Todo? • E r f« « 00' I Edition Ammarile» P < # «* Today’» i» 11Ue»t one ,,f Paul V «* L a »t Inatte o f M ention S iale .Xeur» fo r Term T i t i l l a i Michigan State News ululi»-. K u m lier »4 FRIDAY. MAR 22, (929 Num ber 43 örter, Retter Win News Race ion


BUILDINGS APR. 8 Gould. Hannah, Cribbt, Carruther*. Ladd, and Vaughan Elected to --C. C. Taylor, ’09, Student Council; Winifred Kalehthaler President of W. S. G. A., Hat Matlr Amating U nna ta d A naory to Be Used in While Shirley Mixer Heads W. A. A. Sprìif Tena Registration. By BUI Mailer It» the hnaviost vo te ev«*r registered in an nll-cujln^n »»loction j»t M ichivan Stati», Joe P o rter o f Grand L»»dtf«\ was selected ¡uní ¡¡i,-1 «ermninjr REQUIEM LIBERAL ARTS IN ARMORY tin* M i» hivun H tfite aftermath. The last long tis editor of the State New« for the coming year «»ver his op­ n itla l f*tnjre • na ihe* setting sun tall softly and "Registration and payment of fees ponent. Pani Troth, 723-640; while Joe Uetter, of Adrian, was .... f . . rtl. i ° r spring term will start promptly at a s»»nii-\vt*«-kly, t i n * over th e old w arrior 8 a m April 8 ln the Unlon bulld- chosen business manayrer of |he paper over Ray Jennings. S86- h o f ¿he VhiipKP»' i ought his last battle and is inf." C. E Millar chairman of the 381, The record number of votes poiíed mounted to I'JfiP...... , Porter has l»een connected with ite* wns con«idernblc a g ita -* " r e t ir e . They glisten and committee for registration and pav- Jews for seven tt Tins, acting as • manner ¡11 which the n e r the medallions pinned on jou n ced Wednesday ••fxirts editiir for two treated hews concern** There will be a few minor changes ln vcars and the i • decorations of his many tjJe p j^ for jast term in order to pre- lust y e a r us assistim i editor Better H seem ed t h a t at Ilia? TROOPERS HALT lias served for t lie past . were trying to create Hls watch chain sags with v e n t a l l possible congestion of lines yea r us assis­ tfthl business manager i ti the sheet »ntngonlstii* to the col­ : !it o f mystic keys. His pockets and exits." ts. Deeply resenting' Jack H tetiherg ..f Jnck.« on. was chosen . unwritten editorials Now he . ¿ ¡ ¡ j S & i * S L i " n l r r ‘ l w U t>10» treatment the .student „ . . through the south door and ascend to CLASS BATTLE student representative » f the alhlatlj mod for an all-college to the attack of his o p p o n e n t s tj,e s e c o n d floor by means of the west coirncil by>y a.m overwhelming voUT^tft' fo r th e - in d e n t s by th e lo u t defense o f th e press The stairway to register in the ballroom ;» 535 us to ÖUllöCh’« 33ft and H ow ell s 32ft State Police Called in to Halt la r c h B>, 1009, the first >w er o f the* ballot, which once usual. The payment of fees, h ow ever In the race for co^td editorship of •ad whs published under the state News Kathryn Faner won by h im t o power h a k again fallen ** ln the 8®c°hd fluor dining room Soph*Freth Fight in Welli I C. G Tnylor, DO, and „ . r ’___ . ■ , .Certain of the windows in- the casli- decisive victory over Mildred Koyl, Hl.S nagerslup »>1 J o Lan., ■»* o f the people has again jr r *s C A ge wpj be reserved for the c o l­ tii 425 Hall. t i ----- e class i*f 09 In an a n d the old gives way to the; lection of foes from the women, while Norman Iturd was selected editor of Student and the C o m - id it o r R obert A. Mrlrnus re- the m(,n will be asked to. pay fees at lie Mlehtgan Agriculturist, over I <1 JO E r o a n a IOE « E T T I I; ting tf»r two hours and u half lit o r to ld o f th»- need 11 g a n g 1. A l>Hvenpnrt won the of- if a C alvin CooUdue he has re- the o lh e r »4ndows students «tilting Editor ItieiMrss Ha.ii ic i i . orrldors of Wells Hall last bight lient ion. the altps. and ...... _____ . . ,»_.;to make any adjustment regarding lce of business manager of thé paper en and sophomore CtftR-ses ftngag- ldltions * v.hich » xl-'ied his retirement be w ith -.tbcir fees will go directly to the w in - rotti iu« opponent. Everett Pcaoneth iiy llieir tlrst skirmish of this year, i rising pullers and the inp o r display. Like Cal. heldow where Mr.. Schepers Is w o r k in g OSWALT ELECTED HEAP OF ; dose margin was ended ohi y nfu»r some por-: «»r ih<* h ew e d ito r urged d e c id e d w hat will, occupv his ¡After payment of fees the students John (iouid of Hastings (Tolled 294 BODY OF ROUTE m ABBARD AND Bl APK WED. los-e identification remains secret, the .-publication of the 1 haps he will devote hlsi * “ >,1<-av* tb* Unlon by wav uI llre upon «tate police to halt pro- otes Harold Hannah, tirnnd Ita pida: south stairway. corral 2R1! votes; while Inland Cribbs. t' hing co-eds that ease and ¡.nil disperse the gladiators was rather (nii’resting The blue cards will be collected sev­ E ast i .»t 11 >>f VI» k t V e le c t- idra five ofTicers of the college Sing. * mu de >» to¡till of 2:ft4 t o ined more literary mu- h comes with long and con- eral times during the day and deliv­ b e c o m e t -ahbnrd an le. n a ­ o knowledge of the affair until h»' Junto »r n -p n sentati vl*S '«.f paper lut» since that, noklng—behind the wood- ered to the proper departments, which military ; ni y. at t h e H tu deitit c o u tic l 1 T h e d e f e a t e d r im - literary ennt ributions will remain open until 6 o'clock. In tin g W ed i n ig h t «ll»iiit«- wn1» Henry Morse in the Issue liesldes this way all instructors will have the thor uny of the nurt(ripants were Discovery Ends Three Months' i of (Irui > n w a s C h a r le s t jfid d Musk» cun ree*elv*»d lor the i*o-cds. correct class lists for the first« ath- ¡tenant, r '.»•w ry . 191 v o t e s anti i>inon» need our friend S e c r e t a r y The mast radical change will come iis published bl-weekly A lp e n a , : I » cant stii»1»-ni cn u tic l 1 p onI tlo n s o v e r John rm »»I 1910 when w»*ek- wandering about the polls1 however, in the removal of the liberal . Athletic Star C’hnrnrlerlzlng the K n i g h t ft;n d R o y .1B a m pie arts classification to the Old Armory i.sued With this ad- ¡’nlon lobby yesterday, gather- l ’lic fr r -shman .»itudent council ITOSI- * a better arrangement one or more representatives from each D pi Vantigli psroda. in ume new pointers on lobbying lore expansive »'overage department of the liberal arts division r i \ exists, with I »a fa vet te with the will be present for consultation and UZES AWARDED 'or news In 1912 11 set p r e ta - 151-152 J h ca tlon s w h s a c c e p t e d C H E E R U P for the issuance of the blue card, 11 iati rltlendon with 210 vote*, b is lv. A t I lu-i tim e it the latest report; consolation w,1ich they will retain •■»limi 1 hu and Mary Jen- Mr .Millar concluded "Both the »•lect »he «»ditor and v1ll be given defeated candl- lecam e the » l»»»*ted ju n ior tn* at the end of the . committee and the college greatlv »n- Board Bernice soon as they have dug their predate the cooperation of the Union the tnsimui three terms b o th ncti had absiWutolv no jtnowledge of it until Sextott defeated Mary Hewiti for sopho- rom under the landslide Re- building in allow ing practically the en-. •I lee for the subscrlp- A I til Scholanihip Awards Made ident. more meinlier Pnloh Hoard 173- uat “it is better to liave run tire second floor to be used for the Jcad was levied by »he body htu In v e s t ign Hcott galiant ¡» total registration and payment of fees .uni»» atl-colif’ge election -han to have stumbled and by Faculty W»-dnesdav H o w a r d fîo m e w ttli a Without this kindness we would O . H g o v e rn e d ’ ii»» Hnlcud .at all ” Winners will dem­ t ««* other U n ion Board scarcely be able to .»void the outdoor in char . the present system of c W illi flltomore' class Frank ie handshake* which they lin e s ’ b a n k . ¡•'.