|HAI LALA AT MATAUS009814714B2 DANTELA MALAM HATI (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 814 ,714 B2 Ibrahim et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent : Nov . 14 , 2017 (54 ) KINASE MODULATION , AND INDICATIONS ( 56 ) References Cited THEREFOR U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (71 ) Applicant: Plexxikon Inc. , Berkeley, CA (US ) 9 , 260 , 437 B2 2 / 2016 Ibrahim et al. 9 , 358, 235 B2 6 / 2016 Bollag et al. ( 72 ) Inventors : Prabha N . Ibrahim , Mountain View , 9 , 440 , 969 B2 9 /2016 Ibrahim et al. CA (US ) ; Chao Zhang, Moraga, CA 9 , 447 , 089 B2 9 / 2016 Desai et al. 9 , 469 , 640 B2 10 / 2016 Wu et al . (US ) ; Wayne Spevak , Berkeley , CA 9 , 487 , 515 B2 11 / 2016 Zhang et al . (US ) ; Jiazhong Zhang , Foster City, CA 9 , 550 , 768 B2 1/ 2017 Zhang et al . (US ) ; Guoxian Wu , Palo Alto , CA 9 , 617 , 267 B2 4/ 2017 Ibrahim et al. 2014 /0128373 A1 5 / 2014 Ibrahim et al. (US ) ; Jack Lin , Hercules , CA (US ); 2014 /0357612 A1 12 /2014 Zhang et al. Hanna Cho , Oakland , CA (US ) ; 2016 / 0068528 Al 3 /2016 Zhang et al. Marika Nespi, Berkeley , CA (US ); 2016 /0075712 A1 3 / 2016 Shi et al . Songyuan Shi, Fremont , CA (US ) ; 2016 / 0176865 Al 6 / 2016 Ibrahim et al. 2016 / 0326162 A1 11/ 2016 Lin et al. Todd Ewing, Walnut Creek , CA (US ) ; 2016 /0326168 A1 11 / 2016 Ibrahim et al. Ying Zhang , Fremont, CA (US ); 2016 / 0340357 A1 11/ 2016 Ibrahim et al . Gideon Bollag, Orinda , CA (US ) 2016 /0340358 AL 11 / 2016 Ibrahim 2017 /0029413 AL 2 /2017 Holladay et al. (73 ) Assignee : Plexxikon Inc. , Berkeley , CA (US ) 2017 / 0056382 A1 3 / 2017 Wu et al . 2017/ 0081326 A1 3 / 2017 Ibrahim et al. ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days . International Search Report and Written Opinion for International Application No . PCT /US2016 / 033587 dated Jul. 26 , 2016 , 16 (21 ) Appl. No. : 15 /160 , 729 pages . Le et al . , " Selective RAF inhibitor impairs ERK1/ 2 phosphorylation (22 ) Filed : May 20 , 2016 and growth in mutant NRAS , vemurafenib - resistant melanoma cells " , Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2013 ; 26 ( 4 ) : 509 - 517 (65 ) Prior Publication Data Basile et al ., “ Inhibition ofmutant BRAF splice variant signaling by next generation , selective RAF inhibitors ” , Pigment Cell Melanoma US 2016 /0339025 A1 Nov. 24 , 2016 Res . 2014 ; 27 ( 3 ) : 479 -484 . Choi et al . , “ Identification of PLX4032 - resistance mechanisms and implications for novel RAF inhibitors ” , Pigment Cell & Melanoma Related U . S . Application Data Research , vol . 27 , Issue 2 , pp . 253 - 262 . Zhang et al. , “ RAF inhibitors that evade paradoxical MAPK path (60 ) Provisional application No .62 /165 , 813 , filed on May way activation ” , Macmillan Publishers Limited , 2015 , vol . 526 , 22 , 2015 . Nature . ( 51 ) Int. Ci. Primary Examiner — Raymond Henley, III CO7D 239 /42 ( 2006 .01 ) (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Sheppard Mullin Richter A61K 31 /506 ( 2006 .01 ) & Hampton LLP A61K 45 / 06 ( 2006 . 01) A61K 31/ 519 (2006 . 01 ) (57 ) ABSTRACT (52 ) U .S . CI. The present disclosure provides methods of treating a sub CPC ...... A61K 31/ 506 ( 2013 .01 ); A61K 31 /519 ject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF V600 mutation or ( 2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 45 /06 (2013 .01 ) BRAF fusion mutation related disease or condition , without ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search activating the MAPK pathway or inducing expression of CPC ...... C07D 401/ 12 MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring wild -type BRAF. USPC ...... 514 /256 See application file for complete search history . 31 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets atent Nov . 14 , 2017 Sheet 1 of 5 US 9 ,814 ,714 B2

Hemed KO o Vemurafenib XXX Formula 1 PERK% XXXXX* amHOM4 -- - -

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KIAA1549- BRAF fusion NIH / 3T3 cells : flank tumor mm CONTROL O PLX4720 Started Day 0 * Compound of Formula I Started Day O

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mm wa UAB PHOT o sho 15 20 25 Days since AWinjection of KIAA1549- BRAF fusion cell line FIG . 3 US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 KINASE MODULATION , AND INDICATIONS Accordingly , the present disclosure overcomes the obstacles THEREFOR that are present in the first generation BRAF inhibitors that are currently in use . CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED Specifically , the present disclosure relates to a method of APPLICATIONS 5 treating a subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF V600 mutation or a BRAF fusion mutation related disease or This application claims the benefit under 35 U . S . C . $ 119 condition without activating the MAPK pathway or induc ( e ) of U . S . Provisional Application 62/ 165, 813 , filed on May ing expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring 22 , 2015, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its wild - type BRAF , comprising administering to the subject a entirety . therapeutically effective amount of a compound of Formula I or II: FIELD

This disclosure relates generally to methods of treating a* 15 subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF V600 mutation For or BRAF fusion mutation related disease or condition , without activating the MAPK pathway or inducing expres sion of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring wild -type BRAF . 20 S BACKGROUND Efforts have been made to develop agents that block L mutated B -Raf kinase (BRAF ) to provide substantial thera - 25 I peutic improvement in personalized treatment ofmelanoma . Examples of specific BRAF inhibitors that are currently in ? medical use include vemurafenib and dabrafenib . Dab F rafenib has been shown to have objective tumor response . Moreover , it has been demonstrated and well documented 30 that vemurafenib has an overall survival benefit in mutant BRAF V600 melanoma. For the clinical effectiveness of can cer therapy using BRAF inhibitors , it desirable to achieve complete abolition of MAPK pathway output in tumors having BRAF V600E mutations. However, these first gen - 35 eration BRAF inhibitors paradoxically activate the MAPK or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt , isomer, tautomer or pathway having oncogenic RAS or increased receptor sig - deuterated form thereof. naling . The V600E missense mutation in (BRAF ) leads to an Another embodiment of the disclosure relates to a method anomalous regulation of the MAPK pathway, uncontrolled of treating a subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF cell proliferation , and initiation of tumorigenesis . While the 40 V600 mutation or a BRAF fusion mutation related disease or ATP -competitive B - Raf inhibitors block the MAPK path - condition without activating the MAPK pathway or induc way in B -Raf mutant cells , they induce conformational ing expression ofMAPK pathway genes in cells harboring changes to wild - type B -Raf kinase domain leading to het wild - type BRAF, comprising administering to the subject a erodimerization with C - Raf, causing a paradoxical as hyper - pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically activation ofMAPK pathway . While vemurafenib favors the 45 effective amount of a compound of Formula I or Formula II , mutant V600E form of BRAF, binding to wild - type BRAF or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt , isomer , tautomer or can induce BRAF /CRAF heterodimers resulting in ERK1/ 2 activation . The negative consequences of this " paradoxical deuterated form thereof, and a pharmaceutically acceptable activation ” of ERK1/ 2 includes cellular proliferation leading excipient or carrier. to progression of keratoacanthomas (KAS ) and cutaneous 50 Another embodiment of the disclosure relates to a method squamous cell carcinomas (cuSCC ) , and this progression of treating a subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF has been observed to occur within weeks of initiation of V600 mutation or a BRAF fusion mutation related disease or therapy with these BRAF inhibitors . Accordingly, there is a condition without activating the MAPK pathway or induc need for a new generation of BRAF 600 mutant inhibitors ing expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring that avoids paradoxical activation of MAPK signaling . 55 wild - type BRAF, comprising administering to the subject a thereby inhibiting the ERK1/ 2 pathway to achieve fewer and pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically less serious side effects and to improve safety and duration effective amount of a compound of Formula I or Formula II , of patient response . or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, isomer , tautomer or deuterated form thereof, and another therapeutic agent. SUMMARY 60 Additional embodiments will be apparent from the fol lowing Drawings and Detailed Description and from the Disclosed is a new use of a class of BRAF inhibitors, claims. which have been found to inhibit mutant RAF cells without activating the MAPK pathway , at exceptional and unex BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS pected levels , in cells containing an upstream activation 65 event. The BRAF inhibitors of the present disclosure can FIG . 1 ( A ) shows that Formula II ( filled in circle ; bottom inhibit both BRAF point mutations and fusion mutations. line ) and vemurafenib ( open circle ; dashed top line ) have US 9 ,814 ,714 B2 similar potency to block PERK signaling in human to 100 mg/ kg of body weight, from about 10 to 150 mg/ kg BRAF V600E melanoma cell COLO829. of body weight, or from about 150 to 1000 mg/ kg of body FIG . 1 ( B ) shows that in RAS activated human melanoma weight. The dosage can be conveniently administered , e . g ., cell line IPC -298 (NRAS2611 ), vemurafenib (open circle ) in divided doses up to four times a day or in sustained paradoxically activates MAPK signaling while Formula II 5 release form . ( filled in circle ) causes negligible pERK increase . As used herein , the terms “ non -stimulation ,” “ non -acti FIG . 2 ( A ) shows that Formula 1 ( squares ) does not vation , ” and “ non - inducement” as applied to the compound activate pERK in B9 cell lines in comparison to vemurafenib of Formula I or II with respect to the MAPK (i .e ., theMAPK ( circles shown with line ) . Vemurafenib Mean EC = 0 . 56 M pathway or expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells ( n = 26 ) ; Formula I Mean EC50 = 10 uM ( n = 14 ). 10 harboring wild - type BRAF ) refers to less stimulation , less FIG . 2 ( B ) shows that Formula I ( squares ) does not acti - activation , and less inducement, as compared to the stimu vate pMEK in B9 cell lines in comparison to vemurafenib lation , activation and inducement that is observed with first ( circles) . Vemurafenib Mean EC50 = 0 .588 uM (n = 26 ); For- generation BRAF V600E inhibitors such as dabrafenib and mula I Mean EC50 = 10 ?M ( n = 14 ) . vemurafenib . FIG . 2 ( C ) shows that Formula I (squares ) does not acti - 15 As used herein , the term “ solid form ” refers to a solid vate pERK in IPC - 298 cell lines in comparison to vemu preparation ( i . e . a preparation that is neither gas nor liquid ) rafenib ( circles) . Vemurafenib Mean EC 50 = 0 .84 uM (n = 26 ); of a pharmaceutically active compound that is suitable for Formula I Mean EC50 = 10 uM ( n = 14 ) . administration to an intended animal subject for therapeutic FIG . 2 ( D ) shows that Formula 1 ( squares ) does not purposes . The compound of Formula I or Formula II dis activate pMEK in IPC -298 cell lines in comparison to 20 closed herein is intended to included solid forms of Formula vemurafenib (circles ). Vemurafenib Mean EC50 = 1. 011 uM I and Formula II , respectively . The solid form includes any (n = 26 ); Formula I Mean EC50 = 10 UM ( n = 14 ) . complex , such as a salt , co - crystal or an amorphous com FIG . 2 ( E ) shows that Formula I (squares ) does not acti plex , as well as any polymorph of the compound . The solid vate pERK in HCT116 cell lines in comparison to vemu- form may be substantially crystalline , semi- crystalline or rafenib ( circles) . Vemurafenib Mean EC 50 = 0 .286 uM ( n = 3 ) ; 25 substantially amorphous . The solid form may be adminis Formula I Mean EC 50 = 10 uM ( n = 1 ) . tered directly or used in the preparation of a suitable FIG . 2 ( F ) shows that Formula I (squares ) does not activateate composition having improved pharmaceutical properties . pMEK in HCT116 cell lines in comparison to vemurafenib For example , the solid form may be used in a formulation (circles ) . Vemurafenib Mean EC50 = 0 . 769 UM ( n = 3 ) ; For comprising at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier mula I Mean EC50 = 10 UM ( n = 1 ) . 30 or excipient . FIG . 3 shows that Formula I inhibited the growth of all As used herein , the term " semi- crystalline ” material three xenografts (NIH /3T3 cells expressing three of the four embraces material which is greater than 10 % crystallinity , KIAA1549 - BRAF fusions ) by 50 % ormore . Control: circle ; but no greater than 90 % crystallinity ; preferably “ semi PLX4720 : square ; Formula I : triangle . They axis indicates crystalline ” material embraces material which is greater than tumor volume in cubic millimeters ; the x axis indicates days 35 20 % crystallinity , but no greater than 80 % crystallinity . The since injection . compounds of Formula I and Formula II disclosed herein are intended to include semi- crystalline forms of compounds of DETAILED DESCRIPTION Formula I and Formula II . In one embodiment of the present disclosure , a mixture of solid forms of a compound may be I. Definitions 40 prepared , for example , a mixture of amorphous and crystal line solid forms, e . g . to provide a “ semi- crystalline ” solid As used herein the following definitions apply unless form . Such a " semi- crystalline ” solid form may be prepared clearly indicated otherwise: by methods known in the art, for example by mixing an As used herein , the terms “ treat, ” “ treating , ” “ therapy ," amorphous solid form with a crystalline solid form in the " therapies, ” and like terms refer to the administration of 45 desired ratio . In some instances , a compound mixed with material , e. g. , any one or more compound ( s ) as described acid or base forms an amorphous complex ; a semi- crystal herein in an amount effective to prevent, alleviate , or ame- line solid can be prepared employing an amount of com liorate one or more symptoms of a disease or condition , i . e ., pound component in excess of the stoichiometry of the indication , and /or to prolong the survival of the subject compound and acid or base in the amorphous complex , being treated . 50 thereby resulting in an amount of the amorphous complex In the present context, the term " therapeutically effective ” that is based on the stoichiometry thereof, with excess or " effective amount" indicates that a compound or amount compound in a crystalline form . The amount of excess of the compound of Formula I or Formula II when admin - compound used in the preparation of the complex can be istered is sufficient or effective to prevent, alleviate , or adjusted to provide the desired ratio of amorphous complex ameliorate one or more symptoms of a disease , disorder or 55 to crystalline compound in the resulting mixture of solid medical condition being treated , and / or to prolong the sur forms. For example , where the amorphous complex of acid vival of the subject being treated . The therapeutically effec or base and compound has a 1 : 1 stoichiometry , preparing tive amount will vary depending on the compound , the said complex with a 2 : 1 mole ratio of compound to acid or disease , disorder or condition and its severity and the age , base will result in a solid form of 50 % amorphous complex weight, etc . , of the mammal to be treated . In general, 60 and 50 % crystalline compound . Such a mixture of solid satisfactory results in subjects are indicated to be obtained at formsmay be beneficial as a drug product, for example , by a daily dosage of from about 0 . 1 to about 10 g /kg subject providing an amorphous component having improved bio body weight. In some embodiments , a daily dose ranges pharmaceutical properties along with the crystalline com from about 0 . 10 to 10 . 0 mg/ kg of body weight, from about ponent. The amorphous component would be more readily 1 .0 to 3 .0 mg/ kg of body weight, from about 3 to 10 mg/ kg 65 bioavailable while the crystalline component would have a of body weight, from about 3 to 150 mg/ kg of body weight , delayed bioavailability . Such a mixture may provide both from about 3 to 100 mg/ kg of body weight, from about 10 rapid and extended exposure to the active compound . US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 As used herein , the term “ complex ” refers to a combina - bination of solvent molecules with molecules or ions of the tion of the compound of Formula I or Formula II , and an solute . The solvent can be an organic compound , an inor additional molecular species that forms or produces a new ganic compound , or a mixture of both . Solvate is meant to chemical species in a solid form . In some instances, the include hydrate . Some examples of solvents include , but are complex may be a salt , i . e . where the additional molecular 5 not limited to , , N , N - dimethylformamide, tetrahy species provides an acid /base counter ion to an acid / base drofuran , dimethylsulfoxide , and water. In general , the sol group of the compound resulting in an acid :base interaction vated forms are equivalent to unsolvated forms and are that forms a typical salt . While such salt forms are typically encompassed within the scope of the present disclosure . The substantially crystalline , they can also be partially crystal compound of Formula I and Formula II for use in accor line , substantially amorphous, or amorphous forms. In some 10 dance with the present disclosure may each exist in multiple instances, the additional molecular species, in combination crystalline or amorphous forms. In general, all physical with the pharmaceutically active compound , forms a non - forms are equivalent for the uses contemplated by the salt co - crystal , i .e . the compound and molecular species do present disclosure and are intended to be within the scope of not interact by way of a typical acid :base interaction , but still the present disclosure . form a substantially crystalline structure . Co - crystals may 15 In the present context, the term “ therapeutically effective " also be formed from a salt of the compound and an addi- or “ effective amount” indicates that the materials or amount tional molecular species. In some instances, the complex is of material is effective to prevent, alleviate , or ameliorate a substantially amorphous complex , which may contain one or more symptoms of a disease or medical condition , salt - like acid :base interactions that do not form typical salt and /or to prolong the survival of the subject being treated . crystals , but instead form a substantially amorphous solid , 20 The therapeutically effective amount will vary depending on i. e . a solid whose X -ray powder diffraction pattern exhibits the compound , the disorder or condition and its severity and no sharp peaks ( e . g . exhibits an amorphous halo ) . the age , weight, etc . , of the mammal to be treated . For As used herein , the term “ subject” refers to a living example , an effective amount is an amount sufficient to organism that is treated with compounds as described herein , effectuate a beneficial or desired clinical result . The effective including, but not limited to , any mammal, such as a human , 25 amounts can be provided all at once in a single administra other primates , sports animals , animals of commercial inter - tion or in fractional amounts that provide the effective est such as cattle , farm animals