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12-13-1928 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1928). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1403.

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B. V. Paige and E. L. SmIth were ' vtsitors III BrunsWick last week. the Week •. •• So.cial Happening» lor George Guerard, of Savannah, V1S­ ited friend. III the elty during' the BULLOCH 100 AND 26S-R. COUNTY, TWll PHONES. week. THE HEART OF GEORGIA, Rufus Denmark, of Lindale, VIS­ visited fnends Mts Brooks Sorrter was a VISitor MI�s Nell Mm-tin Ited IIIr and Mr. S. C. Allen "WFlERE NA1 URE SMILES" dur-ing "WHERE NATURE 111 Savannah Tuesday , SMILES" Savannah last week end. J the week " Powell last week Harold Rice, of Bamber g, S. C., , MIss Emily spent M",. Ju lia B81lc,Y. of South Caro­ <.tbristmas (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO VISited In the last week m Savannah with relatives friends cIty EA9LE) end - linn, VISIted MISS Ouidu Temples last =------, and Mrs. S J Crouch have as end l',U:.: Dr. week end. "ullo'" llDl ••• !!.:.umi:.hed .Janaarr 17, 11117. of Atlanta Mrs E N Brown viaitcd her mo, ... Establilhed 11101 }CoDlolidated their guest Mrs Cock, Alfred Moore, 01 Snvannah, VIS­ ��at.sboro .�e s, STATESBORO. GA., TiIURSDAY DEC. 13, 1928 , 1&17-ConllOndated Decem"'r 9,1920. VOL 37-NO Hilliard has returned ther, lIfrs E A at Garfield, �t&tuboro Eallle, E.tai:> MIs Verdio Chance, Ited j rlcndn III the tho .• cIty during AT - _3 _ from a VISit to f'riends In Columbia, Monday week cod . Ahs John LeWIS, of Jasksonvillc, S. C. . Mr. and �[,rs W. 0 Shuptuine ale Deron WIlkes viaitcd fllends in Fin., IS viaitmg' her SIster, Mrs. E NEWS In GEORGIA NORMAL VISIting relatives MIami und at, ARf IN COURT ON COUNJY AG[NT N Brown MAilS JOSEY and attended CNRISTMAS Mt. Vernon Thursday other points m Florida. Paul attended the IFARMER The Stephens "and Oglethorpe Itt­ Jones Georgia­ the game. J\f Smith has I ctui ned rs. E L.' erary societies elected new officers Jones motored to ?ft. Tech football game in Atlanta dUI­ Mis. Nell from 1\ VISIt to hell parents, Mr. und to MDV[ CHARGE OF CRUElTY for the, winter term December 6th SUBMiTS GOOD RfPORT attend the foot­ the week. BEGINNING Vernon Thursday to ing Mrs T. C. Warthen, ut Dnvlsboro In the Stephens society the following MISS Nona DeLoach, of Bladen­ were elected Ernest Ken- ball game. Bob Everett returned Wednesday ., President,

, Eh DeLoach left Saturday FIR., IS her mother, Mrs. TRIMMED HOG.S' NOSES TO nedy vice president, McDamel; Herman ton, vtsiting' fro m a of sev-eral months In the WtLL stay ALL POSTOFFICE CARRIE.S ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF HIS Nora DeLoacb. DETER THEM FROM ROOTING secretary, Sidney Boswell; treasurer, for Atlanta, where he has accepted West. he VJ81tcd Y Whllo away also Inc. Menza , W L. ACTIVITIES AMONG HAVE COMJ"LE'TE H�LIDA Curnming chaplain, THE BOYS Jack of VISw FINE, UNDER HIS FENCES. Denmark, Savannah, a ]tositlOn. In Canada JAKE Hall. news reporter, FIances Brett; AND GIRLS CLUBS. \ ON DAY. Grimes and itcd hIs ents the Thanks­ CHlllSTMAS I\hsses AnnIC Brooks pat during �t·rs. J A Bunce returned Wed­ sonlr leadOr. Gordon Rountree: pinn- visited frIends m grvmg' Call ist, Jewel Whit head: faculty advis- NIta Donehoo Guy- holidays a to her I B. Lanier, Brooklet farmer, In a of the nesday from viSit children, Next to Santa Claus probably gIVIng summary county 1\[rs. S F vlsited relatives ors, JMr and lIfrs Y D Barnes: mas. ton Thursday Cooper MISS Leila Bunce and Dr Allen H of the was acquitted III cIty court M.onday agent's WOI k done III Bulloch for the .He Christmas Tree. comes the postal employees cot,\ Bruce Carruth A new consti- at Ford the Thanks­ .Heet Under the Arhne Bland hns returned Rocky during tl e­ on a of to animals twelve months MIss Bunce, III Atlanta. whole United States as having 3 charge cruelty lutlOn was also adopted In the Ste- ending December 1st, from where she visited at grvmg hohdays brought ngamst him hla in Forsyth, MISS Pennie Allen, Zack Allen and mendous task to perform v'ltlHn the by neighbor, -phens society. fairneea to the county agent It Mr and Mrs. R N. of TIft ��·cCloan, run hand L. O. Tyler. The was based The officers were elect- should be stated Bessie College. lIfr. and Mrs. EmIt AkInS motored to "ext ten days. Their duties charge fcllowing that this summary of visited his Mrs. J ed the for the winter .. Mr. and Mrs Herbert Frankhn, Hilltonia, Sister, the com­ upon the fact that lIfr. Lamer trirn- by Oglethorpe covers a of Savannah Thursday to attend III hand to make the occassion only part the staUstlcal term: F H. vice with Dr and med the noses President, SIlls. Jr.: Portal, spent Thursday G. Hart, Thursday. football will not be I1ms"­ of Mr. Tyler's hogs report. ,There IS a hit of tms­ Benedictine-High game. and the task Addle B. secre- quite L. E has returned from Unique plete presiden� Parker: J\fro. J Kennedy. Mrs. Jay as to break them from under cellaneous work is a R. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hudson Allen had ed by either until midnight Christ­ The design of the tuberculosis rooting tarY', Lillian Rockor: treasurer, S. ,T. that done by has from a VISIt to her llirs AlVIS Mrs. J. G. Jones daughter, end hIS fences eurly in the fall. Ada Lou that Is never returned their guests for tbe woek Mr. mas eve. Christmas seal thIS year is that of a Wlillams; CrItIC, Rowe: county reported, In at Claxton agent, a of, several week Jackson- Llowns, to Mr. Lanier's state- Rubye Stroud. and which would stay and Ms. B. 0 Wood., of Pavo, and 'Christmas day will be a complete beautiful ship, a Roman galleon with According cliatjIain, make the report ville FIn. with her sons. Ml!ses Virg+nia DeLoach and Alhe ment, he had made complaint to lIfr. Tne followmg program was also too M,r and Mr•. Jack Wllhams, of Daw-] 1Jeginnlng hohday for both old Santa a',ld the both oars and sails, an Argosy com- lengthy. of Blanche Donehoo were vIsItors In gIven on election nIght the Of!le- lIfathews and son, I that his were by The IS as M�s. W�lter office Tyler hogs report follows' Miles son. entire force. The post in�e into port. It is due to arrIve destroYlllg The Chrlstm8ll the ol" postal • • Anme lIfll- seal, design wIth hm Savannah thorpe: Song: devotIOnal. MIllen, spent Sunday par- Saturday. Groover lind httle son this from hIS growmg crops and had requested number of farm Mrs. Edwin department at Washington has Thanksglvmg to Christm9s ttme. ler: busmess meetmg: mmutes: re- traveled, 13,490; whlC'1 is shown above, as a methoc1 and lIfrs. D. Dav!!. Herbert Hart, of sPl'nt the enlp, Mr. W. Savannah, Annie Brook. and VIr­ III It of that Mr. Tyler keep them on nommations of offl- VlSltS made, total number of of John, MIss�s decreed that their employees is the. "Ship Hope" of thous- port debate: 597; financing the tuberculosis cam­ with lIfr. year ..s .. Neil Rountree and Perry ThnnksgPlllg hIs parents, and He had, he even authOrIzed lIfr. leadlllg, Jack Fulhlove: farms numbsr of office :r.r gmia Gnmes, Mrs. E. C. Olive. shall have a the same as en­ ands sufferIng from tuberculosis. said, talk, VISited, 193: paign, reaches Its 21st witlie hohday 1�ers: bIrthday- of spent Thurs- and Mrs J. G Hart. to come to hIS H. SIlls: reading, Myrtle Freeman. Kennedy, Midville, Mrs. CCCII Kennedy motored to Sa· in other bUSInesses. There than a billion of these little Tyler crIb and get calls, 1,484: numbel' telephone calls, the present oeal. In these joyed lIfore confined., One t",ent,._ teach- of with Mrs Perry Kennedy. MIss LesslC Franklin, who is corn to feed them rather than the mos� enjoyable SOCIal in day. vannah Tuesday. Season Sale WIll be no carrier service of any kmd shIps WIll be sent forth launched !l�r- 1,184; days spent office, 110: daYB one yeal'B- r ,,' . of' last term wns and' J. at last week evel}ts tho receptIon Mrs. George Mays father, ing Graymont, spent who is from mIt thorn to hIS spent m news artIcles lIfi,s Sallie lIfaude Temples, and wmdows will not be open for every wlllage and hamlet In devour groWIng crops glveh by the hIgh school stuclbnts to field, 192; pre. The seal hos furnished the ilion.)'" M. of MIllen, spent Thanks- end W1th her parents. of and ' for Rackley, teachIng at Red HIli, m JenkIns sale of and other busmess. the UnIted States on Thanksglvmg corn, potatoes peanuts. the,fuculty and student hQdy. Many parod press, 64; individual letters for the orgsnizBtion of the work � . stamps witll MMI. Cowart. Miss Nanme lIfell Waters spent giving Leroy several the or a Neighbors of lIfr. Lamer testltled and umque games were county, spent days during III Only employees WIll be on duty to day few days thereafter. 'And Interesting written, 1,518; meetings held, 21: every state in the Union, nnd III H. Clnrk has returned from the week end WIt hher brother, J. A. in hIS behalf that the pla)!ed, after whIch cocoa, marsh- attendance at :Mrs, week with her parents, Judge and Teceive and dIspatch regular malls more than eIght mIllions of them Tyler h�gs mec�lngs, 3,540. every city and county of any eonalcf­ was called bo- In Savannah and were Savannah, where she Waters, wele well known for thelL' ThOle were 180 and en- Ms. A. E. Temples. and dehvCl speCIal delivery letters WIll be launched m GeorglU And predator:/ n,,;lIows crack�rs se�ved. boys gills flrable size. relative. MISS FIances the The Y W. C. A s held thell regu- cause of the death of a Kennedy spent habIts One other farmer averred rolled m corn W L. DYe spent Thanhgivmg III and The tIme very pIg, poultry, cotton, It has furnished either the _ne,- X-mas parcels being The tuberculous with all theIr fears '. lar meetmg Wednesday evenm.. The and Jones and son, week end WIth MIsses M," y and CLUSTER STRIPE Mr. Mrs. Bobby as of his Gi/ts that they pI actICally ate up hiS and peanut clubs. Of thIS number 01' the or la­ Statesboro the guest uncle, shol t between now nnd Christmas, WIth all their hopes of future years; meetlllg was opened by PreSIdent orgamzatlo'n, both, fO!: last week Tiny Moseler at Cllto PAJAMAS cr�p 104 of JaksonVllle, Flo, spent B and Mr temember on I befpre they began on 111·1' Lamer s. LewLS and tho completed the yem"S work and CI the number of institutiotUI J Hussey, Dye MEN'S SOX tho malhng pubhc should Ale hangmg breathless theIr fate. Vllgm18 followmg easing end with hIS Mrs G Jones lIflss Beulah lIIae of Savan- Mr Lanter was turned In mother, J. Ard, 1S the son of W A. dehver­ said that he asked Mr program given. Song: Scnpture rCl!OI'ds. Eight boys mude for the care of the tuberculous Dye who, thIrty are the vogue in 1f -they WIsh their greetmgs frodl\ as the of Stripes I "Freedom to Our J: G. Holland, Grady nah, spent last weok guest to e.ther hIS or eadlllg. Cal'lY a tot�1 of 467 corn Moore, Roger years ngo, 01)"01 atcR :I, machme shop WE RECALL HOW cd should be Tyler keep up hogs bushels of' on 12 fewer than 100 to mOre thsn 600. Silk and I'ayon mIxed. Three Men's wear thiS season­ PI�periy they depOSIted Pluns," Ruby Dell RU!:!hmg: "Quall- Bland and Ohn Frankhn were busI- M ••, Gussie Lee Hart. their r0" aCI IS an III t1�m "roate , and that when es, which of 58 ft has been the chief means of rO Statesbolo soon to rench thClr destmn­ Or Lem ned III W average colors 111 a Christmas box. IN THE PAST HUN. even to hiS paJamas. cnough t.ICS Thmgs Y. C. III Jacksonv111e last week ?\tITS, M. C. of waR TOBACCO GROWfRS TO IMfH \Va ness viSItors Shnrpe, Macon, . thiS not done he resorted the bushels Bel c. made tlOn and be delIvered by Chllstmas to A /' CUt:IIC D Hutchmson: Glowth, pOt' Twenty boys duelllg the death mte from tubercu­ the of hel S F BIRTH ANNUALLY end. '16' guest SIster, MIS. DREDS opmatlOn hllnself. Jewel song. busmess. und a totul of 19',540 pounds of seed cot: losis mOl e than or from 200 to e\ e And too they should remembet Reglstel. half, of and Mrs Bran,lOn an- Up ?fur and lIfrs. M. J Bowen, Gooper, dU1mg lhe week Mr Lloyd The was a lather unusual ptayel 01 an of 977 AWAIT THE DAY that It takes conSIderably longer for AT COASTAL PLAIN STATION charge· ton, uvctuge pounus per 87 1. of ]\fr. and Mrs. Althur Turner and nounce the 11Ilth of 8 son DecembCl $1.29 musIc and the guests Sunda�' $1.00 one. It was to the The exp,esslon denalt- aCle The was It admimsteled to casel 111 Register.�were TIta}} to reach Its destinatIOn during done, accoldmg highest l'leld 1,650 7869 W II httle Jullunne wele VISlt- 1st. He h", been named RlChaLd BEFORE CHRIST. .ment had chal!l'e of chapel Wednes- her llir and MIS. .'aughtOl admiSSIOn La".e· • r_ pareats, normal The of the to­ of'MI .. I, WIth nshl1l P pounds one,ucle NIlletY-Cight Geolglll last year' and brought I ush than ,annual meeting .. o,n the hohday durIng doy mOl nlng Rnd gave n most dohght ors III Savannah Ellis. 