< •licutlons wns initiated im itar i 1 hi* makes Inin '»a* 14 th e 11 plead w as i>ub- and to which they attribute illa tiv e *»f th e U n ion at Hi -fi i >l»’ i (o r n i b in w ith th e -s. openly or otlierwise Be in Williamson s J07 ; ion . Buc)i n< H i Lined a score ut J «ry barn on Tuesday fth i he p a p er in reg u la r nd must t-eaj ■I Htephens who • • • NEW SORORITY uf eight imge.s Under ip h oin ore I.UmthI D»*c 4 ¡f T H B la ir t.he paper WE IRE ALL SET «•Iko la-at R o n a ld a dinner at which tlie stu- fou n d a .enii-weekly in 1920 u n -.«»nu- sophom ori-s IS CHARTERED R ich * une uf the paper was ¡1 and the members of the n tlie river by a group « luyan State New« by d e a t h ' W im f r tul K a l ' h t l A were present.- we want *o instruct tom. a h - -ur ¡>f » lie s ialer ."f Algonac, Della Alpha Phi Organices with a i d ! tn vn to d a y ■no .ear men macie an g o l tie d i»»*- presiden ¡c y o f t h e w a . 0 . ¡at the ice can t get out of U i u irui »he custom during tlie Hall, the struggi»» ccn- A o v n ir D » r a A L td e Ison-, h ta.) M ijr g n r e t Nine Charter Members; Elect D etroit Morris .1 Blivîn 119 of Hai 1» t o o s o o n T h e n e w p r w a - « *:» » ?#-» wn and l'riu n c es P e r t in w e r e » trirai Ptiginccr i ¡twarde»! I tic added .somethin ‘ he women's association was c h o M »n as junior re presentatiIves »»ver Officers and Patrone. M ichigan Htat«* t. ■ 1 ! in iv (»rf;i idMill o n e i olum n imjjer wa R ic h a r d s V lr g ln i ¡i Di» vis un»] M a r ie F o x *.t»irt»iH ¡*od humor and she promised chi rah sr-holarslílp chile irrr «I ; d u r in g t h e ¡¡.i Ä i-te- • ■ • F a r liíy and Mary Ix Hi l.lp k a v.« •re e l e c t - to ail of fier supporter* ilmc«, *29, uf f«»n;v¿ r.y M 'm a w • marks the b«»c A npw organization I>elfa Aljdia é d a s snpliuinurn 1 »•prixentst 1 Michigan • fialnrshlp yes o v e r lur-iwige. -even*» - ides the college Phi. ticflnltely assumed the status of t,ir tmrkflfeki *» on th e •<> M a d n fl u!»-») R:i!p»i H f’l r, 29, of lie Dulíio a tal Hhlrlej Miller a girls' sorority on the campus when »*>:< *. d m • s* FACULTY ENACTS PENALTY denied that «he and a cer- i Klittc dofeeded Allegri - and »Marian Da !i,»»n, 29, M arlar 1 (* i *»»»>«• their charter and constitution were Ha«ktn a fid Art Beckle» l»»r H a n were planning to equip a . o f t h e \ • |M)kitionof f r e s h m a n 1o -p r i's e n - .n«p»»rted and accept«^! by the student starred * 'frwnrd *»n the tj;* ‘‘ n . ’ hJ! FOR U T E REGISTRATION (alive r 0 l, council and the F’nn-llellrnir council team > • p ’ a v in g »«• - 1 » WH.S e le c t e d CREEK GETS at recent meetings of those organira- ^>nior .. ¡0 •• • a n ’ aitu -d *l.< I in- E lle n B J u u o n sctuTln barg» Aiii in* made tor late reg­ Wi I Athletic lia­ •ions. tan nine IP had Hie' i ¡ » lo fleten f Wort if) o f K;t ion. according to the n e w fa c u lty BALDERDASH ntes lornl) Franci-s The society has a mpmberstiip roll beim/ -he t i ne-letter man 1 t h e M a r m i l i « -h ¡»Ison •j'hoi« at e *n which was approved Tues- ILLE TRYOUT • aspirants to glorv are pat - il ice president w ith. 1 d nine charter members The officers rrrp m r h ere Mary'orle 2Semke !0 »if C a r o jy -»»at body. • -uses on their back tonight s fu»r op|x>tient Ruth are President. Ruth Walstead. Orton- )g d c n F E d w a r d s >1 »»f I »i-sii»* idents will ta* fined $3 for the first knot ti-,- B owditch for ¡ght spare themsehcs ’he exer- \iile. treasurrr Loma Lang. Sebewa- . nu r>rt>ssssi c/sritTV on. the Applied Be. nre se hola |urt of Detroit Ruti- md an additional M for »-aeh kuc- try, and H»ur»«-y M ll- ;ng. secretary. Ruth Oettel. Hebe- HONORARY GERMAN SOClF.T rl \!»»rrls A Hut»«- r they’ll soon ue nursing n n a n »»f D ng ¡lay u n til a m axim u m o f |f> is 1 Lreasurer »»ver I km- . ub: Vaudeville wamg: vice-president. Mary Talh • h e r e A g o o d tonic f o r a HOLDS LITERARY MEF.TIS’ s tía» winner of '»»» 'C h o lá fs h U ieri T lie registra r shall assess » Im Rockford. The other. members are • ri b y t h > »<••1 t h e V M (' A xver »‘rnnklin J l»i the Western Va ode- sor in the liome cc department, and mi ¡»wards jyjwer fo »irdrr tin* aRsessmcnt. icfunti- Howell.- Iaurence fS'Vrl»*« »leieatad Mrs James B Ha«selmon «Ville M fio • d Ijik*- Birnimon. f'.r ?».»• vice-i»residency; and other ofTutals of TTie society colors afe red. gold, and p h o m n r* -« f ill.*» w ill n o t s u p p la n t th e r c g u ia - 'r.RIOI S ’ THOi'GHT A n n c t ’ »- F A Barbour was ¡elected us e r r r - .1 od e ville a.s*.'>ci’a t io n , o f black The pins arc triangular in »ion providing that unexcused ab hat the election ls over with, O o H h e F t B r io »invocation tary over L II Vi-timuiiü. .ii»d G IJ present to (m** judg- mape. «nameled :n dark red. and ar- icn«fl »mb !»■ given for lale r»'gist.ra- taut some benches for t h e s id e - K *-cf» r ( B e d e ll s c o re d a w in o v e r C.farF H a r d in «» uuMical org a n i /.at 1011 fo r set with rubles and pearls ?ion i » • . n it ijd e n t m u s t p a y Hi** a s - H o w h rd a n d M a x i» «•n At t( for treasurer 1 the axfiociation For- ^r on the. main street? G i a n • • vmen? nn»l h1v > recpjve ffir »inex- R o w * M a i f lo ê t h e m d I.. Haiti»- f.uctu A».. «c 1er ted présidant cad er. o f » tie »(o w n o u t ­ the roll of the Oraj-beards. it d a»Asei » c « WclicriM Urges Coopention in m a u n f i t ' s Hc#*f »»f t m m . ’.V c A »»ver Kr m»s ta ne re Far|ey -p en t th eir though we would have a lot Movereeii; Phyllis Hluissbergor won t h a . in C h ic a g o m a k in g ar- Gtwp Picture Appoiatmcat» t fox a cracker barrel congress and Christiana ' SENIOR INVITATIONS TO vice ;.r»'M 'i.-Ui^~^.-» Ma je I H»»rning. »£. th is >i»e» la i tie a n n g the aspirants hod a place t o Jrtn»* I Mil n w a s e le c t e d e «r «- » i* r y »»ve r Owing to the f a c t ’ hat group picture M ary Nelson, and Mary Pennington r»e- madp jhe trip to Detroit In. As it is. t h e lure o f appointments are a li t t l e behind s c h e d ­ Co-ed Prom Tonight to Feature BE ON SALE NEXT TERM » unie treasurer ».’.‘-r Virginia l^tuawn chartered bus. m tiope and Orange Pekoe together u le the organisation -ta fT of the W o l ­ fame tie fund the foot-- '■’•«trrmencV-mcnt announcements and r>aalting ->f ’ h r »»allots »ontsining the e Social Hour is proving dls- verine has had to »«riiedule 'more than P e o p le s » h u r c h »»fTt* e s -ath« y e t t o b e Freak Clothes of Last Century r.Mrations for tfie senior »lass .will lie the u s u a l number o f appointments f o r !, ale ^v'cral »iays luring the first • «»mpleled this I Sunday. March 24 Cooperation on p art o f next, t e r m the part af the fraternities, is earnest­ W e fl»)i¡ ». know what (iu r irvstru muscular skill in natural gym »la.