The Loddon Valley Link Church and Village Magazine for Sherfield-on-Loddon, Stratfield Saye, Hartley Wespall with and Bramley

Issue 484

November 2015

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Welcome to the November edition of the Loddon Valley Link.

This month sees our Remembrance Day services, and our new priest Stephen has some thought- Editor: Jane Abrams provoking insights on the First World World War and the need for Contents commemoration. Church Services p 4 Minister’s Letter pp 7, 9 We are then well into Christmas Parish Registers p 9 preparations, with the Christmas Tree Prayer Page p 11 WI p 17 Festival and other events. Do support Police p 19 the Festival (27th-29th November), Borough Councillor p 22 which has lots happening for all the Bramley website p 22 family. Sherfield Village Hall p. 26 Christmas Tree Festival pp 29-32 NWR P 39 The tree wardens have provided a Sherfield Parish Council p 41 fascinating article this month which Evergreen’s Club p 43 you will find on p 44. It includes useful Tree Warden Update pp 44-45 advice on the most suitable trees to Sherfield Gardening Club p 48 plant in your garden. Sherfield Park p 51 NHS CCG p 55 Small Ads P 56 Thanks to Andrew Dance for this Useful Numbers P 57 month’s cover photograph of the Sherfield War Memorial. Keep the photographs and articles coming - as Simon said last month, it’s your magazine. Please send in your submissions to: [email protected].

Cufaude Lane Please note that from 26th October Cufaude Lane will be closed, probably for about six months although the order will be in force for a year. For details see http://www.sherfieldonloddon- e0dfaeb7dba0 [seen 20 October 2015]. Editor

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November 2015

Sunday 1st November All Saints Day 10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield 10.00am Family Service St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 3.00pm Memorial Service St Leonard’s Sherfield 6.30pm Evensong and Communion St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

Sunday 8th November 3rd before Advent Remembrance Sunday 10.00am Remembrance Family Service St Mary’s Hartley Wespall 10.45am Remembrance Service Village War Memorial, Sherfield

Friday 13th November 4.15pm Messy Church Sherfield Park Community Centre

Sunday 15th November 2nd before Advent 10.00am Holy Communion and Sunday Club St Leonard’s Sherfield 6.30pm Evensong St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

Sunday 22nd November Sunday next before Advent 10.00am Family Service St Leonard’s Sherfield

Sunday 29th November Advent 1 10.00am Benefice Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield

Sunday 6th December Advent 2 10.00am Christingle & Toy Service Sherfield Community Centre 10.00am Family Service St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 6.30pm Evensong and Communion by Ext St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

*Drive up close to the white gates, which will open automatically .Children are welcome at all our services. Services in italics are particularly geared to children and families.

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BREACH LANE CHAPEL Geoff Belsham 01256 882534 / 07519 708416 Transport is available for all events at the chapel November 2015 Services and Events Sunday 1st 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owen Thursday 5th 7.45pm House Group & Bible Study at 9 Coopers Lane, Bramley Friday 6th 10.30am Coffee Morning at the Chapel with Book Sale for Mencap Sunday 8th 10.30am Family Worship led by Graham Locke Tuesday 10th 7.30pm Deacons Meeting Friday 13th 10.30am Coffee Morning at the Chapel with Book Sale for Mencap Sunday 15th 10am Family Worship led by Neil Owen including Holy Communion Thursday 19th 7.45pm House Group & Bible Study at 9 Coopers Lane, Bramley Friday 20th 10.30am Coffee Morning at the Chapel with Book Sale for Mencap Saturday 21st 2pm Disabled Christian Fellowship led by Geoff Belsham Sunday 22nd 10.30am Family Worship led by Alistair Sneddon Wednesday 25th 2.30pm Midweek Fellowship at Chapel led by Geoff Belsham Friday 27th 10.30am Coffee Morning at the Chapel with Book Sale for Mencap Sunday 29th 10.30am Family Worship led by Steve Smith

Catholic Services St Bede’s and Holy Ghost Churches, Basingstoke. Parish Office Tues to Friday 9.30 am-1.00 pm Tel.465214. Sunday Mass 9.00 am, 11.00 am and 6.30 pm

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MINISTER’S LETTER As we approach Remembrance Sunday and the 11th November I am conscious that the continuing 2014 - 2018 centenary events are rich with commemoration and that is no bad thing. In all our remembrance occasions we recall the bravery of those who accepted the call to a just conflict in defence of those who had been overrun by unjust agendas. In a civic breakfast I heard two eloquent speakers in particular address the popular modern belief that the Great War was futile. Certainly by the end it may have seemed that way. It was, after all, supposed to be over by Christmas 1914. Our local MP in Wiltshire pointed out how careful and thoughtful the debates in parliament were in the weeks leading up to the British entry into the conflict after the invasion of Belgium, and how cautious MPs were about that commitment. He concluded that, having read the debates, he would have supported the decision. However, he also made it clear that if he had known the outcome his decision would have been different. By the time it became clear that we were in it for the long haul it was too late and many brave soldiers, officers and chaplains as well as innocent civilians lost their lives. It is too easy to judge from a distance. Whatever the political motivations and triggers of these kinds of catastrophic events, it is the bravery of those obedient to the call of King and country that endures in our collective memories, despite the fact that most people now have no actual experience of the events. We must never forget. I am aware too, though, that our commemorations often leave out a whole raft of others whose determination, courage and bravery kept this nation afloat during war years - those who worked here at home in the Land Army, the Home Guard, intelligence gatherers and decoders, the emergency services and hospitals, those who kept up morale, and on and on. Then there were the many, many families who, day after day received news of the loss of their loved ones. Sometimes families and communities had to bear many losses. What the WW1 commemoration has done is give us access to the stories of ordinary people from all walks of life. I am constantly humbled by their endurance and resilience, and our softness and all too high expectation of what life owes us. We must never forget them or their stories. What we must do, in the face of all this sacrifice, is consider how we will live in a spirit of cooperation and generosity. Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life (Continued on page 8)

