Bharat18 May, 2004; Sanchar NOW! 1 HOME SBILOANS Tuesday, 18 May, 2004 Vol. 3 No. 47  Rs. 3 Nigam Ltd. CONSIDERING Cell ne TO BUY A FLAT Connecting IN SILIGURI? TALK MORE, PAY LESS Free Call Charges in Plan 399 Consider Lowest SMS rate @ 40 paise buying it on an CDMA Mobile at lowest rate Lowest Rate in Leased Line, SBI loan from ISDN, STD/ ISD Free unlimited talk to any 3 Gangtok! numbers by paying just Rs. 75 contact Kumar Gajmer at SBI, Bulk SMS, Bulk Mail Gangtok branch, or call 221165 Video Conferencing, Web-Hosting MPs MEET KHURSHEED, HAND OVER SUPPORT LETTER meeting had to be postponed fol- a NOW REPORT lowing the Sensex crash which kept GANGTOK, 17 May: Sikkim’s all senior Congress leaders huddled recently elected Lok Sabha MP, in emergency meetings. Nakul Rai, and his Rajya Sabha Though the Congress might not counterpart, PT Gyamtso, called view the SDF as a major ally as it has on Sikkim in-charge of the Indian only one MP in the Lok Sabha, the National Congress, Salman support of the SDF to the Congress is Khurshid, in New Delhi today and still a significant occurrence as it is handed over Sikkim Democratic the first party to have broken away Front’s letter of support to the from the National Democratic Alli- Congress bid to form the next gov- ance [NDA]. Even if the SDF support ernment at the Centre. does not majorly impact the numbers, Speaking to NOW! over the its presence is still being seen as a phone today, Mr. Gyamtso – also moral victory by the Congress in its the spokesperson of the SDF party claims of forging a secular alliance – informed of having had a meet- which spreads across all regions. ing with Mr. Khurshid. Mr. THE NEGOTIATORS IN DELHI: [left to right] Gyamtso, Khurshid and Rai The two Sikkim MPs are also re- Gyamtso along with Mr. Rai had that Mr. Khurshid had himself called Khurshid, while accepting the letter is of the State’s practise of supporting the ported to have met with NCP chief Sharad left for Delhi yesterday. up the chief minister, Pawan Chamling also reported to have admitted that he governments at the centre. Pawar and RJD supremo Laloo Prasad Mr. Gyamtso said, “We had a subsequent to the SDF’s landslide vic- was aware that SDF’s support to the Although the Sikkim MPs were Yadav in Delhi today. Both leaders have meeting with Mr. Khurshid this af- tory at the Sikkim Assembly elections. NDA government was not necessarily scheduled to call on the Congress expressed hope that SDF will support ternoon during which we handed “Mr. Khurshid called up Mr. one bound by ideology, but reflective president Sonia Gandhi today, the the Congress-led coalition in the Centre. over our letter of support to the Con- Chamling and apart from his con- gress.” This letter, incidentally, con- gratulatory messages sought Mr. firms SDF’s “unconditional” support Chamling’s support for the Congress to the Congress in Parliament. at the centre,” Mr. Gyamtso said. Mr. Gyamtso further informed During today’s meeting, Mr.

Sonia to be sworn in as PM on Wednesday After holding a second round of talks with allies on Monday evening, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi has decided to be sworn in as the on Wednesday, May 19. Earlier in the evening, in a sudden development Sonia Gandhi held one round of talks with her allies amid speculation that the Congress chief may not stake her claim for prime ministership. She had also called all the Congress Members of Parliament to her 10 Janpath residence in Delhi. The Congress chief will meet President A P J Abdul Kalam on Tuesday after he invited her for talks on government formation. HONGHONG KONGKONG BAZAAR Any Item Rs. 90 to Rs. 150 FIRST Gift Items, Crockery & Other TIME IN Attractive Goods! SIKKIM HOTEL BAYUL, MG MARG, GANGTOK

CMYK 2; NOW!; 18 May, 2004 ED-SPACE NOW! A Toast For Teesta FIRST WITH THE NEWS ust as India, in a cartographic sense, can boast of its own pri No Progress Without Jvate ocean, Kalimpong’s pride is the Teesta. I have been fascinated Accountability by this green river ever since I can remember. Perhaps you too may The used a unique electioneering tool in have looked at it as you travelled the runup to the recently concluded elections. It released con- stituency-specific manifestos over and above its 112 page mani- on the road that runs parallel to its festo for Sikkim. While not covered in great detail by the media, bank and wondered about the many these documents are undoubtedly being preserved by the voters secrets locked up in its sandy bed. to keep track of the promises made in 2004 to be tallied with those The portion below the bridge delivered by 2009 when the State goes to poll again. While no one most definitely contains a wealth took manifestos seriously till now because they were usually too of coins thrown in by diverse generic and superficial, it is going to be different this time around. breeds of devout individuals all While the overall manifesto itself goes into great detail about how with their own separate agendas the various promises will be delivered, the constituency -level for the divine to pay attention to. reaching the Teesta was an occasion a thing of the past. But fortunately manifestos are even more specific in the various infrastructural Perhaps one of them may belong to be looked forward to. It was a human resilience is a marvellous facilities that each constituency can expect. These are promises to that over zealous coin thrower, signpost marking the end of a sig- thing and Teesta too has not escaped that directly affect the people in those constituency and they will who in the process of pursuing a nificant portion of the journey. And from the optimism of its denizens. be keeping a close watch on the progress of each work. While blessing actually tossed herself out although none really got down to The shelves are certainly looking these manifestos might not necessarily be the documents which of the speeding jeep along with her stay behind, it was with a certain fuller and the giant papayas as ripe won SDF 76 per cent of the votes in the polls, they will surely be rupee, to miraculously escape with sense of unfulfilled longing that and inviting as ever. But even then promises against which it will be judged when it approaches the people again for votes in five years time. The ruling party will not just a minor bruising from the one boarded the jeep to continue one cannot but miss the old times, have any excuses to defend lapses if they occur. With all the ter- Gammon concrete. ahead. A feeling also felt by the when that pontoon across the wa- ritorial constituencies voting in favour of the SDF, they have left And what about the rusty car- narrator of perhaps what is one of ters allowed only one vehicle at a the party with no leeway to work itself out of unkept promises. casses of the nu- the greatest short stories of the time. The vehicle slowed down, the What the government has to bear in mind now is that Sikkim merous vehicles Nepali language, “Kheer”. It is bridge gave away just a little, its has never lacked good intentions. It is in the delivery of well-meant that its waters not coincidental that this story, elasticity arching in deference to the initiatives that the State and its administrators have failed. There swallow every heavy on jeep and its load. There was the is no dearth of projects and proposals which are as effective in monsoon? symbol- swish of the trajectory of the wish- triggering development as they are populist in garnering votes. Here it may be ism, is ing coins and the prayerful crossing Where Sikkim fails is in the carrying out of the said projects and an army