*.«*»* otnc '0 w ear to t h e ro-ed but tfjcy ha v p t h e ir s t r u g g le s w it h »»IrJ- Hils venr »hey will consist »»f n brmk- l y requested. are i’ It. b u t we re g o in g to find !c.f.hioned tiain* !-t Gmnd in grry »r»re leather, contain­ ÏE UNION T h e hours sat are as follows tonigl O N VENIENT our ing ‘^»nuir ».fTlcers "om m lttees and 10 00 a. m.—Trtmoirm a one of *he b r ig h t upo?* The faculty wear trick clothes to this **ar event,, right enough, nut the co-ed •tic list »»f '-an»’lldates for degrees »o AT THE UNION AMPUS 10 30 a. m.— Bunomian life this night out of a il the vether with one :>«ge containing nn en- 10 40 a. m.—Delta Sigma Phi w hen deans «nd members, o f ’ fie body, irtdivldually wnd us a whoie, is Fountain is keeping « r e ALENDAR a. a . —Hesperian* ulty urn ant as ridiculous bls ■ • »ioee behind them vr-ived Invitation 'Hie coat of these 10 o'clock every even- 11:00 ’ h a t 11 20 a. a . -U lysaion our-eiIves. And that, considerir».. There are » few Hew'hetic spirit.», of «111 be fiftv renta each Also there wllJ- and get one of our r »:«r we appeared in a m .n k e y »■ourse who go out for the prise ior »>e the '.arr»e Ssw.icirt. with »he exception 11 40 a. a — Beloctic Iftrft ’ I P o r a (d ìi ref resiling drink, ¡ingeodes. about teven sizes too big ! r iis "lie most beautiful costume; but nujst that the »»inding will be cardboard In­ 12 00 m - la m b d a .Chi Alpha s u it Jay is May 12 and we tn- Co ad Prom in Old Arm - riy ridiculous ut u» ran t be bothered, and Appear in stead of leattier can be o b t a in e d Y malted milk o r xundoe. Just step 12 20 p m — Union Literary is fai orders for box candy Horn»* »-conomics instructors w h o a ll »»ur four year* successively a * fiot do«v for thirty cents Engraved announce­ into our grill where »lyality reigns Y— 12 40 p. a . —P M -CM Alpha at the main desk, year lo n g n »p at the heels o f M u d e n t » r»ath towels, jgjodle »logs and soldier ments will »ell for ten cents each h boa early. Lowney s AU fencing tourna- who carry t h e wrong sort of hai.dker- tjoys. The «ompetltion for most ndl- Members of 'he class are urged to NOTICE Don’t forget that we liave a Candy Co. M l C E . chief t o Yiarmonixe with the g e n e r a l »uous' costume pn/e is always hot and determ ine the ■,».unlity which they will b l—Interfratereity track fln- . irty Friday. A ll soDhanoves and seniors who ansh costume, appear in rheck»*d klrt». »jeavy, practically all those present-be­ rlesire and r«e jirepared to pay at the complete Une of school supplies r you cap save money o h»v* thnr ptetulM la 11» 1» » Wol- stnpnl ho«, ahd tieortly plumed ing but mildly described by the adjec­ time of ordering st the desk Don t forget us when W M fllig meet at Phnt r e d ­ t iv e lea such os theme ennt .nd who trn n a» lad U»l» W- if ihev rtont ronw a r e n t And thats why were going to the boofei, pencils, and pmntment mus« especially popular tn the nest tal »yiwnaoium annex. prom tonight, duly dressed a* a b a r o f is well as haircuts, the end of the winter tena ; much more modish. There will be a meeting of Hie M ich ­ tn baU- focultf always turns out s o a p W e t o d a n c e o u r h a r d w e e k o r so or services and wise Is ■Sophomores should call M ild r e d Ev T h e g y m wont w ith igan Agriculturist staff. Wednesday i while in lull force. anything from *wt instructors, present in the guise of night at 7 GO. room 101 Ag hall All b i by using your cou- ct^—v uaatnUnrau I-H— and nntlnani a« t»H lut can- duck*, »nd m Antony deurt CleopUn members are urged to attend as well as I An eight percent du- ■ • . . i—rtlngi it Remember. It's your Union. 0 0 by o»u ïïi*o«n» Wildil f S » Od- tury to _ » Hock 0« flxU* Thooiputu. for TlUle th* Ton«, who la . turn,...T. wt|t ... any others interested ln agricultural j m y purchase. All twwrfs must bt rsturned and they may be able to sit on their leave Ivon the Terrible sitting it out journalism. It will be the last meeting '*** . a__ . ______I -w------. « J * - “ ------* — * - t t i anlh littla Uiaa UhSM. I g| ^ |ggg^ latra i Him i »od partant a lt a r a (aata al with littla Illas Muflatt, ¡ M a r a t h a tar I ! so produces ts his delicate pianissimo.! St. Bonaventure. N. OtJR Y E A R We feel that this part of student j { With Mrs. Abbas playing the accom Susce. fullback on the St. Bonavenw Michigan State News life has an optimistic outlook at; paniments to his encores (Chopins college football team, has left fo r u “Cantabile," and Frescobaldi’s "Toe • ter Haven. Fla., where he is to KO lm T hlis i s is the last occasion that M ichigan State i n t h a t the ad- ÜUBlr ______twteo wwMy durine tkr coll«** cata") in lighter vein, h e displayed spring training with the PhiladMnJJ0 State News will m inistration shows a willingness fatr by tlw atodonte of MMiiaan Sut»- Collar. be issued this w i t h fine effect. National baseball club. Susce R n M n 4 as im o m I cIm i lu t t e r at the poat- r the present regim e. Pub- tow ard ¡ts prom otion. ‘ The Joint Recital c a t c h e r . «#l(*. Rut U m i Im , M i chitan. ' l h e most emotional music of th e ng 62 issues during the past |n consideration of the busi- of Lewis Richards and evening was in Grieg's sonata for pi- . ______. ■ terms, the present adm in- ncss end o f the paper, this divi- P h i lip p A b b a s ano and ‘cello. The allegro agitato STUDENT NOTICE— G et o u r contained a sensuously lovely second on Firestone tires and tubes Tatapbono, eoli«*®« cachant«, catrnnion 104. tion has attem pted to fol- s|on ,,f the staff has succeeded A Review m m i muci mis Offleo honra - Sunday, Monday, Wcdneaday. theme which was once repeated before pressure electric greasing Collem and Thursday from 1 p. m. to II p. m low definite policies in regard to j„jm irabl.v in securing the mnne- I b f Im« M t ever tlw Univ. t h e lusty climax at the end. The an­ Garage. 117 N. Harrison Road 3.3 a num ber of campus (piestious.'tary means necessary to place a , Robert Graham (•Ml court ave. tlw ln« Kditnriaiai appcartnt in the Michitan State dante wove a long, restful spell, but N m aro Written by the cditor-in-chi'-f nnd it UM ip m p t e d to insure tht copy of the paper in the hands kept its quietness from cloying by a ia a r ta ii cam po* h » rtc hia aaaáatanta. who aro student« They can h eiftau over the poastMI in no way be interpret»-»! an rwprwanting the financial m u c c o m s of the paper. i»f every student twice each Tuesdays concert was in a way i dramatic and thrice repeated ascent official viewpoint of the collet« or of the rol­ from the bass of rapid chord succes­ B È I team lo r this scasò In our first issue, A pril 6, week, io n tra ry to opinion, the tribute to invention applied to the de lavo officiala sions. Then a moment of incisive but 1028, there wen* defined cer­ paper has not grow n corpiilentlv velopmeni of musical instruments, Attention g u a i - Rmbaeription. 