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Magic Valley Home Newspaper


BOISE (UPI) ^ Delegates to teacher'sanction hanging over She said committee members child in Idaho and then annual­ to make the position of president the annual Idaho Education As­ Idaho, ) first will visit school districts to ly set the number of days rather a full-time position d u ^ g term sociation delegate assembly de­ The sanction resolutioa, pre­ get firsthand o i^ o n s from tea­ than the quality of education be of office. Ron Finn, a Twin Falls parted Boise Saturday, leaving sented by Bob Gould of the Pd- chers on “ the kind of sanction reduced.” High School teacher, will assume in their wake the threat of a catellodelegation,was passed by they would like tp see put into ^ Asked about the significance the responsibility in July. . shortened school year and a near-unanimous approval. It re­ effect.’ ’- of the. recbminendation, Mrs. The p-oup also have No. 1 quested the IE A le^slatlve com- H ie possibility of a Aortened Jones said it “ definitely could priority on the hiring of a full- liiittee to “ define these sanctions school year came in the form of lead to a shorter school year if time professional , com­ and place them in effect as soon a “ s l e ^ r ” from th® legislative the legislati^jappfopriation to munications director.. aa possible.” ______actioacommittee list of recom^ public sdMx>Ifl-ls-ihadeqnate to sion of the two-day asseinbly at . . Mrs. Louise Jones, New Mea­ Crash .mendatlons, and was approved asqjira a quality education for Capital High School delegates dows, outgoing lEA president, with no discussion. the full IMMay school year.” I approved a ' committee saidtheexecutiveandlegislative It read; "That the lEA re­ In an apparent effort to li^m menddtion asking for a action committees would meet quest the State Board of Educa- strengthen the orcm fantinn’a . 4W^»m ien iiiueaae tn piiPBc Inj Boise in about, twor weaks to- 4t o n - t o : hurts te c tt^ e s s in the political and school funds to support the fbrmalizeactlonontheproposal. qOality ,«lucation p w day per legi^tive area, delegates voted present school program. officer RUPERT — An Idaho State Police officer. Chuck Peugh, was seriously injured whM he was struck by his own patrol car while standing in front of it when'another driver slammed Into the rear of the police car late Friday south of Rupert on UMtTt»- M in« IMTt****.-*****A*, ALV-M***-* W H U / H U T r r . H igh w a ys. Minidoka County' Deputy REIBEX leaders in East Pakistan Saturday declared In­ Sheriff Robert Vasquez said dependence from Pakistan, but fighting between Bangla Desb Peugh had stopped a truck Freedom forces and Pakistani army continued. Battle reports indicated driver, Juan Madarietta, that Pakistani units were bolding upper hand In three week old Rupert, to check on the truck’s declared civil war, controlling most district towns. Important trade and clearance li^ t s .'“ Peugh and communication!) centers. (UPI) Madarietta were standing between lhen»llcc cai —trudt^lw-WlUard-Vr-Bamei Rupert^ ^Briving a late-model pickup truck, hit the back of the police-car, driving it forward —against the two mm.------^===TOth-^uAtaiii«r^fm inipi fractures. Peugh was hurled upward iby ,the , forcp ,of IhO; collision and thrown onto the hood of his car, where his head Earth week goal broke the windshield. Vasquez said the state police ______had all its lights on. in- — Byt)nltedPresrlntennrtlonal ~ Most~plBnnea'actiVltte3~W^ McCIosIcejr'execuHve~'ha the roof flasher'and Fifteen blocks of New York scheduled for college campuses, director of the Sierra Club, and blinking taQ lights, at the time ■qty^s Madlgon- Avenue will-be— Agrtinal T>lans-WBnhnsae-SBiir ^TSmSOTiaT[mrMatiriQflja^ made into a part-time pede­ Edmund S. MusUe accused the der were scheduled to speak. Barnes was cited for drunken strian mall with motor traffic FBI Wednesday of spying on Chabot College In Hayward, driving by Vasquez, after he n ^A M IN a SKEJLETON of a warehouse at Sound Ltd. on Blue banned as the nation celebrates Earth Day rallies last year. Calif., scheduled an ecology was taken to Cassia Memorial Lake Bootevard North was all (hat was left Friday night when E ^ th Week this week. "If antipollution rallies are a festival for Wednesday through Hospital for treatment of minor this photograph was taken. Ftretnen are directing water onto a - President Nixon declared subject of intelligence concern, Sunday with E>aul & lich , injuries. He was released after Blaze rages portlonoftbei balldlnx. Lou from theflre Is estimated at tM,000, April lB-24 as Earth Week and is anything immune?” MusUe author of “ Population Bomb,” treatment.

SAIGON (U PI) - Gen. U.S. BS2 Stratfbrtresses flear partldpatioa in- South Vietna- pressure on the enemy in both magec won i Communist\,ke ylth reporters detaito o f the campaign, named since the main ______at the old imperial of LUto S a i J U . Aaksd afaoot its •aa:— ^— ~ JL Kmoedjr, D.-Maa|„„ A h rfim H iid'iaie cain|M3ga Hdd Satorday imdd not be a J coold4M hroadeDed-wlti>-&iaft~ piled to ^ and artfflerr Wgnrm Vnn ypofcwman ter Sontb Vtetnim - Bsewbere in South ^^tnamf Vietnamese units actnally nppOTTTTS. beadqaartera in t m i . ranewed hla threat to ociidvaartm said: rdgbt«’s statement Oiat said that Hanoi “ reaQy fears'* Dwnew driva Miowad U m Qntral Bigblands, Mdd bia man told newat n i “Yoa wont And American bwt aolAen fttan U.S. gronnd nnlta wonid ba aadi a mom. Be sakt the Son 7U. tlit 4May aamh deCotidb« nra Baae « liad flMir ma in file outaat t o urn." Lmm biA okaj^ U.S. air and oommittad came as a nnpriaa. Oanmamisls «rera laiing' the VletUHiMiraatMiva Mo im t qnieteit day_ atnea___ a Narlh.____ “I. bava indkaiad that I artillery-SBppbrt for aa* OJS. cotnmwders b a v a -b a a nwar______and that Son»VlWwiimw»______-iiMch:~.aBaid-^«tlra____ 4 - __and taionions. ” ^-.-^towrtkpiL-tnM|KJtotenilad-.tp-h^ tiwj. qti

, . . . , ■ - . - . < 1 a Twin Falls, Idaho SOnday, April 18, W i i n

evening, performance drew Salt Lake, College of Eastern BYU; Hunter. Bastian; Qene Sickings,„ Weber; Jackie about 200 people, according to Utah, Weber State, Dixie, Dahl, Weber; Dale Oark; Tim Down?, Ricks; JoAnn Coates,- Cheater- C am p^U .Ja^ultL ?ycM . Idaho State41niverslte._Oyl(5t,_ISU,_and.Hal Meck8m p ix ie; Lorrta M arx,_C E U ; to the CSFHodeo-aub, and Utah T e ^ c a l 'a t Provo. USU. ------Lj'nna Rukavinia, CBU, and Sue Finalists in timed events to Bulldpgging; Gerry ^ g e ll, Owens, Ricks. ~ compete Saturday night were Ricks; Ethan Bujidy, Dixie; Break-away roping: Joann calf roping; Dru Roberts, Brent AtkinsTr'D ixle; Kim. Coates, Ricks;. Marita Hunt,

Brent' Kelly, BYU; Kirk-W oW — Ralph liuyJ, Dixie ; Daatian;' Tft^lor, Utah-Teoh of ' P^ovo^- USU; Paul Clark, Ricks; Dale L an y Sanders, Dixie; Roberts, Becky Gopp, BVU; S«eOwCTs; Clark, Ricks; Fred Hunterm Dale Clark and Lyle Lofthouse, Linda Munns, USU, and Lynha Dbde; Vem -Bastian, USU; USU. . - Rukavina. Sherm Magnum, ISU, and Bareel racing; Dearine . Goat tying; Joann Coates; Larry Kennedy, CEU. Ricketts, CSI; Karen Crowder, Becky.Ggpp; Cora Smith, BSC; Ribbon roping; Barkdall, BCS; Becky Rodeski, Dixie, Bell Brannon; Lynna Kennedy Roberts;_JinLWhitten...Bell .Bcannon^ J)ixle4--Ate- Rukavina;,JudyGflrdner^USU; LindaTHTunns; JacBe Downs; Sue Owens; Marita Hunt, and Karen Nye, CSL

Force hunts S e e n . e •

Ollie Horton answering the telephqne and coughing at same time ... Merl I^nard (>ff^g_

mission office ... Ed Woods walking through city hall . . . BELFAST, Northern Ireland three^men were known to be Mrs. Norman Herrett k>oklng (U Pl)—British troops mounted prominent in the outlawed Iris up telephone number . . . Art large scale searches for arms Republican Army (IRA), which Selin answering page at Forest wake of new extremist bomb­ Ireland from Britain and unite Munson and Ida Fae Holland ings. the province with the Irish HANGING TOUGH on a bareback faronc from the Dean talking about rough roads . . . More than 500 soldiers using Republic to the south. ^ Patterson string of Richfield, a college cowboy pleases a small Karen Schow talking about metal detection gear, mechani­ Army searches focused on Crowd crowd of rodeo fans at Satnrday’s performance of the CSI-BSC volunteer workers for clean up cal diggers and drills hunted two areas of Belfast and near rodeo in Twin Falls. Hnddled under blankets In the stands is a campaign . . . Mary Littlefield extremist munitions caches in the village of Ballyreagh close pleaser gprlnkllny of stalwarts who braved the chilly weather Saturday and Evelyn Humphrey trying to an effort to head off weekend to the Irish Republic border, to watch the college competition. keep up with city office work violence. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pope Early Saturday, a bomb blew helping with college rodeo . . . Right place out windows and door of shops Dan Gorrell, Gooding, walking along half a block of one Delegates OUT IN FRONT.of the calf is the loop thrown by this young in front of bucking chutes . . . Ollie Shonk downtown Belfast street. Flying t i i Magic Valley Hospitals cowboy competing Saturday in the CSI-BSC sponsor^ college Carl Riley, Ridifield, riding glass injured a young man and l - | | > l r k n o rodeo in Twin Falls About 100 cowboys and cowgirls from into arena . . . Dean Patterson, SHOSHONE - Mrs. OUie woman standing in front of one colleges hi Idaho and Utah participated..(Photo by Dan John­ Richfield, working with j'odeo Magic Valley Memorial Minidoka Memorial Mae Shohk, 58, died Friday at salesroom. son) stock . . . Dan Johnson standing Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene, The blast on Franklin Street TWIN FALLS - Four Twin Admitted Admitted in arena taking pictures . . . Ore., wbere she had been a followed by about an hour an Falls city delegates will leave Dennis Pounds, Herbert Mrs. Warren Schreiner, And overheard, “ I wonder if patient for three weeks. explosion at the home of this week for a three day —Gossett. Mrs. Gerald^ttm an,— RnpertrGalt HustonrHeybum.- there’s an unwritten law that She was bom June 29,19127af "Magistrate John Fox who on meeting of Montana. Idaho and Mrs. Harry Baugh, Mrs. Johnny Dismissed says weekend weather-has to be Hanchey, Mrs. Lowell Ihler, Gooding, grew up In Lincohi and O b i t u a r i e s Friday remanded in custody Wyoming members onhe Karie Lee Atwood, Mrs. Jame Am erican----- Public----- ^Works- -TCtteni::!______:______Mrs; La Vem Roth and Gooding—Counties, -a nd - - wa s ihreeTnemT n e n :liarged with—pos-^ sessing loaded firearms. -Assoclatieiu Attending the meeting in Roderick Smith. Dennis Heybum; Mrs. W.J. Atchley Political sources said uneral Services Mable Nelson -^Helena.. Mont..__ Thursday^, ...... J Jaralomek and Mrs. Walter and^dan^ter,-Hazelton. ' Taylor, all Filer; Gertrude — Funeral ser- Friday and Saturday will be I O Q O Births GOODING RUPERT — Mable Nelson. ibert” € a r y - J X - ^ - i l s a n ' flty Manager Jean Milar, aty* - 77. Rupert, died of a long illness Engineer (k orge Michaels and bi eendueted a> a ana m t$:— wrx— Btaiiay, ^>l'ld)iy at MlnldAlt^^^KBlgFtSt^ J o h ^y w p " Dismissed where she had worked for the Monday ' in . the Filer lOOF Hazelton, and a > ^ was bom to Hospital. Wilson. 2*^ year old son of Mr. Katherine Gabhart. Mrs. past 10 years at'the Bon Marche Cemetery by Rev. Aaron Glvan. department as well as Airport Mr. and Mrs. Warren She was bom May 15. 1894. in and'Mrs, Lanny'O,' Wilson of ^d Peterson. Brenda Roper, department store at Eugene. Arrangements are under the Manager Harry MerfickT' Schreiner, Rupert. Harlan. Iowa, the daughter of Burley died Thursday at his ‘ ftrjmac, Walter RepjiSfto. She was a member of -the direction of Thompson chapel. Milar said about 100 to 150 WUUam J. and Leora Terrill home. Mrs. Johnny Hanchey and First Christian Church, public works offlcials usually Smith. As a child she moved to He *as born Oct. 1. 1968 at at Buhl daughter, Charles Van Eaton, Cassi” Memorial Eugene. TWIN FALLS - Funeral attend the meeting. Next year ft Wall, S.D., and later moved to Burley. Survivors are his Mra. Michael Barnes, Goldie Survivors include two sons, services for Mrs. Leatha will be held in Twin Falls, he Admitted^------Nebraska. She was married to - parents of Burley; one brother. BUHL — Fifth District Judge Oiapman, May Meader, Mrs. C arlB . Shohk, Los Alamos, N. Malone will be conducted at 2 said. Mrs. Florenclo Saldana, Alfred A. Nelson on Nov. 4,1912, Justin Wilson; one sister. Sherman J. Bellwood, Rupert. Vernon Dow and Grace Chaplin, M., and Jerald Shonk, Eugene;„ ^ . p.m. Monday at the.- First Shanna Rogers, borlAnn .Arm­ ~ In Nebraska^Ha-died in-.Julyr^ -Megan-Wilsoni-both-et-home-in— ------"“all Twin Falls; Edm[on Kimball; one daughter, Mra.-Roberta Bap^f churdi by Tlev.^ -wilHie-the-guest speak era tth e strong, all B urley; Eugene* 1965 at Rupert. In 1915. the Burley. Grandparents are Mrs. T U g Buhl Methodist CSnirch adult Clara Thompson, Mrs. William (MarjOHe) Peck, Trail, Ore Hughes.^ Final rites will be held C O l l I l t Pickett, Oakley; Mrs. Dennis couple m o v ^ to Idaho, settling and Mrs. Lester J. Asher and O Green and son, Myrtle three brothers, Lavem Car­ at Sunset Memorial Park. fellowship meeting at 8 p.m. Powers, Heyburn; Emanuel in Rupert. Ralph 0 . Wilson, and Mr. today at the church, according 2 Smallwood and Mrs. Oscar penter, King Hill; Floyd Car­ Friends may call Sunday and Maier, Hazelton; Bessie Mrs. Nelson attended school Elenor Wilson all Cheyenne. t Johnson, all Kimberly; Mrs. penter, Shoshone, and Lloyd Monday until noon at White names man to Dr. Charles Lierman. Amende, Albion, and Elizabeth in South Dakota and Nebraska. Wyo. program chairman. f'; Harry B&ugh, B liss; Mrs. Carpenter, Denver, Colo.; two Mortuary. Farrell Peterson, Ella Rose Morris, Heybum. sisters, Mrs. Carl (Louise) Surviving are three sons, Funeral services were con­ TWIN FALLS - A young Judge Bellwood received Dismissed Gordon Nelson, Rupert; ducted at 10 a.m. Saturday at J Partin, Carolyn Wilde, all Buhl; Schuppenies, Shoshone, and DECLO — Funeral services Twin Falls man charged witli nationwide publlHty during the Gerald Peterson, Mrs. Oial William A. Nelson, M ^lboro. the St. Therese Church of the r Mrs. Paul Myers, Jerome; Mrs. Lyl^ (Grace) Tuttle. for John William HiU will be illegal possession of a narcotic past year when he handed out AHredi’ both Burley^—Alii N.J., and Robert A. Nelson, The Little Flower. Rev. Richard HectorT^enlesTJeitoId L a n ^ Frultlaiid 'and seven grand- conducted at 1 p.m. Monday at (marijuana) was released on prison sentences against six Neddo, MWta; Esther Biel, Bronx, N. Y.; a daughter, Mrs. Bauman officiated. 7 and Cyrus Yeaman, all Burley; diildren. Her husband preceded the Declo LDS Ward chapel by bond after his arrest early juveniles on narcotics con­ Vemon (Bavia) Graham, Santa Final rites w.ere in the Mrs. Wayne Hash aJid daughter. Murtaugh; Mrs. Conley l ^ s t ------her in death in 1958. Bishop Joe Preston. Final rites Saturday. victions. : Maria, CaUf.i a brother, J rieagant-View-cBinetia y under andTJarrell IriaTFiler' AMia Heyburn— and— : Deborah— ^Funeral services will be will be^.held at the Declo " Twin Falls Pollee Ctipt; Tim He 13 etpectea to gpean on - /’-K-i-Carlisle, o-...! Paul. conductedat 11a.m. Tuesday at Smith, Rupert; 10 grand­ the direction of the McCuUock prison refoj Roberts, Rupert, and Virginia CemeterV. Friends may call at Qualls said Dennis Jacobs. 19. efonir^urlng tonight's Birtbs children and two great­ Funeral Home. meeting Tarango, Paulina Tarango, the Bergin Funeral Chapel, McCulloch Funeral Home. was originally arrested for Daughters were bom to Mr. grandchildren. , The pul Irene Tarango and Manuel Shoshone, by the Rev. James Bjirley, Sunday aftemoon an^ driving - while under the in- is invited to attend. and Mrs. Dennis Powers, A daughter and a grand­ Tarango, all Hazelton. Holt of the Baptist Church, evening and at the church, an □uence. He said a packet of Heyburn; Mr. and Mrs. daughter preceded her in death. Brethauer Births Final rites will follow at the hour prior to services Mohday. marijuana was observed inside Sons were bom to Mr. and Florencio Saldana, both Burley. 9ioshohe Cemetery. Funeral services will be BURLEY - Garv Allen Jacobs' vehicle. Mrs. Gerald Deittman and Mr. Fi lends may call at the conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Brethaiwr, 28. died 6t injuries The arrest occurred about In hospital and Mrs. Lowell Diier, all Twifi' St. Benedicts Bergin Chapel Monday evening John W. Hill Joseph Payne Memorial received in a one-car accident 1:30 ajn. Saturday. Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter and until time of services on Chapel. Burley, by Bishop Thursday aftemoon 20 miles KIMBERLY - An elderly Taylor. Filer. A daughter was Admitted Tuesday. DECLO — Funeral services Herschel B. Bames. Final rites east of Rupert on Interstate IS. Kimberly man who was injured bom to Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mrs. Sylvia Louise Osbum. for John William Hill. 86. of will beat the Rupert Cemetery. He was born Jan. 3. 1943. at in a fall Friday at his home Handley. Twin Falls. Shoshone; Mrs. Elbert Kramer, Declo. who died Thursday, will Friends may call at Payne Greeley, Colo., and was the son Rag burns remained hospitalized Saturday Kenneth Beem and John Van M. Buttars be conducted at 1 p jn . Monday Mortuary. Burley. Monday of Mr. and M rs. Fred at the Twin Falls Clinic. Hook, all Jerome. at the Declo LDS Chapel by afternoon and evening and Brethauer. Burley. They came Charles D. Pierce, 77, was Dismissed BURLEY - Mrs. Mary Bishop Joe Preston. Final rites Tuesday prior to services. to Rupert in 1955 from Colorado inside car taken to the (dinic by am­ Mrs. Diane Cakala. Gooding, Bowles Buttars, 70. Burley, died will follow at the Declo and he was graduated in 1960 bulance following the 9:30 a jn . B riefs TWIN FALLS - One truck and Mrs. Carl Hatfield, Buhl, Thursday at Cassia Memorial cemetery. from Minico High School. accident. Persoonelfrom Magic from the Twin Falls C3ty Fire Births Hospital following a long He was bom Jan. 18. 1885, at Brethauer was a Ucensed Valley Ambulance Service said TWIN FALLS - The IVi. IVTyers Department answered a call A daughter was bom to -Mrs. illness. J3gden, Utah. On Dec.^24, 1923, pilotandsecmLsix-yearsin the . Pierce fell about 12 feet from a American— Association - of Fflday tff a carH re In the 10(r SylvTa Louise Osborn, ^ e vras bom Jan. 12.1901, at he married Elsie D. Allphin at Idaho National Guard at ladder while he was making University Women will hold an HAILEY — Margaret Myers, block of Third Avenue E^t. Shoshone. Lewiston. Utah. On June 28, Farmington, Utah. He moved to Rupert. He worked for the repau^ on a roof at his home open meeting on aborUon at 8 infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Firemen said the fire started 1922, she was married to Gover Idaho in 1914 and had lived at Rupert Electric Motor Co. for two and a half miles from p jn . Tuesday at the Idaho Howard P. Myers, Mackay, was inside the car and that when Buttars in the Logan LDS Heybum. Burley and Decki: five years and for the past eight Kimberly. Power auditorium. There will Lancaster still-bom Friday at the Blaind they arrived, the interior of the Temple. Mr. Buttars p reced ^ He was a blacksmith and a months had worked In be a panel discussion. Panel County Hospital. car was smoke-filled. They said - E m es t her in death Dec. 24. 1966. mnmhar nf the 1 n«! rtiiirnh ------American-Kallg, I js t Ortnher Surviving, "besides h«f "mrag lylhg on ~lh6 front floor Lancaster. 84. 626 Third St. E.. She moved to Burley in 1930 Surviving, besides his widow, he moved to Burley with his j*ysician. a minister, a social parents, are matemal grand­ board was s o ld e rin g and that Twin Falls, died of a long Illness from Clarkston, Utah, and was are six sons, William E. Hill and parents. welfare worker and Sen. John parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill the front ‘seat was damaged. Friday aftemoon at a Kimberly a member of the LDS Qiurch. Burdette Hill, both Marysville, Survivors, in addition to his Barker of Buhl. Questions Ooughton, Bellevue; paternal nursing home. Surviving are four sons, Wash.; John A. Hill and Vemon parents, include two brothers, Cause of the Bre was not from the audience will be in­ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. known. Ihe vehicle is owned by cluded in the session. The pubUc He was bom Aug. 9, 1886, in Gordon Buttars and Milton Hill, both Burley: and Harold T. Fred. Brethauer and Larry Glen Myers, Ashton, and Fred Hoskins. is invited. Indiana.' He came to Twin Falls Buttars, both Burley, Ralph Hill, Martinez, Calif.; five Brethauer, both Burley, and one matemal great-grandmother, from SchnMnon, Kan., in 1919. Buttars, Heybum and Arvin daughters. Mrs. Virgil (Bar­ sister, Carol Brethauer, Burley. Mrs. Thelrna Holloway, Twin He worked for the Idalw Power Buttars, Toelle, Utah; one bara) Bayne, Pasco, WaA.^^ Funeral services will be -Falls. ------Co. for 25 years. He also worked “bfolhwTTfSbTowles, Weston, Mrs. Thedford (Alice) Marion, conducted at ll a.m .^onday a r Graveside services will be SUBSCRIPTION NATCS on the Twin Falls police force. Idaho; two sisters, Mrs. Lettie Declo; Mrs. George (Ruth) the Walk Mortuary chapel by conducted at 2 pjm. Monday at "tig-faHin d near- H m b ‘ Hubbs. BeUflowCT. Calif, and .Rev..nflncg%.Th)haHgh ..KnaL T H k liMk!»-NkWS M cC a leb -1 .a.t.,.Vftgas;. .M tne Hfiney tm e u ary owned an apartment house in Mrs. M argate Hanbnan, SafT Bernt (Isabelle) Pedersen, Twin Falls, Idaho Alden M. Packer. B y C « rrltr Twin Falls. Lake a ty , Utah. TTiere are 22 Pittsburg, Calif., and Mrs. ■He was married t& Norry -{^onni Herra, (Dally 1 Sunday) »rso By^Mall Stewart in 1909 at EL Dorado Funeral'-services will be <>OcateUo; two brothers, Alvm Paid In Advanc* Springs, Mo. conducted at 11 a.m., Tuesday, T. Hill w d Leonard HiU, both (D ally «. Sunday) April 20 in .the Burley LDS „ fMontti M.7S Sur^ving, besides his widow,' Ogden; three sisters, Mrs. 3Atanm s *7.75 are - two daughters, Mrs. Eighth Ward Chapel with Mary Drake, Burley; Mrs. L.J. S14.S0 Dorothy Shearer, Twin Falls, Bishop Bell Waddouts of- (Amber) Warner, Fernley, -fidatingT M *il tub fcrlptkKis Accept «d only and Mrt. Melba Rosencrantz, _ ^ Wev7,-aiid Mis: Paul Sdiefle; CMrrlT d«liv«rv. Is not Herlong, CalU;; two brothers. Final rites be held in the Mission BeU, Calif., and 31 mAlnt«if>«d. Jack Lancaster and Leo Lan- ^rkston, Utah, cemetery, grandchildren, 10 great- caster, both of ;E1 Dorado granddiUdren and four gr^tr TIMES-NEWS S^>rings; three sisters, Mrs. Culloch funeral h(m»e, Monday greatgrandchildren SUBSCRIBERS Gr^ce Durham, El Dorado afternoon_^and. evening ^nd ^ son preceded him In death. I^esday prior to tmie of set- priends may call at the for Mr vie* on Springs; Mrs. Bessie Sandell, M i v c r y F ^ o Alto, Calif,, and Mrs. McCulloch Funeral Home, Nellie Patton, Los Angeles, Burley, this afternoon and II y o w r-c»rri«F — — CaliL,. i^ e r S ------evening-andot-thechurchan— | OT733-W31 - .Euneral aenvices—will_be “ JEROME ” Graveside iiour-_prior to services-.oi conducted at 3 p jn . Monday^at _seryices ^ for ^ DaiTO RaecheU Monday. a*«or*«pjn:tfaUyer-- ReyiAlds Funeral Tjiapel by bator* IOa.rn.on Sindayt Myers, infant daughter ot Mr. Bev. Ra^ood P. Jones, find and Mrs. Paul C. Myers, riles will be at Simaet Memorlid PHONE 733-0*31 Jerome, were conducted parents, include one brother, Park. Friends may call from ^turday aftemoon at the Paul__ J___Myers, Jerome; OruMoirMMrMd noon until 6 p jn . Sunday and Jerome Cemetery by Branson paternal grandmother, Mrs. W. »- until time o f' services Meoday. jr' __ Ootlc, E. Myers, Jerome; matemal grand^Mrents, Mr. and lilrs. nwSSiSdkSHMrtanri tn - is s r The baby died Friday m or- ring at M««dc Valley Memorial Vem Heath. Hanaen. VoUeyball was originated In Hoifiital, Twin Falls, where she "Arrangements were under the e-M agarm an su-ms 1895 by William G . Morgan In was bom Thursday. direction of Hove Funeral Holyoke, Mass. Survivors, in additian to the t e a m

TOKYO (UPI)-Members of American relations. would leave Tokyo Sunday ^ ce. ‘Ht's like a dramatic ’Iheirs was the first group the ,UJS. table tennis team An American table tennis morning (Japan Air Line Flight moj^e,*’ wrote Mrs. Geraldine visit to Red China ..since the - arrived in Tokyo Saturdiay night of(iciaIi’"R£[iih Harrison, of 52) and were scheduled to. Resek of New Y-ork City in a. Conmiunists drove Geherallssi- en route home from an historic Witanington, Del., said he had arrive, at Los Angeles at 11:50 diao' she kept of the trip. ^mo Chiang Kai-shek from the visit to ^nununifit China that invite the Chinese team to asn. BST ^ d a y . Sope other After lunch In Hong Kong the mainland in 1949. The Peking left them cohvihced their “ ping play in the U n it^ States, and meihbera wiU leave (m a second Americans^ fl6w • to~Tokyo on...regime alsa allowed a -small. pong diplomacy" had. opened they “ reacted favorably^’ ' " flight (JAL 2) due in New York two airliners fori an overnight grotipof newsmen into China to- the way .toward friemDler Jj^u- In Tokyo, Graham B ; Steen- at 6:50 p jn . EST Monday. stop beifore flying on . to tl^e report the visit. They remained Chinese relations. lyyen, prerident of the U.S. ■ But individual reactions to Uglted l^tes-Sunday. in the country to cover the iB e 15 Americans retjimed to Table Tennis Association, told life in uuna ranged" Ifoni An ■Alr"France "jetlini ~carUer~Saturduyr Tiewsn ie n :," ! wiuit a d iiiiese -enthnaiasm tp a feeling of eight of the - 16 Amcrioanfl------President—Nixon,—who..-an. wearing Mao badges and laden team to com e . to the- United depressidh. One player Uked it arrived at Tokyo International nounced an easing of some of with souvenirs of their one- States. We asked them in. many so much he asked to stay on, airiMrt shortly before midnight the longstanding restrictions on week visit to Peking, Shanghai ways andtim es. If the Chinese ^ t was turned down by the .Saturday. A Japan Airlines trade with Oiina during the and Canton. They said they accept, the U.S. Table Tennis Chinese. Another said it was a flight with the other seven. .team’s visit, said in Washingtdn found a ‘-‘genuine friendship” in Asso^tioa will host them-as good place to visit, but he Americans landed a few haul's, Friday night he hoped- to be China for the American people, they did us.” wouldn’t w ^ t to live there. later. able to visit China some day —and-s«id:the-Chinese^had been- — SteenhovenrOf-Detroit,;Mirf>.T — Chie—woman—member ;was The U.S. table tennis, .offi- but said formal . diplomatic gracious and hospitable. said the Chinese wanted the dismayed at the draiuiess of cIUb, players and wives spent relations with Peking were still LAOS “ It’s the beginning step Americans to stay longer. life under Connmunlst rule. the night in Tokyo's famed a long way off. . . toward the direction of friend­ “ They regretted our leaving so Another noted that men arid Imperial Hotel %fQre their The Americans arrived in ship between China and the early," he said. “ They said this women were rarely seen f li^ t home from the trip that Hong Kong by train from Mills United States," said the teamr^ ^was too short. But we had a together. And another was in saw Chinese Premier Chou En- Canton, where they had spent a , Jack Howard of Seattle, schedule and we followed it. tears as she crossed the border lai say a “new page” had been final hectic night that included I. Wash., of the tour that ended a Steenhoven said he and a Into Hong Kong. But all agreed turned in relations between the attendance at a ballet staged NEW ALLIED offensive In A Shau valley Involves Americas 22-year deep freeze in Sino- first group of team members It was an unforgettable exper- United States and China. and directed by Chiang Ching, A ttack artillery and support troops ai well as South Vietnamese unlb, wife of Communist party military sources In Saigon reported Saturday. Drive la alined at chairman Mao Tse-tung. pressed North Vietnamese holding strategic area near Laotian frontier. “ Evervbodv was enchanted (U P i)______by this trip,” said E>rol Resek. Olga Soltesez, 16, Orlando, Fla., said the visit was a real Warehouse cte^royed eye-opener and it might do other American young people good to Bridge winners listed, ...... Section A PVPnln^. nnrfh and- gO'there and see how good they TWIN FALLiS — ITie Magic and annth- Mrg south; S. Oritsky and J. W. have it at home .------Valley Sectional Bridge Donaldson and F. ^rindlin, "I was a little depressed," Eyler, first; Mrs. M. Hogg and Tournament t>egan Friday at Ogden, Utah, flrsi; Mrs. W. H. Miss Soltesez said. “ The Mrs. M.-E. Saunders, second. in Friday night fire the Holiday Inn in Twin Falls, Wycoff and. Mrs. L. M. Hall, countryside was really desolate. and Mrs. M. L. Bryson and with play scheduled to continue Twin Falls, second, and Mr. and They have bad poverty prob­ Audrey C. WUson, third. ,E ^ t TWIN FALLS - Charred who were called Ui from off. The wind-whipped blaze and broken glass melted into Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John Keckecla, third. East and west: Dr. Marshall Decker ruins- were all that remained duty, responded to the blaze jl_ _ 3 u ick 2 y consumed the the carpets. lem s.” There were 184 players par- and west: Dr. Marshall Decker and Mrs. Rae Batemim, first; Saturday of a warehouse at was brought under control in warehouse and firemen used Victor, who owns the building John Tannehlll, 19r-Middle- tlclpatihgTriday, with about 20 and Mrs. Rae Bateman, first; Paul James ”in ?~ P a t Rich; Sound Ltd., which burned about 30 minutes, but the last streams of water to keep the with his father, Paul Victor, port, Ohio, had nothing but more expected by the toumey's Wagner and Klender, second, good to say about Communist second, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Friday night, causing an truck did not leave the scene damage tn the store to a said the building was partially end. ' and Mrs. J. M. Kingsbury and China. “ China Is great—it is all Wolf, third. estimated $60,000 damage. until ,1 a.m. Saturday. minimum. The rear of the store covered by insurance, but lost Overall winners Friday In the Della Marzocca, Twin Falls, Section B, evening, north and Ron Victor, owner of the firm The fire raced through the was charred and equipment In equipment was not. Mao thought,” he said. masters pairs were Dr. Boyd third. Glenn Cowan, a 19-year-old south: Mr, and Mrs. R. H. on Blue Lakes Boulevard North, wood frame storage building, the rear of the building was lost. Victor said the store will Bryson and Steve Douglas, Section B, afternoon, north Haller, first; Mr. and Mrs, Roy was In the store when the fire and ate into the rear of the store Tubes from stereo equipment remain open and he plans to Santa Monica College student, Boise, first; Mr. and Mrs. Roy and south: Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. whose^houHer length “ hippie” C. Barnesm s e co n c L -^ d _ M ra i_ _ started ln the-warehouse east of proper. . • . . were melted by the Intense heat rebuild the warehouse. C. Barnes. Idah^Fa% Mcojdr BmesTnrsl; Mr; and style hair created a sensation th'e store about 11:20 p.m. He Firemen said it is believed the Dr. Marshall Dicker tn d Mrs. Cohen,^ second, and Wfr. and and west: Mrs. A. J. Lindemef ■ said “ within two minutes the fire was started by a spark from among Chinese, described the Rae Bateman, Salt Lake Gty, Mrs. R. J. Cook, third. East and experience as “ new, different," and Mrs. L. E. Hack, first; Mr. whole place was on fire.” a trash fire on the lot. The fire third; Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. west; Dr. B. Bryson and Steve and ' Mrs. Roger Johnson, Three trucks from the Twin began in lumber piled In the Cook, Twin Falls, fourth, and Douglas, first; Mrs. Afton second, and Dr. Bryson and n ty Fire and former lumber yard now oc­ Militant pair Mr^_and_^Mrs,._B._-H._Haller, DeMott and - Mrs;------Al Steve Douglas, third. large crew.s of men, including 13 cupied by Sound Ltd.______Baker, Ore., fifth. JWohlschegel, second, and Mr. Winners of- the side game Section A, afternoon, North and Mrs!"Roger Johnson, Ihlrd. Jiirlng Friday afternoon plav Eh^i^eriiurl^wlTen get life terms-^ w ere, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. -Warnker-Burley, overall, and OMAHA, Neb. (U P D -B lack Side last Aug. 17, Funds appropriated Mrs. Roy Hill-and. Mrs. John militants David Rice and A suitcase rigged with three aid hike Hahn, i W i Falls, north and car flips at turn south. Evening winners of the Edward Poindexter were found sticks of dynamite, which a total fund of $2.8 million dol- side game were Mr. end Mrs. B. =7CEES= rth nntn -R iinhinin giiiltv .Sflhirdflv of the tombing partially blocked the open -iacaL death of Omaha_ Pouceman “BCTiiuii, 'BvwttU, unii' W r'. a car which failed to negotiate a . Street. The vehicle rolled twiqe, i)orw a y to the house, expioflefl" proposed of Boise $70,000 as their shares units of government. when Mlnard apparently picked Mrs. Harold Bulcher, north and turn at a city Intersection early' officers said. Larry Mlnard Sr. They were . , , from the Highway Users Reve- The funds are distributed on south. Saturday morning was reported sentenced to life Imprisonment, it up or touched it. BOISE (U P D -A fter a brief _„„p_Bistrlbutlon for the first an equal dlvlslon.of 45,564, with Players who cam e the longest in fairly good condition Passengers In the vehicle, The jury of nine women and The kej; prosecution witness discussion and no debate, the quarter of 1971. the remainder based on percen­ distance to the ’Twin Falls Saturday at Magic Valley Pavid Montgomery, 19, Twin three men deliberated 25 hours In the trial was 16-year-old 78th annual Idaho Education As- ■Theflgures,releasedFridayby tages of motor vehicle reglstra- before reaching a verdict. Duane Peak, a member of a tourney are Mr. and Mrs. Douk Memorial Hospital. . Falls, who was treat^ and soclation .delegate ,aswmbly_ to- stateAuditorJoeVUlliama»show_ tlon revenue and rOad mileage. Smtt . Rmikatrimwan. Dennis G. Pounds., 20, was released______from______^ the hospital,______and Rice, 23, dressed in a yellow black militant group, the day called for a $10 million In- charged— with—dr-lving—while- ■ T eny^'hm w yi9r^n Falls, turtlen£CK 8hlrt,and slacks, and Nebraska Conunittee to Com- cr.cay In state ^ d to public intoxicated. Twin Falls Police who was not h^jured, were Poindexter, 28, clad only In liat Fascism, in which Rice and' schools next year. said. Tliey said his vehicle was charged with Illegal possession denim jail garb, were expres­ Poindexter were officers. In adopting the Finance and traveling east on Heyburn of beer. All three have posted sionless when the verdicts were Peak said he helped Rice and Adminlsfratlon Committee rec­ Avenue when it attempted to bond. read. Poindexter rig the suitcase to ommendation for increased aid The trial began April 1, The explode when touched, and during the 1972-73 school year, Mel QuQleannouncesthe prosecution called 32 witnesses admitted it was he who made the delegate assembly also call­ and the defense summoned 14 the call which lured the officers ed for some type of statewide Gem Jaycees elect during the case. to the vacant house. tax Increase to pay for It. ' POCATELLO, Idaho ( UPI) — members were selected national Mlnard__ died an d -sg yera j, Peak, who also faces first Hnwpver. the a ^ m b ly did not Sav’MGA’andSave The Idaho Chapter of the directors for Idaho. other police officers were degree murder charges, is spell out just what type of tax Junior Chamber of Commerce The Idaho Jaycettes picked injured when they answered a expected to be given a lesser Increase should be inade to selected newstateofflcersSatur- Mrs. Jean Miller, Boise, to re- phony distress call at a vacant charge for turning state’s come up with the necessary mo- day in their annual convention place Mrs. Rich LVettoU, Cald- house on Omaha's near Nprtn evidence. ney to finance tne bbosi. here. well, as the president of the wlve's auxilary. The new state Fred Manthey, Mullan, was treasure is Mrs. Jack Botts, St, selected president. Manthey will Maries. replace outgoing-presldent Jim The yearly session was attend­ Heath. Meridan. ed by 250. Jaycee? and 125 wives. SALE BEGIMS MONDAY, APRIL 19th Other Jaycee officers include The state officers were to be Ray Voxx, St. Anthony; Lee installed Saturday evening at Judy, Cascade; and Bob Bos- the inaugural dinner and dance worth, Bonners Ferry, The three at the Bannock Motor Inn. SQUASHABLE Why this sale is special: 1. cuddle your feet prices up to 20% less than regu­ Guilty plea filed SA N D A LS lar taclory-dlrecl-to-dealer (no mid­ with the softest strips of unlined dleman protill values ' TWIN FALLS — A plea of Sanborn earlier had waived leather. They're simply constructed 2 guilty to a charge of second prelim inac)' hearing in the . nationwide service Irom one o( the .lower court and was bound over to wrap around without faddish fuss degree burglary was entered world's foremost manu/aclurlng Friday in Fifth District Court to district court. His plea of and bother... boast an adjustable families. by-Monte-Jr-Sanbonvr ZTy -Twift ' guilty was accepted - by Judge heet^Strap and hunky wood heel. Falls. Ward who ordered a pre­ for ou«i a cfinluiy- wofldwidaJdsr Sanborn was originally ac­ sentence investigation open ^lendabillty, quality and integrity. cused of first degree burglary In motion of Sanborn’s defen«e connection with a break-ln at counsel, Rudy Barchas of the Buttreys Foods on March 8. public defender firm of Msd0fnois»/J0 V.-Raybomr-Webb 4fltredibie.Color and Clarityl Attorney Leon Smith, the Pike. . N^iist be seen ana com p are di ^------charge was reduced during He was returned to custody at arraignment Friday before the county jail pending sen­ M b A IB’Wi!'.-. ) COLOR TV Judge Theron Ward.' tencing. Flpv~rurfflturel Retlecling craftsmanship, styl ng and finish not available at fhis^rice IrOTli %'nyone . but MQAI Oeluxeyswivel

^-4 Model CH-161, dniy MGA RADIO VALUES., yctwrctmitna,

A ” — W — — 1.0'/,. 1 Consider sptne of the advantages of con­ Portable Radio, In beige. verting from open ditch irrigation to gated RPF-W. RWA-flO. pipe. ------. Finest pertormancel parphon*. only 117.95 only $17.95 sunshleld Included, only 1 . Corrugations do not r<*«d to b*. thevolod opan.

2 . Chock dam* & siphon tub** or* •liminotod.

3 . Wp*

4^ Bocooio-p>po-con ooiily bo -tn o v d .-^thof- « minimum of obstruction to tillogo & horvosting opof Qlions. fo r complofo infa m a tion bn h6w you can' uso gatad irrigation pip», logathm with a cost ttim a la ca//Bill Mcrthers SERVICE COMI> IMSKOWTWETOillOlt™-— kimberiy, Idaho « j Thelll

Devoted To The Citizens Of Magic Valley WASHINGTON — It is more amity are not In the cards, ^ a t v efy appi^rent last week, as to whether there will be peace Syria and Lebanon. evidttit eadi day that making cornu as a blow forborne of- Statements .In Cairo and or '{lar.-’niat was a threat to Israel, according ' to Al WiHtargran, Publlther PHONE 733-0931.. Sunday, April IS, 1971 peace in the Middle East ^witt ficiitds; espefcially- (n-the ^ t e —Jerusalem s e ^ e d to set back Israel'in suppprt of the new knowledgeable sourcra here, is OHIeUI City wdCounty Nd*. TmiHday. I* hereby dtslgnatad as th« day of the WMk on wMcti knowledgeable diplomat, “ a visioned a quick Middl^ East agreement and {^nccease the Anwac Sadat for a reopening of* wtiile Qirbugh the indirect of­ lasXnM ICM will b*publlth«d. PubHi|i«d dally iod Sunday, •xe«pt Saturday, at IJJ Third StrMt Wett,^ -process-imd-not-att-event;^'------settlement as a^Kteon—Ad*^ already substantial risk- o f the.Suez Canal. fices o f’ UN interm ediary /N» ______^ “ ■ ...... nBflter Btroko.— penewed -From- riu ,«MMart.n«; iaTt~ centiiries'of Hatred and unrest, - The slow w d uneven nature t;Tom Cairo came warnings early argument and instant of the peacemaking p roc^ was that this month will be decisive proposal.'Israjel’s President been a recurring Isi'aeli Golda Meir declared that Egypt demand. Israel, aecording to should not be rewarded for Qur sourcesi is willing ito:move r reopening the waterway, which later — as Jarring has was clos^ . by Egypt's action?. suggested — to talks under the // In all of this it should be noted so-called Rhodes formula, with * I^ Y B E ITS 3W0 I?TH A TRY that-tliings^are not asrbad^as: -an-intermedii^, presumably they appear. Kuster is a p ^ of Jarring, at the negotiating Egypt’s game plan, and>some table.. . speciffcs of Sadat’s new ^ in ally,-w 5^ .cw i report that Around the turn of a century, who want to make all the moves, proposal, which would station Israel is willing to make the during a railroad controversy, one make all the’ decisions without Egyptian troops east of the reopening of the canal the first offlcid was quoted as saying; conferring with anyone. 4* canal, are less attractive to topic in such a phased Like we said that’s a “ hell of a Israel than those of the Suez negoUation with Egypt — since “ That’s a hell of a way to run a plan he advanced in Ffefaruary. the Onlted States seems to wish railroad.” way to run the State Department of Moreover, Mrs. Meir’s tough it. lik e some officials in the Here it is nearly three-quarters Aeronautics.” talk was made to keynote the Pentagon, some Israeli officials through this centiiy and the quote At this point in time it seeips to us —national convention-of-the^ think-a reopening-of-the-canal- can still stand^ jwith slight that if anyone should be moved out United Israel Labor Party. serves Rushan interests more of the Department of Aeronautics it Since the principal opposition to than those of any other nation. modification. Mrs. Meir’s government is Israel if left to its own devices Today we are forced to say: should be Mr. Hinkley. The militantly hawkish, it is un­ might prefer another opening ''That^s^a^figgofrd-way to run the Department of Aeronautics has derstandable that her home- gambit, but it will not veto the Idaho Department Of been involved in enough” con- consumptlon, politically- canal as a starting point. Aeronautics.” troversy down through the years oi leiited comment was made of — It-ia important tn iinrtargtanri without getting involved in more of very stem stuff. that a settlement of what has We have reference to the rather In any event, despite ap­ been called the Middle juvenile attempt to gef fid of Chet the same.' “ pearances, it is reliably "crisis" would be just the Moulton, who has been directofof While we have disagreed with reported here that Israel is beginning of a long-range the department for around 25. Mr. Moulton’s policies from time to willing to negotiate its dif­ peacemaking process as the -years. It seems^ that Cliff Hinkley,^ time, we resent the way in which ferences with the Arab states, diplomats understand it. A real tl^e attempt was made to get rid of over borders, Palestinian Middle East peace may take .Lewiston, chairman of the State refugees, the canal and such, on generations. Aeronautics Commission, went to him. He has less than two years to a phased basis — that is — That is why the Israelis are Mr. Moulton and asked that he go before retirement. Why not let negotiating one subject at a adamant about the need for resign. He asked him a second him remain? The board has the time rather than talking about boundaries wliich are secure time. Both times Mr. Moulton final control of all things done overall packages. and, if necessary, defensible. within the Department so there will -Since^Egypt--ls-the—most- -They fear that the old 19W " ■ neglected to give^up;------r powerful of the Arab nations, borders would be an open and Now we find that Mr. Hinkley’s be na complications. and has Moscow as a very continuing invitation to new . action was taken without con­ We hope that this juvenile step present ally, the Israelis are aggression by new Arab reported ready to deal first with regimes. They know from 'ex­ ferring with the other four mpm-i taken by Mr. Hinkley does not bers of the Board and apparently Egypt and assume that ac- perience that international mean that is going to the policy cg^able axrangementa^could guarantefiiJQse_force — one after conferring only with from now oh out. If it is then we later be concluded with Jordan, way or another — after a while. ------GoveraoF-AfldFUS;...... , ------j Tsonldimsrmofrseriacsiharrwheir uncalled____we call for the resignation of the for. When the State Commission Board Chairman. was named it was with the un­ derstanding they would work as a We are not alone in our feejings. GEORGE C. THOSTESON, M.D. iin if M n nr». ftirlitnciiiql WOUld Opinion nf airm en nvftf-this section -ST* any more “ power” than any other of Tdiaho fits right in with the member. The five members would opinion we have expressed. It is our Copr'f'^i IV TTtir O n^Insulin decide what to do in any instance. understanding that the full Com­ No one member would make the mission will meet later this month.. Dear Dr. Thosteson; As a instruments and several am­ recent diabetic, I must take plifiers constantly play bone- decisions. At that time the action taken should insulin but the pharmacist shattering music (? ) in his I rem airLw h§re refuses to fill the prescription small home. action In the Moulton situation he he is xmtil' his retirement. HtAYCROMLEY because the doctor did nottfrtte M y daughter-lnJaw is- seven just has to be one of those in­ And the boar^d should run the which Insulin strength should be months pregnant. TTiese young dividuals who lets a little power go show. It should not be run by Mr. used. He only wrote, “ NPH 30 men try to make,.up in volume Hinkley acting as an individual. Soviet Pacts units daily." . , what they lack in talent and it is to his head. These are the fellows The doctor says either type of making my daughter-in-law WASHINGTON - (NEA) - missile developments only after is displayed or put in its silo, Insulin can be used, and Ihe nervous and sick to her It is difficult to describe how the first missile (or prototype) This could be dangerously late. pharmacist says no, he must stomach. very concerned high officials in have better directions and If she complains, he gets the Nixon administration are advised me to change doctors. angry and turns the volume over the present state of Will you comment; please? — even higher. I have heard that JI. M. this ear-piercing music can Unless there’s' more to this even affect the untwm child. There is a real desire here, dispute than .meets the eye, Would you comment? — Mrs. B. . jlearly evirient whm one talks your pharmacist is correct in L. . H. Ross Perot, the Texas mail that has been received from with any official dealing witlr A S olurion saying that the'Mrength of the I don’t know of any reason the problem, for some sort of insulin should be s p e ^ e d . why the racket should affect the multimillionaire, continues to the prisoners has come since In short. Democratic critics reTaxation of tensions with WASHINGTON — It U not Usual strengths are U-40 unborn child, but -I'd say your insist that the pressure of public pressure from the people began. of Hoover are now saying to Moscow. surprising to learn—from high (botUe with red label) and U-80 son’s manners could stand some Richard Nixon: "L et’s you and opinion will eventually force North “ You’ve got to couple per­ and impeccatile White House (green label), although other improving. If It bothers his wife, President Nixon, li|5,e J. Edgar Hoover fight.” Vietnam to release its American sistence with patience to authority—that President strengths are sometimes used why don't they take their am- President Eisenhower, in whose Nbcon has no intention of prisoners of war. secure their release,” says Perot. Nixon has a solution for what for special cases. plihers to somebody else's objectives Nixon has very ^ e a t some administration aides taking this self-serving advice. While either U-40 or U-80 house? “ We hold the key to the release of In view of this, it- may be un­ He knows, as Kennedy and faith, believes, that he would irreverently call “ the problem ordinarily can be used, the And just what does your son these men in oiir hands,” he told an fortunate that President Nixon has secure his place In history if he Johnson did before him, that of Pope J. Edgar Hoover the appropriate amount must be expect to do after the baby is could achieve any sort of Hoover Is still a hero to millions audience at Baylor University in begun warning Hanoi that some U. First.” measured out. Insulin syringes bom and needs sleep? reasonable accommodation. of voters Lt what Washington Waco the other day. S. troops wtll remain in Vietnam as ■Rie President's plan is all often have two scales, a U-40 tied up in fancy wrappings. It wiseacres call the boondocks. From a cultural point of view, he long as any Americans are held scale on one aide, a U-80 scale Colitis can include a variety Equally important, if some calls, not for the retirement of The President wants to on the other. of intestinal ailments from explained, the North Vietnamese prisoner, “ Face” is also important working agreement is not the FBI chief, but for his "elevate" Hoover, not give him Obviously the proper scale don’t think we should want these to the North Vietnamese. achieved, it Is difficult to see “promotion” to the special' the sack. Moreover, Nixon serious to merely un­ should l)e used for measuring comfortable. For a better un­ men back. But the good will of the It will be many months yet before how the President can solve a assistant to the Attorney sincerely believes that in thus the type of insulin being taken. derstanding of its causes and host of other problems which General. In that post, the 7&- “ rewarding” Hoover for his American people is so important U. S. troop strength in Vietnam I have preferred that patients plague the - country - and year-old No;-l ganglHister would long -and distingiii.shed -sendee, treatment, write to Dr., arid the POWs so uhimportant that” “ appfo^hes aTesidu^toTcehTevel. "stick tiT^'ne strwgth when therefore plague his ad­ preside over a huge office at the the country 'vill continue to Thosteson in care oTtKis papei^ possible, because It avoids the the North Vietnamese are reluc­ Until that point is reached, perhaps ministration. Justice Department, travel In a benefit from Hoover's ex­ for his booklet, “ Colitis &id chance of making a mistake and tant to anger the American pilhlic. we oughtto mute the threats and bullet-proof car and function as perience and law enforcement Kindred Complaints,” en­ Chief among these are a using the wrong scale. closing 25 cents in coin and a He notes that 85 per cent of the give public pressure that much ■ ^e President’s adviser to the know4)ow. reasonable defense budget to FBI director.” He also would In thus treading gingerly, long, stamped, self-addressed -more time to work. Dear Dr. Thosteson: My son make possible a step up in .continue_as a m ember of tlie Nixon seems unaware that he Is envelope to cover cost of '“dornestic pro^gfamsVand-enTl tO~ United States Intelligence the one FYesident who w d handling. "the-draft and real peace In- Board. For the moment, the could get away with retiring Vietnam and the Middle East. plan has been consigned to moth Hoover. The President still has balls as a result of the furor gilt-edge credentials with most It is not the attitude of the MR; SPECTATOR of the citizenry hi the middle- Russian negotiators at SALT kicked up on Capitol Hill, to right area of the political mm woBio notably by House Majority (Strategic Arms Limitation Whip Hale Boggs of Louisiana, spe£tr\mi. Ih ose in this area at Electric Trousers? Talta or on ^ l i n or the Arab- that Hoover be given the sack least would try to understand I^a^ war Aat concerns the for allegedly snooping on if Nixon “ elevated” Hoover; White House. Hie Russians are Wear for men has come a long members of Congress. At this the move might even win the After a few minutes walking tough negotiators looking out xiint, the White House is not President a scattering of ways. But the item of clothing around the Times-News office — or for Moscow’s interests and they nclined to make a move that liberal votes. 'w h i^ gives Mr. Spectator the most at home or in church for that fight, a s expected, on every might be interpreted as kicking There is another, more “ trouble are those new double-knit matter ^^=nhe tx)ltom part of our” _polnt.------~HDover upstairsT practical, ■ consideralion from trousers. trousers looks like we have been the Nixon viewpoint. Even he The problem Is that no arms All thi» Byzantine cannot be absolutely sure of They feel good, they look good wading in hair, bits of string or or nonaggression agreement is maneuvering is concerned with winning reelection, and he and all that stuff but they generate thread, cnmibs pr what have you. worth the paper it is written on two political facta o f life: 1. J. shrinks as firom the plague from M much electricity that we are So Mi*. Spectator would like to unless both countries have the Edgar Hoover has become a the thought that Hoover’s will to enforce it. controversial figure who successor might be appointed practically a walking storage know why people as smart as our threatens Nixon’s reelection. 2. battery. Trotting -back and fofth^- by a Democratic President. over the Times-News wall-to-w^U .p r^ u ct ■ that^ isn'^'t ' TTIpnnit piriop) ■_mls.siler-3ub m arine—b ase- at— demand*-^ for—^Hoover!a.. head .Jackson, of' ^ AT-^g-FOUNg: “ W^lbeard'thatoneTnanufacturer^ Qehfuegos in violallon of tbfe TMTve’"en and Nixon hans at a graceful pattern over the Bolster and he said he found qie and the ability of the United Hoover wfaidi had b e c o ^ a is defeated the previous tegs or all men. there and hauled it home for safe States to rM ct. tradition in the White House. November. Yet he continues to Be that as it may, this still keeping. It is a green windbi^ker Kennedy’s firirt act upon balk at rettrement, and his doesn’t say whether the electricity and s b ^ d fit a boy of aboitf 12 -’ b the case of a strategic arms assuming the Presidency was to position has been strengthened lf7l H NIA. . agreement with Russia, it is Kappoint floover. Johnson by the present hooraw over his In tlte tfflisere will be reduced so years. If ithis answerr the . " / oyree, Chor/es. We SHOULD think twice aboui futare virtuiJly iiii|)ossib!e todeyte.a^ iralTedr— re;t i rem eitt: fltotaa to continue. Richard - QiiA everpiEag ndat^~

Public Forum fedwal money allowable under TWIN FALLS — To .fund the terms of the federal firm financial ofdigations with/. K. kw act. t Mullen, capitalist In Denver, TWINFALLS—Mr.'andMrs. theTwin Falls Canal Company A. BrossSS'u have returned from

annuallv. The total amount ROCHESTER, N. Y. — Mrs. o w ^ by the company to Mr; T. 3. Fo^er,, Twin Falls, who ‘ Mullen Is $330,000. AU notes will underwent an operation the first Words Of Praise bear an B per cent interest, part of ttis month for Temoval There are five of these notes on of an ulcer, will have to unckrgo Editor, Times-News: ' . " ' a second operation in Bie mi- MaySftrplBceTnrrecord'ourT'tlclcetr: counter^ mspldyed^no HANSEN H»_T* Hendfiraofii_medlate-future-lor-removal-of - sincere appreciation of the interest in our franUc attempt , Dmver, dvU engineer who has her appendix, .Jremendous heljLwe received., to te a ch ja J n F a U is a ^ they hitherto been engaged for about MARCH 31,1921 from the P9lice and the doctors were, “ too busy” and could not — eightmonths lamakingsurv^y^,— TWIN FALI£ — Those vho __ snd estimates in anticipation of care to drive to Shoshone Falls iind nursing staff of Magic make alternate arrangements. the Murtaugh • Irrigation this evening about 6 o’clock will Valley when we were called to We then had to hire a taxi at Twin Falls as a result of a fatal the Boise alrpoi$,-This taxi then District to reclaim ap- have an opportunity of wlt- proximately 50,000 acres of land nessing the passage over the road accident to Glenn S))icer proceeded all the way through situated between Hansen and fallsof the largest body of water and Bruce Wise. Boise to the Hertz garage for a Murtaugh, will continue his to go over in a good many year?. We would especially like to q>are tire. Because of the delay activities in this direction. thank Dr. W. H. Kramer and it took us three and orie-half Released from Milner Dam in Ur. Harry K. HrumDach, Jr. THSDW To-Teoch-W agic-Valley- TWIN FALLS - The new However, a most unhappy Hospital and by then it was too chain of events occurred n^ch late. prevented us from reaching We feel strongly that Air Glenn’s bedside before he West, after taking an extra $20 Masonic Temple Building. passed away and we mention it unnecessary fare from us, (Editor’s note: this building v in the hope it will not happen to should at least have tried to help W9S later purchased and iised -Bomaona olM ,— ______^ as yet to TnHn gulla. Thay knew for year? by the Times-News pAM s r Because the Twin Falls that was the original destination before moving to the present , airport was closed because of of our journey and they knew new locauon.) 'Ihe tOUMng car i"k t W runway repairs, it was the desperate urgency. necessary that we land at Boise. . . . Mrs. Peter A. Glennie KK" “ i’pS- ■ There (at Boise) the Air West North HoUywood, Calif. were Mesdames V. H. Ormsby, South Bend, Indiana. C. H. Burton. L. T. Wright, A. P. TWIN FALLS - With the adoption of a constituUon-and by-laws and the election of

S S ’ a T ‘^^dat?on‘ of M oSb W iili^ ld^ Talent Is Here Twin Falls-was-effected-at-a-^^^^®®?^"-j ^ meeting Tuesday ansr delegates of a number o f Twin ~ Elditor, Times-News: musician (Kurt Smith). A Editorial) — No question of Falls' organizations assethbled We, the people of Magic friend w ant^ me to attend this more vital concern to Twin in the high school building. C. E. Valley, are very fortunate to with him because performers Falls has ever been presented A Golfer At Heart Wright was elected president; have the talent we have, from this Immediate area ww e than that on whldi the elec- available to entertain us. '^ rform in g. I got the surprise of sergeant in the United States Ar- §; M tor«“ « will be caUed upon to ^ . He’s a golfer at heart—but his president; Mrs. Merlin Batley, „ „ g ”m yrflis^hops“ ^fTiuty included average. It seems some people When the Walden Brothers' score is a weU-guar mcmey not community working, that is. J^ d-ffiawrBa-theTKiint; ------pwh^^not-«o-bwUs4heJI^ Coew d’Alene Lake, Red Fish would be saved In the long run u One more memory--keeps _ perhaps even wotcM — Lake, Sawtooth Mountain we q)ent a little now to put pushing to the'surface of my consider ahybrie SIfelfeBt'Brom Range and BnmeaU Desert, Just pollutioii oontrola on a few of the mindrinaistinfflHrTelevant. ^ th w n se lv^ -»-jo ia*o w -^ l^ to name a small nonber. thousands of smoke stadcs In is of an oU family dog named tHan human, mw.donl rta llr With all this scenic beauty the state. It everypne stopped Tip, and a troubled boy fr o d a think or (eel about i/iyooe o f a few -h a v e — im A g k ie i- the— throwlng41tter-out^ their -caiL neighbpi^ dty,jn»ejd0gjjad different race, reli^on or ap- nationwide ^raove— towacd idiiddm. we ooOltf'iftfVe enough been a teloved companion of peartuice i r i l n ' ecology as being alive In Idaho, money by not having to have It Is So Typical m y brother almost from the . Tlie issue is not., artaethcr A few of the studenU at clean-up crews to put a lot of The Letter time both were bom . But the American presence in Vietnam Wendell High School, moved by money in other departments of time cam e when, old and blind is Justified, or jwhether any By PHYLLIS K. COLONNA one man, woman or child, ex- Burley. Originally from Den- the Student Council’s pollution control. E^ditor. Times-News: and feeble. Tip had to be put out action in any war is Justify Tfrnes-News Writer cept thf. occasional tourist who «Mrk, she spent World War H S.C.O.P.E. program (Student If we must, let's stop thinking I wish to thank Mr. Calhoun of ______hiam is^. The issue Is not whether tber« la Nestled deep in the French hanp»n« into it. under the Germafi occupation. Council On Pollution And o( our pocket books and start for his letter in Sunday’s Tlmes- M yirothe^w«old togetthe--*-hetter:3ray of dptm nlnlw » countryside, ^unadverttsed and' M ore than Syeara ago, it was ’TTjesrpeoiaetwtKrnyTlJwr vironment) decided that thlhkihg o f the irreplacabie N ew sF orrn n .E v ^ sa R w icefif J22 rifle and take him on one last man's guQt or innocence than almost ~uh]^wn, is « small explained to me, two German is no cut.off point tor what is Idahoans do indeed have a beauty of our state. his letter was not only ab- .walk to tbe rimrock. bringing him to ^ befMre a village named Oradour-sur- officers were Idlled, ^ e r a l acceptable or necessary in problem with pollution. If the To get the ball rolling. April 22 solutely true, but also well The boy was a concern of Jury of his peers. Glane. miles away, by unknown com bat), they have never betn citizens realize the dirty air has been designated by expre^ed. som e frfends in Salt Lake Oty. Tlie issue is to determine to So typical is it of other members of tbe French fa) a war,” die said, obviously arovnd Pocatdlo and Lewiston &C.O.P>E. as desn-up day. I would like to add this He was so unreachable, had whidi of these three catafariaa in the area that tbe Resistance. In retaliation, d 0 S6 to they CMir see iiut enough — Students- a t - Wendell—a re «|uotation-fa> Mr^-Calhotm^ fine . of men Lt. CaSey belongs. li~alm ost Inside before ahother German officer swept — “They jnst don*t have any ber*« —n— same as all other . wmU FYcnch bmntied them aliw , .fe r g itly. i - _ : - _ n i o c r high stati.'ttfa3i « u s l g|«rf. — -At-W enddHBgh Scfaooh Twin Talta ~ o r ^ a e s . ’ once. Ttiey stand, many of caDed In to bomb the empty things, they didn’t have to. It So liF lB r”yoiRl^nmr them, wilfa doon 0^ . Inside, streets and hoosiiL wasntliecatisetfa^hadanlen. cireertag, biindbr trying to nSblereeTrw m errana— Haiflffi6rTlii>6aig^e7~Biir havrto esei^ an^ unaoaiitrehended cfaUdrfm* toys are ttrmni. tben(it’»ea«ylDnr<.000mae» I’vebewditarjiaedeervwlty »tilU Bmi ' ^ Newt leeeneUw ttgbl.terrfHie Prayer For This Time abandoned In baste, npoo Oie and a <|iiirter-cenbiry away), and sincerdy, by an idesBtfc langU nf m d shooting and pAHealisat ff. to Hwlr Boor, atand rMMly at war is war. Buhl high achool glri, that wtuit nm lB g aftw tafan — pumn»ed Ihe sahiect - anttorv'li :•!' «- God, I wasn’t going to get scared faith, so beit unto you,” you’d think the doer. Somehow the word baa a U. Jaines CtfDey dtd -waa no tallat altar b d M W o every HMam aaiam .riirtifc'iM i'- , |Mrt «r bti faiMir. cBCcpt a vital laele er Jy.-it f etlMeM . 'liltiiH -i at every little pain. I a lip j^ again, I’d have more faith. I will next Bat otbera are roolleaa dUferent m— tilnB to the people dUfercnt or more wrong tliao facades, atfll ottiera moonds of who were caagbt where It was dcopitfog a bontfi-m^a niOtt^ y y 1 1 ^ preirlM ia^: , r oqiad sc« with uJcers, time. I proniige. ------^------=■ ...... beartattacLarcan(».il0w fo^ _in^ta:Btortin AndttMMi am inpeople.; I inti db^netnK-ihto ■ tevrSrai>taa’* d « ilt a BieMure. Lam l Knowing you sftid, “ As your F ilar — ■------rtew lartMr,. - .IlHmrlie«dttar«Qed JiAas Was U. CUley gnilty .of 6 Tlni*t-N *w *, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, AprlM B .. 1 W l. Star owii brood at home to match •;pOLLVW)pOD(UPI)—Shirley She and Jack prefer' plain Jones, Oscar winner and star of foods. If she is proud of a “Ttie Partridge Family,” has-a single dish it would be coBed “ hrpod at home~to“inatdi’^ e beef and. caUiaigg. FRONTIER THEATIR ta ^ v die beads'* on the' “ We love kid'food," says JEROME 116Ea»tMoin~ I televirion aeries. - Shirley, ^‘hamburgers, hot dogs Hollywood' (OPI) ' - "yoimg cOUld; tfo»"T51KH-lO the K , ' Her three sons are Snaun', iz; and frencft Brlea." ...... titae he.toddlea off to kinder- Parents, ever alert for informa­ Patrick, 9; and Ryan, 5 „ Her Silrley and Jack had a one- girten. tion and enlightenment on the step-fion, David C a ^ d y , Is the day separation ^ r a ^ t Proiiiicer-dirertor Nicolas Showtims 6:30 . Second Show d:30 complexities of raising off­ star singer on.the sh ow .' earlier this year. After a sin^e Noxon, who has two youngstera spring, may tune’ in “ Child­ Shirley Is -Uonde, pink and jDight in a hotel. Jack returned of his own, said the ishow ADMISSION. . . ^5.00 hood; The Enchanted Years” beautiful off-acreen as well as to stay; reaches Sio hard and fast Thursday, April 22. on, Better still, she is . as One of the reasons the Hie hour-long N B ^TV spe-. .conclusions but QffetS-nfiWLand 4 I ~ devoted to h e r n f ^ i n g as she Casddys bought their home : PROOF Of AGE MUST BE PRESENTED 5 cial is devoted to the very exciting scientific studies of the r' -appears to be toward her make- was the absence of a swimming human baby. believe youngsters on the show. pool. TheV didn’t want their “ Iliere seems to be a definite Every wj^kend when the toddlers taking unsupervised relation of prenatal influence ABC show is In production dips. But the yard Is ^ aclous >-C A that affects a human being’s Shii‘ely pUnS special projects enough for softball games. THE FIRST EXPRESSION OF JLP Cv temperament as much as for her sons. Tliey go out for Shirley’s working day begins heredity and environment,” lunch, atten^ movies, go at 6:30 at the Columbia Noxpn said. bowling, virit ■ the beach or Pictures ranch where she toils TOTAL No authority himself, the enjoy a picnic in the park. until 8 p jn , By the time she producer went on to say, “ We wary . “ When 1 work all week the arrives home either Jack or the ------^ w development of babies least I can do la spend my days governess has fed the children SEXUAL from time of liirth to three off with the boys,” she says. and laid out a snack for years old and a consistency of She also finds time to be the Shirley. She refuses to attend characteristics. of wife of actor Jack Cassidy. social functions during the FREEDOM '‘Various scientific studies - They'"hiet while Shirley was week. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - which are touched on in the starring in the film version of Shirley is discontented about Things to be wary of on show offer the universal Fears Chinese “ Oklahoma!” and have been only one feature of the Cassidy IN television: concept that a child receives DAL JOON LEE, foor-Ume Open Table Tennli champion of married more than 15 years., ‘ life style. Jack must spend Doris Day giggling, from nature a certain set of the regrets he is not in China with the U.S. team. A native Tlw Cassidy hbme4s English several months a year on! the j^ther Williams' old movies. directions on how to use the . of South Korea and strong in his autf-Commimist feelings, Lee Country style in an exclusive road in stock company produc- AMERICA ---- Jlm-ftemnnri Rrnthers. who Jiuman equipment. ______says he turned down an Invitation to accompany the team, areflj>f-Beverly Htllg. It is not, mistake physicatmovement for .. . some of these funamental however, typical California neo- 'Right now Jack is making a talent, -as indicated by their basics are not related to- Gothic. pilot for a new series,” Shirley singing performanpe Wednes­ learning at all. Hip house is of the type says. “I hope it sells. If so, day night on ABC’s variety They conclude that a child commonly found on the out­ Jack will be home all year ; HI AND SHI IS A NEW LEVEL IN EXPLICIT SEXUAL* special, “ Changing Scene.” left to its own devices isolated skirts of small towns in ; PORTRAYAL . . . ITS PENETRATION BOLTS FROM THE* - “The. • Brady Bunch," an from other human beings, Integration long.” Massachusetts or Connecticut" I SCREEN TO YOUR SEATI° • incrediidy tasteless series about would learn to walk upright of with a plentltude of fieldstone a widow and widower who get its own accord. and white wood siding. Inside PLUS CO-HIT ; married and live together with "Essentially our show is aU all their noisy brats. ------about how—the-humanHjeing o n T Vmaning there are four fireplaces..'-.. Cassidy holds a professional “ Let’s Make-a-Dealr’’ which eoraes to be. The newborn Crosse in “The Partners” co- decorator card ahd is responsi­ makes "Tlie Brady Bunch” 'infant has none of the human HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Pro­ seem like elegant entertain­ qualities as defined by an gram integration of blacks on starring with Dgn Adam^ will ble for the lived-in, comfortable Don't Miss These Greqf Pictures! ment. unabridged dictatlonary. television appears to have been be especially visible on the tube furniture. He made much of it • “ The Interns,” a series about "Personally, the contents of a phase or a fad of two or three in the coming season. liimself. including a fireside poorly-paid, richly-dressed, gor- the show are fascinating to me. years which is now on the Returning with black cast bench, bar stools and the like. RATED. XXX. geously-coiffed young doctors There are new ideas and wane. members are "Room 2^2,^ He designed and helped rebuild w h o. look as though they theories advanced by authori- Show business, one of the "Mannix," “Ironside,” and a sun room with a barcecue couldn’t deal with a hangnail. ties in developmenl most bigot-free industries in "Mission: Impossible.” But and pool table. TKlSTTflUonTTippar^ntty-diScnv-- that'srsboutrit:— ^-7''------■Hie Merv Griffin show. gy.” ' Jack and Shirley both laugh ered it was too far ahead of It is difficult to assess the at the reaction of visitors who sensa^on, Heintje, who ap­ fJoxon. said scientists are viewers. whys ana“ wherefofes“ of^the reffi^arlrtheTlravirbfoughrNew peared. on “Chan^ng Scene” taking a close look at the - The 1971^72 season has fewer diminishing numlier of black England to California. Shirley Wednesday night, and _whgsg. interactions ot environment. Black regulars sheduled for the faces on the tube. Can it be Is a native of Pittsburgh and w ^ y songs (about how heredity and pre-natal ihfluen- tube than any lime m ihe pasi ascribed to ctiangmg attitudes Jack comes from Long isiana. wond«irfi2” manaslire^^^SnSrk) ces. (our~years:------ln-American4ifertheecononiics forth) make Ijwrence Welk's The show itself is guarded Only FUp Wilson, with his of television or is it the all kitchen but holds no bljue music seem wildly contempora­ in the age-old dispute between own show, Qarence Williams of American predisposition for ribbons for culinary perfection. ry by comparison. environment and heredity. "M od Squad” and Rupert fleeting “ in” causes?