'rhUlsday Lloyd MAS TO BUY THEIR bacco South knIfe. The of the nose was cut boys em 911ed III the club and 66 stol'ed health to many. The 1 eason IS that the glowels thloughout til) ful progl am Those Lakll1g 11I1l e wele p.g '. of New� Mrs Allen of condltlo�s MISS Henrietta Parrish, Franklin, Mldvll1e, Will be held at the COUlt Without which the WU3 un- Ruth LucJic of them ciLi I thou· work' to con­ LANIE�.....:a�NNEN GIFTS. WE URGE -postal employce can do so much and GeolglU .off, hog VlIgllua LeWIS, Gibson, \cQ sevel'al dUl the last week end With hCl lngton, spent days mg spent patents, hOllse auditorIUm In Tifton on De� able to tear up the ground to Futlelle, LOUIse Cartm·. cluslOn and showed at the cOlln­ 1\[,].'8 Dooms Lanier 'announces the no mOl c, there Is u congestIOn, and get Don- Mr and Mrs W R DoLoach week WIth her 51stel, 1I1rs. C Z YOU TO DO YOUR cember 18th The Will be­ under the wire Argument for the MI and Mrs Y 0 Bal nes motOI ed ty faIr WIth the finanCIal COOPCl­ of hel to that matl no� WOl ked has to remain meetmg MI nnd lIfrs Pal kOI nnd ht- marIlage daughter, NIta, to Savannah Wodhesduy to see "The OGHCHff SCHOOL WILL, 8ldson. Roy defense ' of atlOn of-the Stlltesboro .. m H. Chamber of BUYING EARLY over luter tIams So bear III gm at 10 :15 the morning ann hogs gIven WJ.IA'l'? 'A"t'Il�lstlt1aJ""JIlay,,'I¥ul" Mr and lIfrs. E K Overstreet and of Mr and lIfrs J I'll Thayer routme of and lIfrs. lIflss experIments WIth tobacco W111 be merely theIr M.r. Z. S Hendelson, operative malketing than other ' DiOUGHERTY-L�E be maIled so as to reach the destl!)a­ establlshlllg tany tIde 'Joys." .... t'Jh�"tmll&' pagleant"o \\ero the MISS Marlon of OVERS. SO TO Lena Belle fllss son, of Sylvama, guests Stmmons, Claxton, Of mtmcst to n host of friends was featured at thIS dwnershll) by thOlr ears Brunnen, Mary work Total sales of farm tlon for before Christmas meeting slashmg products, "The and I. dellvel'y Swam and MISS Jonnle B81 nes took > ,of· th.'"World,'" � the week end of Mr and Mrs. v1slted hm MI and I\[.rs. J on OI Lil;l'ht· pal ents, of Deal an d Ren froe d efen d O( r cst18 hitco swce . durmg the mUI'llage of MISS LOUIse Dough- HELP YOU ENJOY J M. lea} r, tobacco speCIalist I'M lng ogs, ·n, po- \ eve part on the given at thc Ohllshnas trec': �, A th plogl'am Bates Lovett Sunmons, durmg holidays. uttractIve of Mr and the WIll dISCUSS LantCl' whale the 'ProsecutIOn W3e8 school tatoes, pouTtiY, wntel'n1cHons, and erty, daughter CHRISTMAS As to the packing of parcels, the ExperIment Stlltion, Cltponreka !'lh.iay evening- FrIday nIght, De�. I YOUR . 7130 Mr and lIfrs V E Durden und lIfiss NIta Donehoo has returned lIfrs H W of thiS the latest results f10m tobacco fer­ conducted by Sollclto.· F B. Hunter. lods amounted to For­ WI�E\N? Dougherly, CIty, sender should use care in selecting Mr. and A A Snigley. MISS $136,78114 Thurs- where IS 21st, 1q28 chIldren, of yraymont, spent to HmesvIlle, sQe teachmg, to Lester of the wed­ SHOPPING NOW AS tIlizer and varietIes tested C. ElIzabeth Smn, lIflss ElIzabeth Cm· ty-three curs of 68 cars of corn, Lee, Savannah, n shang contamcr Ot lD E. hogs, schoo!. ",,11...... lIfr and lIf1S. after home. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT Ogeeohoe; WIth her spend mill the holidays at 111 on wrapp;r, Col­ tm, Peggy Ruth Gllbson. VIrgInia 10 Cal'S of sweet 12 cnrs of WI:!�REh.t II day patents, (hng occurrmg Savannah No- MUCH AS YOU EN· which to the artIcle he ""ehen Westbrook of the GeorgIa State potatoes, AI. ;t 1 place AT CITY LIBRARY DEC. 19TH Knotts and Robert attendecl tOTlum, " R. F Donaldson lIfasters I V and lIfurray SlIn- make thell' Will dISCUSS the Mobley and of vember 29th They w111 to mUll WhIle practIcally anything lege of Agnculture watermelons, 36,139 pounds J Hurrahl the entel tamment at the Chponreka WHY. Hlpl HIp! , Mrs R. Lester has retu1'lled mons week end m Sava11- JOY YOUR CARIST. F. spent last home III Savannah whICh' affect J PhIl poultry weI e sold co-operatively. In can be sent safely through the malls factor� profits The FIne Arts of the school FrIday evenIng. for With Silas • • commltte� ''}II Christmll!j- .' from a stay of several weeks nah with theIr uncle, Rev • MEN'S TIES WE dIrector of extensIOn of addItion to thIS co-operatIve' pur­ '1; MAS GIVING, 1f packed, care should be Campbell, Woman's Club and Com­ Guy Wells motored to Savannah Fun for folks, - properly the John-I HBen Hurl! IS December Llblal'Y bIg her dnughter, Mr�. LaulY McLeod, son. J coming the State of will to hear DI chases of seed, amounted to MEN'S KID GLOVES College AgrIculture, Tuesday HUlry Clurk, ete., . 6th and 7th Don't th� date. HAVE ARRANGED taken to see that it IS properly pack­ miSSion together wlil sponsor a Little folks, Illrl and. boya: Flo lIfrs. C. Robm.on nnd little forllret at WIldwood, T. son, TleS With Grecian stripes dISCUSS the SOUlce and value of agrI­ who gave two lectures thele. $2,621 25 The total amount saved ed and wrapped Tissut and other Christmas entertainment to be Riven Santa Claus may brlllg, , youJso.�, MISS Mary Lee Temples, who IS Charles, spent the week WIth her FOR RENT-The Foss house m city for conservative Men and THE GIFTS IN TImely styled in the English cultural mformntton J M. Purdom, Ml s. Y D Bal nes IS VISiting' In to farmers throu�h' co-Optative sales light papel IS not suffiCIent for a on next Wednesday afternoon, Dec mints, :',., at last week and lIfrs Horace Wa- hnllts M.RS. E J. FOSS, phone Chattanooga, Tenn and teachIng Guyton, spent parents, lI�d. Men who hke a bit manner. You will find a tobacco specialist of th'e A C. L. pUI'chases was $12,939 16 This and 261. Young EVERY DEPART. apper. It tears eaSIly and the ad­ 19th, at the hbrary for the chIldren AdmiSSIOn, 15 25 cents. end WIth her and (6dec2tc) ,{VI Coach and lIfrs. H. A Woodle and pal cnts, Judge ters. Foul' dIfferent assortment here. is on the program to tell sa\lng IS suffICIent to pay the salary of color. bIg dress IS torn flom the parcel t'esult­ RaIlway, of Statesboro storIes and FOR RENT-NICe modeln seven: YOUR VIOlet motol ed to Green- . I eo. McCronn 1etUln. MENT. FOR daughter Mrs A. E Temp Drew Clul'k has to choose from ill a of his. expCllcnces and observations Christm\s of the county agent s.x years. loom bunl.rlliow on Zettelowel av- prices ing ID Its loss... Too, at ticles eaSIly the sll1ging of Christmas carols WIll m aitel VIS- Rev. A. E Spencer spent T"esday cd to hIS home Hliitoma In and R Thom­ As the reHult of a thIS With double unmedl- I beautiful gift box. EARLY INSPEC· III glowmg tobacco, C. campaign enue, gamge. Up bloken should be placed stro,ng feature the nftel noon's "log-ram. wO;I�' �ndCMr:a��I�I."�enderson mo- NORMAL BLUf TlOf WILL in Snvnnnah nnd was MISS GUSSIO Lee and accompanied ltlng Edgul' ate posseeslOn "214 Zettcrowcr as, tobacco speCialist In tobacco dIS­ tored to where Dean fall above 20,000 pounds of vetch TION, $2.49 boxes that cannot bo crushed, paCK­ Miss LOUIse Hughes, of the grammar SylvanIa FrIday home who had been Hart nue. phone 1 n6 (6dec2p eases the Coastal Plain Henderson made a talk and Austrian winter pea seed were by Mrs. Spencer, ave-I .. at ExperI­ ed With excelSior 01 some other siro school, lIf,ss Effie Bagwell and lIflss relatIves there. MISS Thelma Deloach, who IS teach- STRA YEO-Prom my placo west of! ment WIll discuss methods The orgalll"ed ball sown In the ThiS is about OPfN SE�SON fRIDAY' vlsltmg liar to p10tect the contents. StatIOn, Katherme of the recently volly county. two medIum _ SIzed Perkll1son, Geolgla Mr and lIfrs Lester Lee have re- llIg at spent the week end State.boro, m�terlal of nematode and disease control league been n most deCIded suc-I till ec tunes as' much as has evon been MIdvIlle, Gleater ca1e should be taken WIth N01ma, Will tell )lfiS cows, one and one 'I'l"Bmlllg School, cess. IS anunal turned theIr m Savannah W yellow black, It called the league to home WIth her parents, !Ill'. and Mrs. I These annual meetmgs, conducted sown before. The Blue TIde of the Geor� marks, If any, u!'known. WII) pay the preparatIOn of all mall during stories Mlss Hughes will also con­ und thel e are eight teams l·epresent- after a vis.t to her parents, Mr and H DeLoach. under the of the Coastal The county agent co·operated w1th SUItable lewald. P. B BRANNEN. the ChrIstmas rush as the postal em­ ausp.ces duct the smging Ing dIfferent wings of the three dOl- Normal School w!1I officmlly opelUir Mrs. W. Mr and Dekle and chll- ---- H. Dougherty. Mrs. Mark PlaIn Expellment StatIOn, the Geor­ mItorles. Several games have al- the county fall' offIcials In puttIng witJa. __ can not be as careful as un. tnelr schedul.. Frl�ay mght ,:.(-::6,.,d"ec"'1_t_c"')_,.,.- --,_-:-=_-.,._ ployee Mr and �Lrs Marvm Blewett an,l of COl were the guests LOST-On the streets State and ready been played and in short on the fail. A boy's hve dren, dele, of Stat�sb9ro Toy pepartment der ordtnnry circumstances and gia College of Agriculture • ". county South GeorgIa Jumor College of whIle the school WIll' be Mrs. Herman lIfetcet·, of Savannah, the week of her moUtr, lIfrs IIfternoon, solid lenth- the U. S. Department of AgTlculture, champIOns stock team was tramed which took durll'g THIRD FLOOR there IS more IIkehhood of Douglas at the 'tatesboro tobacco er bIll Rnd damage. known. WCl e the of Mr. Nora DeLoach fold: contaliiect checks' CHRISTMAS CANTATA AT I hn d In the livestock guests Wednesday have been well attended in the past pince du:trlct \Val The name and address the sen­ . chouse. other papers of vulue bearmf! my oir The D L D, a new fteshman club, and MI s. John Everett. Jah a stu t E a contest nooney,M dent amory and It IS expected that large crowd JudnIn� g about name WIll pay SUItable rewald. der should be placed m the upper was organIzed dUI'lllllr the week Red The 13luo Tide has eIghteen. Mr and M.·s A N Durden and UnIversIty, spent the Ihanksglvll1g \\�11 be present. In addItIOn to the and were selected as the club's E I JOSEY, 8�llnty Agent. the season witlL TOYS OF ALL KINDS left hand corner of the parcel and MHHODISr CHURCH SUNDAY gold games scheduled for chIldren, of Albany, were the guests WIth hiS p81ent" Dr. and the w111 colors and their motto will be "Out holidays that of the add,essee III the lower regular program, meetIng half of these at home. IIt."re games I FOR BOYS AND GIRLS for a tIme-m the old-fashIOn the week of hIS Lo- lIfrs A J afford the farmers an At the servICe at the gQod durmg brother, lIfoone)(. hand corner 'rhe address opportunity evemng WIll be scheduled before the Christ-­ TIght ,The old maId was as ron and way" adopted CITY COUNCIL MAKfS Durden hIS family. MISS JOSIO who IS to d,scuss theIr WIth lIfethodlst on Frankhn, study- hould be on the problems expert church next Sunday, mas holidays The Normal this se"'" and placed parcel very theIr t1owOl The offICers of the new �hss Ruth Dabney has retUl ned m spent sevelal There are Trains tobacco December the-church mg Augus12., days on on", SIde. ThIS WIll growers. 16th, chOIr, club are. Jewell son Will meet the best there 18 iD::c lamly only ------PreSIdent, RegIster; to Dublm, whele she LS teac,hmg, last week w1th her MI and Mannon Roadsters and W1th lIfrs. J Holland as da·ect· vIce Eva secre. include Bene-, parents, aVOid unnecessary handling A card Roger pres1dent, lIforgan: FfW LOCAL CHANGfS South, Georgia, which after the week end WIth Mrs J W Frankhn. or and Miss Lena Brannen as tary. LOUise Kennedy: treasurer, spendmg Kiddie Can and Great be m the Belle dICtme of Brewton-Parker may placed parcel showmg Reta Savannah, her Mrs H RAsNIEIICuDA,VI,S'ePorrtal'iGna Lee, sponsor, Mrs, y, D. Barnes. At their even- SIster, J WhIteSIde. lIfr and Mrs. Frank alltl RAILROADS OPERATING A'f wIll render a ChrIstmas cnn- meetmg Tuesday MrEivy F�' IEIg(6d,ltl) Dolls that and the complete address of both the plamst, Institute of lift. Middle­ Big cry Vernon, With II lIflss Lena Belle B"annen, of the the thst smce recent annual of Slmpson- Robert of JacksonvIlle, tata entItled "The lIfessiah's Com- mg, the Mrs, Morgan Todd, Caruthels, • the ThIS W111 JUnIor at there sender and addressee. musIc attended the con­ Georgm College Cochran. go to sleep and department, the counCIl re-eleeted ville, S. C., IS the chal mmg guest of Fla, were the guests of theIr par- The servIce will begm at 7 30 electIon, city JUnIor SICK HEADACHES help to prevent loss m case the out­ RfOUCfD COST 109" cert given by Harold Bauer m Sa­ Waynesboro College, 'Sta�es-­ are Little Tinker GREATLY her SIster, M,s Harvey D Brannen. ents, lIfl. and Mrs J L Tiny and all lovms of mUB1C vannah cIty employes for the ensulllg year Caruthels, SIde address IS defaced o'clock, good last weel<. boro NatlOnnl Guard�, Athletic Cla� I at her suburban home on F81r road. With few The entIre during Thanksglvmg. Mr. Charles F. orEstes. Toys, too, and Furni· Atlanta, D{!c. 10-Lalge capItal are cOl'dJ8l1y IDVlted to come and PreSIdent Wells has returned from changes police. of I Todd, II Post cards only reqUIre a one cent the U S S. Yamacrnw, S,!uth.. Walter and whC1 e fOlce was I·etamed. In file de- Mathews of lIflllen, lIflss OUida Temples, who IS teach- near Rattler. and expendltUl es and cTose attcntIOn to thiS of ThomasvIlle, he 'attended the the burg Waynesburg, KY.,Hays: ture aJld stamp thIS year All greeting cards enjoy splendid progra� GeorgIa Jumo�, Colle�e at Doug,laa. wet State conventIOn He VISited Hubert DaVIS made Dr. Adams, of Atlanta, e the at VIsited hel was nervous ha\ e resulted In �Baptlst partment was ing BrUtlSW1Ck, par- "I suffering With should be directed the street or effiCIency Improved Christmas melody. South <\I. 111.. of Everything! .to l.'ilton on IllS rteurn GeorgIa, o'l TIfton. II ---,.