11.60 the School Yet Nedtherthe harpsichord nor" the viola lofty music and a return to the orlg- tain stands or policies on sev­ rich, ft has held. - - fts , own, how * da gamba possess the sonority found hial tranquillo before a sustained r~- eral questions with the promise v v e r , a n d enabled the paper to modem counterparts; but they olution and transition to silence. The Students SUNKIST M A N A G IN G EDITOR they would he ‘brought in­ add som e m uch-needed equip- haVp as partial compensation a tone third movement, allegro molto e m a r - hercal. and M long as this cata was bright even ^oll with i Us RoMCRT A. M clN N IH to the editorial Columns for dis­ m e n t . m o r e ‘ “ such able exponents as quaint Scandinavian second ffleme A AnaiaUut Editor SU Paul Troth cussion, with the purpose of W e have supported m any pro- Jo•> Porter A-utinUnt Editor The Lansing Caie Jack Btehberv Assistant Kditor bringing »about act ion which will jects and Opposed others. W e instruments will become ob- an Impressive effort, a final recurrence Co-ed Kditor H enriette HcnvWI of the main theme, and a finale in Ijnnsing's M ott I'p-toD st* Jumna Hank ins Sport Kditor he o f benefit to Hu* student body have expressed favorable and ¿oleic . . 8«»clety E ditor the grand manner. Majel Horn ma and the college as a whole. unfavorable opinions, according Itl ,h,.'harpsichord group Mr Rich- R e s t a u r a n t Katherine Lyneh Feature Kditoi lt»ih»-rt (irnhnm Music C ritic R e t ewing them briefly, there to onr judgm ent. Perhaps th ere ards prefer red, rather than go into the 2A3 Smith Washington Avenue An n A n de reo n Kvrhnnae Kditor , of his instrument, to utilize was. Host notorious perhaps, has been wonderm ent at inter- subttetie TAU SIGMA HOLDS MEETING Kep»irtere Alfr«-»l nell, Stanley its merits As our campus is learning tion " f rules governing pretation of some things, but Thomaa Knnpp, el ¡mil Lewis Richards is a man of consider­ (Jeorve M»-rk< I. nnoking and the placing close investigation som etimes Tau Sigma, honorary science and, Timothy Aid-ia y c o - e d able sagacity In all that he does. The, holarship fraternity, held its Kcéder. Eventi «if ÇI1. [Is in this respect on the reveals hidden but extrem ely Wisdom of his choice and the merit of arts M i Id red monthly meeting last night at the Lm's with the men Regu- imnni'l ,'illt e«uxex H ow ever, »" pcrfurmance «a , proven by the en « a m i Hom e Economics building. Besides the la tita i ii,»w demand that co-eds the year has at,.I it is with « 1 »» '« « ° rrception flw »«4 !»«°* him His third number.- "The Brook' regular business taken up. plans were refrain from smoking only in some r e g r e t by Ayrlton, was an exquisite bit of in­ discussed for spring term. .!. emit"fi(.^ and sorority houses. tenure. terpretative music, and in the harpsi­ YOUR Discrimination has been practie- c h o r d it.s l i g h t r ip p lin g s f o u n d a m o s t 1 ally eliminated officially. grateful vehicle—better suited than EASTER HAT We favored the construction TEXAS JUDGE ORDERS HAZING the modern piano Decidedly inter­ M.S.C esting. too. was Mozart's "Turkish Dr. R. I. Sealby Select here from the big;. of a basketball floor in the arm­ AT STATE SCHOOLS STOPPED March" hardly Turkish in idiom, but D E N T IS T i*est variety in Central ory, Since that time, investiga­ much better music than that country 20!) Abbot Ittdg. IMtoue 3303 Michigan — “ May Fitting can boast In his encores «the "M in­ Opet tion has shown that it was im­ Dallas. Texas *IP Hazing must Evenings by Appointment Service" insures correct­ practical atid a decidedly better end at Texas A Ar NT college, or the uet" of Htametz. and "Olgue" by Des- ■ Mr Richards chose music less ness. GONG RATI GATIONS AND plan has been adopted, which doorft of the Institution will in* closed mare according to Judge Byrd W hite, of this etteci e. but not less beautiful, play­ Swagger snap brims of* undoubtedly will be announced ing them with superb artistry enhanc­ APPRKC IATIHN city, who is a member of the board of diminutive d j m en s i ons, before the end of next term. •( g e n t s o f t h e c o lle g e ed. rather than handicapped, by the W e Represent fragile tinkling tones of his Instru­ rolled K o m b u rgs and mod­ Ve8térdayM1n the heaviest Of most importance, perhaps, Hie Texas law sin1 that no stu- m e n t est welts will prevail in vote in the history of student was the call for survey of the dent of the Universe Texas. of the The Equitable F o r his vlolincello solos, Mr Abbas elections, a new editor and busi­ personnel of the departments of A Xf M College of '1 s. of any nor- the order named. id school of Texas . ann yotherv< state ri four movements from various ness manager Were selected to if Bach Bach Is the most itull- Life Assurance I »right colorin gs in har­ the college with a view to educational institution ofo f i lie s ta t e . s u ite ■ of great composers, so the take charge of the State News strengthening, through .elimina x h a ll e n g a g e in w h a t is c o m m o n ly mony with spring. a as, n o t s o h a p p y a s in t h e p r e - Society The E: fo r the coming year. W e oliithe tion .ami addition, those depart­ known and recognized as haz M aturing exceptional val-. group, but the execution was sincere congratulations to courage, aid. or a.v-is' any > o f t h e ments whu h were notably weak, id and the audience received it ue at son thus offending UNITED STATES new executives. Roth men Much progress has beep made mig applausf -albeit they musl " W e W r i t e ’Em R i g h t ” extremely capiti)le and we on this. Announcement o f pro­ 'A n y student of any of the vmpathlzed with the unofTend- $5 rational institutions of this sun* that the paper will •llo for the bullying it got It posed changes would he prema­ shall commit the offense .• hazing Wilson & Johnson per' under their manage­ vehement in his bowin« O thers $4, $6, $7.$* LEW1 ture now, however. They will shall be fined not ir.v- than > es. his com plete mastery Phone 2-1711 Caps by Heid, $2 t o $3.50 ment. ext fall m ore 1,01 more t h a n t w o h ua ir e d t to the massive tone he The present editor and busi­ dollars or shall be c«.i * ned i less than ten days nj mom f ness manager wish also at this tht-’ ndyent of months nr both, Suits. Topcoats, Trench time to voice their appreciation r a n societies on th» t ' o a t s , Sweaters and smaf FI the student I n c h we dppnsed u n Yale Studenti Vote English of furnish ings in attractive considerable jus Moro V alió Than Psychology variety, moderately priced student counci Hu veh. Com i ' E n g lis h l.i MAY BROS. ist yulunble ro subject, and ment ♦« psych« •logv is the leas liable, accord- "The Hat Store of the Town b\ the ing to the m ajority vi Vale wniors 23ft N. WftNhinftan Avc. sprintf « a n n o u n c e d In t h e Y « c e n t ly t o b e Ip OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT The seniors, in a i t -trail a P h i B e t a K a p p a k- m at ter. Sired tlmn a major \ 1 ..ndbergh as their n S i n « ! « T * r n m e n t expan- r a t e d a s s o o n a s government d e m o n » ability t "Will llie gentleman who just coughed, kindly step to tlie box office •. . fo r a [Bickage o f Old Golds?”

