I -( I i) ,-t

I :' 0r: thoctox ! Beforrr . . - ! - - . . . . .illld ilfltrr'= = frntttttrrttrttttttnrrnrrunnnrnrtnur I Pray and do irrchbishop-I J penance visits \''ATICi\N CITY * l\'Ietro' politrttt Nikodim of Minsk, for council successl lretttl of the Rttssian Ortho' dox Clttttclt's extcrnal af- lait's r1c1tat'ttlcnt, Paicl & visit on IIis Ilolirtess PoPe I'urrl \jl atttl plaeed flotvers at llte tontb of PoPe John Popeurges faithful txtrL 'l'hc pt i\;tlr' lrtttllcttcc (Sept' l5) Ir ls deselilrcd ht' tht' Vatican pcal to e ncou|agc pl'ay0l' sccrL'tilflat lor PlotttolinS Chris' "n gottfl- illld peuancc fot' a halllly out- liirrr t nitr' ;rs tisit p[ comc of Itlsr'.'i Ilottopolitan Nikodinl was lhe ccurne nical irceorut]:riiia(l on Itis 35.mini!te cotincil has lrecn nrarlc by r rsil ltt' lrltr ('ltlltolic 1rrelntos Ilis lloliucss Itoyrc l)irul Vl iir ruho havr' bt-ln his gttests in iln Apo.stolie Exliortlrliori to ]loscos-llishrrp l|rancois ehar' thc wolltl's Catlrolic llislrops. Irc|e oi l.atts;tnne, (ionevn and ljlihoutq. lnd Ilsgr'. Jan G. l\I. Aftcl ttotinA {lre Paraurorrnt \\ illcblnnds, st\t'l.t1lrll'Y of lhe inrportanco o{ thc council lirr tlrrr t'hlistinn tlnitt' sccr'ctnt'iat' {-llnrlch, I}opc I}lul sl irl t hat hr plnccs his tnrsl. lilst of all in lhe METROPOLITAN NiKOdi NI. help of lhe l,oltl antl thcn in thtr t'lr,r is a nlcnrlrer ol the lloly pl'ayars of thc faiilr{'ul. Sr ttrrtlof llte Patt'litrclrrlc o[ ]iris' {'r}\\'. calllc to Rottle en r(ttlle IIo thot'oforc lskorl thlt t'voly hilrn0 h rtlll th,' tttceting in Roches' t:rke iric:isrtres to scc tliai lr.r'- N.Y.. of llrc Ccntlal Comurit- Itis f:titltful ;rro spililrr;rlly I)l'c- I r.r, r'f t lrt. \\'orld Corrncil oi p;rretl l'oi' lhc grcat cr enl- ('hurchcs. o[ nltich hc i.s n tnetn- "\\rc HE WRQTE: alc cr.rtain. lre r- \;encrablc Rlotlrcls, tlral it is 'l'lre trnil r. \oft'ctilriftl's conl. nhove nll upon lhis cflolt ol rrrrrnirlttr. r'trttct't'ttittg thc Ilttssinn pr'aycl' lntl ['lrlisti:rn l)r]nln(:c ()rlho(lo\ p|t'lntc saitl a[tcl noting lltat tlte hopc frrl lhc llnntlanl lrri nrcolrrr,l rr'ilh Popt' I'lttl: spifilunl lttt'vcst rrl tln eorrrrt,rl tvill rlt'ponrl, fol i{ is filsl trl all ;r "IIc lisiterl thc IIionrcl Chrrrclr rvot'k of thc tloly Spilit. 'I'0 tif St. Clcrlcttl. u'here lte pral'td T,AT7'I' "All SI'I' IN ;rt lh0 lollll) ot' Si. C1 t'rl. Apostle tlral is hurnanlv IX)s\il)l{. o! llrt Sluvs. llr: pluctrl l bottqttet Ittttsi llr: tloitc Io l]lel)lro lirl lhe r,l flou t'r's on lll(' lr)tllh of Popa rouncil. IIou'cucr', nt'itlrt'r llrtr .luhrr \\llt Iirr tlro t't'1'pt of St. ttlticlcri :rssortrbll' of lhc t'outtt'rl, Ilt.lt'r"s htsilicn l tvhele ltt-' slng nor tltc prnrlrating l){}\\'or'(}f the {lrc rlr'lrl tlt'ltatr.s. nol llre stu(lios (liligonllv Pontiff :t slttrtl 0l' lirt' revises Irl:tJ nlles r Irtrll). Ilr' :rlso lisrled olhct' l)r(!l)iil'e(l lrt' llte c,runcil IfilthcIs litrnurn slnetturlit-s." u'lrir-'h u'ill ltnvc thl ntos{ inrpoll . flnt pirr{ in {lre corrncil,.rurnc of THE METROPOLITAN'S risit tlrcse u'ill pnulucr' llrc [rrlll trrrtl l{! lho l)op(- lnr|ketl thc srcontl slaltll' tlctot'ntittt'tl ltttt'posr's uf llrt' lirrrc tlrll I'rrlrc llltrl lrits t'cct-ived t'.lttnt'il. liiri onll' ktng;ttttl for allt,rr' 2d council session ;l Iius\iill ()rlltrrrlox liishop, Tha tito pt'tr1't'r',.,ot'l)(lrnl anrl s;lirilrritl I'i,pr lrckl an attrlicnt,e lasl Jttl-v (lrrrl. trtot'lilil'rtlion rrllt'tt'tl to ;1y111 ('l'l'\' I lirl nrrrr-('ltlrolic n-lilious lrtarl- \'.\'l'l('.\\ - Ilis IIuli- lruyrr' lr;rr irlr r.arlr, nalttttl In lhr It0linc:;s o[ r'trst0nrs anrl t)i{)us r'r's rliro " rcpLtsenlt'rl theil clrrrrch. rvolks, ttcss llolrc ltatt[ \tI has rli- t'ollogc of lho l)r'{r-\i(lclltsof tlle r'. at his cnronntion lites tltc t't'r:tcrl tltat, (latlrolir: lir.r'tnt:rr REGARDING tl){, lrrst poinl, cottttcil llrrer' of lht: crr

()llit'irtl t'outtt'il pt'css llttllotitrs to l('rl\'('[or: sairl al tlrc tinro tlrat sporrkcrs Ncrv Cu incrl ";lrrrclnlll' pltrrsr,rl tlrc srrbsllnt.e {rl.l)i'l\lit li(;. ltrrl.-.\\'itll lho at Sl. llar.1.Sclruol, \orv,\llrlrrr'; attrl slnrt'lrrle of lhc plo.jt't:t." hrrt "(;ril \\{)r'(1s. li)r'l)i(ttlrilt I sjrould tlre bullctins also notctl that th" anrl Sister. ilar..v llcl, O.S.1.... I'opr Pattl lcltcaIr'rl the lroJtc lrlo.icct u'as clitieizcrl. ,tausr'iu.orur'. .r.rrrr ILrrfr'arr. or' lhat thc corrrrt'il n,ould lcsult in iill:,i'::;:' ,111,'ll:',liillilJ'f,,'3,11i "bcttcl'it Sact'ctl (liilcirrnitti, ONE SPEAKER saitl thlt llrc llrc antl incrcasc of tltc tirr. uor.ltl ii e|ucitir.tl tti nrc anrl IIeal't parislr, rlt'aft's fot'nt \vits li)(l .julirlical. .{llosttrlic Stc atttl of tltc Catlttrlrc I ln Iln'\\.'flil.'t\r(, n('\\'urission. antl t't'cent tcacltct'at St. r\lollitra ()llrcl t:ritics sairl llr:rt tlre rllall. ('hrrrclr . ftil the groator' pros. itl'l('i tir I'rt1rt1;1 11.,,' tiuirrea, trill Scltool. Intlian:tptllis. rlrrl nol. r'itc llre l,'atll(]r's ol thr. Jx'r'itl of tlre lif'c of tirc {-ihttrclt, ,lill:'lf i*"f :;::::]:." .,llli . i li.'."lll ,.\ r.ccell iorr is l,oirrg plarrn.rt I')ast crrough fln(l tllnt it dirl rrot for {he lrastcnirrg ol' rrnion of sep- {rrfrrlrr r('r)irrrrr'r' ct'r'('rloril] 1l f,r' r'c ':,ii;;:'iissi..arit's' llir't''ts irrrrl rlrrott crrorr{h iloru Scliplult'. at'itterl ltt'othct's rvillt tlre C:rtltolic rlrt llnllrrllr,ruso ()t lhc s11tc1.1 9t i,;:i",;;i; '"" trre ehapcl (.or,(,_ It u ts also ulgcrl that thc f'lrrrlch. anrl for [lre prontotion of St l"r'aticrs lrclr.on Srrnrtal.. Scpt. 'tloctlintt ;;.,;;;;; orr tllo lclatiorrs bc. pe.'ace antl llrc spiritttal prospcr' i)J. ltt i:.itl p.rrr. 1u'ecn (lhut'clt antl Stnte -shttukl llc ((-'orrtinuerl on page 9) ESCORTING thc Sister.s to ftilnrulaterl in a rvay rvlrich takcs Wcir Crrok i\irpot.t. lnrlianapolis, into accurrnI rcalitics nf thc prcs- rtill lte the pilrents of Sisler llarl' ('nt (lay atul in suclt a u'a1' as nol Archbisltop letrvcs lilontlan. trvo arrnts of Sistcr. 'FRIENDS'-Two trr be undulv oIfcttsivc to thc UNITARIANS AND Benedicline nuns wer? visiling lesiurers lasi Sunday for lhe illirr-v IIel -- Sistcr. ll. Eilccn. " 'l'hc St ate. rlulrnitor'1' n ill hc localt'rl eighfh grede class al All Souls Unilarian Church,580l E.56fh Sf,, lndianapolis, Shown above wilh Mrs. O.S.F.. pl'irrcipul of licx :\lrrntli orr tlrc "sorrth for ltorrtt'l'lturstlay r:ollcte's Cam1rus," David Dtvisson, regular inslruclor et the church.school, lre Sister Mildred, O.5.8.' second frorn left, Irigh school, Evlrnsrille. anrl Sis- lhe a tenrr rvhich applics to thc ncrvll'- Davisson, Michael Smarr and Ellen tel Paulita, llar.lknoll ltrissinnlry rnd siiter Evelyn. o.S.B. The tornntt";":,',:, tea"" lcqtrirerl 30.aclc tract {ol.ltrorly Alchbislrop Schultc,uitt Pluu [o pul Pope home on lcave lrom the plrilin" Jesuits lo move? i!::lr':li,iavid orr nerl by Stokely.Vrn (;:lnlp, foI the secon(l scssitrlt rrf Vatican pines : anrl Sistel 'lltttrsdily. llar.1.. lldgar, I nc- ('orrncil Il on SePt, :l{i. o.S.I'.. Councrllor., officially rep. r\cconrpanl'irtg hirlr rlill hc Fatltt'r on IJ.S. ttk:r'ision lcsenting 'I'. 'l'ltc llrc Congr.cgation. Ilal ntotttl Fosle r. editor oi Clturclt-Sclrcol pastot' of St. []ni,tariart anrl Nuns ttt tlritcfiorl NII\Y \'(tHK-lllatts arc upder .'l'lrc 11.500-ntile ioulncl', to lte. 'l'lurttras grn Arlttinas Cltttt'clt, Intlian' t'a1 to tolesil5t a spccial bil.tlrdla$ n[ 9:.15 p.ru.. Strrrrlnl'nirlrl. sonrr' Lf:itltolics \\'oar :l bltla :stt'ing ri'ho :rlso attentlcd tlte fit'st glretinq includes scherlulod (.hi_ apolis. ht' IIis Holincss Popa stops al Gt'os- aluuntl tlrcir nochs'i Ilolt' rlo scssiotl, antl llsgt'. Arlolfs Paul Vl tti tlrt t-'nitcrl States on cago. San Irrancisco, Flonolrrlrr, llcrgs. assistanl Pastor of SS. Scptonther. ::d. thc I'ontiff's 66tlr anrl 51'dn0v, Arrstlalia. lro[ot,o lllc (-'alholics nrake holt tr':tLct'.' 'fhc As most Sisters do. lhe Bene' Ilclel an(l IjauI Cathedlal' bi lthda y. southern coastliuc of Ne*' Cuinea dietines brought 36 16Ple suP' lattct'tt'ill scrVe fls secfctal'y to is sighted. Fronr Pol't llor.r:sb1 . .,\ spokr'srrrln ;rly of audio.visual aids lo ,\uxiliar'1' I!isholl Jazcps liancans' fol tlre Nntional outpost and shippinq erosslsild o1 Iilrratlr::r:it odorn lhe classroom walls and oi lli;Ia, l-atr ia. ing ['onrplnl' s;rirl plans Papua on tho south. the last "lll lan "crulch" dsring :i|c prI ecttt cr,rnrllletc" lo use as a to of thc irttrlnt'1 111' conrnret'r,ill llisltr'P ll|tr|1 .\. Ir i ll q c t" lreanr llrr' ['opc's ttttssitgo trt' flreir erplanalions, 'l'elstar the plane. tt'ill hcatl frrl ltcdang. |) l"-ll.. t'rilerl liishop ol Clirrrv' r_,onrnrunications satcllite. rvhere llrc [our'.passt'ngcr' llission t\rtll, L'lrir]a. ttlto I'esitlr:s in ln' planc u'ill takc ovcr, rlialt:ii)oli;, rlitl lcavc lor Clticago in lfontlal. Si:1tt.23, i\ftet' spetttl' in.{ a fcit rlit.ts lltcrc. hc rvill flt' ('\' \rhtrrc Ilc lf ill .\lllrrrtr'lltit tt lt. it ltt.t lo Nou' \'{rt'ti. .i')ill nf tltc L'.S. lrrt- lrltlt Sl-*1rl'r. lll{'y a lat'gt' t'oprescnlalion Il ttits oltviott-i floP lile llt'{lll' lllt'it'ni'c jct llll"l'lllil' lriclaichl' fttr tlrc cltnt ter nilrg lltat tlre tttuts \r. r(: t'trtlnltl;l :r;r'et'tl llrll ill('s{'llllll'l (t't)lltilltlcil ()ll 1|| Iligltt to liotttc', in contpciition rvitlt tltc l"attlt as l)il'rt! PAGE TWO THE CR|TERtON,SEPTEMBER 20, t963 EUP.OPEAN SKBTCHBOOK uisit to La Rochelle By CHARLES REV, FRAZEE La Rochcllc wrr roon known an unpretentious building tucked og lhe morl Profortrnt of all tho in between some houses along a lowns of Francc end many of narrow street. The sign over its "Temple i}t cltirenr bocomo tho lclderr door reads of Reformed of lhe Hugenot prrty durlng thc WorshiP" atld I thought it strange fime of lha rallglout warr. to give it sueh a tiile. since Cal- vinism was sru'ely more than a Towards the end of the ccntury, Iiturgical change. hs in most of tltcse were settled when Henry Europe, the church was lor:kcd IV became monarch, lor Henry since. it WAS a Sunrlay aftcrnoon, ha(l baen raised Protestant him" btrt the sexton lct me in, solf, The truce did not last, how- o ever. and in 1626 a new conflict The interiorwas simple In the Priest betwoen the forces ol the Catho- Hoodlum extreme. Plain wood paneling lic king and thc Protestant city coveretl the lower parts lxrgan. La Rochelle looked to ol the walls aroun

ABERDEEN, S. Dak. * The Rollglous Instnucllon For Bishop o{ Sioux Falls llew here Qnly lhe Russian Orlhodox hy private airplanc to traptize anrl Church :enl observerr io lhc confirm qnintuplcts born in St. TIIEilTAI.TVHAI{DICAPPED CHITDREN council's firrl session, They Lukc's Ilospital to lllr. antl lllrs. rxplainod lheir rclion Anrlrew Fischcr, by scyins In our Diiinc Word Stminorier in Indio, Philippines lhal no sleps hrd been hkon up in lDrrbllc Sehool Speclnl Classes rnd [n other Arriving herc less than 12 lo lhrt time lor unily of aclion. ond Jopon, wo hova o number of rludants preporing Prlvale Speclal Sehools hours after the four girls and a lroy were born to the couple for lhc prierfhood, MANY ARE VERYPOOR ond need Inrlruclion clrsses rnd PruFlrrlion lor lhe Srcremenlr wi[ bt providod in reverrl (Sept. 14), Eishop Lambert A. finoncisl hclp to confinst iheir rtudier, scnlorr lhroughoul Indianrpolisrrcr. Iloch of Sioux Falls donned a surgieal gown to ad AGES I ro lB mask and ----- ninister the sacraments in the ------a f IAt oFF Groupswill mcet on Srlurdey mornings, hospital's nursery, DaorFotharr Sistcr Iuary Stcphcn, stlPerin. ------r f------tendent of the 225-bed hospital Enclosed find $--_ ior sponsoring a iludenf lCltikl'sNanre. operated by the Sisters of the ..Age....,.Sex...... "i daYr- Fresentation of the Blessed Vir' to thc prlerthood {or - .,1,, eaor**, . school ! -1...... I gin l\'Iary, said both sacraments 'tr''u!ffn'r'n""rrdn' rvcre administered because o{ the NAf,{t {phcn ptir't}'.'.'.'.,',..""--- delicacy of the health of the five infants.

