
Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “ from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold ”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). URL: https://vixra.org/pdf/2006.0088v1.pdf

Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe

Stephane´ H. Maes∗ Abstract 1 Introduction

Abstract: We start from a hypothetical multi-fold universe This paper presents a radically new analysis of the UMF , where the propagation of everything is slower or equal to the speed of and where entanglement extends foundations of quantum and quantum grav- the set of paths available to Path Integrals. This multi- ity. It is not just following a constructive path of fold mechanism enables EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) or . It is not just ”not “spooky actions at distance” to result from local interac- thinking and instead computing” Path Integrals with tions in the resulting folds. It produces gravity-like attrac- variational approaches, Feynman diagrams or lattice tive effective potentials in the spacetime, between entan- gled entities, that are caused by the of the folds. models of Actions, Lagrangians or Hamiltonians, de- When quantized, multi-folds correspond to and rived or guessed from Hilbert-Einstein actions and they are enablers of EPR entanglement. Gravity emerges geometric considerations or analogies. It is not start- non-perturbative and covariant from EPR entanglement be- ing from linearizing or quantizing tween virtual surrounding an entity. (GR) equations at small scales. It is not attempting In UMF , we encounter mechanisms that predict grav- to deal with divergences and renormalization by fur- ity fluctuations when entanglement is present, including in ther tweaking the , Hamiltonian or Lagrangian macroscopic entanglements. Besides providing a new per- spective on , when added to the Standard and then claiming victory when recovering GR and Model and Standard , UMF can contribute ex- gravitons (as 2 bosons), or vice versa, or - planations of several open questions and challenges. It also thermodynamics baked in all along because of clarifies some relationships and challenges met by other the commonalities between an Action and the Hilbert quantum gravity models and Theories of Everything. It Einstein Action. leads to suggestions for these works. We also reconstruct the spacetime of UMF , starting from This paper may not immediately appear to follow a the random walks of particles in an early spacetime. UMF reasoning or formalism familiar to today’s physicists. now appears as a noncommutative, discrete, yet Lorentz It is not because the more well beaten paths are not symmetric, spacetime that behaves roughly 2-Dimensional the right ways to go; to the contrary. It is rather that, at Planck scales, when it is a graph of microscopic Planck lately, many have called out “physics in crisis” and size black holes on a random walk fractal structure left by “the need for a new physics” [236, 237]. Today, it particles that can also appear as also microscopic black holes. Of course, at larger scales, spacetime appears 4- is something it is no more just the topic of only sci- D, where we are able to explain curvature and recover Ein- entific articles, discussions at physics conferences or stein’s General Relativity. We also discover an entanglement deep within physics departments. Discussions of the gravity-like contributions and at very small challenges have reached much wider audience arti- scales. This is remarkable considering that no Hilbert Ein- cles and publications (e.g. [1, 248, 236]). The list stein action, or variations expressing area invariance, were of the issues warranting new approaches include, introduced. Our model also explains why semi classical ap- proaches can till way smaller scale than usually ex- non-exhaustively: the un-intuitiveness of quantum pected and present a new view on an Ultimate Unification physics with interpretations that are often esoteric of all , at very small scales. and hard to follow; the problems with mathematics We also explore opportunities for falsifiability and vali- as sole driver for progress along dation of our model, as well as ideas for futuristic applica- with the loss of falsifiability [238] and absence of U tions that may be worth considering, if MF was a suitable validated new physics in last few decades [236]; the model for our universe U . real frustrating long marches to merge, or maybe just po- ∗Fremont CA, USA. [email protected] sition, General Relativity and Quantum Physics in-

Preprint.v1 - June 9, 2020. 1 cluding as a result the absence of an unambiguous sistent with the established Physics as well as some quantum theory of gravity [2] or all-encompassing of the latest trends in Physics. The intent is to revisit grand unification1−2 or related ”Theories of Every- and model all aspects more rigorously in upcoming thing”; the lack of explanation for dark and works. dark [3] or /anti-particle imbalance; Our work has not benefited from living and breath- the conflicting in terms of cosmology ing Physics, tracking and discussing trends and new and the universe expansion that is accelerating (too papers or attending conferences over the years. It fast), as well as in terms of its early inflation [1]. relies extensively on occasional updates about some To this, we should add the religious wars between of the latest fads and publications. For the rest it schools of thoughts on how to target quantum gravity is the result from an old intuition, that Feynman’s [237]. We thought that something a bit more radical Path Integrals and Actions are the most fundamen- may be worth attempting. tal formalisms of Physics (like an ”equation of God”, Instead of spending time trying to map our theory and we are not talking of Euler’s formula) and that onto EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) entanglement [4, 5] well-established frameworks, we decided to pursue and related works, and implications around the Bell a thought process, inspired by a few first principles inequalities [265], are fundamental and at the center and considerations intersecting General Relativity of something still only partially understood. and Quantum Physics and introduce a universe UMF In hindsight, (EPR) entanglement is today at the where Physics applies as usual3 but where some ad- core of the most non-classical quantum phenomena ditional quantitative, qualitative, phenomenological and defines Quantum Physics. Quantum entangle- and mathematical features are added, combined and ment is also the foundation of pursued. This way, we hope to address some of the and [6, 7]. The essence of the incompati- challenges discussed above; hoping that emerging bilities of GR and Quantum Physics relate to local mechanisms can explain aspects of these challenges. realism vs. [5, 265] and su- The approach that we follow seems justified, because, perposition4. Also, Feynman’s integral or more gen- today, Physics seems to lack something to leap over erally functional integrals involving Actions and La- its current stumbling blocks. And yes, doing so, we grangians or Hamiltonians formulations are behind maybe escape the sirens of theoretical physics based most5 theories [322]. The reason for only on progressing always the same way with an the existence of Actions (locally extremized or equiva- aesthetically pleasant enough program and all its lently locally invariant) in Physics (classical or quan- rigour. The price to pay is that we do not have yet tum) remains a wonder: why is it possible to capture the complete formalism to express or derive every- complex dynamical models (histories or trajectories) thing. We try to be revolutionary, provocative and to simply in a concise extremization of an Action equa- address heads on what we think are some the main tion [322]6? Physical Actions give rise to most of mod- irreconcilable differences between GR and Quantum ern physics models (Dynamics and Kinematics). Physics. Yet, we also try to stay connected and con- Our hypotheses slowly developed over the years, linking the Path Integrals and EPR together as a rea- 1Think a` la SUSY / Super symmetry / Super gravity / son why spacetime would curve and gravity would Super strings. Today they are threatened by, for example, the absence of observations of SUSY particles (aka super 4Besides also the issues of background independence of partners) at LHC and other accelerators, the absence of ob- GR vs. background dependence of QFT. servations of proton decay [239, 240, 248, 236], as well as 5 However, it is known that every physical theory and the possibly even bigger problem of unobserved magnetic model does not necessarily come with a known Lagrangian, monopoles [321, 256, 341] predicted by mechanisms like Action or Hamiltonian. Exceptions with no or multiple La- Kaluza Klein as encountered in GUT, the- grangians are encountered in high energy, high interaction ories, and superstrings. or emergent / induced / effective theories [62, 63, 322] as 2Indeed, magnetic monopoles probably don’t exist simply well as in phenomenological theories and phase transition because gravity seems to break duality models. Think of the Ising model for example. [342]. We will revisit later once we can safely argue validity 6We will show that our discrete model of spacetime and of a semi classical approach. particles could in fact give a hint of why Actions exist and 3Meaning that physics models remain as applicable in are extremized through the natural existence of a multi- UMF as in Ureal; unless when said explicitly otherwise. paths formalism like Path Integrals in UMF .

2 result from the need to support Einstein’s “spooky at the microscopic level (i.e. with quantum grav- action at distance” of EPR despite c limits. ity), other theories must also be able to model in- Popular discussions of Verlinde’s work on gravity dividual entanglements. It also means adopting as an entropic [10] actually emerging from en- particle tracking (e.g. See [24, 25] as examples of tanglement [11, 12, 13, 14] created the mo- ways to address the challenges discussed in [15, 26]) tivation to study the details and publish the ideas. and adding particle-specific (instead of statistical Similar keywords in [10] made it sound like this was [27, 242]/second quantization based) models of en- our concept all along. However, while similar at face tanglement. value, it turns out that Verlinde’s work is quite dif- Our work may also provide a new twist, via dif- ferent from what is proposed here. The thought pro- ferent motivations, to the AdS/CFT correspondence cesses are also radically different. Instead of a sta- [29, 28], holographic approaches to grav- tistical (hence entropy friendly) derivation of gravity ity [29, 28, 30, 31] and the Area laws of entropy due to field entanglement (in the bulk of spacetime for Black Holes and spacetime horizons in general and at the surface of spacetime, as proposed by [14], [18, 32, 33, 34] as well as analyses of criteria with re- our paper proposes both a macroscopic and a mi- spect to the Swampland [61]. We will see that we re- croscopic behaviour of spacetime (in UMF ) as a re- cover the ADS/CFT correspondence conjecture with sult of, or to support, specific microscopic (i.e. not (renormalizable) QFT on one side and gravitons in a just statistical average), EPR entanglements In our AdS(5) on the other. In UMF , the correspondence is model, gravity-like effective potentials (as well as ef- not just a conjecture anymore. In addition, we will fective spacetime ) emerge from these en- derive that gravity emerging this way is in fact renor- 8 tanglements, when computing Path Integrals in UMF malizable in the background spacetime. For exam- for EPR entangled systems. ple, we will see that superstrings would make a lot of Assuming that the model presented here would sense in AdS(5) (+S5 (+1 more for M-theory) rather characterize correctly our universe’s Ureal space- than any other type of universe; especially not our time, then by pursuing the consequences of the spacetime with its positive curvature. model both at the macroscopic and at the micro- UMF reconstructions from a situation where no scopic level, we can predict or derive the existence spacetime or no particle exist will lead to a fractal dis- of new phenomena and the behaviour of several phe- crete spacetime at Planck scale and models compati- nomena involved in some of Today’s Physics stum- ble with GR as the scale of analysis is increased (in- bling blocks. We also recover, connect, or put in per- cluding a semi classical validity to way smaller scale spective hypotheses and works that have been de- than usually expected). It sheds new on infla- veloped over the years. . . Interestingly it also allows tion, Path Integral formalism and the understanding us to understand possible gaps in the some of the of gravitons (real, virtual, massless and massive). We most successful (or promising) models of Physics like will also see examples of impacts in the context of the QFT (with the second quantization and unfixed num- . 7 ber of particles ) [15, 16, 17], GR (as mostly a Ther- The formulation presented in this paper is still in modynamic theory of spacetime when trying to un- its infancy in terms of its mathematical framework derstand its view on microscopic structure) [18] and (e.g. actual Action, Lagrangian or Hamiltonian and quantum gravity (e.g. [19, 20], LQG quantitative estimates/coupling constants) which is () [21] and other spacetime for further works. We mostly build the framework construction theories derived or constructed from by coalescing previous works, using them to de- Regge Calculus [22, 23, 243]). rive or prove statements and re-interpreting them in Indeed, in UMF , we will see that EPR entangle- our context. As a first step, we obtain several phe- ment is responsible for gravity. In order to progress nomenological and qualitative predictions that can help validate or invalidate the approach. 7Something that, from the onset, prevents QFT from cap- turing particle’s entanglement vs. just modelling statistical Yet not only do we derive guidance for evolutions bulk or surface entanglement and entanglement entropy of many on-going works, if they were to apply in (also known as Von Neumann entropy) related to the den- 8 sity , mixed states and entanglement Hamiltonians Because in UMF , we have a discrete spacetime, torsion [83, 241, 242]. and expansion tendencies.

3 UMF ; but we also obtain results compatible with The development of (QFT) these works, usually more generic or with tanta- and its Quantum Electrodynamic (QED), Quantum lizing twists; as if hinting at deltas in interpreta- Chromodynamic (QCD [277, 278, 279, 280, 281]), tions, complementarities, extensions or subtle con- Yang Mills, Gauge and Electroweak/Englert-Brout- tributions worth investigating within the respective Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanism theories frameworks. took precedence for a while and led to the success- In this context, it is important to state the follow- ful Standard Model, repeatedly experimentally con- ing clearly. A major difference between our paper and firmed [35, 36, 37]. Focus on the unification quest most of the literature focused on quantum gravity is and dream followed the crowing of the Standard that we do not start from Einstein’s GR field equa- Model and evolved into the still much less fruitful, tions or the Hilbert-Einstein action9 (explicitly or im- endeavours of Grand Unifications [38], Super Sym- plicitly through deficit angle or area extremization or metry [39], Super Strings theories (including in par- other manipulation of the Action). Instead we start ticular the mysterious and still essentially undefined from Einstein’s c limit, interpreted M-Theory) [19, 20], theories of everything (ToE) [40] more restrictively than usually and an interpretation and quantum gravity formulations (e.g. superstring of EPR entanglement that reconciles the irreconcil- theory, Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) and Causal Dy- able: locality with non-locality. Doing so, we also namic triangulation or Lattice Gravity) [20, 2, 41, 42, interpret the GR=QM [49] and ER=EPR [86, 50] con- 21, 22, 243]. Indeed none of these theories have jectures and other related that we dis- managed to overcome the problems with incomplete- covered while collecting a list of works related to this ness, making unconfirmed predictions or even ap- paper. In our view, these conjectures are built on the pearing unfalsifiable [236, 239, 240, 237, 238]10. It right intuitions, but they were not proposed as an- certainly also does not help that quantizing the grav- swers to all what we see as relevant and, therefore, ity field or General Relativity does not seems renor- they have not been pursued (yet) where all these ideas malizable [43, 44, 23, 59, 60] and opens tricky uni- could have led them. tarity questions beyond renormalization [45, 59]. In this paper, we do not start with an attempt to model a-priori gravity or spacetime; we will do some 1.1 Setting up the stage of it in a later section using our earlier findings. In- Post General Relativity (GR), Einstein spent much stead we start by postulate an few or princi- of his life trying to converge or unify General Rel- ples that absolutely forbid supra-luminosity and we ativity, Electromagnetism and Quantum start from Quantum Physics formulated with Path while doubting in particular the completeness and Integrals [46] that do not include the Hilbert Ein- consistency of the latter. In his quest, Einstein aimed stein Action [8, 47] (nor any other stringy or area at also showing the incompatibilities of these differ- invariance / gravity related variations of an action EPR ent theories. In particular, he proposed the EPR [45, 23]). Applying these principles to entan- (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) paradox to demonstrate glement, Path Integrals and operators of the inconsistencies and incompleteness of Quantum virtual and physical (aka real) particles, we intro- duce a multi-fold universe UMF where non-locality Physics [4]. EPR remained an esoteric topic outside 11 the Physics community until recently. But it has is achieved by locality : additional paths are acti- all changed with the recent developments of quan- tum computing. Few physical phenomena are as im- 10As well as for example the problems of proton decay and portant as and the associ- even more problematic of magnetic monopoles. 11 ated EPR paradoxes and Bell inequalities violations By this, we mean that the EPR paradox is resolved by ensuring that two spacetime points, where EPR entangled [4, 5, 265]; especially when it comes understand- particles are located, are actually the same point for some ing the differences between classical and quantum newly enabled paths so that indeed instantaneous commu- physics. nications results from having exchanges over such these paths. In the Bell inequality / EPR parlance, these new 9In fact, we can argue that we derive them without pos- paths allow explicitly the measurement of one EPR entan- tulating modifications/perturbation of the action or pertur- gled particle to influence the measurement of the other par- bation of the metric in GR. ticle at another location.

4 vated and available in the Path Integrals to always 3.1 Motivations ...... 9 include paths where entangled particles can at any 3.2 Multi-fold universe and Path Integrals . 11 12 time instantaneously meet . UMF goes beyond the 3.3 Absolutely no supra luminosity within pseudo Riemannian envisaged by Einstein’s UMF and respect of laws of Physics GR [48] with multiple folds dynamically activated be- within single tenant (multi-)folds . . . . 13 sides the main pseudo Riemannian manifold and im- 3.4 Constructive axioms and UMF . . . . . 15 pacting behaviours on the main manifold by offering new paths to be included in the Path Integrals). The 4 Multi-folds Types, Kinematics, Dynamics, is that, doing so, gravity-like effective poten- Activation and Deactivation Events 15 tials and curvatures appear13 4.1 Entanglement and EPR ...... 15 Except for later sections or where mentioned, we 4.2 Other Entanglements ...... 21 discuss our theory in a “universe” U (of class {UMF }), that satisfy our proposed “principles”, axioms or pos- 4.3 Macro entanglement and generic con- tulates. We push the implications of our theory for U siderations ...... 22 as far as we can, without assuming or claiming that 4.4 Virtual particles, entanglement and no U be our physical universe Ureal. Yet, we apply to- supra luminous ...... 22 day’s physics to U as it is defined on Ureal and refer 4.5 Gravity out of entanglement ...... 24 to other works or analyses as if also valid for U. Un- 4.6 Gravity-like symmetries and symmetry til we have validation that U is or has properties of breaking in UMF ...... 27 Ureal, we do not imply that it is. However, in later 4.7 ...... 28 sections, we discuss some validations and applica- 4.8 Discussions ...... 29 bility of our model in Ureal. Even if UMF =6 Ureal, we 4.9 Quantum Fields ...... 32 believe that modelling UMF implication still provides 4.10Semi-classical Gravitons, before quan- interesting insights. tization, as multi-folds attached to EPR entangled particles and Veff fluctuations 34

5 Selected Impacts on Physics 35 1.2 Outline 5.1 Contributions to the Anti de Sitter Saga 35 5.2 Nonlocality ...... 38 1 Introduction 1 5.3 Multi-folds and Spin ...... 38 1.1 Setting up the stage ...... 4 1.2 Outline ...... 5 6 Macroscopic and Other Entanglements 39 6.1 Superconductors ...... 40 2 Path Integrals 7 6.2 Other Quantum Materials ...... 41 6.3 Big Bang’s Primordial Soup of Quark 3 A Multi fold Universe with no supra lumi- Gluon ...... 41 nous interactions or propagations 9 6.4 Trapped ions and other types of Qubits 12For now, imagine a where paths can meet. in Quantum Computing ...... 42 Note we do not impose the physics of the folds and so we do not assume, nor will we derive, . It is just a way 7 Gravity 42 to imagine and it is a possibility of the model. 13 7.1 Gravity emergence from Entanglement Such a feat in our view should be evaluated at the & no supra luminosity ...... 42 light of the history of strings, born in the 70’s based on the apparition of -like particle; even if that became 7.2 MOND ...... 45 obvious the moment that the Nambu-Goto action was in- 7.3 Entropic emergence of gravity ...... 45 troduced: it imposed the same area extremization as the 7.4 Gauss theorem, Area Laws and Holo- Hilbert Einstein Action [139]. In the subsequent revolu- graphic Principles in UMF ...... 46 tion frenzies in the 80’s then in the 90’s, this apparition remained the single most important argument put forward 7.5 Microscopic (quasi) black holes in the as justification for the work. neighbourhood of particles ...... 51

5 8 Semi Classical Standard Model: ”Adding 11 Validation and experimentation 74 Gravity” rather than ”Going Beyond the SM” 52 12 Putting it all together: From Science to Ap- 8.1 generation, gravity and the equiv- plications and Science-Fiction 76 alence principle? ...... 52 12.1Hilbert , Rigged Hilbert Spaces, 8.2 The Strong CP problem and gravity . . 53 Fock Spaces and UMF spacetime . . . . 76 8.3 Stability of the Electroweak vacuum . . 53 12.2Applications and Engineering dreams . 76 8.4 Gravity and neutrinos mysteries . . . . 53 12.3Science-Fiction and Everybody’s Non- 8.5 Gravity explains why three and only Sense ...... 77 three generations per fermion families . 54 8.6 No magnetic monopoles ...... 54 13 Discussions and Conclusions 78

9 Structure of spacetime and spacetime re- References construction 55 Addendum 9.1 Multi-fold universe as spacetime struc- ture ...... 55 9.2 A first spacetime reconstruction model: a graph of microscopic black holes . . . 56 The paper is structured as follows. In section 2, 9.3 Selected prior works relevant to space- we will review Path Integrals and their relationships time reconstruction ...... 57 to classical and quantum physics. Instead of giv- 9.4 Random walks, (multi-) fractal and ing an exhaustive presentation, we will focus solely fractional and Path Integrals 58 on recalling what for our approach. Section 9.5 A case for a discrete spacetime in UMF ? 58 3 is devoted to introducing and motivating the no- 9.6 Second UMF spacetime reconstruction tions of multi-fold universe UMF and its impact on from random walk, a fractional dimen- Path Integrals. In section 4, we will illustrate how sion spacetime at Planck Scale and the EPR entanglement of real and virtual particles black holes as spacetime points and can be handled within a multi-fold universe. It is particles ...... 62 in this section that we will discover that our idea 9.7 Discretized spacetime matters . . . . . 64 and the mechanisms of UMF create gravity-like effec- 9.8 What about a weak gravity conjecture in tive potentials and effective curvatures; which moti- UMF ? ...... 65 vates most of our claims and the rest of the thought 9.9 A new Black Hold life cycle option: from process and model. Section 5 will discuss a first quantum evaporation to extremal dis- set of implications for Quantum Physics; in partic- integration into extremal black holes; ular the discovery that the proposed fold mecha- down to microscopic particles 66 nism implies a AdS(5) (Anti ) tangent 9.10Interaction Democracy extended to to the background spacetime of the universe UMF , Gravity or Ultimate Unification? . . . . 66 which links our approach to many other works in 9.11Some of the Baryon Mysteries . . . . . 67 GR, QFT, superstrings, CFT, quantum gravity. In 9.12More selected implications of UMF for UMF , some of the relationships encountered else- Quantum Gravity theories, especially where naturally occur. We will also revisit some con- superstrings and LGQ ...... 68 siderations in non-locality and discuss spin and tor- 9.13From spacetime and particle black sion. In section 6, we will extend the analysis to other holes to Path Integrals and Actions . . 71 examples of entanglements, including macroscopic situations met, for example, in solid state physics 10 Cosmology, Big Bang and all These Dark with superconductors and other quantum materi- Things 71 als, where we will predict gravity-like attractive po- 10.1The Big Bang and Inflation ...... 71 tentials within, and possibly in the immediate sur- 10.2Dark Energy and the Cosmological Con- roundings, of the quantum materials. Section 7 will stant problem ...... 72 revisit the gravity-like behaviours and implications 10.3Dark matter ...... 73 for properties of quantum gravity while also position-

6 ing our approach with respect to other works rel- Field theories). Indeed, it seems that almost ev- evant to gravity. With a solidifying semi-classical erything in physics can, and should, be expressed model, we will examine in section 8, the implications through a principle of extremized Action (e.g. the of combining gravity with the Standard Model and in principle of least action derived from the classical La- particular show how it can be sufficient to address grangian or from symmetry considerations [325] in some open issues around the Standard model, with- classical physics) or as a path or field integral using out requiring other New Physics (at least for these an Action for Quantum Physics [51, 52, 53, 54, 55] items). Our discussion of the magnetic monopoles with possible ordering of operators [56] and/or sym- will also be illustrative in terms of the implications metry considerations [57]). for New PhysicsIn section 9, we will use our results Historically, Dirac emphasized the importance of so far to reconstruct the spacetime in UMF from the Lagrangians [52] in Quantum Physics, which in turn ground up. In this model, spacetime is discrete, frac- inspired Feynman and others14. Feynman proposed tional and (multi-) fractal, built by random walks Path Integrals as a functional integral used to for- and with non-commutative (and non-associative) ge- mulate [53, 46] and to derive ometry, which will allow to maintain Lorentz invari- Schrodinger¨ equation from the Path Integral formu- ance (and Physics covariance) till very small scales. lation and vice versa. Feynman showed that the Spacetime and particles consist of microscopic black function to extremize over different functionals can holes, that among other things allow semi classical be formulated as a physical action, itself expressed approaches till very small scales. We will discuss as a function of the system Lagrangian when it is discrete spacetime and the Standard Model with a known, where the Action or Lagrangian are usually solution to the Yang Mills mass gap problem. We equal to or derived from the classical Action or La- will challenge the conventional weak gravitation con- grangian. The Path Integral evolution to field inte- jecture, introduce a new life cycle option for black gral consists into integrating over fields the corre- holes and discover surprising unification hypothe- sponding operators [57, 58]. The (classical) Action ses for gravity with QCD and Electroweak interac- is the phase acquired by quantum evolution between tions. Section 10 will bring us a grand finale with two fixed endpoints. All of quantum mechanics and input addressing cosmological mysteries around in- Quantum Field theory (QFT) can be modelled from flation, , and dark the following assumptions: (1) The for an matter; again without the need of New Physics be- event is given by the squared modulus of a complex yond adding gravity to the Standard Model in UMF . number called the ””. (2) The Before concluding, in section 11 we will discuss pos- probability amplitude is given by adding together the sible validation or falsification of our approach as well contributions of all paths/field in the configuration as possible applications, including farfetched ones. space. (3) The contribution of a path is proportional (i S(t) ) In our conclusions in section 13, we summarize and to e ~ | , where S(t) is the action given by the time discuss our findings. integral of the Lagrangian (or density) L along each  Our intent is first and foremost to communicate path (or field density on any surface Σ ). with this paper the concepts and illustrate the impli-  Z t   cations of our model in U ∈ UMF . In the future we 0 0 0 S(t)| = L (q(t ), q˙(t ), t )dq| (1) will revisit each aspect with more details and rigour. 0 We invite collaboration to these next steps.   In an upcoming section (See 9.13), we will discuss how the mechanisms of UMF might actually motivate 2 Path Integrals why action extremization (and as a result Path Inte- grals) actually models all quantum (down to Planck scales), semi classical or classical Physics. Actions, Lagrangian and [47] Classical physics is covered by equation (1). This is and ’s introduction and interpreta- shown by observing that, at classical scales (i.e. at tion of Path Integrals [46] are among the most im- large S), the most likely paths are characterized as portant formalisms in physics, that it be classical physics including GR or Quantum Physics (Quan- 14Schwinger and merit also recognition tum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theories and Gauge [244, 245] with equivalent formulations.

7 the one that minimizes the classical action (i.e. the or the for fermions [73, 74]18; al- path where δ S = 0 are the ones avoiding destructive beit they are actually rather quantum field equa- interferences). This is the well know classical physics tions because the particles numbers are not con-  principle of Least Action [64]. stant [72, 16]. Computations in potentials also exist Today, the evolution of most15 physical systems can [75, 76]. All this is relevant, because we want our ap- be modelled as a sum of Lagrangians (densities) cov- proach to encompass relativistic and non-relativistic ering fields, particles and interactions. Hamiltonian particles and fields (in flat and curved spacetime). and Path Integral approaches have also been used Path Integrals are formalized with the distribution for constructive quantum field theory [65, 66, 67] theory [81] and they can be extended and general- to build non-perturbative QFT16. All this to indicate ized, for example, to spaces. This is widely that constructive quantum field theory is hard but used in constructive theory including the models of evolving promisingly and able to already construct LQG with its spin networks [25, 83]. This view is also many fields. It is expected to work as long as the at the core of our multi-fold mechanism. Wightman axioms [69]17 are satisfied. Therefore, we consider that the Path or Field / These considerations are relevant to our paper: Functional Integral can be written as: our objectives include modelling phenomena ob- R (iΦ(γ) served at large scales. Therefore, we do not want to e ~ f(γ)Dγ PI(Φ, f) = Γ (2) be restricted to a perturbative approach that would Z(Φ) restrict the scales in scope. We are also we are aware of the gravity renormalization challenges [43, 44, 23, Z (iΦ(γ) 59, 60] that make the perturbative approaches di- Z(Φ) = e ~ Dγ (3) Γ verge. So we assume that the axioms are satisfied, in spacetime; even with the twists introduced by the Where Γ denotes a space of paths/fields/geometric multi-folds. objects and Dγ is a Lebesgue-type flat measure in a space of paths/fields/geometric objects. It is typi- Note also that the Path/Field Integral applies as cally not well defined from a mathematical point of well to non-relativistic as to relativistic equations view and cannot be used as a reference measure, [84]. See for example the Klein Gordon equation and but it can be normalized by Z(Φ) (partition˜ function). Lagrangian used to recover the propagators of rela- PI(Φ, f) can be seen as a linear continuous func- tivistic particle (e.g. massless and massive bosons) tional on a suitable linear space of test functions f. (iΦ) that defines a distribution T e ~ as [81]: 15See 5 for exceptions: it is not always the case as has been recently more systematically observed. (iΦ) 16Yet gauge fields like Yang Mills of QCD have only been < T e ~ |f >, PI(Φ, f) (4) successfully constructed for spacetime dimensions smaller than 4 (see for example [65, 67]). Many have tried to resolve 18We will see later that in a multi-fold universe, relativistic the 4-dimensional use case and promising new approaches Paths Integral consider paths passing outside the based on complex Path Integral seems to narrow down the (i.e. with a space like portion for a point on the path) are problem [68]. Our discussion in section 9.7 may lead to not allowed and to be filtered out in UMF . It is a different another approach. approach from the conclusions of [74, 339]. [339] argument 17They amount to requiring: i) Covariance, ii) Locality (the to justify counting these paths in QM and QFT by compar- speed of transfer of is upper bounded by c), iii) ison to other non-classical paths, met in two slits experi- Observability, iv) Vacuum uniqueness (i.e. it is invariant ments, is in our view questionable: violating supra luminos- under time translations up to scalar multiples) are satis- ity (and therefore ; yes, the fied along for a set fundamental principles [70, 71, 69] that allows walking back in time in perturbations, and there- roughly imply: a) Analyticity, b) Euclidicity (possibility to fore in Feynman diagrams. But that should not be true for work with complex variable when transforming t → −it0), larger paths!), is quite different from allowing non-classical c) reflection positivity (related to possibility to observe and paths through say a potential barrier or a two slits experi- define unitary propagators), d) ergodicity (unique vacuum ment, where we know that non classical paths play a role or having the same behaviour averaged over (but these are not paths outside the light cone) [261, 340]. time as averaged over the space of all the system’s states in yes, [339] finds corroboration with QFT and particle prop- its phase space – i.e. Fourier transforms are possible and agators, e.g. Feynman propagator, but these are computed meaningful. with the same approximations...

8 Transformations of Γ are handled as usual 3 A Multi fold Universe with (changes of variable and Jacobian impact on the measure) and we can see that it can be seen as no supra luminous interac- changing the action Φ and the distribution on the tions or propagations original Γ: the new actions can be seen as transfor- mations or additions of new geometric objects. Ad- 3.1 Motivations dition of new objects expand the functional integrals in equations (2) and (3). The approach we discussed The intuition that motivated our approach, and in this paper is inspired by these considerations. this paper, is that quantum entanglement and EPR should be explained by the structure of spacetime that implements it or is impacted by it: it is the responsibility of spacetime to ensure that nonlocal- Finally, with Φ modelling actions or suitable trans- Φ(γ) ity in the background spacetime be supported lo- i e ~ f(γ) 2 formations of actions or paths, || Z(Φ) || provides cally somewhere else, in its structure (i.e. distant the probability to observe a field or function spacetime points are collocated elsewhere by some evolving according to the path γ. The Path Inte- other measure or criteria). We bet that, doing so, will gral, which defines the probability to evolve in a cer- generate a spacetime with the right macroscopic be- tain way, is often known as the “sum over histories”, haviour, built to support such strange requirements. where each path γ between the different state is an To validate such intuition, we had to propose a uni- history. In our work, we do follow this generalized verse, with such properties. interpretation but with a set of what γ are allowed In fact, as in GR and in most of the different in Γ where the Γ considered are broader than what quantum gravity theories, spacetime and gravity are is currently considered in Quantum Physics theo- facettes of each other, it is also normal to suspect that ries (in Ureal). However, the set is also differently re- gravity may appear, if our intuition about entangle- stricted than what relativistic quantum mechanism ment is right. Therefore, and in order to model our and QFT typically allow. At the difference of for ex- intuitive model, we propose a universe where, when- ample [74, 339], paths with space like portions (i.e. ever entanglement takes place (at a common space- paths that have portions outside the light cone of a time point), spacetime evolves to ensure the possibil- point on the path) are not allowed in UMF . ity of (instantaneous) communications between the entangled entities when they become space like; all other considerations being unaffected. That is our theory, model and proposal in the present paper. It is worth emphasizing two properties of Path Inte- Certainly, this does not seem possible in our uni- grals. Path Integrals respect the uncertainty princi- verse Ureal unless if we were willing to accept in the ple and anticommutativity between position and mo- formation of invisible and traversable19 wormholes in 20 mentum [247] simply because the paths are random Ureal that would link entangled entities . In ad- walks where velocities standard deviation diverges at any point: paths are not differentiable but rather 19At least for some paths, considered in the Path Integrals fractals or of fractional dimensions. We will get back describing the system. 20 to this. The Path Integral formalism is also covariant Interestingly, entangled (connected) black holes were also proposed in the ER=EPR conjecture [86]. [86] focused (Lorentz covariant) as it amounts to a correlation be- rather on the implications in AdS (Anti de Sitter Space) - A tween two points (i.e. paths starting point and end- maximally symmetric with negative cosmological constant ing point in spacetime). Although QM and QFT are / constant negative curvature solution of Einstein’s GR field background dependent theories, our approach even equations, widely used because many complex problems in the continuous (quantum, semi classical and clas- are ’easier” to model in AdS spacetime instead of our uni- sical cases) is background independent, a key feature verse widely believed not to be of negative curvature. We will encounter AdS again and again later and motivate, at of QG [25, 249, 248], that is also believed to explain the light of our approach and in the context of UMF , its why QFT inspired quantization of GR are not renor- presence in many of other theories trying to address parti- malizable and why we will have better chances from cle physics, field theories, superstrings and gravity - along the onset. with the trendy AdS/CFT correspondence. In relation to

9 dition, even if all this were resolvable, in our opin- we assume that communications take place outside ion, it seems to help little if we establish wormholes our 4-D spacetime through a new structure activated that would require large amount of time, even if fi- by entanglement and linking the entangled entities nite, to be traversed by (exotic) matter). Indeed, it via enabled / activated allowed paths that also con- would not match or explain EPR entanglement with tribute to PI(S, ψ) : we suggest expanding Γ, the set its “spooky instantaneous action at distance” that we of all possible paths, to include such new paths. In aim to address. So, instead of models like ER=EPR22, addition, our approach makes sense only if we also assume that nothing, absolutely nothing can prop- ER=EPR, it has also been hinted that Planck scale black agate faster than c, the . Indeed, oth- holes may connect entangled particles. Again the analysis is focused on AdS and it does not explore the implications erwise, such communications are all what it would of allowing paths contributing to the Path Integrals between take to achieve the necessary communications. So, the particles to traverse the black holes [328, 326, 327]. no path of PI(S, ψ) can be traveled faster than c (i.e. [86] refers to non-traversable wormholes. Some follow-up no path with space like portions with respects to any work looked at some consequences of ER=EPR approach other points on the path or said differently, no path [87, 88, 50]. If wormholes are not traversable, then they venturing outside the light cone for the extremities of cannot satisfy the required features for folds in UMF as paths cannot be added. In our view this, is really the cusp the path. This has profound consequences; but some of why ER=EPR has not been able to pursue the model to of its implications can be relaxed in good approxima- the next level as we provide here. Only solutions where the tions of ; if we understand the limitations just wormholes are traversable would be acceptable. Some work discussed. have considered when such options exist, unfortunately The idea is then to pursue the logic of our reason- typically only for AdS spacetime or for exotic matter (which ing to where it will lead us, rather than just stop at would not be a allowed path for non-exotic matter), which the apparent extraordinary assumptions and impli- would also not be acceptable for Ureal. Wormholes in our spacetime (i.e. not AdS) present another challenge: they cations for spacetime in our universe Ureal or just are especially hard to imagine because wormholes would stop at AdS. For these reasons, we work in a hypo- be present anywhere (where there is entanglement) and ob- thetical universe which has the right properties to servable if they were to live in our spacetime (we do not support our intuition and discuss what happens. We observe any of them - yet they would have to link macro- will do this as a logical progression: starting with scopic distances in the spacetime of Ureal), be traversable a spacetime RBG which, without our new model, and can’t require exotic matter to exchange [89, 90]. Note that ER=EPR may avoid some of these problems with for would be analogous to Ureal spacetime We then add example the argument that the entanglements of the black the multi-fold mechanisms needed to support our in- holds, via ER, is not because ER bridges can’t tuition. This first step describes in good approxima- be observed [87]. However, it does not address the other tions the new phenomena that result from our model points. Arguments that full entanglement of the black holes at classical, semi-classical and quantum scales. At would enable traversability (for some signal [91].), is in any some point though, we will reach conclusions hinting case something that is aligned with our results but not re- quired. However, in this paper, we will show results with- that other steps need to be taken. We will consider out requiring an AdS spacetime21 and yet explain that the quantization of the multi-fold universe spacetime re- mechanism we create lives in AdS(5) with multi-folds that sults from our first analysis. Although an objective, can encompass traversable wormholes or black holes but it was not immediately apparent that such a quan- do not assume them. tization was necessary. For most purposes and at 22 By the way, it is worth teasing the reader that we will the scale encountered in most of physics, it seems recover a model of (entangled) micro (quasi) black holes in that it does not need to be detailed: the continuous a space like AdS5 tangent to Ureal. The analogy to the ER=EPR conjecture and its concretization/explanation in spacetime and multi-folds are good enough approx- UMF is certainly eye opening; especially as it seems inter- imations just like essentially all of today’s physics esting that such similar concepts have been independently models. In other words, semi-classic approaches to proposed and that it may hint that our intuitive idea, al- though crazy, may not be that crazy. It also has significant would or can only live in AdS(+S5 or (+1 more for M-theory) implications for our next steps in the second part of the pa- spacetimes if the universe expands per [Vafa-2018-X]; that per and for many other models and conjectures in Physics, is indeed where they have to live in our model, if they ex- including in particular the CFT/ADS correspondence con- ist ... and their existence is something that seems hinted jecture, strings and the swampland (e.g. spoiler alert for in Ureal); without starting from Hilbert Einstein’s action of the string supporters: In our framework, it’s ok that strings Einstein’s GR field equations.