**Of conrM*. I Imo* never said ju«t those

w ord* from tlir *taj»r— lillt in all kindiirsn BOSTONIANS I llave «»fien wanted to «»fler tili» Irirm lly SHOES FOR MEN h elp to Mtim* |M»or fellow w hose «’ottpgli was

interrupting the »how and spoiling llie en«

jm nient of tin»*«- urtninil him .

“ A year o r *o ago. the niakéra o f 01.11

r a n M im e ad* on tlir «listiirhiiig rflW l o f

«'oughing in theatre*. A* an artor, I was

grateful for tlto*e a«l*. I am m ore grah'fitl

now that o|.|i .GOLII hu« im ¡ted »'.i^e folk to

help them hring 'lira! ai«l* inldnnntioii to

«tur tnthappv fro nd» the 'th ealn -i «»uglier«.*

"M i (in n ad »"ire i» that p rrvriltion i« (In* I m -s I

aid. I hr kind of prrvrnliftn that »nioking  1 OI D 4.01(1« gì»e». Ila r*h tolm er«» irritate* the throat, am i that ran*»« » «-«»iigliiiig. 4 hanging

|o 4l|.|l i.o| |i* »MHithes III«* throat and re-

|tio»e* ill«- eailM* ol ill«- ettugll tiek le.*’*

( » I b N L I l ) % Ê

(iln ia HO M ill W h y n o t a

c o u u I 11 a c a r l d u i l ? 1 O the many Iradcn o f f i t h i o n - who like the »m art «pprarancr of a* «NU «.«»II» rifarrtl«** «rr l»leii«l«d from III «Nil I «» cuitom la»t, we introdurr the Shrr- |<»i>«< • •>. ti<« t«oc*t Vol»»»» u r «»* »»rirrl«*«! fttr »tiki- L . . —-one of-our new H m toniuw for Hr»» «ati rt|H-in -• Iront Ihr hrarl Ihr Initam i & 8orin|. And there ore plenty m ore— |ilanl. 6ttil«»»»(«l «.«tra l«»«ig in a l«*iii|M'ralnrr «»f mid* dD sm art, nil com fortable and all Jul» aunohinr lo inourr ihal tumri-lik« ooi«MNiior»*. priced betw een $7 end $10 the pair 1 ikrw«» a«*» «»io «.«NI»— fa il « h i i » u « > HO«« r».l • kilraM, k i^ ■( i«M »Hk ki. r««. I* ». -»• *• -• . »-«-•a. Mta ito «»II» *.«H I» »>..■, M»f) It»»»«*, it-,*» •» »« in r N . Î m » « «i.M.t.r.t l i « , . % HarkymaN •*»» »•((•» »( ( alanlit ln «(kt*i»f * ♦(.«. l i * r SHOES III S«. W ASM m OTOM ATI. cat a cluK-olatc, light an Obi Gold, and enjoy both! j % \ / i è f East Lansing State Bank \ IRMI¿sSBí á E rj Ü... m tern iiy Formai and Union J‘fd i" ,h* vault-’ of the National Bank of Commerce in New York city, fl? *!. 5 ? "' <*>non»i»tlon expert, I at Michigan state c e d e n t . I fter having been transferred from Mis» McDonald having recently re- spent several yean In the » tuition It h a c a Party Ushers Out Social Season I in small consignments Over' NEW HOME EC signed her position with the college field. She h a s d o n e research 1 2 0 .0 0 0 s e p a r a te Wilettonr es were shipped to do graduate study work at Colum- the Free Press Fresh Air c a m p , a n d without mishap . s, brilliant term, the season of formal parties, is being has also had practical experience in a Mention The transfer was ni ide in the inter- Miss weld has received her degree coffee shop in New d t y . a close thjj week-end with the Phi Delta party, the last society to York \ est of economy in the COURSE OFFERED eral open houses as well as Union______party are on handling of the {orm ali securities and coupon? ■ a t e r í a » also, that any disinclined to study for the Impendlns The vaults of oalcllt*ar Epe socli difficulty in flndlnirentertalnment. the university are no v being used to Count to Include Actual Selling; hav house valuable recorc N u m l i e r 1 4 of the Hotel lf n “ im S Ot the Phi Delta to Bt Conducted Through HOME EC STUDENTS INSPECT L * stturd>> muht. The dinner F. N. Arbtugh Co. Hunt Food Shop 30 and between ANNOUNCE CONTEST FOR eeminew CAFETERIA - TABLE D* HOTEL 8 ERTICI be enjoyed in U. OF MICHIGAN HOSPITAL PRIZE COLLEGE SONG department an- libare1 Detroit, who made such a A group of 23 members of the dieto- i develop! L Ic*er< w a rd « _.t week-end at the Sopho- therapy class and part of the institu- it v-five dollars for r o b le m s !« t c olic i ¡Tprom will furnish the music for tional management class of the home written by a col- id e m ty The patrons for the even- economics department, accompanied hounced Thursday ay M u l i s pa' i. honorary music- COME IN AND LOOK US OVER Col and Mrs. E. R. Rich, Prof.; by Miss Elizabeth Whittaker, journev- sororltj i Mrs C S Dunford, Capt. and Mrs ed to Ann Arbor Tuesday to Inspect •st «¡»ens the first ion and will continue r Chase *nd Mr. and Mrs. Harry i the University of Michigan hospital lak e Clever favors bearing seal of , They made a survey of the entire in M at! manusbripts m u st be o fraternity will be presented the stitution. with special emphasis on the OUR GIFT SHOP T h e w ests during the evening. .dietary kitchens. contest will lie an- , 214 Abbot Road The Alpha Gamma Deltas enter-' At noon they were entertained at ollege .mvocation id s h o p UNDED ained Tuesday afternoon and evening the hospital by Miss Margaret Gillam honor of Miss Julia Riser, their n a -! head of the department of dietetics uaJ inspector, who has been their; and housekeeping. Dr Curtis, of tho luest during the past week. The Pan- j hospital, lectured on •Appetite and Sphinx pia as ic tu a l iPRIL 1909 ouncil were the guests at the Hunger." and told about the research ! o f t h e s p r in g h o u r day afternoon. Mrs. Leota work being carried on there on those j «resided at the tea tabic; two subjects. -C . C. Taylor, ’09, • lovely with a low bowl of i — ____ Hiel) » Mie -Ha» Made Amazing. l l H r M S ' S & f'G H T HOME EC STUDENTS a n d Pre-Easter 'ted Arts. Prot r afternoon. In the evening.! VACATE PRACTICE HOUSE Prof L p. Wn reside! and Mrs. Robert S. Shaw and. pa rtment e clothing Elizajbeth Conrad were dinner! th a t t h e The song ; '£ Of I he sorority. The group completing its term at th o r o u g h and music, bu ami "•‘ginning ITI: man-less Co-ed Prom comes in Practice house this week consist» of leld prob« m a y combine t thi* M il* hi km n S la te snare of glory, too, for many U°*s Sprinkle. Thera Austin, Marian - e c o n o tn - SALE song 'nie raí and clever costumes have been Chinnick .Jane Hull. Bernice Cook. e r e q u ir e d llitial W iltii's as Ihe than B .fiat no fcnned ich will make the party ®velyn Clark. Carol Stone, and Mil- H senii-W'-' klv. the lan a success. Stunts will be deed Timm. They are the last of the I h I l f the L-nlleRe.'. v each sorority, while later in three groups of eight girls each, wh.o H0WF. ECONOMICS EXTENSION was oonaidersibit- agttn- ning dancing will be enjoyed according to regular schedule, occupy Saturday Only ■ manner ;n which the t furnished by Hod Draper's the house during the term ’o m p o s - DEPT CHANGES IN STAFF treated new concern* k rto w r ¡» • Their practice this term. In addition It seemed '.iial at that Vagabonds" are the orchestra to complete management of the house. . were trying to create extension department *f ilu» Hrajred io furnish the music for the, has included a tea a formal dinner for antagonistic to ihe col* economics division announce» a ha Gamma Rho open house on Dr Marie Dye and her mother, and a its. Deeply resenting e m its staff Mlv Elizabeth urdav evening. The patrons for party for themselves treatm ent the student in- s replacing Miss v - M -cD on - party are Prof. and Mrs.*~4i— A. ------iced for an all-college CORNELL SENDS MILLIONS for the students by the larch to. ishw the first large number of alumni are ex- IN SECURITIES TO NEW YORK •ad was published Under >ri to return t d t the Delphic p a r t y Rainbow f C C T a y l o r , 09. a n d a tu rd a y a n d M r s . night. Captain jiagership of .1 O I»n. Larson. Prof. and Mrs. H. J. Gee It h a c a . N Y . « I P . 5 e n t ir i e c la x s o t oj* m a n d o w m e n t of Cornell Tracked to Prof and Mrs. L. C. Plant are e r s it y . Student and the Com* patr ;.s f o r the party. 000,000 ir securities. b e e n ? lit«»r told Of the need . r.oiras are. also holding an Blue Tin iicntion «lie aims, and s house this week-end. Raber's nditions which existed Urgian will furnish the music for Newton. 111., Fel*. . 19'jH tnsing iin(iers and he e dancing, while Prof. and Mrs 1« A R rot her Cò., »*r the new editor urged ry Pubiow, Prof. and Mrs H. B Shirts THE MARY STEWART SHOP ...... »nd, V a . the publication of the and Mrs L. C. Emmons ■ e m e n : Prof and Mrs. M M. Cory will ' -h a e cb «a m p le s ■ Tent m e * was upfmer tnraligsting i' patrons for the party. ?>(•*■’• received, a n d ■ » - g r e a t . ined more liieraryrii^L ,t«i p ic t u r e in y -.«I th e Hosiery pai>er lias since tiiat^a ...... *fw of a travel CLUB SUPPER. 5-8 P. M. » an m a literary contttbutions 1 to w i on * rainy ■ n o t a in I lie issue lienides M A T E S OUT I in • ■ mired m il. - »tlu n g iti s for the co-eds! atlt- c l no place to go 30c — 45c — H5c d s o c ie t y at ’ »> • .