such as horses , or pets such amount in several administrations . The precise determina as dogs and cats . tion of what would be considered an effective amountmay As used herein , the term “ biopharmaceutical properties ” be based on factors individual to each subject , including refers to the pharmacokinetic action of a compound or 30 their size , age, injury, and /or disease or injury being treated , complex of the present disclosure , including the dissolution , and amount of time since the injury occurred or the disease absorption and distribution of the compound on administra - began . One skilled in the art will be able to determine the tion to a subject. As such , certain solid forms of compounds effective amount for a given subject based on these consid of the disclosure, such as amorphous complexes of com erations which are routine in the art . pounds of the disclosure, are intended to provide improved 35 In the present context, the terms “ synergistically effec dissolution and absorption of the active compound , which is tive " or " synergistic effect” indicate that two or more typically reflected in improved Cmax (i . e . the maximum compounds that are therapeutically effective , when used in achieved concentration in the plasma after administration of combination , provide improved therapeutic effects greater the drug ) and improved AUC (i . e . area under the curve of than the additive effect that would be expected based on the drug plasma concentration vs . time after administration of 40 effect of each compound used by itself . the drug ) . As used herein , the term “ modulating ” or “ modulate ” The term “ pharmaceutically acceptable ” indicates that the refers to an effect of altering a biological activity , especially indicated material does not have properties thatwould cause a biological activity associated with a particular biomolecule a reasonably prudent medical practitioner to avoid admin such as a protein kinase . For example , an inhibitor of a istration of the material to a patient , taking into consider - 45 particular biomolecule modulates the activity of that biomol ation the disease or conditions to be treated and the respec - ecule , e . g ., an enzyme, by decreasing the activity of the tive route of administration . For example , it is commonly biomolecule , such as an enzyme. Such activity is typically required that such a material be essentially sterile , e . g . , for indicated in terms of an inhibitory concentration ( ICs ) of injectibles . the compound for an inhibitor with respect to , for example , The term " administering ” refers to oral administration , 50 an enzyme. administration as a suppository , topical contact, intravenous, As used herein , the term “ protein kinase mediated disease intraperitoneal, intramuscular, intralesional, intranasal or or condition ,” refers to a disease or condition in which the subcutaneous administration , or the implantation of a slow - biological function of a protein kinase , including any muta release device e . g ., a mini- osmotic pump, to a subject. tions thereof, affects the development, course, and / or symp Administration is by any route , including parenteral and 55 toms of the disease or condition , and / or in which modulation transmucosal ( e . g . , buccal , sublingual, palatal, gingival of the protein kinase alters the development , course , and / or nasal , vaginal, rectal, or transdermal) . Parenteral adminis - symptoms of the disease or condition . The protein kinase tration includes , e . g . , intravenous, intramuscular, intra - arte - mediated disease or condition includes a disease or condi riole , intradermal, subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, intraven - tion for which inhibition provides a therapeutic benefit , e . g . tricular, and intracranial . Other modes of delivery include , 60 wherein treatment with ( s ) , including but are not limited to , the use of liposomal formulations , one or more of a compound of Formula I or Formula II as intravenous infusion , transdermal patches , etc . ) . described herein , provides a therapeutic benefit to the sub The compound of Formula I and Formula II can each exist ject suffering from or at risk of the disease or condition . in unsolvated forms as well as solvated forms, including As used herein , the term “ BRAF V600 mutation related hydrated forms. " Hydrate” refers to a complex formed by 65 disease or condition ” or “ BRAF V600 mutation mediated combination of water molecules with molecules or ions of disease or condition ” refers to a disease or condition in the solute . “ Solvate ” refers to a complex formed by com - which the biological function of a BRAF kinase having a US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 V600 mutation affects the development , course , and /or inhibitors in clinical testing have shown a relative lack of symptoms of the disease or condition , and /or in which toxicity , the paradoxical activation mechanism might accel modulation of the BRAF alters the development, course , erate progression of other RAS driven , and recent and / or symptoms of the disease or condition . The BRAF case reports of increased incidence of primary melanomas V600 mutation related disease or condition or BRAF V6005 (Zimmer 2012 ) and progression of RAS -mutant leukemia mutation mediated disease or condition includes a disease or (Callahan 2012 ) during BRAF inhibitor treatment demon condition for which inhibition provides a therapeutic benefit, strates this . e . g . wherein treatment with a protein kinase inhibitor ( s) , Activating mutations in BRAF fuel growth by including one or more of a compound of Formula 1 or constitutively promoting MAPK pathway signaling inde Formula II as described herein , provides a therapeutic ben - 10 pendent of RAS activation . Efforts to develop agents to efit to the subject suffering from or at risk of the disease or block mutated BRAF have brought dramatic therapeutic condition . improvement in personalized treatment of metastatic mela As used herein , the term “ BRAF fusion mutation related noma . However, the development of these agents also disease or condition ” or “ BRAF fusion mutation mediated 15 revealed an unexpected consequence of these targeted thera disease or condition ” refers to a disease or condition in pies : stimulated growth of certain cancers ( paradoxical which the biological function of a BRAF kinase having a activation ). So far the most common side effect examples are fusion mutation affects the development, course , and /or skin neoplasms originating from keratinocytes (Robert symptoms of the disease or condition , and / or in which 2011) , first observed with sorafenib (Lacouture 2006 ) and modulation of the BRAF alters the development, course, 20 more recently with vemurafenib (Flaherty 2010 ; Huang and / or symptoms of the disease or condition . The BRAF 2012 ) and dabrafenib (Hauschild 2012 ). In the context of fusion mutation related disease or condition or BRAF fusion fatal metastatic diseases , the appearance of nonmalignant mutation mediated disease or condition includes a disease or skin tumors such as keratoacanthoma and keratoacanthoma condition for which inhibition provides a therapeutic benefit, like cuSCCs may be acceptable , especially since most e . g . wherein treatment with a protein kinase inhibitor ( s ), 25 lesions are easy to identify and remove . However, the including one or more of a compound of Formula I or appearance of these secondary malignancies highlights the Formula II as described herein , provides a therapeutic ben two opposing effects of RAF inhibitors : they both cure and efit to the subject suffering from or at risk of the disease or cause tumors . Structurally -diverse ATP -competitive RAF condition . kinase inhibitors can both inhibit and paradoxically activate In addition , abbreviations used herein have respective 30 the RAF/ MEK /ERK pathway depending on whether the meanings as follows: pathway is activated by a BRAF V600E mutation or by an upstream event, such as RAS mutation or receptor tyrosine BRAF V -Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 kinase activation ( Hatzivassiliou 2010 ; Heidorn 2010 ; Cmax maximum observed concentration Poulikakos 2010 ) . EC50 half maximal effective concentration ERK extracellular signal- regulated kinases There is also a link between EGFR signaling and BRAF IC50 half maximal inhibitory concentration inhibitor- induced skin carcinogenesis . Inducing expression KRAS2 V -Ki - ras 2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog of MAPK pathway response genes induces EGFR ligands. Vemurafenib significantly induces the expression of EGFR 40 ligands including AREG , HB -EGF and TGFa in trans II . Paradox Activation of First Generation BRAF formed keratinocytes . Exogenous EGFR ligands recapitu Inhibitors late , whereas the EGFR inhibitors antagonize , the growth stimulating effect of vemurafenib . Accordingly, the com The identification of activating BRAF V600E mutations pound of Formula I or Formula II , which does not induce (primarily missense substitutions for Valine -600 or 45 expression of the MAPK pathway response genes , will not BRAFV600 ) in cancer (Davies 2002 ) supports a function express EGFR ligands. Compensatory activation of EGFR ally important role for BRAF in the pathogenesis of these and other RTKs including PDGFR , IGF - 1R , and MET has malignancies . Specific BRAF inhibitors including vemu been shown to cause acquired resistance to BRAF inhibition rafenib (Bollag 2010 ; Flaherty 2010 ) and dabrafenib ( Stell - in melanoma (Nazarian 2010 ; Villanueva 2010 ; Straussman wagen 2011 ) have demonstrated both objective tumor 50 2012 ) . The unresponsiveness of BRAFV600E colorectal response (Sosman 2012 ; Hauschild 2012 ) and , in the case of cancer to BRAF inhibitors was also attributed to feedback vemurafenib , overall survival benefit in mutant BRAFV600 activation of EGFR (Corcoran 2012 ; Prahallad 2012 ) . driven melanoma (Chapman 2011 ) . The clinical effective . Therefore , the compound of Formula I or Formula II , can be ness of BRAF inhibitor- based therapy depends on complete advantageous in treating subjects with BRAF mutant carci abolition of the MAPK pathway output in tumors harboring 55 nomas besides melanoma such as papillary thyroid cancer , BRAF V600E mutations ( Bollag 2010 ) . However , the first colorectal cancer, and other cancers . generation BRAF inhibitors paradoxically activate the The compounds of Formula I and Formula II satisfy the MAPK pathway in cells bearing oncogenic RAS or elevated unmet needs of the first generation of BRAF inhibitors , as upstream receptor signaling (Hatzivassiliou 2010 ; Heidorn demonstrated in the examples below . The examples dem 2010 ; Poulikakos 2010 ) . This activation can lead to cellular 60 onstrate that Formula I inhibits mutant BRAF cells without proliferation and has been associated clinically with appear- activating the MAPK pathway in cells containing RAS ance of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (cuSCC ) and mutation or receptor tyrosine kinase activation . It is also keratoacanthomas (KAS ) , sometimes within weeks of ini- demonstrated in the examples that the compounds of For tiation of therapy (Su 2012 ; Anforth 2012 ; Hauschild 2012 ; mula I and Formula II each selectively inhibits the mutated Huang 2012 ) . These MAPK pathway activation - induced 65 BRAF kinases including the most common tumors have uncharacteristically high incidence of RAS BRAFV600E — with single digit nM IC50 , while having mutations (Oberholzer 2012 ; Su 2012 ). Although BRAF minimal effects on the activities of other kinases. By disso US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 10 ciating MAPK pathway inhibition from pathway activation , or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, isomer , tautomer or the compound of Formula I has a separate and improved deuterated form thereof. activity profile . The compound of Formula I ( or “ Formula 1” ) is also The methods and uses of the compound of Formula I or known as (3R ) - N -[ 3 -[ 5 -( 2 -cyclopropylpyrimidin -5 -yl ) Formula II described herein is a selection invention of U . S . 5 1H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - b ]pyridine - 3 -carbonyl ) - 2 , 4 -difluorophe Patent Publication No . 2014 /0128373 . Specifically, the com nyl] - 3 - fluoropyrrolidine- 1 - sulfonamide . The compound of pounds of Formula I and II are each a very potent BRAF Formula II ( or “ Formula II” ) is also known as 5 - ( 2 - cyclo V600E mutant inhibitor and are also a particularly strong propylpyrimidin -5 - yl) - 3 - ( 3 - [[ ethyl ( methyl ) sulfamoyl] paradox breaker, wherein Formula I and II do not activate the MAPK pathway which is typical of the first generation amino ] - 2 , 6 - difluoro - benzoyl ] - 1H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - b ]pyridine . BRAF V600E mutant inhibitors. The compound of Formula 10 In some embodiments , a method of treating a subject I is therefore highly advantageous in this respect , and it has suffering from or at risk of a BRAF V600 mutation related been tested and proven to be potentially useful for various disease or condition without activating the MAPK pathway indications. or inducing expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells In a cell model that expresses the same HRAS mutation harboring wild - type BRAF , comprises administering a com prevalent in squamous cell tumors from patients treated with 15 pound of Formula 1. In some embodiments , a method of RAF inhibitors, first - generation RAF inhibitors stimulate the treating a subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF V600 in vitro and in vivo growth of the cells and induce the mutation related disease or condition without activating the expression of MAPK pathway response genes including MAPK pathway or inducing expression of MAPK pathway EGFR ligands . By contrast , the paradox breakers of Formula genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF , comprises admin I and Formula II had no such effect . In addition , the 20 istering a compound of Formula II . compound of Formula 1 surprisingly overcame several In another embodiment, the non -activation of the MAPK known mechanisms of resistance to the first generation RAF pathway or non - inducement of expression of the MAPK inhibitors. Based on these advantageous properties of the pathway genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF com compound of either Formula I or Formula II , enhanced prises inhibition of phosphor - ERK (PERK ) in BRAF wild tolerability and , in turn , increased drug dosage may be 25 type cells . In another embodiment, the non -activation of the obtained . MAPK pathway or non - inducement of expression of MAPK III. Embodiments pathway genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF com prises inhibition of pERK and pMEK in BRAF wild - type Disclosed is a new use of a class of BRAF inhibitors , cells . In another embodiment, the non - activation of the which have been found to inhibit mutant RAF cells without 30 MAPK pathway or non -inducement of expression ofMAPK activating the MAPK pathway or inducing expression of pathway genes in cells harboring wild -type BRAF prevents MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF, at stimulation of cell growth . In another embodiment , the exceptional and unexpected levels , in cells containing an inhibition of pERK in BRAF wild - type cells prevents stimu upstream activation event. Accordingly , the present disclo lation of cell growth . In another embodiment, the inhibition sure overcomes the obstacles that are present in the first 35 of pERK and pMEK in BRAF wild -type cells prevents generation BRAF inhibitors that are currently in use . Specifically , the present disclosure relates to a method of stimulation of cell growth . In another embodiment, the treating a subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF V600 non -activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of mutation or a BRAF fusion mutation related disease or expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring condition without activating the MAPK pathway or induc wild - type BRAF prevents stimulation skin neoplasms. In ing expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring 4040 another embodiment, the inhibition of pERK in BRAF wild - type BRAF, comprising administering to the subject a wild -type cells prevents stimulation of skin neoplams. In therapeutically effective amount of a compound of Formula another embodiment, the inhibition of pERK and pMEK in BRAF wild - type cells prevents stimulation of skin neo I or II : plasms. In another embodiment, the non -activation of the 45 MAPK pathway or non - inducement of expression ofMAPK I pathway genes in cells harboring wild -type BRAF prevents stimulation of other malignancies. Non - limiting examples For include leukemia or colorectal cancer. Another embodiment of the disclosure relates to a method H 50 of treating a subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF V600 mutation or a BRAF fusion mutation related disease or condition without activating the MAPK pathway or induc ing expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF, comprising administering to the subject a 55 pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically II effective amount of a compound of Formula I or Formula II , or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt , isomer, tautomer or deuterated form thereof , and a pharmaceutically acceptable modellen? excipient or carrier. In another embodiment, the non - acti 60 vation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of expres $ sion of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF comprises inhibition of pERK in BRAF wild - type cells . In another embodiment, the non - activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of expression ofMAPK 65 pathway genes in cells harboring wild -type BRAF com prises inhibition of pERK and pMEK in BRAF wild - type cells . In another embodiment, the non -activation of the US 9 ,814 ,714 B2 11 12 MAPK pathway or non - inducement of expression of MAPK Kimura 2003 ; Xu 2003 ) , anaplastic thyroid cancer (Xu pathway genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF prevents 2003 ) , serous ovarian cancer (Nikiforova 2003 ) , non - small stimulation of cell growth . In another embodiment, the cell lung cancer (Singer 2003 ) , gastric cancer (Brose 2002 ) , inhibition of pERK in wild - type BRAF cells prevents stimu - cholangiocarcinoma (Lee 2003 ) , Barrett ' s esophageal can lation of cell growth . In another embodiment, the inhibition 5 cer ( Tannapfel 2003 ) , and head and neck cancers ( Sommerer of pERK and pMEK in wild - type BRAF cells prevents 2004 ; Weber 2003 ) . Other non - limiting examples of BRAF stimulation of cell growth . In another embodiment, the V600 mutation related cancers include hepatocellular car non - activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of cinoma ( Colombino 2012 ) , Langerhan ' s cell histiocytosis expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring (Badalian -Very 2010 ) , gastrointestinal stromal cell tumors wild - type BRAF prevents stimulation skin neoplasms. In 10 (Agaram 2008 ) , multiple myeloma (Chapman 2011 ) , pedi another embodiment, the inhibition of pERK wild - type cells atric astrocytomas ( which contain mostly BRAF duplica prevents stimulation of skin neoplams. In another embodi tions) ( Jones 2008 ; Pfister 2008 ; Sievert 2009 ), pleomorphic ment, the inhibition of pERK and pMEK in wild - type BRAF xanthoastrocytomas (Dias -Santagata 2011; Schindler 2011) , cells prevents stimulation of skin neoplasms. chronic myeloid leukemia, acute myelomonocytic leukemia , Another embodiment of the disclosure relates to a method 15 biphenotypic B myelomonocytic leukemia , acute myeloid of treating a subject suffering from or at risk of a BRAF leukemia , and hairy cell leukemia ( Tiacci 2011 ) . Other V600 mutation or a BRAF fusion mutation related disease or non - limiting examples of BRAF V600 mutation related condition without activating the MAPK pathway or induc cancer include periphial nerve sheath tumors, such as benign ing expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring and malignant periphial nerve sheath tumors (Serrano 2013 ). wild - type BRAF , comprising administering to the subject a 20 BRAF V600 mutations are also very frequent in nevi (Pol pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically lock 2003 ) , which are generally dysplastic lesions that effective amount of Formula I or Formula II , or a pharma derive from melanocytes and are quiescent and thus benign . ceutically acceptable salt, isomer, tautomer or deuterated BRAF V600 mutations also occurs in Erdheim - Chester form thereof, and another therapeutic agent. In another disease . embodiment, the non - activation of the MAPK pathway or 25 Other BRAF 600V related conditions or disorders include non - inducement of expression of MAPK pathway genes in inflammatory and autoimmune disease ( such as rheumatoid cells harboring wild -type BRAF comprises inhibition of arthritis ) (Mol Immunol. 