S e n t e n c e d BOISE (U Pn - Fourth Dis- T e levision Schedules^ -triet-Judge^red^7«ag«n-ha9 sentenced PhlUip AlUson, 18. * f f / ' ' Reno. Nev., to five years in Sunday, April II, l>>1 3:00 2b — Ed Su llivan 7:00 A j 7p.m.on channds 2b and 4, and 2si, 4 — Southern Baptist Hour 3 — Movie "Untamed" 8 — Laugh In state prison for possession of at 9 on e — Auto Racing Special. 2:M 7b — N ew s. W eather, Sports lb, 3. 11 ~ Mayberry marijuana. Paul Newman narrate* ttils look at 2b — F ilm 11 — M o v ie "The Thrill o# M AJi 2sl. 4. 5 ~ Newlywed Game However. Judge Hagan retain­ tt)€ vw>rld of auto ra c in g . Th e hour 3 — Penelope Pitstop 10:31 7»l — W hat's New covers vintage racecart/races from 4, 7b — Film — F a ce to F a ce 7b ~ M ovie " H a u s e r's M e m o ry" ed jurisdiction of the case for European < grand prtx events to 5 — Doodietown Pipers 10:45 7:M 60 d^ys, pending a recommen- Am erica's Indy 500, and a visit with 8 — To Be Announced 251 — Movie "Blackbeard the ?b. 3 — Doris Day a sto ck c a r d riv e r wt>o tias d rive n for n — CBS News Special P ir a t e " 2si, 4. S — R eel gam e datibn for eventual disposition three years and not won a race yet. 3:45 • 7b— Atovie "Information Received" 11 — F a m ily A ffa ir by Idaho Prison officials. M orning 8 — Film * ' ^ 11:00 7sl — Hatha Yoga Police said when they arrest- «:55 1:00 4 — News. Weather, Sports 8:00 3 — Time^ for AAeditatton^ ------ABC-Ne¥«------2b — R ifle m a n 11:05 . 2b, 3, 11 — Carol Burnett " se Municipal Air Terminal, he 3, 11 — Tom and Jerry 3 — F ilm 5 — dongres>lonal Report 4 — Mcfvie * ^ ^ y i \ " 5 — Lamp Unto My Feet 4 — Movie "Carry on Constable" U :10 5 — A^vle "the Blue Angel" was carrying a suitcase con­ 7b — Agriculture USA 7b — ABC News Special S — Movie -('Wild Seed" 7sl — Wprid fVesS Review taining sevOT pounds of mari­ f. 8 — Big Picture B Southern Baptist Hour ■'11:15 ♦;00 7 :M juana. ' . 4 —.ABC News 2b — H aw aii F iv e O wrvs^rwgamer. spent------4, 7b — F a ith for Today 5 — Let's Travel 11:30 7sl — Realities 5 — Pastover Drama 4,'00 4 — MV)vie " Y e s te rd a y ’s E n e m y " 7b. n — Laugh In tlM passion, 8 — R ifle m an 2sl, 5. 7b. 8 — N BC News 10:00 11 — Penelope Pitsto<> 3. 11 — C B S News 2sl, 2b. 3, 5. 7b, B 11 — N ews, ttietMrrorof 8:00 4:30 Weather. Sports 6 — Sct«nce in Agriculture 2sl. 7b. fl — Atovie "The Wizard of Moaday, April 1», H71 4 — i> Takes a Thief ^Emily Bronta’ s 3, 7b. n — Rex Humbard O i" At B p.m. on channel 4 Movie 7sl — Book Beat 8 — Jonny Quest 2b —^.Oeath Valley Days "AAarilyn," (1963)chronlcles Ihe 10:M iM M ila l §:X 3 - M5ri>og career of Marilyn Monroe, who rose 2sl, 7b. 8 — Johnny Carson 2b — Tabernacte Oolr 5 — Talent Showcase from bit player to reigning sex queen 2b — Rob ert M itchum Sp ecial 1971 SHIPSTADS^^JOHNSON r ^ i o f 4. 8 — Cattanooga Cats 11 — Sports Special College ot O f the Fifties. Rock Hudson narrates 3 -* Jackie Gleason 9:00 Southern Idaho the p arade of scenes fro m her 20th 7sl — They Went That'a Way yoluiglova. Century Fox films. 3SI — Sacred Mean S:00 11 — Movie "The Sheriff" 2b — R e v iva l F ir e i 3, 11 — Lassfe Eve n in g - 10:40 JAMES M NICHOLSON «od SAMuCl I AfiKOf f D'wenl 3 — C a m e ra 3 5 — A \}v ie 4:00 5 — Wagon Train 2 sl. 3. 5 — N ew s. W eath er, Sports 4. 7b, B — Bi^lwinkle 4 — Maverick 11:00 wilh bpeci.il quesl sliir 5 — Day ot Ofscovery 5:30 2b. 4 — Truth or Conse<)uences 4 — News, weather. Sports ANNA CALDER-MARSHALL TIMOTHY DALTON 11 — Herald of Truth 3b, 3. 11 — Hogan's Heroes 7b — This is Your Life 7sl — F ig u rin g It Out asCalhy asHeallicIi »:15 4:00 8 — Newlywed Game 1I:M 2si — From the Cathedral 1 ), 3. 4 — F B I 11 — My Three Sons 4 — D ick C avett f :M 11 — Ed Sullivan 4:30 11:40 i P C G G v f i c m u n G 2sl. 4 — Herald of Truth 7sl — N E T C h ild ren 's T h e a tre 2 sl. S. 8 — B ird 's E y e V ie w 5 — Movie "The Sword of All Baba" ~S>/'3'--*Pacc tKe Natron 20, n - Here^ mcv 12:00 niiiilieriiiglleigMs 7b. 8 11 — Discovery 2sl, 7b, B. S — Bill Cosby 4 — Let's Make a Deal 2sl — M an to W om an 5 — Tat>emacie O olr 7:00 7sl ■— AAisterogers U :0 5 PEGGY FLEMING SMOOPY ccuinbyuoviaAB- 10:00 7b, B 1 1 — Bo nania 7b ~ Brady Bunch 2sl — Movie "Dangerous Mission" « n .t * * * - » » * * * * * • 2sl ~ This \% the 3st, 2B, 4 — Auto Ractng Spectat FIRST TIME AT THE SALT PALACE 2t>. 4 — Oral Rot>erts 2. S — Glen Cam pbell •Vn». APRH. 28 thru f UN. MAY 2 3 — Tabernacle Qioir Tsi — W illia m F . B u c k le y . Jr MOTOR V U g r a n d V 5 “ Eleventh Hour f :00 7b — S k y h a w k s. 2sJ — Movie "But Not For AAe" n p i v r - i N 4 — O lm a R oss Sp ecial 8 — ^ ath Valley Days PHONC 733-S91t 11 — Faith tor Today 3 - Ed Sullivan )0:M Tsi — J e m Sheptier^'s. Afn«rJQ. U;Sr30wCR»wtv)*%v~l>rt«. &I. 5 — Film 7b — A^vie "A Gathering of — Wagon Tcain E a g le s " 3 — This is the Life 8 — Bold Ones 4 — Camera 4 Reports 11 — Glen Campbell 11 — Face the Nation 8:30 7b — H ard y Boys 7$j — ^ r l d We L iv e In ^ — Vrewpoint • 9:00 11:00 2b Mission Impossible 7b. 8. 11 — Meet the Press 3 — H a w a ii F iv e -0 3 ~ CBS News Special 4 — Atovie "Five Finger Exercise" 2SI, 4 — D jre ciio fis 11 — Gunsmoke 5 — F ilm ■ Tsi — M asterp iece T h e atre 1 1 ;X 8 — Auto R acin g Special & I. 4 — Movie "Tarzan and the Lost f0:00 Safari" and '-'Female On the Beach" ail, 2b, 3. 5, 11 — News. Weather. • ■Tte-^8 41----- Wit#-Answers - Sp o rti 5 — F ilm ' 7sl — F a n fa re 11:45 8 — Olanp Ross Soeclal — F ilm 10:15 Afternoon 2) — CBS News 13:00 7b — ABC News 3b. 3, 5 — Stanley Cup Hockey 10:90 7b, 8 11 — NBA Play Offs ^1 L e t 's T a lk B a ske tb a ll


‘Tpi. ^iunri rninwvMXJULUffIff, JWV

ThejyventuresofiTie «/iU ¥ ciim rcg or ^ H iictjeberr^Bnn % new career. Hie Hev. Robert Duryea, 49, the father of a &-year.old son id-after-Pope-Paul-VJ,- Thursday to allow IttM of pariah menibers at St. Peter’s- C3iurch in this San Frandaco-sab’orinorBeek donations. . “ About 100 persons Interested in helping in-som e way have given us their names and addresses," said Robert Ver- deckberg, a recreation supervi- 8or who announced formation of the committee to provide Duryea with financial assis­ tance. “ We will meet. Sunday to . UNITED SJATE8 Army is director *of the gokUers’ decide how best to go about Soldleri’ Chorua from cborui. The concert itarts at S this. We’ve received several EDUCATIONAL CON- received recognition bj^ the Washington D.C. will be pjn. and adnilsslon U by free checks—totaling about^$100— TRIBUXIONS of Norman Twin Jails PTA Council feabired In Twin FaUs along tlcke)s which have been but all we've t ^ ^ d for so far ~HafetrThrbUBl' me muiieum H i u i ^ y-aigfat-HerretT-showtL. wltb the United States Army distributed to persons are names. My goal la to'- Honored~ programs he has conducted here In tb^ museum was __ Sin^ng soldiers Field Band at a concert »et for requesting them. The concert is nrovid£ivide Father Duryea with nvi-r thiT pant mnnv vears awarded a Life Merit Award. "tte Fine ArtrXudliorfiiai at the ~ sponsdi^liit h puDUiTfmlce by flnancL:lal independence tor a C^iege of Southern Idaho. the TImes-News and the year. The others will decide Sergeont'MaJor Gene Coogblla Associated Students of CSl. Sunday how they feel about it.” Members of the parish voted support for the ousted priest at Presbyterian Church a special farewell meeting Wednesday night, indicating Army field band^ chorus they wanted him to remain as their pastor—which is impossi­ elects two teen-agers ble under church law. ArehblshoJ) J6seph McGuck-^ en, who removed Duryea from SAN ANSELMO, Calif. (UPI) necessity for the Ideas and the vice to express the message.” his post Monday when learning —Two teen-agers here are participation of youth” in Faw suggested a series of appearing believed the youngest officU meeting the church’s obliga­ short Mrmonettes by congrega­ of the marriage, indicated Thursday he was willing to of a Presbyterian church in tions to society. tion members with differing United States. “ I want to bring the church’is viewpoints because “ a great TWIN FALLS - The United served basis will completely fill housed at the Holiday Inn. They Coughlin is director of the receive a delegation from the priest’s 4,000-member parish. The congregation of the First generalized concerns about the deal of the-worth of our States Army Field Band and the auditorium. will remain in Twin FaUs until chorus, Presbyterian Church formally wtir, the draft and other sermons Is lost because they’re Soldiers’ Chorus will play to a The other sponsor^g the next morning when they elected Doug Hamsberger, 16, problems into the congrega­ one person’s view,’[ “ full house” during the public organization is the Associated leave for Boise. Three large Although-admission is free, Self-helpers as an elder for a three--year tion’s level," Hamsberger said.. He said he would like to-see concert at the College of. Student Body of the college. passenger buses, three large tickets have been distributed so term on the session, the Another problem Is that the the church explore “different Southern~~Idalio"Ftne~ Arts transport trucks^and~~three-~that-BlFavailable^eating^pacfr SPRINGFIELD. 111. (U PD - church‘8-|ay-govenilng"body, pnttem of ' -wurslilp- doesn’t ways of worship The band and chorus will vWt Illinois became the first state Auditorium Sunday, April 25 at squad cars are used to move the could be utilized, Kelker said. and Michael Faw, 15, as a communicate With me. I hope 3I pjn. Twin Falls on y e stop in a organization. The band and He said the hall will openat 2?^ ' in the nation to train 1 million -persans—in— th« praatiaa at deacon. Ifl_-g o rk _wi a i ^ e . ^ l o n Q n ~u:^rtGysrKetlcerreditor-trt~nraCTi^ drtot^ l ‘^ ^ i‘^j^^ -ehorus^re-based^tWashington—pim.-4he-aay-ot-tnc-j ■ tickpt holders will lUtl sponsoring linits, ^Id’ Friday Idaho. ITie 125 members of the / first. Church Is “probably "the most The way the- sermon Is the church’s pastor, said the morning only 100 free tickets band and the 30 members of the Commanding officer and After that, any vacancies that Health, The training Involves 11 progressive in demonstrating Introduced turns youn^ people two youths were chbsen by the were left and distribution of Chorus will arrive the morning conductor of the band is Lt. Col. might exist will be filled by non­ lessons offered to the public concern” for the problenw of off, regardless of the point the congregation because they these on a first come, first of the concert and will I* Hal J. Gibson. Sgt. Major Gene ticket holders. ^ and designed to prepare per^ sons to meet medical eihergen- society. minister Is trying-lo-inakej^ showed commitment to the c l e i when a physician is not And they say the -older Faw sidd. He called for chuf3i',T»6l’ becSVHe~they’ church members feel “ the Disappearing dice problem in available. “restructuring the whole aer-. vocal spokesmen (or youth. California school’ s ‘math lab’ PICK THE SHAG PAITERIV and the atmosphere so we can SAN FRANCISCO (U P I )- Clarence “ Zack” Taylor, the in math?’ We decided we had relate with kids and teach some One problem In the “ Math math department chairman, to get rid of the school things— U b ” at Wilson High U that the wanders from student to books, desks in straight rows, of them,” he said. “There are YOU UKE MOST...& SAVE! _plnasrnnm riipp fcwip HIsapppAr- student, asking if any need the teacher standing in front of few fights, less anger, less stomping out of class. Enroll­ Ing. ~TierpnrtBg~aiBwerin “no,*’ 1ig--the-ela3Sr But teachers In the informal asks enough questions of his “ So we developed our own ment Is up and teachers notice tor a real ^ matl^ courses at the predomln.> owp to make sure they know materials. Teachers wrote up less cutting. > “ Whether we’re teaching decorator boH anxa,.. anUy black high school wvuld n ^ t they’re doing. ' the projects so we can take C s V CAOT more math or not is another rathCT new extra-tairge 'Every Friday is gamie day. students where they are and "R h o m b s shaga for every^room l - -- dice than face some c IB6 400 "Matli ta il" stmtentr problems. compete with each other and Hiere’s no drilling, no set as we improve. I ’m sure w e’ll The dice are used along with their teachers in a half dozen cu^culum and Uiey take be,,teaching ,a .lot more math games, phone books, maps, games donated by the 3M the course'is^ihany times aS ' thari we^Vere In traditional b y football scores and pool table Company or play homemade they want.” classes.” , trajectories in indiiHdualized, math games put together by The teadjers’ first goal was Mike Sertrif a young, casual- project-oriented classes for the instructors. changing attitudes and motivat- ly-driMed 'teacher, said one youngsters who don’t plan to go The lab started a year ago, Ing students to study math. Inunediate bw efit has been the to college. replacing all general math and niat’s why they wrote 3M spotting of s t u n t s who belong ,oulc!^ TO bnma"« • In one class, a dozen teen­ pre-algebra courses. asking for the games, which in algebra an^ college prep agers work alone or in pairs at “ We had all the traditional are used to Interest students in math. tables and d e ^ scattered problems of traditional pro­ attending class. Ilie $100 worth “ I had a girl in here doing a -l' ■: . haphazardly around the room grams in ghetto schools: fl^ ts , of games Is - about the ^ y problon where she multiplied a while one boy’s tape recorder a complete lack of Interest, no outside help the experimental aeries of numbers by Bve,” he thimips out rock music. One control, and kids stomping out effort has had. recalled. “ I was watching her youth sleeps through it all, and of class,” Taylor said in an Taylor quickly admitted that write down the answers. She a teen-«ge girl feeds lunch to a interview. ------^------seinastersr-no-grsat-got-to^v small brother and sister “ Several of us got together change has been noticed in a second and wrote down 625.1 brought to school for family and askedt ‘What can we do to math test scores. stopped her, and asked her if day. give these kids some experience ^‘B u tm ’ve changed attitudes s ^ sure. proved Nyion... ^ otw ear. KLDOVER!...YOU«IEINVFrED!!

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1;00 to 5:00 p.m. /.•c at Twirr Falls' New

MOBILE HOME RANCH Jr-BjMnt-h a t w a n Mnrfti W n«tiingtBn an d N ortk BIim LakM ..

— : j8-Ne>^ ModeLMoblLe WINNER Homes on Display LAST WEEK: M u . Uwrwwi B a v t m ^Ar-phifrNoWTb Attend K».3,Tw(nFatt« ______» J L . :iUknME^UIli{^^ « M >»*»ATWW WtIH SNAKE MVai VAUPf Hm itlO U , ASSOOATiOM, ' Of— — I* -. -m M JrninhmJtm... ■; FLAMELESS ELECTRIC LIVING FOR A NEATER. CL ■ • Tiinfii-N«w«. Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday. April 18, 1971 news By LeROY POPE ' . iuid three^uarter'poun'ds^and seven to 38 pounds ' and a good market, VPIBoBlneas Writer can be worn undw ^thing complete a rm or^ suits fbi* Rowland IVoducts. firat at- NfeW YORK (U PI)-T tie 'Without dlacomfort. il is being bomb demolition, squads. The tempted to introduce a trans- policeman’s lot may become testM bv 80 poUcfc de|terimenta It n a i^ t Dolvcarbonate shield to safer if not happier because of in California and by the'Army;' ^ stop even magnum bullets be'^arried-by police cars as a a new lightwei^t plastic body Im pwial PMtector says the but a cop cian't run very fast or bullet stopping device. But they armor; vest Is effective against all grapple with a siispect easily if fouiid modem police couldn't i 1t~Blso iiii^ t be used by pistol fire except a high he!s burdened with .10 to 30 use a shield the'way medieval velocity magnum, and few pounds of aiin&r. Ooniequently raordsmeh did. Tiflto-nf-«fa6n^y-amprr^~~But1mpertal^Producta and ’ '^ ^ le cause of bat\)e cpualn “ The vest can stop u|> to five not large. ' Rowland ate convinced they bullets landing close together P i n k ^ n ’s, Inc, has com e up will have a big. mai;ket with For years, makers of law withoCit harming the jwlice- with a li^tweight bopib polycarbonate armor. In addi- enforcement equipment and the man;” said Henry Nagahori, suppression blanket macte. of tion to mortar Ore, the vest d e fe i^ industry have b e ^ president of Inqierlal. The vest fireiiroofed hi^4ensile nylon probably would protect soPers* HELP PREVENT trj^g to produce an effective costs______less than |S0. guaranteed effective against bUrp guns and otter aut«^tlc body-arm pr light enough- so According to Federal Uibo.ra-—alm ostany kihd«f-bomb^made—weapons at_some angles, and, DISEASE pqUcm en and soldlera could tories division of Breeze by amateurs. It weights 23 ranges, r it without losing mobility LetlOHNESSARY Now, Imperial Protector Co. marketers of law enforcement manufacturers, retail stores, A SIDEUNE BUT ARE^k of qoqjpton, Calif., says it has supplies, police departments tMspitals, uiiiversities, police HANDIEO YEAR AROUNOll POWER RAKE perfected such an armored vest are concerned about getting an departments, schools, airports YOUR LAWN made of polycarbonate pro­ effective li^tweight body ar­ and even a racetrack. Since duced by Rowland Products mor. there w ere m ore than 5,000 OtOBE; & FEro Inc., of Kensington, Conn. The Anns presently sell bombings in the United States TWIN FALLS, IDAHO_ ’ 733-7234 H>e vest weighs only three laminated steel vests weighing last year, Pinkerton's foresees

School next fall. Registering the new student Is Mrs. Kenneth Dunken, seated, Bickel School secretary, while Mrs. William Getting Hughes, mother, who is a teacher at Bickel, provides registratioo information.' New first grade papOs were ready registering this w e ^ in all Twin Falls elementary schools. Many will contlnne to register untH the close of the schools this spring. Full pay ordered

WASHINGTON (UPI) - I ^ - Interstate Commerce Act now of monthly cash payments, bor Secretary James IT. Hodg- requires cartiers to provide w! son FHday ordered railroads to to four years protection of by the carriers will continue wiQvid»-tull- ninplnyoa nr rfptnnt. during ■prnUytiVR poind. beneflts up to six years for any because mergers and dismissed workers will also — OTploye laid off or cut to lower p a }^ jobs by discontinuance Hodgson’s decision means the during his protective period. of passenger trains under the proposed RaUpax contract may new Railpax system. be submitted to the railroads, Hodgson, expressing “regret vi^o now must decide whether ■ that the railroads and unions rtfl join the system. The other involved could not themselves" contract provisions already _ agree on a proposal, said his have been worked out. Railpax ' lian provided “ fair and equita­ is scheduled to take over ble protection" for adversely service on May 1. b i r d h a s effected workers. If a ralfroad refuses to Join The labor secretary's plan, Railpax, it must continue to announced after weeks of operate its present passenger thin eggs negotiations between railroads service for at least three years. BERKELEY,Calif. (UPI)—A and rail unions, was a The Rock Island Railroad, which University of CaUforrtia scientist compromise between wiiat the was not included In any major says still another bird has two sides demanded. Railpax route, has announced it started laying thln.flhell^ eggs Tender And-Deliclout Good LEAN SHORT RIBS . Rail union sources sald~the. will not Join. The &uthem —and thus is danger—because itingl A Family Fovoritel .^unions. prohably would contest Kail way Company,__which ofD D T . ------Hodgson’s.order in court and. operates Washington to New Robert W. Risebrough of the lUNCHMEAT^s dem w d a prohibition against Orleans passenger service, also UC Institute of Marine Resour­ any employes being discharged is known to be seriously ces says he lias found that eggs .because of passenger, train ronsidering staying, out of .of Bie murrt. a srtall penguin— cutbuflQ -uiitter Uie new wauuiF* "Railpax: like bird on the Farallpn al Railroad Passenger Cor­ ■Hie Railpax plan, would Islands, are 13 per cent thinner poration, a seipipublic ag­ reduce the jw e ^ t 285 intercity and the species “might be SUNDAYONLYI ency set up by Congress passenger Trains to 184. Com­ expected to experience lowered to save the passenger trains. muter service ' would not be reproductive success." Hodgson's plan was more affected. ^ . Elarller research by Rise- liberal for employes than the Under UjiJi'Hodgson plan, a brough blamed the chemical for railroads had wanted. The worker’s i^ayment from the lack of births anuirig b r o ^ “ FUDGE CAKE railroads would be reduced by pelicans on Anacapa Island off an amount equal to any amount the Southern California coast. of money he may receive from The Farallon Islands,- about another job. 30 miles west of San Francisco, The labor secretary gave Student hold the largest sea Ijird colony dismissed workers the option of in the continental United States, taking a lump sum payment of according to John Small who up to one year’s salary in lieu efforts heads a bird observatory there. endorsed SALTLAKE CITY (Ifpn) - HELP MOM GET An Oregon organi^r of ecology groups Thursday urged students OUT OF THE at the University of .Utah to MODERN IN STORE BAKERY take the lead in the fight to pre­ KITCHEN serve the environment. “ With direction and coordi­ nation and the support of the BANANA OR DATE NUT community, they (students) can handle problems which govem - JUICy ORINGES Tnent nnas“ U xr«i3tl5r and too time consuming," said Breant English, a Oregon State Univer­ VAICNQAS. A Healthful sity student. Snack To Give To Tha KidsI English has been on a tour of Utah campuses. He spoke at Utah State Universityr Brigham- Young University, Westminster Loaves College and Weber State College e a rlie r.------— m He said a statewide organiia- tion using-money from student funds should be set up to hire economists, lawyers, engineers and sdentista to research en- vironmental proMem s,______«ARK A ITfee increase for eadi student would provide enough funds, he said. LOAD AT THEJTABLE ^ T H f TtUTH SQUAO HAS FOUND AtBEBTSON'S TO BE Easy loading, roll around portable dishwashter. APPLE TURNOVERS 4 .X49 Ym srRAW Nr y a u i m g f o o d f o i m s i Built-in soft food disposer. If YOU 0 ^ ” AlBEtTSOM'S OCUTE, AuectMi ^ Sweet loot I6EMLK Hovaral Try HI HoM Gallon . . . —TrANOODVER.TV’ashnrJPI) —Among burglaries solved this MADARIN ORANGES JANH week i v the C ^ k County EETSDHS sheriff’s ofBce wa^ one involv- Ing-tfaree giria^ages «■ 10 and kpUMMHd {‘niirfksgntzi: ^ tafrMhinal 4« ai. Can. iFOO&STAMPS I t m m ACCEPTEP A< deputy says they admit binigUatEtng the hprae o f 3rnoe M f w ritia. Saraad* Smaalhfy A m lE n ^ I . . B. Graham. The loot—candy PRKKEinCTIVtlim IS, 19,20,21,1971 and ice r '•

^ ^nday, Aprii i^ Timw-Wi^r Idaho 'V* S*. aWaits Tourists not | re act ion "to- stay . v:'■ I SANDPOINT, Idaho (UPI) - . wiU ‘[tighten its^belt and coh-j^ Idaho’s'Departo»nt-of“ Corn^toWf promoyjig TdihoT groiii:-^ m e n » and devtiopment dbesn’t ing toiirisinqurisfn iiindustry.” ehcburage tourists to remain in o v e r ttie state, accqrdbig to one of its

^ckFtenstrom,StateTourlsm TOKYO (UPI) - President Under communism, China h ^ director and second in com-, WARBERirS Nixon has freed the American looked Inward and 1 ^ n o f b ^ rhand of the department, said, MOVING « STORAGE businessnian- to go- iMck to a great trading iution. Her “ We don’t encourage tourists China—p*‘ovided the Oiinese tot^'exports and imports have staying here...we want them to agree to let him in. bobbed along at about |4 billion come and spend their money ^—l^rade— with— the— Chinese^ ayear-for-the-last-five-years . and go home.” mainland iii “ non stratc^c’ The U.S, Department of ^Com­ Renstrom made the comments goods wu~the most importmt merce believes the figure rose Thursday at a special tourism of the five steps the President to about H 4 billion in 1970, the workshop sponsored by the took Tliursday to improve highest in ^ v e ra l years. China Sandpoint Chamber of Com­ AlUEDVANUNES relations with^ Communist Chi­ usually sells ^ghtly more than, merce. na. she buys. ' He also said his 1971 adver­ CAUYOWILOCAl The Chinese response re­ tising budget had been cut by A «m f, 73^7371 mains to be teen, but it seems In contrast, A m erica ’s the Legislature by 25 per cent W * don't mow* certain no large volume of foreign trade runs around $70 following Governor Cevil An­ cargo will be leaving American billion a year, Japan’s about drus’ recommendation. fwrnltur*— ports for Shanghai or Tsingtao $35 billion. Renstrom said this would ad­ N o t a d e n t . . . you r bum per has w ithstood ou r im pact test/ W « m o w * soon. versely -f(ffect the coming WlthnsrOomnranlst-govenF------CWnirst3tggestpurchBses^e“ - = 7 "~T«ar’snatiohaladvertising cam-- _____ la m lllM ____ ment potnpletely in control of factories and factory equip- paign but that his department -i'-foreign trade, China today is a ment, wheat, chemical fertiliz- far different placfe from the pr«i gnH nartnin r ng -m ittariolft -dijotilered, tnyslerlous land she does not produce herself.- Ex-iiiilitary policeman trains KINDERGARTEN where , foreign businessmen She buys about two million tons REGISTRATION FOR 1971-7J SCHOOL TERM were aristocrats before World of steel a year, most of it from NOW UNDERWAY! War n . Japan, wMch can offer- it at We offer a complste kindergarten’^u'friculum with empKaslj China has been an unknowii lower prices than the United dogs to guide blind persons land to American businessmen States. on'phonici, reading and math readiness. for more thM 20 years; A S A BO N US SANRAFAEL, Calif. ( UPI)— slow but very accurate dog,’" Uve and work with, and take they'll guide their masters We include dance training acid acrobatics lor physical de­ Americans have no contacts The raw materials include During his four years as a says Hap Haymen, a school home after graduation. around poles and thrqugh open velopment. there, and little knowledge of copper, rubber and- Items like military policeman, Ray Under­ representative. “The German -The student is taken into a doorways. When the four-week tEACHERSiJEAN STALEY i DONNA MAULDIN market cunty subur­ TIM E & rN E W S secure information regarding “ Our dogs have to learn to Guide Dogs for the Blind ted.” b s community. Mayor Edward the well-being of this brave help lead blind people, and they began In 1942 as a charitable Much of the training ,Ukes L. Jackson declared that the American, and to his do their job just as well as the organization supplying dogs for place amid the crowds and city had formally. adopted family who have waited so. long guard dogs_ did theirs," Under­ veterans blinded in the war. traffic of downtown San Rafael. Stephen Hanson, a former high to know his fate." wood said. Now, any blind person capable “The dogs are already, .‘‘I’m just real pleased." Guide dogs for the blli^ also of handle a dog _ls i^lU e. tralmd to stop for .all up and Hansoii’s wife, Carole', said. She trains two other breeds—Ck>Idi^ The training, room and b ^ d down curbs, avoid holw, low has never received any word of Retriever and Labrador Re­ are still free. ’ ■ ' " ' overiiangs and other pede­ her husband and his name has triever. As soon as possible- upon strians,” Underwood said. ~ News Of not been included on any list of “ The Golden Retriever is arrival, . new students are “They won’t step onto a prisoners of war. mild mannered and steady—a introduce to the dogs they will street if cars are. coming and Servicemen BLECTRIC HEAT? ADS TWIN FALLS - Maj. Garth • /."a W. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs... William G. Brown, Twin Falls, *'Best way we know has-received the U.S. A ir Force- .REACH 2 OUT OF 3 MAGIC VALLEY FAMlUESf comre.XT s e rv ice ------In - Use-Thls Handy Times-News ' ■ ■ 0 Thailand. He distinguished to keep warm ” himself as base dental, surgeon while a ssi^ ed to Thailand. He CLASSIFIED ORDER BLANK "-I was honored at Mather Air Force Base, Calif., where he Ada m«y b* c*nc*l*d vwtMn rmmvnm arm Mcurwd. You cMrawl only now serves with the USAF for th« numbsr of - d«yii tiw M hM iMwt puMWwd (Ad m«M* rim ipm e hospital. day c«nc*iwt). PLEASE PRINT. USING PENCIL BALL POINT O R TYPCWRITCR. ----- BURLEY — Airman Norman E. Rasmussen, son of Mr. and 13 WORDS OR UNDER MINIMUM RA.TE Mrs. Arvel E. Rasmussen, B url^, has graduatedT from the technical training course for U.S. Air Force helicopter . t medianics at Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex. He is married to the former Ruby Smith, Paul. ■ Up to 13 W ta* ' TWIN FALLS — Larry L.«^ W.OO tar « Pawaon, navy petty officer - t t ).00 fw a third c l ^ and son of Mr. and 14 - 17 WMto .. Mrs. William T, Pawson, Twin W JO «nr * dor* Falls, is serving aboard the W .50 tar 3 dar* amphibious cargo ship USS la • 31 Ww* Tulare which Is participating in , , — - .S8.00«or6(toyi‘/ ' the Southeast ~ATsIa Treaty UXO tar 3 Organization combined ■33 ■ 3S maritime, /amphibious, air­ »f JO tor« borne and land exercise off the U J O ta ra 4mm.: coast of the PhllUppine Islands.

GLENNS FERRY — Sephen ~FT Wilcox, son Mayo D. Wilcox, Glenns Ferry, has been appointed, a cadet — Heutenant-arfeTT^Milltary Academy, West Point, N. Y. iSe will g ^ e as a company ad- m fiiiirt^ve officer. He also has For full inforntetion, in­ been named to the dean’s list at “ Our previous heating system wouldn’t do a - t h e academ y;------cluding planning and financing thing for comfort, so having found something as MAGIC VALLEY TOLL TOEE NUMBERS assistanc*, ‘ call your local effective as electric heat, we like it,” say the BURLEY —.Army Sgt. Lanny Idaho Powar offic*. - — R . Macgan, son Grahams. “ Electric heat lives up-tQ_its-promise. PM <7»-aa« » » • • i • • . ..'■yrHy..W upirt

JL • J U * . •- *-•- M a fire fighter S CompmyA^ 2nd Aviation” » the-first-t4me-ouf-home4ias-been coTOfdr^able-in Battalion o f the 2nd Infantry lilahirPower • ^ cold weather. No wonder so many people arc D W riw ------1; ^ ’ sw itching to electricheat!*’ -; T w m FAlis - H a rlu d D. Compaiiy Smphis, aoB o f M rs. M. O. SnpfaH, Twin Fall*, has been pramolBd to Marine master ...... gunnery sorgeiint lit Cainp FLAMELESS ELECTRIC LIVING FOR A NEATER. CLEANER WORLD ^ 0 ^ ^ 1^Wr^h^w^r-Twlns^^f^

Junidr...... Achievement• : \ y'' \ awards dinner slated

T w n ) FALlg — The annual Power Ou.; , awards dinner Qf the Twin Falls tin, president, sponsored by program , and published an Junior Achievement, Sears; Mobeteca, ,Gary ;advertiser‘r selling advertising Association will be at 6:45 p jn . Freeman, president, sponsored 1 ‘ to finance both. May lO'at the Turf Club, ac- by Mountain Bell,'Bntt Bossco, Reservations for the dinnef J- cor'ding to Rocky Reece, 6ary',Bort*, ivesident, spon- are available by calling 733-1969 president. ■ ■ ' — ■ — ■ gowd by- Buttrfeya-Qaeo. ur 733-8940,. beloti May~~7r' Some of the main awards Borti, publicity chairman for TWIN, FALLS — Area leaders Oiadwick and and Mrs. Steve Irtckets also can i e obtain^ by which will be presented are.to Junior achievement, said the calling the JA office, 733-2058, for the Jrtmny Horiion clean-up Pastoor. the achiever o f the year, the companies collectively sold Volunteer crews will meet at oh Tuesday nights. , . , campaign in Twin Fallti County company of the year and the about tl,500 worth of mer­ Che old hospital building in Twin and starting locations for salesman of the year. Hiere chandise produced at the JA Falls, the fair grounds In Filer, volunteer work crews were also may be announcement of -building on Main Avenue West, HMNEYBUUHNC SUPPLY announced Saturday. the city park in .Buhl, high f the selecQon of a delegate to the The- students go through the KIMBERLY. ipAHO An-area chairman has been school in Castleford and In the national convention at entire business procedure^ ^^^423-5516 nameSd in each of seven' areas of center of town in HoUistw. Bloomington, Ind. Including, the sale of stock, High school students will Uie -county with atislatant — JunioF-^chieveraent is a- keeping of books, ma'ixufacture THt HOMt OF THE nieetat'the high schodlTifTvHir Q leaders working in each area to group of 42 students at Twin of products, m arketing of coordinate communications, FaUs, with'John Blaye, student Falls Senior High School who products, liquidation and body president and Miss Schow pick up vehicles and work are Interested in the business declaring a dividend to 3 9 ^ 2x4-8 ' making arrangements. In' crews. field. The students are divided stockholders, IN UNIT OF 150 Murtaugh workers will gather Commission Chairman into four com panies: Products manufactured this EACH William L. (BIU) Chancey said at Herb Thome’s market and In Imagination, Steve Rouseau, year include ash trays, letter & GOOD SELECTION the program is shaping u p as an Kimberly and Hansen at the president, sponsored by Idaho holders, magnetic paper clip R O U 6H LUMBER even bigger event than Isist year Kimberly Advertiser, holders, record racks, wall. in 4flfl vn\nntftprs PQV^ed» __CQmmlsaloners said soil ------plaques—and—jewelpy^One— the county in a whirlwind battle conservation districts. Boy against trash and litter. Scouts, American Legion iin The clean-up day for the members. Bureau of Land R elu ctan t TWlllly I. ffnM, Management staff members value told SEE FOR and one final planning meeting and trucks equipped wiin will be held AprU 29. Working communication radio equip­ newest and most reluctant TWIN FALLS - BuUdlng with Qiancey as co-chalnnen of ment, Twin Falls Canal Co. Academy Award winner, permits Issued by the Twin the program are Robert Brock. equipment and workers, high- arrives for first day on location Falls County zoning office for Bureau of Land Management, _way districts, National Guard of his nfew movie, “ Hospital,” at March totaled } 102,000 Zoning AUTO INSURANCE and Commissioners .Merl and Army Reserve units. Civil Metropolitan Hospital In New Administrator Ed Woods an­ "A rate for most everyone" York City Friday. He was as Leonard and Heber Lcjugh- Air Patrol, schools, C^amp Fire nounced. Idaho Sfal« Aulomobil* Auocialion ■ AMERICAN sold ier loads miUer. Girls, 4-H aubs, U. S. Forest reluctant to talk to newsmen as He said commercial building empty ihell casings onto a truck Herb Thome has been named Service, churches and other he was to claim Oscar be won accounted for $45,000 in new 424 M ain Nor^h ' ' t WIN FALLS 733-0626 during a lull at Base Lonely, In area leader for Murtaugh. organizations have already for the best performance by an building and residential con- II L o a d s South Vietnam about 30 miles Assistants are Garry Lee and agreed to assist In the project. actor In “ Patton.” (UPI) strucUon for $57,000. OUR 51st YEAR south of Plelku. n e base, which Ed UhUg. Workers in this part c a s in g s Is a landing zone, has come of the county will complete their under heavy attack during the area and meet at noon at the past two weeks. (UPI) LDS Church lawn for a picnic lunch. Other workers of the coujity will meet at the fair groundji In News Of Servicem en Filer for a picnic following wiork details. ■ TWIN FALLS - George L.' gaining course for U.S. Air In the Klmberly-Hansen aroa, kny, nf Mr ^and -Mrs., F^orce electrical power chairman is Mrs. Robert George N. Kay, Twin Falls, a production specialists aT S tra w y assistedTy Mrs. I& Navy petty officer first class, is Shepard Air Force Base. Tex. King and Mrs. Bob Rhlnestein. sening aboard the missile test Robert Bradshaw, Kimberly ^ p USS Observation Island WENDELL — Marine Staff Advertiser.will assist in Kim­ which recently launched the Sgt. _ Leo G. Coleman, . . son „ ,of Mr. berly and Dick Stafford, A. F. tirst^modified A-Z-Polarl5--^c! Mrs. Frmik A. Coleman. ^ (Swede) Lundy, Lew Munson missile booster in thelTwaj' ale'K ' Pacific Test Range. Marine ‘ Corps " Air *' Stationf*-* — at« e that It Friday for a ■15-minute discus­ “ Since this Is the prime age was generally believed he was sion of church-state relations in group for family formations, motivated only by science, his country and international new homes and young families PYflnlclin was a lively night protrfems.------—largest potential users of owl while at the French court This agreement, the first water—are expected to put a In Paris, where he was first ever signed between the Vati­ huge strain on our water American minister to France, can and a Communist nation, resources for the next decade He frequently missed many of rem oved som e of the church- and beyond." the summer’s daylight hours state tensions in Jlungary but while sleeping off the exertions did not lead as iioped to the of the night liefore, which, say same kind of diplomatic rela­ Elected the Bulova researchers was a tionship which the Vatican non-scientlfic reason for his establl^ed with Yugoslavia last BOISE (UPI) - The Idaho DST proposal. year. Student Nurse Association elected Wendy Wood, a senior nursing student at Ricks Col­ lege. Rexburg. the Idaho Stu­ dent Nurse of the Year Friday, YOU’RE MOl^DEAF! Wood Is the. daughter of Mr.' and Mrs, Bums Wood of BUT YOUR HEARING MAY BE Tabe. Alberta. Canada. New officers elected by the association Include Luida Rob^ |OUTOP1=OCUS orlshaw,Idaho Falls, president; If you know when people are talking but can't Kay Goodwin, Ci>eur d ’Alene, heor every word they say — You*re not deof . . . vic^resident; and- Mary~Ann Mesinger. Jerome, treasurer. ~Yopr heofii>g--has_slipped out of focus. Audivox Con help put you back in focus agStrr; .-t-——~ SIM PLY... IMEXPEMSIVELY Mine ruling Modern hearing science can help bring you per­ PirrSBURGH (UPI) - A fect clarity at last. FREE! A TRUE LIFE REPLICA West Virginia miner who mines Of the smallest audivox ever made, to anyone coal underground in his own answering this advertisement. ’ state still is liable for payment It's yours to ko«p, FREE . . . Wear tfcft it at of Penn^vania local taxes If -bfrgo«s-to-work41iroug}i« ntfaw- homo. Brivoflv . . . WITHOUT COST OR OBLI- entrance in Penn^ivania^ OATION^fsANYKINPt Jtil8_ruling._UJi. D ^ c L SBNDJHIStOUPONTODAYl Ckmrt Judge Edwat^ Dumbauld Without obligation tend me my Ire* inactive audivox model rccenUy ended a dispute ''Sprit*’' replica betwM 33S employes of CbnaoUdation Coal Oo. and NAME...... Perry tw p.. Pa., over $55,000 in /ADDRESS taies witbbeld by the company. A West Virginia county court s. L IDAHO HEARING AIDS INC. ^ ^ the 354 W . Cantar iirriltf, hhilwt 233-5630 - atooid bp for the township. . l>lroin O. J. W.( Jerome: b a dime with a woman’s head,

ttte top, worth anything. It is- dated 1936. What Lincobi pennies are valuable? AnnmrcTbe dime you have is

the wing»-on-thB-head, It was first minted in '1916 and con- FVom A.VJS., Twin Falls: Can .tinued until 1945, when it was you tell m6 how m udi silver is re]daced by the Rooscsyelt dime. in a silver dollar? How mudi BLUE LA K K SHOPPING CENTER ALWAYS SHOP OSCO-BUnREYS FAMILY SHOPPING CENTER! Issues of 1936 are common can I get for silver dollars? and can be. bought Croni deialers, Ahswer: The United . States PRICES EFFEaiVE SUNDAY THRU WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday — SuhW Hours 10 a.m. to 7 p:m. in brand new . condition, for coin standiirds for silver dollars about $1.50. They were mint^ are: Diameter, l.S inches. at~ Philadelphia, Denver and Thickness, .114 Inches, Troy TRYLON Cashmere ^ San~ Francisco, and the San ounces, .859375, Grains, 412.5. CHASIE fVanciaco colnage^is wortlT Qosing price for silver, on the -BAfWMk^LOii — B o u q i i e i ^ s u b tly less than , the others. market, as of March 31, 1971, There are many Lincoln cents was l'.837Vi per' toy ounce. FEMININE which command over face Dealers are currenfly paying IPHOIL DUSTING value. To quote them, briefly; from $1.90 to $2.K each for OZ. SIZE 1909 - about 55 cents; 1909^, circulated.dollars, but the price • REQ. 79* DEODORANT from »11. 5o $20; 1909.S, VDB, POWDER fluctuates with Uie silver NOW ONLY • M / 8 oi. *1(10. $1.63 firom$75 up to $100; 19105, $1.40 market. Uncirculat^ dollars to $3.75; 1911-D, 65 cents to are slightly above that. »Tk 7 T 9 1 « , fr^in $3.50 to $7.50; depending on the scarcity of the $^27 1912-D, from 65 cents to $3.25; date and the current demand •50Z. 1912^^om $2 to $5.i 1913-D, 35 for the coins. Our former silver •REG.99‘ I cents to $2.40; 19135, $1.65 to dollars were 90 per cent silver. $3.75; 1914-D, from $17.50 to $55; All silver coinage brings T 9ffS , firom‘$2.25 to $5; H9155,— slightly-over^face^y^ire .now, from $1.75 to $4; 1922-D, $1.25 to since it can be legally-melt< ' HIKHT-SDE METAL $3; 1922 (no D) 17.50 to $55; 1923- down into bullion. S, 40 cents to $2.75; 1924-D, $4.25 Late coins (since 1964) con­ to $10; 1924-S, 25 cents to 1.35; tain only 40 per cent silver, and 192&5, $1.50 to $3;75; 1931^, $10 are therefore no^ particui^ly. to $20; 1933-D, 90 cenU to $1.60. worth melting down, since face DUST All of these values depend value would exceed the 5HAMP00 entirely upon condition; the reclaimed value of the bullion. n FL. OZ. quotations given you range Questions on coins and •REG. $1.37 from good grade to very fine currency should be sent to The grade. (Go^ grade Is most Money Box, c-o The Times SA V E AY OSCO PANS often found In circulation and News. Twin Falls, Idaho 63301. •ASSORTED ^TYtfS Vlind your money REG.77‘ By PETER WEAVER JUMBO

, Many readers have asked manufacturer is well known and '•‘about party-plan purchasing — can be easily reached if GARMENT a “ s o < ^ " form of door-to-door ^mething goes wrong years selling. Products are usually later. Tupperware, for sold at some friend’s home with example, has distributors in BAGS^I a coffee Hatch or cocktails. most major cities and they’re is this a good way to Duy.' aath6i^lzea to eicKah^e" aliy 1 RAIN-WAVE QSCI41ATING- Yes — if you want en­ products that rip or break. tertainment and some con­ Government lawyers claim venience. party-plan sales are legally the UWN SPRMKUR No — if you want the best ' same as door-to-door ^ e s . An price. If you are buying increasing number of states WATERS UP TO 2,200 Sq. Ft. something like cosmetics or have laws which give con- < ^ tu n ^ J e w e l^ price is less sxmiers a “ cooUng off period” of lmwrtant.~V(i>u can probably Three' days aftw 'buying a get the same type of product for product at home. less at a store, but the con­ If there was high-pressure venience and entertainment selling at the party and the value of buying it in your own consumer has second thoughts home or a friend’s makes up for during this period, the seller it. must take back the product and When you get into the party- rehmd the money. The Federal DR. WEST plan big leagues, price becomes Trade Conunission is proposing much morelmportant.'You can to make this “cooling.off easily sink $250 into a set of period” a national ti-'ade TOOTH stainless steel pots and pans. regulation affecting all in­ during the conviviality of a terstate sales. • 18 BARS Utchm party. So far we’ve been talking To find out more about this about the buyer’s side. Many • Crunch, Carmel, Milic Choc. women (and some men) go into • Milk Chocolata/Almond* unique type of selling, I a ^ ed •REG :2/59';V.. Marilyn Reeves, researcher at party-plan selling as a means of • REG. 47* George Washington University making extra money. Novice center for responsive jour­ enterpreneurs should be extra nalism, to check into prices, cautious in taking on partyiilan product quality and, the legal sales projects. The Uniform aspectsrHere*s her report: CoRunerdal Cede holds the There's a big price spread seller equiaHy responsible (with between most party^lan pots the m anufacturer) -for and pans and those to^Une sets guarantees. If the handle falls you can buy in stores. For off a neighbor’s frying pan in a - SUNDAY SPECIAL example, West Bend stainless couple of years, you could tie steel sets seU for $239 ( 26 held legally responsible. l^eces) at parties. SaladmSister Some companies offer sets sell for as high as $380 ( 26 prospective pfirty-plan agents a pieces, plus a hope chest or spfdal gift or a big discount if

sell for $249 ( 25 pieces). All are over for a sales party and a sale good quality. is made. This kind of deal is But compare these prices called “ referral selling” and is with similar quality stainless Illegal in all states. If your gift products, such as Farberware, or discount depends on actually which is sold in stores at around making cash sales — look out — $117 for 26 pieces and Sears’ top­ it’s a warning signal. line which sells the' same Any prospi^ve party-plan number for around $95. Ekco b u y e r ----- or s e lle t products are also wid in stores questions about the ins and outs and are considerably less ex­ of this business or with com­ pensive than those sold in plaints about any specific homes. Why? An Ekco company should write: salesman says the pots and National Assn. o f Direct Selling, pans soldTh homes 'lsave a 50- 1730 M; S t7 N. W.rW a year guarantee, while those D. C. 20036. You can also get the sold in stores have only a 15- association’s membership - list year guarantee.” and a new booklet with advice Length of guarantee Is often a on making wise selections at — party-plan big sd llng p o in tr ^ -h ome:- be careful with the warding of Copyright, 1971, Los Angeles guarantees and make sure the Times.

—Wiring brings isuitl-

NEW YORK (UPI)-A Man- interview took ptace; hattan mother is seeking $i—university's teacher college, minioa in damages because she and the interviewing p« did not know ttte room where gist, Gerald Berensoo. sbe tokl a psychologist the ^ Mrs. Karp said die was akme Jife‘intimate details” ot her sei with Berenaoo in6._ainitn 'an >«rnln«- M rs. Jan Karp, In • m it filed wte adced peraonal and ooo- Tbttradayr -aaid-r-;irtt learned hw rem a^ teiild be Ufe n d ber “Kinal proclivi­ overheard in aoother room she ties, daiira, bciiaite b e c m a , '^Mriooriy d s tr a i^ t eip^ences and ber nbOoiii and oren ifadmed.sick.aoio* with bar fanabUKL” tlOB«nr.dtotrewBd. jBongBatdy The.mdt daimed'-tlw roam enibiEtBWsd and wistatned w«s mechanically eqnippediMd serious InyalniMiBt of her wtdQ «be was oteerved and < n tr-

a tf «M iSed against students daring Hie consnlta* OalanilitoPtatw»ilty;iiheratlie tfcm. we' II supply tile ___ _ \\ hv not (Mijov that new honu' while your family is firowing up? r-y.. CojilarLvmiLJoral realtor contractor and buy or build that home now. First Federal Sav;iufi.s and Loan Association of Twin f alls and its branch in BurU'v are now offering their borrow^ers a romplet(‘ parkagt^. which, inaU interests fire insuranc(\ and life insurance all in one monthly payment.

First Federal Sa\ iiigs and Loan Association of 1 w in Palls and its branch in the Overland Shopping Center. Burley, have funds availabh' to financ(‘ your new home. Don't delay let your fam­ ily enjov that new home now. See vour realtor or contractor to­ day, tiien proceed to First Federal Savings and l.oah for financing.

Kemvmber, W h ers you borrun does make d difference!

, TW IN FAILS^ B !B l«f^ 8RANeHrOVElU.AND-SHOPt:iNG CENTER Jerome girl named t fbr^exchange trip Four-merfiber news to J^panese h6me___

' JEROME — Cathy Aizawa, , Jerome as Cathy is the first and will return the end of dayghter of Mr. and Mrs. student from Jerome High August, according-to-M rs- set in Mini-Cassia area ___ Vnahlfl Al«aii»i, .TArnmp Schoor to-p«rttdpat«- ‘ »i» ' _ -rajMajenie; ac^ Kmpliasls la ^ c e d oh a Undmtanding (YFU) ^bgrun, cord i^ to Mre. W a i^ ^ Kays, family living experience and to spend two months this YFU local repirbaeiitative. Mias Aixawa will live with one summer as an exchange student Miss.Aozawa will also attend family and learn the customs of in Japan. Gkls ^ te alwrtly before she the people in the area in which lU s is a unique event for leaves for Japan the last of June she is placed. Miss Aiiawji has not yet been, — BUR IJEY Times-News- —Timaft»M*wo ginoo .Mayi-4963. notifi^ who her tjoirt parents Publisher A1 Westergren an­ - Before becoming a “ full41me will be or what area she will nounced the formation of a four- correspondent," Mrs. Layton Her. father has two sisters B laine Gsmia area today. clerk under Frank Kearns. living in Japan and it is hopiMl Westergren announced 'the She is a graduate of Murtaugh Camas she will live vrithin visiting appointment of veteran editor- High School and the Nampa distance of hei- relatives. . C assia reporter Jerry Herrmann as Business College. She is a Elach year YFU sends hun-„ bureau chief. He will coordinate member of the Xi Omega Elm ore dreds of American high school ihe operation of the news net­ chapter of Beta Sigma Flii. G ooding youtiis to other countries, ac­ work in the two counties, She was president of the cording to Mrs. Kays. \ Jerom e bureau staffers include long­ sorority three times. She is a To be eligible, students irmst M agic time Burley newswoman past president of the Burley Llneoln have completed their Junior Georgia Layton.— tJaMey 'Toastmistresses, past chair­ year in school. Personal M lnidoita correspondent Mrs. James man of toastmistress Council 7, qualifications include good Tw in F alls Burch and View correspondent a member of the Burley V alley ^olastic record, active par*- Mrs. D.S. Moffett. Soroptimist Qub and DOES ticipation in school and com ­ Herrman’.s colorful jour­ Lodge No. 206. Sunday, April 18, 1971 munity affairs, good health nalistic career spanning the Mrs. Layton has a son, LOuis record.. ; ^ globe ranges from serving as Anderson, a senior at Blirley Miss Aizawa is a member of managing-editor of the Baker, High School, and a stepson, the National Honor society, Ore., Democrat-Herald, to Douglas Layton, 'kallspell. belongs tu Pep chitir-Spanisli reporting In Broken Hill, ^ o n t . City officials club, International club, Australia. When she is not chasing down literature club and FBLA. She After he received his a news story, she can be seen is a member of the Annual staff, bachelor’s degree in Journalism often working with her dahlias on the YMCA pre-legislative from Arizona State University or crocheting. youth councilrhas been on the chart convention in 1967, he worked as agri­ Westergren said the Times- student council for five years. business editor for the Hanford, News*^tends to grow with the Miss Aizawa has received a BURLEY - City officials activities for the children," she Calif., Sentinel. -faat^growing Minidoka and $100 scholarship but must pay . from all Magic Valley com­ said. Herrmann is a member of the Cassia counties. It is our in­ the remainder of the expense munities will meet at'the Shadduck told the group that Journalistic honorary frater- tention to expand quality news heraeif^JMra. Kays said. ^Ponderosa=lnnv=Butj8jrrJ un&-l7; - 4his^yearreveivthougbBurley-is- coverHBC-ln. this. fertfle~arerro~^ through 19 for the annual the host city, it is up to all of the A 27-year-old bachelor, remain in step with the area’s district convention of the members of the District to help Herrmann lives at 2038 Oc­ rapid growth. The people of Association of Idaho Cities. make the other delegates “ feel cidental, Burley. He can be Minidoka and Cassia counties Plans for the convention were at home." reached at his home, or at can expect the Times-News' drafted at a meeting Friday at Clinic’ s 'Burley Post Office Box 697 or by best efforts," he said. -the-Bonderosa.------phoning 678-3311. “ We are pleased to bring to Chuck Shadduck, Burley city Mrs. LePage (Georgia) the area the best work of people clerk and general chairman of advances Layton, who will be as^Qstant who are both fine journalists the convention, told mayors and Fair bureau chief, has been a and fine people," Westergren couhcilmen present”from seveif corre^ n d en t in Burley for the said. dties In the district that a Mini Cassia bureau chief bari>ecue will kick off the reviewed I ponventlnn .lime 17.------plans Representatives from HAILEY — Accomplishments Jerry Herrmann., Jerome, Gooding, Twin Falls, of the Wood River Mental RupCTt, Burley , Murtaugh and made Health Clinic during the past aide Georgia Layton Paul were preseat at the year were reviewed Saturday S meeting. JEROME — John SteUe Jr., during a policy plaiming session ft Harold Wilson, Mayor of chairman of the Jerome County with all agreeing that the clinic check news story. I Paul, who is in charge of the Fair Board,, said Saturday that had made “tremendous barbecue, told those present plans for the 1971 Jerome strides’’ in community service. "that~they"have retained a" County Fair are proceeding on Fifteen persons were present musical group, "The Com­ schedule. to hear clinic Directoc-Dt-Etfid. mentators,” for live en­ Steile said that the Fair Board Koloilch say that the clinic's tertainment and are con­ alreadj^ signed with ' patient lead had Increased by Jerome sidering offering boat tours Cammack Shows for a carnival. 200 per cent during the past around the Islands in the Snake Two nights of rodeo events year with court referrals up Eagle Scouts honored River, and may have some will be held on Aug. 25-26; a from one in 1968 to 12 in 1970. fireworks displays at the contract is expected to t>e Present during the meeting buys new barbecue. signed shortly for a night of was Magistrate William Grant, The , cities of Murtaugh, featured western entertainment who said that before instigation Gooding, Heybum and Rupert on Aug. 27, and the Idaho State' of the clinic he had no alter­ each volunteered to host a Jamboree is planned for Aug. machine at Burley ceremonies native to but to confine persons coffee break during the con­ 28, SteUe said. needing consultation. He can JEROME — The Jerome aty James S. Kinney, council leam, live, work and accept Dr. Donald F. Kline, Boise, vention, at an estimated cost of Also, a night of special now turn these people over to Council tias accepted a bid of BURLEY — The 22nd annual Eagle Scout recognition dinner president, presented the responsibility to serve as a -executive director of higher $35 each. On Friday and western entertainment is. being _the-clinic f b r h e l p , i e ^ _|10J4fl fro m .E llio tt's , Inc., -ntag*h<>lH Prlrtny oyenlng at the welcoming address. William leader. In turn we can better education for thi'SUte of Idabo, Saturday, the Burley golf sponsored and arranged by the Plans were discussed for a Burley, for a liew backhoe and - liVoodson Jr.V'lWi Kails', leader THETve our^fulluw iiuui.------was Hie featuied speaker. course be made available Jerome Boosters club. youth “hoi line” whereby loader combination. Ponderosa Inn. for the delegates to use, Shad­ Steile said that Improvements Dr. Paul Heuston, Twin Falls, of ’Troop 66, led the pledge of “ Scouting is a way of life," troubled youths could contact The council received eight “ Behind every Eagle Scout is duck said. at the Fairgrounds-are already was presented a special award allegiance to the flag, and Kline ^ d . “ As a Tenderfoot, the clinic in time of trouble for bids on April 6 and took them a mother, a father, and a Also,,on Saturday night, underway and pointed out that for his services to the Scouting David Shorthouse, Post 65, ’Twin your desire and dream is to fly „ , „ - . , consultation. The need for a under advisement until all bids Scoutmaster,” the youth said, awards wUl be given to some of m ovement. Frank_ Mpgenggn»_ Falls, gave the Invocation. ^ _ with th eE aglis. The following- could be- gone over by Mel ‘•who have assisted us In the golfer’s. Is also of Twin F ^ , who received Earl' E. Haroldsen, .Twin years is a time of decision. ■” rebuilding the calf roping converse, along ,rtth a Morris, city works director, and reaching our goals.” — Mrs. Ted Smth. geno«>l- Falls, chairman of the dinner -chutes yoilth recreational center, were Councilman S. N. Weeks. this award last year, made the Young men can develop th ^ chairman of the ladies’ events, Other members of the Fair conunittee, served as master of values but they must have the stressed. Volunteer services The bid from Elliott’s was not presentation to Dr. Heuston. Garth G. Eames, vice said there will be '•well- Board are Ted Peterson, vice cermonies. Mrs. Garry Lee, help o f many. It takM courage from the clinic including groups the lowest l>id received but was The award is presented to president of the coiihcil, ex­ chairman. A new member of the manned" hospitality rooms this working with senior citizens considered to be the best on the persong who received ^ ir - Burley, the soloist, sang sever^ tended congratulations to the to undertake tasks, achieve' year. “ We are also trying to get board. Bob Henry, Eden. Henry selections. Dari S. Gleed, goals in the Scout program. and psychological testing teams l>asis of city needs, according to 'Eaglfe ScoutTmdge 25 years or new f^agle Scouts. He said “ If a golf touinament set up for the replaces Mrs. Walter Shouse m ore ago, and who have been Council Scout executive, told “ As Scouts, you have a duty to were also highly successful. Dr. Morris. The action came at a you put your heart into your ladies," she said. and was appohited by the active Tin Scouting through the the group “Our young people God, a -duty to your, country, Kolouch said. specid council meeting. work aihd our ..goals, you can Other activities planned for county cominissioners. Ralph are making great strides and your lives are' dedicated as Morris also outlined the city’s years. accomplish great things. You the women include a style show, Scott, Hazelton, Jim Rupert, The impact of drug and Dr. Heuston held the ten­ our Eagle Scouts are the cream Eagles. You enjoy freedom and 1971 street coi>structlon and must have the will to win and bridge tables, swimming pools, Leroy Weigle and County alcohol problems on the county derfoot rank in 1933, received of the crop.” help insure a Just society. A improvement programs to you will not fail unless you quit. -shopping-touF8~-and-ft«e-4ime_ -Commissioner John Van Or- was ..pointed out by Blaine his Eagle Scout badge in 1936, — Charles- Elison, of -Poot—K, By-taldng the Scout^oaUn-you— wiiieiise^>fknowledgefesult»in b e ^ soon with completion to "W e are also trying to plan mBn,-all'Jeironie. Carl Stephens County Sheriff Orville Drexler, and has been a member of the Oakley, acknowledged, the (d ^ a youcsell for the-restof_^Msdpm- Scouts_wlll__ find be somelime in September. is secretary-treasurer. a boanl member. &iake River Area Scout Council sponsoi‘s and gave special themselves and the Scout code Ih is yiear’s program is about yopr life to honor Scouting." since 1958. He served as thanks for their support. He tested many times throughout 10 times larger than last year's. chairman of the Council, and is said “ It is^ people like you. He pointed out that money, time life. , - presently national Scout giving of jraur time, who have “ Duty and honor t^ your and weather will determine representative. helped us as Eagle Scouts." to Cheerleader country is a challmge of those additional-projects. who dMse to fiy with the New street projects involve Eagles." the following: 700 block of East t.o instruct Brent Nielson, of Post 24, Fourth, 400 b lock . of North Burley, gave the ben ^ ctlon . Garfield, 600 block of East 11th, summer camp Assisting Haroldsen on the 600 block of East 12th, 1000 block JEROME - Nancy WUlianis, banquet committee were John of North Buchanan. 200 block of tU th -an d^ block-of E^a^~ WOOOlHHry^ o , ' w i . s, Jeromerhas a^eepted^ George FowJIer, Don O i^ er, 12th Avenue. a positlan with the National U w is Dills, Earl Griffin, Wyile Morris said that F Street from Cheerleaders Association Dodds, Leo Campeau and Uncoln to Fillmore will be Specialty camp for the James Kihnery, Garth Eames, widened and oiled. This project tommer months. Ivan Skinner. was started last year but bad MUs Williams will teach gurlTv Scnurt r»envi(w m«ir E«gi» cbeerleadlng, gymnastics, flag ir»eiud#<* * 0 4 Uncoln north,fro«r 1J; D«nn«» Bowcut. N«Bil ASi Bud»an*n„:'(tJll._'l)e _. recon- -SheattentWdnir stracted» due to tbe heavy VaU^y while a stc damage done to the street from Joromo Sc»ut» tnclutfa MKit Jerome high acbool. Cftffith. Marti HonprtckioA pnd MoIm . floodbig in Januta^ when the She was a member of the Troop M: Larrr HartwoU. canal that mns alo^ the street Troop Ul. anrt JoMvkon, Tw ------teaching staff last summer and -OUun-includt, overflow ^. tai«h t at Eniensburg, Wash., a«vl T o m TMHH0- Bilk Matwxw Carftton, T^oop 31 MpffarmoAi Learning limit _ FishyJburgiar_^>SSt,^^yj?^^• • 1 I Jorrr Coon. Rkt»ari MiiMt and Jack W. (trP I)-T b e ...... andSrt«Jiim M S,Trw *fci«J}W 5*!% T_. Dutch goven jp j u n g 1 0 n A lM m O k r Ota eMnmUn «f the AawdatleB i t Uafca reduce to six years tbe «tnf a Service noted CWea, scheAdcd fn- i i M l i Bnriey, are. fnm left, Boriey rtndent can ^tend at a bome of Albert Kocb recttitly. K«»»aw uiltSd on Lyam. Twy Officials M«7w RdMfts«n M anBMniiaa, Caldwdn, eMartive inhm lty. l«gialiilk» aimed at^ A PLAQUB n cig a U ic aenriee <• (he Stmlbtg mmmeat The thief broke in andmi«le off - areelMrtf the amclatiMMdfonDer Caldwell Itaywr; Hra. pedudng ptttaora on over- in M g M M d v lidght to Biiriiy to Dr. Pari & Bentws, with a pair o f m arUe angd confer 'M Smith, gcMsri'i^dniuu dr ladieri’ «i«iils, cnvdedl tnimalUtis-lias-Tiai- ~ ‘ ------AaAMHnMi.TWtoNh.'nwi fish. dwarf Oerii Chack 8h«MM^ wha^aiteaeral ^ ^ 'faitv--atifr— oiipoiltkn'-ftwitt rKntte t o t fitafitlsa iltoair at-lhe red^iBed tia c ^ ^ luanlw'or other ilMidet, students. ■ . '■ ■ - .a 14 Tlm **-N *w t,.Tw ln F all* Idaho Sunday, A pril 1.8, IW l SUcjks clubs E agles * • ^ • swefep of three rgame set -'S. -Btofcg-0 >U>g> comptotxi a —R lclca -to ^ ^ ^ r ______„ ___ Tn- and hibi hy-JMlLJBtfMdpiiteve— | tfareMtame sweep over - the ninerlmiing 10-8 decision in tl^ termountain C o lle t t e Athletic McClain and bbiii Mieyer. ' ■College o f SoutKern' Idaho first game and WllliuutB C6iU6t^Ce flria];^ againstrthe Howeu unloaded a two-run Golden Eagles Friday and all stopped the Eagles-^-l in the S- o u ■ t h s winner tiest month at ‘ homer against starter-lo&er but ended CSI’s hopes to win the^^ secondt - •' s Grand Junction, Colo; Rides Griiinell in the.second but an KAC northern ^vision crown CSI will travel to Ricks next' trimmed CSI 4-3 in Thursday ’s error and two walks set up a for the third straight year. Thursday and Friday !or first game. • ■ two-run hit by Mfeyer \A re­ ' Roger Howell drove in five another three-game set. The CSI jumped into a 5-0 lead in establish the CSI margin at five. runs with two homers to lead winner of the best of six series. the first game on> three walks Ricks added runs in the fourth and five, Meyers singling In the first and a low in g error and Howell’s 'sacrifice fly plating' two m ore in the fifth. Will Ward walked and eventually scored in th bottom of the fifth on a wild pitch but an error and a walk, followed by Howell’ s second homer, tied it at a «u . A double, errir and in­ tentional walk loadM the bases in the ninth and an error let Ricks push across the winning two runs. Ricks coasted' through the nightcap, getting two runs oYi a double by Jim Harris in the third and anotHefTin a passed ball that let Harris score Meyeru ci'uuUtid a aolu hotnir in the fifth. Losing pitcher Tim Soran broke the shutout bid in the MOVING AWAY from the outside sUde of Ricks’ Meyers, CSI third when he led off with a solo shortstop Terry Newlin prepares to relay a throw to first base in homer. an attempt for a double play. Looking on Is second iiasemen .. Starting the relay Steve McClain and outfielder Vic Rodriguez. CSI missed on the do.uble play and dropped the three-game set to Ricks. Jund gets Johnson to fitrlrlngrixl,— speak at AD posts BUHL — John Jund, vice CSI fete principal former and assistant Phil Johnson, head basketball OVER THE HURDLE everything was practically even football coach at Buhl High coach at Weber State College, Dead heat among, from left, pave Hamilton of Twin Falls, Toby Harding of School, has been named the will be the featured speaker at Minico and Rick ^ rlg g s of Twin Falls. But Harding hit the next school's new football coach and the College of Southern Idaho’s atifildpoint two hurdles and fell^io - t h T f f ^ c e In the opening event of the athletic director. annual athletic banquet. Twin Falls - Mlnlco dual Friday with Hamilton taking the Jund, who came to Buhl five The banquet, sponsored by decision. years ago from North Dakota leXjolden Eagle Boosters ^ub, and has served as head is slated for 7-j^ n m April M at- wrestling coach, replaces Rod the Turf Oub, reports Don HoimHbrst whcrresigned earlii Moles^iih, booster official. Miller,T)oteh, relays record this spring to accept an Molesworth said the out­ assistant football coaching job standing sophomore and fresh­ at Boise State. men off each of the five college- i His appointment leaves the - sponsored spoi-ts will be ‘bests’ as T.F. downs Minico school with' only the head honored. basketball position to fill. Board nckets fbr"~the event are In duals) and went one-two- in 10.1 and then posted the ^ JTfee. Twin ■■'Falls Brulrts, memtiers said it could be" from available at the college main showing their best efforts in the three in the 100-yard dash. Mile strong 22.1 in the^ furlong. The one to three weeks before a final offices in the com m ons relays and getting a 22.1 time in run, B80-yard run, 220-yard century saw a''surprise with determination Is made. building, Idaho First National the'220-yard dash from double dash, two mile, long jump and Bruin sophomore Bill,Woodson Bank and Sterling Jewelry. wiiuier Mark Miller, rolled over pole vault. nipping senior teammate the Minico Spartans 11M 8 in a Twin Falls' two sprint relays Robert W am ^ for seciind. dual meet Friday evening. teams announced they were Stan Doten pushed himself to Miiiico was aUe to win only going for school records but an outdoor best of 10:05.0 in the Vlickes has Buikl a Butler one event, Wilcox taking the missed both. However, the 880- two mile after hitting the first quartermile in a good 51.7. But yard relay team turned in a mile in 4:56. "I wanted to be n i n Building the Bruins were too deep and good 1:32.5 and the quartermile under 10 minutes today," he |J111 strong for the Spartans as they relay hit 44 flat. said afterward. , swept all four relays (scored 5-0 Miller won the 100-yard dash In another mild surprise, i 4 DESIGN-BUILU sophomore Bruce Cooper, who *** " DUSTED AND OUT, CSI’s Vic Rodriguez is obscured in the BRIGGS BOHHETT BLDRS ^Ja3-been-flghting4 eg--and foot Mike Mickes of Gooding took pall of dust of his own making during play against Ricks College CALL JO H N B O N N E l I problems aSu spring, won the double honors in Class B golf Golden Eagle Hiile in 4:44 and cam e l>ack for Frijlay at Jaycee park. Ricks swept a three-game set from the 838 flIRR AVE over the weekend in Jerome on bites the dust Eaglaa to all lwit-qunah their b» pB»-for o -thtier events is good. It was, after all, VaUey 409. Minico had two of its best ef- feet, your work goes fast and smooth. The of non-residents allowed in the an oversight on the part of the Saturday Gooding held a meet with that muscle pull, could get fbrtr there. Decker and Fiel ONTARIO — Northwest state for Ug gameliunUng, they plashing board. However,'it wiD on its course with the same JD690-A's 84-gpm open-center hydraulic system ' went two-three in the shot, Nazarene Christian College no t>etter than third and fourtli would be well aihdsed to un­ take a vote of the board of seven schools attending. with its unique 2-lever control lets you tailor behind Dennis Kegan’s 51-7 took five points out of the last In the 15.7 finals. Porter of Blue derstand the action has a hook control. Gooding was fu'st with 337, effort, and Ketterling and Rulon event — the triple jump — Mountain won the 100-yard dash bucket acton to the job. in it. B ^ w ^ t w a S ^ ^ Jerome 353, FUer 375, Buhl 383, ’ Saturday afternoon to nip In a soUd 9.8 with Wagner and ” 'EaScaled gues^'estimate Tim B assett, C SI's all- Blenns Ferry 414^, OTd^"VHller^ CoUege ofSouthern Idaho 5(W7 Barga foUowing him home In jump. the totaUoss of.revenue to the Am m ericanJC erica JC cOTtercenter, , has visited ...... 446, in a fro/%ir mAAf in i anA m o ProbaUy the tightest race in a five-way track meet. lO.I and 10.2 respectively. Idaho Fish and Game Depart­ fotu- campuses to date and likes was the high hurdles where CSI, which took o n ly seven TT>e final team scoring ran ment at about one-half million the looks of University of Bruins Dave Hamilton and Rick men to the meet, dominated In NNC 50, CSI 47, Blue Mountain dollars per year. The financial Georgia best. He plans one Spriggs and Spartan .junior first places with six individuals 46, Treasure Valley 42 and Big squeeze is on the department' more visit, to Coach Eddie Toby Harding went almost step winners but was unal)Ie to enter Bend 2. r i^ t now to the point that it is Sutton’s Creighton University, 70 cars to for step through six hurdles. men In five of the events. pondering the question of betore making a decision. Harding took a slight lead into Meanwhile, NNC dominated the whether It can afford the usual Meanwhile, Idaho Coach the seventh hurdle but hit that middle and long distances and summer help that provides the Wayne Anderson, who is trying battle for one and the last one to drop took points out o f the weights U> basis for much of the studies to get Ralph Palomar, Bassett t>ack into third spot. erase the CSI first-place edge. and field work accomplished. and Ron Behagen, considers the With the triple jump still i j j i T««m scoring — Twin Fall*- Minico Indy spot J n . -going-onr-CSI-Goach-Frank-Ml-aiMliOFCl,---- increase in resident hunting and hoisting a school Into 'Dlicut — Borah. TF; Grwoer. TF; « . U7 io: '• INDIANAPOUS, Ind. TuPl) Herbert could sec he was in * fishi^ licenses.. If the nearly prominence. ShOtpot ~ K««0«n, TF ; D ick e r, M ; FI#C —A field of more than 70 cars double and sent high jumper M 517 for certain raise is decided to “ I feel that with those three High hurdiM Hamilton, TF. Spriggs. is expected to battle for the 33 ClaytDn “ Fuzz" Gunter Into the Thomsen come entirely from hunting and we could win our (Big Sky) T F ; Hardlr>g. 15 A . starting positions in the 500- •iOyard relay — Twin Falls (Cooper. competition to try and avert the not fishing, the resident conference w d go to the NCAA Thompton, Scherblnsk*. Re#c»l 1 32.5. mile Spe^way auto race May NNC decision. Gunter, who had lOO^yard d is h — M iller. TF.- Woodson. licensing and probably tags will -tQumAment," Coadi Andermn TF; Warr>*r. TF 10,1 . 29. triple jumped only once before pace win — b» v9 to ba about doubl M ^ a ] ^ —saysr k A llM r,^ ft T F r.i StanM ll. TF. 4:ii.O. to hbVl the line during an in- The numbers gam* of per- 440 yam raiay — Twin Fails (Woodson. ■ 68 & turd^, but offictals said fourth place worth one point but ^htftjinskf^Retce^ MUItrl-W.o------, —flationarj^period.— ------centage-ls sotnethlng-the-ltodio" *40 vard~Oas« - WilCOk. M ; Warnar. fofi Curtailment of- non-resident Fish and Game Department TP. Cibtw. TF;51.7. nominations in the mail. Low Hurdlas — Spriggs. TF; H«yd«n. first place. Thomsen and Jim Blandford hunting by states is viewed with would like to see work out ac­ M ; Hamilton. TF. 30.6. All entries postmarked prior The all-frosh CSI won the two ^ c h carved out twoHmder par WO-yard run — Slavers. T F ; B Cooper, a jaundiced eye here for the cording to theory for the TF; McArthur. TF. J;04J. to midnight April 15 will be relays, taking the 440-yard id s Friday to share medalist simple reason.it opens the door Pahsimeroi steeUiead run. Medley — Twin Falls (Warner. TTtompson. Conner. Call) 3:47.4. accepted, the managment event in 45.7 with George honors and lead the Twin Falls to federal intervention, par­ C.R. “Bob" Quidor, super­ no-yard dasn — Miller. T F; Wanner. said. Wagner, Fred Barga, Daryle Bruins to a seven-way high TF; Reece, TF. W .l. ticularly in big game. Most of intendent of the Niagara batch- Mile relay -* Twin Falls (Sturgill. Last year 84 cars were James and Zane Briggs. Briggs, school golf victory. __ Oibbs, Cooper) ______-IhftJdabP-wildiiffl i,t fnimfl on ______-T , - — - renterediint~90 were MlHlBat^ Dave Martin. James and B la n d fo r d ^ t. 16 of the 18 natiohally owned lands. A he and his crew marked three G roves. TP. 10:05.0. Jn 1967 for a recoiFaT , Wagner came l>ack to win the greens on thei RuperTCountry B0BHO»USmi^ Long jump — Conner. T F ; Reece, T F ; national license could be the per cent of the total Bah planted. Thompson. T F. 304. Pole vault — M iller The field is headed by four mile relay in 3:38.6. Club course 'while Thomsen, SALES REPRESENTATIVE result with the current Golden This is their year to return. So TF; Turner, TF; Blake, TF. W-3.' High luntp - Spri0 gs. T F; Ke«terUng, former winners — defending Gunter claimed first in the defending state amateur S ervin g Eagle tag being perhaps a far, som e 450 fish have been M ; S « r lO w . M . 5-10. champion A1 Unser and 1^ high jump at 6-2 and [ust missed champion, hit IS. The other South Idaho hartiinger o f aorta. TTmt takes. .caught.in the .Pah«imerpi-w«ir- -trotbeFf^— management and financial ' and 20 to 30 of them have been champion- A, J. Foyt and 'Mario record at 6-5. Jack Robertaon. ^dvm ajt78andfrosh Kevin. rOTBOoraBion a«ra the thiTmafKi^ flA T If tli^ M e of in last year’s state pole vault Wdcard at 84. state. percentages were accurate, Are you one? 1969, and Foyt champion, won his specialty at Tbe Bruins, who haven’t k»t a _CbiBKwrfJhejgateDadsing Quidor.. nQtes_there_shoiild^ be _ in lam, Ifl64-md-19g7, — m and-just-missed on his^:n]Htdt:itiDc«::4be:::jtate-4bar- ttaadiedule for.the state track— aboutfivetbouaqad pawners in.^ NEWTOBK (pPD-:.Sa and— HM_ te two events and River despite some high and groqp says men litter twice as won the “SOO.” the worid’s termediate hunO^ in 59 J - Twin Falls. puts its loog tto—Toiiywrftcrs.11ovrlang11ut«i]I much— aa-w o m en and tfaM H diM t aa«dT«ar^rac* Ba- Injuries peiCapal^rCSI out winning atraak aquardy on the Tl rOvMamJ A^. - - people between 20 and 35 Utter dMtiaiIliakleab]rlilacingfbe last wttfa adme warm days gland’s Graham o n in 1968. o<'. tbe winners circle a s its line this wedc wh«in it par­ BURUEY, IDAHO ' mOa and back4o-tMck finally starting to show iq> can’t twice as much a s those between Ibe “300” had its Unit hurdlers, Martin, with 'a ticipates in the BYU in- liij|l momtBg 'annion. be determined. 35 and SO. . , mflliATwlnninr navnff laat vN«r. wifniruw) ^nVb, Brw) 'D ita H o n a l .1 ■■I I

