

JANUARY 2015 Copyright © IRENA 2014 Unless otherwise indicated, the material in this publication may be used freely, shared or reprinted, so long as IRENA is acknowledged as the source.


The International Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a future and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including , geothermal, , ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity. www.irena.org

About NREL

NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. From fundamental science and energy analysis to validating new products for the commercial market, NREL researchers are dedicated to transforming the way the world uses energy.


The production of this report was led by Mackay Miller of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in close collaboration with Carla Bustamante ( of Colorado and Universidad Alfonso Ibañez). Roland Roesch (IRENA), Francisco Boshell (IRENA) and Maria Ayuso (IRENA) supervised the on the IRENA side as part of a joint undertaking between IRENA and NREL. This report benefited greatly from valuable comments and suggestions by Frank Wouters, Dolf Gielen (IRENA), Ruud Kempener (IRENA) and experts from numerous other institutions: Ángel Caviedes Cabezas (Production Development Corporation, Chile), Barbara Schaefer (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany), Eduardo Soriano (Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, Brazil), Fernando Hentzschel (Center for Renewable Energy, Chile), Jeffrey Logan (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, United States of America), Luiz A Horta Nogueira (Excen UNIFEI Itajubá MG, Brazil), Mirei Isaka (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation), Rainier Walz (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research) and Rodrigo García (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Authors: Mackay Miller (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), Carla Bustamante (UoC and UAI), Roland Roesch (IRENA), Francisco Boshell (IRENA) and Maria Ayuso (IRENA). For further information or to provide feedback, please contact Roland Roesch, IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre, Robert-Schuman-Platz 3, 53175 Bonn, Germany; [email protected].


While this publication promotes the adoption and use of renewable energy, the IRENA and NREL do not endorse any particular project, product or provider. The designations employed and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IRENA or NREL concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. CONTENTS

LIST OF TABLES�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������II

LIST OF FIGURES �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������II

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1

1 OVERVIEW OF THE RETIP PROCESS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4

2 ASSESSMENT STAGE: ASSESSING AND CAPACITIES, IDENTIFYING INNOVATION MODES AND CLARIFYING MACRO ENERGY GOALS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 2.1 Assessing Resource and Capacity ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 2.2 RET Innovation Modes �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 2.3 Clarify the Macro Objectives ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 3 STRATEGY STAGE: IDENTIFYING KEY AND SELECTING INNOVATION STRATEGIES �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 3.1 Key Technologies and Sectors ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 3.2 Selection of an Innovation Strategy ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 4 IMPLEMENTATION STAGE: ESTABLISHING GOVERNANCE AND APPLYING POLICY INSTRUMENTS ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 4.1 Establishing Governance Structures ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 4.2 Applying RET Innovation Policy Instruments ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 5 NATIONAL CASE STUDIES: ORIGINS OF THE RETIP PROCESS������������������������������������������������������������������������20 5.1 Adaptation Strategy: Case Study Chile ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 5.2 Commercial Scale up Strategy: Brazil �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 5.3 Technology Venturing: Germany ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33 6 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40

REFERENCES �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41

APPENDIX A: Candidate Data Sources for Innovation Mode Assessment �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������44 APPENDIX B: The of Innovation Policy Instruments ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide i List of Figures

Figure ES 1: The Three Stages of the RETIP Process: Assessment, Strategy, and Implementation...... 2

Figure 1: Illustration of a dynamic, ecosystem view of innovation...... 4

Figure 2: The three stages of the RETIP process...... 5

Figure 3: Illustrative guide to the RET innovation policy development process...... 7

Figure 4: Innovation Modes within the landscape of technology maturity...... 11

Figure 5: Example RET Innovation Policies mapped in the innovation landscape...... 19

Figure 6: Renewable energy capacity pipeline in Chile...... 21

Figure 7: Illustrative RETIP process analysis for Chile...... 27

Figure 8: Illustrative RETIP process analysis for Brazil...... 34

Figure 9: Illustrative RETIP process analysis for Germany...... 39

Figure 10: Illustrative occupational categories for the solar PV value chain...... 46

Figure 11: Types of “engineered” innovation networks...... 49

List of Tables

Table 1: RET Resource Assessment Indicators in relation to Innovation Modes ���������������������������������������������������� 12

Table 2: Functional categories of RET innovation policy ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18

Table 3: RETIP resource and capacity assessment for Chile ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23

Table 4: Resource and capability assessment for Brazil ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30

Table 5: Early 1990s resource and capability assessment for Germany ������������������������������������������������������������������35

ii Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

This report is intended to serve as a guide for policy view the complex landscape of innovation. Although makers in implementing national or sub-national many other innovation policy approaches have been policies to support in Renewable Energy suggested, this report makes an effort to identify these Technology (RET). It provides a structured process for whenever possible. Specifically, the RETIP process aims RET innovation policy development and inter alia at- to anticipate key questions and challenges for IRENA tempts to answer diverse questions that may be of member countries. interest to policy makers; for example:

●● What roles do existing resources and capacities Overview of the RETIP Process play in shaping innovation policy? ●● What types of innovation are most suitable for each designated situation? The capacity to innovate in renewable energy tech- ●● How can innovation policies be aligned with nologies is the result of many factors that vary widely overarching governmental policy objectives in across national and sub-national contexts. Regardless order to promote their success? of the technology in question, support for—and coor- ●● Which renewable energy (RE) technologies dination among—economic, educational and energy should be prioritised? policy domains is crucial to the creation of effective ●● What specific policy instruments should be RET innovation policies. These are generic foundational applied and who should be involved in their conditions for successful innovation policy. In addition, , implementation and governance? specific policies are often necessary; these must be ●● What strategic signals should be sent to exter- customised to bolster the unique capacity development nal stakeholders to optimise this approach to needs in each country and to be appropriate for the innovation? technologies of choice. These sectoral innovation policy conditions constitute an important focus of the RETIP The policy development guidelines contained in this process. report allow for significant customisation according to specific regional, national or sub-national contexts. To structure the approach to crafting innovative policy The principles outlined here apply broadly to many portfolios, the RETIP process articulates a three-stage renewable energy industries, as well as to a wide process: range of countries with varying energy and economic endowments. The report also suggests potential ●● The Assessment Stage focuses on undertaking leverage points for cooperation, knowledge sharing a structured evaluation of existing resources and and policy diffusion within the IRENA membership capacities, identifying appropriate “modes” of network. RET innovation and clarifying the overarching policy goals that serve as long-term drivers of “Renewable Energy Innovation Policy: Success Criteria innovation policy. and Strategies”, an earlier discussion paper published ●● The Strategy Stage focuses on identifying by IRENA (IRENA 2013), proposed a basis for under­ key technologies that are well-suited to a par- standing the contextual variables that shape RET ticular context and on crafting an overarching innovation capacity and also provided broad principles policy strategy that supports innovation in these for policy design. This report builds on that previ- domains. ous work, and provides greater structure by outlining ●● The Implementation Stage focuses on selecting a Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy and applying specific policy instruments while (“RETIP”) process for the development of policies to establishing appropriate governance structures foster innovation. The RETIP process is one way to to promote the implementation process.

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 1 Figure ES 1: The Three Stages of the RETIP Process: Assessment, Strategy, and Implementation

Assessment Strategy Implementation

Assess Resource and Capacity Identify Key Establish Technologies Governance Identify Structures Innovation Mode Select Select a and Apply Strategy Instruments Clarify the Macro- Objective(s)

These three stages serve as an analytical or deductive The RETIP process is designed to benefit countries “funnel”, moving from general to specific considerations by a broad range of literature and case of innovation policy. The RETIP process aims to cover studies, clarifying priorities and helping to organise the entire innovation policy development cycle: from the process of innovation policy development in evaluating specific existing innovation capabilities an otherwise highly complex field. The interrelated to identifying innovation opportunities to selecting assessments within each stage are structured to appropriate policy instruments and finally to clarify- identify the fundamental innovation needs of IRENA ing roles and responsibilities in support of effective Members in each sector. Finally, the RETIP process implementation. should provide a common framework and vocabulary to support collaboration, learning, research and policy The report also applies the RETIP framework as a lens diffusion. to examine how innovation policy has emerged in three very distinct geographic settings — Chile, Brazil While the innovation policy outcomes of the RETIP pro- and Germany. In each of these cases, the innovation cess will vary widely in keeping with national and local policy was not centrally managed through a process factors, the following generic messages are important like RETIP; rather, it emerged from the actions of for innovation policy makers: many (sometimes competing) stakeholders. These case ­stu­dies are meant to illustrate the issues and challenges ●● RET innovation opportunities are as diverse that have arisen in crafting innovation policy and to as are IRENA’s Members. The RETIP process illustrate how the RETIP stages (i.e. assessment, strat- emphasises that RET innovation may occur in any egy and implementation) can provide an organising country and/or any setting. While the challenges framework for development. to RET deployment are diverse, it is precisely the

2 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide role of innovation policy to unleash the forces of development—like innovation itself—is dynamic creativity to overcome these challenges. From and non-linear. While the RETIP process pro- the frontiers of scientific knowledge to the fac- vides a step-by-step framework for understand- tory floor, from dense urban centres to remote ing conditions that inform innovation policy, rural , policy conditions that encour- this does not imply that innovation policy de- age innovation are a central tool in support of velopment itself is linear. If anything, the RETIP . process describes a process that can and should ●● Context matters as much or more than tech- be iterated and improved upon over time. More nology. The development of targeted RET importantly, the RETIP process brings together innovation policies demands careful attention a broad body of literature and experience to to contextual factors. In fact, in many cases, produce a clearer overall picture of innovation specific factors regarding existing capabilities, policy. In this way, IRENA Members can clarify policy priorities and governmental bodies are critical focal areas. The goal is that holistic more important to policy development than consideration of the variables outlined in the the nature of the specific technologies under RETIP process will result in a more compre- consideration. The RETIP process aims to elevate hensive, balanced and sustainable approach to the relative importance of contextual factors in innovation policy. the development of innovation policy over those of technology-specific considerations. The report is organised as follows: Section 1 introduces ●● Coordinated governance is important. All policies the guiding principles and outlines of RETIP process. pre-suppose the institutional capacity and coordi- Section 2 introduces the Assessment stages of required to achieve successful implemen- the process, focusing on customised resource and tation. Innovation policy is uniquely dependent capacity assessments to provide orientation in the RET upon coordination since diverse domains impact innovation landscape. Section 3 outlines the Strategy the conditions for innovation. The coordination stage of the process, detailing considerations for challenge has both “horizontal” and “vertical” di- selecting specific innovation strategies and the process mensions. The horizontal challenge is to coordinate of identifying key technologies. Section 4 explores the diverse policy domains, such as energy, education, Implementation stage of the process, briefly discussing labour, trade and environment, as well as col- the toolbox of innovation policy instruments and laborating with the private and non-governmental discussing practical governance considerations to help sector. The vertical challenge is to coordinate the establish policy roles and responsibilities. Section 5 appropriate roles and responsibilities of various presents three country case studies of RET innovation levels of government (e.g. local, state, national and policy with a focus on the historical evolution of supranational policy bodies). Careful consideration actual policy ecosystems. Section 6 concludes with of governance in the light of capacity constraints recommendations for IRENA Members in applying the and coordination costs will result in more appropri- RETIP process. Appendix A provides a candidate list ate and robust innovation policies. of data sources for RETIP background assessments. ●● Assessment can pinpoint critical areas of Appendix B provides a broad survey of example policy focus. ”Real world” innovation policy innovation policy instruments.

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 3 1 OVERVIEW OF THE RETIP PROCESS

The Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy is more complex, often following less linear pathways, (RETIP) process is founded upon the following two emerging through networks of stakeholders, and assumptions: frequently involving feedback loops that produce in- cremental improvements and dynamic model 1) A myriad of innovation opportunities exist across innovations. Figure 1 illustrates this more dynamic view the value chains of various renewable energy of innovation. technologies (RETs); and 2) These innovation opportunities are strongly af- The variety of innovation pathways reflects the fact that fected by contextual factors. the “hardware” itself is not purely physical, but evolves itself within the specific policy context and set of sys- This process guide seeks to enable policy development tems, embodying the knowledge required to create the across the spectrum of RET innovation opportunities, hardware. Furthermore, it requires a collection of skills taking into consideration this diversity of contextual and knowledge in how to adopt, implement and adapt factors. the technology (Bell and Pavitt, 1993; D. G. Ockwell et al. 2010, as discussed in Byrne et al. 2011). Typically, in the abstract conventional model, techno- logical inventions are thought of as moving in linear­ Constraints: Various other factors are important to fashion from high-technology research laboratories consider in crafting RET innovation policy. Firstly, there through early stage commercialisation and finally into are economic factors that constrain investment in RET the markets. However, in the real world, RET innovation innovation. Specifically, RET innovators are not always

Figure 1: Illustration of a dynamic, ecosystem view of innovation

Innovation Ecosystem Innovation Process

Market Develop- Demons- Techno- Research Develop- Commercial Market ment tration logy Push ment Diusion Pull


4 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide able to profit from the positive effects of their invest- domain to a more universally accessible policy and ments, which reduces the incentive to invest in RET economic development challenge. innovation. This is a factor both at the innovation stage (e.g. it is difficult to prevent other actors from copying The second central principle of this guide is that spe- and benefiting from “frontrunner” R&D efforts) and at cific, contextual factors matter deeply when crafting the diffusion stage (where reductions in negative exter- innovation policy. Existing resources, human and insti- nalities do not necessarily translate into profits). These tutional capacities, energy needs, stakeholder networks, two disincentives to innovation investment are well etc., are all crucial. Decision makers who understand known as the ‘double ’ problem (Rennings, these multiple dimensions—through a rigorous assess- 2000). Beyond these , RET innovation takes ment of technical, institutional, human and financial place in deeply embedded systems, which capital—can make better decisions. The decision guide can strongly constrain the pace and scope of innovation itself provides a structured process for identifying RET opportunities (see for example Musiolik and Markard, innovation opportunities, evaluating policy options 2011). The case studies in Chapter 5 explore the various and developing contextually appropriate approaches. pathways that RET innovation can take through these This process consists of three stages, as illustrated in rugged . Figure 2, and described below.

The diverse nature of RET innovation reinforces an 1) The Assessment Stage focuses on describing a inclusive, “networked” view of innovation that has been structured evaluation of foundational resources gaining support for at least two decades (Bell and and capacities. Specifically, it articulates three Pavitt, 1993). This guide adopts the broader definition inter-related evaluations: of innovation, which is compelling for IRENA member- ●● Assessing Resource and Capacity (comprises ship, and expands innovation from an exclusively R&D an analysis of foundational conditions for

Figure 2: The three stages of the RETIP process

Assessment Strategy Implementation

Assess Resource and Capacity Identify Key Establish Technologies Governance Identify Structures Innovation Mode Select Select a and Apply Strategy Instruments Clarify the Macro- Objective(s)

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 5 innovation, and inform gaps and opportunities Together, this three-stage process aims to be specific in RET innovation policy development. enough to produce policy insights and general enough ●● Identifying Innovation Modes provides broad to be relevant for all IRENA Members. While the RETIP indications of the level of “fit” between ca- process is articulated in a linear, multi-stage fashion, it pacities and RETs. should be kept in mind that, in reality, innovation policy ●● Clarifying Macro-objectives serves to stabilise development will evolve in cycles with numerous cross- innovation policy by aligning it with long- linkages and feedback loops between these stages. term, broadly shared policy goals. The three-stage process is utilised as a rational model 2) The Strategy Stage focuses on clarifying more to clarify priorities and interdependencies. Within this specific policy strategies in support of innovation. guide, each of these steps is discussed as a means to Specifically, the RETIP process suggests two support the policy development processes while at- inter-related evaluations: tuned to local factors and global chains. ●● Identifying Key Technologies in which the full These categorisations are investigated in greater depth range of RETs available for innovation activi- in later Sections. A more detailed overview of the RETIP ties is screened according to the findings of stages, associated evaluations and key concepts is the Assessment Stage. illustrated in Figure 3. ●● Selecting Innovation Strategies in which policy makers assemble coherent approaches Together, these steps comprise a common framework for portfolios of innovation policies. and language for RET innovation policy, supporting 3) The Implementation Stage focuses on selec­ both international dialogue and learning in this impor- ting and applying specific policy instruments. tant domain, as well as supporting policy development Specifically, the RETIP process suggests two in a way that builds on national strengths and aligns inter-related steps: with existing macro goals and stakeholder networks. ●● Establishing Governance Structures in which These steps also explicitly underscore that innovation is the roles and responsibilities for various as- not only a (R&D) activity to pects of innovation policy are clarified. be carried out in large research institutions, but simul- ●● Selecting and Applying Innovation Policy taneously an activity that can be carried out across all Instruments in which specific options from international settings (e.g. “adaptive” business model the policy “toolbox” are chosen for innovation) that can take root in developing economy implementation. contexts. We now turn to each stage in more detail.

