Broadway public consultation - december 2019 01


Thank you for attending the public consultation for the Filwood Broadway Cinema Site development on Filwood Broadway Road. Why are we building?

Filwood Broadway is one of several sites in South being brought forward by Bristol City Council to help meet the demand for more housing across the city. These sites will provide a mix of housing, with new council homes as well as other types including shared ownership, private sale and community-led View from the East - frontages along Filwood Broadway projects.

Initial surveys and studies have been carried out to assess the suitability of these sites for development and to guide the kind of housing that could be built. Some suggested designs have also been produced in order to draw out feedback from technical teams within the Council and statutory stakeholders as part of a pre-application enquiry process. Views within site

have your say LDS architects

This first round of consultation is to give the local community the opportunity to help influence the designs at this early stage whilst we are exploring different LDS Architects are an award winning multi-disciplinary team of 80 architects, site layouts. Your comments, together with those from other stakeholder groups design consultants and urban planners based in West London. We bring and organisations, will help shape more detailed plans. fresh thinking to every project and achieve success with architecture that is designed for people and built for change. This approach has been informed by The Council and their external design and planning teams are pleased to be more than 30 years’ experience across all sectors. working with the Alliance to help engage with the local community and encourage those living and working in the area to take part in the consultation.

Please have your say by filling in a feedback form and handing it in, or completing one online at by 6 January 2020.

After 5 December, the exhibition will be on display at The Park, Filwood Community Centre, and Knowle West Media Centre with bound copies available in re:store and local libraries. Feedback forms will be available at the above Alliance sites and should be filled out and put in the feedback box before 6 January 2020.

Filwood Community Centre

Instow Road

Barnstaple Road

Filwood Broadway

site 0.59 ha

Hartcliffe Road Christ the King Church


site aerial view

project team

project lead: project management, costs, client architect and masterplanner planning consultant engineering, highways/transport, environmental Filwood Broadway public consultation - december 2019 02

Bristol Channel

5 min walk

Ashley Down

Avon Filwood Community Centre city centre

Filwood Broadway


0km 5km N

Filwood Broadway key plan - Bristol Branstaple Road Instow Road

Hartcliffe Road A site 0.53 ha

Hartcliffe Road Christ Bantry Road the King Church



FILWOOD BROADWAY C Framework Report 03 N

04 01 02 location plan with key planning areas and policies (source: 'site allocation and development management policies' 2014). 21 min walk 17 min walk 22 min walk key:

4. Remakingsite boundary Filwood Broadwaysite acceses site allocation Local places of interest:

key vehicular routes shop fronts A. Filwood Cinema Site 01 Park Nature Reserve key pedestrian and cycle identified centre B. Former Swimming pool site routes 02 Hengrove Park Lesiure Centre 4.1 Introduction The frameworkconservation also facilitates area the centre’s C. Hangar Site and Filwood Park 03 The following spatialbus framework routes establishes enhancedimportnat integration open with space the wider D. Filwood Library Mendip Broadwalk Football Club principles and parametersbus stop for (m1,the successful90) neighbourhood. The Creswicke 04 Imperial Retail Park three dimensional arrangement of buildings, Road/Filwood Broadway junction is spaces, movement and land use. This does identified as a key gateway, in this regard, not represent a defining design proposal, representing the interface between rather a spatialsite expression analysis of the previous neighbourhood centre and neighbourhood place principles in order to inform and direct park. project implementation both strategically FILWOOD BROADWAY Framework Report and at key locationsThe ‘cinema along site’the Broadway is located. in the local centre of Filwood Broadway,FILWOOD part BROADWAY of Framework Report the residential Knowle West area to theThe south place principlesof Bristol and city spatial centre. framework The following spatial concept diagram (Plan both draw upon well established objectives 9) highlightsIn the response, key aspects Bristol of this City Council commissionedof place making the andFilwood urban Broadwaydesign as4. Remaking Filwood Broadway framework. FrameworkThe concept comprises(published a 2012) to provideoutlined strategic within design local planning guidance policy to4. and Remaking Filwood Broadway sequence ofunderpin linked spaces the thatreinvigoration connect the of the Broadwaynational bestas an practice important guidance. local centre.4.1 Introduction The framework also facilitates the centre’s The following spatial framework establishes 4.1 Introduction Theenhanced framework integration also facilitates with the thewider centre’s principles and parameters for the successful community centre in the north to Filwood The following spatial framework establishes enhancedneighbourhood. integration The Creswicke with the wider three dimensional arrangement of buildings, principles and parameters for the successful neighbourhood.Road/Filwood Broadway The Creswicke junction is spaces, movement and land use. This does Park in the south through a significantly three dimensional arrangement of buildings, Road/identifiedFilwood as a Broadwaykey gateway, junction in this is regard, not represent a defining design proposal, spaces, movement and land use. This does identifiedrepresenting as athe key interface gateway, between in this regard, The Framework Report outlines the conceptual strategy for the “remakingrather a spatial expressionof of the previous Key improved public realm. These inter- not represent a defining design proposal, representingneighbourhood the centre interface and between neighbourhood place principles in order to inform and direct rather a spatial expression of the previous neighbourhoodpark. centre and neighbourhood Filwood Broadway”. project implementation both strategically connected elements offer a range of place principles in order to inform and direct park . and at key locations along the Broadway. Pedestrian movement project implementation both strategically community, commercial and residential and at key locations along the Broadway. The place principles and spatial framework Relative to the cinema site, the report notes the following: The following spatial concept diagram (Plan Theboth place draw principles upon well and established spatial framework objectives 9) highlights the key aspects of this The following spatial concept diagram (Plan bothof place draw making upon andwell urban established design objectives as uses, as well as public spaces, that combine framework. The concept comprises a Community focus 9) highlights the key aspects of this ofoutlined place makingwithin localand urbanplanning design policy as and • The proposal should provide a mixed use scheme on the vacant sequencecorner of linked spaces that connect the framework. The concept comprises a outlinednational bestwithin practice local planning guidance. policy and to enable a critical mass of movement and community centre in the north to Filwood sequence of linked spaces that connect the national best practice guidance. and cinema plot - contributing to the high street. Park in the south through a significantly key: activity. community centre in the north to Filwood Key Parkimproved in the public south realm. through These a significantly inter- Mixed use focus improvedconnected public elements realm. offer These a range inter of- Key PedestrianPedestrian movement Movement • The new building on the vacant corner plot should act with the Churchcommunity, commercial and residential connected elements offer a range of Pedestrian movement community,uses, as well commercialas public spaces, and residential that combine Community focus to enable a critical mass of movement and Community focus on the southern side of Hartcliffe Road to form a gateway entranceuses, as towell asthe public spaces, that combine Community focus activity. to enable a critical mass of movement and MixedMixed use focus useResidential focus focus activity. Broadway. Mixed use focus ResidentialResidential focus focus Residential focus GatewayGateway Gateway Gateway Interface between the BroadwayInterface and Filwood Park between the Interface between Interfacethe between the EntryBroadwayBroadway points and into Filwood the Park and Filwood Park Broadway Entry points into theBroadway and Filwood Park This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material BroadwayEntry points into the with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of This map is reproduced from the Controller of Her Ordnance Survey material Majesty’s Stationary Office. Broadway with the permission of Crown Copyright reserved. Ordnance Survey on behalf of Entry points into the the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. Crown Copyright reserved. site boundaryBroadway Spatial concept for Filwood Broadway (source:Plan 9: Spatial 'Filwood concept for Filwood Broadway Plan 9: Spatial concept for Filwood Broadway 30 This map is reproduced from Broadway FrameworkOrdnance Survey material Report 2012). 30 with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her project team Majesty’s Stationary Office. Crown Copyright reserved.

