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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-5-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-05-1907 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-05-1907." (1907). abq_mj_news/4579

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killed today by a bullet through the. swept out to sea. A'Roman Catholic li'ead which the police were convinced church, with walls twenty-eig- ht Inch" was (lred by someone outside who thick, wa razed, as were nearly all II JUAL STORY sought to conceal the source of the F of both European and native build- HALFTHEEARTH CALIFORNIA SISARE TEE Is among shot. . , ings. Food shortage feared the natives. dexvku escapes with ' A sensational robbery Is reported seven, injured from Melbourne, where three gold rut ounces, were stolen Denver. Colo.', July 4. Only séyen bars weighing 420 persona from the mint. The robber Is be- were Injured as the result, of keys of the OFOEÍ1ÍHÍ1ÜD the Fourth of July celebration In this SUFFERS ED TO DOZENS HURT lieved to have stolen the city today. BÍ ID HE safe from a constable employed it the iilant. ' The hutst serious Was Earl Banden-blstl- e. aged thirteen, .whose left hand was blown off in an explosion. He HARD FOUGHT ELECTION will probably- recover. Charles no LOSS BY Schenck, aged twelve, lost an eye. The SEVERE FOR BRITISH COMMONS F others hurt were, not seriously Injured. iUd itIII NEW YORK SPENDS Tariff Reform anil Irish Question 4 MILLIONS FOR FIREWORKS Add to Ritteriiess of Harrow Contest. 4.- - I Xew York,- July Dealers esti- mate that New Yorkers purchased nearly four million dollars worth, of London July 4. Polling took place JULY FIRE fireworks. The fourth tn consequence , FIRE STOH today at Harrow in the most interest- - was nojsier than ever. i Ing and exciting for a member of the house of commons that FOURTH AS HAD AS EVER has been witnessed In England In IN THE HISTORY OF CHICAGO many years. The vacancy was caused Tragedies' Begin Early in New Chicago, Juljf 4. Thi advance cele- Thousands of Acres of Wheat Irrigation - Celebration Draws Hurricane Sweeps Western by the recent death of Sir Charleo, Elaborate Celebrations in AH bration of the fourth in Chicago last Palmer, the ship builder and crea- night caused the death of pne person, tor of Harrow's latter day prosperity of Nation City - Breaking Throng, Great Cities the York Where Italian Lad the serious injury of many and much Burned While the fields Are Record Wisconsin; Towns Wiped who had held his seat continuously damage to property through fires and since 18S8. With Many Addresses by Shoots Aunt and Kills Him- explosions. The fatality waapaused Surrounded by Rapidly Ris- - Representing Every Part of Out; Dwellings Demolished; The election has been fought with great energy mainly around ques- - by nervous shock, á woman falling the Famous Men, self, dead when a giant eraVker was ex- mg Floods, New Mexico, Growing Crops Beaten Down, tion of tariff reform and much bitter- ploded close to her. Though the po- ness has been Imparted to the strug- lice made numerous arrests In an ef- ' gle by the decision of the Irish voters DAY IN CHICAGO fort, to enforce "sane fourth" regula- G. A. RICHARDSON AND WIRES PROSTRATED to nominate a home' rule candidate AMERICANS ABROAD IS tions, the din and damago to. life and KERN COUNTY LEVEES ,.' for the purpose of weakening tho lib- property wero as great as' ever. eral nominee. EXHIBIT PATRIOTISM RIOTOUS AS OF OLD .NOW SEEM DOOMED R. E. TW1TCHELL SPEAKERS IN ALL SECTIONS! All four political parties have can- HOY'S PRANK RESULTS didates in the floor and this makes th IN AN UGLY TRAGEDY struggle most complete. It Is Im- possible to predict in Many For-ei- g Cigarette Thrown Into Can of Minn., 4. k Over: Resolutions Adopted Declare Meagre Communication With the outcome. Demonstrations Winona, July Fourth Water Spreading Vast The government is S. L. of July prank caused the death of Roy candidate It Hughes, a brilliant radical journalist. Capitals-Lon- don Recep- Powder Sends Boating Party Slcklen, aged seventeen years, at á Territory and Only Building for Single Statehood and Stricken District Renders The conservative candidate is Patrick picnic park today.. The park Is I- Rostennes, a barrister, a strong - and tion Brings Out Crush So Into! Eternity-Ma- ny Minor lluminated by an electric light tower of Auxiliary Lévee Can Save Qommend Roosevelt's Policy Impossible to- Sesure , Full tariff reformer. The nationalist can- 150 feet high, and Van Slcklen, fol- didate Is Alderman John O'Hanlon, Accidents, lowing a "dare" from companions, the Wlí ole Irrigated District, in Reclamation, Detail's of Catastrophe, and the labor candidate Peter Curran, Great as to Block Traffic. climbed to the top of the structure. a socialist and an official of a trades ! union. He came in contact with a live wire (By Morning Journal ftuwlal Wire I and his body was hurled to the Hy Morning Journal Rm-ia- J Leased Wire Br MoVnlng JiMirnni fwertal Leiuwd Wire. Illy Mernlng Journal Knerlul Wire. Considerable humor has been I La4 THIRTY-SI- X KNOWN DEAD; London. July 4. Tho customary ground,- - striking on the rocks, which ' .Rakersfield, Cal., July 4. The flood Carlsbad, X. M., July 4. The sec St. Paul. July 4. It Is now believed brought Into the convention by tlv? doings of Fourth of Julv banquet waa held to- FIVE HUNDRED MAIMED mutilated it badly. The accident was of water in tho rich reclaimed wheat ond day Xew '.Mexico irrigation that at least fifteen lives were lost the suffragists and the comb: of the In of a would-b- e Independent night nt the Hotel Cecil. The attend- witnessed by 3 (t 0 persons. lands In the lower part of Kern coun- the severe stfWms which swept over addresses eclebratton found several thousand . large. ty yesterday by breaking a portion of western visconsin las', candidate named Hunnable, who has ance was Chicago. July 4. Thirty-si- x caused the of peopl'ei yes- - failed, however, to find any one will- In the absence of Colonel Millard. CIGARETTE INTO THE POWDER the levee, continues to spread today, added to the crowds of evening. Kunieroua 'other persons six persons were killed and 471 were Injured and much damago to ing to put up sufllcient money for his Hanslcker, president of the American 4 TWO ARE IN ETERNITY and all resistance against tewlay. .Every part of Xew Mexico further to dwelling election expenses. society, the banquet tonight was pro-aide- d .Injured while celebrating Inde .July 4. ' farm property and houses Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Four spread 'Is useless until an auxiliary is 'represented. The program today is to A large force of police was drafted by Crane, to- reported. According reporta rot over Mr. pendence day, according to the pounds, of giant powder exploded levee, being constructed, iff completes. a, show, contents n - into the town In expectancy of a A per- included horse reived here the little town of Oak- the happy speech was made by Sir d, day In a rowlioat, killing two , Record-Heral- which had made The entire leée aeems dnoméd. driving, competitive events by thq va dale, ttn the Milwaukee road near disturbance, but the polling lias been Henry Mortimer Durand, who said i:t sons and Injuring five others. The Coincidental with tlv break in 'the was wiped most orderly. The result will be an- a canvass of the accidents In the - Camp Douglas, entirely out part: powder was to bo used In noise mak- rlous- departments represented a for - levee, was the breaking out of two out. Four person.- are reported to nounced tomorrow. Is on occasion tills during the past ing at a small picnic. The survivors "of Sill- mal Hag "raising, steer riding and "It hanl an of large fires In the grain fields have been killed there. At Grand kind to avoid Indiscreción or gush, but twenty-fou- r say that one of those killed threw a & dis- 'busting. hours. In Chicago ier Lux. nearly twenty mtle bronco Rápida. Wis., there are said to be live Costa Ricn Taxes Rananas. facts are facts. England and Amer- cigarette on top of the can and that a tant the lake. as of the storm, six persons were killed by revol- spark from it must have reached tho from The speakers of the day included dead a result bu! San Juse. Costa Rica, July 4. Con ica are friends: we will thank God After burning all day,, the fires were Judge K. Eylar Paso, I communication has not been estab vers which were supposed to lie contents. - - - ' A. J. of EI gress today passed the law imposing and leave tt at that. We are no finally extinguished last night shortly E. TwUchell of Las Vegas, G. A. Rich lished with this place and the extent unloaded, and with the'iant of the calamity cannot be ascertained. an export duty on bananas at the rHte longer one nation, and however much THE "SANK" FOURTH AS before midnight. About two whole ardson of Koswell, and H. C. Scott f of cents per bunch when produced we may regret it, we no Ioniser crackers. of grain were destroyed, ag- Mr. reviewed The- list of dead and injured so luí la ale CELERRATER IX EL, PASO sections Carlsbad. Richardson by the exporter, and six cents per one people. There ,1s not much Kng-lls- h Now York furnished seven of gregating between 15,000 and 20,000 the work of the reclamation service in as known follows: El Paso. Tex., July 4. Numerous valleys. ' The l)ctl(l. bunch when purchased. The proceeds blood left In the vein In the the dead, sacks. the Rio Grande and Pecos - while the remainder of accidents marked the celebration of Mr. Twitchcn suggested that It At Oakda'e: of these duties will be applied cclu- irreater part of the American nation. I if we the list of fatalities are scattered the fourth hew but so far there have MILL might be necessary to ask the govern MR. AX1) MRS. JOH.V DAME. sively to the foreign debt of Costa We would be better friends boys BIG FLOURING if) recognize fan over the country. In the list of been no 'fatalities. Two were ment for a direct appropriation to TWO OTHERS, whose names have Rica and consequently the measure would the facts. Such seriously injured. DESTROYED HY EIRE not been popular people, it tasies would never occur to anybody injured seri- build the Rio Grande irrigation sys learned. with the but ha were a number of Seymour Thurmond, aged '11, badly Stratford. Ka., .July 4. The plant At Mlllstown: been oppnted by growera. in his wildest dream except for (hi, here of the Larrabee Flour Milling tem ill the Rio Grande valley of Xew the banana ously injured, .and some will burned on face and chest. Mexico. Texas, Old Mexico. The JIRÍ JASPER FEOFF AXD persuasivo and the perniciously 1 company, and probably die. Harry Ross, aged 10, one han with a' capacity of one diplomacy of these later by thousand tt day, was destroyed estimated cost is $7.200.000. FRANCE SENDS FORCE blown off and the other mangled barrels money building of th-- i ANDREW' BAUMEL. times." The cannon crackers were by today, causing a loss $150,-00- 0. The for the A by the explosion of a toy cannon. lire of irrigation projects constructed and Near Warrens: humorous speech was made fatal among children, who did Davis Levison, aged 25. struck by a . now in course of construction by the TWO CHILDREN OF JOSEPH AFTER BLACK RAIDER Mark Twain, at the conclusion of sky rocket. which England for th not understand how to handle ' government has c...:e from of BUCKXER. he4hatikd ' No Agreement in Tilden Triol. tUauU ' Anglo-Saxo- Mrs. Domingo Ortiz, aged 30. com- Keetsfllle: . n .f liberty given them. Chicago, July 4. The Jury In public 'lamía.- Congress appropriated .At standard mitted suicide with poison, driven In- thecal LYMAN A. CHARLES. Paris, July 4. The colonial office - of company, two mem- one million dollars to begin work on to America. by the Steel Ball . a ex sane the racket of crackers. D. the Rlo Grand,, project, but a further Near (lillesvllle: announced today that punitive The guest Included J. P. Morgan. bers of whlcn corporation, William M A L'ST ac- appropriation is needed. ' RS.' REVKRS. pedition had been sent out to capture Mr. Morgan and Miss Morgan, Mark SEVEN LIVES SACRIFICED and C. L. Graham, were , PICNIC PARTY HLOWN Tilden SOX OF A I JUST HKYEKS. Chief Barbara Bakl, who recently Twain, Oliver Wendell Hotm.-.t- IV NEW YORK CELEBRATIONS cused of pnrtlclpatingln the wrecklngof Air, rcott detailed tne plans to iiunu Justice I P II Y HON OF FIREWORKS a from- - to i The Injured. raided the French post at Koungo, on of the supreme court of the I'nlteil Trie the Milwaukee Avenue' State bank of railroad Kansa city Xew York, July 4. pyrotechnic Chelsea, Iowa. July 4. Riding In a Paso bv way of Law ton, Okla., and Two children of Jasper Fefoff. the upper Congo, killing an European States: the earl nd Countess Crewe. which Paul O. Stensland was presi- Mr. aiid Mrs. Hut'er, display tonight was the most Imposing carriage to a river, a party of a -- dozen dent, reported a disagreement Carlsbad. John officer and nine Mr; and Mrs. Lewis Harcouit, Mr. and and William Ruttcrtield, of Oakdule, fa- Ed- light- picnickers suddenly Into diselwrged today. Resolutions adopted at the mass men. Mrs. Frederick W. Vnnderhllt. Sir ever seen here. The fireworks jvere lifted were tally. ward Grey, several ofticlala of tin the air bv The explosion of a. quantity meeting commend President Roosevelt ed the skies with effect of surpassing for his broad grasp of western condl Daughter of Oscar FrlcUe, register foreign offices and many members ol of fireworks under the seat. TWO MILLIONS ASK of deeds of Clark county, visiting at Policeman Reaten lo Dentil. the diplomatic corps. beauty. A dropped a tlons, especially in connection with the careless youth had Irrigation protects in Xew Mexico, Lyman A. Charles' home, badly in- Fort Collins, Col., July 4. Police- Viewed from Its brighter side, the lighted cigar into the fireworks. The UNIVERSAL PEACE jured. man John Alten was beaten to death holiday was surely glorious. A smil- Mention wasyalso made of the presi- AMERICANS JMiAY BASK HALL seat was torn loose and several of dent' "wise policy" In reference to (iustave Stuke. telegraph operator last night In the "Jungle" district in ing sun and moderate temperature the party were literally lifted into the af the I'nion Siding. the river bottoms, patrolled by him. OX RANKS OF llAXlili; brought thousands and thousands to the public domain and the conserva air. Harry McKrnna. Guy Allen and President of Haguq Coiifcr'iicf Re. Hon of public forests. The resoht Otto Dalgord, watchman ut the It Is reported his life has been threat- Vienna, July 4. The American col- the beaches, the public parks and I ened on of his activity against Ruth Buyer were so severely burned IV. s- - udherence I'nion siding. account ony of this city celebrated the Fourth amusement resorts, and everywhere echo Monster Petition From Hons declared unalterable illegal selling. ' that their condition Is critical. to the nlan-o- l simile statehood for Miss P. M. Larson, of Greenwood, liquor of July by a trip down the Ounube to g. Ion Woman. there was noise and Of the oLhers Cecil Hoycr. Clyde New Mexico. Wis., probably fatally. Several child- Pressbiirg, the Hungarian town where In the background the police and Roxly, Daisy Kenrty. Laura Hall and ren who were visiting ut the home of the Magyar klnga used to be crowned. hospital surgeons went grimly about Tenny Souires all suffered severely. Hague. Xell- - ;OES Lyman Churlo. The visitors wei received by th The July4. President f.'ARI IELR TO Family August Beyer, all more their work of removing the dead and doff of the peace ronference today- re CARLSBAD IN Al (I ST of Jlungarlan of Pressburg with enthu- ministering to the wounded. Tonight ceived Miss Anna Klcksieln ol Boston. or less' Injured. HOLIDAYlALTS siasm. They played a game of base Carlsbad. X. M.. July 4. A tele Elsie Welsel, mask- teacher, Xelll-vlll- e, tjje police were reckoning the cost of Mass,, who presented a petition from today says ball and then had dinner. Among the casualties of the day's At (tram receiVttf here that badly hurt. participants In the Jollification celebration. over two million Americans In favor of R. Oarfli.'ld, secretary of seri- a late hour the list, was not complete, general treaty. . James the Mrs. Harry Warren, Oakdale, , Senator William DICK TO TELL Interior, will visit Carlsbad August ously. P. Dillingham of Vermont, and Wi1-lla- m but It was known this celebration The im the bombard y. that 20.- ' Is to A. Maltby, Oakdale, had cost seven lives; that a half, ment of harbors, laying of mines, etc.. Mr. Oarfleld coming here Mrs. X. R. Wheeler of Oakland, Cal., tho persons were dying met this afternoon. Thtv chairman Inspect the government Irrigation two last named being mem beta of the dozen and that H accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pentlss. near Tomah, immigration hundreds of others were being treated summarized the proposition presented project. will be HAYWOOD commission which is proposed J...F. Hall, chief engineer of the rec- seriously. studying condition In Europe. at the hospitals for Injuries ranelng and ' that the committee John Hill, a farm hand. from slight burns, with the pnssih". take up the British proposition prohib. lamation service, ilnd other officials a Miss Welsel was driving u horse and AJIFRICAX Ity of tetanus developments,! to bifl t OF SMITH Iting the laying of floating mines SOITII RF.PUH.IC a for, state buggy along the road when the storm dc 1 basis discussion. After HONORS Ot'K 1IOLIDAV wounds and lost limbs. Of the of delegate.,, struck her. The vehicle and horses ! ments from several the Guayaquil, 4. three died In premature celebrnti' - were blown away and have not bee.i Ecuador, July The I Captain Ottley, royal navy,- (Great Bri f1 UNCLE SAM LOSES flaga over government buildings, The others were killed during the v. tain), declared that the British gov- found. Miss Welsel was blown Into th . and the of foreign con- In an ecstacy of patriotism Artl' ': ernment would accept the Italian and the top of a tree from which she wja residence the Cernro rapidly discharged a revoh r rescued In an unconscious condition. sul wera hoisted today In honor "i Japanese amendment permitting the outbulldlngi the holiday. In his back yard. One of the builds laying of floating mines, on tne con Many farm houses and American entered the head of his aunt. Mrs. Al- they are provided with some In the neighborhood of Xelllsvllle were lit dition fonso Fuearlno, and she fell dead. woul( them 330.009 destroyed and much stock Wa killed. (sOlTII r.Y8 TRIBUTE TO apparatus which render Wires were prostrated In all direc- The next bullet, by design or accident, Inoffensive after the expiration or a EXPECTED TO UKROIXE OF CIVIL WAR person Italy proses tion and it has been difficult to learn DEFENSE killed the celehrator. Another certain period. that the trhe story. Birmingham, AU-- , July 4. Under applied to fix mines so n detail, of The district celebrating, seMt a bullet through the same rule be acliool near Warren wan blown away CLOSE CASE THIS WEEK the auspices of Oadsen chapter brain of eighteen-year-ol- d N'lnipa to render them useless If tney ureaK United Daughter of the Confederacy, NAME ON PAPER HELD , " Mysterious Robbery Reported anil a mmer resort near Tomah Buf GrUzanti, us she stood near the open adrift. i fered, much damage. a marble monument waa unveiled at of room dressing her Robert Treat Payne, provident of Oadsen today, to Emma Hansom, a window her BY DEFAULTING Sub-Jreasu- ry Most of those killed or injured were OFFICER the American Peace society, who wa: From Boston Effort of Attorneys on Both heroine of the civil war period. hair. Miss caught In the ruins of their falling Henry Englehart. aged four, was present at the In'ervlew between by heavy During General Forrest' pursuit ( J M. Nelldoff, said houses and crushed the tim killed by a bullet while looking out the Klcksteln and that Puzzles Secret Service, Sides to Have Record Emas- the federal army, In April. 163, tlm Explanation of Why Public It assumed greater Importance by the ber. f federal ofllcer. Colonel O. P. Strelgh!. window of his home. It occurred, on tho Fourth of i At the home of Lyman Charle bear twenty-on- e fact that In in - burned the bridge over Rlack creek Jesse Ousevelter, cars July, which ho considered u good ' Xelllsvllle, a social gathering wits culated Next Move Strug- Is dying bul- Funds of Akron Were Bor- Rostoti, Mass.,' July 4. It becumo progress when the storm struck the behind him and headed for Rome, old, from another stray omen. disappear! ' Oa., to destroy a cannon let wound. known Jiere that $30,000 house. The host wa caught In th, le Boise, confederate In manner Si' at factory. Mia Hansom riding on the John Graham, ten years old, was rowed Awaited With 'Interest some mvsteilous from the ruins f hla house and fatally Injured NEILL AT WORK ON United State here early dying while being taken to a hftaplMl. general' horse behind him. pointed mortally wounded by a charge from ' ' wiij, way ford mile In June. The ahortagu discov wa l4-e- out the to a a few toy cannon. ' in Ohio, ' One, of his guests also proba H.r .Morning Journal HnerUI Wire. a TELEGRAPH TROUBLE ered by the treasury ofliiial In Wash bly lnJuBed, while aeveral oth above the scene of the burned brlilg". years old, was fatally Idaho, July 4. With t fed- Jame Henoxo, six Incton In checking up a package of er were severely hurt. The tele Poise. the Forieat'a roo pa then overtook the Haywood I almost burned alive when a fire 1370. 000 in bill sent from Ronton on graph, companies have been working trial .postponed on account eral and captured them. It th - (11 Mornlnr Journal MpxrUI leaned Wire 1 cv.-- r cracker Ignited his clothing. IUlair Commissioner In Chicago En- Juno linnl all lay to restore nommunicaiion of tlu' holiday, all Holse gave Itself third monument In the ouih twenty-fiv- e, Ohio, 4. A special Arthur Carfoot, Is one Columbus. July deavoring to I'lnd Solution ol One of the puzr,llng featurea of th With' th storm district but have only over toilay to an cele- erected to a woman. of a down whose hands were blown from Akron, oblo, says Senattir Dick Operator Strike. case Is the small sluft of the amount partially Xo communica- bration of the Fourth of July. re- succeeded. off. Iust eyes and firmer and scar-leavi- Is expected to give out a statement taken when a much larger amount tion ha been established with Grand In nddlton to the masquerade ball thu turkish amiiassador wounds added to tho total of garding the shortage of Kred I,. Smith, could just as easily havohcen taken. Rapids, where the atom, victims are tonight there wa a floral parade of íountrymf.v emergency cases. Akron city treasurer, caused by loan- Chicago, July 4. Commlasloncr of The blame, It Is Raid, has not yet said to be numerous. Oakdale, M'hich automobiles, carriages anil pony traps, i:ntkrtaixs I Constantinople, July 4. Oratory had Us place, (he larger ing funds to friends. HI shortage In Labor Charle P. Neil arrived tonight been placed. Is reported as entirely demolished, wa baseball, vaudeville, band concert Ambas., $17.1. U2. will endeavor to avert a of dor and Mr. Lelshman held a Fourth meetings. Including that of Tammany placed at Smith has made and strike a town of 620 Inhabitants. und cavalry drill. of county, Is telegraph operators of thi city. dlroctly t July reception at their aummcr les. Hall, whore Congressman Henry T. good IHU.aiin to the and the JACOB RMS URGES IOWA The Ktorm wa headed for The Haywood trial having, been Iilence at the Rapla today, which wa Ralney. of Illinois, was the chief now trying to KU;uc up with the city. The member of the executive com- Nelllsv'llle. but Just north of the city stopped for only one day lor the cele- by practically Telegraph- it, apend-In- g attended all the Ameri sneaker, and the gathering In honor Among the securities given to Smith mittee of the Cniunicrclal TO IMPORT RUSSIAN JEWS divided Hnd passed around bration, will proceed tomorrow morn- cana here. reception wa followed Chicago to- on farming commun- The of the memory of Garibaldi, the Hal-Ia- n by people to wlwiri he had louned tba ers' union ,h1so' reached Its fury the ing at 10 o'clock, when the defense Is by a to a largo number of aat. vicinity. dinner liburatnr. ' public money arc thrrtc noten given night to look over I he Rltuatioii here. ity In that expected to clear up most of re- guests. -- a 1.600 pon n I by nick and Miles" on July It, 1 80 J, Commissioner .Nelll's task Is, If possi- ' Hbenandoeh, la., July 4.rJaco!) At the Charles farm maining minor Then Will- negotiations horse that was tied to the tnang-- r wltnrse. New York. July 4. The sacrifice of for tr.,4()'F each, only $1,000 hiia been ble, to open between the Rlls of New York add reused lU.ttOO iam P. Haywood or Charles H. Mover AMERICANS MAKE OLI by thu tplegrHph operator and tlic telegraph today in the atable, as carried thirty rods, life rccklex celehriitnr of paid on these not,. peop nt the Chautauqua, here r 'unln-lure- d. will be called to the stand Saturday, if began. tin acclden U ' imingf-- and all, anil set down Rl llLIN JOIN IX f Kl.i:iHtATIOV fourth today with The "lllck tul Miles" Foiled companies. At the renuent of President Roosevelt were blown from present plat carry, anil the climax by . they Inve Feather Dublin, July 4. The visi- tal Khootlng of uti Italian woman m. Senator Charle Dick, and his The telegraph officials declare he urged theipeople of Iowa to fowls' apparently of tho defense will be reached. It I American nephew, who. stric re representative Immigration problem I chicken and the tor brightened this city her ken with explanation of borrowing th public will not treat with of tliiatn ly with In In- probable Haywood will be the today with Ht of aunt, JUiswiun otherwise, and other that demonstration tn morse tho death his shot funds I awaited with Intercut, (he union, while on the other hand view of gelling the Jew and were picked up and last on the. stand, and his examination honor of the Fourth and Instantly killed himself. spread foreigner in tho overcrowded stance fowl of Julv. The most prominent bulhlttiK the union officials declare a other drawn as though by an expert butcher. nd cros-examliiatl- should run well The Demi. strike cannot be tenement of Narw York onto the Iowa and the street rara were deeoiap-- SIGN LANGUAGE AT of the California When the storm crossed Him k Into the middle or bitter part of next with MRS. ALFONSIO fl 'CARINO. averted unles they are recognized by farms. . American and Irish flaga. ARTHUR CAKRAUO. aged river, ft took all the water out of the week. When the defense close, there 1. THIS CONVENTION the telegraph companies. river anil left the bed of the atream will come a fight from counsel for the Cnrraro had prepared for his eel, WILY JAPANESE BUY .7 place storm PRFMOF.Vr TKMW TO Ill M.M.M brat.lon by buying a revolver and dry. At the Row the state to have much of the testimony ' cartridges. boy, MILLIONAIRE BREWER the barn and moved the houe Introduced to show a conspiracy on ami h:i:s some i avoriXh boxes of The TICKETS, TO CANADA set It down not much iri amused himself byk shooting at the National Avmm lailon of Hie Deaf In thhty feet and th part of the mine owner and the Oyster Hay, July 4. The celebration injured. There wa much difficulty of the brick walls of the yard around his ScKhlon nt Jainc-tovii- i. SCAPES FROM CUSTODY In- Plnkerlon agncy auaflist the Western fourth made apparently In getting medical aid for all th little difference to tinac-tlo- n home. Mm, Fuearlno stood watching - Federation of Miner trlcken out of the Ktnl- They Mop jured, o far ii n all ar t him. when one of the bullets glanced Onee Inside l'iillcl but the record on the ground that It ha of government bilslnes by now being cared for. prel-den- the pHvemwit and penetrated tho Norfolk. Va., July 4. The launch llelmnii BartcN W anted In Syrncuo Wherever Hie Outlook Pleae. not bean In any way ItooRcvelt. Tonight the t from Mexico City, July J.. Two Hundred connected with brain, causing Instant Ing of a movement for the raising of for Perjury, Make Getaway 1'roni by Hurricane, any Kenernl mine owners' asHoclalofi. with his family and relative nd seventy-fiv- e Japutiene landed nt FIJI S'.'il an of fir- Overcome with horror, the boy an endowment fund of half a million Canadian Olllcer. 4. a defense will combat by mov- elahoiate display yesterday. A Chinese Im Victoria, U.. C, July Xew of The this ework. placed his revolver to his bead and d'illt.n, or more was the feature of Xmita Crux i 'Kl dlsastniu hurricane In n portion of ing strike Out the testimony for the (lied, his body falling across that of tii opening senslon nt the Jnnicntown migration Inspector itatlnned at com- a Asno-chilló- Fiji group resulted In the itate not connected in any way n Toronto, July 4. Helmnn Hartéis, Joseph .. Strand, the I his aunt. tpoidtlon today of the National Paso, named who Ion Island, - TRAFFIC HIXK Kl IV I.OYROV hap- the millionaire brewer of Hyracusc plete deviisiat of Futuna with the ilefeiidunl Haywood or hav- When Kucarlno saw what had of the Deaf. (Several hundred arrived In Ibis city today, staled that great property lo no - RY WIUTI LAWRI t ago er cHiislrig hut low ing tiny bearing on the murder of for- ID'SRI EI'UON pened, he made a dash for the revol- deaf mute, rcprexeiitlng every state X. Y.. arrested a month on the the Japanese are flocking to the nor-d- --extradited, of life, was hiotixht by the steamer Steunenberg, London. July 4. very ver, declaring he also would kill him- In th union nre attending the wn charge of perjury and ordered In great and buying tick-e- l nier Governor So ninny number Cuplaln Davidson, which ar- atli-nde- self, but was prevented by bystander. iventlon, which wan called to order by and who appealed to thr rouri, through to Cshada, Moiina. American A m'haxindor custody to- from Jaurer rived from the scene oMha hurricane. England Remand's .Maclean' Release, Whltelaw Held of July renp. .Numberless minor inlands were PreU1 nt !. W. edt. of Colorado. A at Toronto, escaped from enter In viola-,- . fourth , and the l'nited Sutes high with beau- July 4. The gov- Hon nev- recorded a an outcome of the rare-e- s notable fen turo of th opening win day. The Island towered Isindon. British this afternoon ihat trafilo for be opened argu- Hon of th recent provision of llm tiful vegetation-n- il w It is a lump if ernment ha demanded of the Moroc- era! hour around Dorchester bous use' of exnloHlve. The uw bv the repenting In slttn language of the Just for court' for closed by dele- ment on the npiieal fiotn the extra- Immigration department, which brown earth. The sea wa strew n with can government that prompt step be wa block.-- for mo hour. Mr. Italian of revolvers loaded with ball Lord' Prayer the assembled In-le- I th border to Imnilgranl. anil that no live Mera lost taken to Insure the release of Kaid Sir field tli Indi omiIim-m- cartridge ere III rountnll. for eV gates, dition decision, the sheriff left BarteU thee dehrl and of the going It Is sifitcd, r I'M l Harry 1 wounds. Among the response to the wel- for a moment In the corridor. Wlieu of to Canada, considered renin ble. Mnrlci,n. ,riti,nl.r of th received the Kmls, who Include eral In Hid Js' destroyed, Hal-th- e ii h- -r w nuoJu-b- liártela had many atop tit convenient points early every building whs sultan's body guard, captured by most of the Anmi sn ni I While combing Imlr near lief coming Fpeeehe hi (lint he looked for him. I ' being nd-tut- - .. t,,,t ... .,!", ...... ,.') )t ,li-,- eh-- l . f i,,iii.iMH I' ' of Fian Ik'h. I'lilted Sules. some ut ajpaller houea ull the bandit chief. hundred of visl.ois. AUhouxh. v 2 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1907.