6 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Figure 3: Illustrative guide to the RET innovation policy development process


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This section explores the Assessment Assessment whichStrategy innovationIm modeplemen besttatio ncharacterises a country, Stage of the RETIP process, which which, in turn, facilitates the implementation of cor- focuses primarily on targeted evalu- Assess responding policy options. Resource and ations of fundamental capacities and Capacity drivers for RET innovation. While the IManydentif ydata Key points Estaandb liindicatorssh are relevant to the principles that underlie successful Tcreationechnologi esof effectiveGover ninnovationance policy. Rather than Identify Structures innovation policy are, by and large, Innovation provide an exhaustive list, this report identifies four identical, each country exhibits Mode broad categories thatSelect are likely to be important for unique circumstances with regard to policySelect developmenta and. ATheppl yfour categories are: Economic Strategy Instruments its macro energy goals, innovation Clarify the and Innovation Orientation, Energy Supply and capacities and stakeholder networks. Macro- Demand, Energy and Renewable Energy Policies, and Objective(s) These circumstances strongly shape Absorptive Capacity.1 An accurate national or sub- the available policy options. Shared national analysis to elucidate which innovation mode circumstantial similarities with other countries may best characterises a country’s RET innovation stage allow policy makers to benefit from patterns, affinities requires assessing each of the following indicators, as and points of collaboration based on similar structural, described below: resource, and market contexts. These first steps help in identifying such unique traits. Economic and Innovation Orientation Economic and innovation orientation, and its associated 2.1 Assessing Resource and indicators, provides a reasonable proxy of innovation Capacity capacities and gaps. Evidence suggests that historical Assessment andStrategy current economicImplemen activitytation strongly shapes future Innovation is not an activity solely pathways for innovation (Hidalgo, Klinger, Barabasi, Assess reserved for the most developed Resource and & Hausmann, 2007). Further, research suggests that countries; rather, it is a participatory Capacity export orientation provides strong clues as to national one from which all countries can Iproductivitydentify Key measuresEsta b(lie.g.sh Mengistae & Pattillo, 2004; Technologies Governance benefit. Nonetheless, important distinctions exist in Wagner, 2007), and, as such, gives a reasonable indica- Identify Structures crafting innovation policy tailored to local Innocontextsvation. In tion of the current status of economic orientation. order to provide more contextually appropriateMod epolicy Select Select a and Apply guidelines for IRENA Members, this report proposes Strategy Instruments that countries base their innovation policyCla ridevelopfy the - Macro- ment on a broad and rigorous assessmentO ofbj ecttheirive (owns) 1 In many ways, these categories mirror existing categorisations, various resource and capacity indicators. This process such as Porter’s Diamond Model (Porter, 1998), which includes four national categories: factor competitiveness, context for rivalry, of self-assessment and self-orientation contributes to supporting industries and demand conditions. The RETIP process a better understanding of the subsequent question of provides an energy-centric interpretation of such models.

8 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Innovation orientation, whether measured by per- energy R&D policies are important indicators of current centage of GDP spent on R&D, or by more nuanced innovation orientation. innovation rankings, such as those produced by INSEAD and WIPO (2012) and Bloomberg (2012), provide a Absorptive Capacity broad and diverse set of criteria to measure and assess innovation capacities. Absorptive capacity is an economy-wide measure of how easily new technologies, methods and busi- ness models can be assimilated. Absorptive capacity Energy Supply and Demand contributes, and is closely related to, well-functioning Broad energy supply and demand trends shape the innovation systems. The main determinants of absorp- landscape of innovation. For example, the availability tive capacity include a range of factors, including: exist- and relative cost of fossil and renewable resources im- ing stocks of infrastructure, institutional capacity, human pacts the prospects for RET deployment. In countries capital, training availability, financial markets and access with ample , gas or oil, the incentives for RET de- to capital. Together, improving these factoral conditions ployment may be lower since domestic fossil resources can facilitate the absorption of RET innovation activities represent a low-cost, readily available energy source, as into the country’s economy. well as a significant contributor to the local economy. The quality and geographic of renewable Insofar as absorptive capacity is a product of accumu- energy resources also obviously have a strong impact lated experience and investment across the economy, on RET deployment in a given country or region. Na- future absorptive capacity is a function of historical tions with ample resources are endowed with compara- patterns. In other words, absorptive capacity is “path- tive advantages relative to those with fewer resources. dependent” and is impacted by patterns of technology Nonetheless, countries with low levels of resources may “lock-in” (e.g. Unruh & Carrillo-Hermosilla, 2006). participate in RET-based economic activity primarily Indeed, global trade data suggest that an economy through well-focused roles in RET supply chains and that has historically devoted significant investment in services. a certain product family may have difficulty absorbing the technologies and methods associated with a very Economic and energy demand trends also shape RET different product family (Hidalgoet al., 2007). innovation opportunities. Rapidly expanding markets or areas with large unmet demand present attractive Renewable Energy Specific Absorptive investment targets for both domestic and foreign firms. Capacity Slow-growth markets present different opportunities and challenges, mainly around replacing existing con- RE absorptive capacity is a sector-specific subset of ventional energy generation with new renewable energy general absorptive capacity that measures the ability to capacity. Accordingly, different sets of policies may be assimilate new renewable energy technologies, methods necessary. and business models. Absorptive capacity for renewable energy is largely a product of various technology-spe- cific competencies (Walz & Marscheider-Weidemann, Energy and Renewable Energy Policies 2011). These conditions and competencies include: An assessment of current energy policies (both existing stocks of technology patents, trade volumes conventional and renewable-specific) is important to in a particular RET , stocks of sector-specific understand innovation opportunities. For example, infrastructure, institutional capacity, tacit knowledge fossil-energy subsidies, whether in the form of trans- and human and financial capital. Some specific metrics portation subsidies or price caps on fossil-based of renewable energy absorptive capacity include: qual- , can strongly impact the business case for ity and extent of grid infrastructure, transparency of widespread RET deployment. Additionally, the presence regulatory frameworks, market structure, level of a national or a renewable energy of renewable-based generation as a percentage of total master plan, whether it includes specific targets and in- , renewable energy labour skill centives for RET deployment or not, is a strong indicator levels and the level of entrepreneurship in renewable of innovation opportunities and barriers. Finally, existing energy-related sectors.

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 9 Assessment Strategy Implementation

Assess Resource and 2.2 RET Innovation Modes Capacity activities focus on industrial capacity around Idprovenentify K eytechnologies Esta.b liThesesh activities are pertinent Building from the above assess- Tecforhno countrieslogies thatG oaimvern atonce commercialise technologies Identify Structures ments, the concept of “Innovation Innovation that have already been fundamentally developed. Modes” provides a useful organis- Mode Generally, countriesSe loperatingect in these modes do not ing framework for the types of RET haveSelect thea capabilitiesand App toly compete at the technology Strategy Instruments innovation activities that might be mostC lrelevantarify the for frontier. Instead of spending enormous amounts of a given nation or region. Innovation ModesMac combinero- resources on R&D to reach the frontier, these countries Objective(s) the context-specific factors identified in a resource focus on incremental innovation activities. Examples of and capability assessment with the technology-specific this mode are the strategies performed by some of the requirements that define the landscape of RETs. In other “BRIC” countries (i.e. Brazil, Russia, India and China). words, Innovation Modes attempt to estimate the level Stakeholders that are relevant for this cluster include of congruence between context and technology. Three customers, suppliers, financial institutions and insurers. RET Innovation Modes were introduced in the previous IRENA report (IRENA 2013): Adaptation, Commercial Technology Venturing Scale-up, and Technology Venturing. These are briefly summarised below: This Mode is particular to a cluster of countries that encompasses efforts to move a particular technology or system from the R&D stage to the demonstration stage, Adaptation typically by establishing a firm and securing financing Adaptation encompasses efforts to introduce existing or by licensing a technology to an existing firm. This commercial technologies into new markets or localities. type of innovative activity typically occurs in countries For example, deploying commercially available solar that are at the technology frontier, and often involves PV technologies on a remote Pacific island brings efforts to commercialise a breakthrough technology. novel challenges that require innovation, albeit of a less In this technology mode, RET innovation involves the scientific nature than a different type of innovation at manufacture of novel systems, products or both and the “technology frontier.” Countries operating in this is typically highly research- and capital-intensive. mode focus primarily on activities related to Current examples include the efforts that Germany, innovative business models, customer engagement and the United States, China and others have committed social acceptance, and novel financing structures. While during the last twelve years to increase technology and all countries exhibit some level of adaptive innovation, existing expertise in solar PV panels and many developing countries operate exclusively in manufacturing systems. Because these activities require this mode, due to lack of financial resources, human high levels of investment in technology and human capital and institutional support. Examples of this mode capital, it is more frequent that developed countries are employed in various rural states in India, Latin exhibit characteristics of this Innovation Mode, although America and sub-Saharan Africa where policy efforts this distinction is becoming less sharp. Examples of have supported energy-related micro-finance and other the technologies of focus within this Innovation Mode entrepreneurship efforts that attempt to bring existing are multi-junction PV cells, “third-generation” RETs to new markets. production systems, and utility-scale systems. Commercial Scale-up These three Modes can be conceived within a map Commercial scale-up encompasses efforts to of technology maturity (see Figure 4). Innovation achieve broad commercial activity across the value Modes are not mutually exclusive – in fact most of the chain of a technology – from manufacturing to countries participating in Technology Venturing are si- deployment. In some cases, this pertains to moving multaneously participating in Commercial Scale-up and a technology from the demonstration phase to Adaptation as well. As countries mature and deepen commercial diffusion. This type of scale-up activity their innovation capacity, harbouring innovative activity typically occurs after successful demonstration along the entire spectrum of technology maturity, they projects have been completed. In other cases, scale-up become “full-spectrum” innovators.

10 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Figure 4: Innovation Modes within the landscape of technology maturity

Ba sic S a c nd R& ien ce D Technology Venturing

Ap pl ied R& D is k Dem y R E g on

o s O l tra Commercial Scale-up C o tio L

n n h  c

e M T De ar ve ke  lo t pme nt Adaptation C om me r ci al

Commercial Adoption (GWp)  Technology Maturity 

Source: IRENA 2013

In support of context-specific analysis, Table 1 il- in broader stakeholder buy-in and more durable sup- lustrates the relationship between the resource and port. Thus the final step of the Assessment Stage is capacity assessment indicators outlined in Section 2.1 to evaluate the specific country-level differences that and Innovation Modes described in Section 2.2. Policy exist with regard to the macro goals of each country. As makers can adapt Table 1 to make a first approximation discussed in the case studies in Section 5, an alignment of the innovation mode that is most suitable, based on between macro country goals, energy objectives and context, national objectives and technology focus. RET innovation policy will better support long-term consistency and broad stakeholder buy-in. (Country- Some of the data required to perform these assess- level macro energy objectives were widely discussed ments are available from existing international sources. in IRENA (2013) and interested readers may refer to Still others will likely require collectionA ssessmentof local and thatStrategy report for a deeperImplemen explanationtation of each objective). context-specific data. Appendix A contains suggestions Briefly, six macro energy objectives are commonly Assess for some readily available data sources forR esmanyource of an thed found alone or in combination in most countries: En- metrics above. Capacity ergy Security, Energy Access, Energy Cost, International ICompetitiveness,dentify Key Modernisation,Establish and Technologies Governance Identify Reduction. Structures 2.3 Clarify the Macro ObjectivesInnovation Mode 1) Energy SecuritySelect focuses on reducing depen­ Select a and Apply Innovation policy takes place in a Strategdencey on vulnerableInstruments energy supplies. larger energy and economic policy Clarify the 2) Energy Access focuses on reducing energy Macro- context. Connecting innovation policy Objective(s) poverty and expanding access to secure, reliable to “macro” policy objectives will result and low-cost energy.

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 11 Table 1: RET Resource Assessment Indicators in relation to Innovation Modes

Estimated Importance to the Innovation Mode Key Indicator Data / Metrics Technology Commercial Adaptation Venturing Scale-up Global Innovation Index rankings; Economic and World Governance Indicators, Innovation High Moderate Low exports as % of GDP; clean Energy Orientation Patent Growth Index. Domestic energy ; energy imports and exports; level of Energy Supply energy access; domestic renewable Moderate Moderate High and Demand energy resources; domestic fossil resources. Supply-side renewable energy Energy and incentives; energy R&D and dem- Renewable High Moderate Moderate onstration support; Energy Policies subsidies; renewable energy targets. Basic and advanced infrastructure; Absorptive secondary and tertiary education Low-to-­ High Moderate Capacity rates; availability; intellectual Moderate property protection. Clean energy patents and publications; RET trade ; Renewable grid infrastructure; regulatory Energy Absorp- framework; power market structure; High Moderate Moderate tive Capacity installed renewable energy capac- ity; renewable energy firms and entrepreneurship. All Countries Technology Emerging (Frontier + Frontier Frontier Emerging Example Countries (Denmark, (China, Brazil, Frontier + Germany, India, Poland) Less Developed Sweden, Japan) Countries)

Note: High, Moderate and Low are subjective terms used to indicate general levels of relevance. Example data sources can be found in Appendix A.

3) Energy Cost focuses on reducing exposure to and these larger objectives will provide a broader basis persistently costly energy services. for support. 4) International Competitiveness focuses on ­achieving greater competitiveness in inter­ In summary, the Assessment Stage of the RETIP pro- national technology and service markets. cess focuses on a broad assessment of fundamental 5) Modernisation focuses on rapidly modernising resources and capacities, identification of Innovation national energy systems to improve quality, reli- Mode, and identification of relevant national macro ability and efficiency. policy objectives. These “foundational” conditions 6) GHG emissions reduction focuses on reducing comprise the landscape upon which other innovation GHGs and their impact on the environment. policy planning activities can take place. Once these assessments have been considered, the path toward RET innovation can support each of these objectives. identifying innovation strategies and key technologies Making direct linkages between RET innovation policies becomes clearer.

12 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 3 STRATEGY STAGE: IDENTIFYING KEY TECHNOLOGIES AND SELECTING INNOVATION STRATEGIES Assessment Strategy Implementation

AssessmentAssess Strategy Implementation Resource and Capacity This section builds upon theAssess broad strategies. The resulting deployment patterns of RETs Identify Key Establish assessments above andR esbrieflyource a ndisd- will also drive industry activities and will shape the Capacity Technologies Governance cusses narrowing the policy devel- typesStructu ofres innovation capacity growth (for more on this Identify Identify Key Establish opment “funnel” by identifyingInnovati okeyn Technologies Gtopic,overn asee,nce for example, Johnstone et al. 2010 and Walz Mode Select Identify Structures technology sectors and selecting aetnd al.App 2011)ly . Innovation Select a coherent innovation strategies. Strategy Instruments Mode Select Clarify the aInnd contrast, Apply if participation in international supply chains Macro- Select a Instruments AOssessmentbjective(s) StrateStrategygy Imis pthelemen drivingtation force (e.g. under an International Competi- Clarify the 3.1 Key TechnologiesMacro- and Sectors tiveness objective), then domestic renewable energy ObjectAssessive(s) resources will be relatively less important, while any Resource and Above, the concept of InnovationCapacity existing industrial and business capacities will be the Modes was introduced in order to Identify Key crucialEstabli determinantssh of technology and policy strate- Technologies Governance examine the level of congruence gies. Similarly, the resulting patterns of industry growth Identify Structures between technology-specificInnovatio nre- will produce distinct innovation capacity growth. quirements and indigenous Minnovationode capacities. This Select and Apply section pursues that relationship further. SelectIt is vital a to The case studies in Section 5 illustrate these approaches Strategy Instruments identify particular technologiesClarify t hande sectors that best to selecting key technologies and also illustrate that both fit the contextual objectivesMac andro- characteristics. In this approaches can be pursued in tandem. For example, Objective(s) regard, the RETIP process aims to clarify the landscape despite its limited solar resources, Germany was driven of considerations that can assist in the evaluation of to become an international leader in the manufactur- competing technologies. ing of PV technology. It leveraged existing industrial and innovation capacity (together with strong financial To select the most appropriate technology, decision incentives) to create a thriving solar-PV innovation eco- makers must take into consideration the degree to system that gained significant global PV market share which innovation activities will be driven by tapping do- through the 1990s and 2000s. Twenty years later, also mestic renewable energy resources versus participation driven by its aim to goal become an international export in regional and international trade. These two domains power in PV technology, China implemented a package are not mutually exclusive, but the relative balance has of policies that resulted in massive economies of scale important implications for identifying key technologies in PV manufacturing. Similarly, Brazil’s massive push for and sectors. ethanol-based in the 1970s was driven by acute concerns, but was also facilitated by sig- The appropriate mix of domestic and international focus nificant existing agricultural and processing expertise, an is a product of the various foundational assessments abundant endowment of fast-growing outlined in Section 2. The choice has consequences for and associated industrial capacities. policy strategy and resulting innovation types. For ex- ample, if domestic growth in renewable energy capacity Thus, technology selection is driven as much by macro is the driving force (e.g. driven by an Energy Security objectives and strategic considerations as it is by spe- or Energy Access objective), then domestic renewable cific technology characteristics. Additionally, depending energy resources will be crucial determinants of ap- on the Innovation Mode, the most attractive link(s) propriate industry sectors and corresponding policy of specific RET value chains will vary by country. For

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 13 example, a country in the Adaptation mode with ample workforce development (human capital), infrastructure solar resources but low levels of innovation capac- development and firm-level (absorptive ity may focus on the “retail” sectors of the solar value capacity). While also applicable to the Commercial chain, such as final installation, , project Scale-up Mode, the case study of Chile is offered later development, etc., while a country in the Commercial in this report to illustrate how this strategy can be em- Scale-up mode with the same resources might focus ployed in the Adaptation Mode. more heavily on the manufacturing sectors of the solar Assessment Strategy Implementation value chain. “Energy Security and Beyond” Strategy Assess Resource and Capacity This strategy seeks to grow a domestic renewable 3.2 Selection of an InnovationIdenti fy Key energyEstabli sinnovationh primarily to increase energy secu- Technologies rity,Gove andrnan thence leverage that innovation to achieve other Strategy Structures Identify goals. Along the way, this strategy seeks to cultivate Innovation Innovation policy portfoliosM odbenefite largeSelect networks of commercial activity, as well as some from an overarching theme that helps Select a intermediateand Apply RD&D functionality. FDI can also play a role Strategy Instruments to provide strategic coherenceClarify the . in this strategy. While relevant to all Innovation Modes, Since the development ofM strategicacro- the case study of Brazil is offered to illustrate how it can Objective(s) advantage and the search for strategic differentiation be employed in the Commercial Scale-up mode. between regions is a key concept in innovation policy development, an organising theme for innovation policy “Innovation Clusters” Strategy can help provide differentiation amidst the broader forces of competition and globalisation. The companion This strategy seeks to leverage existing innovation IRENA 2013 report (IRENA 2013) describes in depth capacities to cultivate vibrant, diverse ecosystems of different strategies available for countries to foster the innovation – so called “clusters” – focusing on renewable development of RET. A full survey of innovation strate- energy technologies. The strategy employs a variety gies is beyond the scope of this report. Instead, three of policy tools, ranging from basic science to business strategies are identified that reflect due consideration incubation, involving a mix of national and local policy of Innovation Mode, and correspond roughly to those actors, as well as private firms and non-governmental adopted by the case study countries outlined in Section organisations. While this strategy is also relevant to the 5. These are the Open for Business strategy, Energy Commercial Scale-up Mode, the case study of Germany Security and Beyond strategy, and Innovation Clusters is offered to illustrate its application in the Technology strategy. Each is briefly described below and explored Venturing Mode. in more depth in the case studies. These are certainly not the only RET innovation strate- gies. Others (e.g. focusing on rural energy entrepreneur- “Open for Business” Strategy ship or large-scale industrial joint ventures) deserve This strategy seeks to invite foreign direct investment attention and investigation but are beyond the scope of (FDI) in rapid renewable energy deployment and sup- this report. The three strategies described here provide port for economic activities. Along the way, this strategy illustrative examples of coherent themes and a frame- seeks to cultivate innovation capacity growth through work to view the case studies presented in Section 5.

