ILX Construction Training Course Overview Page 1

Block 1 - Basic Tools Lesson 1: Basic Structure Parts Walls and Reinforcement Soil Finishing Walls In and Out Unit 1: How to Read a Plan Footing Lesson 6: Monolithic Pour Home Lesson 1: Views Foundation Construction Concepts Elevation Floor System Construction Methods Floor Plan Walls (Bearing and Non-Bearing) Plot Plan Block 3 - Idea Through Wall Framing Section Structural Parts Detail Non-Structural Parts Unit 1: Getting Started Lesson 2: Basic Symbols Lesson 1: Roles of Professionals Walls Unit 2: Full Basement Home Architect Windows Lesson 1: Soil Considerations Engineer Door Load Bearing Capacity Designer Water Closet Footing Minimum Depth Drafter Tub Footing Maximum Depth Developer Shower Excavation Contractors Outlet Lesson 2: Reinforced Concrete Building Inspectors Switch Making Concrete Lesson 2: Steps Before Construction Begins Light Fixture Concrete Plasticity Selecting Plans Cabinetry Hydration Obtaining a Permit Shortened Line Admixtures Inspection Overview Section View Rebar Lesson 3: Preparing the Hole Lesson 3: Dimensions Lesson 3: Concrete Footings Hole Location Architect's Scale Footing and Rebar Location Hole Depth Engineer's Scale Pouring Footings Excavation Finishing Footings Unit 2: Measurement Basics Lesson 4: Concrete Foundations Unit 2: Basic Framing Terms Lesson 1: Basic Tools Forms and Rebar Placement Lesson 1: Terminology Measuring Tape Pouring Foundations Rough Cut Lesson 2: Mathematical Conventions Anchor Bolts and Holdowns Surfacing Order of Operations Lesson 5: Basement Floor Slab Drying Rounding Decimals Work Under the Slab Grain Converting Inches to Decimalized Shovel Footings Moisture/Insect Resistance Feet Pouring and Finishing the Slab Lesson 2: Framed Wall Parts Terminology Potential Problems Studs & Plates Unit 3: Basic Construction Math Lesson 6: Controlling Ground Water Wall Ties Lesson 1: One-dimensional Calculations Dampproofing Door/Window Framing Each Perimeter Drain Lesson 3: Framing to Foundation Connection Linear Feet Backfill and Grading Foundation Lesson 2: Basic 2-dimensional Calculations Lesson 7: Drying-In the Structure Sill Plate Attachment Area of a Rectangle in Square Feet Main Floor System Lesson 4: Framed Wall Construction Square Feet to Square Yard Walls Plate Placement Conversions Roof Stud Length Lesson 3: Other 2-dimensional Calculations Lesson 8: Completing the Structure Crowning Parallelogram Rough-in Work Wall Placement Trapezoid Interior Finish Work Top Plates Triangle Completing the Exterior Lesson 5: Main Floor Support Circle System Lesson 4: Three-dimensional Calculations Unit 3: Other Types of Structures Placement Cubic Yards Lesson 1: Crawl Space Home Band Joist Board Feet Depth Considerations Horizontal Joist Support Columns and Footings Vertical Joist Support Unit 4: Other Important Calculations Lesson 2: and Beam Construction Lesson 6: Main Floor System Connectors Lesson 1: Pythagorean Theorem Foundation System Headers and for Stairs Using the Pythagorean Theorem Special Considerations Shearing Lesson 2: Other Construction Calculations Lesson 3: Flood Plane Home Nails Calculating Squares Foundation System Metal Hangers Calculating Waste Footings and Columns Lesson 7: Beam Terminology Rounding Quantities Lesson 4: Pier and Grade Beam Construction Use of Beams Pier and Grade Beams Glue-Lam Beams Block 2 - How Parts Fit Lesson 5: Block Home Dimensional Beams Footings and Foundation L-V-L Beams Unit 1: Structure Components And Floor Slab Box Beam Functions Materials Used Steel Beam ILX Construction Training Course Overview Page 2