2013 October ; 55 ( 3 - 4 ) : 247 - 52 ) , PERK in wild - type BRAF cells . In another embodiment, the tenosynovial giant cell tumor, pigmented villonodular syno non - activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of vitis , giant cell tumor of tendon sheath , giant cell tumor of expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring 30 bone , cervical cancer (Gynecol Oncol. 2007 June; 105 ( 3 ) : wild - type BRAF comprises inhibition of pERK and pMEK 662 - 6 . ), endometrial cancer (Fam Cancer . 2014 March ; in wild - type BRAF cells . In another embodiment, the non - 13 ( 1 ): 1 - 12 ), germ cell tumors ( J Clin Oncol. 2009 May 1 ; activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of 27 ( 13 ): 2129 - 36 ) , prostate cancer (Genes Chromosomes expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring Cancer. 2012 November ; 51( 11 ) : 1014 - 23 ) , bladder cancer wild - type BRAF prevents stimulation of cell growth . In 35 (Mol Cancer Res. 2015 Mar. 12 . pii :molcanres .0689 . 2014 ), another embodiment, the inhibition of pERK in wild -type myopericytoma ( J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Jul. 25 ; 106 ( 8 )) , BRAF cells prevents stimulation of cell growth . In another metanephric adenoma ( Am J Surg Pathol. 2015 April; 39 ( 4 ) : embodiment, the inhibition of pERK and pMEK in wild 549 -57 ) , pancreatic neoplasms ( J Pathol. 2014 March ; 232 type BRAF cells prevents stimulation of cell growth . In ( 4 ) :428 - 35 ) , neuroendocrine tumors ( Am J Clin Pathol. 2005 another embodiment, the non -activation of the MAPK path - 40 February ; 123 ( 2 ) :256 - 60 ) , endocrine tumors ( Endocr Relat way or non - inducement of expression of MAPK pathway Cancer. 2004 December; 11 ( 4 ) :855 -60 ) , adrenal tumors genes in cells harboring wild - type BRAF prevents stimula ( Endocr Relat Cancer. 2009 June ; 16 ( 2 ) : 565 -72 ) , adrenal tion skin neoplasms. In another embodiment, the inhibition medullary tumors, cystadenocarcinoma of the parotid of pERK in BRAF wild - type cells prevents stimulation of (Springerplus . 2013 Dec . 18 ; 2 :679 . doi: 10 . 1186 / 2193 skin neoplams. In another embodiment, the inhibition of 45 1801 -2 -679 ) , glioblastomamultiforme (World J Surg Oncol. PERK and PMEK in wild -type BRAF cells prevents stimu 2015 Mar. 11 ; 13 : 100 ) , bile duct cancer including bile duct lation of skin neoplasms. adenoma (Hepatology . 2015 January ; 61 ( 1 ) :403 - 5 ) , Non - limiting examples of BRAF V600 mutations include choloangiocarcinoma, B - cell chronic lymphoproliferative V600E , V600K , V600A , V600G , V600M , and V600R , with disorder ( Blood . 2012 Jan . 5 ; 119 ( 1 ) : 188 - 91 ) , dendritic cell V600E and V600K being the first and second most common . 50 sarcomas ( Ann Diagn Pathol. 2015 June ; 19 ( 3 ) : 113 - 6 ) , In biochemical assays using recombinant enzymes , the IC50 histiocytic sarcomas , and lymphoma ( e . g . Richter' s syn values ranged from 3 . 5 to 14 . 2 nM for the compound of drome, non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma) ( Cell. 2015 Apr. 9 ; 161 Formula I . See Example 3 and Table 1 . ( 2 ) :319 - 32 ) . Non - limiting examples of BRAF fusion mutation related In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related diseases or conditions include pediatric astrocytomas. 55 disease or condition is melanoma , colorectal cancer , papil The BRAF V600E mutation occurs in about half of all lary thyroid cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer, ovarian can melanomas (Rajagopalan 2002 ) and in many additional cer, non -small - cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, cholangio cancers, as well as other types of disease or conditions. The carcinoma, Barrett ' s esophageal cancer, head and neck following BRAF V600E mutation related diseases or con cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, Langerhan ' s cell histio ditions are contemplated for the methods and uses of the 60 cytosis , gastrointestinal stromal cell tumours, multiple compound of Formula I described herein . myeloma, pediatric astrocytomas , pleomorphic xanthoastro Non - limiting examples of BRAF V600 mutation related cytomas , chronic myeloid leukemia , acute myelomonocytic diseases or conditions include melanoma ( including meta leukemia , biphenotypic B myelomonocytic leukemia , acute static melanoma, stage 3A melanoma, stage 3B melanoma, myeloid leukemia , hairy cell leukemia , nevi, Erdheim -Ches stage 3C melanoma , and skin pigmentation melanoma ) , 65 ter disease , inflammatory and autoimmune disease ( such as colorectal cancer ( including colorectal adenocarcinoma ) rheumatoid arthritis ) , tenosynovial giant cell tumor, pig (Cohen 2003 ) , papillary thyroid cancer (Fukushima 2003 ; mented villonodular synovitis , giant cell tumor of tendon US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 13 14 sheath , giant cell tumor of bone , cervical cancer, endome- BRAF V600E mutation related cancer is metastatic mela trial cancer , germ cell tumors , prostate cancer, bladder noma, colorectal cancer, papillary thyroid cancer , anaplastic cancer, myopericytoma, metanephric adenoma, pancreatic thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer , non - small - cell lung cancer , neoplasms, neuroendocrine tumors , endocrine tumors , adre - gastric cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, Barrett ' s esophageal nal tumors , adrenal medullary tumors , cystadenocarcinoma 5 cancer, or head and neck cancer . In another embodiment, the of the parotid , glioblastoma multiforme, bile duct cancer including bile duct adenom , choloangiocarcinoma, B - cell BRAF V600E mutation related cancer is metastatic mela chronic lymphoproliferative disorder , dendritic cell sarco noma, skin pigmentation melanoma , colorectal cancer , pap mas, histiocytic sarcomas , or lymphoma. illary thyroid cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer , ovarian In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation or a 10 cancer, non - small - cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, cholang BRAF fusion mutation related disease or condition is mela iocarcinoma, Barrett ' s esophageal cancer, or head and neck noma, colorectal cancer, papillary thyroid cancer, anaplastic cancer . thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer , non - small -cell lung cancer, In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related gastric cancer , cholangiocarcinoma, Barrett ' s esophageal cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma, Langerhan ' s cell histio cancer. head and neck cancer. hepatocellular carcinoma. 15 cytosis , gastrointestinal stromal cell tumours , multiple Langerhan ' s cell histiocytosis gastrointestinal stromal celi myeloma, pediatric astrocytomas , pleomorphic xanthoastro tumours , multiple myeloma, pediatric astrocytomas, pleo - cytomas, chronic myeloid leukemia , acute myelomonocytic morphic xanthoastrocytomas , chronic myeloid leukemia , leukemia , biphenotypic B myelomonocytic leukemia , acute acute myelomonocytic leukemia , biphenotypic B myelo - myeloid leukemia , hairy cell leukemia , or nevi . monocytic leukemia , acute myeloid leukemia , hairy cell 20 In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related leukemia , nevi, Erdheim - Chester disease , malignant periph - disease or condition is Erdheim - Chester disease . eral nerve sheath tumor , inflammatory and autoimmune I n another embodiment , the BRAF V600 mutation related disease ( such as rheumatoid arthritis ) , tenosynovial giant cancer is melanoma . cell tumor, pigmented villonodular synovitis , giant cell In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related tumor of tendon sheath , giant cell tumor of bone , cervical 25 cancer is metastatic melanoma. cancer , endometrial cancer, germ cell tumors , prostate can - In another embodiment , the BRAF V600 mutation related cer, bladder cancer , myopericytoma, metanephric adenoma, cancer is skin pigmentation melanoma . pancreatic neoplasms, neuroendocrine tumors , endocrine In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related tumors , adrenal tumors , adrenal medullary tumors , cystade cancer is periphial nerve sheath tumors ( including malignant nocarcinoma of the parotid , glioblastoma multiforme, bile 30 and benign periphial nerve sheath tumors ). duct cancer including bile duct adenom , choloangiocarci - In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related noma, B - cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorder , dendritic cancer is malignant periphial nerve sheath tumors cell sarcomas , histiocytic sarcomas, or lymphoma. (MPNST ) . In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related disease or condition is metastatic melanoma , colorectal 35 cancer is colorectal cancer. cancer , papillary thyroid cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer, In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related ovarian cancer, non -small - cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, cancer is colorectal adenocarcinoma. cholangiocarcinoma, Barrett ' s esophageal cancer, Erdheim - In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related Chester disease , or head and neck cancer . In another cancer is papillary thyroid cancer. embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related disease or 40 In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related condition is melanoma , colorectal cancer, papillary thyroid cancer is anaplastic thyroid cancer . cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer , ovarian cancer, non - small In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, Bar - cancer is ovarian cancer . rett ' s esophageal cancer, or head and neck cancer. In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related 45 cancer is non - small - cell lung cancer. disease or disorder is hepatocellular carcinoma, Langerhan ' s In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related cell histiocytosis , gastrointestinal stromal cell tumours, mul- cancer is gastric cancer. tiple myeloma , pediatric astrocytomas, pleomorphic xan - In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related thoastrocytomas, chronic myeloid leukemia , acute myelo - cancer is cholangiocarcinoma . monocytic leukemia , biphenotypic B myelomonocytic 50 In another embodiment , the BRAF V600 mutation related leukemia , acute myeloid leukemia , hairy cell leukemia , or cancer is Barrett' s esophageal cancer. nevi . In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related cancer is head and neck cancer. disease or disorder is inflammatory and autoimmune disease In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related ( such as rheumatoid arthritis ) , tenosynovial giant cell tumor, 55 cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma . pigmented villonodular synovitis , giant cell tumor of tendon In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related sheath , giant cell tumor of bone , cervical cancer , endome - cancer is Langerhan 's cell histiocytosis . trial cancer , germ cell tumors , prostate cancer, bladder I n another embodiment , the BRAF V600 mutation related cancer , myopericytoma, metanephric adenoma, pancreatic cancer is gastrointestinal stromal cell tumours . neoplasms, neuroendocrine tumors , endocrine tumors , adre - 60 In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related nal tumors, adrenal medullary tumors , cystadenocarcinoma cancer is multiple myeloma. of the parotid , glioblastoma multiforme, bile duct cancer In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related including bile duct adenom , choloangiocarcinoma , B - cell cancer is pediatric astrocytomas. chronic lymphoproliferative disorder, dendritic cell sarco . In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related mas , histiocytic sarcomas, or lymphoma . 65 cancer is pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas . In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related disease or disorder is a cancer. In another embodiment, the cancer is chronic myeloid leukemia . US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 15 16 In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related I, Pfeiffer' s syndrome, Jackson -Weiss syndrome, Costello cancer is acute myelomonocytic leukemia . syndrome, faciocutaneoskeletal syndrome, leopard syn In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related drome, cardio - faciocutaneous syndrome, neural crest syn cancer is biphenotypic B myelomonocytic leukemia . drome abnormalities causing cardiovascular , skeletal, intes In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related 5 tinal, skin , hair or endocrine diseases , disorders of bone cancer is acute myeloid leukemia . structure or mineralization , osteoporosis , increased risk of In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related fracture . hypercalcemia , bone metastases . Grave 's disease . cancer is hairy cell leukemia . Hirschsprung ' s disease , lymphoedema, selective T - cell In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related defect, X - linked agammaglobulinemia , diabetic retinopathy , cancer is nevi. 10 alopecia , erectile dysfunction , and tuberous sclerosis . In another embodiment, the BRAF V600 mutation related In some embodiments , the BRAF V600 mutation can be disease or condition is selected from the group consisting of one or more BRAF V600 mutations. In some embodiments , ischemic stroke , cerebrovascular ischemia , multi- infarct the BRAF V600 mutation is one or more mutations selected dementia , head injury , spinal cord injury, Alzheimer ' s dis - from the group consisting of V600E , V600K , V600D , ease , Parkinson ' s disease , amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , 15 V600A , V600G , V600M , and V600R . In some embodi dementia , senile chorea , Huntington ' s disease , neoplastic ments , the BRAF V600 mutation comprises a V600E and a disease , complications with neoplastic disease, chemo V600K mutation . In some embodiments , the BRAF V600 therapy - induced hypoxia , gastrointestinal stromal tumors , mutation comprises a V600E mutation . In some embodi prostate tumors , mast cell tumors , canine mast cell tumors , ments, the BRAF V600 mutation comprises a V600K muta acute myeloid leukemia , acute lymphocytic leukemia , 20 tion . In some embodiments, the BRAF V600 mutation chronic myeloid leukemia , chronic lymphocytic leukemia , comprises a V600D mutation . In some embodiments , the multiple myeloma, melanoma, mastocytosis , glioma , glio - BRAF V600 mutation comprises a V600A mutation . In blastoma, astrocytoma, neuroblastoma, sarcomas , sarcomas some embodiments , the BRAF V600 mutation comprises a of neuroectodermal origin , leiomyosarcoma, lung carci- V600G mutation . In some embodiments , the BRAF V600 noma, breast carcinoma, pancreatic carcinoma, colon carci- 25 mutation is a V600M mutation . In some embodiments , the noma, hepatocellular carcinoma , renal carcinoma, carci- BRAF V600 mutation comprises a V600R mutation . noma of the female genital tract , squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma in situ , lymphoma , histiocytic lymphoma, non IV . Alternative Compound Forms or Derivatives Hodgkin ' s lymphoma , MEN2 syndromes, neurofibromato sis , Schwann cell neoplasia , myelodysplastic syndrome, 30 The compound of Formula I or Formula II contemplated leukemia , tumor angiogenesis , thyroid cancer, liver cancer, for use herein may exist in a number of different forms or bone cancer, skin cancer, brain cancer ( including pediatric derivatives , all within the scope of the present disclosure . brain tumors and BRAF - fusion brain tumors ) , cancer of the Alternative forms or derivatives , include , for example , ( a ) central nervous system , pancreatic cancer , lung cancer , small tautomers , isomers ( including stereoisomers and regioiso cell lung cancer , non small cell lung cancer , breast cancer, 35 mers ), and racemic mixtures ( b ) pharmaceutically accept colon cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer , gastrointesti - able salts and ( c ) solid forms, including different crystal nal tract cancer, cancer of the endometrium , fallopian tube forms, polymorphic or amorphous solids, including hydrates cancer , testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, pain of neuropathic and solvates thereof , and other forms. origin , pain of inflammatory origin , acute pain , chronic pain , A . Tautomers , Stereoisomers , and Regioisomers migraine , cardiovascular disease , heart failure , cardiac 40 It is understood that some compounds may exhibit tau hypertrophy, thrombosis , thrombotic microangiopathy syn - tomerism . In such cases, the formulae provided herein dromes , atherosclerosis , reperfusion injury , ischemia , cere - expressly depict only one of the possible tautomeric forms. brovascular ischemia , liver ischemia , inflammation , poly . It is therefore to be understood that the formulae provided cystic kidney disease , age - related macular degeneration , herein are intended to represent any tautomeric form of the rheumatoid arthritis , allergic rhinitis , inflammatory bowel 45 depicted compounds and are not to be limited merely to the disease , ulcerative colitis , Crohn ' s disease , systemic lupus specific tautomeric form depicted by the drawings of the erythematosis , Sjogren ' s Syndrome, Wegener ’ s granuloma - formulae . tosis , psoriasis , scleroderma , chronic thyroiditis , Grave ' s Likewise , the compounds contemplated for use according disease , myasthenia gravis , multiple sclerosis , osteoarthritis , to the present disclosure may exist as stereoisomers, i. e . endometriosis , dermal scarring , tissue scarring , vascular 50 having the same atomic connectivity of covalently bonded restenosis , fibrotic disorders , hypereosinophilia , CNS atoms yet differing in the spatial orientation of the atoms. inflammation , pancreatitis , nephritis , atopic dermatitis , For example , compounds may be optical stereoisomers, hepatitis , immunodeficiency diseases , severe combined which contain one or more chiral centers , and therefore , may immunodeficiency, organ transplant rejection , graft versus exist in two or more stereoisomeric forms (e . g. enantiomers host disease , renal disease , prostatic disease , diabetic neph - 55 or diastereomers ) . Thus, such compounds may be present as ropathy, nephrosclerosis , glomerulonephritis , interstitial single stereoisomers ( i . e . , essentially free of other stereoi nephritis , Lupus nephritis , prostate hyperplasia , chronic somers ) , racemates , and /or mixtures of enantiomers and / or renal failure , tubular necrosis , diabetes - associated renal diastereomers . As another example , stereoisomers include complication , associated renal hypertrophy, type 1 diabetes, geometric isomers, such as cis - or trans- orientation of sub type 2 diabetes , metabolic syndrome, obesity, hepatic ste - 60 stituents on adjacent carbons of a double bond. All such atosis , insulin resistance , hyperglycemia , lipolysis obesity , single stereoisomers , racemates and mixtures thereof are infection , Helicobacter pylori infection , Influenza virus intended to be within the scope of the present disclosure . infection , fever , sepsis , pulmonary diseases, chronic Unless specified to the contrary, all such stereoisomeric obstructive pulmonary disease, acute respiratory distress f orms are included within the formulae provided herein . syndrome, asthma, allergy , bronchitis , emphysema, pulmo - 65 In some embodiments , a chiral compound contemplated nary fibrosis , genetic developmental diseases, Noonan ' s for use in accordance with the present disclosure is in a form syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, acrocephalo - syndactyly type that contains at least 80 % of a single isomer (60 % enantio US 9 ,814 ,714 B2 17 18 meric excess (“ e . e .” ) or diastereomeric excess ( “ d .e ." ) ) , or at thine , chloroprocaine , choline, , dietha least 85 % ( 70 % e . e . or d . e . ) , 90 % ( 80 % e . e . or d . e . ) , 95 % nolamine, triethanolamine, t - butylamine, dicyclohexylam ( 90 % e . e . or d . e . ), 97 . 