
CONTENTS Page I. GOVERNMENT NOTICES (a) Telegraphic Press Messages Bill, 1932 - 358 359־ - - - b) Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill, 4932) (e) Road Transport (Amendment) Bill, 1932 ' - - 360 {d) Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 1932 • - - - - 360 (e) Confirmation of Ordinances, Nos. 10, 11, 13 and 14 1932 - - 361 ־ - - - - f) Appointments, etc. 361) (g) Appointments of Immigration Officers - - 362 (h) Appointment of Coroner - - - - 362 (*) Appointment of Acting Chairman of the Legal Board - 362 (/) Appointment of Consul-General of the Netherlands - - - 363 ־ k) Annulments of Declarations of Acquisition of Citizenship - - 363) ־ - Revocation of Certificate of Naturalisation - ' - 366 ( / ) (m) Authorisation to an x\erop!ane to fly over - 366 (n) Certificate under the Expropriation of Land Ordinance, 1922, regarding accommodation for peisons rendered homeless by the Earthquake - 367 (0) Order under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, regarding Minima of Parcels in certain Villages - - ' - - 367 (p) Orders under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, conferring additional powers upon Assistant Settlement Officers . - - - - 369 • (q) Order under the Determination of Areas of Municipalities Ordinance, 1925, determining the Ramie Municipal Area - 370 (r) Regulations under the Police Ordinance, 1926, regarding vacation leave - - 371 (s) Regulations for the Payment of Language Allowances under the Police Ordinance, 1926 372 (t) Regulations for Reformatory Schools under the Prisons Ordinance, 1921 - - 373 {u) Regulation under the Plant Protection Ordinances, 1924, regarding Black Scale - 380 {v) Regulations under the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, regarding Fumigation of Trees 381 ־ w) Regulations under the Tobacco Ordinances, 1925-1929, regarding Banderolles, etc. 383) (x) Notice under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, declaring certain Villages to be Infected Areas ------383 ־ y) Agreement for the Abolition of Visas between Great Britain and France - 384) II. DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES ia) Posting of Schedules of Claims in certain Villages - 386 ־ b ) Posting of Schedules of Partition in Yibna 387) (c) Posting of Schedules of Rights in certain Villages - 387 \d) Panellation of lands in Al Barriya - . - - 388 (e) Notifications of Intended Settlement in Al Mirr - 388 (f) Notification of Commencement of Settlement in 'Ein Gannim - - 389 ־ g) Certain Villages declared to be free from Rabies 389) (h) Proposed alterations in the Rules regulating Admission to practice before the Civil Courts 390 (*) Language Examinations - 391 ־ ־ - • . . . - lj) Council of Legal Studies 391 (k) Loss of Counterfoil Receipt - - - - 392 ־ - - ־ Adjudication of Contracts 392 (1) (m) Registration of Companies, Cooperative Societies, Partnerships, etc. - - 393 {n) Citation Orders 394 (0) Amendment to General Regulations . - - - - 395 III. RETURNS (a) Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - - - 395 (b) Financial Statements - - - - - 396 (c) Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 398 IV. SUPPLEMENT Registration of !,rade Marks - - - - 399

Price 50 Mils. 358 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

The following Bills are made public in accordance ivith Article 17 (1) (d) of the Palestine Order-in-Council, 1922, as art tended by Article 3 of the Palestine {Amendment) Order-in-Council, 1923.


BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:—

Short Title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Telegraphic Press Messages Ordinance, 1932.

Definitions. 2. In this Ordinance the word "telegraph" means a line, wire, i for the purpose of telegraphic or׳or other apparatus use telephonic communication, and includes a pneumatic tube, sub­ marine or other cable and any apparatus lor transmitting or receiving messages or other communications by means of signals, whether with or without the aid of wires.

The words "telegraphic message1' include a message or other communication sent by •telegraph other than a message which is broadcast for general public reception.

"Telegraph Office" includes any structure, room, place, or receptable, of any kind, appointed by authority of the Postmaster- General or used by a Telegraph Company for the receipt, despatch, or delivery of telegraphic messages.

"Time of Publication" means the moment when the first copies leave the printing press to be put at the disposal of the public.

Protection of 3. When any person publishes in any newspaper or other certain tele­ printed paper published and circulated in Palestine or supplies graphic messages for such publication any message transmitted by telegraph from irom publication within a certain any place within or outside Palestine and lawfully received by period. him, no other person shall, without the written consent of the first mentioned person or his agent thereto lawfully authorised print or publish, or cause to be printed or published, such message or the substance thereof or any extract therefrom until a period of twenty-four hours has elapsed from the time of first publication; and the publication of the whole or any part of such of the intelligence ־!message or the substance thereof, o therein contained, or any comment or reference to such intelligence shall be deemed to be a publication of the same.

Provided that —

(a) such period shall not extend beyond thirty-six hours from the time when such message was received at a telegraph office;

(b) the publication of any similar message lawfully received in like manner by any other person shall not be deemed or taken to be a publication of such first mentioned message within this Ordinance; and

(c) no telegraphic message published as aforesaid shall be protected under this Ordinance unless it is printed with the heading "Copyright Telegraphic Message" and a statement shewing the day and hour of its receipt at a telegraph office (which staiement shall be prima facie evidence of the time of the receipt of such messages). 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 359

4. During the period in which a telegraphic message is Transmission of protected from publication under Section 3 hereof, no person Protected messages fop shall, without the written consent of the person whose consent publication is necessary under that Section, transmit for purposes of prohibited, publication the intelligence contained in that message or the substance thereof or any extract therefrom.

5. In any prosecution under this Ordinance the production Presumptions in of any document which:— prosecutions J under Ordinance. (a) purports to be a telegraphic message;

(b) contains the intelligence published or supplied for publication; and

(c) is addressed to and has been delivered to the person publishing or to some person on his behalf by an Officer of the Posts and Telegraphs Department or a Telegraph Company;

shall be ,prima facie evidence that the message published or supplied for publication is a message published under the protection of this Ordinance; and proof that any person is the responsible editor of any newspaper in which there has been any publication contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance shall be prima facie evidence that such person wilfully caused the unlawful publication.

6. Any person who contravenes any provision of this Ordinance Penalties, shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding LP.20; and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding LP.50. (P/15/31)


BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Stamp Duty Short Title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1932, and the Stamp Duty Ordinance, 1927 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Ordinance), the No. 31 of 1927. Stamp Duty (Amendment) Ordinance, 1929, and this Ordinance, No. 24 of 1929. may together be cited as the Stamp Duty Ordinances, 19274932.

2. In Sub-section (b) of Section 10 of the Stamp Duty (Amend• Amendment of ment) Ordinance, 1929, the words and figures "as item 12 A" Section 10 (b) of Stamp Duty shall be inserted after the words "item 12 occurring therein. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1929.

3. The following paragraph shall be added to Item 26 (7) of Addition to the Schedule to the Principal Ordinance:— Schedule of Principal Ordinance. "Exemptions:

(a) Bond given by any person under Section 20 of the No. 22 of 1924. Trial Upon Information Ordinance, 1924.

(b) Indemnity and guarantee Bond given by a Consignee of goods to the Palestine Railways where delivery ot the goods is made without production of the policy in respect thereof."

(J/183/31) 360 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932


BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:—

Short Title. !. This Ordinance may be cited as the Road Transport (Amendment) Ordinance, 1932, and the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929 (hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance) and this Ordinance may together be cited as the Road Transport Ordinances, 1929-1932.

Amendment of 2. Subsection (i) of Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance is u Section 5(1) of the here]3y amended by the insertion of the words and the Ordinance. District in which it is registered" between the words 4'registered number" and "which" (line 3) in the.second paragraph.

Amendment of 3. Section 11 (2) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended fhCtpdnci af *3Y the addition after the words "Government of Palestine" Ordinance^ occurring there of the following words:—

"or of a Consular Officer appointed in Palestine who belongs to the regular Consular Service and is not engaged in my other business or profession".

Amendment of 4. Section 13 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended

Section 13 of the j^y ^e insertion of the words "or Local Council" between the Ordinance. words "municipal" and "area" in paragraphs (a) and (b) respectively.

Date of 5. This Ordinance shall be deemed to have commenced and

commencement. come into operation on the First day of January, 1932.



BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:—

Short Title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Pensions (Amendment) , Ordinance, 1931, and the Pensions Ordinance, 1925 (herein• after referred to as the Principal Ordinance) the Pensions (Amendment) Ordinance, 1927, and the Pensions (Amendment) Ordinance, 1930, and this Ordinance may together be cited as the Pensions Ordinances, 1925-1931.

Repeal of Section 2. Section 12 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed. 12 of the Principal Ordinance.

(U/1614/31) 46th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 364


The Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of the following Ordinances:—

No. 40 of 4932, entitled: "An Ordinance to enable an increase to be made in the Rate of the Urban Property Tax and in the amount of Urban Property Tax payable during the period 4st April, 4934 to 34st March, 1932".

No. 44 of 4932, entitled: "An Ordinance to provide for the Denaturing of Spirits for use in Industry and otherwise than for Human Consumption".

No. 43 of 4932, entitled: "An Ordinance to amend the Coroners Ordinance, 1924".

No. 14 of 4932, entitled : "An Ordinance to amend the Orthodox Patriarchate Ordinance, 4928".


The High Commissioner directs it to be 'A" APPOINTMENTS notified for general information that : — The appointment of MAJOR C. H. LEY, O.B.E., Director, Grade D, Department of Surveys, The High Commissioner has appointed:— terminated with effect from the 25th April,. 1932. CAPTAIN A. P. C. CROSSLEY, to be Company Officer, Trans- Frontier Force, with effect from the 1st April, 1932. CE" TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENTS

"B" ACTING APPOINTMENTS The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that:—

The High Commissioner has appointed:— The appointment of MR. A. S. STEPHENS, Chief Storekeeper, Haifa Harbour Works, will terminate on the 28th August, 1932. MR. F. J. HOSSACK, Chief Draughtsman and Surveyor, Class 3, Palestine Railways, to The appointment of MR. WADIE SHAFTARI, Chief act as District Engineer, Class 2, during the Interpreter, Class 3, Secretariat, will ahsence on leave of MR. J. R. DALLMEYER, terminate on the 31 st May, 1932, on reversion with effect from the 18th April, 1932. to the post of Clerk, Grade I, Junior Service.

MR. W. H. WYATT, Superintendent of Printing and Stationery, Class 3, Secretariat, to act 'F" LEAVE as Secretary, Central Tenders Board, during the absence on leave of MR. W. A. MORRISON, with effect from the 15th May, 1932. The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers :— MR. IBRAHIM F. KAABANI, Assistant Chief Arabic Interpreter, Grade II., Secretariat, to act as MR. R. H. DRAYTON, Leçal Department, Chief Arabic Interpreter, Class 3, with 9.4.32-23.5.32. effect from the 1st May, 1932.

MR. A. S. STEPHENS, Haifa Harbour Worksr 15.4.32-28.8.32. "G" RESIGNATION MR. J. R. DALLME\ER, Palestine Railways, 18.4.32-17.7.32. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that:— DR. H. F. KHALDI, Department of Healthy 23.4.32-22.5.32. SABA EFF. SAID, Magistrate, Class 3, Judicial Department, resigned his appointment with MR. W. SHAFTARI, Secretariat, efiV.t from the 1st February, 1932. 1.5.32-31.5.32. 362 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932



A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 2 of the Immigration Ordinance, 1925, the High Commissioner has appointed the undermentioned officers to be Immigration Officers for the purpose of the Ordinance.



