ee. Mont. ae; ow ceremy ‘The Many Resources, Developed. and Undeveloped, More Than Justify a Railroad Alon ng Powder River ia Powder Riy County Examiner © Published 87 Miles From the Nearest ‘and The 8 Independent Quiz Paper in County, Publtened 07, miles ¥ Like a Blanket.

for Land Offices tines Moat. ene and Newcastic, Wye. $2 Per Year in Advance STRONG ASHTON maui i POWDER aN L | = IVE AUGHTS OF WAY, -OIL LEASES AND LAND TENTATIVE ROUTE RAILROAD FACTIONS a

POWDER RIVER ROUTE INDUGEMENTS- FOR RAILROAD PROJECT. ‘MLO PROJECT, “The proposed tentative railroad Ta the rivalry between route. will proceed frem Miles City and Powder river for the proposed new ——— south through the famed Powder railroad from Casper, Wyo., to Miles The spacious auditorium of the high are similar to the ones given to pri- Whether the route would follow the River country, thence in a south- City, Mont.,, Hon. John B. Kendrick A spirit of patnaaladie and co-oper- school building in Broadus was filled vate corporations to individuals. A or whether it weuid westerly direction to Casper, the me- of Sheridan, United States ggnator --ation marked the organization at Ar- river to Arvada to capacity Saturday afternoon when railroad through this country wonld vada, Wyc, Thursday night of the branch to Clearmont by | fallowing trepolis of the oil-producing territory from , is caught between two farmers, ranchers and Breadus inter- Clear cre@k, the people of his com- fires fcr he owes allegiance to both. contribute to the suppert of the coun- Association for the Promotion of A of Wyoming,” says the Miles Citg Am- Pests gathered to hear the latest. rail- ty and state government and the munity were ready to lend their every Ratlroad Preject n Powder River. It erican, “From Miles City to the “Powder River” was the first sweet- read message brought from Miles City schools through taxation, and would support and encouragement. heart to Mr. Kendrick when he came was started under most auspicious us @Ountry the road would penetrate by Messrs. W. J. Butler and Paul J- provide transpertation —facitities for to Wyoming and Montana as a mere conditions and has for its personnel E. A. Blenkner of Broadus said “Ar- a territory phencmenally endowed with Wedge, bankers, and H. J. Sawtell, moving Mve stock and farm produce from five communities vada send Mr. O'Connell to Broadus to agriculture and stock-growing fré- coOwpuncher from Texas, for it was on president of the Miles City Chamber

« representatives from the country. It would develop the sources—a country for a. generation Powder river that the distinguished , in Wyoming and three in Montana, assist in securing the railroad fer of Commerce. The megting was under many natural resources cf the country. or more rencwned for the grwing of Senator achieved his first. success, and Thad Hale, president of the newly or- Powder River, and taking up the war- auspices cf the Broadus Chamber of this in the livestock industry. He is The railroad is welcomed to Miles City ganized Arvada Chamber of Commerce, time phrase that was heard over the fine cattle and horses, and which, Commerce and its president, S. A. and people in Powder River county since the advent of the farmer, = @ heavy property owner on Powder was elected permanent chairman of nation, we are here tonight with our Holt, presided. should go as far as pessible in lending Frank T. Kelsey of ecobme equally distrnguished for the Tiver and new owns one of the larg- “the associaticn; answer, “Let "er buck!” Addresses were made by the three every assistance and encouragement supériority of its agricultural prod- est, if not the largest, along the en- Moorhed, vice chairman, ana William R, C. Rasmusson of Barber told ef Miles City. gentlemen. in bringing it to this country. Whether ucts. It, has alse been conclusively tire course of Powder river, extending P. Service of Arvada, secretary-treas- the original plans for a pipe line toe the wonderful country south of Arvada demonstrated that much of that re- 300 mils from its source near Casper, Cc. W. Butler tola how a delegation urer. Men were appointed to represent the Yellowstcne at Forsyth will pre ithat lay undeveloped for lack cf rail- gion ‘s underiaid with extensive coal Wyo., to its mcuth on the Yellowstone from Miles City had gone to Chicago their respective communities as fol+ road transportation. “We can raise vail or whether a railroad will be beds of thé very choicest lignite, and river at Terry, Mont. In addition, Mr. especially to take up a railroad pro- lows: W. R. Powers cf Clearmont; grain and sugar beets if we can get built depends _on the assistance’ and Floyd it only remains to provide the meces- Kendrick. owns hundreds of acres of ject with the Haskell oil interests Ralph R. Read of Buffalo; Allen the produce to the market,” he said. encouragement