- - , Sundavi /^ rll 18^1^71, y Tlmw-News, Twin Fall*, Iclaho IS.

Squires square I claiih two-one margin LKeniucky-series . ■ V

NORFOUC,. Va. japped in 12 and . 11 points in ABA’s ser^i-finals Virgin(a Squires e v M ^ .their respectively in the third'quar­ idayoff series with Kentucky At ter and the Squires turned the one game, apiece 'Saturday game into d io u t. After three' perindTtt"^- le&d in the t>est-<>f-«evw play- Brown ■Jj-’W lie— rs M cs ;=Re sfilih^aFH -night, romping ov i 0 In all, four records were M o rg an 3 1 1 1 M ota r l 3 0 0 0 broken and one tied in this W ynn c f 4 \ 7 7 Parker lb 3 10 0 Military Geronimo ct 1 0 0 0 Allen If 113 3 enlarged track and field meet W atson If 4 1 1 0 Sudah.is c 4 0 i 0 M enke lb 4 110 Gafvey 3t> 4_0 0 0 staged by Ohio State Universi­ ""Radrr 3b 3 0 3 i Breww"p 3 j ? 0 t y ; ' l o ^ l i ^ n o r Cedeno rl < 0 0 0 Ru iseM Jb 4 0 0 0 Hiatt c 3 110 DAvi> Cf 3 0 1 0 In addition to the Ann Arbor’s Blasingam p 4 0 3 1 Sm ger p 3 0 0 0 Lemaster p 0 0 0 0 CrbrkwTj »s 0 0 0 0 track performance, Ken Sparlcs Total* )S S >0 5 TetaU 3) 3 * 3 of the Chicago TVack Qub sped Eckert Moulton OM 01] 001— % Lot Angvtes 000 00) 000— 3' to a record in the mile In 4:08.8 E Russell OP Houston 3. Los Angeles WASHINGTON (UPI) - U. 1 LOB Housroo 7. Los AogeJes 7 2t> to break last year’s 4:10.4 mark Oavts 3b rader HR wynn (i). Alien (3) Gen. William Eckert, the SB Morgan S< Morgan held by Ohio State’s Dave Ip 1 r er bb SO Prysefki. Wayne State of former commissioner of base­ Blaslngame w 31 163353 Lemaster l 0 0 0 i 0 Detroit cracked the mile relay ball who^dled Friday night In Singer i0 4 I10S43T the Bahamas, will t>e buried In Brewer 10 0 0 0 1 college division record with a Singer p.tched to "3 batters in »lh, 3:18.1 performance. Arlington with full military BiASingame pitched to 1 batter in Savft Lemaster WP Lemaster. Bowers, a former ^Uchlgan honors on, fYlday, April 23. B re w e r T -3 44 A I6.W 3 -flUiigite^oke. the jump There Will be a brief chapel record he set here in 1970 by a service at Port Meyer preced- quarter inch, leaping 7 feet one- ing the rites at Arlington. Sfandings half inch. Earlier, lightfoot Bowie Kuhn, who succeeded Eckert as comroissioner In Natiofial Lea«we Standing took the three-mile in 13:36.6 ■v Untfed Pratt Internatlofial which was five seconds better 1968, will lead a contigent of E a s t w t p et. than the old record set by Doug baseball notables at the funeral. ------A___i M i “ Rasfhall has Iftst a frit-nd N e w - Y o r k 571 Scorrar-'of Ohio State a year St L O U IS Kuhn (g n ^ m te d Saturday. US _ a S 2 i C h ic a g o ,3M Andy C R e flly of Illinois, Pniiadeiphia JM running unattached, tied the devotion and fair-minded dedi­ w I p c i. 1:58.8 record in the 880 run. cation to the interest of San Francisco 9 3 - H i A tla n ta .400 Ralph Schultz of the Chicago players, fans and cliibs. At a H ouston •S3* critical time of change, LQ» Angeles 417 TV-ack d u b , who set the mark Cincinnati 37S last year, finished second in be brought baseball effective, J s n D iego 300 Satvrday'f KMWlt* 1:51.9. longHrange planning and a far Montreal 3 Cfncinnatl 7 jdgMedprogram for growth, . . PJtfsburgh 7 New Yo^fc 9 ' Atianta a PhHa<)eipnia 3 ' A selHess, career public ser- San Franclica-JL.ChiCiO«_3_ Florida cops Houitor> S L m 3 (n ig h t) 'yfcnt. I think he would most like St Louis 4 San Diego 0 (night) !to be r m ^ b e r e S ^ a mair~ American Leaf »e ft ■» Unltad Praftft interMttonai golf tourney who loved his country and CUSTOMER’S^DELtGHT - E a s t -t-p ctr served it weD. Baltlnr>ore J .777 HOUSTON (UPI) - The ---- iTEMSGOOirAT------— M ew Y o r k iiS USversiiy of Floriaa wolTHam ■wton' s -44a C ie v e u rtd 4 .43* medal, individaal, four. twU ------cocioKtticw aikl shared uWttwo Ml ______w‘ I K*. - ball title with Ten s .Sabntfay- C*UiofnU.- 7 4. .*Ji- Oakland 7 % M to win tb« All-American Inter- In Worid War n, E|clnrt was MitwwM* - S 4 ^ f collegiate Oolf Totnnamcnt in commander of the iS2nd Bomb TWIN FAttS^^TflBES Citv S * ■ 3 M ln n w c ia ----- 7 U 4 3 17 years. , Group in Eorope. O lc a o o 4 7 .3*4 3 ' sar»r«in nmmn Tegbs cut Florida’s nine- After his irttinaaiMjtiriKtirtfae Calilenaa 4 Minne«ota 3 " * military as • lientenant g t o ^ ICantas City 5 MHwaulte* 3 stroke I^ad to two in the Bnal OlfCMO 4 OalOM 0 ' roond ,bat coidd not catch the fhnamn Katl D ttro n to Bocton 9 HO irmlngt) O H -TH einH M^GL\/Gr% WMhlngton S Oevetand 3 Gators, who had a 1,169 team fmmniiBrtnnwr on Nbv.'l7,.196S, Mew York S SAUlmor* ) (10 total. sacceeiBng Ford FMdc. r Whitworth 3 (cro^ivhed golf meet RALEltiH,/ C. (7«)-Kathy in trials Whitworth; who ,w6n the' PAUL - 'Biree champions - PEWSApOLA,' Fta. (TJPI)— Gelberger, a W(K)t-2, 465- setting 5Hinder-par-J08> - h im In to -t»urnainent1n-1967, i»sted a ra­ were crowned Saturday in the Lean and Janky. Al* Geibet^er" pound Cdifornlan won ihe Rudolph, a stocky, bespec­ Second-round leader Lan^. te keep her onp-stroke lead opening three stakes of annual shot a 4Hinder-par <7 Saturday' 1966^ PGA diampionahip, 'put tacled Veteran from Clarksville; Wood was headed for a_^tie with after the second round o f the Idaho Field Trial. Association's to tie 69-ahboting Mason together a.round that included ■Tenn., had footed to the top of the fk-ontHnmners going into No. CO.OOOL, Raleigh GoU O asslc AJph-for-a iwiwitrfllce lead at flw r ' spnttiid; jnrsatimiay. —::r conducted on tne Mac Neibauer the end of the third round of the sun-swept Pensacola Coun­ four blrdlra in a six-hole q>an four feet to fall to' Miss Whitworth, the LPGA’s randi.norUi of ^ u l. The event the $190,000 Monsanto Opei) try Club course, to come from but three-pntted the final green a closing 73-209 that all-time leading money w i^er, will close with open all age, GolfToumameht. five, strokes back.to a pace- for a.bogey five that backed a five-way tie for has a 143 total, one undet.par, with deftoding open shooting dog and open going into Sunday's final round shooting dog derby Sunday.' Lotz (70), former of the S44iole event. She bolds a diampidn GMrge Archer ( 68), ' A possible record field of 83 one-stroke edge^over Charlotte dogs were entered in. the two- former. U.S. Open chanson native Pam Burnett arid WBA withholds Clay’ s ranking Gene UtUer (71) and Billy day event with 19 going in the Alabama - lady pro Kathy open all-age,'another mark. Maxwell (69). F aftw . irtigh'tljTBSicheff Cap. male English pointer. owned by Gordon Moore, pending Supreme Court ruling ^ straight 70 and Hqmero after 38 holes. Two shots off the Blancas, with a 71, m re at 210 Rigard, Ore., and handled by pace is veteran Kathy Corne­ Len Gamer, Paul, won the open. NEW ORLEANS (UPI)-'nie Argentina and former champion pending before the Supreme as nine golfers were bunched lius, who turned in a five 70, puppy stakes. Second was World Boxing Association voted Nino Benvenuti set for May 8 in Court. No ruling is expected within two strokes of the lead two.under par, for a 145 total. Riverview Sammy, male Saturday to delay action on Italy. before June. for Sunday’s finale. Tied at 146, three strokes back, English pointer, owned by Louis MuhammedT All’s ring rating In other action the WBA All, who scoffed at the WBA’s “ This makes the tournament are Gerda Boykin and defend­ Tippet, Portland, and handled until after th& U.S. Supreme ignored Bob Foster’s claim to refusal to recognize his title, a little more interesting,” said ing champion Sandra Haynie. by John Keels, McMinnville, th^ light heavyweight title and lost whatever claim he held on the 33-year-old Geiberger who Court decides the former, Only Miss Whiteworth could Ore., and third was Bud, male heavywelghtjdwmpign’s set in motion a plan for toxera’ it when he was defeated by Joe finished no higher In the past break Raleigh Country Oub’s _EngUsh_pginter,__owijed and pendons; - TVazIer last month'. '■several years than-hir fifth status. par-72 in the first round, but handled by Bob K ovacish, In executive session with The WBA has withheld A WBA spokesman said place 'l^ ish in 1970 at San four golfers manag^ the feat' .BulteT3Iont..., „ -j. — - tef^sentatives from through­ recognition of All since he was Saturday if AU is exonerated by Antonio. Saturday. Miss Barnett and The amateur derby stokes*' out the world,-the WBA also indicted in 1967 for refusing the court the association will Hie pre-tournament favorites, Miss Farrer and Mrs. Cornelius prize, went to Rubabe’s sanctioned a middleweight induction into the Army. The probably rank him as the No. 1 Billy Casper and Lee TVevino, all had 70s, while Miss Haynie male English pointer, o w n e c ^ ^ ' -diamplonjJilp fight__between former champion was later contender for Frazier’s title. were both far back in the field. turned In a one-under-par 71. Ed Purves, Twin,Falls, and diampion Carlos—Monzon—of convicted, |pd his appeal is That ranking is now held B y p i sptii ^ lu a 71 Cutwday fnr n . gnifar^ in »hi. handled by Melvin Sm edley,' unbeaten newoomer George 217 and IVevino was three field of 66 equalled par figures. >Paul. Boon Dox, male English Foreman of Los Angeles. strokes further back than that They were Miss Whitworth, pointer, owned by Blaine Petty, Bill Brennan, ^ A president, after shooting a 74. Mrs. Boykin and veteran Betsy Issaquah, Wash., and handled said the rating question will be Jim Colbert, who won this Rawls, who came l>ack with a by Smeldey, was second with \on-derby horse moot if the high court uphold’s tournament two years ago, 72 after opening with a 78. With Doctor’s Buck, male All’s Jail sentence, since he will wound up with a 76-222 after WINNING THE MEDLEY, LeAnn Borland crosses the finish English pointer, owned and not te able to fight anyway. taking a triple bogey on the line after coming from behind on the aw hor leg to nip Wood handled by Larry Walton, stuns candidates In~ a letter to Brennan an final hole. River during the Twin Falls girls invitational Friday night. Twin Nampa, was third. attorney for Foster declined a Greiberger had three birdies Fans woo the ineet with Wood River second. In the amateur shooting dog NEW YORK (UPI) —Neil $112,200 Wood Memorial by a scheduled hearing l>efore the in his first six holes Saturday Mays ends stokes, Carter’s Dixie Belle, Heilman’s Good Behaving, the length and throw the Derby WBA executive committee Sa­ with putts of 15, 8 and 5 feet to female English pointer, owned spoiler.who was not nominated wide open. turday. make the turn in Sounder 32 and career and handled by Arnold Carter,- for th^'Kentucky Derby, once With Jockey Chuck Baltazar The letter said Foster is still placed his approach shot only T.F\ girls win Burley, was first. Second went again cut loose irith a in the saddle. Good Behaving the light heavyweight champion one foot from the pin at No. 10 to Alkali Joe, owned by Rulon tremendous stretch run at unleashed a tremendous run as and will risk his UUe against for another birdie. with Chiefs Everton, Twin Falls, and Aqueduct Saturday to win the the field left the backstretch Ray Anderson of Akron, Ohio, He fell behind on the very DALLAS (UPI)-Kansas Qty own invitational handled by Carter. Beeline Just as he had in winning the Monday night in Tampa, Fla. next hole when he missed the Chiefs’ defensive end Jerry Trooper was third, a male Swift and the Gotham Stakes The WBA responded by green and then missed his first Mays announced Saturday he is The Twin Falls girls took strong firsts from Miss Vernon, English pointer, owned and earlier in the year. He beat voting unanimously to reaffirm putt fifter chipping to within 10 retiring from professional foot- three of four firsts in the field was second at 57^4. O’Leary handled by Sanford Daines, ’aul feet o f the cup but tc l -Keniitek>^ l>all to devot^lils time to tils' CbrfinertjtSlr ^ the Florida Derby winner, in Rondon of Venezuela is the share of the lead at No. 16 father’s construction business track Friday evening to win by Filer at Jerome 19^, New York’s final prep race Tor light heavyweight champion by when he rammed home a 40- in Dallas. their own girls invitotional. Stuart 12%, Minico 3 and Burley Kentucky Derby hopefuls. virtue of his fourth-round footer. Derby has “ I am looking to the future The Bruins scored. 83 points 0. October House Farm’s Exe­ knockout of Jinuny Dupree of ‘ ‘Itie key to playing well here and I have been planning for while Wood River, getting two Miss Vernon took the 220-yard ^ ^ ^ * cutioner, the favorite and New York last February. is to drive it well,” Geiberger -wmB tlmi» tn gtvB m y full wliuier uf tlie Flamingo Stakes Kondon’s manager, Felix saia.'"iJi6 Murse is muui tirier new entry to the family c^struttion agSc^goya---i^-y^ar-oid was third with Jim French, the ZabaU, told the WBA a this year. The greens are hard business,” Mays said. “ E:speci- Falls and those two also duelled ALBANY, Calif. (UPI)- Santa Anita Derby winner, promoter hdd offered Foster a ''w d slick and it pays to be ally with my father having through most of the quartermile Favored Unconscious landed a fourth. fight against Rondon in July or close to the pin.” Chiefs and wins Spain decided to devote his full time with the Wolverine miss puUlng spot in the Kentucky Derby Good Behaving, coupled In September. Rudolph wasn’t even close to serving the people of ahead coming off the final ,^turday by.outolo»lng half a the betting with Jim French “ But,” said Zabala, “ the fight until he started his birdie binge Dallas.” curve. She was timed in 61.5. ' “ After that, I toiew I was on Hurldes — Thompson, 0 ; Hanslng. F, ship in a controversial finish ations are permitted for the earning aU-pro honors six times since 1967, to the Dallas Duffey. W R. Massie. TF, Blake. TF 16 8 The rangy chestaut colt paid the move,".Rudolph said. with Argentine veteran Robert Kentucky D^by. and playing in six all-star Cowboys for wide receiver 330 yard dash - - Vernon, W R; McGinnis. $3.40 whQe winning the richest He sank a 20-footer at No. 15 TF, Harris, WR, Hale, M, Emerson. J de Vicenzo. Bold and Able, a second games during his career. Dennis Homan. 27 6 thorou^bred horse race in and needed only a five-footer 50 yard dash — Arrington. 0, Me Hayes won by a stroke after Cidument horse, took the lead “ My association with profes­ Homan, the Cowboys’ No. 1 Northern California before a Rematch for another birdied at No. 16. W illiam s. T F , Woodland J (fie) Craig. WR 48-year-old de Vicenzo, one of shortly after the start with sional football has been tremen­ choice in the 1968 drah, will be and R u d o l(^ . S. 6-4. crowd of 18,077. ' “ I never go Into a tournament saO-yard relay — Wood R(ver (overfield. the grand old men of golfing, Executioner and Eastern Fleet dously rewarding,” Mays said entering his fourth year of pro Ouffey. Rubkhek. Harris). Twin FaUs, Frank McMahon’s Triple thinking about winning until the Stuart. Jerome. Filer 1:SS.4 nonchalantly misaed a three- right behind him. Good Behav­ in his recrement announce­ football and has been u ^ too yard dash — Shepherd. F; Bend finished second and' clause final day,” Rudolph said. "Then foot putt on the 1^ hole. ing, meanwhile," dropped t>ack ment. “ And I shall remember primarily in a relief role for the Arrlr>gton, O; Mayne. TF; Emerson, J. Ridiard Buc’s Qlmson Bend if I have a late tee time I really Massle. T F.'il.9 “ I do not think Roberto tried to last as he had done in his these past 10 years with Rreat ■Ci).wbQya, tM yard run — Schow, TF; Barney. was third in the mile and an stnrt. tjMnfr phnnrfH/’ r..:. WH; ^ W y.W H >. HulWfield. WH; Lasi: very hara,“ Hayea 8ald~nfter- fflghth'"Ig r: ' All three mS" tw n - "ytroneg*' tnn* draws fire pride satiafactfon. But now” He had his best season in 1969 J. 3;41.1. . . . There were eight golfers at 1- 440-yard relay — Twin Falls (Qutsnell. wards. “Just before my last elii^ble for the Kentucky Derby ^ in g . Jim French also was up I look forward to the challejshge when he caught 12-passes for Mayne. McWilliams. AAassle). O'Leary. NEW ORLEANS (UPI)—A under-par 212 including 51-year- putt, he walked up to me and . buf only Unconscious appeared close and tlw crowd of 51,103 of business in Dallas, my 240 yards, an average of 20.0 Wood River. Stuart and (tie) Filer and return bout contract betw ^ old Julius Boros who could Je ro m e S3 9 said, “ knock it in, boy—I do not certain of heading for Louis­ thought they would see a battle h om eto^ ,*’ yards per catch. 75 yard dash -- Shepherd. F , TicVner. S, welterweight champion BUly become the second oldest man M cW illiam s. A r t e r b u r n . want to play another hole’ .’’ ville, Ky., next week. among the winners of the win:^ During his four years with "Backus and former champ Jose ever to win a PGA tournament. Rudolph. S 90 De Vicenzo denied he deliber­ “ I’m looking forward to the ter and early spring classics. the Chiefs JBi.chardson caught K Medley ~ Twin Fails (Morgan. Napoles brought a strong Sam Snead, who won the Ooesnelf, Halt, OortandT, Wood «tver. ately missed the putt and-the Kentucky Derby,” said Pincay But as the field roun'ded the N.Y. nip^ passes for 1,3^ yards and Jerome. O’Leary, Stuari. 2.01.6. reprimand Saturday from the Greater Greensboro Open at High lump -• Mamiltop. T f, SceUlck. I7J40 first prize money. “ I who made up most of the 121 final turn Baltzar had Good scored 12 touchdowns, averag­ Worjd Boxing Association. age 5^ is the oldest. TF, R-*lmer. W R, Fife, W R; Bradforo. S tried h ^ to hit that last piitt - poundacarri^ by JJnconsciouS. Behaving in h i^ gear. ing 21.9.- 4 * . “ Return bout contracto are In That means there were a ■ '^Conglump -- A^lyneuK.’ T F , Thompson, home” he said, “ But m y Steid, A Dance, the other Orioles in Homar, In his three years at O; Craig. W R; Cappi. J. Lull. F 15 5 violation of WBA championship total of 17 golfers among the BO putting was awful all the way KentuclQr Derby elgible in the Dallas, caught 23 passes for 437 Shotput - Bell. TF; Tsatsa. TF. FHe. regulations,” said Arch Hind­ still in the tournament through W R; Rayborn. W R. AAolyneu«. O. 34 9 In. I certainly would have liked .field of seven, finished fifth Louisville yards and scored one touch­ Discus — Me Werry, J. Sceilick. TF, man, chairman of the associa­ three rounds and were under Alavarria. T F. Tsatsa, TF, Ray. M 94 6 a play-off.” after -forcing the pace to the 10 innings down. Described as an intense tion's rating committee. par for 54 holes. stretdi. BALTIMORE UPD^FeUpe competitor, the. 6-1, 181. lb. Backus had to agree to a Ten others were at even-par Time for the mile and a picks UCLA Alou and Danny Cater each native of Muscle Shoals, Ala., return bout clause as a 213. furlong was 1.47 1-5, fastest At G«ib«rger u 6« 73 6 7 - ? 0 6 drove in a run off reliever was a standout receiver for prerequisite for a crack at ¥ Bob Reese Motor Co. is Proud to ever in the race which was MAion Rudolph 69 70 «9—7M Eddie Watt In the 10th inning Alabama's CHmson Tide. Dur­ cage aide Napoles’ title last December. G«oro« Archer n 70 M - J 0 9 * Announce The Affiliation of BOB inaugurated In 1873 and only G«n» Lirtter 67 7 )—709 Saturday night as the New ing his collegiate career he — Backus- won—th«^-fi^it^ in * EMBERTON -with our firm os-N ew two-fifths of a second off the DomsvniErT^(TipiT^ B illy AAax«i^ell 6« 73 69— 309 York Yankees^rallied t o -defeat caughr87passe5for l,499-yards Syracuse, N.Y., with a four- * frack record set In 1950 by Denny Crum, who helped UCLA Larry Wood 66 70 7 3 -2 0 9 the , 5-3, after and scored IB touchdowns. He « Car Sales Manager round technical knockout. Hom*ro BKncas 70 69 7 1 - J 1 0 Noor. Coach John Wooden mold Bob Murphy 70 70 70— 210 tying the game In the ninth is married, has one child, and ♦ The new champion then said Chri* 'Blocker 70 6a 74— 213 national championship tuisket- Inning. is 25 years old. he wanted to defend the title Juliu« Borot 71 70 71—213 ball t e a ^ , Saturday was P*f# Broswn 72 69 7 1 -2 1 3 Baltimore, which is now 7-2 before a hometown crowd tn H o n CvT I uUu named h«ifd basketball coach at PJchard Crawford 70 71 6 1 -3 1 3 this season, seemed on Its way * Syracuse before meeting Na­ Lou Graham U 73 7 1 -3 1 2 the University of Louisville. Grier Jone» 69 71 » - 3 1 3 to Its eighth victory of the South itips drum, 34, succeeds John poles In Los .Angeles.. . . . O w e n s ^ s o n when it headed Into^he Tlie New York Boxing Com­ TofD Aycocif 73 72 6 9 -3 1 3 KetcKum Dromo who resigned after he Dave Elthelberger 73 70 7 )- 3 1 3 ninth Inning with a 3-2 lead ¥ mission has held that Backus Rod f*tm^ 7»-76-47—31) north in suffered a severe heart attock T e d H a y e s 71 69 73-313 behind Dave McNally. But the ♦ last Jan. 3. Louisville turned In must first carry out his Harold Henning 70 73 7 1 -3 1 3 Yanks tied it 3-3 and then miss places a 20-9 record la ^ season and contract and defend - his-tllle=*^j^“ ,-^-„, ■ ca ll^ on starter i-Vitz Peterson' against Napoles. Johnny Poft 7i-71 6«—313 cage game finished second tcT Drake in the Bob S m ith 69 71 73-313 In relief before they won it with Missouri Valley Conference. H a rb H<>oper 76-67-?4—214 two runs In tlife 10th. second s . L e e B b n te 71 73 71—315 ERIE, Pa. (U PI)-'nie South Crum said he plans to install John i.otz 75 70 70—315 Reliever Pete Richert walked NORDEN, Calif. (UPI) - ♦ ^ Chi Chi RodrlQuez 6« 76-71—315 defeated the North,128-122, Sa­ the UCXA offense and defense Sanders will John Schlee 70 72 73—315 Horace Clarke to open the New Cheryl Bechdolt, a Tahoe Q ty, Charle* SUford 69 74 n —315 ¥ turday night in the seventh patterns at Louisville. He had Dave Stockton 73 6* 73—313 York 10th and Watt took over Calif, teenager, whipped annual SOS (Save Our Sports) been UCLA’s chief recruiter Bob Rotburg 71-69 75—315 and wild pitched Clarke to through the gates in 1:27.8 attend ISU R o c k y 73 72 71-315 ♦ All-Star badcetball game at and assistant coach since 1968. I?«witt Weaver 70 74 71-315 secot\d. Clark* moved to third Saturday to toke the women’s -J Innnnn-P >ll«g ».------Tha—trustees—of_..loHlsvlllf.. RandyrKJy VWolff 68 73 74—315 on Thurman Mun-mn’ii-.ground-. ■ POCATELLO------Pocatello- rarryTV 7J 7I-/I- J IS 4itle in -the - 7flth -ann»al-Sll» er- The game, featuring senior' Univerelty wtlT inake Chmi's High School’s 6-5 shot blocker Bob Olck&on* 736974-31* out and scored on an Baltimore Belt Giant Slalom at Sngar L e c e id e r 71-74 71—316 stars from college" throughout appointment official at their Russell Sandecs-has signed, a Peta- FUrmlno . 70-75-71>-3U chop-basa-hit-in-front of tha- Bowl Labron Harrit 73 71 73—316 - the country, was ctose all the regular monthly meeting Mon­ letter of intent to attend Idaho Ban K arn a 75 73—31* plate Iv Alu. Ttie Ift-yeai^old skier won the . way. day. State University.' Oaan Refram 6« 74 74—3U Alou stole second and came last nationally sanctioned -ski 71 73 73—317 H ie score was tied, 61-74>-ait C larka 3b Alio BalAnoer ss 5 1 2 0 within 150 yards of the finish game’s moot valuably player, Wes Unseld and Butdi Beard,’’ the 1971 seaMn. H-77-73-:ii M union c S 0 0 0 B la ir c f S 1 3 1 line. ' . Years fater accepted a. General Sales 717S-7J—3 U Alou n 5 13 1 Powvll vib 4 10 0 was one of three (dayers he said.. His finest game was in the oIvmi« Moooy 70'73-7«—311 Catar 3b S 3 3 I FR ob in sn rf 4 0 3 0 Deep fMwder left by c o n ^ - Manager Position At an out-of-town _ . _ 4 1 3 3 Rettnmnd If S 0 3 3 ______Tnring M pnlnta Ho M a r a 71-75-71—a i i E l l i i lb — A native of San Femai;ck>, state tourney in Pocatello-4^4t£t» ------70^7! 77—an ---- 3‘OnrO^R6W»W>"3brO 0 0 Uous snow flurries produced Dealership. Now7^Bob joirts~uF“A^In~ Roberto of Utoh State each Calif., drum played guard for where he grabbed off 20 won 73-71.75—311 Woods II 4 0 0 1 Johnson 3b S 0 1 0 slower times for th^ 43 women 74 70-74—a n Martian i t 4 0 0 0 E tc h a b rm c 4 0 3 0 with over 20 years of Sales and Mana- scored 29 for the South w d two seasons at UCLA after rebounds, the stote A-1 high for j«ty B*rri«r 71-73-7^31f ICakkh p 3 0 0 0 McNally p 3 0 0 0 and 71 men in the two-day Afca^-p- -geriol-ExpeHence^is Many Friendsjnd Bryan Mahoney of Manhattan transferring from Los Angeles 'the season, blodced nine snots Gaofga HIxon 754# 75—31f W afary P» o^o^watir?~*^ 0 0 0 0 (SflSltSetltltiXC ------Mored 39 for-the mrtb.------^ Pierce College.- -bv-talIftr-ftrOOn*^fa» onH Ralph Johnston 4«-7«-74—319 W a sla w ik i p 0 0 0 0 Customers Are invited to Stop in and — CTBCrpH----- ___ WhltStedlng,jrith a.flrstm Willie Sojourner of Weber ‘I like to run offensively, pulled Pocatello H.S. into 74-73-71—31* Pvtanon p 0 0 0 0 time of 1:24.3, hdd the lead in « J Say Hello. He will be more tlian pleased _71USai-.ao ---- T a U ls------ItJ-lt I T f It -^3rileger-Ogdenr-^abr-had-»—ptey-good defense and use tfae^gti>te^emi«finater P a u l M oran 73.73 75-330 . V a f* 'the meiiV~«iiiipetltlMi“ wlildri[ ~to Ijelp you with your automotive needs. points for the North and Ken' press.” Oum said. “It’s been a m J Assistant Coach Phil de Mika Raatbr 74.7374—230 concludes Sunday with a final 77 7J.75-330 rortc 1, B ^ itifx o r* J. L O » — s ¥ . May o f Dayton 25 for the South. wonderMlrdatiotyaUpatUCLA la Porte said about R u s s e l l, SM» STsnton r37^74—330 Htm Vor» «. »*lfln«or« » . heat. - ■ * 71.7S-74—230 ]B —B u r n e r , r . RoMrn cn, C tH r, ^-BuckyJiraltera ol Duke was with John Wooden but m have “ Head Coach Jim KilltagBwortb Jim 4 7i^7J-7*-3a3 Uurar. MR—EH1» (1). SB—Al»u. s— Resulto: . « ♦ . to have coacbed tbe South but to accept tbe chl^enge at and myself feel Russdl is about E * n Pavtnall 7373-74-333 WOMEN « BK-HEARtED BOB REESES * J K k 7>-74-7*-333 WH prevented bjr Illness. Bis LonisvUle.' two years away from becalming A-Allan Millar 7ryrv nrry 1. Cberyl Bechdolt,Taliae « {liace was taken bjr coach ;nm a good college,player. However A-MMm M illar 7J-74-7*-333 DODfiE-CHRYSLEIt-OODGE TRUCKS UCLA won the national Sf«va FrMiarf 70.74-n—333 WnmnkI ’ ! 2 2 S 2 afy, Calif., 1:37J; 2. Susan « ■*- IfcntwaM -o l. Edlnboro (Pa.) /♦sampintMhlp ffjy laatt we fefcl Russell has .great SouWI 70-74^7f-iaj Ptt«non W I^ !!?!?? Corrock, Ketchum, Idalu>, * ♦ 71-7».r»—J33 ' McNallr------*-• * * » J State. AI Magnbe of Marqnctte aeven aeaaons, including five Junqring ability to go along with <7r74^tMraw RklMTl L »a 1 ! 1 I j i Jsne Hollins, Mam- * 'WIN PAU5^ IDAHO 7 3 3 -5 7 7 6 C*rdnar Okkknon WS-wmtOrwrn. ooaidied tbe North. conaecutive aeasons. jcow d lm ^ ^ TvW-WJW T uj? - moth Lakes. CalifM-}:3&&------** * * • at * T i - Bpadley ^nday, April It, m i Twin Falli, Idaho V pitches shut-out '^CHICAGO (U Pl) Bradley^truckn>utritrOalda battens Saturday and allowed only four hits as he pitched the i_i2iica»>_J5!Ute_ii|iU^^ a 4^0 ....^vlutwy— ov er .the AthleUcfl, ending the Sox losing streak at sevengames. It was the first shutout of the . season for' th£ Sox staff, and the defeat ended Oakland’s winning streak at five. Bradley, ran his season m ^ k to 16 hits iond only two _ e ^ ^ runs in 26 innings, got his firrt win and r & his strikeout total to 22. tie struck out the side in the fifth. The Sox gave him enough runs to win in the semnd when Bill Melton and Rich McKinney opened with singles. 0«liland Chlctgo ab r II U ab r h bl Campnn 4 0 0 0 Richard ss 4 1)0 RudI If 4 0 0 0 Andrtwi Jb J 0 0 0 Jackioaj-i 0.-1 0 ___ IJJA. M ln c h tf 1b- 3 0 1 0 M e llo n 3b 3 0 2 0 Bando 3b 4 0 10 McKlnnly rl4 0 J 0 Hovlay cl 3 0 0 0 Relchardt It I 0 0 0 - Duncan c 4 0 10 SIroud II '3100 Craan 3b 4 0 0 0 Johnslona cl 3 I 10 F In g a r j p 3 0 0 0 H a rrm a n n c 4 I 3 3 Panlhar p 0 0 0 0 Gradlay p 4 0 > 1 R o lan d p 0 0 0 0 0 « v l i ph 0 0 0 0 Kllmkwsk .0 0 0 0 0 T o ta l! 31 0 4 e T o ta ls 3« 4 • 3 ___oakiana ' ■ OMOoaoo*—c C lilc a io ------o x 010 OCX— •* 6-Oraan. LOB-OaHand a C h lca o o B. 38—Herrmann. SB—Hovley, Andrews. 5 —Andrews, Melton. ip k r «r bb M Flng»r» L M 4 3 3 e 4 4 ) 3 P a n th e r 0 1 0 0 t 0 Rofand 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 I P e r Kllmkowtki 3 0 0 0 3 0 Bradley W J O 0 0 4 10 Panther pitched to 3 OaMers in 5th. T -2 43 A ~ «.34 » T ir e !* Washington defeats Indians CLEVELAND (UPI)— Frank Howard beat out a bunt to trigger a four-run— seventh- inning Saturday and Dick Bosman, with relief hdp from Darold Knowles, picked up his :l_ second victory as the Washing­ SALE S T A R T S - ton Senators defeated the I Indians > 3. The Senators took a 1-0 lead MOI%DA\----- in the second inning on Jim French's run-scoring double but trailed 3-1 going into the seventh. 7 A .M . Howard led off the Washing­ ton seventh against Qeveland starter Steve Hargan with his bunt single and took second on Limited Quantities ^TonTMcC ftw ’s slhj^e, Ff-CTch grounded to secondTiindrMc-^ Q-aw was called out for No Sales to Dealers running out of the baseline with French reachii^ first. Hm Cullen singled Howard home from third and Richie Shein- i. bloom batted for Bosman. WasMnaton Cleveland «b r h M ab r h bi Harrah.»» 3 0 0 0 Lowenttcn If4 1 I 0 Allen 36 10 0 1 Pinfton rf 4 13 0 Floo d c f 4 0 1 1 F o u a c 3 1 1 0 FREE TIRE Epstein lb 3 0 0 0 Nettles 3b 3 0 0 1 Billlngt ph 0 0 0 1 Karrelsn lb 3 0 1 3 Knowles p 0 0 0 0 RFoster if 3 0 0 0 MOU NTim AN D ftrr! Howard 1t> 4 13 0 Bradford cf I 0 O' 0 p o t - M c C ra w rf 4 1 3 0 B ro w n i s 4 0 1 0 ROTATIOIS F re n c h c 4 1 1 1 te o n 3b 4 0 0 0 C u lle n 3b 4 13 1 Hargan p 3 0 0 0 B o sm a n p 3 0 0 0 Mlngori p 0 0 0 0 Sheinblom II ] t 0 0 Ford pn 10 0 0 Colbert p 0 0 0 0 T o ta ls' IS S • S T o ta l! 33 9 7 ) WasMn«to«l i 010 000 400— S CUyaUaiL J . W® * E —Bradford OP—WaiMngton 3 LOB- Washington 6. C le v e la n d 5 3B~Fr«rich, Fosse. Pinson SF-- B lu in g s. b r e r bb so Bosman W 3 1 i S 3 _ 3 3 3 Knowles 3 3 0 0 0 1 H a rg a n L 0 3 6 I 3 6 ) S 3 S M ln g o ri 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 C olb ert 3 0 0 0 0 0 Save- Knowle* [ 11 T 3 3AA -510a. a l l ®

Detroit Tire price

edges • l 4 ALLSTATE Pasitenger Tire Gnaranlee- Trr*4 Ufe tiumr*nlec Tread Wcw-Oat Boston Uuaranlaa^ Acainac All itre CairuilM failurea fn»m ttormdl ro»TM-r Uw iha felltfwinf aUowanra: sixth run batted in S atu i^ y as |JtM Kscnr IVt tiuil M aoO o “555 rt|>nr«rnU Iroad uaetl. fUiMir Coafotao4 / the Detroit Tigers edged the nail pufwlurea at no ekarf# IBioi4 . 10% Boston R ed^x JQ 27 to 39 aO% Horton . entered the game 40 hitting .138 on four hits in 29 at- 8 . 5 5 0 ^ bats but wound up at .257 with his 5-for-6 performance which included his sixth career grand slarta aiolb and three singes. -8-AVE- 09fi^ a b m bt a * r b W Aparicio ss Sill M c A u lK fe 3bS 1 I 0 •2.50 IfRWontE ^iiaranl^ Sm ith r f 4 3 3 0 K a lln e r f -4100 Ystrim ski if 3 3 3 3 N rth ru p 1b S 3 3 3 T h o m a s If 3 0 0 0 C J s M b 4 3 3 3 12-Volt Battery P trc e lH » 4 1 3 1 Gtrreipr 0 0 0 0 Sco tt I B 4 0)3 Stnlycf t 0 0 Q *354 L«hoi»dpA 3 0 0 0 P v it c h c 3 0 1 0 Cngiiarocf 10 0 0 Grtfttn 3b ___ , JB atteeyG aataiitee C u lp p Srinkman ss 5 0 0 0 B « lin p I L o i ^ p 00oe -Fnei«FlaceiB

41 1 » 1 | ! • 11«1 OM O r-1 F o u r ------— lo w a n iid w itf MMWlbi ofcoaoi^ — Our reliahUi itandafd dwiiga XTrnTnTTTTT K----- stBitinR power in any we<»ther. conditloiH and B oston 11. D ttro lt 11. driving rondibon. Fit* n>o*t Sm ith. CrIffiOe H R s —M drton W heels N o m ru p ~ rt n ' C a ilr •*; 5 0 caiA KCEirr o n S e i^ R evolving CSbarge^ Boiin wJ 1 . U O t Lat 1-3 3 0 0 0 0 Tatum u 0^3 1 1^ 1 1 4 0 SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE S T O m B m V M S : 1 M 7 a I 0 /raiN FALLS S c h a rm a n 0 1 1 0 0 SatStfaetion OuanmUtd or Y«Mr M o n e y B a c k Mm ., WmI.. rri. PJB. P a tte r» o n 3-3 1 0 0 I 40SIMaA«c.W. Ovcrtawl SlMffrfapCeiucr!' 1)30 I 3 I Sears tm>.. 'nw .'SM . 19-3 3 1 1- 1 Hr3S4MUtl *7S-S44«t----— Tlmmartnan W 3^ 4 0 0 3 a -___SOM SEARS. ROEBUCK AHb CO. _Tir* niid VAiiiii' C iiiil i r ~ to 3 b a i ■ r .....i '. ' ...... • I V.---e •. . I , - . V / Ib ' Tlme»-N«w», Twip F«ll*, .idaho Sun

Jiin Ryun runs world^a 'V sweep ipair from fastiest tnile in ^ re e jjilovtntain Home

H ie Twin Falls Bruins ran liit. years with 3 :5 5 .8 time their season baseball record to Dave Dollinger opm ed the big 7-0 Saturday wtfeo-they swept a inning with a double .and ...... -infleld- Mountain Hwne llgers and fell ]|^ fi?r a hit. T erry Haney Jim Ryuii’s ciomeback appeared, <3:55,5 in Agust of 1968. Ryun’s cloudy 'skies, and 64-degree walked to load the bases and complete Saturday when he rah time also was the fastttt he temperatures. Tyke Henchey bounced a two^ the'fastest mile in the world has run ^ e he set a world Randy ^ t s o n , the world shot H ie Bruins now face a tough run hit through the drawn-in this yea r,. 3 "minutes,. SS.8 record of 3:51.1 at Bakerfield, putrecord^older, hurled the 16- week, opening Tuesday at home infield. Eric Day sent another seconds, to delif^t a crowd of Calif., on June 23, 1967. pound ball 68 feet, 3 1-2 inches. against the MinicoSpartans and run across with a single and 22,000 that turned out . ti) Ryun, however, failed ' to Matson repelled A1 Feuerbach, entertaining Idaho Falls Rick Wmtworth then spanked a welcome home the world matdi the meet record of 3:54.7 his chief challenger in the Thursday. Both game start at double over the centerfielder's r^rd-holdw-.' ■ he set in 1967.- world,"who tossed the steel ball 3:30 p jn . Saturday the Bruins head for the final pair. , Rviin. now living in Eugene. Nine records, two by Texas 67-5 3-4. travel to Pocatello to play the T b tI i i Fall)! aHriwI two in the Ore., ran efore of the bestof-seven game nobody can stay with them. second-best time ever in the' • j ■ him out SatiiHay in a doubleheader. Twin Falls swept the POCATELLO — Possibly the. Bowyer ended the game's semifinal series in the National Milwaukee had the running finest basketball player in the scoring with a double off the 880-yard relay, 1:22.1, with t l l i r d D a S e n ^ers 3-2 and 9-0. —i basketball Association series. going Friday night and figures Curtis Mills carrying the state of Georgia has sign ^ a ftfleld waU. If the Bucks win, and they to keep going Sunday, and tlie anchor leg. The Aggies' time ' letter of intent to attend Idaho are heavily favored to do so, Lakers probably don't have tt>e was four-tneths of a second State University. He's 6-5 they will advance to meet the stamina to keep it up. over their world record set last scoring machine Chris Grier of winner of Jthe New York aiiv for ams Sunday april 19 year at the Drake Relays. Knickerbockers relying on Augusta, Georgia's T.W. Groth put Knicks-Baltimore Bullets series A iM , with Rockie Woods Josey H l^ School. for the championship of the ninnilig anchor, also set a meet Grier was the leading scorer NBA. Montreal record in the 440-yard relay and rebounder in his region of on Utags’ The Knicks and Bullets also with a 39.9 clocking. defense to gain finals the state. Grier hit 27.8 points a meet Sunday afternoon in Matson's series of six tosses JBALTIMORE (UPI) The three games, an almost un>' didn’t like me using the bad game and averaged 19.3 Baltimore with New York slips past was 67-8, 68^ 1-2, 67-6 1-2, 67-2, l>Iew 'York Knickerbockers ap­ heard of feat in the high- arm, but there was no other rebounds d e ^ t e playing a lot of grid staff holding a 3-2 edge. 66-11 1-2 and 67-6 1-2. Behind parently are going to rely on scoring era of the 24-second way to help out. I’ve accepted the time at guard, as well as LOGAN, Utah (UPI) - Rich Friday night the Bucks came Feuerbach were Kansas' Karl the National Basketball Associ­ clock. But an aggressive the fact that I'll have to play forward. Groth was named as as­ through with that offensive Cincinnati Salb and Steve Wilhelm with ation’s best defense to carry defense, sparked by Walt the rest of the series with a bad He was selectsanio his all- MONTREAL (UPI) — Jim sistant footiwll coach at Utah “explosion” promised by coach tosses of 66-10 and 66-3, them into the playoff finals. Frazier and Dave DeBusschere, shoulder, so I may as well conference team and was also ~Lai^ Costello befofg1ilsteani~Fairey made-his^rst-hit-of-the^ --State University by ^the execu- respectively. , The Knicks, with an offense carried the Knicks to their fifth ¥flliSrtFlt7‘ picked all-regianal. In hipi season a big one Saturday as be tive committee of the USU Insti­ headed west for the third and One of the better records set that has become non-produc­ game victory in New York. - Should the Knicks win Sun­ school during his junior year he drove in two runs with a double tutional Council. fourth games. was by Frank Shorter of the tive, took a 3-2 lead in their “ If Baltimore had won, it day, they will face the winner was the teammate of ISU frosh In the sbcth inning to lead the Groth, a former AU-Westem LewT Alclhdor, the NBA's Florida Track Club, who won best-of-seven series against would have been all over,” said of the Milwaukee-Los Angeles star this past season Leroy Montreal Expos to a !(-2 victory Athletic Conference quarter­ scoring leader and most valua- the three-mile nm in 13 Baltimore Friday night with an Frazier, voted one of the NBA’s series. Milwaukee leads the (gibbons. over the Cincinnati Reds. back at the University of Utah* . Ue player, finally shook off niinutes, 8.5 seconds. Shorter’s 89-84 victory. They try to wrap top defensive players for the Lakers 3-1. A New York loss — iBhntnuBr fViMnima w w p hnth- CliulMiall Moirtrfal in 1965, is currently a coaching. -^lnw.-«]iialad thn 17th fastest it— lip - 4 0 )0 Falrey If } 0 I 2 college mile relay, 3.07.1; New York has failed to pass Holzman to concentrate on his down 20 rebounds and he Woodwrd is 4 0 3 1 Bateman c 2 0 10 Utah In 1966. He received his Conrad Nightingale, Mid-Am­ the 90-point barrier in Its last defense prior to Friday night's played at both ends of the N olan p Wine %t SO.1.0 sweep past M.S. degree in 1969 while work­ WMcox p 0 0 0 0 Morton p 3 0 0 0 erica Track Qub, in the 3,000- game, wound up doing just the court. • Chaml>erlaln, who had B ra v o ph 1 0 0 0 M a rk h a li p 0 0 0 0 Pirates ing as Utah head ski coach and G ra n g e r p 0 0 0 0 meter step steeplechase, 8:40.8; opposite and saved the Knicks. played Alcindor to a standstill C lln e ph 0 0 0 0 Bill Penny, Kansas, In the open He hit for 28 points, including a Phillies assistant football coach. in- the first three games. T o la li U 3 1 1 T e fa l* H IM -Claclneati. 0fii.fl0a.A0i—1 - hammer -thfowi 195-5;- Larry-; crucial liasket with 28 seconds Groth led the Redskins to the Gnii^d with 15 poin^ ^ 16 OM MS 60X— 3 shut-out e-^Hunt, eanev OP-.-C1nctnnin 1. Young, Columbia,.Mo., College, left, to spark the-New-York rebounds. AAontreai I. LO B—Cincinnati 0. AAonireal in the open mile walk, 6:49.3, triumph. Earl Williams hit the first two 32-6 victory over West Virginia After the game, Costello told 5 2^—Carbo, Rjne. Pairey SB—Steub. and MaJ. Larry Means,, U.S. will sign Baltimore coach Gene Shue home runs of his major league in the liberty Bowl. his team “ I don't want to come Ip b r er bb M \ew York N o lan L O I S1353334 Air Force, in the master’s mile, was disheartened by the loss, a career and Orlando Opeda and back,” to which Alcindor W llco ji 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 4:25.8. i game he thought he should NEW YORK (UPI)— Steve Hal King each contributed solo - replied “Te won’t be back.” G ra n g e r 2 0 0 0 0 3 with Texas Morton W I 3 I 1 3 » 2 J 1 3 Tying records were Baylor's have won. “ This is the type of Blass hurled a five-hitter for homers Saturday to carry the baclT for the Bucks would be M a rs h a ll 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 Save—M arihall (U T —2 15 A—IS.931 Danny Bradham in the long DALLAS ( UPI) — University game we should have won big, " his first victory of the season Atlanta Braves to a 6-2 victory Los Angeles where they would Jump, 28-2 1-2, and Colorado's of Oregon star athlete Stan said Shue. “ Our offense had Saturday and Willie Stargell over the . have to travel if the Lakers win Cliff Branch in the open 100- Love, who was the No. 1 draft been pretty good until this slammed_his sixth home rim to Atlanta Ptiilatfaipfiia Sunday.' ab r h bl ab r h bl yard dash, 9.3. choice of both the Texas game. We went over 100 points pace th e’ Pittsburgh Pirates to Jackson c« 5 110 Bowa s> 4 0 10 But Milwaukee seems ready Mays bats Garr If 4 12 1 Money 3b 4 0 10 Kansas State, with Jerome Chaparrals of the American three times -in the first four a 2-0 triumjdi over the New Aaron rt 4 0 0 0 Monlanet ct 3 1 3 1 I Iim ------n ft n ^tnhnson lb 3 0 .focJupdfly.’a game. I lowe— anchorin g ,...won— tiie- ■Basketball Association and-the- ■igames7-Anyttrae-yDu iTold—a— York-Me ts.- Oscar Robertson, who has in sill IM cCarvir c 4 0 I 0 three for university distance medley re­ Baltimore Bullets of the Nation­ t e w in the 80s, you should win. Blass; who had a 10-12 record Kirvg c 3 111 Freed rf 4 1 ) 0 been bothered by a pulled M illa n 2b 4 0 2 1 Stone II 3 0 0 0 lay in 9:43.2; Illinois, anchored al Basketball Association, has But we made a lot of mistakes in 1970, stymied the Mets on W illiam s 3b 4 2 3 2 O oyle 2b 4 0 2 0 stomach muscle throughout the ^ • . • come to terms with Texas. four singles and a doutile as he P e r e j ss 4 0 2 0 L e r ic h p . 1 0 0 0 t>y Lra LaBadie won the two- and they capitalized on the R a e d p 4 0 0 0 H o e fh *r'p 0 0 0 0 playoffs, was almost his old self V r i a n t W I U mUe relay in 7:23.4, and Rice, Chaps Vice Pre^dent Bob errors.” recorded his initial decision of Briggs ph 10 1 ) Friday night. He ran the team m Scima p 0 0 0 0 with Chip Grfindjean carrying Briner announced his club and Shue did get some encourage­ 1971. He was in trouble only Lis ph 10 0 0 and contributed 19 points. Bob SAN FRANCISCO (U PI)-W U - last, took the mile relay in Love reached agreement Fri­ ment from the Bullets’ team three times during the game as To ta ls 37 4 13 « T e ta ls 33 3 t 3 Dandridge found the range tor lie Mays, reacting to a near­ A tla n ta MO MO 312— 4 3:07.1. day night on a three-year, no- physician, however. Gus John- he struck out nine and walked Pbllatfalpbla MO 100 100— 3 20 points and reserve Bob sellout Bat Day crowd of 32,896, OP—Ailania 2. Philadeipnia i LOB— Dallas Raptist rinminntpdJthe- cilt contract. The amount of the son. Baltimore’s . All Star three. A tla n ta f. Philadelphia 7 coUege relays, winning the conti^act was not disclosed, but forward, may make Tus" first •~‘Tir tlui— Hiltdr he— allumi'd- ilf c .W lllla m i____ BQu.a. Pwg> Alcindor has t>een quoted as fifth homer and a double, Jackson. 3B—Garr HRs--Montane] (2). distance medley, 440 and two- local sour(!;es estimated it to be appearance against the Knicks singles to Ken Singleton and Cepeda t3 h Kir>g I D . W U Iiam t 2 d .2 ) . saying “ we'll beat the Knicks in scored a run and stole third SB—M illan, Garr S—Lersch, JoKnson on Addison Avo E mile. ^ about $500,000. siuiday. ‘‘I almost have to Bob Aspromonte, but struck out Ip k r e r bb so the playoffs,” and ^ e young base Saturday as the San That would make Love, 6-9, play,” said Jphnson, a rugged Jerry G'-ote to end that threat. M 2 1 992235 giant is not likely to let down Fraiidsco Giants extended their Lersch L l 1 « U • 3 3 0 2 who averaged 25 points a game rebounder and a key to the In the fifth, Ken Boswell led off H o ern er 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 733-5424 before he even gets that winning streak to six with a 5-3 Se lm e 3 4)33) at Oregon, three times as Bullets' fast breakv>{fcnse. with a double, but Blass bore W P - S e lm a 2 T^-3 0* A - 10.MA chance. victory over the aUcago Ciibs. e:q)ensive as any previous "It’s up to the doctor, but I down to get the next three Los Angeles managed one Oitcave San Pranclsco Utah screening lb r h bi ab r h bl Chaps player. think I’m ready to go.” batters. Ttie mets rallied in the brief flurry during the playoffs, K e s s in g e r s»4 1 2 0 B o ru ls rt 4 2 3 0 Becker 2b -3 0 2 1 Speier %* S 1 3 1 The formal contract signing The Knicks have a serious eighth after two out bn singles when wito just eight men Wllliamt It 4 0 10 AAayS lb 3 12 3 applicants was postponed until the middle injury problem of their own in by pinchhitter Dave Marshall dressed for the game, they won Santo 3b 4 0 0 0 Dieti c 4 0 10 Pepltone 1b 3 0 1 0 Foster It 3 0 10 of next week. WiUis R ie^ , the league's Most and Tonunie Agee, but Blass financing land C a lllM O It 4 0 0 0 G a tla o h e r 3b4 i l 0 Ortii ct 4 12 0 Rosario cf 2 0 -SAt^^-LAK&<3TY-(-UPI) ----- ' -“The-bove-deal marked-^thc' ValuBblrPtayerlast season and got Bud Harrelson o n 'T o t Martin c 4 12 3 Fuentes 2b 4 0 10 The decision on a new head first time in the four-year Holtiman p 2 0 0 0 Perry p 4 0 0 1 the most vulnerable this year. outfield fly. _ R e g a n p O 0 0 0 t>asketball coach at University history of the ABA team that Reed, troubled with a chronic Breeden ph 10 0 0 Pin«bur«H Naa Yom T o m p k in s p 0 0 0 0 — _pf Utah is not expected to be the club came out on top in a knee injury and intestinal •b r ft M ab r h bl Royals C o ltK jrn p 0 0 0 0 made until early next week. Cash 3b 4 110 Agee cf 3 0 10 Popovkch ph 1 0 0 0 dollar war with an NBA club. problems, has been playing Cline cf 3 0 10 MarrHion ss 4 0 0 0 Tetelt M ) 10 3 Tetals 33 I 13 S ■nie university’s athletic selec­ Texas lost two of its top draft against the Bullets with an Clemente rf 4 0 1 0 Jones cf 4 0 0 0 Ch«ca«e 000 02« 010—3 SangulHen c 4 0 1 1 Clendenn 1b 3 0 0 0 materials labor overcome Yan Francisco 200 010 lla- 9 tion committee was still in the choices earlier thle year to injured shoulder. He scored Robertsn lb 4 0 1 0 5een off Hebner 3b i 0 0 0 Grote c 2 0 0 0 HRs -Mays (51. Martin ( 1) SB- DIett. Hern«nd2 ss 3 0 0 0 Kranepol ph I 0 0 0 Brewers Mays SF-Beck»rt ceed Jack Gardner. Patterson who signed with throughout the playoffs, but the B lass p 2 0 0 0 F ris e lla p 0 0 0 0 Ip h r er bb so Xoosm an p 1 0 0 0 Moltzman L 0 3 4 1 3 » 3 3 2 4 Among the names prominent­ Qeveland. Knicks are a vulnerable team AAarshair ph 1 0 1 0 MILWAUKEE (UPI) - Ed R eg an ) 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 Oyer c 0 0 0 0 protect ly mentioned for the post are Briner said he was “ elated without him. Kirkpatrick and Amos Otis T o m p iiin s 1 3 3 3 1 0 Tetals 3« 3 a 3 Tetals M 0 I f C o lb u rn 1 0 0 0 10 ^chard Harter, Pennsylvania; and relieved" with the Love “ I got kind of emotionally Plttsbwrgh MO IM 100— 3 homered in a 13-hit Kansas Qty Perry W 3 0 » 10’ 3 3 1 7 agreement. New Y M ii OM OM 000— 0 Tompkins pitched 2 batters tth Morris Buckwalter, Seattle; involved a^.the end,” said E —Hernandez- D P—Pittsburgh 3, New attack Saturday as the Royals T 2 45 A — Vork t t.OB—Pittsburgh 5. New Vofh * Yourself against Pliil Johnson, Weber State; Ge­ "Everyone was happy,” he Reed, who graI)B^ a key defeated the Milwaukee Brew­ JB'Cash, Boswell. 3B*-Clemente HRs ne Bartow, Memphis State; said. “ Love is the kind of near the conclusion of ’--Starg ell (*> S — B lass. ers, 5-3 with ninth inning relief ip h r e r bb se Dean Smith, North Carolina; player who can at least begin Friday night's game. “ I com ­ B lass W 1 0 9S'007« help from Ted Abernathy. lirisii Bill Foster, Rutgers and Jerry the Job of turning things around pletely forgot about my shoul­ Koosman L0 1 152324 Dick Drago had a four-hitter Moses led PrJselia 110 0.13 Pimm, Utah. der. Dr. (Andrew) Patterson T-2.01, A-33J05. —the—ninth-when

