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feltro ttnfrflp Ordmaice to Improve TtXK CHAN Oka SCNDAT - Phygromd Plans Bos Extension Will Not Town Plan and Art — The..Township-CocuvUtt— -by­ "^Wedkln&Mrfwd AssessmentReports Sorfi Avc. Approved resolution has awthoelaed tho — RaiseDisciission Helf^ Transportation CommissionReport - changs neat Sunday, for all offi­ ¡^Fire Committee of Toymthip For--the. 1927 Road Impnàve- Township Committee, Adopts cial purposes, from Standard to Proponed Playground on Cran­ Order of Utilitieo Board Will Approves the Widening ol .'Committee Authorized to ment Program, Storm Sew- \ On First Reading Ordi- Daylight Saving time. This la to ford Avenue Oppooed by Undergrade Crossings and . acoonj wtth jnetleaiUy jtU, com­ Increase Cost of Fare to ? Organisela '-‘Clean -Op -and «f»“ CompIfcted~ÿairYedï! % «ices to~ImiÄoYe“SoutK :- Same~Re8Ídent»; Fsvored -----the - P urchase - of - rh«“ l ic«s ■ m unities . t o tho Metropolitan EtizaBctii "WitR No'TVforr Beautify Cranford“ Cam­ and Private Service Con­ Avh^and for Contract With - Area. The Central R. R. runs hy ’. by Othere. ' Frequent Service.’ Property Between Lhuon paign. - . . nections.. Bids for Storm Countyfor the Work. Standani time but all trains will and W alnut Avenues. Tb* effort oT the Play Ground Com- '3Ç - be act-ahead one hour to conform- The sppltctutm- ot Public Bende* SewersAi^thorized lesion to sstABhah-a play ground-or • The:- Towt»hip^—OonTfnttter-'’ii ■ - OaniuiUteeuMn George K. Tuesday night w E nit legal step for 'w ith Daylight Saving llme.T Tranaporuuon Company to thè Btat* bnmght up tb« matter ai a Cranfccd Ave. has not proved an ear. meeting Tureday nicht imtv#d » re­ The Township Committee had a lot the long talked of tagprovtment ot The official time for the change proposition. Tha first property .talk« Board of. -Public UUllUes for permit to port of the action of the Oommtaston a* ’-In-Cranfiu-rt of tplilMM betefg ii n thfm e c tfatg South-avenue taken when an ordi­ la 3 o'clocx a. m , Sunday, so Of was the old ball field between Ci-an extend the EHiabeth*Ald(*ne bui servirò if* last met Line u , folio««: s a t tlaa meeting at the Committee Tuee- Jay night. Bids for Uie Storm nance suUiorlslng the work was adopt­ don’t forget to set your time­ ford Ave. and Garden S t. and a v«rj on North »venue to Westfield Im i re* At a meeting held Tuesday e«*niiur nWrt with the result the’Town- SeweFon Chestnut Street, Walnut Av­ ed on first reading together wtlbN an pieces ahead one hour. strong petition against this from th> suited In *n order whereby h*lf hourly April 17. 1938, In the Townihtp Hoorn* enue to the river, and for the . Haw­ neighborhood hatted tots. Then .lot, »Cnmmtttee approved and authortx- ordinance auinorlztog a contract srh Cranford. New Jersey.-the Tu«n man thorne Street Storm Sewer were -pre-- owned by the Ferguson estate furthe; biu Bervhe. h u been etitublUhed on lUng and Art Commluion recomcnrmtip«! - LS ^Un^IU* Committee to take the tojt sented-Jiy.-due-ooutractora,-the-high­ the Countytfor the work.. Hearing on up Cranford Ave,, were chosen as i North, »venue but-nC the ixwt of re* the vldeninf of the present Litcoin t Uatsfuanlaatlqn.of. a.qecM est belDgJM&rSld, and the lowest, that these Ordinances was fixed lor. May, u good site but here again, tha neighbor, ducUon. of .the: MtUley servine, to « h«lf undergrade papa in •ceordaiweewun < - The improvement will consist of- re­ Vrepreeenting the’ major elTte of Arranea te ./hit«. 110.318. The next objected.: the' lack of proper laclluift hour hradWny.* , plan shown on the tentative map >ui>- i. of the town with £ view lowest was the bid of Villa Bros.. 111,­ inforced concrete paving, curb to euro, being etaled aa tlie chief objection. • On the other hand. Urn bun lare to mlumi hy Freeholder 8. II. EWnewlwr . .not only to etait and eany on a general .135. . All bids were referred to the.Road irom the Roselle line to the Carwooo At the meeting of the Townshii and. lo acquire, the necessary lands v> ilgn bat to Include- In tM--«n.V „Township/ Engineer. line, the County paying for 33 feet o, Committee 1’ueaday night a 'petttlnr RUrabeth will be 6 irnU in each tnu- make the said Improvement. the program the beautifying of Cran­ Jectlons were-filed to the ordi- the width. and one-half of all culvert' favoring the play ground, algned bj nlcl|lahty nr IS cent» from Cranford to and drainage requirements. It Is ex­ This ComniUslon’aUo recoaimriulcl ■ ford ae a community. - uthorlzlng the Issue pt tempor­ some of the colored resldenta of Gran BUubflh.^ Hie trolley fare la 10 cenili - thrff »pan underpua at th<* Vnu*\ Such a campaign could. Include the ary bonds to finance the 1636 roadpected Im­ that work will be started before Grant-CleVeiand and Lincoln- ford avenue and vicinity and anotliei « hat with the trolley servi« cut ni ¡.»ernie rramlng. fo th span to he a„- 3 c l provement program but one Interest- Bummer begins or as soon ss legal for- - n , ,, .. signed ■ by olher colored residents . getting rid. It pamible, of unsightly back ^ V vr 'T LPro»»>m'vly 40./«!, $M .tortteL.«.-. itubt1 inaUtM--W--f«hl^ttWou*l)r-vetthrA!to;: —SE^.m.ttJL_Qxganizatioûa C I^w a7iVfflIBY.8b(OSpi^ ^*J3S3JUiifajS4i!tl,33:.toff,i,cj)J...iöl (J.WiWVvomnwMV'Tfiw-aeqftBriTOTf ïfiFîS5r coiilra'cU-5titT* Most of t1ie “4nder- dean-up of rubblih and the fostering liams-streei, as provided Ui the origin­ - HoTarsssasßf-Äasi?. v” dents ol Bloomlngdate avnmi- protest- can hot be lirkt to be very much ...... orty linown as the.. Hess niork. »_r...71;bum b-l a t a n effective public, eentlment that al ordinance. Mayor Aldrich said it ground work prtparatory to Uie pav­ tng against tlie proposed play around so Improvement ol servlce'lo the ptiblic ing has been completed. Cranford;» hy Uiilun, South anil Walnut atrnur«. weald leompel Individual« to abandon a did; The ordinance to vacate old map The Orant-Clevehuid Parent-Teach­ were presented. Frank Braxton spoki The nut ot travel frum Cranford to to be u-wd lor I bark or I’lasa leui»»-. cardeea attitude end actively help to streets, extensions of Alden and East­ share of the cost of the Improvement for the play ground and Louis Robot tt Elizabeth under the proposed new wiU be upwards of S125.000 ers’ Association mild the Ltocoln-Shcr- We ilo hot recommend tlie acquisitiou keep Cranford a model community. man streets, was passed without any tgalnaj It. saying that children In tin/ schedules will be, by trolley 10 cents, by­ objection. - man Home and School League united section had not "accumulated” so (sat of the property at Uie comer of South Announcement of the organization of bus 18 cents and by railroad 18 cents and Centennial avenues for Park pur­ the Clean-Up Committee will be made The reports of the assessment com In giving a Mothers' and Daughters aa to need a special play ground If a 80 trip railroad ticket Is used the mlssloncts for the 1937 road Improve­ Mayor Aldrich said the matter ' Is poses, as surgested in the letter of tin - shortly.___- / — :------CranfordScouts. - dinner on.TuesdajV In Ihe Presbytcr coet per ride Is 13 cents. Susan Rodler Wolfs, dslAt-primary a ment program, and curbs,- storm sewers iaiv Cha|»l,~ Mrs. C. a . Albury, Prest- Wholly in-the handi or the PtayGrouno and private service connections were Commission and both petitions were 1938. d tn tjitjh e , Orant-Cleveland Associa­ MBS. MABEL 11, I.OVKI.I, ('ANI)I- Tlie petition ,for vaaslloti of

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I JACK QUINN NOT SftO',«u»'^».AteX»a»ÿn>< .-^DONEAS-ÉUBX^R. 5^ a s a iy = i rinriK 'et.'if Veteran Hope» for Three gygr*k. ! T ? ° e osren I Hydran i& m * ; f r m i *s lb Y ea« More of Work. * stare s«d alsnysrad- rssratkra _. -Fortr-h» fra n ta tb^s globe, twre- tk* tjraèwen of wUleb bsvs seen *1» 1* tatter ctaaa ttDIngdUm<«Ui*Aeitile«,' JhiarQntn» & track ar opeets ts round oot three y«ra tkan M ------more before b* bun»« "P >‘1* glore -Horry." aald Mrs. Turtle, ta ,tM | tan Brevis aatgelltr at sod units tfcs game he loves. - . little turtles, "the «prtog U tere andT — BtrirtaaiVa ta rtll e — -nra -«ld_.»oniih(il)«_ *hould_ Is«*^ it 1» time to K«l WP " ^.. M a period of ataa p an shout ibrea more sessoos," rays-rel» ’ ¿¿Tn they were«H-*«l a t (torn VMatda tw- MMdgi rare irlntsgn »wirier, tbo nrast com­ ksrii of mod and were lookia«» [ ftU ta bay to tbat bay ariaaaa watara petent work man now oa the stsif. *t about the pond for the nicest kind« of ^ ; b p tk« «astern Malta i f Boats«. Ha th* Ifidtncfli . , , meat have bad a tat of rears«« and **1 want to roQixl ont thirty year» to .W hat 80 yon think of thlsl* a»k«d ;.>pUdaf,_tre«**iy. dfflP. ba Hs.baait. to ta bddftoiU« eodJug iuy carver Id ihd ' ■ bare aarvlied- fklfare and' mlafeftnaa majdr lHgtie<^ «nTlDnrd thl» hoaky- ^•It T“"'% cry fine looking home," ,, ; aa hag and stUI bad tM gh left U ton of the anthracite belt, "and t,iat slid Mr Turtle as he looked at th« wfa kla ga«L. ‘ ' • ...... will gathify me. Kor I feel that It w«i borne Mrs. Turtle had picked out. . , Bkbbreig wee e*atadm»t 1« dw Cal- Lane* R M w i . stamp me ai Ibe ohlrat of ell the -L ei's see how we can fix ° n r aenlty ad PlatMa wtma| Mcflrew took pitcher* in experience and aervUw, porrhea. We must hsve ,brM ; J kta Gtarta tg Catnarttla ta tha-a|irtag- of th« year IM» ti -iratm—Iha cxcapdtpy- *veo--Joe— AicUluniiy and. -reuld never abide a summer home that - glitter a t a big leagne training camp, at course, derated tba eyes of Walter Johosofl; yea, even old Cy bait less than three porches.' tbe ysoag coMcgfaa. aad ba atyard (a p b j wttb HcOraw. Ha thought Toung.*' . "No more could I," «greed be.waa au-taflolder and bo kaew bo could blL He woo alao vary fait. Quinn’» real name 1» tMcus.. He Turtle. • - ! Wall, HcOraw farmed Mm to Oakland for a season aad tbea recalled j > bora In Uaxelton. Fa« and worked u» - "We like plenty of porches.- »freea ; Mm ead burned Mm out again, uda Pine to Toledo, and then traded him i | g breaker boy Id the mines Ills fa­ the little turtle«. ' ,! la tb« Philo Ue cenld aot teem to get Into his stride. He showed -; ther wna g Foie, and ho had the pe­ "Ah." raiil Mr. Turtle, twisting hi« ; ) - gash«« of hitting form that lan d the big league manager« on, but be culiar Wen* regarding the upbringing bend far out of. Ms shell. “If* so. nlc« ■ i never aaiawd to ba aMe ta wla a regular berth. He wad fanned out to of die young aa iway« tliow aouthern Hint we nil like Hie same IlilngS. _ ; >-Dallas aad later to Chariotls tn-the Sontli AU«tulc le«tne. . parlnt tl'e - Kuropean-"iiadoDAliUra. Money wm* "ILmiik*** us get alous w -w ril.. .w®. year be was vrftb tbe PWta be warmed the benebi-not eppeartng to o mad* to be egrned and not: »pent. ajiH all like p«»rehi(»s.. - AN e . Ilia. hpgl of them In tlieivtirm eunsiilne * > shoot aad bare posted la the gym about that Instltntlon'a former star. thrift and economy early. . "We enj<'/ » nulet imp on one oil Ilsjteg for Grand Itaplds in the Central league, Rlebbourg hit over three p<;ri !»,8, Imt we «Iwaya Uke ttf> .10 0 . . Finally be landed to ftaabvtlle with hla big league career appar­ English Tennis Star . chotiw hetwt^n three." . ently a t an ruri. He led the Southern league In bitting and was elgned <' ‘ "Y eV HflM Mrr. Turtle, ^ t woulif ' 1 hy Waablbgtou aad-lmmedlately aftenvards proceeded to break hla leg. be fueir a pity If we only hud. on* | The Se'natore eeet Mm-to Hlnoeapolle on the itatthrvra 'deal. ThU waa porch.*1 . . ; iSsr^rff^xfieN -'^' ;mtn»r-,l«wgwe.f|i)ro3, and. Mj.iWnl jdg.leaitue. fgilur«u,.!ScHp. Z . UuaiilUPwh*\w. h u n U t would 8 -T IIK H nie for: (lie Repub­ ., lag daunird.2ihta game ITorida t-ollegitlh ainrTM>"etl 'ovef’-acirlh‘he'-Vo ' 5 r ¿ ¿ ’ to tMnft, H irr’rfear. 'whfrh* iwrchi^ years-after Mrelraw had plnvkfd him-from hla-college^rnmpua nnd lican national «inventimi In shall I take my nap on?* and- then.re*. Kama* City on June 13 end played so well In itse Amertran anauclatJon tliat Judge Furtia htfiMl hint member there was only one porch." . the Democratic inveline In Id the fall at veil to (day the 1837 araron for Ids Drnvetu - ’ • Nmv iho turtles have .three logs oot- - Homi on on June un, draws ♦♦44" ' MHltalMM lMmMtltltm lltlWHtlllWHl ilde their home« which they call their . near I« trim the- in-nple nr parches. . . . • - thln oetlop timi they nrn Sbn^liTne* they nre of logs aod -agslnubetri to lie embroiled DIAMOND 1 aonietlme« of funny, usly annes which In (tie heel of nnollicr I'ree* •ttir turtles thloU-are-qulle-hiiaulifllli _ ..-UJge ICK-UPS l "UV pntnc to tiiId u spring ruin, ' . aiassviiwissii^vaii^wsiiffii ^i-*=3MM:*Ub thet of »• hundreil.-jeerni Ênjülah Ladlétf* Goff uutoh ha» Dslw Ailums luis qiil(utMisfi* -ran .safely 1,103 affiliated daha. ■ - -■•...... he Ahln'i even «tup In talk lenns. with Vj??^reo*etiU*U dynamite.which. now It» drat gfOuhdpa) guff <*»i*t - < A«nlh they-nm tnlklug sbAut Tulsa ■ •■'■ ¿n.Étw il to bo cotrresled In mime of the Z?~7~ ' ' ♦ * —► —— ^ suit-iftlalmms CliJVHilerlng -ills Wret-. ’r- isso« will tarlale Into à hlilsroera U « Augvir* M i u a c d January 4« «ni league, this tlnie for theweas^m jti ,T,. trhicb has been lacking In Tnrntlvth b and fl» 1KSX» for Ita annual lltU W 18311. • . f K '• ¿Mtfifjr camps)*«*- ‘It I» certain Hut open golf chaaqrfouahip fooraameot. ■ ■ ■ »*:•■■ ■ ' ■ : — -there ls UUIfO'chane, of tbe .discus, t * -» PocJ^t McMahon, last season In the ^td^O'éf candidates rend polirle« rasch- jom rtlt-of jrltnperallnn, mod­ Joue* v h - iM - j • faU.flrdggd lawyer at Brat base with lislellb o( the-Hled- i-'-. i'Älaglng.sndgitteratlintred that and wU) hereaftér keep oa* out of a* mont lesgn«. ■■■■'. ' 'ebhtoetarlaed ihe campaltm of the j « r Utor to Muaptft-ht h>d, w lh«f did nftl hole» • . ■ . *. - • a m~. - .. being dime hy slides.) Adnms alia lo »»Id *n AnuHcho • . • • o . • • - elected President und two days inter Second Oascmsn llaj Moore snd " I ; » « W denund the^renwin for the m v in t j t r l - In tli# r u r ; h* waa • Graham MrOlatoch, Alabama end ’ MttdtflèsS oT'thia campaign. It I t n c c hodld appolnl:Clay«e«reutrr of-stJtle- U w4ui U« -lim« o/ p^ttuJ«r «nI* Pilcher J£d Tenney hove been sold re nioalry loward-Almonry—and thto p u t praaaa« wiU M p Boa» Gohogr J«ck*onottb»C ottoo. sta te s. lesgn* ‘«he -previous' ■ The nexf four years ware your« of dtnlod ha waa a.Matnn, It head. coach«. a t Lcmlaang State next • Th« pbotogrnpb shove MIss. Gwfn- tr bj Leerel of the same clrenlL ~ dolyn Blerry, one of England's tennis tUetfraa-loe-ita-new ,-PfnkldiHit. -(Vit li. r»»ad*vL hA-W«* .»M*i,.*s toit« ';^-«ljtjhamfcraw>a^^j'Thanning.-pafAtaiaul.aoiM^auff^r .league.. , - . • Tessesse«.-New England offered John Hun of, this funuiifi (nr. Infumoua) itua electoral damila, «entrai Jackaoft ard -Aw Oleudim.. ha», oaecuihled:« ten­ Mr«.' Turtle.- . • . » * * * ■■■■' tative first crew which measure« up. “HccainS-v" explained 'Mr. Turtle, "1 • Quincy Adatte aa tins candidate of the ennipnlgu a hundreil yenra ago-line waa alactad by tha aolld South, and» Moriey pniry« aootbera ChUfornla - The Athlcllcs have one of the most r fe-vdglnfcFederaUiiUi.. Jb e Jieir u|ipnrciit been wrlitcn (ban la ilio one contnluei! aornnttflg to .fha federal ratio in lift grid afar this oraaoo and atl-AmerJ- Weil In ■ stre>bV and »tatnlD» with •ee Mr. Tortolw.” vfvt'h «oulhern elector rapreaented only valuable ntlllty players In baseball In navy enpw* of recent year«. "Doc* he like the rein so much?** - .o f the Virginia dynasty'was William In the book "Prcaldenllar Years 178T' li,ooo irti portoli* while: h!» uorthara xa back, w* 9 presented a gift of *1,000 Jimmy- Dykes,. a - hard-hllter. who - con s°,~^ ^ w if8^ a i d &pta y r tir thr rras»-- -ptiU>-. mdteMfuaAjjwh gigrfwntyiMfe^^.And by admirers ta bis home town -r;Thq.-CAJQ(M*-''»lnctoriff''e past. fusing.-- - —a.-5made ipeechless, .'almost ■ blind, . . . been elected,"\: ' . . Up that-be -was put on tbe hospital Uie-Cewpalgn- pro., -.r^Th»^.g«M)arAlAvrrptliqUa,..ti!LCXirvl.,,wa>> l ... : .a nA - Up ■MoOentld. In hla Jaekao* da ab ta a track a m between Santo “Mr, Tortoise hates the rain, and ahoutod through th* pkmpttlafa; hla niannlan Democracyt»amoeracy'r«mairki» V**- Jlst.J»M«i Jtftg* fiftelli____ .....Tgttiiarl ** became apparent that Jack, (Hiraonatlty, hia ungodllnaM. hta pro- >Iafto^ Vnd Cbllfetifir FMytnamle; . • --«. s . " €oach John O’Reilly to - , ,h».4s, UW'Wcathec..pn>|dieV'.-eald-Ue,v..: aoa, with Jotm CL Calhoun of South aorinl vindication of Jackaon waa added school of San Lain Obispo» to Stato Turtle. - - . - ■ . - - ■ v . fantty. hla K*mo eocka and. hia hora*a, emphatic > popular ladorevmant of the Pilchers Herbert Handing and Ed -Carolina as the candidate for vice hla duala, hla brawl*, hla feuda, ami Mario. ‘ ■...... • ■ Prepare Karl Wildermuth toclal am) political order, with which Druyden and Catcher Ray Ahern, all , “He ahvnys kuows when It's going ‘ FpaeaWetifr' waa ’ leading.-: - When "the alwayov.tha- t«uknloal-lrr*Kularlty...-or -ha -waa -td/mttflacL - l a th*. election of to -rain, and-when lie - sees- Uiat-lt-1»" hla marrtaga coupled« on tha ona hand, .Jackaon th# people . . . turned members of a Boston amateur team, -....Couch - John D.' O Rellly of George­ . -returns were all In It was found that with tha mo*l derlaivo opinion*, and, their batka on their early principle* S u r e o f O ly m p ic T e a m town university track teem, will pre­ nbont to happen, he hurries awajr "iQtlbcmo had been elected .vice presh have Joined the Hattlfcsborg club of on dh« other, with th* mo*t alandar* Of atatafemanahlp, and Intrusted the the Cotton Suite* league. pare nlnetecn-year-old Knrl Wilder, where the rnlo won't touch blin. M Bt'with' little oppooltloa, but that out untruth* about hla wife—th* mat. conduct of th* federal government .to “I see him hurrying away from'an-' !»r muit b* referred to. »Inca It fur- an untrained, aelf-wlllgd, pakelonato - ■ e s s . • ■ mnlb, his fleet-footed sprinter, tor the •-•¡‘jr«cfc|tai 'would here 80 voice In the nialicd tha principal *U\pla *'f th* do- Olympic testa with great-care. In approaching rain storm now. Th* electoral college, Adams. 81, Craw. frontier aoldler. That he wah not of (M Sam Fayonsky, n high school afar maatle attack* on Central Jaokaon, ami old eohool wae. In the eye* of hi* sup­ of Greenville, 8. C, Is to get a trial speaking of hla protege, O’Reilly aald: storm Is coining because he’s hurvylne -fbrd. « -a n d CU». 8T. Slnco none of waa finally reaponalbl* to a pertain da- porters, a commendation...... A. "WJIderinulb Is only a boy and his Oil—or at least lie Is hurrying off Ira-' tTWTroaldoiitUl-eandldatra-Ued-oh- pdr*,, jackaon'a death In lie« great democracy will nevea .he gov- with Greenville of tha - Sally league. cainbcr, mil.-. Hla puFtto"c«faaf~lH>» An>».t~Tifr'~1ongtogtther~hr-lty~be«t" He Is sn futfieldcr nnd reported to legs will get stronger. He Is d eep . cans** the rain Is coming. - - torn tnto ahradi: hi* alleged deatln** man but by H* average,’. To~iha aver be an'nnnsiially strong hitter. —JUnst-kceJl-Lm net-rlglu,- (Jr. -Tor- - with A*ron tlurr, hia.tnflMary arreala ago votar In 1UI, Jackaon wad a- great mark and be rtlil has something left folse never makes a mlslulie?- and contempt<. of court a t. Naw. Orr- impular; ladder -bccauao'they-'held-hlm- st tbe.finlsh. Ue ts s perfect sprint«. And, sure enough, In a fhort time. J: '“.Th* finii player"»»-b*"«Igned" by , ...... •ÄiAVÄBr,*JiaCÄ -II WgunTJo rain—a heavy sprinc rain . g ^ '^ n m o M the three blglieat caudfdn’ra Id**; hie riecuDVriutlM5t»cy a l Penan* fi* ...i">- cola; hla "murder** of daaartlng militia­ crtmloaUng. ermi, tha clpaa oM ha *bc- Waterbary Eastern league team, la re the grooad snd Litis-feet -ere ’never Kvtt IwYPiifOiy’i'itptifii'^itejjj' ^Siv§5rcbty, of course, wee cUtnlnntcd, Craw- men at Mobile—"Soma Account* of cCMlon,' whatever tha ldloayncradav -more, than « (not and s half front the ‘i ¿bold also be counted out, as. Koin* of the .UJoody Deed* of Oentral and llraltatlona, of aeemly parsons o* Hap Cames, n young, right-handed Jaekaon,^. . hy ^ h n _ Utona^ potter* pitcher, formerly of S t Jobs'! scad- gronnd. Karl docs not bring his knees ■ . Conditional c , that- the" contear~narrowed -down- to- -canato!« intallecta, of roerUortoua ap high nhd^hla arm motion ta escel- ^ ib la tM o n and Adama. It soon became »dornadwUhtombatonei~'and.rc<»fl\h^ achlevemenV*rnuetrM:th*:foundvnro^ , ’’d'l .lsen to the circus and— and known a* tha lllnna Coflln Uand« the Hcpubllo had enviaggad aa daaUae« Tent. -He -runs " straight-"-during the being somewhat naughty when she i'"’''‘glditr Tsronnd - Washington that Clay's bllla-^from every quarter, and In avary to dlgniry th* ehlef magtatracy of the race-snd—does-not- throw himself thrown to Adam»'- Tarlaty 'wf'-Hmkuaga^-aanarai-«Jackaotr^ nftliöhriiii:> »«tfrf' itg* eouncitr âp*' -_lUeaeBchl«ln-aad-San*'aip«rtwo came bark she 'vnsjLSkcJ. hy hicmKnh-«- waa rldfcuTfrdri**i1lad'*aTrd~«apos*d.----- iràc^ltrunnalg-WaahlngtoniAdaia» ngalnkt"thc‘ tspj - like "some df 'our K X luid. that Adam* 1n return would ap- Dayton an»tenr», have been, signed sprinter«'* — — ...... ^ __"... . - - er- ....Don t you think that If docs Am) for Mr> Adama Jh«r* was noth­ Jefferéon, Uadiaon, Monroe, Adam«« ky the Dayton duh In Ite new Central end-ponies - and - mvmkeya can ore, •n -"-­ p£r'-polnt Clay aa aecrttary of note. Cor' Ing Uut Ubela and talBehoodjk lla waa The quaU iyof that aucceaekm wag M , p:%-wecka.- tlio capital - «nut In. a turmoil a monarchlat and g Padarallat: h* h»d aicept at rare Interval*» to ba attain«« league. Presldriit Phil Bartelnra well, s little girl » b o L , ^ « - tyrttb changes and counter rhurges ny- fattened aa tha publio treaeury; ha waa again by tha average paraonalltfe* th» jdana to giro'.: promising Dayton more than nnlnmls should obey even n~" - -thlckiand f a d -ilb e . upaljot of It a frlend of duelll*ta—«n Inc^ngruouai popular politician* th* coaveatftpw yoongstera a chanct. / - more readily?-- - * ' rao “ ,«pfc«jut ila ; tSa . flhal 'balloting' chartra auraly from lha Jaokaon camj>;‘ comprerai*** who were to - follow .. It Lack of Seasoned he waa corrupt and unprincipled In waa tadaed« with aught fatar* lutar« * ' H. * * ' • > - ? momeni, then re-; a^ad.DHelved 'U vote«. Jack- hia dlairihutlon of patronage, h# waa rapilo«*» the fiai) triumph of dtmpa* . Trave« W ater la tira -teat tetter in - ; - Material Is Cause- I fJiin d Qmwfotd:-*.' a unt - Pintersarett". bare-«-senatlcst-l« î—i3Q»HL*ra ju»t a t many hoys .Two-jrar-pla KatheFlnê ’JanÀ“* ^ " [ c e C r e a m Major liurlej putilnc pepper on let ship In'world indnstr?.. A Abort tiara yo«ag TnvoM la r la*t «esaon Pinl: playing twll „ today as .there m cream. He did (hat tn praveat Indl- «go la Paris 1 desired tA brake a n il ever w*fe. -• led the National league and Uoyd sr.,rôir^\re^r.îir i S la a lo Havre,' about 100, nUles sway, had way Utlrd in bitting. - ~ «hy ah. raid to her rtoiaach. he (old me. I tried It .ones was told tbst the «11 «old Ira pat t- lf l. “ IT t-W * ' '

In lbs on ths Freddy—T b at tbe lelepboKfc Is la w lr icspoi ships In B e* Y«*..l aot only (ar his high rAtp of , ,o > tiMiiiiii*|vi»iifri(ibiiii .

WÈ g ______»?