10 spacetime / gravity works. We will see that they Path Integrals PI(S, ψ) for entities encountering a works for scales smaller than usually assumed. But support mapping domain and mapping to it. The no- the consistency of the derived discrete spacetime tions of encountering and mapping will be clarified µ analysis is also interesting and should inspire others as we enumerate the RF (x ) of interest. We assume working on such models and that the same laws of physics (in particular, Path In- and Quantum Gravity. It is also this discretization tegrals, propagators, Hamiltonians, Lagrangians and that gives us the confidence that no gravity related actions) as in RBG apply within each fold (at least for singularity will appear and that the model will con- now). verge and be renormalizable (for this, we also want background independence).

3.2 Multi-fold universe and Path In- tegrals Let us introduce the notions of multi-fold universe UMF associated to a pseudo Riemannian manifold RBG. For now, RBG is what would represent our universe spacetime, with all the properties usually associated to it (i.e. in Ureal) like local curvature (and possibly torsion23) (described the curvature (and tor- sion) ), a 3+1 dimension, a Minkowski metric,

Lorentz symmetries and Covariance - at least locally. µ Figure 1: Illustration of a generic fold RF (x ) activated So, UMF , a multi-fold universe consists of RBG plus around a point xµ with a mapping M that indicates how a set of additional . The folds are defined other points in the support domain D of M appear on µ in the proper time and reference frame following the RF (x ). Paths crossing the support domain D add a ν particle when tagged to a particle and the reference contribution from M(x1 (an entry point), from where some µ frame of the center of mass two particles when they paths are considered on RF (x ) (to an exit point). are involved. The difference between both cases will become clear as we progress with the setup of the Plausible paths expand to each activated fold with model. Unless said otherwise, conventions for basic a mapping: geometry follow the terminology and notations (coor- µ dinates, metrics etc.) described in the corresponding M(F(x )) : D(M) ∩ RBG → RF(xµ) (5) section at the beginning of [25]: Greek index sym- D M(F(xµ)) bols refer to 0-4 over time and space. Latin indexes where denotes the support domain of ; go from 1-3 and refer to the space only indexes. which is defined by the fold activation events as dis- µ µ cussed after. {RF (x )}|F∈B(xµ) where RF (x ) can be consid- ered as a new pseudo Riemannian manifold associ- The mapping, when activated, produces an effect µ in RBG through the impact on PI(S, ψ), associated ated to x for µ = {0, 1, 2, 3} in RBG and there may a µ to the quantum ψ, from computing it set (i.e. a bundle) of such folds B(x ) that are acti- µ µ µ now on Γ ∪ M(F(x )) for x ∈ RBG. So, in a multi- vated by physical events. RF (x ) has its own curva- ture (and torsion - although we will not add any in our fold universe UMF , folds are activated for one reason folds24), and, when activated, it becomes available to or another by events occurring in the background spacetime RBG. Examples of events will be pre- 23This will be discussed later. In general torsion will be sented later. When an activation event occurs, paths null outside matter but there is an in-matter microscopic in the folds that have been activated by the event torsion contribution emerging from our model. Macroscop- become plausible in addition to those in the back- ically it averages out. 24 ground spacetime RBG. and fields in a fold The torsion that we will mention later as predicted by µ our model, is not captured by the multi-folds as twisted F(x ) contribute to the Path Integrals when paths in µ spacetime, but as the result on the uncertainty about the RBG encounter D(M(F(x ))). This is how we pro- folds vs. particles positions and momenta in RBG. pose that the activated folds are “felt” and impacting

11 physics in RBG. The reasoning being that as the Instead, it is more straightforward to assume that in- folds evolve, the support domain will be defined so teraction if coming from the fold takes place when as to maintain an analytic behaviour along the path making it back to RBG. of propagation of what caused the event (versus a dis- When deactivation events take place, the fold dis- tribution behavior that is not smooth) of the impact, appears (i.e. it is no more available) to Path Inte- i.e. mapping, on RBG while the mapping also en- grals PI(S, ψ) for entities in RBG. In such case, forces that some points on the folds can also be exit their contributions to the Path Integral is stopped points back to RBG. Without the latter, no end point from the moment that the support domain of the would map to an end point in RBG. mapping disappear at a point of a path and no his- µ 27 The properties of RF (x ) and behaviour, kinemat- tories are lost in the folds . Also, if folds were re- ics or dynamics depend on the events that have acti- activated, they would not carry any residue of what µ vated it. If a bundle of folds Bactiv(x ) are activated happened. Deactivation is local: the multi-fold im- by an event, the set is again defined by the nature pact on the Path Integrals and the associated map- of the event. Focusing on Feynman’s Path Integral pings disappears progressively; something that prop- interpretation, when events occur along a path; new agates at c—footnoteIt’s our hypothesis, it does not paths in newly activated folds associated to the event matter.. The intuitive motivation is to minimize / are also to be considered (e.g. paths in the bundle avoid violating conservation laws in RBG as well as to µ of folds Bactiv(x ) with possible different curvatures avoid problems similar to the from RBG). Activation events are local to what hap- in Quantum Physics. With our proposal, paths are pens locally and the activation initiates where the ac- immediately no more available due to the end of the tivation event takes place. mapping at the exit point (where what justifies the We also propose that folds are single tenant with event to deactivate would take place). The rest can hard partitioning per particle: there are no other take its course and does it outside RBG and UMF . particle to interact with the first particle’s paths on We don’t know the physics and dynamics there and, 28 its fold instance. If multiple particles encounter its frankly, we don’t really care for our work . support domain, each particle is mapped on its own At this stage, we do not expect additional events 29 instance of the fold. Interactions however can take other than activation and deactivation of a fold µ place between particles in different instances at the F(x ) end point of a fold (entry point or exit point), as will be Folds, and bundles of folds, have their own dynam- explained later. Intuitively, this is motivated by the ics (and kinematics). We do not restrict UMF to hav- fact that observable interaction effects need to take ing folds whose dynamics would be governed only place in RBG. If many folds are activated forming by say Einstein GR equations (in same spacetime a bundle, it is not clear how to assume that either or with additional dimensions, compacted or not). a particular fold gets an interaction or why it would These would just be variations of UMF . As such, randomly take place in all the folds (of the bundle); (with AdS/CFT correspondence we would have no real way to propose a computa- conjecture and the ER=EPR conjecture already men- tion model to track the different options; the model tioned are particular variations of our approach. It would not be reasonably tractable. Also interactions may not always be able to match all the features of in such folds could create particles out of nowhere25 UMF . and impact conservation rules in ways that would not By construction, conservations laws are respected 26 make sense in RBG and certainly are not observed . in UMF : paths propagating in the activated folds µ Bactiv(x ) are weighted with a probability to entering 25This argument (avoiding particle creation or destruc- the fold (think of a small coupling constant) which is tion in the folds) also motivates the geometry, kinematics expected to be very small. Paths entering from RBG and dynamics concretely proposed for the multi-folds for will ”exit” in RBG at deactivation: nothing is lost, the events of interest, as discussed in an upcoming section. 26On the other hand, we will argue that what we observe 27i.e. Unitarity and information can be conserved. today, with say EPR entanglement, is indeed something 28On the other hand, superstring theory may care and tractable and observed (at least unless if invalidated by ex- have some answers to this. perimentation when trying falsification or validation of our 29For our paper these events are only related to EPR en- model). tanglement and disentanglement.

12 even information30. T symmetry is expected to be vi- 3.3 Absolutely no supra luminosity olated because of the mechanisms of activation and within UMF and respect of laws deactivation of folds (and fold dynamics) which are of Physics within single tenant clearly not reversible: e.g. mappings and paths on the sphere cannot be expected to lead to activation or (multi-)folds deactivation as no interaction takes place in a single U tenant fold. T violation usually means irreversibility Our approach assumes that, within MF , we have or being away from equilibrium. Other symmetries absolutely no supra luminous exchanges (i.e. all are expected to be violated as will discussed later. moves, exchanges or propagation of particle, field, event or interaction are maxed at c); with only the A multi-fold universe UMF can at every spacetime exception of what falls within the uncertainty prin- point dynamically become a non-Hausdorff mani- ciple32. It means that at any time, no path can be- fold [92]. This is to be related to the proposal [93] come space like, i.e. no path can venture outside the that Path Integrals have fundamentally themselves a light cone of any other part of the path. Paths that non-Hausdorff functional structure. It makes sense would do so are not allowed in the Path Integral and that the two points of view (non-Hausdorff manifolds can be understood as filtered out by the Path Integral and non-Hausdorff functional) meet in the formal- or, said differently, associated to a zero probability / ism of UMF . Such structures have been met be- amplitude or a null dimension fold. As already men- fore in spacetime models31, typically when bifurca- tioned, this is fundamentally different from what is tions occur, or particles can arrive simultaneously usually33 done in conventional QFT as discussed for at different places (at same proper time) [93]. Yet example in [74, 339]34. a clear difference is that our model is not restricted We also expect respect of the same laws of Physics to non–Hausdorff structures occurring only at very 35 µ as in Ureal in RBG . In each activated fold RF (x ) ∈ smalls scales (within a quantum uncertainty region). µ Bactiv(x ), we assume that we only have propaga- Although our proposal may appear initially physi- tion of particles and fields but no interaction. The cally folds are also 2-D in a 3-D space type of spacetime counter-intuitive, we can argue that it is certainly not with time index and scales. We provided an intu- much crazier, and possibly with more intuitive dy- itive motivation for this already. It can also be mo- namics, than the ER=EPR conjecture. In fact, once tivated by reasoning that folds will very rapidly ap- accepted, the multi-fold mechanism clarifies in our pear like a variations on the Kaluza-Klein models opinion aspects of that conjecture, concretizing it in [254, 256] with the activated fold bundles present UMF beyond the limits of AdS spaces where that only at (end) points where they have been activated conjecture has been mostly considered. The conse- and with some dynamics36, and with details out of quences of the model should become clearer when we scope of our model as they is not expected to af- describe events in a multi-fold universe with concrete fect the approach37. As paths from integral paths activation and deactivation events (for EPR entan- cross the support domain of the mappings, they en- glement) and how these events activate or deactivate folds. 32Indeed, uncertainty in spacetime position may result In an upcoming section, we will present concrete into apparent space-like or back-in-time moves. examples of activation and deactivation of bundles of 33Yet not universally agreed upon. µ folds Bactiv(x ). The list of events of interest may not 34Additional motivations will be given later with an anal- be complete: other physical phenomena may benefit ysis motivating the action principle in Physics in UMF in from our approach. In this paper, we will not investi- the context our discrete reconstruction of UMF . 35 gate or discuss any other phenomena besides entan- Remembering the hard partitioned tenancy with one glement. fold instance per particle, which implies that no interac- tion with other particles (real or virtual) can take place in the folds; except at the end points. 30Yet, if we were to reject some these behaviours in some 36Something not present and in fact not desired in Kaluza- circumstances in the future, it might explain particular Klein or string theory. symmetry violations. 37In AdS, these could be wormholes / ER bridges [89, 90] 31As well as in the many world view of the world [104], or black holes per the ER=EPR conjecture [86] or Wheeler’s although it is radically different and in a different context. [332].

13 counter always evolving folds (see after). If interac- larization, no ) in the 9multi-)folds. tions were also taking place within the folds, that Again, this is the model of hard multi-tenancy of the would imply that we really encounter a Kaluza-Klein folds for the particles enforced by the mappings and spacetime with varying fold radii and that these folds folds (which appear as if an instance is allocated per also play a role in particle interactions and behavior particle crossing the support domain of the mapping beyond entanglement. That was simply not our ob- D(M). Interactions are only possible at the exit point, jective and it is not motivated by the entanglement and of course at the entry point which is in RBG. use cases of EPR that we try to address. So, with Intuitively, the requirement for no supra luminos- the hard-partitioned single instance fold principle, ity is essential for causality and consistency with our we assume that it is prevented by the mappings. The motivation. The discretization of the model, moti- mappings only create a (multi-)fold instance per en- vated later, will in fact illustrate more effectively that tangled entities. And entities with paths that en- this is indeed an absolute requirement, whose vio- counter the support domain do not get to share the lations in some models and calculus must be seen fold instances and therefore do not interact within as approximations of . In a continuous, clas- each of their activated folds (i.e. Actions, Hamilto- sical and semi-classical context, we must add this nians or Lagrangians drop the interacting compo- 39 as a separate requirement . In UMF , the results of nents on the folds – these only appear in at the end 38 conventional QFT and Path Integrals with space like points) . Of course, such concepts could be revis- paths are only approximations, resulting from these ited in future works. They may be worth exploring of computation. They usually do not matter because in the context of superstring theory, for examples, even when allowed, correlations, or spread of propa- where compact, albeit static and global, dimensions gator outside the light cone are limited and often neg- are involved. Considering dynamic dimensions, dif- ligible and as a result it is considered consistent with ferent at each spacetime point, may lead to interest- causality and relativity: no signal can be used for ing results, if it has not yet been explored. supra luminous communications. Yet, the approxi- We add that our model is consistent considering mation impact significantly how vacuum40 and how the behavior of gravity. In a 2-D spatial universe, as particles can or cannot be modeled in QFT. At the are the folds that we propose in this paper, gravita- minimum, awareness of the approximations, should tion does not modify curvature. Therefore, changes remove assumptions that anything would be entan- of the interactions or the folds based on how many gled with anything in QFT or that particles would be particles / paths encounter the support domain D meaningless in QFT. We do not agree with these as- of the mapping do not change the forms, kinematics sumptions. As the implications are really at the level or dynamics of the multi-folds nor the mappings. It of approximations of the model, we believe that, in is consistent with 1+1-D GR where normally grav- practice, it can be relaxed for the sake of computa- ity is only topological without propagating degrees tions and for the purpose of most modelling: after of freedom, and no curvature can be introduced all, QFT has done very well without following such a without matter, (but de Sitter can exist with matter) point of view. [23, 250, 251]. In our case, per the above, we assume that no additional gravitation within a fold exist be- yond the effect induced by the spherically symmetric curvature of the folds. And so again, the particles 39We should probably remember, in this context, the work do not “interact” with others (e.g. gravitons) in the of V. Ignatowsky [465, 466] who showed that Lorentz trans- fold, they are not entangled with others nor do they formation, and therefore an invariant speed limit, is con- generate virtual particles (no boson exchange, no po- tained in special relativity principles (without imposing the invariance of c). Deriving its value then requires electro- 38This is a fundamental difference with Kaluza-Klein magnetic considerations. which adds a (5-D) Hilbert Einstein action to the extra di- 40Indeed, as shown for example in [339], the propagation mension (or higher dimension if more compact dimensions amplitude of a particle associated to a field is directly linked are considered). It is well known that this latter approach to the expectation value of the at the different results into new fields (e.g. they were thought to model Elec- points and hence impacts all field space like correlations tromagnetism) and particles [254, 256] as well as instabili- and vacuum behaviors: if nothing propagates outside the ties (e.g. [256, 333]). light cone, no correlation takes place.

14 3.4 Constructive axioms and UMF entanglement. The formalism of entanglement is dis- cussed in detail for example in [27], along with a It seems logical to add the requirements to support mathematical model; in particular, in terms of en- the QFT constructive axioms (already discussed and tanglement entropy also known as von Neumann enumerated earlier in section 2) in the folds (besides Entropy. A simplified introduction can be found in R holding in BG) [65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 69]; remember- [468]. Considerations and relationships with quan- ing however that no vacuum fluctuations or energy tum and correlations (which are different is present in the multi-folds. concepts and warrant care when sometimes mixing It is however possible to repeat our analysis in a them together in QFT and statistical model) can be universe where some of these requirements are re- found for example in [252]. R U laxed or ignored just as they may for BG in real. Let us now revisit the relevant aspects of the EPR paradox [4, 5, 95]. We use a particle model. We as- sume a conventional version of the paradox and so 4 Multi-folds Types, Kine- the background fold RBG is flat. Note that it could matics, Dynamics, Acti- also be a curved or twisted spacetime without chang- ing much to the explanation of the EPR paradox or vation and Deactivation the use of Path Integrals [77, 96]). In EPR, two quan- tum particles are produced and emitted in opposite Events directions (e.g. to preserve ) in entangle- ment. We say that particles or systems are entangled In this section, we discuss the only set of events and when their (e.g. opposite polarization mappings of interest in the context of this paper: the for or opposite spin direction for electrons – ones related to EPR entanglement and subsequent again imposed by conservation considerations) can- disentanglement in UMF . We express no view on the not be described independently of the state of the possible existence or not of other types of events as- other(s), even when they are separated by a large dis- sociated to other phenomena. tance. In this paper we speak of EPR entangled par- ticles when they are such Bell states, i.e. maximally 4.1 Entanglement and EPR entangled. We are not detailing or reviewing the importance Considering our initial motivation and intuition, it is of the Bell inequalities and their experimental viola- logical that we start the discussion with EPR and tion validations and implications. Some details can Entanglement in general. Entanglement in quan- be found at [467, 257, 258, 5, 265] as well as some tum physics, is a key phenomenon that distinguishes generalization like for example: [467, 259, 196]. quantum Physics from classical Physics, and it cap- In a typical setup of an EPR experiment, a sys- tures much of the mysteries of the quantum world. It tem emits two particles of opposite spin or polar- is also the clearest example where Quantum Physics ization and we do not know which particle is in challenges our intuition and unambiguously tells what spin or polarization. Bell showed that they are us something about its deep to space- a superposition of both states until one particle is time (e.g. locality or no locality, Lorentz invariance measured [468]. Each particles may be de- or not e.g. faster than light signals or not), real- scribed (at least when far enough from each other) ity (is the wave function something real, are quan- by Schrodinger,¨ Klein Gordon or Dirac41 or other rel- tum states real), and the quantum state space (Are ativistic or non-relativistic equations of motion, for Hilbert spaces and variations and spacetime tied to- example derived from the Lagrangian that applies to gether besides configuration space or phase space it [77, 322]. The combined wave function (of the two representing subspaces, are there hidden variable particles) is similarly described by the Path Integral or not – to be suitably phrased post confirmation of of the wave functions with creation and destruction the violation of the Bell inequalities) [468, 467]. All operators, which is again the QFT approach. As ex- that is without even discussing all the promises of plained in [5, 468], we know that observing, later, Theory, Quantum Cryptogra- phy and Quantum Computation built on Quantum 41the latter two being actually field equations

15 the quantum state of one of the particles, implies 103]. Others have argued entanglement of the mea- immediately that the corresponding quantum state surement system to disprove non-locality (by satisfy- of the other is fully determined. Hence the paradox: ing Bells inequalities) but moving the problem to the how can this happen as the particles have moved far experimental setup or creating many worlds [104] (a` apart, if the particles states were undetermined un- la Path Integral) where different states of experimen- til the first measurement? Yet that determination is tal system exist in different worlds with only one en- instantaneous after the local measurement of one of countered by [104, 105]. It is also worth the particles42. In the most widely accepted under- reading on the complex answer to EPR, as provided standing of Ureal, Bell inequalities demonstrates (or by Bohr [107] and the analysis in [106]. Transac- validate) the nonlocality of Quantum Physics in RBG tional quantum mechanics does not address, in our by showing that Quantum Physics violates them. view, the EPR paradox if measurement occurrence is The resulting Bell Theorem forbids the possibility of not predictable, i.e., we do not know that a measure- “local” hidden-variable theories, i.e., theories which ment will take place and which measurement it will either supplement Quantum Physics with additional be (and of what): nonlocality is still needed. So in all variables or new theories: the assumption of a cer- these cases, there is still a need for suitable way to tain kind of locality is a sufficient condition to de- convincingly explain EPR, unless of course if we just rive the inequalities, and experiments validated that want to shut up and compute without wondering, as Quantum Physics violate this inequality [5, 99]. Non- suggested by the Copenhagen interpretation... local hidden variables remain possible [468, 467]. Let us note the analysis [108], that uses the sum The EPR and the Bell theorem have been the of histories with Path Integrals to reproduce the Bell sources of many controversies on their implica- inequalities results and with non-locality captured in tions or understanding of measurement experi- all the past histories. Using Path Integral to discuss ments. Some have tried to explain non locality in EPR has been done before. However, we have for- terms of a hidden variable contributed by space-time bidden supra luminous paths in our multi-fold uni- and showed that it amounts to adding a “quantum verse UMF . With no supra luminous interactions, potential” to the particle [101, 102, 100, the analysis of [108, 261, 340] is only valid if all con- sidered paths are associated to speed lower than c. 42The measurement produced a nonlocal effect on the en- tire wave function [467]. Challenges with quantum mea- This restriction prevents using the model to explain surement and associated wave function collapse have led EPR entanglement in general when the entangled to different interpretations of quantum mechanics with in particles have moved far away from each other. particular the Copenhagen interpretation vs. the Many- Considering the above, the experimental corrobo- worlds [104], the Bohmian interpretation [101, 102, 467] and the decoherence story with spontaneous collapses etc. ration of non-locality and violation by QM of Bell’s in- [336, 467]. It has also been argued that maybe wave func- equalities and the examples like the successful quan- tions are time symmetric or transactional (with retarded tum teleportation in Ureal [109, 110, 467], we accept (offer) and advanced (confirmation) wave function) to re- that quantum Physics indeed appears non-local in solve the challenges in explaining the nonlocal aspects of RBG. the wave function collapse and its implied non-reality, see for example [338, 337, 335]. Transactional Quantum me- This paper provides mechanisms to allow EPR en- chanics offers an interesting explanation for wave function tanglement and QM nonlocality without the para- collapses without the otherwise apparent violation of supra doxes, and without supra luminosity. The onset of luminous limits (Another phenomenon challenging like EPR the EPR entanglement is considered to be a trigger- entanglement and that, who knows, may otherwise also µ ing event at x0 . We propose that corresponding folds warrant folds, mappings and events. We will not study this µ 43 F(for : x0 , t) are activated so that if measurements here.), which is no more implied in transactional QM. Trans- µ actional QM is even compatible with perturbation-derived take place at xf on one of the two EPR entangled Feynman diagrams. particles, the mapped path for the two EPR entan- So for all purpose, and without going more into details, we gled particles can44 meet at the antipode of the map- assume that, in UMF , it is possible one way or another (i.e. with one or the other of these interpretations), to address 43 ν these other paradoxes or puzzles without requiring supra the argument (for : x0 , t) designates that the fold is the µ a luminous events. That principle must remain unviolated in evolution (at t) of the fold created at x0 (i.e. at (t0, x ). 44 UMF ! As allowed paths.

16 µ ν µ 45 ping of xf : yf . Figure 2 illustrates a possible F(x0 ) as the surface (i.e. a 2-D space) of a 3-D (Spatial) sphere tangential to the momentum axis of the par- µ ticles. At any time t ≤ f, the mapping M(xt ) to the µ µ sphere maps the segment [x0 , xt ] to the equator go- µ ν ν µ ing from x0 = y0 to yt = M(xt ) so that the mo- tion of the entangled particle can support a grand circle of the sphere of same perimeters as the dis- tance between the particles as they move away. With the hard-partitioned instance per particle, interac- tion between the two entangled particles is allowed ν µ only at yt = M(xt ) . As time passes, the folds evolve, and the sphere radius grows as a function of the mo- mentum and time. It also evolves with the center µ Figure 2: It illustrates a fold F(for : x0 , f) at time f for of mass of the two EPR entangled particles that it two EPR entangled particles. The mapping is also 46 µ µ tracks . Note that figure 3 illustrates a center of illustrated for the segment [x0 , xf ] to the equator going µ ν ν µ mass that is not moving as we are in its referential. from x0 = y0 to yf = M(xf ), for the closest particle (part1). µ µ So x0 = xCM . A P −symmetric (i.e. a reflection) mapping exists for the The intuitive smoothness of the mapping men- symmetric segments associated to the other particle part2. [xµ, xµ(part )] ∪ [xµ, xµ(part )] tioned before, occurs in the spacetime region between Any entity meeting 0 f 1 0 f 2 the particles. Smoothness for paths encountering encounters the support domain of the mapping D(M) (the figure is for Dtear(M). This is one possible fold associated the support domain of the mapping will be discussed µ to x0 (f). As the time, here noted f, changes, the fold also below with different possible mapping support do- evolves to continue to match this figure: the fold grows mains. The shape, kinematics and dynamics of the µ proportionally to xf itself proportional to the elapsed time proposed folds results directly from the symmetries (if we assume constant momentum for each particle). With of the folds as well as the need to ensure that the hard-partitioned fold instances per particle, interactions ν fold mechanisms ensure that paths meet at yf , at all between the two entangled particles is allowed only at ν µ time, but not that they become the source of addi- yt = M(xt ), besides the entry point. tional new and non-observed physics due to creation or annihilation of particles in the folds with curva- 48 ture itself changing with time, or disappearance of of all the different possible spheres appropriately conserved quantities in the folds. sized (i.e. to reflect the probability to take paths on B(xµ) R At any time before observation of one of the en- any folds in versus on BG). EPR tangled quantum state, the Path Integral is therefore With this construction, the two entangled a sum of the Path Integral in the main background particles can always have allowed (and activated) 47 paths that ensure that at t, a path can have spacetime plus the Path Integrals on the surface ν ν yt (part1) = yt (part2); therefore allowing the wave- 45This diagram assumes without loss of generalities f for function to communicate through their extensions µ 49 time (not just the final time of measurement as the behavior in F(for : x0 , t) . Indeed, interaction between par- is also at any interim time. It is just that at f, measurement ticles in the single tenant folds are allowed at that µ µ takes place and the particles disentangle.) and x0 = xCM . point. This explains how non-locality a` la ”Bell” oc- 46 This implies a special relationship between Hilbert curs in EPR without requiring supra luminous com- spaces / state spaces and configuration spaces that we will munications, beyond what can reasonably be asso- revisit. The center of mass behavior is also confirmed when looking at the phase space [246]. ciated to the uncertainty principle. This mechanism 47 For now, let’s assume that RBG can be flat or curved, achieves our principles and objectives. We postulate without any loss of generality: the folds will be the same that this is what happened in UMF when two par- independently of the curvature (or even torsion) in RBG. ticles are EPR entangled and we will investigate the Intuitively, it is because the objectives of the mappings do not need such complexity; they just need to map to the par- be adjusted; nothing more. ticles positions and movements. If the curvature affects 48More on this later. those, then the mappings and fold evolution just needs to 49This was also inspired by the original ideas of [98].

17 consequences. are only interested in the proportionality (and not the exact value) as we do not model in this work how con- tributions from activated folds are weighted versus the paths in RBG. Computations only involve the propagation Action; no interaction terms as already discussed. In (9), mpart designate the mass (or en- ergy converted to mass) of the particle crossing at t the domain support D(M) of the mapping.

Figure 3: The contribution of PI µ (S, ψ)|part(t) includes Bactiv (for:xCM ,t) ∈D(M) integration over r. Here, we assume: µ µ µ µ D(M) = [xCM(t), xt (part1)] ∪ [xCM(t), xt (part2)].

Let us now compute the contributions of F(for : µ x0 , t) to the Path Integral PI(S, ψ) for a particle at µ xt . At time t, it is provided by the propagation of a particle with a relativistic or non-relativistic particle on the surface of a 3-D sphere with radius r, which is proportional by construction (the mapping) to the µ µ 50 Figure 4: The contribution of (spatial) distance between x0 (t) and xf (t) . As dis- PIB (for:xµ ,t)(S, ψ)|part(t) includes cussed in section 10 of [77] and in [111], the contri- activ CM ∈D(M) bution between yν (t) and yν (t) is in: integration over 2π. The bundles of fold are sets of tori. f Here, we assume: µ µ µ µ D(M) = [xCM(t), xt (part1)] ∪ [xCM(t), xt (part2)]. µ µ µ µ Int(t) = [xCM(t), xt (part1)] ∪ [xCM(t), xt (part2)] (6) µ κEPR(F(for : x0 , t), part(t)∈Int) 1 µ represents the weight that a path of PIF(for:x ,t)(S, ψ)|part(t)∈Int ∝ 2 (7) CM r µ µ µ µ part(t)∈[x ,x (part )]∪[x ,x (part )] in CM(t) t 1 CM(t) t 2 ∝ R (8) µ F(for : x0 , t) carries versus a path in RBG which is weighted by κR (BG). Physically, it can ∝ mpart(t)∈Int(t) (9) EPR µ be viewed as the probability associated to having a ∝ κEPR(F(for : x0 , t), part(t)∈Int(t)) (10) contributing path from an activated fold associated CM stands for center of mass between the two EPR to EPR entanglement. At this stage, we do not have entangled particles. ways to really quantify κEPR(F). We assume for (8) shows that the contribution is proportional to the rest of the paper that these coupling constants 51 the Ricci Curvature Scalar R of the sphere) . These are constant in RBG for all entangled particles and results hold for Euclidian or Minkowski metrics. We folds: κEPR(F) and κEPR(RBG). κEPR(F) may also depend on a measure of the de- 50As the fold has itself evolved with the center of mass of the two particles gree of entanglement (e.g. pure state entanglement 51We will discuss later the implications of equation (9), vs. partial entanglement) [27]. Such analysis is for but, at a high level, it is the root of Einstein’s equivalence future works, but we provide some ideas in section principle. 4.2. For now, we assume only pure state entangle-

18 µ ment. The contributions of Bactiv(xCM ) to Path Integrals Note that we have considered that the support do- computed for all mapped spheres is therefore in: main of M for each fold is:

D(M) = D (M) = Int(t) µ µ µ tear (11) Dα(t) = D(M)(xCM(t), xt (part1), xt (part2)) (17)

This is an arbitrary proposal: without experimen- 1 PIB (for:xµ ,t)(S, ψ)|part(t)∈D (t) ∝ (18) tal guidance or a more detailed mathematical formal- activ CM α r ism, there is no way to decide at this stage... So (by integrating the previous result over r and the 2π we just need a stake in the ground. To smooth a azimuth angle). bit along the path of particles encountering the sup- The result can also be seen as: port domain we can rely on the uncertainty principle: p we know that in this case (11) will be a wider region µ PIB (for:x ,t)(S, ψ)|part(t)∈Dα(t) ∝ |R| (19) around the support domain D(M) defined in (11): activ CM

µ µ This is the result of integrating all the Ricci scalar D(M) = D (M) = [x , x (part )]v~ ~+tear CM(t) t 1 curvature; which are indeed additive per [363, 364]; µ µ (12) v~ ∪ [xCM(t), xt (part2)] something that we will exploit in section 4.8. Per the properties of the multi-fold mechanisms, In these equations, v~ designates the fuzziness particles stay on a fold; they do not jump from folds that results from the uncertain principles and gives to other activated folds in UMF ), but follows the evo- width and smoothness. It is also possible that the lution (growth) with time within the same fold (no in- mapping extends beyond these regions (e.g. isotropic teraction is allowed that would support jumps). If it disk of radius r): were not the case, we would no more be on folds with

(1) (2) spherical symmetric spacetime of dimension D = 2, D[ ]+disk(M) = D (M) ∪ D (M) (13) ~ [~]+disk [~]+disk and, as a result, folds could create new particles [171]; something that does not match observation of where: EPR entanglement, nor address the purpose of the (1) µ µ µ [v ] D (M) = disk(x , d(x , x (part1)) ~ folds. We already know that on a 2-D surface grav- [~]+disk CM(t) CM(t) t (14) ity is purely topological without additional degrees of (2) µ µ µ [v ] D (M) = disk(x , d(x , x (part2)) ~ freedom of modifying the curvature and no interac- [~]+disk CM(t) CM(t) t (15) tion other than possibly at the entry and exit points. In these equations, [] designates options. This is the reasoning that we mentioned earlier and The support domain could also just be: D(M) = that explains why we selected 2-D sphere surfaces µ µ µ µ for the form of the folds. δ(x − xpart1 ) + δ(x − xpart2 ). The entities affected by these phenomena are those µ µ µ µ [ ] D (M) = (δ(x − x ) + δ(x − x )) v~ that cross points on the axis between the two EPR [~]+δ part1 part2 (16) entangled particles. The effect propagates relative to The sphere as a fold in figure 2, is just one among the center of mass at the speed of each EPR entan- many possible spheres. The bundle of activated folds gled particle. µ Bactiv(x ) includes all the spheres possible of radius As computed in [77, 112], the effect amounts to 0 0 r ≤ r; a set of torus of small radius r ≤ r, centered introduce an on the axis of the momentum of the two EPR entan- gled particles. It is shown in figure 3. that it will happen at this stage of the reasoning. However as the folds live outside the background spacetime of UMF , As a result, we have several symmetries; the most by construction. it already hints that the graviton may not important one from the point of a fold is the symme- behave exactly as other particles and that, by analogy to ◦ try by rotation by 180 for traditional EPR pairs. This superstrings, it may be associated to closed entities outside 52 means a fundamental ”spin-2” type of symmetry . UMF spacetime. Of course, as already mentioned earlier, there could be variations of our model where the folds could 52 We will get back to this; but, spoiler alert, it announces be wormholes within UMF or in ”other dimensions”. The a mapping of the folds to gravitons when the mechanism reader can probably start guessing how all these models is itself quantized; something that we can only anticipate may relate to each other.

