The Cord Weekly (January 21, 1993)

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The Cord Weekly (January 21, 1993) riD t993 A WILFRID LAURIER STUDENT PUBLICATION VOLUME XXXIII ISSUE 19 JANUARY 21 1993 WLU Theatre outdoes itself Theatre Laurier's presentation of "Our Country's Good" was a resounding success for both the audience and the players (see review on page 19) pic: Harvey Lvong · Murder case seeks man·: Gres Sloan Cord News that Zaharchuk wa<; not a victim ordinated by the Waterloo of pre-meditated violence. Detec­ Regional Police with asststancc A composite picture has been tive Dennis Butcher said "tt wa<> by l TW security. LTW Chief of released of a man Waterloo definitely a ca<;e of the victim Security AI Mackenzie says they Regional Police believe could be being in the wrong place at the arc "workmg with them daily, ar­ connected to the murder of UW wrong time." ranging things on campus." Engineering graduate student Two floors of Engineering 1, Anyone having any further in­ David Zaharchuk. the building Zaharchuk's hody fonnation on the scene of the Waterloo Regional Sgt. Leh­ was found in, were damaged. Po­ tTime or the man wanted for man said nothing has turned up lice speculate that Zaharchuk questioning should call either the yet but "we are still following simply surprised tbe intruder(s). Waterloo Regional Police or the leads." The composite ha<; been The investigation is being co- lTW police. circulated throughout the local media and tbe Waterloo Campus. The man wanted for question­ ing is described a<; "male, white, early to mid twenties, six feet tall, dark hair just below the ears, pos­ sibly wearing an earring in the left ear with no facial hair." ~ The man wa<; seen in tbe area News around the time of the murder. Launer radio returns .................. page 3 When students refused to help him log in and play computer Sports ., games he allegedly became emo­ Hawks waste Westem 13 tional. He made comments that he had been thrown out by his wtfelgirlfriend. The man was fa­ Feature miliar with the computer system. Evolution of a newspaper. 18 This is the second composite the Waterloo Regional Police Entertainment have relea<;ed. The ftrst wa<; of a Our Country's Good excellent 19 man who hailed a cab near the engineering building around the Comment time of the murder. He turned The killing begins agaln 26 himself in for questioning and was found to have an alibi. Man sought by police. pic: Waterloo Regional Police Investigators say it is likely Advertisemen~~t---- -==---1~ :. in 1....... , + 1WO ~J Graduatin~ JOSTENS has been chosen DOMINO'S official Graduation Portrait PIZ Photographer for all 1993 Undergrads GRAD PHOTOS will be taken in Room P2005/2113 PETERS BUILDING JOSTENS will be on campus Waterloo JAN. 18-20 - JAN. 25-29 King St. North &Weber 746-3900 SIGN UP TODAY AT THE INFO CENTRE -- -- Two Medium Pizzas One Medium Pizza Two Large Pizzas THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE PORTRAITS with with with PHOTO'S ARE USED FOR KEYSTONE AND COMPOSITES Unlimited Toppings Unlimited Toppings Unlimited Toppings 99 99 99 Pfiotograpfiy 6y $15· $1 G- $19· Cfautfe :Marcottee Linlled 8 effw. last (alii Ruling Marsden Women in the world meets students universities ...••.•. page 5 6 7 l1 NEWS EDITOR : SHELDON PAGE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR : INGRID NIELSEN Radio Laurier-returns Depending on the success of been recognized officially, and Steve Doak Cord News the venture during the next two services affiliated with the uni­ The Laurier airwaves were months, the Students' Union may versity, such as the registrar's of­ reopened to live DJ's on Mon­ change the organization and offer fice. Order fonns for these an­ day after a seventeen year ab­ money to DJ' s next year. nouncements are available .sence of any such program. Currently, each DJ or set of through the Union's offices. Launer Live broke onto the DJ' s is scheduled for one time No other advertisements can campus from the Turret to bring slot each week. They are allowed be made according to Students' music and announcements to to do whatever they want, as long Union by-laws. people in the Student Union as they read the required an- A similar radio service called 3 Building and the Concourse. Radio Laurier was run by the Laurier Live will be crooning Laurier Students' Union in the for your attention every weekday "Better awareness early 1970's. It was heard in the between 11 :00 and 2:00 and from among the student Studentc;' Union Building as well 6:00 until 7:15. On Monday, body of events as through the speakers located in Tuesday, and Wednesday night<; all of the rooms in residence. Wilf s