truck set on of the hands.That sense of history is programmes. With no room left for excuses, the government will hosting a silent school the gone with that bridge and except for now have to make sure that the delivery system does not fail again. of scales. Or the submerged Teesta. memories in the head [at least I do Half measures just won’t work any more. And the only way this remains of a jeep perhaps, inquisi- Teesta after all is more than a river. not have any photographs] to re- can be guaranteed is by fixing accountability. If every initiative is tively nibbled at by a truculent trout. Although not as religiously signifi- member the poetry of its steel and monitored from the very beginning itself, there is no way it can go Of course, synonymous with cant as the other great rivers, it has engineering. majorly wrong. One reason why accountability was mild thus far was because the political scenario almost always remained fluid. the Teesta is also its bazaar. There a special place in our hill hearts. Its Remember the stricture that pro- Now, the people have concretised SDF for the next five years in was a time when it was a junction, banks serve as locales for life’s hibited any photographing of the Sikkim and while such absolute faith has made dictators out of a sort of an intersection where peo- great picnics and also its eternal structure.The consolation today is leaders in the past, one hopes that this time we will get a tough ple got down to stretch their legs farewells. And while it has not that the new construction is so sound taskmaster instead. Even if we keep public service on the side for and maybe drink a glass of tea or spawned civilisations as such, its that there are no such orders betray- once, if Mr. Chamling can deliver good and [in his own words] coke. Or they could have simply sand is an important ingredient of ing the insecurities of that bygone “action-oriented” governance in the next five years, one can com- walked to the edge of the road and our nascent progress. age. And perhaps as a metaphor for mit without hesitating that he would have institutionalised SDF in cast a glance at the turbulent Teesta Of course to come back to more our ever-increasing mobility, it does Sikkim. People will not look for alternatives when they find a work- to drink of its temperamental green- mundane matters, the shifting of the not require you to slow down or ing [and effective] model of democracy in the party. The Opposi- ness and loosen themselves to the bridge had initially sucked its cross one at a time. Now you may tion which has been effectively marginalised for the next five years sound of its feisty flow. economy dry to the bone. Being by- drive by at top speed along with could be truly wiped out then. While this might not be the best Back then, when we did not passed by the bulk of the traffic countless others in similar hurry as development for a democracy, at least the people would be happy. travel as frequently as we do now, meant that the bustling bazaar was you. Only the Teesta flows as ever.

-55- riage and after our life together as husband ow that I had brought my wife to my and wife, all her girlfriends came to pay us house, I found I had no idea what it A woman is to a man what visits from time to time, even from great dis- Nmeant to live together as a married tances. This meant extra expense to me, for couple like other people. I had no pots and it is our custom to offer tea to whatever guests pans to cook our food, and she had no clothes honey is to a bee may come, and that would mean three annas except those she was wearing. I had also no to four annas for each visit. Then our food blankets and lacked many other things: and, pees a month. Sometimes we went to the cin- was no longer a loafer but properly married would be about five annas in the morning thinking carefully of what we would need, I ema, and from time to time I still and I had a wife whom I could tell to work and more or less the same in the evening, so felt very worried and wondered how I could had to buy more things for for me and to cook for me whatever I like, I found that marriage was in no way a means get all the money that would be required. I the house. So my wages for she was a good cook. This made me very of saving money. I earned a little over twenty- borrowed ten rupees from my master and went, and as a rule I happy. In our language we say that woman is five rupees and spent a little over twenty- went with my wife to the market and let her would have no to man what honey is to the bee. My life was seven. I could not have lived as I had if I had choose what she wanted for the house, as a money left for the altogether habits costing much money. I am free from woman knows more about these things than last four or five days changed. For- four bad habits. I do not smoke, I do not take a man. The most important thing to buy first of the month. merly when I was opium, I have never in my life drunk beer or were two cooking pots and a few plates. Then Though married not married I was whisky or other strong drinks, and I never I also bought some rice, some cooking oil life is very pleasant, free to do what- chew betel. My weakness is going too much and some spices: and thirdly two pillowcases yet I learned that it is ever I liked, but to the pictures. and two bed sheets for both of us, for two very hard to live with Artist, filmmaker, keen photographer, columnist with that meant going Sometimes we quarrelled, but that was rupees and eight annas, and one small box a woman. For though international magazines... It’s hard to pin Twan Yang too often to the only natural, and after our quarrels we were for her. it is very happy that down. Born to a Chinese father and Tibetan mother, he pictures and be- always happy again. Gradually many people a wife gives every grew up in Kalimpong and worked in Sikkim. NOW! ing in the com- It was now at the end of the month and, serializes Twan Yang’s autobiography, Houseboy in India... used to come to my little house. Some were as soon as I got my wages, I spent another comfort to the hus- pany of bad boys, my friends and they sometimes brought their twelve rupees, and I bought two cheap saris band, yet the hus- and spending wives. Some came from Darjeeling, espe- for her, suitable for the summer, two petti- band feels like a prisoner. On one hand, now much money and saving nothing, and hav- cially after my master and I had visited coats and two jackets. Nearly all the wages I that I was a husband, I had become very poor, ing no visitors in my little godown: that is, Kalimpong in the fall of 1938. earned now went to food, about sixteen ru- on the other hand, the people now say that I no really good people. But now after my mar- -to be continued CMYK  RAJDHANI 18 May, 2004; NOW! 3 Ranka slide carves out 300 mtrs of hillside aged a PWD land bridge causing public places. But in the absence will also be provided with cash re- sage of vehicles has already been a NOW REPORT diversion of water, informs the DC of any such facility in this particu- lief depending on the scale of dam- put in place. GANGTOK, 17 May: Neighbour- [East] K. Srinivas. Apart from this, lar locality we have asked the local ages suffered, he added. Apart from this the DC, who is ing Ranka was hit by a landslide eight houses were damaged, 3 of residents to provide temporary shel- “For those whose houses have also the chairman of the Disaster which caused substantial damage to them badly so. ter to the ones whose houses have been damaged Rs. 10,000 as cash Management Committee has already public and private property there on “The