A healthy is very important Choosing vegetarian diet There are 5 main food groups: Main types of vegetarian diet Benefits  grains strict vegan - consumes only ,  vegetarian food is rich in dietary fibre which  vegetables and grains helps in maintaining normal body weight by fruits  - does not take dairy giving a sensation of fullness  , fish, and alternatives  and alternatives products, eggs and meat lacto-vegetarian - consumes only dairy  decrease the risk of colon cancer, piles and products, fruits, constipation The main nutrients provided by these foods are vegetables and grains , , , and . - does not take eggs and because of its low-fat content, the risk of heart Our body obtains varying amounts of these meat  nutrients from different types of food and then disease, hypertension, stroke, cancers, , ovo-vegetarian - consumes only eggs, gallstones may also be reduced utilizes them to promote growth, help fruits, vegetables and development and maintain . Therefore, we grains must have a in order to obtain Precautions sufficient and appropriate nutrients. - does not take dairy products and meat  some nutrients are only found in meat, eggs and dairy products. Since vegetarians do not To have a healthy diet, the principles of the - consumes only dairy lacto-ovo- take meat and some even do not take eggs and healthy eating food pyramid must be followed. products, eggs, fruits, vegetarian vegetables and grains dairy products, they may become deficient in - does not take meat these nutrients. Nutrient deficiency may result in malnutrition, tiredness, anaemia and other fruitarian - consumes only fruits, dried fruits, nuts and illness honey  vegetarians need to be particularly careful in the choice and combinations of food. They Examples of vegetarian food may have to take vitamins or other dietary  whole and grains – brown , , supplements as advised by their doctors oatmeal, bran, whole  if one wishes to control weight by switching wheat cracker to a vegetarian diet, he/she must be careful about the quantity of food intake, choice of food, cooking methods and amount of oil used What is vegetarian diet  nuts – peanuts, lotus , almond,  it is a kind of diet that includes mainly fruits, macadamia , hazel-nut, brazil-nut, vegetables and grains but excludes all meat gingko  it has become more popular in recent years for the following reasons:  and products – soya bean, lentil, - some people believe that vegetarian diet split pea, green is healthier pea, kidney bean, - some have religious reasons and refrain chicken pea from eating meat  - some have special beliefs such as fruits and vegetables – asparagus, brussel environmental protection and sprout, cucumber, rights protection carrot, , - some people simply want to control their pumpkin, weight and therefore cut down on meat mushroom, fruits consumption ,PSRUWDQWIDFWVIRUYHJHWDULDQFKLOGUHQDQG\RXWK y &KLOGUHQDQG\RXWKDUHDWDQLPSRUWDQWVWDJH y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y 9HJHWDULDQ IRRG LQ JHQHUDO GR QRW KDYH D FDIIHLQHLQFUHDVHWKHORVVRIFDOFLXP VWURQJWDVWHDQGLVQRWSDUWLFXODUO\DSSHWL]LQJ 3DUHQWV QHHG WR PDNH H[WUD HIIRUWV DQG EH  )RRGULFKLQLURQLQFOXGHVSLQDFKSUXQHV PRUHFUHDWLYHLQWKHLUFRRNLQJDQGUHFLSHVLQ GULHGDSULFRWVLURQDGGHGEUHDNIDVWFHUHDOV RUGHU WR LQFUHDVH WKHLU FKLOGUHQ¶V LQWHUHVW LQ DQG ZDWHUPHORQ ,QWDNH RI IRRGV ULFK LQ IRRGDQGVWLPXODWHWKHLUDSSHWLWH YLWDPLQ & OLNH IUHVK IUXLWV LQFUHDVH WKH DEVRUSWLRQRILURQ y 7KH SURWHLQ FRQWHQW RI YHJHWDEOHV LV LQ JHQHUDO ORZHU WKDQ WKDW RI DQLPDO SURGXFWV   )RRGVULFKLQ]LQFLQFOXGHEHDQVQXWVDQG 7KHUHIRUH LQ RUGHU WR REWDLQ WKH GLIIHUHQW ZKHDWJHUPV W\SHV RI SURWHLQ WKH DPRXQW DQG YDULHW\ RI IRRG LQWDNH DUH RI JUHDW LPSRUWDQFH IRU YHJHWDULDQV %HDQV QXWV DQG GDLU\ SURGXFWV FDQ EH FRQVXPHG LQ YDULRXV FRPELQDWLRQV HJFDVKHZQXWKD]HOQXWDQGDSULFRWVHUYHG LQORZIDW\RJKXUWOHJXPHVDQGFKLFNHQSHDV VHUYHGLQVDXFHPDGHRIFRWWDJHFKHHVH y 2QO\GDLU\SURGXFWVOLYHUPHDWDQGHJJVFDQ SURYLGHXVZLWKYLWDPLQ% ,I WKHVH IRRGV DUH QRW WDNHQ YLWDPLQ % VXSSOHPHQWV RU YLWDPLQ%IRUWLILHGFHUHDOVVR\DEHDQPLON RURWKHUIRRGVPXVWEHWDNHQ5HDGWKHIRRG ODEHOV GXULQJ VKRSSLQJ WR ILQG RXW ZKHWKHU YLWDPLQ%KDVEHHQDGGHG