I'li-- e was by Invitation and only Americans were asked to call. Inn MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY crush wax as groat as at a Whlto BARfiEY OLDFiELD iiiGORPORATES EAR House reception. FOLK PLEADS ITALIANS CF.I.KItHATE THK ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO lUKTIIIKW OF GAKUULDI .- - 'I hun- unnrPTrn - Capital and Surplus, $100.000.00. Xew York. July i. The one iiiiiiirnnTiinrnr ' dredth anniversary of the birth of the ' y . i ' ' Italian national leader Garibaldi, was anncoitu iiiAiiurauiiMur observed in New York today bv a jiarade and the dedication of the Gari- FORMS' INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS baldi Pantheon at Clifton, Staten Isl- and, where the liberator lived from Automobile Racer Held in FARM TOOLS lMg to 1850. Delegates from all over the country took part. The Pantheon Portland Charged With Pull- Inclottes the house where Garibaldi lived and contains many relics of the ing Off Fake Race Meet, patriot. . RIGHTS Washington park was the rendez- Albuquerque Man Incorporates THE JAFFA IT WEANS HIM vous of the Italian societies and dele- gations from many cities for the start Portland. Ore.. July 4. Barney Ol.l-fiol- d. the Birdsell Farm Implement of the parade. It moved fr( nt Broad- tho automobile racer, was placed way to the Staten inland ferry, cheered under arrest and a warrant has been Company ' With Capital of a ' THE RUNNING OF A BANK ACCOUNT HAS A TENDENCY TO by hundreds of Italians. issued for K. A. Morris, Outfields MISSOURI GOVERNOR WEAN A MAN FROM HABITS OF EXTRAVAGANCE AND DIS- business manager, on charges of ob- of SIPATION. IT GIVES I11Ú NEW AMBITION AND A DESIRE AMHAKSAnoil HIDMiE GIVKS taining money under false pretenses. Quarter a SAYS NATION IS MENACED I The warrants were Issued at the in- TO SAVE MONET. WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TOAtfSlST THOSE AMKHICAXS A CiAKDKN PA IT Y stance Ht. Petersburg. July 4. Ambassa- of the Evening Telegram and "Good Things lo Eat." WHO DESIRE TO "TURN OVER A NEW LEAF." :: f'il :: ::' dor Kiddle thin afternoon entertain'Ml are an outgrowth of automobile con- The following articles of incorpora- the members of the American colony tests yesterday afternoon In this city. tion have been filed in the office of Declares Suspending bf State Oldtteld was released on 500 ball. the territorial secretary: here at a garden party at his vilUi v in suburbs. The information tiled by the Tele- Plrdsell Manufacturing company. 'Laws by Federal Courts i tY gram Is general in Its accusation, but Principal place of business In New In this afternoon's i.sue the pap'jr Mexico, A.MKKKAXS IX IlKKLIX charges m Albuquerque, Pernalillo Without Hearing, if Continued 2 HOI I A PICXU' that Oldtield and his mana- county? Territorial agent, J. C. Flour-no- y. lllfi ger used Bank tho name local auto- National July 4. of July of the For State Berlin. The Fourth at Albuquerque. Capital stock, Will mobile club for the purpose gain- Wreck the UniQn, was celebrated most patriotically by of $230,000. divided Into five thousand , ALBUQUERQUE . the American colony In this city. Fullv ing prestige; that this was without the sanction pro- shares of the par value of $50 each. 400 members of the colony charter'".! of the club: that the Imple- (Br Morning Leased Wlríj moters of the race offered a card of Object, manufacture of farm Journal Bpliil ICE a steamer and sailed uu the river ments. Period, of existence, fifty Evansvlllc, Ind., July 4. Before tt Spree to the suburb of Grunau, where races when thov Lrnnu nono of rhn An. 1 years. The company was organized In a Jolly picnic was hold. This was fol- tries listed Intended to participate an crowd of almost 10,000 people at the J SjSJ by Held uiu i in general me meet was a lake. Indiana and filed amended articles of Chautauqua assembly lowed sports for Americans. AcCfinlinir th, here this after- Medals were presented by some f to lnrnmatl..n incorporation to comply with the laws noon, obtainable the real difficulty lies with of New Mexico. ' Governor Joseph V. Folk,' of tw prominent members of the colony. Missouri, upon The day's outing came to an end wild me local auiomoniie dealers, who. It Rev Ttlver Water and Power com- delivered an address "V We sell a dinner at which Consul General Is stated, were behind the meet. Since pany. Principal place of business at the Fourth of July, lie said !n part: aw' Thackeray made an address. the first rai'i'M It lu alloc,,! thut in. Clmmarron, Colfax county. Territo- "I believe the real of next tense rivalry which has all along ex work the rial agent. David B. Cole, at Cimar- few years Is to be done In the states. THE filvOmoi'S IS imen ueiween agents or various make ron. Capital stnck, $100,000, divided Of tmtchlnoa hus .lol'elooo1 tnt.-- Lit. These are the" great experimental sta- MONSOON ORSi;itYKI IX HAVANA animosity into one thousand shares of the par tions of, representative Iter and the dealers who $100 each, commencing busi- government, Havana. July 4. The Fourth of were ready at tlrst to enter their ma- value f and they ha ve been most neglected. - July whs celebrated hero by a grand chines In the contest at the last mo- ness with $2,000. Object, operating "The atriles nr uinrptiln in their' TEA FIRST NATIONAL BANK review by General Harry, of the 2,00 ment withdrew their ontrieH. ' water system for. diimestlc and manu- sphere, limited only by thcir'own leg- troops stationed at Camp Columbia. facturing purposes. Period of exist- islation and by the powers, whic h they ":'v The general was assisted by Governor ARMY ence, fifty years. Incorporators, Hil- have deleoftted to the federal govern Mor- 0FFICERS0N ton M. Letts, Charles Springer. Fred ment. In the tendency to Magoon, I'nited States Minister centralize A Make' ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO gan. Governor of Havana Nunez and eric. Whitney, George K. Remley. all power ' In the federal government SpcciaLBrand to MARCH THROUGH GEORGIA which has tfiven Impetus Oeneral Rodriguez, commander of the of Cimarron, and Arthur H. Officer, been such an Good Tea! Cuban rural guard. of Baton." of late, there Is danger to our insti- Ice tutions and to. dig- DEPOSIT-BOXE- The review was witnessed by a Tlif Clayton Cemetery association. and t SAFETY S FOR Party From War College neeessar-y- , RENT. gathering and lo Cover Principal .place of business, at, Clay-Io- n. nity, of these states, so lo great of Americans the preservation of'thje ideas gov- Cubans. The men in all branches of Sherman's Ponte (o tlu Sen. I'nion" county. Territorial agent. of A. E. Wilt, at Clayton. Capital $3,000. ernment that were crystalliezd in the A the service presented a splendid ap- of-th- e Japanese Fan Free with divided Into thirty shares of the par formation states. Nor is this pearance. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 4. A sec- encroachment- - upon the rights, of the each, Object, establish- I ',ScCfci Following the review, the Declara- ond start (today was made by military value, of $100 state more marked than In the whole- Every Pound, Ma- ing cemetery. Period of existence, tion of Independence wits read by men to traverse by sale nullification of state laws by fed- v . the route pursued fifty vears. incorporators, A. E. Wil jor Mlllnrd F. Waltze, chief of staff to General V. T. Sherman when he eral Injunction without hearing dnd .V. E. CharlTon and-H'n- rl Eklund. all iieneral Harry, and then the troops crented havoc and brought devastation before trial. ;, sang the national anthem. through of Clayton. "The result Ix, unless the consent of the heart of the snjjth. Millng com- There whs a reception this evening Only a year ago Bosedale Mining and a railroad can be obtained to pending i Father Thomas pany. Principal of nt legislation, power- at the residence of Mr. Morcan, the Sherman, a priest, son of gen- place business the stato becomes and the Socorro county. Territorial less. No good citizen desires to be un- KRACK American minister. eral, essayed to follow the path of his Bosedale. agent, Lawrence It. Babcock. at Rose-dal- e. just to the railroads. But that they SHOW, CASES MADE IN ALBVQVER.QVE father. He from Fort Mc- started Capital stock. $500,000. divided must be regulated and that the states Counter Cases, at, per foot : up to $3.50 The lit Hítenos Ajrcs. pherson Carters-vlll- e. ...$1.85 lay and rode as far as five thousand shares of are not to be left as mere subjects of A furore was up among into hundred Cases, at, per foot . . . .$1.00 up to $8.00 Buenos Ayres. July 4. The Fourth stirred Ihe par value of $ each. Object, gen- their, benevolence, all must admit. iloor v of July was celebrated here today by the southerners, who remembered the ex- "No one could object to a court, he reality eral mining business. Period of a reception at the American legation. of "marching through Geor- istence, fifty years. Incorporators, It state, or federal, declaring the stat- LUMBER-AN- D MILL gia." A storm arose ute to lie THE SUPERIOR CO. and President Jonathan P. Worll, Luther Z. Breaks unconstitutional If found Sco New Krlck Building.. s AMElllCW COI.ONV IN Itoosevelt. who heard of the disturb- so after a hearing. Hut there, should BREAD Our and George O. Dlx. of Terre Haute. pa ance as far away as Washington, re- be a protest against a stutute of the ms onsKitvi s Tin; day called Indiana: Harriett M. .Babcock, of Kel- slate being suspended as presump- IS GOOD BREAD.- - the military escort furnished Rose-da!- ?. AJirijB means J Paris. July 4. Thousands of Amer- priest. ly, and Lawrence O. Babcock, of tively bad until the case is determined. wrni '.he AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES ican flags flew over Paris today to Tills time the trip is being made by This is like punishing a man first and commemorate Independence day. Frank W. Broad ft Co. Principal trying him afterwards. A number of commissioned officers, with only New Mexico, at Many of the principal stores In the enough enlisted men to caro for the place of business In Important laws of the slate We announce the re- I county. city flew he stars and stripes In honor stock and pitch camps. Chama. Rio Arriba Territo- arc now, embalmed by federal Injunc There are agent, W. Rroad, at Chama. tion veto. In course of years when BANK OF COMMERCE f ALBUQUERQUE, II. M. of their American clientele, and the thirty-fou- r officers in this party. They rial Frank the duction in price of residences of niunv members of the Capital stock, $100,000, divided Into the cases lire tried,, the rourt will are fresh from the military staff col- of trft probably hold they valid,; l'trge American colony were likewise lege at Leavenworth, being recent one hundred thousand shares "that tire EXTENDS TO DEPOSITOIIS EVERY FROPEH ACCOMMODAllON I par value of $1 each. Period of ex- but they, might as well be killed its decorated. nraduate. to AND SOLICITS ACCOUNTS. The American embassy and the istence, fifty years. The company be chtoformed by Injunction until NEW Confederate veterans Insist that the t,helr vitality 'is 'gone. , .1- instílate were closed. As Ambassa- was organized in Wyoming and filed V CAPITAL $150.000.00. armv officers should study the tactics "The people of are not pre-- 1 I dor White has not yet selected his amended articles of incorporation to Mf.fourl -- of General Johnston, as well as those ludiced as to tho'j ailroads as such, OKIccrs and Directors: I tl 1 In customary Fourth comply with the laws of New Meslco. ' house Paris, the of General Sherman, "that they may and the sanie sentiment 'of Justlcoi Until further notice, we ' I: .., r ' to-i!- r; A has been filed In the SOLOMON LUNA, president. of July celebration was not held certiorate brought' . learn something." secretary's oftlce increas- which tJie freight law and; ' . Major Patighton, who Is In charge territorial the two-ceti- p tyre"Tffw into being, will will sell Coal Oil at W. B. STRICKLER, W. 'J. JOIINSON, i i V Tonight chamber of ing the capital stock of Honing and lh" American of the narty. loes not anticipate having Its head- cause their, repeal." If tm?y are found Vlca rmddcnt and Cashier. Assistant Cashier, commerce gave regular of Connell. a corporation .Mis- Its Fourth a repetition of Father Sherman's ex Iaih $6.000 to be unfair, liut the people of July Hotel Ou Palui? quarters at Lunas, from object to a court des- WILLIAN McINTOSU. GEORGEi ARNOT. t.iiiunict ul the perli"e. to $25,000. The shares arc of the pur souri federal . potically enjoining tho state from en- C. BALD RIDGE. A. M. BLACKWELL. O. E. d'urf: value of $100. each. ' 20c J. CROMWELL. forcing laws they have Gont M'n to its before Celebrates Gariluilili .ntiltcrar.v. been declared invalid. PER GALLON. Home. Julv 4 The centenary of Coalmen throughout southwestern WILÜAM M'INTOSHFIGURES ."This is merely a sample of What New Mexico are showing a great deal Is going on country. If he birth of Giusseppe Garibaldi, the IN JOLLY SURPRISE PARTY ail over the Italian patriot, was observed In Koine of Interest In the meeting culled for these conditions cotitlnue, us they will luly In City, It Is today with great rejoicing. It is es- loth Silver when without a vigorous protest from those DRINK tlLSEiiER BOTTLED BEER hoped an organization of Inter- The Jaffa Grocery Co. timated (ii.ihmi iii'rwons marched those who believe in the rights of the states thit ested In the production of mohair will Well Known Klicei Kaiser Taken sov- In tiiiu in Home to control their state affairs, state this afternoon. be pi ifected. The goat Industry In Quito rumiares and Treated to ereignty will soon be a mere theory. Good Things to Eat." t Grin. county ami the southwest Is a:i Kuyul (kmI TIiiii by Ncl",lihors. This is the greatest nation in the N Important one, es- ' there being on an world great because It Is an indisso- Mull Orders 1'lllcil Saino Day timate about 150 different ranchos, HpeelaI rorreaiHinileBca Morning Jnamal luble union of Important states, let us Southwestern Brewery TWELVE . tiB llcccivctl. MILIUMS and these hae on a conservative esti- Mcintosh. N. M July 3. Mr. Will-I- n keep It so, for it's decline will com- mate an average of a thousand head in Mcintosh, who has Just left for mence when the of of foals apiece. It Is felt by many AlbtKitieripue, wus the guest of honor states, the source of power, Is Co. . of i ne breeders that the Industry Is at n merry surprise party held at the - and Ice one of Importance enough to secure ' col-li'R- Mcintosh home Tuesday night. Mr. purchase a car o( livestock for the i'. TAX INCREASE - mor" recognition from the iiuthoriilt entirely unawares It con- Mcintosh wits taken ays the HI Paso Timen. Muir does at present, and the was a very enjoyable ' IT templated organization is for the pur- and the affair Mr. Southworth han Just been on Telephone 482 and Wagon Will Stop at Your House. ; pose nine. After excellent music anil games 750 mile horseliack trlji over certain of assisting In securing thl. serving a LBTiiME. land after the of delicious ranKca in New Mexico, and tayn that Nnlli'f fur I'ulillrnlliin. lunch prepared by the ladies, the with the exception of tho Jilack moun-tain- S, I I ! pm rtnicnl of Ihe Intrrlnr, Land Office at guests took their leave. After lunch the ratiRcH are In a deplorable umxu 3a323 Hut :a Ko. N. M . Juna SS. l'.io;, Mr. Mcintosh took the little girls out condition.. There has been no rain to Ne r ti, si ven that Mary E to his flower gurden, where a grand mart the --fe rant", and cattle are Huffcr-Ini- r, M.i Hi. of AlbuiiiTipia, N. M . hn flteil gathering place, PAIIIIIMT n flower took after ho says, are nolle. of hi'r Intention to nik llnul com-lo- but still farmers which he presented each lady present . Addition tllU'M proof in mipiiort of hor claim, vis: making money. ' 'B to Assessment Iliiini iiiNft i;mrv Nv. mHtn Veh. a. a souvenir bonnet of sweet peas. Those liiii.l. for lh Hoc. 12. ant present were Mr. J. L. Scat t and fam- aW.'t RABBIT DRIVE IN ' - Total as Result of the Doran W S N W 'i and H.B '4 N.W.'i. Hocllon ily, Mr, 'J. A. Taylor and family, Mr. FT. BAYAFED REPORT OF THE CONDITION- T. ION., II. mimhlp ItuiiK 3K ami that aalil C. F. Hull and family, Mr. . F. Kck-le- y UP lie W. 8. RIVER VALLEY Bullion Tax proof will mad hfor II. Ptorn, and family, Mr. and Mrs. William SALT LawWhere f. K Court t'nmmiiislon, at AltiuUTfue. N. V . on Hart, Mr. Howard Soper and wife, AuKitat 6. I!in7. Cordon, the Income Comes From, nanwi the follnn lna wllneaaea to prove Misses Nettle Mildred. Soper People to I'u'le In lllg AVur on Hie i nitlnuous rraldrnre iiion. and culllvA- - Hnd Itothle Soper, and Messrs. C. II. Justice Robb of United ! States ' " The National Bank I First Hon f the land, via: Myron If Kaliln. M vers. Thomus While and A. H. Cotton TitlI". ' Phoenix, July K. Uasing his figures Herr' .Inh IV Hammond, John C. Itoa. Uromelslck. Court of Appeals Deriving in partial returns received from tho Ofur" ). Hammond, all of AHuquertUa, N. ! rabbit of Arizona coun- Itlg Kale. The rapidity with which the K. IN TUR TKKItlTOUY OF NEW the thirteen MANL'EL. R. OTKItO, llcglater. Timber Benefit at AT AIJll'i.fKltQt MliXlCO.' ties.mfnrPublic Kxainlner Foster has esti- The 1.501, 000 feet of timber recentl Great Sanitarium population of thlK valley han been J AT TllK CIXIt?li OK nrm.NHH:. MAUClt ft, l:i07. mated that the total Increase In tint advertised for sale In the Illack Itang n the last year or ho, should reserve hits KKHOI AascHsmcm of all the counties for HilK on the illa national forest (SMTlnl Corrrnponilrnrd Mumlns Joornal. of IICKH. over l!Hi will lie about $11. 000. 000. Woman's .Trials. sold to the lllnck ltange. Lumber attract the attention of ntudenls I.ouns ami ills ,' f I.7BÜ.2KI .OH been Fort n.ivard, N. 3. inta provisions of company of which Mrs. O. ti. Warren M.. July Proba climatology and remarkable Overdraft a, anil unawurod 37. 7 n. 75 I'nder the tho lloran Th bitter trail In t. womsn'i Ufa )a to bly nowhf-r- cloc In the wrurrd many conn-ti- n Is president. Is about tho world hm V. H. lion. I. to acctiru cltTiilattoil üiin.MO.OW bullion law. of the mining b rhlldless. Who ran tell how hard tha the The timber o cITcctual been hcHllhfulncxM of the Runny tamlly Is In Arizona show a marked forty miles from Silver City, but will and Hcletitlllc a tlfiht 1'. K. Itonda to apiurii '. K. lirponila 1 ml. Olio. till alrtuglfl have, been ero utm learnt to waaed - dip Cochise county leading with mir find ready market In the mining atralnat the White PIhkui- iih In already ciulte embarrasslne to the I'reinluiiia on I. H. Honda .... K. lino, reaijiii herself to her lonely lot? Tho r the biff army the, aociirllli-a- . , $ l.nna.uw more property on Its tax rumps of Santa Klta and Hanover. sanitarium of United ,ul m n n,.pUbllcan lloiiil, rtc H 117.2: of this link to bind marital life government lnc Phoenx HnnkliiK himae. furniture, and fixtures IH.r.oii .no roll t!il year It had last year. stumpage paid the government States at thin place. With than together, the abaencn of this one pledga The n, deal- (II hor n il on I alo L'S (Mii. no liogan county was $2.25 per Machinery collie 400 patients In the winter Hca They have decided that death owned Assessor of Pima has to mutual affection ! common dlap-- thousand. 1 tt from National Itanka (not rracrvu aKciiln) 'J7 as been the of on and always half that nulnber In ing epidemic must be started and 1l.ifi. jet unable to complete the Many unfortunate couple has been ordered and virk summer, Hue from Htate llnnka anil Hunkers 11.1, Kan. HI llgure he has on hand, re- Kliitmrnt, cutting and manufacturing this timber the the percentaffo of cures but from thereby. Kven If tliey in Among have fixed the date of It ita Sunday, Hun from' apiiroVGd reserve axents ., 47!.7.'4 77 he on hand, he says into lumber will begin In the near fu- somethinR remarkable, the Checks llema turns hat thut do nntdrlft apart, one mar read the whole best known patients been July J 2. Ihe biggest rabbit drive and other cash l.dti.ud the inciense will not he very large. I who have when KxcliaiiKia for clearing house utenl of their dlapiointment in thecyei ture. benefitted ,here Is C. Kd Is proposed. 7.f:i.!i According to figures that have he( n Oeneral It. ever recorded N'otca of other National llunka CH.4Kn.nn t tucli a rhildleM coupn w hen they rent wards, who after nine montha spent drive will focus near Peoria, submitted by County Assessor Luk: on The Kraetlmial prtHr currency, nli krls. and cinta .,J8.37 the rhlldren of other. To them the LOVING DEFENSE hero was entirely restored to health wherti about three miles of wire fence Money in Dank, via: of Maricopa to Public Ksamtner Fos- Urgent family doe not seem toonutoerou. lawful ltcscrve and resumed his duties as head i'f been unloaded from the cars and Hpi'do S2.S!3 . Ü5 ter that county has $1.224. 431. 29 more child-lesani- K IN has In many caw, of barreiitinna or PLANNED TUCSON tli o bureau of Insular affairs of tho tender notes ..755.00 property on the tax roll year rlilld-U'itrin- will be erected between now and the lts.eis.ts this than c It good U. H. r (& In the obstacle to t'nlted States government In as 12th. In a way as to entice the Itcdcmptlon fund with per cent nt I9M. removiHi by cure of weakness oo such . . , Foster does elly the condition ns ever. The most distin- a where circulation not attribute all till' Hie part of the woman. Dr. Plerre'a Fa-ort- u Outlined Ills I'liurllleii guished now rabbits Into small enclosure In t llarkcfilc patient at the sanitarium Increased MHsessment Arizona Prescription Isn-- Ihe of I W Is they can be killed by wholesale. About TOTAL of haa meant .an Plan hile in Arizona for Ills Judge ltobb of the Cnlted Platea I3.219.05S.U the working the Doran tux law lu restoring health and frultfttlnesa to man Washington, L). 300 Indians will be on hand to par It Is In- Health. court of appeals, states that part of due to a barren woman, to the great Joy of the who, although only ticipate In the drive, and every white i MtitinriKH. Arl-zvti- a. he has been here ' creased property In en-io- v paid all parts of household. In other, but rare rases, the a few wevks Is recovering rapidly and man In the world who desires to (iltal atork la I 2IO, chfttriicllon to the lieatlng of rhlldren hai (Tucson Citizen.) . will no doubt within the next few the function 1s invited to turn out Horplua fund , Hi, nun. no Foster has heard officially nln uc-qu- l.,n I'ndlvldi'd profit., leaa exiienma and laxia paid 15.l'!i7.i:ii from been found to be of a urglcal rharacter, goln' back to Virgula to lt be holt, ttorri pultlilta Thpv "I'm months rotnplearly. restored ti Nallontil Hank notea outstanding ,j SiMl.ona.oo of ths thirteen counties and only In but easily bjr oalnlea old I government Is waging never to be so thlak beforrt and I removable operative that man. know those folks health. The known Hue tn other National Hanka , 27.1.6:0 Apache and Navajo countlen there a - nt treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- I Judge Loving and I know a great campaign against the dlseasn the country north and west of Phoenix tn HUta Hanka HiT. and know lui and Jlankera ' d" resse. Apache has $32.000 less -- lu.! Instituto, liufTalo. N. Y.,over whlclt I make a free man of him." of tuberculosis, not only here but at fairly teems with them. Individual depoaita suher"t tn check 1.107,ii0i,; Is year, Navajo I fleal can ' than ft and $14. 142 Pierce of In In- dppualt i!r. ! ñ.1 short of theFavórito Prescription' Former Ktnte Senator Wllllum P. the marine hospital at Fort Wanton There will be two wings to the Tim rrrtlflcale uf 1.11 ttt IPO. fame presides. where chil- Lincoln county The Certified rhecka , Next to Cochise, Yavapai county hm In all casei Harkmdalc said these words less than and elsewhere. vading army. One will begin opera- 204.74 dren are desired and are absent, an f (fort In sitnllnrlum Just about completed at Cashler'a clieck. outslandlng ....f,.',.,. 8n,K.'Ii.4h the lurgent Inciense. It is two months ago as he sut the Citi- tions near the, ostrich farm about , estimated ahotiid be made to II nd out the real ra use, Kurt Lynn, Oil., near La Animas, will United Htalea deposits ...j i . . Cochise $17.000.-to- o zen iind read an Associated miles west f Phoenix, and H. that win have about ainre It It generally easily removed by offce a about six twclvf Hepoalla of V. dlaliuralng nfflcel linj'jt to In modet Institution. In. up Agua and ! worth of property on Its tax roll Prese dispatch that had Just come drive northerly Ihe Fría Keaervcd for taiea . 1 a.oou proper treatment. weeks tho naval contingent of pa- near ' so this er. while Mm topa will have In all weaknesses, telling of the klllng of Theodore Kstes New rivers to the rabbit corrul 1 $l$.000.0t)0. The the various' displace- tents who have been taken care of wing will TOTAL abonl Increase on ments, Inflammation and by Judge Wlllnui l. Loving, because, temporarily at will leav. I'eorla. The other beln ..3,:i9.O0i.ll Tavapsl roll U Z9.4H0. prolapsus, hHd Fort Paward. In Olendale sec- the ratArrhal drain and In all It was alleged, Kstes made drunk for Fort Lyon In enter the hospital work somewhere the Foster's figures ire compiled for the anil living's daughter. ' tion and work west to the same goal. Territory of New Mexico, County of Hernallllo, as.: rases of debility, Ihr. assaulted there, nuvy sanitar- alnv-name- d Itciieflt of Governor Klbhey that th nervotisnest and ' which lil be a I, Frank Mi Km. Ciinhler of Ihn baak do antemtily Plerce't Favorite Preacrlptlnn hi the most Within sound of the presses, grind- ium exclusively. awear tho la to my keep closely In with Nolle for I'ulilleallon. that above statunivnt true the beat of my knowledg latter touch. eflictent remedy possibly be used. ing out the papera thnt were to give and belief. , M In all parts of thstran Hi parlment of Interior, Land Office at rilANK KKB. ('ashlar. the situation the terri- lias to It of news pepaational More for I lie Cnllcge. tha Correct Atte.t: tory, especially since the It credit hundreds thousands Tucson Ihe of the faille Hwnta N. M. Juna IWI. lloran tax of cure In ' t. J. H. ItAVNOI.IiS, hands more fact than any other murder. Senator Hnrkesdale planned Professor J. J. Vernon, head of the Notli l.ta herehy Iveti that Juan Mastines, liw look from his the taxation remedy A. H. M MIt.l.K.V. . nut up for tale through drnggints. the which he fought to such a agricultural deputtmttnt of the nt Alliuiiuerqiie, N. M , haa filed notion of t4" Ihe mines. rne II. K. KAVNOUiH, i aepeclftlly for use. Ingredi- Av proof IHructori. U days ex-pe- woman's The successful tenue. He said that he Agricultural und Mechanical hla Inietiilun t maka final Hhln the next ten Foster of yr Hubacrlbrd and inora tu before m tlila nth day. of Mareh, Ito? hnv completa ent whlrh lh Favorite Prescription would appeal to the unwritten law college, Htfd P. Southworth, In In auiport of hla claim, via: Homestead to and accurst It composed I. Kntry for th SAMUEL, I'H.'KAllU, l.ry I'ublla rif-fh'- have received the most dlvis. No. 117 mad June 1I7. ligures showing th Increases in to protect Judge Irving, but thnt he charge at the animal husbandry !. and positive leading , in II pHrts of Arizona endorsement from the would do It In a much different wa; lory, are In the city en route east and the medical writer on Mntrrtii MnHcn of all tt territory. Ill flguret to of II. M. Helping who wsa B, foial for th fur the several schools of practice. All ths that W. Otero, t'. H. Court,'X'ZXlat Albuquerque, iount1e with Inci eased assessment Ingredients are In, then defending Harry Thaw.1 In Ihe N. M ,un Auiml 6, 1907. me n folbiws: printed pnln fi';flt IN A PINCH, USE ALLEN'S f.illowlng prove (h.ts on the wrapper sA Citizen office Harkesdale ek"Mchet a He narnea tha wltneaaea tn fr 41 $M,-10$- ; enclosing the bottle. n Cochise. $ 1, 0; Coconino. plan of defense which he carried out IOOT-KA- tJidlea ran wear alioea on hla coiitlnuotia realileuc tipn, and rultlva-tlo- that any woman making use (ion-xale- I $470,144: Marlrnpa. of this foot-Kan- . of, land, via: d la Graham. famous medMn to the letter when he returned 'to alx. amallr Sftar unlhc Allen's th Joe t'rua Yavapnl, mar know eiartly what It makea light or new aftoea feel Joa fiomlnao Tr u 111 lo, i'ailoa (Jrlego. Molmve. 19i,iil; I Virginia. ftciiult-t- nl eaiv; shs taking. Dr. Pierce takes ills pa- The result hk the give tnatant relief to eorna and hunlona Joan Griego, all AMiiniuerniin, N. M. $; Yutna. ,$411,2, In sensation- rf li,4i a fo- tients Into his full confidence, which hs of the defendant the It' tha greateat romfort fllact vei-- of tha MAM KI. 11. vllTiultU. Ilefllter. BALDRIDGE'S YAUD IS THE PLACE Tbofe showing decrease ai afford to At as al esse Jury out , A fan the formula after after the had been but urea awollen feet, bilatera, rallona Mc he, $22.000; ,NvaJo. $J4,. e Lumber, lio; bleb the "Favorito Prescription' It thirty-fiv- minuto. nn .or. .pota. It la a e.rt.ln rur. fori WANTED- - A certain number of For Shingles, and Lath. Larifc stock of Windows, Doora 4t snnt will bear the most - Hnrkesdale was In f)il- - Hnishf-s-, M m Sitlr lrrai1riiiM careful etam- Senator Tucson lainti. Cement, Iluildin?; Paper, always on hand ,.,.... I ir ilrtntilnf or iMihlfl t all , tvlnter and spring for the ; kr Mm t,f urMilm r. lal aor Kor'Tnr-j- T alwva that linfot er ynf you twin til lbs klilll) Pler't feasant Pllrtj re th benefit of his he.iltll. hftd been - ,ei,.. AllrnJ lie aiwi rr.- Mampi of th ! KAHio sani-- 1 a profit; you can always keep the - ... . best and laiaiiv kit ft ni i tVlr' KM!)' Car. J taft for wouieo. afflicted with tuberculosis, but left tarr a invention, numbar right by Morning Jeur-lit- a C. If. U If nw addte. arsltif J. BALDItlDGC Ri'l'l' i. here a well man. . Oiiu.i.0. La Boy, N. I, rial WSDta 405 SOIT1I HP. l I V, ' AUiMjI 0 I'JItsT i:t P. i:V THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1907.