that we extend. sary shipping facilities tc convert tne undeveloped coal lands and pcssibly Governcr Haskell of Oklahoma is pres- of Sheridan; John Osborn of Gillette. “We sent 300 carloads of cattle cut of P. J. Wedge wus confident the Has- Holt of Powder River country into a bustling oil lands along Powder. river. ‘Con- ident of the Middle States Oil Cérpora- Thad Hale of Arvada; 8. A. our country last year,” and with a kel! oil interests were sincere in their region of profitable and remunerative versely, Mr. Kendrick is one of the tion wh now propese the building of Broadus, R. H. Lawrence of Moorhead railroad the Powder River valley purpose to build either a pipe line cr mining activity. Anda it would require Substantial property cwners of Sheri- a railroad from Casper, Wyo., to M'les and H. A. Sawtell of Miles City. would preve one of the richest in the a railroad. It cost them $1,378 to file no great stretch of the imaginaticn dan city for there he has built a most City, Ment. People who have investi- The object cf the association Is to entire state. ‘their incorporation papers for a raii- conceive as to what the effect of such pretentious residence and owns valu- gated, are convinced that the Haskell way possible with read. H. 8S. Gordon was through this co-operate in every Alva Sarah, who located on Powder development would be upon the status able business blocks. interests have the ability and money the railroad promoters by supplying country recently looking for oil struc- river 86 years ago, declared ite re- ofethe Powder River count nor to: At an expense of $80,000 Mr. Ken- to build such a line that would pro- desired information and data and se- tures. Mr. Williams \followed him sources unlimited in ofl and” agricul- jowhat the tremendous advantage such drick built an irrigation system on vide a means of transporting cl from curing donations of land for rights of from New York to Miles City. C. &. ture and that it flowed threugh a development would be to the commeér- Clear creek, a tributary to Powder the Salt Creek fields, pronounced by way. country that was the heart of the live geologists the greatest in the world. Lake, who is In charge of the Haskell ciaf and industrial life of Miles City. river, that brought under ditch approx- interests, left Miles City Tuesday The raflroad meeting was held at stock industry. Powder river and its While the Sinclair interests are build- Not only weuld it provide a wonder- imately 11,000 acres of valley land. morning, accompanied by Messrs. Huss Arvada under auspices of the Cham- tributaries prodice more livestock ing a pipe line tc Kansas City the oil ful stimulus to every undertaking now Mr. Kendrick and relatives are in and Fensternoon, raflroad engineers, ber of Commerce of that live little than any other stream in the state, he established here, but it would add Gbsolute ownership of 1,600 acres of production needs another railroad. The A sumptuous and went over the preposed Tongue tewn ‘on Powder river. sald. many new enterprises, and the popu- ‘Seal. Tiind on Powder river that were Haskell interests originally proposed the visiting dele- River route via Sheridan to Casper, banquet was served F. T. Kelsey cf Moorhead said he lation would be given an impetus the purthased from the government sev- a pipe line te Forsyth from the oil com- Wyo., and if time permitted they were gations and townspeople at the expected no opposition to a railnoad propertions of which could. hardly be eral years ago. Veins of coal in thick- fields and have two surveys. As a ladies of Arvada expected to follow the Powder River munity hall by the along its entire curse for with such conceived of at the present time.” ness from twenty-two to forty feet. railroad would not cost much In ex- men were seated at the preposed route on the return trip. and around 100 transportaticn facilities the people are knowns to exist on this land for | ‘cess of a pipe line, the additional fa- ap- Governor Haskell was expected in New three tables. With their appetites could prosper, improve their Atving the-cotr’outtroppings are to he seen) ctittes fer transportation @“by-arrail- peased the, gathering repail road caused the Haskell interests to York the 20th of this month and had Feonditions and matntatr thelr farts almost everywhere. arranged a conference with Mr. Lake school house. had Hale de listen favorably to a railroad project. according to improved methcds. A Qn Powder river Mr. Kendrick owns at that time, so it fs possible that Mr. address of welcome, declaring that co- No railrcad company is back of the TmHrittrorr andt—a—hatt wcres of—tand—orr the K ranch @ . Lake will nct be able to make the operation ‘‘was.