, Cranbourne & North Ascot Neighbourhood Action Group 21 October 2010 10.00 - 11.34 am The Trax, North Ascot

Present: Councillor Mrs Mary Ballin, Forest Council Adrian Hoare, Residents' Association Jacquie Lovell, Chavey Down Residents' Association NSO Lucy McDonnell, Thames Valley Police David Parkin, Winkfield Parish Council PCSO Debbie Rimmer, Thames Valley Police PSO Lorna Rivett, Thames Valley Police

In attendance: Wendy French, Council Emma Silverton, Bracknell Forest Council

Apologies: Ian Boswell, Bracknell Forest Council Mr Stuart Tarrant, Chairman and Winkfield Parish Councillor

Action Points

Minute Item


30 Notes of Previous Meeting

The notes of the Winkfield, Cranbourne & North Ascot Neighbourhood Action Group meeting on 15 July 2010 were agreed as a correct record subject to the following adjustments;

Minute 26, the contact regarding the TVP Community Messaging System was Margret Weber not Weaver.

Minute 28, that it was expected that the TPOs would be referred to the County Court not the Crown Court.

31 Neighbourhood Priority Action Updates



Speeding in Brockhill had been raised as an issue at the NAG Chairs meeting on 23 September 2010. The Principal Engineer, Traffic and Safety at BFC had confirmed that the road would need to be looked at again in relation to speeding and that as part of ‘B’ road study recommendations, the practicality of physical

speed management measures would be investigated.

It was agreed that the NAG should be consulted as part of any investigation and that BFC would be contacted to find out when the investigation would take place, and when it was expected that the results would be available. (Action: Ian Boswell)

There was still no clarification on whether the archer strip results, which had been compromised due to a burst water main, would be reset to allow a true reflection of speed in the area. It was agreed that this would be investigated. (Action: Ian Boswell)

Maidens Green Crossroads

BFC had been in discussion with the four land owners surrounding the crossroads. At present only one of them was prepared to allow the use of land to make the junction safer. The proposal has been deferred indefinitely.

The request for short term improvement i.e. staggered cross roads had been declined by BFC on the basis that there was not enough agreement to give up land. The NAG agreed that feedback on Adrian Hoare’s proposal was still required. (Action: Ian Boswell)

Winkfield Row outside of Lambrook School

It was reported that PC Bob Wade had approached the Council regarding a permanent police bay along Winkfield Row. Due to the legislation and planning required, the cost of allocating the area an official police bay meant that it was highly unlikely to be undertaken in the current economic climate.

It was suggested that as an alternative a letter drop be undertaken to request that residents did not park in the area, however it was noted that this would not be enforceable. It was agreed that this would be investigated further. (Action: Lucy McDonnell/ Stuart Tarrant)

It was suggested that a post with a sign requesting that people did not park on the site be erected to remind residents to park elsewhere if possible. It was agreed that this would be investigated further with Lambrook School as it was their land. It was agreed that the School would be informed about the letter drop. (Action: Lucy McDonnell/ Stuart Tarrant)

It was reported from the NAG Chairs meeting on 23 September 2010 that Winkfield Row had been identified for further investigation and treatment within the current year’s Integrated Transport Capital Programme. The lengths of Winkfield Row between Forest Road and Bracknell Road and the length past St Mary’s School would be considered. The NAG said it wished to be consulted. (Action: Ian Boswell)

It was suggested that a reduction to 20mph outside of St Mary’s School would make crossing the road safer for children. It was reported at the NAG Chair’s Meeting that the suggestion would be given consideration for inclusion in the Speed Management Scheme outlined above.

It was also reported that BFC were looking at reducing the speed limit to 20mph

outside of schools across the borough as part of the Sustainable Modes of Travel to thSchools exercise. It was reported that St Mary’s School was currently ranked as 29 from the top priority. It was agreed that the full list of school rankings would be requested from BFC. (Action: Ian Boswell) Winkfield Parish Council had written to Vincent Paliczka with their concerns and were awaiting a response. (Action: Ian Boswell)

It was noted that at present there was no pedestrian crossing on the undesignated road to allow a safe place for the children to cross to the school.