19 µ anisotropic effective potential in the direction of xCM : [246] show that EPR entanglement results into extra Wigner function correlation exactly around the cen- 1 ter of mass of the two particles: EPR entanglement Veff ∝ (20) r is a process that involves the center of mass of the entangled particles and there is a deeper relation- The same reasoning is true for non-relativistic and ship between Hilbert space/state space, configura- relativistic particles and computing the Path Inte- tion space and phase space. . . grals with Euclidean or Minkowski metrics [77, 112, 113]. Indeed, the apparition of a potential also ap- When measurement or disentanglement takes B (xµ ) pears in Klein Gordon (field) equation for Boson in a place, the folds in activ CM are deactivated. It curved space (see chapter 5 in [345]) and in Dirac’s is a deactivation event. It can be seen as if the folds xµ equations for Fermions (see equation 5.23 in [345] ”detach” from a state of being tangent to CM and the is also always satisfied by spinors when taking the mappings M are torn apart as a result. µ µ µ second order version of Dirac’s equation which is of For D[~]+δ(M)(xCM(t), xt (part1), xt (part2)), the form of Klein Gordon equation). Again, the effec- it just ends being available to paths. For µ µ µ tive potential is proportional to the Ricci scalar of the D[~]+tear(M)(xCM(t), xt (part1), xt (part2)), a wave µ sphere (for a fold) or to the square root of it after inte- propagates back to xCM(f) as the tear of the map- gration over all the involved folds and it is attractive ping disappears. As it is a spacetime change, towards the center of mass as the curvature of each connected to RBG, it seems logical to speculate sphere increases the potential on the sphere in ways that it propagates at c. In any case we avoid the µ that favour not moving away from xCM . [346] further paradoxes of wavefunction collapse with such a fold shows that are no differences of behavior / propa- deactivation mechanism. For an interesting discus- gation between Bosons and Fermion in a 3D sphere sion of the relationship between disentanglement (only the levels of energy differ due to the different and wave function collapse, as well as looking at dis- spin statistics). entanglement as spontaneous , µ µ µ Other choices of D(M)(xCM(t), xt (part1), xt (part2)) see [491]. lead to different Veff . In fact, D[~]+δ(M) keeps a As fold kinematics and dynamics (and support do- 1 Veff ∝ r2 . mains), especially tear down, are pure speculation, it In all cases, in our multi-fold universe UMF , EPR is hard to say more. But it seems logical that an en- µ µ µ entanglement means that an emerging effective po- tity meeting D(M)(xCM(f), xf (part1), xf (part2)) would µ tential Veff is felt by entities with a path in still feel an attractive potential towards xCM(f), until µ µ µ D(M)(xCM(t), xt (part1), xt (part2)). It propagates a the mapping to the fold is deactivated at that point. µ wave affecting xt at distances smaller or equal to the In all cases, the fold deactivation seems to indicate µ µ distance between xt |part1∧part2 from xCM , and always an irreversible process or, at least, away from equi- smaller that ct. Indeed, the spheres grow in radius at librium: it is not T symmetric. In UMF , disentangle- speed smaller than c: they grow at the speed of the ment appears as an irreversible process that violate EPR entangled particles (with respect to their cen- T symmetry. At this stage, we cannot yet comment ter of mass): the multi-fold effects are massive waves on other symmetry violations. We will add considera- (unless if the entangled particles are massless and tions throughout the paper as our model description propagate at c, in which case the multi-fold effects and its analysis evolves. In our view, the fold activa- are massless). tion and dynamics are probably also irreversible. D (M)(xµ , xµ(part ), xµ(part )) For tear CM(t) t 1 t 2 , a In UMF , fold activation is the enabler of entangle- gravity-like potential appears in between the EPR ment and its manifestation through the attachment entangled particles and attractive towards their cen- µ µ µ of the folds to the entangled particles implemented ter of mass. For Dδ(M)(xCM(t), xt (part1), xt (part2)) by the mapping. The presence of multi-folds imple- 1 it is simply an attractive shock wave in r2 . ments entanglement. Their deactivation coincides The way that the folds follow the center of mass with its termination. So, while entanglement is not between the two particles may appear surprising: observable [87], its impact via Veff (or curvature con- why and how would that happen? It turns out tributions) is observable and a sign and measure of that analyses of EPR entanglement in phase spaces entanglement. Multi-Folds exist outside RBG and

20 we cannot observe them either; but again we mea- Entangled particles may also result from other sure their effect on RBG via Veff or the impact on phenomena than entangled emission. Examples are an effective curvature. entanglement through a field or via Conservation laws and unitarity are preserved for (e.g. entangled polarization and trapped ions) or in-

D~+tear(M) mappings: a path from any entity from teractions between particles or with other entangled any entity crossing D(M) can return to the entry particles like in the IBM case point and let it be an exit point. Any infinitesimal [109, 116]. wave function contribution can exit. The same ar- The framework proposed here distinguishes EPR gument exists for most other mappings: at any time entanglement from other quantum correlation. We after deactivation: the mapping points from any en- assume that to achieve EPR entanglement, we start tity on D(M) onto the fold can be met by paths on the with particles that are neighbours (overlapping par- fold that can be used to exit. Whatever is the process ticle locations in the wave function) in order to of deactivation, all conservations and unitarity can have entanglement-based fold activation events. It be maintained. Of course, in a model where map- amount or at least relates to the locality principle of pings would not behave this way (variations on our of QFT. proposal for a multi-fold universe UMF ), then it could There are however other situations where a system introduce and explain conservation or unitarity53 vi- can get entangled with another through some other olations. systems becoming entangled with each other first. In the rest of this paper, we assume a model with Examples are described in [117, 118]. For example,

D~+tear(M) mappings (unless when discussing ex- the setup in [118] involves multiple levels of system plicitly). This is for consistency with the virtual par- entanglement: photons emitted by trapped ions in ticle events discussed in section 4.4 and after. distant ion traps can be entangled by quantum op- tics (e.g. polarization filters), which in turn entangles the distant ions (sources of the photons) and can be 4.2 Other Entanglements used again to quantum teleport the state of the ions Similarly, entangled particles may be further entan- from one trap to the other. This is what we consider hierarchy of entanglements gled with other particles, within the limits of the prin- to be a . Accordingly, folds ciple of monogamy (/ polygamy for multi-partite en- are activated between each ion and its emitted pho- tanglement) [115, 469]. When no pure states are in- tons. When the photons are entangled through the volved, we need to revert to density operators [27] optical system, folds appear between the photons and that defines separable and not separable subsystems between each ion and both entangled photons. As a of the matrix. Non-separable systems are consid- result, the two ions are hierarchically entangled, but ered entangled and within these systems, we expect no fold appear between them. Indeed, the ions were to find similar entanglement behaviors as the attrac- never ”locally close” at entanglement. tive potential between EPR entangled particles. We This is another rule of activation of folds in our U also expect that the attractive effective potential will multi-fold universe MF : hierarchical entangle- now be also proportional to a function of the entan- ments between entities, not local when the entangle- ment was initiated, is not associated to the activation glement entropy of the non-separable systems. The 55 function should be such that at maximum entropy of folds . (i.e. pure state or EPR entanglement), we recover the However, as for the setup in [117, 118], attractive forces appear on the entangled entities (through the Veff discussed in the previous section. Our model is only valid for systems entangled via forces between entangled ”first order” entities). local interaction. Otherwise, the considerations of or reasons to do so yet. We will revisit, in future works, if entanglement hierarchy discussed below apply. In- hierarchical entanglement would sometimes support such deed, the fundamental mechanism proposed in in a model; but we believe that as hierarchical entanglement 54 UMF requires a common entry point to the folds . always results of combinations of direct local interactions, it is not needed. 53As well as symmetry breaking. 55Unless if, as discussed, different entry points to a fold 54It might be possible to imagine folds with different entry were authorized. That is not our model for now or in this points; however our intuitive approach did not see value paper.

21 In [117, 118], the photons are guided in single 4.3 Macro entanglement and mode optical fibers. It affects the path of the pho- generic considerations tons. It does not affect the behaviour of the acti- vated bundles other than the spheres that it contains We will discuss examples later in the paper, in- match the movement of the photons in the fibers.The cluding superconductors, Bose Einstein condensates folds are spacetime curvature and not blocked or in- BEC which are macroscopically entangled [120] and terfered with by objects in RBG; there is no notion quantum computing. They are direct applications of gravity shield in UMF . The mapping between the of what we have discussed so far. However, in each positions of the particles in RBG to the folds is key case, it will be worth considering if entanglement is to ensure that paths in each fold can carry back direct, hierarchical or a combination of those. Exam- the measurement event that disentangle the differ- ples where for examples a particle would exchange ent systems. another one (e.g. or phonon) with another particle so that they get entangled would a priori be One can see that the situation can rapidly become hierarchical. But if the entanglement is the product complicated as the amount of bodies increases; but of continuous back and forth exchanges of particles, consistently, each combinations of pairs that make for all purpose the effect will appear as if between sense (in first degree entanglement / entanglement the resulting entangled particles. That being said monogamy principle) create attractive effective po- force composition, in hierarchical situations, also re- tentials and mappings. Hierarchical entanglements sult into effects that could be observed. do not generate (necessarily) such potentials among the higher order pairs. Multiple entry points to the fold would have to be considered to support them, 4.4 Virtual particles, entanglement hence the hierarchical entanglement principle in this paper. and no supra luminous propaga- tors The resulting folds with three or more entities de- pends on the history of production of the entangle- Path Integrals applied to quantum field theory (or ment: the resulting activated folds are not necessar- Path Integrals applied to the Klein Gordon, Dirac and ily associative. This is an important observation that other fields Lagrangians or actions) allow computa- we will reuse later. It certainly begs to question how tion of the (time ordered) propagator of the associated large set entanglements (e.g. bulk volume or sur- particles. See for example [74, 339, 55, 121, 122]. face) between space like locations should be treated The probability of realization (observation) of result- µ (e.g. as discussed for example in [14] and in QFT ing wave functions or fields at a given xt can be de- [125, 126]56). rived [74, 122] and estimated via scattering compu- tations that lead to the Feynman diagrams and as- It has also been proposed that entanglement can sociated Feynman rules. Typically, especially when be also temporal as in [119]. There, we have higher not considering the no supra luminous paths prin- order entanglements, and, per our model, the exper- ciple, the relativistic-particle conventional propaga- iment does not create incompatibilities as no attrac- tor resembles certain curved-space propagators with tive effective potential needs to appear between the a wider spread than non-relativistic propagator [55, entangled photon in the past and photon at the end. 123]. In QFT, the propagators (expressed in the xµ do- main or in the Fourier domain, i.e. conjugate mo- 56We discuss later how to deal with QFT and it space- mentum space); can be non-zero between space like like entanglements. Our spacetime reconstruction for UMF regions, because the conventional Path Integral al- also discusses how spacetime entanglement can be mod- lows paths outside the light cone of other points on eled and how inflation may result. In general, it is impor- the path. As a result the wave amplitude can be tant to understand that, in U , and for things happen- MF non-zero outside the cone of light (space-like coor- ing post inflation, no attraction results between entangled space-like regions or entities. This is a big difference from dinates) as are correlation functions between space say [125, 126, 133, 134]. It results from the stronger no like regions in [125, 126]. This can also be seen when supra luminosity principle in UMF . computing the observed amplitude outside the cone

22 of light for solution of Klein Gordon and Dirac equa- ily create and propagate (from the vacuum), relying tions [74]. In general, only photons and massless on the uncertainty principle for their allowance58. particles stick explicitly with the light cone [124]. In Entry points of view on the vacuum and virtual par- QFT, these challenges are addressed with explana- ticles are presented in [264, 2, 130]. tions that the wave functions of propagating parti- The implications can be modelled as follows with cles are almost zero at space like positions signifi- an approach analogous to the EPR multi-folds mech- cantly away from the cone of light and that obser- anisms: vation probability is essentially zero. Therefore, one µ • If a particle is located at x0 , a bundle of folds assumes that there is no contradiction with c as up- Bactiv is activated as tori of 3-D spheres with as per limit for “information propagation” or ”signal ex- radius up to the light cone radius (organized as changes” [125, 123]. [126] summarizes even more cones along the time axis) to handle entangle- fundamental problems with relativistic propagator of ment of the virtual particles (and anti-particles) particles versus fields. that it helps generate. In UMF , such examples are problematic and the • SF-Path Integrals include normal Path Integrals usually provided explanations mentioned above are in RBG plus sums of Path Integral over the not good enough (even if powerful tools giving ex- spheres for path within light cone: Virtual par- traordinarily precise estimations): space like paths ticles slower than c, i.e. within the light cone of are not allowed in Path Integrals. Indeed, their al- the real particle. lowances would negate the reason why we needed to introduce the multi-fold mechanisms to address the – Recombine with (their) virtual anti- EPR paradox. particles (if they don’t interact as captured So, we assume that conventional quantum me- in a Feynman diagram) as they coexists yv chanics and field computations are only approxima- always at their (tf ) position and this fold tions of reality (in this case Path Integrals and prop- deactivates as described earlier for EPR agators) for the ease of computation. The extra filter- entanglement. ing steps are painful, they do not lead often to exact – Interact with something else as described expressions. They often may not be worth the effort, by the Feynman diagram in the back- in terms of experimental / numerical results. But ground spacetime and the activated folds theoretically, it matters a lot ,for the consistency of disappear or higher-level entanglement (3 our approach. Let us see how we can handle physi- body or more with respect of the entan- cal (real) propagators in our multi-fold universe UMF . glement monogamy principle) would have Assume a physical particle and its associated prop- taken place. agator and Path Integrals. They are accounting for generations of many virtual particles that may inter- – Super-luminous virtual particles disappear act with it, with other particles or generate new par- immediately, which can be seen in a con- ticles as captured with the Feynman diagrams. In tinuous model as immediate recombination UMF , components of the propagators in the momen- within the uncertainty region or zero ra- tum space and Path Integrals are filtered to drop out dius multi-folds. They are never allowed components outside the light cone (i.e. of momen- to propagate (i.e. the filtering out in the tum supra luminous)57: particles reaching the light momentum space) beyond a ball of uncer- µ cone must stay on it, interact or disappear. These tainty around x0 . This operation is not that changes to the Path Integral can be designated as different from an ultraviolet renormaliza- PISF ; which from now on is what is assumed to tion/cutoff [127] and it truly results from be meant in all the presented entities or formulas in the discreteness of spacetime in UMF that UMF . will be confirmed later. Every particle or energy entity (i.e. bump) is sur- The last bullet is a just way for the model to rounded with virtual particles that it helps temporar- enforces the supra luminosity limit requirement in UMF . It is not physical as the real justification comes 57As we will see later, it is the correct interpretation in 58 UMF , where spacetime is discrete. Hence the dependency on energy or mass.

23 from the spacetime discreteness in UMF . It results Of course, one could argue that only one type of from a zero movement, i.e. not leaving a discrete virtual particles, i.e. gravitons, would be responsi- point in discrete spacetime modeled as a zero (or ble for this. It is possible. Yet the analysis presented smaller than minimum length) radius fold (which in- here would still then account for additional gravity- stead of giving infinite radius provides no contribu- like effects. To acknowledge that fact we will always tion to the PI). It is a way to understand the approxi- assume that gravity can be the combined contribu- 61 mation of PI of PISF . We expect that in a multi-fold tions of all these effects . On the other hand we universe this occurs for physical and virtual parti- believe that: cles. • i) our approach will account for gravity and Fundamentally, this model implies that type of graviton without the divergence problems. To multi-fold universe UMF , where no supra-luminous reintroduce them as an additional contribution virtual particle exists. No interaction takes place out- would bring back the problems of quantization side the light cone. And virtual particle respect laws of gravity / GR. of physics; something that is logical when we think of Casimir effects [129] or effects like a friction force • ii) Our quantized / discrete model will provide of the vacuum explained as mass decreased when a a different interpretation for graviton (responsi- particle is emitted [128]. ble also for resolving the divergent / renormal- Note that these considerations may have signifi- ization issues and matching the picture painted cant effects on the applicability of the Reeh-Schlieder for gravitons by superstring theory and the Theorem [266, 267, 268] in UMF and the cyclic be- AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture). havior of vacuum in QFT. Indeed, it is no more true This does not suggest taking such alternative views that any state of the universe can be obtained by act- EPR 59 were gravitons are (one of the) entangled vir- ing locally on the vacuum state . As a result, no cor- tual particles involved in our model. They will rather relation or entanglement between space like points appear as another effect. Other works can explore can take place. The theorem holds only at a given these other variations to see if they pan out better. location for vacuum within its past light cone. Track- In a multi-fold universe UMF , physical particles QFT ing down the implications for and reconstructive propagators are as in conventional quantum Physics QFT and their evolutions is certainly warranted. It in RBG for Ureal, except that they are filtered to elim- does not mean however that we may not assume a inate supra luminous Fourier terms, i.e. paths out- unique and same ground level vacuum everywhere. side the light cone (hence the green function is con- We see no reason why that would not remain applica- voluted) for the paths in RBG. The effects of EPR en- ble and it is in fact important to assume so to main- tanglement between the virtual particles in RBG is tain reconstructability of the theory. an attractive potential contribution on all other par- ticles that cross the support domain of the associ- 4.5 Gravity out of entanglement ated mapping. Propagators for relativistic particles are much less spread than in conventional Physics Repeating the reasoning about EPR entanglement and no space-like exchanges or entanglement takes phenomenon, multi-folds are activated and appear place. For the rest, the model is just like in the case surrounding every particle, creating an attractive ef- of EPR entangled particles, except that the multi- 1 folds are now centered on the position of the particle fective potential in r towards any physical particle / entity60. As long that virtual particles can be consid- (source of the emission of virtual particles). ered as distributed in an isotropic manner, the at- The energy of the original particle determines the traction is isotropic across the cloud of virtual parti- intensity of the flow of virtual particles created and it cles. We assert that this is what creates gravity like is directly proportional to it mass. The effect is there- attractions. fore directly proportional to the mass of the source. As we saw before, the Path Integral is also propor- 59The arbitrary translation step in the proof [269] falls 61 apart in UMF . And so we maintain that massive and massless effects 60As center of mass of entangled virtual particle / antipar- as discussed later are present and at some point may be ticle pairs. detectable.

24 tional to the mass or energy of the entity encounter- particle (massive, massless or a bump in an energy ing D(M). Symmetries between the two particles ex- field) is surrounded by virtual particles that can be ist: each generate a similar looking Veff proportional massive or massless. When they are massless, the to its mass the mass of the other particle (and range of the effect described above can be infinite. effective curvatures that results). Symmetry is like a When massive particles are involved, a whole range spin 2. of rather very small scales are involved. The grav- Therefore the effect of the entangled virtual parti- ity like phenomena associated with the EPR entan- cle surrounding a particle of mass m1 generates for a glement of the virtual particles exist at long range particle of mass m2 that cross its D(M) a Veff result- through massless virtual particle entanglements and ing from the contributions of the paths encountered it exists in a whole range of microscopic scales car- by the second particle: ried by entanglement of a whole spectrum of parti- cles and at very small microscopic scales. Somehow the carrier of the interaction, through the m1m2 Veff ∝ κvp (21) r = ||(xa(part1) − xa(part2)|| multi-folds and while awaiting quantization, looks spin-2 respectively massless and massive carriers, Emission of virtual pairs is a priori isotropic: the gravitons-like. The massive part relates to massive 63 effect is assumed isotropic62. This is really a gravity- gravity or massive bigravity [347, 307, 377, 376], like potential which are known to often have ghosts and other con- sistency problems; yet these seem to have been over- come to a large extent in [307]64. However, note the fundamental difference with most of these works: massive gravity-like effects occur only at small mi- croscopic scales; not at astronomic scales. It implies that at very small scale, the attractive force is actu- ally stronger between particles than predicted solely by the effect of entangled massless virtual particles: additional folds are introduced by these particles and Veff will grow faster as more massive types of virtual particles can contribute closer to the physical parti- cle. Effects could become significant even if massive virtual particles are harder to generate for a given en- ergy entity; especially as scales will be very small. The real particles in the processes described above Figure 5: Real particles are surrounded by virtual can be massive or massless (or just appears as particles that are created EPR entangled and initiate the multi-folds activations. They result into gravity-like effects 63Not Rosen’s bigravity [348, 347]. In fact, we rather have for particles crossing the support domain of the mappings a range of multi-gravity rather than just two. Although, for these entangled virtual particles. The effect is isotropic interestingly, we will soon re-encounter some of its bases. and also involves massive virtual particles at very small 64The fundamental mechanism is the multi-folds support scales with similar effects as massless effects, at these of entanglement that results into recovering GR at large scales. Multi-folds live outside spacetime in a tangent scales. At small scale for massive gravity the nature of the space. classic solution may or may not be well modeled: GR had no such concepts. That is not an issue for us: we also predict a (set of) massive gravity contributions at very small scales; The reasoning presented above applies for differ- but do not derive them as massive gravity was convention- ent types of particles: massive and massless; with ally derived. The steps of generating curvature (Ricci scalar some variations on the outcome. Let us start with and ) and Veff may just be all what matters rather massless versus massive virtual particles. A real than having to derive something expressed classically as GR is. In our model, multi-folds, viewed as gravitons, ex- 62Setups where that would not be that case would cre- ist outside spacetime. So it may simply be why modelling ate anisotropic attractive potentials that could be seen as with traditional QFT and linearization [378, 376] seems to anisotropic gravity like effects. always fail. Exploring these aspects are of future interest.

25 photons is also discussed in [351] and shows a con- catenation of the previous result. The same applies for our model, including the comments about the in- tensity of the gravity field (double flattening for each segment). As massless particles and the boosted initial refer- ence frame are moving at c, massive particles cannot be emitted around the massless particle. As a result, there is no (or negligible) massive gravity-like effect associated to massless particles; only the massless contributions described above: no bi or multi mas- sive gravity is involved in the gravity of a massless particle (except maybe if we included in this the ef- fects of virtual neutrinos, which could be considered quasi massless, at least in it lightest forms).

Figure 6: When considering massless particles, only massless virtual particles are involved within the plane orthogonal to the direction of propagation of the massless particle. The effect is rather a parallelepiped because of the need to model a massless particle on at least the width of a wavelength (and the associated uncertainty principle). Massive effects essentially do not appear as massive virtual particles are too hard to generate up to the uncertainty principle allowances. bumps in an energy field65). The phenomena differ for massless particles because of the effects of Spe- cial Relativity (Lorentz symmetries) and its implica- Figure 7: When uncertainty moves the source or an tions for massless particles that can only move at emitted entangled virtual particle, it shifts the fold, or the speed c. As a result, massless particles are actu- fold is then shift back or tilted, in order to support later ally flattened in two dimensions perpendicular to the mapping to the same exit point and depending on the uncertainty changes. Between the oscillations, the direction of movement (intuitively, think that it is be- momentum of the virtual particle entering the fold (path cause of space contraction in the direction of prop- on the fold) is oscillating back and forth between (1) and agation). If we consider a inertial reference frame (2) resulting into a spiral move. boosted to speeds close to c to accompany the mass- less particle, then virtual particles can only be emit- Microscopic torsion could also be introduced by ted orthogonal to the direction of propagation. Folds 1 our model. Indeed with uncertainties of the source are therefore activated tangent to that “plane” and a r 66 and emitted virtual particles, the folds tangent to attractive potential appears with the plane (or par- the virtual particle paths wiggle accordingly. As the allelepiped with a width defined by the wavelength source moves around, the trajectory of the virtual of the massless particle and uncertainty principle). particles may be twisted (i.e. with torsion, a lat- This result directly matches the results obtained in eral displacement needs to be added to come back GR when trying to estimate the gravity effect of a pho- to same point when moved around by a small closed ton or a massless particle [349, 350]. A stream of displacement [352]) near the source particle. These are tiny displacements and torsion effects limited to 65This is discussed in more details after. where matter (the source) is located. They do not 66r is the distance between particle encountering the do- main support of the mapping and the center of mass of the propagate, unless maybe for virtual particles as vir- virtual particles, i.e. the physical massless or massive par- tual torsion or by accompanying the source particle ticle. if it moves, and in general one would expect that they

26 average out as do the associated uncertainty fluctua- sion in our model also implies no singularities72 and tions. However, in the presence of fermions, this may possible support for big bounces. Yet the absence be more significant albeit still very small beyond the of such singularities also explains in our views why uncertainty region67. So torsion is not at all relevant semi classical model work even at small scales where to classic or semi-classic68, like GR69, or most non today we expect that they would probably not apply. classic situations70. Torsion matters because we do More on this later. expect the lack of gravitational singularities (i.e. in To be fair, one could probably as effectively argue black holes, no cosmologic singularity, support of big that no torsion would actually result from the above: bounce solutions) in some models of these theories71 it all depends how we look at how folds and paths on [354]), all result from presence of torsion that forces folds are seeded with uncertainty and if/how it is re- avoidance of the singularity with the displacement flected at the entry point from UMF (near the source over small loops implied in spacetime by torsion: it real particle)73. Without ability to investigate at the can never go to a point singularity. So having tor- scales involved or to model all the details of the multi fold dynamics, it is not possible at this stage to say much more. The discrete non-commutative space- 67The explanation shows why spin may matter; yet it is time introduced later allows the introduction of tor- not to be confused with spin gravity, or spin torsion cou- sion also as a result of the non-commutative geom- plings which is not what we discuss in this section. These etry [355]. So it is fair to say: there is most proba- couplings rather result from invariant Lagrangians that can bly torsion and it takes place at very small scales. It be constructed when involving spinors [294, 290, 345]. is irrelevant for almost everything except for its im- 68 However, it has been argued that torsion is needed the- plication on the absence of singularities, cosmologi- oretically and results from spin to ensure angular momen- tum conservation in the presence of gravity [288, 289, 353]. cal and black hole, and therefore its support for big The Belinfante–Rosenfeld stress–energy momentum tensor bounce solutions. More importantly, pushing semi [360, 393, 394], used to impose symmetry, captures the tor- classical models of gravity to very small scales prob- sion in a bound (spin) current leading to an effective energy ably requires at some point making torsion more ex- momentum tensor that is conserved and symmetric for all plicit, hence its illustration here. It is interesting that purpose of classical and macroscopic GR. This is what is we can make torsion appear quite naturally with the typically used but it obfuscates the microscopic presence of multi-fold mechanisms. torsion. The present paragraph shows that we reach simi- lar conclusions: torsion can appear, and it is due to spin; some of this will be clarified as we discuss spin. Yet the 4.6 Gravity-like symmetries and relevance and or its inevitability is also not definitive. 69In fact, Feynman [323] and Weinberg [357] showed that symmetry breaking in UMF spin-2 interactions and respect of Lorentz symmetries im- ply GR (at large scales); not torsion. But it is important to As discussed previously, symmetries are broken by remember that these derivations impose symmetry, i.e. the the proposed process: the deactivation process is former avoids, and disregards anti-symmetry and the latter irreversible (or away from equilibrium) and so the says nothing about it. But it is all good: it does not matter mechanisms presented in this paper violate T sym- at large, classical or semi classical scales. Note for com- metry. These are not the only symmetry that are vi- pleteness that Gupta’s work [356] also linked spin-2 and olated. Let us list a few symmetry considerations: GR derivation but torsion less features are implicit and not discussed. • T : The activation and deactivation processes are 70[353] presents some entry points. It is also to be note irreversible and so the mechanisms presented in that strings predict torsion as does LQG, and its spin net- this paper violate T symmetry. It agrees with work and derivatives, through Einstein Cartan- [262], with a completely different reasoning. like actions and spin coupling of matter [294, 25, 83, 23, 295]. Some particle proposals (e.g. ) exist but they • P : Because of the absence of right-handed neu- have not received much support and seem to be contra- trinos (and conversely for anti-neutrinos), the dicted by the Higgs mechanism [301]. 71Einstein Cartan theory [295, 294, 297] and Teleparal- 72Something that at Planck scale is in our approach also lelism [271, 270] which trades curvature for torsion (no guaranteed by discrete spacetime curvature exist; yet is equivalent to GR) 73Yet we are inclined to argue that the underlying mech- can avoid singularities and support solutions anism will guarantee no singularity and big bounce solu- [288, 289, 291, 296, 297, 271, 270, 292]. tions, even if it ended-up not creating torsion.

27 process described is expected to sometimes vio- Also, gravity (with matter) prevents any global sym- late Parity P . A priori this is only relevant for the metry that it be in classical (GR) or semi-classical as massive contribution mentioned above, - albeit well as in at smaller scales [361, 362]. In UMF , the neutrinos would allow some larger range. How- multi-fold mechanisms have the same implications ever as will be discussed later, we will propose a as soon that folds are activated. gravity influenced scenario where right-handed These symmetry breaking considerations apply neutrinos (and conversely for anti-neutrinos) also for EPR entanglement in UMF . may exist for a while during non-interacting74 oscillations. This may modify the conclusion. 4.7 Vacuum The torsion generation mechanism may also not always be P -symmetric; but should correspond The physics of quantum vacuum is extremely in- to equivalent Feynman diagrams in the diagram volved. Good overviews can be found in [127, 130, summations. So, there is significant expectation 25]. Excited vacuum is described by QFT and its that sometimes P may be violated. derivatives: it is quantum vacuum bathed in some • C: For the same reasons, the process, neutrinos field [131]. left handedness, the process is not invariant un- In general and depending the details of the fields der charge conjugation C for massive gravity at that you are willing to involve, vacuum is populated small scale - albeit neutrinos would allow some with pairs of entangled virtual particles created as larger range, unless if recovered by the mech- random energy / field fluctuations. Well known ex- anisms of oscillation mentioned for P and dis- amples are the electron / pairs created in cussed later. vacuum and possibly polarized in a field (photon). • PT : it is expected to be violated because the In a multi-fold universe UMF , we can repeat the T and P relevant mechanisms are rather unre- approach already discussed before. With PISF , we lated. cut off momentum for the pairs trying to go beyond the light cone as described so far. Therefore, space- • CP : CP may be violated if torsion affects P sym- like regions cannot be mutually entangled; idem for metry. Otherwise, if only neutrinos violate P correlations. But in our view, this does not prevent and C, for massive gravity, CP may be respected having a same vacuum everywhere, with principles by gravity. In general, we expect that CP may be or hypothesis of homogeneity or uniformity (e.g. jus- violated, a result in agreement with [358] with tified by inflation, yet questioned recently in [484]) his modification of the Hilbert Einstein Action to or isotropy (also essentially justified by inflation and actions [298, 299] providing the same field equa- initial isotropy albeit isotropy has been recently ques- tions but exposing explicitly the tioned [470, 471, 484, 497], not invalidated though). (that can also support introducing torsion when Yes some relevant theorems are impacted as dis- matter (fermions and spins) is present) and is, at cussed in section 4.4. Stability of the (Electroweak) least to first order, equivalent to Einstein Cartan; vacuum in UMF will be discussed later. again the torsion saga... This model is the foun- In the vacuum, entangled pairs can be created dation (as classical then semi classical canonical µ spontaneously. If it happens at x , a bundle of folds reformulation of GR) of LQG. 0 is activated so that the reasoning of the previous ses- 75 • CPT is expected to be violated by gravity This sion can be repeated. Again, the natural ultraviolet agrees also with [262] with a different reasoning. divergence handling via PISF , and discreteness of 74For weak interactions. spacetime, takes place. In general these variations 75This is not in contradiction with the CPT theorem intro- come and go and are associated to fluctuations of ef- duced in QFT for axiomatic QFT, enumerated Lagrangian fective potentials and curvatures. We are recovering examples or generic Lagrangian forms [329, 330]. These the Wheeler’s picture [472, 473]. work only for Minkowski spacetime. Indeed UMF is quite And so, attractive effective potential in 1 potential different from Minkowski flat spacetimes i.e. R . The r BG appears and disappears continuously in the quan- CPT theorem exists also for QFT, without gravity, in a curved space with locality requirements [331], but again tum vacuum. If the momentums are distributed in these are not satisfied by the multi-folds and mapping pro- an isotropic way (e.g. no preferred direction due to cesses of our approach. other effects) then the effect is isotropic. Effects

28 from different points in spacetime cancel the result- from most conventional attempts to quantize gravity ing Veff on average at every point. However, po- (GR linear perturbation and quantization or super- larizing or modifying the distribution of the virtual strings) or reconstructive quantum gravity [243]. Yet particles (associated to physical particles and to the it matches, to a large extent, the behavior of conven- vacuum) could create local variations of the gravity tional spin-2 boson propagation and interaction, al- like effective potentials. Vacuum polarization could beit the multi-folds do not live in RBG or 4-D space- be achieved for example via electromagnetism; con- time. It only interacts through entry and exit points trolled vacuum entanglement could also be an op- and the proposed mapping and as a result it is also tion. Lorentz covariant and background independent. In our view, these differences are also quite important. It is these differences in derivation, interpretation 4.8 Discussions and physics that illustrate how our approach may be

In UMF , we saw with equation (8) that the contri- able to get rid of the problems of self-interaction, di- butions of the folds are proportional to R, the Ricci vergences, non-renormalizability and singularities of √ 78 curvature scalar (and R of the latest spheres / lat- gravity and quantum gravity . est folds for multi-fold post integration76. So, we can One can also interpret what we encountered as if also interpret this as stating that, in UMF , the back- EPR entanglements between entities and virtual par- ground pseudo Riemannian spacetime is comple- ticles create a sea of folds and are ”tangent” to space- mented by many additional fold curvatures: summed time RBG, with surrounding mappings everywhere and weighted by /energies of the (source) par- and varying everywhere in time depending on how ticles. The direction (of the attractive effective poten- mass and energy is distributed. An entity in RBG tial) is on the other hand contributing to defining the bumps at every point against the folds and their map- 79 Ricci tensor (see [363]). ping. Bumping results into attraction defined by From that point of view, it is interesting that it the multi-folds and dictated or quantified by R, the looks like an effective or average variation of the cur- Ricci curvature scalar of the fold and the mass or vature against a background, that is contributed pro- energy of the entity. The density of the multi-folds is portional to the mass/energy of the involved parti- determined by mass or energy of the matter in space- cles. This is something that directly matches the ex- time RBG. pectation if one wanted to recover the effects of Ein- The link between Veff and R for the multi-folds stein’s field equations of General Relativity (e.g. [54]) can be used to derive macroscopically Einstein field or Newtown gravity. equations of GR. Let us sketch a high-level proof and The model proposed here is also explaining how derivation of them that relies on an a priori knowl- a spin-2 process force carrier interaction can in- volve non spin-2 virtual particles, e.g. other bosons, 1 if massive, the source of the r dependency is quite different and fermions; something typically not considered for in this paper. It is related to how UMF reacts and imple- force carriers and gravity, especially when consider- ments entanglement. ing spin/angular momentum conservation in Feyn- 78It may also hint in an interesting manner at why grav- man diagram, as discussed for example in [323]: ity is weak with gravitons living outside of spacetime, just like in string theory, gravitons are closed multi-folds the mechanism of attaching spin-2 multi-folds, the (vs. strings) living outside spacetime and like in the massless and massive gravitons (to be explained AdS/CFT correspondence. All these will be discussed again later), to entangled virtual particles emitted near a later. Yet these considerations line up to address non- source. This is a fundamentally different approach77 divergence/renormalizability of our model, when captured with manipulable equations; even independently of hand- 76It may be worth noting [25] that the dependence on Ricci waving a discrete spacetime. We will however question the scalar is similar to Regge calculus situations where Ricci weak Gravity Conjecture: at very small scales, it looks like scalar contributions on a lattice (Ponzano-Regge ansatz) the massive gravity contributions can match and in fact leads to GR equations. It is the only curvature entity ap- meet the other interactions. pearing in relation to Hilbert Einstein when working on a 79It is not that different from how one can interpret the discrete lattice (besides directions of attraction). way that Higgs boson in the sea of the vacuum gives mass to 77And while most boson (force carrier) propagators result (charged) fermions by having them bumping (i.e. interacting 1 into r potentials, possibly weighted by an exponential term with) into the Higgs boson [359].

