A guide to good and bad in Brisbane gardens and natural areas Weeds are not only a nuisance in our gardens, they are a serious threat to our native plants and animals. To show your love for Brisbane, remove the following weeds from your garden. For more information on the weed species in Grow Habitat Not this poster, please go to the weed identification Weeds tool at www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/weeds

1 1 1 1 4 Broad pepper tree Schinus terebinthifolius Camphor laurel Cinnamomum camphora Chinese elm Celtis sinensis Cadaghi Corymbia torelliana Cocos palm Syagrus romanzoffiana Flowering season: Spring Flowering season: Spring, summer Flowering season: Spring Flowering season: Spring Flowering season: Spring, summer Replacement: Lilly pilly ( spp.), tuckeroo (Cupaniopsis Replacement: Scrub cherry (Syzygium australe), red ash Replacement: Tulipwood (Harpullia pendula), weeping lilly pilly Replacement: Foam bark (Jagera pseudorhus), pink euodia Replacement: Cabbage tree palm (Livistona australis), bangalow anacardioides). (Alphitonia excelsa) (Waterhousea floribunda). (Melicope elleryana), red kamala (Mallotus philippensis). palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana).

3 C 3 C 3 C R R

1 1 1 1 1 Golden rain tree Koelreuteria elegans ssp. formosana Large-leaved privet Ligustrum lucidum Umbrella tree Schefflera actinophylla Lantana Lantana camara Leucaena Leucaena leucocephala ssp. leucocephala Flowering season: Summer, autumn Flowering season: Spring, summer Flowering season: Spring, summer Flowering season: Year round Flowering season: Summer Replacement: Native frangipani (Hymenosporum flavum), pongamia Replacement: Native olive (Olea paniculata), long-leaved mock olive Replacement: Celery wood (Polyscias elegans), pencil cedar Replacement: Native lasiandra (Melastoma malabathricum), native Replacement: Brisbane wattle (Acacia fimbriata), tea tree (Millettia pinnata), tulipwood (Harpullia pendula). (Notelaea longifolia), stiff canthium (Canthium buxifolium), scaly (Polyscias murrayi). peach (Trema tomentosa), soap tree (Alphitonia excelsa). (Leptospermum spp.). myrtle (Gossia hillii) R R 3 C C 3 C

1 1 1 1 1 Castor oil Ricinus communis Easter cassia Senna pendula var. glabrata Common Indian hawthorn Rhaphiolepis indica Ochna Ochna serrulata Small-leaved privet Ligustrum sinense Flowering season: Summer Flowering season: Autumn Flowering season: Spring Flowering season: Spring, summer Flowering season: Spring, summer Replacement: Native murraya (Murraya ovatifoliolata), native Replacement: Brisbane wattle (Acacia fimbriata), flat-stemmed Replacement: Blueberry ash (Elaeocarpus reticulatus), brisbane Replacement: Geebung (Persoonia virgata), pointed leaf hovea Replacement: Native murraya (Murraya ovatifoliolata), native gardenia (Atractocarpus benthamianus). wattle (Acacia complanata), tea tree (Leptospermum spp.). laurel (Pittosporum revolutum), pavetta (Pavetta australiensis). (Hovea acutifolia), sago (Ozothamnus diosmifolius). gardenia (Atractocarpus benthamianus).

C R R C 3 C

3 1 1 4 1 Mock orange Murraya paniculata (non sterile) Asparagus Ground Asparagus aethiopicus Mother of millions Bryophyllum delagoense Singapore daisy Sphagneticola trilobata Mother-in-law’s tongue Sansevieria trifasciata Flowering season: Winter, summer Flowering season: Spring Flowering season: Winter, spring Flowering season: Spring, summer, autumn Flowering season: Autumn Replacement: Native murraya (Murraya ovatifoliolata), native Replacement: Blue flax lily ( Dianella caerulea), midyim Replacement: Native coleus (Plectranthus spp.), native yams Replacement: Giant water (Cissus hypoglauca), goodenia Replacement: Blue flax lily (Dianella caerulea), spiny-headed mat-rush gardenia (Atractocarpus benthamianus). (Austromyrtus dulcis) (Dioscorea spp), strawflower (Bracteantha bracteata). (Goodenia linearis), kangaroo vine (Cissus antarticaa). (Lomandra longifolia), swamp lily (Crinum pedunculatum), vanilla lily (Sowerbaea juncea). 3 C 2 3 C Special investigation C