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(Continued from page 7) for their friends (John 15: 13). God’s love is all about generosity, about putting others first. The greed and ambition that lead to conflict are the antithesis to this. I pray that we can act from love in generosity, justice and mercy, not just in the periods of remembrance but throughout our lives. Here is a prayer that you might find helpful. Generous God, You show us in Jesus what true generosity is all about. Thank you that his life given for us on the cross wins eternal life for all those who believe in him. Thank you for the generosity of those who have given their lives to win freedom in the armed conflicts of this world. We pray for those who serve still. Comfort all those who grieve and strengthen those who are left behind while their loved ones serve the cause of peace in dangerous places. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Every blessing. Stephen

Parish Registers


Pamela Kirkland Pemberton 22.09.15 Hartley Wespall Laurence Pritchard 02.10.15 Sherfield

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TEXT FOR THE MONTH… … The Lord makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." From Psalm 46 : 9 &10 The NIV Bible

Prayer for the Month. Lord Jesus, hear us now as we pray for the victims of war, those who bear the scars of conflict- the injured, the maimed and the mentally distressed. Be with the homeless and refugees and those who have lost their livelihoods, and who still live in fear for their lives each day. Lord, we pray that you will give wisdom to all who work for peace, courage to those striving to bring peace to the countries of the Middle East and strength to those who seek to break down the barriers between peoples of different races and different faiths. Lord, we pray for reconciliation and harmony between the nations of the world and for leaders with vision to create a new and safer world for the future. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Prayer Points for November Pray for our new Priest in Charge Stephen Ball and his wife Lorna as they settle into the vicarage and embark on the task before them. Pray for our soldiers who have recently returned from Afghanistan, those who were wounded there as they strive to recover, and those people for whom this month brings back sad memories Pray for our own country at this time, also for those who are uncertain of what the future holds for them, and those faced with decisions who do not know the way to go forward. Pray for all in our villages who are unwell, that they may receive the help, support and encouragement they need, and for those who feel isolated and lonely on the dark winter evenings. Pray for those who attend men’s and women’s breakfasts, that they may be stimulated by the teaching and fellowship. Grow in them the wish to know more about the teachings of Jesus. Pray for all who mourn, that they may receive the help, support and encouragement they need.

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FLOWER ARRANGERS NEEDED We like to have flowers each Sunday in St. Leonard’s church Why not book a Sunday when you can provide a flower arrangement to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, remember a loved one who has died, or for another special occasion. Or perhaps you would just like to join the Flower rota; we are always looking for volunteers. We are happy for you to commit as much or as little time as you like - we would really appreciate some extra hands to lighten the load. No experience is necessary and help is on hand! Arrangements need to be done for the Sunday services throughout the year, except during Lent. The team of arrangers may contribute an arrangement for Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter. If you would like to join the friendly team please contact Judith on 07702 822 262 / 01256 883 551.



Each calendar comes with a free 32 page Christmas story activity booklet designed to use each day in Advent for only £3.99. Behind each of the 24 windows there is a Fairtrade Belgian chocolate and a line of the Christmas story. For more information please contact Carol on [email protected] ALL ORDERS BY 1ST NOVEMBER PLEASE

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GARDEN MACHINERY SERVICES Miles Elliott Servicing Repairs Tuning Adjustment Sharpening

Turgis Green Phone/Fax: 01256 882224 Mobile:07810573479E-mail: [email protected]

Now’s the time for servicing

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Friday 13th November 2015 Saints

Children are encouraged to come along dressed up as animals and to bring photographs, drawings or magazine cut-outs of animals and flowers/trees. The children will also be making decorations for the St Leonard's Christmas Tree Festival, Messy Church Christmas Tree entry. Lots of craft, worship and tea for the children! All welcome 4.15 Arrive, Register, prepare for Worship 4.30 Worship followed by activities in three groups 5.15 Meal - cafe style (finish at 5.30pm)

It is essential that you book (and please advise of any food allergies). For more information and to book, please contact: Peta Alvares: [email protected] or on Facebook: Messy Churchsol

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The Garage at Sherfield

Goddard’s Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon, HOOK, Hants. RG27 0EZ

MOT’s Cars and Motorcycles Service 90% of Diagnostics our work Repairs is repeat Have a service with Air Conditioning your MOT and get business Recovery your MOT for £30 Collection and Delivery service available. Tel: 01256 882271 Mobile: 07812 939 498