Lesson 8: Beam Support Pattern Lesson 5: Backing Metal Columns Lesson 2: Support and Reinforcement Backing Examples Wood Columns Stabilizing Ceiling Joist or Rafter as Backing Floor Support Rafter Size System as Backing Lesson 9: Sheathing Terminology Mid-Rafter Support Lesson 6: Fire Blocking Sheathing Lesson 3: Making Hips and Valleys Walls Sheathing Materials Rafter Placement Floor Systems Exposure to Moisture Hip Rafter Length Basement Framed Walls Lesson 10: Sheathing Installation Jack and Valley Rafters Stairways Floor Sheathing Dropped Ceilings Fasteners and Glue Unit 3: Post and Beam Roof Support Bending System Block 5 - Exterior Finishes Alignment on Joists Lesson 1: Post and Beam System Lesson 11: Floor Joist Options Examples Unit 1: Concrete Work I Joists Purlins Lesson 1: Supporting Exterior Concrete Floor Metal Buildings Fracturing Due to Settling Lesson 12: Stair System Basics Haunch Stringers, Risers and Treads Unit 4: Roof Truss Support System Tube Formed Columns Landing and Top Riser Lesson 1: Facts About Trusses Footing and Foundation Walls Stair Assembly Basic Parts of Trusses Lesson 2: Strengthening Exterior Concrete Lesson 13: Main Floor Walls Loads Concrete Strength Window/Door Location Truss Centers and Span Wire Reinforcement Stud Location Slope and Type of Truss Synthetic Fibers Squaring the Wall Lesson 2: Truss Types Concrete Surface Strength Wall Sheathing Flat Truss Lesson 3: Common Flatwork and Related Wall Bracing before Lifting Gable Truss Finishes Placing the Walls Gambrel Truss Broom Finish Lesson 14: Other Wall Framing Scissor Truss Trowl Pattern Finishes Considerations Mono Truss Exposed Aggregate Metal Studs Bowstring Truss Epoxy Finish Metal/Wood Comparison Lesson 3: Truss Dynamics Concrete Stamp Framed to Square Forces Pavers Gussets Block 4 - Roof Framing Causes of Failure Unit 2: Decks Gusset Size at Critical Points Lesson 1: Exterior Decks Unit 1: Roof Types and Parts Gusset Placement Deck Support Lesson 1: Roof Styles Lesson 4: Installing Gable Trusses Deck Materials Gable Roof Gable End Trusses Hip Roof Placing Trusses Unit 3: Windows and Overhead Doors Gambrel Roof Cat Walk Lesson 1: Window Parts Clerestory Roof Sizes Shed Roof Unit 5: Building the Roof on the Support Placing the Window Flat Root System Flashing Mansard Roof Lesson 1: Installing Rough Fascia and Fly Jambs and Sill Butterfly Roof Rafters Stop Lesson 2: Roof Parts Rough Fascia & Fly Rafter Examples Stool and Apron Peak, Rake, Eave, and Overhang Installing the Rough Fascia Pane, Sash, and Lights Deck, Intersections, and Dormer Installing the Fly Rafter Muntin, Grid, and Mullion Chimney Cricket Combines Truss and Rafter Roof Lesson 2: Window Materials Lesson 3: Roof Framing Parts Systems Thermal Break Ridge Board Lesson 2: Roof System Ventilation Frame Materials Hip and Valley Rafters Blocking/Insulation Stop Glass Types Common Rafter Need for Ventilation Tinting and Low E Jack Rafter Improperly Ventilated Roof Lesson 3: Types of Windows Cripple Rafter Lesson 3: Positioning Trusses for Sheathing Windows that Slide Open Fascia and Soffit Truss Layout Position Other Windows that Open Collar Tie Truss Movement Fixed Windows Bird's Mouth and Rafter Tail Truss Bracing Bay and Bow Windows Lesson 4: Installing the Sheathing Storm Windows Unit 2: Roof Rafter Support System Spaced Sheathing Lesson 4: Overhead Garage Doors Lesson 1: Making the Common Rafter Purlins Single Piece and Sectional Doors Rise/Run/Span Sheathing Placement Materials and Patterns Slope/ Nailing of Sheathing Door Features Cutting Common Rafters ILX Construction Training Course Overview Page 3