1 1 1 1 1 Fishborne fern Nephrolepis cordifolia Brillantaisia Brillantaisia lamium Salvinia Salvinia molesta Water lettuce Pistia stratiotes Cat’s claw creeper Macfadyena unguis-cati Flowering season: N/A Flowering season: Year round, mostly summer Flowering season: N/A Flowering season: Year round Flowering season: Spring, summer Replacement: Blue flax lily (Dianella caerulea), spiny-headed Replacement: Love flower (Pseuderanthemum variabile), fairy fan Replacement: Swamp lily (Ottelia ovalifolia), water snowflake Replacement: Water plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica), yellow water Replacement: Blood vine (Austrosteenisia blackii), guinea flower mat-rush (Lomandra longifolia), rasp fern ( aspera). flower (Scaevola aemula). (Nymphoides indica). snowflake (Nymphoides crenata), lilac lady (Monochoria cyanea). (Hibbertia scandens), rasp fern (Doodia aspera).

R E 2 2 3 C

4 1 2 4 3 1 Madeira vine Anredera cordifolia Morning glory Ipomoea indica Climbing asparagus Asparagus africanus Corky passionfruit vine Passiflora suberosa Kudzu Pueraria montana var. lobata Flowering season: Spring, summer, autumn Flowering season: Spring, summer, autumn Flowering season: Mostly spring Flowering season: Spring, summer Flowering season: Spring, summer Replacement: Hoya vine (Hoya australis), wonga wonga vine Replacement: Bower of beauty ( jasminoides), wonga Replacement: Monkey rope (Parsonsia straminea), hoya vine Replacement: Guinea flower (Hibbertia scandens), native Replacement: Native sarsparilla (Hardenbergia violacea), round-leaf (Pandorea pandorana). wonga vine (Pandorea pandorana). (Hoya australis). sarsaparilla vine (Hardenbergia violacea), scrambling lily vine (Legnephora moorei). (Geitonoplesium cymosum). 3 C C 3 C 2 E R

LEGEND – Guide to actions for declared plants: Form:

State-declared plants:

1 Class 1 pest plants: These are serious weeds. It is illegal to spread them. Report findings to Council on (07) 3403 8888. Tree Herb Aquatic 2 Class 2 pest plants: Landowners are responsible for preventing these weeds from spreading to other properties, keeping these weeds under control and working towards eradicating them completely. Council can help you to prepare a property pest management plan – phone Council on (07) 3403 8888 and ask to talk to the Environment Management Team. Shrub Grass Vine 3 Class 3 pest plants: You need to manage these weeds if you have land, or are next to land, that has been identified as an environmentally-significant area, Council has advised all landowners whose property is, or is adjacent to, an environmentally-significant area. Leaf arrangement: Seeding or fruiting:

4 1 Council-declared plants: E Class E: Early detection and eradication. This species could cause severe damage if it establishes in Brisbane. It is cost-effective to eradicate infestations. Mile-a-minute Ipomoea cairica Dutchman’s pipe Aristolochia elegans Alternate Whorled present Flowering season: Year round Flowering season: Summer C Class C: Containment and reduction. This species is well established in Brisbane and eradication is not a viable option. The objective is to contain the Replacement: Native wisteria (Callerya megasperma), native passion Replacement: Birdwing vine (Aristolochia praevenosa) infestation and prevent further spread, while reducing the overall size of the infestation. fruit (Passiflora herbertiana). R present Class R: Reduce population as part of routine maintenance. This species is well established across Brisbane, is a moderate threat and eradication is not a Compound Fern 3 C viable option. Plan to gradually remove infestations in your garden as part of regular maintenance activities. R

Opposite Basal

Images supplied by: 1 Sheldon Navie, 2 Jack Miles, 3 Forest and Kim Starr, 4 Anne Spooner.

For more information on the weed species in this poster, or plants you believe may be weeds, visit www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/weeds and use the weed identification tool. The Wipe Out Weeds program is helping to control weed species in Brisbane’s natural areas and achieve our shared vision for a clean, green city. That’s why I grow habitat, not weeds. Visit GreenHeartCitySmart.com for more information on Council’s efforts, and what you can do, to make Brisbane ’s most sustainable city.