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WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Reported by Ilene Iles The business part of the October meeting consisted of a minute’s silence for Pat Jones’ husband who died last week, also reminders about the County Autumn Meeting in the Anvil on the 20th October and our Cookery Competition on the 4th November. Doris L’Enfant asked for more support for this event. Items should be brought to be judged at the Village Hall between 10 am and 10.45 am. The Speaker for the afternoon, Mrs Deborah Wheeler, gave us a very amusing talk/sketch on how Troubled to be well groomed, well fed and well presented in the Times - troubled times of 1942. She finished by asking us all to join in a sing-song – ‘My Old Man’, ‘Daisy, Daisy’, 1942 ‘Tipperary’ and ‘Pack up your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag’. NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 2015 IN SHERFIELD VILLAGE HALL AT 2 PM. COOKERY COMPETITION – SOCIAL AFTERNOON

Big Blast at Probus Club Geoff Twine recently spoke to the Probus Club of Basingstoke about his time as an RAF Flight Sergeant. He was in charge of the world’s biggest bomb disposal task, at a disused slate mine at Llanberis in North Wales which had been the main RAF Bomb Storage Unit. After the war Bomber Command sent thousands of tons of ordnance to be made safe or destroyed. When the RAF moved out in 1956 they attempted to destroy the explosives. Fires burned for days and explosions rocked the area. In 1970 it was decided that something needed to be done to make the area safe. Men were trained in mountaineering and abseiling, this being the main method of gaining access to the decaying devices in the quarries. It is a testament to the skill of his small team that there was not one fatality during the years it took to make the quarries safe. See for information about the Probus Club.

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Police Beat Report At the time of writing we have had two reports of males acting suspiciously around vehicles and homes locally - snooping around cars and houses and taking pictures on their mobile phones. We believe that this activity is reconnaissance in preparation for the theft of vehicles. Nowadays car security is so good that the criminals generally rely on obtaining the keys by various means in order to steal the target vehicle. This could be by stealing a handbag, burgling a home, breaking into a locker at a gym, 'fishing' keys out of a house via an implement inserted through a letter-box or in the worst case robbing the owner when he/she returns to the car. Fortunately the last is very rare.Those affected have been visited and given suitable advice. PC Jim Charlton Crime maps 20 September - 20 October

For both beats, telephone 101 (or leave a message using collar numbers) - please don’t report incidents using email. Sherfield Park (& Chineham) Bramley and Sherfield-on-Loddon NPT PC Jim Charlton 21015 and PCSO PCSO Nath Johnson 15740 Nicole Wheatley . PCSO Damon Hope 15394 james.charlton Nathaniel.Johnson.15740 Beat Surgery 1st weds of each damon.hope month at the Costa Coffee - Chineham Centre at 16.30 - 17.30. Page 19

The Four Horseshoes

Old Reading Road Sherfield on Loddon RG27 2EX Tel: 01256 882296 The Four Horseshoes has changed hands! From 13th October 2015 the pub will be under new ownership. We will be providing a full drinks menu plus bar snacks while we plan and put into place our ideas to make the pub a centre of village life. We regret that we will not be able to provide the same menu as before as we work through the changeover; however please come in and say ‘hello’, stay for a drink and meet the new team. Have you considered using us for your party, wedding or celebration? Please come in and have a chat with about your plans and ideas. Lynz and Jan Page 20

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Borough Councillor Update Hello everyone It is now been six months since you elected me as your borough Councillor. I thought you might like to know what I have been doing. Firstly it has taken a while to find my feet at the Borough Council - who is who, what is what,what all the acronyms refer to and who is actually worth talking to when you want something done. The biggest threat to our villages is a plethora of unwelcome major planning applications caused by developers trying to jump the gun in relation to forthcoming changes to planning rules, which are designed to give more control to Parish Councils. The Parish Council and some other residents are preparing the Neighbourhood Development Plan. I have not been involved in this process yet but intend to be so in the future. There are at present five planning applications relating to Sherfield and Bramley totalling over 500 houses. As promised before my election I will fight these applications. However, some development in the parish is inevitable. I was elected as a Conservative and I am pleased to say that at a recent party meeting we voted to keep the council tax at the same rate for another year. The final decision on this will be by agreement with the other parties at a full council meeting. The Dixon Road traveller site application is now with the Secretary of State and is due to be decided early next year. We all await this decision in hope. [email protected]

New Bramley Web Site The Bramley Hampshire Website is now available on line with information about regular users, contacts and local businesses, how to book halls, upcoming events. It is a project in progress and will continue to develop over the next few months. Details of the official launch will follow shortly. Christine Rowley Development Manager, Bramley Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07909970321

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MEMORIAL SERVICE Sunday 1st November 2015 St. Leonard’s Church 3.00 p.m. You are warmly invited to a special time for remembering and celebrating those we have loved and who have died Everyone most welcome

If you wish, bring a memento

The Big Christingle & Toy Service

Sunday 6th December 2015 At Sherfield Park Community Centre 10.00 a.m.

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 Independent family Funeral Director  Day or night we provide a complete personal, caring & professional service for all your funeral requirements  Dignified funeral service £895 plus disbursements Please call Terina on 0118 9821111 28 Mulfords Hill, Tadley, Hants, RG26 3JE

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Village Hall Matters Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall Reg. Charity No. 272385 Tel: 07468 427684 Email: [email protected]


The village hall management committee was delighted that our application for funding from Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council’s Local Infrastructure Fund was successful. This generous funding enabled us, in August 2015, to refurbish the WC and the main hall. The refurbishment has brought the WC facilities up-to-date, made better use of space and increased energy efficiency. Additionally, the main hall has been redecorated and rewired. The superb beamed ceiling has been repaired and the timber floor restored.