29 edge of our target. then derive the obvious only resulting equation fit- Let us define at every point of the spacetime, RBG, ting this: a) generalize newton / Gauss law as in [171] a vector field ξµ(xσ) that defines the direction of at- (Equation 4.23)) and recover Einstein field equations 80 traction and Veff per fold (not per bundle , so it and Hilbert Einstein Action or, b) express invariance 1 is in r2 and must be added or integrated also over [322, 367] of Ricci Scalar and Tensor as well as a all the involved folds in the activated bundles) felt measure of matter’s and fields’ energy content tensor by a test particle (of unit mass or equivalent energy density linear combination of them with a sum (inte- content; no back-reaction) as norm. Contributions gral) over an invariant volume: we recover the Hilbert from matter and or massless fields are lin- Einstein action [8] with matter/energy terms. The early additive, and they are constructed based on cosmological constant can be introduced later with the multi-fold process computing at every point what the usual derivation [8]. In all cases, we recover Ein- are the support domains that are crossed (exactly stein’s GR field equations and in linear approxima- or with uncertainties). So, we add (and compose for tion, Newton’s gravity. The fields map to RBG. µ ξ ) the resulting effects at that point. We know that The expression of invariance amounts to extrem- µ µ the norm of each contribution is in the associated izing the area formed by Veff (x ) (or R(x )) along µ ν R(x , source(x )) that designates the Ricci curvature with an action for matter/energy). It is that same µ scalar felt at x from the different particles or energy process that makes GR match the construction of ν µ bumps81 located (in space and in time) at x . R(x ) LGQ spin networks. And, the Nambu-Goto action of is similarly the sum of the scalar curvatures. For strings [366] incorporates the Hilbert Einstein action now, we assume a minimum cutoff distance so that as mentioned earlier. This surface invariance is also µ ν we have no divergences 82. ξ (x ) is proportional to behind the area laws of spacetime horizons and black µ the Ricci tensor while R(x ) is proportional to the holes, spacetime thermodynamics (and why an holo- µ Ricci scalar [364, 363]. In any given time slice, R(x ) graphic principle could work). (as a measure of Veff ) is proportional to the green We recovered Einstein’s GR equations when we function of Poisson’s equation (see 21) which are sec- looked at macroscopic effects (extensible to semi ond derivatives; this implies a direct local linear re- classical) and we can see curvatures and gravity po- lation between local energy (mass) density (sources) tentials as averages of time varying contributions at and the Ricci curvature; something we had already each point of spacetime, as multi-folds tangent to established even without evolving Poisson. We now each point or as time varying extra dimensions grow- have obtained fields on RBG, that correspond con- ing at each point83. Within our proposed model, the sistently to a Ricci scalar and a Ricci Tensor and UMF is expected to be flat (without matter or energy, that is a function of energy / matter content of RBG. i.e. not a really realistic case) or positive. To be nega- We are done! Indeed, as, the equations must be in- tive it would require that the initial conditions lead to variant under local Lorentz transformations, some- a negative curvature for RBG (not due to matter or thing that our discussion will religiously follow till to other gravity contributions that those discussed the end, even when ending up in discrete spacetime in this paper) or accept exotic entities. and something that our process is so far by the use The only positive effective curvature and the always of Path Integrals. Two approaches can be used to attractive potential explains why gravity charges (i.e. p masses) are only positive and gravity is always attrac- 80This is to make sure we add R not |R|, which is the result post integration across a bundle and represent a sur- tive: it comes from the spherical nature of the folds face invariant but just for the last involved fold at distance with positive curvature. r; not something relevant to the spacetime background. Our model also dispel an argument sometimes pre- p Of course, it is interesting and confusing that using |R| sented that argues that GR and Quantum physics would immediately recall the Hilbert Einstein Action. But it would not be not compatible because there would not really isn’t because we would have to also involve the met- be a way in GR to account and deal with superposi- ric / Jacobian and it would no more be easy to understand what happens next. tion, where spacetime could be in two different states 81No double counting; it is one or the other. with different curvature at the same time. Indeed, in 82We know that torsion and anticipated discrete space- time should take care of that issue when we reach that point 83Albeit not necessarily with a GR dynamics that is a pri- of the model. ori not in our model.

30 UMF , the problem does not exist: the different curva- discovery of gravitons matching linear perturbations ture are in AdS(5) tangent to RBG and GR curvature of GR. is effective and obtained as the average/sum of the It is ironic that entanglement, one of the most curvature contributed by all these particles (which unique feature characterizing Quantum Physics, is match the geometrical interpretation of Ricci tensor the source of GR, and gravity; considering how it is and scalar as averages of gaussian curvatures and always stated that GR and Quantum Physics would average of averages [364, 363].). It is therefore pos- be incompatible or that gravity would collapse the sible in UMF to treat spacetime as a quantum entity wave functions and destroy superposition and coher- subject to entanglement or superposition of different ence. It is quite a different outcome isn’t it. possible Veff or effective curvatures. An example of RBG can be initially curved or flat. It is again what that might mean in spacetime reconstruction is mostly a question on what our starting point is and discussed later. In fact, the effects of uncertainties what kind of modelling are we targeting. A curved and superpositions are rather exemplified in the form RBG may be a good way to track just the additional of what is sometimes called as temporal superposi- effect of new particles. But if we start from scratch tion: different masses locations (i.e. different cur- with an empty spacetime RBG, then the model above vatures) may result into different order of events if would imply no curvature for RBG. As entities with impacted differently by the different locations [196]. mass/energy are added or appear, a sea of folds and This is also fully compatible with our approach (at mapping appears defined by that density and evolv- least as long that no issues were discovered when ing with this matter/energy density (∼ back reac- checking experimentally the outcome of [196], as- tion) and as a result a positive effective curvature suming that we can do that). (described at quantum, semi classical and classical The derivation of GR from our model built solely scales by GR. The effects of these folds add up and on a framework to explain EPR entanglement is cer- on average appears equivalent to the effective average tainly impressive, even if we had already many hints curvature. As a consequence, we already see that no 1 before both from the r attractive Veff attractive grav- divergence or singularities will occur if we assume ity like potential and the trends in Physics that en- that any curvature extends up to the uncertainty re- tanglement and spacetime are related as well as the gion around the particle85. ER=EPR conjecture. Albeit derived from a differ- It is therefore possible, logical and expected that ent type of reasoning that just computation of a La- curvature is essentially a(n) pedagogical illusion: grangian or an amplitude, our result reminds the spacetime RBG could remain flat in a multi-fold uni- claims of fame made by string theory. Indeed, for verse UMF and the multi-fold phenomenon or aver- strings, the main validation so far (see for example ages of curvatures give the impression of curvature86. [370, 371]) comes from the apparition of the graviton, While different in terms of the resulting model, it also 84 despite originally not trying to model it ([372, 373]) . relates to the attempt done by Rosen to treat GR as The explosion of interest in strings started with that a field over flat instead of a geo- metrical phenomenon [365]. Similarly, Gupta mod- 84String actions include terms equivalent to Hilbert Ein- eled effects of GR in flat space as infinite series of stein action resulting from the extremization of the world perturbation of the Lagrangian density in flat space, sheet area as does Hilbert Einstein area invariance on a GR which he interpreted as a property of a spin-2 carrier manifold; but at the time of the of the work done by Veneziano, Virasoro and Shapiro, it was not yet understood that their underlying model matched strings and it seemed 85When we discuss quantization and discretization, these more a chance discovery. The Nambu-Goto action would approximations and assertions will be better motivated. As only appear in 1970 [366]. But one could argue that any we are not yet there, the uncertainty principle is our savior model that happens to include Hilbert Einstein variations for now. will most probably introduce gravitons, no matter what that 86Again, even if surprising, this is not unheard of. The model aims to achieve. Extremizing the area of the world curvature is an reflection of the evolution of the metric field. sheet of a string is really just what made the graviton ap- Einstein himself considered curvature as a way to imagine pears and becomes obvious once it is understood that the gravity effects After all, we know that the work on Teleparal- model pioneered by Veneziano, Virasoro and Shapiro as am- lel gravity initiated by Einstein leads to a universe without plitude matches to Hardon scattering results could model curvature and only torsion and forces induced by torsion strings with word sheet area extremization. and yet it is totally equivalent to GR [271, 270]!

31 [356]. Later, we will summarize the effect on attempt- 4.9 Quantum Fields ing to model a Lagrangian for our model and will see that indeed it will require nontrivial changes to what Fields are more complicated to deal with in our model would happen in flat space. which, so far, relied on the notion of particles. There are several challenges associated to QFT for our UMF could also be primarily curved for whatever multi-fold universe UMF model if we were to use con- reason or initial conditions and the folds then de- ventional QFT as is. We list the most problematic 87 scribe how UMF is further perturbed and back re- ones: action to additional matter or energy. De facto, we • Conventionally, quantum fields are non-local. have shown that our model for UMF is background They can be generated everywhere from the vac- independent [25, 249, 248], i.e. it does not assume a uum at one spacetime point and as a result fixed background (see how we can change the condi- can have the field at any point in spacetime en- tions) and by definition is built by the sum of the con- tangled with any other point in spacetime. In tributions of all the entities and so dynamic by nature other words, entanglement is not local and ex- at all time; something believed by many to be key to tends (at least as correlations) to spacelike re- ensure correct modelling / avoidance of graviton self- gions. The allowance of supra luminous virtual interactions88 [248] and essential to align with GR particles outside the light cone leads to this (or that we need to recover at semi classical and classi- results from the above) even if Lorentz symme- cal scales. tries and invariant considerations save us so far 89 We have provided a reasoning for introducing [125, 126] . multi-folds and their kinetics and dynamics in UMF • Conventional quantum fields are often consid- in order to satisfy that reasoning. We did not claim ered as incompatible with the notions of parti- that other approaches addressing our requirements cles [15]; typically because of the history and cannot be encountered. In fact, another way would processes of second quantization that do not be to start from GR in (some) spacetime and try preserve the number of particles, something in- to build such solutions. If they exist, they prob- herent to the design of QFT [72, 16]. The prob- ably would differ from the approach above by the lem is exacerbated by the phenomena of creation fact that the Hilbert-Einstein (adapted suitably to the of particles in curved spacetime [171]. dimension) would apply (e.g. think of ER bridges if UMF = RBG) and/or that interactions can take • Furthermore, if a particle is assumed associated place within the folds; something that we have not to a bump of energy in a conventional field, then allowed so far (because we assume every particles in QFT it is almost immediately spread every- that folds are essentially hard partitioned instances where [73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 55, 123, 26, 133, 134, (multi particles); structures enforced by the map- 272]. As a result, in conventional QFT, particles pings). Studying such and other variations could of cannot be well or lastingly localized. This is ”un- great interest. physical” from a particle point of view: we know they exist... Yet, the notion of particle does not seem to make much sense in QFT [26, 273]. The interpretation of one of its biggest success (Feyn- man diagrams), explicitly relies on particles, vir- 87This also relates, and offers a different perspective, to what it means to perturb the curvature of spacetime (which tual and reals and all their possible interactions. results into perturbation of the metrics). It is typically a One way to understand the apparent contradic- preamble to attempts to quantizing GR, encountering gravi- tion of this latter observation is that Feynman tons and/or to introduce strings or to re- duce some of the divergences introduce by such attempts 89We have discussed already how that is actually handled [23]. Typically, this includes adding dimensions to space- and eliminated in UMF . Clearly full and rigorous analy- time and modifying the Hilbert-Einstein Action to achieve sis of the implications on axiomatic / reconstructive QFT such cancellation at higher orders. as well as impact on the events and probabilities computed 88Because of the need to model through them the back with QFT would be of great interest; even if we believe that reaction when the background is fixed as in QFT and su- the effect is limited; it the sense that consistency and re- perstring theory. construction remain valid in UMF

32 diagrams are part of computation methods in phenomena. Its model may not be well suited for all perturbative algorithms. As we pointed out in use cases. In addition, after all, particles exist even the present list, energy bumps can be seen as for long time or over long distances, as seen in parti- particles in conventional QFT but only for a very cle accelerators, or especially in experimentations of small amount of time and in a very localized re- the Standard Model. Even, Path Integrals, scatter- gion as allowed by uncertainty principle; so that ing matrices and Feynman diagrams interpretations they do not ”spread everywhere” in ways that of QFT immediately reduce to interactions between prevent them be tracked and in as much that physical and virtual particles. In fact, perturbation we allow the particles to disappear (When anni- QFT and Feynman diagrams methods really amount hilated) and new ones to appear (when created). to counting these different possible interactions for This why there is no actual contradiction and a given Lagrangian or Action which describes parti- Feynman diagrams work, and in fact work so cles modeled by fields (tracking a few particles, their well! Yet beyond these very small perturbations, interactions and allowing particle creation and anni- particle concepts are lost, and Feynman pertur- hilation). bative methods fall apart. It does not matter; As a result, we assert that, for UMF , the problem it was not its purpose. But again this shows is not that fields are showing that there does not ex- that there is a clear concept of particle in con- ist notions of particles [15]; but rather that particles ventional QFT; it just does not last long. It also and fields are different approximations or facettes of reminds us that QFT is the result of computa- reality. Both are meaningful and both have their limi- tional techniques, it is a model. It is ok that tations. In fact, when dealing with conventional QFT, there are things QFT is good at modelling, and there are ”recipes” or ways to handle particles. Ex- things it is not good at modelling. amples include: • On could argue that conventional QFT is ac- • Particles can be approximated as isolated in big tually rather a theory and enough boxes [25] that is also why its methods (e.g. field /func- • Particles are actually present in QFT, and in tional Path Integral, CFT and holographic du- Feynman diagrams but not just through Feyn- ality [141]) apply so well to statistical physics man’s diagrams [24]. However, one needs to fol- and solid states physics90. Conventional QFT low the particles (unless and until annihilated) does not track down well at all a particular set and not be distracted by particle creations and of entities. It predicts well probabilities of events annihilations that cause much of the trouble. and what events can or will not take place. It To this we add: also cannot well handle entanglement beyond • The absolute requirement of no supra luminos- the statistics of entanglement entropy (e.g. a` la ity, significantly resolves the problem of disper- von Neumann) [27]. sion or leakage of the particles. Much of the Therefore, and unfortunately from our point of issues with relativistic framework directly came view, conventional QFT does not align well with our from computing without such a limit. approach in this paper nor our needs. We have so far In that context, our work suggests that in order relied on discussions in terms of particles and ban- to capture the phenomena in UMF , that we have de- ning supra luminous velocities (Interactions or prop- scribed in this paper, QFT needs also to explicitly agation beyond the light cone) and, as a result, ban- model entanglement between particles91. It means ning entanglement between space like regions. Con- also not just correlations or multiple point corre- sidering the success of QFT exemplified for example lations in QFT or statistical entanglement as typi- by QED, QCD and the Standard model, it seems quite cally modelled by von Neumann’s entanglement en- a challenge! However, Quantum Physics is a model tropy92, entanglement Hamiltonians or density oper- and an approximation designed to address particular ators [27]. When modelling that way; it is already one

90Of course, this is the flip view of what is usually invoked 91With particles themselves resolved with and defined by to link these domains which rather refers to excitation net- the recipes above. work analogies between quantum field in spacetime and vi- 92Albeit these can work for non-maximally entangled brations in crystal / solid structures. states; but for well-defined particles...

33 level or scale above what is really happening and one presented in [272], that are already addressed by the can only at best hope to obtain a statistical physics or design of UMF ), are also to be revisited. The proofs thermodynamic model of the phenomena. There is a of invalidation are immediate from eliminating paths gap in conventional QFT models. We need to rethink outside the light cone. how to add these concepts with or without modelling And so, in a multi-fold universe UMF : particles. Until it is done, conventional QFT can- • Particles can be localized in RBG and evolve. not well model the phenomena in UMF and there- • Vacuum excitations at a point location cannot fore it probably cannot account for gravity At least for the portion contributed by the phenomena we generate space like states, entanglement, co- herence, or correlation space-like elsewhere in described. and EPR like entanglements. We believe RBG. Again, it does not mean that vacuum can- that this statement also applies to supersymmetry, 93 not be the same everywhere if only one vacuum superstrings and all derived theories . Finally, and lowest (ground) exists; but there as harped already by others, conventional QFT (and may also be situations where it is not the case supersymmetry, supergravity, superstrings, and all and stability (as in Electroweak vacuum stabil- variations) needs to include a way to add background ity) is to be addressed, which we will do. independence to address its divergence, renormaliza- tion and graviton self-interactions problems, which • In UMF , QFT does not imply entanglement of again appear because they need to model endless vacuum state everywhere with everything. series of back reactions that background dependent models can’t capture. This is our message: address 4.10 Semi-classical Gravitons, be- these points with the principles above, admitting that in this paper we do not describe how to do it, fore quantization, as multi- and the gap to model quantum gravity may become folds attached to EPR entan- significantly smaller! In fact, we also suspect that gled particles and Veff fluctu- all the challenges and confusions around correct ex- ations pression for Einstein’s stress-energy-momentum ten- sor (symmetric or not, a` la Belifante-Rosenfeld or The notion of graviton may solve the problem of mod- not, Canonical from Noether’s theorem or not, with elling suitably entanglement in QFT, by simply re- our without the spacetime contribution) [495, 348], verting to adding interactions with gravitons to all fundamentally result from the difficulties of dealing what is EPR entangled. within spacetime with the multi-fold effects that live We have discussed above how multi-folds have a outside and may not play the same role in terms of spin-2 symmetry and can be viewed as living outside the tensor and its conservation. Also, It is proba- RBG while creating a fluctuation or wave of attractive bly why massive gravity leads to so many problems Veff in RBG that also amount to effective curvatures [307, 377, 376] in conventional classical Physics or (scalar + direction). quantization.. Let us analyze what gravitons may or may not be In UMF , there is a need to revisit, with supra in a multi-fold universe UMF . We follow the tradi- luminous absolute limit, the principles behind the tional linearization procedure of GR as investigated derivation of the Reeh-Schlieder theorem [266] (as first by Matvei Bronstein [368, 369]. It is now auto- discussed earlier), the Malament no-go theorem [26] matically assumed and accepted by all and described (translation as used in the proof with the supra lu- for example in a modern form in [23] (see also [356]). minosity condition weakens the argument) and the Accordingly the metric is perturbed, typically from a Hegerfeldt theorem [133, 134]. When computations flat state described by Minkowski metric. As a result, filter the contributions outside the light cone, the the traditional observation is that the perturbation proofs do not hold any more. Reasoning as the ones propagates at c as a change in the metric, and hence curvature. It corresponds to a spin-2 symmetry and appears to be described by a massless boson rela- 93The need to model particles and EPR entanglement also applies to reconstructive quantum gravity approaches. But tivistic (QFT) wave equation and Lagrangian density it is not as directly related to the challenges encountered and can be used to recover Einstein’s GR field equa- with conventional QFT that we have discussed here. tions (See also [323]). However, in UMF the story is

34 a bit different: the perturbation of the metric implies discovered that, in UMF , EPR entanglement creates a perturbation of the Ricci tensor and scalar and it an attractive potential in between the entangled par- must be contributing a positive effective curvature. ticles. Doing so, the effect of the attractive Veff (wave) We know that this results from a particle or energy appears and propagates in spacetime. It is that effect bump in RBG. As it appears the multi-folds result that linearized / quantized GR associates to gravi- 95 into attractive Veff that appears or is perturbed. The tons . For us, the graviton is rather the effect of the d’Alembertian wave equation (matched to the energy multi-fold mappings for the virtual particles emitted momentum tensor (of matter)) correspond to a wave by the source. It is also possible that the model we of Veff , in norm and direction, due to the dynamics of propose is correct but rather only associated to the the multi-folds based on the perturbation: (i) due to propagation of Veff in spacetime and not due to vir- entangled virtual particles emitted near the bump or tual particle entanglements (other than gravitons); it (ii) due to entanglement between particles created at is not clear at this stage if the interpretation would the place of the bump. The process has spin-2 sym- behave differently in spacetime. It is also possible metry and behaves as if the wave was massless for that all these contributions exist96. Until one worked entanglement of massless virtual or physical parti- in a universe like UMF , it was logical that models in cles (supporting gravity and EPR entanglement) but RBG, modeled the gravitons in RBG; there simply also massive when the particles involved are mas- was no other place where to put the dynamics. In sive. A priori no particle is exchanged in RBG, but this paper we will not further consider these varia- the exchange is rather in the tangent space where tions. the folds are living. Folds do not interact with each other, except may be at entry and exit points (with mappings). So with our current model, multi-folds 5 Selected Impacts on as gravitons do not self-interact even if the equations Physics describing its effect in RBG, and the tensor propa- gator carrying charges (masses) would a priori imply that it does. Until and unless we are forced by other 5.1 Contributions to the Anti de Sit- considerations to add interactions between folds, the ter Saga theory will no more suffer of renormalization and di- vergence problems. Background independence, as The fold-tori of 3D spheres around a particle in UMF we managed to model it, seems to indeed make all are sets of tori wrapping sets of spheres each evolv- the difference as theorized in [248]. ing into cones along a time axis, all tangent to the With our approach and background independence, time & tori/momentum space. This is shown by fig- we can drop self-interactions. It probably provides ure 8. These cones are always present for physi- cal and virtual particles as they propagate and in- hints on how other theories can formulate entangle- 97 ments at their level or scale94. teract . In a multi-fold universe UMF , particles are One could take exception to our proposal that the surrounded in their proper reference frame (i.e. fol- lowing them), and at the level of the activated folds EPR entanglement of virtual particle generates grav- µ µ ity, despite the analysis done so far and the results RF (x ) ∈ Bactiv(x ), by a portion of tangent uni- that we recovered. It would amount to insisting that a verse looking a lot like an (or a set of) anti de sitter separate carrier (the graviton) lives in spacetime and space(s) with the t parameter as extra time, or scale, carries the interaction. That is exactly the linearized dimension. Indeed for a given momentum to handle, gravity perturbative approach with all its problems. 95And why gravity is the weakest interaction at semi clas- Our approach addresses these problems by elimi- sical or classical scales due to the main effect occurring nating that option and explaining gravity differently. outside spacetime. The story is more complicated at smaller That is really the cusp of our proposal once we have scales and we will discuss it later. 96As will be shown later, the multi-fold contributions as- 94We keep on adding these last words, because theories sociated to EPR would still amount to gravity (i.e. be as- like QFT or even strings are still not the fundamental theo- sociated to quanta of spacetime). Even such an approach ries of nature (at least in their current form). Also, in UMF , would be worth investigating further to decide if variations Quantum Physics is not the same at Planck scale physics or coexistence of these models would make sense. as we will discuss later. 97And at the center of mass of EPR entangled particles.

35 good reasons, as we know that AdS spacetime so- lutions of Einstein GR equations are unstable with matter resulting into black holes [452]: such space- time may never physically exist. Even more interest- ing is that many physics models and computations, including those trying to extend QFT with renormal- izable theories and CFT [44, 274], (superstrings, su- pergravity and quantum gravity have been developed in greater details in, or in relationship with, Anti de Sitter spaces98. Alternatively, projections (e.g. holo- graphic principles) or infinite asymptotic behaviours are considered as modelling our spacetime; but they are mostly conjectures within AdS(5) and especially outside it (e.g. in positive curvature spacetime). Anti-de sitter should ring a bell for anybody fa- miliar with CFT and strings. Indeed, with AdS(5), we encounter the famous duality conjecture between N = 4 (maximally) Supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) in four dimensions and type IIB string theory on AdS(5) ⊗S5 [142], where a geometry of a N = 4 SYM Figure 8: Cones of folds built by wrapping the spheres can be seen as the holographic representation of evolving with t tangent to UMF . AdS(5); leading to an intersect of superstring theories and CFT, i.e. renormalized QFT. It is the ”AdS/CFT correspondence” conjecture that has had many im- the spheres, evolving in t, live at in a 4-D spacetime pacts across physics; everywhere QFT or rather CFT with a (1(time),3(space)) type of metric: they are trav- theory applies [275], including solid states [141]. The elled by the paths computed in the Path Integrals on original paper is [138] (see also [137, 276] and sim- µ Bactiv(x ) in time and in space (and it is repeated for plified overview scan be found at: [139, 140]). Al- µ all possible momentum). So Bactiv(x ) can be seen though just a conjecture, it has been repeatedly val- µ as tangent to spacetime at each particle xt (where t idated as consistent or providing useful, and some- is τ, the proper time for the particle) in a bigger anti times unintuitive results in many settings. Essen- de sitter (with 2-(time) and 3-(Space) dimensions) or tially QFT/CFT describing particles in a N dimen- AdS(5) space [135]. And so, UMF ⊂ (RBG ⊗AdS(5)), sional space (Yang Mills N = 4 maximally supersym- where AdS(5) has isometry group SO(3,2) symmetry metric) can be seen as projections of superstrings and is isotropic. and string theory living on the inside of AdS(5); and The apparition of AdS(5) around every physical or yes, this include quantized gravity (strongly coupled). virtual particle, tangent to spacetime RBG, is cer- In fact, it has been shown that, under particular tainly worth pausing, even if just the result of the conditions of large degrees of freedom and strong time parametrization of the folds on which the space- coupling then (strongly coupled) gravity in AdS(5) time paths are computed. (and other dimensions) can be projected onto weakly In our model, nothing imposed that (multi-)folds coupled QFT (conformant field of CFT) in a 4 di- in AdS(5) or that AdS(5) spacetime follows GR. The mensional Minkowski pseudo Riemannian spacetime first fact emerges, the second remains possible but without gravity. The conformance conjecture comes not required. It is interesting that Anti de Sitter from the hypothesis of angle invariance (even if scales spaces are also the maximally symmetrical solution can be changed). A good simplified overview is pre- of Einstein equations with a negative curvature (as a (1,3) time space) and with a negative cosmologi- 98Attempts to shakily extrapolate to non-anti de sitter’s cal constant [136]. A negative curvature is some- spaces have been usually not too rigorous (for example: thing that our approach cannot generate by the EPR [309, 14]); sometimes with success but often with contro- entanglement multi-folds processes. It may be for versies and mistakes.

36 sented in [141]. Higher dimensions cases can be )folds reminisce of closed strings as gravitons en- found discussed in [142, 139]. countered in superstring theory and living in neg- Our model illustrates links between UMF and ative curvature spacetime (e.g. AdS(5). Most mathe- AdS(5). From this we will later discuss the CFT/AdS matically developed models, and per the string land- correspondence for UMF . We will also show its im- scape analysis, seem to restrict viable realistic super- plications for the string landscape vs. swampland string models to negative curvature spacetime (e.g. [61] and, demonstrate the holographic principles in [94]), in agreement with our findings. So, potentially, 99 its suitable form for UMF and RBG. the multi-fold mechanism can then be seen as a way So far, the existing party line in Physics is that that brings anti de sitter spacetime around any par- anti de sitter universe gives some good approxima- ticle and could explains how their creation and be- tions (with exact forms), analogies, intuition, map- haviour can be modelled by superstring theories. For pings and understanding of how (particles – remem- example, the RBG could provide a D-brane where ber, as explained, conventional QFT has a problem the string associated to the particle attaches to char- with them; but we address it in our multi-fold uni- acterize it in the local anti de Sitter manifold102.A verse), QFT / CFT and superstrings (in AdS(5) or Multi-fold universe with positive curvature and gravi- higher dimension versions) concepts relates by pro- tons or superstrings living only in negative curva- jecting the superstrings that describe them onto the ture AdS(5) spacetime as predicted and restricted boundary surface of AdS(5) (i.e. our universe). Inter- by our model and superstring theory shows surpris- estingly, while much is still work in progress, a string ingly a lot of consistency between the conclusions of theory of gravity in the Anti de Sitter spacetime of di- approaches that are or at least appeared initially so mension D can be a QFT (or particle) theory without different. gravity in the lower (D − 1) dimension spacetime. Furthermore, we just established that RBG can Yet in our multi-fold universe UMF , gravity may be be flat, i.e. without gravity, and multi-folds or gravi- explained with multi-folds and anti de sitter spaces tons live outside (i.e. in AdS(5)). This starts to also naturally appear tangent wherever and whenever look a lot like the AdS/CFT correspondence. If RBG particles are created, present and entangled. is flat without gravity and gravity (gravitons) are in An interpretation is that physical and virtual par- AdS(5) impacting RBG through the folds and map- ticles are being surrounded by such AdS(5), result- ping, then mapping involved in the fold mechanism ing from the activated bundles of folds (i.e. AdS(5) may also relate to the correspondence and / or holo- µ is embedding them) Bactiv(x ). RBG is tangent to graphic models. And. . . we recover the weak/no AdS(5) and it represents the conditions required for gravity vs. strongly coupled gravity in AdS(5) duality. Yang Mills conformant fields as projected images of In fact, with gravity in AdS(5), yet the effect of gravity 5 (+5 or 6) dimensional superstrings. This happens through the attractive effective potentials, we have a at the location of any particle and for every type of renormalizable story for gravity while no gravity in particles and so, superstrings could be hinted by the spacetime. On could interpret this way why we meet µ Bactiv(x ) plus additional superstring properties de- CFTs instead of WFTs in the AdS/CFT correspon- termining what particle is associated to it (e.g. think dence conjecture and see that Veff is the result of an of the string vibration). So fundamentally, we in- holographic effect (implemented by the mappings). vert100 some of the duality use cases and infer su- These thoughts on superstrings in the last few perstrings in AdS(5) +S5 (possibly+1)101. paragraphs, shows hypothetical ways for compati- Links to superstring-based gravity is a different bility or possible links between these theories and question. In the same spirit, we note that (multi- multi-fold . Nothing in the multi-fold uni- verse model requires that these other theories be cor- 99 As well as an entropy Area law for suitable surfaces in rect. But it is captivating to see AdS(5) and super- spacetime of RBG. strings become relevant to UMF . 100This is just to discuss the breadth of possibilities that have opened. With these are not necessarily suggesting that We also note that the angular invariance under this is what happens. But it would be interesting to see where that thought process would lead Physics and super- 102We are not saying that it is what happens. We are just strings. exploring what may be worth looking at in the context of 101 e.g. For M-Theory superstrings considering what we derived in UMF .

37 scaling [141, 276] is exactly what is also behind our properties, kinematics or dynamics or spacetime derivation of AdS(5) tangent to any particle: the where they appear) (see 4.8) or simply different mech- time-like parametrization of the folds can be seen as anisms. For example, we could find other ways or changing the scale (which changes lengths but not postulates that generate an effective potential Veff 1 the angles). As a result, position of the folds is linked between particles in r without multi-folds in order to its growth speed and speed of the attached parti- to explain gravity. Yet, non-fold-based mechanisms cles. This has strong implications that we will review may not be linked to effective curvatures without later as in our AdS(5), at least at the level of multi- some additional considerations and they may not i) folds, we will have non zero commutators between imply or explain a link to entanglement105 ii) provide operators of coordinates (the spacetime positions): a the same type of resolution to nonlocality. Of course, sign of uncertainty when quantized as well as non- i) could be maintained (i.e. introducing the alterna- commutative geometry, something also met in super- tive mechanisms also for entanglement) if we forsake string theory and often a sign of a discrete spacetime. the desire to give an intuitive explanation to their in- troduction. 5.2 Nonlocality 5.3 Multi-folds and Spin Bell had already argued and provided a formalism that demonstrates nonlocality in quantum physics Although widely accepted and validated as an essen- [5, 467, 258, 100, 257, 265]. We have discussed it tial quantum property of particles, individual and in section 4.1. However, Bell does not explain the composite, spin and its origin still remain to a large source of non-locality. extent mysterious [389]. Attempt at explaining it In a multi-fold universe UMF , non-locality is re- today still lead to different models. It is in par- solved by the activated folds that links seemingly ticular common that spin be justified as a purely unconnected EPR entangled particles: by allowing relativistic concept emerging from adding relativity paths outside RBG, information can be exchanged to quantum mechanics to make it emerge from the 103 between particles distant in RBG but located at Dirac equation, through the spinors. That explana- ν the same point y(t) in one or multiples of the folds tion is not necessarily the full story. Yes, Dirac and µ in Bactiv(x ). All this without supra luminosity. Klein Gordon equations can be derived by imposing de Broglie and Bohm have tried to explain the non- that Lagrangian behave well under Lorentz transfor- locality concepts and the challenges in causality with mations (rotations and boost) and constructing the the notions of (especially for rel- group representations. Yet, it has been shown that ativistic particles) [467, 144]. Albeit not reviving the spin can be derived the same way from manipulating hypotheses or derivation of [144] and the works de- Schrodinger’s¨ equation to linearize it (just as Dirac scribed in [467, 144], our approach can be seen as equation linearizes the Klein Gordon equation) [391]: deriving nonlocal quantum potentials to Schrodinger,¨ it appears that spin more fundamentally results from Klein Gordon and Dirac equations and demonstrate enforcing first order spatial derivative dependency, non-locality as a result of these non-local quantum and fermions/spinors can also appear as represen- potential. tations of Galilean transformations. Interestingly and following our motivation for the It is not all, different analysis of relativistic quan- folds, the approach to provide nonlocality is by pro- tum mechanics / QFT also lead to different views viding locality in the folds104; thereby offering an when trying to go beyond, i.e. more physical, the imaginative way to reconcile the apparently irrecon- point of view that spin results from angular mo- cilable. mentum conservation and representations of Lorentz As an alternate variation to our approach of multi- transformations and that this is all there is to know. fold universe UMF , we already admitted that one At best, it results into considering that spin is an could try to find other fold mechanisms (different internal or inherent (i.e. non orbital and non- mechanical/kinetic) angular momentum. It is widely 103i.e. within the wave function. 104This is a key aspect missing in the ER=EPR conjecture 105Which may be more rapidly falsifiable, explains the prin- and related work. ciple of equivalence and attraction-only feature of gravity.

