-/+C~ tI4/ ¿( MEMOMEMO TO:TO: SecretarySecretary RumsfeldRumsfeld DATE:DATE: OctoberOctober 3,3,20033, 2003 - He Id4D/ Lf W:~ Cf) FROM:FROM: PaulPaulWolfow()WOlfOwi~LJ ~ SUBJECT:SUBJECT: Jack Jack Keane'sKeane's SpeechSpeech o -o Don,

Attached is the text of Jack Keane's speechspeech atat thethe retirement ceremony.

iI thoughtthought youyou mightmight wantwant toto shareshare itit withwith thethe President,President, oror atat leastleast thethe lastlast two pages.pages. It'sIt's powerfulpowerful stuffstuff andand might even be worthworth quotingquoting inin aa presidentialpresidential speech.

U22i'i'BU22fl' 103/03 t

Retirement Review Review InIn Honor Honor of of General John John M.M. Keane,Keane,

ViVicece ChiefChief ofof Staff, Army

October 2, 20032003

GoodGood afternoon afternoon everyone. everyone. Let Let meme startstart byby justjust thankingthanking everyoneeveryone for for beingbeing here.here. Terry and II

areare overwhelmedoverwhelmed byby soso manymany ofof youyou whowho tooktook the time to bebe herehere forfor usus todaytoday asas wewe standstand ourour

lastlast formation.formation.formation. OurDurOur teammates,teammates, friends, and family are here andand II can feelfeel thethe warmth,warmth, thethe

camaraderie, and the love.love.

SecretarySecretary Rumsfeld,Rumsfeld, thank thank you you so so much much for for honoring honoring us us today. today. Sir,Sir, II am humbled by thethe

awardaward and,and, moremore importantly,importantly, byby your kindkind andand generousgenerous words. WeWe havehave always always respectedrespected

each otherother and we have always been straight with eacheach otherother - and that isis whatwhat aa relationshiprelationship

isis all about.

Sir, thankthank you for the insightfulinsightful leadership leadership youyou areare providing the nationnation andand thethe toughtough love love

youyou have broughtbrought toto thethe Pentagon.Pentagon. And thank you forfor your support ofof our Army. TheThe simplesimple

truthtruth isisis thatthat youyou havehave alwaysalways respectedrespected and supported thethe Army and we appreciate youryour

continuedcontinued support andand leadership.leadership.

GENGEN Schoomaker, Schoomaker, Chief, Chief, my my dear dear friend, friend, thanks thanks for for hostinghosting thisthis ceremonyceremony andand forfor your

manymany kindnesses sincesince youryour return. I amam soso proud that youyou areare ourour ChiefChief andand II respectrespect youyou soso

muchmuch forforfor yourdecisionyour decision toto put your personalpersonallife life on hold to come back to the ArmyArmy youyou lovelove so

much.much. YourYour judgment andand youryour leadershipleadership have alreadyalready beenbeen feltfeit felt throughoutthroughout ourour Army.Army. WeWe

are behind youyou 100% and we thank Cindy forfor letting usus have you again.

TheThe HonorableHonorable LesLes BrownleeBrownlee - our ActingActing SecretarySecretary - thank youyou forfor youryour wisewise counselcounsel andand

friendship.friendship. WeWe havehave beenbeen likeIikelike twotwo peaspeas inin aa podpod andand II believebelieve thatthat hashas trulytruly helped helped our our Army.Army. VCSA Remarks 2 OCT 03 (Pg(Pg 22 ofof 8)8)

Secretary WhiteWhite andand GENGEN Shinseki Shinseki could could not not be be here here today, today, but but I I thankthank themthem forfor their leadershipleadership and support.

Deputy SecretarySecretary Paul Paul Wolfowitz, Wolfowitz, thank thank you you forfor youryour friendship,friendship, youryour help, and your enduring support of our Army.Army.

Secretary RocheRoche and and former former SecretariesSecretaries Hoffman Hoffman andand West,West, thankthank youyou allall forfor being here.here.