14 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 4 IMPLEMENTATION STAGE: ESTABLISHING GOVERNANCE AND APPLYING POLICY INSTRUMENTS Assessment Strategy Implementation

Assess ARssessmentesource and Strategy Implementation Capacity ConsiderationAssess can finallyIdentify turn Key to Establish externally (e.g. coordination with firms, academia and designatingResour ceappropriate and Tec hnoroleslogi esand Governance non-governmental organisations). Capacity Structures responsibilitiesIdentify for various governance Innovation Identify Key Establish actors andMod clarifyinge aTec coordinatedhnologies GSeovelectrn ance Coordination across these dimensions has been repeat- portfolioI dofen tiRETfy innovationSelect apolicy anStdr Auppctulryes edly recognised as a critical success factor.2 Given the Innovation Instruments instruments. Strategy diversity of contexts and boundary conditions, there ClaMrifyod tehe Select Macro- Select a and Apply is general agreement that there is no single “good Objective(s) Strategy Instruments practice” of regional governance of innovation (Kos- AssessmentClarify the Strategy Implementation 4.1 EstablishingMacro- Governance chatzky & Kroll, 2009; Tödtling & Trippl, 2005). While Objective(s) important, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of StructuresAssess Resource and governance add complexity to innovation policy design Capacity This section explores some practical and , and there is general agreement that Identify Key Establish questions for navigatingTech nothelogi esissue Governance managing innovation policy across boundaries is dif- of policyId egovernancentify with the aim Structures ficult (Tidd, Bessant and Pavitt 2005). Some specific of delineatingInnovati owhon does what. Gov- considerations are discussed further, as well as other Mode Select ernance roles and responsibilitiesSelect a are centraland App ltoy the governance decision criteria, including interventionism implementation of RET Strateinnovationgy policyInst instrumentsruments and coordination costs. Clarify the and stronglyMacro- shape the real-world application of the variousO bpolicyjective options(s) outlined in Appendix A. In this “Vertical” considerations way, RET innovation strategies and governance are interlinked because government structure (i.e. the agen- The level of centralisation of political and economic cies and policy instruments ruling them) determines resources also strongly impacts who does what in the feasibility of accomplishing local energy objectives. innovation policy. Amongst IRENA Members, significant For example, the German model—namely, sub-national, variation exists with regard to the autonomy at sub-na- cluster-based policy administered on a competitive tional policy levels and such considerations are relevant basis by the federal government—may make sense in to RET innovation policy. Some specific decision-making some political landscapes but not in others. Similarly, a criteria for devolving innovation policy to sub-national network of centrally managed energy R&D laboratories actors include the answers to the following questions: may make sense in certain political settings but not in others. ●● Do the innovation activities benefit from proxim- ity? Certain innovation functions benefit from Broadly speaking, governance decisions can be un- spatial and organisational proximity, such as derstood as having “vertical” and “horizontal” dimen- support for start-up firms and existing small sions. The vertical dimension pertains to the level of and medium enterprises, technology transfer decentralisation of policy. For example, national govern- from laboratories, links to and the ments may set national renewable energy targets, or management of technology centers and clusters. this power may be devolved to sub-national actors (i.e. states). The horizontal dimension pertains to the 2 Further discussion of governance and coordination issues can be found in Jacobsson & Lauber, 2006; Koschatzky & Kroll, 2009; interactions between actors, both within government Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005; (e.g. coordination of various ministries), as well as Smith, Stirling, & Berkhout, 2005).

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 15 ●● Is there robust governance capacity at sub-na- critical. The fundamental difficulties of the labour tional levels? The presence of strong sub-national anticipation-response cycle should be seen as a governments and actors and political trends strong reason to focus policy efforts on decen- promotes moves toward decentralisation and tralised, institutional agility, curricular modularity autonomy. This is especially relevant for early- and strong public-private collaboration. stage technologies and is relevant for countries in the Technology Venturing mode considering Finally, the “vertical” axis extends to supranational policy interventions, such as catalysing high-tech policy. Some options in this space include clusters (Dohse, 2007). Additional relevant con- bi- or multi-lateral R&D agreements, participation in siderations regarding local governance capacity joint international innovation funding programmes (e.g., include: the EU Framework Programme), technology transfer ●● Level of control and financing of secondary, programmes through international mechanisms, such as post-secondary and vocational education; the nascent Climate Technology Center and Network, or ●● Level of control and financing of science and traditional donor aid funds for energy access. These dis- technology research programmes; tinct options may be appropriate for various countries. ●● Level of control of economic policy; However, suggesting selection criteria for them in place ●● Level of control and financing of infrastructure; of national or sub-national policy is beyond the scope ●● Ability to set and enforce standards of various of this report. types (e.g. educational standards as well as grid-code standards); “Horizontal” considerations ●● Level of regulatory control of utilities; and Innovation policy always involves multiple agencies, ●● Ability to create and enforce ministries and external stakeholders and while the portfolio targets. names and missions of the specific ministries will ●● Is there strong demand for highly localised vary between countries, the relevant topical areas will business-model solutions? Strong demand for commonly include energy, science and technology, “end-of-pipe” innovation activities (e.g. financing education, economic development, finance, trade and and business model innovations necessary to immigration. Just how these ministries might need to bring RETs to market) typically lends itself to work together will be strongly shaped by the Innovation more active participation by sub-national actors Mode, macro energy goals and the given country’s (Koschatzky & Kroll, 2009). This may be due to target technologies. The extent to which countries can various factors. Many countries have sharp dif- accomplish energy objectives is strongly determined ferentials in regional renewable energy resources, by the importance of this objective to the country’s such as the case of Chile, where northern regions macro goals and the extent to which government bod- are endowed with the strongest solar resources ies are accustomed to working in a coordinated way. and may be better placed to craft effective policy. Collaboration amongst stakeholders is important for Additionally, many countries have sharp divides innovation, and achieving collaboration at the horizontal between urban and rural settings, which may al- level is vital to create coherence and avoid contradiction ter the energy needs of consumers, and strongly between policies. impact the business model requirements for RET innovators. Education of consumers is essential in The challenges of working across horizontal ministe- producing this sustainable demand. rial boundaries are evidenced in all three case study ●● Do local authorities and firms have better insight countries in Section 5. Some key considerations for into labor market requirements? In many settings, horizontal policy governance include: experience affirms the role of local authorities and/or firms as being the first to identify RET ●● Level and type of research collaboration between skills shortages (CEDEFOP, 2010). While national government institutions and private firms. In many authorities play vital coordination roles and assist cases where research and commercialisation is in applying formal methods for labour need esti- the goal, close collaboration between authorities mates, effective with localities is responsible for economic, education and science

16 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide and technology will be required (Koschatzky & Other Governance Considerations Kroll, 2009). In Commercial Scale-up, this may take the form of coordinating between various Beyond horizontal and vertical considerations, there ministries and major firms, such as the case are other important issues that impact governance. of the Brazilian Instituto Agronimo, Bioethanol One is the posture or tendency of governments to Science and Technology Laboratory (CTBE). In engage in policy “intervention.” Governments averse to Technology Venturing cases, it may take the interventionism may alternatively pursue a role more form of cooperative research and development akin to “catalysis.” The former entails direct control of activities between academia, national research significant elements of policy and economic activity by institutes and private firms. Designing successful government actors. The latter entails a more laissez-faire public-private partnerships is not a simple approach with a focus on cultivating favourable legal matter. and institutional environments, aiming to “stimulate but ●● Coordination between energy regulators and not govern” (Koschatzky & Kroll, 2009; Enright, 2003). relevant ministries. Energy, worldwide, is a Depending upon the context, innovation policy options highly regulated industry. Efforts to support will be limited by the posture of the given government RET innovation can be neutralised by regula- in regard to interventionism. tory models that reinforce incumbent business models. For this reason, alignment between the A final consideration with regard to governance is the regulatory authorities and innovation-relevant trade-off between autonomy and coordination. Both ministries is crucial. From a regulatory perspec- in terms of horizontal and vertical coordination, multi- tive, RET technology suffers from three distinct actor and multi-level governance structures require market-failures: R&D spillovers, environmental significant attention to coordination (Dohse, 2007; protection and access to monopolistic bottle- Koschatzky & Kroll, 2009; IADB, 2007), activities which necks, all of which frustrate open and competi- bring their own costs and complexities. If these costs tive markets (Walz, 2007). Thus, regulators play are expected to be prohibitive, alternatives should be a particularly important role in the horizontal considered. governance question. ●● Inter-ministerial coordination. Coordinating Various experiments are underway with regard to between relevant ministries within the innovation governance. Some countries have estab- government can be challenging. For example, lished inter-ministerial working groups or councils to Ireland has struggled with two inter-related harmonise and coordinate innovation policy (e.g. Chile’s challenges in this domain – both cultivating InnovaChile, India’s National Innovation Council, the the “right actors” within its national innovation European Union’s Competitiveness and Innovation Pro- system and enhancing the role of policy to gramme, the U.S. ARPA-E and proposed Quadrennial achieve linkages between the elements of the Energy Review and Sweden’s VINNOVA). The latitude entire national innovation system (Hilliard and and authority of these new structures range widely, as Green, in OECD 2005). This issue was observed do their respective focus on energy matters. As such, in Germany in the 1980s, where departmental the empirical success of these initiatives is indetermi- conflicts were common and where efforts to nate. The improvement of innovation policy governance expand wind energy were limited to relatively is a critical arena for future work and international conservative subsidies, whereas subsidies collaboration. for domestic German coal remained strong (Jacobsson & Lauber, 2006). Finally, effective governance efforts can, in some cases, be 4.2 Applying RET Innovation Policy hampered by direct foreign aid that may Instruments frustrate coordination. For example, researchers have noted that Greece’s governance capability Consideration now turns to the “option space” of policy to manage innovation, has been strongly shaped instruments available to policy makers. This section by external European Commission funding provides a high-level discussion of RETIP instruments. (Tsipouri and Papadakou in OECD 2005). A wider range of specific innovation policy instruments

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 17 is discussed in Appendix A. As illustrated in Table 2, RET examples are illustrated in Figure 5 plotted within innovation policy options can be understood as belong- the space of Innovation Modes. In-depth discussion ing to seven functional categories, each pertaining to a of these instruments can be found in Appendix B and potentially critical function for public policy.3 applied examples are discussed in the next section. The process of selecting instruments should also reflect the Within these categories, there exists a wide range fact that feedback loops between different policies of tools, some more applicable to certain Innovation emerge, creating “virtuous” or “vicious” cycles and Modes than others. Of the specific policies and determining the system-wide dynamics of the policy strategies discussed below in this section, various strategy.

Table 2: Functional categories of RET innovation policy

Policy Function Description Building Competence and The development of human capital -- skills and competence --, either through Human Capital academic or applied learning, is a basic and critical function for public policy. Creating and Sharing New Development of platforms for the discovery and diffusion of knowledge, Knowledge ranging from R&D to applied learning, accelerates innovation processes. Supporting Knowledge Networks support knowledge dissemination and business development Diffusion and Collaborative that innovators need to be successful. Networks can be organised inter alia Networks according to supply chains, geographic areas or industry sectors. Establishing Governance and Innovation (and investment) is promoted by systems of rules, regulations and the Regulatory Environment standards that are fair, clear, consistent and enforceable. Energy technology requires significant infrastructure. Public policy can Developing support investment in infrastructure that might not otherwise be built if left Infrastructure completely to private investment. Debt and equity capital promotes the diffusion of innovation, whether in the Providing form of new products, processes or business models. Public sources of finance Finance can complement private finance in supporting RET innovation. Supporting the creation of markets is a unique role for policymakers and is Creating often crucial for providing stable conditions for the development of innovation Markets ecosystems.

Source: Adapted from Tawney et al. 2011

3 These categories are adapted from a 2011 report from the World Resources Institute (Tawney, Almendra, Torres, & Weischer, 2011). Significant prior work on clean energy policy innovation suggested similar categorisations, especially Bergek et al. 2008, Bergek and Norman, 2008b, and Bergek, Hekkert and Jacobsson 2008c.

18 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Figure 5: Example RET Innovation Policies mapped in the innovation landscape


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Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 19 5 NATIONAL CASE STUDIES: ORIGINS OF THE RETIP PROCESS

The RETIP process has historical roots, emerging out ●● Immigration-friendly policies to attract foreign- of the experiences of many countries as they have ers aiming to invest or start a business; experimented with policies to support innovation. The ●● Strong focus on lower barriers-to-entry for clean preceding sections consolidate these lessons learned energy business models; into a structured framework that can guide decision ●● Government cost-sharing support for energy makers in navigating the many options for supporting innovation activities; and RET innovation. As a way to provide further grounding ●● Moderate demand-creation subsidies. for RETIP, this section examines the innovation processes of three countries in distinct milieux and The remainder of this case study will discuss these strat- timeframes Chile since 2008, Brazil from the 1970s to egies in the context of the RETIP process as articulated the present day, and Germany from the 1990s to the in the previous sections. present day. These cases were chosen because their instructive experiences can benefit policy makers. They also illustrate how the RETIP process can provide a lens Assessing Resources for understanding the policy development process, along the way illustrating specific innovation strategies Innovation and Export Orientation that countries in each mode have adopted based Chile ranks 39th out of 141 countries ranked in the Global on their country-specific circumstances. The three Innovation Index (INSEAD/WIPO, 2012)—the highest in cases are selected to represent the three different Latin America—yet it lags behind compared to other innovation modes identified within RETIP: Adaptation more developed economies in terms of innovation. In (Chile), Commercial Scale-up (Brazil) and Technology the World Economic Forum Competitiveness Report Venturing (Germany). (2011-2012), Chile ranked 60th when assessing the in- vestment of private companies in R&D. Whereas in most OCED countries 2.5% of GDP goes to R&D, Chile invests 5.1 Adaptation Strategy: Case only in the order of 0.5% (Global Entrepreneurship Study Chile Monitor Report, 2011). Less than five percent of Chilean companies are engaged in cooperative efforts with Chile is provided as a case study in the Adaptation Mode university research programmes and a 2013 survey of of RET innovation. Given their impact on competitive- patents filed in the country (using the custom “INAPI- ness, both energy and innovation are important policy WIPO” database) revealed that Chilean residents filed themes in Chile and synergy between the two issues is only 13% of the patents, whereas non-residents filed an area of keen focus for policymakers. the remaining 87% (Abud et al. 2013). Exports in Chile represent about one third of GDP, yet 75% of GDP is Chile enjoys one of the most open economies in Latin related to , mainly , timber and America with significant levels of FDI. As with many products. developing economies, Chile relies significantly on the extraction of natural resources. These factors can be Energy supply and demand understood through the concept of the “Open for Busi- In Chile 98.5% of the population has access to electricity ness” strategy of RET innovation policy. Key features of (World Bank 2013). Chile has a current total generation this strategy include: capacity of 17,633 MW (Ministerio de Energia, 2012), with just over 640MW sourced from non-conventional ●● Stable environment for entrepreneurship; renewable energy. Its instantaneous electricity peak ●● Education incentives to enhance workforce skills; demand for 2011 was 9,043 MW.