• p o m tio n 1 ? i* tien »Him »*n of Kdgeu • Neckwear >h s published ut*weekly )R SCHOLARSHIP h c a m e . It rm o f 1910 w hen week - Also Crispy Waff 1rs, Sanduichex and Salads k e « nee f r o m at. ¿ h e n I issued With this ud- *« Scholaribip to Be Offered ••«!■*ti»* package atei / • th e «.Id s te a m in g Buy one of the above items and for one * a better arrangement Michigan State Student» nv •• smoked vario , »ra n d s o f .aore expsttslve coverage eco for the po«t fifte»» y e a n », b u t or news In 1912 a set This Year. • in m y life have 1 t««u n d a to - . cent you can procure another. alications wns accepted • Ht any price tha' w ill w h) body At tins time it •worth. It d'an no'1 b it e th e elect Hie editor and fudents at M ichigan State col- r ue. an «l a beautiful aro mu follows er at the end of the desire appointment for the » The go»id Old fr ie n d p ip e a n d « the im uing three terms. des scholarship should begin y o u Excluding White Shirts •f Kdgewortl) ai!» dream of *t i**e for tlie subscrip- •• their credentials for pro­ no one mentions it tinbow * emi. lend was levied by the to Professor Plant, head of •as»*.count me in ‘ fie f u t u re um an ante all-college election «■mattes department, who is ? w orth boost rr * governed the Holead ■ «»f the local committee Af- of course V e r y 'lie preM'nt «vsiem «>' istomary lapse of one year, ilkfttiolis whs initiated. bark in the polling and will U T the unpleasanr subject o f acne 14 t h e H o le a d w a s p u b - nndidale next September not cured by tactful silence. plet form but with the : the other Michigan col- This distressing, really disfiguring Ed gen or ill e o n a r d ne year’s wprk it wns T. S sh'th e pn tier in regular condition can only be remedied »mous international award Extra H i uh Orenle of-eight pages Under by intelligent care Dorothy Cecil Rhodes in the inter- ■I T 8 Ilian liu* naper nglo-American amity carries G r a y 's A a u Set, p r e p a r e d a '.eml-weekly m 1920 •aliflcation* and requisites of Smoking Tobacco ime of the pn|>er was from the formula of • fa­ ' order Applicants for ap- chigati fitftte News bv mous skin specialist, is a must be male citizens of im t o d a y • d States, five years perma* sim ple, s« lenrific hom e the custom «luring the- i d l e , b e t w e e n t h e a g e s o f 19 t r e a t m e n t w h ic h h a s h a d tr e ­ P* mmarried, and at least of % added .Hcoietliing a; m endously successful results. grade in any recognized c o lu m n |)a|M-r W'a? t r ie d university in the United Any woman or man who is em ­ ids during 'he past w»« barrassed by sene should rake advan­ v murks the beginning mts are Judged pn a basis of W ir-im ge. .seven - column tage o f this remarkable treatment 'ne five main points that fol- Literary and scholastic abil- D sn tb y G r * j ‘t ticst Set m si k$ heed t'tainments (2) Qualities of al m e TeeUt Goodi D tp *' truth, courage, devotion to CREEK GETS pathy. kindliness, im selflih- fellowshtp * 3 * Exhibition force of character and of Wi- Dancer-Brogan Co. ULETRYOUT • ad and take an interest in tes <4« Physical vigor, as interest in outdoor sports or |urt of, Detroit Ruti- w a y s . ub. Vaudeville ¡arship. which carries with inds sterling a year to be held del Judge». vears. will be awarded on us in September in October pAinz Am i b«iid. M[j.rtan .-io.rr C candidate will meet with »»t night in l)e»roit at from other states and in .<• D etroit Uusin« s.s chib the final choices will be Columbia miiRism i'urpuM* 'if a vaude- the following year •:« 'lie Western Yaude- i'IRS INTERVIEWED BY Records ^ ? C W f { $ t L T • nd other «iffntaix of Hudevitle association, of }fSTONE REPRESENTATIVE preeeut to ikvs» Judg- c Ire HIT Records IT'S H I ALLY A SHAME iiusicai orgam/ation for . , TO INTERRUPT THE PRO­ "ten tative of the Firestone Tire ■« llie association Por- ibber company visited the cam- Here Below We List a Few of the Latest Hits on CESSORS CHASE or THE e a d e r a t * he « io w n o u t - weelt to Interview senior stu- :e K»rlev jirnt thatr • Columbia Records 0IURNAL LEPIOOPTERA « in Chicago making ar- ror future employm ent A N D TURN T H E B U L L •r t h i s s p e c ia l l i n m u t "’i seniors were interviewed and 17*1-1» i PlriM- l et Me Dream In lot rm*--Pox Tro ■'*' George Macier. Richmand. I a - inch > y L im it a and Hit Roy* C a ñ a d ON HIM BUT YOU mode the m p to f)etroit ■ nwab. Holloway, and Forrest u * I •ht Fox Trot- Guy Lamb* and Hi*. Rovi Cañad h a v e T O b lam e t h e chartered bus. in hope - Beaverton, were accepted aa ap- fame behind the foot- A R T I S T . FOR T H A T . 1 74 #-D g>44ln| OHI» Fox T r «. Fred Rich and HI« Orrh l a - t o e h ObVMMMtf. I*' Ouem Who? Fox Trot Jan Garber and Hla Orci h liV M C I » BOWES G mt 71a chuM.* — <»r ««tMFTKr "> naài r o t «d a r » ou i-tri m j r a i v n Out ) « a r a a i o d i m m i HE UNION r v t n m the m m I ( ou m ot hu 17M-D M y Larky Star F o x T r o t- ermtfi and. Hl« u n Fvrwi the»» « not lung •<> ist Lansing Dry IS -fa m h Paitan I p V w r Overeoal fia »•man and HU < i(««htn g psuM Fountain is keeping .0 (»clock every even- Goods Haftniy th m i » wall Io u r u m i ond get one of our a* rWmh— w w m l— with plgmg Garber and Hu Orch nigea«ira. 17*4-0 C am m ini Yaw- Fox Tro al Ktaolii C o«« Co.i* ttiil) It-lack < )*rb*r and HU Orcft lay is May 12 and we Weary Elver F o x T r o t m u a l ik e c orne* I r o n anyw h ere 71a order« for b o x candy W it h na ileikNMM late and lo o ! a l t h e main desk, Her n m » ( reire a h n e n i it naàea box early- Lownry s )olle£iate w , M an U M Hito m Rmnto. « » « H» • Ralla ami tu n» Imie mnute long enough lot a ■ Ca idy Co U s a l e U l y Friday, f you can save money Flower lea such a» theme b o o h s , pencil*, and Budd’s Music House NIUION I waif os haircut*. ~KYKRITHI%4. IS t i f i l i ' A D A Y Shop hi by uaing your cou* A v a . SIS Sanili Wf An ■alu paran* du- VES! Wg SELL ALL f U t T i l l RADIOS / T O TBS MICHIGAN STATI »»* • ATHLETIC DDT. ACCEPTS M KHKAN STATE BASEBALL NINE j TANK COACH RESIGNATION STATE TANKMEN Swimming Coack Leave» to Eater RECEIVE AWARDS | PLANS AMHUAL SOUTHERN TRIP Red Cro»» Field; Moke» many speculations offered by the fans Two Men Awarded V anity Loi­ State's brill Save* Game» Booked to T eit Kob»’ Good Record. I who watch the practices. About 20 ter»; Foar Vanity Record» t h r U n iv a Men; S fu l of 26 to Leave players will make up the traveling ng- Ih e athletic department announces It Eve, the inti I gregation Broken by Mermen. campus Ira rfi March 30. j Coach Kobs has a large number of that it has accepted the resignation of I veterans out for the team this year be­ Frank R Hoercher. coach of varsity EAST I ANIIML the posdbO Two major and seven minor letters I sides the cream of the 1928 all-fresh swimming and instructor of physic*! for this m at W ith the com pletion of arrangements education The resignation takes ef­ Wrre awarded to members of the M ich - I for the annual southern baseball trip. nine. Headed by Capt. Marvin Eggert. fect March 30, 1929. Since handing in igan State 1929 swimming team, accord­ Coach John Kobs is rapidly rounding the tnflelders have the edge on veterans l ® p I his resignation, Hoercher has accepted ing to an announcement made today l i ' i f his 1929 nine into shape, taking advan­ > who are back "Slats Macier. first base­ a position with the American Red by the athletic department. Paul F SUNDAY AND MONDAY tage of the spring’ Weather with dally man; Watkins, second bagger; Mc- Cross as field representative. Freeland, a senior, of Am ena. and Hor­ practices held out-of-doors The team j Caulry, short stop, arc ranking deter- SUNKIST Hoercher became coach of swimming | ace Craig, a sophomore, o f Detroit, were I will leave for the south on Saturday. 