The palcnts o{ the quintuplets I r-ilst Contmunion? are members oI Sacred lleart- i parish in this city o[ about 23,000 I';rr r,nl's I ! h-anlo . ' l)hgner)r,^nD ' persons. The 38'year-old father I "'.'" I : is a farmer who also rvorks as a rvholesale grocery clerk. The ilInil this rtgislnRlion lonn ir) ST.MARY'S CHILD CENTER Fischcrs have five othcr children, 3ll N. New Jersey Street the oltlest eight ycnrs of age, ttr 0coll {ilf l-Nl6ii Indianapolis, The birth rvas onl., the fourth T0RTAC|| llls 00At Indiana46204 recortlcrl birth of iit,rntuplcts i4 the Urtitcd States. PAGE FOUR THE CRITERION, SEPTEMBER 20, 1963

g||l||tlt|||l|||||l||l|||ll|||ll||||t||ll||||t||||||l|||||l|||lIl||l||||||||||||l||l|||ll||ll|||ll|||l||tllt|l|i||||t||tl||||||l|l||||t|||i||liO OUESTIONBOX O YOUR WORLD AND MINE = Cornrrr(lnt Sign of the Cross The opinions expressed in fheso editorial columnt rep' Is British Guiana resenl a Catholic viewpoinl-nof necesserily THE Crtholic viewpoinl. They are ellorfr ol thc edilorr lo rcrvc publie at the foul line? opinion within tha Church rnd within lhc Nation. going to the Reds? By MSGR, J. D. CONWAY By GARY MacEOlN Q. With school iusf Sesinning. in a short iima Safe" rnen we will be watching basketball gEmes. Wilh mlny British Guiana is one of the thrcc tcnitories tournrmGnls lelevised, I would like your opinion strategically Iocatcd on thc east eoast of South just aboul lhe boys makinc the Sigtt of lhe Cross beforc Amcrice, north of Brazil, which are still free fhrowr, Oflen you herr il lras no phcc in a associatetl with lluropean nations. The British have grme. Shouldn't colches and principals diseouragc announccd that thcir 83,000 squarc miles colony will thir? A prryer logefher beforo and afler lho glml soon become master oI its desrinv could be rubstifufed. as an lndependcnt sovcreign state within the Commonwcalth.

h:lve talk thc 11)64

The slauglttr'f of cltildr0ll, evell of sottlhcrn Negr'o cltil- I do ttoI bclicvtr tlritt tirc !]ree- dre.u, is llot politicillly stleable in Anrclica. ihroB' linc is thc' pr.opel placc for public display of rcligion. A tlc- childlcn, Bttt ltis ittelttittttle itt Wallaee diel not kill lhc vottt liltle pltl't'r nriglrt bc finc. failttt'os oll ltot'scback servc(l the -- ,l'hc lryirrI Io srrcccctl othcr sign of llrc cr.oss scctns So his blief, shabl:y ltour as a llatiollal crrils'o{ lln{ctlr'. strangcly out o[ pllre arnitl lll lhc tonsc sherirt- tlonc. IIi's ltorsctnart- hero oI tlrtt'tr)itt'r-'lr]et'i{ltt is llolitical ing, cheelirtg anrl hooinJl, the vulgllity antl plo. thc bat'ttlots ot" Alrrbattra, if cvett ship uill le confitterl io fartiil', rtttrl oftt'n thc hcighlr-.nc(l passions of a thclc. baskctbnll ganrc. If it scn'crl to culb the barbarity of tlre crorvti or calnr plal'crs, Ulscrvhclc hc becottres a cotlveniellt lal'gct for n'ltilc thc ternpcrs of thc it rnight be line. Itrrt it jcst, slrprcntacists all(l l1t)(l-fflscistscagcr to establish thc illusion oftt'n invi{es and it hin{s of supolstilion lrllrt'r' than of genuine lhul llreil l'cill L'ollcorrt i.s rvitlt statc sovcrcignty iln(l fl'cc- religious rlcvotion. It is often douc rvith distllction antl ncr- t1om. Flalin.g bccn infolrncd that nlur(lL'r is a sitt antl a tous hastc. Anrl r.riptc. \1'L\3rc corutselcd tlrtrt tlett \tht)se iretiolts may telcl finnlly, thc siiln.ntakcr nrisscs his shot tltrito ns ol'lcii ns to stil violurcc are to bc n'atchcrl. lris uiicrosscd c6n1n.1i1n.. a \\'e note u'ith sonrc' intercst that injunctiotts of tltis na- tulc aln'n1's ettrploy quoliltiolr tnatks irt re[crring to civil lighls, as lhou{lt ciril fighls \\'cl'c llot il rcal thing, Suclt ,r/*E;E' rusc of quoli'rtion tnul'ks to dcrrucart a rcfcrence \r'tls llltlcll lavort'd bv Strlin rnd Ilitier: it u,ns ir sr)lllaultic!tool of tltost: MORE RENEWAL OF CHURCH VALUABLE, hon,cr.cr, lhan all tirrs r'nrtle truthors. tvcalth is thr: slr-alcgic location. Ifttr.e for ilre Com- llllllllilililililltl tttttnisls ls a plizc tt'ot'llt \\'allace is guiltv of t^latrrbol'rrtttly ittttl clutttsily tlt'f.vittg a rklzllr L,rrllas, all al,fow poinlcrl at tlrtr vrrlrrelablt: ll'ril.ir\st]'oI r:orrstitrrti0nirl gotcnulreltt t0 the poittt wllere hcart rrf Soulh r\rnerictr. thc c oPtNtoNs (ino rnity rvcll asli if lunar:1,has rlcsccnrkrrl in the his exaurplc tloubtkss wfls a nraj0r firctor in last Sunday's \\tcstcrn nalions rvhir:lt lr.r, rliscrrssing ils casttal 1)ogl'{)nl. 'Quict tl'ittts[or l0 orrr' \r'lr0 hlatantly pror:lflintS himsalf foc Likc llanrclt of llississippi, u'ho ehose a tlagie eourse l:Iour:' eclitor:ialdraws rcaction oI all thosc ralrrr:s tht: lVcst clrrrrislres. 1.lrc l):lrrrlrlx is palcnt. (ttic r:an onl1,-sny of dcliancc a ago, hL. shouicl lrc hcid stcrnly account- 'l\r that it clern- )'L,ilr tltc Ilditor': onstf:tlos irble. nro|e ck,ar.lv lh:rtr olh0r sitrrilaI cases horv thr: trt,r:trtieth contgrl' is pal.ing f6r 'l'ltc thc follics tltrr.c statt's o[ r\lubamn, i\lississippi antl Louisitua of thr: eiltlrtcclllh. as t:otrrPrrrrntli,rl lrl, tlre ninctccnilr. st'ctrt particulirllv tlctcrtuincd to cstablish thcmsclvcs as In tlrc sc\.onlt'oltllr anrl ciglrtccnilr ccntrrr.ies sul)r(lne ill'l)iters of constitutiounl iutr.rprctittions, (irriana llritish sharatl the n,calllr anrl inrltortairce '1i11i1p,1 ls lhis idca of nrine too farfelched? | alrrrost of tlrc ('ariblrt'an tlntlc'L tlir-' Statcs Constitution, cilch stirtc of thc lslanrl:;, tr'lrielr t..rnstitrrtr,rla nta3or 'fcnth didn'f write becruse I figrrred I would br laughed pitt'i 0f tlt0 (f(:{}notl}ic t'niott intlcr.tl is sovt rrrigrr It sct ttrs tlrtt (llrrrrch in lrcl zeal hasc on rvhit,h fii.s! t,osc lhc rritlriu the frtrmervor.k of the rl. '['t-'uth But I have iusl finished reatliiig rn ;ilicle cn l)()\r'('f ui Illltain anrl lltc ,\rnr.ntlrnclrl. Ilrrt llrt-. r\mentlmertt assrlredlv \\'as not "that to nrvaken us to tlrc ecunrcnictl t'rritcrl Stalcs. it'hc monster called Hunran Respeet"; so I de. I too cn,loy thc l\Iass bcc:ruse it tcorr{llt}' nrcaut to allou' irrdilidual stfites t0 llout thc Coustitution mor.ernent tells us thlouch hcl' Lestr'tl rrn llrc so.r'irllr:rl tr.ilrtgrrlar trarlc; cided to cancel ouf whal you mighl think of me, tt'lls a bt'lutifrrl shll)llonl ol ls a u'holc anrl bccol]lc po\vels unto stor.y. Ilut he- spokesnren that sud

It is thc .iob of thc Suplcmc Cour.t to seltle disputes rulising over this tendeuc\'. r\ftcl thc coult has ruled, it ?lte pt'oble1q1 I lrr.n becotrtos the joll of tlte fecleltrl go\rel.ltmcltt to .scc of Catholic c(lucatioll is a big rntl tlrirt the fuliltg pl'c\'ilils. :.ll'owllld olto, I\larr5' othe'r. Pastors ar.c fintling il Aftcr rvorkirr;1 for. 1lr,r plante r. lor a cerlain neccssary to give thcir' llllishioncrs satl tnu0ullco, nuln. 'l'lrt'r'rr bol of 1'r'als. thc irrrltnlrrr.crl labor.cl rvas cntilletl are u'illful autl pou'cLfrrl ln0ll in this nation who nlents silllilltr to that nrarlc bv I'our nronsignor., 'fhc to rotufn ho111p1r,r1 nriglrt irtstcarl rvorrlrl have il othenvist'. dimc-a-dozcn Wallaces are Valious rcnrt'tlics alc boing tr.ic

A, r\Ios[ Orir:n[al Ilitc churchcs acccp[ marlied cantlidnl.es for the priesthood, but not lor monastic 'fhere life. are stili problcms allorrt using married priests in the pastoral ministry in ilre United States.

An Oricntal Ilite church could not accept a 1111111111ililil1ilililil1ilililililfiililililililililfi ililil1ilfi ilmtilililil11ilililililmilfi 1i1 Catholic o{ Latin Ritc as a candidatc for priest. the (Queslion Box Conlinued) hood. Ilorvcver', a transfcr of ritcs is sornetimes possible whcn reasons arc good enough. permis- sion fol suclr translcr must bc obtainetl from liome. o

A. lf two baptired Proleslanls are married by a Baptisl minister, and one of them is divorced, bul lhe other one doesn'f know il, and only laler finds it oul, would it be possible for this person, afler divorce, to have [:er marriage annulled rnd be mar. i. I tkr nol r'trcognize thc eliscasc u,hiclr yortr lto.v ried laler lo a Catholic? Itas, but sirtcr: it is f:rtitl atttl is ah'oady far adr,anced But, statislics asirle, rve- ilrink f)octor Crane's negative he shorrld ccrtainll' rr:ceivc Ilxtlenre Llnction, rvhich (rol'nParison and.',sonrebody bctter', suggestion dbesn't is thrr secr'iirnr-nt of lhe si

GRANCIIS-LfIS-VALENCI4S, Francc-Sale ol scrap paper and junk collcctctl over tlrc Iast J5 years had paid for construction of 'Ihcrcsa Encycliculsupply the new chulclt of St, of thc Infant Jesus in this }-rench new apostolate torvn,

:ii,'l,]i,;ii"ll"'l]$ifT[''"l.':itili.'t*."*cnt,i'.bUt(|nFi;lliltfhi: i',|t,.ir'H,l}il"iif*.$*:il..'i:l..'...,"...:l]::.:],.T.]:''lY.:lT:1..11ll1.Lt9.'!:ll1*rqlt[i.jlilniFF!Illl;lm'.l:jrljt*lj;

'".,..1i,'liilllliili].''*',.ictlk'ci0i|xnnvo|i(colsI,m0atDnl[ ';i}-'i.lr'iT.liil],ll:.t'itln'bsrrd.it'.dltrt[.;;i;|'';


' Drsrri'r'uL r"'r'!n rIF srnry "ilr"hnrrrcrs*ofrrr'rrdiFiousoF . n/f , r.-, i;;'i;i;;i;;";;;';;'';;,1'"i"Ji::f'*l* *:';,] ;;";:il'i'i;ri*i;; llilagasine saysHitler ' *l_il H*jirri;di,i"r*,**dit:t;:^::,ilrrilrrc is todry hirw .qtrirnbh V J iiil,,i+''1*ill;il;*iiii;.U dnilil'ilililu1iltr|thNIL||r|lildlhu*l|bDrx'{|hdndnn|st|n'_-_'_''l'l-**' u,rn'.nndino,h.rriehrrdN.Lplanned__r_____ --l to -,. seise ---'-., Pope D--- il.l'lil:.::li'll*"':,lllj::l::l:1.::'i::l,'#:il'jl5:;**t r ler 50t0 80? Bril 1iiln I C lrLu'ch ri t cs lii++i'*millti.r;llrc sorhl lnds tlrti., it rnr. srn. D{iou.rs.cinldcr.xm|mdll|I^N.|lllI.-Nnzi(icuianyThci{iclosn|dtln!ttitlertut|3Ataql\iulilc.hsi.nhr' sct fot' coultci I stlssiotl 1rllt.iit'ttlltt'1rrrin{:(}l.Ji.rr.t.t.irll' ll()-\l l'l-'l'lrt. t r'ligiirtls litt' r![ lirrtlt tlurinl lllt' ir't'rttttl s(:slu[] rrl llttt St,ttr'r'rtlcrtttttt'il is t'tllt't'lr'rl li) itt' stttrltlt'tl \\ il ll Illltll('l r)rrs lrlillilnt t'slllcottt'ililtt' ntilsscs ol' $ofliols rlho, i11 s11v1x llilrrrilcr'. u'lrri crrtf ittcg(l IIill0f l.r)llir's_i1( 11(linrt .cr crirl lrt'tlrli- Ii'$'rt:tliotts. llll{l r'\'cll ilt $'hol0 tlral lhe itt,liort r|otrlrl l)(,t)t.r}t)tr- ('irliull\. llir llolittr':s I'r)l)t' I'illll \-l's t'0lt:t't'l ltlirrll trl l.l tlllssl{rllill}' lrislrrrPs. ;rrtrl his l:rliitt! ltoisos- rirllt (ll llis Ilttltctllltl tltttt'clt.