Plan 9: Spatial concept for Filwood Broadway


project lead: project management, costs, client architect and masterplanner planning consultant engineering, highways/transport, environmental Filwood Broadway public consultation - december 2019 03 constraints

barnstaple road barnstaple road barnstaple road barnstaple road

filwood broadway filwood broadway filwood broadway filwood broadway

15 m

hartcliffe road hartcliffe road hartcliffe road hartcliffe road N N N N

Access & right of way servicing & residential convent & land ownership residential adjacencies entrances The site is split by a north to south access The central access leads to private Lee Abbey Knowle West, an existing convent There are a number of residential properties road, with an entry point on Hartcliffe residential units facing onto Filwood is located adjacent to the site. Due to the on and surrounding the site. Consideration Road and on Barnstaple Road. The current Broadway. While within the site boundary, it site geometry at this point, the garden extent will be required for overlooking, route does not benefit from any natural is assumed that access to this area will need makes achieving double frontage within the overshadowing and maintaining acceptable observation from adjacent buildings, causing to be maintained. site difficult. distances between elevations for privacy. potential security issues with unobserved accesses to the rears of the surrounding buildings. opportunities

barnstaple road barnstaple road barnstaple road barnstaple road

filwood broadway

filwood broadway filwood broadway filwood broadway


hartcliffe road hartcliffe road hartcliffe road hartcliffe road N N N N

positive public realm complete urban block reinforce frontage onto mixed use filwood broadway There is the opportunity to turn the site into The site has an empty plot on the southern The vacant plots along Filwood Broadway The corner plot fronting Filwood Broadway positive in and outward facing blocks. The corner which has the potential to be have the potential to generate a strong has the opportunity to accommodate public access of the mews that crosses the site occupied to reinforce the urban block. Its and active frontage and reinforce the local or commercial uses at ground floor, in will be moved from Hartcliffe Rd to Filwood relation to the opposite Church will form the centre. line with the requirements of the Filwood Broadway. This will create an island towards gateway onto Hartcliffe Road. Broadway Framework. A potential use could the southern perimeter of the plot that will be a community space. mark the corner. PLEASE ADD YOUR COMMENTS ...

project team

project lead: project management, costs, client architect and masterplanner planning consultant engineering, highways/transport, environmental Filwood Broadway public consultation - december 2019 04 option 01


36 new Possibility of adding further mixed use scheme houses along the internal mews residential units ca. 25 spaces upon agreement with the 350 sqm Convent owner, as these will not parking spaces sit within the site boundary. houses 11 community space apartments 25 option 02


40 new The scheme proposes a mixed use scheme 2 additional units within the site residential units ca. 39 spaces boundary. The apartment block retains houses 10 400 sqm rhythm along Filwood Broadway. parking spaces apartments 30 community space


project team

project lead: project management, costs, client architect and masterplanner planning consultant engineering, highways/transport, environmental Filwood Broadway public consultation - december 2019 05 option 03


34 new The scheme proposes a mixed use scheme 420 sqm community space residential units ca. 35 spaces and public square 450 sqm located at GF level of the corner houses 15 parking spaces building towards South apartments 18 community space

targeted targeted project kick-off public public commencement completion of & initial design consultation consultation targeted planning of work on site works development first round second round application

September 2019 December 2019 early 2020 spring/ summer 2020 autumn 2020 2022

Next Steps

A second round of consultation will be held next year. This will show how we have responded to feedback and invite further comments on a preferred option, prior to submitting a full planning application in spring/ summer 2020. The application will show detailed plans, including the site layout, what the new housing will look like, landscaping and how the site will be accessed. Once the application has been registered the council will carry out further statutory consultation. If you have any queries or questions about the consultation, please see contact details below. contact: Avril Baker Consultancy – consultation co-ordinator by email: [email protected] or tel: 0117 977 2002 or email: [email protected]


project team

project lead: project management, costs, client architect and masterplanner planning consultant engineering, highways/transport, environmental