on Tommy Harper's single, a “ ti'lpie uy AUke'Hegaifahd t»ave May's sacrifice fly. Abernathy Twins then came on to record his MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUL third save of the season. ( UPI)'-^ Jerry Ivioses slammed Kirkpatrick's homer off Mil- two home runs and waukee starter Marty i^nin Conigliaro one Saturday and the opened the Kansas City scorii^ two former .inJbe second inning and Otis players led the California eoded it with his ninth inning Angels to their sixth straight bemer. victory, M , over the Minnesota K m m c m t M iiw a y u a at r k u ak r h M Twins. Pattk u 5 111 Harptr ]D 4 110 CaTltwMa MlaaaMla Kaowgh rf 4 0 3 1 Heoan lb 4 111 akrkki akrkU Ofl» ct 5 13 1 May cf 3 0 0 1 Alomar » 4 0 0 0 Tovar rl 4 10 0 ------T - w a t T w r t r _ )-2 O.JU«Qt>aid ^ _0 ioivkson tf 4 0 10 KMiebrew lb5 0 0 1 H 4 1 )0 vocs rf 3110 "Ton;g!»aro~rTjm "HieM lb ----T T T i r Oflv«r lb 5 0 10 S a n d e rs p 0 0 0 0 Sp an cw lb 4 0 0 0 P a rrb rw sk p 0 0 0 0^ "Scaoarjtr- t 0 0 -4AcMwMiV-3^-* 0 « 4 ------4^0 4-0 - O r t v o p 3 0 11 KubUk 3b 4 0 0 0 M bses c 3 3 3 3 H bit c f .4 0 3 0 A b t m a t h y p 0 0 D 0 Roof c 4 0 1 0 Berrv.cf 4 0 10 CArdanat u 3 0 0 1 Auerbach ss ) 0 1 1 Masrsmth p 3 0 0 0 Ratliff c 3 10 0 P a n in p 7 0 0 0 Birt«van p t 0 0 0 Schith rf 1 0 0 0 MwhmI fh 0 0 0 0 7 0 9 t » Caraw 3t» I 0 0 0 tv t10 030 0l>— > Totals ____ lO IO t O ^ - l CalHaraia 100 10» » 4 . Ctty K Milwaukee 3 LOB •lioil io»~s O t f II, MJl¥*»^ae 4 E —Fregos^. Br*wn. 0^~04iforril« I. . I. a^Hegan HRs A4nr»«aofa 1. tO B ~ C * ilfo rrU A 4. MIiv m s a - (IJ. OtH ll». S;-Drb«o i f h r,arM »M • n (tJ. S-Cardem i» Bir«rM »a* Mawarvnttti W M « 7 3 3 « 4 MyUvan L 3-1 7*4413 ^r«neslU 3 0 0 0 3 0 T-3; II. A-1MM. Siinday, AprlMS, ' Falls. Idaho 19 H *lpW on l«d ;>• OpportOnltiM 3 0 B u tin w OppertMnitiM 30 Hom>« F»r Salt 50 FARM Eq u ip ME N T U UNIT motel'plus living quarter*, STATIQN FOR LEASE In ' Twin FILLMORE Street family home OPERATORS: Y«ir round, good doing good business. Nlceilocatlon, Fallt, excelKnt location. 1 M rvlce fenced yard.huge garage <• fam ily w o rk in g c o n d lllo n t w ith op- near restaurant andjaundramat.. base, 7M otn. room. *1^800. Call MOUNTAIN -portimlty for IncrMMd miwn- Priced to sell -by dwner. 'Write S T A T E S R E A L T Y . 733 5974. .Ddbert Helken, Uptown Motel. ■DisiaiaiiTF. .M a m 1 days; M r. Edwardi at Highway 24, Rupert, Idaho, or call ELECTRIKA Ri Giant tire 2 pass, Ol'ABle hb S172 o r Mr. Gremwell at sxi.4m 434-4034. . sportster drives 4hrs for 10 cents. ff'ee inf^matJon. Calf-Frank 733- morning or evenli^os. Costs *395. AWn. In v. W ire w rite for 5974 MOUNTAIN ■ STATES SUCCESSFUL FAM ILY business on sam p le o ffe r. Am er AltobUe 9489 REALTY MLS- j -COOK— FOR—APTERNOOW-^WMr^ —htway—W.-r-Ceni»l^|—Store, gas -OSVTOrt-W aTTB^erly Hl!rs” rA ' w om an preferred. Apply In perion- pumps, 3 bedroom home and 90210 at Speck's Cafe.' storage. Almost lull acre. Great E X T R A N |£ e 2 bedroom home" with potential for tra llv park and.camp a+REA'-HEAl^H lood Store, owner full basement on President Sfreet^ EXPERIENCED FRY cook. Bfue grounds. Nettle Magel 733.124}, retiring. Write Bo-x l-I3, Tlrnes- Priced at SU.SC^. Also, clean 2 Cross. Apply'In person at the SH A W r e a l t y rn-CMTS. N ew ?. ' bedroom horhe'^with carpeted ' Rogerton msfanrarit-----:______— 487600t< FOR SA LE: Well established>d oolnf) Phone Nadine Ko'epnick 733’-7297 or vant«t4 MAGIC VALLEY service station. bu5*aeM.-orocerv ana g « W 8 T -O'F'YTiAW-cn ^ ^ 0716 j,-. — own and operate Candy and merchandise • store In Southern routes. Lots of volume, ex­ MAV WE lake IhlJ method o» Conlectlon vending route In Twin Idaho community. Ill health ceptionally good net return. thanking . our netghbors and I Falls and surrounding area. necessitates sale. Write P.O. Bo k Consider trade on farm. Call COLLEGE AREA 2 bedroom brick h-lendJ for their kind expression* Pleasant business. High Profit 4361. P o cate llo . . Harold Kelthley. 733 2400or LAND hpme. Lovely living rpom and of iympsthy In our bereavement. Items. Can start part tlm e. Age or OFFICE OF IDAHO REALTORS dining rpom.» Carpeted and Thftse expression* have been experience .‘not 'Important. EXCELLENT BUSINESS op 733 0716. draped. 2 fireplaces 2 baths, full .deeply appreciated, R eq u ire s c a r and S99S m inim um portunlty In famous Sawtooth . basement with lamtly room with', g o iter C. Hamptpn > family Investment. Write Manager, P. 0, Valley. For information call D U P LE X . Spacious, beautiful wt\ite built'in oar. Plus bedroom. Double Box 88892, Seattle, Wash: 98H8.' Wayne Pat Pattersoni Realtor, brick duplex. Both units have 3 garage.covered pat.o. Cail'Eun.ce • LYNWOOD" REALTVr'TTO W . * rovety -tsearoowT'm ^irr-freoT-. — C©opef^733.4960t)r'L-AND O f^ PlCE W ANTED; Women' to telephone lor Stanley. Shown by [appointment i Fireplace and full basement O F ID AH O r e a l t o r s 733 0716. reliable company. Must have o n ly , Built-in appliances. 4 years old - .p tw ie -belore »:flO IE-T^WIN-FAfctS-Oepartme«l-*H— prtvat* — Mucfr;— rmjcn— more .— m a g t C -2-BEDROOM Cottage, n .tw ro o t." a .m . o r a lte r 4:00 p .m . 734.2J67. Public Assistance is in need ol a v a l l e y REALTY, 733 5580 furnace. excellent ioca?ion. lOth foster liome lor an eight year old GOING BUSINESS desires to refinance. Private capital E V E N IN G S & S U N D A Y S 733 6531. Ave East S7.000 433 4072 mentally handicapped boy. This HELP WANTED — FEMALE — 733 5830. 733 3169. child Is able lo care for his own Hpusewlves golden opportunity lo p re fe rre d . C all 733 e&33or 33^ 4680 NIC E 4 beyf^ frT, c a r pe teoTf a m i I physical needs and Is In good make good money seiiing after 5 p.m. weekdays or anytime room — fireplace, excellent heaitti. He Is badly In need of nationally known product -lor w eekends location $17,900 stability, love, and security, Women. - No door-to-door Hornet For Sale 50 however. The Department is sollcltatton. Hours at your con­ ACTIVE DISTRIBUTORS LOVELY 4 oedroom DriCK. 2 .responsible for the child's venience. Inqoire Marlorle N E E D E D LOTS we could say about this busy baths, 2 tireplaces. B'g family clothing, medical and dental needs Stree te r, 9S5 North lOth E ast, HUNT WESSON'S new-million Orive-lnn. but seeing believing room On Frem o nt US.OOO. as well as paying for his room and AV)untaln Home. Phone S87-449(or dollar advertised snack pack Call 733-5974 for a look. S42.500. board. Anyone inleresteO in giving 587 4919.______product. Need Nowl Reliable men MOUNTAIN ST^ES REALTY Beth W Ickhafn 733-5476 care to this type child, contact Ihe or women in this area to service Department of Public Assistance CAREER OPPORTUNITY: Fuller fast moving coin operated Edna Irish 733-0882 at 733 J323or com e to 634 Addison Brush Company special loca products in company secured COUNTRY LIVING ...... C. LO O N E Y , Avenue .W esfla leam^more about route. Start *540 guaratneed lui locations. Commercial and^fac 5 bedroom b rick home on ’ i a c re , time. AAarrTedT'car' and' phone lo ry , p a rt or fu ll tirTTe, \P't'o V5 full basement. 2'/}battis. fireplace- REALTOR.- n e ce ssa ry . C a ll 733.7405. hours per week family room. Clearbrooks Sub -{?QflWn-40>L- - N O - S E t t m O ------d iv isio n . •129 7 5 X .-" '■■AAemberol MultipJe Listing” SHOP THE WANT ADS and save MAN TO help on dairy farm witt CASH R E Q U IR E D • 1600 to 12.995. time and moneys milking and general farm work For more Information write: Call RAY SABALA 733 6340 HAGERMAN VALLEY Call Charle* Peterson at 67fl ?fl02 D istrib u to rsh ip D ivisio n 51. 1111' APPROXIMATELY 6 Shady W. Robinhood Dr Stockton. Ca GEM STATE REALTY acres, older 2 bedroom home with PRIVATE Investigator — 24 Hour FULLER BRUSH Dealers neede^ 95207. G iv e n am e , ad dress and . 733 5336 lots of possibilities, spring water, Service. All iconfldentlal. Phone (o r M ini C a ssia a re a . Phone 436j phone number. river frontege. tremendous v«ew.______;; 733-6431 ~ r^iQht 733 577J, 4391. evenings. i -Sec-iudeerPrtcedTD'seii...... B R A N D N E W A l w a y s EXERCISE the new way. Rent W A N .T E P .:. Forfema^n to ru n todyj FOR SALE 3 bedroofn brlcii, 3 belhj, lull exercise and health equipment, shop. Nded references. l^oh« 536-t basement: Attoctied -doutjle- CTAFtTkElD EIXPRE^ION worn by Button, 9-montb-oId baby speed bike, massage roller. t>elt Z462. W endell. j FARM DEALERSHIP garage, fireplace, recreation chimpanzee at San Diego Zoo, Is usual look on her face. Chimp, trW vibrator, actloncycle. BANNER Ford, Oliver and Hesston. room. Choice Norttieast location. born in Ghana, hugs attendant’s trouser leg. (UPI) F U R N I T U R E . 733-1421. U.S. Civil Service Tests | LOBE Men women 18 and over. Secure i Going business, excellent ports CALL: REALTY ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Twin lobs. High starting pay. Short | and service. Fully staffed with Pallt Courthouse. Wednesday at hours. Advancement. Preparatory ■ 7 5 3 - Z « 2 3 733-0931 8;30p.m. For further Information. training as long as required. \ confident people. Contact: L a a n , 733 1340 733-4030. A1 Anon 3rd floor. 733 Foggy. 733.«0)s' Thousands of lobs open. Ex- • WAYNE REEVES 7932. perlence usually unnecessary. : T o n y , A23 S i t i r 733-5045 - 733.2340 733-5457 Time for living Box 42S E a r l. 423 5659 r FR EE booklet on jobs, salaries, 733 0211 733 5035 CHRISTIAN HOUSE HOTLINE 167 requirements. Write TODAY I 733-0017 1C^43 Blue L jk e s North 733-8227 BY ROGEKS FRANKLIN Blue L a k e s N o rth . Phone 733 9896. giving na.ne. address and phone, j FOR FAST RESILTSISE Lincoln Service. Box R 19. c-o , I’ve received a flood of mail' out of over 20 miuion retired are Baby SiHart—Child Cara 16 TImesNews. i from my column'pointing out affected by the retiremmt test. JACK & JILL Nursery. Licensed IRRIGATO R for 100 acres. 15 acres the “ injustice" of the huge In other words, If it w ^e Tirnes-News child c a re . C h ild ren J'.'a — pre beets, balance in hay. grain, and salary increases for remo%d, it would benefit only school. 1104 10th A v e . E a s t . 733- pasture. Good pay. 6 miles to Want Ads 6647. T w in . 324-5056. Congressional members and one out of ten older persons. presidential pennons — con­ The expense of eradicating BABY-SITTING In my home. Ad­ RECEPTIONIST, girl Friday with dress across from the Kellwood good telephone voice, fast ac­ trasted With the further pin­ the retirement test would cost Com pany. Call 733-4969. curate typist with, bookkeeping ching of seniors’ fixed incomes something like $2.5' billion for experience. Shorthand desirable. Permanent position with growing by soaring property and school the fu-st year, and this vast BABY SITTING done in my home. DEADLINES Att-eges: Ferrced--Yar<>7-W4^ia5. c o r p o ra tio n . Phone- 733-4124 taxes, and sky4ii^ prices on sum, th^y report, could support, Betweeri 'BT3D an d ^ rx: ------everything in sight. instead, a 7 per cent benefit FOR CHILDREN'S VILLAGE C h ild c a re . L ic e n s e d . 2'/^. u p . 461 N o rth HANDY MAN, carpenter, elearic Vour letters solidly uphold increase for everybody. Lo cu st. 733 70d0. 733 9010. 733 7795. p lum bing, tra ile r re p a ir. Phone mhnBP Ipttpr T 1 fll.sn have n long letter from CLASSIFIED 734 2089. evening s. quot^ . Many go even further .. a friend, T. Serse Ambrosini, Employment A g«nd «t } 7 EXPERIENCED Irrloator and . you also denounce what’s retired bank officer and well- ADVERTISING tractor man, Year around A^jdern house. Phone 423-5939 known as “ the retirement test," known economist, who voices PERSONNEL SERVICE of Magic These Deodlines ap ply to V a lle y . 624 B lue L a k e s N o rth , ;|A SHOPPING GUIDE FOR WOMEN!! which forbids us to help meet still another opinion. He Transient or wont ods ond phone 733 5562. W ANTED: Lady sandwich C0 9 k«t A 8. W Root B e e r, evening sh ift .733 expenses by gettliw a Job to believes that the social security commercial ads no larger 3451. augment our shrinung income. act should be withdrawn — and than 10 inches. CAREER OPPORTUNITY; Fuller ^XeRCISINO eOUtPMBNT We're permitted to earn ' re-written. He summarizes his Brush Company special local WANTED: Experienced milker, Vj route. Start SS*0'guaranteed full mile oil Deep Creek Road, Buhl WALTON'S 11,680 a year. If we earn more feelings this way: If you wont your ad to time. Married, csr and phone 543 5333. REMEMBER MOTHER— MAY (because we’re, in good health ___“ The __ Social Security n e ce ssa ry . C a ll 733 7405. a p p e a r; EXPERIEN CED IRRIGATOR, 1500 BELT and have the training, luciTaria" premiums wfilcfi for ^ thirty- month summer months. Year W o f lf # d T9 * talent to do it) we are, in effect, three years were deducted MONDAY around job for right man. Feed VIBRATORS SINGER ------ca ttle « tquipm tnl al . . . sixty-five, the insurance ♦ security dollar for every dollar. younger man with light con CU STO M R O C K picking w ith An- company is compelled by law to WEDNESDAY struction experience. Write 1539 E^ren President Nixon s^id: (Ads must be received by dersop Rock Picker. Call Brent BANNER FURNITURE V e rm o n t. Bo ise. Idaho 83706. B o w er. 543-4725. Buh l. _i‘ ■ me impoM* a tag of more honor Its contract, and starts its 127 2nd Ave. 733-1421- SALE ■ n»30A.M Tuft than 100 per cent on these monthly payments under it, VHAT W ILL YOU DO wlth'This'TIrSf GARDEN ROTO TILLING. earnings.” without any delay, ifs, or huts. SlOb you e arn a s an Avon M cD onald phone 733-2452, SEWIMO'MACHiNir Brcmd-new~C3olden-Feyt^&-SEW ^ THURSDAY Representative? And the next SlOO .Xf^LBtBgen, ^ e retirement Why should, the Social muy be receved by the next? Now you can earn ^SEWING MACHINE REPAIR test” vanishes, and we’re Security pehMon oFahhulty be 11 ;3d A.M. Wednejdoyf good'moneVi prizes, me^ sewi,pg_madiinej3-y-Singer-wJth-— __ ^ people, have fun. Get more oi^ of Ne*1. JOE'S CUSTOM FARM ^trained wrvice man.. Alio icHiorj permitted to earn as much as treated differently? It should be sharpening. life Be an Avon Representative. i SERVICE. Phone 3}6.4I9<. File famous * we like. paid irrespective of the fact that FRIDAY P tw n e; 733-7413 or w rite P h y llli * SKINNER'S « SEWING SHOPPE ' J^etter after letter makes the the beneficiary may continue to (Ads must be received by Mclnturf. Route No. 2. Kimberly. CUSTOM PLOW ING, call evenlnfl*, Idaho. Avon D istrict AAanager. ^ Sav«-Cn Shopping Cenfar 733-334; point that just when you most work or not." 1 1:30 A.M. Thursdoy) . Jn ck G o eckner 534-2039, ONE TOUCH SEWING ‘ -need the extra-tneomc, you’re Dogens-o f- organiia tions,— L .,,-^WAW^TPa:___ Parinnnel. -CUJSXQM IRFPiff, ZlQZM. TaRg u p - w cut off from it. Here are some note, are trying to band — s a m K T fam iliar with electrical - and Lilirbrld0pep Monday throuflh Friday. <0 artfcle certainly hit home. If lem s. The same reason was » 6 9 . / I ’ a.m . to 3;30 p.m . Workihop everdder-peoidefleed^ break : *Tue*day and Friday eyenlngs, pVen for closure of the three P trio n n i{ ^ rvicc ROTO-IILUING. Sm^l ; «pjn..and sah>rdayi2s.m..»llard_ it’s now.’’. other hotels, the Miramar, Le 733-0931 PhOn«9:00«.m.to Chri» ; Kimberly, Idaho. v J t .^ As I pledged, your every Petit and the Condado Beach. Jin c lk . 73J-»109. letter goes straight to the H«lp Want«d 18 624 6lu« Lok*« North 733 5562 The San Jeronimo Hilton CONCRETE S P E C IA LT Y , lloori, powers In charge of the White Hotel was sold at. auction last driveway*, patios. Call J t t - House Conference on Aging Moitday -«n d -tn »y -B l 4MS tor wtim ale. adieduled tor full sessions in down soon, trade sources said. "WANTED SEWING WANTED: Plain sewlOB. , -,mochin? and cabinet fipmbinations^re on wi.e! Washlngtm, p.C. in November. TTie slump in tourist trade------IT rfip H rttF n W tT r B S la l^ fiav6 a few lei^s plus ever-increasing operational - MOTOrROUTFDRTVEIT" Ireuser pockets, children's We have a credit plan designed to'fit vourbudqel||- tfaatezi^blnthe other side of the clo thes. 733 0 3 ^ .______costs was blamed for the wave For Hazelton Area. picture. of hotel bankruptcies. STANDARD and efectric typewriter -TWtN-FAltS^EWINGGENTER/j^ — J- One reader ^ t me a “ pie Good Profit for.time involved. maintenance. Cleanr olL ad* lustment. ALSO lawn mowing. 734- chart” covering two pages iii a 3S35. -booldet,n..ft grnphlrnlly shnwsi Interesfed pariiet call SING ER 733-9320. ISO.AAain Avenu« North

TIMES-NEWS FURNITURE REFINISHEO and 733-33i4 A 1 W «*«Srii Of TmC S-KGCR C C VPA N r repaired. Fo r expert w ork Phone APPRQVED SIN C DEALER u 733-0931 -^Collect 7M-WM,______■ ^ SEVENTY-FIVe CENTS for Z MATURE. ATTRACTIVE vwman each pattmi — IS feMUa ' experienced in all phases office for each paitem for Air ItoU * P<«c*duret and«r managemant: ^ vyaccnuntlng, promotion, etc. and Special HaadUas. Sand « C « o » ld *r-~ p a r lt lm e wl(i» igresMva firm or 1 olfl office. 9 2 7 0 “ 0 * P « ./ He Box I-1X c« TlmM-News. SCDES 3 4 -4 6 at. N ew Vwn. N. T. -Jtlai^ AWK. A O IH K H U t^ y o u n g -a^a n HOUSER BROTHERS CUSTOM with ZIP. WZE and S T Y U t* . roto-lllllng and. blade w o^.-7»: I n f I 3MZ, TM-UU. NUMVER. ■ ^ I t .' 1 TO WORK IN MAIIING ROOM. t w o -w a y q u i c k i b ; itoi- 8wln* Into Sprinci ------. ton the crt»p collar on ur off Pattern Catalog liaa H feralea.^- . Must be available to work ■uaiMM OpportwnHiM 30 dependtnK on the deisrw pf jnmpanlta. aliauBlac .a|w»«« . » covermire yon waair Kew otltOOITM; RARC OPPORTUNITY. foee pattern e e n p im . M * , ? ,Mains, few faoara to whi|< np^ INSTANT rSBWiNOraKKW;:^ ~ . ' If interested inquire at EstaMMlwd AuctkMi « Seond Printeil Pattern *270: NEW Hand iHitliM**. 20,000 u . It. W omen'* Slie* 14. W . S’*. 40. rz-'-—Times^NewsJEtf XiiclGC:c$Si5v3H iO . 733-0931 SlTMl, tOmlMrty. IWim

r." jb nmei-NBW*, Twin Fall*, Sunday, April 18, 1971

Hm tiM ferSaU SO HomM For Sal«, '.50 iNirtnt.l’or Sal* S2 BufTiMtw Property 56 64 Apaitm«nl*->JFyf nffiMd. 70 Farm ImpUmants fjiiwiS—d 96 CEsItiFIEO seed P0»»>0M, BERRY BUSHES, oardtn ipac* RANCH STYLE, all m aunry, gold FOR SALE approximately W acret. NEW m i BILTM ORE 12 X 60 lo r 3 OR UMFURNISHED;-3 rooms and FOR S A L E : |S«0 interna'ilonal p nrM ct C a lifo rn ia rta d ln g , « l 0 lbl« 'Wliti thli bMutllul <4 btdroom , medallion homs pn acraage. IMi .Heyburn. Pay equity^ take over 4 B U R L E Y . bedrooms. Many extras. Will bath, mature lady preferred. Just- piesel, is.stire t. Late model F -11 hom*. Many nic* fMturts. tU M O . per cent loan. Possible tub , FOR SALE OR LEASE A'Mere Inn,'733-9244.- Farmhand loader. Nearly new ter raeertillcatlon. Fiddtd, run, or > mllM North Klmbwlv.' W. W. deliver.S489S. Lowdowrt payment. WTfad. S32-417U . FELDTAAAN-ReAUTORS 733 19M C o la v . 423-4XM. division. Call «2M7|0. SO X 125' co m m e rcia l b uild ing , Bank flnanclnb. R & V AAOBILE Farmhand I 4)al»>ark. Ptwine 4^ located on com er lot In dovmtawn - HOMES, Blackloot, Idaho 78J. KIM BERLY; Beautiful, new 1: 4118 evenings. T “YOUR HEART'S DESI RE" USE YflUR G I rioht 10 purehaia a b u h l 40 acres, luil w ateiv^^ Burley. Cai) 478-51(7. 1998. ■■ bedroom apartment In Kimberly.^ C E R T IF IE D S E E D POTATOES. Aii BMutllut all brick, 1 Mdroom. 2 hOin* i|nd quit jioiilng rw it ,down J^ aiuaie-Agtll-^ Call-days-421^ FO R S A L E : 3 row rotary lots double CD. Oceanside reading. bath«» flrtpU c«/ large fam ily the drain. We have the,nec»s»ai;y $6,000 . down. '.FARMtMER ER'S 'S 5511, w e n in q s 423-SSM ■~eBrrug4i6r; ■ vorumw"»w.w.w-tmnV-cvt-ttreete*)-»nd- — F O R S A L E O R T R A D E . 194« room* fintst location. t32,000. papcr^ to start you toward home R E A L T Y , B u h l. S431 * ^ or 543 C«m«t«ry tot* 59 Phone 733 209Z whola seed In bulk. Financing -f^EUDTMAN-ReAUTORS—?XMMI -ownerihlprSeveral-OPeWe-tiome* ..^ rj^ te'12 x 60 3 bedroom. Phoni available to Qualified' g ro w s. ♦ *40 to tIM . Call Frank 733 W74, -F ttR N isM to r'4“ rBom s-innn»in7 T S K S A lf E : 1,000 bushel Sio ux Steel ^11 Beaver Creek Ranchi liiaho . 40 ACRES Betw ^ Wendell and FOUR lots In ■ LakeView area -of ad u lts. No p e ls . Phone 734-2024. FOR SA LE: 3 bedroom* 700 Idaho MOUNTAIN STATES REALTY. Sunset /Memorial Park near the granary on platform lyith fin floor. F a lls , Id aho . 533-25S2. Jerome. Lovely new alf elettrit N E W 1971 B IL T M O R E 12 X 64 H i. 733-2097. . ' Stre«t« F lie r , phone 733-SM6. home with nice view. ^,000, Bronze Bible. t150 each Includes bath, shag carpet throughout plus NICE FURN ISHED apartment lor 1 HAVE SPUDNIK, equipment to i7C00, three bedroom In Jerbm e. MOb' Terms. PETERSON REAL Perpettial Care. Will sell . many extras. Must see to believe. " T aa a d y y ..M ..A ir ir - - c c o o n n d a itioin o n e e d a , c a r p o o r r t■ t , 6-ROv/ rotary cuHlvator wlth'Ker^ load, hauJ your spuds. Also cut 3 B E D R O O M . 2*t>afhs, la rg e fenced dffwn, WO per month terms. ESTA TE, 536-2071, Wendell^ ^ -separately or as a fam ily group. 15995 R 8, V T R A I II^ P SA I references. 602 Main, Flier, 326- y a r a , .— fvrvtsjszwr : E K c e iw n i hiclde.attachment 7U iMnr~S» reway—and D ELU X E, 1969, 12 X 68, 3 bedroom. SPRING CLEANING TIME FOR SA LE: 440 Tractor. 3 point C1DAH0 RUSSET SEED Potatoes, — CoodTBnoe.-T«n7electrlcrtf6ft006 = t V 4 :|ja m rO x c e llB n t co n ditio n . 536' -hitch, wlnteriier-wlth-twb-bottom. S17,500 buys one big fam ily home^ or Albertsons. Newly remodered pruJ-ihwm ery-onraTtr#—a w Is Want Ad tfmer ^clean California Reading. Carey. can be re n ta ls at $190 m onth. 2166. ■ , c a sa p lo w . $1500. 3M> Hesstoo . Idaho! Phone 823-3862 or 823*3311. kitchen, gas heat, garage, nylon machinery. Art. Johnson, Box 238, S w a th a r. S3300. Je ep P k k u p J 300D Extra lot for S«00. Call Virgil Fast carpeting. Leaving town. Assume Williams Lake, B.C. Canada. LOOKING FOR an apartmWt with 3 horse rack, 126,000 miles# 4334137 MOUfi'TAIN STATES e sc ro w . T rad eab le . 733'8309. FOR SA LE: Ashton certified seed R E A L T Y ^ 733-5974 M L S . . house? C a ll Q u llic l, 733-2940. S1900. 346 Buchanan, TWIn Falls. 733 0465. potatoes, clean field reading BY OWNER'; nice, clean, .2 140 A C R E fa r m . 79 w a te r s h a re s . N o GHAMPION : second inspection, and clean O.K'. G.I.'s THIS 2 bedr,pom bedroom, partial basement. Gas Improvements: Only S25,000 with NEW AparlmanU—Unhirn. 71 California readings. Some of the masonry home .bn an attractive ■ (urnace, fenced ya rd . 734 3880. terms. STOCKMEN'S ^REALTY, . -Smoothest seed we have, ever comei^ tot .with a dining ro o m , p a rt 600 South L ln c 6 ln , Je ro m e . 324- MODERN APARTMENT, new NEW.1130 Massay-Ferguson demo .raised. Will arrange delivery. 4B45, e ve n in g s 324-2620 o r 825-5573. MOTOR HOMES ' tractor with Massey-Ferguson • basement and built-in garage is TWO ACRES, specious J-bath. 3- electric stove and refrigerator. Presto n A tch le y & Son. 652 3386 or emr*ty. Ready to move In AND It Powered by Dodge cconomy cab. List price $134749. bedroom home near Twin. Owner U tilitie s e xcep t e le c tric ity . No, 6Sa-35flO.______• ■ ' has all been newly redecorated O U R P R I C E $9,500. anxious, asking 120, 000. 2500 acre cattle setup, all deeded, ^ LOWEST PRICED IN pels. Apply at Apartment No. 19, and is sharpi Already G.l. ap­ plus some BLM . Lots of water. 1 Canyon Villa, 128 Marlin Street. U SED t^ 1967 N o. 160 M a s s e y FOR SA LE: Komar seed wheat and praised a t. S9.500. This makes THE VALLEY Ferguson tractor' $4,350. NEAT 2-bedroom home, living nearly new home plus 7 good log certified Steveland -barley. '438- renting ridiculous. Call on this room, dining room. Large kitchen, houses, barn, shed, apd corrals. LOVELY, LARGE 1 bedroom, 5735. P a u l. cutienow. TWIN FALLS REALTY m any cabinets, garage. S7500. Will H & W newly decorated, convenient /33-3662. E ve n in g s George H aney trade (or Mobile Home. WESTERN location. All utilities except light. V A LLEY TRACTOR BIG LOST RIVER area. High 733-4609. E s th e r Boyle 733-5408. 733-9531. altitude Certified' Seed Potatoes FOR THESE AND OTHER R EA LT Y CO. Xrailer Sales & IMPLEMENT P rice d rig h t. 588-2656. D arlington. LiSTiNGS, CALL 444 M ain South 259 Overland Avenue, Burley Idaho. THREE BEDROOM home, car­ HouMt— Furnithad 73 559 12th A v e . South, Buhl CHARLES P. HAWKER. REAL 733-2365 peted, on small acreage close to Phone 678-9611 543 5622 Je ro m e . C all 324-2145. . T O R ,( Harold's)' 422 Main Avenue Oun W a iia c e 733 7616 KIM BERLY: New 35 foot trailer Animal Branding 100 _Mnnlli_P-hnne 7XS iS32, Or eygninfls _house,_awailabl*-lmmedlalelv-ln- W ELL-BU ILT 2bedroom home. Fuii 733 7-J79, 829 5935 K lm b e rly . D a y s 423-5511, evenings Hay, Groin and Fcad 94 SELECT sires Incorporated. All basement, carport, drapes, hard- 120 ACRES 423-5598. breeds, dairy, beef. Walter Leltch. .— wvood-lloors^C WE HAVE: 100 TON good hay. covered stacks. 543 4658. GoId~M*d«lllon 3 bedroom-firlrtr- "^^^'20wre7SrVrT£l6Se to Jer'dfrrt. Full TH E HOMES!------Ph6rie~ f»:5nr^ fFT'».m ., or -N CAT 3 bedroom-hniisf In choice homg. Huoe carpeted Jiving room water rights, 2 bedroom home. Aii afler-6p'.m. ’ A RTIFICIA L Breeding to ABS great iocation- EASY FINANCINGf lovely• built-in• ” ‘ kitchenfffcT ------wcth dWr iinwcBnenrcandltion.------165.000. TH E HdAAE SITES! 733-0931 proven sires, nation's highest type production sires. Also all breeds of Price *W,»50. r e a l ESTATE washer, etc. Formal dining room, GEM'STATE REALTY; PHONE ARE YOtJ: Getting Married? FOR SA LE: 7 tons Of hay, second SERViCE. 733-1416. breakfast nook, 2 baths, lovely Retiring? Paying rent?.Spending cu ttin g . C all 733-2097. beef a v a ila b le . B u h l. 543-6102; carpeted famllv room with 633 Biue L a k e s North 733 5336 too much time and money on home HouMf— Unfurnished 74 Jerom e, 324-2652; Shoshone. 886- D ic k M e ss e rsm ith , B ro ker 733 9069 7587; B u rie y , 678 9253; Haxelton. . -COW TAXES fireplace, especially nice utility 7:r3-'«D3i maintenance and taxes? SEE US FOR SA LE; corn slleage. Call 733- room. Extra large double garage, Mrs 8 30^:00 Sat 9:00 4:00 929 5302. , 2 bedroom, built ins.. Carpet I now for the finest in luxury living PREM IUM REN TAL in the country. 2311, fireplace, fenced yard. 6 y e a rs o ld . j fenced yard, garden spot. in a new SCHULT mobile -home. 3 bedrooms, room for a twrse. -Ae60trWetr¥-TOF-buUdIb»-sUa- W p havft a cnmplete selection In. — B A n N S S n C A L T V j ?33-6?e^------‘ fot -sg t e r A lsu stf-aw: “TTJT“ 110 1st Street, Hansen. Stop, look i TAYLOR AGENCY and make offer. SHAW REALTY , Southeast of Jerom e. 30 acres plus. Stock", A N D the choice m ob ile Phone 532-4262. R u p ert. Member of Twin Falls Best of soil w ith .w a te r. S17,000- home sites In the new LA2Y *J' 2 REG ISTERED Charolais bulls, in 733-0473, N ettle M agel 733-1242. | "M LS" Service FILER REN TAL: 3 bedroom home, ^ b j ( e Hom© P a rk . S E E . . . carp ete d . $110 a m onth. 733-9222 IRRIG ATED pasture* for SO to 75 breeding condition. Phone 536-- head cattle. Phone 324 5166. 2546. W endell. ' TWO NICE liveable, carpeted. Donald T a y lo n B ro ke r 423-5289 DRYDENAGENCY d a y s ; 326 5040 a fte r 6. Com pcff 63 ACIC VALLEY Je ro m e . Twin Falls 2-bedroom homes, 1 EVENINGS: 324-5232 402 S. Lin co ln FRESH SPRINGER COWS, Heifers, with full basement. On nice lots 2 BEDROOM and fat*hily room, Ron T a y lo r 423-5403 E v e n in g s : 324-4832 o r 536-2604 BUY THE BEST. All models 1970 OBILE HOMES O A T S fo r s a le , 240 loaded on your bulls, horses. Loan or sell. Darrel with excellent renters. Both for M ason Sm ith 423-5717 Travel Queen campers. Now In , m carpets, drapes. Built-In range. Lyon 543 5824 , 543 5934. truck. Call 324 2166. Jerome. only $25,000 with term s. JEROAAE, tDAHO s to c k . S p o rts m a n L o d g e . 1000 ' The D»al»r with The 1125 a m onth. 733-7297. Springs, Hagermon, Idaho. M o jf £ tp e n « n (t 21 HOLSTEIN milk cows, 6 Guern 4 BEDROOM unfurnished house, 2 HAY FOR SALE by truckload THORNE REALTY Single W ides and Double Wide^ Phone 487.2445. Stubbs Trucking. sey, and 3 Jersey. AJI first and 8'3' OVERHEAD CAMPER, gas, baths, family room. $135 month. 886-2071. Shoshone 3''4 rnile^ W e if of Vv’esf 5 PomM Richfield. Will buy hay also. second calf heifers.Call 324 5670 K^s Specials I n e w l i s t i n g s to v e , r e f r ig e r a t o r . good con^ ^ 734 3196 I Ann Wilw>n. Wendell. 536-2417 IMPROVED 160 Acres. 1 mile Open 9 6 unlevt by advante Herbert Thorne, Muriouah. 432 21 1 I d itlo n. S6S0. Phone 733 2322 a fter 5 BUY CERTIFIED Performance from Buhl. 160 shares Twin Falls p .m . , oppoinlm ent Phone 733-6 * 4 1 Rooms— Board and Room 76! CUSTOM STEAM grain rolling 2NEWLISTINGS water, some concrete ditch. Make mobile — molasses. Al Haskell. tested Charolais bulls. Cash, EXTRA neat older home, 3 an Ideal dairy set up. $90,000 with 423 5880. K im b e rly . contract or lease. Don't buy B x 25^ALL MODERN trailer. tH95. CLOSE-IN^ clean, excellent sleeping I charolais bulls iusf isecause they bedrooms. Close-In *13,500 ternas- CHOICE ACREAGE Alio. Sharp Ford pickup. Long rooms. Private entrance. Air : are white and cheap. Ross Parker, BRICK 3 bedroom, college area, 360Ha c RES, 274 irrig a te d . 274 wide bed. 4-speed. $995. 169 West ' INTEGRITY . . . A reliable market for your baled East of Twin Falls. Spacious, ' c o tv Jitlo n in g . 137 4th A v e n u e H a g e rm a n , Idaho 837.4848. now vacant SI3.500 shares of water, long growing Addison. North. hay, IDAHO ALFALFA PROD­ almost new, 4-bedroom brick season area. UCTS, INC. Just north ofthe Sugar home. All built-in appliances, 2 F a c to ry . Phone 733-9187, T w in FRESH or Springer cows or heifers. Big fields, excellent soil- Assume INTERNATIONAL CAMPER bus, | Busin«ts-Offic« R«ntals 8 0 baths* 2 fireplaces, double garage, Large loan at 6'/2 per cent. sleeps 6. self contained. Good ' ' F a lls . Guaranteed. Buy or trade for sprinkler system. Family room HARRISON $120,000j motor and tires. Recent overhaul.' springers or beef. Hap or Clyde and—recreation" i*oom. Large WOULD L IK E to rent in Jerome,^3r — Hughes.. Bohlr^43'5825-or 543-5969^ REALTY IM P R O V E D 300 a cre s Salm on $950. Call 423-5733: F a rm basement. HURRYt This won't K T ra c t, t miles from Twin Falls. bedroom house Ptione 324.5314,; la st lo ng . $31,500. Jerom e. FOR SALE: Pipeline milking 733-2322 80 ACRES at Castleford. 80 shares 1970 8'-3' C A M P E R , fu rn a c e . S to v e , CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES, water, concrete ditch. For showing refrlgeraior, sleeps 4. Phone 733- equipment and bulk tank. Call 436- MAGIC VALLEY Dorolhy Kolar 733-6848 30 X 30 O FFICE or small business: high altitude. Darlington. Idaho. 4078. these or many other farms and 6130, 733.1773. R u sse t, 554 3343 or 554-3322. ' T ^ 'R C X I T Y Gene Conner 7^3-»019 rahcheg;can •• space. As is or will remodel to suit' 18 FOOT NOMAD self contained tenant. 1517 Kimberly Road. 733 p o l e d BEEF shorthorn bulls. 5 tr-avel iraHor—-Ptuw e 733*3687. 1368. CERTIFIED SEED potatoes, can miles south and 1 mile east of Gordon L . C ro c k e tt, B ro ke r F re d Th (erne ' 733-3838 f deliver. Lynn or Ted Rothweil, 588- AAotor Vu. Lewis Dean. E ve n in g s 8. S u n d a ys: c h o i c e D ick Stafford 733-5197 1 SEE YOUR Polar Dealer firsl. For O F F IC E S P A C E . 3 desks plus; 2283 or 588 3312. - ■ bepf In'Plekurr'eewep'iee awe> BAITER’S r a g e . Nu pai f^ri'Pu me m&trr, FOR SA LE: White Dutch Clover and i s e l e c - Ruth M artens 543-4001 [ campers. MADRON CAMPER 8. FINE HO M ES arxd Ave. W est 733 1980 Edward C. Eakin 8. Sons. Jerome other clo v e r seeds. Phone 438 5990. 324 5468. COZY 2 bedroom, 1 In basement on TRAILER SALES. East 5 Points, Twin Falls Closed Tuesday, open PLEASURE CRAFT comer lot. Small equity. Mor- T i o n ningside school district. $8,900.00 JOHN LUTZ, Sunday 2 00 p m P o rti - S uppli«f - s « r v c * WAREHOUSE REALTORS- 15 y fA fiS SSRVINC NEWLY remodeled home. 2 JUST LISTED , Nice family home. RESERVE YOUR modern rental FOR STORAGE Phone 733 0534 MAGtC VALIEV bedrooms, carpet ttvoughout. Old 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, huge vacation trailer or camper now. BUSINESS to w n slte . $11,900. fireplace In lovely family room "Multiple Listing Members" Clean, completely serviced. New 40 foot X 60 foot steel b uilding, plus large rec. room and bedroom WILKINS TRAILER SALES, cement flo o r. 12 foot door. 364.South Locust A rrvodest home, welUwithIn your In basement. This wuon't last long. 5 4 Gooding, 934-9955. --prlcewrange. 2 bedrooms plus a HURRY. Lots O lid Acraaga* Brockman's Trailer Sales 733 3007 * * DIRECTORY * * partial basement with extra room QW^gg TPAMSPegggp 3. O W N E R : SeM or trad e , ch o ice — p otan tlat^ $ t lrOOOyOO------^r^Ae A T IQ N------T-R-AI L ------WE CAN SELL bedroom brick. 2 baths, fireplace, homesltes, ^ake River rim Forms For Rent 841 campers Quality for less We j Your own well. N.E. location. interio r a c re a g e . 733 5644 | FOR LESS BECAUSE: NEW LAWNS — FERTILIZER GEM STATE REALTY Owner wants action. AAake offer. service our salesf Kit. Prowler fo r le ase IX shares Hillsdale,; 633- Biu« lokei North . 733-5336 ------— ------1 WILKINS TRAILER SALES. 1 Direct Factory Dehvery first segregation, Northslde canal 1 ACRE WITH 2 bedroom house., TET2 PAINTING, Commercial and NEW LAWNS planted, fine sheep Dick Bfoker . 733 9069 Gooding ' NEW. All electric 3bedroom. V? $6,350 w ith $1,400 down and $65. p er ' 2 Sm all O verheod w ater Phone 423-5700 j residential painting. Parking fertilizer. Top soil, power raking. Hri 8:30-6:00 Sot 9:00-4.00 baths. Can make good buy here month te rm s . Phone 3?6-5384. i 3 Mo Flooring Chorgcii s trip in g , roofs. Ptrone 734-3781. Meyers Landscaping 733 87 53 Immediate possession. MobiU H o m « i 64 APPROXIM ATELY 260 acres, 160, 4 No Salesman Commui*ont acres beet or potato ground Three j EUGEN E SMITH, washers, dryers. FLOOR COVERING 81 LEVEL in Kimberly. 4 ACREAGE. Want place for the F O R S A L E : L a rg e lo t.'’/i m ile fro m bedroom home 825-5584. rar>ges. disposals, dishwashers. 26 CSI. Ideal for duplex or triplex. 8 X 40 Angelus t r a ile r house. 7 bedrooms, game room, family pony? Then see this beautiful 3 bedroom, furnished and fully, Buy Now And SAVE! years experience in AAagic Valley. TORGINAL IS BACK. Seamless bedroom brlcli todty. Phone 733-3784. room, appliances, carpeted, carp eted . 536 2660 e ve n in g s. ' 1971 Great Lakes 26 x 60 Light Industrial Equip. 89 733-0038. flooring, counter tops, bathrooms double fireplace, garage. $26,000. 3 bedrooWi. fomily room, oil electric, F re e e stim a te s. Phone 734 2495. WESTERN CHOICE BUILDING iots near high; APPLIANCE SERVICE 733-6980. 3- BEDROOMS, carpeted, R EA LT Y CO. sct>ool fo r re sid en ce o r d u p le x.) SACRIFICE. Just like new 22 foot | corpeted. fumiihed. delivered and basement, famlFy room, garage, City sewer, water, curb, gutter.i self-contained travel trailer; 734- letup REFRIGERATO RS, .washers n e e d a CAR OR NEW HOME> fenced yard. Best area. $13,750. oiled streets. MAGIC VALLEY I 2805 a fte r 6 p .m . j ' dryers, ranges. Reasonable rates 733-2365 ONLY ...... $ 1 3 ,5 4 6 Consult today's Want Ads R E A L T Y . 733 5580. .! j 30 years experience. Call Del 444 Main South, -Ena gi 197Q Idea self- BANK FINANCING Not M ultiple Listed I Sh u m w a y, 733-6167. ^ ■ A ft.hrs.G eo. Gould.. 733 9642 i contained 20' tra ile r\ 324 5540. 114| " Ct'osed“Svndoys ^ U T H W E S T Of T w in F a lls . N ic e ! West G Street, Jerome. ACE REA LTY all.electric home. 2 bedrooms, 2i A R PENLI^C^ Out of Town Homei 51 baths, family room. Beautiful! O RGAN IC, 'biordrgradeatrte Nolan Victor 733 5?»? j SPARTAN TRAILER home, 1961 view. 2-car garage, workshop.! BROCKAAAN'S SHANE'S Sharpenir>g Service, 543 • products. Basic H, others. Call Ciayne Adams M3 8346 B E A U T I F U L new 3 bedroom t>ome. fruit trees. Inside 40. al) in pasture, j model. 10X 50. Good shape, partly 5th A venu e N o rlh . 733-2454. Shaklee dfstributor, Ruth Taylor. fu rnish ed . 829 5955. , TRAILER SALES USED INDUSTRIAL W endelJ. S36-33M fully carpeted, fireplace, carport, good corrals. May accept trade., 818 AAaIn A v e . South 734-3167 sto rero o m . F . R . M ann, 500 10th TREE A LAWN SERVICE 733 2576. 11th and O v e rla n d . B u rle y . 678 7 574 EQUIPMENT Ave. East. Jerome. N E W 1971 G E N T R Y 14 x 64 2 or 3^ SHEET ROCKING 7.68 ACR ES unimproved. Trades for bedroom. Loaded with extras. C A S E M O D E L 1200. 4 wheel d riv e Bill's Tree and Lawn Service. Hign^uality construction. Pricedt $11,000. Prune, top, and remove trees. SHEET ROCKING, Taping, For A New ^ T - g t t f f f ig b W ha'rtse; i j tu b p^tro . -homesconsldarad ftrF REA LTY,} 733 5217 under $8.00Q R & V T R A I L E R Oeon fenslermoier'i IHC M O D E L 4100. 4 wt^eel d riv e , Trim shrubs. Mow. trim , and clean plastering and acoustics. Phone attached double garage. With or SALES, Biackfoot. Idaho 785 1998 Moderotely without small acreage. Near S12.000. yards.. Seventeen years, ex­ 733 0879 or 733 .1409. Gooding. 934-4608 p e rie n ce . No job too sn>ail or foo Priced Home Butin*M Property 36 fu ll line dt new John D«e'r indut la rg e . C a ll 934 4394. SICK ROOM EQU^MENT)'’ ' friol Equipment ! REA L CLEAN 2 bedroom home in S iM P SO N 'S Approved for F h a , g i , or con Commercial Properfy PLASTIC REPAIR HOSPITAL beds, wheel chairs, ventlonal loans, contact Mark Filer Good location Excellent iNViViDUAL LOT ATEWAY condition. Owner anxious, act A SPECIALTY exercising equipment con­ Koll. STAR CRAFT HOME Feld tm an R e a lto rs 733-1988 HOME. OFFICE. AUTO. Plastic valescent aids — Buy me or rent representative. no^l Call LAND OFFICE OF M o v i n g TRAXLEK ELLIOTT'S ‘ IDAHO REALTORS 7330716. weld, color bond process. All work me. Cholostpmy^ appliances for CEKTBP 1 1 I Overland Ave.. Burley. Idoho guaranteed. Llvir>gston Plastics. sale. Kingsbury’s Medical Center. COMMERCIAL BUILDING ^ith 1 Parts ' Phon« 678-5585 large lot for rent, Downtown > a i7 H . A v e . E .. 324-2041, Je ro m e . 733-9114, KIngsbUrys Prescription Forms For SoU 5 2 location. Phone 733-4782. I Sales C enter 733-6574. Bob Hooiton — '’BUTCHERtNO WENDELL REALTY O ldest t)EALER 495 S Idaho St Wendell 180 A C R E S . H a n se n a r e a . 169 Blalte At Addison • Twin Falls Salev R«pret*ntative CUSTOM STEAM CLEANING APARTMENT HOUSE, excelien* | Prescott Mobile Butchering . 536 7274 irrigated, good soil, good fields. : New 4 u.«d Motile Home. & Compert Home F*hor>« 733 1490 location and occupancy. Will i Cattle and Sheep I M O B IL E Steam cleaning T ru c k s , -good-lamll-v-home- (A-bedroomsl-i consider som etredes: ffo torbkers. j Good deal $95,000 Consider trade • SERVICE & REPAIR : VALUE CORNER MOBIVEPHONE ■ p n o n e T O T T rro r 42 J 492T J farm Tnachtnery. road equipment. pleaseT CaTI 934-4731 evening s j carST Galt 734 3694 for estimate. for 40 near Twin or good term s to ' Wheiy price? ore bom and ' TWO 1971 Burley Area Twin Falls Area Strong b u y e r. Call V irg ii 423 4137 railed eliewhere 678 3519 734-2331 EVERGREEN SERVICE j MOUNTAIN STATES REALTY Shoe repair shop including | GOLDEN COUNTRY Unit 5157 U nit 5157 AUTO BODY REPAIR WOULD YOU BELIEVEI ' 733 5974 M L S . building and equipment. The only i SIMPSON Mobile Homes Evergreens, trimming, fruit trees.! H ERE Is a neat 3 bedroom home shop in town. Owner will train for , frees and roses. Floyd Swan. 733 | Harvey fl< Gary's auto body 4 3 6 - 4 7 4 4 PICKUP CAMPERS with 2 futi baths for only S12.500 NEW LISTING Buhl- Area Ex X days Doing a good business | Regular S\995 Form lmpl«m«nH 90 9353. Free estimates. i repairing and painting. Top Big living room and dining room ceiient cattle set up’. Recently , Rupert, Idaho quality wprk and service. Free est. Basem ^t.oil (urnaceand garage W ESTERN I j Orchard Drive 733 4m . remodeled home. To see mis and NOW ...... M 6 5 0 1320 8" plastic pipe. used. 4roW| OOLL HOSPITAL Be the first to see this new listing all of our listir>gs In the Buhl area - R EA LT Y CO. f John Deere Potato planter. Steel! bcft h u rry c a ll Gene Hopkins 543 4645 or t wheels, good shape. Maurice, 1 H A V E A S P E C IS L S E R V IC E to 44J Main South < Repair Dress all dolls. Magic SPACIOUS AND GRACIOUS LAND OFFICE OF IDAHO FACTORY DIRECT E c k e rt. Route No. 3. Buhl < V a lle y Doll C lin ic . 360 B lu e Lake s olterl Let Want AtB find prospects DO YOU like to entertain'? The 733 2365 MOBILE HOMES t fo r you R E A L T O R S 733 0716 Morletle ■ Century ■ tamorock Shelby j N o rth , 734.1804. living room (15 x M) and the Dbn W a lla c e 1971 BROADMORE FOR SALE: John Deere 24 hole I ------— ------recreatio n roomw (15 x 44) In. th is TWO FAM ILY catlle ranch, will double disc press wheel grain drill HOME MAINTENANCE t -SPRAYINS beautiful home are ideat> for c a r r y close to 300 head 325 , 60' X 24' TRAVEL TRAILERS with seeder, ail in good condition. parties. The kitchen is well irrigated, large v^eat allotment. I Vocofion Property 58 * 3 El«droom$ Tfoveiei* • Terry • Roodrunner • j 733 2978. Roofing, painting »rm home rep«lr. DORMANT SPRAYING, lawn planned with built in appliances adjoining BLM land. Owvner ; “ Full ihag corpelmg olvo R^ntol U nit! ' complete home mainlenance. Puf reiuvenatlon and twtllizatlon. t^ot Can you use 4 bedrooms? Tt>ere desires to sell or trade for sm aller -yourself In good hands. Prompt feedlrig, systemlri feMIng ahd arem anyother features you would DiihwavheT TEX FLOW aluminum pipe, gated . nlace,-Call-flUl_n3 8023L MOUH- _____ 280 ACRES •gVt-ftYTHIMG IM S6BVICE- fO R reliable aerylce. S4].S«S«. i spraying. _ ------ex^ecf" m luxury-home. - Wher n Gatfia^t Oispciot-i. and ' m ainline. Tractor -movfi ------JL ------GEAi«>fiAld)jG-SERVJCE ______TAIN STATES REALTY 733 5974. With cr»«K Tsrge hor spring ■ mobile hom es AND f'RAVEl twmes will be "overpriced" when flowing approximately 100" of 180 ° Deluxe Applioncet sp rin k le r s y s te m s , Pho^e 423-5a47j 733-4206 TRAILERS MOBILE HOME TRANSPORTINO you see this for only S27.900. TRADE your home or acreage for degree hot water. Several ^ Full chino hutch 423 5942. MAKE VOL/fi FIRST STOP this 80 Buhl area. Full water, buildings included. Also, swim FHA & VA Approw«ot water. This Is an cans. 536-2130. Commercial and rtsidentlal BEALT-Y-ML^ ■ estate tn Ae-sold wifhln 15 days. $ 1 3 , 9 9 5 PAINTINQ______■ haylinQ — container? — special — m i E A L T r S40.000. total price. First time 1962 C A S E 600 D ie s e L re ad y to go to hauls — inside o r outtide city FOR TF^ADE neat three b^rbdm ' -^♦sted. 3 1 Z E the fie ld . 1920 h o u rs. e29-5634. PETTICOAT PAINTERS.toalS MAyp llm liJL- DowLHomUtt. Broker Ig PT^Cusrqm worK at »ow - ■ PWate coll 733-4079 (onytime) brick hom'e. Trad^ far ~Tgf rn. y 734-3i44 Tw infolU P ho n e 733 1414. i -jVER^OIsJ REA LTY low prices, interior and exterior, TREE SERVICE ' Ann Hoffmo»t»r 733-2810 (hom*i 934 4354 Open 7 dOy\—9 lo 9 PRICE 1,000 G A L L O N underground gas 733-0512. rank w ith p um p. Oood* Gooding. Idaho electric KONICEK .,TREE SERVICE. 2 B E D R O O M t>ome VMth 15 a c re s . ' condition. Call 324.2a3, JeromeJ FruTffreei.o'ut bundinos. Berween E X P E R T P aintin g . . . In te rio r or Trimming, Topping and Jerome and Wendell. Phone 324- SERVICE exterior. Free estimates. Phone Removing. Free estimates. Phone 5007. Compare 63 Camp«re 63 i IDAHO TRACTO R salvage. Cash for 734-2744. 733-654i o r 334-4100. EXCUSE used tractors. Used parts at btg ■ilscftun ts . 735^6293. ------p E A N M A ¥ S VALLEY TREESERVICE Canal water; largV-^el fields, modarn 2 bkdn»m fomtf wiim — ------SME ------WANT'TO TR A D E: M* beet bed for Exterior). Call Dead .Mays, ; sleeping porch, and utility room, fpgd buHUwd>-Fbone-324.aUA WEST END REALTY 130 FOR experienced tree service, B ro a d w a y South, Buhl p hon * 543- W E BUY, sell br sell for w u all SEWER SERVICE topping, trimming, removal and I 4« 9, CAMPERS ...... LOW AS 095 kind* of u>«iarm machinery. Shrubbery work call DALE'S For bragging, but we feel we MOLYNEUX A built homas. Both «re wonderful extra water lovely brick home, cleaning. Also, all tyjm of ex- fa m ily unlit. plus excellent tannant home. A ^ c a v a tk m . 733-2S4I o r 733-2509. VACUUM CLEANERS zSUtM nseaKJRiM .jjjeJCDom jwr:; r « a l good Im p ro vad fa rm . f=or a ll -EOR-SALE first floor. 1 in finished basement. VP»rrealTp»terae* 305 3 .., ______across from Sears. A mamber of “T-CttKTTaM sprwwwf"::; ^Fi»uiAMcr'« gPAm M APLEW OOD DR iV E , S beautiful Starting at . . . . IIneswltt)3DraosS44>OO.OOJnst^llad. C A R P EN T R Y bedroom* on main floor. Multiple .LUtmB S«r.Yl».______MOO'good u sea X 50 A lu m . Cvaryjtiing hara to maka a fam ily MADRON REFRIGERATORS, Freezers, raasonably priced. •0 ACRES Southwest of Jerom e, 3 M M | A G / C VALLIEY Main Llnf SlOO dtllverMi Carpantar wants work b y hour or rangasa washan* dryers. VERN'S fwppv. CAMPERS-TRAILERS 3600' good used 10" X SO* Alum. SM.OOO. bedroom home, ether buildings, o bile iot>. Remodeling a specialty. 161 a p p l i a n c e R E P A IR , 733-5466. m ilkbam „pUnty of water, would SALES-RENTALS g t M HOMES - Main Lina. ■ il.ao dtllvered T a ylo r, 7134M69. •7S Filar Avenue W nt. make an ideal imie stock satup. "Th* D»aUr with Tht 3*40^ good utad X 5^ alum. LYNWOOD REALTY Main Iclna $1.35 dHivered *10,000. » • 734-2861 AAotf iMptr'MtfH*" curroM rARMiNO ______CUSTOM BOUIPMSNT WORK ■ 4WWuaL«WiManii, 2S-130erus4id Farm landvt^ teel - m m i L a, N REAL ESTATE . East 5 Poirttf-Twin Foils &ngl« W idet and Doubl« W ^ « lines S14SO.OO deilvared. CUSTOM MANURE, hauling, C U STO M mafMJra hauling with n e w . :^ A «T CIt HOUIIS;^ r aaiSo-Llneoln Open Sundays 3 ^ W fnt p f Weti 5 Pointt pfowing^ disking, co m and beet large aqulpfnent. Gerry and Wally _ CJ. SoiweedliSei r"T»TWIr __ Open 9-6. unWit by odvance MEL BROW N C 6. planting. Maka .arrangements P ick a it, 32^-5307. F ile r. mn«yMMfwr» m u n Jerome, Idaho Vppo»>Vme«f. ' ■ PHooe*733-^141 208-5227001 ■n Sunday, Aprl| H. 197J ■ Tlmw.N»w», Twin palU. Idaho'■91. C; C a l t l * 1 0 2 H e r M t 1 0 4 and P«t Suppll— " 110 FumlluraAHHOMMb 122 Radio andTVSct* 125 MhK«HaiMKH«*'fer S«l« . 140 lMi*c«llanMu* Sol* 140 SpoHing 6ood«_ Good bakw m il paM ur* c a lv n for .BUY dtfi ta)1 your horsa* where TO G IVE AW AY: 6 part-sheptierd CHINA CUPBOARDS, unflnli*iad, REPOSSESSED P.HILCO Color FOR S A L E : C .JB, HAY'S Baan BASIC H'atid othar Shaklaa BttOWNING over and Mnd#r . ^ salB. Air kindi. Phona 334^M] or yo u 'ra tra a ttd rlg tit. Ptiona 32«- p art-tab p uppies 733-0394 a ft e r - * varkius sites and nnodait. Banner television. Beautiful Modern Harvtstar: Extra'good condition -products. Fred Yoder, JU Lanora gauiie shotgun. 30-06 Mausar ^ . 334-40»/,^iroina. ^ SU2, avtnlngt. F u m jtu ra , 733-1421. stylliia. Save $250. ' Tarms. throughout. R05-308J, M o ses ' S tre a t, 733-1545. »•> ■ . ’ • ■ p .m . sp o rte rlie d w im K o p e 357 R u g e r. W iL S % < B A T E S . ,______Lake., Washington. < Complete reloadlng^equlpmant tor ^ ~ 100 to ISO Holitain h c l l v t on hand. ALt-TVf>ES'of houses, bought, sold, center flra cartridge^ also, 12-" '. traded. Plenty of ranch geldings. AKC , BEGISTERED German 4 M ETAL chairs with leather GOOD CONDITlok Hand mower, CUSTOM PAINTING. Cars, trucCI , Walght 1,000 TO 1,330 pounds, Tm .Shprthairs and Wire Haired cushions and footstool. Call 734- R>kDIO AND STEREOS FOR car olckups, dantt ramovad gauge Shotgun. Bill M aa^ ll, 733-- , » BOO)«'^ncyclopedlas and USED STEAM-claaner* for -aalar FOR SA LE: 1).month old registered nylon with Bronzlon for static othar Instructional materials. P. Give description and price. cnntrol. approtfed for, high traffic high pressure washers, call te m a la___LUM elyn_setUt:.— ISava: I Sola*. j a a —O . tex ♦14,-»S3:3323 alter 7 pj EdOH5n«mrT3T-2026 1961 PO tA Biiiong Coll, 39* englnerrjT^ RKJISTEIfEC Angus- Bulli. Ready Erickson, Buhl, 543-4312.. .areas, avocado or orange, regular -tuned exhaust, runs ilkt new, v RECIfTEREO ALL Arabian, days or evenlna^ . . . ^ fo work. D«o,. Hord, ■ 324-4034, »12.»5 square yard for S7.«5.square WEDNESDAY, Aprif 21, 2*4 HYDRAULIC FLOOR lack, good W holesale 0 9 5 , 733 1735. s«;vlce *35, call after 6:30 p.m. Jarotne. y a rd at C a in 's 733-7111. , Heybum Ave. West; 8 to ?. Antique co itio n . Priced right. Call 733. 7J3-6191. UvMleck Wanted 1 1 4 stoye, cameras, typewriter, fur- NEW HOST lets you walk on carpet BEEF SHORtHORN BULLS. Fjoyd TWIN SIZE WALNUT iMdroom nlture,.. clothing, miscellaneous. -_tlflm_aaer .clesnlng. No wetting.- AUlte, . bad,— eheah— hite :stahdr Ren machine Jl. WILSON BATES, • 1968. One.a Skictoo tra H e r■ 72 6-sm . ’ — ------‘ LAPiES-TQ TF BftriS. assnrted Twlrrf^lw'TftVarj g BBie:------Gi>6d Thjnat T«» - m colbrs, 3 bags per tet. $24.95 list,- now only *».»9 at PENNYWISE^ NOW.AVAILABLE SNOWMOBILE STORAGE, 130for C A L V E S RED POTATOES, Bodenstab's. 2 DRUGS. Lynwood Shopping m u f f l e r s Installed while you 4 PIECE tiedroom suite, walnut. 6 fTionths; includes servicing and Baliy and grass calves, all kinds, experienced HORSE training, miles North, 1 m ile West ot West 5 C e n te r. wait. Complete muHler . service, *69.95 at C a in 's 733-7111. NO p a rts . >/» west, south a t K im b e rly . 423- ’ breaking, shoeing. Good horse FOR PROMPT PICKUP points. Including custom duals for cars insurance. SI 24, or 423.5*0». B & B Cattle. ' fa c ilitie s . B ill AAangum, 686-2592 7" TABLE SAW. A-1 condition. and pickups. ABBOTT'S. AUTO CURL^ANUFACTURING CO OF DEAD AND USELESS 3 P IEC E 100 per cent nylon curved SU PPLY, 3(H Shoshone St.-South. 733-74il e v e n ln g s,o r Jotin P lillllp s 686-2087. sectional, beige, very good, S1S9.;5 Priced right tor quick sale. 734. Shoshone. ShniMMry, Plant*, Bulb* 136 ANIMALS CALL at C a in 's 733-7111. 3066. 473 W aln ut.______■ . BABY&RASTURE CALVES WAYMtNT'S HOBBY SHOP. Boat! For Sol« 169 A v a ila b le at a ll tim e s on o rde r. We FOR BLACKCAPS, red raspberries, FOR better cleaning,'lo tieep Colors Control line, radio control, free have fresh h supply of top quality SHETLAND HORSE for sale with currents, gooseberries, grapes and b ridle and sad d le. Phone 733 0996. 733-6835 UNFINISHED FURNITJJRE. gleaming, use Blue Lustre carpet nights, engines, kits, accessories, CHRYSLER beat* and, motors. holstein heifer and bull calves. highest quality, good selection. strawberry plants.'W ESTERN cleaner. Rent electric shampooer rockets. 669 AAaurlce Street. Twin SJ*tlsfactlon - guaranteed on C O L L E C T NURSERY, 540 Filer Avenue, Starcraft boMi.''Cimper trallort Mary Carter Paints, 1936 Kim­ $1. KRENGEL'S; F a ils . V Harley-Davidson motorcycles delivery. - Top prlc%s paid for FRONTIER RIDING club will hold FREE PICKUP SERVICE b erly R oad. 733 3493. Twin Falls. hiBlsteln springer heifers and cows. annual consignment horse sale. J E R O M E I M P L E M E N T A GOODING 934-5414 CARPETS and life too can be S A G E D IV E Shopf: New opening. MARINA. P le a s e ca ll S43-47M o r 543 40^12, If April 25, 1:00 p.m. Frontier Field. BUY — Sell — Trade. Camera Cut Flowars. 138 beautiful It you use Blue.Lustre. U.S. Divers and Scubapro. Sales no answer call In the evenings. Call consignments to Alfred Cmter, Hall of Music. Rent electf-lc shampooer *1. and S e rv ic e .-324 5816. M ik e Meal, l'/7 m ile s W est ot B uh l. ■House, 733.7267 o r John G liste r 733- GREENAWALT'S, 16 FOOT Fiberglass boat. 12 hor 8275. GLADIOLUS BULB 3 cents and sepower motor, and trailer. 733 IDAHOHIDE AND PREM IUM S PAID for round dining up.Leon Wright, H South ot Motor- >0' T. V. TOW ER. Good G .E. dish- 56fl9 tables — roil top desks — Brass V u Co rner, 733-7472. '■ “ WE REBUILD hydraulic lacks at washer, rubber tired farm wagon. HOLSTEIN HEIFER Poultiy and Rabbits 108 TALLOW CO. Beds — China closets — baby Abbott's Auto Supply, 305 Reasonable. 734:2089, evenings. ------1 17 FOOT boat. 35horse motor, tilt-up CALVES things, HAYES F.URNITURE. Shoshone St. South. t r a ile r . 5S2 4th Ave- N orth. 100 W H ITE Leghorn hens. S.75 each. AntiquM 139 HOUSE LOGS and building logs for C all 733-702i( a lte r 5 p .m . 9 X 12 LINOLEUM rugs, assorted s a le . Phone 733-5217. Call or write: Applianc«t& HH Equip. 120 14 F O O T l ONESTA r ru n a b o u t' ALL TYPES antique furniture, p a tte rn s, W.95 BANNER FUR­ Musical Inslrumentt 124 - fiberglas boat Kith 40 horsepower W ASHER, dryer and television set. clocks, some glassware. N I T U R E , T w in F a lls , 733-1421. P«ls ond Pet Suppliet 110 i Reasonable prices. SALLY'S Mi*c«llan««u« Wanted 141 electric start Johnson-mbtor,-. HRDLICKABROS. P ho n e 423-5262, K im b e rJy. NEW Yamaha pianos: Used pianos; A N T IQ U E S . 43S-5950. complete with trailer, convertible TOY POODLES for sale; White - Vox guitars and amplifiers. KLH STOW-a way Ijed lor rent. U.OO a W ILL S E LL ON consignment or wiH top. windshtei^ life iackets. skis, Route 7 week. Banner Furniture, phone Chippewa FallS/Wisconsin Black • Apricot. Phone Gtenn NEW AND USED, appliances. Hall stereo record players. Warner _JiuyjnytlilnB-ot_Yfllue,_Klmbef|y aQ (L boat co^wer, $995. te rm s 715-725-U7U B a g ti»y j P n p < M - f ______of Music.JUKl.AppUancea.7.33ii9!2L-— Music,-131-Shoshone-Nortti:------— -AXHANaiNG^^>CK^ Class, chtnar — «3.142tr------avaiiabTe". call tes HaTen 713-71U O ff k e :- K N IG H T 'S A N T I Q U I T I E S , 341 Auction Center, West Monroe 715-723-9158 Stree t, 423-5568. or 733 9601. R e sid e n ce : Polk Street East. Kimberly. 423- BOB'S KENNELS; Gun dogs — . 1 U SED HotpoTnt dryer and 1 u$ed GOOD SELECTION of used 5343. 1971 NEW ARRIVAL^.. Fibrfrlbrm • Obedience training. Boarding. W hirlpool refrigerator. Hammond Organs — Xmas trade- .W ILL BUY direct or Auction your H ave som e dogs fo r sa le . 733-2330. R easo n ab le. 423-4220 a fte r 5. NEW STEEt! and Sidewinder boats. Evinrude Swin« 103 ins. MASONER'S MUSIC, Twin LIVE RECKLESSLY. Come look furniturenppliancerodds 5623.- condition Phone 423-579B after 4 Phone B37 6^4. AKC GREA.T DANES, Poodles, I BED DAVENOS.' ttlgWly Irregular 1 5 9 For Furniture-Applioncej Sporting Goods p .m . Norwegian - Elk ’ Hounds, covers. Factory says: "Sell at STALLIO N , registered buckskin Samoyeds, German Shepherds, Jhingt Of Valut 23 INCH Cunis Mathes color TV. Discount." 1" per cent nylon Open Mon. fhru Sol 6:30 ■ 5 30 walnut console, excellent con­ ' , covers; choice of colors. Regular BEN HOGAN men's golf clubs, 4 HO N DA CL450. 1970. 4200 m ile s. quarter horse. standir>g as stud, German Shorthairs, will have j BANMER FURNITURE 7Hf fU N SPOr TO SHOP dition, guaranteed, 1348 at Cain's S99.95. Now S79.95. BANNER woods and 9 irons. Good condition. Candy Apple-Orange color. Call . good ' conformation and Brlttanys and Beagles. MAC'S I 127 2nd Avenue West 733 1421 733 7111. 152 Second Ave S Twin Falli »100. S43-5074. 733 8693. ' d isp o sitio n , M ax R ecto r 543-5776. K E N N E L S , W endell, 536 231J^ F U R N I T U R E . 733 1421


Lowest-priced full-size pickup ^4tlvmclepe ndent f rorvt-su s- pensfory^ long wide^box, V-8 engine> 4 speed trans­ mission, 8 ply rated tires.