¿AS '■ ‘ ' " ' ’" ' . -, , . 1 ■ -JM» -#te ■*■ ' - ^ *v


f â S S S â S S gB agB iaglgj '■fi-. ? rt & V . --„■ . , . *-- ~±4 ’■ '■‘tìz 'L fff* rr . -* 7%< * 4% j^^.'1 ^ v^ 1 j* t‘í»irr ’%^¿w » week* with aatthae aoB oar awallgM aatatwibU« Urea that ooce were dia iCL liU V«M«ra W|RIM»W litote» k "agoIiT St*. Ana*- m r BaXupre. vaM gihtar'to th*-*tato*-to-«*t<*: udanta- uho wt>r# r#tMkR«iì to ARvo p v # » rkR ~ I qf*fchl»alT f JBU lightning, *¡rI. mum 4 t anl j JWWr.wbnaa rartanhat-J _, ^ ______»Anaininto- tito »Wtiofoefciut O.'lh^CWiv: m ut.At* b^n*/ hate., :(ñrSUiaKi''M iaiin 1 u f f » peaaaata nr'KalWfitktTBwePa.-H-tr Lenoniòr'Aprt! .29'... ' with the help of th* terrtfkally Wgb Amerite sad to thè bataola» baa X * gtlm a «(tag teqalrea dre ò»è1TÌa i« b«blnv nf tf»« fotta (fi#^ *t*. jJobto'» family. n»tn».dv** noi eloctrlcat yohag* which tbrr drag ported sanasi!/ to meet I he demand. THC COfiT OF OlfiCIRLfifiHIP I w lu litli. «a bla' binrra pro«toe- down from Um uanderatonaa 1» tbo laatfuttoa 1» tbt ahape at • •metto- Vki »»lii an rim iri f— T M r pdodpul.dl«*t «vu» tb#U8.«b. Rna risa ef tosftky reaea-Ch to a lahnra, Nach tire make» three shoe*. '. . ■ ' . " tt***s dtocrtbed. as Uw Jrrov With a beg* wire net ttrnhg tlveeccowat ef Ito tBtoadaaf fU# ihflli th»1/ (lirrw iiut p(1#d 0p LBMKIN■ T Í * í—Mark l* iI-al; .H- ______=|t J«..-th* tewy oo tk* aateeralty campe» >y _-s»toolkl I* ttwwu» ps * dty o| ntTTT^ tO-ttW . WOfi4.- -4i»-j- HL.-ih*., paaka_af.Uo*nt.G*o- (.tta-JhmMtoCkaal -vcfeire.''l-«»y»-o—kollelta-froui ihe Into thlrtj fwl blgh *ftd 'luwi- enmo ta BwUaerland. . C~A.'~R~P«ria-of- the . dlrisKwi UfMi n r AVT'loRg:------— ---- uoIAJKnTW kvro.VoUe iraar- *.~7 . Iwoodfor, »event/ /rare. though wrerit nf Paat C. 8t»ei«ey..of"«í»~»»- Wuhlurion (D. O l -headquarter* of (Jato h ls right had lalledknd be bad Bo Mr.' lb* only prnmkdnc affotta tlooal berberíom aad la th» uaalt «* of eirtrattare chemistry and Prof, TTi* Hmlihioninn lumllutloo*» *r« I». Ui»r» will veer b.crt t,« al,-v to demoliati th* atom hare been mad* a R. ReagAad. of the dlrtsioo -of tli* National Geographic eocWty. "That t'ont #s|i#illtlon Ulular Henry R CV4-v riGUAUY TOPIC — U»«l»a J»»“» • Md away (be cfclseL _ , - - a pisa mad» ateta yeee* ng* ta whlch (Set account* for Ila eoormou» prom­ B,»l ot AD. -J bjr moaaa of radiant on a amall acale. the 8mllbeoalsa, Iho Ikasnm et «f plant nutriti«*. . . tin*, Jr., drtvrtuhiwí th e’tHilRl ¿bout |-j.:,Hw.present geiMraflon knewblm ani iMipulaitoo to whom the new foot- Jl-NIOH TOP1Ö—Pwlllne -I»»»» n r... Bat th« German» will attempt demo- Agricultura asd> the. Caual toaa an- ■ Th* experiment- t* eecogulxed -by which (here hail bred mhub. uncorthlo* INTBHMEUIATIIANU UBNIOll TUI’-.. . * « . « hi/ w «o »««» eira»^' geof-t» a laaary. ------shrto* of Su. Anna d* Beaupré, UGoa of th* atom InTTwhote**!«' man­ thofttiée Johmd fuirea., thewb erientletg'aa'OP'tkwwtdeet'-poe- ihot fhpM oheu ballitttl(Hl were atrittflnl 1. Ilia queatiuu. cording In the belief of th*-JOUM Central America and Weal, (adira. { by mean* .of IÎ arcon.fllled lamps of help make up Ilia city's larga Jewleh «lili Rallié,-jmiMI Rnlmal bone# >t>d ■blah—11« rarer algoed- hlaMatuca. |M,pulalloti, which nun-hen ncdcly What-ahall-l do thal l may iuhctlL----- |o s raaaot (a Iota a chimb. In rural acientlau. Doctor* tang*, Braacb and tbe. ose ful neis «f Mr. Standlfy*» «erfc IVO raadlvpower n e h and where Jsra other'rrfu»e from the kitchoiu...... 7 eternal Ufe»" TU» young limn wu. Urban,' nil ander thirty and ntadept* as a handhooh la ceneepowdlBgly lo-1 of water cvmtstBlng’ thè rhetulrel. eie­ that of Ilia GreekA And . In recent Th* languRE* of lh# «ictj» or motor ihrougblta rood*. yrora a human deftige or Greek» who carnesL Ha cam* runplug ami I ara one. unending village;without tt tbe Unlrentty of Berlin. hrief scota necoMsry for plant growth re­ for a few t*otjitot| words ami plico kneeled to Jeouo. Thla qneollon re- — If tbit bo trim, the yoong wtxnrdi ot each ptant the a albor dlscoam I placed tbe eoU which ordlnsrlly con were driven out of T artar »welled name*, la lost. Utile or nothUif I» a Jobln. He trade wsyvfde the ce li » u » figure* from about rrtmiu venia a void to. bis beatL II« waa a i and Calvaries ■■ well *» »tat may prrMnl the. world with aa Im, tu blstory, gires atl th* remacolar talos HieaL - . knowu of their bri Irr«, owloma^of not* youug -man wlib a lavabi* ibarn«.lcv. The quality of tbe wheat »t m* lo more Gum 500,IMO for church«*, * «object* ..war* measurably powerful and myalerion* ñames ohutnable ae that th* gtaot îrrial cullurt. Aomo mount)« of toñ "Jesuv beholding hi»» loved hlm." II» ' force, or ray. which will reTolatlnii- rno be reudlly Ideatlfied loratlj. aag i larity, the .ptefetoor* declare, w*» “The original '-"SalPblkun*^ «fa Inai brach inairrUI und loua# númJ d*i and Mary and the Holy (tab*, mach h|gh*r iban tbet raised ander In Ihe snutri* of nalloiiallllro rrpre- waa moral. bonroL earaeet and cour- i Innumerable Hint* aj the calendar. lio thing* material. ■ ItaU'lt* nae*. . ■ , . • ' Ut* Mine:of which werfrífpamlitlona agroua, but bid »I defectiva Gvcd. gy , Theae-mederu’ of tbeniler and ItrkUMffwClMM. grid conditions end eonld be cta*»l »imted smnox tha fnhabllnnte," > v»n fof ho(ii«»a, atul nihcra. «urienurial mound*.' -/And hi* chlael and mallet made «ànÿ « -»npcmaturc.** Gnuea tbrhullethi.: "on jrny hnw^eoft lie Gioogbt Gist eternal life could iw "TT-"ïpanr'"re. | Mr. U\cs&; bbtfiiued* bygrod-raretke—Urough” be— : entity in the Swlan Alps elalted nawf Of the bark of the'cooharit (*ea The feet thst the wheat was grown ner one” w'l.ll'ie*“ ireiirly »s’lïishy ~dtf-' Hli iiMiat lm|NirlBn|innd wna of Vwrt»* ■him patriarchal beard, be blmaelf. msturity In IS weeks- » previously- ferent nuira ha «II In * erailoo of cUtracd io bare kept tbo law. be wu, old not look unlike an aboulé or ah frequently by natural electrical ill*- family) lh* author aay* that -.*■ Ir-flv*» wvll preserved akdetou« lo • Couacloua of Ikcklag aomeililng. He charge*. ■ .. moved In a amgle .large piece » • to saheerd-nf scblcvemcuL demonatrstea.- the Iren»« of Nation«.. There are aliml# mmimi/ . [.Yearly Christian father, aecocdtng to -Uw Inrretlgktnrs. thnl Greek» from nil |uir|s of tbe_|KHln»ul», wna willing to do aoiuethlng lo IUI up . (Je did not forget bla^pulron aalnt Last autnmer, with the help of alt Sometimes utilised by the Indtsns for - Moffi uf lb# bodlra bpd bc#n folitrd at which wna lacking; Hwrafore ho nuking canoes, and It ts reported that the length of the light period I* .tin, AlhnnlHh* Italiens, lluealauk- flcr- wilt» llie.kn##» to (ho chin and burial Ste. Anne "Our Lady of tbe illraclea." the discoveries of learned scholars tniiti« and natives ot every Balkan ruine ru Jesus to make Inquiry, aa In ■ A more Gum llfeaiied » talu ecfh er since the time of “Poor Richard’ and rahuea/. with....» capacity of tw»u>Jf- portent to growing písala. ’ wna Hut/, .d o n . tii*elhor.:: Tho. ikele- The light« applied to the whral ■tote. Some of Gioir Tiimlllc». sre Inna oscollcblly pmcrvrd. -The Ibul luck. . - I» l i . the gurden of the basilica of the bis kite, the Germans brand that-2.' flve men. are sometime« faabtoeed ...u r i ciny* Tool/ tvv. lfi. tOI. . iplaota,, wore »-taro«d^oB-for-.-BI-Jn‘ur»- ■ntiúuia .ita-bbit«^taliuiliuuiiiju-luiaiaa-. pœi*.i.Y.'.'^,Aîan»dlarpttjoortl«*^aitdTt)lou*--pll«rlui»t ^IkMMittsakaT««*^ « r .q dd1*^ - y ■; | remnmits'-ofr-vbo >»irriy*-qr«etif>nrtoB-ed.' .Tib kMt* -IWiOilUA.iBuS» bciBt.Yftd, ,T kin* her hand In gratitude. thflrth*lr method..method.: ' ‘ ■■ -• e known.... - 1« . trade. k* Snath.America* a"ifarr*Hd' tfets' -kept "fbrttf gwwltfg rapidly: With the doubling of . the the city when It ws* a fooilmll hi Gm ^Miie lion# wna fmmd wllh nnjr #vl’ put III* finger oo the wrok ap«t- In There I* a notable Joblq. figura In Their "lightning Umer" wna a f a ir 1 .copaL exude* from th* trunk.'T his Ilf,,. Jeaua rvlleralcl the m m -, gum often become* buried. In '-the soil Ughi exposure the plant develigiment, hands of empires. Including tlu> Mere- uonew of-dlai'iia# mid |Ih> arlifacla aa- •the study hull of tbe College of 8te. ly afraple device, merely aa enortnoa» douions. Harneen». Nomimi», IIímiihiiv nmnilmciita Ttia yoong. man avern-d . spread of wiremesh provlrfetl 'with about the roots to be dug op by col­ was multiplied by four, the pndeaaofa ■nclufod Rrlih lb# burluU wore purely Anne tie Pocailere and the figure of t’rnellun»,. Bulgarien» and Turk». ' timi lie bud all Ida life kepi-Hie«* ' General Wolfe In a niche of tbe Ca bristling points It wss suspended lectors sometime* long after the tree revealed, und when the .Ughi was ap­ of nntlvfl. origin, Tho only objvclR plied foe a full 24-bonr dny tbs Rival af OenetentliMipi«./ In the way of mortunry olTorlnga wore Cüiumandnienta, bul when fl came I-1 tiadliio Pacific railroad office In tjue* odl a cable lieineec peeks with three le decayed. It la employed la the pnrllng wllli bla |>o«*Mudr . Davi» • tint the defect III bl» life wna lh« place II. ■ ■ ... ' They plan lo return to .the lonely ■a well as oils and varnish. The bark Comdantlnopla. / : - ...... ' - love of money, lia wua unwilling I» but on the rocky cliff, to renew Ibelr of. the tree contains a mragh fiber found the conect one.' He clrraluted "Tbe :flne -bunding* - which- form a, .. ,, ■ , «• Mo»t Efficient The Toronto Art gutterj ha* one of ë lr 'ïhtougN tlie“ ltl*inp'«hsniher-by- pay-lhe' prie».-, When Gto-lima cunm...r hi» angel» and It'doe» hot need to hang experiments < ne soon ss rhe^jnow fronTwblcb. twin* la made, and a gum willd-wnll bn' lh« land »Ide o f the ^wiiinnacofirMaaa.—'The w»> *» ef­ means of ah electric fan...... : ficiency In : th« 'aiui|(h town polire, ili lila life to choora between .-.eternal , . Ate heed In'the aculplare.gnllenr Dealt!« melts They ere cert»lpfTli«t they àlmUar to gum arable . ts obralncd quay,: plerçéii only by atreefa lending Ills and rlchea1 bo ebbao wealjli »nd... It'was.eStkMIshed that tlte aim rays up Into ilio city, glV* SUIonlkl a oxul- UaHntofK lires (hrmigti -f eompIMoly tie i «neateeptece .of Ch(na»e -art.. it will ho able to control 0.000.000 'rolls from the branches -parted coaipany”vVHbGhriaL ... . , "alae'i he»” trie; 'sttnplicliy/'of,greutneto by tatprorinr their, devices Thg eurly SpeBUh exploivia wlatock j'wfaith vv'Utribnte to plunt gmwth were era aimeurqiicei llere and In the coui-' nudorftod- ioroo, naya Wnllor Fron­ the fruit ol tlie manchlneel roe-ersb i preeeot in the electric light «>«. vum Merriul'-dlairlcl there are shop», rof. da itoovcf, chief of the Bw/ununcott i Tim peril III rlchea tw.-SASt): -. the tranquil dlgulty of traniflgured Jean» »aid, "How li«rdly »bull they . ■ peraotutl emotion.___ __— .... apples, according |o Mr. Stundley. | lo the longer ultM-vlotct raja cor lioiraes and s - few fins old. refll- (H)lfoe. ‘ ‘ fc Sw ord o f D e S oto's und ate IL In po"1* «aies with ftlal icnce*. Tbs westerner at once notices rfilof ffrevoa In trying to put hla Gin! bevo rlrbea.cnlur Into the. king- | .While clgaivntor*Indiana ■ a re . be­ dont Of God." When II« dl»eerm»l_^_ coming extinct, thoae creeled by Jco . 1 Expedition {a Found result*. ."They Immediately guvw It • f L i g h t n i n f R o d * A id in ’ liu-k of jpark» end other oimn (don Inin pniidire höre «f|d (Kilnla nut fearful reputation, affirming that a I . •». , _ wf | •paces, hut s peep through an. bpen (hai lb# town's forre hna shrunk, tlio julniilihmeolj of Ibe ,UI«clple«. II» bin! In his early day» In the Industry Carters, Us—/trace* of - Uerosndo IdMWered «gato ilid »kid,’ llow bord I ' are In'kfen demand bp artlettOm.d/Qne; Do Boto'* expedition through north person who rested beneath tbe tree I rT O to C u n g Jveigl ihmr to a courtyard In « narrow: aide1 friiin (wrMyWn patrolmon and odV would become blind or-even die. j Pittsfield. .Ms*«.—'TaUlhiilldliii and •treev,reveal» that moat of Sidohikl'a* cora io -Ufirett- iihoi. - WHh Ilm do* If for diem lliat trini In viche» ft* . o f the numierplw*« of 8t. ’Nncltlne Oeorgtu Were believed dlacovered near einer into llie kingdom' of God. Ill* \ «lamia today at tlie front door, or a There 1» no doubt that the milky aap I lightning rods mounted. on li tow- hesiity I» lililden behind high wall». errano and dliiilntahod oxponure Iihv# here, when n hilt, guard and part or ruetures remo motor o*pilpmon(, and, Ihn chief eaulrr for a ramei lo go through Ih» tohacconlat'a ahop on the Bue St. Jenn. u blade ef an troq^eword were-un highly Irritant., raualng eever* to-1 era protect oetghharlng H)n llie bill* beyond new .college« fiammatloo. . . . It la said that I fron, ilgblnlnh provided 'ey a fa mit of former refugee» Indicale Hint Sn- naaoru, i far moro «meloni polire eyo of a needle, Gmh for a rich muti tn Quebec city,, where It waa placed earthed lo an Indian mound by Dr. lo enter lido llie kingdom of Ged." '«fly year« a'gor The' owner bn* ro; Warreu vKl Modrebtod; tieid or the tbe tap w»« emptoytd by tk*-U»rth»j so high **-lro':Uf-hefwiTn- ~«1 tfi# Öalordkl^aiumifc' _ _ *7orc«r*nu pliin would hnnlatrUia old» rimy po«»»»* Yicbe« «nd »tlll be an -■ — nevertalkedofirtfotart1» JsW4hul —T hepart-oi th*-»word- w»«—found Pelr~nf--Gi»- kingdom,—W«dHi-i»-w dld whutever hi» hand found to do, lug fact about tbe mangroves, which two and foor time» If* TielgbL tinsg- In the flirty'atroeta fnireToot worn- IfiìT# "sidewalk pou7iiI«r,r and~would amid a • score of skeletons; and cere- ilnes drawn from,the top of .the. mlglily power. In llimlf 11 la gimd, It Whnt wits In dehinnd nlkiy and Mr- grow Itr-tbe coatta! swamp* with tlielr (narri #n--plml ((»t-ftHigli -oobldur with • loufU piM -hM iHdlreiHfn n c o p l lrafllo -mon monlul relics which Doctor Moonhead the edge of the (.mtecied will provide bread for llie widow mid only rears ago whs figureheads for declared were of ■ pre-Columbian uge, roots under water. "Oyster* are often bulldins I* of woofl Hod in Iholr backs tlmt on# to well IIqb • the’ protected .rour_ju!ys nrphnim. amellorolloii foe Ibe uiiffer. “ »hips. - ■ ~ which be conildered must algnlficunt. attsebed to-the-roots, heure s com. f-arva - d«¡ mlghi -boulUiitt. packing., on. n donkey* or.uioiürcyclci..wltli.RÍdeciiriL_..... ■non and literally true atateinea» that ! F. w /lf f k , J r^ .tn charge ol the Smiting, raggefl water bo>» and girls j A crlmliml, ho aald, ron krep Inh log, anil «end llie govpel «f Clirl»! lo ~ Canada wus a center of Ihe wnhden The sword wss found' beside the r Ktec1r!c corn|i»ns*a blxn voll- th* ehd* of II» «wall». Ti* perlt »I «- u „ jahlpbnlldlng Jnduatrjr.j So. ihe -yoohg skeleton- o fr (i" evTSfripr-^ «nc/ituck. In-- lh«--tropfe»- oyatera grow'-upow Tft~*nitiT» mrry" IhtXf ~ bwivf Jligi oli tila ^ :tuttotigniliraa;:*trlt»:-.biiiorefie!t Mllkmon« I(m» poor (o «>wa C«ru^ or# -riebe»-Ile* to »«e»»liin of - ; -III bis ‘introdnrtloji Air. Standtey wolglito/l down by (wo .tlve-gnllon imllretimn muy show up at any given IM-rlod to New Vork. found more probuhly bud been placed after the ilr. l*c#k'« Inveatlgatlonp have t»een rli-bea lo Iriinllng In them la k ver/ Ample scope for Ida Intents et hnoie. brave hod been hurled, Doftor Moore­ gives a short, h If tory of the isthi run* replug upon tholr bnck* unlit «jwjt lu ' aiiliurtmv) find thickly sot ot I’snatnu, mentlmHfg - that It nade «Itb artlffi’tal Ushinln« hi lire» (heir IhkIIp» ar« at rigid angles with abort one. The li-tidi-niy «f growing •;:. — Learned -Art Vouna—._ _ heed »aid. This relic of the , white Ibid town dlalrleU «like, ho Raya, po vycnllb I» III ilewlrov llie noble life of man's ipvsstnu of oorth Ueorgla tneas* 'gw- lire—rm-pcpilrd—«rhu—cim—he—airm- V He has given this account,of .bin meni on tbe Amerlran contIneofi. ■. oral electrical storm that occurred In 4t-4l). 1 , - ...... - ■,'íiern» a wood carter,.to learn the trails In .addition 'to the «word. ■ many on (ho alio etnee It wna fouiidnl more - Yellow Fever Research 'hlfe tUd n big builuera In slilpa' figtire- New-Tork. last iutmner, hnd during Jreu» had «pent a strreuniH dny . “war polnis." due arrowheads uscd’ln Photo-Electric,CeiI than 2.000 )cura ngo.- Tho proyout^wno Nnw Torli,—Muri'» »lüily oí yekow ^^s*wflds-.iDi£rtL_wer4 Jfia»y.*blptLjitnil ______. Which the New York World hi.illdlnit fa wanted _b»r--3lMf#aoloijlhei t-a-h«lf arxl wua now quietly watching Iho Bgllle.werrfoumt-ut-tlieright.hsml fever^he-rmyrinrlon* troptckl ga»»Pbari«Aralm«B e c o r a t o r S i z e { n g »truck. Though this building 1» pTpw~»nd-irçiüêbelent!«l on luslrofnenf lh»f I* pcftupo tbe tbe iciuiHirnry Home of tlirra ene - *-N«?pmQe, wi)lch wan ordered but oot World bnftdlnx extends for nlmut IIKI o( Rcteiiilati now at work la West poallcd their lllhe* and offerlngN Mid wa* a symbol of the tribe's re- most Hiialtive to Ught of any af i IK-rnrr orni II beenme famous In llie Afrit’». • ■creaGhr»—«vee-to..h»v«-bee»- fcetwiiMido.lJievConei-andtbiit.ls.Uifc ntriiUnn wsrftraif’Tbfr fílncb'KT -winch’ Jejnu^reL.-wliero^U«c-Coui4-JUiCoJliourd, Itockefel ll#-*aw..tbo_poor ca»tlng..Into llic.r "TliO Bkcieiou wltafbnnrt ln'wliut ap lyslceduborkteries-at - the- CaleersHy- *Huccc»»lve' -flre» ' und pilfering» ler foumlullon, (ms fouml an'Aalflllc i - tn nnd I(<>n hafi no use.fnr wood. I if-. Ulfnala-by.. I»..I. .Garner., graduate t t to the'Wnolworth building, It would bove- -riiwtruyeil --hl»lortc Inuitn»rita 4 r#n»ury their Rinali.. coins nnd llo pervntly-luid.becnahul njsile.of.posi»/ have .baea.protected.,.,. _ . monkey, slmllur, to Uio familiar coo»* ■Imi rhw 'llie rich bringing lurgfr . tiiiiim g“curveffrnar4ni 'IHtso efirved research aretatant, and wlll be One-of fte-oldeei-axlattog-untlquIHea; panto» of^tii# orguii-. «(rluiler,.. that figure of a notary for a notary’s of cedar end pine that were In an-ex­ Practical, application of these ex- coin». ^Tt'l» ■' Rblomn 'trotli- tknl- J#" ; cellent state of preservation consider­ u battery of four similar cell» as tha la Vorder »Ireet, whlch cuta acro«« •uarepillite to the UlMiiiao* Working lh 'MonireHt. - But for years" 1 imentlnl part of-a trievtaloa maefatoa periatent*. says Mr. Peek. haiKitlremlv au»' #y# always behold» llm gift» ing the centuries they hnd heenhnrled. Gie city, li wu* a ■ part-of ihn olii with thla primate, (tie coimntssloa Mi# tKKMdft.-^We piay lja.abJji io /jm ' , re done mostly angels ond npostlcs (o. be displayed s t lhe cmolng jutlv been made, ft), fullfornln. In *ufe lloftranJitxllVíj»J_frht. ; -side tbe big reservoirs, provide over fever, . . . . , . . 2. A certain poor widow threw Into :b’ him. lie leaves behind him ». New' fork.—Solomon^ Welsinun, Garner,, au expert- to glaaa blowing king». Where.Hie Iftiimiu-.legione,.th* Tbo cxperii tiave hoeb oble to iW. Tdoaard Mercdtte, trained In clerk- In- the Kaufmijirbarsrore, wait and a stndent of the building of eoch lapping cooes- Pf protection 'unit re plinlimxiRÌ- of Alctundcr unii llie Im- tho tr#a»iiry two inltea (v, 42). . due* tbe dangbr to a minimum. trauamirtha virus conalatently to the riu* mil# wa» the arnallret cop(»#r VrafL 'snd Bte. Anne,, though /the held up recently In the store et the delicate mechanisms.. dnertbew the ipnriuls of Xi-rxg» trod Ila »urfiu-e, un tnonkey, known m Mrcrcur lUieaua; C master -or wood curving Is no point of n revojver by two men who ceU ua "(be. largest ceil et Ita-iypa Amnriran »Ireel cur rumble«, driven cold made, Th# mite wn» worth both by iiidculution-apd by (lie pri nlH>ut oniMdghth of a cent, therefore . wltLuot bn deprived of sacred took (01 from-the cash register and i built for prscGcnt wqrk." The Inside Some Vision. hy. n iiiiHlerii flrpi-k or Hpanbinl. In Diury Infective agenl, (ho mosquito. •graphy. . .." "■ watch vnlued at *50. Then, to prevent diameter of the globe I* ft Inches as Philadelphia, Pa.—Eddie Itli-kcn île muñe II run» under, nn old lioimin |( bin been found .(hat (he avrutu her offering waa one-fourth of a rent In enlue. ■ > . • \ . ’ Welstnan/from following them,.they compared to 7. tbe jlie used In tbe backer forenee* three-day trip» to iircli. from recovered ciiare of yellow fever took hJA Irouwrs and (led. ' experimental work curried a* by tbe Europe within three years els super- "Home of the Hnlonlkl rlmrcbea H, Jem/« »aid unto III» dlgclplre. iBan on German.. ; will protect mnnkeya Rgoinal virulent "Verily I »ay. unto you that thi» poor Ueuerul Electric company. Th* hlgharay* 4UII feet wide-from llie At- aurvlved the fury of the Middle uge* blood, nn Important discovery becuu*# Doctors Be Lifted Prehistoric Survivor common globes of this sire are about lantlc to the Pacific conel mid air. mid lire the linen remullí» of the pu«L widow hath.nut. more,In- than all . H lndlcnier ibe poflRfblilty of treating they which have ca«t Into th# tren»* erirriT-^AD “u r gen fp 1 ea “fOr'' rii1st n g S- Londonj—Tlis pleklosnuruA -estf" tt-IncfterTcrdlptnetcr.-— plan«niiefd»'bb1“'decti*~atHive-'“rtiftwn>- -*mTg"(irfpk*-lit»vy-auffer«Hl-.by~^»»4-jtiymn»..tmil»iiU--ln.Uke.'CU»naBro.—^ Several new departure» fret* -^»r-rv—yir:— Ijenibaigo pl*«d by: ei bclljgerents mntedtby »clentim to hate lived one yards 1 .-—:— -rmrintmP'In Hiilonlkl under foreign rtheradmbnipaof OcrmafrdOcrars moa-eoostrnctles. ere .toewporated J* gift» hy the moHve of llie heart, nui i-i bUndiÈfcÆPpJ j»taho»('l'ur-(*rio--»oiirra.oL.Ju»pIiAlimi, 3”Eî3yrÂ?ySfi*? Be extlqCL SIr ArtSnr Con»n T » jle H fMw’giaBr'taws^riHPíSfiiir P^fi3,l"lm^fÎÆ'IÎÏ^ÏWr',fir'ÎT».iWt i tcrrliorle*—li tnsde by tt>* d tp thlnkh Ue believe*, he saw one blm- Is the fnslon of two »wa» rama 1 4 4 Olylfipua-Wwerln* eiiiong tbe filli* tô • Hill ford. England.—A c*i In the dla- ”■ *.- Glfla are measured by wlibl the giver has left, not by what wta given 7 7Ï* fcotohinl Mdety and »lied bodlep. ■etf oir the coast - of Aegln* some In one aide of the globo that.aaay b* I* . _ (lie .•oulbYeri.’’ ' pvuaiiry fur «lek-animal* ft** tp*a,/«eed .avtilli.,; ... Brittle Mamucript 4*4**«»♦♦♦»»♦♦»»♦*♦♦♦♦♦»♦ ; nnicli-omro.lban Ibat nfi.JIte poor.,. Litohdatory. power* sarylo pnMnre~tii^M*irffi*'i^fSr ...luindon.-rriTie-'eld of*mirii-iiioderu : : -A tfM iú S iV « at tbe risk of loriag *11 of tbe ï ablA tbd lltaaeroU agricultural": widow, ' yet. they bad'*n-*%bun(|ance -I DBtorla. iieeplog } experiment itaUon wUI nolftnar ': rlieiiilairy iiucr tieeu rtivokeil to *ul- VVam* Ag*in*t Buying ' fever./nibe tee toil* u. LtrgeSum s Ip lntcrcit tf finytbtnt bappeoed. lefL . ' . - ' . ; ' ... ♦ ket Us bew rnst-realxt*ul wb«n viige ani.ltier rellc ol Hie remote p»»t Seed Coryi Carelesily This woman'* fallueace goes on. i ere on{be,locrraee . An uiideiii Iculher. roll iif Jiayiiiliin j extent lntthe** terrl- ' ' Seattle—By nslng the »l» ' ..TaxIcifiaThitodtaa t /M G ju m - r ' Waalituftoo.—dnl«**; tbt boy- Atony devoted Chvlatlen» have fol­ 1 ! mall service between thb Kedflc ♦ Andrew Boto .dlrertir of Gif wrjllnx 'bed. Inin Unopened .for M lowed her- example and have given p^bd/ftal tbthbpiiiy ot doctors StockholnL Swedeq.—A taxlero par- vein III (lie Bfftlali miucum liei-uiia« tr knows, that tba aaller to ra- ^yvlib.-lbeo l* ,oMoriou*ly: In- ' ' c o u t sntl New Xork. b*nker* (tattoo, roy*'Ibf .present supply. ibelr alL . . * ' . . adlaa I» Ora* pariab. Bareno** fro« . wilt b* planted 'to 182g undet ft an* M tirilile tliui nic we dared lluble and can fttptoy Ibn klod qugts > -> . . ! .have been »M* to «ave moo- fofrota-moretbau of.aMri b* offera, «Slrento ror* I «and*-of-dollar* meotbly to rood!tirai that will toxure »till unroll IL-‘Ex|ierlioeiil* wllh u brok n|: Oennsa ttgdlc*l. dl*corerto* pen»*«: TMs'-ywr. tM ^ u u o a n u are | Z grreter .déveiopmenl -and - thnt. eh frngiiieni of llie Iculber In ,IM mu- •Imuld be exerctoed Jn parch*»-. -j' .Oi-Cod’* PieMuce : . .glèepIzìg^clwragulymtórH ■ : yetlntfree " Î / ^Ju*je*djroni^Jh«_l)epaninoiL LetnebuIldoorcotUgeaothate»- ■ —*— In- 1 ' :*■■(!• 4 ratfrftgaf tMl be nuile avuti-: "‘ieUnrtrTftht«ra!ory.'~ft,>wvvvr1, Jlnalfy- ..„Bmtorin.'hsn placed Oerman* In centi/. ÀU~cb*ckn'ln excèné ot' ot AgricuUnr*, warn* ' try, window, any Irak oui on- tfie -. gfioo tre ' toni - by »Ir mali *nd j *bl«"to Minnesota ; farmers In guve H'lentlela-urolew.i•• jo how io. -*Vífrónt ' rank’ipf : tropical ; dises»* . E*(P*tLuab bundle llw mys)eWoft> im«ii|*irlpl . "Unforiunalriy." It*»ya."tber* ■nighty: Alp* of dod'i presence; and iters-mid .therefor* sboold be mad* ; arriva *t ,lbe Basterò termina* {'toa; .. ~ '—“ r . Angora. Turkey^-Wolrea, descend Tbe xiew wbeat ta a cre*» be- 8 ever»i4 llilu; aeftlogr of ccllulolrl u v likely-toiib* .«*ny; InrilvW'i lba| we may Uv*..n>d moveend hare bte/lor re«»ons. of hnpaulty to • two dsy» »iter, malip*. or.thrae uni* who will off«« to **11; our betog, heuestb Ihe conGani lm-' ; \ ti> tour day* *onner tbio by. big frota lb* mot t o to* »proi tbo c«p:' tWéeo Uaniola, the standuril »were .«iMikeff .lnio fli* |»>r«», of 111* ind*" offsñfreror» ' I» tb* min*; (rolher; aflvt -wldrli li’ was i-emeiiieil cruwej toed at a high pile* preoaloo, "Lo, Oed la bere."-F. U. (rjltorlQk^Jbe priltlon jd«cl*re«i ? fast traln Mrvlc*. Briorn.ered- ltal of Turkey. devowrae tha pal ‘ aad thai danim ‘I p r111- • 11 < -*diBo»UuugJufiliihj(Aiiiit!tlLJI^iiSU)JiL - when ib* seed I* Mill* norajm e p« « n i ■ 1 fllmtcU. tolo.haad-lonch. He Is no f % ^*A,"%^ffnrthif:M' : : MmsAiWfM 'to-lbb, *Ir. mriL'j: bcfg'tbiifMlt • tria i b^to* nrore than'ordtoary wheat. .IWt’ufirii drytoif (jd»«fiUi»»».|*

m m

Iw- V »7 ÎS. J’-C-Jl , 'I- v , ..

* iti V *b à r s a s i '

» f f g F r c l ZrvL

*■ ♦¿ar.’*.«* , V f ‘ fe?