20 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide However, demand growth is expected to grow: the production, biomass produced 50%, followed government forecasts an annual growth rate of 6-7% by small hydro with 38% and 12% from wind energy. from 2011 to 20204. To meet forecasted demand, the Solar PV produced only a negligible share. Since 2012 Chilean Government aims to increase the supply of renewable energy has become more prevalent and both conventional and renewable sources of energy, many projects are now being reviewed, especially for the latter being domestically abundant. In contrast to onshore wind (see Figure 6). The supply of electricity, renewables potential, Chile does not have significant from renewable energy has more than doubled during hydrocarbon reserves. Accordingly, 80% of its oil, gas 2011-2012, and global companies like Vestas7 and Enel and coal are imported. Despite the fact that the National (among others) have started up operations in Chile. Energy Commission (CNE) determines electricity prices for energy distribution in Chile, the increased depen­ Energy and renewable energy related policies dency on resources from other countries is reflected Chile was the first country in the world to liberalise in the fact that energy prices in Chile are among the its electricity market. As long ago as 1982 a law was highest in Latin America, even higher than in many passed separating generation, distribution and trans- OECD countries.5 mission components of the electricity industry. Today the national electricity system includes 31 generating By 2012, 4.8%6 of Chile’s energy came from non-con- companies, 5 transmission and 34 distribution firms, ventional renewable energy (comprising all RET with totaling 70 companies.8 In the last decade, the Chilean the exclusion of hydro plants with capacity greater than Government has announced a series of measures to 20 MW), 34% from hydroelectric plants and 63% from boost the adoption of renewables in the electricity sec- thermoelectric plants fed with coal, gas and deriva- tor. This effort started in 2008, with the establishment tives. Within the non-conventional renewable energy of a Renewable Policy Standard (RPS) goal of 10% by

Figure 6: Renewable energy capacity pipeline in Chile





4000 megawatts (MW)


0 Biomass Biogas Small-Hydro Solar PV Solar CSP Geothermal

Operation Under Approved EIA EIA Under Evaluation

Source: CER 2014

4 Estrategia Nacional de Energia, 2012: www.minenergia.cl/ estrategia-nacional-de-energia-2012.html 7 http://www.vestas.com/en/about-vestas/find-vestas.aspx?RegionI 5 Estrategia Nacional de Energia, 2012: www.minenergia.cl/ D=12&CountryID=45&CountryCode=CL estrategia-nacional-de-energia-2012.html 8 CNE – National Commission of Energy. Government of Chile. http:// 6 http://cer.gob.cl/boletin/marzo2013/Reporte-20121.pdf www.cne.cl/

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 21 2024. In 2012 the Chilean Government announced a projects, and some emerging value chain expertise for new bill aiming to connect the two main transmission solar and geothermal projects (ClimateScope 2013). systems (SIC & SING), which represents an important Table 3 illustrates these various aspects of the RETIP step for the adoption of RETs, as this would allow resource and capacity assessment. greater sharing of renewable energy resources and reserve capacity. Identifying the Innovation Mode

General absorptive capacity In light of the above assessment, Chile has the great- Chile’s basic infrastructure is well developed: most of est potential to leverage the Adaptation Mode of its are paved; the penetration rate innovation. Despite being ranked as one of the most is extremely high (1.3 phones per inhabitant in 20119). innovative countries in Latin America, Chile is similar Chile’s advanced infrastructure is also relatively sophis- to other countries whose economy relies on exporting ticated. Chile also has one of the most efficient financial natural resources. Chile’s energy demand is growing, markets in the world, which facilitates greater FDI. and the country faces dilemmas in terms of where to The government is concerned about improving local obtain resources to produce energy surplus. Policies human capital by sponsoring an ambitious scholarship seem to support RET innovation, yet a lack of stability programme that aims send 20% of Chilean graduate and mixed policy signals have created uncertainty in students to study abroad.10 The government is also the energy sector. Chile’s absorptive capacity seems to committed to boosting the entrepreneurial environment be on the right path, yet higher standards in education by creating a programme to attract world-class early and workforce skills are still being developed to improve stage entrepreneurs and locate their start-ups in Chile. absorptive capacity at more sophisticated levels. Finally, Chile is well known for its strong institutional framework, showing high levels of trust in the rule of law, Clarifying the country’s macro goals and transparency of public governance mechanisms. This is true even if some cultural factors may continue Identifying the goal(s) of a country to undermine competitiveness. is important because only a thorough understanding of the conditions and priorities of its government allows With regard to renewable energy absorptive capacity, implementation of enduring RET innovation policies. the data suggest that Chile is in a nascent stage of Global competitiveness is the prevailing macro goal of the absorptive capacity. For example, a survey of patents Chilean Government. Based on Chile’s National Energy in RET areas indicates low levels of patent activity by Strategy report 2012-203011, there are three goals that Chilean scientists or filed with the USPTO. Chile is currently pursuing: energy security, energy cost As of 2008, Chilean inventors held only 14 patents in reduction and modernisation as a means to address RETs. Also, at that time, value chain development in RET ­environmental concerns. Energy security is important industries was fairly weak (ClimateScope 2013). Since because Chile has almost no fossil fuel reserves, so in­ then, the market for renewable energy deployment creasing its capacity to obtain electricity from local in Chile has grown significantly, and corresponding ­resources has become a national priority. Energy cost increases in value chains have improved overall renew- reduction is another priority. Since Chile relies on imports able energy absorptive capacity. Renewable energy for about 80%12 of its oil, gas and coal, the country is investment topped USD 2 billion in 2012, with over two- ­typically a price taker. As a consequence, the price of thirds of that going to wind projects (ClimateScope electricity in Chile is above the average price for OECD 2013). Until 2012, many key value chain segments for countries. Finally, modernisation and energy ­development clean energy technologies and services were missing in are important because and growing Chile, but the country currently features a robust value middle class of consumers with higher incomes increase chain for biomass and waste-to-energy projects, a small the demand for energy. As part of its modernisation plan, but growing service support for small hydro and wind 11 Estrategia Nacional de Energia, 2012: www.minenergia.cl/ estrategia-nacional-de-energia-2012.html 9 http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IT.CEL.SETS.P2 12 Chile Energy Policy Review 2009. Paris: Organisation for Economic 10 http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/chile-s-international- Co-operation and Development and the International Energy scholarship-programme_9789264086425-en Agency, 2009. Print.

22 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Table 3: RETIP resource and capacity assessment for Chile

Resource Chile Comment Assessment Indicators Relatively low level of high-tech exports High export capacity, but concen- Economic and and innovation provides examples for trated in raw ; moderate- to Innovation Orientation Adaptation and Commercial Scale-up low-innovation capacity. contexts. Relatively small population; rapid Relatively low domestic consumption will growth; highly dependent on energy Energy Supply constrain market size, provides lens for imports; abundant solar, biomass, geo- and Demand domestic Adaptation and participation in thermal and ocean energy resources; regional value-chains. moderate wind resources. Policies provide some level of certainty for Energy and Renew- Moderately ambitious renewable renewable energy growth, recommending a able Energy Policies energy policies. growing role for domestic entrepreneurs. Relatively well-developed absorptive Absorptive capacity leadership in Latin General Absorptive capacities in basic domains; less devel- America recommends efforts to stimulate Capacity oped capacities in high technology. business. Renewable Energy Low-to-moderate levels of renewable A key focal area of growth in Chile. Absorptive Capacity energy absorptive capacity.

Chile aims to increase its deployment of local renewable Solar represents another potential match between resources to meet this growing demand. resources and capacities. The northern part of the country is an arid region that hosts the driest deserts in the world, generating exceptional conditions for solar Identifying key sectors and corresponding energy. According to the GENI (Global Energy Network technologies Institute) 2011 report, Chile’s desert has the highest Achieving , cost reductions and irradiance in the world (275W/m2). High electricity modernisation are goals that go hand in hand with a demand due to intense activity suggests that strategy that aims to create openness for renewable fulfilling this demand locally would generate savings in energy businesses in Chile. In order to implement RET in transmission costs. Value chain strengths in the solar Chile, an assessment of key sectors and corresponding industry are focused almost entirely on its latter stages, technologies is needed. such as project development and (Climate- Scope 2013). This key sector opens an opportunity for Wind represents a promising match between resources the Adaptation of solar PV technology in northern Chile. and capacities. The Global Wind Energy Council esti- mates that Chile has 40GW of wind potential.13 Since Hydropower is also an abundant energy source, es- 2012, many wind projects have been approved and pecially in the center and south of the country where built. Over USD 1.3 billion was invested in Chilean wind the Andean mountain chain gets more snow. Currently, projects in 2012. As a result, Chile has 205MW of wind 34% of Chile’s energy comes from hydro, however the energy and an additional 97MW were built during target for 2020 is between 45% and 48%.14 Today 2013. This growth has led to some improvements in sixteen small hydro projects are being built, aiming to technological competence at the national level, with produce 114 MW. Technological competence in small wind blades and turbines now being produced domesti- hydro is relatively strong, with value chain activities, cally. Previously, the main value chain activities were from turbines to project management to power in project development, engineering and operations operation already in place in Chile (ClimateScope 2013). (ClimateScope 2013).

13 “Chile.” Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). http://www.gwec. 14 Estrategia Nacional de Energia, 2012: www.minenergia.cl/ net/index.php?id=171 estrategia-nacional-de-energia-2012.html

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 23 Selecting a strategy for the country: Chile coordination between federal ministries and with the “Open for Businesses” regions was performed by a relatively small division of CORFO. With reforms underway, coordination is Having assessed its strengths and weaknesses, Chile becoming a larger priority for CORFO. Additionally, prior is pursuing an “Open for Business” RET innovation to 2014, the innovation policy philosophy was to allow strategy. Understanding the importance of abundant re- market forces to select the areas that should be sup- newable energy resources, stable institutional structure, ported. In other words, innovation support was equal ready grid interconnection as a fundamental prerequi- for all industries. CORFO organised a single competitive site for the adoption of renewables, the Chilean Govern- process for innovation grants across many industries. As ment has focused its efforts on one specific strategy: a result, proposals from diverse areas, such as medicine, signaling openness for renewable energy businesses. energy and , were all competing Chile’s traditional liberalisation policies, in addition to for the same funds. Today, a nascent process is under- openness to international trade, have resulted in flexible way to implement a concept of ‘smart specialisation’ and efficient markets. (see OECD 2013 for more detail on this concept).

In Chile, the “smart specialisation” concept is viewed Establishing a governance structure through the duel lens of matching industries to geo- In Chile, a National Council for Innovation and Com- graphic zones. The key element of this concept is to sup- petitiveness (“Consejo Nacional de Innovación para port industries that are strategic for the development to la Competitividad” or CNIC) was founded in 2005 the country. Three design questions help to guide the and reports directly to the Chilean President. CNIC development of strategic innovation programmes: sets national innovation priorities across key industrial sectors. For implementation, CNIC relies primarily upon ●● What makes sense at a national level (e.g. sus- a public agency called the Chilean Economic Develop- tainable across the whole country from ment Agency (CORFO; Corporación de Fomento de Arica in the north to Punta Arenas in the south)? la Producción de Chile) that is part of the Ministry of ●● What makes sense at a territorial level (e.g. CSP Economy and serves to coordinate and implement pro- and solar in three northern regions)? ductivity and innovation policies. CORFO works across ●● What makes sense at a regional level (e.g. bioen- various federal ministries (the horizontal dimension) ergy in the heavily forested 9th region)? and with the sub-national jurisdictions called “Regiones” (the vertical dimension). Federal ministries involved In practice, this approach means that, the next round of in innovation policy include inter alia the Ministries of innovation grant programmes will be organised accord- Finance, Education, Economy, Development and Tour- ing to a smart specialisation framework, likely along these ism, Energy, Mining and the Environment. lines of national, territorial and regional levels. Currently, 30% of CORFO’s budget is earmarked for strategic pro- As the name CNIC—National Council for Innovation grammes, while 70% is generic to all industries. and Competitiveness—suggests, innovation in Chile is seen primarily as a means to enhance national com- Despite these recent changes in the management of petitiveness and increase productivity. That said, various Chilean innovation policy, some facets of innovation governmental ministries have distinct priorities that governance remain the same. First, innovation grants require a level of coordination. For example, the Ministry will still be distributed based on a competitive process of Energy has goals to enhance energy security, lower through which research institutions and private sector prices and increase sustainability. CORFO aims to bring partners are encouraged to formulate proposals. This stakeholders together from various ministries, private competitive process helps to ensure that there is ad- sector firms, and civil organisations to find com- equate interest and demand for the resulting innovation. mon ground and establish programmes that support a Second, in the 70% of its funding reserved for generic functioning innovation ecosystem. support to all industries, CORFO will continue to focus its efforts on the pre-commercial stages of innovation— Several changes are currently underway under a new that is, through the prototype and demonstration presidential administration. In the period 2010-2014, stage, thus encouraging private risk capital to identify

24 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide promising innovations for commercialisation. Third, for entrepreneurship and innovation. In 2008 CORFO the 30% set aside for strategic programmes, additional funded a programme (e.g. Start-up Chile) to bring support may be given to enhance the development of foreign entrepreneurs to Chile by facilitating their im- innovations that may already be more commercially migration process and funding their venture. Attracting mature. Formal diagnostic processes—with guidance skilled human capital and increasing local social capital from external advisors—will be in place to evaluate the are key activities for a country in the Adaptation mode merit and need of each proposing team. Finally, each to achieve its energy goals. Having an enabling environ- strategic programme will be guided by a board com- ment that welcomes entrepreneurship and foreign com- posed of the distinct stakeholders, public and private, panies is crucial to the process of adapting technologies and coordinated by CORFO. developed elsewhere.

Attraction of international R&D investment and ­centres Applying policy instruments to facilitate of excellence for competitiveness: The Ministry of implementation of RET innovation Economy, Development and Tourism has defined the In view of the above capabilities and constraints, Chile goal of converting Chile into a hub of innovation and is pursuing a range of policies in most of the functional entrepreneurship in the Latin American region as part categories outlined in this report. A brief selection of of its strategy for economic development. For this pur- these categories is presented below, along with chal- pose, it has implemented through CORFO programmes lenges and opportunities for future policy: designed to attract entrepreneurs and R&D investment to Chile and to establish international R&D Centres of Building Competence and Human Capital Excellence. These centres will carry out R&D, technology Graduate degree programmes: Since 1981 the Chilean transfer and commercialisation activities in fields on the Government has funded a scholarship programme for technological cutting edge, with high national and inter- Chileans to study abroad and bring back their knowl- national economic impact (CORFO, 2014). Together, this edge to the country. In 2008, the quotas for this pro- package of strategies aims to strengthen national R&D gramme were increased.15 Energy, environment, public and commercialisation capabilities in Chile. policy, entrepreneurship and engineering are some of the government’s priority areas. A better-prepared Developing Infrastructure human capital asset will facilitate the adoption of the Public-private partnerships: In Chile, public-private technology flows that Chile needs in order to achieve its partnerships are a common mechanism for the develop- energy development goals. ment of basic infrastructure. Most of Chilean highways, for example, bear witness to this successful type of Knowledge Diffusion / Creating Collaborative . An open and competitive policy orientation Networks has attracted international investors. Chile’s “Electric International agreements with reputable supranational Highway” project is an excellent example of how private organisations: Chile has joined several international international investors cooperate with public projects. cooperation agreements. In 2010 Chile became the Aiming to attract previously developed business models OECD’s 31st member and the first country in South and technologies and adapt them to local circumstances, America under an accession agreement. The country Chile has “jump-started” the process by inviting national has also signed more than 50 free trade agreements, and international developers to bid and participate in encouraging international commerce. The main scien- the construction of 500 kV transmission line connecting tific branch of the government (CONICYT) has a number Chile’s northern and central power grid. Chile’s Electric of support mechanisms to advance networking and Highway contributes to the achievement of national knowledge transfer with other countries. energy goals. This major grid integration scheme today stands as the country’s premier innovation project. Open immigration policies and start-up incentives: CORFO promotes economic development through Providing Finance Clarifying Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) rules:

15 http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/chile-s-international- In Chile, the novelty of the renewable energy sector scholarship-programme_9789264086425-en makes it a somewhat risky place to invest. Additionally,

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 25 the government has given mixed signals regarding sup- The pathways described above are consolidated and port for the renewable energy sector; conflicting views illustrated in Figure 7. between the judicial and executive branches of the Chilean Government are causing investors to think twice In summary, Chile is currently focusing on building about proceeding with Chilean projects (Chadbourne competence and human capital, contributing to knowl- & Parke 2012)16. Local are still cautious because edge diffusion and creating collaborative networks, and there are no warranties about future prices and demand developing basic and advanced infrastructure. Chal- and there are still no long-term power purchase agree- lenges remain, including: augmenting the role for local ments (PPAs) that are a fundamental component of governance where appropriate; providing more finance many financing schemes.17 In summary, providing the opportunities for energy projects; improving the regula- conditions to increase financing of renewable energy tory environment; and creating a robust market to allow projects in Chile is an ongoing challenge for its current innovation capacity growth to flourish. Diverse policy government. A clear signal of the legal structure of tools and the support of international organisations and PPAs, backed by strong national renewable energy agencies are mechanisms that should help to accelerate targets, would resolve much of the financial uncertainty the achievement of this goal. in the Chilean renewable energy sector.

