It’s October and a perfect time to learn about some of those creepy crawlers who share this earth with us. Have fun getting to know some of the scariest looking critters out there, but don’t judge them to quickly, they might be quite friendly and cuddly.

The goliath birdeater is the biggest in the world. Do some research and write down the four countries where this spider lives.

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3. 4.

Science Gallery Scavenger Hunt Haw many can you find? What is the name of the poisonous spider? How many bats can you find? Can you find a skin? What kind of snake do you think it was?

Color the spider and learn the names of the spider’s body parts.

If you could choose to be a spider or a bat for one day, which would you chose to be? Write a paragraph explaining which you would be and show it to the Karshner Museum staff. Karshner Curator’s Club October Newsletter

Artifact Investigation What kind of animal is this? Why do you think the bat has such big ears?

Why do you think the bat has such long toes?

Color ’s flag using the correct colors.

Brazil Trivia

• Brazil is the largest country in .

• Brazil if the 5th largest country in the world.

• 60% of the amazon is in Brazil.

• The rainforest is home to jaguars, pumas, anacondas and the largest spider in the world.

Make a rainforest model at home and bring it to the Karshner Museum to display.