PARTY – SPEED UP 12% song length – 2:53 MOVE A: Step touch forward, step touch back, step touch right, step touch left. Clap overhead as your feet come together.

MOVE B: Tap right foot out to side and back in (arms start bent and tight to chest, hands in fists. then punch right arm to side with leg and bring it back in), jack X1 and return to starting position. Alternate sides.

MOVE C: Right leg straight kick to right corner X (arms in high V with palms Released 10/5/18 facing inward). Repeat left X4.

As you turn to the side, stomp foot forward, front arm hits a strong bicep curl. Step back MOVE D: and face front with feet together; small jump as you throw both arms straight up. Alternate sides on foot stomp.

MOVE E: Walk forward X3, knee lift, walk back X3, knee lift. Optional shimmy on “shake it.” (When splitting room, both sides walk toward each other then away from each other.) # of MOVE repetitions/ NOTES counts INTRO Background noise 14 cts A LA la la la la la la la la 4x/32 cts B X When you’re feelin’ sad and low 8x/32 cts C COLors of the world 1 round/16 cts D SLAM it to the left, shake it to the right 8x/32 cts A LA la la la la la la la la 4x/32 cts B X Yellow man in Timbuktu 8x/32 cts C COLors of the world 1 round/16 cts D SLAM it to the left, shake it to the right 8x/32 cts FILLER , lambada 16 cts Split the room E SHAKE it, shake it, shake it 2 rounds/16 cts C COLors of the world 1 round/16 cts Leg closest to front first D SLAM it to the left, shake it to the right 8x/32 cts Turn to the front first E SLAM it to the left, shake it to the right 4 rounds/32 cts

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