THURSDAY,Newfound MARCH 16, 2017 FREE IN PRINT, FREE ON-LINE • WWW.NEWFOUNDLANDING.COM Landing COMPLIMENTARY Newfound's Peter Dumont named Environmental Educator of the Year BY DONNA RHODES
[email protected] with Dumont. “There BRISTOL — Science are about 80 high schools teacher Peter Dumont in the state and we’re of Newfound Regional such a small school that High School was re- when I heard he won, I cently named the Envi- said, ‘Yeah- heck yeah!’” ronmental Educator of Tyler, another junior the Year by New Hamp- from Bristol, also felt it shire’s Environmental was a good choice. Tyler Association — an hon- said he didn’t initially or he well deserved, ac- sign up for a science cording to co-workers class with Dumont, but Amy Yeakel and Jen once he did, he was glad. Dayhoff, who sent in the “It ended up being a recommendation, and lot of fun, so I took a hor- most importantly his ticulture class with him, students. too,” he said. “When you ask Mr. A graduate of Keene Dumont what a word State College, Dumont means, he doesn’t just is in his 11th consec- give you the definition, utive year of teaching he gives you examples of at NRHS. Among the it on top of that to make courses he currently you really understand,” offers are AP Biology, said Mackenzie, a junior DONNA RHODES Anatomy and Physiolo- from New Hampton who Peter Dumont, recently named the Environmental Educator of the Year by New Hampshire’s Environmental Association, not only gy, Sophomore Biology, has enjoyed two classes has plants and a large aquarium in his classroom, but he and his students at NRHS enjoy their “squirrel mascot” as well.