By His Excellency's Command.

M. A. YOUNG 2nd May, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/89/32)


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Section 2 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1926, I hereby appoint GEOFFREY FRANCIS SULMAN, ESQ., Administrative Officer, Northern District, to be Coroner in and for the Northern District, and to have and to exercise all the functions appertaining to the office of Coroner as prescribed by the said Ordinance.

Given under my hand this Second day of May, 1932.

A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner (J/63/31)


By virtue of the authority conferred on me by Section 4 ot the Advocates Ordinance, 1922, I hereby appoint OLIVEH PLUNKETT, ESQ., to act as Chairman of the Legal Board on and from Wednesday, the Twenty-seventh day of April, 1932, in the stead of DR. FREDERIC MAURICE GOADBY, who had proceeded to the United Kingdom.

Given under my hand this Twenty-eighth day of April, 1932.

MICHAEL F. j. MCDONNELL Chief Justice of Palestine (J/252/31) 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 363



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the King's Exequatur empowering DR. S. A. VAN VRIESLAND to act as Consul General of the Netherlands at Jerusalem for Palestine (excluding Haifa and Jaffa) and Trans-Jordan, received His Majesty's signature on the 19th February, 1932.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 3rd May, 1932. Chief Secretary (N/41/31)



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 10 (2) of the Palestine Citizenship Order-in-Council, 1925, as amended by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled, with effect from the Twenty-fifth day of April, 1932, the certificate of Palestinian Citizenship issued to JOSEPH BER WAITZENBLIT on the ground that he has been for a period of not less than three years since its grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine.

AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 11 (1) of the said Order-in-Council, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said JOSEPH BER WAITZENBLIT shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 25th April, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/50/32)



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 10(2) of the Palestine Citizenship Order-in-Council, 1925, as amended by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled with effect from the Twenty-ninth day of April, 1932, the certificate of Palestinian Citizenship issued to JACOB SCHWARTZ on the ground that he has been for a period of not less than three years since its grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine. 364 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him Council, as amended by Article 3 of the־in־by Article 11 (i) of the said Order Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said JACOB SCHWARTZ shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof. By His Excellency's Command, M. A. YOUNG 29th April, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/65/32)



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Council, 1925, as amended־Article 10(2) of the Palestine Citizenship Order-in by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled with effect from the Thirtieth day of April, 1932, the certificate of Palestinian Citizenship issued to EPHRAIM ARIELI on the ground that he has been for a period of not less than three years since its grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine. AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him Council, as amended by Article 3 of the־in־by Article 11 (1) of the said Order Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said EPHRAIM ARIELI shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof.

By His Excellency's Command, M. A. YOUNG 30th April, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/51/32)



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Council, 1925, as amended־in־Article 10 (2) of the Palestine Citizenship Order by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled with effect from the Fifth day of May, 1932, the certificate of Palestinian citizenship issued to LEON EVENADINI on the ground that he has been for a period of not less than three years since its grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine.

AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 11 (1) of the said Order-in-Council, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said LEON EVENADINI shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof. By His Excellency's Command, M. A. YOUNG 5th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/98/32) 46th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 365



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 10(2) of the Palestine Citizenship Order-in-Council,. 1925, as amended by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled with effect from the Fifth day of May, 1932, the certificate of Palestinian citizenship issued to JACOB CARMY on the ground that he has been for a period of not less than three years since its grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine.

AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him Council, as amended by Article 3 of the־in־by Article 11 (1) of the said Order Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said JACOB CARMY shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 5th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/453/31)



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 10(2) of the Palestine Citizenship Order-in-Council, 1925, as amended by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, arid with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled with effect from the Fifth day of May, 1932, the Certificate of Palestinian *citizenship issued to ZADOK KANEZUCHER on the ground that he has been for a period of not less than three years since its grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine.

AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powrers vested in him by Article 11 (1) of the said Order-in-Council, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said ZADOK KANEZUCHER shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 5th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/121/32) 366 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by in-Council, 1925, as amended־Article 10 (i) of the Palestine Citizenship Order by Article 2 (i) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has revoked, with effect from the Twenty-sixth day of April, 1932, the certificate of naturalisation of HILEL KATZ on the ground that he has been for a period of not less than three years since its grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine.

AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him in-Council as amended by Article 3 of the־by Article 11 (i) of the said Order Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wife and minor children, if any, of the said HILEL KATZ shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 26th April, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/725/31)



In virtue of the powers conferred on the High Commissioner by Section 27 (2) of the Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories) Order, 1927, I hereby authorise Captain WAINO BREMER to fly over the territory of Palestine and to land therein during the months of June and July 1932, in a Junkers Junior aeroplane "OHABB", in the course of a flight from Capetown to Finland, subject to the following conditions:

(i) the said aeroplane shall alight at the aerodrome at Gaza only;

(ii) the occupants of the aeroplane shall deposit with the Local Police Authority all firearms in their possession at the time of their first arrival in Palestine, to be held in custody by the Police until the final departure of the aeroplane from Palestine;

(iii) during such time as the aeroplane shall remain in Palestine or Trans- Jordan it shall make no flights save with the prior approval of the High Commissioner.

A. G. WAUCHOPE 3rd May, 1932. High Commissioner for Palestine and Trans-Jordan (D/43/:*2) 46th May, 4932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 367




I, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR ARTHUR GRENFELL WAUCHOPE, High Commissioner for Palestine, certify that the acquisition of certain land in Nablus town for the purpose of erecting permanent accommodation for persons rendered homeless by the earthquake of 4927 is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinance, 4926. Plans of the land in question are deposited at the District Office, Nablus, and the Office of the Director of Lands, Jerusalem.

A. G. WAUCHOPE 12th May, 1932. High Commissioner (Y/39/32)




A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 33 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 4928-4930, the High Commissioner has ordered that within the boundaries of the villages of 'Arab Abu Kishk, 'Arab es Sawalima, Sheikh Muwannis, Jalil esh Shamaliya and Jalil el Qibliya, in the Settlement Area of the Jaffa Sub-District, no registration of land in respect of any claimant shall be effected where the area or the breadth of a parcel or the area represented by the share of an undivided parcel or of village musha' claimed by any one claimant is less than the following minima:—

MINIMA Shares in parcels Parcels of Land or village Musha' Area represented by Category Area Breadth share dunums metres dunums (a) Arable land not included in any of the following categories

1 y2 ־ b) Orchards 5 /2)

(c) Gardens and enclosures for the custody of animals in the vicinity of a village site within an area to be defined by the Settlement Officer: */* 2V2 7* 2. Registration of the following may be effected without regard to the minima of the area or breadth of a parcel or of the area represented by a share:— Buildings. The site on which a building is erected. Private or party roads. The yard appurtenant to a house. Wells and land appurtenant to wells. Private streams and irrigation channels. Private threshing-floors. Private quarries. 368 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

3. Where the breadth of a parcel is less, but the area is not less than any of the prescribed minima, the Settlement Officer may at his discretion order the adjustment of a parcel or parcels with the boundaries of an adjoining parcel or parcels by the exchange of land of equal value. 4. —(i) A fragment of land which under the terms of this Order may not be registered, shall be added to the land of an adjoining owner who shall pay to the owner of the fragment compensation which shall be assessed by the Settlement Officer. (ii) A share which under the terms of this Order may not be registered shall be added to the share of a co-owner in the same parcel who shall pay to the owner of the share compensation which shall be assessed by the Settlement Officer. In default of payment or of other mutually satisfactory arrangements by the parties concerned, the Settlement Officer shall enter the amount of com• pensation or the unpaid portion thereof on the Schedule of Rights or the Schedule of Partition as a charge against the land in favour of any person or persons to whom any such compensation may be due. (iii) Where there are two or more adjoining owners, or two or more additional co-owners the addition of the fragment or of the share shall be effected by the Settlement Officer in one of the following ways:— (a) Where only one adjoining owner or co-owner desires the transfer to him of the fragment or of the share, it shall be added to his parcel or share. (b) Where more than one of the adjoining owners or co-owners desire the transfer to them of the fragment or share, it shall be added to the parcel or share of such adjoining owner or co-owner as may be decided by lot. (c) Where none of the adjoining owners or co-owners desires the transfer of the fragment or share, it shall be added to the parcel or share of such adjoining owner or co-owner as the Settlement Officer may direct. Provided that no fragment or share shall be added to any parcel or share unless the parcel or share resulting from such addition is capable of registration under the terms of this Order. (iv) —(a) Where two or more adjacent fragments of land are incapable of registration under this Order, the Settlement Officer may combine a sufficient number of fragments to form a parcel which is capable of registration under the terms hereof. (b) Where two or more shares are incapable of registration under this Order, the Settlement Officer may combine a sufficient number of shares, to form a share the total area represented by which would enable registration of the combined share. The person in whose name the parcel or share resulting from such addition shall be registered, shall be decided by the Settlement Officer in one of the following ways:— (i) Where only one of the owners of the fragments or only one of the co- owners desires the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in his name; (ii) Where more than one of the owners of the fragments or more than one of the co-owners desire the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in the name of such owner or co- owner as may be decided by lot; (iii) Where none of the owners of the fragments or none of the co-owners desires the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in the name of such one of the owners or co-owners as the Settlement Officer may direct.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 10th May, 1932. Chief Secretary 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 369



A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 2 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, the High Commissioner has authorized MESSRS. AS'AI> SALEM and THABIT KHALIDI, Assistant Settlement Officers, to act for the Settlement Officer of the Settlement Area of the Jaffa Sub-District for the purpose of exercising the powers vested in and discharging the duties laid upon the Settlement Officer, by paragraph 4 (iii) (a) and (b) of the Order under Section 33 of the Principal Ordinance, published in the Gazette of the 16th May, 1932.

