Public Document Pack

West Ham Park Committee

Date: MONDAY, 8 APRIL 2019 Time: 12.15 pm, or on the rising of the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee, whichever is later. Venue: COMMITTEE ROOMS - SECOND FLOOR WEST WING, GUILDHALL

Members: Graeme Smith (Chairman) Oliver Sells QC (Deputy Chairman) Catherine Bickmore (External Member) Robert Cazenove (External Member) Caroline Haines Alderman Ian Luder Wendy Mead Barbara Newman Justin Meath-Baker (External Member) Richard Gurney (External Member) Cllr Joy Laguda MBE (External Member) Cllr Rachel Tripp (External Member) Jeremy Simons Deputy John Tomlinson Rev’d Canon Alex Summers (External Member)

Enquiries: Richard Holt [email protected] / 020 73323113

Lunch will be served in the Guildhall Club at 1pm

N.B. part of this meeting may be subject to audio-visual recording

John Barradell Town Clerk and Chief Executive AGENDA



3. MINUTES To agree the minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 4 February 2019.

For Decision (Pages 1 - 8)

4. BREXIT UPDATE The Director of Open Spaces to be heard.

For Information 5. PARK MANAGER'S UPDATE Report of the Superintendent of Parks and Gardens.

For Information (Pages 9 - 10)


For Decision (Pages 11 - 62)


For Information (Pages 63 - 72)



10. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC RESOLVED: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.

For Decision Non-Public Agenda

11. NON-PUBLIC MINUTES To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2019.

For Decision (Pages 73 - 74)



3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3

WEST HAM PARK COMMITTEE Monday, 4 February 2019

Minutes of the meeting of the West Ham Park Committee held at Committee Rooms - Second Floor West Wing, Guildhall on Monday, 4 February 2019 at 1.45 pm


Members: Catherine Bickmore Robert Cazenove Justin Meath-Baker Jeremy Simons Deputy John Tomlinson Rev’d Canon Alex Summers

Officers: Richard Holt - Town Clerk’s Department Alistair MacLellan - Town Clerk’s Department Laura Simpson - Town Clerk’s Department Alison Elam - Group Accountant, Chamberlain's Department Michael Bradley - City Surveyor's Department Colin Buttery - Director of Open Spaces & Heritage Martin Rodman - Superintendent, West Ham Park and City Gardens Lucy Anne Murphy - West Ham Park Manager

1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from the Chairman Graeme Smith, Deputy Chairman Oliver Sells, Caroline Haines, Alderman Ian Luder, Wendy Mead, Barbara Newman and Richard Gurney.

In the absence of Chairman and Deputy Chairman the Committee agreed that Jeremy Simons, as the most senior Member of the Court of Common council in attendance, take the chair for the remainder of the meeting. The Chairman introduced the new representative nominated by the Parish of West Ham the Rev’d Canon Summers and welcomed him to his first meeting of the West Ham Park Committee.


3. MINUTES RESOLVED- that the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 10 December 2018 be approved as a correct record.

Page 1 Matters Arising Newham representatives on the West Ham Committee The Chairman noted that the representatives nominated by the appointed to the West Ham Park Committee were not present and questioned if there was any progress with the appointment of the second Newham representative. The Superintendent of Parks and Gardens replied that while Councillor Joy Laguda and Councillor Rachel Tripp remained Members of the Committee and the West Ham Park Manager was in contact with London Borough of Newham to confirm a replacement for Councillor Joy Laguda which was yet to be confirmed. The Chairman queried adjusting the number of representatives from the London Borough of Newham should be considered.

4. ACTIONS The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk on the public actions from the last meeting.

RESOLVED- that the report be noted.

5. ANNUAL REVIEW OF TERMS OF REFERENCE The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk on the annual review of the West Ham Park Committee’s Terms of Reference. The Chairman queried whether the Committee’s Terms of Reference should be amended at this time to allow an alternative representative in place of one of the London Borough of Newham representatives, consistent with the original conveyance from the Gurney family. The Director of Open Spaces highlighted the effect the Will of the late John Gurney had on the Committee’s Terms of Reference which may limit the scope of adjustment which can be made. The Chairman decided that a further year be given to assess whether the number of representatives from Newham was appropriate.

It was questioned by a Member whether a specific mention of nursery land was required within the Committee’s Terms of Reference. The Director of Open Spaces confirmed that the nursery land was contained within the curtilage of West Ham Park and therefore did not feel a specific addition in the Terms of Reference was required.

It was raised that Robert Cazenove was incorrectly designated ‘Heir at Law’, within the Terms of Reference, and confirmed that this should be corrected to designate Richard Gurney as the ‘Heir at Law’.

RESOLVED-that: - I. That the terms of reference of the West Ham Park Committee, subject to the comments made, be approved for submission to the Court of Common Council in April; and II. That any further changes required in the lead up to the Court’s appointment of Committees be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.

Page 2 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Parks and Gardens which updated Members on management and operational activities at West Ham Park since December 2018. The West Ham Park Manager highlighted, further to the actions from the minutes of the previous meeting, that the cricket nets were now bookable on an hourly rate and via an online portal.

RESOLVED- that the report be noted.

7. WEST HAM PARK PLAYGROUND REFURBISHMENT The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding the proposed plans for the West Ham Park Playground Refurbishment. The Director of Open Spaces explained that, further to advice received from the Chamberlain, the potential total estimated costs of the project had increased to £1,234,775 which represented a shortfall cost of £773,200. Further to this it was highlighted that the different options listed within the report had different funding implications on the amount required to be sourced outside of the Corporation.

A Member noted that they were thankful for the work by Officers to bring the report to Committee but suggested it would be helpful to view the project plans in a colour printed copy or projected on a screen. The Director of Open Spaces agreed with this point and apologised for the oversight.

It was questioned by a Member of the Committee if the proposed improvements to the toilets at West Ham Park would have an impact on the refurbishment of the playground and consequently effect the cost of the project. The Director of Open Spaces replied by explaining that the City Surveyor had allocated differing amounts within the proposed plans for the toilet improvements but that these had all been accounted for. A Member queried the reasoning for the legal implications of the project being considered a high risk. The Director of Open Spaces clarified the reason why the legal implications were considered a high risk was that, while it was not expected to be rejected, the playground refurbishment was subject to planning approval by the London Borough of Newham.

A Member asked whether any consideration had been given within the procurement methodology to reusing existing playground equipment within the refurbished playground and natural play. Further to this point the Member suggested the use of tree trunks converted to playground equipment by local people. The Chairman commented that the use of natural play equipment may have implications on health and safety issues for the playground. The Director of Open Spaces explained that six pieces of equipment, which were in good condition, had been reused within the plans for the refurbished playground. In addition, it was clarified that natural play features, such as logs and boulders, were included in the equipment list for the new playground.

Page 3 A Member raised concerns on the allocation of space within the designs, in ‘Option 3’, for children of different ages to play without causing conflict and overcrowding. The Director of Open Spaces clarified while some space segmentation for different ages was incorporated in the playground design it was also important to allow children to play together. It was also highlighted that the designs had speed reduction mechanisms in place which mitigated overcrowding issue.

RESOLVED- that: - I. It is agreed that Play Option 3 (Enlarging the footprint of the playground) with Water Play Option A (installing a new water play facility with hand operated water fountains) is progressed at a total estimated cost of £1234,775 (noting risk against the project); and II. Members noted that progression of this scheme is subject to the identification of external funding of up to £350,000 and a request to the Resource Allocation Sub and Policy and Resources Committees for an allocation of funding to meet the remaining shortfall estimated at £773,200 from the 2018/19 City’s Cash provision for new schemes; and III. That a budget of £50,500 for fees and staff costs to reach the next gateway, funded via a further allocation of £10,775 from local risk, along with the reallocation of unspent funds of £39,725 from Gateway 2 to enable the project to reach the next gateway is approved; and IV. The new project budget of £65,775 is noted.

8. BRINGING COMMUNITIES TOGETHER EVENT FEEDBACK AND PROPOSAL FOR 2019 The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding the ‘Bringing Communities Together’ 2018 event and the proposed details of the 2019 event. The West Ham Park Manger introduced the report and highlighted to Members that the 2019 event was proposed to be extended by half a day.

A Member questioned the extended length of time it had taken for the report to be produced by Officers. The Director of Open Spaces replied that further time was required to collate all the information essential for the report to provide Members with a complete picture of the issue.

A Member of the Committee raised the issue of under representation of different faiths amongst the organisations connected to the event and questioned if other organisations had been approached. The Director of Open Spaces confirmed that local organisations representing a variety of faiths had been approached but, due to various issues including funding, only those listed within the report were able to be included. The Rev Cannon Alex Summers commented that he would look into the prospect of increasing the involvement of the Parish of West Ham with any future ‘Bringing Communities Together’ events.

A Member highlighted the issue of sustainability and suggested that the City of London Open Spaces department do more to encourage this with reference to the ‘Bringing Communities Together’ 2019 event. The Director of Open Spaces

Page 4 confirmed that the department had worked to educate visitors on the use of public transport and highlighted the fee for using the car park.

A Member questioned if the number of rides was too high for the event. The Director of Open Spaces replied to this confirming that the number of rides had been limited at sixteen and further requests by the provider had been refused. Further to this a Member asked what effect the rides would have on the condition of the park highlighting the impact that rainfall and the rides could have on the grass at the park. The Director of Open Spaces explained that ride provider used temporary surfaces which mitigated the effect of the rides on the Park’s surfaces by spreading the load of the rides more evenly.

A Member questioned if the event caused the park to exceed the capacity of West Ham Park. Replying to this the Director of Open Spaces clarified that the event was expected to have between five hundred and six hundred visitors whereas West Ham Park has been used for a school sports day which involved around seven thousand children and therefore the event would not exceed the Park’s capacity. In addition, the Director of Open Spaces highlighted that the plans for the 2019 ‘Bringing Communities Together’ had an allocated area of the Park, the rest of the Park would remain as free space. Following this a Member noted the possible disturbance caused by the event and questioned when the rides were required to close. The Director of Open Spaces confirmed that the event would close at 8pm and ride providers would vacate promptly after this time.

RESOLVED- that: - I. proposal to repeat the event in 2019 is agreed; and II. that authority be delated to the Superintendent to finalise details of the 2019 event, event fee (including deposit and reinstatement), cancellation policy and pricing structure for fairground rides, food and other items to be sold by stall holders.

9. TREE PESTS AND DISEASES: OAK PROCESSIONARY MOTH URGENT UPDATE The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces which provided an update on the challenges being faced due to the spread of Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) across the Open Spaces in the care of The City of London. The Director of Open Spaces introduced the report by explaining that the report had been considered at other Committees listed on the report and highlighted the work which had taken place at other Open Spaces in the care of the City of London. It was highlighted that while the OPM was not yet present at West Ham Park, it was expected to be an issue going forward.

A Member highlighted the potential impact on the health of dogs which could be caused by the OPM and questioned what actions were being taken to educate dog owners on these issues. The Director of Open Spaces explained that work had taken place in conjunction with the Forestry Commission and noted that the City of London Corporation website included links to the Forestry Commission’s website which had extensive guidance on OPM. In addition to this is it was

Page 5 explained by the Director of Open Spaces that the Forestry Commission had contacted veterinarians and general practitioners to inform them of the possible impacts of OPM. Following a point raised by the Chairman, the Director of Open Spaces informed the Committee that signs present at West Ham Park would note the danger of OPM to dogs.

RESOLVED- that the report be noted.

10. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE The Committee considered one question in the public session.

A Member noted that the report considered at Item 7 did not provide enough background on the context of West Ham Park and the London Borough of Newham highlighting the importance of the Park to the Community. Further to this the Member suggested a supplementary document be added to the report when it is considered by the Projects Sub-Committee to provide Members with more contextual information which would be helpful when considering the report. The Director of Open Spaces explained, while officers were limited by the structure of the project report, there was an explanatory paragraph on page sixteen of the Agenda. The Director confirmed that an equality impact analysis be added to report when it is considered by the Projects Sub-Committee.


12. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC RESOLVED, that under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.

13. NON-PUBLIC MINUTES RESOLVED- that the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2018 be approved as a correct record.

14. NON-PUBLIC ACTIONS Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding actions arising from previous meetings.

15. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE NON-PUBLIC APPENDIX Members noted the non-public appendix to the Park Manager’s Update.

16. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE There were no questions considered in the non-public session.

17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT There were no items of urgent business considered in the non-public session.

Page 6 The meeting ended at 3.00 pm


Contact Officer: Richard Holt [email protected] / 020 7332 3113

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Page 8 Agenda Item 5

Committee: Date: West Ham Park 08 April 2019 Subject: Public Park Manager’s Update Report of: For Information Superintendent of Parks and Gardens


This report provides an update to Members of the West Ham Park Committee on management and operational activities at West Ham Park since February 2019.


Members are asked to:

 Note the report

Main Report

Budget and Personnel 1. Expenditure for West Ham Park is anticipated to be slightly over budget for 2018/19 financial year. This is due to the implementation of the ‘Sustainable Fleet and Plan Management Plan’ and the inspections and repair costs associated with this. 2. The Park currently has a full complement of full-time staff. The City’s overall number of apprentices is currently at capacity and therefore no further apprentice recruitment can take place. Once the opportunity arises the Park will look to replace its vacant apprentice roles.

Community, Volunteering, Outreach and events 3. Wild Schools: At a special meeting of RASC in March approval was given for additional funding to be added to the Open Spaces budget to fund the learning team going forward. This secures the role of the Wild Schools officer in West Ham Park. Over the spring the Park has been a hive of activity with soil science and stone age art classes taking place in the newly extended wildlife garden with local primary schools. This is in addition to regular forest school sessions with a local autism group and children from a Special Educational Needs class. 4. The Friends of West Ham Park applied to the City for £11,927 of funding through the ‘Enjoying green spaces and the natural environment’ grant fund, to improve facilities in the vegetable garden. They were successful in their bid

Page 9 to add a new shed/volunteer cabin, three additional raised beds and a fruit cage. The new additions will increase their capacity to grow fruit and vegetables. The group operate regular sessions on Tuesdays and ‘pop-up’ sessions at weekends and are planning several events throughout 2019 to raise awareness of the garden, healthy eating and growing your own food. The Friends are also planning to hold another exhibition in the gardens for Open Garden Squares weekend in June. The exhibition will focus on the history of the Park, Dr John Fothergill and how his plant collections are reflected in the displays currently seen in the Park.