FIRST OF THEM lttllrttt'ttt* lltr' l'r.(|l)('llitlr r)f thc Sa('r)ll(l \ lttiCiltt l)l\l(t'oss. sr.l, $,lrr.lirrrr, sr.r,t1,lilf\. ol llrt. ltlittt so viAtrrrrttslv tlrilt he urn {-tlttncil rtn ScPlt'nttu't' 1ll} u'ill lrc llrt bcltilrr:rlr()r'r r'i lllr' \'t'n. ,lohtr lllitlt! llitli()tls llt;tl. ils r:rrrtrgrilr'r,rl$'illr Set,. attrl art't'stetl, : \- \t,utrutnn. llisltrrlr rrt l'hill(l.l- p[ ,\r't:ot'rlirtg to lirrgcn tlrt' itle;r llrlrl trtrtsl ttrtl. rt1111' 'l'lt,' llrr.ertrglre rtr.r,rl fltl rllrigr.it]', l)rrllnurttrr, .il pltiu itdttt IS.i3 . lo llilitl. t'zr'r'lt lrrtl'tl 1rt't,l;ttt' ts lrr lrt. rlt.- r'llttr,tl lrlt'rsr,(l lrll Sun(lil). (l('l- l:|. (ltt ()r'tillrr.r'l] Ilrtltl' l'itttl is crpcr'tt'rl lu lrillrlicltl Jl issiott Sttntl:r1 hv ltit tttl tPi5('pIul t'tttl. sr'fl'ilti()ll lrr l.I ttris.trrtlirt'r lri5l11rp5 tn St. I't'lt't"r


- " Richin Bihlicalltfiemories ,nqtua i;i, s,rFr in n,'srntr. i*--r-;-,r,'**o{niric.s.ii rr:cqi;;iiii :1" rctri,si n;iii'; ilii,il1;1t,*.*:l;T;tilii: ,",",,tl1"fond"'?Tf'i,,,,,, i nrll{nr lhxr ar.ilr. or \onv{inrrs il lrls rQsilnilhlr rnlrrl lo i

.r vwvsl llillriniilr*lirurr.s*f rnnnrranc. or donblirr lauds Marian deuotion air Filt€rr * parr. * Dehsmidifi€., iii, i;:'fi1;frli;ili*iiilii :1lY:T\t91P; |*JIH,|:: Ii uli t**t [*i;w:wffi'1[vi::'t**t*i:**-'ri: lffi*-y* ffi[t#l;;lltj'il" r;i *Sllile,-l;l;q'l:l'..l+ tr'qli;,:'".''ni,,ii'.;ll,"ill"4 lr*l"ri'u-1ll 111irffiir*i1:irlffi,llfu1:ffi$t";''ultl' Wt'aW*uxt Deruycrr,oclrioniliil:."tr:l|ir:ir;:ijl"",'.i m5"ililfl;3$ii{ WCUT FLOWERS *ffirrffi-.::T)-::."-Y st,'i'ary t' .l*n ll,l"iiliiil,lli:I,"'l;,1:"I'if;i*iiii"-1i,,j"",":Ji:iijl- iTif;or t"e| PorrEDPOTTED #;="";j.;, PLANTS | ii,l,"Ji''nJii,ilJ::::i;,;i:1'i;];'1J,,,1,.1: iil'"illi$-r"'iil',"'i'i;l',ll::"'"" I | ,vARKPrurfoNs, tnl tN,cLtP AND iAtL S..t-. Sttpt'r'ior' (lenclnl of tlre CORSAGES OEAP FAlll[R RoBtRI: PtEASI] PtACe MY PEIITIONS BFFORI lilI llA'tlOt'lAl .lt srtils. attrl ;\l'chbislrotr Jozef .sHr{lNE OF 51. JUOE lN IHE CO'!1lNG NOVEf'lAr (irtrvlirta, ';r:rl]"r"l'i,,tli:{["i:ir],;".i,rJrrliIor.lor Er.nt'r'al ol' tlttl lnttlt'nalionll Assrlciirtion of illa. s,,i;i".i1iil]r"$*ilttzlqrc#4/0Ml fii.iifllljru"E;6j'}I;$tri:a!**"-,,,-F,,",";"t; t tNCtOSe I fOR IHI CIARETIANSUIiNARY SUilDiiru fl.Jf'ji]

Natne -


City -- Tone - S;qle .--,:'-- 2{01 W" Wash. ME /-352t MAt[ TOr NATIONALSHRINE oF sT. JUDE CITY.WIDEDELIVERY 22t WeclMadiron Sfreel, Sec. 18 Chicago6, lllinoir

MONSIGTON GOOSSBTS SAYS: Opcn All Dry $rlurdry "10,000 KRTEGS PeopfeinThis World Die Each Day From IndianaChurch Supply Olthorie Stppl0 llotse 107 Sc. Prnn. ltE t.8ttt T:gn:l*:'::::'lt:xl' TheCriterion Indianrpolir Olticial Neruspoperof the Ar clulisc e se of Indionapoli.s 124W. Georgio, P,O. Box ll{ BEoNE 0F t0,000 frilssloN Indianrpolis6, lnd. cENT'*El.sl MElrose 5.453I I i,tE.2-9152 ..ll - 2313W. WASH.ST. ThankGod three times each day for the foodyou enjoy! .o)ffio$'..ffir tg?.s ,4R t "l'# "t GIVEGoD I CENTFoR EACH IttEAt o'rii.t i'ili,.tli;: "T.'lt"T. USHER Depositit faithfullyin thePenny Prayer Cover on your table at home.

Funeral Home, fnc. Write J'or a ltenny Prayer Coaer if you don't haue otre. k terd ofl cotaslccrlorrr lo; CATHQIIC NEAR EAST WETFANEIiSOqENOX 480 fJAE.tT."I?II SS I ONS Laxington Ava. or 46lh Sr. Nc\ri;rti'it, f*. V. CATIT{IT,EU POSTOFFICE BOX 302 INDIANT{POL|36, INDIANA PAGE SIX Tl.tE cRtTER|ON,SEPTEMBER 20, 1963

ANGELO NOCE, OF COURSE 26 gameson tap Sunduy Know who started Columbus Bv BILL in CYO football looPs RING

NOCE, SO - THE stor.y gocs, harl hocoln() a Clrlistophcr Colrrrnbus buff quite naturally, Both were horn in Gcnoa, Itrly-r1ui1s a lery yeflrs ftpart, Nocc main, tained a grcnt intcrost in the fa- fllous cxplorcr cver since lris hoyhoorl rvhon hc hatl tlre rlistinc- tion of llcing n Ilag lrr:arcr in a Puckc t's'Lt)tFt, 26-L9, fal'a(le honoring Colurnlxrs. THE DEFENDING Cadct Aftct' lris success rvitlr tlrc Co, I,engur-. ch;tiitpion. St, Cht'isto= Ittnrlrrrs Day irlel in Ctrl,rrnrlo. pllt:r, nrtrr itt I)ilision I, takcs on Not,c Irrrslrr,rlon lo Nlontarra, tladitionally strring St. .Itutl of lhen to otlrer ncighboling states, i\rc in n 3:.15 p.nt, gltnt' on Fit'lil in onnLtal farn,boree heat. ing thc th'ums for lcgislal.ion No. 2 At 1:15 on tlrc slrue ficld, l'ecognizing CohllllLus I)ay as a St. Ilichael's lnd l,ittlc l;'lt'ttt'ct 'l'lrr' (iinttts, I'ackcls crll{orl llrr' Icgal 1'u1;Unt. l'cnc\\' tltoil crosslo$'n t'ivllt'1'. :(i lo l1), in tlre itnnrral (l\'() l.'o0l- p.ur. contcst on Field No. ,.\ ::30 liarll Jatnlrori'c itt tlte C\-O St:t- I pil.s higlrlr'-lotttcd Irunrttctllatc *".*.,.-ttiqasmef,l!-St.tu6" tlittnt last Sunrlay afternnon, | I Ilcalt ncainst st, Iratlick's. r\bout ?.00{} fittts altetrdctl tltt: Catlci Loaqrrtr same-s ou Irisld proci'ctlrttgs. lloosir.r- No. i iintl Sl. I'ius N opposine r\r'nold Iilogrr'. of Our l,ittll' of I I St. llonica at 1:15 p.nr.: IIoly :l n(lw Citrlct I MONUMENTCO., tNc. t 'l'r'initI' lhc Glt't'nrvoutl, Direetor r's. Holl' Angcls at 3:30 I,en.(ue cutrfrn{ this blolie o.f FBI I 2058N. Meridian WA 345SJ I 1'car'. r_t p. nr. I nnd Lllrlist tlre King chitl- tho scoring icc itt tltc fit'st scs- Nct'i l.'ngrng St. Philip at il:.lri sion of play aguinst St, .Iilnrcs l(! uill lte s1teaher p.rn- iu rn inlpor'trnt llivision 2 giva lhr' l':rckcrs nn clrly lcrtl. 'Fhe - c0iit Fst. cxtra pnint u'as rnissr'rl. 5EATCovER scoTTY 'l'nrr I I 100 l.Ol:lttO gl)tllOs llrlr \\::tlstril. rrl' St. ,lttdr.'s. rn- at youth, parley ill'd 0n Ar,o Upnotrt.,inrl nn4 (.)nvcrtibfc I toOl I llrc ('Y() Slatliunr dockct Sunrlay othcl nt'rr cornct to {ht' lt'nStre, lirc5-whotes,rto dnd Retdil_MUtfl;,i'- I l - lll'i0l' lr) lhc Cil(l0l Lr.it!iuc rtolllpLt' \\'ls thrt n0rl sc{}fcf 0ll illl 3 .f ;llrl J, Edgar lloovcr,rlircctor Rf Mt. o.lut wskl I mr. a.rrrzI and Jean Thopy, the FetlcraI Bulcau jJ.a oI Invcstita. 274?W t6thSr. Indirnrpoti312.rnd. t, , t )_,.t t.- t J j a a. a9j:r't t , t'J.t., ,..t u ,:e7 .,\ bolh $cecina graduates; and bollom, leff I r't..juvcnalctl Giarrt t'ltvon tooli to rlght: Mary Ann Egan, trorr. will bc orrc of the pr.irrcililrl tlI l-r.- lltt! Our Lrdy I l)lav :trvav i'r'onr thtir,oppo. of Grrce Acrdemy gradurle, end Anito Meielko, gradu, spcakcls nl thc annrral Nationnl | ttottls /t/f T t'ttt'ly in tltc scconrl r:it1lo ate of Sl. Mary,s Academy. Catholic Youth Convcntion in rr'lrln ,lloutc l-tst Li(llc I,'lorvcr's l\likc Durrrrc Ncrv Yolk Oity, Novelnlrrrr l,l-1?, i i llllrorl lttlrrinsl Sl. .lofln of r\rt lrrrrl f'.1 t-1'w0 A lalgc nrinrhar oI tcen.agcr,s lfllilio Itr'clilov GrinsteinerFuneral Home arklctl tlrc f t'onr tlrc Alchdioccsc oI Intlian. .Dt'*c,rspt rt .'r-=t tt t r r tf rf '.'.:'|'.i'r 'i',rr t I rl Established si(,,,ro .",rir".i inc ;;;,llllJli lllltls seI prcccdcnt apolis nfcr expcctetl tn takc td. 1854 ll) l.l, l';r0li(.1,.s. vantage of a spccial tlanspolta. GEORGEN. GRINSTEINER HAROLDD, UNGER lion pnckagc offclcrl lly lhc Alr:h- MElrose 2.5374 york A FEW MINUTES laltl ilro 160l East New St. (iiillll..i rliocasan CYO olganieation. tio(l il rrp n.hen I,'rlnli in Ncvvrnan 'I't'avcl '['rrrli, Club work n'ill lrc lry ehaltcrerl trus. of .\1, t'hristrrpltt'1"s, .scr)t'(\(l Accortling to thc packafir: Jrlan, ,il t{}ll('ll(lo\r'r} a!tlirrsI Ihrly {ipir.it. Il.\'l'()N ROtr(l ll, l,a.*r\rr t,x- 'l'ottrt1,, cach tlclcgatc rvill be rssosst'rl l,ult' itr lltr. gx111f i\lilitt trorv in ils stt,onrl lxrulllcnt )'r'af $10 ttililrrl the tlanspor.tation o''n'ifi1,:L"emas€oP' St. ttl,lr.icli's oflcnsivt, ncc, tnl. lt l.trttisi;rtta S{atc ttnivclsily t'ost, anrl tlrc lcuraining $l() rvill RURATINN lrr.rl lr{ninst ()uf l,:}.lJr of [.out(lt's Itt'tt'is lltf irtg llte 'h'rns- Arr)urtdwork [or be provirlcrl flonr the flYO rtttrl llrr'rt lrrlrlcrl llrc oxtra l'hll nral' bu n nra.jor. irtrtovatiott Mixed Drinks o Wine a Cold l)()illt to pol tation I,'unrl. lmporled Beer Ittltlic lltt' fittitl scgt.t': I)ltokt t.s itt Nrrrvtnntr ('lub rlolk, 'l'lre Cold Chanrpagne (li:rnts CY() Officc has irskcrl {hat Iti. lt). 'l'wo (lirlholic 'l'lrr. nuns ilro rvorkinI pat'ishcs lt'polt tlrc total nrrtnllcr. Sr,r'r.irr:r IIilh Sclrrrol ('lrlisl Visit Our lJnusual lllntl. frtlltirrrc rtt llrl liirrtll (:ntlrtr" of tlekrgatcs planning to at{cud Carry-Outllept. liltrlr,l llt(' rlir.t'r'liottol' l,'r,r,rl ('r'rrtcl l)ttrtr, lit: Slrrtlt.rrl orr thc l,oui.si- the conve nt irlll ( (jY( ) nrernllet.s 257 lJranrls of. Liquor.s anrl pltrr itlt'tl tho nrrrsicirl r.ntcr.l:rin- iltlil Stillc cantpus, supplcnrorrtirrg and arlults) no latcl tlrarr Octohcr 45 Ilrantls o{ (l0I.,It BtrtrIL rucnl lrcfolo thc glnrc irntl lrt half- lhe eflirlls uf lhc lrvo pticsts as- I anrl to senrl akrng at thc slurt, NUW (it;\N't * t trnt'. l(| tCl,t VIINDIitt Iltock, Bag iliir"ll thc {r(.nlu. time thc $10 tlansportation trhlrlHe :rrulClystal Ck:ar lce Cubes fol car:h l)crsolr. r\ctrtal rtanrt's 2723 E. Michigan (at Rural) Free parking of dclcgates shorrlrl lxr srrnt rrr by 'l'hc October I5. Sistcls 'l'lte ong0ge irr strrrlent brrscs a l'c schetlulerl to cottnselitrg, lolrt'hirrg r'llsses in leave on Novernber. li] nntl tvill t'tligitrn uttrl plrilosophy, r'onvcrt rc[urn on Novellrbof 18, itrslrrrclions, nnrl tjt'nelal officc 'l'lrey tvolk, also schrtlulc rvcnls, ilililililmil1ililfl ilil1ililil1ilililil1ililil11ililil1tililil1 l)l'cl)ilro btoclturcs atrtl rntrintnirt the liblar'5'. New record NEW YORK-The asency ol Sislct' l)ctt r saitl tht'il nrost Americon Catholics fsr qver. inrportlrrrt tvor'li is totrrlrrr.tinF in. seas aid announced thal for fhe It't'r'ic$s rvillt ('atlrolit' strrtlertts. "trlost,.rf firsl lime in its ll.year.history Ilre slurtonts ar(! :lway its shipments of relief supplies ftonr lronre nnrl can easily krsc abroad will reach the million tout'h n'ilh thoir' (-'lrurch," she "We lon mark, tttrlctl. rvant lo ilrvolvtl llrctn In lhe firsl l0 monthr of the itr tlrt' trrairtslt't'nnr o[ (]ltlrohc CentralBusiness College I963 program yerr ending Sep. lifc lrclc so that llrcy tkrrr't." lndiana Business College Buildins fember 30, Cafholic Relief Serv. AT THE RECENT Nrtional icer.Nalional Calholic Welfare i 80? N, Mcridian Sl, Nt'rvrnlln Club l,'0tlt't'ali(lll eon\'('n- Conference will have made 1.792 lhe. tr'rl or Nrrjl,r. ll)r' llr0 fir.st tirnt lhis rVt,ttk. lt lilrtrorldnl[fd[. lflrudrr. ti()ll ill l,afa.v('ltt',1,a., tlrc Sistels shiprtrentr ol relief goods hev. llils it cal)itcil.v of trlo nrilliort Kinq ct Krrqs 1'l.poltctl on the lt'tretion to hav- ing a tolol weisht of 804,00 tons. . ! SnapedRoorr. Iho eoru.rhi.r,ld tirie r0ltttttt's antl t:tn st'ltt ncirt.lr' lralf u r'rro ii'irr'1' ing ntrns on tlrc Ncu'rnan ccntcr oi tlrt' urrtlt,r.rtr.lrhiatt, fX.,l,|''i;,,Ll,llonlLll,i t',,'*1"' sturlcnt st a f[. Neverl.rf,e ann(ry IroDr d Slrdn0rf. hotl]' A{ OnC titttt'. SitltAlCd tt t're5sure Ptrt tl. The llto ct'ttlttt't)l il no\v oast-CAIttlltts 1963RAMBTER Slv ALr(iv.,rn(1rho &1t,1tB.l(r.r.5ro,i\ I ton*'il I Barber& BeautyShop j 2807 N. Franklin | I THE UNIVERSITY hettins tlre FL e-4740 st'lruol lcill' rvith a recentl.t,- I | $t$49 allpointotl Yict prosirlt'nt irn(l ton nr'w (k,p:lrlnrcnt heads. l)uIing tlru sunrmcr nronths ltt'v. ,Iolrn Il. FULL PRICE_DELIVERED Wrtlslr, tl.S.(1., \vas nanlorl vicr.r plc.sitlt'nt fol prrhlic lelations and 22(1. 2-Df. li'ull1' erluipporl inclurlinc std, trans,, weatltercye 'l'hc rlc'vcloltnrcnt. ncrr, hcatls of IreirIer', rlual ar'nr ]'csts atrrl lisors. lttrn signals antl all other acatlcnric tk'paltrncnts ar.e [)r'of. stantlalrl llanrlllcl aceessorics. tlsk fol rrsctl Stock No, P4074, ('harlcs,1. llrrllin. plrysics; Itev. Lcotraltl llanas, C.S.(1,, classics i SpecialTerms-Low As 49.99 Mo CAOIT KICXEAI.I. I.tA6UC I)r'. Iidrvar'