people have been relo- been damaged,” the DC informed. relief will be granted while those sanctioned Rs. 60,000 as an imme- the night of 14 May, last Friday. cated in the homes of the locals. He also revealed that the peo- whose livestock such as cows have diate relief measure. The newly Normally in such situations we pro- ple of the affected area will be pro- been killed will be given Rs. elected area MLA Nimthit Lepcha The fall of mud and stones from vide shelter to those affected in vided with relief materials includ- 3000,” the DC informed. A tem- also visited the spot along with offi- about a height of 300 metres dam- nearby government schools or other ing food, water and electricity. They porary diversion route for the pas- cials from the DC’s office, it is learnt. CONGRATULATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR, Reel life THANKS FROM THE CHIEF MINISTER action did not address the gathering, in a a NOW REPORT a NOW REPORT special message he extended his GANGTOK, 17 May: Sikkim cel- greetings to the people of the state. GANGTOK, 17 May: A man from ebrated the 29th anniversary of the Expressing his deep gratitude to West Sikkim had a strange experi- State Day yesterday, Sunday, May the people of Sikkim for confer- ence the other day. In the capital on 16 at Community Hall. ring a massive mandate to the some work, he went to see a movie Congratulating the people on Sikkim Democratic Front he said at Denzong cinema hall and before the conduction of peaceful polls, that he and his party have accepted he knew it he was attacked by a the chief guest, Governor V Rama the people’s verdict with respect stranger. Rao said it showed that the people and humility. Local police received a written of the state had full faith in democ- The chief minister has also ap- complaint from Biney Bishwa of racy and this had increased the re- pealed to the people of Sikkim to Kyongsa, West Sikkim alleging that sponsibility of the government. He work unitedly for the progress and on 16 May when he was in the said the recognition of Sikkim by prosperity of the state and transfer movie hall, he was attacked by an China as an integral part of India it to a place where every citizen unknown person by a torch on his was a big event and a victory for could enjoy equality, democratic forehead and sustained injuries. democracy. values and justice. He said that the After investigation the victim was sent for medical examination Now that the new government At the State Day celebrations. [left to right, front row] Speaker Kalawati path was difficult and the work hard had received such a handsome Subba, Governor V Rama Rao, CM Pawan Chamling and former CMs but the state was determined to to STNM hospital. mandate from the people, it should and BB Gooroong march on, hand in hand with the The case is still being investi- focus on priority areas like food, the newly elected MLAs, Secre- Patriotic songs and cultural rest of the country. gated by the police. health and employment. taries and other senior officials dances formed part of the day’s The function was attended by along with students and the gen- celebrations. Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, eral public. Although the Chief Minister WANTED ACCOMMODATION A suitable accommodation required for Urban FROM 100 TO 70,000 IN 24 YEARS Health Training Centre for Medical College measuring about 3000 sq. ft in approachable location at Namnang, Deorali, PS Road, BSNL OBSERVES WORLD Development Area and Panihouse. Also similar accommodation is required in an around Ranipool TELECOM DAY for Rural Health Training Centre. Interested party As late as 1991, only 200 peo- in grand manner the World Telecom a NOW REPORT may submit their proposal with the drawing to the ple had telephones in the state. It Day today. The function, which Chief Engineer, SMU GANGTOK, 17 May: The first was only in 1998 that the number comprised of a cultural programme, telecom service in Sikkim was in- of connections increased dramati- debates and competitions had Registrar, SMU troduced in 1960. Used primarily cally to 3000. This was mainly in former DGP, Sikkim Police, Vice by the royal family, it was a Gangtok, followed by . Chancellor, SMIT, LC Amarnathan “Number Please” system where the With mobile services being as chief guest. FOR RENT user had to go through the operator launched in October 2000, Sikkim Every 17th of May, telecommu- A double storied house having approximate for the connection rather than today has the highest coverage area nication administrations all over the dialing the telephone number di- in the country. There are 70,000 world celebrate the World Telecom- area of 3500 sq. ft. (12 rooms) with garden rectly. There were only two digit connections in the state with more munication Day to commemorate and parking space for 8 to 10 vehicles lo- numbers in Sikkim at the time [now than a hundred personnel working the foundation of the International cated above Tibet Road and Overlooking Sikkim has 5-digit telephone num- in the telecom department. Telecommunication Union, a spe- bers]. In 1980 this system was To acknowledge and appreciate cialized telecommunication agency Gangtok town. modified and connections were this fact, BSNL Sikkim celebrated for the United Nations. For details, contact immediately: given to 100 subscribers. MOBILE!MOBILE!!MOBILE!!! ph. No: 280878, 94340 80878  Easy Instalment Scheme for Salaried individuals DEALS IN ALL (Just pay Rs. 1,000 and take away mobile handsets. Ltd. period)  Mobile Phone at Reasonable Prices TYPES OF  No parking problems even after 5 PM  Connection facility MOBILE  Exchange offer available amola PHONES Tharo Line,Lal Market AND contact: 201006, 94341PRISES 17320 Shopping Complex, CELLULAR STYLE ING ENTER R Road. Ph: 201062, Z Hotel Golden Pagoda TEN SALES & SERVICES Mobile: 9832062684 ACCESSORIES MG Marg, Gangtok Room No. 41, Development Area, Gangtok

CMYK 4; NOW!; 18 May, 2004 POWERPLAY  SIBLAC congratulates Sonia, reminds her of Cong commitment ONLY IN SIKKIM... to SIBLAC demands Sikkim unique in its doubts over EVMs, says a NOW REPORT GANGTOK, 17 May: The Sikkim CEO as he responds to Cong queries Bhutia Lepcha Apex Committee manufacturers of electronic voting sued 2 EVMs each for emergency ing and education on the EVMs to a NOW REPORT [SIBLAC] has congratulated Sonia machines in India. replacement in case any of the ma- election officials here. As the CEO Gandhi on being elected the leader GANGTOK, 17 May: The Chief “The ones used in Sikkim all chines being used malfunctioned or says, “The EC sent Mr. RK Srivastav, of Congress Parliamentary Com- Election Officer, TT Dorjee pro- came from ECIL as the Election were mishandled,” informs Mr. secretary, EC and Mr. Ashish mittee. A press release informs that vided a detailed rejoinder to the Commission was of the view that Dorjee. He adds that the serial num- Chakravarty, undersecretary who in a message faxed to her today, questions concerning the elec- each state should use only one bers of these machines had been came here in January this year to pro- SIBLAC has called the remarkable tronic voting machines placed be- model,” says the CEO. He further taken by the ROs concerned. vide training and demonstrations.” victory of the Congress party and fore him by SPCC [I] president informs that once the 450 new “When a machine is to be re- A demonstration programme its allies a “tribute to the democratic , who, on 15 EVMs had come in, they were all placed, the presiding officer men- for all political parties was held at and secular aspirations of people all May, had submitted a letter