Operational activities 5. Spring has been productive in the Park and ornamental gardens. In the ornamental gardens the old New Zealand bed has been removed, soil improved and replanted with American native plants. Dr John Fothergill, the horticulturalist who once lived in Ham House sent ships to America in search of new and unusual species. The team have been working with a student from Capel Manor college to search records and ascertain what species were brought back to the Park and what species could be sourced to grow in the garden today. A number were found and will be included in the gardens design. 6. The Park keepers have been busy implementing the remainder of the south meadow project. The new path and steps are almost completed, with the new area expected to be open to the public in early April. Cricket pitch and grass renovation work has also been taking place across the Park to repair areas that were scorched during last year’s prolonged hot and dry summer. 7. Playground Refurbishment project: Detailed design work has continued since Projects Sub-Committee gave its approval for the project in February. Draft applications to external funders are being prepared along with documents for planning approval. 8. Cricket: Capital Kids Cricket run the West Ham Park and Stratford Junior cricket team. They were also successful in their application to the ‘Enjoying green spaces and the natural environment’ grant fund. They will be delivering programmes to get women and girls more physically fit and encourage them to engage with the Park. The Park Manager is working closely with them to support the events, the first of which will take place on Mother’s Day and includes a soft ball cricket competition, fun run, walk and aerobics classes happening in the Park. Property Matters 9. Claim for Adverse Possession: At the time of writing, a third court hearing has been scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 27 March 2019. The Superintendent will provide a verbal update to Committee at the April meeting.

Lucy Murphy West Ham Park Manager E: [email protected] T: 020 8475 7104

Page 10 Agenda Item 6

Committee: Date: Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee 8 April 2019 West Ham Park Committee 8 April 2019 Subject: Public Open Spaces Department, City Gardens and West Ham Park Risk Management Report of: For Decision Director of Open Spaces Report Author: Martin Falder, Project Support Officer


This report provides the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee and the West Ham Park Committee with an update on the management of risks faced by the Open Spaces Department and across the City Gardens and West Ham Park division. Risk is reviewed regularly by the Department’s Senior Leadership Team as part of the ongoing management of the operations of the Department. It is also reviewed regularly by the Management team of City Gardens and West Ham Park.

The Department has previously reported on nine departmental risks. A recent review of the risk register identified two additional risks that should be included at a Departmental level:  OSD 010 – Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Fleet Purchase Risk (Amber)  OSD 011 – Budget Reduction Summary Risk (Amber)

The existing Departmental risks are:  OSD 001 – Health and safety (Amber)  OSD 002 – Extreme weather and climate change summary risk (Amber)  OSD 004 – Poor repair and maintenance of buildings (Amber)  OSD 005 – Pests and diseases (Amber)  OSD 006 – Impact of development (Amber)  OSD 007 – Maintaining the City’s water bodies (Red)  OSD TBM 001 – The effect of terrorism on the tourism business at Tower Bridge and Monument (Amber)  OSD 009 – Reputational Risk Associated with efficiency improvements arising out of the Open Spaces Act (Amber)

OSD 008 – IT System Failure (Green) is proposed for removal as a departmental risk, although it remains a divisional risk for the Cemetery & Crematorium and Tower Bridge.

There are nine risks identified for City Gardens and West Ham Park (Parks and Gardens).

Page 11 Recommendation

Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee - Members are asked to:  Note the risk scoring grid at Appendix 1  Note the overall risk summaries at Appendix 2  Approve the Departmental risk register as outlined in this report and at Appendix 3  Approve the City Gardens elements of the City Gardens and West Ham Park risk register at Appendix 4  Approve the removal of OSD 008 – IT System Failure from the Departmental risk register (see paragraph 20).  Note the risk history report at Appendix 5

West Ham Park Committee - Members of the are asked to:  Note the risk scoring grid at Appendix 1  Note the Departmental risk register outlined in this report and at Appendix 3  Approve the West Ham Park elements of the City Gardens and West Ham Park risk register as outlined in this report and in Appendix 4

Main Report

Background 1. The Open Spaces Department’s risk registers conform to the City’s corporate standards as guided by the Risk Management Strategy 2014, and all of our departmental and divisional risks are registered on the Pentana Risk Management System.

2. The Open Spaces Department manages risk through a number of processes including: Departmental and Divisional risk registers, the departmental health and safety improvement group, divisional health and safety groups and risk assessments. Departmental risks are reviewed by the Department’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) on a regular basis.

3. The Charity Commission requires Trustees to confirm in the charity’s annual report that any major risks to which the charity is exposed have been identified and reviewed and that systems are established to mitigate those risks. These risks are to be reviewed annually. Each Open Spaces Committee is presented with relevant risk registers twice a year which fulfils this requirement.

Current Departmental Position 4. Appendix 3 shows the Departmental risks. Officers are undertaking a range of actions at a divisional level and these actions aim to reduce the ‘current departmental risk score’ to achieve the ‘target score’. As previously, the Departmental risk register layout, provides cross references to the relevant cross divisional risks and lists the actions which are being taken to reduce (or maintain) the risk, together with a ‘latest note’ on progress.

5. The & Commons, , Highgate Woods & Queen’s Park, Port Health & Environmental Services and Culture, Heritage & Libraries Committees will receive their relevant divisional risk registers in separate reports.

Page 12 No Change to Current Risk Scores 6. Six departmental risks remain unchanged from previous reports. These are explained in detail below, along with their rating and score.

7. OSD 002 – Extreme weather and climate change summary risk (Amber, 6). Climate change added to risk title to acknowledge the importance of work on this issue. Risk otherwise remains at the same level, as this is the target level.

8. OSD 004 – Poor repair and maintenance of buildings (Amber, 12). Retention of expertise on specialist buildings is vital for alleviating this risk, tying it to budgetary concerns elsewhere. Specialist subcontractors are required for many of our buildings, and access to them remains a departmental concern.

9. OSD 005 – Pests and diseases (Amber, 12). Members of the public are increasingly aware of certain pests and diseases. In the long term, awareness of public health risks such as OPM may be helpful as people are able to actively avoid them, but for now we expect increased coverage and a follow-on public relations risk.

10.OSD 007 – Maintaining the City’s water bodies (Red, 16). If the necessary works are undertaken, we hope to reduce this to Amber by 2022. At present, it remains at Red.

11.OSD TBM 001 – The effect of terrorism on the tourism business at Tower Bridge and Monument (Amber, 12). Regular meetings held with the CoLP Counter Terrorism Section indicate this remains at Amber.

12.OSD 009 – Reputational Risk Associated with efficiency improvements arising out of the Open Spaces Act (Amber, 6). This remains at the current level but we intend to amend this risk in the future and transfer the sub-risks to OSD 011 – Budget Reduction Summary Risk.

Changes to Current Risk Scores 13.Two current risks were changed in this report.

14.OSD 001 – Health and safety (Amber, 8) Risk has been reassessed, but remains at Amber. We have increased the Impact but reduced the Likelihood, resulting in a net increase to the overall score (from 6 to 8). Significant H&S work has been undertaken to mitigate this risk, but we believe that the Impact rating needs to be increased to recognise the unavoidable risk involved in some aspects of our work. The current score is in line with the target score, to indicate that, while work continues and this risk will always be monitored & reported on, we accept a level of risk across our sites.

15.OSD 006 – Impact of development (Amber, 12). This item has reduced from Red to Amber (from 16 to 12) due to the careful work of members of staff on monitoring local developments. However, budget reductions resulting in reduced capacity to tackle this risk may cause it to return to Red.

New Risks 16.Two risks have been added to this report. Page 13 17.OSD 010 – Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Fleet Purchase Risk (Amber, 12). This is expected to have a follow-on budget impact on the Department overall, compounding expected budget impacts, and has therefore been added to the risk register and assessed as an Amber risk.

18.OSD 011 – Budget Reduction Summary Risk (Amber, 8). Anticipated budget reductions may result in staff restructures, the reduction or cessation of services, and a commensurate public response, as non-impactful budget reduction is no longer feasible. Loss of budget will impact the quality and diversity of service provision. At present, this is assessed at Amber as the required level of budget reduction is unknown, but if reductions come in at a higher than expected level, we anticipate that this risk will escalate to Red.

19.The target scores reported to Members in July 2018 were two Red and seven Amber. The current overall position is one Red and nine Amber. The chart in Appendix 2 shows our overall risk position.

Proposal 20. It is proposed that the following risk:  OSD 008 – IT System Failure is removed from the Departmental risk register and relevant future Committee reports. The current risk score across the Department is Green and the target risk score is Green. It is proposed to retain this as a divisional risk at the Cemetery and Crematorium and at Tower Bridge where failure of IT can have a significant impact on business. The risk will continue to be monitored and assessed. If there are any changes which result in an amber or red assessment, or if IT becomes an issue across other divisions, reporting will be reinstated.

Current Parks and Gardens Position 21.There are nine risks identified across City Gardens and West Ham Park. Eight are amber and one is red. Five of the Parks and Gardens risks cross reference to the departmental risks. The divisional risks are:  OSD P&G 001, Increase in Health and Safety incidents / Catastrophic Health & Safety failure (Amber, 8 – realigned with departmental risk assessment)  OSD P&G 002, Maintenance of buildings, memorials, play areas and equipment (Amber, 12)  OSD P&G 003, Finance - Budget reductions implications (Amber, 8)  OSD P&G 004, Tree Diseases and other pests (Amber, 12)  OSD P&G 005, Climate and Weather (Amber, 12)  OSD P&G 006, Public Behaviour (Amber, 6)  OSD P&G 007, Population Increase (Amber, 12)  OSD P&G 008, Major Incident resulting in prolonged ‘access denial’ (Amber, 8)  OSD P&G 009, Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (Red, 24) The detail of the individual risks is shown in Appendix 4.

22.All risks remain at the same RAG rating as previously. OSD P&G 001 has been reassessed in line with the Departmental risk rating, bringing its numerical score up

Page 14 by two points. As covered in paragraph 14 of this report, we accept this level of risk across our sites.

23.One additional divisional risk has been added; OSD P&G 009 Ultra-Low Emissions Zone. This is a sub-risk in the Departmental risk register.

24.The chart in Appendix 2 shows the current Parks and Gardens risk position and the target scores.

Corporate & Strategic Implications 25.The Departmental and divisional risk registers will help us achieve the Corporate Plan 2018 – 2023 aim to:  Shape outstanding environments  Contribute to a flourishing society

Within which they will help deliver the outcomes:  We have clean air, land and water and a thriving and sustainable natural environment.  Open spaces are secure, resilient and well-maintained.  People are safe and feel safe

26.The Departmental risk register reflects the risks associated with delivering the Open Spaces Department’s Business top line objectives and associated outcomes:

A. Open spaces and historic sites are thriving and accessible. B. Spaces enrich people’s lives. C. Business practices are responsible and sustainable.

Conclusion 27.The need to systematically manage risk across the Department and at a divisional level for City Gardens and West Ham Park is addressed by the production of this risk register, as too are the requirements of the Charity Commission. This document in turn will inform the collective risk across the department’s business activities.

Appendices  Appendix 1 – Risk Scoring grid  Appendix 2 – All Risk Scores & Targets  Appendix 3 – Departmental Risk register  Appendix 4 – City Gardens and West Ham Park Divisional Risk Register  Appendix 5 – Departmental & Divisional Risk History Report

Martin Falder, Project Support Officer T: 020 7332 3514 E: [email protected]

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Page 16 Appendix 1: City of London Corporation Risk Matrix Note: A risk score is calculated by assessing the risk in terms of likelihood and impact. By using the likelihood and impact criteria below (top left (A) and bottom left (B) respectively) it is possible to calculate a risk score. For example a risk assessed as Unlikely (2) and with an impact of Serious (2) can be plotted on the risk scoring grid, top right (C) to give an overall risk score of a green (4). Using the risk score definitions bottom right below, a green risk is one that just requires actions to maintain that rating.

Likelihood criteria Risk Scoring Grid

Rare (1) Unlikely (2) Possible (3) Likely (4) Impact X Minor Serious Major Extreme Criteria Less than 10% 10 – 40% 40 – 75% More than 75% (1) (2) (4) (8) Has happened Probability Fairly likely to More likely to rarely/never Unlikely to occur occur occur than not Likely (4) 4 8 16 32 before Green Amber Red Red Time Period Unlikely to occur Likely to occur Likely to occur Likely to occur Possible (3) 3 6 12 24 in a 10 year within a 10 year once within a once within period period one year period three months Green Amber Amber Red Less than one Likelihood Unlikely (2) 2 4 8 16 Numerical Less than one Less than one Less than one chance in a Green Green Amber Red Page 17 Page chance in ten chance in a chance in a hundred Rare (1) 1 2 4 8 thousand (<10- thousand (<10- hundred thousand (<10- 4) 3) (<10-2) Green Green Green Amber 5) Impact Criteria Risk Definitions

Impact Definitions RED Urgent action required to reduce rating Title Minor (1) Service delivery/performance: Minor impact on service, typically up to one day. Financial: AMBER Action required to maintain or reduce rating financial loss up to 5% of budget. Reputation: Isolated service user/stakeholder complaints contained within business unit/division. Legal/statutory: Litigation claim or find less than £5000. Safety/health: Minor incident including injury to one or more individuals. Objectives: GREEN Action required to maintain rating Failure to achieve team plan objectives. Serious (2) Service delivery/performance: Service disruption 2 to 5 days. Financial: Financial loss up to 10% of budget. Reputation: Adverse local media coverage/multiple service user/stakeholder complaints. Legal/statutory: Litigation claimable fine between £5000 and £50,000. Safety/health: Significant injury or illness causing short-term disability to one or more persons. Objectives: Failure to achieve one or more service plan objectives. This is an extract from the City of London Corporate Risk Management Strategy, published Major (4) Service delivery/performance: Service disruption > 1 - 4 weeks. Financial: Financial loss up in May 2014 to 20% of budget. Reputation: Adverse national media coverage 1 to 3 days. Legal/statutory: Litigation claimable fine between £50,000 and £500,000. Safety/health: Major injury or illness/disease causing long-term disability to one or more people objectives: Failure to achieve a strategic plan objective. Extreme (8) Service delivery/performance: Service disruption > 4 weeks. Financial: Financial loss up to 35% of budget. Reputation: National publicity more than three days. Possible resignation leading member or chief officer. Legal/statutory: Multiple civil or criminal suits. Litigation claim or find in excess of £500,000. Safety/health: Fatality or life-threatening illness/disease (e.g. mesothelioma) to one or more persons. Objectives: Failure to achieve a major corporate objective. This page is intentionally left blank

