The Superheroes Are Hungry

by David Drojak Cast:

The Superheroes: - Temeka - Patty Flash- Chris - Sasha Robin- Chaya - Ryan - Emily The - Robbie Spiderman- Wade - Shannon - Marsche

The Villains The Joker - David The Penguin- Chey Voldemort- Josh Plot:

Someone has put a powerful forcefield around the Superheroes’ favorite diner. When the Superheroes confront the Villains, they found out it was not them, but a new evil wizard in town. The wizard has also put a forcefield around the Villain’s favorite diner. The evil wizard is more powerful them all of them. What will become of our Superheroes and Villains? Will they be able to stop the wizard and return to their favorite diners again? Wonder Woman: I just got back from Soup and Heroes Diner and someone put an evil force field around it. I couldn’t get through. Flash:

Who would do such a thing? I was just going to zip over and grab the soup the day. The Hulk:

I am so mad. Today was pea soup. I like green soup. I will SMASH. Batman: Relax Hulk. According to my computer- the force field will blow if you touch it. Robin:

Great Scott Batman- that could destroy the diner and the city. Superman:

Maybe I can burn through it with my X- . Iron Man:

Even your SPECIAL SUPER X-ray vision will cause the forcefield to blow. Aquaman:

Do you think we could enter through the water under the street? Ironman:

The forcefield is surely around the whole building. Flash: I’ll go check. (Flash goes off screen and comes right back). Supergirl is right- the forcefield is surrounding the whole place. Scene Note

Villains call in on the screen. (Funny ringtone) Superman:

Who is calling? The Joker:

He he he. I see our superheroes look a little hungry. Supergirl:

With the diner closed, the only place to eat now on the street is the Diner of Doom! The Penguin:

(laughs) They have the best fish soup and crackers. Batman:

I will never eat there- the food is too greasy and salty. The Penguin:

Exactly why I love it. Robin:

And the service there is too slow! I can’t stand it. Aquaman:

Which one of you did this? The Joker:

He he he…It wasn’t me. The Penguin:

Don’t look at me. Scene Note

(The call is interrupted) Voldemort:

I was me. Voldemort. And I just put a force field around the Diner of Doom too. Villains:

*Gasp* Voldemort:

Give me Harry Potter and I will leave you all alone. Storm:

Why should we? Voldemort:

Because, I am more powerful than all of you. Song: Spiderman: Okay Voldemort, enough. I have a secret everyone. (Takes his mask of). I am Harry Potter. Supergirl: I thought you were extra moody and nerdy lately. That explains the sudden British accent. I thought it was just too many James Bond movies. Spiderman/Harry:

I switched places with Spiderman a month ago and sent him to fight crime in London. Voldemort: Ah Harry. At last. I am going to… I am going to… invite you over to play Snakes and Ladders. Spiderman/Harry:

What? Voldemort:

I beat the Hulk on Monday, and he got so mad. The Hulk:

I hate to lose. I hate snakes. Voldemort:

I played with Storm on Tuesday, and she cheated. Storm: I am sorry the wind blew the game pieces of the board right when you were about to win. Spiderman/Harry: Okay I’ll play you Voldemort, but if I win, you have to change everyone back and remove the forcefields from both diners. Voldemort: Deal. And if win, I get to destroy the Soup and Hero Diner and the Diner of Doom and open up my own diner. The Death Eatery. Spiderman/Harry:

Fine. Let’s play Snake and Ladders, and may the best wizard win…