Fernbank Road

Speed enforcement had been undertaken along Fernbank Road during September 2010. A number of speeders had been caught as a result of the speed enforcement. Operations would continue along the stretch of road.

Parking. There was an issue with parents using land owned by Mill Ride Golf Course as a turning zone which caused a bottle neck at the start and end of the school day. It was reported that the School’s Traffic Management Committee were investigating the extension of hash markings along the length of road. It was suggested that the NAG receive a report from the Traffic Management Committee on the issue. It was agreed that the minutes of their last meeting would be brought to the next meeting of the NAG. (Action: Debbie Rimmer)

Chavey Down Road

Chavey Down Road had been recommended as a Speed Enforcement Van Site. The NAG noted that TVP were still waiting for the results of the traffic management data to confirm the exact site. This would be shared with members of the NAG once available. (Action: Lucy McDonnell)

The Green Environment

It was reported that Winkfield Parish Council aimed to organise two litter picks a year, one in the autumn and one in the spring. To encourage high local attendance a new approach would be trialled. The first phase of the new approach would be to engage with as many local groups as possible and arrange for them to undertake litter picks in their areas during the same week. The rubbish collected would be gathered at Locks Ride and arrangements with BFC would be made for collection. It was agreed that a list of current contacts for the litter pick would be circulated to members of the NAG. Action: David Parkin)

The second phase would be to engage with local schools to begin an educational programme. It was hoped that this would filter up and also educate the parents.

It was noted that BFC has a supply of litter picking equipment which could be borrowed with prior arrangement. It was agreed that this would be investigated with the Street Cleansing Manager at BFC. (Action: David Parkin)

It was agreed that the litter picks should be coordinated with litter picks undertaken by BFC. It was agreed that the schedule for litter picks arranged by Winkfield Parish Council would be sent to BFC to ensure that it did not clash with their grass cutting and litter picking rota. (Action David Parkin)

Anti-social behaviour – Barkers Meadow

It was reported that the CCTV camera located at Barkers Meadow was now live and was monitored. No recent incidents had been reported. Barkers Meadow and Goaters Road were now on the TVP active patrol route. It was noted that Operation Lion Cub 2 had been located near to Barkers Meadow on one occasion which may have also acted as a deterrent. The situation would be monitored over the winter period.

It was reported that rowdy inconsiderate behaviour in Winkfield had decreased by 18% compared to the same period last year. It was agreed that this figure along with others would be made available at the Winkfield NAG Forum in November.

32 Neighbourhood Police Team Update

TVP reported the following matters in relation to anti-social behaviour in the neighbourhood:

• Domestic disputes had increased compared to the same period last year. It was thought that this was likely to be linked to a small number of households, • There had been no incidents of street drinking, • In addition to the speed van, speed enforcement was taking place once a month with PC Bob Wade across the area’s ‘hotspots’. It was noted that the majority of offenders caught speeding were local residents.

Concern was expressed in relation to the speed of vehicles passing along Hatchet Lane. Rose Cottages had been approached regarding the use of their land for speed enforcement and had declined permission. It was agreed that the Royal British Legion Hall would be approached to ask for permission to undertake speed enforcement. (Action: Lucy McDonnell)

It was suggested that higher level strategic management of roads across the area needed to be considered. The Group discussed the possibility of one-way roads could be introduced to address ‘rat run’ traffic problems through the small lanes of the Northern Parishes and encourage more use of major roads. It was agreed that the suggestion would be made to the Winkfield Highways Group. (Action: Jacquie Lovell)

33 Neighbourhood Forum - 11 November 2010

The Winkfield, Cranbourne & North Ascot NAG Forum was to be held on Thursday 11 November 2010 at 7.30pm in Ascot Baptist Church.

The event had been publicised by the Chair of the NAG who had issued flyers to the local community. Advertising had also been placed in the parish magazine and school magazines.