Stock number 711-1^ $2876 1243 Blue Lakes Blvd. North Delivered in Twin Fafis ,^Z3^5JL1 jn --- ,

42 Tlmes-Mevrt, Twin Falls, Idaho April 18, 1 9 7 1

•tolMcydM 180 Aulot Fet Sal* 300 AMtos For.Sole 260 AuloiForSdU 200 Autot For Sol*" 200 ~Auto«f«r Sal« 200 Aulet Fpr Sal* .200 Autos For Sale ’ « 1 0 0 ^ ------1M9 YAMAHA 250 _ Endvro, y97Q 1968 O L D S M O B IL E 9tr. FsctorV air. I9S8 VW, good motor, good running I9M VOLKSWAGEN squareback, 1963 C H E V IE wagon, V-B, 327. S13i>. 19MMUSTANC,excellent cohdltlon- H ocUll _ 100 T r a il Bill Mdxwell, 1 owner. Excellent condition. coodltlon. *500. Call 73J-3»1». low m ile a g e ; t1600. 733-4014. 330 M idway, Fller- P rlc e d to sell- C all 733-447S- 733-f97P pr 733.W78. . • S23S0. Phone 324-2283, Je ro m e . < )»« TOYOTA LAND CRUISER, 4 1967 C O R V E T T E convertible, uted 1969 VOLKSWACEN, »,000 m lln, 19A5 OOOCE CAR, MX 4^k)or 19M HONOA.'W Trail with quick 1969 IM PALA CA PRICE. Air, S2400. wheel drive, witti hubs, iteel top, for ch u rch w o rK . D a y s 734-2750, n e w M Ich e lln s. Phone 733-A130, hardtop. See. lt, make Qffer,. 324- c h a n g e . S190; Runs goo d: 423-4934 See In front of Elks Lodge, Burley nice.engine, new tire l, 72«-SaW. evening s 734-304i.- 733-1773. 4JS8, Jerome; o r 334 5106# 11:30 to 12:30 Noon, 6 to 7 p.m. eV fnIhO s- m o HARLEY DAVIDSbr^ MW " sportTTyevefT^tadwvrrmwnicoraTe" to n d lfto n . >250. 326-4816, a fte r 6. J966 CAPftHCfe *396* a owner. 2-door hardtop. Q<»luxe In te rio r. 733-39.63 or YOUREE AAOrOR CO. 733-9221. 12a SUZUKI, 250 Yannaha, both HOME OF THE BUG AND TOP s e x c e lle n t shape. CaTl 788-4413, _------j y i N X I A C S ______QUALITY USED CARS - BUICKS ~€HEVR0LET6- East A^in, Jerome, IdatK). 324- OLDSMOBILES T970 Ch+EVELLE SUPER SPORT 39dt^ 4025. A T ■■ Pbwe( steering, 4 speed trontmiiiion. bucket leots. just like now, pniy LEO RICE MOTORS 15.Ck)0 miles, Ipcbl 1 owner, beoutilyl bright red finish^ ______^ ^ ’ Goodlhg, Idaho M ILLER HONDA SALES ' —wntTtrowtowN— introducing the all new Trail 90J 1970 FURY III 4 door hardtop. Receive bolanc« ol 5 yeor 50.000 1967 MUSTANG .Honda generators, mile warranty. Factory Air Condil*cning — Radio — While »idewaii liret Rodio, heater, automatic transmission, 390 V-8 engine, many other acces­ . DEAL! automobiles, pickups, sales! — Power steerir>g — V-8 — Automotic tronimmion. sories, bright red, white vinyl lop. ■-service. - - • S p e c i a l ...... ^ 2 9 9 3 We're desperate; we're in need of used cars so M ILLER HONDA SALES H ansen - 423 5179 1967 MUSTANG bad that we'fe actually willing to let you write Olive green, 2fi9 V-8 engine, outomotic tronsmusion. power steering, very” U SED C A R S your own trade. Our new car stock is oftertlowing. 254 4»h Ave W cleon • ’ • , Utility Trailers MOTOR We now have more new cars in stock for Immedi­ A A A K IV/ NEW Cars ate delivery than we've ever hod before. Our ^•TON pickup, good condition. See COMPANY 1967 MUSTANG It at 305 4th Street Ntorth, T w in 289 V-8 engine, radio, heater. u?ed car stock is at it's all time low, F a lls . 3 speed tronsn^ssion. very cleon 1966 D O D G E 1 Ton tru c k w ith or w ith out v a n . Make o ffe r. 733-0167. 1969 MERCURY COUGAR I960 CHEVRO LET 2 Ton truck with 3 Days O nly! DAVE MUNROE'S V-8 engine, automotic transmission, power steering, power bfokes, foctory n 14' stock bed. Excellent condition. M onday oir conditioning, neorly new Uniroyol tires, like new GENTLEMEN: I am considering a new car or S1250. A lso 16' beet bed. 655-4316, Tuesday I H o llis te r, C ^ A R truck purchase and I am willing to make a 2 doof, with big 6. engine, power W ednesday -ao I CrQTV \ 9 1965 FORD MUSTANG trade in the follov^ng-monner"—- — Trucks 196 iteering, radio, heoter, and foctory Block finish w ith w h ite leather interior^ rq d io . h^QtCf* whltCVtoll tircsV ^ o o d - I .oif conditioning. a n d clean FOR SA LE: 1970 Oievrolet Pickup, IN BUHL I power-brakes, power-steering, ‘Like New'-. . . . CARS PICKUPS Your Cor Advertised cab-over cover. Air conditioned. I Phone 67B-7937. 1 1969 CHEVROIET Ton. My Trade In 1968 OlDS B8-2 Door Hord YOUREE MOTOR GO...... I tr.p V.R nutomotic. oir con V-d automatic transmission, 19<7 IMTC R NATteN AL pie*w ff->- 22423- - 9 m echanically good condition. 734 ditioning. power steering -t- ciw iiL i, ir>^^ nnilr^ NftOA 644 Main Avenue South ii Twin Falls And I Feel It Is Worth $ I 2ft42. NADA Price S21 75 S2400 O Kelly Houk O Jack Cox O Dale Sorenson I At Car City Only SI845 Co. C.ty Price ' S2I50 Therefore I AM Considering 1962 C H E V R O L E T */^-ton p ic k u p , 4 1 1970 CHEVROLET 1969 IMPALA Sedan J5>*9 C H EV R O IE T Ton I speed, 6 cylinder very good con Nova 2 door ledon, V-8 engine. A Trade Difference Of $ ...... dition, one owner, i995, terms V 8. ootom otic tfonsrTT^ission 4^ sp eed transm issio n V 8 Automotic tronim inion, Power I f u l l y k to either party I available, call Les Hazen 733 7V11 power steering, air condition clean 1 owner NADA Price m iderstond this not binding o r 733-9M1. steering, Factory oir conditioning mg NADA Price S2350 O S2550 Ace Hansen Chevrolet I Al Car City Only 51995 Car City Price S2150 NAME ...... See This One . . R • I 1967 IN T E R N A T IO N A L 1600 345 V 8, 1968 CHEVROLET '/) Ton 5 & 2, radio, tachometer, long 1964 IMPAIA SEDAN SPECIAL! ADDRESS ...... PHONE ...... At Cof City Only S495 D V 8. 4 speed transmission 1 I w h ee l b ase , e xtra cle a n . 324 2669. Pieose Bring Or Mail To Jo^m Moio'- ^2775 Owner NADA Pfice*^S'945 1964 IMPAlA 2 Ooor Hard 601 Mom Avenue Eos* Twin FoUi I 1968 C H E V R O L E T p icku p , 327, 4- Cor C ity Price $1 79b top. 327 V-8, outomoTic tranv Speed, good condition. 506 Biue 1959 C H EV R O IE T W Ton Lakes North. -- rr>ission. oir conditioning 1969 PLYMOUTH NADA Price 51000 D 4 speed tronsmisiion 1964 F O R D W-ton pickup V-8, 5000 fury 4 door tedan, V-8 engine, Al Cor City Only S795 <^ar City Price S495 J] 1971 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 Door Hardtop on short blocks, 3speed. 1975. 733 automotic tronvmiktion. radio, 1966 tMPAlA 2 Door Hord P.S. DAVE SOLD (3) OF 1666 lifte r 5. heater, powef »»eenng, power Vinyi trim. 400 engine. H78 « 1 5 whitewall ’tres reo' \eo’ «■' "J- top. V-8. automatic tronims due bfoliev N THE ABOVE PICKUPS wheel covers, power steering, floor mats, oir conditioning K-p *C' '- oo 1965 D O D G E P IC K U P . GoocJ con iion NADA Price SI 200 turbo hydromotic tronsiwi4Sion, rodiO remote mirrof » A t Cor O ty O n ly SW 5 NEWII! dition, reasonably priced. Phone N o w mountain performance option 93^ 5785. Gooding or 536 2718. 1966 BEL AIR SEDAN W en dell. ONLY M296 Af Car C.ry Only S595 Your Price MAKE OFFER 1970 FORD BRONCO wagon. 4 $219 $ 5 2 0 7 ^ 8 wheel drive. 6,000miles, 1 owner. List Price . 734-3249, a fte r 6 p.m. C rIlT V Come In And See Or Call IN BUHL 1968 DATSUN pickup, very good condition. 423-5707 after 5 p.m. 1967 LINCOLN Dave Munroe 543-4951 or 543-5335 # 2 1971 FIREBIRD ESPRff- CONTINENTAL OPEN 8 AM - 7 PM ’ 7~T3aTreT lOO V^ff 'ftffgin#, radio mars turbc Hyisra"”3’- J:M6mhina... n iQycU 6 7 8 ■ ... i. r„ - APRIL SPECIAt— iuBury cor. eitrem iy weii iiept 1 9 70 27 Foot Mott." Hottte^ Your Price MAKE OFFER Enjoy luxury . . Dodge chassis, engine, transmission, 1971 GMC List Price , M l 95 2 V2 Ton Truck '23 90 Boise Cascade Life-time coach, completely SOIIAIIZA equipped, just 4,000 actual miles. 350 V-8 engine. 5 ipeed tron^miv 1971 PONTIAC VENTURA 11 COUPE iion, 2 ipeed reor oile. 825 ■ 20^ 1966 PONTIAC 1 4 w h itew all 'i' ev DCwer 10 ply l.rM, 20 « 6': Budd itud 2 borrel 307 V.§ engine F7B 4 door sedan, radio heat WEEKEND SPECIALS hycJromotic tronsmisMon rodio tnm rings custO" cO'pr»s • '• wheeU, \pore. lachometer. Weit stondord Uonsmiss'on Coovt ^irior\. iuU loom veot, tow Very Cleon 1970 CADILLAC 1969 OPEL ( ' hooks. 6,000 poured Iront ipnngi. COUPE DEVIUE KADETTE WAGON Your Price MAKE OFFER 20,800 pound rear springs, oua And Just Ace Hansen Chevrolet 31 iliory reor springs, list price S6082 40 Ail power, the works , thi^ (me car Big eng.ni?, roci'o luggoge ,Jc. List Price . ^3350 has everything that Cadillac white wall tirej automatic 'fO "‘SIS Main Ave. West including air contJilioning A beau*' wTot'" M995 fui Ermine white with o white »ir>yl 733-3033 Twin Falls Pr.cc W q \ S 1 9 9 5 ^4 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS Sport Hardtop Coupe top Weekenci Speciol $1695 1965 CHEVROLET Vrice Wos S6595 Cordovo top, turbo hydromotic tronsmission F78 ■ M v.h,t«?-.o JOHN CHRIS 4 doof sedon. radio hcoief console power disc brakes, floof mots elettr.c dock 2 bo"el 400 Weekend Special . . S6093 itandafd franimimon wifh gme ra d io remote mirror powe^ iteermg MOTORS drive 1970 CHRYSLER 6Q1 Mqiri Avenue East 733-1823 NEWPORT Your Price . . MAKE OFFER N o w O n ly 4 door sedan, otl power factory SPECIAL 01 air conditioning, new Micheim ttres List Price . M 4 0 0 Autot For Sale 200 io cai ) O w ner, Iovk m iieoge ' 6 8 5 Price Was S3995 1967 FORD, 2 boor hardtop, stick Weekend Special . S3595 PURCHASE!! 1971 PONTIAC BQNNEVILLE 4 Dpor Hardtop shift. Sharp.Western Motel, 1968 BUICK THEISEN MOTORS HAS PURCHASED THE" ENTIRE' - A p artm e n t 9. 1970 DODGE RIVIERA Cordovo top, turbp hydromotic tronsmissipn rpdiQ dec>» l- mats, power seot. mountain performance optu 4 borrel 455 V fl e r,q ,n f. NEEO-A SERVICE MAN? S cr Country Sedan station wagon Vinyl top, V 8 engine outomofic low mileoge. Ermine while with H78 ■ 15 whitewall tires, rear speoker remote ecMng ^hrrl lo d s y i W ant Ads (or th e se rv .ct rodiO heater powpr steenng CONTINENTALS OF A LARGE WESTERN INTER­ Ironsmisvion power steering radio block* vinyl lop oir conditionrng, cruise control you w a n t. outomotif transmisMon V 8 er^ w h ite w o II tire s Price W os > S3 595 M O U N TAIN LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER THAT gino OT conditioning 1967 M E R C U R Y C A L 'IE r ^ T E , 2-dOor Price Wos S2875 Weekend Speciol _ , S 3 0 9 5 sedan, air conditioner, 4rtew tir« . HAS GONE OUT OF BUSINESS. Your Price MAKE OFFER Weekend Special . . S2575 45 Excellent condition. 503 3rd Vacatior^ Ready Vou'll Never Be Able To Make A Buy On' A Brand List Price , *5 8 2 4 Avenue East. Phone 734 3781 1968 CHEVROLET IMPAlA 4 DOOR s e d a n New Automobile Like You'll Make On These Auto­ 1964 C o m e t 4 d oo r or 1 9 6 ^ G a la x ic 4 1086 Power steering outomotic troriv d o o r C a ll 436 6942 a fte r 5 mobiles at Theisen M oforC ' masion rodiO Iciclory Oir cor'd' i« 6 1971 PONTIAC VENTURA II COUPE tionmg locol 1 owrvai-to/-. lo^«. m*U 1966 TO YO TA 4^oor sedan, 4 wheel -mE3E ARt JUST A ftW OF W t CARS AND AN EXAMPIE E78 « 14 whitewall tires, cuitom sittin g whc?L J??dio. 'f" d r iv e 20,000 m ile s . L ik e n e w in s id e 1965 CHEVROLET eoge Michelin iires der engine with economical stondord tronvmmiof' Impalo SS V 8 engine outomot'C and out With snowplow. S3,000, Price W a s S1 895 OF THE savings AVAILABLE FROM OUR MANY CAR 726 9971 or 726 9959 Johnny Wade Iranvmnsion rodio Keote* power 1969 OLDSMOBILE 98 Weekend Special , , S1695 LOADS OF AUTOMOBILES BOUGHT DURING THIS SPECIAL steering bucket veat^ console Your Price MAKE OFFER 1960 FALCON 2-door station wagon I UXURY SEDAN PURCHASE OPPORTUNITY. 61 in oood Shape, SU5 Call- 733 0381 Ail power, factory oir conditioning List Price . *2 8 8 2 Sove S plus procti.taily new M.chefm tires 1968 OLDSMOBILE 1971 MERCURY COUGAR XR-7 1960 P L Y M O U T H 4 O oo r, f a ir con Price W os 54-2 10 OEIT a 88 Brand New* 2 door hordtop, Suttana white with dork green vinyl root dition Ji25 Call 733 5325 ■1088 4 door ledon automatic tronsmn beautiful upbeat striped interior automatic tronsmission, whitewall tires -Weekend Special - . -S361Q non power steenn^ power brates tfit s»e«tiog wheel, power steering, power dxsc brakes, whispes Qir condt #7 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS T-37 HcLrdtop Coupe 1934 C H E V R O L E T W a s te r D e lu x e 1969 PONTIAC rodio, e»tro good tires tioning. radio with stereo tope system, console w.th electric doci^. styled Cordovo top, turbo hydromotic tronimission rod'O pOwe* *le#r*Ao 2 ba/ Excellent running condition, all GTO 2 DOOB h a r d t o p P..C» Wo, S2293 steel wh^ls rel 350 V 8 engine F78 » 14 whitewoH tires custom carpets qi' cof'di o r ig in a f. C a ff 436-3013 o r s e e a t 913 Power steering, power brofces ro S A V E a l m o s t s i 0 0 0 9fh Street, Rupert Weekend Special . . S 2 1 9 5 fioning, mounfoin perforr^’Once opt'on dio, Hurst 4 speed tranimivsion 4©0 • THEISEN PRICED M460 Cl engine Jode green r e a l BUY! 4966 Lincoln Con 1968 PLYMOUTH tinental. 2-door, coup%, Vtnyi top. ^--Pn^e W rfs ' 5 2 6 9 i 1971 MERCURY M ONTEGO MX Your Price MAKE OFFER V J i m F U R Y 111 08 factory air, fine condition, e* Brond New' V 8 engine, medium blue metollic fmuh automatic transmis Weekend Special . . S2395 2 door hardtop powef , steering List Price . M 3 2 2 celient rubber Phone Harold Move non whitewall tirev body vide moutdmgs att deluxe interior delude wheel 733 1723 o r 423 5433. a ft e r 5 p m power brokev autom atic tron>m.^ covers, equipped os you would e«peci and everything you might desire MOTOR Sion, rodio e»tro clean e itr o shorp ------r------^— LIST PRICE X3V^4 Price W a s $ 1895 W O R K M A N COMPANY THEISEN PRICED ^2990 #8 1971 PONTIAC CATALINA Hardtop Coupe O R O T H E R S - Weekend Speciol . . $1595 Vinyl trim, 2 borrel 400 V-B engine, H78 i 1 5 whitewoM tire\ reor \peoVer Ponfiac Cadillac U««d Car* 754 4lh Av« W««t 1970 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL power Steering, oir conditioning trim packoge two tone lurbo hyd'omotic GMC Phon. 733-7365 Beautiful dort metallic green tmnh, dork green vtnyl fOol oil hand Rupert. Idaho. 436-3476 1968 PONTIAC .rubbed genuine coif sWin, green nylon wall to well corpetmg o i course it'> tronsm ission. rodio. remote control outside m irro r custom sie e n n g w»«eel FIREBIRD I loaded with factory air conditioning. p6^er steering, power brakes, power tilt s t e e r in g w heel. 0'*efK#od com -6 •:tory air conditioning, THfJSEN PRICED SAVE S3636 DWD List Price . Price W a s S I 795 |ust like new, locol ) owner, very Weekend Special . . S1695 52 clean cars in top condition. low mileage A^ust see to believe' Price Wot S3995 #9 1971 PONTIAC CATALlNA^Door Sedan 'TWINS' -Weekend S aecioi- PRICED TQ-SELUh TWO.1967 CHEVROLET Two Tunp-puiiit, nyQ-«-*-» -whi>ewoll >■»»» delu»e wh<«t.« >»ers.,.Uab.-i cfromotic Troniffilstion, radio, power steering oir conditiomng.______1969 V W . E l C A M IN O 'S EXG€iL£NT^BU YS-OR T M t B U G - - Both hove V^0 engine, ou^matic 23.000 octuot miles, new Michelm tronsmission, radio, power steering, Your Price . . . MAKE OFFER mRBAUGH MOTORS tires, chrome wheels, radio, with EXCELLENT CARS!!! DKIVEAUTTLEI SAVE A LOTI under 40,000 miles, ore in perfect $484196 sports ■’Bug' equiprnent, plus the condition, and BOTH ore red. List Price ' ...... 934-4112. CW50DING 'Ekigs' biggest engine, Price W a s , 5 1 7 9 5 Pri^eWa* _ _ . 1970 MERCURY 1970 MERCURY -DIRECT FACTORY DEALERII - . i l S P S - Special . . JT595 rM O N T E O O ‘ ------^MONTEGO W b? BUICK 1969 TOYOTA ______SK Y LA R K - 4 door, light gold with brown 4 door, fully «quipp«d includ- , ...... C O llO U A - ______liworr, powsr condiftoning, v-B ei>- -O—Moc-Christof fe«en _ 0 __Mik&5ta)tnexL_ tedbn,—tostbock, - ~"»g. pc ‘r.—rodte7~M fcbeftn o Bob Fulton tronsmisiion. rcidio. very cleon. tires, yery clean -Q— Larry Woldcn rodio, healer, 2 tone point. whitewall tires, radio, obio* locol I o w ner, P rice W o s ...... $ 1 5 9 5 PriceWos . . . S1595 Weekend Special . . S I 295 whitewoU tires, we guarantee lutefy not o scrotch on it. beau­ W eekend S p e c ia l . . S I 395 Phone 733-1823 1967 BUICK you 'connot tell from brond tiful li^jht b lue' finish with dork CORRECTION! T969-PtYMOUTH ^r- bk w fo p , - fCECIRA.1 DOOR HARDTOP .______ROADRUNNER - Fgll power, factory oir conditionirtQ, S o ld N e w f o t About $3980 . . Sold New For About S39V 2„ . a d ” f o rin an a d ” f o rin ‘ 2 doo» l« Jo n , 4< 3 V-8 Vi>9 iivi, pow. power door locki, •verything! •r ttWrirtg. oirtoi'natic tronsmiuk>n, 'Chompogn*' b«io« with brown TH EISEN console, vinyl top. vinyl top . PR IC ED . ^ 2 4 8 8 r s ".. *2490 -Bill-WorJcman-Ford thatJthey^are “Prk^WoC'. . ; : v . S2393' ' Price W o * : . . . . . : . $ 7 8 9 5 open 7 days a wieek l i l 8 PM, •Weekend Special . . S I 9 95 Weekend Special . . $2595 hut should have read open week­ Theisen Motors BONANZi!. MOXOnS THE EASIEST PLACE d a y s til 8 PM. IN THE WORLD TO BUY A CARU BURtEY 701 MAIN AVE. E. 733-7700 325.0VERLAND 678-9486 I I I • y Sunday, April' 18, 1971 Tlm«»-.New», Twin .Falls,. Idaho AutM For Sal*. 200 Aulot For SdU 200 Aiitot FerSaU 200 Auto* For Sa|« 200 /VutMA>rSal» 200(« Auto* For SaU 200 Autot^rSolo 200 Auto* For Sok ' 200 IM S 'M E R C U R V V-«, automatic, 1970 FORD torlno GT. Red. powtr (tM ring. MOO. 733-177^ 19A0 OLPSAkOBILE Sup«r Ws •X* Autpfnatlc, power steering, power ceirent condition. I M . Call 733- brakei. Must sell. 734-3545. S12« after 4:30 or 934-5139. I9«3 VOLKSWAGEN BUG Rolled, drlvM good.' Ovtrhaulad engine, 1949 PONTIAC Grand Rrix, lime 1961 CH EVRO LET VAN. New paint, 1941 frame, body. Both *350.- 733- green, wtilte Interior. Priced toi oobd motor. S39S. 1961 Ford Galaxie - y w i ______:______«e!L_e4$9UrauttiL >1^ WA.SMi ~ f..

1970 OIDSMOBILE ROYALE 1969.PLYMQUTH FURY II 3-door hardtop; all pow«r, and 4-door »«don. V-S'engln#; auto­ fully squippe^ including vinyl matic* transmUsion, power steer­ top. Only 23.000 octual miles. ing, pow«r brokes ond radio. We ve got tne new *3687 *1,983 1968 JEEP 1970 OPELRALLYE S T A tlO N w a g o n K A D E H E . 4 wheel drive ond only 13.000 2-door fporl coup« with bucket actoal miT^. . leoti. 4 speed tronsmiiiion, juil cars and we've got ‘ ) 0.000 oetuol miJef. ■*2495. *2150 M 8 6 7 1968 OPEL 2'doof sport coupe.bucket seots, 1970 PONTIAC GRAND Tspeed transmission, radio. PRIX the prices! We need Vinyt top. full power, complete* n 2 9 S *950 ty loaded including factory oir 1968 OIDSMOBILE conditioning. 8,000 actual miles. ,VISTA CRUISER Stotion wagon, automatic trans­ S 4 2 8 7 mission. -power steering, power ■ brakes, power toil gate, factory your used car, §o we 1970OLDSMOBILE4.-4-2 _ j___ im ati. 4 soegd trontmis- oir conditioning. lion, mog wheels' low mileoge. ^ 2 5 9 3 . * 2 0 0 0 5^3495- ,*2880 1968 BUICK WILDCAT 2-door hardtop, vinyl top, all 1969 BUICK RIVIERA invite you to come in power, fully equipped including Completely loaded, factory air foctory oir conditioning. CDnditioninQ vinyl top ______'*2t395- *3460 1*1977 1969 OLDSMOBILE 98 1967 OIDSMOBILE and DARE us to deal at 2-door hardtop, all power, fully DELTA 88 . equipped including, factory oir 4-door tedon, outomotir tron^t- conditioning ond.vinyl top. rnitsion, power steering, power Leo Rice Motor Co. brakes, tinted glass and factory ■*3895- *2990 air conditioning. 1969 OIDSMOBILE ^ 2 t9 5 - *1580 your terms! Don't miss D ELTA 88 3-door hardtop, outombtic Irani- 1967 BUICK ELECTRA ' mitsion, power steering, povver 4-door hardtop, completely GREATEST/ loaded including factory oir brakes, radio, low ntileoge conditioning. tempting us with your Sh o w *3 3 9 ^ *2770 ^^49^ * 1977 1969 OIDSMOBILE TORONADO 1961 CADALLAC EARTH The worTds.-Jinest front wheel 4-door tedon DeVillb. local 1 ON drive, fully equipped, factory o«r owner, cor, 63,000 actual rniles. conditioning, and ste/oo^ ,tope fully equipped, oil power, foe- ' tory oir conditioning 1971 TOYOTA ^3490 n -2 9 5 . *850 Stock Number K 436 Stock Humber K-40J 4 — 1971 CO RO N A S C a r T a S A V l ^ ^ 1971 LAND CRUISER 1971 COROLLA 4-door sedons, 4 spee^ fronsmTiron- USED ■ Hordtop with locWoul hubs, corpel 2-door sedpn. 4 speed tronsmission Vonous colors . iOO. , unrieffcQfliiny. dug! ' a*. ■ ■ G reen mud and snow tire St.tker Price SJ077 95 v'Your 'Dora beol- ABBIE URIGUEN Sticker Price fi S 3 735 95 Your 'Dore Deal' $. ? ... Your 'Dare Deal' 2 — 1971'MARK II, Stock Number K'40a ^ '0 ^ v 2-door hofdfops. 4 speeo tronsr^is VIAG/C VALLEY'S FINEST IDAHO'S-LARGESt ^ — 197iHI-LUX PICKUPS 1971 COROLLA sions Pluto 8e*ge ond Blue OLDSMOBILE ^ BUICK--OPEL DEALER ’ Blus. Yellow ond Green 2-door coupe. 4 ip eo d tron»m.»lior> St.ckerPuce S2662.95 Sticker Pnce S22J0 95 Yellow Firefly Your'Dare Deal' S .? . . . Slicker Price . . ‘ S2I97 95 '68 FORD Falcon Your 'Dare Deol' S 712 MAIN AVENUE SO. Your 'Dare Deal' Stock Number K*427 - Stofionwogon Stock f4umber K-432 Stock Number K-384 1971 COROLLA V-6 engine, automatic tronsmistion 733-8721 1971 COROLLA 197^ C O R O N A 2-door coupe, putomcrttc troosmis* A real beauty .... $1695 7 door sedon, 4 speed tronsmission. 4-door sedon,, outomotic tronsmis­ slon. Perseus Green. , N O W ...... $1175 Sun Ton Yellow. sion. Alpenglow'Gold. -Slicker Price . . . 'S2347.95 Sticker Price 52077 95 Sticker Price $2537 95 Your 'Dare Deal' $.?,... '66 CHEVROLET Impala Your'*Dare Deal' $. ? . . Your 'Dare DeaJ' $. ? Sport Coupe THIS IS Slock Number K-421 Stock Number K-431 Slock Number K-389 Power iteering, outomotic trontmiition 1971 CORONA 1971 CQRQLLA 1971 CRO W N -door ledan. outomotic troni- Real n i c e ...... $1495 4-door sedon, 4 speed tronsmission 2-door sedon, automatic transmis­ 4 THE “PITCH” mijsion Zenith Blue. N O W ...... $1065 Horizontol Blue sion Yellow Firefly Slicker Price 57iH2 95 Sticker P r ic e ...... S2222 95 Sticker P r ic e ...... S3^7A.95 '66'PONTIAC Catalina Your 'D are Deol' $. ? Your ‘Dare Deal' S. ^ Sp o rt Col>f>e YOU’VE BEEN Power steering, outomotic transmitiion local 1 owner .... $1495 LOOKING PLYMOUTH N O W ...... $990 '65 CHEVROLET Im pala Stock Number 1P-14 Stock Number lP-20 Stock Number lP-24 Sport coupe 1971 Satellite Sebring Plus 1971 FURY III 197T FURY III V-8 engine, outomotic Iransmtssion, FOR! 2-door hardtop. 383 V-8..engine, 4-door hardtop, torqueflight trans*„ 4-door hordtop, V-8 engine, auto­ matic tronsmission, oir, conditioning, - power steering. torqueflight transmission, power ^ rrtifsion, jsir conditioning, tinted b 'AgtrtUp. tA K It—fing,,.pa itAArlnn qfiit pnwtir ii—iing pnx * Extro thorp- h f K r: i "ft n w « r iw n ftn till ek «i. seats, tinted gloss, oir conditioning, brakes, radio, deluxe wheel covers, disc brokes. radio, deluxe wheel N O W ...... S885 ’69 B U I C K ...... $5695 '69 D O D G E ...... $2195 undercooting. rodio/stereo tope white side'wott’‘tTrec electric cl6ck. covers, white side wall tires, elec­ tric clock, undercooting. bumper '64 CKEVY II Skylark Cuitom 4 door i«dan, V-8 Dort GT. V-8 engine, outomotic cassette combinotion. Rolleye Rood undercooting, bumper guards. Gold^ engine, outomotic tronsmission,' transmission, bucket seoi». vmyl wheels, white side woil tires Gold Leaf Metollic. guords. Sherwood Green Metallk. Stotionwogon power steering, factory oir condi­ top. low mileoge. 1 owner. Leof Metallic Sticker Price . S4569.30 Sticker Price . S4594.85 6 cylinder engine with itondord tront tioning. low mileoge Sticker Price . $4723 75 Your 'Dare Deal' . $ ? '69CHRYLSER . . . S3195 Yoor ‘Dare Deal' S ? mission Your ‘Dare Deal' S. ? . . . Very economical .... $795 '69 D O D G E .... $2795 New Yorker, 4 door hordtop. Stock Number lP-6 Stock Number IP*I ^ INTRODUCING Monaco Station wogon, V-8 engine, full power, foctory oir condition Stock Number 1P-33 1971 VALIANT r9fiTDim i ^ ~ N O W ...... : $485 outomotic tronsm iiiion, power ing < 1971 TWISTER ' 4-door sedon, split-bock beiKh seat, 4-dpor sedoa,-J18 V-8.engioc^or-^ IN THE CENTER RING . . It e e r in g . power brakes, luggoge 2 door sport coupe, 318 V-8 engine, torqueflight transmission, 225 6 cyl­ queflight transmission, tinted glou, rock One owner ' 69 D O D G E ...... $2695 outomotip transmission, tinted wind­ inder engine, tinted windshield air condittoningi undercooting, radio, Coronet 500 Station Wagon V8 ' USED PICKUPS GALORE! shield, undercooting, rodio.'Rolleye undercooting ond hood msu»u>or power steering,.deluxe wheel covers. '70 CHEVROLET . $AVE $$5 engine, outomotic tronsmission. Rood wheels, white side woll tires. pod, radio, power steering, deluxe April Green. EASY TERMS! 4 door'iedon, V-8 engine, outomot- power steering ond brakes, foe- Tor Red. wheel covers, white side woll tires, Sticker Price ...... 5 4 1 7 9 .0 5 ic tronsmiition, power iteering, torr oir Extra nrce. TREME>4DOUS SAVINGS! power d»4C brokes. Sticker Price ...... S 3 0 8 3 .2 0 light Sherwood Green Metollic. Your 'Dare Deal' $ ? '68 CHRYSLER .... $2995 Your ‘Dare Deal' $. ? ... Sticker P r ic e ...... S 3 2 I4 .6 5 THE GREATEST VARIETY ON EARTHI '69 CHRYSLER . , , , $2795 Town ond Country stationwagon. Stock Number lP-42 Stock Number lP-21 Your 'Dare Deal' $ ? NEW 1971 MODELS Newport Custom 4 door sedon, 383 V-8 engine, outomotic trans­ 1 9 7 1 S C A M P V-8 engine, outomotic tronsrrusiion. mission, power steering and 1971 FURY III Stock Number 1P-44 2'door hardtop. 225 6 cylinder en­ AT TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS! power steering, power brokes. foc- broket, factory air-conditioning, 2-door formol hordtop, 360 V-8 1971 FURY CUSTOM gine, torqueflight transmission. ro> „ -----IMM€0»ATeDELtVtRY+- - iory aix conditioning. o n e o w n e ^ ------— engine, aulomolic tranimi»»»on, oir ~ 4'doorf don. torqi.».. - ~ vo n,-3 1 8 V-8 ervgine, tinted wifsd- M etallic. "irfORD. r: S2295 ^68 D O D G E ...... S A V T " steering, power disc broket, rodio. CHEVROLETS-O LDSMOBILES Goloite 500 4 door »edon, V-8 Monoco 500. 7 door hardtop, V-8 shield, oir conditioning, undercoat- Sticker Price ...... 5 3 1 1 7 .7 5 deluxe wheel covers, white i»de woll ing, rodio. power steering, deluxe . PONTIACS-BUICKS engine, outomotic tranimission. er>gine. automatic tronsmission, tires, electric clock, undercooting, Your 'Dare Deal' S ? full power, foctory oir conditioning, w heel covers, white s«de w a ll ti/es. power steering, power brokes. foc­ bumper guords. light Sherwood Stock N u ^ r IP-13 ALL MODELS tory air conditioning. vinyl top. Slote Oroy Metollic Green MetoHic. Sticker Price . S4202 80 1971 Sp o r t SUBURBAN '69 CHRYSLER .... $3595 '68CHRY51ER .... $1995 Sticker Price ...... 5 4 5 8 0 50 Your 'Dare-Deal' $ ? 3 seot stotion wogon, split-bock Town & Country station - wogon. Newport 4>Door Sedan. V8 en­ Your 'Dare Deol' i . f . . . bench seot; 383 V-8 engine, torqi^ V-8 engine, ouromotic transmission, g irt, automatic transmission, pow­ Slotk Nuinl>*r >P 17 ' Stock Number IP 2 flight tronsm isiion,; powefr-dise- er steering and brakes. -THIS WEEKS SHOW power steering, power disc brakes, 1971 DOSTER . 1971 SATELLITE SEBRING brokes. tinted gloss, oir coisdition- factory oir conditioning, one owner. ing, undercooting, kiggoge reck. '68 O LD SM O BILE . . $2695 2-door sport coupe. 225 6 cylinder 2'door hordtop. 318 V-8 engine, torqueflight tronsmission, tinted . rodio,stereo tope cosiette combino- '69 D O D G E ...... S2990 9 6 Luxury Sedan, full power, fac­ engine, torqueflight tronsmission, windshield, undercooting. rodio, tion, power steering, deluxe wheel Choro«f RT. V-8 engir»«, autpmqt- tory air-conditioning, vinyl top. tilt radio, deluxe wheel covers, white super! SPECIAL - ic transmission, power steering power steer^ , deluxe wheel coveru coverf^ white .side woll tires. W f^ steering wheel, one owner. side wall fires. Autumn'Sronie Me­ w hite side wbU tires. True BK»e. with W oodgroin Side Pone4s. ond brokes, foctory oir tallic. . , ^ LStick^ Price S5544.25 -W -PCDGE.-^. . . $2295^. StidterPncr ” 5 7 8 7 0 :7 0 -; Sti«Ur Wee . , .-^73Q.ffQ_ *^7 OLDSMOBILE . $1695 Coronet 440 4 cfoor sedan. 318 Your 'Dare Deal' Your 'Dore Deol' $ ? Your 'Dor« Deol' V>8 er>girse, outom otic transm is­ S.? 4'4>2 coupe. V>8 engirve. 4 speed sion, power steering, foctory oir 1971 CHEVROLET transmission, power steering, Impolo Custom conditioning, ond vinyl top. Run« extra Q o o d . 4 door sports sedon, oir cortditioning. 18 engir>e, 4 SKorp. Your'Dare Deol'* $? Stock Number 71-3 -4971 CHEVROlgT> hrtfh------rffl------:------Sder engirte, up, V-8 eogine, ovtomotic' trons' A cylinder •nflin*. outomotit Irom- ^^door hordtop. 6 cylirsder engine, miuion, interior « IranvniiMOn. h«ovy d u tji ipHngt. b«h- oulomotic lro4ssmis«iofs. bucket 4 speed fronimissibn, 6 ply tires. miiiion. .lociL*out.-hubs,.-23«000. muuofuradio..whitt. . ogit, dirom* uHlMh. wNM “ fJum ttwcJ loetis^^ood.—------^------qctmot mihtf. 6(fro nice. ~ .fuH -'drantjrfiw Lte**'*, •••«<»*• . seots. white w aft tires, chrome wheel . lvM,li^Ma4» rack. WWW. ; - - N O W ...... $2695 rock o n d Blo«. co vert. SVhite w itJi G re en vM»yf fe p . ’ s< icl»rr.i«...... S 2 M I . I 0 SticW P.K...... »3345.4S Sticker Price ...... U 3 7 8 .4 0 Your'OoraDM t' S? U.SEH-TRUCKS. youHDor^O^rf’— S? ------JtouL:()ortD?pr___$ ? ____ '65 INTERNATIONAL 180u '66 CHEVROLET Bank Financing Availoble— Minimum DoWn-PayitiafnttTDiFttAiv Budget y-8 ertgine, 5 «peeJ trontmtswon, 2 To«h b*o *6* eng iA e. 5 sp eed trons* ’ 2 a r t c f o o x i O \ Open house on new SECURITY H eo yy duty thro ug h o ut. tvres. Extro g c ^ . pickup campers and '64 CHEVROLET *67 D O D G E ___ ■ - travel troilers 2 Ton, V-8 efigme, 4 speed* trorts- 3 To«, co lt 361 .V-8 5 ~ T»or a i to, 823 X 30 ^'7~ipeed fo r~ MOTOR tiffi. Eac*|>tio(>ofly dean. LEO RICE COMPANY BOB HEBE’S MDCi an ^934M3S • Ktniyy Moon • ^ |krti«r • Wirni EBIt "Drive A Liffle— Save A Lot' ^Ojpwt fiwiihjgt'« 7 pjm. 24 TimM Ntw$, Twin Fall*. Idaho - Sunday, April' 18, 1971 More witnesses Hotel subsidies planned SAN JUAN. P.R. (U P I)-T lie also shut down soon, trader _Pu«jfeLiyQ8i!_gawrimienL.wiU^ sources said. : make a major caah tnveatoen^ HUtOT ifitemational wUl ter- in San Juan tourist hotels to’ ''minate its management con­ P IC T L R E FR.4,.\II.N<; HARRISBURG, Pa. (U P ir - subpoenaed dwtng the pasttwo financial problems that tract with the eightryeariold TttltasnraddltiiJnal'Wltnesaes days. He said“ ^he—would have^closed-four-of-tham____ . ■ .. ihiL'ir I tilln-______have ' bben subpoenaed., to represent four of those subpoe­ year, it was announced Friday. ing to hotel manager Arnold c h r i s t i a .n s l f f l y appear before a^ federal griand naed when they appear before Manuel A. Caslano, economic Orenstein. The lw|d will close 762 .Main A»«. N. /.Cl-IIA Ti jury which r ^ n y m ^ hfire the grand jury Monday.'' development administrator; the same day. Moiiday to resume its investiga- tion of an alleged plot to kidnap He Identified Tlie four as ment would loan $500,000 to the presidential-adviser Henry A. Richard Drinon, 46, chairman owners of^ the^ Dorado Hilton, Kissinger. of the histot7 departiilent at latest plush hostelry to an­ J. Thomas Menaker, a Bucknell University, Le wisburg, nounce closure, to i)llow the rFIN A U ^ HarrisburgtiuiiiouiuB oMumcyattorney aimand a J- .Thomas’ Phillips, and hotel to reopen in the fall. member o f the ., ______Twin Falls, pins Idaho Illn e s s men flew here to look large lapel button on jacket of o'ver Improvenients. Guests visitor as group gathered for brand included John Relcbel, 'left, discussion. Bozeman downtown chairmen, Tou've heard about color tv with the sharpest picture! Bozeman leaders You've heard about the most natural pictures! You've heard about silly (pro-rated) warranties! view mall area You've heard about sojid-state sets!

TWIN FALLS — Ten com­ organization and financing of give new life to downtown You've heard about automatic fine tuning! munity leaders tfbm Bozeman, such work. Bozeman. He said the Twin • Mont., arrived In Twin Falls Guy Sperry, Bozeman Falls inspection tour is the first Friday by chartered plane to ■ Clianiber of Comm erce in which committee members You've heaKtabi!«ltyjif Triahn- ‘‘Impflpt hf Bureau wilV-be- present to American’s right (to peace. Humphrey made the asser­ te discriminating F ertilizer _U se J(fn__Watei;^ jEPi>ducL)M iQO«luneeting, tion In a speech to an AFL-CIO bu^er who refuses to compromise convention of utility w(orkers, spelling out what h e' called a on quality. “ new bill of rights.” “ The first of these new rights I wish to discuss is the right to peace,” Humphrey said. "We in Two year picture tube warranty— America are presently at war— a war that we must withdraw one year parts warranty—one irom as soon as possible. _ . “ Every American's right to year labor warranty (no small print, peace is being infringed upon nothing pro-rated) by this continuing action of national violence.” Noting there were presently about five million persons 100% solid-state—new 110 degree Unemployed, Humphrey said the second right was "an pix tube (20%^ slimmer^ absolute eight to a job.” He listed a clean environment as a third right. “ What good will It do tis to be AND YOU CAN OiVN lY at peace with each other, what, good will it do if we are gainfully and productively em­ MONEY DOWN. ployed,” he said, "If the air isn't fit to breatiie, if the water is too foul to drink, if the food WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU?? ■is too-contaminated to cat, if - Not much, until you consider this. It does the two things you wont most.. . ond^oes them best. ~~ mad deafens us, if we have - E P - 5 G 5 paved over the country? It gives you a sharp, natural picture . . . and it's de­ pendable. AND IT'S AVAILABLE NOW .. .>AT M & Y ELECTRIC. YOU CAN'T BUY A BETTER TV!

T ID E or tranqidUlty in a teacnp is determined by machine wtdcb regiftcn “ tilt.!’ Sensor Inveoted by Hagiief Aircraft Co. OTHER RCA COLOR PORTABLES prked from./... .*238.88 lalwratoriea io Mdllm, Calif., can detect tidal poll of son or oiuMMi on contcnti of teacnp — comparable Ut n^eaturing tilt anglM at about otie poirt io 1 bHUon. Veniont range from three inefa slab Aow n to unit five feet acrou. (UPI)

J.&LJiUTOMAT- Fciirway Shopping Ointar, FiUr H . I Msr^DiwltW f earwditi twrih* L / oRow movvobit brv»lm to m w«il oi oil core.

i f .00 IfASH « lirAX.ONI.Y Your Appliance Store , . . Since 1944 nmwMutikWAx wHh lO O ol O oi purchcM* Wltli $ golUn 90* purc^«* 441 M A IN AVE. EAST 733-8212 A m sr H MAGK VAUSy — Two nroo Do'i ' Ihol will woth & wo*. fliilpt pro«i»ct» 0f.«wwp»rtti»o p m %.— ------— ■ FINES ARE FORGIVEN during National Library Week, Librarian Robert Bruce tells young library Amnesty given . . patrons, Pat Madland, left, and Dayid 'Montes as they return past dve books and records.

' tVERYONE HAS a right to read, says the theme of Young National Library Week, and little Daria Nutsch-, Jerome, is no exception. She finds plenty of reading Get acquainted with local library reader hours ahead on Twin Falls Library shelves. TWIN FALLS - A telephone returned in full forgiveness. He facilities tucked inside each number from a town in Binois, a said the staff will forgive menu during the week. FYench grammar book, a road whatever overdue fines are Numerous special displays are map of a foreign country or just owed during the one week's also being placed in the library a good book to read in liesure time. to encourage patrons to take time — whatever the need, the Observances of Library Week advantage of material and Young passengers will remember publfc library can usually have been proclaimed on the equipment In the library. supply the answer. state and city levels with Theme of the week’s ob­ And staff members of the proclamations issued by Gov. servance is "Everyone has a - - By DALESTEWART purchase of ticketer foUowed-by— stepping downtoth&platfonn of TwlnJEalls Public Library say CeciLAndcus. andJdayor JF'ranlL right to ' Times-News City Editor a short visit with the station the Boise station, the family National library Week April 18 Feldtman. emphasis locally is on material (Editor's note: A train agent. The wail for the west­ returned to the depot for the through 24 is a good time to'gzt Displays will be featured in a v^ a ble to students, children watclier and railroad buff since bound Portland Rose- -was homewardtpipr-The^ntervenlng acquainted^ith -the—many—reeognitlon-oflttre special week and those desiring resource— boytiood, TImes-News City broken by the thundering time was spent visiting, library services and for the in Boy Scout building window materials. E^tor Dal^-Stewart toolc ii^ passage of a long eastbound shopping, and walking about regular patrons to enjoy some and in the Rogerson Hotel Bruce explained the Twin - ua a uuiLrtlBy eaeuw la freight. downtown BaUa. ■J^CiflI.OrMegeS.------lobbv. Book marks will be given Fall.s I^hrarv. now making alMai^ one of south Idaho's last Wheji the three car train Then came one of those Librarian Robert Bruce has out by grocery and spotting plans to convert magazine and passenger trains. On the glided in, five members of the deviations in plan — a late announced the week Is also goods stores and beauty salons. newspaper files to microtUm, completion of the trip, he put Stewart family and about a train. "Amnesty Week" at the Twin Restaurants in Twin Falls provides the only magazine tile down the following im­ dozen other passengers climbed The wait stretched to an hour falls Library and all books WU feature a brief folder on the of any size between Boise and pressions.) aboard. We found seats in the before the eastbound arrived. which may be overdue can be local library history and Pocatello. SHOSHONE — Like many lead coach and settled d6wn. “ But," he asked, “how late, other Idaho youngsters, three Before Gooding was reached, will we be getting horae?’ ’ children In the Dale Stewart questions started flying. The "Probably about an hour. Or family took their first — but, dialogus ran something like, however late the train is when it hopefuUyrnot tiieir last — train this:...... ------" ^ ' gets—here.— It's ' somewhere- ride on a cold, windy Saturday ' 'What's that fack up There? " between here and Portland. in April. "It’s for coats and baggage." There's not much we can do but With the Union Pacific "Hey, did you see the train in wait.'' Railroad scheduled to drop the picture on the wall?” "Well, gee . . . how come it's passenger service through the "Yes, I did." late?" Magic Valley £^t the end of the "Who's the man with the red "Some sort of mechanical month, the family decided to cap?" trouble, probably." devote a Saturday to a trip by "He's the attendant for the The ride from Boise to rail from Shoshone to Boise and car." Shoshone after dark provided return In order that the younger “ What does he do?" more if^w experiences. branches of the family tree “ Helps people with their^ There ______was the______discovery - that could some day gay -UiBy had U ag^ e.lietps Uieiii ttiiil seats;- Tigfita over scn tF ea irS e awit ridden a passenger train. or whatever else he can do to ched off. There were views of From the number of other make their trip pleasant." red and green sign^ lights families and groups of children “ Who was the man who took gleaming along the tracks boarding at various stations the ticket?" ahead. A brakeman walked along the line to the Idaho “ He's the conductor. He's In through a darkened car capital, the idea of an excursion charge of the train." carrying a lighted lantern, -hy^rnil in populat this spring as . **Hnw fast nrp wq going?'* checking passengers' the time nears for the last runs “ It's hard to say..Why don't destl destinations. And the .moon oi four trams. •ysQ ask the cuiiduftui bahind-jJ, As a result, a lot of children ('Hiatsuggestion^aOT't acted thin layer of clouds. who otherwise may never have on until somewhere between “ Can I put my seat back?” thought seriously about Boise and Mountain Honne on “ Sure. Go ahead. You m l^ t traveling by rail have been the eastbound trip that evening. even n ap.^ Introduced to that method of Then the answer was. "About 55 “ No, I won't." transportation as it passes Into miles an hour right now.") "Can I put the foot rest history. "Why are we slowing down?" down?” mAfter May 1, passenger trains "Probably going to stop at “ Don't need to, do you? You In reduced numbers wUl con- Gooding." found out how they work this - Hniip in npffratff along .selected -gy^-W hy-donli5uleaveJt routes, but the Magic V a ll^ “ Glenns Ferry and Mountain First trrp . . won't be among them. In tjjiis Home, probably." "Oh .. . okay.” 'ARJIST4C DISPLAYS call attention to library tBrv- ACROSS the aisle, area, rail traffic will be freight “ How long until we get to “ Can I pull the blind down?" Displays ices during observance of National Library Week. , other passenger^' activities “ Leave it up.. We might see catch the attention of only. Boise?” Annie Laurie Burton who designed the diiplays pre-. Ronnie Stewart, 7, making his Arrival at the Shoshone “ A couple of hours yet." something.” first trip by train. station nearly an hour before A high point for the youngest Later, the coach is darkened prepared pares for week's observgnce. train time allowed an unhurried member of the family came completely. Outside, the moon early In the trip. The conductor, pro^des enough light to see the with a twinkle In his eye and landscape clearly as the gently mock ferocity In his voice, rocking coach sweeps along the asked, "Did you break that Snake River. On the nearby window?' h l^ w a y, headlights mark the ■nie reply was a smile and a passage of vehicles. One zips negative T h a fe ^ 'ffie ' T»^r=past-T»itlrTed-U^t flashing. (The double glassed coach After a couple of stops, the window had been cracked by a children drop off to sleep. A bit missile hurled at the car f i ^ later, rousing them required the the outsi^_some time prior.) full leg of the trip from Gooding Th«r«. WCTB nthut first riri«- tn .ttedUand r then-seveml other places -yoodiltvw, our joutney-jeat fnrrrt the arr>«>“ ^ 'an end, a flnal thought cam e a« U g h w i v . reverie gave way to reality; tiiese diDdren t a l ^ their, tint 1Wb«n th« tndn roDed U> a aiop rtdes aboard trains may never' at Boise, the brick platform was have known what it was like to lammed by acv«r«l»coreiag Car a abort train Kalhy St*wart, 9, ndi^_ had a dianoe to know Qie aMaxl -exctrrston vtew- About seven bann alter (rain. 26 Tlmti-Naw!, T w i n Falls, Ida^ . Sunday, A p ril 18, 1971 Lora Garner, Lee marry Goodwill

_ TWIN FA I^ - Lora Gar- I schedules _ner, daughtw of Mr. and Mr#.-| (Editar's note; T o b e a b e tte r Qoor, inside door panel jand rack Maurice HayheS, Kimberly^ instqilafion - and Chiles A. Lee Jr., son of informed customer is a wish of guides. Any part tliat is not ■ Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lee TWIN FALXS — New officers every hoinemaker and'through coated with the chenjlcal Will; of the GowlwiU q ub wiM^ te •*ed-hand-cleaning.— — — ^— Sr., Twrtn Falls, were united In marriage in evening rites ApriP He&n Walker, tiome service is any special' - care pjn. May 12 at the Depot Giill. r^reiKntative for, the Idaho necessary? ‘ 3 at the Twin Falls First Christiah Churdi. H ie election is p it t e d at the Power Co., we vrill bring you Pyralytic oven surface Rev. Ray Joife^ performed next meeting; April 28, at the he do^^lle^^pn^^^CCT6!HWl^^ • if MrartetfoM Frcgman, before a setting of. s for thft linichfton' wPT*r - By HELEN WALKEK • gasket on the oven door. candelabra holding seven made at the April mMting at TWIN FALLS - In the past Catalytic — chemical'coating lavender candles and baskets of the home of Mrs. Jack Atkinson < itni years manufacturer® have is fragile and should , riot be white chrysanthemums and with Mrs. Uoyd Kelley,, been emphasizing convenience scratdied or scrubbed with lavender carnations. president protem, in charge. and easy care featiires in ap-. anythhig tHat may ddmage it.. Given in marriage by her Committee chairmen are to pliances. This has lead many Scratdiing or scouring will mother and stepfather, the faring their yearly reports to the homemakers to wonder about reduce the cleaning action ^ f bride wore a white floor-length next meeting. Members voted these new innDvations. the cata^t. • gown, fashioned with a rounded contributions to'the Heart, fund Are .you confused atibut the What does it cost to operate? neckline trhnmeid wi{h lace and and the Easter Seal drives. new selfrcleaning ovens? Pyrolytic — about 7 cents per full puffed sleeves enhanced Thought for the day was given Every oven described as cleaning. with wide lace cuffs> She by Mrs. Uoyd Kelley and the automatic cleaning uses one of Catalytic — nothing, except carried a bouquet of small white special gift was won by Mrs. two cleaning systems pyrolytic for cleaner used for racks, dirysanthemums and lavender Ivan Waring. S ^ et pd gifts ■ or catalytic. What do these doors, and parts not covered by carnations. were received by Mabel Wilson.' terms mean?’ catal;^. Imogene Lee, sister of the ] and Evelyn Nel«)n. Pyrolytic — soil from cooking What about initial cost? bridegroom, was nuid of hoiwr, I MR. AND MRS. ERNEST CHOSSLEY is decomposed 'by heat. Pyrolytic — usually comes with Lyn Greener, friend o f the ("Pjfro” means hea^, “ lytic' witii a^hlffler lyice tagr : -ROICxodeis- Bridesmaid was Shauna oven temperature is rais^ less than I pyrolytic, but more, Gamer, sister of the bride, above 750 degrees. than a range with no self-clean T.F. couple will Jackie Lee, sister of the~ Catalytic — a chemical method. Avill-a^tend brid^roora, was flower girl, coating, or catalyst is bonded to Is the pyrolytic range safe? and Cory Ochsner, nephew of the oven walls, intended to Yes. It was given exhaustive <;o.nferenc;e observe 50fh yepr lower the temperature at which tests by the Underwriter the bride, served as ringbearer. Ushers were Rickey Gamer, food soil will decompose. Laboratories before it was MR. AND MRS. CHARLES A. LEE JR. brother of the bride, and Greg MOSCOW - Thirteen Do Uiey really clean? marketed. Oven is locked (Mike's photo) TWIN FALLS - Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Crossley the second. Hills, friend of the bride. members of the University of Pyrolytic — the end of the during cleaning cycle and Ernest Crossley will be honored They are parents of three which r\vas held immediately Idaho Air Force ROTC Arnold cleaning cycle the oven is cannot be opened until it Has — Katie Eilers was soloist, lavender flowers. The cake was by their- children, at an open children. Mrs. Lyle TDonh'a after the ceremony. . Air Society and three members sparkling clean — like new. A cooled to bakWg temperature. accompanied by Mrs. Boyd, topped with two white satin' house to celebrate their Golden Miller-,- Filer, and Verneal organist. Guests were The bride’s table was cen­ bells enhanced with doves and of the Angel Flight. Mi Force trace of li^ t ash may remain to Can I buy these in every Wedding Anniversary Sunday, Crossley, and Keith Crossley, registered by Sherie Dawson, tered with a four-tiered white ribbons. It was baked and auxiliary for women, will attend be wiped away. Catalytic — brand? April 25 at Sunny View Courts both Spokane, Wash. The couple Twin Falls, and gifts were wedding cake displayed on a 'dhe national AAS and Angel food soil is never completely Almost every range decorated by liene Day, Twin Recreation Hail, Sycamore has 14 grandchildren. arranged by Donna McCoy and round mirror. It was decorated Falls. • Flight conclaves at Hollywood, decomposed .at.Jiormal bake manufacturer has one' or both Street North. Mr. and Mrs. Crossley were with white swans and carried The couple reside at 223M: Fla., April' 15 through 17, in­ temperatures. IT ^pill overs methods of cleaning. Each Kathy Ochsner. Committee All friends and relatives are bom in Idaho and have resided women of the Christian Church out the bride’s colors with Borah Ave. W. The bridegroom cluding several M agic,.V ^ey smother catalyst, it may homemaker will need to invited to attend from 2 to 4 p.m. at 753 Del Mar Drive for many -were in charge of the reception pastel green leaves and is employed at Wilson-Bates. students.- become even less effective. For herself some questions? Departing from Fairchild Air The couple request no gifts. years, coming* to Twin Falls 4? better soil removal, heat oven to No. I. How soiled does- the Force Base at Spokane will be Mr. and Mrs. Crossley were years ago from Conda. Crossley 500 — 550 degrees for two hours. oven get when I cook? University of Idaho par­ married April 27, 1921, at Soda worked at the building trade Can you tell the difference by No. 2. Do I want a spotless ticipants. Robert W. Blewett. Springs. Mr. Crossley will be most of his Ufe, and has been a looking at them? interior after the oven is Craigmont; David R. dark. the first in his generation to building contractor .for several Pyrolytic — the oven controls cleaned? Library visits urged Ogden, Utah; Richard L. Haag, celebrate this occasion and years. " include “ clean.” . Interior is a No. 3. How much time do I Heybum; Lawrence C, Han­ light, shiny porcelain. have to spend cleaning the cock, Jerome; Michael W. Catalvtlc — oven interior is a i is e n ? -Huffaaker^—Mountain— Homer dull finish, dark in color and No. 4. Do I really mind du ring-speeial observa p^ee Friendshi p Gl u b meet s Royal G. Ingerbretsen, Billings, with a rough, porous texture. cleaning the oveg? Mont.; Kirk R. Miller, Coeur Doug Gee. Ms. James Kefe and How much heat is generated No. 5. Will I be sorry that I HANSEN - Mrs. Mable d’Alene; Eric H. Mohr, Arment entertained members Mrs. Lanny Wooten. Mrs'. Blake during the cleaning cycle? didn’t spend the extra dollars KETCHUM - In offlciaUy that has consistently met the In addition, 25 new children’s Spokane, Wash.; Donald E. of the Friendship O ub Thur­ Froehllch will be gift committee Pyrolytic — internal oven for the self-cleaning feature? proclaiming April 18 to 24 as challenge of our expanding books were added to the Moore, Moscow; Lewis G. chairman. temperature m ay be S50 — 1050 Every family must assess its National Library Week in population, and in fact, has collection, plus new adult non­ sday at l»er home. . _ ' Rinebold, Burley; Kenneth C. Mrs. Daw was program Ueg i eqa, depending -the awn needs, Jeaifca ond budget Kptrhiim Mavor Kenneth traditionally demonstrated fiction including “ Teaching She showed an old photograph -Thnmpsnn brand. Extra insulation and, armed with information, Richey Joined Mrs. Daniel Hart, leadership Tn IIlUl'Ui'j'. ■MDiituBHm 1 111 the Hume,' rimalL— W ash.: nf theplnhtakgnata hnshand’s chairman. Mrs. Patterson. Mrs David G. Walter, Bonners generally keeps the outside they are more apt to be better librarian of the Ketchum education^ and cultural ad­ Halnstock; “ So You Want to party In the early days of the ell Wright, Mrs. Arment, Mrs. Ferry; .Shlrlee L. Joslin, Twin surface about the same as an satisfied with their purchase. Conununity Library, hi urging vancements. Its contributions Buy a Mobile Home,” Griffin, club. — Ed Lancaster and Mrs. Ogle Falls; Kathleen A. KeUy, BoIm, ordinary oven at baking tem­ If you have^ questions ap­ every child and adult to visit the to development of preschool and and “ Ideas for Planning Your The annual Mother’s Tea was Wall received prizes during and Judy L. lindstrom , Paul. perature. propriate to this column mail library during that week. grade school reading programs New Home,” Sunset. -planned for May 6 at the games. Capt. Robert 0. Winchester, Catalytic — less insulation — to: Helen'Walker P. ,0. Box 8, Mayor Richey said “ I’m sure alone are invaluable.” Mayor Adult fiction include “ The Woodman Hall. Members are assistant professor of aerospace the amount of heat will depend Twin Falls, Idaho 83301. every citizen of Ketchum will Richey added,' , Underground Man,” Mac­ asked to bring guests. The studies, will attend as escort oa oven temperatiu^ used. want to pay tribute to our “ Let’s»not forget we have a Donald; “ Father’s Days.” kitchen committee members When pushing in thumb tacks, - —Is—any—jnanuaV—cleaning- 4ibrary- Goldman;-- “ Hyhriri ”_C31ento, offlcer_ and represent th^ will be Mrs. F.A. Patterson, UM a thimble and save your necessary? standing service to the com­ honor our library next week,” and “ Angel of R e ^ e , ” by University ^ Idaho at a Mrs. F.K. Frahm and Mrs. Pyrolytic — the interior oven Hints given munity has enriched our lives. he concluded. Stegner. ' Professor of Aerospace Studies A.W. Daw, decoration, Mrs. fingers. is completely self-cleaning “ We are extremely fortunate Mrs. Hart noted there has Conference. except to remove light ash. FILER — Mary Time Qub to have this excellent library been particular emphasis Areas, outsidd; which are. not members read poems or recently in updating the exp os^ to the heat will need household hints at the meeting reference section with 75 new hand cleaning. at the home of Mrs. Homer Club meets reference books added this past Catalytic — you will need to Q-awford, it was announced HANSEN — Members of the month, plus many travel guide clean oven racks, window, oven today. Excelsior Social Club met books. Thursday at the home“ 6f Mrs. Among reference w^orks are, Don Conner. Mrs. H.H. Thieme “Home Reference Books in -tha ■ Bpanin g -axw c ise , JgrJnt,-— by^— Walsh;— ‘.‘The reading a poem. Gooding High School clubs Willows.” Mrs. F.W. Stokesberry Was a name next year's leaders guest. Mrs. Clifton Haynes gave excerpts from “Reminiscences GOODING — New officers for Pierson, reporter; Jackie of E^arly Idaho Days,” by ^ Gooding High School clubs were Parke, photographer, and Mrs. Charles W a lg ^ ott. . announf«Hl twlay bv Drinclpal Biane Peterson, adviser. The next meeting is May 6 at ---- 3tnmi»c ______' the home o f Mrs. Havnes, V sisits Cheerleaders: for the next sdiool year Will be Connie Robertson, LuAnn Moyer, Jackte Parke and Joyce Boulware. Mascot will be Robin Gonsales. J.V. cheerleaders are Lisa Sagers, Debbie Becker, Jana Esterbrook, and Judy Gorreil. Girls’ League officers Include CDnnle~1tobertson, "presidentr Susan Malsey, vice president; Michelle Shobe,’ secretary- treasurer, and Kathie Butler, historian. Future Nurses of America officers are Toni Llerman, pcesidenti Nancy-Pierson, vice- president; Mary Reed, secretary, and Karla Miller, treasurer. The high school Purple Sage Rding Club has diosen its new officers. They are Joyce Boulware, president; -Sandy— Mohwinkel, vice president; Jana Esterbrook, secretary- treasurer; Karole Greenawalt, sergeant at arms; Nancy

m l ] ^ jm r ttsoal fonndation. In toiott down redness, choaae it in a beige shade tint/blends - witti- tiw makeup. tVradHV daring Ow day with, pressed p o m ^ or one in a color that "Wiitetini j gM r*indaBoii~" Wedding etiquette . . . Sunday, April 18, 197J Tlmei News, Twin F«||», Idaho 7t Linda Haskins, Robert Paige Hdzel Rayl heads Salmon wed in double ring ceremony Social Club

TWIN FALLS - Everything TWIN F a Ll S - U nda Social Club' officers were-' — from—chooglng the weddl HasMnSf. daughter of -Mr. and elected during, the 'IFhursday,__ gown to slicing the calcie ^ Mrs. Welddh Haskins, Twin meeting at the home of Mrs. featuiced during the tot- Falls, became the bride of ^ b e r t RayL J th con ^ Bridal Qinie, ^ Robert G. Palg^, son of Mr. and Officers liiclu * .Hazel Rayl. sponsored by Intermountain Mrs. pGedrge Palgcr, Topeka, ' president: Nina Hardy, Vice • Oot andTthe Time^Newff. 7pjrt,Ai>rU3al' - president- - Dathei. O'Dell,u - • The cUnlc is set for 7:30 p jn . the First Presbyteria^i Church, secretary; Barbara F^uller,____ AprU 21 at the CSI Pine Arts Twin FaHs. . r w rd e r, and Maxine Nelson,’ • Center Auditorium, with helpful Rey. E^ar E. Toevs per­ treasurer, . . Information concerning all formed the double ring Sandra FUyl was a giiest. phases of a wedding presented. ceremony before a background At thls-'S6th anniversary O.A. (Gus) Kelker, executive setting of spiral candelabra j^me^ting', the .club' bylaws were editor o flh e limes-News, will holding white tapers enhanced revised for toe first time. It was introduce each speaker and with yellow and white gladioli announced toe club .will furnish phase of the program. arrangements accented ' with cookies for the blood drawing Details of wedding etiquette, ivy and yellow satin ribbons. May 3, home and church, and Jim McCann, ^kane, was ■^e program, was presented rehearsals will be presented by soloist, accompanied by Mrs. by Jessie Davis and pal gifts Betty fover, with Alice Reed, Charles Allen. were received by Alice Court- home extension agent for Twin The bride, given in marriage nay, Velda Taylor, May Fuller Falls County, gi\Hng pertinent by her father, wore a full-length and Effie Bauer, Roll call gift information concerning in­ empire-styled gown of white was presented to Bertha Snider vitations,. gifts, records, etc. chiffon enhanced with a white and toe hostess gift to Viola Mrs. Fran Hopper, In­ lace bodice and Ipng puffed WUliams, termountain Gas Co., will sleeves with lace' cuffs. Her present a cooking demon- walst-length veil of Illusion was - stration,- based .ariiund the held by' a lace flower tiara Secret bride’s fl^*t entertaining and a enhanced with seed pearls. home req^tion dinner. 'She carried a cascading Norma Herzlnger, Times- bpiiquet of yellow roses, white fathers News women’s editor, will daisies and stephanotis with discuss the do's and don’ts of flowing yellow satin streamers. night set publicity concerning weddings Maid of honor was Linda - and -engagements—and'^basic Frazier, -Seattle, - Wash... . wlth_ TWIN FALLS ,Se_(;ret. newspaper policies. Jim McCann, Eugene, Ore,, Fatoer Night is s c h 5 i S i d i ^ The reception portion of the HOME CONSULTANT for Intermountain Gas serving as best man. April 28 by members of Bethel clinic will be featured prior to Review Co., Fran Hopper, Boise, standing, checks publicity Ushers were Larry Haskins, No. 56, International Order of the program so guests can for the forthcoming Bridal Clinic with Alice Reed, brother of the bride, and Stan Job's Daughters, It was an­ sample wedding cake, punch home extension agent for Twin Falls County. Both Ricketts, Jerom. nounced Friday. ind coffee and view three Guests were registered by Go-to-church Sunday Is set for uirferent reception tables. No details women will be featured speakers during th^ clinic Mrs. Dan Looney, Boise. The April 2S, with a breakfast at 9 admission will be charged « id which is set for 7:30 p.m. April 21 at the CSI Fine reception was held immediately a.m. at toe Turf aub. Members special prizes will btf given. Arts Center Auditorium. after the ceremony at the of toe three local bethels. No. 19. Tips be given on flowers Holiday inn, catered by Carl's MR. AND MRS. ROBERT G. PAIGE , 43 and 56, will meet at the for a wedding, with all floral Fraternity will be assisting the Catering Service, Rupert, (Dudley photo) Metoodist Church for toe 11 arrangements made courtesy of night of the clinic along with The five4iered wedding cake a.m. service. Daryl Dry den of Fox Floral. An VicW Herzlnger, Susan Her­ Burmah Club Cards played was centered on a circular table During thte grolip's las't elegant and a simple wedd^g zlnger, Carolyn Jennings, skirted to the floor by white Salem, Ore., and punch by Kay Special guests were Tina meeting, Carolyn Wylie, cake will be shown, made‘ by Sherry Briggs and Becky names leaders HANSEN - The JoUy 12 chiffon and flanked by refresh­ Mamper, Oak Harbor, Wash. Knypstra, Twin Falls, gran- guardian; Paul Moseley, Mrs. Uba Allen, with directions Jensen, representing the Times- RICHFIELD - Mrs. H.A. Pincohle Qub met Thursday ment tables. The cake was They are all sorority sisters of dmotoer of toe bride, and Mr. associate guardian; Sheryl given on the proper way to News, and daughters 6^ In- Ross, Sr. is the new president of night, with Mrs. Vergil Ball as decorated with yellow and white the bride. Hie yellow and white and Mrs. O. H. Haskins, Twin Westbrook, past honored queen cut and serve. termoimtain Gas Co. employes, the Burmah Club, succeeding high score'winner. The meeting daisies, butterflies and lattice mints at toe refreshment table Falls, grandparents of the of Bethel No, 56, and Sandie Bridal 'fashions and ac­ Pamela Sharp, Mary Drew Mrs. Burl Akins, who resigned. as at the home of Mrs. Ralph work and topped wfith three were made by Mrs. Dean bride. Sharp, state representative to cessories will be shown by Sharp, Sheryl Johnson, Tlieresa Mrs. Ross was elected at th& Simmons, white niiniature wedding bells Ricketts. Jerome, aunt of toe After a wedding trip to Sun Minnesota, were Introduced. Molly Curtis and Susan Johnson and Diane Johnson. ITiursday meeting held at the Mrs. Zarl Tridle was second accented with white tulle. It was bride. Valley and Lake Tahoe, toe The librarian’s report in­ Williams for the ' Idaho home of Mrs. Hal Ross, high winner and Mrs. Blake baked and decorated by Mrs, In charge of toe reception couple will reside in Salem, cluded two poem s.' ‘An Honored Department Store; Mrs. Mary Shoshone. Froehlich won the traveling Mary Harrell, Burley. were Mrs. Fred Ringert, where they are employed for Queen's Crown,” and one Ernst and Marcle North Performs -Plans -made to give prize. Mrs. Hugh Sanderson, The quartet tnhlps were CaatktuEd— Mu— — Dl [RM. ■ , , iprlHan hy .Mi-c Mnrjt rim Kart Penney’s, and Patti Mc­ MOSCOW - Edward D. Britt, away the Easter Seal fund- MI'S. W.l, McFflHflna fiHfl'MTST covered wito white chiffon and McKinney, Kimberly; Mrs, The rehearsal dinner was about Jobies. Williams. the Mayfair Shop. a freshman from Twin Falls, raising quUt-in-May. Froehlich were gueSts; An­ centered wito white and yellow Myron Dossett, Moscow, and held at Kay's Supper Club. Pre- Birthday girls were Sandie Other merchants par­ appeared in a cast of sbt on "At Mrs. Lela Gardner received niversary gifts were received daisy arrangements. Mrs. Dean Ricketts, Jerome, all Nuptial showers were given for Sharp, Janet Heuston and ticipating will be Cal-Gas Co. the Exit,” one of two: one-act the club special prize and Mrs. by Lena Bohrn, Mrs. Minnie Mrs. Joe McKinney and VlcW aunts of toe bride. the bride by Mrs. Kit Moon, ? Kathy Dillon. "Joble of the Jerome, and Sterling Jewelry plays presented Friday and Ross a Pollyanna gift. The April Bedow, Mrs. Slsry Taylor, Mrs, Tolleson, Nampa, cut and Debbie Heller, TVln Falls, tea by Mrs. Joe McKinney, and Meeting" was Suzanne Wike, Co, Saturday at the University of 22 meeting is at the home of Ball, Mrs, Wayne Sniith, Mrs. served toe wedding cake. Coffee played background organ music a luncheon by IBM personnel in wito Debbie Sharp as “ Roble- Members o f the CSI Circle K Idaho U-Hut. Mrs. O.M. Capps. Tridle and Mrs. Ruth Wright. was poured by Kay Carlson, during the reception. Salem. Jobie." w ■ .1 ■ -■ ' . V ■ ■' 1 — ' . ' ' .Sunday, >^rll ie, 1971 /Tlme*-N«ws, Twin FalU, Idaho ** Ji TlmM-N««ni. Twin Fall*, fdaho . Sunday, j!^ rll 18, 1971 Jill Quigley, Officers elected for Magi c Va I ley Fa yo r i tes nte r f or envi ron me n td I Surnmer Temple .

