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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

2-7-1929 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1929). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1408.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. . JAN. 1929 " THURSDAY, 31, , AND SrA'rE�BORO NEW! I: BULLOCH 'liMES j e/�� .______;. OCTAGON CL'UB BIRT" Oe- On Wednesday afternoon the Mr and Mrs. W E. WIlder an. COME TO FAr· the Week club met with Mrs H '10 the birth of a daulfhter Jan •• Social for tngon nc� Happening� Of BULLOCH COUNTY, undel as hostcsa Two tables 22' SJie' WIll be 'called Ma� Hele;;. 100 AND 21i3.R. SHe' used nar- remembered as HEART OF TWIJ PHONES: I?uests were invited Mrs WlIder WIll be THE GJEORGlA, Af�r the game Brunson of Statesboro CISSI In decorating MISS Lulleana "WHERE NA'rURE SMILES" was viaited III D of Metter, a course Mrs. J J Zetterower J Kirkland, she served a hot TIMES m the city M.,nday Mr and Mra, Walter of BU[�LOCtt Portal dunng the week Vl�ltor Lindsey, ATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO week BRJDGE (ST EAGLE) ViS­ Harold Avcrttt spent last AFTERNOON announce of a Brooks 801"1 lor was n busineas Savannah, the birth business Brannen was host­ l end In Atlanta on Mrs. H a rvey D on 11th She WIll I �uJjoctl '11m!'., ':";.ta�I!.h.d Savannah Friday daughter January Itor in CoOftohdated JanOlU7 17, lIIn, 1929 VlS­ Mrs G G Wulkel were t" 0 tables of Tuesdav �t4teilboro . is diatinctive the use of an autornobile belonging DEBAlE FnlDAY NIG"T several After the MISSIONARY to had. Each and wei e Carl Fr-anklin spent days was gl\ en a box of candy SOCIETY of numbers be ENOS son, Dan, TO HIGHTOWER D :8. Lester BROOKlH SCHOOl MAN FARMERS INVIHO �UPfRIOR COURT GUILTY I bus- to Lester Stephens, a brother of the the week In Atlanta on a sweet COUTse was served 60ft and colorful leather, viSItors in Savannah Sunday during game The monthly businees meetmg of in its particularly o • • dead boy Allen hud desn cd to use was Fla I Iness mrssronar \V111 a Paul Simmons, of Ocala, the woman's y society To choose a model from this group ia COLHGE BRIDGE CLUB the car to make a VISIt to a brother Satur- Mr and Mrs Rawdon Olliff spent TUESDAY IN STATESBORO SfVEN fULL DAYS AT, In the city be held afternoon at 3 30 CONUST MUT NORM�L .. visitor r,i;)ndcy well WINNfR IN IMPER�ONATINGOffICfI busme be IS, a feet will �fTER that your who was III Les. Blltchton WIth her The Tuesday bridge club members guaraOltee reported aericusly The annual last week end at o'clock at the MethodIst church debate between the day M,.,. comfortable. ler to him , MANY CASES ARE DISPOSED OF met Thursday afternoon WIth dressed and Stephens objected usmg and the l i several • Stephen. Oglethorpe erury Dr, R J Kennedy spent parents PUBLICITY CIJAJRMAN • PROF GRAHAM AWARDED CASH EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM TO BE IN BortH CIVIL AND CRIMINAL COLLECTED at her home on Broed It for the reason that pI eviously AI. FINES FROM BUaL on Mrs Guy Wells and 1I1r8 Howell Harry Smith soctettes of the Georgia Normal WIll last week m Atlanta bU!l', PRJZE FOR HIS WORK. AMONG RENDERED DURING MONDAY NESS da)'s invited a "few other len had damaged the car and hlid DIVISIONS. MEN HERE UNO" were VISitors in Savannah dur, street She a Iso be held at 8 o'clock m the Cone CLASS RECITAL, AND TUESDAY ;�EXT WEEK. .. college n688 YOUNG FARMERS. ____,.... FALSE four tables of play­ JONES SHOE CO. failed to pny the expense of reparrs ' REPRESENTATION, for the week frtends, making ' I auditorium Friday evening, Febru, MISS Irma Waters left Sunday Ing The musro pupile 0; MlBS Duren's 1 Januaey term of Bulloch auperror On thrs everung Allen tbe car a Rev J E Pm kef was III Claxton ers Atter the game dainty party took/ ary 8th where she has accepted class m the Statesboro HIgh, Sch061 STATESBORO. GA, An WIll be court closed Tuesday afternoon, hav, Atlanta, served Ga., Jan. 30 -0 C Ader. over Lester protest, and Interesting program to make a mis- refreshments were For Athens, Stephens' Thia IS the Wodnesday evening ,high In been In seseion seven outstanding Chfford posruon WIll give a recital voeational rendered the farmers' mstl. Ing full days probably HIghtower, promlne. an vase and teacher of agricul, started away from home with it during • score she th';au�orlllm hold., IS sionary , gave Itahan literary event of the school year as man fro, was MISS Elizabeth Smith spendmg address on F'riday evenmg, Febl1llarlf st, at tute to be held In Statesboro A number of Important cases Wet" young Dubhn, coavic1:.. book ture In IIftlltm Institute, Jefferson, Afte', a short distance, during on �Lrs 0 has -returned for low " telephone gOing finding far as the societies are ccncei ned In this week tn Atlanta Wllhnghum 8 o'clock The '. of m both civil and crirnlnal ad superroe court here 011 several days • pubhc lri)nt�d. " mas, next Monday and Tuesday, disposed Monday , has been selected as Georgia's the gas about exhausted, Allen reo Februal')\. to her home ackson ..£tce a VISIt Much spIrit 1,08 been manIfested over a charge of and buainess I 'Jl,J Ll th and 12th. This instItute IS be. i"lslon8 of the court creatlDg awlndllq, FOR MR AND MRS SATURDAY tel teacher of vocational agriculture tUI ned home At the gate a ro� oe, to relatives here BRIDGE PARTY the plOgrnm for the One E .'f.. Youngblood and Mr Henry I I Loans • held under the of The docket shows the followmg evening Following h,. conVlet,on on 0... 'On evening Mrs. R Farm and City for 1928 and WlJI receIve the $100 currcd between hIm and Lester Ing ausplcos MISS Hattie has returned Wednesday ��el SIde of the audItorIUm WIll be his .... VlSIW.. lD T'aylor Vera W vs H Brewer and given charlfC attorneys entered a ""e business Savat\nah On FrIday evenmg MISS ChIlean College of Agrlcuitul e In J BoykIn R plea -r 'W Akms entertaIned with a turkey pllze offered by the NItrate Stephens, In which Stephens cut AI. �tate to hel home m At1ftanta a ter a VlSI c0'l\ to the Stephenltes and WIll be decor. or In a second Satun\a1. I Johnson dehghtfully entertaIned at WIth the R C. Brewer, su�t on note, verdIct gullty charge aad, bJ' In honor of Mr and of Soda Bureau len Elmo Allen JunctIon Georglu Banker.' 'supper EducatloJlal Stephens pulled ated In .. I to frlellds hel'e. • theIr , While the other agreement of Bird, of Metter, spent her home m tao for plaintIff �olo the court, appealed ." Mlia Sb�r e Reglstar Wltlt, �our The dlstrtct Wlnners m the same his brother and tbe two ASSOCIatIon. OIlfford Satufilay,',o'r off young ' her SIster, 'Mrs. J Walter He,ndrlx, of Sa· Collin�,r. side WIll be gIven to the Oglethorpe both C8ses. were fixed week' end With Eld�r of Arhne' Bland The m Statesboro IS to Barber and Holloway vs W FInes at ,100 ,last out In e bles l>ridge: Miss were' Ha. men ran Into house Capp, Statesboro valentme Idea was carried contest G. W. Dickinson, the Allen fol. t meetlll.g and them waS. a VIsItor m, society by, gaily decorated. in each and the motion for • iI. P vannah, l' was a Iif Opty's pet-fume be for the twelfth zone of the bank. R Altman, SUIt on note; veldlct for ease, Foy. con· decoratIOns kite\- tbe gIven b,ttlh E C. Young, Centerville lowed WIth bls knIfe open and stab. I week, sUJ'lpJ�, "thl� hlrs; the In short .ew lut the During every trial WIll be heard M... 'Burton MOtchell -spent durmg score EllIS 81 s' The instItute plalnttff. e�.tlning early la a for tqp Henry ""hdated E W Elmo organizatIon will for was served In four course!, game and, school, Elberton; bed Stephens IntermIssIon and WIll wlth·'her mother, I P G Walker left ,Wednesday glrlt Southern Ferlh"er and ChemIcal y.lI� songs be March. ":eek �t Pembroke a box of beautlfui linen hand· and be held In the tobacco warehouse of was enJoyeu S'x tables Graham, Brooklet; L E Cox, The dead man was about 26 years e he WIll spend several bndge given by the societIes Atlanta, whol was Co vs Mtf MamIe suit Young HIghtower'. crime waa Mrs SIms I kerchIefs Low 'score won by men each re. The program IS as follows Woodcock, of were present Epworth. These WIll of age AJlen IS about 40 of on guests I The subJect' for debate thIS year committeed n Mr and Mrs Chfford Saturday. days busllless. Ernest of Mette; A Firot on note, verdIct for plaintIff Deeember, 1927, wbaa . .1. Mr . T�lIllnell, "elve from $25 to $75 Day-Monday Bush and prizes ranglng IS That a fnends In Statesboro Mr and Mrs F M lit'. vs "Resolved, separate depart. he came here under the name Colhns ,viSIted dehclous salad 'was -served live 9.00 a m to 4 00 m -Installa. Sea Island Bank W H Elhs Clf J, • MRS. BRANNEN" HOSl'ESS' co�rse' During tlwJ past year these p .. W. M were VISItors 1 ment of aeronautIC. WIth a secretary I and M Sharpe and J D suit on C. Davis, representlnt himself to b. Wednesday Mrs. CeCIl "Brannen after the Mlss.s lnstructlon )n tlon of exhlblta Fletchel, nbtes; delightfully ga,!,e I'!llla �cEI: men gave agriculture BANKERS INVIU PUBLIC at Its head last week'end In Savllnnah Saturday should be estRbhshed and an official of the state John Dennt.,spent of and 4 00 m to 6 m v�rdlct for plaintIff revenue de­ entertained her nteces and nephews veen, Brooktet, Mary Agnes to 373 people m organIzed p :00 p. -Demon, who lS Kll k alld RobbIe added tn the cab met of the presl. and mother," MyrtIS Island vs . found fault tbe l1.ordan With liiS MISj! were her house exhIbIts , Sea Bank Mrs .r vf. partment, with at at dmner on evening. and Margaret Cone farm by the stratlon of rei. The producta produced dent" Debaters are Ill. Thompson, of Savannah, \Islted TO ATTEND INSTITUTE Trapnell·MlkelJ Aft'lrmatlve, tohacco stamp condItions In the II" was used guests for the week end were pold for 7 00 P m to 9 00 p m -MovlII" Wllhams, mnker, Co, A basket of pmk JapOnlCas pupIls In their classes Eit McDamel and Mae and Mrs V. atlves m the Sunday • Oummlng; stores of W. G Groover and Mrs R, F Donaldson cIty on on L 1\1; MIkell and J A WIlson, en. HoHand as a centerpIece to the handsomely $00,11200 In adltton, they render. To the Farmers and BUSIness Peo· pIctures (a) leadershIp; (b) Savannah Frl' 01 Savanl'lah, and negative, F II S,ll. and LIllian In Durden motored to Mrs CockrIll, on extensIOn dOlser" SUIt on verdIct fOI Drug Company each of tb_ 'E table Pmk servIce to the patrons pie of Bulloch County health, (c) l!gents, (d) note, appomted taper� ed outstanding Rocket After the debate tin ,�for. MI s Wllhams and son, of uyons, werr p aces, It he found box.. for the day ANNOIJNCEMENT In Issue the on consolidated schools plamtlff seems, cigar day at each end of the 1'h� PRfSBYURIAN CHURCH III the school dIstrICts where they tillS of Bulloch .TlIlles to placed table, THf mal leceptlOn WIll bo held Tho whIch dId SadIe Crollch has 'retuned weI e In the cIty Tuesday Second Statesboro BUIck Co vS LOUIsa not have suffiCIent atampa. Mrs m four coulses' yom attentIOn IS called to un 0""". drnnel was served were employed of Statesboro and thIS sec. after a VI;ltt to 1Iol'S R E Holhngswortb, of Sa. people He directed that the her home In Augusta will 9 30 a 01 to 1 00 m -Farm_ and Scott Easoil, SUIt on note; ver. prop�r stam.,. were laId fOI twelve After mac. On the underaigned open, L state supeTVlSOI of cultural demonstratIOn lind dIsplay P Er· Covers After a perIOd of enforced SaturdllY, Februllry 2nd, M Sheffer, tlon are urged to attend the debate J. Crouch vannah, was the guest ot Mrs' diet fOI should be pfaced upon the boxes and Dr S Ilnd of In announCing to be held n' Statesboro on ers' confclencc, diSCUSSIOn of the pl81ntiff