Unit 4: Masonry and Stucco Lesson 2: Gutters and Downspouts Unit 3: Sloped Roof Characteristics Lesson 1: Brick Patterns and Bonds Materials Used Lesson 1: Roof Shingles Vapor Barrier Installation How They Work Brick Bonds Aluminum Gutters Roofing Felt Brick Courses Rubberized Asphalt Membrane Mortar Joints Unit 7: Fences Problems Lesson 2: Structural Masonry Lesson 1: Fencing Lesson 2: Roof Flashing Exteriors Masonry Purpose Block Types Vinyl Step and L Flashing Wythe Chain Link Counterflashing Fired and Unfired Brick Wrought Iron Valley and Pipe Flashing Lesson 3: Nonstructural Brick Veneer Wood Drip Edge Story Pole Gates Lesson 3: Sloped Roof Considerations Anchoring Steepness Lintels Unit 8: Paint Height Quoins Lesson 1: Exterior Painting Accessibility Lesson 4: Stone Veneers Surface Preparation Cultured Stone Primer Coat Unit 4: Composition Shingles Installing Natural Brushes and Rollers Lesson 1: Identification Mortar and Grout Sprayers Organic vs Fiberglass Installing Cultured Stone Masking and Painting Techniques Tabs Cleaning Veneer Laminated Lesson 5: Stucco Block 6 – Roofing Interlocking Installing Common Stucco Lesson 2: Cost Factors Three Stucco Layers Unit 1: Common Roofing Materials Style Synthetic Stucco Lesson 1: Asphalt Based Roofing Materials Warranty Installing Synthetic Stucco Shingles and Membranes Labor Asphalt Saturated Products Lesson 3: Non-interlocking Installation Unit 5: Fiberglass vs. Organic Mat Courses Lesson 1: Common Siding Materials and Composition Shingles Attachment Joints Lesson 2: Composition Shingle Production Valley Flashing Siding Surface Granules Lesson 4: Interlocking Installation Butt Joint Release Film/Sealant Strip Courses Overlap Joint Splices in Production Attachment Tongue and Groove Joint Valley Flashing Rabbet Joint Unit 2: Flat Roof Systems Corner Joints Lesson 1: Membrane Roof System Unit 5: Wood Roofs Miter Joint Roof Flashing Lesson 1: Shake and Wood Shingle Lesson 2: Sheet Siding Flat Roof Slope Identification Fastening Sheet Siding Roof Drain Wood Shake Production Horizontal Butt Joint Parapet Wall Joint Types Unfinned Windows Scupper Roof Drains Thickness Sheet Siding Textures Lesson 2: Multi-ply Membrane Roof System Wood Shingle Production Lesson 3: Horizontal Siding Built-up Roof Recognizing Grades Lap Siding Built-up Roof Plies Grade Categories Fastening and Joints Lesson 3: Multi-ply Membrane Roof Lesson 2: Prep for Installation Rabeted Taper Siding Installation Exposure and Quantities Siding Base Sheet Patterns and Cost Lesson 4: Vertical Siding Hot Tar Decking Board and Surface Finishes Lesson 3: Installation Board on Board Determining Plies Courses Fastening Vertical Siding Common Problems Shake Felt Lesson 5: Interlocking Siding Lesson 4: Single Membrane Roof Systems Valleys Metal and Vinyl Siding Joining Different Materials Expansion and Contraction Modified Bitumen Roof System Unit 6: Tile Roofs Metal Channel Modified Bitumen Installation Lesson 1: Tile Shingle Production Surface Finish Shape Unit 6: Soffit, Fascia, and Gutters Lesson 5: Elastomeric Roof System Clay Tile Lesson 1: Soffit and Fascia Materials Concrete Tile Metal Installation Installation Lesson 2: Tile Shingle Cost Factors Wood Installation Roof Deck Preparation Material Frieze Board Seams Color Cornice Problems and Maintenance Shipping Roof Complexity and Access ILX Construction Training Course Overview Page 4