5 % (95 % e . e . or d . e .) , or 99 % (98 % ine, ethylenediamine, N , N -dibenzylethylenediamine , e . e . or d . e . ) . As generally understood by those skilled in the meglumine , hydroxyethylpyrrolidine , piperidine , morpho art, an optically pure compound having one chiral center is 5 line , piperazine, procaine , aluminum , calcium , copper, iron , one that consists essentially of one of the two possible lithium , magnesium , manganese , potassium , sodium , zinc , enantiomers ( i . e . , is enantiomerically pure ), and an optically ammonium , and mono - , di -, or tri -alkylamines ( e . g . dieth pure compound having more than one chiral center is one ylamine ) , or salts derived from amino acids such as L -his that is both diastereomerically pure and enantiomerically tidine, L - glycine, L - lysine , and L - arginine . For example , see pure . In some embodiments , the compound is present in 10 Remington ' s Pharmaceutical Sciences, 19th ed ., Mack Pub optically pure form , such optically pure form being prepared lishing Co . , Easton , Pa. , Vol. 2 , p . 1457 , 1995 . These and / or isolated by methods known in the art ( e . g . by recrys - pharmaceutically acceptable base addition salts can be pre tallization techniques , chiral synthetic techniques ( including pared using the appropriate corresponding base . synthesis from optically pure starting materials ) , and chro Pharmaceutically acceptable salts can be prepared by matographic separation using a chiral column . 15 standard techniques . For example , the free - base form of a B . Pharmaceutically Acceptable Salts compound can be dissolved in a suitable solvent, such as an Unless specified to the contrary , specification of a com aqueous or aqueous - solution containing the appro pound herein includes pharmaceutically acceptable salts of priate acid and then isolated by evaporating the solution . In such compound . Thus , compounds described herein can be another example , a salt can be prepared by reacting the free in the form of pharmaceutically acceptable salts , or can be 20 base and acid in an organic solvent. If the particular com formulated as pharmaceutically acceptable salts . Contem - pound is an acid , the desired pharmaceutically acceptable plated pharmaceutically acceptable salt forms include , with salt may be prepared by any suitable method , for example , out limitation , mono , bis , tris , tetrakis, and so on . Pharma - treatment of the free acid with an appropriate inorganic or ceutically acceptable salts are non - toxic in the amounts and organic base . concentrations at which they are administered . The prepa - 25 C . Other Compound Forms ration of such salts can facilitate the pharmacological use by In the case of agents that are solids , it is understood by altering the physical characteristics of a compound without those skilled in the art that the compounds and salts con preventing it from exerting its physiological effect. Useful templated for use in accordance with the present disclosure alterations in physical properties include lowering the melt - may exist in different crystal or polymorphic forms, or may ing point to facilitate transmucosal administration and 30 be formulated as co - crystals , or may be in an amorphous increasing the solubility to facilitate administering higher form , or may be any combination thereof ( e . g . partially concentrations of the drug . A compound of the disclosure crystalline , partially amorphous , or mixtures of polymorphs ) may possess a sufficiently acidic , a sufficiently basic , or both all of which are intended to be within the scope of the functional groups, and accordingly can react with any of a present disclosure and specified formulae . Whereas salts are number of inorganic or organic bases, and inorganic and 35 formed by acid / base addition , i . e . a free base or free acid of organic acids, to form a pharmaceutically acceptable salt. the compound of interest forms an acid /base reaction with a Pharmaceutically acceptable salts include acid addition corresponding addition base or addition acid , respectively, salts such as those containing chloride , bromide , iodide , resulting in an ionic charge interaction , co - crystals are a new hydrochloride, acetate , phenyl acetate , acrylate , ascorbate , chemical species that is formed between neutral compounds, aspartate , benzoate , 2 -phenoxybenzoate , 2 - acetoxybenzo - 40 resulting in the compound and an additional molecular ate , dinitrobenzoate , hydroxybenzoate , methoxybenzoate , species in the same crystal structure . methylbenzoate , bicarbonate, butyne - 1 , 4 dioate , hexyne - 1 , In some instances , compounds contemplated for use 6 - dioate , caproate , caprylate , chlorobenzoate , cinnamate , according to the present disclosure are complexed with an citrate , decanoate , formate , fumarate , glycolate , gluconate , acid or a base, including base addition salts such as ammo glucarate , glucuronate, glucose - 6 - phosphate , glutamate , 45 nium , diethylamine , ethanolamine, ethylenediamine , dietha heptanoate, hexanoate , isethionate , isobutyrate , gamma -hy - nolamine, t - butylamine , piperazine, meglumine ; acid addi droxybutyrate , phenylbutyrate , lactate , malate , maleate , tion salts , such as acetate , acetylsalicylate , besylate , hydroxymaleate , methylmaleate , malonate , mandelate , nico - camsylate , citrate , formate , fumarate , glutarate , hydrochlo tinate , nitrate , isonicotinate , octanoate , oleate , oxalate , rate , maleate , mesylate , nitrate , oxalate , phosphate , succi pamoate , phosphate , monohydrogenphosphate , dihydrogen - 50 nate , sulfate , tartrate , thiocyanate and tosylate ; and amino phosphate , orthophosphate , metaphosphate , pyrophosphate , acids such as alanine, arginine, , aspartic acid , 2 -phosphoglycerate , 3 -phosphoglycerate , phthalate , propi cysteine , glutamine, glutamic acid , glycine , histidine , iso onate , phenylpropionate , propiolate , pyruvate , quinate , leucine , leucine , lysine , methionine , phenylalanine , proline , salicylate , 4 - aminosalicylate, sebacate, stearate , suberate , serine , threonine , tryptophan , tyrosine or valine. In combin succinate , sulfate , pyrosulfate , bisulfate , sulfite , bisulfite , 55 ing the compound of the disclosure with the acid or base, an sulfamate , sulfonate, benzenesulfonate ( i .e . besylate ), eth amorphous complex is preferably formed rather than a anesulfonate ( i. e . esylate ), ethane - 1 ,2 -disulfonate , 2 -hy crystalline material such as a typical salt or co - crystal. In droxyethanesulfonate ( i . e . isethionate ) , methanesulfonate some instances , the amorphous form of the complex is ( i. e . mesylate ) , naphthalene - 1 -sulfonate , naphthalene - 2 -sul facilitated by additional processing , such as by spray - drying , fonate ( i. e . napsylate ) , propanesulfonate , p - toluenesulfonate 60 mechanochemical methods such as roller compaction , or ( i. e . tosylate ) , xylenesulfonates, cyclohexylsulfamate , tar microwave irradiation of the parent compound mixed with trate , and trifluoroacetate . These pharmaceutically accept the acid or base. Such methods may also include addition of able acid addition salts can be prepared using the appropriate ionic and /or non - ionic polymer systems, including , but not corresponding acid . limited to , hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate When acidic functional groups, such as carboxylic acid or 65 (HPMCAS ) and methacrylic acid copolymer ( e . g . phenol are present, pharmaceutically acceptable salts also Eudragit® L100 - 55 ) , that further stabilize the amorphous include basic addition salts such as those containing benza nature of the complex . Such amorphous complexes provide US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 19 20 several advantages. For example , lowering of the melting a stat ), ABT- 510 , 2 -methoxyestradiol , lenalidomide, and tha temperature relative to the free base facilitates additional lidomide ; a , including , but not lim processing , such as hot melt extrusion , to further improve ited to , , bclotecan , edotecarin , , the biopharmaceutical properties of the compound . Also , the etoposide phosphate , , (also active amorphous complex is readily friable, which provides 5 metabolite SN - 38 ( 7 -ethyl - 10 -hydroxy - )) , improved compression for loading of the solid into capsule , . , , , or tablet form . , and 9 -aminocamptothecin ; a kinase inhibitor, Additionally , the formulae are intended to cover hydrated including, but not limited to , axitinib (AG 013736 ) , dasat or solvated as well as unhydrated or unsolvated forms of the inib ( BMS 354825 ) , erlotinib , gefitinib , flavopiridol, ima identified structures . For example , the indicated compounds 10 tinib mesylate , lapalinib , motesanib diphosphate (AMG include both hydrated and non - hydrated forms. Other 706 ) , nilotinib (AMN 107 ) , , sorafenib , sunitinib examples of solvates include the structures in combination malate , AEE - 788 , BMS- 599626 , UCN -01 ( 7 - hydroxystau with a suitable solvent, such as isopropanol, , metha - rosporine ) , and ; a targeted signal transduction nol, DMSO , ethyl acetate , acetic acid , or ethanolamine . inhibitor including, but not limited to , geldan 15 amycin , and rapamycin ; a biological response modifier , V . Combination Therapies including , but not limited to , imiquimod , interferon - d , and interleukin - 2 ; and other chemotherapeutics, including , but In some embodiments , the disclosure providesmethods of not limited to 3 -AP (3 -amino - 2 -carboxyaldehyde thiosemi treating any of the diseases or conditions described herein in carbazone ), altrasentan , aminoglutethimide , , an animal subject in need thereof, wherein the method 20 , bryostatin - 1 , cilengitide , elescloniol, involves administering to the subject an effective amount of mesylate (E7389 ) , , , , the compound of Formula I or II in combination with one or mitoguanazone , , sulindac, testolactonc , tiazofu more other therapies for the disease or condition . rin , mTOR inhibitors ( e . g . temsirolimus, everolimus , A . Formula I or II in Combination with Another Agent deforolimus ) , PI3K inhibitors ( e . g . BKM120 , BEZ235 , In some embodiments, compounds of Formula 1 or For - 25 GDC - 0941 , XL1 7 , XL765 ) , Cdk4 inhibitors ( e . g . mula II , or pharmaceutical compositions comprising com PD -332991 ), Akt inhibitors , Hsp90 inhibitors (e . g . tane pounds of Formula 1 or Formula II, may be administered spimycin ) and famesyltransferase inhibitors ( e . g. ) ; with another therapeutic agent. In some embodiments , the EK inhibitors ( e . g ., AS703026 , AZD6244 ( selumetinib ) , another therapeutic agent may be an alkylating agent, AZD8330 , BIX02188 , CI 1040 ( PD184352 ) , D - 87503 , GS including , but not limited to , adozelesin , , ben - 30 1 120212 ( JTP - 74057 ) , PD0325901, PD3 18088 , PD98059 , damustine , bizelesin , , , , PDEAI 19 (BAY 869766 ) , TAK -733 ) . In another embodi , , , , cyclophosph - ment, the method of treating a cancer involves administering amide , , estramustine , , , to the subject an effective amount of a composition including hepsulfam , , improsulfan , irofulven , , any one or more compound ( s ) as described herein in com , mechlorethamine , , , 35 bination with a chemotherapeutic agent selected from , , , piposulfan , predni , 5 - fluorouraeil, carboplatin , dacarbazine, gefi mustine, , , , , tinib , oxaliplatin , , SN -38 , , vinblas streptozocin , temozolomide, , , triazi- tine , bevacizumab , cetuximab , interferon - a , interleukin - 2 , or quone , , , trofosph - erlotinib . amide , and ; an antibiotic , including, but not 40 In some embodiments , the another therapeutic agent may limited to , , , , dactinomy - be one or more of the following agents : a adozelesin , cin , , , , , altretamine , , bizelesin , busulfan , carboplatin , , menogaril , mitomycin , neocarzinostatin , pento - carboquone , carmofur, carmustine , chlorambucil , cisplatin , statin , , , , and ; an , dacarbazine , estramustine, etoglucid , , including , but not limited to , , 45 fotemustine , hepsulfam , ifosfamide , improsulfan , irofulven , , azathioprine , capecitabine , , clofara - lomustine , mannosulfan , mechlorethamine , melphalan , bine , , , , fludarabinc , 5 - fluo - mitobronitol, nedaplatin , nimustine , oxaliplatin , piposulfan , rouracil , , hydroxyurea , ,metho , procarbazine , ranimustine , satraplatin , trexate , , , azathioprine , , semustine , streptozocin , temozolomide , thiotepa , treosulfan , -uracil , thioguanine , trimethoprim , trimetrexate , and 50 , triethylenemelamine , triplatin tetranitrate , tro vidarabine ; an immunotherapy, including , but not limited to , fosphamide , uramustine , aclarubicin , amrubicin , bleomycin , alemtuzumab , pembrolizumab , nivolumab , bevacizumab , , daunorubicin , doxorubicin , elsamitrucin , epi cetuximab , galiximab , gemtuzumab , panitumumab , pertu - rubicin , idarubicin , menogaril, mitomycin , neocarzinostatin , zumab , rituximab , tositumomab , trastuzumab , 90Y - ibritu , pirarubicin , plicamycin , valrubicin , zorubicin , momab tiuxetan , ipilimumab , and tremelinuimab ; a hor- 55 aminopterin , azacitidine , azathioprine , capecitabine , mone or honnone antagonist, including, but not limited to , cladribine, , cytarabine, decitabine, floxuridine, anastrozole , androgens , buserelin , diethylstilbestrol, fludarabinc , 5 - , gemcitabine , hydroxyurea , mer exemestane , flutamide, fulvestrant, goserelin , idoxifene , captopurine , , nelarabine, pemetrexed , azathio letrozole , leuprolide . magestrol, raloxifene , tamoxifen , and prine , raltitrexed , tegafur- uracil , thioguanine , trimethoprim , toremifene ; a , including , but not limited to , DJ- 927 , 60 trimetrexate , vidarabine , alemtuzumab , pembrolizumab , , TPI 287 , , , paclitaxel, DHA - nivolumab , bevacizumab , cetuximab , galiximab , gemtu paclitaxel, and ; a , including, but not lim - zumab , panitumumab , pertuzumab , rituximab , tositu ited to , , , fenretinide , isotretinoin , and momab , trastuzumab , 90Y - ibritumomab tiuxetan , ipilim ; an alkaloid , including, but not limited to , deme umab , tremelinuimab , anastrozole , androgens , buserelin , colcine, homoharringtonine, , , vin - 65 diethylstilbestrol, exemestane, flutamide , fulvestrant, goser desine , , and ; an antiangiogenic agent, elin , idoxifene , letrozole, leuprolide . magestrol, raloxifene , including, but not limited to , AE - 941 (GW786034 , Neov - tamoxifen , toremifene , DJ- 927 , docetaxel, TPI 287 , laro US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 21 22 taxel , ortataxel , paclitaxel , DHA - paclitaxel, tesetaxel, alit larotaxel , ortataxel , paclitaxel , DHA - paclitaxel, and tes retinoin , bexarotene , fenretinide, isotretinoin , tretinoin , etaxel; a retinoid , including , but not limited to , alitretinoin , , homoharringtonine , vinblastine , vincristine , bexarotene , fenretinide , isotretinoin , and tretinoin ; an alka , vinflunine, vinorelbine , an antiangiogenic agent, loid , including , but not limited to , demecolcine, homohar including, but not limited to , Neovastat, ABT- 510 , 5 ringtonine, vinblastine , vincristine, vindesine , vinflunine, 2 -methoxyestradiol , lenalidomide , thalidomide, amsacrine , and vinorelbine ; an antiangiogenic agent, including , but not edotecarin , etoposide, etoposide phosphate , exatecan , irino limited to , AE - 941 (GW786034 , Neovastat) , ABT- 510 , tecan , lucanthone , mitoxantrone . pixantrone, rubitecan , teni - 2 -methoxyestradiol , lenalidomide , and thalidomide ; a topoi poside , topotecan , 9 - aminocamptothecin , axitinib , erlotinib , somerase inhibitor, including , but not limited to , amsacrine , gefitinib , flavopiridol, imatinib mesylate , cabozantinib , lapa - 10 , edotecarin , etoposide, etoposide phosphate , linib , motesanib diphosphate , nilotinib , seliciclib , sorafenib , exatecan , irinotecan (also active metabolite SN -38 ( 7 - ethyl sunitinib malate , AEE -788 , BMS- 599626 , 7 -hydroxystauro 10 -hydroxy - camptothecin )) , lucanthone , mitoxantrone, pix sporine , vatalanib , bortezomib , geldanamycin , rapamycin , antrone , rubitecan , teniposide , topotecan , and 9 - aminocamp imiquimod , interferon - a , interleukin - 2 , 3 -amino - 2 -carboxy - tothecin ; a kinase inhibitor, including , but not limited to , aldehyde thiosemicarbazone , altrasentan , aminoglutethim - 15 axitinib ( AG 013736 ), dasatinib (BMS 354825 ) , erlotinib , ide , anagrelide , asparaginase , bryostatin - 1 , cilengitide , eles - gefitinib , flavopiridol, imatinib mesylate, cabozantinib , lapa cloniol, eribulin mesylate , ixabepilone , lonidamine , tinib , motesanib diphosphate (AMG 706 ), nilotinib masoprocol, mitoguanazone , oblimersen , sulindac, testolac (AMN107 ), seliciclib , sorafenib , sunitinib malate , AEE -788 , tonc , , temsirolimus, everolimus, deforolimus, a BMS -599626 , UCN -01 ( 7 -hydroxystaurosporine ) , vemu PI3K inhibitor , a Cdk4 inhibitor, a Akt inhibitor, a Hsp90 20 rafenib , dabrafenib , selumetinib , and vatalanib ; a targeted inhibitor, an EGFR inhibitor, an IDO inhibitor, a famesyl- signal transduction inhibitor including , but not limited to transferase inhibitor, a MEK inhibitor , a BET inhibitor, bortezomib , geldanamycin , and rapamycin ; a biological AS703026 , selumetinib , AZD8330 , BIX02188, PD184352 , response modifier , including , but not limited to , imiquimod , D - 87503 , GS 1 120212 , PD0325901, PD3 18088 , PD98059 , interferon - y , and interleukin - 2 ; and other chemotherapeu PDEAI 19 , or TAK -733 . 