By His Excellency's Command, M. A. YOUNG 10th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (L/108/31)



A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 2 and Section 4 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, the High Commissioner has appointed MR. HERZEL ROSENZWEIG to be Assistant Settlement Officer, for the purpose of the Settlement of Land in the Settlement Area of the Sub-District of Ramie and has authorized him to act for the Settlement Officer of that Area for the purpose of the following provisions:—

Correction of Land Registers Ordinance, 1926, Section 12;

Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, Section 7, Section 8, Section 9 (a), ,(and (g), Section 21, Section 22 (i) (a), (b) and (c (־/) ,(c), (d), (e) ,(6) Section 22 (3), Section 24, Section 26 (1) and (2), Section 27 (5) and 27A;

Provided that:—

(a) his action in every case shall be subject to the approval of the Settlement Officer; and that

(6) he shall not adjust the rights of the owners of the land affected by the lay-out of a fresh boundary in place of the original boundary; or

(c) administer oaths except the oath which a claimant is required to make in the statement accompanying his memorandum of claim.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 11th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (2755/29) 370 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932



A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 2 and Section 4 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, the High Commissioner has appointed MR. GHALEB NASHASHIBI to be Assistant Settlement Officer tor the purpose of the Settlement of Land in the Settlement Area of the Sub-District of Gaza and has authorized him to act for the Settlement Officer of that Area for the purpose of the following provisions:—

Correction of Land Registers Ordinance, 1926, Section 12;

Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, Section 7, Section 8, Section 9 (and (g\ Section 21, Section 22 (i) (a\ (b (־/) ,(a), (6), (c), (d), (e) and (c), Section 22 (3), Section 24, Section 26 (1) and (2), Section 27 (5) and 27A;

Provided that:—

(a) his action in every case shall be subject to the approval of the Settlement Officer; and that

(6) he shall not adjust the rights of the owners of the land affected by the lay-out of a fresh boundary in place of the original boundary; or

(c) administer oaths except the oath which a claimant is required to make in the statement accompanying his memorandum of claim.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 11th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (481/29)



A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 2 of the Determination of Areas of Municipalities Ordinance, 1925, the High Commissioner in Executive Council has ordered that the limits of the Municipal Area of Ramie shall be as follows:—

EAST: From a point where the cactus hedge which forms part of the western boundary of Kharaib meets the Railway, in a southerly direction along the Railway to a point opposite the junction of the Jaffa-Jerusalem Road with the Air Ministry Road. Thence south-west along and inclusive of the Air Ministry Road to a point where the road to Muristan forks at the north-east corner of the threshing floor. 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 371

SOUTH : Thence in a westerly direction along the southern boundary of the Muristan Road to the fork of the Aqir Road, thence along, and inclusive of, the Aqir Road to the point where it meets the Sindarieh Road.

WEST : Thence in a northerly direction along, and inclusive of the Sindarieh Road to the point where it reaches the cemetery of Nabi Saleh, thence along the southern boundary of the said cemetery to Sidret el Mustafar, thence in a northerly direction along the cactus hedge, which forms the western boundary of Muhmatiye and el Maqlabin, to the junction of the road from Nabi Saleh. Thence eastward, along and inclusive of the latter to the main Jaffa-Jerusalem Road. Thence in a westerly direction along the southern boundary of the Jaffa-Jerusalem Road to Kilometre 45.089. Thence along the northern boundary of the Jaffa-Jerusalem Road to the north-west corner of Zambeel.

NORTH : Thence eastward along the Anazieh Road to the spot where it meets the western boundary of Biyarat el Mahas. Thence south to the south-west corner of the said Biyarat, thence eastward along the southern boundary, crossing the Mahas Road, thence along the cactus hedge to the south-east corner of Biyarat el Mahas. Thence in a northerly direction along the cactus hedge to the starting point on the Railway.

The Order dated the 9th March, 1927, which was published in the Gazette of the 16th March, 1927, is hereby cancelled.

S, MOODY 7th May, 1932." Clerk to the Executive Council (G/164/31)



A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 40 (i) (g) of the Police Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner in Executive Council has made the following Regulations: —

1. The Commandant may grant vacation leave with full pay to be taken in or out of Palestine to Palestinian Police Officers of and under the rank of Inspector at the rate of thirty days per annum, but such leave shall not be cumulative.

2. A Palestinian Police Officer who falls sick may be granted leave with full pay up to one calendar month as from the date of absence from duty in respect of each illness.

3. A Palestinian Police Officer who has been sick for a month may have any vacation leave for which he may be eligible up to a maximum of thirty days or in the case of Inspectors up to a maximum of sixty days, in addition to the one month which he may be granted under Rugulation 2.

4. A Palestinian Police Officer who has been granted the leave provided in Regulations 2 and 3, and is not yet fit to return to duty may then be granted, with the sanction of the Commandant, leave on half-pay provided that the total half-pay leave granted shall not exceed one-sixth of his residential service at any time. 372 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

5. When the illness of Palestinian Police Officer is due to his improper conduct or negligence or to an accident any sick leave granted shall be on such pay as the Commandant may decide, provided that not less than half pay shall be granted.

A Palestinian Police Officer proceeding on or returning from sick leave shall be entitled to the same travel and transport facilities as apply to him when taking ordinary leave.

7. Leave is a privilege and not a right, and its grant is in all cases subject to the exigencies of the service.

8. Leave will count from the day of relinquishment of duty to the day prior to the resumption of duty.

9. A Palestinian Police Officer who fails to return to duty in proper time will be liable to be treated as having committed an offence contrary to good order and discipline and only in exceptional circumstances will pay be permitted in respect of the period overstayed, and then only with the approval of the Commandant.

10. For the purpose of these Regulations, Palestinian Police Officers shall include Palestinian wardresses and instructors in Prison Industries.

11. Unless the prior consent in wrriting of the Commandant has been obtained, no member of the Force shall wear the uniform of the force in or out of Palestine when on leave.

12. The Regulations published in the Gazette of the 1st April, 1929, are cancelled.

S. MOODY 28th April, 1932. Clerk to the Executive Council (0/381/31)




IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 40 (i) (h) of the Police Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner in Council has made the following Regulations:—

1. There shall be established in the Palestine Police Force a system of Language Allowances to be granted, subject to the approval of the Commandant, to Non-Commissioned Officers and Constables who qualify for the award of such- allowances in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, provided that no member of the British Section of the Force shall be eligible to receive such Allowances.

2. There shall be held, at such times as the Commandant may direct, the following examinations for Non-Commissioned Officers and Constables in each of the three official languages:— .a) A lower colloquial examination) ׳ (b) A higher colloquial examination together with an examination in the written language. 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 373

3. Language Allowances shall be paid at the following rates:— (a) On passing the. lower colloquial examination, at the rate of 500 mils per mensem for each Language. (b) On passing the higher colloquial examination together with an examination in the written language, at the rate of LP.l per mensem for each language.

Provided always that no such payment shall be made to any Non-Commissioned Officer or Constable:— (a) In respect of his habitual language; (b) In respect of more than two official languages; or (c) Who is employed as a clerk.

For the purpose of these Regulations habitual language shall mean that one of the three official languages which the Kon-Commissioned Officer or Constable habitually uses.

Provided further that the payment of a Language Allowance on passing a lower colloquial examination shall cease on promotion to the rank of Sergeant, but that a Corporal who prior to promotion was drawing two Language Allowances in respect of the lower colloquial examinations shall, on promotion to the rank of Sergeant, receive duty pay at the rate of 250 mils per mensem, until such time as he becomes qualified for an allowance as a result of passing a higher colloquial examination and an examination in a written language.

4. If the applicant for enlistment in the Force is certified by the Director of Education:— (a) To have attained a satisfactory standard of general education, and (b) to have attained in either or both of the official languages other than his habitual language a knowledge corresponding to his standard of general education;

he may be granted a Language Allowance in respect of such official language .or languages as though he had passed the lower colloquial examination. Provided always that he may, at any time previous to passing the higher colloquial and written examination, be required to pass the lower colloquial examination as a condition of the continuance of such an Allowance.

S. MOODY 7th May, 1932. Clerk to the Executive Council (0/101/31)



1. The term "Young Offender" in these Regulations means male persons ׳• • .only, who have not completed their eighteenth year


2. Young offenders shall be admitted to a Reformatory on "the warrant of a Court in accordance with the provisions of the Young Offenders Ordinance, 1922/

3. A young offender on admission shall be provided with clothing on the scale land down in Appendix A. to these Regulations. Any private clothing in his, possession at the time of admission shall be destroyed or otherwise dealt with as directed by the Commandant. 374 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

4. A young offender shall be bathed on admission and weighed and shall be segregated from the other inmates of the Reformatory for such time as may be considered necessary by the Medical Officer in charge:

5. A young offender who has not been vaccinated shall be vaccinated immediately after admission.

DIET 6. Young offenders shall receive a daily ration on the scale laid down in Appendix B. to these Regulations.

7. Young offenders who are out of health may be given extra or special diet on the recommendation of the Medical Officer.

PERSONAL RECORD 8. A personal record shall be kept of every young offender committed to a Reformatory. The record shall contain :—

(1) The previous history and circumstances of the young offender, and in particular the offences of which he may have been guilty, the status and character of his parents, and any special reasons which may account for his delinquency.

(2) The report of his examination, on admission, by the Medical Officer and his medical history Form P. 35, including a monthly record of his weight.

(3) All punishments inflicted. (4) A quarterly record of marks gained.

CLEANLINESS 9. A high degree of cleanliness shall be enforced throughout, as regards the persons of the young offenders, their clothing and the Reformatory premises.

10. Every young offender shall be required to take a hot bath once a week in winter and twice a week, in summer. Face and hands must be washed after each meal, and face, hands and feet must be washed night and morning.

11. Clothing and bedding shall be changed every week.


12. Young offenders shall receive a general elementary education, in accordance with a curriculum to be prescribed by the Director of Education.

13. The Officer in charge of the Reformatory shall arrange that young offenders of all denominations shall have facilities for religious worship.


14. —(1) The Reformatory shall be divided into dormitories of thirty boys each, and each dormitory shall be sub-divided into two sections.

(2) Young offenders of exemplary character shall be appointed as heads of dormitories and sections, and to be in charge of boys in custddy awaiting trial.


15. The record of a young offender's conduct shall be kept in marks.

Every young offender may earn a gratuity of one mil per day from the date of his conviction, which shall be represented by one mark. A deduction of one mil shall be made for each mark lost. 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 375

16. A deposit-account shall be opened by the Officer in charge for each young offender on admission, which shall show the gratuities earned or lost and any sums paid to him as pocket money.

When a young offender's credit in his deposit account amounts to not less than 100 mils, pocket money not exceeding half the gratuity earned subsequently may be given to him each week.

17. For every good conduct badge awarded under these Regulations a young offender shall receive an additional gratuity of 5 mils per week.

Heads of dormitories and young offenders in charge of boys in custody awaiting trial shall receive a gratuity of 2 mils per day, and heads of sections a gratuity of one mil a day, in addition to any gratuity payable in respect of good conduct badges.


18. —(1) The offences specified in the first column of Appendix C. to these Regulations shall be liable to the punishments specified in the second, ! third or fourth column of the Appendix according to the state of the young offender's personal record. •

(2) Offences Nos. 1 to 6 shall be considered trivial offences.

(3) Every punishment inflicted shall be entered in a Punishment Register and the relevant extract shall be placed in the personal record of the young offender concerned.

19. If a young offender who has not committed an offence for three months commits a trivial offence, he may be punished by a simple reprimand, no entry whereof shall be made in his personal record.

20. —(1) •Any young offender losing twelve marks in any period of three consecutive months shall be placed upon a diet of bread and water for one dinner.

(2) Any young offender losing 24 marks in any period of three consecutive months shall be placed upon a diet of bread and water for a day.

21. (1) Punishments for offences Nos. 1 to 15 in Appendix C. may be ordered by the Officer in charge on his own authority.

(2) Punishments for offences Nos. 16 to 21 shall be inflicted only on the order .of the Commandant. Such offences shall be reported to the Commandant by the Officer in charge with his recommendation as to punishment.

22. No punishment of more than six (6) strokes shall be be inflicted unless the Medical Officer has certified that the young offender is fit to receive such punishment.

23. Any young offender losing 24 marks or more for one offence shall be placed upon a diet of bread and water and solidary confinement for a number of hours equal to the number of marks lost, provided that if that number exceeds forty-eight the diet of bread and water and solitary confinement shall be divided into periods not exceeding forty-eight hours each, with an interval of at least forty-eight hours between each period.