Roof Framing Pump Systems Lesson 6: Factory Built Fireplaces Grades Irrigation Water Clearance for Factory Built Lesson 3: Tile Shingle Installation Water Piping Fireplaces Deck and Valley Preparation Copper Water Pipe Parts of the Factory Built Fireplace Furring Strips PB Water Supply Pipe Fireplace Flue Pipe Barrel Tile Placement Problems with PB Pipe Installing Factory Built Fireplaces S and Flat Tile Placement Lesson 2: Manifold PB Systems Attachment Advantages Block 8 - Finishing the Interior Wet-set Special Precautions Other Fastening Methods Lesson 3: Special Plumbing Issues Unit 1: Insulation Hydraulic Shock Lesson 1: Insulation Unit 7: Metal Roofs Freeze Less Hose Bibbs Types of Insulation Lesson 1: Metal Roof Products Appliances with Plumbing Attached Batt Insulation Materials Lesson 4: Water Softeners & Water Heaters Blown-In Insulation Finishes Water Softeners Injected and Poured-In Insulation Lesson 2: Metal Roof Installation T & P Valves Insulation Fire Rating Panels Supply through Manifold Systems Insulation Board Seams Water Heaters Self Tapping Screws Lesson 5: Sewer Connections & Septic Tank Unit 2: Wall and Ceiling Finishes Corrugated Panels Systems Lesson 1: Drywall Standing Seam The Sewer Lateral Properties of Drywall Board Metal Gauge Septic Tanks and Drain Fields Hanging Drywall Positioning the Septic Tank & Drain Drywall Joints and Corners Unit 8: Other Shingle Types Field Drywall Board Tapered and Square Lesson 1: Slate Shingles Septic Tank Strength Edges Grain Common Problems Drywall Mud and Tape Color Lesson 6: Drain & Waste Collection Systems Drywall Texture Cuts Plumbing Stack Drywall Fire Resistance Lesson 2: Fiber and Cement Venting Lesson 2: Plaster Shingles Drain and Soilage Pipes Appearance Traps Plaster Finishes Characteristics Lesson 7: Installing Plumbing Fixtures Lesson 3: Tile Ceilings Installing a Rimmed Sink Glue-Up Tile Unit 9: Other Roof Topics Installing a Rimless Sink Suspended Tile Lesson 1: Ventilation Placing the Water Closet Lesson 4: Wall Paneling Effects of Improper Ventilation Tub and Shower Materials Wall Paneling Vapor Barrier Tub and Shower Rough Plumbing Air Flow Installing the Shower Pan Unit 3: Doors and Trim Vent Lesson 1: Doors Unit 3: HVAC Door Sizes and Expense Block 7 - Finishing the Interior Lesson 1: Basic Heating Concepts Door Swing The Thermostat Door Slab Surfaces Unit 1: Electrical Heat Systems Inside the Door Slab Lesson 1: Electricity to the Home Forced Air Systems Other Parts of the Door Generation of Electricity Forced Air Furnaces Pre-Hung Doors Distribution to the Home Lesson 2: How Heat is Created & Transferred Hanging the Door House Connection Producing Heat & Venting Gases Casing the Door Lesson 2: Wiring Concepts and Terms Heat Exchangers Hanging Exterior Doors Breaker Panel/Fuse Box "Pulse" Furnaces Door Hardware Grounding Combustion Air for Furnaces Lesson 2:Trim 120 Volt and 240 Volt Lesson 3: Central Air Conditioning and Heat Baseboard Wire Gauge Pumps Specialty Base and Casing Knob and Tube Wiring Air Conditioning Trim Joints Cluster Wiring Heat Pumps Precautions for Stain Grade Trim Conduit Lesson 4: Miscellaneous HVAC Specialty Trim and Joints Lesson 3: House Wiring Evaporative Coolers Chair Rails, Wainscots, and Crown Electrical