25 tics , including, but not limited to 3 - AP ( 3 - amino - 2 - carboxy In another aspect , the disclosure provides a method for aldehyde thiosemicarbazone ), altrasentan , aminoglutethim treating a cancer in a subject in need thereof by adminis - ide , anagrelide , asparaginase , bryostatin - 1 , cilengitide , tering to the subject an effective amount of the compound of , eribulin mesylate (E7389 ) , ixabepilone, Formula I or II with one or more suitable chemotherapeutic lonidamine, masoprocol, mitoguanazone , oblimersen , sulin agents . In one embodiment, the one or more suitable che - 30 dac , , tiazofurin ,mTOR inhibitors ( e. g . INK28 , motherapeutic agents is selected from an alkylating agent, AZD8055 , sirolimus , temsirolimus , everolimus, deforoli including, but not limited to , adozelesin , altretamine, ben - mus ), PI3K inhibitors ( e . g . BEZ235 , GDC -0941 , XL147, damustine , bizelesin , busulfan , carboplatin , carboquone , XL765 ) , Cdk4 inhibitors ( e . g . PD - 332991) , Akt inhibitors , carmofur, carmustine, chlorambucil , cisplatin , cyclophosph Hsp90 inhibitors ( e . g . geldanamycin , radicicol, tanespimy amide , dacarbazine, estramustine , etoglucid , fotemustine , 35 cin ) , farnesyltransferase inhibitors ( e . g . tipifarnib ) , and Aro hepsulfam , ifosfamide , improsulfan , irofulven , lomustine , matase inhibitors ( anastrozole letrozole exemestane ). In mannosulfan , mechlorethamine , melphalan , mitobronitol, another embodiment of the methods and uses described nedaplatin , nimustine , oxaliplatin , piposulfan , predni- herein , the compound of Formula I or II is administered in mustine , procarbazine , ranimustine , satraplatin , semustine , combination with a chemotherapeutic agent selected from streptozocin , temozolomide , thiotepa , treosulfan , triazi- 40 capecitabine , 5 - fluorouracil , carboplatin , dacarbazine, gefi quone , triethylenemelamine , triplatin tetranitrate , trofosph - tinib , oxaliplatin , paclitaxel , SN - 38 , temozolomide , vinblas amide , and uramustine ; an antibiotic , including, but not tine , bevacizumab , cetuximab , interferon - a , interleukin - 2 , limited to , aclarubicin , amrubicin , bleomycin , dactinomy - or erlotinib . In another embodiment, the chemotherapeutic cin , daunorubicin , doxorubicin , elsamitrucin , epirubicin , agent is a Mek inhibitor. Exemplary Mek inhibitors include , idarubicin , menogaril , mitomycin , neocarzinostatin , pento - 45 but are not limited to trametinib , cobimetinib , AS703026 , statin , pirarubicin , plicamycin , valrubicin , and zorubicin ; an AZD6244 ( Selumetinib ) , AZD8330 , BIX 02188 , CI - 1040 antimetabolite , including , but not limited to , aminopterin , ( PD184352 ) , GSK1120212 ( JTP - 74057 ) , PD0325901 , azacitidine , azathioprine , capecitabine , cladribine , clofara - PD318088 , PD98059, RDEA119 (BAY 869766 ) , TAK - 733 bine, cytarabine , decitabine , floxuridine, , 5 - fluo - and U0126 - EtOH . In another embodiment, the chemothera rouracil , gemcitabine , hydroxyurea , mercaptopurine , metho - 50 peutic agent is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Exemplary tyro trexate , nelarabine , pemetrexed , raltitrexed , tegafur -uracil , sine kinase inhibitors include , but are not limited to , thioguanine, trimethoprim , trimetrexate , and vidarabine; an AEE788 , AG - 1478 ( Tyrphostin AG - 1478 ) , AG -490 , Apa immunotherapy including indoleamine 2 , 3 -dioxygenase tinib ( YN968D1) , AV -412 , AV - 951 ( Tivozanib ) , Axitinib , (IDO ) inhibitors, an antibody therapy , including , but not AZD8931, BIBF1120 ( Vargatef) , BIBW2992 ( Afatinib ) , limited to immune checkpoint inhibitors such as PD - 1 55 BMS794833 , BMS -599626 , Brivanib ( BMS- 540215 ) , inhibitors (such as pembrolizumab , nivolumab , pidilizumab ) Brivanib alaninate ( BMS- 582664 ) , Cediranib (AZD2171 ) , or PD - L1 inhibitors ( such as BMS - 936559 , MEDI4736 , Chrysophanic acid (Chrysophanol ) , Crenolanib (CP MPDL3280A , or MSB0010718C ), alemtuzumab , bevaci 868569 ) , CUDC - 101 , CYC116 , Dovitinib Dilactic acid zumab , cetuximab , galiximab , gemtuzumab , panitumumab , ( TKI258 Dilactic acid ) , E7080 , Erlotinib Hydrochloride pertuzumab , rituximab , brentuximab , tositumomab , trastu - 60 ( Tarceva , CP - 358774 , OSI -774 , NSC - 718781) , Foretinib zumab , 90 Y ibritumomab tiuxetan , ipilimumab , tremelim - (GSK1363089 , XL880 ), Gefitinib (ZD - 1839 or Iressa ), Ima umab and anti -CTLA - 4 antibodies ; a hormone or hormone tinib (Gleevec ) , Imatinib Mesylate , Ki8751, KRN 633 , antagonist, including , but not limited to , anastrozole , andro - Lapatinib ( Tykerb ) , Linifanib (ABT - 869 ) , Masitinib (Ma gens, buserelin , diethylstilbestrol, exemestane , flutamide , sivet, AB1010 ) , MGCD - 265, Motesanib (AMG - 706 ) , fulvestrant, goserelin , idoxifene, letrozole , leuprolide, 65 MP -470 , ( TAK 165 ), Neratinib (HKI - 272 ) , magestrol, raloxifene, tamoxifen , and toremifene; a taxane , NVP - BHG712 , OSI -420 (Desmethyl Erlotinib , including , but not limited to , DJ- 927 , docetaxel, TPI 287 , CP -473420 ), OSI -930 , Pazopanib HCI, PD - 153035 HCI, US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 23 24 PD173074 , Pelitinib (EKB - 569) , PF299804 , Ponatinib11b cicol, tanespimycin , tipifarnib , anastrozole letrozole ( AP24534 ) , PP121 , RAF265 (CHIR - 265 ) , Raf265 deriva - exemestane , trametinib , cobimetinib , AS703026 , Selume tive, Regorafenib (BAY 73 -4506 ) , Sorafenib Tosylate tinib , AZD8330 , BIX 02188 , PD184352 , GSK1120212 , (Nexavar ) , Sunitinib Malate ( Sutent) , Telatinib (BAY PD0325901, PD318088, PD98059, BAY 869766 , TAK - 733 , 57 - 9352 ), TSU -68 ( SU6668) , Vandetanib ( Zactima ), Vata - 5 U0126 - EtOH , AEE788 , tyrphostin , AG - 490 , apatinib , lanib dihydrochloride (PTK787 ) , WZ3146 , W24002 , AV -412 , tivozanib , axitinib , AZD8931 , vargatef, afatinib , WZ8040 , Cabozantinib , XL647 , EGFR siRNA , FLT4 BMS794833 , BMS -599626 , brivanib , brivanib alaninate , siRNA , KDR siRNA , Antidiabetic agents such as met cediranib , chrysophanic acid , crenolanib , CUDC - 101 , pertamaformin , PPARyang bersama agonists ( rosiglitazoneseperti , pioglitazone , bezafi - CYC116 , dovitinib dilactic acid , E7080 , erlotinib hydro brate , ciprofibrate , clofibrate , gemfibrozil, fenofibrate , inde - 10 chloride , foretinib , gefitinib , imatinib , imatinib mesylate , glitazar ), and DPP4 inhibitors (sitagliptin , vildagliptin , Ki8751 , KRN 633 , lapatinib , linifanib , masitinib , MGCD saxagliptin , dutogliptin , gemigliptin , alogliptin ). In another 265 , Motesanib , MP -470 , mubritinib , neratinib , NVP embodiment, the agent is a BET inhibitor (such as BRD2 , BHG712 , desmethyl erlotinib , OSI- 930 , pazopanib HCI, BRD3 , BRD4 and / or BRDT ) . In another embodiment, the PD - 153035 HC1, PD173074 , pelitinib , PF299804 , pona agent is an EGFR inhibitor. Exemplary EGFR inhibitors 15 tinib , PP121 , RAF265 , regorafenib , sorafenib tosylate , suni include, but are not limited to , AEE -788 , AP - 26113, BIBW tinib malate , telatinib , TSU -68 , vandetanib , vatalanib dihy 2992 ( Tovok ), CI- 1033 , GW -572016 , Iressa , LY2874455 , drochloride, WZ3146 , W24002 , W28040 , cabozantinib , RO - 5323441, Tarceva ( Erlotinib , OSI- 774 ) , CUDC - 101, XL647 , EGFR siRNA , FLT4 siRNA , KDR siRNA, an cetuximab and WZ4002 . In another embodiment, the dis - antidiabetic agent , a PPAR agonist , a DPP4 inhibitor, a BET closure provides a method for treating a cancer in a subject 20 inhibitor or an EGFR inhibitor. in need thereof by administering to the subject an effective In some embodiments, the another therapeutic agent may amount of the compound of Formula I or II with a topoi- be a bromodomain inhibitor. Inhibitors of bromodomains somerase inhibitor ( such as irinotecan ) and an EGFR inhibi- ( e . g ., BET proteins, such as BRD2, BRD3 , BRD4, and /or tor ( such as cetuximab ) . BRDT) , can be useful for the treatment of diseases related In some embodiments , the another therapeutic agent may 25 to abnormal expression of bromodomains , including cell be one or more of the following agents : adozelesin , altret - proliferative disorders, cancers , chronic autoimmune , amine , bendamustine, bizelesin , busulfan , carboplatin , car - inflammatory conditions, among others. Non - limiting boquone , carmofur, carmustine , chlorambucil , cisplatin , examples of BET inhibitors include GSK1210151A and cyclophosphamide , dacarbazine , estramustine , etoglucid , GSK525762 . fotemustine , hepsulfam , ifosfamide, improsulfan , irofulven , 30 In some embodiments , the another therapeutic agent may lomustine , mannosulfan , mechlorethamine , melphalan , be a histone deacetylase inhibitor. The histone deacetylase mitobronitol, nedaplatin , nimustine , oxaliplatin , piposulfan , inhibitors (HDAC inhibitors ) are cytostatic agents that prednimustine , procarbazine, ranimustine , satraplatin , inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells in culture and in vivo semustine , streptozocin , temozolomide, thiotepa , treosulfan , by inducing arrest, differentiation and / or apopto triaziquone, triethylenemelamine , triplatin tetranitrate , tro - 35 sis. HDAC inhibitors exert their anti - tumor effects via the fosphamide , uramustine, aclarubicin , amrubicin , bleomycin , induction of expression changes of oncogenes or tumour dactinomycin , daunorubicin , doxorubicin , elsamitrucin , epi- suppressor, through modulating that the acetylation /deacty rubicin , idarubicin , menogaril , mitomycin , neocarzinostatin , lation of histones and / or non - histone proteins such as tran pentostatin , pirarubicin , plicamycin , valrubicin , zorubicin , scription factors. Histone acetylation and deacetylation play aminopterin , azacitidine , azathioprine , capecitabine, 40 important roles in themodulation of chromatin topology and cladribine , clofarabine, cytarabine, decitabine , floxuridine , the regulation of gene transcription . Non - limiting examples fludarabine , 5 - fluorouracil , gemcitabine, hydroxyurea , mer - of HDAC inhibitors include , , chid captopurine , methotrexate , nelarabine , pemetrexed , ralti- amide , , , valproic acid , mocetinostat , trexed , tegafur - uracil, thioguanine, trimethoprim , trimetrex abexinostat , , resminostat, givinostat, and ate , vidarabine , an ( IDO ) inhibitors, a PD - 1 inhibitor , a 45 quisinostat. HDAC inhibitors have been used extensively in PD -L1 inhibitor, alemtuzumab , bevacizumab , cetuximab , psychiatry and neurology as mood stabilzers and anti galiximab , gemtuzumab , panitumumab , pertuzumab , ritux - epileptics . One example of this is valproic acid , marketed as imab , brentuximab , tositumomab , trastuzumab , 90 Y ibritu a drug under the trade names Depakene, Depakote, and momab tiuxetan , ipilimumab , tremelimumab , an anti - Divalproex . HDAC inhibitors are also being used as a CTLA - 4 antibody , anastrozole , androgens , buserelin , 50 mitigator for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheim diethylstilbestrol, exemestane , flutamide , fulvestrant, goser - er' s disease and Huntington ' s disease . elin , idoxifene , letrozole , leuprolide , magestrol, raloxifene , B . Formula I or II in Combination with Another Therapy tamoxifen , toremifene , a taxane, a retinoid , an alkaloid , an In some embodiments , the disclosure provides a method antiangiogenic agent, a topoisomerase inhibitor, axitinib , of treating a cancer in a subject in need thereof by admin dasatinib , erlotinib , gefitinib , flavopiridol, imatinib mesy - 55 istering to the subject an effective amount of the compound late , lapatinib , motesanib diphosphate , nilotinib , seliciclib , of Formula I or II, or a composition thereof, in combination sorafenib , sunitinib malate , AEE -788 , BMS -599626 , 7 -hy - with one or more other therapies or medical procedures droxystaurosporine, vemurafenib , dabrafenib , selumetinib , effective in treating the cancer . Other therapies or medical vatalanib , bortezomib , geldanamycin , rapamycin , imiqui- procedures include suitable anticancer therapy ( e. g . drug mod , interferon - y , interleukin -2 , 3 -amino - 2 -carboxyalde - 60 therapy , vaccine therapy , gene therapy, photodynamic hyde thiosemicarbazone , altrasentan , aminoglutethimide , therapy ) or medical procedure ( e . g . surgery, radiation treat anagrelide , asparaginase, bryostatin - 1 , cilengitide , elesclo - ment, hyperthermia heating , bone marrow or stem cell mol, eribulin mesylate , ixabepilone, lonidamine , masopro transplant) . In one embodiment, the one or more suitable col , mitoguanazone , oblimersen , sulindac , testolactone , anticancer therapies or medical procedures is selected from tiazofurin , INK28 , AZD8055 , sirolimus, temsirolimus , 65 treatment with a chemotherapeutic agent (e . g . chemothera everolimus , deforolimus, BEZ235 , GDC -0941 , XL147 , peutic drug ), radiation treatment ( e . g . X -ray , y - ray, or elec XL765, PD - 332991, an Akt inhibitor, geldanamycin , radi tron , proton , neutron , or a particle beam ), hyperthermia US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 25 26 heating ( e . g . microwave , ultrasound , radiofrequency abla ington : The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 21st edition , tion ), Vaccine therapy ( e . g . AFP gene hepatocellular carci- Lippincott , Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia , Pa. , 2005 noma vaccine , AFP adenoviral vector vaccine , AG - 858 , ( hereby incorporated by reference herein ) . allogeneic GM -CSF -secretion breast cancer vaccine , den - In some embodiments , compositions used in the methods dritic cell peptide vaccines ) , gene therapy ( e . g . Ad5CMV - 5 of the present disclosure will comprise pharmaceutically p53 vector, adenovector encoding MDA7, adenovirus 5 - tu - acceptable carriers or excipients , such as fillers , binders , mor necrosis factor alpha ) , ( e . g . disintegrants , glidants , lubricants , complexing agents , solu , motexafin lutetium ) , oncolytic viral or bilizers, and surfactants , which may be chosen to facilitate bacterial therapy, surgery , or bone marrow and stem cell administration of the compound by a particular route . transplantation . In certain embodiments , the disclosure pro - 10 Examples of carriers include calcium carbonate , calcium vides a method of treating a cancer in a subject in need phosphate , various sugars such as lactose , glucose, or thereof by administering to the subject an effective amount sucrose , types of starch , cellulose derivatives , gelatin , lipids, of a compound of Formula I or Formula II described herein liposomes , nanoparticles , and the like . Carriers also include and applying a radiation treatment as described herein either physiologically compatible liquids as solvents or for sus separately or simultaneously. In one embodiment, the dis - 15 pensions, including , for example , sterile solutions of water closure provides a method for treating a cancer in a subject for injection (WFI ) , saline solution , dextrose solution , in need thereof by administering an effective amount of a Hank ' s solution , Ringer' s solution , vegetable oils , mineral compound of Formula I or Formula II described herein to the oils , animal oils, polyethylene glycols , liquid paraffin , and subject followed by a radiation treatment ( e .g . X - ray , y - ray, the like. Excipients may also include, for example , colloidal or electron , proton , neutron , or a particle beam ) . In another 20 silicon dioxide , silica gel, talc , magnesium silicate , calcium embodiment, the disclosure provides a method for treating a silicate , sodium aluminosilicate, magnesium tri silicate , cancer in a subject in need thereof by applying a radiation powdered cellulose, macrocrystalline cellulose , carboxym treatment ( e . g . X - ray, y -ray , or electron , proton , neutron , or ethyl cellulose , cross - linked sodium carboxymethylcellu a particle beam ) to the subject followed by administering an lose , sodium benzoate , calcium carbonate , magnesium car effective amount of Formula I or Formula II described herein 25 bonate , stearic acid , aluminum stearate , calcium stearate , to the subject. In yet another embodiment, the disclosure magnesium stearate , zinc stearate , sodium stearyl fumarate , provides a method for treating a cancer in a subject in need syloid , stearowet C , magnesium oxide , starch , sodium starch thereof by administering a compound of Formula I or glycolate , glyceryl monostearate, glyceryl dibehenate , glyc Formula II described herein and a radiation therapy ( e . g . eryl palmitostearate , hydrogenated vegetable oil , hydroge X -ray , y -ray , or electron , proton , neutron , or a particle beam ) 30 nated cotton seed oil, castor seed oil mineral oil, polyeth to the subject simultaneously . ylene glycol ( e. g . PEG 400 or PEG 4000 -8000 ) , polyoxyethylene glycol, poloxamers , povidone , crospovi VI. Kits done , croscarmellose sodium , alginic acid , casein , meth acrylic acid divinylbenzene copolymer , sodium docusate , In another aspect, the disclosure provides kits that include 35 cyclodextrins ( e . g . 2 - hydroxypropyl- .delta .- cyclodextrin ) , a compound of Formula I or II , or composition thereof as p olysorbates ( e . g . polysorbate 80 ) , cetrimide, TPGS ( d - al described herein . In some embodiments , the compound or pha - tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate ), mag composition is packaged , e . g ., in a vial, bottle , flask , which nesium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate , polyethylene may be further packaged , e . g ., within a box , envelope, or glycol ethers , di- fatty acid ester of polyethylene glycols , or bag ; the compound or composition is approved by the U . S . 40 a polyoxyalkylene sorbitan fatty acid ester ( e . g ., polyoxy Food and Drug Administration or similar regulatory agency ethylene sorbitan ester Tween® ) , polyoxyethylene sorbitan for administration to a mammal , e . g ., a human ; the com fatty acid esters , sorbitan fatty acid ester , e . g. a sorbitan fatty pound or composition is approved for administration to a acid ester from a fatty acid such as oleic , stearic or palmitic mammal, e . g ., a human , for a BRAF protein kinase mediated acid , , , , maltose , lactose , lactose disease or condition ; the disclosure kit includes written 45 monohydrate or lactose spray dried , sucrose , fructose , cal instructions for use and / or other indication that the com - cium phosphate , dibasic calcium phosphate , tribasic calcium pound or composition is suitable or approved for adminis - phosphate , calcium sulfate , dextrates , dextran , dextrin , dex tration to a mammal, e. g ., a human , for a BRAF protein trose, cellulose acetate, maltodextrin , simethicone , polydex kinase -mediated disease or condition ; and the compound or trosem , chitosan , gelatin , HPMC ( hydroxypropyl methyl composition is packaged in unit dose or single dose form , 50 celluloses) , HPC (hydroxypropyl cellulose ) , hydroxyethyl e. g ., single dose pills , capsules , or the like . cellulose , and the like. In some embodiments, oral administration may be used . VII . Formulations and Administration Pharmaceutical preparations for oral use can be formulated into conventional oral dosage forms such as capsules, tab The methods and uses described herein will typically be 55 lets , and liquid preparations such as syrups, elixirs , and used in therapy for human subjects . However, they may also concentrated drops. Compounds of Formula I or II described be used to treat similar or identical indications in other herein may be combined with solid excipients , optionally animal subjects . Compounds of Formula I or Formula II grinding a resulting mixture , and processing the mixture of described herein can be administered by different routes , granules , after adding suitable auxiliaries , if desired , to including injection ( i . e . parenteral, including intravenous , 60 obtain , for example , tablets , coated tablets , hard capsules , intraperitoneal, subcutaneous , and intramuscular ) , oral, soft capsules , solutions ( e . g . aqueous , alcoholic , or oily transdermal , transmucosal , rectal, or inhalant. Such dosage solutions) and the like. Suitable excipients are , in particular , forms should allow the compound to reach target cells . fillers such as sugars , including lactose, glucose , sucrose , Other factors are well known in the art , and include con - mannitol, or sorbitol; cellulose preparations, for example , siderations such as toxicity and dosage forms that retard the 65 corn starch , wheat starch , rice starch , potato starch , gelatin , compound or composition from exerting its effects . Tech - gum tragacanth , methyl cellulose , hydroxypropylmethyl niques and formulations generally may be found in Rem cellulose , sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC ), and / or US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 27 28 polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP : povidone ) ; oily excipients , ingredient, dissolved in a small amount of solvent ( e . g . , an including vegetable and animal oils , such as sunflower oil, oil) , is admixed . Additionally, administration by transdermal olive oil, or codliver oil. The oral dosage formulations may means may comprise a transdermal patch or dressing such as also contain disintegrating agents , such as the cross- linked a bandage impregnated with an active ingredient and option polyvinylpyrrolidone , agar, or alginic acid , or a salt thereof 5 ally one or more carriers or diluents known in the art. To be such as sodium alginate ; a lubricant, such as talc or mag - administered in the form of a transdermal delivery system , nesium stearate ; a plasticizer, such as or sorbitol; a the dosage administration will be continuous rather than sweetening such as sucrose , fructose , lactose , or aspartame; intermittent throughout the dosage regimen . a natural or artificial flavoring agent, such as peppermint, oil In some embodiments, compounds of Formula I or II , or of wintergreen , or cherry flavoring ; or dye - stuffs or pig - 10 compositions thereof, is administered as an inhalant. Com ments , which may be used for identification or character pounds of Formula I or II described herein may be formu ization of different doses or combinations. Also provided are lated as dry powder or a suitable solution , suspension , or dragee cores with suitable coatings . For this purpose , con - aerosol. Powders and solutions may be formulated with centrated sugar solutions may be used , which may option - suitable additives known in the art . For example , powders ally contain , for example , gum arabic , talc , poly - vinylpyr- 15 may include a suitable powder base such as lactose or starch , rolidone, carbopol gel, polyethylene glycol, and /or titanium and solutions may comprise propylene glycol, sterile water , dioxide, lacquer solutions , and suitable organic solvents or ethanol, sodium chloride and other additives, such as acid , solvent mixtures. alkali and buffer salts . Such solutions or suspensions may be Pharmaceutical preparations that can be used orally administered by inhaling via spray, pump , atomizer, or include push - fit capsules made of gelatin (“ gelcaps” ) , as 20 nebulizer, and the like . Compounds of Formula I or Formula well as soft , sealed capsules made of gelatin , and a plasti - II described herein may also be used in combination with cizer , such as glycerol or sorbitol. The push - fit capsules can other inhaled therapies, for example corticosteroids such as contain the active ingredients in admixture with filler such as fluticasone proprionate , beclomethasone dipropionate , tri lactose , binders such as starches , and /or lubricants such as amcinolone acetonide, budesonide , and mometasone talc or magnesium stearate and , optionally , stabilizers . In 25 furoate ; beta agonists such as albuterol, salmeterol, and soft capsules , active components , such as compounds of formoterol; anticholinergic agents such as ipratroprium bro Formula I or Formula II , may be dissolved or suspended in mide or tiotropium ; vasodilators such as treprostinal and suitable liquids , such as fatty oils , liquid paraffin , or liquid iloprost; enzymes such as DNAase ; therapeutic proteins ; polyethylene glycols . immunoglobulin antibodies; an oligonucleotide, such as In some embodiments , injection (parenteral administra - 30 single or double stranded DNA or RNA , siRNA ; antibiotics tion ) may be used , e . g ., intramuscular , intravenous , intrap - such as tobramycin ; muscarinic receptor antagonists ; leu eritoneal, and / or subcutaneous . Compounds of Formula I or kotriene antagonists ; cytokine antagonists ; protease inhibi II described herein for injection may be formulated in sterile tors ; cromolyn sodium ; nedocril sodium ; and sodium cro liquid solutions, preferably in physiologically compatible moglycate . buffers or solutions, such as saline solution , Hank ' s solution , 35 The amounts of Formula I or II to be administered can be or Ringer ' s solution . Dispersions may also be prepared in determined by standard procedures taking into account non - aqueous solutions, such as glycerol, propylene glycol, factors such as the compound activity ( in vitro , e . g . the ethanol, liquid polyethylene glycols , triacetin , and vegetable compound IC50 vs . target , or in vivo activity in animal oils . Solutions may also contain a preservative , such as efficacy models ) , pharmacokinetic results in animalmodels methylparaben , propylparaben , chlorobutanol, phenol, sor - 40 ( e . g . biological half- life or bioavailability ) , the age, size , and bic acid , thimerosal, and the like . In addition , compounds of weight of the subject , and the disorder associated with the Formula I or II described herein may be formulated in solid subject. The importance of these and other factors are well form , including , for example , lyophilized forms, and redis known to those of ordinary skill in the art. Generally , a dose solved or suspended prior to use . will be in the range of about 0 .01 to 50 mg/ kg , also about 0 . 1 In some embodiments , transmucosal, topical or transder - 45 to 20 mg/ kg of the subject being treated . Multiple doses may mal administration may be used . In such formulations of be used . compounds of Formula I or Formula II described herein , Compounds of Formula I or II described herein may also penetrants appropriate to the barrier to be permeated are be used in combination with other therapies for treating the used . Such penetrants are generally known in the art, and same disease . Such combination use includes administration include , for example , for transmucosal administration , bile 50 of compounds of Formula I or Formula II , and one or more salts and fusidic acid derivatives . In addition , detergents other therapeutics at different times , or co - administration of may be used to facilitate permeation . Transmucosal admin - compounds of Formula I or Formula II , and one or more istration , for example , may be through nasal sprays or other therapies . In some embodiments , dosage may be suppositories (rectal or vaginal) . Compositions of com - modified for one or more of the compounds of the disclosure pounds of Formula I or Formula II described herein for 55 or other therapeutics used in combination , e . g . , reduction in topical administration may be formulated as oils, creams, the amount dosed relative to a compound or therapy used lotions, ointments , and the like by choice of appropriate alone, by methods well known to those of ordinary skill in carriers known in the art . Suitable carriers include vegetable the art . or mineral oils , white petrolatum (white soft paraffin ), The compound of Formula I or II , or a pharmaceutically branched chain fats or oils , animal fats and high molecular 60 acceptable salt , isomer, tautomer or deuterated form thereof, weight alcohol ( greater than C . ) . In some embodiments , may be used in combination with another chemotherapeutic carriers are selected such that the active ingredient is agent or drug or a kinase inhibitor as described herein for soluble . Emulsifiers , stabilizers , humectants and antioxi treating the same disease . Such combination can be a fixed dants may also be included as well as agents imparting color dose composition or be administered at different times, or or fragrance , if desired . Creams for topical application are 65 co - administration of a compound of Formula I or II and preferably formulated from a mixture of mineral oil , self - another agent, drug or kinase inhibitor can be simultane emulsifying beeswax and water in which mixture the active ously or separately . In some embodiments , dosage may be US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 29 30 modified for compounds of Formula I or II disclosed herein Bollag G , Hirth P , Tsai J, Zhang J, Ibrahim P N , Cho H , et or another agent, drug or kinase inhibitor used in combina al. Clinical efficacy of a RAF inhibitor needs broad target tion , e . g ., reduction or increase in the amount dosed relative blockade in BRAF -mutant melanoma. 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Histopathology , 2013 55 Example 1 : Compounds of Formula I and Formula February ; 62 ( 3 ) :499 - 504 . II do not Activate PERK in RAS Mutant Cell Lines Sievert , A . J. et al . Duplication of 7q34 in pediatric low Compared to Vemurafenib and Dabrafenib grade astrocytomas detected by high -density single nucleotide polymorphism -based genotype arrays results Compounds, including vemurafenib , a compound of For in a novel BRAF fusion gene . Brain Pathol. 19 , 449 -458 60 mula I , and a compound of Formula II , were screened ( 2009 ) . against a panel of cell lines for compound - induced change in Singer, G . et al. Mutations in BRAF and KRAS characterize phospho - ERK1 / 2 ( T202 / Y204 , PERK ). For each compound , the development of low - grade ovarian serous carcinoma . the dissociation of pERK inhibition from activation ( dubbed J . Natl Cancer Inst . 95 , 484 -486 ( 2003 ) . “ ERK pathway inhibition index ” or “ EPII ” ) was expressed Sommerer, F . et al. Mutations of BRAF and KRAS2 in the 65 as the ratio between the compound ' s mean PERK activation development of Barrett ' s adenocarcinoma . Oncogene 23 , EC50 in three RAS mutant cell lines (murine cuSCC cell line 554 -558 (2004 ). B9, human melanoma cell line IPC - 298 , and human col US 9 ,814 ,714 B2 33 34 orectal carcinoma cell line HCT116 , Table 1 ) , and the Thr202 / Tyr204 brought the donor and acceptor compound ' s mean PERK inhibition IC5, in two BRAF V600E AlphaScreen® beads into close proximity , generating a melanoma cell lines ( A375 and COLO829 , Table 1) . signal for quantification . To determine the effects of com The EPIIs for vemurafenib and dabrafenib were 11 and 4 , pound treatment on phosphorylation of ERK1/ 2 , cells were respectively . Compounds of Formula I and Formula II 5 plated in a 96 - well plate and treated with an 8 -point titration potently inhibited PERK in BRAF V600E cells but showed of compound for one hour at 37° C . before lysis . To detect essentially no pERK activation in RAS mutant cell lines at PERK , cell lysates were incubated with streptavidin - coated the concentrations tested ( Table 1 and FIG . 1 ( B )) . The AlphaScreen® donor beads , anti -mouse IgG AlphaScreen® compound of Formula II was also evaluated in the human acceptor beads, a biotinylated anti- ERK1/ 2 rabbit antibody , SCC cell line A431 and the human breast adenocarcinoma 10 and a mouse antibody that recognizes ERK1/ 2 only when it cell line SKBR3 as these cells achieve MAPK pathway is phosphorylated on Thr202 and Tyr204 . The biotinylated activation by upstream signals feeding into RAS ( through ERK1/ 2 antibody binds to both the streptavidin - coated over - expression of EGFR and HER2, respectively ) . Unlike AlphaScreen® donor beads and to ERK1/ 2 (regardless of its vemurafenib , the compound of Formula II did not increase 15 phosphorylation state ) , and the phospho - ERK1 / 2 antibody PERK levels in these cells. binds to the acceptor beads and to ERK1/ 2 that is phospho 1 . In Vitro and In Vivo Studies A . Biochemical Assays and Kinome Selectivity Profiling rylated at Thr202 / Tyr204 . An increase in ERK1/ 2 phospho The in vitro RAF kinase activities were determined by rylation at Thr202 / Tyr204 brings the donor and acceptor measuring phosphorylation of a biotinylated substrate pep AlphaScreen® beads into close proximity , generating a tide as described in Tsai et al 2008 . Formula II was testedSd 20 si?signal that can be quantified on an EnVision reader (Perkin against a panel of 287 kinases at concentrations of 1 uM in Elmer ) . Inhibition of ERK phosphorylation results in a loss duplicate . Kinases inhibited by over 50 % were followed up of signal compared to DMSO controls . by IC50 determination . The 287 kinases represent all major Phospho -ERK immunoblot analysis : Western blots were branches of the kinome phylogenetic tree . The inhibition performed by standard techniques and analyzed on an Odys screen of 287 kinases was carried out under contract as 25 sey Infrared Scanner (Li - COR Biosciences ) . The following complementary panels at Invitrogen ( Life Technologies, WI, antibodies were used : PERK1/ 2 ( T202 / Y204 ) and ERK1/ 2 USA ) SelectScreenTM profiling service , DiscoverX (CA , (Cell Signaling ) . USA ) KINOMEScanTM service , and Reaction Biology Cor- Growth inhibition assay : Cells were plated into a 96 -well poration (PA , USA ) Kinase HotSpot SM service . plate at a density of 3000 cells per well and allowed to B . Cell Culture , pERK Assay, Growth Inhibition , and 30 adhere overnight. Compounds were dissolved in DMSO , EGFR Signaling Assay diluted 3 - fold to create an 8 -point titration and added to The B9 cell line was obtained from Allan Balmain (Uni - cells . After a 72 - hour incubation , cell viability was exam versity of California , San Francisco , Calif. , USA ) . The ined using CellTiter- Glo® (Promega ) . SK -MEL -239 and SK -MEL -239 - C3 cell lines were obtained Formula II inhibited the in vitro growth of two aforemen from David Solit and Neal Rosen (Memorial Sloan -Ketter - 35 tioned melanoma cell lines (A375 and COLO829 ) and an ing Cancer Center , New York , N . Y . , USA ). The IPC - 298 cell additional human colorectal cancer cell line COLO205 that line was obtained from DSMZ (Braunschweig , Germany ) . expresses BRAF V600E with ICsns 0 . 17 uM , 0 .53 uM , and All other cell lines were obtained from ATCC . Compound 0 . 16 uM , respectively , on par with vemurafenib ICsos in the dilutions were done in 100 % dimethylsulfoxide ( “DMSO " ) , same assays (0 .33 uM , 0 .69 uM , and 0 . 25 uM , respectively ). TABLE 1 Comparison of the in vitro profile of first generation BRAF inhibitors with a Paradox Breaker . Biochemical PERK inhibition PERK activation IC50 ( UM ) . IC50 (UM ) EC 50 (UM ) Compound BRAF V600E BRAF CRAF A 375 COLO829 B9 IPC298 HCT116 EPIIC Vemurafenib 0 . 031 0 . 11 00 ..048 0 .032 032 0 . 041 0 . 3636 00 . 54 0 . 3434 11 ( + 0 .004 ) ( + 0 .02 ) ( + 0 .004 ) ( + 0 . 007 ) ( + 0 .008 ) ( + 0 .08 ) ( + 0 . 12 ) ( + 0 .07 ) Formula I 0 . 0042 0 . 14 0 . 091 0 .016 0 .018 > 200 > 200 > 200 > 10 ,000 ( + 0 .0006 ) ( + 0 .02 ) ( + 0 .014 ) ( + 0 .005 ) ( + 0 .005 ) Formula II 0 .0038 0 .014 0 .023 0 . 0035 0 .0021 > 200 > 200 > 200 > 50 ,000 ( + 0 . 0016 ) ( + 0 . 004 ) ( 0 .04 ) ( + 0 .0012 ) ( + 0 .0012 ) Sorafenib 0 . 35 0 .072 0 .011 4 .. 44 2 0 .025 0 .019 0 .086 0 .01 ( + 0 .04 ) ( + 0 . 008 ) ( + 0 . 002 ) ( + 1 . 3 ) ( + 1 . 2 ) ( + 0 . 005 ) ( + 0 .01 ) ( + 0 .04 ) Dabrafenib 0 .0054 0054 0 .0027 0 . 0015 0 .001 0 . 005 0 .01 0 .01 0 .003 - 4 ( +0 .0015 ) (+ 0. 001 ) ( + 0 .001 ) (+ 0 .001 ) (+ 0. 003) d (+ 0. 005 ) d( +0 .005 ) (+ 0 . 002) "Mutational status of the cell lines: A375 , BRAF V600E , homozygous ; COLO829 , BRAF V600E , heterozygous ; B9, HRAS0612 ; IPC - 298, NRAS061L ; HCT116 , KRAS “ 10 . Each value is an average of more than 4 experiments . Values in parenthesis indicate standard errors . " EC50 , the concentration increasing PERK to 50 % compared to the positive control, 10 M PLX4720 (CAS No . 918505 - 84 - 7 ) . ERK pathway inhibition index ( EPII ) , the ratio between mean pERK activation EC50 and mean pERK inhibition IC50 . " Using the rising portion of the concentration - response curve

and these titrations were diluted 500 fold in culture medium As shown in FIG . 1 ( A ) , Formula II ( filled in circle ; when added to cells resulting is a final 0 . 2 % DMSO con bottom line ) and vemurafenib (open circle ; dashed top line ) centration . show similar potency to block pERK signaling in human Phospho - ERK AlphaScreen® assay : The degree of ERK 65 BRAF V600E melanoma cell COLO829 . phosphorylation was determined using an AlphaScreen® FIG . 1 ( B ) shows that in RAS activated human melanoma assay where an increase in ERK1/ 2 phosphorylation at cell line IPC - 298 (NRAS2612 ) , vemurafenib ( open circle ) US 9 ,814 ,714 B2 35 36 paradoxically activates MAPK signaling while Formula II decrease in this proximity signal in cells expressing BRAF ( filled in circle ) causes negligible pERK increase . V600E ( e. g . A375 ) through a decrease in phosphorylation of Based on these results , the compounds of Formula I and the BRAF effectors ERK and MEK . Additionally , Formula II are not expected to affect the MAPK pathway in normal I did not exhibit an increase in the proximity signal in cells tissues (either paradoxical activation or inhibition ) at thera - 5 expressing mutant RAS ( e .g . B9 and IPC - 298 ), in contrast to peutic concentrations. The pERK curves were generated vemurafenib . using an AlphaScreen® assay . Meanus. d ., n = 5 independent 1 . Materials and Methods experiments . A . Reagents 1 . Cell Lines Example 2 : Compound of Formula I Inhibits the 10 A375 Melanoma , expresses homozygous BRAF - V600E MEK and ERK Phosphorylation in BRAFV600 ATCC? CRL - 1619TM Mutant Cells and Exhibits No Paradoxical MAPK COLO829 Melanoma, expresses heterozygous BRAF Pathway Activation in NRAS Mutant Cells V600E ATCC? CRL - 1974TM MEK and ERK kinases act downstream of RAS /RAF in 15 HT- 29 Colorectal adenocarcinoma, expresses heterozygous growing cells . Their catalytic activity is tightly associated BRAF - V600E ATCC® HTB -38TM with phosphorylation atat specific residues . MEKMEK isis phospho - SK -MEL - 3 Melanoma, expresses heterozygous BRAF rylated by RAF kinases at serines 217 and 221 , resulting in V600E ATCC® HTB -69TM increased MEK enzyme activity . MEK subsequently phos B9 Squamous cell carcinoma, expresses HRAS -Q61L phorylates ERK at threonine 202 and tyrosine 204 , inducing 20 Received from Allan Balmain , Ph . D . (University of Cali ERK catalytic activity . Cell lines that express BRAF fornia , San Francisco ) mutated at V600 exhibit high levels of both MEK and ERK IPC - 298 Melanoma, expresses NRAS - Q61L DSMZ # ACC phosphorylation . First generation RAF inhibitors ( e . g . dab 251 rafenib , vemurafenib ) exhibit dramatic inhibition of MEK A431 Squamous cell carcinoma, expresses high levels of and ERK phosphorylation and activity in BRAF -V600 25 EGFR , wild - type BRAF & RAS ATCC® CRL - 1555TM mutant cells ( Tsai 2008 , Bollag 2010 ) . However, these HCT116 Colorectal carcinoma, expresses high levels of inhibitors also exhibit a paradoxical activation of MEK and EGFR , KRAS -G13D , wild - type BRAF ATCC CCL - 247TM ERK in cells that express mutant RAS or high levels of 2 . Cell Culture Media constitutively active growth factor receptors (Poulikakos A375 & A431 Dulbecco ' s Modified Eagle ' s Medium 2010 , Hatzivassiliou 2010 ) . This is particularly concerning 30 (DMEM ) , ATCC # 30 - 2002 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invit in light of the development of squamous cell carcinomas in rogen # 10438 - 026 1 % Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen patients treated with vemurafenib ( Su 2012 ) . The compound # 15140 - 122 of Formula I was found to have surprising activity as a B9 Dulbecco 's Modified Eagle 's Medium (DMEM ), Invit " paradox breaker" compound that retains the ability to rogen # 10313 -039 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen inhibit MEK and ERK phosphorylation in BRAF - V600 35 # 10438 -026 1 % L -Glutamine , Invitrogen # 25030 -081 1 % mutant cells, while avoiding the paradoxical activation of Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen # 15140 - 122 the pathway in RAS mutant cells . This example demon - COLO829 & IPC -298 RPMI Medium 1640 , Invitrogen strates these specific characteristics of the compound of # 11875 - 119 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen # 10438 Formula I . 