¿ « film o f H o i b e i n »> - - f BATO^»nMTca.i ft - Fighi¡ñ$ Cliehttê vu ouxror» aras* KïSiimi£I~BirKïïg ì k t b j js jg TteMte Otr##«, gterrft «ìuirt, N«#*J¿tíSrSSSr, . PT • Til# spfltrüDg cleuffil lo Cljioa bol AN ORlMSASrft b» auiliwrfaa ft# r u n i t w « f Nteb Nirma, Wtlltaft* Sir#*(v iurte Htf#«t. i l f e Whí-o Hina Holbein, th* celeb rated « cwrtrATt tfaa WMrM#d|i a i (‘»»ah»* %mm Sartet; iu m lxwn. *te*t . tu ( u n w outìKicLa tNOfl trotólas Vglitiog triikirf» tor •ttS Ite r«aiuv «f Patte ftf ite imttfftmmrn «arte# fte-f. - Bdvrard Pi»#*, PblUaa »ir*#!, portrait p#itH#r> ft Kogiaod, b# btiqdr»d# of f*or«. HtiK« »uwi,w # ut *4MU A(«ws# li -----,..... Dote wdUiaute,-Nte- ptettaki## «f «#«rb te# te uf Ihwhartp-“ . ' Iloiftin -wut « tn*«Mg* asking f# be 1'blnas# In training these *rr»»ji»l*>#1o fctlltel : » . i . » su i b,« o a iM * » » < ‘*'I Ontararty. *. ^ ***■ ^ : v Mu«/ and rvuwMT fkcgfvd tin# tionor uf lb#' visit for «itgNKAH «te. tuunlr «f r e t e luu «afta D ar Avenu# turn lUawr te «th MrtH • i.eairu ala f«u»a, »«« isertar ^ ikwratag Avvour. A-, CrauliW. N- f. _____ 'Tni,‘ / “ — «V- —*• s/ieleitl i'll**- Irwin* ...... f r f ni» ftorllt, Jtefgadte, ivaaktft A*«ui# fit»« >#nu«adi* tn HAs­ nrftn't- «Mta heal. .iilrf l«S. .n# ro»MTnA ‘ffiai "¿Tuy* rh fi“iMii*fvninnniTgtitr7rf,‘ hh h te r I ^ rd aiWfL YtfflU Tld» DoUsn « Tdtr era praarriWd aTriT-t »H r-.i ITT"? Ilo# 4it. Mi«. fó*r «und #ur*HiRh U<># #a a < «mW ¿ia.xuMUtWhrre. .kf CaÌI .■■»^»7*» TTHB8»M <3*. Aa* -!■■ « ■ , feioM, w«llu*d iiralgl»l uiMtalr# and b u ri and U -altert t» b»e<»*c tte #*«#; M# Tuie#» JTa«f frew Msaar lo Ima« -, I li) Magnulia' avenu«, JUtratWth, Trtephunv ,lMv* b“«j*e, ali kELtl’TUTL Hiftgteg taoarw* aad 5 e UiU. lloift lrt uI » I 14« temper, and beft. boiled ebHilimis. tofu# ««-«»t# umJ I# #«« ukl»* Irwn •*•«»«* io cwrb foeu Ite Mir Hwae i ranfard 132*. 4«T OraRB# Aj*r How-O# |ior*rt)fh Hit» «0 Pie traMl»* uf ' Ite (taferi» Court, Lincoln te Ccntenafti «un porrii. breakfam rtwft. I « J *“ aimed a blow at Ihe tnlruder wlik-h mosquitoes, flome of the,o»v)»:-fB.and Hritiiiuur» «lui Nrw lurk IteUrnad, and N f»#S Kaothom# Strovi • ■Mxtaru laiprui«m#Dia. tei j #i>1##« I## f* uur, Criüíufd. *■** SHtl tiim from. tlie.fop oMti# afttra to Midrt Ourrt rutb l» nifi» fr*MU aelit tr»«# High Street fruii ho«ih io Ltarola . KM, l»k'. »IIJHS. V»uf »*» funcUrv-filJow . tbemaeJvi'ji. J*ib :;.Wttitaa ’#tre#t .N«“*». teg mj umhu| uHiwn. rttul whw» |he mos­ WHKllBAS *aUl Hoard nf Choim rrrrtudiVra Marte Street from Huruald# t r KetfuTd •• Holl>w«juU Avenue. Craitfoca TUrpù«' * * 5 2 1 J b !^ k • * ~ '1**' pfHtftrf (Jimii, the arrUI r*nli/<'d hi» quitoes sirw full of ■ IiI(mm| llu'j sr# «f (ho l'Miuitv uf l'itkst ia «Ifrtng U» ruh* late Km BUHl from BunuUta W UUIereet • IH M . . , “ Cimm A m utf N., Phot# Cranford atl» ^ fluiiiifr. »mi wlwfy. vmil ot on«r H- » Ksitd-ait «Uh Ite Tm r iIi Iv. ni l»**»fird Jamea Araauo from Huroakta io H U km t given lo their favorite- crlvk»!* Ite (alter. Nili artv# l» te r Ihe -adtted S#alm ArcniM from Boraald* te NUU*«a! MIE and eight roam bou#« am c**to# avaoo*. Ct T FLOWtHH-Fw«#* ' I*?*?**!**!!*: Hip liloii, to whnfn fi*>- lohf the «lor.« Tbs fighting crtrkeia are k*|U in j (.gi „( un) liu|rfuu-mFii( «ini tarirai,tt Ultllh Uvdn Placo - . Apply owner. « • Caite« avete*. Craoterd (re. Mi ■ norel **«*•■ ÇS'ÏÂ? — frtb» of Him «tmirtei 'Slinrll) nficrwunl sf rf liti Tcisnulill» «nroatH- . Hrtilpe Sire#« Hortb 'Avrtiue frotn AJdrti* to W «t thw m>bftiOfto • hi# M to’ aefv# - fig 'briTf) “infminer—find- rtn*- h » 'rir'fite'Tnwfriiríp'iírrninrfflrrf m-fhr' fvvMiTfr^ - Boav-SireeS'------— :------— 8lX 'iooW 'Höwrf**“#d'Tv»vrh: ft* ******* OTU> Haa-UM»«.-a»»irt»M,. j i M -TmA—- MarUe Mira«! ’ ..field .which...*11_. lo u d ly .th u u c h L . would <-h . "«■ Crntrgi Avenu#:, atra» heel, Ita placa, iv.trt liuti c u c ti i» u srere re* lev iiAiusa. ■ TIi# Jura .are... furnliiird «»¡t-riOii't: T h afih r <*halrw#it *#-th# T0»»»i- •n» «no le- Neeeby. l»..»pproprtated te pr«wld# livnly.jtalbtad. • Call Cranford -Ijo I ...... -, -, 1 l'.Um l 'i » " . '. . p a re . ------" 0 » Cranford betur tranuporution iloilH*tli o|»o|Mtflr,v. lMH .lt"' with tiny lieils and water Jar*. The iMn l’oinnilttiU and-II*# Tut» nilJp ri#rb b*. lumia. ter (he paymemi. of tee rem of aurb :. . tunu out to be tho reverse when the diTlnml tluil iioHiIdk Imi tlu- *»iT*,nit mai tlivj ln-rwl.r ar*. aiiMuSlaad lo riw u lr #*» ItaprofemetiL . CBAXFORDI—Look «ter tavuae. »« Imieonial llurlM i U » red boHMCkrerei <¡*¡*¡¡¡ champion cricket# are trun*|M»rte»| In tn-iialf of ili« Tnvnialitp uf l aanfieil an aar##- (hrthMi t. .In ordir te meri a#kl *|>pf»prl- Aieuua: S targa ruuma; badi, sii luprotf- (u bi». K '.i, areM. tr e «MM™»« ere / order of Uie Slate Board of Public er's (IcHth amilil i-onicnt Mm U lu*i>* fluely wrought cages, some of «bleb ment IhIuocu «onnlf of l.ul«n add lh iT « w - «ttan and te tempurary flnanc# atta purpua#, meula: aun purch; aleeplo* p«>nrh. g^*** «arud. r« •«* • r e . '»>11«. U (« w * • litilttle» is scrutinised. The order gives ll«*niy (■♦•(iNi-il, mil arc 'filigree ,gold.—Pathfinder Mngn- taf Cranford wlrrrrl'r m UI t;oU«tr bf l'nkm l.'i Tamporary tmprovvmvnt Boada uf Uu» Toun- for 4 «afa! v«ffjr guud Im IU lame#, wltn «r in thu «Uuaarand cadi am a. « »Ul-aprvii tu irnprut» Ho«iilt Aivou# fruut «li# thlp uf Cranfurd teall le Idaued purvuant tu :.>■ hall hourly service on North Avenue IMIW to.ilriil «till. IIoIIk-Im. hill will.» . wltliuul adjutalng free ami tirar huildtog hd glue. . . Huki-ll* Hurmigli Un# «o lii» Ciarwuud Roruuih Chaptvr JT>3 nf Ih# Lana uf I tti, and »)>• lattai»« ft. ; *«ll a i a horcaln. Otiicr hutw «lusn-'-ire «re».- -rre fi**ì;"CSSr**-Sd ■.¡%r Init reduces to half hourly trli» the nw*. tVluilevor tmnn you » lilm »Imll Jiut* fyy aradlug tlt* ■amo. (urnMrurilng ronarrte amvitdtaenl«' Uu*rvuf aud aupplaiaenis.. Ihvretu. « riKimi: balh: all laprovemmia; IT Hprurr gent.** ‘ FuroUbM) Boema —b*»?y card. Nald ivmla aliali he laaued In th# prlm-l- rolley service, Jt makes the cost Of retmuml tpiifnli] on your <»wt> homt. '•tiri« on i»m» alil*a or tb* «trm and paving Hlferl: «Uli-ur «lllmut adjwlnmg frvw-aod CUiara aad Chranlel* *0 c» > •* : iaUi »IrvtJ.m firl «ld# lK'n».r.*r#( .rwrlj?« frote Ih* ita! auiount of unt eireedlng llh.D N . ,f vteAi- kuii«lli'»g • I«!,.IM*U2 - iw W k or«. H-X: flu bus -far* - to Elizabeth 16 cents a* Whrfti»vrT I |»frnifp.,,T /Tin rmiliP- >y‘v**n Now Cait Doubt on ftoih'tta"^ -'Um -1 ^iViOMftgwuf ..lb# abati..... MUure ■ in ... oo\ imrt#: .- ih*«-, »ibr## ■'OHwr idtiblwg US. ja#ae..C«m«»nWi Arenuo. aoC^EMOLU fiinittur*' for aal*. - thonw aaoc- with in -eenU -at* ttbiWitwMi tint of tuiuioto» - A. :)ietr...Viirk. JUUftmi..Sfili.. m n after - ili* (influì** for «hltrh A**lÌi0.n:;..rtirAp.. Tei ni* lo. alili.'.. ...g .frani :iu«B. j.JTano; .nahlnef; gaa ranga Urie t» nrrte-fmw»^##«*1 Hm—kMi tWy— »»« Uan»d- bua , i aeu - ta rrtad —....-Mrr- -...... - |»4. f*«aeMBMl ted it'ihmg» re so the average cost of riding is In­ aevvti IohIn I rulihl ii'M IIIMlvt* mi«* lini ™ ~ Mylot Stondtih ~Tale ti tilo liiiri»>wrd llotutigh li»#, con«|nH-l1ng (li# and aliali bear Interval al ' imi rireedlug ali A»••mie, )‘butta l'Ut (.ra^furd. refrlgvfalue : cea «aguo ; rad » . vtatroU » tega i creased 25 per cent. They ssy improve (’opt. Myles Hinndiah may hove iiM^Marr - !st: aiate* and pania includtag Uff« boln.' and Ilrlvct»»»» iicirmiirlly ik’« plana and — , . HOCiKH C. •ALIUIICIÌ. r lHiuie: nininih-ut lucalteu ; «toner «HI a«- provement and thb cost is higher. cilia Mullens for him, as jsougreiiow . Chairman Tuwnahlp .(VJninitlt*«*. There was ho inkling before the hear. «vci-iftrnlluna iirritami Ita ^tli» foiiitljf BnglilfiVr, rlflt-e. • il«-« L- A. Kant, S3»- Weatflald Avenu* ¡lS»hK.ER-!TpH- Vrè*rel rtrttdiiwa: «heap. ■ra­ American Childrcn at wrote (tlicro U hlslurlcol doubt on • utili « of Wlib-li arv novr »».111# In thè . OIRf»- ALVAV U OENMA.N. - . . WraUlikl ... LvlT- l«»uk al teta borgalof . .phuikv Craoronl.?!6.^______.. lug of. any such action as was taken the point), but-despite ibe moans b# i»f ï)i#"7u»Sili!p " nEVkr arr tuiniinl o r tlio ...... TrtWiuHIp tTerk: -'...... ' • f .... • Frenchman S e e s Them coil uf - oii'-li uork' fi|dal te ili* co«l of u liitied Aprii si. Itti#, . DKLIl.llTé l L «poiu fir*. ihvae. cuul .rvrnmxf HoV'ta bDyclet food «vurtUtteu: H i -ta3 Edg>r_:. may have taken the redoubtable sol* ttrlf of i-tatcrri» jtaM'lin-iil.3* frrl .whl* Uiroii*lt- inakra tuiiue atieutuiely Irresistible. Bere la Areuue. «.raufurd, N. J» • ■ ^Ajyyi.li uii. % .. jiri* in-'Mi mhi - u« - i«nctU.ui£- mud- lnuirwvmriil...litHndlngiiupfMvrmrnl. Iiirhiiling - AS'OIIUIXAMX te #ai-at« ì'Kartiuan, ki/ei-r . » . iuii»*-n**m -»ite-Htei' ' »iiahrd, ma,fiuun:. archi: mTtidn) - V » r a w o i i w - M W H .'jvrtfiiBBi'TWfr,"’ » s- £ i ; Mts» ^|j|. '¿g-Jn accom­ cbifdretr. ^ A ■g» rmipfnirtfoiiir: tlrlvlWaiaia. . Irr» »teinvaia. aim p*. dedicated hut noi juvepird or oteurd• hy \ «riltway W «llolug rouuruum ami ' a lighv. afry tutvnglili l|jh«¿ui> - t*l»v, ficdltjll t*®*J . pUshed fact tills year.; It has been wrlloa h uoli'it oh#vrviT In ( proof of this has btfcft fuund nitiiv* lotÌktrm-tlon» Im lib-uUl tW'lltv uork t». tita mmilrlpullt , Ub-heti planned -tu "»ate steps“. wJUi »put- suluHe Up ude who «>»rt U»« be« . a»d n I’rtrl* tm|;ir, nfu-i u.vlreli t• • Hi' ! „Mio l>r -tlie Count ». ami th» t-Hlar»«-# »f 1U* ro»! Wberraa un «»r uteni! Ntiti-niWr fth. IS»«.! lera- «null-drain and sink.. I patalri ihre* 1-rkrd fur the IwgmneC. Mult MU taf«*:.. _i_i talked o f io r o long time but now ev. through..twenty-one., years' record ,f futid taii.mtrmHil lo- U#-|i»W M* Mw Towtt- UiiIHmJ Hluti'i., '• i ht*,v . wor k »\iili<"0 Ibera «aa ni«*«l ut tbe »ffitf u (-Hie Ki«l»trr I chambers, i-lentv of cluavt room and a May "Ih: 1'iO.a* Mre.an by . appointment, arything i* set to go ahead. The Town searching by Dr. Myles ktundlsb of ililn to tita Cmitiiv «» i>nnUl«l fnr I« «ala (Ibea^Ctark) uf llie Cminir uf T.nlrui a tuaiL * IHeil 1>«lhr«kuiu. - TtiU alutuhl l>e a rrat- hsr- tin me t nnfoed *2if. - • ; ship Is preparing to enter contract ofTort, Hint In to hu.v, very llliltv ‘Hum Horton, eighth llbcal descendant of mltrfirl o wltbh le IlOtV flit tlttt lo ealltlad “ Map uf IHtliilüig Ulta .ailuali-tl tir gain at |73.tttt.‘ «ad only tIUuk! lou .rsn only lourti tin*-lniHn|i»’iiHiihlo In Ho Un- f»flp-i* «f Ilo» T«Wn»Wp Clrflf , CrsBfM'd Townafflp.. I re-longing to Ihr u r r it aud OWN It hr paying Out nt«ch • tut tair. <>»9 Orange Arrau*. : . with Uie county (or the construction the soldier. : . Hrrllwit 3- That ihm* ' aliali • te,' and borruT' WUIUns. SalAtP ami priiprrt)’ bag alitrv Ih-viì numthly. t:utne and see. . Buoiorai RvaH* work, and the county will pay (or 23 big clllos nmiiy. atrp«MN i#r«- rcMi-t vi’H • “The legend shout which Longfel­ \4. HtMirouriatod.ror Ib# |itir|»oar «f l'ajlng fu# roartyed by referen«-* tu aul«l map hv •leetla Coinpa n v. A IValnut Avenue, l:raufi»rd. .N, J .nini) puri «f III* roM «r.aaUt. Im|*.r«v#m#iili a» recordad In Mld K«aiutar* uRUr, innahiili map i'huii# 12. . • «heap ITsaaa CraU* for Ihoin nml Ihclr <|il»i>a. How ut't ta to lu» UiriiB bv Ih« To*naJil|» nf Cranfora o tk dining multi suite (eCt o f . the pavement and one halt low wrote The Courtship of Mlh*s ir* altown Iwu *a aparUficut l-ut «iw#.tü»#.~-auch...appr Imhs» ;»aeUtng 1 »U« 1 a souhtooi many" fiad'wonli arid uiv ■«■imns*'«TTn»ijii‘tirrn»nlf At ihc'«*''-ot Doctor fitumllaft. ^Heforu coming to ttiMnrtiiB""’Hv" im nw ary'' 1mwm«uit*«i-- temrt» W*èl Emi ITace 1IM ( fret eaeftfl) alona Ut* aliruliber) to suit ;our «>wu udra. !>** tw^lvi* an Auiorjriiii rhOil hi*- yf ih# Tow ntiiip of t ratifurd are Itrf#- fitriiiit'e vrefb m* «4d EtigUib t.ra&dfateM^a • kind: remark» by those (creed to iw tt Ainerlcti, Captain-Blandish «ns In norUicrlr aula of Wval Kih) l’Ime from Ihr room«, lianlwuo«! fiuors. Ule hath. «çl«trlc fla- tlm k »I rI mabugan« rase rhlffofobe, 0»k te amWrtrwl (<• W. laaiml. from tlm* eaatrri) aid. uf Art bard Htrevl ami auolher ->turee tn your own choosing : a fcluhcu won* ^but when completed It will make- up own ojilnlnii ni;iiliid| Hint nT tilr* .hut in tliur hi «nttiunu« tint tu »arm i ut full t p «Irak aud ih iir * pievc living room iloUnnd and (here be married bis first called Aldrn Hlreei running norherlr from and derfull) rniplet* wtU) e\er)lhii!g riaht si >1 ic * | toe wklnul dining ruum suite; 1 1 1 Hits utol o|tjHihi'H hi« nmiilonx -(•- Uh« aaicrtiralo «br min» of 1111.000, pur- at righi .anglra io (or nearly auj Wegi Kmt l'Iare Itami- New house, not «iurte- finished, will he “ (or preaent Inconvenience. At the some wife, Hobc, Hose dh>d the first win m in ut te ili» Hlatiitr In «urti raa*> mad# and piece «batter set: »did walnut book rase, *4eC- . ....Ume every possible help ahould he glv IlH'lr 'iviivlhuo».'-'1 low iilo tionh-il -unit distant vantate UHI i feet along Mld aille of turned over tu the buyer ail spick am) «ipan.- Uu radhc H.anreJ) , \ nlur phuoognph *®d ter If) -Amcrloii. Lnler the soldier prcivMrkt, taliiili latri ri* »itali letr Intrrral a t Waal Bud i'laca fruni jhc Kaatvtly a)de of; » >0 reni- bui }t»u ran OWN U I y pi)lug Ihr Biel valurr Luu*«ib«dd Utaftsllk.— Ol»-. ~:r fin to keep Un: street passable partlcu hiiblrea*wl-a» tf -ilit'v wm? -rnfuH* " Ar a latr me h* e»i-v*d a** P*f ìnnum and said KailUtan Street aud « ' ■api#' niiiuey HuainrM Realty Company, T nmrrled Hnrbarn, who la said to lirs%4 niMtiiri' li) not *ai'«(Hllng «la y«wt from In« Ire srvn au) «lay ut evening, also Hunvtay »1 - tarty a t Union and. Walnut.crossings; >flrU‘*n . tbay.. go-tMH to vmiii h Wbefvaa neither of »ate airéete aa ao laid Walnul Avenue l rinfuri!, N J limn* 1.2- ii HbJcrr« AVffur, Tei. t^Ruford « 1 , witbuut 'toning • HH'Ir ln-MitidmM'^of.i beeu^a.first‘cousin of Hose. They time wbr« Uw |»urjNi»É> for uJikh ib*y ar* atti un.M ld map and ddhatad have lure-n ■ 'which are very bad. ■ \ ' bad . lereruk children. Jt- Is hetwrtu tMted aitali bain ben» temuteteli l all vUiur accepte«)-nr o|«ned',eiihec by (he nmnlrlpalltr RKHTRICTED rcaitacwtial teta on Casts» ave­ fiiair -gayvfy,< 'TTiH>y.^ will., jiay*- knonjo -uiaUrr* In r«ni»*ci te m W hnntersfr impruva- or ft; Urn owner of the ßrvpeciy. and It nue ^Apply 4IS Casino avenue, ^wnferd- k Mli# death^of ltose end Ids mnrrJ(H«.ft -rrrptjt tximbr -wiiatl 4» «telrferteci 1»r- reaulutkw - - N T S S IN G naillirr liRlnpH». hor initoionrif Atoi ~ ara Li Dta Towuahht Conmtulnr that thC TfkACTUAL hyrs ng Iwwt it refereacya. -One of Uie episodes ot Unlun County Uarbnrn tlmt tlie eaptnln Is supposed if Uh Tonnlrtl» LVinnilH#!* » S tu interm P «IU be (vettef served they will (lit1 wlHmut hirtlng nniht-tl He« Itali ,1 Tbla unlluapre iltatl lake elTrcl leasing Uta land over whUir* bolli of aaid 112 CAHINO A \R M K -B ri«k liuus* fur sale (Mhle, #3 W Itosi.» Avenue, Crsaturd. history to. be.depleted In Uie pageant to to tmv# courted UrlNcitln II is a ImniHlialrlf (hut they l.nvo llvnil, ()nleHn»!* him A LUN R PKM1AS »trrala are an laid out reap* lively and devil Uullt liy tha uwner hbuaelf fur hla «uny usa, \ be staged In the last, week ot Juné un preily-rtory.”—Miami Daily News» .* 4k* Tuwnalil|> Clrfk. ralevi-Kimu »Urb «WdkaUtm, . unbtua «ieslgn, rentre bail and vcitlbul», * HOOTER REPAIRS " retreat in Ho* evontlilt' of till*, pn'i» Ile 11 ordgdoed by Um Township Committee large Itvtng*eoua; dlnteg .ruum; aun room: der tile dltcctlnn ot the recreation db uratlnn for ihmllij Hmut* are unknoMu fth-d Aplll 31 löf*- 0t Ihe Tuonatilo uf (Hanford. breakfast ruum, tUed klurbrn 4 Iwdrooms. 11 ooTEI Bttvrfwrs bp au td promptly. Oaatf tfk-ihnt I, TRM Um puldlc right artaliig from lllrd Itaih rcnun and stumars, brick garage, work guarsatred. Formerly wttk H ogm ' . pauiment o( tlie Union County Part tiftnga Jo a roimirv wliort* /hmih j- NOTIOg o r ftCOlSTBY AKO Company H w itr is if p rn fjr Mir* M j . Oommlaalon .wtu be assigned toC ran uld dedication of ' lUatmau »treat * and Al­ iruabad »lune «irlyewa). lerm» arrnngevL hyi un tnuiuiillU'iiat i. *H*tnil,*r—Tflvi.r.« SUCTION NIOtl'bf Of INTENTION . dan tiirert” imrtii nf Weal End ITace aa latta J, W kuUBrfield " t f. elsa» «quittloor 201 North gram»*« Waft~ m (ord. Tlie co-operation and active par Nullte li hereby d u n that il la Ute tnterr* du«n ami ilea Iguále«] on saJd map ba.and it Tatephooa Crsafard AU ft. Van i'limiaen, fa lho Alhnifn t'otoilin rurtiihiit to ili#* |»rt pruTlaloa# i>r in *r| vuUtlfcJ ta hrrebr releaaavl, evUiigulahrd, dlavharged RJ)d THREE luU fur aale, writ luxated itn min Uclpation at the Mayor and Counall “An Ait lo Hrculi«#IrcuiiKuili Rltrlloni (HfiUton «f‘ don «f the Townalilp Corniaim» of Ut# Town* lion. . • •hip uf traufurd. In Ih# tuunlr uf Untai, io varatevi. ulra from atAtlun. MitiUlrc Tel Hunier« EXPRESS, MOVING, TRUCKING and ot all organlxatlona In Uie town tvioi inum i May Mh. l»SQ, #nd amuaiuietiia Net Una S ThJs ordluaiwa aliali take effect point tittlS » 2 liiFfH«. notW Ii iiurMiyivr#l>y glvpngiven lin i ft# - . - ■mmedittaly LOCAL sad long disUnca moving and tracking, «nil be aoltclled. ■■ ■ IIIHTIUCT.'.UOAKUH DV HKtilifTltY- ...... OimiVVNrB (o «prioprliie dir aunt of f i t ’ Ofl *ft>r‘ th# rnnMrurtinH of :Hi»rni H*w#r HÛf.EIt C AlVim I!. - REAI ESTATE WANTED frrtgbl Dunks and baggage l*rnmpt and aat- . : Mr». . Florence 1C. Simpson, ot Lit ■ Uhm Dynamiim - . . ANI» ,KLK( TION „ from lUminiin# Htrert al llrtiahm Tvrrae» I tiairnian Tnutiahtn Cummlti*« irfirlury servir# Eat mu lea chaerfuKy gitan...... i_ .. ,JPtounh-av.enuc,.-Ca»L.lloeeUc, chalrinan la and foc Ut# Tovfnahl|i of Crmforil will mftl arruea urliate ritht ut «ay (u Dia Kahpay IMAN IL l>KS>l\N. BUILDIMI luta WatiU-d Wllfi or Wllhmil Im* Austin s Expresa, 304 North Aveau*. E lft ^^------’..'oítheirecrulUngcoiBlíUttee' oithepa T'-Tllfttt-Ï* UM*W»ML(nr«Lft utuii^JKUj .tn-lhr tilarts itsralasJivr ttralgiutrd òn 4 [ pftd .mt füratnut U rrtl JV»b> TuwnahM» Cterk praraseata. òrfica E, Dlfabto 1») Uftephv I-Dons Lnujocd Ulta. , U / * -,TttJ«UMVV;-WAT W|fi«Mvrr A««hs\i* te Hl« ftahwtv ÌWft. la w» Towayblp v j i r :ri ».AvftdiL AreL*lu)tt«.>0»httgiLreZ$L.A «tM -S“pg ibi of 'r r an-fiircf'-anif-lif tmdtfir(sgwllte lu UéSe# '#f- ND\îiKvm 5wïlS#i-T*rtfitttF-ati -ïiiere la b.ljtMí.of.woiimn who btmw.e. lUaiftn. NtamlarU (Una (S A il lo • I*. li Usupotacik-lHiiMk-uf llut Tumi alili» uf_( ranfuro ed to tir a bers of N J FurattUr« y — -b alo re any In tere« ted organ iuUonaand TMFtTitirfcavnijranm— — * ----- __ .NOTICE or ÍN1EISTIQN__!'_ . . _____ F O R R E N T _ — house- AsanetsHtreVj—»ad BHmbOtt-KjU axplain In detail Just what part Oran­ Hilf nini wife», after Imvlng won Hi fui- «ha iiurpua# ut ri«Ulcrtus uiuUlfiad rotsri («i mt«s-#AUl nWlgatiou, am îtliat .. Volle« la hereby given that II ia the Inlett FLOUR I'I'E RUUM8 and t«ail|, alt Improve Furniture Wsnrlivusa Asporlatlon. doYotiHÍ luve nf o muli, •«­ •ad rouilnrilns a Prunary Klertlon for Uit TLkftnAV MTY S. !« < timi of Ihe Tuwnahip (Vwnmlltar «>f ìli» Town- menta, heal furnishrd. 2T Huulh Avrotl# * AllUon, Inc, 2IX beuth AvaaU« . (ord la to take and now each group ot uuialnallun ut ramUiUtr# for th# fulluwltii al N I» A'tbrek Ia M tdnllltfM Having Tinte) vldp nf Crinfurd in the t-ouuly of t ium, to West lliuue Cranford #9# men or women can aaalat In the work. use (bat love n« n im-unr of «mImM-i Mttlfl-t. via. 2 J la Uk unte nn«l (he Townahlp Room», corn*! of tarn hrfptirely-aelfliilf entier------— <—Al-iiltW - Ktal«*#-tO>nntor,------ni.h.i> Alami* ami Ahlen Htr#rl. la Ut* place _ AN OUH1NAM K ln_accept the dedUMlnti of l In lm|»v ■ A numlx-r o/ U»c H oau of KtiimnOatlvea u<-oima«1 ordinane*. Ih# prm taluna of «hlch ar# 1‘hune iranfurd lot K bLEAMNO and Mjrteg. Tir. ÌROTvU)e.J)Ol;:t^ÌtW»U»nAl WAlrtcfj , j , H ■foHnfti“« a - «■ < » TLUWA* •UAk S. 11U ^ _ acta, ao Uiat each town In the county ftMly-e*trNve«rtr»î:--Slto-'fcki‘W*'-Hiia, at WreteVrlprN p- M ^l»a».UglU Havlng-tjuiel. mg aad Buttai Covering. * I*. Chrtatan* -J UéUdKU# at lara* «mi 2 a lirn u u it#U#atca Jlu^t iträalriOfi “b) ThiTTtemaMp Cwmwlttee uf ttlillM W IM r-im w e -te tel- «U -imoeoTSttventa, >-B, 20 HdUth^l'toloCf »Vf », CHBfararrata» r will have a cilanco tu put on Its tad! bor budHitiil will make noy nimtIiIv» at lata« lo Ut# in-imMlt-au Natlimal Cunventloti ih# TimniMp of Irauftird, in lite < <»mity o t la III# rime anil Ilia Tnwnahip Honan, t*nrit«rr -of tun- parlor : garage : ' elOruic ' Ugbt j-- Iwtlï; phone 434 IL « tu grnllfy even lier MligtHn«l whhir S tltlf-ciiOa al Uri(# and I alt«nat»a at lari* I’nltti Ivnnie and AI«liU, Htrvet it Ihe piai* rent IC.ttO. Innube 330 Willow Arcmt#- u - vidual portion of Uie program. It Ut ili» HonuM-raMT Natlottal «^inrtMitlou ^ lH<««,*ll*in I That the auin uf Usateli ha» and where I* finii h«arlig*«HI U ttlren uu aahl Keal E tata Agnrt r 3 the IntenUon to allow tlie olllclala and Hut abo often Onex imi know timi Hi« I iiol*sal#« and 2 altornat# drlogMoa-frutti Il h^ul.v Ih npprdprUttd tu ptothl# funda fur nropoaed (tnllnum-tk. the i>n>vlvh>»v uf .which are as follow#: • ' RUO ATINO umili hoi ili# i(h matrici lo lini llt-futiUt-an Nalluua) the pH) uh tit ' «il Ib* ruet of MMialrurting Htortn ------(|t) ,^»„,.^ ,. *...lew FI’KMHUEU Imiu*# fur rent; aeveniarge rooms PiiiiYtnlinit. - • • • •Suvur fitti« Hawdvwit» Htirnt at Muuitei* Trf- 01 arm bull 1 1 j . (Uivnn 'tirai :—nuiiwil' puub «CU WEAVIMi .. . , n p .-rte.-, maro® ■ lta part according to He own deslrea. Will muko bini violently enmlmnn h**i I iiHe«a«M and > altrmala d«l#gat«'a Troni rare e Uh- liabnay Hirer, aa aulhurUad. by ratlnn uf th# Muta f«ir na# *v a puhllc aireet. mnuUily. Buslneaa llraltv Compati). 3 AVal- Bound Bruuk./ . J. Fbwa 2M. - - . (or the Republican State Committee at tfn'tiuua. . . A Uurernor. . . urdlnnfM'ea pniut«-d tm-«i «alti ap»iri»linaium ptffJltf'lhsr'WlhT-fieri] ralWrt''tir-'apeeptwli,--‘ i— W ill sUblefft ^05ttTrtddíe,ii~spanwenrtni'ftdyst /W£I.CCUAM> regarding the park work along wlUi property bundled, Il eon »yrve Hu A HrgUltr nf I>«#tbi A Murigagva tur lit# TM«»«»«'# uf um poui'j • lH*nd» of .Ute .Tuwn* 1IK IT DKUA1XKU hr thè Towualtlp t om- Tsrk A|>artmeni*. West Jersey HirtH. KUa- WET tKLlCtftH. walls. Boors, pits, etc., valor« > : «hip if Cranfurd.l* amt it hereby la author- mlllee of live Towualilp .v>f t-Vnpfor«) in lite other »peaking engagements through uioBt utw-fùî 'puipofies. If tmilml t.ounly nf. Utilim. - • County of Vuluu: - ■ • abelh mrtU. Heplmber 30,- electric refrigera pruvfed/ irwa toside; guarantee; low IWlcai, • ■ :■;*;$£ : . out the county. A Curisiw. ■ . • lard lu. «luna ti»l tu evcceil In th# aggregala titvil furtilahe«|; reduced rent: can It« re e*ay yaymcnls. Nevtns Co., » 1 Jcw*u Are­ ^ùh'le«aly,_ It can cause Inivoc im*i •.-A..iaendicr—uf...Ui# -UUMud-uf^ L'iuiatn..yrue UJJte« i^srli«* biterwt ai » fttf» “»«»»*: Kwtkm 1.- . Thal (he fullowlng «lea<-eil>e«l landa . IcsseiL.- UushiMs Realty CX'njpaix)^3. AVaJovl . Qty. ^JeLfPhone Xttl Bagnm^..,..^ evMi"dëntli.^ïrruo Story Mngntine. fpnt B'Ì- pt-T-anmmj.' *ttd’i««i'iHSg m taui -3 kfitl ^eteti«ni'h»;'»iifi 'UMy' Iteraby' Drararcaptad • • A\raue. Thune-Cranford 12: - r - - - huhltra/ • ■“ ay. a nubili- a tm t of -Ihr Timiiih^1 yt Crau ■SMrfc»WaA^4»>»wvaaxsmav2ae#Bai»5ajrt'tg'g»|tn»nfuwg 5^ 4^~«-»--^^oU ow m r“P»Wiwt«t»t'or“»i»tmd . ALL thai «'erum irari ur part’ern r land an< economic conclusion* ate (rum a recent «'ointtililf# front th# t'ivutilr of , Pillisi fruni th» heal; upstairs 14# monthly: «tawntulrs fU aOM&BEKDrv(»XE8^A!WARlISUlNH< Army^RatioaiLong.Ago ^fiiuUIcan ami OmiH'ratl# parli«.«. . ___ ...... " ,,,h M U V « I.R.NMAS prcmbwa hrrvluaftvr parilvularly «kavrlbed. alt hinntldy. Buslacsa Realty Co., -3 Walnut XlTTLE fancy iced, cakaa la papar capa, Me — t»ok~on-“Rotatlan- or~aovcmnient' to 'A~maU~au3 a feBñil« tuBoitñ-f wntiyRijnitF —\----- ^T*«M«»wp_Ufitk- •uaMa-I»lng mul U-lttg-iiv tha.- luwuahlc.üf-Cttüv -Aeeoue. r h eoa CVanftml-li;' ...pec-rtnirn ;.,2 •Up«-oskear-tl^3(— Mrar»Wte—■ (low the*AiiiiTlcun Bolinera in the litan aud ' UemiH-ratle' t'u u n tr CummUtcea frttm- ttatnl--.Muli :8lrafo¡r lutti Ui-HulVouhIì uf Union and'Huta of »New chestrr BriUoo. II Cranford arenan TeL . Industry. varh of Ib» Klrclhm tllaUlcU. • . • ’ di-raev/io wtt. a atelp of Uad aUty isti) rèef UlMJALOtV-—Five rpums and* Imth: hid . 1L13. . ". tr ~ -."aho.Uiare.a-Bon’mmrntlmerferos •...... te!« 7;»dM»!ire-|ia.: aMBiMrci-iJHiBlesea -.lt«alty-(> '**^b»Ttteft/ uf tmmtlng ■uf-ttt# «akr Ihwtrda-of . w „ '—wnifir—'”*— •- * of ih«, canter lina Sacèoff Which sa u cnitrt c dleiitejd b / n vviirrnnh recorded In -Set» llrglil/x and Klet’llou; -and- tbv tedllng plací« \otlr-.k la heret y given-that the ('ommluUmcra Walnut Avaou*. ltione Craaford 12. In producUon transportation or dlstfl- from rafh uf Ih# aererai Klm-Htur IMtirbU. llitr is described aa follows: - - - ...... - . SH R U B S - teiiiber, 1707, eouiulnud In thè reenhir herutiifor# BiHMduU-d. lu m»Ww aaavaaiaeuta fur HKOINMMI a t * point «in Ut*. Boolbraaterly HOUMH. for rent with or without THU ETp. Bstbrerry and Evergreens. . John . Sitó - buUon. Uie more npnproducers does It rtrul IHatricli Cranford lloLrl; Waluut «lid tha mat aud e«n«n»e of making pfivate avtvkv aide of MprtugHeld Avenu* which point la dla- — rrepdre-io-cirry-on' tide Interference, ì.bT^QUo-.iHulk.vr*ulgU*t.iit..teihAa^uU!j Untat!, Aiemuta. ^ k , j runnerthiha, ^#tib-a*«err «alte and «aa .uulna rtrnimred-aad-ttTfntyvnlnv 'and «Ighrr» three ..room...apartment: „ furata 3 »nqylh,..,Softe..L- ^ Mihor Au-nii# Trnm Union -AwmiC-ta Wrann# áfiglev frv)m Tha U]vt*loo'Mne hetvr#en , eoiiiujlxNary. Ttíu wnrrutil reinl«> “The • Third DUtrlct, Cievelaud tkhoul. tfotoicAva ■Wimm-, Wm i Ib'llT Bittet, Wall Htr#el, Cran- “ V ROOM AND BOARD ' * r tailed, Ute more 'taagaUiorera are re­ ur forntarlv uf klas O. Doerlng and Tanda now THREE'room apartment: verr ryisorjsMe; gas . . quhed to collect'the revenue. - • • United * Stute# onv ili Detroll lo. mi». • .i ' . . • furd Avenue frnm KllcaUlit-ASrtiU# lta Ofanu ur forraefly o f. «n#‘ Uaalng eitetided Houth* Al NT LLC\ lias u in s and board at rta a st- ' Pourttr DUtrlct Urani Kchool, Itollr H.tm! (•true! Krtfurir Avenu» ^m t Ifiirah Htrevt ft# .•ealerlv: Ihenca Nurih forty ihgrrea thirty- - electric and hast Included livrent; furnUbev) _"Qovemmcdt reatrtcUon acts aa an Mopur*. IsOltli, Shepiird timiOufT, Pinti PUUtct, Lincoln School. IVnlmnlal fort Westerly,' Fonili id i H tw i from-«»ranca : or unfuralshetL 2-V HloobrmgtUle Avetme- >W* taies. uWe Umrd also aulkltad: tant rigid utltiutea K»at (N. 40 degrna. AS mlnulea .LIwnf. C M O f.urd.A ÍA ^,^/.. . . if • .. food in iuwn and «Dore, vf It. &• • outfe)Tan4''a'-r*tral';far'demrewss mtlon^of n/Ofr-Bt^ .a.^juini r. ^ïra^ïS S irt. Nlwfekfl affini. dAncWft 'Aft^ Aít* ^ í, ; USI (Hiunda bee/.nl IO :ent> a (inutul i ^ukedU ta rO*ioJ)^fbc1l'w-^hkfVMtiig1 point,- ÍÍfitHÍÍ f«w rent; j.'rmmjii and bath ; all Dn'- who Und It .easier to paw superficial uu». • ■ •. ■ ■. • • •■.■• ... .-. ernie.' (ireavM Ware; Hfulna llarU«t HUfte. which laid alreet la laid down , mi Ut* nup Hvvenlh PUlrlct, tirane Hi-Jmol. .Unii» Htm l. . pruveoienu: ewhI coodltluu. Apply 20A. Wal­ . . A U TO S F O R .SALE - legislation, than to recognise conditions 4*ßl,7iW3 rntlons uf whisky ut gii u gni Amah-, I’liiuu ATrnuv fnm : Huuth Av«««« to arwimi'inylng-' the Introduction of this oriiln- nut Avenue. ■ ; • - . . • ton (one lmlf a gill bctiiH,n ration). Klghth Ptatrk-t. Ilr# Uuuae, North Ausili», |.lin uiu Avenue, and drang« Av*“*1*' rtum t’"uUî vnee entitled "Map of littering. W«y!V Uranford. ESSEX n „ rti. eouj ret^ltw n; notre .mrehatll- f as they exist and meet them by well bib Htrtet tu Ponili- lililí Hireet, hare fllM v J..A p ril. 24, ifSS, alHiwlng the -lucatlou, •|,V*f*r ***n ft w a at 21« Fourth ’k *1 ' a . n. p r n m a n ; «Ut» Ih* Tuwnahlp CntuiulUae their report of IOIK HDQ3IH wi)h all Iwpruvnarnts : big ».:■*?' directed laws. * OvdOl rutloim of CnnUlei ut .4 reicN -, Towoahtp Ocrk. t-uitnda and dlmcnalona ■of u ld strecL ■pace for garikit. v New tHreet Tlmu# Avenue, ttarwo««!. Ask for Mr. a » iw — a (nmiid, und rutbma of vlneimi* aiH-h attanumi-tiiM «Uh the accompanying* map*, Hei-Uoti'2. . That u ld atrevt shall bo known :- “Government regulationla-inftcxlble Pat»d Ap«U n . 1»»: 1 that the amite an- mi RI«.» In Ih# Onta# of In# >jr the Uanta lVHtlng Way. ’ Cranfurd 1191-J: ' 5.3 . S*«**» In trarel cneidltten,. Mrs. A Botaes ' ■ and does not respond to Uie needs pi ut 0 itimi n quart . ..., # Atl ni Tii«mJ«U* t'terk amt. UuU the Tonuahlp. Con* Bev-tkm 3. That this ardliiance • shall take «14 «i*rl»«fleld Avenue.- rvm e Cranford g$9. khlcbvqiinniltU'N bave become «lue io mttu-c will unsi In Ihe Tu«n#ltlp-BtxMHi' mi me (tact lmtn«nllaiely> FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT the time. Private enterprise on the NOTICE or INTENTION KHIt day tif-May. l»2S. «I * : « u’rUvck V. M-» . , ALYAS ft. DENMAN. H irilO B lU touring car; model E ; anotar re- Ilio aobllery nnierlor io tbla «Iute a» lo Viiuftfitrr Hid répnri aSd maps, at - «Utah . . . ■. Ttownahlp aerk. LADLE furnished rooms, suitable for couple Utfrd and in g«x»d comdlitaa; a buy for u r - . ■ other hand Is. flexible, can be easily time aud place an upportuudy lo Iw htefU on ( lose to - station, aU Impruvetdania. Fhao* iJ&'ÛSÊk nppettra bv ihiu bill# «r ilio u««1#tani NUT1CK la hereby-gitan• tbat Ih# Tmvnablp Dated April. 21. 1»». ' - Ilf-J. • . 4 » k.*î5 Mac * .***» ■ priced car. Imqttlrm shitted and and directed, and responds romtulii## «Ut. meet Tu Ih# Tumulili/ Ufiumi Ihe Mubjert »f-m UI aitacMmvTtU will he give** totlle demands that arise. • • ? cominl»nvry.M ...... U."".r..W uiN n ntNluv S i'C m *:« Ar“ u“ smi . • . • • . • IN CHANCCRV. 0 f NIW JIIWEV AIKM 8HED fruid- nxim fur reut; threw min­ “It Is dlfllcult to define the limits ot ' . TURAPAV, MAV Ì, 1ST« - ‘Tuputdtlp Clrtk. - Tot Max Levine, Morfla Danalg and Charles utes fnim suttuu and .trulle) : ail conven- WÉm intces. .191 North Avenue Kail- Thun« W O R K W A N TED —r e s a l a .a policy o( extreme luterterence once it at *:3» oVlmk l*. H. (Payllcht Having Tlmv) daini Aplll St. »2». v . Nleranalala, UnUrldually and aa partnera Cranford Urèi . ^ ¡ .. M irrora 3.000 Y tara yQiá (n i-omlrtrr *tbe follutatnr «uUnanee. al «bkh teadtna aa Ih* Knlekeebòckac Hothlna Co. i LUI1EM1— C u d -t su litii; doue TT" I f P f -lsadopted,-(or-tlie-egect-l»-cumul«tlve Unte ami placa all penuria whuaa lauda may be . By virtù# of an orvW ot yba Cwrt of Clun plesw rail S12-W _____. _ _ - 3^c\vjföfCTie^unUuriirglnrpuLi^iiijöt: .. NOTICE__ FOR SALK-Ok- RENT -suidtendaHobeeomeevcrythlng^lhstrli Nulle# v -...... „ i m v * * i * t iteaui hkr #tafnr«(teWtahd«alii.. ^ - ...... _ -JtiUfc»»reta1are!re'.reexiretiwreKirere^eiicsw,ff-tiy^*reyv»A Ui2ttiS^^ra5^Sti«e,i(«-.*.eod,l'tic,i»»toStofi r .... ' ...... ontr tbe'tnMtmple or yrnuFii AN OBPLVAN^K lo It&hMii'« fteutlt. Avnui# fur. usiMJ|» v-onrerrra -by;w idtafti n»«tn# Cumbkur.' b Naw- jarw y OarporallM. you. and ; Itirc on, fl.r roow, ond,b,.B; .re. '- .J CreaTonl, »i. ' ftea Ih# Retatile Horougtv lln# lo Ih# llthf«#4 conatructlPK cuiiciei* curtt# InftTaniurd Terra ce, -ittten arw dafaodaaU you ar* raqulrad to ap- rMwna. and bath;. garaga- for each. • lim n " ■wffiuco of n,mm years lìgi» - • ’ . . Manor-sVvenu# fru« Union Atvuu» te Oran*e Mailt, T Gartlen Placa. Phuoe Cranford IS-J. j ■ : P A IN T E R S . ■ - It is only another name for higher Hurough line. •. . • ■ . - . . Avenue, W#»t lloUy Hlrevs.WaU Hlrtel, Ctu»- tmar and axtawct tha blll of Mld cotaplalnant. * :Ak IicvLo£|»ì? JL»-tRtailiu.Ln.i»iV*«N^ He II ordalned f t thè Tuwnahlp Coiumlll#« or fwd.-AJ^ue-.tmm..J6UlAVelh_«N!te«?_to_<«jra»d on oc bafor# th* llth day of luna, aau , or rdeveltgunents-et--Socialism and-Come ih* Yównifiip'or.Tr*iifard-tw ir»~tYnuttr'nf utt-rbue vrm-bw-‘tak«ii-M:<«nfcaaed-akahis» Bnipiism. We rpgret to confess that the 'bar# discovered lu lOinft uf llu* M> 9Uvt\ lteir«i{dAmm»n«uu Mante »(rtel^ft# ------* s r — Utttaa : • • . ■■ - . • • you. •• - EMPIRE THEATRE. NEWARK” > -Cnuifani 1,1 * ” KretttU Xl.K- 5^ f* -¿4 United States is leaning toward, p«ter- ir n kêûb pi f îdd- lëVUTn^Tiñ 0jíhiTmtrs. K trilnnl. -Thal BtiUOT“ Ar«JU# frvnt , UlY Atehur 1« î»unltaio Avenue. Adama Avenue from -T b a -ttW -b W -te 'flle d ...... oue uTth un Ivory hnmllè. Sllveh«) Roaelle. Hurough Un# lo tb# Uarwwod llorutigh KIlMteth Avteue te Haller Ptrvct, Joltnaotv mortgag* glran by Rosali* Park Raalty Cpm- Jia»ska-vUi4>ci asm# forty feti alita prtweat rttrl« frvns Ui» Avwvue. «*»»*#■ f l i t e e NprUn i ftHtan ^JN/aoi 7wiuaryV~in^“òtì“U fidr^^te»‘TimhtelirBr clusrrdrsmoc l/n t.-if is only natural T, ‘ * liTis’drfinod In Slandaid Ulcllonary _Mi«d Mouin cuUi» *Avfun» ftstw Houth Avenue 4>*ufocd - la - tea- County - ot-ltetaa -aad-Blale mimmi: weiv niade o f |mu :Rua#Ue- llurtmKh-llnr'Ur-th# -tialHmur#-*->»w- *~tü Lincoln Atrouc, bat# BJiil Ttlli. Üli,.Ttt*a - that-:the-Emplrc Players novriurn' tg;— » hmu m . fevtf--,ii't~f, Sew Janur aud ' rscorded tn _ tea Unlou ^ . ’/fte'jpghMj^klllMnlJ^.bualileM meth lahM'.metal.'- «hi# letwren curba frau .th«f Miti croaalog tu «nti (h# ammipauvlng uiaïuu Ihatv.te* « « * County- EegUtec'a ofBc*- ta Hook TM of dea da plays ot a more serious nature. TOey ITnnS? taSSTiL. Jf T 1 '“""T *M iVta : Even before (iollatied meliti; ; Ih#' Uarvrood Hurough llne-wlilt euri», are uu Hl* lu Uvc OflW of the Tnwnaiilp Unrk paga 41: and ynaL Mas Lavina, Morris Danalg have selected as their attracUon at the] V . oC'a fsther w(Mt necteaury. dretaag» and othef Incidisi tal and -ths» dw Tuw«mhl^A%Mnmmte «|U, •*##(-» and 'Cbarlea. NtaretuttaUi,- todlvldually.and. aa deaUngalUi tdMreni-the governi used,’ girla but) thçir iultrtm». ^Vbey coQitruc-Uoa «urfe.v and rtettayirucUng «awlt die Tûwnteqv RPuata no tiw llth d»y of «*T* partnera trading aa tea Kalefcarbockar dote* Empire Theatre next week the some-1 x“ "* a - »>• Br“ -i teV»t^!2S:A-i& wH pam of drlrmaya^aa ahalt necPStarUy b# de* ng Co., ari* ma da de fan «tanta baca usa yooboid what sensational and well knoan play —- ' ' ■ f^ ttfT h e people, in- u»ed- prnUrfitNl• •Uni1#* dipping J» hilf* atteied 'la aw fdam -e -'wlib plana apd apecl* 1« S . at H U oY tak r M . h» rooahtar aaW O t a i a m l agahut Bakaual Braaalar and lahtar rviaurt »ud nui*a. at «hlch il«* and -The Night Hawk." fit'a ‘ «s» are aunó, t, work* « -T-tafei-.-» tUogg t „ wtiter so that the tbln film of-ihmhi Bcatiow prepariti by Putan County Eaglnen, uppurtmiliy lo b* hesrd u« ih# auhjert of aahl Drvaaler, parla«» trading aa Brwmler BroUicrs. ^-¿■>;»tB»d5óí;the;i roptaa uf «rhtrh ara no* un flle ln (he Office «blch la a lien m tea landa ducrlbed la nald D*^f » ItaV M ft Fbooe Chafwil 2IC -¡¡their nein would1 •erte“a# A :refl#fttii« surface. aaaraamrota «III1 Ite gd*#r;ta «Il (tarlka Inter^ mMtMM -...... The .story ot-“Ihe Night Hawk" is of th# To«naSilp Clark. . : r sald to deal with the efforts ot a ivo- ...... Hwtlon t, fita! aurb anount Qf- thè coat - - ALVAS fikXMA-t. CARI. IL WARUNKL LOST- - ______of- «neh taprvm nent aa ahalt'fqiwl th# coat . ; . . . : ...... vfuvnahlp Werlt, Bolt of «GaaapbtaaaL~-~r . man, for m anyyesrs a member'of the ^ ------. , ■ ■ , W » T- , ni:a-.airtp.jaf..c«a«tìf^tavrmml_.limMit»p ■ X*. o. BuUdftft 5kank* Show M *rty f##t ;«ld» tbrwugbout Ih# ledith of.aaUTlm* flgtM-AtiHtrWr-««»— ??------r "C- nahrd-.{ ‘ d'.NirJ:— .OWest ptolealon Jn .the.«nrtdannvvnih.u and - ona-half - tt>#. m a l- -o f all dralnag» - NOTICE Ä â î : 1 rafflsiftssrsa-- tenitnirtkta. «irlve*a#aj . imnival uf trtea Node* k h é W T I n h W l W l 'O w l s k f t ; and live a normal and decent life. All 1 U tbe use of a gas-ntlack l( sirteily fnr bvretofor# gwtah»l*d Tu auk» .aaaeameiita ¿for bl^en In any. balUe wlilcli uuiy and. other tefiatrucHuaa- Inctiko« te . Ih» In all, “the Night-Hawk" Is claimed to Mld .-Inprovenitet# . U to - b# piU hf ben afila : mta Peered' by. -‘Iba . yotelructteo oí « POST OFFIOR BOTUIHO be a .very Strong dramatic: production, . WANTED ■•■■■ • ■■■■,■-*0? gknnks are.engagre), In, «nys .S'iuurv ih# rcuuty of : t*nk«i and tb# remainder a ta » ja m e nao» South . D*h ftftet^o v « • - J m m m of th# mai uf .u h i Improrrment ti t# b# itald Pstnerly prlt*t' p-uteW acd >y and the (act,that ».played to capacity v S m ß k f Msgssln»- lo.-»urti-.a light thè nini' for bg th# Turni_ ah Ip jt f IVaubml. i v prtivldnl lufa been«#. M*nt»r .AtteUC »l«1, ,NS S business...... for over a year on Brwrtw%y Sirè^i i£,T5 î i i n'1 a ™ lld* *rereÏÏ5\: " ' ...... lltoksli-v-tS _ ___ Ir^ofm w M »' a - S Ä Ä Ä * 0 «lce»-'-for-iR ent|^j!§«gggfefe™ -' ’¡srrÆ*:i>'7.>..______iettrp«i'nnnT"nciwTCTnnin -.. ■ ■ , T-.T. ' ™ by- »wIta Board of...... yrfthnl«lvn Cnown .Jmhwldwi and th» meni w UÍf-iíh# «ceompauylng^ mate. Uftt - te# *M »rk,the gre«l hm tuHl nwi «rill ue' Tteraahlp - " #f - Oanrord.- - * • ' ■ - , asm# arv new « t fil* b» th# “ ““'"Mfily- penne« on n »milling »kühlt ' NectiOB 3. ' -.Thai no laiirh of. Ut# fusi of baiti •bip n ,'k »INI 11»! t!~ •i?““'* die, Barbara Otdy and all the old fav­ lapterNUtet ab la ta.'ba. bim« by. in* Town* »III im« ta.ll» To»n*l» w«-fi“ i™ o rites. , . 1 ' ... _ . _ l y r howevcf, he finii» iljui in, ahtp ef Cranford aa may-Uvfully be aakaaed Ü.I Oí M.r,‘ US». •! 5'S» »Vlwk ». * . » ‘ dHTOSIOBILE LOANB . . (ÖrtAanUslrcrafr ornili ment -la Von upoa .tha Uadg .tbwbby b««cated».ah*U b# rengo.» mio mwrl »nO “ » . u »Jÿfh lb** “ T ÏT S Î g*gh_„

ar«t^¡kf¿y .-i.v-U . V » *7« l> X i ? ' . f . . ' •' • • •• . '■ :• !r V T;'‘>V'V'V1 n - v ‘ ' • “ _ ’ - YM a 1 * ' y 1 ' ‘“ ‘/ íÁt-í ‘ ‘ ^ /T * * • ’ *1- i , j " " ( ‘*‘I *^É . V . - : - ^ '

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ï3^-#fer 3 5


AcmKhci ftt Q m lftiii • CBARFOSD m m * SEWS real talent'«a* •nlh.Atacoyciwd. " lor- the Scout* and tlìcy are all “hrtT a n m r A r v e txtU 1« promised a' 8tfn F etm and.hJa Ifoonbgb* Ratr jp; about it. « I W tfd i C hang* N atta* the «Dem Gruña la the tinturen art, vr.der the direction of Fred After ^he prcNentauon of the flags. T T t t ■,m a m ''p io^o*r ’*tia»t^it'Om- {fid ftfejr eawnford _ _ ^Tar^tftiit______’■••fk^'iáag :3tMft1ti«g«3E ag.MilÜL-Store a r r Jss«a?weBEivs* B l S ñ S J ! JKialtiiLJJuatiJCfiwr." Mil Of .urtarti infuni a rtmfi)« tMt|W Dmgiu>T he aeta ‘that iM ded eeeiwpa*wiarttw talW e^ KwHhl* i s ...lo turiti, bf iu««w the Sixiuta and are very* hum orous. I worn AU. iw a a .iv t w „*££ 1 V**efm, A phydrisn or a lawyer. suklu( Uw pot** of Um conti b«bU> Franca during the war Rinty tn thk t.ie modem dance music. They have Altogether thmr part krf the program ,*bic uhì fruitful Menu * telo oo% • m* t in e s s m n . A MT. |p K e p i f o r a g m t doti in « pharma- thrilling story does some real flying r hurt completed a aeries of broadcasts ■uli,consume about a iialt hour. Eight vW* « aids him in judging tbs Quality la Undbergh. The companion featur* c\ er WfflS and, judging by the number member^ of the Ram 'Patrol and eight ( MJfMy m a* b* oorahfnod la ptust- «ile. Irw rtr i toettod «hooid bérti». U w 4 bodotaiw —TV -òood Ttm '■•« Ptsätptton* t© get tfaTboi ^tton. theVvireTr very w^D reorived by ph'sent the acta * ...... •fleet •■oveiwd ofjuiouhrturtb* ndlUB. or chortoy“ with Helen* Co.teUo. W*mr the Radio fan* - itane'McBôîs ir a method should l* found of es* Oiand and Clyde' Ooog. A flne «cent Uttje Jarkie Nagle of AWen street, RECORD BREAKING ■ We h ire two experienced trading , radium from natural- mate*, and the New« round-out the b)U. ' bryiwed- Tus wav ihtottgh lo first prtas - C O M E D F Phtnnadsts In our . preecrtption dc- rial» io girat hulk, even. the problem A new LUUaix Oiah U seen in “Ann s jn the-TalenL-Cnutcsi*., This boy -with «t* . who tot "many yean havr.i#^JkrUIUlng the polea by making ¿aurte^-whtetf'-i* s howing-©n~ Motwliiv ttU»rnTmbIe”reer~ancf wavyTilonde hair ~ preparing«•Ana nuttlot.ü and» j de- *v * T^oTleorperatefeloni Tonírúrota i*,lo «iihiwtochínate,' nnight l.k i fimifta.l «patching them to homee In • wty f solution. ■«.-— -— — -- and Tuesday along with ”The. 13:1, sold himself * to, the audience even be­ -, that has evoked the gnmmandatimi of fore he started lo dance. Of course, Sogreat is the heat produced by vhen he strutted his-stuff, he flinched ‘ prescriben. radium in proportion 19 Its bulk that he bargain, and first prise was the Wm. C. Golding tallente,—w^, too,...have-wo», ..,..v -expressed. . — _, grati-myi_ * quimiliy easily transitorie*) by man- iuvviLable.resuU.,-On..Lha-«ica*ion-ot for our prompt and*poat**8«Moe!Ì ■ÿûl.lkhnt.mHihl be sufM rnt io «haoge the temperature of the polar reklooa he last contesU, held'about a month Our charges are reasonable but we do .go, Jackie won second-prlse. But this *%/#«*'¿bet*"* sm r . . j &ot try to compete with cheap men tn Indeed, If enough were taken there It ¿ the matter of prescription price«. would produce tropical conditions. line he marie several chan?t*s in Iris " ¿ T w i r m i r //v a OPTICIAN At present there la not a |M)und of dance, and )n backstage, parlance, he went over "big"\ At Cranford Theatre Tills Friday and fudluta. .collected. in . .ilxe. .whole., world, ...... -S a tu r d a y ------—.....— nnd It Is tlie most cosily thins known. "T3on- Dixon of Westfield won second -with Hut ftie time muv come when we shall -»riser ■i'Thl*-young-man- also was very pleasing manncrwhlfft earned him k«c ~ ...2 1 9 .. Broad StrcaC he a hie to inuke nullum from cbein well received, and bv hi* fine person­ and iionors. . . * ality and jua«e presence along with Ion I elements in hulk.* and then many Third prise was awarded by the. gen­ ELIZABETH. N. J. ROSE things now rcgnntcd us ImpoMible ixceptional ability at the piano he r?n* erous applause .to little Anna Feller, at t-ri*Mai«i »? iRUkai % 1. <« will tie easy. dered several -song* numbers in a very entry from ihwlle. This little girl riu a very acrobatic art and deserved thin* M gkta- j place. M S2 ~ S1 .5Ü f l s a t found, “B on" o f H orn* ,| T liire * c » very m any other flue. *i;t: (m b .JB ufyÆ Laihing . D i s h e » .: am ong Which Were Oiriranrier. Denkl* .ana Iiube. rrum Roselle."wluv (hd no DRUGSTORE A locul num who friHiueutly Ixtoala * | com pete, however. Baby Catvina Niue «f helhy ’Mlle Im»j»s unitimi t»U «liNiitv'* THE McCARTER SCHOOL I Donald, a-three veur old toe-d^mei . Ih„ hmty. trying <<» .mn,*e a certain rltANFORII, NEW JEHHEY ' f . R . R E A Y ^roiijt of wouicti desist from sprem i ULUAN GiSH a ! CJreanon and Tlmberlalie. im|>ersmmt > HI until. Foil I.HTI.K < IMUMiES In« Hie tule oí. Ictw- hi* wus. “tMisalug NORMAN TNERRy m ANNIE : era, Monti .nnd Mnck. the Two JHiuk : Crows. l eRov Rlnchurdt. Pianist and 15 Ut?ishiA ve.1.N. _ L: day thul-tliuv-rnlltLL o u -Ida wife...... ______f . __ On llie diiv In i|ii«>sthm a itronp of At the Cranford Theatre Next Mon- , Uvler Usko and Ills Ramblers Ort lieN NKXT M NI> MICHAEL KISS V4U1T n>ar.c m u ruiuiainiu ltd ftirmniitiu, 'Ihr» went.wltfi amne Oishx new opus of the Highlands, the Among the many events scheduksi tr hluntap. Itb? Itila |l'«« ««wm,' T»V . iu h ü i\Ing* iiiTiuise H e ”1«»rt uni) inns story of the Glencoe Mussacivs figures take place next w<‘f>k uv part of tlx; ( AKPkNTKK AND I11IILUKK b. lllia*ha.<«(t«lMkU rts the Bov* Ww'k relebnitlon t* "Bov Hcoutn AA Oh* *t\jÁ M t4a» n r oí. i he t*hl;ililUlmn*nl had fre- En»ures Satisfactory Service Titkilt |««8 ««H *« «*wa»l -«r*t« *?<• 1»r f, « i u**ii 11> slnlcd lliul he was no] tn h:ir star in this highly dramatic, film. Night • at the New Cranford Theatre Trlephone W estfield iWfl-J • V.-«***** STAL WORKING l U « * nv wilh 'c!iilnvmm>n and that Ids The 13th Hour 1» really the most to bo held on luesdav evrnmg. Muv 1st Iwife WMiihi ant'Join, sin i slllv n(Tn 1rs thnlllng of all mystery dramas. Lionel Almut n hundred and liftv Scout* of 116 Anchor FUeo GARWOOD. N. NEWJERSEY CENTRAI lOL OIL BURNERS ■nsdniiL*Jisjie '’ivps h««-us. • . Barrymore is at his best . In this pic- J_ ^l.T ro o i» 7fliJ.7„n.ijd.?iJ.-WilLlioiuuliL-iri>ui • As flit*-group entered the* fminjl hl» lure that will make one hold his seat §&i Uielt resjwtlve headquarter* Jn full wife Minikin« u M«:ire| ;i)al reading In 'suspense. The News Is also on the uniform- and inarch to the. theutre novel. -|n the kllehenclio lltev heard program ^ d in Tin. Tin. S td rrin f where a. Kcctton will be roped ofl for a dsn 1er of ilishes ami as naiveren, Next week on Wednesday and Thurst them . Philip Erkman, Jr. IJuaJiCi-uiUL'. di lllcu IL. .1^11 h ..I lie. dijr I fia i. day U anoUier double - feature. ..bill. t*, yi De£ of tkc.R etim en t*.... D uring Uw-evening- three-.flag* will 1 SOUTH-AVENUE, EAST «*l*phoB» Crmntord X3B CRANFORD from . il^e enu-k.■tv. Hie wife Morpnce'Vlddr.creates*a lot of laughter ■ Wòrn o r Bros-Producim i be pro*enled to. th e -W i t i u t i t i t t t t t r t i t i * i or the turf entitled “In Old Kentucky1 • Didn’t Like the Color with James Murray and llelehe Co«- Heat—When and How You *1 /ini lei you have rtwos. Indy, no tello. I On Friday and Saturday. May. 4th more «an» eeid slampa, said the man Want Itl (Electric; Ignition and fith. Charlie Chaplin's new comedy Iwldfid the window. ... ■ • .* • “The Circus ' is the feature. Follolving -e-Quiet Operation. .“No. replied ' (he dreiimv evtol erv soon afterromes the ':The Patent «lri..‘ llit>v won I' do.” uiul she stepped Leather Kid” with Richard Barthcl- aside in idlew ihe woman .win* was J o h n D o y le mess. Lillian Olsh in ’The Enemy tp‘xl la lin»* to m ake hot purt-hu««** Douglas Fairbanks in Die Quucho She was stilt slnirdtng there as ihe 7 Union A t* . H . . ORAMFOBD and “Chicago' with PhvllR Haver nnd woman sloitped a momem In pm her ntee W VMpr y^rcopk f k_ ^ i,«itTp’ljc.v3»C''™fenntp»Tln:.i herv.Tmnwrr.’.riTiir.*' Ô “/I S AUTOMOBILE PAINTING cent__ slatups.^^coUQdGil._ihe «Irl ■ _LOÇAL_TALENT. NIOHT_ "Ihov ro . such--a - dreadful - r«i|«ir. ihev AnoUicr-Aerj^iU’ccwful...LocalTalt*.nt ...... LAOQVXR * DUCO FINISH Contest was hftld nt th e New Cranford ToL m i poslllvelv make ' me slnnldei and they won 1. «a wlllt any kllrO *»( tellei: Theatre last week.an Wednesday and- iV5 .... HAROLD F. BENNER ‘paporr- t~Knpfinsr- T‘l|-fniw*TiT—crrin r -Tlmrsday:- Many entries from Cran­ f if© m deage & |p_the n*‘\t po**l fdliee, hul H n heHj-i ford nnd the surrounding- towns com- ■ 1 - E*timóte»-Given“ ■ than usiiii; pink siiiihiiS/^-.Neu *"I‘ork_ fieicd usnd' if nmsl^I>e: mid: that* smne Jgilh " US north Avana*, X. ORANTQRD t e m m s t »e r m il© ' G. J. JANSEN F among Scholar Grecar Mendel, who «ave Io srlenre W o positively know that these tireshave thinjf which ufTcct) tiro mileage u in jfoowe«8»y^SERVlCE-we>meantnorff*thrrn"jU3reariÈ!-- ■ ^nnd'boltyB rew ^cetf.-^O urservIU èW oT^tfiarirntea’rfiWo * Phone 454-W______production In plnnts. In 1SH.» he un fully applying the tire, Our service lasts Utrough the life mileage at less cost. . ' . nmmved Ills discoveries hefore ih. ' of the (ire—anytim e yotftlrive in our mifinén re on the job Begin today, to save tire money. Come in anil get your Niijiirai-!IiMory"8i»eleiy of Unum. Imi» Don’t Need uig>John«nn tAt c d m ■ * .CBANVOSD ... to inspect tires,rims and wheels andmake sure tliatevery^. received •’no reco«nltíon. In all. lo -tires at-the pnee^rou want to pay .1 ■ ------' - —■ grew und studied Id.oOd phiids. per MARTIN-SCHAFER -forming- uenrlv- Mfid-vnwK-fert filza lions Or Want to Sell? Mason and Contractor Bridegroom'* A w ful1 Fix r e t t o n e OLDFIELD ' ORAMFORD, M. J. A l.o.s Angele# hritlegr *om |usi Bitlmntee Furnished on nil clts.ee tnnrried In a fashhjnuhle .ehurcl Anything—from an (j^iupe1* TIRES 2 9 x 4 .4 0 /2 1 ..nf.wûrk • mini ultti jjiiirtJj-'Jiilk*jIlsyjl,*.ilJlt., .. 29x4.40/21 had f«r«i»tteu lo «W-*Hio.•license !i Automobile to a $ O 5 5 F . ROLF was an awful, had for«et. 'J.he pasioi Carpenter and Builder iiumedlalelv cut the kuol he had lied ■ - L Ihe prospective' hrido. was... husiled Baby Carriage? ® n — JOBBING OF ALL KINDS hrinie hv . her father.. .Meanw l’lh* Mi^ Piloting, D.eoroUng, hride«room w,.s franllcall.i cam:eiin« 3 1 x 5.2 8 /2 1 The average attic U full of 3 3 x 0 .0 0 /2 1 I ¿ro Papernp*r Hinging, aiming re.^rviiHonsi for .Iraln .nml.. -hoi.H..iic.. KstlmntesKstlm Furnished ' cumuaxlntioim In order to camp or thing* too good to throw away «JA?? ' » |JP. O. Box 111 CBANTOBD the license hunam ilooratep lo roto $ 2 3 * 5 plete Ihe formalilles nt ihe earllesi ■ which YOU will never um FËUCE E. DI FABIO possllfle inmaenh And yer.ali he-for«oi again; useful perhaps lo trad* S j m r — Owner and Builder.__ wns'lhe license.—rapper*« Weekly. . o •fur something yuu~lX) wan t.—: 1 ua«aJaiiUt_lo_0 rdcr_ COURIER j Call 7 A. M. #r # ‘E. «. • A riired ii‘ hihmu ~ui*-'H*e.r woüïîÎ^ffo^ ¡hT*' tieriveàïronrTÌ6 e"* fs c rU T aïdeck* 11 EASTMAN ST./ CRANFORD—PHONE 615 .Carpenter and Builder : much for .I'dinny, -he *v|illed • usually scrubbed un ¡ Saturday as » MM) mollai wmifd do more,” Mid pp?jrt(nitloa for Sondaj Inspection* — AND- joeaiNS fgoapTLY attìumo io jp r 1er “Shed ask 'Johnny Jo iiayto church; etc. ; hence the. phrase lioly* JiUÍ>|>ef.,v. ‘ .. •tone and holystoning/* ■■ , ' •. ■ t JMIjvoOd Avenu*. CRANFORD CRANFORD GARAGE, 31 NORTH AVE, E.,—PHÒNE 241