Our toptop militarymilitary leaders,leaders,leaders, DickDick MyersMyers - our Chairman, PetePete PacePace - the ViceVice Chairman, who will joinjoin usus later,later, andand thethe ServiceService ChiefsChiefs and Vice Chiefs. ThisThis isis aa greatgreat teamteam andand I Ihave have been been privilegedprivileged tototo workwork withwith them through the years.years.

Members ofof thethe Army andand SecretarySecretary of DefenseDefense staffs - uniformed and civilian -- whatwhat anan honorhonor toto serveserve byby youryour sideside herehere thesethese lastlast 4 4 years.years.

MyMy fellowfellowfellow generalgeneral officers,officers, activeactive andand retired,retired, toto include 3 formerformer Army Chiefs ofof Staff -­

Generals Vuono,Vuono, Sullivan,Sullivan, Meyer,Meyer, and 5 former ViceVice Chiefs.

Members ofof thethe Senior Executive Service, ourour Sergeant MajorMajor of the Army,Army, Jack Jack Tilley and other Sergeants Major - active and retired.retired.

My deardear friend,friend, Walter KayeKaye who has given so much ofof himself to the Army.Army. MyMy ROTC ROTC summersummer campcamp bunkmate - Brian Keane. While no relation, wewe havehave beenbeen friendsfriends sincesince 1964.1964.

My FordhamFordham UniversityUniversity school buddies and teammates from thethe Pershing Pershing Rif/es... Riffes..Rifles. .. MyMy schoolschool

President, FatherFather O'Hare,O’Hare,O'Hare, andand hishis successor,successor, FatherFather McShane.McShane. MyMy newnew friendsfriends in the privateprivate sector whowho are helping me transitiontransition to aa newnew and exciting life.Iife.

My personal staff,staff, ledled byby mymy secretary,secretary, BarbaraBarbara Lentini,Lentini, whowho hashas provided provided selfless, selfless, qualityquality service tototo thethe Army for 4242 years.years.

Our greatgreat civilian workforce who are the unsung heroes inin thethe Army.Army. Our Our manymany deardear friendsfriends fromfrom Ft. Bragg andand Ft.Ft. Campbell.Campbell. Fellow Soldiers.Soldiers. Thank Thank you. you. ThankThank youyou forfor sharingsharing thisthis timetime and thisthis place with us.usous.

2 VCSA RemarksRemarks 2 OCTocr 03 (Pg 3 ofof 8)8)

Our family - the Keanes,Keanes, Doyles, Roaches,Roaches, and Comeys - who traveled fromfrom allall acrossacross

America toto be here, thank you for sharing one more special moment with us.uso

My brother,brother, who isis a Vietnam veteran, servedservedhis hishis country forfor 88 yearsyears andand spentspent hishis lastlastlast assignment with the 828282"'nd Airborne Division and has sincesince retiredretired fromfrom a career in lawlaw enforeement.enforcement.

Our Son, DanDan whowho spentspent 2525 years years of of his his Iifelife life with with usus andand the the Army.Army. Who was in 44 high schools inin 44 years. Who was tomtorn byby thethe lossloss ofof friendsfriends and and companionship companionship as as wewe bounced bounced around the Army. HeHe hashas assured assured meme thatthat whatever whatever pitfalls pitfaJlspitfalls and and challenges challengeschaJlenges he he may may experience experience inin his Iife,life, they areare completely,completely, and direetlydirectly my responsibility.responsibility.

He isis now aa computercomputer graphicsgraphics designerdesigner in¡n the the Air Air Force.Force. WeWe areare soso proudproud thatthat he tooktook an oathoath toto serve hishis countrycountry andand we we are are delighted delighted - - andand thankfulthankful -- that hehe loves it.