Establishing Governance and the Regulatory 5.2 Commercial Scale up Strategy: Environment Brazil Chile’s governance structure has demonstrated positive changes since 2012 (Ministerio de Energía, 2012). New Since the mid-1970s, Brazil has built up a domestic ministries are working in coordination with regional ethanol production industry that has conferred sub- governance authorities to facilitate the deployment stantial energy security benefits while growing into one of RETs. However, there is still room for improvement, of the largest global exporters of ethanol. This position especially related to RET-specific regulations. Although of industry leadership did not emerge overnight. The subsidies and fiscal benefits to promote the adoption cultivation of sugar cane—the sole source of Brazilian of renewable energy exist, there are still only limited ethanol — has a 500-year history in the country (Gal- benefits for the development of this sector. For example, loway, 2005). Brazilian ethanol was first used in small-scale renewable energy generators (smaller than in 1925 and during the Second World War Brazil mixed 9MW) are excluded from the transmission toll, yet PPAs 50% of ethanol into its . Leveraging this long are not yet implemented, adding some risk to these history against the backdrop of growing energy security projects. Improving the clarity of the signals provided concerns in the 1970s, Brazil began to put policies and by RET innovation policy is required for Chile to create a programmes in place that supported its emergence credible renewable . as a global export leader. This section briefly reviews this process of commercial scale-up through the lens Creating Markets of the RETIP process with a particular focus on how Policies to support RET market growth have been policies supported the development of a discussed at length in Chile. From 2010 to 2013, ne- biofuel industry hand-in-hand with a series of automo- gotiations took place on a bill to set a target of 25% tive innovations that created a market for it. for non-conventional renewable energy generation by 2025. In June 2013 the Chilean House of Representatives Given the energy security origins of its policies to approved this bill and in September 2013 the Chilean support a commodity ethanol industry, Brazil is repre- Senate passed it (albeit with several modifications to sentative of an “Energy Security and Beyond” strategy the original text). This relative uncertainty has clouded that features the following approaches: the market in Chile, but the approval of the bill is likely to accelerate market formation. ●● Aggressive support for ethanol use, ethanol vehicles and R&D; ●● Focused and sustained market intervention; and 16 http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=77c5eaf7-3532- 4a40-a143-ddae782aa54f ●● Strong focus on scientific, technical and industrial 17 http://www.revistaei.cl/revistas/index_neo.php?id=1035 education.

26 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Figure 7: Illustrative RETIP process analysis for Chile



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Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 27 Together, this case illustrates a wide range of innovation increase in future. The proportion of the Brazilian fleet policy instruments working in unison. A brief accounting of vehicles using ethanol was estimated at 27.7% in 2011; of Brazil’s policy development drivers is presented yet industry projections report that this share will reach below. over 80% by 2019.21

Energy and renewable energy related policies Assessing Resources As a result of high oil prices in the late 1970s, the Brazilian Innovation and Economic Orientation Government designed subsidies and policies that would Brazil ranks high in R&D spending, university-industry boost the production of local energy sources. Industrial collaboration and quality of research institutions; sector policies have promoted the replacement of oil yet it still lags behind in government procurement products by hydropower, while sector policies of advanced tech products, and in the availability of have prompted the substitution of ethanol for gasoline. scientists and engineers. Today, Brazil ranks 58th out Policy has also focused on ; minimum blending of 141 countries ranked in the Global Innovation Index levels of ethanol and gasoline were revised in a 2010 (INSEAD/WIPO, 2012), second in Latin America after mandate22 requiring a minimum blending obligation of Chile. In the World Economic Forum Competitiveness 25% volume, ensuring demand for this locally produced Report (2012-2013) Brazil’s innovation position was biofuel. ranked as 49 out of 144 countries. General absorptive capacity In terms of export orientation, despite its world-class Brazil’s basic infrastructure over the 40-year timeframe export capability in ethanol, Brazil is not fundamentally of this case study has evolved from being relatively positioned as an export economy. Its internal market is unsophisticated—roads, railroads and port infrastructure large and exports represented only approximately 13% were basic, while transport infrastructure were in poor of its GDP in 2012 (World Bank 2014).18 to moderate condition—to some of the best in Latin America.23 Brazil’s advanced infrastructure is of high Energy supply and demand quality, in part because the large size of the Brazilian Energy supply concerns played an important role in Bra- market facilitates greater access to financing for zilian innovation in ethanol. Due in large part to the first investment projects. Additionally, an active financial oil crisis and high dependency on oil imports, in 1975 the sector and strong regulation of securities makes it Brazilian Government implemented a programme—the an attractive destination for international investors. National Alcohol Programme (NAP), commonly known According to the World Economic Forum, Brazil still has as “ProAlcóol”—to produce ethanol from sugarcane, room for improvement in the quality of its educational itself a resource that had been an economic engine for system to meet the increasing need for a skilled labor decades, as a gasoline substitute. The use of alcohol as a force.24 According to current data, Brazilian firms and fuel was successful until 1990. Then shortages in ethanol entrepreneurial companies report that procedures and supply, reduction in the price of oil and the elimina- timeframes required to start a new business remain tion of benefits for ethanol-fueled drove the among the best in the world. Taxation is perceived to demand for pure ethanol cars down to almost zero in be too high and to have distortionary effects. Brazil’s 1996.19 However, by the year 2000 the situation started institutional framework is fairly functional, but there is a to reverse due to an increase in oil prices, a decrease in general lack of trust in politicians and the efficiency of ethanol prices and the manufacture of flex-fuel vehicles. Being the world’s second largest producer of ethanol after the United States, Brazil produced 22,721 million lit- 21 http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20Publications/ ers of ethanol in 2012, 96.4% of it consumed locally and Biofuels%20Annual_Sao%20Paulo%20ATO_Brazil_8-21-2012.pdf 22 http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/media/weowebsite/2012/ 3.6% exported20. The demand for ethanol is expected to WEO2012_Renewables.pdf 23 Construction of advanced infrastructure continues. Currently, two major pipelines are being built to bring ethanol to ports under 18 http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS joint ventures. 19 IADB, 2007 24 World Economic Forum Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 20 http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20Publications/ http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalCompetitiveness Biofuels%20Annual_Sao%20Paulo%20ATO_Brazil_8-21-2012.pdf Report_2013-14.pdf

28 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide the government. The burden of regulation is high and countries are investing in ethanol technology due to the portrays high costs for business and innovation.(ibid) attractiveness of the market.

Renewable Energy absorptive capacity In light of the above analysis, Table 4 briefly comments Absorptive capacity in the sector of sugarcane-related on the rationale for the Commercial Scale-up Innovation industries is very high in Brazil. In addition to hundreds Mode for Brazil. of years of sugarcane cultivation expertise, Brazil was also endowed with pre-existing experience in producing Clarifying Brazil’s macro goals: Energy a range of cane-derived goods. Most mills can Security and International Competitiveness to produce sugar, ethanol and energy ( and electricity) in response to prevailing market conditions. Energy security has been an enduring goal for the Brazil- There are limits to this flexibility — a minimum output ian Government. Its large market and aggressive process (i.e. about 25% of nominal capacity) of either sugar or of industrialisation and development are increasing its ethanol from most mills must be maintained (Leal et al. demand for energy. Furthermore, a series of relevant ex- 2013). In 2012 Brazil had about 440 sugar ethanol mills ternal events served as driving forces that made energy installed and its estimated production capacity for 2013 security Brazil’s most important goal over the last forty was about 42.8 billion liters. This estimate depends on years: the oil crises of the 1970’s, severe droughts at the yearly decisions made by individual plants to produce beginning of the 21st century and the unpredictability of sugar or ethanol.25 Electricity and heat produced by oil prices have been important warnings that reshaped burning the bagasse (i.e. the biomass waste product Brazil’s energy priorities. Global competitiveness has remaining after cane processing) can also be exported to also been another durable goal for Brazil, viewed as a the grid. Pre-existing experience in these various energy key component to achieving economic development. outputs contributed to the absorptive capacity for new, Securing energy supply at reasonable prices and ensur- innovative business models involving sugarcane. ing competitiveness at the global level are important goals that happen to converge in Brazil in a synergy with In Brazil several local and international firms have abundant biomass energy sources. engaged in the development of technology and equip- ment for ethanol. In addition to ethanol plants, a number Identifying key sectors and corresponding of automotive producers also enhance Brazil’s renew- technologies able energy absorptive capacity. Parts and systems suppliers, as well as assemblers, are involved in While sugarcane and other forms of biomass are the biofuels market, performing tests and research on abundant, regional availability of energy sources dif- biofuels use in vehicles. fers across Brazil. The southeastern region is more industrialised and populated. Most oil refineries and gas production in the country are located in this area. Identifying Innovation Mode: Commercial The southern region is also rich in reserves and Scale-up has large areas of fertile . São Paulo state dedicates Brazil is a country with a solid foundation for Commercial about 65% of its cropland to sugarcane and is the Scale-up. It has the fundamental ingredients to adapt cane growing center of Brazil. This state is also very technologies developed elsewhere, absorb knowledge well equipped with the right legislation, equipment, and skills into local industry and transition to improved infrastructure and research centers and markets for innovations based on local needs. Brazil’s commercialis- the commercialisation of ethanol. All of these factors ing strategy has traditionally followed a path in which lo- contribute to the identification of sugarcane-based cal markets are served first and global markets thereafter. ethanol as the key sector for innovation. However, maintaining leadership in global markets is an important next step that Brazil needs to take into account Brazil’s Country Strategy: Energy Security and to remain a world leader in the ethanol industry. Other Beyond

25 http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20Publications/ Assessing its strengths and weaknesses, Brazil can be Biofuels%20Annual_Sao%20Paulo%20ATO_Brazil_8-21-2012.pdf seen to have pursued an “Energy Security and Beyond”

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 29 Table 4: Resource and capability assessment for Brazil Resource Assess- Brazil Comment ment Indicators Moderate level of high-tech exports and High export capacity, local markets Economic and innovation recommends focus on changing served first. Exports focused on ­Innovation its positioning and exporting knowledge, commodities. Moderate innovation Orientation technology and expertise in the biofuels capacity. industry. Largest population in Latin Relatively large size of the country population America. Rapid growth. Rich in local Energy Supply and makes it interesting as a market; recommends energy sources. Demand for ethanol Demand broadening its focus and taking into account is forecast to continue growing in the global markets. next six years. Policies provide some level of certainty of Energy and Ambitious renewable energy policies renewable energy growth; recommends ­Renewable have been key in shaping ethanol’s diminishing regulatory burdens and strength- Energy Policies market development. ening institutions to attract international investors. Well-developed absorptive capaci- General ties in advanced domains, yet less Absorptive capacity constraints in education Absorptive developed capacities in basic and infrastructure require more attention. Capacity infrastructure. Public-private agreements in the automobile Renewable Advanced levels of renewable energy industry have contributed to renewable Energy Absorptive absorptive capacity in the ethanol energy absorptive capacities. Recommends Capacity industry. maintaining these relationships.

RET innovation strategy. Understanding the critical and industrialisation necessary for widespread ethanol importance of increasing its energy security and realis- deployment. This technical commission included ing the potential of its abundant biomass resources the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the National and existing sugarcane industry, Brazil has focused on Council of Metrology, Standardisation and Industrial achieving fuel security with a mix of policies aimed at Quality, the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards innovating fuel and vehicle technologies. The dividend and various automakers (Berger, 2010). from this programme of security-driven innovation has been a “competitive edge” in international ethanol By the mid-1980s, the federal government created a markets. multi-stakeholder working group to formally evalu- ate the “Pro-alcool” progress to date and articulate steps that could be taken to improve inter-ministerial Establishing a governance structure coordination. This working group convened members In Brazil both federal and local governments have played of the National Commission of Alcohol, The Institute of an important role in the energy sector. The main federal Sugar and Alcohol, the National Oil Council, Petrobras, actors around Brazil’s ethanol industry are the Ministry the secretariats of various state-owned companies and of , Farming Development, International the Ministry of Finance (Berger, 2010). These stake- Trade, Transport, Science and Technology, Education holders also helped set the targets, timeframes and and Defense. Especially during the 1980s, 1990s and policy frameworks to further another round of ethanol into the early 2000s, these various ministries worked innovation (Horta, 2008). in close cooperation to support the development of the ethanol market in Brazil. State-level governance bodies also contributed to RET innovation policy. At this level, especially in the For example, in the early 1980s, a national technical major ethanol producing states, such as São Paulo and commission was established to coordinate the standards Rio Grande do Norte, a variety of biofuels promotion

30 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide programmes exist, particularly for the biodiesel and development of teachers across the country. In addition ethanol industry. Regional bodies have worked in pro- to baseline education and training, the Brazilian Govern- moting production, adoption and commercialisation ment supports a portfolio of industry-specific technical of ethanol programmes by encouraging collaboration training programmes for adults. For example: with universities and private companies. Perhaps the leading example is the São Paulo Research Foundation ●● Technical and Systems (SESI (FAPESP), which started operations in 1962, and is and SENAI) receive funds from industries to run funded by the State of São Paulo through a levy of 1% courses tailored to ethanol markets; of all state tax revenues. In 2012, FAPESP had a budget ●● SENAR (National Service for Rural Apprentice- of 500 million USD and several thousand staff. FAPESP ship) aims to develop rural occupational training organises several major projects that reach vertically systems; and into federal ministries and horizontally into academia ●● SETEC and PLANFOR work with industry to and private industry. For example, FAPESP produces develop short and inexpensive technical training the national scientific and technology roadmap for courses for urban (and some rural) workers. bioenergy in Brazil, funds research hubs in three state universities (i.e. USP, Unicamp, and Unesp) and hosts Creating and Sharing New Knowledge BIOEN, a long-term RD&D programme that connects Both federal and state governments fund biofuel and with private companies on applied research and com- vehicle R&D programmes. For example, the state of São mercialisation programmes. Paolo Biofuels Chamber promotes both R&D activities and large-scale financing of biofuels production A common thread in the governance of Brazilian ethanol ventures. Various federal R&D centers (e.g. the National innovation policy has been the high degree of horizontal Laboratory of Science and Technology of Bioethanol coordination between four strategic sectors—agricul- or “CTBE” and the Brazilian Agricultural Research ture, industry, education and transportation—as well Corporation Agroenergy Programme or “Embrapa as the high degree of state-led policy development. Agroenergia”) support over 100 scientists working in Federal and state policy makers, through various co- basic and applied biomass processing technologies. ordinating mechanisms, accumulated a range of com- Private firms also collaboratively support ethanol R&D: plementary achievements over the last thirty years that Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira or “CTC”), a technology set the stage for ethanol innovation, including: funding centre owned and operated by private firms, is the largest for R&D, graduate fellowships for Brazilian students to private ethanol R&D center in the world. Additionally, the obtain professional development in the biofuel sector, “Plano Conjunto BNDES-Finep de Apoio à Inovação initiatives to standardise ethanol purity levels and fund- Tecnológica Industrial dos Setores Sucroenergético ing to improve the quality of roads and research centers. e Sucroquímico” or PAISS, programme, a joint effort of the Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP) and the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), coordinates Applying policy instruments to facilitate the selection and funding of innovative business plans implementation of RET innovation for advanced production and marketing methods for The following is a brief selection of policy instruments biomass processing. that have been deployed in Brazil, organised by func- tional category: In the field of vehicles, the federal Brazilian Government funded a research laboratory that helped establish the Building Competence and Human Capital commercial feasibility of flex-fuel ethanol vehicles. This Given the rural nature of sugar cane processing, a effort resulted in amplifying the internal market for Bra- level of technical literacy is required on a national scale. zilian ethanol. Today, a system of tax incentives under Beginning in the 1970’s, the Brazilian Government insti- the Inovar-Auto programme supports investments in tuted a wide range of programmes to improve the edu- automotive production and R&D in support of advanced cational baseline. One example of these broad-based flex-fuel vehicles. programmes is FUNDESCOLA (launched 1998 and implemented in coordination with the Federal Ministry Brazil also supports the creation of new knowledge of Education), which aimed to improve the professional through graduate and post-graduate degrees in

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 31 advanced bio-ethanol processes. For example, the Inter- Providing Finance university Network for Sugar-Ethanol Development or The Brazilian Government has long provided a range of “RIDESA” comprises seven federal universities that have credit products for ethanol infrastructure investment. signed an agreement to develop research for bio-fuels Until the 1970s sugar cane was exclusively used for sector improvements. There are twelve “experimental the production of sugar, but the oil crisis opened an stations” strategically located in states where sugar opportunity to build ethanol distilleries annexed to cane production is significant. Most studies are done pre-existing sugar mills. Providing heavily subsidised at the graduate or PhD level with an emphasis on loans at a low interest rates proved successful because research related to the Sugarcane Genetic Improvement it allowed landowners to finance capital investments Programme (PMGCA).26 that would provide flexibility in the use of sugar cane. In 2011 the Brazilian Government created credit lines with Knowledge Diffusion and Collaborative Networks subsidised interest rates to support ethanol storage and As indicated above, a wide variety of institutional ar- the expansion of sugarcane cultivation.28 rangements are in place to support knowledge creation. Diffusion of this knowledge into the commercial sphere Creating Markets is also a focus of the Brazilian innovation system. At Both federal and state governments have enacted an a policy level, private-public sector agreements have array of policies to create markets, including: been important. For example, the Brazilian Government signed agreements with automobile manufacturers that ●● Guaranteed prices for ethanol: During the 1980s led to large-scale manufacturing of ethanol-fuelled cars and 1990s, the Brazilian Government regulated starting in 1981. Since 2003 the local automobile indus- the relationship between producers and distribu- try has developed and incorporated flexible technology, tors to secure enough ethanol supply. Agência creating a stable market for ethanol in the transport Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) requires fuel distribu- sector. Similarly, incentives to support the use of ethanol tors to adopt a yearly supply contract structure in small airplanes have supported the commercialisation to meet purchasing targets at warranted prices. of ethanol technologies.27 The PAISS programme men- ●● Tax incentives to stimulate demand for tioned above seeks to support the commercialisation of ethanol-fuelled vehicles: Lower taxation on biomass processing technologies, in effect supporting ethanol-fuelled cars activated the demand for the linkages between private firms and applied science ethanol-fuelled cars. These incentives were first within the Brazilian innovation ecosystem. implemented in the 1980s, eliminated in the 1990s and readopted in the 2000’s. Governance and the Regulatory Environment ●● Tax incentives for ethanol fuel: for ethanol In terms of its “philosophy” and approach, Brazilian have been fixed constantly at a level that is lower innovation policy governance has transitioned from than gasoline taxes, at both the federal and state extensive intervention to a more balanced approach of level. This is another incentive that successfully intervention and catalysis. Intervention has mainly come activated the demand for ethanol-fuelled cars. in the form of sustained ethanol fuel-blend mandates. ●● Ethanol use mandate: While in 2011 the mandate In the early stages, the federal government directly for ethanol blended to gasoline decreased from managed ethanol pricing and economic activity. Only in 25% to 20%,29 this mandate has provided stabil- the late 1990s did the Brazilian Government deregulate ity and reliability to the demand for ethanol for the price of ethanol. Some state governments have also about twenty years. The fuel mix is set by the played an important role, especially in education and government and reflects economic and produc- R&D activities, as discussed in previous sections. tion conditions.