-always necessary to “2 TatlTroadtinre—ter— Powder river are susceptible to irri- At both these places on Pewder river, Powder River Fouts on tims trip tor accomplish a certain objective and in would be built and operated by the gation if given the suppert of raflroad there are countless numbers of level will submit a tentattve report with the this particular instance co- -operation transportation, said Kelsey. Powder COMMERCIAL CLUB oll corporation. Captain Norman, an meadow land. At an expense of many rall- information already in his possession. of all was extended to support the river has its source 12 miles from engineer for the Haskell interests was thousands of dollars Mr. Kendrick A railread meeting was held in Ash- road possibilities on Powder river from here during the revent severe cold Casper and a railroad along its ccurse built ranch structures at the L X Bar land yesterday afternoon to consider Casper, Wyo. to -Miles City, Mont. Arvada, Wyo. on Powder river, & weather and made the first ratircad would follow a water grade the entire ranch that are unsurpassed any place the possibilities of a railroad on the Frank T., Kelsey of Moorhead was station cn the Burlington railroad 83 reconnoissance of the Powder River distance of approximately 300 miles. in the west. Native stone was used Tngue river and to listen to talks elected temporary chairman as a com- miles south of Broadus and 62 miles route. The railroad project is a real Fred Whitten of Arvada said the in the construction of the commodious by Miles City men pertaining to the pliment to Powder River county, for east of Sheridan, organized a Chamber bisiness proposition, though the fu- concensus of cpinion everywhere was bulidings. On Hanging Woman creek railroad question. was deemed advisable to have the of Commerce a week ago Th ture plans of its promoters have not it for the donation of rights of way Mr, Kendrick has the O "W_ ranch officers located on the Rur- night, fer the purpose of yet. been disqltsed, neither has the H. J. Sawtell aeciared a rafliroad was permanent wherever wanted as an inducement which is used as headquarters by Clar- rallroad where they could be with other organizations in the route been definitely established. C. 8. for progress, advancement and prce- ington for a road cn Powder river. ence Wulfjen, manager of Mr. Ken- in—constant touch with the _develop- tien ofa railroad project on Lake of New York has been in Miles perity for all concerned and he want- Ww. P. rvice of Arvada told cf the drick’s ranch Interests; There three ments and more. easily accessible to river from Casper, Wyo., to Miles f City representing thé Haskell inter- ed expressions as to the sincerity of possibilities of a gcid field 14 miles ragches are all iccated in the northrn ‘all points interested. Mr. Kelsey in a and for taking up several community ests. He is a railroad man in every the people here in precuring a rall- south of Arvada for gold nuggets had prejects, such as an elevator and of! poftion of Wyoming, and it is stated road. He was reassured that every short talk stated it was the business that they comprise an area of 20,000 sense of the word and the biggest man convince the rai'- been found in the craws of chickens development. Thad Hale was elected so far who has appeared on the scene. possible co-operation and indacement of the association to acres of land. that the Powder River there by Mrs, Henry Rose. to the office as president; Willis O’Con- Governor Haskel) Is nc amateur ifn would be extended. road route the best inducements. « Bert, Stilts Kendrick stu- nell, vice president, and W. P.. Service, railroad operation for he ts interested tfen, seven nfiles west of Arvada, hat Board of directors: fm a fallroad in Loulsiania that, is pay: }- Allen Floyd of Sheridan stated that secretary-treasurer free afternoon "season Mas "olniost established a record as being the sec- Al Fogarty, George Linn, Dayid Watt, ing its shareholders 28 per cent divi- ready to ad@§Jeurn when a strong dele- naturally wanted the railroad BUSINESS BLOCK IN his city ond largest stock shipping point in Teny Garrell, E. G@. Shireman, J. J dends. While Miles City criginally as- gation arrived frem Gillette, Wyo. follow the Tongue river route but to the United States. McDermott and Mr. Benham. Member- sured rights of way for the railroad They had come via if the route didn’t go that way then D. C. Storrs of Arvada sald the stock ship committee: O’Connell, Service, to the Wyoming line, Mr. Lake now and were about seven hours in nego- was for the Powder River Sheridan shipments from Kendrick had aver- Sam Foster, Benham. Reception com- CLEARMONT. BURKS comes forward and says this Induce- tiating the $3 miles Three automo- route. aged from 230 te 35carloads daily dur- mittee: McDermott, Foster, O'Connell, ment is not encugh. The right of way biles were used in fringing the ter stated that a Ss. A. Holt of Broadus ine the month of November. Within a