-J&.-em——» ^ .

^ Ì ■ ' ■ -, 1 - g g g ll g g g

j « Î ? < W P ' * t f « v i >- - * v ; XA, ¡\- m m m î g m GASWOOD HCIIOOL NEWH ; BO*01.01« MUET« ¡V. r w, ro rrr t o p»u »»»ó m h o o n j - m T t M O T - .... r . T. A. ' ...... I Th« .Women'* UulM of Bt. Mirk'i O n Turadty *ft*rnoon th* Otrwood ProtraUnt Eptacop«! Church held i sued by M organ F Urson irom New _ . , -j,,.,. ih -, «upper Beturder «venin« In Uie purUh :xoake Us appearanae on tlie streets of 8çhQQla.w«re Oindiitd early w that the-rhurdL^the. affaluaa —...------*Ow*i«fd-«ift-Ma-y-33r4r-flien-ilie_piCm:.. Brunswick Headquarters, _ .... all the children whu^ wished lo da“so, j welj attended sorry to ubserve thal a cfihai- The fólhwUM is the vawifiuie-Erra of Uie Capi Newell Rodney Flake date for the Republican nomination for Uie Exhibition an d ViaJt-îXje-ftKÂJcd P ^ t No 335. an d the ladies of the might attend the moving picture! in At the April meeting of the Oarwood for 'Governor, m a speech copies of Cranford. Th* proceed* from thU allow ' pgrent-Te- Association. C. K. Week, of the Cranford Sctwufe.' iAuaUiary. will make their annual ap- which were sent to the newspapers, has will go to the P. T. A. Those aha at- ( Blanchard of the State Board of Health Exhibition xnd V-=t tit* S-Juxi ut f* “1'? “"d ^ allowed himself to resort to personal!- tended the Tuesday afternoon perfor*. g#vt> fcn illustrated lecture on the sub­ pialli f-, C ««. ttea^ Jiai-m iaquoted. w hat I .liave, sola, stance sa*nwo sh&w^-Buxter Keaton »Toxin Anti-Toxin a* « Preven- May- ist. but. on arcown.} «iugr Mas distorted the obvious meaning of no»eri will be contribut.ng to .various ln "College" and “The Country Doc- j uve Against Diphtheria," Following number of puptLi absnyt ii-ys- v î t+j*. hat I did say, has made. statement* tor/* On Tliursday night "Helen, of U fa business seaslon refreshments were due to illness, it hau torre. £*¿^¿>.£*3 .u* Ì S f h f v T Ì ; l“ LliaVxre not tru, with rex.rd lomy ut Troy" wul be.shown. Thlxshuw wUl(Mrvr(j the week of May kth - be particularly for tlie adults and lick 1 nalMixl orbaliizatiou ITinwrily tlit> J utud,e ",'^„C0" m 0. A benefit performance fur the Par- Tuesday*; May a--C rane. ■ b -i:-» »> insinuation qu^onjd ni> » • ts are on'- sale for-35c....H ie. Parent e n l-T eac n irr AS«>ctaUoii_ was held at ,fcTu « d a ir M a y .» “ ' T eachers are asking your support for smoned- b r th e hands of dnorbletf Uvea » p 4 - l^-vr£; Uie New Cranford Theatre on Tuesday Thursday. Bday L0-- Corvekanjrâ I " «; TaxTiKmed kind I will riot^be dragged into a cam i veterans, still pauents In government this aiTa^ because the Association re­ afternoon, starring Buster Keaton. a: ■ : • • • jiaign of personalities. If I am nomi­ I :hcr.piuls Uiroughout .Uie land, who are ceives a percentage on all tickets sold There will be anoUier exhibition this Thursday. May -10. from ? X& nated for Governor and elected. I hope j UrTeby afforded a source of income by the school, so get your ticket- before evening for Uie some organisation and m —High School . . ' it will be because the voters (onstdir you reach tlie theatre. Mrs. William • ¡ii>t necessities not included in .govern- the feature picture will be “The Private Friday. May 11- Linrnih. that my experience in public affairs, Kaylor has sold over $100 worth of km rnl ri.-gulationa. . Life of Helen of Troy/' . my training as an engineer and a busi­ ’ In addntiiti the fund created by the tickets for the movies so far. The Men's Club of St. Pauls Luth­ ness man. my knowledge of such State I'lfiflsad »«M ' '« I f ol V F. W. Buddy l'oppu*s will Mrs. Bradley Is III with grippe and eran Church held a card party last problems as these of transportation, .. ifepresentatives . from. ----- ,i H,grj-ve VB Miu ujiunuti««m aintain »«»»« manyj »««».«..other «brunches...... ■_____ probably will not pe in school before Saturday. evening In Uie parish hall­ n e x t week...... borg Ho*pttéL-'Pîa»ftrtt;»dKav*fNa ,W*r- ^ jïrkï and -rifttiónal -welfare Work fort dcvelupiiient Of ' In spite uM hc. pt«r-weathcf^-a larye. ■nawDm r w -’tiwr N-r v jiì1 ; triF ~ n^ïït’^ôr~"e^ërt,TCir-Tnfn-.— im ^“tKHw^-tlve-bUU,^poL^^wa^b.,^s Florence IWdOTereTi'TTaWiiKrTWI' crowd was In attendance. Many valu» degarde Mans and Anna Kuchta re and- the girls of U v fteaä/W «.¿ata tm \ o f the Sale of popples, the lncal **ll-a.? realwatiwi of th po able»prlses were awarded el keepir.,; improper Influence* calved their Htudcnl Certificates in 'Nurslng*a.i a I'niferwa*!-. * . 'pota ik enabled to give aid und reU rflante ci keepir. Penmanship In chapel lost Friday. - Tlie Oarwood Republican Club held At the Friday morrung- aufm-’ Mr « -.« n irx d .-. 'in .M »I all hiau- me ' ' ‘seem fit'for the Job. If I can only, be- The pupils _of ‘Junior* High School a meeUng last Tliursday evening, pre­ Clement presentird che mifcub*r»i u: tue ) ^ Vf. destroyed their source of live- .-orne Governor by attacking my op are beginning to practice VoF the Un­ sided over by President William Dar­ Jloy*' BftÂkçtball Team wnf.r; and others who have been the ponehU for lite Rfptifrftcait «m nnatiah] ion C ounty field m eet In May. T he roch. Councilman E. ti. F. Kandolplu letter. Tlie foUuwmg »»?■>■ 'y*;*... *.H-d 3vU itJrJ,n,s ,,f unemployment or jniafoi Hoys’ Baseball learn-has. also begun of Wealfteld was the main speaker and Tiûjê* iJi jK-ndcnu of needy ex-service n rv x p u u ttfcl XKs, prm iiK ^fU pM in;, tiye mnn “are-tweed- rorv>tyy«i itila, fund, -which *vrt*'" Xl HI did not sav; as is slated, ul ITil*| The eighth grudr girls will -play tiie Railway Valley Trunk Sewer which wilt ittXM'iu'rantz -Wilhani. .»no makes impossible- fur*the Post to g speech referred to tint Hagm th mt 7th grade girls In baseball Perhaps soon be in Uie process of construction Manager Harry Clulf Mr l ecv'.i al] deceased veterans military funerals IECTIN« * Presidents Wife is not iho least interesting phase of the nation Isa local issue.- I s,ud the pla-: j the boys can get some pointers Rev. John Bchmalstelg, of Betide- so awarded honorable mer"Jrc. ji* ^e>* and provide pro(M*r maintenante of all appruachln* caronalBn. Thl« ia a rw tnt portrait »tmlj of Mrs. Herbert to attack -Ha tue is at the .»eat ot h*s| E Mrs King of Westfield is substitut­ hem, Pa, has heeded Uie call of the to Betty Jones and K a'hryc. 3'rt Hoover whose philosophy of Hie is of the outdoor variety. Like her g*»»«* y , power, which is Hudson County. As n| ing fo r Mr p c H art who ia 111 St Mark a Protectant Episcopal Church liosters submit tini m the ir.vi, «m An earnest up|w*al w made to all husband, she moves quickly, talks quitkly. thinks quuklv ______practical man. I d » not believe Hague■ The BU class is continuing its cam­ and will* arrive in Oarwood in tune to Belter In ternational KeLs’a ^ i x m- »•ho«* business takes them to New can be‘talked to.death. If he could paign for perfect teeth The pupils take up hls duties the first Sunday In d u th d by the New Jerse-i Fvö'- a -.«m le a k City to buy their poppy in Cran ore working on ‘ How to become mem­ Mky of Women s clubs d that the local Post mav be en have beep, he would have been dead[ long ago Hague cart only be defeated \ PROPOSED ORDINANCE bers of-Um Colgate. ¿.iralth.CiuU." - lim y .'« » ot BU iinvti;— ..i-id Omi uucX.ä U iouic. • Son-Break* the New* AN uUIUSA-M R to provide for the Coo- by hai" pracCTcarorgatu/-1 hope that when school closes every one Mark's church is planning on holding n Jean Voorhees. and Mdu atbss K Vf s Oonrrete WldeWstlr along th#— _1B2G_CHI ing of Ihi voIm s n u t ts how we lu Oo a fiuiii wUh hls small eon r-tirrl) of (inter Street from Beech will be wearing the club pin . dance in Uie parish hall on May 35th dvn Deale Bupervuair in. i H »wsl distribution pi«K«*eds go«*s for th»1 Been cor beaten him in Middlesex County Witi 1 funner shot at a Lawk, but missed Vtimie MHithcrt) lo tlie present concrete slde- All th e pupils In SB except 4 have Ernest Behnert of Locust Avenue Training Tor C;nrU. will iraevts tfl mamtename of service and huson work Malk eoutli of Hex«l Avenue - dutoed us he grows wpaket. because we work. A second shot hrought It down. ad their l*eth examined and treatedi was married Saturday to Miss Mabel the Central School of Ptinarwa Rfhica-- at Uie various Veterana Bureau region­ lie It unULn»] by the Mayor and Council of condltlor I n Huda.uu County . tie...grows, stronger **\Vhstcha going to do with him. ihe liorougli of («arwood. County of Union: real buy lfNnccemary by a' dentist-cither Dr W heeler Of Roselle Park ‘ tlon. New York City ,-«» Sk-r^-dMV al Tiffires m W ashington litis service ”1 That a concrete sidewalk four feet wide because'lit* cntics tnerely laU. ... pop?" asked the boy,. S¿2 tier i FlacWer at tm* school or their private Mr, and Mr»- Wambpld of SouUi Av- Wliere'they will be show tv » dj'Trrffji.ua- hrl/tt Uie leU ran in need of liospilall and four inclina thkk be cunstnicled atong iho- W ITH A ’Reient levelathn^ in the banx i, "Oh, 1 guess we'll huve him for -dirt weaierjy side uf O uter tHrtK from the south- dentiatv.lf your child is in 0B and has entie visited at'Cranberry Lkkc last tlon of Uie work done ¡a jt£j£ *■>?-.** mUttn or compensatimi, to make Ute and- other departments:-are deplorable aer,’* replied Ills father jokingly. On trly aide line of Beech Avenue In ak southerly trot yet ami? to the dentist, .now. Is a weekend. * ' “Tlie Clcviliuu! Bchi^l w may through th e endless mile* of red tUrectlou (u jhd n h th tg sidewalk south of 1920 Cl I believe -that other, mvestigal.pns rhe way to the bouse the bafrk was Hatel Avenue, twins »pproxlnutely three hun­ good time No correct this Kftry child Mr. and Mrs John Matured! of See notUe of Boys Week. whjLh> us 5»f iw ot- tajM* and certmony that ts always in­ We havi should bt unde«taken and will bo pro1 dropped Into the pig pen onseen by dred ninety eight <3981 brl,, except ubère con­ should have his teeth examined every ond Avenue gave a birthday party Sat­ served in C raniorii n ets wexa urjde? volved but with uhuh he Is unfamil­ crete walks alrvkdy ex let » Lks. -z ScLoui under the aupervlaion of Uie Borough Engin­ them . ? Uie das-ses will be m charg?r- y u ­ closed to make im poriani m e qe«eai. of for dinuer. Dinner l time cams and eer under a contract to be awarded to Dio , . Passaic, Westfield and Oarwood. - 1 - • • ' ¡1- ' • • r ip ; POUT NOTKS . .. per mon pila to quite à » -exdnat., w«vdnrs' Mayor-Hague's candidate for Gover just i as the -minister was being served loweat -reapoualblo- Lldder after due' adrertlao» ' ; W njH A .. { / a l i Reremit* Nouee* • Jo h n Oyadls, 33, of 30:NorUi Avenue, At . th e last meeting of Wte Post It meat-according to Uw. and ih accordano#'with was arraigned before Recorder Ewald day evening- b e i n g l a r i ..aii.tbe^ hot " But Purely no One of the Repub­ the boy piped out:: the »petulca t Iona: for-the'w ork-w hich a ró 'tm 'T 7' ' > I n 'ih e HiiwiiHitri -Island*-long ba* was suggested tinti earnestly urged that lican caudiciates fqr Governor can. With Tuesday rooming on a charge) of oper­ Community, s u b«»vs aelwvwsS b r Uie "D'you know pop had to shoot twice tile In, U>e office of tho.Jloroufh Knglneer and ... hire (he InliiiMiaiiis took tha trooble all I members who could alluni to do niwlesty-clapn that he alone is.the'o.« which are made a jnirt of thU ordinance. .. . I ' ating an automobile while intoxicat .student body will arc a* » to get this bawkp . Tlul Mid sidewalk »hall bel laid and .!-- 1 1 lu clnilie ilKMMsdvi's. they built grass su. I provide Uu-inselves whjt uniforms George who can Slav the- Hague drag ed. O radia pleadod no t'g u ilty and will Commltn-e at the regiiuw tewuitan m ron»irui-trd at the expenae uf the owners-of houses, sfili si the present Urna tbe for Memorial Day. Arrangeinenus have m We are all Republicans. We are (he. abutting property. - * - 1 • . v.",*:-. - have a hearing on May 4th the Tuwnnhtp Rooms- Th#r -bevv «"Oil Usni made by the Post with a local - t. It U estimated Util the work provided ,.. .. I clrantfterisiii? IIdwuIIud bat ts remark- appreciate the attemhkrury -ci ^vt^arisk' all equally uetenmned lo do whut we .Originof^SroutnSftufy’1 for- in. thl» ordinance will coat »lg hundred , siili like (he hul. - . • : The Man's Club of the’ Oarwood Presbyterian Church ,ha4 i ' ^ C ' n J S ' A {’“‘Ä - p t t tortini-Ueim*. -'v’-'Brwwav#Uidy^nwwia~a^aiAUui>i^ .jM !|rs^|6M J4^ n d .that amoùùL, U* hereby lite »nrturni» ut the dignitari«. g t ul «>*- LrH-lR ;,u u ,)1/4ll,u l m 'n u ' «îîile'an d To jùccìliiti^QlTodlcèfaSr; Uie. regular. m eet’ &lletkvl U>-Uie «cs^e icoro- reverTeJ* ahsetilmTududiiess,'; ab itract v .* i J.- That fur- •ttm i purpfiac s.-of^.ftreefltijr .'said1-',- **•; (far ^Knslçrn- liiurrjfr.- a rt jfelilh Of tbS tw-fal and alMItoki interested arv ask- Ing-on Monday nlghtr Thowj elec ted •ré^iv^U'~-V.Riclhiè»t-/-’MkrwÆdkgi j. .tuedltQiron or ldlqand purposelesi mus-^ shape of (hnse woro by tbs blgb «•d V i » um-iHuh' wlih ttic Contmah- not -domg thelr sworn 'duty.. • Che of making or Mid Iniprorwneut temporary notes - - I l E o i were: President, George Orlndley; vice­ will act os Miiyur. Duna5i£ RisnasicnmU'j log. It originally came from "brown" of the Borough of hnrwood are bervby.-aulhor- - •• • priests Ninoiig the JewS of olden tifosi, drr. The Memorial Dav committee president. Albert Gascoigne, secretary Ost'ar Tangle. Harry : ChiS- M mwîd (lie Republican cHiuhiluteh-comes lioi Id the sense of serious and gloomy, a lied to U> iiaued.lrnni timo lo Urne to tho ' " held a meeting and .has already start accregAttt amount of alt hundred dollars Htul they ure cstnionllnarlly like tbs C harles' Bchoenwiaper, and U-eAsurcr. Denning.-tdiarte^ C-ejHMlfela.w Huilw n County,- He says no hu.s been sense which has.to o great extent beeu rharscteristic domes that surmount* work and it is up to the veterans to flght.np Hague for years—talkn.< Ieoo.i, pursuant to- thè provUiona of Section. __ _ William Orander. Retiring President Mrmbers of Ute .cxic «C ciar • Semita make _tite best showing jxtssible und forgotten. The earliest quotutlon which U. ( hapter 2j2. Laws of 1916 of New Jeraey* AguUh-ii-Is-poloted-uuU-tbs- David TuilochTgave lhto~iiew olHceri"a P lay, nf—trie—V.arvt? 'De bjÆunc i Yr aatr}-; him .....With - what result?--Hague - it- w«-- havs- ^'containing-- the expression as amended. • • . L o i high polliteli spires of Uothlc churches tov all apjx-aring tn umiorm. it would stronger today than he ever was. The 6. Thai all such notes, aliali bear Interest - hearty welcome. and of th e Junior and N?n-.:>jc- Ciaiw 3>r- add verv- m aterially to the success of "brown study* was puhllslu»d In 1532:' si a - rate not. to exceed six per-cen t p a r' ‘ :WérsCuJeuumr.biUHmi^mlUi_-.tbSi high Don't forget to set your dotk. and bating Team*^ abo- wntrs ïwiàt* "Lack _of eumpsny will soon lead e \ annum; and shall -mature-Jn oul,exce<^lng. alx^ -horu-hke hemldreHe known-as the heu« need, but work. • resrk ' m>iir- -tór. : Okie-5w hre-the y-porposo '- for^* watch back nex t Sunday. Time will Advisors' will 'j'ov- man Into a brown study." The fob which they -are Issued shall hare been carried . . ulti. Il Is believed, too; that like re­ —-On«--new member. Robert T. Norlh- _ 'T«el- me reiterate. I iutv\vftn;ine lor /change from standard to "Daylight iiuction oi the Pvnnsyivomjt Cri-iftrwty rull. was ooliguteti to ntcmberslup. Mowing sentence Is In the Spectator: out,- and that ail other matters In respect óf - ' - sults may he found iiflüt-t-Cnniosrl». Ropublicau kuceoaa, h vU -moriJly h r. Mlit tnnnmrirp miliu *h*l|- d^^rqilnH -hp- SavlnB“-time-atr3-a:"nr;- 8umla.y: “Thr M ask-am i •■Wjg-ahowr a t ch»? Discussion as to our sitare in selecting rlemf suirledr and Recovering sufikisiuvut rvsolutiua of the Msydr and Coun­ son of other stylen of architecture C entral R. It, will run* un standard tun O pera Huirw «iaCurvhfc»- riftatìg . sortai success.. Tactics vvh.cli win the out of hls brown atudy, told Sir An­ cU. • • . ... . with the heuilgear of the period where« ¿ìtale Coi:«:nnnder ut the coming noimnatum. cnlv to lose th;' telccl.on .a. That this ordinance shall take effect ten tune but all trains will be act alieud llckets for this , *a * s u t e mi- rn -it at H al,«,,, In Juno drew that once In hls life h.e hud been tu they flourished.--Wsslilngtou Star. are the sort of tiu-tics for winch Mayor days after the publlcailou thereof after float one hour. T arantella, have beers brjtutht out a .spir.t of loyalty to Ute Jn the right,"—I’nthllnder Muguzlne. passage. . ■ • . - through. the courtesy - *>c Oder Cranl 1'YankHngue is fervently -hoping. I am cAiidiflutP from- Elrtabetiv, Comrade Cleveland _ j'arent- reachery _-A««*c-aA- xoimt to conduct my ccmjniprn *o that Ni>iU-e U hereby given that the above (a a Quitti^Long' tn^Ure” ^AX.*MkW AlllLm&fKCl -Arthur-Grabowiikl: -of Po«t-lMr 'Union "» *' “ PROPOSED"OÌtàÌNANCE " " TTn'T‘’nf"an-~npmnffTj^'“ wiitòti *■ W a^'reàd'ÌS ni * Broad Street Theatre tioil. * ' ~ ' '"7 l will not have to cut mv words after passed un- tirai reading by Ute Council of the - Qullls- ure siipponiMl to Imve beeu ] Countv should bt* etnltied to tjrt* Hon primary dav, but can continue - the AN OUIUNAM K la provid«* fur the Improve ittirough i.f (isrnoinl. at a raettlng held April AlUiougli "Abies Irlsli Rose’ has Verna LmUurt « C **., d„t(!a,„ „„ lnSlrucU.d menb nf-Keiirth.Avenue.from the boundary Une, l*th, l«2S. and Uiat Uie Mid Council will coo- used for writing peun In the Klflli cen- bccu .secured.ior. au extra -week-at.. the » i.» h* th* x f ™ >■: L, ^ to lta rtd , _ , flght_to defeat t'runl: Hayui^-jilncejlliat of the Townahlp nf Crsnford es»i of Onk:Ktre«‘t .»ldtL-ilie_Jlxi^l,1pawgti..iliereof..aa-,iUe_iat.daj«.. liny, though1 the T.otljwlure rests 1#- vhe-lwundary line of - (irnnPml w rit of • Oak: nr-stay, 192*. nt eight o'clock 1* ìli. (Daylight Broad Street liiealfE, beginning next the Cranford Hwh Sclaxa ia 12«- New . , . .;.A . . Is vHulIv Im portant —’by the* election 61 hiu-cL * ■ middly oh ah mihcdnte of Tlivoilorlc, a Republican Governor. Saving;,- in u>e Council Chamber, Municipal~ ...York----—~ Tim es ...... Otati>ricivTOjr.>*»«...... — ...... —■■■ 11 .... -* M«Woh ,, , , w to n « •< e>>8iB* , . He It nrdalnet^b^ U«v Aìsynr and TminrU liuUdlng, loo' Center Htrma. - Harwood! N. I-, tim on ¡^‘uuiity^ti^ril-c""w fecit ' iu, r _infisC'decltiie~ U jTw % n^geS"iniaT patty managoment wish to dispel from m an and ha.« »cli'cU-d a dozen members I'nlon ‘ ” II. lüMiv'OMtifâmo'iAniitHiooMBOdMrl lllltorate thiit he oould not write creo held in the Westfield High. i”ra j>e.SOIUll controversy, I Will,-whenever |. That Fourth Arenuf fmm the BiutiKUry bp InlcreaUtl therein will I« given so oppor-' the minds of Uie lavmen-all thouifln 4-P aer te wiii> ittrn, tuuity to be heard concerning (he nne. thè lidtlids òriilN uwit imum w iii pru- Uiat this means on unUmilcd vnguge- day evening lhe title- ufi dm winnacc: possible, disregard, in the future per- line . of th# Township . of crsninnTTylHg ~ ------W-8-SICMA.NÜ&»- videi! wltli a filine of gold tlirough *otutLAtiAcks_niadc on me. I will con­ "f Oak Street to tho HountUry line of Uie Dormigb Clerk^____ -mimtAit.lhe foiuoua ctMuedy^in Jiewurk to.,..thè..-S lk n iffi^ ç e /o^.,t^ :',.jp.‘i a ^ ii;u; T«w-iulUt> of 'Crsnfnrd Jylno -weOt of-Oak-Mtrwt, 'AprUTB'/TBSSr wìilch tluiTreum werVcut. ami. tltls —for tills is not the cose. Owing to lïun." - ’ : • /• 7 TKW FOKD TtOYS HONXmEB tinue to discuss State problems and 1‘rli'g approximately ' thirteen ' huml;eU ' fifty - AT RUTGERS (13.'0) feet.-, lie Improved bjr paving- a center belng piuceit ou thè piipt'r wheir bis the exceedingly large; demand for. seat’» State needs. L hope to be nominated •trip of:-lwenly*two , (22) feet erlUi retnforml ■ »PROPOSED ORDINANCE ^signature « uh rempafud -a s A b o r ­ of nab! imptuvritiept -ore Ijertby ordeml anil tlie .Town hf-Westfield...... • ' • . • vsrlteRt ivrtnln • Hoeourtt of • thè -mod­ ers of Rutgers University who have work rather than talk. . I..am an en­ tlnuance -.of ¿"Abie# iriali. Ruse/ a t - Uie tivo clgiw-poster -which tfnnr -tisx > »_ bejn* sDoroximstoLy«^ .lw,^ )y,.Ai/lbelRil -A,--8aioov«atftOf/'iter-much'wtrtìnrail(linanlpuUtian:oI to be- planted a t òrice... Others »re txe> ‘Jegpsrrtunng The : ivoif ‘uinttir • W d:. In Bu?gers;Un,iverslty “has received-this* - imnactlons within Uie Uhl -|>efinil-th é -Uaningh 4Jilrtee«,-.himdfe»l'' :U8nfly-‘ lineal^feet; * be tm-''v IS- Hlwl pons w m 1 first made b j WiM, the comedy's itinerary this extension addition to debating-» in New Bruns* week a valuable and historic rebarium of (aarwuixl will m um .Bitch ronhwtian* to lie proved. by ‘ paying a center yLrlp, twenly>twa ' ing started In small mdnaicuC ^ass made and |>»y the !■ <-fwi and >i|>rn>c -thereof (321 fwt hi width with reinforced concreto In Kugland. In likiS. wax at last made possible. KtrmlnutOrs A uxnparuoci %t tin «ask. appeared.in several high schoqls .'ollectcd during the middle of the last fend will cause such expense to lw* assessed up­ pavement eight (8) -inchea thick. grondi of the two groups- u£ »««ft»- «ill throughout New Jersey W*amcr D entury by Dr P D Kmesk-cm and an the hinds l«nrflted i H) Ih)Iqe four (4) inch cast Iron ploo Shakeri Theatre Among the most prominent members -onstituUng an authentic record of the The width tff eirti- lot for which coimecUuns limisi (‘«tinecUuns. twuity five (25) feet to FC G eneroae C n o o f A bt* mode »hall tie made as provided In thla a« thin 1» Ungth under the cumrete pavement provi«» lora of South Jersey Dr Knlcskcrn ,, . , ^ * On Monday, April 30Ui, the Shubcrt Fulmer MeUuxl Buttoca were a« a?-J- the \Arsitv squad of almost fifty hereby ael at forty ( |0| fret u n it« othvrwhe Ing - for future connections to the sanitary An old iiirrcluiui, I landlord, •( Nr»ark, men himself was a native of Lakehurst and deeignated, except as to low fronthig-ôii an hi wwer for each buitdlftg plot òf forty Utl will be Uie gathering wt to the following children- a: tirsftfcilng strerL fcvt .In- width. » . •nutheru Ipdliiun, quite wealthy, was place of all Uie theatregoers who haw in 1650 published a catalogue of the gu oB recently EmniA Gtqbìk 3Mcaa~Ca3 V That the aald Improvement shall 1* made t th at the »aid Improvement shill bo made ridi,,« I.,uj,■Mirali» «»er Ida mau, acre. btiU , « . mi„ , lllat moJl ,wpuUr mu5l. and completed under the iifpentslon of Uié noil Alma Deller Marie Dv FO&ua J a - Jcdin C Huldilnson, of 9 Strattiord plants of Monmouth and Ocean Coun­ ami loniphted under the suptrvUlon of thè after atteiiding tu some business with * ' ties Ilorough Engineer, under contract to be hyrnugh Engineer, under contract to b« award- cal comedy of today, "H it Uie Deck.* im ChereskotT Kathprme Clsrsud Tt'mtcc. CYnnlord has bet n honored by' awanlcd tu the- Itmest resiwnallde bidder aHer «1 tu lliejowesl nspuHiilile bidder after duo Ms teiuiutry, lie wav suri>tised lo due advertising according U> hiw. and In ac which luu for a full year played in 16.vh* Dl Lorriuu C hari«- MUcnr oad election to AljihA Zeta national agri­ The collection contains many thous­ sdurttilng according to (aw, and tn accord­ ralchlnli a mao lu on. of W. con. New York ^ Kon „ u,^ protluc, ands of specimens and Includes, in ad­ i-urdance with the plans and peclficatlons Uiat ine« with die plans and spictflcitlona that binsft I b u pulling■ il, .ln« corn IttliaInto •■ sack.aaab n** m. 1 Elizabeth Duriiam ; cultural society at Rutgers University haw tieeii prepared for this wvrk which are have iven prepared fnr this work which aro Draw of Vincent Youmanx, who componed dition to the native plknts, many well now on file In the office of the Borough En fia unli benr suld:Buiu ,______i______Palmer Improwanm: C#»r Hutchinson who is member of the new mi file In the office of th« Borough n v mula,Hi—this > re sc run tpcclnwna-irom b«,ugrang4 clneer and are hereby made t»wf of this or. Engineer -»hd. are ------• _ . . . «'vie uWwrueu to m e —>* j fi, rirfL«iii)rtVe 1 ■ —ir-——r—ri*—— ««- nnllnunrtt» . .. j-,_wbaL-alr_ yoa-dulo—there la -.m>»'F-v«»kaaiiwEuafB*ir>mrM*tt*Pi ithiiiiiijm nui . n . , . ■ urni*HhVH met other party of Europe “ The tms* 4 Thai do much of the cu»t and expenSr .That so much of the cos*, and fxpenM fu*,-r tft-f JiVUV" ^ a iL i- -, n — lfth, .i.iiaft.ii 1^ . J . - - — ••■■■■ ■ - ...... r ...... - - - ...... -1. 4oea> »of aho-^AInlvcnaty •‘have »prevtdod ¿¡d^jiiMtel^AiM(U/tS%AWy^Va«(iAWf>rily7^a»n jd^ubi-lmpremtaanb -*»» * ^Why,-wiiy, can'tcRiri’jmr *jron‘ •eeF'-tâf^feifotrwowj— u tf^ n m o w «•«I ui»oiV ihe*linda triffeby beneflUed shall vssed upon the lands thereby benéflted shall * ^ Nil. . i . L I _ . ___ .a ___ geU ue'and takes tltc part- of- Looloo gre&s Medals were awArdwd Krisri tunds for mounting th e specimens and 1« »u as»*M*d aa provided by law be so Blessed aa provided by law, aii,w**r«d. - l ’lu taking aom . of ,o u r Temperature ot Moon ­ — V! tm i iL.. .i_ _ the cofTee house, keeper on tiie im \ul Buller and Mary rmhess. Iten : ns tailing- them in steel lockers under - y It b rsttmatcd that the work iimvidnf Il 'U n Ü n i.M (h it the work prnliM , ««ru," - — - - dock at Newport, R 1 the rciidravou» , Since tlte muuD. has no atmosphère the direction of-the faculty of the de­ for In thla ordlna* ce will cost twenty five fur Id Uils crdlnance will coat twenty Utouwmft Aatoumk-d Jat _ bla _ boldnaaa, Burtons--to- Eva BerardineCX A zaa T>il thousand dnllsra «00» and thal artmimt lollara (HoWO). and that amount is hereto» of all tile " "gobs'* of tiie navy yard Gaudio Dorothy Rap«un±A -«dlatioa of the sun* heat Is very partment of botany ts hereby approprlati^d for the purpose appropriated for the purpose * landlord wua at Bnt apaactilraa Among the outstanding song hits are rapid. Night on the moou is about 14 Tlie herbarium ts the gift of Dr H 5 Hist fur the purpose of mevUns Mill 0 That fur the purpoee of meeting —t*«' -rtnallT, Im managed to aa,: Bcrardinelh LUuo. JAcks».c. MLsj- apt«ropristlon and temporarily financing Uie- appropriation and temporarily financing the ‘Sometimes I in Happy" and a negro garrt DIUel * macy _ of Columbia-University; who _is of _U»e Bitfpmh ,ot_(ftAEW««d ors^hereby »su< uf tha-Borough of (lorwood are (tereby author-* Olddap,"------kastinees witl fee given on lx>Ui- Wed tharUed lo be-Issued from—time to time to toed to be Issued from time to Utno te the i£ t—uxaaIuiuui lu daytime is Wtwveir himself a name of New Jersey and ths aggregste amount of twe:up*five thousand ogxregste- atumut of tWrnty thousand dollars nesday and Saturday • Harvesting F leur j freexing and tvolliug twint*. Very (as who has turned oier the unique Knlea- dollars (125 090), pursuant tn the provisioni tto 000 ), pursuant* to the provisions» of Bée» of Section 13 Chapter 253, Law» of 1916 of tlon 13, Chapter 252, Laws of 1916 of New Aabcaloa aa I n m la to r The avtm! method $*C teanescSc* | irtmosner) cunciudes, it Is heated to a kem collection to the State Unherslty Vw Jersey as amended. kersey as amended. gfrJ 7 That all surh notes thill bear Interest Amirdlni to tlie G. tl r. Glertrlcal i Bye* m Delicacies Aer flax Id Europe«s «.‘oqalTwv ft» ftrjr , tem^eraTure-uf ïuo «legree» Fahrenheit at a rate not to exceed six per cent, per 7 That alt such notes shall bear Intmoi hand palling sod th!« imcNhJ ¡La* * at a rate not to exceed six per -cent, per Tear Hook, aah n to a In Ita para .tate, Tks oyoo of various flab and ani At night (he teai|>eniturv falls rapidly Baeed on Aetna/ Event / annum, and shall mature In qoi exceeding six annum,; and shall mature la not exceedlnt free H omi m elante uxldt-a, la a good also been used la ».«rtaia ^ftttorsUon-'ror-wfffei^iltfa Titfiveay tvresktnf*o<].,cshwrei' i re~ ^^-?rC ^»as. ?n«Q,ïqçUc». » 41hv.b j£ jv -m 6 rAt'wtc&£^ ------“ «f3hA ''4lSfiL 4t|hi o>'elis6k«lVr'ilru (DayUgbto^^ Ing W üïïjSî. •: > T '1 tlie «.»il nf Hltig nf exaggera Saving), tn the Cuaneli Chamber, Municipal cable« exposed fu high teuiperatures. ^lo serve as signals to whalee, dolphin» Pepsin le a aecretloo In the stomach Saving), In the Council Chamber, Munlcteah the largest ever made» «a.» ^v » ?«- t5<»r* trifd the «Iraker*k» he warmed Building, 106 Center Street, Garwood, N J , Building, too Center Street, Oarwfod. N, porpotsee, and other Inhabitants of the of the higher animals. The pepalo, at which time and place yll_ persona who may ti which thae and place a)t persons who» a i r > 14 days 1» Southwark. EngTa.s>t. ix* XQ) _ ‘t\ouU{ that_ .1 tvuld _ . tell yoo______tire be Interested therein will be given on oppor­ W lnteruted therein wUI be given aa m w s 8ubsr1be to The Citizen and Ohroo* deep la enable theta to avoid running oaed medicinally 1« usually obtained tunity to be beard concerning tho ua«, 1T18, tad ram, out w,l*kiax ¿'umbo- of tlmra 1 hi»*' ,hfd 'barrâli from pigs, sheep, or calve«, according tunlty to be heard concerning tha'annwi ' lek , 93j00 par W , b * • I r t t s i et b . a McManus, • W. 8 MeMANUB« LOOO pooada UaireU of tear* arer IL" to an answered question la Liberty. r JWtt IT. 1KI * * " * ^ ’Anil II. lira. Bonwkh a « t - !

lÈ ti-iÂ Æ É f 1 < iiC jA i wrnmmÈm rnmfclf t - ' ,V-^,*?é«fr*iîSurV'' w.

