Sharp Isoperimetric Inequalities for Affine Quermassintegrals Emanuel Milman∗,† Amir Yehudayoff∗,‡ Abstract The affine quermassintegrals associated to a convex body in Rn are affine-invariant analogues of the classical intrinsic volumes from the Brunn–Minkowski theory, and thus constitute a central pillar of Affine Convex Geometry. They were introduced in the 1980’s by E. Lutwak, who conjectured that among all convex bodies of a given volume, the k-th affine quermassintegral is minimized precisely on the family of ellipsoids. The known cases k = 1 and k = n 1 correspond to the classical Blaschke–Santal´oand Petty projection inequalities, respectively.− In this work we confirm Lutwak’s conjec- ture, including characterization of the equality cases, for all values of k =1,...,n 1, in a single unified framework. In fact, it turns out that ellipsoids are the only local− minimizers with respect to the Hausdorff topology. For the proof, we introduce a number of new ingredients, including a novel con- struction of the Projection Rolodex of a convex body. In particular, from this new view point, Petty’s inequality is interpreted as an integrated form of a generalized Blaschke– Santal´oinequality for a new family of polar bodies encoded by the Projection Rolodex. We extend these results to more general Lp-moment quermassintegrals, and interpret the case p = 0 as a sharp averaged Loomis–Whitney isoperimetric inequality. arXiv:2005.04769v3 [math.MG] 11 Dec 2020 ∗Department of Mathematics, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel. †Email:
[email protected]. ‡Email: 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 52A40.