24. Young offenders in solitary confinement shall be visited every hour of the day and night, by a Reformatory Officer.

25. A young offender shall be entitled to one good conduct badge after each completed year of detention in the Reformatory, provided that during that period he has not lost twenty-four marks for any one offence or more than forty-eight marks altogether. 376 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

26. A young offender in possession of one or more good conduct badges shall forfeit one badge for each offence punished by the. loss of twenty-four marks or more, and shall forfeit all badges for any single offence punished by the loss of 100 marks or more.

27. A young offender who has forfeited a good conduct badge shall, regain I it if within the three months following its forfeiture he loses less than twelve * marks. A young offender who has forfeited more than one badge, shall regain one for each consecutive period of three months following, forfeiture within which he loses less than twelve marks.

28. Heads of dormitories and sections, and young offenders in charge of boys in custody awaiting trial shall forfeit all privileges attaching to their special duties if punished by the loss of twelve marks or more in any period of three consecutive months.

29. At the end of each period of three months counting from the date of his admission, a young offender who has not forfeited twenty-four marks or more in all during such period shall be allowed a day's excursion outside the Reformatory precincts in charge of a Reformatory Officer.

30. —(1) At the end of each period of twelve months counting from the date of his admission, a young offender who has been awarded a good conduct badge and has not forfeited it during such period shall be allowed a holiday not exceeding fifteen days to be spent with relatives or friends approved by the Officer in charge.

.(2) An annual holiday camp shall be held for young offenders whose conduct has been satisfactory.


31. Young offenders committed to a Reformatory shall be detained for the period stated in the warrant save in the case of release on licence under Regulation 32 hereof.

32. The Commandant, on the recommendation of the Officer in charge, may by licence authorise any young offender who has been detained for not less than one year at a Reformatory to live under the charge of any trustworthy person named in the licence.

The licence shall be in force for six months, but may be cancelled at any time by the Commandant or renewed at any time and from time to time until the expiration of the period stated in the warrant of committal.

33. If the character of a young offender is such that his presence in a Reformatory is prejudicial to the maintenance of discipline, the Officer in charge shall report the case to the Commandant who may make application to the President of the District Court concerned that the young offender shall be ordered to serve the remainder of his sentence in a Prison.


34. Young offenders shall be encouraged to write to their parents or relatives at least once a week.

35. —(1) Subject to the discretion of the Medical Officer and at the discretion of the Officer in charge, young offenders may be visited weekly by their parents or relatives.

(2) The duration of such visits shall not as a rule exceed half an hour, but the Officer in charge may authorise a longer period for any special reason.

36. A visitor may be required to submit to be searched prior to the visit, and on refusal, may be denied admission. 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 377


37. Fifteen days before the date of release af any young offender the Officer in charge shall inform his relatives or friends of the day and hour of his release.

38. The names of young offenders who have no parents, relatives or friends to receive them on discharge shall be reported by the Officer in charge to the Commandant one month before they are due for release, and the Commandant shall make arrangements for their after care.

39. Young offenders whose private clothing was destroyed by order of the Commandant on their admission shall on release be provided with a suit of clothing and other necessities free of charge.

R. G. B. SPICER Commandant of Police


A. G. WAUCHOPE 50th April, 1932. High Commissioner (0/44/32)



1־ - • Jackets, Khaki 2־ ־ Trousers, Khaki Shorts, Khaki - - 2 2־ ־ Shirts, Flannel Drawers, Cotton - - 2 ־ - Pyjamas, pairs 2 Stockings with turn over tops 2 pairs Flash for garters for stockings 2 6־ ־ Handkerchiefs Belts, waist for trousers 1 ־ ־ ־ Hat 1 ־ - Kafiah. Khaki 1 ־ - Agal, Khaki 1 Great Coat - - 1 ־ - Sandals, pairs 1 1־ ־ Boots, Pairs 2־ - ־ - Towels Bolster Slips - - 2 Sheets, Pairs - - 2 ־ ־ . Blankets 3 Brushes, Boot, Polishing - 1 1־ Brushes, Boot, Blacking ־ - Brushes, Cloth 1 ־ - Brushes, Hair 1 1־ - - Comb 378 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932


Grams Grams Grams Midday Evening Day Morning per head per head per head

1st Day Bread 250 Bread 300 Bread 300 Dibis 100 Len tils 100 Rice 50 Tea 1 Rice 125 Onions 15 Sugar 60 Onions : 25 Semneh 15 Oil 25 Vegetables 100 Green vegetables 100 Olives 60 Fruit 200

2nd Day Bread 250 Bread 300 Bread 300 Cheese 60 Vegetables 200 Halaweh 125 Tea 1 Rice 125 Salad 125 Sugar 60 Meat 140 Semneh 25 Fruit 200

3rd Day Bread 250 Bread 300 Bread 300 Ducca 6 Potatoes 350 Beans 120 Oil 25 Tomatoes 50 Vegetables 50 Onions 15 Semneh 15 Semneh 25 Dry fruit 125 Fruit 200

4th Day Bread 250 Bread 300 Bread 300 Cheese 60 Rice 125 Crushed Tea 1 Semneh 25 Lentils 75 Sugar 60 Leban or 125 Rice 20 Salad Onions 15 Fruit 200 Oil 25 Olives 60

5th Day Bread 250 Bread 300 Bread 300 Dibis 100 Rice 125 Halaweh 125 Tea 1 Vegetables 350 Salad 125 140׳ Sugar •60 Meat Semneli 25 Fruit 200

6th Day Bread 250 Bread 300 Bread 300 Olives 60 Humus •125 Milk 150 Tea 1 Taliineh 25 Hice 60 Sugar 60 Oil 25 Sugar 25 Garlick 2 Dry fruit 125 Lemons Green Vegetables 100 Fruit 200

7th Day Bread 250 Bread 300 Bread 300 Cheese 60 Beans 120 Halaweh 125 Tea 1 Meat 140 Salad 125 Sugar 60 Onions 25 Tomatoes 25 Semneli 25 Fruit 200

ALTERNATIVES 75 grams of lebaneh in oil in lieu of cheese, dibis or olives in the morning. Honey or jam in lieu of dibis. Two eggs and salad in lieu of meat when boys are out for the day. One egg in lieu of cheese, dibis or olives in the morning 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 379



If two previous If one previous If three previous entries in the three entry in the three entries in the three Number Offence months or months, or a good months or a bad indifferent character. character. character.

l. Dirty on, or late for Loss of 2 marks Loss of 6 marks Loss of 12 parade marks 2. Talking or inatten­ Loss of 2 marks Loss of 6 marks Loss of 12 tion at school or on marks parade 3. Leaving bed or cloth­ Loss of 2 marks Loss of 6 marks Loss of 12 ing untidy in the marks ward

4. Inattention at work- Loss of 2 marks Loss of 6 marks Loss of 12 marks 5. Leaving work without Loss of 2 marks Loss of 6 marks Loss of 12 permission marks 6. Fighting or striking Loss of 2 marks Loss of 6 marks Loss of 12 another boy marks 7. Communicating with Loss of 2 marks Loss of 6 marks Loss of 12 persons outside the marks Reformatory, con­ trary to Regulations 8. Possession of forbid­ Loss of 12 Loss of 24 Loss of 24 den articles marks marks and 3 marks and 6 strokes with a strokes with a cane cane

9. Telling a lie Loss of 12 Loss of 24 Loss of 48 marks marks and 3 marks and 6 strokes with a strokes with a cane cane 150׳ Malingering Loss of 48 Loss of 100 Loss of .40 marks and 6 marks and TO marks and 12 strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane

11. Failure to obey an Loss of 24 Loss of 24 Loss of 48 order of a Reforma­ marks marks and 3 marks and (3 tory official strokes with a strokes with a cane cane 12. Wilful Disobedience Loss of 24 Loss of 48 Loss of 100 marks and 3 mgrks and 3 marks and 6 strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane

13. Conspiring and mak­ Loss of 24 Loss of 48 Loss of 100 ing false accusation marks and 3 marks and 3 marks and 6 against other boys strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane

14. Wilful damage of his Loss of 24 Loss of 48 Loss of 100 own, or another marks and 3 marks and 6 marks and 6 bay's clothing strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane 380 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

If favo previous If one previous If three previous entries in the three entry in the three entries in the three Offence months or Number months, or a good months or a bad character indifferent character character

15. False accusation Loss of 24 Loss of 48 Loss of 100 against an official marks and 6 marks and 6 marks and 6 strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane 16. Insubordination (wil­ Loss of 48 Loss of 48 Loss of 150 ful defiance . of marks and 6 marks and 10 marks and 13 authority) strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane

17. Stealing Loss of 48 Loss of 100 Loss of 150 marks and 6 marks and 10 marks and 12 strokes with a strokes with a strokes .with a cane cane cane 18. Escape Loss of 100 Loss of 200 Loss of 300 12־ marks and 8 marks and 10 marks and strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane 19. Improper conduct of Loss of 100 Loss of 200 Loss of 300 an unnatural kind marks and 8 marks and 10 marks and 12 strokes with a strokes with a strokes with a cane cane cane 20. Breach of a special Punishment Punishment Punishment Rule, or Regulation prescribed for prescribed for prescribed for not specified No. 11 or No. No. 11 or No. No. 11 or No. 12 as the case 13 as the case 12 as the case may be may be may be 21. Absence without Stoppage of all Stoppage of all Stoppage of all leave leave for three leave for six leave for one months, with months and year and loss Joss of 48 loss of 100 of 200 marks marks marks gained



The Regulation dated the 24th September, 1930, concerning the importation and movement of manure, to check the spread of Black Scale (Chrysomphalus Aonidum L) which was made under Section 12 by the Director of Agriculture and Forests, and published in Official Gazette No. 268 of the 1st October, 1930, shall not apply during the period from the 1st May to the 31st October.

F. J. TEAR 7th May, 1932. Acting Director of Agriculture and Forests


A. G. WAÜCHOPE 7th May, 1932. High Commissioner- (A/43/31) -16th• May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 381



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Section 12 (c) and (d) of the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, I hereby make the following Regulations:—

1. An order addressed by a Plant Inspector under Section 6 Order under of the Ordinance shall be served in person on the grove owner ordinance °f or occupier in duplicate in the form prescribed in the First r man Schedule hereto. The grove owner or occupier shall sign both copies of the order and shall return the signed duplicate to the Plant Inspector at the time of service of the order.

2. The expenses, incurred by a Plant Inspector in accordance Assessment of with Section 7 of the Ordinance shall be assessed in accordance ?xPenses i yi p n r*T*p fi with the rates laid down in the Second Schedule hereto of the actual costs of services rendered. 3. When the measures specified in an order under these Demand, for ־Regulations shall have been carried into effect by a Plant Payment Inspector, the Government Entomologist or his representative duly authorised in that behalf shall forward by registered post to the grove owner or occupier on or before the First day of December of the year during which the measures were carried into effect a demand for the payment of expenses in the form prescribed in the Third Schedule hereto. , . j ׳ 4. If a grove owner or occupier fails to pay the expenses on Failure to pay or before the date specified in the demand note civil proceedings exPenses hY for the recovery of the amount due shall be instituted. grove ownei*

5. The Regulations set out below are hereby cancelled : — Repeals.

(1) The Regulations concerning charges payable for the fumigation, felling and pruning of citrus trees published in the Gazette of the 16th June, 1927.