to the stored, while the 750 from Manipur tions it in his report diary giving the Chintan Bhawan by the two offi- across the nation”. CEO seeking verification regard- had a cleansing operation. reasons as well as the respective se- cials from the EC. This programme, Making reference to the elec- ing certain EVM related questions. “We got engineers of ECIL to rial numbers,” informs the CEO. He informs the CEO, was attended by tion of a Congress candidate from The questions in the letter specifi- come over to Sikkim and had them further says that the Sector Magis- the Congress, SDF, BJP and other the Sangha constituency, SIBLAC cally pertained to the number of inspect, test check and erase any trate is handed a receipt from the political parties along with the Zilla reminded Mrs. Gandhi of her par- EVMs sent to Sikkim, the number previous data stored in the ma- presiding officer on the replacement. Panchayats. ty’s support to Delimitation of As- used during the polls and those chines,” he elaborated. All the ma- The CEO further informs that “There were no questions on sembly constituencies. kept in reserve. Apart from these, chines were then given serial num- only unused EVMs were used in for the competence of the EVMs raised The message also mentioned questions were also raised on the bers which were recorded and sub- the elections. Those used for train- at the demonstration programme,” that the AICCI, in its letter to the matter of the storage and security sequently kept under security. ing and demonstrations along with Mr. Dorjee adds. He further in- Convenors of SIBLAC, had as- of the EVMs. “A total of 749 EVMs were the reserves were placed under se- forms that nowhere else in India sured to extend “wholehearted sup- Speaking to NOW!, the CEO slated to be used in the elections in curity at their respective District have any doubts been raised on the port and cooperation to the disclosed: “The EVMs were brought Sikkim, two for each polling booth Headquarters and “are being re- functioning of EVMs: “Only in fulfillment of objectives of Sikkim to Sikkim in two batches. The first and another 51 for the Sangha Elec- turned to the election department.” Sikkim…” Bhutia Lepcha Apex Committee of 450 came in late 2002. The sec- toral College,” the CEO informs. The machines used in the elections which intra-alia includes restora- ond batch of 750 EVMs came in Incidentally there were a total of have all been sealed and stored in tion of original definition of February this year. These 750 349 polling booths in the state. It a strong room; the ones used for the “Bhutia”, amendment of Represen- EVMs, which were brought in from is further learnt that at the four un- assembly polls would be kept for 6 tation of People (Amendment) Act, Manipur, were used in the Assem- contested assembly constituencies months while those used for the 1980 and the delimitation of 12 BL bly elections held there earlier.” the EVMs for the assembly polls parliamentary polls are to be stored reserved constituencies to ensure Tashi Bhutia of the Election were “not released at all.” The rest for 1 year before the data in them jeans genuine representation of BL peo- Department had gone over to Imphal of the EVMs were kept at the Dis- is erased. available ple in the Sikkim Assembly.” and brought the EVMs to Sikkim trict Headquarters. As soon as the dates of the elec- The organization has also “under guard,” the CEO informs. The CEO also says that there tions had been announced the elec- at wished the best to the newly elected According to the CEO, Bharat are no reserve EVMs provided to tion department in Sikkim put in a REEBOK SHOWROOM members of Sikkim Legislative As- Electronics Limited [BHEL] and the constituencies. request with the Election Commis- Below Bank of Baroda sembly in their service of the Electronic Corporation of India “During the day of polls on 10 sion for personnel to provide train- MG Road, Gangtok Sikkimese people. Limited [ECIL] are the only two May, Sector Magistrates were is- DISCOUNTS FOR BEST FLOORING 94-year-old man oldest member Left to extend outside Wooden parquet flooring, Lucky PVC floor tiles, PVC wood plank, of 14th Lok Sabha support tiles, Vista floor, SUper marblex, NEW DELHI, 17 May: At 94 years, Ramchandra Veerappa of Karnataka NEW DELHI, 17 May: The Left Wall Heritage Surface, Textures, will be the oldest Parliamentarian in the 14th Lok Sabha, in which the parties, with over 60 members in the Spray polish, Japanese average age of MPs will be 52.7 years. According to statistics released by new Lok Sabha, on Monday decided to lend outside support to a Congress- technology. the Election Commission today, Veerappa, a BJP candidate who won in contact: Bidar, Karnataka, is the oldest winning candidate in the elections to the led government. “We have decided not 14th Lok Sabha. On the other hand, 26-year-old Sachin Pilot of the Con- to join the government,” senior Com- TIKA ENTERPRISES gress is the youngest winning candidate - from Dausa in Rajasthan. The munist Party of India-Marxist leader Near Krishi Bhawan Gate Commission also said there were many candidates who were 25 years Somnath Chatterjee said after the par- 31 A NH, Uma Cottage old, the minimum age required to contest the Lok Sabha elections. ty’s central committee meeting, where Tadong, Sikkim - 737102 members expressed conflicting views Ph: 231394 M: 98320 96499 but took a “collective decision”. Those who participated in the Sikkim Banga Sanskriti two-hour meeting included party Sanstha, Gangtok, congratulates general secretary Harkishan Singh Dr. Surjeet, senior leaders , Chief Minister and his colleagues Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, Prakash AIRLINE & for the spectacular victory in the Karat, Sitaram Yechury, V S ADMISSION NOTICE TRAVEL Achutanandan and M A Baby. JOB OPPORTUNITIES recently concluded Assembly The CPI, meanwhile, said it WORLD WIDE AIRLINETOURISMTOURISM & & Parliamentary would join the government only if  Convenient timings  Structured Curriculum   MANAGEMENTTRAVEL Elections 2004. all the Left parties participated. Professional faculty Quiet learning environment “The CPI will not take any unilat- *Computer May Sikim State eral decision on joining the govern- * SABRE [CRS] AIRLINEHOTEL & MANAGEMENTTRAVEL and Sikkimese people ment. The whole Left will either par- * CRM ticipate together or keep out together,” Application and Prospectus can be obtained from flourish under Sikkim Institute of Management & Services [P] Ltd., party leader A B Bardhan said after AIRLINECARGOHOTEL & & The Season, Nam-Nang Road, Gangtok 737102 MANAGEMENTCOURIERTRAVEL his dynamic leadership. the party’s national executive meeting phone: 280979, 280898 & 9832031664 to take a final decision on the issue. CMYK  POWERPLAY 18 May, 2004; NOW! 5 Newar SDF HAS NEVER RESORTED TO PERSONAL Sangathan ATTACKS ON LEADERS: GOOROONG reiterates a NOW REPORT Desperate Bhandari raising preposterous allegations, says political advisor on commitment GANGTOK, 17 May: Following to SDF a report in a national daily which allegations that SDF raised Sonia’s foreign origins issue during campaigning quotes the SPCC [I] president, Nar only totally false, preposterous and party had “definitely laid bare the hove of a senior political leader like policies Bahadur Bhandari, as alleging that misleading, but also demonstrates misdoings of Mr. Bhandari and his him. He should have the humility a NOW REPORT the SDF party had raised the for- the desperation of Mr. Bhandari in team during their tenure in office,” to accept the people’s verdict with eign origin issue of Sonia Gandhi, the