Page 18 Appendix 2 – All Risk Scores & Targets Departmental Risks and Target Scores Divisional Risks and Target Scores (Parks and Gardens) Likely Likely

OSD 011 OSD P&G 003 (4) (4) Possible Possible

Likelihood OSD 004 Likelihood OSD P&G 006 OSD P&G 002 OSD 005 OSD 002 OSD P&G 002 OSD P&G 004 OSD 006 OSD P&G 009 OSD 009 OSD P&G 005 OSD P&G 005 OSD 010 (3) (3) OSD P&G 007 OSD P&G 007 OSD TBM 001 Unlikely Unlikely

OSD 001 OSD P&G 003 OSD P&G 001 OSD 009 OSD 011 OSD 007 OSD 004 OSD P&G 006 OSD P&G 004 (2) (2) Page 19 Page Rare Rare

OSD P&G 008 OSD 010 OSD 007 OSD P&G 008 (1) (1) OSD P&G 009

OSD P&G OSD Risks Minor (1) Serious (2) Major (4) Extreme (8) Minor (1) Serious (2) Major (4) Extreme (8) Risks March March 2019 Impact 2019 Impact

Bold - Current Score Italics - Target Score Bold Italics - Current & Target Score Aligned - Movement from previous report This page is intentionally left blank

Page 20 OS Departmental Detailed Risk Report

Report Author: Martin Falder Generated on: 19 March 2019

Rows are sorted by Risk Score

Code & Title: OSD Department of Open Spaces Risk Register 10 OSD TBM Tower Bridge and Monument 1

Risk 21 Page no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 007 This risk summaries the property maintenance risks 16 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 8 31-Mar- Maintaining across the Open Spaces Department. Risk remains at red. Details of work 2022 the City's The City is responsible for a number of water bodies, some being undertaken is covered under the water bodies of which are classified as "Large Raised Reservoirs" under divisional risk registers. summary risk the provisions of the Reservoirs Act 1975 and the Flood & 30-Aug-2017 Water Management Act 2010. 19 Mar 2019 Failure to adequately manage and maintain the City’s Constant Colin Buttery reservoirs and dams could result in leaks, dam collapse or breach. For some of the City's large raised reservoirs there is the potential for loss of life, damage to property and infrastructure in the event of dam collapse or breach, and the associated reputational damage. This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due to potential for serous consequences, the possibility of legislative change and the possibility that significant capital projects could be required. The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of the divisional risk registers.


Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD EF 004 a Statutory inspection visits by engineer - 6 monthly in May Inspections completed in January. Several mitigation works have been completed. Discussion Martin 19-Mar- 30-Apr- Panel engineer and October of Lakes was undertaken. Large scale works still need to be undertaken to Newnham; 2019 2020 inspections reduce this risk. Geoff Sinclair OSD EF 004 b Complete works on the Eagle ponds and obtain approval Ongoing action - no significant developments since previous update. Geoff 19-Mar- 31-Dec- Eagle Ponds for distribution of responsibilities. Sinclair 2019 2022 Survey the outward toe of the dam pending decision on shared responsibility with London Borough of Redbridge OSD EF 004 c Weekly inspection of reservoirs / dam. Review the use of Ongoing action. Martin 15-Mar- 08-Apr- Internal penstock gates Newnham 2019 2020 inspection regime OSD EF 004 e Undertake scoping evaluations for Baldwins Pond and Ongoing action. Still awaiting further work. Geoff 15-Mar- 31-Dec-

Baldwins 22 Page Pond Birch Hall Park Pond Sinclair 2019 2022 and Birch Hall Park Pond OSD NLOS Training for lifeguards Ongoing -Training needs and requirements are identified in staff performance reviews and 1:1 Richard 18-Feb- 31-Mar- 007 a Training Training is ongoing activity meetings throughout the year. Gentry 2019 2020 Review annually OSD TC 006 a Condition assessments carried out and options provided for Project at The Commons remains a goal for the future. Ongoing action to mitigate risk, to be Hadyn 15-Mar- 31-Dec- Project approval updated as project moves forward. Robson 2019 2022 development Options costed Gateway 4 report drafted - Sept 16 OSD TC 006 b Inspections / monitoring od outflow condition All water bodies are actively monitored by relevant authorities within the City to ensure they Hadyn 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Monitoring Ongoing comply with legislation. Robson 2019 2020

2 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 004 This risk summaries the property maintenance risks 12 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 8 31-Mar- Repair and across the Open Spaces Department. Risk description updated to 2020 Maintenance Causes: Inadequate planned and/or reactive maintenance; acknowledge that retention of of Buildings failure to identify and communicate maintenance issues; expertise on specialist buildings and summary risk failure to retain expertise necessary to maintain complex sites is vital to risk mitigation. While buildings / sites. budgetary concerns are part of this Event: Fail to meet statutory regulations and checks. risk, a lack of properly trained Operational, OS residential or public buildings deteriorate subcontractors for specific to unusable/unsafe condition. maintenance tasks is an ongoing Impact: Service capability disrupted; ineffective use of concern. 30-Aug-2017 staff resources; damage to corporate reputation; increased 19 Mar 2019 costs for reactive maintenance and lack of budget to Constant Colin Buttery replace. Delay will have operational impact. Poor Page 23 Page condition of Assets, loss of value. This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due to the importance of building maintenance, the maintenance bow-wave and the historical concerns around poor maintenance. The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of the divisional risk registers.

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD CC 003 b Continue to develop relationship with City Surveyors and Actions are ongoing. Gary Burks 15-Mar- 31-Jul-2020 Building R&M ways of working to ensure CWP works are delivered 2019 Regular meetings with CS's Property Facilities Managers The Superintendent was engaged in the development of the 2017 R&M specification and tender documents OSD EF 002 d Schedule of statutory checks and visits held and carried out Improved systems for CoL buildings has increased confidence in own compliance. Now Jo Hurst 19-Mar- 31-Dec- Statutory by CS or delegated to site extending programme to tenanted buildings through Licencee checks. Raised issues of EPCs at 2019 2019 compliance of residential lodges and how to incorporate. Due date indicates next scheduled update. buildings OSD EF 002 e Joint inspection of all buildings including residential by Lodge occupiers received written confirmation of 2018 inspections. This year's inspection Jo Hurst 19-Mar- 30-Sep- Annual building site and CS to capture maintenance needs. Required programme underway, to be extended to other properties eg FSC. Ongoing action, to be 2019 2019

3 inspections annually completed for the year by September. OSD EF 002 g Put actions and processes in place that ensures the upkeep Since the last note very significant progress has been made at Gt Gregories. The progress % Jeremy 15-Feb- 31-May- Upkeep of and development of the site. Need to register the new has been reviewed and changed as additional works have now been included under this Action. Dagley 2019 2020 Great Gregories building under the corporate insurance and create a The significant progress includes: farm maintenance budget for the upkeep if the building. Pen 1 drainage is now being dealt with by 2-weekly straw bedding/manure removal by licenced contractor. Fire Plan has been developed and a PIB box has been purchased for the site with full contents including a detailed site map and access routes for fire tenders. The front gate is being replaced with a stronger, more efficient sliding gate which will increase site security and ease of access for staff when moving cattle. A new CCTV camera is to be added to cover an additional vehicle parking space. A new welfare unti is now fully up and running with wi-fi and clothes drying facilities. The state-of-the-art cattle handling facility is now in place and in use. The main remaining work is to install electric lighting in the sheds and to provide additonal roofed cattle sheds - which will be done through Project Gateway. OSD KH 002a KH to ensure CSD feature the regular maintenance and This is ongoing and Keats House are included in City Surveyor liaison arrangements managed Richard 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Security upkeep of effective security system in the CWP. by the broader division. Gentry 2019 2020 maintenance

OSD 24 Page NLOS Asset review is being carried out with Surveyor’ Dept. Ongoing - This is currently in progress, The City Surveyor has completed a high level review Richard 19-Mar- 31-Mar- 008 a Review Review of assets is an ongoing process of Hampstead Heath assets. This is being monitored. Gentry 2019 2020 of Property Assets OSD NLOS Client Liaison meetings are held regularly to discuss issues Ongoing Action. Richard 18-Feb- 31-Mar- 008 b Liaison and raise concerns about Building Repairs and Gentry 2019 2020 with Surveyors’ Maintenance and Projects. Client Liaison meetings are taking place. Dept. Regular review process APFM in regular contact with internal Divisional stakeholders. OSD NLOS East Heath Car Park Capital Project Awaiting gateway 5 approval. Planners are in place. This project will begin in the summer. Richard 19-Mar- 31-Mar- 008 c East Gentry; 2019 2020 Heath Car Park Bob Capital Project Warnock OSD NLOS Capital project to refurbish the Queens Park Toilets. New action, to be updated as the project progresses. Due date is date for review until works Richard 19-Mar- 01-Jan- 008 d Queens progress. Gentry; 2019 2020 Park Toilets Bob Warnock OSD P&G 002 Schedule of statutory checks and visits held and carried out On site reactive work monitored and issues fed back at Client Liaison meetings. Ongoing Lucy 19-Mar- 01-Mar- a Statutory by CSD or delegated to site action. Murphy; 2019 2020 compliance of Jake buildings Tibbets OSD P&G 002 20 year programme of investment and maintenance of all AWP reviewed monthly at the P&G client Liaison Meeting. Ongoing action Martin 15-Mar- 31-Mar-

4 c AWP built assets. Review annually. Rodman 2019 2020 OSD P&G 002 Development of detailed design and implementation of the Gateway 3/4 approval granted in February. Applications for funding are underway. Detailed Lucy 15-Mar- 31-Oct- f WHP new playground project at West Ham Park. plans are being drawn up. Pre-application planning approval is being sought. Murphy 2019 2019 Playground Refurbishment Page 25 Page

5 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 005 Pests This risk summaries the pest and disease risks across 12 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 12 30-Apr- and Diseases the Open Spaces Department. Agreed to keep risk and target at 2020 summary risk Causes: Inadequate biosecurity; purchase or transfer of current level due to the increase in infected trees, plants, soil and/or animals; ‘natural’ spread both pests & diseases and the of pests and diseases from neighbouring areas. increasing public perception of these, Event: Sites become infected by animal, plant or tree which may have a knock-on public diseases e.g. Oak Processionary Moth (OPM ), foot and relations impact. Although increased mouth, Massaria, Ash Die Back, Salmonella (DT 191a), awareness may have a positive long- Bleeding Canker of Horse Chestnut term impact (as the public become Impact: Service capability disrupted, public access to sites more aware of what type of pests to restricted, animal culls, tree decline, reputational damage, watch out for when visiting), in the increased cost of monitoring and control of invasive short-term we expect more visibility species, risk to human health from OPM or other on this item. Page 26 Page 30-Aug-2017 invasives, loss of key native species, threat to existing 19 Mar 2019 conservation status of sites particularly those with Constant Colin Buttery woodland habitats. This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due to the potential biodiversity, financial and human health impacts associated with this risk. The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of the divisional risk registers.

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD EF 007 a Implement actions arising from Massaria survey. Survey to Ongoing action. Geoff 15-Mar- 08-Apr- Massaria survey be undertaken twice yearly Sinclair 2019 2020 OSD EF 007 d Sudden Oak Death - Yearly inspection of all The Larch were found to be clear of Ramorum disease and have been felled. Rhododendron Jeremy 17-Feb- 31-Mar- Sudden Oak Rhododendron and Larch. Tender of Larch removal (now regrowth at The Warren Plantation was sprayed off. Sweet Chestnut will still need monitoring Dagley 2019 2020 Death completed). To be done yearly in 2019. However, with the bulk of Rhododendron removed and all the Larch felled, the risk of spores spreading in quantity is assessed as low at the moment. OSD EF 007 e Need to develop a biosecurity policy and then implement. The OPM outbreak will now be dealt with under a separate risk action. The general Jeremy 19-Mar- 30-Oct- Biosecurity Biosecurity Policy remains to be written for all the biosecurity risks. However, for Ramorum Dagley 2019 2020 policy disease a protocol has ben prepared and used by contractors during the Larch removal (see other risk actions). A Biosecurity Position Statement, to provide an interim summary of the

6 current approach, will be prepared by June 2019. Full biosecurity policy and INNS policy expected 2020. OSD EF 008 c Develop an INNS policy - particular focus on OPM, Progress made with Ramorum disease control (see other risk actions) and with INNS strategy Jeremy 17-Feb- 01-Jul-2020 INNS policy although other areas of concern to be tackled. for the 2019 season, with arborist officer appointed as lead on OPM matters. Other INNS need Dagley 2019 to be considered and no recent progress with Policy writing. However, in the interim, whilen the policy is being prepared and INNS position statement will be prepared by June 2019 to set out the current apporach and actions and main species of concern. There will also be some horizon scanning carried out to consider likely new pest species. OSD NLOS Sourcing of plants / trees through approved suppliers. Tree provenance is considered, the Division will source and use planting stock consistent with Richard 19-Mar- 30-Apr- 004 a Tree and Review six monthly best practice guidance. Ongoing action. Gentry 2019 2020 Plant Procurement OSD NLOS Trained arboricultural contractors carrying out spraying of A report detailing the costs and implications of OPM will come to the HHHWQP Committee Richard 19-Mar- 30-Apr- 004 b OPM Oak in previously infected areas. Funding secured, in March 2019 Gentry 2019 2020 monitoring although costs may escalate. OSD P&G 004 Ensure staff training is kept updated to enable timely Provision of staff training is ongoing. Info on training shared through HSIG, Equalities Board, Lucy 15-Mar- 30-Apr- a Staff training identification of pest and knowledge of correct treatment/ SLT, and other avenues. Murphy; 2019 2020 Page 27 Page prevention. Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 004 Annual tree inspections undertaken through qualified Last set of tree inspections completed October 2018. Lucy 15-Mar- 30-Apr- b Inspections personnel through framework contract Murphy; 2019 2020 Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 004 Alerts issued to staff enabling additional checks to be Ongoing risk management action. Martin 15-Mar- 30-Apr- c Emergency undertaken as part of everyday working practice Rodman 2019 2020 alerts OSD P&G 004 Maintain relationships with industry bodies and Ongoing action. Lucy 15-Mar- 30-Apr- d Information neighbouring local authorities to ensure free flow of Murphy; 2019 2020 and information. Jake communication Tibbets OSD TC 004 a Ensure staff training is kept updated to enable timely Ongoing. Training needs reviewed at regular team meetings, and proactively promoted via Hadyn 19-Mar- 31-Mar- Staff training identification of pest and knowledge of correct treatment/ HSIG and other corporate boards. Robson 2019 2022 prevention. OSD TC 004 b Annual tree inspections undertaken through qualified Ongoing. Hadyn 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Inspections personnel Robson 2019 2022 OSD TC 004 c Active involvement with leading partners such as Forestry Ongoing. Hadyn 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Partnerships Commission and Natural England Robson 2019 2022

7 OSD TC 004 d Measures in place for staff, volunteers and contractors Ongoing. Hadyn 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Biosecurity including public messages Robson 2019 2022 Page 28 Page

8 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 006 This risk summaries the risks associated with housing 12 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 12 30-Apr- Impact of and/or transport development across the Open Spaces Serious work has been undertaken on 2020 development Department. development risk items by way of the summary risk Cause: Pressure on housing and infrastructure in London careful monitoring of planning and South East; failure to monitor planning applications applications and other relevant items and challenge them appropriately; challenge unsuccessful; by dedicated officers. In the event of a lack of resources to employ specialist support or carry out budget reduction leading to a loss of necessary monitoring/research, lack of partnership posts dedicated to this role, this will working with Planning Authorities again increase to a red risk. 30-Aug-2017 Event: Major development near an open space 19 Mar 2019 Impact: Increase in visitor numbers, permanent Constant Colin Buttery environmental damage to plants, landscape and wildlife, air and light pollution, ground compaction and resulting Page 29 Page associated effects on tree and plant health. Wear and tear to sports pitches. Lack of budget to facilitate repairs, potential for encroachment. This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due to the high level of work required across the open space divisions to defend against the impact of development and the serious nature of the impact. The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of the divisional risk registers.

