun Sawtt'llo from TnmaqvuM I familiar roads, Hntiripatinirtrouble •Surveys. | tuition hus presumably risen to J80 Times, "Just whiMi it seemed that j Schuol \s'ili loud the opening tins ' million dollars as a result of thethe harsher realities had been al! .Milulc. :Mi>K l;icksun, Qssi^tHnt Hjwts ttloriK the »«)•, and ollowinc Assessments may he appealed i revaluation studies, ami further for iiioro travel time, aecJdent-pro- to the Union County Bourd of Tax- Init banished from the childrrn'.. l'i'inci|>nl of 'lumnqurs, will bo in assuming: that the town's cost* to thentrr, a producti.ui has arrived durintr conflicts PHII 1X> avoided. ation by AUK- 15, Mr. Barnard uperate srhools, municipal service* atli'iulalici: in tlu> auilitnt'tum. said. uud pay its is hare to the county has An ordinance which would pro- not been appreciably altered in to- vide salaries of $100 annually for tal dollars, we then find lluit le Lreientatioa w«t made Sunday in the Wateunk Room of the Annual Dreyer Trophy for purpose of the tax revaluation it* to 4 to 6X 7 to 14 Municipal Building at a reception for members and gue.L at •fiary DeChellis Jr. of 426 Kd- Marktmanship Saturday when he Wetlfield Art A.ioci.tion'. 38lh Annual Member Show. gar Rd. was approved us u mem- eliminate any inequities in nsscss- ber of tho *. olunteer Kire Depart- he broke an ll-y«*r record by ed property values." ntenl. firing a 237 out of a pottibte "1 would further point out that .99 estficld Art Association's Show 250. Mr. and Mr*. Drey«r of the change in assessment basis will Mountainside put the trophy in- in no way elfVct the amount of Reg. $3.98 Reg. $4.98 to competition in 1953. Joieph, 3" monies m'eossnry lo properly op- pens at Reception; Awards Made McKinley a junior at WHS, hat trained era'e the town, tho schools, and with the Watchunff Mountain- the county. The increased ratio of (Continued from page 1) eers Jr. Rifle Club. Jan Woutert GIRLS' The Westfield Art Association's Crisis." He received the Swaii assessment will result in a reduc- ;h Annual Member Show opened The board adopted a resolution of Weatfield alao participated. tion of the tiix rate-, which will Art Store S26 (rift certificate. providing for a referendum on a nday with a reception for mi-in- Lorraine Doerr's "Cycle" took the produce only the amount of reve- SLIP-ON SWEATERS s and guests at which Mrs. $2.4 million proposal for con nue necessary for operation." third place award at the Talt?n» structing additions to the Edison Short Sleeve with Novelty Cellar* hard Shaeffer, WAA president, and Son watercolur Ret, and the Vew Town de the following presentation nnd Roosevelt Junior Schools. Tho 100% Orion - SUet 7 to 14 Bee Paper Award went to fourth election will be held from 3. to I) (Continued from poRC 1) | awards. * place winner Patricia Conroy for p.m. Dec. 27. .ml property can be determined at 3 to 6X The program was held in the"Holiday." Cynthia liockmorc re Also adopted was a resolution this time for the reason that no teunk Room of the Municipal ceived honorable mention for hoiin which members paid tribute to :HS rate can he determined until .99 ildintf. watercolor entitled "flange. Road.' the late George I). Smith, a school the total town valnution has been .99 Reg. $3.98 The Dr. Bernard J. Keldman In the portrait the first administrator from 1021 to 1045. set; until the county ha« fixed its Consull 2 rchase award of $160 wont to prize Grumbacher Artists Materia For lit years Mr. Smith was ilaini on Westfield monies; until 1 Reg. $2.98 elyn Mott for her oil paintintc Co, award went to Julia Schneidei principal of Roosevelt Junior High he school board builirot has been titled "Cape Dunes." First prize Floreen for her oil painting "Hem School. The resolution stated: "By adopted and until the town's muni- oils, the Westfield Art Assotia- of Womnn." Second prize went ti his high standards of excellence cipal hudpet has been adopted. n $25 award, went to Jane Fred Sitzk>r for his pastel called and his administrative ability, he When it has been determined ow for her oil "Sea Scamp." Sel "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling' made the junior high school nru ivhat the local jrovernmeitl must oss took second place for her. . . this was the Tnlens and Sons grum in Westfield one of the finest nise in taxes to pay the costs of Boys' Heavy Weight intinjc "Accordion" und won the Rembrandt pastel set. in New Jersey." school operation, municipal epern- 6 Westfield Art Supply gift cer- ions and the town's share of the icate. Third place prize of a The show will be open through Saturday from 3-5 and 7-!) p.mPower Output Up county operation, the tax rate can SHIRT JACKET lens and Son oil set went to llnh then he struck by upplyinir the to- eahan for "Blue Gorue." Jeun The public is invited to attend There is no admission charge. Output of eloctrieity by Public tal operational costs against Ihc 50% Wool - 50% Nylon anford's "The Penalty" took the Service Electric and (ias Co. for town's total valuation. Bill cour award of fourth place, Jack Keep the front wheels clour1 o: the week enHed Nov. H, was 2'Jil,- Parker Ethbaugh morable mention went to Wendy 031,700 kilowatt-hours compared Usinir the town's current total Red or Blue Plaid ivlin for "Nicki." frozen sluilirc which nccumulnteF with 282,1 111. 100 kilowatt-hours in valuation of $<>2,000,M)0, applied about this question: Slxst 10 to IB The Sydney de Camp iiwanl in in the wheel wells in slushy wenth the corresponding week a year lo the tuwn'b tnlnl cost of all oper- •niory of I.ydia S. de Camp won M, the AlKstnto Motor Club ndvis ational phases for 19(12, iiniounlini! 1 ago, an Increase of Hi,ill B,.'100, oi "While burning leavos, tho fire Rilusar first place for his i<. H locks of slutlKt pressing (i per cent. to $11,400,0(10, the current rale of spread to my neighbor's garage itercolor entitled "On the Mnnagainst the tires can muke steer $10.52 is arrived at by dividing and it burned to the ground. J .87 illey." Second in watercolor the n«U into the valuation. infc difficult ond too lute in emer- LEADER CLASSIFIEDS have thot new Homeowners Reg. $8.98, nt to W. Carl Burper for "Thegencies. BRING RESULTS It is Hxiumnlir that the studios 5 !iy Associatnl .Survey and the new Policy that includes family lia- true market values arrived at by bility — will it pay tho garage representatives of the firm for loss under my liability cover- Mich parcel of properly in town age?" will mean the town total valuation will riwe. BARRETT & PARKER, Inc. For example: a properly carry- if a present assessment nuurc of INSURORS Arthur Stevens $7,000 (bimcd on the current, town valuation of Jf,2 million, anil us- 1 Intr, the prcaunt U0 pur cunt ratio 43 Elm Stroat 233-5-7 East Broad St. ADAMS 3,1111 for taxing and imin^' the current We.tflold AO 2-1801 $10.52 tnx rate to pay for the $li,- AITlllnlrii with Open Mon. Evening Til 9 400,000 tab), will have an annual llnrrrll A Onln, llrnltora tax bill of $7.'M.-I(>. Would you like to Fly Eastern...first fn on-time dependability^ work at the new

Hahne & Company-Westffield?

Our new store in Westfield will open early next year. MOSTJETS We are now accepting applications from people who would like

fo work in this store when il opens, and would like to acquire

experience in our Montcloir or Newark stores during this

holiday season. This will enable you to become belter acquoinled

with Hahne & Company, iis pooplo ond ils policies so you will be

prepared to serve the people oi Ihe Westfield area UTH

when our store opens. from both Idlewild and Newark airports

1 12 to MIAMI Wo wil be happy to discuss tho opportunities at Hahne & Company DAILY JET SERVICE: 5 to ATLANTA 1 to JACKSONVILLE wilh any person who would like to consider a career in retailing. 5 to NEW ORLEANS 3 to TAMPA"

Miss Murphy, Mrs. S-niih or Mr. Korn in our Personnel Olfico in 6 to HOUSTON 3 to FT. LAUDERDALE*

the Newark store, or Mr. Baker in our Montclair store, will bo 2 to SAN ANTONIO 3 to PUERTO RICO* •IdUwild onty glad lo give you full information ot any time. Also—daily jet service from Newark Airport to PALM BEACH, LOUISVILLE and CHARLOTTE, from Idlewild fo ORLANDO, Tho Porsonnel Ollices ore Open each day from 9:4$ to 5:30, MEXICO CITY and BERMUDA (Sat. and Sun. only). and in Newark until 9:00 P.M. on Wednesdays. •..

You may call lor on appointmeni at MArket 3-4100, oxlension 124. StATS AVAILABLl NOW-FOR RlStRVATIONS, CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGtNT or phono Mitchell 3-5600 in Newark'. EASTERN AIR LINES FIRST IN ON-TIME DEPENDABILITY


L !»•(?« 4 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1862 j 'Mr. Muynet, 80, di<-d Tuesday in ' I Overlook l[i>jpil»l after ;i Ion/ ill- j Model IF YOU INSIST ON ACCOMMODATE OBITUARIES '• ness. He resiiier! at olio Lawrence j nuinuci from page 1 ) i-OJIH, s T. and Stephen I Avc, WITH ALL THE COMFORTS OF H0ME Mrs. Anna E. Carpenter ! l.oth I A native of Lindscy. Oman I ••,•,! ,„ tT thiwli^h .-iiuit'> or "pick- Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Carpenter, i Funtirnl service* were at Gray i Canada, Mr. 'Moynej had lived ups" wl.ieh totilUL't an outside 89, formerly of Miildii-brouk Vil-1 Kuni-ral Home yesterday, We.slfield for 31 years. He \\a third rail. This 'hirii rail is sepa- latrt. E. Front St., died last Wed-! Intfrnu-nt was private, member uf St. PiiuJ's Kpistop, raleii intu over 50 main line neyduy at Abbott Maht-r N'ur.-iritf Church, the Canoo Hrook Cuunt "bli'ck" or track scelions, any or Home aft^r II brief ail of which can be energized by Charles M. Schmidt Club, the Westfifld Old Guard an j each of the three "engineers" in A native vi I'lainficld, she lived the .Stanley Holmes Chaptt-r 1 In Went field for r,r, years befure Funeral scrvlcn for Charles M. Telephone I'ioneirs. He retired i I tiie main control lower. Tin yards three ."Schmidt of 23!i Tutlle 1'kwy., n- f hii\'t> similar track sections which returning here myr* than 1946 as a telephyile enj^ineerin] I can iie energized by eiLher the yiar.s aKw. »She v.-a~ the wii of tired district yuiej manager of the executive. V. Irving Carpenter whe died Virginia-Carolina Chemicfil Corp., i yard or main line enjrineers. Po Her crnndfalhcr j wi" hl' hM tomorrow at 2 p.m. in i Surviving art his widow, Air er fur railroad operation is su Waich 20, 1!)3«. Murjj-arei itobcrt Moyncs, and ivas Rait vis Roll i land in ^- Paul\ Episcopal Church. Mr. plied by 14'2-vult wet cell stoi-ag Springfield the Haitu^rol xn\( Schmidt rlierl TuiA-:fiay in Ovcilouk sifter, Miss Hn/.el Moyiu-s of Toi batteries, kept constantly ch coursr- was rii'vclu|)i:d. Six- was u Hospital after a brief illness, onto, Ontario. by two lu'-volt d-c generators driv .Interment wilt be in .Mt. Roy, member «f Fir=t Methodi:.! ]|c retired in 1955 after being en by a two horsepower moto Churrh. Wcs'field. a»sur-iatc/| for more than 50 yci Cemetery in Montreal, Canadn. The wirinif resembles u telephom Survivors nr<- a dnusMer, Mrs. with the Virginia company. In h exchange or power station switch Fred J. Glover of Harri- bun;, 1'u.; retirement, he served St. Paul's • Thoina* W. Edmond board. n son, Fled A. Caip<-nter of Mili-j treasurer. He was also a ir.ombi Thomas W. FMmond, 71*, of 44 The "blocks" permit the aut< infrton; tlnee grcindehiMren nnd I of Echo Lake Country Club, W. Rrnud St., dipd Saturday i nuitic operation of litfht or sema three groniurandchildren. j \\t/k Schmidt was a nativt i Muhlenberir UotDita). Plainfield. phoie signals, which also are in The funeral was conducted at | Richmond, Ya., and hud lived i Burn in Danville, Va., he move teiloc-ked with track switches oi Gray's Funeral Home at 1 p.m.Columbia, S. C, Iff ore moving t lo Bayonne, and to Wpstfield i turnouts. On the main contro Saturday. Wpstfield 24 years ago. 1017. He formerly was employe Ijourds, preen lamps light up whei Interment was in Fnirview Cem .lie leaves hia widow, Mrs. Ann by the Bayonne Nut and Bolt Co. a block has been energized, whit etery. Walker Schmidt; two sons, Mid nnd later workeil at Grant School lights announce that a train ha: shipman C. iMIles Schmidt Jr. unc for the Westfield Board of Edu- entered the block, and red lu George W. Schmidt, at home; fi cation until his retirement in 1954. show that a track switch lias bee ' Mrs. Fred Trowbriclge After that he worked part time in Funeral services were held las brothers, Leo of Staunton, Va. thrown from its normal position Hurimin of iRichmond,'Louis of Hy the board's administration office. A display board showing the mal night in the McCracfcnn Funera Mr. Edmond was the organize Ifome in Union for Mrs. Kuth E attaville, 'Md., Fred of Fall; line tracks and equipped with re •Church, Va. end Edward of Arl of Centennial I.odtfe, IBPOE o switch signal llffhts and whit you belong OMB a yrowbridjre of 1I3-B Duncan Hill f W. transferring from Pride of Apartments, who was killed in injjton, Va., and two eisters, 'Mrs block occupancy HghU enables thi Ann Yarbrough and Mrs. Marj Bayonne Lodge. He was past exalt- public to follow the movements o! two'Car crash in Union Saturday. g ed ruler of the local lod(?e and the operating trains. Interment will be at 11 a.m,Sampson, both of {Richmond. member of Past Exalted Rulers ^VICTORIA today in Fairview Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contribution: Council 17. He also was affiliated MARKING ANNIVERSARY—Guiding the month-Ion* 45th anni- The motive power nnd rolling . Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridfre were may be made to the St. PaulV- with Bethel Baptist Church, where versary of the opening of the firit "Franki" store in Weitfield U stock is, of course, also scaled, an< members of the Essex Skatihif Kpiscopnl Church Buitdintr Fund, he served as deacon, and was a "John Frank*" Yanuzxi. meticulous care is taken in its con- Club and the Metropolitan Figur special policeman in Westfield. struction by the members. A Caribbean cruise 1 thus can enter to them." Because the VICTORIA was designed right from the beginnlw Skating Club of West Orange. Mrs. William A. Gardner He is survived by his widow, riety of over 25 engines and more Mrs. Trowbridge'a husband ohn Franks 'The staff in the Westfleld store than ISO passenger and freight for pleasure cruising, you can be sure of uniformly good accom. jtred Trowhridge, remained in Mrs. Emma S, Gardner, wido Mrs. W. Ann Edmond; two sons, modations on every deck. All cabins are modern, smartly deoj. of the late William A. Gardner, Junius T. of Newark and W. Eu- grown lo 34, with the addition tars are available for operation critical condition today in Me- (Continued from page 1) during the show. The Baltimore rated. All have private bathrooms and individual air condition- toorinl General Hospital-in Union died Saturday in Hyunnis, Cape gene of New York; 14 grandchil- the new women's Country Ing. Over 90% are outside. Every conceivable convenience Is Cod, Mass., four days after cele- dren and 13 greatgrandchildren, -roduced in the store have won nd Ohio "Royal Blue" und the from injuries suffered in the acci iraine and received widespread at- Clothes Shoo and to 0 in Plalnfleld. Reading "Crusader" are among thi here, from at least one roomy wardrobe per passenger to an in. dent. brating her 100th birthday annl nd a sister, Mrs. Nannie A. Jones All employees are thoroughly gentrius clothes line. And, of course, the Italian service addsa versary. f Keysville, Va. ention in the industry. ame trains making scheduled Police said Mr. Trowbrldge was When B9ked to what he attrib- trained and experienced. 'Most of uns. A piggy-back freight train, pampering touch to your luxurious privacy! drlvinjf the couplo's car when it A former Wcstfleld resident Ritual services were conducted the John Franks' staff have been Mrs. Gardner hod been honored n the Plinton Funernl Home at 8 ted his continued growth over a circus train, a military train, a 14 WINTER t SPRING CRUISES DECEMBER 21 TO JUNE 1]. and aa nuto operated by Carl P. he years, "John Franks" Yanuz- with the store many years, some wreck train (hnrdly ever needed) Russ of Union collided in Chestnut last Tuesday at a party at the i.m. Monday by Centennial Lodge 27 to 35 years. CHRISTMAS • NEW Vf«R: Dec. 21, 14 Days • EASTER: Apr. c, 12 Dw Fruse.r Nursing Home in Hyannis. f Elks. Funeral services were con- replied that it resulted from md various commuter and freight St., Union. tis efforts to guarantee customer In /marking its 45th anniversary, rains make a lively and inte-rest- « 10 DAYS: Jan. 4, Jan. 14 ($305 up) • U OAYS; June 13 IU10 uot An honorary life member of the ducted in Bethel Haptist Church, • 13 DAYS.- Jan. 25, ftb. 8. Mar. 23, May 3, May 17, Ma) 31 ($jM m Westfield Tennis Club, she was a rinity PI. Tuesday at 1 p.m. by atisfaction by providing the best a special event will bo held to show ng panorama of railroad opera- • 14 DAYS: Feb. 21, M»r. 8, ApM9 (»430 up) 'JM>»wupj Mrs. Philip B. Hoppin former member of the Echo Lake hn Rev. M. Jerome Brown, pastor. value, quality and service. "In John Franks appreciation for the Jon. YOUR TMVEl AGENT WILL BE HAPPY TO GIVE YOU FULL OETAlLSf dditlon," he said, "having lived friendship und patronage of the Mrs. Mary I. Hoppin, 61, of 784 Country Club. Interment was in Fairview Cem- Another feature fascinating to Knollwood Terr., died Monday in She is survived by her daufrhtcr, itcry. this community no many years, community. Over $3,600 In awards am familiar with the tailoring will be made the evening of Nov. many of the visitors, mid even un- Muhlenberg Hospital following a Mrs. John Coumbe of Centerville nown to some of the younger spec- brief illness. She was the wife of Mass., formerly of Weotfteld; two iquireinents and preferences and 30 at the store. ere* Mrs. Frances C. Barrett -ators, is the operation of trolley 3S Broadway, N«w York 6, N V • OJ 4-IIM Philip B. Hoppin. grandchildren, Betty Coumbo of Mrs. Frances C. Barrett, 81, of 'ars. These scale models arc pow- Mrs. Hoppin was born In Osh-Mamaroneck, N.Y., and William e late Mrs. Jane Cusack Dwyer red from the overhead trolley jeosh, Wi8., and lived in York, Pa., Coumbe of Stamford, Conn., am 5 N. Cottage PI., widow of John Rub Is Recipient Barrett, died Friday at Overlook ho died Mnrch'31. virus, us are their rapidly dinap- before moving here 12 years ago. three ..... dhll Hospital, Summit, of an apparent Born in New York, Mr, Dwyei jearing prototypes. Some of the She was a member of St. Paul's Funeral services were hold nt (verhead wire is ca-tenary con- Episcopal Church, The League of heart attack. ad lived here 40 years. He re Of Eagle Award iray'ii Funeral Home ytatcrdny Born ia New York City, she ired 17 years ago as a tool an .tructiun, as used on electrified Women Voters and the Plolnfleld- afternoon. Interment was in Fnir- railways. The trackage of the Wcstfkld Smith Collece Club. lived in Irvington for 36 years maker with Continental Can •Christopher Hub of 42 West- viow Cemetery. before moving here six years ajro. Jo. in Newark. He was n communi- brook ltd., wus awarded the Eagle rolley division extends from . In addition to her husband, she Wesifield" to thu "Jersey City" Is survived by a daughter, Miss She was a member of Martin Wall- ant of Our Ludy of Lourde; •Scout badge signifying achievi Mrs. Charles H. Snnger et!; Unit 3, American Legion Church. merit of the highest rank in scout- passenger terminal. There are Carol Hoppins of New York; and 1 Memorial service* for -Mrs. Au-Auxiliary. ing at Troop 74 parents' ni^M two or three interi-hange locations He leaves two daughters, Mrs where coachen, baggage or freight jjusta' P. Sanger were held last Surviving are three aons, Wil- oderick Nolte of Point Pleasant (lie First 'Congrctf tit tonal Church evening In the Garwooil Pfesbyto liam E. of lrvin(;ton, John J. of The biidtfu was uwtirdcd by -Scout- ears enn be switched from the lid Mrs. Oomlnlck H. Ollinlck d railroad to the interurban trolley rian Church. [Mrs. 'SnriKcr, 74, died Scotch Plains and Henry F. of 'ranford, and four grandchildrer master J. H, 'Manior. Rtindny at Mtihlenbtrj; Hosplta Wostfield; four grandchildren and line. A new trolley control tower after a short Illness. three great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held Satur- •Chris, 15, is a student In the in using built over the entrance lay at 8:15 a.m. from the l)oole> 10th grade at Wo*tfleld Hlffh. The doorway. ;Sho had lived In Wcstfie.ld for Funeral services were hold at son of >Mr. nnd Airs. Louis J. Rub, 2B years before moving to Gur- Cray's Funeral Home Tuesday at 2olonlul Home and a high requiun- The background scenery is hand wond IS years afro. iSho vim the 2 p.m. nans wtll be-ofTefed at"9 tnOMi he in a communicant of Cul ,ady of Lourdes Church. Intei huthi'ian Church, Cranfurd." " fjiinVeSi.'nnd creates an illusion of widow of Charles If. .Sanger and a Interment was in Hollywood depth and distance. Foreground 'lemoi'ial Park, Union. nent will bo in St. Gertrude' t-hit'f tiobtiy mid interest at jires member of the Garwood Proabyte emetery in Woodbridge. Friend i.s jouMKilism. scenic details include a realistic rian Church, mountain and working waterfull, Survivinc are 'two (laughters lay call at the funeral home from I-'our m*vv tendorfoots, Steve Frank Bangma and 7-10 p.m. toduy. West, Chris Monson, Tom Pator- with a new hydro power station Mra, Bdna iM. iMfconan of Rich- Frank Bangma, fiB, of Hillside, under construction, a coal and lunv- mond, Va.- and Mrs. Eleanor S. ?un and Crnitr llii'ber wen? ofliolnl- ormerly of Wcstfiold, died in his ly indui'ted into th« truttp. Other her yard, an oil depot, a diescl Gregory of East Aurora, N. Y.; loffiG after i\ short Illnoss. William J. O'Doniicll house and service track, n round- sister, iMrs. John Stlcklnifer of advunrrmrnt.s recognized were: Born in Holland, Mr, Bangma FANWOOD—William J. O'llon Second class,-Marc Hruxtoii, Larry house, coaling tower and opcrat- WWlhaven, N. Y., mid three :amc to this country at ihe a^i' of •II, 48, of 21(1 Corlell Ave., died turntable, a modern passenger .rothcrs, Carl, -Herbert nnd Fred- Dean und Dave Constiibli*; fimt [!). Ho lived in Westfleld four a hoiirt nttack in his home Mon class, Dick Wt-fiiKT, Hill Pusack, terminal, and many bridges ami Let our experience guide you rick 'PrncKur, nil of Woodhaven. ears before moving to Hillside 19 ly. He was the son of Mrs. Mar cunnels. in the. selection of a pcrional Interment was In. 'Everirreen iaries Miller, Doug Kthcrin^ton family monument now. Made ours ago. iret A. O'Dunncll of the same 1 embt'i\s of the Association live Cemetery, Brooklyn. Idress nnd the late Thomai tui 'Kichii Khnda; star scout, liub of Select Barrc Cr.initc Ho had been sexton of the Shriver and Kick CMrtnier, in towns from iClifton south to and guaranteed Cranford Alliance Church for (\'A Donncll. •Movies of the Adirondack canoe I'linccto... The roster includes en- forever, a Barre Herbert L. Moynes oars. Born In Westfield, he was i rinovrs, brokers, n doctor and Guild monument is Ho leases his widow, Mrs. Jcn- trip and father-son weuUend wtre a permanent iRcrviccs for Herbert I.. Moynea rftdviate uf Holy Trinity High shown fti)lowing the ('(M'crmm eaeher, a policeman, a fireman, a tribute to your ivho was 41 42-yenr veteran with ile Schaafsmn Bnnglua; two ROIIS, hoot there. Ho was a heavy railroad dispatcher, and nn airline fimily name. Monument! :he Western Electric Co., Kenrny, ohn of Covina, Cat., and Frank ]ui]>niciit ojierntor for the Cap- pilot, all of whom have a common vill bo held today ht 2 p.m. nt r., tit home.; two daughters, Mrs. n Conntruction Co. of East Or nterest—the smooth operation of n L. L. Manning A Son 'uno Edwards ot Honolulu nnd KH 1661 Jray'a Funeral 'Home, 318 E ige. Switzerland Topic fascinating scale model rnilroad. SUulc} llnrr.or, OnaM iroad SL, with the l!ev. It. .1. Mrs. Gertrude N'lchols of t.a- toe w. rrusi St. T«I. pii e-oHM Hardman, rwtor of 'St. Paul's rnngrevilbj, N.Y.; n brother, l.ouis He served during World War II Itlhr'ralid Boukltl S»nf Upon Rtqvtit f Oxbridge, Mnss.; a brother and n V. S. Army sergeant in the For Travel Talk Episcopal Church, officiating. two sisters in Holland, and seven 'aclflc Theater. He was n com Officers Re-elected frandchildron. mnicant of St. Hartholomewa the An evening: of enjoyment for nil Services will be held at 7 p.m. poRtle Church in Scotch Plains. r.dvt'nturc lovers will he pri'sen :omorrow in Gray Memorial, Cran- Surviving, in addition to hi id tlie Wfstfiehl llitili Koliowl niidi- By Postal Clerks EXCLUSIVELY WITH US * COVERAGE ord. Interment will bo In Hol- other, arc two sisters, Mra. Kuth- toriuni tuinurrow bc^inninK at 8:15 ! first pictoriul )ii) discussed procedures to cx- records of the Swiss Pniiiiiment t'tlitt* service to the public dur- You'll wish you were here! Creates n session. IJX the coining: ChristnniK rush iffamnnu Filmed in color with a full fidel- Don't, just go to a. resort. Go cruising on one! AJS™? ity nuum-nl unind tnu-k as hai-k- Grace-Line cruise aboard the magnificent 20.000-ion Confidence. Established 1R0B During this period the clerks irround for iMr. Robert's pi'rsonal uleavor to cive the best nnd Santa Rosa or Santo Paula has everything. Sim^'P' arrntioii, "Sv.ii/.erl:uid Today" is 'astest. service pnssililo, und to up- La Playo Deck. Largest outdoor pool afloat. Luncheon 1 complete repurt on the Swiss iold the hijj;h .^t:indardK tht juiblk' buffets in the comfort of your beach clothe?. After dars >eople mid their htinu-land. us come to expect of them. —dancing in [he Club Tropicana. Everythingl5 n™'™ Tickets for this performance are to your pleasure on these all first-class I""'" .''?"*• One of New Jersey's vailable nt the Y, from all mcin- Ashore you'll visit six exciting ports in thfUnM1™ wrs of tlic Y's Men and will also LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS and South America. A sailing from New lork f>'«> finctt cemeteries— >e sold at the dour. BRING RESULTS Friday. Fares from $495. Just sec a Travel Ayent. *m Nonprofit and have a wonderful time. C ib b n Al.. 17 to l!).d»y C C o. !.. .!»• »; , " ic, Non-eectarian 28 and 31-day Jewni Box Crllis.- Tour. I" So"'" *

COMINO in rienuARr, \ma—the first of four NEW"- cruuing to rtc Caribbean and the Pacific C'o-ul "I $°"'h Am ONE YEAR DEFERRED PAYMENT PI.A-M, INTEREST-FREE, AVAIL- GRACE LINE winter cruises ABLE FOR PliE-NEED BUYERS. 3 Hnnovcr Squnre or 628 Fifth Ave. (Rockefeller Ccntw

New York, N.Y. • Difby -t-COOO


FUNERAL DIRECTORS Supt's Ofllco Executive Office F. H. Grey, Sr. F. H. Grciy, Jr. 1100 E. Broad St. 125 Elm Street MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS THROUGH || AD. L'-0731 AD. 3-0130 WESTFIELD CRANFORD TRAVELONG OF WESTFIELD INC jf Gates Close at 0:30 p.m. 31C E. BROAD ST. Vi SPRINGFIELD AVE. AD 2309 I Phona AD 3-0)43 Phone RR 6-0092 252 E. BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD Mr. mill MIK.,I II. lllml.iu. ti.n;i ,l, ,,f r,, ,). , -alil 291 N. BROAD STREET, ELIZABETH Inn In Ihclf urn IIMIH- af -IS \\ r» > v. iiiiillllHi' luii-il llnniiKli X.i- n'millrlil Ilimril uf Ili-iill l »iv (til- ixri™ of Il.Til.l i:. lllii/il<- .tfirix-*, Wllllnm S. DUh is*. •'inl<', liniiilli-il till- trilllMii:Tnr wrsTnriD (N. J> i.rADrR. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962 Page S


During Thittktghinq Wtck STORES OPEN UNTI1 9 P.M. Traditional Holiday Treat! TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY America'* F»rorlf«—Ov»r 2/3 Frulti and Nuril

HOI/DAT CROCfRr BUtSl FRUIT CAKE iVa-lb. Cak* 3-lb. Cak* 5-lb. Cak* Sumiyfielil—Fancy Criamry— Silttd or Unialtei" BUTTER 59 $149 $*93 9 Ni* low Pritil I 01. Jar 10 n, |ir DARK CAKI ib 89 A&P Instant Coffee 75C 1.09 AIP Irtnd—Wholo or Jilllod S*t 80 Extra *lali Itanii with aurohaii al | Cranberry Sauce 2 ..» 35C [II CHERR#UEBBVY PIAiEr Jm.P.fl.r CQC 1 Dtl Monte Irani 1 Top Grade C £ rr- Q«t 25 Extra Hall Stamat with purohau at U.S. Gov't. Fruit Cocktail 2 65 Tillow Clint—>Hoed or Halve* GOLDEN 10AF ••": Inspected C Del Monte Peaches 2 55 s FRUIT AND NUT RING J-p-'" 49e | Oelden Cream Stylo RAISIN BREAD J... r.n.^u.,.,.,1 JJ^-33C | Green Giant Corn 2.1.»«39C QrHn Qlant Irand "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY Wankqimj K UnS d C Fresh Fruits and Vegetables I Green Beans 2 39 c •tiofc-Nut Irand Florida Oranges '"",""''• 5i39 d ch c Baby Food io"-- 9»< 6 >r89 Fresh Cranberries "m ' Add* Z«»t to Feodi Florida S.adlaii C 'bl 9OC Heinz Sweet Gherkins 31c Grapefruit Nabisco—Bl| Dipper Chocolate *lo lot. or Flrm.Crlip '"9« 4%**C 8 oi. olio 10( 0 Pascal Celery •talk A


RANDOLPH- C. B. SMITH, JR. HARRY H. MALLEH NANCY f. REYNOLDS PEARSALL EDWIN O. EDWARDS WIEGMAN CO. •traitor HKAI.TOR Raaltor & Hnll..,. AD 2-5050 1 112 Elm St. "iirmb^r* SCOTCH PLAINS COLONlAl i WILLIAM FRANKENBACH BARRETT & CRAIN DANKER & DANKER, AD 3-5555 .U.i*l. W»ur. «r*t «*•!.! r. . .,., j WESTFIELD Inc. 302 East Brood Str*«f ADams 2-6609 , ^ V- : Realtors. '• K i.t. rci.rti $27,500 Rreltor* _ MrMbrr of Thi T f Mloltlpt* l,Ulln* hytrm : f"or» art- lurKf. ^*-p»rat*- br^uk- SOME UKE THEM OLD . . . $12,900 ' fast rouin i* ofT the kltchfn. .|1'> K-I'T -!! « Hll (>.-» o K ?.-. • ^araK** i« ttttaclu-O. Very d«r»lr- WESTHEU) .-.^ tlir..- |.,',lr...n-.5. m-.l^r CONVENIENT LOCATION SOME UKE THEM NEW . . . \ i.-^i r»t Ili>our .J.l I. •i:i»: r«".-m In il:is ••ld«r $15,900 I11.L"!» r bei- '-u hun y . > «»u ««t i» *»;••> i»K- ) p«y Ini; r**nt. I In.Ill*- Juut fLAIliKi; j'.Ut HI ) vur OM. i. i While ) t t r lilnary. M"..l.ri,lir.l This ihr«-c bedroom upllt l«v<»l Of IO1 Hk.-m. • i. . l.a, .,.,!.:,•. Thin »•-*. t, f"-», r.,|..iM»l . WILSON SCHOOL !i';|il.y rci.n l u as built by Wt-Ht in 11*42 no iu r.,r .r. IM n,... .-n, > lal.,'( .,,:•! tit. i u hat ;r «'l UNUSUAL COLONIAL . Jt >.,uyou vxiM-t-t and jeet fint mlll- fi r«-(d*n-i- :n i),« liviuj; r"'-m ir ! vsork, rtoorf-. and all-around J«*»l SANTA I'I.AI'.S fit*- fii* $17,900 .|.J(T tl.i> Till l..".K- FOUR BEDROOMS t »-• k'ou'l t-oni-t ruction. Sfclghbor- Wh* ,y( PICTURE BOOK SETTING hum>Uil LOW ENTRANCE SPLIT K "M" wiiit-h ih* y m:*y fill ii. Tl, r«-cr.-atl<>i: r...,;;i i^ ,.;,i,. " ilal to iiix.M. An FHA n'. 1 '•ut und r*-turt> t'i u» jclvici*: u* i IUi ;u.'l t'i>-tii> (•;*; tnou»:h f^r $20,500 -;*>;<- fur llt.,.':^ ; i>- a\^il; SCOTCH PLAINS Hunt in l:>:.;«. lowly liviCK lxit — 4 bedroom Colonial: Nisr JtAl' lo i--t up Ui«- KUI'TKf' (U»- h,J» 1'i-llix iih.i full iriUt'i (iH til'" }••'•-- Ctu \\ IUUII ii Infil ur«u. llir- h (••••in. rt iliniii*; rvi'in and ;i KH- $31,900 Houorvrlt Junior High — ti' TltAlNH Tt><- TKKK uiH 1 ' ; ,,;M ,„ „,,„ „,.„,ilt ,rK,. HIKI -- nii'^ltt til in layout n<>l\<' .1 mor* dctnlli, * • .>a« rvcvfitly r««l-.--r..l-'l • hen ^iili t-it tint; Mi>iic<- I>I UN HvlnK room, dining room, mod- It i» run* LHIM- ti, ill- i; i'-.y hun I»T-III,,.i . j.,,,,,. ,. , K,,|,i |,.v,.| |,,tI1,,. i>r<'r)«;m f«r yuu.' ri^lrv'J. 4'otl v l-nl.-iit I-J ta l'l<- t*.p r.i Dh'*-'. vvall * J v t-11 ittul ern Kitchen with wall «v*», h'lw ^firn ifjivin^ I'j^dN of rootn f--r *«I1 • .J-J , lri.,:l |B |,,.rf,.,, f,,r ,lii(. HiKh. u ith bcuutifu) ouilook, Uai>i-!ri/rlitu<l i'> KIM willi a h;uh jicct-Mflllflr (r<>ni thtr K'> iilHr — |1&.-'M'. j f|.,, 111.- l.aik yur.i X; ttt- vv tt> hull-, a Ii replace J 1U inn offtTK Oirt'i* Li*druuma two and «l the iijiif May «»• uliow ii)« i linlruwrii nt\uu hull. ' levt-l itor^.liiM- ruoin w lih built-In bar-b-que Krounda — olt hc«t- \ «VU |.r'>|,«rtlont-d rw-mK, v\ Itli [i-Ttli, Km hfii ; KvniK room, dliiini; room, mod- ]>:*'^), «i ml the Ift-droom u-nl \t\ui' tan^-m^m rffr«'»tlon room. FANWOOD SPUT li'i->. ««r«K*-". full l»aH*-- of Ox- "iluidr." <**'U j.*lhdl> »«u«» | irn kiu-hi-n tli re*- ln-dro.un^. haih (Ht1dtr. Tl.r lot IN Uu IH US' i 110'. You vPIll love . $21,700 It IM >-t>U >'"Ur ;,n*\Urk :< r. nintt. J uftt a »hort vvnlk fruin IIIIH uiu-; don't let ft get itway nnd lilfl bulh. Tli*- CJ X I7:« lot i'i A. I in aiwl U'M mA far frum .i |»;irk \\ 11li mnny rrcroatlviiu. TWOHOMtJ H I)IK h«*lp 1" u« Jn ftUKiri'Min*: *>).*• ui flic r>rt-ttirrt h'lim F "f )» pitrikuliirly nU<. with ^it/id^d An> tliluK '*• town. tbi- kind <>f j»r*-|>nty tti«i >(•(» ((*• Xif.d Mr hkvi- A*->-n in many ;»ri-itft unit |>lay xi>ar«-. I'v *-ry - fuc flit ii-H. in initrl^y K<-ul<-li * OJ*y. Knirkin** vt-ittil'Ult- MUh ihutK JoM riKht f»r ihr yuunx i'l K'iOU >:»*-• t «-lom-t. l'>v«-ly HVIHK room family. PRETTY THREE-YEAR-OLD HARRY H. MAUEH A» ft diarit-r «-M >u»e»;«'t.ii"tin MAPU HIU FAIM5 of what* KVHIUM<-. how «1«. $22,900 WESTFfELO RANCH FINAL REDUCTION 1 Raottor rnt — ThrM btdroom - 1 [ | (in n Iftrir* lot, ttu-rf IH » ^'XHI «'.-»)! Intr f^r yur r*-* t#- H ' V<#U'*1 Jf-vrl han two iwln OWNER MOVING IRRESISTIBLE Junt <>v<-r t tic Hut- on [KM'Ulur fl>t Cap? Cod. U«? VMI lit nior#- ii'-t.iiU. "f cf.orK*- nin and tlU-J i>uV.. Mi-ailou-vlou* Ui>Hi\ in S,-,\t h K|ZVket-ln «}r R«Btlll* $15,900 - moriKas h V t i l > • n 1M» liotnc in not oil ht-ut out)- fjj. Many rootne. bath ami (im-*hnlf. I'ull V 1 II not ><*- to ofTt-r )i "U rniTf' U- vaiur. liuilt In l!»f.T. »in- id wall t«> WHII vHrj>ithiK. two. (Jn tin; Kni'Si Itvi), llu-ri' IK an t&tftti: lUh Tudor . . . lrtt-K'«- *"Mlr«MCr foyt*r, fnmlly room. Tlie o»"iu-r i>ui l a lol t Ml F.lnrr St. All 2-SO5O Nifty toy the ihriftyl Sp&rkllnic ui ulRtiiy trtii Iniiilnt-d. aluJ un Svntfh I'lHlntt on Mratlou - I whtt« with n(c« larco llvtnr ptrhtlty flnr lot 70 K i*o ultL •w Howd, Vi ell H)IUW you :iUvutfry ;ii»l liuiti.iry. <>n U.« rxtniM II) thin S.y«-f\r-..hl room tastefully decornte^' — A ffii" *ruVn* »»mll,. L* •rf«-ct liiwpi., tr(-t-«. «n fit 11 It) Jov<- u Itli. Tin' family nlte dlnfnft room.— HTH* it li «tn»-rou« Mm- roomn. Tht-n* ithliKhln are 3 l>*Mlroui«if. t IMOIL.'MI kltciuMi. On tin- xmuul modern kitchen with brrfekfaat lio h 1 li'vi-i. i hrci- iti'tiroMiiiH Hiiil i* .l«°s?.«' " *" '"•'' lovely. 'ranwf erred t*> th' mid-wvut. it (irfpliici In {it*; HVIIIK tliK, ncK-atlnh room and NEAR STONEHENGE nook — thr^e flh» bedrQomn 1 MIIII, JlHhHii- in-r Irt the- very I>H Hi (wltt(ni nn cuutt ranrtt i* fronrii ri:nt:iit ownerM art ufTrrltiK i-aiiifni; modern kltclu-n. Tin- ATWOOD REALTY • nd very prttty modern pink hi ir nxtMt alirucUvc trlr**(- l>vcl- oilt-rtt kltL-luti. an ultra* tiv< rr<-ct liiU rltir .MHKIUIOII »\ 1 tiled bath on * second floor —- Hoth Itom.-H to.-fttrd lu«r i mijly room with jt««•«!«• r room. (iv ninnl. Tht-r^- in Kntmm »• Iwtll. Urophir* In At • Wtnltllld lint In SculiVrii ft- In Mounts|IM»J'.»- -H1O. 'tutu nini-h lift »(/rnc lucky jitr* i-ry tm }M H III-IHII you ar»' irut'tIvr 11 vliiK r<»<»m. »rrf*-n<*/l 1 BI.M ITHEET rtttlc — banement —^ ctl heat — trt-»- bertrootiiH tin*) tw» tJl«*«l I Wall-lc»-wall r«'l». I-itrK'* diiitiii: r«''-m. plen- tnxtfl only $389.t*r pttached 'trK*'. the lIvhtK M'im 26'4". A tlliM, full ham-otent, full ftinu- i<- jtr* it y i; ni ry w 11 li i>\a »i t «• r i fir)><-t ln»j IN (IM-ludt'ilII . ty HTI<- i>i(-turv wlii- kilt Inn. TtU-d I null nnd larc** — Come see this one for $lS.90o. $($.760—f'lrjulKft'' KiOhMn-nK'- tiif rooni ami on triirlnfffd liordi. ln«1f)%%H HIKI nrrct-iti*. AX I lit ult. iiv — iPiiimlt- tiled buth upt-n* Tli(x IK n vt-ry rtatlKtl< in l«*,- t-xt ru rt-um on Itmt lloor for - . . Practically jurfrct. IJWII a few Htt*i'H f r^>m t Iti- ullf f(»rn|»li»t»- Mini rcaily t<» K on imiHti-r h(thi-drootn n mand hall and with tnx<-H •>( only %: _U can family r<-om. - !uri-V (,,'all for a|r)minlnmit. ll fiutillty. nr curuK^. All thl* and niorc. > FURNISHED HOME ri't-rcat I en rouni. Vmi i-an l>e in CLOSE TO TOWN TWO MOUNTAINSIDE by ChrjHtinitM for 133.000. TAXES-$331.38 nuMKitd eosily tw1 two-lifthv FOR RENT f an H«:rc, may In yourt* fur 3 lidr. uldri—Wratflrld—»l«.000. $22,000 H*,S0O--Mi>drrn InAuenr« — 2- 34,'JHO. CAPE CODS story. vfUlabJo Dec, ir>th fnr al>ont Q loiitlm at S-TiO per m»nth. $25y2OO and $25f900 C. B. SMITH, JR. TAXES - $459.68 An olu^r cmtfr hill Coiiu! ttr**v bi'tlroomn two HI nl < nl.mlnl .1 hdr. — Wr>t(lrld — with llvlnv mujlc n« tttiM, pU'HHant fittnlly room tn OH*1 on Ui'ldlr l^illi with it very Reoltor $17,900 - WISTWIlDt ulning room and larg* tr-.rttv CENTftAlLY 10 Limfm^nt. \V<1I IOCMH-II foi prrtly IJVIOK re thedie nxinj and Mtorjpt . • (J.ftOO—t'nt<|Uf and unfu- mu\ lmlti — nil nil tin- tlrM i\ trannft-r. Living room Icnri Culdrrrll AD SMIr.rl ldr>.. nrrplnre, h\g lol, Itli Drepluco, dining room ov- h.-nii-ruilKlif-d fnui-Ut on tin- H.'C- Iti^r ro"m 12 x 2t with fireplace •>Md. H'i"in IUT<> »llK>> (Mllli HH Hulh ••••rninn KSn-ISIN l.rrfri'l ronrf,. mndrrB kit., fnll — nlct- Bi-pnmte dttiinpf room — r •looKlnK JuUrn*Jt* porrh, mod- NEAR PARK & POND «. U. Mmltk, Jr AD 3-3403 $i$,. )00—llr«nd m*w — what u i-rn kltrhcn with tirt'akfM»t EDWIN O. EDWARDS i>ipi'H c-nnvt'itlciit I for ;i m-corid modrrn kltohon —' full dry thrill to own It ! ik lftvylory anil H 15' x 1HRom<*nt — (hre<* larfff b*it- tltii, "Thrn- ar<- thr'-** !»<•n itf en net llooi 4 hrtr. Wrnlllrld Sun Urn. ft—Tryn lUi rli I llll It itud \Otli ruled complftely —> lit excrl* Kc-nlrh I'IHIIIK. 111t> sitnic Hr«t llonr hut wilii n l«*iit cotulltlon — convenient t<» h yt-M. H 1»fituUful pmn-llt-d r<< lt. I'Xiiiunli'il Cillfor- Htti'ly, l;nT«' Ix'ihiMiiii it ml ou(. i HI Ion room In tin- hun« nu it till lillll.'ll l.ltll tlV.t iK'.ll'.M'lllS town — rfH*ot>ftbIf tuxcn — al) uf-lliiK- world hulh on tin- HK- M. A. MFRCNER RENTALS - WESTFIELD thin iind more fur only $11,90". irrrd II. Kdnnrdi AD 2-M70 nil I'lillt nn IKI; Inn K.K.II-^I^.'-I nii.l. Tuxi'H lien- mv J.'» I :t ~Im - llraltor -.^ Inauranfe lrr llarkrr AD \t-73ttO M ill".Hilts iinil hull, im :IMI. imp., U>(j hndi^'ol.inlnl—S2«0. LARGE PLOT fiunll). in. .ll;l|.-ly avail,.M. nodlrj Ccgrl At) S-414V •ilal" ChaplB AO aOHN .Ht'H.- living roi'in-iliitiiiK lucm ^li-trtir) Apnrtntmt, K.tTn —. V. frealoa Lom 1*1. IS-ZOI2 ^r \ ^') with lit'.'|>lii.-.-: plti.- : $23,500 H*.:"«t.-hiii.n rlMhrik Klro. AD X-IUMa ... in-1 Si.l r.'.-iiiilluii III.illl ill llrttv I-. Wtojcmnn mil \l> Kr*nlntfmt riddles? Swltiimtni; • I. vlrr a%Hll«bl* vrltttnttt c ihlvil. VV»- iiuiif. yuu'tl not b.Albert II. C. Wlrfcnion A*> »-».' fo the proipcrllve koMr li! lvvn! ADami 3-2222 HI,!"1"—MnfirtMiliiHfilr — <»<• HH hunilrrils .>f . #•• Vri'r *d OK ynffe lutjipy honirrnttkvrM in ATWOOD REALTY FOUR YEAR OLD KANCH ftloti — rrnl I'tiu HENRY A. WEST Hi.- \\VntncM Jtrni 320 Wrchwilivd Knnd P.WWOOII Ou-nor Kdllitu \'.i'-~ hitvt' CIOIM- fur many yenrtt; 1 High on a hill In .Scotch Plain*, I37.PO0—A Wratdrld, N. J. llt. .1 f\ I r.i lai'tit" lu'ilroniii. *. lihunu M.A.M.? «"- «"• PEARSALL rt-nimlc l»;ith; "o* Mvlnj: nuun. (llnl Turner HN0-SO73 Coiivfiileittly »ltufttc>..m. l.ulK-lM h Utowmr Pukrakam ..An .1-1544 22 (.-urnmutine* lit 1W> x 110 and - !.',l i & kftrlti-n: }y x l ii' "rcc" piom. aiarr Pitlmrr A I) n-aila MhrUbt.i-d itiiil Hi.rr !» i M HENRY A. WEST A SON ;>' lit ii miry [M>\V<1IT room trrmli' M. A. MERCNER ThlH nplc and «pan rRiich.T u n n — Hun?l»Jlnff 2-*t Gllc» AITTOUJ AU li-714-i hnn 3 hcnrurtliif), 2 tiathK-nnd A *\«ll lu w iilt-r Uu * '*' fnr blu fumlly. OFFERING ii- v. -I. i::m" hi'itt, (ivorftUi* mi- Mrmbrr /III a fumr.' i»«.| FRANKENBACH r, fully l:iinl«( ujM*ii. wlih WflHd lartf** mahogfttiy panelled fdm- $47,800 ulffl. IVIIITII, rt'iu- yiir.1. T^i- Renttor mrmbrn of ike ily room ivtth t>ullt-lti barl>n- Him O1IKII0HMK. CT. —\t IBC. iMl on •unit, I.tdrl<1 Maltlplr I.UtlnK »d cui> — all on one rinor." AIMO A AmerU-nn. t ti'ilroon\H, Jlfc tuithw, ii. J-"J..'.'"'. i*.ill KA •_'-:':'.*.s. Cbmnber u( Cummerct '!"' living room with f)replace, rtiorn — 3-lowl. U.K.. mili'Mcc kUchi-n, IH AND NOW SOMETHING IIK KI.M crnecr — AD 2-4T00 1 I -S-lM Notarj- Public l^r^e Mlnlnt; room kltrhen Ami tioov iHUiiilry. fnmlly ri»uiu. i t»pi'ix ju.rcl,. ' * ' RT^nlni. oolri cur Mui'itK**. inrKn lrrrHillar liln O—HcoU-li IMnhtK . . . Inillt FOR THE l n1 llmrl K. Crowe AD 2-84M ' NT.—Colonlnl til MOST FASTIDIOUS A1»<- n powdvr rooin «f the rec- tAMAQUESPARKA»" llll «-l I..V.1. I lii'ilriimiia. £>.i liall^ rcat Ion room. •. .. •.. i.iri..'inn-.Thr \v i: s T !•• i v: \. i I..H-.'li klU'hili. limn ', plot 100' x US'. Trie $31,900. $Bli.f.nri.lslf Hi Ennol F. Pmr>»U..AU 3-OTOS In tlu- Sliaddwliiwn awn i-oin- .itur.-i. ..f tlil« I" |)h-ti-iy ni((ilriiilz<'. v> Ith Jim! Unit. If. li.uv.-vrr. yon u^nl.l hoUlO K(-IJ .|UicKl; : i .m..,I.-I].-.I i'«itt<-t )nill r«l<- I'".I in .Mmiiitalii>'. li li;i» six on one of Scotch Plains' lov«- 1 ( cooil slifil (.fJr L.H.. I>.U., nit puriiuHi- rum "l.- nil'- iK'Hl strootM wUU-h fiirvi>» into ft 1 Srnlcli I'lnliiM. Nriir li.-it- i» si>:i.<- for M r.MH-th l.t-ilrt.oni :MI<1 iiliunl.iuu i —; hull til.-.l baths- family ronni. 'J*cur Kiirufc.-. I'l Ihxti. SlurtlMK wll I rircK-. Til*- entire f;tmlly will )>c UANKI.IS S- In <*i.r ;i .K..|. elmrin of the |._S|,,,.i',u> li"!! COIMIIIUI. this <>u nn lulihd KIIHi.'l lln (.".• HlliM. litt-KC family ronm. lu\ui nr ^l;.-.-.t'l an.I si-i...-n...l )i..t.-li .'Vet t>>"l.-hiK n lly i-«-in-.d- r;.rt>i u-d In M"Hcni HUlo praii*f ;—Sple anil «l>itn ar.|. 'I'M,. Iv.ini' Is ;ilr.(-..n.lHl..ii.-.l alsn. A llui-lu-.l Int. m\ lut 11S" x I"* ! I'rlco I2J.50 Al> a-UICll or AD 'J-lllBf. ••llnl (IK- MtclH-n and In^tiilhil A li>..-l ...n..iil.lit ni-iKlili»rlii with a hutitly to»l house at lo woo.U-U iir.-a. 10-H-C i-iiinii i-omulfii- « it'' l»;n". the rc:ir. Tin- i-cntrr Imtt learU THIS IS HOUSE SENSE 1 Ilulldlntf Cunirartiira V.III'II I... i,I,.i itli Hi.- t:i\.-s .ut thiH limn.-. On it Micrl m-l.s itntl i-\luiiiHt liui. I'll t" u larjjt* imn|t*rn kttcticn with Jni.r.tio - * sj-iwoo T5n-n4^n l ..( 1,.%,-ly ln,m.» I'rli-i' S-j:..!lllll. l whin L-iintitliis iKl II.M.i liiumlry MIH* t*;t llnK f i>uci*. Th-t^re Is a 10-11- < IIAHMIM. sri.rr i.nvi;i. l>r<-nUfiiNt rtHun ituit ,\ J"- • h. vi > tlrfpliu-f hi ih«- Hvi»K room nnd I'nrlinK hrtck and frame ?pllt i:\.i' I'l.niiitioii. iitiiii in.I pniM-IK-d hnntly \v|iU)| i\t-- llw dlnJuK rciom Is fnmily JHI«M1. level with ,i Colonial touch: J30.5O0 — 4-li.-iln.niu — I-I.ivlli-- 1'i.niniiii.T ili-nlrliiK r.-» Mt > i|«-m-i -ipllon. Tin- I-IIUJU ill- NEED AN OFFICE OR STUDY? There tiro thriM' lu-droomH. --^4 LIvlnR room In a charmer' Ser- l.Kli.ry. Nli-f. P. CAMILIO & SON l.-lil tn ttll tr:t«M)uti it ml InuXlim utit <- tuiths*. j)lu» H j>lnc panelled fam- nrati- dihlnp rnom — modern r)|iir<*)li*>4 Unit Hlti>)i|illlK. 4 li.'il pretty rt y«l Is :\ i\ir-.,l.l ni'lil l.vcl In i»..i-f...l coinllll"n. A l'rlj;lu ily room. Two-oar surago, many kitchen with wall oven, coun- . BSTATM INHUIIANC I.I,,III». :"._. iiiiiiix. ItiiK'' llvtii ltli :iliuoxl Mitiiin- living room that hits lU.-|tl;i. c cxlriis. J-9.900. ter top runpe — nnd *»UrtK SO MUCH FOR SO I Kil.imn-— Kii 3-l<-vc-1 •— «'i -438 NOIITH A VIC, W. rn'.iii with tlii'iiliii-r. iiiiiilir III -"iIII.|II«\ (llll ilinliiK r n. MO.I.TII kili'hi'll hn.« *pn<«* — three fine heilrbortiH on r.-cnmmriul. All J-UMI Ulli-lii-H. m:i i • V liiiMI-liis, lint: -..lii.i; >|.:.... Al . I. • l,-\.-l t !••••-•--» :i ilin or oitlrr. l:uiii.lry hfcoiid level — tfrftrte. lfvel rec- Malllple I.UIInai Mrmbrr .Ihil IIK i-.. mil. p..n, lulu III. i- I....p.: ills., M ,.. I,-.ill..ii room In l.;is.ln,i,t.' Thr.'.- FANWOOD COLONIAL n'Hiltin room in larKt <•»( coxy $26,500 of «h« Wrattirlri Ilimrd Iliiot^, III;IHI.-I hrilriii'lu u II I'.i'ilriM.nis •- hi" will l.iki. l«ln 1...N ^l..•!\. l;iilll-in KAmi;.-. — IU hiith« — j.rottv lot In $:'.'..fiftn—l.-f»r y.Minur ••\.<.>iiiv of Itcalti.rv I .Hi., p., n. II, . I .In, ulili tiullll Tin alr- iiilUi.'M.i.-' liiilii.l.'.l In sal.-, ll.alilirul .l..'i> l"t. I'rlr,- v«*ry nice lorntion of' j>cotrh rniiilly. Fnmi'iiciil. 111-I'l iiti'l VV, Mil-, llr.I-l $-7.:•'>.' Condition: oxrolh'nt. Interior: I'lains — hftfomrnt — attftchod 1 tastcfulb »".Kr KUALTOll — INStltOn Kiir.i^' -. M:ii;Mnm- |iulli,. 1'ilc nn uppolutim ill. IMK in living room and illulnir I,,K ( l,..,li..oniK iin.l ••> }:«. ;.nn—Hi, Miii.Fii.liiiH.ti- si ir.'...mi. I't'lm.-liniln i.iity. AH :' formal dlnliiK room. l'jr,2 kit - rontn Included — p^t« and ohll- c)u-n with lino cabinet A, lazy i:\.-.-iii'iit mini. ::I:I li: ALAN JOHNSTON, Realtor dren «r<- welcome here! All this v r fiiiitun, broom t-lOHi-t. nil «*leetrk* for S^.SOO. rr:itlt>» '•-"" " ' •"„,'".•' iquipnuMit, tin'luilln*; di«lnv;inh- »„ mljoimnK rc.'i-i M»; ; •••"*,,;.: j; —iirim.i >•—in-nr ».'•! IT. The thrt'c bed roomt) offt-r 111! K. iro*piu-c, We Havo Rentals Jlnnbtt Multiple Llallnir 8r«tria uioilt'rn b:\th, nunu-rouK oxlrus. »n.l H....I. rn klk'luj •« 203 KI.M STUKI'.T A.sUliiK J2O.9OO. ,,r ,..p ranj:r. »»11 Homet For Sale AD 4-06M niany .-.ill"'•!•"•'•'* >' And Will Build Ernif* tinuti-l)* *'• ^ '—• Mr». Hulh llnimin Ull 0-07IS DISTINCTIVE COLONlAl J-:i.!i(ln—l.:i !•!.-.• ..l.l.r-.-ti.|.|l>li VILLANE & SONS, Inc. Mm. KI1«ntl#fh ^Inrrtn HSl>-n7t3 • cl II n». Mn. .Innoc Art 3-47.'.O Cm- <^f thf tew tru«^ CPIIUT hftU AD 2-4850 AD 7-0779 AD 2-9047 Mr>. Mnrlon Al) 3-1210 lioiins olTorhiK ihf warmth. rhann fni'l floor plain n> urcntly NEED A SPACIOUS HOUSE? 6-10-t t*nuj;ht uftt-r hut seldom found. Knur tifdrotrins. lhrc<- and one- half kith*. AM you rnt*T thin ilils .. hi'drrnrn. S>i >.Hlh BRICK AND n—A-l li..-.ill..ii. H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc., Realtor hoiin- tin- uffcrt tun :md citrt* of IP for you. The lni flo.-r COLONIAL Mir. THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. WESTFIELD Our 35th Year FANWOOD parent. The llvlu*; ru^m with liri'pliu'i'. H x 16 dlnlni: 1 u uli tirt-phiro 1*4 (H-rfci'llv h;>l- rAi.nj. kll.-hrn. hri-Hkfftnt room. $27,500 REALTORS INSURORS If yimr m-fit tn n lmnit ;iti'< d J'y the i-harniinj,- dlnlriK siinrcir.m anil powder room. ft ! To llrnt wr r:«n \u*uitll1 y tvtl THE PARK IN YOUR YARD ro"in arn>r hall. Purtlier 26 Prospect Streol AD 2-03 0 yitii nf t'ni> uril two bsilliB on n. r month, W. II. II,,i ,,,111.. l,i,i in. 1.1 .1. , in — 3,lv«- In-rr with |irl.l ,.Ij..Ii, .v I,.I ,, ,ri. •h •11. Mil ;il 'ii 5ir..lHM> ''I..H Ih.- >t •:i..l lloi.r. Fifth bclroom KII-1 MM II molll ..l.| i l <.f I.I.I. .ir... r.- ..i. mn imil; ill. ,1 Kit rooms. J 1'iiHis i.hM.I m.-.-i. 'J II..011O. ov.r-1/. nvn.i: 1 11111- ml\ J • •••tn W 1! Il tiunn ri Hi* On-Aiin ii: hlKln-r in-|.-«-«» -• wily |i:..!-» •Ullllii; I I. ...ill ill..11 .Mil. I:IIM-.| I,, nrlli li|. |.|.i.. |.|,,, |:,rK, • uill-' tlH :iiul ; -l.-liiltltf Oi ;-.:ir CUDS,. Oll/«tr«tn li.'Ht. (lit K.l.-li.-n. MIIIMI.II l.a-i>n.,,l pi.,.-.-....;,. ;,,..l au;,.|,..l p:;.!-.,,;... In. >r r :ir ^ I rd il FfMl^ll i h* I'rl.-t-.l ut $30.:ti(l. Very llntf lo- k l'.>ur In ih .. "ill i.M.'r Iliillli' ttli r "M : . . •. 11 < I lli..i. y l\i I • •'.l.'i.i.-i! .im. ii TWO BATHS r«-- r.;i ti«-i will STONEHENGE RANCH i • I > in. .- l\\ in :.l/i I., ilr....ii l'iri]il:i. !\.i:..i> ..II Hi. I...I.I l< ..I I'..! I", p.ill- 11- >l ru . ph.. u.ill $26,900 ,,, ,.,• in «;J.!IIKI M . 11:11 I- . .|ii..l 1 l.-: I" V I l> lull. ;:. 11. , Im: .l.i.l.' l l .mi I int r.i >.... .hum. :o: -i- : nl 1 l.litll I:- .mill ill ri • :i.i'l.. I...I . i.. livlnr. BARRETT & CRAIN ..I .. IIJIINII.- I'hnil IIII: V il.-x.-.;.. illl. I.... HOME FOR RENT I. in l.ll . Tin. ..,.i- I..nil h.itliK |I>M. h. I ".\. . |-l . MI. lull :.. !•:• I MI i.Tti'i.i: i.isrixi Mi:iiiit:ti!i I! sli. Ihi- r.« DANKER & DANKER, .1. .1 hi I ) -j M:U- rito\ IIII'.VCI: HO AD i.h. .1 ONE FLOOR LIVING y Inc. <.-•.I' AD 3-1800 . . .Imt- $28,500 / 1 1-. • Li!!.- I — .•!••.•in*. NANCY F. REYNOLDS 0.-M.I I., l-.iv. li-l'-.l llti> .I'llu lit inlly - li;itli\ *i«> f. Miilforti \]t .:-7s:i^ 1 iiipl, l'ii In M'i'.:> ami 1 • In. I.t i.t Iy 1I1:. 1.. - I- \- I !;• •-. i ) 149 ElMER StREET WILLIAM A. CIA* |_ ilcrfit-rt X utter \I1 :i.-.^m 11 1. 1 IM .t''i'-i !•• II" lUun. i;.t:.i-.iiv I.. .1 in.. ;. :nl : lull |..i!l.>. 1. I-, i.f. .tl'si.tnh Sid !ir*i««%v,,l».n ;; i-l. I...) lil. ' l.,HM.|,l it. \. Hin.rt, .Ir. \ t) »-7U77 ".I. tl,. 1 I i.fl'i.-' till l-..ltot>ii. p"\..lii 1.-1:1 iv i- riini'h. Cv«-« Al>nm. 2-1*1* i.f.rtlr- t\ M(,-h'ir. nn'l i-nll H. It. Iliirri-tc. Jr \ H I'-TAnfl "HI. I-I-.I..1:, .1..... s f. |...H". I-. ri.. •. I' I.. -I I ..1..-.I 1,. .1. ...-i 1-11 Knurr P. . All 2-111*".% . II.ii.I :;.. \-i.: '.I.IM i. r LEE K. WARING, REALTOR llrlrn Mlunlilf Ml U-SmlM li....In t !'<:..I'.i.'l i1ul(I|ilr I.UlInc "Mctnlirr llnrnlit II. J>l«r» Pt, VIOflS AD 2-1800 H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. I.', i:. ItruiHl Sf. M) '2-7 i ;-ri:in 111 \ 1 HIM — INSI unit .IrlU A. l.'rhrtrlo Af> a-7K»« rdt.ii M. Mlmmof. , . . \1 IlniTT llmr.-n. Jr AD S-8RRI flfuM-l 1)«>*» All 2-05 IS II. l». Mm", Jr. M tlnrton lUii'hnfC Al) 2-tfttS Albrrt ^-TPM r r It. I.. Nchu Irrlnc . . . IM 'J- 107 1 I "A 2-7?CKl ll«rry T. I>a»k?r .. .r rrol.Hn' "" '" j.[(« M^mttrr ivcMfir!.!—f«MTiMMt~- AMI'l.i; |-\UINI)\, Jit. hni,. »1> "."-t.(> - A»lt Kur Droclittre m in r. TAii* — . Jinn M.l.uli.- ut. •.-.-• livii \: f. — ni wish ;ir- - mi.i'A iMftiint — llr(l>- llni»|il»n SMI-DR-SB >.!..- •- •"•••(• M.I/--I tf«tub«r» ut Multiple t.l .l,,,l, so,I,I, \ll .1-11711 I...'I- -. |...|, )i I'l i. • <1 tit 8 Ill.-k l.l.lunl.- l"l- T-IWM '..••. *•."••«. I'I in- I)•. . A l> -THE WF.STFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962 . Pago 7