the dmner, three tab1es'�elc arrang. QUI work IS With with a fuH complete stock agrlcultural educatIOn, Monday WIll the of the the tlVlty, openmg up They also be guests In! addItIOn a Messrs Johnston and Thad ncst Blannen dUling w:eekl falm land Mutual Feltlhz., Co vs W H collected tine of ,10 Grady "h,ch IS .. l"d of la. cd fOl budge SctVlces last the results of th,s contest Tuesdny next weel\, February (a) utlhzatlOn, (b) ut In encoulaglllgl pcospects socIeties roceptlOn followmg from each were bUSiness VISitors I Rev E F of Savannah, SUIt on vCldlCt [or the, firm for tile negligence. Morrls MOlgnn, board 11th 12th IS operatIOn, (d) Ie. Elhs, notes, all hm. Grade Feeds and Seads, conducted by the GeOl g18 state and ThIS plogtam be. bOl, (c) capItal, the elder of the Savannah d,s. Sunduy mOlnlng, cons\derlng 'I'he fines were In checks made BrunSWIck Thursday plesldlng HOSTESS High plamttff progra_m__ �,' _ paid MRS HOLLAND fOI vocatIonal educatIOn stated that Ing gIven by the GeorgIa of serve, (e) rIsk, (f) marketing, (g) Statesboro drances, were well attended Our Collpge a Falls, Sunday m vs to J C DaVIS These checks he hacr Lester Nessmlth, of Nmgnl I tllCt, spent noon Mrs to serve the in all their'wanta Statesbolo BllIck Co ,las W On Tuesday aftel Roger and Ilnd will be pre�ared public these men were selected on the baSIS AgrIculture and IS sponsoled by the enterprise and MIS L SIck ale lecovered 01 llnplovlDg hIS MI ,md lIfrs F,ank Wdhams SUIt on verdIct for cushed by loc81 bUSiness be. NY, IS Vlsltmg parents, Holland entottamed five or amall. Included the ASSOCiatIOn IS 1 00 to 2 00 P 1Il -Lunch WIlham.; note, dehghtfully • in �hose line., grellt of a SCOI e card whicn Georgia Bnnkms' n WIFE OF FORMfR PASTOR ones I fore hIS After he had 2 00 m to '4 00' Ill,-Demon. plallltiff depaltule absen� t*J}� follOWing pOInts Numbel of people bemg gIven to aSSIst the "farm"ls in P I' and ��:n Jlro�I.'.e �o�: will be the well knoW';> gone It that the �1::sm;th E Parker �tte�::����v:��:,na(��x�nC�';;::��c�o Our' specialty stratlon nnd InspectIOn of exhIbIts R SUllmons Co vs C MAnder rieveloped younlf Mr�'e: a: ���:�� �� �:,����, �a��'���ed �h���� Includes Tl'achcd In organized InstructIOn, solVing theIr problems and should be 01 Next Sunday's program In were VISitors In Mrs Hinton Booth, MIS E C son, SUIt on fOl BURlfO AT DUBLIN MONDAY man, com puny WIth a had Mrs James Slmmons was Banker.' Conference vCldLCt lady, to the loom In which toe nmc classes condud. of Vital mtmest to every fat mer anti Jr, note, both mOl and 6venmg SCI vice tyJ)Cs of agrlcllltur,ll .. the week and MI�s Lucy l\{,ae Brannen nmg regIstered at l\ local hotel .as �. R. Claxton during la cd HI h �core H Ize com act !InstructIOn mnn In the 4 OO.P 10 to 6 00 I' m -Inspec. plaintIff P y g : In the at -11:16 the pastor and Feeds plepnratlOn for the every bUSiness coun)y Her fru!nds WIll of Savann"" P, "Slt lelotlves mAt· morning Sunshine Stock cd, mllny raglet SmIth und Hazlehurst." This Juhu. of left Iday tCl • Poultry Andrew W,lion VB 111 MIl. WIfe, Mrs Rogers, lun tlOn of exhIbIts Jlmps was won bY M IS H � A' d eI � of hiS Icommumty, You ale Illvlted and U1ged "Obedlcnce" In the J;lven t knowledge cOldlaliy jlVel l'wIIl diSCUSS the death of �h s', Leland 'Mool e, who inCIdent about WIth her lUI rents, lantn III In SUit on verdict for brought some pub­ spent Saturday I I Anderson made low score an We to call and us a share yo�r as based on the to attend these 6 00 p. to "; �O P -Dlnnel. account, De rSd text WIll be "He was invite you give Lhe of the work meetmgs ler, died at Blannen left Thuls. ?� plan Saturday tllght Columbus, and, It Mr and Mrs W D DaVIS M,s RaleIgh 7 00 to 9 00 plaIntIff hClty developed that "eitber was Iven a lovel'I cut WQ II. towel evem�g �he patronage. and the farm Bonk of Brooklet, pm-MovIng I)IC' WIll gone' Sabbath school at 10 15 W community needs, follow mil' all oP'lratlOn of II serIOus and MISS Anme fOI Savunnah where she be Ruffner vs "DaVIS" nor was authorll8d Mrs F N Grlmes I doy asSlste d 11' tUles on educatIOn and farm hfe or Campbell, trustee, "�!,lItlt" e ostess wlIS In Sea Isiand 'l'h � by Mils All practice program operatlOn Bank, nature She was the WIfe of Rev cUle of a MeDougald, superlnten.del!,t".' to are for a "eek undel the spec. i 1. �- D' AI S Helon muke the eoUectlon for the state Brooks Grimes spendmg j � ]\{r bankers' round table conference cy Wllhams, KImberly sevOlal1 E Gr InleB In SCI vmg a damty sala Durmg the SIX. years that Bank of Statesboro, of I Id\ hese servIces clalln your attention Leland Moore, former pastor the of week In Atlanta mhst AND SEED WIth WIlham and V,r. department revenue. A few ween days th,s hot tea and h'es ,RACKLEY FEED Aderhold has been at J ef· The First National In connection the farmels' Wllhams, KImberly WIth �and'Ylc I ,lave rea t teaching Bank, Statesboro ohurch' In· un or ess you a, I' engagemen CO�PANY H u t0 I I max nut h Ie ft S d f MAIN STREET later wa. a. Thad MorriS was enII d C MOlISS I Ie S ny • • • 18 SOUTH instItutes and bankero' a glnla IIIJuncton; verdIct Met'l0dlst Identified �fn son he has conducted eve. Bank of Portul. meetlllgs, Klmb�rly, Ightow�r that :t0l eIght tClment was at Monday after. because of the death of hIS whele she has accepted a lit tlme. •• 'fol defendants D�bhn the man \Vho had the collec- Saturday I Atlanta, MY.5 PERY CLUB for farmers In variOUS tluck tram consIsting of fOUl trucks rna4e, classes nmg noon The Courler.Herald I �ul�k w� R�dq d. of vs Elbrum DI1,lIn tion. " �d�rln��Mr mdl,n_y The c�b Old Thw�ay' As a of exhIbIts will be brought to Bank MydClY agncultural enterprIses result each, States�oro date � of.t�at Im�_'_t'pe followlnlf In' court lIe that; has returned to I�Sl�npartment at her �����A��E��S�P�E���C�E�R�.�P���s�t�o�r��=����==:======� ')Henarlx, T. H. H�ndrix--and D- R. M"3eS, espeCIally the perlor court, 1929, of the , I!f. d�r of the Columhus dl"trlct the week DeLoach at Portal Now in the shown at the Southeastern the verdICt for plaIntiff hI.'! father, J. B. Hightower, VIsited In the cIty durIng and was won by Mrs Waldo Floyd ready. has until the Income to Ing report Fair, we" ness, grown church known Wllhams Bowen has ,eturned State and the D,..orce Granted �thodlst bUSIness man from llublht. Mr. and Mrs J W spent M,ss MyrtIS Mrs. G E Bean made low seore and from It runs Into thou. WIth reference to the paupers' hst GeorgIa ExpOSItIOn, Decr"" 1� the comuntty \»rs Moore was before her mar· as tbe whel e she has been J K Dowd V'B Mrs ESSIe Dow. to bear out hi. eontentlon. The f� laat week end at Reglster from was a memorandum book He has we recommend that WII· GeorgtB State FalT last fall Savannah, gIven Line sands of dollars each year Clarmdy MISS Haywood of most IIage, Angel,"e ther testIfied that e Mr and Mrs John Powell the week under treatment • Beautiful ThIS model cost to bUIld and Woodward Hooks VB Iooa Ro8l!' ann had I'oae guests of for past carrIed 'on work of a type hams and P'olds be raISed to $5,000 Ensembles also hIgh Mary thIS county and marrIed Rev Le. from Statesboro to BRIDGE FOR VISITORS consIsts a Hooks Savannah, wb.", L L McLeod, of WIldwood, of a head speclahst In hIS school each that Mrs Jas.. of complete farm layout Mrs. wlth the boys hIgh $400 per month, land who IS ..Iso a native of · Moore, he met the fa her and at a for a VISIt to of Mrs J P ente... electrIcal that Mrs Della Anderson vs An. Barnes arrived Sunday Mrs RH Warnock, Brooklet, Foy dehgtfully ever 'shown classes and In day.unlt courses HendrIX and Mrs. Mlnnte Bess shOWIng the equIpment Coley Fla, we've thpse per th,s county She was well kllown a hotel, that he the her Mr and Mrs R F Les. IS the week WIth her moth. tamed three tables of players at have studIed can be used on the falm The en. derson reported collection. parents, spendIng Many of the boys who be dIscontinued from the paupers' and loved hele Rev Moore served of afternoon lD tIre Flannel and that the next day he add tel'. Mrs at the home Mr party Saturday Martin In· receIve grounds are beautIfully land. Ruby Flannel v� GeorgIa bougbt er, Harden, bfldge vocatIOnal agrIculture at hst, that Orte Bragg $400 of the First MethodIst as pastor the to I.'! SmIth honor of her SUSIe low and of WIlson LeWIS vs Ethel Belle dost.oyed stamps aceordlnl' MUll! Sarah Hall, who teachIng and Mrs E A Sister, MISS Bird, ,the unusual stttuto a're farm. whIch shall be to scaped every detaIl grounds lor today successfully per month, paId chutch here about SIX Mrs yea.s ago law. The father bad end m Waldo The was G�.�rg���es. and are worked out to LeWIS hImself been and Mrs honol at Manassas, spent last week Mrs J P Foy of Metter guest m the He has In· G W that Mrs Steve bUildIngs Ing community Bragg, Oros.' WBS a noble Ch"sttan Moore woman, an attache of revenue a C"mlnal C.oe. the state de­ Statesboro WIth her Mrs W Floyd were guests at a blldge party gIven damty handkercillefs Mrs numbers of his to receIve whIch scale ThIS WIll central mother, spIred large boys by $3 00 per mouth, occuPy her fl !Cnds her ac. numberIng by partment at the but wu re­ L. gIven by M,ss ElOISe Wllght In Met. CeCIl Kennedy made hIgh score and price I!/-' where of them all space 011' the exhIbIt 18 by 20 feet Barn.y Lee, burglary, plea oj time, I;JaIJ. go to college, many s' be paId to D C Anderson, that ...... qualntance. • leased on . .. 1 two In January 1928. Bam.., Miss Kate hlUl return· ter Thursday afternoon her prize was a vase Mrs Gordon �'� studies In square In addItion there WIll be guIlty; years penitentIary., 1, McDougald 'Fla.,,"C.r�pes nrc contInuing theIr ngra,.. Mrs Joe Watson receIve $400 per Moore BeslMs hel ... I husband, Wllhe the man Whom it was ctaimed had ed to after spend. Allen Stockdale, of OhIO, made low score nnd was pre­ to L 250 front feet of other exhIbIts from Gordon, SImple larceny: Mrs, JacksonVlHe, Fla, AklOn, Mays cultuTe month, whIch' shall._be paId J surVIved two and IS by sons, Haywood IS ill at the varIOUS of or SIX months employed young HightOWer, the week end WIth her mother, has JOined Mrs Stockdale and then sented WIth a novelty doll Club The other four men selected as that Wilham Scott be dIS. dlVlslons of the College plea gUIlty, $50 ing SWinson, Land Chades L a daughter, of Moore, hIS home In Atlanta and wa. unable Mrs D C McDougald httle daughter m 1\ VISIt to her par. SMldwlch.s were WIth hot teachers for thClr respectlve comnued from the and M.any of th"'e WIll be movIng and SmIth, burglary, plea �en�d master paupers' h.t, J�hn ..s Colum. M VIrginia Moore, all of to attend the tnal SallIe Maude Temples has Elder and Mrs W. H Crouse coffee home·made candles work hghted models gUIlty, 10 years In peOltentlary MISS ents, Dainty d"trlcts have done outstanding that the pauper fund be confined to her R!;rs Anna bus, motlier, Hay. The P"osecutlon Was represented returned to her school at Red Hln, M., and Mrs H Ball and son, were on the tables the CentervIlle con· The anImal husbandry exhIbIt WIll JIm SmIth, possessing plea during game. , i1 ,il E C Young of the those who reSIde In the county hquor, wood, of Dubhn, three brothers, Sobcltor General G. NeviUe week mo. • ,r .atlOns for vaTlous of or 12 months by W. near after spendIng the of VIsIted her Flannels THE A OREAIT. school was master teacher recommend a demonstrate types guIlty, $l(}0 Jacl'son, "ohnated MIllen, HatTY, COI:,-LEdTION O.