- : ' 4; landed for a single and rwo 'triples in witness- a duble-hed- r between the Pcor4-l-ÍMwn- !nK gime: H. E. dlanapolis 0; Toledo I. Second game, THOS. F. KELEHER the seventh, pass and net- Xew York and Philadelphia ieami Pueblo. . . 110 200, JOO 5 ..4 Indianapoli.? Í...Toledü Í. . . . ting three runs. Score First game: R. H. E. . 001 010, 40 6 8 At Ixulsvllle: First game, Louis- Harness, Saddles, Saddlery, Leather, Denver ' LEAGUE Score Morning .game: R. H. E. Philadelphia . .021 000 (1003 10 S Hatterles McGregor and Smith; ville 7; Columbus 1. Second gaine, , - Eludings, Palmo. 5 4 4 100 001) 1 1 mí Chicago . ...10ft 001 JO Xew York 0o0 '2 Olmstepd and MeDonougVu . Louisville 8; Columbus S. Before buying examine our goods and W Cincinnati . noo 000 1 5 1 Bender and Schreck; At Milwaukee: First game. Mi- prices and money. m. ...010 . Denver 19; Pueblo 5. sue Moran; Hall Orth lwaukee 6; Kansas City S. Second Batteries Brown and and Thomas, ' 4. hit- 108 WI --ST C N T UAL ATKXt'E and Schlei. Denver. July Denver's heavy game, Milwaukee 7; Kansas City 3. i: New York 7; Philadelphia S. ting tells the story. of this afternoon's Chicago 1; Cincinnati 0. Score Second, game: R. H. E. game. EASY FOR BASEBALL Chicago, July i. The locals won Philadelphia ; ...(K)0 012 03. 7 4 Score Afternoon game: R. H. E. SOCORRO WINS IV the afternoon game, shutting Cincin- Xew York 106 000 7 6 3 Puablo 000 031) 020 5 8 6 1JASR HALL FROM SAN MARCIAL nati out. , Batteries Waddell, Bartley, Denver 343 114 01 19 17 2 Rprelal I)latrli ta the Mornlnff Journal ) SAVINGS BANK Score Afternoon game: R. H. E. Schrec k. and Powers; ' Newton and Batteries Toner, Jackson and San Mareial, N. M., July . Socorro Chicago ...... 000 010 0101 9 2 Thomas. ... ,,' Drill; Bfhannan and McDonough, won easily from San Marcial here to- GAMES SCITEDO.En FOU TODAY. Cincinnati . ...000 000 0000 5 2 day by - the score of 6 to 3. A big WESTERN LEAGUE., Lincoln ; Sioux City 5. crowd saw the game. BURNS ' American J,cas:n. Pittsburg. 4: St. Louis 0. ; ' OF YOUR OWN . . Lincoln, Julv 4. Lincoln won both Philadelphia at . double-head- er Detroit. Pittsburg. , 4. morning 5: Moines 2.- ga.Ties ' July The Oinnlta of the tit Sioux Nw York at Cleveland. game was won In the MolnfS, July' Des ..'Moines tonay. 1 I. - Pes i.'itv DR. B. M. WILLIAMS -- game By Buying , Inning, when were and Omaha each ju foday, Eirst game: R. H. E. '( ' third tour runs tot, Score DENTIST STANDING OP THE CIAHSS. scored on a singlo, a double, a triple the champions lpsins In the morning Lincoln . , 420 120 0009 14 3 Ml IN - t AUSTRALIAN OUT and "two bases on balls. and winning In the afternoon. Sioux Ciy . ...00-- 001 0045 8 7 ", American league. Score Morning game: ' R. H. E. Score Morning game: R. H. E. Batteries Jones and Sullivan; Zln-r:.- n, Furniture Crockery and ROUND C. VERY FIRST Won. Lost. P. Pittsburg. ....004 000 000 4 8. 3 Des ,000 0"00 110 2 9 3 Hall, Newlln and Sheehnn. Chicago . .4S 23 .652 St. 'Louis ,..,.000 000 7 4 Omaha , ,001 loo 030-- 3 6 1 Cleveland 42 28 .618 0000 Lincoln 12; Sioux City 0. Household Goods of Batterie Leever and Gibson; Lush Batteries Sporer and Yeagcr Ra. Score Second game: R. II, E. Philadelphia' . 87 29 .561 ' Nine Thousand Ringsiders and Xoorinn. gan and Gonding. 000 02 12 13 0 Detroit , 35 8 .556 Lincoln 05 ;. Pittsburg ft; St. Moines 12; Onialia fl. Sioux City 000 000 0 3 4 31 32 .492 'Louis 5. ( Des ....000 The equip Snort With Indignation When New York , ' most modern electrical St. Louis 28 41 .406 Pittsburg, July! 24. The Plttshitrgs Score Afternoon game: R. II. E. Batteries Cicotte and Sullivan; meiu for dental work In the south- and 1 Williams, Corbett and Sheehan. Foreign Champion Goes Out Boston . 25 - 41 .378 won' the afternocVi game by hitting Des Moines . .110 420 040 Tí 16 west. Rooms 13 and 18, Grant Block. Dorradaiie (rv2 400 6 10 5 ' Washington . ..20 41 .330 the ball at the rltit time. . Omaha 000 Phone 23. Co. at First Hard Punch, Score Afternoon game: R. H. E. Batteries Gehrlng and Ycager; AMERICAN ASSOCIATION National League. Pittsburg 022 030 02 9 13 3 Hall, Gonding and LeBrand. Won. Lost V. C. St. Louis 300 020 000 5 10 2 At Minneapolis: Minneapolis 3; St. San Francisco, July 4. Bill Squires, Chicago ...... 52 16 .763 Batetrles Willis and Gibson; ' Kar-ge- r Denver ; Pueblo 5. Paul 2. muchly-heraltlo- d champion A us. . . 25 the of New Yo,rk . .38 .603 and Marshall. Denver. July 4. Denver won from At St. Paul: Si. FaKl 3; Mlnneap- - ' tralla, Ruccumbed to the blow of x Pittsburg .' . . .38 26 .594 by iv. batting rally in sev- olis 8. . ( '.anadian nst at Colma today, after he Pueblo the Philadelphia v .37 28 .569 AMERICAN LEAGUE. enth Inning. '' At Indianapolis: First game, In- - had been In the rinft two minutes with . .. .29 3 .426 The Cincinnati Boston Ideal Tommy Burns. .The men who wit- Boston .27 37 .4 22 nessed the brief meeting between the Detroit fl; St. Louis I. charitable, enough Brooklyn . . . . .28 39 .418 Comic Opera Company fwe puslllats were St. Louis .16 55 .223 ""Detroit. July 4. After St. Louis not They desig- 20-PEOP- to call him a "dub." had taken' the lead, two errors and IF YOU'RE IN THE DARK , LE-20 nated him "a false alarm" wht should League. a pass filled Jind have been pitted against á fourth rate Western the bases for Detroit, lighter, rather than any pugilist wl'h Won. Lost. P. C triples by Babb and Rossman fol- is to where to go for your plumbing, the slightest possession of ring sKill. Des Moines fS .603 lowed. let us enlighten you. you want 3 .569 game: It T say that the 9.000 persons wh Omaha .40 i Score Morning R. H. E. broken water or steam pipe fixed, nev Lincoln 37 32 .536 Detroit 100 110 14 2 Opening Night, Thursday, July 4th journeyed out to Colma, to witness the 4119 fixtures, a bathroom put In, or fight were disappointed, would be Denver . .32 30 .516 St. Louis OOA 004 0004 10 2 iras phrasing It too mildly. 1Í was a hi Sioux City 27 40 .403 ttiittfl'ies Eubunk and Schmidt; furnace repaired, come to us. We do day and the journey to Colma was a Pueblo . .26 42 .382 Pelty and O'Connor. new work complete or any kind of . per- " . of disagreeable onf Hundreds Detroit 7; St.. Louis fl. repair. Our work Is right and 10 ar "MIKADO sona camo rom othei states to see NATIONAL LEAGUE ' Beautiful Costumes, Japanese Maidens, Funny Comedians the leadings lighter: of the Antipodes Detroit, July 4. The afternoon our prices, battle wlthi the tight heavyweight game at 'Bennett park was a see-sa- w , . . champion of the United States, and Brooklyn 1; New York Oi affair. St. I.ouls apparently had It anticipation was keyed up to the Brooklyn, July 4. The lral won ' twice, but Detroit changed the STANDARD PLUMBING AND highest point. From the standpoint paim Jil) sinuop result. Sunday, July Mascot of the average spectator, the outcome victory over the Xew Yoik teanr by Score Afternoon game: R. H. E. HEATING COMPANY. - 7The ef- ' would have been amusing if less winning the first game today. ' Detroit WHO i 04 2007 10 1 required to 001-20- 2 fort had been reach the Score Morning game: , TC. H. R St. Louis 300 6 12 PRICES, 25c and 35c arena. Xew 000 000 0 7 0 Batteries Selver, Killlan; Schmidt fight was practicallyf ended the York'. ...000 The Brooklyn 000 000 0011 8 0 and Spencer. moment the gong sounded for the men t; ALfi KINDS OF to center of ring. Batteries McGlnnlty and Bower-mar- to advance the the Pastorious and Rltter. Boston 3: Washington 1. That the defensive skill of the Ausfal-Ita- n ' was extremely p"oor was speedily Neit York 3; Brooklyn S. Boston, July 4. Boshm' won the Farm shown, for in ten seconds he was Brooklyn,. July York won morning game with Washington to- 8 Sunmount Tent City prone upon trié mat. A well directed the second game from the Brooklyn day. right from limns" fist ftruek him full team this afternoon. They scored Score Morning game: R. H. E. Machinery d 'Jbi on the .law. not have' force three runs in the first inning on an Boston J1 200 0003 8 2 THE PIOMEER TENT SAHITORIUM OF NEW MEXICO enough behind It to give Squires his 5 2 in ' - Washington. ..100 000 000 I BINDERS," quietus, and taking the error. MOWERS. after Score Afternoon game: R. H. E. Batteries Glaze, Armbruster and RAJiES, HAY PRESSES. of four, .be arose In a wobbly fash- Shaw; Graham, Smith and Warner. Situated among the foothills of the beautiful Sangre ion and rushed at Burns. The two xew York so; inn inn 5 5 l Write Vs. rvj K&f 00(1 I came Into a clinch Immediately but Brooklyn 030 000 3 9 3 Boston 7; Washington 0. WE HAVE HIGH QUALITIES AN!) de Ch risto mountains, one mile, from the historic city of In Batteries Wlltse and Bowerman; were qulcklv separated the cenler Boston. July 4. Boston had no LOW PRICKS. of the ring by the big Jim Jeffvles. the Bell and Ritter. trouble In defeating Washington fills Santa Fe, Private mountain water supply; excellent table, referee. Hums lost no time In follow- afternoon. ' W1KT,KSAT.E ing up the advantage he had gained Philadelphia 5: Boston 1. Score Afternoon game: R. H. E. J. KORBER & CO., 212 N OK I'll ,sr,C ;ND RTREKT, No dust storms; cool summer climate, resident Physicians, so early. But the end was not yet. 022 002 01 7 12 0 ALnryi v.hqx n. m. Squires evidently had some staying Philadelphia, July 4. Philadelphia Biton k Washington . ..000 000 000 0 8 1 powers In the face of the punishment defeated Boston In a close and inter- up esting game. The home team won out Batteries Prullt and Criger; Gra- RATES, $10.00 PER WEEK UP. SEND FOR BOOKLET. administered to him and he ros' ham, Warner and Ilcyden. weakly and slowly, while Jeffries held In the eighth inning on a bob nml a The American KhrIi I.h reHtlnjt - was singlo. back Burns until his adversar:- Chicago 3: Cleveland 2. (icaccl'iilly In his arrio, but should in a position to defend himself. But Score Morning game: R. H. E. some one arouse hint to fury, he will Squires had little defense left. The Boston 1110 001 020 4 9 2 Cleveland, July 4. Chicago won render u uood account of himself. We IF YOU ARE IN SUSPENSE terrific rights to the jaw had accom- Philadelphia'. .(Ml. 03 M 5 9 2 from Cleveland this morning, thus re- muirclnte the blcHHins of h'Ucc. yet plished their result and the men were Patetries Young and Xeedhnm; taining first place. ul the Miuu time we don't stand for as to the beat placa to buy barely In position again when the Plttlnger and Jacklitsch. Score Morning game: R. H. E. iN'Ina (rifled or lamiMTcil with. You Canatllanvesumed .with telling effect Cleveland om 000 10 0 campaign. Philadelphia 2: Boston 1. 0012 no douht have a slronjr desire to se- his aggressive Burns Chicago ...... 00 000 3003 6 2 cure hlsh (trade work whenever you SCREEN DOORS landed when and where he pleased Philadelphia, July 4. The locals Batteries Rhoades and Clarke; ' entrust your ilunihlii; coiilracts with In a few seconds, under the rain scored the winning run in the third - and Smith and Sullivan. any iilunihcr. In (his you rertaiuly march right straight to this yard. of blows, the arms of the Australian Inning on a triple, single and a dou- genuine Wis- ' Chicago 7: Cleveland 1." arc Vou will apiireciute Just unloaded a car of dropped in a helpless fashion by, his ble. rlKht. the pine screens, kind ' Cleveland. July 4. The Chicago class of work we do. Why not I our consin white the side. Then the finish to the fight Score Afternoon game: R. H. E. Re do not warp. The best of all deliberately his tentn defeated Cleveland this after- estimate whenever In need of plumb-t- n that came. Burns selected Boston ...... non non ion 1 6 2 and cheaper than Inferior ones power wa noon! the two teams breaking even In a; wor kof any kind or dcsci'ipdou? the mark, and with all the that Philadelphia . .002 000 00 2 7 1 you have been offered. lodged In his shoulders, he sent his Batteries Lindaman and Brown; the series. right to the point of the jaw. It Sparks and Jacklitsch. Score Afternoon game: R. II. E. seemed almost needless for Jeffries t Cleveland 001 (ion 000 1 7 3 J. L. Hell Co. me RJO GR.ÁNDE go through, the formality of counting Chicago 200 000 0507 11 2 the man out. There was not a specta- f'lilcngo 5; Cincinnati I. Katterles Thielman, Clarke and Í22 W. Stiver A.)e. Th Vromol "Pittmber LVMBER. COMPANY tor In the arena that did not realize Chicago, July 4. A parade of both Remin; Wnlsh and Sullivan. (mm'" the light was over and a rush wus teams bv a Jjrass holsf-In- g that band and the -- made to the ring to congratulate th" of the championship pennant was Philadelphia 8; New York 1. cT. 'Third and Marquette, The light lasted exuetly two SItf. 9 tiiBiM Mnnina mwniTTn " winner. the curtain raiser of the morning New York, July 4. An immense I I; I V K K Y AM)PATTERSON11 O A P I I N O 8 T A II L IS S minutes and eight seconds. game. Hall shut out the locals with atherlnff of spectators Rssrmbled at TIIE WORLD IS FULL OP ODD AND CITKIOU8 PKOPI-E- , SO THERE MAY The fight proved nothing more than a five innings, was League to 311-31- 3 West Silver Avenue. Telephone 57. Albuquerque, ew Mexico yl out hit for but the park today USED MOIUMXG .TOl'KNAL WANTS that Squires was rv muchly over-rat- American STILL BE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT man. Burns," while demonstrating his immensurable superiority over the Australian, did not have an. oppor- tunity to demonstrate whether or not he is actually entitled-t- o the high pu- gilistic title that has been bestowd upon him. TtEMNANTK OF P.IimON. Squires was seen after the Xmpc When Children' Hla k and Tan Lisle i EC'OKIORíJI A big or short ends left from fight he said that he had been led iriíe, ST lot was u 4 7 2. Keg ti I 25c our million Sale at big reductions to believe that Burns not Soi, slcs to r - "knocker out." Albuquerque's Brightest and Best Store. from regulnr oriiv. All color- nnd He had been told that Burns did values. To clean up nt Hr. fancies. not possess the strength to put a man to sleep with n few blows, and this THE DAYLIGHT STORE belief had made him careless at the beginning 'of' the contest which re. suited In the early blow to the Jaw which daated him. . Burns sáld: "I saw the moving pictures on Squires in training which was placed on exhibition. When I saw huw he carried himself and ho.v be acted. I knew that I would not - have any difficulty in (lefeullng mm I went Into the ring with the rui- - Jest confidence that I wouli be mo ' OCK TOO HEAVY winner. , The receipts of the fight were $27.-00- 0. of stylish merchandise more thevn we should hetve ot this . Thousands of dollars worth ' FHMIV WFKK PITS HIS sell goods. We never cerry goods over MAN ASlj:i;P lt)It 10 MIM ETTSE time of tho season. Exch season múst its own Colorado Kprlngs, Col.. July 4. A of special to the Ouuette from Cripple season to season Cold and unseasonable weather hatve held bock the sealing Creek, says: . from IWore 1,000 enthusiastic spectator" sale Freddie Weeks, tho featherweight summer merchandise. This week we inaugurate this more than unusxial Clearance champion of the west, tonight knocked out (rover Hayes, of Chicago, In th ihln! rininil. It was fullv ten mlnut'Si READ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS before Hayes was revived and carried from the ring by his manager anil second. . CLEARANCE OF WOMAN'S CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S of of The (list round was a shade In favor AND CleaLrcivnce Sale of Weeks, who Kept boring In on hn CleaLraLnce of Clearance LINEN, LINENE AND LAWN LINEN SUITS, LAWN oplHinent every second of th time. TAILORED SUITS AND BATISTE SUITS IN ETON Haves had slinrhtly the betler of thu Women's Women's UnsightlySoiled long range fighting, but Weeks' In-- 1 Women's SKIRTS AND PRINCESS STYLES lighting had Us effect. ' sec- - ' W?xsh Honors were about even In the j Jumper White Undermuslins ond round. Tailored Suits In ihe third, t lie men went at It like demons. In the mix-u- p Weeks Suits Prx'ilal Low friera on then White Tub Thieo como In all Whit, ctmm. rink, laists 1 bmded a vicious left to ihe Jaw. nn Hklria: , i Sky ami fongoo Tolor: Iff the fenernl rlconlna up of all the Blld Chicago boys whs down and out. $1 SO the lot No. 01, TtoKUluf Fklrt..i l.l or, CO cnui-lcng- Our enttr stock' fllvlül into numbers Nn. It, Kton Hull, valuo for and mu iarmnnla In all gradea, In all Itoxy Koch, or HeüalUt, Aio., No. 081, I3O0 Hklrl !. t t No. (, Klnn Hult, I ! valu for a.M In good rhomlng a followa: O.M. W1M f grade, all kind, In at all price. the winner. foraay Lot Numbarnl for eaay No. Ilrirular I.T.0 Hklrt Nn. 0(0, Klon Hult, f,0 val or for Thla Clcurnnro takrO In F.vrry Vfhlla nr Entlra slock No. 001, 1 Hklrt '!.4II Hi 11 Kvery gnrment which haa become Bollad, na Hrnulur No. Hult, 1 7.1.0 10 come In II ahKrlea and r.rt 00, Iklon valua for fU.SO wa In " i Again Chnmpion. T.iit Nn. 0. Itffiilnr Í0 value. ot.. 5.M cliooaln. Th No. (ml. Iimiinr i Kiiirt t.7 Oolorad Waal! Walat hava tha matter how trifling tha damage may he, aa ioi- - 01 J, mi Hklrt 11. New York, July 4. Martín J. Sheri- 00 7.50 hlark, ao check ana strips, No. Hi'Kiilur l i In HIIK I.nt I. ysluci, I 7 1.1.1 houaa and alan tnka all China bear a price that mean the greateat kind Irish-Americ- N. Rpulr lit it.. No. 0 l Ml Hklrt dan of the Athletic luwa: Itmuliir nil-rou- M .iHI l t.1 re- - of a aavlng. I'ruKul huyera city, won the Lot No. 2. tmw, .S No. OA, lirxulur l Hklrt.. and every Net Walat In nur hi.uaa, wait for thla t luh of this ttraular it..f 10 Ath-cil- e No. 2 Tlritular 111 T,0 Silk Bult I t.BO No. 061, It.'Kiilnr t Hklrl ao.0 aale, knowing lhat'a Utttet aoop and water championship" of the Amateur 1, tlDgulor valufi, urdloaa of coat. Tha Entire Ptnrk fll- il-uii- Lot No. $150 at..fl2.M Lawn Princess Suits union at Celtic jmrk, Long d No, 3, Recular H t,(l Hint Hull It.M, la .all that' required in mnka the garment today. Irfit No. 4, lii'Kular IJl.ia vtluci, t. .113 0 vldi'd Into Lot Nuanlicra aa fullowa: new. No. 4, IL'Sulnr PUk Hult....I.V00 No. 1. Itrgulor I 00 valuo, for. .f 1.1 like tt'a a periodical event and thla established a new record IV Hherldun Lot No. B, $:.60 vsluft, at.. 117. So. Í, tr.' SO Rlllt Pull... .fl7.R0 t, (Hie to '.c Walata au at " y tat the value aeem better than ever be- 130 ' , t"-- events. nKUlr Knulnr No. 00, Iti'irulor lir. 00 volua,fir. .IIS.5 No, of points for the . . ',4 L'7.r,0 .No, . .Itrgulnr $!7.r.O Hllk Pull. .:0.O Jumper Suits fore. The VArlety la larger, conalatlng of iK iitfng lils former record of 6820 Jjit Nn. Í. ltPKUlsr valun, t. .f."U.9 Washable Nn. Kcxular value, for.l3.M No, !, 0c to l. 55 Vain, '' at I&a ugo. o:lt, Oowna, made at two years, flu quality f.incy Lown: Ht rawer, Hklrt. C'hemlae and Oreot 8 poim Hlon No. 7. Itpgulor l.i)0 vslura. t. .r!5.0 Mida "f No. 3, vuluca up to $1 50 ao at... ..11.00 " Iit i Cover; mode of fine Itualln, Camhrln ur . No. 041. Hi'gulur 14 no Hult ,.a t.1 Hiitton Wlim Again. I. 133 00 vslui-i- up I 17.00 go .11.45 Mar N. Ucaulur it..!7.00 07 1.1 No. t are valuca at. Nalnafiok, effecllvely trimmed wllh laca, IjuiiIiiii. July 4. May 8ulton of Cal I't No. :, Iti.Rillttr ll.r.o Hult. , I17.Ü0 vslufa, No. 00.1. Iti'diilitr IJ.oo Hull l.til ? 50 n 11.1 embroidery beading. In tennis i.t Nu. nmular at..'M.M Waist and Silk No. tfie valuca lip tu at.'. and ifornia the Silk Shirt k Lawn Jimuu'l Bolt . . O.l.dO Lingerie Wash Suits r Hiochil III' won final In Ilea-ula- 2.10 oa champloiifhlp today the No. 10, valuta, at..HB.M Wlill I'i'iilln ami iMi. k r.nia for No. ( ara vature up la II (o at. ,J. nmtcli. di fi'titlng Miss Wil- lit Ml'a the ladles I Ttrgular 130 00 ,IO.OO Eton Suits and Womrn aim'lally prlrrd for Ihla Itnndaomply Trlmmiil with New f.arot T up to 1 ao 1.JS -- -- I,., No. It, valuca. at. No. aro valuea io at. son by 4, 2. Prill: Embroidery Special , ond Kmhrolilrry, on aalo aa fidlowa: Miss Hutton will play Miss Chambers I.ot No, 13. ltcsular I0S.00 valui-a- at . No. flol. tWulir MM valuo. rn Nn. I are velure up In 1 1 0 at. .:!. Aji dlvhlfd Into lota aa follow: at..1fl ,, o f No, 0 i DO valux, o .(104 No. l'.Fguiar t on atoll al 1.5 The gnoila ahould been In ev-er- al f(,r Ihe title t'imoiToW. j I, Hrmilar at. up have aloek In wool, woratort, o Hllk Nn. ono, itpiniar Hulia ' at aa No. t are valuta In fISO mada nf week , hen, big Tilla Dearanr Likoa vry No. 1. luaiilar :o Bull. .. .tlt.M lllio- till rilucllnn. ' No. ii7, II- .',0 Hulla o at Thl lot ennaiat ii( Mcrcerlu'd Hllk New Weight IU"'ord. our No. 4. 2ir.O Hllk Hull, .. J.O IWulr aiM china Hllk and Nat, at I1.IS Work Panamá and Volllt Bult In houw, none Itular .l No. O .L'l, II, 00 Mult o at 113.041 on Hállale ground I very of the unhtr l.o , and humlxime IbMtiin, JulV 1" features No. II, i'S.0 HIIR Hull. . . No. 10 are value up to f 0d, conalatlna snnia'i professional games of the Clan. Kvary Full la lot numlrit ao joy Kiular and etti'cilve, cmialattm of Kilgea, Juaer-- 1 I, :7.f.O Silk Hull... of Hllk, Net and Llnrerl 13.0 1, ma, flouncing and lliimllnK niiKiicl at Oak Island park, Jtevi rle. luaular ..'.00 Eton "Jackets t ran choca any ault at ailvrrllwd prle. 1.10.0 Hllk No. valuea up lu r,0 a I , . . .f.:i(l No. I, III ,; r,n .mI;iv. was Ihe entiiblUílum-n- of u Nh. 7, fibular Hiilt.... .'. II are It t frlceil jdoc of Mod of Emliroil"t and Lara. Id a record of 40 S, Inches for No. , 1 Hllk Hull . . . f?7.1V. No. 3lre valuea up ta 1150 t.,..VW No. I, I'rlced In plac of II 25 win f"'t n"t manv on banil. hut you rati rhooae Very Special llliv-sl- x pound weight distance,! 00 Hllk Hull. . . . ! 0 No. 11 re vafura lip In $13 SO No. 3. 11.1 the fr Nn. t, Hcgular lin at halt rmulir prli. y al...7.&0 frlced In plnca of l.r.O Mahoney of Itoston. 4, bv In Hllk Hult In tli 1 - Thla takea In our Kntli Mi.'f k and many No. frlced 0I.ÍVO In place ot 100 - - t Thla Ukaa V.vrr A nw ahlphimt f Oilld'a Colorad W hvt l"l of Whlli" Wah Pulla, rnn- J 1 lo yma, rom! of of I'.tnn. jA'krt have been added I.nt Nn. ( ,1'rlced ÍI.WI ,f J Í.0 Nert HamnM-- r Throw Itccorded. Special Sale of Millinery HoUM. lirrimra I ..llnn M"Ttv and lain arrival thla In i,ltc iirelir ,li,k and lilin rhiinl.rav and miyim. alan V.Wti IV mil Hklrl. Bllghlly of rMlk. 0, 0 I 4. Hllahily Soil,! Wlill Woi Pklrla mail week, conalallna China Fuulurd No. I'rlced !. M la pUea of II Ne Turk. July Fliinnran rtifrka and allln,,,) ylitirli:itnN, IIInIk'Ii. llr, I bv Im'Iik In our wlndowa for Vnn. tul lleailf-to-Wi-B- r uad l.ln-- i lw, (iriiUe the world s brft nlxteeii pound All 6, 50 it I'anama anil Vollla ahoul ( In thi Miioaiiin and Fi.i'ih aiylc, at Otlr, Vf, tliduy nirpoa. I f wa hava what you Hllk, fone Kilk. Net, and Nn, 7, frlcej J.o In f t7. a nine-fo- clr- - , , gn ImiiiiiK'r rt'cord (rom liars on aai ol yer h'liHi for. lot, i'hiilr it hnlf resillar irlci. fl.t. I.M and II Hi, , want, dionae at no) rraular prlraa. Lawn Walata. Thee at ab.'Ut half rebullir prlcea at th Irish County Athletic union j tn, In. He threw 115 t 4 Inchei, I , -


" ' i ' ROCKEFELLER SAYSTEACHERS mnie HGALF JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ! Oil THEIR VAY LEAVES FOR WAR ( ' f FOR RENT Rooms TALK HELP WANTED Male . SÍ1 rooma, WANTED A bright. Intelligent boy about FOR RENT Furbished with use of MEM 10 THE (MSI buggy. Call 611 15 yean of age. Apply II, Yanow, lit W. horse and at South Wal Central avenue. ter atreet. WANTED A competent young man for a Personal Property Loans FOR RENT Two rooms fot light house "REFUSE OR CHICAGO general merchandise atore; muat apeak keeping, furnished or unfurnished. C. A. S ROT Several Hundred En Route to Spanish. Address H, this office. Reynolds, Navajo Hotel. . : WANTED Milker. Apply at , FOR RENT well Dairy. Money to Loan Four furnished rooma for Educational Gathering See On Horses, housekeeping, all modern. 324 Furniture, Pianos, Organs, C. Walker. ' Wagons and other Chattels; alao on Edith. Mrs. ANSWER QUESTIONS the Sights, in Albuquerque, HELP WANTEDFemale Salaries and Warehouse Receipts, as ROOMS FOR RENT A few nicely furnished Will DECLARES MOVEMENT TO rooms with use 'of bath; by the week or ' low as $10.00 and oa high as $160.00. RESIGN" WANTED A food cook at 13 West quickly and strictly month. No Invalids taken. Hotel Cralge, ABOUT THE' STANDARD Loans are made - PACIFIC FOR MANEUVERS i Sliver Ave. Two big tralnloads of teachers on; Oold. Good wattes. tf private. Time: One month to one their way to the meeting of the Na-- j WANTED A woman fur general housework. year given. Goods to remain In your FOB RENT Three desirable 4(12 furnished Apply at North BeronjJ atreet, between rooms for housekeeping,-- , .Address E. B. tlonal Educational association in Los, 4 5 p. possession. Our ratea are reasonable. Ser- I houra of and m. enre Denies That He Dodged Merely Policy of A r, ... . I . ... I .. a, 1 A 1m , borrowing. Journal. Carries Out n w.i, i...' Call and see us before "U;V" , WANTED Woman fur general housework, all FOR Furnished No Olher Way to Explain the shortly after noon yesterday, firs washlnr. raañ Steamship tickets to and from RENT rooms, modern, vice, While Judge Landis War- wUhollt and ironing; also cool quiet. 422 Department to Keep train arriving at 1:10 and the Hecondfor weekiy cleaning. Apply euo North parts of the world. and North Sixth atreet. at . was in charge LOAN CO. Attorney General's Quo War- The first one Fourth street. THE HOUSEHOLD FOR KENT Two rooms ror house-keepin- . .e n. t...... Tit ... i : . - light . Issues to Stop'the ih . 3 Bldg.' Statement ships American Waters, ' rtMfill J. mumr, l WAKTRIl-R.rln- rM MMnmAn ot th. Rooms ahd 4.. Grant with all conveniences. 