REAL ESTATE-SALE* • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • • ROOMS FOR RENT • FOR SALE •I* FOR SALE • • HELP WANTED- • • EMPLOY. WANTED • M:\VI.V I'lirnlstii-.l s i n i: 1 <• anil ,,i ,...... - ..J FEMALE AI.TIT1IA l'H»%s - |ir,.nI.i.a, »klrl«. -lOllt-lr l-.i-'Hi •'Hint UU ;i p-n" l!lli*i- .1 .,-. .inn,ii' II. I"... I _.. )|i,l,.IM ,1,. l-U-HM- -illl AH i- ROBERT E. NEWMAN, INC. III -us lu'is.11.. All -T.XIS. li!-l!-l[ [ IM'I HUM III I l.-ll. -U'liiM. i-

1,1, .. 1 : ,i. .iii-l ...I.I.. ,.>,! . it.l> < '. l.AltCi: .Itlr.n tl\ Ki'iill.-- 10% AND 20»i SALE AH .' .ilM I- SI ••:> 1 Imi : .1 A|. ;; ,i"l l-'tl.l;i> . -Hi v I mi- S:i I iu ii,i> AD 2-5800 \ riil.-lit II..IIS.-U..ik. Tiiui-dny. N.'-rl'li i \IM ltti:\i i.n "1I1:,H '"I ,., 1,, 'i-jl Al i O-7;.7J. 1 I I - ::t ALL ITEMS riu:t run -.t. .ii,mi:ii> «»'i, I-I> l>< i M i-.-U. !{.-,-.-ill I,•.-ll.ill. I."'II',ill sli.' I AH .• •m; •- CHARLES G. Mill VrWNSIIlK I'l.iii. llii'iil^v li. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IF YOU'RE THROUGH NOVEMBER ,1.1.1^ l.'"ll..lll tl.-llll.-l. , 1. . 111- l""l • LOST AND FOUND • I..ill Kim.. . i-'.li.-r skiiti-s. -I. IUII. 'I' i paii MEIERDIERCK, JR. l.l'lll.l Itillll S.l IV II ll ,H , , ,-'S"li' • Lli»T- I'.i-.l-.irniiK.' un" I'i'lar Ili'tir MILD- lionw-. iili'nl Iiir yoiini; II-T. I'.ill - U. Ni. M'llrUilKT. i .\p.-i i i'..11 All :;---M" al I- i- i. 1' .W <•!• .»" i.ii,.- ;ni!ii niuiii,ii M.IH:,, iii-ltiKy All :'-I:::-JS. . T--:,ll. W. | ni i All " Realtor "T I'liinklip Srltin.l. rli-.IM' rail A l> LUKEWARM - llliSt WHITE ELEPHANT SHOP y\Mt mil i.ii.:iii ):--iiiiT.. r-" .-.. vi Wllll t \ I.. .1,1 l,..HMll..|k. I .III) .,| I., -| "il.-l . I III .,li"IM' ' tlill.'ll .HI RED HOT MrivtiU- l>;*lh. r^^Uh titt;il NI'.IU-II. Mi'. U. S.lllll.lTiTJ I'lil. II. .1. K. l.l- 11- I.HIT i:r:ij', iila.-k fimii-il. cpnyoi I ,.M- \ . l\ . I ;in.l i:r, .-M:-.' I ' I'.. .i>M 1 l,\isini->s ll);ui. All S-.*»41S l'-S-tl" 27 E. Iroad Street i . •• All :'-:i,ii'l klni'i-li I" :|n .11..I I'.-i-iTiii i)|u- .TII. Aiin»i-r..i to nain* lr I.IHIIBK Mrrakrr of <•» 1 \|i Ull. about : >J 1 I A M i;...l-|:i " I;, uu nl. I'l.-iim- mil 23i- I'OMI-'OIIT»III.K loom lit prlv:it<' Hoard u( H«-alllii-rl>>>iin ('or ItiiHincss lllit*llts Ci'iilrnl A>i'. Al> »--tT.'i::l ance Call r.u I ; 11. U-T-S Hi.- I.H.-.-I >l'i< ','l '.I,!)* MI1II,K''/\VIIS' man. >lian- l>:itli. tn-lvitl.' Ii.>i»t.-. 7St»- I III Ml I'nll K I- ,, « II'Ul 1 i-r.-ir nn.I I'lillKlnnls Ilifl Illl.' I" ililltlni: \:'H •'VI'IIIMK*. DON MAXWELL T.|rlp...l .(it, \li-lnlty uf MnunlAlu HH.1 MOl VTA1V AVK. i ll-linn.-is linn ii'Ui Innii,'. 1'TIII M AM- All .i-.-.•;r.3. II IM I 11(11.1 \ Ml. lllllll .' 1:111 KriiK. Ml J-.'Hl', l.-r liiniii- Inli rili- AD 2-5800 l-'l II\ISII|:U room. n. tirnllviimr. j»-ri-f«-ri-*'ii. ,'..r.l, J'-'H :." Al' :-.i'.Tt-.-N inn M:\MIIIKI.II Miuiti.l ii»- in Al> S-S31ii frt'in J In Ii P.M. nni W BUSINESS SERVICES i.ud)'« Nmnll M .'•mis 'TII.I II.lulls mill K'-yiiii i.l.l n, IU .* iM'tlriioiiiN pi UN n nur*- This Week's (No obligation) !»^vul OblnrIN COMK0KTAHI.I-: nuini (Mill prlvuU' ivltll l'..|lill.:i t..|., Alli.-rl. .Ill Slllllll- li.-y. l;; nll iiliTi'iinnl s rr.iiitri'.l < IIM1IK1U Ml, * SOl'IAI, ltliriiom li.r K'-nl l«*m«i». t i-nvt-uli-nl ,ir,l I. mil. .IN. IH 1111.1 I i\i II 11 iiiispiii till Inn pri-riiirU A|i Print Inv — i>llmroicrn|ihlHir iir *liul> oil (*••* «»ii«t.»r bed- )l ll ll|..l.ltiii: llyliui s, IIIIT;. .• I'lt rlimil( ( AdilAdllr e A All S-iSi:.. n-ir.-si I Mnlllau Nrrili'r jin. ihu iiipiiii.\ L.ti.-lllH. lii,!!!!!-.- x:l:l Kurih Avt-.. Urn I- t't-jttrr tnilJ Coluulnl ufTem present home as I m*-nt for Imxilifcs iniiii, inlviilc lili-il 1:1.-,'ii ;iiini|ii>' v-'h-l. r. 1 .-"inlilii'ii Kr-liiniTiiii Milni.u. r I.'.H" I ». t litilh nml rtlu'iirr. Hul itluti* IIIHI I^- AOomi 2-0226 t'ull 1:1, ;. 711 ;i I., t is .-.-it i. nml 7 Hi. "J. M..uiiliiliislil« HTtn I i'..\l. B-e-tf luuilnl <«»n*lriielLuu. fvcvl* TRADE-IN CREDIT rrlsoiulor. Available IHf. 1. AH 3- I'M on either of the following homes. I' \ Ml ll-:tl -l'iu-1 Him-. i-ri-liliiKK. Ap IIISI\I:SS in: N-s TKi.iinoN in II I it i«*n « m*«* ttut) In rut* IJ4U CIII.IIMVI. Mlyl.' 11; Inl.l.-. .-^111- ply l.i-ui, .ili'l ',' I'M., nituuiKi 1. ANSWKUIN't; SKItVK.'M—No •i/fliio jll.i .oil. I. .l|.^>lllU Illl'l,- Mllll Skill, Itliilln Thi-al.-r, I-;, llnuiil Si IIOIMI.MI -\M- yuu u* It li a hum- «. MIIIIK rmini i'M'xl'S'/^'^ I OMKClll l\lll I:,in in prlvnti' Use our know-how and funds to advance your .lilliii-ii .ll.xlinil>lii-l', Il.-M.Ill »n»lilllK In-r <>r tcliiiliniif'. IIH-. lirniU- A iioiKh»'"rh'>''«l. N' • Liquidation Sal* nut. lilii--. In1, phi. i- .-,|ii i|.i.i'-111 l{.--i- sl-:c IIK'IAM \ in .in typiiiK. I'IIIIIII <'ount)' llu illuliiK ruiiin, kitt-beu economic position. 1 ti. Cnritu*' iivanul>ii>. OI-IIUOIIIHM liiphy. i-.i'inTitl nfflr, II.TII. XU N»rlb Avriill*. WrKINrliJ "fi-m'', STONEHENGE IMIII I-\|| lilt in.. In Mil- I-.HIKII. I'luutM Si'1'i.-I,-.., 2S7 I't-iitrul Alii. e-6-tf BRIDAL GOWNS In II-.||.lil'lli'. I'll'. I'nll All L'-CDIS nll.T ''lull,-, N. J. IISH-UOS. i M«rfrfiril iturt'hrM nud lw» 4 Bedroom — 2 baths — full air-conditioning, • APARTMENTS-RENT • r. I'M i-tl I'ttlhfc. .\t*wlj |)ttlu(rii, n*w gracious split level with mahogany fomily room ClERICAl WANTED ' ri)r)tn ^untiy fiiriici- lipnrlinvnl Orig- to $200 llll\'« Hnlliin'.I I'l.M-l.-. — many extras — custom built for the present In rluuinlii^ :{-.Hluiy IJUIMIIIK. At ipl.-t. I.I I .-l.-.lll. 1111 ill AH I mill tnittfr*. urn' oil hum- Full I illlr piiKllloilH IIVIlllllllll- fill- Kim SI. iivnilnhli- Iniinr.llnli'ly. )":• J-nTi; nil.-I- S I'M. Wl BUY BOOKS owner — ll"llli|l Mill, HUUIIll lllll'llKfUllllil III unto Kiillnn ou4»litr nil imifc, H'rlli- U.ix ;3. 1-III-P nt WfMMVlii HLMARH CAI.I, roll DBTAIH Now Selling Out for HIM'N '•.'«" hl.->.l.- v\ilh trnlnliir. i;.-i"i:il ..niii' in'., .ilui .'M TyplliK $39,850. : li.lpliil I'lxi i-ll.-ul i "in im uy lulullln. MI..-I-I-. Sl^< AH J.r.N.'.ii. I lu-iilnthm. Kturui ttlniluwH rli-il.iiilil ii-nllltiu runilltliiiiM. Appl) P.M. BOOK SHOP ,1'ITll »I'TI\ I-:, n .• >v I y il ITII.'.I. -it p. mi-nil. I ,'lVlr,'. SM Park AT*. . PI. ..rvn.K. T«« li,.|iii'iililp I'IIII.1. Mir:-..- .an SI '••" lii'U.-'.iis IIIIIIII. I'lilnn. X .1. t limit;.-,!. I...1-1- -\H :'-l!ni; Also nr,I,-1 Ir-nii Mm. It 1 S.-llii'ii funitturu, orn.nH\yaro, slamt, uhtn& IIUIJIU* mid |) (i r u c h I B I VIEW OF THE WATCHUNO MOUNTAINS WulfT'i. 118 MuillBOK Ava. PU 1-146*, 11 s.-:iDrillwood, Mannequins, Mirrors, I'l. l-llll I'Att'l' T1MI-: rli-ili-nl, In,-nl ,,It In-. Ill iu, ITicc—«o.aoc. Center hall — large living room with flagstone ll"lll M ..k, illliniiiti' VM'iliH tin,.null- formal dining room — "huge" family room with \ i:NT|-||:l,ll |i: ,-,,,,III unnl.-ii Carpeting, Showcases, Plastic nut tin).ill. I'liiini- All J-HI31 w.-i-ll- |.:i 11 iti.i. < iiillillT.. Sim in.,ntli. N.":u 1 ui iiiiiu.. Al' 1: • 11 v:i. iron wifTJiicTTo nvr AI»- Trayj, Hangers, Supplier stc. iluy i-\'i-iilhKH 7::lll lu'ti I'.M. •ridUM "IlflliH, HIIOTOUM*. Pl»- raised hearth fireplace — large white birch lilll'|"'lt:lll"i, AVilllnl.t.' |l. -I'. I. \t< 11-H-St MWIOIitNV I'l-'vb.l ill.Illi'l, .'X- ;i-n;, N'.,i- IV. i.i PATERSON iTuiiilli limn. i-Hr IVUMII Imlusliy. I'AII l! I'.M., 1>L 4-0728. i-as-tf 11 In I IMS. Ihiu prrtl) l'nn- nil \VA «-•.-:;TII wi'iili us Tin.- .-inn iiiii.-ii . mi A I) a-40!i0. 8-T10-lf SHOP I,. inf. I. fl.V :«-l 'it 4 Illti-li. ... Il ill-li .J IKHIIC IMIH jiiNt brrn IUI- OLD JEWELRY WANTED I I HMMIi:il nn..I,-, II i,|iiu nn. ni, JI... -.-ill ill.ill-., TII,;.. I tt-ii-rinlllllil. wn WII.I. PAV ! I., .il.l . 1.1.II--. t li.: I I'l:,nil I'-ill.nii i:tilrn»H*r \r«lllmie, Inrti-f ROBERT E. NEWMAN, INC. CORNER BROAD AND CENTRAL A Miiliuy <>r I||I Iu $7011 rtiuiillily JIIIIN STIl'KI'INS. KAHKIN'tlS, IIIIARR- llrsllor — Uullilrr — Apnr»Urr» — Trudrr* I'l.llVlllI In !ll| tl'lll,N||.i||lllii,II hnli'H *::u. i.'-l "I I pin 11U i-lnilrii, I.KTM. HIMIH. i.'IIAINH, IJIUXJI.MIEH, WESTFIELD |I:II. i: I.i; .li.llj .IK.p I.T.I ml.I.-. IIIOAIiS. WATI'UKS rm mom tilth full bny nln- 101 Central Ave. >MI II ill.mill In, luil.i'i; nil iilllill.-n iifiitli-iiuiii ..111> An :i :;\T. Yin MIKII in in-: cut HIIIHH, I'hlmt HIIVIM-. l''urnltur<*, ii'ilil.-. i'-\|.i.i-llv riijn-l 1111.1 Mini.ti.i, piiliitliiKH, i-iiiim.' olliti- olil ItamH. iitl imiiellfU 11 re|ilnet- null, AO 2-5800 I I - I;'. • I t~ AD 2-6766 i. At-..- :iii.^ti ;.':>. I'm.- ih> i-lnli. K;IIIII."I .1..U11. 1 All a-UKM. B.|J-t( ri itMniii<:u s,. u tii -iii.-. ii.iii L . A i-i.lli-Ki- Kl'llilllilli'. .-tin I il In In K room, motlf-ru . .. A»«ii<-lat«-« nml rvrlilMK |>h'«< . :l. I'l .-Mini ]y I'lilplnyi',) 11,4 ll i-iili-H- ,IIIIMI'|>' . - -. JI 1*1 * • i- hi-tlli-t.. <>i>> iip.n CIII>'N lAiuiTlfiin, roii'lKti, Rolil); 1 fl.inr Ntu.llii i-.-iMii. li it,-I.<-ii" nml liiilli ALTENBURG-EUIABETH, N. J. IIIIIII, iiiilliaili-l-, t i-uoln-i, lii',-,,i)Mt • ('hum-* s. Col...-.'! * ! I -;!" * . t . II v In. In.Iii.1: SI,,,,I.,X,, ,],,I,I, I',1111. '<) '.»yri; iit-|ii\vhi.iulH; IMIOICH; pillnt' hrii %>](U dlnliM A* he** Ant! Hi ;il. In,I Mill.I mi.I ti t lit. )•-- l':iil, nut. i-t... l\Vi- null (hut )nlt li.- WIIHntn A. Knninir* *'{ .•|"".,,J .1,,. II null)- "I'll :• -sin 'Til i; I. ii''." .\ nil ;•-. It,ml,. 1:, 1.:, 1:1 > . II, M»: pillltH, fllll |.'A l'-7(D2. ii:,..' l:i: ,: :,.hill- Al in -Mfiitly i'iiip|iiyi>,| Nlin-,- It nniy M. Kin-Mr \\\ i-'I-JU >.-« JllKlj'» lllllfMl "I"' I «•»•"' D-17-tf ti riiMnet*. itoWoVr rooui i •lull. Urn* V. .I'.T.IS I1 • i:. • :• In up In tivn Illtltltllli lii-lnri- ivr Ttls •'••-'I HAMMOND ORGAN DEALER llulli II. Tiolor "• "— I i nn lili i- yni.) ml it, HIIMM* KOOII lirtfroiiiim u ill's iti:i"tin 1:11 VTICINtVM ol' ollii'r KK'i'.'l [illl no Jlrmbrr WrxlllrUI Hultlplr l.l«tlni[ S>>lrni ll\l'..liinni t in II i-li.-l -.linn.. i - llrll.l.'ll.ill'il.Ui.-ii"»»* T,,.,,,,- i« s.-1.-.-11.III All l\|i. .-- .11 IIIIIIIIS 1 r|i:ili ..I Hliinli TI im I. KluillKlll y miill MrM . IMii*IM . SA tiiint 1-n I.list ins- ii,-in J-iiiat-- lili-.l ml. I...... 1. r 1111,1 i,'. I.V.-II ,1 ••it is is A 1*111:1:11 OI'IMIIII TMIY In.I :i-il.'.!if'. ll.H-Itt tiled built; altiifltt-tl unrim**, •tlll-mi A Illllilllii — KM"'"• — * I :il'!if ll >>;ilh nml yti-.vs.-i Il.-l phii. i.M.I I- I. A mil l-'iiivl'l,' 111 lillllnn il.illui- III, S..l.i>"> friit. -ill Im A,. In. I I'lill ,-"1 p.null.ill. IN'I lOIIIOHIINU . - < > 11 n. -1111 • i a or hobblal n- tiitlrnIT nml IIri- nlnrm •.liiilii.l I lirlntn rii.ii" Open For Intpettion AH ;li:illi \l> I!- I*JU:| '•• ''in nv.-niiEi- Hnli-Mtn.'in In Ilil-i ,*t- lo illn|i]iiy Ilivrrutt & t'laln wlniiiiwf

1 !.I I i-i I ll-'i- Im.-. 10 yi-uiH m' Ni-i-vli-i-. (1.1 I'lltii Ht.i. I'leaaft oiiil Mr. Marrett I I-III. (mitt-iilt-ni lo Mi-tutu) Sunday 1-5 P.M. ^ ~ I I tlll'lllllH Slllllll- >lllHtllll tlfM'1" 11 I:.-11 U 111 T \ III Mil Oil.II Illl I AH a-1HI)l). U-H-00W trini»lfir|ullvu. • OFFICES FOR RENT • ^v.'',"^'..:,,!.".'.^.':." :: I. ''nil MIU'lKi- 11-1171111 UA\II:II iilii iiiiliii. nny In Exclusive Wyehwood Wi.riil/ir Siiliii* riinm :: in u-riti- itux s; ,-in-,. ,,r «'I-KI. il.'l.l l.-iiili-r. ' in Illl. HI. i'. i'.. I'll. I li. x 127. Mont- lTMi: f..i r.n-, « 'I ItoinriM - ^IIIIIIIMI OI-HIIII ... • AUTOS FOR SALE • II- III .'1i-|llhn!l<' II MM » 'TlllH HiillM A Iliuln N|>h»«t I'IIINO Iliiiiunotxl i:\(n«vui.'v HXIMII . -111:. nil Mi- \V;IIMII. A ni.iKHiillii.i:, rn,::, 4il.u>i inii-ili'.p. i ii.-i « IMI'.II \|nl .ml run.I mi I.IHIIIII.I. IMIII limn*-' l.-i- li n r k « y nluilCH, 931 KIMBAU AVE. lluiiiiiioiHl C li.inl OiKint i» ««'• I'> iinlilli- ".HS," 1: .V If. \v \V iinu.r •\|MI PII, I- in-,,-- iy. l-'.ii- tnt.iA |.i\ Tm-l.i-lli.-rry pi-.-rm-ri-il nli.i HV4-I0. iii.v nrn.T nr.irK- llltMcf A !»•!% f*« < tiiiHoh- In-iili.-ii nn.I nli-i-i-li,K. M.nnfi IMIII-H. ii:.i ;:::i-iii»ii. n.i:,-ir I'nh Imly'H I..- Mltiiti-ii. null;.- KM,.III. p.-H. ,1 .i.ii.llt I f.'.snn. I'nll AH 2- IGHTWOOD ELEVATION JAMES J. DAVIDSON II Tinmii iii-:Hiin-:.yu. i ,\|i :'..:::.i'.;. Kuur lii-ilr<.n ..I- All \:-I;"'.I\ < v.-nlni'.-i. fir d( hi'i iifnl.'ssionu I or nffli r UKr, r n C\S KT,\TIO\ nil, INIT,nl Itxlll f. In UN I.IVISH KIHIM. wllli li.iitn- l)»Vn «min| >*Mltif< » r»: 1 *•• llSll KRAI. KUTATB * IVTIVHANCK M mtl liner, itlhaitivi' i-iiimr IKIII'I I" I'M Apply III I->KI, i.tu- $33,500 eil iillliiH, i-.-iit.'r.-.l '»' l-lli:; ; r r 1 1 iliK 14 t:irn St. Ur>i|H(> I'MiI tl'.ii M'.:! AloillilMlh Al-.-., Al'itnilnlii. IK-IIN'INd KlHi:i'I.-M''' ' " " " iii I'tiM', lull in. . II. ni • LEGAL NOTICES • AD t-T5M Write II"x L'l. ctu-f uf \V.-s( ll.'l.l I.I.-, mill Im Mlhl'. - r.wuiH.lriillt linin.' V«- ifltiliiK r««ni, H.'l.-ii^i- Kiti-li<-ii • ullMi.n, ninny i-\li:.' t-.'i.i wllli plenty <>f i-nl.lnM* l.riiiK- *|Mnl«t-r 41 it-il ii ir ., MIm i; in 1111:111 tuns I ulr Mill llniitl lm«, ninunK fn»t n.v.k lt;m«l<.M'' 101 nt. ..r .-;.MIA i' it A \ r K s 1 ; H KI MANAGER TiilM. iv.niiifiiily iiiiii-iii-.i I'I'.'- 1.1 tin- .n-it.-i- ,.r i-;rtii';,vi': • •I nud iHK.k-MiHvrtt UWim mil'.' IIIIUAIII litiv-y. \, :;..i ,m .1 KIKK', f-'ini" ..r tin- I'liunty •+M \ I.I. .-'i.,iili V. .- ,,'U.-,- ^ I i A'l't'll 1 'i-ntTitli- II:. li.nils, I,ni. <,17i»i Mini • in.- M.i.-iitiiiu Tii'i''i,,. r.T i-l I nl..11. HIT,1I1 .111 llii. nliilh il:i> l.r fi'Iiir,' iMtAi'T'ii''Vu'!v"'sn i:rn- IV |,i i/i , • • MI in. \nru,r ill n Inn «ir turn II j Tl |. "-.III. ni ,IM :iiTNl,.l:i ill ntMiiTi,:,.) |,, \ i-i-.Mll- K|nirr, nrr«*r n«*tl porrb. (c Ki-si,iinsll., WT.II.i. IS.VII. IITII nfinlti-r, I.hi. I., Ki.ln. i-\.-, Ill l\i- JII-I-H. il ..ll'lr,-, "I: "f ",ll,| .1. •-, ,, ii,-.| I,, , vhll.U 1,, LARGE LOf lips 'i':ill 1V11 li-'l'.'ii:: .il't. .'V.-i-lli-nl .nn,Illl,ni Allni.lli-.-l) Km. i:11. in- niiiiiii-niii'i IIIMII-I ,,inn ,,1 nrrir- I' M. 1 jn'OIIH, 17 t 45. with t>:- witliout pii. .nl. I'M L'-l lli:i. nnll-,11 lln-n 1-I11I11111 niiil ili-rniuiil.-i THE LINDEN AGENCY nttillt loniit rear mince. A [J 2-33<'in HAHNE AND CO. IKllllUil III .Ill, ,|f T.:(|,| ,|. llll.'.l Kiniim vtlth (U4i (lied lutthM. I- Tl I 1 IH.M l'l.\ flllt'l-ll. ,-M-.-II. nl [>iiiiiiin- 1 in.In ,--li niii,. ri.,111 11,.- ,1,1.- ,,r 407 N. WIMIII Avr- l.ln<|pn Z-IE-tf I1.1111 :i:..\IM I-. IM.x.:1.. \S''.ll--iu--ili '"ii'llll'in. I!,'. II liiT-p. . l.-.l li,-n,l>,r .lll.l "lllll, ,'l 111,-) ll III I,,' I'M",', 1- llpallur ill' (I-IMI •'lit to it II I cloHi-t nitil Mlornu** 4 BEDROOMS 1 I .'. •!• . null - nl'.iilliir.. I.:II-!II I is- In. Iii'l-T! i---i-- i.-.l mi I,-,i Al' :' lil^l .l-IMK-i' ..... 1 I.,,. "1 1 ...... -I.IIIT.-.I IT".I I I' ipin,.n , , lllllii: ,,r r.'.'.A'l I-

in-;:.-ii I'T,|"-|.<-T.l'.|. tlTiyi. 'I' l.l-'I.IITIT t.ll.lT.l. 1 :t i : i M i l r> 1 III.IIMKIIlll.i:. :.:i. ••:,-,- Uyilliiliiiil ...!;";,!'!V.I"'A i ;,", ,',!';:';';:,.;,. "W "•« "••• '"•• "l . :;,l:.!; v "w ;i< i;" • WANFED TO I-, I,ill,,,: .II-'.IT. 1.1,ill I'htl'.liini- l-.lli S7 . Ml KIM". < I'-' I vi- u 'i "l"l ITII:.- s.-ivl.-i' Stlt t Inn. I-:. Jn.l nml I .1.11111 s I. » ,11.411, (r.r,t n,,,1 iil.fl v liiniNiliiliil Int. » VII II 1 I..1 :i 111..nt h. In, I >i,lii,k- l'/i BATHS WALK I" .TffT.-i---.ri S. I I. T li 1 1 f ->i In. ill) VI. lull v . | | • " ' -^"' '•''"•"'-'•' l.'.-:,,,i:inl .V Al,.;.-,ll. All'.!.,.-)'.. ti'iilll ^I'lil. r.'» l> p.'nil' 'I. I -• 1 l.\ltt\ I:T II:,'.-. II. Ilk H A \TI-:ll |.|f<- tl oltilK MU.II> lt4llllthUltll Itlllll- ' I: 1: K, Tinli.i I'I. A H .: ct"> p"M ' I' I'l .lit'.--. II.'|il. ll.M I.I I W. i.l II.-1.1, N .1 I.UIII.M. .-II. i"»-.l |'( lull I..".-- ,,,.l.i,.iT Jl.'l'.. <'..H AH :: ill'.' "l p" II. II, . O.-i .- lii-.n iji,,,i| • ,,II,I,M,,I, ,\l> :: my, l-'..r In H I- II I-V.-H J2I.I2 mnil Tniiixf. rr.-.l '-' K[' • :::i:iiioi:i. II I.'- I f \t\ miu-lii* nliffli i«ni«( lie wrrn '• I1, M : UK i; 11 I.I H.iv- .n-ri;.',i;. I'- i- •'•• I'l 11111 \(i-iii i-: : (ill :t !.. -li-i-.m I' T. I. pli-.ii- •«I-:IC\ lei-: unit I,,II n(!<-u.iiiii! inn,t.-,1 |» In- iitipi-riliileil. Mit> ««* »hun < :i. I'r 111U K.,l* IIUT'-I H-III ,'i.ui. in, .-l.iiul. nl i-vp.-rl. in-.-. Apph' I II' N"lli-- I-. hi-i.-liy KIVI-II Unit run MI.I: \\ :i .-"••• i . ,-., nii/l.i'l'i'i'l.i-. '-' .v^-ll-iil <'" mi '.r-llii:i in .- ,,l u-lili-li Hi" f.illiiw. l.ocnied on poimlnr lni'll.'y H.ITI.I • '" II IlK N V I. \ V , • INSTRUCTION • KI. Im.,,',l« 1'1,,'VIOII MIIVIII'. Norlli It 111 J.M.f :utr\ lv\" fli'i-y I MI I'm I •• -w... •;«. vi;. ln>: I- :i .-".py 11,-i« lin,-.,,|,,,-,.,l ,.nr! iiiol l|..||l.-|.| A V..II'. M...ili-li I'lnliin r r.|.,n I I . l.:lll.. ..nil |i:iiii.i.,l. ,,11 II,"| ,,.;,,UI,K liy tll.1 K. It. IIICNMI-rrr, tiTiielinr uf pl»«o t ill' :M ••plit'--it. . iiiimiM .' i\<»«i-u. 1 "im, II ,.r ih. T.inu ,,l W.'-.llli.l,l nt Av Thin mifti'liiiis i.lilrr nil it -it'KMr T Illl.-Ill III |,ll. ,'• \ i-:\ I:TI \% imr. Ii. (.- il.l -ill;.' I" -I • ' in.' Mm- li- Ml .v.,,'1 ml.IT I:I lsi;a rlK'll AH .' -I',- ' ular. 1.4THiiH !u your hmnA. fl 0 V ll AH :-»'.K. •p.irllil i I. .IL ,1 • HELP WANTED - • • ""I iii" T"ii.1 r.,ni,.-, 1 iviii fur- li> .1 Ll".I U tl' niiiiiill—i t-i N V Uurlan ltd.. W«iitllMrt. Cull Al) 2-6.19U inn i li: Hills iiiifiy. i-iT iii.-1 .-..ii.-M. , Hi,- nTiiui- r..r innii hiiiiii' Is <'"nipl|.ti> wllh n i-r, • Lull i:\u-n.-i -.(.-I,- V l-l.-.IM 6-6-1/ iiii iifliinii t. H p.ti.n.iui .,,1 Hi.. :.-TI|, ,|;1J. ,,(• s*,,v<.Jn. r...-m. .' ' H I. ii Ili, nun, 1.111,-iitn. JL'.. .11 M...I. i ll mi-11,,,,1- All in ilk,-II unl MVI'IIII-:, i-ni-l-KI-Mi: Kllli-H n-lir.-iti-li- Bin li'in hi > line In the Tn- Iti.ll-llni-.. IV., i: ll,,,:,,I .I'I.. \V, SI II,.|,|, lilK". 1..-HI... Itlti- I'l'r.l Ili. rniiili'iit (i-xi-i-iit rlioril .r i-Tirnliii'. 11 lli-i.. 'OM-ril'N •*, il li.l.-s.i I- :n..I N, 11 .1. , i. 1. -.iit'l-;.. .•,|..II-II.I.-III •••-•it-. l..i ! < I I' 'li-.'li'- li in.-. I'l.-iuiiitil |-.,li,nl;il i.r- .|i mi,., in,,I ,,!,!, tn:itiiir-i 111 t-n. MIIJ wIndow nntt • FOR SALE • 1 > 1 .'. rt...m. ni'i'li-l it kit'- U . n : |..T MI.-I,II. T.i>.~ 117" 1-1.-. i-all I'lilllip 1TW I-rrl« l-i. ' ' ivmlril M.-i-i I ;xj,'-rli-ii li-Klriilil.- imt nn•"'t > I" I"' li my I,.' nil. r.i.ti'il Al> L'-.,.;..., I'riii. i|.:tlv <.i,l> .Minn. ll, Av. . S. IMi'li..- Al/ 2-7MM —. A I) M-17IU in* niy. Hi-ii'l n'HiiMi,' In It l( III.-M-III •--. Ill I.. ,:l !•><» ,,i null M|incr In flit- llvlnu I'lAMiH Ull OIIUA.tT* -ton Iir»«i1>» 6-t-ll ::-ii i-ti, Jr.. .-in-., i.r lit. t J-'- 11 K' ci-iiin K.r.-'-iKil P' I l,»oii>i Ili-i.It.,i-n, I'l Klin HI . IV.-iillli-l.l ui f"""ii. full iliulnu ruoiu, bnitk- 10 "' "b'uDKIN PIANO CO. l| fl 11-1,1 II I - M'."'l l"l -'Til,' II TIIIIIVI. In l-Vr-n, |, ,m,| Mntli. liy >i.II All .1-MIMl r«it- iiii|inlhtiii<-nl. • R. E. SALE OR RENT • -..II S-I,ii,i..l. Tl- • i:-.P- II '•• . .I'A i:iiMt,,i, II I:,-NIII-I Mil lti.ynl.,11 lo-i-ir Vk f:«*( <.(""••' lit lln- kitclifti. \ t>« nml 1 l.a l»:illi^. I'll iit(-:t^ur'-« fforinf-rly Cr«nfnrrt Plan" f'l.l I;I:M:I,.I, 437 North AT*. W. Al) Z-W)l| AAvr.,, W.-i>tfli-lilfM. r.<-llr-<4t i l W. Sr. i imkV;'V«''ifu '''''; Tanlntc and IlrbatlfJInir i«lu,ol ti-iii IKT. All K-lli-ll i\ (iitni% 1 \o: TI. i*ti:M> iii N-. «I'I»N ii|i ii» (liri-i- |Mo[fitiK lirtl- TWO pan;, -lrim' iltup- -,. .. .111.]- I-. 1 \l»ni:il> fMI.IIMtl. in-ill--; l-l-tt Mill, IHII.IX \M'|: \,,. 7.-..I |;v. 10i>' X J(MI'. A litrf'-i-t pint-' •-••" .|.,.,,. .„,iliil. ii,- . I..I.-I:I:I,,,,'|:,:III , I ••• win i-. i. l,.'li""Hi-. ills.> n.ljn. •••••: •.. roi.m% — ti,,. nntxti-r Itptlnnim Raymond Young — Piano Studit 1111.1:11. .. n nidus t Mi-: AT. r.,I,III in.- lil-1 liulliI "-"ii ; 1 TF;l.HVI.i*IO Vft — T\rn. rnnftnll-ii i;'/.'^! ^I'^'i' | '- '' \l ',\1 In., i' .'l./.t'i. .1 Ili.lh lli.irrri Vonnit, A.«l. II MM, I'll I; - M,\l|||> oi' I'llll. »li,,».T l.iinii; •!-.,•mi, lii-'-pi.i. • •••""- (!» imn tn*ut*>r>. I'JitirlN'd fi>r the Rrf«ulni: fumlly. f\il) Clnmilriil I'lifiulnr IM\ IU I-MH IIS (.1- -nil; .•Hi- til,-.I Illl. Inn . nil:,. In •! .- l.r'i K'4 un. Ktlltlr.'n llii-'l'hi *. TV. "' " ' ••••• 11' !•••• AH .'.:". full ,,r U'rltr fi.r Inrornmllim I't.i.n 1; \ MI i-iui; iii:i-,iir. i;"|- ii.-ulj p:,i'.1"l 333 .South A*-€v. Mondiiy mul Krl.liiy *"' '<;ilt«m nunn. tltlJM-bnl itn- I\I:MIII\ -r\'. ,\ :.\ r .M I..-II-. ..M-I IZI !\n> is in- nn: |(lu N ,,,.. ti> si-o It today. Prlrp — till 0. At> 2-46CU 2-1 A-tf e-n-ti wii.sTi 11:1 11" w nii:\tirn nv r <-<.ll]lil>flv".I I" r"'i: "^<- nn u in I v til ht-ntliiK vtiaitx. '..'l.l,',,' i 'Vl'lii n'-v. ' A"I-.IIII-.' !V:- <':.ll • :I:M:II «i. mi 1 us isn> \,,.,JU, K'-Mini: ;.i..| si-lini: p-i in:, i.- ni I'ifTTKIir KKCOMDI—KI the pux. il' vvi-iiflp-i sTi-ipp.-.J. wftrr. Btoni-wiirfT. at IMIII ilinn halfj,. I II:.I-I--.I1 IIII IVnln). 1,1.. II I-M. M, 3.10 Moiiiiliili "" 'I •••.ii. "I U-.".11,.1,1 1,. ||lt, III inuin I-' r- .-us r<-l'ill. At Hi" ?ti<-' orv w:iintMriin. IMIMK.II.II,' |',,!ilt|,,||.| Op..1, '•"'" '."' '.i- I.-.' <;• M.'IT.I iir.ii- in.,1 il.-l:.... J; u: Ave.. WcntRclil, 'phono All I-HIM. l.-l- !'-• I I | 10-«-tl I..'.",!.I,TI ;';:' ;'•""•;' •'• •<>"••••-.,••••> A tr.-''•rw: 11» n Ir •CM; i|H !'.' II: ri 1! f.'liathr.rn. OliPB B-t Monday llirouuh run uii'i r.ut Tiini' N \i :ili •r • liir.lny l-16-tr '> "•••'•.- ^. 1'"".'.'''.''."'.!',',;'I'"-.'.',,. "I",; 11 tin. niii I.,'-!-•• in',,l.l- -.-.•!. ml ! I.IIIVHM.'H "rll'SIIT Mil lllll, Ir.lll i fiii-iui .•I-. .: V.tlt •'! 'J .•mil..1111 y - r.-riiiuii.'in «i .-.I I. lii.ii-iiilji.'nilili Aviv, \V,-«tlli-l'". """'""'"• *" -'-"':"' T«-n niii mi-- \v Mil; ••'• ist •T '• K.inraiii"i>. li'H: lMwry i-:ii-'t ri.- or-l1'1"''1 "•, ' ' ,''.'"''"!' I IriTitruclion on All Instruments 'I" '-.I i'--i 1-• i....1 .I,,!• ,,„.,.,-n-1 FAST POSSESSION Mil t?< '•n .In t> Mir 1 • •-» S • • I! 1• • r (nil :!^-x;i,n> i:nnfi fn.rn *Sir,; ri-l.illlt ONIII-II. ' '•"[•'' ','",,' ' ".'.'.' ,|',. ".,'',',,, ! AM l'-iir".rin '•I- I'.'I' •'''", ,"/ ''I"" '' '•'•-.'- • 11..- in-n- Ki' )t'> • •! l*,*i r- "•)],'i:i! -' li< .')]S, rnun j::;i.',; «Al,.n, ni-rvli-<- nni! ri-nt.'ilR. ','' .' '. , .' :,'' ,,' ',,,,,.',, ,', n I :<-7.t! "f ((it* (rntiMf rrfp" uhii nrril ; I I :: -.ti ' W ' /.••> Til'- I'inno Kh-H'. f,lS Tcrrlll K'in'l. '''' ' '" ' " .,' ' . .'."•"' . ''"' 1 :'•'.'''• v •^ ^'.V. ;;,. i:,!.i::",\?,;i\ 1 1 (i- •• I; -. Srnfli I'l.-ilnn. IT. (-370S; FA 2-:.''.''..1 "', ;"'.'' ' •'•"".".-• ". .' . '' ; ',' \JUI,I\ I \ Mil I 1 II11 % , ,, ••-••• < '•iHriii|Mnnry *li rre Iiedrtxiui ri|M-ti <-vi.rilliicr> 'Ml -J. ," , I-.- -.-•>••-. ' •• • ' ".',." ' ] Itiili.-n Inru" ———— - ,..,, ,1 JAMES J. DAVIDSON 1 1 I l '•"•-••• i«(ili (>>.. mttl mtf-hnlt y.., A^.r^yr.rr «rB.n ,":•,•."•,:'•::;;- ,•..v,.,":.,;..;".,..,!;.^ • -•/;• ••_• .• \j;•;•^r^;• -" •;-,•• ••,-;', • EMPLOY, WANTED • •...!.:..:'t . . :1.. .-;:1"r..;;;:-. ;11::;;-1i-':;

I •.'".'•• : ; Pil 1IM l: ' ,'• •i.'.','-" ' I'.'I '-'. . V 11 , . - * • - ','.,' ' '" ' " '" " "'' '-H'.lity '""'. l.nrur Ihluu r»oiii. rtln- HK.ll.1Oll AM> IMIIHOK VIMIII.. l.l..\l.l. l".l ••'".;"• i|-;vl:i.l% W. >IIVI"|' HIT IIAMIVMA.V Kill rli-l.n llltli-B, i-ol- V ',: ' ".,",' "' '""- '•>» IT::.' WAMII-:ilfJ — N^iv BUI u«i"1. r.illy "i-.. "'•' '.' .,- , i'l,'.,. MI I'" 'I-"" !" "II'. v-.i I.i .1- '""*• Ki'".i"-» Will , nl li.j-.-i,», . ,',,'.' '' l.i.-l.i-. • I M';. 1,11-1, .„-. ,].,....„:, •, „. ,,., , -i-,,,,,.,. w.,r ll 1, ml ,T-II.-I i.l l,,,.i,...,'-l .-„,, |,n- i,» ,,, •"'"••!"' l-.-ill L.I.. - n.-i-l - A|.|.liTinrrn, 431 North Avo. W. All jil:iv: InlnllTi ',I..ii,|:,y ,.,.„,, in,-,. 1 i,J | )"'"' Jut'". <.'«ll A r t ll III-. AII 2 • Ir.ld ''• '' '-.l-ii-l. 'i -li.'.ll In-. '*•'• unit tnlilp li»|» ritt*K«*. lire WKSTr tl!LO L-1!L ..A±«±' ;.,,V..,.;.: ,,•;,-1 I.IW.T. ,,,-:,,,,,,,: ,f-;-:,i:;- •;;" ...;•; ^». <>'• ! ••"-.. :' ' r. ,•.;:,-;;•• >• •- ^ • muiti )U-' \ 1 V>. r\tr.-i AH 5-T5M • REAL ESTATE-RENT • KoiMir,T"rrMiiT.1.^r .•'-••.:- -.;•. .'V1 •.'• I,•„:•.,;.r 'ii><:.:.:•; i-. <<< DKESSMAKINC ALTERATIONS !-.•-. '.'•'!'."..'.":,"...,:',' •,";','i,"',i;i' :;r;,\\' >'ii in cuost roi.m. \V:itl tn i\fitl UK IMAI.I.y h3i> KV-ml i-.lli- U Em. Onlr< • nil Culmt J.mlrr ,/'.',' """ ' •'' •''''' •'• I rillT/lD i «-nll A.V.. A II :i-I.-..-.II | ...... ,,. I , ,.,,,.,,|,.,| t,,"||,,', • l,,rtTit.l.- li-.m-s T'-r r-n! In W.-at- ; in rim It. Wr.lHrlil • ' *' 'Prlvnir 1, ""JJ'^K I fi-SK-tf ''..;;,'„;;' ;."•'' "i-'"i-il-.l.-ii. y. " "-|" Hrii;, IMII *jir KimiRr, lo*<-- (Icnricr I*. Ilnll AD *-OfrM I 11^11 ;w,'l vi^lnily 1'rlc-.-, nv.-rnc- : 1170 ti. S175, |i'T in'-ntli. I'l.-.-fi- r.-ill »-'•":« lllll: . ii. .-,..! , ,-•-. 1.... -..- ' in ,"!,'« •|,":'r'.'",rT,,"i'",nni" , ]',",! 'i, iV.'.T I -••>•> IM.I/.IS<. m nn,- ,-,. ,.i.,...., •>''•'• '-'-'."-I,;, .,.-.- -.I,.,11 ,„,„. ,.„,.,., Jnrni-. J. llavld.o*. . . At> I-10.S1 ^ -...- II ,|, , ,:ir 1,-.-. r !•. li t;iir.l.-(t,._nil tliU pin* MCIMIKI : KIT" III :\ I ill- !.: \ 111- I,,--, r1"1 :' "''• '••' ' '•'" I""-'-" '""I 'I'"' , "Mi-l-ll-.i.-,-. I 11II Ml :|.-«wi <„, pr,-- ] "" I "i|» it. y IIIT.I.III , I!-., | '" • '• "I. .1 1.. I., ... 11 : ft Crnln. ilcallori. Al-i V- nr J-l^'i'i P S -I..IlK !.' .:i. 1.. T.IT-I;,!.'- I.-'-1 .-ii.-l 'I'::'''. >••• •- "''•'• " •"• '• ->'• I ll»ili.i.r> «|.IH,,,I.- 1,,,,-ril,-.,. : I-I-..,,T, I-,.,. I,.-,,. ,,.- ., -.Mill-.,, .,„., I' •••" I,' lltirn "'•"nil ihr i-urnrr. VtUv «:t1.»H), i ... . "" "W i [..-sir- •! r-t:

r : : ; 1 ,'''", ,.."'iM '"- I''I- ' ' '"' 1 ,' i' .'i I '"'• I'!ITTI:HI SH(II> In... Cinii I 1,11,1 |||-I:IIII-, ri, T.inii j Wi:»l III.I.II IIIIMII !•'•:• I.I -'."I '•' ' '" '' '•'•"'' ' '' ' ' " I .1 • ,. ri.-Ti:, ,.:i-l - i.i.l. ni|,-.l:,l> .'•«• r..r .-I,,... :-. \.;'-.,:•:;::i:';;^r:'.,,i:' 'n':Jt':- TO BUY OR SELL USE "'-" TUfc '...-•-•• A1.1l i ./in '.-.-. .-. '1.11 ii-i - ' I uu . , , . ,., .,. . , , , „, ,. „ , . NEXT WEEK I i !! j v i S;;,1v.v:-"-'iv..,I!:.v:' .'•' \:" '• WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA ;-;;. "..,v"!.'i.'. :,,,s-:.i.:::.:'i..'";;!' LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS !•-.'. v- , . ,';-,.' ••'•„•!•:>• •:•. : -;•"'•'•'

CHARLES G: lVr>iri :: Deadline for ! * • ' ".. ' *...,;., _,..- a..-,, ( nil: Mnr«nri-I II. \ hlfr Id. • ' ' '•' • ''"•" >; ] ! i • • • i il r I 'i>.> n • I :•." i( n, -, i" MEIERDIERCK, JR. fe^feSM i^^™^. * llr"--: »•-•",,,,,„' n.s:^".--v,r.:; i* PETSFPETS FO( R SALE © '' Realtor 'J'ln'.T'i"11'! './ii'lVa'o'n '.,li|r.-t"|Uir'- I WVf'IIUIIilll. ':• If V. '..•• . . ••! .' •- ,. „ . ., ^ . ! Ill" AII 111 I, |,IIT 1 ::i.ti'i l 11 Al1: PfTS FOR SALE • Classified Ads ,1" liitirnx mill.- j u a-r ! try " Mnl. l..-.:i.- .-ill nt il.t.-1 *K'T.<|- <<>:\ on Mull M: m:i •,•„-. ,-. ell r-.f- ,- r, ,'.''i 11 '/!'•,, . I"'"" '' ' 2M EAST BROAD STREET 11,', • if.1 J I? li -n:- l-f-.i". , l.-.l -l.i- l;--.||i. l..i-t !-• -,i.::lii.p I--;. .'TiiiTi r'.'li I"! ii . 111-. Illl -llrl, ,' I . 1- >- .,. I- >i, It..;., ,.f |.,u.,; , 1 k i ir > r ;iy r iVy ,,«•',:;.••• '•- i»" '••.•;•;::'••• '',;;v ." 1 .;:':••••,t -'-.v,',r ;• •.'• - -•• ""•"^ '••""«, M^ «.>„„,„,,,„„„,,„„ „.,„. ,..„,) ADAMS 3-6639 i|i'r,.i;:!r,,-."./M."i'rt...V.. l^llil:' Ml' •-. ' ' -"•'[ ';;'.'-"•;. l^'-l T-r, III l;.l . i;.-.,..-i, ) DOG TRAINING COURSE 5 P.M., MONDAY IlB! SI'I.IT, 1 l....lro,>mii. lurjrr | i«S »r AH :-:!''»_ - • I - tr lidilli. i,.-.-l I.-• « .-v I,;I,UT"-I. '••""•••••J II-I.-JI — I:VI:MNCH — IIVHIK r....m will. nrHpl.ii' rttn- '„,....,....,, ,. ".," ... , '.', : ',";''".".. "•','" ?'', "" ''';llr I.IMVS ni-.iil'.ii .-.lit. ; •_•. 14 IN SOUTH PLAINHELD -"•"• II. simr.noeiiiip ', I' .' :-!.--'• l)i:ur.' i'-.' IIVT ri I V.IMI-. Hull, ir.-, I ,,,,,, S(. •1. :,l! -i'. • ,t> -. Al- hi."« r.- in 11- *h-.p r.i., k yar.l (juli-l il<-,iil-.-n.l rlr- ! •"' -•-->• '"i I-.. 1 ..- -i- . •-i ^ _ ^ MOIISf; .|,mi. .in I'liyfr with .M- -. ' T ' v,:|.-. (l|.--n I'i. V f- M. i,j-r.'|,t !'.-<•'<,'. 1. .liiilrK. foyt-r tolil,-. mirror- Tui-mluj, 1,11. '.'Hill. n| H |',1|, Tu. -.-l.iy I'l.-iii- Ml 7-1HC. 1!"-'- ;ii-A v.'lnrl|io<-l .-nil r.-frlio-ru- Telephones •laicb I>. Clark lO-ID-lr.i l-.r. |.lrii)r<-» AM 2-S4••' t •; ilfl- s '.•• ini:.,,i ,,,, Sii- . ..ivlilioii 17: ". I \tv. "l-». til,. ,,I-| ..rho'll ili-Hkl-. .-hll.rn i IXC 1 Hi " Hi '.' l!i'k Itr.lnt. J^. " T"m ". l'..-r. fiill MX.- .ril. nml maiiM-bi. III I II I'.ITlvl., «,-,-i-rlnrr . M.r.'l. 100 m .1 r fi r I " -• .-ii-'lilnri • Miy. I:i | ! t-l'i- k <•" Ii'-'i*. :_• i :-f.,; .. t.,; r :; tl 'i l II TlMir,...|i,y nti.l Prlilny. .1 to 1, I'l. 7-1I1KI 1 'inrl lLmlll,, ||ij. Ilk. n'li. JO it. AD J-R701. ""I", ?i. J. AIJ H-feJft.';. J.-.1S15. CIO L.tnoi Avo., AD 2-IJSO. U-l-Jt THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS. 1962* Page 8 of veterans at tl Children's Book Week Celebration morial near the rt at Dcerfield Si Y's Men's Yule Tree SalejHarvcst Fair Due At Westfield Memorial Library side Monday.