[FERS We that "trusty" Claude Haywood o� Dubhn, Mathew SOCIAL from and D. C Jones, wblle the defenae WIth her and MIS Mrs Harden, who IS III ah the PHILATHEA CLASS W of hvestock and mcludes the com. Arthur SmIth, larceny house, end parents, Judge I ther, 'VARIETY" OF of the state last year G Dlcl<. from the chalngang be used as Jan. Fin and Rev YOUTHFUL, c�gM.. H&ywood, JacksonvIlle, , was Deal and Renfroe and The Phll,lthea class of the Meth exhIb,t that was taken to the plea of $75 or 9 months represented by A E. Temples home of MI Mrs E A SmIth, EACH A DISTlN(::TIVE mson 18 of tlte Ha· Itor at court house In of plete gulity, PARATlVE' STYLES. EVERY oKE A supcrlntendent the pI/ICe W M Haywood of Sylvania, Ga; ' theIr of the local bar and and of was a last odlst school held reg· lead. InternatIOnal LIvestock Show In Cbl. BIll possessmg ver. Dampier J J Kennedy, MIdVIlle, II week Sunday hn a pubbc schols and under hIS present JanItor Hodge, liquor, CREATION ANp"EXPRESSING fCRE. three slstels, Mrs Allen Josey of Watson of Dubhn. was ular soclal af· .. d,ct of 12 months on viSItor In the city Thqrsday He DI Andrew Johnson, 'of 'monthly Wednesday \, DISTINCTlYE ,LAST.¥!NJJ11E' the yhave made remarkable We recommend that W P be cago. gUIlty, gang I'nd Mrs � �""" ershlp lvey Savanna�, Mrs Cleon PrIdgen of room WIth Mrs F.ASHIONABLE - B home biY hIS- mother, \ Garfield, wer� VISItors In the cIty ternoon at theIr class ",mE' 'TION. L E Cox of EJ>worth and ex..of· Home demonstration work WIll be A Aldred, possessing hquor, accompanIed 1>rogress appOinted notary public Rhine and Mrs Joseph Graham of had been com. bo attend the Lolon Durden,1 Mrs oi"'B) Johnsoll, classes for farm. represented by exh,b,ts on foods, mlstrl8l Mro. Per"y Kenlledy, 'lJiho Tuesday, haVlng MODE FOR SPRINC{ taught two evenmg ficlO JustICe of the peace for the 45th Dubhn I • Parker and Mrs and A SUPERVISOR DF fTlends here funeral of her brotber, HOI ace W Mrs J E Grady MUS'( SEE nlbE :(loAl'S IN last in wh,ch 85 farmers that Aaron clothing, home Improvement, and Barney Anders�n, cheating 8T U ,ORAL viSIting IiI J. ,YOll' crs year G M dIStrIct, and Roy C Rev C W Curry of Columbus, and Johnston as hostesses The devo· educatIon of or 6 Mrs. R Lee Newsome nldces, '\ DeLoach, of Portal ( enrolled E. W. Graham, the be and el<.- phYSIcal swmdhng, plea guIlty, $50 " MAKE PERSON TO API>RECIATE -Were appOInted notary pubhc Rev J M Outler of Macon and Rev James Slm· COME: IN A�Q RE�LLY WIll Lee KIngery and Mr and Ernest Brannen spent tlonal was g"en by Mrs "(PUR, man tn the was of to fill Marketing also be featured, months MISses MaggAe Mr�. i' youngest group, Oft'ICIO Justice the peace 0 B Chester and Rev Reese Grlf. HYGIENE VISITS BULLDe' a conSIsted of THE EXCEPTIONAL CHARACTER market.. O'f lUU81e � . ,SELECTION E'ARLY;' Joe he have returned fromNel.\ last week end 111 Albany and Valclos. mons The :. two years ago from thc the term of Tem. sliowlng the best methods of DaVls, SImple larceny, plea (iJhestel', {\, graduated unexpired G C. : t 'I U ,fin, both of Dubhn, conducted the relatIves rn and to for the of of S Ing farm commod,t,es There WIll $25 or 3 months visit, to Gastonia, IlUlklng plans meetmg medley songs by lf�nii' , OF LINE, GeorgIa State C&Jlege of AgrIculture pies, who was elected JustIce of the guIlty, �fs: ZI', : fl PR.{CE 'OU,R funeral, servIces Wlthll'l the next few days jlf,rs. of'Cherryvllle, the Funeral DI.ectol s aSSOCIatIon to derson. Mrs. n humber In WIlkes be panels on poultry, James German, plea of Jlf.illl Mllrgaret Sweat, Gettys gave , ,,..,< :;,o�"(TJ;f£,'t.OW �r- H,s home wa.. connty, peace of ti,e 1716th G M dl.'!trlct. SOIls, forestry, burglary, I , I The pallbearers were M H Black. Lucy Kennedy, statJ' oralobygieniat, meet In Valdesta In M, Bran. 'n\-u�i�al"�onte�t'\vas studIed farm and rural 10 In peDltentlary C. .' May of relldlngs AI 1 ! where as a school boy he We recommend that of buildings grounds, guilty, yea,... H• I,l I.. II hIgh buyers .. ,. r se�d shoar, R F Deese, R M Arnau, S WIll VISIt every school m the county and feature' A frUIt educatIon and consohdated < I Mathew and 'Mro. JDedl'lck DaVIS' Inen IS v;ce preSIdent of the orgam. also an Interesting • vocatIonal agrtculture DUring the cotton WIth the law school� Swam, carrymg platol, Mr.' comply govern. 'T' Hall, D S Brandon and J 'F and carefully examine the teeth of 'rhlr. new,and or to tbelr home wtlon salad was served wltli hot tea , the All the exhibits WIll be plea of $100 12 months children have rew-rned , 1>ast year he has helped farmers lng the same � gUIlty, \, Adams had charge of every chIld In the trrr.mlllar grade•• ' them been of chI after a V1S1t to rela· ty tnembers were present flf hIS dIstrIct In corn, hogs, We lecommend thet the tOIlet at attractIve, most'of havmg Lloyd Bell, abantlonm',nt I? ; in B";nbricige r •• selhng Interment I � \ a"i'angements ThIS valuable work I. being carrjecl JOLLY KNOTTERS In car lots. ths serles of of 12 on tlves here. They wereJaccompanled FRENCH nnd other farm products IIf the staIrs on' west SIde of prJ'Pare"'�spe�ilIU)rl Jllr verdIct guIlty; gang, heaej moolths was In NOI thvlCw cemetery on at the expense of tile ,t.ate and 16 I CARD OF lTH,fI:m TRIANGLE BRIDGE CLUB shower not be able to come the second or two months the week end uted to our beautlful CTl1ne '\ We recommend that D J mIght verdICt of gUIlty $25 after spendmg panlr;y tlw at. oluntary manslaughter Riggs of the Ullnah ' Md He IS Itsted the t"weoty_ caring for the tectn tiny Lester Brannen entertUln· and the hearty 1 CC(!plllln given us , afternoon among o� Walter Brown MIS 0 sentence was fixed at not less b� 00 for these pre. and Mrs. J rrhe pOld �2 typing "FiNG�RPRINTS" with Mr. on In Statesboro Words j J • four m law from the Urn tots who are Unf,l,Wale of !:b� d ngar members of the club our p,rTlval graduates home her cd the Tmmgle nOI more than five and that D B by cannot our felt 1hun two years "entments, Turnol, a comedy In three She was ,llccompal11ed evprDSS vcr�' deeply HFmgcrprmts," verslty of Maryland PrevIOus to that hes before t;!lem. it vIIl Ile c, I,� outbreak occurred in Westfield, N. insurance FOR RENT-My schools only. The Junior schools American 8eautY24.lbs. $1.35 ling t.1l ely PJ a dou- Adequate was History �Iffcl en� mClpl�, �as, Mein street. MISS -\\DDIE for the pro. ect of aviation given: irrttatlon and y" and tho causativo menl was acrv, East declaring J' , ble relieves the tourna, guniza.tions , ucnon, for their , a matter of use the 23.,.d " (20deetic) should A. C. Johnson and M,iss Mattie ����444+4�444444444 WIlbur if! simply PATTERSON. Associntion for ...... Smile er 24·lbs. $1.00 of aviatton, Ell McDanIel; goes direct to the internal cuuse not ed Christmas dol' among Italians. afford a school gram of the Georgia Pep ment. We can not - Broad business--the RENT Residence on Akins were married at Register, Rev, Leonard Powoll; reached cough. syrups and patent good FOR rural development, I and Orville Wright, by Eight cases and foul' deaths have so or MRS. N. these tournaments. swallow street. Sec MR. D. dny for B. fLOUR Bonnet 24·lbs. 95c I the medicines The very first J. Blue of came word of officiating. New low of aeroplanes, W. L. Hall; .. far .heen and scvorul protection your that the Wilh the resolutions _Dixon bring types reheves. recorded, POl'. THOMPSON. know • prices (17jantfc). We now definitely • • usually • traI' neces- must substantial contributIons co the work c.h�lrac terierrsti and 'I'hoxine and safe for sons who atended the ,meal showed. possessions against WANTED-Good farm mule: schools will not be oper­ E. G. took charge of the as nln� is pleasant elementary . . Enright as much I ICS, C. $90 8·lb. for an F. H. rec. Also excellent for thut have not been be for cash, DR. E. or th G'corgra Association from th savings Swift's Ib sary aviator; SIlls; the whole family. symptoms ding­ eve conceivable cheap for more thaw five months solcly Statesboro ice factory and begun ry ated . Smith. sore throat. relief guaranteod WATKINS, Brookleet, Ga. (_!!pJ Inc" s ords made by America, Sara Quick nosed as, those of botulism. Hereto, funds. The schools hnv­ Downing Georgia it for 01'1 household moJ'els C form' of disaster. car by county Comp�ny, overhauling operation, 14' Pail 1)1' your money back. 36c, GOc and in whose .", LARD Jewel bulk num- the party In and •• $t25 After these splendid home canned beuns have LOST-Will largest noval stores, • hearing and fore, sh'ing tax will be able to . $1.00. Sold bv CITY DRUG CO. tack hammer please re, local funds ,�lealers to The advice 01\ a good I left my ing Comerce, of cotton on the the membcrs were rnspi'red stores.-adv caused outbreaks of the Moultr-ie Chamber of Prevailing price bers, nil other . thirty.nine or lb. t good dTug' turn same. C. M·. CUMMING. (lp) operate for seven, eight possibly lb. maintain a broader knowl- other. has saved Interest in the progress of the as o· local market was, sea ilsland, 14 to strive to (5) botulism, far in excess of any ,agent SALE-Hotpoint electric range, nine months. Tenchers may arrange Bulk ·ISc Jar 2Sc FOR BUTTER of aviation. The canned will sacrifice cialion is being maniIested through. 19 cents; upland, 8 to 8 3·8 cents. PEANUT edge on the subject fc-cd. In Iuct, the home many a property practically new: schedules in accordance wit.h tel'. Music the evening was daily • • • sci. -during Can be seen at the QuaI�orIty .. . out South officers of the newly.organized string\ beans canned by the cold pack owner from loss. cash. information, Georgia. Misses Thomas MRS. P. C. this At lhe of council furnished by Dorothy Store Statesboro. that the Asso; meeting city SOc ence club are: George Mathis, presi. process, particularly in certain parts' a few of "J Georgia Gallon not let us trustees of believo the . Ga. (7feblip) Unless the HEINZ VINEGAR Bulk, and Elizabeth Edenfield. During " Why help Decatur, Grimes was FRIGIDAIRE I F. ; OOLI:INS, Saturday evening N. vice-president 0 the mted are a ciation is a work for lhe F. H. . Sills, f U Stotes potential roadster all activo in doing great dent; Ruth A Ford our schools take part H, evening Misses Virginia Lewis ' you? POR SALE-l\�od� elected recorder to succeed W, OF GENERAL MOTORS LaFI menace. .r...lI.t Vereen PRODUCT Dorothy Thomas, secretary; ' and continuous Only boll, rumole seat. of ," Mr. declnred, "nnu, 1 �ce. Stan. . about five monthsold: the matter of urging payment Edenfield, Lavert MariO . . . Blitch, who declined re-elecrion. A. 23c treasurer. The following Gay, tIme Parties inter- of usefulness would be No. Citn Collins IIlg for a sufficient excellent condition, some course, its SLICED 2Y2 length 1928 taxes or manage in way PINEAPPLE. and Jewell Cowart served deli� J. was elected a member of Mem. ley o.f write M. ALEXANDER. G. if all citizens of the state Mooney -committees were appointed' I after removal from the •• Jar be. ested E. had greater wafers. gla to collect the funds lhey every Grimes. eious hot chocolate and Statesboro Insurance Collegebcro, Ga., (7feb2tp). the council to succeed Mr. Middleton Leonard can make N. S., who are in position to be of some as. bership A G fore beans are served to fl'om thiB source, a committee met with the, C. Rhode lsland Red right expect I. c. BURKE No.2Y2 Francis The vesper POR SALE-S. come and Powell Brett' soci�1 them safe. Tho depart. much shrtance would together , 'Fra'nce� " reasonably Agency farm . eve. . ribbon winners. of QU,I" schools will be very Local ·de;on:trat.ion agents e . A cab'met Tuesd .. from my b1ue few 35c Ruth th "W•. C. ay eggs what can," 2 Sara, Smith, Annie I n of home economICs III agl'lcuL , Weot Mala SI. Phon 71 hundred. do PEACHES Cans Mathis, A they Statcs- GA. $6.00 per in a financial way. of the district met in ' . per selting. first DOVER, . After the business meeting $1.60 disallpointed ning' .' teII. R VanIand'109... ra co lInJVel Sl't'les and thclr HENDERSON HART. Route In the resollltlon appropriating Moore; fi·nance, S tu I IIeges, IIIRS I. 11. TURNER. uncI e 1.0)' a few thousand dollars standardizuticn->­ nre bt oeds colored tal of ouly aiHl most of the f1urmture hue been {all' way toward demonstratmg that there '1\111 be held at the h,gi1 over Central be. tional meeting with Stithu-ire flap. "umbers of the Piedmont BUrella II W and family were evening trains tho with would be profitable, Daugl)try are The latest to In Statesboro on and SUBSGRIP1'lON RA'l'E6: to begin I finished and painted. glrls as m offlciency and brands which stick fanning scbool FrIday on 14th. lending �I!.: twoen Dublin and there has tist church Thursday, F'eb, will lie given on March 6th, 6th, 7th In Portal �he Th!'