Peggy AAorgdn^ Will plan Brown set area OES Chapter No. 72 Week's Recipe'Winner s+udfis established wedding v wedding Trimmer TOPS name VERNA WILSOht June wedding in Wendell "30,1 Texas St./Gooding ' _ POCATELLO (ISU) - The wild life and eutrophication of set June 2 July date ;CHEIELD_^._Mrs^ A.G. Lenunon was ill and that Ed , ciancern of the Bannock- the Portneuf River. planned quarterly queens Biswell, Dietridi, was elected Schlsler is a patient at>- St. " Shoshone Tribal Council for the “ We will begin our work at RICHFIELD — Mr. and Mrs. CAS^FORD - Mr. and ’s Hospital. sugars and coffee together. —^ v ironment of Fort Hall' “ YOU AIN’T,GONNA Fort Hall and then expand it to M elvin K. P op e, Richfield, -HAZEfcTON^Mi^rand Mrt. FALLS — The T w iiH , GraceBeaii7Fiier, IS pounds; A. C. “ B en'' Morgan, Wendell, Mra. Clinton Quigley announce patrOnrWhta Plans were made for the next Combine spices, soda, baking Reservation has ' 1 ^ ' to the BELIEVE It CAKE" encom pass iOl. o f Southern announce -ther engagemmt of Stanley A. Hinson, G i^ t Falla, F alls Trim m er TOPS Club Judy Porter, runner-up IW i; I announce the; engagement of the engagement and for* _ No. 72, Order meeUng, Aprfl 22; which wiii be powder with flour and combine organization of a ^ (e r for 1. pound pork sausage Idaho," White said. . their daughter. Manone Marie, Va„ announce the engagement presented three Quarterly Division No. 5, Betty Christian, their daughter, P^gsy Lorrene, tticoming marriage of their o f the honorary. Idaho, Onler of ' the Extern 1 cup chopped dates, favorite recipe. Just mail it to sdw ols, Arco. Morton West High Scliool, ductress. and Mrs. John Lem­ The center will conduct More than 34,000 cark>ads of psychology. 95V« pounds. YWCA or Mrs. MoeUer, 733^ Brown is a 1965 graduate of Star. (optional) the Recipe ' Department, Myers is a 1966 graduate of LpjD A LEE Hin so n Honorees Include Division No, Berj»yn, III., and attended mon, associate. condructress.' ecological research on the rocks were used in building the Walker has completed a 5089. . Castleford High School and was Reb-edunents were served by' (flour these before adding Women's Page Editor.' The Butte County H i(^ Sdiool and coast of Vietnam aboard the Morton Junior College, Cicero, Mrs. Armstrong, worthy reservation, based initially on four man-made islands that are mission for the LDS Church to HI. He enlisted in the Mariti^s '' graduated from the University employed by F.H.C. Cor- matk^n, and Armstrong, w orthy. Mrs. Arvella O'Donnell and too mix recipe becomes the prop^ty of served three and one-taalf years USS Constellation. _ Let sausage soften to room projects under way at ISU, sud> part of the Chesapeake Bay North Argentina and is science at Columbia University and served for four and one-h^ of Idaho“ ur i970r where he poratlon, Houston, Tex. patron presided at the meeting. Mrs. Mabel Becker, both the Hmes-News and cannot be in the Navy as a petty officer. A summer wedding.is plan­ temperature. Blend sausage, 'as investigation into mercury in Bridge-Tunnel in Maryland. currently studying political in New York. years, the last two years in majored in chemistry. He is A July 7 wedding is planned It was reported Mrs. Qarence Bellevue. returned He served for 27 months off the ned. Sun Valley's Camas Room Quantico, Va. He served on the Marine I. He is presently em­ ployed by the ESSO Service to become June classroom Center. Forest Heights, Md. PEGGY MORGAN SUN VALLEY — CoUege is Dr, Sharfman said he expects GILLETTE PLATINUM PLUSi CASSETTE coming to Sun Valiev this to Introduce “ classic modems,” ^ 60 M IN U T E S summer under a special those novels written since 1890, h a n d TAPES program in cooperation with in the course. Elmphasls will be Qo-to-church Sunday set M U K lf E S g a r d e MIt o o l s Idaho Sate University. on the better-known works that 5's The Camas Room of the will include English, American p l a t i n u m -PLUS w d Continental authors. JEROME-— Go-to-church group’s April meeting. Five 11" TROWEL 59? VALUE Challenger Inn will l>e turned into a college classroom from Dr. Sharfman said the, Sunday Is set for April 25 fOr other members of the Gooding 11 1/2” TRANSPLANT® t);r VALUE $2.00 members of Syringa Rebakah lodge were present and two VALUE Jun^ 21 to July 31 for a cla u in literature course is a pilot' 11 3/4"WEEDER 59(( 1 UE Lodge No. UP. Jerome, it was members fi-nm Mnitu ^ VALUE “The Modem, Novel, English program at the resort. Other announced today by Mrs. “ Springtime at the Door” was 12 1/2" HOE RAKE 69( \LUE 354'* classes may be added to the Willard Shropshire, noble the program presented by Mrs. 14" CULTIVATOR 695 LUE Dr. William L. Sharfman. summer .schedule if sufficient grand. Mark Dyer. Thank-you notes YOUR CHOIC VINYL vice chairman of the English interest is indicated by Mmbers are asked to meet were read from Lois Jensen and LARGE RAWUNGS OFFICIAL Department at ISU and director prospective students. at the United Methodist Church Mrs. Emanuel Nelson. GARDEN at the program will instruct the in Jerome at 10:45 a jn . Refreshments were served by WELCOME class. Students taking the M n. Donald Loper, Gooding, Mrs. Dale Johnstone, Mrs. Edd BAND AIDS BASEBALL cou r^ will earn three hours of^ Christian district deputy president, was Moeller, Mrs. Oakie Church and «I00 C O U N T HOSE transferable college credit. introduced and welcomed at the Mrs. E. H. Church, MATS Tuition will be $80 for credit and PUT THE WELCOME MAT 60FEET. $65 for those students who want progrqm OUT FOR SPRING - PLI­ BRASS COUPLINGS to audit the class. ABLE PLASTIC WITH INLAID 2 YEAR W ARRANTY presented "WELCOME” AND FLOWER w W DESIGN. TWIN FALLS - Mrs. $1.98 VALUE Evangeline McNeill, Cannon $1.00 VALUE Idaho Faijs Beach, Conference center. \ Cannon Beach, Ore., was the exhibit set featured speaker at the Magic 'wtfi -Abb w ine MOD LEATHER VaUey ChrUtian Women’s Qub HAZEL BISHOP meeting, it was announced WATCH BANDS IDAHO FALLS - The Idaho Friday. Falls Art Guild is preparing to “ Everything revolves around lEYELASH KIT — atniPir inorB' tliun aoo uilgljial' ft Man revoiveg Contatmd::^ feathered eyelashes, 1 tube adhesive and $5.98 VALUE paintings at its 22nd annual around God," she said. Vi ot-. lash cleaner, Spring Art Show at the Eagle “ Christianity is Christ in one — Bock Art Gallery, Highland the hope of glory." DEAR ABBY: You recently wrote that there is more $2.98 Park, Idaho Falls. Musical selections were fighting going on in the average American home liecause of VALUE The showing will l>e from 7 to presented by Lawrence Curtis, tiiiir than anything else. 'VALUES 10 p.m. April 24; 2 to 8 p.m. professor of music at College of I am a girl, 19^ and I want to know why adults are so - TO $3.00 April 25; 7 to 10 p.m. AprU 28. Southern Idaho, a^^mpanied quick to Judge a p m on by iiis outward appearance? U a $2.50 VALUE CANVAS^ — and 7 to 10 p.m. April 27. by Mrs. Roger Vincent. tey has long hair he is taken for a hippie, radical, pot FRONT SEAT . Each artist will donate a A style show w«# preMrted " m okeri homosexual .or freak. Why? miniature painting tor the by Edson's with dub members It makes me ^ that outward appearances mean WORK GLOVES TAYLOR scholarship fund which wil be as models. Theme was “ April everything to adults. They don’t bother to look at a person VITAMIN C CAR MATS SPRING’S THE TIME FOR YARD WORK - PRO- given to graduating seniors of Showers.” TECT YOUR HANDS JO KEEP THOSE FLOWERS ' and see beyond his hair or his dress. They don’t care what's WALL the three local high schools. The Models included Velma PER PAIR COIvlblG. on the inside. TABLETS fund will be named the Helen Quigley, Buhl; Loma Strolberg, Aupperle Fund in memory of Hansen; Jean Lively, Twin Why can't adults forget what a person looks like, Abby, THERMOMETER 250 MG. DRESS UP YOUR CAR FOR SPRING tlie late Art Guild nfember and Falls; Akna GriU, Buhl; Lois and judge him for what he is? They’d get to k^iow a lot more WITH THESE NEW RUBBER MATS, teacher. The show is free to the Hudson. BuW; Sandi Moeller, beautiful people they now p ^ up because they look Uke public, according to chairman Twin Falls; Barbara Mo)4e, trash. SPEAKING FOR MANY Vemel Hilterbrand. ' Twin Falls; Ida Wptett, Filer. DE2AR SPEAHaNG: I agree, it’i what a person U on the iaside that’s Im poitast Bat we can’t go aroiind with X-ray $2.00 VALUE eyes, bypasstng appeajruolees Id order to look into a penao’s $1.00 VALUE 'm pectable glil-watit to get hersdf dressed np to look like a $2.98 streetwalker? And wlqr would a itecent prodnetive yoong maa SiFLF - APHE8IVE want to look like a shiftless, nnwasfced, boshybeaded bamT VALUE Long hair. If It’s clean and cared for, doeta't offend me. D-COIM SHELF LINER VARIETY OF DESIGNS But long, greasy, neglected hair oo men or women—yodng or Four Ready To Use oU -d oes. Bait Filled Trays 490 VALUE ______A peraon may be Immaculately clean, bat If he looks dirty,- ! don’t want Jdm aerviag me In a mtanrant. And 1 -havea’t the ante to give Um a physical. 'M e , peHups W f are.miscfaig. oat on meeting a lot of beaotifnl people becaoie they look Uke traih. Bot who wanU 1 POUN D ■ K, TROL *1.98 VALUl to pick thra what looks like trash lo order to meet beantUo] PANTY , peopleT $1.69 VALUE Somewhere there thoald be a happy medlnm. And tho I HOSE I SHAVING respect a person's right to com b hii hair and dress the wiy he wishes. If he gets himseU dressed op to look Hke he’s LADIES' AND MEN'S STRETCH CREAM KITCHEN going to a-eoitnm e -party, he shonhln’t feel th>t~toeg g T r FASHIOALSHADES------ftEQUtT^R 2GOZt------picking oa him If somebody Unghs. AVERAG E MENTH O L r FAMV - ^ o a x A t h JCB U StiS- PETITE LJME VALUeS'TO*1,19 DEIAR ABBY: Many pregnant, unmarried girls have TALL never heard of Florence Crittenton Services. We offer girU a D place to live ,with other girls who share the same probluns. We give them good medical care, an opportunity to continue SING /•\ ^ thefr ediicatiOa, plus other services tlw expectant mother PLASriC'BOWL LID WITH ONE ENVELOPE $1.00 OF M IX INSIDE, may neied. We c^rge according to how much the girl and VALUE her family can pay. FRENCH.COLE SLAW, The girl may either live in one of our 48 homes around the country, or she may decide to live in her own home, but THOUSAND ISLAND DELUXE accept some of the services we offer. She may keep her baSy REG. 890 $1.50 VALUE BOXED or give it up. The decision is hers and there is no pressure. BATH TOWELS Please, Abby, tell girls who need our help to look for Florence Crittenton Services In the white pages o f their STATIONERY \ phone books, or write to our home office at 60S s; Dearborn REG.2 9 C St, Chicago, m. 6060S. > MARY W. PALMER

b m acqaalate^ wlth-^osr seen, this is the onr wr can assure you hw the iB ie seiyices .a iifh a . j-renmnneBaed Tlorenee CHttenton to most trar lo natural-diampnd look achirvcd by . hndreda of glrla withoot hesiution. bat another boost won’t VALUES TO $2.50 man. PORTA-LITE -JUDSON Brilliant, Tier)' white. Fantastically clear and V A LU ES TO $1.25 hard. Precision cut and fa ^tfd by diamond ex- PECAI\he^DY perts. 25 year guarantee of replacement again** FJRSTAID loss of color, or brilliance, or scratching under WITH WArtNING AND UTILITY' LIGHT. PERFECT PRISPCRISP PEeANS-AND-CASHEWS IN SOFT CHEWY C A R A MEL.- normal wear. My tsther is the same way. But w e know he loves us. His -FOR-HOMEg.-BOAT&.-CARSrCAMPEE FREE FIRST AiaHANDBdOKJNCLUDED.. Round, pear. marqui.«e, or cfrit'raM-CUt Idea a compUmeat is, “Wen, tt’s about time you did set in I4K whitegold rings, l^jirrings and peffiir something right, dmnmy!’' $7.50 VALUE antN too. 160 per caral for appro*imatdy 3 ■A father slwws his love Jurt by feeding and clothing his carats and larger. *65 per ciH»t from appro»- family and worldng hard to give them the best My father J M h e mately 1.5 to 2.5 carats. cam e from a strict European family who never said much •TmlfmirkkrKsrnSS! and nm r itfKlMdJnnph affoctioa. I know it's harri-far- I you.” He has only said it twice to me. Once ■ te 1M» nfe for something and fo ^ oat lat^i dirttrABd the other £Eme was on the tel^>b o^ When I was 3,M0 miles away, and hotnesick; and I said, “ I love you.” flnt ______;______.___ LYNWOOO No atatter what my Cstli« says, or doesn’t say, Jt;kn

L 4 i l i

i^ ^ ^ I R I R R d i w L U l i h Mb o iii Whipping Cream Skylark Bread


Half- m ■Pint (Pint Carfon - 69c)

Girls' State .. . DELEGATES TO The American Legion Auxiliary- DISCOUNT PRICES EVERY DAY ^ sponsored Girls' State from Glenns Ferry High School are Barbara Wertz, left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WHY WAIT FOR A BUSY WEEKEND TO DO YOUR FOOD SHOPPING ? Harold Wertz, and Debra King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick King, Glenns Ferry. Alternates are Kathie y/icher, daughter of Mr. and /^rs. Daniel Wicher, and Christine Anderson, daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Anderson.

Spring show set

KIMBERLY - “Everything The girls will model garments b Beautiful” Is the theme they have made in home chosen by Kimberly High economics classes. Home School Home economics classes projects will be displayed and for their spring fashion show. refreshitaents served. Narrators for the event are The stjrte rfiow will be held in Janelle Johnson, Lonna Morrill, the Grade School Auditorium Jackie Wolfe and Cindy Lulloff. Tuesday, April 20, at 8 p jn . The Mrs. Michael Quesnell is the public is invited to attend. home economics instructor. Fancy Fryers Ground Beef Head Lettuce U.S.D.A. inspected Buy Any Size Package You Need Iceberg — Large Heads For Wholesomeness A t This Lov^^ Price Per Pound W hole lb. 3 2 lb. lb. TWIN FALLS - South 5 8 TWIN FALLS - The Past 18H.O.. M b . 590 Central Dental Assistants will Oracles Cliib will meet at 1:30 Sliced Bacon W ick lo w Pkg. Fish Sticks Brown 'n S«rv« Lb. 64«’ Strawberries Cup ineet at 7 p.m. Thursday at the p.m. Monday atltena Walker’s S tir lin g 1-lb. f Q l ) l«on & Maety •"w frw 'o r Dr,':'D8ir "Somuii. laa TJBIire:------Frankfurters T t r - -555 -Beef Short Ribs JSL Golden Ripe Bananas U>. 12" Blue Lakes Blvd. N. MyrUe Tull C u l Nearly, secretary of the Idaho TWIN f a l l s - Members of Round Steaks U.S.D.A. Choic* tb 1.29 Freshly Ground Chuck .b 73" Idaho^ Russet U.S. No. Ti 2 0 «2* Nurses Association, will speak the board of directors and board - Loadad With on basic antiseptic techniques. of trustees will be elected for Chuck Roast U S.O A. Choic* .b 69“ Fryer Breasts Whit* M«at .b 76" Red Radishes Bunch ...K 5< Officers will be elected. Christian House of Magic Fomily PocV—Firit H o rm «l o r Valley at 7 p.m. April 30 at 167 Pork Chops ond C«nt«r Cul Lb. 680 Canned Hams M o rrslt't 5 .1U.78 Green Onions; at.Vh ...» 5« . TWIN FALLS - The District Blue Lakes Blvd. N. S o f« w o y Californio Past Matrons Club will meet in 590 Chunk Bologna Ry Th* Pi«c* Lb. Turbot Fish Fillets H ° u lib u t lb . 59" Navel Or^ng^^s loro* & Juicy 8S98* Wendell Saturday. April 24. for TWIN FALLS - The Optimist a 12;30 p.m. luncheon. Club of Twin Falls wlU meet at SHOP ANY DAY kilt Special 6:45 a.m. April 29 at 598 Blue Crisco : TWIN FALLS - The Country Lakes Blvd N. Directors will be Cheddar Cheese DISCOUNT PRICES S h o rte n in g Home Permonent Woman's CTub will meet with elected. Mrs. Pearl Allred at 2 p jn . Best Buy M ild 12-ct. Wednesday. Dinner Rolls ’ H g . 37" Each 1-lb. 99^ 1.19 ; TWIN FALLS - Bowl and Saltine Crackers l2l fk g . 36" Blossom a u b will meet at the Pencil, 2 7 -0 1 . 58" home of Mrs. tbm ’ Hicks at 2 - 8 5 Tru Blu Cookies Pkg. Secret Spray Bayer Aspirin p.m. Wednesday. Sweet Rolls ^ , : r ’ "pT; 43" trophy Aerosol Deodorant 300-counf Bottle TWIN FALLS - Mrs. SHOP ANY DAY Mb. Thomas G. Nelson will be the Skylark Bread Loaf 33" guest speaker at the April 21 DISCOUNT PRICES _B*ltyCrockir - mpptlng nf thp Mngir Vallnu- aw ard ed Bread Mix- 1.91 Homonrtado FlavoV • ^ 1. Chapter No. 425, American Canned Biscuits C on 10" Association of Retired Persons, TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Lee SUPER SAVERS at 2 p.m. in the Bishop Rhea Bitzenburg, president, and Mrs. » -« r . Canned Biscuits Can 10" Auditorium at the Episcopal John Pastoor won the red pencil Church. A report will be and traveling trophy awards MJB Rice Mixes Bake Shop Jeno's Cheese Pizxa P itta 87" presented on the AARP Friday in^ luncheon meeting of -worJcshop in Boise. Information thfr -Twin Falls Toastmistress Jeno's Sausage^izzo 13<4-o i . 87^ Appian Woy Pizza Mix may be obtained from Mrs. a u b held In the Colonial House. flt\6 Mary Bolton at 733-«209. Mrs. James A. Sinclair, table Spray Starch topic mistress, presented the TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Delores pencil award to M rs. Bit­ SHOP ANY DAY Breakfast Drink 7,1^" Sims. Twin Falls, College of zenburg and Mrs. Paul Fair­ Southern Idaho nursing in­ childs received the blue pencil. DISCOUNT PRICES Fluffo Shortening structor, has been named a Her topic was "Attitudes and 10-01. director of the Idaho Nurses Smattitudes." Mrs. Werner Wheat Germ Jor 50" Vet^s Nuggets Association. Kramer spoke on "Sex Makes

The UiffScnc^" Kelbgg^oncentrate Pko. iO " : TWIN FALLS - District No. 1 It was announced m em ­ SUPER SAVERS Nurses Association meeting will bership hasnow reached 30 with Sugar or Glazed Quaker Quick Oats p ta - 64" be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the addition of Mrs. George 4-«1. Bel-air Sausage Pizza P I » o 75" the Twin FaUs Clinic Hospital Canon who transferred to the Instant Breakfast Pock 53" Waiting Room. A film strip of local club from Jackpot, Nev. Fri*d 13-01. 1»-O f. the winners of the “ Be In­ Theme of the Friday nieetlng Swanson TV Dinners Chick«n PIcg. 56" Doughnuts Com Flakes Pk9 43" volved" contest will be shown was "Nations Business Is ' A ll l- e i . Ift-ox. and highlights of the state Everyone’s Business." In­ Swanson Meat Pies Vori«ti»i .Pi* 23" Corn Flakes PkB. 37" Convention given. The executive vocation and Pledge of Bol-oir Froz«n 5^b. 15-01. board meeting is set for 7:15 allegiance to the flag were French Fries Crinklo Cut 92" Each Cheerios 'J:!;: PWu- 58" pm . given by Mrs. Dale Ghan,. 5* n - o i . Caram«l lexicology by -Mrs. George Wheaties CerepI PWg. 42" Coffee Cakes N ut TWIN FaElS" - Lend-A- Hartley and education by Mrs. SHOP ANY DAY Hand Club will meet at 2 p.m. Robert Ullman. DISCOUNT PRICES French Bread Tuesday with Mrs. William SHOP ANY DAY Roelker, 682 Sparks St. Oven Fresh Hard Rolls Program givem DISCOUNT PRICES Scope Mouthwash .'TWIN f a l l s - M agic Cherry Boston Cream Pies Chapter No. 82, QES, wUl in stated session at B p.m.. T. Phillips, orthopedist, H offw Monday at the Masonic Temple. presented the program during Hair Spray Supor Spray the Magic Valley Society of MJB Instant Coffee ‘I'; 1.04 N o w b o rn Safeway Discount ‘ RICHnELD Mrs. Charles Radiologic Technologists Baby Scott Diapers Styr* Maestas was hostess to the meeting Thursday evening at Pitted Ripe Olives 45« Stores lit A ll —Merrtettes Bddge-dub.—wlth^ the—Magic Valley— Memorial Baby Scott Diapers prizes won by Mrs. Bruce Hospital Auditorium. Hamburger Relish^ Jar 35^ '&rensen, a club guest. Mrs. Lyle Piper, Mris. C.O. Chatfield Nalley!s Mustard r 28" GREAT DISCOUNTS ON *Botta. *Jeroma —and Mrs= Manual King,------:— *gqyat»e *Pocatello ■ RICHFIELD — The annual *Weisar Gooding Montpelier Public Ubrary Silver Tea wUl No hot pants MOTOR OIL be sponaord by the Richfield . Rupert ---j^oldwelt--^Twin-gcilU- Woman's 'UuD trom 1 to"4:30 BathroomJjssuei I t e v o l i n ^ Burley *Nainpa *Mtn. Ho^ selling souvenirs at Meramec Qwmti Local artisti will display Quoker State OiT W .SghI Com And ^Ontario, Oregon palnttog at the Ub^-yy and the Caverns on U^. 66 here a ^ *t Brocade — All Colors W is invited to v^t the allowed” te^wearjj hotT-pantsr- Thl» AdvartlMmant EiFfvctiv* Thru Lester B. Dill, cave owner, Pennzdit M bTbr Oil Cmm 41*^ ItefrdtaDenta will be N«xt Sunday, April 25, 1971 -doesn’t want anything to ierved. L■ . ' upstage the souvenirs in the 4-Roll SIP Oil Treotment 84<* *These Stores Open Sunday TWIN FAIXS - The dance at shop. Pack 41 Metol Oil Spout ' 58- aw Odd Fellows Ball wiU be Most of the souvenirs h^ve a « corm oHT IMS ( arw at sro tft w oow ocato Jesse Jam a motif becauw the [p iL Oldtbne fiddling music is outlaw' used Sie cavie' as a Cestured n d the pobUc is in- hideout. “ It’s illegal to upstage. SMART SAVERS SHOP AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT vited. Jesse James,” Dill said. I . . '•----

Unity X:iub Vickr^ J Sunijfeyr April iBr W 1 Tlnn«».Ne\(wrTwln Fall*. Idaho. 31 officers BQjyicafd jp la np PTEER"^=~QlBorgo~Erhardt^ flver“WUfc»nt-aKr«ttr"tonrr Will mak^an official visitto the^ was'^esented his 26th year Wajme Uncolp. Bill Heaps, Idaho dulM )uid will be honored instdllied J u l y r i t e s perfect 'attendance pin at the' Robert-FortrCUbert DeKlotsr at-a b u iq u e t ^ d a r ^ ~ 1diljo~ luncheon meeting of the FUcf Byerett Andrews, two, and Earl Falls. Several FOer memben- TWIN PALLS - Officers of. .^TW IN *^^FALLS - M rs. Kiffanis a u b at the United Orouse, L$wis Hack, Richard plan to attend. the Pnity Oub were Installed tqr G «org«e EDne and Robert W. Tucko- and Roy* Watson, -one Mpt. Carl Boyd, it was an- lllM vuiounce the engagemenr announce today. year pins. pouneed by Mrs. James and fwthcoming 'marrijage of Q^er attendance, awards, Armour ^derson, ,Twin GRAPE FRUIT her daughter. Vickie Rae, to' presented by Robert Fort. ' — ' In iridiUnn to Mm Mm TGEUp^mes Bolyard, son ot duded' Orville. ~Sacket(T 01 d ix ^ ]^ '^ of lUwa^, m«t smith, otfaff offl(^ indude Mr. and lira. Walt Bolyard, all ■ 111, years; TWn Turner, 17; Bill with the group (w. the.ipeeting lose 10 to 20 lbs. in 2 Twin Falls. Ifrs. BlaX'Van Ausdeln, vice ^ B u r ic e , 15; Merl AUiWi, 11; and for a board n i e e ^ r He weeks. S^nd SI .00 With president; Mrs. Pearl Miss Hine is a oenior. at Twin Richard S i^ , 9; Merl Leonard, discussed Filer community and stamped, self addressed Buduuan, secretary, and Mrs. H i^ SdMol and will be Art Chatbum, Loren Anderson, Kiwanis Qub participation in Eva (Mson, treasurer. ^aduated hi May. seven; Morris Carlson and the fbrthcgming JIatlonal High envelope to: Bolyanl w ^ gradiiated from During the A p ^ meeting at i . Holloway, six. School Rodeo to be held this D I E T i i n Twin Falls Kgh Sdiool ii^ 1870 the borne of Mrs, Irvin Sweet, ^ ch a rd Schweitzer. Dalmer summer at the fairgrounds. - P .O . Box 8417 all members piuticipatiM in a and is attending the College of ...... ' T- Lowder, Lawrence Knigge.Dan- Ted "Johrisonl ihtematibnal Southern Idaho. Kaufbnan, Ralph Cedarholm; SLC, Utah 84108 “ show'and tell” program. Mrs: VICKIE RAE HINE Kiwaiib [H-esident, and his wife. Budianan show^ an apron ' A July 12 wedding is planned. which belonged to her grand­ mother. Mrs. Benno Deters showed three scrapbooks of clippings of he^ parents’ m anlage and activities in &e im m u n ity over ndany years. Mrs. M esser^ith displayed carnival glass and taliced on its origin. Aanquet set fOr 7 pjn . April 29 at Mel Edwards, Moscow. Brent the Rogerson Hotel Roundup Olmstead, brother of the bride, Room. All members-at4arge and Mark and Doug Peterson, are invited to attend. brothers of the bridegroom, Guests were Mrs. Ken DeLeo served as ushers. Jason Kelly "and-Sharon-Stahleekerr------sBrved~Bs the TtngtsBHrerr ' MrsrJim S'tovali was elected- carrying'the rings uii a satin, as altem^U representative to heart-shaped pillow accented the city council. with yellow daisies and white Mra. Mike Tegan gave the satia ribbons. culti^ai on the selection and Chuck lAssen, Twin Falls, weanng of'perfumes. was soloist, accompanied by The next meeting is April 28 Mrs. diaries (Helen)*'Allen; at the home of Mrs. Darrell who also played the traditional Burnett. wedding music. Nancy Olmstead, cousin of the bride, and Gwen Kash Pageant passed out the thank-yo\i scrolls at the door. scheduled POCATELLO — Ihe current - - Miss Idaho ^ t e University, . . , # ■ ■ Filer W omq n s-Club the annual Miss ISU pageant at Frazier HaU. ^ Jan Worsencroft, Twin Falls, 1969 Miss ISU, wiU emcee the officers re-elected p r o g r ^ . Miss Allred will sing and crown the liew Miss ISU FILER — All the officers of

coeds entered in the beauty and re-elected at the April meeting talent.contest. ------at the United Methodist Chnrtb, Cindy Anderson, 20, Filer, is a it was announced Rriday. ^coBtaiantzlRoger Vincent.. They include Mrs. Carl Filer, and Mrs. Bonnie Leonard, president: Mrs. Chrlstenseh, Tijin Falls, will be Reuben Lierman,J vice -nnws-iBTjnapr ------^ “Upi, Up and______^ Away” will be secretary; Mr«. ESnnest Pedc, •^IheltaaBrofllirpBgeant-which— correapoiKfiag-*eci>eUwyr-«»d— ^ beginsatSpjn. ^ t^e tea table was c o y ^

annual libraryllt c ^ ,nnport p o r t of_theo f the centered with a floral Keep that old large handbag, Hid FOer a t y IifariH7 Qie silver arrangeoient. ft makes a good first aid, eoDectiati waa donated to the aewing or whst-fwt Ut that can library fond^^^S waa annonaoed' - Mrs. Lafe Barron preside^ at be to t ^ on auto trips. Che annnal’ Inncfaean Qte eoBte senrice and Mrs. iwffl be b d d Mas* > in the Raymood lln n n foondtaa. -OatiflBrao^ J W n l^ watering im d l plants. Water reaenratkasmnttbe with DDnooCbMm n m ban oiltbe won’t - - t e conanittae in dbarge. fellf ■ t-WwtrTwIn F«ll«« id»ho • Sunday, April Ifc m 'l JThis week... Where-fo-fTotnldaho

SATURDAYj_ ana early for the Atom BUsters Fund Raising Breakfast in Arco d t y Recreation Building. Music 'CISli’a~Annmi Home Tour In Idaho Falls, 1 to 5 p .^ ., as well as the annual Spring Art Show igle-Rock-Galjery,-ending. of Badi” Tthanks to foraiing choir, 8 p.m.', KirMi^m M ^ c Festival throughout the Auditoriuni. PreWew lilght with day in Rexburg. Tw».day 36- cellist, Paul Tobias, and the Hole Medal Golf Tournament, Boise Philharmodc, is a come- Purple Sage Course, Caldwell. a»-you-are treat,. 7:30 to 9:30 Meridian Speedway for regular p.ra|., Capital High School W.LR.A. races, time trials at Auditorium. . • 6:30 p;m.,' Baseball in Moscow, TUESDAY: Piano team of tw o ^ y clash ^tw een Montahrf LUCINDA OSBORNE — CHRISTIE GIESLER Gold and Fisdale performs 8 State and U of 1 ,1:30 p.m. each p.m., Idaho Falls Civic day. Idaho Federation of Auditorium. Naturalist Roger Square and I^und Dance Clubs Top seniors named Conklin q>eaks on “ Two Dif­ performing‘’8:30 p.m. Boise ferent \yorlds,” 8:15 p.m., YWCA. ■ “ Musical Moods” Goranson Jlall, Idaho State concert by Madrigal Singers, University,' Pocatello. “ A 8:15 p.m., Boise State College for Camas County Program of Sight and Sound" Auditorium. Formal (3iarity with Clauds Miles and his Bail, 8 p.m. Bannock Hotel, FAIRFIELD - Lucinda ra tin g " in piano at the collection.. Of oldtime jazz Pocatello. Osborne, daughter of Mr. and American Federated Music records is 4 pjn. Pioneer Room. SUNDAY: Salmon is the first Mrs. Dwight Osborne, has been Qub Festival in March. Miss Jewett Auditorium, C of I in stop for ISU Touring Concert ~named’valedl’ctorian of the 1971 Osborne has spent nine years in Caldwell (no diarge). Dranfa Choir, 8 p.m., High School graduating senior class of 4-H work and was awarded the department of College ■ of Auditorium. Hells Canyon Camas County High School. state honor in public speaking in Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ROdeo Q um i Contest starts at Christie Giesler, daughter of 1970. stages its sp^g induction noon in Weiser — no admission Mr. and Mrs. Calvin'Inkles is Last summer she represented today through Saturday charge to see the many varied District No. 6 of the Rebekah salutatorian. _ (evenings). Special sale of and lOOF Lodges to the United events, including pig scramble DIRECTOR OF the U.S. Mint, Mrs. ' Mary T. original art prints today only, Miss Osborne has a grade Nations tour. for youngsters and jack-pot Brooks, and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Eu­ Boise Gallery of Art. point average of 3.76 and Miss She plans to attend college at rodeo. U. S. Anny Field Band W EDNESDAY: Miss ISU gene T. Rossides explain the first striking of the new Giesler has a grade point either the University of Idaho or Concert in Twin Fals, 3 p.m., Pageant on campus beginning 8 Eisenhower silver dollar being produced at the Son average of 3.57. Seattle Pacific College. (Allege of Southern Idaho Fine p.m., Frazier Hall, and recital Arts Auditorium. Kellogg First striking Francisco Assay Office. Joining .Mrs. Brooks and Miss Osborne is serving as Miss Giesler has been a for Janet Brackett, senior oboe singer, Mary McConnel, per­ secretary of the student body. cheerleader for four years and Rossides at the historic ceremony were Mrs. John student, 8:15 p.m., Goranson forms in M oscow, 8 p.m.. She Is president of the Drill held various class offices. She Peavey, wife of State Sen. Peavey, Rupert, and Con­ Hall - both Idaho State Recital Hall, University of T^am and has been a member represented amas County High gressman and Mrs. Jdmes A. McClure, Payette. University, Pocatello. Baseball Idaho. Spring Choir Concert, for four years. She is president School at Girls’ State in 1970; is in Lewiston, Eastern 8rl5 p.m. Boise State College •Order forms for these dollars will be available on of the Pep Club, a member of a member of the Ski Qub, “ C” Washington playing Lewls- Music Auditorium. June 18 from local post offices and banks. the “ C " Club and has lettered Club and track, and is editor of Oark Normal School. 1 p.m. four years in track. Other ac­ the school annual. Miss Giesler Clyn Barms and Reid Nibiey tivities include the Sid Club, was the football homecoming (violfi and piano) in concert, High School Band and Chorus. queen. She plans to attend Idaho 8:15 p jn ., Jewett Auditorium, She was awarded a “ superior State University. College of Idaho. Caldwell. Boise .Junior High School Art Show at Boise Gallery of Art (concluding May 16th) — Soroptimists to present preview stwwing tonight, 7:30. THURSDAY: “Three Penny cradle warmer to hospital Opera” in Lewiston, 8:15 p.m.. Administration Auditorium BURLEY — The Burley Hole, Wyo. Several members (ends Saturday) as part of Soroptim ist Club m em bers Indicated plans to a ^ n d ! Lewis-Clark Normal School V61M Burmti^ umu' ApiU lu IVU S Ttaj Konrad, Mfgi ' MwaiB- gwitivali—Spring Art dieon meeting to purchase a Fullmer and Mrs. Lloyd Show in Centennial. R\lnd6y, 9 lo T T Mrs. Jones will attend the New members inducted in­ meeting as representatives. clude Mrs. Rodneft*; Murphy, Mrs. Jeannette Chambertein, - N^s. LaMar Olson ^ d Mrs. 2. SAVE $1.42! chairman of the service project, Kenneth Grimsman. Mrs. Milk products WHITE A B C CUPS reported on cradle warmers Konrad, past president, ofr available for use in a hospital. ficiated at the induction NOW 2 for $6.58 Mrs. Glenn Bailey was el­ ceremony. New members were discussed ected to serve a^deiegate to each jfe ^ tW copies of the Reg. 2 for $8.00 .-t w in ' FALLS - The Happy'- r a w MofintAin- .‘^orop- ■ Soroptimist Manual, Rocky Go-Lucky 4-H Club held a timist Regional Conference Mountain Regional Roster and Smooth little Mini-Trico^ ~fcont6uf'“ To®i^Tfyt!ft,'(flsl't-- meetii^ Thursday at the home April 23 through 25 at Jackson Soroptimist laws. ionable bra with crepe tricot cups, light fiberfill for of Kimmett Bybee, with Christine Britt leading a natural shaping, skinny, all-stretch back. discussion on milk products and Local youth, instructor milk drinks and Mrs. Fred Britt on quick breads. -attend leadership meet Concert tour TWIN FALLS - John Loder, Burley topped all other students a junior student at Twin Falls in an area of competition in TWIN FALLS - The Idaho High School, and Sheldon Af- which the students drafted 3. SAVE $1.81! State University Concert Band field, distributive education sample sales manuals. Shell will make a stop in Twin Fals WHITE S-M-L-XL instructor, left Twin Falls by was named best in^'area of while on its spring concert tour bus 'Thursday for a lengthy trip distribution.” Kim ^Ktchfield April 26-28. NOW $9.19 ea. to ^ Antonio, Texas, and the was second place winner in The band will apj^ar at the national leadership conference merchandise manual College of Southern Idaho at 2 R«g. $T1jOO of the Ji^ributive Education development. pjn. April 28. No admission Gubs America (DECA). charge is planned. Firm and fabulous Dreamliner Long Leg Pantie. With Loder won first place in the doubled panels all around for extra control at tummy, state DECA competition in hips, thighs, derriere. Also; XXL, white, now S9.99, reg. the salesmanship category, and will compete in the 312.00. Save 32.01! national contest in POP 8 TRACK : salesmanship. Students from distributive education classes throughout the nation CARTRIDGES $ a 98: ------ST ARTINQ AT------f=J?------A event. The Twin Falls High School "dist ed’' class is one of tiie newest in The slate, starting at : L.P. RECORD the beginning of the second semester. Affield said his class “ BEST OF THE GUESS WHO” -CompLeJeiL a _ unit on i m m den/oiTrt^ at ot study brfpre entering the (Limited Supply) state competition. $ 4 7 8 Another Twin Falls DECA SPECIAL ■Bon ber, Dennia-Thaeter-won - third place in public y a k in g In the state event. Sewual- BTirtey High' SehooF^ 45 RECORnS 1 students also placed in the state _ :iNPIAiyiESERVAmr BLTHE RAIDERS. ^oSnference, including Karerr^^ lambert^and Wayne Johnson, a PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND" BY THE OCEAN who placed first and second In > AND MANY OTREI TOP Hmn ~ layout;' Bruce Carrier, YOUR BANK - aecond in. puhlip ^ppaking; 9 7 > 3* TAX :. Rhonda Staindle, who tied with a ^ - LewistOD student for third place CARDS ill —h* denumsthitlon, and fN THE LYNWOOD ■ " Scot Stanfield, who was nanoed HELEN’S RECORD SHOP WELCOMED 0 - 2 2 1 Main Ave.Eti*!— 7 3 3 -8 6 O9 ^ ;0 OPEN MONDAY NIGHT ^Tll 9 P.M. 4b-«diltioo, J

Sheriff Earl Brown said the ond Soldiers juvenile, reportedly stole a his escapfe and - lhpn-stnlp_a inntm-cvfrle. The motorcycle was 'recovered in a b o a r d Texas, but the taxi has not been found. From Texas, where he is PHONE WITH MORTAR SHELLS wanted tor two counts of at­ exploding around them, tempted rape, the , youth 733-S601 Evening*, Jam** Clark wounded South' Vietnamese reportedly stole a car which soldiers scramble aboard a helicopter at Firebase 6, South Vietnam. The injured soldiers crowded the helicopter to capacity and some of ^em had to lie forcibly removed so the YIMES-NEWS helicopter could leave safely. (UPI) Correspondents are Always hunting ^‘Home-Town” News in Magic Valley White House aide raps spying charges WASHINGTON (UPI) —"nie be "so clearly placed in the policy of the Nixon^ administra­ 'lagency, but repeated several ing-tour of New England, said communities. White House charged today political category” that nothing tion “ is that we do not tap the times that Its surveillance' was in Manchester, N.H., in refer­ there was a “ blatantly political would be served by an wires of congressmen and not Indiscriminate. ence to FBI Director J. Eklgar effort" to spread fear and investigation. senators." Ziegler said he was speaking Hoover that if Muskie was intimidation among Americans 21iegler also suggested that a 23egler said the FBI has for the administration in president, “ using the Inevitable through creating the false congressional investigation be specific areas of responsibility charging that the critics of the northern New E:ngland tact and relating to national security and Impression that the FBI is made into the charges made by FBI were politically motivated. diplomacy, 1 suppose I would It may be a fire, accident,, wedding or engage­ spying on law-abiding citizens. Boggs which he ^ id were its Job as a law enforcement Muskie, on a two-day speak­ invite him to resign.” Press Secretary Ronald Zie­ “ wholly unsubstantiated.” ment. Perhaps it's an interesting personality, bus­ gler issued thaSoughest rebut­ “ I’m quite confident of what iness promotion, a club meeting or a new build­ tal yet to charges made by the outcome would b e," Ziegler Rep. Hale Boggs, D-La., that said of an investigation. You can outfit Meg and Amy and ing going up. the FBI spied on his personal Ziegler, asked about a New life, and Sen. Edmund S. York Times report that the FBI MusUe's allegations that the condicted surveillance on a Jo and Beth for just S11. Penneys. All are news. FBI was improperly using its telephone conversation held by powers to spy oniwople.------Kep. John Dowdy, D-Tex., for ' “There appears to be an referred newsmen to the Times-News correspondents in key Magic cities, attempt to create an attitude, Justice Department for specific towns and villages want to be the first to know. an linpression ... by those information. 2 officials who are raising this But he pointed out that the Help them to report fully and promptly the news issue that this administration and the FBI are indiscriminate- from your community. ly "spying 6ft 6110 eonaucting surveillance of law-abiding ci­ 2 ^ $ § tizens,” Ziegler said. Mrs. Wallace Taylor He said it was being done Wrenches, ALMO^ 824-2321, Almo “with the object of creating a Mrs. lePoge laylon feeling of feai; and intimidation cash taken BURLEY-RUPERT- 678-8908, Burley among the people of this country.” TWIN FALLS - Police In X"' Ziegler made the comments Twin Falls are investigating a Mrs. KoUert Uoy as Muskie, an unannounced breakin which occurred.'.fet-, 543-5412; B u h r candidate for the Democratic ween ' Thursday night and' presidential nomination, re­ Friday morning at Cliff and newed his attack on FBI Jack’s Service, 364 Main Ave. S. surveillance of Earth Day Officers said entry was made DECLO- Mrs, Nalon Taylor activities last spring, and urged through a rear window. Several 654-2501, Decio full disclosure of the extent of wrenches and dimes from the Jonoil Soren^et^ it. cash register were taken. The WETRICH- Questioned about Muskie’s bur.glary Was discovered early 544--24B4, Dietrich charges, 23egler said they could Friday. EDEN^HAZELTON- Mrs. Norman Crider 829-5581, Rt, l. tden FAIRHEIO- Mrs M . i . Oawiel 4 Yanks remain 764-2427, Fairfield FILER Mrs. Reuben Lierman 326-5454, Filer Mrs Ted Cho in China jails GOODING- 109Nebrasks » 934-5706 ' WASHINGTON (UPI) - Fecteau of Lynn, Mass., have O’ Mainland- Xhin^~wiUch~. has been Jn-jX3iinese_.custody the emphasized a thaw 1" its longest. relations with the United States Both were civilian employes Mrs. Ed Larson - by giving a warm reception to of the Department of the Army HAGERMAN-BLISS- 837-4436, Hagerman a U.S. table tennis team, still when their plane went down holds four Americans in it* Nov. 5, 1952, while it was being Mrs. Dorothea Steelsmith Jails. flown from Korea to Japan. HANSEN- 423-5408, Hanien Two of them have been there almost 20 years. This was during the Korean Mrs. Robert Bell State Department spokesman War, and the Chinese contended JERO R€- 324-4761. 616 East Ave. F. Downey and Fecteau were Robert__ J U c Q o s ^ said Sondro ReinHordt ■■ — - Thursday the United States is engagM in espionage. Downey 733-4696, Route 1. seriously concerned >bout the was'sentenced to life in prison KIMBERLY- four Americans. They have not and Fecteau was given 20 Mrs. Arthur Greer Girls easy care Penn-Prost' shorts sets of stretch nylon Striped mock turtle b ^ released despite repeated years. KINGHILL--^ 366-2258. King Hill official U.S. appeals. The Chinese did not reveal and elastic waist, solid shorts In lots of great colors Sijes 4 to 6X and 7 to 14. A pair of civiliaiis, John , publicly that they were holding Mrs. Farnum Worr Thomas Downey of New Downey and Fecteau until 432-2772. Murlough Britain, Conn.. and . Richard November, 1954.

Mrs. Nino Brush R IC H FiaO - 487-2900, Richfield

SHOSHONE-^ Mrs. Thorne M6-2Q71, Bo* 366. Shoshone STONGDALE- Mrs. Camila Bronson "■STHTDTTTRirrrBorley------

Mrs. Roynord Wright. 837-444S, Rt. l,^Hogerman

Mrs. D. S. MoffeM 678-5785, Rl. 2, Burley

AArs^ Earl 3chrenk At First Security Bank we provide more 536-2765, Box 56, W#nd«« than just the money to. help you Buy or Build >'our home. You get the ftnancin know-how which makes your dollar.s wor belter for you. TIMES. NEWS “FHA. VA or BANK L o a n s 'Speed^rservice^th-a-mintmum^f-Fet^tape. P h o n e 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1

Value. It still means something at Penneys. First Security Bank

fntl SotmtJv IwA •! <1 34 TImM-New*. Twin Falli, Idaho Sunday, April 18, 1971

1 installs new officers PREVIEW OF NOAANAiflOMAL WEATHER SERVICE TO 7:00 P.M. EST 4-I8.-1I c o o t Snow due BUPERT — New otBcers of attend the one agricultural He said 10 combines arrived the ^East Minico Future F ^ - ach6ol. They use an old shop t&e Just ahead of his arrival in the in West’s mero of Am«1ca wei« m- Morrison-Knudsen firm, Boise, country and witUn'three weeks - aaunc e d -Saturday- by Vernon— iett:after..the company-built not one was in working .con, mountains. -JJarWeil, «^uipt£r advisor..__ :___dam .in.the, country tn 1947. dition. He took parts of the 10 Van Stutsman-is president; Some 60,^ acres are machines and built three Doug Saylor, vice president; watered from the dam, through combines, but soon they were Joe McLure, secretary; Mark dike irrigation, Merrill said. not usaUe either. SNOW b predict^ for the Stutzinan; treasurer; Rocky lliere are no chairs either in Hie Afduuiistan people take higher elevaUons of'the R6cky Ilammons, reporter, and the classrooms or one^odm the-oil ana sell it and Just leave Idaho Falls Mountains in Wyoming, Burley -Dtidley m c N e il, sentinel. mud huts where most of the. the old oil in a tractor, Merrill Montana and Idaho today, while ^Omcejs^were Installed at the people live. T h y is no wwod |n said. He also built a .thresher Malad rain ihowers are expected annual awards banquet at the the Muntry and the main food IS wBIchrhe‘ ^ < lr ^ ‘l«>ked-likB—GrangeviUe across thmnieriwrtlon oftlie~ Ponderosa Inn with Keith . bcjQAd ^ d tea, with few something our pioneers used 400 Goo^ijig Great Plaias. Warmer weather Morrill, recently returned from vegetables, he said. years ago.’/ Boise Is ezpocted across the southern tm years in Afghanistan as a There is no sanitation and all He urged FFX members to Pocatello states, with fair sUes over most machinery advisor, as speaker. water must be boiled, Merrill set goals, work toward them to of the United States. Cooler air Tom iGrisentl was presented a said, noting most of the people make their lives M eresting and will flow Into the western states. watch from Hanna Jewelry by eat with their bands and very worthwhile. Mierle Hanna for being the high few have evea.seen silverware. Letter awards were presented point individual in the chapter. “Sheep and goats graze on to John Fortier, Dudley Mac- Farmer of the month awards gravel M d gain w e l ^ ” the NeU, Arlen Woodbridge, Rock were presented to Andy Studer, speak^ said. “ Perhaps this is Hammons, Earl Wood, ahd Bill L ig h t rain^ co o le r in M agic V alley “GrisenttrMarilnEaiers-and'Dee the only country-in-the world Tlrijmons,=Hll=fii^-year. Joe Hunsaker.- wher^ livestock does tiiis.” McUire,. and Dee Hunsaker, Farming tn~Afghanlstan Is Jl^said cAmels are used for both second year ; Mike Mahler, Magic Valley: Twin Falls and Weather synopsis: which dominated the weather more higher than Friday Southern Idaho and the Magic done 99 per cent by bullox, sticic transportalion and some four Harold Mohlman, Tom Grisenti vicinity: Norths side; Burley- Low clouds vdth rain in the picture in Central Oregon »was morning’s lows, due to heavy Valley for the period of Tuesday cloud cover.:'Mid-afternoon through Thursday calls for plow an4{) stick harrow, with 15 million pMple move back and and Andy Studer, all third year, Rupert area: valleys and snow at higher primarily responsible for the acres considered a large farm, forth with camel herds. and Marlin Eilers and Pat Partly cloudy today with a elevations was the- weather weather pattern. Circulation temperatures were also much variable cloudiness with a MerrUl said. Everything is Americans send ' farm Merrigan, both fourth year. chance of occasional light rain; outlook Saturday afternoon in around the weather system lower than on previous days. chance of scattered showers at government owned and fanners machinery to Afghanistan for Project awards included cooler and windy at times. High Eastern Oregon, while east of tended to keep temperatures times throughout the period. make from $50 to $60 per year the government-operated Dairy: An'Uy Studer, trophy (17 today In the upper 40s; low the Blue Mountains clouds were and ceilings down. -— Precipitation- varied, from a Temperatures will remain with >4 considered top monthly farms, Merrill said, but the head operation during the past tonight near 30. Chance of higher and temperatures rose Low readings Saturday trace at many locations to .28^ slightly on the cool sFde", with wages for farm labor______p^ple dQ not understwd how to year), first place and Tom precipitation 30 per cent today slightly in Southwestern and morning ^ve. the entire area inch at Soda Springs and .42 ' highs In the mid-50s to mid-€Os, He said in a country of'IS care for it. Repair and nSin- Grisenti, second place; and tonight. Eastern Idaho. A frontol system tended to be abouJ, 10 degrees or inch at West Yellowstone. and overnight lows in the upper n^on.^only about 400 students tenancfi Is unheard of. •Livestock; Pat N^errlgan, .. ■*' The extended outlook, for' 20s and 30s. troidiy and first place, Andy Studer, second place; Oops: Andy Studer, trophy and first, Steve Young, second place; Women’s liberation Poultry; Tom Grisenti, trophy: Farm Machinist: Doug Saylor, a junior, first place; and Star established fact Greenhand: Wayne Shank, (outstanding freshmen). NEW YORK (UPI)--'nie bara Ward, former British Amalgamated Sugar Co., cries of feminists Betty Frleden cabinet member Eklith Sum- each year awards gifts to the and Kate Millet noti^thstand- mersWU, author Gwendolyn first, second and third place Ihg, women’s liberation is an Brooks, public health official FFA members in ttje county for The Easter Illy is this an inch from the onion, after IS of jungle origin (Central estoblished fact In many fields. Dr. Frances Kelsey, Danish sugar beet cropl^irThis year the holiday’s most popular plant. It they are, dug. Then I p§ck them America), which means it This is made clear by referring Supreme Court Justice Helga gifts were presented to HaroI^T UkeFTots of water and good only one layer high, with the prefers shade, and an ample to “ Who’s Who in the World,” a Pedersen, and operaTrranager— new blograi^ical directory pub­ Hohlman, second place and Pat drainage, so punch a hole In the roots on S'"* supply of moisture. ITiere Carol Fox. Merrigan, third place. The first bottom of the wrap to make sure doWri. Tbat way any moisture should be a law passed making lished by Marquis Who’s Who, Many other women also are ace winner is a member of.the water does not build up around that might be in the onion goes it mandatory that any plant sold Chicago. listed because of their contribu­ West Minico FFA Chapter and roots. Grow in bright, cool down and does not stay in to should have Its full Latin name. Having compiled background tions to science, industry and will be announced later. window. cause rot. I take a box, place a Another so-called Moonflower material on more than 25,000 the arts. - Honorary member degrees Remove the yellow floral layer of paper on bottom and is the Datura, or Angel’s prominent persons from 168 were presented to Lee Moore parts (male elements or an- place the onions in a row over Tlrumpet. It ^ o w s about 3 feet countries for this 1,000-page “ arid' John ■MiiLUTU Uy tile Ttia s ) tu keep Uie white Mbbhui- the whole bottom! 1 lose a tew, 4»ighrhaB eream y whita^towars, volume M aquis’ staff found diapter officers^ They each from becoming soiled with not many. Still have 18 good and seeds. In a burr-like women in' imjx>rtant places of received a plaque. yellow pollen. This also helps to onions from last year. We keep structure. Seeds are poisonous. all types of endeavors. For make the blooms last longer them in the utility room where There’s another Moonfiower, example, there are Indira (we think). After the plant has the temperature* is about 65 Calonyction aculeatum, a Gandhi and Golda Meir, two of a number of wpmen in high finished blooming, plant It (pot degrees.” perennial vine closely related to Farming removed) In the garden and The Yellow Sweet Spanish, the Morning Glory (which is posts within their governments. leave It permanently. YouH-be Jumbo or tiamt>erger onions -are also called a moon flower by Other _ women who...have Top member surprised find it will bloom Idrge, late and usually good .-some.' gained worldwide recognition again for you in fall. keepers, especially If you cure Ipomoea is the common for their achievements Lnclude affected photographer Margaret Bourke- MERLE HANNA presents a watch to Tom Grisenti, right, Normally we don’t recom­ them as our reader suggests Morning Glory often called White, artist (jeorgia O’Keefe, high poln* member In the EUut KUnico Fatnre Farmers of mend forcing it again for above. Moon flower. Another Moon- another Easter indoors, CHRISTMAS CACTUS Dower.'Thunbergla grandifbra. news corre^ndents Georgie MAGIC HEALTH America chapter at the annual awards buiqnet at the Pon- ' Anne Geyer and Pauline with derosa Inn, Burley. Keltb Merrfll spoke on his experiences as a by trad^ although many gardeners tell WON’T BLOOM: Several Is a handsome evergreen vine. Frederick. mechanical advisor In Afghanistan the'past Iwo years. us that they have brought the readers tell us they have a If any ofjour readers can help MAGIC MILL PULLMAN, Wash. (UP!) - lily Indoors and it has bloomed Christmas Cactus which never m e clear up the “ Moonflower” Also: publishers Dorothy Th« gr«of«sf Possible future frade relations in the home. blooms. What’s the reason? ix-obtem, please drop m e a note. Schiff of the New York Post in iht history of sfont flour between the United States and Tbe florist’s hydrangea Is a It’s a matter of light, as one B.H. of Murphy: “ We want to and Katherine-Graham of the a n d ccreo/ grinding right Conununlst China would have a water hog, so give it plenty of reader suggests “ M'y plant raise a good pickling cucumber Washington Post, magazine in your own home. “ very, great .influence on water ^ daily doys. If leaves never produced blooms while it and also the large kind, editor Helen Gurley Brown of •H igh outf>ut(otf*r60lb«. agriculture in the Northwest.” and blooms ^ t from lack ot was In the uving room where •something that WOtl’t get bitter' .Cnsmnpnlltan, ernnnmiflt Bar- -ptf.frr, ^ with tiffW Itff■ Proposal& •p«#d--1725 R.P.M. according to Carl Hobson, water, the plant will spruce electric lights biuned. To get it as ours did. What do you • SJmpl* Uy«r grinding od|u»l> Washington , State University right up if you submerge the pot out of the way, it was relegated suggest? ” mant agricultural economist. In a pail of water for 30 minutes to a southern exposure on a A pickle packers’ trade • $lalnl*«« i Im I Rour drawer Hobson, speaking on a (no flour Miest and top off and place in a flat dish of along the whole cuke. moaaatisfcictory. Itwm 'tmdt - J*'ln|rnym j}*01cic*!lfia oL*5,_C>goj[i_corDprlsed. o ljive units..’ Jane FoiiHFliM_QbtHlned_a. water:------~ -otSl.OOO-aach, wlBi-additionaT urtlls avaiuble InTiic w n ^ e three^nonth continuance of ice but reduces the skid, can b ^ REPELLING CATS AND S1.1.eto Ottering of participation ia available to peraons in high- Complies on order assault and battery charges bought cheaply and rather DOGS: We’ve had good luck Birth weight tu brackets (with cenaJrvother minimum requirements}. brought against* her last easily farm centers. It can using the repellant rope for Send the coupon for current Prospectus (o: WASHINGTON (U PI) — A Uke a permanent .injunction, November by a policeman at e a ^ n b e arw ^ off carpets or keeping rats and dogs away SAN JOSE, Calif. (O P I)= - rugs nd is very good for from 'evergreens,. Hie rope is Malad, Idaho, livestock dealer was issued to insure further Qeveland H(^kins Airport. Mrs. Frank Nerli sla|^)ed her L. T. DOLPHIN (IDS Rep.) ahnibtery and lawns. Try it!" trejl^d with a coal tar has complied under order with furthercompliance with the Miss Fonda, who was given forehead in relief, or perhaps 2 2 6 Shoshone Si. East Another reader ^prefers the bonding requirements of the act. three continuances previously^ by|||di:^ with an offensive dismay, after she gave birth to Phone: 733-8020 .juris- -was to have appeared in sawdust to sand because “ when odor. You wrap it around .the twin daiightera, Tracy and Ilsa according to the-U.S.” Depart-' dictii^"at Ids hearing and Monicipd Court here bush and it keeps the pets away. The Infants weighed in at a lZZ5eM lRe^uaBilTroS716tcCunoch. sand sinks to the bottom, and Anyone have better I ■ Oil Exploration Program —,1971 ment of Agriculture. neither admitted nor denied the but Ju^e Edward F. Feighan husky 8 poiinds, 10 ounces each. I Prospectus to: Cahriri C. Dredge,, who'pur- other allegations. permitted her a fourth delay when it refreeies there’s suggestions? Please send them Name_ diaaes livestock from southeast­ Tliursday at the request of nothing to protect from alip- along'. I Street- ern Idaho, northern Utah and defense attorneys. jptog. Sawdust will float when QUESnONBOX LEGAL NOTICE I C ily _ InTcstori Dircnificd westam Wyomiiy;. consented to Feiafaan said, her attorneys the ice m d ts and when it 3UESTI0N OF THE WEEK: NOTICE TO BIDD61IS I Phone_ Serricts. lac. -when he answered air Use for bark- wish to postpone the-faearing refroaie«, th a «a’ i«Ji_ until the; outofMpe-of possible fioat to thesurface - — admittistrativecomplaint issued- LUFKIN,Tlex: (UPI)=Shi^- do not know what I it needs. Please Room »S StatehouM, Bo Im , Idaho, — l9'-4be-USDA’s-Packers^ and ded ” pine-bark-can soak-up federal duunes wainst her are sUppiiig." ______until: H :00 A.M ._ - A P fll 26. 1971. for StociEyards Administration. three times its welglit In spilled determined. Gm^ not^aft tn« following; REQUISITION NO. Patrohnan Robert S. Pieper about winter for a while. — I’m alwaya- baffled when 9274 (or Printing Idatra Boating USDA Judicial officer Tbonias oil in five to 10 seconds, a Laws, for ttia. Slate Law - En- You ar« cordully~iiivit«d.4o attand an invest­ J. Flavin ordered Dredge to Texas forest products research­ charged Miss Fonda kicked him HAMBURGER ONIONS: [ names are used, n d forcnnent Oapartmant. at BoIm ment seminar about IDS - MC CULLOUGR OIL oeaae and desist t n t n engaging last Nov. 3 while lie vras trying Why Is It that tbe so-caDed am not sore what a Biooo Valley Idalx). er revealed. All bids will be publicly opened EXPLORATION PROGRAAA. ^ . in bosineiB or in commwce bi DeWayne Weldon of Texas to detain her after she arrived Hamburg onions do not kees Plant really Is. There’s a new and read at tt

I A Sunday, April 18, ,1971 ■' Times-News, Twin Falls, l.

-Warehouse* BUHL ^(teat Barley Oats Mixed Corn Pintos Great Call). Small Bean Growers G ra in (13c.) Nortti PlnksJteds Rangen, Inc. ______NO N Q . NQ NO. T K Ie ld s 5710 2.1 O’ 3.10 rrso 9^5 T7.75 B.OO Trinidad NQ . Nq NQ -'NO NO NO NQ NQ B U R L E Y NO NQ ■ NQ NQ Bean Growers Feeders Grain Union Seea

NO NO NQ NO.NO NQ N y FAIRFIELD NQ Soil moisture Camas Prairie Crain 1,33 2.25 2.25 2.25 - r EDEN Atorgan-Llndsav ■ NO NO NO NO. NQ FILER NQ NQ NQ ‘ Bean Growers 1 36 NO NQ NO . NQ NQ NQ NQ makes record Chester B. Brown NQ • NQ NO NO O. ChUds Seed 7.50 9.25 sioo 8.00 TWIN FALLS— Soil moisture Idaho Bean t.31. On Goose Creek the soU NQ _ NQ conditions^ throughout" Magic- .moisttire as o f Aprtt-l-was 7.0 NO ‘ NQ ‘ n o GOODING Valley in the valley and foothill Inches as compared to 6.4 a year Beakon Bean 1.36 2.M 2.30 7.50 9.15 7.50 B.OO H A 2 E L T 0 N 2.20 elevations are the highest ex­ ago. Bean Growers 1 36 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ perienced, according to the Soil In the Salmon Falls' Creek Conlda Wrhse. NQ NQ NO’ NQ ConservaUon Service. ^ainage, the soil moisture is 7.4 JEROME A report prepared by the SCS Bean Growers 1.36 NQ NQ NQ NQNQ NO NO inches on Deadline as compared Mars>iali wrhses. 1.34 2.15 2.20 2.15 7.50 9.25 8.00 8.00 and released Saturday said, to 6.6 Inches a year ^ o , 6.9 Morgan Lindsay NQ NO NQNQ NO NONO NQ because of the saturated soil in Inches at the RoU^nd jPatrlck kim berlyhansen Bean Growers 1 36 NQ NQ NQ NQ.NQNQNQ most areas of southern Idaho, Ranch as compared' to 6.6 a Hansen Farmers Elev. 1.34 2.15 2.20 2,15 7.50 9.25 NQ 8.00 there will be excellent forage year ago, and 9.0 inches at the Magic Valley Bean Co, NQ NQ NO NQ NO' NONQ production for 1971. Morgan Lindsay NQ NQ NQNQ NQ NQ NO NQ . Pole Creek Ranger Station, MURTAUGH - The report said for the first compared to 4.6 Inches a year' NQ Bean Growers 1 36 NQ NO ■ NQ . NQ NQ NQ time In many years, small ago. PAUL Morgan-Llndsay NQ NQ NQ NQ NO NQ NQ NQ desert reservoirs are filled to Also noted in the report was RUPERT J -capacity^ -the-increased volume forecasts Chester B. Brown " NQ NQ NQ ’ NQ ■ Floyd E. Idle Wrhse, NQ NO NQ ■ In the Raft River area, the of streamflow for the April SHOSHONE soli moisture is 9.2 inches a r through September period in Beakon Bean 1 36 2 ?0 2 30 ? 70 7,50 •9 25 B.OO 6-00 TW IN F A L L S ' Conner Pass, 9.9 Indies at Idaho from three to 25 per cent Globe Seed & Feea 1 36 2 25 ^ 2,25 3.25 "2,65 Howell Canyon, 6.6 Inches at as a result of the heavy storms Bean Growers 1 36 •NQ NQ NQ NQ Sheep Hollow and 6.3 Inches at during March. Haney Seed NQ NQ NO . NQ Idaho Bean^& Elev Sublett. Last year the soil Forecasts of .streamflow now NQ NQ NQ NQ Intermtn Bean NO NO NO NQ moisture was 9.2 Inches at ' vary from 105 per cent of nor- South Side Bean Co 7 25 9.00 7.50 T F, Feed & Ice 8 00 ■ Cohnel-- Pass, 7.2 in HoweU 4nal on the Spokane River to 183 1 36 2 15 2 20 2.15 - . WENDELL 2.30 Canyon, 6.2 at Sheep Hollow and per cent on the Inflow to Magic - Wendell Elev, ' ’ " ' 1 36 2 20 2 30 2 20 7.50' 9.25 7.50 0 00 6.0 Inches at Sublett. Reservoir above Shoshone. NATIONAL .WEATHER the Mississippi R iver. POTATOES JEROME U S No. )<, U S No service's 30-day outlook for Precipitation Is expected to C J Marshall Produce NQ NQ mid-April to mid-May Is lor exceed normal over the Pacific K IM B E R L Y temperatures to average below Northwest, .the central Pacific Henry's PrcxJuce B e lo w P A U L seasonal normals along the Coast, the upper Mississippi Demonstration, set Magic Valley Produce NQ Pacific Coast and also In the Valley and eastern portions of R U P E R T Rollond Jones Produce NQ n o r m a l Southeast. Above normal the Northern Plains. Subnormal Max Herbold, Inc NQ temperaures are indicated for totals are Indicated in the TWIN FALLS the eastcr portion of the In- Southwest as well as in Florida. on Gooding farm C a rl G.ilb Co NQ NQ termauntain region through to (UPI) E. S. Harper NQ NQ GOODING — A tree planting Service, and the SoU Con- QUOTATIONS ARE providjft^as a service to both farmers and buyers. Quotations are demonstration will be held at 10 servatlon Service. given the Times-News daily by each buyer. The newspaper, in addition, re-checks each firm ajn . Wednesday at the Robert twice-weekly. Responsibility for the price listed Is solely Ike buyer’s. NQ Indicates the buyer Bolte. Jr. farm, three miles There wjU be j dtsc\l3slQn,on,. does not wish to quote a price, ' Calf mettting^istory West of Gooding on Uie Old Bliss windbreak planning and tree Highway. varieties, under the direction of Vernon Burllson, University of SALT La k e c it y (UPD - "T h is has never happened long she could live," he said "Oie demonstration is being Units opened A 190-lb. calf at the University before. It’s the Ifrst tlhnie, and"’ ’niurSdayr^TQTsr-now-she's-ln^^nsoi^-by-U'e-Gwxling^U—ItW»-Extenslon-Forestep-and of Utah is providing valuable there's no way to predict how excellent condition." Conservation District, the Mel Carlson, forester with the Grazing Livestock new medical data and making University of Idaho Extension SCS. DENVER (UPI)—Uvestock; for grazing medical history bv IMne loneeiL Hoes 400. Rfirr""’° than any other experimental an- SHOSHONE - The foUowing '}i> to instances 50 lower. 1 - 3 imal with an artificial heart. a r e a ^ grazing units will be opened to 15.00-17.50 ; 2-4 16.00-16,75, Sows Named “ Latina," a Cherokee grazing in the Shoshone district steady, 1-3 14.00-15,00, Indian word meaning “ long-_, of the Bureau of Land life," the calf has survived over Management, reports opening 150 hours with the artificial or­ Lawrence H. Bardsley. gan pulsing in its chest. The SHOSHONE - Grazing units Grain These units Include the Laya -«iperlm entat-dovjce—was-Jm=— for the Shoshone district of the SEATTLE (UPI) — Today's unit and all. allptmMfi In tRF planted^at i-p s n . April 9 in - Bureau of Land Managenjent grain prices, F.O.B. Seattle: unit, Mth the Timmerman HiUs a five - hour o[^ratibn perfnmt are opening, WllUapi T^ Mab- Soft white 1.76M! exception of the'Tlktfi-'a Alloi- ed by Dr. Willem Kolff, direc­ butt, BLM district manager, White club 1.76Mi ment, which will be opeiied at a tor of the Division of Artificial said Saturdtly. Hard winter 1.73 later date. Organs. ITie Star Lake West unit will Corn 64.00-65.00 There is no way of knowing open for cattle on Monday, and Barley 54.5(W5.50 An estimated 10 million tons how long the calf could survive, on Tuesday Laidlaw Park will of gold are scattered through according to Dr. Hans Zwart, open for both cattle and sheep Kangaroos are a mobile the earth's 300 million miles of chief investigator for the ex­ grazing. Four units opened hazard at the Anglesea Golf seawater, says National Geo­ periment. Friday, Including Crater-Butte, Club near Geelong, Australia. graphic. Walcott, Lake Channel and Dietrich Butte. These are for cattle only. Tlie Sliosliune L'bttle Ullutllltillt will open April 24.

Waialeale, a peak in Hawaii, has had as much as 52 feet of rain in one year.