ti-.-iehers Scheduled to Ope1 n Dec. 1 t e*.v books by the children's favor- ppy | Christmas Seals' for rarish House ite authors," according to Mrs. The Y's Men\i Cluh of ct tnc V .-•.;U-!d Mt-rr.uria] Library j •.i:iy, Ti.e G« orjre J. Kelly, children's librari- annual Christmas tree -ait; s.vhcrluic(i lo '.art to hand: ii!-:.i .-ample many j>ort ihy work of i-'ii- VMCA, a^-riin SOIM %,M favorites in bri>.-h: The 1962 Chriura,, s,., organization.* in Wn-tfkM. This y.-ai tha tlu i Harvest Kdir <•{ All Sa>iit.«' Epi^'o- man Small. Beverly deary has 1 ; j/u! ("hurrli Suniiay i,L-yinniri^ at new copies. aitrn opc-ne.i this wwk j' , uatvly four trioti; and Chrisltnav i v. riVv'ii her first new book about •County l I'J a.m. in "IK- i'aiish Hall on I'ark The display will toniinu:- t'i\oui-''.i li\;i:y Htitr^ins in five yearn. It -Jntyand throu?t»u: ,£ ^ trees of all varieties, jilu-i buily, '• as CChristmah s Seals T-^1 •wniailm, prinrt.5a pint' rojji-, boughs i ; Ave. .S^Tur(i:i;.- and the U>fj\ ^ v.i!! )je t-ii"- is <-F.1V.! "Henry and the C!ub- Wer and otrur Kiun». ' A M:;K1: l.-ar wul ofT-rr rtfrtrsh- rulaud ln-iri!in:n>r i!i>r.i;;-y at Xli'jujr." The is the scone O Going! where in the tountr>. irK-nt- a:! d:iy und(-r the direction p.m. of a n;.••-.r umont. trt-a.-urt.-r and Stirling orful Book Week poster. Colorful . acter, Betsy, appears again in Car- County Tuberculosis courts. ' 1 1 • Harnlin, publicity. •streamers in Sjiani"'i. Front * and | olyn Ilaywood's "Snowbound With League, thankc-d the h Oonc! liettiy." As in the \iu.'\, t!ie Y's -Men will j \ For the children there will be a Italian jiroclaimini.' •'! .".!':•• !Ji.ji.s" | volunteers v.l, h decorate the ehildrt-n's room. A 0 buy thi-ir Cunudian balsam trees | i variety of carries under the direc- Danny Dunn continues his ad-ChU from t>'* Saint John, New Itrune-<-!ie^ .'in'l othir delightful mobile of .>i-vi;n char- .l tion of Mrs. J. I- Giliie and t ventures in "Danny Dunn and the than 700 persons wick, Y's Men's Club of Canada, j found thruui'hoitt the Union Coun- i t'iab hag supervi&ed by Mrs. W. J acters from humorous verse was whkh \ut\t. uses its profits to tup- | ty Park >'j '>' public tuition r riday, Clas>c-s from Wcstficld schools >•'"'••• 23 l»j'innint? ut 10 a.m. inj Huoth chairmen are as follows: book about the Shy &tefrosaurus and at the letter .t Other trees, such as Uouiflas Kir will visit the library this week. called "Shy Stegosaurus of Indian iN'ov. 1 and 2. and beotch I'ine will come from the; area adjoinine ihi-Ad- j Aprons, Mrs. M:irbara C. Fitachen; ; attic treasure*, Mra. Jule.s Andrus; Children will be triven book marker Springs." Space fans will wel- nursery farms in ?»V.v York &tate m:iii-tn;lioR Iluildir.K of the- I.'i.ion County 'I'ark Coi>iiiii=sion, Wari- . bakery, Mrt. John M. Uunnett; folders in which to record titles come back iMarty and Eddie in and Pennsylvania. Louis Slobodkin's "Three-Seated arl 1>arl: ih (balloons, Mrs.. Harry .Shrubsal); of new booku which they want to This year the club plans to in- | " ™ ' t.tza!*th. ! books, Mrs. A. IX Ahrens; candy, read. Book marks carrying a spe- Space Ship." Annegret Benninger MOVING? trodiue the blue spruce tree to thin The r-alc of tho unclaiiiie'! prop- Mrs. I'.. F. Wasserbach; dolls, Mrs. cial poem by 'Phyllis .McGinley arc of the "Shooting Star," appears area in an effort to furn»»h the beat erty -which has been accumulat- William Schubart; jewelry and available. again seven years older, in Margot To an Unfamiliar Anj) possible trtc- to its customers. •injj in the Union County I'ark I'o- cards, Mrs. Arthur Bcnnlnfrton and '*The staff of the children's de- Benary-Isbert's new novel, "A During the Jiast 15 years the lic<- department since tho dcpiirt- Jer&ey tflass, Mrs. Glenn Brown. partment is very excited about the Time to Love." let us help you find faty tnt-nt -vvas or^uni^ed in Ifl2fj was profits from the sale have Iwen \V. P. . Ileidcn will supervise Among the new paperbacks is a recently authorized by thu Park the States Industries booth; used home in the right commw* plowed into such projects at Camp bibliography called "The Chil- Spears and Camp Wawayatitla. Commission. Included anion^ the toys will bu handled by Mr. and at th-> right price. ' • "Third, we are \a\ng these fa- dren's Book Shelf: a parent's They have helped the Community items arc some 40 bicycles, both Mrs. L. S. Knsper; a green thumb FOUR OUT OF EVERY FIVE Weatfieid b.bict .re born at repiesentotive of boys' and girls' models; baseball cilities at the present and will for guide to good books for boys and Center, the Westficld Kcscue booth will be operated by Mrs. K. Overlook or Muhlenberc to • tjpical Weitficld f.mily like the many years. iSquad, Little LeafcTJC and twojfiove.*; folding chairs; polf clubs; M. Wood, and Henry Broch will one above. "From the Beginning" i< the theme of the Wettfield f?irls," Inc., the natio year* ugu, the club pleaded $10,000 men's and ladies' rinfrs and watch- display handmade wooden articles Hoipitalt Annual C«mp«i,n • opening this week with letter! to "Therefore, I urge you to earn- There are two Christmas dis- service in over 150 estly consider this appeal for sup- for the new addition at the YM. es; ski j>ole»; U-nnis balls; animal in a woodshed booth. 9,000 Wejtfield resident*, pointing out the fact that over 2,500 plays, "Books to Give for Christ- cities and their juburbi,m traps; a transistor radio; cam- Wettfielderi uied the«e two hotpitaU Uit year alone and aiiting port and to respond as your heart mas" and "Books to Head at Chrittmas tree saloci arc synony- eras; ice shates; a child's red wap- Decorations for the fair are be- dictates." will furnish you mous with Y'B .Men's Clubs thru- ins handled by Mrs. Kichard B. Weitfield*e «upport for capital improvements. Combined, Over- -Christmas." on and a baby carriage. look and Muhlenberg have spent over $10,000,000 to meet the Westfield sponsors of the cam- information on choice out the world. President of the Walsh and Mrs. H. R. Wilkinson is paign include: Clarke Smith and local club Is Krnest It. Powell of The auction will be conducted fair secretary. Telephone solicita- medical needs of the area. Westfield is the largest user of both munlties and an hospitals, next to their home communities. Philip D. Reed Jr., both govcrnore Christmas Party Plans 24 Cleveland Avc. Chairman of by the Union County Park Police. tion is beinu supervised by Mrs. of Muhlenberg 'Hospital; Willis G. Begun by Legion fore your first visit to thej* this year's tree talc is Edward Richard M. Lea, assisted by Mrs. Its own, or should its citizens sup- Coe, Itobert J. Lincoln, Alfred H. -Swan. Joseph M. Guty. area. Scarlet Fever Reported port our area hospitals?', this sup- Meyer and James W. Taylor, all MOUNTAINSIDE—At a special Westfield port is no longer needed, I would trustees of Overlook Hospital, and meeting the American Legion NO COST To Board of Health Two Girl Injured like to point out certain facts. Uobert BottorlT, Albert M. Fal-Blue Star Post 386 appointed a (Continued from page 1) cone, .M. I)., K.-.-inc'.h E. Hill, Nel- committee to make arrangements State YR Leader •Health Officer Joseph Mottlcy "Kirst, -we do not know what the PEARSAU I FRANKENMCK In Car Collision •Lest any of you feel that, as son H. Jordan, ijnrtun W. Kcllogf», for a Christmas party. INC lojd the Board of Health Thurs- decision of the council will be; W. II. I.ycan, 0. €li.riney iMcCrack- day there were two casu> of scar- Two persons were injured Tues- the Westfleld Hospital Council has The affair will be held Satur- Reartan Lauds Young GOP "Second, even if they decide that cn, E. T. Moore, Henry C. Parsons, let fever, »ix of strep throat and day in a two-car collision in W. day Dec. 8, at n place to be an- been formed and charged with the Westfield needs a hospital of its Everson F. Pearsall, Nancy F. nounced later. Harry W. Beechler 115 Elm Str*t The November mectlnir of theone of hepatitis during October. Dudley Ave. at Prospect St., po- .ask of answering: the question; Reynolds and W. Arthur Staub, lice »aid. own, the road 'is long before such is chairman. AD 2-4700 Westfield Area Young Kepublieans Vital statistics for the month Doas Westfield need a hospital of a goal can be reached; U.V. A wreath was laid in memory at the Maple Tree Inn in Kenwood, Cars driven by Mrs. Beverly M. included 34 births, 13 deaths and O'Shaughnessy, -12, of 108 Qunn- Tuesday, was highlighted by the18 marriages. speech of John Uakis, state Young tuck Lane, and Dennis J. Siedler, Republican chairman from Essex The health officer snld seven in- 19, 226 Lonjrview Ri-hic roots of politics at Town Council that it consider the .-*; is di>in&r tightly by the local level and ut the imtiounl udoT.tion of the .State llousini; yourself, und others.—Mary Baker lt*vel to bi; well informed und cup- Code. Kddv. able of currying out the job before them. A resolution wus passed protest- ing the appearnncc- ol Alper Hiss on a recent television program in which he commented on the moral integrity of Kichurd Nixon, for- £ New middleweight Ford Fairlane mer vice president of the United States. comes in hardtops and wagons, too! Tha WestfWld Area Young Re- publicans will host the County Young Kepublicnn monthly meet- Ing Monday at the Maple Tree Inn. All interested persons urc urged to attend. The meeting will begin at R.-16 p.m. 'Messiah' Soloist Role Assigned Ellen Forsbcrg Mr. null >H-M. Ittt-lwtril I-:, llralnnril nrr fiutv I-I-MIIIIIIU- In Itirlr nrw IIIMIII- 20HX Onk Illlt Itil.. Nciitcli riiiljiM, ulili-li lln>> ri-«-rittl) imi-rliiiNt-d rriMH SCOTCH 'PLAIN'S—-Mrs. KUen Mr. nml Mr». I.OIVIH I:. SIHUIKUI Ilirnuuli tlir oirii-r »r >iim-> I'. How about this jazzy li<->iiult-l> »IIM iimltlMli' llHli'il. Korr.boiK, beautifully voiced con- trulto of WvHtfioUl, will appear ii\ 1 (he comiiHr iirvsentiition of tin.1 JWf" Falcon Convertible! Scotch Plains Community Choir prc.NiMilrUion of Handel's "uM nialj" Sunday evening. Pec. 1) in the 'Scotch Plains Mitfh -School. This is tln» ninth concert of I vhoir. 'Mrs. Foi'-.lxMtr is n irnttliinti' of TJpMilu COIICKC whi'ic ^bc wns n soloist for four years. Shu is «<•- tivi> ill the Musical -Club of West- ne.ii! ami formerly \\-:IH soloist at Thanksgiving Dinner Trinity Kpiscopal Chinch, Klizti- bctli. -She is iirc-u-ntly .studying From 3.25 Mri-u'N Illntit-r ^.:i" Iiartell, well-Utunvn voice inslructor in WcvUflcld. CocUtnil — 75c •Uirected by Harry C Cwtloin ('i>liM-.v Qiu-i'ii ami Hiju- Olives riittit'i; or .•.polisorvd iminially by tin- Scotch .Sun Itipi'iu-il Tomalii .luii-r Chicken Liver Putt" I'lauis liecreation t.'oiniiiis>ion.1 1-Yi'iK-h 1-lmida Shrimp (2f)^- cxtrnj I-'niit Cup Supivim- l-'ri-sh Searituc- Uniiled IlliK-li.-h. I.eiimn Itutter 3.25 inj.' irrouii or clioii- to talct- parl. luiast Younjr Ttnn Turkey, ^lililct (ir;tvy. Choir robt^ are i'iirni.--hi-d to tho>e Cranberry Sauce 3.50 who need tlu-m. lirilli-d 1'Vflililllii Ilillll Sii:iU. I'iiit'apple 3.50 Talk about beauty! See, drive, own Ivxusi I •.iijr Irhui.l Ihul.lini- wiih Apple Sau.-.- 3.50 Half of Milk I'V.I Uiiast Sprimr Chicken with Apple Xai'n- 3.50 ';( I'riinc i;ib- ,,f Itri'l" 4.25 America's most beautiful cars, the '63 Fords! HrniK'd Prime l-'ilet .Mii:iii-ii 5.50 With 4 sizes... from compacts to classics, leaner in its <•!-,-' i •:• :L>ij;, ,u <. ,d=s ,,, COME TALK ABOUT AMERICA'S LIVELIEST, Cardrn h're h \'e-i-Ial.le< value, too. Tiie b-vil-.n, Miiiesiretchinn quality .Manlu-il in Cuiidu'il S\v,".'l I'l.tiltnes there's bound to be a Ford with your name on it! MOST CARE-FHEE CARS WITH YOUR (Mi,-I".- Siii'i-ial Salad, l-'i-i-ncli Uli'ssinn Oi tho '6.; Ford ime ir.oar.s vou ne! niofc ear for e your money when \o;: buy,"plus welcome Apjilr. I'wmi'liin nml llra!iili,<'.i!ijul 'C3 drive! No.v ove.-y 'tU Fc-id' lias soli-adjusting Ciii-niHil Ci-i-nm Tart; l-'niil Caki! Fords is •)•> lively mode-1:; loop, i:;f. incim-j co-n- .Mi\eil \ll|::. Mil,!.;. l!:i l~ i l|-., I'lllit Ili-w| trake-s, you drive every one en a cost- pact Falcons, niid'Hov.ei.iht l:crd f\iii lanes, FORD Home Mmle l!i • | it •- Torlnni lee Cream Slieu cutting (.-.ii-p-a-ye;!!- cr COOO-mile service TENOR SOLOIST Coll'i'f |Va Mill. bin and bold Foirl Ga'anc-). «.;!,:;-yc Tlii.if.doi • schcd-.,ip. I.',];-..-- {'-:15 •,(.,.r VOUf yCar to choose birds! II od'is I:M lo iin yoif's ;•.•,;;<.•.;.' choice- • a tx(:,l Ford. Sco ttio d-:-a!&/ who offers you DEALER EXPERIENCED and u.uty {int.- ol !MC:>C t^uiliei is a ij>ic the t>"jGfJitt.!--oiCi: in !o.-.n-your Ford Dealer! FAR HILLS INN r.o A.r. Sacred • Oiatorial • Concert RT. 202-206 NORTH SOMERVIILE, N. J. 'tutcl li-«»nSUlH>nSu%rd Witont URIVE THEM AT. For Resorvotions Din! RA 5-2166 Available oflor Doc. UI Westfield Motor Sales Co., Inc. AD 2-4855 319 NORTH AVENUE ADams 2-3673 •» THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962 P»g« 9. Social and Club News of the Week in the Westfield Area

j Bonnie Cunningham and Edwin Tenney Plainfield League Merrie-Aires Recruit Behino'-Scenes Staff Around Town New Singers This Fall At Work for Players Wed Saturday in Presbyterian Church Serves as Host to The •Merrie-Aire^, n women V Nov. 23-24 'Matchmakers' chornr group in the Westtielif urea, and Sirs. Phillip K. Arrion The Roosevelt Junior Iligh'l'TA j At u ceremony Saturday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church, lUelienrsals nVe well under wuy J4t; Stevens Ave. have just re- is holding an extended member- will present u fashion show tonight Miss lionnie Caribe Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Regional Meeting ship drive this full. The group for the Community Players' 6<5th |(',l from ;i I2-duy vacation in »t 8 p.m. at the school with Mrs. |iS. Cunningham of 1111 Wychwood Kd., became the bride of Edwin major production, Thornton Wil- Kico and St. Thomas. Members of the Junior League meets every other Tuesday eve- I. K. Waterhouse Jr. and Mrs.Douglas Tenney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry \V. Tenney of 30ti W. ning lit members' hymen for three- der's "The .Miitchmnker." It will Oliver II. Havens a.s eo-ehairmen. Dudley Ave. The Rev. Dr. Frederick E. Christian performed the of Plainfield were hostesses this be presented Friday and Satur- [is. Olaf Torkelsen and Mrs. past week at the fall meeting of part singing under the direction ~ - I ceremony and .Maurice Mandell of Mrs. Cordon Hnlten. In theday, Nov. 2.T and 24 at tho iRooae- n«n .Mutt entertained recently Former Wcstfk-lrier J)on I,. ' was soloist, with Dr. George Vol- Region III of the Association of velt Junior High School. < Mott home, 447 l.ongfeilow the Junior Leagues of America past, they have given programs Woolfenilcn, his French-born wife kel at the organ. for several church and YWCA Heading the business commit- with a coffee and baby show- and baby dutighter are currently tee in vice pre.-ldenl Kay New- i honor of Mrs. John Prete of A reception followed in the par- groups and fur the Lyons Veter- on a dream trip. Now in France, ish hull. ans' 'Hospital. comb. Working with her are the. [ Longfellow Ave. to whom a they will soon trawl through Suit Finance" was held at the J'lainlleld following chairmen: Membership, litter, Elizabeth, was born zerlaml, West Germany, and •Given in marriage by her father, Country Club Tuesday and Wed- Originated by "iilumnne" of the the bride wore a princess gown of Linda (iuidilta; ho'uitality, Diane •ill. Mrs. Bradford MacKulty Spain, with memories of Noumea, nesday and was attended by 102 Newcomers Choral group, the Mer- Heffcrnum and Soifrtie Winilfold- moving shortly from the tht' Canal Zone, Martinique, Ciuad- white brocade with chapel train representativetti s ffro m 1G NNe wJ Jer- rio-Aires welcome anyone who en- and a brief veil held by a seed Hanseu; public rel itkms, Carol hliurhuod was also entertained. alouge, Madeira still fresh. They sey ami New York State Junior joys singing. Anyone interested • Mimsoii; business, Idunchc An- Hew to NSumiM, where they join pearl crown. Her bouquet was of Leagucs. is asked to contai-t Mrs. Willium i ro«'s, chrysanthemums and stt'pu- drews; publicity,> Burke; Tuesday ull the Westfield ed Mrs. Wi>olfenden's father, chief Culvert, K21 Aria Mr. telephone, Itette IVteiM-n uiul ush- , for Overlook Hospital were of maritime communications f«i- notis. er-, .lohn I>u.ytryk. jrtained at a luncheon at theall French possessions in tin- South | Royal blue brocade dresses with Cedar Crest Alumnae Lake Country Club. Win Haulier is vice president 1'ucific. for « cruise aboard the short bell skirts and veiled royal To Hear Professor in charge of production. Commit- "Caledonian" as his guests. blue rose headdresses were worn tee chairmen under him lire: Stage xi. Hiehard Minogue of 7 S. by the bridal attendants, her sis- Di1. wns hostess lnst week- Don's brother. Dr. (ilon Wool- ItllHH. II L.'.lkr The Cedar (.'nut ColU-jre Alum- manager, Hob l-'orce; design, fenden, is professor of biology at j tor, Miss Klixnbeth Huth Cunning- •MISS MAliliO 1). K\'(iLISH nae Club of Central Jersey will (iloria Johnson; puintiug, Al Hex- to Mrs. Agnucs Tullcy of ham, as maid of honor, and Mrs. in, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Kreclthe University of Southern Florida meet Tuesday at H:15 p.m. in theer; construction, Hob Huuser; cos- and is taking part in a government llonald Melntyre of fMouiilainwide home of Mn. Uichard Best, IIS tunics, Alice Johnston; makv-up, nf Philadelphia, I'a., and nndlMiss Barbara Tenney of West- Lt. Frank Heikkila \ Anita Die-key and Mrs. Doro- research program on eneephalitib , irector of Hegiou III, pre- Herkshire Pr., Berkeley Heights. 'Mary illauer; sound, Tele Peter-- -•- field, the bridegroom's sister, as sided and conducted workshops Mrs. William Howe of Westfleld son, lighting, Hill McMeekan; hand Dunohue of St. Louis, Mo. The bridesmaids. They carried minia- were here to attend the Mrs. Oliver Hallljcrg of 415 Jef- dealing with the national associa- To Wed Stewardess will preside nt the business meet- firopcrMes, Tliclnut ltrunetT, and ferson Ave. has returned to the tures of the bride's bouquet in tion ing. Mage jiroperties, Marnie Hurke. g of Mr. Patrick Minogue crescent shape. Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Knglish rbara Ann Kane, daughter of United States from a stay at the The guest, speaker will be Dr. Tbe piny lending committee In Koyal Monceau Hotel, Paris, and Hurry W. Tenney Jr. of West of Lima, Ohio, nunuuncc the en- Thomns II. Kane of 1108 gagement of their daughter, Mnrgo Mathan Weiss, assistant professor headed by Trudie Nichols. Howurd ;ral Ave. Saturday. is now visiting friends in Kansas Long'Hranch was best man for his of political .science at t'eilnr Crest. 'Ilreillnu Is jiresident of the club. City, Mo. brother. Uuhering were (ieorge Diane, lo Lt. Frank Lawrence pmorrow evening the Inter- -•- S. 'Cunningham Jr., brother of the Heikkila, son of Mr. and Mix. pate Woman's Club Charity Miss Margnrct Kay of 710 Cole- bride, Churles K. Christian of Frank 10. Heikkila of 771! Norgate. ,vill be held at the Fur Hills man PI. has been vacationing at I'lainrtcld, .Russell J. Stier Jr. of Miss ICnglisb wns graduated Ohairnmn for the affair is the Tower Isle Hotel, Jamaica. New 'Brunswick and S'eter N. from Limn .Senior High School and FOR QUALITY FURS John B. Lettch with Mrs. Trumport of Summit. Denison University, Crauville, K. S. Piramar of 34U Tuttle IT'S |d Ober in chnrfre of the tick- IMIUS. KDWIN I). TENNKY After Nov. 25 the couple will Ohio, where she wns allllialed with Pkwy. wot a recent visitor to 1 Kappa Alpha Thctu social sorority. Sarasota Jungle Gardens, Fla. • (ltonnit Cunningham) be at home nl 1001 K. Front St., At present she Is employed us a -•- Plainflcld. |I-K. Frank K. Pepper of Uliea, stewardess for United Airlines and Westficlders who have been Both bride and bridegroom lives in San Francisco, Cal. the liouseguest this week guests in I'inehurst, N.C. are Mr.Students from Abroad wfURS lie home of her son and family, graduated from AVvstneld High Lieutenant Heikkila was gradu- amou/tq and Mrs. Arthur C. Muller Jr. ofTo Be Weekend Guests School. Mrs. Tenney attended Sul- "Wixtllilil'H l-'nr Nlion of Illnlliii-tliiii" ] and Mrs. William Pepper of 1120 Wychwood ltd., W. J. Sparks lins CUIIOBC ami was graduated ated from Lima Senior High J Tuttle Pkwy. of 704 Highland Ave. anil Mr. andOf Westfield Families School and the II. S. Military from the American University in Academy at West Point, N.Y. Ho :• (inrdemiires benefit card Mrs. Lee M. Hale of 82(i Bradford 'The international relations de- lieirut, Lebanon. J. Shep We Are Here Tomorrow Ave. wiu commissioned in the United will be held tomorrow after- partment uf the Woman's Club of IMr. Tenney, an alumims of Wor- Klizahoth representatives f r o m States Marine Corps and present- To Back Up the Furt You Buy Today iit the YWCA, with Mrs. Westlield will hold a foreign Htu- cester Polytechnic Institute, where Westfield who attended a.s daily ob- ly is in the Mediterranean serving •ip Smith acting as chairman. The parents of Mrs. William dents' weekeiul this Saturday and he was a member of iSigma J'hi servers were iMrs. James (J. Skin- as the executive otllcer of the Oom-oy of (118 Tremonl Ave., Mr. Sunday. Visitors will be gradu- Bpsiloli, is aswoeinted with Huell ner and iMra. John L. O'Uourke. Marine detachment aboard the REMODELING - REPAIRING lut-of-town guests visiting in iind Mrs. C. J. Collins of Fort Kngineei-ing, New York. From the Junior League of 1'liiin- fclfield last weekend to attend ate students from other countriiu currier Franklin 1), Roosevelt. CUSTOM CLEANING Lauderdule, Fla., will arrive Sun- who are now living at Interna- fleld Mrs. Cbarlcs K. Chillis Jr. Mini? Saturday of Bonnie day to spend u week hefore snil- A spring wedding is being plan- tional JIousc and taking courses at attended as a delegate. Mrs. ned. 249 E. Broad Street, Westfield ADarm 2-3423 ningliain to Kdwin Tenney ing on a Mediterranean cruise. Young Peoples' Concert Peter K. Kubn, (Mrs. ]{. Hrtiiikc The bride'H grandmother, Columbia University. (Ipi <>|i|i. Itlnlln Thrill i One of the highlights of theTo Be Played Sunday IMetsch and .Mrs. Kdwnrd L. Swan William E. Hrown of Irving, Jim Seiler Jr., son of Mr. and Jr., all of "Woftficld, were daily the bride's aunt nnd undo, Mrs. James Seiler of -IS'.l drove weekend will he the progressive By Plainfield Symphony Dr. Joseph Parisi dinner for the foreign guests and observers from the >1'lainneld \ and Mrs. K. L. Ebrecht of St., was host over the weekend to league. nite City, III.; the groom's Lurry litirroughs nnd Dave "Jet" their host families to be held on Young people in this area will and unrles, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday evening. Hosts for thehave an opportunity Sunday at !l Uegion 111 is one of II geugrnpb- Weds Summit Girl Exclusively Jaekson, industrial design students ieal areas of the Assoi'iation of the H'l-t W. ]liilili-i nf Clnrks- lit the. University of Bridgeport. first course will be Mr. and .Mrs.p.m. to enjoy a concert designed t, l*n. and Mr. ami Mrs. Kalph Irving P. Donaldson, 15 Dennett especially for children from the J-inior Lt^igue *>i" Aiuerien which Jim is n sophomore in civil engi- represents HIi.700 young women en- In Catholic Rite j>nney of 1'nttsville, Pa.; Mr.neering at Rutgers. •PI. i.Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Magnl- third through eighth grade**. The Mrs. Roy K. Coomlis Jr. of hnes of Ci'.H Knnllwood Terr, will concert will be held in the South gaged in volunteer community uerv- Miss Ann Ton! Cm-lone, diiughr ico in 202 cities throughout the JARVIS •over. Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. IMr. and Mrs. Allen Ruck and open their home for tht! main Plninfield High School auditorium, ter of Mr. nnd Mm. Anthony Cnr- (ton Harris, Miss Anna Harris course, and dessert and coffee will •Plninfield Ave. United States, Canada and Mex-lone Jr. of Summit, was married DRUO STORE laughter, Aluna, 530 Hanford -PI., ica. Itegionnl meetings ars- held Mrs. John Hystrom, all ufspent the weekend nt State Col- be served at the Woman's Club, The I'lainl'ield Symphony, con- .Saturday to Dr. Joseph William uh. Pit. ,11S South Kuclid Ave. periodically to further the Junior Parisi, son of Mrs. Ann Pnriid of lege, Pa. when! they attended the ducted by Samuel Carmell, will pre- League jiurpose of training mem- Jarvis Colonial Dining Room Peon State-West Virginia football Host families will include the sent "A Musical Journey Through Oakland Ter., Mnplewooil. He is a bers fur effective community serv- dentist here. The ceremony and Lnurt-1 Twi^ Xo. 4 will meet game and visited with another George \V. M;inns of 1-1-1 Kding- ICurope" v/ith excerpts from com- ice. 54 ELM ST. WESTFIELD o.silay at the home of Mrsdaughter. , Beverly, who i« a fresh- ham -P!., the iXelson H. Alklns of uo»U_lons by Vivaldi (Italy), !>!•- nuptial lnasH took place In St. Fi-dorockii of t>7.'l Khacka- man at Pennsylvania State Uni- 001 Summit Ave., the John H. bus'.iy (Frnace), Knbelevsky (Hus- Tercsa'H Church, with Rev. Walter Enjoy Dinner with us on Dr. versity. Wachters of SOU Clink St., and the.»la) nnd Shubert (Austria). Kiev- Miss Messersmith's I). Crou of Kpiphauy Church, in our :Mag.*ilhaes. Mrs. .Miigalhaes is en-year-old Mary Kay DeMatteis ClifFsido Park, of!iciatiiif.r. The re- V-Tren Japanese supper will Their neichbors nil i.amlsdon-nc serving as chairman of the week- of New Brunswick will be fea- ception wa.i held nl the Chnntirlor, Air Conditioned Dining Room hold Tuesday at 5:15 nt the end. tured as piano soloist. . Engagement Told Mlllburn. fCA. There will be a recogni- Ave. recently feted Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Schmalenberger at a dinner Although the concert, is primar- Mrs. Philip I-'oli was matron of serviee fur nil new members Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J, Mos-honor for her sister. Mridcsinaids Complete Dinners the installation of officers of at Mayfair Farms before they Intermediates to Hear ily geared fi>r children it is open move to t.heir new home on Pros- to the publio. Tickets may be ob-sersmitb of 210 Klin Cl., Scotch were Mrs. Joseph (iullitclli, Mrs. fltli iincl 10th grade clubs, Projection of Voices Plains, have nniuiuni'ed the en-Nicholas (Jriice Jr., Mrs. Christo- tli is sponsored by the inter- pect St. tained at the dour fin- a nominal From $1.40 to $1.75 Mis Dorothy \"<».s will |>re*ent sum. gngemi-nt of their daughter, Ju- pher Hull'a, Mrs. Anthony I'nrisi, • council of the Y-Teens. (.icn- Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Ham- dith Anne, to Gerard F. Franklin, the bridegroom'.-, sislcr-in-lnw, and ch.-iii-mnn for the dinner is n program entitled "Your Voice Is Tbis Yming People's Concert is son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frank- mil, former U'estflelders and nowYou" for the Intermediate Wom- spumtored by the Junior League of Miss Ann iMnmlaln. Mr. I'nriid wan SPECIAL FAMILY NIGHT __rsr. By Kounds. Officers will be in-of Kingston, Jamaica are vi.-iting lin of Kaiitan. bis brother':-! best man. Ushi-rn fled by Mrs. L, W. Fisher who an's Club of ttV.tluclil Tuesday •Plainfield. The general chairman this week wilh Mr. and Mrs. Rich- evening nt the clubhouse. is I.MIH. Jiu-(|ues Kelly. The wedding i:i planned for were Dr. Foti, Mr. llull'a, Mr. EVERY THURSDAY hiiirinan of the teenage pro- ard N. lJcnjamin of 2(!7 Woodbind : r next August. (Jrace Jr., Dr. Michael I'MII-I-H and i eummittee. Mrs. Vos* represents the \ . .1. Westfield members of the Plain- Miss MeSHersmitb is n geminate Dr. Chai-les Kiiliei-liello. Mis« Toni COMPLETE DINNER . . . $1.45 Ave. Hell Telephone Cu. in an audience field Symphony are: Arthur (- m j,, of Holy Trinity High School and Foti was (lower girl for her aunt CHILDREN'S DINNER ... 75c j!r. and Mrs. A. T. Savage of 2 WKSTFIELD 1S*TAI.KINC. participation show designed to il-ner, Frances Lewis, Donald Hleeke, Katharine Ciblw School, Muni- and Christopher (irace was ring eze Knoll Dr. enjoyed a visit ABOUT . . . lustrate voice projection with re- Lubove Schnable, Henry .Schneid- elair. She is nn executive si-clt; bean-r. past few weeks from Mrs. Those new house evaluations . . . cordin^ equipment. er, Harvey (jnrrison, Hclene Iteit- tary at Carpenter, Mallhi-ws ct The brlile wtet grndtiiited frnm Inge's mother, Mrs. Howard M. The frantic liouserleaning In-fore Members who wish to bring er and Lee Uesnick of Mountain- Stewart, Inc., Newark. Dicliinsiin University, file of Wakefield. Mass. the Thanksgiving truesls ar- gtu-sts In thi-i nu-eting arc resid- e Mr. I-Yanklin is a Knulimte ni Miuiisuu, HIM) is a uledii'lil n Shis I an t rive . . . quested lo notify I lie hostess. Mrs. SotnervllU? High Scluml anil at- to a Suininil duehn. Dr. 1'nrisi wns I "•** Koberl C Ilrower iif 111 Ci-IK-.-ee 1 1 hi- ri;inned I'arenthood Asso- The hope of mothers of the scouts Garden Circle at Work tends Kutgers Univcrsil.y. He isgraduated from Rutgers I'nivei - camping this weekend, that wilh Trail. will meet Monday at the For December Sale employed by J. (). KH.XM Knglin'i'r- sity iiml (H-mgi-lown t.'nivcrsily ot Mi-* Page P. Stephens the help of "longjohns," no oneFortnightly Group ing, New Hrunswick. School nf Dentistry. 411 luttlt Pkwy. will cati'h pneumonia . . . The regular im-Hirig •>( tin Dried .-ii'iangi nieiits for till- Dl-e. i d Mis w. V. Slnttciy and Furt- nightly group was held !a>t eveI-I sale of the Warden Circle "f feih i f 7J"> Korinan PI. moved Greens Show at Mall ning at the home uf Mi-. F. T. Westfield were made at th.- meet- idn to their new home at Iiat.-liU'c. •ii.'H (In-niln Cir. l-"..l- ing Tui-.'idiiy arierniioii in Ihe liunu- i M 1 I nr, Pn. A greens show. "W'eU-'unc, of Mr-,. .Stephen Could, ««(l 'I'al- -*— Christmas!" will he held Xov. :i(l lid. 3 Ties Cleaned and Dec. I at Schulz imd Ilehrle, grain entitled "Hii-biii'l th'- 11.m mil Mr-- Kllwood N'euer Jr. 1 Mlrd •The Mill- will lie held at Temple Slioi-i Hills -Mall, liy ihe Kolling Curtain \n Ku^-ia jiri'. i i i t-i, 1 l;i., sun-in-iaw and | KmaiHt-lCI, ami a tniiiihi-r of work- |ll K l if M'. :md Mrs. Joseph i Mills tiiirden Club, lluiirs will be ' A soi-iid hour followed (vilb Mrs. hop: this month and next -will FREE! 1 11" Crutch Plain.-: Ave.,; •J to ").-:;il |i.m. i\'m-. .'!(> and 10 .1. I!. Smith, Mr-. .1. May and Mr-. prepare for it. Mrs. Kdu-ard Ilil- in \id for a visit and to at- a.mj . to -1 p.m. Dee. 1. WITM'IVIRY «ARMIMf I J. II. liorehek a- h,-li - !•-. lel is j>re. ident of the circli*. Sii ill Kidding of Petty Ann! mi i , ii 1 Hubert Savard. j if irlt nts are Mr. ami Mrs. I , - I i III who have moved lo . I m M "I" <' r I'r. fr"in th-ir I !< mi in Yalulla. N.Y. i During G. O. KELLER'S 1 Set Your Thanksgiving Table AllOF I. --\ H \\ Kii-hter hei't a hoard ill r »S»| i' f tin DAK nt ln-r home Tie-Cleanin Month NOVEMBER '!*>• ' I irldi n I'.d. Monday m..rn-; Fit For A King or Queen!

J ' M^ ' ' ""''' li""ie fn.m :i China — Crysfal — Glassware — Napkins — ! 3Br I Mi \V. 1). Chi-i- Jr. <'f Tablecloths — Candles — Candlesticks — Decorative

'"Tl \\,\ , r~.*K\^<.n .tul, v.-i!l • Table Accessories — All these — and many other ^*3(i ' iri'-!d -I>m- Wf v - i lull met Tin-.-day in ' 1 w i ' i .Mr-, liar-.1.1 Lit. , *** r i Jl" Miirri-.i! A•.-,-. : PROVE TO YOURSELF the amazing difference ' I n ml Counii-y dani-e . between G. O. Keller's and ordinary drycleaning. 'Si . .1 • M, ,i;'H"-:-. M.-. and : TIME IS GROWING SHORT FOR ORDERING YOUR Call us or bring in your coats, suits, dresses, slacks «< I i Ii \.-I!I,I; wi-u- the s:«-ii- : PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS oe a. dream t fl»' I it ! and other apparel — and take advantage of our ' Mi . i'.ml Fair <•( .r>.ri-r' j largo selection is on display in our store or our representative will bo pleased special TIE-CLEANING offer right away! in. GOTHAM,lingerie 11 in-, an- looking fur- I to deliver Sample Books io your home at your convenience. Ask to see the all i iiiival Saturday *

1 ••' 1 -iiing with them. i ::-'!l. ..-,v-|-|;ii.| ||..-, „ •:-.i ;!'.--i li'- l.O'i.'.o.

- MI ' <- ciitirtiiinini: be- : ri I i ami Cuuntry danci- : '•^ 'Uliini.' vvcrt' Mr. and : JEANNETTE'S Ii il Mior, IEIA1ID 4 ClINIOH Uf V -+- • COR. RANDOtfH 1 AftUMOrOH-306 SOMfSStl HMLV ' •~'|l|l< l.'.ai:ue bonrd mi-'-t-i 129-139 Centra! Avenue ADams 2-4800 v 1 St. • 'li I h.ltl Monday nt the Rear Entrance to Municipal Parking Lot Opan Monday and Friday Evening* 'til 9 P.M. •' Ml I'.i.b,.|-t J. [.ilJ.-ull! of j D. N. ^.-11 f. eSOAD SI. :li«, Ave. at 1 p.m. THE WreTHEID (N. J.) tXADCR, THUfieDAY, NOVrMBFR IS, IOC? Arabian Costumes Are Props for Woman's Club Talk Boro Women's November •Bridge Winners Told Tin- Wninnr.'- < 'uli ..f W.-Mu-Iil Aral.if I.Htik- ct.uhl l>- admired at f rend llie opt-nifsf ii«-!ii,!)de ari'l O"! vjir,*-.-" at i!- m<->-tiit;£ Mr. Ili-Luni; remarked that "in travel '*M. .o-spunsor of ; Women's i>npli"-site Kriflire «;i- MunHuy at thi> M:i.i.m<- 'l>ni|>W-. this set li'.ri t«f the ut.ili!, a man is the program. Iwl tl.t patriotic reit-- i held i.'i-i-ntly »i I lie K!i:-' I.o.l;:i-, alicwi-'i foui \vive< ami a.< many m«ny. Mr.-. <;.,i>!..-ii W. iKmiiu:. H. Williiim Dtl.ijujt iceoctstt'il tht- i M>.iii:«ii.'nsii-. i ;.^ fi,;,uws: talc of M> uavt-l> u]i>m; the cara- but when jtapu f'.ive-: a x'itl to WH' *hip t-hairmaii. wi-ic.-imd five now van ?*|»U'** ti'aif, which ]*••{ yp from wife, lie has to five the same gift : im-mlK-is: Mesitarm-* Wain-M 1.. Xonli-South: i-'irsl, Mrs. Jo- tvuthern Kirypl t<> Cairo, then tu each 'if his other wive;,/' His -. (jravfly, S. C. Hi-, kmar:. Kc\-*-rtly i sepli Fi/uJke ami Mrs. II. Kranii-li; i-ieeoml, Mrs. Wall.r Simri-yn and aprons Kui-z I" Mt. Sinai, uud fiitai co.-turm- was an c-xact lej>iirji Johnson. Hor.ry <'. t'mM.::y untl •Mrs. N". \'vn ili-r l.ippe; third, (l:i-m-i- to Hi-tlili-lifin, Datrliilad and of (he attil-e '•[ Kini; Eln-n Sauii '. ktvrrv H. lu'btr:M-:i. She an- • »f Saudia-Aiaiiiu, \vh>. when he •Mrs. (ifoi'Ki! Wue-t and Mrs. J. pumnsfu*. nniiiit-nl that Mi>s Y;i-tol!:i Harris visited New York some yeurs aiif. of 711" l.ji«-i*iu-v Avv. hs> In-, r. :ip- ('. N'tisU-j fourth, Mis. Howard Mr. Dt-I.onjr illustrated hix rc-kept hi.s own uiu't-i at the hotel Brown mid Mrs. H. Hsnat-h. mHrks with lostumfs of the urea, k ; pointod cirvuUiscr, ni:u;as;i'r uf th.r U>i his daily milk iind krielt ui\ j Woman's O!ut> "BuHftiti." ' East-West: Kirst, Mis. E. >Xv\- whisking turlians, *a»hes »ncl jack- his own prayer J-UK to pryy U- son and Mrs. G. C. Counhlin; BCC- elA off und >:ss lurm-x wen- worth several hundred A sale for the hlind was he!«i department tv;ui !tite!-j of thanks Salerno; third, Mrs. <-'•• W. Gould dollars, beintf humimade. ititd in by the public welfaie department, from the crprumagv iti Korva' sndiMrs. <;. C. Srhueiker and Mru. somt» cases very old. As each et*s- with silver ten served under the \vhioh the dffartnic-ni is Hs>iKtflfcM. Setting a beautiful table... Play About Suburbanite COM ISC FJ'ESTS Scheduled for Fanwood Tomorrow and Saturday a pure expression of good taste KANnVOOD—A possible answer to suburban tensions msy be found NOVEMBER 1962 n the production of the Philathul- s M w T f $ iuna tomorrow and Saturday at The elegance with which S:.'l0 p.m, in til* LaOramle School m • - - 1 2 3 auditorium. The ploy, "The Man you wish to adorn your table 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n the Von Knit," first presented 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 n HIGH -with Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn in the leading roles, at Thanksgiving time 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 centers around > frustrated su- 25 26 27 28 29 30 burbanite who discovers that his is enhanced by these personality (.-flange* when he puts oil a doK costume. Table Accessories ... JB—Fashion nhow, Uoosevett Jun- (Jene l.uper., who will play the ior High PTA, 8 p.m., Roose- "Doff Man" h»s played leading a delight to your family . veil Junior Wish School. rolt* for the Circle Tlayers of Wotidbriiltte in "Ahfrri •Street," and friends in the ID—Monthly layette meeting of "Happy Times," "Mice unit Men," the WtHtfield Service Leaifuo, "Citfi," "'"I other«. He studied at season ahead of us! at the home of Mrs. Peter he Actors' Workshop in New York Weldenbachor, C26 nilUldf when he finished service with'the Avo., B:30 a.m. Coast Guard. Orifjinally from 4fl-r~Intoroiedlate Wimmn'ti Club Newark, he anil his wife nosv live charity ball, 1) p.m. to I a.m., Carte ret. as pictured: Far HDU Inn. Beth Flanagan (Mi's. John Flan- 10—Onrdeimiro* benefit enrd pa^ will piny the lovinpr but tor- A-Slerllnn Silver Candlesticks, $9.50 pr. ty, 1 p.m., YWCA. mented wife of the uninhibited, (,'(?>' man, Mrs. Klanatian, a KIM8ERLY KNITS a pure wad ensemble that 10-17—."Man In the T)ag Suit," bj KtadUDte of iMontclair Slate Col- B—Crystal Stemware, from $1.50 ea. has two points of view about fashion. Sob, 8» the J'hilutlinlltim, I.u Crunik lege where she majored in speech School, Fanwood. and drama, played l.aura in the C—Cream and Sugar in Silvorploto, $7.50 set shapely shift worn with or without its leather collt'Ke presentation of "UIIIK.H 31C belt makes an impressive appearance by 67 J8^-Kree leeturo on Christian nuKerie," 'Khe him played with Science, 3:30 p.m. in the the Koolliirhlern of Itloomlielri in D—Covered Casserole, pyrex liner, $14.50 or by night Joined with the gold buttoned jadet i'lainfleld llltfli K c lui u I. iuch plays as "lleie Today," "IVt- « ChRrleii M. C»rr, spenker. ticout Favor," "Ah, Wilderness," "The iMoon Is Blue," anil others. E—Sterling Silver Salt and Pepper, from $B.OO 10—The American lionie ilepart- 1 Bhc hnsMilso ncted in chiUlren'h tnvni of the Woinan ^ Club ol tbeatt'e und done viulio and !TV F-Sltver Water Pitcher, $40.00 W«ntflcl p.m. In club- serials with the Catholic Youth house. Organization in Jersey City, IMrf, KliulUKiin lives in .Scotch Plains. •_G-Well and Tree Platter, $16.00 20—Thu ntUHic tlepurttnent of tin Womim's Club of Westfteld, Other tnembers of tile east are silver tax •; 12;.'tO p.m. in clubhouse. Dorothy 11 run mm (Mrs. Hrynnt liropnnn)", Willinni Stiultlandpi', 21—Three Wemtflt'M Chapters, Arsene (inutinr, Charlotte linker PKO, nl Church, (Mm. Vernon linker), l.illiiin IJond-iNekoii (Mrs. Frnnk llund- 20—Hook nml Aulbor Te j •Nvlson), Uoland Acki'i'nuut, l!t>l>- KOIOCI by the literature nnrt ert Thnyor and Norinim Dowe. druma He|iaflmi'nt of the Tickets are iivniluble at the door Woman's Club of Wentllold or from members nf the oi-|rnni?.i»- Presbyteriun l'niish Honwc tion. Senxon tickots which include 2 p.m. ft admission to the sprint; produc- 27—Regular monthly meetlnj; of tion, "Chmie-y\s Aunt," are avail- the Westfleli) S«rvioi> l.ennu25 ^ dotte Tr. Wheelock College Club A display of Kotii'niet treats for 20—The eiii'den depsitnient of tin the holidays will be featured ul the China patterns by — Womnn's Club of Wesltleld ROY At DOUITON 1U;:IO | in chtbhouite. ineclini; of the New Jersey Wliee- lock

Flowers for in China, Crystal Linens and Silver A superlative collection of table accessories in open stock . . . exquisite linens from all corners of the world . . . China from the finest crafts- For your table or men including Wedgwood, Spode, Royal Doul- ton, Lenox, Royal Worcester, Syracuse, Pick- your hostess, ard, Castleton. nothing adds to Crystal stemware from Fostoria, Tiffin, Bryce, this festive occa- Seneca, Bodo, Afors, Corcoran, Imperial and tion more than a Heisey. lovely center- Sterling silver Flatware and Serving Pieces in piece from a wide range for your selection. KIMBERLY KNITS a three-piece woo! Doerrer's. Wfith classic, supple, semi-frtted lines. 1h£> tie of the buttoned blouse creates coloiW1 trast at the neck; textured ribbing at thei£<* edge sharply defines the new Une of t» Stop in —seo our beautiful array of gay autumn silhouette. flowers, plants and centerpieces. If you have a favorite container of your own, we will arrange From our collection of a lovely centerpiece in it for you. wonderful Kimberly Knits OPEN WED. EVENING TIL 9 starting at THANKSGIVING DAY UNTIt NOON 55.00 doerrer's In sixes 6 to 20 jane swtlth June swit<'th 167 SIM ST. TEL. AD 2-2400 129-139 CENTRAl AVE. 129-139 Central Ave., Westfield AD 2-4800 Op«n Monday and Friday u"fil * F' .THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS. IB62 P«g« t! toartment Is Host I Speaker Will Describe 'Mexico and Guatemala r jThe Gardens of Europe I Just-Printed Book | Head of Christian Freedom Group fcOTCH PLAIN'S —The eve- To Be Department Topic Silver Sale.-.. membership department of j "European Gardens" will lie the ;cij'.c!i Piain3 Woman's Club ! tuI'ic °f Mrs. Francis Whitaker at To Be Feature of I To Be Speaker for DAR Guest Night Tho Ameiiran home depart;!.e»t I as ho.-t to the Sixth His- I th« ivceting of tho Mountainside "Der;iilmvnt and I'eoovery" will l>o the theme of Howard 1". !of the Woman's Club of WestticM Fal! Conference of the Now '• Garden Club Tuesday at 2 p.m. at s.^ 1 l K : Book, Author Tea Kyrshner, privsident of the t'hrjsti. will meet at the cluh house Mon- jty Federation of ' ' ' home of Mrs. Karl Wyman,'j;iO '-^ :u» Kieeilt.'ii l-'ouiidiition. In. ., when HY ici/f rtbeorb II e lux OK j»nr- he addresses the WeNttield Chapti-r, I'augrlilcr* of the American Ui'v.>- day nt 1:15 p.m. I pps last night in the Southside i Sylviinia PI. r/ifisis erwart, un- An author whose most recent lution, tomorrow at H p.m. at the Woiniui'i Club. This is the •Mrs. William C. Child will pre- j House. Mrs. Edward C. j Assistant hostesses will be -Mrs. book is fresh off the presses will evening truvsi mrotinc tu which c nvmbcr is privileged to bring til Thnnksgiuiuif, to htlp »pi cad ns is chairman of the local i Humberto Urrutia and Mrs. }|ar- sent n trnvelogue entitled "Scenes • ; be one of the speakers al the an- a truest. the lame of taiiiitli-li'tint- p. old Erickson. and People of Mexico and (iiuitc- ! nual Book and Author Tea Mon- Ur, Kei>hnor was mu* o( the or* ant IIVIIT from H"i'«( (I day, Nov. 2G at 2 p.m. at the! ganizers of the Chi istiun Kreeilom mala," illustrated will) colored! Presbyterian parish house. I F'^oundatioiw Inc. (1050) ami from slides taken by Dr. Child on a re- Louise Hall Tharp's "The Har- that timp has served as its presi- cent trip to these countries. Mi>. onesa and the General," published dent. He founded and edits the ] Child is wrll-hnown in this avea j I Magic Moment. Nov. 1, was called "smoothly wt'll- Foundation's fortnightly journal, )ne that will live in her heart forever . . . The mumenl you written and attractive" by the "Christian Economics." He also for her travel commentaries. i A social hour will prtvode the iint her with this everlasting taken of your love! And, at New York Times. The bonk is the writfs n column, **It*si U]> *»» You,'' 1 jrlartiti Jewelers, you are assured of giving her the fine.l dia- biography of Frederika, Baroness t now used by over *JO0 daily «ml program. Hostesses will !H Mrs. monds available at the lowest prices possible! We cut and polish von ltiedest'1, mid her husband, a; over 400 weekly newspapers, The Harold Haddock, hospitality ehmr- ,ur own superb diamonds . . . there is no middle man . . . and general in Burgoyne's Army, and! sernionettes which lie writ"* for mau, assisted by iMosililliici Her- INTERNATIONAL GIFT! te present the spectacular savinps to you! At Martin Jewelers, is set against the background of j "Christian Kconon.iis" nro .sup- bert !•:. H.iiloy, K. HOWAUn KKISSIINKU Howe- nnd her sisters Louisa mid sas, educated at the Kriends Acad- Annie and their brother Sam. "Ad- emy, Kowler, Kan., and at Friends Patrick D. Minogue Unlvtimity, Wichitn, Kan. Knter was a nieniher of liu- llrst boanl t>f venturous Alliance," in l!lf>!> mill- dtivetoi's of CAttK. ed two more figures to her brilliant he was a grmluntv student of oci»- nointCK at Harvard University. In Dr. KcndtiH'r was decorated with Plight Their Troth recreation of New Kngland society tlie Order of Leopold by I be ,llcl> in the U>th century, in which she H'.'iS he becume executive vice pres- ji'inn governmenl, the Krenrh Li* described the uniquely happy miir- ident of the International Com- gion of Honor, tmd the I'altn d1 Holy Trinity Chureh was the set- riage of two diverse personalities, mission for the; Itelief of Itefu^ee ting Saturday morning for the Ai'udcmii' by I be Krenrh govern- the great Swiss naturalist, Louis Childri^n in KuroiK'. In that ca- ment. He has been cited six tinio marriage «f Miss Hnrtuira Anno Agassi?, and Elizabeth Cnry, a gep- pacity, he sought nud oblaini'd Kane, daughter of Mrs. Thumas by Frci'dooins Knundniiun ut \'al- tle girl who lived a sheltered life grnuU from 24 governments on be- ley I$lorge, one of which was n firs Henry Kane of 1108 Central Ave. mid who became the first president half of tile work for children. Lat- and the late Mr. Kane, and Patrick prize. In 111-11, Washington mid of Kndvliflfc College. er,,he ovtfanir.etl and was president jclVersun C<.iub!r your normal f • li-lance on -lipn'-ry <•',:« cicccntcci Call now and make your appointment ge. u \t • T c: i; 11 Call now and make your appointment shapely, rotindcd too and polstti rnid-lici.-l arc YOU MUST BE PLEASED WITH OUR EFFORTS OR serenely flattering . . . find if) of t J J *.- THERE Will BE NO CHARGE heavenly" on ca1.'-- you find in ;i!l FREF. DELIVERY and prr.-tty I!';d Cro-v Slio(i. ond Sale Ends Dec. 3rd Pidurai Delivered 38 to 42 I \~. Her Grc wilh Dryg Ordor»


r 82 ELM ST. ADAMS 2-3680 Official Olrl Stout Equtpmont Agency 311 South Ave. " AD 3-6662 121 Quimby Street ADams 2-1131 Open Monday Evenings Open Monday and Friday Evening* 'til 9 P.M. 12 THE WESTF1ELD (N J ) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 1862« , i ,-.,.,., ,, . .^.i » ni i ton, 238 Delaware Ave. and Mi i Evening by the Fire Set by Newcomers Unit; Others Announce Plans | ,iml ,Mrs_ ]{o])m Karesi,, COLLEGIANS The coup!. ^ ^ ,t.u^,:hor (.'r.,Hp 4 Hi!!iiL-si A\i-., uili l>i' i '1VH;UIT.H\ at ^:.'i0 p.m. tht-j t John Bradley Jr., son of Mr. and I YWCA-spo!!:-. • i.-.i .1i-(r.ini?ati>.n.' tu tin. i-i-oup. L-,.upU-s novice Inidt't- pr«u|> will j JutilOr Essex Troop B Mrs. Bradley of 354 KollinK Rotk 1 is planning an ;!i,.irn:a! Kvc:i,n^ • . . j «.„;„ conm:iT'.Cf he!.! • ., .,t in tlic honu-s of Mr. ami -Mrs. Holds Tea for Mothers j tiy the Kire" S- r.iay ftoMi T| ( >Mia u Kd.; Anthony S. Genovtse, son of , :i'.y Tui-fdi.y fi.r the fhil'iiv:1. ' William Clancey, S:-ll Knollwoo' 31r. and Airs. Cosmo 1>. (lenwvese | 11 p.m. Tin- t !..iip will mu Tht- annual mothers' tea of 1 the Kcho Lake I) j .if the- Neui-o-P.-vchiatri!- 1 ii-.;;iuH- • x,.,)-., ,Mi-. and Mrs. Iiii-haid Noi of 14WJ Uccr I'ath; Doiinii M. Kris- I irt I'rir-.cHtoii. Kail: vhil-l with i; J - • - • — ti&nien, daughter of Rolf Krkstian j ^ranws nnt\ ii;m- I ! Will IK- .:iTV,-.i. | hirtinlay iluriri;; ilu- nitnith r«- j sen of 312 -Partridge Run, all of 1 frivol a irift uiiii thi-it' was candy, i Mountainside; and Theodore A. '. iThi- b»:ii-il ir.i- Ins*, i.i/lii a! t!u-' cak<- and io- cii-itMi fur alt tht- j Manning- Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. : ; I home of Mr?. 1!.-t-rt i'rioh'iiu, 1 (>'.("> j youinr jn'i *l . M i-;:-.t)t-i > wJio a*- \ VISIT OUR Manning of 739 Lawrence Aw., Boulevard, fm r - ctiriilar monthly [ listed a; thi- party were Mr*. St:tn- I PLANT ROOM are all fii«hmcn at the University wviv made fur a j ley Jones, social servira chairman, : CARRYING A FINE SEIECTION OF of Vermont. potluik suppvr tti In- held Nutur-land 'Mt-sdames David Collins,' * * * MODERATE PRICED HOUSE PLANTS Judy Ann Conic, daughter of YOU ARE INVITED TO BROWSE^ , 541 Trcmont Ave., hai been Panhellenic DAILY 8-6 studenU, who visited Germany last elected chairman of the Protestant summer on a ten-week study tour group of the Fellowship of Faiths MON.FRI. 8-8:30 DELIVERIES M a part of their college courae in at (Mount Holyoke College. This News t^e German langruuge, reminisced student-faculty organitation in- SUN. 9-5 With young members of German cludes members of the Protestant, E families. Catholic and Jewish faiths and cn- Delta Zeta :ouranres participation in commun- BROAD AT ELM ST. - WESTFIILD Beverly Johns, a junior at Cor- ity social service programs at state The Northern New Jersey Alum- no. SOUTH AVE JOHN K. MEEKER, Inc. A0J47IM nell, is public relations chairman hospitals, day nurseries and com-nae chapter of Deltn Zeta sorority Open Mon., Fri. Evenings — AD 3-0020 of Kappa Kappa Gamma, public- munity center!. SI embers also work will hold its monthly meeting Sat- ity chairman of the WiUard with Girl Scout troops and under- urday at the home of .Mrs. Alfred Straight (Student Union) Dining rivileged children. Swenson, 31G St. George PI. iCouncil, and publicity chairman of At the mooting on Saturday a * * • * • the junior class. Recently Kappa Roland Caramaeno Is a new film, 'Wo 'Man Is a .Stranger," held a father-dauphter weekend member of the Delta Chi Omega will be shown. Dr. Florence Swan- ^ybich was attended by her father son of Montclair, a Delta Zeta, «nd her sister, Cheri, who was vis-men's social club at Ottawa Uni- versity, Ottawa, Kan. ftgland, u will be the discussion leader fol- iting from Penn State, where she lowing the presentation of the film. it a freshman. rcshman. Is the ison of iMr. RIU! * * * Mrs. iSalvatore Caranmgno, 621 Grove St. •Robert Kcnyon Kainey, son of * * * Kappa Kappa Gamma a/iou .Mrs. Alton K. Hainey of 413 Grove 'Barbara 'Hamilton Smith of 795 St, has betn promoted to sergeant The regular monthly meeting of J EWELERS Knollwood Terr,, daughter of *Mr. Kappa Kappn fSanimn will be held in •the Reserve Officers Training and Mrs. iM. Kitchio Smith, has Corps at the University of Ken- Tuesday nt the home of Mrs. Allan ledgred Alpha Delta Pi sorority H. lleerbowor, 1^00 Lamberts Mill tucky, Lexington, Ky. Bob, a at Duke University. invites you to the sophomore pre-medical major, was Hd. at 8:15 p.m. All area Kap- * * • pas are cordially invited to ot- also initiated into SljrmH Phi Ep- -Peter LorcnU, son of Mr. nni! ftilon fraternity thi3 semester ond lend. Mr*. John Lotaniii, 289 Hazel Ave., A coffee was held recently at U a merrAer of the fraternity's among (10 studenU selected to football team. the home of Mrs. -William 0. Wch- r\x with the Naason College (ilee ner, club president, for all known * . * * lub. Lorenti, « freshan mnjor- John fi. Jud.ion of 544 Elm St. area Kappns. If anyone was in- iK in busimi&3 administration, Is chairman for the annual diinco ndvcrcntly missed, she should call Tor student nurses sponsored by sane with the group nt the United iMrs. Welincr, iMrs. Heerbower or the day session student council of Nations convocation on Oct. 24. iMrs. ICharloi Redding so that her Union Junior College tomorrow in ' * * • namu muy be included on the the "Winftold Community Center. I/lntla fiuo Smith, daughter oC group's lixts. •Walter L. Hazard of 2097 lClizn- •Mr. and Mrs. 'William T. Smith of Ibeth Ave., Scotch Plnlns, is a muin- 95 'North Ave, Famvood, is a mem- iber of hU committee. ber of this year's 46-picco Musk Chi Omega Benefit ' * * * infum College marching band. Lin- Shirley-Anne Telgarcs was re- da is a freshman. 'The Northern New Jersey Alum- cently elected plwlke president of nuo of Chi OmcKa held its annuu the new phidpes of DcltJ Zeta so Exhaust fumes from » jiarkei licncfil hiiicheon-briilKo for Kess- £Rqm mon&ay nov. 19th ferity, Beta Delta chapter, nt the car, according to the Allstate .Mo- ler Institutu ut Rehabilitation' University of South Ciirolinn. Ml'is tor Club, represent n sipnul for day afternoon nt .StoufTcr*n Kes- "Jtelffarcz is n sophomore maj you to slow down and beware. The taurant In the iShort Hills Mall. sAtUR&ay nov. 24th ih. history, enr's driver mi(fht pull out sudden- Gifts made by the patients nt ly or blindly. Kessli'i- were on display.