--- trfp fi ..eman III the 'of T of and Mrs. B. guests Thursday .Mr. J ents, Judge and Mrs A E Temples, headaches. About once a week address children opeJatmg petformance by the rall­ day place and Norman I'ut'al route As MI. and M,s P 0 of Ill)rk,j>ollege. and other relatIVes here. � I Rountree, and John Barr was made L. Mathews durlllg the week end I would have headaches, loads of the country thIS year, ac­ Reynolds, thllf!e receive vel y little mall and arc uo· RockIngham, N C., V1s.ted LUCIle The�e arc four regulars,from lut, )!,rs. W. D. DaVIS and MISS CarrIC Th" frIends of Luther and have to and to cal to national statistics made THf PRfS8YTERIAN �HURCH mght watchman at the statIOn m Armstrong quit work, go known to the theIr ding Rountree on the TbUrsday year's oub agaIn thIS year postal employee, campus squad an4 ,'1 lLee DaV1s spent last week end m Jr will be to learn be is bed for about hour•. executles m At­ place of Math Allen recently em- glad that twentY.four 111aIl should, be. directed III care of puulIc by rB!lway lIfary Blown spent SatuIJay In with twenty-sIx otheta practi�iDIr we a small Loyalty and ambItIOn rtle two very ,_ Savannah with her MI s. I would m Last had just mne after an have department, lanta recOl d the first her daughters, 1myrovmg operatIOn for ap- pams my neck, year toy Ibut theIr The fOl slstel', ,MISS Olney ployed temporal'lly the Blue TIde should haye & parents WOI thy qualities m worthwhile peo- dally 'h Horace Woods and· Julius last In and behind ear. ------over ���\�n.wlth Mrs. Rog- pelllhcltIs week BIrmingham nght my right months thiS yeoI' shows gams successful 1 was a Thele IS lio sphCle of a<:tlVlty mQst ,year I were all we and it pie Brown In I VISIted her ers. M< and "A merchant at Esteeburg practidally had, �uccess. the con perIods of the MY1'a parents INTERESTING PROGRAM AT MI's Leroy Cowart haLi tDYS espondmg As a to th game Fri_c where these virtues count perma- Summit fot the week end ll;elllrunary Mr. and Mrs of me to was CLIPONREKA SCHOOIZHOUSE J, C. PorrItt, as theIr guests the week DI try taki1.1g Blaod,Draught, last :fIve yenrsh, It stated WIth thene 'WIll bdl» dllllng we all the small ones and the HOG SALE WfONfSDAY nently for more than in the church Mi'. and MIS. W D GarwIn. of day mght' Douglas who are which I did. This time have larger fl show sort enter­ ShanghaI, -China, visltmg and M..s. Alva of Cm-n1lles per eIght car-day on the cam­ A of house-watr.llng a game at 7,30. , COW81t, Barto", I elations. There 81·e m evel y church Savannati, spent Sunday gIrls' begmning l'elatives last end "It relieved me. From tJIat here, spent week Fl., Mrs Ell of an almost contmuous meTeas.;! from pUs WIth theIr daughter MIldred tamment Will be given In the new Brack, Lakeland, Autos to those who al e never absent except with her time on, I would toke Black. ones' too. up to $24.50; up $12.95, AT G. & F. STOCK PfNS Eva VISited Blanche and at Mrs. Bicycles . In to 30 m 1928 MOlgan on Fitzgerald cousin, and 27 6 miles 1923 17 school house EXTEND BUS LINE TO , Fla, Mrs G A. BYld, of Sum- hlndeled Chponreka FlIday , � when JJlovldentl3lly lIfay ncar ;I Draught aa aoon as I felt liketolsilllI IX DaISY FIelds at theu' home Por- Cyrus Bradhurst. mIt. liII Net tons pcr fl tram have lO­ at 7 30 o'clock. the SInce several farmers have re. eight evenmg Among DUBLIN AFl'ER then tl'lbe Iflcrease ln ail our tal fot the end. _ JANUAIlYi was gomg to have one of those and Sets to $16.95. week Sewell Smoking up creased f,am 718 tor,s 111 1923 to will mUSIc Mr a features be delightful by and IIIrs SmIth had as quested It, sale ' lIf1SS Mlidled Garwin hud as her S1dney headaches-and woul

STAJESBORO BOY NOW .t. CA·SH SPECIALS HERE ARE REAL VALUES THAT ·WE OFFER FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. There were an even half dozen WITH U. S. MAR,INES allways like FridaYB Experiment, Ga." Nbv.• e4.ALAs rI schools that failed to make their haf to know I dont' go result of research work alone dietary ROMANCE on time rUT audit Dec. Self-Rising monthly reports Atlanta, Gil., 7.-Realizing to skool for 2 more lines it is announced tHe Geor­ ,., tiy last first Tuesday whose 1 eachers his ambition to become a U, S. ma­ , I trub­ gia. Experiment Station that the tips' of days. the onley W(Jl'C because negli­ of Statesboro, . Guaranteed Flour disappointed rine, Roy Brantley, of sweet can be made ble -is that after Fri­ potllto vines in this essential and important recently qualified as a member of gence into an human food. In­ day cums Saterday and appetizing superintendents Uncle Sam's famous sue­ Flowers • of the West requirement. Why corps by Better Lawns-Better Vegetables-Better on which the announce­ Queen that is the day when Vestigations' and will continue to neg­ the entrance exam. principals cessfully passing if use disease-free seed and the ment is made were conducted annual record You can have better lawns, flowers, and vegetables, .you hardy, 1 hat to take a Bath. by America's to mahto und file promptly the ination at Savannah. loct, t· Leah Ascham of the !Guaranteed 'Flour fire loss averages right plantfood. wuddent be. bad \IIiss Depart­ of monthly reports is hard ror us to is 21 years old and wns econora­ it �o Brantley must receive the nourishment. provides ment of Home who Bays: Plants, like human beings, right Vigoroj �n to take a Economies, . bath. if' you comprehend. Were they the only born at Stutesbcro, Ga. He former­ the cost IS IOc 156 Theatres and effective to secure finest results. Economical because, only "It was suggested that the tip. of WARRIOR. mat­ ical, practical, way .l had lik�m' or-es it would not lived ut the home of his be sown knowed'You' disnppoinvcd, ly mother, 100 feet. Practical because it is odorless, easy to apply--can sweet have food destroyed to 20c for every square clean, but potatoe vines might totally t;P.l' so but when the whole fac­ .M1's. M. R. F. D. ,pHshed sumtliing much, Jerry Brantley, 2, or kitchen colander. Effective and ; at a hand like seed with: an because.itcontains possibilities might be especially $1.00 erected grass applied ordinary Flour that are by it selims no Guaranteed Buildings nre the disap­ b fore he the ma­ �hat ulties disappointed, Stutesboro, joined and Iruit, flowers, ' rrllItte� thousands of dol­ all of the elements of plantfood to early' vigorous growth brine \ valuable for iron, une of the ele­ cost of many required produce you fire. pointment is keen. rine corps nt, Savannah and was sent IRISH PDTATOES how"menny lars should be insured against and foliage to full development. Complete directions in every bag. ments so vital to good nutrition And _ that until af­ � thetei is insurance should ".0 the No pay roll will be made to Parris Island for qualification as 10 � just meny With this poun()8� yet to be low in dietarie•. lb. For Lawns Clean I very apt Meat service of both the local tcr the first of .Junuut-y, 1929. Ai­ a U. S. marine. At the South Caro­ more'to take. 11��l�E Side eonstant The chemistry department of the �����------�;:�� and the insurance com­ ar­ Gardens Odorless tuk .� , agent tel' each first Tuesday we shall lina camp he is undergoing instruc­ BREAD Sate�day-Pa this Georgia Experiment Station at Ex­ about --- Ask ------Flowers - -- Tall _ pany. as clone to .. ------.. .:._- .-&, Jake to' ehe- Ft. .a\(ency's our pay days we have tions in the duties and cus­ Easv 2 -_ range \ drills, Loaves 'Bal� found that iron service and Hartford policies, perinfent, Ga., ihe . m. nfidPaf'ter Pink for so many years. Teachers may toms of the soldipl's-of-thc-sea. "Shrubbery Apply game- this"".' watChing Salmon Can Fire ia.urAnce companiea content of potato vines was 0.0053%, less of the Trees GIBBS' 2 teellls ""e lliilve "dis­ act under the mo.t rigid take notice lind spend Upon the completion of his pre­ cr�rSUp c01l1dge' play . much than that of the much -= __ higher State aUpe1'"Yi.ioa. check before the Christ­ he' will be Product Per b&ttie sidded we 'h'avent bin -playing Ft. 1 'Best' 10. present pay Hminnry tTaining n.t'nil­ A & " Swift Company lauded spinach. the in­ at awl but sum other Pa Insurance Fact- mas holidays. Due to slow able for duty at any post at home or OLLIFF It Georga Ball game. Cobbler Potatoes SMIT" Statesboro, t was found also that the vines ______��_ be "It �I�b�·s�. The who refule. to come from taxes, we shall not abrond Whcl'e mal'inca ore sttntioned. has allways clamed that he ust to .djuller can be in Dl.ian 10c prepared very appetizing pa,. an unj".l protects in to make nn extra pay Eng,,'sh Verbs S·,tter Freedom RE�rD�:nIL ��� play Ft. Ball but still he cuddent position as no distinctive un .. interelt_ FOR SALE-Good gentle pony and Tongue K'crth Halling ways they have YOUR . was roll just before teoh h I'd1 nys. There lire about 8.000 verbs In the II 11 tell me what the ccllidgs , boys Matches T & J b "The average filii-grown glrnlfe's STEAK pJeasant flavor, and, hence, can be Ten days should be ample for the English lnnguage, Of these, approxt. In:;::rs\:n�m��r��nseZ�: :ote;o:"b: :l(awking about when they all get Insurance cas.;,so�l�o ���' te�:���n�lr::�n ;�� tongus Is two feet Ions." Just the right 25c used in various combinations which Statesboro malcly 2,000 ore clussed as so much about Per Pound Christmas vacation. Stop on De- share of stock in the Eurel(a Tcle- Irregular, we don't bear hoastlng lCround in a .irkl.· before run I Icngl h to lick the Ice crenm out ot a they nutritional of them . is quite � advantage, December hone Co. See C. '1'. although some have regular tbe joys and treedom ot sl/Insterhood Agency cember 21st and re-open p McLEMORg, (""ozor ""n.-nell'olt New.. the SAUSAGE • "If one wishes to them a. Phone 711 'fjth ?�Il. p�epare .. W... Main St. 31st. At�ndnnce will be better Sunday-I seen Jane at Chirch to­ inliS�t�a�tl�w���0�ro�.�G�a�.����(�1�fi�n�o�V�2���)�����������������f�oir�m�8�·�������������_�w�n�m;�"n�';.����nm�.�n���m�n"�n�l;nn����------Per Pound greens, meat flavor or vineg�r can mid-winter than in late spring. So ,C!!£2 so I ·a.t her wud she go with me i1a){ be used. A fter parboiling they. com-' will need the ' many of our farmers tb Sailie Meel'aes party Tuesday nite Best Gtlade'of Fresh and Cured Meata. bine splendidly with' eggs, tomatoes, help of the children thut 'we should and she sed she dident have no other onions andwhite sauce, or'wlth meat, .. arc not :- make use of them while they Fish Every Day. way to 80 she gessed she mite as alld!Oyatera go tomatoes and onions In a casserole, home. To' wait ao badly needed at well. I gess she kinda likes me after or they can be made into a taBty would com- until the 7th of January ALL OF FiREWORKS awl the meen things she says about KIl'\DS puree. proportions for the Suggested us to lose the nrst week of me. pel one of these combinations is as would make it that SPICES "::'t new year and FRUIT CAKES, FRUITS, CANDIES, Munday-In skoal today Miss follows: the ':1. ,,� much later in closing in spring. Smook sed to me there is only 2 dum ,il· MAKE A MERRY CHRISTM;toS. . "'h can of tomatoes (straln.II), an un'usua) num­ EVERYTHING TO \Ve are having boys in this calss and you are both eggs, '1 cup finely cliopp"e'd: co'6ked' (!bri�tmra� cases this Many bel' of truancy term. of them. I like her she feft telling potato "vine tips, 1 onion, 11 'small to make the patrons have Iorced us ain� seen nothing yet, wate till she I UVBwFeatures green peppel', 1 cup medium white to send required step. to Iorce them has bin arount Ant Emmy for a whHe �� . cf9ift the of­ SHUMAN & CO: , children to school. We bope I. 'J. for their then she mite her mind. change "Mix, put into casserole, cover 1z. war­ that we shall not hove to isspe Tuesday-went down town this p. l' Ol"'n '-:J Weat .Main St. State.boro, Ga. with buttered crumbs and bake one- p �h·OpS an the �5 ,....,.,--f�------..,_----__,._'!':"1..."