�"""�'�" Dover, would visitors Sunday. and thut such business grow �tJlh\1'd tribe is anti �ftcl' at one .store.. the A&P srere •.• has .10 profotlndl, of next week. On. $1.60; S'x Months, 76c; curtains and pillows, Roy branch of Ihe Ralph, year after year generat-on Saturday It la earnestly desired lila.!. euch and at tho Normal audL Year, Herbert making been established a star mail route 8th Gourgia M' und Mrs.. Km�ery Amtrlca that new 60c. from t he ,tart. returned a long to a recent Morning generation because Iik .it 1111prcucd the women of fact.5 appear ThIS to one of tho Four Months, Barnwell has who, according they promises be. which society in the asaociai lOll shall be These clau after. Its between Mettet llnd Dover attractions, hIgh note of the ited In Brooklet Sunday. . COwHefJ A&P promise toliu,!,. If one ever takes large see back won a an the become and before A&P daU,. {.,Ifill! conierences that haa ever Illness. We arc glad to him News story. scholarshlp enough to proficient largest well tho you. are matter A1aro' am ves aU the represented, including g and wholesome, given by the as second-ctass IS WYnn -entertniucd bral1d.l inborvening postofficea, fal'Mired feed stuff that shipped M,;ss Cora Le.e Athens efficient " all the naLionall,.#odw.rfued of colored Btate. amount of We are" also giad to have State AgClcultural Collegc at practice it until they become popular been \leld bere amonll' the LeI. ouch at the vostoft,.e Itt a agarn. at o'clock people's organizations. W. school In eo-operation with the WOOl. with .. The mail 2 ii, 1906, more a f·w of close friends ; and products leaves he WIll the -her VI5-1 . vegetables, dairy OUl' � groccries fn4lt.s school Act of (�n into town, new members OU,. class, recorded excellence ...... nd successful at it. B. Olhff, county norD, Ga., under the three for outstanding people.. R. M. S. president be ready to respond an's Club of for the . Pu, Statesboro, In, r:,.,)·_ sees . In each nificance of party..SaturdllY mght. chOICe ud#buJ frorn·acroS! the fact, ,he rcaU,· afternoon, serving Parrish, teas, coHees.. . March 1879. apreciato the aig "pcn.d· t'l't,llIght and Pur, on a Bulloch county fine hus ordered' all the I �.e.. 8. readily are Hashel In production lowl supetlntendent, with a brief verbal TePOrt of the students anll the of"States.. those were Mlsse$ ?arlton ro arc ASP at that arc remarkably "nd ar. peQple' statement. A feed mill need present 'I�ey ,DOd things tat found·at the prices the Iaski, 'Register Statesboro, this Among farm. He 15 n nephew of ·.,,'Shenff colored schools closed on· Friday, the VIS and, Kathryn con­ Wal'l< done b� het society during boro. It Kathleen Daughtry, Rita Ba"e�.. nVlng Dover at 4 :10 III time to '. WHAT CIVILIZATION? not be started on a large scale. Cleo Smith, made For Bnd ad­ fourth pupIls have Mallard of that county. year. 15th, and teachers, • patrons 1928. gwde WANTE1)--- nect with the Central trams into and year The Piedmont Bureau have prO- m to Edenfield and Brack. . the unbehevnble thmgo need not even attempt to go out 'Evelyn �he been week 4th to 9th, 1929 to at.. '. Not all theIr new room attractive by sons of the ex-sheriff have These prICes effectwe aU of FebnuIry students ar.) urged Two I very past "anced out Suvannah. the mail very mterestlng speakers, vided wbat. Is called the Piedmont countl'les. Imll that Mrs. H. T. Kingery and her little of Returning occur m far away serve" large terntory. A >and OLD BOOKS and Prominent will ad- JlOciety II Vllientihe 'borde" In prommence m Georgia fal'mlng­ Will Buy tend. sp<'akers Mrs state eO!'Te- m anangtng 1 aves ut :10 and amve. A. F. McM.�hon, Evening FC6tival. bring af. trade now Ruth arc Vlsltors Sa. DO"er 5 .. �";r Th�y. SometImes we read of the strange could take cnre of the daughter state-wide contests and club RAGS a d PILLSBURY'S each day. WIlliam 'posters. in boys' MAGAZINES, 4reS8 th� meeting i. spondlng .ecretary_trcssurer, of At_ to the door of the small towils a8 tine the would vannah. at Metter at 7 :10. This service of hfe In Zululand and F1Jil out from ,statesboro � One took METALS and and teach. fairs gomg T�e. fifbh' and sixth pupIls achievements and the hke. OLD All Jame�, prinCIpal, his and Mrs. E. L. South_ aa Alderman and Ma:' grade lanta, TUI1ll"r, entertain'ments the cities alfo�d. that. no such th� daily except Sunday. and find bosmess. Mlss�s Myrtice serve free lunoh Islands, rejoice ample 'arc at 'Work on some Valentine the state's highest corn-yield record; of JUNK. ers are arranging to East diviSIOnal vIce on.. VISItors busy Ki�d. president, Doug_ There will be four prograrna, our own CIVIL start It l'Ion Shuptrlne were It) FLOUR In doesn't conduct IS tolerated Why somobody , We of n of .conference.• AT Dooks for their mothers. later a cousin hiS, nephew to the BAPTIST CHURCH Ins, will be with us on tillS occasion. each four class com_ In 'speillng evening, by high Then sometimes we rend and be the first to make It go? Statesboro Saturd'ay . Now" ization. a new Mertie en_ took honors. J, of will these I e- have PurVIS, the ex-sheTlff, Hev. Winburn, Claxton, Those who know speakers , . pupil, panics. the ec !S i f th are the 1llumenfeld at London fulled in rolled from Stilson school We third member of famlly-n pI'each Sunday mOl'lling and night member them ftS always brlllging The flrst "The Jfarmony :�,ch Dr. Hobmson of 'Ihe honor �oll for the past montl\ 12-LB.BAG EXAMINATION HELD evening a 59¢ IS the ex-sherIff-wins I the churcli. The IS :epul�'�.'���to:s of lOner !�oen;:�:;tS commUnlcnte to have her I pubhc that 8tir tile soul of .. 0 glad I nephew Baptist messages Male will entel-tain. Quar. hiS lecent attempt. IS as follows: Shop Quartet" m our J,!nk to have prevaIled are alleged IS 'fhe ex-shenff hImself DELICIOUS InVited to attend the l!IerYICC8. WIth Mars radIO. In fact, he Ed_ Ti,e seventh grade making prep_ scholarshIp. 138 West Main ::,treet _. SUNNYFIELD-CRISP AND lhose who hear. tets, solos, "eadlngs, noveltf feat_ We bOll by FIrst Grade-Pauhne Knight, own Southern ciVIlization. theIr of had for the corn pat"h Inlssed It about 48,649,200 miles. arntion for Improving part years prIze FOR FIFTEEN APPOINrEES Key.note: Christlnn EffiCIency. ures, mandolln, banjO nnd violin so_ mdlgnaLion anu \Vena Parrish, George Mursh, Alary U. D. C. MEETING over with righteous We that we of the whole sectIOn. These tnmg5 PKG "Jesus Calls Sara the play ground. hope FLAKES 6¢ 10:00-Hymn, Us;" lections a�e presented by this qunr_ re- Lou Wood3, Hendrix, CORN to of D. WIth propel' WELL REPRESENTED Laur� ALVAREZ SEA FOOD CO. An examination of apPOIntees The monthly meellllg the U. repel such publiCIty shnll be able to seCUTe the deSIred are mentioned to indIcate two Im­ devotionnl Mrs. I? W. The Fordham perIod, Dnrby; tet of real mUSICians. quartet have Gene tho hst for AnapoJiIl C. \v111 be held at 'ne hOD,e of Mrs. in vehement langtlage. 'IllC people of Statesboro 0,," Is th�t WHOLESALE FISH AND ellglbl,' "The pudintlOn amount of equIpment. portant things good DEL MONTE-CRUSHED prayer; hmyn for the year, has a highly trained and accomplish_ Second Grade-BrItt Aaron, Leff. on few of us are hal! w lhe 0YSTER SHIPPERS recently deSIgnated by � F. Hooks, Savannah avenue, The truth IS, been impressed uri during past tenons are ;!" cnt('hlH�-1t cntched flom Academy; The Wood_ Our basketball showmg fUI'mJn'� No 1 Kmgdom Is COlDlng." ed accompanist ,vlth them. that are leI' Alons, MUI ry \V T. was held here o :Feb. at aware of the things that the Pnst Congtesslon- Orvin, ll'Ot'a Savannah. Ga. Congressman Edwards, Thul'sday nfternoon, 14th, way few days n "come back" nitCl father to son, of Jute :venl'! 10 '20 - of will be 1\llldred Kitch_ rapid haVing Recognition pastors second evening's program noscs cock, 1\1lry Robclts, Send fol' Price List. PINEAPPLE Can 9¢ Fifteen men stood 3 :30 o'clock. Menlllers are to under am very In and nil of young urged transpiring al disttict pmticular rather the often from son to the from Saturday. Miss Vera Com­ .. Kitch- been Crippled serIOusly by father; and vIsItors; welcome, given by "The Dorothy H"ines at thIS mgs, Reble KItchIngs, Mary 126]111 Iv) which was conduct_ be In the Bulloch county gang the state of in general are and from the eXaminatIOn, present. Mc- I Geol'gi" loss of a number of the regular lllay­ COUSIn to COUSin, nmghbor BEEF Mrs. 0 L composed of M.iss Haines and L1BBY'S CORNED Warren; respon�e, pony," enroute to lOgs, Er ncstinc Wynn, Sara Leah 1 FOR SALE-Upl'ignt plano III "ood ASSIstant Postmaster A. C. moment is a man and weB represented III the natIonal others ed by ers. The losses, however, have been !_fol' there have been many WOMAN'S UNION TO MEET Lem01e. MISS Pnuln DeL.eon. Miss Haines as KENNeDY . Woods. condItion. MRS. g, H. room farm at MIlledgevIlle we been IIn- lO);,I.oz. Turner nnd was held m a class the state congress. Not only have In Mallard who have done 10 th'e team. the regIOn Union w,ll 10:35-Roll call of soclelies, pl'e5- II dramatIc entertamer IS n real gen_ Third Glsde-Jack Gnr_ I prmclpally boys' (31janltp) The ChTlsllan Woman's of whom wore Suddath, _ RASR Can ut Normal From a both anew that our own congless_ the Georgl8 College. is woman, pressed team took on extra vim Idents bllcf for 1928. IllS. her IS lAna The boys' meet at the PlesbyteJian church on glVlIlg reporls MISS DeLeon, assistant, ln oUt I nett Euhne Stewal t an hst WIll offense Bishop examinatIOn convlcted of statutory man IS of credit as an fie. thIS ehglble cleservm� when Gne of the old at 10:50-Conference led by super- a talented and trained musician. On Althur Monday 1lI00nlng FRESH qROUND-QUALITY Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 12th, The testllllony thOle has DaVIS, Hel:belt Hodges, be made up, and an apPointment WIll courts week. hve represenlatlve, but llSSocIHt.lonal officcrR l"C_ t�IS legulms wandered 10, 10 Ihe person 3 30 o'clock. The "'omen of all the intendant; the thu'd evening "The Community man's wlie had gone the Sparks be' made fl'om the filst three on the dicated that the been eVl(lence of mUSIC States- "New multlphed Robel t Snllth, In quest of hIS old Loans churches of the are in_ spowll from Theater Players wlil preccnt 111·1 FOlll th Daughtry, of. Farm and City cIty cordmlly pOlting, Grade-George list . to Flol'ld" a few weel,s ago ostensibly Jea(hness of our Senatol f,om South Corn Meal IO'Llo: 251 The at boro \V M S. a comcdy.drama. Garnctt Sadie Mae pOSitIOn guard ''It.ed A vel Y Interesting pi ogl'am Brooms," grent Sick t.hlce calleed Reddick, TllOse who stood were Robel't Ed_ to viSit hm sister', leaVing to act when upon. a Mrs F. Mc- "The Georg1a The teums of W., nock scol'ed funds available. interest rates and llns be n pared for the occnSlOLl 11 50-Address, A. clOSing numbor wlil be gIven by The Berdle Peacock, Genev!! Canady Adequate Cheap IONA-TENDER. CUT 'VIl1lam pI •mall chlldl.n WIth her husband w ok the!'c came a moment Kmght'j ward Frankhn, Pulasl"l; Lust double VICtOI over and REPOHTER. ap1'loint- AlIstnr Company," a com_ - y �hc boys reasonable initial cost. PRESS Mahon, nnnounccmclh""; Allpl'ess mother of Fifth Gracie Laurll Nell Price, Lee Cow_ woman In the casc IS the when thc rna.