8y FR. WALTER IMB|ORSKI house idee. ll seems fhc Church thc fanrily. lVhy should the hus- ed at his coronation that his so that they become {ully the per. Somctimes \4romen take over ftvors men loo much. have authority? power is tcmporary and glvcn to 6uesl Columnisl bantl this There sons God intended them to be. thcir husband's responsibilities in for Fr. John L. Thomas. S,J. Mildred are sevor&l posible reasons, bttt hirn for a purpose. As a wlsp of Ileing a husband and father is a a hundred subtle ways. The man k-'t's note just ona psyehological flax is burned three times, he is great "'l'hus deal more complex than lokl passes glory of nray becorna I dicl.ator in an olle^ the just telling everyone to shape up get this world"-r'You are the selv- or ship out, effort to them back or he may By har very femlniniiy rnd by ant of the servants rrf God," just give up and play doormat. her vocalion lo molherhood. The hrrsband nrust be rospons- Lel husbrndt reflect on lhe In either case hls wile is unhappy "the womrn is far more sensilive lo nble, that is, able to answer for wordr of Piur Xll hurband rind seltlom realizes she may be perionJ and concorned eboul lhc whole fanrily. It also nreans ir the hotd ol fho houge, lhe the cartsc of it nll. But more ol rnd their leelings lhon lg mrn. hc must rcspond to thcir nccrls, wife is lhe herrl." Wilhoul a that anothcr time. The molher musf bo rble io care ahout tlrcnr and their {eel- hoad lhe frmily ls directionless. Fr. lmblorski will bc "know" unrble if her baby is well and ings, antl tlraw forth their talcnts Without r herrl it ir DEAD. fo give perronrl replicr,) warm end ied and dry, wifhoul communiraiion. WORKINGTO BEAT HEIL

' CHRIST What useis lame brain? tN THE WHOLE l,l-.,...... :....,.-.-,. By J. T. McGLOIN, S.J. vcly Iittle knowing rboul God. tve get lhe same strrfi irl religioq ; clnss cvcry ycar. SAINT\ -. child of Cod 'l'hat's si Joe: beceuso yOU are not BENEDI ale lt. You're oi!ly incmorizinC : ' " Ia,';,,-'.,, , . , :ir:r,,',t.,' ,., anrl Ictting yoursclf be borcd. rvhon you going By ABP. EMILE GUERRY should he out on your owll, rea(linE and explorlnE lltrI o.\ rr{rirV {ls }'ar'ail'('(l Iritir, ltc i;ot't' lltcttl loti'ct' lo hc rrrctlc llc antl lcarning, using thc things you gr:t s(rlls ()J 1.].ril,lrl tllallt thrrl itt'ltt't't: itl Jlts ilrtttrc, in class as springboards. Ilut "knowing (.lohn, I, 12) to gct back to thi$ In the uineyard about God^" You cen learn about (lorl rlirec{lt, hut sometimes you cln knorv {}ven more about IIim hy intlircct mcans. Every iittle bit o[ knollcdga you got, even those scenringly inelavant facts you acquire, l0ach yon a little sorncthing morc (frrr fifiei(iorr aborrt Qod, "J ", ,"\ r/,"r', vr ',.,. Joo: \\rhrt lr0 l,ou stcrving To lrt' l sorr, is ttr l)0 lnc()fp{)r'irtctl itt the Sou, uot tlilcctly itt llte u'ns not ncat'lv ns tnlenled as l:i:l,-. ...r.:-.r. :.- :...,-..!\ .,rt\i^^t ttfiilirnr al,^1,,,.",^^,,^ ill)otlt l){)wi \\'ortl-llt.cattst'lltct.t'isottlr'ottcltr.lrostit1i<.ttttiott,tr'llicltisitlt:ottt-stl|)Jec['

sttpernattttitl at'liri(r'. rvlro hayt loltl iobs l,oulti ft.. iriilf- fo to collcgr: at.thtj srnrc timc. tltolc[ot'c', lltc lrlxtletnr'lv irttittt:tlt' lttil itrtlissttlttblc botttls linli, ing to lrlr'it lircy rv*.rt s'lt'.tor

ar0s()l}sllt,tatlselll|}il|L'lll('llll)t.l's.'|ltc1.lrt't'ltllsttttsintltcSott,atttl'thor'ilyor't't'ihtrrrr,Ntltsl(} fttlhcrtnott'.lht'lll()|(-tllt\l'l|fotttt'lttllt'l.stritlroSotltltcttrorr t'il: .stll)sitr llint, the heatl .. :. ,.. r...... ilr.i...... , of fhe housef McGloin: Nuts to collegc, To bc sotts, '['rr thtrt\rcn{rytrrlnit'rt'itr'1.lhlt rlc nllt'l)lrtl('illntt'in it. tilhrr$ittrrntrstlrlif(:otlhcS{tr,ltitlt'rvitltitt tts tlrc lifc of tll(] Sott, Th.t....m.il.hjtTlrey rre emolional infants'.--ht..k_ $a nnrst hr\. ro..i\.d lhrl liir'lhrorlt lirplisnr, Nli(h iDcorlorilcs .ilhc. b. w.rk to l.k. ns.rc'rrs,.andrtrrouhrnilh.\rhi(hoNni*"-":,lll,-1r,,ll-,f:jl Canon law sccn guardian Q. lVere the disciplcs {inallv (htist.rndlhrona[fililh,$hiltoFns.ilrstnls1.thcaillot(lrisl'* :ll lik. li.j:j.'*,:.fi"::Jy,jdj:j lvr.nk l...v.r up th.ii aonuincetl thot Clwist harl truly jlc r"rt Ilc, rnr. lruc' I'r l'. rililJu lh. \ilnilf riil'l l'r ,,ll lh,N,t \!tln t tisen? hd r...n.il lhnr rlR\rrh frir[. Onee their doubts wore dispell- ,iiili1;l,".i,,i1,,i;,l,l,lhli o- -f C lf U f: C lf S S t- a ---'-- b i l i- t- y Q. lVas Ch:i:;t i:otrtitrrtrrll4 tt'itlt l.hil,r!.lhilll!, ro,o b. r soDso' is ,.l. hi,.r..hil.t. r.Dmilu.. rtrd,trd .onlnnk'""",r,,,," tlc,r," ",,i,'"I:ilinot nnNt.o$scs oI rftiotr ilxndd J ed, the tliseiples Itecanrc so abso" Iutcly ecrtain of Christ.'s resurrcc. lii.s dicipfcs {or frtrly 1lqt1s tt!tt:r' tion that they wcnt out anrl pub. his resttrt'er:tiott? lished it to the whole world and, McGloin: Ytlt, rvorv! Oh, boyl No. During thcse folty tlaSs {a hy thcir evidcnt rinccrity, in. periorl rvhich is callerl tlre rislr hot dueetl hnndreds of thousands of others to share their convictioir. life) Christ rvas not continuousllr visible to thent arrd, aftct'spetrrl" Q. Dtd lhe disciple.r of tlhrist lr{c. h it lh. ing some tinrc in thcir conrpan5', gtrin. any uorldly or linancial od. Ite wottlrl tltcn as surldr:ttly rlir;- udntage lron th.us ltublicizing the resnrrection? appear, ljatltt.r.itttttt'.atttllitrtltt't.'.'('|rrlirr.\\:ll,1ltoLl). No, on the contmry, they tlrerv dorvn ttpon thcrnselvcs tlre hatrcrl and $eorn of the world. Yet dc. spite persecrrtion, torture, and in' an

Q. Did Cltrist. Imt'e llrir. stttr,". r.coi'.c.J [t'ttttt {lrt, l'ltltt,t' llrt' ltotly ulter thc rasu.rrcttinn n:; ltc' !ore? lion ol llrc l)rrinc Nllrrr-r'anrl to thc inlinitc l,olt'of tht'l.'llher, \\,hrr a 5orrn4 into orrg,-kcpt orro tlrlougli Ilc posscsscd tltc slttt'tt' botll'ltltl- it rvas norv enrlo\1ctl \1itlr rlilft't" cni rlttalities or pt'op0rtics. liv risitrg frorn Iltr: gt'ave attrl tlt- ttntplring over rletrtlt ltis hotl5' rr:rs llorv llcrrllallottllf itttttlrt l;tl itlt'l totally frcctl frottr thc r"rc:tlittlss 'r.ilri and linritatiotts of ot'tlirrat'y ltlt' 'l'hrrs lvliltK tN Lr:funcy tnatrity. Christ's bo<11'cotrlrl i,,,1.#r:l"rljrt.ri:jrirl:j'll.'liil,*,fri:iit,,,::r,:llir,.} = = no lotrgcr sttffct' or gtorv oLl or die. It u'us invulncrulrlc to trtttltll' tion or worttttls antI it

The Absue Schedu"le Presenled as (r Serpice bU: AbdonrO'RileycHurt Funerafl{omes ME 8"1474 ornirl f 0'tllel f509Prospact tha (hrisr,,,St, prul publlrrtiont, Sept. 2i'r ilIASSAS ON SUNDAY. Our mean- t{hotr ?lE, Virfofy,lvd., Sr.t.n lrlrnd, *r"1"0.,il,,,1n ing and nur tlcstiny ar.ein oul relationshipto

ll is intrigttirtg io rtittch ltorv rlirettot' \\tisc ftiglrtert" tltc rr-ils ou{ oi cnsl itttd cttstrltncrs rvith' orrt irllos'ittg tltont to sce nlly- Foorls art lhirrg r.reclrl opLln (loors. blolittg Qnalily ctrr-t;rins. t'trie,\cullttttro, golltie lo$'el's .lll(l gargoylcs. ctttpty rvitl= IrorvGr lDriees tlotrs. (thr ability lo movr fhingt IIis intar:r's ;trc bolll' s'hila antl wiihoul louching lhcm Ele- gllvr: black, tlte cantora lttglcs ), rnor'r dislurbed psych6 nol only r.xtrerile ilnrl oltL'll tlistoritttli :t{ rauses lhe manifeslolionr bul out' ltoiut, lltc ltttts loottts tlizzill' delormine s their single pur. rlorvrt [t'orn a {orl-er tvitrtlorvi:tt i\Iiss trIitfortl exl)osos the Hnp:,,,:'fi:;::::::: posi! tha altempl by f ht h.45, porverful unrlertnkcrs' lolrhyinq ltorrte itl Iuothcr. it cirlectts lbout tlte "gho!t!r' Itittirrtctl l)t'(!ljlt' lll'{' itl ro find her and give $'tlotlu'orlt oi a trritssil'e rloot- actiritics at, thc natiottnI lcvel. Iilttilrlt'tl llotlit's. ltnrl tllnt tltt: hcr a home cmong lhem. and, a{, tlte lor:itl level. lltrr tn5'r'irrl ne(.(l lu l)r' \'.itllt('([ :lttrl lovctl is ruays iu rvhich money is cxtrlctrrrl intllinutt-rl .,,,l.rpPlI irt tlrt' lrtititatt I'lris nlso c-splnirrs rr hirt irr {lre fronr pcople rvho ate cau;iht ll. llt'afl tllilt ltttl llot'l'r't'is pttler' f illtt sr-'onts ()llt l'it!{r!ousl-y gf ittui- ['i**,Til just ahout {hcir nrost vulut'rablc to tts b.29, ahlr' to lollt'ltllt'r:. I)l'l\oIl tous: {.ltt' scxrral arnhivalence of 'l'heo