CLUBS & GROUPS Want to keep your mind or body active? Want some company or a change of scene? Why not join one of the many clubs and groups which meet regularly at the Village Hall?. Contact details can be found on our website on the Clubs & Groups page of the Village Hall web site. If you have an idea for an activities group or are currently organising an interest group near Sherfield, then get in touch with us to see if we can help out. Please note that we will soon have a brand new projection screen! Our facilities and availability can be found on our website, and any further information can be found through the Hall Manager, Wendy Gosden on 07468 427684.


26-28th November - Loddon Players (see p. 25 for details).

For more information on activities, events & booking the hall, visit: “At the heart of our community for over 100 years”

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CHRISTMAS TREES, WREATHS and other decorations at

West Green Road, RG27 8LP We will also have our Honey, Homemade Jams and Christmas Pudding Ice cream CALL 01252 845772 from Nov 1st for information and to place orders, or visit

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Christmas Tree Festival

with a Pantomime Theme at St. Leonard’s Church

Sherfield on Loddon

Friday 27th, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th November 2015

Entry by donation to all events

Your pull-out programme

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Friday 27th November

7.30pm to 9.30pm Free Entry to Grand Switching-On with a compered Musical Entertainment by EVOC

Mulled Wine, Fruit Punch and Mincepies (for a donation please)

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Saturday 28th November Entry by donation

All Day. 10am-4.30pm View the Trees and award your first, second and third choice with a donation in their collection pot! Christmas market. Make your own Christmas wreath (small charge).Make your own Christmas Crackers (small charge). Face painting (small charge). Tombola. Raffle tickets for luxury hampers. Tea, Coffee and Cake.

Timed Events

Bellringing. 11.30am-1.30pm Chris Ford, Tower Captain, invites you to tour the bell tower and be shown how they ring the bells.

Sherfield School Music Department Director of Music, Ilana Bennett. 1.30pm Jazz by “The Sherberts” 2.00pm Sherfield Singers 2.30p Chamber Choir

Harp Music by Christine Weaver 3.30-4.30pm

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Sunday 29th November

10am Sunday Service amongst the Christmas Trees

11.30am to 4.00pm View the trees and award your first, second and third choice with a donation in their collection pots! Christmas Market Tea Coffee and Cake Raffle tickets for hampers Organ music by our Organists

Timed Events 2.00-3.00pm Harpist Christine Weaver 3.30pm Drawing of the raffle

Entry by donations. Each tree has a donation pot! Please give generously

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“CAKE Tastes better together!”

That’s the motto for this year’s Macmillan Coffee Morning and cake certainly did taste better on Friday 25th September at 11 Poplar Close at the home of Chris Horton when she hosted her fourth coffee morning. She said “I’ve done this for a few years now in memory of my friend, Cheryl McGhee and this Pictured: L-R Pauline Rymer, Chris Horton, Marilyn is the best one ever as I raised the Senga - seated, Jane Brydges. incredible sum of £429.70. I had 30 people come for coffee (and cake) and would like to thank everyone who gave their time and money so generously. I had fabulous support from Pauline, Marilyn and Jane (who came early – pictured) and cakes and biscuits donated from Joan Gould, Sally Killingback, Gill Fearon, Jane Hatter, Valerie Giles, Hazel Ball, Pauline Rymer, Natalie Larner and Jacqui Morris. Thanks too to Karen Robinson for some gluten-free goodies!

Basingstoke Symphony Orchestra presents Golden classics Saturday 28th November 2015 - 7.45 pm The Anvil, Basingstoke Including Tchaikovsky’s 1812’ Overture and Holst’s ‘Jupiter’

Photograph: ‘Battle of Borodino 1812’ by David Barrie cc.2004

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For information call: 0118 932 6308 Brochure hotline: 0118 932 6480 www. e-mail: [email protected]

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Our last meeting was our ‘Wine, Women and Song’ evening and the theme was Democracy, Liberty and Human Rights, which ties in with our national theme in the anniversary year of the Magna Carta. As usual there was a varied choice of music, from classical to folk to rock/pop. The political theme covered issues which came under the protest category, so there was a significant rebel element as you would expect. On the classical side we listened to the ‘Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves’ by Verdi, ‘Fanfare for the Common Man’ by Aaron Copland and ‘Back at the Barricades’ from Les Misérables. ‘On the Road to Freedom’ by John Kirkpatrick (a former member of folk group Steeleye Span) was chosen because of his appearances here in Sherfield - and also his very clear diction and great voice! Folk/ballad artists were by far the most Wine, Women popular choice, so we enjoyed ‘Blowing in and Song the Wind’ by Bob Dylan, ‘Wearing of the Green’ by the Wolf Tones, ‘Part of the Union’ by the Strawbs, ‘Oh Freedom’ by Joan Baez and ‘Universal Soldier’ by Buffy Sainte-Marie. Of course no folk list would be complete without Pete Seeger, so we listened to ‘This Land is Your Land’. Among the folk/ballad/reggae artists picked were Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, Eddie Grant and Nina Simone. Some of the pop music we listened to included the Kinks singing ‘Set Me Free’, ‘Dear Mr President’ (about George W. Bush) by Pink and ‘Another Day in Paradise’ by Phil Collins. On a lighter note, ‘Liberty Bell’ by Sousa was played with its apt title, but is more recognisable as being the theme tune for ‘Monty Python’. To coincide with the release of the new film Suffragette, we sang two anthems of the suffrage movement, one to the tune of ‘Men of Harlech’ and the other to the tune of ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’. Many of the songs we listened to we remembered from years ago, but had forgotten them, so it was good to hear them again. A very enjoyable evening! Our next meeting is a discussion on the freedom of the press. Gill Fearon Page 39

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November Update from Sherfield-on- Loddon Parish Council

Meeting dates

The next Full Parish Council meeting dates are 11th November and 9th December 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Liddell Hall.