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—y— P a la r CS<|^A yiN Ô > O f HBRM RT HOOVSIt, Tha fact that It la’cattar at thè ihth pala thaa .Il la at tha North gala haa bara aaplalaad bf tha fact Word» wlthoat acUoa ara lha aa* X l i -graaleat guvsrftlUaiital »IP» ' that tha South pula la.ballaead ta Ila. ^3ra^^pff««arg»^'-gra 1 Aaaat l»^u«taa.AI*ht»-**a.uMD;D-a 1« jjM.aaMdt«.oW,lMca.c*aJL«A4 U^tnt^uf>.amip>^ncaa£ró^(vA«c^) :.i*ialhttM,i4J!MÌI[*u&Ì t m r «ttatlöb'krpubttc n pw»» al à ' hliher ^alevitlaa ' thaa- thè W i i n m a H w l I» ulrnlaa, hnl i n u u UUk »uiimfuL^ 1"™1" ■■1 M» 11 •w artiPft^filliiBfaiiiiiJtr " d u i »awia ■ « • hava uu war tu uaaaara -humaa tecoaat ft»r « l«»w#r t*tap«ruior« It la afwayt th« cblldrtn wLo *r » 1 mtaarr ...... - ■ ■• ■ grovAd In lh« mjlli ul iai«ro«lliHP U democracy la to aunrlta throush- disputa«, and hunv^t clarity incuti« A m erican /Votimi V ictory oui tho world, h mual bw a auooaaa la ao thither than that * 1 io l*-liruar> M, * ’* th« naval bar Dependability, Satisfaction UM-Ualtod Slataa ' M.,»^mTha iU ia.Æ.aiaw moat iw di putaat iawr'eW.WVaasswsevAto^a»i)fteaiM> • *1 State« warship ie-TKag|IiWrH'?W^tHW|aajrTh«mrrTt tu Idea!« Jiat tor tu« ua*r**raw tet>;ìro'K ''M inr.ri^ ' iiffOSf. ■ ■' ■ ------' *~ f«a«ratrôai»"»d*sda>* avi* «it- Ineirpnhì fmit ptser near tb* («land - andHonestvaraeT Tha alimiuaUo» of waata la a tout int«r«»t •• ■ ®i»ln« U»r»e t» »a» M» rlii^qu«* \\r#r Irutleu H vus se N «w bafot* in our, history Ho*« ■ 0 » aCcfel n d tat “«nth w> <£C i | , i u haa ao hahltlllaa. «hip $ad u* itrudiuliuh. 'jst u >4 AineriiUii \ It t«»ry . « • (Uilvtnd « 1 many lm r Q m^ that count»** which ahowo a ” i rotota M"iturihi iho'firtt 'Yhroo -gUeco the aeoctnndtoao condi­ monthaolthUyoftr* THtcarnn tion under which tho car ii W e have n very Kan ukm In trada Kara baan offered for oalo. thoroughly inapactad and ro- Cooffln and Import then uo«d w large »election of conditlonod, with tho rooult that can* and when you buy from us SEEDS ANNUAL a n <1 many of thorn can hardly bo you May do «•» confidant that dUtingulahod from now can. i WO want yoaw goodwill, tho aama PERENNIAL FLOWER. VEGE­ ^ aa wo iw n ) f with Chorrrlot TABLE and GRASS SEEDS. I Furthermore» thoao can carry non era in this community... . ,>• Qur collection of . T h i s C à , >x Gladiolus a n d ' ■«&&?**#*«» b . w ill ia m h . w a lx k b •« _BULBS Dahlia Bulbs 18 live * Ü J Ä Ä K I W»»t~Br»»ch.T»»». ** -ft*» • — -v old. u r s ho n i tho n u who cream of the leading varieties. Also Blaaplrad Htrbort Hooror lo booomo » Begonias, Montbretins andTigrul mining oottDoor.' Dr. W'alkar1». Dobbf I w u tho oollooUoa of g«olo«tcal »P»«*- ins. I B i n , and Hooror aa a jonth Ihoa D* ’ casta Intaraatad la minorala . R o c lc , Alpine PLANTS a n d Perennial A n cit'n l £nglUh Torm . Plants, E vet ■U i H r » madllloailnn,,-■ irf aa aid • jtreens, Flowering Shrubs and -E e w -o i our exceptiorralTUsed Car ' Goillih word mraottlf Ion»« M>< a»> tin t rees. Roses and Bedding I plia» to tho m m whoa th* dajra ha­ Plants Plant F'oods. Bug Killers Values “with an OK that counts”. ' gtn to leofthon. v ( A t : • ...... N o T ro u b la a t A l l . t o r poraon' worrjrlnt about moo«» Roderick M. Crocket & Co.,*9 Inc. M ^rw^«iAra-|i»«or^-iwii»vr: CRANFORD,-N:J: ' ' i« r cnevrolrt -Lindatr ' ’ him -Of that.—Bum« (Ala.) T tr SIM down. »33 per month. Alt A very ta** model. Five balloon phase of the . k tirea th*i aho* no wear. • Disc., \VK CAN I'l.AN anii f i -a n t v o iir »AKIIKN five tirog \iOod as new. All i>qmp- Hormld. Mrs. Herbert ■ wheels All equipment. Duco m ent. L)uco llnish and uphol­ ty. IJk e h e r ■ finish Must be 54*011 to be appre- stery clean as a -new car. Me­ dated FntcUcally a new car at chanically perfect and giutrnn- a liv'd car price. $18S down. $¿8 • teed- We Invite your mspeciuAi tier month. . WITH AN O. K. TIIA'I* COUNTS WITH AN O K. THAT CXHJNTS ANCE - 1« for tha Con* Clean-House with Electricity 1926 CHEVROLET COACH'$3^5 j _ 1925 FORI» COUI’F »125 act from Beech ■TBSSTCHKVROlÆ'P-COAüHr-SJstO-.- nt concrete side- Been completely overhauled. Re- dutoed utid is .how uvexcelicn t . CASH ■'•' 193* ■ FORD COUPK. »100 r and Council of condition. Plenty of extras. • A Mechanically good. Rubber good. WITH AN O K THAT COUNTS tty of Union: real buy.- $l.lb -down. 10 notes ne-Ducoed and ready uir road. from Basement to Attic Rooms k four feet wide S22 i>er montiv $98" down. ,10 nute» $18 per . tnicled a bag lb* » AN Ö. KmTHAT''COUNT»-. from tha aouih* WITH \vTt /i AN O K III At COUNTS- - IK t FORD SEDAN . . ia In aoqtherlf- ..... lewalk nouth of . ' ■ ' .1920 .CHEVROLET COACHES •., . . - T,*Tfr.»w- ’rn r w iN O I3(X) • •■ Good tires.: wood pauit and e»r.. ateljr threa hua* • ■ • We have several we will sell for . «»« n VIC!V TOLK1NO- ' xcept. whara coo* .* • . ■ ■ - cfllent condition. *150, • . he time of pan* . ■ . • ■ $300 cash. All motors have been | ,\-i comhtionr Motor, tires., eti. completely overhauled and we ; _ 10 ti(>u,s «:»o per •We'have other makes, too num­ D A C K of the outlet is electric power—adaptable. l be conitructad . . • ' wUl sU nd back of every one o f : *130 down, iv um*.* ®-u » . erous to menlioti. from »50 up. Borough Kngta* * . them . '<130 duwn:1-t O m otes 520, , lJl0lUh . # ' . - t o heavy or light tasks. Plug in and let it take awarded la Hr , ... • 1 1 .< . . e r m onth. w it h an o K. Th a t c o u n t s t due. adrertl«»* ...... ,lv iT ^iCAN1O K '. THAT COUNTS l.VVT 111 AN O. K -Tlt A I/'O U NI-S 1 the drudgery out of your house-cleaning..taisks. It , -' accordance with •- < 1 -k ' which ora' 0« | I > will wash-and iron,, dean rugs and carpets, draperies . «h Knglneer and 1... , . I ' I SHOW ROOM OPEN ^VENINGS \ i ordinance. .. ] .- | all bel laid and J •• 1 . and upholstered funjiiture, polish floor» and remove f tflol uwnen ’ of . the dust from walls and »helve». • [« work prorlfhd vi . -J RAHWAY AUTO SUPPLY AND irott >1$ hundred, uounr. Is' hereby ■ |Uir , t , tl\ib!jg_Serv ice sells .appliances .-which..c1> Iirlp you to clean Borough Clerk^ _ 'r : all th t duir ami dirt from ifrapenea'anil upholstered . '. • ^ , . s ..•.*• • ■ ■ . • . U fo r the ance ■ ■ : .furniture, as welt as fronr.shelves and cupboards. . V Jtecch Avenula .... . wuudarjr .lino of-' ■' K itchen J Oatul Council -of •■——<:r---- .... Payttteta leimi on ihe f Irtover are' Si doum the County of . PURE MILK and $5 a month. Liberal allowance 10m the. westerly made If old electric cleaner It traded .in. boundary .line of 1JUT in a kitchen lighung unit and have dean non* lUt^-ADDrAiimsUly^; i«l.'~,f*eti,;*'|ji^,ha*"v IS TH E PER F ECT i >- glarmg'light in every comer of the-room. The_ iptrip. twenty>twa lutforcod concreta fixturc is made of porcelain enamelled, steel and is ick. • ■ ih cast Iron ply« r . — and Seal-Kaps easv to keep clean. The switch IS within easy reach . 10 (25) ..feet In ’ FOOD CofFee — •sveraent provide • .■■■• ■ . ■ ■ ■■ . • . • . . > . ■ to the sanitary . and small electric appliances may he plugged into it. . it of forty (Ml . . guard its purity until you Clear and Fragrdnt nt’shiU be made — ' New price $7. No mark up if eold ? '5 ji iKrvlsion of the is made easily in an elec- reel to be award- ■ on terms, ■ $1 down and $i a month .. 1 bidder after, due ' drink it h * 4 & ‘ Inc percolator. Make it at 1 and. in accord- ■ HK'clflcaUona that ' ■ ■ . T—♦ ♦ ♦ ------' ' ■ ■ the uble, to that none of 1 work which ar« of the Borouth ■ M ilk is your cheapest and most complete food. I t carr,ei •he ita fragrance or heat- Is d»-part-of-Uiis- -Newrbamps-Replace-Qld- J o s t.. Al_ Public Service. iwiTend «P««« ■ , . . -T o a s fc - ig a ii^ a i-a awa^^ssIssM^ ^ r^-r.^eptàÉFW drfiìiTitkftipiPvoth iy ■ benéflted’ shall * ^ I law, .. .. ^ ... :. , that create cncrSy and Increase resistance to disease. . Fresh and Hot pnees begin a t. $4 5IJ. le work provided, new Mazda lamps, Mazda in­ 1 twenty- ihousan<$ Y et milk, is the most easily spoiled of all foods.. U ,n^ L .^ . -...side frosted'lamps diffuse clear ; S S 6 ? mount La hereby protected in spotless dairies and bot.l.n« rooms. It-must bo ' light and are restful to the eyes may be made in a few min 1 of meeting aettf guarded until the.verjr moment you drink it. For th.s rea-on, ijr financing the .Buy them by „the „ carton uies if you use an electro 1 temporary seen we have adopted Sfeal-Kap. for our bottles. - - ( - ^ - -tpater'-ft’i'a 'haiidy~«r“ 1« 'ttwetry-iutbori'“' . ■ lamps up to 40 watt» W tltne to the- Seal-Knp rompLYcly covenhe-mouth-of the mtlk-boltle- vaut To have at the taBIc 1 thousand - dollars - $1.38. roTlslona*of Bée* . They protect it from contamination by flies, cats, °i during a meal. A t Public of-1919 of*. New «¡ss term-laden fingers. They arc the most convenient m. k- Service stores toaster pn eet. all bear Interest ix per venu. par hntHe cover No pryinfwith picks or knives. No .plashing ’ begin it $4,50. - iQ not. exceeding 1 the purpoee for- of milk In your clothes. Seal-Kaps can be taken off by a iiave .been carried m In respect 0* twist of the hand. And they make a handy bpttle cover. ie determined by -i, Visit the “ServantleMs House” on Hawthorne Avenue, Mountain View, iJayorand-Coun«-^^ ill take, effect »¿~ ^^rf^onVd^^n-^vv-n-lharofferthis~ -Bound-Brook,-..Learn easier methodt ol home-making- Open daify- nereot,,after final.' •Is venient bottle top (o protect your milk supply. Telephone I Uie cbove U « .T Sv ; for your first bottle tomorro.w morning. , . . II w«« rud «od Every Seal-Kap m L & ic Council of tho : lotting held April 1 United Profit^skarintJ irooncil will. con« r - ' ' j • Lon.-lho.,lit ..day» ■ . TFI-EPHONC 197 > C oupon )SERYIGE «iWTfc-fDoyagh^*- ■■ ---- i----, lunbor, Munlc&ab 1 . S»* soar Snl-Ia* t a f l . I Oorwdod. CRANFORD DMRY Yta cu csdnti tkn peraoux wh» sugt r - i # . » I given an oppor> ‘ August THERMANN.Prop "■..... for ' valoabl» ’ » f t a i u i . at J g thc'oMM. " ; • -aar Uaâad Prawlaw Scisiaa. 18. MeUANUS,

r~i whiiiiM-u.

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B s s g p ”- f . . -"First Crani by till ■h-. ■ ’ Intime mortg mitte« Balance on liberal budget pimene plan ri rOrjOfrtUor lf . prope -p!*v->aA hit rrtfoaf ■in'*«'Mi fM-it >. f( - n ,,l,.tf*a» A.t»a ... fili, o»«., !ft* j&S’rVT«?'/~'/T?!om»«fi'srtx>ur pTesentcarascash...... ar,».tlon f>n io»« 23 of U#< **n>r+4 Iron .wir«. f|„„„ t t.»« S»«ti !Si J'/Tirsminl < l»».W m ">• . • 41,000 M««* Su6»‘C'tfc«r« afi.f I m iiiih i rafor» from l¡'tn'*’i ' f-ol. fJmlb*TfV I'art of tlx« «ipendiur« ««1 a»*»t Ib»« *w»! I» Moifiafi »am- (/ff J is* 'S* »'«'»•a WN the proved champion of New nding ease r—the -Erslane's . SA fptnfi U riti« fa ff,.»«fi1* a' IJn fir^fm«-»' f A'-* /■ - • >h t*» rM*fi r,f m« W«r, N*T7 wtri if i. fa prowidìnc «or»:«« for *0» : HO ptniUnultiy ..41,/W.nv»?* ■ .«t|b*rr!b«.ri its elaaa* * A ftocfc Erckine sprmgbase equals four-fifths its , . T|| Crnnm.f-. It.pirt»!«'« r««**«» *M IMaf. •»* » rtrllrtr ài t i «fri-»».. ■ **,-■* •>/» «*t* fMooflrtrot Oopimtfe* ‘ * MK ...h**»*'t&* p»rt*i*rB&l» ù t U a4 «»>! «HKÜ of It to fin-m nxf.tinat* «»4 a I li.Af fj>ftr,alri> ;» fa (falla d»«atf*iT »*»( l"tm k a ar *.11 -i>«* ' tedas recently traveled a t. betterentire, - wheelbase f. Deep, restful .up-., %r. , 1B !?i* "ITCrTVl 'i : ■ " •• »wnchboM'iii- *a 4 or.«. • 9 z at -40-mile .«peed. the day- 66 EL Itow {464,|WKiWMÍ,. ft «’iflft -«n lb* region*! tnl^phon« iMlnmi.. Tb« pn«c/AiTi r.«IU for the compì*-' tInn of » b«t«»>«fn N«w Vo;k «ml »( falr.ago *q4 of ■a/fttiM) lof.alltJea \y**B payment* «mounting to million*, NEWJERötY BANK RE50URCE5 H1GH- Hi- looks nlir.ld anti lays in his houseliolcf needs in iulvimc«-. of dollar» will .*o to many tluu*andj •»f wurk«r« wf»nfnv>T IN PROPORTION TCLPOPULATION . ^Itl«-;knows- lie - will n m l furl- next:-witnrr so he httysTt - “iTrurtlott ls Win* fftrrleel.on ihtouglj out tb« nation wide network of tele naf*-riil* origin»!«. ' He uses the genuine Koppers SHABOAKI^ COKI1 and, ns it nlways costs lias than hard coaly **»«1« nw iw y. . W c thrifty, lay in your next winter's supply of this, good luel now and hiyc titttnry. • -tib , mercy r* efc* rrte d .ah »he re Mweiid^rti I n‘^itiiäfä,M,.iw£ The reMurettfulowi« ia l Lodi ut iter cwnUi. tiiDflM lo plsers wit) DUUncvteUphone operator« U U ,„or rssorP ■ . ■ . . hietrated by the f*|4ri«Dce of * tier ¡Kothor-la-U* li« M Orsrtllj ¿nan in Alvi. Okla., «ho deelred to -cvsase be bad &sd ad Mm to* r u n i ,DMk' to an" ol4 frtrnd ylwm he i *• •"«P “ tt.t-K.OM , fit,

Rzpi4*. M«lu Suf'* 1tbr w-b »1 he b.idn’t bo*n In-touch* for a gri**t ; DaruHfi'i lit* Work , INVESTMENT r. any year*. Is trying to pul Darwin, tb« ^uimius exis'umlrr of tit 'o-ugh th e call the operator ill»- the theory of evolution, was hitni \n t.-vered that the mas had left tint 1809. Ihe sod of ■ phyairtap of tthrews* SECURITIES jM:Ch*K»IL.£lt2 .Iji 1902. She jr z a hqryT ttngiand. F»««m l|Wt to_1830 b« made bis vi«yuge hum d the world In., tins to Lawrence. Kalis., but ou)y ih« Bearle, on widch be was the out to And that he had lived to Iowa urallst In IS. U he pubiished bis grea' in 1922. He was Anallyvlorcied at «’(irk, •HUigln o f Rpecle»«“ . p u h ^ 790 BROAD STREET tii«‘uwoo«i, la., much to th e pl«'«ui picntty he cluboruted aud defeiideil In- NEWARK ------N . J. uio of hla Oklahoma .trlondi . Jicwry Among these ♦orks wus .<* -|k^m-6-fif of %!»•!»*• I**- -I1«-*. 1 , • . « M D L UNNO. M u t a .ts,¿tMsdssiiiBg contest open. 10 all indi CONVENTIONS TO vuluil». i-wiii'v ju J communities in the Metro- pohtait Aw j cl No»' York t.ity for tlw best GET EXTRA LONG intn«* tm' hstatc. Inter-Community and Irttvs 1 .‘O'osaiv ilass«. Valuable awards ate DISTANCE LINES made in »Jaw. . INVEST IN It ivjxai »atr a just pride m your lawn or J , FIRST MORTGAGES AND Telephone Crews Already on Job K.mhm vTstiiir m 3x1 3UH WORLDS Comped FIRST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Providing St. Louis and tion E ntiv Wanks will be furnished on request. ------Houston. Ckcihls^__ The o n in -« nmclxui.-* flowering plants, vegetable v *"■—‘“■Guaranteed" Princir»al“»n(blntere*tby~-“ .—- "^rTlenT'jirarriU 'iiC—TfOTr~i'rTTO~cT«Tanec-fee,—

BANKERS TITLE AND MORTGAGE In anticipation of the forthcoming and rFv nadp« -s* nil be of recognized standing in GUARANTY COMPANY Republican National Convention at ‘ IMPOniT'ANT PARTS r - '.•tbv-tt tudiifik, .. •»; . • ■ . KunsaH City and the D em ocratic Na in sanitary plumbing, as in life, s i o^Cow a!«' progress of the contest by tell-- ....•■ Capital and Surplu« $250,000 ------'...... tlunul. Convention it. Houston,. Tex ( often played by the Utile tiling». r-T . ^LdtT>hoi»e"'«orkerw,beinim4frHKebfm*ry •mg y*>air Ikvail «N-wsde.ilei to-reserve a copy of XBivi«Uira.,no%i£iKtt»4he:,i>ppuutunliji^io.,t>uy-HFU;rt.'MMtd»ttak,M>iEt A H W iiU — - the'tosk of rearranging ah3;con»' »|Ar« clhticH for cunvonlibn dolegatos. Six dm rnihuiuiii jnd pouluv-utKt I' 'DIRECTORS- u tV " 11r7 u 11iT'Lt.X’iobYi s r Lira!* and HESS BROS. ”will \h «m lo any- adtlirii v*n rnnpl Kansas Lilly wjit bo ready fon.ua« hr 0 cents in stampa Ctrl a copy hr- g’rftmw m i m*4 i.o n tn t Direttori of WMtfUld Dlr««UrV af Cranfard June 1. Otluq* circuits will b e .o p e r Plumbing, Heating, Tinnin* | Tfuit Company ■ Trust Campanr , •y^jicvyou plant youi Spring garden. M- rkak m ■ . Jt8K.m 437) - samckl aumstmonu GEORGE II. HATES utod from /lOinsns Cliy to Wichita, ..•' ...... Telephone 314 " ' j. IIOHKHT A I'AIIIHAIHN -• - ItOlifCKT E.v C1UNU •«,. - ■ Minm'npoHs, Peg Moines, Chicago ami TIIKOPOKR 11 i.rm v iu • HENRY H. HECKMAN - MKDI.KV li V WHJJLVLKY WILLIAM J. MCKKK...... New York, also to Oklahoma Clly, 7 8; Union Avenue . CRANFORD | WasliUtgton and ; Omaha. - > A ' egrrier!' DlrMtan-at Nalisnal '■ - plfMtirt'd fMihi flnk telephony system will bo. placed in - Bin* «I 4 Tn»«t Ca, «I WwllUIS u^4 between St. Lodls and DonTof.; ÎIE0R0.B It. FlU'TCIIRY MALCOLM B. DUTCHKB ' AU1IKKV It, KMITH CilKHTKK B. KELLOGG / In arranging for the Romocratir LLOYU TUOMPHON KOKWKLL h. nicholh Convention in Ilousfou. Qtkxer carrier LEIU1I U. 1‘EAHHALL , WILLIAM II. WKLDON tolophono aystems wllj conuect St LLOYD THOMPSON. President Louts with that'city by way of Little 68 ELM STREET, Westfield, N. J. ■„. : . Telephone Weslfleld tì(K> Hock tandB Texarkana. Thorn wlljl. be glx new circuits lo operation between St. Louis and Houston; Including iho first direct wire circuit betwoen the An Investment two cities which will be 805 m iles in length.- From Houston seventeen ad- dltional-cIrculU.wiU-biistruQg-tuStin AstoniojrAusUnr^limikMirr^aHtttvaL ani-Ualtes. ima :«n adlKtoMlxIccalt 'Wnritkiiwlas tiu proytdoa: to CtilcaSn and in SI. U uIl New Orltiana.. ShrcvHport and New York wUI Alio ___ a y o u k n o w receive additional connections with Houston. ■ j. • —a Six o fL onglife “ TTbuslbu “aSH RSUsOii City will tx«- that you could enamel 7 connected with chain broadcasting sU tio n i whUei thfl 'conrYeiittona tr a in progress, making noceasary a further and Advanced Design a whole bedroom setfo r $320 use of additional telephone circuits to a Succestfut Six trausmlt tho broadcasting program;. -M« «Inaine BvSp ' ^ Judged by even the moat critical O n J, has devfsrdt And la It Is expected that while these two big conventions are In progress, Loug ard*, (he New Seri*» Pontiac but ia - asldamm.it hasshat great funds m enial T ’S a fact—but it’s not the only remarkable Distance telephone calls .will radial« month»—even year*—»head of ita w h ich h as h e m the basis of Pontiac’s I fact about Devoe Mirrolac Enamel...... convoiHlon clty^lo «very field.. It, style U (he height of fiailim o tip w ln t succcn-the greal fuo- state hi tho nation; wlhlle" additional Oseaetaulaf tong lifel press wires will carry hundreds of —achieved with low,graceful,modish F or Mirrolue Enamel is easier to use than line,—emphashed by magnifiociU . you ever imagined an enamel could be. It thousands of words that will bo sent A sa eeedh the PqntUc Six will con* out during tho ncsslons to the news­ new bodlea by FI,her. ■ ..rinssc an awnre cm iicn a ttu lc value ^ s doesn’t “ drag” or leave brush m ark s.,D o tsn ’t- papers of the nation;. ! - • 1 • 'netfd three or fourso»)^ Just tnadcrit-sceiui, SMG&Xl&aZ.U Jtt. w hich rs she. su ra l of the -Indus* _with OtlffJdoSzilTo. produce the most beautiful - G-M-R cylinder heacLtur »moothncM, try. W hen yeas bssy a Pontiac Six you finish possible witb.the least amount.of work GÜARDING SAFETY OF “pawer,',napand«peed;"h-fnrrodUc«»-' -'Inmar-yibai are getting— not o n ly a and expense. . ____: (he cross-flow radiator Into the- low. e a r t h * is n ew aodjiv— but a six so TELEPHONELINEMEH price fielil for'elimlnailon of engtha ' ' adownerd in style and engineering; so' Gome in and -get a color card and let us tell cooling care,. It has every other really fiswrws for hasg life th at itl-frthcrent youmoreaboutit.-——; ,——----- ... •...... — .....:...... j. worthwhile feature that progressiva vslwewd] always besxmsislenlly high I J. F. Naylon, plonser camptfgnsr against, accidents la »the - telephone Z^Ddor Sedan, $74St Coupe, $741t Sport BimftSM.P>fcFlassia.f7FilCdirtofa, 87Vtl ffloor business In New Jersey : Is telling Sedan, pUSlSlmtt t*ndau SrJun. $87*. OuUmolAmAam*»tmmS)U.tt04Stail26Si AUprices factory. Delivered include ~ f * e pmy on the llhermi ■ •Harry-Iloll. a lineman of the^Now.Jar- as prices -r'lT1— i~ * * G s o l r . For Set o •. . ■ ■ CsAerul Mslyrs T im e f t s w q sell ’, Beil Telephone Com pany,to A. C. PIKE HARDW ARE CO., Inc. watch the clasp .af his safety bell lock - Tel. 301 instead of merely listening for thp 12 North Ave. W. CRANFORD ' T S V i


PAINTSr, » IKPTC -— WWALLPAPER A I 1 PA PFR * Schouler Concrete & Construction lo . ? ' « - ’ - “ ' - i - -e

raMifsial- 5!!,> ..* 1 . . :

1928 -TMLCBAMFOBgC^^ THURSDAY. APRIL 26, iffi i ^Tfr~u~*'~^*‘’,i*~’-j" *?'■'•'• a i. 1*L’ÍC¿?i.mrJ •ít.T.-y ■•

w 'ReaÄn^B^twßCR^ I W h f Ë y ç t m t m » Ac $ r twmJI itM’ fMerw. young U»rti U to autaA that 0 * £ 1 Cb* t .,r «ip an« Ituuà a« «ato hura oui H o w t o P I a y Ouïe ** Lot •no-trump «i»K with- * * a vtry ■;< M . ot the n u m lot ihia (ie>t popu- strong hand, end yet lairiy saw « «■“ of the Bo Get lU i Bennett Book fife, Unty in • very a|A and p lc ln i m y : . right euit i. trump. Be on the lookout - recuon oi "No faro* na» *° oi»»y for this type uluke out. - he a îrite ôn hereby re< o f 7 5 H o r n e t aUfadivenet. It 1» a h 'iW y ^ ^ P « T F V S S in the Be ffiBibjaation oi lui k, »k>il aod »nteili* Answer »0 Problem No. » ...... m e t. bringing into play every known ~vanced on H arte — Q. I.} ApVil 29, mortal faculty, and 1» Ihu, |«.iiivcly (Tube —A, 6, 5,4 valuable In mind-training n * m M a pumomll— K, O.'b ing tune mem eecape Irom ennui. Suitable lor Vr* Daw E s tember 30 lour (or even three) or a party “(lour Spsdea — A, 9, S Every li#i* hundred or lour thouiand. it i< «fable standard to the higheat degree. Being a game ol Score. Y-Z game in. end A-B lio n the . ndian of: mrondpihe L dealt, but one no-l rump, ?ich «ill wire is a nartoeraand requiring cooperation end and A doubled. Y paeaed, B b¡dtw® 0 NGW oP. teamwork, it la eocial in, «a eullural club» and Z bid two no-trump what and proce propfirtic« «• w«U »• «ocuble, whites ai C1UUB ■IHJ •• M"S e~ *»—«■«' , far as th< W /K cannot begiata possible fiw ■twuld A M i A ftbould pft*. AJIlMt themme time, the pivoting and keep­ U indicata by hi* bid Oltwo «lub»I» control, k .„ W fiplúa her« «Mr « t a r t e r , lag Pi Individual erorre have plentytrf • e . I _a f . a alnlu reel# wond*fft»Ur »o«c#**fol “ room (orach pUyet’eindtvWuably-It i U t b T M ftt leftM.iour club», but and all r Moncy«iavinn Home whet hr r t Ite hoUiTng I* m rung of wfftlf n " quested u may be pUyed lor^ Sake ol any eiie an unknown quantity. Th*» lack of« Building plan». A Call •ad thtf« provide continuous thrill« for art iifror mat ipn ifttlte weak o«nt«tite of the da! from our rcprc»niafWav Reihy & h sn acc DffL the moat tetnpemuoue gabbler, but, in thls*pi may aave you | 500vio i nf or matory double. The douWerAouki, unlike poker, it is Intererting when therefore, not ftaetaC tuck a bid withoul $9000. Get in touch played (or oneUke and lhui may con­ --Attest; itb him today, tribute year In and y a r mit to the B n i y Strong ktwii.a »■ »mm.—— — - -, Cranford Trust Co. placidity of the.moet lackadataical this caie, A sboutd paa aad await FRAi further action by B, if hey. .U I» “P*0 »Äs« A fnntit uom te -'W^aunpk*POdghdpr*)(c.UP)WfPi^ BT id '«hoir rteMÿ. WtwWtb‘bV »«•h5'' D B etterX I »! Bullt J and altabteTor children, «• eubtletiev N . J and poaeibiUUa abproarh the infinite bidding add ut«1 be does A ahould NORTH TONA WANDA. N. Y. keepquiet. ' tiunpoNk ctABtran u m and tax the capacities of the mnet in­ F tr/tll /ilimMliM t t t ■ tellectual. So true ie thia, that. In epite Anawer-to Problem No. N Jolm G CROCKETT Ac JUDGE ol the Immense popularity ol the game, i. deridi Heart» —8, 6,4 . a n acclde Dickinson Rood. Oaoault your *■■** y**r to - ,w ao man-or woman yet stand» out at —that he • Cliitham. N. J having thoroughly and unquotionablv Club« —9,7- , Phong Chatham 640-W jhiwtcredit.Td>erei»noMWtoluan t o :.>uiinonda.rreAt.Krl, A «....- Nash car «nething yet to la rn about both the padea — A, 0 , JO, 9 of Cranff bidding and the play ol the handa. Mrs. \ inIn ineIn* pracmiuipreceding2 article,bi*»«.»v, attention»*•»——- \ ’ i( . a*. _ *1_a.I_a..ianf. s narta w orth at< Wiicftltodto thetake-outeolftpan • ceptljr at ner'ft no*tnunp bid that • « bated on distribution. Hera ia another fine ex­ - ly of Ro ample of the benefita that accrue when No icore, rubbergme. Il Z dealtand engagem» pnaaed,', and A »Em nataede has Ÿ e a player foUovni thia «yatemt |iùìri&abW"thìrd ^ n f b i d and. U » . . S&ntori llenrta—7 • • • 1 i^Îîh«.ld,‘it'hë?'Y ^oITbld oná - wos foun OuU— lOgS.7.2 diamond.nd thqt il oveiHd,yhowtlie . Boulev&ri , .- Diamonds'-^ A, J, “, y# *. J apadea.Athird hand«HJ* bidlhouldww ■■WP" notbe COVPZ toil, DETROIT ’ an d shgh Spadea— 10,9 made unleayow hold atleart tkroe a ired Var Irkkatrteka. You YOU aferayaalways ahouldannum bo< Wary of h ad the making third hand bids única you are nt least a trick stronger than you would General Millions of know a h need (or a dealer*# bid or one by eecoud hands'll you, don't bid. lourth hand ( /The 1 Heart»— A, 5 prooamyprobably willwin 1pass» then s band,— —to dop—r -t * 8 9 5 * Board ol open the bidding unica you VMTJtty wire that your band U rtitnuabalh to Cabriolet ing $cho uve game II overbid. It le almo» the plans foi No acore, rubbw g a i ^ z and bid urne position a» fourth hand, although m s Knut i Model T Fords one no-trump. A P»-ed*"d Y bjd two third hand doesn't rrauirequlte » much Drt Sfäan tlon of i strength to justify a Ududoee(ourth diamond a, »coring five odd, gkme »no B r o t h e r s coming i nibfaer. I?^e had allowed Z to play the * 9 7 0 the -O ti .Aaawec.M M h n N5 . i 1 _ f a» à Détroit } Counoln Hearts 1— 5, 2 , - -MEW- ~ ’ ning fot Clubs-K.J.Ift.0 The To Djmoads —A.LIO, S a cord- in io;».» -h p u la - S l M M R D the W. i are Haart»-r K, J. 10.0.4 Hora Q.S.Î . . Mystei Club»—4 . auha—Û.J. J. 2 Diamond»— V. (.0 , Z . ed concc -Dümí»d»— 0.A.4.J Spola—A; K M . * — ^of-tho-I Spada— none S ix \ Kenilwo: H art« — A. 9. t been* of Club«— A, 9. Í, 7 . There a —activeX —r-T 1—« : : — service■•■.■■■■ ■ r:—*1 ..y-Mr-r. r— Diamonds— K __m poling HereiiLiheJastest-car under_a thousand_ s p a d e i- a jrrrM ------^ business NS score, r J-ro' game. *Z dalt and bid trick In Z'e hand with the king. Z dollars! • With the fastest acceleration profltabl should now lead the “queen, oi spades cue spade. A oidian hearts, Y bid taro o f The l FOR nearly twenty yean, the Model T Ford led the motor which B must win with the ace, B caa_ any car under a thousand dollars! « partm en spade and il I'** three henna Z bid now lad either a diamood or a spade, three__j»añade»,-A and „Y pwe* «"¿J? lfth e (ortner.-Yahould wiathe_trick And the*-greatest flexibility! And the ,"Vl • Tuesday ■ industry and it »till » u»«d W mor* P*®!4* than m y °*h c r doublei t and A pofw “nJ - James doubled. All pueed »«1 ‘I« with the ten ot diamonds as A ahould automobile. More than eight millioo M odd T Fords are in m xel beuta. Y pUyed the deuce. B the play low. Y should then lead the ace of greatest motor! And the finest four- fined to diamonds, on which Z ahould dheard a - ...... th e moa -active service today— e n indication o f their sturdy worth, club. -Y. should-then-lead A-low; dub wheel brakes!. «_ Biii.lt to supply tre-- - • A t thi which B ahould trump. Now wharever meiidous po wer stifvly and dependably. - -ent-T ea . reliability and economy. B ta ils Z must win the balance ot the plans w trick, or three odd redoubled.'If B Because of the -tremendous investment »hieb people ahould lead a spade at trick niiuZwill to be g: rangemi lead out the trump, and maknasaw a - Jennings Motor Car Company. have in these cars and because so many of them »ill be good, winniag four odd fwfcxibkA . lene A • 4U»-W~ NORTH AVB, --— -. - - WB3TVIELD ~N’ll ''^ T n a n y ’T ' dri'ven fir two, thne, and ev«s five met* r«r». the- Ford . • ■ Tel Westlicld 2342 slon. »■ ..-'A'^uc -Motor Company will continue to make rcplscemena parts Tun© lh on -WEAP for uodge Bros. Radio. Program ..aahadwtowji i Saturda uniil, st Henry F o r d himself says, ,*ihe laj*M odel T «s __ Every Thursday Night 8 to- 8:3&--N -B C riKl ——'by “th e "network. • ^ 1 . rr* “r : Many t off the road.” , . - Last I _ JFot U»e; Ford Motor Company has always beCcvcd that dng wa; A _ Mrs. J< iu full duty consists not only m making a good anTomohOe 'AtSO TH Ï VICI ORTsnr Jiris TO lfl7i*\ND l hf sfnior m i »H7,1 o’«™ ’ “ Passaic ■ moving . 1 . low price, but also in keeping it tunning efficiently foe r • teen gt ybu as long as possible at a minimum of expense. . evening ent .inc No matter where.you live, .therefore, you cm *31 buy and M: _— Mrs—W Model T Ford parts with the same assurance as foroedy, » George et Asb knowing that they will give you the kind of sovke you -Barnhs have a right to expect, and at the same tnM pM tta the bara M binger» -money-you have invested in your car. ■ * aie and es—your home needs „Anuí -V ^AllTòRf rt|áaeem«tf pwtsri b'ïtbsssHtnssscflsft "xtfanC lum-oc of the same materials and in the same way m those fri^n an Exterior- Decorator! It h ■ which your car. was originally assembled, and are low, in . jüTo p ■' Save Yourself—Phone -Ar»d-e«ermr“dteroniann’rrTrawmng? - should^ in Uie price because of the established Ford poBcjr-—...... — .....- be thought o f NOW . . . before our bin) scs'on Eplsco The - Sothatyoum ay^et the' greatest iutfiw nfour Model T tire many advantage of shopping'by phorfe-are not - yM'hyj'Sl a,U _ nia d( ' or M-Vjf/ii'A/ ‘"Ford over the'Iongest period of rime, we suggesc that you fully realized until you’ve tried »hopping at -court» I . ta d lei us, «lim ate a pit that will keep you and i.V . the car to the nearest Ford dealer and hare him c li­ To test it— phone 239— we’ll fill your order RIG H T and your ro“ 9 ins m the I »hide I » this r summer' «. —_ ) : ------. »am- IT J Ugt tr y u*. Outside.Pulley Rope Guides put an end to your mate on the cost of any replacement paeo which may he get it to you WHEN YOU WANT IT. awning trouble*., Sheafy. tbcmL.