wake of the humiliating defeat but never cast aspersions on the respect,” he said. GANGTOK, 17 May: In a meeting president, Indian National Con- handed to him in the elections,” Mr. national leadership of the party. “Moreover, by questioning the held yesterday, the Sikkim Newar gress, during its campaign meetings BB Gooroong responds. Responding to the question functioning of the EVMs in Sangathan has “wholeheartedly con- in the run up to the just concluded “The SDF has never stooped so mark on the dependability of the Sikkim, Mr. Bhandari is indirectly gratulated” the SDF party and particu- elections, BB Gooroong, political low as to indulge in personal at- EVMs put by Mr. Bhandari, Mr. casting doubts on the mandate larly its President Pawan Chamling on advisor to the Chief Minister has tacks on senior national leaders,” Gooroong branded it as “amusing which placed his parent party in securing absolute majority in the 7th issued a strong rejoinder. he adds. and childish”. power at the Centre,” Mr. State Assembly Elections. “The allegation made is not He further says that the SDF “Such questioning does not be- Gooroong quipped. In a resolution passed on the occasion, the Sangathan declared that the overwhelming victory in the 2004 elections was a victory of Arundhati Roy warns Sonia that the the poor and the suppressed peo- ple of Sikkim, who had given their mandate for the third consecutive campaign against her is not over term to Mr. Chamling and SDF. A press release issued by the NEW DELHI, 17 May: Novelist at the television coverage, I keep dhi endured ferocious personal in- Sangathan also adds that the vic- Arundhati Roy rejoices that Sonia on seeing them calling people from sults during the campaign by right- tory reflected the pro-poor policies, Gandhi, who “doesn’t play the prin- the stock market. But I haven’t seen wing firebrands who questioned achievements and programmes of cess,” humbled the men who be- one farmer asked, ‘Why did you how a foreigner by birth could un- the SDF government in the last nine rated her and warns she will face a vote for this government?’ derstand India. years, which helped to benefit peo- “blatant game” from a corporate “The kind of inequality between “There’s something as a writer ple particularly the rural based poor world unmoved by the electoral rural and urban areas was higher and a novelist that one likes about and downtrodden. verdict of India’s poor. than it has been in the past 50 years this narrative,” Roy said. The Sangathan also decided to Roy said she had been “exhal- or more, and obviously it was a vote “You have bloodthirsty people give full support to all the policies ing slowly” since Gandhi tri- to change those economic policies like Bal Thackeray and Modi and and programmes of the SDF gov- umphed over all polls and a smear which the corporate world includ- had on the opposite end a person ernment in future. The SNS has also campaign by the ruling Hindu na- ing the corporate media simply who was just the antithesis of eve- thanked the voters of Gangtok for tionalists to become the frontrun- doesn’t want to see,” Roy said. rything. And yet even still, people supporting the SDF candidate, NK ner as India’s prime minister head- Sonia has travelled more than preferred that to them. Pradhan and ensuring his victory by ing a left-of-centre coalition. 60,000 kilometers since the end of “I must say perversely I even a huge margin. “I’m always very happy with last year in a bid to prove wrong like the idea that having run this The Sangathan has also wished people who are slightly unsure of Atal Behari Vajpayee’s shock defeat the government’s slogan that India absolutely venal campaign against a long and healthy life to Chief themselves. She has taken so many had focused on the wild fluctuations was “shining”. her personally as a ‘foreigner’, peo- Minister Pawan Chamling and risks, and yet she’s so unsure of of the Sensex, the benchmark index Awkward with the media and ple ignored it. prays that all his dreams for the herself and careful,” Roy is quoted of the Bombay Stock Exchange. speaking in still stilted Hindi, Gan- turn to pg 6 welfare of Sikkim are fulfilled. as saying in an AFP report. “She “It’s almost like a set-up,” Roy doesn’t play the princess.” said. “It’s as though you’re mock- GA But Roy warned that Gandhi had ing the electorate and bludgeoning GENUINE ACCESSORIES a tough road ahead against an estab- this government by saying, ‘Are you lishment which the novelist believes aware that the Sensex has fallen? firmly sided with the right-wing. Are you going to pull back on re- Roy noted that much of the me- forms?’ So they’re forced to say no.” dia attention since Prime Minister “It’s a blatant game. If you look Lepcha Assc. sees “clear verdict” against communal groupings in SDFs victory perpetrated by a desperate opposi- a NOW REPORT tion that was hell-bent on disrupt- GANGTOK, 17 May: Renjyong ing the social fabric of the state,” Mutanchi Rong Tarjum [Sikkim adding that the poor and the down- Lepcha Association] has whole- trodden had “once again risen to the heartedly congratulated the Chief occasion and reposed their unwa-  Minister Pawan Chamling for lead- vering faith on the leadership of Spot Approval of Loan JUST CARRY avail  ing the Sikkim Democratic Front Pawan Chamling and his ideolo- Attractive Gift [Assured] on spot booking  2 photographs  Party to an unprecedented landslide gies. The ugly head of casteism and Special offers then Lucky Dip Salary Slip [for salaried victory in the 7th Assembly elec- communalism had been well and  EMI as low as Rs. 1,634 per lac* persons] on select  tions as well as the lone Lok Sabha truly beaten to submission.”  No processing charge/ pre-payment charge Proof of Income [for others]  Proof of Residence/ Identity Seat. The Association has extended Saying that the Lepcha Associa- models this * conditions apply best wishes to all the MLAs who tion represents the entire commu- month have been elected from the ruling nity, it wishes their “beloved lead- SDF party. ership and the elected candidates In a press release, the associa- for carrying forward the dreams and tion calls the landslide victory a inspirations of Dr. Chamling to Contact us for further details clear verdict of the people of make Sikkim a dream destination MOTORS AUTHORISED MARUTI DEALERS Sikkim against “nefarious designs in the entire nation.” ENTEL (Pvt.)Ltd. 6th MILE, TADONG, GANGTOK. Ph: 231828, 231950, 232059 FAX: 231950 CMYK 6; NOW!; 18 May, 2004 ELSEWHERE 