tlir fk only.

the vvorld Famous While Riijuli ru'cklaa1. A ningiiifiiciil 27 carat W'liilc Sl;ir l)rin«s a sparkling luster to this iK-i'klacc tliiit contititis in addition. l(>l cultured ponrls. 21 ritl)ics and 31 diamonds. I ho mounting coniliincs There IS a difference! platinum and gold. See unusual color movifs and a unique presen- tation showing the liirtli and jirowtl) ol a Linde Star. Most of us will af,'ree ihnt some things arr diOVrent . . . including Pan Anioricnii's "prrsonnHzod" See a fnlmlotis rollortion ol now I.indc Star (lryrlonnin^. We know thai woim'iiV jewelry ussrnihfod liy M;ir< us Jt^vclcrs cs- drc9ses, require far different lutndlin^ llian men's pcfi.illy lot lliis occasion. Shown at tho l«'lt suits. In addition to dryclcunin<; tlit-m in nrc just a lew of the pioccs in this rcniark- uLlo assortment. specially sflccted groups, all drcssos aro hand

ironed. If needed, they are also sized. Sine*- nnrirnl limes Star l^ul)ics ilm| Sapnliircf liavc l>oon rmljleins of wealth and power. Aiiuiti).' llu- rarest and most hciiiitifiii of Of course, not nil women appreciate tho difference precious Reins, they were lirM known to potentates of iFie Orient who prized llieni us nun li for their matfii- as tlieir splendor. 1 imle . . . but for those who do tv<> shall eonlintio to Stars rival tfrnuine Stars f,,r licmly and luster and best of all, tiity take note of the difference and jjive you ail are priced within ynur riie.ins. the benefits of our "'personalized'"' services. A. Sl;villi Iwo suprtli Iwcnctlcs ...SH"). No Extra <".har»<» for Same Day I 'IIII-IMI (> ili.iiin>ii(l Miir rinir I.ovrly ..Inr witli 2 s'n\r diainoiuTs Drycleaniii'' & Shirt Laun flat lim: wilii \ (liiinionds . • . I? *)S. Use Our Convenient Drive-In Facilities II. C, a, .'Fill -»irl ..Ilinu' S 7",. J. M liilllid dt.HMi.nd-. 2 li.i(illi-llis ,. .Sf)(l. K. M.i-^iw- m-iii ' i in^. -1 diaiiiiindN , . . S2")0. I.. i liii|ltc lii'nmliiii,' ^^ ilii ') diiiinunds S^J*. M . D.-lnal- W. -iun will. 1 diamond. . ..SHI). J EWELERS N. Hand-..,,,,- vl.,, ,;„.. !,„ I,,',,, S 7",. O. Spurkliim' lilt I.- nut fur III-I SHI). 2O6 E, BROAD ST. ADAMS 3-O529 r 1'.\ rim.' vs lid 2 sid.- di.imimd. . .S| >0. WESTHELD • N. J. Q. A siiuplr and .'li-!;.ni( Mai tini; S ()"). R. ;\ mast idiiK- man's >|ar riny $1 ?0. AJ.«O HUTHERFOHD . R1DGEWOOD . HACKEN»ACK S. (ulianiontl ftliirnnt' §200 5H5CI C.A.M.A. TIIF WESTPIFt.O (N .1.) I.F.ADFR, THURSDAY, NOVF.MBI-R IB. 1962 Page 13 1 s jJW Sends Delegates j ^"^'i- included Ambassadors Seivs Analyst News Analyst Set For Fanwood Club's Men's Nite Monday • Jj^J^:nis fur thi]^^Z* mri'tin p woro3' !^' ' ' ^Edward Hnnsoh vas co- JN Institute Tuesday jihi.Vi Komly of ^7»ti^mM>tui TAN \V C> O I> — David Keith!isln-il Kmlii' Huns; KH at the l<> » tibi n ovr i £ i cm ual Me I'luh's anr 's .N'itht Mun- periences witli the UN, "Lif Inn wen Mi-. B In fmtubl, \tuii; It tl( T\ in,in'.-. gaily flower etnbroklered. The Club in i ni null i with the Im- ft LAMPS ft CANDLESTICKS jumper in emerald, shocking lui Hod ( i > 11 In Ii 11\ w id.• hue n< \ 1 ti (ii tnliutt I to hi-s- pink or sapphire. 11.00 pituls an I tl i in tituu i THE AREA'S LARGEST ARRAY OF Blouse in white only, 5.00 41-0 II ill I l)\ tll« lull I'f- BEAUTIFUL ACCESSORIES foitN \MI si > fi mi (hi n 1 tin - FOR THOSE WHO CHERISH Both in sires 3 to 6x. IUI ( li ou-mil ^St fiom (In lumli- THE WARMTH OF COLONIAL DECOR. Liliputian Bazaar* i on fash i -hi « [hi i tun K will be ftiMii tli Nan ll ihu tab|i.>! oiirimi74itU us thi dub assists Mail and phone orcfors filled through tin \t n i ci Ini) t> niij iinnouniriiK nt 1>> Mr< \\ Jack! dibson \va\vmid trunns (hiuiniiin. Hfr BONNIf' t:" I lit- nuiHK dipuitnunt VMII meet Mon la> in thi hunii tf Mis lolin Stilling 10-)) \\\nl ltd., to 132 E. Broad St. Westfield, N. J. WATCHUNG-Stafe Highway, Route 22 • PLolnftold 7-0500- pit) an T PIOL,I ini f i Hit ( hiist- nuis nuitiiiL, MM Niininn Mnt n uilfarc rh uIman ttnnuuiu 1 th it ni'-ni- Inis mi unite 1 t alt< n I in opin IHIUM at Kiiiiiull Hi | it il Sun- lii) Hn tiii a]>- 1 II ti I 1 j Mi Mai I I I ist haii- inaii 1 hi \ in Mi \ in i nt Mui'. pin ufi tj it I Mi I'm id Iliim- LJII In t i < 11 il t u u K pt H ct. The url ilopnrtnu'iit, hcadi'il by Natural Argentine Cat . .Mrs, Charli's- Ycninn. atintnitu'rd that Junior l'Vdrrated 1 >11y will bti hold .Snturday at 1 :;1O p.m. nt thi1 NVwark Iiolx-rt Hoid, a iiii'inbi-r of the Museum slalT, will irivi' a diMiion^tration of Mind Santas sculpture, and Miss l^ii'iiuor Olai-n, cinatnr of the imiseiun's orit'iilnl cMjllfction, will discuss the? alW of Tibi-t. Art wiirkshops will hr hclil for childri'ii 'i to (i and a ARE JOINING plani'tnrium SIIKW for oldi-r chii- "dri'll will be urcsi-ntiMl. CLOTH COATS & SUITS,TOO! .Mi'mbcrs of thi' di'partini-nt \vil! THE NEW meet Imiiirlit mid Tuesilny nl H Slunning styled in the finest importedfumry p.m. in Mrs. Ymini.r's hunic. 1H fabrics . . . many lopped with OUT Own s>uinniit Ct., In maki1 rlu-irtinas elegant furs. RARE VALUE PRICED... di'ooiatiolis. Mrs. Viuinj; will also f?1 i-ontinui1 her art upprei'iation from 969(0*393 (•( with a discussion on Krnoir. OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M. —SAT. ft SUN. Tltt 6 fM. Women's Intergroup Committee to Meet fleminffton The Wimicn's ('onimiMi'e cm [n- tt'l'Kl'Oup Kelations of the W'est- I flulil Area will mret this evening fur company at H:;i(l in the library at Teiii|ilc AT

FLEMINOTON, NEW JERSEV i^eliminury n-utirls will be heard ONE OP THE WORLD'S LABGEST SPECIALISTS IN FtenB VfMS * from thi' ooimnitU'i-s im I'ducatidii, ! i»i»ipli>yment, ohur:-h and hotisinj;. I All interested women arc cor- WESTFIELD dially invited to a'lend. FEDERAL SAVINGS

.. .you can change your whole figure BROAD AT PROSPECT with WOIEDERLIFT !* • NO ENTRANCE FEES BY THE PLAZA • NO SERVICE CHARGES You get a l-o-n-g, lovely unkrokan lin« ,.. plui thft most blessed bidden supportl SaQfling abdominal muscles are lifted— beaulifull/ and so healthfully! The spfil-hip aVsign controli, (latiens hip and thigh linet into softly restrained curves. Peach batiste for aYeroge figurei-style #94-120. For shorter figures—sryle #14-120. WEEKLY PAYMENTS 25* 50« $1 $2 $3 $5 $10 $15-oo AMOUNT Only NEMO has OF CLUB $12.50 $25 $50 $100 $150 $250 $500 i I •hhis patented "Wonderlift* i \ which works these wonderg?

Tho foundation of our business is tho right foundation for your figuro. SAVINGS 148 BAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. Hen ADams 3-2615 Page 14 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1962 Boro AAUW Will Sell Vctssar President to Be (Club's Evening Group FanwoodGardenersi } OUR 19th YEAR IN WESTFIEU) UNICEF Christmas Cards jSpeaker for Alumnae I To Aid Child Patients Will Plant Tulips ; At Dinner this Evening I M<>r.VTAiN'SIIll.:.--T hi- M..un- j .MOUNTAINSIDE—Members of PORTRAITS t iill^l'lt" hi :;)•> .'i ->f '!"•( AIV tTii'iUI Miss Sarah Cilv.m BlsimlinK. the evening department of the j PHOTOGRAPHY • ART At Meeting Place i A.---i..-i;i;!.>.! ,,r rin-^r.-iiy \\\r::vn pri.iL'nt of \*r.ssar Coljayre. vvil! Mountainside Woman's Club willi1 - Eveninn and Weekend Appointments Avoil is <.f!\:ir:;: I"' ' '•'FA* \. '•;>••-! m:t< !>v tue.-t speaker for the Summit r furnish white cocks for the young], Frmily Groups Taken in thei Convenlenc * ;:ir ;.>r;un t!.. * yi-ur us it lius i;. FAN'WOOD — The jrioumls of j Area Vassar Ciuli at a dinner this Home at No Extra Charge the Southside Kireliousi' will lilus-i previous years. T'nv cards may evening at Canoe Brook Country patients in the children's ward of j i sum wiih tulips next spring In*-1 be- <>ljtaini:ii fnm Mrs. Krwsn Club, Short Hills. Her subject John K. Runnells Hospital. cause members of xhr Fanwmxll Kl.'njrsbcrjr. l-*>7 Ce-.iar Avi. Ten will !>e "The Crucial .Significance •The decision was made at the h\ WILLIAM PFAFFLE Garden Club an- irratrful for the! of Higher KJucation for Women in i meeting of the group Thursday in eilhw its Ci>r;>'..r.;i- ^ri*i-ti;i^i or (HOWILL STUDIO) use of the meeting roum thfii?. a World of Changing Values." I the home of Mrs. Daniel Harnett ;i-i Dull' prijx'r. 1125 RAHWAY AVE. The planting was vutcrl at the j I Miss Klatuiing became the first ! of 1'ioO Stony Brook Lane. The the niertinir of the dutj lust wttk. j woman president of Vaasar Col- senior cluh will assist with the VTI?-: :U frii-ii 1'ie -aie are used AD 2-4970 Mrs, Jumps It. Woodfor••• I;V!CF!--, lilt- l.'rited Nations lege in li)4G. Prior to that she project. Marion gave a talk which she illus- Children's Fund, to help sick and was dean of the New York State trated with the use of native plant hunri'V children in more than 100 College of Home Economics at Cor- all*weatiier material from the New Jersey nell University, the first woman countries. pine barrens. to head a college there. Earlier Mrs. Howard Hujfhey, member- she was associate professor of po- ship chHirmun, introduced three litical science and dean of women coat at the University of Kentucky of new members: Mrs. Bruce .Mail- her home, 120 S. Martine Ave., to- which she is a graduate. dock of Kan wood, -Mrs. Frank I morrow at 3 :.'iO p.m. to make dried Come to Rowland ancj Mrs. Mark Whitty of arrangements, and to plan a bird's Vai'iar alumnae groups in many tor FloweisJo Scotch I'lains. They wc?rl>y ;md .Ian BEAUTIFULLY Uhuilos us tnc yovinj.: Louist' and .Jiuu1 Wilf dahiH'i's with Ken Maloiu- a .

deigned for every occasion ....I,.- M:,C<[ ,- •••;, ', , ,- :.,.:. r,,,,. ,, .,.„, nuku v.Jur w!cUion ,odj, , DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED . A RARE COLLECTION OF Complete line ot Orthopedic Shoes 'BRACELETS - PINS • EARRINGS' S E RVI CE ' CHARMS - RINGS - PENDANTS on" bRY'ClEWlNG & SlHIRT: lA Whctever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE AND is required we give it gladly and courteously ANTIQUE SILVER - CHINA NO fexTRA CH GIASS • FURNITURE WALL DECORATIONS

STORf 401 MORRIS AVENUE Vi 163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 ••; SPRINGFIELD, N. J. ' Open Monday Eveningj ) DRexel 6-7274 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962 |5

'• '!•'/:*' '•' '>•':

.,.;., • • .- : ?

• ....'••:•'

the "flambeau" imported from Spain "trail blazer" varsity goal coat

Water repellent cotton poplin car coat with hood Handsome corduroy <'ur rout with »howl (knit Rugged hooded juckrt thnt comhines stylo with Extra-tough boys' corduroy in antelope Or ivy . . . i:i 38" length . , . Ixxly lined w itli Sherpa Creilsu insert i collar unit flaps on patch pockets . , . warmtli and durnhility. . . . zelun trculcil dui'ron nr.ccntrd hy knit collar. . . . sln+li pockets ihtl pile . . . sleeve* with quilled nylon. Bark or black, lenther buttoned , . . warm quilt lining. Tohaeeo and cotton shell . . . fully linrd with orlou pile. tide tain. Fully lined in 100'/,; wool hluukol plaid, 26 to -14 : 32.50 or Dark Brown. 3« In Ift 35.00 Putty or loden. K In 12. 23.00: II to 20, 23.00, 8 to 12, 18.00; 14 to 20, 20.00.

University Shop, Street Floor, rMuinfield Second Kloor. l'lainiiclil Second Fluor, l'luiiifii:ld . Plainfield Only Lower Level, Short Hills Lower L

iI H ,!-('. :• .


Water repellent corduroy %'s car coal campus coal liouiled parka TIIP rnmnl jacket fur- i,> ww IIH^IIK lliis ico- Suhurhan ooat Kilh knil collar nml ruffs. . . , W ide whale <.'»riliir«y. white tup -lili Ijiiifi. . . . cuff Two-toned \va»lifil>l<- orliiii pile /.ippereil jacket. . ,. ion, . . , with i'\tr,i fj-hion Ilini- in tIK- foxtail that proiniFen In kii'p the cnld winth nut. For tliree-quartrr atylitiff. . . . «nrm fierce pile lining. collar on unlrloji'1 (-urduroy will] ptlf- lining. collar. Oclarh:il)lr phiid -.iMrf uith inutching Cre»« extra warmth. . . quiltr-il inner lining with knit Black, tan or preen. Snh-tren H lo 11 18.00 5 lo 15 35.00 Ian lining. 8 lo 16 26.00 »torm cuff». <»ivrii nml wliili-. hlue and white, 3to6x Ifi.00 7 i.i II 30.00

(."hildrcnV Department Junior Separates Sportswear Department Children"* DrpaitmeiU Serorttt r lo*• 16 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1982 Mrs. -Charles Dorway, director Plains Club Dept. Marks Book Week with Reviews of the -Scotch Plair.j Public Li- 6'COTOH PLAIN'S — NV..:' ::si i !<-fiiiri:n'T.t of tin- Sco'rh Plains brary, was #uest speaker. She re- liu/'i V-tk v/as vlk-j"i!i-i )'ran- ' Woman'- Club tr. tin- buna- of Mr.-. viewed tmi Iwoks that were writ- ten ab'iux til) yvuri apart, vividly JEWELERS day afit/i;./on by the li'.'.-rnfJie ! K

Cihnial Bread Triy, THE PRICE IS SO SPECIAL THAT WE CAN NOT btfl2tt ADVERTISE IT. THE VAIUE IS SO GREAT THAT YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS IT) Mr. nml Mr>. l\ II. Urli-t tthlcli *li«*>- |>urflinxi>4l frniii .llr. nntl .1!r». It. 1'. Vnn Keuren. 'Vhr- nnlf ft IliU inuttlith' llMtv4t nronrrly ultN iitndc IhrollKh rliiirli-» W. llokonli).

After n hearty company dinner you mitrhl like to serve this Purty STORK CORNER iPoar Dessert. Arrance pear halves ADLERS XtWSTMAS from a 1 Ih. 1.1 oz. size can with Vt cup of the syrup in a baking Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaherty uf dish. Usinn 1 cup canned mince- OF WESTFIELD, INC. 318 E. Dudley Ave. liuvi- an- meat, unoon the mincemeat into nounced the birth uf a son, l'aul •the pear cavities; to]) each with a 219 NORTH AVENUE, WEST CLUBS ARE Andrew, Nov. 4 in MulilvnluM'K paper thin lemon rilice. Bukc in n Hospital. moderate oven until heated Their Hist child, Ttitnclnlplt .lay, through. Serve warm with whipped MOW OPEN wan born Nov. 12 in Doctors Hi)* cieaiji or hard snuce, Serves C to 8. pltal, New York, to Mr. nml Mrs. Mai'.sden J. Monies of HriKhton Bench, N.Y. The mother is the former Kleanor Kiilh Boll. duui;li- ter of Mr. anil Mrs. Jumps S. Hell of 2424 Itiehflieu Vl., Scotch I'luln.s. The Mmlin Munk.s of Cor- Illnt;, N.Y., are l!ie |»ilvrnul irriind- pnrcnts. * * * Junies Autrtist, scrnml son of •Mr. nml Mrs, Itioliurd Pasquaii'lla Begin to "lay away" toddy in small amounts you'll never of 112 I'rospci't St. w»s born Nov. 5 in Overlook Hospital. miss. It's easy to join, just select the class that fits your pocket- * * • The four ,sons of Mr. and Mrs. book and stop in with your first deposit. Willinm Ovcrhcrger of 1700 S. Wlckoni Dr. hnve a Imhy sister, Annt' 'Cutlierinc, horn Nov. 7 in SPORT SHIRTS Muhlenbci'K Hospital. This time next year, you will be mighty glad you did. UNLIMITED $ .50 a week for 50 weeks .... $ 25.00 1.00 a week for 50 weeks .... 50.00 ow can 2.00 a week for 50 weeks .... 100.00 H 3.00 a week for 50 weeks .... 150.00 I regain 5.00 a week for 50 weeks .... 250.00 10.00 a week for 50 weeks .... 500.00 my health?

The sport shirt has beeoms the premier item in THE TRUTH every man's casual wardrobe. Through its color- IN TEDS ing, style and pattern he gives expression to his GREAT BOOK. need for relaxation from the responsibilities of CAN HEAL TOU the business world. To, yon am be healed—oo matter how lertoui the condi- It's no wonder most men desire an interesting, tioa or bom long k hat oon- tnaed-tfyoa will pcayerfnlljr varied selection in sport shirts which we at •eck tfb* troth connirxiit in MacHugh's offer with vigor, abundancy and *itp—* book. Science and Hcafefc wtah Ktj •» tbe Scrip- good taste. kM «T Mmtj Baker Eddy. aarf read or bonow In all weights and fabrics — solids, stripes, * and Health free of charge at any Christum So- plaids, prints $5.00 to $21.95 catce Reading Room. The book, an be parcha»ed in red, green, or bine binding at $3 and win be tent postpaid on receipt of check or av>oey •tdtt. Christian Science EKADING IiOOM

118 QlUMIiY STREET WKSTFIELP Hours: 10 to 4:30 Member of Fedora! R«scxve System Abo Monday, 7 to 7 Information concerning fm pubH Fcdexal DqwA Xawnncc. Corporation Itcturtt, church tirvicei and Sun 264 E. Broad St., Westfield i»g takonl it »Uo tctllabl*. AD 2-2900 — THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1MI P«g« 17 Students UJC Council j Westficld area residents i been elected representatives ' day session Rtudent council lion Junior College, Craniord. 6ey are: Miss Keene L. Corin El Jefferson Ave., who is the pmore representative for the ce majors; John G. Judaon of Elm St., who is the freshman tentative for liberal arts mo- und Walter M. Hazard of Elizabeth Ave., Scotch s, who is the sophomore rep- fltative for business edminis- pn majors. the recent Student Council pun, a sophomore and a fresh- I were elected representatives Union Junior College's four rulums: Liberal arts, engi- Inp, science, and business ad- ^tration. Representatives also elected from the student s from Elizabeth and Perth oy General Hospitals, who j all their academic studies at |n Junior College. Jss Corin is a graduate of 'pis' Central School, Philadel- LAST CALL FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY! , while Mr. Judson was [uated from Westfield Senior Sen«atioii8, all ihroc! OltvioiiKly "Lctler" aofa« from their School. Mr. Hazard is an fcnus of Scotch Plains-Fanwood i School. Jong, weeping lines to llicir iimliculotia workmamhip, fine detailing, tupvr-coinfortnblc fount rubber cu«hion>! Even

iberling Elects Uie styling looks expensive! CIIOOHS the cliarmlng coloninl F.Shaffer wing, tho butlon-liiftcd Iradilioniil or the graceful crescent- filliam F. Shaffer Jr. of West- •hnped decoriitor sofat 'I'licn pick out your fabric from formerly vice president-fi- le for the Ward Baking Co. of KOOR bcnutiful 1063 colloctions, inclnding newest deco- York, has been elected vice Sldent of administration for rator colornt And Koos will Hjicciul-onlnr any of tlicno erlins Rubber Co. ^ling President Harry P. (ank said Shaffer would havo •ofat for you, at this spcriiil low $199 price. Custom onsihility for financial affairs, tee organization and profit •overlhg takes time—umnilly up to 6 wiiekn! But licmuee IninK, acaquisitions ond diver- Ktion planning, and personnel Kooa buy« BIG, we've been nble to innke special iirningo- and development. hafTer was educated at Rider Bients with tho niitniifiii-tiirer lo cover theno nofim to your egc ond Rutgers University, a member of the American ordor and get them lo you In time for ltoliiliiy entcrlniningt agement Association, National bciution of Accountants, and Don't miss out ., . cmnr in tonight, tomorrow or Snlurday Incial Executives Institute. |e nnd his wife and two chil- will move to the Akron aroa to be sura you'll get your Hofu by Cl)rinlmiie! Don't wnit, 0&&S2 Come n-running to KOOR Ridiwuy, Freehold or Pureippnny Id Guard Views •tores for thciic three Kenmilional sofa buys! fn Valley Film

color film of sports activities • r«*. |un Valley, Idaho, wns neen by members of the Old Guard sday nt a meeting In the A. lirthday anniversaries were ob fe«l by the following:' Frank nan of Fanwood; William J. fcle of Dnsking Ridge; Edwin }. [more of St. Petersburg, Fin.; jrles F. Cioodrich of Barnstead, I.; Chnrlcs A. Pertain of Sea- I; Poter J. Byrnes of Kosellc Ik: Myrton Glover, Frank L. Ittys, and Charles P. Allen, all KVcstfield. llso, William P. Helmchcn, and Bin Kisi'nring, both of Mnun- •side, and Leonard K. Churchill | John F. Rowan, both of Crnn- frnnk J. Rartholomew, director, in charge of the session. En- ninment was by the Old Guard |ms, led by Rnlph R. Hudson [Plainficld. A vocnl polo was by Charles H. Messcrve of In ford. 1-Mile Hike Scheduled lf> 1 l-milc hike in eastern Penn- fanis is scheduled for thn mem- «r \hc Union-County Hiking Suntlny. The group, under I direction of Rob Oasscr, North Ii»fie]d, will visit the old covered TliTi' at 'Mexico, the Pennsylvania l am) stop at a watercress The hikers will meet at J-'.! nnd West End Ave, North [infield, at 8:45 a.m.


isa, Ki

3R0WNIE | CAMERA OUTFIT V| Complete snapshot outfit y| _^» • • at low, low cost! .

5^Tertl for indoor-ouldoof' luiei in one volut-pockcd 'fil! Brownie Fistla camera es maps in color ond block- d-white, eve.n co,or i;idcl] JVS| olm and il.ool! For indoor P'''uie>. nosh holder slips right f" lop of camera. Outfit includes 5om*ra, f.ojh holder, film, bulbs, linhuny, 1(1. 27 • FIJ H-SHW Mlteriei, neck j|topj in gifl box. 1'iirhwiiy Exit /.'(.I •/V/'iuJrrsry

. Hi. '< • ll(> ?.J):i>;\ w> MM- mou at , ffi. lii* I)E (-UO0 54 ELM ST. Q Ol'K.N i, ,\U,Uli 18 THF. WF.STP1EI.D fN. J.) LEADTR, THURSDAY. NOVHMBFR 1 5 1 «f? crisis *.vill eausc them tu re-ovalu- P.;ih\v:>.y .\ M. :.:a::y ;:><>pl.: T>:'- finr.r.e." am! topi^ prrp.-,,.,.,] . : ale their position in the world. r THE WESTFIELD LEADER ii.-:ci !!.. r.;,thjii of the Pn-.-itlviii )i:..- "H-I.WV itself, »e^ ^ JA e:l a •.*-< y >U'|> for t]uite And, let's hope that the American .orhc ;i:m- ane:iL:ty* l,ad tv ;:*>. that it wa- take::. I cerlair.iy ,.!q> nut want foii'Iicc - opt-n conHk-t, croachment." p ^^'hc:l I purth;t;-e(i »r.y home the purpose-, howeVfr 1'i'ooK \va> truly an attraction, h uar — uiil>. anyoiu- on any front, and the !njt it was <-v;n;)U-t(.-ly iiete.--:iry An irit(-r<-rtint_' si'lf-li^'hl un Ihe J'srueratod of importance al- w;is fe-J by continually running LWV Position ures for improving"* H Second ClnM po«ta*« p>!d at Wcstneld. N. J strenip..s of cleijtr, pu'.:ib!e watei. that we put ;! chock on Tuba and enuig the UN und, published Ttijr»d...v» at w**triVI<). New Jenty. by Th# recent rlectiuMs hen- \v;t.- calk't! to ready and the minute i.he know* the late.-t Ci.tninuni.-t developments .. leld leader I'liiilin* and IMb1lsMi:K Company. Au Ind«- my atU-ntk-n liy Cliiirli-y Dotir, i:n .-he is kcitiK talked about she K<-'t- I)o^r> and olher ar.imai> drank the Editor, Leader: ditions. " water, even small fish thrived in it. '•n that isiand. •In your Nov. ] issue, a letter Off'li'ittl I'jper for (he Town of W<->tfield and Borouffb Of umutcur when il come- t-> |>ulilir;il su»li a Himijr, coniplacent, self- p anal>>i- Chailiy |n>inli-ij nut that SHti;sficd look on liti- bewhiskered Although after a heavy rail: il "()f course yesterday afternoon captioned Another Viewpoint mended t us chides the League of Women Vot- o Subscription: JI.O'J a year In advanre. 240 U • ••tfu-ld voters walked into puss I t-tiuld bat her. How she ornisionuHy overran its i>apK^, (early Sunday nivrniug your time) letter in .,uM^n K«t:ili!i!>h*J !»>'.'. the |Hii)'rit' hocilli:- Snv. ii. vnti.-ld. N. J. know.-: when I write abuut her is : listed and others ami wi'.lkfil out. ihc liiU'h is . . . beyond me . . . but >he does . . . As.ihe town b\i ,'A up, the f!o..'d;n(f M»:>cow that Khrushchev has or- or writing material presenting ture hav. )«-,„ ex Member dered his n:i.-sik-s dismantled and "the negative side of the UN." Quality Wrklles of New Jerstf they did nut votr for cither one of mill believe it or not I think she protle.'n increased oecausi- the national «lfi«r, „„ New Jf-rpry 1'ic.^s Association the Cunjnes^ional candidates . . . even knew about last week. She re- t»rot'k hail To carry off more storm returned, il wonder win-re?) At This, letter will attempt to clarify our local con.mii Naliu.-ml Aj»5 hard to really know the LWV's position in this mat- ion, they are no an what Khrushchev is up to. Have ter. NATION AI EDITOllAl others did not lint her, or care ti. which >he personally prefers; became almost impossible :o main- »ent of ,he subjev vute for tin' Freeholder ••ainliilutcK hauK"lily stalked about the yul'd tain the l»unk< with sJirutibriy ami we really called his bluff, or i.s Our organization is a pressure are a clever, but of eitht-f party . . . ant! for a con- during :my misjruided canine to in- KrounJ t-overingi, consequvntly tlie this juct a propaganda meve for group whose stated purpose is "to tion of the fact« trast, he iiointed out that only vade her lair, and decided to sit }>rook txvanie no lon^;«r a so-called HI! ihe wor!-! to seo tvfore he con- encourage informed citizen partici- nine fewer persons vtitcd fur on my lap every morning ... a ''natural beauty." centrates on another area of the pation in government." We buck UN progra Robert S. Everett ".'..' Editor someone in the Semite vane than rarity. I would settle down com- •Hut a far more important devej- world? We!!, at this writing who no candidates or parties, but, after voted in the Congressional race. fortably in my chair, a cigarett" knows, but I am jjiad to see that careful, coordinated study of a opnient OL'CUnvd. About five year; our governi.'ient is being very cau- Tlint voters will rioss imrty in one hand, ittaminj; hot cotfe. Ego the springs u-hbh fed the program item chos3n by a majority' fin. a cup of course) in the utiier, tious concerning these latest devel- of our members, we adopt a posi- Another Viewpoint! linos and pick individual candi- brook tiried up. Duriujr dry speils, opments. dates has loiu; been known . . . ready to enjoy the first break of especially in the summer, the water tion on the issue, or wsues, involv- Editor, Leader: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1962 but how do jnti figure u voter dawn and the utter nonsense of flow stopped and pools of stagnant '"I feel that this crisis was :et into it. can citizen h.i« paid too little at- sure upon our community, state risk of appearing to tR The tumult and the shouting in the political 1 turning thci " backs on six can- would land ri>;ht in the middle of This bad water caused not only an tention to the encroachment of and national leaders and upon our the niude of dress ot | arena has faded away, yox poinilj ftas been heard. didates . . .people "sure ore funny, me and dare me to make one false obnoxious odor but an obvious communism. I believe too many elected officials. school students. or do you think you know the rea- move . . . with those baleful jrreen health hazard. I, too, -would prefer Americans are concerned only with We may expect that a state' of normalcy will hold eyes starini; straight at me, never The League of Women Voters I think the current t..,, son for their actions? ... If you to have a nice clean brook running their litik- world about them to lie unattractive, but jiarentsC for the present at least, in the various governmental do, let's hear theiri. blinking, her purring machine op- through my property rather than bothered with the problems of state has a strong support position of erating at top volume and her the entire United Nations system responsihle for what their ri entities throughout the county, and in the state until •a sewer line, however, since it is and The world. If the American wear. dead weight pushing me through practically impossible to avoid the citizen Swame * little scored by — position arrived at in the very the Legislature reconvenes Inter this month. the chair, my blissful idyllic mo- beginning of the lilN after a de- This responsibility«... Last week was National Cut use of'streams for drainage \w the- rapid si'.cce*sion of events last shifted to the- schools. A number of our local officials have !>een re- Week . ... I did "pot mention it ment would come to an abrupt tailed study in local leagues of its may as well face it, the brook U M*?ek, tfcer, I think ihe nation has We should ask <,ur) elected to new terms. They will be joined Jan. 1, earlier, although my aflinity for halt ... I became the captive of gone. The Town Council took ihe gained much in providing a better advantages and disadvantages to a cat ... it was her week . . . the United States. This position the students dross that > by a member of another political party. We wish the feline-world -should be well only practical and proper action in frame of referen.-e for the future a furm of expression, 01 known. The reason I did not was what could I do? Vup . . . that's covering over the *rook. We who thinking of 'John Q. Tublic' If this has been reiterated by the na- them well now and in the future. We urge them to just what I did! tional membership at succeeding or to Identify with a pir. because Mbi» I'Inky has nn ex- arc directly involved are grateful has caused each American citizen Kioup of friends? continue to tackle Westlield's present and future to our Council for its cooperation to be a litUe more aware of what conventions. Periodic study has needs with an eye to efficiency and ear to economic in making our neighborhood almost >i going on in this liny uorJd, then kept members ^abreast of changing Incidentally, doesn't ; .#-, ui good as it was when we had our we are better prepared as a nation conditions, and general support member those autographed" conditions at all times. brook before it became u drainage to combat the evil intentions of has beon spelled out on certain jackets, baggy sweaters. d_,. Theirs (mayor imd council) is not an easy task. ditch. Khrushchev &. Companj'. specific details, In accordance with die shoes and even the Diari the expressed wishes of the na- look" when we lowered oar i It takes time, effort and patience to tfttide a com- • Robert II. Albisstr "I also believe that the Cuban tional membership. In April 1902, to a ridiculous level? Wet munity such as ours, There are a number of difficult crisis was good for our military the LWV of the US adopted the we looked "pretty sharp," i problems, decisions to be met in the im;nediate fu- establishment. For ynsrs, fortu- following item for two years of were adults when we did it, j Special Interest > nately, our military establishment sustained study and action: "Con- don't forget the sack drew,ti ture which have n direct bearing on the lives nnd has been engaged in hundreds of tinued support of the United vN'n- welfare of all the residents. There wjlJ be more in •Ed. Note: Capl. William Neil tions system and an evalaution of Change in attire Pierce Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. training exercises to maintain su- anyone won"t change the s the future. William N.-Pierce of 763 Kinibrtll premacy. Training exercise- are means to strengthen that system BY BA1PH BOBBY effective only to a- point and from under present-day conditions." any more than elaborate c!ii How these and other problems are met and re- Ave., who is presently serving'as adults will rhange the a U. S. Air Force navigator in that point on it is only a game. solved will depend upon the seasoned judgment pf Proipectt for Tax Reduction Cleans Committee before it can •For so long everything has been The foregoing explanation should tei"« of the persons \vear:rf ti Secretary of Commerce Luther move, to the floor. Thnt committee Germany, in o recent letter to hi* make clear why it would be inap- 1 have been luld raoretfcis« those carrying the burden of decision. We feel confi- parents commented on President simulated and, even for the mili- H. Hodges hud a long successful is chaired by Rep. Wilbur Mills, tary, the actual alert seems to dis- propriate for the LWV to sponsor that the younj^ pt-uple of thiiv dent they will carry it in a manner commensurate career in business, before he en- and because of his ability he has Kennedy's talk to the nation Sun- a speaker or to print literature need to feel accepted mort! day, Oct. 22, on the Cuba criwi-). tant. iBut, this crisis caused on 1 with the confidence in their ability to so do as ex- tered Roverrimcnt. lie understands :in enormous influence on the actual alert for our military forces unfavorable to continued US sup- anything CIH —accepted by t pressed by their constituents at the polls. the vital -role.of business in the. members. They are not adamant It was Mrs. Pieri'c's feeling that world wide nnd, I believe, this gave port of, and US participation in, classmates and particular'^ttl economy of the nation. He knows against increasing a deficit, but the opinions of a man serving in our commanders an updated ap- the work of the United Nations. adults. Mi fa n the importance of u good business they do not like it, and most Im- the United States armed forces praisal of our ability to respond. We are committed unreservedly to Durothv 1.. 1 climate;; and he is outspoken in his pressive arguments will have to on the Cuba crises might prove of the 'belief that such action by the Park Appointment opposition to unwise proposals or be presented before the majority interest to our readers and has "ff nothing further comes of thin UIR would he disastrous to our Although this newspaper did not support the actions. will approve such a bill. submitted the letter to us for this crisis, we at least have a belter country nnd to prospects for world The Secretary recently said that In the Senate it is the Finance column. knowledge of our reaction times, peace as well. changing of the appointment of Park Commissioners We.should huv£ a .quick tax cut and Committee which considers tax We are, accordingly, reprinting and the areas for improvement, I am sure, exposed themselves. The We would like to point out, how- from the judiciary to the County Board of Freehold- that any reforms should come later hills. The chairman of this is Sena- it herewith. ever, that in selecting resource ma- MORE LETTm\ because opposition to reform* tor Harry liyrd, and he has .said 'President's speech and subsequent ers, we can find no fault with the initial appointment events nnd activities, I am sure, terial for study and distribution, might "bog down everything." The publicly that reducing taxes when "Just one week ngo, almost ui we endeavor to examine all avail- by that board. cuts, he said, should bo temporary we :<.re running a deficit is fiscal the hour, we listened intently lo caused the old adrenalin to flow for most of us. Well, let's hope that able sources. Wo maintain that With the reappointment of J. Harold Loi/.eaux. and they should he made- perma- irresponsibility. a very strong message from the so:«e of the most serious critic- NEXT PACE a resident of Scotch Plains, and a member of the nent only when the reforms were Now everyone who understands President. Perhaps never has a we have checked Castro nnd made. He gave, no estimate ns to Khrushchev, and hope that this isms of the U'X stem from misin- Park body since 1053, tKe Freeholders have set an how our economic system works speech had such an impact upon formation. In publications on UN the dollar amount of tbo cute, but knows that we need tax reduction example of judicious clrofc^Avjiich we.-hope will be said the top individual rate should —*and need it us Quickly as pos- closely adhered to in h^U^ be reduced to 05 per cent and the sible. And most persons who have corporate rate to 47 per cent. seriously studied the problem think These would be reductions from thnt something along Hie line of Religion In Our Lives III per cent and 62 per cent. Rut the five-year program of the ller- the Secretary also said that he had lonfT-liaker bills is the best an- In the training of seeing eye dogs, one of the not "discussed this with a soul." swer. One of the good features of greatest difficulties, we understand, is the lifting of Earlier this year, il will he remem- that program is that it would put the dog's eye level. bered, Mr. IIodgeA also came out B premium upon the reduction of for nn immediate lax cut. Presi- government spending. The eye level of the dog is about 18 inches, dent Kennedy would not go alont;, but the eye level of the person whom it will be lead- but ho has promised a reduction Our judgment is that President for the comiiifr year. Kennedy will submit a tax reduc- FIRST in friendly service! ing may be six feet or more. An obstruction crossing tion bill along with many of the the path of a man at six feet is of no basic concern Secretary of the Treasury Ooun- so-culled "reforms" which he fail- las Dillon, speaking before a meet- ed to get hi the last Congress. If to an 18-inch-high dog. An intense period of training ing of tK" National Industrial Con- this is what he does, the chances Since 1911, Albert C. Fetzer lias been asso- must be provided to lift the eye level of the dog so ference Hoard a few days ago, was of lower taxes next year are al- that its attention is focused on a higher plane. emphatic about a new tns bill bi'- most nonexistent. It is time, there- ciuled with the Mack Motor Truck Organiza- Ing recommended next year. His fore, for those seriously interested And this is a problem that exists for man as well exact words were: "You nifty be in tax rate reform to start making tion. Ho was Vice President of Mack Trucks. as for the animal being trained as a seeing eye dog. sure that." This recommendation their views known. There is no will call for lower personal and longer any time to lose. Inc. ami certain of its subsidiaries. lie also Wherever there is a slum, or juvenile delin- corporate income taxes, ami for quency, or unfair treatment of our fellow man, or a some "restructuring" of the bnv. served as a member of the Board of Director- lack of concern for the needs of others—there hu- The latter, he explained, will bo LETTERS TO THE for the purpose of improving tax- of the Mack Manufacturing Co. In 1955, ht: manity's eye level needs lifting. equity and for converting the sys- EDITOR ta *a *a tem into a positive contributor to left the parent firm to become a distributor. the growth of the economy. Such Priceless Gift AH letter* to tho editor mutt "reform" should not depend upon bear a ii;nature and • street He is now President of Paterson Mack Dis- If you had it in your power to make one uift to a reduction of government >.pend • address, both of which will oe the millions of enslaved people within the Union of ing, Secretary Dillon said, because authenticated prior to publica- tribulors. Inc.. in East Paterson. distributors there is no chance of that within tion. Soviet Socialist Republics . . . what would it be? the foreseeable future. for the Sale and Service of Mack Motor Food? Good housing? Clothing? A '63 model BREVITY IS ESSENTIAL. Dr. Waller tleliev. cimiruKin of NO LETTER EXCEEDING 200 car? the President's Council of Kco- WORDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Trucks throughout Bergen and Passaic Or would you give to those behind the Iron and nomic Advisor.:, in a speech before the Nationnl Association of Hu-i- If requeiled. lor a valid counties. 15amboo Curtains the gift beyond price, the fullill- ncss Economists, said recently thai rr A ton, nnmot ma 7 l>e omitted meiil of a (Ircun—the* ritrht to I'lt'ct. freely, a irov- there would he a tax risluctitiii. f*ccpt in rr«l=-« •« letter* th«t ernment of their own choice? but he did not commit himself on h»vf hrrn published. During World War II, Mr. Fetzer was a mem- the i|UcMtion of wh:\t, if any, re- No Anonymous letter* will tie KIOIHIOIII is si'lf-troverniiK'iit. And, obviously, forms would be suggested. conaidernd. .self-government is in danger when the peoole do Letters must be written only ber of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Manu- We must n-siime. then-fore, that on one side of paper and pr«/* MEET not use the precious privilege of the scr-vt l»allol. l'resitleiit Kennedy will rtvum- *r*b\y typewritten. facturing Industry Advisory Committee of meiiil a lax l>i'l a.< early a : iw^itde Ml let tor 1 mil it be in the Did you u-u' yeur vote carefiillv? Did von nmki- in llu- nc\t t*ongn->s. Itut thnt i- suro your vulc cmmU-ri for continuation of .-onnil int- "l.«".itli*r" office bjr Friday if ALBERT C. 1'ETZER the Oflic" of Price Administration in Wash- vastly dinVrt'Mt from lielieviMK th*-v 1^ to nppfAr in the follow ernment, national and local. l>:\.srd mi individual tint we sh-.ill |i:ivc ii la\ reduction, ing issue. ington, I). C. freedom, opportunity, ami respoirilnliiy—on truly for the following i-cn.-uu* : rtt« "I.. *der" reserves the 'I'lle ft'dein! U'OVIMIIIIICI;! U :il- Director nnd Treasurer American princinUs? Or did you let your rights slip right to reject or edit any tetter J'eady faced with n main?". -'WWil to conform to "Leader" uiae* (1 away by ballot booth .•'.lisiMitceism? f"l" this tircal ye:ir. The minimum For recreation. Mr. Fetzer belongs to ll' K a * a K& estimate is $'1 billion. :unl it m:'..v well be at l"ast SS liillinn. With in- Brook (lover Baiitisrol Golf Club, in Springfield. He i- Just Imagine creased military s|HMnliiir. :i- a re- sult of the t'ul'iin filiation, the "Itnai'ine th.'it your salary is SS.^OO a year— l a member of the Atlas Lodge No. 125 in Westiicld and the Kismet di'ficil will be i'liJal;r« d. h:nv !v-n M'wrul letters and you are almost $,"i>.000 in debt." says Congress- Any tii\ rcc»mmcndali..n lias •... " Ihc \v,n : few Temple. Brooklyn. man N»i'b!;ul til' " yeur your tli-l'l jn- ,:c. ihrouKh the ib'llsi- Way- a:-..| Council croiSH'd by !»;i!)ll. This year yen aye .\dilin-r ; i least $700 to your indelslediu-ss. "Your friemls are wanna1.' you that you can'l continue to pile ii|> additional debt thai ihi.-. i< the road tn linaiitial ruin. So you and your wife talk it you doirt have to over and decide to draw ii|> a liinli'ft for iu'\! year. Hill instead of reducing ex|>endilurrs---i>r even hold- f ^SB SCRATCH ing them at their present level -you decide that you will spend $!M0 more next year I ban this year. You for it when r reach this decision on the assumption --there is nothing ilelinile—lhat you will receive a salary in- crease next year; therel'div an increase in spending is in order. Little or no consideration is giwii lo the the $30,000 debt. The significant thiiiK is thai yon expect to maid- more money next year—therefore you plan to spend it. "Nearly everymii- will acrec that a family han- FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS dling its liiuiui'es on this basis j-; headed for serious trouble. Yet. iMild seven ciphers In thiv^e figures, and ISO ELM «?••; xEET. WESTFIELD. NEW von have the exact fiscal situation of the U.S. THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1B62 P«f* 19 servos our thanks fur i- Cosmetology Student LETTERS tiously preparing ami pain Tamaques School ly reviewing 'ihis proj:r.-i;n of 'Miss lUose (M«o Oarrlron, d»Mgrh- i Racks School Proposals piu'.siuii 10 im-i't siu'ir im-.l.-. tor of (Mr. and .Mrs. Walwr A. Har- PTO Convenes rison oC IZi Belmar Terr., ha» been Kd:tor, I U'.ii.V nccopled for admission to tho cos- The Noven bcr executive. Oixud inviolngy course nt the Wilfred iof the ]! of Thanks \Olcrs meeting of thi' Tamav|Uey .School Academy of Hair end 'Btsuty Cul- \W • Parent-TKicher Orpanizntinn «•«.• ture, Newark, It wnu announcod field's Junior Ili^h School, I tun: !-: l:i';.' 'hi.v mciiti^ held Sivturday. Mrs. Franklin loday l)y David M. Mulo\-any, dean. cii tif^uin to the st;it :'ir.r:it by the Hen', president, presided nt the board (WeslfieM U-ailiT, Nov. 1 of exprc.-sini; my deep .i;'.|>re.'i:i- tion to tlu1 many t"!!!/.!.'!'..-; >>i '.:»<• session attended l>y Edmund <'. pajjo 3) ivuffirmhu* its division i» 1 Allen, principal; 'Mrs. Kussell $i*ek approval of this plan. VJU* Third Wurd AV1U> suppitrU'i) nu ir. i»y reernt riindidj-oy U*v V.w Wi -!- Todd, teacher representative, and vhiirce and improvement it do (he various, committee chairmen scribed, atu) tho mu'd for oarh on fiolil Town Couiu'il. I ^h:l!l ulway.- value the experiences «f tl.i* ram- who »rave their reports. STOCKS is explained. I eould only 0011- % Dr. Arthur iM. Kelbush, educn- cludt' that those improvements lire pai>rn foi' tlie opi-,ortuiiilii s it af- forded me to moel so many of my t'ional f»cilitii\s chxirnmn, hriefeil BONDS necessary, and that they me need- the 'lioartl on the Hoard of Educa- ed now. Postponing the program fellow citizens of We; (field, t" make so many new friiMuls :ind s the opportunity of &n k 1 acted as general elmirman of tho early acquaintance with the per-AlI Around Arkansas' 6 Teachers Hired By School Body hook Pair. forming arts liccnu&f KdisAii Jun- R. J. OZOL & CO. ior Hiirh renmiix an unfinished Truilsule Film Topic The Hoard of Kdueation last Miss Mary li. Hand, (lrani;e, was hireil as a school psycholoirii-t. The prayer tiiat un^ina Tflth building without an auditorium? 'All Around Arkansas," a cohn1, week announced appointments of INVESTMEN TS six teaehers tun! a school psycholo- She previously held the same posi trust fulness, nml piisnes on Into It takes six man-hours to. pre- sound nlnt, will he shown at the 1 gist. tton in West Oraun'i . waiting, will tilwnyn cm) in thank- 235 E. Broad St., pare the Kdison jrymnnsium for an Union County I'nrk <.'ommi«u we wish tu stimulate our one-half hours nature lulks toe j respectively. DISHWASHER children's natural interest in crea- children. The topic selected for | Haylierry !,».. uinl Mrs. Helen M. Portrait and Commercial Phorogrophtry tive :nt, or allow 'he present con- the two days in "Hirds of 1'rey." Hailey of SI 2 St. Murks Ave., ditions t<> continue in both schools, were appointed hi^li school mathe- LEADER CLASSIFIEDS III CENTRAl AVINUI ADAMS 2-02J? Dr. iMoldenke's lecture will lie il- BRING RESULTS where >ttidents are turned away lUstrated with color slide.;. matics IOHCIHTM. from art classes for lack of spare? Should we encourage research by NO JNSMllAnON EXPENSE! ontnriMiitf the libraries in both FITS ONTO ANY FAUCET! schools tu meet the minimum stale • Completely porloblc — rolli cnywhere •ttundard? Are we concerned • Filler-Siican* syilem climinolei >.M enough about the safely of our pie-riming children to eliminate the hazard- up fo 12 pluce ous and incrticu'iit trullic conditions • 4 Automatic wotli tycie caused by the dead-end corridors jit Konseveit? I*o we wish to take advantage- of new techniques in education by providing room for team teaching? !><> we, as par- ents, want fu continue t be careful a n d "731 * Washes up to M pUte 1 houghtful in planning. w«t.-hful sellings for ways uf savir.g money, but avoiding the pitfalls <>T fill.-.,- econ« . • No scraping or pro rmsing 1 • Convenient'undom iQjdint;" omy. Wo must I'crt.iinly he await of the !>»ard's compel.wuy 1»i rec- ... • Most wanted delu«e fi-atuies mitnictul the changv.^ which arc _• ESS *]2S A WEtK necessary to Hrinjr our two junior high s.'hools up to the st:t;ntards expeetr.l iu Nmv Jersi-y. Ais'l we 29 ALDEN ST. can judge for oiirs<-|ve- by read ing CRANFORD the clearly ••(•• fi>rth explanation COFFEES of these needs in t hi* statement of the Hoard of Kdueali;m. BR 6-2224 Our children deserve the lies! possilile preparation of h:nh s.-hoo! - and tho Hoard of KdtK'atioti de-

Why you should choose National State as "your bank" You can save, have your checking accuunl, kin, tho people: at National Stnto aro more borrow for a home or car . . . use any hank than tflart to help you. service ... in one convenient, stop at your Buy a dishwasher and get out of the nearby National Slate office. Dointf all your National Stato Bank is inlorcslecl in your kitchen faster. Automatically pre- banking here, you'll become known by (lie financial pio;;icss . . , il offers every service rinses, washes, rinses and dries. bank... and this provides an excellent, credit . . . and ils officers and stafT welcome the Saves hours of daily drudgery. And reference when you need it. What's more, (ippoilunilv (o lie helpful all f;ood reasons a portable dishwasher can be used in when you want advice on any banking pioh- for ni((l-:iii!4 il '"your bank"! any kitchen.


PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY 0 Westfieid Office — Opposite Railroad Station P**e 20 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 19C2" i Hansen, Ex-R and Canada paid off Ijowever, ami! terntitionul, a subsidiary of Time. extra paper to a new address, There is little doubt but that I it is now comparatively safe and ! Inc. In his now jx^itiun Han sen it u not possible to prevent the swans of this country are its • increasing in number, it nests in j will be responsible for thv financial the already addressed paper most stately and imijotic birds. |t)ic Cirand Ttton and Yellowstone! und administrative phases of the from going to the old address There are those, perhaps, who j National Parkis, the Red Jiocka j i entire inu-rnutional operation, in- without the week's notice. might prefer the choice of the j Wildlife Refuge in Montuna, and j eluding companies in Sweden, the The "Leader" will be happy The larger the ftin Bald or Golden agios but, for tre-j parts of British Columbia. i Netherlands, France, Italy, Japan to forward papers without mendous size, purity uf jiluniairfr It is truly a magnificent bird, and K upland. Han sen and his extra charge anywhere in the more the and grace of carriage, the swans over 5 '4 feet long, \veighinK as family will live in I,om)on where the United States for those of North America would seem su- much as 30 pounds, and with a I he will be headquartered. subscriber* who are planning economy. Artd to bo away for temporary preme. wingspreagp d of 8 foot. The Whistler j Hansen has been associated with the need for et Two native species occur, one is Fomewlial t smallerll , aboub t 4 ffeet, Stamats Publishing Co. in Cedar period*. subscribers who are planning largely an eastern bird, in winter 5 inches in length, weighing Id Rapids, Iowa, since 1953; two the more reason for%fl at least, and the other western. pounds, und a wingapread of about years ago he became vice president to »>e aw*jr for temporary These are the Whistling and 7 feet. I in charge of its business publica- id ploying us to move'^jj Trumpter Swans respectively. In There i« often a small yellov tions division. U an sen wus educat- parts of the east, notabl" ""y the spot in front of the eye on adults ed at Purdue and Iowa State uni- longings f ll southern New England area down The beaks of both native swans versities where he received his US TO BUY OR SELL, USE «- EXTRA service i to New Jersey, an imported spe- are hiack. Both are obliged to pat MS degrees. 'Hansen sails on the cies, the Mute Swan of Europe, ter along the surface of ponds or France, Dec. G for England with LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS extra charge. was established years ago and now lakes in order to rise into the air his wife, the former Janet E. Lines nests in the wild state in that but when in full flight are among of Des .Moines, and their three region. This is. the swan seen in the most striking sights of nature. children. Kimberly 7. Philip 4 und parks and private estates. Swans are vegetable feeders and Jeffrey 2. Aside from the prominent knob secure the food by "tipping up" HENRY P. TOWNSEH on the pinkish-orange beak, the like the ducks but, with their Quality Mute Swan can be easily recog- longer necks, can feed at greater IcC Cream Topping nized by the curving neck which is depths. Although the Whistler has FIREPLACE WOOD Y"LOCAL. A (. LONDG 80 conventionally swan-like. The Serving ice cream? Top it with been hunted from time to time, FOR SALE 1A\ NORTH AVE /IUH.- WESuiTTo 7VD^2 44 beak is usually pointed downward. the adults are rather tough and cranberry sauce. Making a gelatin Our .native species .carry the neck are not good table birds, the young mold? AJd some cranberries. Or quite straight, with the beak and a fruit salad? Don't forget cran- head at a right angle to it. being more palatable. A limited SCHMIEDE open season on Whistling Swans berries—they're abundant a^ain Though the Whistling Swan has been declared in Utah this this year, according to the U. S. TREE EXPERT CO. nests in the far north (Alaska and year. Department of Agriculture. Cran- Canada) its wintering grounds are FA 2-9109 largely along the eastern seaboard berries combine well with many LET THE LEADER PRINT south to central North Carolina How Grows Your Tree? foods, adding tang and color, too. where numbers spend the season Twigs Hold Answer at the Lake Mattomuakeet Wildlife Refuge. Occasional specimens If a nail is driven into a tree CHINESE SYMBOL—Reigning "Miss Chinatown, U.S.A.," • Wander further south at times. trunk, it will wtay at the Hame Darrah Lau of. Hawaii, holds a toy rabbit, symbolic of the During migrations this swan is height for the remainder of the Chinese New Year. Year of the Hare heralds the 4,660th sometimes trapped in the rapids tree's life. Chinese New Yeaf Festival which starts In San Francisco NOW... COLOR TV as easy to tune above Niagara Fa]In and many The test of how your tree is early next year. * hive lost their lives In being swept growing is in the twigs, says Dr. fiver the brink. Edward J. Duda, director of the as black and white TV The Trumpeter Is far leas num-Dartlett Tree Research Ivftbornto- rics. Each season the end of a erous than the Whistler and some branch, iTho distance between bud pare the growth of the past few years ago was alarmingly reduced, twig or branch grows a certain the population being hardly more length and provides itself with a ringa shows how much thnt twig seasons with this year. This will than two or three hundred birds. terminal bud. grow each year. If the distance tell you whether your tree is going Rigid protection on their nesting The number of bud rings on a tvas short, the growth was slow. into decline. If it is, feed it at ALLNEW1963 grounds in wesjern United States ranch ropresents the tige of that 7 long, the tree was in vigor. Com- ADMIRAE QUALITY


Just a turn of the color knob brings true-tolifo color and intensity to tmsgt. Tint knob lets you adjust delicate color hues. Contemporary lowboy console. Ma»t»r-Cr»ft»d (n One brightness control for both genuine veneers and hardwood, solids of walnut, ma hog* NAME color and blecK-end-whlte. •ny or blonde oak.