28 See USDA Biofuels report for more information http://gain. 26 A Blueprint for Green Energy in the Americas. Prepared for fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20Publications/Biofuels%20 the IADB by Garten Rothkopf. 2007. Page 441. http://www. Annual_Sao%20Paulo%20ATO_Brazil_8-21-2012.pdf gartenrothkopf.com/pdf/section_5.pdf pg 498. 29 http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20Publications/ 27 See www.aeroneiva.com.br for more information Biofuels%20Annual_Sao%20Paulo%20ATO_Brazil_8-21-2012.pdf

32 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide ●● Regional producer subsidy: Aiming to increase A stepwise examination of the origins of this innovation the supply of ethanol in the northern and north- policy approach is presented below.30 eastern regions, during 2011 and 2012 the Brazil- ian Government offered a sugar cane subsidy Assessing Resources to small farmers (i.e. those producing up to a maximum of 10,000 metric tons). This subsidy Innovation and Export Orientation responds to balancing the cost of production Germany began the period under review with a strong differentials between mills in the central south financial and human capital resource base, featuring and north of the country. well-established firm networks producing finished manufactured goods and high-technology products The pathways described above are consolidated and for domestic and international markets. While inter- illustrated in Figure 8. national trade represented only 25% of GDP in 1990, cross-border trade channels were well-established and As this brief case study illustrates, energy security, the European market promised relatively easy export economic development and energy innovation have access. Regional political and economic autonomy was progressed in unison in Brazil, supporting a complex relatively well-developed, as post World War II (WWII) regime of RET innovation policy. One key to the equation reforms sought to ensure strong local governance at the was the parallel development of ethanol alongside “Länder” or state level to prohibit excessive concentra- flex-fuel engine technology, unlocking an entirely new tion of federal power. ecosystem of innovation and creating an immense market opportunity, not only domestically but also Energy supply and demand internationally. Electricity generation was primarily provided in the form of coal, nuclear and . While some coal was sourced domestically, its use was heavily subsidised 5.3 Technology Venturing: by the German Federal Government at about EUR 4bn Germany per annum in the early 1990s (Jacobsson & Lauber, 2006). Generally, Germany was dependent on signifi- This case study provides an example of Technology cant coal imports and natural gas was sourced entirely Venturing innovation policy through the historical lens from imports. Wind resources were plentiful while solar of German RET innovation policies from the early 1990s resources were moderate to poor. had to the early 2000s. Over this decade-long timeframe, provided a growing share of energy generation through Germany instituted a range of complementary policies the 1970s and 1980s. at the national and sub-national levels that supported the development of fundamental innovations in and renewable energy related policies PV cells and onshore wind turbines, as well as their In the early stages of this case study, energy policy subsequent migration from research centers to com- was crafted both to meet supply constraints and to mercial application. support national industry development. For example, the energy crises of the 1970s resulted in policies to both Thus, it is proposed that Germany is representative of an insulate Germany from international supply volatility “Innovation Cluster” strategy that features the following and to support domestic coal and nuclear production. approaches: As such, concerns over energy security, modernisation and competitiveness were drivers of energy policy ●● Federal and state support for technology value reform. Over time, concerns over rose chain development within and across regions; to prominence in German energy policy. With broad ●● Aggressive, sustained demand-creation mecha- support, legislative action was taken in 1990 to reduce nisms at federal and state levels; ●● Strong focus on research activities at the 30 The time period of this case study includes the 1990 re-unification technology frontier; and of East and West Germany. A full discussion of the economic issues of re-unification is beyond the scope of this report. In references ●● Sustained support for demonstration and com- prior to re-unification, “Germany” is used primarily to refer to West mercialisation programmes. Germany.

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 33 Figure 8: Illustrative RETIP process analysis for Brazil



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34 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide CO2 emissions by 25-30% by 2005. In addition, the patenting. The launch of the solar industry depended Chernobyl nuclear accident contributed to a strong shift heavily upon existing complementary industries, such toward renewable energy and energy efficiency, leading as silicon supply and machinery for semi-conductor to a portfolio of incentives and R&D policies designed to processes. In contrast, wind absorptive capacity favour emerging RET. was less lab-based and more commercial, featuring a diverse ecosystem of mid-sized wind firms with General absorptive capacity significant patenting activity. By the late 1980s, strong regional agglomerations of German firms had emerged in various industries, such The early 1990s start-up time for this case study pre- as aerospace, heavy machinery and analytical instru- sents the general indicators of Innovation Mode in mentation. Labour productivity increased rapidly on Germany as follows in Table 5: an annual basis over the following decade. Education systems were robust, extending to graduate degree Identifying the Innovation Mode programmes in a wide range of engineering and profes- sional domains. Infrastructure was highly developed, Germany’s broad endowment of innovation and export including a national electricity grid, increasing electricity capacities provides a unique lens for exploring the integration with neighboring states across the study’s Technology Venturing mode of RET innovation. While time spectrum and a system of roads and railways Commercial Scale-up and Adaptation have been a sig- unequalled in the world. nificant part of the German RET experience, the early role of Technology Venturing is of most interest for this case Renewable Energy absorptive capacity study. Regulatory treatment of the energy sector proceeded erratically, in “fits and starts”, finally promoting wind Clarifying Macro Objectives access to the grid in large quantities in the 1990s (and PV in the 2000s). With regard to wind and solar, Ger- A confluence of historical political trends provided many exhibited distinct absorptive capacity charac- durable momentum and direction to Germany’s teristics. Solar absorptive capacity was dominated by RET innovation policies. These can be understood a wealth of basic science activities with relatively little through the lens of the macro objectives energy

Table 5: Early 1990s resource and capability assessment for Germany Resource Germany Comment Assessment Indicators Economic and High export capacity, concentrated Predominance of high-tech exports and Innovation in finished goods. Moderate-to-High technology innovation recommends focus Orientation innovation capacity. on Technology Venturing. Large population. Moderate growth. Large, import-dependent domestic markets Energy Highly dependent on energy (similar to most of Western Europe), recom- Supply and imports. Abundant wind resources. mends focus on domestic markets for value Demand Moderate to poor solar resources. chain growth, then export orientation. Some domestic coal subsidies. Am- Energy and Strong renewable energy policies provide bitious renewable energy policies Renewable groundwork for commercialisation of starting in the 1990s. Little renew- Energy Policies innovations. able energy policy uncertainty. General Strong universities, many multi- Strong general absorptive capacities recom- Absorptive national firms, robustly developed mend focus on high-technology ventures Capacity industrial and financial value chains. and export orientation. At the beginning of the period, Renewable RE absorptive capacity growth was one renewable energy absorptive capac- Energy Absorptive of the dividends of the entire 1990-2004 ity was low, as all renewable energy Capacity period. technologies globally were nascent.

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 35 security, international competitiveness and greenhouse institutions, in addition to entrepreneurially-operated gas reduction. R&D centers. In 2011, the gross domestic expenditure on R&D was Euro 75.5 billion, with industry providing more Due to Germany’s fundamental dependence on the than two-thirds of the research funding. Higher educa- import of fossil fuels, energy security represented—and tional institutions accounted for 18% of this spending continues to represent—a long-term national policy, while almost 15% of total German R&D is invested by providing ongoing incentives for energy innovation. non-university research institutions (BMBF, 2012). International competitiveness is also a strategic national objective, especially for the manufacturing German governance is generally decentralised and trades. Expanding the reach of German firms into new innovation policy governance is no exception. Significant industries provides a complementary strategic objective power is wielded at the sub-national levels. As such, that aligns with stable national goals. Greenhouse gas substantial innovation policy efforts, especially with reduction has been a long-standing political objective in regard to demand creation and knowledge network de- Germany, lending stability to innovation regimes. velopment, have unfolded at the state (“Bundesländer”) and local levels. Not only is innovation policy gover­ nance decentralised; regional technology clusters have Identifying key technologies and sectors also been a feature of German industrial development Wind and were identified as promising for decades, and so regional policy can draw upon sectors from the perspective of energy resources, espe- existing networks from academia, the private sector and cially in the wake of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident research institutes. (Molly 1999 as discussed in Bergek & Jacobsson, 2003). Solar power, while not an abundant resource domesti- Horizontally, a variety of ministries were involved in cally, represented an attractive technology based on energy and innovation policy at the German federal the industrial profile of the German innovation system level, albeit not always consensually. These included the at the time (e.g. competency in high-quality chemical Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and materials finished goods). Wind power was, on the and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Agriculture and Consumer other hand, quite abundant, and also matched both the Protection (BMELV), the Ministry of Economic Affairs heavy-machinery and aerospace industrial competen- (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry of Education and cies of Germany. For these reasons, wind and solar PV Research (BMBF). have represented the main focus of RET innovation activity in Germany. Coordinating across these ministries, as well as with various stakeholders across the vertical and horizontal dimensions, is complex. In response, policy evolution in Selecting a strategy: Innovation Clusters Germany has given rise to some specific institutional In view of the above, the German strategy can be mechanisms that form pillars of the innovation ecosys- understood as an “Innovation Clusters” approach. This tem. Several of these are presented below. approach has a strong emphasis on sharing policy autonomy between the federal and state systems. It also The German Research Projektträger (Project cultivates diverse networks of actors beyond the basic Support) R&D stages, extending into commercialisation, supply One of the first consistent national approaches to chain development and export-oriented firms. innovation was implemented through the high-tech innovation programmes of the BMFT, which defined innovation priorities and consistently implemented Establishing governance programmes aimed at achieving faster results in prod- Innovation is viewed as a priority building block of the uct and market development. The sectoral focus of German economy, critical both to the economy as a this programme included global challenges of health, whole but also to German . Innovation climate, energy, mobility and security. The research also plays an important role within German at and innovation activities of each programme were both the federal and state levels (Jacobsson & Lauber, coordinated across multiple relevant ministries and 2006). Germany has more than 800 publicly funded across innovation stages through a novel organisational

36 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide mechanism known as the Research Projektträger (pro- Federal Environment Ministry issues a Technology Atlas ject sponsor). In order to develop the existing structures that provides specific innovation-related information in in the direction of a continuously improved institutional the fields of renewable energy production and storage, design, this innovation structure remains open for the and energy efficiency. These databases promote broad participation and consultation of all relevant stakeholder collaboration and knowledge sharing (BMBF, 2014b). and experts (BMBF, 2014a). Renewable Energy Innovation Clusters at the State Projektträger are professionally qualified facilities. The and Regional Levels main task of the Projektträger is to support innovation Bridging the gap between industry and scien- project activities introduced by federal and state gov- tific research is essential for the German Government’s ernments. They take the form either of official state- strategy, and regional cluster initiatives are a central owned units (e.g. the “Research Center Jülich”) or mechanism to achieve this aim. they are implemented by private companies acting in an official capacity for the government. For example, The partially (20%) state-funded Fraunhofer- Projektträger Jülich coordinates research and funding Gesellschaft­ (or “Fraunhofer Society”) conceives of innovation programmes in the field of energy amongst and implements innovation clusters. The goals and other domains, such as sustainability and environment milestones of the collaborative ventures are respectively and biotechnology. Commissioned by the German self-set and defined. Local non-university research federal ministries and states, the Projektträger also institutes which can make significant contributions advises on the national research and innovation fund- in pertinent areas of relevance are included in the ing programmes. In addition, Projektträger Jülich is a networks, in addition to industry and universities. The contact point to advise German applicants with respect Fraunhofer Society stimulates the regional development to funding opportunities for research at an interna- of centers of excellence, skills and expertise through tional level, such as the Seventh European Research Innovation Clusters, some of which focus on renewable Programme (Projektträger Jülich, 2014). energy (Fraunhofer, 2014). Thus, innovation clusters serve primarily as an instrument to further develop The German Research Foundation (DFG) is the Ger- existing strengths. The clusters can also motivate man funding organisation for knowledge-oriented competitiveness within the markets of one particular research on a myriad of topics. Self-governed, DFG technology, at the same time benefiting all involved in selects projects on all topics with a view to ensuring the these fruitful collaborations. In particular, knowledge- highest scientific quality through competition. Hence, based industries have facilitated the exchange of fostering contacts between national and international knowledge and generated a critical of skills to researchers and scientists is an obligation included in successfully complement one another in these regional the statutes of DFG. Provided that internationalisation clusters. Networks leading to new ideas for business and is an essential requirement for Germany to become new enterprise foundations can be motivated by the a pioneer and a hub for research and science, DFG geographical proximity between companies, investors funds international collaboration amongst research- and research organisations. ers. Through its membership in various international committees and non-governmental organisations, DFG Lighthouse Projects also plays an active role in international research policy “Lighthouse Projects” are promoted and funded (DFG, 2010). by different German ministries for specific projects related to innovation such as the IRENE (‘Integration Public Databases of Research Projects Regenerativer Energien und Elektromobilität’, in English Data on over 100,000 research projects are maintained ‘Integration of renewable and e-mobility’) in the publicly available databases of BMBF, including project, funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. This recently researched topics, projects that received public project involves better matching of electricity usage funding and the results delivered. Thus, the databases with renewable-based power generation. Funded by are a powerful source of information on Germany’s the German government, the project creates innovative research landscape and serve as a tool for networking solutions for a better use of the electricity generated within the science . Similarly, the German from renewables by bringing together local utilities,

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 37 industry, universities and other stakeholders, such as System – that combines classroom-based and on-the- customers and municipalities (BMWi, 2013). job training over a period of two to three years specifi- cally geared to meet industry needs. A significant structure emerges in Germany’s innovation ecosystem, which can be evidenced by these institu- Knowledge Diffusion / Creation of Collaborative tional mechanisms. Across them all, intensive coop- Networks eration between industry and science is the leitmotif. Clusters and collaborative networks are a signature Ger- The institutional programmes listed in this section man innovation policy. Whether by intentional design (i.e. Research Projektträger, Lighthouse Projects and or due to historical agglomeration, regional networks clusters), among others, facilitate cooperation between of firms, universities and research institutes have com- universities, research entities and industrial firms. This prised the core of much of the solar (and wind) industry. results in substantially lower barriers to technology and State-level policies were established in the 1990s to indi- knowledge transfer from research centers and universi- rectly support regional RET supply chain development ties to industry. Finally, the governmental research fund- (Bergek & Jacobsson, 2003), such as requirements for ing also benefits from cooperation between industry locally produced content. and research entities. Providing Finance Demonstration finance to prove that wind and solar Applying instruments technologies were viable was an early focus of Ger- The following is a brief selection of policy instruments many’s federal policy. The main mechanism is discussed that have been deployed in Germany, organised by below in “Creating Markets” (i.e. a range of feed-in functional category: tariffs that have served to provide revenue certainty to investors and firms). Various states provided financ- Creating and Sharing New Knowledge ing for local content (e.g. the Nordrhein-Westphalen German federal authorities funded extensive R&D from the programme of 50% investment support exclusively early stages of solar and wind development. As far back for turbines from the local firm Tacke (Tacke 2000 as as the early 1980s, dozens of R&D projects were granted discussed in Bergek & Jacobsson, 2003). In addition to funding, both for industrial firms and academic institutes these demand-side mechanisms, Germany also liberally for the development of turbines from 10-400kW in size. deployed export credit assistance to support domestic Similarly, R&D funds to develop PV cells were disbursed enterprises’ activities in international markets (Lewis to dozens of firms, universities and research institutes. & Wiser, 2007). Additionally, for early wind energy These early programmes eventually expanded to include projects, federal sources provided loans below market demonstration projects in the late 1980s. By the 1990s, rates (Lewis & Wiser, 2007). wind power was “taking off,” and active private firms increased their stake in R&D activities. It is estimated that Creating Markets from 1975 to 2002, wind power received approximately Both German federal and state authorities enacted EUR 0.47 billion in government R&D funding while solar various market support mechanisms. In the 1990s, the PV cells received EUR 1.15 billion (Jacobsson & Lauber, federal 100/250 MW wind programme (which aimed 2006). to increase total installed wind capacity by a factor of ten) and the 1,000 solar roofs programme, provided Building Competence and Human Capital critical financial support to jump-start markets. State- Leveraging its endowment of excellent universities, level public procurement programmes were set up such German innovation investment has focused on a broad that local utilities would subsidise solar installations on spectrum of human capital development. These include public , such as schools. Throughout the 1990s, power engineering, aeronautics, chemical and materials the combination of state subsidies and the federal science, and other wind- and PV-related university Electricity Feed-in Law (enacted in 1991) gave consider- courses. More recently, specialised training programmes able financial incentives to install wind electricity, which have been established to ensure an adequate labour was more economical at the time. A subsequent law, pool. Much of this emerges from a well-developed and the Renewable Energy Sources Act, passed in 2000, applied educational platform – the Dual Education set in motion the major domestic installation of solar

38 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide PV capacity. This stable and diverse array of market As this brief case study illustrates, a confluence of support mechanisms, and the subsequent capacity ad- external factors, historical competencies and targeted ditions, have moved Germany into the top ranks of total policies aligned at the end of the 20th century to give installed capacity in both technologies. The pathways rise to dramatic growth in the industrial and innovation described above are consolidated and illustrated in capacity of German firms in the solar PV and wind Figure 9 below. sectors.