KAUN BANEGA MANTRI? ing. His post election disappearance, IT’S THE EVM’S FAULT NOW! No sooner have the elections gotten leaving behind bewildered office tate Congress Chief Nar CLASSIFIEDS over that confabulations on who staff is completely at odds with his S Bahadur Bhandari is beginning will become a minister in the new pre election bombast. The ‘Shock- to sound as petulant as Sushma call us at 270949 to book space in NOW! Classifieds, the affordable option government has started. Remember ing’ victory of a party, he had always Swaraj. Both refuse to accept their this time only 12 from the 31 claimed was bad for the state has left crushing defeat graciously. While WANTED a Maruti MLA’s can hold ministerial posts. him stunned. “How could I have the latter is indulging in melodrama Car in Good Running Who will be the lucky 12? Specu- been so wrong? Why could I not to keep attention away from the fact lation on this is rising everyday and read the writing on the wall?” he of having been handed a rout, Mr. Condition. Recent the subject is a popular topic for must surely be asking himself re- Bhandari is still leading delegations Sale & Purchase Model. Immediate Pur- discussion everywhere. 20 of the peatedly. The inability to correctly to the governor about post poll vio- REAL ESTATE chase. Contact : present MLA’s are carried forward gauge public lence and making noises about the DEALS IN SALE & PURCHASE 9832032926/ from the last elections and many of opinion EVM’s been rigged in favour of the BUILDINGS/ OWNERSHIP FLATS/ them were ministers. SDF party. Please Sir, get real. Peo- LAND/ RENTING/LEASE HOTELS 9434012824 IN SIKKIM & W.B. Obviously some will ple have made it clear they don’t have to be dropped. want you. From anywhere. How- Contact for Blue Print/Valuation ESTEEM FOR SALE!! Report/Search Report Estimate/ Who will they be? How ever hard and cruel a verdict that Interior Designing A Black Esteem Velocity many of the new youth- may be, you have to accept it. For BOOKING STARTED for sale. Five months old, ful faces will be accom- those interested in sta- FINANCE AVAILABLE with all accessories modated. How many tistics, even if you E-mail: [email protected] including a Sony X-Plod Bhutias and how many count the votes he got GMT [Real Estate] CD system. Extremely Lepchas? Will we see from both the constitu- Dev. Area Gangtok Sikkim Cell: 94341-78999 reasonable. the first Sherpa minis- encies, they still add up Cell: 94342-35745 Contact: 94342 41116 ter in the cabinet this to less than what either time? Answers to all of his two opponents PLACEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE SALE: these questions will be racked up individually. clear on the 21st when THE NEXT MELA Wanted a female graduate for A Sony Digital Camera the government will be Talking about the EVM office operation with computer F717, 5.23 effective mega sworn in. The delicate no one is too happy skills & fluency in English. pixels [with genuine Sony balancing act that will with them. The whole Walk-in Interview at Hotel case worth Rs. 3000.] have to be played out in the state could be due to the fact that he has point of a secret ballot is defeated Goechala between 11AM to 2 Pm Call: 94341 86263 will be no less than the mighty coa- been in the state for a very short time by the exact calculations it gives out on 17th May, 2004 lition drama that is going on at the and like any pseudo intellectual at the end of the whole election centre. But reactions will definitely could only see things from a minor- drama, pinpointing to the T which Software Technology Group be muted, considering the party ity vs. majority point of view. Play- area voted for whom. Although, the International Ltd. owes its overwhelming victory to ing this minority card he has done SDF party is too happy about its (One of the fastest growing its chief in command, who is now more harm than good for the com- sweeping victory to bother about it, in IT Education Company) master of all he surveys. munity. Now, why am I going on one can imagine what would have presents Advanced Diploma in Software Technology with about him? Mostly, because of irri- happened if the reverse had been S.P.E.X.[Software Project Experience] TIME TO THINK! tation for the sermons he keeps giv- true. As it is the joke doing the “Where the mind is without fear”. ing on the role of the press. rounds is that after all the Loan Get Ready For The Real World That presumably must be the place Anyways, let bygones be by- Melas and Janata Melas, now it’s Our other courses: Certified Computer Engi- where a local journo must be hid- gones... the time for the Victimization Mela! neer - A Complete Hardware Program For details contact: Citi Computers, Tibet Road, Gangtok. ph: 220866/ 98320-36692 Roy warns Sonia... Holland of the East Contd from pg 5 TO-LET VACANCY “Especially coming from this – Kalimpong? Accounts Assistants for 2 rooms with attached country and from Gujarat — Gangtok based C.A. firm. Apply bathroom. Car parking Gujaratis in England are fighting to standings, the positions were based facilities available contact – KARAN SHAH with contact Phone no. to GPO, be called English, all over the world categorically. Gangtok. Post Box 103. 9434235581. Indians are demanding citizen- KALIMPONG, 17May: The There were a total of nine cat- ship. So how can you behave in “Prize Distribution Ceremony” of egories for the competition, rang- such a jingoistic manner here?” the much talked about and unique ing from schools to commercial and Kutse Shegu Roy said she once considered “Garden Competition-Spring religious establishments. Sonia “God’s gift to the BJP” which The 49th Day Kutse Shegu of our beloved mother, late Mrs. Yang Doma 2004”, organized by the Kalimpong While the restaurant “Fresh rose to prominence on a platform Bhutia [Yundu], who left for her heavenly abode on 7 April falls on 25 Horticulture Society was held to- Bite” stood first in “Commercial of Hindutva, or “Hinduness.” May. [The Kutshe Shegu date in another weekly paper has been mis- day, 17 May, at the “Disha Hall”. Establishments”, it was the “St “I used to think she was such a takenly printed please ignore that date, the correct date in 25 May]. The garden competition, a four Josephs Convent”, from the “Edu- soft target, that in this whole cli- All friends, relatives and well wishers, are requested to join us in day horticultural contest, (from14th cational Institution” category. The mate of nationalism, Indianism and offering prayers for the departed soul at our residence at residence to 18th April), was unique in the “Silver Oaks” and “Pine View Hindutva, she was such an unlikely at Tibet Road (above LCC Computers) Gangtok. sense that the judges had to visit Nursery” were foremost in the leader of the opposition. But just We wish to thank all those who stood by us during the time of the gardens of the contestants “Hotels and Nursery” category re- imagine, even being such a soft tar- bereavement and regret our inability to thank them individually. where their various flowers and spectively. get it’s come to this.” Karma Tashi Bhutia (Son); Passang Doma Lachungpa (Daughter in Law); other types of flora were exhibited. The Kalimpong Sub-Divisional Roy has been prolific in her Gomphu Tshering Bhutia (Son); Rinzing Tsomo Bhutia (Daughter in Law); The occasion had Shri Hangu Hospital and the Tourist Guest criticism of past governments’ poli- Tashi Namgyal Bhutia (Son) Subba, Vice- Chairman, and House at Delo were awarded with cies, particularly their crackdowns Marcopolo World Travels, Gangtok, 221723/229407, 9832014371/9832096543 DGAHC, as the chief guest. the “Best Effort” Prize. on separatists in Kashmir and “This concept of a Garden con- Surprisingly the Kalimpong northeast India, their growing test is to be maintained, because Police Station had also participated alignment with the United States flowers are always a part of one’s in the contest, though they didn’t Kutse Shegu and the 13-year push to leave the life. We will put in huge efforts, so come up with any prize. The 49th Day Shegu of our beloved father Late Tenzing Bhutia predominantly agriculture that; the place can one day be “It is known that Kalimpong is who left for his heavenly abode on 28.3.04 falls on Saturday, economy to market forces. termed as the “Holland of the East”, the only place, in the whole of the 15 May. All friends, relatives and well-wishers are requested said Mr. M S Foning, the President North East, from where flowers are to join us in offering prayers for the departed soul at our URGENTLY REQUIRED of the KHS. Commenting on the ir- exported” said Mr. Manoj Pradhan, residence at Tadong, near Maskey Petrol pump. We would regularity of