# i l C T L Having sold the East Side Market building located at 561 Main Ave. East, all the CALENDAR equipment will now be sold. Contact the Times-News TUESDAY, APRIL 20 ^ Farm Sales department for SA U TIM E: 11:00 A.M . complete advertising cover­ ag e o f your farm sale, hand bills, newspaper coverage SCALES CASH REGISTERS, CARTS S (over _ 70,000 .teadftra in _2_Hobatd^mMt.departroenl ...... Magic Valley) advance bill­ 3 Do/ton Check out Counters 2 National Departmentized ^ ing. Ail at one special low 2 Overheod Produce 1 National Departmentized J 1 rate. Every sale listed in Platform 500 Lb. Capacity recently reconditioned 9 This Farm Calendar for 10 Chattilion Overhead 3 Electric Stamp dispensers ^ L days before sale. Meat 500 Lb. Capocity Burroughs Adding Machine 1 APRIL 20 MEAT CASES Allen W ales Adding^ M achine J ~ l EAST SIDE MARKfT 2 Gun Staplers V { STORE EOUIPM6NT 32' Double size Webber frozen food cose 3 Moore built check out counters Adv»rtlMm«nf: April I 0 X oervicc fpcai cOwS lytcr------20 Techa-built carts a Auction*«ra: D«lb«rt AI«nond«r 2 meat case 9' Self Service 3 Shopping Carts ^ and ly1« Shoff*r 1 Two tier 12' Tyler

APRIL 21 JENNIE FEANSTEK. OTHER EQUIPMENT FURNITURE SALE Adv«rtiMm«nt: April 19 336 ft. Hirsh shelving 5 & 6 high — 2 4 ft. HirSh end display type — 4 AuctionMrt: W«rt. EiUrt, iroduce cases 1-36' (12 ft. sections Matched 3 units) — 8 Ft. Tyler double Wall A u.ty— Scotts Beer-Pop Cooler 8'-3 full doors— Dairy cooler walk irt J6 doors 13'3" — Scotts Pop Cooler 8 dr. reach in — W alk in freezer in _basernent bn.ilt in sections fo r removal-^— 14 compressors to fit cases— e x tra ~ A •----1, xn fa-::Qf_bQby FqqH metal .racks— Electrolux Auctien*«r«; Woll Ik M*«Mr«mifh vacuurti cleaner— 2 Ultra-ray violet lamps — 2 butcher blocks, meat power saw (Hobart) — Hobart large meat grinder,'cube, steak machincr APRIL 24 6:30 P.M. Globe Gravity feed slicer, electric. 220 volts 3-spit rotiseries, 3 ston. AUCE HOSKINS ESTATE ■ ANTIQUES knife .sharpener, 3 18" paper cutter, 1 section meat cooler walk in, AdvMtiMmwili A p r a jl Auction : W t l , E l m , 4 tiers ten high-^ Complete set of metol meat trays— 2-4^ $fep_iadd«ti,-2_—j WoU I M w rimith _^Concave-mkrors--{shopiTftTrtgy,~~~2x4^plafe^rpss rnirror, 2 wet cher^icol ^ A n a 2 4 Tire extinquishers, 6 ^ rv e y stompers, 2 meot tape dispensers, 4 Cello tap« JOE A CONNIE rOTTE* dispensers, Itik windo pans. Price tags for produce & meat dept., 4 st. AdvMth*tMnl:-Aphl21' AuctlonMr; ttarvcy Kwrase mop, ringer mop bucket, 12 wire;^splay baskets (round). Paymaster check protector. All kinds o f sizes o f w ood & metal display rb'cks, electric APRIL 25 heaters, and fans, compressors to be sold with refrigeration units lYN .. AiitrcttiswnentUM(9,iQ- -Mony Other fAiscellaneous Items Not Mentkmed. — AudiaoMnOyU J«atan A . U lM a U a V * EQUIPMENT TO BE MOVH) 7 PAYS AFTER SALE APRIL 25 • ANY WINDOW BREAKAGE TO BE PAID PDrBVRESPONSIBlE FRONT1EI ttO IS ES A U PARTY , • ■ . J...... AdvMtlWfMnt: April» AucttonMfS: W wt. B U t t , flK M S: CiAH BAY O f SA U Won A MMMnmMi APRIL 26 GEORGIA M H Iir IN , O w ner ANMOW A ANNE HiutMOl _Arfnniw m «ii; April23 AUCTfONORSr DOIBtT AI1XAII0IR 54S4I7* . lYlE SNARFBI S 43-57M ' H ie sTiews ^ TimM-Ntw*. Twin Fall*. Idaho Sunday, Aprl|,.lt, 1W1 ^ Sunday. April T8, 1971 - •Tlmei-N«y», twin Falls,-klalw » r* ... ■^:SPE£llkls^^IJ:M SHOPPING . FROM THE TW IN FALtS M o n d a y SHOP rrn T ii.» p . NIGHT [E R G H A N T S ^ T H E S E e a r l y IW s f e ® i$ o w t i i e « k e o t e i e w w f $ e e s

ONE ONLY Used mgnday night CARPET DEPT. Open MONDAY til 9 p.m. CLEAN-UP double CABLE-NELSON : SPECIALS Organ Specials You are Anniversary SALE 6 P.M. TO 9 PJW. ONLY MONDAY 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Baldwin Church Organ knit invited PIANO & BENCH Walnut Finish, Full 2 manuals, ENTIRE STOCK OF MISC. SHORT ENDS ^ 32 Pedal*, Consola, Banch to mpel flouble and Tuna Chamber MLBACRON M editerranean P e c a n LAMPS ROLLS OF CARPET looks and Performs like new. M ar^rel Norman knit RAGHUGS REG. LIST PRICE *902.00 New ^ stylist for ANDCOnONKNIT 24” X 45” . 9 9 $3500 ...... Only ^ 8 9 5 Assorted' Easy Terms Maidenfqrm^ S o lid s, vibrant colors . . . THIS WEEK slripes. 6 2 -7 2 SQ . YD. Wurlitzer Spinet inches SPECIAL 2 Manual, and all the goodies w id e. Margaret will be ih our store Monday & PIllOWS f Ebony Finish, Easy .Tuesday — April 19 & 20. Come in artd let Dacron fiber Excellent Performance care. Margaret Norman assist you with your se­ filled or YOU CAN’T AFFORD PRICE FACTORY SAMPLE CARPET R e g u la r New lection of Maidenform truly suited to your polyester TO MISS THIS o n e : $1495 ...... Special personal i^peds. * y d . Double knit suit's from SMO to S I25. BUY NOW FOR ^ 6 9 5 4.49 fiber filled . . . Easy Terms Slacks from $18 to S30 and Sport MOTHERS DAY c OPEN M ONDAY 9:30 to 9=00 VARIOUS Coats from S35 to S79.95. ea Pillows MASO USIO SIZES ... FABRIC Motif, WILSON-BATES c L u J e m s m SEW & SAVE SHOP acrylic PINESS APPLIANCE STORES INC. y a t u -ftb ^ ftll- MUSIC & FURNITURE 137 Shoshone ' '' 702 Main Ave. North «e iI7 FURHITURI ON THE MALL 106 Main No. DOWNTOWN Twin Foils Street NorfK Twin Falls, Idaho 121 2nd AVe. W. 733-1421 143 MAIN AVE. East t w in f a l l s in the LYNWOOD •y. ■;

MONDAY IMGHT Sl'ECIAL Hudson’s BLUE LAKES HB c ARPET! Special Sale FIELD POWER Shopping Center SPECIAL CARPET! of Ladies Casuals FOR After Easter Clearance CARPET! con tin u es & Pant Shoes 110 VOLTS ELECTRICITY MOTHER’S DAY 0 9 9 ; - O yd. flats • Casuals • Uttte Heels - Dress Heels __ IV ation^^", FROM ANY CAR’S i TBXtured polyester By Selby, Noturolizer, Johansen; SHAGS MiLows Advertised Styles — : a l t e r n a t o r ote knitsr Sew u p Life Stride, Town & Country and Others SCULPTURED FREE easy, need little or ^4nniversary Spring Patterns no Ironing. Fashion KITCHEN CARPET OPERATES HEAVY-DUTY DRILLS. SAWS, solids. 58/.60" wide. Reg. to ®26.00 SWEAT RUBBER BACKED All from Vans Regular Slock SWIVEL HEAVY COMMERCIAL LIGHTS AND BRANDING IRONS. ¥ CARPET You will Save up to S7.07 a Pair ON ANY LADIES FABRIC FANTASTIC $399_$| 099 SHIRTS SELECTION! Regularly. * 12^^ to ® 1 i S INSTALLS IN 10 MINUTES. LA-Z-BOY CHAIR CLOUD PDFF Sizes 4 lo 1 6 . $ ^ 8 8 polyester crepe. No w . Retail Price A rS K b rt sleeves.^^ FHA CARPET $< Regular values to $2.29. > 32.00 SAVIIJJGS >95 IN ALL OF SPRINGS NEWEST Assorted colors. OF...... s Ladies Casuals ^ CpLORS AND STXLfA. Compare al S1.98 D& B 5:- l\ o w Q iily LOW A S ...... & Flats At Price OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS All Shoes Marked with CLOSED FRIDAY NIGHTS Size and Price OPEN BOTH MONDAY & FRIDAY S Open Monday NHe’Til 9 P.M. d .appliances STOREHOURS FURNITURE -OPEN ^»W3NDAY^:30-to 9:00- T H E O«oia ■ -1'A R ei lOble Downtown \ e m d FABRIC and^Lynwood I S/.l) SEW&SAVE SHOP to APPLIANCE y a n j DfAl «^1TH DIJTCH 4'.." f iEidKuMiJr J 106 Main No. DOWNTOWN Twin Falls MON. THRU SATURDAY h f a c f t e r FURNITURE \cnneti* in the L Y N W O O n 2PZ M

NOVELTY IDEAL SPRING & SUMMER KNIT MOD FABRICS VlNYl TABLE CLOTHS ON SALE AT 6 P.M. ON SALE AT 6 P.M. ON SALE AT 6 P.M. KNIT 7 ^ \ WATCH BANDS SWEATERS M im y Iy p c s to ------T Q P S ^ choose from in this f o r group, including Assorted collons, flax, Arnel vinyl by S p M e h S P i U N 6 SERBJN S P i t t N S .. f o r and cic. Values lo table cloths I$ s3 .9 8 . Beautiful leather bonds in your favorite WOMEN m White, color, oil with handsome Gold Ornamen­ WOMEN Sand, Gold COATS DRESSES ROBES 9 9 and Green tations. 00 R e g ^ YD. 54” X 5 4 ” ^2.98 ... * 1 from t o *44.00 ...... $3 5 O ff Plain and fancy designs to please 54” X 72” *3.98 . . . ^2** N every-lady. Regulorlv $7 6 n ^ 9 -o —All wool & wool blendif W H it^ h e y lost, in sizes S-M L in cot- T ~ T in sizes S-M-L. * 4 :9 8 . . . * 3 ^ O Famous brand budget dresses O-Creat A.s.snrtment nf styiefi- fons O n d jc ry lic J ile n d s -in whrh», 1 O Nice ass’t. of styles Real nice assortment of styles Navy and stripes. ■ ' 5 .9« ■■■ ,0 O Cottons^ blends, rayon:^ OPEN MONDAYS & FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. ’TIL O Minrfall sizes 9 P.M. 72” ROUND *5.98 ... *4®* O Beautiful pastels and darics7 O Bright prints, checks,' solids OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAYS TIL 9 P..M. MONDAY O Spectacular values ■ & FRIDAY O Sizes 1 0 - 1 8 0-Sizes ------_NIGJITS__ FRIDAY: NIGHT : he OPEN • ’TIL ^ "ine MONDAY 9 P.M. ; NIGHT , ’ TIL Store 9 P.M. M - TImes-News, Twin Falls, ldah» Sunday, April Tft, '1971 BRIDGE I By Jacoby ^ Defense Chalks Up^aJSet upon .South would have ■ NORTH 17 made His contract, ...... *Q962 rem urleirtbU time a'g^l in h e r'w ly twenties. Twenty years East was not going to fall UtW) they split up. She ten<»rrie»rthu- time t yottttfrfeHw-iit— -- Into that trap. He "w a v burtj hli e«tnd clu"b trick sixties meet, mate and marry, too, certvlnly.'If.they’re not too. - • * A *543 was available. Then where sl9k o f the whole not on. Under this double reyolvitig marriage VQ65 V K 4 • could the defense find three 7 5 more tricks? who chicken out in their later yean. This is the proposal o f ■ * J 84 2 * A K Q 9 7 3 One way would be if West history professor Robert L. "Yaylor o f Southern Connecticnt SOUTH hejj^^ the ace. o f hearts. Ih State College'. Our Love and War man is looking into it, though • - * K J 10 8 7' that case the Jcing o f hearts .not deeply. VAJIO lead would yield two hearts ♦ KQ J9 *10 and a ruff. PAGOPHAGIA is what it's called, that urge to eat ice Therefore. East plunked cubes. Numerous ;^»ple d o it. Nibble away at one ice cube North-South vulnerable his king of hearts on < the West Norlti East Soutli table. West didn't have the after another. Now a pair o f medical men at the Um)&r»tty of 1 * D b le ace. but he did hold some­ Washington say they believe such individuals are.anptnic. Their 3 * D b le 4 * 4 A thing that was just as good. studies with small furry animals indicate such, ^ut why th o » Pass Pass Pass South had to take his ace with tired blood go for ice is still unclear. Opening lead—* 2 right away and lead a trump. West produced the ace and ENTIREL'V too much love around here. In the last By Osuuld & James Jucob> led queen and one heart to hours I’ve heard one soul or another state he or she loves; hot set poor South. North's double of three pants, cheeseburgers, Siamese fighting fish, snuff, the clubs was one of those new­ (NEWSPAPtJ tNTERPmSE ASSN I battleship Missouri and little sunburn, if it doesn't peel. Wait, fangled responsive doubles. no;griping intended- But-that^ a lot-df"love-,Trou-know? ^ o - In other words it was a sec­ much. ond takeout double made in response to South's original T h e bidding has been: W est N orth E a st South A THIRD o f the salesmen write 80 per cent o f the business, takeout double and asked you've heard that. But hive you heard a third of the South to bid a major suit. 1 A Pass 2 4 , Pass 3 A employees account for 80 per cent o f time lost because of East kept the pressure on Pass 4 V Pass 5 y 'tidcnesa? Telephone company records show that his vulnerable opponents by Pass 6 ♦ Pass ? Roing to four clubs but You. South, hold: CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q, ‘‘What’s the difference between South refused to be shut put AAKQJS4 VKJ32 ♦eS *2 a meteor and a meteorite?" A. In the air, it's a meteor. On the and_^went to four spades.' What do 5^ou do now? ground, it’s a meteorite . . . . Q. “ Where did Spaniel dogs come East and West decided to A —^Bid six hearts. If partner let ’South play there. West holdb. four hearts to the ace- from?” A. Spain . . . . Q. “ Who was the first pilot lo fly solo had good defense. East had queen and the minor suit aces from Hawaii to California?" A, Amelia Earhart. . . . Q. “ Do very little defense, but de­ you prefer a heart to a .spade you refrigerate peanut butter?" A. Supposed to . , .. Q. “ How cided not to take a sure loss grand slam. ^ many whiskers has the average cat?” A, About 25 maybe 30, at five clubs. TODAY’S QUESTION East won the club lead Instead of bidding four hearts, QUESTION ARISES as to which is the friendliest city in with his queen and if East your partner has bid four dia-^ the United States.-How about Boise? X5r Casper? Or Fort. had been at all careless he m onds o v e r yo u r threc^ spades Worth? One o f these three, it's said. Seattle, Denver and Dallas would have, attempted to What do you do now? once bid for that distinction, unsuccessfully. They still cash'a second'club where- Answer Mpnday compete against San Francisco, however, for credit as to the whereabouts o f the nation's most beautiful women. ' • • • Your questions and comments are welcomed and will be OUT OUR WAY used in PASS IT ON wherever possible. Please address your letiers to L.M. Boyd, P.O. Box 17076 Fort Worth, Texas 76102. / J'M 5ITTIW HEBE IWMVC^PAM IT S JUST THAT T H E -UCKET '^aUSE I JUST CAME IkJ <=LE£TIW<3 /VIOMENjr OF AH' PIPU T FEEl- LIKE WALKlW HOPE 1 hap f o r MDU < \ CVER TOTM'CLOSET TO HAkje tVAS ^ ^iCKLV045HEP ^ Em o p ; aw 1 Kuow w h ati'll BY T H E ASA/FUL TRU TH — I 6&TTUi6 O VER ACTHAIE.OR &OVieTH((0.' LA l\B fZ Jy^ V so TM' SLASSV STACe ?

Asfvtr to Prtviout fuul« Eofables

ACBOSS 1 Chicken 3 « i ! » r pie adjective* 4 Cole------. 37Stricg«l in ttru m e n i 8 Small pastry 39M«liciAal 12 Zoo prinnat* plant- * 13 Italian coins 40 Lover 14 Bdargarlne 41 Epoch' 15 Number 42 Atmoss>heric 16 Bdake slightly disturbance dn feeling Alps 80 ur 45 Stop up (var.) 4ThraU 28 Mother of 18 Salad greens 49 Sycophants 5 Small wing- ApoUo 20 Ancient 51 Mine shaft ■ less insects 29 Unrestricted k Asian silk hut 6 Ascended 31 Automatons makers 52 Group of isles 7 Marrird 33 Japanese city in Galway 21 Before ^ y 8 Entices (var.) 38 Boorish 22Sulfixof 9WingUke 40 Stigma 53 Sinful 10 Anatomical 41 Alleviates ordinal 54 Boy's numbera (pi.) network 42 Petty quarrel nickname 11 Pedal digits 43 Edible 24 Demigod 55ReUted 26 Leg joint 17 Theater rootstock ALLEY OOP 56 High cards escorts 44 Verbal 27 Masculine 57Shad>ta^ Pjjutf (LUUrtr HAVE'rtXl \ NO, BUT JUST ABOVE . ■ SABTHQUAiKg) 6 e » - i------m etoiM CT------23 Indian abode > onontg 'NT,) lUu i Mk'Bfcb' A L&vb f OKAV, I 'L L . - . H ^ Y r .'OTake DOWN form) GU2? y WHERE HE MIGHT ■ **/ OUTA THEBE SEFOfU! i •> 24 Healthy 47 Combustible FAMILY CIRCUS TH' miOLE PAN S / vengeance for 1 de foie 25 Level mineral 32 Tester MOUNTAIN COMEi ), , gras 26 African 48 Ship's steering 34 Instruction 2 Overt nation apparatus DOWN ON'VOUi; 35 Landed 3 Most delicate 27 Hazard in the 50 Herb eve 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 r " 10 11

lj> 14 -- I3__ ' - 15 16 17 16

21 ■ J 23 1 2S ■ i4 28 29 1 n 27 THE BORN LOSER ■1 L 31 n 33 / WHV 0 0 'O J \ ■ / CfCOOKB IT ^ 34 « A5K c?uesTn9vis WOULD MA)<£ MCX' UIKfi THAT AT ^C K IF VCX’ ATE 36 i r 39 \ THE TABcE?- V ^ L E P ■ y 40 r ■u 41 iZ 43 44 46 47 48 48“ 50 bl yik- 52 53 54 55 56 57 forget what I'm lookin’ for. Mommy, Can 17 you help me renoember?" SHORT RIBS ''WE'VE. LOST 3 0 0 ; AND "THE VIKINGS -MEN AND HORSK, m a .v£ :n T e v e n M mSTAR s ' A u e e A p y . LAnD£D VST. -3y xrx n c POLtxN— r— T— MAJOR H06Ptt A Yovr OoJy According fo fh* Sfart 1 OCT. ,e-C-u-AIM TO 1^49-52-53-5! To develop messoge for Mortdoy, reod-%vords corresponding to numbers 4.11.14-17/ 36 A CRlAAlNOLOciiST?’ /7J-73-75 CO ev'CM ju R se *?em4:hv h £ c a m ^ vcu f^ Z o^ oc btrthsign. OOXQOMALLV t=0(^S€Ve I D THAM t h e <5UV who An. io 2Mek4 32 Wond^ 62fawot - V^LL. THlC £MOUUP H£UP VURAPPeRS/ ^ maV m 3 0roon e B 7 ' T O ST TO P MIPMMT '/jum M 9 Sw>ngt -iW W tW It IOAvo*d OtC. 21 rftC T T E R STOP ^ TC ,1-8-9.27 I I hUw% 5- 7-20.25/^ 12Cjtcrum I'M CrOlkJO our. TO SEE MR5. i m o t h e r STEV/EN5 ■ b e fo re 28-41-45 > STEVEN5, BGTH BKOU'W'S i l - e o HOME / TWEN IT )3A JAiatCL&EJM&B-iKX33. 1.4JMOV. .£AMUC041M_ ___M O ri'EKi.C^U TOE ANSw:^KIif&_ D 0 M 15 in SW^of SERVICE ANP TEU.THEM I LL TAKE BETH OlfT T r a r ------c«cc«rwrTK-TveM-f*<-AK -TOPINNER"^ 17 A rriw 77 O»0tT#< HOOK/ JUNE / 3- 4-19-22 18 SocioliM 7SRoim i-29-r 19 Don't 79 enroyobi« mihrn AQOAiilUl 71 (Mt 8t {Jn»mp0ct^d :!li 271*1 JAM. M 23 About •3 Who's H t l« , 24 You^ 84 0 25 You 55 Soma«hK«g 85 0oy 16J(W4-S0i 26M oU 5 6 Ej(c<»«mcnr 86Run«>ri S4-7»«0-90l V I I 6 0 27 Tfiang* 57 To 87Seurc* t AUS. 2t nPUrr 56 To M Trutfworthy 29AAind 59 ImpoM •9 Orinluno JOThe- )G o(xI' (^Adrct* ^^Neutral m Ifn e C O U M Tg(2«p |’EiP r .. r .. < -. v V” - Sun«toy. April 18, I97f Timw-Newi, Twin F«ll», l<»aho 3* Social Security hike seeto -■ w^siiTNfnytTJ >e-world~embroldery^— ■ 7;. , ^ acted by Congteas. ^ ^ T»Hmife'to-|giWIO. — ------TOe" ------~nrn?hHr-lH6 rate wUl— ------AV«r*^loyer pay and the size of metropolis of gleaming white by lowering your gat priced Tours can be arranged throu^ the benefits you'll collect skyscrapers, crowded streets New you can beat Ihe compelition with a and appalling slums. your travel agent or Senegal you retire or are disabled or- Senegal was part of French Tours, 5 Place de I’lndepen- otherwise become eligible for FULLY CONVEYORIZED, ALL BRUSH West , Africa until granted dance, BP Dakar. Sotial Security checks. independetice in 1960 and the At preddent, there is only a This is how it works: FVendi influence is still strong. handful of Westerh-type hotels The government now levies a But the Senegalese have not so advance reservations are a tax of' 10.4 per cent—half of HANNA CREWMEN REMOVE their motorcycles from aircraft must. We stayed at the Grand Cycles which is paid by the employer forgotten their African heri­ carrier Constellation upon arrival at North Island Naval Air tage. Hotel de N'Gor, on a beach and half by the employe—on SUtlon, San Diego, Calif. (UPI) As one result, Dakar can eight miles from Dakar, which unloaded the first $7,800 of each covered CAR WASH! offer A m e r ic a an intriguing h ^ about 500 rooms in the worker’s total annual wages. Hit in exiiting boy — Minimum 13' x 7T melange of Afro-Biiropean cul­ main highrise building, and Income beyond the $7,800 limit IncreoM your profits by 100% to 300% or more tures. some 150 thatched-i^f cmtages on its grounds. (Rates start at For the llrtt time this rugged, Folly Installed A tour of the city unveils )13 double a day in the cottages highrise apartment houses and beauty for under $19,996 or leit thari<$4S0 and 117 in the main building, Agnew okays antiwar rallies at Capitol - toleoMl p ^ t ia l mansions, and squat including continental breakfast, thatched-roof huts and hovels of the National Peace Action was not feasible since the taxes and servlcel.jConstoc:L WASHINGTON (UPI) -V ice the case of the NPAC andj)n_ ----ThaJargett-manufacture of flatten^ tin and scrapTimbers; Coalition (NPAC) wHdTclaims authorltiM wouH~fiave to gel tion on a new 200-room wing is President Spiro t . Agnew has the sidewalks in the case of the HANNAr: Brush Car Waiher* in the world. neat supermarkets, department to start soon. given two groups permission to 50,000 will march on the same the grounds ready for the veterans. stores and boutiques, and nol Other hotels popular with hold antiwar rallies on the spot April 24. larger rally on the following A spokesman for the NPAC smelly and unkempt street Westerners are the Q-olx du grounds of the U.S. Capitol next But Agnew, acting in his day. said Agnew’s action was an markets and bazaars; elegant capacity as president of the Both orders specify Ihat no Call or Wire: Sud and Majestic in Dakar, week, but refused to authorize "historic precedent irtilch for FVench restaurants with uni^ jidth-BimUar.ratji At iMst two a third such Kathering. Senate, turned down a request more than 100 demoriltrators ,the first tiine gives government Fred Hqnson w aitersformed waitersformed waiters who serve more hotels are in the planning Agnew told the Vietnam tne veterans tu ■the- nmji attua^y-be- en the stapi Termlsaion''tef the people te ------gourmet-type meals on piping- or negotiating stage. Veterans Against the War they area April 23 when the group which lead to the Capitol, and voice their views within sight of Blaclcfoot, Idaho wanted to turn in their medals that the rest must remain on hot plates, and street .stalls and Air Afriqiie's current sche­ could use areas at the Capitol’s' those who hold in their hands 208^785J[095o^785;2J|9^ itinerant food sellers who plop dule calls for one non-stop west front for a rally Monday, and ribbons to members of the large circular lawn area the power to bring the war to meat pies and other native flight weekly, Saturdays from and gave similar clearance to Congress. Agnew said the date dawnMU from the buil

LEWISTON (,UPI) — Chet some of the conrunlssionersknew Moulton seems agreeable to a he was going to take the action. suggestion that he resign his When asked recently if the prmt at .State Aeronautics Di- resignation request was strict- rector. According to Cliff Mn- ly a political move, Hinkley kleyr-Idaho Aeronautics Com­ said, “ All department head mission chairman. jobs are political in nature.” Hinkley said here "niursday, He said three applications are ‘ "Ihere are a few things to being considered a possible re­ sponsored by: work out, sudi as leave, transi­ placements for Moulton. They tion pay and retirement” but are Melvin E. Mrschi; Univer­ Interm ountain Gas Co. ttiat the matter would be dis­ sity of Idaho faculty member; in conjunction with cussed at the Aeronautics Oom- State Sen. Darrell Manning, D- missioii mwting in Boise April Pbcatello; and Pete im i, Idaho 37-29. Falls. The Tim es-N ews Moulton had been asked by IBnUey earlier this month to redgn the position he has held fbr 2S years and is within two years of retiring. Hinkley admitted he had tak- WEDNESDAY, APRIl 21 pn It iipnn hlmw»lf tn ask ftw Moulton’» resignation but said 7 :3 0 p.m. KOHLER & CAMPBELL C.S.I. Fine Arts Center HERLOOMQUAUIYilANOS Everyone Welcome Admistion Free

i^z^ -ol h e r s - and interested friends.

fnfbrm a tiw-PF^gratn • Womfcn'a Section Bridal Cover^e • .Invitations and Gift Records •_WeddingJEliquelle • The Receplioa. • Bridal'Fashions and Flowers . Em ertaining. wi th ______■______Bmn c h -I I n c l u d e d ...... ^ i m e d • ValiiabftTREE

FREE RECEPTION ..>u> 11^ BROWN’S Weddin«.Calw'iui4 MUSIC— FURNrrURE ■ / • - apvnrnt-t^tow*. Twin Pallt> Idaho y.W nUS. 1W1



FRUIT SHADE and FLOWERING /=>• SHRUBS TREES THESE ARE ESPEClAllY NICE, TREES Wo hav^ o large selection of LARGE AND WELL ROOTED SHRUBS popular vorieties. adopted to

White Weeping Birch White Clump Birch LARGE SIZE Golden Chain Tree SIver Leaf Maple 0 0 TO Shade Master Locust MarshaH Seedless Ash BUY ’EM WHERE THEY GROW ’EM Skyine Locust Blue Ash Scartet Hawthorne Flowering Crab FORSYTHIA (yellow) PUSSY WILLOW (PINK) Peaches . .. Pears...... •3*» Red Leaf Maple Flowering Plum FLOWERING QUINCE (red) LILACS, All colon SNOWBALL (while) BEAUTY BUSH (pink) Apricots . . .»3«» Plums ...... »3” Mountain Ash (red berries) Weeping Wiow FLOWERING ALMOND SYRINGA (while double) Norway Maple Wa|nit(Engish)CARPATWON^ (pink) SPIREA (while) Apples .. . .»3** Prunes ___»3** HYDRANGEA (while) SUMMTTASH TAMERIX (HAROy UF NORTH) RBERRY------BUlIERHXJAJiSH U»«iRlsd AND OTHERS XARGEST SELfcCIION ALL PRICES EVER OFFERED! ALL SUES BERRY PLANTS and GRAPES SPECIAL! STRAWBERRY PLANTS . . loo . OGALALA COMBINATION APPLE TREES $ ^ 9 5 BLACKCAP RASPBERRIES 2 5 ' - ! I 0 ' e* 2 sizes 6 kind* on ona tree ...... EXTRA SPECIAL! BEAUTIFUL EACH RED RASPBERRIES (2 kind*) ...... 10 for S 2 rLOW ERING CRAB TREES -GOOSEBERRIES ...... T” JfKALHUT TREES^ T~1>tTOO"-ajRRANTS . . from in r*d and pink flow«r«. Thi« i« 5RAPE VINES ...... S I.O P Special hardy (bft thell English o v«rY hardy tr««, and Aaty to grow. ^VfRAtrVARKTIEf^ -v:ati»lyjMlJ»d "Cgrpathion" ......

«W li*^Aim EM i5U FFtlEi r and OTHER PI,AMTSf Peat Moss Whiterock OLD FASHIONED BLEEDING HEARTS, POTTED PEONIES/ MflNOAS TOM AreU Ornamenlal Red Bark Soil Aid VIMIMIAS CLEMATIS VINES, TRUMPET VINES, SILVER LACE VINES, M o s t M M cuaiMuniMiMmi Soil Mixes Insecticides BAUHU W AtnM liO M MAMTS ------"'Gross-Seedy------Redwood Planters- -HONEYSUCKLE^VINEST-tVERGREEN IVY, GL^-B(aBS IM PA¥m S CANmONMANft —^~Hanging^ Boskets Seeds ----- m m r P H L O X m u m s : g e r a n t u m s .p a n s i e s / b e g o n i a s i » id A t m m r Plant Foods ~ ^ ^ »AHUAt OTHERS. MABVCOfcDS SA&iriA aindl eth *r iff*ms! UHUnUAt

lii \,


SUNOAY, ATAIL 16. 1971

SX7GS SXTM'N’Y l»y S toffe l & ZZe£xnda,hl



CAPTAIN EASY 1 >3 r Ox*ooA;s & Z



.. 'I l>sr JFSm. ^a*a.iii.asa>a» v & s , MR^.1TAC|^LEWbT^ Cru^T A« X THOUGHT— THAMKS AUlCH.' Q Q O a -Y-l ^ -

Z.i^N 'CEZ.O T b^r Coker* & P en n

WXN'XZZROP bsr D iels C a.va,lli (


■ j 1>3^ Xjci.ic'ari^

DEAR POLLY— OIJ air wTfli DEAR POLLV— f fiove a hoarS o t o a f holes ih them work well as a ground or seven or eight inches wide and ths garage floor cover while working under* vidth oF my b a t h r o o r n wash bqsin, ncath the cor.— DAWN ~Whcn'l"Bm~r?a<>7T6'oppty ifiy*make-up PATTERNS I lay the board across the top'of the sink and spread out all the jars and amp me ^aip he n e e o b o bottles without any danger of them t h e t o foiling in the sink and' brcakmgr-^- NANCY ______you tiu ie. Iiuiiyi.ig flower pots, gc^ some corks fo fit the bottom drainage holes. When the plofits need a good soaking, especially when using liquid planf food, put corks DEAR POLLY— If your husband Iios in the holes. When pla'ntshove had their some favorite ties too narrov» for to­ soaking remove the corks and let the d a y s styles, open the seam on lbs wider cxcess woter drain off. Be corcfui whero end of the tie for about 12 inChei’ and insert a triangle of plain material to it drips.— MRS. H. W . moke it the desired width, hand-sew in loce and press. Quick ond cosyi— RS. A. T. K.

< (J M E K I N P DEAR POLLY—To form those tUfle DEAR POLLY— I use fronstueent pow­ ringlets that so many like to wear to der over cream eye shadow to set it, and the front of the ears, use small ctji4er»- -ttnd this is Oipscially good io waim from a doll hair set. They moke rmglcts v c a f h c r , — JANDY __ just the right size.— ANNETTE 8176 , V 1 % 10'/2-24!2 ■ ' • y DEAR POLLY— Use ribbon instead o f O wire to hong pictures in a child's room, It'f Slimrning 12INCH^ DEAR POLLY— t keep on elcctric fan an d’ cover the tack with a bow of the 5398 A v«ry tUmming »ty!e for tfce . sitting on my dresser during the wJjiter. ribbon to odd to the decorative e f f e c t fuller figure. No. 8176 vith PHOTO-GUIDE is in New As I get iip each morning I throw the — MRS. AL A Lovely Sizet 10'1 to 24'buvt ^3 to DEAR fOLLY— Put a red scorf on tl,e . 47. Sire 12»^. J^-.bult, ’-poN^r-ttke— Colled^tJiq i^'Crown..j f h o f n t,* H e r S uit lovely set of loce will enhance th» ' yords of 45'inch. MV as far os it will go, to hove a banner hour P I c f u k E tabletops! No:'- 5 3 9 8 hoi co.inpl«t« The yoong (ady wifi tove th>i gttrq^itive ponM-suit. Mo 82B7 that will make your car eosy to find in bed. This keeps ,t HUIS/ty w ; t > 4 _ tiU(.huri]l^£^fions tort>oth IZ aQd^l wirh PHOTO GUIDE i> ia Sues 4 to 12 yon. Su» 6, 2! 4 o croM.dad-pork« 9 lot. lt-( g it. , nitg . ^heet ShflilftCi. yordi of 4i-jhch. sizes, - • N way to direct frieni|s to your car when >^MRS. S. d: the need arises.— RUTH DRRS PATTERNS 75c «och V -/5 2? It ' N T l * v N t * , ?IK DEAR POLLY—W oln u ti wilt com e out for every iHta of thcir'shells whole insteod of »n picccs if the waJouts bre first frozen.— KAT HI OXTT OXT» W AY bsr P a u l G rz*i».sle r R I G H T

C3K^^,VOU N V/'UU^ -TfZACKSC*) WIUU«5-T? F VOD EVER PUUU T W O ,W H A T i3 I MUPALUOVbr. / SINCE A S’TUM XHKe <3 0 IM £ S . THE HOUSE' ^ .WHEN COE9 , Tt-llS- ^© A\N i^rUI-' O M ?■ H E W E A R . ^ S I Z E / ;/l (3 SHOE



' 91-

‘ -n u M

■ . m M . JN gM&LANt7 A WAF^iSue e CALUet? A P A N C A K 6.'" miTui THIS WEEK’S TOP tu g LON&e$r woF^i? L0PAta0TgMACHOS&UACHO6-AUEaKF?ASJIOUe IP^" PRIZE QUESTION: APP’gAfiec? iKj’^ ■ .5AHaC?R\WLV4'/l?0!t!>^lMMA'r0'SaU|3im0??AKA0Wv^— XgNNgTR7WMew$, tiTgF?Aruf?g:, ^UfOKAI'AKgCWyMENOKlCHuePlKO^^.VF^MO- UANCAg>Tgfg| N.H.: 44.0-380 ac. B^lA33l22ggl51Kf?AL£KfgyQhJO^gKef^ALLlOi^ _u r^ l i g R S T IKI <&Re^K'lTT^ IdKL©F^LEl^?UAr—^ ''^ ------"WHAT\6'TH^ 7 1 wneN tt^SLATBi? IN 1VI& WORl INTO gNSUr^H IT ■ / 1^ 162 uerrgf?$. wouti?y(?u ’ Tfflg W ?fe cn 7E5D ?® ^ $ f e g f ^ A T APRICA$5EE 0P 17 SWEET ANC? 60JJ? ^gCTgN -T^

•woSIoaim^ S csto ': APRIL 18. 1971

“This Country Is Too Hard on Women -B y Sloan Wilson


How Good Are At Judging. People You Know?

How To Drive More Miles On Each Dollar

A Special Recipe Section For Tight budgets

4 Mary Tvler Moore: From Mini-Slump To Big Comeback FOR JOHN INGERSOLL, F O R B I L L y G R A H A M , FOR MELVIN lUIRD, Secretary of Defense Director of the Bureau o) evangelist Narcotics & Dangeroui Are there any other Drug! In a recent article, you wrote that countries btasides the On “Meet the Press," there are 2~S signs of the coming United States that you said when a drug o f Christ note in the^process of dtraft m en under pen- pusher Is arrested, he being fulfilled. Will you please alty of prison?— rrUrs. is booked and then released on bail. Ella Kram , Langdon, NJ>. tell us what a few of the most im­ Sometimes it is a year before his • Except for Australia and France, we trial comes up in court and that you portant ones are?— Mrs. George > have no specific knowledge of the pen­ know he goes right back to pushing C. Meiron, Abingdon, Va. alties imposed by foreign countries for the dope, but you don’t bother to ar­ • Among the signs of the second coining of Christ are: (1). The violation of their draft laws. In both Aus­ rest him again. Is this true?— Mrs. tralia and France, persons who are con­ James Becroft, Franklin, Ohio “ distress and perplexity of the nations, Luke 2 1 :2 5 . (2). The wicked­ ness and a moral bre^dow n would be evident and rampant upon the victed of violating the draft laws are sub­ I think it is possible that you misun­ ject to imprisonment face of the earth, Genesis 6:5 and 13, Luke 17:26 and 27. (3). derstood me. If drug traffickers released False religions and false teachers will appear in the religious life of ^^__oji/-bail betwejsn their arraignm ent and FOR BOWIE KUHN, trial, which can be sometimes as long as the world, Matthew 24:11, I Timothy 4:1. (4). TTiere shall be'a Commissioner of Baseball falling away from the spiritual standards and sin shall be more a year, begin to sell drugs again, we do Why are we priviieged ■ rampant, II Timothy 2:3. (5 ). There shall be wars and rumors of arrest them, providing we can collect -t o —see fe u T~^-football~ ■ suEScient evideifce the Miss America contest.— the Rainbow Grill in New York Gty. I C02 and H20. Some of this water is Claire Berger, Teaneck, N.J. patienu. I’ve every hope that eTentually must admit it was a day I dreaded, but used to replace that lost in urine. The a cure will be found for leukemia, but it wasn’t bad at all. H antiques gel kidneys are extremely efficient and re­ • Not one Miss America has ever my Approach to the subject is one of more.valuable as they get older, why tain much water resulting in a very coo- achieved the fame of three rejected con- cautious optimism;. _____ : shduldnH 1 ? ______centrated urine^^------testants— Shirley Jones, Dbroihy Lamour and Joan Blondell. No redhead has ever FOR WILLIAM M. PETERS, Wmwit lo aUl a UtnoM pmon • qanlionf Vod « n llirou«li Ihla r a l m n , aiial we’ ll f r t won the Miss America title. The most President of National Ih c mmtwer from Ihr promliK-nl p.-r.on f o u drmlgnrntt^. Send qimllaa, prcfm blr on • embarrassing moment in Miss America ■>0 .1 c«r€l, lo Thc_ Y ow U , Funilr Wnkly, 641 LeducHon O/ractor; Maitin who would lead the United Sutes of s. « H.Y. .0022 • Sinee mak« 4lal-to- America must return to God and coun- — both in the interpretation of her role try and to the United States Constitution You are int^d to mail your questions or comments at>out any material In and the effect it has on her skin—I as it is written and not as it is, I believe, Fam ly We«lt^. Your letter will ^ e iv e a prompt answer. Write to Service Edit


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.^.1 . winsi Real and rich and good In the Super King size. "W omen who have settled for being ‘jus^a wife and ^lother’ Fam ify Weekly torture themselves equally by comparing their appearance tp that of models or actresses and their earning capacity with that of female executives. In such a game almost no woman, can win” , . , _ A Man’s What Women Really Have To Complain About.

make a choice, that she can, if she is By Sloan Wilson exerts more o f a strain on girls than it The trouble wthat not many of these does on boys for the simple reason that any sort of a woman at all, do both. piirngons exist. Many who try to play girls risk m ore than boy s d o when they Countless young women believe this And (he part arc men wJ\p feel so unable to make love. They risk more physically, feel they are failures if they do not be­ cope with the world \hat they welcome As the father of three as is ev iden ced by the great num ber o f come a beloved wife and mother while a wife who will Gjght the battles for daughters and of a son who juvenile pregnancies, despite all the talk at the same time achieving dramatic moneJ(^ndfot~TJr^tige for them. Wom- nhfiiit en-iv hirth cnntrnl Krtr_manu rna— is soon to present me with a fiinti"-'! in n ■" ■ Lii MiTin); eiiuu gli tu win leat UlUUlHlair sons they risk more emotionally. Even if business. 1 believe that it is long past­ in the arts, in science or in business daughter-in-law , I have a c o m ­ girls don't get pregnant, they can make time to point out the obvious truth that rarely are satisfies) With weak men for plaint: our kind of civilization themselves miserable worrying about it, almost no woman can fiijd the energy long, and become more and more frus­ is to o to ugh on Women, and and no pill has yet been invented which and time to make headlines on her own, trated when they find that strong men ^witt‘^’p rc v cn t"a '^ i+ 'fro m ~ cx p cctiD g ’ that" ~and'atthe same tlme-to—fuHttt-the needs TiSuatlyTlemiTna a“ fuJM im e wife. it’s getting tougher all the a man or boj' wjio makes Jove to her of a husband-and ^,young children. Of course, I don’t say that it is abso­ time. will treat hfir with a kind of love and No matter how "liberated" women lutely impossible for any woman to No matter whal a young woman does consideration which never will go cut may become, men who have demanding cimbine an exciting career with a satis­ these days, a lot of people try to make of style. t . cdrecrs of their own usually peed a fying marriage, but I cannot imagine a her feel bad about it. If she is a quiet, When a modem girl finds that she is full-time helpmate at home. In this age, goal more dilTicult to reach. After all. prudent girl who believes she should being taken casually and without re- when it is almost impossible to find few people have the requirements for not try to grow up too fast and that sponsibilit)^ she is hurt just as much as domestics, the all-important job of rear­ success in a career, even if they devole sex can be frightening when it is urged wotnen all through history have been ing children cannot easily be delegated all their time and energy to it, and few upon her without love, responsibility in similar circumstances. The main dif­ to onyone. The more successful a man people are able to create a truly happy or thought of marriage, many of her ference betw een the girls o f today and becomes, the more he needs a full-time marriage even if they arc unhorapered peers jeer at her as a sqilare or some those of prior generations is that the wife as o partner who can make his by' the distractions of a demanding job. sort of old-fashioned, neurotic nut. On young are not protected any more. home an island of order in a sea of con- T o ask a young woman to do both these the other hand, if she tries to become a Gone are the chaperones, gone is the fusion. I do not think I am the only things aim to meet all the needs of real sw inger, she reatJs •condemnation parental supervision m u ch o f the time, man in the world who simply could pot young children at the same time, is un­ ih the eyes of- her parents and in the gone is the generally acceptAl code of exist without a wife who can keep "the believably cruci and unrealistic. faces of many of'her more conservative con d u ct w h ich allow ed a p r i to” be in- world off his back while he works and ■Vet many women nowadays feel in­ friends. Girls arc asked to make de­ dignant if she were asked to break it. who makes a home pleasant enough to adequate if <«hey have d evoted them ­ cisions about their life style at a much We live in an age which expects young toe w orth all the struggles and frustra­ selves fullv to their home and equally earlier age than was common in my girls to con trol their ow n passions and tions we all must endure. inadcqua^ if they have given them­ youth, and because there is more con­ those of young men with very little help. Of course, there will always be a few selves fully to a career. If a career wom ­ fusion about what is right in the hearts This madcra no m ore sense than it would -glossy, career -women—who-wiU-appcjf an is-married, ^he-ofteo-tortUKS-her— of most propTe, there is no coursc a to give adolescents con trol o f large on television and in colorful magazine self by comparing her part-time efforts young woman can follow without self- amounts of money or to put them at layouts wi'th tales o f how they scaled as a homemaker with the full-time en­ questioning and' regret. the wheels of powerful automobiles the heights of their profession while at deavors of her sisters who do not have The great amount of freedom com­ without any speed limits or traffic rules. the same time keeping a husband and jobs. Women who. as they say. “have monly given to teen-agers these days 1 am astonished not by the amount of several children marvelously happy at settled” for being “just a wife and misery which results from this failure home. I have known several of these mother" torture themselves equally by of adults to help the young, but by the frantic ladies, and most of them are comparing their appearance to that of fact that so many young women have keeping up a pathetically fragile front. professional models or actresses and the sense and the strength to grow up The few who domanag


Problem: To swing with the crowd and be censured or to hold to old-fashioned standards and be dubbed a square

full potential, both at his job and at being made to feel that it is not enough home.'Old-fashioned advocates of the tp.be a full-time wife or to have a de­ theory that a woman's on ly place is ii) manding career, we men have a prob-, the home also add to the bewildement lem because 1 don't think many men are because they do not lake into accSdnt happy for loiig if they arc surrounded the obvious fact that not all women can by unhappy women r'*** . gpt m arrird, hnppily or Pllii.i wlil,, UIIU~ lem IS largely of our own making be­ that many women who can simply pre­ cause, many of us tend to lecture our fer a career of their own to the respon­ daughters on high standards o f morality sibilities of being a wife and mother. It without much sympathy for the prob­ is pointleu to ask whether it is better lems they face when they go out with for a woman In choo^ff n nareer nr Ihe youngsters their own age without any equally demanding role o f a housewife. supervision. Perhaps too few husbands Obviously some individuals arc better feel grateful 'la their wives for giving up suited to one kind of life, some to an­ jobs that might be more fun than house­ other, and regardless of ^rsonal prefer­ work sometimes, and perhaps it is time ences, the wo(ld often bas a way of re­ for male executives to stop making ca­ ducing choices aiid handing

Family Weekly, April 18,1971 ..Revealed cit last by one of America's most successful weight-reducing doctors, a simple plan of hearty eating and gentle body toning fhaf

rig^it (rff your body!

Prom ihe office of che **body>«limfnlng ipcciallst** whose pailcnd h«vc When you melt away the fat Itself, too much bulge remains until you gfi losl from 26 pounds to 148 poundi cach. without a tingle m o m rn / 'j the trapped water out with it! hunrcf.' You probably already know this. But did you know that most of the A doctor who it BO tucccwful—who has produced u> many incredible ways you use to lose weight today—most of the so-called "diei fo4.i(js" weigtht losses for m en a nd w o m e n o f all ages— /Aa/ new patients are often you us< iQ jrv in ^incytLthaf wriahi nft iuuir hnd forced to wait at much at weyeraJ months m tee him' ouni o f Iam trapped water in y o u r tissues. And—most astounding of ail-~a doctor who forces his patients to lose This Includes the Number One "reducing fruit/' eaten "by millions of weight by eating! By eating three full meaJt a day-all with tecond help­ men and women when they want to go on a “ cra sh d ieC '—an d Ihai Is ib ings, and with '‘fill-rm-up snacks” at bedtime (if they itill have room for effective at retaining water In the body that the armed forces uses it to th em )! kerp men from bleeding to death when they have no plasma handy! Because this doctor has discovered an "upside'dowm” way to reduce! This also includes the Number One ’’reducing cheese”—and the Num­ A way to lose weight (to repeat this alMmportant fact once again) hv ber Orw "reducin(i hot drink'*—and every single one of the so-callcd “nt>- ^ fating, and not by starving! Because the foods he feeds you—and the calnrle" or ‘’low-ciik>rie" soft drlnksf They are alt "super water hold- simple t'body-toning etercises*’ he recommends for yau—automatically irrs” ! And unless vou know when and how to use thent-and when mu lo make your “inner furnace” burn hotter-so that flab turns into fuel-and use them at all you'll simply swell up tike a balloon, even if you're ^ou can lose 20 ... 40 ... 60 ... 80 .. . even iOO or J20 Ugly pounds in conscientiously starving yourself twenty-four Hours a day! the matt deUghlful way you've ever dreamed possible! In Just Fifteen Minutes With His New Booit. Revalutloiuryr Yet! Controversial? Yes! This Doctor Teaches You How To Drain Out But It Works! Hundreds Upon Hundreds 01 That Excess Fluid-As Well As That Ugly F ia h - Personal Patients Follow This Slmpl^'Plan And Do It Without Destroying Your Face! Every Month! AND We’ll Let You Prove At At tht% point, w c m ust g\>otc the doctor himself. Here b what he kjyi Our Risk That It Can Work For You! "T he revulis o f this diet will never be seen by your friends in sunken checks, hollow eyes, folds of unfilled skin, or other evidences nl ihe~ So here ii it; A new way to lo«e the kind of weight you’ve always typiiTul siarvation diet. If you stand before a mirror, you will have noth- thought it w a s p ossib le fo r y o u to lose. And do it—not by siarving-fruf inti but memory, and perhaps an old photograph, to tell you where yc>u by earing as much at you want wisely! carried the weight before which has now disappeared.” At (he same lime, he also sa/t: Y e *. th it ts a diet~an eating diet! T h a i fo r ces you to eat at dinner, "M y patients find iliat soon enough their clothes will becomc even though you may sctualJy feel full from breakfast and lunch and the frtghtfuUy loose; even their shoes become too big. If you stick lo my hearty tnacka you've had in betwwnt diet, you might even have to have your bowling ball redrilled.'' And he quotes patient after patient, like this: Ye». there are certain foods you can't eat, because they're poiton for “I am very happy with the results. I can wear a slz^ 12 dress (w{u 2 0 ) your weight. But this doctor pays you back for passing by those "poison o r suit, fmd some si^e 10 dresses. W e i^ was 183, now 136 ... 1 feel 10 foods"—by letting you takt ar^other second helping of other foods you years younger loo. love Inaead! And you keep right on burning off the weight! wonder protpecH\'e patients wait as much as several months lo see Yes, you have to stick to the diet every day If you want lo keep bn this m an-to team how they can lose 20 . . . 40 . ,. 60 .. . 80 . lOQ ami melting off those pounds. And you have lo stick to the diet even If you’ve even 120 pounds »v

And One Extra Pelot: This Diet Has A Second ------MAIL NO RISK COUPON TODAY ------Giant Benefit For You! It Drains THE EXCESS 4UtEENLAND ------aoiD Out Of YottrBody.-ThatYoimiar— 5164Gre«filarKl BWg., Miami, R al 33 054 Never Have Been Able To Lose Before! rush n»e a copy of HAT, DRIN K AND G ET TH IN by Emesi R. Reinsh M.D, I understand tbe book it This second way of evaporating ugly flah from your body Is perhaps mirte for only $5.98 complete. Ln adc/ition. I understand thai I equally as important as the first. For medical sciencc now knows that a may examine this book for a full 30 days entirely at your risk huge portion of those ugly bulges on your waistlir>e. hips, thighs, but- If ai (he end of that time. I am rux satisned. I wUI simply returr tbck* and else«»here is nothing but plain trapped water! And that even ihe book to you for every cent of my money back. Bncloted is chcck or M.O for $ YOU MAY CHARGF MY: MASTER CHARGE ABOUT THE AUTHOR A c c 'i 0 OR YOU MAY c h a r g e : Inier Bank 0 ______□ DINERS’ CLUB Doctor Ernest R. Relnsh entered University of Nebraska In (Find above your namtV D bankamericard -ISIT^ n vxlrrd . BacheJoni I>ecree ia 1921; .Doctor af Medicine ia- ■E xpT ra iio n^ aic of ftiy card □ AMERICAN EXPRESS 1923. Doctor Reinoh interned and has been associated with Provj- A c c 'l # ______deoce Hospital. Detroit since graduation and has been in con­ tinuous practice esoept for the interruption of three and one half year* aa « Medical Officer in U.S. Navy. Professional Membership*: Wayne ^unty Medical Society, (Please print) Mlchisan State, American Medical Aooociaiion and Society of Abdominal Surseons. A ddress Tbe interest in the problems of obesity was accentuated when patients caxne from the comera of the earth, such as Auotrolia. South Africa, Europe, England, Sweden and South America. _O d - ...... ______^ ...... —

State Z ip GREENLAND BOOKS, 5164 Greenland BIdg., Miami, Fla. 33054 JOHN N Y WEIS Star PrOfile/By Peer J. Oppenheimer HfS BED-Johnny WEiatlJS-BED J O H N N Y WETS HK Mary Tyler Moore: From Mini-Slump To Big Comeback

Says a friend, “Mary is ambitious, but she has never been a bore about it.” And that’s the saving grace. . . .

After spending most of her first I blamed myself for the ‘Tiffany’s’ She gave up the party, got the job and 33 years trying to deal with fiasco— probably because I never had received $ 2,000 a day for dancing a lonely childhood, a rebel- confidence in myself and my ability.” around some kitchen appliances. f tu rn x i -H e l l r - ■ ■Once aha g>ailu»>«d and wi lious adolescence, a disillu- mained dissatisfied with herself in such ing such an astronomical salary. Mary sioning first marriage when films as “Don’t Just Stand There.” thought she had life pretty well under Paclflc she was 17 arid the interim ‘'What’s So Bad About Peeling Good” control. She decided to marry Richard Ihtamatlonal Has years of struggle for recogni­ and “Change of Habit.” When CBS Meeker, "the boy next door.” Lx>oking Endod Bacfweff/ny asked Mary to star in her own'series, back, she admits that, in a way, it was tion, Mary Tyler Moore is For Hundroda Of she could hardly believe it. “ I wanted to an act of defiance aimed at her parents. Thousands tn Tho convinced she’s finally happy. — but I wasn't sure whether I could, A year later her son was bom. Neither Being secure as the wife (since 1963) or whether I should! I certainly wasn't squelched her ambition. Mary'still want­ Rast 20 Yoars f-- of Grant Tinker, ex-television executive- going to turn them dowrfi” ed a career in show business. tumed-producer, and mother of 15- Once ' production started, however, Mary’s first break came when she was When children discover that a year-old Richard (by her first marriage), caj( as Sam on “The Richard Diamond playmate wets his t>ed, the re­ M ary began to relax fo r the first time sult can be merciless teasing has a lot to do with her contentment. in years. Referring to her production Show," back in 1959. As a gimmick, and serious psychological prot>- But most significant is the fact that unit. Mary said, “We respect one an­ only her legs were seen. After 13 weeks lem s. of that, Mary, fed up with nobody The entire family can be affected. Mary— star of the highly rated TV se­ other, and we have a lot of fun. 1 co u ld The cost and work of taking care ries, the "Mary Tyler Moore Show,” a sense the same feeling building on the knowing the appendages were hers, left of a t»dwetting child can cause product of her own MTM Production set that we had on Dick’s show, and that to do guest shots on, "77 Sunset Strip.” friction and Irritability among parents. Company— is now the success she has made that one work well for so long.” “Hawaiian Eye” and “Bachelor Fath­ It is quKe possible that your always dreamed of being. Mary’s life has always pivoted around er." Finally she landed the role of Laura child will EVENTUALLY outgrow W ien Mary first captured TV audi­ her career. In a way, it is an obsession. Petrie. But even that five-year success t>edwettlng. but what happens until that time comes? Medical ences as Laup Petrie, the very human Said a frien^, “Mary is ambitious, but didn’t satisfy her. Like most T V actress­ authorities have stated that a and very vivacious wife of Dick Van she’s never a bore about it” And that’s es, she wanted a crack at making movies. bedwetting child feels that he is a disgrace to his family. Statis­ , Dyke on “The, Dick Van Dyke Show,” the saving grace. It was disappointing for her to discover tics prove that a bedwetting she susptxted her success was' due to M ary's nagging;^ am bition was notice­ ■ that she didn't clicir on the big siarcn • child achieves beMir his rrfal Dick’s charisma. “He was so fantastic, able wh4lTSIie-e ended. Safely. Per­ manently. wai about making them I didn’t like.” know whether she could succeed— real­ less time she had for friends and fam­ Our method is endorsed by ly succeed— on her own. ily. A few years after the family moved Grant Tmker fell in love with and many doctors. Read their state­ When Mary was offered a seven- to Los Angeles from Brooklyn— Mary . married M ary w hile she w as d oin g **The ments in our 16 page brochure: "Is-Ihere A iioliitlon?" Also read - year contract at Universal at the closing’ was eight at the time— she was con- T3IclT"Vmr~I>yte" Show." AnBougR^lie'^ what other p>eople say w ho have o f Dick's show, she took it, and was mis­ yince'd her parents really didn’t want doesn't feel that Mary's career should had the same problem. Send . be the center of their lives, he is con­ this coupon for your free copy. cast as the shy darling in "Thoroughly her. Both of them worked, her mother ^ c o s t or ofaliKation. Modem Millie." It was a devastating as a telephone operator and her father tent to stay in the background. for the Edison Company. When her Right now, everything is coming up experience. “ I am simply not geared for — EQ U A LLY movie-making." father was home, he was an adamant roses for Maty. “I enjoy life more than e f f e c t i v e So Mary decided to Uckle Broadway. disciplinarian. Her mother tried to com ­ I ever did,” she says. "I've always taken She gdt a year off from the studio, pensate by being overly indulgent. As a things to heart but I am very resilient P A R E N T S ’ ------, and I’ve learned to put things in their moved to New York with Grant and result. Mary didn’t know what was ex­ rVJuK Sag y IMTWMATIOMAI. LTD. Richard and nearly killed herself trying pected of her. so when she was 14. she proper p lace and fo r g e r tTiern.” " “ . I wTDffpirs^ j t m i r S«n C»llf. 94902 to make a hit out of the disastrous moved in for a while with an aunL As Mary’s show steadily climbs on "Breakfast at Tiffany’s."! Richard Ctiam- Even the night o f graduation, when a the rating chart, she says. "It is as if l’vd j Parents' j N am e______1 _ berlain, another. refugee from TV, was girl usually thinks about her new dress come back to life. I feel I am fulfilling I Mdmst______her costar in the ill-fated play. and a date for the prom, Mary was a real fu n ction : I am m aking p eople jc i t y „ Thanks to a tenacious streak that has more conccmed about gating a good laugh. A n d I am. prou d o f w hat I am _C o u n ty_ never let her deviate from her desire to" night’s sleep because she was to audi- doing. I spent too many years being un- I State. be a success. Mary mended quickly. **At tion the next day for a TV comfnercial. happy. No morel # j (Mustb«4orov*f)

/'a m t /y A p r il 1971 (2> 1971 P*dric Intarnatkinal Ltd. Revealed at last by one of Americans most successful weigfit-reducing doctors, a simple pldn of/learfy eof/ng and genf/e boc/y fon/ng that ^ ifiK ^ y o u r”D®estive Furnace” and bum s flab <«> rig h t o ff your body!

From Ihe office of the ‘*body-illmmlng ipecialisi” whose patients have when you melt away the fat itself, too much bulge remains unttl >ou tef ' lost from 26 pounds to 148 pounds each, without a iingle monient'i the trapped water out with Itl hunger! You probably already know this. But did you know that most o{ (he A doctor who is so successful—who has produced so many incredible wuvv yt>u use to loite w e ig h t‘tod a y-^m o it o f the so~calted ’‘diet fooils'* weight losses for men and women of all a\ic\-!hat nrn- patients are often you use to try to starve that weight off your body-~-^/H- Increaie the !■ m ,„rh /tt >r«o»/Af r/. him f amounl of trapped watf^ in your fissuef! And—most astpunding of all—a doctor who forces his patients to lose -Thi« Inclndr^ thr Number One “reducing fruit," eaten by milliont of weight by eattng! By eating three full meaJt a day-atl with tecond help- men and women when they want lo g o ott it '^'craill Ifiartf IngJ, Oftti with "fiU '^m -up sn a ck s" a t t>edtime (it th ey stHI have ro o m fo r eflective at retaining water in the body~that the armed forces usei It i<> them )! - keep men from bleeding to death when they have no plasma handy! Because this doctor has discovered an "upside-down'" way to reduce! This also includes the Number One ’’reducing cheese"—and ihe Num­ A way to lose weight (lo repeat this uN-important' fact once again) hv ber One “reducinii hot drink“-and every single one of the so-called "no- eating, anti not hy starving! Because the foods he feeds you-and the coiorle” or *’low-calorie" soft drinks! They are all "super water holJ. simple *'body-toning exercises” he recommends for you-automaiically rri"! Aud unless you know when and how to use them~and when m>t lo n^akM your "inner furnace" burn hotter-so that flab turns Into fuel—and uie titem ai all you'll simply swell up like a balloon, even If you'rr ytM* <•«« Jo* 0 2 0 . , . 4 0 -----6 0 ----- JtO------ev e n lOQ a e.I2 Q ugZy paundi in consclenilousty starving yourseU iwertty'four hours a dayJ the fnost deUght/ul way you've ever dreamed possible! In Just Fifteen Minutes.With His New Book, Revtilutlanan^ Yet! Csntroversbl? Yes! This Doctor Teaches You How To Drain Out But It WoriM^undredi Upon Hundreds Of That Excess Fluld-As Well As That U(ly F la h - Personal Patients Follow This Simple Plan And Do It Without Destrqyln2 Your Face! Every Month! AND We'll Let You Prove At Ai thi» point, we must quote the doctor himself. Here is what he vjyi Our Risk Tliat It Can Work For You! "The results of this diet will never be seen by your friends in sunken checks, hollow eyes, folds of unfilled skin, or other evidences t>t ihc So here it Is: A new way to lose the kind of weight you’ve always typical starvation did. If you stand before a mirror, you will have noih thought it was possible for y o u to lose. And do it—not by starving—/>wr injt but memory, and perhaps an old pbotograph. to fell you where you tty eating as much as you want wisely! carried the weight before which has now disappeared." At Ihe same time, he also says: Y e s. this is a diet—an eating diet! T h a t fo r c e s you to eat at dinner, "M y patients find that soon enough their clothes will becomc even though you may actually feel full from breakfast and lunch a ^ the frightfully loose; even their shoes become too big. If you stick to my hearty tnacka you’ve had in between! diet, you might even have to have your bowling ball redrilled." A nd he quotes patient after patient, like this: Yet, there are cedain foods you ca n 't eat. because they’re poison for " I am very happy with the results. 1 can wear a size 12 dress (was ) your weight. Buf this doctor pays you back for passing by those "poison 20 or suit, and some sijw 10 dresses. Weight was 183. now 136 ... I feel 10 foods’’-b y letting you take another second helping of other foods you years youngex too. iox-e insead! And you keep right on burning off the weight! ^rossKCiive.patleait waU as muck at %'ti. juu have lU JII fi» plate with delfcioui delicacies over and over again! And snmck In the try this revolutionary d tet-A l O U R R IS K -is simply send In the coupon mornlnef Snack U\ the aftem oonl Snack dellghtfuUy every night before below ! It must *»ofk fo r you, o r every single penny of your money back • you go to bed! W hy not stan losmg that ugly'flab-for good-today!

And One Extra Point This Diet Has A Second ------m ail n o r is k c o u p o n t o d a y ------Slant Benefit For You! jt Drains THE EXCESS :______GREENLAND BOCKS ' ' ' ~ FLUIDHul OTYpiir Body, That You May 516 4 Greenland BWg., Mfaml. Ra. 33054 Never Have Been Able To Lose Before! Gentlemen; Please rush me a cony of BAT, D R IN K AND G ET TH IN by Ernest R. Reinsh M.D. I understand Ihe book is This second way of evaporating ugly flab from your body is perhaps mine for only J3.9S complete. In addition, 1 luiderstand that I equally as important as the first. Pur medical sclencc now knows that a mav esamine this book for a full 30 days entirely at your /Isk. huge portion of those ugly bulges on your waistline, hips, thighs, but­ If ai the end of that time, I am not satisned, I will simply return tocks and elsewhere is nothing but plain trapped water! And that even the book to you for every cent of my money bade. Hncloved is check or M O. for $ YOU MAY CHABOr MY: MASTER CHARGE ABOUT THE AUTHOR OR YOU MAY CHARGB; Inter Bank # ______■ □ DINERS' CLUB Doctor Ernest R. Reinsh entered University of Nebraska in L F in il aboicc. your- C5 ^ANKAMERICARD "tVr7,T^«ri=ed BacBcTdfs"Degree'm 1921; l>octor of Mediciiie In Expiration date of my card 1923. D AMERICAN EXPRESS Doctor Reinsh interned and haa been associated with Provi­ A c c ’t # ______dence Hospital, Detroit since graduation and has been in con­ tinuous practice except for the Interruption of three and orte half yean as a Medical Olficcr in U.S. Navy. Profeoslonal Memberships: Wayne County M e ^ a l Society, Michisan State. Anterican MedicU Aoibciatloo and Society of {Please printt Abdominal Surceons. A dd ress The interest in the problems of obesity accentuaied-wbexi patients came from the corners of the earth, such as Australia. -So4iiK-A/fhMi. C ity

zip GREENLAND BOOKS. 5164 Greenland BIdg.. Miami, Fla. 33054 JOHNNYWBB Star ProlBle/By Pe6r J. Oppenheimer HIS WETS HIS BED JOHNNY WETS HS Mary Tyler Moore: From Mini-Sluiiip To Big Comeback

Says a friend, "Mary is ambitious, but she has never been a bore about it.” And that’s the saving grace. . . .

After spending most of her first I blamed myself for the Tiffany’s’ She gave up the party, got the job and 33 years t r ^ g to deal with fiasco— probably because 1 never had received $2,000 a day for dancing a lonely childhood, a rebel­ confidence in myself and my ability.” around some kitchen appliances. She returned to Hollywood and re­ Once she graduated and was receiv­ lious adolescence, a disillu- mained dissatisfied with herself in such ing such an astronomical salary, Mary sioning first marriage when films as ‘‘Don't Just Stand There,” thought she had life pretty well under Pacific she was 17 and the interim "What's So Bad About Feeling Good" control. She decided to marry Klcharu tntetnMtonM Mas years of struggle for recogni­ and “Change of Habit." When CBS Meeker, "the boy next door.” Looking EndBtl Boitw'otting asked Mary to star in her own series, back, she admits that, in a w ay, it was tion, Mary Tyler Moore is For Huntltwla Of she could hardly believe it. “ I wanted to an act of defiance aimed at her parents. Thouaanda In The convinced she’s finally happy. — but I wasn’t sure whether I could, A year later her son was bom. Neither Being secure as the wife (since 1963) or whether I should I I certainly wasn't squelched her ambition. Mary still want­ PaatSOYaara o f Grant Tinker, ex-television executive- going to turn them down!” ed a career in show business. tumed-producer, and mother of 15- Once production started, however, M ary's first break came when she was When children discover that a playmate wets his bed, the re­ year-old Richard (by her first marriage), cast as Sam on “The Richard Diamond Mary began to relax for the first time sult can be merciless teasing has a lot to do with her contentment. in years. Referring to her production Show/' back in J959. As a gimmick, and serious psychological prob­ But mast significant is the fact that unit, Majj_said, “W «-re 9pect-TJnt"aiv” only her legs were seen. After 13 weeks lem s. The entire family can be affected. Mary— star of the highly rated T V se­ other, and we have a lot of fun. I could of that, Mary, fed up with nobody The cost and work of taking care ries, the "Mary Tyler Moore Show,” a sense the same feeling building on the knowing the appendages were hers, left of a bedwetting child can cause product of her own MTM Production set that we had on Diclc's show, and that to do guest shots on, “77 Sunset Strip," friction and Irritability among parents. Company— is now the success she has made that one work well for so long." “Hawaiian Eye” and “Bachelor Fath­ It is quite possible that your always dreamed o f being. Mary's life has always pivoted around er." Finally she landed the role o f Laura child will EVENTUALLY outgrow bedwetting, but what happens When Mary first captured TV audi­ her caree^^ In a w ay, it is an obsession. Petrie. But even that flve-year success until that time comes? Medical ences as Laura Petrie, the very human Said a friend, "Mary is ambitious, but didn't satisfy her. Like most T V actress- authorities hftve stated that a and very vivacious wife of Dick Van she’s never a bore about it." And that’s es. she wnnled a cm ck at pialting a disgrace to his fainily. Statis­ the savipg grace. It was disappointing for her to discover "D ylie"D n "TB4 I jic k v a n JJyKe s»hbw;" tics prove that a bedwetting ~she ^suspected heF'sucoras” was ?iio~ to Mary's naggingliribition^»^"nolice-^ ihfii^shenEttibi'n:lfckr^inhe3bfg:;scrcen^ chTia achrevcs~beIo*nire~rear' Dick's charisma. “He was so fantastic. able when she was a child and pleaded as she had on T V , and it w as also a ability In school. And the child shpck for her to realize that she really Is embarrassed and ashamed. I thought his glow had just rubbed off to be allowed (o take extra dancing les­ But, now, bedwetting, when not on me.” For five years she felt like a sons after school. The harder she worked didn’t like making movies: "But I had to caused by organic defect or dis­ spill-over from Dick. She wanted to to assure herself she was the best, the m ake m ovies before I learned w hat it ease, can be ended. Safely. Per­ manently. know whether she could succeed— real- less time she had for friends and fam­ was about making them I didn’t like." Our method is endorsed by . ly succeed— on her own. ily. A few years after the family moved Grant Tinker fell in love with and many doctors. Read their state- W hM-Jlary- was—offered-a seven- •o-Los-Angeles-ffonrv Brooktyn— Mary - ments______In ourur 16 page p ane ______brochure:_ ■"fs TITero A’^OTfion?' Also.resd year contract at Universal at the closing was eight at the time— she was con­ Dick Van Dyke Show." Although be what other people say who have of DidPs show, she took it, and was miS- vinced her parents really didn’t want doesn't feel that Mary's career should had the same problem. Send be the center of their lives, he is con­ this coupon for your free copy. cast as the shy darling in "Thoroughly her. Both of them worked, her mother No cost or obligation. . Modem Millie.” It was a devastating as a telephone operator and her father tent to stay in the background. Right now, everything is coming up experience. “I am simply not geared for for the Edison Company. When her EQUALLY movie-making.” father was home, he was an adamant roses for Mary. “ I enjoy life more than EFFECTIVE FO R A D U LT S So Mary decided to tackle Broadway. disciplinarian. Her mother tried to com ­ I ever did,” she says. "I’ve always taken She got a year off from the studio, pensate by being overly indulgent. As a things to heart but I am very resilient ------— and-Xvc-JeamMl ttLpulJhings in thejr M «ll to : rA C tn C ■ moved -to- New—Vork—witK^rant-and- results M ary didn’tJm ow-what was .ex--. - >MTCIINATIOMAI.-^TI».—I - pccted of her. so when she was 14, she proper place and forget theiiL” Box90. 0«ptS>8 , Richard and nearly killed herself trying San Rafaal. Cattf. 94902j to make a hit out of the disastrous moved in for a while with an aunt As Mary's show steadily climbs on Even the night of graduation, when a the rating chart, she says, '"It is as if I’ve Parents' I “ Brj^kfast at Tiffany’s.” Richard Cham­ Nam«___ berlain, another refugee from TV, was girl usually thinks about ^ler new dress come back to life. I feci I am fulfilling I A d dre*s_ _ I her costar in the ill-fated play. and a date for the pro^. Mary was a nral function; I am making people City___ I Thanks lojaJtenadQUS strcaJc that has more concerned about getting a good laugh. A n d I tfm prou d o f what I am _ County_ ngVCT Ifl hrr rfffvintt; fmm hrr lirnire tn______night’s ______sleep______because she______was to audi-_, doing. I si>ent too m any years bein g un- State._ - 2 f p - be a success, Mary mended quickly. "At tion the next day for a TV commercial. happy. No morel” ^ , Ption*

Fam iiy Weekly, A pril 18,1971 ® 1971 PsciHc Intarnattonal Ltd. A n n o u n cin g . a unique contribution to m an’s record of the w onders of the anim al world! YOURS FREE! Volume 1 of the ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM A n introduction to the my&teries and marvels o f the intensive study. A nd adults will surely enjoy the phoio< group _of animals lo which man himself belongs . . . graphs and (ext as much as their youngsters. The entire V'ertihrates, animals with backbones. family will use this wonderful set-on e that^you’II be We would like to send you — absolutely free — with no proud to display in y6ur home library. obligation to purchaso anything ever, a copy o f Volu.me SEND FOR YOUR FREE BOOK NOW— 1 o f (hisnew set o f books: The Illustrated Encyclosicdia WITH NO OBLIGATION! of the Animal Kingdom. We want you lo see for yourself how exciting the Let us send you Vertebrates, Volunne 1 o f The Illus­ Animal Kingdom is! Volume 1 is a complete book in trated Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom —to keep itself-'the story of the vertebrates, including some of as a gif( whether or not you purchaso a single additional the strangest and most fascinating creatures Ln the ani­ volume. We (hink you'll be so idelighted that you’ll want mal world. to become a Subscriber and receive additional volumes Each additional volume continues your incredible of this compelling new encyclopedia each month. journey into (he animal world. From these 20 deluxe As a Subscriber, you will always have the privilege volumes, you and your children will gain a complete, of examining each new volume in your 'home — and if basic understanding o f all the species that inhabit the you're no( completely satisfied, you simply return i( at earth —how they feed, breed and survive, in a life filled our expense and owe nothing. A ny time you wish to • with constant danger. cancel, just say so —no more b ook s will be sent. If you Pre-school children will be delighted with the fasci­ want to keep any of these beautiful books-you pay ihc nating pictures on every page (there are over 4,000 in amazing price o f only $3.98 each (plus a small shipping ■full colorM . The budding scientist will gain a full, rich , and handling fee). background that can excite him to further and more To send for your free volume, simply fill put and mail (he a(tached order form , or write to Danbury Press, A Division of Grolier Enterprises, Inc., Sherman Turn­ pike, Danbury, Connecticu( 06810. Your FREE copy of Vertebrqtes will be on its way to you. Remember, you are not obligate^! in any way by sending for your free volume . . . it yi^our j^ t.to you.