1 mined bids for their old positions while this year, and despite the fact that he the swimmers who received the m ajor I Kntsel. fast third baseman of the 1928 SVA M arch 30th. was forced to start training his men; a w a r d s ; fresh, and Mntre. a sophomore candi­ Seven games have been scheduled for nearly three months late, he developed, date for second, are others who are The following received minor sports I the Spartans on their trip into the a strong team Hoercher also inaugu­ sweaters Captain Alvin G. Ellinger, south land The State squad will meet showing good form* Robert W. rat'd an all-college boxing tournament! John Rnsikas. and Ray C. Schaubel. all | its first opponent , at 1-ebnnnon. Tenn. Led by Jerry Byrne, veteran do pond- with the view of later* putting this j of Ornnd Rapids: Edward Cook. St. with Cumberland University on Monday. ¡able right hander, a large number of sport on the college sports curriculum., Louis; Charles O. 8chled. Kalamazoo; Service’s MICI April 1. The next day the two teams hurlers have been trying out for the Arthur Smith and John Tate of De- | will again cross bats Wednesday, the j p it c h in g jKM*t. L n n g rfo n . K a h l. F o x . trolt Service sweaters were given t o I 4 Kobs’ men Will go tn Nashville. Tenn. • Brown, all sophomores, and Bullock, a STATE MATMEN TO DEFEND Earl H. BJomseth. Park Ridge, Hi., and where they will ftlay two games with i veteran, arc showing the best form In Elton H Moore of Rochester. N. Y . A t | the Vanderbilt university nine Jour­ : the pitching role. Receivers are num­ TITLE IN MICH. A. A. U. TILT a meeting of the letter-winners. Ed­ neying north again the Spartans will erous also this year with Hayden and m m m * m • « « « ward "Red” Cook was elected captain | play the St Zavler college at Cincin­ I Pevlc. veterans, and Barnard and With a Michigan A A t* champion­ of the 1930 swimming team. nati Ohio, on Saturday. April 6 Day­ Byrne, sophomores, reporting for prac- ship of two years' standing to defend. Considering the difficulties eneoun-; ton university. Rnyton. Ohio, will onter- ’ t ir e Conch Glen Ricks is sparing no effort tered by this years squad, the first tnin the Invaders. In the final series Sachs and Weed, veteran outfielders, to get lUs mntmen in top form for the since 1927. the Spartans enjoyed a sue-! of the Michigan State training trip. In nod Ciall. an inflelder from last year - annual fracas This year the wres- cessful season. The mermen engaged two games on Monday and Tuesday I with Gibbs, a sophomore, are leading lers will meet at Flln» March 30 tn six meets, winning three and losing I April 8 and 9 The team w111*rrturn to the candidates for the fly-chasing posts. W ith Michigan in the ring boasting the same number. Two of the defeats I the campus following the final game From this group of promising m ater­ it an overwhelming* victory over the ireen and W hite during mid-season, were administered by the University of Iiiist year the Green and Winn- n in e ial Coach Kobs W1« select his squad ious for the Michigan and Northwestern university. I hnd a disastrous southern tr ip , los­ who wtll accompany him on the south­ the outlook 1» a bit •r t h e R ic k x - two of the strongest team s in the coun­ ing four and winning two H a v in g to ern trip Hard-hitting, fast fielding .state squad. Howet n a lot of im- try Credit is due Coach Frank j t a k e hts team south without h a v in g and plenty of capable substitutes is ex coached team has slv last- few weeks, Hoercher who developed a formidable | sufficient out-of-door practice. .Cogch pec ted to feature the 1929 baseball team provem etit during :th» a good showing, squad nlthough he was forced to send K o b s was at a g re a t disadva ntage and is bound to mnk<- uilifled to com ­ out his call for candidates more than This venr the Spartan coach has been The" men who have e e t a r e ; two months late. favored with two weeks ot weather that pete In the A A. tl ; 12« lbs—W ag- permitted outside practice for the ball 118 lbs Ball (F- Four varsity records were broken by J TRIP FOR TRACK : le r • V > . T h a m - •F> 135 lbs - IV i ! tossers Plcntv of hatting practice, long n e i the 1929 natators. The 240 yard free | V) 147 lbs.—Ferr urt . Tom p- pitching fi\ outs, and Infield practice style relay, composed of Tate. Schaubel, i 100 lb s G r o s s have featured the daily work-outs Thus : i V >. M a r t e l l ' F Eillnger. and Craig, reduced the old I TEAM CANCELLED . Peterson 'Vi. C o iulon V '. Shultz r e c o r d o f 2 : 1 6 4 to 2:119 Paul F r e e - | the State nin«* is already rounding into .S ln g h t «F». R o w e V ) . 175 lb s. fine condition for their annual, trek land set a new mark of 2:42.1 in the s»* phenson ‘V», I>a\enie Joslin . Heavyweight-Marion splashed through the 150 yards back Although nothing definite has been Joslin . stroke to a new record of 1:55.4, and | decided as to the players who will con­ Force» Young to R e fau U. of t h e 1 8 0 yard medley mark was lowered stitute the »quad for the trip, there are W. V*. Invitation. to I f.R fiat The members of this re- | lay were Craig. Smith, and EUlnger. f exumina- TO BEGIN SPRING The nucleus of the 1930 squad will J Because ot the nearness « lions. Harold M e A tec's leg injury and be made up of Captain-elect ‘ Red" Bill Kroll's call home on Account of Cook and Charles Scheld, juniors. sickness. Conrh Ralph You w a s u n ­ FOOTBALL APR, 8 Horace Craig. John Tate. Ray Schau­ Michigan able to accept the invitati' ii cxtended bel. and Arthur Smith, sophomores by Harry Btapsbury. di ree or of ath- ietlcK at the University of W e s t V l r - Fundamentals and New Plays fur Church Work |o Be Reviewed rinln. to attend the r to be held nt Morgantown. W Va.. Snturdav Next Fall to Be Stressed. jn Sunday Morning Program State Il wn* plnnncd to take MrAtee for thè i'"le VftUff and a inedley relay P r pa rat Ion for tiv i«r»9 M ichigan The acfompllshmeats of the year I team Last Haturday al thè tlllttOis RtftM football senwm ill- b e g in o n will be reviewed at the Peoples church | relnvs. thè spartan vaulter went tó 13 A p r ! tub when the : week’g spring .Sundnv March 24 The Student Chris­ Bank feet 4 inehes. but he landrd in such a i tm season wtll o according to tian Ueague with James Kenton In | wny after hls last Jtimp as to pulì a \ Harry O Klpv About 50 men, charge, will liave a report by the find­ musele Hi* coaches believod thnt he a r e •xpected to rei»*'1 f »r the initial ings committee on some modern ethi­ OF \ red-blooded98 Drama of Love wa.s noi in eondltion to compete Ha* - cal problems The Student Christian i with and Adventore; of strong men u r d a y . The Rpnrtnn gild coach will attempt Union under the leadership of W alter | on the gnest of Gold. The 2IH \hhnt Koad Bill K roll* cali to Detroit beeause of to find linemen to r* 'place the six for- Sheldon will have n talk on "Values -DOLORES I’ LL RIO spirit of troe Romance that slcknes« broke up thè medìey relay W!i?d wnll men who wili.t»e lost by grad­ f o llo w »-it by t h e w o r s h ip s e r v ic e a t fi i t o g s at Homanltv’s Heart. squad ai it was planned t<' use him nt Open Saturday Frenino o'clock led by Grace -Kellogg Nt» m eet­ RALI'H FORBES Made Vojprfnl. with comedy thè qunrter mtle posltion Hls loss uation this June Plenty of bnrkfteld; ing will t»e iiad by ihe Campus Girls I tears—throb»—ond THRILLS! would ha ve been kaenly felt as he is m aterial is available according to pres - 1 K ARL DANE Assembly until the beginning of the | a fast stepper at hls favorite dlstance ent. t n d 'r n t t o n * . | n e w te r m . l! is planned to hold practice* daily The Sunday night service will con- | in- which Coach Klpkc will s'ress fun­ sist entirely of singing by the chorus | damentals besides spending consldef- choir and quartet, as the usual film | TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY able tune on new piny* to I»' Aised next and sermon will be omitted full Thoroughly famtltnr wit'll his ma­ terial this year Kipkr hbj»r* to make STUDENT TRIES OUT EFFECTS more headway than last season Whoopee! M. S.C. Restaurant W ith the gruduntion ot Capt Horn- OF POISONS ON STOMACH I berk and Anderson, ends Hitching« A different comedy—Modem ae tomorrow's Tabloid, fonkn and M«**Uer guards. Christenson, Seattle Wash IP' -and U of | «* a timid Houl who was Nobody's Rs«inr* tackle; and Crabill. center, it. will be Waah Dally1 Rows nnd rows of bot- . big Noise the next .... A n over-night sensation— and tl»- Open Day and Night necessary for the Spartan coach to form 'ics containing pnisim surround W altr c a m e the Dawn! hi* 1929 line around 8mead. renter. Rising, pharmncv grnduate tn the Uni­ Dill, guard. Joslyn and Ferrari tac­ versity oT Washington Called Post- , M TO I'OSTOITM T SW.XT kles and Fogg and possibly Linder, M ortim er" by hi* fellow students. Ris­ ends Considerable all-fresh linemen ing Is studying the effects of different from last tall are expected to report i mi sons on the human Ixatv after it has for the spring workouts been embalmed F.ach bottle contain* a ixitson and a * hackfieid man grao W i t h o n ly m small piece of stomach With these a half-back there wtll unting Kurrle tie is making a quantitative analysis to be a large nil nber of veterans back determine how- much of the poison is rvytng Jt*bs Available F o r : for the ball o destroyed by '.he preservatives m il probably report are ball-toters wiio The results tt ts said, will be in- ! Schau. Rubi, Breen, Capt Dtckrson vuiuable in court evidence In cases of of the varsity squad Nordberg Oiw suspected poisoning when it Is neces­ of last season ¡i cl numerous candidates sary to hold a post mortem examtna- from last falls SUMMER RECREATION fr o s h t e a m tion of the bori\