the contest, which took the convener of KHS, while Shri also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who stood Wanted a female graduate for place after a gap a four years, Mr. Hangu Subba, thanking the society by us at the time of our bereavement. office operation with computer Foning said, “Due to financial con- for its efforts said, “We will try our Karma Tsering Bhutia, Dy.SP (Son) skills & fluency in English. straints, we had a break of four best to get some official help for Ninjey Tsering Bhutia (Daughter) Send biodata to Laxmi Stores, years, but we will make sure that it the society”. Karma Doma (Daughter-in-law); Karma Gyaltsen (Son-in-law) MG Marg, Gangtok, Sikkim continues from now onwards”. Mr. Rajdeep Pradhan, owner of Though there were no overall turn to pg 7 CMYK  NEWSSCAN 18 May, 2004; NOW! 7 Suicide car bomb kills Iraqi leader A show like Anarchy BAGHDAD, 17 May: A suicide ANAND OBEROI car bomb has killed the head of GANGTOK: Anarchy started with Iraq’s Governing Council, dealing a dream four years ago. The dream- a major blow to the U.S. coalition ers were Girish and Urgen armed battling a Shi’ite insurgency and a with ordinary instruments. Then growing prisoner abuse scandal. along came Pramod and Yogesh, Abdul Zahra Othman joining the group. They had only Mohammad, a Shi’ite Muslim also two preoccupations in life at that known as Izzedin Salim, was in the time - studies and music. last car of a Governing Council These were four dedicated stu- convoy waiting at a checkpoint to dents and four head bangers as well. enter the “Green Zone” coalition The beat master, Yogesh would tap headquarters in central Baghdad and beat anything he could lay his when the car bomb exploded. hands on. Everything from empty The attack on Monday underlined plastic cans to jars to buckets would the vulnerability of the Baghdad ad- fall prey to his incessant tappings. ministration just six weeks before the While he was looking for some U.S.-led occupiers are set to hand over more objects to disfigure, his coun- sovereignty to Iraqis, though officials terpart, Urgen found solace in insisted violence would not derail the plucking strings. Anywhere the political process. boys got together, the venue would At least six people were killed instantly be ablaze with Girish’s as the blast tore through the crush vocal- strings and Yogesh’s combo of cars and pedestrians waiting to experiments. Their dedication to- get into the heavily guarded com- wards releasing their dream bore pound of Saddam Hussein’s former fruit when the boys finally acquired palaces, blowing bodies apart and decent gadgetry including flaunting melting the asphalt. quality guitars, pedals, drums etc. “The other members escaped A concert for the cause of char- unharmed. They managed to get ity was organized at the PNGSSS through the checkpoint before the ground on the 16th of May. Anarchy explosion. Salim was still waiting was in full swing and won over to enter,” Deputy Foreign Minister many converts. The sound system Hamed al-Bayati said. was outstanding and the Head- He said it was too soon to say Banging continued unabated. The if the attack was aimed specifically entire PNG Campus was rocked by Nepali Rock band Robin and Looza. at the councillors, gathering for a the collections from Iron Maiden, Anarchy got the crowd up on meeting of the 25-member body Megadeath, Sepultra, Metallica and their feet and crazy too. Pramod and which is headquartered in the Guns and Roses and impressive self Yogesh also showed brilliant per- Green Zone. compositions like Don’t Smoke and formances with their magical fin- More than a dozen vehicles Evil Mother. Once the band had gers and the extraordinary drum- were destroyed, including mini- gotten into the groove, there was ming blasting the crowd and creat- belted out numbers by Avril All in all, the concert was a great buses from which doctors wearing showmanship galore. Urgen ing a rocking ambience. The Lavinge. Feedback, the other band success with the jam-packed PNG masks and rubber gloves pulled switched places with Girish and cap- evening also saw guest appearances to share the evening with Anarchy Campus of Head-Bangers all burnt bodies. tivated the crowd with his extra or- by two upcoming local talents from was also impressive. The idea of a around having a very good time. “There were a lot of cars and dinary antics and his vocals to PNG School during which they band designed as a punk outfit cap- people on foot standing there, and tivated the crowds. The concert If the land-lines let you down, then this massive explosion,” said gained a lot of popularity and was NOW! can also be reached at Raad Mukhlis, a security guard at Holland of the East... appreciated by everyone who at- a nearby residential compound. “I unique flowers, but such competi- tended it. Everyone seemed to have 98320 80753 saw body parts and martyrs every- Contd from pg 6 tions will always add to the overall a great time and a blast throughout. 98320 42096 where.” “Fresh Bite” who claimed the first standards”. position in “Commercial Establish- Incidentally, Kalimpong has SPECIAL PRICES FOR MAY ments” said, “Such competitions, been titled “The Green House” for Software will not only add enthusiasm its ability to produce all kinds of BIZ BLACK PC @ Rs. 29,987/- only among the general masses, but it plants, ranging from desert accus- SVPL Intel Pentium IV/ 2.4 GHz. with Solutions will also promote Kalimpong, from tomed “Cactuses” to the frosty “Or- Original Intel Motherboard. 17” the tourism perspective. The town chids”, including all the seasonal Colour Monitor. 40 GB Hard-Disk. Now has always been known for its plants and flowers. 256 DDR RAM. 600 VA UPS. 56 kbps Internal Modem. Multimedia Keyboard. PS2 Mouse with Mega BUY offer... Pad. 400 Watt Speakers. Mobile Hand Sets Home Appliances & Electronics NOTEBOOK PRICE-RANGE: Motor Bikes (conditions apply) RS. 39,999/- 1,15,000/- No Down Payments, Easy Instalment, WEB APPLICATION 100% Finance!!! What else should I know???? SMART-CARD SOLUTIONS Loans upto 1.5 lacs for any purchase *Easy Bank finance available  EMI as low as Rs. 490/- per month BIO-METRIC SECURITY OFFER OPEN FOR ALL NO HIDDEN COSTS! SYSTEMS (Govt. employees, Local Entrepreneurs & Local Parties) RATES INCLUSIVE OF FREIGHT + LOCAL TAXES AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CHARGES Enterprise Resources Planning 31-A National Highway, Above Office of Spices Board RSS, Customer Relationship Management Brought to you by: Tadong, Gangtok, East Sikkim Small & Medium Enterprises Solutions Internet Point, Yama House, MG Marg, Gangtok Customer Service Centre SPECIAL PACKAGE SOFTWARE in association with Citizen’s Urban Co-operative Bank, Gangtok ph: +91-3592-231224, 98320-70532, 98320-29898 email: [email protected] DEVELOPMENT FOR HOTEL & call: 9434188167, 9434127483 & 9832093603 *At the discretion of the Financial Company/ Bank TRAVEL INDUSTRY

CMYK 8; NOW!; 18 May, 2004 THEFINALONE 