..., r9:nts for those who defying m. after skool and myself a ----...... ,..:---.... �hole bought half hour in a moderate o�en. family! • law. not do the right thing to to the Why (}he n�w ·pair 'of sho'es ,,!are "Since tnere is such"gteat need foL'. com­ children without being was by your party tonite. when me and Jane iron' In the diet of iPO..t\ R�st Bottom Simple chiloren, prepara-' do so and save yourselves Point a�d' to Top started to hirt . I pelled Chevrolet danBing togather they tion' of above be , \. A New I.rofessor hOI the typ�'could uaed, 0&1" trouble know ordor to .helves should be Englnnd the annoyance and you 11I9t, me and I sed Gosh. These new shoes � tile t.ornpernture 'enn be nbso· as well as man'y othe'rs that the in­ send the rolected with point or varnl.1I uu the prov'ed will come to you unle.s you Outstanding tho hirfl ft. and she sed mine to. delermlned by COlIDtlDg my housewife leould devise 'once 88 w"l1 liS the top ADI) sides. 'Iutely genious children to school 8S th� law directs? bott61D I Dumber of chirps n cricket Ulal(es 10 Wednesday-Pa was tawking to excellent food no of 8Urf"ceB. Hnd she 'recognlzes the I Pf.telofius Is respecter .... first settlement Decay 'l1he Decemb the l� seconds nDd addinG 40. All thut '. :Mister Gillem over the back fence of Chevrolet :wDi !attaok and wear awny one side value of the tips." collectol' u. a to",1 History 'a cricket Dnd a tUBt the tax gave It I. needed 'Is lI11eg. Wao" him how by I 88 as nnother. Theretore, tonite and telling good less than four thou!!8nd dollars �ell entire rapher to cOlin 1 the chlrps.-Detrolt 'MEE'I'ING' of beat '" paint or varnish the he was getting at gawf. Pa sed why S'I'OCKHOLDERS' total of twenty­ News. out of u expectancy - lllie{t 88 F;onn 81' It jp: out nfl· Gillem I broke 50 th" other day and annual meeti"Jr'bf the a SIX in. the the ,The . ·.even thousand dollars. App:rox"i­ price range of four! did hqlder. of Bank .. lltoW "1 took danger age nge onr-pie.,:c (un cruw" fcn&len .re /, ) standing performance, quiet operation, long fint' car (eaturc. of rbo have been in on the nre not ,,,"1..:::.1 '"'three years, and That children 8vcl'age ea>sc of cont'rol and economical EVER SOLD BEFORE life, OUlallAndinlo: ChCVfOI::l. THAN I HAVE Statesboro "good health since la8t fall," SOYS mature enough to the colleges �t· tll-e P�ovisioh ownership! .' t• 'Mrs. Noble J. Haye., of Waterloo, before reaching the age of' eighteen. *' • ill * * • after a child's We invite to visit 0111' showroom at States- B. C. "My improveme.nt No more important year of cordially you q�IDP��Y'S i medicine ,� , �II�aJlt toking a cour.e of this than tho age of seventeen years. and secure complete and detailed inform;!­ MY PRICES. i lif� 'IF YOU WANT TO SAVE; MONEY, GET ... was really remarkable. This is the nge that so often rllin this ncw which will b;ot'o. i rion regarding great car, 'Geof.Wftlf. .,. OJ» much and'cllD the : stronger those children who are sent t.o· II t • be ready for delivery beginning January 1st. ,rjC I .... I, # so much work Ua.rvcloul new bodle. by ..... : aecomp.lisb mar, colleges when they need the guidance . "'",heel braka. .rc .n ....hIre of IDe 'Id Newly dC'ligncd our.tandln, A e.apacIty.i in�D.8ed twen� mple'�o storage r ! bow. and Chevrolet. W� "" My weight and of the fathers Advance 1.a(�po.lt1"1.--"1l1lc:. OutitandJn. etCll D "�fVNtrflf " protection Showings '�I ,'" and my 0 or i8 good i tY'pounda, mothe... Stay close to your girl or The Outstanding Cl1c·vrolet of Chcvr,ulet Hi.'euergy Diy' Orc. &1 Hotd St. LOllis. Dcc. 8-14, C\I ty teachers' association held the 8th Cincinnati. .... �nfon • g(iaif�nte� l.I lIcfusework. Arcadia Ballroom, 3515 Olive Slrc(."t ••• Atbnlii, Dcc. 18.22. MOTOR ELECJ1RICAL EQUIPMENT -1 of December wns well attended. An "1 wo"..ied a lot New .. Ix-cylinder moror, valv. New .wo-beam ...fdo us in order. : abbtitlmyBllIf. rendered. headlampl del1ve'r�d to 8eod interesting program was fu����i�rl'�:'������·�!���I,aOr�.�CD��:2]2ij'�2�'i��ti�� )�(�I.�: encl08ed. seem like ond in·head type., Lilly foot button control. : 11 did not myself, torium. The association unanimously UPP1'O?· New aUlomRric lubrication of New prilmadc headlamp I......'V88 were all 'on' edge. I my rocker arm mechanism. £ . eo the movement to sccure a county $ Tlte Crmverzildr. � New .heft-proof E1ectrolock:. -did and ana {not appe-. •. , aleep well, my The l.nndau • , ., � •• New fabric Kear. New .....I...u.omadc .... open1dil!Y' fiilfit' -: to further the of our Road"er 525 725 camljha(r lpark I effieiency tite left me.. New heavier crankshaft stad. trol. : �un:eealth program. 'and bal­ "1 found CardUI"to be' an excel- The Phaeton cally dynamically ! L .. �·5.25 CHASSIS By closing at noon on the 21st of , an�ecl. toni£. I take" it a . lent After had manifold. New pi.­ the children will be \ Nc:,,' hot-spClt oelf....tJuotIna, eIDcle Decomber, g;'·.n The Coach ••••.•• I few weelu!, I 'b'ellim'to pick'up and $595 Light DcIJV< IfNriDc' is enough alassis ., ••••.••. $545 COOLING SYSTEM column. .• n.,,·Sedan _.-- the the :enchers wili $675 holidays. Too, New type thermOSlat coollna New ",:moe, olender ria_ TI,e Sf>oTt niiTonChD��is he abJe to get to their hom"" j'01' " "Yltem conrrol. Inl wbOilL' ••• ;.... With Cab •..•••• _ C.brlolet $695. $650 nice little visit. New elKrric water temper. New and - COIiiP!,te AJe...... ature· on � All "rl.,.,of_ 0:1>'. Alnt, Mich. indicator daaiu mI.e c..... JWiI'icllclGlll' B. R. OLLIFF, Supt. No Contugion in Cancer (Come in today for complete Ouncer I.. not f'OnrnJl,IOIl8. At leo8f information!) I. the I"".cnl he lief of medical , ;. ,Ibis :::::i:::::.:�. ,8c1ell('e: In l�IIJicl nl tlie fn'cl Ihllt ������:::::������_�_�_:b..: - jl)h�!FilcJl1nJ'i: UIIII IJUrt=t�8 hn-\'e ('Ollie lnto SE,. CO_: :11111111111. eflltl'l�1 'willi' canl'e'r Ill1ripot8' Ai.tyARgZ" , �C'Oj., - FO.OD J'jr tin 4 • �'f'nl'" Ulkpn no A,veritt mUll,,, :ll1cl ore- Bro$�."Auto- . J:'IS,H � AND , 'tnuti"". 111:1111101 lurl"'lIll� l?o'H9'--Et�!-E ·1I'�III.t"v"B . , SH .J.x��"'R �ERS. .) 1�.ld u 1>111 It,ll " ltD Ihls' ."b,l..ct. Ihpr� S'tateapor.o� Oa.· , . .... C.� 'f I U" rH"r�v.f"110(1·.n!t'1t111·�'Or'OIl.,II·n'l1If\ Itf ,.S.� -_. ". ,.' - Sea.d' for ,Prj,. ·Liel. ; ;1':lIlI�'�r .g!.vtll� ri:"f!" 14.-.' l U.nt"h{i.'.'_l�J "hall�I·. '. - �-iir)l ,.1.:. II '. Y·· ".hL�� --A��'�---�. ""1:;;."0-':'.--,s.... � AND STATESBORO NEWS !l'OUR BULLOCH TIMES BUl,LOCH TIMES �ND STATESBORO NEWS _. ------_._-- 1923 -- _- DEC. ��-.- THURSDAY, 18, ���������IBY�-PR�ODU�CJ�S'OF RICE ,The utilities of a city PRODUCE BEST' lARD -The Economy Grocery I Rose 101bs. SOc �������;����;����.II And Now We Know!' RICE Blue We have been very U::JY wrtting let- Experiment, 27. - I are combined �Ov.· tel's to Santa Claus, Some of us have ' by�proliucts,. including rice bran, the of as a Rice, to got Out' mothers and dads to write rapid g;rowth Chiropractic profession? Why rice and brewers' can be polish rice, -J. Sack. has this idea from mind of OI'lC man to millions S 151bssnCBulk 25-10'$1 50 for us because we are tOI) small. We spread the used in in ugar WHY advantage feeding swinc.; in the short have made Christmas bags and bes­ period of 33 years'! Why has the number of in motor car in according to F. "R. Edwards, Doctors of from a handful to over your ' 4·lb. bucket 60c kets. We would like for you all to practicing Chiropractic grown of Animal at lb. charge Husbandry the - and the number come see us. 20,000, who have taken Chtropraqtic to approxl­ who Georgia Experiment Station, [. - 15C 8·lb. mately 26 million? thla in of the bucket ·Second and Third Why progress spite persecution, , bARD' bulk $1.20 Grade Newa says: , prosecution, and prejudice which have been the fruit of new -JJJ�� We have an enrollment of 48 and every "They are valuable feeds for live­ 'f' idea from the "foolish" idea of Fulton's first steambont to tile "ridle­ Extra fine 71bs. 25c have organized our classes and elect­ stock and are abundant and low in G,RITS ulcus" .idea of Orville ed Mattie Lou Olliff as president of Wright's first aeroplane? price 'in certain scctiona of the south. the and Wil­ second grade Heywarll There can only be one answer ! hands of Doctors o{ Experiments have snown that r-ice Chiropeactte GOLD DUST 7 pkgs. 25c third son as' president of the grade. think? a bran and rice soft R••ult.. Better results Irom newer I'cally What splendid Idea polish produce week We have been very busy this to get the opinion of pal;"nl. rather pork when fed in considerable method. of utilizing the nntural No. 2� can 20c writing invitations to our par9nts for than theories of those uninformed. amounts to swine. HOWCVCI\ these PEACHES health forces within the body, the Christmas program, , 1Jt1IP feeds arc an excellent feed in . hog With thl. in mind the ·Del.Mar-Va YOUR automobile is some. been taken to make the dille Fo_rlb Crad. New� This now leads us to facts and other respects and produce satisfac­ Alaska Pink Salmon tall can 19c We thia Ghiropractic Association mailed over like a have been working hard To what extent has this thing minialure city. tributor waler· proof, thus in Their soften­ figures. tory gains weight. . a beautlfltl 6,000 questionnaire. to people on. There is an electric and week arranging Christ- change taken Rather than light preventing shorl circuits effcct is due to their oil coh­ placa? ing high our own Easternl Shoro. I. mas border and new of

xpel'!!!nce. _. Sale sweet assure _ As their little Farm,·Ior e_. third we darlinJl: lad. I Send or your est in our P.T. A. The grade commendation. and them that will co.n­ &a Island Bank Building GA. bring subscription to STATESBORO, Peaceful be yom' sleep. dear won the prize this last mosth. to' Statesboro as (22nov4t) I mond, Ray-', 341 acres with 80 acres cleared and stumped; bala_nce Last Friday the Portal ba.ketball tinue give good service in our 'Tis sweet to breathe '_�--;';;';':"------..!I your name; in timber and pasture land. One 6·1'00m dwellmg, 'boys played Sylvania on the Portal We loved yOU very dear in life, 4-room tenant house and bal;n. Farm located on court. Portal defeated Sylvania by line as is in the In death we do the same. �wo enjoyed by any city country. I Pembroke and 18 miles public roads 7 miles north of I a score nf 26-13, and the girls play. ! Hi! aunts, I south oj Statesboro. Known as Lanier place. I ed' a game with W.lll'llock, Portal de. Lillie and Maggie LOll Howard. Next week we wil/ publis" some prices for comparison in ladies' Warnock by a score· of 17·2. garq,ents. - --- feating Coal' --. _·_---1 I ·Coal can have Both were games, $200.00 cash will make cash you interesing �. . payme�t �I)d '.:', \ DIVIDE�O:rICE, ... .. ;{,.. ! 15 years to pay the balance, ThiS IS good tobacco, you want the best, COAL on the mar-ket for the SEA ISLAND BANK. when can STOCKHOL!iEi�: MEETJNC If. leaat. , cotton and grain land, Why rent you OW,p " Statesboro, G�,. Nov. 30, 1928. I farm anrl for it like paying rent? The annual meeting of the atock· leave order with At a meeting of the bOfird of de­ a gqod pay money, your holden the Fil'llt National Bank .. rectors of the 1. :Bros bank held this Northcutt day, a! " of will be held . StlitesQOrO, Georgia, '.' dividend of 10% on the" capital stock ADLREq ."Os•• 'Ph9�e 4�2: ;, ( at their banking house at, 10:80 a. m • of the�bank was declared, payable on on Tue..sday. January· 8th. 11129, fOil ,December 20th, 1928, to stockhold- I the parpoa8 nf' electing ·directors for H•. R. ers of recerd December 18th, WILLIAMS the ensulnJ[ year and 8'�ch other blla­ J, G, Cashier.1928,', I WATSON. loess .. may come belore aaid meet­ Coal. ,_(6dec2tc) I ing. WATI\rNS PRODUCTS will be lold I at S. 0, mar- l)e.-elll'ter Preetorius' .'.< ., ... ..,: ": �1I;J..-....����_�..JIIIf!It1.WD�C.�.;., ...... �����p.�-!'!I-;� ��IIlii!i--... �������������������������.���k���t����t���i��'�""""""�����I!�""""�""""""""""""""""""...... ��� 13, � THURSDAY DEC. 13 mx��==�����_�====�======�====�B�ULL�O�C�H�T�IM�lS�'�A�l��D�S=TA=�===B=O=R=O�N�E�W=S���==���������TH==B=RS�D�A�Y'�D�E�C. also CLASS RECITALS JARRIEL-SATURDAY SOCIETY more than 100 to air-cooling.. The plan will MISSlc;lNARY nawlJI.II."'; In· ftrl. example to society was bad. The Paul Lewis' a Mrs. B. pupils wil[ Of number. of The Methodist mlssoinary society oue pans of the TIMES have a well-equipped kitchen and REGISTEIrR COMMUNITY NEWS are allked­ int�.c�t t�.a rl'ien�. SOUTH GEORGIA HEALTH country. The Val BULLOCH of the son is to be com­ w. example GIANT MONOPLANE FOR recital. at her home on the eve­ lIoequeDtIy will 1te the announcement .ur will in the church af­ set. give here mee� Monday doata Time., undell the n_ own... AND mended. He is to set aside super-radio Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Anderson and seeking nings of Thursday and Friday (13th "WhEtIi wiD �ou rUIi the 1I••t the of Miss of Col. ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. This is to of means of D compressor m.rriage Jarriel, .hlp Edmund oWalker of N_ which disinherited him. We By special children and Miss Nina Ruth Ander­ IU�'9 the will and 14th of at 7 :30. The of be the last of At SUITED TO INDUSTRIES �De 5UltcsbOro can December) 'Co Clifford the year. declared TRANS-OCEANIC FLIGHTS device it is said the new plane lins, Saturday, Collin.,. meeting York, emphatically that he succeed. Anyway: the son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. �-- hope may first and second grade pupils will of Statesboro. The wed- this time we must make our' contrl- "there' Is for South Owner at also 20,000 {eet with, hardly I formerly profit Georela in TURNER. Editor and and who were the fly Anderson and FLOUR oj. brothers sisters M. J. family. 10.-A 50- render the on eve­ 11th. bution toward the .of our the A tlanta, Dec. giant loss of it is claimed. program Thursday ding took place Dec. support Atlanta, Dec. 10.-South 'telling world' in this Instance." beneficiaries under the will ought to nny power, Ben Emit Parrish has return­ Geor�la "UJ;::;CiUl'TlON HATES: of over just and all the other on Ann The passenger monoplane 2,000 hus announ­ ning grades missionary, Miss Churchill. It should take steps to cure a wide­ Timea says further that of the senti­ However, the compnny CIRCLE show their appreciation trans­ ed from a trip to Wilson, N. C. SEWiNG Yo" Y Six Months, 750; horsepower for tentative increase Friday evening. is desired that all officers bring n delusion that section "health and wealth are more than uar,' S1.60; old ced its intention of trying to S·ALE!" On orternoon the spread the Is ment which he conveyed to the Regiator High School has organ­ Monday ladies Mouths. 50c. oceanic service is announced under written complete report for the year not suitable for in instance. the word. Four its ceiling to over 32,000 feel. If of Primitive cir- industries because of rhymes; many gentleman, and if they do it proper­ izcd a society. are di­ HERE IT IS! the Baptist sewing construction the Junkers airplane literary They ANQ 1928. are mutter maro' by tests at the new prove suc­ poor health conditions, industrial virtually ayno!lYms." , tered as second-erase will him an share ceiling two Philo­ cle met with Mrs. Barney Averitt as ly, they give equal in to vided into groups: Tile Our two most favorice and the nt company Germany, according rans-oceanic serv­ PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN. leaders here and in other sections of Miss Cecil In U, 1906, at the l-ostofb.e estate. cessful t passenger bra�s After a snort business ses- R:-Chlttll!'den, ehll'ge flt",te. of the rnathiuns and the The hostess, . . � Act of Con a received here at the Pholisophians, most at that tvill noro, Go., under the dvices today will be carried it is asserted, Sure to two popular sizes prices the stute hove pointed out. As a of the United State. ice out, sion coll'ee and sandwiches were serv- employment 1879. Philomnthinns' colors are green and ( FOR VISiTING VETERINARIANS rrel& March 3. ·_ Candler flying field. Way to matter of it Ute stand­ bureau In found appeal thrifty folk! fact, claimed, WITH THE WORLD ed. Twenby-flve guets were present. On the Southeast Gcor- Wa8hington, jobs AT ODDS Besides its size several other NEW HOPE AND LANGSTON'S th it· officers nrc H. H., Olliff, pres- Thursday great urd of health work in South Georgia for 30,000 persons during the past THE FARMER That individual who finds pleas- June vice Veterlnnrians convention was HELPING the says, arc CHAPEL ident; Watson, president; Th.s. ••••neetl". all Dee. lOth •• 11th gin· special features, report pl'l week, AUXJLL�R; MEETING i. said to be unusually high. year. that ure in habitual with his or man 01' organization hostility announced in the new which Rev. Reid Pastor. Mamie Lou Anderson, secretary; Any plane, G. Smith, American The claim is that the meat farm- The members of the Le- made, render service to the her neighbors is a social misfit. and Ninn Ruth The Stop Coughing Two I'lne oR PlaIn o. Richard Colliton 01 Exeter, Eng., seeks to is known as the Wings/1 There will be service at New Hope Anderson, treasurer, S.II,RI.lnl !��d o��n��:!��::r�'ei��e :�;:':;��i:! "Flying are to and milk inspection -department in them- gion Auxiliary urged be pres- Was when drew at the very Almost every town has colors are and THIS PRESCRIl'TION RELIEVES by their Drs. H. F. Hook and adjudged inaane he er has a difficult problem technically termed "type J 38" by at 12 o'clock. next Sundny and at Philnsphinns/ orange wives: headed . ent at the Friday afternoon Valdosta, by E. D. King, i. men and women who are arrayed their ALMOST INSTANTLY. meeting H. F. Arundel-warn host� to the vis­ $10,000 In small bills from tha bank outset. the Junkers company. Langston's Chapel nt 3 :30 P. m, blaok and officers nre Stephen at 3 :30 o'clock for the purpose of recognized throughout th country a8 farmer is ready to their who believe itors. In the afternoon while the and scattered them the road The average against neighbors; 1 n his monoplane the passenger has b- en recent- MC}�h'cen, president; Mildred Ever- Is due to causes FLOUR along Langston's' Chapel Coughing usually Christmas ;,oxes for'the sol- a standard of comparison. Albany's but it is their arc to do packing' busine�s session was held in on a motor trip. admit that he needs help, neighbors seeldng' quarters are in the which nrc with the Brooklet-New ett, vice president; Pauline Ander- which patent medicines and cough being wings, Iy put Hope diers. Mrs. Averitt will be health service is said to challenge him to decide them that are in­ do not Tench. However. Thox­ AdcP. 10NA Barney the court Mrs. Hook enter­ not always easy for harm; they being over six feet thick and 120. feet long. and this is Rev. mith's son. seer Edith Brunson, treas- syrups house, charge, fi�t tnry; hostess for the afternoon. any other Gcorgia city to compare STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING it. for no CRUse ex­ ine, a famous doctor's prescription tained ladies a in which he needs suIted 01' slighted cabin are divid­ urer, We nre some the of tlie party with the exact shape The quarters, which service at that church. The planning very • nublic,. with figures. Waycross and Ware The annual of stockhold­ must of their relieves coughinp the very first county meetinll the then, that cept the innate perverseness ed und sec­ and the 12·LBsAQ 59; sented teo at her h�me on Savannah Thut is problem, into ill\,;ted to th so es. programs hope 4'; ers of The Bank of Brooklet smoking non-smoking is cordially cpr\'i interesting swallow. It works on an entirly .dif- MSS. OLLIFF HOSTESS are reported as having up-to-date will .be seek to In a four-course be solved those who help neighbors. ar-e t.hemselves 75 feet long, pntrons will visit 'us and see how ferent has a double n�enue, the__.evening held at its banking house, in Brook­ by . theory, action, en­ tioris, I Mrs. Frank Olliff delightfully facilities for health work, as also have and how, are not to mention of Jruud H1ll'rOW dinner with on toast 'was served at shall be given, We going �ny contoin convertible seats ancl Joseph we moe relieves the irritation and goes direct quail let, Georgia. January 8th, 1929, "..-w'nnt help They Conv.lcted nicely getting along. 2.4 '��Q $1.09 .9; tertained players for six tables of practically every county In the mind, 10 o'clock m .• for the purpose of reached a decision, then names, but. we hove some in of Eng., was senreneed h, to the internal enure. at the Jaeckel Hotel. Dr. Hook act­ a. Hoving berths. Miss Ellita .�evils spent last week afternoon. Poin­ section the Le,Wl,S, �uy Unlike most Thox- A & P Frour is 'RIlaranteed to A TC(I5011llbly priced Flour fen bridge Thursday southern of state. electing directors for the ensolng of getting that You have in mind some of the same for use of a ct·ll IUl'lll!! cough medicines, ed as toastmaster. The only out­ tbero the also contuin the end with Miss Sadie .. is problem The. wings plane's Rushing. be tile not superior to all of and bnRinl{ settias were the flowci's used in dec But the world should be year and to such other f�od .and dope or efjual if [:lIJ€l cookin� told, . attending whom it is in- kind. Your also hus in In siders invifed were before the man neighbor foul' fot' hiS stasoy J811. Miss Bertha Brunson Flour mill.·d in and in Mayor and Mrs. that 'come before aald help 550-horsepowcl' motors, Lee spent inChot erconhtainSfarm unlodchloroformftrugs. 'Sa e for allY otlier the -dependable uniform orating. Her attractive tallies and South Georgia newspapers have ad­ busq,ess may. mind such a You ore think- ,�., John Everett and tended to help. person. or attention while in Mrs. of BI'If.,t. the end with 'hel' whole Also excellent i'or South! rt:lulu! D. B. Turner, of meeting. repair flight. Mary Barrow, weel< parents. family. were suggestive of the holi­ vised. This news s�rvice already has thnt Hyou be napkins the Chamber of and CARSON L. JONES, Caibler.• ]t is n common saying ing it's your neighbor-he may hokls two of the motors, who found and return d $lO.OOfr lo,t M·I'. nnd Mrs. L. T. Helmuth and SOre throat. Quick relief guaranteed Commerce, �trs. Each'wing day season. She served a salad started the wOl'k of "telling it" to (13dec4tc) but it's you. Yet there arc out­ or your money back, S5c, 60c, and Turner. Covel's were aid for can lead n horso to water, you thinking which nrc the HL 55" n wns 1\ Tl'wnrd children and 20, type. formerl�' by banker, given spent Sunday }vith Mr, BAGLII BRAND CONDIINSIID course with hot tea and sandwiches. Sold CITY DRUG GO. . ' $1.00. by .. drink," But you Htnnding characters of that kind that u can't make him water-cooled, but now adal)ted f 96 �I- 0 A d being I drug stores.-ad I5-OZ. High score prize, n SCore pad, was BIRTHDAY PARTY to ure un to n communitlT­ ca._n't, even lead a fu.l'mel' hclp, I eyesore �_s._n_'.__.__n_erson. _���good K CAN won bLMrs. J. M;. Thayer. Low Lowell Akins celebrated can't who nre MIL. lSI �a, You cnn invite him, but you persons imagine they being ijiiiiiiiii-ii-i-tiliiioii-i-ic-'ttiittiiii score a \Vas his on are prize, handkerchief, given' third birthday Wednesday at hinl. imposed upon even when things compel I-Lb. to Mrs. B. H. Ramsey. the home of his Mr. and we undertaken which inure to ION A parents, This brings us to the point being I Hcolrl,("I. 2 Cartons ,. Mrs. Emit on North College their own Cocoa R�("'''in� . Akins, wish to emphasize: On last Friday good. 2S,/ O.. E. S. ELECTION street. 'In the afternoon a number in In another city some days ago we there was staged Statesboro, THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE HER A At the annual meeting) of.the O. back OCTAGON SOAP of his little friends were invited to for the benefit of the agricul. passed a little cottage snuggled E. S. Tuesday evening the following :madly and other Christmas Pl'i-Ia and bushes on .a lO-OZ. play. Holly weeds tul'at interests of thiS community, among the officers were elected for the y.ear: each sida of decoratIOns were about the demonstration under tho uuspices of prominent' street. On POWDER 2 PKGS. " Mrs. Perry 'Kennedy, worthy matron; .usecl rooms. A WIth were homes to the outside pretty bIrthday the agricultural depatiment of the it open D. B. worthy patron. ca�e T",rner. was the to Florida Railroad in co- world with flowe'I's an

when Disca�ded auto truck �I (" '? I. � � . I •. �ther, bQ' married. tires, melted, L ,:'1. rubber road• Now that' the old man has gone ate being used to make .lienee, he �t' be forglve�; but his in England. DEC .. la, 1928

SALE 'CLIPONREKA SCHOOL IS ADMINISTRATOR'S GEORGIA-Bulloch County. Trcuble-Procf Com G�ORGIA.-Bulloch County. GETTING ON THE MAP an order llf the court By yirtue of Found Science All persons indebted to the estate --- Bulloch will by (- .f ordinary of county, of Mnrgaret Brassell, deceased, are at on the first I be outcry. notified to call WB sold public l hereby and 'pay the At first got it consolidated, in January. 1929, at the some at and Thon for results we an awaited. Tuosday once, persons holding court house in county, between are re­ We found it wouldn'b work-I said � claims against said estate guess of the the usual hours sale, following quired to file same with mo.. tho house was small: I The for All! real situate in Bulloch 'I'hrs Lccembur fit h, H):!�. thing for reason Gifts only But anyway some it would est�te. to-wit: . not work at all. ty, W. G. NEVILLE, , Lot No.1-All that certain tract As Administrator of the Estate of When the of a school we land and like it is another prospect or of situate, lying FOR RENT-Downstairs apa�'tmcnt parcel coun'j Margaret Brassell. began to sec, I in the 1209th G. I\{. district of R. LEE MOORE. I being (6dec6tc) (iSJun.Lf.",_ voted almost as We boads unanimously. Bulloch county, Ga .. known th rooms and kitch- FOR REN'I1-Two I Then we all got together to build it Frank Akins place and e Notice to Debtor. and Creditor. street, Coca-Cola, enett on Broud ' place whereon the Iate J. P. ith GEORGIA-Bulloch County. .