(2) The Regulations concerning the payment of fumigation fees published in the Gazette of the 1st February, 1928.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Section 6 of the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, I hereby direct you to take within the time specified below the following measures for the eradication and prevention of the spread of the undermentioned pest within the citrus groves owned or occupied by you as described below. If you fail to comply with the directions contained in this order, entry will be made upon your lands and steps will be taken to carry this order into effect in accordance with Section 7 of the Ordinance, and the expenses incurred in so doing will be paid by you, in accordance with Section 8 of the Ordinance.



On or before the. day of. 193 382 OFFICIAL GAZETTE löth May, 1932



I certify that on I served a copy of this Order on...

Signature of person Signature of Recipient. Signature of witness, effecting service.

SCHEDULE IL EXPENSES (a) Fumigation of Trees. Mils (i) Large Trees, i.e., trees which when covered by a fumigation j tent measure 2 /2 metres and over in height - - 80 (ii) Medium Trees, i.e., trees which when covered by a fumigation l d ־ tent measure from i/2 to 2 /2 metres in height - 70 (iii) Small Trees, i.e., trees which when covered by a fumigation tent measure !1/^metres in height 35 Where labour for fumigation as may be required *by the Plant Inspector is provided by the grove owner or occupier, half the above charges shall be paid. (b) Felling Trees. For felling at ground level old, moribund or infected trees, per tree - - - - - 30

(c) Pruning. For pruning trees before fumigation - - - 50


DEMAND FOR THE PAYMENT OF EXPENSES Sir, You are hereby required to pay to the Government Entomologist the sum of LP ( pounds mils) within months of the date hereof, that is to say, on or before the ... day of 193 in settlement of the expenses incurred by a Plant Inspector for the under­ mentioned steps taken in the citrus groves owned or occupied by you, in virtue of the Order under Section 6 of the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, of which service was acknowledged by you on the day oL

L.P. Mils Large trees fumigated at 80 mils each Medium trees fumigated at 70 mils each Small trees fumigated at 35 mils each

Trees felled at 30 mils each 7 Trees pruned at 50 mils each Total L.P.

To Signature of Government Ehtmnologist

_ _ Date - - ״״.״:״״״ Address

F. J. TEAR Acting Director of Agriculture and Forests Approved A. G. WAUCHOPE llthMay, 1932, High Commissioner (A/261/31) 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 383

(385) TOBACCO ORDINANCES, 1925-1929.


A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Section 48 of the Tobacco Ordinance, 1925, the High Commissioner has made the following Regulations.

1. Tobacco manufactured in Palestine shall be sold only in packets containing 100 grammes, 20 grammes and 10 grammes.

2. The following item shall be added to paragraph 7 of the Regulations dated the 30th April, 1925, and published in the Gazette of the 1st May, 1925:—

"For 100 grammes of Tobacco ...... red on white"

3. Paragraph 1 of the Regulations dated the 20th April, 1927, and published in the Gazette of the 1st May, 1927, is hereby revoked.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 2nd May. 1932. Chief Secretary (C/98/32)



A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner

WHEREAS Rabies exists in the village of Tuleil, Safad Sub-District, notice is hereby given that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has declared that the undermentioned villages in the Sub-District of Safad are infected areas •for the purpose of the said Ordinance.

Tuleil Keral el Kheit Baqqara ,Arab Tuleil Mishmar hay Yarden Zubeid Almaniya ,Arab Zubeid Aiyelet hash Shahar. Kerad el Kheit Channami

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 11th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (A/28/31) 384 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932



With reference to the Notice dated the 21st August, 1930, and published in the Gazette of the 1st September, 1930, it is hereby notified that natives of French protectorates and of territories administered under Mandate by the French Government will in future be required to obtain a British visa for entry into Great Britain and Northern Ireland, British Colonies and Protectorates in wrhich the requirement of a British Consular visa exists, and all territories the Mandate for which is exercised by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom.

2. A British visa will also be necessary for the entry of natives of French protectorates and of territories administered under Mandate by the French Government into Australia (with its Dependencies, and the Mandated Territories of NewT Guinea and Nauru), New Zealand, with its Dependencies and the Mandated Territory of Western Samoa), the Union of South Africa (with the Mandated Territory of South West Africa), and the Irish Free State; and for the entry of French protected persons into Newfoundland and Southern Rhodesia.

3. Natives of Tunis, French Morocco, , French Togo!and, and French Cameroons are regarded as French protected persons.

4. Similarly, British protected persons proceeding to French Territory will be required to obtain French visas.

5. The following declarations replace that which appeared in the previous Notice:


Je soussigné

de :

déclare sous serment:

(1) que je suis de nationalité britannique, en vertu de ma naissance en vertu des lettres de naturalisation No en date , ״״״..1. du (a) que je suis né à et que je suis porteur de bonne foi du passeport No délivré à

(2) que je n'ai jamais été déclaré coupable dans aucum pays d'une infraction aux lois du pays passible d'emprisonnement ou (b)

(2a) que j'ai été seulement déclaré coupable d'une infraction aux lois passible d'un emprisonnement ainsi qu'il est cité ci-dessous :

Lieu Date Motif de condamnation Jugement rendu

(3) que je suis désireux d'entrer en (indiquer le nom de la colonie) et que je suis informé que, si un exposé ou une allégation énoncés ci-dessus est incorrect ou faux, je suis passible des sanctions prévues par les lois de (indiquer- le nom de la colonie: Indochine, A.O.F. etc. ).

Daté à le jour de 193 .

Serment prêté devant moi 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 385

Notaire Publie, Juge de Paix, Commissaire de Police, Commissaire aux Serments ou tout Magistrat (fonctionnaire judiciaire) à l'exclusion des Avocats ou Avoués ayant une étude privée.

(a) Biffez les mots qui ne sont pas applicables ;

(b) Utilisez les formules 2 ou 2a suivant le cas.


Je soussigné

de : :

déclare sous serment:

(1) que je suis de nationalité protégé britannique en vertu de ma naissance en vertu des lettres de naturalisation No en date du (a)

que je suis né à et que je suis porteur de bonne foi du passeport No délivré à

(2) que je n'ai jamais été déclaré coupable d'une infraction aux lois passible d'un emprisonnment ou (b)

(2a) que j'ai été seulement déclaré coupable d'une infraction aux lois passible d'un emprisonnement ainsi qu'il est cité ci-dessous :

Lieu Date Motif de condamnation Judgment rendu

(3) que je suis désireux d'obtenir le visa de mon passeport pour entrer en (indiquer le nom de la colonie) et que je suis informé que, si un exposé ou une allégation énoncés ci-dessus est incorrect ou faux, je suis passible des sanctions prévues par les lois de (indiquer le nom de la colonie : Indochine, A.O.F., etc ).

Daté à le jour de 193 .

Serment prêté devant moi

Notaire Public, Juge de Paix, Commissaire de Police, Commissaire aux Serments ou tout Magistrat (fonctionnaire judiciaire) à l'exclusion des Avocats ou Avoués ayant une étude privée.

(a) Biffez les mots qui ne sont pas applicables;

(b) Utilizez les formules 2 ou 2a suivant le cas.

By His Excellency's Command,

M. A. YOUNG 5th May, 1932. Chief Secretary (1/76/32) 386 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 4932



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Claims to land in the village of 'Arab Es Sawalima in the Jafla Settlement Area have been posted in the Office of the Settlement Officer, Jaffa Settlement Area, in the Camp of the Assistant Settlement Officer, in the village of 'Arab Es Sawalima, and in the District Office of the Jaffa Sub-District, in accordance with Section 24 of the Principal Ordinance. Persons having any interest in the lands of the said village should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights including mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years, or servitudes,, are examined by the Settlement Olficer of the Jaffa Settlement Area.

A. ABRAMSON 29th April, 1932. Commissioner of Lands (L/7/32)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Claims to land in the village of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Settlement Area have been posted in the Office of the Settlement Oificer, Gaza Settlement Area, in the village of Khan Yunis and in the District Office of the Gaza Sub-District, in accordance with Section 24 of the Principal Ordinance. Persons having any interest in the lands of the said village should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights- including mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years, or servitudes, are examined by the Settlement Oificer of the Gaza Settlement Area.

A. ABRAMSON 2nd May, 1932. Commissioner of Lands [ L/7/32)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Claims to land in the village of El Barriya in the Ramie Settlement Area have been posted in the Office of the Settlement Oificer, Ramie Settlement Area, in the village of El Barriya and in the District Office of Ramie Sub-District in accordance with Section 24 of the Principal Ordinance.

Persons having any interest in (he lands of the said village should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights including mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years, or servitudes,, are examined by' the Settlement Officer of the Ramie Settlement Area.

A. ABRAMSON 5th May, 1932. Commissioner of Lands- (L/7/32) 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 387




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Partition Schedules for land in the village and Settlement Area scheduled hereunder, and for the Registration Blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Settlement Officer concerned and at the District Office of the Sub-District in which the village is situated in accordance with Section 55 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930.

Office of Settlement Nos. of Village Sub-District Settlement Area Registration Blocks Officer

Yibna Gaza Gaza Gaza 41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and part of blocks 38, 39 and 40.

A. ABRAMSON 30th April, 1932. Commissioner of Lands (L/13/32)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Rights to land in the Villages and Settlement Areas scheduled hereunder, and for the Registration Blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Settlement Officers concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-Districts in which the Villages are situated in accordance with Section 32 (!) of the Ordinances:—

Office of Settlement Nos. of Village Sub-District Settlement Area Registration Blocks Officer

Hadera Haifa Village of Jaffa 21. Hadera Petah Tiqva Jaffa Jaffa Jaffa 9, 21, 27 and 53. Beit-Hanun Gaza Gaza Gaza 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Yibna Gaza Gaza Gaza Part of blocks 38, 39 and 40. Rishon Ramie Ramie Jaffa 5. le Tsiyon

A. ABRAMSON 28th April, 1932. Commissioner of Lands (L/7/32) 388 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Section 23 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, I hereby give notice that I have approved and accepted the parcellation of the musha' lands, as described hereunder, in the village of Al Barriya, registered in the existing Land Registers as held in common and periodically distributed among the inhabitants of the village.

Any person claiming an interest in the said land in the village of Al Barriya should submit his claim to me in accordance with the provisions of the Land Settlement Ordinances, if he has not already done so.

1. Joret Abu Ishtiya and al Morah. 5. Joret as-Sabban and al Krum .Shamaliya. 6. Al-Loziyr־Al Buqqaila as .2 Sallaq al Wastani and־Al Buqqaila al Qibliya. 7. As .3 4. Al Mirmala. al !label. 8. Al Ma'sara.

F. G. LOWICK 29th April, 1932. Settlement Officer, Ramie Settlement Area (L/13/32)



THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the settlement of rights to land in the village of Al Mirr in the Jaffa Sub-District is about to commence. Any person claiming an interest in the lands of the said village of Al Mirr or in the lands of the villages abutting on the boundaries of the lands of the said village of Al Mirr should act in the manner prescribed in the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930.