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD EF 010 a Epping Forest DC local plan - Attend meetings and Representations have been made to the EFDC Examination in Public and this will continue Jeremy 17-Feb- 31-Dec- Local respond to consultation on the local plan so that can until May 2019. The EFDC Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment, however, has not Dagley 2019 2020 authorities/Cou influence the content of the plan and the Memorandum of addressed the avoidance or mitigation of air pollution and traffic increases. This remains a nties Local Understanding between EFDC and Natural England considerable risk to the Forest. Plans and Core LB Redbridge core strategy and other LA actions plans - Strategies respond to any further consultation. A meeting has been arranged with the London Boroughs and Natural England for 8th March to ensure Epping Forest SAC Mitigation Strategy is embedded in their Local Plans.

Further work will be needed to ensure a full mitigation strategy is in place for the SAC across the key local authorities.

9 OSd EF 010 c Forest transport strategy - Negotiate renewal with Essex Essex County Council has indicated that it could put some resources toward the Strategy. Jeremy 17-Feb- 30-Apr- Forest transport County Council and extend to cover London Borough's However, money set aside in this Financial Year, is no longer available. In the interim we have Dagley 2019 2021 strategy requested the raw traffic data from ECC that informed its Highways Assessment.

In addition, we now await the results of the Examination-in-Public for the EFDC Local Plan OSD NLOS Maintain a close partnership with Planning Authorities. Ongoing, division to make representation as necessary. Richard 18-Feb- 31-Mar- 011 a Local Supt and Officers in contact with the London Borough of Gentry 2019 2020 Authority Camden, Barnet and Haringey in regard to planning issues Stakeholders, e.g. Consultative Group and Hampstead Heath, and Queen's relationships which may impact the open spaces. Park Committee updated as appropriate. OSD NLOS Respond to consultation on the local plans to help Ongoing. Response to planning issues as necessary. No change. Richard 18-Feb- 31-Mar- 011 b Local influence the content of the documents. Gentry 2019 2020 planning Stakeholders, e.g. Consultative Groups, Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park documents Committee are updated when necessary. OSD NLOS A Consultant is monitoring planning activity and will Ongoing. Response to planning issues as necessary. Relevant planning applications are Richard 18-Feb- 31-Mar- 011 c Planning assist the Superintendent with specialist support in regard monitored. No change. Gentry 2019 2020 applications to resisting planning applications that impact on the Open Spaces. Stakeholders, e.g. Consultative Groups, Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park

Page 30 Page Committee are updated when necessary OSD P&G 007 Attendance at meetings and respond to consultation on the Relationship with planning colleagues in the city continues - ongoing action. Lucy 15-Mar- 31-Mar- a Local local plans to help influence the content of the document. Murphy; 2019 2020 authorities Martin Local Plans and Rodman; Core Strategies Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 007 Maintain a close partnership with planning authorities Ongoing risk action based on responding appropriately to relevant planning issues. Martin 15-Mar- 31-Dec- b Local including (but not limited to) Newham, Islington, Camden, Rodman 2019 2020 Authority and Tower Hamlets. Relationships OSD TC 002 a Inclusion in core strategy planning documents - where Monitoring activity continues - ongoing action. Mitigation strategy work underway. Hadyn 19-Mar- 31-Mar- Local applicable Robson 2019 2020 authorities/Cou Close partnership working with local planning authorities nties Local Active monitoring of planning applications with responses Plans and Core as appropriate Strategies All ongoing and/or as and when OSD TC 002 b Active monitoring of pollution where possible Ongoing action - monitoring of impact of visitors and other possible stressors continues. Hadyn 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Monitoring of Active monitoring of environmental impacts - where Robson 2019 2020 impacts possible Undertake research - where appropriate and where resources allow

10 Ongoing Page 31 Page

11 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 010 Ultra Cause: Change to legislation requires broad- 12 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team, 4 31-Mar- Low Emission reaching replacement of fleet. Insufficient budget allocated accepted as a new departmental risk. 2021 Zone (ULEZ) to this process combined with corporate green energy Fleet swap options are being explored Fleet Purchase procurement regulations. as a temporary measure, as is new Risk Event: Budget impact results in financial failure procurement of vehicles. 29-Jan-2019 for one or more divisions within Open Spaces, either by 19 Mar 2019 purchasing fleet or failing to purchase fleet and receiving Constant Colin Buttery large fines. Impact: Large-scale budget failure caused by either fleet purchase or failure to purchase new fleet resulting in fines. This would have knock-on financial impact on other projects within the CoL, along with reputational risk for failing to adhere to legislation. Page 32 Page

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD P&G 009 To avoid incurring penalties, the current lease will be New action. Jake 15-Mar- 31-Jul-2019 a Vehicle bought out and current (non-compliant) vehicles returned Tibbetts 2019 procurement by 5 April. From 8 April, short-term hire of ULEZ compliant vehicles will commence, whilst procurement exercise for electric fleet is undertaken; (action CGM and CityProc). OSD P&G 009 Continue with assessment and installation of electric New action. Jake 15-Mar- 31-Jul-2020 b Provision of vehicle charging points at City Gardens depots; Tibbetts 2019 necessary Determine maintenance requirements for EV’s and infrastructure potential impact on travel/service (through down-time). for electric vehicles OSD P&G 009 Re-evaluate City Gardens local risk budget lines to reflect New action. Jake 15-Mar- 31-May- c Budgetary increased cost of EV’s (and payback to central loan for Tibbetts 2019 2020 actions these); Purchase EV’s and off-hire temporary vehicles.

12 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD TBM 001 Cause: An act of terrorism in the heart of London. 12 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 12 31-Dec- The Effect of Event: Tourists avoiding visitor attractions in London No change to the rating. To be 2019 Terrorism on including those owned/ operated by the City of London maintained as a departmental risk. the Tourism Corporation (in particular The Monument and Tower Business at Bridge). Tower Bridge Impact: Significant loss of income and footfall over a & Monument prolonged period, service budget reconfiguration. 09-Mar-2015 19 Mar 2019 Constant Chris Earlie

Page 33 Page Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD TBM Regular Liaison meetings held with CoLP Counter Regular liaison and Protective Security Improvement Activity Assessments are undertaken Chris 19-Mar- 31-Dec- 001a CoLP Terrorism Section and any actions identified are with the counter terrorism team. Ongoing action. Earlie 2019 2019 Counter implemented. Terrorism Section Liaison OSD TBM Maintain vigilant and effective on-site security systems at A continuous programme of improvements to CCTV hardware as well as security staff Chris 19-Mar- 31-Dec- 001b Site Tower Bridge. learning and development is in place. Site specific Security Awareness Training provided to all Earlie 2019 2019 Security staff. Security Officers are SIA trained CCTV/ Front of House Security and receive regular tool box talks from Security Supervisors. Operations Manager attends the City's Security Advisory Board. Ongoing action. OSD TBM Ensure all Tower Bridge staff are appropriately trained and All front of house staff have completed ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) E-Learning and Chris 19-Mar- 31-Dec- 001c Staff made aware of security issues with refresher training as SCAN (See Check Action Notify) workshops will shortly be delivered by the City Police. Earlie 2019 2019 Training appropriate. Daily briefings also highlight any on going/ current issues. Ongoing action.

13 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 001 H&S This risk summaries the H&S risks across the Open Spaces 8 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 8 31-Mar- Summary Risk Department. Significant work has been done to 2020 Causes: Poor understanding or utilisation of health and mitigate the health and safety risks safety policies, procedures and safe systems of work; around the department. This rating has inadequate training; failure to implement results of audits; been reassessed to recognise that the dynamic risk assessments not undertaken; contractors not potential impact of health and safety complying with procedures and processes risks will always be major on the type Event: Staff, volunteers or contractors undertake unsafe of sites we manage, but that there is working practices continuous improvement being Impact: Injury or death of a member of the public, undertaken both departmentally and volunteers, staff or a contractor corporately in this field. This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due the types of activities and the nature of our sites which means Target score has been updated to Page 34 Page constant vigilance is required. match current score, as we do not The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of foresee the rating of this risk changing the divisional risk registers. significantly. We accept this risk as a necessary part of our daily work. 30-Aug-2017 19 Mar 2019 Constant

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD CC 001 a Regular reviews of risk assessments and safe systems of This action is ongoing Gary Burks 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Regular reviews work are undertaken. 2019 2020 OSD CC 001 b Investigations undertaken and learning taken from all This action is ongoing Gary Burks 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Operational accidents and incidents and near misses. 2019 2020 Learning Training and development of staff OSD EF 001 c Staff roles linked to essential and desirable training needs. H&S training (operational) system is in place and established. Expiring training known in Jo Hurst 15-Feb- 01-Jan- Training Continual and annual review advance and scheduled. Training matrix link to induction and new starters to be improved. 2019 2020 programme OSD EF 001 e Clear role and responsibilities set out in documentation Ongoing activity. Paul 15-Mar- 08-Apr-

14 Hierarchy and reinforced by training. Structure of local H&S meeting Thomson 2019 2020 responsibilities arrangements cascading down decisions, issues, and responsibilities and communications. Ongoing action communication s OSD EF 001 f H&S checks undertaken annually for all refreshments and Checks delayed during change of staff. Now extended to include all known tenanted buildings, Jo Hurst 15-Feb- 30-Jun- Annual food outlets under licence in the forest, excluding ice not just catering outlets and will include all tenant obligations including FRAs etc 2019 2019 licensees cream vans checks OSD EF 001 g Avoid incident / accident arising from digging or insertion Breaking ground has been captured through the implementation of the Epping Contractor Patrick 15-Feb- 28-Feb- Breaking below ground that interferes with hazardous underground Protocol and permitting is now BAU. Hegarty 2019 2020 Ground infrastructure through having relevant controls in place including: mapping of underground services, liaison with utility companies, local control of contractors’ procedures, staff training and experience, corporate guidance for control of contractors, SLA with City Surveyor includes procedures for CS appointed contractors on site. Areas checked for service covers, location markers and recorded Page 35 Page site information before breaking ground. Trained operatives use scanning equipment. Appropriate excavation tools and procedures used. Much of the above will be captured through the implementation of a locally adapted version of the Epping piloted Contractor Protocol. OSD NLOS Continue with annual H & S site Audits. Sites will carry This is an ongoing item. H & S audit reports have been signed off for 2018, with details of Richard 18-Feb- 31-Mar- 006 a Annual H out audits by peers from within Division. Audits usually actions for completion. Gentry 2019 2020 & S site Audits take place in August and are signed off later in the year. OSD NLOS Divisional H & S meetings take place. Divisional H & S meetings continue, attendance is monitored. The Division has input at a Richard 19-Mar- 31-Mar- 006 b Quarterly Staff informed, consulted and updated on H & S matters Dept level. Ongoing action. Gentry 2019 2020 Divisional H & S Meetings OSD P&G 001 Continue to develop a good culture of reporting accidents, Officers are continuing to report accidents and near misses. Accidents are subject to Patrick 15-Mar- 01-Jun- a Accident incidents and near misses. investigation and review by the Health & Safety Improvement Group. This is an ongoing Hegarty; 2019 2020 Reporting action. Lucy Murphy; Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 001 A contractor protocol is in place including works P&G contractor protocol implemented with existing contractors and rolled out to new Patrick 15-Mar- 01-Jun- b Contractor undertaken by City Surveyors and external contractors. contractors as required. This is an ongoing action. Hegarty; 2019 2020 protocol Continued monitoring is required and all contractors to Lucy

15 sign up and comply. Regular review of documentation and Murphy; processes in light of investigation findings and change in Jake legislation. Tibbets OSD P&G 001 Net improvement of standards of H&S following regular Audit validation completed Nov 2016. Next audit due November 2019. Patrick 23-Aug- 30-Nov- c Regular validation visits. Hegarty 2018 2019 review of site health and safety by peer review OSD P&G 001 Staff roles linked to essential and desirable training needs. Training programme in place. Ongoing. Lucy 19-Mar- 01-Jun- d Training Continual and annual review Murphy; 2019 2020 programme Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 001 Clear role and responsibilities set out in documentation Departmental Fire Policy and Fire Management plan implemented. This is an ongoing action. Martin 19-Mar- 01-Jun- e Hierarchy and reinforced by training. Rodman 2019 2020 responsibilities Structure of H&S meeting arrangements cascading down and decisions, issues, responsibilities and communications.