702 East MrtlnpM. Ií . tiii vMlriir nnsscntrpr nerpnt ranto Refusal and-Lette- r Ac- ' Rconomiiit. PRIVATE OFFICES. Central avenue. r,; "Hysteria," President Confirms Statement ?r.uh?r v;!,"';k VZ7, OPEN EVENINGS. FOR RENT Neatly 303 Avenue furnished rooms at companying It, an extended visit with his brother LOST AND FOUND West Central very low prices, The La Veta Roomlnz House, 11J West Lead avenue. Mrs. Plttsfir'lil, Mass., July 4. John T). I By Morning Journal Rpeelitl Leaned Wlre.l while the train sionned here for Fleming. Hig- - i FOUND riease find Brook, the Expreaa tioiki-fr-lh-- left PiUnfielil tnnlKht On Wand, Oal., July 4. Secretary an hour or more. Trainmaster of and Central avenue. Money io Loan FOR RENT Inter-Ivie- w gnson, or tne aivision, Modern rooms CURIOUS SIMILARITY where on Saturday he will the Navy. Victor Aletcalf in an Ainuoueniue OS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND and board, 125 also accompanied the tourists . Went LOST ririnht bay pony, yeara old, email per month. Mrs. Eva L. Craig, 602 today confirmed the rejiort that white Rpot In forehead, brand on left hip; OTHER PERSON'AIj PROPERTY. Sniith Second street, upstairs. FAMOUS PRINCE CASE! i a large pnrt of navy from here. 112 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Í0 rcxardlMK the affairs of the Standard the United States The teachers were from Cincinnati I20 reward. Address Julea Balegman, Thorn- - oil company. Mr. Rockefeller asMist- - would he seen in Pacific waters next ion. New Mexico winter. Eighteen or twenty of the Detroit, Grand Kapids and other cit- ed several children staying at thp ies of Michigan and middle western STORAGE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. xon-in-la- largest battleships will come Legal Propositions home of his K. Parmule around points, some being Some Hard Cape Horn on a practice cruise and from as :far north ter of the room will be used by the - 1'rciilUe, to llht fireworks during the as lirookfield, S. D. They swarmed WANTED Pianos, household goods, etc. C. N. ENGLE v and will be seen in San Francisco har- railroad, steamship and excursion -- Aicnt the Autocratic Power day. off the two big trains by the hundreds agencies, also by representatives from stored aafe.r t. reasonable rates. Phone Violinist. This evening Mr. Prentice too it his bor. 540. The Seruú'v Wareheuue & Improve Music "Many false impressions have and fairly swamped the curio room chambers of commerce . in various furnished for public and private father-in-la- in an Automobile to and hotel and spread over. city In ment Co. Offices In the Grant Block, Third entertainments. of the Attorney General to gained circulation about the proposed the parts of the state, who will call atten avenue. Dances especially In- street and Central 30 1 Stat" Line Htatlon on the lioston and movement of this part of the United a pedagogical wave. The parties tion to the attractions of their respec- South Third street. , Albany railroad, where the west- cluded orna rather prominent educa tive sections. Conveniently located Defy the Law. Slates navy." said Secretary Metcalf. tors. ATTOkNKYS. bound express, whic h left Plti.TIld at "1 have held all along that there Is near the postoffiee, will be the Times WANTED Miscellaneous 8 p. was Mr. Among the more prominent educa- offices in., flagged. Rockefel- practically no significance to it from booth, while telegraph and sex, on K. W. D. BRYAN tors were Superintendent of th-- WANTED Organizers, either salary I mli-iir- e ler will reach Chicago late tomorrow. I Shaw othur conveniences are to be installed S),,k-Im- ( nrri-- .i .Morning .loiirniil.) a military standpoint. might hnvo of $100.00 a month and expense for an Attorney at Law. ' ex- schools of Columbus, O.; Dr. Thnmp for the good of the visitors. Siini.i I"'-- . N. M.. inly 4. The rcfu-n- i' stated before leaving Washington association, paying weekly sick Office In Elrst National IjiihIIm 1 son, president of Ohio university, ut Aside from Secretary Shepard, no Bank Building fiiIa' lilies SlnU'inent. actly 1 am now. benefits furnishing free e. al-lo- what saying and accident and Att-i- i New Mexico. in y C in r:il I'rlchiird to ( Wis., July 4. Jude K. thought as the news foncerned tlv: Athens, O.; A. M. Greenwood,', super (general officers of the association have medical attendants to all Ita members. - tcl-iil.,- iv M. intendent of schools in Kansas City; yet an t hi- ii"- of tin- l :i ttn of thi' Lamlls, of the United Slates dis- people of the Pacific coast, that today arnveti. i'resnient scnaerrer Liberal contract with producers of business. PHYSICIANS ANT í Is PrcshMit John R. Kirke, of the Mis- ofileials are expected before the Sick & Buf- SURGEONS. '.icei-illii-- trict court of ChicitK". who upending would be ample time to announce the other American Accident Association, to a in to Klrks-vill- e; ' a fi-- days here with his friend, Dr. exact plans. souri State Normal school at end of the week, and the great ruh falo. X. T. - DR. trv tin' vii'lit of Minion LIttri'll l Superintendent S. W. Cam of the of travel, some of It already on th S. L. BURTON Carey, said today that lie had reeeived WANTED To meet a lady forty-fiv- e Physician I In- - ul'lii of xilpei IlltinilflU of the "The policy of the navy department schools of Dayton, O.; President G. 11. way, is Sat- about and Surgeon a number of requests for information due here about Friday or years ape, Ad- r present Is keep fleet in of matrimonially inclined. Highland Office. S. I ti ii 1. v . whhii at to the Morrison, of the McKlnley Manual v 610 Walter street. riTiiin relative to the report that John J. possible. urday, dress J. Morning Journal. Albuquerque. this icrriioiy sum. thins; over Rockefeller had requested permission American writers as much as Training school of St Louis; and fl. N. M. Phone N. 1030. i It is also our policy to keep as large tue yen s ago. to make a deposition in Massachusetts Prof. James Hutton, of the University WANTED Plain sewing: children's clothes DR. R. L. HTJST .1. Goveinor a number of battleships together ns of HUnola. a specialty. '208 South Arno atroet, nil IVhruaiv l!'i.'. Instead of coming to Chicago to give Rooms 8. N. T. Armljo building. to removed I,. Bradford l'l luce, possible. We miffht as well spend phone J.120. in. personal evidence in the Standard Oil monev that is devoted to our navy Tuberculosis treated with High Fre- who was then president of the board company rasa now on trial before the VANGVAKI) AHIUVr.S IV GARfiETT WANTED Position by young man In cigar quency - Electrical ; r v. of AKrU'ulitirul college, In our own ports as abroad. Current and Germi- the Judge : IDE stand or store; experienced. Phone 1.178. Landis. TIIIO CITY Till-- cide. Treatments gtven 'i i,.. ii ,n of otero was not 'PI... (...!.,...... I.l I,,.., "I have planned this cruise around OF AXfJKLS from 8 a.m. to Coveriior ,..,..(.....l P- - i t Trained nurse I ,- . Cape Horn practice of the Los WANTED Tee cream customers to try our In i ir:il I. y Mr. Prince. ho Ul h r1(U,.f)t Mr ;,,c.k(.felK-r- for the The Angeles Times says of th j attendance. or t sininilroii. How 'long they will spend or now Ice cream. We use no gelatine. Packed 11 held Hi 'lice "f Kovernor he , () ,,. h(. )Utl sent the f..l- - vanguard teachers pouring DR. W. O. 8HADRACH clH-'- 1 pres- and delivered to any part city. i, l , in these waters, cannot sny at into city. , of the - terrili, iv ,s well as bavins been ,,U.,M(, ,,..,,,. to TT.t,,, that . ne thl. States I can people of Oak- Matthews Dairy Co. tf Practice Limited 'n- I, e of the supreme court oí i Jer-li- e ent. promise the Like the tirst scattering drops that Eye, in.irsh.,s in tn districts of New they will WANTED Ladles stylish dressmaking. Ear, Nose Throat tei i;,u y. sought to "l,ll,in ,,',p s. v. New York and tlhlo. land and San Francisco that mark the coming of a heavy down- for Oculist and .., see one of the finest naval specta- pour of rain, a score teach- OVERTURES Call on .Miss C. P. Crane, G12 North Sec- Aurlst for Santa F coait I O'iNI i t of the solicitor general to, ,mvp ,.,H.,.ivc, w,1(1 tIllt a su. of school lines. Office 813 w ever wllnes.eed In waters. ers ond atreet. Millinery at half price. ft West Central ave. In ing pro Hiu'.s simi ar im - w;,s on I), cles Pacific from various parts of the east Hours; 9 - ,,()l.Iia erved J. liockeller Japanese Gunny Backs, or to 12 a.m.: 1:30 to 8 pm. l.i ought l.y the alloi-ne- inr mii iin ut I'ittilield, Mass.. on the atterno-- "I hope that the talk of reached Los Angeles yesterday to at- WANTED all sizes. Cash - may be fur feed. . W. Fee, 602 Cii lford but the solicitor gen 3 , h.,Vl. h- and International difficulties tend next week's annual convention of South First HOMIX)PATHS. ll llllent J(1y dropped by newspapers of the street, phone H. i t.'! ilctii. d him that privilege. following message all the the Nutional Educational association, from I'lttsfield, to produce WANTED your DRS. BRONSON & Un .n somíhl. through the cout t. i 3: country. There is nothing which will be inaugurated here next Shirtwalats to make from BRONSON so- - dated.. Julv own 75 up; bodicea, !,.,v.- ii tr,.;ti'!iiiiiiis ilirected to the any feeling except this talk of the Sunday by appropriate exercises at all material, cents and Homeopathic ,im(.rsiand that a subpoena has suits 950 avenue. general .lii him to allow ll(.(.n newspapers, ft is without foundation. the leading churches. TO CONVICT and skirts. West Lead Physicians and Surgeons. ;, ssm.d f,. m v ,a ppearance In C'hU story Aokl Is in e name of the territory to The that Ambassador Ere that day arrives, the city will Over Vann's store. Hie uf ilie ,..IK saturiiay. No subpoena is 1 dm? Phone: own government, be by Albu-querqu- in proceeilliiK. hu I disfavor with his flooded educators from all over Office and residence, 628. e. be used the necessarv. will be there, I heM that It had no jurisdiction D believe purely an invention. know the land and even from foreign shores. N. M. eon.t ..j hockkkkLLKH."' no present time wny in the nerni ok. "Vou will therefore make no fur- - of reason at the With those that arrived yesterday FOR SALE First class driving horse, per pun-- 1 and should came many DR. W. M. SHERIDAN Tlie historv of the case was H1TVf. Japan the United States tqurfsts who have been fectly safe for lady. Good rubber tired ;l.,.ln, to processes." not he on by ASKED HIM FOR AFFIDAVIT Homeopathlo i; h-- it In pnmplilet form and on ne , ) the friendliest of terms. attracted hither the low railroad buggy and good 613 signed "KIOXKSAW Al. LANIOS." pay harness. Inquire at Physician r; oei urs th- - following: "Kveti tnej judK,. said he rates granted; Jor nil who the i E. Oarfleld Ave. ' and Surgeo.' Indis further that additional as- AGAINST TRELFORD Occidental Life Building. A ..1st enemies of the rolicltor general e;lV(. u ,.())V ((f pi i:m) for membership in the Albuquer- sag- - M níltl U(.(na FOR SALli Half Interest In established que. New Mexico. Telephone i ;lVe not b"ei unkind enought to h( MKTCALF sociation. 88. cjt,.d static marshals to put an HACKS poultry ranch. Bred-to-la- y poultry yards. -- i ully thought , . ll' All the visitors, teachers and plain i; 'hut he i. that th.s (,n(, U) .1I)ll,11.,.d ll)m to Hay, 4. official ' Oyster July An tourists alike, were cared for promptly J. T. Harger, proprietor, 12th and Moun- DENTISTS. lie.i.ioti was i;oou epidemic of hysteria about very ex- Sworn Statement That New i.i. ,"lil- statement was nimle public at the at the temporary tain Road. i i abonable IS sUllllueo headquarters of the eplatlllllOl small matter. ol'llces here today regarding N. A CHAS. A. EIXER, 1). es: lion, rein-ate- at til" ecutive K. in the ol'llces of the Joint FOR SALE Furniture, good as new. In D. S. In the evj oil tin- - reports battleship fleet visit- Office: Room 14, . t cii-- e of a Railroad iigenty 217 Second Superintendent quire 19 N. 1 N. T. Armljo Bldg. t i.i.-- that t'ni-- 'iis a of "refuse Aiclibolil Ismics Denial. at West Assistant et 1st St. Phone 47. ing California. Nlreet, where certilicates of members, ' Hours: 8 to 12 a.m.; 1, to G p.m. Tele- New York, July 4. With regard to Sec-I'-la- ty SALE Spring wagon, top and or oT The statement as given out by toil with phone 869. Appointments, V. u: the decision upon ship were Issued and railroad tickets Offered to Help Him Get Par- 305 avenue. - - bv mall. lio dial! that the service of subpoena John Jioeb follows: were braka. Bura tf - i,, tin- alloih.y gene lal III Ihe Tielfonl I). Üockeleller II Piltslielll yeslerd.IV', validate for thu rctuin Jour- FOR SAL'S FoiiFTrilce ponies. DR. J. E. KRAFT- - "There Is no intention of sending a ney. ' , Hunters' a i ase of "refuse or don in Return, in.'i;:,T as iiol John I. Arclibold. a director in the fleet a! once to the Pacitlc. For the Wagon Yard, 200 North Broadway. Dental Surgeen. , . ti ''" so illllll.ll fol- ' Today the registration and certifica- Rooms S, The cit lire Standard nil company, made the two years the administration has SALE On account of dissolution of Burnett Building. Phone l Moim : last tion bureau of the association will b? Hi.ii it nul 1"! lliMil'iri I" lowing sta lenient perfecting its plans to arrange partnership will sell our cows in loll tu 744. Appointments made hr mall. l C. been opened in the ol Temple to Morning 1 ll lal tllllel ili "The reports published today of basement ShvIiiI lilM.alih the Journal suit. Easy tonus. Albers Bros. ). ex-i- : for a long ocean cruise of the battle- E. J. ALOKR. D. S .. lin' en his i .lS' a upon Itocl:-elelle- auditorium, where Assistant Secrelurv In of siilipoeiia Air. ship Heel, a of Sanla I' July 4. It became known bAI.K Aermotov windmills, tanks Arm,.-- v III pamphlet i when sul'llcleiit number Hoedel and members of the local gen- - roil ' block'." opposite i. or Pi In. xi ti"' are' erroneous. The facts ai"' warships arc gathered. This cruise today and substructure. Wolklng Son, 707 Rule. Hours: - lecedl d to ih.- suggestion that Mr. Rockefeller telegraphed to eral committee completed hint night that a somewhat sensational af Eighth phone 8:31 a. m. to have that pos- s - North street, 14S5. tf 12:30 may lie to the Pacific.' but might - I p.m.; 1:20 to 6 p.m. , Appoint-ment- s of this i e Mioii:u lie Judge Landis in Chicago, notifying ine nil.,, uiiaimeiiii-ni- nil- mc cure 01 f d.n- . the hands nf en.inai.l fnr ih., sibly be i. nly to the Mediterranean or FOR SALE First class surrey horse; also made by it it is to point so 111 the coming throng. x . , . v. mall. 1,1 idled. I"" se. him that If Judge Landis' opinion ,.,, second-han- d - to the Soiilh Atlantic. It may possibly !..,... t, two buggies. For partu-- I I'M' legisla- It Itooirt for I'licni All. minur iieiiuru, wnicn seis lurin inai illieellV l'l he Ilei esllV was necessary for Mr. liockefeller w lars inquire at 11 uniera' Wagon Yard, 200 i take place next inter, but on JX)S Angelen will during Oar-ret- t, ARCHITECTS. ! i or terrltor-- go vthe have no difficulty the month of June, K. C. ion. .thiT coni.ressl.inal lo In Chicago, he Would be present hand, it may not be North Hrnadway. , , I si'- other convenient in caring for the multitude, F. W. I. it. ;u i oi the eM inordinary on Saturday without the .service of a however present superinten- SPENCER to arrange it until later. In any event great It may be. Is proven the assistant. ; '.HI vh h Is show n to exist subpoena. Not hearing from Judge This by Architect. ; e. after a few months, the Meet will he upar;-ment- s, dent of the penitentiary, 'who was ap- If the decision of th e Judge Is Landis yesterday, Mr. Ilockefeller sent the enormous list, of hotels, FOR SALE Real Estate Rooms and 47. Harnett Building. tll-'- brought hack to the Atluntlc coast. e a IIOIIIIU word to United rooming houses and rooms pointed on the removal of Trelford, reel u - the Stales marshal "Whether the voyage Is made or not, FOR SALE Land belonging to .... - .... la v re .1 Ve I.l llpl'Ollll- wliou.. .lUli-ie- inclín!.... I'll slU-- l .1 that alone, or rooms und board, In private the estate ASSAYEHS. - lleet stays In Atlan- approached a convict In the peniten- ol Uuailalupe ... , ob- whether the the residences. Jose Ortega; aituated In II ,.1.1.1, Hie lltlVe llel'd jlf he had a subpo. na to come and W JiZNKS 7 in hav- - tic or goes to the Pacific will be deter- Fifteen thousand ob- tiary and asked him to make an affi- Itanchus de Albuquerque. Apply to T. It...... ai-- in ! lei or sel ve it. individuals can Duran, Aasayer, Mining & oil I mined simply as a matter of routine tain rooms nt .10 to 75 administrator, at the Lumber Mill Metallurgical ille a'tiV such laws, bcc.'ius. there from cents a davit against Trelford to sustain the More. ' Engineer. s In the management and rule nf the tf v. aep onlinry to mem K Scliexlule. day, in excellent surroundings, not to a in hi, h Alalinnia I!irt-- ite set-lie- charge I' 609 West navy. It Is now the part of a d mention the scores of hotels and of cruel treatment of prisoners, )U SALE A well Improved Fruit avenue, Postofflc Box I a n lie reviewed. Montgomery, Ala.. July 4. It is Apply C. 173, or an The policy of the navy department to places, ex- ilarrelt. alleged, stated that he ranch. A. Reynolds, Navajo at office ot F. H. Kent. 118 III" solicitor get! ral, who is today other where higher, but hotel. South V "If 1:1 Alabama late commission keep the navy up to the highest point tremely had about all ho wanted against Trel- tf Third street. HllteC ol t'l" Uo el iioi . has u adopted a express com- reasonable rates prevail. appi will not schedule for of el'llciency, always to keep the bat- Every conceivable preparation has ford. but wanted to make It complete. Kill SALE My ranch on South Second i I oH.-- to say nun h. hi panies operating in this slate. Th" tleships together, maneuvering as n give visi- It is further set forth, according to street, eight room house, large chicken CIVIL ENGINEERS. bi to test 5 been made lo comfort to the hi, tni: a process to schedule llxes a minimum charge of 2 llrs-- t wee, 7 acres of easy governor composed of several squadrons tors, who will lie subjected lo nbso-lutel- y the report, that this statement says orchard and alfalfa, : .1 at the pl. asur. of the cents for packages weighing live ifc ii. Aioers. pitt boss lliovi by the solicitor i all and it is desirable that this lleet no Inconvenience in the search Garrett offered jn relurn to assist the County a ml if such refusal pounds or less between points in (ho from to a long Surveyor. i . should time time take for quarters. Upon arrival they prisoner in securing a pardon. .The Attorney U. .ii i - ....i ii'..iv wnnui oi . . . aie before S. Land Depart- - (' II" eonn-- stale. voyage." required to go to the headquarters prisoner refused to state- RENT .11 T ti.ui ll at courts cannoi at make the FOR Dwellings moni, jana Bcrip for sale, Civil en- - I Lute tonight the statement of Sec- the In th-- ! o id n'h.-- means or anum-- auditorium order to obtain ments desired. gineering. ll. Ol pi It ki:i:osi:K king to taki: retary of the Navy Victor 11. .Metcfilf, certificate of N. E. A. FOR RENT 10 room rooming house, can Hi then, surely. the which will ll'li Hue ii MAM TOMOItKOW given out at Cal., In which entitle them to to point be arranged fur hotel, location. W t to correct Till: Oakland. return the of The j III' for starting Irish rnivcrslty. H. Mi Mlllloii. 211 West Cold avenue. tf ! Chicago. 4. he said without qualification that the without additional j expense, . o i o 'l . July Assuming that tNIHlCTAKKIMlMuiKIM a except the tü fee. London, July" 4. The discussion In FOR R E.VT liouseT" Dr, I. a p mm appointed for a tetm Mr. Ilockefeller would reach Chicago great Atluntlc fleet of eighteen or menibershlo and nl con- - voy- the same time they will register Ihe house of commons over Ihe Irish K. N. Wilson, 417 South Arno street. A. BORDERS I,,.-.- y at live years, and tomorrow night, District Attorney more battleships would make the at the law accommodation they estlmntea was devoted almost entirely FOR KENT Two Undertaker and : t. by the council lor inai ' Sims tonlgh! said that plans were be- age to San Francisco, was shown to bureau where modern tent bouses, fur- Embalmer re- - will given question nished; five-roo- City council adjourns, be ing to Secretary Loeb. Mr. Lneb would not be full information as to ito the of a Catholic university also modern bouse, I'ndrrtaker ,n lifter the egovernor made have the head of the rooms and board. ror Ireland, new Apply 222 South High street. Commprrlnl C'ltih Hldg. ,ve,l at th- - pleasure of Ih Standard Oil company take the stand comment on Secretary Metcalfe 8 an- AlhimiiPrnna. -- . The bureau Is In charge of Miss L. .j. RENT Ranch and of his choice iuumim" when the court at In o'clock nouncement further than to sny that Foil with housa and alfalfa; having estab-,- f enlivened u. w nuiocK, who performed & similar War Aealni.1 f'ndenmptlon. on Mountain Road; also S room housa on t !n ll t'l'-- i - Is no use in his own statement of the cruise env Saturday morning. No reouest has service with distinction nt TIJeraa Road. Apply A. Coleman, 42a W. F. II. II d ofllce. or In iirovldlin the recent All nations are endeavoring to cheek tna MITCHELL ..i.i tei ins made to' Judge Ijindis by Mr. ered that made bv the secretary of Whit-loc- Tijera. council, been meeting of the Shrlners. Miss k ravaKea nf ronmiiiipimn, the CITY i oniii inatlon bv the the navy at Oakland. "while plague" SCAVENGER for removed IJockcfi'lb'r whereby Ihe oil king lias prepared a list of all places Hint ninny victima year. Full RENT New. inil-r- ii a person. unlawfully each tent house. Plmni 17 311 Cn-ty- If might be permllted to give his testi- where may Honey 11,23 West A n p. ...c... ii n ot cot into conn rooms he had. it Is ar- and Tar rurea rouicha and iurnisnecL Kouin Waller street. tf Ten 1""" i.r....n.ullrin - mony by deposition, thus saving him Ito l lireiilcna to SU on . ranged by card Index and In type- cnida perfectly nnd you are In no of FOR , I r IILII lo ni dnnuer RENT Modern cottages. close In" ell.. Ilir un". written form. (..iiaiimptlon. ! not rink your l,v u II bring me the fn in the court ordeal. , July 4. Marquis IU, at the The caller ha.s hut to heallh Paul Teutsch, rooms I and 4 (jrant W. TRIMBLE & Wll'i laiisInveMlgntlon. Judge Landis, who spent Indepen- state the price limit and n room win Making mane unknown preparation when building. L COMPANY . , palace. Interrogated the re y tf irlliunal i"r be assigned. Many private jI Foley's Hom and Tar la aafe and certain ...i ii,.. i.eriiilsvlon of an ofllclal dence day In Wisconsin, will return to ganllng the presence at The Hague ol houses will .In reinilta. The f" RENT Two or three room houses, MVKRT, TKKO AMI ..oi.. be avuilalile for use edu- aeniilnn la In a yellow pack- or I.IVKRV. RTABI.KH of the very same Chicago tomorrow. a deputation seeking recognition of thj of the age. J. It. O'HIelly Co. furnished unfurnished. W. V. cieature cators, where they may haye I tf SO-- J Smith Second I'lrat Class Turnouts at ..V'citlv.- - made the Illegal the claim that .latían has broken Its rooms slree, .hat has H alone, rooms Keiisonukls Rutea. , . Is evidently need of dge to maintain the Integrity ot or with board. For such' them LETTER CARRIERS FAVOR Ii accommodations IF VtT 1,1 VK IV A KMAI.f. Tel. pliono 3. S4W11.I . by the Korean . The emperor de the prices run from' TOWN Nnh StrM-t- r. ii.edv Is made having $3 to 17 u week. Many of these tumi..! AM l'IVI IT 1IAIU RESULTS! a person, who. by lav HOME FOR AGED CARRIERS nied any knowledge of the dep to ;i:r RESULTS! "If Is ap-la- utation or lis action, whereupon Mar are In the best residence districts. WHAT YOU WANT IN FANCY OK Ineligible to hold tin ofhc' STAPLE . i.. .LJiomni iif and luis lio remarked: Kates in l igares. ;iOl EICIES. WHITE I S. p.MllI",, II, o.,,.... that. rlaln way "It Is not necessary to Inquire who Hates In hotels, WE HAVE NKAItl.Y KVEUYTIIINU. there no " " " Kim ky Mountain District Association at apartment houses, V. V. Toti&Grádi1. his Hghl to hold the offl.e is responsible for the deputation, in where the tourists may prt pare J'KATT & CO. 17 Nnrtli Third Ktreet to ('onrciiiliiii laidor-c- s Project. their Deiili-r- s Nim ll p ion. It's actions are and own If In i ' a ven W Imtllu meals they desire, at rooming Notice for rulillcallon. .,, .1- -, It Is evident the whole world Is In possession of niiOCERIES, , p. a bion; then houses and suburban hotels all these . PROVISIONS; GRAIN . Deportment of the lluy ln(-l- ... w ne-- Ihe facts." th.-lis- iMerlor. Land Offlca at and 1M, llniM)rtw i ihe a is ol no vii - Colorndo Springs. Col.. July 4. Th are set forth In plain figures on Iie of are esta:.- In rfli Interview with a correspond Hnntii K. N. M., Juna 24, 1(I7. lues, IJqiiorM anil your if i rlaln oualllical bms P.ocky Mountain District loiter Car- and, although the crowd will b. Nolli-- Ii herel,y given Cisura. Pia 111 that Heaeklah H. ,1 .I....I l.e iv us essenlllll IO lo. ent of the Associated Press, Marquis great. Miss Is , nrHrn f..r this lino line um. I . .. I held con- Whitlock satisfied that Ilaiiiinoiiil. AlliiKiui-niue- vllli l" ' . nuvI...... ll Í riers' aasoclation its annual Ito said the attempt being made to of haa filed holding of certain Ollicen, I" vention In tills city tonight and elected she can till every demand lor accom- notice f hii to com- posses u' n connect Korean aflairs wllh the San Intention maka final imiiolnl' d V ho do hot the following ofilcera for next year: modations. mutation proof in aupport of hla clnlm. lire 1,11,1 no av m no Hiion-- . there Is I I'm-blo- . re- Francisco question would mislead The entire via: No. nualllli r W. S. Jerry, of we aouth end of the roomy ll.imeitead Kntry 7at, made lien. TTT.EDUCCD In in-i- one, , I'K. 19(1.1, A mm - which evn to mil iinesilon - elected president; J. Ci., of basement of the auditorium Is ar- for the Hy, NWH, and Nli BWK, we eslalilisn- The Intrigues of the court, Section 12, JO. right- to I lie office: then the Denver, Vice president; W. II. Allen. ',. Korean ranged for the caro of the visitón. Townnlilp lg N., KanH 3 and " f is lie paid, were continuous. He reported One section of the big counter Ihuuauld proof will bo made befora H. W. lllellt iiialllh'iinons ''vi' ""' Pueblo, secretary treasurer; Urnoks runnlne H. YlvATCS To . energy. the that The Hague conference Otero. U. 8. Court f'oinmlloner, ii ALL Points vvi-i- " ,.f glslalive Irlone, of Colorado Springs; v. A. fait along the east and south sides of the at ' not N. M., on Auguat S. 19n7. Is a I' iixinin m.u wo'..---- of Pueblo, iiml Hairy llegwor, has recognized the deputation anJ room is set apart for the certifican in UAii.KOAi) TlfKKTd HOCfiHT "It en- - ercdcH-tlal- s, He namea the following wltm-ue- .. .,..1.. ...i-i- - there Is a law l' Denver, that no one had requested Its of membership, a hrnnch of to MORNING JOURNAL AM) KOMI. COKIt Is a of executive committee. J. out- the work lirova hla contlnuoua residence, upon, and KHI"OM).NCB ....'. ii i.nd whenever there Splllane was selected as a delegate showed the Ignorance of the that will he In charite of E. I.. Khen. í BOIJ(lTKt). It. PU'. II...... i of. the land, John C V 5 . i la ii law to n ill ess side world regarding this latest move vli . WANT u...i. to the industrial convention and If. .V cuepurn Jerome It. Flh, Denjamln K. Adama ADS he," til") n citizen lv'Ml.g of the Korean court, hut the emperor'g or N. K. A. will ' Undiio. we that en- - Kaltenbacker was chosen alternate. An the He have a big Klmcr l. Kvera, all of Albuguemue, N. . i .i un f.fice. cannot persistence In such Intrigues consti- corps of assistants. Adjoining de- - M. MANl'Kl, R. ' d the members of the district associa- his oteko. Me.i.ior. MOORE'S TICKET .. i." nd wh. n wrongfully Wyo- tuted a hostile action against the purtinent will be the OFFICE oh-ev- tion, which embrace Colorado, accommodntlon ...a....,t ',.f o, h oftice h cannot l- ming, t'lah, Arizona, and New Mexico, Japanese wh. h must be stopped. department, and further alonrf will be Otiljr Member of Amerleaa Tlrhst d iinoma'y IViIlcts In Y turn. NOTlCIi Brokers' i.,...... i., i such nn - are In favor of th" projected home f.rr Vr the postoltlce that Is to be installc) ' AuorlatloA. i ttn cor- - July 4. li. nlly legislation for worn out mall carrier! to hi- buill In Ninth Vaklma, Wash., tor tne oenellt of tho visitors. Notice is hereby given that the an- II West Crntrul Atsnne. AJIioqnsrass cost of $100,- - Rear Admiral i .1. W. Thompson. hollow square in the cen- - nual meeting nf the stockholders; of open ColorHdo Springs, at a hH counter r'"'"'n,e court, are lntend-- d to be ouo. United States navy, retired, who the Algodonen laind nnd Town com- malt-i- s in a slay, pre- for the hem lni of all ', arrived here for short pany will be held at the off i of Die SANTA FE TIME TABLE . . Indlvldui.!. live years. . - f .ornoertV- or ( dicts war with Japan within company W, Ill ll"-- ...... door1 nnotlimlli.n. will at 317 Copper avenue, ' - He does not believe Great Hrltaln In i on. ' " . . . . . F,r ninMitpaifon lie-r- la nnihlriK ao WHY SPLIT HAIRS the city of Albuquerque, territory nre so nanny ... n"ile iis-ds- t her ally In such a struggle, but .1.11 be tighiiy closeil. aa I'hamlK-rlal- a Hl,,,iuirh ahd .ivi-- r of New Mexico, on open ni." belh-v-- s ' Saturday, July 8. Ú ennnot Tal-lem- . that France will give Unan ven the court Ilnflf 1'ln-- alwaa piii.ltire a tileaioint 47 1 0 7. at 10 o'clock n. m., for tho pur- y vein of 111" Oliciioi nf Ihe Ihimi-I- nli',til din- - clal aid to Japan. Ihem-h- the leg- - niiivnu-n- hiiv One saya It Is kidney an- - pose of electing five (5) calls for efTe.