Housing Survey

At the time of writing, the Housing Survey is still underway. By the end of the first week of the survey there had been a very good response rate which is encouraging. The Parish Council anticipates that further responses will be received before the closing date and the information will be then be analysed by the independent body commissioned for this purpose. Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to respond.

Remembrance Day Service

The annual service will take place on Sunday 8 November 2015 at the War Memorial, Reading Road. Please arrive for 10:30 am.

Road Closure

Because of the Remembrance Day service, between 10:15 am and 11:30 am on Sunday 8th November the Old Reading Road will be closed between the southern entrance to the village from the A33 and Pound Meadow. Northbound traffic will be directed to proceed along the A33 to the roundabout and to turn left into the village. If you live to the south of Pound Meadow, you will not be able to have vehicular access to your property between 10:15 am and 11:30 am, so it would be very much appreciated if you would kindly make any necessary arrangements before 10:15 am. Thank you.

Catherine Ryle - Clerk to the Parish Council, Sherfield-on-Loddon, PO Box 6862, Basingstoke RG24 4QZ. Telephone: 01256 842662 Email: [email protected]

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Will’s Garden Services Tel: 07951917943/01256 881354 Email: [email protected] A complete range of garden services: Garden clearance, Mowing, Hedgetrimming, Paving, Pruning, Fencing, Turfing, Tree Care

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Evergreen’s Club This month our meeting was a very interesting and informative talk by John Goodchild from Loddon Valley Lions. The Lions Club was formed in 1917 by Melvin Jones in Chicago. Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind, gave an address. She said that alone we can do so little, but together we can achieve so much. The sight programmes introduced by the Lions became very important to blind people, including the introduction of the white cane in the 1930s. The Lions also became involved with the United Nations in the late 1940s. The first Lions Club was formed in in 1950, followed by Glasgow in 1953 and Ireland in 1955. The Loddon Valley Lions was formed in 1974. Today there are 46,000 clubs around the world, and 946 in the British Isles and Ireland. The Loddon Valley Lions’ emblem is the River Loddon surrounded by the fish from the river. The members are ordinary people doing amazing things, helping those less fortunate in the community with projects such as gardening, decorating, specialised wheelchairs, ramps and many more projects. John spoke about memorable projects:  providing a specialised wheelchair for a local child  helping a local resident who needed brain surgery in Sweden  providing three new rooms for Naomi House  help with rebuilding schools, orphanages and houses after the tsunami in Sri Lanka  supporting the victims of the Haiti earthquake The message in a bottle scheme is supported by the Lions; it helps the emergency services with vital details in an event of sudden illness or accident. Details can be obtained from your GP surgery. The Lions also support sight programmes and recycle eye glasses. Most of us are familiar with the Christmas Float and the Tadley Treacle Fair; these are only two of the many fund raising events undertaken by the Lions. The meeting ended with tea, biscuits and a raffle. The next meeting is on 2nd November. Our speaker will be the Mayor of Basingstoke, Councillor Mrs Anne Court.

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Tree Warden Update ‘The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now’. ~Chinese Proverb THIS YEAR’s tree warden forum, held in the beautiful gardens of Wakehurst Place, celebrated 25 years of the Tree Warden Scheme. We were astonished to hear that tree wardens - all of them volunteers - have devoted over 22 million hours to their communities’ trees and planted six million trees since the scheme began in 1987.

Wakehurst Place, West Sussex, a Ash Die-Back National Trust property We were given a rather worrying update on Chalara, or ash die-back disease, which is predicted to spread to all parts of the UK within as little as four years. The sheer number of trees likely to be lost is going to have a big impact on the landscape, forestry, and timber production. Putting a Value on Trees Looking after our trees is very important; they are not only beautiful but provide a range of social and environmental benefits. As an illustration of this, a mature London Plane tree in Berkley Square was recently estimated to be worth a whopping £750,000, based on its size, health, historical significance and how Britain's most expensive tree? many people are able to enjoy it. Extending the functional lifespan of large, mature trees with routine maintenance will maximize these benefits for a relatively low investment. The right pruning and mulching give young trees a good start and the correct pruning and treatment of older trees will help avoid causing damage and introducing disease. If you’re not sure how to look after your trees, please get help from a qualified tree expert so that any advice you’re given is correct and any work carried out is by competent people.

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Tree planting New tree planting is needed now to replace the trees that we’re going to lose. We can all play a role in this. Here are a few tips if you would like to plant a new tree in your garden: If you can, plant more than one tree. Trees like growing together and establish better with companions. Include a mix of different species so that if one succumbs to a disease or a pest, they don’t all fail at once. It makes sense to spread the risk, not the disease. When choosing a new tree, find out how big it will get at maturity and how fast it is likely to grow. All too often, tree problems are caused by the wrong tree in the wrong place - too close to houses, or too large for gardens.