(13declte-- Phon)e - i 271-M , And b�! �,:;,���ss'Mr. p"octor could a. formerly lived and know. as old All persons indebted to the estaM v beiU�' r s� Coca·Colo bad its PROTECT your build it best. home place, cO'ltainin!! eighty (80) of Mrs. Victoria Smith, deceased, are beginning, photograpiu�lfrN'Sut .. ,1l\\ -:�/ framed more or and bounded on notified to call and same , .,' them on make acres, less, hereby pay more than other soft drinks ing Then the ..ite for it we discussed 4,000 ,,' Main St. n North (2� everybody lands known 3. tbe at once: and all persons . Gifts happy north Tom 34 ,the by holding STUDIO about, have been ed ·at the Govern. ;OJ table board lands: east by lands of J. claims against said estate are re­ reglstere , ! nnd And I gue.. we all acted like a case Jernigan BOARD':""Room . J. Mut quested to file same with, me. ices . MRS. J. Zetterower: south by lands of M. ment Patent Office in reasonabl e pr: of goub. Washington. '\, 3 . (6deptf) and west lands of Thi" December 1928. 14 over Carpenter, by 1, .;:/ M.ITCHELL, phone So we turned it to the bourd I Yet each the l' Brannen. JOSHUA year outstanding popu. 'NEW and of education, on. Julian SMITH, Administrator, ·S; O"'ETHING'm. reasonab,e S . s Christmas certain tract or Es,ato of Mrs. Victoria Smith. Coea·Cola on 'ft Thnckston And and decided Lot No. 2-Tha� of has kept right V for Chr.stmas they got together morning! Iarlty of land and be­ (�dec6tc) gl�. (6dec1tp) on the location. parcel situate, lying offIce. at the ing In the 1209th G. M. district of increasing. Notice to Debtors and Crediton CASH for yo�r ,pecan. lIlr. Proctor started with his eyes thir­ GET Co" 27 W Ii' Bulloch county, Ga., containing Because-the like Coca-Cola States Prmtmg and GEORGIA-Bulloch County. only thing Bonner f teeth, ty·six (36) acres. more or less, and i All OilS indebted to the estatu ill another Coca-Cola. Main St" Statesboro. (4�ctt ." But we couldn't move it till Decem­ bounded north by lands of J. J. Zet· per. Foss house m Clty ,"urnlogs ot rarmers In the 8"011" bel' the fifteenth. Gifts to make the Tree bear of John P. Smith, deceased, are here. FOR RENT-The Christmas terower: east by 0 run of Water· ThIs drink i8 a pure drink .' E J FOSS, phone wlth furms at uppruxl- When we in another house the seed cern urut cun rout :u; by notified to cnll and pay same at �Cre8hing limits. M.RS." communttv, got Hal.. b : south by lands of Sup�r ing and claims with an the snme size, with slmllur school �o I nuturut enemies. ill the of rout, once: persons holding of natural (6dec2tc) mntely began walk, M. Carp or, and west by Innds of shnpe ftavo1'8-preparcd rich fruits in said estate are to some carne cheer for all requested stove "UIIIO per ucre, And and eur rot dlauusus. against Dine soils rwd the expense long tongued people joy good J. J. Ze terower. stnlk nnd art thot comes from II lifetime of SALE-Yellow rlroull:. fll.. same will, us. only ;�lR , made a See L. J. SWINSOanNd ruDY dltfer us much as BcvelHll thou­ out and taik. Lot No.3-That certain tract or rrost, wind storms. flud the corn nur­ house wood. November ecientifie Statesboro. the Sears· and be­ most error­ Thl. 7, 1928. under Bupen,Won Route D, sand (Jollnrs u yenr. stutes move rather parcel of land situate, lying er, and thnt CUll 1Il:lke the praetioo, phone 3632, So it begaa to slowly who it! FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Foundatlon. The gather in 1523rd G. M. district of Inll uf· no error. (22nov4tp) Hoebuck AgrIcultural ut worst, round inj!' the rive use or plnnr fontl 10 the thot permlts tor thlr­ Statesboro. Ga., Stone Moun· Incomes oro· the rewnrd But now all around tes name comes Bulloch county. Ga., containing fetra or n mutertnt Increose In FOR SALE-Genuine lnrger hope Administrator of the estate of John When thirst coli. or a and the n�pll' tv-seven and one-fourth (87'4) Senra-Roebuck happy impube tain watermelon seed. superior mnnngeaient first. form Income, the Agrl· P. Smith. more or and bounded on an furm acres, less, . a minnie'. from disease. C. E.selecNteg:�� cntloll at better method. of prnc- 'I'koy have finitihed our building now cutural ..oundatton declares. Such urge. re8t, pautle f�r froe north other lands of P. (8rioy6tc) �1 t) the color of the by J. �---....:------_ Brooklet, Ga. SA3d(1 ec. tlce. which i. cream, You wi', in seed corn la being ,Ieveloped by the ....,.... �hoh & SON, . lind t"em Smith east by other lands of -- my ttf tbe reoerds of 17� And to t'link our building I. nnished estate: of EXECUTOR'S SALE FOR SALE-I am offermg Teso: Anulys," f!\�m· south lands of United Stntes Deportment Agrlcul· for a dream. J. P. Smith estate: by street sale, cr. fOr three 1925 to 1m, is most like GEORGIA-Bulloch County. dence on Church the yeaTS, and west .of tnre several agrlculturlll 'e""erllllent and bath. P. W. Clifton, by lands adem seven-rooms by the Illinois College ef Agrlcul1;lIre an entertainment 8tations nnd tll'od'unk farms In cen· We'r� giving abundance at this stor"l on.. CROUSE. (13dec1te) the 85 mogt do:;i��bst!���b��o�r�!�eo<;:>T�e�d��� ELtiFffi W. H. reveuled thnt profltllble To raise a little money: o. 4- certain tract or trnl IlIlnola. That 1st, 1929, within �he legal �;,�; January head of kid goats, forms hod net earnIngs of oppro"l. Some men are going to do some located in It' thllt corn 18 land the 1209th WANTED-600 p�eo,.c·11 ccl of Is estlmn�ed dlse8�S of sale to the bidder them to the hours highest Ibs. brin£ more thnn the stunts district of Bulloch nn aunual toll ot 5 to 10 from 16 up: mately $8,000 onDually G. M. county, Ga•• take per be. 18. for caah • the following property Dec. are sure to be S & S depot on Tuesday, enrnlngs of the 35 least profitable. That funny. known as the Henry Mikell place, ceot from the crop. They are ..oat (13dec1t Ion(ling to the estate of John A. McDOUGALD &. BIRD. The torms In the leost profitnhle t containing two hundred ninety (290) destrllctive In the corn and In' come I belt, We hope a lotta folks will isn't a matter of prIce, for here you Akins, deceased: it·;;'4 ";:l:� gift your acres more or and bounded OD FOR CHRISTMAS--The group avernged 214 compared And spenq a lotta caslt: acrel, JessJ the south, o�lng to the fre""eDt l'&- Nine sharea of tbe capital stock of of An· will treasure 246 for the but the In. it the north by lands J. J. E. to' snme Oeld III t�. family ''with o�heM!, I know they'll be. t'epaid for turn, of com the tbe Farmera Uruon Warehouse Co., ' Made most--yo�sRUSTIN will find choice derson' east by the run of Mill creek , (7 acre wns the at hotograph. at. vestment per practically Up to the veey dash. selections any price f i rotation aDd th'e tnct tllnt of the pal' value of $5.00 per share. \ lands of ana Mam. (22nov) sooth J. L. Mikell, " 34 North some. by telta. One of stock In Portal Telo. PSTUDIO, . ers do not ",nke germlnRtlon ahare And if your money here, of Mikell I and' reasonabl you spelld west by lands W. Mo. •• value and tel. SOMETHING ,e Among tbe factors responsible for The loss may take the form of leed· pbone Co., par $26.00, NE'Y s 'Twill be put to a good cause: care to Lob No.6-That certain tract or .�" Thackston tho you for Christma. glfts, 'the In enrnlngs, mOBt pay. I or denth of the plant loon ephone bo". . ATESBORO COCA-COLA varlatlQns It will be like giving money parcel of land .ituate, lying and be. ling blight S'J' office. wns Which This December 6th, 1928. (6d�c1tP) Importont trop yIelds, For good old Santa C1aus. ing in the 1528rd G. Ill. district of Inrler ge�mlnntlon, causing poor hUDdred pu,rs nnnuni J. O. AKINS, of the ' so Intecte� BOTTLING' COMPANY WANTED-Five ?f cnused $831 averngo ' kRown as ,stuuds. Those not badly Bulloch count • Ga., the old Shoes. Woll I 11 folks, ' E�ecutor. .... and Boys' 35 most t. . Men's dltrerence between the tel! you. � Richard Z. er place. containing :' may SlInlve, but be stullteu, spIDdl\ng. WANTED-Candy to Will for them..J MILLER profl, I It's just hke I saId, c.ook. pay full value nble aud the 85 lenst profitohle fnrnos. Fo,. Christmas cheer foul' hund ed seventeen and one· , ot! color, and wilt cnrly on hot dnys.1 also cook cake of all klOds at rea. FACTORY', wo don't fill YOul' stockings, greater IT B A. D' TO BE QOOD TO GET W .·E. III 'J T ••• & HARNESS Though : son PAT· SHOE l.'he other foctors nOd tbe dlll'ere.nce fourth (4 %) acres, more or less, show Into tasseling an,l able prices.. MISS (lnovtfc) We do our best to fill yOul' head. 'I'hey may AD�IE Statesboro, Ga. ottrlbulnble to Ihem were: bounded of : 129 East MaIO tele· In earnings and north by lands Pleas pnor polllnatloD, lennlng or down, TERSON, St., - Nice modem seven· Newbern, and other ; FOR RENT IImount of live stock, $057; enIcleflcy Do Clifton, John stalks due to wenke De!] roots, broken on here! _"": room your land. of the J. Smith east PJlh�0�n�e�1�1�9=.���=--=����������������������������������������������������� bungalow ,Zettero.wer a�· of IIvo stock, �557: Iclnd of crops, shopping P. estate: ; stalks. hnrrenness, premature deoth Immcdl· with double garage: ., other lands of J. P. Smith : enuc, received for groin, 5!!RO: by estate, of stall,s Hlle.) len\'es. or belntef] ,'Ipen­ ave- $304; prices CNICKS ARE' ate 214 DECEMBER land. of John Newbern and by the possession. Zettel'ow�.r cost of. power uno Illochlncry. $?1G: hrol

. and Frunk Dul.onch were -. . Mrs. Hermon Simmons WdS a vie- All". MIs. 1Jaiiooo Im.I, m.tabi:abeit l';O� , 1 17 17. . .anuarr , _ in Savaunah Tuesday, visitors in Suvnnnah Thursday, teate,boro ,'leWl, Eitalllilhed 11181 }.jllunsoUQlIted DECEMBER 1928 itor ; STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY. 20. VOL. 87-NO Trussell lust llataaboro Eagle, Elltabllabod 1"!7-Conl!Olidate� Deeemb4l!' 11.1920. ... Mrfi. Durance Kennedy was a vis- Miss Malvina spent itor in Savannah Tuesday, week end in Snvannuh with Iriends. Early were' Floyd Akins spent several days J. N. Akins and Alex Akins Shopping during the week at CaBins. business visitors 10 Savannah Tues- I I MATTERS Of Santa Claus 'INI�E'STlNGPROGRAM 'AT last Appeals t� 'VOTE Miss Carrie Law Clay spent day. INfER�Sr,., MIL6' PROTEST "Frances Stubbs last ��;i:�f�:�����r:!�:���?an;;���:�ILittle week end in Savannah with relatives.· �{'iss spent end in Savannan with her mo­ CLiPONREKA HOUSE lIf.r. and Mrs. J. C. Porritt spent week A1 Doa�rS:��:�'I<;'� i� t�:��c.· SC_HOOL GEORPIA I aDboY Atlanta with friends. thor. in . last week end "�.RMAL d ond Please me a URTAILIEIT. ����:::db!