-l- . trouh'e. directors to nelieial. This cittainly Krealile Price ;'j Hatnplea It Is Hrlght's serve one year, frra at all ilruii t.irn. ;. II. Iltirliana Teollfle After Four War. nlher that Illaense. What and for the transaction il:iilve reform. nn- - 1. H. N. Y.. Is the tike of splitting W(. o, sucn aa may prop- - .... I - I.. A L'ril-- In this rltv are Ilurhana. ul C:irlll 'enter, halra ottier business RESULTS! RESULTS! rite ",M,ul four eura I you nlne-leiit- of the kidney trouble erly come before the niectlim I to express their Kellef fur Aalhm.i oil nd words l Oul.fc Sntfrrera. I cured nf a 117 . i.iIiiik tl,al lia.l been entirely shows albumen If It. R. T. 'r...... ii, ...oc.-e.ling- In th- - Trelfo.-- Knley'ii an-- affenls liiiiiie.Hul trsled for and FUITON, Hecretary, .,iéés A - 1r evere Khlnev imnlila hy tuklne lew man no Insurance J. D. Eakln Pres.' Orna. tecy ni .. Tll- -t Place, they nigus- relli'f In uMllniia lit !h phI Company (hen wantal Mellnl, Hie uut1rr iw.i lint lea nf Knl. ra Kidney Cure. II en- you. l. Ol.tnil. Vies l.iaK- - an, If la K.-- In will a no niHtler what you call your! Pres. O. Baclieclil, Treas (Rffortlvs Juns . wh-- n Superintendent Tl'elfol'l lima effect tirely Ihe I.i l. k (hint aedlinent, anil Ol'U NKW 1MIONK Uth.) Hut commlit- - j J. It. n'ltlelly o. ii,iuil trouble or how well you look? I NCMIlEn IS Trotn His ... ,.....,1 ii. recognl" Ih" isire. tf ,aln ami m.l,,tn .,f klilnev dlx-aa- dtaap- - in. Itl'.MEMIil lt Ale. Kut Arrlrs. Depart proper Are you aware that the IT. H. i Tlll'ltE IS N'n. 1, Roulhern Cal, vión Mr- - Ldtr.ll. the liearerl. I n in lii.l In any I liava revnr last WAYH A Kip 7:41 1:10 p of tint nine-tent- COIIITIOI.S ( 1,1'ltK itn-a- census shiiwM thnt No. I, Oal wny would have been to lake Questions of Moment hif.l a return of any uf avmpti.nia of all ItEAIlY TO furnia Mmllad ..,.! : p ) itp the dead from TAKE Yol II íHÍIUlII, No. 7, - legal What pnrt of the Morning turma Ihe yeara Ihut hava eliipaeil kidney troubles had North. f ttl. Ka.t . Hi.- Into court where the Journal NO M11TKII IIOW KMAMa (J, Successors to Mellnl A Rakla Mall. ,!:& p U:4Sp nia't'T you suppoan Is uti.l I nin evtitt-nil- rure.l tu play eureil. anil Hrlght'a Disease? Well, It la pnsl-- I I'. No. I. El A ,. f Mr. Llt'rell. If he had any. do th" most Interesting a I'ltA'IT Jk 'O. and P. Mes. city Kip..Il:4(p : fn fo person who Is eagerly looking heurtily Kutey'a Klilney t'ura to live fact, and th census rlv-- a lurhwhl fllnml From Weal . ...old been es'ubllsheil, Inilcnd of tin bluilijer the: WIIOI.I HAI.K DKATKK th hue nny ene aafrerina fr.m kidney or rigures, (8, ODD IJf ( mil-Ini- by calling on for a furtilshed room or ft boarding vl; out of 6J.OO0 the NO. I, Fast Mall a place for him .iit.le." KI-l- ly Co, If lilruso I Of a th.-- ir J. If. O lust census year. l it ,,i.,uct'-- l police 'o thiow out plac7 & No. 4. ChloasD Mmlled ...... (:r,tp to p ,he pine... U your In Then, how under the aun you W. CM AUGER WIKES.'LIyüORS CICIRS Ml pel Inli nib ni. in inr neii adTrtlsment that pari ran No. I. CM. Kan. Clljr p . . . r . . r , . v...... jiimenltiKn i:pillon Hleenlng Cara Eip.. 1:41 T:tp i. t ! i afford to take anything In , thev iiiKiM' trial ll .'ir. ire, mrn .i.. "i .na I'm"-- from St. I.oiiia and from I'liliHao through the world We r) in rile ewrythlns; 1n ouf line. Irma the Doalk . j not for kidney It would do no hsrm to lei If whr nolT I.i N' ov..r Pennsylvania Shorl l.lne and that Iroiible of y.iura but WOOL Write for IHusliated Cnlalna-ii- Kn. 19. Chl.. a K rl"h's Heprea.-nlln- end ln. r. I :! a t:0s n N' V Compound? Manger A Arery, It linn prove ll) court Fie lH none, inn W. liy via '..liimiois dally after July Fulton's Itensl Ilosloa I'rlia JUnt,, to deulers only, 10 C'smectsal biourh (llloWvl MORMMl A lmid fa. smr with trsla V- - he III lit to he JOt!tl. MAST Affl 14 low f.n... Write Hull, ml Hetenteenlll J. II. O'ltelily Co., druKKit. Albu- (Wllh Kaalia i TeleobssMi Ins rillls . isa f if Hauls Fs and si,. lli'-m- HltlNO I r Sl K Alhut-ueriju- st all loe4 points la i,i i ni lunity to alaMUl hr hl querque, M. lit North First UL N, M all oitrurinNT at. iku rorrrm atb New Melle t. R. pint). AfsnU THE ALBUQUERQUE; MOVING JOURNAL, .FRIDAY, JULY, 5, 1907.

to his opponents on. Cameron also learned along the trail that Kerrick Notice fur l'ulill-tl- . up Department of tho Interior, learnt Office &t fired, but it was Wheeler's shots that and Bentley had been picking the "Santa N. M., 24, 1907. I IG Bent-le- y Fe. June III country, ' III did the work. Both Kerrlck and best saddle horses dn the 'Notice Is hereby given that CrtstoTal MM were killed and Wheeler hurried and that they 'were orraled at Sheep Catl!loyiChavea.of J ara lea, N. M., has tiled H.W fA ' a messenger to Gila Bend, who wired Tanks, so preparations were made to notice of hla intention to make flnl five J. K rJ the news of the tragedy to the sher- arrest them as horse thieves. They year proof In support of his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. 11511. made May 24, iff's office here. . waited until daylight, when the camp- BATTLE was bad man, and has 107, for the SE14, Section 14. Township Jim Kerrick ers began to stir and Ranger Wheeler 9 N Range 1 W., III IIS 117 North Street Between R. R. and Copper Aves. Will a and that said proof and First long record of deviltry and crime called out for them to surrender. On be made before H. W. 8. Otero. Ü. 8. Court behind him. For years he has been hearing this the surprised party ran Commissioner, at Albuquerque, N. M., on alleged to be a cattle thief. He began for their rifles near at hand. Three August 5. 1907. by He names the - following witnesses to his record killing' a ' sheep herder times Wheeler called out "throw up in but-- prove his continuous residence upon, and -- Southern California. when your hands, you are under arrest," of, vouth. An old man had been keep- but before last command was cultivation the land, vis: Casimir Shelf Hardware, Enamelware, the , Cutlery, Sals, of Old Albuquerque, N. M Benedicto J; ing a 600 sheep In a gun In flock of about Kerrlck had his action. Sals, of Old Albuquerque, N. M., Rafael little valley between two mountain Wheeler responded on the instant and Chaves, of Los Padillas, N. M . and Manuel ranges In the San Jacinto mountains. Kerrick dropped dead. Then began a Castillo, of Albuquerque, N. M. LAWN MOWERS, TENTS, WAGON COVERS, MANUEL, K. OTERO, - ABIZONA BAD MEN ARE Kerrlck was a partner In a company running fight with 'Bentley, who Register. that had a flock over the range. One fought and long, although crip- REFRIGERATORS, RANCH SUPPLIES, hard NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. KILLED IN ACTION day the old man's bones were found pled at the first shooting from the GARDEN GARDEN POULTRY NETTING, In an ash pile and Kerrlck's herd was rangers. skill gun seem- TOOLS. HOSE., His with the Water tax Is due and payable at the of-- 1 found- to have suddenly Increased In ed to have left him, for he could not flee of the undersigned tiMwxen fir.r ami Pursued on "Rustling" Charge,1 numbers. Kerrlck was arrested, tried hit the rangers. However, his nerve fifth of m.inth. and sentenced to twenty years at San was good and his body was" riddled WATER SUPPLY COMPANY. Winona Wagons, McCormick Mowers and Harvesters 217 West Believe! Men QuenUn. Kerrick madP a record for before he fell. At length a shot from Gold Avenue. That Had Plan- good behavior In the California pris- Wheeler's rifle caught him square in THE MOST POPULAR BECAUSE THE BEST. on and N finally when friends repre- the forehead and brained him. A PLKASANT ANT1CIPATIOV. ned an Old Fashioned Stage THE l'KOIHCTS OF OIK BAKERY sented that mistaken circumstances 'Upon the arrival of the sheriff the HAVE Ql'AUTV ' had caused his conviction he was par. bodies were removed to Child's Wells, TO KKCOMMKNU THEM. Hold-U- p, WHETHER IT'S A I.AKtiK HMAI.L , upon twenty-fiv- e Ajo, OR NOTICE, doned. Immediately leaving the miles northwest of CAKE, penitentiary he came to Arizona and and here an effort was made to have A MAF vF BREAD OR ROLLS, ' YOU CERTAINLY FIN THE BEST IN resumed a careen of thievery and a coroner's Inquest. Messengers had Justice McClellan will be at his office, Up Telephone 789 (Tucson Citizen.) UR SllMK. NO DOI'UT YOU'VE TRIED Gedl crime. After being suspected of va- already been sent to Sliver Bell and street, Win-neve- Sunday night, IT) IF N4T, WB WANT YOUR ORDER Korber building. North Second for you want your Prescriptions tilled promptly and accurately or a shor.t dlstane from rious cases of cattle rustling and of also to Tucson to summon a justice the collection of delinquent poll tax for 1907, FOR HOME OF OUR BUTTER-CREA- MOS up to your liouso In it Surry. Childs' Wells, near Ajo, a little settle- being involved in other difficulties at of the peace, but to no effect. As the from 10 to 11 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.. it you want 1)IU'(S niul MEDICI sent BREAD 5 CENT8 A LOAF. 8. BALL-IN- 1n Yuma and all through the lower Gila bodies were no longer recognizable until July 6th. After that date suits will ment the Sierra del( Ajo rango in Ü07 SOUTH FIRST STREET. delin- valley was hauled up and .sent to after two days one night of ex- be commenced and costs charged western . he and quents. been or- the end of this county. Iiang-- penitentiary for ratt rustling, posure to heat, some were These proceedings have WILLIAMS DRUG CO the the Indians by of KilucatKin. er Frank S. Wheeier shot and killed of two employed corpses READ JOURNAL dered tho Board and here he served his term and the were placed WANTS. WM. A. KELEHKR, Clerk. - 117 Ave. Jamea Kerrlck and his partner, years. When released be took up In rough boxes that were made there BLUE FRONT. W. Central mining since has had as a com- and burled yesterday Bentley, with whom he lived in Tuc-io- and afternoon. panion Lee Bentley... The men had Wheeler and Cameron both offered K5S252S22 the pnir being known in city evidently decided to try their fortunes themselves for arrest, but, as It was Kerrlck - and his companion wcr once more in bucking law and order not thought necessary to arrest them, making away with a bunch of stock when their career was ended by Rang- they each returned to their homes last ! which they are alleged to have "rus- er Wheeler last night. night, requesting that a full investiga- 205 tled" In the Ajo hills and when over- . From the circumstances surround- tion be made. The question arose as taken by Rangers Wheeler an.l Ciñ- ing the killing of Kerrick and Bent to where the shooting took place, as it S Second eron and called upon to surrender, a ley near Ajo It is reasonable to con- was apparently on the junction of the fight ensued in which the kee.i eye clude that- - a hold-v- a. of the bullion Yuma-Marico- and Pima county RACKET and automatic gun of Ranger Whee- stage which passes from the King of boundary lines. THE-RACKET.- Clean-u- p which will be ler proved too much for his two as Arizona mine to Sentinel on the This will be a SPECIAL WEEK AT is the first of our Sales, sailants. Southern Pacific, was averted. held every week, for the next two months or more. Our space will not permit us to list all of the .Jim Kerrlck and Rentley, who have The rustlers at the time of the been working at Helvetia for sev- killing were possessed of six crack F goods that we will make Special Prices on, but they will be laid out on our counters and tables eral months past, were in Tucson saddle horses which they had stolon of. about three weeks ago and when they from ranchers; and they were in during the week for yoiir inspection, and they will all be bargains worth taking advantage left town it was for avowed pur- secret camp along the roadside 1 the pose of prospecting in the Ajo moun- where passes each week the stage tains about fifty miles south of Olln which carries the bullion from the Bend. A few days later they hired King of Arizona mine Jo Mohawk on M'GEE IAS Special in Summer Corsets. Specials in Ladies, Misses and two Indian ponies in Oila Bend and the Southern Pacific road. As Ker- rick and Bentley had every facility for Ladles' Summer Corsets, made of strong netting Lace Hose. eet out southward, leaving word that , THIS WIIKK OM.V Infants they were prospecting and would re- a hold-u- p, including several brand with Jean strips, trimmed at top with narrow-edging- Ladies" Itce Hose. In black, white or tan, lace turn in a month. As Kerrlck was new .33 Winchester rifles of the latest DEI has two bands at waist line and four all over to toe, full seamless; this Is n splendid by. model and had familiarized them- . known to be a cattle rustler somo hooks, clasps; worth 3iic; this week, ench. . .20c We snrereilrd In getting another lot nf the wearing hose, and Is a regular goods; special parties in Oila Bend and as he and selves with the nearest and best trail at ml envelope,,, whirl, we minie n , Ladles' Patlste Gridln Corsets, empire strip girdle, Inn puner price for this week. . .2 prs for il.V: 3 prs for iOc his fellow prospector. carried no tools by which they could make their es- ron on (or one week lust April, und from made of batiste, with edging top and bottom, and J Hose, seamless, lisle, ed cape across the line, It Is believed their wuv It sold II un a Laditts' jive Lisle for prospecting, it was quietly single clasp; for the then eertalnlv they were going out to plan was to rob the stage, pack the band at waist line: four hook IIAItd.MN. This paper uml envelopes Is handsome gauze openwork designs, all over to that Mining Man His you clung In every respect, In Iso- bullion on their speedy horses and Found at misses and slim figures; this corset will have llrkt und rnnnot toe; colors white, tan or champagne; this ls u "rustle" catlle and horses the lie iñude to sell for lens limn e make their escape to Mexico. to pay r,0c for In most stores; this week, each. 2,1c less 35c;- this lated Ajo hills. , Home in Fierro, With Throat regular. Oiford else shels, plain or rilled. hose Hint is never sold for than Ranger Frank Wheeler, wno is Sheriff Pacheco, who returned Ladles' Medium Ing Patlste Corsets, with two Assorted tltiiw on envelopes; white or tinted. per pair -- tragedy, week, "' at Yuma, but who happened to from the place of the. tells Ear, bands running through waist line; has four hook Now In Ihe time to lay In Hitpply, as It Is ladles' Flue White (iauze Silk Mercerized Hose, he In Olla Bend at this time, and the story of, the killing' as follows: Cut From Ear to clasp, and is trimmed on top with neat lace; this nut proliuhle that ran get tiny more of It al Ihe sume price, T'IiIm Week Only not lace, very fine gauge, reinforced heels and Ranger Cameron were put on their After the arrival of Kerrick and corset is good nt COc; this week, Bentley In the country south of Gila value each. .40c toes, full seamless; tljls Is an excellent wearing trail. From information that the SpeclHl Dispatch to the Morning Journal. Ladies' Itnlixte Girdle Corsets, made, of fine rangers ranch- Bend about three weeks ago the 10c the box hose, und looks us well as pure silk; this week could Rnther from the Hanover, N. M., July 4. Hert Me- - body, IS singlo strips, six zones, ers in hills it was learned that ranchers in that vicinity became un- batiste wllh bone only, per pnir 2ó the Gee, it well known minina; man, was Its suspicions concerning the self-stvl- easy on account of the reputation of which Insure the garment retaining excellent Misses' Mercerized Black Lace Hose, fine )uatlty the let- found dying last night his home In prospectors were true; that the the unwelcome visitors and wrote at shape, handsome 'ace trimming at top and bot- lisle thread, plain seamless foot, anl all over lace ters to Ranger Frank Wheeler at Fierro, with his thrnnt cut from Jar tom, baby corset Is hills were being covered by the men to enr. MeOee was at with ribbon Insertion; this Specials in Men's Night Shirts top, sizes ti to !'., regular 'JHc goods; this Week leading driv- Yuma asking him to come up and put found atout and that they were and 8:30 while living w.ts very seldom sold for less than 7íc; this week. 45c Men's .Muslin NlKht Shirts, iiunle of gooil nt !i pairs for S5r: or ;t pairs for ,VU' a Including a watch on them as lt was believed o'clock and still ing bunch of stock, calves unable to speak to his friends. A cor- (jiiulity muslin, trimmed with fancy colored Misses' White Allover Lace Hose, beautiful open went. and that they were "rustling" their Special on Ready-to-We- ar hack, and colts as they Wheeler Inquest held shortly death Prices Ladies' embroidery, cut full length, gathered Is good 2fic n stock In the foothills of Sierra del oner's after kcis, double Itched throtiKl'out, wllh work designs; this hose value at Cameron at once set out after them, decided it to be a of suicide, but poi si end, anticipating trougle, prepared for Ajo. Wheeler responded to the call wise and Trimmed Hats. or without collar; special for this week, pair; this week, per pair 15c to days ago. Deputy Sheriff Tom Moore dlstgr'-i"- each AO,, ' Hose, worst. They overtook the alleged and came Gila Bend ten liuvn nil Hcady-to-We- ar and Infants' Plain White and Lnce the lace ones the MeOee was We divided of otir mude of line ' Near Ajo he was Joined by John and holds that murleretl. Men's Cambric NlKht Shirts, In "rustlers" last night at Sheep Dung Into lots, placed ;i y culTs assorted designs, all are mercerized lisle, and Cameron, who owns a ranch and Is Another Inquest will probably be helj. Trimmed Hals three and cambric, neck. und .pockets Tanks, west of Ajo, where they were a SHfinl lrlce on iwli lot. trimmed with fancy colored stitched liruld; are equal to pure silk goods, slzca 4 to G',, worth a grower In section. ! watering and preparing to go Into stock that this shirt made In the best possible man- I'Oc a pair; tills week, per pair Kit' rnmp. When Wheeler and Cameron Wheeler and Cameron then got on the LOT ONR Consista of Hats that sold up to 2.2". ner, and Is well worth fl.ul); wlto or with- rode up they were recognized, and the trail and followed it Into Old Mex- all in this lot will go this week at, each 05c out collar; Hpcciul price for this week, '. ?A Specials in Summer Underwear. rustlers must have known they were ico, then back and forth through the LOT TWO Consists of Hats that sold up to $4. each out hills for five days. Saturday at mid- N Men's Fancy Stone-gre- y Shirts and Drawers, In for trouble! Wheeler called for In lot go this week for, each $1.0,1 night they came upon men at all this with blue pin dot stripe, close woven fabric, out- the pair to surrender. His call was the LOT THREE Consists of Hats that sold up to by a pistols. was Sheep Tanks where it was learred side tape bound aelf front, penrl buttons, collar- answered flash of It $6.95. all In lot go week ench .. $2.0.1 Wheeler turned loose his they had been lying in camp for near- this this at. Special in Misses' White ette neck and royal cuffs; a great many stores then that Sailors, in or white, worth automatic that could give three shots ly a week: Wheeler and Cameron had r Ladles' Straw black goods for file each; special price for this go at, 50c Canvas Shoes. sell this $1.00. this week each week here, per garment 25c Ladies and Misses Sun IJonnets, in solid colors or Misses White C'snvns I)luher Oxford Shoes, Men's Solid Itlack Ualbrlggan Shirts and Draw- gingham schecks, regular 25c bonnets; this week lurxe evelets, wide laces, single sole, low heel, runvns tips; the very shoe for hot ers, fast color, Kutln bound neck and front, pearl i only, each r 1,1c wealher wear; special prices for this week gunge; special buttons, superior finish and fine K 1 to ll'j, nt Hoc f Special in Men's Shirts. to price for this week, each lllc sizes l: ui Men' Colored Negligee Shirts, with band for Ladles' Summer 1'unlon Suits, low neck, square white collars; these are shirts that we have only cut. bleached, sleeveU'Ss, taped neck and arms, What You Want Sensational Killing in Tucson a few sizes of each kind: there are all sizes from knee length, umbrella style, lace trimmed, extra Special in 14 to 1", but not all size of each kind; the lot Ladies' White elastic body; a garment that Is worth 40c; special Hotel in Which All Partici- conslKts of shirts that sold for 65c, 7',c, Ríic and Canvas Shoes. price for this week, each .2,"c $1.00; we have pluced them on our counter In 1 T,aíllffl While runvai Hhirhr Oxford Hhen. Specials in Men's Black Alpaca Coats pants Were Past Middle Life, lot, and one If you need anything of the rrlce; Inrn eyflrtK, wide allk lurcH, itlHin or rnp Men's Hlack Alpaca I'oats, plain facings, three Get you In rnvrMTtl heM, (tlngUi iImiiMm You pay come get r or kind, It will to and first leather What . and but- patch pockets, military cut, choice, as they wP soon go each 50c !,.le; hjwc-Ih- for this week, per pair. .. .$1.20 outside three A real life drama, culminating In a tons, regular price Is $2.I0; special price for this money for tragedy having features resembling Special in Boys' Low Shoes. week, each $1.75 Usually, when a man pays out his the celebrated Thaw case reached Its potay last, Men's Itlack Alpaca (.'oats, made of fine qualit climax Saturday evening In Tucson, Poya' Dohgola Hlucher Oxford Shoes, II silk finished alpaca, military cut, three silk cov- anything, he gets what he wants, or there's a when George Wells shot and killed light H double sole, 't cuban heel, solid D. II. BOATRIGIIT Charles Hauer, his former friend. throughout, alzes 9 to 13',í; thin Is our regular ered buttons, three outside patch pockets, French good, strong kick for the man who sold him a Wells' wife, oyer whom the shooting $1.50 shoe., and In a good value at that jirlce: l'hone I (I I .I facings, regular price In $3. GO; special price for arose, stood between the two men special price for this week, per pair $1.20 !0I V. Cold, Ü0.1 H. Heeond this week, each $2.5(1 disappointment. when the murderous shot was fired. The scene of the- killing wag the ? Park View hotel. Shortly after nix Why isn't this true of cigar purchases o'clock, according to the Tucson Citi- office, long-sufferi- ng zen, Hauer entered the hotel WSv has public been so wom- Why the where he encountered the Wells V All Tanama Ilata for tlu.t season ladm-c- lo $.",.00. an. . What words were exchanged be- with cigar manufacturers ? Why will a man pay tween them Is not known, hut after a short conversation I'.auer Is said to out his good money for poor cigars ? have Invltdd the woman to have something to drink. She accepted, It's hard to say.' But it's easy enough to see and Pauer stepped from the office Into the adjoining barroom with the how a great many manufacturers take advan- Intention of securing the liquor for her. As he entered the door. Wells, tage of this careless buying, and unload inferior who had followed him Into the office from the lobbv. and w ho overheard the Comfort, Oh! flim-flami- a ' purchasers. This ng order for the drink, drew revolver , cigars on unsuspecting and fired n shot straight through the o rival. t of his fe heart game can't last forever. Pauer staggered n few steps, cried Comfort out, "My God. I'm Shot," and sank to , Smokers every day are waking up more and the barroom floor. His slayer coolly walked outside and remarked to n Always more to the fact that mining man named Peck. "That tyon't buy any more drinks In hot Clothes, for women." nt the same time giving weatherEasy Cigars now made better un his revolver. Two peace officer free in shoulder and chest, yet are arrived on the scene almoat Immedi- o ately and placed Wells under arrest. fitting so well, even when only than ever they were. , He was lodged in the county jail. The trouble between the two men a little lined. o seemingly originated while Wells and o tell good cigars when they his wife were staving nt Pauer' , Smokers can SlxtW avenue, chicken ranch, on North OURS ARE o smoke them and they are-fa-st finding out that' two block bevond the speedway. Some day ago the Well couple left 0 " Triangle A" and came Into town, Dur- cigars in boxe3 stamped with the the place - ing the afternoon the woman, whose Stein-Bloc- 0 are invariably of better quality than cigars reputation Is not good, 1 said to have li o been Inquiring for Pnuer at Vfirloit which are not guaranteed in this way. saloon. It Is probable that he came YA 0 In response to o J If " Triangle A" on a cigar box is a sign of to the Park View The message left for him by her, t 9 I li if ' his wife have been resl-den- ts values-a- nd that's just exactly what Well and honest cigar of the city for several year. He Me .. year of age and American smoking public has wanted for Is man about slxtv " 0 the was for a considerable time emploed If there's a breeze, these ' a treet oar company ; , a drh er for the many a day. system wa put In t V-i- before the trolley - clothes find it out and ask it in. I The better value we are able to produce operation. After tpMng lhat occupa- i ii & i v y ft tion he wa employed a a watchman f it Look them over through bur new scientific manufacturing meth- - about building In course tit copslruc-th- He has the reputation of being A PLEASURE TO oda is particularly noticeable in .' though Inoffensive, and SHOW YOU. 0 by many I considered mentally $9.00 to $20.00 the Suit. 0 The woman' I middle-age- d and I 0 The New CREMO reputed to be of dissolute character. Itauer. the murdered man. was mar o IP 0 ried and had fsmlly. Ill wife and mm 6 Cents ' children are said to have him for o E.L.Washburn onie fuusa several month ngo, and are now residing In Han Francisco, o Every box Í3 now extra-wrappe- d where n brother also rerldc. Itauer' o o chlrkrn ranch I supposed to have Company in ghssinc paper to keep tho cigars yielded him a fair Income. 0 MU? M AlUlI o fresh, clean and in good condition. , . QmwII nt Moment. Whet part f the Journal do you o o v opp.trt Is the nvwl ln,riln the Ber-i- n , .AMERICAN CIGAR COMrAfíY, wn-- i is sn looking tor ( furnished rm.m r a tmsrillng pise? In t port of .': . Manufacturer I. y.oir advertís, mv,l thst lh ,fiir? ' . If not why notT o o THE ALBUQUERQUE (.lORHiWQ , JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1907.