38 accepted; but it does not explain everything; it is just Interestingly, it allows us to treat spin as a different a phenomenological and mathematical explanation. kind of rotation that the non-point particle while still Yet it has been shown that spin can be viewed as a having a physical meaning. The entry point behavior circulation of energy or momentum in the wave func- then relates closely to the torsion at entry, which also tion [392, 393, 394, 395], i.e. a physical effect. Not hints that, as mathematically known, torsion and much more can rotate in a point particle world. Note spin relate and can couple or interact. Yes, the ex- that [395] presents compelling arguments that this planation is more a handwaved curiosity, but it aims point of view works in recovering properties of the at emphasizing that the multi-fold model is not that electron spin. implausible. Unfortunately, with just a semi-classic A way to picture these results could be as the theory, we cannot detail why spin is quantized nor rotation of the wavefunction itself; but what if the when a pattern is to be applied. That is, at this level, wavefunction is unphysical as usually admitted? In what is intrinsic to a particle (type). a multi-fold universe UMF , the folds surrounding a particle could be rotating spacetime locally. This is illustrated in figure 9, where we can see that differ- 6 Macroscopic and Other En- ent spins can be obtained with different ways to dis- tribute of entry of the folds. If patterns are followed tanglements this way (or other variations), we could have a physi- cal interpretation for the physical momentum or cur- In this section, we extend the discussion of en- rent discovered above106 tanglement to macroscopic or macroscopically man- ageable systems. This is what is sometimes called quantum matter [141], defined as forms of matter where the effects of entanglement are manifest on the macroscopic scale, and with entirely different phys- ical properties than when no macroscopic entangle- ment takes place [141]. Quantum matter covers su- perconductors, superfluids, Einstein Bose conden- sate, strange metals [285] etc. A list can be found in [141]. Good examples would most probably come from states of matter that display behaviours that directly result from quantum physics and entangle- ment. For example, Bose Einstein Condensates [145] have been shown to be significantly “entangled”, no matter what their realization is [120]. Figure 9: It illustrates possible patterns of distribution of how entangled virtual particles could enter paths in the One of our hope is that we may be able to pre- activated folds to provide different spins (by rotating the dict behaviours that can be validated experimentally spacetime around the folds). The virtual particles are or could at least hint if a multi-fold universe could dominated by virtual photons with two possible polarities match Ureal. (R and L). Entries can be along the grand circle along the Of course the easiest way to check if EPR entan- direction of propagation of the virtual particles or orthogonal (to have independent contributions). With a glement generates gravity like attractive potentials not yet quantized model for gravity, this can be in any would be to EPR entangle macroscopic objects. The direction as virtual particles are emitted in an isotropic size of what can be entangled is increasing rapidly manner and the criteria for one pattern to another are not [375, 374, 474], and so, it may become possible explained other than for symmetries of (a) 360◦ for bosons to have system large enough to offer a detectable ◦ vs. b) 720 for fermions, where entry patterns and gravity-like effect. polarizations of the photons have to be considered. A more complete compilation and analysis of rel- evant entanglement examples and how they are im- 106Rotating non-point particles are of course alternatives. As no quantification of folds has taken place this is not a pacted in UMF is for future work. Many more exam- good candidate to explain why only certain quantized spin ples are worth discussing beyond the few compiled exist and why. below.

39 6.1 Superconductors symmetry breaking (a la Higgs107) with massive pho- tons and penetration depth effects [286, 157]. Good examples of macroscopic entanglement effect For the purpose of this paper, we assume that low are superconductors where Cooper’s or BCSpairs temperature superconductors are characterized by of entangled electrons (low temperature) (created by macroscopic lattice wide BCS pairing. In higher tem- phonons interactions across macroscopic lattices) perature superconductors, the wave function transi- [146] and Bose Einstein Condensation of (preformed) tion (at the BCS-BEC cross over [155]) to a conden- BCS electron pairs and among pairs and pairs of sate of BCS pairs way tighter [149] (e.g. on the site of pairs (e.g. possibly for higher temperature supercon- super atoms [150]). At lower temperatures, electrons ductors) provide the superconductivity behaviours come and go into widely spread pairs [149]. [141, 147, 148, 149]. Low temperature supercon- In our multi fold universe UMF , folds are activated ductors typically involve BCS pairs. Higher tem- between the pairs (when the pair exist) creating an 1 perature superconductors cross over from phonon attractive effective potential in r towards the center based lattice wide scale (i.e. many cells of the lat- of gravity of the pairs that is actually spread from one tice as much as 104 times the lattice interspacing) electron to the other by phonons (or possibly other in- BCS pairings to BECs of tight BCS pairs (with an termediaries in higher temperature superconductors interim BCS-BEC cross over). The exact mecha- as the jury is still out on being able to model that as nism(s) of formation of these pairs in higher temper- complex phonons or differently). The entanglement ature superconductors are not yet agreed upon nor is most probably involving these intermediaries (e.g. is it explicitly expected that they would be the same exchanges of entangled phonons) but the end result in the different types of high temperature supercon- amounts to the same. This continuous exchange ductors [151]. They include models with more com- back and forth of phonons to maintain entanglement plex phonon exchanges than just lattice vibrations as is why we believe we have more direct entanglement in low temperature BCS, spin or magnon coupling, (not hierarchical) or at least appearing as if direct sites on super atoms [150] etc. to support of en- (electron to phonon / phonon to electron). For high tanglement and formation of BCS pairs in BEC of temperature superconductors, we believe the tighter the higher temperature superconductivity. Because pairs also argue for direct entanglement. Of course pair entanglements are tighter, the attraction mech- this could be wrong, and attraction may only occur anisms are stronger (stronger coupling) than in the between electron and phonons (or whatever carries lower temperature BCS cases, which renders pertur- the entanglement). In general ,this should probably bative methods more problematic, coupled with the come along with attraction and the mechanisms we renormalization problems encountered with the re- described. lated Anderson- [152]. This has led to Attraction comes and goes in waves as new elec- the introduction of new models and in particular the trons are paired and others leave the pair (and as notions of holographic superconductor models where entangled phonons are exchanged). The attraction an analog to the AdS/CFT duality is exploited by does not really reach beyond the maximum radius analogy to what we have described earlier for QFT to of the entangled BCS pairs and surrounding the su- model strongly coupled fields (BCS Pairs in BEC) with perconductor as the pairs never “leave” the supercon- low coupled fields and a gravity effect in an (Asymp- ductor material to spread further. Attraction is rel- totically) AdS universe; something that can be com- atively consistent towards the center of mass of the pleted with variational principles (because of the low semi-conductor. In BEC, the pairs are way tighter, coupling) [141, 153, 154]. It can reproduce many of which means even shorter range than BCS effects the thermodynamics and phase transitions observed but stronger attraction. Overall the attractions are in high temperature superconductors. It is also in- spread all over the superconductor material as, in teresting that this also showed that low temperature general, the pairs are not really identifiable; they be- BCS is with elemental superconductor as associated have as a set of similar particles. Cross-pairs entan- to s-wave electrons, while higher temperatures also glement it-self depend on the entanglement mech- involve p-, d- and f-waves resulting into p-, d- and f- symmetries of the pairing. The London effects as- 107In fact it was an inspiration for the Englert-Brout-Higgs- sociated to superconductor can be seen as involving Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanism.

40 anism. It may be associated to multi-folds, but it sibly able to exist at a slightly higher temperature) may also include hierarchical behaviours without ad- and localized BEC pairs able to also form at slightly ditional entanglement effective potentials. lower temperature and last till above slightly higher The short range (limited to the superconductor and temperatures. But all these effects will be small and possibly its immediate neighbourhood) of the grav- probably undetectable for ages, at least. Finally if ity like effect coincidentally match some claims fo- BCS pairs and BEC pairs are hierarchical, we believe cused on superconductors to study gravitons found that the entanglement between electrons of the pair in fringe literature108. and the carrier of the pairing will be direct and gener- With gravitons potentially related to multi-folds ate these fluctuations. Yet the analysis in this para- and the propagation of gravity like effects with su- graph may not hold. perconductors at speeds lower than c, superconduc- It would be especially interesting to see if any tors would contain massive gravitons in UMF and attractive potentials or gravity like fluctuations ap- we would have a stronger attraction within High pear near the latest most exotics superconductors Temperature superconductors (noting of course that like magic-angle graphene superlattices [158] and in this is theoretical and that gravitons have not yet compressed hydrogen turned into a metal [159, 160] been formally introduced (no quantization yet) in our or twisted graphene layers as in [287]. multi fold universe model). [156] argues the same As far as we know, such attractive forces are not based on their experiments. Within the weak grav- modelled in any existing theories of superconductiv- ity field approximation and associated gravitoelec- ity and other Bose Einstein condensates besides the tromagnetic linearized approximation of GR109, as considerations and experiments mentioned above. in [227, 302, 303]. Repeating the arguments of [156, 157], we could envisage that statistical effects in superconductors could distort (i.e. create gravity- 6.2 Other Quantum Materials like fluctuations) with some of the massive gravitons It is for future works to study the impact of other if the entangled pairs are made to move to the sur- examples of quantum matter [141], BEC, superflu- face via rotation of the material and/or with mag- ids, strange metal etc. But in general the principle netic fields because of spontaneous vacuum symme- is the same: whenever the material behaviour is due try breaking in the solid - e.g. due to frame drag- to entanglement (direct – not hierarchical), there will ging (which can also be derived in UMF by working appear (gravity like) attractive potentials and fluctu- in the rotating frame). It would be analogous to the ations between the entangled entities and within the London current for electromagnetism met in super- material. The distribution of the potential depends conductors that expels magnetic field and creates a on how entanglement is taking place and distributed London’s moment [157]. This aspect is speculative in the material. and based on the idea that the folds would be mas- sive gravitons and be sensible to such effects. [156] reports some possible observations110 of gravity (like) 6.3 Big Bang’s Primordial Soup of effects near rotating superconductors in a (strong) Quark Gluon Plasma magnetic field. These fluctuating attractive potentials should also The quark gluon plasma (QGP) [164] is a state of mat- contribute to the pair consistency/attraction help- ter in (QCD) that exists ing combat the coulomb repulsion (in addition to at extremely high temperature and/or density. It is the gravity also contributed as attraction per our believed to have existed as primordial soup associ- model), albeit tiny, and other effects that may other- ated to the Big Bang. In the chronology of the big wise weaken the pairs; beyond what has so far be es- bang, QGP characterizes the dominant state of the timated: it increases the coupling both of BCS (pos- universe after inflation [167, 165] – assuming that inflation existed 111. 108They can be found by searching the internet. Evidence has been presented that it could exist in 109Note that it’s for an helicity +/- 1 or spin-1 graviton, so the core of massive neutron stars [496], where the one should be careful on what it means exactly [304]. 110However much of related works do not seem to be in 111We do not try to argue if big bang is inflation or post mainstream physics inflation. It is a question of definition.

41 effects, that we predict due to entanglement, could conditions that privilege certain directions of entan- significantly increase the gravity effect, considering glement, which will have an additional contribution the scales and masses involved. in that direction) that propagates as a wave (at the QCD is highly entangled and behaving like a per- speed of the entangled particles) in RBG. It can fect liquid and often like a BEC [161, 162]. QGP sometimes be unlimited in range (defined by the in- has also been reconstructed in particle accelera- volved entangled particles in some cases, potentially tors [163, 164]. As in all the other cases, entan- as far as c allows it to go otherwise). glement creates Veff attractive potentials within the The gravity effective potential from one particle QGP plasma – a potential noteworthy future experi- propagates at the speed of the virtual or entangled mentation when studying QGP. particles (≤ c) in RBG. Macroscopically, the resulting potential is also pro- portional to the amount of particle presents, their 6.4 Trapped ions and other types of masses or energies (that creates localized particles). Qubits in Quantum Computing For massive particles, it is proportional to the mass that contribute to the potential. Quantum computing relies on manipulating entan- The contribution matches the expectations of New- glement of elements or between Qubits [168]. ton law of gravity at large distances and for reason- The art of building quantum computer is the art of able speeds of masses/ energies and recovers average building robust, reliable, and efficient mechanisms or effective Ricci curvature scalar proportional to en- to manipulate the Qubits and keep them entangled ergy or mass present in spacetime (i.e. Einstein’s GR long enough, or in known or measurable states. field equations). We derived them in section 4.8. As the components of the Qubits are entangled, So far, in our proposed multi fold universe UMF , attractive potentials appear between them in UMF . gravity appears through the Veff contributions to the Measuring such fluctuation of gravity like forces Lagrangian or Action (and an average effective Ricci would be a worthy endeavour. Note however that + a direction capturing the contri- when Qubits are entangled with other Qubits, attrac- bution to the Ricci tensor). It is not the result of tive potential will only appear when the entanglement an omnipresent field against a static background. It is non-hierarchical as discussed before. So, if the at- is instead the result of the additional activated folds tractive Veff potential can be detected it should also and their curvatures in spacetime added to the paths be possible to detect its absence in direct entangle- in RBG. For us, gravity results from these additional ment and its absence (as result of force composition) paths associated to all the activated folds; not from in hierarchical cases. additional terms in the action or the Lagrangian; It relates also to the notion of non-observability even if it is equivalent to adding such a potential Veff of entanglement [87] already mentioned earlier on. to the Lagrangian and equations of motion. While entanglement is not observable, its effect in Indeed, the Lagrangian addition coming from our the form of Veff is and will at some point be a use- model is: ful feature for quantum computing if applicable to Ureal. Unfortunately, today, the intensity is beyond the reach of measurements. It will remain so for Ltotal = LSM + LGravity−with−MF + LEPR + LOthers... probably a long time. (22) In equation (22), the first term is the Standard Model Lagrangian [97, 172]. The second term re- 7 Gravity sults from our derivation of gravity in our multi- fold universe . The third term captures the gravity 7.1 Gravity emergence from Entan- like attraction resulting from entanglement. The last glement & no supra luminosity term captures any other effects or interactions not yet modelled in physics and coupling gravity to matter We have seen that in a multi fold universe UMF , en- fields (e.g. Fermion spin coupling (and possibly tor- tangled particles generate an attractive effective po- sion) as in [294, 290, 293, 291, 296, 25]; something 1 tential in r , often isotropic (unless if associated to that is not discussed or modeled further as part of

42 this paper). We suspect that this last term is proba- all start from Hilbert-Einstein action. If you start bly not null. from the Hilbert-Einstein action; that it be in a back- ground dependent or independent case; of course you will recover one way or another Einstein’s GR PI = PI (S , ψ) totalSF RBGSF SM field equations and of course you will recover an area Z (23) law (for horizons - see later114, as well as spin-2 gravi- + ∝ PIBactiv SF (S(γ), Ψ)Dγ Γ tons!). Bactiv It is also to be clear that the GR field equations and The second term Veff are complemented by Veff (MassiveV P ) from the Z massive virtual particle contribution that amount

= PIM(γ)SF (∆SB(M(γ), ψ)Dγ to increasing progressively the coupling constant of Γ R ∩M−1Γ BG Bactiv gravity as the distance from the source is within the + {O(Jacobian) = 0} range of more and more massive virtual particles. (24) Similarly, LEntanglement is proportional to relativis- µ Where ∆SB(M(γ), ψ) is essentially the difference tic Veff (EPR) defined as the contributions from x1 µ between and x2 of the terms as in equation 20. Depending Lagrangian/Action mapped back from folds to RBG on what particles are entangled, effects propagate a minus the existing contribution on RBG and we have c or slower. This is not gravity per se. However, it seen that it contributes to LGravity−with−MF with a may have large-scale effects that look like gravity as Veff (Grav) (contributed by all other energy entities / we will see later. masses further than an uncertainty ball and that has At this stage we know: been able to reach a given point with Veff adjusted for • For classical, semi classical and quantum simple relativity effects due to motion and possible scales, we have already discussed that the massless behaviours).). The Jacobian leads to zero multi-fold mechanism is: extra contributions as the mapping is built to match momentum in RBG to the folds. – spin-2 invariant, which hints at spin-2 The Path Integral formulation of quantum me- gravitons if/when our framework is quan- chanics and field theory in a multi-fold universe UMF tized but living in AdS(5). leads to Einstein GR equations (See 4.8). EPR en- – violating T symmetry (time-reversal) and tanglement effects are similarly modeled. What is other combinations of C, P and T symme- interesting is that, at quantum scales, gravity is the tries (see 4.5). result of preventing supra luminous propagators, en- – Possibly violating CPT . tangled virtual particles emitted near a source of en- ergy or particle and EPR entanglement. It is derived • The approach is background independent and from quantum physics and it is not just a perturba- as such it does not suffer of problems related tive result or a macroscopic or statistical result as are to self-interactions (matters add contributions to 112 QFT as well as GR effective potentials and effective curvature and This derivation results solely from the rules (folds multi-folds or graviton live outside spacetime). and nothing supra luminous) of UMF . It is not the re- • Frame dragging, as described in gravitoelectro- sult of a priori using, adapting or extending Hilbert- magnetism [227, 302, 303] and mentioned in Einstein action as is done in (QFT gravity, super- section 6.1, as well as linear frame dragging, is strings and theories like LQG (the whole family of hinted and explained from the multi-fold mech- variations as for examples reviewed in [243]113) that anism for virtual particles. Indeed, virtual par- 112Later, we will also derive GR from Statistical Physics / ticles emitted by a rotating solid contribute folds Thermodynamics considerations of our model. Veff ; but on a straight line, the higher r items 113Indeed, do not forget that the area / deficit angle etc. come from particles in the direction of rotation from Regge Calculus used by the reconstructive methods while the smaller r contributions come from the are actually the result of discretizing the Hilbert-Einstein action [23] and / or extremizing the area (making it invari- 114Superstrings only recover it for exotic black holes in ex- ant). otic spaces (i.e. AdS).

43 others direction. They bring a contribution tan- ple with the fold curvature; with the option of gent in the direction of rotation, close to the ro- a torsion less or torsion impact within the fold tating item. It is illustrated in Figure 10. A sim- [302, 294, 304, 290, 293, 291, 296, 25]. For ilar effect of linear frame dragging also exists; this paper, in the folds, we assume only usage we discussed ideas of it with the discussion on of spin connection without torsion. gravity from a massless particle. • The Path Integrals are (locally) Lorentz covariant methods. Locally, all computations in RBG and in folds are covariant, as are the events and fold kinematics or dynamics: everything is relative. However, the ”simultaneity” of the events may not be Lorentz invariants outside the frames we considered. In general, in the presence of mat- ter (real, virtual or vacuum), there is a break of the global Lorentz symmetry that announces the massless or massive graviton if / when the the- ory is quantized. When RBG is flat, global sym- metries can exist in the absence of matter or en- ergy. When matter or energy is added, the folds contribute curvatures in such a way that gauge Figure 10: In the rotating frame the integration from +∞, symmetries or diffeomorphism are no more glob- the virtual particles contribute attraction that has a tangential component in an external inertial frame. The ally invariants, in agreement with [361, 362]. particles contributing to a line are symbolically shown. It also announces a massless graviton associ- The contribution of the particle coming from the direction ated to virtual particles (if or opposite to the rotation dominates. Close enough to the when quantized). Traditionally the viewpoint on rotating body, it brings a Veff contribution in the direction the origin of massless gravitons is not agreed of rotation. upon. See [305, 306] for some points of view when quantizing GR. The contributions of mas- • Multi-folds are curved spacetime, which a priori sive virtual particles modify at very short scales could lead to problems as, in a curved space- (reachable by these virtual particles) by adding time, the number of particles and the ground their (gradual) contributions. The same reason- state depend on the referential and would be dis- ing as presented above applies and we are pre- agreed upon by different observers . However, dicting that a ”massive” very short scale version with respect to the center of mass referential the of GR also appears along with massive gravi- 115 folds are spherically symmetric. They produce tons, if and when quantized . EPR multi-fold no time-dependencies of the metrics, no time- mechanisms are also associated to massive or space cross terms [177] and any time depen- massless gravity-like behaviours but anisotropic dency (i.e. which fold to consider) is not affecting (unless if produced by isotropic sources of en- the model because it amounts to fold shuffling tanglement). They are an addition to gravity that µ also involves massless or massive gravitation be- or shifting of their time label in Bactiv(xCM ) for virtual particles. For EPR entanglement, there havior if or when quantized. is a time dependency of the folds and their or- 115 der. All this implies no spacetime cross terms a` la [307, 377, 376], which showed that such a model can be consistent with a massive quantization of GR, but modifying the number of particles in the folds in our case with expected very small scale range (For mas- because of the curvature [171] for virtual parti- sive virtual particles) instead of the large scale considered cle surround effects. If/when quantized, we can in that reference and in addition to the massless gravity expect massive bosons to appear in the presence contribution of conventional (quantized) GR. EPR entan- of EPR entanglement of massive particles. gled massive particles and macroscopic entanglement, as in quantum matter effects extend to the range of the entan- • As we proposed earlier, no interaction is tak- gled particles; but it is a phenomenon that is in addition to ing place in the folds. However, spins may cou- gravity.

44 • The absolute no supra luminous requirement the debate unfolding in [176]. Indeed, we show that may not break the global ground state invari- gravity results from enabling entanglement. So de- ance under Lorentz transformations. In addi- tecting entanglement as proposed may be the result tion, different observers will see different num- of gravity or other entanglement enablement. But ber of particles and not agree on the vacuum yes, in our view, it could demonstrate the quantum when matter or energy is present and generi- nature of gravity. cally distributed (see [171] so that metric of the Let us now discuss selected other views and works resulting curved space approximation of the ef- on gravity that relate to our work. fects of all their effective relativistic potentials Veff on RBG is time dependent (which happens if distributions are not static) or introduces time- 7.2 MOND space terms. In a multi fold universe UMF , our approach and • By construction, the approach and model pro- derivation of gravity is not a MOND [178], even with posed is not perturbative: the theory of UMF the gradual massive gravity contribution (mostly at 116 is fundamentally a microscopic as well as a very small scale) and gravity like (but anisotropic) macroscopic model and semi classical consider- contributions from EPR entanglements. We do not ations can go down to very small scales when dispute that other contributions to gravity might ex- dealing with the rest of QFT ist, but they would not result from our model; un- The formulation of equation (24) strongly indicates less something special happens at the level of entan- that gravity effect Actions, Hamiltonians and La- glement across the universe; something that indeed grangian densities depends only on the relativistic may happen with as we will discuss later. Veff distributions. These are functions of the Ricci A gravity weakening due to massive gravity does not curvature scalar of the folds and lead to Einstein appear at very large scale and so it is not a weak- Equation, when keeping out entanglements between ening of newton gravity at very large scale as is the EPR entangled particles as well as massive virtual concept and motivation for what is usually classified particles gravity contributions. The contributions to as MOND. the Lagrangian (densities) is a sum (integral) of rel- So, in a multi-fold universe UMF , gravity at large ativistic Veff potentials (densities) which is a distri- scale follows strictly GR and when suitable Newton bution of Ricci scalar curvature contributions from gravity. However, we know that we have also intro- all the activated folds. We showed in section 4.8 that duced an attractive potential resulting from entan- it provides a new effective Ricci curvature scalar and glement. This component adds to traditional grav- tensor and that the Hilbert-Einstein action reflects ity. We do not see it as modifying gravity but rather actually that scalar. Another consequence of the rea- adding a different contribution to nature. At long soning and construction of the action is that Hilbert- range it may explain dark matter as we will discuss Einstein action is the correct action and not a first later. order approximation in R as sometimes proposed [23, 300, 298, 299, 25, 308, 295, 294, 297](and many more proposals exist and keep on coming). Earlier, 7.3 Entropic emergence of gravity we also showed a possible additional microscopic tor- We already mentioned emergent theories. Our whole sion (that may or may not exist). When considered, motivation for revisiting and publishing our multi- it removes all gravity singularities from UMF and its fold universe model came from reading the widely cosmology and supports Big Bounce solutions. publicized [11] concepts of entropic emergence of As a side note, it is worth mentioning that, in a gravity and how it would explain gravity, dark matter multi fold universe UMF , the proposed lab experi- and dark energy as a statistical (i.e. entropic) effect ment to validate gravity as a quantum force [174, of entanglement at different scales [14]. From the be- 175] may probably not answer or confirm what they ginning we thought that the concept resonated with expect and for other reasons than what is argued in our model, yet the models are different. 116Down to quantum scales - where quantum physics ap- Entropic emergent gravity describes gravity as an plies; not down to Planck scales as we will proposed later. . i.e. subject to quantum-level disorder

45 and therefore no more as a . ment generates an entropic force that encodes entan- Instead gravity would result from the quantum en- glement information. Instead, gravity results from tanglement of small bits of spacetime information. As multi-fold activation due to entanglement. These such, it would also follow the (second) law(s) of ther- multi-folds create effective attractive potentials by modynamics. It is to be noted that in our view, the contributing additional effective curvature to space- inspiration and origin really comes from [18], where time, as perceived by other particles. These effects, Einstein’s field equations were derived by combin- when looked at larger scales involving many parti- ing general thermodynamic considerations with the cles or field/energy densities, reconstruct Einstein . and Newtown gravity at the appropriate classical or Building on works following [18], [14] also provides semi classical scales. So gravity emerges from the a framework to introduce and explain MOND where behaviour of spacetime and GR emerges from statis- gravity would weaken at large scale with the force (not tically large models of particles; but gravity is not an potential) decreasing linearly from the distance of a entropic force (a` la [10]) nor a MOND (a` la [14]): grav- mass beyond a certain scale. [10] also tries to derive ity exists at the microscopic level and results from Newton’s laws and Gravity (Newtonian and General the activation of bundles of folds. Of course, EPR Relativity) by showing that if we have Einstein equiv- entanglement also contributes. alence principle then it all happens because inertia As it results from EPR entanglement, gravity is as is an entropic force. deeply quantum in nature and fundamental as an in- Then, [14] models the entropy of short range (mi- teraction. It results even at the microscopic individ- croscopic) resulting from QFT vacuum field entan- ual level from fundamental quantum behaviour of the glement and large scale (Macroscopic) entanglement multi fold universe. Yes, it is expected to follow the across space-time. It relies on area properties valid laws of thermodynamics as long as they are adapted in Anti de Sitter spaces that it transposes with to the peculiarities created by the multi folds and AdS/CFT correspondence and therefore GR can be derived from thermodynamics arguments, to a de Sitter universe. It a question- per [18]. A full thermodynamics model of our multi- able step, and in fact questioned for example in [309]. fold universe is of course of interest and possible. We The holographic principle for QFT gives area-based will address some of these points soon. entropy contributions that would be overcome by vol- ume based large scale contributions to entropy. With gravity derived as describing the change in entangle- 7.4 Gauss theorem, Area Laws and ment caused by matter (microscopic) and spacetime Holographic Principles in UMF to encode that information as well as describing large scale bulk entanglement that brings in a more elas- Let us know see how some gravity specific theorems tic behaviour, Verlinde derives a MOND and does not evolve or apply in UMF . The spin-2 like rotational axial symmetry of the require dark matter to account for astronomic obser- µ vation challenges that led to the introduction of dark bundle of folds Bactiv(x ) around a particle is a matter [310]. Unfortunately, in our reading of [14] ”stick-like” symmetry. It anticipates spin 2 massless and previous works, we had to make several leaps of and massive particles (if and when quantized). fates [309]. As expected, considering the approach, For now, let us assume only the presence of mass- 118 some observations [181] and models [180, 179] seem less gravity (no EPR particle entanglements and to invalidate some of the assumptions and predic- no massive graviton contributions), somewhere high tions. For example, [179] questions the suitability of enough above Planck scale. We will also perform our this approach and the value to attach to its deriva- analysis and proofs with the approach where all cur- tion of gravity. vature comes from multi-folds and therefore initial 119 Considering the keywords 117 similarities to our conditions are a flat RBG approach, it is probably important to understand 118This is why it is useful to separate EPR Lagrangians the relationship with our model. In a multi fold from gravity terms. universe UMF , we do not propose that entangle- 119The reason being that in Minkowski space, we can rely on straight lines between particles and illustrate more eas- 117Emerging, entanglement, ... ily the reasoning. We believe that in general the reason-

46 a a a x within the surface from within [x1 , x2 ]. This is be- 1 cause of the way that folds contributes (i.e. at x1a: r2 a from r to +∞). The same applies at x2 . It is true no matter how many times we multiply it by mass units of the points insides. So, any surface Σ0 within the volume of Σ and all the entities in the volume in be- tween them brought to Σ0 will appear the same on Σ and beyond. If a mass/energy is within the surface, the flow across Σ0 rather reflects it. This is a way of recovering a version of Gauss divergence theorem120 for gravity [182, 183] in UMF . The same applies for massless sources, which is achieved by repeating the reasoning in the particle proper reference frame. As a result, we also have an holographic principle that maps what happens in a volume to the closed sur- faces encircling it (mapped bijectively via a straight line in U not modelling statistical curvatures). Let us now focus on black holes. We already know that per the approach proposed121 that gravitational singularities do not exactly exist in UMF . They are really resulting out of the approximations: • Continuous model of spacetime instead of dis- crete as discussed later. • Statistical model instead of individual particle representations behind GR and —textbfQFT. Figure 11: If a contributing point is moved between • No model of torsion at classical / macroscopic a a a [x1 , x2 ], the gain or loss of contributing folds felt by x1 is scales. compensate by the loss or gain coming from change on x 2 It is worth wondering why a black hole horizon side. As a result, points can be moved to a more internal surface Σ0 and not change the effect felt on Σ. would still appear in UMF , as each entity contributes bundles of folds. They pile up the contributions at a given point. and these contributions are equivalent to concentrating the mass of all the contributions at Let us first consider a closed surface Σ in space a a a the center (not necessarily at a point but in an un- in UMF . For any two points x and x of Σ. At x , 1 2 1 certainty region of Planck’s scale. We realize rapidly one cannot distinguish the contributions to a point that we can again reach situations where the escape velocity of any entity would have to be larger than ing can be extended to other initial conditions by follow- c. That is forbidden in UMF . So, we still have an ing . However, we do want to avoid problems horizon. This horizon matches the approximations of assumptions that may not always exist when bringing of GR. For example, the escape velocity at c for an in geodesics, Killing fields, proper times and suitable ob- object of mass M is reached at a radius that matches servers. Our initial conditions cover all cases with positive 2GM curvature. Negative curvature would require a negative cur- Schwarzschild radius: rescc = c2 vature initial condition and we cannot escape these chal- (replace c by vesc and we have the escape velocity in lenges. However, most of the theorems below are proven Newtonian gravity)122. in the literature for most similar conditions (with maybe a few more limitations). So we believe it is not that impor- 120It was also already established with the reference [171]. tant to explicitly extend the proofs to ∼AdS(4) (and other 121With the microscopic torsion generated where matter / dimensions) and rather assume that the theorems also ap- energy is or the already announced discreteness of space- ply there. As AdS spacetime as solution of Einstein GR time field equations is unstable with matter, always resulting 122Assuming a static black hole, not accounting for charge into black holes, it does not seem a critical issue [452]. and rotation.

47 their virtual particles that can be ”stored” at the sur- face (where they can live forever as time stops for all the particles there) and hence an area dependency make sense, itself being dependent on the total en- ergy or mass of the black hole. When it comes to boson carrying charges (e.g. electromagnetic, color etc.), they similarly aggregate there. It is a station- ary value for a given total mass of the black hole and lives in the spacetime of the shell resulting from quantum uncertainty. There it adds to the vacuum to produce gravity effects proportional in total to the mass of the black hole. External folds from exter- nal particles have a similar fate at the horizon, and external virtual particles with their folds (and other Figure 12: All the gravity effects of the black hole are carrier bosons) are entangled with virtual bulk par- captured in a shell of constant depth and a surface A. ticles on the outside of the black hole. They make These represent all the gravity or spacetime degrees of the black hole aware of the (negligible) gravity from freedom of the black hole as they (and only these points) these external particles and the external world that generate what is perceived outside the black hole. they represent. So, regarding the widely held view that the entropy of a black hole is the result of entanglement between At the horizon, particles cannot emit anything to- the inside and the outside (e.g. [186], we agree but wards the outside of the black hole as it would re- with some caution about such a view in UMF . In- quire a speed faster the c, which is forbidden in UMF . deed, there is no entanglement between inside and But with the uncertainty principle, a border of length outside of the black hole. There is rather a layer of in- determined by the uncertainty principle (and con- ternally entangled particles, who generate folds, and stant) appears where particles can be emitted. As because of the uncertainty fluctuations of the hori- a result, the black hole is perceived outside its hori- zon; some of them are allowed to escape a la Hawking zon is due entirely and solely to that shell of surface . A and depth δr+~ with δr+~ a constant reflecting the uncertainty principle. As a result, the gravity effect Hawking and others have tried to extend the law of the black hole is entirely produced by this un- to other horizons [315, 318, 18, 316, 314, 317] or certainty vacuous spacetime in the shell. And the even more generically between spacetime volume and gravity effect of the black hole can be also seen as area and use them as basic constructs of spacetime. GR equivalent by putting all its entities on its horizon It is in fact a fundamental result of where the per our Gauss theorem. Therefore, all the degrees of Hilbert Action amounts to extremize areas (i.e. make freedom of the black holes are proportional to that them invariants) to the dynamics of spacetime (it re- sults from the geometrical interpretation of the Ricci surface ∝ Aδr+ which reproduces its gravitational ~ curvature scalar R as the ratio of the area of small effect. We recover in UMF , the Area law of entropy for black holes [311, 312, 313, 18, 314]. It is also spheres around points on the manifold from and to known as the entropy law of black holes. the same area of small spheres around points on flat Because internal folds are blocked at the horizon space [364, 363]. In fact, Regge calculus shows that (as no (virtual) particle escapes this way and there- Hilbert Einstein equation discretized on a Regge lat- fore no fold can go beyond), the gravity effect from the tice actually express the action as areas (or deficit inside is analogously perceived outside as the entan- angles) to extremize [23]. We can now show that in UMF , for any change of glement of the horizon (inside δr−~) with virtual par- ticles in the bulk inside the black hole. One might try the area of a closed surface Σ = ∂V , the entropy to interpret the entropy of the black hole as the max- change is proportional to the area change. It can imum density of massive123 gravitons coupled with be shown by repeating the argument above for black

123Massive in the sense that they can no more “move for- ward” at c.