communication 36 Page Ongoing action s OSD P&G 006 Develop stronger links and become a trusted partner with 'Park Guard' patrols Bunhill Fields. Working with met police, schools liaison and SNT's over Lucy 15-Mar- 01-Jun- b Develop and LBN. Develop relationships with officers in local recent park issues. Park guard extended with targeted problem sites in the City. Murphy; 2019 2020 improve joint authorities. Jake working to Tibbets protect sites OSD TC 001 a Adequate and appropriate training for staff and volunteers This is an ongoing action Hadyn 15-Mar- 31-Mar- Appropriate - link to PDR's (all line managers) Robson; 2019 2020 resourcing Links to other departmental service providers in OSD Review of H & S Action Plan at monthly SMT meetings and Quarterly Divisional H & S Andy Clear and appropriate communication meetings Thwaites Ongoing

16 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 011 Cause: Large budget reductions to fund major 8 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 4 31-Mar- Budget capital projects within the Square Mile and other planned This has been added as a new 2020 Reduction budget reductions (2% plus inflation, impact of ULEZ, summary risk for the department. At Summary Risk etc). present, this score (and the target Effect: Staff redundancies, lowering of service score) are subject to change as we are standards, cessation of multiple services, reduction in not yet clear on the exact level of required maintenance. budget reductions expected. Impact: Failure to meet strategic objectives, Divisional sub-risks to be added when cancellation of all major projects, significant reduction in this is clear. 29-Jan-2019 service to users (and commensurate reputational damage), 19 Mar 2019 increase in maintenance ‘bow wave’ impacting future Constant Colin Buttery budgets. Page 37 Page

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date

17 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 002 This risk summaries the risks associated with extreme 6 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 6 31-Mar- Extreme weather across the Open Spaces Department. Agreed to add Climate Change to the 2020 weather & Causes: Severe wind, prolonged heat, heavy snow, heavy risk title to emphasise the importance climate change rainfall – potential to increase with climate change of work on this growing issue. Risk summary risk Event: Severe weather at one or more site remains at the same level as before, Impact: Service capability disrupted , incidents increase despite significant work in the wake demand for staff resources to respond to maintain public of various extreme weather events and site safety. temporary site closures; increased costs for over the past few years; it is reactive management. Strong winds cause tree limb drop, anticipated that the summary risk will prolonged heat results in fires, snow disrupts sites access, remain at this level for the forseeable rainfall results in flooding and impassable areas. future, although work will continue to Damage/loss of rare/fragile habitats and species. Risk of be done to mitigate effects locally. injury or death to staff, visitors, contractors and volunteers.

30-Aug-2017 38 Page 19 Mar 2019 Damage to property and infrastructure. Constant Colin Buttery This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due the potential scale of impact and the fact that each of the open spaces sites could be impacted. The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of the divisional risk registers.

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD CC 010 a A significant storm could (and has in the past) cause Ongoing action. As previously: Gary Burks 15-Mar- 31-Jul-2020 Wind damage significant damage to tree stocks and buildings meaning 2019 that for a short period of time the cemetery roads could be • Trees are surveyed and inspected with advisory works carried out. A group of staff within closed and block, and one or more buildings could be out the cemetery team are trained in the operation of chainsaws for clearing fallen trees. of action. This is managed through: • It is unlikely that storm damage would close the modern crematorium building but could damage other service chapels and block roads. The cemetery and crematorium service has 6 • Tree inspections service chapels. • Maintain staff with chainsaw qualifications

OSD EF 009 a Review and update plan Ongoing, reviewed regularly. We have now adopted the CoL emergency plan format which is Martin 15-Feb- 31-Mar- Emergency plan replicated at a local level to represent our specific needs. Newnham 2019 2020

18 OSD EF 009 h Grass & Heathland Fire London Fire Brigade are hosting a joint working training day on the 28th February which Martin 15-Feb- 31-Aug- Grass & concentrates on techniques, tactics, and procedures relating to emergency response to fires Newnham 2019 2019 Heathland Fire within Epping Forest. This is the result of lessons learned from the major incident at and is part of ongoing partnership training. OSD NLOS Alerts issued to staff via Met Office. No change. Bob 18-Feb- 31-Mar- 003 a Review Review processes 6 monthly or following an extreme Warnock 2019 2020 Met Office weather event Trigger Event Policy embedded in to our way of working. information Met Office Data is reviewed weekly and responded to accordingly by Duty Manager and Duty Supervisor.

Ongoing weekly management through RAID Log process to monitor and manage extreme weather events and to support weekly resource planning process. OSD NLOS Site plans reviewed annually or following incident if Review of EAP overdue from Sept 2018. Plan would be reviewed after an emergency event. Richard 18-Feb- 31-Oct- 003 b Review appropriate. Gentry 2019 2019 of site Reviews usually conducted in September and agreed later Outstanding Action is to finalise arrangements with the Guildhall Control Room to assist with emergency in the year. the facilitation of an out of hours call out response procedure for Divisional Staff, e.g. call plans centre response to out of hours calls. Page 39 Page

Overdue - review of emergency Action Plan and Business Continuity Plan- September 2018

OSD P&G 005 Increased variety of species planted in order to ‘spread the Annual tree planting programme in place. Consideration given to species variety. Lucy 15-Mar- 01-Mar- a Plant species risk’, e.g. more drought tolerant species and those better Murphy; 2019 2020 able to cope with a range of temperatures/ rainfall levels. Jake Captured in strategic documents e.g. CoL Tree Strategy Tibbets SPD. OSD P&G 005 Monitoring of weather warning: fire severity index, Systems are in place to close the park when there are severe alerts of amber and red with gust Martin 15-Mar- 01-Mar- c Monitoring of hydrological outlook and water situation reports. Use staff of 70mph or more. Ongoing action. Rodman 2019 2020 warning email to advise on reactive reporting of weather warnings systems received through MET office and Resilience Forum OSD TC 005 a Review and update plan bi-annually. This action is ongoing Hadyn 19-Mar- 30-Jun- Fire Fire management and monitoring policies and plans in Robson 2019 2020 management place and link to staff training and local emergency Site information/resources shared with emergency services. services Plan reviewed in June 2018 - next review due June 2020. OSD TC 005 b Storm monitoring & management and closure policies The sites continue to monitor and respond to warnings of extreme weather Hadyn 15-Mar- 29-May- Storms across all sites linked to high staff awareness and training Robson 2019 2020 OSd TC 005 c Understanding of the potential impacts of climate change Ongoing research and dialogue continues. Hadyn 15-Mar- 29-May-

19 Climate change on the open spaces Robson 2019 2020 Engagement in climate change research and debate Page 40 Page

20 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 009 This risk summaries the reputational risk across the 6 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 2 31-Dec- Reputational Open Spaces due to changes to provision which will be This risk remains at the current level, 2020 Risk made under the terms of the OS Act. but will be closed down and removed Associated Causes: Changes to public service provision enabled by from the risk register before the next with OS Act the OS Act, as mandated by central budget reductions. report, as its associated sub-risks will Event: Large-scale public backlash resulting in national be transferred to OSD 011 - Budget media coverage. Reduction Summary Risks. 13-Jun-2018 Impact: Severe knock-on effect for the reputation of the 19 Mar 2019 City of London Corporation. Loss of trust in the City of Constant London Corporation and associated business impact, both for our services and the services of affiliated businesses. Potential for direct action on our sites, as publicly accessible areas which could be targeted for protest. Page 41 Page Political impact as MPs become involved. This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due the potential scale of impact and the fact that each of the open spaces sites could be impacted. The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of the divisional risk registers.

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD EF 013 c Ability to recruit overlapping positions to allow transfer of No change to status, funding constraints rarely allow for overlap, although occasionally Jo Hurst 15-Feb- 31-Dec- Appointment knowledge. Budgetary consideration and proactive support possible, especially in cases of retirement, likely to decrease further with additional budget and 2019 2019 cross-over from HR. recruitment constraints. (budgetary issue) Review of structures and resources across all teams - ongoing OSD EF 016 e Working budget reduction targets for next 3 years. Awaiting clarification of long term budgets beyond 2019/20 and amount of savings required to Paul 19-Mar- 30-Sep- Next round of be made. Some initial planning underway. Thomson 2019 2019 saving to be agreed OSD P&G 003 Deliver the Programmes and projects that will help achieve Awaiting further information about future budget reductions. This item will be transferred to Martin 15-Mar- 31-Mar- a Financial SBR savings OSD 011 in future reports. Rodman 2019 2020 management

21 and project planning Page 42 Page

22 Risk no, Title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current Creation date, Risk score Owner change indicator OSD 008 IT This risk summaries the risks associated with IT 4 Assessed by Senior Leadership Team. 4 30-Jun-2020 System Failure system failure across the Open Spaces Department. To be removed as a departmental risk Causes: Any significant disruption to our access to IT upon member approval, but to remain systems across our sites as a significant divisional risk due to Event: Inability to access business-critical IT functions its potential effect on the Cemetery & Impact: Severe business impact to multiple sites, Crematorium and Tower Bridge & particularly the Cemetery & Crematorium and Tower Monument divisions. Risk to be Bridge. Significant loss of income, reputational damage deactivated before the next report. 13-Jun-2018 due to cancelled services, and the failure of a statutory 19 Mar 2019 service in the Cemetery & Crematorium. If this coincides Constant with a crisis event such as a terrorist attack or a major incident on one of our remote sites, our ability to respond would be severely impacted. Page 43 Page This risk is felt to be of departmental concern due the potential scale of impact and the fact that each of the open spaces sites could be impacted. The actions for this risk are the open actions from each of the divisional risk registers.

Action no, Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Title, owner Date OSD CC 009 a Review continuity plans on a regular basis and following IT Systems and software access seems more stable at present and is monitored closely by Gary Burks 19-Mar- 31-Mar- Business significant systems failures cemetery staff. 2019 2020 continuity Ensure staff are familiar with 'alternate operations' as detailed in the continuity plans IS partners aware that C&C is recognised as a 'critical' service and failures are treated as a priority.


Page 44 Page

24 OSD Parks and Gardens (WHP & CG) Detailed Risk Report

Report Author: Martin Falder Generated on: 19 March 2019

Rows are sorted by Risk Score

Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change Page 45 Page indicator OSD P&G 009 Cause: Change to legislation requires broad- 24 The introduction of TfL’s ULEZ 4 31-Mar- Ultra-Low reaching replacement of fleet. Insufficient budget allocated impacts immediately (from 8 April 2021 Emissions to this process combined with corporate green energy 2019) on the City Gardens fleet, Zone procurement regulations. which would immediately be rendered Event: Budget impact results in financial failure non-compliant and be subject to daily for one or more divisions within Open Spaces, either by charges. In addition, the City’s purchasing fleet or failing to purchase fleet and receiving Transport Policy adds a further large fines. requirement, over and above the Impact: Large-scale budget failure caused by requirements of ULEZ, to use electric either fleet purchase or failure to purchase new fleet vehicles unless no electric equivalent resulting in fines. This would have knock-on financial is available. For the City Gardens impact on other projects within the CoL, along with Fleet, this results in a tripling of reputational risk for failing to adhere to legislation. annual vehicle costs, compounding the budgetary issues outlined in OSD P&G 003. 15-Mar-2019 15 Mar 2019 Constant

1 Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date OSD P&G 009 To avoid incurring penalties, the current lease will be New action. Jake 15-Mar- 31-Jul-2019 a bought out and current (non-compliant) vehicles returned Tibbetts 2019 by 5 April. From 8 April, short-term hire of ULEZ compliant vehicles will commence, whilst procurement exercise for electric fleet is undertaken; (action CGM and CityProc). OSD P&G 009 Continue with assessment and installation of electric New action. Jake 15-Mar- 31-Jul-2020 b vehicle charging points at City Gardens depots; Tibbetts 2019 Determine maintenance requirements for EV’s and potential impact on travel/service (through down-time). OSD P&G 009 Re-evaluate City Gardens local risk budget lines to reflect New action. Jake 15-Mar- 31-May- c increased cost of EV’s (and payback to central loan for Tibbetts 2019 2020 these); Purchase EV’s and off-hire temporary vehicles. Page 46 Page

2 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 002 Cause: Inadequate proactive and reactive maintenance; 12 Continues to be actively monitored 6 01-Aug- Maintenance failure to identify and communicate maintenance issues under the new maintenance contract. 2019 of buildings, Event: Operational or public buildings, playground Lodge inspections undertaken in 2018. memorials, equipment and other assets become unusable Play equipment review as part of the play areas and Impact: Service capability disrupted; ineffective use of playground improvement project and equipment staff resources; damage to corporate reputation; increased consultation undertaken regarding the costs for reactive maintenance. Delay will have operational design of the playground. Annual impact. Overrun of additional work programme. Lack of safety inspection undertaken in 2018 budget to replace. and recommendation put in place for anything at medium risk or above. 25-Nov-2015 14 Feb 2019 Constant Stella Fox;

Martin 47 Page Rodman

Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date OSD P&G 002 Schedule of statutory checks and visits held and carried out On site reactive work monitored and issues fed back at Client Liaison meetings. Ongoing Lucy 19-Mar- 01-Mar- a by CSD or delegated to site action. Murphy; 2019 2020 Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 002 Joint inspection of all buildings including residential by Annual inspections on lodges completed November 2018 at West Ham Park Lucy 14-Dec- 31-Oct- b site and CSD to capture maintenance needs. Required Murphy; 2018 2019 annually Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 002 20 year programme of investment and maintenance of all AWP reviewed monthly at the P&G client Liaison Meeting. Ongoing action Martin 15-Mar- 31-Mar- c built assets. Review annually. Rodman 2019 2020 OSD P&G 002 Development of detailed design and implementation of the Gateway 3/4 approval granted in February. Applications for funding are underway. Detailed Lucy 15-Mar- 31-Oct- f new playground project at West Ham Park. plans are being drawn up. Pre-application planning approval is being sought. Murphy 2019 2019

3 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 004 Causes: Inadequate biosecurity, purchase or transfer of 12 New open spaces tree specification in 8 30-Apr- Tree Diseases infected plants and soil. Invasion of pests and diseases place to tender for new contractor. 2020 and other pests from neighbouring areas e.g. Oak Processionary Moth, OPM monitored across sites. 25-Nov-2015 Massaria, etc 14 Feb 2019 Event: Sites become infected by plant or tree diseases Constant Stella Fox; Impact: Threat to human health, either directly or Martin Rodman indirectly. Service capability disrupted, ineffective use of staff resources, damage to corporate reputation, loss of species, site closures (temp) and associated access, increased costs for reactive maintenance.

Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date Page 48 Page owner Date OSD P&G 004 Ensure staff training is kept updated to enable timely Provision of staff training is ongoing. Info on training shared through HSIG, Equalities Board, Lucy 15-Mar- 30-Apr- a identification of pest and knowledge of correct treatment/ SLT, and other avenues. Murphy; 2019 2020 prevention. Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 004 Annual tree inspections undertaken through qualified Last set of tree inspections completed October 2018. Lucy 15-Mar- 30-Apr- b personnel through framework contract Murphy; 2019 2020 Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 004 Alerts issued to staff enabling additional checks to be Ongoing risk management action. Martin 15-Mar- 30-Apr- c undertaken as part of everyday working practice Rodman 2019 2020 OSD P&G 004 Maintain relationships with industry bodies and Ongoing action. Lucy 15-Mar- 30-Apr- d neighbouring local authorities to ensure free flow of Murphy; 2019 2020 information. Jake Tibbets

4 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 005 Causes: Severe wind events, prolonged drought 12 Local policy and procedure in place 6 01-Mar- Climate and conditions, prolonged precipitation or restricted on monitoring high winds. 2020 Weather precipitation. May be climate change influenced 25-Nov-2015 Event: Severe weather/climate impacts at one or more 14 Feb 2019 sites Constant Stella Fox; Impact: Service capability disrupted; fire, flood and storm Martin Rodman events (potentially increasing in frequency); increased demand for staff resources to respond to incidents and maintain site safety; loss of species, temporary site closures and associated access; increased costs for reactive management. Injury or death to staff, visitors, contractors and volunteers. Damage/loss of habitats and species.

Page 49 Page Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date OSD P&G 005 Increased variety of species planted in order to ‘spread the Annual tree planting programme in place. Consideration given to species variety. Lucy 15-Mar- 01-Mar- a risk’, e.g. more drought tolerant species and those better Murphy; 2019 2020 able to cope with a range of temperatures/ rainfall levels. Jake Captured in strategic documents e.g. CoL Tree Strategy Tibbets SPD. OSD P&G 005 Monitoring of weather warning: fire severity index, Systems are in place to close the park when there are severe alerts of amber and red with gust Martin 15-Mar- 01-Mar- c hydrological outlook and water situation reports. Use staff of 70mph or more. Ongoing action. Rodman 2019 2020 email to advise on reactive reporting of weather warnings received through MET office and Resilience Forum

5 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 007 Causes: Pressure on planning authorities to meet housing 12 Increase in use of our sites is positive 6 01-Jun- Population targets and needs as it shows successful engagement 2020 Increase Event: Population increases and increased worker with our communities and carries with (residential numbers in Square Mile creating increased pressure on it a host of other positive outcomes. and worker) green space and facilities However, it also puts sites at risk of Impact: Increase in visitor numbers causing additional deterioration and pressure on our pollution, ground compaction and resulting associated budgets. We monitor both visitor effects on tree and plant health. Wear and tear to sports numbers and maintenance budgets pitches. Lack of budget to facilitate repairs. actively as part of ongoing efforts to mitigate this risk 25-Nov-2015 14 Feb 2019 Constant Stella Fox;

Martin 50 Page Rodman

Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date OSD P&G 007 Attendance at meetings and respond to consultation on the Relationship with planning colleagues in the city continues - ongoing action. Lucy 15-Mar- 31-Mar- a local plans to help influence the content of the document. Murphy; 2019 2020 Martin Rodman; Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 007 Maintain a close partnership with planning authorities Ongoing risk action based on responding appropriately to relevant planning issues. Martin 15-Mar- 31-Dec- b including (but not limited to) Newham, Islington, Camden, Rodman 2019 2020 and Tower Hamlets.

6 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 001 Causes: Poor understanding and/or delivery of Health and 8 Actively monitored by all staff and on 8 01-Jun- Increase in Safety policies and procedures; Failure to link work agenda of all team meetings. Incidents 2020 Health and activity with adequate procedures; risk assessments and and near misses are reported and Safety safe systems of work not complied with; inadequate investigated within timescales and incidents/Catas appropriate training; failure to implement the results of held to account by the H&S trophic Health audits. Improvement Group. A recent internal & Safety Event: Staff, volunteers, contractors or licensees H&S self assessment has been failure undertake unsafe working practices, notably working at completed, improvement areas and roadside or at height in City. actions noted/programmed. 25-Nov-2015 Impact: Injury to staff, volunteer(s), contractor(s) or 19 Mar 2019 member of the public. Prosecution and fine by HSE and/or Increasin Stella Fox; Police; increased insurance premiums; harm to City’s g Martin Rodman reputation. Page 51 Page

Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date OSD P&G 001 Continue to develop a good culture of reporting accidents, Officers are continuing to report accidents and near misses. Accidents are subject to Patrick 15-Mar- 01-Jun- a incidents and near misses. investigation and review by the Health & Safety Improvement Group. This is an ongoing Hegarty; 2019 2020 action. Lucy Murphy; Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 001 A contractor protocol is in place including works P&G contractor protocol implemented with existing contractors and rolled out to new Patrick 15-Mar- 01-Jun- b undertaken by City Surveyors and external contractors. contractors as required. This is an ongoing action. Hegarty; 2019 2020 Continued monitoring is required and all contractors to Lucy sign up and comply. Regular review of documentation and Murphy; processes in light of investigation findings and change in Jake legislation. Tibbets OSD P&G 001 Net improvement of standards of H&S following regular Audit validation completed Nov 2016. Next audit due November 2019. Patrick 23-Aug- 30-Nov- c validation visits. Hegarty 2018 2019 OSD P&G 001 Staff roles linked to essential and desirable training needs. Training programme in place. Ongoing. Lucy 19-Mar- 01-Jun- d Continual and annual review Murphy; 2019 2020 Jake

7 Tibbets OSD P&G 001 Clear role and responsibilities set out in documentation Departmental Fire Policy and Fire Management plan implemented. This is an ongoing action. Martin 19-Mar- 01-Jun- e and reinforced by training. Rodman 2019 2020 Structure of H&S meeting arrangements cascading down decisions, issues, responsibilities and communications. Ongoing action Page 52 Page

8 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 003 Causes: Lack of skills to deliver projects. Unrealistic 8 Current 2% reduction has been built 4 31-Mar- Finance - scoping targets and deadlines. Conflicting priorities into 2019/20 local risk budgets, but 2020 Budget between corporate/departmental change programme and leaves little flexibility for further reductions Divisional issues incremental savings. The divisional implications Event: Division is unable to deliver budget reduction management team is currently programmes to agreed targets and timescales. Adverse assessing impacts to service provision workload impact on service delivery. Closure of the and determining mitigation measures. Nursery at WHP Should further, more substantial Impact: Divisional failure - Alternative savings required savings be required, then local that may not best suit culture change nor properly support services will need to be reduced in core activities. Departmental failure – Transfer of financial order to meet these. 25-Nov-2015 pressures from one area of the Department to another on a 25 Feb 2019 reactive basis. Ability to deliver ‘existing level of services’ Constant Stella 53 Page Fox; declines. Negative press, reputational damage. Martin Rodman

Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date OSD P&G 003 Deliver the Programmes and projects that will help achieve Awaiting further information about future budget reductions. This item will be transferred to Martin 15-Mar- 31-Mar- a SBR savings OSD 011 in future reports. Rodman 2019 2020

9 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 008 Causes: Pandemic; deliberate act of terrorism. 8 Emergency plan updated. Senior staff 4 01-Mar- Major Incident Event: Major incident, terrorism,; evacuation of East actively engage with the City 2020 resulting in London; aircraft crash; failure of underground services. Resilience Team to ensure we are prolonged Impact: Multiple loss of life; inability to access and prepared in the event of a major ‘Access Denial’ manage sites; long-term damage to personnel team, sites, incident, and plans are in place to help assets and reputation. mitigate this risk. 09-Jun-2016 14 Feb 2019 Constant Stella Fox; Martin Rodman

Action 54 Page no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date OSd P&G 008 a Review and update emergency plan A review was undertaken in December 2018 next review due November 2019 Martin 14-Dec- 30-Nov- Rodman 2018 2019 OSD P&G 008 Attendance at Resilience Forum and dissemination of Superintendent is Departmental representative. Ongoing action. Martin 15-Mar- 01-Mar- b learning therefrom. Attendance at Public Realm Security Rodman 2019 2020 Advisory Board bi-monthly OSD P&G 008 All staff trained in relevant areas, e.g. Project Griffin, Training rolled out through staff meetings. Ongoing action. Lucy 15-Mar- 01-Mar- c Argus, and Prevent. Murphy; 2019 2020 Martin Rodman; Jake Tibbets

10 Risk no, title, Risk Description (Cause, Event, Impact) Current Risk Rating & Score Risk Update and date of update Target Risk Rating & Score Target Date Current creation date, Risk score owner change indicator OSD P&G 006 Causes: Crime, irresponsible dog owners, rough sleepers, 6 Staff have undertaken conflict 4 01-Jul-2019 Public user conflict, trespass, alcohol. management training and report issues Behaviour Event: litter, dog fouling, dog attacks, public incursions, of verbal and physical abuse 25-Nov-2015 anti-social behaviour 14 Feb 2019 Impact: Reputational damage, injury to visitors, insurance Constant Stella Fox; claims, rise in crime rates. Increase in costs of managing Martin Rodman public behaviour

Action no Action description Latest Note Action Latest Note Due Date owner Date

OSD 55 Page P&G 006 Develop stronger links and become a trusted partner with 'Park Guard' patrols Bunhill Fields. Working with met police, schools liaison and SNT's over Lucy 15-Mar- 01-Jun- b LBN. Develop relationships with officers in local recent park issues. Park guard extended with targeted problem sites in the City. Murphy; 2019 2020 authorities. Jake Tibbets OSD P&G 006 Dog Control Orders / PSPO's in place where required. WHP Manager to meet with LBN enforcement team to clarify responsibilities within the Park, Lucy 19-Mar- 01-Jul-2020 c Potential for further submissions where and when required and to try to get signage amended to avoid future uncertainty Murphy; 2019 Jake Tibbets

11 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 56 OSD ALL risks - Review history by status

Generated on: 19 March 2019

Current Target Current Creation Current Risk Target risk Risk Historical Risk Risk Recent Reviews Code Title Date Matrix score rating Score Status Risk Trend Trend Score Score Icon

OSD 001 H&S Summary Risk 30-Aug- 8 8 19-Mar-2019 8 Constant 2017 29-Jan-2019 8

Page 57 Page 22-May-2018 6

23-Mar-2018 6

27-Sep-2017 6

OSD 002 Extreme weather & 30-Aug- 6 6 19-Mar-2019 6 Constant 2017 climate change 29-Jan-2019 6 summary risk 29-Jan-2019 6

22-May-2018 6

23-Mar-2018 6

OSD 004 Repair and 30-Aug- 12 8 19-Mar-2019 12 Constant 2017 Maintenance of 29-Jan-2019 12 Buildings summary risk 22-May-2018 12

23-Mar-2018 8

30-Aug-2017 8

1 Current Target Current Creation Current Risk Target risk Risk Historical Risk Risk Recent Reviews Code Title Date Matrix score rating Score Status Risk Trend Trend Score Score Icon

OSD 005 Pests and Diseases 30-Aug- 12 12 19-Mar-2019 12 Constant 2017 summary risk 29-Jan-2019 12

22-May-2018 12

23-Mar-2018 16

30-Jun-2017 16

OSD 006 Impact of 30-Aug- 12 12 19-Mar-2019 12 Constant 2017 development 29-Jan-2019 12 summary risk 05-Dec-2018 16

29-Aug-2018 16 Page 58 Page 22-May-2018 16

OSD 007 Maintaining the City's 30-Aug- 16 8 19-Mar-2019 16 Constant 2017 water bodies 29-Jan-2019 16 summary risk 05-Dec-2018 16

29-Aug-2018 16

22-May-2018 16

OSD 008 IT System Failure 13-Jun- 4 4 19-Mar-2019 4 Constant 2018 29-Jan-2019 4

13-Jun-2018 8

OSD 009 Reputational Risk 13-Jun- 6 2 19-Mar-2019 6 Constant 2018 Associated with OS 29-Jan-2019 6 Act 13-Jun-2018 6

2 Current Target Current Creation Current Risk Target risk Risk Historical Risk Risk Recent Reviews Code Title Date Matrix score rating Score Status Risk Trend Trend Score Score Icon

OSD 010 Ultra Low Emission 29-Jan- 12 4 19-Mar-2019 12 Constant 2019 Zone (ULEZ) Fleet 29-Jan-2019 12 Purchase Risk 29-Jan-2019 12

OSD 011 Budget Reduction 29-Jan- 8 4 Constant 2019 Summary Risk 29-Jan-2019 8

OSD TBM The Effect of 09-Mar- 12 12 19-Mar-2019 12 Constant 2015 001 Terrorism on the 29-Jan-2019 12 Tourism Business at Tower Bridge & 11-Dec-2018 12 Monument 18-Sep-2018 12 Page 59 Page 22-May-2018 12

OSD P&G Increase in Health 25-Nov- 8 8 19-Mar-2019 8 Increasing 2015 001 and Safety 14-Feb-2019 6 incidents/Catastrophi c Health & Safety 23-Mar-2018 6 failure 03-Jan-2017 6

09-Jun-2016 6

OSD P&G Maintenance of 25-Nov- 12 6 14-Feb-2019 12 Constant 2015 002 buildings, memorials, 23-Aug-2018 12 play areas and equipment 23-Mar-2018 12

23-Mar-2018 12

03-Jan-2017 12

OSD P&G Finance - Budget 25-Nov- 8 4 25-Feb-2019 8 Constant 2015 003 reductions 21-Feb-2019 8 3 Current Target Current Creation Current Risk Target risk Risk Historical Risk Risk Recent Reviews Code Title Date Matrix score rating Score Status Risk Trend Trend Score Score Icon

implications 23-Aug-2018 4

23-Mar-2018 4

09-Jun-2016 6

OSD P&G Tree Diseases and 25-Nov- 12 8 14-Feb-2019 12 Constant 2015 004 other pests 23-Aug-2018 12

23-Mar-2018 12

03-Jan-2017 12

09-Jun-2016 12

OSD P&G Climate and Weather 25-Nov- 12 6 14-Feb-2019 12 Constant

Page 60 Page 2015 005 23-Mar-2018 12

03-Jan-2017 12

09-Jun-2016 12

25-Nov-2015 12

OSD P&G Public Behaviour 25-Nov- 6 4 14-Feb-2019 6 Constant 2015 006 23-Aug-2018 6

23-Mar-2018 6

03-Jan-2017 6

09-Jun-2016 6

OSD P&G Population Increase 25-Nov- 12 6 14-Feb-2019 12 Constant 2015 007 (residential and 23-Aug-2018 12 worker) 23-Mar-2018 12

4 Current Target Current Creation Current Risk Target risk Risk Historical Risk Risk Recent Reviews Code Title Date Matrix score rating Score Status Risk Trend Trend Score Score Icon 03-Jan-2017 12

09-Jun-2016 12

OSD P&G Major Incident 09-Jun- 8 4 14-Feb-2019 8 Constant 2016 008 resulting in 23-Mar-2018 8 prolonged ‘Access Denial’ 09-Jun-2016 8

OSD P&G Ultra-Low Emissions 15-Mar- 24 4 Constant 2019 009 Zone 15-Mar-2019 24

Page 61 Page

5 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 62 Agenda Item 7

Committee: Date:

Epping Forest and City Commons - For Information 11 March 2019

Hampstead Heath, Highgate - For Information 13 March 2019 Woods and Queens Park

West Ham Park - For Information 8 April 2019

Open Spaces and City Gardens - For Decision 8 April 2019 Subject: Public Final Departmental High-level Business Plans 2019/20 – Open Spaces Department Report of: For Information Colin Buttery, Open Spaces Director Report authors: Gerry Kiefer, Open Spaces Department


This report presents the final high-level business plan for the Open Spaces Department for 2019/20. The Business Plan identifies three top line objectives with four outcomes sitting under each objective. These objectives and outcomes are relevant across the range of services provided by the Department. The Business Plan also identifies the key activities that the Department will be progressing and delivering over the next year and indicates how the Department is helping to achieve the Corporate Plan’s aims and outcomes.


Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee Members are asked to:

 approve the Open Spaces Department’s high-level Business Plan 2019–20.

Epping Forest and the Commons Committee, Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queens Park Committee and West Ham Park Committee are asked to:  note this report

Main Report

Background 1. As part of the new framework for corporate and business planning, departments were asked to produce standardised high-level, 2-side Business Plans for the first time in 2017/18. Members generally welcomed these high-level plans for being brief, concise, focused and consistent statements of the key ambitions and objectives for every department.

Page 63 2. For 2018/19, departments were again asked to produce high-level plans in draft, which were presented to Service Committees in November and December 2017 alongside the departmental estimate reports, so that draft ambitions could be discussed at the same time as draft budgets. This represented the first step towards integrating budget-setting and priority-setting.

3. For 2019/20, to secure deeper Member engagement with Business Plans, a series of four informal ‘cluster’ meetings took place in early February to allow Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of relevant approving Committees to scrutinise how departments are using their 2019/20 Business Plans to prioritise activities towards corporate goals. These meetings were chaired by the Chair and Deputy Chairman of Resource Allocation Sub Committee.

4. To complement this, and to give all Members a chance to ask questions and put their views to their Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen in advance of these meetings, a ‘Business Plan Surgery’ was held on 10 January (immediately before Court of Common Council).

5. Taken together, these sessions replace the submission of draft high-level Business Plans to Committees. Final high-level Business Plans are still subject to Committee approval, as in previous years.

6. Work has also taken place to review the content and format of the supporting detail beneath the high-level Business Plans. This includes: information about inputs (e.g. IT, workforce, budgets, property and assets); improved links to risk registers; EEE Health Checks (economy, efficiency and effectiveness), and schedules of measures and key performance indicators for outputs and outcomes. This is a key element in the move towards business planning becoming a joined-up service planning process that links directly to Corporate Plan outcomes.

High-level Business Plan for 2019/20 7. The Open Spaces high level Business Plan for 2019/20 (Appendix 1) reflects the breadth of the Department recognising the services provided as a local authority (City Gardens and the Cemetery and Crematorium), Tower Bridge and the Monument, and through its eight Open Spaces and Keats House charitable trusts.

8. The Department’s three top line objectives remain unchanged and align closely with the Corporate Plan. The three objectives are: A. Open spaces and historic sites are thriving and accessible B. Spaces enrich people’s lives C. Business practices are responsible and sustainable Below these three objectives sit twelve outcomes.

9. The Business Plan uses bracketed numbers to show how the Open Spaces outcomes link to the twelve outcomes of the Corporate Plan 2018 – 2023.

10.Delivery of the Business Plan is driven through a range of divisional activities. The high-level business plan groups these as generic statements of activity (page two appendix 1). The detail behind these activity statements is shown in appendix

Page 64 2. This appendix is used inter and intra departmentally to show the activity that different divisions will be progressing in 2019/20.

11. The Department has reviewed its performance measures against its twelve outcomes and areas of activity. A new collection of seventeen measures have been identified which are listed in appendix 3. Some measures that were reported previously have been removed including those that were predominantly divisional rather than Departmental and those which did not link back to the Department’s outcomes. New measures include: condition of our Sites of Special Scientific Interest, influencing planning authorities development approvals and planning policy documents, income generation and apprentice performance.

Corporate & Strategic Implications 12.The Department’s activity is delivering ten of the twelve corporate plan outcomes across all three of the Corporate Plan aims as shown on the pie chart and table on page one of the Business Plan (appendix 1):

Contribute to a flourishing society 1. People are safe and feel safe. 2. People enjoy good health and wellbeing. 3. People have equal opportunities to enrich their lives and reach their full potential. 4. Communities are cohesive and have the facilities they need.

Support a thriving economy 5. Businesses are trusted and socially and environmentally responsible. 8. We have access to the skills and talent we need.

Shape outstanding environments 9. We are digitally and physically well-connected and responsive. 10. We inspire enterprise, excellence, creativity and collaboration. 11. We have clean air, land and water and a thriving and sustainable natural environment. 12. Our spaces are secure, resilient and well-maintained.

Conclusion 13.This report presents the final high-level Business Plans for 2019/20 for the Open Spaces Department. The Business Plan sets out the Departments top-line objectives and outcomes and the activity we will progress and deliver in the year ahead.

Appendices  Appendix 1: High Level Open Spaces Department Business Plan  Appendix 2: Detail sitting behind the high level activity statements  Appendix 3: 2019-20 Open Spaces Department Performance Measures

Gerry Kiefer Directorate Business Manager, Open Spaces Department T: 020 7332 3517 E: [email protected]

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Page 66 OUR VISION: We enrich people’s lives by enhancing and providing access to ecologically diverse open spaces and outstanding heritage assets across London and beyond.

The Department’s Business Plan Activity is mapped below to The Department manages open spaces across London and beyond, a the 12 Corporate Outcomes and 3 Corporate Aims Cemetery & Crematorium, Keats House, the Monument & Tower Bridge. City Gardens and the Crematorium and Cemetery operate as local authority Open Spaces Activity mapped to the 12 functions funded by City’s Fund. The other Open Spaces & Keats House are Corporate Plan Outcomes Charitable Trusts and with The Monument, are funded by the City of London Corporate through City’s Cash. Tower Bridge is funded by Bridge House Estates. 1 Aim % (Expenditure) Income Net cost 2 Our total 2019-20 budget is: 12 1 1. Contribute (£000) £000 (£000) 3 2 to a 4 28% DIRECTORS’S LOCAL RISK: flourishing 5 3 City’s Fund (5,013) 5,626 613 society 6 11 City’s Cash (15,543) 4,422 (11,121) 7 4 2. Support a Bridge House Estates (6,435) 6,217 (218) Business Plan Business

8 thriving 22% TOTAL Director’s Local Risk (26,991) 16,265 (10,726) economy

City Surveyor’s local risk (across 9 5 (4,898) - (4,898) 20 3. Shape 10 10 67 all funds) - 11 outstanding 50% 9 8 Recharges (across all funds) (7,345) 1,330 (6,015)

Page 67 Page environments 9 12 Central risk (across all funds) (1,121) 1,522 401 GRAND TOTAL ALL CHARGES (40,355) 19,117 (21,238) 201

Our three top line objectives and twelve outcomes are: What we’ll measure: • Green Flags Awards & Green A. Open spaces and historic sites are thriving and accessible. Heritage Accreditation 1. Our open spaces, heritage and cultural assets are protected, conserved and enhanced (12) • Condition of our Sites of Special 2. London has clean air and mitigates flood risk and climate change (11) Scientific Interest 3. Our spaces are accessible, inclusive and safe (1) • Our negative environmental impact 4. Our habitats are flourishing, biodiverse and resilient to change (11) • Planning influence • Active veteran tree management

B. Spaces enrich people’s lives. • Internet access 5. People enjoy good health and wellbeing (2) Department • Learning 6. Nature, heritage and place are valued and understood (3) •

Visits to our heritage attractions 7. People feel welcome and included (4) • 8. People discover, learn and develop (3) Customer satisfaction • Tennis participation C. Business practices are responsible and sustainable. • Net budget 9. Our practices are financially, socially and environmentally sustainable (5) • Income generation 10. London’s natural capital and heritage assets are enhanced through our leadership, influence, • Volunteering investment, collaboration and innovation (10) • Apprenticeships 11. Our staff and volunteers are motivated, empowered, engaged and supported (8) • Short term sickness 12. Everyone has the relevant skills to reach their full potential (8) • Health and safety investigations

OpenSpaces KEY: The numbers in brackets show how the Open Spaces Outcomes link to the twelve Corporate Plan Outcomes 2018-2023. We will work across the Department, with colleagues in City Surveyors, Chamberlains, Town Clerks, Comptrollers, Remembrancer’s, Built Environment, Community and Children’s Services and with Members, partners, stakeholders and our local communities to deliver our activities which will help us achieve our Departmental objectives and outcomes. Departmental activity A. Open Spaces and Historic Sites Are Thriving and Accessible a) Protect our heritage: developing partnership funding bids where possible (A1) (10d) b) Progress reviews, drafting, approval and implementation of management / conservation / heritage plans (A1) (11b) c) Reduce the negative environmental impacts of our activities (A2 & C9) (11a) d) Engage with the local planning process to mitigate and protect against the impact of development on our open spaces (A4) (12b) e) Review security and access control provision (A3) (1c) f) Protect and enhance our sites’ biodiversity and determine the ‘value of our green infrastructure’. (A4) (11b) B. Spaces Enrich People’s Lives g) Provide a sustainable range of sports and recreational opportunities (B5) (2d) h) Improve the visitor and cultural offer, including the development of facilities, new technologies, customer service and a programme of events 20 Business Plan Business 20

celebrating our anniversaries, historic sites and nature. (B6 & B7) (4a) - i) Determine our 'learning offer' (B8) (3b) C. Business practices are responsible and sustainable.

Page 68 Page j) Maximise the value and opportunities of our built and natural assets (C9) (10c) 2019

k) Deliver opportunities arising from improved management capability from the City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Act 2018 (A1) (1c)

l) Develop innovative approaches to income diversification (C9) (5c) m) Make more effective use of IT and technology and adopt ‘smarter’ ways of working (C9) (9b) n) Support the development of asset management plans and master plans for each site and influence the City Surveyors implementation of their operational property review (C9, C10) (12a) o) Maintain our regional and national influence with regard to environmental, open space, burial, heritage and tourism matters (C10) (11d) p) Implement the recommendations arising out of the workforce plan, staff and customer surveys (C11) (8a) q) Develop our apprenticeship programme and volunteering opportunities across the Department (C12) (8d) r) Commence the process for prioritisation of services to mitigate efficiencies and establish long term sustainable service provision (C9) (5c) Department

Key: The letter/number in brackets (e.g. A2) shows which Open Spaces outcome our activities are helping to achieve. The number/letter in brackets (e.g. 2a) shows which Corporate Plan activity our activities are helping to achieve.

See appendix 1 for the detail behind these synopsised Departmental activities

Corporate programmes and projects: How we plan to develop our The Open Spaces Cultural Values In addition to those programmes and projects listed above and in capabilities this year: which staff should uphold in the course of their appendix 1, we will support the delivery of Corporate Strategies in Actions k), m), p) and q) particularly work are: particular: Responsible Business Strategy, Apprenticeships, show how we will develop our Volunteering, Education Social Mobility and the emerging capabilities including those of our staff

OpenSpaces Collaborative and Inclusive, strategies including: Customer Service, Climate Action, Transport, and volunteers. This is also reflected Passionate and Driven, Visitor Destination, Local Plan. within Appendix 1. We will contribute to development of the Culture Mile. Respectful and Open Honest and Responsible Appendix 2 - Detail sitting behind the high level activity statements 2018 - 2023 CORPORATE PLAN CORPORATE PLAN'S AIMS: Contribute to a flourishing society. Support a thriving economy. Shape outstanding environments.

The Open Spaces Department's Vision, Objectives, Outcomes & Activity.

DEPARTMENT VISION: We enrich people's lives by enhancing and providing access to ecologically diverse open spaces and outstanding heritage assets across London and beyond.

Department A. Open spaces and historic sites are thriving and accessible. B. Spaces enrich people’s lives. C. Business practices are responsible and sustainable. Objectives

Department Summary of OSD Activity Detail behind the Summary Summary of OSD Activity Detail behind the Summary Summary of OSD Activity Detail behind the Summary Activity (link to OSD outcomes & Corporate Plan activity) (link to OSD outcomes & Corporate Plan activity) (link to OSD outcomes & Corporate Plan activity)

Key: Standardise the sports grounds maintenance Implement agreed approach and options for commercial Bunhill Fields - review funding opportunities specifications wayleaves Protect our heritage ; developing partnership funding bids Wanstead Park Provide a sustainable range of sports and recreational Maximise the value and opportunities of our built and natural The letter/number Develop and implement sports licencing/leasing Progress Finsbury Circus reinstatement where possible Address our statutory requirement under the Reservoirs opportunities assets in brackets (e.g. a) g) arrangements j) Develop the masterplan for the future of West Ham Park Act on Wanstead Park lakes Increase awareness of clubs using OSD sports facilities Nursery site A2) shows which (A1) (10d) Highgate Wood Roman Kiln Project (B5) (2d) (C9) (10c) Develop sustainable football improvements at Wanstead Progress Churchyard Enhancement programme Open Spaces Flats outcome our activities and Page 69 Page projects are helping to achieve.