the rquare for a manly fight hit iis Into the head of more lhari one í the' register' "full Knowledge 'and aí- than Trelford I you think you foreign secretary. Halyull since the slala nee." t' 'i'-- Tf, FL'LL would? It is a matter worth .consid- Pcrdicarls, Incident, has had hia ups Speaking of "fake reformers," PLl'.ÜB SV; if ial T Second "land sharks," "boodlers," etc. cii. ering and It is a matter which the and downs. At timeg he has had most " ' Max? . Pi;h!ihifJ by tha people are considering. Mr. Tre'fortl of the Sultan's territory In his grasp, 4 POLISHED GiilFfOiiiEn v Journal Publishing Co. went before the attorney general with and has threatened from time to time f lils. petition for the quo warranto on to become the Sultan's successor in of- The anti-toxi- n trade was dull yes-t- , Some Like cut for $22.50 will adorn any Bed Room. D. the ground he aa Current A. MACPHRRSOV. Tresldent that entitled to the fice, that dignitary having been saved teruay. W. 8. right -- a liL'RKH. Ertlir.r. of an American citlxen to be each time by the intervention of his ". Saves time, room and incidentally yoy romp- H. B. 1'. EN I NO City Editor. hoard. foreign friends, who take care of him Be careful, Wlllard remember the bank is your first Ipve. Comment A line to froln, Sce'our The attorney general has announced and interests because they have to. er'. large select ( his taaaaaaBBaaaaS Entrrrd as eecond-claa- a matter at the not only to Trelford. but to you, Mr. Recently KaUtill's fortunes seem to The hot weather .;'.'to havVgone Chif- i Alt.uQij.rciu. N. U., under act eems ' Time to Look Out, Chifforobe (a combination. Wardrobe.. Cltinen. to on suf- to U illard's head again. of eonarea of March I. 117. and the people of the other have, been the wane. He has Persons who,nre In the habit of in- states Prlch-ar- d. fonier and Writing Desk). and territories, that he. fered .several severe 'tetbacks. His The Czar might get, some valuable stituting criminal prosecutions for the recognizes no pointers purpose of satisfying private griev- TUR MORNING JOl RNAl. IS THE such right In this bunds have not encountered much rich rom Mr. Pilchard. . ,''': IRAOINU KEPI 111. If AN FAI'KB OF NEW territory. loot, was away i ances, had better look a "little out." FUTRELLE all that worth carrying by pro- FOOTbM I. MfcXUO, M ITOHTIMl TUB PRINCI-I'lK- S It hvalmost time for the bank di- An act passed the legislature Isn't it an amazing declaration? . having been taken to the shelter of OF THE Kr einlJ AM PARTY rectors to call Wlllard up on the car- vides that If any person shall mali- Al l. THK TIME, AM) TUR METHOD MP Then ftirn from Prlchard'a remark the protested towns, and It has begun pet again. ciously procure or attempt to procure THK Rr PI HI K AN PARTV WHEN TII able lettef to the letier of Trelford'H to look as If his career as. a disturber an indictment, or otherwise cause or He aa Out of 8lKht.rv - . . Just In passing, ex- AltK KK.ÜT. , haa anyone ever attempt to cause a criminal charge to Recently 1 .plmlngi uphed u large factory attorney to the acting governor, rhak of African equilibrium had about ter- plained why Mr. DID group, ilaya brought the Jurnukn v burn be preferred or prosecuted against an and a' few laturi lug a last gentlemanly appeal fikj-- minated. But the truly great captain, the books? proof a to allow the "group and take ordors. that ' innocent person lie shal) upon convic- E Larger rtrrululhin thai any albor pap- -r Quite a crowd gathered around. me to ape same right of the American citizen to whether he be pirate, 'brigand or tion thereof be punished by a fine of push- ) la New llrilio. Tba only paper ! New Mr. Rockefeller. Is reported the picture. Huddpnly I felt orne one THE PRESCRIPTION us- much not lesa than fifty dollar nor more me. Meier Uktrnl day In tba year. he heard. The two letter appeared merely a captain of Induatry, mortified that ha caused the process ing W way through the'orowd toward mf one thousand dollars, or by im- funny-looklh- man wanted DRUGGIST .side by xide ually has something up hia sleeve. servers so much Inconvenience. than l'p rame a and in the Morr.lng Journal t prisonment In the county jail for not to look at tit jVroofa. There being about j "The Múralos; Journal hsa a higher on The ability to keep something up .''. 120 In gnnip, It wa taking eome time 9 Wpst npntrnl áupniií July 4th. You will notice that the Albuquerque more than six months, .er by both the 05V W W VlataaMW I any has demonstrated looked i Wrsia.aM4 m(fn baa la arnmlrd la letter by one's rleeve Is the cornerstone to handsomely such fine and' Imprisonment in the for thia Individual to find himself. He other paper lu Ailatiurriutt r any other Trelford'H attorney does not ihat It is possible to have o disappointed that I asked him" where h In success In more things brig- a safe and san and still cele- discretion of the court trylnif the case. when It waa He answered: , dally la New Mulro." Tha American appear any. of the organs controlled than Fourth - sat taken. ( brate. The trial of any crlmina1 case when- "I In the ertptine-roo- aweeplng." Newapuper andage, And so, appears wit ; UE'JQUERC'JEPUKiraaCILL lilrretory. by the gang to which be Kaisuli i Prlchard '.i ever the comt or justice of the peace Judge Library. .,' ; f , longs. You will notice that It will not to have come forward with another It may be that;..the Plunderbund has shall be satisfied that any such case AÜ Kinds of I'.ilt Work a y Huburban Iteally. , Tliei (xmI i TERMS OK fcTBSt K1PTION. appear. The Morning Journal is the ace which he haa had carefully con-- : lull confluence In Governor Currv. has been Instituted maliciously or Itlftht Place fr 'Vhat are tlimenalona of the lots out . year VOO but their actions. 'appear to bo a, trifle without probable cause, the court the Work at Low Prices. Pally. Iy matl una In advance. ... I only dally newspaper which has print cealed about his garments. apprenenaive. there?" 1im!Iv. by carrier, ona oe may In Its' discretion tax. the costs ' One wonders what r.alsull might "Forty feet front." B ' Divmi ed everything which han come from ( therein against the prosecuting wit- nuo riot net Dally, by mall, one month. Sic The boy given' "And how deeV ri II -- W V. I IVIIVtVI accomplished banker who has the In - both sides alnce the penitentiary farce have had he devoted his journalistic ness. which event such witness shall "I can't tell you that. I didn't- succeed Phone 40.1. 403 S. 1'lrst Street World a brilliant exam such casta be In sounding them. I put down a pole twenty MEXICO was begun. energies to cornering the slave crop, ple stand committed until AMUQIEKQfU NEW of how not to do it, is now trying fully paid. Silver City Independent. feet Ions;, but I didn't touch bottom." It Is worth while to read these two or developing a mine in the heart of to sit on another ihi. St. Elmo Sample & Club Rooms A THK VM'.ri l, MR. H m. letters, side by aide and to compare Sahara, or building a railroad from i The Mystery of Love. Coinronilae. Proprietor,' - riuc The livening Instrument mentions i New Groom What do I owe you? Joseph Barnctt, . Tangier Fortunately Love the beatin'est thing that ' .' them. It is enlightening. Such a to Zanzibar. for the name of "Schnepple." Schnepple Paron--Tw- o dollars, please. t 128 West Central Avenue, , ever was. A few days ago the dis- reading show the Hide the Investing public, Halsuli has elect- Schnepple now Max, where huve ' New Groom I'll give you I and let you CHOICE LIQUORS SERVED. 'ALL Tim attorney general of New Mex- humorous of patches told how a tiger tamer, wish- - - ed to confine his marked abilities to we neard that name before? ktai tha brirle. the popular games. Kftio every Men- the affair" The Intelligent man, rend- ing to his love for a glva you B0 centa to me I ico, Mr. Oeorjte W. Prlchard. holding show certain Parson I'll let tí Iy, Th a rsd a y and Pa t ti ni n yn irh t s. ing these two furnishing picturesque copy for the woman, invited her. to the menagerie off. Philadelphia Telegraph. , hi:t office by appointment of Acting letters, will nee that all It might be rather embarrassing for Trelford and his attorney foreign correspondents and to annoy- the attorney general to go into, court to see him perform, and then goaded fiovernor J. W. Itaynolds, has an- care for Is tlgera to chew him up In Wit la Foor Health for Years. Arthur E. Walker ing can and prove his assertion that Trélford the her w. Kellcy, of Manslicld, ; a chance to get into open rourt, the Moorish sultan., .There Ira PaXwrltea: .' " to where In Jersey a man . Secretary-Mutua- l nounced wl;h cli.irmltu: frankness is not a citizen of New Mexico. nresence. Then back "Ijwae In poor health for two years, auffer-lu- g Fire, laiuranre. be no denying success. ' they, may be assured of a fair 'heari- his and a girl were out in a boat, the from kidney trouble, and Building Association. Plioi.e 5U5. the people of Ibis territory that while 'and bladder ,. ng, where evidence may be Intro- It would appear to the Innocent girl fell overboard, the man was up- spent considerable money conaulMng phyal-elíi- n SiVt Weat Central Avenue. , lie Ik attorney Kericrtil, individual Good morning; did you acquire the bystander set, too, girl: to cling to the without obtaining any itsirked bene- - ' that the members of the the tried Importance duced and correctly recorded. man, in fit, hut- waa cured by Fóley'a Kidney Cure, rlRhN are not of sufficient lockjaw? Plunderbund are more or leas worried but the man knocked her the t, it ir n ii a it Tit Prlchard's vi'Hh-.hl- and I dealre to add my testimony that It it it letter shows the .shaking about Just what Curry will do. oye S elbov and caused her to to ho even so. much ns considered; maj( he the ratine of restoring the health, hand of the man Is up It If Jamestown will keep on having drown; which he grabbed the Inwx i.f New Mexico a who against after or ntnera." jteruae aunatitutea. j. ti. Foundry and Machine Works. that under the It must make .Wie .Father of His boat and iaved himself; he says he ' and knows It. It shows nimnlv that riots and other sensational stunts, the O'Rlelly ' ? v P. IIall, , ;, consti tied by pilchard, there are no Country feel like turning over in his loved the gfrl so Tie could' not bear to t' rnrk;tor. the attorney general and the men he exposition will eventually get a crowd mausoleum to Finally Iron and Draas (Castings, Ora, Coal, and such ihltiRs a individual riKhts, and observe the actions of see her suffer. Kate Pullcn . KM lea. Lumber Cara, Pulleys. Grata Hats, Babbitt serves are afraid to get Into court or whether It Is completed or not. , " his namesake, the attorney general. Jumped' into the Kaw river to will be responsible any If there were, thai lie (Prlchard! Is "Just t not for debts Metal, Columna and Iron Fronts for Build- Kti-p- s was game loved me 1907, to take by which both aides of see If Harvey and contracted by my wife since March 7. Ma- ahive Individual rlfrhts and above the The .San Antonio Express believes Perhaps "risk ings, Repairs on Mining and .Milling may tho prison accounts which enough to his life to save me." aa the haa left by board and protection. our epectalty. FOUNDRT, tills affair come before the peo- feúra, In chinery East Blda la w. there will be no extra session of the the Almanac are bud condi Harvey was game, but he couldn't , ' , . B. J. CADT. - ple. tion, would make a showing if of Railroad Trark. Albuqueque. New' Mexico- TU attorney general ha said to Texas legislature; at which the few better swim, and both of them would have Mr. Prlchard Is n useful man. It Max would. pay for.,. the rest of his been drowned If a fisherman had not For prompt and enurteaus treatment and I'untnln Arthur Trelford, "You're from remaining corporations in Texas will brick. yon is doubtful If he knows himself just I picked them up. Is this romance or the very choicest nf meata will make no Kansas. New Mexico' laws were not probably heave a sigh of relief. ' lust plain Idiocy? As the editor of the mistake by pulling on EMIÍ, KI.KIMVOKT, your irolection. Vou how useful he Is It) the men who give, The brilliant reporter for the Even Capitán (N. M.) News savs regard- 1 12 North Third street r telephoning your Lobby made for ymijor la, - Saloon him orders. His In One how kindly Gov ing who; order nothing hi do with them. Job Investigating wonders Just Instrument had the vision ing vthe Rio Bonito case: "We admit CHOICE LIQUORS SERVED ' have printed last night on the page, Is us, ft Trelford was not a pleasant one. Do- ernor George Currjywill take to "gov- lirst the question too deep for atid i Notice for Pobllrnttoa. out." ought to go out to a quiet, retired presents features will require a rilaeaef Beer on Tap. ' ' i ing ft as he did, and n.i he set out to ernment by Investigation," which Is that Department of the Interior, t.nnd Office at Pilchard, of course, knows that nook and gently fan 'himself with a well poised mind to disentangle." El Santa Fe. Jí. M., July 1, 1907. Coma In and Get Acquainted. ' ' do, he must have known, the men playing such a very prominent part In toothpick. , given Captain Trelford In a eill.en of New hh Pa:,o Herald. Notice is hereby that Tomas Garcia W. I. AI.EXAH)Elt, Prop. ' behind him surely knew, that It could the amusing 111116 prelude to Ills ad y Griego, of Han Rafael. N. M., haa filed Mxlco and a taxpayer, lié knows Is to pipes Krror. notice of'hla Intention to make final five jmt Increase attorney "It time .reorganize," Ills Fatal yoar many right un- the general' ministration. again. vVTllard,' you re- proof In aupport of his claim, viz: that Trelford has as Wlllard do Having gone through formality "(i.",.i. sensational popularity with the people year ago the Homeetead Entry No, made June 4. In this territory ax any member that election, a when of ."Investigation" to ver 11102, WV4 Sec- der the law Those persons who missed the noise the republican party reorganized you an sustain a for the WS NW4, SW'4, of the territory. Hut his latest lob dict already made, Acting Governor tion 26, Townahip 10 N.. Jlange 10 W., and PUTNEY other citizen and In making Ms frank of the old time Fourth of July cele out Into the Cold, Cold LB. ' Is even a one. The Trelford World? Reynolds, on the recommendation of that aald pfoot will be made before Jeatia Established Ult ;J he make It toucher M. Luna, declaration to Trelford bration will at least admit that, thanks Prlchard, removed Su- Probate Clerk, at Los Lurraa, N. "investigation' must be Htnpped. To Dogberry. has M., on Auguit 7, 1907. to the rest of the eode of New Mex to the wise provision of the city coun Mr. Prlchard ha1! been so busy ex- perintendent Trelford, and some peo Wholesale Grocer. Flour, Feed let It go any further above all to let plaining that he probably! has over- He names the following wltneasea tn ico, to any man who Is unfortun- list ple are mean enough to suggest that prove hla residence upon, and it cil against fire crackers, the of looked starting an Investigation of continuous and tiiiu uiaui. Hyeiu iui get Into court, would mean Mar-iiues- t. - displeasure that the the real reason was because Trelford cultivation of, the land, via: Antonio ate enough tu Incur the fatalities was small. Mr. Garrett, whose Inhuman brutality y Wagons people would be told In plain words be- insisted upon paying the profits Into ltavlil Garcia Jaramlllo, Binante . Mitchell the men who direct and savage cruelty to convicts has Padilla, Jnae It.1 of of Priehiird and I the territorial trttasurv Instead of di Candelario, all San Alhnqiicrqtio - - New Meslco what, they already know, that It was Douglas lias learned Its lesson from come notorious. Rafael. N. M. , viding ,wlth boys. Roswell Rec him. an "Investigation" the MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. maje to furnish the Hlsbee fire and has authorized the ' .a. ". s Kven were Trelford a . citizen of During the present fiscal of ord. GROSS, KELLY COMPANY some' year,' " & very ground upon which Itaynolds 'expenditure of a large sum of money - Notice for Publication. Kansas. It does not, seem to be a which seven months 'have ulready Ven, Verily, Amen! might base the removal of a good of- for adequate fjre equipment. It is passed, $22,000 out of an appropria- ( Department of the Interior, Land Office at Wholesale Merchants wise IhlnK " fay to the rest of Ihe anta Fe. N. M., July 1, 1907. r tion $35.000 already ex- "Why not have fired Treatord first ficer. The "Investigation," therefore, a wise town that learns this Messoa of have been la Hides nnd Tells ration that people from other states pended. Evening and Investigated him afterward? That Notice hereby given that Ramon Pa- Wool,' must be stopped and the Mr. The Instrument. dilla; aun and heir of Juan de a Specialty. In New Mexico. We useful from some other town's experience, It must have taken most of to would have been according to prece have no right that deoeaaed, of San Rafael, N. M., haa filed no-ti- re Prlchard wan shoved gently Into the buy books to repluce. Mr, Bur-su- m dent," Socorro Chieftain. But It inlr.y. most of us. tn ' .those of his Intention to" make final five urn enenur.itre ' ' breach. , Anil Mr. Prlchard'H useful- ftot'kiffeller's greeting to the deputy burned. would not have been right or Just. year proof In support of , hla claim, via: ImmkTntlon to New M(xlcov V' are r ness has not yet ended. Doubtless sheriff who finally caught him after Hence there. was a full and fair in Homestead Entry No. Dec I, doina what we can to Induce people A citizen of Phoenix named Orosco vestigation- - In Trelford's case. The 1001, for the Wtt NBÍ4. W( 815(4. Section before their Is he had allowed himself to be caught, i Township 10 V Ttange 10 W ork done, Prlchard is ill- . 2. and that come here to make their homes. barely able to navigate after 'an Almanac. proof to be lit- is an example of Just tiow genial and said will be made before Silvestre -- , .. . I will required to perform otjier ness caused by overwork Immediately n...... - i l.,n fhnt Mira bal, U. H. Commissioner, I ne ui'.orncj i.u..I'.n i ...... consumption ' Court at ban tle Jobs like this one, and to write kindly and altogether decent a multi- after the of two Please Explain. Rafael, N. M on Auguat G. 1907. ADlfERTISE iich people huve no rlhl.-- e will not large watermelons. The sun wm hot names other letters which will place him In millionaire can be to the common herd "Honieseekers have their eyes turn Ua tha fallowing witnesses to jrove particularly encouraging to and Orosco went to the hospital. prove hla oontlnuoua residence upon, and an equally queer light before the peo- when he cannot help himself. Which only goes to show again how ed toward New Mexico." What has cultivation of, tho land, viz: Rafael Baldes, those who are considering making this dangerous work N. turned the eves of homeseekers to- Manuel Hanchea, Joae R. Candelaria and Every Day in the Year ple whose interest he Is supposed to ' ' territory their home. For outside of Once more we are favored with the ;, ward New Mexico? Principally the Vlaente Fadla. all of Ban Rnfaet, N. M. v represent and protect. advertising done by the Tallroads. MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. New Mexico Mr. Prlchard Is not dally publication bill The fact that there Is a strong libel Prlchard Is the means through of the of fare at Does not this Justlfv the people In bald statement as the law In the territory is brought strongly BEST known and his the penitentiary. Our amiable old hating the railroads? El, Paso Her- i ' which we have acquired "government to mind by an editorial utterance in KANSAS, first law officer of the lerrliory may friend In Santa Fe, however, has thus ald. i by Investigation' the Almanac, In which the following IIIO 1TERCO, be tieüeved abroad. People may fulled or polished phrases occur: in Just tell the people what Ills carelessness of public opinion, far to state whether not the "Wallows JAKE HAS ANOTIIKR. VEO A AND that he has the power to set superintendent brought Greed. Graft ami Venom;" "Lying II think and his expressed disregard Indi- assistant has, OAT AV. you have to sell, of Dispatch." "Foul Slander," "Slander- (Kanaaa City Star.) 602-00- nslde the laws and to overlook Indi- spanking down from I. W. FEE. 4 8. First 8L Phone IB. " vidual rlghfs moke It certain that his the machine the ous, Fulse and Dirty." Jacob A. P.lla la to marry hla atenog. vidual right!; In a word, to control the garret. rapher, Mlaa May Phllipa. ' When the Prat Tell them in a clear, usefulness Is not yet ended to the men RTTY VOITTI territory and to do with ihe.lndlvld-ua- l Mra. Rila died, her hiiahand wrote the edi- WINDOW AND lOOTt w horn he serves. It would be Interesting to those tor of a magailne: "So many frlnnda have SCIIKIÍNS ITIOM US AND KEEP 'forcible, enthusiastic man- a his pleasure or the pleasure of We have been branded as a molly-codl- e rather unimportant personages, the written to me and mine worila nf love and YOUIt MONEY IV NEW MEXICO ner through thé columns' hi may ti- for objecting to the promis- People, to know whether the editor aympathy and of tender appreciation of her, INSTEAD HAVING SENT the men who give in order " OF IT I C. Hughea. thirty years ns of reg- hum everyone loved, ns truly ehe gave of gen- after cuous high explosives on the chief Hursu:n, wnlle EAST. STTPEHTOn PliANTNfJ MILK of The Morning Journal. lted, diere, is what the attorney useof the ister of the Santa Fe land office, was her full heart to all Ood'a children. Ihat I the editor and owner of the Tucson of" am to you for apnea t sa;s: ' Fourth July by children. The his- In constrained aak A FULL TEETH FOB eral Dally Star, has sold 77fit newspaper a principal robbing the peoplo of thank them here, eince to to them all SETF Give them a few. facts Y nit are advised thnt tilla ufTlfa do a mil toric person who fought and ran away some thousands of dnllurs. So far no in reply la not poaalhle. thank them l i t ter- to the Kelly company believe It la Ihe Interest of lie which already was undoubtedly a mollycodle, but it denial has been entered. The people from tha bottom of mV heart, for myaelf and prices each morning, ritory or, to Ms iwutile In permit a cltlxen controls the Kevlew at lllsbee and the are listening for It. and for my children. It doea help to feel i.f nr A.NV UTIIKII HT ATE to uae will be recalled lived to fight Katixua - that he that wa are. kin. and that brotherly love Cold (rowna 00 .and before you know itr I In. narni. nt Hi trntiirr aaalnat a elilaan Internatltmal American at Douglas, 'period. la not a phraae, but a warm and throbbing ....!. rrr-atr- at a later Gold MU Inga, npwarda .. t f Ihe lerrliory to try till an ofTli'e il In- It Is reported that over three hun- fact. They aak, many of them, what t am from...... l.f you will both live newspapers with rapidly , 60 have the busiest iy inn Im al It (iplatur ami'il dred errors, intentional or accidental, going In do now that aha who waa the In- Painless Extraction of ttt tirrlt-ry- creasing standing and Influence. The All Absolutely by ti tntitiyira ami The huge success of the Irrigation have been discovered In tne d, spiration of It all la gone? But he la not Work Guaranteed. store in the community,; your ta ' lifftce rinu'l ' Stnr has been a force in Arizona af- celebration at Carlsbad Is a final, con- expert's "report" on Ihe financial con- gone. If In my aotil I believed that. I DRS. COPP & PETTIT, It an engaglng nnnouncf hnuld be desolate Indeed. It Is only that of -. Im't fairs under Mr. Hughes and under vincing evidence of the deep Interest ditions of the territorial penitentiary Ihe rlvyr aeparatea ua onca more aa when ' Roana 13. N. T. Arn.Uo Bulldlag. Thousands progress- T under Superintendent H. O. Hursum, we were ' the energetic management of the new which the people of New-Mexic- o ns a children. I know aa well 'aa I Ive do- and nearly all of these are knew then aha waa In garden business rren are are advised" that you haven't It Is rap- that Ihat the .1ut YHí WM. FÁRR COMPANY "nil owners certain o advance whole are taking In the development against Mr. liursum'a credit. The beyond where all her'aummcraare beautiful ing it n all of any that I can see or you ' now, ehe Wholesale and Retail parts the rights that idly In every way. of the country. The tomorrow spirit , and that la waiting for ma there. muke me see, you or a citizen of Who found themV So I .hall eek the path to that garden DEALER IN FKKHH ANI RALI MEATS country. They are making rati has disappeared from New Mexico, till I And It, I am onca mora 'where I Banaaga a Specialty ...... o THK PKItSlSUCXT Mil. I I. , dreamed aa a boy, I know IJAIsl never to return. and that I ahall i For Cattle and Hogs the Biggest Mar- - their business fairly leap The Almanac Informs us that the wake, aa I did then, and find the , i i i from Its effe t on the rest of truth Ki--i. t í Artie poor, In the unineakably fairer than my dream. Nor do ri it: is dm. to front, - abused "unfortunate" the we hlm-ae- the country, should he ao unfor- One cannot but admire the persist Attorney ilonna calls the nctlng penitentiary, were given a holiday on I far tn mlaa tha way. for our Lord lf haa charted Mt an that I cannot go tunate that the rest of the country ence of the bandltyTtalsull, whose lat- governor's attention to that clause In the Fourth. In addition to base bull wrong. You do same, games, bridge whist parties, picnic, 'I an the way,' He aald. Hhe went can the tdiouM ee It. the attorney gencr-nl- 't est stunt Is to capture the general of the organic act setting forth the du- prisoners truatfully across tha river with lllm and and other relaxations. th waa Ho. extraordinary letter hits another the Moorish sullan's army .and hold ties of the governor, which reads. were feasted on ("soup, roast pork not afraid. why should I bet I You should advertise in potantes, ahall he loneaome, yea! God knows how serious phase. This man Tn Iford lias him fi.r a ransom In which the' bandit "And shall take care that the laws be with atiple sauce, baked toneaome. Hut I have Oie aweet mcmorlee The'Morning Journal, it stewed tomatoes, rolls, of to- as been thrown out of his office by includes about everything the aullan faithfully executed." Mr. Hanna greewi, freh the thirty happy yeara we walked peaches, coffee, mllki and lemonade." gether here, and what are a few yeara of goes to the people when force, without an accounting, without and the combined powers of Kurope seems to overlook that fact th(t the What a welcome change this must lonellneae lo Ihe eternity nf Joy ahead In have been from the plain, scanty, wheie hrarta are never wrung In parting? their mmds are fresh and i receipt for the property his care; have succeeded In taking away from organic act has been supplanted. We 1 regular diet of "beef, pork, bacon, And ahall not be Idle. , t ahall be doing without anything but the ph)sical him In the past six years. have Trlchard now. wienerwust, bologna sausage, long link what alie would have me do. and tn It all. , .easily impressed. force necessary to eject him. lie ap- General Sir Harry MacI.enn went to sausage, beans, rice, potatoes, butter, aa vnu aee, ehe will yet he the Inspiration, j ITS -- - "o vim an in yeara mat are gone.' plies for the only redress open to him; llalatiU's camp to negotiate with the Two men atteirfptcd to hold up sugar, salt, stewed- - apples, stewed 3'lutycr, an employe of th pen- prunes, stewed peaches, beets, maca- Independence Day n hearing In court, it rests with the bandit In a condescending way about Fred roni and cheese." f TAKE IT IN TIM II itentiary Santa Tuesday night. - nt'orncy general to any whether or not come little matters in which the bun-d- l: in Fe THE JtiHt as Scores .22of Albuquerque People "SHORT LINE" have that hearing; with the considered himself Interested. He Thaye took to his heels nnd escaped. George Curry has no strings to him FOR THE FEET be shall any one who is going to llave. , was The men evidently have failed to Im- and thinks he attorney Reucra! who alone lia tried, quietly kidnaped and taken away. be In position to pull strings, had ber-t- er Waiting doesn't pay. i To the Mítóng Camos of Cof ronvl led and sentenced him. It Is an a polite note being sent back to the prove their opportunities to liuin eriler a private sanitarium be for a If yoiv neglect the aching back. It Is Evening Instru- Urinary troubles, dlubeu-a- , surely rado, Utah and Nevada; to mcrclne of autocratic power which H sultan to the effect thiA he could have modern methods In holding people up too. late. The. ,r models to be ment. follow. pille without parallel. The Individual his general when ha concluded to from the What a sad procession that would Doan'a Kidney Pl!! rclltiVe back- Denver, Colorado Springs and cne of Mr. Trelford would not be very come through with some 1200,000, a found In Santa Fe, be. In the mind's eye. we have the vi- ache, , Hurse, gloomily plodding kUlit Pueblo, Is by may of Fe, If n one were toncerned few hundred thousand acres sion, first.' f Cure every III. Santa iripor:arit of terri up Ihe hill to the hospital; then li h -- Albuiiuerque The bringing ol the new Harvey cltlnna endorse them. New MexicOt ; frcm Mr. Trelford, If the case tory and some other little Items which nobis, rloselv followed by Max, Pilch- Mrs. tM and the collection of minerals to Albuquerque, J. Curd, living at 410 H. ctiiled ihere; If tin' precedent eslab-IímIh- iI Itolsuli aeems to think Important. It ard, the Major, Hull Andrews moving Third st., AllMiquerqu , N. M., says:. "I will be worth a good deal to this city. with somewhat toilsome effort: a íw ended there. Trelford has not Kiems to be i foregone conclusion that suffered more or less from pains "in DENVER & RIO Showing as they do every known min- other choice spirits and Little Wlllard, my back for a long time and at times GRANDE been In the territory, long enough tu the Sultan will deliver the goods, un- somewhat short of wind and weeping, when I eral found In the territory, the speci- would overexert myself or take . i il nji a larre follow lug of personal ion he decides that he can get along bl inking no the doleful rear. In fact. cold, I suffered severely. tills ; " It would a sneclal sanitarium t That : RAILROAD ii mens will be of exceptional Interest take trouble was du kidney I fi in! on that very account without his general, who up to the all. And some thing to dleasa to mining men. The collection Is a hold them from had no duubt. In fact I. believe It w as l i - men of nerve and. Ipresent time has been It Is ineii, chiefly notable IIihI one casually hears, qul:i hureilitury In my my liberal education In the mining re- sanitarium Idea will be fol- case as father Through the fertile San Luis 0 hood, would have treated him for his ability In getting the Sultan likelv the died with Urlght'a Disease. a sources iif the southwest. lowed cut.. About it csir.t consideration. Put he has Into trouble. ' year ago Doan'g Kidney Pills were Valley; my also to the San Juan a When ' Far-lan- d hrouiht to attention and 'taking i In re long enough to become Kaisuli first broke Into the an- In a report by Commissioner Mr Once more we would warn our general office to then! for a short time, 1 w as absolutely - - ' " i o find to cM.ililUh .reputation international limelight by his kidnap- of the land the Country of Cebrado,- cient and amiable contemporary In secretary of the Interior regarding the relieved of Ihe pain In my back and 6 OA and to prove to Ihe peo-- ; ing of Ian I'erdicarls. ihe felt belter In every way. f,ni!"iiy ooek who Santa Fe to be careful during the InveHtlaatlon of Itcglstcr Max Frost The merits ':' for InforjiiaiU.ii as to ratea, train !, to belong some years of Doan'a Kidney pills were so plainly Is not a OftAITI"!!. nnd claimed to the t'nite.1 states, of the Santa Fe bind ofilce aenrlec, dew d.Jr- - heated term and not let the peniten- M oth-- ' demonstrated to me, I can with rlUve l.tcrnttire. s will not be ruled by GltAFT- - he was rolisldereil little mofe than an etro, Mr. Fai land says, among that tiary "Investigation" nnd other little tblnirs: - pleaeTire and confidence recommend S. K. HOOPER, ordinary brigand who : i had happened matters get on his nerves. Ills par- "The Inspector rooorts the evidence them to others." by II SO .' fJoueral Iluaseiiser ami Ticket n people onto a man who, as a It of a bitter feeling toward the register For sale dealers, 'price v, ", the of New captive, had oxysms Indicate that the trouble is Ar , throughout the portion of the district cent'. Foster. Wilburtl Co., buffalo, HiaH,R, fOI,0. 