An illustration of optimum planting distances of different sized trees.

For more information or advice, please contact one of us or go to one of the websites listed below. Jane Jordan – Tree Warden for Sherfield on Loddon Jane Malarkey – Tree Warden for Hartley Wespall Useful websites:

Page 45 Phil GilesGiles Therapy Therapy

CommittedCommitted to to helping helping youyou

II amam aa nationallynationally registeredregistered CounsellorCounsellor && PsychotherapistPsychotherapist basedbased in Sherfieldin Sherfield-on--onLoddon-Loddon offering offering both both long long and and short short-term-term therapy therapy whateverwhatever youryour particularparticular personalpersonal issueissue maymay

YouYou cancan expectexpect aa professional,professional, oneone--toto--oneone serviceservice inin aa safe,safe, nonnon-- judgementaljudgemental andand completelycompletely confidentialconfidential environmentenvironment withwith appointmentappointment timestimes toto suitsuit youryour needs.needs. PleasePlease visitvisit mymy websitewebsite forfor fullfull detailsdetails atat oror telephonetelephone meme onon 01180118 328328 2393.2393. IfIf youyou prefer,prefer, youyou cancan alsoalso ee--mailmail meme atat [email protected]

TakeTake thethe firstfirst stepstep inin findingfinding thethe helphelp andand supportsupport youyou needneed byby contactingcontacting meme forfor aa free,free, nono obligationobligation assessment.assessment.

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Hook Choral Society Handel MESSIAH Fauré Requiem Stanford Three Motets Haydn Missa brevis St Joannis de Orchestra - Deo Ars Eloquentiae Ešenvalds Amazing Grace and Stars Basingstoke Choral Society

Conductor Directed by Nicholas Woods David Gibson 7.30 pm Saturday 7.00pm Sunday, 15th 14th November 2015 November 2015 St John’s Church, London Road The Anvil, Basingstoke Hook RG27 9EG

Tickets available from Tickets £15.00 (£12.00 concessions, The Anvil Box Office 01256 accompanied children under 11 free) 884244 available from Trees Newsagent, or Hook or ring 01256 882067

News from Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Wild About Gardens Week The annual celebration of garden wildlife (Monday 26th October to Sunday 1st November) teams up this year with Hedgehog Street to highlight how gardeners can help our hedgehogs, as this much loved creature is sadly in trouble. There will be a week-long call to action and a celebration of the humble hedgehog. 2016 Wildlife Trust Calendar Our 2016 charity wildlife calendar is now in stock and features the 12 winning and 12 highly commended local images from our photography competition. Price £7.50 (excluding p&p). Christmas cards Our Wildlife Trust charity Christmas cards come in packs of 10, including mixed packs if you would like variety. Profits made from sale of the cards will help the Trust continue to protect wildlife.

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Sherfield and District Gardening Club

Our talk on November 16th will be given by Sally Burr who will be talking about Natural Christmas Decorations. Sally has been a flower judge for many years, including at our recent Flower & Produce Show. She gained her RHS Diploma and HNC in Horticulture at Sparsholt College and also has a C&G qualification in floristry which is her particular interest. She does much of her work to raise funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care. At the meeting, she will show us how to make seasonal decorations using material from our gardens. There will be no speaker at our December meeting. Instead we will be having our annual Christmas party. Anyone interested in gardening will be most welcome to join us at the Sherfield Village Hall at 7:45pm. For arrangements contact Linda on 882341 or Vanessa on 881760

Sherfield School are holding their Christmas Market on Sunday 6th December from 12 noon to 4pm.  Visit Santa in his Magical Grotto  Feed “Dasher” the Reindeer (Courtesy of Animal Dramatics)  Come and Hear Festive Carols  Over 40 Gift Stalls  Luxury Raffle  Fun Christmas Games.  Food & Refreshments Join us and help raise funds for Charlie’s Day Unit. Entry Adults £2, Children Free.

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St Michael’s Hospice Light up a Life St. Michael’s Hospice would like to invite you to their Life up a Life service, taking place on Sunday 6th December at 18.00 in the grounds of the Hospice. The service, led by Bishop John Dennis and Hospice Chaplain Liz Lang, will give time for reflection and precious memories of loved ones who cannot be with us this Christmas. If you would like to make a dedication in memory of a loved one, please visit or for further information please contact the Fundraising Hotline on 01256 848848. November Nights Hold a fun evening and at the same time raise money for St Michael’s Hospice. We are launching a new campaign called ‘November Nights’ and we would love you to be involved. Have a Cheese and Wine evening, a games evening, Bonfire Night Party, or a girl’s night in being pampered. The list is endless of the different things you could do to be involved. If you have an idea please let us know, or if you need supporting material to help promote your event, please give Lynne Grimshaw a call on 01256 848845 or email: [email protected]

Basingstoke Voluntary Action The Voluntary Sector Forum will be held on 25th November at the Orchard (White Hart Lane, Basingstoke). Topics include ‘Trigger Tool Training’ and ‘Hitting the Cold Spots’, aimed at older people and their carers or families within the community. Trigger Tool Training aims to put people in touch with organisations that can help them solve problems, such as home safety or social isolation. In addition there will be a brief update on ‘Roles and Responsibilities of Trustees’ and ‘Utilisation of the ‘Volunteer Centre’. See the BVA website for more details on services for voluntary groups. There is also a Facebook page.