TerryTerry Keane. II havehave hunghung out with herher forfor overover 4040 years.years. SheShe lovesloves thisthis Army and thisthis lifeIife every bitbit as much asas me.me. TerryTerry wantedwanted to gogo forward,forward, asas somesome of youyou know,know, andand take onon the next responsibility. ThatThat is so typical of her. WeWe havehave mademade this journey together and none ofof thisthis would havehave beenbeen possiblepossible without herher lovelove andand support.support.

A special thanksthanks toto Pershing'sPersbing's OwnOwn and and TheThe Old Old Guard..Guard. Guard.. .. Today would not bebe the samesame without you.you. YouYou exemplify exemplify excellence excellence andand allall thatthat isis goodgood about about ourour ArmyArmy andand youyou havehave never, ever let meme down.down.

II standstand beforebefore you today full of emotion,emotion, fullfullfuH ofof gratitude,gratitude, andand feelingfeeling soso veryvery blessedblessed toto have Iivedlived among heroes forfor 37 years andand toto have had so much love and passion forfor thisthis ArmyArmy andand itsits Iifelife style.style. II have have loved loved itit dayday inin andand dayday out.

II amam reluctantreluetantreluctant toto telltell youyou this,this, butbut IIZ have have nevernever missedmissed a dayday ofof work.work. II took leave,leave, butbut I never called in sick.siek.sick. I alwaysalways wanted toto show up,up, toto be withwith thethe team.team. ItIt became becamebeeame mymy lifelife ancandanc' helped define meme asas aaperson.a person.person.

3 . VCSA Remarks 2 OCT 03 (Pg(Pg 44 of01 8)8) The familyfamily thatthat I was born into livedIived a modestmodest life,Iife, worked hard, wentwent off to warwar whenwhen thethe

nation needed them,them, andand centeredcentered theirtheirtheir lifeIife aroundaround family.family.

I livedlivedIived aa multi-ethnic andand multi-culturalmulti-cultural experienceexperience inin NewNew YorkYork City,City, whichwhich addedadded richnessrichness

to mymy lifelifeIife thatthat II wouldwould treasuretreasure inin thethe yearsyears toto come.come.

My dad - a natural leader - never saw me become aa Soldier,Soldier, butbut asas aa formerformer WW I111II Marine, Marine,

he thoughtthought it was respectablerespectable that that IIwantedI wantedwanted toto be aa paratrooper.paratrooper. MyMy mom - a wonderful,wonderful, kindkind

person - was with usus through thethe ArmyArmy WarWar College.College. And my Aunt Jo has been a surrogate

mother for the pastpast 2020 yearsyears and hashas beenbeen everyevery placeplace we have been.

During high school,school, mymy friendsfriends helpedhelped meme toto decide toto gogo onon toto college, and whichwhich one to

go to. AtAt Fordham ,University, the JesuitsJesuits do not just teachteach you the subject,subject, they forceforce youyou to

think..,think ... andand theythey teachteach youyou how to thinkthink whilewhile theythey provideprovide youyou withwith aa philosophicalphilosophical and and ethicalethical

foundation for life.life. It was was an intellectual toothachetoothache to to be be sure, sure, but but the the Jebbies- Jebbies asas we

affectionately call them - are wonderful menmen whowho werewere devoteddevoted to us,us, andand theythey hadhad aa profoundprofound

impact on my life.Iife.

It was was The PershingPershing Rifles andand ArmyArmy ROTC at at Fordham Fordham that that got got meme interestedinterested inin thethe Army

as a possible careercareer and and I I havehave maintainedmaintained anan association with with manymany ofof themthemallthem all these years.

Terry and I were married when I joined thethe ArmyArmy andand I steppedstepped off intointo adultadult hood hood like Iikelike soso

many young menmen - full of hopehope and full ofof anxiety.anxiety. I did not knowknow whether I couldcould leadlead other

men. While While II hadhad somesome success atat Fordham,Fordham, the the realreal Army Army looked looked imposing imposing to to me. me. InIn an

institutioninstitution where leadership isis atat aa premium, it isis so pronounced, andand thethe lacklack ofof itit isis all so

obvious. SoSo II waswas scaredscared asas wellweil asas excited.excited.