will also be entertained that the Students' Dean Nichols, who wac; rela­ from this source. Union is putting on." tively new to Laurier at that time, This service is being provided said that Radio Laurier was on hy the Students' Union, In-house the verge of acquiring a license PromotiOns, and the Board of -Dan Dawson for their own publicly available Student Activities. Barry station. The Union subsequently Moulsdale ha~ been credited with nouncements and oon't say any­ lost interest in the idea and the conceiving the idea, and Dan thing racist, sexist, or station never reached its poten­ Dawson, the lounge supervisor, homophobic in nature. Requests tial. All of the equipment wac; coordinated the technical prepara­ may be taken at the di~;cretion of sold and the service ended in the tions of the system. the individual DJ' s. 1975-76 academic year. Dawson said that expenses are Dawson said the main pur­ Laurier Live hac; relatively not an issue at this time because pose of Laurier Live is to pro­ low operating coste;, which the the start-up cost<; were less than a mote "better awareness among Union can eac;ily afford. As long hundred dollars. This primarily the student body of events that a~ students approve of the radio involved booking up systems that the Students' Union is putting service and interest continues were already in place. Most of the on." from the Union, it will continue s DJ's are staff from Wilfs and the Announcements will be made to emertain the university and Turret who volunteered to operate for functions organized by the make the students more aware of f:/c : Chris Ska/kos the radio service. Union, campus clubs that have what is happening at WLU. At the helm of Laurier Live. Expo offers experience about the pros and cons, how they also a fair amount of skill that the opportumttes that are avail­ The sessions will he offered Steve Tracy Cord News prepared to get into that career, student<; develop for careers in able for them." Saturday, March 20, 9:00-4:00 Career Services bas several up­ and what advancement op­ sales because they are marketing Career Services will offer two p.m., and friday, April 16, from coming event'> focusing on grad­ portunities might be like," said to employers and they're working one-day sessions called "How to 9:00-4:00 p.m. uating student'>. Basso. one-on-one with student<;." be an Employed Grad" that will The Alumni Referral Service Career Expo '93 will be held On January 21 there will be a Throughout late January and combine the regular workshops is also available to students in on february 1 in the Paul Martin Student Placement Officer in­ early February, Career Services such as Interview Skills and Joh therr graduating year. Centre from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Jan formation session. Bao;so de­ will he holding Career Explora­ Search Strategies into one pack­ Basso describes the Service ao; Ba~so, Director of Career Ser­ scribes this session ao; "designed tions sessions that will focus on age. communicating "tmmediate posi­ vices, describes Expo '93 as "an for students who want to work as possible careers for student<; in Basso said that the sessions tions that come in through that event that is designed to give stu­ SPOs in Canada Employment Majors ranging from Economics "are definitely targeted to stu­ service. We do a search of our dents the opportunity to learn Centres for students in different to Religion and Culture. dents who are in their graduating own data hao;e and we send out more about specific occupations." locations throughout the pro­ Bao;so said that the sessions year. Instead of having to take the resume of the applicant grad. "If you wanted to know what vince." "are for people in first through time out for four or five different Anybody who is in their graduat­ it was like to be a journalist, you "It's a really good summer fourth year or even grad students sessions, you can get it all togeth­ ing year can start registering for would be able to come and talk to job, particularly for people who if they're interested in those par­ er in one day." that service ao; of March 15". someone who is actually doing want to get into human ticular areac;. It's really to that in their job. They could talk resources," said Ba~so. " There is broaden their thinking in tenns of ,,,,,, Leader of today, Leader of tomorrow Darren Mahaf!J: Special Today is the last day for you, the leaders of tomorrow, to show that you can be the leaders of today. As of 4:30 the nominations will he closed and the ballots will he determined. l Jntil 4:30 it is not too late for you, yes you. to get in­ volved.
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