..necessary. You may find.that a vrry srnall & ^ m liiuu. L e t ms estimate your needs today ’ Will maintain the value of your car and »rift be the means Av N. LAGGREN AWNING GO. 's i ...o f g iv in g y o u th o u sa n d s o f m i l » o f < J. F, DOREMUS ..Weilfield and Plainfield-:— g ro cer T be "Auwh.’g-ed" Home, is the Distinctive- Home Eutman^St and North Ave. P h o n e Z 39

B. J. EICHÎNGER HsAsKiELDSEN F o r d M o t o r .....C o m p a n y ' llR D ieM SPamOSj lOUBlOI» .. - Painter and Decorator SOUSES PA 15TB , .. . . • . VÄNTRTT1ÖI D etroit, Michigan c u p ri m m U n i i n . ___ _ 3SNORTH AYENUE. EAST^CRANPORD—i---- PslONE " 1 « ■on vu* ______...... (&U Ä ierton 0320 or Emerson H48 " ragù tèi* ¡g¡fk = J ? 9 ^ Uersq-SM — .B laan Avscut, ELŒABITH, N. j

V ef ,'í— “fr-v ^

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‘* ~ ■ iüH t.Tgcra-grtgM a«»i nsw ueuuuutn v m • ä a n »

«Uta t»tar* whh bta M * of Ol BALKS lolita Aimtif UiMtr* nnrlhirMlpH à i« « **'« Senator Wniiam B Mat-kay, of Bor- s a n u m , ! ______M »bl* i*f IMt («tao trenti* Ut* IrntnUvdt *n*l IUi}» DAYLIGHT SAVING , PETITION FILED gvn County, today gave torniai m- « lu mB mci-rni—tU LR -Untai cyy e»»«« M * a vä* pu«* ot i m i v m > o • , T*h lo • (total Uwnr* ««ulbwooIMly *«r PROCLAMATION s The petition cl .Edwrsrd. . H__ o ^snWATER , USERS BEST plwa iWri 1>»«M rrt*Aa»e * tta rtl«d- U M l Nt U U l t t . Dtaek No 4M ilici wlUv u id HU* of Nrw.fcbl.lo l'l*t* Ht* dorBcment to Die candidacy of Hamil­ Mo* «t i b Doutapweel, l>wt»nl N t tundrod im U m frrl lo a *utat, Unni'* awuih '. April 25. 1928. RepubfaewA- i*- t i x e d y -t&pd. pftrtMr«* ir«4iac **. irb d la a i M f c « . «•Morir i>*r»IM ulta «oM Ittriain« ton P Keen, who li seeking the IUin.0 « uitiiutB. »■ ‘Arn»» U m u d Cyanroct«* - * S x t« -TBAIT— *«4i|VXlN£l M -o o ototJ» ^ To the Citizens oí Kenilworth_ L B orough C ousm. i1 There ^ will ^ E R Y E D J T METERS i i a^i—T ltrfmrt—1 H Y* W bo f t W O« vwH tr Tsm- -ttnrTttarsf **nl Affs-r*« ist^ io *-» ih*»tt tioM itnAliott M o 1«**» - Ota toorib VMtarljr llb* df WiB* Aikiu» du H>lnl U m s» i «UtPitlsrta Mita (taftUrl o|th, B>n,. ~~ “—Wheftaa, All inumnpatitlrS'"'«djacenf viiancWi tc 75 oat“rt a JudOMMI „ _ m V* Uni tü f*«4 nerttTtoaNrlv frou ib* nurih «old >i.i« »«t ii»>h X»u1ì l’Ut* alltat) «*rm f»«4 «enau Hr olrtw uT Ihr aUir» «lai«« VT it w BMI Mtatoiv Ita» nf MUI« A rm or »»Uimo* U) to the Borough of Kenilworth knot that two pjemnatiops wul HflcfuniCll EfHpIWCy AlSUrtS *«c4aa W mm ertitod 1 ibtli »i|ow fe m U •t» • «suiti iiiciiir otuibtoMMly »«»ta *»r»U*lI ' ( b in »upiM iiüng tlie ta m iu i» t\ wl subite veaJu«. i lb« MMfUra «Am U> tbe North 4« *fr«M U »taut« W«l IM fr« -UU Misi «Ista tff t»l»wkMi A*«mw üiro* huadrot . . ___ , .. ^ An _,H h.I|ltt..ir \r .. throughout me State (tf New Jersey ! be raaoe. . „ : ’ riittnm iir Of PlVillO Of)lY tjp. of giiaaWtb. N. J., • • . llMtico (Il North 4» d*fT*« tawwi« * •« r**t t., m iti »hl» nt iiroikiiiii rut-* ä„a i Ih .iimH m! t. Kran. Aa.a tk.i.aior m a . f WlfiMUiAV. TRB urti DAT OP S» | m | : thron* -IBI. North 4B «Hrt«o SI »ta litui n»rtt>»*»<«fi? »Ion« «iti aid» of B rook-'hey. in a sta te m e n t h e ímuunI today. .. and tiie Eastern part of our country) * j. J. Dixon has ¡. ***41**1 lor A* 1 j ^* *21? » u* rL aiu n k t uta* Km ! IN f t a to 4b* Korth ooMMly Hin- have established the Daylight Savingl sessor and Jchn £. BirtSef hkew-ae if, . |Qf n u t no vOnJUiliBI arftit a. D.. un. , 4 Isle I I»V0 four, Jiuntlr**! *nt| thlrlorn f«*4 *u i brllnvo hi» w ide ta n e rlrn e c J( ï oVlock ta Uw «flMMM »r aaW « f . •f W*d* A trau»; Md Um«« 1*1 *ta«« Ut# will «.sta ft IMitatan Aronu* »«d tU* puint ,* | OtiBU-r I OCUPVO IUS W1UO rxjiencULC System. ‘ - ucospomsI !«r and-Anihon* _ ------» * BauU III 4kfT*« 9* tatauuo W*M J* (r*t 1 jiaie...?J Hrftaniiw...... : : i ^a. a bunker and.iMihlnetw man. riu^hiu^ SÄ •.: rriMtawi a ta» Tn— Bip et;.Cnalar4*l".Valea Gva tilkf< bf BBUty MNP - ' - • .._ Therefore, I, Oswald Nitschke, Mayor *"*G rtppo for Jusw• re uiuz tnfTfeai*. ^ t The ohflUt rale lyaTdWUf chsrr- " WKl. im;n ,uf lie, . Ï Ï u V.is"isïin ir. ise*. u h . ieee, i m i , Mëtaà taU N« 11*0« ÌJ, »taci " ’ 1 f of. the Borough of 'Kenilworth, by di­ T o r Republican .C « m ty Oommittee.if0p w ater «apply based on plumu* i,.«;, mo.v litad i«et Io Blerh 41 and Lnta MÍ* oí y * DMrtdTtaMl. CrnníMd. S, l tic.*.tit» 4 |t»rl by tieni brorlijl « w » ‘ u ¿ 4 .: h ».,, i wl.t«(,. uat, U5T, u»a14SI -la 1*1«. jit««« (sriosou wbli'h »r* «Ireti («> *w>ir* p»iii • Iheié are IU the Britain of the i Ä- Hlurh- Sl «« Ntan onlOlM. - RRealLim TriUA. Map (tgrgXTtt TBACtí— MGINNIK0 »I • ■ yurrhaer prlr* of- the atavo h»oe*lta«*«l « hereby requesj; that the standard tune cross are'iinoppc.sei hid for thr I>w^ ,*» Jriarr. ^ , titanr* (ti North 4» d*«r*M #1 »tat»«*» I w H ■« i n 43 RtUAir *l>JA UM I 'innimt in cl<>* the wheels of «overli­ ■Urina Lnia *, IC. H. IÏ. U and 14 li fM»; ihrno. 491 *>uü» « »» »tautaa ing tune continue until Sunday, Sep­ for some use more and ..» taw *eM Hlixk I» on n»ap «ilU M . ‘A*ap uf Or*«lM Kaat’ IM f«4 U> Dio north *«*lorlf hn* of IN CHANCERY O fN IW ICBSÍV . moni. tember 30, 1928, at 2 A. M„ when the NOTED AYTHOirs KIN ‘ADDRESSC»! *»ur than the rate indicates MUitwtH,Kliialirtlt. No t. an • in Mr K ran New Jersey will Inno « C O L T S I Water meters, with m o n th ly w»y, Uilii* of an ontar of Utb Cauri uf. standard time of the twenty-fifth me a m in­ al Un rumar turami by Ui* t'l>aio-«t> t»f A»M» Jgfftrj. liuti» ñú’ JiV »iid I a r«T>i4‘M‘liU tiU ‘ in th c 'ä c n a te of these- .ndian of; longitude west from Oreen- , . 1 , ... lurduw Imam-to cover aervlce co»U and al- nu-rMxlloit ut Ihr nurtliwrAMlK. Um* « *»»••• "TtSsri W ïî' « »>-. n* *». ‘ale h tsuf inVt-auav AVaUri Wi M.vm ümied Htuie» wln> will muke un elíoit, Ma* w J- U- D*»#!#*»*»»« Crgnftad. N- l j ? ic h will be resumed. All public offices itriiii«- n u l Ih* northMBtrrly Ita* of TU»»orU» r»-i School,n ,!' r Tuesday 1J<1 --7;«;;nr in tu r running thrtu-r umiJmniMMly **»• •-■ml‘ Vïï.î" í : S ;;;,: U. ' S i a l tu provide tini govcriinii'tit primer» Willi and proceedings of the officials, in so ,a ..i family 1» the fairest method, liurilmiHi-tl)' llnr ut lifta A»mu* H l*rl. U» "Í'lHHT« Tium-»»1IINNIXI >1 • paid r» r»A|ulrv«rt« »iTwr (»tanti ariti a m « « ,j .--npiou-t 3cout& ci Ken i npv ini thè Cnh(|i«',sAlnn¡d ller far as tlie Borough of Kenilworth has mu-'i mi'tered supply the uur pays lor * ialini - Unita« iiurih«Mtrrly ««»I »I rlfM la ta . « l u t h Ir Un* d .s .ÿ S '««. ti'.1 » l ii ¡»r Infor* U»«-.* ents and .guests. : ¡aTOur,.ii(S iM i | the ,ctu*l amount of waU r used. Klua iu :Url«f AfCHur ÍB frr| t»i-* jwta* Ibriu*« u a t tti.H fwl e3utti-w«le-lT frene 11*. stlfr%. 't(. Jutm f.Ur.'*«Ul,fiiUi.im di * control; &h&ll be regulated accordingly ».ulk-*T.Wl) IU>. »?. »***>* l,.lrS .•. ?l',"rí .,|\) I*. taA*ik aa t'itnfraani ag»ta*t yuu. nicipaltttes weri .^sutlkw««i*rlR anti .»Hb Üta ®ìBi 4*1'MW^*Î ; They have in tum « intuì who l.-i and all residents and citizens are re* -T I7 * /¡iitS S tl No on« ">otcr in 100.000 w ill »*- |i«i U» » fuiiiit lu U»« hurUi**M »« «tnirip si«gc matta.tav. lslrli f.. Mimi« »Dil ..l'.MrLHtwJ«i T“ quested to co-operate in the observance James 'Fenimcr? t^oeper. grandson uli »«Iti *itli* ut TiiiMurtli Atwiuf M 1« **»• tifa « 1fr I» Ut.* VVallrr \V Mixm*y l .>iù|iaii). »Hoblern« u m Jro n tlri« .Ui* Ini- M-arlng «Ut* llrrrmtai’f Itti». IM3I. ami the' iii|nous author oi the ^m elT ttn. *<>f Will« Armiti, .ml (li.iii-n ill ùv.irilxl In .»li« lt««l*<*r‘l t'IMrr.. nf Union -tUidy liti’V iunnI; wlio nui wiTutt euch * in thls-proclam atiou. .:. look oVtrr your; plum bing fo r lewkd Irt» ■iiiuimllng »pi>riiilm«t«*ir * same naine. . -• rKUlMA-N.All» . .In n s'Wo »«"in '>"«'> }• J T T i , 0iv \ i \ u ” i »«>ntì‘ lu- Ili-il» «UH »1 ,m<»rig»«*v ««» .l',*«'1 iiiopoMvi u n d diH'ldr w h r lh e r Ute. • . . OSWALD NITSCHKE. >VN«irilAXIr H Kcal IR U f. .f lit III» ni«««- ‘M DBI.INMNU *«• rt i u b lurintawe ku.iWQ ami ‘'The* affair wa* creveivird and ar-* HAMl'Kl, Il TOOI. WtaHIf. (J »Pill* loi .Nu .1, Mhu-h N» ‘ uaitwl a« Lit Ni». - B mi • mlali» map *»(ltM if New' Jerney wunl kmdi letflMluilon ..... ¿.A ttest;------*• — Mayor. . rahK«!" ,:by /Scout - iei»-'W erdrfi AtlV ftrt IH T*hUU. I»rf’*4»pw,,*»l* l-r»nf"T»1. V .J,,o n .iío M«)a.uk«i4wUwuuiU$»Ar4UtUr-.Uwtt^i«mBU»f-J*U.Ua*iiltiitWbi;<- I Kill ' latar In- fi»** guiM~liit*rr*l In aàlU 0li»rf«l«ils were made by Mar* l.luiipl li. I>arr»l*. H ala... .itafmtla'tU if - M u 'cio r» . IT . - • *. jì| ' ’ 110KUUGII BRIEFS |or Os*»ld NlUcit?. J^w A rthur, Jr. |n Cliáiirvr» uf S*« Jerai'i'. Tkt» H l u • «vuH'iUlul tlittt we h a v a - Jueii— :—. . , u ..r n ^ l - m a u u r * «ALS Al'UHHTIH r NAHM. Jûlm Grat o! Monroe Avenue m s In president oî the Hoird <^ Edi>raUon. farla* I» t*»«- »llr«i*d'-l »tiatl p*i*«*ar fu r-aita IM.ren Hlr*r»l) i»ul«llot IN CHANCCftY OK NIW JIRIKV M y rimm! fniMitf fornior Clovcriior *■ August John Stahl and Scout Execu­ AU lin«»* trait*, lut» <»r J**r»fU Hf- lann •Iu«1 at |h* ghwlIT* «UW I« »«* l«*uil ll«uta* moke* ha» lUlt'tl that wn iiwd oruim i .. :;M : Mrs Virginia Plrkerton of Kenil­ - ili«, piiv uf muataih. > J . imi llilHmui Hairy U. ItanilMriu, i»m»lilii*nt. • ' te A W King ami i.rrmta», Irtn« «»»il beta« ta tb* t i N|nh„.hI (uiitirucilon lu à 4 of(Mir»li»il ■( Hur« ugh nf KmlNnmli t»f « »»in an WRUMHUAV, T ill HTH HAY OK-WAV S,-w To,.,-) Di-ffiuUni Hu. Hill, ri«- N»*n« til tlie Henfttr Ht WuHhlUKtoii worth attended a bridge tea given re­ it Niw Jrrair talng in-iivr mown laiii A U 1*3# . . . -J3L ~ | Mut «f Nu» Jrrair talng In-ilor knn«n tabi .tlUüalc^______^______Ltlunk 4ltat^udf(ln(| ^nmwftane of cently at the home of Miss Grace Bow- (Tu« iti n i l I.4Tgn»t«sl on Hwttoit * of th* Matai-it two imT «•* ta Ik* »fWWuoa af_»»Ut u»3» It % li tisi- if a» urdir f #r »i»cl« I» Ina ...... • ' •• BIED «trifiir Mnl »i» < «»Hit y n*« J*ra*y |ia«ngi| »aita« Tuu*| ...... the om toii down Oicrc um! Ihnr oTloriH ly of Roselle Park when the latter# * <•-« j -* i* intuii «a «lint rftiaiti trad of laud »ml 111*011««« K uf l ia i it) lu tlia lliiv* alai* I . r tu r lUUssivl mrt|V ta Hl*" Hitíc* If Uta Hiwimpt nt In k » rliall. Iiftn at |iu\>Hr »rrn|»e In Hi* hl«ta»( uf rrrrn t diile we him* !<»» niinty wind engagement w^j announced < m it Ne» i r*ey «n lb# *#tb day uf H««p «ruai* tal Itie T»»n*hlp pf tranf»r«t In Uir ìhiU «*r Uni.«» «mi HUIr of Nrw Jvraey ; llisl » Al-») lt 19*4 »! |* i «m H h I« «»* jam m eu and loo few t x(s.utt\Lh Santon______fean-Ktuhi____ _JO, a Japanese Peter umqaist. aged 7* died Tliurs- t.ihtar- IMt*B. *» fullQ»a: . ; il H* pr*mla*a li»i*1nafl*r t a u No 4 ' « n*d ferì «f ihr »ral r iit-filiiiim« «1 II»»» Turrupil jn .y*'' ". It -docaii t tak e a n y p u ttlu ilu i i«hilt w as found Monday nyjht dying on the j day at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. o r í «UW «f -L4 7 lh lllork 1?« #l»rlta« »t ,,,a« H«Hi M»r.'"i»i»«w*»l»fll;.hMde *.*• :.BJ#er»ld« t »II Dial e . General Hospital*'; ban-Ktahl does not \k Uipfii-r ûauVfû **»U«i« Kalrflrlti“ A»»T».U* “ iwrt.ty f»ur f îtl minuta» « U »»** l»U««l»rd Atainiv. »alj ta«tpnlii| ihiliil. Win» » H*r m |l>* |ui|h| nr iilai-r nf HegHillliig > Ht lijynj f«-*l tu * tnilirt. U»hi. iturUl ftalT MUsUiilppi flood relief, llin reduction know what struck-liun. ii?i ili'i'i"« H.Hu «t» Ufll minuta» i»f lami uf «u* IlnllingaM'iirllt ; iIi*mi»w avullt .-«•j.||i»g - itaivfrmh . Um pmiiHv*- d*« rHw«1 In ...... *Vitwfl) al ridili »>•«!«* m ru»*»4 A»*nu* ami V Tb* w onaa of the Meun- Tribe ibowft i i.|.aar,.|.aar of(>f mori«««#merligli* h"*”fi»«» tamiitamii. A IlaUtalotHaiiia oi ,g1^tA iMtJli nuii mtl »M*Ritr»l«"lTrT»»- »*«»• t)U«i oi our national. Unfit or kindred nu!>-, iThe ■ VTeachers’ Com m ittee 1 of M1CI . ¿ o c r e f i a Matt’» Diplomacy »«Hi u> » iniluli lh«n-* *uu|h ftirly lw»» a|..»« «alti • lami uf *aM llu1Hii«a»iHtli *0# * above i» ftypicel.-of W*ler ca.rri*;;S »n l‘rt*r Wi rglilitl fu-ordisl in illi* I-»yta*n i( muti* | f»*4- tu an* m ila I» *al«l.I»*4 m#ul|<»urU lana. Jlocfii.... f .. • • ' - ... ■ - Board of Education met at .U»'.Hu«:| Luc„,u . jldiL' kb* Wf*d| » form cottBlriee je"bere eoAtumer» Iteve-to o ». ...:«l#t«*»ï'0ffl»-r I» Hu»k »;R- u» 'i M í' «VV»»» «*«»if 1»"' ^ Him/1* . W Nlrflr |*4r»Ufl -*Hh ..Mid . V I 1? . « '‘WUlrKotem r«?c«i»ily called lhe ik*«'« • ; lng School on' Monday evening and; laid tht , nlIa l,TerT sodetj In |rbllsde». (l'lrUfce..» |iagf' aaa. »nil ouvrrl'»«. H»C JiHow.':1 -Iitiirtlf*«| ulnHy TI»*.*«*«» T i ll i» t V W 'f . Nurtli- Avi'mi* ami almiii a*W .l»itH-. nf aaiq ■lore the* turn a: f»wcet lo (Utamv ■* i'i-b Hlii-'fll*-«! iiftmli«*.' 1|>I* *■ 'flu« ii-ilf.iTHiJ U*r‘ #3l f«*4 ta Ht*. ii«rt.M.ta#Mwlr H.*lh»s«wurU». Ä« fuvl n»orv ur lat* in U» a te n h b crave o f - t h e vjUid.“ • ? plans for next year. phla In 1833 and aho aooo afterward va*t m ppliu of cold or hot wo’ci. I .«» i-li'k I"*» vH-tion ». m*p of N*tv UitHg* \*e '*•« Viti«*»' A ««-ion«41 Uirnta *"»iH» fufty-nlt'«- p*,t.i|» |.Huk uf III*' Italinay III**' ; .Hi*m>< IHM M.-grvl* aUiivn «1«) «»tatul«i w «l *»««*»[, "Ill« ih o u tfh t won nof- a b a d on e in K nut Gcores lias signilled his in ten - (bQmIej th e Fem ale A ntl Slavary so- ■water la c*rnecl m fourdt^or goa!*»*isi l^»> minuinHiig •l'|ir«'iim«lvl>.H.Ii‘! . . amifliarly almi« • aaUI tank- of aa|tl rln f H * HAMHKI. II. TfHlL, Mtaflff w>vr» »ini nln*»f •■*«♦»» u»ir lMmiif*dH»* («T »r Ultil tn»w «•* furm*rl) <»C krnyun M*Mlra i view of mine «’plwMen of* recent Uat1»’ tlon of running lor councilman at thel c|et_ took anractlra part la.tbs af seeks. - IKWITT I'l.ltUHH A TAU.K\,H«»lr« '•o-! *l*i 'g **iil I ul"1» At*fi»i* I**, • •lkalniii-i' uf III!) f*<-4 aiiuHiuilv al rl«ti| ap|i* op* 4tM I .„.Itti litan* Mill- nl.m g^ld,«''*« within Uio Hnnate chamber. :. coming elections. He nill.be backed by I 0f these societies. When a New )V*a U *.:i KMhVV ■ fruì»' li<* tail .i-mira» •il»mtal. (taura pa»l wuilU furi» »•»* (<•» ik«np« ■fJj'K J- i>r!v nmHi*a*t«ri)r ami »I all iMiln.la illataut “I am not for Mr. Mtokon bocaunc I the Xiuzens .tcague. ttnd,'-y<111 Tork aaii-slavuT m M j aesstas.was i.l l mlnul.^ » n i •«.« 11.' *«1 loo V KrVtv: ]*« Jv*l kmitliM tar #4 -n«»»| •■»»dM >41Ì>-llÌKV"K- HALK'^ Ih rli»ur«ry ■.!»#» Jvlw*.- • l'il ■•lliirty ìiiiir.’-JMi*'h»HKlf«‘n*,< •(13T»rf4J if» i>e!lev0 North- Jerwsy 1»' entitled to t r «™ .: / Councilman Ed. Hollman who ls jrun-| .J.h|r„.;nil,j3efct.,JoSfly.,«f„1.0t; ot frinii Hi# acrulvil. iiHira* ai|«l (UU Im i auiiHt- SIBEE J« rutti atsta i.(T«;taUllU Wto* ,M,*Virì*r«I ■ta4fSffK^-lBt “'rttbt.v*ndtar4M'..lft**-^J»!HU-vHia .pi'iytentallon,'... - ■ . .^...... «lu»g « I l *f|“ Vf lUvural»« W W 11* ’ nlng lor 'rc-iilfttlon -- - , J n^ekeib were rvagbly handled- Per «H »^ f ttt r|í|h4Í(t4 ioriy i,lf„ «ffur *•1 anrnot KirTfcfcr ^rtliitkhuyflwii ^ ■ ' The local TCBe oFIJeif IIurvftBhotd j -¿Jtvih* tfiafiiaoy' o rth r women-wen «tiw-itiUiaaid-Air^aicJa-añj. Und nu0..iit iiiklin ta Hi* tiiaiam1* im*f* ta - l*«a u cauw Tiff'hafl lino clwnio ltnd-.lalled to a card-party on Saturday evening in ^ngj. ji,«. Uott sgld to her escort, ^ Hr «trlu^ «if III*. »U»)*-»m*»| *rH flf •atri- aiti* nf» Kur*a| Aimno. tliF.iir« / »"»Hi ____ « IM L K t-ll to o l. 2*n*iHf do anythin« which domiuidcd ro-Hcc- the W- O. W. Hall. ‘ I »Won't thee look after some of Uie Belief Based-on Tendency ...T o I r imi']!*- i*nilu«-. «1 Hi* ilH*rlftV 0Wc*n f ITS^j A I.IUIMH, .Hul't». Ii,i, fi-Ki in |iu< i*ikiil ami lilao« i>f liKulNN Linn from the voter«, wlio, after, all, are litui»* In. Ih* eli» nf BH»«talli. S I , on 1 ■:i»r a i r Ad», fw* II! Il ' Mysterious reports are being rumor- others?" w ard Higher Fares Justl- INIJ )u«r|iii-f *hi(li « Blrlii uf l*nH almi* aii •he b«'«t Jud«ca. » . •• . ' • - • WRDNKHDAV, THR >*» DA\ HK - a.lla.*ul l*. ««IH tank *f a»|.| rl.*r ...... ed concerning tlte annual presentation! -tjm . wntt will take ear» of youT • MAY, A. » . IMI» • _ , “Mr» Feickert i» wltliout tlio llewvc ____ fled By Co,terServ.co _ i|fKilDE H HALB I» ( tam-«» «f irî*f.l .» ita mii iti la* '.««Ul 1*1111 nf «allí i imkllii i— iot-th». Uons-ClubiJt. U»-JBa8rite-*BgLfc».g>k« Hi*- — r**7; KenUworth but to date nothing hasl -^.¡¡¡^ mao." laylag her band on the All H'»( i,fH«H! irm i «r |i»ri-*f «f. from ull vinnwiHiinu. ... __i Cuod tion» m the -local iran«>ort*r ( ,, t pi * l H .ifm ü at;1 1 ..„»«Ir.yl JUUktat-.ilUui. « u Ij jteit ..(jT Jt-Xl» LU-.1.-!. been offered to the waiting public. I m of OB^ of th*-«m*ba«-of the 'sâitr'«tnÎJ '‘'ÏK-1»nd^^ ta'lli* 1^-«vt‘rn,f,*'.ta-«iil .^*1 " T in nuTiiifi iiW-dA butaneiw tn e n In'" r** T l There was no speaker at the regular mob -He will see me safely through." tlon field throughout th^ L'nited *t|iini*;:'iviìig »»il tal»« Ill* N*rn (¡f tlrrl I1„M Wf- (|,1 llWMlj' til irti'l In V«U| k' mIIhiiMIi (li Hl* i’tmiHy 0f I 'Hin* »»'I MUI* 'N, ln«. Hl m« »IHM-il I «»'«H '»("••S ff,t *)* A»>llllV d.-ll »Uli |li< fid...... %»*) n»rr *«lil iI ip Kovcinmenl.. Kean..lower» .above- » o ^ o th e t with respectful State* improved during the 1n*t year, ..f Nt'W Jpf*P). . . - _ !.v al H.» Hli-rliT*« »fti«* («I Hi« — ui~^T.‘"Ulil| iirn»gnaff'l *»«i>»lmi-T«n (10* laiili un» n r fmHlctly «1 M"1 »►*'*»'• k (»."'«• -ho mhor Heniitoilal cundidut«*» in this business arrangements but a '-irnttuaBy »ccurtiimr to a rej>ort of vho Nrw-Jcr«- m.Tta' 'H fpn I-I(r *!»' Rlif*i«.»»»i « ...... nrV-rt«~-‘------‘~i—-----*---- -1 manner, took her to a. placa of safely. - 1 i»t> Ma» lif Nf» (iraní*. I »»»»• (»unir. Nt-w «H i-«uid theruiure 1 u.m-lor lnrn. *t*y Tublic Utility Information Com« 1\ RHNHUHAI - THR HA> OK »tili • of lauti I piftl in iifc*«i fruiii- Ki«a»u* profitable time was had by iUl. —Kansas CUy htar. Veri-Ï a»U n|nl Hi H.*“ »mt-# of Uir ItaRl-tar. • MAV A 0 . I»'*#. . -... Aiutili to |<| .Miiàalck lUlml May I, I'M» The KenUworth Volunteer Fire De mittee- The industry, represcntlnK » I hIuü Ctiiiiity: u» H»« HiHlr-Rf«* »tay uf.J»n ■ I law ■*'«i«'h i" Ht* «ftariufOM uf »»W U*K' i.»• liuiHlrMj »»«I (!fir®*#. ta# lllmlluM H»»l»« Tlmrl , • . IlHi'up-Ui* flrai al-un- iHa-rHuii 1" )lu­ Pfopatld OldlMHM 90 All tr«.S or |.»..„l ..ru n d » n..d |.rr.il»n; tata tu H.*- ridili.uf »•) «f * »iifKrs M«l-i Tuesday evening. I Cltut€M.of villainy etectrif railway car* and 0000 pas­ u.g pati o f. lui Tlilrty »ft* dl> «»d I'»/.'-,?! aLl„*l<* ' !» Ih» alili tal»« 1» H'* r»»iLilii|i l-itlr- u* •IfitP nt'it Ut Hip oiunU fl-alllY •>) Li.-XU it,..« il j,a ili* tnl»»lHHi - James ArthOT, -3rt.''ha3 -b«P 'Coiv-4-:-y inaj&y U.m rt* tf tnt,r -tto*--«n>tnl.l*- •*'«g|ix rT^~ini*e»s-'"*n4*H?»-.--u pon.—lO^d -rWltA- S “ S Ä E rÆî"'fieï%.’ "V i..ít'.-rr.M ' -> iTiiIlltj -nf I i «I HUU- f» si ,„•1 I l,t,U. •I) ■ M- ■ in --n * ma ti"« I" .H>*' Uurik a*-»*f a» tnt'f«reilini nf Ita NnrtliWMtrrh •!*!* ■*» min A ¿‘ OlllHNAM K Hun« Ui*. »uii»(i*ii»»ll|H» the measles...... holds tip his slctlms at the point of a its nlTairs. P i»„-f,e aitHitiiiOiik »*prö«nn»t#ly *«.3«. K* atinan lata a«rtia# «ani pmiilar», ailil .*»f II"- ««*'•«*# Hl/n-t »Hit Hìi* Nnrtlpa«trfl» »Hl* «-f ..f IPp' finir Intuì a Hi Ui4- **‘.i4H lu _*uUr III* ■if Hi*> i >i|Utluf tf'M» Aia ai'ir. «lui H»»i A t the Tegular moctlpg-TiI-the Pat-j The sutesmaii aialsblyi acctuu The Jure tuulwcy has lie.n^u nwyrd 1 i l _bAMLEL H T(»«I K»‘«ÜL - — TITMlir «A-a—J— w- -enl-Teacher Associatlun. ou April 1'Jrl p4i^;M hi. Tlllsioy with s l‘.,ir.Vn In recognition of good serviré, tne ns. H tin\? y:vv\rrr*“v* ...... Aili-ft-n fi Ud ThJ/l* jiiHnilin Ka*t IN.. I"** ;ta K. 1 alun« ««ta "Slid ata* Dia li* ^»Mlynv * «» Mf«-ac.» t b ■ u V - i- Hi i If-»* am! Xnuî!r w ' SI !ii“ 4iif*rw.t-li(rta!iwr«(mf-n»4gt' làll Kitiii» /»ili. >. J i U H"- i'ÎW* i» l»i(-lh t"-»1 plans were laid for an entertainment 1 spprpprlhtloo, or with, s axr llonai average being eight cents. ••f I i •>*» aita a an-auta *11111«»«# uf Ifl.OQfl u* N, Ui« »Hl I»: «»intuii l.ita Htlji'tiu-J^nni f. f\ «mi Hu.»'** Itn-ta* t!!»' .1"» .4» hi#, H« la li a. . to be given at the May meeting. An- WUch causes more deaths In a elt.tle Som e 2 1 5 majur electric railway proPe., m f«i *t (y^.(Uie-Ttfe. Ju4- -Ì)WEtaEsL-yU q.._- “ ^TûlliHîfÔ^C^ • —• . . ™îr^^"u^îV(m-!'l ''"i'»" If»s-^ MaVur «U m i ó F ertiei in the United States have a HUKtUKK'H HALB *ln ( h»uc*T|r lat> uf VU»» 1^4». 4»»* l*rw"»U "f ItaMruV1 USUHV h IIK^HUHjiH -,f’Hi«-' H t|| enpltB u, ,|ualny more or less ten cent cash fare. This group rep­ IP,,.- f-Aim.lalnaiiL anj. lUrry *1 Hiurlu» A lla)ta»i (í»iiH d!. R ^ *. y .i-- f"T T üil'lîur iT,mprM»«tlun fuf »Ul*1 »Hrt ------— *-■ Cjo * *—«**— 14! -m any“novelties-uv-nuire- tor ..llie-.occar.l wni, jt ^-,r»»y,..-int»t*ke. Hoee«l> resents targe...majority of. th* iitfcutumí txs* fvr mi* d—rléfri'.f s J ami fital in (tin (»T lïi" R*b7#4#k s i o n . . - : ,i, . I would b* easier and- P«J belter .la nation’s mileage. . ■ . ,a*i(ÿ vifiu* irf |h* »l)«f* «tatal Nf,l f* aald Cnta'I) vf IhilM'i, Mdle-DU», Iklk.t M*#floo ni-- « - Thal. Ita ♦•»imiiPiiaallmi fur. ihr ll.if A Twenty-nine small properties aban* laa^lu m* (HroeHni I lh»H *4|H*J* fur »»I* ta ill ta, l fur4) I tir' ifkir**. UHM), min** •• ■ IXKCUTOR-jl BITfLCOHNT «, A«ir«U|i ai.«H- U : «li amili« I «ta«** «f. - ...... r ^ ------A-successful card party -was-held Jastl vr».have a« »lt» «Vai IS 44' »V Vi » »lim» « t a MMiU.uaM.Hj -I Vfrtir* IB-hartal*-*i***if«»ai -«»• ».Hit l. Saturday evening in the W. O. W. Hall | ^ rtd of ^ old bartarian's notion Un* ¿na liiiuUnd am! h»«H).a*(rHi t a t «U Ilia aultwrltaf, KV-.-uiuf «f ih* a«»l«t* M-c A Tlial ail ttlfPT Onlltiatirr**- was only 383, or an average of thir- |r|lWRHNkHHAr. THR »TH DAT OK *d«aM~Jr^autalu*w-ta««a#-4^*Ut-L*.^««U(ita- -4l»»-a»*-4»**orl**l f.rf H> r I TliU Oflloali' Many beautiful prints were awarded. | bIld ( rish, u uke IL—E- IV •t nói------oVlHTk Míwr-ni"...»m”or»r.r-.iir|-^J tn m# ao«T»H*m. «. p-r,jw «IH»«IH» aaio aald aw*»ita m«*f Mûri Htr*#t .,7«t> T#7 **» i.uàr) 1,191». llenó, Ntvojla, with half s doten cars, a n tl.m .'i.l'in Ita UrH*»y» jf KHANKI.IN N, WITTV. Last Saturday eveplng a houseaarm- H ,B ii^h ly . ll»»>ll#lil H»»li»g Tlm#l,. ; t 4 .,* « Iliumiital and ii4iirt*«i f«*».Uif** H11”'* r-minir «f Untan •« Woln*^l»ir. Ibt Tnd ■ -. "'"'W and Helens, Montana, with .about .a AH Uuau. iraru ur (.»reta# of lami I u ,«| alti* «f Kaatman HUwí:• aita lli*ur* [il M«r<»u|h Ll*fk. i t dng was h-id at the home of-Mri and* a ; «f, kl»9 M «. •Almi Ai-fll íl, Íill4- doten cars, were reprtsertatiys of |,a(ita M»rd» - I T 199*- Mrs. John Arthur at 25th street and _ . . . . ¡ r .  ï s a -u;ó ^ * " 5 1 BINIJIIAM, Passaic avenue 6ft the ocettsioft of their | Pouf OM ftcflcciara ffiTÄ.:*g0hrtarr- frt)"rl(iE ' d r : A I0H T«V : ANtrT-rhl.UAhY- ’ ® ira» abandoned, f'°* Dl,,or » » %à r ,r t >A H . ELKCTI0N ...... , moving inw their new home. Ntn(?T| : -jB an Iron case, concealed behind |.m .„.n l'lr. Ui. pim u...... I ori—-« r "t«n guests'Werc prebcnt and-a large I a wtlL ^ orsk of tba two great tele­ IDRROOATR'R NOTICI 4n Art Hi ktgilUt# MmUoiiI» *'• lasri,."- j.aiwtl Ma/'Mli. I9tv,.»n4 «'»irmlfimiia — T evening was had by all. Those pres- [ reOectoas with a 4-foot «torture, Two Claate* oi Stara . i|#ari>*a r>» mUHU'» W iirP1» fr¿[„^,nac*r^ .I ifi.rruia m»a, ; , ; KHTAT* o r KARL R RU RN; »1» knaeh »• \7f(l, 49 ckgr**» (li |ulnui*a R»»4 ,/• f#H. n«r tPf 4uiuvnH>i| .. H I,29* (ri - nnllr* U li*r«lt> «Inni UiBl tt»# ent included Mrs. James Arthur. Mr. conjUucted is> years ago by Sir n il- Aatronumeni divide »tara lato tw t o o l; Mn*ri0' hlHTIlKT- HUAHH 4>r KKulHrilV thnr#Ä |S|-««»III(kfv¿»lh 40 U--||r*r«arpr.fa a AB» 44^Lniia!;%huhmi*. «--» * .. •. «XMI*w *»l RL >i - W i - rïfMÏtir!» ofilor of V™/** ” -ANI) r.l.r.(TION - and Mrs. James Arthur. Jr.. Mr. and |Iam ,Itn!tteL tbe famous aatn.o«iner. io? f«» I» h'* i»«MH R‘«f«#rlr II»* uf , « uwahii svul.r, w i Hur/r*al* of Ita frollili» «f Untan, fnata «n Ui» Im - Risata and dwartk r# » l u w ... wm! fi.| III# Huruugit uf Kfi»litro»Hi' 4 S a ,“ ,...*! »«a in»»## ih fi* «ui a a: . . tw*iit»'a#rmid Uaf «f Maftl* A< IL. I9t»» *i|^A» - Mrs—william M Arthur. Mr and Mrs I {or bl(jM taot asironotnlcal telescoj* « lirgftiMI- M- H.lmilKa._Wl»L-Al_if*i—M » - . ■ — U^.-a(i(iUc*ll»n ..uf. ..Ui*. ..iMiitafnta- •»."“•î": ,ii"#4 III Hi# 'l'Ucn tarrhi»fu»f *l*Bl|i.*ta I •> ■ George McKenzie, the Misses Margar- ^ dorioa alteraUons to lalritur üf Ül# *9UU. «f <■>' . d.rn*»a»*9 L.«ï .f-* - .... . TI'RHUAV ¿"MAY »5; 1914' . uf l>K(,1NMSli ---. .« itliwk Nh 4B1.I ïHKHIKK'H HALB -Ir, i**11 111* liuufa uf 7 A M . et Asbui^Helenc. Austin. Uauswin«— -friiitase .¿jHfinfg-Uinrtiwrva- Il tarata «l**n Ut il»* ««»tur« *f f#]«» ■*; A Unsi! !I A,^I I* Barnhart. Kathleen Brown, and uar-i - booi# Bt sjcaJ.h, Eogl»ndu Mi agallili ••r affirmation Huir íUta» «iiH ta»»««-*« *| V iit* l" n in i III rrebUtlna Iin.llhe^ ..UT* ‘•"ai OMI-TRAIT lirOI'M'O nt . P’!”1 X,,""r*,L--,rt* ï *iî. ï a S S u p S Hi* *ataj* nf olUiln al« nmuiilliK - bora McKenzle, an(l..Iies»rs..he,J. wiulairs llerachei dejobed bis life t< EMPIRE HI ta i«J tnmlm Un« ■ . I,ril»»«fy . RtatluH. fu*' from 111* 4»4# oí* »»Id iildarw.«»f r «"'f *a full«*' blnger. Fred.McKenxle^Joseph McK? °''| -tj1.,tonstructlon acd ose ol reilertln* /uV li . ( Ur. nbn“ . « . . S « I« - írír*TTf* V»rt5 ff«n ^«•«mUiig.oc-íacolWluA o u„! isuim rJL’- .Ä '.r& ris J.îlî. «rK K T MMKM'IMI. TÌriH.-iiu.MiÀT r-Wiartff’» «mea |Q . . . . U i . '»rtii-n. tU : . ale and Nelson Mcrgolt. I telrscooes for sslnoioniy.' and - lire ■ÂJu II»« “ïï'ïJ ir a .r^ lw » “■«'< S JS’aTuì. fi»*7î^ï « «lw ' it««f HU!** Hcnalnr. Anthony Hirzl, local dry goods mer-| • |Min.ii»eii a«« mpMU Thn EMI'IIIE l'LAVIItS I T » '« ...... •“W-J1 ..*XSL ° .t.^ )? l,Æ 7 |irw ‘uthl ( mul H« . . AdB!»!lH*l*!______t . l £ ” aVfHï tÎ*îmEîï!»*,r«n'4l » V|.r tUl-liItiî'iiJîtQJWfOTKBBS SP V i1**» "4fj^»i4>d»f; • aal« >1 lum on Saturday. April 38th. • ;l -M Ch he sccoaplisbed by tbelr aid "u------a ta ." " -4 U iVC.i^í\riain# aita ? •«*»«» Mi**** ti»* artti»il«nal «i*ry «f » *^»0<1 *««««» ’•l,u N u r K*«»-lf.9» ,- *•-••• ■. V , .■ ' K*uu».n.-ai¿ Nallnu'-tl •>-*»«• It has been bruited about that al . roo!» of Und Uta : 1. «„f, o, mm* tUtac A «M*»t e«at in a gr*»l pl»r. f i ’lSTu'S? Jl»* U "*£| '“M T O n ,-.------«f UI TCVffT Jl-I-«-! -T m '-rbimib" weddlng-HUU»-SMSfehr — _ , irtm SURBO0ATi;S NOTICE ^Îdelrgalfal-U flff *"*» * oUs-tu^-r* al J«'»» _ JA .jvüSfi si « : In the near future In the Methodist! Lwd First C r a x d e B U T k C tt9 V U i'< C A n aJ# *• KMTATK or KLMIX Ja KÜMBI/R, iiriri'H-ratlr N-aHunal 4,uOi*M «**» . a . ■ lÿjgBI ! ,lrt.,.u . ¿n.i:s nllWMW ¡Ul'.M.«» «»•-; -, Episcopal Church. „ . I l’eter the IlemiL .tb* fa««.«» Mal». -MB«.. T#m.. T M «. Rat -. tawr*u»iH «o Hi* tfftaf «f i ««torga H. JotaMW». J MurrogaU «f tiM Couutr of Uwtort. » « ta ^ n th* f%Èü 1 The members of the Park A. C. ten-l reacher tbs crusades, »»f » nn.uk fin ir affimi da« of Marcii A, li,, 19SIL u{h«< ivy*v- i. 1 Jiu frW -ÏE K iÆ L.^lftRi-» rrK 1i‘J;,Iîi.ùLMïï:Uhl?^. ' ? ,îwSrtrt-wii'» ï -alWhiK H«"U;*» * " "nls'Club-were out Baturday-rolung tael Atnieew^l* canh er^ero F n .w ÍS .* írff ut*7t»uuj-r courts In-prepontUon Jor^me~eamliW|-_. - ^ ^ ihd of tbeTatreniti I« h m lif |lT*n lo th» ciadiior» »of «aj*» -*i*- — M è&TÏ . &___ __ l a s iIi 1T namfig I . _ - __ •,» ».t>. m •aìrrt w -"stili44 ■ •(ta-.iiilultaf WtariLj*»Ui season. The roster now boasts 12 names . fca roaJed .« w c Europe by bln fir^afflrrnBtiun 4h#ir data» and tas a » ^» «jufj1.*1 " î inMuSM?f*r HU (i#r«ri«i AR.'mT.T'rruu. Ita • as follows: Allen Arthur. James Ar-I Tt|iemin[ ^ eiogoem m liols of th. nia Miai* of aaid dw,vUl4 wlihla ili sonth» .^Jri, _J<*n l-to*gulU«s-hes«*4JJfaib^Chrfkllanja RVmlíiuir» W -! #f tta,«UgUUr nf U«JJJ l'T i* í~ uX i»— * ...... M- rnioii» «f. Unta). . thur, William Bkxier, PraseiTBrown.j u* Uoiy land by the Mohaoi L \. ^ i Uäarin A Urtwi. Joines*Cordner, ,Pred McKenae, J<»-l n|rUn^ n , led a cn»»ds of t.sntlly WMk B«f. Tbi> Nl»k* . ' AdsieUüator eph McKenzie, John, Meigott, .«eison (aJarf, % M of .whom per • Vtflfrtil Yuuouni J'r.t»#tiU ^ T R ® r - y * . Ht^rriMt«!» M-» Cf*«ffl»d. S- L ,-'ai_ an|j ^oinie.prtor. Tael Bortli*#M| "QrKïVTK H«ÍTf|“ ^HABb*R fWCFbL nvittï»r|H U t-rlin>T(UlrlM n>U J(loramtue, ñ S ^ ? ‘ü i .S ^ 1 S, o * - - her home by the mumps._ . K , UaT,*hear Uegt wbertbe dled le BK2lrt.*lEwSï S m. Or*h«.-.C«-r! MATINKRH WoiiMiarlay »luytalurtay sb, difWHl' •r Uw Cawiiy of «au», «wdoiaq .Uw fouiü. Mrs. William Baxter of Onion. Is vu. | “ ..... Sa»™ j £ u A O . Itti, upon Uw npplU-Alkpo ftlng at the home of her slslter, Mrs. I U15. WMk Hay Ttl, **»* » ta f « t» C r « M ^ grit of »ort ‘•fl':.®*r i 'i à ; ’‘Sëw ü g sM -, •• ¡UtolalMrsIrli » ^ l o M iaina 6fOf th»Uw Kenn * " í r " " ' ^ t f ú „ í ‘'ífn,'h.1 “liSírd..«! William M . A rth u r, of lf«w »ifc.,a»° ” H -.- : ------CVCRV *ÜN. CON-T. VAÜD. Jta. »•», » • fM'i\rZ rSc^ , oiuen Ir t»r.W l >«> .„,1 u,. pollina H*-'* " Bet your time pieces back-onh^hourj (/m isn n l HOmor ruM Ä ’i Ä Ä siWfc*- ÂKÎi"r«mT . - • " • •• . fioroulli .tlark. ! ~8undayiJ-Tlnm;eha4»?SL.f™Hi^.,^ 4 _ ,itath » B Baniert bad U^ . EXECUTOR'S éCTTLCHENT  - « â « M o f u S . ^»iwffr-ttatatíwr.y n untr.ftt e J ü w d wHlalw iard“ to -nayllght Saving" Tim* a r r 'TVa«ini„a ¿»Sifft*n*d - to’»1»- ^ s - ’WWtarttattr~»y< i KNit»r' Uu*f>^’l(»»rtU'R0UÍ!«woOf- SuwrdM^OC -JtttM -A ggJ1 l*1 V<^M*S o, rKOrwUSTlUïlw^^^^ E3U V. Bulling, d«*á*«l. .will »* , _ und and Be was a nhllaothropls«. Twice ood fUtnl ta tíw Borro«»l*. »nd r*porkd tur l,n rm tract, -P*cir,'L \V Af«»‘V deaerlbeda alt* ‘ iAdadatatraidJ^ r ■ _ T oo T ra o l •rtUemnH . t a ,tí«o OrpMJi.a. -Court ..« r *»» Counir o f,tTotoo, oa W*doe»d»9. ine *n^ twagh and the class lsugbs with Reason Enough If ’^ ‘I!cs ,h, pe^Je of the dU d ar of M af MtL • _ i d na: a to& stÄ ?ii '‘t i ï ü j s s » u u « »the reason^you hare two. ears and l* ^ “\ ^ „veiled a rtatoe o fifr .. ouad Xifd) If, IM- i t u a X. binubam. t ^ l » “ T T ^ > becsoso CM, H-J H* “ I  M Π^ 'S S rL aaytMag wUb jom * — *«• 1M neratife»«* ------• • ------