Jim Mczan. must be 100 feet wide and in addition men here who were M. H. Shields, Powder River Com- Fire, starting from an unknown arilroad project threugh radius of twenty miles of Arvada, he The new Arvada Chamber of a ©~ ficient ofl acreage must be leased Alex Maycock, Jchn Osborn. Arthur county would improve conditicns and of source at 2 o'clock Monday mornin: said the freight business handled by merce started with a membership the holding company, and as an Nisellius, T. K. Cassad W. P. Gilstran, alone destroyed an entire business | make an increase in popuation the Burlington railroad during the forty-five and since then additional extra Inducement land even if in small John T. Ryan, Roy Underwood, A. R peo- Clearmont, Wyo., entailing a losg ¢s- in this county of ten times mere month cf November, totaled $80,000. names have been enrolled plots should be dcnated. The railroad Smith and Dick Stone timated at $30,000 Water from the ple than are here now. The delegation from Powder River would benefit the country by aiding Mr. Shields called the attention of that Burlingtcn pump was used but the in its development, but it would be Hugo Camplin of Broadus said county who attended the Arvada meoct- the meeting to the feasibility cf a pressure was weak The fire spread built as a money-maker for the the in addition to providing an cutlet for railroad project that could follow a ing consisted of S. A. Holt, W. T rapidly in the face of a 40-mile gale ofl production from the OUT owners as well as a benefit te the Water grade on Little Powder river the surplus BLOWS Waite, E A. Blenkner and Htge- Blo GASSER depiste the efforts of the townspeople Salt Creek fields, a railroad project cn country {ft would penetrate so in the only one bridge being necessary in Camplin of Broadus; Frank T. Kelsey to control It. Powder river would develop a country and R. H. Lawrence of Moorhead. They beginning the inducements must be of crossing the Big Powder “We don't The fire started in the MeGregor two- a reciprocal _nature The railroad rich in such natura! resources as agri- traveled with E. G. Shireman and want to see the railroad go up Tong ve such WYO. story stone building that was used as wants the rights of way mineral and coal and BUFFALO, steck OF river.” said” Shtelds, “for we believe Hive SOUTH culture, found the road conditicns better than a poci hall on the ground floor and as rights and land, these fo be held in undeveloped resources as oil and «2s. expected. Good time was made from it will do the greatest g@o6d to the facilities were a hotel on the second floor Mr. and trust cr escrow until the railroad Railroad transpertatton Broadus to Mocrhead, though from About 16 miles jes south of Buflaic greatest number by coming this way.” development Mrs. McGregor were the only tenants construction has been completed fh necessary for the further Moorhead to Arvada the road became Wyo., on Tuesday of this week, a com- If the railroad went farth up Powder valley and its and escaped in the night clothes. the consideration of a railroad, the of the Powder River muddy as the surface had thawei pany that was drilling for cil, brought river, it could open wp another won- The McGregcr building was burned mileage, construction and operation many tributaries. from the sunshine of a spring day in in & mammoth gas well. The roar of lerful country of resources by follow- to the ground, with a loss of $20,000. as well as grades are important fac- Cates of Arvada said as & January. Numercus herds of cattle the gas could be heard for ten miles ing Ritter creek, the 8S A r the L X James The post office was burned though the tors and the road will ge where th- point, his town would supply were observed contentedly grazing in The gas fiow is estimat- Bar _to Campbell county and Gillette, shipping roundabout. mail matter and otner records saved. inducements are the most attractive for within a 50 and 60 million cubic and thence on to the Salt Creek fields. a considerable tonnage pastures; townsites were visualized on ed at between A small ccnfectionery store at the the *0 as to cover the most advantag: ous Gillette is located geographically to short rad‘us of that place last year many of the level tracts of valley bot- feet every 24 hours and it is said posté@ffice was destroyed with a loss of route... We've. got the courage and give. better service to patrons—of. the had been raise i 60,04 tons of Kay and tom lands; in the mind’s #ye were gas is classified as “wet” gas, from $1,000. The Andrew Andrend confec- faith of the west and we need the rail- proposed railroad, fer it is closer te there were shipped on the ‘iurlington thriving coal camps taking trainicads which is manufactured high test £2s- tionery store was wiped out with a road now to give us the encouraze- the eastern markets for livestock