The Notice issued under the Ordinances may be inspected at the following, places:—

Office of the Settlement Officer, Jaffa. Office of the District Commissioner, Southern District, Jaffa. Office of the Jaffa Sub-District, Jaffa. The village of Al Mirr.

A. ABRAMSON 22nd April, 1932. Commissioner of Lands• (L/13/32) 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 389



THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the settlement of rights to land in the village of 'Ein Gannim will commence on or about the 18th May, 1932. Any person claiming an interest in the lands of the said village of ,Ein Gannim or in the lands of the villages abutting on the boundaries of the said village of ,Ein Gannim should act in the manner prescribed in the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930.

The Notices issued under the Ordinances may be inspected at the following places:—

Office of the Settlement Officer, Abu Khadra Building, Abu Khadra Street, Jaffa.

Office of the District Commissioner, Southern District, Jaffa.

Office of the Jaffa Sub-District.

The village of 'Ein Gannim. A. ABRAMSON 8th May, 1932. Commissioner of Lands (L/13/32)



I HEREBY DECLARE that the undermentioned localities and the lands belonging thereto, which were declared to be infected areas by Notice published in the Gazette of the dates shown in each case, are now free from Rabies.

Official Gazette Localities Sub-District dated

16.2.32Rosh Pinna Safad 16.2.32 ״ Firim 16.2.32 ״ Mughr el Kheit 16.2.32 ״ Qabba'a 16.2.32 ״ Mahanayim 16.2.32,Arab Zanghariya 16.2.32 ״ Weiziya 16.2.32 ״ Mansura el Kheit ,, 16.2.32Mishmarha y Yarden 16.2.32 ״ Tuba 16.2.32 ״ Muntar 1.3.32Jerusalem Jerusalem 1.3.32 ״ Abu Dis 1.3.32 ״ Anata' 1.3.32 ״ Beit Naqquba 1.3.32 ״ Beit Hanina 1.3.32 ״ Beit Iksa 1.3.32 ״ Beit Safafa 13.32 ״ Battir 1.3.32 ״ Deir Yasin 1.3.32 ״ El Eizariya 1.3.32 ״ Ein Karim 390 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

Localities Sub-District Official Oaxetle dated Hizma Jerusalem 1.3.32 Tsawiya n 1.3.32

El Jura 1 1 1.3.32

Lifta 5 1 1.3.32

El Maliha 11 1.3.32

Motsa * 1 1.3.32 En Nabi Samwil 55 1.3.32

Qaluriya 11 1.3.32

El Qastal 11 1.3.32

Qalandiya 11 1.3.32

Er Ram ? 1 1.3.32

Silwan 1 1 1.3.32

Sur Bahir 5 1 1.3.32

Shu'fat 1 1 1.3 32

Sharafat 1 1 1.3.32 Et Tur > J 1.3.32

El Walaja 11 1.3.32

Beit Hakarem 1 1 1.3.32

Beit Vagan 11 1.3.32

'Emek Arazim 1 J 1.3.32

Giv'at Shaul } 1 1.3.32

Mikor Haiyim 11 1.3.32

Neve Ya'aqov 11 1.3.32

Talpioth 11 1.3.32

Katamon 11 1.3.32 , Arraba 11 1.3.32 1.3.32

'Anza 11 1.3.32 'Ajja ii 1.3.32

Kafr Ra'i 11 1.3.32

Ya'bad 1 7 1.3.32

Kufeirat 11 1.3.32

Burqin 11 1.3.32

Meithalun 11 1.3.32

Siris 5 1 1.3.32

Sanur 11 1.3.32

Judeida 1 •) 1.3.32

Sir 11 1.3.32

El Kufier 1 5 1.3.32 Ez Zababida 5 J 1.3.32

Misilya 11 1.3.32

Jarba 5 1 1.3.32 Qabalan Nablus 1.3.32 Jurish 1.3.32

Qusra ?? 1.3.32 Tilfit 5 ) 1.3.32 Yetma 5 J 1.332

Kafr Beita >> 1.3.32

J. M. SMITH 11th May, 1932. Chief Veterinary Officer (A/28/31)

(397) NOTICE

It is proposed by the Legal Board to recommend to his Honour the Chief Justice that certain alterations should be made in the Rules regulating admission, to practice before the Civil Courts.

All persons concerned are hereby notified— 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 391״

1. That it is proposed to extend the period of preparatory service to a maximum of three years subject to provision for exemptions and reductions to be hereafter determined. This extension will, when put in force, apply to all persons first registered as clerks in service on or after the 13th day of April, 1932.

2. That it is proposed to require all persons hereafter seeking admission to practice before the Civil Courts to pass a test in their practical proficiency in the performance ol the functions of an advocate.

It is not however proposed to impose this test upon persons now registered whose period of preparatory service expires before the 15th day of November, 1932.

F. M. GOADBY 23rd April, 1932. Chairman of the Legal Board (J/48/31)

(398) Hebrew Elementary.

LANGUAGE EXAMINATIONS Miss F. Petruska Department of' Development. Mr. Elias Hayek Department of Customs. The undermentioned officers of the Government Mr. Salameh Musa Jaber District Administration. •of Palestine have passed the Language Examina­ Mr. Shaker Abu Ghazala District Administration. tions held in Jerusalem in March, 1932. Mr. 'Isa Ghandur Department of Lands. Mr. Khalil J. Shami Department of Customs. Mr. 'Aref Al ,Aref District Administration. Arabic Advanced. Mr. S. 1. Hashwa Department of Land Settlement. Mr. S. Goral Department of Land Mr. J. E. Farraj Department of Settlement. Immigration. (E/15/32) Arabic Elementary.

Mr. M. Hassin Department of Land Settlement. Mr. N. Kook Department of Land (399) Settlement. COUNCIL OF LEGAL STUDIES Mr. I. Sapir Audit. Mise> B . Müller Law Courts. Mr. J. Attenborough Department of Education. Mr. A. Tourken itz District Administration. FEES Mr. 1. Shecter Department of Land Settlement. All students must pay their Examination Fees Mr. J. Ami-Rav Department of !Surveys. before the 1st July, 1932. No student will Mr. C. N. Johns Department of be allowed to sit in any examination unless all Antiquities. his fees are paid by the 1st July, 1932. Mr. E. Abrahamy Department of Lands. Mr. M. Elliott Legal Department. Mr. M. Mika Department of EXAMINATIONS Immigration. Mr. S. Alcalay Department of Police The examinations will be held on the following and Prisons. dates: Mr. G. Levinson Department of Posts and Telegraphs. Examinations in subjects not taught this Session: Mr. A. Rousso Department of Health. Mr. R. Cope Stephenson Department of Police. Department of Legal History 14th June, 1932. Mr. A. Belsky Agriculture. Private International Law 25th July, 1932. Hebrew Advanced. Public International Mr. A. D. Assad Department of Surveys. Law 3rd August, 1932. Miss S. Edelstone Department of Surveys. Mr. Naif Abu Ghazaleh District Administration. Civil Procedure 10th August, 1932. Mr. I. Halabi Department of Customs. JMr. W. Ch. Isawi District Administration. Commercial Law, Part II. 16th August, 1932. 392 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 46th May, 1932

SKSSIONAL EXAMINATIONS (400) NOTICE First Year Mejelle 27th July, 1932. Loss of Counterfoil Receipt Organisation of Justice Ist August, 1932. Form T. 55: No. 28293. Political Science 4th August, 1932. August, 1932. Introduction to Law 9th The abovementioned Counterfoil Receipt has Religious Law 11th August, 1932. been lost in Hebron, and is therefore hereby cancelled. Finance 18th August, 1932. Any person finding it should communicate Third Year with the District Officer, Hebron. Torts 26th July, 1932. (F/20/31) Penal Law 28th July, .1932.

Evidence 2nd August, 1932. (401) Criminal Procedure 8th August, 1932. ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS Wakf 15th August. 1932. Company Law 17th August, 1932. 1. The contract for the supply of perishable COMMERCIAL LAW EXAMINATION and imperishable foodstuffs to the Jerusalem Central Prison during the period 1.4.32 to 30 9.32 has been awarded to MR. KHALIL Candidates for examination in Commercial KANDALAFT, Jerusalem. Law will be permitted to have with them in the Examination Hall copies of the following Ordinances. 2. The contract for the supply of perishable and unperishable foodstuffs for the Central PART I. Prison, Acre, and Jail Labour Company No. \y during the period 1.4.32 to 30.9.32 has been Companies Ordinance, 1929. awarded to MESSRS. EISENBERG & SOURY, Haifa.

PART II. 3. The contract for the supply of unperishable Bills of Exchange Ordinance, 1929. foodstuffs for Jail Labour Company No. 2, and Partnership Ordinance, 1930. perishable foodstuffs for Jail Labour Company Bankruptcy Bill, 1931. No. 2 and Central Prison, Acre, during the period 1.4.32 to 30.9.32 has been awarded to MR. GEORGE TAWKEL, Haifa. All students are required fo sit for examination in all the subjects taught in the year (except Religious Law) in which they are qualified. 4. The contract for the supply of perishable In special cases permission to postpone an foodstuffs to Jail Labour Company No. 1 during examination may be granted by the Director but the period 1.4.32 to 30.9.32 has been awarded any student who desires such permission must to MOHD. SALIM DADU, Tulkarm. apply for it at least a month before the examination. 5. The contract for improvements at the new R.A.P. Billet (ex C.M.J. School), has been The subjects taught in English are examined awarded to MR. JOHN EZRA at LP.266.195 mils. in English. No translation of the questions Period of contract is 4 years. into Arabic or Hebrew is given. Students may write their answers in Arabic or Hebrew- 5. The contract for supplying 650 m3 of broken provided that they have, at least a fortnight stone for section from Km.205 to Km. 206.3 nefore the examination, paid to the Secretary the of the Acre-Ras en Naqura road has been sum of 400 mils as a translation fee. awarded to MESSRS. DEEB KASSEM EL KAYID and TEWFIK ABDEL RAHMAN of Haifa at 239 The place where the examinations will be mils per md. Period of contract is 40 working held will be notified later. days.

The examinations will in each case commence 7. The contract for haulage and offloading of at 5 p.m. 2450 m3 of stones for section from Km. 3 to Km. 4 of the Haifa-Acre new road has been awarded to MR. H. SHIMSHONI of Haifa at Students desiring to take an examination in 95 mils per m3. Period of contract is 30 a subject which has not been taught during the working days. session must notify the Secretary of their intention before the 15th June, 1932. 8. The contract for haulage and offloading of 8 H. KANTROVITCH 2450 m of stones for section from Km. 4 to Km. 5 of the Haifa-Acre new road has been Secretary, Council of Legal Studies awarded to MR. H. SHIMSHONI of Haifa at 3 (J/27/31) 95 mils per m . Period of contractus 30 working days. 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE W3

9. The contract for haulage and offloading of (402) 2450 m3 of stones for section from Km. 5 to Km. 6 of the Haifa-Acre new road has been NOTICES OP REGISTRATION OF COMPANIES awarded to MR. H. SHIMSHONI of Haifa at UNDER T£IE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1929 95 mils per m3. Period of contract is 30 working days. The particulars given below correspond 10. The contract for the construction of section with the following headings:— from Km. 7 of the Haifa-Acre new road has 1. Name of Company. heen awarded to MR. HARON KHOURIAN of Haifa, 2. Date of Incorporation. at 214/ °/o below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period 2 3. Objects of Company. of contract is 3 calendar months. 4. Share Capital. 41. The contract for the construction of section from Km. 7 to Km. 8 of the Haifa-Acre new 1. Faivel Feinstein Company, Ltd. road has been awarded to MESSRS. DEEB KASSEM 2. 18 3.32. EL KAYID and TEWFIK ABDEL RAHMAN of Haifa, 3. To buy, sell and deal in agricultural and at 20V2°/o below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period engineering machinery generally. of contract is 3 calendar months. LP.2000. 12. The contract for the construction of section from Km. 8 to Km. 9 of the Haifa-Acre new 1. Archavsky-Manfield Engineering Company, road has been awarded to MESSRS. MODERN Ltd.