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FUNERAL DIRECTORS & Happy Faces MONUMENTAL MASONS. Play group ALEXANDER & DRY Sherfield- on-Loddon “Bring your happy face to our Twenty four hour service. happy place” A small, friendly playgroup for Pre-paid funeral plans children aged 2 years 6 months to available. school age Flexible Sessions 1 Seal Road, Basingstoke, including all day RG21 7NQ Further information: Tel: 01256 844663 01256 880903 Prospectus/application form: 07791 141176 [email protected] Est. 1982. Charity No. 1029688

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SHERFIELD PARK MATTERS The Sherfield Park Community Association (SPCA) will make two commercial units available during autumn 2016. Both are adjacent to the Community Centre and are approximately 80 and 70 square metres. They are to be offered at highly competitive rates; priority will be given to businesses which are viable, capable of generating income, and able to deliver demonstrable benefit to the community. The possibility of combining these units to form one larger unit is being considered and expressions of interest are now being sought from prospective long-term tenants. Questions and indications of interest should be addressed to the SPCA at: [email protected]. The SPCA would also like to hear from members of the community willing and able to assist with associated legal and commercial issues. The SPCA will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 28th November at 11 am at the Sherfield Park Community Centre. Members of the community will receive the Chairman’s and Treasurer’s financial reports and will also be able to vote to elect SPCA trustees. There will also be displays and the opportunity to discuss the latest plans for Sherfield Park shops, the SP Community Centre loft extension project and the need for the SPCA to alter its legal status and reorganise. The post of Secretary of the SPCA will fall vacant in November 2015. The Secretary is, first and foremost, a SPCA trustee, but the role is also vital because it enables the deliberations and decisions of the trustees to be documented and shared with the whole community. Individuals interested in this role are invited to get in touch via: [email protected] Residents of Sherfield Park extend a warm welcome to Charlotte (Charlie) Tall, their new Community Safety Patrol Officer (CSPO). Charlie can be contacted on 01256 844844 or via: [email protected] The road works to connect Cufaude Lane to routes into Sherfield Park are set to commence in late October. Notices concerning road closure and likely consequential traffic disruption have been issued by B&DBC (see p. 3). Updates on these and other topics will feature in the Loddon Valley Link as they progress. And don’t forget, all residents are most welcome to attend SPCA Committee meetings which are held at the Sherfield Park Community Centre on the last Wednesday of the month at the new time of 8 pm. Page 51

PLUMBING & HEATING SPECIALIST Serving the local community for 30 years

 Bathrooms & shower installations  Solar thermal installations and energy-friendly controls  Gas Safe and Oftec registered for peace of mind with gas and oil installations 29164 Telephone: 01256 882309 Email: [email protected]


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Stay Well This Winter

Taking care of ourselves and our families is top priority at any time of year, but even more so in the winter. There are some simple steps to take which will keep you and your loved ones out of hospital and even out of the doctor’s surgery. First of all, ask your local pharmacist as soon as you feel unwell, before it becomes too serious. They are a great source of information and health advice, and will have a consultation room if you prefer to talk in private. It’s particularly important for young children and the elderly to stay warm and eat well. Stock up on food supplies, have plenty of hot drinks, wear warm clothes, and try to warm your home to at least 18°C. Check on your neighbours too, especially if they are frail and you haven’t seen them for a few days. If you are worried about an elderly neighbour call the Age UK helpline on 0800 00 99 66. An increasing number of people are now eligible for a free flu vaccination, which is well worth it. People who qualify are:  Those aged 65 years and over  Pregnant women  All two-, three- and four-year-olds on 31 August 2015  All children of school years 1 and 2  All those aged six months to 65 in clinical risk groups  Those in long-stay residential care homes  Carers.

If this means you please contact your GP Practice soon. Looking after yourself and your family is vital. You will have heard in the news that the NHS is increasingly stretched so we need to save the services of the Emergency Departments for those who are at highest risk. The NHS North Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group plans and buys your local healthcare services. We work closely with GP Practices, pharmacies and other healthcare professionals to give you the best possible service.

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HOUSE CLEANING BY MARIA. Reliable and affordable service. Friendly, experienced lady who cleans every corner. Ironing also available. References. Tel 07933 316989. [email protected]

LOCAL PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATOR First class job guaranteed. Over 30 years experience. No job too small. For a free estimate ring Ian 01256 882132 or 07876021772

SEWING, EXPERIENCED AND CONVENIENT. Di is now back in the conservatory, Sherfield Garden Centre. Bespoke dressmaking, clothing

alterations, repairs, curtains & blinds and soft furnishings. 07796 045944.

PC SUPORT. For technical help with PCs, Macs, tablets, internet, wi-fi: repairs, upgrades and installation: Call Ian on 07977 143310.

LOCAL EXPERIENCED TAX ADVISER. Self assessment tax returns, arrears, claims, payroll, self-employed, VAT returns. Initial consultation free. Call 07920112533 or e-mail [email protected]

FRENCH TUTOR wanted, 1:1, for beginners. French language for mature couple who would like more specific lessons than the colleges offer. Contact [email protected]

DIY LIVERY. Grass livery available in Sherfield-on-Loddon - good grazing with option of stable if required. For more information please telephone Eleanor on 01256-882309.