ship- 110 carloads of “attlo and four car- of coal from the numerous mines that oline. The drill penetrated the nat- less of $3,000 The buildings were ment. The most desirable rcute for a ments and is accessible to four mar- loads of hee Narhber creek, thirty disclosed their presence by wide ex- ural gas sands Thursday and straight- its owned by W. W. Sanders, it is said. railroad is the first consideration and kets for grain. He said he believed miles south of Arvada, had a We coal posed veins; here and there were pic- way the derrick was lifted from and were covered by some insurance next are the Inéucements and advant- there were oi! posstbflities on Little field that could be developed by a rail- tured ofl and gas wells with producticn foundation. ~The next day the gas Adjusters were at Clearmont Thursday ages received in any section. The oil Powder river. road on Powder river. perous farmers were all busy in their blew the heavy tools and drill clear and Friday taking «xn Inventory of the corporation knows the possibilities of of Clearmont said h's werk of diversified farming, too much from the well. “The railroad needs us and we neod W. R. Powers fire Losses. this région for ofl and they are after a railroad,” said Dr. Cassady: “for it ready to doe every- absorbed in their pursuit of wealth community stood petroleum production. They spent er would prove cf mutual benefit The to induce a railroad on and happiness to observe the passing thing possible $50,000 in investigations already Gillette country is settled with dry and he believed such a of freight trains transporting oil, TRUCTURE TO BE Powder river ARVADA COAL MINE cluding the ¢dst of the pipe tine sur- farmers who do net depend upon irri- up a vast country of coal, livestock and farm preduce to line wculd open a DEVELOPED AT ARVADA vey to Forsyth, and if given the pro gation and a 95-fcot vein of coal is resources. market. COMING TO FRONT developed and undeveloped per enccuragement they stand ready company, finan sed just being opened six miles east of The Oil Syndicate One of the innumerable stratas of to test this field with twenty explor- Gillette that is pronounced one of the by C. G. Breaves, and other it is said, conl that extend along the course of ing oil wells They leases they ask is to start the dri.l- largest in thickness in the world.” POWDER RIVER ACTIVE Mcntana capital, Pewder river has been opened up at an oil well with a_ stand rd ing of Arvada, Wyo. and has .now reached mlLOMT OR SALT CREEK UL RAILROAD CONTENDER derrick within the very near future the advancement of commercial pro- | at a location just across Powder river the development of re- duction The mine fs located a short Aside from Three tentative routes are proposed at Arvada, Wyo. Thad Hale is pres!- 1t would distance west of Arvada and is wned BUCK LOST LIFE LIVESTOCK MEETING the country sources through fer the new railroad tit is to be built dent of the company. \ Practical cil of a new by George Whitcomb. The mine has traverse, the primary ooj+ct from Casper, Wyo., to Mites City ani the location of men who have viewed a twelve-foot vein of coal and was railrcad from Casper, Wyo, to Miles as soon as the preliminiry arrange- it as 4" the proposed well proncunce opened the latter part cf July. Since City, Mont., is to provide additional ments are completed for the definite and are conti ideal oil .structure that time 1,000 tons of coal have been BRIDGOE DISASTER AT BROADUS FEB. 6 facilities for ihe sur- transportation location cf one of these routes, it is oil will be found there in a com- that on the dump and several car- plus oil from the Salt Creek fields. In stated that actual construction work a wery shcrt placed William tuck, a homesteader-cn | mercial quantity. Within points, The the wells now have a ‘0 lv loads consigned to cutside Stockn are interested In anything those fields will be started at an early date this distance of the proposed well there Pinto creek, this county was one of 250,000 barrels of oii, latest carload shipment was made this pertaini to -the llvestock industry, production of spring. General officers of the Mon- other wells of shallow depth that the nineteen unfortunate victims who down are week to Hemingsford, Neb. The pro- but the wells are being pinched tana Railway ccompany are to be o;- gas, so the lost their lives in the bridge disaster and for this reason their attention i# are now yielding natural duction cf the mine will be increased to 50,000 or 60,000 barrels of oil a day ened at Miles City In the near future, knowil- on the CcWlitz river at Kelso, Wash., directed tc a meeting that will be held premoters are confinent in the as rapidly as the demand increases on account of the railrcad and pipe it Is sald, and all business of ccn- Wednesday, January 3 The bridge jin Broadus, Mondap, February 