18/09/2020 Norwest House, - 1222795 | Historic England

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Norwest House


Heritage Category: Listed Building

Grade: II

List Entry Number: 1222795

Date first listed: 16-Jan-1981

Date of most recent amendment: 01-Dec-1987

Statutory Address: Norwest House, SW1

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Statutory Address: Norwest House, Millbank SW1

The building or site itself may lie within the boundary of more than one authority. County: Greater Authority

District: City of Westminster (London Borough) https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1222795 2/4 18/09/2020 Norwest House, City of Westminster - 1222795 | Historic England

National Grid Reference: TQ 30194 79057


TQ 3079 SW and 3078 NW

101/83 106/1

CITY OF WESTMINSTER SW1 Millbank Norwest House

(Formerly listed as Imperial Chemical House)



Oice block. 1928 by Sir Frank Baines as part of a uniform composition with Thames House q.v. flanking Horseferry Road approach to . Sculpted figures by Jagger. Portland stone and granite on steel frame, leaded roofs. Monumental corner block in Lutyens-Baker Classical manner, with giant order colonnade dressing the "top hamper" below steeply hopped roof.

Five storeys with four-storey attic. Symmetrical, 27-window wide front to Millbank; seven windows wide splayed corner and five- window return to Horseferry Road. Granite faced ground floor with three doorways to Millbank and one to centre of corner splay, the main entrance to centre of Millbank front reaching up into first floor with coered-soit archivolt arch in architrave surround rising to entablature and cornice; the doors are plated and panelled in nickel-copper alloy with naturalistic motifs, by W.B. Fagan. Recessed glazing bar metal casements, under flat voussoired arches with keystones, distributed regularly across ground floor and rusticated first to fourth floors. Giant niches through third and fourth floors framing arched windows surmounted by peacocks with lunette light above, five to Millbank and one each to centre of other two elevations. Giant quoin pilasters and entablature above fourth floor with balustraded parapet; statues over corner dies. The "top hamper" of four storeys has giant order colonnade to principal sixth and seventh floors, between giant engaged order end pavilions each of one large window, and central three bay pavilion with projecting attic to Millbank. Entablature over seventh floor and slightly recessed topmost attic storey.

Listing NGR: TQ3019479057


The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system. Legacy System number: 418228

Legacy System: LBS


This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.

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