Figure 9: Illustrative RETIP process analysis for Germany


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Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 39 6 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS

The case studies above illustrate selected historical primarily on the innovation opportunities within precedents for the RETIP process and, along the way, a specific renewable energy technology, or solely demonstrate a wide range of RET innovation oppor- on the energy policy landscape, the RETIP pro- tunities and corresponding policy approaches. In each cess places technology characteristics within the case, unique strategies have emerged, driven by the larger context of enabling conditions. This ac- contextual variables at work in different settings. The knowledgment—namely, that innovation cannot RETIP process provides a lens through which these be forced, but rather must be enabled—will drive varied national development can be viewed through a long-term decision-making and thus, hopefully, common framework. better outcomes. ●● Encouraging a focus on governance. Policy IRENA Members can use the RETIP process as a basic is only as good as the institutions tasked with guide to design appropriate RET innovation strategies. its implementation. The RETIP process helps to The three stages outlined herein provide a platform clarify the limitations and constraints that often for structuring the policy development process. When frustrate innovation policy development and im- applied in national contexts, this framework can plementation. Keeping capacity and coordination strengthen national policies in the following ways: constraints in view during the RET innovation policy development process will result in more ●● Encouraging a holistic view. The RETIP process realistic and achievable policy goals. brings together several key domains that are typically viewed in isolation: economic factor Beyond strengthening innovation policy, the RETIP endowments, energy resource assessments, process can, in addition, help to clarify areas in which institutional capacity assessments and renewable IRENA can assist countries—upon their request—to energy technology and value chain characteris- employ these assessment methods, identify appropriate tics, to name but a few. Together, these domains strategies and key sectors, design coordinated policy provide an appropriately comprehensive view of portfolios, and define implementation roles and the variables that impact innovation policy design. responsibilities. IRENA, through its Innovation and ●● Encouraging innovation outside the labora- Technology Centre (IITC), can assist in the completion tory. While some innovation policy frameworks of the RETIP process in support of sub-national, national focus on conventional metrics of innovation (e.g. or regional policy development processes. patents, start-up companies, venture capital), the RETIP process emphasises the routine and retail RET innovation policy represents a unique opportunity, nature of much of RET’s important innovation. both to achieve national and local economic develop- In this way, the full IRENA membership is en- ment and to promote global benefits. The development couraged to evaluate their opportunities for RET of cooperative approaches to RET innovation policy innovation. development through peer learning and applied re- ●● Encouraging a focus on enabling conditions. search will further improve RET policy frameworks and While some innovation policy frameworks dwell deployment outcomes.

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Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 43 APPENDIX A: Candidate Data Sources for Innovation Mode Assessment

Key Indicator Indicator Metrics and Candidate Sources of Assessment Data Global Innovation Index rankings: INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (2012) http://www.globalinnovationindex.org/gii/ Economic and Governance Indicators: Innovation World Bank Governance Indicators (2013): Orientation http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/worldwide-governance-indicators Exports as a percentage of GDP: World Bank data: Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2012) http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS Domestic : US Energy Information Administration (2013) http://www.eia.gov/countries/data.cfm International Energy Agency (2013) http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp Energy imports and exports: US Energy Information Administration (2013) http://www.eia.gov/countries/data.cfm International Energy Agency (2013) http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp Level of energy access: Energy Supply IEA Energy Access database (2012) and Demand http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/resources/energydevelopment/ globalstatusofmodernenergyaccess/ Domestic renewable energy resources: IRENA Global Atlas for Solar & Wind (2013) http://www.irena.org/globalatlas/ Local, high resolution assessments, if available Domestic fossil resources: World Energy Council (2008) http://www.worldenergy.org/data/resources/ Local, high resolution assessments, if available Supply-side renewable energy incentives: IEA World Energy Outlook 2012 subsidy database (2012) http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/resources/energysubsidies/ IEA / IRENA Policies & Measures Database (2012) http://www.iea.org/policiesandmeasures/renewableenergy/ Energy R&D and Demonstration support: IEA / IRENA Policies & Measures Database (2012) Energy and http://www.iea.org/policiesandmeasures/renewableenergy/ Renewable Energy Policies Fossil fuel subsidies: OECD Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels (2013) http://www.oecd.org/site/tadffss/ IEA World Energy Outlook 2012 subsidy database (2012) http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/resources/energysubsidies/ RE targets: REN21 Global Status Report (2012) http://new.ren21.net/REN21Activities/GlobalStatusReport.aspx

44 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Key Indicator Indicator Metrics and Candidate Sources of Assessment Data Basic and Advanced Infrastructure: National and Subnational data sources Secondary and Tertiary Education Rates: World Bank data on Education http://data.worldbank.org/topic/education Supplemented by local data Absorptive Credit availability: Capacity World Bank data: Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FS.AST.PRVT.GD.ZS Intellectual Property protection: World Intellectual Property Organization World Intellectual Property Indicators 2010 http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/freepublications/en/intproperty/941/ wipo_pub_941_2010.pdf Clean Energy Patents: WIPO Climate Change / Energy Patent Landscape (2013) http://www.wipo.int/patentscope/en/programs/patent_landscapes/published_reports. html#climate_change Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti P.C. Clean Energy Patent Growth Index (2012) (USPTO only) http://cepgi.typepad.com/heslin_rothenberg_farley_/ Clean Grid infrastructure: Data from national and subnational grid operators. Renewable Value-Chain Development: Energy ClimateScope (2013) (for Latin America only) Absorptive http://www5.iadb.org/mif/climatescope/2013/ Capacity Regulatory framework and Power market structure: Local and national data sources Installed renewable energy capacity: International Energy Agency (2013) http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp REN21 Global Status Report (2012) http://new.ren21.net/REN21Activities/GlobalStatusReport.aspx RE firms and entrepreneurship: Local and national data sources

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 45 APPENDIX B: The Landscape of Innovation Policy Instruments

Building Competence and Human impact innovation capacity insofar as networks of Capital experience and expertise give rise to incremental (and radical) innovations in products and processes. The development of human capital—skills and compe- tence—, either through academic or applied learning, To illustrate the role that education plays in promoting is a basic and critical function for public policy. Some these networks, Figure 10 illustrates a simplified range general and mode-specific policy approaches e.g.( of competencies associated with a single RET value education, market development and investment) are chain—solar PV. These range from highly skilled PhD- discussed in this Appendix. level scientists to entrepreneurs and managers, to roofers and other construction trade persons. These competences can be delineated as follows into four General approaches: Education and Labour broad occupational categories, each with unique skill Force Development requirements, educational pathways and relevance to countries operating in different Innovation Modes: Innovation in all modes is enabled by successful educational and labour force development systems. ●● Basic Science and Research & Development The requirements of such systems are sensitive to (R&D); the technological characteristics of various RETs, the ●● Manufacturing; scale and trajectory of RET markets and the landscape ●● Installation and Operations & Maintenance of the domestic deployment context. Together, the (O&M); and constellation of strategies and policies in this domain ●● Management (across all three domains above).

Figure 10: Illustrative occupational categories for the solar PV value chain

Managerial Skills: Engineering management; business formation a nd entrepreneurship; construction managem ent Pathways: Privat e sector; on -the-job; university; private technical college; commun ity colle ge

Raw Material Component Solar Cell Solar Module Installation & Suppliers Manufacturers Manufacturers Producers Producers Integrators

Basic Science / R&D Installation/ Requirements: MS / PhD in materials, microelectronics, chemistry, physics, electrical O&M engineering, etc. Requirements: Pathway: University Certificate / Licens e Pathways: On-the-job; trade schools; secondary Manufacturing; technician education; industry Requirements: MS or AS/BS programmes Pathways: University; technical College (public or privat e)

Source: Author analysis

46 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Labour force development is crosscutting insofar as all general importance of workforce considerations cuts innovation activities (regardless of mode) require ample across all technologies and Innovation Modes. skilled candidates for firms to hire.31 Supply for the various roles of an RET value chain is largely determined Education in the Adaptation Mode: by educational capacity, adjacent industry maturity and Entrepreneurial Education immigration policy. For example, in the PV solar domain, supply for skilled lab labour is constrained by the gradu- Relative to developed countries with long-established ation rates of domestic universities, the existing pool of incumbent electricity providers, many Adaptation labour in adjacent industries (e.g. semi-conductors and settings are endowed with a relatively fluid and telecom), and skilled-immigration policies. Furthermore, dynamic business environment. In this setting, policy the supply of highly-skilled engineers and PhDs is typi- efforts to promote effective entrepreneurship can be cally clustered near technology agglomeration centres uniquely important. Training efforts are widespread, (Almeida & Kogut, 1999). and in Adaptation settings where energy access is the main objective, training is in many cases coordinated One example of upstream education is the Brazilian with micro-finance institutions to improve the success Government’s support for a portfolio of industry-specific rate of lending efforts. Notable exemplars of such technical training programmes to support ample skilled training efforts are “Barefoot Power” in Kenya and workers for the ethanol industry. These range from Uganda, Solar Aid in various East African nations technical and vocational courses tailored to ethanol and Servals and NEST in India (Bardouille, 2012). In markets to rural apprenticeship training systems to other cases, entrepreneurship training is performed short and inexpensive training courses for urban (and in coordination with universities, such as the some rural) workers (IADB, 2007). collaboration between Ghanaian solar home system provider Deng and the Nkrumah University of Science At the retail end of the spectrum, solar PV system instal- and Technology (ibid). lation is a ‘hybrid’ occupation: the foundational skills are shared with other electrical and construction trades, Education in the Commercial Scale-up Mode: while complementary solar skill sets (and, in some cases, Targeted Labor Market Support certification and licensing) are distinguishing features. Similarly, micro-hydro also has labour force require- For policy makers aiming to initiate or sustain a period of ments at the retail stage. Given the mainly utility-scale Commercial Scale-up, labour market factors can strongly nature of wind, geothermal and conventional hydro, impact the ability to start and grow local firms, to rap- there is less need (and opportunity) for retail labor idly scale-up manufacturing capacity and to compete force development and consequently less opportunity in global trade networks. In this regard, anticipating and for substantial skill overlap with conventional trades. responding to labour market needs is a critical function Pathways into a given workforce (e.g. solar installation), for the Commercial Scale-up Mode and implies an inten- can include ‘up-skilling’ existing construction workers, sive focus on public-private stakeholder collaboration. continuing education for the temporarily unemployed construction labour force and vocational training for Lessons learned from Europe can inform the strategies new installers. Sources of education include public of countries in the Commercial Scale-up mode. A 2010 and private vocational schools, on-the-job training and survey of “green” workforce development programmes union-sponsored training. in a selection of (mostly western) European countries revealed that most countries have well-established These synergies and workforce requirements will vary programmes of labour market anticipation that guide by RET, and the strategies relevant to a particular workforce development planning (CEDEFOP, 2010). country will be highly sensitive to its context, but the The existing frameworks typically combine quantitative forecasting, qualitative needs assessments and formal and informal dialogue with education and training providers (ibid, p. 29). For example, France operates a 31 The interplay between increasing education and increasing skilled immigration is an important policy consideration but lies beyond national network of labor forecasting “observatories” the scope of this report. that survey various regional or sectoral players in the

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 47 labour market, combining these qualitative results with research aimed at “breakthroughs”, which may have macro-economic projections and quantitative surveys contributed to the relatively small-scale wind turbine (ibid, p. 88). France, Germany, Denmark and the UK in manufacturing sector in the United States. particular have an established history of anticipating and responding to environmental labour needs, relying These lessons suggest the importance of policy on their existing systems of ‘green’ labour anticipation to strategies to cultivate networks of feedback. In this guide solar workforce development planning (ibid, p 21). light, strategies that isolate innovation activities behind Even in Spain, where there is a less established national laboratory walls carry greater risks than strategies system for anticipating environmental labour needs, that promote extensive customer and stakeholder strong local and regional systems compensate (ibid.) engagement.

Creating and Sharing New Creating New Knowledge in the Technology Venturing and Commercial Scale-up Modes: Knowledge Targeted Research, Development and Development of platforms for the discovery and diffu- Demonstration (RD&D) sion of knowledge, ranging from R&D to applied learn- Targeted investments in RD&D – typically involving ing, accelerates innovation processes. Some general and academia, laboratories and, in later stages, industry—is mode-specific policy approaches are presented below. a foundational knowledge development component of Technology Venturing and Commercial Scale-up. RD&D produces fundamental improvements to products and General approaches: Iterative Product processes and public policy plays an important role in Development supporting it, since investment tends to be sub-optimal Innovation, especially of the incremental sort, is promoted due to market failures, such as knowledge spillovers. by strategies that cultivate feedback between users and Recent advances have focused on improving the co- technology developers (Mowery & Rosenberg, 1979), ordination and cost-effectiveness of linkages between leading to the demonstration of technologies outside of public and private actors, and across governance laboratory settings and subsequent learning-by-doing. areas. For example, across the European Union, the The importance of robust feedback loops has been noted European Research Area now administers a number across the various stages of technology maturity. In the of coordinated innovation investment activities that Adaptation domain, especially in contexts with an energy span public research institutes and private industry access goal, integrating RET innovations into daily (e.g. the Framework Programmes, European Research requires experimentation and trial-and-error (Kline & Council, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Rosenberg, 1986). These iterative cycles help close gaps Programme and the European Institute for Innovation between the needs (and financial resources) of poor and Technology). These activities aim to increase the users and dominant energy technologies and are crucial interaction between research and commercialisation to adoption, technology credibility and market growth activities. Similarly, in the United States, the Advanced (Bardouille, 2012). An iterative innovation ecosystem is Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E) aims illustrated earlier in the report, in Figure 1. to commercialise innovative RETs developed in univer- sity and national energy laboratories and, if approved, The importance of user feedback to technology de- a proposed “Quadrennial Energy Review” would serve velopers has also been noted in relation to earlier to better organise energy R&D funding across multiple innovation processes (especially Commercial Scale-up agencies. and, to some extent, Technology Venturing). This has been evidenced in the divergent commercial success Creating and Sharing New Knowledge in the of American and Danish wind companies (Garud & Commercial Scale-up and Adaptation Modes: Karnøe, 2003). In this example, the Danish innovation Data and Atlases system featured a much more tightly linked network of technology developers, owners and intermediaries, With a priority on growth in renewable-based gen- while the US system was marked by isolated laboratory eration capacity, creating and sharing knowledge of

48 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide the geographic location of renewable energy resources General approaches: Engineered Networks is an important arena for public policy. High-quality renewable energy resources are more economical to tap Engineered networks are deliberate attempts to first, whether wind, solar, hydro, geothermal or some support accelerated innovation by constructing other renewable energy resource. In this light, resource networks of actors. Engineered networks historically assessment and prospecting will be an important enabler have been organised either by geography or by of RET innovation and deployment. Promoting enhance- technology value chains. Examples of this strategy ments to these capacities will be a key role for policy. include clusters, industry consortia or “supply chain In many cases, national efforts in this domain can now learning programmes” (Tidd, 2006). The common be supported by supra-national organisations such as feature of these strategies is that they all acknowledge IRENA. the importance of communication and knowledge spillover between various actors within the innovation ecosystem. Knowledge Diffusion and Collaborative Networks An illustration of the various types of engineered networks appears in Figure 11. In this conceptualisa- Robust networks support knowledge dissemination and tion (Tidd, 2006), the types of engineered networks business development that innovators need in order to can be organised along two axes: how radical the be successful. Networks can be organised according to desired innovation and how diverse the stakeholder inter alia supply chains, geographic areas or industry firms. Accordingly, the types of goals of engineered sectors. Some general and mode-specific policy ap- networks may be quite tactical and determinate, for proaches are presented in this section. example, focusing on enhancing supply chain learning

