Policy statements ot the American Meteorological society*

Statement on Modification (May 10, 1957) Statement on Detection, Tracking and Warning of Tornadoes (July 6, 1957) Statement on Solar Influences on Weather (July 13, 1957) Statement on Hurricanes (June 5, 1959) Statement on Meteorological (January 25, 1961) Statement on (March 21, 1962) Policy on the Issuance of Statements Concerning the Social Consequences of Advances in (March 21, 1962) Statement on Implications of the Control of Weather and (July 4, 1962) Policy of the American Meteorological Society with Respect to Unwarranted Statements and Claims in the Field of (October 18, 1962) Statement of Policy on Chapters of the Society (October 18, 1962) Statement on Meteorological (January 21, 1963) * Text originally printed in BULLETIN, 44, No. 7, 438-450.


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636 Vol. 47, No. 8, August 1966

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