- scrVlce into and out Cooper, StntesbOl'o; Percy finished gills of Glound aftcr_ ment of C0I111ntLtces; }11uyel', pany of bdlltunt artists and was C Icstta Catherine ParTlsh Fred H erm'an one and the prosecut.lon Statesboro was to be Aaron, l\1ld?le Ftlda.y Beans 2 art, Savannah; VettC1, SENIOR Y. P U. chIld, of serIOusly �:n;2S¢ B. n VHl noon Our teams are two loan" 1.DO-Adjoill for lunch. musicians who present n ied pro_ SIxth Grade _ Johnllle Sk,nnel playmg If in need of funds for either refinancing existing String husband. a NOlman H. Hacbels, Jr I by her the removal of passen. I Snvan!luh, The semor B. Y P U. of the F'il sl cc..ion from brought cl'Ippled by thIS one with Denmar·. 01' Young People's gram With sclec!tlOns ranging Joanna et games week, 01' fot' expansion of operations, home-building repair" OAI' man first on trial ueclar_ Brack, MaIgru Johnson:.I COMPLEXION HOJaee Stanley Clark, Jr., Thc put tlntn from the Central or Geor- Millen, Baptist chUl ch WIll llold Ils regular - Chllstian mclodles to the f�el Ion Wednesday at Denmark, and the It will pay you to talk over your financial needs With m'. 2.00 Song, "Onwrud, the simple popular on LUCIle Robel ts, Bermce Mincey, LII. John Edwin MIL ed that WIfe was called away helween DubItn and Dovel' The Savannah; Stevens, afternoon nt 6 1 (; Mrs. J the hiS ;:;I:! {othel With Esla on Friday on the llIeetlng Sunday Soldiers;" devotIonal pC-liod, most diffIcult compOSitions of ano han MlOcey. Bennett of Illness of her sister l'cmoval of thiS tram meant that len, Aycock, Rocky Ford; in the church annex. Spec131 pluyer • J!_C.<;"OIJJl't,l local COUlt Both games WIll be be. S. HIggs; pruyer mastCl s. Seventh Grade _ became fOI him to SClVlce frol11 A'.yde Aycock, John WIlliam Powell, Jr, Register; Btble led that it necessmy thelo would be no mall Cowart ®. Donaldson at 6 30 o'clock. qu,z by 2 20-Conl erence led M�s.r Md sent sale announce- I gun at 3 30 respec'lIvely We inVIte by The time Candlel' Inman J Alma Fred to look nfter h,s cllll. malll of the �lIl1el, Elhs, "SUNBRITC" Ban ett LeBardy. Savnnnah, 'Tileo Belle Wood· have somebody • tat bOlO to the Ime Miss Vandel'ver S. Y. P. leaoel'S and Y P ments WIll be made In the next few everyone Interested In the schools to Bank Ga. Riggs, the At. Hoppel. Sea Island Building Statesboro, Ganahl Beverly whereupon he Central between Savannah and I:Ihtch, Statesboro; captain of Group 1, has chl1rge I dren, emijloyed see the cock, preSIdents epol ting. days. Grade-LIIItun An_ games. Can woman It was ndmltted that EIghth Brack, Herbert Carlton fol' .,_=",,""""''''''''''....,...--__"''-'''-'''-'''-'''--'''--=-''-''-''-=_ lanla in the aftel'lOon. ThIS cur- Blooks, Savannah; of Ihe progt'am The subject dis_ E. L Tan • young There Is qUite a difference In the CLEANSER 2·10-M'9ssuge, Mrs. nie O'cnele Fordham Burk. I, NOTICE abandoned her husband two Madge Hoppel, ' Lyman W. she had tmlmcnt of mail sel VICC meant a sen_ Futrell, Statesboro; cUSSion is "Tn(' bloou that cleanses lUI nlllSIC from Mptter W appem nnce of the campns since L. nm; spec EhzHbcth Smith. Rnd Chathe weeks before that time ence WJth Statesboro MAID-TOM.�TO haltor, Glennville, Boyd New oO'lcers have been elected. All QUS mtel fel F. Mmt'" obtalnd lumber flOm M. QUAKER M S tllRl Ninth GI'ado _ Thel€sa Manassas. It was brought out at the bUSiness men It beem 15 rather than the same Grandee Maraschino b� those who are already mterested really pulled pushed LIBERAL FER,[ILIZATlON states, brongtng average New THE SALVATION ARMY SOCIAL tap tap#tap prmclple found only on the Avery Vibra­ ' see and over the load Thls constructIOn AN AID FOR pnce, reahzed a total of $364,209 30. tor Fcrtlhzer Dlstnbutor overcomes aU SERVICE DEPARTMENT and apprecIate the oppor- FARMING trouble and in­ RYE RAPE creases TRUCK also rclleves the rear Included tobacco from dl:stnbutmg effiCiency. 6ATS tunities. Statesboro may some time sprmg of any --r- 'i'his Alabama, CHERRIES I DlstnbutlOn IS actually regulated, and ��:ti·e quantity of be to attract attention funchon except that of supporting Paul Sudd"th, well known fallllCl Flolldu, South Carohnn and M,SSIS_ be in Statesboro Tuesday, Feb. bIg enough be easllycon::roUed by Simple mechanism be the load. ThIS the of from POl has I mnde .• on a large scale. There ;"ay permIts leaves tal, ecen:l� puo SIPPi. ���:����e�ay ONION SETS data covcled In Bumping or Joltmg has no effect on the new large capitalIsts who, lookmg OUI the .prillg' to be made fleXIble and hc some Intelestlng pOltalnlng The markets thc lepolt dl9trlbutor. Uphill or downlull-lt does the Job as well as on a ,hackled at In u e included flat field� are induced to cast their lot both ends, result'"g to his last year's of fertlhzel's. Adel, BalnbTldge, Baxle;, way, wastt:! 19 dIrect, .Imple and and normal actIOn an he Cunil with us. But the bIggest chance for free and easy HIS statement IS that jlroduced Blackshear, CaIro, Ila, Claxton, effC;:t����mes Every"fnove C�BB�GEPLANT of road (\.elve bales of cotton twel',e Hazle_ Come Iota our store ;)nd sce the Statesboro, or any other, small �en- absorption shocks. �II Douglas, FItzgerald, HahIra, today many other fea­ tures of thiS Avery machine. \Ve WIll be glad to show you at lies In the RadIUS rods jom the torque tube acres of land,. bale welghmg hurst, Metter, Moultl'le, NashVIlle, tel', present, enterprise .by It enJOYs wliversa) popularity. of the small bUSIness men WIth at the forged steel hOUSing of the an average 475 pOU.ICS. He used Pelham, QUItman, StutesbOl 0, �uch • o� acre. umversal .and 500 of He Thomasv,lle T,fton Valdosta , V,- )nitiatl'le. joint addmg strength pour-ds guano pe,· ' STATESBORO BUGGY AND W�GON CO A rigtdlty, keepmg the rear wheel. In decl�res that hberal !ertihzntlOn.15 dalia-and Waycross. Statesboro, CeOf'eia perfect ahgnment, and further re­ pr06table ":ld he ,.Ill follow tb,•. Fifty.two wl\l'ebouses handled the .::} '. 10 qualities. same .. t!llo.p. • sultmg Improved rld'ng m.ethfJOil �£lJt\ f',-' c�� J $r.��1 ',.� 1 NEWS THURSDAY. FEB. 7. 1929 aUlJ.OCH nMEI ","D S'tAT'l.SIIORO ' ==rr=::::::======;::======� NEWS FER. 7. 1925 ---' BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO ---- " SELL 1!lX ---:---=------FOR LEAVE TO DON�T TAKE WRONG Hinton Booth, admlnjj!trator of tit., GEORGI!�;��f:C�S ��y. NEW MODEL A FOKD ",tat" of M..". Snllic Mae Allen.... will sell at public outcry. to the for dbmlaalDn ' L ceased, havlnK .PI}liad SfCRH MADf KNOWN Slats" the iJ1arw highest bidder, for cash. before ROAD· IN 1929 f"om OI1id adnnnist.ratien, notice 1a Ross court house door in Statesboro, Ga., IIOTEDn II FOR COMFORT here that said application I (By Farqubar.) reasons y gv�n in 1929, .. There are on the first Tuesday Mareh, will be heard at my office on th OF CHfVROlH'S SUCCfSS the "Farm BUCC088 or (allure In 1929 many hours of sale, car within the legal No feature of the new Ford firs: Monda.� in March. 19a9. Friday-Mu and pa and Ant Em- described property, levied ifill very Inrgely depend on planting 1929. following been the su ect of moro en­ 'J'hi. Fcbruarv 6th, issued has bj the next few to C buzzar tonitc on under one certain fi. fa. decisions made during A. E. TEMPLES. Ordlnarr nl) went L! nrity than D.-rhe first CQurt of Statesboro in thusiastic approval its riding of Detroit, Mich., Feb. and when they cum ease of from the city ..eAks." deelared H. G. Hastings. for the accustomed to FOR LEAVE TO SELL obtained favor of J. O. Jobnston. assignee.Df qualities. To persons leader of farm answer yet rna wa steering �tlanta. recognized compruhenslve home why now owned W. A. GEORGIA-Bulloch W. A. Jones. by ride in a car in the so-called light of tbe Georgia County. the question, IIHo\\: did ChC\fI'O_ what H. thought and president La asting Ant Emmy Jones, against M, L. Gray and W. Johu N. Rushing' and W. L. Mc_ or medium the 11 stute-wtdo development one of the of weight class, degree �ssocll\tlou, estate' let succeed in affecting she thot of the dresso s Gray, levied on as the property Elveeu. executors of thli of I .. road for Its in indus, new Ford wit: to which the Model A absorbs organization bavlng prfnclpnl most. mammobh tUl'Il0\'Cl',3 the peplo j the W. H. Gray, to B. Ru hing, deceased, having applied that Sosietty betterment of farm comlr- The life interest of the said M. L. shocks and resists side sway is little Dbject the for leave to sell certain .hare. of was revealed here Ant trial history?" was wearing O1,d and to that . in to said estate.. Gray (Mittie L. Gray) short of unbelievable. lion. In Georgia. bank stock belonging and sed:I land today. Emmy replyed certain tract or parcel of lying "'Despite all urging to the contrary. notice is hereby given that said ap· is to the new 'incc mid-November when Chevro, looks in the 4Sth G. M. district, It possible explaln will be heard at office Well ·frum the and being d(lEpite repeated disaster years follow­ plication my, discon, 70 car's in these respects in 11129_ announced that it would Bulloch county. Ga., containing efficiency our tarm- on the flrst Monday 'in March, let of tbem muat De Inoreased cottoII acreage, • they bounded north (Ub' cars acres, more or less. s simple, nontechnical way. This February 6. 1929. tinue producing four cylinder en Increased cotton acreage a lot of Unimptoymint of Fannie Howard and generally Ordinary by lands Mrs. The tranaversu, semi-ellipttc A. E. TEMPLES, would instead a six in silkwirms D. and decreased food and gruln and produce amongst the I S. G. Stewart, east by lands of In 1928, of the Model A are heavier ' Provo Adminiltratioa of the four. specula, south by lands springs crone, gardens and meat antmala. For Letter. of the price range nowadays. A. and George Hart, . circles was' rife us of G. A. and west hy lands .of stronger. and more Idenee stepped In with uutavoruble sea- GEORGIA-Bulloch County. tion in autornobile Saterday-I was a flex.lble Hart. t,han would Bruce Olhff and Mo- W. H. Hart and J. G. those used on any previoua l' ord sons a.nd cut :-Ields. otherwise we A. N. Ollift'. how this was to be accomplished. this to reading in a book of February, ,1929. for perma. This 4th day 10 to 12 cent cotton now. R. Olliff having applied can manufacturers who had at; cal'. be facing NOW Other evning and I ast Ant J. G. TILLMAN. Sheriff. C.C.S. nent letters of administration upon you essentials in . "There Is a great sCl\rctty 01 food. us One of the chief I said late of tempted turnovers had required what did they the estate of F. D. Oilift', Emmy aud forage au most farms of tile to comfort i's a proportion gra!n notice is hereby as 18 months to two ycnrs riding High county, deceased, long mean Youth and she hogs own a by Flameing to. South, a great scurctty of COW8, that said application will be Westinghouse production. the shaft and worm of sprung weight and a low proper- given back into capacity wassent sure but she thot THE new Ford is exception­ of corn ftrst Mon. swing sed she and chickens. Plenty emply heard 8t my office on the worm tion of Sprung There were skeptics. steer beounse of The sleering unsprung weight. In many probly the>' was riffering to the boy ally eMY to gether. cribs. empty barns. empty shelves day in March. 