026 1 % Penicillin -Streptomycin , Invitrogen # 15140 - 122 In order to determine the effect of the compound of 40 SK -MEL - 3 McCoy ' s 5A (Modified ) Medium , Invitrogen Formula I on ERK and MEK phosphorylation in cells , # 16600 - 108 15 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen # 10438 assays using AlphaScreen® technology have been estab - 026 1 % Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen # 15140 -122 lished . In cells expressingmutant BRAF - V600 (e .g . A375 , HCT116 & HT- 29 McCoy 's 5A (Modified ) Medium , Invit COLO829 , SK -MEL - 3 , HT- 29 ), the constitutive catalytic rogen # 16600 - 108 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen activity of BRAF results in increased phosphorylation levels 45 # 10438 - 026 1 % Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen of the downstream effectors ERK and MEK . Inhibition of # 15140 - 122 BRAF - V600 results in inhibition of ERK and MEK phos - 3 . Buffers phorylation in these cells . In cells expressing mutated RAS Cell Lysis Buffer (10x ) Cell Signaling Technology # 9803 ( e . g . B9 and IPC - 298 ) , treatment with first generation RAF Diluted to 1x with H2O before use inhibitors ( e . g . vemurafenib ) results in increased phospho - 50 AlphaLISA Immunoassay buffer ( 10x ) Perkin Elmer rylation of ERK and MEK , while Formula I did not exhibit # ALOOOF Diluted to 1x with H2O before use this paradoxical activation . 4 . Antibodies Using AlphaScreen® technology, the ability of FormulaI p44 /42 MAPK ( Erk1 / 2 ) ( 137F5 ) Rabbit (Biotinylated ) to affect the phosphorylation of ERK and MEK in the cells donor antibody Cell Signaling Technology # 5013 Final was measured quantitatively . Following treatment with com - 55 concentration = 1. 25 nM pound , the cells were lysed , and a sample of the lysate was Phospho - p44 /42 MAPK (Erk1 / 2 ) ( Thr202 / Tyr204 ) (E10 ) transferred to an assay plate . The lysate was mixed with Mouse acceptor antibody Cell Signaling Technology # 9106 antibodies directed against total ERK /MEK , antibodies that Final concentration = 0 . 17 nM recognize specific phosphorylation sites on ERK /MEK , Phospho -MEK1 / 2 (Ser217 /221 ) (4169 ) Rabbit (Bioti AlphaScreen anti -mouse IgG Acceptor beads , and Strepta - 60 nylated ) donor antibody Cell Signaling Technology # 3958 vidin Donor beads. Upon excitation of the donor beads with Final concentration = 0 .625 nM laser light at 680 nm , singlet oxygen was produced . This MEK1/ 2 (L38C12 ) Mouse acceptor antibody Cell Signaling singlet oxygen was rapidly quenched , unless the Technology # 4694 Final concentration = 0 .05 nM AlphaScreen® Acceptor beads were in close proximity , in 5 . Detection Reagent which case a proximity signal can be measured at 580 nm . 65 AlphaScreen® Mouse IgG Detection Kit , 10 ,000 assay In the presence of phosphorylated ERK /MEK , there is a very points Perkin Elmer # 6760606M Final concentration = 20 strong proximity signal. BRAF - V600 inhibitors affect a ug /mL US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 37 38 B .Methods Stop / Detection Buffer : 1 . One day before the assay, 50 ,000 cells were plated in each 50 mM HEPES , pH 7. 5 100 mM EDTA 0 . 02 % BSA well of a 96 -well tissue - culture - treated plate ( Corning Anti- phospho -MEK1 (Cell Signal Technologies # 9121 ) # 3610 ) in a 50 uL volume. Cells were incubated at 37° C . AlphaScreenTM donor and acceptor beads ( Perkin - Elmer overnight. 5 #6760617 ) 1. Methods 2 . Compounds were diluted in DMSO to 500x final con 1 ) Test compounds in DMSO were serially diluted and centration . Each compound was plated as an 8 -point titra plated into 384 -well assay plates at 1 uL /well . tion , using 1 : 3 dilutions in DMSO . The maximum concen 2 ) Added were 15 uL /well of RAF enzyme and biotinylated tration was about 5 mM . MEK1 substrate in kinase buffer. 3 . 1 ul of compound was added to each well of a 96 -well " 3 ) Added were 4 uL of ATP (500 uM ) in kinase buffer . polypropylene plate ( Corning # 3363) . For A375 , COLO829 , 4 ) The final DMSO was about 5 % ; the concentrations of SK -MEL - 3 , HCT116 , and HT- 29 , the high control was RAF enzymes and MEK1 are listed in Table 2 below for DMSO , and the low control was 10 uM PLX4720 (CAS No. each assay . Under these conditions, the enzymes were saturated with substrate ; ATP was at 100 UM . 918505 - 84 - 7 ) . For B9 and IPC - 298 , the high control was 1515 3 . 33 uM PLX4720 , and the low control was DMSO . 4 . 249 uL growth media was added to compounds, diluting TABLE 2 them 250 - fold . Assay Kinase ( NM ) Substrate (nM ) 5 . 50 uL of the diluted compound was transferred into 50 uL BRAF V600E 0 . 015 15 cells , for a 500 - fold final compound dilution (maximum 20 BRAF V600A 0 . 56 concentration is typically 10 UM ) . The compound was BRAF V600G 0 . 40 incubated with the cells at 37° C . for one hour. BRAF V600K 0 . 21 BRAF V600M 0 . 56 6 . The media was aspirated , and the cells were lysed in 50 BRAF V600R 0 . 4 uL of ice - cold 1x Cell Lysis buffer . The plates were incu BRAF 0 . 26 0 . 15 NNNNN bated on ice for 5 minutes to allow complete lysis of the 25 CRAF cells . Ooi 7 . A mixture of biotinylated donor antibody , acceptor anti 5 ) After a brief spin down , the plate was incubated at about body , and anti- mouse IgG AlphaScreen® acceptor beads in room temperature for 40 -50 minutes . 1x AlphaLISA immunoassay buffer was prepared . 6 ) Added was 5 uL of Stop buffer at final EDTA 20 mM ; 8 . 5 uL of lysate was transferred to a 384 -well assay plate 30 anti- phospho -MEK1 1 : 2 , 500 ; donor/ acceptor beads 3 (Perkin Elmer # 6005359 ). 5 uL of the antibody and acceptor ug/ mL . bead mixture was added . The plates were spinned . 7 ) After brief spin down , the plate was incubated at room The ERK /MEK phosphorylation and growth assays yield temperature for about 3 hours . sufficient data to determine that Formula I is a potent 8 ) The plate was read on the Envision multilabel plate reader inhibitor of BRAF - V600E in both the SK -MEL - 239 paren - 35 ( Perkin Elmer ) . tal and vemurafenib - resistant C3 cell lines . Specifically , IC50 values are shown below in Table 3 . FIGS . 2 ( A ) - 2 ( F ) demonstrate that, in contrast to vemu 2 . Results rafenib , Formula I does not increase pERK and pMEK levels Formula I exerts potent inhibition against V600E and all in RAS mutant cell lines . 40 other tested non - V600E mutant BRAF proteins ( Table 3 ). It Example 3 : Inhibition of Various BRAF V600 also inhibits kinase activity of wild - type BRAF and acti Mutant Proteins by Formula I vated CRAF (Table 3 ) . BRAF proteins were produced in insect cells at Plexxikon TABLE 3 Inc. as N -terminally His - tagged fragments encompassing the 45 Biochemical ICsos against Different Forms of RAF kinases kinase domain . Constructs encoding BRAF (S432 - R726 ) containing the V600A , V600G , or V600M mutations and Formula I constructs BRAF (D448 -K723 ) containing the V600E , Kinase IC50 (UM ) V600K or V600R mutation were used . BRAF 0 . 0143 BRAF 50 CRAF 0 . 0226 BRAF V600E 0 . 0044 BRAF , residues L416 through H766 fused at the N - ter BRAF V600A 0 .0142 minus with a GST tag , was produced in insect cells , and BRAF _ V600G 0 .0063 BRAF was purchased from Millipore (Catalog # 14 - 530 ) . BRAF _ V600K 0 .0039 CRAF BRAF V600M 0 .0098 CRAF, residues Q307 through F648 containing Y340D 55 BRAF _ V600R 0 .0035 and Y341D activating substitutions mimicking the dual phosphorylation of Y340 / 341, was fused at the N - terminus with a GST tag and produced in insect cells , and CRAF was Example 4 : Potency of the Compound of Formula I purchased from Millipore (Catalog # 14 - 352 ) . in Cell Lines Expressing Wild Type BRAF , Biotinylated -MEK1 BRAFV600E and BRAFV600K Cells ( IC50 , UM ) MEK1, residues M1 through V393 containing kinase Cell Line disabling mutation K97A , fused at the N -terminus with a GST tag and at the C -terminus with a 16 amino acid The selective inhibition of BRAFV600E driven tumor biotinylation tag was produced in E . coli at Plexxikon Inc . cell proliferation by the compound of Formula I was mea Kinase Buffer : 65 sured in a panel of cells that harbor the mutated BRAF gene 50 mM HEPES , PH 7 . 5 50 mM NaCl 2 mM MgC12 1 mM in the presence or absence of a BRAF wild type allele . MnC12 1 mM DTT 0 .01 % NP - 40 BRAFV600E mutant cell lines, which were relatively resis US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 39 40 tant to vemurafenib inhibition , were also included . To dem - SK -MEL - 3 McCoy ' s 5A (Modified ) Medium , Invitrogen onstrate the selective mechanism of action by the compound # 16600 - 108 15 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen # 10438 of Formula I through inhibition of the activated BRAF 026 1 % Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen # 15140 - 122 protein , tumor cells that lack a mutation in BRAF and are 3 . Culture Plates transformed by KRAS mutation or alternate oncogenes were 5 Corning® 96 Well Clear V - Bottom Polypropylene Not included . In summary , the compound of Formula I is a Treated Microplate , 25 per Bag, without Lids, Nonsterile potent and selective inhibitor of the growth of cell lines that (Product # 3363 ) harbor the mutant activated BRAF protein (V600E ) . The compound of Formula I also inhibited cells that are resistant Corning® 96 Well Flat Clear Bottom White Polystyrene to vemurafenib inhibition (HT - 29 ) . Formula I' s selectivity 10 TC - Treated Microplates , Individually Wrapped , with Lid , was substantiated as the proliferation of cells that harbored 10 Sterile ( Product # 3610 ) a mutant KRAS allele or other non -BRAF V600E mutation 4 . Detection Reagent pathways was not affected . CellTiter -Glo® Luminescent Cell Viability Assay, Promega In order to determine the effects of Formula I on prolif # G7573 eration , a growth assay was established using melanoma 15 B . Methods cells (A375 and COLO829 ) and colorectal carcinoma cells 1 . 3 , 000 cells were plated in each well for cell lines A375 , (COLO205 . HT- 29 ) which each express the BRAFV600E COLO205 , COLO829 , HT- 29 , and SK -MEL - 3 . 25 , 000 cells mutation . To show selectivity over wild - type BRAF, several were plated in each well for cell lines K562, ML - 2 , MV- 4 BRAF wild - type cell lines (K562 , NOMO - 1 , MV - 4 - 11 and 11 , and ML - 2 ) were also examined in the growth assay. The growth 20 NOMO - 1 of a 96 -well tissue -culture - treated plate (Corning assay implemented the Promega CellTiter -Glo Luminescent # 3610 ) in a 50 uL volume. Cells were incubated overnight Cell viability assay, which gives a luminescent readout that at 37° C . is proportional to the amount of ATP present in a cell sample . 2 . Each test compound was plated as an 8 -point titration , As ATP levels directly correlate with the number of viable using 1 : 3 dilutions in DMSO . The maximum concentration cells , the luminescent signal can be used to determine the 25 was about 5 mM . Dilute DMSO and test compound of potency of Formula I to block the proliferation of the cell Formula I 1 :250 in growth media . lines of interest . 3 . 50 uL of the diluted compound was transferred into 50 ML 1 . Materials and Methods cells , for a 500 - fold final compound dilution (maximum A . Reagents concentration is typically 10 uM and DMSO concentration 1 . Cell Lines 30 is 0 . 2 % ) . The cells were incubated with DMSO / compound A375 Melanoma, expresses homozygous BRAFV600E ; for 3 days at 37° C . in 5 % CO , . ATCC? CRL - 1619TM 4 . Cell Titer -Glo Luminescent Assay Reagent was brought to COLO829 Melanoma, expresses heterozygous room temperature and reconstituted as directed in the prod BRAFV600E ; ATCC® CRL - 1974TM uct manual. The cell cultures were also brought to room COLO205 Colorectal adenocarcinoma, expresses heterozy - 35 temperature for about 20 - 30 minutes . A 25 uL volume of gous BRAFV600E ; ATCC® CCL - 222TM reconstituted Cell Titer -Glo reagent was added to the cells , HT- 29 Colorectal adenocarcinoma, expresses heterozygous and the mixture was incubated at room temperature for BRAFV600E ; ATCC® HTB -38TM about 10 minutes to ensure lysis of the cells . K562 Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CIVIL ), expresses 5 . Luminescence was measured on a Tecan Safire plate the Philadelphia chromosome, the 9 ; 22 chromosomal trans - 40 reader. location that creates BCR -ABL . It also expresses wild - type 2 . Results BRAF and KRAS ; ATCC® CCL - 243TM The results are summarized in Table 4 below . ML - 2 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia , express activated KRAS -A146T and wild - type BRAF ; DSMZ # ACC 15 TABLE 4 MV - 4 - 11 Biphenotypic B myelomonocytic leukemia , 45 Formula I expresses FLT- 3 ITD , wild - type BRAF and wild -type BRAF RAS (IC50 KRAS ; ATCC? CRL - 9591TM Cell Line Tumor of Origin (Genotype ) (Genotype ) in uM ) NOMO - 1 Acute myeloid leukemia , expresses activated K562 Chronic myeloid WT WT > 10 KRAS -G13D , and wild - type BRAF ; DSMZ # ACC 542 leukemia SK -MEL - 3 Melanoma, expresses heterozygous BRAF - 50 ML- 2 acute [ W? KRAS - A146T > 10 V600E ; ATCC® HTB -69TM myelomonocytic 2 . Cell Culture Media leukemia MV- 4 - 11 biphenotypicB WT W? > 10 A375 & COLO829 Dulbecco ' s Modified Eagle ' s Medium myelomonocytic (DMEM ), ATCC # 30 - 2002 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invit leukemia rogen # 10438 -026 1 % Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen 55 NOMO - 1 acute myeloid WT KRAS -G13D > 10 # 15140 - 122 leukemia A375 melanoma V600E WT 0 .05 COLO205 & NOMO - 1 & ML - 2 RPMIMedium 1640 , Invit Colo205 colorectal V600E /WT WT 0 .01 rogen # 11875 - 119 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen adenocarcinoma HL# 10438 - 026 1 % Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen Colo829Colo829 melanoma V600E /WT WT 0 . 1 # 15140 - 122 60 HT- 29 colorectal V600E /WT WT 0 . 84 HT- 29 McCoy ' s 5A (Modified ) Medium , Invitrogen adenocarcinoma # 16600 - 108 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen # 10438 026 1 % Penicillin - Streptomycin , Invitrogen # 15140 - 122 The compound of Formula I was a potent inhibitor in the K562 & MV- 4 - 11 Iscove ' s Modified Dulbecco ' s Medium heterozygous ( COLO205 , COLO829, HT- 29 ) and homozy ( IMDM ) , Invitrogen # 16600 - 108 65 gous BRAFV600E (A375 ) expressing cell lines . Specifi 10 % Fetal Bovine Serum , Invitrogen # 10438 -026 1 % Peni- cally , the above results demonstrate that Formula I inhibited cillin -Streptomycin , Invitrogen # 15140 - 122 the in vitro growth of two melanoma cell lines (A375 and US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 41 42 COLO829 ) and additional colorectal cancer cell lines times to provide the title compound as an oil that was used COLO205 and HT29 that express BRAFV600E. The selec - directly in the next step (218 g ). tivity of Formula I is clearly demonstrated by the lack of Synthesis of ( 2 , 6 -difluoro - 3 -nitrophenyl ) (5 - iodo - 1H - pyr inhibition in the BRAF wild - type cell lines K562, ML - 2 , rolo [ 2 , 3 - b ]pyridin - 3 - yl) methanone . 5 - iodo - 1H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 NOMO - 1 and MV - 4 - 11 . 5 b ]pyridine ( 160 g , 0 .656 mol) and aluminum chloride (525 g , 3 . 94 mol) in nitromethane ( 1640 mL ) were allowed to stir Example 5 : NIH /3T3 Cells Stably Expressing at room temperature for 1 hour. Then 2 , 6 - difluoro - 3 -ni KIAA1549- BRAF Fusions Display Accelerated trobenzoyl chloride (218 g , 0 .985 mmol) in nitromethane Tumor Growth in the Presence of PLX4720 ( 1640 mL ) was added and the mixture was heated at 50° C . Whereas Formula I Inhibits the Growth of BRAF 10 for 4 days . After cooling to 0° C . , the reaction was quenched Fusion Xenografts with the dropwise addition of methanol ( 1 . 5 L ) resulting in a precipitate . The mixture was diluted with water ( 2 L ) and NIH /3T3 (ATCC® CRL - 1658TM ) cells stably expressing filtered . The crude product was triturated with methyl tert KIAA1549 -BRAF fusions ( Fusion - 1, Fusion - 2 , Fusion - 3, butyl ether and filtered to give the title compound as a tan and Fusion -4 ) were injected into the flank of balb / c nu /nu 15 solid which was used directly in the next step (281 g ). mice . Tumor growth was measured with calipers . Ellipsoid Synthesis of ( 3 - amino - 2 ,6 - difluorophenyl ) ( 5 - iodo - 1H tumor volume was calculated using the following formula : pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - b ]pyridin - 3 - yl) methanone . To ( 2 , 6 -difluoro - 3 volume= 1/ 2 · length .width ? . nitrophenyl11111 ) ( 5 - iodo - 1H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - b ]pyridin - 3 - yl) metha NIH /3T3 cells expressing three of the four KIAA1549 - none ( 281 g , 656 mmol) in ethyl acetate ( 10 . 9 L ) and BRAF fusions demonstrated resistance and increased tumor 20 tetrahydrofuran (10 . 9 L ) was added tin ( II ) chloride dihy growth in vivo when injected into the flank of immune drate (517 g , 2 .72 mol) portion wise while heating at 60° C . compromised balb / c nu /nu mice dosed with PLX4720 (CAS The reaction mixture was held at this temperature overnight. No. 918505 - 84 - 7 ; PLX4720 can be synthesized as described After cooling to room temperature , the reaction mixture was in Tsai et al. 2008 ) chow . The compound of Formula 1 quenched with 50 % saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate inhibited the growth of all three xenografts (NIH /3T3 cells 25 ( 1 : 1 water and saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate ) and expressing three of the four KIAA1549 - BRAF fusions) by filtered through Celite washing the cake with ethyl acetate . 50 % or more ( FIG . 3 ; they axis indicates tumor volume in The layers were separated and the organic layer was washed cubic millimeters; the x axis , days since injection ) . These with brine and then concentrated under reduced pressure to data suggest that the compound of Formula I can success - give the crude product which was triturated with methyl fully target KIAA1549 - BRAF fusions characterizing pedi- 30 tert -butyl ether and filtered to give the title compound as a atric astrocytomas and provides support for the application tan solid ( 216 g , 541 mmol, 83 % yield , - 85 % purity ) . of this compound in BRAF - fusion -mediated cancers . Synthesis of ( 3 - amino - 2 , 6 - difluorophenyl) ( 5 - ( 2 - cyclo propylpyrimidin - 5 - yl) - 1H - pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - b ]pyridin - 3 - yl) Example 6 : Synthetic Examples for the Compounds methanone . A mixture of ( 3 -amino - 2 ,6 -difluorophenyl ) (5 of Formula I and Formula II 35 iodo - 1H -pyrrolo [2 ,3 - b ]pyridin - 3 -yl )methanone ( 93 g , 233 mmol ), 2 -cyclopropyl - 5 - ( 4 ,4 ,5 , 5 - tetramethyl- 1, 3 ,2 - dioxa All solvents and reagents were used as obtained from borolan - 2 - yl) pyrimidine ( 229 g , 466 mmol, - 50 % purity ) , commercial sources . Startingmaterials were purchased from potassium carbonate (97 g , 700 mmol) and [ 1 , 1 '- bis ( diphe commercial sources or prepared according to methods nylphosphino ) ferrocene ] dichloropalladium ( II ) ( 19 . 0 g , 23 . 3 reported in the literature . Reactions involving air or moisture 40 mmol) in dioxane ( 930 mL ) and water (465 mL ) was heated sensitive reagents were carried out under a nitrogen atmo - at 100° C . for several hours . Upon cooling , the reaction sphere . NMR spectra were recorded in deuterated solvent mixture was diluted with water and extracted with a mixture with an Agilent 400 MHz MR DD2 spectrometer system of tetrahydrofuran and ethyl acetate . The organic layer was equipped with an Oxford AS400 magnet. Chemical shifts separated and concentrated under reduced pressure to give are expressed as g units and referenced to the residual ' H 45 the crude product which was triturated with dichlorometh solvent signal. All coupling constants ( J ) are reported in ane /methyl tert - butyl ether and filtered , washing with methyl Hertz ( s = singlet , d - doublet, t= triplet, q = quartet , tert- butyl ether to give the title compound as a tan solid (71 m = multiplet, br = broad peak , dd = doublet of doublets , g , 78 % yield ) . ddd - doublet of doublet of doublets , dm - doublet of multi Synthesis of 5- ( 2 -cyclopropylpyrimidin - 5 -yl ) - 3 - [ 3 plets ). Mass spectra analytical purity were measured with a 50 [[ ethyl( methyl ) sulfamoyl] amino ] - 2 ,6 - difluoro -benzoyl ] Shimadzu LCMS- 2020 spectrometer coupled to a Shimadzu 1H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - b ] pyridine ( Formula II ) . To ( 3 -amino - 2 , 6 20A HPLC system operating in reverse mode . Analytical difluorophenyl) ( 5 -( 2 -cyclopropylpyrimidin -5 -yl ) - 1H purity was greater than 95 % for final compounds and was pyrrolo [ 2, 3 -b ]pyridin - 3 -yl ) methanone (53 . 