We werewere atat warwar andand IwantedII wantedwanted toto go justjust like my familyfamily had.had. AndAnd IIwanted wantedwanted toto be be withwith thethe

best. So,So, II volunteeredvolunteered for the 82nd8282"dnd Airborne Division forfor mymy firstfirst assignment andand thenthen went off

to war with the 10V.101101'. st. AndAnd I Ibeganbegan a a lifelong lifelong journey journey thatthat wouldwould changechange me forever.

4 VCSA Remarks 2 OCT 03 (Pg(Pg 55 ofof 8)8)

I quickly discovered thatthat Soldiers dodo notnot care wherewhere theirtheir leaders come from,from, what theirtheir father does, where theythey went to school,school, or what kindkind of degreedegree theythey have.have. The only thing

Soldiers care care about about is; is; who who isis this this leader?leader? AreAre you competent...competent...competent... andand do you care?care?

I hadhad never met people like this before. DedicatedDedicated professionals,professionals, full of spirit,spirit, highlyhighly motivated with a burning desire to serve thethe country. They drew me in and I nevernever wanted to leave them.them. AndAnd thatthat isis whywhy II stayed stayed a a paratrooperparatrooper andand aa SoldierSoldier throughoutthroughout mymy adultadult life.life.

For me, it hashas always beenbeen about thethe SoldiersSoldiers - being with them; beingbeing partpart ofof aa team;team; shared experiences; incredible camaraderie;camaraderie; respectrespect forfor each other; knowingknowing we we wouldwould bebe therethere for eacheach other no matter what;what; walkingwalking intointo aa roomroom fullfull ofof Soldiers Soldiers whowho areare strangersstrangers to you,you, but being completely comfortable because youyou knowknow whwhatwhatat theythey stand for; BeingBeing so proud to be one of the team.

OurDur Non Commissioned DfficersOfficersOfficers areare the the truetrue strengthstrength of our ArmyArmy andand theythey mademade meme competent. AndAnd thethe manymany officersofficers II have have knownknown - my peers, those I havehave followed,followed, andand somesome who have worked for meme showed me how to lead, how to setset thethe example,example, howhow toto be be demanding and establish high standards,standards, andand yet,yet, bebe caringcaring and and compassionate. compassionate.

We ask much of our SoldiersSoldiers and they make many sacrifices eacheach andand everyevery day.day. OurDurOur

Soldiers dodo notnot wantwant toto die. ButBut they they areare willingwilling toto and and II have have been been in in awe awe ofof that that remarkable remarkable fact for every one of my 37 years inin thethe military.military. TheyThey are willing to givegive upup everything theythey care about in life. Everything: TheThe opportunityopportunity to livelive aa full life;Iife;life; thethe opportunityopportunity to to be be a a parentparent and raise aa famjly;family;family; the opportunity to havehave friends; the opportunity to lovelove andand to bebe loved.loved.

They are willingwilling to give up all of this, for what? TheyThey do it forfor oneone anotheranother andand they do it for the simple sakesake ofof thethe duty.duty. ThisThis isis true honor. YouYou cannotcannot buybuy thisthis typetype ofof devotiondevotion and we can never,never, everever taketake itit forfor granted. AndAnd wewe nevernever will.

5 , VCSA Remarks 2 OCT 03 (Pg 6 of 8) 8)

This morning my family and II laid a wreath atat thethe TombTomb ofof thethe UnknownUnknown SoldierSoldier - a place I

believe isis thethe mostmost sacredsacred piece piece of of ground ground in in America. America. II paid my respect forfor thethe last time in

uniform to allall thosethose wonderful, preciousprecious SoldiersSoldiers andand civilianscivilians who we buriedburied everyevery singlesingle yearyear

that II havehave hadhad thethe honorhonor toto serve.serve. ForFor me, me, itit was was always always about about them them and and their their sacrifice sacrifice willwill bebe

with meme forever.