56, thet edge that the well at least will pen- Failure on the part of the Burlington line facilities being inadequate. struction is to be transacted from that gave way when the supporting cables is caljed under auspices of the Carter etrate the gas sands and are hope ful ralircad to construct a spur the short elty. oil well at % snapped in two, throwing iato the Livestock Association. The call which of bringing in a good distance to the mine will probabiy According to reports contracts are river and among the debris a number is signed by O. J. frownfield, presi- geater depth. prompt the owner to make such a” MILWAUKEE being made fcr the necessary material of automobiles and pedestrians that dent; and Kenneth MeKenzie,secre- Neen EEE ee investment on his own initiative fer MUCH EW. EQUIPMENT such as ties and rails and that when had-caused a jam in the traffic at the tary of the associaticn, states the pur- 450 MEN AVAILABLE FOR then will be eliminated the present construction starts it will begin at particular time. Pose of the meeting is to enlist the SERVICE ON JURY expense and trouble of hauling the Miles City and go soath. “Stick” Buck, as he was mere fa- co-operation of all these interested in “Ostensibly to overcome 4 car short- coal to the cars. The mine has a matin This new road will tap the richest miliarly known to his associates, left the livestock industry. This associa- fcr the purpose of moving all As provided by law, Chas. M. Smith, age and agricultural section in Montana. It tunnel of about 400 feet with side ttin- here the middle of October and when tion already has a large membership Montana crops as fast as they come in, chairman of the beard of county cvm- nels bringing the total tc about 80 last heard from was working ag a sig- throughout Carter and Pewder River will also be the means of bringing tc missioners; J. T. Witson, county treas- feet. The Arvada coal resembles the counties and is doing effective work in Miles City all the wheat and other urer, and M. T. Wiley, county assessor, nal boss in a sawmill at Enunclair, Sheridan coal in every respect. } protecting its membership against grain ralsed-in the south section. In met in session Monday and proceeded Wash. Dewey Bettles of Selway was employed with him and supplied infor- loss from rustlers. The associaticn hae addition to this there will be the ¢at- to select a list of male real estate KEMP-STEVEANS. a standing reward of $1,000 in cash tle and lumber shipments and the ex- owners and residents of this county At his home Monday afternoon, mation that made It possible to get for evidence that will convict anyone porting of the high grade lignite ccal would would be available for jury seT- Chas. B. Lewis. newly appcinted jus- into touch with relatives, “Stick” of unlawfully branding, killing or ap- that abounds in the south country. vice in case of need. The! names were tice of the peace, presid@i at a mar- Buck came to this country abcut six secured frem the tak lists and non- tiage ceremony in which John Kemp years ago and settled on Pinto creek. prepriating live stock. The aasodcia- tion pays no salarits and only ite ex- residents or those exempt were not in- and Miss Iola Mae Stevens were the During the summer season since 1920 cluded in the mumber. The list was Principals. The ceremony was per- he has been employed in government ecutive officers knows its plans of op- completed Wednesday afternoon, show- formed in the presence of Mrs. Ella survey work under Charles P. Seelye eration. ing a total of 450 men, whcse ages are Lewis, Frank Pertc and the young and included in the crew cf men were So confident is Miles Brown of a over 21 and under 66 years. Last year bride’s mother. The newlywede are Dewey Frankforter, Arthur Frankfor- MARMARTH GEWTING EXCITED. ter, Nevin Swope, Sester Liles and railroad project starting this year the list numbered about 4600. residents of the cee Smee. country. Kenneth Bliss, a Powder River man. either on Powder river or Tongue river Dewey Bottles of this county. He was new employed in the Milwaukee yards COAL, GROLOGIP® TO INSPROT FIELD WLEAN NAMES ASSISTANTS ° about 30 years of age and held on Powder river w and geologist, Paul McLean, the new sheriff of Car- the warm friendship of all his ac- at Marmarth, MN. D. hase written Thomas HE. Smith, a ccal Ort eee keen aed at once proposes to start aking arrived in oe City a few days ato ter county, has appetnted Frank Har- quaintances. He leaves his parents in ing up to the rallroad work horses that be ver the coal fields rington as undérsheriff and Kenneth Nilincis, and two brothers, Dick, re- in construction of a rafiroad. McKensie of Piniele as deputy sheriff. siding in Canada. and Frank of Calf. is anxious to get into the pas auth. of that city.

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