Side 1 Weekly on the Parshah

Parshas Pinchas 5771 sinews were used for the strings of David’s harp; its The Sacred Shofar hide was fashioned into Eliyahu Hanavi’s belt; its left horn became the shofar that Hashem blew at Har Sinai; ast but not east L L and its (larger) right horn will be used in the future to sound the blast signifying the ingathering of the exiles עֲׂשָרָה דְבָרִ ים נִבְרְ אּו בְעֶרֶ ב תׁשַּבָ ּבֵ ין הַּׁשְמָ ׁשֹות, וְאֵ ּלו הֵ ן, ּפִ י (Pirkei D’Rebbi Eliezer, ch. 31). הָָארֶץ,ּופִ י הַּבְאֵ ר,ּופִ יהָ ָאתֹון, וְהַּקֶׁשֶ ת,וְהַּמָ ן, וְהַּמַּטֶ ה, וְהַּׁשָמִ יר, וְהַּכְתָב, וְהַּמִכְּתָ ב,וְהַ ּלּוחֹות. וְיֵׁש אֹומְרִ ים,ַאף הַּמַּזִיקִ ין, וקְבּורָ תֹו Speaking of rams’ horns, the familiar mitzvah of ׁשֶל מׁשֶה, וְאֵילֹוׁשֶל ַאבְרָהָםָאבִ ינּו. blowing the shofar on is contained in this week’s parshah (“It shall be for you a day of blasts” “Ten things were created on the eve of Sabbath during [Bamidbar 29:1]). As we shall soon see, there seems to the twilight period (i.e., right before the onset of the be a clash between some of the laws associated with Sabbath), and they are: The mouth of the ground, this mitzvah and the Medrash’s statement about the the mouth of the well, the mouth of the donkey, the usage of the horn of this special ram. rainbow, the manna, the staff, the Shamir, the writing, the writing implement, and the tablets. Some also include the demons, Moshe’s grave, and the ram Elementary Me’ilah and a New Lease sacrificed by our forefather Avraham (in place of his on Life son, Yitzchak)” (Avos 5:6). Appropriately, most of the particulars of this subject are We have seen last week that this ram was quite discussed in Maseches (Tractate) Rosh Hashanah. The extraordinary. At least in the opinion of R’ Ya’akov there (28a) tells us in the name of R’ Yehudah Emden, the ram sacrificed by Avraham was created that for shofar purposes, one should not use the horn during the first week of Creation and existed up until of an animal that is designated for an olah (burnt- his time. offering). Since such an animal has been imbued with sanctity, employing its parts for personal use would The Medrash further elaborates on its uniqueness. constitute me’ilah (profaning a sanctified object). This Apparently, this ram was extremely utilitarian, as halachah would seem to present a problem for the evidenced by the listing of the numerous functions aforementioned Medrash. Avraham’s ram itself was for which its various parts were designated: its ashes an olah, as the verse attests: “And he sacrificed it (the (following its consumption on Avraham’s altar) formed ram) as a burnt-offering in place of his son” (Bereishis the base of the incense alter of the Sanctuary; its ten 22:13). If so – asks the Yom Teru’ah (Rosh Hashanah,

Kindly take a moment to study MISHNAS CHAYIM in the merit of לזכר נשמת ברוך בן משה ע"ה a fellow Jew who passed away with no ,רחל לאה בת אברהם ע"ה relatives to arrange Torah study on behalf of her neshamah.

MISHNAS CHAYIM is brought to you by CHEVRAH LOMDEI MISHNAH, a network of Torah scholars dedicated to bringing the merits of Mishnah study to the greater Jewish public. Encompassing Mishnah, Gemara, and a variety of other services, CHEVRAH LOMDEI MISHNAH primarily assists mourners interested in acquiring the merit of Torah study for their loved ones. Side 2 Weekly Mishnah on the Parshah