We have a magnificent Army.Army. RebuiltRebuilt after after thethe Vietnam ,War, thisthis Army Army helpedhelped to to end end

the Cold War and,and, duringduring thethe last 14 years, has deployed aroundaround thethe worldworld toto stop thugs from

imposingimposing theirtheir will on their people or on others.

America andand itsits armedarmed forcesforces standstand forfor whwhatwhatat is right andand good, and we are willing to taketake

enormous risks to achieve it. Preventing people fromfrom being killed, freeing them fromfrom repressionrepression

and horror, and permitting them to havehave aanormal normalnormal quality ofof lifeIifelife experienceexperience is somethingsomething II have

been so proud to be aapart part of.of.

I amam equallyequally proudproud to saysay thethe ArmyArmy hashas nevernever beenbeen more engaged withwith our teammates

from the otherother ServicesServices andand ourour leadership inin thethe JointJoint Staff andand thethe OfficeOffice ofof thethe Secretary ofof

Defense thanthan itit isis today.today. NobodyNobody understands better than the Army that we do not fight alone.alone.

We cannot even getget toto thethe fight - much less winwin itit - unless wewe areare partpart of the Joint team.

When one ofof ourour supportsupport units units got got in in trouble trouble during during OPERATION OPERATION IRAQI lRAQIIRAQI FREEDOM, FREEDOM, itit waswas aa

platoon of Marines thatthat raced toto their aid. TheThe Army Army commandercommander onon thethe groundground said said hehe hadhad

barely finished speaking toto thethe Marines beforebefore theythey tooktook offoff on their hasty attack.

When our armor unitsunits werewere fightingfighting throughthrough the the fanatical fanatical resistance resistance of of Sadaam Sadaam FedayeenFedayeen

around Baghdad, it waswas Navy,Navy, Marine,Marine, and Air ForceForce aircraft, whowho poundedpounded enemy enemy positions,positions,

exposing themselves toto intense ground fire, flying soso lowlow andand soso close,dose,close, their controllerscontrollers talkedtalked

to themthem aboutabout citycity blocksblocks andand intersectionsintersections rather than gridgrid squares.squares. OurOur groundground commanders commanders

that II met met in in Baghdad Baghdad raved raved about about thethe valorvalor ofof American American airmen.airmen.

6 VCSA Remarks 2 OCT 03 (Pg 77 ofof 8)8) I

Today, we are a nation at war - a nationnation forever changed byby thethe attackattack ofof 9/11.9/11. ForFor the

first timetime inin mymy careercareer - and the first time since WWIIWWII -we we have have deployed deployed our our forces forces directlydirectly

on behalf of the American peoplepeople andand ourour Soldiers,Soldiers, Sailors,Sailors, Airmen, Airmen, and and Marines Marines get get it. it. They

understand thethe warwar onon terrorismterrorism is allall aboutabout protecting thethe American people.people. AsAs such, II have

never seen suchsuch intensityintensity and dogged determination to to succeed. succeed.

GurOur troopstroops have performedperformed magnificentlymagnificently in two stunning victories in twotwo yearsyears - two vastly

different operations thatthat demonstrate ourour armed forcesforces remarkableremarkable capability. capability. But we have

more to do.

I want to telltell youyou something about this war against terrorterror we areare fightingfighting in Iraq and

around the world. TheThe foreign foreign terrorists, terrorists, the the Baath Baath Party Party sympathizers, sympathizers, thethe Islamic Islamic extremists extremists

who wantonly kill Americans andand innocentinnocent peoplepeople fromfrom manymany nations,nations, havehave nono ideaidea whatwhat theythey

are upup against.against.