TVP had developed a poster which they were using to promote the event.

It was noted that there was limited parking available at Ascot Baptist Church and when promoting the event to the local community, residents should be encouraged to car share and park responsibly when attending the forum. It was agreed that future forums should be held in a venue with greater parking capacity. (Action: All)

It was agreed that the agenda for the Forum should include the following reports:

• The Green Environment specifically tree maintenance by Jacquie Lovell • A report on litter by David Parkin • A report on highway issues by Stuart Tarrant and Lucy McDonnell

It was agreed that Neil Mathews, Principal Engineer, Traffic and Safety at BFC should be invited to the Forum to present an item on the Borough Council’s intentions for traffic management in the parish. (Action: Wendy French)

34 Feedback from Neighbourhood Action Group Chairs' Meeting on 23/09/10

The NAG noted BFC officer comments in relation to works intended in the Winkfield, Cranbourne and North Ascot area made at the NAG Chair’s meeting on 23 September 2010. These had been included in previous on the agenda.. Other issues concerning the NAG were discussed including:

• Cricketers Lane : Recorded speeds are below the 40mph limit. No Further Action was proposed. The NAG did not accept this decision, WPC had written to Vincent Paliczka and were awaiting a response. (Action: Ian Boswell)

• Winkfield Lane : As part of the Locally Important Roads study it was proposed to investigate the practicality of speed management measures at Winkfield Lane alongside a referral to TVP for the consideration of speed enforcement. The NAG wished to be consulted and required to know when the investigations would start and finish. (Action: Ian Boswell)

• Braziers Lane Speed : Results of the LIR study had led BFC to conclude the current speed limit was appropriate. No further action was planned • Braziers Lane Turning : An accident analysis at the junction did not indicate particular problems for lorries or buses. No further action was planned. • Braziers Lane/ Forest Road Crossroads: BFC stated that more land was required. • Chavey Down Road/ Locks Ride Turning . BFC stated that further investigation of the junction was required as there had been no previous reports of the issue. The NAG wished to be consulted and to know when

investigations would start and finish. (Action: Ian Boswell)

• New Road Speeding: Recorded speeds were close to the 30mph speed limit. No further action was proposed.

35 NAG Members' Updates

Neighbourhood Fund

It was reported that the £500 of Accelerated Neighbourhood Funding was held by the Winkfield Parish Council. It was advised that the money allocated to the NAG needed to be spent by the end of March 2011.

The funding was to be used to create an email database for the NAG so that requests, updates and information could be issued to residents and local groups who signed up to be kept informed of the NAG’s work. The database would be run in sympathy with the Winkfield Parish Council database which was to be developed after commissioning of their new IT system. The Group would be kept up to date with progress made. (Action: David Parkin)

It was noted that TVP had a similar system already in place with Ringmaster.

It was suggested that if there was any remaining funding after the database had been developed it could be used to create a TVP suggestion box scheme as part of ‘Have Your Say’. It was suggested that 3 boxes could be located around the neighbourhood and cards for suggestions or issues for TVP could be put in the boxes. The boxes would be incorporated in to the TVP patrol routes and action taken where appropriate.

NAG sub-groups

It was suggested that NAG sub-groups be established to focus and action particular priorities. It was agreed that volunteers to join the following sub-groups would be requested at the NAG forum in November. We can’t do all this alone: (Action: Stuart Tarrant)

• Traffic sub-group, chaired by Stuart Tarrant (subject to his agreement). • Litter sub-group, chaired by David Parkin. Also to include Jacquie Lovell and Richard Bell (subject to his agreement. JL to ask). • Database sub-group, chaired by David Parkin. Also to include Jacquie Lovell, Lorna Rivett or a representative from TVP who was familiar with the community messaging system and Annemarie Edwards, WPC (subject to her agreement DP to ask).

36 Dates of Future Meetings

The next meeting of the Winkfield, Cranbourne & North Ascot Neighbourhood Action Group would be held on Thursday 24 February 2011, 10am at Carnation


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