48 holes but without black holes and push all the matter (and apparent effective curvature effects). The inside V to Σ. All the effect of gravity outside σ is im- latter is really what becomes our version (for plemented by particles on Sigma. This indicates that UMF ) and hints why there would be such a the degrees of freedom and so the entropy are pro- correspondence in superstring theory. portional to the area (and ∝ Aδr+ will again appear ~ In our analysis above, we also assumed scales as with the uncertainty mode degrees of freedom are larger than not only , but also the range involved.). of interactions with massive virtual carriers (e.g. Armed with these results, we can apply the rea- , gluon and meson driven strong in- soning of Jacobson in [18] to derive Einstein’s GR teractions)125. Below these ranges (∼ 10−15m), ef- equations, this time starting from the dS ∝ dA re- fects of massive virtual carriers of gravity can also lationship applied along causal horizons; assuming appear in the form of additional contribution to the a cutoff for the an ultra violet cut-off at the Planck attraction (also in 1 ). The short-range aspect re- scale for the field entropy. r sults into consequences like those mentioned below The considerations above are based on well-known for EPR entanglement. works; nothing exceptional. In fact, it was expected From now on, we will assume that gravity has from the moment that we showed that Veff of gravity 1 a short-range component due to massive gravitons. was attractive in r as a result of the activated bun- dle of folds. Yet it is interesting to see that the fold This is considered as an entanglement situation EPR mechanisms124 along with the quantum physics for- analogous to entanglement but between mas- malism of Path Integrals, results into: sive virtual carriers. This has consequences mostly in the sense that these entanglements are present 1 • r attractive potential densities proportionality to everywhere at small scales but scales that are sig- masses working from classical scales down to nificantly bigger than Planck scale. So, in UMF , quantum scales. at Planck scale massive gravitons carriers and sys- • Einstein’s field GR equations based on the mass tematic presence of EPR entanglement even when or energy distribution, at classical and semi no real particles are EPR entangled is another key classical scales. We can also build an effec- difference with what is currently considered by all tive curvature (scalar and tensor) field as in our attempts to model quantum gravity (in Ureal and derivation of GR. in other exotic spaces with more dimensions or AdS universes. With short range (massive) grav- • Entropy area law for any closed surface, with ity, the Gauss theorem is no more satisfied nor is a dependency on an uncertainty constant; not it with anisotropic or individual EPR entanglement. just limited to black hole horizons but also at Holographic correspondence remains with respect the level of spacetime (and more generic casual to AdS(5) by construction of the multi-fold mecha- horizons). This is a generic result that seems to nisms. still be a conjecture in Ureal. All the above was computed for the gravity and en- • Thermodynamics derivation of Einstein’s field tanglement contributions. Other (quantum fields) GR equations by applying the area laws to can contribute through their carrier particles as causal horizons. mentioned earlier. In the presence of fields, it has • Spin-2 like symmetry for Gravity. been showed that the entropy contribution to a black hole is also finite and proportional to the area of the • Generic holographic principles formulated 126 black hole horizon [185] . In UMF , these carriers rather like a consequence of the Gauss di- accumulate at the horizon of black holes and result vergence theorem for gravity, and the baton into the famous black holes hairs for charges (elec- symmetry within UMF (in RBG) as well as tromagnetic, colors, isospin and anything else that a correspondence between UMF and AdS(5) through the multi-folds with the mapping M, 125Light neutrino contributions can probably be consid- whereby multi-folds / gravitons / gravity lives ered in first approximation as lining up with the massless in AdS(5) and impact RBG via attractive Veff effects. It is all the other virtual particles that matter. 126The stationary consideration at the surface mentioned 124and absolutely no supra luminosity. earlier is key for this proof to hold.

49 is conserved. Confinement of course also applies for combination of gravity and EPR entanglement colors and hides color charges.). It also assumes the the same statement applies. The theorem still same Planck scale cut-off. holds for massless gravity. For massive gravity, Entropy statements as above are not extensible, at small scale, it is probably impossible to find generically, to other horizons or closed surfaces; but a surface that fits these requirements as new it holds for causal horizons; in particular keeping the contributions appear as distance decrease; so it Thermodynamics of spacetime correct in the pres- does not hold in general. For more discussions ence of fields and allowing us to recover also Ein- and references on Area laws and entanglement, stein’s field equations in the presence of quantum we refer the reader to [492]; entanglements do fields in spacetime. The shell of uncertainty use respect Area laws also but not always, as we saw above is actually our version of the micro hairs to here; and it is complex. the black hole [379] that modernizes the no hair the- • As a result, the entropy computed for black holes orem: besides Mass, Charge and angular momen- underestimates the ”order” brought in by en- tum, black holes can have local microscopic fields tanglement; which is a reduction of degrees of and properties related to the virtual particles (and freedom: the area law for black holes is there- hence carriers) that are involved. It means includ- fore an upper limit, not the actual entropy in ing in the microscopic region of thickness δr+~ strong presence of entanglement behind the horizon. and weak properties and virtual carriers. Beken- The actual entropy of a black hole is SBH = stein’s values for the black hole entropy is a total SGravBH −SEntang, where SGravBH is Bekenstein’s entropy and it considers all these contributions. In entropy [311] and SEntang can probably be well fact, all the points above have to hold for black holes estimate by Von Neumann’s entanglement en- and any other closed surface which is a causal hori- tropy (for EPR entanglement). Massive gravity zon and/ or define an autonomous region. Indeed, microscopic contributions are similarly handled, any field is energy that therefore can be modeled by and they reduce entropy127. the increased total energy or mass that it adds to the • Entanglement across horizons is also to be care- volume inside that surface. So non-gravitational de- fully examined. The area law gives again an up- grees of freedoms coming from quantum field respect per limit to the entropy of the volume, not the the theorems for such surfaces. The caveats about entropy. The entropy is reduced by the von Neu- entanglement and massive gravity still hold. Massive mann entropy of the volume for EPR entangle- gravity contributes now to the micro soft hairs as do ment and massive gravity microscopic contribu- any EPR entanglement within the horizon. The lower tions and it may not follow an area law contrary the entropy, consistent with the notion of maximum to [185] as QFT does not model EPR entangle- black hole entropy or entropy inequality. ment between particles. Also note that EPR en- Earlier in the sections we indicated that the analy- tanglement cannot happen across causal hori- sis assumed that no entanglement between real par- zons. Entanglements as in [186] across the hori- ticles was considered to derive the area / horizon the- zon are a totally different beast. orems in UMF . In the presence of entanglement be- Because EPR is a pure quantum phenomenon tween, real particle, the theorems in general do not GR cannot model it with its statistical classi- hold in UMF the same way! Indeed: cal approach. Or said differently; with EPR en- • The Gauss divergence theorem for gravity holds tanglement, the Ureal involves irreversible pro- only when the closed surfaces considered are ei- cesses or at least away from equilibrium (e.g. ther smaller that the distance between the EPR fold dynamics/activation and disentanglement entangled particles or surround them all with with fold deactivation), including for gravity built each surface enough further away It is fair to say on these mechanisms. It produces a direction that in the presence of EPR entanglement, the to the arrow of time and may after all give rea- son to Eddington [380]. Indeed, we have now theorem does not hold any more in UMF and in any case the source term would have to now in- 127Intuitively, because for the entropy of gravity, it amounts corporate a measure of entanglement, probably as if the coupling constant G increased due to the additional function of the entanglement entropy. For the massive effects.

50 shown how fundamental gravity and entangle- bridges [89] and the wormhole solutions that are as- ment are in UMF and as such they are the only sociated to it. See e.g. [89, 332, 90], including the ER irreversible fundamental interactions so far. = EPR conjecture [86] already discussed. It is worth mentioning also explicitly the work of [184, 332], At, or below, Planck scale, these laws will change which also postulated associating particles (i.e. with and may have to be adapted; in particular when it masses and charges) to microscopic black holes. comes to Entropy estimation. Some impacts are dis- cussed in the upcoming sections. Black holes have been modeled as quantum ob- jects [383, 387] and particles have been modeled as black hole [385, 386, 384]; even if some issues exist 7.5 Microscopic (quasi) black holes with the horizon dimensions and / or the possibility in the neighbourhood of parti- of naked singularities [388]131. It has been shown cles in particular that a black hole electron would fol- low Dirac’s equations. We will actually rely on some In previous sections, we identified that the bundle of of these concepts in the upcoming spacetime recon- activated folds by entangled particles and especially struction section 9.6. surrounding physical and virtual particles create an ER = EPR appears more like a discussion of entan- 1 128 attractive potential in r , mostly isotropic unless if gled black holes. ER = EPR is essentially analyzed in a preferred momentum direction has to be explicitly AdS and mapped by holography to CFT at the AdS handled. The particles appear almost like a micro- boundary. Yet, its immediate generalization or imple- scopic quasi black hole due to the local mapping to mentation would be microscopic black holes around 129 the folds; at least up an uncertainty length . any particles that are entangled and communicate For the mass of a particle, the horizon with a via wormholes. See [188] for example. But these radius roughly given by Schwarzschild radius is works are still more driven by the equivalence of dif- way smaller than Planck scale and the uncertainty ferent mathematical machineries (e.g. Holographic ball, and so it is not visible at all in conventional duality and AdS) than pursuing models of entan- classical or quantum physics. Every entity that glement, gravity or spacetime. It is also important we understand in conventional physics (classical to remember that the folds activated in our multi- and quantum) interacts for all purpose away from fold universe do not have a priori to be solutions to the microscopic black holes in a (combination) of Einstein GR field equations (as they coexist outside 130 Schwarzschild spacetime . The black holes are (ef- RBG). None of these works show that EPR generates fectively) carved in RBG (by the phenomena of cre- gravity. By the way, our paper can also be seen as ating an ”effective” potential (or curvature) out of the concretizing something like GR=QM. From our point fold curvatures. They surround every particle. of view, [49] almost had the right ideas before drifting These considerations open the possibility that the into holography and AdS. microscopic black holes hint in fact at the mecha- nisms through which folds are activated/created by Anyway, at this stage we have established that carving the fold into the tangent AdS(5) space that every particle has a AdS(5) tangent surrounding it and that in RBG particles appears as a microscopic we mentioned earlier (something aligned with [190]). 132 Macroscopically, similar concepts have already quasi black hole, able to carry all quantum prop- been met in general relativity with the Einstein Rosen erties (mass, charges (electromagnetic and others), momentum as hairs / microscopic hairs). 128Definitively, for virtual particles surrounding particles 129That minimum distance is not that interesting if the reader can believe that we will later motivate a discrete 131 spacetime. In UMF , the increased small scale coupling due to mas- 130Charged and rotating black holes have more compli- sive effects implies a more compact set of horizons that what cated models with multiple horizons and in some situa- is discussed in [388], therefore resolving the singularity is- tions possibly naked singularities – although not in UMF sues even if discreteness, expansion and torsion avoids the because of torsion and discreteness. A lot of literature exists issues. on the subject. Entry points can be found in:[382, 381] 132because of torsion and / or discreteness of spacetime.

51 8 Semi Classical Standard the rest mass of matter): Model: ”Adding Gravity” • The Electroweak / Higgs mechanism that pro- vides mass to (charged) lepton135, by interac- rather than ”Going Beyond tion with Higgs boson, while electroweak carrier bosons mass is due to the associated sponta- the SM” neous symmetry breaking mechanism. In this section, we will discuss some interesting semi • The addition of chirality symmetry breaking to classical consequences of our model so far, in terms the electroweak effects gives mass to the quarks. of particles and the Standard Model [131]. The out- • QCD vacuum / Quark Gluon Condensate mass come can be seen either as another set of validation generation for quark composites like protons and 133 or ways to validate some of our predictions . Alter- neutrons, also with chirality flips. This is in natively, this section illustrates how adding gravity to fact the main contributor to the mass of (atomic) the Standard Model may actually resolve a few open matter. issues in Physics. Yet the presence of massive gravity at very small scales is a game changer versus the lat- Our goal is, by no means, to review or add any to ter kind of considerations: the effects involved in par- these mechanisms. Entry points to the topic can be ticle interactions can be significant and as discussed found for example in [396, 280, 281] and [359] for an later, gravity may not be the weakest (i.e. negligible) inspiring pedagogical approach. In general, the mass interaction at these small scales. of charged leptons and quarks [397, 396], through In general, we assume that equation (22) describes chirality flips, are proportional to how strongly they the extension of the standard model with our ap- interact with Higgs Boson and flip chirality in the proach (gravity and EPR entanglement), with the last process. The mass within composites of quarks add term set to zero. Note that to a large extent the res- the much stronger contribution of how the quarks olutions hinted and proposed in this sections result interact with the sea of quarks and gluons present 1 in the QCD vacuum, Quark Gluon condensate that from adding gravity (as a potential in r and there- fore not necessarily negligible when the particles in- surround any quark in the composite [398, 399]. teract or overlap134 as is the case for example with Veff and the mass terms generated by these differ- 136 the mass acquisition with the Higgs, QCD chirality ent mechanisms appear each time in similar ways : breaking and Quark-Gluon Condensate interactions. Lint ∝ C1(vertex) So the proposed resolutions can be combined with Veff other theories similarly adding gravity (or entangle- + macquired(1 + )(C2(lepton/quark) ment effects) to the standard model. macquired Because of the massive gravity component at very + CC) small scales, we expect that gravity contributions are (25) not always negligible in the Standard Model, contrary Where the C1() designates the vertex contribution to conventional thinking. We will further motivate in that represents the interaction with the Higgs/QCD section 9.8 and following ones. Vacuum and/or Quark Gluon condensate with chi- rality flip and C2() represents the contributions of the right-handed + left-handed leptons or quarks. 8.1 Mass generation, gravity and In all these cases, the resulting mass term that the equivalence principle? appears in the Lagrangian is also the term that ap- pears in the attractive potential Veff (21), now sim- In the standard model, there a few ways to generate mass based on (all these mechanisms contribute to 135The mass of the neutrinos is a bit more complex to ex- plain, as the absence of observed right handed neutrinos 133Besides the macroscopic and other entanglement work and left handed anti neutrinos implies no mass acquisition discussed earlier and more upcoming sections on more fal- from the Higgs mechanism [281], and multiple theories ex- sifiability and validation opportunities. ist to explain their mass [401]. We will discuss some aspects 134At very small scales yet larder than Planck scales and later. with also the massive contributions. 136Not considering here the EPR terms.

52 ply added to the Lagrangian. It automatically im- vacuum has been probed. It turns out that the ob- plies the equivalence principle137 from the multifold served mass of the Higgs with respect to the mass of mechanisms in UMF ; instead of having to follow the the particles that interact the most with it (i.e. the reasoning in [400] to arrive to a similar conclusion. most massive particles: the top quark and the Z bo- Equation (25) has potentially significant implica- son), puts the Higgs mass at the edge of instability tions. [405]. The analysis above again replaces the mass of the top quark with the additional contribution of Veff . 8.2 The Strong CP problem and It amounts to shifting the Higgs mass further away gravity from the edge of instability (towards no existence of a lower level of vacuum) and therefore would stabilize The strong CP problem is well summarized in [324]. the Electroweak vacuum (not lower minima would ex- Essentially, QCD predicts CP violations by the strong ist) and avoid having to explain why the Higgs boson interactions. Such violations have never been ob- is just at the edge and worry about this ”bubble of served. [324] reviews possible ways to explain this nothing”. situation. Among those, it is shown that if the mass of the up quark is zero, then contributions that pro- duce CP violations disappear. If we consider equation (25), the contributions at- 8.4 Gravity and neutrinos myster- tributed to the mass of the up quark can now be seen ies as attributed to a term that also includes the contri- In the same vein, adding gravity to the standard butions of Veff , therefore allowing the up quark mass to be zero or very close to it as an (almost /) natural model may contribute to the understanding, or the symmetry; thereby, resolving the problem. set of options, to address some of the mysteries as- sociated to neutrinos like their mass and mass gener- ation mechanism [401] or what happens to the right 8.3 Stability of the Electroweak handed neutrinos (and left handed anti neutrinos). vacuum Our proposal is simply to add gravity to the Stan- dard Model and observe that gravity can changes The same approach can also apply to the problem of (through curvature) the chirality of massless neutri- stability of the Electroweak vacuum. nos [406]138. So one can add this mechanisms and Following Coleman’s work [402, 403], it is known oscillations to the flavor and mass oscillations: in the that the vacuum ground state may actually be a false presence of gravity, left-handed neutrinos (massless) vacuum in the sense that a lower energy state may can, in flight, transform into right-handed neutri- exist behind a barrier of potential. While that is clas- nos and vice versa [406]139. Doing so, neutrinos can sically not an issue, in quantum theory, when it is acquire mass via the Higgs mechanism. Once they the case there is a non-negligible probability that the have masses, flavor and mass oscillation takes place lower energy state will be attained at some point. as currently understood; including the fact that only It has been considered that this situation may be left-handed neutrinos then interact with other par- met in the case of the Higgs field and the Electroweak ticles. The same applies conversely to right-handed vacuum. The instability, if it were to exist, would be anti neutrinos. Because the neutrino spend only a expected to result into formation of a ”bubble of noth- short amount of time right-handed while in flight, it ing” in spacetime; that would eventually destroy ev- explains why their mass is always small: they do not erything in the universe [404]. While the probability have the same opportunities as other to interact with would be low enough that this would happen anytime the Higgs boson to acquire much mass through these soon, it is certainly a scenario of concern. interactions. Since the Higgs boson has been discovered and its properties studied, the stability of the electroweak 138See footnote 168. 139That paper still assumed massless neutrinos, but this 137Massive gravity effects and EPR do not change that con- is certainly aligned with a Standard Model state before con- clusion. sidering the oscillations that introduce masses.

53 Gravity may suffice to address both problems with the Standard Model without all the other explana- tions that have been proposed beyond the Standard Model like Majorana neutrinos and / or sterile neu- trinos [401]. Section 9.11 will provide more consid- erations on mechanisms that would violate conser- vation of the Lepton number L.

8.5 Gravity explains why three and only three generations per Figure 13: Plot of the value of equation (28) (vertical axis) fermion families that shows the three regions of Fermion mass in a family corresponding to three and only three generations per Inspired by [407], we propose some quick arguments flavour: one with minimum mass, one with a mass close that show how gravity added to the Standard Model to the mass of the Higgs boson and one somewhere in as proposed in this paper can explain why there are between. It relies on estimating the impact on K1 and K2 and, in particular, the expectation that their value are three and only three generations per flavour or family larger when the mass matches the mass of the Higgs of fermions (leptons and quarks). Boson. Only these three regimes are differentiated; any Accordingly, we look at each fermion family sec- other kind of fermion in a family and flavour would have tor of the Standard Model Lagrangian, we find that the same mass as one of these three and be hard to equation (22), (along with EPRentanglement contri- distinguish. butions, just to see their impact), amounts to a term in: 8.6 No magnetic monopoles In section 1, we already mentioned that gravity ren- Lint ∝ mF ermion + Veff (gravity) + Veff (EPR) (26) ders existence of magnetic monopoles quite improb- We provided also the EPR entanglement contribu- able as the Electromagnetic duality is broken by 140 tion for completeness. The analysis below also shows curved space [342] . that entanglement between the Higgs boson and lep- Our approach reinforces that conclusion with us tons is probably not a significant enough contribu- establishing the viability and suitability of a semi tion to matter. classical analysis, valid at the proposed scales per We rewrite it as: the upcoming sections, and at even lower scales (mangentic monpole scales). This is the main depen- U Lint ∝ mF ermion + V1 + V2 (27) dency on MF .; otherwise it is an issue whenever gravity is present with out without our model. [342] Or risks invalidating in one shot all the models that pre- dict monopoles [341], unless for those can still sur- ∝ m (1 + M K + K ) Lint F ermion Higgs 1 2 (28) vive symmetry breaking by gravity. Where MHiggs designates the Higgs Mass. K1 and 140Another way to intuitively understand this is that in the K2 depend on the interaction including the mass of presence of gravity and uncertainties, a charge appears as fermion. a current, with preferred directions (, without them For mfermion ≈ MHiggs, the potentials are strong (i.e. when there is no gravity and geodesic are isotropic) un- (strong gravity interaction). For mfermion ≈ 0, the certainties just increase the ball of the charge density and effect is essentially null. In between the effect is es- no symmetry breaking occurs, while a current remains ap- sentially constant. This is illustrated in figure 13. pearing as a current possibly deformed: symmetry is bro- As a result, we see that three and only three gen- ken for Maxwell equations with sources and between mag- netic and electric fields. As a result polarity (helicity, spin0 erations of fermion masses per family make sense; is no more conserved, flip occur just as discussed in other it is what is observed. We managed to complete the sections for massive and massless fermions; and the argu- intuition of the program initiated by S. Weinberg in ments for symmetrizing the equations, by adding a mag- [407]. netic charge density, disappear.

54 The Standard model is fine and not affected as it 9 Structure of spacetime and does not predict any magnetic monopoles. But any other model who describes a solution that must en- spacetime reconstruction compass gravity (a la superstring, quantum gravity or ) or that must coexists with 9.1 Multi-fold universe as space- gravity (i.e. occurring past expected decoupling of time structure gravity from the rest; whatever the rest is) that pre- dicts magnetic monopoles is probably doomed. In spacetime for UMF is defined by RBG: a pseudo Riemannian manifold equipped with the multi-fold Besides critically endangering the viability and mechanisms. For now, we have not tried to explain confirmation of any theory predicting them, this con- further how it is built and what are its own dynam- clusion also emphasizes the futility of hoping that ics other than the multi-folds activation, attachment the problem is only that we would be just waiting to entangled particles and deactivation mechanisms to discover them or hoping having maybe (proba- and the associated mappings141. bly not) observed at least one magnetic monopole However, [189] argues convincingly that all the [321]. Magnetic monopoles probably just do not ex- thermodynamics results for black holes and hori- ist. that it be because the theories are not applicable zons (and the fact that they have hot temperatures) to our universe, or because gravity ensured so. The give strong indications that spacetime has a (discrete) reasoning above would still allow GUTs not includ- structure. At the current scale of our analysis, in our ing gravity even if they predict unobserved magnetic model, the structure of spacetime is essentially only monopoles (if they can defend that they are still rel- µ in the form of all the activated bundles Bactiv(x ) of evant despite gravity breaking the symmetry behind folds. A way forward may be to model this aspect, magnetic monopoles); but as we know proton decay is in terms of microscopic states, thermodynamics and another problem [343, 344]. All GUTs predict mag- (horizon) temperatures. We admit that this approach netic monopoles one way or another to our knowl- of keeping metric(s) and introducing structures of it edge [321]. Proton decay on the other hand may be (multi-folds) is quite a step from the views and for- avoided by some [483]. malism so far in terms of fundamental microstruc- Also, as a result charge quantization, if to be pre- ture to spacetime (“quanta of spacetime”). We already dicted, needs another justification. But, for exam- hinted that we believe that the description of space- ple, it could be shown to result from the approximate time by metric (and curvature) is approximate or ef- symmetry that still exists in flat space [341], and this fective at larger scale (quantum and macroscopic or 1 142 way, we can still explain integer and (fractional ( 3 ) but semi classical and classical) . confined) electric charges. To progress, we are interested to reconstruct We will repeat one more time that the implica- spacetime as if it did not exist before. By this we tions are significant: no physics beyond the Standard mean: spacetime does not exist yet or no particle has Model should predict magnetic monopoles; unless if visited a region of interest yet, so that it has not yet it can explain why such prediction is consistent with been concretized (it does not exist in either cases) nor 143 gravity or live with gravity destroying the symmetry. observed or occupied by matter, fields or energy . Of course, in the latter case, it is possible to explain Past works like [143, 190] has shown that quan- 144 that a theory would predict monopole when ignoring tum information evolution seems to influence the gravity and that these would not more be expected 141We also left the door open to folds defined by Einstein’s in the presence of gravity. However doing so would GR equations or variations, and so, for example, the folds require that the rest of the model remain consistent could be wormholes or black holes as in ER=EPR. (e.g. if magnetic monopole is the result of a symme- 142By opposition to Planck scales. try that justifies fundamentally the model and that 143Let us park aside for now the fact that uncertainty / symmetry is broken by gravity, it is worth wonder- vacuum noise will always create at least virtual particles. But the idea is that if spacetime has not been concretized, ing if it ever got the importunity to reign (as it could it does not exist and if it does not exists, it does not host vac- have been broken before ever coming into being)... uum excitations and so virtual particles also do not appear Many theories beyond the Standard Model have quite there; noting that “there” is meaningless. a hurdle to overcome here... 144Related to entropy and entanglement.

55 behaviour or nature of spacetime: entanglement be- node. We would hope that doing so actually recon- tween regions seems to create spacetime dips that struct a spacetime, that can actually be or appear might imply curvature (and hence gravity) or black continuous (e.g. at larger scale where we do not see holes and changes in entanglement modify the ge- the stitching points where the spacetime surround- ometry of spacetime. While not capturing anything ing each black hole merge, and that does not assume close to the concepts of multi-folds, they hint why an initial metric or spacetime. Of course, each black folds activation (by entanglement events) are actually hole will be associated to folds when activated by par- plausible behaviours145: ticles or energy as well as when entangled. The black holes are associated to a discrete scale of areas (of its • Entanglement dips (like starting a fold or black horizon) for discrete levels of energy: treating black hole) locally spacetime [190] in their graph holes as a quantum object (Inspired from [383, 387] model and so it is creating curvature and the volume/area quantas in LQG based on in- • Entanglement tends to bring spacetime region variance of Area and representations of Lorentz rota- together [98] which can be seen as i) why grav- tion group [25]). ity like attractions occur or ii) why the dips that It turns out that such a model already exists and initiate fold activation would try to form folds. has been proposed in [191, 192, 193, 194] with Of course, limited to RBG, kinematics and dy- graphs of Planck size microscopic Schwarzschild namics of the next steps can’t appear in these black holes, of elementary surface ( Planck surface) models. multiplied by the eigen value expressed as eigenvalue These approaches therefore hint at relationships of irreducible representation of space rotation (i.e. in 1 146 between black holes and folds deformations as well (n + 2 ) . as the form and dynamics of the folds. Our approach Assuming low energy (e.g. classical conditions for is not just a thought process or an abstract intel- GR), [192] recovers the spacetime area law as well as lectual exercise to find a putative solution to a (few) Einstein’s GR field equations. [191] illustrates the paradox(es). Instead, it is actually contained, at least same in terms of geometry to recover weak field equa- hinted, in existing theories that have been validated tions. or widely investigated (e.g. superstrings for the lat- Interestingly, at high energy and so very small ter). scales, the entropy recovered in a horizon of surface In addition, these models are discrete graphs or A is in lnA. This is in our view not a surprise as networks, motivated by the desire to describe space- it means that at Planck scales, entropy now tracks time emergence; prior to the apparition of any met- black holes as elementary quantum entities (A is rics and when metrics should rather be treated as at that stage sum of the areas contributed by the operators [485]. For all their simplicity and assump- black holes encompassed in it). It is important: when tions, these approaches really align well with what spacetime becomes discrete and scale is of the same we have observed so far within UMF . order, the area law is replaced by particle state count- ing... This is also predicted, with a different formal- ism, in [195]. 9.2 A first spacetime reconstruc- This first-generation reconstruction of UMF is a tion model: a graph of micro- valid but coarse approximation at scales closer to scopic black holes Planck scale up to classical physics. It does not yet take advantage of all what we have learned so far147. Inspired by these considerations, let us try to recon- Yet it illustrates already very well why in general semi struct the spacetime RBG, in UMF , as a graph or classical models of gravity and spacetime are actu- network of microscopic black holes located at each ally suitable down to scales way smaller than often

145For example, as entanglement takes place, the dip could 146Something analogous to the spin network assumptions be thought as the manifestation of the multi-folds (think of [25]. effective curvature) or attractive potential (think of wrin- 147Entanglement and gravity is captured in the black hole kling or dipping spacetime as a result) or even the make of energy levels and multi-folds, even if these are not exposed the entry point and mappings to the folds (think of trying explicitly in Makela’s work - his main recovery of GR is to dig out of spacetime into the tangent space). purely based on thermodynamics [192].

56 expected. It also illustrates how a discrete spacetime • Spacetime (metric, space and time points) with (quasi) black holes at every point seems to ac- emerging from (spontaneous) wave function col- count pretty well for spacetime with or without mat- lapse (when and where collapse takes place, ter/energy in it. spacetime appears) [208, 209]. Inspired by Pen- rose, we know that this could also be due to grav- ity, based on the hypothesis that gravity cannot 9.3 Selected prior works relevant to handle superpositions e.g. [207]. In our model, spacetime reconstruction we do not think that gravity is a systematic cause of collapse, as we explained earlier that curva- To further our journey in reconstructing spacetime, ture superposition does not have to be an issue let us enumerate and review a few additional prior in UMF ). works that will inspire, or motivate, aspects of our next steps. The list does not claim to be an exhaustive • Quantum fluctuations can also be the source of overview of the domain or of prior works relevant to spacetime. [206] discusses how fluctuations in this paper. Our plan is to borrow, in an upcoming space amounts to generate particles that follow section, from principles or results discussed below. wave functions equations (i.e. Schodinger¨ equa- They will help refine our reconstruction the model tion) and how fluctuations in time creates a spa- of spacetime discussed above when we will put it all tial perturbation that can be modelled as a Klein together. Gordon field (e.g. Bosons with no spin are mod- elled in that paper or Fermions) allowing now • emergence from AdS/CFT for multiple particles to appear. Furthermore, correspondence and entanglement [143, 190]. around the place where the first particle is lo-  We already discussed these above. These works cated (at a distance 2 in that paper terminology,  lP show that our approach is, in fact, somehow al- that one can interpret as 2 ≈ 2 , where lP is ready contained, at least as hints, in Physics. Planck length), a Schwarzschild spacetime ap- • Models where spacetime results from relation- pears with a metric and curvature. We will note ship and similarities in configuration space al- that we are back to the microscopic quasi black low to re-derive Schrodinger’s¨ equation [199, hole surrounding each particle hinting consis- U 197, 198]. tently at our multi fold universe MF . And again, it looks like these aspects of our approach • Numerical methods and spacetime reconstruc- are contained, at least as hints, in existing the- tion models are discussed in [243, 408, 409, ories of Physics. The presence of the Klein Gor- 410]. They can be used to resolve GR on a lattice don field can account for multiple particles, and or to reconstruct spacetime. Numerical meth- it denotes that if the first particle resulted from ods for GR, including Regge calculus, are com- the fluctuation, then its entangled anti particle piled in [411]. Tensor(s) (networks), spin net- did also. And as discussed in [24], particles can works e.g. [200, 201, 202], loop gravity [30], spin be followed QFT and modelled as long as one foam [205] reconstruct spacetime from fluctua- studies the action of the field operator on a multi tions of quantum areas and volumes guided by particle wave function associated to the different reconstructed Hamiltonians and Lagrangians. A particles; variable amounts of particles solely re- wide comparison of these approaches is exten- flect that fact that particles can appear or disap- sively discussed in [Thueringen-2015-X]. pear aside from the ones that we follow (and that • [408, 409, 410] showed that spacetime recon- are still not yet dead). We already know that this struction on a discrete spacetime converges only works well in UMF . for a 4-D spacetime; thereby somehow explain- • In terms of dimensions of spacetime, [232] has ing the dimensions of our universe. argued that, at very small scale, spacetime and gravity processes seem to reduce from 4-D to 2- • The simultaneous emergence of Schrodinger¨ D (i.e. in terms of degrees of freedom). equation and essentially flat spacetime has been shown on a discrete (i.e. quantized) lattice with All these results help and guide in how to better a minimum length reconstruct UMF that what we did earlier.

57 9.4 Random walks, (multi-) fractal tially motivated by [211] as well as the implications and fractional spacetimes and and numerology approaches that can be obtained Path Integrals by simply postulating a fractal spacetime [418, 419]. Entry points to these works can be found at [420, We have seen how central the concept of Path Integral 419, 422, 421], including in particular discussions to Physics is in general, as well as to characterize and references of the cantor-like E-infinity fractal UMF . spacetime. Yet, early on, Richard Feynman [46] observed that In a fractal or multi fractal spacetime, it is possible the trajectories of particles, in particular relativistic to develop calculus and physics: fractional spaces ones, look like Brownian motion148. We know that can be regarded as fractals when the ratio of their random walk fluctuations are similar to Brownian Hausdorff and spectral dimension is greater than motion. This observation led to the alternate ways to one [426, 427, 439, 430, 428, 429]. Relevant to our derive for example Schrodringer¨ equation presented activities we note: in for example [212]. Ordt [211] then showed that one • Einstein’s GR equation, and solutions including can model such paths with a fractal spacetime. Ordt black holes have been formulated in fractional work and follow-ups recover a relation a la de Broglie, spacetime. See for example [423, 424, 425]. the uncertainty principle, Lorentz covariance and the Klein Gordon and Dirac equations [211, 212]. • Quantum mechanics has also been defined over Separately, but of course directly related, it is fractional spacetime with Schrodinger,¨ Dirac worth noting, as others have, that and other field equations and Fractional space and interactions as modeled by Feynman diagrams, Path Integrals. See for example [431, 432, 435, also the outcome of Path Integrals, are fundamen- 434, 436, 437, 438]. We note in particular how tally fractal-looking [412]. The one (spatial) dimen- effective potentials [433], albeit usually complex, sional work in [211] seems to point to a possible an also play a role in emulating the impact of frac- alternate way to understand and account also for tional dimensions on the Schrodinger¨ equation. the different paths of the Path Integral: if spacetime The consistency of the Path Integral in fractional was to be fractal, then a particles could take frac- spacetime obtained in [435] is a key result that tal paths to go from a location to another and that allows us to extend our models to such space- could bring them all over (or significantly all over) time. the place: something reminiscent of the Path Inte- gral (that could then possibly appear as an approxi- mation of model of that behavior in an non fractal or 9.5 A case for a discrete spacetime 149 continuous world . in UMF ? Of course, fractal concepts in the universe only fit a finite range of scales150. On the other hand, the So far, UMF has been handled as a continuous space; giant structures recently observed in the universe, as except for a few comments about small scale cut offs detailed for example in [493], could be also remnants (usually to avoid singularities or divergences) and our of random walk paths enlarged by inflation. repeated mention that we may want to and will quan- The original observations of fractal and multi frac- tize the approach to find gravitons and to support the tal structures have inspired work around scale rela- existence of entropy for horizons or spacetime. tivity [416, 417] and fractal spacetime proposals ini- We already mentioned that usually the challenges met by quantum gravity approaches primarily come 148It is also central to the respect of the uncertainty prin- from the ultraviolet divergences and the difficulties ciples by Path Integrals [247]. to renormalize the models [44]. An artificial or phe- 149 More hints or intuition on ”why Path Integrals and Ac- nomenological way to address the problems with tion principles?” will be provided later. gravity, or QFT in general, is to introduce an UV cut- 150It is therefore not affected by astronomical results that would not support expanded ranges of fractal scales [413] off that is assumed to be related to Planck length lP . Mpc This is typically motivated by some assumptions of beyond an homogeneity scale (∼ 70 h ) nothing that this is also not in agreement with earlier results obtained with discretization of spacetime, or at least of minimum different methodologies as reported in [414, 415]. length.