HOA TIM * . .SI» 7 l/A f/\f.\ G O t y \ CHESTER COM S. A . E. AND U. U T S EVEN U P s o p h u t s w in in t e r c l a s s H I’S'T I SC EISHISG» TKAPPIXG (in Nt asolii H A Y F8\ EH (pure air ami puro water) ON CAMPUS PRESS TROPHY b a s k e t b a l l championship SPORTS (the ideal place) THURSDAY AND FRIDAY •I IXfER Intramural track finals are to be The sophomore "Lit«' defeated the mn off in the gym on Saturday Pre­ senior "Lits" 38 to 17. Wednesday I t e a c h F r i i*y would start now, to own an acreage o f W T L D liminaries have been run off through­ night, tn the finals of the inter-class LAN I »8 v iiis o r on one of the beautiful lakes tn Antrim or out the week haske'ball tournament Itaun. sopho* Drama of Love Charlevot: v there "nr* yood n-H.xom why tt should prove a wise The fttgma Alpha Epsilon and the m ora can ter, scored 20 pointa for high m v e s t m e t i Ftiion Literary society have two legs •-coring honors and Life on apiece upon the Campus Press trophy, T a l k it ioti authorize voi i c o m m it to arrange an appoint - which become* »he property Of the tn e n t w i l l . Loi edaj?, photic 1110 L a n first fraternity to win three times Broadway!

SPRING HATS We Have Your Shape ( i i m i D I OUMTKAD and Color in JOC B. M O W N G i m m « n o * the b t r a i l POfXABD “VARSITY APPROVED” SATURDAY ONLY!

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