Carrl l)urty' sltrlctl ilt St. Crthcrinc's

'l'ho INI)IAN:\P(ILIS -= annurtl fall crrd pnrty. sponsorcrl lrl' Sl. t-.:rthclinc's r\ltul Socit,lr'. is j\Ianv nol infornlc(l slatrtl Srrntlal'. Sapt.2l) in tlrrr rl':rl){,r rltttrclt ltlll. at Shclhv aI)(l Slfaets. r\ll !i;rtrrr,su,ill lrr' 1lla1t'rl. on r.llllr(rlt schools, lN DISCUSSING urlrrgressional ,\latt1' atllitclivt rlool unrl t'ltul1' tr:rrrcrrlcring on the isstte, thc t?LUrtrirug pliztrs will lre given arvtf inclrrtl- 'l'Y (irrnnrittcr-' official snl-s llisltops' stateurcnl ing a bcauti[ul lrantl t:rochctcd sil]'s orgarrizcrl falrn inlclc.sls "rvith sfghau. their enotnrorrs financinl 'l'he S't'. t.Otlls.-'l'hc plttrlucer. affail bogins 1:l-i p.!lt. of tn t(.s()ul'0cs havc nratlc thcil rvcight at " tupcuntittg nltionwitlc ltlcrisiorr Iclt. A lttncht'on ft:rturiltg lrorrre bakcrl thrt'urncntar'1. on l,'crlt\'ll lirl "t pics will bt. st lvcrl froln 4 {i lo ll sll's lhc issuc is str.uggle to p.ul. clrulclr.r'clatt'rl st-.lrorrls slitl hclc of porvcr nntl 1['ho l,'rrn I'alt]'starts nl. " s'calllr agirinst prin- lrt thirtks uton)' pcollle 6 p.nr, antl continrres until p.nr. ll'c rul. ciplc antl ftith irr lhe lishls ol t0 arvlltr of s'hat got's rvith the nrvlt'rl tlre glaud on in l Clatho. (lod's little peoplc hcr.c in Amcr. ol' lit'scltooi." " lllizcs. "!le icl. ltopc llrs. [rarrl this .shorv rvill :rtld to lle nrlrt'r's of thc cotnnrittcc in- !'itlrl is chailnurn. tltt:il informatiorr." assistcrl b.v rlrs. said r\r.thur clutlt' Cnldinal .{lbcr.t [lo1.r:r. ld d rv a r. d l). IIulsc. non.Calholic Glbola.r', co-clurirrrlrn. rvho is At'cltbishup o[ (]lticagol r\r.chbish- pr'(xlu(.in( tlrc rkrcrrmeutlr.l' for op liobell 'l'he Il. T,ueey of Sln An- tlrt CIIS Ilopolts scrit's. 'l'ex.: loltio. r\r'chbishop Ur.ban J. ('nrtSr. 6pt.lt{.d Itrrtu"long prograln rvill pr.ollallly Vchr oi D('nt'cr. flolo.; Ilislrop lle sor.n in latc \Y,\SIIIN(i'l'(lN, l).C.-...'lllrc filst Octobcr or. t':rr.ly Stephen S. Woznicki of Saginarv. Novenrlter. slep t'lts llrkctt lrt'r'e itt a t:arrsr: \l it,h.: nrrrl Rislxrp Urlncis .1, illorsc anrl a clcl of tlrrce tcclr- for tlto bcatificttion antl er,cntrrnl Sclrcnk of l)uluth. llinn. 'l'llrrnls l-lte AtiT ItOts[R'l"S Sl-lClV i5 evr:ryl:orly's rernr:c|1,tor eirrly rnorning blrresl lf yorr suffer frorn tlris nicians rvelc hcre ior a $'cr.k filrn- eanottiealiott of l,'atlrt r irrg backglound scotros at Sl, r\..ltrtlgc. L'.11., founrlcl of the corrllrlollntortting rnalarly... l.akr:ilrr: curc'... ttrnc yotrr raclioto WXLW.950 orr tlrc clialr 5[;1rt- llnll'trlagdalcnr School in srrb- llissionar'1' Srlranls rrf lhe NIost ing at 6 A.M. arrd lct you 'I'rinil1., AR1-l:ring ouI of your clolclrums!I'ry it for onc v/cc](. . , t]rc ART ROUERI:l rulban Rrentrvoorl, as lJkrsscrl rvlro rlierl :t0 s'cll as an ]'cilt.s Sl'lOW call llcconte ltaltit [orrrtitrgllYou'll be up to tirc rninutc vrith tinre. tcnlpcratrrrc iul(i yrcallrr]r inlclvicrv u'ith llsgr. Jarncs'l'. nAo. lle is lhc l'irst natilc-llorn ('rrlti,l, just St. l,ouis at'r:lulioccsan .{nrcricln pliost to bc consirlelcrl rcports'trirffic tips zrrrd the riglrt rnusir:to hr:lp you shakc Ihr:arrns of Morphr-.trs!The arrcie:nt sehool supcr.infcnrlent. lor the honttrs oI lhc:rltar. An Greeks knevl that if yott rlevelopocla no(l(ling accluainlance witll liilorl;hels--.godof rlrearns-*..you'rl llolsc said tlrc rrpconring plo. ecclcsiastit'al crrrrll. lrcarlcrl b.v fall aslccp... ltrtt if yotr're tuneclto lhe AI?f R0ii[Rl'S SIJOWyou wonrt darc .., you nriglrtlni5:i rllarn is intenrletl to lolrn lhc Alclrbislrop l'allicl; :\. O'tloylc of "{lialttgtrc" sontetlting!Jakc tlrc curc for tlrtt (lays... llasis [ot' on llre con- Wasiriuglon, rvill inrcsligatc llur trtrxtseven slrake tfrc rrrorrringblucs. .. ancl w;i,(cui) stitutioualitl' of l,'r:rlelal aid to ciltisc of l'alher' .lrrrlAe. Ita;rpy with thc ART ROBERTS SltOUt! rlrureh-r'elatttl schools. IIc sai

For the engaged ITo, Iloelor Crane Hospital Cuild (Continucd from pagc 4) sets card party s/.o. shooting maliluding tigels to helping a village harvcst I0Nrs Tic Tacker a ! crop, his task retneritts cssctttially spiritual. RUG CLEANERS BEECII GROVE, Ind.-A Cartl 4440 N. KEYSTONE L: 6-t504 Despite the scopc arul dcpth of his traiuiug, rl ntission- party, sponsored by St, Francis Ilospital Guild will be helcl Trres- A CHANCE FOR DAD-Ifatlttrs of Chartrand High School stttdcnts flr.y cilnnot be, arrrl shottld not be, exllectcd to Conrpete willr day, Sept. 24, in the hospital in Indinnapolis have tltc opporlllnitj'to ttse sottlc of tltc wootlrvot'kittg a i'cacc Corpsrnan in practical, teclinological aid-such as auditorium. A luncheon will prc- sltolr tools tltat irtnitrt' ttscs in st'hool. Clhartrand's rvorrtlslrop rvill bc public.works projects like t'oads, sanitafion systems, and 'fhese cede the card party. Serving, pt'ivate projects lor 12 consccutivc I\tcs' agricultural programs. nvailablc to tltttnt for adtrlt cxtcnsive mav-represent a cafcteria style, will begin at 1l:i)0 AlwaysBe p.m. fttdtrstri:ll atts Sure rl;ry ovt'nings, hoginning tjctollcr 2, {ronl ? to 10 Inissionary's interests antl tlomaitr, but certainly bnly in a a.m, Ganres will trcgin at 1 F.m. instluctol Roy Rush l'ill provitL' tha strpcrvision antl otlter ntiscrtl- sccondary dcgrcc. Admission is $1.95. 'fhc ltncous nratct'i:tl^ .'\pplit'ants ntttst ftrlnish irlajtlr ttlaterials, cost Mrs, Pctcr E, Specht is gener;rl it's Although tlrcir paths may-crisscross in many pltrces, we rvitl bc ?5 ecllts pct' ltottt'. Frther Robcrf L. Kitchln, Chart'r'itnrl chairman, assistcd by Mrs. C. E. think it is brroneoris to visualize a Pcaeo Cot.rx ivorkei or prineipal, r'opor'1s tltlt thc sotllhsi(le school is slraring its facttll]'rvitlt Baas and l\{rs. Patrick F. Mc, a nrissio-uary ris substitutc for the other, aven in gcneral Nelis. savcrll othcl Catholic institutions. Bernrrd Weimer, a tttcnlbcr o[ tht: il terms of aitl and good will. TAUGHNER'S tnusic tlt'pltt'ltrtcttt, is teacltirtg pnlt-tilrlc at Brebeuf Prep; Jlmes @ O'Brien rvill tcach tlt'ivers'llainirrg at Our Ledy of Grlce Academv; Rules lVe believe that we; as a nation. have both the re- gridcl's John Fellen spoiids his ftdt' tilllc 1c:rching religion ta sixth ot' IoIaI a aaaaaa..r. 5t' Mirk'r sehool,'lntl Robert rully spends pui't of his rlay tcaching (c,r'ri.ur..rrr,nryp,,l..:.r.J W ii,':f:ip1"t,ll,,l:,it';t,*t;11';lt,iit 8515Hcstfield Blrd. a 5l15L 10tlSbrrt it1' of lruurnrrity ilrlorrglrorrl,,,.^the ,"*,ti'li.lti'#J''i.'.1;il,1-'iaaneER rdailing and |rligion to fiftir and sixtli gri(lt'rs of St. trInrk's. Sisler " iieC,t*-oi, tiu,tcr:prtviG(trL f sHoP t 103[l{. ilorrisShtet rvorld. l)colllcs. Atr.Wov Eust Ayr.Way Wesr Ann Monica, $.f., 5pcnrls Silttlrrlay tnornings rvot'king nt $1. Mrry'r I $ Shu.h ( 6000 Prndtrton ?itr 23rt trfryettc tord ) Berllrut 513!L lOU $hrt Child Center. l,nsl .\r'ilf. Miss Alice Underwood {arrglrt Plrysical crltt- ( r,r 6{648 wA 3{1t I I 'l'll(l :fiJrrrtr^ Mry\J\/-v-vver ('atir)tl flils\t's:ti Marydrle School. illl'illtgoltt0llt st'ollls sntis" Orthodox luctor.\' to rll, Creek primate