/«HaU. -'^és^^rcsTì' ..A* r

l i T 1 ~ _ f-mriTr'nrnifnfir-nriii-rn-i i«f!i~i „ . life of K a if* .. „„ , ~ffl|¡j-(-tÍT , r ...... I .— MUM# IN VITEHIOH3 . . * ’ T lbs - :*^.i - Wt-Ä ' ■ ark last 'buigcr.. lh«n" ili*.** 7«** * " , j ‘ • JohnW .H ein»& Son. „ -™ ^JlASlLAllllW ro^HOW aad went. TIm- i heealStodenUlo be Gueett « **• furtarr m ** Id th# '«ttrr ' Universi; of Pennsylvania ANOTHER EATON ea aU tel M «aitai Comedy io ■- ■ . . New York City . . .. -EfiálEslateMálBsiiraüea kSi&dM« tA1SMnnawiig.mw»r«a«|i»3yg~p^.. 4Mb ANNUAL 1‘KODt'CTlON fip IHTOMI MOTO» TM IOUt SPRRAU ...... 1 Eerth Aea. («FS- OMtìmo) The U im rriil/ o( l-,nii(ii*lvunia , O r tite d Club o l Nrw York (."y, M» .»> ■ t «l m viled studflit» of thr loidl ______. T h e - M U ^ e v e l ^ ^ o " t...... ______: Sthoôl to 'b r »l»~gür*i* *1 ThT.wn- .. .-PURE— DFi-lGiO.LS itl- ■-£ ' {ruitSi* •nnu»l production o( fhc M*w aw® Wig Club of the lnivm itr o» Ftujisylvam», to be. ijr««t.u.i».d - the resuh of ^ * « * m ° d ' urday aflemooH #nd pvcmng, Apni extracts, sugars and real sa i . . ¿8lh, K the MftropoliUu Upera n o r t h s i d e llouie, New York < «*7 __ 1 The name of the performante■ tM* SOFTENS ' •?. .riS L g T* ^ » r w g r ^ r . heatrl^ 50^1-50-: -yy^r-TT-^F^rantHU1. Ami-an-TTf-tt**» O U! 1I3Q R S . ; . • - . ■ ■ : * # ■ 1 |— • Six föom liöUiK tteam parti are taken by undrrKraiItr*»<«'* , ------1 l hhe e NewNew-York.petiorjjiimcs -York ueclorjniuu? uilH ep • Price$9,000 Mask and Wig Club is regarded a» HARD WATER Westfield Candy Kitchen» Inc. '■ bitf -event- both- m ..^ItLr.upuulan lard w»t*r tioldJ • no-trrror* to t DIF. - .....TELEPHONE 815...... __Dn. collegiate and theatrical -t»ri>»» became its muaical uumbrrs art ‘ v á or Ihi. m»*lc WrshlngPowdir 1» more X Cor. Union Avenue and A H e n ^ _ ^ - THOMAS MACMEEKIN traditionally iplendid and often be­ ham R Clearurr -lt l. a water wfwner Resi E.U I. « d R , come the popu]ar songs of (he sea* ion Jleaide», thu occmon 1.» re* 00 EvcrY trace of hardne» disappears POST OFFICE BUILDING ■. K u iin e t Humo 1 ,li garded by all Pemisylvama men aa a reuniuo date. I hey gull«*«’ i, soon a. DIP touches the water. Phono C nn/ori U lt L o w P rices all parti of New York and. suburbs kxÁio¡uth>* to ittend thu event and lo meet Tliousand. of women in the “ hard Satisfaction Jun't «ru-ft «a . bind In : their old collegc xhums aganv* \ • - j«Mob Cata». Wrthw aMha - iindvltll hlgbUBAllty.- »MM blow . *l*t«r* . wwler J sections use DIF. They no longer Our UriF rolume or The" New York performance, which • W« c«»r«nïeF iiuT liuiiubM and coUfWOU» «Uro. Il mu M U« itolir H»* need save ram water. DIF makes soil Mirvlre riiabU u» to uf* the local High Schoolstudents will IwMfi la tka al Paaw* . «Df| lu I*« »* HfAlIf f«*. uoat....i|leastn( ■ T « b p h o M 6 0 8 sec will be the final one of the trtvM la »haw. ------"••■ - water available at all times. Try DIF j^fn .1 Ml... coiatluatlDii nt both. •year '‘Tarantella" ha» played .to , ¿eu ruy aanurte» large house» at Atlantic City, IMtv The leading' "lady", who i» Norman today Be your own Judge You can whlrli uwm Mbwlufe pHcfi Ijf/ne* bsrlnf tnup wtiriL dan». burgh, Laiuaitcr, AVailungton, H Nûthe. 7«. of- Imuuvdle,- Ken* Mtlirsrl-ltMi .I d } 0U. Standard Lumber & Supply Co. U- C , Cleveland, Indianapolis,, and uuky. manages to loilen the heart 1 -el a |»ckiHtie n l Vtt.ur grocer v u| Mie brigand leader, who is W. b. 'Philadelphia. In the U»l named -----— 1 ■ :—" n, u>iia«'a mesRi • *»l#nlifls »«< If it’s LUMBER WC have it ■ d!T i«"ISl';liiTw o wilM -w««kt « lleaulilulil,IJeaumotit, JJ0, JU, an -rtiwnm- Atlantic <.«J'.«>'7,Lily boy. PAINLESS ■ ■ ,„3',',,'i , i iMsisk.ii <• «bastisi. « « ' uni id tlie largt CJjy^hfAtrtltrJL, 5ff.'K«jaJ'iEp>*iy«i'wr 1 run'i"r .n ".Trfrtif,4uitk ‘„iff ukY*‘ rhtnr'iwar-W’hrr hi» jr - '^ ‘'one'hoar'd. "è frtìekload. w - Extmcllom fr « «Hen t«Ui are replaced by us. •• tproduction. e t V •• ______. * .(lie1,^ .....lintahi'«:mountains. From thisthu point the enough to build any budding plot work» out lo exciting The allow this year ¡a up .to .it« and surpnoing conclusion. . utual high standard. Ihr »uiging ‘ „ Ï S S Â - " Cor. High awl Chestnut SU.aU «W ord, N. J. and dancing aie eayecially . guod.. Francis I. Curtis, *28, i§ the author According to critics in .other ciuci, of tht» year's show atnl y a veteran o : —thc-Hask aad~Wig tim in g chor­ of three previous productions. He DIF D R . M A L L A S -The DIFFBRENTJSiuJting Rmsfer _ - ...... ______. . . ELIZABETH uses are the equal u( llroadway ►a7s(7 Tiai the ’~rmpnrt*nr -pert-* of shows. In fact, the hoys are so “ Mkdain (unnevere Hhsi , and his •Csta DlahyMi TU m l a H e U 1 good ss dancing girls, that a lew ol si'iiu. "Art is Calling Me*\ 1» one 7 Î r ' 5 1 ' these critics recommended their of the hits of the show. Charles T H E P L A C E 'training metKodi-to-/iegfel! ,- Dil­ Lilmiv- ha*-auaiis-.wt»tleJi..the^.htu*!C lingham and Other revue tuoi uceri. and lyrics, after m absence of two T O G E T A When not engaged ...... in Ma«k.. .. and— year» and togetlier with Charlei HAYASHTS -W ig.- these ' Pennaylvama inale Snyder Morgan. Jr., who ha» again '.'dancing girts" arc nteinberv oi the coached the dancing and managed, football, b aseball,crew ,. jixrer, (liet . J production, p rv u u v n v u i this.famous team has g o o d d in n e r twlmming, sad lacrosse tesnii. worked updone of the .mo»t re- WE DELIVER-WELL ¿GREENED •pieiident 1 musical . coined«» tke n i-i.. BeMi I« larfe Fad**« Five members of the soccer team ilon* are in the play tm» y?»f. ctub i ...... hat ever had...... Evidently their agility, for butting . Another Eaton • ; ' . FRANK Me HAYASHI tbc ball in the sotcer field is excel­ lent training for. the sprighljy. kick­ Among the member» of the dancing Genuine -Ç O AL . U I ■ V ■ chorua 1» Joseph Katpn, the young- ing la Use Mask and Wig chfiius. tit of the famous. Eaton family. Mila 8L at Nartll AfS. c:, Tbt Story r ■]■ Joe.ha» three,»later» who are »tar* ring 1» current theatrical auccetie», n 1 • . TTaraateUa", the name ot this sea- "5 0 Cannel Coal ' Cord Wôod h i ’ i akow, ia ilio the name of a Mary Eatuiti in the Clock mold u d wkirbnc dance which the Girl” . Pearl > “She’* My- Baby*1, Mtivefl of Sicily «wing inlo when* while Duns lu s a part- its VKxces» cv«r one of their number »8 .bitten Half gage”. / . Lehigh Goal & Supply Co, . . , l . a- TartntuU, the local aupentt* Moth performances at Metro­ tkm btl»«g »kAi-ih€-dance picveiits politan .■ .Qpcr*._IJuM»eywiU. be, held ROASTED POULTRY — of LJnion Co** N, J. GOOD DENTISTRY ike soideri venom from liAvipg any under the auspiUs^r the k ...s « Mi,i»»n«ii.T treni, nml utiat -‘^FciitViTîsS'ïW'ni ^ .R O B ER T Q.THQM50F^Preside»^ _ ...... v-ui.«i«clt. -Tbs 'Tsrentell»',,ts/'m* , Chair'" 'fA’wwï HfoiSî^if fÎHlÂïyt '-^annot'he vnlued iñ-dollars-and xinU^.- -oltb*daac»-featuresof.thltjit»c* tbsw, which is a satire on the nun.* Ir.ving^iV. Chandler, "97 C; I ñ k ^ Uñ fïïitircMT.îrrir brut ifmwn “^Officerr.—"—------— ^— ------i kMfinft a Skilua locale, -fbe Charles, b. ^tilyru,. ’M7 C ,_^r. C. N. olk». Wr »r* r»'H*lv _ti- — r ' JLJtW.i 1 9 Eulman Street...... CRANFORD • Telephone 429 ■ Our Dentistry la GOOD. ■ alof deaU with the adventure» o a ill. ( aînaj^.VM :. Harvey C Dever, vfth the rliolcost huwLi of the| picture company which 1*08 C F , Thoina» B. Donaldson, .MawNaw*’ * _York s’ picture cuinp«*«/...... a.uliar« III 1*0 ~ , >ni, y. drosselt rm h h»r nwkln<. Our Dentistry la Painless. •w e "<»■ location" somewhere m j’09 C^.Witliani (1. (irove, 09 C. E., Painless Extraction o|[ Sicily,Sscdy, In an effort to get ¡ Dj/Thaddeus D j/ T. Hyatt, 73 Alden Method- ____ ~ Â " Î '^ ïh “1deïr-foT7Tt»tl(r-T.udlaw. "Hyb-CTT-John-^T-Mr- v.w s.., ; i - XEi PPHONES: H20—H31 “ our-prlvrw are-MODERATE vuid wlthllL by~Öte^ ATR . - r r j T L l s * *— - - - A Carthy. 7I-AV., Flank A“ Faut. ’0^ ' ' Free ExamlnsUpn reacli ol the ordinary wage cane ¡ K -U E IN 'S tta M tp u y »1 •' r l,c DR. SCHWARTZ ordersratli tliéìn away.l Van Name; • M U. . Jacobsen & Persson i ■ 87 IIKOAD ET. ELIZABETH. N. I. ■ ■ I A M —6 P. M-...MosL.- Wl*-uiid IVfc UU 1F .M - — ROOFING Fi »♦»<»«>»< H t »»« w CONTRACTORS ¿Mr ASBESTOS AND ASPHALT SHINGLES " Tslephoor IWl-W ■ ... ESTIMATES GIVEN. ^ AU. WORK GUARANTEED . . . REZE . . SENÜ US A CARD OR-TELEPHONE ...... : onv¿*XB*»xnxKX‘Mr*}ti S-T.„_ . . ‘WUr«NUVirtl^it>^vi;. - a r ‘*Tíie Home oí Better ^Qìoèa [lamillo.Massa| SI North Avenan» West g e n e r a l c o n t r a c t o r . Tel. Westfield 1787 — Cranford, N. I. O RADINO CONCRETE WORK ] ..545_.NQRTH._AVE ______WESTFIELD, -N -JL FREEf Celiai* KxcavsUd W hile ihev last! . A generous tube of Griffin Lotion C>eamtorelrinQr.rMtareth»l“N e>vS^C«n^M Jo^ , ,r_ B*wtrx.,Mdeiridk». B*e.:^:^r ___Gleam, Softens, Poliihes Glossy And Petent Leetlier. P. O. Boi-53 ■ - . IITVeme* Sf.| CRANTORD. N. J. Between ^1000^^2000 Buy at Julius’ Market ** : a ; m í mas# an k J. UJUOUN i Idikin ' l' IM AV ; .«1 i7itérés No Car that IwHaw A m W a & t o u A good piece to ihop lor ...... Compares with 8RENNAKAME " ■ Quality and Borvlee st All Timas a Combjhe fi^ld end you’ll - 10* WALNUT AVENUE...... — 0RANF0 HD,-K.-1.- phon» Omofoni ÌP-B . , CRANFORD YELLOW- ~ come.right track to' DuRk' for Plumbing, Tinning BUICK . Telephone C2S J • . . . v.tim .u. cbtuitully otvss ' the etyle, colon, upholetenc* ...... d322ati£Si ^C A B ^ .S E K V IÇ E -•v-ih a‘h&pbWtmtxn* uf'l»-u £o^^arttfiiirS K ick*r" "Heating OSWALD NlTSCHKEs JR* _____ LA VAR » SOWS ___ bodiraby Rdw r.. Absorbers, Double-Drop EM South 'Aveene. O R A K V O R rl Painter u d Docontor O PEN DAT AND.; NIOUT ------Make the same lest in per- F ra m e . SesIed Chassis, . (oimance and again you’ll Mechanical FouV-Wheel UMrter DMoreting • Speelslty WM. H. DRUMMOND OBtsi It Barth Ataana, Oraalard select Buick for the power, Brakes and e host of features Telephone Oraalord SOAR - "CARPENTER- " ;-----. ~ Ord Strati ~ Z _ _ KÏNH.WORTB Tu>»abe»*s ?B* »ud a n '-ÍÉsi —T*ums«siddc|gigbWiy:tL - « t^mbhfdininyotiit7.ciif^ v- 'j rwmn wuL 18pecl4Jtee* -lg-Jobblng . and Repair'Wort-or-TjVery~~d^rTptfo^- Buiid» 'T O ^ ^ - ‘^ «litt Pslnttog .. - V im W U nl “ itx Valve4n-H«ad aix

.... ï ...... H#«? . r ^ * g » § tfjonwBftMiy cHRowqxTHuiaoAY. a f r & 26. _____ - - - Ll.iiiMIIJ _ Iggg^guig I t M t l l t n c o t a . “•*SOT*uf£r^ *-^.¿51 **& “ “ f e r * " «aggdM A -at-MsE etiti rM Mel J r gAtifept CTwtitifcl f t a imta SrwW TBir^HfiHnañBKiirnE^ s ;"'*r DO)«* M hbms t i n l t i r poor health 7:M p, a t, EMtihMk LtiSfti* ^6»4Üli6 /m M 0iißiS6h tm u gm ...... l 'tasti- .eppe. . . tisdtiéetidag bask Ao geed baslth when I.tap . m, gare* Boor gSrvtce. baeet -tra*)« divekipil. Me euflend Tk» gospm a a n g i ta soog, the wort, iitetiraof Bt,Htob»*ra c « h r e l t F n u o n AL ■vagal,»cage « to rte bol wwrunahk to and N taraM p. a Ctijtov Lewis ' . nttr m tu* gang fren «M l«W Stilulilsy afternoon. the seog sevriA servW: the * Mr*. M ar. Everett returned Monday Mr. Doyle eras boro at Hancock. New a m a, ten ',«a>er eti “ " Tow_Ov*he>lrn «uoniiestn» « ■ » ; the ¡’John DagSTwO UT «tifili SS~S23S® S«a’.M yeafe. VHdny. Apetl «T .-Mia, Lu-fletarte, o f Sylvester street, Wftb «tarir A Bath *f Etoaheth ha l a t UM iame addnte untH further entertain» .her oridgedub this alter’ 3 t a p. tin, T he ttidtan AM Snrtoty WU1 sstahltdwd thtiJlriti tit Rath A Doyle. wentortalnsd f or thelr glhrar TVe by íT b » Woman's S tak ti wIm iMm dktiA' hMilDB IXIOtllCtOCV MT Mts. IA . Vrewtond s t fier ^JlE«c.t^T^NïUUP(-ïhShMflJ^ il m iru rw iiA snr 1 '* '" W-, •»■-■•■P‘, •• *— ■-»■—.. ™ y HE baby girl should. va» betteat to the Udita* Aid aociety ygtaaa-tWBWg.-Mntititir-Mgt.-gtr-E. CMy, mi< mm, Hugh a. spasbury, n s ot S t Paul’» M. K-'Church last Friday .Uynor will nsslsf as bastan, The tod­ W. Barrett, efuti pnmde^wtis'Äair- i\Tto*e,*on. Monday, Aprtt\JOth. which hS became.oos of the.teeiltng n u s al the nwetliig 1 that Is Just as dainty] ifieRttoo. ■ ■ ■ • . ■ ...... ■ ’■■■* ■ of Unldn CotmG- Mr, Doyle en­ as will timst al the church a t two I and charmtna as |*n- I TuM day.M ayizt.ai 3:5a. p. m. y’clock and go down la a i ». Thsra win Bpnlrtng or Tlltonrvsey In 1(38* Mra. M. C. Hoffman, of Walnut At- joyed. tha friendship Of ah unusually I stole Start early to In­ > bridge-tetiwia Im held hr the Mew ernie, rave a bridge of »even tablet Mat » room for alL Mr. Matthe»* a m Umt Ore. AKnd K. , Mr*. Jehu T. Fret« . I culcate a taste for fine [ » Chapter d the huge circle due to his fine penonaUty of New York was the party» , things, by buying her | Friday afternoon; O usts were present and straightforward dealing. 7;30 p. m_ The Boy Bòouta wffi mast r et UtoDotleg* of Hew.Bochelte. m m New Yark-=J*mg,teteod.J8i«t Or; '-»•thecatspel. -- _ * - Î - v - - - AUyloglCtilAndtilstofAAtitadcBt.be- HE to Ut* most peosriaeat repte Modi« itera. ------"A pririi.« 3":W 7MvvAOmderw»s_lnt»fa»ted-;in;hnaR}; ange, Weattleld add Cranford. - ways In Cranford afiain. He was a di­ 8~00" p n u Choir Rehearsal. ' ' at awflDVe A i« r sax to Nsw i tit thsN ew srt Athletic Club. A Mr. and U n . R. N. Keppel, of WU ■ , Tuesday .. Uie party and In pn Mtwenity qual­ York pollUcs, being'a delegate sbowandOtUsic «111 he fee- rector ed the Pirat National Bank ant S th« K lidief .ow .street, ‘»ava, a bridge for out-of Treasurer ot - Greeley Building, -an«. . 13:30 p. Luncheon .»SUI he »erred ified by .»ipgritaiw «red titaBty. m» to-U|s RepqbUcgn jiallqnal eoavenUra. The proceed» will (O toward tpan fnenda-la*t bnday.nlght. career ao tor. from tmatito hcttruilno Vlcechalrmsa ot the "Now York Stale " Jubilre FiuM to ths College of Peri~ RssocffiiBop. a - trustee of~ hi. »y the Ladies' "Ald'Boäely to the Aux- Mcs- A-R, jAiatnOtk. and.Mrt,. O-H, gCdtael’t Chtireh-and-ti- member-v - - |||*hm #e ih* w"—t't*h rv v ft-i____’ toGoveroor at the »aoicpepulo«» sut» « HooverJor-l'rasIdBiit Commi live, and r~ Rochelle. “T1»'com m ittee coo Brawn gave a bndte last Thursday at Is am Inai* raltaa t o ------organiser of a nailon.»Ids women's l ot Alice Cortln of Orange. Phyllis the Board of Manager* of St. EUsae Wednesday che home of this former on Prospect both HoapltaL He was s charter mem "4:00 p. m.¡ Meeting at the Probation- hoy. titevement to support Hr. Hoover*! lies - of > Cranford, itn e t for the Program Club. On Sat­ “I firmly twfien." he aald.*that are cnadldacy. « t CtildtieD. llhC.ana Uc- ber of Cranford Rotary Club and hoc -r's Chu* urday evening Mr. and Mra Wamock Just been elected Treasurer of this or­ 8:00 p. m.. The FtiUowshlp of Prayer all-wise proeldrewg placed J*A gjSaoough a t North Plainfield and Paul- gave a bridge lor guest* from Jersey JackssA, Ctonlaad arid Woodrow iJne Murratog ot MaUwsn. Member» ganisation. • v. . and Meditation. ' W isforic E difice City. Plainfield. Westfield: and Cran­ Mr. Doyle is survived by his wife, hu 'Qiislntance Club Night was observed at tht helm at the Battere to arms the Chapter have bad hoeteae ford,, , where they alone were fitted to lead It, The the reason for.Uie bank’s gener the "Source , of Power". The sermon , Tta. tt-J ' Mis. Letltia .McCullough; secretary. Doyle was connected Including the Ro was followed- by an. address by W. F. cominittce arTanglng the merttog. while Teleptione CraAord 1677 \:¥Í ally, only to discover that it waa just tary Club. First National Bank, Cram AW Miss Bessie A. Corbett; Treasurer. Mrs, Foster, representative of th t Anti-Sa­ Ihe dance arad entertainment cortimtt- w BouutvAKii ' imdknr, n . j . I3( North Ave., W. CRANFORD wf wJSi Sarah E. Souder. Dunellen; Odnduc- an oversight ,, - due______to a, slight ,, . . . nervous ford Business Men, Greeley Blilldir.- ...... u e consisted of Mm Frank’J Cleary, Loon, -M uter Plumbers, Westfield loon League of NeW Jersey. ~ ' Brstosrdt-AaslsUUtamaro cras**“--' ^r,-^^t^5AitA.T-i«',iK«'r»m*i'-er.'a’;nne ne“ - **»• f° u K"“ *” 1 PO**““ rv^ Mrri,e-Aey eeeqing yhs o fficisi ^halrman^_Mre._8. Jr Cannine. Mrs. ant Conductress, Mita Elisabeth young banker is- the father O f s fine CouncKTC'orcrRahwoyEDtg widths Hiranm J. Blotl..Mra."H- B. J. Craigs little girl, bom Sunday at the Quinn Holy Name Society." Board,-at Its regular meeting elected Strothers, Roselle Park; 'Adah, Mra. the following officers for the ensuing Ma George MagUitto. Mra. Rabatt T. _Mary _|Jodgaon, .npsflle;, Ruth^ Miss Nursing Home In Elmore.' Mother and Interment was at Rosedale-Lindet, yearv-^Vla»-«hslru>aib-C,Cuylar-LeWls;4-NigthCUtt_till‘Ufvk_-L w 1.Bantot; baby~areT’dolng~nteeIr~anct’-:“papa"-la Ä uladya Back, Roselle Park; Either, Ttime»iy;roniiwini"tne_icrvtce^_Thr slowly getting back to normal. - The honorary-pall bearer*- representing the recording secretary, Clyde H. FoUnshee; Mr*.: Agnes Barn«;. Martha, Mrs. Ma­ financial secretary, Cecil A, Bunnell; THE rRESBirmUAN 4TWEITI irie- Donaldson; Electa, tyrs. Mary H. Uttle lady has been named Claire Con’ several- interests with which Mr. Doylc over. . . ’ ’ was connected, were Messrs. 8. ¡R. church treasurer. 'CbarlM E. Keyser; "The fool hath sold .in bis iwert, v: Miller; -Warder,-,- Mra. -Margaret.- Ball- treasurer of .beAVolene«*, Edvrtn W. Thera Is no God.” Psalm I4>:,1. - t C P A N F O R D lnger, Roselle; Sentinel, John F.-Wtn- Droescher, Johd W-. Rein», John R Reay. .Charles A..J3kUlman, Louis R Chaffee, ...... ■...... ■ We most cotdiallytovlte you to wor­ CRANFORD, N.J. ¡Sj&~dai. Maplewood;. Ctaplhto.- Mrs. Emma CRANFOBDaKOTABY c l u b on meat Tuesday. May. 1. represents ship with us. T ht'hoorsrlov Public “ A, Cuker.. Elisabeth; _Mt rahai.,Mra._ The- lunch, meeting today was at­ Allison: George Ai Autx, Lyman L A STAN LEY FABIAN THEATRE Lovel»nd, Jr.,. James 'E- Warner. 01 Uves from alt the-Ladles' Aid fiodettes Worship a n 1 1 . 0 0 a m. and a oo p. m. 'Catherine Bloom, t-fiarwood; color tended by ' every member of ■ th e , club Rev.. O. C. Hopper will prvech-.at holh Cranford; Charles W. Oakley, Hatyy. A. of-tlieElizabeth Districts of the Newark *'^BJSfSSBtSBSS^OSf^KSS9iJuCSSnSS!m!LMn8SiuK3£2ESSHEaf^£SSQi' "- Bean*, Mra; Margaret Forrester, Ro­ with aversi visitors from neighboring Conference will meet at,Saint- Paul's services. selle. Mrs. Jennie BaUln, Past Grand dubs, and : Secretary McMeekln ; an­ Rath and- W. H. Ryan of Elizabeth and George- H. RUey of Westfleld, ' under the auspices of the Home for the The Church Behoof convene* at » 4» ■ TtUIXlB 8H0WÔ DAILY—i-ÖO, 7,00* 000-BAT MAT. 330 :.. Matron,' Installed these officers, assist­ nounced-the 83rd consecutive 100 pet m. with class« iw-alt-agea. i ed by Mrs, Maxva Copeland, Junior cent, mating. Aged of Ocean OrOve, Luncheon wiU I - CARD o r THANKS be served by the Aid.Society of Saint The Young People’s Hoc letr of Chris­ Pridrey find I Do«bte Uouble Mondfiy «nd ;■-. Past - Matron, , who Acted... as prand President Whipple reported on; the tian, Endeavor . m e ts .a t 7,oo p. m F#»(ur« Marshal. . Jr: BeUomont;'- Poet. Grand blsttfet meeting at Aabury Park on ibeemlng' it not posslsle lo-thartk in. Paul's after, whleh reporta wlU .be; fe­ Saturday - i Tueaday: person alh- those twho so kindly ex­ ed ved by Mfs. Jennie Parker, president Die : topic; .'Right Attitudes Tbwsro “ i — Patron, wits a guest ot honor. Mrs. i- and Tuesday• which he at­ the Religion of Others. ■ ' LIIJLIAN iV Copeland was elected Trustee for three tended with Messrs. Ehmllng, Lovelai. pressed' sympauiy land g«vevhclp dur­ ot the Board of Managers of the home, MN-Ìpf-TINI ing the Illness and at the death qf^tnv from the delegates preeent. The Home Monday at 2:30 p. m- The Woman's years. After the ceremony,: refreah- and McMaktn, giving a few -high Missionary Bociety meets In the Chap­ -menta-were served. The next meeting lights or the session and promising beloved husband, John Doyle,,/i takr Is owned end operated by the Newark this means to acknowledge tny grate­ el. "tnterracul Co-operation" will b qUOGrfAe will be on Friday, May 4th, when the tnat Lyman Loveland would give great­ and New Jersey conferences of the the- subject under discussugi. Mrs: GISH P " ' Urthday~p*rty bf the Chapter will be er^^vdetaU''at'vnext,,me,Ung,,;.;President ful appreciation...... :. ,/L ...~ Methodist Episcopal. Church. "It Is w / .4;,.^,-_^g,LLjy% .. POYLg . M,~W Haynes it chairman.- Hostesses - - SEGMENT - I N - ‘ *!*^: ■■■“■ WTfipple vamfetradAnf-vUta presentation utnliualnedin part- by: theenntrlbutlor» fpr'UU* me*Ccg--wUl he Mra; F/J0 M...Jhera..wlir~he juspecial’ meellng'of to..thc. Cranford^Club.of .«...beautiful received ^ fropi_the suxlllaries' of tht .... ” : Andrew B. RetUgSr------r “ Woodruff, Mra M C Hall and Mra ~ r «nf-TIN-tlN'S - Greeley Building and Loan Assoclatton silver mounted Ivory- gavel and block Lsdl»’ Aid Society o f the two confer­ W. Mudge. - ■ ii— flfl _ . “ANNIE “ Friday night, April 37th. ~ bytlieotherACiubsottlieDlstrictln Andre_w B. Rdnlgar died Monday ences:-" Mrs, John R.: Wright , of -, Jersey morning st hhfnome on Retford ave­ Wednesday at • p. m.. The Church A-WIg SMS UStSHIM" - The Pageant Committee will meet at commemoration of the 62nd consau- City plans the district luncheons. One Night Bervlce. Chspel, LAURIE" x TownshlR Roams, Friday night thla tfve 100 per cent, m ating of the club. nue followjng an Illness of léss Ilian a hundred and fifty delegates'are expect-, week, although he had been In rather Thursday at 8:1t p, m . D ie Young WorU’i grratest dog at Ui .-week. . ■ ■ - . . • "• At the time of Uie big celebration last ed to be present. - Men's Club. Cbaprt- . _ jjreatasll _ Miss O uh U a HcoU’h Lsiuui Our*{ -TbeM emdritinDsp-cäumlttee -meet» saUthe-DlstrictAGoveTOornintcdithci* poor. b«alth for, QVer.a.year, - . _ _ _ M*i RenlgaOvas’ born fn Morrisfawri Frldayrar 7 pr m-.; The Cub-lVottta-~ - iny-thB-'Otimcoo' Masracrml - j - a t Tewnshlp Rooms Friday, night-: would -be-someUilng dOlng and .tliere -'SCOUTMASTERS*'BOUND TABLE' " "" " SMBÏ ...... ■sixty years -ago- and had been a resl- 'Friday *r~7 4S~iL- nC'"Bkjy~SCOUff! — -ANÍ) - was and President Henry brought-it MEETS ' " Troop No. 80. Boys' Week will begin next Sunday back with him. • ‘ ; r.^/ •dent of Cranford for over thirty years 'i G o o d T i m e Ilio Tlirillliigrat, He- was .« carpenter-hy . trade and a The Scoutmaster's Round Table of This • evening. Thursday, the 28th. ahd ena'tbb louowing Saturday night Tonight.UrUie night of Cran^ Cranford met last night In their head-' The Meji s League will meet in ihe ' t-liiliiligcsL -My.lt'ry I 1 thorough mectisnlc, well known and The program ot Boys' Week activities big show at Rahway HeformatoyJ. for quarters over the Cranford Trust Com­ Chapcl st 8:15 p. m. The. men of the G h a j l e V Is In the hands of the Boys' Work the benefit of the Inmates, U x' Cran­ well liked by a very large circle ol friends. . Mr, Renlgar is survlveu .by pany and discussed plans for the com­ church and the community are most Committee of the notary Club of which ford Rotary having taken opAwlth oth­ ing Jamboree and Inspection. Scout cordially Invited to attend. Die pro­ .-"THE 13™ ¿•Jha^A^«2®rat_Js,jrajJamMjand_the er clubs the work of helping to make five children, Douglas R. Renlgar- ol Helene Costello MUltmmrMn.- Marguerite Vreeland of Executive A. W. Klng wss present and gram as,arr»n»eetphimt»a-to..be-iti.c • i week wl^l be . well taken Up. TBea^it"Befler’fof"ifipiin A"ffne"show contributed largely to the success of the best yet. V m w f t f t M u H r ------: - H O U R ^ Saturday night the firemen were has been gatliered/fogether and all East Orange, Mra. Mildred Oerech ot Irvington, and Mrs. Alberta Lawrence meeting. . . Friday evening, the 37th. to the base­ C lyde CooR. called out by claim from box 18,. the members who carplsrc urged to go over ment of Uie ChapeL a District Boy . ■ Willi belng^smoke.-eomlng -from..Jhe ond MIss Clara Renlgar of Cranford. _ William Archibald of the Wwtern A Tlirillln^ Dunm of - tonight, .t-:- Funeral service* were held at the Qeefrie and- a noted s'wlrttmer, gsve an ttcoot- f nspectwm - will be held: Die • BUtfe Llieî".: s r — — — LIONEL BAUHYMOHE . - -work -rooms- of . Anthony . TambureUo Reiii8arl)iimf_0h~Retrord'Ave„"Wed- interestlngnatk-; on'dry-bm dwrtoi- ttm*-lrasbeeu-set-atXpL.in.._All.ofXhc ———— -—News' Events— r---- „ who makes suits and cloaks a t East- .....MoPfti 5for, ■ nesdayafternoon a t^3 p, m.. Rev. O, T. mlng" and oflerrd to take' over a clast Boy Scout Troops to Cranford will at-, ' tfcenic ., • K fe- m an street and North avenue,, second tenA thls-ravisW-and lnnincUan..,-Mt4! nini..yfggfj¡MaÜÜ¿‘ ^ npor7 The fire pfoved tor be a small EliSofenr5itir* Etfiel'^fiiiniever el- ,F(itH!r'of-Trmttj, Chtlreh’ofnctatlnr“ lm-' tennent was at Falrvlew cemAery. Hlsjiffer was accepted with alacrity. R. A. Clement Is District .Commissioner ' ~~ T u eiV EväT May l« l -affair and-was - over -when- a box -of piled ■ a pIctura-shaw,.but_haiLhesrd. and' Is in charge A arransttnenls./— -S*t Mai. Kiddie Nlinw ' ”i:-v<”emonlderliiE’ollpplngS’’wee-Uuown.-.outu jr tirothers end ,sUters , talk s .great piansjor the eummercamp were dis­ -•------THorjjÆouuuvight".....• Tlie fanilly of the late Andrew.Reni- cussed and the proper way to make up" Tiie-Ordlnatron ol -Bdera apd lies- GARY COOPER m The first apparatus out was delayed W deal about the "movie §tar*" One cons took place.at' Ute ckaw. A Uie - -T|IK I.AHT OUTLAW" . Á\ ihe. Sta««* . - going to box 18 as shown by the.Jjrai- evening-Etbel was out riding with her gar acknowledge with grateful. appre­ a pack w u. shown. Scoutmaster Will- ciation . the .^sympathy, extended —to tam -Irelandr chairman -of - Um- Round morning service Use Sunday monting. ' cator. hut the second pumper ran out -parents after darfc.^-It waa a new-ex- In accordance A th the action o f the WédiiegdAy/A-ThurátJay — and-oovered-tho- ' -perlence-To—KtlieL-M-.he. outdriving them hy Jh e lr. frlbnda during his slck- Table. .Is. planning. pfoJect-workJor.ihe ncss and after his death. " 1 ait Congregiftlon»I- meeUn*r"lKe-T5i^ — “ — — 1 — ¿m i- , only was reported. late enough to see the stare, and the next meeting which will take , place the lowing men were elected to th e« re­ JAMES MURRAY------—FLORENCE , The firemen were ceDod.out Just af­ was very much Interested lo watching last Wednesday In May. .. spective office*: Elder*—Mr. F. .W; Cat- ter half past one todp^-for a fire in a fhem. One* bright star In particular HELENE COSTELLO, /•, - VIDOR ~ m T o o M u c h P i p ... ianach,.. Mf. M.' C- Hall. Mr. Edward ^Wfi^^^i^ ^ ^ ’Tsaiirtlipag^nbe.’-houfh Crsn- attfactetf-hcrrellcntlon, add. - ss the “..JsuSiNraCWNS^T ,;S Mbntsneooultr—arid *ir_ M-.J.-.Sear£: _ aœossBBcæsmessxsssssiííaisisíi Z rat.l‘,lá.í¿ iv- fSrd. near the Ramie line,: and"‘but'of macblno iiiovcil EtVeTVfiouglit''file"star' ’ Tforiiii, tige soVvfi, 'vras'VUi ting' her The Cranford Business Men s .Asso­ Deacons—Mr. George M: Chlnery.. Dr. the water ifistrict. . The house was was moving end said. "Mamma, that grandma, and they were telllnr Jokes. ciation held Its regular monthly din­ Earl A. Duntee, Mr. N. P. Hallbert and “ IN OLD 4Í Honeymoon - owned’ and/occupled by Peter Steck must be t movie star.” Grandma told Norma tba one about ner meeting at Hayoshi’s Tuesday Mr. George S. Leach. and Wasxde»troyed, the furniture being the boy wlio went to the grocery and night. There v s f a. good attendance ■Boy’s Week,* as sponsored by Inter­ 'aaved^h-part. Damage Is roughly estl- bought aoine pepper for hja mother, at Uie meeting and more than usual national Rotary Is. scheduled for -the KENTUCKY” Hate” at $5000, The alarm came In O n* Thing Muting aod when he arrived home and opened Interest In discussion" of matters week. April <30Ui-Msy 5th. Each day the package he^ touad the pepper V h (e and the house was well afire when Mra. Newlywed rushed In from 1h* brought up. ’ . to this week has been *el apart with '"the department got there. . half pc«* (P's)- President Heins gsve a very Interest- special emphasis with reference to -the kitchen, a smoking pie dish In her Norma was quiet fur a few aarry r.-lMmmlck-who-had been act- hsbds. She pMWITiron tho-tsble-te- Inn talk on business and social condl- BAy: Sunday. Bor's D»r In Church«: : |ng -i»w— at the First National Bank nienti, and then she aald: "Grandma, tiens in Poland and Russia "before the Monday. Boy's. Day to Schools; Tu«- frnnt of her buslmnd. Is-one for.you.: -"has been elected cashier. Mr. Dlmmlch- "There, denr," she cooed, "mat's ■ here-1 war-"______day, Boy's D«f in- Industry; Wednst, A- was.witnwas with tno.national the. National Cityuvy Bankoaua andauu • - "A little' boy . wem to the. store , to Resolutions on the death of John day, .Boy’s Day fn Entertainment; -th e -First - National-Bank- of Scranton ‘Td tiave km)wti ll'we» i'”Uage ple,7 buy some pepper-far. hie mother, cod Doyli. an old Ilme inen)her of the As­ Diunday. Boy's .Day in Citizenship: Ä Lot for a tittle wtien~Ro~cafnr7ionie~nnd~open»d-Jt sociation; vere-tidopted.— ----- before coming to the Cnnfotd bank. ; be remarked after.lhe first few mouth­ Friday. Boy's Health D ayrand. Satur- «r^m-BuUdUWWJid-GroundaCmiualU JJlj------[»IIVI llnswiw,jlr»r-nlm»tag«grgarg-vA»wj-TTAlgTlli i l u J j..ii „h i r^ . foqmj It jras-hnlf. "teedtf»‘B o^”tf^ümtlÄ'TuÄlsy How Gilbari Stuart ' - Hnight,lgm, reeerveureodved bids «us n for s aiuu»-»»-i»»»kindergarten . -yes," he rc(STled. • “I cun .taste the Appropriately Nanitd ■ m ralture:»nd-leachen’ide«ks»-anavfng. _ J Saoad the, Situation EekimotNoiWorried —u tl WltVlt," Arkrtiroti“™n»d*froii« coal supply.^ Contracts’ will be award- R„t whsi dld rou do with the brtekst" Gilbert: Btusrt alnlOcvbad his head, ...... by Lawt or Lawyart BUSINESS REALTY CO. a-rocky promontory- which-.-rlses on turned by Ills success lb England, and ed 'on : the« blds latcr. Foncocd, the the sooth bank of the" Arkansas'river North Greeoland udghl wetl be de . . Cranford, N. J.’ - ■,------ly. nnal ComnanV- WSS .low onhlsrs-tarnio-AnietlA-when-IIull serlbedastbe'CetemeAsrisperaAs* some 80 feet'ibove thl riVer and now: - 'M o AONBlTWdJr 1 __ on buckwheat aml solt coal and the ns^-saoneofitha^abatmwfs-pf.oae Ailed to bava his portralt pstoled ihe 111* g-esgteti praeUeellywIthoqldawsi- "Home7Bwret;Howe‘t~w«»-tiiñglm srftsi began letlfng;hlm'ctorte«'of hls C óàlàndSuppiyoomptnjr on o f the fonrThrldges-. which -tpan the tbere are cerfstoly ooc« to regato.to àïn eti eotil and. larger aims. ' Í^,íl?2$¿.í.Íbi.‘T!láH^íhtisMfdd..,'«l rirer. 'This rock.Is .the,first,seen s>- experiences with Lord Bo-snd-So, the real (aiata. ■■ .. - : • ■■■ ■ . ., r . ■ ...... Milan." - The sir used-was t.transcrip-, tnsrqals of This, and, the -Bsrooess V i > ■ s, rending the river, and was Ailed Tb* suo* bra«* «*wbleb the •* *ËÎmtar 'B Brot» r * .'■Express.' « p m a .1 SonpcrtPe- flopw p of an old Sicilian — - tir------made— by Thal, stört« meant to show Hull how. fivM-ttvs betoog to nobody to. t u tto - Aile / «WW OtittM.I * •Uttle - Bock" in contndJatlactloh to ©d-KewrTfoik. Owp our own Henry Bishop, who wrote the open. the bold -predptce sbouf tenviHmw. elegant- wss tba: society to which be alar. U sa Esklnie fmrsOj find s» B^öroöm iWirnacks; no-out------■ ' ~BI|Biy~Wtllctr'rises-some-three-rmH« Jisd^ta«i-J«KniiSa»'l-____ ' . . |A books. Service slwsys^-Adv. OnfOrtuoately to the mMsr>ot tot» opd li berato« tketra oBUI^ey .yT S dnncnBtirim di Skqnh abort, opoti tbe..oppMlte bank and ia Ateatstlons>chslter, Mrsa 8ta»rt. not nlled "Big1 Boek." Tftla In now thti «ÌA«', '.: : : . "'. tiTStPHANT BALE «fidentlsU W J « — bow declare that -the ,-A^ knowing there was *, sifter, rame In Polygamy M. psnAtted and -mee «f slte-Of-ao «rmy .post.______L__ frômffieKIEA^kfiUl'tiirtiprob m aqd ria*e*'*r*arr*tigtd«Ure»ybyp*rv . r i^ E R A L D IRECT OR S------1 Wadnnday :M0mlng Club will ikunk le not,.a bIrd, gfirM !fe*tlng ' * » *r.fe* 1 ■■ * w* J* .-1» F-»««* WP-' " ÆtBF ffiiïaAÎ^whlte Klenhant Ssle on Satur- tnlmal as commonly suppoeed, naming her brad bound round with s kerchlet i : ' tifbratiratipto Hr* at tiacb A h ' ì • 'w f c 4 r w I n National Parkt Soroica "Do you went that leg of .mutua „ . tbey slmply toke otti« mateA IN Dato» dee. Verth ' TeL- *« ORAN FORD, W. J g S a P Afwn agth. for the purpoee of ills- grasshopper*. çrleketAîbemliti,,.ote». Approximately S00 ander G rit ccrv- ^^5S atehêr for the Club House-Fund, >; Its chief foods, whl!e tulce, rst* end boiled or ro ss te d r, she loodly ln-^ There U ootbteg, (tal torrtefratode held ln the'Vacant ground,squirrels «Iso,$o.-to make,up IN aod from SOOifo lJXW'outald* pt qalred. - ' “coerfahlp," - SPRING IS HERE , 1 ¿ m f i m os £t-A'«h>w-«nnmlta Reaaps dru^ thalr diet >. - m Stuartw » ■ - » - as - nooplassed—bntoaly“ » “ «— ...... M. to neh dreretetaue« It « le t Us Bhteptn .and R«p«lr Your Lawn :-Uow*r* Ntw.^ 4 S L í d P b ' ■" AHItototaltat«|v)h>»to»»ttitatotig>.n.gHb Ç -V'id felBIPilllB V m u mi ¡|_. wfflIMA ’ beWW «raws SOW te - T lö Ie rammsoded“" sEtirplyr^BioKBo Trafe l ííw c j. . ke«m "china. CncodiU Ttart the world. IfitottinM tadM A W lta i?hrlc-a-bac, a : ' ' i S ílsdigaséar's sun'Js*' ti rfh&dj-iKss.Ho» of the mop- jboe feather.. Htasilltfc B sA r(Ìé-,ltonUof.A kló* , Whale FattJm nU t * «-Ata- Sm tiìfènnli Mi dULÍFIsk Affiti Tlfe*,1 — K*í!" SÄ