ibid.) – how could its horn be used as a shofar at Har to Avraham’s sacrifice, Hashem gathered the ashes בַּ שְׁלִישִׁ י יֶשׁ בּוֹ טֻמְאָ ה, בָּרְבִיעִ י ובַחֲמִישׁ ִ י אֵ ין בָּהֶ ם טֻמְאָ ה... Sinai?For Such background a practice purposes, is forbidden we present according here a to brief R’ together and reconstitutedּ them to form a shofarּ, a שׁ ֶ נִּבְרָ א בְּ יוֹם הַ ּשׁ ִּׁשִי, טָמֵ א. .Yehudah! “resurrection” of sorts synopsis of the Creation schedule, in which the items Perhaps this dilemma can be resolved by addressing yet This“From same things idea can created be applied on day to one,resolve there the are“me’ilah those” anothercreated problem, on any given for according day of the to theSix RambanDays of (CreationShemos thatissue, are as susceptible well. The toGemara tumah. in Nothing ( 59bcreated) recounts on day a 19:3), the shofar used at Har Sinai seems to have faced twoprinciple is susceptible relating to to tumah the status. There of are sanctified items created objects: on even bigger issues. As stated, the horn was taken from Once the mitzvah for which the object was designated are mentioned: day three with tumah-susceptibility. Days four and five the ram sacrificed by Avraham as an olah. As its name has been performed and completed, the prohibition contain no tumah-susceptible items... but creations of implies (“burnt-offering”), such a sacrifice – including of me’ilah is no longer in effect. In other words, if day six are tumah-susceptible.” allDay of #1:its composite Heaven and parts earth – is (and completely light). consumed by something was set aside for a certain mitzvah purpose – the altar’s fire. This would mean, then, that the horn of andIn acquired all, days holiness one, threeas a result and – sixonce contain that mitzvah tumah has- thisDay particular #2: Firmament ram (as well separating as the rest between of it) was the nothing upper susceptiblebeen completed, items, whilethe associated days two, sanctity four and is five terminated. do not. more than a pile of ashes! How does one blow a shofar An animal that incurred sanctified status on account The Bartenura fills in the details: Generally speaking, from that? of being designated for sacrifice will lose this sanctity waters and the lower waters (the latter being the yam materialsonce it has become been sacrificed.tumah-susceptible Most often, when theythis are law has The Ramban deduces that it must be that subsequent fashionedlittle bearing, into sincevessels an or animal clothing that – hasthat been is, depending burnt to a [sea]). oncrisp what is generallythe materials useless. are. ButOn inthe this first case, day, where the earth – as wasthe Ramban created; contends earthenware – the vessels horns areof the susceptible animal were to Day #3: Trees, grass, and all vegetation. tumahreconstituted,. Day number these newly two sawrenovated the fashioning horns are offree the of firmamentsanctity and separating can be used the for otherwaters; purposes nothing without there that reservation (Avodah B’rurah, p. 154). Day #4: Heavenly bodies of illumination (sun, moon, could incur tumah. The third day saw the creation of the trees;The wooden truth is vessels that are the susceptible answers advancedto tumah. On by the the stars). fourthcommentators and fifth todays, this the question heavenly run bodies the gamut,and creatures many ofinvolving the air andthe intricaciessea were formed,of the laws respectively. governing They me’ilah do. Day #5: Flying creatures and denizens of the sea. notThere incur is onetumah other, and solution so, seemingly, proposed a moon-rock by the Chasam jug, orSofer a sharkskin, however, purse that is would both besimple tumah and-free. brilliant However, at the Day #6: Animals and man. leather-productssame time. In essence, from animals me’ilah – createdcan be characterizedon the sixth as a form of stealing; by co-opting a sacred object day – would be susceptible to tumah. for personal use, one is making unauthorized use of The Mishnah in Keilim (17:14) goes through TheHeaven’s Problem “belongings.” with As such, Seaweed the usage of the shofar of an olah at Har Sinai was completely sanctioned; A personalized program of limud Torah sinceUpon Hashem delving Himself into some blew of the the shofar intricacies, He of was, this in each day of Creation,in your notingzechus on which days materials topic,effect, a pointusing toHis consider own possession. would be the various forms of ZIVUG ZERA PARNASSAH REFUAH sea vegetation (generally referred to as kelp or seaweed). susceptibleKAYAMA to defilement were created: Coming Soon! It’s the volume you’ve been waiting for – The complete Mishnas Chayim. AlthoughYour weekly dose possibly of Mishnah not on the the Parshah, most available fashionable at last in one easy-to-access by current text, 732.364.7029 standards,a compendium people of Torah thoughtsencompassingdid utilize (at Jewishone point outlook, or halachah, another) historical perspectives and more. You read it every week. Now add it to your shelf. Coming to וְיֵשׁ בְּמַ ה ׁ ֶּ שנִּבְרָ א בְּ יוֹם הָרִ אשׁ וֹן טֻמְאָ ה, בַּ ׁ ֵּ שנִי אֵ ין בּוֹ ChevrahLomdeiMishnah.orgטֻמְאָ ה, theJewish abundant bookstores everywhere fibrous Tishrei material 5772 (October supplied 2011).

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