NEW EPlSGoPAt EISHOP-'llro Ct'itcriott oflet's congt'atttlatiotls lo thc Vt'r'.i llr'r'. l-:rul llortrt',.1r., tlcan and rcctor of Christ t'lrrrrclt irnpossible llpiscopll (-llhctllltl, lntlilnapolis. rvlto !tits l)t:trn tl;llllo(l sttffragltn PRESENTIIVG llisltop of tltt' tlitrct'st-' of \\';rshitt{tott, If -Ll. s'hilc tlre yrapal ehrrrch is ccn. trnlist anrl lbsolutist." le1 "'SAtiT'f$ Archbishop Chrysostomos rrc. : HERE AND THERE-l'lrt'.15 t-'tlt)ttls:rntl {lrt'il fautilics lvhtr /IX,[YB" t-'uscrt thc eatholic Churcb of try. rlr'rilorl in'fL\l'l'. Ileuttr l:rsi g'ct'k iq Icgin specill 5111dlcs at !nrliana ittg Io rvin tonlol'ls rnrong Ortho- Stntc College tvt'tc tt'c:rletl trr n picnie last Satrtrtlay iti'l'ct't'c II:tttttt's ";rs I ASPHALT I tlox bclicvcrs nutl saitl that REV. llcnrin( l-ark lrr 5ovt'1i11 Qlllluilie org:rnizations. Uttdcr ihc chairmltn" IAMESO'NEILL The Archbislrr4r spokc bcfot'e {ho fil'st stop torvat'tl l)(}gillning onuEwAYs ship of Edward F. Boeko, sr\crot:ll'y of thc r\t'chdioeesan Cottncil o{ (ttnity) I I a schctlulctl patr.{)t'thotlox ntccl- tliscttssirlns rvith the Wcst o' " ";;.: ", sro I i te' spotlsol'ino contmittce inclttdtrtl r(rprttsciitirti\ tis of thc (l]yzlrntina t'atholic trIcn, lhc "ln iug on tho islantl of llhorlcs callcrl [itct'k Ritt') Cath- llrt' rt-rvolking of lhc ploi- o, 20t rq,*' :,:'"T :i.', -Ir"-,Apo !he'fcllt-'Ilarrlc (lruncil of ('atholic Notttt'tt, Schtrltt'l\lotltt'r's ('lrtb, b1' Ortlrottox I'atriarch r\tht'tta. olic cottttttttttity slrould be inr- - ro* prc-t'rnirrcncc pns- | I r.els tlrt_. of tlrc nlo(lilltLrll' st. Iiaflarot \[:r11 1lur'ish. :rnrl Intliana S{tto Collogt. Otltct pt'rrgrnttts goras (lf Constantittoplo to tlt'cirlc altolisltrltl-" li1'Tnnting I NOrHrNc OOWN I trrral tlrttrr'c of this c(lurtcil Nils (lrccce 'r'Y Ilitc upto 5 Y.rfrro Prt lult rrndol consitltralrirn fol tlrt'(-'rtbans try tltc Catholic grotll), \\'llrllhL-1.1r not trt st'rttl ri5sorlor.* Catlrolir,s in nunrber I I kr'l)r irl rrrittrl. ltt frtct it is ttcr,t's. 'l'[eir r BONDED . TNSURED 'l'hirt1'-onc gre only rlhotlt 2,5t)0, eornlngn. I I lvLl$7- [ (13] gratltt:ttts Nursing, Intlian- tri the secrlll(l srrssroll of actr- rcctttt o[ 51, Vineent's $ehool of sarl'tlrlt the srrlc and uttclrnnge. I Church and SchoolFloygroundr I ltrcttic;r! cottttcil. r\r'cltbisltoD t'ltly- ltY elrrltr into cxistcncc iu thc apolis, rvllr lnst u'11'6 lreqln their nrrrsiltg curr:oi's at St. Vincent'r nhle rloctrine 0f the llaith rle- I rnd Prrking Lotr I l:45 A.M. soslonros tokl rtrrrvsnren tlrcl rrr,',it- lgtli ccntttry. Hospiial, $'t'n. wt'lcornr'd h1'tlrc Il;tughlttrs of Chrritl'lhis tvt'lh. ., t lrlcd nnrl dcfinr-.d bl.t 11,o .u- SCHAFER ing. schr.<[uled to begirt ScPtctrt- I I St. Paul's parish,'l't'll tiitl', has 1'l mtn attcttding scmittarics. plt urr nrlgistcrirtnr of thc Chrtrch (AT A pREss cr)nfel.ol]ce CoNSTRUCTION CO. ]'oung bcr l$, is futilc. I I Sun., Sept. 22 thru Sat., Sept. 28 l"tiuI lnrliitrt:tpolis pl|tshos hl\.o nrrrtc lhan lt) ltol's altcntling the Latin irnrl b)' pl'r'(r0(ling t'e ttinr-iiica I Nuv Yolk, Or{lrrrrlox Art,hbishol (.rlun('ils. ,,UNlTy School of Indianapolis, St. Mark's lcnrls u'ith 21, follol'ctl lx : Holy abovt lll ilrnt of lhc OF THE It:tstol,1 ()1,- llrkovus of Nollh anrl o,,..",L1"1;tt?'""*.r. 'l'rr'n( l\rttct'ica I Nrme, l?: Sl. Andrew, lli: lntl Liftle Flower, 1l.,..llt'cht'rrf l'r't'1r ltttrl of tlrc Irilst Vnlicnn llrotlox Chulr.lr untl llrc Ilornln saitlthat rvltileit tvou - I ('.rrrrcil ryhiclr nrust be faithflrlly Catholic (lhrrr.ch is rrn:rttilinablo not lro prtrper for hirl to |onrnrent Sclrool htrs Lcet'rrlly prrlrlislrt,rl an illrrstlttcd llrrrc.lrult rlcsr:rillirtg tlttl rrniqnr sr:r'ltiilr) art \\{rlli in llrt -sclrrrol's cltapt'1. UNUSUALo FANTASTIC o 0VERWHELMTNG INCIDENTAL STATISTICS-l'irl thosc who likc fir:ules, ht'r't' iile thc rcXislr':rlion totals ilt lhr. ll lllrton (hurtty Catltolic lti!ilt sclurrtls: Crlhedrrl, lii-!(ll)ols. rlorr'n fronl lnst Icar"s 9l,l; Chrrlrand, 4ti(i lx)l's qills, gills, Itx anrl up:S:i: Chalard.5(i? lrrtts and up 1i)l; Sacred Hearl. "'l'hc lN THE LETTER l)tipt: l)aul Or.tltorlox (jltulclt lrroirtlrcs 5ll() ho-r's urrl gills. rlorln.l$; Scecine Meniorial. l.ltlti l)ol's and gills, l'oPol'tr1.l th:rt lnrrrng othcr' rler:i- alrvnys rvith dt'nroerntic principles, rup 3?: Latin School, lSti l){}.\'s.u}) six: Brebeuf, li3t) l)o}s. up l5?: Lady- sirrtts takt'n lo tnakc thc rrouncil wood, l.t:l grll.r. rrp l5: Qur Lrdy of Grace Academy,33l Aills. rlurvn tll{)la' r'ffo(,li\'(! 'll:5f. \\'its the nppoint. Agnes Acndenry,.llll grlls, rhrstt l7; Sl, Mory Acaderny, ilfl() 'l'trt;rl Iinglish gitls. rlorrn 1(). :.ilin: :rtll. lll'll,lll,';)'lil''ii,t,',',,',',','Jl'.'li:llli:'ll;Nr'rv llr'('ss lltr' Nrrtllr ,\ttrcticnrtCrrlk'1'1' t,t r,d, U.F"{}.Hdf*r,li;l;ulfuDctigni , Yaricly plur Vrlur. Iionrr',as plt'.sirltutof tlrc courrcit rll'Iit:Cf rtl] lX)illlC([ Itt't'sst'rtntrtrittct, 0VE RW HE LM ING i[:j'.11';1 q:lt FREE (r0rli0f,r. (urlom 't'hc {resl All Euill ailh lht grrrlrrl of I'o1,r.'str.ttcr. ttisckrslrt.ltrnr f11. VffliCtttf COfftttliI rarc givcn lc eyt atgcal.nrl liy6bilily. lll{' ('r)lrllcill"ulht'r's \f(}il1(l 'ilill,;l;Xll"'illhlIo 12 FT.FLYING 1,,,1''i,,ll;il;,."i,il \'^'r'r('/\N.(rrr'\'- r"iltrroI r'r,r' rvitrd. I'' Ilcston, (l's'(1" 5li. 1()r(,(l1l:rt ll llrc s^rnre riitiu'irtni:" . SAUCERGIVEN /\lrlrl'rcun-l)()ut qotl- *..'ltl lrt, ll lrtrrrrlrt,r. nf trn,,tiilcli- l)r'r)cllritl()t' ilt Rrrntt'for thc IIoll'Closs SAVE THOSE MAGAZINES-'l'lrt' CSll(l Iltnrrilin* t'{)nlnitl('o al tir'ls .'(l .tlr.r. ,nf"ni,i"'.i.,r.,-"'1,pi.1yc11 !l'il 'l'hc l:alltot's, llt'ctl ttantctl ltclttl ttf Sl. Meinrad Senrinary rf(lll('sts Lr'ltlt'r's of tllittliorr to.suvc usetl rnrrrtios llr'.trglr.rrl t1t ,hits periorl- p1 I'lttglislt-langtt:tgt! scttion i}f nrasazincs for 1'1'111'1 s. to other parts of tlrc rvotld. l.ol infornrntion. i\I65{ tn"nt u.iif"ilifr; llto ftrr tltc sccontl ('rrnruritlt't', 'l'heolog1., i,racco' sarur.tral,sui si,ii,r,,r"." st'tto: CSJI(l Iiutrailirtg School of St. nloinr';rrl i'{l,J:l;i.ir,llll1ec Olclcnbur'r''tl Sr'ulinaf)', St. trlcin|url, lrttlilna .li5i7, (Don't. sorrtl thtr nlilgilrillcs to IIe itt post St. ) succccrls {his llsgr'. lleinlld. 'l'ttcek, ((lontrnucrl p:rgo Coupk: lo obsr:l'r'e Jarnes I. hrrld of thc frorn l) Itorlc hurcarr cf the N.C.W.C, lht'(lnlruchin lrliari; of Sl. Arrg- MARRIAGE GOES INTERNATIONAL-:Frfher Rabrn Hathorn, ttstinc P|ovirrca, I'iltsllrrrglr; it$ 5{)th Neu's Sclvicc, rvho u'as the ccu- 'l'ari. O.S.8,, cffcrlescr.nt cditor of i\lalriagtr l\lagaziue, r0pol'ts that ntr llish :lnlliversat.y turcnical council's I4uglish.lan. st't:ottrl, al. onc of six olher lltain stali{)ns of th0 Pt'efrr:tttIe. rntl Ilt'itish Crlrrrr()rlrvtallh cdition of trlar.r'inge rvill be printed by gurga pr'0ss olficer Ihroughont 'l'lre INI)1.,\N:\l)OLIS*llr', antl illls. Sislcr. r\I;rr.l, Illcrrrlan's appointcd Ilt'licon Lintitt'tl. of Dublin, br'ginning rvi{h tha Or.tolrcr issue. llte tilst scssioll llsl fall ,Ioscph .r\, Nolnn tvill cclebrate' fitrlrl n[ 11;;st. initill piinillr* '.r'ill bc ll.'r,titttlcol)ir-s. Ot'(lcl's lttlc llccn t'r'cciyt'tl t'r'o11r A nativc of Ravenrtl. ().. Irlthcl' 'l'lrt llteit' ltttlrlcn rvt'tltling nnttit'c1sa1y 1il l)nglislr,spt'akit)g countr.it's of tht: {lonrnronrrealth. ncl. t'rlition IIt'ston is onr,' of tlre oftit'iirl cx- UPON ARRIVAL, ()c. Sunrlll'. Sept. 23. cxpt'ctcd A illass of pi't'ls will ('()llsisl ol llftl(.1('siln(l feittltr(.s past 'l'ltrrtli.sgiling of lhc coulrcil. l)uting thc Ioher 3, lht. Sistcr'.s rvill bc rvtrl- f|0nt issttcs 0f the {1.S. t'tlition. rvill bc oflt lcrl at fit'st scssion hc also scLvcrl n,s conrt'tl hl lhlcc olhcr. lltlicon hus ln ctlitolill lrrraltl oi llish antl lilitislr exl)ol.ls. clt'r'irtirl St. ('atlrt lrntr of Sitrrta (llrru.t:lr l,'r:rnciscart at cltait'tnart of thc pl't!ss pant'l ;rnrl llrr'. rvltrr Iill sclt'ct tltt prrltlisht'rl. l 'l'ltc Sistots al t a<:lr ntission convcnt. tu:ttt'r'iuls lo bo i\\'t'pIorlict u l il.llt. {}n lltat rltrtc. Nolans 'l'hc 'l'ali establishttl undcl thc aegis of thc sclrools and l\lcnrli nnrl srlccosstill I{arr-r;tlr,. ) h:tvc l)eotr lnt.rlhcrs of St. Cath- U.S. Ilislurps. art rc:rr'hing ncally 600 hoys antl rt'inr's llarish fot' 1-r01.cat's. l,'atlrer llcston st'rvcrl in Iionrc git'ls, inclrrrlinq a substantial NAMES lN THF NEW5--Torrrorrotr', iicpt. tl, t'ill nrlr.k thc lrith llr. antl IIr's. Nolan havc tu'o as RssisIant procurator gcnelll tirrnrlrel of boartlcls. r\nniltr'.sl] of Archbishop Schulte's grrlorration s()lls, l)oltitl(l J. arrrl Jolrn Alltclt as n bisltop, I'r.ir'sts of o[ thn Congt'cgatiutt of Iloly Closs Accottling to statislics for {he rlrt ()rati()rl Nrtlatt, lr,rlh of Intlilnapolis, r\rcluiiotrrs(. lnusr sr].a s('eon{l irr tlreir-i\lass lirr.thc ft'ont l9ilf] trr l$.10, lnrl fronr ll]41| yt'rtt' ctttling .lrrrrc 3l), l96lt, the Alcltbislroll. I'r'ivltc pl'n)'t'l's ar.r. al.so in or.tlrr.. Falher Corrrad to 1947 was on tlrc st a ff of tlra Itlofrcttrrc has a rnissionary pcr'. Apostolic Gohrnan of .t*err'.\llrAnl'ltns t'ecClll.y Iccn 1rIasc'tl fp6t1 1LOrrisvillc Dolrgrrtiol irr lVashing. sonrrt'l of l8 pliests. thrcc Ih.oth- ton. IIe bccarnt-. lris congraga- Irosp11.1.. . . Griff Crump rrrrrl Ernie Schnippel, Yorntg ('lu.istian Wor.k- ols, six Sistels. sct'crt Atrrclicart ti()n's pr1)curatol gcnelal irr ll)50, artrl r\rrrllnlian ers fronr lnrlian;rpolrs, participated irr an inlernational affairs sr-nrinar lay nrissiorrar.ios, antl sincc thcn has scrvcd as n anrl ll5 calcchisls, sl)()lrsoi('(l b.r' llrc (lrrlrnission for. lntt'rnational l)e,r'elopmt.nt r.tct'nlly nativcs front consultor to thc Sa..rrrl Congrcga- lltc t.oaslnl lct{ions of thc islantl. ttt Nt.ry York. Broiher Philip Urdrwinis, O.M.l., plonounccrl hr-s 'l'ogctlre'r tion of [teligious. lhey nrannctl scvcrn BUILDINGCORP. lonll)ofar].r'orvs ill tlro ()lllatts o[ illary Iurrnaculatc at tho nNrlvitialc HOME A nrcnrbt'r nrain statiorrs of {hc Canon T,arv and 160 orrt-stations. Southern Ave, tlnd S. Shermon Dr' tn'l'trvksbun. Illss.. on Sr:ptonrhc'r.U. t\ lOtj0 gr.arluatc of tlrt'Latin Socicty of Anrclica, Irlrthcr Ilcs- Sclrool :r11r'cnt'ollrncnts irr t.egrr- School of Indianapolis, sT. 4'4660 lrc is lhc srrrrof Mr. and Mrs. Walter Urdawinis ton hns rvrittcn t'xtcnsivcly in lar anrl catechctical classes to- of St. Monica't prrish, Intlianapolis. llrothtr l,hilip rvill continuc his rnanv fielrls. Anrong his book.c t;rllcrl 5,16?. of rvhom only l4:i "'l'lte slurlios at tlrr'Ohlate Colle(e in \\rashinllton, D.C..,, W. H, Rohr, Jr., at'e lloll' Sce at \lroll<." nnrl rvt't'o bir;rlizcrl Callrolics. "'l'hr: thailnran of tlrc lntlianlrpolis l)istr.ict ftouncil of Cailrolic [Ien's speak- I)ricst of tlrc Irathcls." 'foastntasters r.rs' lnrrt'au. is {he ntrv pr.csitlcnt of lntlianapolis Club. 'l'hc clrtb ruofts L.\cr) I,'t.irlay cvoning at tlre i\lallgcr Inn. (iuc.sls ar.c Catlrclic schools Your trolcntne, :rdIist s prrtsidcnt, Naw 196:4 thr\ ltc\\, Order . Frlher John LaBauve, S.V.D,, s'lro rocentl)' r.cccivtd pclmission fr.orn lris I'r.ovincial lo rvor.k a socoltrl )oat'{)n spccral asi.qnnrcnl iu the Ar.Cltrlioeesc of Irtrlianap- lurn auu.y 51000 paltit'ipltetl olis, in tlrc tlrrec.dny lcadcrship tr.aining institute spon- Directorv b lJu,vr:rsCuicle solcil bi, thc Natioual (huncil of Catholic \lromcu. Thc institutc, at- ./ ./ tenrled b]':5(| rrolltcll, rvas lreld in Iliglrland I,ark, Ill.... Ncrv prcsi- GcrrururCatholic dtnt of thc stutlcnt horly at St, l\laur's Scnrinaly (Ky,) is Eugene C. Ilirectotgl nrrd Buyer..r firirlrr of lht, rlr'<'Itdiocrr-{f (tl flrrtilnrn;rofis Suding, frunr St. Andrew,s parirh, Inrlianapolis. Socretar.y is Joseph rrtll be prrblislrlrd llt'lobqtt: l!l(i|l Kos, frorn Our Lrdy of Lourdes parish, Indianapolis. llhe Ar.clulio- r:harily is lnutlcrl cesc has scvt'n stutlcnts thcr.e. Opinions

CoNVENTION HtcHLIcHTS ON FILM*Color lilm hightights of WHAT'SlN THEDIRECT0RY? listins of the recent convention oi thc Knights of St. petcr Claver, hckl in In- tlianapolis, *'ill be shou'n in thc st. &ita's parish aurlitorium, rgth o All pastors, assisfanls. ,I,hr: antl iliarlintllk' Ave., at I p.ur. Sunrlay, Sopt. 22. ,10_nrinutc a All Cafholic school principals. hospitals, colleges, high covel'aqe rvils rnildc by 1Vl,'l]ilI.TV antl inclutlcs tlre orrtdoor conven. o All Superiors of Calholic Convenls, tion (irvelnor N;lss anrl \\telsh's reception for carrlinal lluganrbrva. schools, and institutions. O Information on every parish and rnission in lhe Archdiocese- I'cg Clalk addresser, time of Masses, reclory and convent phone numbers. Indianapolis rnHllts ORDTR'I'ODAYff2,00 ?dN Prirne site SALES& SERVICE STQCKHOLM - In what may [Jnitarian OF be regarded ar an exceplional ecumenical geslure in lhis pre. Goodall Simplidry dominantly Lulheran counlry, municipal eulhorilies herc hovo Hand & Power Lawn a;d Ga;den offered lo S?ockholm's Catholic AND BUYERS Rotarys Power lhe cily's mosl advan. Equipment laEeously locrled sile for lhc relocalion of an hiltoric Pennsylvania ehurch. lambert The church is that ol St. Eu- Hand & Power Hand & Powered genia, which is scheduled to bc rared in lhe process of oxlend. Reels Sweepers ing a subway. 'O I d e s I posl . Reformalion ME 4-2825 church in Scandinavia. 5i. Eu. genia's was buill in 1836 rnd (0. represenled lhe return of Cal. HERBERTA. DAUITI INC. lholieism lo the Northern coun- THURSDAY,SEPT. 26 650VIRGINiA AVE. lries after more lhqn 200 yaarr Holy AngelsSoeial at ii:3{}p.nl. Ilotr'1, Delag , " , llttlgl ..1 f,iilrited ,5rrlrlrfy .!t'oilflhle l in ,lfaiI llrder of banishmenf. in the schoolhall, 2uth ,r ul Not'tlt- wcstern^ Tt"tE CRITER;ON, SEPTEMBER 20. 1963 PAGE TEN

glllllllttttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt FARME R'S VI EW. tililililililmffmilulunilililtE THE ARCHDIOCESE consitlcring tor the AROUND ly rough fish not now