Circuits Humidifiers Moldings Rough Electrical Electrostatic Filters Finish Electrical Kitchen and Bath Ventilation Unit 4: Painting and Wallpaper Wire Connections Lesson 5: Masonry Fireplaces Lesson 1:Interior Painting Low Voltage Wiring Installing a Masonry Fireplace Paint Sheen or Gloss The Hearth, Firebox and Mantel Preparation for Paint Unit 2: Plumbing Inside the Masonry Fireplaces The Primer Coat Lesson 1: Culinary Water Supplies The Fireplace Flue The Finish Coat ILX Construction Training Course Overview Page 5

Lesson 2: Wallpaper Unit 3: Finish Hardware Lesson 2: Common Repair Issues Types of Rolled Wall Covering Lesson 1: Finish Hardware Removing Sources of Odor Preparation for Wallpaper Finish Hardware Cleaning Removing Wallpaper Sealing Installing Wallpaper Unit 4: Finish HVAC and Electrical Natural Breaks Wallpaper Cost Lesson 1: Finish HVAC and Electrical Lesson 3: Other Repair Issues Wallpaper Rolls, Waste, & Borders Finish HVAC & Electrical Installation Odor Control Quality and Cost of Light Fixtures Deciding Whether to Clean or Block 9 - Cabinets, Floor Coverings and Replace Other Final Finishes Unit 5: Finishing the Rooms Lesson 4: Water Damage Lesson 1: Bathrooms Water Extraction & Dehydration Unit 1: Cabinets & Countertops Cost of Tubs, Sinks and Faucets The Effects of Moisture Lesson 1: Assessing Cabinets Showers and Tub Surrounds Lesson 5: Vehicle Collision & Earthquake Five Criteria Tub and Shower Doors Damage Joints Water Closets Footing & Foundation System Hardware Mirrors and Medicine Cabinets Damage Construction GFCI Outlets Framing Damage Style Lesson 2: Kitchens Surface Finish Damage Material Appliances Lesson 6: High Wind Losses Lesson 2: Recognizing Wood Kitchen Sinks Structural Damage Wood Veneers Refrigerator Plumbing Roofing Damage Recognizing Wood Grains Lesson 3: Laundry Rooms Emergency Board-up Veneer Lay Laundry Room Plans Eight Basic Wood Grains Laundry Sinks Lesson 3: Judging Cabinets Fold-Out Ironing Boards Using the Five Criteria Lesson 4: Stairs Lesson 4: Installing Cabinets Finish Treads and Risers Cabinet Construction Balustrades and Hand Rails Cabinet Installation Spiral And Pre-Manufactured Stairs Lesson 5: Countertops Installing Carpet on Stairs Countertop Materials Plastic Laminate Countertops Block 10 - How to Inspect Solid Plastic Countertops Tile, Wood, and Stone Countertops Unit 1: Investigating a Loss Lesson 1: The Six Points of Estimation Unit 2: Floor Covering The Six Points Lesson 1: Carpet Quality Perspective Carpet Materials Organization Judging Carpet Quality Identification Lesson 2: Carpet Pad and Carpet Installation Number Carpet Pad Technique Carpet Installation Supporting Events Lesson 3: Tile Lesson 2: Diagramming Types of Tile An Effective Diagram Tile Installation Rectangular Rooms with Flat Lesson 4: Vinyl Ceilings Vinyl Quality Other Room Shapes Types of Underlayment Roofs and Exterior Underlayment Installation Lesson 3: Safety Issues and Damage Clues Vinyl Installation Electrical Safety Common Problems Structural Compromise Lesson 5: Wood Other Safety Issues Wood Quality and Expense Wood Styles Unit 2: Common Losses and Repair Issues Direction Lesson 1: Fire Damage Wood Installation Four Fire Factors Common Problems Sources of Heat, Fuel, & Oxygen Lesson 6: Other Floor Finishes Smoke Damage & Hidden Damage Stone Floors Charring Brick, Pavers, and Terrazzo Repairability and Supporting Events

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