1929. IRON! its and ma­ is all the weight suspended WAFFLE When Chevrolet followed up this. well. oned eeetor i8 forged weight and n plenty of unpaid This February 6. 1929. in the pome witch goes like the pr-opovtf the closet great an. same the flexible ends. It follows that E. TEMPLE , Ordinary' announcement of a six with the tho steel. chined in the piece by bills carried over na " direct re- A. had Boy stood on the Birning' Deck. weight of the car, store doubtless often wished you They the of un- have dc.iver-ies on the with ils shaft. thc higher proportion of cotton. Big cotton LANDS nouncement that Sunday-When the Sunday Skool spoke wheels, tho co-ordl­ suit overplantlng FOR LEAVE TO SELL waffle irons. Now weight, the more powerful of colton and farm one of these new-type new model were to begin January I, In and' sprung acreage, big yields GEOHGIA-Bullo·1t County. YOU teecher ketched me fixing a pin nated deslgn of sprlngs the stee... The of will road shocks toaether. of - a it will be! believed housing and violent be the bard time. go o Cluborne -Watkins. "dministrator and what few outside the company was a size it's yours delight her chore why she sed I shock absorbers, the mechanism is made the Friend gear Welcomes \ delivered the body, "Time to taco facts! Georgia and the estate of Ohurles Ellis. deceased, delicious made at the feat could be accomplished. But ing against frame, Golden, waffles, right Ignorent sackriligious Trubble and of the steering elee­ with for leave to soil cer-. crisp, design of three steel nnd the morn the Southeast cnnnot compete having applied in numbers did forgings, and motor of the CUl', this beautiful West­ deliveries quantity ker and wassent fit to soshiate with and ·the me­ tuin lands belonging to said estate,_ the table in exquisitely wheel, simple welded together. Texas and Oklnhoma ootton-grnwtng On that date prac­ trically Warns the Intruder} to absorb. t.:lat said 8P­ January 1. was me dif\icult notice is' hereby �ivcn Electric Wallie Iron! For begin desent boys. Jake sed if he chanical construction of the fooel aud grain uud third to Kenmore mek-I This is then electri. rest on on bought oft'lce inghouse dealer in the housing Some semi-alliptic springs ,viII be heard nt my every Chevrolet and You musl plication wonderful tically he wood of got up went out but' half bale 1)er acre yields. in 1929. time can this steering gear. welded to the or and thiek- on thu first Monday March. a limited you buy tho new six. Once eally steering their middle, heH\,;est country displayed a na­ welcomes the friend acre. your full home - I don't never mind little good I 'A brilliant porch light grow 00 home This FebruarY' 6. In9. on the easiest terms i8 column. Such a one-piece below the line of iron imaginable more the stion re-echoed through, The Ford .e8t portion�, and qu tchu"ed once and a wile. steering ge'ar it shows neods In lood. grain forage. A. E. TEMPLES. Ordinary Kidding unit is much warns the intruder. To the friend the did do worm and sector steel naturally sprung weight. weightie&t a out trade circles, "How they like, to make of the Thus, "The homo Gurden. hiS, all-yenr- Munday-Blisters (and PETITION FOR DISCHARGE than if several feels the themselvefl cut- u8c(1 on slurdier parts that the hostess is The guest .ections of springs round will n.mnzlugly in it?" and a wile and b..igh.priced thoughtful. one. hoJ11 SPECIAL OFFER a wise Crack once type GEORGIA-Bulloch County. were'u8ed and bolted or riv,.. form of the unsprung weight, and dnll': bills. Cows. The answer ns it now comes to car8 and is three·quarter part Ling both, sloro of this morning he went into the grosery his company really is desired. Joshua Smith. administrator eted to the size of the "hnmmee' lLnd chiclcells .nil Como in hUDdy Regularly can be epitomized in a single irreversible. together. adding hogs tho estute of Mrs. Victoria Smith, Iil\'ht Store and sed is my face good for take and the of tho Iliows dealt by both for food nnd somothlng to for letter8 'I'he foresighted , intruder the of pow!'r deceused. havin� applied $12.50 $9.95 wOl'd_Hforcsight." in here and the C]irk sed tlienewFord To the it is sign wlI.rning. non.technical Tho adlninistra_ enny thing In simple, Throughout, th� framo lown to Boll whenevcr you go. of dismission from anid of General Motors and Chev_ the, highway against body, lQ policies make a to 10 of is that said. Time yess it wo�d good place means tbat mechanillm Is It notifies him that the eye mnUlITe fl'om the anhnala will help step notice i3 hereby gjven For Limited to language, thi8 steering piercing light nnd motol' of the cal', tion, rolet have never been known hmu'd at my of­ Deminstrate there new Bargin. in and so care­ fewol' acres to tho three- appliclltion will be Sope the car and simple design tntnSVcl'se up your Tho re8ponds 'easily to him. In Ford design, the in March.. countenance any blind gestures. ready expose clnsR. Wllh fite on the first IVlondny Teusday-We herd that when made that it qUllrt�r� to hale per ncre 10 thestecringwheel, fully requirea I'est on their flexibl ends, 1929. 95c a Month! Chevr01et Six, which is today speed_ quickly springs food "lid Ill'llin. you Down, $1 Bloom was sent to the Peni­ no attention. home-produced Only Jerry there is no danger of the practically Because of the low electric rate, with their mid'portions upper. This Fcb"uary G. 1929. over the in thousands, yet f'xtremely henvy ton t It!;tond 0 f owo ing highways wII I own your cot Ordinary tenshary for makeing wiskey they from the form A. E. 'l\�MPLES, wheel being jerked You can burn most, in which position they was born four years ago. The for to the cost is insignUicant. It told him he cud go into enny kind only thing you 'bands of the driver ruts of the Ol' cushioned Notice of 'sale under Power of Sale FREE! with each purchase : Motors be­ by purt sprung, n.9y to take the wrong At that time General he do is to have the front 8teer­ as as ,��:le\�Il��:e. of Athnletics he wanted to and for many In DOcd to Sec.ure Debt 1 Cnn Bonjta Syrup or in the road. A your porch light heclltll:lo It's the old rond with an open mind, bumps eon. weight. rOiLd In 1929, 1 Pillsbury's Flour gan considering, choosed Cross Country running and ing spindles, spindle Pkg. touch the Clar, ten hour. for a penny. Aside f"om the "uestion of weig-ht, hflve tl'llvolod so 101lg. The right GEORGIA-Bulloch County. a car could be light guides only we whether six cylinder and link u of had to tUrn him down I gess. necling rod8, drag [al'm PI'OS- Under und by virLue of power they have that the tl'an'i\"c' f � con(;'ibutc3 and ouly safo rand tOI' 1929 to sell in the price range yet you always spl'ing deed to produced am afrade teecher lubricated 500 miles contained in the WensdaY-I the every Is rond to t'ull, 01' practically sale �ecure afterward feel·of-lbc-roa(lso again to the comfoJ'table riding pel'il), t.he B. Lall,or of the four. Shortly necessary and the lubri. A all a executed by John t? is a getting wise to me meby. To­ 8tcering gear Light Night for Pen;"'! production of food for tbo homo �el>t the essential to qualitIes of the Model A. full, ped in 1929, to my changed form their function, is first Tuesday March, test anu time al cushioning u stolle to a million miles of driving, of est of board" tn Coli ulmost like the follow•. mind after all becuz they was my stronger, eouree, period wit, on Mnrch 5th, 1929. reduced in a corresponding degree. toworM of the most intenSive sort a minimum of troQ� the bottom of the seu. Be Is deseribed of the eatate four yeUl'S well in than if a singl0 ing property Skates and I m,te as stay key in order to be efficient ex_ Moreover, \'ery cor"fnlly nt a rilie-uverailing of John B Lanier: of checking, 0hevrolet engineers were used to bold· ble and expense. . skool if she had them in her desk. . ends ,,1I0\\'0 certain or tract that item members, their front aboUl two f�et a mlnule-thu; All that- lot. plot themselves as satisfied ... smalles of )'OUr farnll, � driving pressed had a bruther up "I, land nnd situate. lyllllt_ Thirsday-Pa must be fastened to the frame tbe pumps to supply the proper of premises a. firmly had perfected six cylinder ' in the seventeen .hundred, A IiALJ= they north and he calls Pa by Long pressure. Oth�rwtso he Wllul,1 proll· and being today of Ihe cal.. This menns that the of merit. It was sixteenth (1,716th) district of the engin� exceptional have a sutrer great pllln with Illee'lln� distance and ------_._------.,---- ably got -- Sl1YS tbey of the as shocks and of Geor•. lengthening spring rate county of Bulloch state a momentous occasion in the history at Ute eyes, Dose and enrs. 1'he t=t:�TILIZI:[) IELI) new Pa sed Well did you bounded to- more _ bG�y. sure cure remedies ior are encountered must be entirely tho gia and particularly and marked the SPRA.Y your fruit trees with TWELVFl at whlcb be Ie wlthdrawo [rom of the company, Herbert describet! follows: North blf. name him Hoover like you for one dollar. Stamps or "ear end and as cide. We have it in any Quantity poultry ward ttlC rear, for only the ".ter 10 slower stUI. achievement of one of the greatest land. of J. M. Hendrix, Ben Wesley sed was and his bru tber replyed can save E. A. order w T.P. SIEBENMANN. shackled you alld you money. money of the spl'ing can have a ealt triumphs in the history (24jan4tc) Lanier und Grae� Lanier: by.' engineering sed. No we dissided that SlMITH GRAIN CO. (24jan2tc) Brooldet. Ga. SALE and scale-I and hin_ged mounting. As the spring SHERIFF'S lands of M"". Eunice Lanier: 10Uth of the industry. wood be better and J; M•• Beatrice Helen ._ the rear wheels ore GEORGIA-Bulloch County. by lands of C. E. Griffeth and �tentime Fisher engineers, flexes, therefore, Body him Beatrice. outcry, to the wesb land. of J. M. Hen. so we called Helen moved backward and and I ;will sell at public Hendrix: by v7ith forward, metes working in close co-operation bidder. �a"h, before drix, and having the following neither a constant nOll a uniform highest for �he Gu., bounds as thereof made. Chevrolet, announced that they had hourt house door m SJ;atesboro. and per plat wheelbase can be ll1a!Btamed. March. 1929, December 1922 by J. E. Rushing, and attractive-in on the first 'ruesdo>, in, a body, rugged It tho Bulloch REGISTER COMMUNITY'NEWS In the �fodel A the l'enl' springs the legal hours of sale. county surveyor of �ounty,,­ of the sensational within every way worthy described property, levied at a stake on the. a function only. following Georgia: Beginning that serve cllshioning of" new And then it was teams certain II. fa. iscued southwest corne,' of .saill trac� engine. The Register basketball on under one The car is pushed forward through favor de. ex_ court of Millen in land and running north one (1) the Chevrolet board of strategy Denmark last Friday after_ from the city out played the tube an" radius rouds, Portal R. G. and folty_flve (45) mlnl1.tes east one· fork can work the stullings of satisfiecl. torque of Bunk of againRt gree A pronged pressed themselves as finally Denmark's court. The noon on which will the thrust to a point levied on as' the property twelve hundred (1,227.' but it can't deliver the goods-it just can't of PAYS carry Saunders, you, Then the process making thimee north begon scores were as follows: Regiitel' Saunders, to wit: feet to iron corner; well forward on the chassis. B'oth of R G. give results. ready 20 widely separated Chevrolet certain tract of land lying eightv_three (83) degre.s and tbirty' 15, Denmark girls Register al'e That girls 1; ends of tile therefore, cast hun�- :fertilized field. You caD advent of the new six. springs, in the 46th G: M. district. (30) minutes twenty.fiv'; Neither can a poorly plow; plants for the Denmark Our and boys 21, boys 10. shackled an'd and all leaves �iling containing 30 dred feet to a stake: thence isn't hinged, Bulloch county. Ga .