Their strategiestrategic objectiveobjective isis thethe politicalpolitical andand moralmoral willwill ofof thethe AmericanAmerican people.people. They want to

destroy our confidence. TheyThey thinkthink theythey knowknow us us becausebecause they havehave heardheard ofof LebanonLebanon in '83,‘83,

or Somalia inin '94,’94,'94, oror the USS Cole Cole in in 2000. 2000. TheyThey thinkthink we are morally weak and we will lose

our resolve. ButBut theirtheir knowledgeknowledge isis superficialsuperficial andand their understandingunderstanding isis shallow.shallow.

To understandunderstand America and Americans, theythey needneed toto understand the Marne in 1918,1918, or

Tarawa in '43,’43, OmahaGmaha Beach inin '44‘44'44 oror the Chosin ReservoirReservoir inin 1950.1950. They needneed to understandunderstand

that aa nationnation that that produces produces Alvin Alvin York York andand Audie Audie Murphy;Murphy; JohnJohn Pershing Pershing and and GeorgeGeorge Marshall;MarshalI;Marshall;

Chesty Puller and George Patton; Randy Shugart and Gary Gordon; produces heroesheroes in everyevery

generation. TheyThey areare outout therethere now...now... performingperforming everyevery day.

OurGur enemies areare cunning,cunning, butbut they are ignorant and their ignoranceignorance willwill bebe theirtheir undoing.undoing.

They do not knowknow ourour will,will, ourour courage,courage, oror ourour character.character.

7 VCSA Remarks 2 ocrOCT 03 (Pg 8 of 8)

When we say wewe areare goinggoing toto winwin thisthis Global WarWar on on Terrorism Terrorism we we mean mean exactly exactly that. that. We don'tdon’t meanmean a moral victory, or victory in somesame abstract sense. The reality of moremore thanthan 3,0003,000 dead in , Pennsylvania, and in the PentagonPentagon does not allowallow forfor suchsuch nuances.nuances.

When wewe say wewe areare goinggoing toto win this Global WarWar onon Terrorism,Terrorism, wewe meanmean wewe areare goinggoing toto destroy thosethose whowho wouldwould destroydestroy usus -- wherever they are in this world. WeWe meanmean we we areare goinggoing to go wherever we havehave to andand staystay asas longlanglong asas wewe needneed to.to.

This fight willwill testtest ourour perseverance,perseverance, our stamina,stamina, andand ourour resolve,resolve, butbut IIassureI assureassure you,you, wewe willwill not be found wanting. WeWe intendintend toto protectprotect AmericaAmerica and our way of Iife.life. TheThe peoplepeople ofof thisthis nation are counting on us - we will not letlet them down.down.

Saying good-byegood-bye toto anan organizationorganization that that hashas defined defined your your adult adult Iifelife life isis not not easy.easy. It is is particularly difficultdifficult when that organization is fightingfighting a war and there is much workwork left to do.da.

But I havehave great hope for the future. I amam comfortedcomforted knowingknowing that thethe valuesvalues and ideals thatthat I have triedtried to upholduphold areare manifestedmanifested inin ourour SoldiersSoldiers andand leaders.leaders.

The Army will change and it will bebe becomebecome even better. PetePete Schoomaker, Schoomaker, our leadersleaders in the DepartmentDepartment ofof Defense,Defense, andand thethe CongressCongress will see toto it.it.

It hashas beenbeen a profound honorhonor andand aa humblinghumbing experienceexperience to be a SoldierSolder andand toto serveserve withwith

SoldiersSolders - to fivelive a lifeifefife among heroes andand toto helphe@he/p protectprotecttheprotect thethe AmericanAmerican peoplepeople and and ourour wayway ofof life,life.ife. llovedI loved it itand and I Iwill will treasure treasure it it forever. forever.forever,

God blessbless eacheach and and every every one one of of you. you. May GodGod continuecontinue toto carecare forfor thethe menmen andand warnenwomenwomen ofof our Armed ForcesForces and may God Bless thisthis wonderful,wonderful, wonderful nation,nation, ourour belovedbeloved America. America.

Thank you.