58 Different methods have also been introduced to re- spacetime that is Lorentz invariant is a random dis- construct spacetime that it be as a discrete or lat- tribution. is the way to ensure Lorentz tice model or for numerical analysis of GR [243, 408, invariance when all other mechanisms fall apart (i.e. 409, 410, 411]. Works like LQG with spin networks especially in the earliest moment when not many and spin foams and variations [200, 201, 202, 30, points have been concretized and random walks is all 205, 25] try to fully reconstruct spacetime from dis- what matters). Lorentz invariance with c invariance crete networks built or evolving according to Hamilto- and Special Relativity really result from this discrete nians and Lagrangians constructed on quantum ge- structure and rand walks, which support Path Inte- ometric or Action hypotheses. grals. This is quite a result, from the ground up! It has also been shown that non-commutative Another concern often cited is the loss of the no- geometry [442] and non-associative geometry [441] tion of the euclidian-2 norm in discrete space (i.e. creates geometry without (or with a fuzzy) space- the Pythagorean theorem), as defended by Weyl with time151; which may be what happens at Planck the Weyl’s tile argument [448]. Weyl argued that dis- scale. Indeed, different works allow to build de- crete spacetime would not satisfy the Pythagorean cent frameworks. With non-commutativity and non- theorem and, because such theorem has been always associativity, chances are significant that spacetime so far validated to any degree of accuracy, space- is discrete. That being said, some strong objections time cannot be discrete (or we would have run into exist against a discrete spacetime. It is based on the problems already). This paradox has since been ad- view that background independence (i.e. related to dressed [449](And there are other analyses address- ) and Lorentz invariance will often ing it also), thereby removing one of the toughest ar- be lost in such a space. This is not necessarily true guments against a discrete spacetime. as discussed in [443, 444, 488, 489, 487, 445, 446], Eventually, some have also raised the concern that where it is shown that noncommutative geometry can in a discrete spacetime, Path Integrals would lose the lead to preservation of Lorentz symmetries as well commutator relationships mentioned earlier [247]. It as discrete spacetime152. In a constructive manner, is not the case with fractional spacetime, where cor- this can be done by defining explicitly a covariant rect fractional Path Integrals can be defined as well Lorentz tensor as the commutator, inspired by [443]. as uncertainty principles [436]. In a discrete envi- [488, 489, 487, 490], constructed some explicit mod- ronment, they can also maintain their Lorentz co- els. In particular, they provide proof that we can variance [498]. have a Physics well defined, including Path Integrals What would lead us to believe, based on what we which are well defined, and again, respect the re- have discovered so far, that UMF spacetime could be quired commutator relationships. If Lorentz covari- discrete (in ways only detectable or relevant at very ance is satisfied and space time is discrete, we know at small scales)? Let us consider the following, based that the maximum speed ensured by discreteness (or on the above and what we have learned already about minimal length in spacetime) is also Lorentz invari- UMF : ant. However, at very low scale or when spacetime does • The absolute prohibition of supra luminous sig- not exist yet (or has not yet been observed) and if nal seems to indicate that spacetime is discrete it was discrete, it is unclear if Lorentz symmetry or with random jumps between discrete nodes. It’s background independence are criteria to apply. For Lorentz invariance is also critical to obtain at example, any spacetime poorly populated in nodes or least at Quantum scales and above. There are limited in size would not be Lorentz invariant / sym- not many mechanisms to ensure that. yet we metric, by definition. Yet, for a discrete spacetime, described above a relatively simple one that will [447] argues that the only distribution of points in guarantee such features. • In our model for UMF , the carrier of gravity 151 When geometry is non-commutative, we have uncer- seems to be attached to EPR entangled virtual tainty between spatial variables: measuring a coordinate EPR introduce uncertainties in the others and the measure- particles sourced from a real particle or to ments are not independent. entangled real particles, as folds or bundle of ac- 152The reader may also be interested in another provocative tivated folds. What we conventionally take for angle, that we will not exploit or rely upon, in [494]. a graviton effect is the resulting effective poten-

59 tial Veff propagating in spacetime. There were • It is great that our approach derives non- no other option exist in a world not aware of commutativity. Yet was already known that it multi-folds. These multi-folds mechanisms have was a consequence of adding an uncertainty not yet been quantized in this paper but have principle to GR. [488, 489] also detailed why a 180◦ symmetry which matches spin-2 symme- gravity, as semi classical GR, and Quantum Me- tries further announcing quantized graviton. If chanics imply non-commutative geometry. In- we want to pursue this hunch, then we will need deed, the more accurate is positioning, the big- to quantize the folds (i.e. their sizes). It would ger is the momentum uncertainty and therefore mean discretized multi-folds. In order to make Einstein stress energy tensor that results gener- the mappings consistent, it would logically imply ates a gravitational field described by Einstein’s that RBG is also discrete; and conversely a dis- GR equations. When the gravitational field be- crete spacetime implies a discrete multi-folds. It comes so strong that it prevents light or any leads to our, often argued but so far not yet jus- other signals from leaving the localization re- tified, argument of equivalence between quantas gion, an operational meaning can no longer be of spacetime and quantas of multi-folds living in attached to the localization: black holes appear. AdS. Just as we discussed for spacetime and parti- cles. Computing the resulting limitations, they • The contribution to Veff (of a single fold) is found commutations rules expressed as a ten- only153 the Ricci curvature scalar. This can be sor whose components commute with all coor- argued as a signature of a discrete spacetime dinates. The presence of gravitation makes the [25]. spacetime effectively noncommutative and this • Because the mapping and folds at a given time feature should be present in any quantum the- imply that a grand circle is equal or propor- ory of gravitation. In UMF , the same reasoning tional to the distance travelled by the corre- applies the same way. sponding entangled virtual or real particle in • Entanglement mechanisms are, a priori, non- RBG, it means for the folds, space coordinate associative across entangled particle (e.g. think and momentum are proportional to each other. of the hierarchy discussion earlier on in section In Quantum Physics, this means that spatial co- 4.2). Another sign (that we will not try to detail ordinates for the graviton do not commute; a sig- further here) of a probable discrete spacetime. nal that the space where graviton lives in, and the background spacetime RBG, per the previ- • Although in the approximations of our first- ous points, are rather fuzzy and are probably generation reconstruction shown in section 9.2, discrete. In any case, the geometry of UMF is the resulting reconstructed spacetime could non-commutative. very well be continuous; yet what we pro- posed was by construction fundamentally dis- • The Area laws for black holes and suitable crete (and without initially any notion of metric) spacetime horizons (e.g. causal) and inequali- and only appearing continuous because the mi- ties otherwise imply a microscopic structure of cro black hole offer a continuous spacetime at spacetime, that has to be quantized or discrete and outside their horizon154. to be explained (otherwise, what would be space- time). In addition, [492] shows that at least for • If we follow a random walk model, something 1-D systems, the presence of a gapped lattice that match the path of relativistic particles (i.e. a discrete spacetime) suffice to lead to Area driven by their Path Integral, then spacetime laws for entanglements. While for higher dimen- looks like a spacetime with fractional dimen- sions, the systems may not satisfy area laws, as sions, with D ≈ 2 [416]. As UMF is built on we saw, this principle is a strong guidance that Path Integrals, a reconstruction approach based spacetime is discrete. 154And so, let us say it again, this may explain why semi 153yes, the attractive direction captures in fact the contri- classical models can remain valid till very small scales cor- bution to the Ricci tensor of the underlying GR equations; responding to the scale of the horizon of these microscopic but for that we need to go to their derivation. blackholes.

60 on random walk would make sense and be frac- appears as effective curvature or potential, with tal, hence discrete. We note immediately that in the multi-fold mechanism, and it is when the such a case, at small scales, where multi frac- area laws appear. tal behavior is visible, we would recover the di- So reasoning from these considerations and the mension 2 predicted in [232]. Fractal spacetime properties of UMF , we conclude that spacetime is also recovers the transition between 2 and 4 di- probably discrete, built as particles, that behave mensions as well as the existence of a maximum and/or are surrounded by microscopic black holes speed converging towards c as scale increases and propagate by random walk with hop speeds lim- [420, 419, 422, 421]. 4-D is also the stable ited to an upper value (invariant per Lorentz invari- dimensions obtained by numerical reconstruc- ance resulting from the randomness). Doing so, their tions [408, 409, 410]. presence and passage creates spacetime in the form • As particle are surrounded by (quasi)155 mi- of Planck size black holes. These black holes are croscopic black holes in UMF , and / or, as discretely positioned in a multifractal pattern. The they are themselves microscopic black holes, random distribution of the hops ensures Lorentz in- the above leads us to expect that the particle variance and behaves essentially as a 2-D process. evolves in random walk with random discrete At such scales, spacetime is fuzzy (non-commutative steps. These steps could leave microscopic black and non-associative) because of uncertainties, which hole remnants everywhere: they “create space- also ensures Lorentz invariances / symmetries as we time” by leaving remnants156 as minimum sized, look at it from larger scales. At larger scale, they i.e. Planck black holes, keeping the entropy to appear continuous, hence semiclassical models can area rule and / or area eigen function rules pro- work till very small scales. posed in section 9.2. Alternatively, the black By the way, such a spacetime discreteness was ob- hole nodes could be the result of collapse of the vious all along: wave function as proposed by [208, 209]. • The principle of absolutely no supra luminous • In section 9.3, we saw that uncertainty per- moves or interaction amounts to a hard filtering turbations of spacetime can create particles, of momentums for all processes. This means a fields and / or black holes around them. With discrete spacetime per Shannon’s theorem [450]. this, random walk can create new spacetime (as This is actually the reasoning based on Shan- nodes in discrete mode; with surrounding mi- non, forget the reference picked to motivate the croscopic black hole) or continuously as well as statements, that was behind our initial belief new particles. that the no supra luminous principle is key to • At very small scales, if an area is a countable resolve the issues of gravity related singularities measure of the number of spacetime quantas in or divergences; even before most of the rest of the system, it is normal that entropy would be- our analyses were done. It does not hurt that come proportional to lnA as observed with our once spacetime is discrete, one can understand first-generation reconstruction. It is what hap- easily why there is a maximum velocity to every- pens when dimension of spacetime behaves like thing. 2-D: the nodes = the degrees of freedom. A is • [451], could also have told it all along with its the sum of the nodes’ degrees of freedom. At analysis of black holes and ultimately the same larger scales gravity matching energy or mass argument of cutoff coming from analysis of the Shannon’s theorem. 155”quasi”, because no more conventional in a discrete spacetime. For examples singularities are not more an is- • Gravitons would not exist as quanta of space- sue. This is why we have and will continue to sometime use time if it were not discrete. this terminology of (quasi) (microscopic) black hole. 156We will see in an upcoming section that splits of black- • As we already said, explaining entropy would be hole into two blackholes (in this case a charged extremal a problem if not associated to a microscopic dis- one and a minimum one) are not issues. This would create crete structure157. or concretize spacetime and use energy. Where spacetime is already concretized, no energy is involved. 157Related, but more as something we should keep in mind,

61 9.6 Second UMF spacetime recon- not worry about the cosmological aspects and there- struction from random walk, a fore not discuss the energy levels required to get this fractional dimension spacetime started and what happens at what regime. We will assume that, through uncertainty, a time at Planck Scale and black holes and, or space perturbation take place. The time per- as spacetime points and parti- turbation creates a first or new time interval (a sec- cles ond point (or a new point)) and the space perturba- tion creates a particle or particles159 with wave func- Once again, let us put together all the lessons learned tions that spans areas larger than the microscopic before in order to fully describe UMF at all scales. black holes of the first-generation model. The space For this, we will try to reconstruct spacetime as a perturbation implies one or a few new spatial points fundamentally discrete with fractional dimensions associated to the new time. Their positions in space- due to it originating from random walks and with time are uncertain within the domain of the wave- multi-folds. Nodes of the spacetimes are microscopic function of the particle, so it may be one or another Planck Schwarzschild black holes as in our first re- point that is occupied. The process can repeat then construction attempt and particles as themselves at each point. All these particles are massless (think black holes, consistent with our analysis so far. of first moment of the big bang - it does not matter For the sake of discussion, let us start with UMF that we argue before or during inflation if inflation ex- before it even exists: there is no spacetime RBG and ists [167, 165, 453, 454, 455]): this means that the no particles or energy other than at one point (of a particle(s) moves at the speed of light between past certain thickness because of uncertainty – so there points and new points. If some particles are mas- are probably a few points separated by lP . Alterna- sive, they will move slower; but probably none are tively, it can be at a set of points if that was the ini- massive at the beginning if we understand the cos- tial condition of our multi-fold universe. Minimum mology timelines well enough [167, 165]. length and uncertainty, torsion or as we know that Being relativistic, the movements of the particles, several models like LQG predict absence of singular- now at and from different points of this initial graph ity and big bounce from another ”universe”, make of spacetime, appear as random walks in space and the latter also quite plausible158. For now, let us time. That means 2-D (1-D in space + 1-D in time) paths (with respect to say a cartesian reference [486] suggested that such a structure appears as strings frame, now possible as hops concretize the notion of on a black hole horizon and the horizon spacetime mani- distances and minimum distances) at the speed of fold seems to be the world sheet (or D-brane) built on these light (or at slower speed which just amounts to not strings. In our view, this is because ’t Hooft uses the same approach as ours in section 7.4, and as a result he sees space hopping with every time jumps). Another way an horizon with its uncertainty fluctuations. Particles or to see that the process is 2-D is to remember that microscopic structures as we envisage at this time, i.e. dis- when moving at c, particles are flattened: they live in crete spacetime nodes, seen from the outside (or inside), will 2-D orthogonal to their displacement and, what mat- appear to move along the radial axis, giving them this lin- ters for gravity and creation of spacetime, they move ear or stringy appearance deducted by ’t Hooft. That does randomly in 1-D with the 1-D clicks in time (time ran- not make the structure strings or superstrings. In fact, it domness is key and the essence of the insight of Ordt is again the result of the coincidence of Nambu-Goto Ac- tion that on such a fluctuating horizon matches an Action [211], when he proposed to give it a fractal model. We of area conservation (Think about a Black Hole horizon, ...), recover the 2-D prediction. Also, note that c could as does the Hilbert Einstein Action. That was not the an- be larger than or different from c: the path is frac- swer to the spacetime microstructure that we were looking tal160 , all what will matter is what the conventional for, in order to justify black hole and spacetime . resulting speed (at quantum or classical scales) is c 158 It may be worth repeating that this big bounce feature of [420, 419, 422, 421]. The paths are described by all the LQG derived models are fundamentally the result of working with Actions, Lagrangians and Hamiltonians that incorporate torsion. We know that introducing torsion [354] 159Energies were large at that time, so that every pertur- eliminates singularities. The big bounce could the result of bation can create both spacetime and particles. that aspect of the model; we do not start from scratch but 160The time fractionality follows [211] vision but also takes from an initial non-singular distribution of points. into account challenges as described in [481].

62 (Schrodinger,)¨ Klein Gordon or Dirac equations and tions and models by say Gupta, Feynman and Wein- the resulting spacetime rapidly becomes Lorentz in- berg mentioned earlier: the point of views are equiv- variance through the random sprinklings of points alent. Yet our proposals avoids the divergences and and non-commutative fuzziness that prevents know- renormalization problems. Gravitons and all parti- ing which points exactly exist among its neighbours cles live in an anticommutative geometry because of within some uncertainty range. its non-zero commutators. After a while, we can assume that a fractional (multi fractal within a certain range of scales) space- time has been built by the passage of the particles [420, 419, 422, 421] and Physics can be well de- fined in such spacetime, including Path Integrals, that motivate the existence of the multi-fold mecha- nisms also at such scales: gravity and EPR entangle- ment can take place. Commutators rules are main- tained between position and momentum (operators) making the Path Integral well defined. Noncommu- tativity and randomness ensures Lorentz invariance. As we raise a bit in scale, spacetime appears to rather be 4-D and with c as speed of light and abso- lutely no possibility for anything to propagate faster when looked from that scale upwards. It is a con- sequence of fractal spacetime [420, 419, 422, 421] where 4-D is predicted by numerical stability of GR solutions built from scratch [408, 409, 410] (as we did; in our case by random walk, not as GR solution, but with the multifold mechanism that we know to lead to GR). Figure 14: Growth of entangled spacetime by random walk or at inflation has spacetime points entangled locally at As soon that at least two or three different space- least for a while. The growth in spacetime matches the time points exist, the fold mechanism can appear growth of the multi-folds. These deltas in spacetime and in and enable entanglement between the particles (real folds are the quantas of the multi-fold mechanism (growth and virtual). It is sketched in figure 14. As the of the multi-folds), on in each fold, per (random) time click. graph grows, spacetime quantas are added/created They match the space-time growth or changes in RBG and neighbours are entangled. And so, multi-folds encountered in conventional quantization of gravity / GR) and of gravity as a result. These are the gravitons in U : build between the points as well as between points MF in our model, they live outside the spacetime RBG but and particles that left them. They are discrete and match the perturbation and growth in RBG. grow by the same quanta: gravitons are quantas of ”node segments added to spacetime and multi-folds”: As already discussed, with random walks, and a new point is matched with a new point for the folds random distribution as well as noncommutativity, and a new time click grows the corresponding multi- Lorentz invariance appears and c is the maximum ve- folds. Gravitons are the minimum of such addition locity for anything. As gravitons are also the quantas per time click: a quanta of addition (or perturbation) of spacetime, the initial steps of the spacetime emer- of spacetime in RBG, matches a quanta of addition of gence, by random walk, create such a fuzzy noncom- spacetime in the multi-folds. This equivalence (one in mutative geometry, random and multi-fractal, with spacetime, one outside not involved in energy conser- Lorentz symmetries baked in. It is the dual view of vation) means that the two point of view can be taken: the Path Integral formalism (for the right Action) and these quantas or gravitons are spacetime minimum all its implications in physics. perturbations or multi-folds quantas. Our analysis, Unless imposed by different initial conditions (e.g. where we argued the latter works and explains how 161 from a big bounce), the spacetime RBG starts flat . and why it matches with and how it relates to the conventional quantization of GR via linear perturba- 161We discussed already why it is not likely that it be with

63 Impressions of curvature (see our earlier discus- Planck black hole as in section 9.2. The position is sions) appears at higher scale. This allows us to re- one of the cartesian points where the particle ap- cover notions of Quantum mechanics and Classical peared to be centered give or take the uncertainties. Physics with Path Integrals and wave function equa- This model recovers Einstein’s GR field equations, tions in flat spacetime and notions of curved space- Area and lnA laws for entropy of horizons/surfaces time for semi classical or classical GR. [191, 192, 193, 194]. Yet, at very small scales, the Because we do have a discrete spacetime, no grav- nodes of the model are now dictated by the fractal ity singularity appears. Yet, effective potentials due distribution on the random walk with uncertainties, to fold curvature appear and black holes without sin- which salvages Lorentz invariance till almost the first gularity can exist. At larger scale, when we lose the moments. details and models with theories like GR, singulari- ties may appear. They are the result of the approxi- 9.7 Discretized spacetime matters mations made. It is just like conventional QFT with its lost background independence or not filtering out In section 8, we showed how semi classical conse- space like path in its Path Integrals. It does not mat- quences of gravity in UMF added to the Standard ter, as long that we understand the impact of these Model could start to help clarify some of its current approximations and why we can ignore them in cal- open problems. The same is true when bringing in culations and when we should not in some models or the discrete nature of UMF at very small scales. theorems. We know that it matters because it resolves the In addition to the discreteness considerations, problems of gravitational singularities: they do not each node has a local microscopic Schwarzschild exist anymore, that torsion and spin coupling to grav- black hole as discussed in section 9.2. Each parti- ity be involved or not. Black holes still have their cle is also modeled as a microscopic black hole with strange properties, especially when seen in a macro- a mass and charges [388, 385, 386, 384]. We know scopic model like GR, but singularity is never present that such a model creates some horizon dimension in reality. We do not know how the universe started issues (with possible naked singularity in conven- (e.g. from an singularity or not) but it certainly can- tional physics) [388]. However, this is forgetting how not return to one; it would rather bounce into a big i) spacetime discreteness, expansion (see later) and bounce. torsion can get us out of trouble (no naked singular- Closer to our subjects of interest, with the micro- ity in our world for even for extremal black holes and scopic black holes model on discrete spacetime node beyond) ii) more important in the scope of the present and black hole particles (and no singularity con- formalism, the fact that at very small scales, mas- cerns), we now have a way stronger basis to apply sive gravity may significantly increase the effect and semi classical model even at particle scales. Leading therefor reduce the horizon estimates so that they fit to for example considerations of section 8. better known particle size estimates and further re- It also shows that numerical and lattice models solve bad horizons. This recovers horizon sizes closer can actually be the correct models (i.e. not just to observation (e.g. for electron) with quantum mod- approximations biased by effects that would carry els. It also puts all these behaviours within the un- systematically wrong features as Gibbs oscillations certainty region of the particle and so it does not re- due to the discrete approximation of the lattices and ally matter: each model is acceptable, and we may that never disappear or reduce their effect until the even switch models on the flight based on what we limit to continuous is taken. These approximations want to discuss without negative consequences! can plague much GR numerical solutions or sim- The idea is that particles are black holes described ulations in LQG spacetimes reconstructions for ex- by their usual equations and with spin as an in- ample [25, 83]. Yet, as spacetime is discrete in ternal term coming from the wave function rotation UMF , these effects may indeed physically exist even generated or captures by the entry of the surround- if probably also tamed by the uncertainties, random ing virtual particle sin the multi-fold. As they move, walk instead of regular patterns and with a space- they imprint spacetime leaving behind a elementary time provided by the microscopic black holes. As consequence, our view of the work of causal dy- negative curvature. namic triangulation and reconstructions of space-

64 time validly demonstrate why our spacetime is 4-D: for its mass in order not to be extremal in conven- there are artefact of lattices that caused this observa- tional GR (i.e. involving only massless gravity con- tion [408, 409, 410]162. Of course, as for our advices tributions) [388]. This observation has some conse- to all quantum gravity theories, Causal Dynamic Tri- quences: angulation [460] would benefit to add notions of en- • It fits one of the consequence of the weak grav- tanglement, multi-folds (can be emulated by Action) itation conjecture proposed in [476]. The weak and random walk with fractal seed structure. . . gravitation conjecture was saying that for gravity As a next example, let us go back to the Standard or quantum gravity to be consistent, the force of Model and Yang–Mills theory as a non-abelian quan- the field gravity must be weaker than that of any tum field theory for QCD. It is well known that the of the gauge field forces, in suitable units. They mass gap in Yang-Mills theory [461] is an open prob- argued that there always must be “elementary lem that has not been resolved: proving that the low- m particles” for which the ratio |q| of their mass est energy state of energy is above the vacuum (with over their gauge field charge (e.g. electric charge, a mass gap) proves the stability of the theory and magnetic charge) is smaller than one: possible existence of Yang-mills theory, as well as m for example the viability of glueballs. None of these < 1 (29) have been validated so far. Only lattice simulation- |q| based proofs have been achieved [462]. In UMF , we (in natural units). The latter is indeed the case believe that with our approach the hypothesis has with electrons, in conventional physics. been proven. Indeed the result in [462] is now suf- • Yet, it is unclear if the validity for a given par- ficient as it shows independence of the lattice cell ticle (e.g. electron) implies that gravity is al- size. To be sure, repeating the simulation down to ways weaker than any other Gauge interaction maybe ∼ 10−18m would settle it for sure as ∼ 10−16m. (e.g. electromagnetism). Indeed, we just ar- Progress in computing systems should make it possi- gued that it works because G increases signif- ble. But we know that spacetime in UMF is discrete. icantly at very small scale because of massive So it is certain that in UMF , such results reflect real- gravity. It is behind the semi-classical implica- ity and no systematic discrete biases. In fact, solving tions with the Standard Model in section 8, and the mass gap in continuous spacetime may not be our explanations above. It seems rather that we possible nor lead to the right result: in continuous argue that gravity and electromagnetism rather spacetime there may or may not be a mass gap, who reach a similar (in fact exactly the same in nat- care! ural units) value, so that particles can be sta- ble microscopic black holes with no more con- 9.8 What about a weak gravity con- traction or expansion, other than for uncertainty reasons; but not evaporation. . . and the micro- jecture in UMF ? scopic black hole is extremal and stable. A consequence of the model of microscopic black- • We also know that conventionally, evaporation of hole as particles in section 9.6 with massive grav- macroscopic blackholes, if charged, will render ity is that as massive gravity plays a larger role, it them extremal at some point and then they can amounts to having Newton’s gravity constant G in- no more evaporate, and we would have problem- crease. This avoids extremal conditions in the Reiss- atic remnants [477]. ner–Nordstrom¨ metric[382]. Yet the charge of parti- • If extremal blackhole can’t evaporate, then they cles (e.g. electron) is often larger than what is allowed can break into smaller black holes. [478] ar- gued that to do so, they would split into a non- 162And, as a side note, it is not 3-D because curvature in- extremal black hole (that can continue to de- duced gravity does not exist in 2-D space nor is Huygens cay by evaporation) and another blackhole who principle working in 2-D space or in 4-D space (even dimen- would be beyond extremal; something that they sions). More dimensions (not compacted) are also simply too large for the energy content of the universe. Compacted argue would be possible only if physics changes dimensions introduce , instabilities and new fields to with smaller black holes so that quantum grav- explain. ity effect allow more charge per mass for them.

65 We do not believe that it is what happens in UMF . tal entropy without the need for hypotheses of cor- Indeed a non-extremal black hole will decay as in rections of physics for smaller black holes, i.e. conventional physics. When it becomes extremal, in- dEBH +BH = 0 (30) stead of decaying by evaporation, it will break apart 1 2 into smaller and smaller extremal black holes (e.g. in the first law of black hole thermodynamics [480] they split in two then again and again) randomly. At implies: the end, they will end up into elementary particles: no remnants; no mysteries, no paradoxes; no prob- dST otal = 0f orBH1+BH2 + dS2−systems ≥ 0 (31) lems. Therefore, it is a normal evolution. So, in UMF , at very small scales, i.e. at par- We have an important new claim in UMF : black ticles horizon and smaller, gravity becomes of the holes evaporate until they instead disintegrate into same order, in fact possibly the same coupling value, smaller and smaller extremal black holes down to as the other interactions, due to the short-range elementary charged particles. This is also without massive gravity effects (and entanglement, although problematic remnants issues [477]. Also, it should that does not seem to contribute to the gravity alleviate concerns about unitarity and information strength beyond the virtual particle entanglement ef- paradoxes. fects around a source of our approach). We do not satisfy the weak gravity conjecture despite having particles satisfying the mass to charge ratio expec- 9.10 Interaction Democracy ex- tation. tended to Gravity or Ultimate On the other hand, the spirit of the weak gravity Unification? conjecture may be valid in UMF , in the sense that as discussed in section 4.1, the probability of a parti- The match in intensity of gravity with the other forces cle’s paths venturing in a fold is very small as to pre- reminds us of the arguments used for GUT and GUT serve conservation laws and unitarity. Also graviton scales [236]. However, now it is between gravity and live in AdS(5) rather than our spacetime. The out- the other gauge interactions: Strong (or QCD) and come is a weak impact at most scale above particle Electroweak. At the scales considered, their charges uncertainty dimensions (and the horizons of parti- are involved, with confinement as needed that main- cle as black hole). Around these scales (after grav- tains colors hidden or rather neutralized away from ity get a strong massive contribution), it is not more the horizon). Because gravity is involved, there valid. Of course that is different formulation from are no magnetic charges (aka magnetic monopoles). [476]; it is no more the same conjecture as gravity The consequences are that gravity, strong and elec- does not have to be the weakest force at all scales. troweak interactions strength converge at the small This again means, in our view, an impact on how su- scales we discussed: a sign of unification. In fact, to perstring theory should look at their landscape and our knowledge, it may be the first time that such a swamp [61]. reasoning or convergence involving gravity could be made, albeit in UMF . So far, our thought process did not provide actual arguments of a symmetry break- 9.9 A new Black Hold life cycle op- ing mechanism. Of course, there can be many candi- tion: from quantum evapora- dates, including, for examples, effects of scales jump- tion to extremal disintegration ing for example from mostly 2-D to 4-D or from mostly discrete to continuous or from non-commutative to into extremal black holes; down mostly commutative behaviours in RBG. The list is to microscopic black hole parti- long. Yet all we can conclude, at this time, is that the cles intensity of the interactions (coupling) seems to con- verge: i) Between gravity (with massive (and entan- Inspired by the conclusions in [478, 479], it should glement) contributions) and Electroweak ii) As well be clear that while the massive gravity and entan- as with the . There are no signs (to glement decreases entropy, splits of extremal black the contrary because among other things of the chal- holes into two extremal black holes increases the to- lenges with proton decays and magnetic monopoles)

66 that QCD and Electroweak interactions unify first, GUT (like SO(5), SO(10) and supersymmetric varia- even if, conventionally, their intensity converged (ear- tions) symmetry requirements, could circumvent the lier) [236]. We can therefore formulate two different ineluctability of the proton decay (at least due to hypotheses: GUTs164 - there are also other theoretical reasons to expect proton decays that are out of scope of the • (1) We only have a democratization effect IDeG: present paper) [482]) that has never been observed all interactions have roughly the same intensity [239]. at very small scales. They may remain distinct. UU in UMF , is the outcome of the quest for the Holy • (2) They may instead be facettes of a same mech- Grail started by Einstein165. It takes a different form, anism; still unknown. The mechanism is an Ul- and it is for UMF . In UMF , at UU ages or scales, now timate Unification (UU) interaction. Symmetry new particles are needed; other they may all com- breaking(s) lead(s) to these different facettes. bined into one or few responsible for gravity and all (1) is what we have deducted so far and seems to other interactions. It is possible; but not needed at the difference of what was often the conventional im- apply in UMF . Can we find hints about (2)? If we fol- low our reasoning, IDeG results from massive grav- age of Grant Unifications. ity taking a larger role. In truth massless gravity probably also increases (as more massless carriers 9.11 Some of the Baryon Mysteries are involved, and distances are very small). In fact, beyond electroweak unification scales, everybody is . kind of massless; so the statement (at the reasoning Let us spend a few more moments on the pro- about massive gravity at very small scale made so ton, and the problems of the proton decay to see far – it was a sleigh of hand) is somehow ambiguous: if insights could progress in UMF . In fact, can we at these scales, effects are short range but carriers all but rule out proton decay under certain circum- are massless; just not limited to virtual photons (and stances? Today, the proton decay [501]and the pro- virtual neutrinos). All these carriers are involved on ton radius [502] are still puzzles. [499], show that the same footing. Isn’t that the unification we are an (extremal) black hole model for the proton pro- looking for? Every particle equally contributes virtu- vides a good model for the proton magnetic moment ally to carrying entanglement, and therefore gravity (not depending of the coupling strength) and could like effects, while it can equally carry or generate or explain the different radius estimates as measures participate to, electroweak and string interactions. of the two Kerr-Newman ergospheres (which depends Of course, in such a picture, all these interactions on G but gain would have to be adjusted with the will have intensities of the same order of magnitude, massive gravity changes vs. the spin (i.e. going to in fact the same intensity, as being massless, they a Reissner–Nordstrom¨ metric). Conventionally, con- kind of all have similar probability to appear. That is serving all what needs to be conserved (energy con- the Ultimate Unification UU and the symmetry break- servation is why proton cannot decay when left on ing occurs when scale increase and continues when its own into say a positron and a neutron, but it masses appear. But the fundamentals of UU is de- can when it is in nuclei through positron emission mocratization of the entanglement and gravity effects (and transformation into a neutron)). In the standard across all sources and carriers, all massless while model, there are no other candidates for target to they go on their own business; therefore matching the proton decay (as long that we have baryon num- each effect particle by particle, carrier by carrier and ber conservation 9and Leptonic L)). The details of B interaction by interaction. and L symmetries and conservations can be found In UMF , no magnetic monopole are needed for for example in [504]. One note however, that these these steps (they remain always forbidden by grav- that it be at the dawn of the universe, or after, at very small ity effect on electroweak/electromagnetism) and un- ranges somewhere above Planck scales. fortunately, every GUT implies magnetic monopoles, 164Granted also, that less known GUTs exist that avoid en- without exception (See [321] for a discussion)163. No tirely the proton decay problem. A review list is maintained at [483]. 163In our view, gravity effects and UU prevent GUT and 165Discovering UU while tinkering with the weak gravity Magnetic monopole to ever have an option to reign in UMF ; conjecture, was quite a surprise.

67 are anomalous symmetries [504, 506]. As a result, enue to explain why proton decay is not happening; they are not associated a massless boson. If B and L at least not within any of the scale currently consid- could be violated, so that only B − L (Baryon minus ered. We do not say that it rules it out, because we Leptonic number) need to be conserved, then proton realize that the story does not stop here, and things decay becomes possible. We would encounter New will change at very small scales. Indeed, at very Physics beyond the Standard Model if a boson asso- small scales or very strong gravity levels, combining ciated to a B − L Global symmetry [504] were to ex- massless and massive effects, more considerations ist. The associated Feynman diagrams are sketched may enter under consideration. For example, pres- in [507](even if in that reference, the lifetime bound- suring enough the quarks, gives them full asymp- ary estimates are outdated by far) for the decay to π0 totic freedom with colorless behaviors. When that and π+. We can see the exotic boson(s)166 with frac- happens, quarks within a composite could annihilate tional charges that differ from the known quarks167). and therefore proton could decay and the violations There is no candidate for these exotic bosons within of B (and others) may not matter as the symmetries, the Standard Model. They do exist in GUTs, su- (even at decent local scale) would be broken by grav- persymmetry and variations and it why these the- ity: this could happen within black holes. But this ories predict proton decays as discussed in the pre- is a model for macroscopic black holes; not within a vious section. The anomaly that weakens L and B stable or extremal microscopic black hole surround- conservation are anomalous. It results from inter- ing particles or spacetime positions. actions involving with left-handed and right-handed Besides ruling out the proton decay at reasonable massive fermions are not the same [506]. B − L is scales, implication of eliminating L violation options not anomalous. Gravity and torsion flip chirality of with the mechanism conjecture here has also im- massive fermions [509, 510]. We already saw that plications for the attempt to explain the neutrino’s curvature, i.e. gravity in semi-classical approaches mass: many of the proposals with Majorana neutri- flip helicity of massless fermions [406]168. As a result nos for examples are no more options. left and right massive fermions, no matter how small As carefully stated, the above is a conjecture169 in 170 their mass is, they are flipped back and forth when UMF , but it can be mathematically drilled down gravity is sufficient, which massive gravity and small and better qualified or proven. Yet mixing in stronger case ensures. This could average out the axial cur- gravity and very small scale may affect all results rent contributions and eliminate, these anomalies, at all scales. Even if the proposed smearing works, on average. In other words, we suggest that it may gravity may not let the anomaly reduction be replaced be possible that the anomalies are smeared by grav- by valid, even local, symmetries for B and L. Finally ity, ensuring truer conservation of B and L than as [505] reviews that i) anomalies remain meaningful anomalous symmetries. Of course it is a conjecture, when going to a discrete spacetime (lattice in the case that requires more formal work to validate if such a of that paper) and that ii) blackhole radiations can be smearing concept would make sense for anomalies derived from anomalies. and what is exactly its impact. All this is for future works. In addition, one should keep in mind the fact that no global symmetry exist in the presence of grav- 9.12 More selected implications of ity [362, 361]: the smeared, not so much anomalous UMF for Quantum Gravity the- anymore symmetries are local. Yet, it may be an av- ories, especially superstrings and LGQ 166Spin must be 0 or 1. 167Which are also fermion not bosons; so they do not fit Let us summarize and detail the properties of a the bill. Supersymmetry would associated bosons as su- multi-fold universe now that we know that it is actu- per partners to the fermions and would provide the missing particles. 169From a mathematical point of view. 168There is a discrepancy for massless fermions between 170The reasoning can be repeated in the presence of gravity [406] and [509]; but we argue that, in UMF , the validation without using our model; but the strength of the gravity of semi classical approaches till very small scales and the interactions needed to achieve flips and smearing may not presence of massive gravity gives more weight to the con- be sufficient if semi-classical is no more valid or without clusion of [406]. massive gravity contributions at these very small scales.