NOT BY "ACCOUNT NUMBER" ONLY ADMIRAL GIVES YOU'/ALL THESE TOP OPERATING QUALITY FEATURES You're the BOSS when .you use OILHEA.T because your local dealer compete* for your business... he has no monopoly. • Admiral Precision Color Demodulator Circuitry for life-like color images That's why you can demand and get service when you need it. What's more, your NEW! RUGGED • Automatic Color Cut Off Circuitry local OILHEAT dealer cares . . . he's not a salaried employee who makes a PERFORMANCE-PROVED for finast black and white reception COLOR TV CHASSIS • New Balanced Dynamic Convergence Assembly certain amount of calls and then quits for the day. for crisply defined color register New compact horizontal design, performance-proved in millions of When you need service—and, sometime or other, every home does no matter Admiral black-and-whito TV sets. Easy servicing. Hundreds of poten> which fuel is used—it's reassuring to know you can talk to and depend on a tial trouble spots eliminated with ADMIRAL COLOR TV WITH Admiral's New Plonfterod Precision wan who knows your name, Etchtd Circuitry. BLACK & WHITE DEPENDABILITY Distinctive French Provincial Console NEW! LONG RANGE TUNER Ths VERSAILLES Model L7259 FOR SHARPER, The now 20% slimmor cabinet design is Master crafted ol CRISPER COLOR PICTURES. Gonulno Cherry- wood veneers New ttlRh gain amplifier tub* ex.' and Hardwood tends recaption area for Crlspnr Solid*. Color TV Reception. Preiot Fine/ Tuning. Ililft. Fuel Oil — 24 Hour Burner Service ADMIRAL COLOR TV-PROVED AND IMPROVED BY 8 YIAR8 OF FINE PRECISION CRAFTSMANSHIP HEATING EQUIPMENT INSTALLED 450 North Ave. East Westfield, N. J. Phone AD 2-2200

333 South Ave. W. AD 2-4660 We OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS ' TUT vvnsTKiri.D (N. J ) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962 Page 21 Dutch, tin* formor u DuU'h-t>fst«»w. rd wmd menn i n t> *Mii 1 Is" :m «1 the luttoi it corruption of the n»mi> of CDA Lists Agenda inurh-travi'ilod 1> u I v h i*.\pli»u-r Oonu-Iius Jnrobsvn Mt'.v. For Meetings Siilfm nutria MHin "Kntrl^h." The very best but il 1 tally is. from u Ik'bivw A nnrtinj: of (\uitt Vriniiy X\~. word, "sluilom." l/nliuppy John Catluilic lhuiK'hli-r.s o( AHUM La, Konwick cimsi' tin* nunu« for hiswsis JuKl m tin- lU^.ui' Squad : colony on llu- Ui'luwnre in I luulilint; T!mi ->*t;iy ni^ht. . V.vut >! Koi'^tiT. Mrs. fare Vt'i-mm l-'l;in:incr ;uu] Mrs. Mar- "Y. \ i Mirror Confines of State : tin lin-fti. I An K\o Wl-'.un ('oMnotics tti'ihoit* [ Come in and settle back ] Houmluries th;it set New Jer-tim| e of Warren's declaration of j •ll;itii»n will -!ti- held at tht* hnmu - ! sey's J1 counties »ir from one an- jindependence, New Jersey bad II j of Mrs. Jo.-onli Hto^ti-k. 70 Sundy for pure eating fun. Old other have led to much confusion.' counties and H courthouses. What ! Back Vets' Bills, Mill KM. t- ijilit at K:30 opi-n to j some arguments, and, in one cuse, j more could a state want'.' j nn-tnbt'i's aiul friends. i favorites taste better to unwanted worldwide attention j Hut New Jersey had become a A ennl party umtor Xhv clit\ir- here. And our terrific being focused on the county court i state poised on the oilge of county ! Legion Advised n\HM>!iip uf Mi;-*. Hri)>'j" V. Towu.s- house in Flemington. dissension. Hetween 1SH7 and ,18.17 •; vtui Sr., will In* held in the base- specials . . . try 'em too. Hack in 1824, fur example, seven new counties would be form- Henry Ifymi, stale \mericiin l.e- ment <>f IMiiiufii'M S'iilo Tru.-l Nu- when Warren County split from ed, amid seething undercurrents tfion conunnnder, sj'.iki* on tl\ii tional Haul;, rM;uti»u> Avt1., Kan- »BER RESEARCH-Dr. Uon A. Gre.nbe,*. ri,hi. .,«„«.. Sussex, the straight boundary that ! that should be easy to imagine. need for supjiorlinj^ k-jrislnlion wooil, thf evening »>f N<»v. 'J!'. I •«lor of >«>>o"t.rT re.e.rcl, »nd prof«.or of phy.iolo.y .nd stretched northwestward from the IAfter all, county lines meant lax js)x»nsorod by the national and A itVL'ptunt of ne\v imnibers will : .chem.itry »t the Rutg.r. Center of Alcohol Studie., di.cut.e. Museonetconi; Hiver to the Dola-j monies and votes, plus power in ' si::to oi'uniiizutijiis at :\ nu'etinu hv lu-Iil in thr Knights of 1'oluni- OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY re.e.rch project with Dr. David Le.ter, profe.tor of bio- ware seemed tine--and it wns, ex-!the State Senate, jusl us much in of the I.onion's Union County Inis Hall, Nurlh Avo., ^:-ok-h . tmistry. cept in the village of Yellow j 1837 as they mean tudaiy. ronunitlen Thursday niuht ut 1hi»riains, |''rUlny i*v(*nintf» Nov. 'Ml ' frame. TIHMI' the Presbyterian} Rivalry between northern New Mniiin-Wnllber^ -lVjt home, .Mis. John Uronnnn atui Mrs. Hub- ty!ution can be used »s u measure Church (whose "yellow f rnn,e" IJersey »vnd southern Mew Jorsey Other state olVioers who spoke ert J Hynii' will lie the liosti'ssys. |tgers Research of the activity of a particular construction gave the place its Icaused particular cuntiou in theincluded Morris Kuzbyt, adjutant; .•nzymc in the body. name) .sat smack astride the line, i legislature in those decades, each Jer;ivit!snii Jr., town his congregation in Warren. in the rate of ncetylsition. It is inance. tions chairman, »m! Joscpli Carly, l>ro*i't*utiirt reported t o i>olicc t' Question also known from experimental Yellow Krame people didn't ask That caution received fullest of 1'luintWid, legislative chairman Tlmrsilay In' lo.t $IOP in liil'.t work in animals that the ingpstion for a new line. They accepted the play l''eb. 7, 1837, when the leiris- and ii past department commtmder. v. hii'h droppuil from » date bnok of alcohol intensifies the iicetyla- split, nnd eventually resolved the lnture established both rural At- Also present were Warren Dav- hi' wns currying. urn M setting in nmone the tion process. Dr. I,catcr is investi- situation by building a new church, lantic and industrial Passnic. Old volunteers who were ics of Mountainside, and William guting whether the efliciency of the all in Sussex. (Moucester County gnve up half its Ito-Kiin, 'C'ranford, past stiite com- ID pet soused for sHenoe at acetylation process is related to Such line-straddling is not eon-colonial territory to make Atlan- els. ma ndors. Kepresontatives of Hi the compulsion to tlrink. fined to the lillli century. Today tic, while Passaic gained its life county posts uttended. hi'n the Center of Alcohol from parts of both llergcii and % Another theory that has been students at College' High School Albert Mo.dler of WostMeM, (u > moved to New Jersey's advanced to explain why one per-in Upper Montrlair travel duily Esst'x counties. university last year, visions counly conmiaiulcr, comtuctoil I he son become sun nleoholic while an- between I'nssuic und Ksses coun- No county took as much back- session. Joint* very "wet" experiments other doesn't, is that the budy of ties without ever leaving their stage maneuvering arid closed- |n riaucinir through the heads an nleoholic may somehow handle building, for the school has been room politicking to create as Mer- erious self-chc'5t'n fruinea -pi^s. alcohol illlTercntly than the body till both siiies of the county line cer, seal of government. [he center's research program of a non-alcoholic, turning it into since it was erected in 1'.I2!>. Four older counties sacrificed •Mis< -Mary A nn (iiirburini, >w- well underway a train and Borne unknown subslani'e which County lines made great differ- (under consideration!!! duress) t' fiauj-'litcr of Mr. and Mrs. Trunk dy's gotten a drink out of itcreates in the body a further de- ence in HKill, when a Bronx car- breathe life into Mercer in 183K. mand for alcohol. penter named liruno Richard Kirst the legislature approved Two (lars (]<>lliilo w people realise the coinplex- Hauptman kidnapped the infant small cuts from Hurlington, Hun- Two studies which are related to Curs driven by M rs. Heat rice bf the problems relating to al- sun of Col and Mrs. Charles A. terdon and .Middelsex on Keh. 22. thin are currently underwaj*. J)r. Kvllyuf (»:{« Uaymond St. and Mrs. II," explains Dr. Leon A. Ureen- Lindbergh. The Lindbergh estateThe Middlesex snip included Ihe Ellen Gordon, research specialist Carol Stewart »f F»U Fairhill IM,, |, director of laboratory re- iu the Sourland Mountains la)' inpurl of Princeton south of Nassau in physiology, is exploring how the collided Thursdiiy at Kairacrcs 'ch at the center. "We have liver nit'talwdizes alcohol, and Dr.both Mercer and Huuterdou coun- St. Five days lated the legislature took away a small edge of Soiner- Ave. und Wells St. some experiments -which in- (ireenherg is exploring why differ- ties but the room from which the f.'ounty--including the rest of the drinking of nlcohol, but ent areas of the central nervous baby was tnken wits in Huuterdou. in connection with questions 1 Accordingly. tlauptman , was Princeton--and Mercer was com-(ini'ltnrini of 172 Harrow IM,, has system appeal to have different plete. >ei'ii fct'pted for admission to tlie problems in human he- sensitivities to alcohol. tried in rural Kleiuinglon, Hunter- por which demand more sophis- don County seat, rather than in Kailnmds and industry brought •o:n-etolo^y nnirM' tit (he Wilfred 54 Elm Street In gciiri-nl, alcohol center re- At-ademy nf Hair and Homily V.u\- •d and more busic rt-snnndi." searchers are trying to learn more the Mercer County seat of Tren- both Hudson and Camilen into be- ere is a key question which ton. News-hungry eoiTospundents :. Hudson's liig city interests t lire, Newark, it wn.s announced about how a!"ohol is normally today by Uavid tM. Malovany, dean. IS PARKING A PROBLEM? ilii's part of the center's re- broken down in tlu- body. sent stories datelined "PliMuing- left Bergen'* rural farmers in 1K-K1, an.I took us well some h program. It is: "Why do "We have i.o ilis.-over what the tiin" around the world, giving the 1 little county seat a notoriety il meuiiowlnnd from KSM-X County. ain persons who drink become Inidy normally do* * with alcohol CALL holies?" neither wanted nor i-elisheil. Four year- later the emergence of TO BUY OR SELL, USE bofore we ci.ii speculate on what ('amden a-. :i vigorous industrial renter is approaching this abnormal functions may contribute County lines have been u mat- ADams 3-0662 — 3 — itiuii throug-h a variety of dis- ter of controversy anil change city found c •ircssi.m in the new LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS to alcolholisin," Dr. (Ireenlierg county of C-'mdi'ti. s- physiology, biochemistry, coniiiionto. since 1<"8°. when the Ku 4 Jer.-ey tlogy aiul sociology among Assemhjy set up the four vaguely•> Uural Ocean County rose in While there may be some physi- defined counties named iterg'Ti, lHod to offset partiiillv industriiil cal factor.-* which make it likely l IT. (Irccnberg and his associates Kssex, Middlesex and Monmoulh. Hudson jtnd < Mlnden. (*c('iin's tiisl that one person will heroine an currently engaged in several West Jersey the same year estab- boundary with Hnrlinglon follow- alcoholic while another will not, Dr. nlugical experiments ainusl lished Hurlington and Salem coun- ed straight along the old K:ist- Greenborg dous nt»t think the cause nding a physical ilifTeiencc ties and Cape May achieved coun- West Jersey line lo near ll-m'li of alcoholism will turn out to be i might explain why one mar ty status in II1H2. Haven on Long Meach Island. Poli- entirely physical. ticians change.) that in 1 Kill .veer- remain a social drinker while Kasl and West Jersey lay on "I suspect thnt the evenlu:il all- ing the line sharply nouth\v;ird ns her of seemingly similar hack- 1 either side of the Keith Line, sur- _s\ver, which Wl proiiably are still it i: now to tlreat Hay, the better HI ami habits becomes a prob- veyed 111 1(!H7, and still the main years away from, will lie in ;» com- to make Hurliniiion (*otm(y "safe- ill-inker. border between HiiilitiL;lon :•:> 1 bination of physical, inental and ly" D.'inoei nlic. there is physical factor Ocean counties and also son |'--.<;'i;ll factors," he concludes. the border between So'm v.set and The last of the :l\ coiinlies took •rli ])n-.y', ;. a person to a!- the iirime Union .-dlhoii^'h .li;-tlu- 1 1 j parts of llunlr-i-ilon ami Mercer. i:, !>i. I.'l'l-: .- -.U'- . It'll ! DisajTecl ion s.,1 in ir-uiekly. ion was closet to the 1 ruth. Oi y !•• I'r.l Parents Unit to iVIwt | (;lo'ire:l"r ii'lit away from Ilin-- bt;i.:t! Jti'.". ', :i v • ;•! M p TinTV will be a ':ie:'!ii:g of tile liniMon in li!'.;. TIIMI (he farmers j ly fin yi'ius had r-tewt-il DVIT N'CW. |ch ;•:•.••••.•< need l!)at in the upper IJariUtn Hiver v;ilby I ark's niiiKiix'f>. A scnntt.'i! liil- sati.ify. I Union County 1:i:it. New Jersey Assn.-i.iiioi, for ll-Urded Children, prote.-lcd that "in their husbandry (i«*n fieri i'Ki in I H(17 insur«-'l lli- snnly .• i .• Or. -David l.e •. tonif!:' at K::U> p.m. in St. Luke's land manuring their lands" they t'nurt hi>u^« fur N<>v\ iwk but tli" i-i •.„!• of ,ii>r:ie:))istry, is >: pari'h hall, lN^ellv. Cuest -p.'-.k- differed iiincli from the rest of |HHiplt< uf !•* 1>!-1Ii ii''v<>i- )>•;»t]y this al liviK' He .Mid lle:-e\ County. Therefore, in i foncnvi' Ni'w;ii-l;(Mv. Finally Kli/ii- i 1 er will be Arthur (.'. Awry of l!o- the re':Uion hip h'.-tweei . iselle, a ilideKate from the I!ni-i:i 1 lliSH, the Kslut Jersey Assembly j ln-lh Li:aiiH'«l HMtlifienl iinpnct in the imlivi.liii.l's i'hility to "iicity- i created Sonierst't County for tlio.-.e r j . „ II I- IIII.L to '.he 1'JCJ uilivi-ll- ; '• ; \ -hit'irc in • • ••(•-• pl<- ! for l'.i-iarded rliildren. 'I'.viation is a bio:'hemiL'al pi.t- i niirthwo-tiTii part of the province ' i); llli f:u'f of nil liupi'Milmj! 1V.\ •.\ iui-h ; JKII t cif r.orn \\ hoI- LEADER CLASSIFIEDS i until 171H. wli"ii llunti'idon Conn j tiwrcil civil wat1. 1 [i ::i'.'oli--:ii. The ra'i o f :i.v'••- BRING RESULTS • ty ciinie into tifini; to include all I Tiii<»»!*.- nanic I'anif tint uiiilly I of modern Hunter.Ion, Mom ,. I'DutiL*'i. an*t *-•> did nnmi'-i uf tlie i Sussex and Warren countii's an-i j olln-r 'JM. • piu-l of M'-rcel. The bouinlary with t Nir.f county mi'Mi' . p'T|M'tiiMi' I Hurlinu'toTi was ivtahlisln-d at As-nu'ijinri(!> "f Kni'li'-h ln> im- lands: \IT IS TIME TO ORDER jstmpink Creek in Trenton. Kin lin^ton, f'anidt it, Onnbw IHJMI, j Hill dwellers broke away from Iv-.-cx. <;i.»u<-.:.(.r. Mi.lillrM.x, iHuntcrd.m in 17'i!' to become Mor Monmoulli, Somerset mid Hit-t.-c-x. GRA VE BLANKETS i ris County, including id) Uili«»iiiiiy War i Su.-scx and Warn-u. Thi:i. in turn. ! licr«f:s Cr-f-.-rals MiM;h M<-rc- r a rcl [Sussex bfcarmr an indepi ii'lent | .I'i.'! 'with all of Wari -tlif i*(i|(ii)i:i! (tiivi.Tinin ! !'»bcrl a bit <-' color ,Siay j rori in tow), and W'ali>-n l>j<>l:'- [Milliter arnf I."uis Mot ii.-. 1*K> ;\\r 'away in 1 S'i 1 to become a .iewj ;'.inl Hue!on tip iln-ii h;i 1.- t » green all winter. ; county. In all ,:\ ••*, tin- "irr.-al di-- i ri\i-r- <

Evergreen Wreaths. Beautiful full wreaths with natural trimmings. SERVICES

Telephone AD 3-O0O3 INC. 321 Soulh Ave., Opp. R R. Station Tel. AD 2-2525 WATCH THEM IMITATE THIS ONE! SHOP THE SOUTH SIDE FOR PARKING CONVENIENCE WE RECOMMEND This i.s the I'IOI: ul ll.ini; c to i-omti in ni'Mlf-ni Of eoiir e, thire'M :i i;reri( il«-:il more than Ktyling in Iliis new Ca

TOWM£ DELICATESSEN It's tln> ]!i»!.'! Cadillac-:i rn'itor car r«) b'-'iu! iful 'l'i;iri- :i;e ('it'lilUe' . l.i .uitiiul ;iinl luxiirimiH new i/ilerii)r" -iiii'l Cailill;ie';i rcin:ii'k.ililc new [HTform- 1120 SOUTH AVE. W., WESTFIELD and HO tcMi|>iiii;: il i" dilliciill lo rc'iht. The new loiil; in Cadillaen cornbinoH fonnality nnd iinei- -iind (.'adilhie'-; iin|ire,-.-ileiiled rlioiee of pcr- youtlifulnes'i, (Majesty nnd vi^cr in a way that i:i :ion:ii afi|i'/i,it rm-rii.-i and :vf ;wii"i and Ciiiiillae'a predictably l.nnd-'-.i-l tint<. tlnri^'ali'd 'N |,»-ii.f.ittiliiy and v ihji-. Convenient, yet out of »ho crowded And it l)oloji',{M to CafliM.'ic ;doii'!. You v/on'l. ;;e'* (';idi!lac ii in,1.', HIM!-." i-le.irly lli.'m ever ix-mrc tho crowded busineos district, so you can any others ivnh that .iwi-cpini; cxiiiiri.'K! ot liotid and Stainlard of the Wt.rl-1. i .-.:, park easily. deck that |;iv'"i tlie llili^! Cadillai- iln nni(|U<> l-iols of The iliifi;; t'i dii i: to • :md drive one of tho Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening vitality and |>ower.' linlli:ini ii,-.v modi'h ar.d i'.'-l the wholfl • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING A well stocked delicatessen, which And its<-rnini; »••.<• of chroino ami ndoniirienl. «'iidilhn- Kt-iry (or 1!J'',I, And fur a full year ul tho GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING : also offers a catering service for your welcomes a new purity i/f form in automotive.' <)< iii;n. wlii' I, ilo ii l,i [ore another wi't'k ^ni-;i \>y. iiiivui: M:II.KI: — (Mini iti:i'im A n.\irn>> parties. VIHI'l' YOUR LOCAL, At'TllOrU/.KI) CADILLAC Dli A I.EI1 WHALEN'S GARAGE Authorizod "Bocir" StnSion AD3 0393 LAING MOTOR CAR COMPANY 600 NORTH AVE., E. . " A SERVICE FOR NEWCOMERS TO WESTFIEID Call For on;1 Dclivory 119-121 E. FIFTH ST. a PIAINREID 22 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1962 =

100 YEARS A C <>

Great Britain Dscides To Stay Out of War • APPLIANCE REPAIRS • AUTO DEALERS • EXTERMINATORS ;• INSURANCE LIQUOR STORES • TRAVEL By ION K. SAVAGE A. J. ORBACH CO. \ ASSOCIATED BLIWISE LIQUORS LOU'S APPLIANCE WM. H. ESTWiCK, JR. i EXTERMINATING Our 47th Yvar ATLAS American Htniic.-* moved, and i liii-f amt»iK them \v;i< jjit Ml' ! REPAIRS INSURANCE Where Service & Quality Meet American men d\v>\ in the Civil • DODGE • LANCER & TERMITE CONTROL ! tucli- of HusMa. To Kus.-iH. thi- i OF AU KINDS One of the TRAVEL AGENCY, | War 100 ye;ir* atfo tJii> week, but I iiiti-d .Stalls [irt-sunttd a iruaran- i • RENAULT PEUGEOT COMPANY Largest Selections of Spirits the most important news uf tl.e Free Ticket Oeli j tre ,if Kuropcan equilibrium and Part* Fire > Surety in New Jersey Vhy ! I week came {unit overseas. ;a check on British n^-re^ion. Go No-v -- The EnjclUli cabinet, after >.m !r t f lliaaK Sh.U.ii Harwln. ITts |( Casualty • Life GLASSWARE - ICE CUBES p i Thru; dayn earlier, Kusyiu dad ri-- I JiN in!. r« .ti-.i ay Luter months of tortuous argument, tle- I jt-tted tin' French proposal, j I'jsid t'ttrs ami Truck* AD 3-4600 I COOLERS cidud in a srssion on Nov. 11 ami ! .VI W. ri, i;«i:lf •'• Tickets Issued Imm^ j Moreover, there was the matin i PLainfield 7-2323 I AD 3-3515 Krt-e Delivery or 22 to refuse a suggestion by ! of slavery. Lincoln's Emancipation ! > Premlsei France to CHII for an armistice in | FA 2-1634 W. 6th St. at Arlington Ave. Local Service in Your Area ;°6 Elm St- Weitfield Call AD 3-1133 or AD 3-1136 I J'rorliiinutiiiii of Sept. 22 hud l;i-cn j r>ll«nc« the cotton trade. "Lord Russell rather turned Complete Trim Shop Realtor All 1.MU — All Kamoua Makt'« — When the cabinet assembled to tail," Gladstone wrote about the WILLIAM JAY CLARK • LUMBER 4.11 North Avr. meeting. "He gave way without Upholstery and Trim Shop discuss the proposal, most of the AD 2-5958 INSURANCE leaders had been, at one time or resolutely fighting out his battle." • VOLVO AD 2-1700 • SAAII Of All Kinds J. S. IRVING COMPANY another, in favor of intervention The decision was made, and Eng- 701 Central Ave. Westfield land notified France that it would Hu-i'iliKli Import Pealrr 424 South Ave. E. Westfield UI.MIIK11 « M1LLW0I1K in the war. There were Lord John 1 Of lOvtry Dcticriptlon Russell, the British Foreign Secre- not join in a request for an armis- SHICH — Servlci' — Turin ipin \\>i>k Suulh Ave. W. Wratflrlrf • Napoleon HI now was alone in Westfield who, a month earlier, had arjrucd his desire to intervene. Eventually, OF PLAINFIELD MICHAEL'S FORMAL WEAR in favor of the Confederacy de- ho, too, decided to stuy clear of AlitlwirlKerl gpite its stand on slavery. the war. SHKM & Sl-rvlef AUTO ELECTRIC • MASON Alfa lluiiU'O — Allihif — IIMW But there were serious difficul- Next week: Battle lines arc lllllnillll — NSI' — I'llnz GENERAL REPAIRS INTERIOR CONTRACTORS ties in the pnlh of intervention. drawn. I'orpflH- — TrlurnpU Mayfair IM, r,.:,'j(H) BEAR Wheel Alignment DECORATORS 114 I". Srrnnil St. I'lnlndrlil and Balancing TAILORS JAMES SEILER "FORMAL WEAR RENTALS" EMIL MUELLER Wrecker Service — 24 Hours Interior IVeorntor MILLER RAMBLER, INC. Wo Have Our Own Stock MASON CONTRACTOR Knr Per.ionnl Interview AD 3-4830 CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS AND BUILDER ' Authorized cnii AII :>-inxt 862 Mountain Ave. 11UY CMCAN1.NC. I'or An Alip'ilnliVieiH RAMBLER (Ctirti»T Shnri' Kri. I'arkwuy) Inside Plastering Ml:.\'\S & 1VOMIWS Al/rr.KATlONS \Vr»in<-]il AH,-o II,-nl Oil Ituriii'in Sail's — ScrvU-e — 1 li.ita]!:tll" .'.:tl Oiitrnl Avr. lVeMtfJ MOTOR SlmullllllIK I'l.ll.shlliK ROBERT F. DAY SALES CO. AD 3-4050 71 Mirlli Avr. \\.-»lllrl.l 9 LAUNDRIES Prescription Optician "AD" Krvli'i> SERVICE, INC. FORD Mr ntui Mr- Ituht r( 1 DIM* n Jr hnvc |iim>)in*t-«l IhU Tioittr nl liAt*Xl>HY — DHY ri.KANINV, 01" t «*iitt\ l%r (rum Mr* \hn Nti|*p. 'I'lir (tnl*- ut thin niulilplf Sales Sorvico MOIMI.IIKAT IN THIS SPAC • •Mini )>n>!'**ri? naM „,„„«. ,,j unriirii i-. IIUfhtdT of thv TI* K. WurliiK '•ml IIKATIS'IS llll.S Cciki ntllrr. TIll'XPKUIllltli BEAUTY SHOPS I'n-sh iiu.| (,'urry • PAINTING VAIKI.AXB 1'AI.Cn: BRidge 6-0900 1M»^ North Avr. Plulittlelat AD 2-3673 DOR-RET \i»rlh Aii*. I-:. t'riinfun! t (ill IM.nllitWItl IMilllO ONE DAY SERVICE 319 North Avo. E. WestfieN BEAUTY SALON WILL KEEP - StyllM • GARDEN SUPPLIES NEW JERSEY Automatic Record Changers Styli- fins inii Cuts VAN DOREN, INC. • AUTO DEALERS MEEKER'S PAINTERS CO. High Fidelity —F.M. All i-IP.-.l:l 608 North Ave. E. YOUR JIT r.liiUT S«. \Vminrlil THE GARDEN CENTER AD 2-4429 Stereo NORRIS l.awn and Oanlcn Suiiplios Westfield, N. J. BICYCLES I'ninpli-to Lino (if SERVICE CHEVROLET, INC. l'lirl«lm:i« O.'coiiillons "We Do Everything" • PHOTOGRAPHERS All i-nriT DRY CLEANING • SHIRTS NAME BEFOI Illlll SiMKIl Air. \V. \\r>t STATION RADIO & T.V. JAY'S CYCLE CENTER FLATWORK • SPREADS The Symbol For Fine Photography 333 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD CHEVROLET/ New — Used - Rebuilt • INSURANCE Rugs • Pillows • Blankets AD 2-4660 THE READERS Expert Repairing AD 3-4884 BRAUNSDORF All Work Guaranteed ADams 3-0220 ASSOCIATES, INC. North and Central Aves. ll.nry S. illllu-rl l-ly.l,. II. Klli-li • LAMPS Franchisod SCHWINN Dealer PORTRAITS BY PIETRO OF THIS PA ROBBINS & ALLISON, Inc. Westfiold Every Form of Insurance Siiu-f I"J1 COMPLETE LAMP & ELECTRICAL EH. 1912 WM. O. MUU.ER, Pr«O. AD 2-3250 REPAIR DEPARTMENT 228 E. Broad St. Westfield • Fire • Auto • Casualty ROTCHFORD PONTIAC 433 South Ave. W. Westfield • Bonds • Life • Yachts rii-uvcr ;uiy type l;uni> *h:wU\ AD 3-4666 Local and Long Distance Moving ixr. isiass ilrlllliiK ami ronvcrlliiK <-ul Aiilliurlii il l'ONTIAC-Ti:.MI>KST • Medical uluss iiinl china viix-v. Jti^s l.uttu^ i-orli-i- millK. i-tf.. Into lamps. Household Goods Exclusively » BOOKS AD 27970 E. T. WILLIAMS • ROOFERS H Nil A.isiv.-r. T.-,.-. Ontrnl Avr. \i. pnrklnK l.ri.Mrm THE TOWN BOOK STORE •-•-Ti'tC i.r I.I s.;i: Inrnr <;rn\r St.) Al)'.'-air.s llnoKS ini; AI.l, 66 Elm St. Westfield LAMPS iiot NTKI>TNI> III:I'.MIII:I) W. L. SCHROEDER lv' •!<• >liin:i ri'i<:ilr. Klaus ilrlllim: l'.-l. U'J'i STORAGE SHIPPING :intli|iit- while i.r ,iny urti'.I.- Pl.n- • l;i-'ii\:tl Llliriiry" Iliic. i-U-. AH typ.-.i ,,f slKi.l.v. iiiii.l.. GUTTERS - LEADERS DAVIDSON & MARTIN I" ..l.l.r i.r r,..'iivif hl.ll|« ;.,,,| Sl1;,,l,< EVER R lK.-:u- i nlr.iM. .- fr.nn Tow n PACKING IVirUliiK > All Forms of Insurance JERRY CARVELL BRIDGE 6-3474 BERSE BROTHERS Cnlllllnn Lump ,v i;l(( Slum I Wiitliut A » r. Crnnliiril 213 South A vs. East Ertimaler Cho«rfully HOME - AUTO - LIFE llHi-ms Crnrlnl Avr. Ml ». |">| Oanford, N. J. Given on Any Aiilln>rl7.>il BRIDAL SHOPS I'nrtlnt mri>«> |hr »lrrrr > SERVICE STATIONS FOR fl.VMOI'TH VALIANT MARINE Call BRIdge 6-0898 Moving Problem S.iI. s »ml Srrvii i ADniliN ;Utld) JO LYNN Personalized Service • LAWN MOWERS 111 \.irtt> Air. \V. Wral ! CANTLAY BROS. BRIDAL SHOPPE INSTANT AD 2-7550 ^1" .i.i!i.-.:;iK in AM Si.-..!- POWER MOWERS CUSTOM MADE 1437 South Ave. W. Westfield GARDEN TRACTORS READY MIXED LAING MOTOR CAR CO. i BRIDAL GOWNS

I •" ! ROTARY TILLERS r | Formals REFERENCE i I Autliorized ; iTHE JOHNSON AGENCY,! SNOW PLOWS j BEAR Cocktail Dresses |N j Electrical - Brakes — Corburelor j CADILLAC | AD 2-6519. j c ! CHAIN SAWS -INSURANCE- i I and Complete Auto Servicing I Salos and Service i 1222 E. Brood St. (opp. Frank's)) FIRE i STORR TRACTOR CO. i \V. I',, :-. I',. .:,,'. li. :!v. r • I'.l! '-. I'.uiil .1-1.1 1....I} SI:- I Westfield ' AD 1 i # LIFE ! 2-7800 I Prospect St. ADoms 2-972T PLainfield 6-2241 j • AUTOMOBILE ! 469 South Avo. E. Westfield': : : ——• d»llvr»d /• Matvrdaf dtUvtbH i • DRUG STORES ill? E. Fifth St. Plainfield i • CASUALTY I ' — '•• ® SHOES i o«y quantify AD 2-0300 ;• LIQUOR STORES ORTHOPEDIC i DARBY'S DRUG STORE SHOE PRESCRIPTIONS GOODWIN MOTOR | 26 Prospect St. Woslfiold CORP. Phono- ADoms ?-l 198 WELSON COKCKBT9 COS?, ELM LIQUOR SHOP C RISA NT I 339 South Avo. W. Wt-slfield i ALAN JOHNSTON SKOKN-WZIMHBMKO 002831 ' VOLKSWAGEN WINES ; DIVIHIOH* or wtuoH UATuniAUk, me. ''\ i SCOTCH PLAINS fiO. PUIHiflELD UKDE*\ 1I.VI7 I'. -*.tl» ELECTRICIANS Over 50 Years Experience! LIQUORS !• STORAGE ppii I y COLD BEER I fibred 24300 PLnild 5-2200 BUntr Mift EVERY i CHARLES T. BRENNAN i INSURANCE NEED t SODA WATER OmUSWElDON PnODUCTSi Ctuahtd Sterne, MoikTtifr ELECTRICIAN i AD 2-5664 \ ICE CUBES j HENRY P. TOWNSEND j Gravel, Sand and Mason Materials Oldsmcibile •"• !•••>..• •'•••••;«••< ••;'••• •• :!>--|203Elm Westfield! l"l:l'!: i >;• ..Mi"r |,. .i.ivi'l'.v I STORAGE AD 2-31 13 Ml,mi. •.: II .Vi Au.ii.i. | MOVING & PACKING '•..n AH :•;.!•' 23 ELM ST. WESTFIELO llll IMvnr An,III .V>t, Hi -» THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1962 car top. or CVOR wnri'-e, piissing f Check Trees Now ; vehicles ur pvde--*trjan>. ilt>>i likely you'll escape with a block^tl wulk or tiriwway hot clearing «w:iy a To Halt Winter j fallfji U'vo i? a jo1*"* DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREAS PAVED Your Toppling iimbs, or even w)u>!c PRESERVE OLD DRIVES and Storm Trouble j trfiv;, arp an increasinir winter Di-itH trees t**lt no tak-s but they j \> r o b I u in in new housing areas. AREAS WITH COSMICOAT This Week may land yi^u in serious trouble There forest-type tret \, ilt-prived during a slum this -winter. Kur of their preen neighbors, lose vital- ASPHALT SEALER By Your Kutgers Carden Reporter any uvc I hut is dead will full soon- ity in the iu*w nutzi.* of com-roto IT or later. 1 walks and roads. Disease paps oth- 'Mum Secret Out Light Prevent! Bloom Troos, unlike man or oonst, art WM. A. PARKHURST i ers—-Dutch t'iiii disease makes its rjiy <\o chrysanthemums bloom What's more, they could use mt>it dangerous dt'iui ihsin olive. victims dangerously brittle in slmrt CONTRACTOR in the season? even less light to prevent bloom Living, lltt'y tk-nd and ywUi tti order. Phoni ADam* 3-1738 RM. Mill Urn* •'tv kept their little secret by giving the plants several short M rt's<; druii, they -become lirittlc well down through the light exposures. mid ean snap li'si;- trlasi umtor Fallen power lines faze even the P. O. Box 334, Wutfitld Mounteir.iida, N. J. Looking closer at phytochrome, wind, slrct or snuw. Ami tlie \nw bold do-it-younselfers, and rightly the investigating team decided that holds you, as homeowner, liable for so. Professional tree men are best |icn one day someone discover- when the jilant absorbs red light property ihmiatft: or injury they for any tree mishap. They uro |iul the .sliortt-r periods of day- cause. equipped to climb safely, ale in- Ihe fall had a lot to dothe phytochrome changes into a sure'i, and have the know-how. blooming- Artificially lenRth- form capable of absorbing fur-red E. G. Jaco'json, (Wlrf rpprt-JUMita- thc (lay with the use oflight, (far-red has longer wave tive of the Pavey Tree Expert Co., could delay bloom, lengths then red, approaching in- urges inspection of yom- trees now lit why? frared or heat energy.) before bad weather sets in. Look So when the phytochrome ab- for dt'ntl branches, rotting crotch- SCHMIEDE Built-in Tinner sorbs enough red light it changes es, WL'nkerieil V-foiks and over- :iii- of scientist? working for into its far-red absorbing form,' heavy hanging limit;*. An ouru-e of TREE EXPERT CO. S. Department uf Agrieul- becoming a sort of eiuyme that pruning now may prevent damajre COMPLETE TREE SERVICE interferes with tin? plant's ability later. Work is at^o easier bemusr have found thnt the plant i WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT L he gift that only you am give. Make its orders from a built-in i to go ahead with its flowering. the ground is firm. During the day both forms of :'allri! phytochrome. In Mother Goose, "liahy, cradle Certified by State of N. J. rm appointment now for a lovely por- phytochrome are present in the! and all" tumbled di>wn when the : is a light-sensitive plant j plant because natural light con- wind rocked the trceiop. Today, trait by our experts. it thut receives two kinds of >tains botli red and far-red. red and far-red. Responding i baby's aafe it) the nursery but ev- FA 2-9109 Hut during the night the far- erything else may go down—phono Please give tin lime to finish your por- ilu'.«e forms of lik'ht, phyto- red absorbing phytochrome tends or power lines, your roof or your to revert to the inactive form. MerWfaht fruit to best advantage. Call us toon, t' t'SDA men nmde their I Like a Watch i< (htwer eai-lier than nnrmu] j It's something like a watch i-ejvine; them in the dark for running down. And so exposure to •;il successive daily dark pe-! strong light during the darkness Order Your • >f 1(i hours. |can stop this unwinding process. In effect the light rewinds the PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS ny found further that they phytochrome back to the far-red I stop Howerinp by inlerrupt- form, which will prevent flowering. in Color or Black and White NOW he period of darkness. About All this may he news to you but hours of lij^ht prevented the chrysanthemums have known it a To the 96,171 is from blooming. long time. Camera and Photo Supply V\g Cone Crop Year crops in periudic cycles of three, GIFTS five to seven years. Lighter crops Union County Citizens Kvergreen Trees occur in intervening yeura. Hero's ono of the matt exciting can Ute Our Layavyay Plan 'But this year heavy cone crops ones on evergreens are abun- seem to have coincided on a wide Who Elected Me you'll ever tea, '63 Dodge. Now priced thix year from northern New variety of evergreen species. This with Ford and Chevrolet . . . now the l to the deep South. means that 1958, *&9 and '60 sea- 1963 greatest now car value in America today! Sine, spruce, cedar imd hemlwk sons were good for pollination and f lavish with them. vSome spruce climatic conditions were favorable Driva the '63 Dodgo . . , then check our • s(» laden with cones that the State Senator WESTFIELD STUDIOS for seod production. DODGE dealt . . . they don't come any better Is have a browned appearance, Many pine cones, notably white, PORTRAIT AND COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS brdinK ^° ^r- Vliilip I.. Itusden anywhere. tl or Norway, and pitch pine re- 121 CENTRAL AVE • TEL. AD 2-0239 the HartleH Tree Keseurch J-uli- quire two yean? to mature. Hem- lock and (Norway spruce need but Host rs bear heavy cone one yeur. Home owners uro'taking advan- tage of the abundance of nines Thank You! now, picking some from trees, )pen 24 Hours a Day gathering' others that fall to the BENICK DODGE ground. Cones plucked now can he used fur {'hristmns decorations Nelson F. Stamler and home made novelties. Some SALES thru SERVICE long-Ieuf pine cones attain 10 inch- 1611 Park Av«., Plalnfleld es in length. Kven the tiny ones 130 W. Westfield Ave. Roselle Park from hemlock, only ^i inch long, (Route 28) CH 5-7222 i PL 6-0008 can be woven into Yule decora- WANTAK tions. |Regiil»red Pharmadtt In attendance at start Day and Night

Now Is the Time to Buy or Repair

hand*"*j'POW^ Lawn mowers mum Ml

COMPLETE Ji?;,''.;^ AiTiioiii/ioi> in:AI.I:I( III" ,M I, I'HI'll.All M.\Ki:s Jt CAIITH

sknlrH ^linnicnfil l.oriiSJHTH IGO-CARTS and Parts WELDING A Quick Touch-Up . . . tome polish .. . and you «an't Mdnfyre's even find the scratch I But them, that's the beauty of a lown Mower Shop bargain frorn Kooi V/arohouse Store. You can spend 10 minutos on it ... and save a bundlo I It may be tcrarchod IM i:.:f« . . . or slightly soilod. Or absolutely porfoct) (Just sent to '"^St"J^~ l'l.kui>.v ll

With all the speed ^ CJ rcpid-fire aucticncc, a p' ''if Classified Ad in the I'odcr v/lll sell v^liotevcr it is 1A»T TO MACK I /ftorf for ttther lloul* 1 or Pmh- iycu wish to dispose of. Just taiy. Vriim Itmilr 1 lutn i'/iil un (>'ra/i

AD 2-4407 WESTFJELD LEADER KOOS WAREHOUSE STORE 24 THE WESTF1ELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962' ' 1 orijrin;il!y borrowed in Ii>'51! ous level.-; of ejovc-rnuK-n* do more 'Betty Langstaff Paiuting Shown in Montclair j That', a Jot of in'i ,<-.-t. land, more for it.- cit:zt:if. Hut they P.VL Head \ iews Kot'.y Lar(r.«tafT of 427 Bottle- •Mrs. Langs-taff studied at the • The Lcur.ue of Worn-n Vol. :\- ! have jfiiort- i the fan ifcat ihv S'ewark School of Fine Arts and "LEAGUE LINES ; ir.J ! ha•' vainup.): ".Ma- f of N'cv. Jii>i-y :.'o;.:ji.[><••-) ;-::;-] :•.:• i •• tat<'" I; i:- ti'.iz-.--.-. The ••>:-:i" An*-" acei^ci1? ' ' Y-.vinjr in the under the late I^opold Watzal. A Mu^ By ' " • iy Wo.Kd f.-l- ;,';,--:.(••-• "I >.>lh jdoe.-r.'t pjy. Vo'i <: •. 'I!.. "?\xi\•" Youth Problems ;-.: annual .\r. ^-< .cy exhibition member of the Hur.terdon County has received awarrj. lit* • <• !..ti;j'J i U'-.; i»'-c:m-t- Ih-V : tsw -Montclan Ar. Mu,;r-im thru Art Association and Westfield Art ange state exhibition LEAGUE OP WOMEN VOTERS ,. . .-ouni/i -I lii" ('<-.. psriiile i.i.-eil for | ii:oney ihvy'i'_- •:•. ir.v- Association, she has exhibited at Ehsabeth St. Johns the f:.cili;iti pioviii-'J by tb'_- mouI- The very «••:•)> •'.•laic ii-.-.-'.-n-.i A $40 million bond isnu" was re- tln-'C- furiiri'.-1. Itcj-T'-lfully, ihiy d lt s from tliiiu, ari'l, br.cuusi- then • tax" inah. *.-f •••v.r i'.:;2tr.^ cently approved by the citizens ut not iHlv. I tin- iiitire jiii-tuiv. \V> wits no otln-r way to eet l>H;m in cringe. They a: e a/u:::>: i'.. t-ut New Jersey to supply fund." far in- ;tii- alr'-iirjy riff-ply in : stitution!:. Is this HolviuK the. prob- <•!•( ii:iymi-iit:: lire r-tiwlily incrra:;. However, the league has been -paying inl^-re.-t i-hal^ed «•:• l?.^:u y lem? inj;, iincl HIP property owner.- wh'; outstanding: ami oul.-j>ukni in its J borrowed, l'rom the irei:irul ;• -;>>i:-. I ri.atliun t<- the .-;atc movjrn1 IAN. This lt> like the man who bor- bave already bci.-n taxed beyond bi-iief that New Jersey needs u M-.'KSOM, an- bc.'irinv: thi; brunt of it. puy-us-yo u-tfo system to (inance jit would seen, that pei-pk- w oi;;0 ro\VH jnoncy because he can't : ecrapc up enough tokticp t he roof Kiilher tbaii boni-stly UK-M-JIM. i.tali! needs. Let's avoid further in- j much ratbir pay :he ir.-.i-rt^l Mr. <"»:•*>• st\i A ^.A;.;r over his hcod. It kvcpn him dry, our per capita expenditure.-, with a terest payments. for now. Unfortunately, honeyed much needed broad-bused tux, til l.i-a^ucrs have also worked to For a Ia:"Ke ir.a;o:;iy «. t N. J ; Chok hioney roust be paid back, with in- j !i';:i:lat'irc prefers to hand us bom injure New J«-j'.-ey an adeijua'e i families, a ?t:i'.(- iiioo.'iH- u-..\ wv^ia i en (-.:* !•*- j terest. FinanritiK our state debt ' iy w after bond i:,.-ue. The $2:> and polluti'JM-free water ^upj»!y ; now costs $l!i million u year. i million bond issuo for institutions to rueet our ever-inercaMne; riei-d i. Ia 5.:!>> tax. 'IV other.-, the aovii.. eopk • in l'J51 will cost $31.4 million by Anai/i, in lWi, it found ii.-elf ; The question ui whether or not j the time it in repaid in 1'J(!H. '1'b working for passaice of a bond is-j aiia|/i:il)i.ily to cl;.-.!!» !rn:;v:.5a&; our atatc government is run eco- $M.X million bond issue for col- .';ue totaling $4K,8r>U,0nu. Aecord-j nomically ia bes-t answered by the li'Ke fui-iliticH in l'jR'.l will ••< iriK t'> statistics, the reservoirs to j peniivnts, rvfluefl C3rr.:v.};>. ir r>-- going following facts. California's lota1 i'J.ri ai S5;s Kro^hers oi EUtslx-lh , ?tin.2 million by repayirvnt in be built at Hound Valley und i tireiaent. Irfc. enj \Tsyj lr. whx*-i t)u- pro- ju-r cfljji'-rt expenditures on >tJI11- Spruce Iti'n will be conipliti-d | The X. J. I..atr.:e v-f W>.ri:«:: • Kovernment services i.s ?J'.i4.o;i frsnj '#?riv« to hc:p boys in On these two bonil issues alone, none too >. ,<>n. The nee.: for unl Voters v.jil continue \.v work for New Yurk's is SltiiAU. Mu^uehu-. adequate \v;|..-r 'upply in our !atel p&i.-atre of a f.aic income TAX bv- - notts' is $162.0.'t. New Jei-eyV i.< jthe cost of borrowing the money I'arpose of B:;: Brother amounts to $2!?.8 million, or, never ' hav }•••( i niore ;j:ii^»il!y| cai:-i- tiny l,v':ieve it is the only , r.owaitfat, '.'•<• ss:d. is to find on 5RS.26, tho lowest in the nation. brought lion > ilusn this f:> I, •-•hor. I realistic way to our state' No one in compininiiiK about $-1.8 million more than the amount adult friend for^every wayward at mil! point, Waiimiue It.,'rvoiil boy. In this way, the youngster was down to apiunximaulj .. 30-1 ccn feel wanted by some one. day supply (a'suminif then'. wa>i AduUs vi:-:i ihe boys at institu- normal rainfall during !»0 Driver Pays $105 rionf, an interest in them and days.) orTer encourapenient «nd guidance. OUT OF SIGHT ., The stands taken by the I.cwuej "AH children wan to be some- of Women Voter* are c.lied cun- In Hit-Run Case body and they want to be some- OUT OF MIND! tinuine; responsibilities, and nro i thing to someone. The Bip Brother those positions on slate KOKrn- Alfred W. Schaaf, 22, of 22G2 I p!an helps them achieve this," he mentnl issues to which the I.WV Wcstfield Ave., Scotch Plains, was j asserted. of N. J. has jfiven xustaiind atten- fined $105 in Municipal Court on Patrolman Gray, a member of tion and on which it may continuc- a charee of leaving the scene of the Elizabeth l*olice Department to act. an accident. 25 years, has been working with Ill keeping with their stand, the He was arrested Oct. 18 after the youth of the community for 16 LWV will continue to work for his uuto struck a pedestrian in years. He hends the Hit Brother those measures which would fur- North Ave. at E. Broad St., pollice proyrar.i as well as the PA I.. ther carry >•<•.•.'•. :!--• f'.;M.-- r re- Michael F. O'Shauchncssy and they lack the proper resources ot sponsibilities are .-upport for ficorjje Helves, buth of Jersey present. measures leadint; to the adminis- City, on churKcs of canvassing trative integration of public wel- without a permit. fare at thr county level, ami sup- port for the philosophy embodied It \V:IH tcKtifiiMl they were ar- E. T.Moore, Others in the Optional Municipal Charter lested after a complaint from a law. resident who claimed he was over- The LWV continues to work for charged for manure the men sold Paid Tributes rOUH CHUDMN HAV> 10 III TO MAUN. THIY A«IMT the establishment of n citizen's from it truck. 1IA0Y Ml KHOOl UNTIl THIY CAN til MOPMLV, Enrl T. Moore of Wcstflcld, for- •KD rOUNOIIHI DON7 ACfUAliy KNOW WHITHH commission to study needs, organi- Nelson Jones of ]13 Pnlsted rMII« VIIION It NORMAL AN IMPOMANT fAIT Of zation, and administration of pub- Ave. wits sent to jail for GO duy« mer president and board chairman •ACK'TO-KHOOl PlirAtATION II HAVINO THIII lic higher education in New Jer. in default of payment of a $50 of tho Jersey Central Lines, was tVII CHICKIO IV A MtDICAl IYI rHYIICIAN. IF HI Hey; the provision of adequate fine for disorderly conduct. anionir 2(>8 recently retired rail- > THAT THIY NIID 01A1ICI, Wl Will Fill HII facilities and space for qualified Kincs for other trallic offenses roaders who were honored nt the You may travel far, but fHICIHIT. IF THtY AKIADY WtAl atudents; faculty salary levels ade- were pnid by the following: David 21st Veteran Kniploye Association you'll find no finer or MA(H>, THI1 II AISO THI (lit TIMI fO« THAT fi to attract and hold superior li. Williams of 118 Virginia St.;1 dinner Saturday in the Kssex ANNUAl CHICXU*. staffs. House, Newark. more choice drink than Dominick Appcv/r.alo of i)0'J Ccn- Bellows Partners Choice. MOf IN TO AtK FOR It also supports state tntuncinl trnl Ave.; William A. Patrick of Mr. 'Moore, who started his ca- TMI NAMIt Of IY1 FHTIKIAHI (MO) CONVINIINT TO YOU measures to improve and equalize !M7 Dunlinm Ave., und Domenielc reer as a clerk before lie was lfi, Forlightness.smoothness opportunities for public elemen- Chiapctta of 15 W. Morris Ave, '.stressed Rood relations with the and the pleasure of great Robert E. Brunner tary and secondary education. Linden, $20 ench ,red liRht viola- public and community during his taste—treat yourself to Looking over this list of con- tions. •19 years of railroading. Prescription Opliciant 1 Partners Choice. tituiine; rcsponsihiiitics, it appear.! Also, Ore-cory \V. Ixlirecht of fTlu denn nnionir those honored Laboratory on Promlm wns John J. Ilowley of I'lainfleld, that everything costs nmnoy. 10:M Sownrd Ave., $2,, l.,,,.,,|,.ss In lomi Rlvar In Ct.nlord Sumeliow, many people have nian- driving; Cllmrlns It. Heildows 111 of a passenger conductor, who retired IM E. lre«d St. 20 E. W.t.r St. 4 No. Union A»«. utci't) to disconnect within their, •1 rolkstotio Dr., $20, speeding, nfter 50 years (if service. 'Mr. llow- BELLOWS n, minds the "stntc" and the "poo- mill tiary H. l'feiircr of IS Holers loy was named "Railroad Man of ADaml 2-1181 Dl I-1JU BRIdga 2-SfcSO p| ." They me, for llu- nu^t part, the Year" in 1 £155. c Hd., Kdis.on, $20, backing up in a : perfectly willing to bave the vari- street. !Vrry 'M. ^Shoemaker, wlio suc- ceeded Mr. Moore as president of Jersey 'Central -May 1, was among : m m m m m am ms •• wa aw MI •• •• the speakers. '" Partners uioice ^^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^v ^^^^^. ^^n ^^^^V V^VB ^HW Only the best is labelled BelloV/S J I LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS 1 BRING RESULTS '• BEtlOWSlCO., lOUISVUlC, Kl. • BUNDED WHISKEY . 40X KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKIES • 60X 6IUW NEUIPM. SMUItS • A Chrysler Corporation EXCLUSIVE! i 1 s s

I I I Money Throughout the Ages . .. a series B B I 9 1 S B S I I e A :•• I E i 1 ON 1963 PLYMOUTHS AND VALIANTS! i i BRICK TEA MONEY composed of tea, mixed with wood. i Standard brick weighs about 2V2 lbs.