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...... zip. s ig n a ju r o T r r ...... r j Abo available in Canada at a sUg&tly higher price. **'■** Shipment and •ervlce* from Canada. Fam ily W eekly Cookbook Recipes for a Tight Family Budget

By Melmie De ProJfl Food Editor

■ Wiae homemakera keep the fam­ ily budget in mind when shopping for food. They eagerly take advan­ tage of Bupfirmarket speciala on “marked down” items. They check local newspapers for stores offer­ ing attractive weekend “buys.” Purchasing some foods in quantity often effects a sigabie saving. Foods in season are usually plentiful, and therefore, priced within reach of most budget-minded shoppers. Here are several recipes which should be cost-sibtlsfylng as well as palate-satisfying, although prices for many products may differ from one area of the country to another.

...... ■•/t *J»-; ■ '/ .til Kraut and Frankfurter Plank Dinner Sweet-Tart Kraut li'-'V’f -j, :■■ ,'■ -■ y ...... Mntt«td-SKU6t4 Caggtg ______8 Frankfurters, slit diagonally 3 times aboat halfway throngh i •>. Melted butter or marKarine Hashed Potatoes for 4 servincs r v - '' ...... 1. Prepare Sweet-Tart Kraut and keep warm while preparing Mustard-Sauced -iN' C arrots. 2. Heap liraut mixture in center of a large seasoned plank (see Planic Facts). Brush franlcs with melted butter or mar­ garine and arrange, slit side down, at two opposite comers o f plank. Pile the

Potatoes (o side of kiaut at opposite comers. Drizzle melted butter of mar­ garine over potatoes.

'-? v S 3. Set under broiler with top 6 to 8 in , from heat until franks are Jbrpwned. Turn franks and continue broiling until franks and potatoes are lightly browned. Serve on the plank. 4 servings

Plank Facts: To season a new hardwood plank, rub well with cooking or salad oU. Heat in a 250°F. to 275°F. oven l- hr. Remove; wipe off excess oil. Use <}r :• •rt­ cool and store, wrapped, in a cool, dry f’ x w • T-'— —--1- place. T o use the plank, always put it into uic ootu oven HDCi ~prcncst togcincrv then remove from oven, oil'tboroughly, and arrange food on it. T o clean the plank, scrape thorough­ ly and wipe with a paper towel. If wash­ T-y ing is a must, wash very quickly (never _Mak) in hnt soapy water; rinse and dry w ell. (Continued, o n p a g e 10) A Plank DintMr of kraut, frankfurters, mashed potatoes and mustard-seasoned carrots is zesty, tefflptin|;, satis^ng. easy to prepare and easy on the budget.

Family W«»kly, April 18,1971 Recipes f Continued from page 9) * V... ; Chili powder 1. Blend a mixture of the fl(wr, golden browned and crisp on delicious concoction, and when Sweet-Tart Kriaut -Sweet-pickKthinly--^ one side. Turn patTies ali3 brown* i r 7s combined with canned salt, and paprika with the cream sliced lengthwise 3 tablespoons butter or corn and served oyer d'ornbread m arK srine cheese in a mixing bowl. Mix in pther side. Drain on abswbent C a rrot c.urls paper. Serve on heated platter. is also'a great budget stretcher, 1 clove irarlie, minced the shredded cheecse and par­ 1. Fix beans with sauce in a Vi cu p chopped onion 8 to 10 patties as well. sley. Gradually add the evapor- large saucepan and mix in 2 cops drained sauerkraut, snipped drained corn and chopped 3 tablespoons sugar pickle. Heat thoroughly, a teaspoon salt stirring occasionally. 1 can or jar (4 oz.) whole pimtento, 2 . Put .hot combread onto drained and diced individual servtng^Iates and 1. Heat the butter or mar­ split it. Spoon bean mixture garine in a large skillet. Mix onto bottom halves. Sprin­ in the garlic and onion. kle lightly with chili powder. Cook until tender; stir occa­ Cover with tops. Garnish sionally. center o f each serving with 2. Add kraut, a blend of a pickle slice and carrot sugar and salt; then pimien- curl impaled an a wooden to; loss until mixed. Heat p ick . 8 servings

4 servings Stuffed Cabbage Rolls a la Mustard-Sauced Scandinavia Carrots 1 large heat) cabbage If y o v t i bought a pound of (3 to 3(4 lbs.) 8 carrots, pared and 1 teasiKMn salt cot diagonally in 1 lb. veal, ground 1-In. slices Miracle Brand Margarine tablespoons butter , thrw tlmca------2 1 lb. beef, ground M gariwe ■ three times cup light broirn last M'eek, iuslead of 1/4 cups milk su ga r 1 <4 a ca p fine dry bread tablespoon light 1 crum ba c o m uyrup regular margarine, 4 teaspoons grated 2 tablespoons prepared m ustard ' o n io n ... you could’ve spread teaspoons salt teaspoon salt 2 1 teaspoon ground 1. Puicafrots into a sauce­ f nu tm eg pan, salt to taste, and barely ^^xfra^cesj rfbrei ------2- ranw riOVi qz. each) coverSwith Water. Cover and condensed beef broth cook until tender, about 20 Miracle Brand Margarine is whipped to 2 soap cans water min. Drain. give you 36 extra pats . .. two extra % ca p floor 2. Meanwhile, put butter or V4 ca p w ater sticks per pound. And whipping makes margarinjc and remaining in­ 1. Reniove and discard gredients }nto a small sauge- Miracle extra light and easy to spread. wilted outer leaves from the, pan. Heat, sHrring constant- head of cabbage; rinse and ly, until blended. cut out the core. 3. Pour sauce over drained 2. Put cabbage into a sauce- -caiT0ts~Hnd~to5yTtentlvTiflar pot; add boiling' water to coated. If sauce is too thick, e o v ef blend in a small amount of salt. Cover and bring water water. Serve hot. 4 servings to boiling: reduce heat'-and simmer until cabbage leaves Superb Hash-Brown are softened, about 5 min. Potato Patties 3. Remove and carefully separate-the leaves^,^ aside r^cartpn (12 0 1 .") ; T^lSee' wRy we call it M iradef frozen shi-edded on absorbent paper to drain. hash brown (You will need 16 large and potatoes, partially 16 small leaves.) thawed and carefully separated 4. Combine meat, milk, 1 pkg. (3 oz.) cream crumbs, seasonings; mix cheese, softened lightly and welL 1 tablespoon flonr V'l teaspoon salt 5. Place a small cabbage Vi teaspoon paprika leaf in center of a la i^ leaf.. ”B~raM«si»OM ■hredd«r P ut ib o u t ^ l^ ’ ^ M p o f ■ the extra-sharp ated milk and onion juice and N ote; For large pancakes, use ( -can) packs. oz. meat mixture onto the cen­ C heddar cheese 2 2 20 '4 stir until well blended. Gently about % cup of mixture. each, beans *n’ flxin's 1 tablespoon snipped ter of each small leaf. Roll p arsley blend in the well-beaten egg; 1 can (17 oz.) whole kernel each leaf, tucking ends in golden com. 3 tablespoons then potatoes. toward center. Fasten se- drained eraporated milk 2. Heat butter in a heavy skillet Hearty Hot Beans over ctirely with wooden picks .1 teaspoon onion Juice Combread 1 cnp coarsely chopped____ 1 egg, beaten until thick over medium heat. Spoon about sweet pickle anSnSe with cord.~ HkHd pllediflftiT V* cup lof mixture for each patty- The spicy-tomuto-suuied purk- Combread, cut in ti. Combine beef hrdlh unl~ Butter or margarine into hit skillet and cook until and-bean mixture in itself is a squares water in a saucepot and. . (Continued o n page 12)

Mai^K Kitclicn makes hash from fresh roa>i Iieef. \\ ith all the Juices. I he na> nou'd make it if Noil had all the lime in the \N(ukl. (She makes eoriieti heef hash.ton.)

s e i r ' % Recipes (Continued from page 10)

bring to boiling. Add cab­ End cut in Vj-in. rings gar^^and salt. C ov er. 3 tablespoons minced 2 tablc&poons parsley. tablespoons brown suear parsley bage rolls one at a time so 2 3. Bake at 350°F. 45 min. Re­ 2. Beat egg slightly with salt tmblespoons butter, egTB that water continues to boil. 2 1 and pepper in a small bowl.' m elted move cover; bake 30 min., or 2 cans (8 oz. each) tomato Reduce heat; cover and '/2 cup cider vinefcar until chicken is tender. Sprinkle sauce with onions...... Mix in contents of I can of cook about 25 min., or until 1 tablespoon ssit with minced parsley. 1 lb. frankfurterir tomato saupe with onions.. the cabbage rolls are tender. 1 . Put cabbage wedges on bot- 4 to 6 servings 1. Mix the oil and garlic. Stir Pour over the crouton mix­ 7. Remove rolls with slotted ture; toss lightly. spoon; reserve broth for 3. Turn half of the mixture sauce or gravy. Remove into an oiled lV4-qt. casse­ wooden picks and cord from Prices on these pppular “ role.. Make diagonal slits at rolls and keep rolls warm. C6sco bridge sets are I-in. intervals almost to bot­ 8. To prepare sauce, com­ usually attractive. But right tom of each frankfurter. bine the flour and water in a now. for a limited time, Put half of the franks onto saucepan and blend thor­ they're unusually attractive. the mixture. Brush franks oughly. Add 2 cups of the And so are the..l}ridge setsi w ith 1 teaspoon tomato Ine values. The chairs are cushioned reserved broth slowly, stir­ .sauce from remaining can. and contour^ tor comfort Repeat layers and brushing. ring constantly. Cook and The tat>les have flared legs stir over medium heal until Especially for added style and 4. Heat in 350°F. oven sauce comes to boiling; now! sturdiness, with unseen about 45 min. iBgiocka instead of unsightly 5. Heat remaining tomato and smooth. Add salt and braces. And both have a sauce in a small saucepan; pepper, if desired. handsome baked-on pour evenly over casserole 9. Pour sauce^^over cabbage enamel finish, and s liatjiB, BlHiii»-i'Bai9tain .... . • m illure...... T op .wilh.rnm ain- vinyl upholstery. Colors? ing parsley. 6 servings sired, use Cream Gravy in­ Green frames with Olive stead of the sauce. upholstery, Tan frames with Marbled Glelatin 8 servings Parchment or Copper.-Take Dessert your pick, but don't take Cream Gravy your timel Prepare 1 picg. (3 oz.) raspberry-flavored (or other Heat 3 tablespoons batter 14-123 King-stee table, 35* flavored) gelatin following or ^argarine in a saucepan; square, with striking beyel- package directions. Chill blend in 3 tablespoons flour edge top, regularly $2£S0. until slightly thickened. and cook over medium heat NOW $18.49.14>110 Chairs^ Meanwhile, prepare 1 cnv. until bubbly. Stir in 1 cap regularly $14.50. Now $11.99, whipped dessert topping fol­ reserved beef broth and Complete set regularly cook, stirring constantly un­ $80.50. lowing package directions. til boiling. Stir in 1 cap miBi Now $66.45. Remove about VS cup, cov­ and a mixture of Vi *e»-' er, and refrigerate. Thin re­ spoon salt, V4 teaspoon maining whipped topping to eroond cardamom, and a blending consistency with a few grains sugar. Bring to 14-235 Standard-slze table, small amount of milk; swirl boiling; cook 3 min., stir- 30Vi* square, regularly whipped topping through '$1SJ50. Now $1Z99. -ring-untiHhiekcncd.------. slightly.thickened-gelatin for-- 14.206 Chairs a marbled effect. Spoon into regularly $11.50. sherbet glasses and chill un- Tomato- Now $9.49. Horseradislv Sauce •finmplatn «At tjl firrn. Before serving, gar­ regularly $81.50. nish each with a dollop or Sniffed cabbage rolls are rosette of the reserved equally delicious sauced Now $50.95. whipped topping. with ih^t toinalo mixtyrc ------“ ■ O servings or the Cream (jravy. 2 cans (8 oi. each) Borsch tom ato sauce 1 can (16 oz.) whole '/] cup chili sauce Hrstnrd ------tableappon-preparcd ' 1 Reserved beet liquid horseradish 2% cups cold water Mix all ingredients in a '/j cup sugkr saucepan. Heat thoroughly, 3 '/j tablespoons eider stirring occasionally. Serve vinegar V4 teaspoon salt with ground meat mixtures, Dairy soar eream pot roasts, and pasta dishes. 1. Put resJlTved beet liquid About 2'/3 ru p .T sauce into a large bowl with the Peimy-Wise Chicken water. Stir in ths 5Ugai. Yin-, t o n o f a shallow 2-qt. casserole. Frankfurter Supper and pour about half o f it into a egar. and salt. Casserole Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of the Bake large skillel; heat thoroughly. 2. Put beets through the Chicken pieces (about flour and caraway seed. Top with Add about half of the to.ist coarse Hade-Of a food chop­ lbs.) 2Vi apple rings. Sprinkle with a mix­ '/] cup cooking or sslsd oil cu bes and toss until all sides are per. Mix with the liquid. CabbaKe head, 1-in. i *TK« clove garlic, minced ture of brown sugar and flour. 1 coated and browned. Turn into Serve hot or cold. w edges 8 slices bread, well toasted 2. Arrange chicken picccs. skin 2 teaspoons flonr ' snd-cnt in VS -in. cubes a large bowl. Repeat heating oil; 3. Top each serving with 1 teaspoon carawajr seed side up. in casserole. Pour over 1 cnp diagonsllT elicttl______brow n rem aining toast ciihe

13 Family Weekljr.'Airril I S , 1971 ET A C H A N b M A IL TH IS EEPSTAKES ENTRY TODAY... '■ ..,QFIRCIAL»^EP«TAKES.eN . ' Mallto:COCVM0AMiJ&^ TRE^Uf^^,T£^BI^UTE,/NP!AN^ •WBK9NITAKKS NMMSKIt. > A 1 4 5 6 1 0 P AY THE D O L ’ $ C T S A M O N T H Last chance SUM OF 00 FOR A YEAR TO: YESI Toll IM l( I am a Ma prlM wlnnw. and p1«wM niah ma my to win aat of H.OVE,STORY In my eholoa o f km tbUowlna: (Chack qm ■ box only). RKfc. □ MIs« . rintllMaa lalttal i M t t U m □ RECORDS; Four 12* U> raeonta. MMT/aanw «w $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 □ B-TRACK TAPE CARTRIOQES: TWo («M/Afa-/a/i0(A, Ueubim va/uatwinpacka...... dl CASSETTES: Two dk>uMa4angM, doubt»^i»k» twin packa. a month for a year ' < S »/M 7 in in the Columbia S50.000.00 Sweepstakes. It I am not coropMaly aatlaflad lor any roaaon Miaiaoavar— State & Zip------. I may return tha aal within 10 daya—and otma atwohitajy noUi- W» will notify you by bta.(IwillatlllbaallgiblaforallpriM) Iff daofdailo fcaapihe talaphona If you ju » a You must MAIL THIS ENTRY aat. It*a mina tor only «S • month until tha total ooat of $12.«« Talaphona No~ BIO PRIZE WINNER. plua malllha. Itandling. and any applksairia aalaa tax la paid. NQ - 1 h«va ohaokad thla boK bacauaa I do not wlih to nwalv* • Fraa And plaaae Ineluda my Fraa Myataiy out. It'a mlna to kaap vlary Ofltnor my Fraa Trial LOVE 8TORV Tmawry. But I will atlll ba BEFORE i l U n i l K H f alwavajuattorllalanlna. ' m aallgibla to wm all iwMpatakaa prizaa.

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Whether you own a domestic or foreign car, an automatic ------No-Rbk Trian Mai Now!------1 small, imsy-to>take tablets. .. special transmission or stick shift— there are certain driving tech­ ^ -VfM, *t2> sizes for children and adults. I 49M M.w; lutfe si, mirnu, n a . u o m I niques that you can adopt to increase your gas mileage. I Please tend me **How lo Eal Your ( 1. Avoid quick starts. When you move away from a stop­ ' Way Back To A H««lthy MeaJ v1 I Hair.” I enclose check or money oriier light, do it smoothly. (or only S3.93. If 1 am not convinced C ity I When Yoo Order I 1 can be helped I may return book in 2. Anticipate upcoming stoplights. Don’t rush to a red Uayt for full refund ai once. SI406 5 ( -I By Mail Froa light only to have to stop quickly. If you think a red light is Family W eekly. . . about to turn green, slow down only enough so that you’ll arrive at the intersection when the signal changes. Please allow up to four weeks for 3. Use the gas pedal gently and smoothly. Don’t pump the delivery. The ads are placed by rep­ pedal. When you pa.ss other cars, allow yourself enough clear utable companies. The Items and road so you can make the move smoothly. Abrupt accelera­ copy are checked by Family Weekly for reliability, too. Yet with thou­ tion eats up gas. sands of orders coming in usually to 4. Avoid excessive speeds at all times. You use up 10 per­ Constipated our advertisers, sometimes uninten­ cent more gas at 60 m.p.h. than at SO m.p.h. Speeds higher tional delays occur. Although such than 60 nj.p.h. drain: your gas tank even more. Tjj|v delaysnuppeft fliitirTnfrequefttly, 5. When the car is stationai^ for an indefinite period, kill l o u a y : when they do. Family Weekly wants the motor. If you are waiting to pick someone up, you’re only to assist you as much as possible. wasting ga^,by keeping the motor running. If yoo've any question about mail ------^-Lcarn-4o-man«;uvcr-hill&-propcrJy,-Since~speed-cost8'tcss order, just write: Susan Paine, on a flat road than on an incline, accelerate slightly b efore the Family Weekly, 641 Lexington Ave­ nue, New York, N.Y. 10022. hill, and let your momentum help you ascend the hill more You wouldn't be If - economically. 7. Keep your tire pressures at the' levels recommended in PHOTO CREDITS your owner's manual. If one tire is "softer” than the others, ...you realized that as you sluggish colon. This is utterly it will tend to drag. As well as causing uneven tire wear, your gel older your sy.slem natu- different from forcing your Pog« 4 a. 3. P.tar Slick/ TyI.r gas mileage will decrease^ubstantiiUljf, Check your fire jprcs- ■" Tttorrrtow.'' m^ty slaws^ down- and'Thc' Tsystem wIIh'Tiarsh cheftnci^ PoQa 19s Pi*, Inc. ^ sure about once a week. laxative you have been tak­ laxatives which may dry you 8 . "Back off" of the gas pedat slightly when you're driving ing may no longer be best for out. You can take gentle on high-speed freeways. Accelerate to the speed you desire, you. So, if you’ve been taking Serutan every day because it then ease ofl the pedal slightly. Usually your speed will remain magnesia, salts, oils or harsh is a p u re, n on -irrita lin g v e g ­ HEARING AIDS the same,' but the decreased pedal pressure will send less gaso­ chemical laxatives once a etable hydrogel and contains line lo the engine. week or m ore and you're still no harsh roughage, no chem ­ !S 65% OFF not satisfied— here's a b etter ical laxatives. Take Serutan • BUY DIRECT • 20 DAYS FREE TRIAL 9. Avoid panic slops. Leave plenty of safety space between way lo end constipation wor­ every day to get re g u la r— Body Aids $29.95 up. Tiny All.in the-Ejr; you and the car in front; Tail-gating only increases the chances Behind-the-Ear; Eye Glass Aids. Low as JIO ries. Take medically proven and k eep reg u lar. of quick stops— and accidents— and cats up your gasoline _jnonllil)i_Hn interest, ilne-nl. largest s«l^ - SerutanrftVdiffcrcnT? ections Very low Battery Prices. No sales doTIarr I(j6.“ Unlike other laxatives that Ddiciom Fniif Ravor nun will calL Write:# LLOYO Car». m- 10. Experiment with different brandy jof gasoline. Run may cause irritation or grip­ Dept FW, 905 9tli St. Rodilord, lit 61108 about three or four tanks of a brand through your car, keep­ ing, Serutan, taken daHy, Serutan now comes in a ing accurate tallies of the gallons, jnileage and costs. You fonns a soft gel which moist­ dclicious fruit flavor. Get Tit BAKU RK may find that a particular gasoline is more economical for ens food wa^es and shapes Serutan regular powder, fruit FMa bunol (oU. Hhxr. your particular car. * them into a well-form ed ll^vor or _ioaslkd granules -CQint..izcMumL~ ___ stool. Serutan producks the today. W hen you read 5 P o m t/h J mcJrU proper amount of bulk Serutan backwards, it spells needed to help bring peri­ "natures.” And nature's way staltic stimulation to your is best. Get Serutan today. ' BOX 10C9. W USTON. TEX. 7701$ Fainily Weekly, April 18, t97t (AOVSSTZSEBIENT)

was the 3 2 0 -pound ''Baby'’of the family.

By Martha Nick—as told to Ruth L. McCarthy

It had worked for her, but I’d never given it a fair chance, as I hadn’t with anything else. And let’s be honest. To reduce, you just can’t keep stuffing food into yourself. Like getting up in the middle of the night and gorging on cold cuts or leftover pork chops. But this time, I was in earnest, so I bought some vanilla' caramel Ayds- at the-drugstoref though my mother often kept a box of one of the other flavors in the cupboard,. At first, rju st substituted Ayds candies for between-meal snacks. And when you’re used to eating a dozen crunchy-nut donuts at one clip, you can see how many calories I cut out of my day. Before too long, I began to see results, so I HflciHpH tn follow f.he Avds Plan properly. I took one or two Ayds before each meal with a hot drink (for me, tea) and those little candies really helped curb my appetite. Without harmful ’ drugs,, too. It was around Christmas, I remernberi and it was the first year that I hung more cookies on the tree than I ate. Of course, on the Ayds Plan, I ate lots of proteins andL greens and I not only dropped pounds, but my blood pressure went from 220 to 125. The doctor vyas so amazed, he postponed my op>eration until July. - Meanwhile, I began to take up sports. I You can see from the crack that I used to jam my '‘320-pound pictures" at the back of a drawer. wanted as much exercise as I could get to let my muscles catch up with my skin. Besides, I D o n ’ t misunderstand. At 320 pounds, I was wanted my socifd life to mi^'e up for my wasted no cradle baby. The fact is, I was in my years. You see. I ’d been imprisoned in all that twenties and. soJieavy that even my nieces M d fat for so long that I needed to'feel totally free. nephews noticed how I waddled. So they called -That''8 why rtoolc^p sky diving. Jiist the ele­ me Baby Huey, the fat duck. It was embarrass­ ments and me! A really super feeling. ing all right, but it actually took the threat of Today, at 145 pounds. I’ve come completely an operation to make me lose 175 pounds. out of my shell. I have a great job at Indiana Of course, all that weight wasn’t put on over­ Bell Telephone Company in South Bend, and night. Fro^ojl^Urne 1 was twrfve^I ate enough these days I go out more than I stay in. What’s to feed my four brothers agd three sisters; Mty -mnrerfoiHJie-first-fcimfrin-iny-life, I -ean-faee-r parents, being dutiful, took me to doctors for women on an equal basis. I’m not afraid of them tests, but the conclusion was that I had a nor­ anymore. In fact, I even feel secure enough to mal thyroid and an overactive appetite. I simply have a steady boyfriend. As for getting married, liked food and nobody stopped me from eating. that can wait awhile. You see, thanks to Ayds, I still have a lot of living to do. Maybe because I was the baby of the family and Like me better like I am now? So does everyone 1 everybody spoiled me. know. They can hardly believe it. But that's what Anyway,, by the^time I ’d. le/t my teens, my getting damn (o 145 pounds can dojpr a girl- _ appetite was enormous. My breakfast consisted of 1? fried eggs, a pound of bacon, a package of stayed home and ate myself into an acute gall buttermilk biscuits, a quarter pound of butter bladder attack. But when the surgeon saw me, H e ig h t .. - 5 ' 8 " _ ...... , and a quart of milk. I got so big, my mother he refused to operate. Instead, he grabbed my W e ig h t. .3 2 0 lb s ...... 145 lbs. often used upholstery material (and a size 60 belly and said:, “ Get that ofl or you won’t live B q st . . , . .5 6 - ...... 3 9 ” patlem) to make me dresses. six months.” — W aL qt. . .4 6 ” ...... a i V i " DTfficult as the clothing problem was, job I sometimes wortder -what I'd have done, if hunting was even worse. At one place, they said my mother hadn’t discovered Ayds®.you know, Dress Pattern ...... GO Store Size. ... 12 I just wouldn’t fit into their office. So I finally that vitamin and mineral reducing-plan candy. THE NOW LOOK

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And I Of I^uman Nature? calls for E^ier Slacks: Easier to get I on over your Hab«nd't EASY LIFE shoes. A little #i#o#-#r»m-'our insight, she does, her judgipent is distorted the leash on 2V, IN C H E S I of ST.K.E.T.C.H into the personalities of the people by blind spots. Fido's collar. Built In on Both I arotmd-vou.^the-better you are go- S k 1«« Sla ck * _ 3 . False. Psychological studies show Easier in the F lo at w ith I ing to get along. People who lack the lhe_people who have the keenest per- “ tat when you M L ahjiitv to see ^ others as they really ception when it comes to sizing, up squat to find the proper can o f are, constantly ?re "disappointed in others are likely to have difiiculty red paint on the bottom shelf. human nature" and place their confi­ in seeing themselves clearly. On the dence in the wrong people. Since un­ other hand, people who have the best EASY ON THE WAIST! derstanding people— getting an ac­ insight into their own strengths and Notice in the pictures how two gentle curate "feel" of their personality weakness^, .tend to be the poorest stretch inserts at the waist give a l-i-t-t-l-e characteristics and how their minds judges of others. when you sink down into your easy chair "work— is so important to us, youll 4 . True. Even though a woman may or get up from the dinner table. enjoy talcing this true-or-false quiz look at her husband through rose- l.ln in— rvirvcl tii er her spouse is telling the truth than 5 . True. If she’s a picky eater, PLUS Lung Long Life l«ocau\e you rc gellingl! a husband is. doesn't like this and can’t abide that 5. A man c^n make.{i pretty accu­ — give her a negative rating. Studies rate judgment o f a girl’s capacity for at the University of Texas have 6S% 'PUCMH" ptfyester \ waimth and afTectioh simply by tak­ showii that people who ai« finicky 35%^’^A V R It^ roiiw ------^ ing her out to dinner. about their food, tend to be similarly 6. The only way you can tell how inhibited in the love and romance ■ good-you are-at^sizing up people is department, too. by checking your track record— how 6. False. Findings of a study by many bull’s-eye judgments, how Colorado SUte University research­ many misses. ers provide a handy yardstick. Psy- W A R N IN G : D on 't shovel snow in thes« slaclcA. 7. If you’re a poor judge of others, cholo^sts found that people who You*ll freeze. And, don't wear Easy Life Slaclu I there’s nothing you can do about it. made the best scores in judging the to the office. Theyll think youVe all dressed up I to sneak off to l#ie' Country Club.______ANSWERS character and personality traits of I 1. Trur. Psychologists TiAve found others tended to have these traits in EASY TO BUY - EASY TO ORDER I that in ^ ial situations women are c o m m o n : they Tfiad w e ll-b a la n c ^ >«^upon.KUUlt, and kaep an «y« on your front r far quicker than men to sense the personalities, were'tolerant o f others, ' door. The mailmm will bring th«m (all po«t- I other person’s thoughts and feelings, exhibited poise and self-control. paid). No parking problems, lost s^Mmen, ___ lines at the carfiter counter. All you have to I much more acutely aware of the Those who made poor scores in siz­ do is put them on and let the whole family admire. EASY? I nuances of manner and the tone of ing up others tended to be lacking voice which reveal another’s under- in emotional stability and in their thc-surface feelings. As Rutgers Uni­ self-control. versity studies have shown, in inter-- 7 . False. Just make it a practicc not personal relations, women are more to make snap judgments. Cultivate keenly sensitive to what uTgoing oii? the a T P d r di^awirigTBirTSllseT p erson more astute Uisn men_ m- telling the - out. Most-people, when encouraged, W A ISTS: 2 9 '3 (V3 1 -3 2 -9 3 '3 4 -3 S>3 6 '3 7 *3 8 3 9 difference between what people say love to talk about themselves. And IMSCAMS TG-37'38'29-30 and what they mean. the more they talk, the more com ­ m a e tf y t 0 ««aar1) 31 3 2 3 3 - 3 4 2. False. Regardless of how expert pletely they reveal themselves to you. a woman may be when it comes to Learn to be a good listener. People a i f ■ S f f : L'H CO a seeing others as they really are, she will tell you a great deal more about taiEzi tcods to lose perspective and objec­ themselves than they realize if you L n ix J i tivity when it comes to judging her listen carefully. ♦ iBtue I 2 pairt for 13.96 j s t . w ^ ...... Familu Weekly, April IS, 1971 A.n Exclusive Collectors’Piece in a Limited Edition Inspired by Tlie ATaaemy Award Nominee Movie “Love Story


PLAYS. T he Hauntin^l^y Beautiftil i i Love Story” Theme Song W hile Exquisite Figurine Lovers Revolve in Gentle Em Brace Atop Finely Crated M usic Box

From the heartwarming movie that brings back a sentimental era, comes a classic music box. And when you gaze at the lovers and listen to the hauntingly___ beautlTul theme song, you’ll remember and relive every emotion packed scene of this moving story. As the lovers revolve, they literally seem to come to life in rollicking snow games, high-Spirited adventure and warm tender love. ------m a il 10 DAY NO-RISK COUPON T O D A Y l ------The figurines are artistically crafted in softly colored finely-glazed GREENLAND STUDIOS. 5189 Greentand Bldg., Miami, Ra. 33054 ceramic with a lovely bisque finish. So beautiful in fact, that it’s sure to Please se n d Ihc following on 1 0 -d ay money b a c k guarantee if no! delighlcd. En- become a treasured collector’s piece, and when you see it in person, and cio scd rj ch cck o r m .o . fo r S .. - ______.. only then, will you fullyappreciate'its charm. ------# 1 0 7 2 7 L o v e S l o r y C c r a m i c M u i i c D oxe& $ 4 .9 8 ( A d d 6 S | t ^ t a g e )

O FFER W ILL NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON n Sem i C.O .D . I enctoae $4 goodwiU dcpa%n prr M usic Box and will pay fKsiniAn balance phis all postal chargcs. “ We believe this lovely music box is an exceptional value for only $4.98 and because it is a limited edition will soon become a collectors’ NAME _____ item. Our supply is limited and to avoid disappointment, we urge you to order y9urs right now. Each full color, bisque finish music box is A D D R E S S ^ 7 " higfe5T4" wide. AVe of course, send you this on a full money back CITY- -STATE- -ZIP_ guarantee if you’re not completely delighted with the beauty it brings into your home. So hurry—order now as this offer will not be repeated this season in this magazine. \* v n x a t in Hie*lVorld! Lose Ugly Fat-While Yoif

superblocks. The superblock areas, equivalent to 4 to 6 of today’s standard blocks, would then become pedestrian- Eat the Foods You Love! oriented, nonautomotive traffi:; shop­ ping malls. N ow for the first tim e, you can

THIS WEEK’S OATES: This is Na­ eat fried chicfinhrailng th« Offlrlal pffthdav day Plan! For a Dimc-a-Day, you 18 poimds.” BIRTHDAYS: Leopold Stokowski is 89 can have the hgure y ou 'll lo v e , b e ‘MIRACULOUS' SAVS LADY, fU. " 1 a m '/U tiis Wednesday a salute of guns in today; Hugh O'Brian is 46 Monday; able to wear the clothes everyone will adm ire! years of age and they have helped andon will signal Q ueen E lizabeth's Anthony Quinn, 56 Wednesday; Shir­ me miraculously. Besides losing 45th birthday. T h e occa sio n w ill be ley Temple Black, 43 Friday; Robert LOSE WEIGHT-'WITHOUT STARVING !'_ T h e weight I have gained considerable Jcelebrated officially, however, on June Penn Warren, 66, Barbra Streisand, 29. Slim-Pak Plan is not a fqf< nr r-ragh— . otrnnoth and desiie to 11^>B. 1 1 2— which happens to be two days after and .Shi'-l<-y ninn TT » t l ■■■» iim r- ■ dii'l, tuillUllUi no dangerous drugs. Especially formulated for the dieter Saturday. iiisband Prince Philip's 50th birthday. who has “ tried everything''—and GUARAIVTEEIT! The two-parl birthday arrangement was f a i l e d ! RESULTS GUARANTEED I started in 1903 b y E dw ard V II, to fit SLIM-PAK IS PERSONALIZED! S lim - P a k These excerpts from actual |in with his busy schedule. Saturdays can work for you where other diets letters wore unsolicited. Your degree of success with the have been convenient for the Queen; have failed bect^use only your Slim- Slim>£ak Plan obviously de­ Ishe had announced back in March, Pak Plan takes into account the pends on YOU, but remember: J1952, that it would always be an early foods you like to eat, your sex, your WEIGH L K S -O R PAY NOTH- Jjune date. When her birthday is ob- age, your height, your present INGI Lom S Id ia pounds in Mm weight, and what you’d like to weigh! n«xl 30 day*—wlUMMil •var go­ Iservcd in other parts of the British ing hungry—or monay back I lF m pir«^ nth(^r Hates are chosen to suit OVERWEIGHT FOR 14 YEARS. “I h a v e b e e n jothcr conveniences. In Britain, the BIRTHDAY PBSPltr Leopold Stokowski. overweight for 14 years. T\vo years ago, iri 3"months I lost 40 pounds. I birthday, although celebrated with regal Shirley Temple Black. Barbra Streisand M ore than 10,000,000 vitamin-forti­ Now, another addition to the family fied Slim-Pak tablets have been dis­ Iccrcmony, is not designated a national and I once again need the assistance pensed. Based on an audit of refund |holiday. of Slim-Pak. The results are marvel­ records, THE SUM-PAK PLAN o u s !” • HAS SATISFIED 99.1% OF ITS LfSERS’. And Slim-Pak must satisfy ‘ SO MUCK TO EAT YOU DON’T GET HUNGRYr' you—or your money will be promptly* "Started 30 days ago...45 inch re fu n d e d ! waist. Ibday 41 inch waist and I can «)970 Northwtttern Ptisrmsceutlcil DitL ,bend without any trouble... every- 466 Nortfi Wetttrn. U s Anc«i«i. Calif. 00004 . one^tella m e how m uch better 1 lo o k »_ Slim-Pak leaves you so much to eat v^imirNo^KisinxapoH now you don’t get hungry.” I NORTHWESTERN I LOSES 27 POUNDS IN 60 DAYS! “ I h a v e 4«6 North Waatam Aya., DapL 78-U just completed m y secofid month of L6« Angalaa, Callfcmla 90004 I the Slim-Pak Plan. When I started YES, l-d Ilka lo try allaa-rak al four Hakl I I I weighed 180 pounds and measured XMould lik« tn Iom 6 to 10 pounda in U m iw x t I ELEVATED WALKWAYS 30 cUya. I underatand tbal thera U ■ mocMry* To unclog future trafflc? 40 inches around the waist. I now back guaraata* that 1 muat Joaa thoaa I wfeigh 153 pounds and have a 34 inch unwantad pounda without aUrvinc. w a is t.” favorita foodaf-fheeee "Today’s (ast-growing towns and cit­ Kil I It contaiiM m ^ t b i n g 1 naad to -1 taka, avarythinc I naad to know, to loaa I ies should begin n ow tO‘ b o o st -street TEENAGER LOSES POUND A DAY! am 16 while ■waight 1 anjoy thraa big, salUfyi: c.ipacities if they want to avoid a fu- yeara old and have been on the diet-_ ata ' •amI- for 2'w ^ks and havcJost 14 pounds. PlaaiM indtu^ihm I Ture'of tralG^oggcd chaos,” says Los I have dieted many other times, but □ 30-day supply — $3 I Angeles architect J. Edward Martin. □ 60-daysupply—$5 (saveSl) I "M ost street system s are operatin g at □ 90-day rapply-$7 (save$2) I P lu u add titra S0( for potl*c« *nd handllnfl only one-third o f their capacity because WEIGHT LOSS GUIDE I □ Send C.O.D.. I enclose $1 deposit o f cross traflic, traffic signals and pe- How much weight would you I •__ . ______,riii\lrians.— lo d a y 's — traffic— lights.— fo r 4ik«> to -i . 0^2 ; t - Our records show : □ M ale O F«maJe A#e______instance, arc green only 40% of the I lime, and both ped«trians and Peoptar'wtKr " " t is u a lly I -wanlJoJoaa: o n to f: I now weigh _ . poundg. cars at a standstill for the other 60% ." 1-11 pouiVds 30-day Plan “I 1 would like to weigh . . pounds. Martin suggests elim inating the c lo g 12-19 pounds 60-day Plan , r points by making streets one-way. tak­ ■ Over 20 lb«. 90-day Plan < Na t I ing pedestrians o ff them and o n to ele- "How are the hamburgers. Daddy? I fim tf Your PerMonaliz^d I*Un inclu

•’/A j w f i n

L ^ J

Spring Landstaping Bargain! I f 1 5 ORNAMENTAL TREES oWy $398 7 Dlfr«rMt Popular V v U tU t To StMOfy and ‘ * -.QufiptUvt^iy HERE'S WHAT YOU PontosHe shopas oncj a rainbow of color Is yours In this Complata Cordanl You g** ^a sa 104 bulbs (oil but 4 Importad from Hot)«ind)...10 vorlatias jajuuMoufs aach Individually baggad, lobalad end with aosy to follow plant OHftWTEO FROM HOLUNO> ing Instructions . . . plus 4 diffarant numbarad layouts to fit olmost ony sliapa gordan plot. All a t tha lowast of low quantity p r { ^ E ?!?3 ?S . . . I«u than 3^ a bulb . . . all for only $2.98. ‘& S ^ — Spring~^toniad Bulbs Bloom rhU~Ye» ■ W ith A IN ha V iyid Coluii uf i I m i K u I i i U i w Assura yoursalf tha grocaful baouty and fantastic oontrosting color of this complata flowar bulb gordan in full bloom« Expartly CANNA ItOOIS plonnad[, thasa 104 blooming sixa bulbs and roots bring you 10 pICftMlkV lif ia ^ rMR * 3 'D A H U A S popular vorlatlas Including soma of thw world's most baouliful flowars . . . truly on imprasslva and thrilling ditploy. Ordar now whila you gat 4 diffarant lllustrotad gardan layouts to shpw off aoch flowar to bast odvontog*. Each variaty individually lobalad. e s j a u ' . s s s Ptontlng imtructlons Includaid. Fraa bonusas without axtra cost os C f t MIlMa. statad. So taka odvantog* o f this big borgoln offar whlU ossur> Ing yoursalf of tha m^st baautiful summer and fa ll blooming bulb gordan In your nalghborhood . . . oil for lass than 3^ aoch bu|b. QUM rn ics i r n t a s u s Now . . . todoy . y. moil tha couponi WHITE DOevVOOD OFSWliOH nM Km p riipM noum(D) SEND N aM O N EY . Gordon “ O n A p p ro v a l' 3 Wlilto Blrtk (Batttla PtnduU) CIwdd P iM tiM i...... S 2 J 5 2 »tv*f M«»lts (Acvr SKCUriRum} Qulch ...... p?00 Whila ordaring your 104 placa bulb gordan, taka odvantoga of 5 Leiiibardy PopUrs (Populus Nifri Itjtic*) fast Growth)____il.45 . ___IM •MM*. our othar ftotura offors. Ovar 13 million customers hova pur- 1 Rt4b«d (C«rcit C stu d im li) Bright Cotorl ...... il.OO chosad gordan stock from us and avarything w« offar Is fully WAND nOIVERS 2 Trta Rom of Steron (HJbitcut Syriicus) Traintd 2 VMni .. .$3.96 IWTM. n * H 4 4 cai. S i E i M a lOKk of ptndiM guorantaad as clearly stotad balow. So chack your ordar on tha d« . . . colorful ^ t t m. n n: a nwMn w h o u m q coma with your ordar. Be sura to moil ordar before daadllna data fonifa. Saiart Uodscaptri will Jump st tJils moMV uvini op- colors, 44 cm. CrtMM portunltyl S«ad for th«sa oriuratntjl trsss, alr«j^ M (c«t tall. (lowin 0* 1-1 It MltM and gat tha W hit* Dogwood fraa of extra costl FREE 1_ or - 2 .. wyaan old. ■■ nursary grown...... from.. . cuttings or satd, navtr flonn tttt I io« B U U f ... 10 VAJliniCS . . . All tka calar Md Baaaty af tlM traaspiaotad. AJI plsnting' I stock is strictly gmdtd to our stfndards ralabaw . . . b ra iM ta yaa ea«^»lata alMa-aaa aam ta craar flawar W Hin. and cartifltd baaltin la stata oiot origin.oriiin. Order iww sndand bt assurtd G>M*..... follan- ... allfar^.Bi lau tIUM aach MBt C B ^ iprtiig PImUw OOCWOOD of dalivtoHa tima for Spring PUntAg. Mail coupon today. m caapaa aad «aU t a ^ . TREC W ittnt Extn CMt If Vm FOOT PRIVET HEDGE only $3.98 3 ZDUYt UWS MaU Drto Ih M« IM ^ so Fnt 6rn>iiiy-»liM*- Jtnailnal A lOft-foot-Prtyi N«dt* floM n la sprliif. Folltf. that drassas up vour landscapt ass ll II turra brliM scirlst l« Fall. prettcts it . . . fo( loss that 4c par Doa-t aiisa w L Msll onXr fool of htdgt! Or, for failtr t f ^ l twiay ------

isfrt/m Sptcias planlini itoeh «rt Blmas illiislral.d art m- r to 2 'fatt Utt mirtafy from soAsbly accursta as to shsp. saad or cuttinfi, I or 2 ytars old. navtr traitsplantad. Choch cou­ of varfatlts iwnad aUhougtt pon. Mail today. ^ tlw } iiu r vary Dacjusa na- lura ofiM tuns out tints 10 aiSMON MUMS $ 1.00 M^LAegiwlImM to MV and slupas loiaid iw a lx ri MORMALLY DEVELOP TO ------A ^ - , . ffMSHfL ...... Ordtr now, pay latar on spritg arrival A rnf itm tim i bm t mMI kWfWt [xtrm Cmst Yam SH •t our catalog prict to gtt naw MORE FREE £lFfS WITH QUANTiTY ORDERS I Hiemuii Hn.1 etMruiT ■•plte-I4«o AIAII JHIS MOmrSAVINC COUPON cuitoaitrs. You gat hardy root dlvi- t tiaai lapiO, HkWca 419C1 siorts_____ from aflraari . 'tary grovn blooming stock In aasorttd colors)>ors of rad, I yellow, bronit, pink, whita as availablt. Davtlop Into giant balls — Whtn you otdtr 2 oi mort ittms at on« (im« «« uv« pscking. ship- ■ of color with myriads of dazzNnf flowtra, tach flowtr 1 to 2 Inchas Gaallaai.a; Srad wdar as cktcknl and ship lor sprlai plantlnf o« f ^ c m c K n u p m | costt and w t pass aiong tha savings to you in th«s« t i i n I muT.juraalaa of saUslactiaa or l nuy rttum witMn U days ^or" ■ m it t r r r . . diaiaatar. Any mum not producing a targa nianbtr of blooms this bonws g»l(s. PVrclusa p tlc raluod. f O M i a u M w m ttm fiU.. ra p Ja ^ fraa, Ordar todayf I Oidcrt lotahng fSOO oi Mort Gtt SWeCT SHRUB (Calycanthus Flon I a ConpUla Sorinf Planllni Bulb Cstd.n of 104 Bloaniiif Slli fM a n U EVERGREEN 6R0UND COVER I . SpKy tragrsnl lalt spring Bowtis art dark itddish . about 2 ■ B0Hk ho VaritTias as dascrlbad) plus 4 planting layouts...... l 2.flB _ „ . . „ □ Doabit Ordar (2Dg Bultts) ...... S.75 ^ Mar f*HH by ^ inchts tn sin . FoHagt allractivt, loo I 't * K PlcM tc <1 Oil TO.COVCi 50 $Q. FT □ 15 Ornamantal Traas (7 Variatias) . 10. lacluda WMta Oor ^ r i c a n s 9 1 .t o or bake u«lv croui wd Bonas. o r BAKE U«LYCROUNO 3 Orde(Stofaiin||7 M or Mo«tGalSWt(T SHRUB plus GIANT HIBISCUS i a Ooubla Ordtr (30 Traas)...... Hardy Craaping MyrtI* (Vinca Minor) thrivts in I ^00 ordar. laclada aua or dansa shadt whtrt grau won't grow flowtrs thsi grows up to 7 IttI tail with hugt 6-g inch bell shaped Rowtrt □ too Foot Privet Hedat (M Plaats). aach spring wllb myfiadt of “Ptfiwlnkla B lif” — Q noutaaOrdts-^lob Wtats ) : . ------r ~7 7.50 ordar. lielddt . _ - jr-vA-jtit-mimmd It diviiions froiii 3 TIDOD or Uort Ofdtfs Ct( s m T SHRUB. GIA nT H IB ISC U S plus □ 10 Cushion Umaa — Mixtd Variatias. Coloa ...... S1.00 aaturalixtd platliag ?S lor f .98. Frt« Instructioiis sweet sctnled HONEYSUCKLC VINE (Lonicera ispontca Hsiriana) I □ 30 Cushion Miani...... »?!bjlu|jyani. 4 tacladad. Mail erdtf^loday. Climbfr past tlfc White liowws changr to yattow. ff your 6f64t I ' TUHi I □ Evergreen Crouhd Covtr (Vinca Minor) 25 Plants SI.M totals SIO OO or mort. truly you hit tht Jaclipot In Bonus Giftsf □ Double Ordar. SO Plants.. O 110.00 ordai. laclada I U 7 5 SMat Shrub plas Ciaat too FOOT COLBBI rOISrrWA HE06E SZ9a I O 100 f t Coldtn Fonytkla Hadga (2S P U n U )...... » J B HIMicm plaa HalH^ 23 rtati ti iMH iM r t f im n jnnaY mm ruuv ouiMuiNTsso I □ Doublt Ordtr. 50 Plants...... £ [7 5 taekla Viaa. 1 W aiMiiti an ON AntMM. aU d i auaaa If ya* a n I i n t . u>y tw lilmnM t itar it a ii tM 4a«a M t 4nrala« aH new M la y a v coai»Ma aatiafke- I and wa will inclada Candlts-of-»tatvan withoat aitra coat O Ordar ona ali«la artfar to M r t d t i f . E lr lj tvim t •H.tl iFMir Fonytlli. Um , nwlacaaaaot i i frao. I □ Stad C.O.D. Plas Postaga Charges. of avarytfUaf aa this bunts fcrtti »itk l u t m of cold.n itllaw 3 II m pmOM aagr IM i fiaM iia m l tkaa n o tk» ia«M alia aid I m for H 5 J0 fl« N n , ib buiitF Is tnitr bnstk-UUii|. Our ^ .9 0 vataa) aad ra> alftT kriws a aUirti to m k* 100 fwt k n ln ?!ftii?ii<*a & aSk ******* ** ***** **- **'* nfaad tk« • NAME. I calva Mklta Ocm ad «*M p Im M « ft t u t . Or wdtr SO vlut* A r plaa Swaat plaa ^ 7 5 ^ »ta>t clour tor»of * tostirfisttr iffK t. nMUuriuir I AOfitFfit eiaat Hlblteaa Riat MIOIIGAN BULB CO. D ept. H -l 4 6 0 HaaayaacUa Vlaa. 1-2IL M frKsua,nisrs;i.''i.£l * CITV . STATF 7IP Grand Raplds/ Michigan 4 9 5 0 2 I m _ _ T W IN F A L L S Supplement to * TWO WEEKS OF SAVINGS the Twin Falk limf^News^ n n i v e i s a i SALE THE NEW LOOK IN PANT SKIRTS




A I ^ D ^ Y O N


l o u g^ your su'mmer casual hours in a comfortable and attractive way. Sleek little acrylic and rayon parit dresses with SKIRTS! pocket trims . . .boldly striped in Navy, Red or Green with White. Sizes S-M L. Regularly S5

Tr»e sw»ng»est look going! Gel with the now tempo of our scooter skirts. Our large collection includes h host of styles that must be seen to be appreciated. Solids, stripes and prints in polyester blends. Sizes 5-15 and 6-12.

SALE! WOMEN'S SALE! WOMENS EIXAHD^LARt FRINGED JEANS JAMAICAS f ^ Fringed^iean style jamdicas Slim fitting jeans In western styling. in polyester, cotton denim Regular styles in naked denim fjded Of c o t t o n twiM iQ... Navy, Whttc or pastels. Frmged styles 1 8 rh w B ito, n avy , tan or - - engTneer strtcrGS. STzVs'ff To in cotton denim. p u rp le 8 3 R eg. ~

t Regularly $6 Fringed |ean style jamdicas in engineer stripes assorted colors in sizes 8 to 18 Polyester and POLYESTER C o tt o n . A M Reg. J5 KNIT PANTS A new dimension in textured polyester double knit slacks. Shape retaining . ..wrinkle resistant. Straight leg or fit and flare in sizes 8 to IB. Seven lovely colors.

R«9ul»rlv S9 ^ 8 8


Take fashion in hand and tote away the savings! Choose your new straw handbag from this impressive col l#»rtinn Y on 'M Inwp thA «.mArt <.t\/hrvi the variety of shapes and fashjonable tnms and new color combinations

Regularly $3.99 8 8


Pottte' juniors! - Hero’s your weekend wardrobe at one budget priLO Tfii*, ensemble includes slacks, skirt and w fs k it 111 .1 blend of layon and flax The Cf)lorful h.UKlana punt !Mrn is j l l flj?- T wo sty les w 11 h tjoId buI Ion oi golo link ( losing CuslorTi m/i?s b ttj IJ to save you costly dltCraticJIVs—In natur aC only ■"

R eg. $ 1 2 t t v ' , .»

SALE! GREAT FASHION ACCESSORIES . . CHAINS FABULOUS SALE This IS the year of the MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FAMOUS NAME chain and -.vc’vc got them in a muilitude ul styfes Gold or silver WRIST WATCHES w ith ariO w itliu u j vt.jt»uns

We can’t tell you the famous name makers of these quahty watches, but you’ll recognjjfe them all at a glance This fabulous new collection included the most wanted styles m both men's and ladies' watches in gold and silver finishes with expansion'tjands.

Values to $59.95 95



Regularly $3


Keep baby sale jnd comfortable with our plasttc SLIEPUNIG m fd o t \eai: »t features jr 5 -ptace wire poittioner, hook over car seat attachment, polyloam padded wing mattress, safety strap and L O a N G I R G four rattle balls on a cord. CULOTTES


Culottes brighten bedtime! How your girls will like lounging in these cotton blend culotte pajamas . . now priced for excellent savings. Happy ■ colors in a . wonderful Regularly $3.50 selection of styles. Sizes 4 to 14.

Regularly $4 58

A perfect gift for that new baby! 1-piece, zip front 2 sleepers in cotton terry or acetate and brushed n y lo n . A s s o rte d b a b y p r i n t ______=u.

BUY NOW ON LAYAWAY OR OPTIONAL CHARGE DOORBUSXER! SALE! GIRLS' SLEEVELESS SALE! GIRLS' COTTON KNIT TOPS PEASANT For summer act;on! Cotton knit ribbed tops to pair with her, skirts, slacks and shorts.^-Mock turtle neck BLOUSES styling in assorted colors to cbmplimeht her ,summer wardrobe. You'll want several at these prices. 28 28 R eg. $ 3 Sizes 4 to 6x Sizes 7 to 14 Regularly $2.50 Regularly $3

A femininp little nylon blouse to top off tier jeans and skirts. Puffed sleeves and draw elastic neckline. Si2es 4 to 6x and 7 to 14. GIRLS' FAMOUS NAME FLARE JEAlMS

We can’t tell you the famous makers rtarrie, but you'll SALE! recognise the quality at a glance. Popular flare leg styles in assorted colorful prints. A must for summer outdoor GIRLS' fu n ! ,- TERRY 98 S izes 3 to 6k S l2e$ 7 to 14 SHORTS Regularly $3.50 Regularly $4.50

Comfortable solid color cot­ ton terry cloth shorts with matching striped tops. Tops are sleeveless or half sleeve Assorted colors Sizes 4 to 6x.


When somebody's servmg up a backyard full of fun, ttie thing to show up in is one of our new SLEEPIN G BAGS scooter sets. Three action-styled models to choose from featuf*r>g solid pant skirts and striped tops. CAN BE USED AS A QUILT Polyester and cotton.

Room y steeping bags that unzip completely to be ~usea'? i ~A culuiful Mull>c<*-to»d-<:o>mrino--AstQrtgd prints tor girls and boys rawerse to solid colors. Perfect for slumber parties. Regularly $8 4 8 SET _R*gulady.SJ.2 98


BROGUES V A L U E S 97 to $ 9 .9 9 A


• Bona with Gold rnir>D <; h f e l s • Tan with Bone • Turquoise with Orange • Navy with Red and Gray

CLIFTER CASUAL CROSSTOWN THE SHOE W ITH COMFORT r.fuall'cushion insoles . . arch support, STACKED gore top lined WALKERS Regular $6.99

Regularly $12.99 94 BONE WHITE 9

fJexib|e.,g|ove leathers. Style at left inWh4{e G-love or Bone FAMILY DECK SHOE SALE! Glove leathers. Style below in Bone SEVERAL COLORS Glove leather.


FOUNDATION SALE! SALE! WOMEN'S A special Anniversary Sale p u rch a se o f g ird les an d bras in DUSTERS exact copres of some o f y o u r favorite famous name styles. The only thing different K the IN FOUR NEW lov^/ pr ice.


Fresh and pretty coffee coats to start your day in i FO R * 3 style. You'll feel flower fresfi tfie minute you slip FIGURE-SHAPING- into one -of these’ GIRDLES beauties. Cotton blends in prints, stripes and Compare at $6 solids. Naturally all per nianent press Si?ps 1^ ^ S M L.

Regularly $4.99


Our own Kathy O'Brien turbo spun nylon panty hose in two stretch sizes.


-Pafnpef„^y.OU_rseH with fine underthinds and pamper your purse, too! Theie 100% nylorTbiTeh~ couWh^be~niceT'ST~tWTCirrnB~ price Solids and pastels pretty trimmings. Briefs in sizes 5 to 8. Bikinis in sizej 5.to.7. . .



P.iiit suits cl(;tux(;i Pjrnpi.T ycjiitsiHI SEPARATES w ith sliMjk diid slin ky pdrus-slipped umler ti- luiui. Ichu liclpinfj n( |,-irkct KNIT„ Tliri.-e styles shown (n soft pastiHs ■.(jiifuj' Cii-Mle youf owrt Ij-.fuort lot)U wilfi these bejutics button fionl jru) cjnci biKjht shiidos for tfio new ‘,lipovei if\ long .jtuJ ‘.h o it sleeve styles season. Perfectly tuilored froiii Neatly tjiloied fiodi j tjletid of 'Jb“/o 100% pbiytrster m si/os 8 to 18. . ■ polyi'stei »jncl b%,nyton.. Many color ( (jmbiMjtioMs in si/es 10 to 18.

Reg. to $14.96 Regularly to $32.95 1 0 ”

MATCHING SLACKS .Colo,s to cooidin jtf wat) U)<- jtMjve t-of)-. 100% [lolyO'.teT in si/c", 10 to 18

Regularly $1 4.95


Sun time f t jn w o ji' (Njf.it h ltie lops to p jit w itti youi sfiutts. skills jnc] pjfits lui j sufTijniM of outdooi jctivities Choose fioni solids .me/ s(iipt“. ifi ,\ 'jitib o w o1 colors Si/es smjil rtiediuni jn d Ijt ^e

btiowri ,>t lofi three of five shjrp styles in t.»nk tops and sleeveless shells

Regularly $3.95

Shown jt light two of five short sleeve tops wifh placket fionts Jnd* -pockcl tiirm______

Regularly $4.95 - \



BLOUSES ( rijoy .1 S piinfl f 1 r J liiUt hr'TTTVif Kj”.' I fr o m j fn u ltilu d u (jl •.ty.le', in lu jnl diesso*. jrid - ot^o-piec-c The jubl-right blouse lo make your pofU jncl . And the '.toty (IO(‘-.n‘ l ori(J thofo bt?< juse they're t.kirt life saucy and bright Smooth fitting wondc/h/Uy p i.j/fi/jl »n ejsy ( <»fc- L^ern)J/)ont pr(?s'> fabrics. bubble pucker blouses in a blend of Lycra Solid'., ( her k'., jn d ()i iritis u» .) s(>i ing'->puttrurn of color. spandex and nylon. Three styles to choose from Pant d ic '.w . m -.lyiV. 1(1 \o IB .intl M '// to C ulotte dresses iri Beige. Pink, White. Maize, Brown'. Lilac and If) '..i/es JO lo 20 and 14'/^ lo Black. Placket front or reversible zipper styles in S -M -L . X

Reaujarly to SI 1 Regularly $9


W e've gof dll t>ut!oriedup ff>r Spfing ,uul p r‘<‘-' thjt *>dy, yf)u‘ll wjnt •iCvnr^il ChoOiO y o u f , fro m Ifirof- '.ioo^oloss '.tyios and thfj-'OToH ^lecv'; •Jyle-. AM t.jilored in j blend o< poiye'*tfr and cotton Lortg point collar*,, dog oaf coltdr'i. button cl J'.U'f oMQcts with fonlro<.t Stitching S i/'.". 3? lo 38

Regularly S3



Fluffy (x>lyester filled luxury comforters. Choose from vibrant floral printed cotton covers that reverse to lovely solid colors. Many patterns and colors.

If you like the luKunou!. comfort of a Dacron polyester filled pillow . this is the one for you dt <1 price that's hard to belive for such quality The pretty floral print cotton cover is accented w ith j corded edge m shades o f pink, blue. Of gold 21 x27"


Spruce up every bed at pricei that let you save! This sC/perb SALE! QUILTED perma-napped blanket is. needlewover> o« 100% ^fyltc. l_ovely shades o f pink, flame, gold, apricot, lime, avocado, blue or white with a five inch nylon binding. At these prices PILLOW COVERS you'd want several for gift giving later.

7 2 x 9 0 Brighten up your old pillows with these new $ 5 .98 decorative pillgw covers. They fit all standard ii/ e sleeping pillows . zippered in solid colors and noveltiesi Perfect for hving room, bedroom , o r d en .

4 $1.39 to $1.49varue

108x90 in pink, gold, or white with 5" binding all FA -a ro u nd .------Rag. $ 9 .9 8 BUY NOW ON LA YAW AY OR OPTIONAL CHARGE SALE! VELURA MATES BATH TOWELS BY C A N N O N


An excitmg collection o1 sheared all co tton towels in velour or cut pile finish. Styled for fashion appeal in the most wanted colors and patterns. The very slight irregularities are almost impossible to detect. 24x44 inch frmged hems. 'Thick! Thirsty! SALE! KITCHEN TERRY ENSEMBLE If perfect $1.69 Daisy pattern cotton vefour fashioni (or your kitchen. Attractive . , .yet so prjcticjl'

• Dish Towels Reg $ 1 ■ — 6 » ?

• Utility Cloth Reg. 39c . 2 8 < • Dish Cloth or Pot Holder49^c 3i VINYL BACKED • Oven Mitt Reg. 89c . 48< PLACE MATS fli Jumbo Apron Reg $1 89 9 8 ^ Brighter) jnd protect your table with sturdy backed place mats m volid colors and r»Ovelty pdtterr^s.


Get set fo r spring sewmg at big savings. Choose from Dacron polyester and cotton broadcloth in a wide selection of prints 100% cotton or Avril rayon and cotton sportswear prints in a sparkling selection of colors. SALE! Reg. $1 to $1.39 yd.


Give a distinctive decorator look to your chairs with these comfortable chair pads. DOUBLE-KNITS Floral and early American patterns in This price will make you want to sew a whole new avocado, gold, red. brown. wardrobe for spring! 58 and 60 Inch polyester double knits in solids, novelties, stripes and white.

Values to $8 yd."


You can add color and beauty to an entire room with o,oe of our budget-priced 9x12 rugs . . . without stretching the budget! Long-wearing 100% polyester pile with hi-density back In a sculptured design. Pumpkin, gold, red, avocado, royal blue. 2 QT. FONDUE Reg. $39.95


The newest styling in fondue cooking. 2-quart fondue has a bell shaped stand with alcohol burner, fancy scroll handle, six rpatching wooden handle forks on 27"x45" circ u la r w ooden l^ase. Assorted colors. THROW RUGS

Regularly $8 44 appeal! Choosp from solid color rayon shag, viscose and acetate jacquard, nylon and rayon striped shag and nylCn cut 'n loop. Many colors!

Reg. $3.98


NEW Here they are! Bedspreads you’ll love at first glance. Each one is quilted to the floor and puffed high. You’ll find florals, TORINO moderns, stripes, novelties, and solid antique satin, polished cottons and STAINLESS acetates . .at prices to fit your budget, FLATWARE A beautiful new pattern to enhance any table. Torino is made of heavy stainless steel that maintains its beauty for years. Com­ plete 50-piece service for 8. Ideal for gift giving. , - nniversar X Z ilS


THE MOST! That's what our men's double knit sp6in coat is this season . . .the most exciting, pace-setting style item of the up-tempo 7Q's. Choose today's shape and styling. . .wider lapels, fancy pockets, belted back in sm3 r t single breasted styling . . .all wrapped up in a double knit fabric that always springs back into shape . . .even after being crushed, creased or folded. It's the timely look for today's man-on-the-gol Handsome solid colors. 8 8 SAtEf RetiularlY 242.35- 3 6

O U R O W N ^ MATCHING CHRISTOPHER HALL STRETCH PANTS Thaperfect fashion mate for your new double UNDERWEAR knit sport coat . . .polyesterdQublar,*knit slacks that keep their sharp, just FOR MEN AND BOYS wearing after wearing. For the^mbst taslhion, style and good looks" for your money . . . choose several pairs for summer. Many solid Introducing Christopher Hall T-shirts colors to choose from in sizes 32 to 40. and briefs for men and boys! Smooth-fitting, long-wearing combed cotton underwear that has been made to our exacting specifications. Nylon 8 8 reinforced at points of strain . . .you Regularly $21 won't find a better buy for the 1 6 money . . .anywhere!



gT P i:T*^ U IJ^glCP"V

A great selection of just right colors for summer.- Long-wcanng. smooth fittir>g socks to complete his new summer wardrobe.

Stretch sizes for boys ...... Reg. $1 pr. 6 2 3 p. 1^* Stretch sizes for men_4 ..... Rag. $1.50 pr.7 8 3 p« 2'»


Regularly $4.95

The new "French •V Sailor” look in a lOVi ounce— cullUll ... (JHIIirFT jean. Sharply styled f v -^ri* with five button front a n d four shag pockets . . .wide flare legs. Assorted colors in a /J sizes 29 to 38.

I V ^ '

VUiJ ^iitarxr^xi


Regularly S3.99 Dur famous Christopher Hall short sleeve sporF Handsome is the w ord for shirts in the styles that will be import this season. these 100% polyester stretch Choose several for him from our collection of jeans in a diagonal weave button front and pull-over placket front models, . pattern. The solid shades of No-iron blends of polyester and cotton and Bone, ■■ Navy or Brown are polyester and rayon. Regular and body shirt styled accented by contrasting in bright, and bold colors. Long pointed collars . , . stitching. Waist sizes 29 to 36 sizes small, medium and large. . -, in small, medium and long lengths.

BUY NOW ON LAYAWAY OR OPTIONAL CHARGE SA.LE! BOYS' SALE! BOYS' smi^D FLARE SPORT SHIRTS JEANS TERRIFIC SAVINGS ON TOE NEWEST The latest word in jeans for boys is striped flare NO-IRON STYLES! leg styles. And we've got them in a large selection of colors. Two and four pocket styles including fast backs. All permanent press in a blend of polyester and cotton. As^rted stripes in sizes 8 to 18.

Regularly $4.95

ftUUy ^ives a neat, lean look to our sport shirts for boys. This great money-saving collection includes the new fly front, placket fronts and regular models. All of a (jermanently pressed blend of 65% polyester and 35% combed cotton. Solids with contrast stitching, assorted stripes arxl prints. Sizes 8 to 18.


Polyester jean style shorts in assorted stripesi and solids. 8 to 18 slim or regular. 3 FOR Regularly $3.29

SALE! BOYS' SALE! BOYS' 3 *o 7 "SCUTTLEBUTT" COTTON KNIT TOPS Shirts styled for a summer of SOLID COLOR action! 100% cotton knit _shQrt_ sleeve, shirts ia a^yyide ^ assortment of strifjes and JEANS solids. Stock up now and Mve! Boys' "with it" jeans of 100% cotton denim Flare leg^Styfihg with four patch SALE! BOYS' 3 to 7 pockets, choose from Navy, Brown, Purple, Natural, White in sizes 8 to 1^8— FLARE LEG JEANS regular and 8 to 16 slim. Rugged 75% cotton and 25% nylon striped flare leg jeans. A l/ n o -ir o n wash and wear for a carefree summer for Mom Assorted colorful ttripes.

Regularly $3.29 RegtiUrly ^4.50

5 7 BOYS' 3 to^7f RINGED SHORTS 2 100^(> cotton, cut-off fringed jean shorts J n jssQrted Jtrip?}^______Ragufarfy JX StT BUY NOW ON LAY AWAY OR OPTIONAL CHARGE nniversar B94CmilClCAT F I■ MEN'S DRESS SHIRT SPECTACULAR

J ^


Our greatest shirt value! Polyester and cotton broadclotli dress shirts in a great assortment of deep tones, stripes,, pastels and white. All are Sanforized, Mercerized, machirto washable and never need ironing. A t this p rice you can afford a complete new wardrobe of dress shirts for spring and summer. All tailored with the longer Rpint^collar. Sizes 14yito 17. S h o rt sleeves, .