• (2.500) and work all but if there It meant that an new set of and plant you choole, entirely are of their team. They bound�d north south six cast eleven. girls proud -MOST are as flexible as their eft'iciency and more or le.s. (6j degrees in the on tobacco TJBtJE acres. of the kind of foor! field. and dies had feet to a enough right plant machine tools, patterns haven't been defeate<1 yet. west lands of R. G. Sa�nders. hundred eIghty (1,180) cushioning members require. The and by for a full stations and the and on E. Brannen and thence south eighty.three 8S. don't look crop. Experiment to be developed in shops Miss Marion Thompson, French east by lands of L. stake; of the springs has no eft'ect lands of and minutea west successful farmers have proven hundreds boards. It meant that and both improve with flexing P. S. Hankerson, south by degrees thirty (30) everywhere the' drniting and Latin teacher, was operated on yield quality THING· on the length of the wheelbqse twent;,<-six hunured fifty-eight (2,_ of times that it's the fertilized' field. that had to Chilean Nitrate of Soda. The showo 'SURPRISING W. L. Sparks. properly Chevrolet's 40,000 employes We THE crop 19�9. a stake and of for appendicitis Sunday· night. whatever. This 4th day' of February, 658) feet to point in the Aak over. on all tobacco­ bring big, early, money.making crops. be adapted to the change . she is along a handsome profit. Use it Sheriff. C.C.S. beginning, containing seventy-three are glad that ..etting adition to the spring .1. G. TILLMAN. In special said recorded thoae near you who And alL of this had to be done continue to dark and (73) acres, plat being well and hope she will bright, burley. A Ford has as Power of Sale IT IS THE design, the Model Public Sale Under in ,deed book No. 68 at page No. 208. were ABOUT �ric� while the l'eBOUrCe� company's do so. Tobacco is a nitrogen feeder. Chilean Deed heavy standard equipment a very fine type In Security in the office of. the elel'k of superior USE ROYSTER'S with the involved,chiefly at the time, Bonn Mae Andemon spent Nitrate Soda in the row before pl"'!!t. Bulloch to. Miss ie of applied of shock nbsorbers which GEORGIA-Bulloch County. court, county. Geol'gia. hydralic. here had will tell that the best investment production of four_cylinder gear M.;ss Lee Forms a root virtue of authority which speci,,1 reference is They you they last week end with Ruby ing gives it a fine start. st�ong add to' the smooth riding Under Ilnd by materially and made for a more accurate antil i. into fertilizer of knOWJl shift cars in numbers never before of sale as contained in make the money they put Bowen. Holds up and l,eeps leaves green of the power system. 'fell of the eXt!cutcd definite description of said ·Iands. __ made by and Farmers in the industry. It is to be last qU8,lities ��_. a CCl·tam deed l\nd high quality, they prefer Royster'.. equalled Miss Mattie Anderson spent until to mature--does not interfere of For' the of paying the crop beginG Alex on the 20th day pu,,,ose assurance for remembered last Chevrolet Mmcey have been Royster's with +I­ that year Claxton as the of C. costs of this and of Il.Y. buying week end in guest with normal ripening. Tobacco grown with October 1926, in favor of W. proceeding demand now than ever before. It sustained its position as ing the balance of thirteen bundred year.. Bigger again Mrs. Smiley. Chilean Nitrate of Soda brings top price in GDT CASH FOR Akins and Company, the undersigned, . WHO automo_ was record_ dollars ($1,300.00) of the principal must be to down•. "world's largest builder of which deed duly· right. High quality, easy put !\Iiss Ruby Dell Rushing, student markot. security the of the clerk of the of 8 certain promissory note for six_ A per. biles" with a production of 1,200,_ ed in the office always fairly priced. perfectly, blended, at Georgia Normal spent last week teen hundred dollars ($1,600.00) Chilean N itTate of Soda b t he standard CITRUS CROP superior court of Bulloch county, aged, perfectly balanced formula for every 000 cars., FLORIDA'S dated made - 17th. by fectly end with her parents. on the 20th of October, February 19'23. fertilizer the natur:;;1 I'"oouct -not Ga .• day You Can best afford to use because the fact that men nitrogen John Lanier and payable to the crop. Royster'. Recognizing Elma Williams spent last 2.--Out of in deed book 77. folio 526, B. .Miss artificial. Atlanta, Ga., Y;:eb. 1926. Bank and the new will sell at order of State &; City Sec had be trained to handlfl the -- public Royster's pays you best, Royster deal�r: to weed end in Register as the guest of dollar brought to the state of the undersigned every fIrst Tuesday in March. Trust Company. due November 1st, Dear .. and that practice sale on the you work, �reliminary Miss Holloway. Florida the 1927_28 citrus fruit with interest thereon after ma_ Anetha Tobacco by same bein� the 5th day of 1927. the of 0" Brigill 1929, was necessary in handling F. and Share nmounted c'ourt house at the rate of eight per cent Mr. Bnd Mrs. C. Wing crop, the railroads' March, 1929, before the turity built is a well looldet "How to giv�s or and the 1923, in book. 6S, pal! 546, of installing cents, and aq,vertising and selling of land. more .Iess. being is deeded to said office of the clerk of the superior old machines for new reported that the. engine cvery_ information on fertilizing all types of tobacco. I sume truct of land rebuilding costs took. 5 cents. , Mikell 011 the court of Bulloch county, Georgia. Fertilizers its knew it would be. nearent for book. Alex M.ncey by J. S. work and l'c_educating in precision thing designers Write the office you, asking Life Insurance 10th of December, lS91. which New York Company acceleration is not surpassed by NOTICE day methods thousands of employes. The let No.4 or s,mply teru' out this ad and send recorded in deed is now the holden of sald note and . KENNEDY MOTOR COMPA!'!':, said deed is I ' duly 0.11 the road. It , of title and conveyed ana On November 15 the machinery that of any other with name and address. book T. 113 and 114. the powers your ',' this I will be in pages \ ' Bel1;inning day deed. . conferred by said security the motol" has speed for any emergency. the Said land to be sold as the proper_ used in expel'im�ntal plant: ample of the retail ice house of executed to" STATESBORO. GA. charge said Alex Mincey to satisfy A conveyanoe will be It an better than 20 Provision lo­ ty of the was mo�ed to the main productIOn has economy '1I Statesboro Company purchaser the undersigned as au_ NOTICE said Alex by beautiful Chilean . station. 'I will be the indebtedness owing by was dis_ miles ·to the gallon. It is I cated near the fire in deed to secure debt. line and the Sr.ginaw plant se. thorized said and will Mincey to the undersiJmed and We a cabinet making department to our glad .to serve my friends 1929. have.added mantled. So well grounded were all in appearance. It is exceptionally cured Ily said deed. The proceeds This February 2nd. blacksmith business and have procured the services of Nitrate ofSoda appreciate their patronage. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE} we!'e I of said sale to be applied to the paiV-. Lhe plnns that 12,000 motors easy riding. ZACK ALI.:EN. (24janltp) I Drinci. COMPANY. • Mr. H. K. HULST, who is all exp rt cabinet man thus who ment. of said deb�. clull,ing between November 15 and Engin',el's and "II thoes can, "IT'S SODA LU CK.· a_ . prodQced A. attorney in of John B. us do idl kinds of work and REMOVAL pal. Interellt and all coats £ tbjs eale, fae� ena1:>ling to cabinet �creen visualize what a tl'C_ FURNITURE secure debt Dec;cmber 1, an average of 1)101'C in detail, truly to njet· the deed t NEW and the. baIaIi • If any. tie paid ul\Ide doors and windows. aCili(:vement referred �o. a DQcem_ 'mondoufJ industrial this or as the .above . t.han 1,000 day. Duting- to the 'Alex Mincey. Guaranteed. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU .' M'IDDLEBROOItS. All Work Prices Right. fast touro';er ) BIr " b.e� 60·,000 motors were produced, an incredibly comprises, law BRY� Your 10.0' (judler Bulldlac, Solici1;ed. .. it Hurt G 'l-'!d$ II. Patronage more than at its accomplishment SIX av.erage ot 2,000 IT!ar''�1 �17. Bldg.,.l\tianta, 'AL at � -AMERICAN . Geo� AttomG71 two 1o", The c ntinued 01'_ stands as a trillian< 'tribute to I ... assembly plantil· I" ... 10 Ad No. A-81' attorn,!q � . p'_ 'B� T. BEASLEY Motors riling refer lI'li. on old' until great orga,!}zationS:-'-Gkneral BY-O�·K .' _'. " ,.: : '.�rati�p, th.� .11J�d,�Il'· I � . I October 25 when the k�lt one closed and its Chevrolet Diyision. •------""'!!�------, THURSDAY, FEB BULLOCH 'UMES AND SrATESBO.RO NEWS �� !!"'tIetHriwa'H,....,� ,--=--_:_--....J"------� �trs C Z Donaldson and children I COME TO .. ,I .. 'f ... Social Happenings for the Week I :��:,t �:stan�e;;rsen� ,�I��a�e�:.a:� BUJ.LOCH COUNTY, - , ' ' THEATRE N THE AMIJSIJ ewmgton WI. THE HEART OF GEORGIA, MI and MIs Chalile Cone mote: MUTtON PICTIJR£S STAT£SBlJRO, I "WHEIlE NATURE SMILES" cd to Augu'!!a Wednesday and were ��------Ml s De v G cover was a VIsitor In )'Lrs H ylarke accompanied home by their daugh- A 'BI'lJL1CAL 1YRANA Savannah Monday Pineora Sunday ter MISS Aldina Cone. wno IS study E L Smith was a business VIsitor MIss Nell Mat un IS \ isittng' rcla, mg at the Univeraity Hospital Miss t i es in Savannah Feb. 12, 10 Wednesday Thnrsdav, 13, 14 Augusta Cone will be at homo for several Tuesday, Wednesday, GA" FEB 14,1929 and MIs H P Jones were MIS Waldo loyd was a \lSI tor m THURSDAY, Mr , �TATESBORO, week while' f rorn a, ae In Collins Monday Savann rh Suturday visitors vere case of pneumonia the relativ es MlS C L Gruver was among Mrs H S Pari Ish visited 0 HKING OF KINGS" the week I in Savam;ah the week CLASS RECIT A.L visttora to Savannah during' during star Curnm 109 and a.l all cast] story by EOUCA1DR' , With H. B. Dorothy . of Atlanta, visited Mrs Gordon Blitch was a VISltOI The pupils of Mrs HIlliard's music Warner, JOR G£ORGIA MANY VISIT NOTHING: TO LIVE Robert Riner, De Mille. ThIS shows FOR,:, ,�WE�B,ORO IN TOUCH Cec il B, prcture OllJlO.OK Jeanie directed :::y.�: F�RIRS w ll e a at MacPherson; by I ' week In the week l recital the ;�l;��"E; F�RM[RS. the Savannah elass relatives In the cIty durmg during gl\ High are *�i� scenes HIS r the final months. of the hfe of Jesus The of ministr-y finely and Mrs Tom Donaldson all- Mrs S C Groover was a VISltO' School auditortum this (Thui day) ; III FACDLIY �It last the tnal before Pilate, the CO'l­ betrayal, the supper, IN 1929 .. 