Years ago many such commodities served as the medium of

1963 Valiant Slgnot 200 Hardtop exchange: silk, grain, stones, bread, etc. In China, during the Sung Dynasty—966 to 1267 A.D. brick tea ivas used. The trouble wich the brick tea money was that it wasn't 1903 Plymouth Fury 4-door Hardtop very sturdy and wouldn't hold together well. . . you Just THIS REMARKABLE NEW WARRANTY IS THE RESULT OF THE SUPERB couldn't trust it. a QUALITY AND ENGINEERING OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION i Morale: "Put not your trust in money, but put your s Thoyuarsnliead acliievemonts of Chrysler engineering make this w.iri;inty possible. You couM p.iy four limes .is much for moticy in trust" .. . at n c;ir aiul it wouldn't be w.iii.inlod loi .is long .is a new low NEW 5-YEAR OR 50,000-MILE WARRANTY price I9G3 Plymouth or Valiant! What's covt-rcd? The in- ternnl parts of itu> onpjne (r.insmission jnJ dcivc train— the "heart" ol the enr Hint would cost you plenty to replace •.'%'.',".i ,'].',• jr'li'i- ..'i.'.,'V:!"\0-«':l!!.!-' or repair on any olln'i car. As a Plymouth oi Valiant owner,

VOU Mil lel.n: po.iro of mini! is st.inrlard equipment. If the , .'. : ,.•.,-« i. „.• ,1. .,n.l MM. ,.,.ol

warranty is still in effect when yon sell the car, it's transfer- * V...... -1 l'(Kl.' .'.1 I' able to the new owner. SOJ your I'lymoutli Valiant Dealer. •••-• ' TRUST COMPANY | ANOTHER CHRYSLER CORPORATION FIRST! offices in S AUGUSTINE MOTORS, Inc. BERSE BROS. WESTFIELD • CRANFORD • GARWOOD • SCOTCH PLAINS^PLAINFIELD g 576 NORTH AVE. E., WESTFIEID J43 NORTH AVG. W., WESTFIEID rncmbcr kim\ tfcpositir.iurafiee roiporab'on mam tsu &J::.: t;.v; rs: :••;??;.•; r;< '•::: ••.; :r- EJ :^: i?; r:- xzi&v.s :- ! :-r:, •-. •'>.., -- ,,, .....,„.,..... ,„..,._ • THE WE5TFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1W* P«f« 25 Ends 20-Year Career !EWS OF WESTFIELD'S Hanawalt's Survey Shoplifting Bill PUBLIC SCHOOLS Of County Setup Support Urged Kvm-i' Tlu'Miiis, txwulivi' sooro- Cites Revamping i iary t>f thv \W-Mt\vU\ Area i'ha»\- I100.SUVELT lended from all parts of New Jer- lisiice. Day was observed at sey. biM* \>f t'oniiin-tTt', han ui^Oil ri*si- A vast revamping the adminis- donts to vontiu't the StiiU- t^njite cit Junior Hiprh School with ration of Union County's jroverti- mMy program for the stu- Conpra'.ulations to'Michael Man- voit'injr iii>pr\>vjil »>f Asseiubly Hill S-'an, who has been elected prcsi- ..lent to fit its role as a "complex, ti3-i a uioasure vU'sijrmjrM to t-ope ily. Douglas Irwin, .Shirley bip business" has been, recommend- and John Ketcham led the deut of the ninth grade class. He v tlu* ggrowing prohlnti is a member of the Student Gov- ed to the Union County Hoard of exercises. Following this, Freeholders. liflinj: in Ui •iate topics were discussed ernnint and KJisoti ..s football The bill, which in on second by Edward Down, Robert squad. Other officers elected are A six-month study of 17 county reading in the .Semite, can be con- ifmes, Jaek Henrickson, Mer- Kobyn Sutlcy, vice president; Bar- iKencies by Hanawalt Associates sidered for passage when the leg- jHill, Doujrlas Anderson, Mi- bara Zack, secretary; William if Westfield, an independent trov- islature returns to Trenton Mon- ilease, Kachel Sherbourne, Hangar, tressurer. Four major .'rnment and business survey firm, day, he snid. Biadley, Candy Lerman, parties were represented in a hot- brought out at least 70 reconmien- Potter and Frank Uujrtr- ly contested racii. After much ac- iltltions for 'improving efHcieney irogram closed with Elk-n tive campaigning, voters used au- and saving the taxpayer money. inn's rcadinjr of "Hitfh thentic voting booths to cast their The resulu of the study were We just left " by John (jillespie Magee ballots. triven by the freeholders over the eekend for review and possible The history of words is the ition. Some of the recommenda- the pick of Santa's EDISON theme of ii first fliwr bulletin board tions already have been carried pack at |r i n g American Education display organized by Mrs. Flor- •ul. nany interested parents took ence VanDullan's ninth grade Eng- ace of the visiting program lish students. The theme has been TECHNICAL SERGEANT John E. Brigs. Jr., Ml, of Wt.tfield, They ranee from reducing paper- by Edison Junior Hijrh carried out with a wide choice of receive* his United States Air Force certificate of retirement work and red tape to improving Captain's purchasiiiK procedures for more 4 New Providence Road and attended classes with topics such as chess, humor, vil- after more than 20 year* of active duty. Sergeant Briffgs, ion of competitive bidding. (children.' lainy, charm, personality, the Ori- Mr. and Mrt. Jothua E. Briggs Sr of 1130 Fanwood Ave., wn an Only one of the 17 airencies came Mountainside teachers held several ent, and the wearing of Fedoras. airborne communication* technician at Albrook AFB, Canal out untouched—the Shade Tree HNrrrtl & OMIU to plan their activities Among the contributors arc Steven Zone, prior to his retirement. He i* a graduate of Wettfietd Palmer, Timothy Stalnakcr, Sam- Comniiusion. The register, sherilf Il~-f«* HO IHOK'I!. »d hl annual convention of the High School, Hil wife i* the former Mary L. Butler of 9 Johnson ind surroifHte's olllcea received (111 i:ii:i(VllNK (IN YIX'II I IKT crsey Education Association uel Kuna, Geri Kulwinick, Susan Ave., Cranford. Making the presentation in a ceremony held 10th jiruise and suggestions for ini- antic •City. Interest was ex- Upshaw, Karen Czarney and Jo- Vrt-v I'liiime*! In CfartHtiidUi llrot»rn(llisr anne Federocko. at Charleston AFB, S.C., is Brig Gen. James C. Sherrill , 1608th urovint; their administration. i\rr> Wrdursidio nl 10 A.M. tht choice of guest Air Training Wing commander. Ono key failure shared liy sev- rs, one oi whom "was Gover- On several recent occasions Edi- lushes. This convention af- •rttl of the UKencles is the lack of Two nntive sons of New Jersey, son pupils have met a need by rained personnel to step into jobs William l)ninbridt,'e and James teachers an opportunity to sharing. Halloween "trick or treat" V-IUSON JBKKBRSOiN' the latest books and Nov. 1 was a very special duy A trip to the United Nations •acated by department executives, Ijiwrcnco, were 'Naval heroes dur. candy was collected and sent to according to the report. nt and to exchange ideas veterans hospitals. Also money for the sixth &rrude chesses of Mrs. Buildini; in New York City for Jef- inK tho WHr of 1812. teaching methods and tech- Carol '.Murray and Mrs. Jean Ward, fersuii's fourth trrade classes cli- With retirements piliiiK up over was collected for a penny drive the next five years, tho county will nth other teachers who iit- sponsored by the United Nations. They were introduced to formal axed a three week study of the concert-tfointf by a trip to the new UN. The children toured the cham- IM: faced with a mnjor problem in il'hilharmonic Hall in New York's bers of the Security Council, the replacing skilled and experienced Lincoln Center to hear a youth Economic and iSocial Council, the dopnrLmenl otlirinla, the report concert performed by the Wheeler General Assembly and the Secre- itated. Beckett Orchestra. The program tariat Uuildin^c. The cluases were Tho report also said that politl- Announcing v.'os varied and lively, with com- accompanied by iMesdnmes N. Ret- •iil appointmentd in the lust 10 ments and demonstrations by ,Mr. telli, Walter Cherr, 'Morris Korn- /ours have not promoted elllciency Heckett and others on the pro- blatt, John llanda, Allicrt Stott, in the'Department of i'ublie Works, The New FESTIVAL gram. Jules. Wanner and iMnrvin Jtoth- Otherwise, the study ateered clear man. Tile same sixth ^raile classes of political? implications in reshap- welcomed Henry Coords who came McKINI.EY ing the policies of the county nj;en- to school to show them a motion iMrs. Hess HehnoiKlollar's kin- i picture entitled "White Alice" and dertrarlen class cnjoyeii a very un- 1963 RENAULT R-8 OF VALUES liis prrunnnl slides dopiclinic Alas- usual art lesson recently. In the Crni'l Pay, ire's J«il«««l ka and the building of the I>ICW classroom they painted the (hack- Une by Western Kleclric Co. ground for their "Autumn Leaves Lester I'ry of Summit is beiii(t World's Most Advanced Compact Grade H-l, accomjjtmied by their are Falling" victure.s by letliiiK col- detuineil in the local jnil in ilefault teacher, * llarbiira morrow evening at I''iucber'R them or draw them 1>iiek nt will. A. J. Orbach Co. Hutchison's second jrrade cla^s drove, ^priiurflflil lid., Union. According to Comptcm's lincydci- when they visited the Durlini; Chuck Wilson of Railway is the pedln, cats have 18 clawH, live on Established 1919 w. Dairy and the Meadowview Kiirin. caller and music .will be supplied each forefoot anil four on cuch I APPROVED They saw the cows and salves on by his Hill-Hilly hand, dames, a hind fool. Arlington at W. 6th St. PLainfleld 7-2323 the farm, watched the process of rake-walk and a demonstration of milking, suw milk bein£ pasteur- bi^h-U'vel wcstirrn styii' djineintf by I We Havo Several New 1962 Dauphines at Tremendous Savings ized ami homoreiiizeil and finally the Kahway Snuare Dunce Club TO BUY OR SELL, USE shaw the milk bottles beim: Illleil, will be features of thi) ovoninu;. cappeil iiml crated. The urmip was Any iidults who arc interested in LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Authorized Dealer Renault - Pauaeot //i accompanied by*Mnv Thomas hiking or sciuure-diuicini: urtr wel- 11-62 Hrie:ham, I'aul Cnry and John I come. Tickets nniy lie purchased (ireve. 'lit 111.' .!•".!. REG. $16.95 SPECIAL $O.99

Modern designed, tWmotfaticaRy controlled beater. Powerfu!, portable. Fan-forced air flow circulates hot air through room, draw* cold air has the honor to present to In bade H5VorhAC. Westfield the famous

Ilr. .,i,,l «r«. Ji.lin II. ir\rll of SiTrliTillil.l IITTIM." II. li^Tln llirlr ,.,-v, honi^ nt HI Miilmnk 'I'rtill nlilrli tln-> |Min-lifiN«.«I I rtuu Mr. mill >lr* Mirmnn II. Illiiiiil'l-ru. '•>••' xilli- twi> lirKiiflnlrit >•> Mi.rl,.n l>, »l..i« Ir fur thr •ifTIci' t.r Illirrrll A trillll. HrllllorM. TRAr SET MAMEL ROASTER 9 RM.-NEW BARGAIN TIME Candy t».eo. $1-99 Oanutad onob* fcn» h • «*» FOR TELEPHONE CALLS HUM MJWP MA, Shis *^i ^ukol the ultimate in fine candies toittui FTMIH d w»M*d dwt Now-ln addition to tho lowratos In effect after 6 p.w4 new even lower rates apply afur 9 PM. for many calls mads Inslda New Jersey, For example-3-minuto station rata from NewarK to Wildwood; • Boxed Assortments • Chocolates • Bon Bons

Thoco reduced rates do not apply to other sails tuetl • Novelties • Miniatures • Dietetic a» poreon-to-porsan, collect or credit card colla. t4EW JERSEY BEU To taste them is to love them. A delight for you and your

Mirro Tube family and a perfect gift any time for any one. COOKIE PRESS CASTER ANNUAL Reg. SJ.9B S*>.66 For 3 do», onl» + £•*"* 37c Bo «n eiptrt «o:>t«e * ptrtry MODEL RAILROAD bf&tt, t*vt to folio* ln»lriKli«n» •KJ r»cip« for tueoml. MmMfiuro mi. EXHIBITION *ith «opp«' trim. b THREE WEEKENDS Only in Wejtfleld at HARDWARE FRIDAY, 7-9 P.M. Nov. 16 - Nov. 23 - Nov. 30 SATURDAY. 2-5 & 7-9 P M. Nov. 17- Nov. 24— Doc. 1 SUNDAY, 2-S P.M. Nov. 18 - Nov. 25 - Doc. 2

CENTRAL JERSEY AYLOR MODEL R.R. ASS'N 135 Elm Street Westfield, N. J. Nf;/l to A&P, in back of Cities Service Station 76 ELM STREET AD 2-2232 25LM ST~W£STFJELO Open Monday and Friday Evenings FREE DtUVfcRY MOK * « ADMISSION: ADUUS 3Sc CHILDREN 25c THE WE6TFHEU* /N. /.) MUSES, TIJMR&r»r¥. NOVPMBfR !*, J«.6?f ACTIVITIES IN THE CHURCHES OF WESTFIELD AND VICINITY

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Tbn orrow: 7 j Hoard Flans R. C. CHURCH •Kiit Parishioners > IJNIWIMJMT .M«'< lin«; Of Central Ave., Mountainfid* choir PlC Sermon of the Week CHURCH SERVICES R«T. Gerard J. McGarrj, P««tor ' "AGENTS FOR RFCONCILIATJON" |HT Mothers Rrv. Frnncii F. McDcrmilt Pay Tribute To Rector?—122\ Wyoming Dri»« rns Dr. John R. Lcnnon, Minuter of Education The executive l,,,;,r,| ..f tlu- H,,ly Fir»t MMhoditt Church TEMPLE EMANU-EL I Sunday .-t-huol v/ill be in :.esiiion ai At)am. 2-4607 School. Sen,,.,,, 'Pitt,., j Trinity Molh<-i V (^iiiiil n-ennil post- in llu- fit. Uvv. lli-iny .1. Wiitter- ! sionary meeting for the month of of Kolydays, 4 to 5:30 p.m. and t-vi-rywheri-! Only the wall* "T ScJiool, would lie i ht- .-jHuker for ! confirmation ela-s: 8:."{(J p.m., bo- adult divisions M;M, j>a»l.i>r of (lie clmrcli, at « ilin- November has been scheduled for 7^0 to 9 p.m. Ihi- u-ri-iit ('athi-ilral w.-u- still the meeting to be held in the cafe- ! K'nntrs and advaiued Hebrew continues. 2 j, Man'lin^r. iii-r la-u wet-!-, in (lie Hotel Subur- teria of the e;ranmKir school Tues- ; cla^ses. tonight. Tile >peaker foi- the eve- TBaptism: Arrange in advance at luin. Summit, on Uu- fjccasiun of canvass viskution'; This jm.-l year ;i new cjillieih-.-t) day at 8:lfi p.m. Kiither Welsh's I Tomorrow: 8:15 p.m., sabbath ning will he Mrs. Jeanelte Hock- rectory or by phjne. liis KTth hirllulay. wii.s de;inn- i ity. I topic for the wraini! will In- "Mtith- | service*; lecture-sermon topic: i»K" who will very shortly leave to Marriages: Call at rectory at We wont mil fn»ni I.oisilun liy Tin- i-venl marked Die eighth Hn. ei' and Teacher." "What Are We?" An Onetr Shab- return tu her missionary labors least six weeks in advance unless lowship; special circumstances demand K« fed, 1 rnin to M if, few days utter nual liirtliilay jiarly iriv«>n ut thr Hostesses fnr the November bat will follow the service. in -Peru. P.m., Suniia >' evenin; iii.nii-. TI-.<->v it li->lrl for the helovrd pastor, who meeting, uniler the direetion of Saturday: !l a.m., sabbath re- Tuesday: 8 p.m., prayer and otherwise. Hie (h-'- .•<))! nid Hi", .hi will l>e (>l>s«i-vinf; his 50th year al Mrs. .Inlin (ielcllion, v.ill be the liK'ou.s school; 9:15 a.m., sabbath Bible .-tudy time at the chapel. Sick Calls: Urgent calls at any u'U-t lit fill it* William \V. Austin, j ' cnm-clcd at Holy Trinitv ni/xt 1'YbrUitry. sixth Kradc mothers. morning devotions. Thursday, Thanksgiving l>ay: !• hour of day or night. If possible ruins i.f the Kunwuoil. u (itries I o t l>i ry iiKtdci'n I Aiiinni; tjicsi' prcrfiii were the I'lans were formulated for the Sunday: 8:45 and 11 a.m., re- a.m., a service of Thanksgiving have your uick attended before Hev. John I.. Kaiilajjan, [|K, j((.v Christmas meeting of the (iuilii ligious school; 7:15 p.m., senior will !>e held »i the chapel with urgency arises. •Monday: 7:{0 p ra u lire (iuhiiiiHti'd hy a tfi cat oak lii'ilinonil rJutfKan anil the Kev. Ku- and theannual uri ft to St. Ann's youth e;roup. j George Sharp of Kenilworth as committee mec-ting ' (•n>Sv On tin* tiKht, JI bronze jnnitp lii-ne -MrC'oy, juskliiiit pastors at Villa, Convent Station. The pro- .Monday: 12:30 p.m., Sisterhood j the speaker. HOLY TRINITY R. C. CHURCH Tuesday: 8 j,.m.', , .•-howiii^ St. Michtif-! <"«v*" nomine tin- iliurch; MaijUlrute William M. ceeds of the cake sale held Sun- board. Augmented schedule: mittee; lioj;er the Ih-vil. A-- w<» l'Miki-il iinJ >low- Hcaril anil Dr. AJii-e Tymlall. day planned by the room mothers Tue>;roup; 7:15 p.m., junior poit-con- CHURCH 8, 0, 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon; Wednesday: *»:j5 ,.„ .. llu* impuct <>f a ^icnt truth. associated v.-itli Msi;r. Watterson of the Guild's new library. tirmation class; 8::(0 p.m., adult 9 a.m., children's Mass; in chapel, f (lie ruins, -itftii fir tint fur 12 years, reminisced about va- education lecture, Leo Pfelfer. Vicar Donald P. Cla» 9, 10:15, 11:15 and 12:15. nt*w i tMimsiKnar lia6 huilt -Kubbi Azriel S. (Jrishman wnd First Friday Mosses: 0:30, 7:16 A. »B\Veerd; »:;» imJ 1 p.m., adult membership class. but solid, won tied toother by a Kruinmiir school and a hi)»li Montgomery 'Mitchell Imn been Cantor fJon Decker ofliciate at all and 8. school; 11 a.m., worship' wire mi (I phin/d in iin old dusthin filled with «nti-ini'end i;uy bomb scl.ool whic-h currently havt- nn en- n a in e cl superintendent of the services with the participation of Saturday: 9 a.m., confirmation guest speaker, Dr. DtWi, sand. Thi* "charred en««a" ."jit-uk* <(Trctiv*?ly to thv worshippers who rollment of about 1,500 .student'.*. hurch school of St. Paul's Kpia- the temple choir and Robert Nel- classes. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, p.m., service at ISrookside-X»«••(j ; I (rather there ;it *> a.m. KaMer Sunday for nn outdoor service. He aho incntionert that the present vopul Church replacing David son, organist. We welcome your -Sunduy: 8:15 und 10:45 a.m., SCIENTIST Homy; C p.m., youth Wheeler, who, with Louis Trojrlia, services; Holy Communion will be Atfmn, nftcr the roof hut'lii'it, lar^i: fouilfonth century liand- I'hurch, convent anod man nnd 1» tontinuing to push for- McCiroarty; vice president, Joni Rev. Richard L. Smith 170 Elm Street, We.tfield Avill on Christmas Kvt», I0G0. Tuesday: 10 a.m., Altar Guild ward for tho betterment of the Ackerman; secretary, Kufcenc Hol- Rev. JJIITIBI D. Cote Rer. William K. Cober High above the altar, hangs the largest tapestry in the world, church nnd the community. land; treasurer, Dick lillcrhorol; Rev. M. Bolin Durway meeting; fi:30 p.m., confirmation classes; 7:.'IO p.m., department Miniiter 30,000 hours in the making. The Christ looks out upon thy waiting WutleiMon thanked the seventh (rrade representatives, Jelf Rev. Ace L. Tubbs Today: 10 n'.m., wonlan'9 mission congregation, suggesting thfit the first stop in reconciliation is the people for remembering his birth- Owen and Penny Felix and eighth leaders; 8 p.m., "Sunday school More Church Nm\ Rev. John M. Nakajima teachers' meeting. society joint meeting for White reconciliation that lakes place between Christ and the worshipper. day nnd related aome of the many irrude representatives, Dick J':ir- Minister* Cross sewing. 12:30 p.m., woman's Wedncday 10 a.m., midweek Quito fittingly, the donor bun remained anonymous. experiences that have (jone into mentler and Yvonne Tileree. •Sunday. 8:M, 10 and 11:30 a.m., mission society luncheon in Fel- Turning nway from thu altar to the entrance, one sees u vast Hible study. tiuildintc a better churcli, a better The junior Kroup will sponsor a worithip services; Dr. Frederick K. lowship Hall. on Page 28 expanse of clear KIHAS panels, engruvod with transparent figures of Thursday: 9 a.m., service uf to\yn and the progress of the in- roller skating party Nov. 30. Christian will preach on the sub- angels and saints, in ulternatv rows, symbolizing the closeness of the lividunls within the community. ject "The Stern Demand of Truth." Thanksgiving and praise; Vicar Chri»tiun life on ciirlli with the Kingdom of Heaven. Outside, throngs 8:30, 10 and 11:30, church Donald P. Glass will deliver the pass continuously. The worshipper can not forget that the ehureh in Norton Bible Class uchool; the iMen's Triangle Iiible sermon and his topic will be "A involved In the daily life of all people who pa«n thin way. Program Announced class will meet in Westniinstei- Thankful People." Is there any question about the need for such u message oi' Dinner Will Honor Hall at 8:30 a.m.; the Klizaheth Friday: School vacation. reconciliation ii. our world? Certainly today, the hell of alienation The monthly social meeting of Norton Bible class will meet at 10 is u reality to many imlividuuls und many groups of people. T. S. Church Personnel the '.Elizabeth Norton Bible class o'clock in the louoge; the senior UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP HOW MUCH DO YOU Eliot, in his play, "Cocktail Parly," CUUKL*S Kclwurri, the hollow-hearted of the iPrcxhyterinn Church will high department of the church OF WESTFIELD socialite to cry out, "Hell is one's self. Hell is alone, the other figures Dr. Frederick K. Christian, se- be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the school meets «t 10 a.m. only. Weitfield Community Center KNOW ABOUT in it merely projections. There is nothing to escape from and nothing |Nirks]i hoime. Mrs. II. W. Tenney Sundny School and Worihip to escape to. One is always alone." Many people seo.m too often to nior minister of the -Presbyterian It-5 p.m., rehearsal for "'fhe Mes- Clnireh, will spenlt on "Tensions will lead devotions. siah" in Westminster illall; 7 p.m., Service 10:30 a.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE? be cut off from the meaning and purpose of life, with no (!od lo •Sundny: 1():,W a.m., Hible school relate to; not even the truilest kind of a Uod to escape to. . and Tasks in the Churen Toilny" 'Mri. II. 1). Stay will show slides "Nulure of Inn 'Ministry" leaders of South Africa und Kenya, re- in the chapel; 7:45 p.m., Spires and adult service. The .sermon will Let us \\\*i\\ examine the us peril? net- of reeonriliuUon. What is at the annual :17, 18), "For if a nutn is in Christ he becomes House." narrateil by Mrs. Kuirene children's recreation. MOUNTAINSIDE Clark and "Scenes from ii Vneii- real meauiiif; to life will be brought UNION CHAPEL a. now person altogether. Tlie past is finished niu) gone, everything out in an address to be jrivell in Tuesday: 7 p.m., church school hiiH become fresh and new.All this is (Jod's doing, for he has recon- lion Church •Sehiial," niirrati'il by annual dinner; 7:-Iii p.m., Eeunien- Mountaimide cordially invites you 10 the Hev. iM. linlin Ihirway, minis- •IMainfield Sunday by Charles M. Rev. Badon H. Brown, Paitor ciled UH to himself through Jesus Christ; and He hns made us agents Cair of New York. ical study group in junior depart- of the The use of the word, "agents'* is a jrood one ter to children. The Kev. James ment; 8 p.m., beard of trustees; .Sunday: 0:30 a.m., Bible school hear a FREE PUBLIC A Christian Science teacher aiul for the Greek word docs contain the idea of a responsibility accepted, !>. Cole, minister of youth, will Elizabeth Morton Bible dans. teachers prayer meeting; 9:45 a.m., practitioner, 'Mr. Onrr is on ex- LECTURE ENTITLED- and H sense of mission lo he earricil out. Yes, (iwd lias ninde us agent*- leail those in attendance in a lie Sunday school classes for all age tensive lour as a nieir.ber of the Wednesday: 11:30 a.m., church for the reconciliation thai Mo Himself initiated. riml of group sin^ini; and table groups from nuiv.ery through Christian .Science Hoard of Lec- Maff devotions and discussion 8 Kumes. adult. Bu.s transportation to and You ami I, then, are commissioned personally to declare a great' tureship. He will speak in I'lain- p.m., adult communicants class. "HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CAN HELP YOU" from Sunday school is available truth. Not condemning others, but declaring lo them that God has Decorntiorw will feature the field IIlull 'Schoolal ;t::SU p.m., un- for children living in Mountuin- by ARNOID H. EXO, C.S.B., of Evgnsron, III. bccoimr II person to UH in Christ, and therefore wo. seek out others us Wired themes of the Christian faith der Ihe auspices of l-'irst -Church MADISON AVENUE CHAPEL J side; 11 a.m., worship service, ser- persons fur whom Il<> pours out His life eontinuously. At' times, wo and life elirricllluni: The Chut-dl, of Christ, Scientist, I'lainfield. Roger F. Pugiley I Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother ChuftK | may even foresee the person our' neighbor could become. Ihe Hible, and ,lesus Christ. Din- Student Miniiter i mon by Kev. Brown; (i:45 p.m., Youth Fellowship meeting; 7:15 The Flrsf Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mos»achui(»i We can be agents for reconciliation now, even as (ion up channels through which nutlcn. Calvary Church lo llohl p.m., prayer .service; 7:45 p.m., l0:lT> a.m., family Hible study I evening service with sermon by (»od can erase hitter ness, and ro-store broken relationships, As a The eonunittee in rharue of ur- hour tuugl't by lioger J'ugsley; 11 I wemher of the Lions Club, ] have been umnzed at the tremendous job Tliuuksgiving Service pastor. * WESTFiELD HIGH SCHOOL rtuurents includes Miss Mildred a.m., Mr. Pupsley, student minis- thut "Service dubs" are doing around the world in the release of good Kink, ehairman, liaymond Betts 'Monday: 7 p.m., Pilgrim and Col- Dorian Road and Rahway Avenue will through projects inr communities. Again, watching the Lions' A service of Thanksgiving will ter, will conduct worship serviei'' and 'Sirs. Carl /.eis, de.-orMtions. and preach on the subject "Let's onist Pioneer Girls meeting. Club parade at the International Convention in Nice, 1 noted a large be held at Calvary Lutheran Westfield, New Jersey niftrclting unit from Japan, and remembered that the lirst clubs were Church, Cranford, Wcdnesduy evr- Wal.e Up." 'Tuesday: 8 p.m., Women's Mis- started in Tokyo by htiisim-ss MUMI from the Philippine* inuneiliiitfly ning at X:ir>. The Kev. Arnold J. sionary Society meeting. after World, Wur 11, as a gesture of reconciliation. Lutherans O.K. l)ahk|uist's sermon will be on "The i WOODSIDE CHAPEL Wednesday: 10 a.m., women's THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1962 (iraee of Gratitude." The senior j Morie Avenue, Fanwood Bible class meeting; 7:15 p.m., Ex- ftd Wilson, a student in Cnmhridtfe University in IKS'l, was choir will-sing the anthems "'Praise j Timiorrow: 7:'»0 p.m., the Hap- nickiunned "Hill the Oynii1" because of his disagreeable nature and plorer Pioneer (iirls meeting; S AT 8:30 P.M. Fund Campaign 0 Praise Our Cod and King" by I py hour, the WooiUide juniors and p.m., midweek service. bitter tongue. II i* cm re ci»nft'>*sed to si friend: "1 Unow I am hard, Wollf, and "Fear iN'ot 0 Land" by ! tin- W'lKs will meet at the chapel: proud, and conceited . . . but 1 don't like you ti> treat me as though Visitors are welcome ut all serv- Overwhelming approval to un- Harris. AH are welcome. j the M-nior yuung people will meet Under the auspices of First Church of Christ, ScimtiH. I wasn't trying to do a hit better." Years later, as a physician in • at the home of tho I'inkhams at ices at the chapet. dertake a fund-nu.sin>c campaign Bnskrts will T.e pluced in the Westfield, New Jersey Captain Scott'* expedition to the South role, he wns nicknamed "Hill ' 7:-IS. the Peacemaker." Captain Srott wrote about him. while both lay was jfiven by the Calvary Luther- nurthe.x to receive the annual in- Sunday: 11 a.m., Sydney Oal- Wo can do mure good by bein^ dying in the Antarctic snow: **lf this lei lei r<*;u-hes you, Bill ami I an Church congregation at a spe- gathering of canned foods for the good than in any other way.—How- They Extend to A!! a Warm and Sincere Welcome have gone out together ... 1 should like you to know how splendid cially called meeting Sundny aft- Lutheran Welfare Association craft of .lamaioa will he the speak- land Hill he' was nt the end.evi'rlaslingly cheerful and ready tn siicrifu*e him- ernimn. This will beirin in the 'Homes in Jersey City. The Home er at the Family Bible Hour. The self for others. . . . His mind is peaceful with tin1 satisfaction of his spring of 101"^, snnietime after lias requested that no beans bi» faith in regarding himself us part of the great schvinc of the Al- Knster. donated. mifchty." Het-onciled, "Hill the Peacemaker" had heroine an aj;ent A forum ojiened 'he afternoon's for rufoncilialinn. proceedinc;:* and was led hv the Bradford ('.in !<• lo Meet This is the truth (\> veil try would make rlrar to us. lioil c:in chairman of the executive buildinjx make us n grille Un~ remmi lint ion, t«> love persistently nnd to act conimillee. Dale A. .luulilb. (^lles- l!i"idf, our world desperately m-i-ds. tioiK raised by meii'lier- of the eon- (\>lurreKitii«>u:il ('lilireh will meet uri'Untiiin were ausweivd in detail Tuesihiy evening ;i( S |i.m. at Ihe and the entire proposed prtiyjram liunie of Mrs. Kiellard II. lhllit, explained extensively. The forum _ r>:l'.i I.;uvreiH'e Ave. (/hrislnias cotlilud.'d. the li|'e>'iilenl of tile j pai'I fur :i needy fiiniily will elnir.h council. VranHin MiMriek- lie prepared for shipping. Mein- <•>• .Ir. of Cranforil. called lo order I hem arc a-l;ed lo deliver donations itii- -oi'ci.'il int'i'tinjr of tile 1-unirre- i for the Christina'- pruje.'l lit .Mrs. i;:ii ion. AI (hi-; time iroiion- were] Illtlil'-. hitnle tuilloi row. :i|i|irovrd lo -Kepi'i :i fund di'ive. My Choice For :iMp:ii:hetli -upper pre- Tree loclure entitled: iiali il '••'• ('. S'iKirt Hurl-, ;l liu-!i|. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I'm so hoppy since I found her of !hc chliri-ll i-iinn.-il. followed AND EVERYDAY Ivory Loundry. They do till in t!a- f.'llou-.liii. hall. my laundry just the woy LIVING" i want, lioat it cit-iitly one) by CHARLES M. CARR, C.S.B. I got it bock btmuJifully of New York, N. Y. cloon. HOW Member of the Boorc! of Ire- luresliip of the Mother Chcrch, CHRISTIAN Tho F irsl Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mosscichu- SCIENCE iCtl5. SAME DAY SEnViCE ON LAUNDRY AND HEALS Sunday, 3:30 P.M. DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME DRY CLEANING UPON REQUEST Nov. 18 556 Westfield Ave. © AD 3-0255 WNBC 660 k.c. IVORY DRY CLEANERS Sunday Morning —7:30 Plainfield High School A Funeral Homo of homelike otmosphero, completely modern air conditioned, Ninth and Arlington off-street Parking Facilities WNTA AND LAUNDERERS Licensed Staff A| OPPOSITE FIRE HEADQUARTERS Sunday Evening, 10:30 Auspices i EL Doofoy DOOLEY FUNERAL HOME First Church of Christ Scientist, 218 North Ave. W., Cronford 16 PROSPECT ST. AO 2-5020 Carolyn M. Dooley THE TIME FOR GRATITUDE Plainfiold BR 6-0255 Tiir WESTnn.n (N. ,r.) irAnrR, THURSDAY, NOVF.MBF.R in, i»62 Page 27 Highlights in Women's Fashions .-:- Menus -> Other Events | Time to Give Furniture KITCHEN NOTES Say Thanks with Turkey Feast Care, Important Family Life Today i A lietnity Treatment h I By MARIAN KEMP, Home Economist, Acme Market) By PHYLLIS GREEK \ll fun Heat Is (tn Pamper Family with Two Birds jPartof YourFur rrid/i'sf in Hunion I.'t Id dons h}t ix— 77M' Stnfc I 'ii'irt tiiitu I Now th'nl yiiur furnace is oil. liy MARY W. AKMSTliOXO Urn hit.-, for snacks or "day nftei"! Encouraging Cheating j y»ur wo.,,I (urnitun- may neod Home Ayenl j seervive, buy 1 'j pounds of tur-1 i Investment What do you niran that I'm ! lu'iuity iii'iilnii'hls tn withatund thi- 1 ' ili-y iiiiiu>s|ilifi'i> uf hcutvd moms As prayers for pi-ace minute : key per person of ready to-stuiV ; j encuuriiging my sot: to (•ht.'al '" with pruyeis of thiitikr-n-ivint;. j turkt-y :uid 1 '-. -'J pounds per per-' Hv ('AKt)I.YN YrKKl'S protests «n nniiiy fnt her. lUiiin^ Int.- fall ami winter. many » hi.memaker will want to j son of the alivady-stutfed tuik*-y. j This father had just promiset) Miss n liiunc furiiishitiK specialist, i "cul t n si?.:il)U•'•*• > nninunt of •'-1 examinati willnn the tup live rc'commcnd* n .simple ttcutment ul way \* u £f his class. Vat her thinks this is j fm f ui nit ui i- lo slow chci'kinR of rou^t tut key, generously served. ) tlml is completely clean ami ready- ! dividends in pleasure uml wnj-ntth. encouraging his son to itn well in ! tin1 snul li-sturi' the bcuuty combined with n tmitfy cruiiheny j to-stiiH*. Homemakcrs HIT glad U However, the nmouut of wvixr school, but what it really does is ', cf Die wuml. Il disguises hriutchcs, relish to luing out the suceulrnl, | lu1 rid of the job of evisxerritintf unil pleasure you get from your riiroimige cheating. j t.m. savory flavor, and all ihe other | pinfeathet injr, ami ^intreinv: t!w j furs depends directly on the cure) The son knows be isn't n ^oo«| I'M' II mixturt' of uno-fouitli familiar trinnnintrs. j birds at home. Thi* turkey with i you give them. [ enough student to (M't such high I i;»m tiii'|irmini> nnd thii-c-fouiths Let your bird be of niagnitu-fnl | legs Unit can bo untucked for j Knr instance, are you inclined marks. Therefore, lit1 cheats be- '. luiilcil linsi'i'il uil. lie .sure to use proportions as in oldtime hnrvest slulling and Ihcn tucked hnek into '• lo wi'iir your collars hii*h and ciiusc that's tlu- only wny he lias a | Kimi tui-p.-ntiiw, not .listilled. And celebrations, or smaller as needed, j the slit at the base of the biea>t | rinse around the he-ck? Do youclianeo to make it. i buy only linst-t'tj oil lubolod A large turkey will piuvtde ta.stv j bone has eliminated the slippery- cany handlings and jmcknges mi Parental pressure for hijth ••!.oil..f these bnbit.-» ran I tur«> mill pour I-M(iu^.li into clip tu although they would not cull it 1 Huve you ever wi>hed tin- hi»li-| eomes to thrMlniUT table, too. | cause fur to wear thin in thes*» cheating. However, it is cheat ing j cover surface of tin hot wutt»r. day bird had four drumsticks to! Crowinu HI popularity with mod-j spots. when father or mother does the I>o not stir. please eueh child or adult whu \ erri home-makers who value their Tlu'ie nre times when you \vill child's homework for him or reads ! Dip u soft cloth intii the oily CK BHKADR havo a way ot bread pulls from aide of pan. Let be guilty of one or more of tb .- an txlro-special touch to stand In pan 10 minutes be fora covets that particular part of the j time is turkey thnt is jihvudy his Assignment ami vorhnlly briefs | layer of liquid and rub unto furni- neal. They can be baked turning out on wirs rack to cool. turkey? Or has the choice of stuf-1 stuffed. Tho oltl-fnshionetl bread nbovt* habits; try tn relieve thest* it for him or writes his composi- ture, u Mnnll section at u tlmf. i nnd stored In the refrigera* Makes 1 loaf. fing been a problem because father! stuffing used is gontly nnd typicnl- points of wear by using' ti scurf tions or book report!*. I'^or Hhelluc finishes, wrinjc cloth freezer for future use. prefi'is the old fusiiiwnod kind hU j ly seasoned with onions, *;»ge. and aromi celery. It i* not a wet shirting* tries to recite in school and stum- If wood is (trimy, dip ,'i/O steel ' in packing luncbos, try u new vrisiuii. Twn small lull is just moist enough t3, wears a three-piece room or <*rowd<>d closet. Instend, easpoon lemon Julca butter and sugar thoroughly In A outfit from California. The flnislies. Use thin solutioii spurlllK- up chopped nuts largo mixing bowl. Beat In the Easy Does II With Planning;, hang tho tftirmcnl on tt well Hhnpcit ly on shellac, howovi'r, bectiuflo It it n on oven and set at 350"F. egg. Stir In evaporated milk, ensemble, styled in cortlu- or ))ndde'd hiutgcr and Ic-t tt well B9XSK 3-inch lonf lemon juice, applesauce and ral- • roy, features a coat with whne (MH'l, dry air eireulnlos. :i«id hy mod parents to their chil- If you think a finish mitrht He or one holding about 6 cups. sins. Add flour mixture all at once Serving Thanksgiving Feast patch pockets, ovcr-bloust; Shako or brnsli the gnrment liffht- dren. In their Whirl tn U*aeh n [ together flour, baking pow- shvllai', you can It'll hy BpoiiKinK u and stir just until dry Ingredients am! slim .skirl. ly when it is comple-U'ly dry. child to he honest, parents say npot on undeisidi' uf pleco wltli 1 salt and nonfat dry milk, ore dampened. Turn Into a well Hy MARY \V. AUMSTltO\<; ! spent away from homo if de- jn nnd save \\ cup juice from Whon not in uso, nlwnys hnn^r ninny things idiout the value of denatured ulculiol .solvent or rdb- greased 8'.i x t',4 x 2X-Incli loaf Home A^ent ! Hired. fuiM on well piubltMl coni hnngcis honesty. IIIHK' alcohol. If it's shclluc, tile can of apricot halves. Mix in pan. Bake In a preheated moder- Does preparing and ; I 1 ;'\U p.m., measure oollVc ; plaep quart bowl until light nnd uring* baby's entire diiipcr wear- to nmintnin tlie neck nnd shoulder Children learn, however, hy ex*llnish will xufteti ond becomo tho shortening, sugar and ato oven <375*F.) until a tooth- dinner for a hig 1 relishes, cranberry sauci*. jelly, tg age. shape. A «-nud hangiM* idsiv pri>vi-\ ntuple nnd not by wbal thoy lire \ Add gradually mixing until It is a mistake lo think that belter support for the weight af to M. 'No nut Her how often they blended the apricot juico, out clean, about 1 hour. Let cool to you? We agree thnt it is bill j al.-o mints nnd nuts or dates, iaper rash occurs only (hiring In pan 5 minute*, then turn over r 1 the Knrment. lire told (o he honest, they do what Start slopping sounc-r, nryfed thi* jpn julco and cut-up apricot like every other worthwhile task. { .> :'U\ p.m.. remove t urkeys from aby's early months. Ma hies can Puts shout it not be hung in a Vs. Add dry ingredients nl) at on cooling rack. When bread Is it is easier wilh good planning and! <>ven. Put prebaked or brown- they :*ee their parents doing. Allslaie,i- Club. Winter driv- completely cooled, wrap snugly get diaper rush as lung as they light place for any length of time. The vision of honesty blurs when ing 1'iinditioiis call for mlditlonul mixing quickly, but tbor- advance preparation, Alllunigb it i ;ui; aiul dungi'i-uiic i used pan. Bake on center frigerator overnight. Makes 1 color a nit singe fur. Don't crowd way mil of u traffic ticket when making, short ri pi*»toil up- loaf. pennancut like a painting for r\-1 ;-einb]r all foods to be served. •ases of din per rash tend to befurs on a closet rack with other of oven 1 hour, or until nmpic, it is a creative m*hU'Veiii"nt ; •• p.m., j>laee pii>s in oven to warm In* really wns driving over I he pllcalions of "tlie briiktM. olde babies. This was garments. ()ver crowding may peed limit. that can bring pleasure and s:iii^-| dining dinner if desired. Invite found to be so in u study report- h the fur along the neck nnd faction to you and to those who lo tahle. Knjoy an obi- ed in the Journal of Hisca.M's nf Inpe) mil !i»<-. They ure Innrnlng lo cheat when partake. fashioned Thanksgiving dinner- ChildrI'll published liy the Amer- niollier tells them to answer the HAVE A CAREER I'roli'cl your furs from moth The schedule outlined below prepareil wit Ii Hinder n conveni- ican Medical Association. The mother "^els nway" with ii"t piiy- 1 damage when not in constant use. NOT 1UST A JOB! jsugir* Us do :ini*i;d tasks and a time • ence methods. (study showed that th" mo'-t M-ri- 1 inother "(jest nway" with imt pay- ('oh! storage is tin only adequate Table Service Aids Success j table for Tluuiksgivinjr Day. This j f oils cases of diaper rash did not ing: the full bill ul I he ip'ocery protect ion during th<- siunmoc procedure will enable you to have I 1 occur in infants but in children .si ore; when fnt her brag* nhmit. rMMANINT HAI* REMOVAt nnuiths. An air ti^ht garmenl bag 1 j over CHIP year nf nge. 'healing" tin income lax or pud- World (omoui Kf» Mdhed pro time to spend with family and , satisfactory (o prt>vciit dust am! Of Your Thanksgiving Feast guests. If a midday dinner, per-! j The possibility of diaper lush ding his expense- account, porti you for a rtwardlno full or ALL ABOUT BABIES ill) infection during the winter part t!m« career. Trotnlng haurl 1 haps '! p.m. is your choice, you will J remains us IOIIK" as diapers are Childien also leni'ti th;it it is Hy MAHY \V. AliMSTHONC A Public Soviet o/th* la tult your nh.du!«. AQ« no bar. have to count on startiin; prep-. wo i'ii. It is therefore important lo their disadvantage to tell the Home Ayi-nl National Baby Care Council Do not permit anyone but all flw. S«nd (or fr» bookUl "M" arattons by seven instead of ten j ihul tlu> fastidious ny £RMA W. MACREADY, RN Goro Afllnlan, DIndar I younger be continued. Itaby should ireful r-are will insure you the punished ;.cverelv. Wlu-n hi1 Ii* - li>ii duly. Christmas is- onthe wny heie in the United States Saturday Important Day ; • • p. Crtrfi Cnx»w\or i be chanded pi ompt ly ivitb »•«•! ntstiint war in tli, pleasure nnd and w*y.i lie didn'l i\*> it, he dovti'l KR IE IN STITUTI Thanksgiving. And Thanksgiving is a truly American Saturday morninir i« a K«»'i; P«n.acoU. Fla. tion when feasting and th e tahle are the center of things, rccily prticcsti'd di.tpei.j. pride in your fur coat that you )W\ j'unishi'il. He'> not only learn- lime to make out the market list , will expect. nally. thanks are given fur tin: fruits i-f a Imuntcnu.i harvest. and rlo all of the shuppinr- The j Dinprr Hynirnf: 12-1 f» Months tlin>ug}i»ii1 the toibt ine. !«• .lieat, hut he's leiuning (hut i-oent years, the setting for ihe had ihiiig i- to j;ct eaiij;hi. ready-to-cook turkey ran b< Kaby, between 1:.' and 1 f. itraining period wh Kin- a tnn^y topping for cnuid-d l h;i>- assumed more and yours?" i.* a frequent ijuery when , ,,,,„ ,, „„ *.«„,,*., j „„-;,. :;::rzjL::;\,;,;:; '^r. -: ^ ^^ brncroji, ('oiuliine (>iic-h;ilf nip ^•|alnK^•1ers letirn early thnt par tiporlam-i'. place set I ings are close. Hut again nfr M f dairy "uuir ci'i'inn with two teacut- s ji'jdl\- dini't want lo hear I lie Thanksgiving Hay scarrt1- the location of the salad to the ^";;:;yan,,- >,.„ „,„, j; ••>•rr r .•>• .!••>•...... i!Zn««.«;:;::.,.-,,,,"^' >!»?™ lit epiued hoi'^eradir.h. t nit h. Children ure nio;| ndcpl nl H. E. GOSLING diseijvi'riiij^ uliji' p;ijerts want to •k away, it is Into to think left above the plate may not be i v 1 (insli i>f paprika and suit nnd pep- hear, then .snyinj' I hat, rather buying IH-VV dishes, table convenient if space is limited. ;;;::—^:™\ •/:;:;,::;;;; x^z •,.K;i.. ii,,;::-1...r:..n »*,;. [ f»j'>:ii^»;, v,?;:-;:^;;" ;:^::.^:-:::: per lo taste. Thi•* inki- FLORIST I1 1 I th;in Ihe |,n!h. The youiiK-ilein fj - r ait-esxiries but sugges- A well tiiKani/.ed hosliss must lix, uml <-ook fresh i-ranliiTi-ii--'. j " "" ' "' •''- "»»• . f i- . , i.,,,.,,. ., ..)..i,,...i for ! to *! servinjrs. K (ii e thai'-. iniich simple)- Ihtti) bc- »r setting the table appro- plan tiic timing for all Ihi- cooking W,dn,.day After Fiv, ! ^S ..H.lh.-yi thi. li .,- i» <»1 M -^ h;>m -u . ^.un.d M) everything is ready at the light Wednesday rveninr you rani r-in.- .•..IIM-..,U< »f baby s n-ed f'*1 cS.ii.l.. to limp.*.- IIVH.M,..." Wri«... int: fHinisliiiI, rir)jd. For kti Occotlon. .illd iMprrri-lly may be lielp- tiiiiniMt too t i^lifly. N'cthinir upsets- :vim: tips may also help nn i mi'n( in eluding the de-snt. If .rcpare your favnnte -tulbm'. ; ^ ' "•"'('.«• . IMI \ ii-.w M^M.U.. .-I ^ *>-M\ut\»\ Habv Cure foinicil, 'I'eiu-hing lioiii' ly is d"iic l)iruiij.di it is lo be M'lveil eol'I, it can be Thur.d»y". Timr Schedule : ji»-li' L, Mny d» > fnr ;r l..|.» «•« 1 " , w , Sf..' Philadelphia :!. luiby mure ((Ufckly than n-strieted bt'liaviitr, not through words. call ADnm. 34465 pievcnt unnecessary fa- lloin ll ;l ( tH Ar ll lnutinn. Vour iliiiper service coun- •r yourself ami much run- pltK'i-d i<:if{y with the appropriat*• 0 a.m.. stuir Im-kcy. tru-. Place ; ^ ' " • •"•• - -** • t, moth j )ftin deVr-lnp ;i fal.-e Pa. selor run tell you whiit size dia- He enjuy^ nnich ivlm in thankful I >050 fprli,a'l«ld A vs. I'und fur anyone. dishes on :\ side tit Mr or Iray call on riM'k in open roasting pan. Ifer'-'s anot)M>r hint for (he coin- ahead of lime. Hut the wisest host- IO:l.r» a.m., prepare vrnt-lables aii'l -cettrity about I hi* tfire;tt of ( pers to order ;unl give you bints for little; a grateful mind is Wh II !y. when a romplrte cloth fort of ;i nrnwinj; lijiby. Make -.ure on pinning" them for greater batty on the table, rluilies are not ess uses a two tiered ti.iy carl appelizer. ra-h. If ha by diH-Mi't wi-( -u u Kn'.'tt and a happy mind. --TIIOK, : the - is not too MUM!) nocomfortr . !lut practically, the use of placed beside her for the M>i]i• r-n-ri. HM-M- no long.-r is any Seeker. ie or even better, wipe off dishes as they are cleared in order j relMi tray. Stoic in refrigeni- ' ni#<*'' f"f ci.nn-ra. to prevent much jumping up and 1'iH'Mth the turkoy platter j t,,r< ' i Thiv fn1l:icy i-: (hi- Miftject of hildren's places show goocl down or running to the kitchen. j 1 1 a.m.. ?H tbe table and a ^emble ! this sixth in ;i •• t of the table dei-ur will of practicing it. ;mich impaired. «''irs i> a fairly elaborate ffiortnn ttilh a number of kinds of After School Snack r folks at each place set- tie correct arrangement can ler for :iflutlcr ftom another country mi- pvi-n innf- scrvt-rt tna.^ty liot whh with our customs. The :\ cnatiiu: «.f ^hiirp Chci!il:ir rhi-.-.-i- you just can't beat the delicious, mouth-watering goodness of our incomparable "f the silver shouhl be in flukes. Ju-t lini.-h strip- "f whiti1 ti.-r cf ase—th;it i.-: the fir.-t bn-.vl with mi-lli-il InittiT. I'liu-i- in chocolates, fresh-roasted nuts and candy favors. r l-.rk to ln> used on the[>:ipi-r h.tfr willi yhrcddcl ch.•»-."'- • ifd -.. nn. It is assumed, ami sh:\k" wi-ll. riiirc "» liuttcivd tb. slli l.l hi in :'.r,0 ill,. And there's something for everyone: nuts and fruits dipped in the most delect- ••li;; lr't of tlw jilati1, I tiri-i' j.r»--li«-:it•••! IIVI-II. Tnin nfl.-r able chocolate; mints of every variety--thin mints, fancy mints, sandwich mints, •••.. I !,.- -i-i-il. i St'rvv lint, wit!- i;i:i--i- of i'"l'l '.i! I.IIM-,.- ihat every f:nnily ' milk. Aii'l h.- i.n-|>aii '1 !"i' -<•'" '"l= • Holland mints,- French chocolates, miniature chocolates and just plain scrumptious

kr-ivi--. (':,-,-s havi, h.-i-n ' In t!,.- i-:.: fa-vily. !:i- r.nir.!>i-i- chocolates; the crispest, crunchiest nut brinies you can imagine,- the finest, freshest ••: :i jxT-nn r'l-un slirh Ji \ ,.f y.ui r.K 'f ' ;' :1 ii-!(l '-iifil-- Un:n "\-.r hi- l:irir,1 knifi- f«-r ' - ^u \t, >cv,i;. ,!i p,-:t»iiur -i. Oi<- -p*1- roasted nuts; and nut dainties that would have tamed the Indians. :.!••! :!..•!! wh.-u Ili<• tiilih- i | .•••!-.. C,,ii;i.:.,ii-- l'i-:,iii-l Fi:-y.-l.i-

1 ! :"••>• i|i-v,(.,-[ | In-.! p.,,l::i -!:it.--- '.'.v.i'. li-, :- rai'-iy h.iv.-

11 !•'• :>•; :ii(.-,- atti.ijt tic tahh-. ^ Ml,i,- l::ui !\-< ••( liil ' .v-iunr ;.' ;i l.uttiT kliifi-. A I- j •jni,.. II-..- I..:i-- <:i' ::••• r:i;:,. f'1'.:! Everything fresh from our own kitchen . . . Stop in TODAY ! i' i- i|-.iit<- fi.iT.-vt 1" plai-L-j irl ., !::IIT .-nil •,iu-!.- '•"'• '•'•- i«'-.