CONSTRUCTIONS LTD., Haifa, at 20°/o below 2. 6.4.32. P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 3. To carry on the business of mechanical and 3 calendar months. general engineers and manufacturers and dealers in electricity generally. 13. The contract for supplying 500 m3 of broken 4. LP.10000 divided into 2000 shares at par stone for section from Km. 204 to Km. 205 of value of 50 mils each, and known as the Acre-Ras en Naqura road has been awarded class "A" shares, and 9.900 shares of to MESSRS. DEEB KASSEM EL KAYID and TEWFIK .B" shares״' LP.l each and known as class ABDEL RAHMAN of Haifa, at 274 mils per m3. Period of contract is 40 working days. 1. The Palestine Trade Company, Ltd. 14. The contract for the manufacture of furniture 2. 22.4 32. for the Nurses' Home, Gaza, has been awarded 3. To carry on the business of merchants and to MR. A. ABOUDI, , Jerusalem, at traders generally. the following rates :— 4. LP. 1000 divided into shares of LP1. each. Wardrobe without mirror LP.1.940 mils each Wardrobe with mirror LP.2.850 mils each 1. The Palestine and Near East Trust, Mortgage, Chest of drawers LP.2.000 mils each and Banking Corporation, Ltd. Chairs, Matron LP.0.940 mils each 2. 22.4.32. Book Shelf LP.9.990 mils each 3. To undertake the registration of all kinds Dressing table with of transactions concerning immovable swing mirror LP.1.700 mils each. property. 15. The contract for preparation of metal stacked 4. LP.5000 divided into 500 common shares at roadside, kilometres 171-171.500, Nazareth- of LP.l each, and 4500 preference shares Tiberias road, has been awarded to KHALID of LP.l each.

OBEID of Nazareth at 27°/G below P. W. D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 13 days. 1. The Gan Nahamah Corporation, Ltd. 16. The contract for preparation of metal for 2. 4.4.32. kilometres 217.400-219.110, Bo-h Pinna-Metulla 3. To plant and cultivate oranges, lemons road, has been awarded to HARON SOLMAN of grape-fruit and other fruits, and to carry 0 on and work the business of cultivators Tiberias at 16 /o below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 40 days. of every kind of vegetable or other produce of the soil, to render marketable any 17. The contract for resurfacing the 'Affula- such produce, and to sell, dispose of and Nazareth road, kilometres 134.450-135.777, has deal in any such produce. been awarded to AHMAD SHAMUT of Nazareth at LP.1000 divided into 1000 shares of LP.l 1 21 /2°/o below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of each. .; contract is 46 roller working days.

18. The contract for resurfacing the 'Affula- COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1929 Nazareth road, kilometres 138-138 436, has been awarded to FADIL TOUMA of Kafr Kenna village 3 at 15V?°/o helow P.W.D. estimate rates. Period Notice pursuant to Section 242 ( ) of contract is 15 roller working days.

Notice is hereby given that at the expiration 19. The contract for the supply of summer of three months from the date of this notice uniforms for messengers in the Northern District the name of the "London Guarantee and Accident has been awarded to MR. YA'QUB MORADUN of Company, Ltd.", will unless cause is shown to Haifa at the following rates:— the contrary be struck off the Register of Companies. Jackets 430 mils each 280 mils each. Trousers H. KANTROVITCH (S/2/31) Acting Registrar 1932״ ,OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1st May 394


The particulars given below correspond with the following headings:— Change of person MOSHE E. PILOSOFF and RIVKA_ or persons autbo- BEN-BASSAT jointly or MR. 1. Name of Society. 2. Date of Registration. rised to sign on MOSHE E. PILOSOFF alone, 3. Objects of Society. behalf of part­ nership. (J/37/31) 1. Hamaspik Cooperative Society, Ltd. 2. 26.3.32. 3. To organize and manage all kinds of business STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN THE PARTICULARS OF for the supply of goods to consumers on THE PARTNERSHIP PALESTINE TRADE AND COM­ a cooperative basis by the participation of MISSION AGENCY, G. MIHRANIAN AND CO. the members in the business of the Society • With their capital and their work. Change in the In stead of the firm OCHSHORN partners or in 8c DISKIN, limited partner, shall 1. Hakibutz Hameuchad Hokovesh Kvoutzat the name or sur- be MOSHE OCHSHORN, limited Poalim Lehith-Iashvouth Shetouphith, Ltd. name of any partner, 2. 6.4.32. partners:— 3. To develop an agricultural settlement at (J/3/31) Kfar Saba on cooperative principles. (403) 1. Ein Shemer Kibutz Hashomer Hazair Lehith CITATION FOR ORDER OF ADMINISTRATION Tashvouth Shetouphith, Ltd. 2. 6.4.32. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM 3. To develop an agricultural settlement at Carcur, on cooperative principles. In the matter of the Succession of Abraham Yacoub Kamara, deceased. 1. Hashomer-Hazair Near Kinereth, Kibutz By virtue of an Order of the District Court Poalim Lehith Iashvouth Shetouphith, Ltd. of Jerusalem, bearing date the 4th day of April, 2. 6.4.32. 1932, 1 do hereby cite all and all manner of 3. To develop an agricultural settlement at persons to appear in the said Court within ten Kinnereth. days from the date of the publication hereof in the Official Hazette, and show cause, if any they have, why an Order of Administration of 1. Tzemeg Cooperative Society, Ltd. all and singular the movable property, rights, 2. 6.4.32. credits of ABRAHAM YACOUB KAMARA, deceased, 3. To engage in the manufacture and repair should not [be granted unto SIMCHA (daughter of tyres and vulcanising works on co­ of SHUKRY) KAMARA, wife of the deceased, as operative principles. in default thereof the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. 1. Maagal HaMai, for produce and supply of the workers in Carcur, Cooperative Society, Date this 6th day of May, 1932. Ltd. SAAD EL DIN ABU SEOUD 2. 20.4.32. Acting Chief Clerk, 3. To carry on the business of a Cooperative District Court, Jerusalem Society of Consumers and Producers for (J/4/31) the sale of the produce of the members on cooperative principles. (S/26/32) NOTICE OF SEALING OF PROBATE


In the matter of the Right Honourable The particulars given beloiv correspond Alfred, Baron Melchett of Landlord in the with the following headings :— County of Hants, and of 25, Lowndes 1. Names and addresses of partners. Square, Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, 2. Firm name of partnership. deceased. 3. Names of par bier s authorised to administer the partnership and to sign for it. Be it known that on the 21st day of March,. 4. Date of commencement and determination. 1932, there was sealed with the seal of the 5. Object. District Court of Haifa a duplicate copy of the Grant of Probate of the last will and testament 1. ,Aziz Lamam, Haifa. with one codicil of the Right Honourable Is-haq Salil, Haifa. Alfred, Baron Melchett of Landford in the ,haq Sheirazli, Haifa. County of Hants, and of 25, Lowndes Square־Is ׳ Aziz Lamam 8c Co. Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, which' .2 3. Messrs. 'Aziz Lamam and Is-haq Sheirazli said Probate was issued from the Principal jointly. Probate Registry of the Probate Division of the 4. 4.4 32-4.10.32. High Court of Justice of England on the 11th; 5. Commission agents, real estate, mortgages, day of August, 1931, and by virtue of which leases. administration of all the Estate which by Law (J/37/31) devolves to and vests in the personal represen­ tative of the said deceased was granted by the 1st May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 395


High Court aforesaid to LADY VIOLET MABEL AMENDMENT TO GENERAL REGULATIONS FLORENCE MELCHETT, the RIGHT HONOURABLE HENRY BARON MELCHETT and the HONOURABLE Amending Slip No. 68 of 16.5.32. Page 126, GERALD RUFUS IsAACs(kDOwn as Viscount Erleigh) Chapter 7, Section 4, Regulation 9 (ii), line 5 : three of the Executors named in the said Will. For 'Principal Stores Officer" read "Superin• C. R. W. SETON tendent of Printing and Stationery". President, District Court, Haifa (S/16/32) (J/4/31)



The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Jerusalem, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week from the date of this notice.

Name of Date of Description Consignee Whence Steamer, etc. arrival

Railway Policy 9.12.32 1 case tobacco machine The Union Tobacco Kantara No. 57713/238 parts & Cigarette Co., Ltd.

II. The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Haifa, will be sold hy public auction if not cleared within one week from the date of this notice.

Name of Date of Description Consignee Steamer, etc. arrival Whence

s.s. Citta di Bari 13.1.32 1 bag onions K Over manifest Alexandretta s.s Leopold II. 31.1.32 3 bundles galvanized Over manifest Antwerp sheets s.s. Leopold II. 31.1.32 3 bundles iron bars Over manifest Antwerp s.s. Carnaro 18.1.32 1 crate wooden samples Order Trieste (address) INDIRIZZO s.s Carnaro 18.1.32 1 barrel olives BF 1092 Over manifest Jaffa Car. 207HA 16.1.32 1 case wine Order Syria s.v. Zagloul 1.2.32 6 cases sweets (Halkoum) Over manifest Syria

HI. The following unclaimed goods lying in the Stores of. the Levant Bonded Warehouses Company, Ltd., Haifa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week from *the date of this notice.

Name of Date of Steamer, Description arrival Consignee Whence etc.

€ar No. 538 15.4.29 1 package auto accessories Mr. Emil Rebez Beirut

(G/13/31) •396 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932



Receipts in the month of RECEIPTS TOTAL January, 1932 LP. mils LP. mils

Balance on 1st January, 1932 41,952 160 41,952 160

1. Customs 87,722 058 87,722 058 2. Port and Marine 8,002 008 8,002 008 3. Licences, Taxes, etc. 63,499 304 63,499 304 4. Fees of Court or Office Receipts for Specific Services & Reimbursements 21,040 323 21,040 323 5. Posts and Telegraphs 12,414 558 12,414 558 6. Revenue from Government Property 1,143 192 1,143 192 7. Interest 1.296 684 1,296 684 8. Miscellaneous 876 948 876 948 9. Land Sales 521 620 ,521 620 196,516 695 196,516 695

Total Revenue L.P. 196,516 695 196,516 695 Loan Account 555 191 555 191 Advances 61,723 191 61,723 191 Deposits 163,073 577 163,073 577 Imprests 51,127 981 51,127 981 Investments 24,000 24,000 Drafts 15,006 15,006 Unallocated Stores 1,135 732 1,135 732

Total Receipts L.P. 513,138 367 513,138 367 '

TOTAL INCLUDING BALANCE L.P. 555,01'0 527 555,090 527

21st April, 1932. (F/8/31) 16th May, 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 397


FROM 1st JANUARY, 1932 TO 31st JANUARY, 1932 CR.