The number/letter Cemetery & Crematorium Heritage Conservation Plan - Programme of OSD organised activities and events on in brackets (e.g. implementation our sites 2a) shows which West Ham Park Conservation Plan - progress its Playgrounds at: WHP, HH, QP Corporate Plan drafting Promote and improve accessibility of our sites and Epping Forest Management Plan - progress its drafting facilities, subject to funding. Introduce longer concessions/leases activity our Hampstead Heath Management Strategy - Improve signage, interpretation and visitor content Manage fly tipping Improve the visitor and cultural offer, including the activities and implementation Develop Tower Bridge's and Epping Forests cultural Deliver opportunities arising from improved management Develop and implement licencing arrangements Progress reviews, drafting, approval and implementation of development of facilities, customer service and Highgate Wood Conservation Management Plan- profile via Artist in Residence programmes and other capability from the City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Review opportunity for use of FPN’s for Bylaw offences projects are helping management / conservation / heritage plans programmes of events celebrating our anniversaries, b) progress review h) cultural events. k) Act 2018 Implement the Departmental and Divisional approved historic sites and nature to achieve. Queens Park Conservation Management Plan- progress Enhance West Ham Park entrances events policies (A1) (11b) review Hunting Lodge and the View (A1) (1c) Progress letting of lodges (B6, B7) (4a) Keats House Forward Plan - implementation Progress access improvements at Keats House Progress off road parking strategy Keats House Improvement Plan - progress its drafting Deliver Keats200 anniversary programme More than one Stoke Common Management Plan - implementation Improve toilets at QP division = Purple Burnham Beeches Management Plan - progress its Progress a standalone Visitor Centre for The Monument Cem & Crem = drafting Celebrate Tower Bridge’s 125th anniversary Black Farthing Downs Heritage Plan - progress its drafting City Gardens & WHP = Dark Red Epping = Brown Increase our 'green fleet': Euro 6 or Electric Reduce the use of pesticides NLOS = Dark Blue Optimise income that we bring in from outside our local Reduce utility consumption - petrol, diesel, electricity, risk budget e.g. sponsorship, will donations, grants, CIL The Commons = gas, water Increase the amount of income generated from existing Green Audit and improve effectiveness of Building Energy Determine the Departmental Learning team provision activity such as events, retail, filming etc Management System, install / retrofit LED lighting, with a Develop the learning offer at Tower Bridge, Monument TB&M = Light Blue Review existing income generating arrangements and focus on areas of largest consumption and Keats House Reduce the negative environmental impacts of our activities Determine our 'learning offer' Develop innovative approaches to income diversification opportunities e.g. Burnham Beeches cafe, car parking at Progress waste procurement review Kenley - maintain schools outreach and visits c) i) l) The Commons Review approach to dog waste Launch and evaluate the fully accessible education (A2) (11a) (B8) (3b) (C9) (5c) Investigate and progress new income generating Extend EPCs and recommended actions to residential facility at Tower Bridge opportunities e.g. new catering provision properties Regular benchmarking of fees and charges with Replace ageing cremators with new at the Cemetery and neighbouring/competing facilities/providers Crematorium Review approach to fees and charges Implement City Gardens fleet changes arising from ULEZ Progress HH waste and recycling strategy Department Summary of OSD Activity Detail behind the Summary Summary of OSD Activity Detail behind the Summary Summary of OSD Activity Detail behind the Summary Activity (link to OSD outcomes & Corporate Plan activity) (link to OSD outcomes & Corporate Plan activity) (link to OSD outcomes & Corporate Plan activity)

Increase use of: Key: * Skype, SharePoint, iBase Key: * online payments and bookings Standardise the sports grounds maintenance Implement agreed approach and options for commercial Bunhill Fields - review funding opportunities * on-line forms and apps to aid administrative functions, specifications wayleaves Protect our heritage ; developing partnership funding bids Wanstead Park Provide a sustainable range of sports and recreational Maximise the value and opportunities of our built and natural such as H&S inspections, fleet and playground checks The letter/number Develop and implement sports licencing/leasing Progress Finsbury Circus reinstatement where possible Address our statutory requirement under the Reservoirs opportunities assets etc in brackets (e.g. Mitigation strategies developed with host/neighbouring arrangements Develop the masterplan for the future of West Ham Park in brackets (e.g. Act on Wanstead Park lakes Develop opportunities for a cash-free environment Engage with the local planning process to mitigate and local authorities Increase awareness of clubs using OSD sports facilities Nursery site A2) shows which which (A1) (10d) Highgate Wood Roman Kiln Project (B5) (2d) Make more effective use(C9) of IT(10c) and technology and adopt Introduce COL's CRM protect against the impact of development on our open Comment on planning applications that affect our land Develop sustainable football improvements at Wanstead Progress Churchyard Enhancement programme ‘smarter’ ways of working Investigate the potential for augmented reality app's Open Spaces d) spaces &/or the openness and character of the open space Flats m) Roll out Wi-Fi across sites to allow more agile working outcome our Resist and abate encroachment outcome our (C9) (9b) Investigate use of CoL's 24 hour out-of-hours service (A4) (12b) Contribute to Local Authorities Local Plans and activities and and Contribute to the procurement review of cash collection Supplementary Planning Documents projects are are helping service, Tree safety works and OPM to achieve. Develop a name search facility for the online burial helping to achieve. register system Use technology to improve efficiency and provide The number/letter intelligent management information that can improve the way we work. in brackets (e.g. 2a) shows which which Corporate Plan activity our activities and and projects are helping Develop and implement Epping Forest & Hampstead projects are Heath Asset Management Plans to achieve. Work with CS to develop Asset Management Plans for helping to achieve. Review site security and public safety at identified Support the development and implementation of Asset divisions other than Epping Forest and Hampstead Review security and access control provision entrances Management Plans and Master Plans and influence the City Heath e) Review access control methods at the Lido n) Surveyors implementation of the Operational Property Review Work with CS to inform, influence and progress sites (A3) (1c) Explore the potential for a secure exit facility at the More than one identified within the OPR More than one Bridge’s South Tower (C9, C10) (12a) division = Purple Work with CS to develop a Masterplan for Heathfield House & Parliament Hill Cem & Crem = Black City Gardens & WHP = Dark Red Epping = Brown OPM and our work with the Forestry Commission NLOS = Dark Blue Action Oak initiative The Commons = Maintain our regional and national influence in relation to National Park City The Commons = Progress the implementation of the grazing expansion environmental, open space, burial, heritage and tourism matters Green Arc for London o) Green plans at the Commons and Epping Use of S35 status to influence/deliver NE's NNR TB&M 70 Page = Light Blue Implement the actions within the biodiversity arm of the (C10) (11d) Strategy Responsible Business Strategy Develop our grave reuse and reclamation programme as Commence work to adopt a single approach to 'value a model system for creating the sustainable UK our green infrastructure' Protect and enhance our sites’ biodiversity and determine Monitor and report returning / new habitats within our the value of our green infrastructure open spaces f) Deliver 2018 OSD Staff Survey recommendations Deliver habitat improvements to south meadow and Deliver Culture Board initiatives increasing cross division (A4) (11b) complete extension of wildlife garden at West Ham Park working Submit a bid to the Secretary of State which enhances Implement the recommendations arising out of the workforce Communicate feedback and implement Burnham Beeches natural habitats, biodiversity and plan, staff and customer surveys p) recommendations arising from Snapshot survey results visitor experience. Deliver 2018 Corporate Staff Survey recommendations Progress the potential for Cousldon Common and the (C11) (8a) Develop and refine the workforce plan London Borough of Croydon’s Happy Valley to be Deliver improvements arising from Cem & Crem visitor declared a National Nature Reserve satisfaction survey

Review the 'Enjoying Green Spaces & the Natural Environment' grant aid scheme to maximise it's benefit and value. Finalise the Volunteer tool-kit Develop our apprenticeship programme and volunteering Maintain a rolling programme of apprenticeships across opportunities across the Department the Department where funded Corporately q) Provide opportunities for apprenticeship progression (C12) (8d) from Level 2 to Level 3 Consider requests for internal levy funded training where operationally sustainable Work with partners to identify new opportunities for skills development

Review what we are providing Commence the process for prioritisation of service delivery to Clarify our long term (5+ years) Departmental service mitigate efficiencies and establish sustainable long term service delivery priorities r) provision Consider alternate methods of service delivery Determine our long term approach to deliver sustainable, (C9) (5c) efficient, value for money services. Appendix 3 - 2019 / 2020 OPEN SPACES DEPARTMENT PERFORMANCE MEASURES Contributing No: Performance Measure Frequency 2018/19 Target 2018/19 Actual (annual) 2019/20 Target Comment re 19/20 target Divisions Department Objective A. Open spaces and historic sites are thriving and accessible.

Retaining Green Heritage Site P&G, EF, NLOS, 1 Annual 13 Green Heritage Awards 13 Green Heritage Awards 13 Green Heritage Awards Accreditation C&C, TC 15 green flag sites overall band score 15 green flag sites overall band P&G, EF, NLOS, 2 Retaining Green Flag Awards Annual 53% = 80+ 15 green flag sites score targets TBC C&C, TC 27% = 75 – 79 20% = 70 - 74 Favourable = 12 (28%) Unfavourable recovering = 22 All SSSI's that are re-assessed by Improving the condition of our Sites of (52%) Natural England are rated as SSSI conditions are measured by Natural England at their 3 Annual New Measure for 2019/20 Unfavourable - no change = 7 being in 'favourable' or timetable. Measures remain as stated until a new EF, TC Special Scientific Interest (17%) 'unfavourable recovering' assessment is undertaken. Unfavourable - declining = 1 (2%) condition. (last assessed 2010) Reduction in utility consumption (petrol, red & white General reduction across all diesel, electricity, gas and water) 4 Reducing our environmental footprint Annual New Measure for 2019/20 New Measure for 2019/20 areas / increase in generated Increase the amount of electricity being generated All electricity Previously individual measures for usage of diesel, petrol, gas, electricity

Data gathering:

Page 71 Page Number of planning applications we were made aware of Number of planning applications we responded to Influencing planning authorities Create Baseline Number of planning permissions given where our 5 development approvals and planning Annual New Measure for 2019/20 New Measure for 2019/20 We will try and measure our EF, NLOS, TC, P&G response: did not / partly / significantly influence in 2019/20. policy documents influenced/informed the planning permission/conditions. Level to which our contribution to Local Plans is taken on Board

Still finalising the measure and 6 Active management of our veteran trees Annual New Measure for 2019/20 New Measure for 2019/20 EF, TC method of data capture

Department Objective B. Spaces enrich people’s lives.

Increase the number of visits to Open Annual with 6 month 7 843,784 TBC once year end data available All Spaces Department's webpages update

Waiting on outcome of request for additional funding to secure 8 Learning programme measures Annual New Measure for 2019/20 New Measure for 2019/20 Dir, EF, NLOS future of the Learning Programme

1,030,000 Tower Bridge and Increase the number of visits to our Annual with 6 month Monument + Keats House 9 1,034,246 New Measure for 2019/20 Total figure across the attractions TBM, NLOS heritage visitor attractions update (25,000 or +3% on 2018/19 actual outturn) Improvement in our customer Improve customer satisfaction at our satisfaction scores across a 10 Annual New Measure for 2019/20 New Measure for 2019/20 Total performance across the attractions TBM, NLOS heritage visitor attractions number of schemes at Tower Bridge and Keats house

New Measure for 2019/20 as will Annual with 6 month TBC once all year end usage data 11 Increase tennis court usage include Queens Park tennis P&G, NLOS update collated courts as well. Contributing No: Performance Measure Frequency 2018/19 Target 2018/19 Actual (annual) 2019/20 Target Comment re 19/20 target Divisions Department Objective C. Business practices are responsible and sustainable.

OSCG Committee Annual with 6 month New Measure for 2019/20 P&G, EF. NLOS, (12,221,000) Achieve Budget Net expenditure (OS Director local risk) update (Budget is (11,934,000)) TC, Dir for this overarching open spaces Committee Achieve budgeted net expenditure by PHES Committee Annual with period New Measure for 2019/20 12 overarching Committee 1,683,000 Achieve Budget Net expenditure (OS Director local risk) C&C updates (Budget is 1,700,000) (OS Director local risk only) for this Committee CHL Committee Annual with 6 month New Measure for 2019/20 £1,555,000 Achieve Budget Net expenditure (OS Director local risk) TBM, NLOS update (Budget is 1,592,000) for this Committee

OSCG Committee Annual with 6 month New Measure for 2019/20 P&G, EF. NLOS, 4,184,000 Achieve Budget Gross Income target (OS Director local update (Budget is 4,237,000) TC, Dir Achieve Budgeted income target by risk) for this overarching open spaces Committee ovrearching Committee PHES Committee 13 Annual with period New Measure for 2019/20 (OS Director local risk) 5,089,000 Achieve Budget Net expenditure (OS Director local risk) C&C updates (Budget is 4,821,000) for this Committee CHL Committee Annual with 6 month New Measure for 2019/20 6,992,000 Achieve Budget Net expenditure (OS Director local risk) TBM, NLOS update (Budget is 6,842,000) for this Committee TBC -identifying impact/outcome based measures but assessing P&G, EF, NLOS, 14 Volunteer measure Annual New Measure for 2019/20 To be impact based measures aswell as input based level of resource required to TC, Dir, collect data.

% of apprentices that pass their training/qualification

Page 72 Page with OS (establish level of data available in 2018/19 or gather baseline in 2019/20). TBC - aiming to establish baseline 15 Increase apprentice performance Annual New Measure for 2019/20 New Measure for 2019/20 % of apprentices that leave OSD and gain full time All in April 2019 employment or access further/higher training, within 3 months (establish level of data available in 2018/19 or gather baseline in 2019/20).

Reduce the number of FTE days lost due Annual with 6 month 3.2 days FTE Working Days Lost Target to be set once 2018/19 16 All to Short term sickness update per FTE actual confirmed

The % of health and safety accident Annual with 6 month 17 85% 85% Corporate target All investigations completed within 28 days update

Key to contributing divisions P&G = Parks and Gardens (City gardens and West Ham Park) EF = Epping Forest North London Open Spaces (Hampstead Heath. , Highgate NLOS = Wood, Queens Park, Keats House) TC = The Commons (Burnham Beeches and City Commons) C&C = Cemetery and Crematorium TBM = Tower Bridge and Monument Dir = Directorate Agenda Item 11 By virtue of paragraph(s) 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

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