1-> ^ : r.iiif,- ;it th,- ri|-'ht, ii i- i ;;i:,r- ;i yi:n. if |.l;u-,-i| .,n tin- hr.-atl J"''1-] pl;iri, ,-u liu-ht iinirli-i. j ______™^—— :ii.-i'c-t'. th,- '.ii- "f I)"- 50 Open Nov. 19, 20 and 21 until 9 p.m. 1 can bake Ili-i'i IH.I .!,! plaii- whiih niruhi $2 value •• i-i;-r,:ir p:ir: "f ilaiiy |.!:i.-.- Jarvis •. bcs'Jtiful 'Mayor party Authorized cakes with tliis special !. : :,.y -ah,| Yours for only set of pan;. Kodak Dealer for Color Processing — Gr^d::otcd in 'jizc Iron 9inchc' lo Ihfr r. Suhurhan S~£/ \ both movies and stills ti'-\\i V:'-'.h top h,cr.. .•>;! four pan-. 2:e a-)!'.'! in t-e.j./ £••.":ir:jrTi for c-ven Bring Your Films To Us b)iir:;; it-i ta;i '.lie. C'.-T^-itto /.ith ff'.i- open (i '-," ,^' pc: ar.O tj;,-.-?;!1-"^. for r.pcusl u' for the ciV'r.. .-ASililn!. bridil''.nnr.-er- j: ONVENIENCE CHECKING r*tnost Reproductions sa.-y. t-rli'la/... E.-:n u'^y, hi Hsllc.-.ccn j 2P..-1 Vrtl'inlin'; cj^r.. 0/ ni1? p^n: ^cpjfa!*?- ACCOUNT TO-DAY; ly far )oar lj.-3.-1M cvf i>:'.n',o. TiVc a- wr.iarooll^i'-'.p'.'.iil'jKcr'.'.'i.iy.. tr,\ i ;tn4 %] 00 anJ [ivch^'M l:d liner fforn I can of Davis Baling Powder io. i: TRUST COMPANY Cako Pans. Ocpt. B. 54 Elm St. P.O. Box 406. Manitowoc, Wis. P*ge 28 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962 Robert French Socitty Area Realtors Attend funts; 11:35, junior hicch and sen- That Galls." Ingathering of can- ior high (grades 7-12) church ned foods will begin for the Luth- Session Well Attended National Convention school; adult class on contempor- eran Welfare Homes in Jersey Approximately 30 members and William iMaidment, executive Activities In The Churches ary theology with William Smith; City, and continue through Sun- guests of the Robert Krem:h Soc-i- secretary of the Westfield Board 7 to 8:30 p.m., senior liiirh West- day, 'Nov. 25. liaskcls will he .-ty, Children of the Aniti ican Rev- of Realtors, reported today that ported to ; minster fellowship. placed in the narthi'x tu rrouive the William A. Clark, president of the 1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ! si.-kness and nil manner of dis- j W1LL1OW GROVE olution, attended the November Conner ; iMunday: !' to 11:30 a.m., day food, ,'i p .in., aivhili-ilurc commit- local professional group, 'and his AT WESTFIELD j .-:;•*•." | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH meeting this past week at the •music director, tj' nursery; 7:30 p.m., Christian edu- tee. wife are attending the annual con- Minister* J One of the correlative citations | Old Raritan Road home of the president, Frances money was taken cation committee meeting. iMonduy: 7:30 p.m., church coun- vention of the National Associa- in his desk. Rev. Clark W. Hunt i to l>e read from "Science and R«v. Julian Alexander Jiichter. Tuesday: 9:30 a.m.-l, Women's cil. tion of Real Estate Boards in De- Rev. Janwi C. Whitalter Health with Key to the Scriptures" I Mr. Richard Lovelace -Among those present at the meet- association sewing workshop; 8 troit which ends today. R«v. John R. Lennon by .Mary Baker Eddy states: | A»iit>nt Tuesday: 10 a.m., charity weu'ini^; iiiK were Carol V-andcrbilt, New Goodness p.m., special session meeting at Also attending the Detroit meet- Rev. Philip R. Dietterich [ "Kvery day makes its demands | Today: !l:30 a.m., prayer mect- 8:15 p.m., Thanksgiving Eve serv- Jersey state president, CAR, and | truth and bi manse; 8:15 p.m., Avoineti'» asso- ing is Nancy F. Reynolds, a direc- Sunday: H:I5 a.m., all depart- upon us for hitrb'T proofs rather ing; 7 p.m., youth prayer meeting; ice; sermon, "The Gace of Grati- Wouters, New Jersey state Overstreet ciation meelinir. tor of the Weutfield board. ments of the church school, with than profession* of Cliristian pow- 8 p.m., junior department- teach- tude." The Uev. Arnold Dahlquist recording sei-rctary uncl chairman Realtors from all 50 states and the exception of tin- junior depart- er. These proofs consist KO! -ly in ers' meeting. Wednesday: 9 to 11:30 a.m., will pleach. of the patriotic education week Well airs many foreign countries will hear ment, will meet; the junior de- the destruction of sin, -sickmiS, Sunday: 9:30 a.m., worship clay nursery; !» a.m., intercessory iMrs. Frank Hiribauer, past pres- window. This window display pic- mark of a well experts in various phases of the partment will pro to Oci>an Grove uncl death by the power of S;>irit, sorviuo. Hev. Julian Alexander will prayer group; 0:30 a.m., bible ident of Calvary's United Luther- turing Colonial Westfield homes •—Sir Isaac realty field at the yearly conclave. to present their onnuril Thmiks- as Jesus destroyed them. Thi.? js speuk; church school grades 4-U; titudy, .Mr. Talcott; 8 p.m., church an Church Women, announced that and items was held at Barrett and membership class for joining mem- jrivinfr program for the guests at an element of progress, and pro- 11 u.m., worship service, Itev. Mrs. Donald Bowcrsox of Westfield Crain's during the last twu weeks bers. the Methodist Home: SKI5 and 11 t;reus is the law of God, whose lav Alexander will speak; church has been elected president of this in October. a.m., cradle and crib; services in demands of us only what we can school iigc .'(-3rd grade; 8 >p.m., 'Monday: 8 p.m., annual congre- organization for the year 1962-03. The topic for discussion during the sanctuary; the Itev. Clark W. ctM-tninly fulfil" (p. 233). outreach committee m c e t i n g; gational meeting. the meeting was Communism and Hunt, minister, will preach; 5:45 youth stewardship calls. Dec. 1: 5 to 7:30 p.m., church Time and goodness determine the moderator was Dr. Ralph Hall. p.m., eiffhth and ninth MYK; fi:45 UN IT Y—W ESTFI ELD Monday: 8:15 p.m., Christian turkey dinneir and women's asso- greatne.-ij.— Mary Baker Eddy iPlans were made during this p.m., senior bijjh MYF; 8 p.m., Affiliated with th. community experience, discussions iation sale of handmade articles. meeting for the Christmas week CRUSHED STONE younff adult fellowship. Unity School of Chrl.ti.nitj led by Rev. Alexander. bulfet-theatre party. A Today: 10 a.m., WSCS fellow, Lee't Summit, Mo. Tuesday: !):30 a.m., pruyer CALVARY EVANGELICAL ship hour. The study of "Prayer" Believe" in the Trinity meeting; 8 p.m., session meeting; LUTHERAN CHURCH (ULCA) Denkewalter Aids Drive f for Drives, Walks. Roads, etc i will be continued, under the lead- Meetings: Kvery Monday, 8-9 8:15 p.m., prayer meeting. Cranford Wednesday: 8:15 p.m., adult .Robert G. Denkewalter, 020 r cn ership of Mrs. Henry Murphy, The Rev. Arnold J. Dahlqtiist Standish Ave. is serving Loyola W MiMJV '°' P ' <""' d«livtrf tall spiritual life secretary. Chilli care Bible class under leadership of The Rev. Walter Wagner Place: Woman's Cluh of West- Rev. Alexander. University, Chicago, as an alumni ia provided for pro-school children; Pastors fund committee member. Alumni 3:15 p.m., God and Country field, 318 South Euclid Ave. at Thursday; 0:30 a.m., Thanksgiv- Tremont. ing Day worship service. Tomorrow: 8:15 p.m., -Couples of six schools of the Jesuit univer- ( «r FANWOOD 2-7840 group; 8 p.m., church school super- Club homecoming night and var- intendents meeting?- Sermon Lessons; sity are being called upon to sup- sity hop. . ' port Loyola's great teaching pro- Tomorrow: 7:30 p.m., "th grade Nov. 19, "Rejoice in the Lord FANWOOD PRESBYTERIAN A MAJSTWOOU CBX7SR1D STON| CO., Always." CHURCH 'Saturday: 9:30 a.m.", catechetical gram, which in its seven-year his- MYF. instruction. r BlVllloi* Or WBLDON MATIRIAU, INC. Saturday: 7 p.m., the Saturday Nov. 26, "Seven Steps Ahead." Martin* and LaCrande Avenue tory has received over $160,000 for Sunday: 8:16, 9:30 and 11 a.m., night Bupper club will meet; The Healing meditation: Included in Fatiwood increasing salaries of lay faculty worship services; "The Gospel program, following the casserole every service. Rer. Charlea L. Sorg members. supper, will be "The Ages of Wom- Spiritual consultation: With the Associate Pactor en," readings from Shakespeare's leader available by appointment 'Sunday: 9:30 and 11 a.m., wor- plays. from 6:30-7:30 p.m. ship services with the Rev. Charles Tuesday: lf:15 p.m., the evening Social hour: The last Monday of L. Sorg preaching; nursery cure group of the WSCS, will meet. each month, directly following1 the Is provided for children 1 and 2 Wednesday: 8 p.m., the missions service. On Nov. 26, "God in Na- years of «ge; 9:30 and 11 a.m., commission will meet. This is the ture" will be the subject of colored church school from nursery (3 day the Goodwill truck is in West- slides to be presented by Mrs. years) thru senior high; 7 p.m., field. Howard Van Ronk. junior high UPY; senior high Soloist: Miss Pamela Calvert. ITPY; young people's communicant GRACE ORTHODOX Leader: Miss Catherine Meis- class. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH neat, available for all ministerial Monday: 8:30 p.m., Fan-wood 1100 Boulevard, W..tfi.U services except mBrriajre ceremon- College Woman's Club. -Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Bible school ies. Wednesday: 10-11 a.m., reading classes for all ages; 11 a.m. wor- class, Junior Woman's Club; 1:30 ship? IRev. Robert E. Nicholas, ed- FIRST CONGRECATIONAL p.m., staff meeting; 8 p.m:, trus- itor of the Presbyterian Guardian; CHURCH tees. 7 p.m., worship. Rev. (Nicholai). Thursday: A Union Thanks- DON'T MISS 128 Elm.r Stro.l Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., mid-week R«T. L. R. Stanford, MinUtsr giving Day service will 'be held service of 'Bible study and prayer, Rev. E. M. Oddan, A..t. Mlnieter in the Scotch Plains Baptist led 'by Rev. R. P. Keller. Church at 9:80 a.m. This is spon- Sunday: 8:30 find 11 a.m., wor- sored by the Scotch I'JuinaJFnn- FIRST CHURCH OF ship in the sanctuary; Rev. L. R. wocxt ministerial association. CHRIST, SCIENTIST Stanford will preach; nursery care. for Bmall children Is provided dur- 422 E. Broad St. I both services in Patton audi- ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL SuntUjr SerricM: 9i30 and 11 a.m. J. S. IRVING'S torium; 0:15 a.m., church school CHURCH Sunday School and Nurierr for nursery through 6th grnde; 863 Park Ave., Scotch Plaim ' II a.m. 10:45 a.m., church school for Sunday: 8 a.m., holy commun- W«dn«ida*jr Evanint Testimony nursery through hljrh school; ion, tho Rev. Canon Edwin W. Meeting! 8ilS Christian Education; 7 p.m., senior Tucker celebrant; 9:30 and 11 Spiritual healing -will bo a topic hih PF. a.m.,

COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN READY- HUNG AND OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS CHURCH POLYETHYLENE FILM Meeting House Lane CORK BOARD Mountainside PREFINISHED OAK FLOORING Rev. Elmer A. Talcott Jr. Tomorrow: Ji to 11:30 a.m., day WORK BENCHES AND VINYL FLOOR TILE nursery. •Sunday: 0:15, church school, primary and junior (grades l-(i); 10:,'!0 worship; nursery and kin- Shop-at-Home dergarten classes; nursery for in- during Slipcover Special! SEE LAST WEEK'S LEADER FOR FULL LIST

Koos $98 Custom-madcs 2 pieces! Sofa & chair SHOWROOM OPEN both for an unbelievable 66 NEW MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS DURING SALE It's true! You Ret Koos beautiful $°8fiutom •llpcovers ... for both *ofa AND chair . . . for only $(>&! An unbelievably low price lor BARGAIN custom slipcovers like these! Choost yonr fabric from fresh new prints right out ot TIME FOR Koos own stock! We'll pin-fit and cut your Plaid Stamps Given on Cash & Carry Sales Only slipcover* right on your furniture, finish them with Koos finest workmanship, from TELEPHONE heavy-duty zippers right down to deep, full skirts. Even deliver and install them to CALLS assure you of Koos famous fit ... Ihe next- bestthinf! to brand new upholstery. Give New leclirced utes nfter you all this at a $32 saviniM And what could tLSjRVINfe. COMPANY- be easier than choosinc your fabric right in 9i'.M. lei you cnll anywhere your own home . . . w'.th your own walls, in New Jciscy !or 35r' or less 600 SOUTH AVE., WEST rugs and draperies all nrouncl you? So save (3-mimilc stition tale). WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY lime, pavo money, save mist.-ikcp! rhorm FU 0-37O0 for Koos Shop-at Home slipcover These ieduced (ales do not ipccinl . .. now! (No obligation, of coursel) apply to oilier calls such "Building Headquarters" as peisoii-topcison, collect orcieditcaid calls. LUMBER • MIllWORK • MASON'S MATERIALS • COAL KOOS-RA1IWAY HE.WJLRSEVBEU. Phone AD 3-1492 «BTHE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 19«it Paw 29

PTA Board Urges j w;is ;i i-Lit'of.-^. Tho JH'Xt drive will |Y Square Dance Set Saturday ; be in .January* MJ\ J;i*.'l**t»u slat- The West field V.M ami YWCA course of instruction I* planned in NEW ! eti that to j>miii of square McKinley Parents | candy \v»s brought in l\v tho t-hil- dance in the Y >tyni Saturday, ac- dance and that details for thtt .if M.-Kink-y Si-hool for tii«- cordillK to Al Chrone of the \ course will be nuno'inced at the LIBRARY trilnitiun through OH* Ked Cro*s stall'. The dunce will bi>iriii al S:'M j ilswire this Saturday. The dance To Visit School I w childmi confined in hospitals in p.m. and run to 11 with refresh- is open accordini,' to 'Mr. Oron» 1 j tlit mott opuliluu uri'ii. ments beiiiK served doling an in- to nil adult couples from Westfield BOOKS The executive Iwurd of the Ale .Mi>s. Alfred Piesco, circulation terniissioni, Mr. Chrone said. and nearby communities who are Kinley SCIKIHI PTA im-i Muiuluy j ehaiinum of tlie .Newsletter, will The last dance that was held at- iuteie.-ted in .-oiiari1 danrinir, ni^ht in the teachers room, j assuim1 the position of editor iu of tracted MS aduM coupler iind bt'- Mr. Chrone said that the ndult The following nt>w books haw Ch:iiles .huksoii, priiuipiil, :m- the |;isl meeting. Tile retiring I'll- cause of the i'ltere.-t expressed by m>n addt'ii to the shelves ;il tin* mnmrrrroup, tho second dance was an.I YWCA hope thai this uerios of Vi'stficld MVnior.iil Library: U'i'ok war. hcinn olisi' Uiis iir out <»f town. .scheduled. Fiction: Uecklvss Mm, A (turns:. work. In ronjuiK-uoii wilh Amei'i- Tlu* proj^o.sed additions to Kdi- dunces followed by a course of in- The caller for the dance will he struction will lead to the develop- The Married Lund, Hell; Knil-Sufe, ran Ktlue.-uiun Week, lletters hsiv sim aiul Uoosevelt Junior iliivhs Robert KolloKtr of \\V.-(fie!d who Hurdick; Die All, Die Merrily, l>y ! lii-mi sent to iinrenls inviliiiK them were di-scussed. Mrs. Vejnoska, ment of a regularly scheduled ertllfxl the last dance. sijuare ilnncinir club sit the Y. Leo Bruce, pseud., Croft-Cooke; • to visit sclmol dunnjr the week. president, pi'i'siditrt. 'Mr. Ohrone reported that a The Doctor and Mariu Theresu, I Idu'k-tu-.School N'iltht will be held 'J'he next board uiei'ting1 will bo Gooilrieh; Five Spy Novels, liny-j tonight at K o'clock. held Dec. i'J. craft; Christmas tit Hrncebriiltte I 'Mrs. Daviil Anthony, scholar- Hull, Irvinjr; Clnir De Lune, t.ulship cliairliiun, unnoviliccil that ihc Take a minute to read these interesting high- Mure; Death and Chicanery, Mac-1 children'>i movie will be hold Dec. JfflVi'8on Hook Fair- lights — then get full details by calling Donald; Time Waits for Winthropp, | 27 and •>$ in the liinh sclioul uu- ADams 3-2222 I and Four Other Short Novels from ditoriuni. The rt'£ shown will IS ou in Progress Galaxy, Pohl; By the King's Com- lie Alice in Wondcrlnnd und Heav- 'Hie minimi lw)ok fair is now in mand, Seifcrt; They Wnlkcii Like er Valley. Ticket Miles will bo proiiicis at Jefferson School. "1 Men, Simak; (iambi!, Stout; (,en- held ill .school on Dec. IK and H*. Like Hook'*" is the theme of the lus, by Patrick Dennis, pseud.. Cub Scout pack leader, Peter fair and it is being .sponsored by Tanner. (iionlanu urged support for the the JotFeraon I'arent-Tcncher As- Non-Fiction: Concise Dictionary Cub Scouts' fund raidiinr project. sociation. The main purpose of >i of American History, Andrews; The 'Cubs nre selliiij; Christmas book fair ist to bring a selection of wnippini; pupper. The Hazards of Holiness; poems, good books to the attention of par- j l9r>7-HHi(>, Antoninus; Soldiers' I.nwtence \'ejnosk-a, educational ents, teachers and children. A Untile: CrUysliurK. Hellah; Best facilities representative, stated large number of books U on dis- I'lays, lS01-li'fi2; Count Kumford, that the proposal to have part of physicist Kxtrnordinary, Drown; play at this time in tho school uu- I'iemon St. incorporated into the ditoriuiu. SAFETY'S SAKE—Gov. Richard J. Hughei, left, ie*na lamplci of materiala in c«mpai|n kit I Concord Kebel; A I.ife of Henry playground urea of iMcKinloy D, Thoreau, Deilelh; Jefferson and School has hi'pn approved. Work Tin- fair is open to the public fe used in the State*' holiday traffic tafety program itarting at 6 p.m. Wednciday and continuing lodiiy from I to 4:110 p.m. and in tough midnight Jan. 1, 1983. Presenting th« material* ia Director N«d J. Par»«kian, Division of I the Ordeal of Liberty, Malone; will beuin us soon as tho weath- M will permit. the evening from 7 lo 8 p.m. prior jlor Vehiel..l . rightih , .nd GCer.ld J. Dri.coll, thi«f of |S« bureau of traffic i. lookin, on. The I ™ ™*..*'",' *\inZ llL",, T'Z to the P'l A meeting and ins long as npaign will itreai personal responsibility, holiday hazards, and the alcohol factor. :St. Vim-ent Milluy. Curku; Tho Mrs. Thomas Taylor, chairman j Colonial iinii)'*1: Origins of Anieri- of the lihraiy, emphasized ujrtfin ueerssMfy lifter the meeting, Uoors can Culture, Miller; The Neirro | the need for additional librarv will tie open tomorrow at U to 11 :oO iilioiial State Shows Itevolt, Lnninx: Tin- Oxford Hook space. Possibilities for location a.m. mid again at t to -i :'M) p.m. Paintings by Smith 'of French Verse, l.ucus; Hevolu- elsewhere in the chool aUo lfouks are on sale at regular g y tion in Kleclricily, tin- Story of retail prices and on a self-service a r -H. f\ aa>>B*«PB\ V*.%• »»-i»%«i» discussed. J GIRL SCOUTS uinjr throuK-ningh yeslefdiiTiH-s;continw n i-l tht' WOIUKM* t*cisivi» Hfttth's of tho Cross representative, announced buy more books for the library. tition winiuT, is (lis[j|>r scvcml j A'tnciiofln devolution, Mitchell; amin Franklin School also honored Juliette Low's birth- works tif nit nt tin- N'nlioiml Stall1! WIHMI the Knrtti Slumk, Niddric; i\< Brownie troop whieh day by wrilili); and producing « Hunk imikiiiitf. A Library of Literary Criticism: MUTINY ON THE BOUNDRY i ut 5H0 Kim St. had its inves- skit, song, and report which they 'Mr. Smith's display incluilos Modern Atni'iionn I-iteruUirc, Ny- erymony Wednesday, Nov. presented for the second class works oomptist'd >f an egg eniul- irn; The Clumb Up to Hell. Olaen; The horn* America llvei by. Four lavoli lack together with ^irl« *vho were invested in- Scouts of the t roop last week. I Will Survive, I'uwlowirzf A New sion hiisr ;uxl othem composed of thort (tairt for good circulation In an efficiently loned and r troop were: Melanie Ander- Ench frirl also udded international oil. r\Uv winks rcflivt iwhniijHi's j Hussin?. Salisbury; Theater World, a highly livable home, Only one of it> kind in prlca rang* Nicolletto Uarber, Clara flavor by learning uhout an assign- thiit liavi* lu'cn U :irncd iimjer th*» r.xS I-l!i(12; Ventures into the 'Jurol Howard, Kathy lirun- ed Scout troop of a foreign coun- tutorship of Liijos >I;i!u)s, a ntttivt Deep, Wibberly; Crewel Embroid featuring contour building. The house Is vacant, the owners [ Meredith Conlin, Jean For- try, including the prounucintion of HuujTarian portrait pain to*, and cry, Wilson. anxloui, and your chance to offer. Custom built 1957. Center il C^ibson, Judith Heim, the motto in the of each also with Carroll Jone Ainoni; hall, big living room with fireplace, formal dining room ll Ann Johnson, Jean Kill- country and how to soy (roodbye the works are the painting "Trans- leading to jaloutied porch, extra larfle kltchon with electric 1 pr, Nanc} McCulloch, Luoy in that language. The meelintr was formation," which was awarded wall oven and counter-top range. 3 bedrooms, 2 ceramic onl, Martha Myers, Linda closed with a friendship circle, and first pi i'/.e in an international art Boy Scout News tiled baths. Panelled activity center at grade level behind n. Susan H»fT, Beth Sehen, each ifirl snid goodbye in her new- competition held at tile .Statler which Is a IB' x 10' laundry room with lavatory. Full base- ly learned tongue. Schmitt, Nancy Scholey, Hilton Hotel in May. The paint- monr, 2 years supply of log«. Mountainside In Wycriwood- ,- Schreibcr, Deborah Seitz. •TACK 171 ing exemplifies the three crosses area of Westfleld. School bus to all schools. Taxes $765. Buy irly Small, Tina Ullrich. Bon- After ii hourly dinner, plum cum- of Calvary and is symbolic of (/lib Pack 171, sponsored by the this home to prove to your chlldron that you not only were •oat, and Jorrilyn Shcpurd. pote is u re fresh ing- li^ht dossort. Christ's identification with all men. Wilson School I'TA, will have a 1 young once yourselves — but still are. Asking $36,900 (Was ir^inia GurriKan who had been Drain syrup from ojinncd purplo The black cloud portrays the tni - candy sale. When your door hell ited previously served as host- plums into a heavy skillet. Add a | Imlemx of lift-, the H^htninK ex- rings a Cub Scout will be there $43,500.) tlie mothers who nttended cuuple of t-inntinion sticks und a j pn'sse- the illumination of truth, lo olFer a tine pound tin of peanut 't'remony. The lenders of this bit of dried orangt' rind. Simnu'r ; and tht* whitr clouds i-rpi•esenl brittle, a one-[xtund, il-oz. tin nf OFFERED THROUGH are Mrs. Kobrrt W. Koff until syrup is thiokened and re- man's reward of inner integrity Schratrt's hard tilled randies or a |Mis. Herbert Schreibcr. duced to about half. Add the plums and peace. U-oz. box of SehrntTt's peppfr- ATWOOD REALTY tenderfoot (iirl Scouts of and •^tinnier 5 to 10 minutes loiifr- The paintings are on display niints. Orders will 1H» taken bv (CORNER OF NORTH AVE.) i|i 108 under the leadership of er, bustintf them fluently with | ,|ai|y fonn, „ ln ,„ ., ,, n, .,„,, Subs starting Saturday through Hubert Niclson and Mrs. the spiced syrup, licniovc spice;.. •Monday evenini: from U to K p.m. Nov. 2C. - OPPOSITE STATION - Serve warm or chilled, topped with CLASSY CHAI'EAl S—l'he Meadows sisters, Audrey (left, pk llewit passed their Internii- The public is cordially invited to Thi< is u good opportunity to 2 ELM STREET V Kricndship requirement and whipped cream, if you wish. view the exhibit. get that candy for the holidays and Jayno, am sot to go with hats from Mr. John's resort and cruise collection. Audrey wears a while linen pill- ahead. Proceeds will be used to EVES.: AO 3.2172 - AD 3-1544 - AD 2-7742 or 889-5073 further Cub Scout activities. box ami Jay ne a inllon mint.

Mercury presents new styling-new power:



MONTEREY CUSTOM 4-OOOR SEDAN Unique Breezeway roof...390 V-8 standard engine

Thanksgiving Flowers At Their Best

OPEN Whether you use them as a centerpiece \ Tuesday and Wednesday on the dinner table, as a festive note in Evenings 'til 9 your home, as a "thank you" to your hostess or as a "hello" to relatives you Thanksgiving Day can't be with — you'll find our's perfect 'til Noon for the occasion.

NEW BREEZEWAY REAR WINDOW OPENS !' W / lo Rt /. A BIG 390 V-8 ENGINE! NOW STANDARD . v.r/ M.rcury way vontiMi'-ri Civ/' -, i • j * • •/. .riilo/r., dpon li'V; .m - 'it-.'.uii',, h\i \\<,/,-\ Buy Flowers Where They Are Grown K,i,iw. / 0|,!H.I,.II V ft'', rcini';i.Mjp|-i i •.i//li:-;; '.-it-• T,-jud«r406 V '(', i ,'i!.'l(ii-/(, !li('po,vcr(iil:.t,in'l,in!.','){) V H ii.n;.•••,':nr"('urarpds.

MORE MERCURY NEWS: Rr/ r^nr I.,-A<,H '.I/J',1'. it.//;.i(l, r.l/i/-. (.lc,-,rfr m r-m. oi \.u(,v. Its ancle rr-iiucr-% glar• f, ;ndo rear viability, (•''•••n •.'•.il ii^v.^nfiorr, r-r-jr,/ I-AUI h'-d'Jrtiotn, ;irc Phone AD 3-3650 - We Deliver Shaded from oun M'.-ri.ury Montf-'rcy—v/ith Bn-'.-/'-//

COMET • Mf.ITOR « M0NTCC1/: 1'HODUCrS OF J MOIOR f.OMMtlY • UHCOLHMf:R';UHf DiviUOH WESTFIELD FLOWER SHOP JOHN C. STEUERNAGEL MONTEREY MOTORS, Inc. 250 Springfield Ave., near Broad St. 301 SOUTH AVENUE, WESTFIELD P««;ee Stamler assume the un- fict rcudy for a surprise, for the ing in the auditorium, nfter which expired t*rm of the late Robert C. major rccieational activity of peo- the parents followed students' •Crane are urped U> join in the ple in the United States is not Tuesday schedules, visiting class- celebration which will be held in swimming, walking, riding bikes or rooms where teachers explained the hotel's Empire Room. S-tam- tven baseball. the courses of study being follow- ler*3 legislative colleagues of both It's riding around in the family ed. During study periods, the guid- parties and other political leaders ance office, library and other areas are expected to be on hand. car. of interest were available to inter- This is one turvey we agree: ested parents. The reception is being sponsored with. We kind of doubt national jointly by the Stamler for Senate surveys that indicate that only 30 "The Twelve" and "The Thir- Committee and the Lawyers for per cent of the population knows teen," outstanding student singing Stamler Committee, two groups who former President Eisenhower groups, entertained during the which played a major role in Stam- is or that most people arc basically business meeting, under the direc- ler's decisive victory last week over immoral. But we »ro along with the tion of iMrs. Janet Grimier Glea- his 'Democratic opponent. one that says people like to ride son, supervisor of music. Perform- Arranging the reception are around in cars during their spare ing with "The Twelve" this year Charles Tracy of Hillside, Roger time. are Bettye Baker, Alberta Poland, Payne and Jacob Triarsi of fcliza- It Is kind of fun to get behind •Pamela Scharmann, Jane Tucker, beth, and Eugene Deuti&ch of Un- the wheel of the family wagon •Merrill Stevenson, Margaret Cook, ion Township. and see the countryside or just Joyce Jackson, Nancy Woodruff, 'Before Ktamler Is sworn into of- tool alonir a quiet road away from Anne Mayo, Jane Ticmann, Chris- fice 'Monday, he •will first resign the maddening throng. It's not tine Mayer and (Marianne Overbay, his Assembly seat "which he ha3 exercise, but it can be fun. accompanied by Carol Vanderbilt. held since January, ]9fi0. He was * * * Singing with "The Thirteen" ere elected to the lower house in 1959 A driver in Lodi, "Cal., was ar- Donald Borden, Robert Borton, as the only Republican member rested for driving without a li- Rdbert iBorton, Robert Boyer, Rob- from Union County, and was re- cense. Investigation revealed he'd ert 'Chambers, Charles Colucci, elected last year with a vote mar- INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM—Rev. Dr. James Z. Netttoga of the American Rihi. tT never had a license and probably Preston Hadley, William (Macin- gin that topped all ten Republi- ciety presents the year's poster to Jackie Robinson. The society's Worldwide'SIM never could pet one. He ia receiv- tosh, James Puaack, Richard Scott, cans and Democratic candidates. Reading program Includes people from 50 countries who read dally passages ft™, tt ing a state pension for the blind. WHliam Smart, Davis Thompson, When .Sbamler iu seated in the .Scriptures between Thanksgiving and Christmas, "* • • • i|$-rJames Clowes, treasurer of a Bristol, N. H., company, Bruce Varnum and Robert Zapara- upper chamber (Monday, there will A man in New Hampshire re- opens bags of some $28,000 in silver dollars that was dis- nick. Stuart Foots and Dan Hanke be 11 'Republicans and 10 Demo- tributed In payroll to the employes. This was a test to serve as accompanists. crats. see where and how its workers spend their pay. Results proved that over half stayed in the town.

used to take his wife for a Sun- day drive because, weekend traffic was too dangerous. As they sat in their living room watching tele- vision, a car crashed through the wall.. . : « *• • /juuir Drivers who are Issued learn- ers' permits by the Rhode Island Regimry of Motor Vehicles are hc- iff provided with special reflective bumper identification uinns that glow in. the headlights of other cars and inform motorists thut the operator of the car is u student driver.

Buy 2 nylon snow tires

Mr. llllrt Mr«. Donnld J. Murllrr, formerly of Ellintlrth, b«( re Stores Also in Cranford l>urfhnMfil n nrw hrtmr loentert nx -4I» I'mttkner l>rlvr frntu >tr. >tri< Itnhrrt O. Caaru>-; flttlc of thU intiltliile ltntvd prujirrty tvnji n and Plolnfield TJntcil thriinith (hr unlit- »t C. n. Minlih Jr. at one low Bamberger price A HUGE PURCHASE-3 CARLOADS FULL-BRINGS YOU THESE BRAND NEW NYLONS WITH 27-MONTH GUARANTEE* AT SUCH A LOW PRICE-BUY WITH NO RECAPPABLE EXCHANGE

Tube-type Tubelesj Size Blackwall Blackwall 670x15 2 for 17.88 2 for 22.88 710x15 2 for 22.88 2 for 26.88 760x15 2 fo* 26.88 2 for 30.88 750x14 2 for 22.88 800x14 2 for 26.88 850x14 2 for 30.88 600x13 2 for 20.88 pinky 650x13 2 for 24.88

All pikci plut tax and any 2 oU tiro M trade. WJiilowiHri slightly higher. 640x15 TUBE-TYPE BLACKWALL, PLUS *W* guarantee all tirst ogaintt off rood hozards, under normal driving conditions, pro-rated on them sole piicem, not Hit. Full detallt at time'of purchase. TAX AND ANY 2 OLD TIRES IN TRADE

I IF'-jygajjs^ .;"'; j: WHEEL, BRAKE AND Thanksgiving Calls for Flowers — Brighten your home or your ALIGNMENT SPECIAL hostess' with a stunning table or buffet arrangement — a bouquet of cut fall flowers for the living room — a handsome SHOCK Chrysanthemum Plant in full bloom. I VANDERBILT All 3 for 9.49 ABSORBERS | BATTERIES COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE FRONT WITH FREE j INSTALLATION | Corsages of Mums for your Hostess, or to \ WITH 24-MONTH BRAKE ADJUSTMENT WHEEL BALANCING END ALIGNMENT * GUARANTEE* Alone, 1.50 dress up "Her" costume at the game. 1 f Alone, S3 Alone, 8.99 1 7.99 9.99 • Ailjnvt all -I JI O ;>) Itnttt-rir« lor ullicr mrs nvjiluhle to*-hi, lti«-oul Opon TuoscJay 'til 0 P.M., Wednesday 'til 9 P.M., Thanksgiving Morning 7 1o 10 ' rtl hiuiirar low prko. *Ti-l lirukcs •• •(.linnmrfcd ag:tinTAto 11K—Tlu- Moim- LaiiiM'le i'TA will hulti iti> regular MOUNTAINSIDE — David MOUNTAINSIDE NEWS PAGE I Zone Office Due monthly meeting in tile Ueertield Highland Homes PmTamore, 2?, of Kenilworth was Seh.»..I tonight al S:li> o'ebvk. fined $30 and hie license was re- IJucM MH-aker lor the evening will voked for DO days last week by Early in 1963 lie \V:lli:im II. King of the State Subdivision OK Magistrate Jacob R. Bauer of a .AAUWUnit | Cra*li in Route 22 Junior Theatre to Stage l.lejui trnotit o/ lOilucativm in Tren- charge of reckless driving. Hurls 2 Women Younghans to Lead Plays for Children MOUNTAIN'iSIDE—Otto Kinds- ton. Mr. King's topic will be "Au- M(H!VTA1NS11»K —The Plan- hoven, Newark zone in a u a g e r , dio Visual Aids; What Are They? ning Hoard has granted approval Pitrramore was arrested Oct. 20 to Louis Cnplan of West Orange in Koute 22 after bcinff involved [ear Educator MOUNTAIN Si DK— Two New-Boro Campaign MOUNlTAINrSILVE —On Satur- American Motors Sale Corp., Kt. Why do we need them'.'" Mr. King ark wvini-M wi-re injured Monday day the Junior Theatre Committee is coordinator of nudio visual aids for the subdivision of the Chil- in an accident. He also was fined whin Hie fin- in which they W bo erocUnt on lit. family home lots. Fines totaling $210 were paid JNTAINS1DE —Dr. Irvine struck u utility pole. Robert Younghnns. partner in play, 'The -Mystffry at the Old22 in the borough. The home was formerly ft sum- by United Kentals Inc. of East crrison, professor of man- Fort" will be enacted by the Pre- Orange on two charges of allowing Admitted to Overlook Hospital. the law firm of Du^lii and John- Nov. 1 marked the first anniver- mer haven for orphans and un- and labor relations urni Summit, were Miss Carmen I'. stone, Westfield, has accepted the tender* of \Ve8tfleld. Three Boys Hurt derprivileged children but wasn't a vehicle to by operated on a re- of development at the In-Macwes, 24, the rl.-ivcr, who suf-chairmanship of the Mountainside On l'ob. D and iMnrch 2 two oth-sary of the Newark zone, and 11 used this past friiininer. voked registration. jf Labor Relations of Iiut- significant Increase in Icainblor fered a possible S|,ine injury, urn] Retarded Children's Fund to help er playu will be given for the chil- •Caplan has received Approval of Cnnston Rnthnm of Newark niversity, will speak on •Mrs. Julia Holub, 7-1, a passenger, the mentally retarded in the area. dren. Performances are at 1:30sales over the precodini; year. The As Car Overturns IK DonwH-racy in Southeast division to r.iovo. was reached to resubmitted plans for the area paid $56 for obtaining a license who was treated for lacerations of The appointment was announced p.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the Heer- which show how the property during a period of suspension. . t a meeting of the Moun- the Ju-ad and hun.i. today by Joseph Hiciri"', county field iSchool auditorium. However, insure that [{ambler dealers, anil Mm'N'TAlNSIDK - Three boys Hranrh American Associ- campaign chuivman of the Union due to the tremendous demand fov subsequently Rambler owners, will were injured Tlitirsdity when thewould be drained but still hns to Others fined were: Thomas University Women nt thu •Sirt. Bluir Murphy said the driv- ear in which they were riding ov- get the approval of the. Horoiigh Sykes of Jarrett, Va., JIB, driving er reported she was cut off by an- Counity Unit, New Jersey Associa- the early show, tickets for the 3:30 receive the service and considera- nity Presbyterian Church tion for Hetiirded Children. The p.m. show only muy bo. obtained tion they deserve. erturned in Summit, lid. near .Sun- Council, Union County 'J'ark Com- with noisy mufflers; Leon Frantz, it 8:15 p.m. other vehicle. ny Slope l>r., police said. mission and the borough's consult- TamaqUH, Pa., $30, using card- fund drive will be. conducted from at the door this roniing Saturday. ing engineers. Kurrisun is a graduate .if The mishap occurred in front iNov. 2i> to Ore. 3. 'No pre-school children will be !t has become necessary to fur- All were released after treat- hoard registration plates; Dohdan College, took his MA noft a truckiiiK rumpnuy at 1-12!! ther the expansion program, and ment at Overlook Hospital, Sun;- Uortnyk, KHziibeth, $18, careless Koute 22. Mr. Younghnns, n graduate of admitted. 'Mr. Kilidshoven said the new facil- The builder has died for more .State University and his Hi>\V({oin Collepe, University of nut. than .i year to .subdivide the prop- driving; John Kluin, Cranford, t Columbia University. He ities should bo completed early next erly but the dimensions he plan- $15, no rear lights on trf.llor; and Virginia Law .School, was former- spring on a six acre plot of ground. Cenrge T. Hlyllie, IS, the driver, John Mercliliiinky, Shenandoah, luthor of two, and the edi- ly n vice president of the West- Suburban Asks Council of li:U Houte 22 MiO'ered a cutned didn't conform to the ordi- three volumes in the fiiUl Plans for the now 4:1,000 square nance. When they were resuhmit- l>«., $ir«, fnilurv to wear corrective Court to Decide field United Kund, n trustee of For Branch Approval lip. John Adams. 1ft, of MOT I-'ox lenses no required. ustrial relation'.; and lias Westfield Chaiuher <>f Commerce, foot building — costing approxi- Trail was treated for a laceration leil last -May. they were rejected numerous pamphlets and Westfield Kiwanis Club and is a •MOUiN'TAlkSlDK—Hepreuenta- mately a half million dollars—have of the head, and Thomas Lynch, for reconsideration localise of Robert l.ogotino of Spotswood •a! articles in that field. Bank Rift In charter member of the Westfield tives of the Suburban Trust Com- been completed and construction is 15, •) j*ongc-r was uninjured. weulhor and after dark, the All-motorists to stop along the way AATJW. •MOUN!TAIN.S11)E—The branch Ited Cross, vice chairman «ad trus- a branch bank in the borough. customers will then enjoy daily Police said the car was moving irtiite 'Motor dirt) suggests. Older whenever slush impairs their vi- bank controversy involving the Na- pnrts deliveries to the i'l Humbler north in Summit Hd. when it veer- tee of the Red Cross in this area. iMayor Eugene K. Hau announc- people move more «lowly, usually sion. Under freezing or slushy tional Honk of Wcstfield and the dealers forming the Newark Zone. ed out of contra! and turned over. dress in darker clothing, judge conditions, windshields can be Suburban Trust Co., also of West- Mr. Younglians. his wife and ed that the council would reserve Thi! number of employees will be comers End their ehild reside at 292 Taiiridse decision and that it would probably The driver wns charged with speed anil distance, lean accurately, cleaned better with « rug, ulnco t field, has entered Federal Court. increased liy approximately 50 percareless driving hy Patrolman Wil- ami arc more readily confused iti wipers only anienr tho paste-IIko Kim, Mountainside. announce its findings at an open cent to titaff these new facilities. The 'National Hank W filed mo- "One of the major fi^lKinR meeting in 'the near future. liam Ayres. truffle. spray thrown by other cars. WithYW tions to dismiss complaints filed by fronts in the battle ai^iinst men- the .Suburban Trust Co. and hytal reliirdntion has Iteen in the JSTAFNISIDE—Members of •Charles R. Howell, state bnnkintr field of ineilicnl research," said Mr. oiintainnule Newcomers Club and insurance commissioner. Younghans in ncceptinix the ehair- A Few of the Many approved a rwommondn- Suburban Trust nml Howell, in niati'.ship. "Day by day as the pow- the executive bnnrd to dis-separate suits, arc Irvinjr to pre-erful liirht of study is directed $100 WINNERS • iiftilintions with the West- PlAY ACMES GREAT NEW GAME vent the National Dunk from oper- upon this jiroblem, more and more f\VCA and •become an inde- ating a brunch here. Judtre Rry- causes have been discovered ond fit organization with mrol- nior -1. Wortendyke Jr. was sched- more and more ways found lo com- i Mountainside, Mrs. Ceorjre uled to hear the applications for a bat many forms . HI. hatinee theatre party in (Now respondent. The bank also aiserls lhrnu>rh medical research. Mot n MRS. JUNE MURANTE [is l)einp planned for Janu- that Suburban Trust and Howell do/en years a^o, children so af- 'it, Mulberry S>.. Ntwark. N.J. r'ebruary. .Mrs. Malcojm have no standing to prosecute their flicted were not expected to live MRS. MARIE IPPOLITO I is in charire of reserva- claims. \m<\ their tenth year because of J7 Mognoli. St., 8.llcy;IU, N.J. -Mr. llmvell cave Suburban Iheir sensitivity to infection. To- MRS. BEATRICE TARLOWS play "Whiit! 'Move Attain?" •Trust, a stale t):arlcrcd bank, per- day, because of the discovery of n bly he. Ite.sidents of Mountainside II Otond AY.., N. Cofdw«ll, NJ. BE ONE OF THE MANT WINNERS necessary to ployl) can help by irivinjc, both in money >!;.\TA1XS1UK — The Honrcl trnve permis-uon to N'ational Hank, a federal institution, a month :IRO, and in understanding concern for Ih will spend approximate- them," concluded Mr. YouilK-hans. |2i! for each borouch resident and it opened a mobile hankint; lyear if its proposed IMUIKVI unit the next ilay on its properly The Union County Unit, New GREEN GREEN proved. in Mountainside, pending construc- Jersey Association for Retarded STAMPS tion of its buildinir. FREE! 100 STAMPS Children i< a niember unit of the FREE! 100 tentiitive budget of $8,320. injr un increase of $'MH) Suburban Trust's time for build- National Association for Retarded with coupon below and purchoM of a with coupon below ond purchase of a Mircent yeiir operations, was ing a blanch has been extended to Children and ;i member agency of nled for review hy Wilford next April ;i. It is .-till tryinir to the foil,mine I'tiileil Community in, chairman of the hoard's obtain approval from borough olll- Funds: United Kund of Cranford, Lancaster Brand Smoked "Fully Cooked" Lancaster Brand "Oven-Ready" • committee. eiiils, and just this week repre- Inc.; United Fund of Kasiern Un- .was noted n per capita ox- sentative; «>f the bank appeared ion County; United f'oiinnunity 'tuit' of ?l.'Jt) is well IH'!MW Ivforc the liui-ouch (.'omieil tns will he made. bers who will perform arc: Heltye j is included in the ."JUl annual New Shonltltn or a Canned 17-24 U*. W-W lbs. With purthoie of a H- Imard r('i'orted there have Raker, Hnjrer Kingerlin, Chris Jersey exhibition showini,' nl the LANCASTER BRAND HAM Canned Ham LANCASTER BRAND TURKEY 10 instances of ilrinkini; Crow, Sharon l.iittoivii and Vir! -Montclair All Miineiini throucli Nam* pollution tlt'spin; liestvy ginia Scott. 5-lb.cdn 6-lb.can i Dec. i). Addr«» .' „ Arftlr.u fxpiroi Sot., Nov. U UpUmt Sal., Nov. Y7 timit t Coupon Limit t Coupon P«r Shopping Family. 10 lbs. and under P«i Shopping family. Iw ^QUltV^i Including Bellsviile

PET EVAP. MILK 6 79c DA ACT Lancnslcr Brand Boof NIBLETS CORN (Bono In) ib">•. 4WfjC9 lb 32-oz. | Ground Chuck « 69c Boneless Cross Rib 89^ MIRACLE WHIP ::. 2 !'/> Ib. Pork Roll *"*»»' Short Ribs Beef >» 55c KNORR SOUPS 3 pt»< si Sausage Meat ^ 55c Plate Soup Meat » 19c ^ 50-loot _fl SARAN WRAP roth FROZEN FCXMXS SWIFT'NIliC- SHORTENING 3 £ 65c You hlcvL-f Had It SoFresh! ORANGE JUICE FANCY iie6y s ALCOA WRAP -••-• 59GRAPEc S 2 ' 6 IT; 89c **" IQc J Q VEGETABLE JUICE <% «.w.,| Cranberries diTLi Ideal Peas 8 ',°C l V cnrto«) i * -5 COCKTAIL J c.,n, Sl Brussel Sprouts ^o-*- ph.u« |9c '0o,..Q Strawberries *"*• |>l v. OlV Sweet Potatoes 3 •- 29<= Milu-ty U FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 39cString Figs'".::Cd 29c 1 Radishos Cheese Blintzes rkg 69c Pitted Dates""";r39c | Scallions H" 2t,, in 11c PARKA"VALUABLY MARGARiNE ACME COUPONE 4" 1 Or»«n* ' Ifl' DAIRY Il-ATURIZS \% FREE! 30 SSH GREEN STAMPS With coupon & S5 Purchase | jl 1" n.1,1 r, to ruu, rcuulnr •.|.,rr>p, w,ih S I • ;-J. wilt, ,,U.,I. i Reg. SI.00 m Cottage Cheese— «M,,, 29c j| ,^'^^P^CHES Value C ;U Cracker Barrel ££.'£%, "C 39c jJ| »«~

;•„ 1/1W7- 2S BAKERY Sl'HClAL fiZ",?»ZZ.r, ^r™?^™-£?^ZdLj:-Z±l PSes *.n. — 2-513.00 \i \:"1^"^, W J «•"«'•'•> " - Ihiouijli 0:il . Mo«. M 11 17. Vr\. rrivr.^ llui r;-,hl lo l,',,,;i r|U.,i,l,li,.,. Hot ,<.-.,.o..-.ililr, (or l/,«,u,,,,,l,i<.,l ,,,o(t ,- ... „ .....v...... ,..


oiMilion lo /our «.;iuli.r ilnmpi »rtl. ?< | ?;; |n <,.!.|,r./,n !•> ,0™ rr-i^liif il-juip-. w'il> • ' i :\ In mM.inii lo .our ,.rt;\,,, ,n,,m ^iil, A \ -i In o.|.J,!;.,n lo your /rn^lor iK,n,,,i wik p^.,t.,,.., ,{ „ OfCOCAIOB jj|i; V.MI, r,.,,,l.:,, .,!..„» i.,, .„(.» \)fU Wi,!,,»,,U,,ll..;),,,,,,, :;!l-1 Will, pu,.i.,,,.. „,• Quu,| THROW PILLrjW/ ^ I '<••: mifiATCOLGATEt 7nftTUr»flCTTOOTHf'ASTCE s-.lJ\%- tnEAtDEAll c\ucc-rSWEET n^\v*-»^»-POTATOErS ' I '•>. mFAIDEAiL r*t*#SALA%D mOi.l

BETTER FLAVOR! BEnER TEXTURE! BETTER WRAPPER! i'i{\;>. AM-j ... A,l,l»,, IMAGINt.'Av/JiiliM»GiNL'Awhnee bica!«i Sol. H-n. tilp: l/i.i.-i V.I. K.jv 1/ limit 1 Covpo* 1 • so nutritious ye! baked withal :.!tortoni:ij! y.! i.-y.h |ITI:CI. thin ihce slill weighs only limit I Cou|xm Shopping Ttt :-:|j-< <•••• ll.0|.i.;-i7 r.;n,il,. iv, r.t.-,,,,,;,,., .,mty. B so delicious yc-t even bcllcr Vihcn toasted 1"7 ("j .! Bui why imagine it? Buy illTiyi!! r ..;•'.: I'-'' • • solieshyetcvcnfieiherinilsnertwrapper. Ougan's Rite Diet!

u'i:vrrn:i ii — ::TH V.\l(IH.Mi — III,,,. ulutf L'clllpr, lloutt THE WESTFfELD (N. /.) LEADER, THURSDAY. MOVPMBEB IS, I96J .•••••••i •—» i ». m i min m< i DuPont Advances Research Aide Children's Class Railroads to Get Relief on Tax SCOTCH PLAINS—U. Kin^sley | str.ned outstanding uliiiity in in- Seven railroads oper»tin(t in IOC turns down the interstate pas- BJake of 1HS1 Wimlintf Way, has I dependent research work with a Set at YMCA .W\v Jersey were, wanted a 10 per senger fare request. been mimed a rest-arch fellow at! minimum of direction, cent fare increase last week on If this occurs, L-oimnuUir tickets the Parlin laboratory of E. I. du , „_ ,,,,.i.,. >,.,., ,i.,». ,...^.»,.,.k in SCOTCH PLAINS — The sec- noiu'ommutatioii intni.ttute fares. will be cheaper. 1'ont dc N'emour & Co., Inc. ond eight-week series of Gym The increase will offset a 10 per The railroads could gain a tota] i pl.ob!t.m, lU.a|j,!K uith emulsion , Jam*, a program for boys and &rirls cent federal transportation tax on of more than ?:j5O,O0O nc-U year Mr. fllake. who joined the c "!"mkin ; a..J the development pro- pany in Ji*-i8, has a MA tipj i i ujred ;{'•_' through kindergarten, one-way fares above CO cents which from their New Jersey passenger from Kutifeis University and I will bepn Monday, Nov. 26, atj expires today. operations an a result of the PUC MS decree from Kensyt-'lacr P. i the Kunwoud-Si'otch Plains YMCA. i Tlie increase was granted by the decision. I ethnic Institute, Troy, X.V. The Simmse i-al, u favoi-iu with \ Directed by Mrs. A%ne* Roberts, state Public Utility Commission The increase would not affect trtcil into the [ the children ^vill spend -15 minutes after a brief hearing. commutation fares or seasonal He is a member or the Anieri- j Americans, uas tickets of any kind. can Chemical Society, the Society I.'nito.l State, uoout 18K5 from j every Monday morning in calis- The rate increase in Mew Jersey Tk.U.a. Photuirraiihic Scientists and Kn- England. Aceunlinc t.i Comptoti's ' thenics, developnu'ntal exercises, Jtoes into effect Nov. 10 pending- leers, American Association for coordinative jr a ni e s, tumbling;, determination of an identical in- Too many accessories clutter a I *« forw.rd pictured Kncyi-lopedia, it had been I room It's much more effective to «tr. ch.,,. thi' Advancement of Science aiul imported into Knjrland from Siani tramopline and other physical edu- terstate increase sought by the cation. They will then spend a sec- choose a few und »rran#e them in •h- United S na Xi, honorary science le- (Thailand) about ten years t-ar- railroads before the Interstate fraternity. ond 4 5 minutes in handcraft work Commerce Commission. ample space to dramatize them. .ub.crlb.r. w ilier. It's fun to change accessories occa- *• b. « « William A. SUnlon, director of . under Mrs. A. Jason's' direction. PUC hearing examiner Henry w y f Registration is limited and may be sionally, too. Store unused ones parlsili. the laboratory, said the position | Freefleld, in announcing the board's LEADER CLASSIFIEDS made at the YMCA, Grand St. and decision, said the New Jersey in- •while, and you'll enjoy them more »ub,crib.,, » of research fellow is reserved for ] Union Ave., Scotch Plains. I when you see them again. individuals who haw demun- BRING RESULTS crease would be suspended if the 11 In Pay Hore-Brand lames-Oioioe Heate-liO Frozen Foods To tee h

UGHTHKADED—Talent shines all around Isa Miranda, Come See—Come Save—Plus Quality who displays some of her "Bulb Art" at a gallery in Lon- don, England. The decorative head characters are made from electric lieht bulbs. Orders Taken Now Come See — Come Save — Shop and Save GIVE FRUIT for Fresh Killed Happy Delicious Jumbo I Dressed Ready for Oven Thanksgiving PLENTY OF Super 856 FRUIT BAS«T$~ Turkeys and also PARKING a Fine Gift Butter Ball Turkeys — Mountain Ave. To All SPACE Mlct. Oppoiitt Mountain /kv«. Frozen Branch National Mnk *5.00"

DELICIOUS FROZEN FOODS DAIRY CHEESE DEPT. GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW LOWER GROCERY SPECIALS j F.S, Orqnga Juic* 4far59c The King of the Cheese* ENLARGED MEAT DEPARTMENT Parsons Ammonia .. (wanton T.V. Dinner 59c la Roia Spaghetti 2fK(j MOKICOQ Dlnn«r 69c $wli» Chewe ,lb. 69c BETTER SERVICE-NEW REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS Sharp Cheddar - Wl«prlde or Reka »9< AGED BEEF - CHOICE or PRIME MEATS Corn B»ef Hath, Broadcast JfoilKl DELANY'S Welch's Grape Jelly \y\ Refill! for Both 59' Spinach, R*a- onct Chopped Afor99c Q.T. Fraitinqs _lfa Cut »«on» 6fof99c Swiss, Knight and Oruyere 39c Sirloin Steak 99c Ib. Legs of Spring French fri»t 3for49e None Such Mince Meat . French Bonbel Cheese ., pkg. 49c Choice Ribs Beef 69c Ib. Lamb 69c Ib. Cut Okro ...! 3for49e SunMold Rollins Ground Chuck 79c Ib. Chucks Lamb 39c Ib. Camembert or llederkranti Cheese 39r Dromedary Dates hi STOUFFERS Beef Stew, lean 79c Ib. Chops — Stew Swit* Cheeie, smoked 39' Mixed Nuti In shell _,«! Spinach Sou«l» 39c Breast of Lamb 19c Ib, Lamb Kidneys 5c ea. Corn Sou«l» *9e Old English Cheese, sliced 39f D.I. Apple Sauce IfotlJlI Potato** or Macaroni 39c D.L. Cot Baens 3(«*I GETTING IN THE ACT—Shirley. MacLaine and Robert Chicken Ug» Barbequs 99c Kraft Baby Ooudas 39 Milchum. who team up in the film "Two for the Seesaw," CHICKEN SALE LONG ISLAND D.L. Cream Corn 3f«flt| help support a light stanchion during New York on-location Wokh Rarebit S9e Edam Balls lb.89f filming. .- . . CMckfli Noodle Dinner 69e Breasts — meaty 59c Ib. SAW Chopped Spinach Velveeta 2 lbs. 79c DUCK Crab or lobster a la King 1.79 Lima Beam Mexicola Kraft 12 oi. Cheese Slices 39r Legs and Thighs 49c Ib. f S. S. PIERCE SPECIALS 49c Ib. Asparagus Rltter, glass Livers &9c Ib. Yellow Squa»h 2 for 49c Ham Imported 59c pkg MoH Apple Juice ' „ Chopped. Spinach , 2for49c Party Salami pkg. 39r Cranberry Juica ' , Spinach Regular ,.,,,... 2 for 49c BORDER YOUR FRESH KILLED TURKEY NOW Fresh Rieotta .' .r: : 45e D.I. Tomato Juice, No. S ' Green Poas ....! : '...;.'..', 2for49e ItiE FINEST - BEST QUALITY - LARGE BREAST Mozzarella pkg. 39r Del Monte Tomato Sauce 3f«& BUNTZES Fruit Salad, Florida 59f Cranberry Sauce tM* All Varieties, 2 pkgt. 79c Hot Sausage 79c Ib. Jones Sausage Pure Moid Orange Juice 2qts. 49f White Meat Tuna, W.R JhflJt MRS. PAUL'S SPECIALS Meat 85c Ib. Sweet Sa usage 79c Ib. Helm Catsup Jfol4!l Sweet Potatoes candled 3 for 89c Beef Bologna pkg. 35c Crab Cakes : 2for79c SPECIAL Solid Meat Corn Beef Beef Liver 59c Ib. Heln* Pork and Beans 8 for I* Clam Sticks 2for79c Tomatoes *™ Clam Chowdor, delicious 2 for 59c German Bologna-Uverwurst 79cIb. Rumps 79c Ib. Polish Bologna 89c Ib. Tomatoes Butoni 4'8'1* Dellcloui Oerman Franks 79c Ib. SEABROOK SPECIALS SpagheHi and Meat Balls "o"** Mississippi Sliced 59c Ib FRESH HOLIDAY POULTRY - HAMS Cream Spinach W.R. Evaporated Milk Cream String Beans Jones Sausage links 89c Ib Butter Ball Turkeys Smoked Hams 59c Ib, 13fofl»| Putsy Cat Cat Food Cream Broccoli 29C Strodos Phlla. Scrapple 49c Ib Fresh Killed Turkeys Ham Slices 99c Ib. FK1ENDLY PEItSUASION—"Baby, I'd do anything for you, Peas and Onions so please don't cry." Even with all the persuasion this Fresh Killed Capons Smoked Tongue 59c Ib. Major Dog Food Potatoes and Peas pk Jones Smoked Hams 79c Ib friendly collie dog has to offer, little Laurie Ulm of Ottawa, 3 for I* j Succctash Long Island Ducks Pork Tenderloin 79c Ib. Pruns Juice, only Canada, isn't convinced and continues to cry and cry. Oscar Mayer Franks 59clb Cooked Tongue — Ready to Serve — $1.49 Ib. Peaches, half or whole Garlic Bread .39c First Priie Sausage Links 79c Ib aforS*| Purple Plums, 2Vi H. Johnson's Fried Clams 49c First Priio Franks 69c Ib Grapefruit 3 for 39c Planters Peanut Butter S. S. Pierce Lobjter Meat $2.98 12 med. Eggs and 1 Ib. Bacan, only 99r GARDEN FRESH love Applet 49c bag Strawberry Jelly Taylor Ham 1'A lbs. 1.09 EVERY DAY SARA LEE'S FAMOUS KITCHEN New Walnuts 49c Ib. Fresh Mushrooms 49c Ib. Grape Jelly, C&B Coffee Rings Turkey—Ham-Beaf Slices pkg. 39c N Honey Dew Melons 49c Schrafffs Asstd. Chocolates pound Cake 0NLY Radishes Russian Melons Cheese Cake Schrafffs Thin Mints Banana Cake Peppers 9c Watercress — Endive Apple Spice PILLSBURY SPECIALS Scallions each Romalne — Boston lottuce Gingerbread Houses Brownies EACH Wallace Thin Mlnh Fudga Brownies Globe Yellow Onions 25c bag Italian Onions 29cpkg. Assorted Nuts, no peanuts lady Penn Ice Cream 9Scqt. Sugar Cookie* Acorn Squash 2 lbs. 29c COFFEE SALE Salted Peanuts Perm Supreme Ice Cream $1.29 Oatmeal Raisin !* Italian Ices .... 35cpt. Coconuts, fresh 29c ea. Savarin 2 lbs. 1.29 Assorted Nuts, fancy Burlcrsweet Brjek Ice Cream 8cut79c Chuck Eul o Nuts 69c COME SEE - All FRESH NU« Ice Cream Cake Ig. 75c Choc. Chips Martinsons 79c FRESH MILK 1962 Crop Sunkist Pops 6 for 59e Peanut Butter Beechnut 69elb. Lo Calorie Ico Cr«am pt. 49c S4W Brand 69e Cococmtrt — Fudge Mint 87c gallon Cellophane PM. of AH Ki"^ Dlxio Cups and ROLL Holland House 69c plus deposit Ice Cream Sandwiches 3 for 25c Ginger Molasses Chase & Sanborn 69c Kraft's Asst. Candies

Wild Bird Seed 10lbs.79e Kosher Soap pkg.49c Metrecal Wafers 99c DRUG SALE MORE LOW Planters Peanuts, dry 59c Stuffed Cabbage 59c Metrccal Liquid 8 for 1.59 3for* Bufforin, 100 .99c Onion Soup 23c Jollo - all flavors It Oranges Madrilene 5 for 1.00 Soups, new 29c Pore Honey .... jar 39c Llsterine 89c - 69c Knorr Soups Prune and Apple Juico 2 for 49c YOU'LL Rokeach Borschl 25c Cadbury Cookies 39c box Ipana, economy 59c Hollandalso Soucc Mjraclath roll 45c Instant Soup, Try a Jar Excedrin . 69e - 59e Escoffier Sauce R&R Plum Pudding 49c Chickon-Boef—Onion ... 39c jar .U' N.B.C. SPECIAL Halo Shampoo 1.00 -79e Chutney - Major Grsy« Yams, mashed 6 for 1.00 Malta Ball Soup 23c Exlax .... 49c - 39e CONGRATULATE 2 for 49c Big Dipper Pik AQ Petit Fours - Chocolates Purp Vinegar 4 for 1.00 Rokeach Spn. Sauce Spare Rib Sauco 39c Mallomars »'« Turns, only ...3for25e Petit Fours Pascal White Roio French Beans 6 for 1.00 Choc. Sugar Wafers box Brandied Pooches — Pears Bayor Asperin 73c - 63c Macedonia Nuts YOURSELF! Snows Clam Chowder 33c White Fish, glass 69e Micrin, 7 oi. 59c Franklyn Mix Nuts Snows Corn Chowder 1 for 49c Rcimberio Olive Oil pt. 89c jforlK Q-Tips 59c only 49c 3 for 1.00 Boilers Soda «hr*|| Wlien you sou how fast Snows Welch Rarebit 39c Belgium Carrots 39e Fresh Cranberries 19c Ib. Coca Cola you get results, you'll con- Artichoke Hearts Mar. M!-lom-Mix 49c Swoet Cider 69c gal. Birch Beer am \ gralulatui tnwiuiou yourselvuvi JVIMf ov •n r you^ w r CHEF BOYARDEE DINNERS FREE DELIVERY . 2 for 4°e Choe Woes W I N wisdom in using a Classi Marshmallow Cretvn /.I fied Ad to sell or buy. Spaghetti with meat .. 39c IF YOU CAN'T FIND of $5.00 OR MORE WELCH'S Hard Sauco C Spaghetti with mushrooms 39c WHAT YOU WANT Tuo». - Thurs. - Frl. - Sat. 3 0 Fiesta - Welchade Plum - Fig - D"' Spaghetti with meat balls . 69c FOR TRY J&M Call hoforo noon tarp. A«orim«n' •' THE LEADER Plxia Pies with Sausage 59c Apple and Grape THEY HAVE EVERYTHING 2 PHONES All Kinds of Food' Piua Pios with Chceso 49c AM - PM 89c YOU'RE LOOKING FOR AD 2-0402 - 0403 i lumpcnuuiT for ii weekend nt the Hi is riT.»mm™.l...l l.y >"* Kit'v '" •s""tl"1 , . , . ,. I The \vi-i'kriid will ts «r the- CUR Appii- nlul Mlllill) of ti,il( .tur.-rs Awsoeintion Sl.,,u,s „,„,,, (hjn »1» sihlii us fish nml tion of R ,,.t )( y fish, for instance of „ lr| , nnH nn 111 «'lt^l <'V»p..rat... nt)(1 Mlrviv

GROUND-BREAKING—Representatives of srw Cirl Scout or- ganizations last week attended the (roxswl brwtJuitfj «*snea>s»i|«M officially launching the redevolopmeiU w«rlt at W/a«fci»(rH>« fc«*V Cirl Scout Camp. Those taking part abov* are, l*ft to -rtfttat 'MT** Zhe Best for ZhanksgMm Zabtes... . Henry G. Nulton of Hillside, commi»sio««r of fonh«* ElitatMlls, Hillside and Linden Cirl Scout Cowncilj Mrs. Jobm Fo»«+» l*f Mountainside, Washington Rock council prfrsllhatj «n4 Mia* Wjri* EVERYTHING GOOD FOR THE K. Flint, council executive director. . : , : Girl Scout Camp To Be Improved