8 g , 138 mmol) determined using the following High Performance Liquid in pyridine ( 1375 mL ) was added ethyl (methyl ) sulfamoyl Chromatography (“ HPLC ” ) method : Buffer A : 5 % acetoni- 55 chloride (65 . 0 g , 412 mmol) and the reaction was heated at trile , 95 % water, 0 .01 % formic acid , buffer B : 95 % acetoni 65° C . overnight. The volatiles were removed under reduced trile , 5 % water , 0 . 01 % formic acid , SiliaChrom XDB C18 , pressure and the residue was partitioned between water and 5 um , 2 . 1x50 mm , 5 - 95 % B in 6 minutes, 1. 0 ml/minute , 220 ethyl acetate /tetrahydrofuran . The organic layer was con nm and 254 nm , ESI positive , 300 - 800 amu. centrated under reduced pressure to give the crude product Synthesis of 2 ,6 - difluoro - 3 -nitrobenzoyl chloride. 2 ,6 - 60 which was dry loaded onto silica gel and purified by silica difluoro - 3 -nitrobenzoic acid ( 200 g , 0 .985 mol) was added gel column chromatography (2x ) eluting with 0 - 10 % metha to thionyl chloride (737 mL, 10 . 2 mol) and the reaction was nol/ dichloromethane then ( 1x ) eluting ethyl acetate . The stirred at 80° C . for 16 hours and then allowed to cool to fractions containing the desired product were pooled and room temperature . The volatiles were removed under concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting solid reduced pressure and the resulting oil was dissolved in 65 was triturated with methyl tert -butyl ether and filtered to toluene . The toluene was removed under reduced pressure . give the title compound as a white solid (21 g ) . ' H NMR The addition and removal of toluene was repeated several (400 MHz, DMSO - do ) 13. 07 (br s , 1H ) , 9 .71 (br s , 1H ) , 9 . 03 US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 43 44 ( s, 2H ), 8. 76 ( s, 1H ), 8. 68 ( s, 1H ), 8. 19 ( s, 1H ), 7 .59 (ddd , disclosure is also thereby described in terms of any indi J = 5 . 9 Hz , 9 .0 Hz , 9 .0 Hz, 1H ) , 7 .27 (dd , J = 9 .0 Hz, 9 .0 Hz , vidual member or subgroup of members of the Markush 1H ), 3 .12 (q , J = 7 .0 Hz, 2H ) , 2 .74 (s , 3H ) , 2 .29 (m , 1H ) , 1 .09 group or other group . ( m , 4H ) , 0 . 95 ( t , J = 7 . 0 Hz, 3H ) . LC /MS (ESI + ) m / z : 513 . 3 Also , unless indicated to the contrary , where various ( M + H + ) . 5 numerical values are provided for embodiments, additional Synthesis of (3R ) - N - 13 -15 - ( 2 -cyclopropylpyrimidin - 5 - embodiments are described by taking any 2 different values yl) -1H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 -b ] pyridine - 3 - carbonyl] - 2 , 4 - difluoro as the endpoints of a range . Such ranges are also within the phenyl] -3 - fluoro -pyrrolidine - 1 - sulfonamide (Formula I) . scope of the described disclosure . This material was prepared in a manner analogous to For Thus , additional embodiments are within the scope of the mula II using ( 3R ) - 3 - fluoropyrrolidine - 1 - sulfonyl chloride 10 disclosure and within the is following claims. in place of ethyl( methyl ) sulfamoyl chloride . The product What is claimed is : was purified by reverse phase HPLC to provide , after 1 . A method of treating or inhibiting a BRAF V600 lyophilization , the title compound as a white solid . ' H NMR mutation or BRAF fusion mutation related disease or con (400 MHz, DMSO -d6 ) 13 .05 (br s , 1H ) , 9. 84 (br s, 1H ), 9. 01 dition , without activating the MAPK pathway or inducing ( s . 2H ), 8 .73 ( s, 1H ) , 8 .67 ( s . 1H ) , 8 . 15 ( s , 1H ) , 7 .62 ( ddd . expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring J = 5 . 9 Hz , 9 .0 Hz , 9 .0 Hz , 1H ) , 7 . 26 (dd , J= 9 .0 Hz, 9 .0 Hz, wild - type BRAF , in a subject suffering from or at risk for a 1H ), 5 .29 (dm , J= 51. 6 Hz ( H — F ) , 1H ), 3. 43 (dm , 2H ), 3 .33 said disease or condition , comprising administering to the ( m , 2H ) , 2 . 27 ( m , 1H ) , 2 .04 ( m , 2H ) , 1 . 06 (m , 4H ) . LC /MS subject in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of ( ESI + ) m / z : 542. 9 ( M + H * ) . ma compound of Formula I : All patents and other references cited in the specification are indicative of the level of skill of those skilled in the art to which the disclosure pertains, and are incorporated by reference in their entireties, including any tables and figures , to the same extent as if each reference had been incorporated 25 H by reference in its entirety individually. N One skilled in the art would readily appreciate that the present disclosure is well adapted to obtain the ends and SO advantages mentioned , as well as those inherent therein . The methods , variances, and compositions described herein as 30 presently representative of preferred embodiments are exemplary and are not intended as limitations on the scope of the disclosure . Changes therein and other uses will occur or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt , isomer, tautomer or to those skilled in the art , which are encompassed within the deuterated form thereof. spirit of the disclosure , are defined by the scope of the 35 2 . The method according to claim 1, wherein the non claims. activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of The disclosure illustratively described herein suitably expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring may be practiced in the absence of any element or elements , wild - type BRAF comprises inhibition of phosphor- ERK limitation or limitations which is not specifically disclosed (PERK ) in BRAF wild - type cells . herein . Thus , for example , in each instance herein any of the 403 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the non terms " comprising ” , " consisting essentially of” and “ con - activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of sisting of may be replaced with either of the other two expression of the MAPK pathway comprises inhibition of terms. Thus, for an embodiment of the disclosure using one PERK and pMEK in BRAF wild - type cells. of the terms, the disclosure also includes another embodi- 4 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the non ment wherein one of these terms is replaced with another of 45 activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of these terms. In each embodiment, the terms have their expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring established meaning . Thus , for example , one embodiment wild - type BRAF inhibits stimulation of cell growth . may encompass a method “ comprising ” a series of steps , 5 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the non another embodiment would encompass a method " consist activation of the MAPK pathway or non - inducement of ing essentially of the same steps , and a third embodiment 50 expression of MAPK pathway genes in cells harboring would encompass a method “ consisting of the same steps. wild - type BRAF inhibits stimulation of skin neoplasms. The terms and expressions which have been employed are 6 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thera used as terms of description and not of limitation , and there peutically effective amount of Formula I is administered in is no intention that in the use of such terms and expressions a pharmaceutical composition further comprising a pharma of excluding any equivalents of the features shown and 55 ceutically acceptable excipient or carrier. described or portions thereof, but it is recognized that 7 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thera various modifications are possible within the scope of the peutically effective amount of Formula I is administered in disclosure claimed . Thus , it should be understood that a pharmaceutical composition further comprising another although the present disclosure has been specifically dis - therapeutic agent. closed by preferred embodiments and optional features, 60 8 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF modification and variation of the concepts herein disclosed V600 mutation or BRAF fusion mutation related disease or may be resorted to by those skilled in the art , and that such condition is melanoma, colorectal cancer, papillary thyroid modifications and variations are considered to be within the cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, non - small scope of this disclosure as defined by the appended claims. cell lung cancer , gastric cancer, cholangiocarcinoma , Bar In addition , where features or aspects of the disclosure are 65 rett 's esophageal cancer , head and neck cancer , hepatocel described in terms of Markush groups or other grouping of lular carcinoma, Langerhan ' s cell histiocytosis , alternatives , those skilled in the art will recognize that the gastrointestinal stromal cell tumours , multiple myeloma, US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 45 46 pediatric astrocytomas, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas, 24 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF chronic myeloid leukemia , acute myelomonocytic leukemia , fusion mutation related disease or condition is pediatric biphenotypic B myelomonocytic leukemia , acute myeloid astrocytomas. leukemia , hairy cell leukemia , nevi, Erdheim - Chester dis 25 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF ease , malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, inflammatory 5 V600 mutation is one or more mutations selected from the and autoimmune disease , tenosynovial giant cell tumor, group consisting of V600E , V600K , 1600D , V600A , pigmented villonodular synovitis , giant cell tumor of tendon V600G , V600M , and V600R . sheath , giant cell tumor of bone , cervical cancer, endome 26 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF trial cancer, germ cell tumors , prostate cancer, bladder V600 mutation comprises a V600E mutation and a V600K cancer, myopericytoma, metanephric adenoma, pancreatic 10 mutation . neoplasms, neuroendocrine tumors , endocrine tumors , adre 27 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF nal tumors , adrenal medullary tumors , cystadenocarcinoma V600 mutation comprises a V600E mutation . of the parotid , glioblastoma multiforme, bile duct cancer 28 . The method according to claim 1 , further comprising including bile duct adenoma , B - cell chronic lymphoprolif - administering to said subject one or more of the following erative disorder , dendritic cell sarcomas , histiocytic sarco - 15 agents : adozelesin , altretamine , bendamustine , bizelesin , mas, or lymphoma. busulfan , carboplatin , carboquone , carmofur, carmustine , 9 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF chlorambucil, cisplatin , cyclophosphamide , dacarbazine , V600 mutation or BRAF fusion mutation related disease or estramustine , etoglucid , fotemustine , hepsulfam , ifosfamide , condition is hepatocellular carcinoma , Langerhan ' s cell his improsulfan , irofulven , lomustine , mannosulfan , mechlore tiocytosis , gastrointestinal stromal cell tumours , multiple 20 thamine , melphalan , mitobronitol, nedaplatin , nimustine , myeloma, pediatric astrocytomas , pleomorphic xanthoastro - oxaliplatin , piposulfan , prednimustine , procarbazine , rani cytomas , chronic myeloid leukemia , acute myelomonocytic mustine , satraplatin , semustine , streptozocin , temozolomide , leukemia , biphenotypic B myelomonocytic leukemia , acute thiotepa , treosulfan , triaziquone , triethylenemelamine , tri myeloid leukemia , hairy cell leukemia , or nevi. platin tetranitrate , trofosphamide, uramustine , aclarubicin , 10 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF 25 amrubicin , bleomycin , dactinomycin , daunorubicin , doxo V600 mutation or BRAF fusion mutation related disease or rubicin , elsamitrucin , epirubicin , idarubicin , menogaril , condition is melanoma, colorectal cancer, papillary thyroid mitomycin , neocarzinostatin , pentostatin , pirarubicin , pli cancer , anaplastic thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, non - small- camycin , valrubicin , zorubicin , aminopterin , azacitidine , cell lung cancer , gastric cancer, cholangiocarcinoma , Bar azathioprine , capecitabine , cladribine , clofarabine , cytara rett ' s esophageal cancer , or head and neck cancer. 30 bine, decitabine, floxuridine , fludarabinc , 5 - fluorouracil , 11. Themethod according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF gemcitabine, hydroxyurea , mercaptopurine , methotrexate , V600 mutation related disease or condition is Erdheim nelarabine , pemetrexed , azathioprine , raltitrexed , tegafur Chester disease . uracil , thioguanine , trimethoprim , trimetrexate , vidarabine , 12 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF alemtuzumab , pembrolizumab , nivolumab , bevacizumab , V600 mutation related disease or condition is melanoma. 35 cetuximab , galiximab , gemtuzumab , panitumumab , pertu 13 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF zumab , rituximab , tositumomab , trastuzumab , 90Y- ibritu V600 mutation related disease or condition is metastatic momab tiuxetan , ipilimumab , tremelinuimab , anastrozole , melanoma . androgens , buserelin , diethylstilbestrol, exemestane , fluta 14 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF mide , fulvestrant, goserelin , idoxifene, letrozole , leuprolide , V600 mutation related disease or condition is colorectal 40 magestrol, raloxifene , tamoxifen , toremifene , DJ-927 , doc cancer . etaxel, TPI 287 , larotaxel , ortataxel , paclitaxel , DHA -pacli 15 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF taxel , tesetaxel, alitretinoin , bexarotene , fenretinide, isot V600 mutation related disease or condition is papillary retinoin , tretinoin , demecolcine, homoharringtonine, thyroid cancer . vinblastine , vincristine, vindesine , vinflunine, vinorelbine, 16 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF 45 an antiangiogenic agent, including, but not limited to , Neo V600 mutation related disease or condition is anaplastic vastat, ABT- 510 , 2 -methoxyestradiol , lenalidomide , thalido thyroid cancer . mide, amsacrine , edotecarin , etoposide, etoposide phos 17 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF phate , exatecan , irinotecan , lucanthone, mitoxantrone , V600 mutation related disease or condition is ovarian can - pixantrone , rubitecan , teniposide , topotecan , 9 -aminocamp cer. 50 tothecin , axitinib , erlotinib , gefitinib , flavopiridol, imatinib 18 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF mesylate , cabozantinib , lapalinib , motesanib diphosphate , V600 mutation related disease or condition is non -small -cell nilotinib , seliciclib , sorafenib , sunitinib malate, AEE -788 , lung cancer . BMS- 599626 , 7 -hydroxystaurosporine , vatalanib , bort 19 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF ezomib , geldanamycin , rapamycin , imiquimod , interferon - a , V600 mutation related disease or condition is gastric cancer. 55 interleukin - 2 , 3 -amino - 2 - carboxyaldehyde thiosemicarba 20 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF zone , altrasentan , aminoglutethimide, anagrelide, asparagi V600 mutation related disease or condition is Langerhan ' s nase, bryostatin - 1 , cilengitide , elescloniol, eribulin mesy cell histiocytosis . late , ixabepilone , lonidamine , masoprocol, mitoguanazone , 21 . The method according to claim 1, wherein the BRAF oblimersen , sulindac , testolactonc , tiazofurin , temsirolimus, V600 mutation related disease or condition is acute myeloid 60 everolimus, deforolimus , a PI3K inhibitor, a Cdk4 inhibitor, leukemia . a Akt inhibitor, a Hsp90 inhibitor, an EGFR inhibitor, an 22 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF IDO inhibitor , a farnesyltransferase inhibitor, a MEK inhibi V600 mutation related disease or condition is multiple tor, a BET inhibitor, AS703026 , selumetinib , AZD8330 , myeloma. BIX02188 , PD184352 , D - 87503 , GS 1 120212 , 23 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF 65 PD0325901, PD3 18088 , PD98059 , PDEAl 19 , or TAK - 733 . V600 mutation related disease or condition is malignant 29 . The method according to claim 7 , wherein the another peripheral nerve sheath tumor. therapeutic agent is adozelesin , altretamine , bendamustine , US 9 , 814 , 714 B2 47 48 bizelesin , busulfan , carboplatin , carboquone, carmofur , car an antiangiogenic agent , including, but not limited to , Neo mustine, chlorambucil, cisplatin , cyclophosphamide, dacar vastat, ABT- 510 , 2 -methoxyestradiol , lenalidomide, thalido bazine , estramustine , etoglucid , fotemustine , hepsulfam , mide , amsacrine , edotecarin , etoposide , etoposide phos ifosfamide, improsulfan , irofulven , lomustine, mannosulfan , phate , exatecan , irinotecan , lucanthone , mitoxantrone , mechlorethamine , melphalan , mitobronitol, nedaplatin , 5 pixantrone, rubitecan , teniposide , topotecan , 9 -aminocamp nimustine, oxaliplatin , piposulfan , prednimustine, procarba tothecin , axitinib , erlotinib , gefitinib , flavopiridol, imatinib zine , ranimustine , satraplatin , semustine , streptozocin , mesylate , cabozantinib , lapalinib , motesanib diphosphate , temozolomide , thiotepa , treosulfan , triaziquone , triethylen emelamine , triplatin tetranitrate , trofosphamide , uramustine , nilotinib , seliciclib , sorafenib , sunitinib malate , AEE - 788 , aclarubicin , amrubicin , bleomycin , dactinomycin , daunoru - 10 BMS- 599626 , 7 -hydroxystaurosporine , vatalanib , bort bicin , doxorubicin , elsamitrucin , epirubicin , idarubicin , ezomib , geldanamycin , rapamycin , imiquimod , interferon - a , menogaril , mitomycin , neocarzinostatin , pentostatin , piraru interleukin - 2 , 3 -amino -2 -carboxyaldehyde thiosemicarba bicin , plicamycin , valrubicin , zorubicin , aminopterin , zone, altrasentan , aminoglutethimide , anagrelide, asparagi azacitidine, azathioprine, capecitabine, cladribine , clofara nase , bryostatin - 1 , cilengitide , elescloniol, eribulin mesy bine , cytarabine, decitabine, floxuridine, fludarabinc , 5 - fluo - 15 late , ixabepilone , lonidamine, masoprocol, mitoguanazone, rouracil, gemcitabine , hydroxyurea ,mercaptopurine , metho oblimersen , sulindac , testolactonc , tiazofurin , temsirolimus , trexate , nelarabine , pemetrexed , azathioprine , raltitrexed , everolimus, deforolimus , a PI3K inhibitor , a Cdk4 inhibitor, tegafur -uracil , thioguanine , trimethoprim , trimetrexate , vid a Akt inhibitor, a Hsp90 inhibitor, an EGFR inhibitor, an arabine , alemtuzumab , pembrolizumab , nivolumab , bevaci IDO inhibitor , a farnesyltransferase inhibitor , a MEK inhibi zumab , cetuximab , galiximab , gemtuzumab , panitumumab , 20 tor, a BET inhibitor, AS703026 , selumetinib , AZD8330 , pertuzumab , rituximab , tositumomab , trastuzumab , 90Y BIX02188 , PD184352 , D -87503 , GS 1 120212 , ibritumomab tiuxetan , ipilimumab , tremelinuimab , anastro PD0325901, PD3 18088 , PD98059 , PDEAl 19, or TAK - 733 . zole, androgens, buserelin , diethylstilbestrol, exemestane , 30 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the BRAF flutamide, fulvestrant, goserelin , idoxifene , letrozole, leu V600 mutation related disease or condition is cholangiocar prolide , magestrol, raloxifene, tamoxifen , toremifene , 25 cinoma. DJ- 927 , docetaxel , TPI 287 , larotaxel, ortataxel, paclitaxel, 31 .method according to claim 1, wherein the BRAF V600 DHA - paclitaxel , tesetaxel , alitretinoin , bexarotene , fenretin mutation related disease or condition is glioblastoma mul ide , isotretinoin , tretinoin , demecolcine , homoharringtonine , tiforme. vinblastine, vincristine , vindesine , vinflunine, vinorelbine , * * * * *