68 ally a fractal/fractional discrete spacetime universe our model meets ER=EPR. that appears 4-D at larger scales. In the emerging spacetime ages and at very low Gravitons have appeared as spin-2 particles. At scales, when spacetime segments are created, micro- discrete (Planck) scales in UMF , distances traveled scopic black holes-like dips are added. Each con- at c speed in RBG are matched to distances on each tribute an additional amount of degrees of freedom µ µ fold in the activated folds F(x ) in Bactiv(x ). At the by microscopic area eigen value. The entropy is in initial stages, spacetime RBG is created in segments Ln(A). In this regime, spacetime coordinates should determined by perturbations in multiples of mini- be considered as operators. This justifies introduc- mum time and space jumps with speed maxed by ing eigen values for area or spacetime coordinates. it c. These are the quantas of spacetime. As activated also clarifies the notion of observable spacetime and folds grow, with new segments added, new segments how collapse or walking a point can be understood match these particle steps in RBG. For the activated as concretizing or creating spacetime. In fact, we re- µ bundle, the torus of Bactiv(x ) contributes the same cover the arguments of [208, 209] about being able δmin spacetime contribution as in RBG: 2π 2π = δmin: to have points and metric operator realized, but with- gravitons are both the quanta of spacetime in RBG out requiring the wave function collapses in Singh’s µ and the fold creations in Bactiv(x ). models. With virtual massless particles surrounding phys- In terms of superstrings, it is probably worth ob- ical or virtual particles, massless gravitons are at- serving the following: tached to them as the multi-folds and mappings form 5 • Gravitons live in AdS(5) (+S ) or (+1 more for and grow. Any particle generates them with the vir- M-theory); where gravity can be much stronger tual particles that it emits. (as there, gravity is not just an effect tangent to The concept of attachment is important; it is a new RBG). AdS(5) could be the solutions of GR for quantum process, although it was already suspected D = 5 and support strings gravity models. for electromagnetic waves where photons and gravi- tons travel together, and it links virtual particles to • Multi-folds could be traversable wormholes. their entangled anti particle. EPR entangled mas- Again, and as already mentioned, we could have sive particles and massive virtual particles are asso- modeled multi-fold as ER bridges inRBG. ciated with massive gravitons. These massive gravi- • Quasi microscopic blockholes surrounding par- tons travel at speeds slower than c and match the ticles could be seen as a start or attach- speed of the entangled particles to which they are ment points from strings characterizing them in attached. Pairs of gravitons attached to entangled AdS(5). They also motivate a model where each particles are themselves entangled. particle are microscopic black holes and space- The waves of effective potentials and curvatures time is a network of Planck black holes. are the effect in RBG that, so far, conventional Physics has considered as gravitons. They are not, at • [94] stated that strings are not compatible with dark energy (positive cosmology constant). If least in our definition in UMF or if we want to match U our gravitons to those modeled by superstrings. They they were to be considered with MF , then it are more a holographic effect or reflection of what does not matter: superstrings just need to live AdS +S5 +1 happens outside spacetime. in (5) ( ) or ( more for M-theory). That Disentanglement detaches the gravitons from their incompatibility may also relate to the fundamen- AdS GR associated entangled virtual or real particles. The tal instability of as solution of [452]. It is not an issue as discussed in the second bullet multi-folds detach from RBG and only exists in the next, below. AdS(5). That space is tangent to RBG in UMF . One could model the process as if when entangled particle • The CFT/AdS correspondence or Gauge/gravity are disrupted (e.g. observed or absorbed), so are the correspondence conjecture is replaced in UMF correspondingly attached gravitons: they escape and by RBG / AdS(5) correspondence. The argu- live as a torus or set of (closed) bubbles in AdS(5). It ments for weak gravity effects in RBG (within reminds a lot of closed superstrings. UMF ) remain valid. Yet the correspondence has As a result of being in AdS(5), folds could be AdS(5) evolved: gravitons live in AdS(5); and power wormholes and even traversable! This may be how to superstring theory, or other frameworks, to

69 model them as well as strongly coupled gravity or real particles. And yes, our multi-folds are in AdS(5). Of course, we only care about the tori in AdS(5). R gravity effects in BG, where effective potentials • We believe that our model shows how super- or curvature sand their propagation take place strings relate to RBG in ways that have not as a result of multi-folds and mappings. These been reached yet by string theories because they are the holographic effects and the CFT/AdS ef- missed several ingredients, especially in terms of U fects for MF . Also, it is no more just a corre- link to EPR entanglement. Yet the amazing sim- spondence; we see the boundary/surface effect ilarities and consistencies are probably points to of the graviton’s behavior at the boundary be- ponder especially as UMF is not built by simply U V tween MF and AdS(5) as eff . calculating variations on actions, Hamiltonians • RBG has AdS(5) as tangent space. The out- or Lagrangians derived from quantized Hilbert - come is indeed that, instead of having CFT as Einstein Actions and extensions. Doing so, we boundary to AdS(5) 171. This indicates that su- may actually provide new insights into M-theory perstrings on AdS(5) ⊗S5 (+1) is where suitable [255, 260]. Consider for example, the fact that superstrings could exist. It again reinforces the strings would apply to spaces outside (i.e. tan- non-issue with non-AdS superstrings being in gent to) our spacetime RBG rather than be the the swampland [94]. space embedding it • We know that compacted dimensions as encoun- Our model has also a lot of connections with as- tered in many string variations for S5 (or +1), pects of LQG and its numerous variations [243] bring new interactions just as in Kaluza Klein starting with area quantas with area eigen values [254, 256]. It would be worth considering if the and volumes; but that is again because we recover modelling above shows promises to also look if Hilbert Einstein Actions and LQG builds spacetimes entanglement gravity-like behavior would be as- or its dynamics from the area invariance interpreta- sociated to gravitons or may be to some of these tion of the Hilbert Einstein Action. However, these extra dimension forces. Indeed after all the dy- models again do not model diligently entanglement namic multi-folds remind of dynamic compact nor gravity as entanglement of virtual particles sur- extra dimensions and in Kaluza Klein rounding a matter. Spacetime does not exist in LGQ and string theory. and non-commutativity aspects are inherently intro- duced for example through the fundamental geom- • String miss the mechanism to model EPR en- etry of the tetrahedron172 and non-commutativity of tanglement and the role of gravitons to enable its quantas of area normal vectors. Classical space- entanglement in general. time does not unambiguously emerge in LGQ, and • By not capturing (individual) EPR entangle- variations, while discretization and Lorentz invari- ment, superstring theory did not start as a non- ance are not deducted; they are assumed. With our commutative geometry theory. Yet models intro- approach, they could be deducted with reasonings ducing noncommutativity have been developed as presented here, where blackholes for spacetime or emerge in some limits. As an entry point see can be replaced by spin networks, started on a ran- for example [457, 213, 214]. There is a belief dom walk fractal structure. Could spin networks or that there are deep connections between super- spin foam then be sufficient, or do we also need some string theories and noncommutative geometry; quasi black hole consideration to link back to clas- but it is not yet well formulated or understood. sical spacetime? We will discuss in future works. In In general, in strings, the noncommutativity re- any case, we believe that matter and entanglement sults from the presence of compactified torus ge- would still have to be separately modeled, which ometry. Our work here shows how it is actually makes sense as in our model, spacetime does not intrinsic to entanglement and gravity with the include matter (fermions and bosons). matter must folds / gravitons attached to entangled virtual be added and so does entanglement between matter.

171The other dimensions of (superstrings) being in S5 (+1) 172Key to variant formulations of GE, a` la Einstein-Cartan are decoupled for this purpose. Keep in mind: 10 dimen- with spin connections, and, hence, usually introduced sions of superstrings and 11 of M-theory. when dealing with fermions and torsion.

70 Details can be found in [25, 215]. The same prescrip- times slows down near a black hole horizon. From tions applies more or less similarly to most spacetime that point of view, the quantum and macroscopic reconstruction as reviewed in [243] as well as to some world operates much faster and maybe behave (quasi) extent to models derived from Causal Dynamic Tri- like supra luminous reference frames (knowing full angulation [460]. Across the board, as well as with well that the speed of light remained the same across superstrings and GR, a challenge is that the Action all these scales, this is why the arguments are for used by these theories derives from the Hilbert Ein- sure not rigorous). But on that basis, Quantum Me- stein Action; which we have seen contain a portion chanics and Path Integrals as well as Action extrem- of the entanglement effects, yet without surfacing it ization would be natural consequences. as a root cause; only a portion (massless). Figuring Regarding our earlier discussion filtering out space out how to evolve the Action or models to add what is like paths in Path Integrals in UMF , we already know missing (and avoid duplications) may not be immedi- that the discrete spacetime explains that observa- ate. It is for future works. tion. Yet, in the context of the proposal discussed in It would also be worth looking at adding the idea this section, paths around a microscopic black hole of adding EPR entanglement and random walks with always appear supra luminous in a larger scale supra its fractional dimensions to LQG and spin networks luminous frame. It means that if this was a way to / spin foam. For future works, it would be great to explain the origin of Path Integrals and Actions ex- see if features of UMF can be recovered by the LQG tremization, then indeed no path outside the light or one of its variations; although one would have to cone is to be considered. This is what we had already carefully understand when and where Hilbert Ein- settled upon in section 2 stein Actions and its variations should or should not apply. Blindly repeating LQG with EPR would at best give a variations mentioned earlier where GR governs 10 Cosmology, Big Bang and aspects of the multi-folds; but it may also rather link LQG to ER-EPR. Yet a lot could be learned from this. all These Dark Things 10.1 The Big Bang and Inflation 9.13 From spacetime and particle black holes to Path Integrals In the case of our multi-fold universe UMF , a big bang initial expansion173 of the universe can be un- and Actions derstood as a (re)construction of UMF starting from single point or a small set of point. Quantum fluc- Our model of particles and spacetime with micro- tuations initiate random walks of the particles that scopic black holes opens the door to another sur- are created. For simplicity, we assume that the typi- prising possible link between special relativity and cal big bang chronology [167] is respected. Therefore, quantum mechanics. We admit that this is set of some unification of the forces probably exists, at least considerations may not be worth much more than up to electroweak but possibly as UU. Because en- other numerological hints. It starts from the work tanglement is so central to quantum physics, we do published in [463] where, it is shown that special rel- expect that even a unification of gravity with other ativity for supra luminous reference frames implies interactions would maintain the behavior described that in such referential, Physics presents behaviours in this paper in terms of multi-folds. The main differ- analogous to quantum mechanics, like probabilis- ence is that initially all particles were most probably tic random behavior and more importantly multiple massless, EPR entanglement at these levels of energy paths contributing through additive phase contribu- and scales is also with massless gravitons: indeed all tions to the probability of evolution of particles from physical or virtual particles are massless. a spacetime location to another [464]. Cosmology considerations and the Standard model Interestingly, if we consider in a microscopic scale can describe the chronology and zoology of parti- (from Planck scale to ≈ fm) world where spacetime and particles are black holes, we could argue that 173We do not try to argue here if the terminology of big bang anything appearing, approaching or interacting at should be before or after or as part of the inflation assuming such scales behaves with a slowed down time, as that inflation took place.

71 cles (and their field model) that were present and in- 10.2 Dark Energy and the Cosmo- volved. It may be some of those that we know to- logical Constant problem day. Or it may new ones, including say inflatons [456, 454], gravitons, dilatons, scalar fields, etc. It Quantum walk continues to generate new spacetime, does not really matter for what we try model. Yet it but typically the effect is constant (or decreasing is interesting that we do not need to introduce an in- where spacetime is already extensively realized, i.e. flaton as will be discussed later on: it can be, or not concretize). This explains a constant or decreasing be, among these early particles. In fact inflation it- expansion (e.g. with a static or slowly decreasing cos- self can directly be explained with the reconstruction mological constant). mechanism that we described and the random walk. This effect is not primarily due to the vacuum Indeed at every time click, and with large energy con- energy. So in our model and multi-fold universe, tent at every concretize point of spacetime, each point we can resolve the cosmological constant problem, will contribute multiple new points in many direc- whereby there is a difference of 1060 to 10120 order of tions (by populating with a new particle). So even magnitude of difference between the vacuum ground starting from a single point174, we have an exponen- energy (due to vacuum fluctuations) predicted by tial growth of new spacetime points with time, which QFT / Standard Model and variations believed to is inflation. A phase transition occurs when the en- be the source of the cosmological constant versus ergy at each point does not automatically so enthu- the actual value estimated of the cosmological con- siastically create new points in every direction, but stant [219, 475]. These subtleties and the mecha- rather follows a random walk and exponential growth nisms that we describe may also help understand stops. The random walk is, at times, mostly between the discrepancies between the measures cosmolog- concretized points and, in some places, it is not.: ex- ical values versus QFT prediction so far based on ponential growth stops. Expansion however contin- the vacuum energy [219] and possibly address the ues as will be revisited later, through random walk, “cosmological constant paradox” (aka ”Λ-paradox”). possibly slowed down by entanglement of with new With our mechanism, it is not surprising that the spacetime points. Reheating etc. can take place, value of the cosmological constant would be small, maybe as the result of other cosmology and standard no matter what the QFT vacuum energy density is: model considerations mentioned, like textbfUU sym- it solely intervenes to create the expanding displace- metry breaking, then GUT symmetry breaking if it ments. These are expected to be of orders of magni- were to exist (doubtful as discussed) and then Elec- tude smaller than Planck length (lP ) and hence really troweak symmetry breaking for sure, etc. small. A lot of them spurred by a lot of energy density is required to have any macroscopic let alone cosmo- Of course, suitable conditions were needed for the logical effect. big bang to start from an initial point/seed or region As time goes by, spacetime entanglement relaxes. requires enough energy within the initial seed vol- Even with all spacetime points concretized through ume or initial fluctuation; something that obviously different random walks, fluctuations of the position would be extraordinary rare if seen as a vacuum fluc- of these points may generate effective potentials that tuation. If lots of energy is present e.g. if it was hap- attract outside of the concretized spacetime as illus- pening at the end of a crunch cycle like if we had a trated in figure 15. The random fluctuation of the big bounce as proposed and discussed also in [458], particles amount to random walks to grow spacetime then it may immediately start at the first fluctuation. constantly. However the continued effective poten- Otherwise, we do not know what initiated the pro- tial is an extra pressure, that can be modeled as a cess, just as we also still do not know in the case of constant gravitational pressure in GR. Even if very all the other conventional models for cosmology. small, it eventually ends up accelerating constantly the growth of the universe, in all directions, every- where. When a fluctuation rather brings the attrac- tion effect towards the existing spacetime, we have noises of the attractive effective potential; but not the same impact on the expansion of spacetime. It 174 dNpoints dt = αt is more random walk effects.

72 certainty pushes the attraction target outside space- time, spacetime grows with the resulting attraction forces: it is a perpetual acceleration; without intro- ducing new particles or repulsive gravity. And again, it looks like; the cosmological constant is not directly a measure of the vacuum energy but rather the result of uncertainties associated to it that pull everywhere particles (real and virtual) outside spacetime. Accelerated expansion and the positive cosmologi- cal constant can result from these effects. As in tra- ditional models and ΛCDM [216, 217], it is widely ex- pected that the density of the dark matter is uniform throughout spacetime and remaining constant as it expands. In our multi-fold universe it may not be the case: the dark energy phenomenon is uniformly happening everywhere; yet, because it results from fluctuations, it is expected to be more pronounced near “hot objects” and so near matter/energy. Also random walks expansions outside spacetime is more Figure 15: Fluctuations of the position of the entangled pronounced where matter is than only vacuum and particles, result into the attractive effective potential to therefore only virtual particles. From a larger scale point towards the tangent AdS(5) space and produce a (constant) force to grow spacetime and hence accelerate point of view, matter curves spacetime more near expansion. Fluctuation within spacetime only introduce large massive objects [220] (positive curvature and torsion or fluctuation in spacetime or concretize not yet elongated geodesics) and fluctuations will more of- existing spacetime as constant rate process (lattice points ten attracted towards the outside of the spacetime never occupied vs. in the first case where new lattice (at least where the effect is convex); which is always points are created in an accelerated way). The figure the case if we start from flat RBG. illustrates symbolically the 4-D spacetime. In a multi fold universe UMF , the accelerated ex- pansion of the spacetime results from the fluctua- tions and uncertainties of the position of particles. The combination of these effects (relaxation of The effects are probably more pronounced around spacetime entanglement, random walk and fluctu- matter and energy and so dark energy is probably ations that create an accelerating attraction towards not uniform and stronger around matter. It has been AdS R (5)) results into accelerated expansion of BG, envisaged in the past; see from example [221, 222] not just a constant expansion. The attractive poten- for some examples of possible modelling and impli- tial effect accelerates that expansion. This contribu- cations; but our proposed behaviour may not be as tion can explain aspects of dark energy, especially in envisaged in these papers. terms of accelerated expansions. It is a direct result Finally, matter/energy enhanced dark energy be- of the multi-fold mechanisms of UMF . haviour would also prevent singularities and encour- Indeed, dark energy [310, 216] was introduced to age cosmology dynamics like big bounce (in addition explain the observations of the universe expansion to the effects of torsion and discrete spacetime). is currently accelerating instead as decelerating as was originally expected. Its proportion is modelled as part of ΛCDM [217, 218] along with dark matter. 10.3 Dark matter In our proposed multi-fold universe UMF , accel- eration of the spacetime expansion is automatically Dark matter [217, 223, 310] is the other key pillar expected: everywhere, physical or virtual particles to ΛCDM [216, 217]. Motivations for its introduction are at the local edge of spacetime. Just as for the are detailed in [217, 223, 310]. To this day it has kickoff of the big bang, whenever fluctuations or un- remained unexplained even if candidates have been

73 proposed like Scalar Field BEC (e.g. of massive ax- ions, gravitons, neutrinos or Higgs field etc.); but it argued that the mass deficit in the universe rather comes from cold dark matter (i.e. invisible matter moving slowly); in order to explain the large struc- ture of galaxies and galaxy clusters in the universe that are believed to not be possible if dark matter was moving rapidly.

In our proposed multi fold universe UMF , a new candidate emerges in the form of the long-distance entanglement (but mostly not as proposed so far with say [14]). Per section 4.1, entanglement between two or more particles creates an attractive potential in 1 175 r .) towards the center of mass on the axis be- tween the particles. If particles like photons and more importantly neutrinos are generated by mat- ter (e.g. nuclear reactions in stars), then they lead to two or more particles entangled (e.g. by spin, po- larization/helicity, states etc.). In the case of neutri- Figure 16: Entanglement from matter or between emitted nos, the center the mass remains near the source. entangle pairs of particles create impression of attraction With photons, the center of mass of entangled pho- towards the galaxy or halos of the galaxies. If not enough matter is kept entangled in or towards galaxy (or if not tons emitted in opposite directions is also staying enough hallo exists to capture entanglement with the near the source in a spherical halo. As the parti- center, the effect may decrease or become negligible. cles travel, they create additional attraction towards these centers. Even more if they interact and entan- gle with other particles without losing the original en- 11 Validation and experimen- tanglement. Particles that interact barely like neutri- nos have increased chance to maintain long time en- tation tanglement and hence emulate as if additional dark matter (dark and cold as the center of attraction is So far our approach has been to work in U ∈ {UMF } not moving fast - and non-existing) was present. In associated to a pseudo Riemannian manifold RBG, addition, as these particles randomly walk on their without claiming that such a model is relevant to path, they create spacetime entanglement on their Ureal and being content to explain or relate the model paths. They also contribute to attractive potentials. to what has been modeled or observed so far by con- This way, most scenarios requiring dark matter might ventional physics in Ureal. Of course, it would be be accounted for [223]. The distributed center of even better if we could discover or prove that Ureal ∈ attractions where sources are and in a diffused or {UMF }. halo region surrounding the galaxies as observed. Our multi-fold universe UMF differs from the uni- When due to the history of the galaxy, entanglement verse modelled so far by conventional physics by nu- is weak, disturbed or has been dispersed and spread merous aspects ranging from the concepts of multi- further away (e.g. on the path of movement of the folds and mappings, the absolute respect of c as up- galaxy), it may appear as if less or no dark matter per speed limit for particles (physical or virtual) and is associated to a galaxy. This could avoid the chal- any communications exchanges or interactions, the lenges of observations like [459]. filtered Path IntegralsPISF , the kinetics and dynam- ics of bunches of multi-folds associated to activation and deactivation events, the resulting attractive ef- fective potentials due to entanglement and the asso- ciated (effective) curvature of the multi-folds as well 175 1 or r2 as contribution of individual folds as a plausible discrete and fractional dimensions for

74 spacetime, the presence of AdS(5) spacetime tangent age to understand the details, the work described to spacetime around every physical or virtual parti- in [224, 225, 226] may shows that some High Tem- 1 cles, the attractive effective potential in r (and pos- perature superconductors when rotated generated a sibly variations) as well as the direction privileged gravity field consistent with field gravity-like attractive potentials between non hierar- equations predictions (Einstein Maxwell equations chically EPR entangled particles, (quasi) microscopic for gravity) [227, 228, 229] and may relate to our pre- black hole around particles and as spacetime, virtual dictions in a multi-fold universe: the observed per- particles around virtual or massive particles, carry- turbations of accelerometers are consistent with at- ing gravity, massless and massive; the graviton at- tractive gravity contributions and the order of mag- tachment to EPR entangled particles in all these phe- nitude discrepancy (stronger than expected) could nomena, the graviton role in random walks and en- result from attributing the effect the entanglement tanglement of spacetime quantas, the potential im- gravity-like fluctuation and massive gravitons, as pact of the models on the big bang inflation, black we predict. More experiments aimed at detecting energy, cosmological constant and black matter and gravity-like fluctuations within and around super- entangled quantum matter and the generalization conductors and other entangled quantum material of Area laws and holographic principles; the role of are encouraged. Pure experimentations not involv- gravity as extension to the Standard Model, with- ing electromagnetism would provide clearer answers, out the need of new Physics; the absence of a weak but it is possible that electromagnetism is needed to gravity; new lifecycle for black holes and the Holy attain observable effects. Grail of a Ultimate Unification. These points also Qubits realizations (non-hierarchical or even hi- resulted in recommendations and considerations for erarchical where forces compose) may also be a ba- other Physics theories. sis for observing gravity fluctuations. We know that Being able to model theoretical variations that can EPR entanglement is typically not observable [87]. be verified or predictions that are validated or inval- Detecting gravity like fluctuations between Qubits is idated would open such possibilities. certainly a way to determine if systems are entangled Possibly, the most obvious phenomena that could and form a Qubit without perturbating the Qubit (i.e. be observed to validate the approach would be the by measuring it). Effects are however way too weak 1 attractive effective fluctuations in r (gravity like) for today’s capabilities. Yet there may be indirect near/within entangled systems, especially in the ways to detect the effect. As quantum computers are case of macroscopic entanglement (assuming that built, it is expected that they will concentrate large they are not hierarchical). These effects do not range numbers of Qubits in controlled geometric configu- to infinity and they propagate as waves or fluctua- rations. This may provide a way to detect gravity like tions when entanglement takes place or collapse. So, fluctuations. one should observe mostly gravity fluctuation within This link between quantum computing and gravity or around entangled quantum matter like supercon- due to entanglement has of course other interesting ductors. considerations. Indeed, for example, we know that In particular, it would be valuable to try to mea- the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture led to the sure such fluctuations especially around high tem- observation that spacetime RBG (or rather a CFT perature superconductors, where we expect the ef- spacetime) may behave as an error corrector code fect to be stronger (because superconductivity is orig- for Qubits/entanglement in AdS(5) [233, 234, 235]. inating from tighter pairs than conventional super- However, these observations apply to Qubits realized conductors, even if the pairs are spread also across in AdS(5); not in RBG. By analogy of the tensors the superconductor, and assuming the roots of the networks and its renormalization group, behind the entanglements are not hierarchical. error correctors and the evolution of entropy from We already noted that related observations may ln(A) to A that we observe as we grow in scale, we have taken place but have been plagued with contro- can see that in RBG of UMF , the bulk discrete struc- versies and conspiracy theories ranging from gravi- ture of spacetime is also encoded with error correc- ton generators to antigravity with repulsive gravitons; tion codes in a larger scale surface surrounding it. something that our model does not propose. Yet, In fact, it explains all the Area properties and laws to the extent that it is credible and that we man- seen so far. This statement is actually a fundamen-

75 tal new theorem and not something that was clearly (or information or entropy) impacts spacetime, then demonstrated so far in our view. It is a fundamental we have challenge with most conventional Quantum link to unitarity expectations in quantum physics. Physics when the wave function is not considered a real, a beable. So it is either a beable that can have such an impact through physical interactions with 12 Putting it all together: spacetime; or spacetime and Hilbert spaces must have a physical relationship. From Science to Applica- This relationship, between the state space / tions and Science-Fiction Hilbert space(s) on the configuration space struc- ture (i.e. spacetime) in UMF , certainly warrants 12.1 Hilbert spaces, Rigged Hilbert further analysis and formalism. The wavefunction (of the universe content) defines in the right Hilbert Spaces, Fock Spaces and UMF spaces (or variations) creates or concretizes space- spacetime time (where there was none) and creates multi-folds and effective potentials and curvatures (where space- U With MF , we have learned that one can look at time exists). Said differently, the spacetime wave- state spaces like Hilbert spaces and their rigged (e.g. function is defined by the Hilbert spaces properties QFT Gelfand triplets) or Fock versions for , where of its content and its topology (or energy content via wave functions and fields live, are not just built on its effective potentials) changes as a result. A whole xµ the spacetime of but impact it. Indeed, we saw a new formalism could be derived from this observa- few examples and mechanisms: tion and it may help with some of the wave functions • We have seen that EPR entanglements between paradoxes and all the Quantum Mechanics interpre- points or regions (at least nonhierarchical) result tation disagreements. It is for future works. into folds and mappings between these regions. The multi-folds are tangent to spacetime in the center of mass of the entangled particles. Simi- 12.2 Applications and Engineering lar conclusions aligned with our view was also dreams reached independently in [190]. We also saw If UMF correctly describes Ureal, then, while it is very how this relates to the phase space [246]. difficult to foresee at this stage all what could result • We also saw that, when considering histories from our multi-fold universe model, besides impact from t = −∞, spacetime points that have not on Physics, we can envisage applications in terms of: been crossed by a particle, do not exist. They • Detecting entanglement without perturbating appear only if the wavefunction was not zero at the entangled systems by detecting gravity fluc- some time t1 ∈ (−∞, t[. Otherwise spacetime is tuation (the attractive effective potential) be- created only at t2 when the wave function be- tween or around the entangled components. comes nonzero. These ideas are also consistent with proposal related to wave function collapses • Tuning gravity locally by playing with entangle- (which are not or proposal here) in [208, 209]: ments. the concept of generating spacetime this way is • Polarizing the vacuum to modify gravity locally. analogous. Somehow, wave functions appear Entanglements and polarization of vacuum may real, beables. be such that that entangled virtual particles • Uncertainty on the wavefunction can not only generate additional Veff attractive in directions contribute to the above, but also dilate the map- prescribed by the polarization. This may also be ping of the Hilbert space to the configuration an avenue for verification of our theory. space to account for new intermediate spacetime • The relationship between Qubits and quantum points. spacetime, opens the door to a myriad of ap- If we think about it, this relationship is not that plications for quantum computing that it be surprising, and it is not just related to our model. in terms of design of robust quantum comput- If indeed, as many believe by now, entanglement ing systems and quantum algorithms, especially

76 around quantum error correcting codes for com- something we do not know how to achieve, or if puting, storage and communications. As well as even possible, one could imagine a system that using more natural systems (spacetime) as com- emits a pair of EPR entangled particles, mass- puting resources. less particles (e.g. photons) to reach c, and cap- These applications combine directions for applying tures one (think for example of an optical trap the principles of our models as well as achieving val- with optic fibers and mirrors). It is then fol- idation or falsifiability. lowed by the observation of the “captured” pho- ton, which might allow to use the approach of the previous bullet to travel (i.e. send matter or 12.3 Science-Fiction and Every- information) to the place reached by the other body’s Non-Sense photon.

There is no lack of science fiction or futuristic av- • Capturing entangled (massless) particles from enues that could potentially be explored. But the somewhere could similarly enable communica- present models have opened the door to the follow- tions or travel to its entangled partner... Of ing considerations: course that would rather be a random guess as • Teleportation beyond the EPR Quantum tele- to where what we send would end up. portation [109] and communications mentioned earlier: if one was able to i) activate a fold (e.g. in • Other wormhole and black hole exploitation tar- AdS(5) where wormholes could be traversable ii) geting the microscopic (quasi) black hole sur- exchange matter or information in a fold while rounding every particle and the associated tan- observing one of entangled particle (or on the gential AdS(5) spaces. The bottom line is that support domain of the mapping); then it might entanglement activates multi-folds and folds be possible to transport information immedi- could be treated like portals to AdS(5). For ex- ately176 from the location of an entangled par- ample, folds and AdS(5) may expose wormholes ticle in RBG to the location of its entangled cor- as discussed above or even closed time like tra- respondent in RBG. If, in AdS(5), bundles of jectories () in AdS(5). But again we folds are not (necessarily) wormholes or black do not know how to interact with the folds and holes then we may not have to resolve the same even less how the tangential AdS(5) space is “re- traversability problems. If one could (re)use an ally physical”. But yes, in AdS(5), with GR, time existing activated fold between entangled parti- travel may be possible; see for example [231]. . . cles then sending matter or information while observing the particle could send it to its entan- • Vacuum polarization to create gravity like fluc- gled companion, which may be at the other edge tuation, may allow to, we cringe to say it, reduce of the universe! It is important again to note gravity felt by an object. . . yes an antigravity that many GR models prevent traversability or mechanism. exchange of communications [50], yet there are theoretical possibilities even for them [230] but Now that these crazy baseless ideas have hit all the in such cases traversing them means covering most crazy possible topics177 and may have made the distance larger than between the “mouths”. Un- paper even more questionable to many readers178, it fortunately, activation on demand, reuse of ac- is probably time to conclude. Yet again, all this is ok tivated folds and navigation through it is totally in UMF if it is not Ureal. Criticizing these considera- undefined at this stage and probably makes no tions can only be because the reader already starts to sense. Yet, with UMF the physics in AdS(5) may consider the plausibility that UMF may model Ureal not have to be limited to GR. well. • EPR based navigation at quasi speed of light: ignoring the major challenges that the above is 177teleportation, time travel, travel close to speed of light, 176Depending on the physics within AdS(5), i.e. GR or antigravity something else. 178there is a reason why we waited the end to discuss this.

77 13 Discussions and Conclu- remarkable that gravity emerges from entanglement between virtual particles and additional gravity-like sions fluctuations appear between entangled systems in general: no introduction of Hilbert-Einstein Action, Let us summarize concretely what we have done and derived variations or area invariance was used to learned in this paper. The fundamental ideas and reach these results. principles are the introduction of a universe where We note the irony that gravity and GR are recov- nothing can go faster than the speed of light. As a ered from entanglement, despite usual expectation result, we had to find a mechanism to handle Ein- that these theories would be incompatible: one can stein’s spooky action at distance encountered in EPR hardly find a more quantum characteristics than en- entanglement. Inspired by the principles of Path In- tanglement... tegrals, we proposed a mechanism of multi-folds and The activated multi-folds implies that gravitons live mappings from the background spacetime, activated in an anti-commutative AdS(5) spacetime tangent to by events of EPR entanglement of real and virtual UMF at the attraction point of the effective poten- particles and deactivated when particles are disen- tial for a given entanglement and tangent to UMF tangled. With this models, the resulting activated at the position of every particles when looking at its 1 multi-folds create attractive effective potentials in r gravity effects. Every particle is surrounded by a mi- towards the source of the particles (center of mass of croscopic black hole. This leads to a recovery of an EPR entangled particle or particle emitting massless holographic principle and an new interpretation of and massive entangled virtual particles that can be the AdS/CFT correspondence in UMF . Our model carriers of interactions). These effects can also be seems to qualify, with twists, the pictures painted by seen as contributing at every point of spacetime an other approaches like superstrings. It even explains effective curvature (Ricci scalar) and direction (Ricci why they would live in AdS spaces while our uni- Tensor). The resulting effective potential felt in the verse is not of this type and why the positive curva- background spacetime propagates in spacetime as a ture (and cosmology constant) incompatibilities with spin-2 perturbation of spacetime that can be mass- superstrings may not matter. less (at c) or massive (propagating a speed lower than These results also inspired the next steps of our c). The model is new for EPR entanglement where work where we showed that spacetime is discrete we predict gravity-like fluctuations towards the cen- with an non-commutative (and ter of mass of entangled particles. When considering non-associative) geometry that maintains Lorentz in- the entangled virtual massless particles emitted near variance. At very small scales (Planck scales) can be a source of energy, we recover a gravity like behavior. modeled as a network of Planck scale Schwarzschild The effects amount at larger scales to defining a microscopic black holes, where the nodes form a field of curved manifold on the background space fractal generated by random walk (remnant black that follows Einstein’s GR field equations and New- holes where particles passed before) and particles are town gravity in linear approximations (and as a re- themselves charged black holes (extremal with spin sult, gravity’s area laws). Virtual massive particles rotation handled through the multi-folds). The model add at very small scale multi massive gravity con- again recovers Einstein’s GR field equations. It also tributions. The multi-folds attached to the entan- explains why at the smallest scales, spacetime ap- gled particles live outside spacetime: they are the pears as 2-D while gravity and spacetime is 4-D at spin-2 gravitons when quantized living in AdS(5). larger scale. Our model is covariant and background indepen- Quantizing spacetime associates gravitons to dent. Its approach, with respect to a background quantas of multi-folds and matching spacetime spacetime, avoids the problems of divergences and changes, when spacetime is created or perturbed. non-renormalization. This new model for gravity and They live in AdS(5) and have an effect in our space- recovery of classical results is remarkable consider- time through the effective attractive potential fluc- ing that only the requirement of no supra luminosity tuation that results from their association to entan- was imposed and as a result we proposed a multi- gled virtual or physical particles. The combination of fold mechanism to address the paradoxes of EPR en- spacetime associated to the microscopic black holes tanglement and its spooky action at distance. It is and the discrete graph implies that semi-classical

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