I:oirves fislres plenty = €rnd = vcs arrd of Ficrv r\lbnny parish scts tnade available for

losiol;s and set off carcl prrrt)', stvlc show Gotl has given the knol' collt'ction of Nl'lW .{l,Ilr\N\', Irtrl.-A l)t's' paltit'ipaltr in tltc lctt has set I.he cliarge. lt Llrtlsa(lc lbr Chil- ls to ignita the sct't L"artl l)arty lntl St1'lc Sitotv f untls fot' thc fuse. (lron, by Itatlio Station is sclrcrlrtlt-.d Wc(ln('s(lily. Oct. ?, sponsorctl live by hread and :tt E p.ltl, irt IIolf' T|inity hall, \\tll,\S, Lorrisville. Thc crttsade Iish Itotvcver. World pro. Sll'o0ls. blemt not hc soh,ctl !last St'r'cttth atttl illirlkr'l a irls hlllrlicnppo(l childlcn oI until we 'l'hc nffail is hcinc sp()nsor(a(l lly recoli an is soul as wcll al Kr.ntut'k)' anrl Sotttltern Intlinna' tltt, Rosnly Altnt' Snciotl' of lloly bod .c spirit- 'hppittg A spcci:rl eollcction rvill tre takon Trinily palish. lhc list -ull onomics, of rtrolc than forly pt'ires to be up in all tlrc clrttt'cltcs of lhe physin. atvat'tlcd nl'c nn appliqLrttl tlttilt do:rnr'rt'on Sunday, ScPt. 22, Tha Witshirtglon botl' anrl I Nat'tltlt nruount t'olloclt'd by cach parish spt'da.l. is trr hc tcpot'terl io trIr. Ilany illrs. Ironc Petcrs is e hrtirtllritl, Wlt '1'50:lti 3s soon as assistrtrl h1' trlrs' Norn !lrrckels, Diehlnrrrii. cn'elt;titrtt;rlt.'l'ltc Pttlrlic is t'rrt'- possilllc illtcr tlt('. ln.\t NIass' dially invitcil lo :tiit'nd. 'l'hir(l 'l'lrc t)l'dcr o[ St' t"r'nncis 'fltr - Nr'rr' 'lrr'*, r''t' :lilit =cil or._cnilr,,ri,. l'f.:,iiii' l,:lj,*ii:i,l=ril tilll.,,T t#|il: visitrlls fll'e wclcome- Thir-rl Orrlt'r ullit GRE ENCASTL E ll ls. .lolttt Reiling is thc llcw prcsirlt,lll ot' SL I'atrl's Grriltl nttd lo utt'cl Scgrt.!,1 :\ltru' S()cit't)'. Otltcr nerv officers lDns(orll prrhlishr:rl irrciur[r tr11s, L]asscl Glttbb. vicC- lNl)1,\N.\ l'()l,lS -'l'hc Scptclll' Ir't'sirlcrrt, Xlls. Loon I11'lit. secle" \\'ASIllNc'f0N,*'l'hc Nation:rl (;. (jatholir: bcr nlt'et!!rq of lltc S:rr't'oil llcat't 1:rr'1: Ilrs- l). llhan, ll'casulct: Welfalc Confcrcnccr has 'i'hii'd Irmtcrnit]' of tht Ordt-t t)I llrs. Jrrlrr I''cr.in,,.\ltar Society published thc [J.S. I]ishops' rcrcnt ('lrlirnran: g{, l.'1nn1:is will be lrt'ld Sttntla}'. atrrl Ilt's. \Yaltcl Kcl' .ioinI pastolal lettcl on lrcial har. Scpt.33. at il p.nr, in S;rt'rt'tl lcl'. {tt'asttrt'r. mony. 1'hc lcprints alc pricctl :rt IIt'ar.t Chrrrqh. Rev- l":rtltt'r I"ct'- 91.25 pel hundretl antl $10 pr:r ().1"..\i.. BRADFORD thousenrl .qus Sicvenson. rvill pl'r'' '1111 CARND.IF{ALIS CRI'I'ICAL anrl are avail:rhlc flom {)lrlnIos of St. ltcnctlict rvill Ullrich Drug Store s itit'. lhe NCWC al. llll2 trlassat'hust:ttri I llr('r't rt ?::l(l p.iu. Nlonrlitt', Scpt. I JOECHRISMAN n(r\ iccs rvill lrc Inslructions li)r (iet" 5 I):L: Qo To Ullrich'.s for .Scruice I qr:ltlt' 1;l;rt St. llichltcl's. I"rlltcr tllli:_lll )Yi:l'|t!,t'":t heltl at 2 p.ttt. in lltt' sclttlttl zt,lNr't'lr ilr,:ARIN(i AtDS - - ;rltl Iillspt't'n1111- (1.$,|1.. sf St. Clothier Ir:rll prcecritn,' lltc tntr'litrq. I trlt'inr';rrl .\r't'ltalrho5', Oltlatc Di' 301 ?nd Street Ph. ft I Srtut'tle1:. 0tt. :. a l);t)' of I AURORA,INDIANA fo(.lr)r. \\'ill ctrtirlttci ihc mct'ling. missioneffort Iittr'trlhrction ttill ltr hcltl ttt thc American 'l'ltc :\ll {}hlItt's iil lllis ilr(1.1 iit't: ttrgt'd -=-l clrur'ch bcgintrrng ;tt 1) n.ru. to rtttntl. ohs('rvatic(' rrill cltrstr s'itlt llcttc= SavageAppliances frutntnize

Schtitz - C.V. - Corlings Bluck lobel

- - t$l0vlNcI Red ToP old Dutch fqlstsft Local & Lons Disfancr N-ti$$$$ii':$iffiond Carlirrgs Red CoP Ale I HOSKlNt Brownsburg Hardware RoErRr 'i'hc Orncrsl lilonogcr EldredVan seclclalilt. a t:lcaritrgltousc I oI ittfot'tnntion on U,S. ttiissttttt' ,i lJ. * F,rl'.? Ilf--,, f ?;. & StoraseCo. scntling sot'ieties, reportetl thesc Glidden Paints assignnrcul figulcs for all mission SAIE$ rn6 SEIVICE i activitics: 20(; rcligious ot'rlct' Erownshurg Shopping Cenl.r 5{I N. lSrh 5t. c.6??51 plrcsts; 220 Sistcrs; 40 rliot:csau uL 2-4s87 pliests; 33 lirothcrs; anrl t| lay- Agent i nlen. Unltcd Van Lines i"Be 'l'hc i Sociable. ., Have o Pepsi" lalgcst single tletaclrnrcut ol nrissioners fronr one conlr'nllll- FISCHER'S itl's"1. attlibuted to the llat'1'- TellCily Federal 'l'he ari.l APPliances knoll Sisters. conrnrrrnity Furnilure $$$$tH[$$$$$ffi "L'rtgtdate MoYtag scnt ti3 rncnrbets ovct'sras. 24 trr S,& L, Assn, and I.atin America. Poy'n Pqkir IGA fvlkt. Distributor" HargoOil Company 6O2 f,toln lh, Kl' 7'163d Trvclvc tlioccscs u'clc lcpoltcrl 9I0 Main 5r. Kl 7'1351 Cleaned Filtered & Winr to havc sent 24 priests ovclseas Quollty Mealr-Becr in 1963. al! of thcnr to Latin Sag It lVllh FLOIVEII,S fraa Delivary-Op€n Sundiyt FUEL OIL Anet'ica. In addition, thc Nlrs- frotn Western Auto KIDD .;ionary Society of St. ,Iirrrtes the t320 - 3rh $. 88,5-3121 TELL CITY Apostle, rvhich accepts rliocesun AssocialeStore llo,E;#il:;ffitrffiffi Brazil Greenhouscs InsuranceAgencies priests, sent 1{i, all to Latin NATIONALBANK "EDeflilhing F:.-# ?5 N. Walnut Phone 238{ for ilrc Auto" General Insvrance-Bonds Anrerica, "Drivo-ln Brnklng ScrYicG" Complele Deeoraling Service BRAZIL, IND. 15 N. Walnut St. Phone 220t ilillilillllilillililillilililllililillllilillllililllilililffi lililtl FREE PARI(ING TELL CITY and CANNELTON Call WH 4.3,11? for APPointmenl Helping hand "Your Ihe StangerCo. Patronize tr Value Centcf' TheEger Studio ,,por - I.1/sdd|ll0s" Men ond Young Men's Our Dauby's Dept. Store Lrarts CLOTHING and SHoES PADGETI 717Mrin St. lltl West Naf'l Ave. Ph. ?6076 Aduertisers 3 Elosks Ofl Meln ChevroletSales in Trll City Phone Kl 7'3479 I'aul V. Shrader Funterul IIonrc .'A J,-NJ.SJVDI,YPLACIT TO TheRiddell National Banh 'I'IIADE" Zoercher-Gillick Funerql Home Estubltslrcd lS40 Two'WaY Rrdio - Oxysen EquiPment - Ambulrrrce Service -' ol Brazil,Indiana TelephoneRO 3.4235 - AtrtIitILANCIi SlrlliVlCll TELL CllY, IND' Since1885 fvlemberFDIC Morrislown, Indiana Kl7.'t5r1 THE CRITERION, SEPTEMBER 20, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN

THATIS ALL YOU EVER FOR ONCE, t THINT< OF, CANT YoU ENrroYTHe Ilentemlrcr TrLEvlsl oN! SEAUTYOF NATUREAND lhent, Donateland for seminary WATCHTHE SUNSET in your prayer$ CONAKRY, Guinca*The government of pretlominanill, 11o*tu given .Guinea has an 88.acre plot of land to the Archrlioceso of lxDtANAPOut Conakry lor the buikling of a minor sentinrry. (lrr{lrr I iftD t. -Crumt, 73, St. Ard.ew's 5ept. I 3. Cdlvdry ( drrrrlcry. 5urvivorri Archhishop Raymontl-l\Iarie Tchitlimbo, C,S.Sp., of Conakrv wife, Milbls N.; s0il\, ll. Brec!, J. 6ri{fin, an- nrrd..Illortra\ M. sisler, nounced .CruilrD; Mary 0nrlteri this here and said that the new John XXII Scminsry rvili lroIilet, xnynlonu, serve thig African nation's three Church tcrritories: the Conakry t MltHArt O"lO|'i-tr, St, John's ehur.h, alclulioccsc, thc N'Zer.ekore rliocese, antl ihe Kankan apostolic ple" (crilulcry. . 5cpl.14.51. la\rl)tl Sutvivorr lccture. Lrrolhcr, Jdrob, (jntholics in t MyRor{ H. r,*r**ri, rr, sr. phitip Ne't Guinea nttmber 22,000, less than one per cent of the Sixty-rrne per population ,",,f,11:l:1,,,:l'i,l;,.'',j",|';,',t :1",';,..?:1i,.,,J; ltopulation, cent oI the is lrtoslcm. Milek rnd Mnrie co*'- Archhishop Tchitlimbo saitl that the hrrikling of the scminary "shottltl (ittincans, 1 [alHEnltr RYAN,sr],-loly sriiftr etrurch, be the rvork of all Catholic anrl evcn oI all 'ud,i:r[rhlti,_r'?:llliil;,s,#i1ff:',: (iuinaans goort ,,,r;i;f;;, of will, Ior onr lurure clcrgy will lre at the service WillidarRydd. O[ all nfCn, , , . "We have decidctl to eall it.Iohn X,YIII Serninary because thc (iuincan Ilicrarchy was ercatcd undcl thal_ grcirl l]ope, who so loved IndianapolisParish Shoppittg List Af rica." O O lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilililililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiliiiiilliiiitl

- -f ltBtRt G, l(RAMtR, 63. Holy Rosary Plan to 19. lloly aclmit ffi {hurchr Sept- aros! fenrclery, ncwsmerl @ Survivors: wrle, Arrqelina,, dlrrr;lrlcrs, Hirl- ru - bellr llr,rdcr. Dorolhed Collicri sonr Miclrdel f, Wolte Shell Ssrvice $tctaon rnd Georqc C.; sister. lleilrielld Krdnrer,