�� pe;�!:�!:I:f�I���;r�::�:9v·e1a9rs280· grade. brlhg trt- The o� tbe new Clipon- AGAIN.ST, � ::��:J��;�I:ia� All were W. H. Crouse and son Daily M!". and Mrs. W. E. McDougald DURING THE Frlday nIght. boys and I wanb you to eome to see :'Je book. I have completi?n Elder MANY ACTIVITIES qU�t story reka schol bulld,ng lind Ita aeeeptanee- CHAMBSR OF COMlltEllC:l. GOIIII the dressod as sone of the and all Christmas. Please me a Crouse lust week end in At- were visitors in Savannah during WE'RE -J. AND COMINO �arm Irrihg lA-e.t. b���e·o��od°b':,i. ON spent WEEk. GOING for. was an RECORD ty a bed and and lots occupancy mlll'k�d by in- week. rlrls' wore ginellam dresses. The doll: c,,-rriage EULIS DeLOACH. AGAINS""�1lIOVIP lanta. I OF STUDENT BODY. of fruit., terestinll' program ill the auditorium AI. OF PASSENCEll tllAiNS. banquet was in barnyard Brnokjet, Ga., Dee 18, 1928. Mae has re·· Mrs. D. D. Arden and Miss Irene staged . Miss Lucy Brannen, LOUISE JOINER. of that last --- .' and clever Dear Old Santa: Here I come vsplendid building Friday' a few in At- A rden were visitors in Savannuh style. Many unique Dec. At a turned from day' stay The annual football banquet was �ta�A�AH 191 1928. again, but wllI not ask for much this evenln... IDeetlug of the Challliler tI .tunt. were the even. Dear , pulled during S:�t:rcia�::' time. Will Commerce Ianta, Saturday. the hall Decem! yOU pl.!ase brinlt me.� The hour for the of the Ia&t Tbunda,. held h\ maIn dining I am a little opening mnilW' ing. 1ri�1 five years old. I some . W. WIlliams Mr. and E. L. Poindexter and . sleeping doll. candy and all that M,'. and Mrs. J. spent Mr"� a body went on reeord as ber 18th: Nevet haa such festivity want to come see me exerctsea was 7 :30 o'clock. op� of you to Chri!t. kinds of fruit. a Long. '. Miss Bernice Ree little school several the week in Sa· children motored to Savannah Thuru- . Anderson. Just 109 the of days during been Wltneued at Georll'lU Nor· mas. I a p,.e�ty doll. doll before that hour the WIl8 dIscontinuance U.e was a visitor on tho cam. \Y.ant � A"h·l. ,SALLIE MAE BAKER. building � for the Register. . vannah. day day. tbe. bed and plano and lots of fruit, n,ol'ning and lato afternooli ..... mal. The whole aft'atr was one of , filled and the pas duri th k Statesboro. Ga., Dec. 18, 1928. completely peop! of was Miss Haasie of Guyton, was n ger traill' .....L_ ?ttiss Rulh Weaver, Dublin, Davis, JOINER. ant ...: _� between Dov- and conservation. S CIaus: • tlnued to com till there 0 .�.- bnght colors and gay es '(ear � ,._"- cnont• . iss na car 0 f R oro, a.. ec. 19 . . 'lams, ILStaAtRTbHA 1928 week-end of Mrs. John B. lhe week-end of her sister, 'PU"M urE,ndg pc weleW"II' eg· FGRANDC�S am a 11 n. the guest guest d'Inner was I little girl 6 years old. Just room tbe A delicious four-courae Dear Santa: I a," a littie 6 standing ins"l. auditoriu.m. READY somo . visited of the studenta Boy Mrs. M. Brannen. ister, The voto "'... Everett. G. I Fullilove. After the SIX' old and to 1iLi.. Earl tbe of reached alter a � served by the week. y""r� 11'0 Woods, prinoipal Walter Brown and Mrs. C. and Mrs. Brooks Simmons arc r.:'rs. during Br?oklet tl��.ted D��r !�lI°ri��, likow::'it ;�,::,h�� houl's' a.asion ot Mrs. Mr. I am In the the was the dlaner an pro(l'l'8m was me In of dltamber .. Impromptu was a brinll' a bilt sleeplnll' doll and scheol, cliarge making In several this week in Clyde Davis vIsitor to tho pair L. Gruver were visitors Savannah spending days jjh�ol-�ke I�rne ai:d. of the Commereo d�1: w)\lch the, matter I 1928 foot· boads and all kind of fruit. pr0ll'ram. J. E. McC;""n . glven. 'Rushlng, school pre- Atlanta on business. D.olmas during the week.' T:;"ys 1I':�d elruit,e-:;:.o li��e had been Thursday. !":t�1t b*t� Your best friend Bided at and Introduced dl8cJWleeetnl!8ll by cltlzenl of ID fashIon. Vanous Agnes want lome and the features, which consisted of a, Sta. I presided fittIng i. now in Statesboro. Ma!'Y Toys were vJsitors in Savannah last week with his who tetlching Dec, 18, '1928. boro and'the of Tuesday ene' family, abd alid members of the humorous .klt, musical numbers and otfldala the road•• girla boys Bothwell was a visitor on wan� are Miss Nell Jones. . Johnson InYitation afternoon. visiting �rl�t tOho�r �aIfoltKDe. you:; Dea�t�::�rC:I!:.�·; short talks. The mullical numbers B,. of the Cblimber of ! flUlUlty were called upon for toasts. 1 am a little girl 4 old. Annie and of the campus afternoon. Fruif. Lovlnrly, baby yelj,rs Miss Smith has returned Mr. Harry, Kennedy, ThUl;j!day JOe:: i�I�"1rle!� were liIeI!8ra. BI0u8 Prealdent W.lla gave short talk, ,,' I want you to brinlt me a bi!! sleep. by MI88es Lilia and Charlotte �ommere., CUlIlDiItIc, a, Mi,s Trannie Trapnell. n graduate RICHARD. JESSE AND and from Atlanta. Where she spent the Savannah, spcnt last week end with doll thRt can Winburn, of the foIllfWed a Coseh Woodle. ing say mama and lit· of tbe Celltral, WeN by talk .i?Y on ·MARY FLAKE. Baumrl!'d Statesboro; by , of Inst was a' visitor the AGOI'! Mrs. . snring. " ex week end.· . ',is mother. PelTY Kennedy. pres. wagon and all kinds of preseat to partlclpatt In the 4611110- Coach Banles revIewed the football Statesboro. ·Ga., Dec. 1��J'1928 tIe. MIse... Barnes ' alBo of, Statl!1!boro . I ClLl11ftU. durin I\' the week . frUit. I am little friend. 't'a 'onl. Ms. J. T. Jones. of Savannah. is Mrs. F. N. Grimes, Mrs. Jesse O. Dear Santa Claus your and It had belli deemed season, d B ROlliII' i.IIten·de, MACY !fRA.NCES by_ a 0 young ladles ggdle Bran· Elizabeth Eodge.. '28 graduate. Plea.e a doll and so STRICKLAND. ,quartot that visiting her son. Durance Kennedy, Johnston and Mrs. Harvey D. an_ .: ,a�i!er brinlt m:e from the there lII1Pt be a comproinl'llt I ellt of I In Bulloch . Stateaboro Ga.. Dec. i!lormal Collelll. county. was a vi.itor the week. fruit and IIOme lit 18. 1928. and family. nen motored to Savannah Tuesday. schoola. during candy. Your' reached by whlcb Statesboro soine remarks. Vernon DeBr Santn Claus: Short 'alks were malee by Z. s. "oar. , clpamg Mis. True of a friend, SARAH HOWELL. Mrs. Julius Rogers. of Savannah. M,·S. R. L. Cone was called to Ba· ,Watson, Metter. be made terminus of for and GB.. Doc and B .R. tbe'-'I'IIII, was . �e captain of vi.lted .. 7, 1928... Henderson, Howe)1 (:oRe is her M.r. and I because of the elect� 192� g;'�duRte of the class '28, Brooklet: the train parents, Saturday �II Dear am a :o'rn: t�L:�ho�\�1 18 ch� here Iu the visiting ker, Fla.. httle • R.m! Irkeearsmyotl�.a· The the was retarnlN> eV8li- ..Ta"ces MAlthlll alternate captatn. .glrl ." OUift'. comedJ:' ot e,.ning friends on the campus the iine. She is �"ood to me. De.r W. D. Davis. illness of her mother. lIIrs. W. S. during the seconSdanta.flI"adle. Plell8e brmlt e Ing and stopplnI' for tb e nI�· th.. black face and .. g.,t, e Y • . . eId a Christmas by Walter Th W C A . h Santa. pleMe me a tea set and week. a a tea sto brinlt McDo�ITRld Mr. and Mrs. John Everett Mrs.,and Lee. doll. set, baby carriage, y giVIng us the llame train 'Iemee .. bazaar on bOl< of handkerchiefs and all kinds Pete Donaldson. who pre8llnted 80me I Fancy The Normal officially book and some fruit. I have be n at Bob Everett were visitors in Suvan· Mrs. L. 'M. Mallard. Mrs. Arnold �Iday a�ternoon: Georgia of fruit. Your pre.ent between Savannab an. a. were a �od fr;end. local hits which were well received work da.lnty Ohristmas gifts closed for the Friday after. rlrl.' nah Thursday. Anderson and Mrs. John Lewis Dur· ,� holiday. Your A STRIOKLAND. Atlanta. It waa soon how-- : I on sale. A sandwich course was friend. and produceCl many a smlle. apparent, noon. Teachers .going away for the �DR�Iroo e.fEE Dec. 16. '1928. Mr. nnd Mrs. Linton Lamer nnd den WOre visitors In Savannah Tucs­ WITH KATHLElEN Ga'l L ever, that the offieials did uot 100".. ' LANIER. served. Deal' Santa Th e f'non"" 0f th• sc h00I were were: Coach and Mr•. H. Claus: . . holidays . Ga Dec with little son spent Sunday at Stilson' day. Brooklet 7 1928 great favor thia M.... of I am a littl" boy 7 years old. I IlO present in 'Inrge numbers and many upol) propo. Blitch. A. Woodle, to South Carohna; Miss Deal' Snnta; I ;;n a iittie boy' n with relatives. Miss Nell Jone..and Mrs. E. G. Cro· L11a. cha� t�e to school. I am in tion. but desired 0 take the entire I annual Chrtstmas seal drIVe for th,S the hnve the second gmde. words of commendatlon were heard. Tru..ell Miss seconq grade. I been sma Malvina to Columbus, � train oft' 08 a Miss Irma Waters has "eturned martie and little Pruella. in Mary Lou Cow· means of economy. d-;'ughter. a talk in Thurs· books and have been a The new building, now being occu. county, chapel Carrie Law Clay and Miss Frances my. go�d ar..Mr (0 ike her. Will from a two.l\veeks· stay with rola- \V ra viSitors in Savunnuh the th,s year Please me terchqrs�re iSI MlisS you Figures presented by the roll. during .. bring sonle ,.is 0 handsome. structure �ere day. please me a pied really '.' I , Stubbs to Miss Katherine Ire bnng drum. toP. horn 0 tives in Savannah. wock. Savannah. bfiOYworks. fru,ts and u bugle horn . roa" ff"le'aIs' which allowed that th. 1 M'IS. B ODSf St te b lind lots of und The cost was George ean, oro. Perkinson to North Carolina. Coach YOUI' little Or.poppers fruit. approximately $6,000, .. friend. road (. Misses Ala Waldon and Mabel, Miss Jennie Dawson. of Millen, Your little and losing eight hundred ,dollan was a chapel v'sttors Tuesday. She and Mrs. Y. D. Bnrnes to Chatta, CLYDE BUllRIS. friend. the building was erocted by S. J. Clarke were among the week end spent sevoral clays during the weol JACK McELVEEN. per month, on the two passenger a "Dawn." nnd Mrs. J. E. Dear Santa: Please bring me a Proctor of Statesboro. There ore sang' solo. nooga. Tenn.; Mr. big Ifec. trains , now In vis,tors in' AtJIanta.. with her Mrs. S. If Lichten· doll. a lots of and fruit. Ga.! 16. 1928. .operatlo. OVer th. I sister, Malvina Trussell was a week. ball. candies foul' largo class "ooms with Miss Cnrmth and fan,!iy to Illssissippi. Dear BSallroota aus: ¥. complete'D Miss Hessie Newton wns stein. . Love. LEONA BRANNEN klectl• an d division. It wu among a an ItUCI' across the rear a ov�r 1?ublin GIFTS end 0 f "1,'"ss C.arrlC Law CIay and A. Colum. r little nine years old. with guest Mrs. �. Singley a� boy Ga .• Lhose to visit . Brooklet. Dec. 7. 1928: 'to�"�m shown that the income from Savannah lust \Vcck� Mrs. Sidney Smith und son, WiI­ ��"'. to. I am In the fourth grade at school be curtain. esell In . �o S. Mt·.s. R. E. Fullilove to Dear I am a little in stage suff,c,ently large b,a. C.; Santa: ' girl end u see Desert lust m Atlanta S�vannah. and I sure ilo train is Song. liom, spent weel{ end study flard and am cd off for a class room when approximately ,13.00 psr M,ss Hester Newton. spent the Farmington. Ga.' Miss Edith Rob-' the se�'ond AT"tde. I' have been a n'eeded . M i .• . asking for a few day less than the cost of ·.1\1rs. .. L. Johnston, of Brooklet. the football y�u just things. operatlo-�. attending" Georgia·Tech e ewer er In good little lrirl thl s year. Pie ase L'arge modern heaters have been In· VI ek nd ith h moth orlVer. ertson to Do Dean and . I'ton. Ga.; Mrs. Please bring me an air I'ifle. a drum loss spent Monday as tho guest of Mr.' game. b'ring " re and This Eli Gordon Rountree Z. Henderson to Eastman. Presi. and tool and .talled in each room and the, build. has',contlnued �qr qiapJi McDaniel. S some ru... che�t anythin� else you and Mrs. Grady K. Johnston. M,·s. John Lewis Durden and lit· te I�t dtlli tEt. seJ- years and Is' said to I. and Matt and .dent· Miss Effie· Bagwell. Mt. want to brlnll. Don't forllet the ing wm be lighted by a modern ,light- .be increallu.