INSIDE/OUT Property maintenance, carpentry, decorating, locks fitted, SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS SMALL garden maintenance. Tel 01256 882696 or 07713 470223. E-mail [email protected]

WINDOW CLEANER. Windows cleaned or gutters cleared - one off or regularly. Local, reliable window cleaner (testimonials available). For a quote call Pete Owen on 07762 616600 [email protected]

WEIGHT LOSS. I lost 5 stones in 5 months; 9 stones in 2 years. AND kept it all off. I now coach others to achieve their weight loss and wellness goals. For your personalised coaching & mentoring contact Gus. 07500554540 or [email protected]

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USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS The dialling code is 01256, unless otherwise stated. Allotments Bruce Batting 882605 Basingstoke Gazette Chris Horton 882426 Brownies Sue Handasyde-Dick 882337 St. Leonard’s Church See inside back page Breach Lane Chapel Geoff Belsham 882534 Catholic Church Fr. Chris Rutledge 465214 Clift Surgery Patient Group John Darker 882334 Cricket Club (Sherfield) Andy Stevens 882414 Cricket Club (ST & HW) Paul Baldwin 881973 Evergreens Jean Berntsen 882798 Football (Junior) Fred Berntsen 882798 Happy Faces Playgroup Peggy Hutchins 880903 Loddon Players Chris Horton 882426 Loddon Quilters Jacky Morgan 882350 Loddon Valley Link (See back pages ) Lunch Club. Helen Belsham 882534 NWR Gill Fearon 882106 Police - Sherfield local beat officer PCSO Nath Johnson 101 Police - Sherfield Park PC Jim Charlton 101 Police - report an incident Police Control Room 101 Poppies Natalie Larner 880075 Post Office 882210 Rainbows Pam Luck 882687 Sherfield. Community Care Grp Doreen Tosswill 882344 Sherfield Fete Bruce Batting 882605 Sherfield Dist. Gardening Club Linda Syckelmoore 882341 Sherfield Park Community Centre Candice Wright 883967 Sherfield Show Natalie Larner 880075 Short Mat Bowls Norman Stanley 881021 Stratfield Saye Parish Council Penny Mayo 01189332 379 Stratfield Saye Village Hall Linda Bishop 01189332106 Stratfield Turgis Parish Meeting Sheila Campbell (Chair) 882351 Sherfield Parish Council Catherine Ryle (Clerk) 842662 Toddler Group 0-5s Judith Sullivan 883551 Tree Warden. Jane Jordan 880852 Village Green Volunteers Bruce Batting 882605 Whist Drive Virgilius Vickers 882453 Women’s Institute Val Denny 882410 Sherfield Village Hall Caretaker/Bookings Wendy Gosden 07468 427684 Management Committee Ivan Gosden 07940 212441 Fund Raising Committee Alan Ball 883838

Page 57 Please inform the Editor of changes to the above information.

Loddon Valley Link Management ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINE All advertising enquiries to Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559 [email protected] Deadline for ads. for next edition is the 10th of the month Small ads - £5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words, space permitting. Requests are dealt with in order. Display ads pricing - please see the website or contact Pip Iles.

Editor for the December/January edition – Jane Abrams Please submit copy no later than the 16th of the month Email: [email protected]

Committee: ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH, CHURCH END, Chairman: Dr. Donald Dawson 01256 SHERFIELD ON LODDON, RG27 0JB 882379 ([email protected]) (no mail) Treasurer: Pip Iles 01256 880559 Churchwarden: Peter Gould 01256 882538 Secretary: Ilene Iles Churchwarden: Richard Elphick 01256 01256 880559 ([email protected]) 882860 Rev. Stephen Ball Treasurer: Dan Farrow 01256 882680 Dr. John Williams 01256 882705 Organist: Mike Abrams 01256 881188 ([email protected]) Organist: Brian Archer 01256 882099 Chris Wright 01246 880436 ST. MARY’S CHURCH, STRATFIELD SAYE [email protected] Churchwarden: Dr. John Williams 01256 Germano Giugovaz 01189 332166 882705 Claire Osborne 01256 324458 Treasurer: Charles Atkinson 01256 882459 ([email protected]) Organist: Dr. Gill Williams 01256 882705 Simon Boase 01256 881250 ST. MARY’S CHURCH, HARTLEY WESPALL ([email protected]) Churchwarden: Pip Iles 01256 880559 Brian Archer 01256 882099 Treasurer: Michael Webster 01256 882413 ([email protected]) Organist: Dr. Gill Williams 01256 82705 Jane Abrams 01256 881188 Organist: Andrew Doggart 01256 880092 ([email protected]) MESSY CHURCH, SHERFIELD PARK Leader: Carol Armstrong 01189 816593 Church Officers Priest in Charge: Rev. Stephen Ball (contact details pending) Assistant Priest: Rev. Sammie Armstrong 01189 816593 ([email protected]) Curate (priest responsible for Bramley & Little London: Rev. John Lenton 01256 880570 Licensed Reader: Richard Elphick 01256 882860 Licensed Reader: Dr. John Williams 01256 882705 Licensed Reader: Andrew Doggart 01256 880092 Please note: the Loddon Valley Link Church Admin: Lisa Goodall 01256 882788 Management Committee cannot be held ([email protected]) responsible for the reliability or quality of any goods, work or services in this publication.

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