DAVIS GROCERY CO. I Jutll CRAWFORO, tZ. Sr ioan of Arc Lhrrtrlt, to sessions 1fi[|[ srAN's r!{! !. mrorcan Sopl. lB. Srrrvivors rorrsinr, of council 0roccrir. Madls, ffuifr * Ve.l€ltblif /dllh Thorrrl Rooney, Cdtheriile dnd tvd (iil)sail, frt. Lt,b.- Ilrr ' Ecllart Baktrv Goodr NIIYIT SHELL SERVICE Sttltf, rattks ol r:xistin{{ intcrnatioual '['';'Lt';^lllft' JI- MARY-OT.IHT.ROCX 4I jr5.5t. i *AYM0llD LlXER. Mnryof.lh,lRQi:k eatholic organizatioris. rlAXt rnd M0I0l IUNI.UP IlRYlCt aUnclety. Survrvors, !rslor!. i\,lr! C.rtrrrlc SlffiGf rnd llARIlR llFAlE sr /{o55 Wnilrr. ul Balervrlln; lrrri. Mnr(Dll,l Sih0fle, CltlElAIOt At'chhishop rYllccL iAtAltir ol-0lrlFnbur!; brotlrl, Alphorrsc, Indrlnll,i, llorcillo cxpccts rhe 'iKNowN r0l QriAtlIY' ol corrncil lo grr lrt'r orrd llre cominA BO.KA FLORIST & SON i::1'-:'i]::L:__:: DICK & FRANK CARDIS sccond scssion into a thirrl, iorrrilr SINCLAIR "wttcoME cur ttow€lls I'tAflls. t0u'l or' pussilrll' t'von fiIth scssion. rt0rrAt ArRANGtlltltTS Servicc Station lo their llc sairl that it is pr,obablc "o * "tn RAYRoss CATALINA BAR lhat A lhe corutcil Irllltcls rvill r.eceive :t__ _ _-l r: 10Ji I. t|.shlnctsn 5t. fit l'6005 qgP Standard$ervicc trvo rcports on thc ploieets put befot'c thcnr, r rna.iority repolt SEI(ING SHELL lttExsoRrlr a rtxrtr r tAilialtt in clch inslalrcc from 1it" SERVICE 6tAXt SItYr([ JACOBMONZEL nao. lrtnond $t. t ChurchmrrAvr. tl {,0017 l)llt'lttor.v conrnrission. anrl a ntrn- lt-ri0ortat al UatIrin otitv r'opolt plr-scn'.ing llrc viervs 860? t. tY$tfifld 8lYd, Grandlrlhrr-Cuckoo ll olhrr alrr. cloc|.s 'a! vt. 5-0027 w0 lch as - i rwc lr y * didnron ds"- 6rr)an rcoair Ino crf tltc eoutntission tlisscnters. trprr r Iubllcnflor]dn0 0r,lkr S0rvlcf J5l0 ttil In{ilt srrrrl ALREADY lN llrc lranrls of the llrlor lune.ul' I Roao Strvirr Phorr MI. 6-9061 Indhn.rollr l, ltrd, eorrnoil l,'athr'r's.hc lt'poltctl, ar.c lrrrriocls exanrinirrll thc nllulc rtf llrc (Jhnlch, (littholic tcaching on JOHANTGEN'S tlrr: \rirgilt ,11:rli,, llrrr authoritv RURAL PHARMACY of bislrops anrl lhc gor.currnelt of '-l DIRK'SMARKET rlioct'scs, fRtt the 1tl:rctt of t.he laity in @l or.rrry.nds.rvrrr DTTIVE*Y -l FRtEoillvrRY l30l t. Michigrr Fr' t-e036 53?{ F' ir*h lt $t. 1'11506 Ctark's Walgreen Agencv I a FfrlefiDtisns a --- - -' ttlnin.6trd1c _ Soln fountdrn | ART'S DRUGS il'Iil'"",'-':,.'{iiiii*,]ll*tt* DRUGs. ARIHUR J. MEUNIEft | wour"rnm tNc. "Your a7?? Noirhrril.'-h rii ltA 5 Elts ,,"'^ot?x.iru,i".i'litril .""tt' REXALL Druggisl" HASSE'SBAKERY .- I '*tt orl'otTt*.,hinrro6 l5th it. rt Strtrotr al. U, 6,6llt i3l6 t, torh l, rrtl E-5861 -Prescrlplions- wonrrr;i rulnker i ,, r'r... *. a BrRlhDAf (AKts I l*,rar*,,tt REGALMARKET 'iYEDolNG -----. tlrxts rSrilSli rI Arorrr(ArMAtorrr(AtM Mr-Mr' 1.t10!rl't10!l ii=-:_-_-- =--'-:----_----==:-. "'= =-:i-..--=-==------I "Sr''rvrnrt a l" rho sorllrrirh sincr 1900'f 0rrv U.-\, tiorlrJ0r rhoico tlrtl i Rrvct,tlt0i rn Prinlrno i tt0l 00'f{UlS 8rl0 f.lil= @&ISSIFIED[Dg@ .rer-LED-MAGlc ' Terrace al Madison Ave' @ CtO5ED lil0NDAY i,l::i"J"::'t;,i,T*:"*n,lT i - An Inerpensive Wanl Ad -r.eicltl:"m.."Niil-.;:ix;"J;.iffi HEIDENREICH Does a Fig Job "IHE ItttfH0ttE ft0Rrsr' CALL ME 5.{531 Wo |hona FlowersAnwhrrr 'la:rt t'1r lt?shrnltor 5rr*st rl {r'Jltlt c,o"li,""x"i, a;,ri"';-r.;,,1";'l;,,r1'r',;,,,'n | l- lSll Apllca'l'ilenihrr lilr 1'91t1 Ask for iln A(l-'lakor it, Juor I'Rl\i:lt' 0*rtr ____---_--_'_- T.v. ,,. *. ,o,rt'tt't *A s-6j57 | DUGGER Jl sxop-RrrE saues& sERVlcE I BROWN'SHARDWARE W!lo.tl.*!.,l1o'&.sI0l}.|,ii'}'l",;.#ln'o^-.tf!tv|s|0}i-.'-'11:[, SD.{irlisl rn Rcrrlr ol rl'lul:.NewYor"lr -i l"- lluninum llorm l{inrlow and ltrrtrr * PAlilI5- tirq.rl Color I!lr(llon ltr f,trtc j * lroy rnd Crrron lt ,t,60?0 HOMF BEvERAGE SToRE ,lfil;.:T;1,1'Ja;l;,i""li I;:,il;i:, | wnlrrn's PHARMACY PAcxactttouoRs -, 8EER i . ------| eut.ilrtl td' .l frrnrworlh ]ust L.r\t ol ,!1id,tron Ave. or,!1id'.on I r,:^l,fnp^t r pHARMAcy GlLtAgAitAi.\'' i Cll.4.9000 "llrs ,,, r. rrig,L.r\r fti sr r.ersrl caMennLL I . ,,ul|i,i-r,llil,. ,Jcti.sJU" - I {{02 t. rY.rhintto[ Sr. i f FxFt:RI PRfSCRIPTIONISISI Bennelt Coal & Oil Co. tt'"fi-tro*rr.*,rr,o*',lrtfru'orrrInu' r35t r. rAlrot @ @ Ory or Xlk - i i: sI 4,7023 # | --!:*""1-*1o': :-_:tnnu"')"''-:--'. I @ PRESTON'S PARKWAY SHERIDAN GARAGE i PIZZA i- SUPERMARKET erlr*rlr RrpArFand AUTor\rAr€ TRANS. '..]i!"1::t,"o!,'iii'iot!",i1i,, TEXAco FUEL olL llolsinger Auto Suppiy | I th. llHISl HAMI In littAl5 rnd |R0OU(I BoBKARrBo. p,op. | 5ll{ E..Michig.an St, Crrnkshdtl Grlndlnt.-Reborlng ' '::11 L.i.'Jl:: i:i,,uT::'L:, Conuiele Vaivc Servicr-Porlablr Iaulpm€nl f[sh (rt Choiat frtralt Our FL 7-1s81 Pdrls nnd Uichitr, ShoD Sarvlcr ::l:"' I Yrrryrvrr s r v! (1" :L:1':':l:::ji Sun. lh,! . i rllrvington lLs lce & Fual Co. 1045 I l(oy AYc, $I t.tlla l02l l{. Reyrlonc fhont 3.0/0,r i sun.rhrr Ihurt,rhrrrs..r,n 4 lo l?r? on^, nr- - Aduertist:rs fr BELL ,t @ trnFr$ Refrigeraiion Co. i#iH;;r.,op;^#; lJ \ Easl Side Bike Store I.--l l-l and DRY CLEANTNG $rto .dd tarrtar Your {re,lil ls o.K, l{itlr lCRwtxNslcYclEs 5f,6e5 ind u,r-[.rsv furm i ^ | onoPofI stltvlct ItAS0NAtttE DOViil PAYMfNI nl op..D/:-r().1 nr ,o'o 6 o.q,...ciDsr(ro.or...ciirserr r,,,i,",,"r;11;,,,,f.lli,iit.|l,,*,,Xl,.1,Tanir1sr',,i,"""r;11;,,,,f.lli,ii"l,,*,,xl,,l,Tari*ssndand Wr Hev. fJclort lr[if,cd Icchnlclans To Satva r$,rd2,rl,ii,errr,riffilET\ HIMMEI,SHlMMEl,s ' You In Your Hontr, 24 Hour Scrylcc, P. & H. MOTORS -'.ll'..l - ll'l'.:li 903 Virqinir Av?, ME ,t-602t 2201t. lxoY sr {'6t31 + + i ffiUntJ PURFotL l'0, ,uo,,,li'''ii,';'J;';",3,,'.li'rr,.06,0 GOOD IRANSPORIAIION REAL ESTATE r{IIh^dID\ ,tuA,rrr.r,F^,.vcD'c |l\fr' \fr' i-j- K ffitffil ..,:',1*':=-;.;.= I o,r'*.t011J"'oTiB#F'rn,.u,l@ Furnaces - Air Conditioning rr-ltr'L|.)tr'|.(YrLtr' r.rooni- 2.1 tlr. Servicc lt'i ilow Wlth lhi ltrll.n fouch BUYINGor SELLING SK llll'.i_1ll_ 5alon ond Dryars Co'nplot!ly Air Conditlon.d SOUTHPORTHEATING r00iN sh,dlritrdor. laCx lnaii-ewi&*solr* f*oNTE'S PIZZA / ndvnnred Stylirls nnd 0rafnlorr lo Srrva You "[?.;lf-5'^.iLt",lLlflt;'n. 6gnr i | & cooLlNG, lNc, Rorl Eslrle t*.''l,"ioLl3 sT 7.5321 16t9 $h.lbr 51., lndrh.'rtllt$ 3, Ind. . . i oti;il'.i,,t]',1,'.9:l]'ff,.,* | *"n'r',f'DfJ1;;i\l"r Rome Original Coiffures olft(rr sr r.9{r9 ru I-150t CALL -l *.oo,oti',1'flr.*.o* i ST4'1147 ,l?00 $outhr.rl 3t,..-ln toulh!rn Phrr -** -*------* JOSEPHH, ;io'i C;s ARGUS MAKI YoU[ oWN PIRSoNAI Ghok. fmm our Flower & Garden Shop Inguirs ldrgc. rel.clion ot SCHWINN .nd I.ALEIGH (A5tt orcyctet. rnd TARRYSPE[lat eboul our -- t00 U,l. Sl florfh Cle.nwotd, lnd. "v{I home lrada. Supreme Bicycle Store DfLlvtr" lu l{193 5506-08Mrdiron Avr, It C.9?tl in plan, @ ORME'5 Woodcrofl Pharmacy . PAIRICKM0llARiY, Owdcr Carpets and lnleriors It.r5 MADISoD tI. &ttlt @r-l lt N0ttulit*lrAfl DwA Fr.. t III a ExPrrT PnrIcRtPil0il lEnvtcE (utroM ll008 D[sle|| CHURCH. S(HOOI. HOfIIE . TIilAINTENANCE a QUAUn onuct ontvI rroth,,oi,ilo"jl sririr churth rnri lftlftll rni ?ll{t9l *' "^;;;; *^.".- . I I - - l-l Conlraclors Suppliers Eleclricians - Carpenters MERIDIAN MEAT MARKET 'Iilli" *,-'*' "i'n'r,ll;]';,11,-,'1.,0' frl. rnd trt. 2 A.M. |...u"0,,,,-t' l.i, *,,,,, I Plumbers - Plasierers- - 7f{9 l. trlrrldhn tf. fU. 1.9100 MARVIN'S Drive-ln ,"', " to" lffi rrill L'rrldon Painiers Fencing frr.r$ Proc. - Dallctt$r.n In.c.-tomDlrtr !hoo!ln! f.Glllfl.r SoulhernLiquor Stora | I A. J. Laker and Sons Cook"s Glass & Mirror Co. MIrvln tnd funlcr fdinqton 2850 to. $rridirn SI {.1194 Irlrrtor Printlr! Gullerr & Downspoutr ensrlaNDco,, rNc. clrir lopt - All Klndr I I Int.lor Decorrli;o Mirron-Ncw rnd Relinishrd Roofs,Siding & Furnaces - rl r-rroo rr. r.raa tl8 Plriltnt ptwr,:il, I I Run Dr. tny Klnd Glass Replrild Nerv AUIO GIA55 and llcoairs w i\ll Wolk Guar:antced - (jO. l00Fi rnd GUTTTR!trpAtRrD rrAA ll00FlN(; TV;#fr$ffi"tRlgn eUI ilrllt" 0r 630 W. Markel St. ME 5.2928 N[Yl iO0FS nnd GUIITRS PAT DOLLEN'S ffi COOMER ROOFING CO. HUEBNER'S tVc bw our own frr,ltt rnd vcgelrbht ftom ME 4-9649 Grow?rs. fhlt lnturti you trrslrnessrnd good SHELLSERVICE qurliiY. 4907N, Penn WA 3-2509 t@ ,l46lt 5023 l,hdlron Ave.-ll {Sourl,rtoa's lltrre:l orrd Bc}t) | | loil rnd HARRY lols. ,\'iri"Lm lroutc lz0O l'r' Dcl.o Brrtrrl!!-Goodvccr I R*r,,i.,u, I flrcr wdlet, idnitary se*err, conctcte lunlUD-6nkr lanlr. I tt., city I I curtrs, strcets o,r,j sirlnv;all:i, Locdle(, 6dioitr' I ';i1,,tt;,#:' churor rtrrt new crr'rrrand North Eastwood Lounge w | I 38th & Port Road ME6-55rs I I PIC'N PAY Enterlainment - Every FOOD MARKET (hoicc Cortom Col M.rir Thurs,, and Sat. SPIVEY r00K 3032W. r6ih sr. ME 2.0739 Fri. H!nrl NriGm Cart'y Out l)eltarttncnl o5 E A BtruMtNoU$ PAvtNc Joe lirop. o6, i'/ a!\* Safeway Qualtcls, Quality Foodr Madi=on Ave. - StoP l0 Rd. T lEt . lffiI I %-$ ItBEt AYt. rr t f ytnt t0. I crrrc turr tlt , ,,Frllh I I I E I loary llosr 1$fil ExcAVArroNs choic. Cul,' &l|ct! !.r rrrE.n @ I \ El . - Patronize I rn*fiso,uTHPoRI'slltt I u ffi VD"';,i"' * E- ROAD OILING I cnolcE LocATIoN i Broad RippleHigh Area I I :r-{ F. S, GRADY LILLIE'5 Our hh3JF- A. IIUBERT BEAUTYSHOP I S.hool55 Districl I loulh Side it founlain l!urr. & SONS,Inc. ',, {',li tl n r'} rconri nflv/Lilr r'cq; Plbg, & Heoting Contrrctor eorlf,tt ft trf;AU ry 5r RVrcE | { Bod,rn I PATRONIZETHE Wooryp'l ;I l"'c {or r'r'rn rdrrrrv ll5 E. SouthernAvs. 9'15S. Somerset CH {.3343 I inlin!.-Slylin0-/!1ini( urinq Gd(rt l I' TT Bur. llrs 9 d.m, lo 5 p.nr., l,10n. lhru Sdt. Advcrtisers I littiJ,i;, ADVERTISERS l, ,r.Jfi.',', 5T (P,O. .0. ,t t.r,t, 6.1083 Bor 21004,W.l. Stafion) ErJES 8Y ApPT. * C. tu,r* I I I - 1046 Woodl.wa Arr. lll +lt2l CRITERION, 20, 1963 PAGETWELVE THE SEPTEMBER TTOV I7'AT.[' START'EP Fr. Hans Kueng traces effort to update Church

of thc Chulch rvhich lound itscll BvpLAcrD JoRDAN, o.s.B. HEAR IHE IIEW ]ll:,.:;il.:ti,l_.i,:,..[i:lJl'*i:l.lf'frcctl by thc necessity to search t{iolu Spinll ROllli-'l'lte itrtlli'tct ol' ttt'o for new means to sptead the I AsKED lor an of n'olltl tt'at's, a rlaclition ot' -T,H:,,.TlN Good Tidings arrridst r sca WinterSpinet Pianos 'lllli-,-,i'lt'i,l;,,Lli,;'l;l'l'llntisory and dcspair. "With ii*or"si.i'i':,'*u,,."ti'"ii,i-tlic lh.r Grtnd tona', lilli:l;f "'l'his enlailcd an lntense rxam' oplr0l'til]lit)" t'oI tlrt0l0giilll's f..u,,, or,u" MARTONMUSTC CO. iliiii"ir'-:"ii,."los}, as ll'o0(loll'l '[ue'. inllion of eonscienccs sttch t0a s. aENltrYtvAiltA lrr sltrtlf irt Lrc Lniii.it .totu Uirivcrsity o[ other eountrics ccrtainly did not tltrcc uurior' reilsOlls \\'hv Ille ing.n. Ge'ririlny. Irc is gcncrally "ttlldittitlg" expelioncc to lhc samo extcnt." rrcrv effot:t [or' ill rognldetl as fln otttstitntling lcldcr gcnct'aiion tltc' Cltttt'clt tirst bt'ctrure evi- of thc l'otlngct' ol Catlrolic thcologilns.