-. Lowrey spent Saturday Wlllls, °'NAg;,.� aUeRR'IS; There is'no Mrs. Glenn Bland. Mrs. GTady tie of Metter arc frUIt and fireworks. apparent reason 'to hope daughter visiting in Atlanta. and Mrs. J. M. -. ing system. The location Is on the . Dec. Sooday Phagan. Robert·D?n. Brooklet. Ga .. 10, 1928'. I for Mi.. Juanita Bland her. 'J. and other Your friend. improvement, therefore tile raD. a�d were; (ather. N. Akin's. Lois Moore and aldion. Miss Mabel Brunson, Mi... Dea.' Santa: r am a little in highway about six hundred'yards east Jew!'l! Smith'sJ>,ent .girl WILLIA road oft'lcials to vlslt.ors In Savannah Snt'Jl'oUY. here. the llTade. Please bnng me diBlre take oft' 'the the week end with Smith at Lena Belle Brannen, Mrs. J. O. John· Broo of the old Cllto school site and is.a Carlysle e. '. . a klMt EGAaRLD�{,oE1[6"VE1'9E2N8·ec., train U 'GALORE . 0 a nd IIt at mue bedroom th h I oss.· 'M·rs. Lawton Brannen, of Metter, Il'clativesMr. and Mrs. F. T. Lanier \'is­ palr�ecofnd shppers ' box of most oP I "rs.'., LIEu a . B e II and M' J,ar Santa Claus: suitable location. Whatever D,usy. ston, I.SS .handkercbi f d f (lit: severnl days the week ited Miss Alice Kath· .,.. naturally rewret. t.... spent during their daughter. , Katherine Brett the. week. ,Y·iola Perry 'Will the holilla:f" :J-SITf'1r 0 . 'r dift'erc.tee8 arose the "enod Stata.bQ�9. spen.t spend h"ave�I)een ea g:�d �;rl"l:li;s ��ear- lltrteooy,,,-yea1"S ilurlhg there i. with her Mrs. J. P. n I 'f w,ll me any poaeibllity of sister. Fay. erine, student at Wesleyan College. in Your little you. brln!! iust of consolidation of the three schools curtallinc I end in town Mi... StatesQoro. friend. 0 with. Vi:-ojan. Do!!. s 0 lit and M,·s. C. . ;V�ll �f �I,!dlings Chl"lstmllB I want you the train 's�;rvlce in out, 0 tb. ... H. Remington the week. .,_. EDWINA HODGES I Bcaver on and! during aldlon. to mo (crt0, Pd'and Eureka) Brookl bring a cap pistol and a little city. The end in Atlanta and Mrs. Hinton Booth several t G D 7 1928' . resolution adopted hy th. spe'!t las_t w�ek spent. Clifford Saturday horn of fruit and fire have be.en overcome the neigh. Griner, spent Dea,' I and.lots works. an� of attended £fie the in With Sant�; a�;n :Clittie J>:irl'ln I sure Cham»er Commeree, worded .. Georgia-Tech game. days during week Atlantu and her WIll borhood is united in its in the I night Sunday with parents COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES the second Itrade. Please brinlt me �ank �ou'. pride nllldly as' waa a mere vole- W. H. Blitch and little son" her Miss Almnnta Booth. lonr friend. new possible. M,:s. daughter. Brooklet. doll. tea set. story book. baby car. httle. property. TRUE CHRISTMAS 'IN fiNE'S TOYLAND at. a. ------SPIRIT the spent several nnd relatives. THERE'S McELVEEN. ing protest taking .011' of Parrish, days during other ubUe thii. to :'me • Atlanta Will Stand) at . faru,'tantoo with her S· cotto Ga. that is And Santa • I have a n,. of the ,. parents mmding them it necessary ab abv pupils. the last week end in Atlanta and attend· Hent"iettll carriage, story book and some Tuesday morning of Miss Parrish, of Newmg. tl e b b 'b th'er. name is 'pr�sellt. I SCOOTERS � $l.OO and Up Lucile Rountree spent the week that secure their of fmit. Lee We have a tliis ed the Small they supply I have been a I';ood girl this J �is splendid faculty week. No IInnouncment of the 4e-, Georgm·Tech football game. ton. we"e the guests during the week �:.: rho'm a little horn and a Find enll with her parents in Summit. seed as as Your little friend and fine but to early possible. rear. .�ar making progress. c,.,on of D,·. and M·,s. B. T. of end and Donaldson. COASTER WAGONS $2.75 $7.50 planting prer'ttl' rll15"e ball, the public .ervice commw.; Beasley, of Mr. Mrs. C. Z. . . JUANITA to�. . The music and expression depart- t'n othel' sect,'ons who were FORDHAM. could do much if we more Farmers Your little f d better had 8'on h as t been d e. It is deem· Atlanta. we"e the guests during the Miss Irene Afden has returned and ye 1110 AUTOS $5.00 Up Brooklet. Ga .. 1928. (fully equipped) ment had charge or chapel program more fortunate than we as to sea. De�. 1.8. EUGENE Mc{}��iEN room. week of his sister. Mrs. p"ed King. from a visit to Mr. und Mrs. D. D. Here on The Ga .. Dec 7. . to we have to We will it if all BLACKBOARDS SOc $1.00 Toys Wednesday. follo,ving 90ns. know that got buy .. 19?8:. appreciate the and' :: :::: �: ,s:::: ery. Arden at Thomasville, Mr. Mrs. m��ard��� �iirtCh:itst'��sust�: �i1 DeOrBrgoklet.onto: I am a little Il'Irl m �:l'�r�:��I�e:�;;,t gram was given: Scripture. MyrtP",;-8 seed and are advantage write of the district would co· .... they taking you but Santa I am'· t 8S·k . patrons wether the tuin , " come oft' 0-• .' JUS the to and _ to second Mrs. P. little ., Please me J. roy daughter, MOl'gU" Arden. at Macon, and friends a DOLL CARRIAGES ,____ $1.25 $9.00 l:'J'ade brinlt ;- lILiss vocal f' the f' a few cases of us 0 new Freeman; prayer. Clay; of the s,tuatlOn by orcmg prlce y�u �r shot for a operate with and help get remain on. Betty visited her parents. Mr. doll, teo set, babl" Camalte. bed. Bird, ,at Perry. ..: "A Little Pink Jewel seed :::g some all CHILD'S ROCKER . $1.95 solo. Rose,�' of seed up. The best can?y a�d room slippers an'l 'some fruit. I building. AltliQugh prospects look Thore will be In the and Mrs. W. A. Bird. at Metter lust Misses A'nn Brool;s and planting 'no chanre Virginia ki�dsa'�f r��it to been a readin"g. "The Count and the will soon be so my advice have Itood bhis dark we ure .till for· � to Smith; exhausted, rea". now. looking schedule of the other train. Stat... we�k. Grimes returned Sunday from At· Complete SMOKiNG SETS $1.00 $16.50 school and in'th! �'rrd8t�a��.'ng �ir! Wed agllin this year. and has the ively: 20-0. 30-6. for the night.' ,to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wright ed: Leroy Cowart. mas· BASSINETS 50c to $3.25 an old.fasl)ion school oIos- Armour who have worshipful d,stinction Rocker Bnd Field" led in tho MTS. Grover Brannen and children (Doll Beds) presented al\d Company, of making the 'thighes! scor,'ng mother,' Mrs. Annie Per­ J. senior war· Kennedy's Every­ the cast, Sidney have tel'; Cuyler Waters. for M,'I with following the Dublin creamery. acre yet the 'Of s, several this week with Decora­ BED LAMPS $1.00 ing bought yield per in the county. Since Aaron', play,'ng ,spent days due. Lou d en; Hamp S lilith, junior warden; Ernest Kenllcdy, Ada n cream station in States- the B. Rockel' and COW8[t is .. ber Mr. and Boswell, opened winners in the state contest have good 'SCHOOl HAS parents, Mrs. Lovein, , Josh T. CUPONR�KA __ to Den· I POOL TABLES $1.00 $6.95 Elmo Kate AYcOjlk. boro at the Cash will Nesm,th, aecretary; J. BIRTH Rowe. :,fallard, City Dairy. in n�acon. •. vel' John P. , 'i(Jns Ruth deliv. Riggs. treasurer; Jones, I thing Carrie D. Hutchinson. Gibson, be paid for sour cream when b::� mn�:��; :�:r��::r:i�he c�a:::Pbo::�: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lee. of Sa. Mr. and lIf,rs. Arthur Howard an· Frank Smith. senior deacon; :�:y �:�ot�n:�:,:ue��eit�:. i:��� n.. Aycock. Marie Stanley, James ered. This is a good opportunity for tyler; We that such reports as'. FORMAL HOUSE-WARMINr vannah, were the guests Sunday of nounce the birth of a son on De­ Horace deacon' Ruth Stella Van- farmers who have two or thre" Akins, junior Hemy That we B1'e men ccmber 9th. Carruth. Grohl, �ur bi�t �e ,:;� playing professional her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. GIFTS· senior W. De�. ,�!Cu::��eYi�II,�'t ,,:::�;i";�. The Cliponreka P.·T. A feel that Leonud Her· to derive some cash Bowell. stewart; O. are landingham. Powell, CDWS milking bushels per ac,'e. This is a as ringers going around" as this Dougherty. A. F. remark. we met witli Quite a suceess with out. Grace and Ewell Alexander. III At time of mark. junior stewart; Morris. is unfounded 1 WOMAN'S CLUB bert fro them. this year able even in a but absolutely and that Mr. and Henry Waters, of yield. good year. entertnlnment on last Friday even· . were chaplain. of Wom· Sa·Sollled Many clever stunts pulled cream can be leept and delivered once \vhen it is taken Into consideration the players on the Aaron. team .are Claxton and were the week. monthly nieeting the Christmas·Problems At This Store. wos so well abtended that tblt Cordele. I :rhe Many May The instllllation was conducted ing. It the audience in " very 11 We will need to use e"ery by who arc not an's Club will be held at the home wliich kept week. that the of corn in Bui. boys eligible. end guests of his mother. Mrs. ·W. aver�ge yield auditorium was inadeqUate 'for the ' C. W. of Pre· mood' for minutes or means to in a little cash duro Clark, Savan\lah. Mrs. Pete Donaldson on jolly thirty bring loch this i. the H. Waters. Thursday Look. this over , year probably lowest FAIR occasion. We wish to ,thank eaelt Look. over for Her lor Him and this 'is ceding the installation. John L. Tra· ASSPCIATION at 4 rno!"e. ing these trying times, for the .Mrs. W. s,s. 10f Dec. 20th. o·clock. th:,i� many yea.... accomplishment una one contribu.ted eveu and F. Darby 'and afternoon, an DIRECTORS e,'cry whl> !dr. a "is. also of delivered The TIES l'he Musi.c Lovers gave program one of the ways: This is destined Savannah. of Mr. Miss Jewell motored to Fine Arts committee WIll be the ATOMIZERS SPANISH SHAWLS BATH ROBES with Hunnicutt stands out even in �he smallest way to hell' to make' • ter. Watson, of the address on the symbols of masonry. A meeting of the directors of the this a playlet of the life to become a dairy country, and more. the occasion We'feel hostesses. • week. Mr. Hunnicutt is II success. veQr Atlarata to attend the Georgla.Tech TRAYS HANDKERCHIEFS SOX (boxed). SHOES to match'. recognized Bulloch Fair Association the it and lined Following the exercises a turkey sup. Co.ullty will mnch the Franz Schube.rt with following sooner we realize get UP. as ·an farmer when it encQurageil by co·oflera­ football" arne.' HANDKERCHIEFS BELTS with outstanding be hcld afternoon Dec 2i MUSICAL JARS BIBLES monogram Eloise us.' per was served. Fifty·odd members Friday P ..T. A. MEETING east: Father Schubert, Sm,th; the better it will be for to but the H. Wa.ers had as her growing Mrs. '1'" (with initial) Buckles. and vi.itors were present. cOlTle� .an.y. cop, at 2 O'clock, in the 'Cou;·t ·holl"e·. A �i;lIw:U h:svetl:-�::ivli�e�W: i��!':.�ds�: The meetlllg of the P.·T. A. wlll BED LAMPS' COMPACTS mother Schubert. Dexelva, Harta. Why not let's get busy and raise 'Iast week her sisters Mrs P. KID GLOVES and PENCIL hobby. and ,full of the gu;'sts 1'IES broilers to load a car meeting boatd"is request·· I be III the High School auditori· HOSIERY BUFFET SETS �ay;,Franz.·P,·ank Rushing; Ignaz, enough spring s��n:�� t�:e ��·;o t�a��a� c,iWllters and, M