1 o fur Mr. Trelford a in his power to make an awful noise. i.ire growing more anil more violent each visited bv hint. II state that a huge New York, sole agents fur tho I'rilted MUX YOU MAR 0L.1 t 'i'.il, I v do care fur the The Incident stirred the people two ,.i of day, and that Jt I rapidly getting number or persons freelv expreeil Stales. , t un-f,- ,i of In ii. In the nrlkirigly continents and a portion of another. higher up. their want confidence the oftninl Itememher the name Dnfns and cowardly PuMlilty seems Integrity of Mr. Frof, and openly Like no ol her. Goodyear Welt Shcci ,...! iiol'irnt and to have reitcil well on charged that the hulnc of the ofthv . jit n h be lota been 1 i., handled. the ahoMlilers of Ihe Moorlxh bandit. Is to sum- Iy They r 1' (raje l Keerelitrjr Taft going his not honest conducted. n'sn hovt i Tit t tr. rmiiv ltt f, fcr a, Hi- - In regard n Tile: ! .HtH MUI- n ' I'll: ri of New Mexico, do began to do stunts In biig.tndnge mer hume In Murray, liny, Cntwln cxpres4 a (o volunterr-- IV Fpr IVcn 1 to C1.C3 m n svt '.'i evlitt r,.'e out of Cmnf becaiisr of I MM lit.llStr1 lt llf TIU , U. . . 42.75 ime men w oiild e.ich one n ttior;1 - ' , ( IlllSlllf. p.. ti. i th- - In'., amhttlitu Ituin The secretary in iy put up n flag Mr. KroM'e Ri "lit lu ioeme Willi the ii a. 1 if, t ' I 0 lome in,inner ymt Ihir, in.. ,v the itoii III li h illicitly has one, but lie "Sutitj Fi" rlnir." It wm For V liVut rl I tO II Ti.e of !. ,... il, y llMf aad r f a f ft t .i U! e í! i I ? Momi-I- giMid hijytfVcr, Widely Unit til" Dili t4, INel(4 h hem of the i sollnll to u c.i n hiiioly t'nlted Stall's Nccd Multo tir VMt, ' pri nt number of t fiauduleni cntri" at t Ri riK tiHT H. ltt NortH ., i v ... I t ' i I , t linn f i h. fur ' .it, bihJ put f.iy tifhthlng to i rnfs the. border. n o. in were w l:h FcrC!,;'.:rc:i. il lite made $1.50iu CMO I . e lyf.'eJ. . OTu.'.'.'r Co. THE" ALBUQUERQUE VMKXQ JOURNAL, FRIDAY; JULY 5, 1807.

Dispatches from those cltkvs scout Un- twice a week, Sundays-an- d Wednes- charge thit A:?aqh Is an impostor. days,' fluring the engagement. The The chaires, against Apacho were. next one will be "The Mascot."; SAr MOMO aworn to by William M. ' The American Lumber company Cary and Edwin N. Doming, two well HIIDS band occupied the band stand last known painters of Indian life. They night during the pyrotechnic display declare that the supposed Indian as was an wears a wig to hi and usual essential factor conceal kinky hair In a gay fes- and tints his skin with a sort of SEE making the ev?ning and bronze paint. tive one. is .HUH ñPACIlí: IS "It about time that the: true character of this Impostor be made SMOTHERED TO DEATH IN ? publicly known," said Mr. Cary. "He Is not only a faker, but a scamp. He I BOTTOM OF A the same nepro who stole a painting SHAFT from me about nineteen-year- ago and Willi: in consequence served two years In A EJEGRO Sin? .Sing prison." , William La Cass Meets Terrible Fate .. . ; IT i by 'Being Ovnronic by Foul Gase tile Morning Jour- HUGE JAM AT What TRACTION hi Arizona Mine. i . 'PARK LAST EVENING , Smothered Xn death by foul air and nal fifty-fo- Does ot for Advertisers Sensational Charges Brought IHUIIIESÍI gases In the ""bottom 'of a Pyrotechnic Display .Beauiffül shaft- on one. of tils claims in the 'Against Walker district, near Prescott, Sun- i Southwestern Curio day morning at S o'clock, was the fate, It, RAP HIE and Opening Performance of of William La Cass, a miner, who and How It Does ; SI Man by New Ybrk Artists went back into the whaft, where only Boston' Ideal' Company Ex- a short time before- he had tired a Who Ho Fraucf. six holes", gases Declare is a : round of and the and cellent, ."' had not yet been broader,-deepe- . foul air of which Advertising in the Mornmgxlournal has a far r 5110 absorbed by the atmosphere above. CARY SAYS HE WEARS i III Las Cass was ungaged In sinking tho more, satisfactory meaning Jhan in any other lNcw. Mexico - For three or four lours last even- shaft with hi3 Amele; Marcus Field. He waited forborne time after firing A WIG OVER KINKY HAIR ing the cars of the Albuquerque Trac- the round of lióles before he returned newspaper. company on the Traction park to On reaching Alamogordo" Judge Off- tion clean, out the shots. Scores line were moving masses of humanity, the bottom of the shafe he was over- come uncle, being aged and Artist Doming Declares His In and his icer, Who Took Insane Per- jammed' Into every Inch of space feeble, was unable to pull him out be- It is synonymous with conscientious, painstaking, result-produci- ng the cars and hanging on like a swarni fore ho became helpless. Miners wen; Mother Was Mrs, Russell camp sons to tas Vegas by Way of to gteps side ialls. was summoned from a 'nearby an á Morn- of bees and It soon as possible, but life was extinct scryicc. Service mark youfor when Sage's Cook and That He Torrance, hard to make aji estimate last flight before aid reached him. of how many people were carried, out When the news of his death reached ing Journal solicitor is sent for he represents an organization Has Served Sentence in Sing Walker, only three miles distant, the to the resort, but there were thousands -- by tele- Sing, The Alamogordo dis- sheriff's office was notltied that will help you plan a campaign, write, illustrate, and set all . Advertiser In its of them. When the pyrotechnic phone and Deputy .Sheriff Horace current issue contains- the following play began in front of the grand stand Rowdre and Justice of the Peace, C. organization that will see that your Interesting communication irom Judg at 8:30 o'cloc the grand stand was H. McLane drove at one? to the place, advertisementsan That .Antonio Attache.'; .who pack ml to the' corners, hnd crowds has E. A. Mann, of the Sixth district, whg where a coroner's jury was summoned, aehii,feil notrMy a lined the fence and bleachers. The an Inquest held, verdict f death vertisements are placed in suitable positions that, in and almost fame, i was recently to Miss ' Lu.'y and.a- full-bloo- married display was. ft one, the I a d Apache' n, beautiful bv foul air returned. Manson of Alamogordo and who is bombs.' various kinds of rockets, davit Deceased was aged about '.''BO years will help you in every way to your advertising who is now - vv - short, make a one of the managers ujuymg is noneymoon ip mux- chaserií, etc., being unlimited In their and a native of Canada. Ho had been ' ' ' of a tnuseUm of anthropology in Los LU. S - ri. .1,1 a resident of thttrsectloiv .for live yearn Editor following VHI U'iy tum IJIUiUHHJll. ivtu ukiuhiiih mighty factor in making money for you. - Angeles and who since the .World's AdvertlserThe In thin northern srfy Jiist in front of prior to his death and was an enter- Item . ' appeared in your Issue of June prising and industrious cltl-n- . fair In .Chicago ha been regarded as 22. presumably as a matter of news: the grandstand also added to the ef the foremost - feet. It being Understood the Indian óf the (layáis not "Sheriff .Denney returned Wednes that ) Made All the Difference. an Indian at all, but a full-blo- o ne- day morning from Vegas where Traction company had the electrical When your advertisement is inserted in the Morning Journal gro, Ias lu . The Juno brhln frowned.' is tho charge brought against went last Saturday to take three in- -, display arranged on purpose. Apache in Theee tomatoes." ho aalrt. "are just New Vork City by William sane parties. It may be of Interest to' There was not standing room for twice as rifar as tiloso aprons the atruot. half of the work is done. The seed of success is sown. And M. Cary " and Edward N. Demlng. both a number to know that Sheriff Denney a broomstick in. the Casino when at Why'ia , both It?" well known artists. Deming went the democratic route, via Tor- it o'clock the curtain rose on "The 'Ah, ma'um, these " it goes into fertile field most representative charges that Apache is the son of a rance and Mikado!" performance by And grocer amllod In pity" of her Ig a the homes of "cgro the Santa Fe Central." the opening the woman who was once a cook Now, I care not for the olItlcÁ turn the Eoston Jdeal Comic Opera com- norance. jor Mm. Kussell Sage, while Cary al- given, the incident by you. but desire pany. The piny was presented In a "these are ..,'hnnd-plcken- Albuquerque and vicinity homes where the Morning Jour- leges in a signed utatement to say Mr. Denney, "In She "blushed. "Of comae." he added that that taking clever and manner and scored " Apacho once stole a picture poor by way artistic hastily, t mlKht have known. Give mo a from his these unfortunates of t - s nal is so popular it has a circulation in of and-,w- a f.uccess from the start the finish. bushel, pleaae," , .. that excess the studio ' sent to Sing Sing for Torrance,, acted against : '.. ' two the order of The scenery and electrical effects it; 1 li Vears 8 result. the court given him after consultation are "some girls combined dailies of New Mexico. Added sensationalism is given the with Dr. J. "It. Gilbert, were, splendid, there r.tory chairman of the are really pretty and a lot of by Is pro-'K- O that ... . tie fact that Apache a board of county commissioners, who .: ...... , .. .. , of Mrs.- John Jacob Astor, and heartily coincided with my views that clever actors and actresses. i Tho com- GENERAL that he has been wlncd and dined and it would be cruel and Inhuman to take pany is to be congratulated on Its HIAS If you are not advertising iq the Morning Journal, you arc exmoiieu as a curio at the dinner these unfortunate patients by that opening performance, and 'if it keeps bles SOi'letV nuririlo In ta! up stándaríf night will uf half thnT route, subjecting them to unnecessary to the set last LOSING saving great cities of the nation. hardships and Inconveniences. One "f never lack for a full house through not money. Apache n well known in Albuquer-tju- e these patients was a woman, very ill, Its four weeks' engagement. All Oil IIIDÍAI and all along the Santa Fe be- and in a dangerous condition to mako The following was the cast of chin-acte- rs tween this city 'and "Los Angeles. He the trip at best; another was an ag d last night: s - Morning Journal advertising-i- Was for a short time in the emnloy of man, J 06 years old. and the third, a The Mikado ... Pyrl Harrison- good for your competitors, the Harvey system and sold blankets woman not In robust health. The trip Koko, Lord High Executioner.... and curios on one of. the Santa Ke by.wa yof Torrance and Kennedy in- A! Burgess and it would be good for you. , limited C. trains, but his services were volves two long waits at plAces where Pooh Rah, Lord Everything Else. riiiE dispensed with .after a very few accommodations for travelers In good months. ' . .'. W. H. Rurgess health are bad enough, while the trip Tush, a H. C. Moseley fcince . Pish noble Don't, argue! thut time he has been IiiRt-- via El Paso can be made with com- . T. W. cstcd In tho promoting a southwestern parative comfort, and patlenls Mankl Pa... Walters the . Crowley museum in Im AnKt'ky and has trav- have berths so that they may sleep r Pltti Sing .' Winifred Veteran Warrior Who Captured Don't infer! eled extensively. Time ami nsraln rest. True, it cm ta a few dollars more Yum Yums . . . Í Laura Moore has ilgured as thé hero In newspaper to send these patients via El Paso; but Peep Ro Kffle Oeorge Chiefs Scrum apd Wallapai Try it! articles in Which he has been de-- , common hnmflfiltv rlemnnrlH thnt thetf Knllsha Kittle Gebler ;iiuea as a survival or tne intelligent receives the best treatment possible in Chorus and Jupanese maidens and Charley of .Arizona Now; in American Indian of brain and brawn. making the sad journey. The sending men. Ho has been a student at Carlisle In- of these patients to the asylum is in There will ',.be a change of opera i dian school and claims to be a gradu- the hands of the court, and not of the Prescott, .', ate of Harvard. Whatever his race, no sheriff, he being a mere executive of- one who knows him denies that he ficer to carry out the orders given him. - NOON IS AUilqlEngiK. CbíMll)aijiierqúel. has ability, for from the time In 1893 Jt may be that the people of Otero General K. I). Thomas commanding Iioniinsjotiriíi When a famous scientist exploited him county are proud of tho fact that tbrlr WIih Is (iolng on I Town When the the department of the. Colorado of Ht the Chicago World's fair h ha sick and unfortunate fellow cltliens Clock hlrikes 11. - the Cnlted States army,' nnd who has i been constantly befort the public eyeihave been- disposed of cheaply by the Noon, the dinner hour, the hour of in one. way or anolhei ,nd has found saving of a few dollars; and it may be comfort, of pleasure and relaxation accepted an Invitation to be present nm way luto many of th most exclu to the credit of the sheriff that he un the one hour in the twenty-fou- r which with his staff at the Coronado histor- sive nontws east wneve poor women every of the he hat necessarily risked th$ life of one comes to men and of In Albuquerque In Oc- been welcome and feted as a lion. Insane woman, tho mother of a largo with greater similarity than ical celebration Apache station tober. Is expected here toda or to- - stands above six feet and h Lfamily and caused un any function In - the hour of other hla WAV to. his headoUltr-- K of massive physique. His appearance necessary inconvenience and sunering Ufe) mnrrntt- nil is Impressive und his manner cultured to another, and to an old man who Is ters In Denver from Prescott, Ariz., Promptly as the houi strikes 12 In unveiling of and easy. The Denver Post ei standing on the brink of the river of Albuquerque the shadow on anxious where he attended the i3 Wednesday contains a long dispatch death, and whose mind has succumbed the Rucky O'Neill monument on fnces turn to lines of good will, and if Journal-Mine- r from New York in which the charges to the ravages of time; but I have a pies, spices and Wednesday. The Trescott construction of the old government made by tho two people to. vllanous hot bread, soys: artists are contained. better opinion, of dur than other Indigestibles were excluded there road from Fort Whipple to Walnut Tho text of the story as it appears m believe anv such thing. General E. D. Thomas, LVS.'A.. In any would be no such word as dyspepsia Grove, nnd was In active command the Iost.Jncluding a dispatch from Regardless of political effect, or commanding the department of the many important Indian fights in the Los Angeles, denying that Apache is a other consideration, except the cause or indigestion in the dictionary. Whlpplo "2" HE WORLD ISFULLOF ODD ANDCURIOU negro, Rut the contrary Is true, and medi- Colorado, arrived at Fort early days. s is as follows; of suffering humanity, these patients Inst nlulit. from his headquarters Hi a L.os Angeles, Cul., July 3. Antonio will lie most con- cal science has to step in and aid the Captain Charles King, famous as i people, so there may still be thoso who have hereafter sent the Denver. He at Ash Fork y of- - Apache Is a Apache comfortable route so long man or woman who has been too busy was.inct novelist and writer, was a fellow from venient and JuiIko E. Sloan, associate lust ice , in not the Morning the White of 1 to preside over to psy proper attention to health. It l,.er 0f Oeiieral Thomas the used Journal classified ad columns. mountains Arizona. His as have the honor supreme ai a bearing, personal appearance and this court; and I shnll see to It that The greatest step forward In medi- of tne court: jor "Fighting Fifth." The latter was , In Kort Whipple: W. A. straight, blackball-- Indicate his origin they are placed In the custody of cal discovery is n, which cures ommalld int wounded at the battle of Sunset Pass vice president general beyond questwTft. I Found on the ld some one who will carry out the or- all stomach and digestivo trojbles. Drake, anil by the redskins. He was taken to in 1872 by United States cav- ders given them. In hundreds of the beat homes In manager tif the S. F., P. and P. rnll-na- y, Fort Whipple by Dr. Warren E. Day. alrymen, ho was adopted and reared I respectfully request that you pub- Albuquerque and adjoining towns the and V. P'Crulce. chief clerk In now health officer of the city, nnd Put-nam- general In Massachusetts. Through Dr. 's lish this letter In the columns of your handy llltlo tablets,' so pleasant to the office. The was confined to, the military hospital efforts he was admitted to Har- paper, x EDWAlll) A. MANN, lake, yet effective, have fclven quick will take part In the unveiling cere- two months from his wounds. vard, devoted himself to the study, oi t Judge Hlxth District Court. and lusting relief In Indigestion and monies of the Captain O'Neill Rough A reception in honor of (icneral American archaeology and became In that disagreeable full feeling after Rider monument today.' Thomas will be held tonight at the Get the Loose Loaf ism assistant to the department of ltr llrrw til Une. rating. Qeneral Thomas no' stranger to Yavapai club. Habit! anthropology at the World's fair. The lUfilion. run tho yarn, took tha Ho Ml-- ot very gently. Much of the old time residcntsvif this city. New York. July 1. Apucho, iipcily to a htili'l anil nhar.-- a smnrnui, acts Antn' 11 rplai-n-pa- l Indigestion served five years as lieutenant of the people highly educated Indian, who has been rtlnno? h him. yet. having hla its wonderful power over FOIl RENT There are a rpli-cop- cavalry at Fort Whipple, after It Pays! Ask Anyone Who up by Mrs. It. Drexcl, wallet In tho poekol uf illiTurent comes from Its uniform but sustaining Fifth who would mnUa desirable tenant Has the Habit. taken John Mm. auililt'nly fined the cmlianai-mrn- t subduing bringing to terms Chiefs yours. John Jacob Astor, nn leaders of Jaekt. action. The required stimulating and and for that vacant house of There other oi net petsefiiíiis tint wlirtiwlthat to and Wallapnl Charley, of the will tomorrow, too;' nnd there ! We can furnish you tho best devices and special rulo New York society, has been masquer- clBmf(1 strengthening is given to the Import- Serum be pay un. "Xevtr mind," his giicnt. organs of digestion without pro- Wallapai t.ibe, In Mohave county, in time enfxiKh for jou to ret your ad In ading, according to charges made to- "1 n 1 dining lili yell and 1 tiall ant hava e)c. re- 1 He under General column tomorrow. should your sheets, If you can't call, telephone day by two prominent IM Vhnrmeil 1 ducing tho slightest weakness r 872. served that It your wants. artists, and In bo aheul'lr thn cent. Permit one toda reality a negro, thu son Mrs. Itus-se- ll mp." Wherpupen th atrangpr paid tao. liction. Crook nnd was considero of the have been .there of of- Sage's colored cook. Thla worried tha prelate ho iiaimi-d- : "Juat A 60-ce- nt box lasts for a couple of mit valnsble and enei,gotle young "The alleged grandson of Chief Co- let me rail a call and we'll run up 4o my weeks ami will ward o IX a donen at fice! a In the service here nt that time, WANTED. A" certain number of chise Is a, fraud," said Mr. Dciivlnx hete!, where t ahall have tha of tacks of indigestion. J. II. O'HIelly being classed with Captain Rnitrkc. boaiders pay your fixed expense; ev- II. S. & rlinhiimlng you" Hut the atranarr mot Hchuy-le- r, Lith&row Antonio apache, according to the Co. give a guaranteeabsolute sjid un. now deceased, and Lieutenant ery one above number pays you Co. Ih auKgppllen with, "See here, 11 man, thai BOOKBINDERS RUBBER Dent- Ml-o-- you klw.iys STAMP MAKERS testimony of Mr. Cary and jrfr. me a tailly good rt Inner, Ion qualltled. with every box of now a brigadier general in the a nrofit: can kip the ins, been to exploit crrM? you've aiuek for by using our cob - Building. ' has able the hnm:-- il If I'm going to li t you alhk ma for to refund the money If It dors not regular army. number right Want Journal Phon 024. ullty tf the mi art set for the past ten cab fare," lloilon Trnnp rlpt," give satiaf.Ktion. He surveyed and superintended the umna. , . yearn because he has made deception an art. Not only did. he Upo the In- dian In physical nppcunuice, but ne ZÍSZ also studied the habits and language of the redskin. Those who have won his conitdence say 'that ho possesM a an elabóralo Moninfnt. of scalps with r v. hair of various lengths, and that lie' L- r shifted from one wig to as - another J 1 - i ' bis hair was- supposed to grow longer. ri , i -- f I "There Is no doubt of the mnarlnet it' of this imposioi'," said Mr. Cary ht V V j .J his studio nt Hit Fifth avenue. "In or- J J t. e.:.J der to become versed in the habits and hletory of the Apaches, of whom he claims to bo a' distinguished represen- JVehj tative, ho went down In the southward íjhe FtiiurQ. aiirbad Center, Mexico lived among tliein. Ho got some of and Indian woman to recollect that, she CUT-OF- OF BELEN IS 31 MILES SOUTH OF whs his mol her. lie also brought a LOCATED m THE BELEN F OF THE ATCHISON, T0FEKA & SANTA FE HAILWAYa THE NEW CITY ALBUQULRQUE, fJ. M.( IS AT young Indian to this city from the! GALVESTON AND CHICAGO TO SAN Carlisle Indian school, and hud tlu! THE JUNCTION CF THE MAIN LINES OF THE SANTA FE SYSTEM LEADING EAST ANO WEST FROM FRANCISCO AND L9S ANGELES, youth call- - him uncle." AND MEXICO. "I am absolutely certain FROM THE NORTHERN STATES TO EL PASO, TEXAS, THE REPUBLIC OF social! lion Is a negro," continued'thlthlvMr. Cary. "1 found out his tmo nu1' ' myself.- t know that Instead of tx limj ; : : the de'viulunr"'of a renowned In lUn! . On'Bbbn undImprovement Company he is thu only tun of a colored woman The who for many yras wt the cook of j Mis. 11iisc11 Khk". About twenty years 1 70-fo- ot ago engaged him as a inoih'1, but Aro the-ownc- rs of thu Cc!cn Townsltc, 1000 Business and Residence Lots, size 25x142 feet, fronting upon CO and streets and avenue, in thy business soon became suspicious. II did not' ar.r.inti"; ri iiiit have the tndiHn luce. I center of tho hew city nnd directly upon t!,3 o .r,t i f Railway Depot Grounds, The Atchison, Topeka h Santa Fe Railway Company is now grading ;ts extensivo depot r.rounds "Dim day I nw sticking out from freight Harvey tiW forehead Ull elallc loop. I jeaned j yard limits 800 feet and a mile Ion (capacity tf 70 miles of sido track) to accommodate its immense passenger and traffic, eating House, round house, coal I i forward anil gsve that Mustie sdeh It I smlpcd him tin n chutes, water tankfv machina shops, etc vigorous Jerk that á - é k . . . i i i r t i i . . t I .i n i. i ri ti ten hi. li. ,fA ... and there. In un Insunt saw thut' THE CITY CF HELEN a population cf ;J, and several largo r.icrcantüo nouses, me men raieni oucr ivíuis wun us iou uarrcish.. a oav capacity, winery, etc. it is the be was a ncKto and told Mm so. J i o has U admitted thai hi mother whs a negro, j slppin point for Roar, wool, whr,t,, trans, hay and fruit in New Mexico. From Its location upon the great trunk lino leading north, south, cast and west, to til but said that ills lather was a. full- - hrrrst blooded H"irihlolo. in tho United States and Mexico iti tut j:c as a Commercial point cannot be estimated, AH fast limited, mail, express and freight trains will pass through Celen to In "One morning the early pint of; o, i good Belen public school house, 1SSS I enieret! my Mttdlo to tind that r.Mrr-- Kansas City, Galvcbn and the FaJfic Cr.iót, Tha water Is and climate unsurpassed, has a $16,000 two churches, a commercial I . .( some t.U'T nan simen ne milium ato etc, It ru;:s li, ht a good up-tod- newspaper and a good hotel. "The lots ottered are low in prices and terms easy, One third of pur. Hal,' which 1 luui catalogued as worth cíA tnrce hotels, restaurant", rev i. ,cy twO-thir- Js r and mortgage fcr one y r with interest at is per cent per xmnum. I perfect ana waanty ooeds given. pitiminí, cash: i:,v r;.i,J:i c:i iie "Th" pollee located the in person - of lots call or te punned I l- particulars ar.J pi write which l'y model bad fur Ccmo early if ycu v,l;i te í.olto t:.e u:, V For further Tony "a" hi i'"i''il. It was then that 1 learned Tony's mother was n bv the of Kimpon, who cooked 3, I for Ati. It.iK II K.ige. Mis. Ritre sent r for ine aii'l hwK'1 no to uhhtirsw 1 derhiieii, and Tony wst the ' ti . I lo tuo v u, in r i,.' A pa- ' '.- - i 'i- - i.iiio.i i , . e :'- i ' i JOlíjí Ti Ceil If i Ai M. tr, Well k'lolvn in ; ill 1 ki ('! resident ,,rt Am"-1!- ii mi nihi r we.i.-r- c.i V lli-r- lie trtit )ran ls II tei,t i. of .i I i . :i ,i,in. .f ...