The Washington RockOirl Scout Council last week conducted First H«r«'t a timtly pr«-Thank»gr». ground -breaking ceremonies 'Jt G»ntp Lou Henry Hoover, Swi National ing Sal* . . . plan deliciotn wood Lake, for a $141,000 redevel- m*al« for the weekend; buy opment program. •head for the Thankigivirn . Participants in the brief cere- Stores monies included Mrs. John II. Fos- ter of "Mountainside, council jires ident; Mrs. Henry G. Nolton of hillside, commissioner of the for- mer Elizabeth, Hillside end Linden Girl Scout Council, and Miss Myra K. Flint, executive director of the Washington Rock Council. TODAY tHIU SATURDAY, NOV. 17 prkn (ffxltv* «l all New J»f»y, The redevelopment program will ' rX.ll ^lv«r, MlddlstoKB and Ntw C'ty slows. W» nttm *• tight to limit Include the construction of a care- ^yajillrt«i. N*fi< sold for ,.«ol». taker's house and infirmary and Green Giant Niblets five planned camper unite for 32 girls and four staff members. MARINE PRIVATE Berrrnr* J, Eaen unit will include eight JUhUty Jr., ••n«f |HV. **<1 Mr.. BONUS PARTY tents qn iilatfpwtts, a cabin, a wash B.ratrJ i. MA»ly'*l »M W«ed. MINK house sad a program shelter for Un4 An s.tnifltl»s1 twmt Brack • rainy-day activities and storage. n Hawaiian Punch «f in«U*tJ«*i rnVtt t«*M»f Y«- < STAMPS Tho contractors are William C cently with » Marts* Wfatrtry Earl and Son of StlH-wattr Town- Tratafnif RAftisnsml it C FLAKY ship. ., N.C. ItoCMiperu NMd*d...Buy All You Want I TEMPER The «amp was named for Mrs. Flako Pie Crust (Herbert Hoover, former National president. It was purchased in Cleaning, Painting EXTRA «*.*>/ GRfCN STAMPS 1053 by the Elteateth, Hillside and Acoustical Ct>Umg$ with purchat* of a 10 ox. jar JumbU Pack OCEAN I/inden Girl Scout Council Through the efforts of "Mrs, Kulton. It for- Ceilings of jwrCfis acousticaV ma- FINAST SMALL STUFFED OLIVES SPRAY merly was used as a dude ranch. terials. utoally need -cleaning be- Cranberry Sauce The Elizabeth area council be- tween TiaintirifS. Ift Vpti're' iiot. came part- of the Washington Rocl« sure Haw 4& «lt»h Shin- type ol soil- EXTRA 4?M, GREEN STAMPS ing, here jirp Eopie tips frem vMiss HEAVY 25 ft, Council in H>57. The c»mp will with purchai* of a 10 or. jar Jgmbf» Pock reopen in June 1903 with facili- Gen a ThnmeH, Butters «xtcuniQn DUTY ties for 1,60 girls. The toiinell in a borne tutfifehing specialist. FINAST URGE STUFFED OLIVES Alcoa Aluminum Foil member vt the United Fund. i T» remove dqat«nd loose dirt from the dnxfacs, Miss Thames su((KAfi@t .RIUKK.M vacuum cleaner EXTRA &M. GREEN STAMPS Future Engineer \yith' 61is iitWchiiient designed for with purchaif of on 8 ox. cello pack Libby Pumpkin ly, though, so you won't scratch or Kouge the cellinir >nnte>-ial. FINAST WALNUTS MEATS If you,knou.'-Jthiit the acoustical ZESTFUL material is wii'fhable, just use a TANSY damp sponps and mi!d soupy warm EXTRA GREEN STAMPS Mott's Apple Cider water. Bemovc eoapy film with e wirh purchoi* of a 1 pound loaf mire wrune.out of clear wnurm ll« Dlppir Cliic. Fle*. 9 oz. ^atcr. FINAST POTATO BREAD If in doubt about the wnfhnbil- . UtWtmttt, 8 n. ty of your acoustical tile, dont' nt- Nabisco Cookies Clioe. Cov. Sugir Wafers, 8 oz. tempt it. Use a liquid vrullpaper •leaner instead, applying it with Specials at Bakery Section I ,potlKO. To paint an acoustical ceiling, use n flat Interior paint. . To thin Finast Butter Scotch paint, use only o solvent specified Royal Prince Yams on the paint enn. Taint for acous- tical celling!) with a fl;«ured or ANGEL 'i-rackoil" texture roquirws more thinninif than for the perforated typo. CAKE Frozen Food Specials •Don't force other drivers to slow FARM HOUSI • SANTO TART1VITA, 19, son of up for you, especially on slippery • Mr. and Mrt. Orlando Tnrtivita ds, warns the Allstate Motor of 541 Westficid Ava., ii attend- Club. Causing approaching cars MAPLE ing Montana State College in to brake suddenly could nwike them M» freshman year. A member of skid or (to out of control. APPLE PIES i tho ROTC ut the college, his Aim NUT BUNS is to graduate »s an arctiitcc- tuvat cnyinctr after five years 1 of study. Finast English Muffins Sweet Pickles *».*.*•»<. 2 &69« large WANT-ADS T m 22 oz. ' Driving with a clouilod wind- Sweet Gherkins * "*» «o..b* 37c tits shield is a foolish risk, says K. K. 6 to KUmim, who is in ehni-^e of ucei- -BRM/8.H0ME Midget Gherkins T.m ... sw»t •«.»«.. 35< 29 P dent prevention for tho Allitat- 1 Firm Hous* Motor Club. Taliini! timt to stop *•BACON (regular 25< pttg.) Vermont Maid Syrup M«b...53c 20 02. size und clear oif f«^;;cd or frcjted H h windows isiay spun- you time in n White Crabmeat °" Pumpkin Pie hospital. Finast FARM HOUSE MINCE PIE »< "49< sure your motor i> warm- Medium Shrimp »»»• ed uj) before *'hti*rin£ frv^t moving POWER PACK ^ FronWli1 tr:iflk or cro.-'Hin^ : ;ul ifid trark?., Mixed Nuts ' - '«•* »<>..„„, 3oc the Allstate •.Motor Clu!» UWIH. A Blrdi Iy« stalled cn/fjrio uiulcr tht'.-.c <.u!idi- BREAD 4 Dry Toast Peanuts ••«"*« »«i«59« could 1)0 fatal. Orange Juice Reddi-Wip i-woonmtp,, «» 59* LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Looking for the Perfect Gift? Finast Aluminum Foil *««" Birds Ey* BRING RESULTS None Such Mince MeatRK3UUR 88 Sweet Peas Mince Meat c™™o 2j^.49c Cinnamon Crisps """" Kwo.pk9.39c 'Yor' Garden 1Ooz.ilQ| pkgs. ^ M Marcal Hankies ASSOMW~ w. 3 Pv0..25c Cut Corn 3 fc Marcal Napkins PASTEI-«O. 2p o>21c Chase & Sanborn "iotTAoFrFCLABEiE 6<" i°r89c 'Yor' Garden Tenderleaf Tea Bags "io PACK P^ 66C Cooked Squash WH 1 Green Giant Corn I?N™N BP.INE 2'I" 39« DOUBIE FUDGS >Ars. Paul's Candied! Golden Home Duncan Hines BROV/HIE Mix 1 5 01. pkg. Of LIGHT CHUNK TUNA 6' . 01 tan Potatoes Sweet and High School IABCL OFfER Nestle's Decaf 10t OFF tABCt 5 o.. jor Q Oc Encyclopedia ROll ON Exclusive! Birds Eye Ban Deodorant 19t OFF UEEL RCA Victor Record i Volume No. 10 On Sate This Week.. Maxwell House Coffee * "I ,28 See Details At Frozen Food Case Pfr. rttnt Dlret. ltu^M'11 f. Iltilt arc mttv roKlilincc In Ihrir IH-iv*"Yi(im SKIO3 ntlHim Hi!., Ni'»lrh I'lnln", >•. 1,1.1. tl,«-r «crnlly \>,ir<»in»fil trot* Mr. nllrt Ursi. Jiitnl 1. Muntr.- IIIIIIUKII «bc ulrko of Knocr P. ll»rnolro|,irtj' «nv* iitittfplo llAtpl THE WFSTFfELD-TK. J.VLEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 19«Z double layer of fabric first. r Ample Oospt Space S600 in IVrfume Sets Change Technique To Sew Jerseys, Double Knits : Stretch the f nbiic slightly as j I you stitch, gently pulling: . tin- t Coat closet spnee never si-oin< Stolen From Store j j rubric with one hand in front uf j fly CAROLYN' YUKXUS | are purchased in tubular form, fabric i steam pressed. umple, but careful arrangement Cerson ltarondvss, proprietor of ; As>ori:itc Home Agent I which nu-ans there is no selvage the needle and one hand behind j can help to stretch it. In «iUliti.-n Although many ready-made jer- I the needle. This nives elasticity tu j Karon's Drug .Store !it 2i'A K. new nrray of fabrics confront j edge. Tubular form also means seys and double knits are iH't to the usual hanging rod, you ran lironii .^t., reported to police Mon- home sewer when she shops I thut the lengthwise grain is Uiu- seams and prevents breakinK of jutilize closet walls and inside of lined, the home sewer will find stitches us the g-arment is -worn. day morning' that three ca^es of jiai crial now. j ally twisted out of line during that a garment made of these door. Children's coats niny be perfume sets, valuod at $b'0U, had mixed with familiar fabric I processing. Matching seam binding can be jhung within easy reach if you pro- fabrics will retain its shape if it jsewn into underarm and shoulder j been lukuji from the basement of is lire newcomers such us lam- To prepare these fabrics for cut- is lined. j vide two-pronged hooks on walls at thi: store on or nbmlt Oct. 24, |P, stretch fabrics, jersey?, seams and in raglan type sleeves, I tlie child's eye level. Hooks or ting, the (train line has to be Silk thread in preferred for SPW- Interfacing or reinforcement of j jle knits, pile fabrics, and deep straightened first. This is done by ing wool jerseys or worsted double hanging racks also may be attach- (fabrics. buttonholes should be used to pre- locating a continuous lengthwise knits. Mercerized cotton or tex-vent stretching. ed to inside of door. Try to useHe-t'lt'clt'


.TUB 41OYAU FAMILY—Holding the family poodle Is Prln- uesS Grace of Monaco os she speaks to her daughter Caro- line. ,Thoy aro followed by Prlnco Halaicr and Albert us TURKEYS thoy vacation In Paris, France. 18 POUNDS & OVER 12 TO 17 POUNDS

luttMbolt fcrVtj, MM4 M(MV MfM SEMI-BONELESS SMOKED j WOOL TO WIN—These lambs In Grail Ueiuet receive ten- CHICKEN LEGS DE1C1OUS i icr loving caro from a liny toddler who helps feed and lb ! rear SnuUi Afr'ca's 4{) million sheep in a small way. CHICKEN BREASTS WH1TE*"T 59c SLICED BACON lb55e HAM VEAL STEAKS "•99c SAUSAGE MEAT "33c WHOLE OR SWIFT SAUSAGE ««OWNN-S«VI .» P^49C No Shank-No IK«OM fa* HALF Ib. HAYDU COLD CUTS •• -^25< No Skin and Only (&OIOGNA, SPICED IUNCHE 69. Season's Finest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables — Holiday Fruit Cake —i Potatoes "'«"•' 25"79< UIRT S BARK LIGHT BAR LIGHT & BARK WANT ADS

Oranges =" 5 * 49« I0LI0AY FRUIT RIN6 D«IUX. 2lb.1.98 R.9 2lb. 1.39 E _ / Grapefruit JSNS 4 * 29< Finast- A Want Ad in the LEADER is "fast Wholo 16 oz. on the draw" and right on the target Mclntosh Apples 3 - 29 Boiled Onions cans 49 — Finast of the result you want to get! Whether Yellow Onions ">» 3«19 Sweet 18 oz. you want to sell something or buy some- cans Tender 49 C •»• Potatoes Cranberries oltl^ 11' 25 Yellow Turnips FIOVO,M thing . . . whether you want to trade, Plus a Complete Voticly of NuH. Dales and Figs For Your Holiday Feast. Finast rent, hire or whatever, you'll get action House Points To Beautify Your Home For The Holidays — Fruit 30 oz. 31HCH PUSTIC POT Cocktail cans POTBIOS or PHUODEHPROMS 25c FAST with an ad in the classified section of the LEADER. CHOPPED STRAINED BEECH-NUT A OOc 1 ft 00 cGREEN GIANT ASPARAGUS 19o7.can CALGON WATER SOFTENER 16or .37c 5PCAS5 WAItR 50FIENER BASY FOODS O 7oi. jart O# IU 4OJT. jors 7# 53<= C AJAX 5cOffLobel 10c Off Labol TETtEY'S TEA BAGS 100 to | £7 GREEH GIANT MiXICORN 2 ZT,'43 iTlCIMI PP.IC€D rMIl WttK" ALl PURPOSt CIEANER 1 5 oz. i'me HEART'S DELIGHT HECTABS 0120 I 31 c GREEN GIANT PEAS SWIFT'S JUNIOR FRANKS WESTFIELD LEADER PEACH, PEAR, APRICOI *" ""*

former MUTUAL, Elm Street Your former NATIONAL, Central Ave. Your former SAFEWAY, North Ave. P»J?e 36 THE WESTFfELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1962 High School Harriers Win Watchung Conference

j By BILL MucKAY his (rreatest iierformar.ce of thIe Westfield had stretched its dual 1 Taking' eifc'ht of the top 1year6 . Most experts doubted tha*. meet record to 8-0-1 with two suc- place*, Westfield Hijrh's cross- Phillips would \>e among the lopcessive victories earlier in the School Winter Sports Schedules country team walked away with five. week. First, the squad breezed past Rockets, Bears Win the Wulchunfc Conference title Bruce Miller, WHS sophomore, Edison Tech 16-48 and then We6t- SENIOR HIGH BASKETBALL j ROOSEVELT BASKETBALL Friday. The Hlue Devils, already turned heads with his 13:08 time field cooled a hot Cranford com- 9th Grade Union County champions, will be and sixth pluee. Coach Clarkson bine with a 24-33 verdict. Football Championship December Ja nuary among: the starters in the New Jer- said that Miller's performance was Cranford's Cougars had put to- sey Croup IV championship Satur- I "typical of a fine Westfield team gether a victory skein of seven The Rockets came through ;ii-'ain , who clinched the senior K-a^ut- | I n-,.-i...| • l-i.: :• , .\>v.i >• :< 2 day. j effort." Seventh in the field of 5u meets before Westfield toppled this years as champion* of thIe title last week, met strong opposi- I \...i r- .-.•:• ,-'.| 11 ..-=»»- .: :! Ii..,. I, I- ,i-. 11 on:.. :: .'. ' harriers was George Cunningham, them at Warinanco Park. Over- tion from the Giants. At the half I ! I! Coached by a confident Walt Hoys r'oolhull IA-SJKUC junior loop, : •'• M :x I'l..i I'll II..i-., :<.:: Clarkson, Westficlds harriers took Weslfield junior. coming the threat of Cougar Bill overtaking the J'anthers in thethe score was tied at 0-0. Ohaus : ••'. i:.,s. • .- II--••!.• :: j .•N- l< :>. ;i • I ..ik .>«»>- ::r their second successive Watchung Bo Meara, captain of the West- Marek, Atwood finished first at j at Uf»MM of the Bears intercepted a pass lll'ly 1 laat two weeks of the season. The '.'••>- .\:.:\.. ..II i Jl i l-ihi-l-l i A-n'.iy 3::l field runners, captured ninth posi- 12:60. Marek came home at 12:53. l »n.v. at RSJ, Hears in the benior league remain and scored from 20 yards out. The - .r-'hn Conference title with 35 points. 1 February Cranford was second in the field oftion for the Blue with a 13:19 ef- McGowan outlasted rangy Wayne Columbia at Per,n undefeated with on* pmc to no. (iiants retaliated with a Buku- ^ 1 - I'..;- •!• I ' I ':i;..:.> H-HII.- :t?i •!; s five with G2, followed by Scotch fort. Trailing him by four seconds Garretson for third. Cunningham, Princeton at Yale JUNIOR LEAGUE wiec to Inkster 50 yard pass play. | I . was Gerry McGowun. Sophomore an average runner last year, con- Then in the fourth quarter the 1". U..--I-1I.- .\u-ay :) :li Plains with 63. Markets 4 7—Jt-U il. Tin- l!..rk- I .'. -.>..! Ii ri:-:i.- A-.i.iy 3.31' Doug Miller was eleventh. tinued to surprise even optimists ets, needing only a win to tit- furBears pulled away with two touch- Crossing the line third, behind down runs by Brcwstor and Gen- EDISON BASKETBALL a predictable Steve Harris and an Juniors John Laudenberger and with his performances. He cap- the )md, went all out and over- F*bni»ry tured fifth. tino and a touchdown pass pluy 9th Gr»dc unpredictable Carson Phillips, was Hal Jensen placed fourteenth-and whelmed the Ji-U 4«-«. The of- fifteenth, respectively. Though In the Edison Tech meet, Mc- fense was Ii-l by Duti<:r lltss, ))v- from Brewster to Howoll. December Blue Devil Steve Atwood. Finish- place Kolri M ing at 12:62, Atwood came within bothered by leg injuries, junior Gowan placed first with a 13:20 Stefanis «nd fiiewster. BeiT.sU'in Packers 0—Steelers 0. Field I !•!- -lli!l!.i.|- Aw.iy eight seconds of tieing Westfield Jon Plourde' placed twenty-first. clocking. Blue Devil runners sion figure skating "^ was the outstanding; lineman fol- Illll: January eague meet held recentl, was very wet from the rain of the Dave Coleman's Watchung Confer- Steve Calvert,. Wcstfield's tenth swiped the top six places. C lower! by Farley, Mitsun ami Mer- Iing.wo,d |. . ™'. previous ni^ht and it made foi ll..: junior, did hreuk the standard IV title race and Coach Clarkson s <-..!.111 A bit of WestneJd's glory was i bles. The Steelcrs proved the op. Ilill-i.l, HI>!:II. :i-i; Sham,, s,aac of Unj()a - niented for their spirit and desire -• r-V 1 '.11 Coleman, now u freshman at Mor- believes that the Blue Dcviis are portunists recovering eiuht I'ncker taken when Kahway won the jun- fessionaj instructor in learn the (jame. As the boys February nn State College, set last year. ior varsity title, defeating West- ''definitely contenders" in the move into th* senior league next fumbles. Neither team crossed the 1 ins Moiii" :• 1 • Unchallenged this season, Harris classic. Strouse IM N- l-llijlfl.l lllllllllill .W:|V :<: 1.1 romped home in 12:36 without turned into n defensive strujrjsl*. DeviU took both.varsity and j"nior The dual meet results: tumty. :.•-liahiv.i>- 4 ov even a minor obstacle in the way varsity titles. Ken Barhour added \»»lflr!4 15— l£dl««n Tn-h 4ft Devils 13—Pnnthers 0. ThAdelaure , Uaabe and Harris were February J. tiurry AU-duivHil, W; 2. Boh I I II. mi. • of his victory streak. o cheery note; the WHS sopho- Devila, .showing continued im- the defensive stalwarts for the ROOSEVELT BASKETBALL Mi-arex, \V; 3 Krui'e Miller, \V; I.MORE SPORl I — 1 II. Mill' 8th Grade Rahwny'a Carson Phillips edged more captured second in the JV Oeur^p OunnlnKliiini, W; 5 John provement ended their season in Packers and Ilely and Gibson were tiom«> Atwood by one second to turn in race with a 14:22 time. l-'iudenliCrKer, \V; 6. IJOUK "Miller. a burst of glory. They defeated outstanding for the Steelcrs. K) A wny January W: 7. Jollll dolmen. ET: fc. I'at l.e- 1 loll'. L. Away on HEXT PAt the I'nnthers and so ended the Giants 7—Hams 0. The Giants March --Kinv.iln.Vh ' ' III.IIIO . Panthers chances for a playoff returned to the win column with n I—\\V|.i|' (lull,I- Home YJVICA Divers Win — !(...... |l>. I''..rk A «•» > against the Rockets. Brown scored 7-0 squeaker over the Horns. A wny the first Devil TD on an excellent Boate3 and HAskulinecz ted the of- SENIOR HIGH WRESTLING At Columbia Meet end run. Their second touchdown February fense with Criss doinfr an out- December — )(•>.->-•)•- I'.nk The Westfleld Y divers opened came on a pass from Bailey to standing job aslineliacker for Brown. Ilandzu scored the extra heir season Saturday at an AAU the Giants. Bennett. Porchctta EDISON BASKETBALL living meet held at Columbia point. The Panthers ha mi- Inivorsity. Jeff Schaub and Eric line for the Giants. For the Hams v I'hiln Aiv.iy January r II - -I'l 1 luM.-1'l II.Mi..- i an Leuven paced the group by LIMITED OFFER xnd the boys who had played so —-MuM-1'.i- I'iirk they were led on olTenao and de- I.'. N'li III I'l.,nil' Aw.iy Awny 1:15 lloiiio apturing the first place trophies well just didn't ha»« the man- IS — Knhwl.y t lilllM' 1* fense by Stoll, I'.oburts, Tipson — Soi'liVl'liil'lis Away 1:1.% the 13-14 and 10 and under jiowor the last two wteks. and Ticman. ,:i -.M-lhiir li. J.i lliHlll' Final standings: — iti.Mfllf IMrk Ilimif 3:l."» ge groups, respectively. Other Standings Away ;l:ir. Vestfleld place winners were w i, •r February February Itorkets . J I ft 10 I- 'li:!«l.I'- .Away 3ruce Cant, who was second in 7 — rinrk 3'aTitilPIH t •: 0 ll- •': •:<; llrini Aiv.iy ll'WK! .T : J ."> I>evllq :; 3 OlJIIHH . . 3 — M,.unlaln,i|ili. Awjiy :I:I5 he 10 and under event, and Steve I'lirkcm ABSOLUTELY Vet* n r, \: -('r.nif.iril —S'-t.nh ['lalim II.MIH- U 11.". ilcCoy, who placed third in the Kama . . HICPk-m open age divine event. Terry Gans, SENIOR LEAGUE Mike Ward, Bruce McClay and dears 25—Giants (5. The Bears, Boys Basketball Lumpkin Will Don Mutz also competed. Lanza's 641 Tops iris Beat Princeton Season Planned Leave Echo Lake Air Con Ties For In Field Hockey 2-0 The Westfield Boy's Biiskotlmll The Echo_ I,nke Country Club's FREE! Sportsmen Scores The Princeton Hlfrh Girls Field has initiated activities for irofcasional. Jack Liimpkin, has Merchants' Lead Jockey team succumbed to thets fifth season with the announce- iieen appointed head pro nt Oak Lama's 224, 226—641 po»tin.K Weatllold team by a score of 2-0.ment of its schedule for this year. Hill Country Club in Itochester, Air Con took two games from loppe,d the scoring In the Sports- The Westfieltl team scored early in On Wednesday, Nov. 21 there N.Y., it was announced last week. Maple Crest to go into n tie for Wen's Bowline; League Fridny the first half on a drive and fol- will be a meetint; nt the Wnteunk The 27-yeiir-oltl pro will leave. Hist place in the Merchants pin iiftht and aided Marys to a sweep IOW up by Karen HOUR, For theRoom in the Municipal RuildinK of Kcho Lake the fii'Ht of the year. loop last week. High game for the win over Westfield Lumber. Other better part of the game, the two interested residents of Westfield. le plans to spond two months at. night was by K. Wetland, a 220. high scores were: Patemun 232, bRckfleld players succeeded in pro-The league is seeking the assist- his home in Athens, Ga., before Other 2O0R wore by Nemeth 220, Marvosa 223, Fiadlnu 22-1, 204,venting either team to score. ance of nnyone who would lilce to assuming hi» duties at Oak Hill. Plcseia 215, Clrlncione 200, 201, l.auient 218, I-iebelt 214, Hylan Lat« in the »econul on a holes in the l'.Hil Open at Oakland Colapictro, Carroll 20U, and Rob- hard drive by "Maxine AVaynos to son. The mvetinc. which will start Hills in KirmiiiKhum, Mich. This inson 200. break the tie with them and take at 8:1T> p.m., will also have a dis- the lend. Kathy IJallinK who picked up tlie year, ho finished fifth in the State 1, pans nad scored the Eroal. cussion of plans for the forthcom- Open at Onnou Hrook nnd fourth Mi i :t 11 ing senson as well as election of .\ I c TIJ I 1 The Westf.wVJ Kirls ha: illv .l»t«n.;.l .... i~ new officers. Tr:lU'JH' M WITH PURCHASE OF 2! He was named to the eiKht-mnn in Jolm Krai11HH . . , . .. . IT looking forward to the ^nme ('y til I1*N 1 *i 11 Forms for registration of hoys New Jersey team for the Three r Jiiyilvn . . n Princeton always posps a stronp: u.iy"s Anlo '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'. I -» . '. 17 13 in the 7th,-8th nnd Oth grmlea wil Uinjr 1*(JA lntcisectional Matches M. •inn.TI'H . . . ] ;; 17 opposition to Wcstfleld. U' l-llt ('ll'.ltl I)i'l«liinu*' . . 17 13 be distributed next werk at I-Mi-in eiich of the last two years anil *»rj*!! 12 1« . . li: 11 The lost game of the senson wil Ai Ilitll• Stevens \2 IS . . it III son, Roosevelt and Holy Trinity last month, he was appointed to T. ,-, [u s 11 13 be pluycd at home with Glen liock Schools. The forms will he collect the New Jersey PGA executive Ti'iiin s . . . . S7."» . . il r'lil ( "leu iici'H X 40 S-7 .*v7.1 ed Nov. 23 and 21 and tryoutscommittee. l>ntly .loin-n;il . . . s 1!» ]>cl Wumo . . . uur. s:u 7!il will be held Dec. 1. He hay served us head pro at . . . Sil"' S3 ft rioi ifl' yho|» Autt . . . V33 1 OlirJNth'.tlHCM I* Robert Bniley, league pie-side Echo Lake two veuvs. Alt InnI- SU VI-II** . . . * 1 7* sis \tuxzn Church Leader sniIc> I "II-:si .'. . :"Ml SS.I KtPKer MI RSI 7liS will he similar to past years, will Air C< in o;tr> H\:\ fnhn Krtuikf - s:u v.>0 7-IK •|'|M\]1( i i>,.J 'l.'ili S.'i'.l s.'iii a junior league composed «f "thMatinee leaders Mi mi:I'M',') >(i 1 XMI MJ U-CHtfiflll IJIIHI,i.;r-::: 75" 655 7<; Loses, Holds Lead students und a senior.lent On Winniiifj Si«le made up of 8th and Slth grade stu- Wicseinan Hils 608 Baptist, leaders in the Church tlcnts. All boys who npply will lie Spirits and Flappers first tmd TIRES Bowling League, lost two Rnmes to assigned to n team, regardless of second teams in the Matinee Howl- In Noinahegan Pins Three Sweeps In Bnptist Men's Club last week but their past experience or nhility ing I.ciigiif stniulintrs, ennu' held first place wheu runnerup and there will be no "cuts." through with '•!•! wins liibt week, Carl Wiesmun's 200, 222—(108 Madison was also a 2-1 loser. Con- The registration fee of $<1 ishut there's a three way tie forseries was the top score in the Quantity Limited! Fabette Bumper gregational »nd St. Paul's split used to pay for the rental of th second place in a close race unions Nomahegan Swim Club Bowling There were three sweeps In the points. Best bowlers were Klttcl- school jryms and for equipment. five tenms. Hernndetto Lyng, with League last week. The two way burccr with a 232 for St. Paul's FIRST COME . . . Fubettc Women's Bowline This year five practicp e sessions me a plus !i", was Ihe turkey winner. tic for runnerup increased to four League's bumper session Friday. and Jny with a 204 for Baptist. scheduled 10 \v c. with the addition of Dolan, New- well S'.lills 1> 11' FIRST SERVED First place Idenl blanked Wrights, l (,'ames. man and liodner. Shea, in the I. 1 7 i;; IJU'.IX 17 i ^ knot the previous week, lost three runnerup Clements swamped Biit'llM . . . . 1.1 Vi Anyone interested in assisting 1? i:t nnd went down the ladder. Edith and Miller took all from in the lenjiuc operation is tii-Ked to IT, i'KhKI.-Kil'll. 20 w i, Mahogany House. attend the Nov. 21st mct-'tini;. !••.•« .i I:> li.intl»i Mi-i 19 •Jl i;i IT Sii-KOl 13 S NU'ILOIIIKI I'Klilll II l |.ii Uy 17 Kl Til II I'd . . . IV .'> -7 n S,•in. us II in i'j 1 s WHY BOTHER? l.ilulM M.-II . 7'M S.'fl Ni-wiiniil II Ml TO BUY OR SELL, USE I lei N it < 1*1 MIS 7:.i: r.' ll.i.lii.i- II 10 JiirvlH MI'III.IIIIHI . . . . Wl> si-inali Ill I I Ktllll. . LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY II Have Extra Wheels i:i ll VI I I MIHPI .ii.i vi For Bad Weather Ahead! rli-im-niK Urns'. Jl I'Mlth il:.l« . .. ', I ~\ \ Mi.:il Murkt'l :.~. I li Sweep Win By "Vrlithi's .... Kl Mill. TV Mnlink'jliiy Mi.II . . . I'.T. :,;l-j Mj Mixed Leader GUARANTEED TO GO IN .. .. HIT r.i'.i II 1 Jnrxl.- .... ;:.i IIHI GI7 Klin l.l7 •Stevens scored the only sweep FOOTBALL in tho Mixed pin loop Monday MUD OR SNOW or niirht, blanking Kicardo. June Pin Up Girls Stevens with a 212 and Walker WE PAY THE TOWj with a I'll), leil the winners' scor- injf. Have a Tie « I. WESTFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Sh \ i-n- . . I !l ^ The Tin Up CJirls Howling . . It'. II Vililiniluli.i I;' I V vs. League has a tic for firsi )>hice this 1'ivloilll . . I.'. 1 V week after Sliltic di-featcil .liihr- M.. r\ .•>.! . . . M II NOW! VOICE OF FIRESTONE ):; it linir in two j^aini to et|li:il the ML. !..i.. score at K.-l I. Sv1'P winner wa^ S.-lii-,,,., Illl.. I I. '.. PLAINFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Kl' z. r . . 7 i -:. !'.'' •". Foute over delMim Christmas Carol Album \V I. Mlln.. . .. 1 '1 II Ai t;i-n/.Lni. Sung by $3.98 Value . ii; i! KI./.-i- . . . |S.-lil. . THANKSGIVING DAY Rise Stevens, Brian Sullivan only $1.00 \'!\\.\ ..'.'.'..'.".;i and Firestone Chorus limit 2 to a Customer S.-llii.-l.l.T . . . . Kiifli-il!.' . . ! \'..<.r li..; •' cl.-l'lllMi|iii. . . . NOV. 22 — 11 A.M. Ml Illl.'.-li li...-li. .1;. •'•« .*•!'< VIII i wi ;.ii| n ;• 11 Si-liiii'lili.r ...'.".'.'. | Yagers'242 PERMANENT ANTI FREEZE M.IIII.I-II Plainfbld High School Field Mi~. i. il,-I'l in.MI, . l'i ...I.. Tops Juniors RANDOLPH ROAD, PLAINFIELD Ethylene Glycol base $1.51 gal. cash & carry Miliii. .'..'.".'.'.'. j Pnul V;i;:.'i-'s 2-1'J nii:hti:ip fur Willsmi \va« the hiiih >pnn' in lhc •write* Four Hiinnci'iips .luninr l.oagui' Ho-.vlinir S;ituii!;ty. -Iiin S(l-ni>r/.?i r:une ll|i with :i '-'OT PLAID STAMPS ON ALL SALES EXCEPT GASOLINE S\U>M In Lsilr miildle Kiimi- fur I In' inlnw ilouKle. ADMISSION $1.50 • CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER 50c Kcur (films iir<- tied linn uei-k , Suei-ji:-. wi-ri' by Miirino nnd Wrst. H I. in iJie I.ale Show Jimvlini; l.i-;it:ui'. • r-i.ii...... II i St.i>|>i>fr^ joined the olln-rs aCti-r Si.,ji I, ! :i sroring ;l si\-eep iiin. Drsi jilrue ADVANCE TICKET SALE NOV. 19-20-21 •1 Jiippcrs lost twn ^.uiies niii] s.iw il lend rut tii, \I:,MIII. M-jis the turkey winner. ': I,,...i- SPORTS CENTER, Elm St. * I 1 w : \VIM«-IIII :.f. •:! i lilptM'..- .'-I ; I'.inl; .: i.i .: : i ! IIK.I.IIII .;;-, .;i| Mi I • CHILDREN'S TICKETS WILL BE SOLD of Westfield. Inc. I'l. -I..I .Mi-1* ..... i <; ) 1 ONLY IN GRADE AND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS 1101 SOUTH AVE. W. AD 2-1300 ) 'IIJHI-llJr t;| hlr> .... H n; < I-'.II f.-ii i I J'l'M >.| ! i 17 Nil-" * )!•• Jt'l J 1 1" OPP. MEEKER'S GAROEN CENTER m THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEA&Eli, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS; 1982 P«g« 37 Bantam Loop l^n^ <:iu»n iias jRunnerupTie OFF A\I> IWJ.WXIIVG byJohnl.Doy LEGAL NOTICES • 6. 1 C ilMinipj'r Sossion I , » 1 tches Sweeps ., „,., ^ i B kcn in • \ mioHASN iiosrrrv ANU 1 In taM ro TO TUKIlt lt)l-\ I M l')S I first plaie Levers went down to do-1 live n 11' y Hai The "Sound" Barrier or uir a putlMit in it vili-iaiis' huh* fini,' 1-' tjtftil ami ^t-Hll't' tu Vwto. or if >nu p>. Tin i 1) ifltMIvt? IT friend uf u p**rxi>ii loop has M»r., ^ ^{T ^ Many years SKO the sounds grates. He soon «ame to know w in- i* Ul (tic mllUwry svrvK'i- wr won th, t,.rk,rk yj is a pulleul In u vi-U?f«nV hunpllAi W I heard around the starter's his charges reacted better to rt Int. >uu tjflti'vt*. will dottin* lo vwt« . I ( iswi-i'p with 144 pins over uvfiutu'. ) of Westwoml. stand were frequently some- gentle persuasion. "I also no- in the H|>criul S\-lluol I'lrcllon lu t>t> ... II i l!hen had u i!0H und Nip H 2-0 to, what censorable. Legend lias ticed around the barns that ht hi in I IK- Schuul DisttUl »t the I" ; tup tlii; s.-uiinp,'. l:..l.yn Slii'1,.1. it that one starter of the old the horses seemed to be 11 »if WosLlltfld, in the <\)tinly ....!'- . Ill . ..Km, uu iJwet'inbtfr ilT, 1 Sl>-. I" 1. tt'.-'.l' school was once called down soothed by music on. th* radio. U in illy vvi'ltr tn I tic uiu|i*i,HlKiifU I..I-.',-I-.- li. I. 1.; from the stand and panelled GO I thought I'd try it at tlit ul uiuw ntuklitK at'pltuklloii f^T u .),.!' s I,,- .11 I: !•. " : J in the nose by an irate spec- Etart." It seems to work too, nilhtury Morvk«» ballot tu h*- vuti*U !l !•: tator who found tho starter's "It definitely eases tho ten» in .sulU cU'ctluli lu be forwuininl tt> 1 i i'. >..u. it you art) In ttit* mllHar) m>r- instructions to the jockeya • sion and nervousness of tba \ i.\- »r »!-•• a |intU-nt In tt Vi-tmuiH' 1"'- 11' bit tramey to ba used within horses, particularly those that lUuSplllt), NtUtlKK >UU I' nWlU', UtTH, the earshot of womeu. George are somewhat leery of tb« »fi iat uuitilior, bonu* uddretis ami lh<* I:'.. 17'- .uMn-^h ut wliUh you are hliiti<>iu>d I." is ! M .!."« Cassidy, who sends Ihe fields gate," Cassidy says. Thii h« wr erm btf fomul, « i*K* uf twtttii) -one T' ii r, of the famed starter Man yeur« and vtuUntf liU nuin>-. *oilal •I.I.I l-.|ll«r Cassidy and learned bis way to keep away two tit* Twist numlnT. hum*; uJOrvti! a»4 tho nil- -'I..ill \'l..w Fl.irli.1 around horses «3 a member or Rock and RoH," lays Urt'MH at wMth t)« U atftlloncJ or Tie Continues of his father's ground crew George, nor has 1M nt trie4 SEEING IS LEARNING—Th* Inl»r»>u4 group of p« rds' Bumper back in. tha days before Ull tta Light Cavahy Orvrtur*. i of Hpplltj Kuichlc Leading I'I urn tin1 u id plcturW •ba*t'»r* Lincoln School ckiUrtn who m*J« » Mn O'Ounnor and Terry won 2-1 d Nuvomber tour of lit* G**«r«l Motor* Aneroblj Plant at Linden U l*ar> Women's H«H.T. IIOWAHD OMLIH [suits In Tie matches Monday in the Nubud pin uftrd ul raor« (kaut •»»•! eroduotlon *ni automation. loairuo and hold tlii'ir tic for first KOUL-'AttOit Huiehlt?, swoep winner over Ailiiiinlntratlon luce. Swcc|) wimici.- \v?re St. l':ivoloc, took tin. load in thv " 306 Rim 9trett Womon's Hoc Howling Leunue lust WHtlltfia XW y. "week, u half Runio ahead of (.aul, 1-lG-lt |UM0 former loaders, who lost two NUTU'N 'IH> ('KltHOVS OICSHIINU Kami's to Cornell. If ymi un> n uuatldttd unU rr«- I\V !. iMtufvd vutf^r uf Uio Btut* who ex.. Hal.ill.- in'.. l:ii- it-i(H to hf abacnt outttldtt Un» Stult- •iiiiil 2H " H ' u t>f(r^inl>er Si, \Wi. or a quulinva ('.itin'Il IS itit r*>ulifter*il vot^r who >v)ll b<< I-..KI i; •-•:< vtuilu (ht1 tilat^ on DecentIHT tl, JI '.MiJ, l>ut bctuvut) t>t Utnetia or i*hyKI- u 1 lilsubUlty. or hri-HUH4* of ttit* *;.nii 1 ('."ii.-il VJIIKPIMUU'I uf n Pi-ltHluus hullUny .'••iJ :.»:• puramuit lu tli« tt>nnlH of jour r«'ll- I'iH.-l...- •VIS ; ulon or Lii'i'iiuM* of roMtdfiu Aitfiut- 11,1,1,1,. Hiicc ut u tK-liDul, oulli'Ktf or univer- t.''ll is: sity, will' I)t> unnbtr to CUKI your 1'i.KI Intllot ut Uu> iloiniiK pi nor. In your illHtrlrt on Bulu ttutH. and you (1«>HII-<' tu \*otn In tTn- Hpi.'ctkt NrJiuol I'ltM'tltin lu hv hold iii ihv School Dlntrlct yf :ho Town ut WeHtHuld, In tlic (.'ounty LEGAL NOTICES of l.'nluu, mi U«u«ml)«r U, lVtiJ, kindly wrtt« or Rppljr In IIOIHUD lo .hf niitlrtialHrmd ul tmu» rtOUHKt- MITICK TO ciiKurrouH tm tlmt u civilian abH«iittif tmllgt ie fotwurdi'd (o yau. HUuh r(!ni*t t*(iOr(i«s, ivml )H' (M1>II(>UH to which Httlil bully t Boro Leader ror.Miiiut In th« or.l.-r of Kt.'liUXK dlluuli] bu HIMlt, Hlld UlUHt ))•' tliMMtid J. KIKK, SurruKUlo of 111.- rnunly wit It ytiur tiljpiatur* uiid Hlut** tti» ..r 1'IIIDII, iniiiln on Illo iM-.'lity-lhll.l iHoii why you will not lie ublc il.iy ..r II, lulirr, A.I).. I'.nlB. tl..- - vtilo ut your UNLIUI polliiiK iilm-n. /eeps Change ppl i.itl ion of Ihu UIUII'IMIKII.-.I, ixti N«> clvllluti ubflfnte.u httllut will In- Opens Margin •:\i'>-ulor nT Ih.i ••Btule iif Hill.I 'ilf ivnnUhiul or rnrwutdfd to any up- ,-HM.ii], nnl (,-[. \n )|(.|-,-l}y >;|VCH li) l||i- pllrunt unlt'Hil ro^Ui'Ht tht'iM'for h 1 ll'.lltulS I'f Ml 1,1 ,1.1 .-UK. ll t.| •-Xlllllll nti-iivi.'tt nut U'MH thuli PIKM ^- Monday tii«ht nfu-r n sw^cp win. Uutvd Xovcnihfr 18, (90S. thf o*lcr or KUiU MiHa» Uis* lUnltor. v it It i n M\ niuntl.M fi \ i|.<> l ust-iut in:; t>l r.-.i^--.- ndintfs in Iho Washday HuwlinKj ij,. t siiurk' K"»u- was Furbvrk's 1 • I'jdUlNliloU s ln>: tin- ri.uni' i.Kiiln^i Hi, suli*. i ili.-i AdtnlnlHtrutlon llulldliu; jjiuf Mondwy. I-f-nnox held first | 233 nnd bosl serios (JcrnnliHIo's I'niMli I1. l'.i.l:il,n,i. JtMTi I'M IU Stivt't ^i< with Littleficld Koinj? up to WPHWICM. NIMV .If«r»py IMf.-ll Ki.,»n $12,la bud. Krniik I" I'a.lnlln.i, All,.nu y I'tiltllH -I llriiiir.iril I'liu-r AT LAMP CITY \v i. ., )• •I A ! v !•; Nr»:im. X. J. ir, ViM.-u il 1 ft ']"1 1 •* -jr. 1 •; 11-1-41 K > 121 li I.i.ii. He I'.I ' 'j 1 i>; KlIJM! !.i '1It oil K I 7 'i Ml l; )'', 3 DAY SALE 1 l>ii\\ 1'' {• ••'1 .! Lll' '. hi , i: i. : N'ir •'•ly 1- II <> )• <) S A I. 1 ! 7 I .,.-i.i" • N.iliii- iK |i.,|-..|.y Kiv.-n tliiil s.-illi -1 i-.'i • 1 ' ' ; T.ii<* ili-i'-i1 .. 1.; ' " :!,',! it hi,! . Ulll 1,1- |.i. i-lv.-.l 111 III, |t,,, , |,- I:K !-i ivHim i>, TODAY THRU SAT. ONLY I nin'i!. ' "II ' linn or Ihv . lirl.-.- ..f Hie I Mi-. ••• H I-: HI';;'- !••<• . . "j n 1 *i • ••':'•< tin. nhrinn .if l',iirl>:.»,' mi.I l'n>|i- r I.',! ."..'!.'!.' I;"- .ity. Jti.l ll', HuoiM L' :'• J - -. Stali- II Mi>.nil..I'isl.l,. 1 >i ii,; r: lli. us.-. 'I'l.'lil.iii :."., N.-.i .l.-i.-.-). ,,i, Mil W|..,- l.l.i'M.!X . I'l I In-.. lll!,i-i- ti. lyti:' at ::i)'» l'..\! aiiil ,l'-i:iii| Ulisi'l.- In 11 I'l Ji-ii ••-•••; '••!' ..111 h" iflieiii'.l l.i.-l i.-itil liiiwii : ;r. ..I I ly I!,,-i, Mfli-i. for Hi, l,,ll,,u In".: S:ii:l',.i'il .' I'AIN IIN(; i:\lrrl..r l*MlnllliK—IllirurKul I-UI.1- l I1lirii>-unl I.litlilhi.u«i- SI:,I,' I',, i k . i.i !•'!•• •rrv Hn-aks l.oltu Il.-nt'li UhliMl, .\. J. r llj.l» niiiHl li.- (I) mi..I.' .in Hi.' I-'OSTKK MOTIH'IK—This hen »t Kasl Longmeailow, M;iss., rriim}j;l«* Knot • laiiikiiil i.n.|>.n.;il I..V..I fit ..|,,-l.,s.-.l is lonkinr. after tlir (ivt» ducklings she lialdtcd. and th«y In III.- >,..' ...|.|,. ,^e,l ..,,.. ••l.i|,., I Kerry took tlic li'inl ii\ the Trj- <:i. it. .-..i.iii..ul,..l \>y II (-,-, ittl.,1 < h.-rl. • couldn't ask lor botior r.uo. Two days afler the ducklings* few Team In ,lr:iun I., IM., liiiliTTinW' Tir:i» mother diod. Mrs. llcii took over the responsibilities of \glv llowlintf^ue lust wcok, .iii^ iiuppy family. mrl Si-t Tit' lir hi tin- amount of r." .if Mi. ill- I lii'i'n (i'-d. dro|i|icd tlirc-o jjami's to ILII'I (41 il.'Uv.'rt"! :il th.^ iil.i.\>- pliii Mk.'> ri-]iliii-c(l Schiicfi-r in .11 licitnuin. II ut l.,.f..ri- ill" iinin.-.1 :.« n I,..I » ill I.-' ii... in.'l ;, (I, , II,.. | [with Kcitihforil lor tin! liviil ol! IVii( ^ *; .}'. »|i.'i'ltl.'il. III.I.-, lii.l «,. hill.HUM. .I ii-1JI I Hmiirt S.'l liiAvlim:' l.fiic'"'I V..11' in 11 :i I III,slil.TI ,1 ....I » ill I,. ! 1 1 1 l.'j.'rl.-.l Tli.. Iliri'.-ti.r ITSI'IH', Hi. wcli aftci- scji-ini; a swi'i-p i ij!','!, ,', ,', ." !',' \] 'il t'luhl ti. r.'J.-ct nny tlliil i.H til.Is :t,nl (" it.vuril I'onti'art hi ji;ut "i \i Ii-il, ir il.'.-in.'.l I" 111.! li.ul ||iti-r"..|n "I II,.- Slut*' tu ilil KII. Tliii Hiirr. ^ful Mil;---- |,|,-.t! Ml( 1 11.-ii i YOU GET l.i.l.liM- ..111 !.,• r.'imli'.-il I" f.ii ni.l, !:•<: ) f, i ,1 r MI 11., Hi H-: Hili,t>- l.'iiut hi Ih"] itm'xinl i.'

Hi.- ,';.i'l. ,.r ii .'IIIII|M.I> .. .it li.,r i»i"l I.I .I-. l..i:.liii'as In Hi- Sim.. ... | Lions Soccer X.',. .I,.,-:..-)- '_ i ,i l K| llli'iili.'ii-.-. r ,1 Viim Wins 2-1 iliiii-l itii'l t.iiii'l |i,t I It.- pi i. w.i-H i.i-.. ..n III,, iii-iy I., l .limn ajiplti-al I>,|1 I,, [},- Tin1 Wcsttii'ld l.i'.ns linv" n •!•"-'£ I iil "i-1'-l. lll\l-ii'"i ,tf I'm i'li:'-,,- aii," l'r,,|i.-ll. MlaU- llii.i.--.- Ti" 11 .'.', tailcr Loses ri.foril followiiiK « --I New .l«i'M"y N. u .l.-i"-)-. ..ii ,l,.,,..~il ,,f | Sale of [I..'ii!M!i' ii-Kilitu; .Jolinsiiii ill nppril ituliiili-Am.'lic-an Sui-fiT l-eaivue i il... (i.,i'iiii-V .(•;'• 'm! i "i t::imi.s lu Uaitnctl nix) Hli-won ovi-r Ka-t Orani;.' Sunilay »' | i.'iVM.."1";;,'!."', ','ii!!ni";!f"H,'il.~l, •ual-i for Westticld. lii ti" fur tii-t phi.-i- in U'.i' I i r;."i 1 WIUM.-M'S l,i'iii;lit' last wi'cK. i iii:i'Ait'rMi:.\T "i" Tin; Til i:Asrit v icli iriini.. nf tin- siwnii, nilh'ii j HIVIHI'H, i,f l'ur, I,:..,. ( ('und .Mu.-lkr w«.< a 1HH. | IIII.I ri'..i.".ii MORE « i. { <-h;irl.-» I-'. SnllUiin. LAMP SHADES IHr.'.-l...

I 1 for your money "• . I.II..I-.. Ill" 11 I. .

• ••.,. -i ,v .' • . li i_: •k % . ii'. r. ;;ii 11--, ' in '.- i '•'J when The Leader) . ^f I i r tO BUY OR SELL, USE i i EADER CLASSIFIED ADS guides you!

The MORE values you can com- pose, the BETTER your chancot of * SERVICES YOU NEED • getting tha MOST {or your money] Comparable Value The bost place to make the most comparison) in the shortest timo is $8.95 1 BLDG. CONTRACTING I. • MISCELLANEOUS^ i • MOVING AND in tho advertising columns of Tho -MODERNIZING TRENCHING GENERAL TRUCKING LEADER. Shopping the ads befora A motl fatmhiM selectmn W. O. HEBIER IIKVHV p. To«^• 3-MIM Ihe surest way to get the oejt tc. Hi you to fiU'/o unit cvi'ii ». Slraml values in townl mom! Thorn bnxutiftttly I.«..«IIH. vanltttty imri, i>.n ' work. I ,,, .,,, ,, sialia nml I'unn.lri. BJ.I.TI:I1- trimmed hixuriuun anti- iviny. que sfupitUHQ tthailrn in,- 2 FOR ONLY ROOFING & SIDING <«, Kl.-.v.-l r.iit- l. ir " "iilifonii'. ^hllHii.Titft- S'.lii'- v;in yiuiruntrcd imnhubh: . . . CONTRACTOR i;.-n.-r..r p il.'^l in-.i i"i, I.-I ii'. f'Sl'ii.:.!.- youi 7.49 ionl'i aii'l li.-avy Ii.-M II,•.'..•. rnitv.l Vun l.lli.'K, Al< ivrinkk III,);/, .S'../c(.'i /mm;:. Outlet's. !,.':.d«rs lihl i.airH. Jnl.M i-'V.-rnl t,y in- 7-r.-tr i :.j|.!l ;''•'-!.' //rum li", 15". Hi", ji>" NATIONAL VAN LINES Fluor \iiic; /It'll lH"; It:", Ml ^-1 >'••• \ II ru'^-jllt Jii.-kh....'. l..x-ul-l.«.nir IlUfnnrf — Sli.rnKi- li"; llrUtyt li". llrunj I.'iri.l ntt" :f rn"l, ;inl Inillor. f M lir i ;• •< Your Lump /Uxufi I! 1'uttti :-JI l.Klnol.iii *i. New War^liDUue. Kl^Hou 8-3t»M. \V<-»lll.-l.l. \. -I. | bit. ti-r-f i MASON CUSTOM LAMP SHADE DEPT. ^' « m:iu..ii wi.rk. k- .in 1 s.ti-i REPAIRS l^3g,v;;i, j • LANDSCAPING Shades dusigned to your ipecial ordor or your old ' UPHOLSTERY i I l ; ! ' lHadei exp»rtly rtcovured jn ills malarial of your ^ :'! -;,",; v;-,,:.i;'. ^:,^i FURNITURE REPAIRS J. SCUDERI choice. Select from SliantunQ', Anrlqu* Taffst«l, DON MAXWELL 7 • i _• • i r i Ninon, V«lvBI and oth«n. (tfirdt-nlnu fi.Mlri.rli.r AD 2-0226 I.AWN M.\iNTi:;.'A.'.'ri: & s'HIt I, •..•* ». IIK Ii 8-6-0 I 1'. rmriii' i;t ririv.'-.v.iy.' I' •:ill:~. ii.ilii'.. - -••'S. J-l'" J-l.i I •- Curl" anil < •.. n.-r <-i.. \V.,rk .11 l!l!i.i.:.- •-'••••H. All.r '- i HOMF. HtS »lll« 1,r:,|n |.,..u..|:1« I I' i-v.'.'.. s-'.'-lf | Kiin'il r.';>:ilr-" an.) ,r'\^'}'^S .-'• ! -r>x »1>IMIT linAI) lna»..nry, Mrrlrlfji. I nhlml.tnc. No I'.li too «in:ill. All M) ^-*^ j ^''"'j^'y^Ji^ jf n'nin.-K S-S770. 'TREE SURGEONS | LANDSCAPING ' j T(•<*«•« 'rrtnimrd nni! |lemi»\Ml U.S. ROUTE 22, UNION MU 8-8441 KRAUTTER TREE EXPERTS { IMHM nillTM-Ul —i!-m' •!• •'. -' AJ> S-«r.U« Al) 2-(«l7J located '/« Mllo Wosr of Flanship . . . FREE Parking i>o\.\i.n i'. KIIAI 'r'ri:ii. JIM LOVELAND t-17-f Opon Nltos 'til 9 ... Saturday lo 51 PLOWING © ROOFING SNOW PLOWING THE WESTFEELD LEADER "SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. ! IU:-HO<>I"1N(; — SI:.',.. np,1 Tilo rnM U 1 <>ni|,tf. ,. ^| ,,(,. 'Irrr SrT.lre , ri-iialriiif: l."fnlcr« and gutter*, n ( ( r() .-.r.'I r^fi!*'1- V.*. ^'.-htllf'rrl. Af> ?• Slntr l>rtli:.-,l -1 r.-.' l:\|.t-rl 1 HOWARTH, JR. lnll M LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS FA =-,II0U 7-6-K THE WE3TFIELO (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 18« items priced under one du!!»r is ierolaj make up this «ppatixin? St Paul's Slates Holiday Fair a. popular booth with the your.g- tabte. Toys, stationery, popular stcrs. iitem s such a_..,_s price. d jewelry will also be sold.

c>:!'.-• C. K.'Wla.-.c r -.<>i,..«s. or '.he- rhurvh I tunehecn sut^ :mrf place ; An innovation this year will be a A f of the St ¥ t mals, sweaters, mittens und dull trifl wrai.pinjr table where, for a j Church • fair, N«v. "j will • cK>:hes "will be soM. nomin.t; charge, your purchases ^-ved n.ay be wrapped. !bt> a t»ke;l ri.L-ken h::K);«, Always a favorite booth is the NOTICE j in the parir-ii house at 11 and j new arxiv-It-^. Thfre \v;]| bt; a 1 ont> with tlie home-made goodi* :?. I'nvtvds of the fuir will go to 12:30. IVki'ts will be so!d ad-jj Christmas iwolh with decorations lh* Evergreens, Episcopal home vance only atid may be obtained • for the home nnti surprise }>aek- Cakes, cookies, eandU'S, jams, jel- from the luncheon chairman, }ire. I apes, already wrapped. A table of lies, preserves and main dish cas-j for the aged, and to the missions. BARON'S Choice clearance stocks from WILL CLOSl Bamberger stores across the state Saturday Night _ at 6 P.M. and I REOPEN Monday at 8 A.M. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE When our new ADDITION "will be ready for you! wear atiUm? fanrBerBniJfegiil Caatte. «uitt in l . lwfp'«—Rbma Ryan relasca On an in-' _7r_»er>nattr«sfe held by a giant hand. The „, _ Heede*afffi'.i toiir of the Furniturt Fashions Ex »t'held at the Sports Arena in Los Angeles, Calif. . 79 79 Originally 129.99 to 229.99 Originally 119.95 to 149.95 77c Reg. 89c UNPAINTED 4, 5 AND 6 PIECE FURNITURE BEDROOMS LISTERINE Desks, bookciieco, clicks, cabinets. Broyliill, B.issrMt, Colcmnn. Modern, traditional and colonial. 10 139.. $329 Originally 15.95 to 24.95 Originolly $199 to $499 Reg. 83c FAMOUS PUSH-TYPE COLGATE NAME RECLINERS SNOW PLOWS ill assorted colors, styles mul fabrics. TOOTH PASTE $ Originally 7.99 59 40% off original prices on all Originally 79.95 to 99.95 power lawn mowers. ntovlnu: Intu th*lr nriv hoin<> lit 40 NMnli>~M*M>d l>rlie ^vhlrh tht>>* l»ur <*hiM*ftl fnim Mr. nntl Mm. CIIntt»ti <\ Ttirnrr. TtiU «n1r WUN nrKutlnlt' Vy John 11. Whrrrr fnr 4hr ^nicc of llurrrtt Vt.Omln, Iti'iiltorM. MATTRESSES, JUST 3 RCA VICTOR EXCLUSIVE AT BARON'S IN WESTFIELO 0 Illl. MATH for Slvdenlt 4 Adutt$.. • Scientific count In E&OX SPRINGS 1IRV1IJW I-OH READING & STUDY SKILLS 6-SPEAKER STEREO COI.I.I-CIO SimmiMfis, Scnly nud olKcr f«niout nnnics. ' IIOAII US Improve cemprehf niion... concentration ... rtftnllon».. vocabufaTy..,itudy 1«chn]qu«i. Uarn SPIED KEADING. Slightly soiled. CONSOLES HOWARD JOHNSON I'rlJny. \»v. i3 Prepare for COLLEGE BOARDS, Medicine, low, Miming, Civil Service, Other Aptitude Exams. each S f*oitt*MrM lit COLLEGE SKILLS CENTER piece ICE CREAM rn York t'liy Wiit», Bhant (or Bklt. LActmwonna 4-7320 99 123« BfoodwoYliUt Sl.VN.Y. 1 Originally $35 to 59.95 each piece Mahogany (ir walnut fini<.]ir.°. ~~ BARTON'S CANDIES Sorry, no Tcloscrvice or mail. All items subject ro prior sale. Delivery facilities available ot moderate charge. All sales final, no C.O.D.'s, no cancellations, no holctj. •51 Plenty of free parking — and just look how easy it is to get to Open Sundays9a.m. to9p

Th<'n t fhowud the ir.'iitlemnn our CUestcr- fli'lcl routs, our rujrlim NO DOWN PAYMENT sli>ev«! styh'S. our split- KICCVVH, our zip-liners, You can make on-the-spot Ho asked tht* priets, •verytliinjr. And iln arrangements to charge .win know what, Mr. Mr. Field, und what you buy on our Ciuh . . . boiljrht two! Homcmokor's Credit Plan, and you'll have permanent Bamberger Credit with up to 18 months to pay. • 'Ll OPPOSITE RIAL1O THEATRE 243 E. BROAD ST. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS SSEdE BY Si&E QH RGU7E 22 FlKLDCLlin, 307 South Ave., WestfioW, N.J., AD «-0248 Phona ADams 2-6680