0 MI s presented-c-His LIFE 27th the week even clock Hll11md TUESDAY In at ENOS son HiS 8 'PELOT' of a Jan Savannah during WlIH'WORLD nounce the birth 109 INSmOTE Resurrectie 1, EWITI and the . �R the VIa the crUCIfiXion finally, from a Mrs Lee Anderson has returned Will be assisted Mrs Eliznbeth demnatton, Dolorosa, AOHlCUl!! J L Stubbs has returned by SOULE MAKES IN, ;;:7:':'��m:;:r!':�f:::;:rhe call tor a PROGRAM DUR- Feb 19,JMlss P{tESlDENT Macon, Mary RESULT OF You'll find thIS the world's picture, magnificent, dazzhng, awe­ .. pla"t].oullilliid INSTRUCTI:Y� Oa, PERSONAL INTS" from n business to Atlanta of the de greatest week's VISIt in Savannah tup Glltfm Gettys, expression TERESTINC OBERVATIONS IN of and INC THE ENTIRE DAY lS V£RY Gllrmlcllllel, lnBtrudor In the VIEWS and theme that msplres Cbristianlty-acclaimed �ell b"lanc\!ili 'type crop WITt' 48,207 FARMEd annen mo �[.. was busi some, inspiring-the story ' r and Mrs Cecil HI !\ J Bird, of tter, a partment I In HELPFUL TO Statesboro en- Mr screen, We are now REGARD Tb' CONDITIONS 'annual G�rgla Ifor THEl't'1.- High School, bas been IN 311 STATES, 0 • • the world over as tbe of the pre. prodqJtlon after- visttor In greatest trlumph 1 1 Mpnday ness the cIty Monday ,,___ t�. \ __- , tored to Savannah a i929 If �rop Is gaged to teach atl tbe Mer- 7th wonder of mohon You have seen "The Birth of 04r1 malne,D!oney history MIss LIla Blttch was those senting tbe pictures, )t Thirteen hundred and ....1 noon I an10ng 4By DR. ANDREW ,SOULE, held In' Ime tblrty cer summer Iii was Although many have ... "HSMTrEsSSw Down "The Ten Comn'landments," "The Covered �b,e �sttlon, l� ulllversity schOOl, person. and son R snend SatUJ in Savannah onMTRuSesdBayLlaTfCteHI_oHoOn Nation," "Way East," State IWlth the farmen., lIhs R J Kennedy J, to day President, Georl{la should and a hve-at-home pcntOlI8 announced Daan Peyton ;Jaeob, BUllied heretofore .nat the fumen .. Blitch entertamed her neighbors "Ben Hur" "The," and now you can see Cecil B, De Bo�e 10CCUp� attendrd Ins! 'by the MIs Inman was those Wagon" Blg tute whicb was beld here were visitors m Savannah during Foy among N of prograrn, for, the eonsum- ondj,y director of 'thel school Mias Ca... quite out df touch With tile' budge KING OF KINGS," DOJ:l't fail to see prov{ded cI.lI� to VISit S wnnnah the week Mille's' "picture of' plctures"-"THE Agncultur�?6 -In accord- and under tbe aus- week during Athen., Ga, Feb' mation of the progrnm dellne.ted evening Tuesday michael at the vacation 8eB- aetlvltlea of tbe rest of the -" WEDNES­ taught wOl'14 invited �. tbe rum three Y, and Edna Paul Jones several days dur; GFUreas!SafnOtr nt�rreCle.stlabnlneds wJOenr� wonderful picture which for day.,__.,TUESDA its IIxed the Geor- of tbe Banker's A880- MIsses Frances Stephens spent ance Wltb poitey, will enable us to take full POasell8lOn plces Georgia slon last summer -the tact now 18 dlilclosed that. mDll; qull wore effectlvely used In decor DAY and with a MATINEE on TUESDAY and THURSDAY, m II on the week In AtI anta on b ustncss THURSDAY, of elation and waa the Oeor- were VISItors Savanna mg gta State Agriculture of our neella staged by Mercer summer .chool will farmer. keep a. ill eonUct Rogers Mrs C B Mathews lnnd�r Colle�� ha� ptarketa, BUPp,y their open olo.ely Mr and Mrs John Gofl1 and chll atmg No reductiona for mattnee., State &f made a very de8nlte'and comprehen- on a basis and gta College Agriculture on June arid contfnue untll IAu- witlt· current eventa .. Monday , was .atlsfMJipry keep 11, ' score and gl\en It'de�k oIJ • "� "."�; last dlen VISIted relat,ves 10 Metter Sun_ 11lgh The truckloads of , �doltlw� Mrs HarlY Emmett spent SlVe study ot the agricultural SltUk-) at home a mln1mum of four ar- 20 Will Into cards Mrs CectI Brannen le�elved permanently exhlbl�s Il'Ult ,'It be dlvldld two 'coual�.' With Mrs Fled tion and the which he rived and were In.tall- week end at Brooklet day P. G. Walker, pro.peeta $6,000,000 now sen� outalde the Sunday mght tbe second on Seven Ollt of ten' farmel'll iaN a wall vase for low sco\'e At the Admission 25c and 50c. Ngr. terms, ending July F C Parker spent several days ahead for The ed Monday At 4 o'clock In Sbearouse I the ensuing year .tate for eueJUal suppbes of food during HI 'StUdenta mny study for half' or daUy, newwpapel'll and over half take conclUSIon of the game a salad course Mont weel. In Atlanta on bu. data obtalned I. of a eoncrete tb.. afternoon the doors and BIllte Cone left Sunday for I dUling th� f and raw rnaterutla. opened all tho summer and reeeive local weekly papers, announcea the was served rathe! college whete he has accepted mess and definite nature ana sufilClently a n'lmber of mltors attended durmg Natlollal Fertlllll8r gomery, Ala, •• .. .. credit for tbe amount of wotk done, Aaaocla'loa. MI. D 'N and Mrs Ketl Waters Af_ JOLLY FRENCH KNOTTER::o authentic rehable whlcb to the evelllng The a pOSItIon RIggs PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S WORK EVENING BRIDGE to MISS Myrtle and upon program, however, Dean Jacob said ,! WashingtOn" DC, which b..... the reI a I wero m dur [ Crouch IS vlsltmg DaviS vISitors Savannah and a salad course The Jolly French Knotter" met a of pro- R[D CROSS WDRK[R[was reserved till Tuesday mornmg ltatement on Dr S J The women of the Plesbyterlan FJlday evemng Mr Mrs J ter the game lovely predIcate rational program • In addition to tbe member. of the personal. and unifol'Ql and the weel' afternoon WIth Mrs J ThiS consIsted of discUB tlves and frIends In Augusta Ing chUtch were entertaIned on M nme tables of was selved Wednesday cIuctton for 1929 program About G o'clock Interviews with farmel'll fa 85 I Monday Thayer-entertaIned , regulat unlver.lty faculty who will 48Jj07 of DeLand, Fla, IS • • • A AddIson' at her home on North Prof Kenneth brm man- 810ns of various of mterest to be called bl. Washmgton Coy Temples, afternoon at the mllnse After a players WIth a brtdge party at theIr Treatlor, ON IN topics Wednesday mornIng renlam for the summer states, Includln all those eut of th. I DUTY BULLOCH, quarter, of hIS parents, Judge and Mrs FOR MRS TODD \Ibm street Jnnontcos were tbe lias been "n'dl- the farmel'll. Brooks Simmon., prea- wbo had the Mrs Juhus Rogers, VlSltmg short perIOd of somal Intercourse, home on North College street The jawalded agemont'speclalist, brother/Joe, apent night many have been Ie- Mlaslaalppl river and MoInDeIOta, guest I Mrs Anna E Red Cross Iprofell8ors Mr and Mrs A E MIS CeCIl Kennedy aclightfully flowers used In After of and Sirna, iclent of the First National Bank, and told hIm It .... 88 lS VISiting bel parenLs, Temples the foreIgn mlSSlon study book for Valentine Idea was used m decorat decoratmg ;rect charge assembhng PTe- I wltb him, Simply cured to special 1ll1ltruc�lon III North Dakota, 10_ Mi...orul, Ar- savannah'l the gIve IS nurse, with the aasiatance of MISS Edna Mac Bowen, who entertallled tbree tables of players an hOUl and m seW1llg, thiS material Not Is he spoke on "The Banker's Interest in to Fifteen minutes 1,,- W D Davl. the year wa. reviewed by MI.s Car 109 nnd \V.IS carJled out In then spent SOCIally j,nnrur only t,,"6.-� get up eo 11 ege subj ects and In apeclahzed ken.s, Louisiana, KanllU, Okla- teachers and some of the members " of at BellvI,-e, was a vIsItor m at FrIday aftemoon m honor the hostess served a chIcken salad weII�'" d h eondItl0118 In the Farmer'sereW Ifa His was a ter the' brother hoard the of homa Texaa MISS Ona Powers, Spnnlffield, teachmg rle Clay and Mrs Spencer M,rs E prIzes HIgh scores were made by bridge acqualnte report p1'ofesslonal flelds Elmphasla will be atill I W)t of the P -T has been the Mrs J El Doneboo the Sunday of MIS of Sllnpson but he bas the ad- A., making plaIn statement of the a 'tbe and there be found In over 18 the gue.t of cIty L LaVargne, of Challe"ton, S C, Mr and � Lostel 0 B,annen and Morgan Todd, Georgta, ellJo,.ed relatlonah.i)f gun �n yard pub on studIes In education, and addition, half the farmers a ar_ MRS DEAL HOSTESS the children of a few Bob Everett IS spendlllg the week VIlle, S C She used pI etty of attendel! the Na- phYSical ll18pectlon of that exlsta beft-een agrIculture and with half of bl8 head blown tntervlewed I18ld for days played some beautIful plano selec- 10ws by MIS Leffler DeLoach and vantage having Henry mMY teachers are expected to at- they take weeklx tn­ the sebool of Statesboro dur- Stubbs and m Savannah WIth hIS mother, M.s of narCISSI nnd Japonlcas Mrs B A Deal entertaIned ttonal Outlook Confer graded hnes of buslnes. J G Ohver, a load of shot He hy"d ne.... Mr and Mrs Grover I tlOns wruch added, uch to the pleas Dr H F Arundel Novelty Valen- rangement Agricultural other away :w;tth tend the summer school spaper. Previously the _OCli- week. When tblS In- last week Bedford Evel ett as hel deco' .tlOns MISS Lila Blitch fonnally WIth two tables of brIdge was held In tng the._past of the State on "Solv- tIll 4 o'clock In tbe faternoon MISS MInnie Stubbs spent I ure of the occasIOn Plans were tmes were for scores and ence, whlcn Wuhmgton, College, spoke about "Uon annbunced It. flndlng that gIVen hIgh roses 18 a Will Eldward AkInS left last week for made score and was a on afternoon PInk 21 to 1929 The spectton completed, report Ing the Farmer's ProblellU!" E D Pelot's Mrs Pelot, on. and In Savannah pelfected for the entertamment of comic Valentines for low MIS Le hIgh given Saturday DC, January 26, mother, Pel)ny eIght out of ten, farmers take where Co_ Mrs lent then charm be gIven m detatl ana the parents Alexander dIscussed "Better Mr and MIS P R McElveen, of New York he has entered as_ towel FOI low score, Hatry artIstIcally arranged outhned m the follOWing pages Crops," dIed about eighteen months ago and or more farm the Woman's ChI'stlan Unton of roy Cowalt and MIS Bob AkinS pi3ns RAILROAD MEN WANT papers • were wIll be sent .. the and VISIted relatIVes m the cIty lumbta Untverslty SmIth receIved a damty nandker to the occasIon Dainty candles are not on the needs and re report o� findings �tl'S Katherme Lanier, of Sa left a small estate which Henry had Of the farmers who answer. Lyons, Statesboro on FebrualY 12th The sisted the hostess III serVlng a d.uuty only 48,20 of ea"h chIld MISS of !\tianta, chIef Aftel the a f,ozen salad on the tables the game She of bnt bave the vannah, had for her subject "Homo been Cltosen to lOok after Tltls had ed the • during the week Agnes Temples comlnttt�es wele uppomt- salad course game durIng qUJrements Georgia question "Do you take follOWIng To from thiS Mrs het and served and hot latel served a hot course RadIO accomplish, any good Elconomlcs In mental worl CHANGE IN HAT SllES Dr and MIS H F Hook and liS VIsItIng pr.rents, Judge ed On lefre.hInents !lirs Ellis Mr. was WIth sandWiches advantage of bemg properly correl FunctiOning GeorgIa's gl\ ell hl;'n conSiderable y dally newspaper?" 8 total of' 33,674, It 1S for ... In FOR MRS ROGERS musIc was the as lOspection, very necessary Rural EducatIOn" was of --_ Glenn JennIngs wele VISltOiS Sa M,S A E Temples Sotrter, Mrs Albert Deal Mrs Dun coffee enjoyed thloughout atcd wlth the natIOnal SituatIon though there nothmg lmpor or 69 6tr/olBRld "yes" the to co MI and M,s Aubloy Olliff, of MISS CarrIe Lee DuVls comphment_ well Tbl, makes the facts and parents operate by takIng E P Josey, county agent, preslderl tance to about LllSt fnll h,s Ga Feb 11 _ The In a total of farm- vannah Thursday can McDougald, Jr MIS Robmson, ; fig worry Atlanta, Georglll, 4,786 I chdd to mo_ Mrs Julius of MYSTERY CLUB the the family phYSICIan, at th", The was ar- was dIS Mathews VISIted her SIS_ Cl.lxton.. Sundny With hiS �d Rogels Savannah, lIres all the 1II0re valuable seSSlon� dIsplay sister dIed He much ers were InterVIewed Of theae Mrs J L spent on church, Mrs Donaldson, Mrs presented Agnes 2,948 dentIst 01 as the case On ThUlsday afternoon M,s R J OCTAGON CLUB arc cor specmhst, may tn the tobacco warehouse and add iter, Mrs John Kennedy, In Savannah ther lI