THE 1'I.KASt KE OF A MCMC MIT II ON WHAT YOU HAVE TO Fxluin C. Hurl Rlioe lor women ROBBED FREEZERS THE EAT. WK I'HOVIDK KICK TlUNtiM FOK ami children. Kdwiu Clapp High-grui- lo IKNHH OR OTHKIl DIN MR, AMU WK j. Shoes men. HE MAKE jTHK BKST BKKAU YOU CAN i. for HI Bl'Y ANY 1'I.Al'K. IT IS MAflK OO OOD Tbe Busiest Drug Store Between "Of er and Los Angeles. MATERIAL, WELL M1XK AMI WELL CAREFULÍLY ' THE IDEAL HOLES Í ERE DAKKIl. . EXJOVMKSI AM) HEALTH MAIL ORDERS fFILLED. FAW AKE THE KKSlf.Tst OF EATING OTK IT. Secretary Manager. I'ROIHTTS. 8. BALLING, SOUTH FIRST E. FOX, and SHOE STORE STREET. I.KOX HEKTZOG, Mgr. W. Central Ave. 0F Grand Gathering of Railroad J. V. BENNETT, - 216 109 N. First St., We are now ready to show all our All Sections of Headquarters for new and most Mpulnr style in Spring Mooresfrom Navajo Blankets nnd tXwiwcnr in all department). All the Country In Albuquerque Indian nnd Mexican mmI. Watermelons kinds of fthoof), and prices to please Downfall of Santa Fe Con- everybody. Come in and be sIkjwr. Yesterday, ductor After Being Faithful Cold Clear Through at No an Wednesday Employe of Company for There was a small tsh.ed convention accident at the mills city yesterday. G. A. Home LOCAL Young; of Mooreft in the Baker ITEMS OF INTEREST af'..riioon. Serna had the tails Over Five Years. Moore, of La Junta, traveling agent of - Extra Charge in Price. of his coat caught In the driving shaft the Santa Fe Refrigerator Mispatch of one of the engines and made the company, in city was 213 West Central Ave. - arrived the and circuit with ttie big piece of machln- met here by Tiáveling Passengor s Tin: wKvniEK. ifry. body was badly To he caught dead to rights in a 194; 1 His bruised and box thievery' being Agent Harold II. Moore of the Santa Phone the bones of his left arm were broken. car after trusted headquaVters An- and faithful employe of the Santa Ke Fe, with in Los I twenty-fou- He will recover. geles, came In with a party of Vr lie r hours ending company for over five years, is who fi the Knights' Templar eastbound and left at o'clock et'rilay iifternuon: Clark M. Out, of Guam anil this unpleasant fatP of Freight Conductor minl-,inun- specials. C. A. Maximum tcmperiiiure, 91: i, on one of the teachers' city, the well known lumber inan, has K. 1j. Kent, of Las Vegas, who, with Moore, traveling passenger agent for 43; winds: part iloudy. twenty-fiv- e tat purchased million feet of Brukeman R. G. Mo wry, was placed the Santa Fe witli Jieadquajters In BUTJER Albuquerque Gash Grocery yellow. pine ac- pa-ise- dead and mature western under a heavy bond to await the Des Moines, la., d through on I'owmt timber off the Fort Wingate Military tion of the grand Jury at Las Vegas one of the teachers' specials and while Time, Is, here for the reservation from the I'nlted States guest brother, BREAD Wednesday. was of his - 4. Miw-!(- here the. Homer H. .Ward,- Manager Washington. July New ! (government. The purchaser, it Is said, a children at Ra- Harvey Moore, chief clerk to Agent suddenly Company, Ai lumia: in xouth, local Kent has wife and temperature to and Fair (pays $3. IT, .1 thousand feet for the many who Purdy local offices. Another Frl-vl.i- y; ton and friends have been at the 3IS W. Marble Phono 206 thundcrstiM nis In nui'th portions contract Moore party was Harry Saturduy fair. timber. The timber cutting loath to believe In his fall from grace. member of the "boil over." Then it will runs for five years, with the usual There Is apparently, however, a clear T. Moore, of San Francisco, past presi- stipulations made by the forest ser- case against him. Kent pleaded not dent of tre California division of the FANCY be pretty hot in the rush vice as to reforestation, size of trees, mak- Traveler's Protective association of It. Kmory Pavis, secretary of the guilty, the brakeman, however, , prevention of fires, etc. ing of the whole busi- America. Helen Commercial club, was in Albu- a clean breast There may have been more Moores, CAKES for thin clothes, E. A. Gértig, Is querque yesterday. pome ness. The latter a young fellow is, located Joseph Henry Richardson, for roped but this al! that could be months a resident of Albuquerque, who the officers believe was during the day. Looks like a "boil over" CONTRACTOR and BUILDER I,. C. O. K. Into Job hy Kent. Crane and Perry, of died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock the Pelen, were visitors here from The men were charged with break- Shop 410 W. Copper Ave. the at. his home, 924 Mountain road, aged We Make Specialty of right now, We. still have 847. . rut-o- ff town yesterday. ing Into five different refrigerator SMITHERS WILL BE a PJtoiie fifty-eig- ht years. Mr. Hichardson was by his son nnd three cars containing merchandise at five few of .' Hon. A. I,. Morrison, of Santa Fe, surrounded different times, the ears being en- MANAGER OF ALVARADO a those of July daughters at the final hour, a brother, In Wedding Cakes ! delivered the Fourth ora:loii Denver, also tered while freight trains in charge . THE JAVANESE KING a: Kstanclu vesterdav. James P. Itlrhardson. of of Kent. is said the two men let t being present. Mr. P.ichardson came It themselves down Into the cars through E.K-ricnco- l Hotel Well Known ". to Albuquerque September from Jlan Captain M. Hurst, the well last In and stole to call on rne while I am ,. Colo., been his the ventilators the roofs In Now Mexico Come IVoni the Don't tail known Kansas City commission man, Creede. which had a little of everything they could lay $7.50 in your city. The world's greatest;, j years. pur-- Charge Hero. spent the Fourth in this city. home for some fifteen He j on. Several hundred dol- to Take All youngest best Palmist, Phrenolo- property bought U. C. their hands Orders Promptly Filled. and chased and the of goods Is alleged to have gist uYid Spiritualist Medium, the, Hugo Schulte. of Is In Vose In made his lars' worth Outing Suits ' Alameda. the rcs'ilence which he been taken between Las Vegas and It was announced yesterday that Mr. JuVancse King. city to meet his brother, who is home, ne tooK an active interest in It.iton, Kent Mowry have am the only professor will or to- where and J. 13. Sinithers, one of the veterans of I that to arrive from Germany local affairs and had he lived would running lately. The give guarantee if you havo day. Is sur- - been offenders service, will left, and it behooves you can this been a useful citizen. He he-fo- the Harvey eating houso have were hound over after a hearing re ever seen, heard or read of my equal 'vlved hy his son, Arthur J. Illchard- - arrive in Albuquerque on Saturday r llealy, or of the Cnitcd States commissioner it will cost you nothing. I guarantee Walker Pelen, the son. and three daughters. Mrs. White manager Al- tp hufry, They are the Gran: Hroihers Construction company, at Las Vegas. Sunday to become of the to 'tell everything absolutely correct, head. Miss Nora and Miss Minnie -- no- - nt - succeeding J. 0. COA1'CAB li br pay. tin- Fourth witli friends In this lllchardson, Ills brother James and varado hotel, Mr. TERMS biggest bargains ever of- NOTES EST AMERICAN BLOCK, per Ion. . If you remember In 1895, It was I city. nnolher brother who lives In Kng-lan- d. RAILROAD llrown, who has been temporarily in lt ...&.! pet ton 8..W that predicted the assassination of Mr. lllchardson was born in charge of the hotel. ANTHRACITE M'T. fered in this line, -- ANTHRACITE STOVE AMI KNACK President McKinley, death of yueen ,. The child of l'ciiipula linea, of Hull. Knglnnd, July fi, 1K4!, and came Charle Siiabr has succeeded M. Mr. Smithels coines to Albuquerque fT In Ve- per tun , .., IS fit) Victoria and that, of Pope'Leo, with Pena Plañen, has been brought here to the I'nlted Stales after he had Shear as assistant timekeeper at the from the Castenada hotel Las Thin Shirts, Underwear'r- !. predictions which, aro yet to ami placed III the hospital for accumu- shops. gas, where he has boon manager for other reached manhood. He had some to his appoint- come. ' a fu- time. Previous V lated comfortable fortune. The Vegas ho and Hosiery, too, Mrs. , 3 Machinists Arthur Damn and H. A. ment to the Las house has I am located at tho Annex, neral will be held this afternoon at sys-ter- lion, Geoige s!. Klock. of AlliuiUer-Cfii- e. Wyrfant have resigned and leave In a lerved nt various points along the Bambini's huiisc, o'clock from the Porders undertaking - delivered the Fointli of July ad- few St. Mlnn.- Before coming to the Harvey parlors, friends of the family being days for Paul, manager 1ho New Near at in yes-ItiI.- i; system he was of First SW Central. dress the celebration liatón to be present. Interment will HIS. Murray leaves York Central's railroad and dining car Office hours from 2 p. wi. til! U In cemetery. Coppersmith James he Fairview Saturday night for Columbus. Ohio, service with headquarters in New WOOD p. rri. is on experienced hotel ('ous(al)le F. S. Garcia was fined $.i H. c. Medley was an arrival from on a thirty days' leave of absence. York City. He DRY CROAR ' In police court yesterday morning by Magdalena yesterday. man nnd very popular with the travel- P I N I O N Simon Stern Readings, $1.00 and up. ing public of the southwest. AM) TORNILLO Acting Police Judge MeClellan for be- August Ifelngardt was In the city lloiiilmaster O. Gabriel, for the first tempo- Respectfully yours, lli:; drunk. Fe yesterduy. district, spent Williams, Mr. iirown, who has been from Santa the Fourth at rarily In charge of the Alvarado but Irrigation Fnglneer Ver- Ariz., with his family. Worn, to Mr. Mrs. S. T. Vann, Territorial who Is a member of the accounting and non I. Sullivan spent the day hero will go THE JAVANESE KING avenue, a baby department of the system, Central Ave. Clothier 'Jla North Granite yesterday. Tinner C. K. Hawkins, nt the local Albuquerque to St. Louis, where The boy, at ! o'clock on the of resigned to to from M Fourth John McKee, son of Mayor Frank shops, has return his he will charge of CMiion station JOHN S. BEAVEN A. .tu'y. I'm". old home in McFall, Mo. take PROF. J. MARTIN. Mi Ivec, is expected to return home to. eating house while Fred - n ' hotel and n- vaca- srviT-r- 'rrtRTr W. II day from Charlotte Hall Military Manger, the manager, takes his fwst Clark, owner of the Clark C. Chief Honus Clerk Rlood, of hotel in Holtireok, was yesterday academy, near Washington, D. Ear tion. here the local shops, has returned from a, mi liis wav to the Klks' reunion in he n convention ASK Y(UR GROCER FOR Philadelphia. where attended GOIMG of the bonus and mechanical depart- FOREST FIRE . AVallenhorst's Vnion Market Mrs. J. A. Mali. of MiamlMburg, A FASI BUNCH OF ment officials. IN GILA RESERVE Ohio, has arrived lore to visit her GOLD AVENUE sou. John Mall, anil daughter, Mrs. F. M. Hlshoe, of th" Santa Fe me- Shaw's Bread department, at M. M. I U teller. chanical arrived the Itcporls Sny That Uirgc Area of Tim- Alvarado from La Junta last night. 305 S. Second. Phone 1056 IjuiiI Jl(is IJct-- Burned Over, Charles llublicll anil Flavlo San- GOOD HACES AT ber Kansas City doval have returned from Oklahoma, An, Indian emnlm-pi- l in the Gallup nnd Iliuiics' Still (oliigv - when- thev went vvi-- a shipment of yards was brought In to the Santa Ke fro-- n Tenderloins ten carloads of yearling lambs. hospltni here yesterday suffering to liccf Roasts bad bruises muí n dislocated fthkle sus- Report from Sliver City aro the M. or the Colorado tained in an accident at the Carbon cfect that u big forest fire lias been Pork Tenderloins Prewllt. National In ... Steaks Life Insutiime company, returned yes- ilty. going in the Gila forest reserve the vicinity Mogollón for several day I terday in lining from a holiness trip of COALCASH OXI.V. carry the very best the market affords, and solicit, ixm to the southern part of the territory. Chief Fnglneer C.v A. Morse, of the and that hundreds of acres of timber Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, was lands have been burned over. A big American lllock, per tun $(.,"0 your patronage, Give me a trial and be convinced, The regular mcciitig of ih( ladies of an his In force of rangers Is in the reserve to Ccrrillns Lump i..1( Nimble Jim, Master Delmar and arrival from headquarters In- 'he i !. A. K. will lie hclil this after- Topeka last night. Mr. Morse is here fight the fire. The reports are Antliriicite Xm SH.WI noon at 2::a o'clock at the home of on business connected with the con- definite nnd It Is not yet known how Antliracite mixed Sil.OO Daniel J, sTake Money in damage to reserve SII.RO .Min. Greenlow, 'n West Coal avenue. struction of the tie plant. extensive the the Antliracitc. furnace will be. Clean lias Coke $;.0U K.' s ai. 'I Mrs. Krakes, C. M. Trotting and Pacing Events, A con- SMITH IX(; COAL. V IN and Mrs. Wells. C. s. Dodge. number of Santa Fe men Htlniitltitloit Without Irritation. t V I r. A Good nected with the tie and timber depart- I Fisher and Ilow el. all of Program, I tin) watchword. Tliat what m , That night i Peb-n- were In Albuquerque to celé- ment arrived in the city last and Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup loi-- . Cleanm-- XL brale tlje Fourth. will visit the tie pickling plant site anil tlmulates the Im.whIk without Irritation 0. M (ii-ai- w Nimble Jim, Delmar south of city today. Among If. O'Klclly Co. tf WOOD$2.-- ) Master and the them In any form. J. Mill. loud .1. C. Kerger. Arthur Kverltt ami Daniel J.. all famous Albuquerque fa- arc K. O. Faulkner, of Los Angeles, I'ucloii Saratoga. . y., vorites, money in superintendent of 'others have left for look the first the the tie and timber lilXDLINt;. ' to attend Hie triennial cmul.iv of the three principal events at the races at department: K. Kiirkhnlte?, of the Los XAIIVK New Stock Just Received Kn.gltx Templar, which convenes Traction park yesterday afternoon, Vegas tie plant, and others. s there in a few days. under the auspices of the Gentlemen's Going to the Mountains Mrlving association. The winner were A number of the chief officials of at tbe Mrs Alice I!. Crown and daughter. given an ovation as l hey came In by the New York Central lines are ex- W.H.HAH&C0 Miss Vivian, have arrived from Oak-ta.n- l. the stilendid Fourth of July crowd pected to arrive In the city today or ALBVQUERQUELUMBERCO ? Cal., and will spend several that packed the grand stand all the tomorrow in the course of a tour over the Fourth Teleplione weeks with Mrs. Prown's daughter, 9!. afternoon. The races began nhortly th1 Santa Fe system. They are trav- First Street Z Marquette Avenue, , Albuquerque, New Mexico 2 Mr. . j. Murphy. before 3 o'clock, and continued Ht In- eling on a special train, which loft tervals all the afternoon, while the Chicago h,st Sunday afternoon, and Ill'V YOl It Ll'XCII AT SPOT S. I'. Ilosenw.ild. the well known ball game was In progress inside the which has been making slops at Den- t i í'ASll STOKK. d v goods piei lia nt leaves Sunday trackv ver. Colorado Springs elsewhere w e w and The HOTEL CRAIGE jpwww.iimMü'1 bight for New York. he ill be ! f The first event was a trot or pace en route. Chips. for some time buying his fall and ' for a purse of $K,M, entered by II. 11. I'.ulk Poluto w good-.- . inter ft K k of I .reelilenf MiGinty, driven hy Don Itulk and Cuiincd Chip Jlccf. aliñe; V. S Jim, by . Albuaueraue's Finest Mr. K M. Johnson lett yesterday Trimble's Nimble Hulk fiuMloltlcd Olives. W. I T. F. H.' Trimble, and J. Shlnlck'a ' for New York, win re he goes to as- GERONIMOS LOSE Klin- - uiid Murfcd Olives. European Hotel. STRONG by T. J. Mr. Viinderpoql In operation. llalli iilnlck. There were FUNERAL sist an Nimble being an easy DIRECTOR He will i N't Philadelphia and Wash- four heats. Jim Sweet mid Sour Pickles. moer o the Mist, second and fouith, Silver Avenue. MONUMENTS ington before letiiinlng home. - Cheese. ; 1 'he tune ill tin- four neats being ' Depot. Half Block from Santa Fe , . 201-21- 1 ' 1 1:1-1- 'White Black 1 : 5 --. 1:18 nd 1:151-2- . l.iiiK'li Toiikiii.'. and Hoarso North Saoond Slraet 1 Mis. F,. M. Jackson i.nd daughtei . 10 BROWNS BY ' GEOllGK E. ELLIS. Prop. Misses Itulh and Helen, of I plaiid. v""ljl' J'"1 "'"rd In the third Potted Ham. Nebraska, have left for the const j '"'at. McGlnty finishing first. Me-ift- er Putted Turkey mid Clilckcn. r-- a visit with the famltv of Mr. was second n the other three s " fTT iYf in IMPhlu, at 2I7 .North High street. beats, niiiey bringing up Hits reur in Corned llccf IIhnIi, etc., etc. :"all hut the ililtil 15 TOTHREE The case of (',. Pad micro, charged The second event was u 1:15 trot Vurlous IViilts, WnlcriiicloiiH I'V Italian Consul Mr. Naeeamiill. with lor a 1 1 511 purse. , nnd CniiliiloiiH-N-, In fact, anything with words, which was to Mr. .1. F. l'e. ircc's Master Melmar. WAGNER HARDWARE XO. baje bien heiinl yesterday morning, driven by J, Martin, finished first In Hi make up tt nice liincli. to was continued bv Justice of the peace all three heats, In 1:14, 1:14 and Big Crowd of Fans See Fairly Successors Albuquerque Hardware Co. Fourth and Central Avenue. Mi CIclUni to Filda) nt 2 p. m. 1:11. respectively.. L. Collins' Charlie M , tin- - only other entry, driven hy Good Exhibition of National STEVENS, APorney Btid Mrs. If. M. Turner, of lllns. had no show with the peurce Dealers In Silver I'll), who are well known in Shu sc. phvi- - - Game at Traction Park on Albuquerque, gone to Phoenix, In tin- third event, a f ll EICHAR&CO, Arise., where they will make tlolr pace lor a 1 1.Ml purse. J. Johns'on's the Fouith of July, OPI-OSIT- home. Mr. Tut hit wa for some tltii" Mini! I J. driven by Johnston, won msTOITICi:. Hecrdweure, Stoves aid Ranges disttl t attorney of Grant county, mid after a lose contest with (ha ever ' has fcrvi'd In the territorial legislature. We Carry a Full Line' tuq uiar Sheiain. owned and driven by The Mcintosh lirowns defeated the levy. The Inst time in the four Sil- Jake Gerónimo club learn yesterday after- Tin- Anierlmn National bank In heats was 1:10, Inn, MM) and ver Citv, in which Albuquerque men noon at Traction park before a crowd- 1:11 Iiatilcl J. finished se on nil In WaLro---Crockcry---Gl5.ssw- ed grand stand by a score of 15 to I. aro are heiivlly lnlet,i, has Just ilc. In ; the first heat and first the last one-side- d, Graoiito rlaied Its m i ' p r rent divi- Although it proved rHther three, Sheeam being first in the first the punie was nevertheless a good one dend, and nt Ibe same time has heat Hid a close iicond to Dinlrl J. Phone 597 ALL KINDS charged oyer f, per to tin- - no- and pleased the spectators, who kept OF TOOLS FOR THE MECHANIC cent In tin- - rest. Km Mann's Exodus, rrio, fund Ttils givi the bunk, up a lively Interest In the game while driven by Mann, also ran. sizzling In the heat of one of the most Wc Have in Connection Tinning Shop and Plumbing which loin been under wav but yejr, "Moclor. owner by Kherlfi a Shop., a It, tier surplus fund caloric afternoons of the summer. en! J. A. Monlnya, and ridden by "pete," Tha Gerónimos sinned out with the free-for- - 3 ' ALL WORK ENTRUSTED TO US WILL' RECEIVE OUR BEST ATTENTION. The county eoninii-slo- ii will hold look the tl'l 'iftrteil for the Intention of doing: something, and pony c. free-for-a- ll Its final milling for the month at 2 jíill boya' rj The managed to get three runs In the first tomorrow (Saturday) after- lladles race did hot mate) Inline. Inning on errors. Archer, however, 'i o'clock ' company tns;i-iic- i t The American Lumber team went to noon. of in o'clock In the jliHinl and the whole rather morning, as has been nnuoiinced. dispensed splendid music during pieces in the fourth Inning, and let In Cbiillinaii Alfred Giuusfeld. of the the afternoon yesterday, beginning lh ten run for the Drowns, helped on by Of Ask Your s program u enjoy and I ointiilssion, to leave tomor- with most uhle bad Inflebllng. Three men walked In In A row right for New York on h com- sprightly concert front of the the fourth. Ea In-t- ü 3 bined business mid pleasure trip. early afternoon. Th Kant, on Vhlrd, made good all II ÍÍ sev- 1 crowd at Traction park number through (he game ami got a bunch of Grocer For 1 m Miguel Hern, an employe of th eral thousand pp., pie. and was a guy applause Galgano, the W several times. If lumber mill, in recovering from the sod thoroughly representative one. twlrler, did not et warmed up II crack flight of bis life, .uní in nursing m The business houses Were closed until tha latter half of the game, when Wholesale Distributors badly fractured arm an the of nnd the population turned out to have he got In form and had things hi owr u company good time. Tb Traction wav. There were atme rather apm-tncu- lar did a big business all the afternoon, hits, some notit fielding C. II. I). and Conrrr. SI. D. O. and the afternoon' entertainment m stunts. Take It altogether, the game Acme Steel Mowers, Rakes and Harvesting Machinery Kperlnlijr Onteopiitliy. In ev'i iy way a sucres. was a good exhibition, but free from startling features. Th line-u- p win follow: NQT MADE BY THE TRUST FULLY WARRANTED prown y. We li Jut rnrlvrri un extraordinary large alilpment of Hawk' Kun, 2b.; Clam Giilgino, p.; La-l- r, tf.; M Hugh, Buttornut lliicxt Cut (.lata and orlim Klli Kilter. IVcaulltiil gotal, IhHh1 Imiten."; all are priced In plain cf ; Kane, 8b. Nye and Graham, lf. Lightest Running, Strongest, Wear Longer, Costs less for Repairs, fliir.a mid ery ,y. For Uilrlf McDonald, iin hall (Iva , nsli dliMKMUil of m r Shay, lb.; c. trni, (leronlmo lnibk-- , 3b. Archer, ' p.; Fdwards, c; (irtlss, lb.: llelwlg, VIUTI; l'Olt I'ltlC'LH : Fluke, If.: Cordry, 2b.; Wlgley, Broad UI-II&-- Í01-40- Bomi un rr. 3 KOItTIl nitST KT. K.I -- I. .!'"!CEVEJewlr-TH- C ÓIAMONO I'ALACr:T TCentral Av ef ; Johnnn rf. A! nrnrj itnrr. :vrv ?i Ttro,