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i f IN O - ! •#0-1 jioucAAffiniáJáuteei,” *17 MET/ H rlatttoa«#» tiuB é^uiiu«r SHEVAS ABM Lata ahoOk b ____ u< King»«. Not only bga-lh* ■’ ¿ >, •“» ft Ibisa 111«: — /• « '» •. . : : --i¡«iiitit UNGLEEiyS r tired aflf* u n * tourt .nvalghri O* llu ' I bar» »»•• w z z Ä V u arÄ r;;v..nToi.«««.. awaoionpaifhiiiisb' llbghbM ** ^^^ai^jbdWrfbn^watet^-JM!!xa—...... tinennnM«imTTi«i ' - W _ ’»S .gaflw i HAS»*" - ... you wire w l^ il« ^ ■w eiïi. * z r êf"i s r 'S» !5 ' w airtnw * r ™ »;^^?ni r : 'B ut why i boou dreneea. ».» aumiuer a W ™ ^ ^ ly naked. „ . grould nor» mel you-” eeeded^ lo* «lurtlbg ^ k> O. 1 »el»«.» ■•■■.' V. r the unearthly hour. JTr» ^ a « d It retarplug lo vogue ,or. ^ “. ‘ th. mori coaservjitlve »f 'K o fj u n i ond amnmer ^ too mufli raapa« for peep*«'* *'»1^ - XhlP year ll ta-going to be eaperiamr WJUmUI 'lbm» out >M >id.Jfljtil.Aw,oy bet mother, who .haoBnif P“b- S o o ff b r “eooll»’ ir" * r y : dedal to » « «li»l thqy .<*" du-. pabaad AuM'LuIk . Poor, frat- Of Ihe Bight. Beelda«.. I *“ well ne for bathing mltf- ' The flP* THE MOLE FAMILY "Aad often ib»! «III. Uurrvw |ivil* „ the hotel anyway. K1,“hV r r r r iÄ S Hi...... lad iltOaMya.Ilarfb hud ham beach coat traa alrrady made Ita tbeTwêrier cnaiumeerffh dfoi«H tu* (KOI dUlaurra In « abort" Ilm«, for ta Calk about bar Vuctar Kd> ‘ «too. a very »'<* P*»«-; 1 ¿ * r* " * debut at P»|m Beach, aud muat fri'9*. F(<Î.» * |’M OOINO I» I»« !« • "*•* ***_ they «orb MMdili. ««0 »o powerfully. nicest eulle. But yon * “»**», ming» Kid ttMP 8*n4wa. 'alMK bow rleb'nhf »«» «bit bn* icna* I morrow.' Tou end your huahnnd mual «ad «o energetically. •is that upartatl»»»» " re litte JMMt tabi. «•>« «H i»? »»* .Thare Mofea 1 «a Uülng jron about, . _ would 1 coma - lo lla Italy. I come -to Uky Buoday-luncheon ÄuBUy* . ■ . . ■• tbla «ff« Ins an» marin» «I Ulf Hisr* !u»A» fa-know, »I» MahnJta-ML. Unrla Ed had ‘ -jürdM iBff.aria «m «omfilro«» kno«o loop aort of • t. . . . dr copper; ‘“I'lHllJ. flutlered. tried * ®A ' , - •■ ■ ■ A l IJn: itrrput Mol«. . Mra.- Marpb bad/darer bf«u »«ra 1 to any that they « d _ j r Yon»_u*»t « y * “.Virtr.-ilHf* «Ff« Ihr»« llltlt Mwl^ tiny «lib them : iunr.Xblrlbbjhdjr I kM It l*. tra. vudff ttf,kr«^4 which.' She «tro»» •» baepjip friend “Jfeu moil turr^mlfunderalood my _U«4r' ’tiny and yet ««■ em ur. ' : > Uncle Ed lind tieen her gunrdlnn dj” moánd» and Ihfy half lunuolt Tor deo„for llally «»« h«««l !>ll.h. ,n !: i, T r o a UM » f l th»»» I« ■ •*♦*•«• tóadoaya lo tbalr ntata and alaa oUtcr find married her-wben nhe “ * _ rraw ay by which tha M 'J« f n « IltlJufr wotlwrt i mofla «hieb ih»i una for bunllns. ' had taken Ahe laal of their ™<*’ **- leen eathe »Mleet fray «!! lt»ktD* ;f?' f. rape If dang*« swMcoly urtltlrt -»Ah Dlsht . i » . Mol« come lo th» tfdcalenrlng-afewdeblnwbtclillntlr 'them «ben Ibíj’i» In ihrlr wnl. « f a c e and look for food.. Hotittllinea t*Neit' day“ llally nmiprckfsondibnr «ML p»T<—The jlr l. — ¡p£^' ___»go thnt they PffUl !«•»• IntytaW;; lú y tlon» « tout inuuol utulet A-fenc«. leave achool and take a ponltlou In n Inatcad "uf enlertalnlng"Allht Culu; ¿«¿ inn see! . ohlrfa In ontd nn n ffurral n«4l «tore.'giving bp her drtnmn of «uce«a ■he naa determined tlial nhe nhoujd ‘ “And «II Hila la dan. by Hill» I * " ' T ill In. In much'll« nan* way n* for hard roomy, «lie did not n»k entertain them. Thera wan no douhl .■■torea « to ' ir« b i f f i mind. They « • hat» n main road alona which she bnd money, plenty of IU And aae > »ru» ___ nf the'* piabas la Aunt I.ulu for help: Mm told her noth- * # 1 IMi of tttofrie walk, or rdti. of■ rid», Una . taMi»ll Jr»«nayoung.Waatarnar . Tb—»».rw. 10tlog MTeenre Himthat ntrher. moinrrmother hhad«w u ^ M ^ n n 'a 'lf lh f t'h f r 'l‘fl*r-WM;'Bfv;p « id Tfr(en3».'' - -Info different roolua . M*din g « fnnt— * Hieb«-• . UH. -, . not. of corwfoind. J joyment In Aunt f -u lu 'a ^ f o r ^ m ilt Mole»,' aald Mother time» ahe aeemed elmuat aa young aa P' _ _ _ U* pound*. k*f r»ddl*h*hroww m e*.,. ■ ■ . .. v..-.- ■' ./• %î}Æ Hole, Thin la Molo «drice. . ' "bnlr and gray ay»»- HI» l»UM .1«- By thnt timo Dirt had appeared In Hally «us, and they laughed together »D o n«l «nal» your tim» doln turra Includa “N»»ada,M “Leva and nnlly'n Ufo Dick worked In the n»me like two achool girl», eapeclully when nothlac. A Mule «mild eonalder tbÄI Laarn' and “Tha Laglon of tha Com «tore and eludled evening». He we» llntly- presented the portrait of the • dlayrace. uncu I wondnr If «TolOa damnad." ■ . • bound lo be « drnftamnn nnd-lvlifb Aunt l.uiu hall eipected. jqf-Lon-tb* earth-In»« liow Alcadlly ------0------S S S l w m w T i f o — r gray eyra I -I haven't no, rent folk, ofmyown ill# llllie weaiufei onder-tl(*4arth a w pne. inew »"« ”« ...... nince rai u.v«, «««- .... rorhing. • / . and courts«, enough and tirfilnn onough won wily I wna auddenly token with a. ■ ft»r M8tu|»ie. *re working nl to ntteln hU io«l. It seemed Imp;* denim to nee yon. Ed nlwayn planned mort_all of II« UroeT- We do nut !«• Uncommon Sense sthlo tlint enybrtdy no'flne ««'fllclr tn lffTrtg'me hncIr.hnme.- an- he eaiiea Ilrro lo réeting. ^V'e believe Ift »ork~ could come to her. Hot he did. And It, hill after I* got no old nnd toed In*. / . alii adored him Why; the ftraf mo­ he fell Ilia! lie could be more com­ *H’e want to bnlld, and we wniil By John BUk# ment ehe new him ah* knew Hint a fortable where ha *««• Then, loo. hln V , rari -ir bob W, food. Inaecln and Jilee greet window had opened hr her vi­ copper mine turned oql to he a uenn a gold qheker-cottar and A .will* .wrlal ; m & m ' "Korne ot them canaol ’H*' •! an e-nat -|. «noot- lalk. lo you nM thnt I heir hatlre kuldea could Joob. friend' the hod. She had been dented hand,-which emphasises the uiudert** _■ uncovered fair heir »Ud whipped the everything—romance, love. Impph very pretty ilealgn .lo there :co»tf l».; : ■ T h e Molee bave p»rint«dh-.«e£.*hlcli ■won. I Mira siren you Mul« advice. Into a tree, and see there a bird widen color Inin her chcekai . She wna mo iBilc-uote In Its dealgnlug. AS lw : ' »re-vrry strong. sud «b|fb ImH|» lite» And Mole tchoolinf doeen'l laal look wna Invisible lo Hie while man. (teas. In her middle, age »lie wna set­ called “Lightning“ A glance, al tho happy: Just anting there lieilde Dick. «gore to Hie left Id Hie picture show» whether one wehra gold gr. silver Jew- • • 4 a thrlf burrowtoA/Ttay «lf» •“«»« Ijille IIIdea gradual« from'' Ibelr They anw them look at Um horf- A moment later tide heppliieei bfew tling down 1nlo « dull eilalence. elry depends unuo the .»hiring ot th«,; .front paw». nak*. I»».. «i» ,WI ■cliooia very, rery anon. : ' sun, shading their eyes, and than an­ • Holly could not have It no. One tho approprlnteneaa of the namp. '. away an before a mlghly wind upon We' have heard much of the beach tweed and Its.blouse accuniiutuliueiti. strong. -, ...... _ “ Taney children graduating at 1*0 nounce thatHI Ma «»»■ deer stood - them.------, . - nlglit »he gave a dinner Pgrfy for four .whlchr-na^upun'wlngft ruohed a nqw pqjamar-'The-pajama ,la worn abroad Gold look« heft with brown and he|ge _ s-eS S S■ ^ - sBi&j M^idn« n«i:.?«i*. ß)rt.»..75*t iMMMn&i rfoy-ao'IBneuehm-inj--«,pMM»«(»ue-^bnt- a-Uiai--w rtu .writ",.? i í v1* j w 11 j «mi,jnvi.ipM,.»irt,«mi;jnvlJ,fa,.tlr,,Hn!'«^"-^^ -H»*»t~dul|..-sUtor„*lUir„gtig„)di‘«b»w -: ■ •» 'not b ^ b ib* bdp * t “«ry«Metar -Jto iho-w tgrt' b«hr wlM»* Mm» i i ï w r œ w ' „___L Irvin* l.n,l aakMt ua' W beschca-itmt • here- te-Amcrlea • ’He pUI me iuui*u» v“ 5”’“ -' - U Jtot her unworthy, flick lind nakedj_maninmi «1of the 1IW IHRillk department.HC,ra. .M,ra— - —U«_»ne • tti*-co»tom.|»-. ootaV.jet-ao.eriBh-. guile* a tittle- enlliushisto hn»“ numb ; J — —(,vu*."t;irî Jhey-'w ort-ooly-w ltbw hsi dilwu't(ihlr-mtraentott»«ye*lght. »bout AwirTeiittnf HW."« fin©. . 40áwHHkt( > her to be hie wile.. • Ilahcd. Women her« have taken en- fested Itrelf only Just recently 'for- all ' * _ »hfi/tiive Jheipaelven. U I» «o wem- It I» prohablo that the white maa It was not until «urne three months pentlemnn And a whlnwer, who miH.t rar Jewelry. This, however,. i>«duS-.ln._.i could aeu the. bird gp waH «« did the nwil«l^a .«iffc...llally. you aeeo..wai_ IhuslaitlcaJli. toJhe„ pujama jo thq Inter tlinl- Hnlly-vememhereiL.Aunt. thvee-plecs..moilel -f o r - wear -during . no wlae to lwvc sffeclcd the; yuguf* ooeooeoeoooouoowuwPrt MYUgG* • '• • • • . l.uiu: 81« and fllek were married, tryinf li«r h*ud at watch-maVIti#. for gold’ tieclHaves, aliouider plns,'bai In fact after It was called to bU housework hours It is becoming quite living In a liny apartment. Evening» ' Am! aho «ucceoded. With flullerlnji the usual thing for the housewife to orimments and such. Sume id the very, atiepllou he did aee It. , he worked nt h|f leannnn while «He wit heart ahe #aw happlnesa dawn for iMestdayHmeUillored-Jewelryrtfvme— -Z ' SUPERSTITIOUS^ c-iHb'bb«», without douht. »aw It -iiHJMh-ilear^Qi>iU4.^Aunr~l»Pl.B.y©?.:iJ; -wear-her gingham pajamas with aleeve-- “■ erawroldcrtng .hCftld*' hlra„=They-«ere TSSf efilff'and trouaere'pdaeA Uhdar.if.: '.may be netmllKd ttr .rvter. In.dufti»-., For Meditation a deer. ■ . stay until upring. buf llally wnf not \ » . SUE“- “ * OOOOOfr . WA* A no hnppy in their love nml cmnpnn coolie coat: while washing her dishes toch. iBlerwnrka gold with, stiver. - Only he did not know It tnnshlp that Hally came near forget­ *un»rl«Hl when a little Inter she Thera la atyle-nrlrtocracy ««pressed ¡, Be LEONARO A. BARRETT ■ deer, and the invase did. . . or attemllng to manifold duties In the ting nil r'w. wll»n nr Inal »lie though! n mi min ofd her Intention of stiiylng ■hum«.- Tlie miHlri lo lhs - tilrtara la la »rar» derail of the enseiiihle-lutt' ' ForI'l/I !*••■long i.apw«-..»- experience had—.... laught .. lu» altogether at Mr. Ualliuun'a wue. íoooooofloonooodocbooonpcci» Olof AHUIAunt I.UIUl.H|W ; compunction,v...p-.-- - - alnhiied very, attractive; and no doubt .will leur Ip the picture. The luelalllc navaga avlint .0 deer , looked Ilk« «* her. straightway »he wrote the ,n|ce»i When i)lek finally-.-«rent to Tech striped effect In Ihc Rne InipuMvd WATCHING THE CLOCK grant dlntnnce. • ■ , . prove an Inspiration to the home dress­ letter of which.nhe w«» cnpnhle. «end llally went toataywltb (he Hallmans. maker to Immediately Invest lo several cjrijhwra used for His bluure eiirlclic» lie could ilol possibly mistake It for Inn wnpebots hf “the family- aa »he She aitypd there until Dkk returned .* howlilayor-f-huimu«ck..Pt.«ra«». .»I. yard»ofglnghara..iOE,wJlh.tLgOfldpat„-, .the entire Cortume uppearnniw. These •»f-dHä-twrfonwhoW alchealhe.tdock culled heraelf nhd flick. * a fuiMltMUscd' draftsman.' r fio“onp ex? tern to follow, style* Ilka those shown to arid'onii“alive?'aWIBISidtltrertllintrir!, e * falla I« wider adequale aervicu for tha white m«u rould. ' - / , A 'few- weeks following llally re­ cept her mother had ever been ao . Thd white man had never eeen a the picture are very easy to make. thing to attract the aye. for ill«) are - . ; raise received, because. Ida mind la on ceived ft apodal delivery letter from good lo llally and so when the.baby More elegant pajama costume« of most evqulsllriy blended with th»,-.^ the clock and not on bin wort. Work­ deer at a distance. • Aunt t.uln I Sha w«« , coming Knptr cume Hally named her after Aunt Or he hud never token the trouble hand-embroidered and hand-painted ombre brown, beige and. grege lone« - ing sgalnnt llroe. nniloiiily walllng fur io looV inib e-lrae long enough-an* taming jo _vl»H herjroung^folka ciun- Luln. Not “Lnlu*' a» It happened t but which shad« from deep looea a j the — ttii'bTilKfotwhloW.wAUndlCil.to.rlJi*; g rio n ceT -^ -^ .- - *■ IÜÄ. Marie, which- “ e C focomlo,., „worn b, wome,n -----—.------fochtly^nijnyh-IOiUlatliigiUahJ-BIrd, Jugal once. -* ■ - furnish« a poor Incentive for toll. A’’c1 tfil'rW*»fll'"l)veir-the'»m*-fov-| -Kïmf 'OTIhr-wnmiin- who-had- hmm ------­ from flin follnge among which It wan Such a fplrlt „cobs work, of Its sent Halle. She dtd not, know' anything IJUnçl*l Kdi_wh^low. • -.rfS and- peeper eompenaallon. - -.... ■■ - - bidden Jiy 11» protective, coloring. _ _ afiônrAunr l.uluîSavo wliifTher twithCI ------1— _ The man whd watches the clock It *r hadfowh able.to.gattaE.fnmJUita'i-! drlvim l y Idf work. He ncually- full* IHKh jIie aiime llilin'I» observed by brihflnfowiieni: Jettera ;; «he had i Purveyor* of W ater. to rise to » higher-place of reaponsl- passengers nn ocean atoumalill*’ ragni Idea without knowing haw .«h» ... , Carry Heavy Load* bllltythenlw„now.lioIdg„„llB„ll_fpr. „.The odlcera.un: the brldg* wlll look hmltome by.lt. that.Auni l.utq »»» Around « fountain lo one /ot tin- wt! innate If he la able to -keep the Job al the horlson and detect an Webert hla and conrae. Whore would ahe .put -principal—square»—of—Gullo-aaacmhti- 4M.ba«^-ta-bUAlforiAJAJM»!»cl1J>Lmr. Jnvl»lbleJo.Jh4J»«5.«sa------¿ r a-hlgT»om»irln-»tmPftrvmenf "WliWi e?trj' morning the' city*» aguedorca. self agalust overtime work ho h«« ,ll la not becauaa thalr eyaa are beh was haroly large enough; for Hie two Tlicao Water porter« differ from 11* Only robbed blnMelf 'of the larged dp-, le r, It la becnnaa they know bow to off them aaue U.wasT,U .wait „ ' I less energetic one« of aorae 8outh portdwlty-for hfo^witJ.d»»uccB!**>.h dletlngulfb the mollonle*» white of ,XH?kJaqghed w,heh..naU^.lold Mm ] ^ nw |r »"ip'rar •- - — -« The men who never Vhtllka ot • th* ■wlmt they ■muat. ^ ; j i hhofihiHifi 'lRsir'their back«“InalemT-Tif-hiVvbacka'lnslraff-Tif-hd-ih*- ih* dork la not drived by hie work S ou the waves, y , cWell* he »«Id. “we’ll Juat hnvajo backs of ipula*. Their earthen- Ian ■HE HA» HEARD THAT— . . . ■ Tills le luppleuientlng eight with The raaaun «« angagaaaeet.rtng nr the contrary, he dr.lv« If. .lie le more make tha heat of IL dear..' Giva her arc deep, have a'wide mouth and hold ■ .wadding “ring Ja worn, oh the, third Inteveded In hla work than to Idmnelf. •oheervethm. -. ■ our room. Hake her coinfortnhlc.“ about 40 liter». * - Therefore he In able lo put hlu real And lhat 1» what makaa the dif­ ^--«r wlll. hub Dick Un't ¡I odd. h»r flngar of »1» lift hand Is that yea« ference between the «duelled nod the Tha- porter carrlea the Jar oo hla ago It was thought a apaclal artary and vliar spirit Into I t . Ilecauaa of coming't" uni 8h« -never saw me. yha »hnuhler, fastened with leather «trap*. ■ pasaad directly fra« that Huger •* ’* • the quality ol. the work rendered he uneducated., ’ . • .. never saw mother even. In a wny aha lie pevsr detach«« himself from hla i finds btnuelf prepared when'- the The aavaga can neither read nor hasn't |ha slightest claim on ua. Onde heart and eonaaqwantly cteeriy o»«- write, yet-he Is educated In . the ea- ■Jar «»her to ail It or lo transfer It» nactad with tha a««t«» II»«. _ chance for advancement cornea hla Kd was dad's unci*, you know, not his contents to that of hla cuatomer. He tf} «y DcClete W.e«e«f>r aia4lcetO way. - . - aentlsU ot hla exlstaocn. * brother?__ —.—u— .. turti» hla back to the fouototn ao that , llMTj^df psBtnHii--m«tler uP" »re -^Tiie aaiioruiftybu^Hiforuteryef h* j.'fl«l'ara.- rev««' Toa. »»ra It-la odd. hut old padp* • jha Jar cornea under ona of the Jeto aTwayf..m a y for »neu and iimv lo nae hie eyes bettar ravpio SSM Jo nwwrsgraww* . »hing«*--w .---- MinFilnm. “ 111 * ** T1 ■■ n w than does the college prnfftMor Hr tho Of water, llatcna to'the aound-.of. tho- who ara ready for them, but tucb Join wna ipy Knmdfather. n® h*tl monay water In the Jar,1 and hla ear ta ao da not go to timi* w ho'“watch the ¿¡ml n y bmthar was nam*d after.him w it trained that h« «lw»y» „«rotta...... • ------. . . b **^i^S«iqSp5a3lw«rtii^ gnniquiiiiv»’» ..fsaawrijs .•*•.»*; »»*'T*i ' AFflvlnv nt tha hoQM of a cualomer i -GraniHíthfrrU m a r r i ^ ^ o whan 1 * ,h, ^ „ „ . ^ „ , 4 j»r. marra a ByVloU Broth«» Shott And It la that dllfeienra that mekra .ha^«a..tm»tflghüL«nd w llJ M jtv ^ I h ^ ^ Bd_dlM^ rawtwWoJ_ , I us useful lo” ouraeIvra"ahd to -other thing to J'Ish rtd u j^ B ^ M n e . . . I tominJ o( waler. Forrlgnera , can people.. ■ ' ' ■■ rO R THE-GOOSE— It to the - seeing eye of the author Which enables..him to remembe.r.and iYfltí^ranVJrarn"'_____ J l ’ fM O ri- OeucfM the acenee whlob. make tho I I1I1IV UIBU .RHW WW.rw »■»".— » —----V T I^auract of water.—Woahlogton??• «Ï 8Ur... • - V^bòdjr jnu talk t* But-yao «•» background ol hi«; work, . ■ ■ want* somebody to look after her In - f from everybody thot taita to yen- ■ H lf the feeing eyu of the painter .for old ago“ 1 ’ which enables him to produra a tuafo ' “That*»- what I think.“ -Dick. as- infin it« N o ta re The greatest misfortune for i worn-, terplece. „ - , ■ knowledged. , “W eH-lefa forget he« System of natural .To .th* wlxat . ah ajn’t to atop helm' tot«!. UW to , Tat tlvy dlfferenc* between artist unlll the,actually arrive«.. Time »0 wide as to hla -vision, nature -«too wrin',______.m i.jnihar.and.nther . people la .ont 'woroy-gbethEMeeLthaiL^' ’ ■ ■ ' ''*;i:';-' •* ■ _ i remain*retrain» vi«( ium quite« »uuuiswM alta depth, of. really li the eye k t alb . i lUlly mad*' all ih ^ preparaUonaiquite »ni(i7»lt7At- ' 'Dolo*'more favors for peopla that 'll to th* brain behind the.eyo that M B tb^ tor the «pproachluc ¿ p t Iperteoee thereof UrnlU Itaetf lo aeme srbved tber was nogratefal to aarfM makeHt-naeelngAyevftndthathraln noble; hut a leñtbl« wsria online. r t l . »“ v*W »1 u :■ 1 .. ftfit“- a- ft - « . 'llurad "W ■ square • ^IlftMmil««. * Ppflsaa The s WrttVlwft courre ■ aft#at must be trained by bard vfort. ot. tt could beor « bit ol crpwtBng.>_ bettet. AN EhlSEMBLk TAILLEUR *IU never-amount to mneb, s n l ihta when It'w uj torrid. The only nature's'- phases, “ou ‘this oar Hula 'Jm 'flettln' nuid at y w etamg I« «•> troubla m i Aunt-.Luta'did-not an­ traction o f, a planaL-ta partially ; glvln' yoorsell |sro.eneaha to light., .. imane« thqttiha a t ber arrival. khcwa'to ra, but whd , know« what ■UtV^lUUlWfe'.entertaining -Informallyle,, «cenes and. this Is nn. age of marvelmu accornw The linotype -— -— L------Poor as used In oil Held language the compas» of slx worda. - Afler tha; •ysTuiti-kre. HalJy/.Ijtappqratrth« pllshmeoL . Some of the materiali usAkl If yon most on« l a a h t of q tetk . dora not partn nn Open hole Blled with, wotnin“aald.1 Her prrtO nw m JhydM ^ for ensemble» are is dettcaie-and i'lk‘a b» mro Uwy'ra perfectly Itofk «U. on la mntolned In tho formation notlco of tba.depgrtnrn « one of tho sue-llke as georgette, lo tart-'w onll batanea the ran« grain» or fanali flattent or tho ocean greyhounds rar; georgette U among the very > « |i 't i y o n k t Ft'*«« »lew .Irtíraj w y rra rtn J a UmeMnn«, ^ A O M 'thu,maU»r sS“,S í a f e i B a g ï^êM t«^a^^lhfo^w»^-1M tr JULIA nOTTOUl.KVr' i f 'I ta -let — tajtoW yafflra vjCT.tat ah may ha fmmd ta eoqaaercUl quan-- (A till Wastwa'ro«»*N.íí¿4j«“r,rira;í.|| tl> tld fff * - -

.. ‘Y

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l'W »jj\i .«c ■ajgtlfr** g; i a r j - y _**-*'

¡OESZVtfiMeMMEXMQnSEsi i:W *~ «m i f t i l ‘ é n ì p é é ^ a s " w n w ^ S i i » rscu sHAar w *î Phnb Came | •viMwjettS m > to Mankind £ «•* [» «m>eew& m g y ■■<>-:_____ i ------£ ÿpi^^WM sm~*r*«'*»-»TKW A»D..« •• -V .««T MOOSJWW ••■■...... ?■•. «K tf 1 •• • C’ — s r S B S . ” U jO jO jgjJj^ojO jjjojj^ r ^ w Æ ( 9 S k s ‘ ' Th* Swept J*ot»to u g ■mww t - i w u > » ^ e M » “ ut T imuit widely dl«pe r*od of %**>'- m tablea» M ag »alaed for food lu pim <•* ¿ v y as far separated at Japan aud > k /• ginla, is China, ilie lalum!» of m■.* South u m * .a n d i t Butrtli America .-.mi ^-iSSSvÿpft} UM aombern Uolteri State*. ■ g r Novela lell of awed ih»i »hh*« icin'* la g wild (|i) the* South a**u Wand». jnu -T h eft' T r-tm —hwai-- ocieuUiW-owUkiiwai-- Ih a t.th e y grew there .In an origin..» wild »tine, rather Ilian eavuplug Tr-jir cultivation m- find friendly cltnmu*, The feminine Touch anU Mil) In the Helds and womi*. > ( THE FEATHERHEAD8 Many Imtahlaia have act. the rwi-H point« down na a plant of AumtIcmh NOW * 6 H tfit x uma tr.M *L/ origin« due, In pat!, to tho f«n-M? *>» - I*J»RSS « tW ibi* A fiM ueune WNKtt- just HOMj of Id vurletlea* of the genu» hoioni- Sftt •• *** I ■ >__■ 1 ,AM-SWMD«WtK> DiD -Vou MtAM WW> , of which it la's inetnlwr, 11 lire f.-mi t . tOQMN&UCAHM^ IT M O ^FIV C D C « OAST CCACK ? y In America alone, while-the other imir .-PS»'/, w a w o iw g w a s » * are found both-li^Aiuncica bnd In \u iy Asuar xastD»» Old. world. . . JSHÜ.TIO ' The geographer, Uhmh.thK. i|n«i. r unother authority ua auyim: tm»« ; ì ù - Cbrlatnpher t.Niluuibtja. wlieu in*. m>. pearetl fur The llrar time Indore ijmv> \ Iwihelln. offered her i«w i pmnnn-v among the fruit* und prodm-M of n.* «JfcoauaiMa’JA-iWhich ■Jio».1tromthi.w..hrt«iJ>i. R s .-ggg£ wntf Klfilf 'Tlvtiddr whff’Wffftw-liryher - HUtevnth i*entiiry, had aeon the **.«*ot (Hitato culllvnted by th e nutlv«*» of Hanlo Domingo mu) hud liluiwlf lm«" dilced it Into ciittlviition m ;A'Hi Mp'iiln. I'nrlv wrllora euld eleo limi n w uizirour, Hpuftlili^ a iu c jIliL U u i u r : eweet potuto wu» .tiihen to MhmIi i timi other eiiKtern iNlnnda. whom«* If epreud Into the ’ Malay urrlupii.u"' and- fhij""S«Hi!!rii<*H<. ' It la nlao un nrgum ept on the •>>!•- Our Pet Peeye of IhòNi who aee an Amerhnn orluui An Annual Occurrence f/ir tlila nroftil. plant that .no tlr**T». Itnimm or Arali nume for II Ima umim,-. , um from «mdent.-hUiotr - lluH hpfw um* alao |toteht urpmaott» : ¥ that It waa known long- .ago To■ »h.*«. tin Orient, llreliachneldur, Uortiorimin aHentlal, dlacovoM'd. n^om n i a . n* it , It} a hook puhliNhed In < Mini a» I'.nv ■.<*• i1*. oga ua the Hucimd or Third rt*.niurv i t e of the t.'tirtailnn era,. And. ihi’iv* Hr I&V a limit uh, much ahlhorlty-for aayloi that ft Vug a native «/f Tuhltl and \ i t oilier Kouth mmi regiona aa for.thr, rlnlm (luti li waa Inirmluced there h« the HpirtiUli, . . ■ 1 ' The old arguimint that the p!un! ttlWwA'Ava*»*. on Id hi|ve Imtu apriuid thriuighont : sc.1*!; 'tfniid'jntirhf 'anwnc^'^Tah f u."jUvi n Itwntr'-huddliWMinauuUvfc.ofAi'tiL; given added auppnrt to* Mio dulia fur American origin, ua doea the fad thai Ita principal apread In A»lu and l-.o rotte lina come alme the dlm-omy nf «V •+ • America., . ■ . A» yet the (m e awevT piftimi iim feSSf^*8iu8i B etdw ea fuuinl. li» nu.%4Mahmhle4 -w|idà ^•v ' ntnte on ih» American coailnent, Yn Kb cultivation In Virginia and fm* f notitlmm puri of North America h*- gtm very noon after that regina m* gan Trading with Mouth and tVatrai. Ameren. -

v . Cucumber m m usii Africa -lina glvm.ii» A khawn a|a}dea of tho _ genita “Cucinai*?! To whrch*1io0i_lì':: ” inelou- and Ilio cininnlM'r Mona. th**. common eiicurnher of cverydiiy u»e f»- ■a oatlvtr-of norllier» - Indhn -wh*1«“- tf- ~ growa tn a wild alute nf tbo font of llie.-IU um laya -fnoouUilua lu Mikklio. .homu of lite finitone indiali notimi of. Ili«' HKika. * Th OK W M - OP OU«. TOWUSIAEVJ • r m NcAK. .e v o u u e m«t , « u r auuac» ARE OWUKIMS 1WASBIVE8 TD 0EA1M»UUtBf «OEPIUSS Tt> ME . BVfiOLL^ -mEVUATfiOAAa are vwcd and aome hlller, uh N 0>- .VMMow DoeW TaoBosncP*'^'' i? h t d jo s t .. ME»7TfatAt'THEH*.'WV««i TBP A'VWWWfcr, caae willfc. ih« wild «uterini luM, *»f “S P - bu#< pi* UP^H« « top» , c rcpa te: hip * - WETlK* TU.-«m»SR.B« WRRTMS'OP'., ^Àfrt?fl;^whldTr“:tti!veii’heipii*, -, '.ib'"uAvpoi>'AU EonoR-Grérs p k é rty Vi««,' " TVWa. S cnip TAMM TO HOSPITAkS, cm. w e '«WS/ Al UT* MOEE MUÈOEES » NlEtt, -TMEElC' jurr nu» n arri SXVCHMBl PBOPIS AIA TMB TIMS » AUO I r t o . SHOW UilUCOSUfi, M U fi HM> STOCK. OP'lD PATÉ, mlttedly true waiermdon». eeMerEtcy>>Auo s c w r a i. o p o u a . A M SOME-MEUS ITEMS (SKTTIWÔ REACrV CiiniHihcr* hiivnln-cn culllvnted nv • COCTMM THAT ArlEAST OUB PAid OP HSMCr. auo Aoceattee, «« « o o lo m a k s Mvouei . ReCKLESa OAIUEM Vlnu. POUIUC IM TKE MW*, TO HAPPEN» MAVR A PSM. lUXU» UME ' u r o u e t A n ItttTEAO p p PUW IU*M ft 'A BAMKEÜPIEW nion for ut If-oil fhree thouvond yeor». Biwrin M w m m e ìau-to as«. twAtmo^ . Brmu». W -n w OBTIUAIUMl TWE «OUTTAl. 1U6SC TUIU. MW>’EMIN TME CUD-V - WMQManvB . uonce «JP -.«« FK.PEK.»' v ’ . VINO VUOWB « ■ ÿ ua li ahown hy thè faci timi la Arahh cn«piu^ M mtmM W IWAM O»>MU«ORinMA'ni M m it> ~ CAStì-oa w ckmase eurep i cawt t ì u Tì T« one vgrlefy hua a nume of Turuuhm > n y -1MN DOMT UXW ATTUI 1MQK MuM TR^. 'Erigili, «Idar than iltjt-- Sanakrit. . MtUW OT URTM TM URI W tflIiait! It wua Introduced Inid Chino hi thè M M . t W Mecond crtitury tmfwre Chrlat. whvu th** f’jian^.m im riilurni tt,_ (rubi liiiclrluno. Town rii ili, vrt.i tin- ip,rl(in timi «iirmil muri* ruiiiilljr- -Tli» nnvlcnl (IriM-k. rnliwil «m-iiiiilKir. un* lier Ihtr nnmiT .Hum,, wlilrli l, *li-*

lliiiunnr I-Iilli'il IlLlM Iiliuil tiK-umlv sl*- In t 111* riHil.-fiir llie- mmli'rn K nili.b Duine. ' ...... — ...... : . Il liu , idmiclliiK*» butin «mO limi Hi" cuvuniber win- Ilio lclm-lD»cliiilin. un Klijpllun fruii which the* lunuillii-r l»- ■ -.. »..’*•» «s„ fi } „ **' wnllcü when .tlwy ’»ere lo ih- <1- ■‘",l* E .*,■:... ■ rf..-. ■;.■ -Vl »• •••- •• ; /. :•: hut no’ evlilence « il,tu Ihm i-iKuinher., ... onta rolm il In EiiJIif limi Uni* u»n *5= One «IH-Ole» a l cueiiinher. kin>«n ■ l o w w «*~rtTrHc ftfir -, botnnlenll; in Ih» W m Inillnn x her _ klD, I» p u u Ib ljT if Arnerlrun Iirliiu. H . ' / O m t HITTSAM SfRUCK -li»»-b«u-fmi»il-*ri>wliHi--*«iNil«-iJiHt,—^•— rlo n rv K ids „llnrt In uuinj puri» of.implnil Amer*, i­ v l f l l l v j - A U I O ijvsr JfFoR t A t i c fiA M é li», e»P«elnll/ Jmimleu. iilhct Wnl Indio» lolnnd*,. «m l'ln Uraxll nml.lh«_ — ;TJHHie‘Ü N06RtAK ejr- 3£%4l ¿ r pjTv'r“ *’• ’ w A Argentine. Alllinuifh -nmnj h*uunl*ti " ViejrASK nOFifCfiYM € lMV0 ;BCC»pttMl -pilo oniull,( prlekljr in- n i 9 È 2 , euinbcr u a noti.» of,trnpUul Aiui-r* : < - rrKClCNTIRtOorpetO .;s Ica, otharo tin.a.thallenki-il Milicnn- clnilOD. ’ T b e j point ont (bai ritrist • .. *i utr«iTHe,Ati/n J Otticr ■ jp c v lca of cncuiul» coro« fniii. ,. >, ' ( -/ÿflca*and_alioi»_liialT.lh|»..ll!îQ.r s ~ÙF fijUHFKLïOfJCW »*- KfioVp' 'ònlj^alitri*—nva-i-moaue^nii- [ ‘ s j-1 S v - -«k-V — Amarle» l^dl.lrloa (hai Carrl.il^n , <■/* ttrlok a la ta (rade. Kniro tubi (ti«y • w«a. dCdoc« thàt Uiaprlcklj tropical on uni- Wky N o ti. bcr^gg» Introduced from Ih« fhirk eontlaont, found (ha country w l'i* llk ln s and I)«««» irow ln* wild before . b o t t a t a noticed IL . MBC ^ R R r p —Ìpm MC wmgt ?» ^____*- m ¿If&rSi, k'ki * }« **■ " _ » T‘ » " i * ir“BP I / ; ■ i

vmsBi&mssiGi - r C f * * T 7 * ? W \ m i m efAflpçrlÿfjy* .-o cr. i n BWIiW, .WW WW-W-

Cburtb S c W *:45 «, rod mortil«* prtjr« with w®®- II »• "W naatot ' ’ prayer wttb addra»», * P- *>•' • ■. i * I j h tr a Will * i» n k* tar a m and tm * i \ «¿Uy “ori"FBd*yrtome»row^«*nl^M ^ t:is o'clock. under a * auapteea a the Brotherhood of Bt. Andrew I and O H- Randall. of Philadelphia, editor of Bt Andrew's Croat, the or»an of .the Brotherhood. erlU be tbe.apeaker. Men . . d kae^'feM n AfltBP n B r ilh d ftK W *

$ 1 3 . 5 0 P ^ ' hOi« ohw1dn(^iyTMer»T»t

WAElfmO TO DOO OWNER! meeting In the Parleh House lait A num^tr of pat dog» la 4ha M A - Thursday. There wae a »upper.-with borhoodcfOtaalo»d.Madl»ontad»m * card» afterward, prlaee being won by North avenu«, Rdye beta RUtod iwtoatly Mr». O. O. Albury, Andrew Holer of through tb* agency td an aiw im oui m d e o w I paid wtthin ».ter« frani i Newark. and Mrs,. Roacoe, Pouit. A iand tndtontmlnata. paiaoaer..Ft side of the &5IV* r* ‘Jr, road last Tuesday at 4 p. m- yaa run «Si— , -Alili *r— ------r Have * “look in” o n - ...... t „ ____ InlohrWUllamvParkeri-of-aarwood. F i r s t n a t i o n a l B a n k -chlWro who vtaa driving east. HI» mothin Mr». Isabella Parker, who was wlth;hlm. *•- e.. 1%» ebildKi M ortgage Participation C ertificates calved a bad cut on the head. Injury to the neck and general cantuytonadf ______CRANFORD, N. J. v , y ^bfldrej the body, and was attended by I J fX;., . «£" Rater. Parker agreed to W tar dam­ - • v -J [$<$ - f-zp age to McClain’s ear. ^ .. ■ / ' •, .y ' I " ...... ^ SAFE INVESTM ENT ’ • Ml»» Virginia Carpenter, of Wainlng- 1 ■ . •"■■■ • • \ ■ . ■’. : ■■ ...... - •• ■ ■. . .■ ■ • too. D. C-.fell into a n open man-hMe ; ‘ .- ....’ - e . . -A- ’. ^effects toward Ui»; op-BouihAvenw.nwjtoiu^ j g d lit and skirt I» o tj le^TileSdayJ rdghtrand"torobll*d7g|f -="5--” -ar-—- ■»SCUMehTTaWriOUaie». -tweed,—-whìc_ ankle. It is' claimed' there, were no lights at the tnan-hole. add It *55 “ • ^ ‘ --«VV« |oolen~r»irtp to your home town barricaded- u _ ___ weluua ac^,„ puteriata Usedl H K ' v - : ■ • Ptcate ami:j|»lf [In fart“'" l a t e s j The- annual inspection' of pe flrefy? hoyBcbut TroopabytbePnlon County Ooundl will be conducted'to the Qym- nastunl*'otrtbe -'Presbyterian—.Chape TiULttttS p jjta a priday 'evening a t L.o’tk*k.v;'v .Arrangement»-bare besgi made ,tcg -Ì'

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