Figure 11: Types of “engineered” innovation networks

Radical Zone 2 Zone 3 innovation e.g. strategic e.g. multi-company alliance or sector innovation consortium to networks in develop new drug complex product delivery systems systems

Zone 1 Zone 4 e.g. sector forums, e.g. regional supply chain clusters, “best learning practice” clubs programmes Incremental innovation

Similar Heterogeneou s

Source: Adapted from Tidd 2006

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 49 or establishing technology standards. Alternately, the more to enhance innovation capacity (Tawney, Miller & goals of engineered networks may be more creative and Bazilian, 2013). risky, for example high value innovation networks. Knowledge Diffusion in the Commercial Less structured approaches have also emerged for Scale-up Mode: Interactive Learning organising engineered networks, for example: “Interactive learning” refers to a technology transfer ●● Brokerage and exploration of “weak tie” net- process in which partners increase their fundamental works in which remotely connected actors may competence during applied innovative processes. This produce significant breakthroughs (Lee Fleming, type of knowledge diffusion was first identified by Mingo, & Chen, 2007; Tidd, 2006). Lundvall (1988), and was analyzed in connection with ●● “Open innovation” ecosystems in which firms the Danish and Indian wind turbine industries by Kris- lower conventional barriers to collaboration and tinsson & Rao (2008). Interactive learning is typically explore ideas across networks of non-firm actors promoted by face-to-face interaction, often between (Chesbrough, 2003; L. Fleming & Waguespack, technology frontier firm operating with a local partner in 2007; Malone & Klein, 2007). an emerging market, in which both parties benefit from regular interaction. In other cases, supply chain partners These models may be country-customised in each of learn from each other, gaining not only efficiencies but the Innovation Modes. In light of the varying needs, and also deepening competence in the process. Policy to with these new loose models emerging, it is important promote supply chain networks and local joint ventures to recognise that engineered networks require involving leading international firms can support inter- sustained, effective management. These management active learning opportunities. requirements are highly sensitive to the composition of the network, the maturity of the technology in question Knowledge Diffusion in Technology Venturing (which, in turn, impacts issues of information sharing Mode: Start-up Incubation and intellectual property protection that are intensified near the “technology frontier”), and network diversity. Incubation of start-up companies is knowledge dif- Researchers of engineered networks encourage fusion and collaborative networking strategy for the caution, noting that, for each successful governmental Technology Venturing Mode. Various sub-national intervention to cultivate an entrepreneurial region, there units around the world have established programmes are dozens of failed attempts (Lerner, 2009). to incubate RET start-up companies. Israel provides some lessons for this type of activity. In concert with the cultivation of risk capital, a public/private Incuba- Knowledge Diffusion in the Adaptation tor Programme32 was established both to organise Mode: Leveraging Novel Technology Transfer R&D efforts, as well as to incubate new companies. At Pathways least three incubators focus mainly on environmental Novel technology transfer pathways are likely to be technology transfer from major Israeli universities (i.e. most important in Adaptation settings, especially Ben Gurion University, Technion and the Weizmann with regard to energy access. The energy technology Institute).33 International collaboration also plays a role: innovation systems that have emerged in OECD coun- the US-Israeli Bi-national Industrial R&D Foundation tries may not meet the needs of customers in emerging has been leveraging government funds to provide cost- economies. In some ways, energy system innovations share R&D grants in various high-tech sectors for more from other developing economies may be more ap- than 30 years. This programme added a “cleantech” propriate. While North-South technology transfer has grant programme in 2008 in conjunction with the US been the predominant model for RET transfer under Department of Energy. climate regimes, South-South partnerships may do more to facilitate technology transfer that more readily matches the unique economic, cultural and geographic 32 See http://www.incubators.org.il/ concerns of consumers in the Adaptation Mode. In this 33 See “Cleantech Incubators Thrive in Israel.” http://www.ventureitch. level of fit, South-South transfer pathways may do com/?p=486

50 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide Governance and the Regulatory carries immense financial and societal risk. Entrepre- Environment neurship may be encouraged by reducing the personal financial risk of bankruptcy, for example through limited Innovation (and investment) is promoted by systems liability incorporation, which protects personal assets of rules, regulations and standards that are intended to from creditors. Such legal and regulatory structures are be fair, clear, consistent and enforceable. Some mode- most likely to be vital in the large-scale entrepreneurship specific policy approaches are presented below. required in the Commercial Scale-up and Technology Venturing modes. Regulation and Governance in the As a side note, the social barriers to entrepreneurship Commercial Scale-up and Adaptation Modes: (e.g. shame of failure) are well-recognised, but policy Standards and Quality Certification instruments are less clear in this domain. More likely, Well-developed quality standards are an important reducing barriers will entail a slow cultural process of mechanism to establish the credibility of renewable dispelling myths and taboos around business failure. energy technologies (Lewis & Wiser, 2007). Establishing credible national standards, or acceding to international standards, can strongly support the marketability of Regulation and Governance in the Commercial a firm’s products and to accelerate progress along Scale-up and Technology Venturing Modes: technology learning curves for new manufacturers. Protecting Intellectual Property Supra-national support for renewable energy standards is now an area of joint focus between IRENA and the A key policy consideration at the “frontier” of technology United Nations Industrial Development Organization is ensuring the appropriateness innovation through (UNIDO). effective intellectual property (IP) law (Teece, 1998). Technical innovations in RET have become increas- ingly valuable and global patent growth in this area has Regulation in the Adaptation Mode: been rapid. The legal and institutional frameworks for Supporting New Retail Models protecting intellectual property are central to ensuring The regulatory environment in which retail energy busi- continuing investment in Technology Venturing R&D. ness models evolves is critical. The Adaptation Mode is marked by a need for regulation that encourages business model innovation in dynamic, user-centered Developing Infrastructure environments. For example, regulatory treatment of mini-utilities is critical for their long-term financial Energy technology requires significant infrastructure. viability (Bardouille, 2012). Such treatment must be Public policy can support investment in infrastruc- coordinated with efforts to encourage grid extension ture that might not otherwise be developed if left by incumbent utilities, as the two goals can be at odds. completely to private investment. Some mode-specific Some support for retail business model innovation infrastructure policy approaches are presented below. may be warranted in cases where energy access is the driving priority, or in contexts where retail deregulation Infrastructure for Commercial Scale-up and is a policy objective. Adaptation Modes: Grid Extension Open, reliable, timely and affordable grid Regulation and Governance in the interconnection constitutes one of the most important Commercial Scale-up and Technology success factors for large-scale renewable energy Venturing Modes: Removing Financial Barriers capacity growth. In many cases, the costs associated to Entrepreneurial Risk-taking with extending grids to the location of high-quality Risk-taking is, a priori, essential for RET. Some percent- renewable energy resources is relatively high, often age of new ventures will fail and if the real (or perceived) beyond the means of a single project developer. In such risks of failure are too great, entrepreneurship will be cases, new renewable energy deployment—and by stifled (Parker, 2004). In many countries, bankruptcy extension, innovation—suffers from such a bottleneck,

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 51 but public policy can help to facilitate a solution. Mixed finance model In some cases, this requires regulatory approval of In the mixed finance model, the government provides full- or majority-cost recovery of transmission projects a fixed subsidy and the user bears the remaining costs. by incumbent utilities, raising important questions of Interestingly, this model is perhaps best established regulatory purview and posture. in the form of fossil fuel subsidies. When deployed in RET settings, mixed finance may include elements of cross-subsidisation from other consumer groups that Infrastructure for the Technology Venturing are better equipped to pay. Additionally, this strategy and Commercial Scale-up Modes: Regional can leverage aid support, for example when a non- Energy Development Parks governmental organisation donates all or part of the The cost of site selection and, in many cases, transmission equipment or covers the costs. However, this latter interconnection can be a barrier to new or emerging strategy should be designed with caution in order to RETs. Governments could help to resolve permit and ensure eventual economic self-sufficiency. regulatory issues by creating pre-approved geographic zones in which to locate and/or construct cutting-edge Cooperative model projects. In some cases, transmission extension expenses In the cooperative model, the community pools may be “socialised” rather than levied directly to project resources and jointly owns the energy system (e.g. developers. This means that expenses are undertaken mini-grid or collection of solar home systems). Such by government agencies, since these agencies are often models have shown generally positive but often mixed charged with furthering the public interest. Designating results. A World Bank study (Kariuki & Schwartz, 2005) such locations for innovative projects preserves capital suggests that private, profit-based modes of small-scale that developers might have otherwise spent on siting, electricity provision may be more sustainable. There are bureaucracy and transmission inter-connection (BNEF, notable exceptions, however, such as Creluz in Brazil, 2010). China has cleared the way for siting multiple GW which successfully supplies energy to over 80,000 of wind farms (BNEF, 2010). While not aimed, per se, at customers, and IBEKA (the People Centered Economic bridging the “Valley of Death”, “the stage at which tech- and Business Institute) in Indonesia, which deploys a nology systems have proven themselves in demonstra- cooperative model to bring electricity to more than 40 tion projects but cannot yet generate enough revenue communities (Bardouille, 2012). in conventional energy markets to sustain themselves”, it does support the aim of commercial scale-up. Donor finance within a “wrap-around” strategy Various international finance institutions have integrated end-user finance schemes within broader strategies to accelerate industry growth. For example, the United Providing Finance Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) supported the Tunisian solar water heating market by 800% over Debt and equity capital promotes the diffusion of three years (UNEP, 2008) through a coordinated finance innovations, whether in the form of new products, strategy. In this approach, households were paired processes or business models. Public sources of finance with local solar water heating firms; commercial banks can complement private finance in supporting RET provided the financing; the electric utility took out innovation. Some mode-specific approaches to finance loans which were repaid through utility bills; the Energy are presented below. Ministry corrected a fuel subsidy distortion; and UNEP and the national energy management agency managed the overall mechanism. Similar approaches are now Finance in the Adaptive Innovation Mode being introduced in 11 other countries (UNEP, 2008). Customised access to finance is crucial for the Adapta- tion Mode, both for customers of off-grid or mini-grid RET systems and for entrepreneurs breaking new Financing the Commercial Scale-up Mode ground on new, distributed or utility-scale business models. Some emerging strategies and approaches are Finance in the Commercial Scale-up Mode can either presented below. provide growth capital to firms seeking to scale up

52 Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide production, or late-stage risk capital to help cross the formed to address the project financing gap. Seeded so-called “Valley of Death”. A range of mechanisms with public funding, such an entity would operate in a have been proposed (and some have been tested) to relatively autonomous manner, perhaps leveraged via address these challenges: a “delegated investment authority” partnership with already engaged private sector institutions. One model Public Credit Lines is the United States Overseas Private Investment Cor- Debt financing provided by government authorities can poration (OPIC), which supports funds help to provide growth capital for proven technologies investing in major projects in developing countries. or risk capital for emerging technologies. For example, Another model is the California Alternative Energy and the National Development Bank of Brazil (BNDES) Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (Jamison, maintains more than a dozen individual financing lines 2010). to promote international participation in ethanol pro- jects (IADB, 2007). These funding lines cover various Delegated Investor Programme activities, such as equipment leasing and purchase, A separate but related idea involves an entity dele­ technology development, bond financing, agricultural gated with commercialisation finance authority and systems and export lines of credit. charged with responsibility for assessing and assum- ing technology risks by governments. Such an entity Public credit lines have also been deployed in the form could distribute some decision-making responsibility of export credit assistance; in other words providing by delegating public capital to existing, qualified private low-cost debt capital to domestic firms as they seek sector institutions empowered to make decisions (also to build market share abroad (Lewis & Wiser, 2007). involving substantial private capital) on an ad hoc deal- Export credit strategies were deployed by Denmark by-deal basis. Such a programme would likely establish and Germany in support of wind technology growth in regional investment “banks” close to their respective developing countries (ibid). However, such strategies energy markets to make investment decisions (BNEF, may increasingly conflict with supra-national trading 2010). agreements (European Commission, World Trade Or- ganization, etc.). RET Efficacy (and Re-Insurance) “Project finance,” a form of structured finance, allows It may also be the case that public funds are specifically infrastructure and power plant developers to access targeted to encourage greater private lender participa- sources of debt finance, which can significantly lower tion. For example, public credit lines paired with private total capital costs. In the conventional energy sector, “mezzanine” loans would support clean energy projects a complex process of contractual risk mitigation has as a hybrid form of capital between debt and equity. evolved to manage utility-scale energy infrastructure In this strategy, a (minority) government funder would project finance (See Appendix B). Insofar as technology accept more risk without full financial compensation. risk is a factor for emerging RETs, some form of strategic Private investors, in exchange for investing the majority support may be required. of capital in the fund, would be secured by the junior position of the public investor. In other words, private One bottleneck for emerging RETs is the cost of insur- investors would be paid back before the public investor, ance, compounded by insurer hesitancy to backstop but additional gains would be shared equitably. One product performance. Commercial insurers with appro- such model is the “Fund for Investment in Environ- priate levels of technical expertise (potentially support- ment and Rational Use of Energy” (FIDEME) in France ed by independent experts, national laboratories, etc.) (Jamison, 2010). could assess and support such selected technologies with “efficacy insurance” and receive support in turn for Government-Backed Commercialisation Finance a portion of their risk in the form of publicly guaranteed Investment Entity “clean energy pools.” One model is the This mechanism entails an entity that would provide Terrorism Reinsurance Act in the USA, which backstops government support — likely in the form of loans or loan commercial insurers against losses incurred by major guarantees – to private investment funds that would be terrorism attacks (BNEF, 2010).

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Policy: A Process Development Guide 53 Finance in the Technology Venturing Mode: economies of scale and learning-by-doing effects. Some Access to Risk Capital policies that support these objectives include:

Risk—or “venture”—capital is a class of private equity Public procurement funding that is thought to be essential for investing in For example, in the early Commercial Scale-up phase of emerging technologies. While private sources of risk solar PV (1990s), German state-level policies supported capital are typically organised in independent ven- solar installations in schools (Jacobsson & Lauber, ture funds, other sources are also important to note. 2006), creating a large and publicly-guaranteed market. For example, many major multinational corporations Similarly, in the Adaptation Mode, donor funding may manage strategic investment funds with which they stand in for public procurement. For example, the Global acquire start-up firms. Cultivating an active risk capital Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations ecosystem is crucial for Technology Venturing. Development Programme (UNDP) have funded solar systems in schools and in Tanzania (Bardouille, Internationally, experiences are mixed. Lerner (2009) 2012). Similarly, with the GEF in the Technology Ventur- reports on the many failed attempts to cultivate a risk ing Mode, public procurement of advanced energy capital sector. One of the few successful examples is technologies for defense and space applications has Israel, where not only a venture capital industry but provided critical early-stage support to emerging tech- also an active RET risk capital sector, has emerged over nologies (Edler & Georghiou, 2007). the past 20 years. The Israeli Government’s actions in supporting innovation generally, and in particular its Stimulating private demand focus on RET, owe much to the Yozma Programme, a Targeted public incentives to support private investment domestic venture capital sector initiative launched by are well-researched in their ability to nourish critical the government in 1993 (Lerner, 2009). mass in RET ecosystems. Especially at the Commercial Scale-up and Adaptation stage, such policies (e.g. Feed- in Tariffs, renewable energy obligations) have played Creating Markets a central role in inducing new entry, R&D expenditure, value chain creation and political credibility (Jacobsson Supporting the creation of markets is a unique role & Lauber, 2006). for policymakers and is often crucial for providing stable conditions for the development of innovation Hybrid public-private finance ecosystems. Some general and mode-specific policy Demand support is also important in the Adaptation and approaches are presented in this section. Commercial Scale-up Modes. In the Adaptation Mode, examples include the India PV Market Transformation Initiative, supported by funds from the GEF, which General policy approaches: Demand Support was designed to spur retail market demand for solar Beyond increasing deployment of RETs, demand-side home systems. While this programme was designed measures can provide critical support to cultivate and secondarily to induce advanced PV manufacturing stabilise innovative ecosystems around new (or com- capacity growth (i.e. as a Commercial Scale-up strategy), mercially mature) technologies. Demand support is ex-post analysis suggests that its main impacts were in important across all modes, but, depending on context stabilising the retail end of the innovation ecosystem and RET, this support may take quite different forms. (Haum, 2012).34 For example, in the Adaptation and some Commercial Scale-up contexts, demand support may be designed to create protected market niches for “off-the-shelf” technologies to expand rapidly in the electricity gene­ ration portfolio. In Commercial Scale-up contexts in which “pre-commercial” technologies are being moved 34 In terms of driving market demand, PVMTI achieved notable results: the financing provided to PV retailers was estimated to to market, demand support will be directed at provi­ have increased of solar home systems by approximately 30% ding guaranteed markets in which to begin to realise in India (Haum, 2012).

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