Payments in the month of PAYMENTS TOT AT. January, LP. mils LP. mils

1. Pensions 1,038 106 1,038 106 2. Public Debt and Loan Charges — 3. His Excellency The High Commissioner 629 656 629 656 4. Secretariat 1,802 748 1,802 748 5. District Administration 6,454 784 6,454 784 6. Legal Department 504 557 504 557 7. Judicial Department 4,876 173 4,876 173 8. Treasury 1,324 261 1,324 261 9. Audit Department 1,048 544 1,048 544 40. Customs, Excise and Trade 5,019 475 5,019 475 11. Department of Health 6,861 996 6,861 996 12. Department of Education 8,269 821 8,269 821 13. Depar tm en t of Agriculture & Forests 4,695 337 4,695 337 14. Antiquities Department 521 911 521 911 15. Land Settlement 1,605 488 1,605 488 16. Lands Department 768 365 768 365 17. Survey Department 3,218 950 3,218 950 17A. Department of Development 486 912 486 912 18. Police and Prisons 32.885 059 32,885 059 18A. Department of Immigration !;378 214 1,378 214 19. Trans-Jordan Frontier Force 10,383 800 10,383 800 20. Defence 15,181 499 15,181 499 21. Posts and Telegraphs 10,803 551 10,803 551 22. Public Works Department 2,933 308 2,933 308 23. Public Works Recurrent 4.552 308 4,552 308 24. Miscellaneous 3,396 867 3,396 867 L.P. 130,641 690 130,641 690 ׳ Total Ordinary Expenditure 25. Posts and Telegraphs Extraordinary 751 755 751 755 26. Public Works Extraordinary 2,982 986 2,982 986 27. Trans-Jordan Frontier Force Extra­ ordinary 757 144 757 144

Total Expenditure L.P. 135,133 575 135,133 575 Loan Account 21,118 168 21,118 168 Advances 79,203 745 79,203 745 Deposits 159,592 479 159,592 479 Imprests 55,170 — 55,170 — Investments 42,000 — 42,000 — Drafts 11,956 — 11.956 — Unallocated Stores 2,273 873 2,273 873 Total Payments LP. 506,447 840 506,447 840

Balance on 31st January, 1932 48,642 687 48,642 687

TOTAL INCLUDING BALANCE L.P. 555,090 527 555,090 527 398 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th May, 1932

(407) 4. The following Notices and Advertise­ Quarantine and Infectious ments may be submitted for publication to the Diseases Summary Chief Secretary, Government Offices, direct, but their publication in the Official Gazette will be For week ending midnight of 7.5.32. at the risk of the advertisers and will not imply any certificate as to correctness or authority: 1. Quarantine Restrictions. Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc. No changes have occurred since 30.4.32. Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Directors, redemption of bonds and kindred' The following restrictions are at present io iorce matters from Companies or Co-operative' Societies.

Date 5. Any Notice or Advertisement concerning Port restrictions a Company or Co-operative Society, unless pub­ enforced lished by order of the Court or the Registrar, will not be inserted unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate that to the best of Arrivals from Bombay Against his knowledge the statement made in the Notice 25.7.31 Cholera by air routes. or Advertisement is true.

6. The following are the authorised pub­ lication rates for notices and advertisements in 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases the Official Gazette: in Palestine For every 1/4 of a column or part thereof in the type of the Gazette 500 mils Relapsing Date Place Typhus Fever. notified Exceeding 1/4 and not exceeding 1/2 column. LP. 1 Haifa 1 4.5.32 Jaffa 1 3.5.32 Exceeding 1/2 and not exceeding 3/4 column LP. 1.500 mils

NOTICE Exceeding 3/4 and not exceeding 1 column LP. 2

׳All Notices and Advertisements must be .7 1. Notices of registration of Companies, Co­ prepaid. operative Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted unless submitted through the Registrar. Terms of Subscription for the 2. Orders with regard to the administration Official Gazette of the estate of a deceased person or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the Companies Winding-up Ordinance or in accordance with Single copies sold locally, 50 mils. any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and any notices of registration and dissolution of Post Free: partnerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the Court. Quarterly Half-yearly Annually

3. In the case of partnerships the following Palestine 250 mils. 500 mils. LP.l procedure will be observed: Abroad 400 mils. 600 mils. LP. 1.200 mils.

Notices of dissolution of partnerships will Application with remittances (Cash, not be accepted unless signed by the partners Postal or Money Orders only) should^ named therein or by their legal representative be made to : Superintendent Printing and the signature or representative character of and Stationery, Russian Buildings, a signatory must be verified by a declaration Jerusalem. No subscriptions will be made by an advocate. refunded after payment•

A notice of dissolution of partnership not The Official Gazette is obtainable by the Trade signed by all the partners or their legal from the Superintendent, Printing and Stationery,, representatives must be accompanied by a sworn Russian Buildings, Jerusalem. It can be purchased declaration made by an advocate to the effect by the Public at all Booksellers and Newsagents that the notice is given in pursuance of the in Palestine. terms of the partnership to which it relates.




No. 2210 in Glass 3, in respect of a medicated The following applications for tl e registra- toilet preparation, in the name of Mendel Frenkel, of 13, Haaliya Street, Tel-Aviv, manufacturing tion of the Trade Marks referred 1o therein chemist. are hereby advertised in accordance with the provi- sions of the Trade Marks Ordinances, 921-1930. No claim is made by the applicant to the exclusive use of Dr. Franklin's signature. Any person may, within six mdnths from the date of advertisement of any application Filed the 4th day of August, 1931. hereunder, file with the Superintendent of Courts, Supreme Court, Jerusalem, a notice of opposition to the registration of any Trade Mark referred to in any such application

Formal opposition should not je lodged uutil after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to afford .V» 7949 him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant, an opponent may be jiisallowed his costs. „ANALEPTICON" K. W. STEAD Registrar of Tra de Marks


No. 2194 in Class 47, in respect of lubricating oil in the name of State Industrial Trust For Manufacture and Sale of Sewing Mac lines and Parts Thereof k'Gos-Shveimashina", of 7 Petrowka, Moscow, Russia, manufacturers.

No claim is made by the applican s to the exclusive use of the Russian characters meaning 4Moscow'.

1931׳ ,Filed the 7th day of July

3>. J-.fñ.


No. 2216 in Glass 47, in respect of kerosene, in the name of The National Petroleum Company, a partnership registered under the laws of Eg^pt, of 9, Rue Stamboul, Alexandria, Egypt, dealers and oil refiners.

No claim is made by the applicants to the exclusive use of the numerals '1250'. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2194 is c/o S. Horowitz, Barrister-at-Law, P. 0. B. 393, Jerusalem. Filed the 20th day of August, 1931.



«l־ ־. ;:?THEBEST FOR WASHING Oi ! TT >״ The address for service in Palestine of Trade :SILKS WOOLLENS eiFINE FABRICS * 14 * , ׳ CONSERVES TMè:ÏÊXTURE.NO WEÄR ßy WASHIHO . Mark Application No. 2216 is c/o R. Pharaon and ^HANUFACtUREttiOr PURE OUVr OILr • .-\ Fils, P.O. Box 150, Haifa.


No. 2262 in Glass 39, in respect of paper towels, No. 2218 in Class 47, in re-pect of benzine, in paper table-covers, paper diapers and toilet paper the name of The National Petroleum Company, a in the name of Scott Paper Company, a corporation partnership registered under the laws of Egypt, of organized and existing under the laws of the 9, Rue Stamboul, Alexandria, Egypt, dealers and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of Front and oil refiners. Market Streets, City of Chester, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., manufacturers. Filed the 20th day of August, 1931. Filed the 30th day of December, 1931.


The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2262 is c/o A. E. Mulford, Patent Agent, P. O. Box 463, Haifa.


No. 2268 in Class 9, in respect of musical instruments in the name of Siemens and Halske Aktiengesellschaft, a company duly organized under the laws of Germany of Verwaltungsgebaeu.de, The address for service in Palestine of Trade Sieinensstadt, Berlin, Germany, dealers and Mark Application No. 2218 is c/o R. Pharaon and manufacturers. Fils, P. 0. Box 150, Haifa. Filed the 18th day of January, 1932.


No. 2256 in Class 47, in respect of common soap and soap flakes in the name of the Palestine Oil Industry "Shemen" Limited, of P. O. Box 136, Haifa, manufacturers of oils and soaps.

The trade mark consists of the combination of devices and the word 'Ora' and no claim is made by the applicants to the exclusive use of the added matter.

Filed the 30th day of November, 1931. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2268 is c/o Dr. Philip Fleisher, Advocate, 22, Montefiore Street, Tel-Aviv


IX. VIII. No. 2296 in Class 1, in respect of chemical preparations and anticorrosives, in the name of Messrs. Stanco Incorporated, a company incorporated No. 2291 in Glass 47, in respect of soap powder, under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., énthe name of the Palestine Oil Industry "Shemen" of Wilmington, Delaware, U. S. A. Oil refiners. Limited, of P. O. Box 136, Haifa, manufacturers and oil refiners. Filed the 17th day of March, 1932. No claim is made by the applicants to the •exclusive use of the words 'The Self-Washing Powder'. Filed the 9th day of March, 1932. lï

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2296 is c/o S. 0. Richardson, Solicitor, P. 0. Box 300, Jaffa.


No. 2297 in Class 47, in respect of petroleums, benzines and gasolines, abrasive and detergent materials, cleaning preparations for fabrics and other articles being detergents, and preparations for removing stains from fabrics, in the name of Messrs. Stanco Incorporated, a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A., oil refiners.

Filed the 17th day of March, 1932. Extane

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2297 is c/o S. 0. Richardson, Solicitor, P. 0. Box 300, Jaffa. (C/40/32)

Patent application No. 210. Bezalel Charles Niedzwiedz of Rosenzwit's House, Hachalutz Street, PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCES, Hadar-H.jcarmel, Haifa. 1924-1930. Title of Invention: "Method of preparation of bread from whole corn by use of fruit-juice instead Notice is hereby given that persons interested of yeast or leaven \ in opposing the granting of patents on the applications referred to below may at any time Filed the 11th day of January, 1932. within two months from the date of this Gazette give notice to the Registrar of Patents Patent application No. 223. Joseph Ben Simha and Designs, Department of Customs, Excise and Braverman and Boris Criss of P.O Box 372, Tel-Aviv. Trade, P. O. Box 541, Haifa, in the prescribed -manner of such opposition. Title of Invention : A machine for cutting citrus and other fruits' Filed the 16th day of March, 1932.

Patent application No. 205. Isaac Saxenberg and Yehoshua Prushansky of P. 0. Box 52, Tel-Aviv. Patent application No. 224. Joseph Ben Simha Braverman and Boris Criss of P.O. Box 372, Tel-Aviv. Title of Invention : "A machine for automatic Title of Invention : "An apparatus for extracting extraction of fruit-juices". juice from fruit". Filed the 16th day of March, 1932. Filed the 21st day of December, 1931. (C/24/32)

SUPPLEMENT TO OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 307 of the 16th May, 1932.