today in ‘WE ARE THE Alicia Keys FEAR OF IDOLATRY FUTURE’ BENEFIT performs at the SPARKS WIG BAN ‘We Are The History JERUSALEM: An ultra-orthodox CONCERT HELD Future’ music Jewish sage has issued a ritual ban 18th May ROME: Nearly two decades after concert in Rome’s music greats gathered to record the hit Circo Massimo, against natural hair wigs from India, 1756: England declares war on Sunday, 16 May, saying they may have been made France song “We are the World” to benefit Africa’s hungry, the next generation of 2004. from tresses shorn from women dur- 1804: Napoleon becomes ing Hindu ceremonies, Israeli news- Emperor of France celebrities came together Sunday for a follow-up “We are the Future” concert papers reported on Friday. 1830 Edwin Budding of Many Orthodox Jewish England signs an agreement to benefit children in war zones. women, who adhere to rules of for manufacture of his The concert, which opened as invention, the lawn mower. the sun set over Rome’s Circus modesty by allowing only their hus- 1860: Abraham Lincoln Maximus and continued after mid- bands to see their natural hair, re- nominated for president night, started with a performance by sponded to the ruling by switching 1872: Born, Bertrand Russell the garbage-can-clanging percus- to synthetic wigs or hats, the England, mathematician/ sion group Stomp and featured doz- Yedioth Ahronoth and Haaretz dai- philosopher [Nobel 1950] ens of acts from around the world. lies reported. 1918: Born, Pope John Paul II Oprah Winfrey welcomed the The edict, issued by the spir- 264th Roman Catholic pope tens of thousands of people to the “We are all here to stand up for the child care centers in Ethiopia, itual leader of an ultraorthodox (1978- ) event and reminded them that it was children.” Eritrea, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, sect, said some hair in wigs sold in 1951: UN moves HQ to New Israel may have come from women York City occurring just weeks after the world Musicians Alicia Keys, Andrea Rwanda and the West Bank. marked the 10th anniversary of the Bocelli and Carlos Santana per- Santana brought a decidedly who took part in Hindu haircutting 1965: Gene Roddenberry ceremonies, which was tantamount suggests 16 names including genocide in Rwanda, “where it formed live over the course of the political message to his act, telling to idol worship. Kirk for Star Trek Capt seemed the world turned its back.” evening, and Norah Jones sang in the crowd: “We are the other side 1974: India becomes 6th nation “But that’s all changing tonight a prerecorded video. Israeli, Pales- of America. We are not Bush!” FOR IMMEDIATE SALE: to explode an atomic bomb because we are all here,” she said. tinian, Pakistani, Colombian and The concert was free but pro- South African artists joined actress ceeds from broadcast rights, dona- A Sony Digital Angelina Jolie, model Naomi tions and related sales will go to Camera F717, 5.23 SLIPPERY GREASE BANDITS MAKE SLICK GETAWAY Campbell and actress Natassja fund the centers. OKLAHOMA CITY: Oklahoma police are looking for grease bandits Kinski, who were presenters. A DVD, a book and a live record- effective mega pixels who made off with 5,000 pounds of used cooking oil and grease from Quincy Jones, who produced the ing of the concert are also expected [with genuine Sony three restaurants. 1985 “We are the World” recording, to go on sale. The recording is to fea- Police in Edmond, north of Oklahoma City, said on Thursday the grease case worth Rs. 3000.] organized Sunday’s five-plus hour ture a new song “We are the Future” bandits have hit an area of Mexican, Chinese and steak restaurants over Call: 94341 86263 the past three months. concert, which will raise money for written and produced by Jones. The robbers took the used cooking grease that was stored in large cylinders in the back of the restaurants. The restaurants were planning to HOPKINS GEARS UP FOR ‘INDIAN’ RACE sell the grease to a recycling company and the total value of the stolen goods was about $380. nthony Hopkins has commit invested several decades building developed by indie firm Cameo FJ Glynda Chu, a spokeswoman for the Edmond police said the bandits Ated to star in “The World’s a 1920 Indian motorcycle. He then Entertainment, is set for August in had a good idea of how to get money in the used grease market, but she Fastest Indian” for director Roger traveled to the Bonneville Salt Flats New Zealand and New Mexico. thinks it odd that anyone would put so much effort into making off with Donaldson [“The Recruit”]. in Utah, where he set the land-speed Hopkins’ recent credits include so much cooking byproduct. “Indian,” which Donaldson world record in the 1970s. “The Human Stain” and “Red “It would be a big chore to haul that smelly stuff away,” Chu said. also wrote, centers on the life of Production on the film, being Dragon.” “They did, however, make a slick getaway.” Burt Monro, a New Zealander who JOINT MOBILE OFFER FROM AUTHORISED ARIES: Financial position will be very good. MOBILE DEALER’S OF GANGTOK You will have the support of your friends THE FUTURE, NOW! and relatives. Auspicious expenses are NOKIA LG indicated. You must take care of your ties. Business will be brisk. Cash flow will telecommunications will make a good Model Rate Model Rate mother’’s health. You may be in a position be very good. Worries will be over. Ten- profit. You may take up new computer- 3310 Rs. 3600 1500 Rs. 4990 to purchase a new vehicle. A change in sions will be reduced. related business. Understanding with your 3315 Rs. 3800 3100 Rs. 6500 5300 Rs. 8990 environment will make you happy. VIRGO: You may take up a new agency busi- life partner will be very good. Export busi- 1100 Rs. 4290 5400 Rs. 13490 TAURUS: Your new decision on business ness. Business will be brisk. You will face nesses will be a little dull. 2100 Rs. 4490 2300 Rs. 5390 7100 Rs. 20500 and career will work for you. Financial lesser hostility. Your loans will be sanctioned. CAPRICORN: Financial position will be SAMSUNG available at authorised position will be good. Employees will be You may get multiple lines of business. good. You will be in a position to reduce Model Rate rewarded for their hard work. You may get LIBRA: Health will be good. You may start your loans. You will also release immobi- R220 Rs. 3890 showrooms only married. Litigation will be postponed. new business. Partnerships will work well. lised resources. You will take some major N500 Rs. 4990 Internet Point, Yama House, GEMINI: There will be some financial Cash flow will be very good. Prosperity is decisions. Litigation will be in your favour. C100 6490 MG Marg, Gangtok. strain. Litigation will be postponed. Loans indicated. You will be in a position to re- AQUARIUS: You may find greater im- MOTOROLA will be reduced. You should not take ma- lease tangled assets. Political life will be provement and changes in your activities. Model Rate ph: 202166 jor decisions. Expansion in business is very good. Support from your younger brother will be C200 Rs. 3190 Cindrella, MG Marg, Gangtok, possible. Understanding with your spouse SCORPIO: Those involved in the sugar there. Political line may give you respect C201 Rs. 3290 ph: 229897 and business partner will be very good. and textile industries may find improve- and honour. Health will be good. C350ERs. 4990 C350 Rs. 5250 Ramola, Tharo Line, Gangtok, CANCER: You will be in a position to set- ment. Those in trade and with agencies PISCES: A religious tour and an official ph: 201063 tle some personal matters. Industrialists will benefit from the opportunities coming tour are indicated. Support from your su- E365 Rs. 10500 SONY ERICSSON will enjoy a good turnover. Students their way. Expansion in business will take periors and subordinates will continue. A Amber Enterprise, Model Rate should work hard to succeed. Expansion place. You will be more involved in spir- change of environment will cheer you up. T105 Rs. 3790 MG Marg, Gangtok in business is indicated. You may benefit itual activities. Hotel and restaurant businesses will be T230 Rs. 6990 ph: 205116, 228849 through your life partner. SAGITTARIUS: You may face a financial very successful. Understanding with your Z200 Rs. 9490 *Insist on genuine sets & proper papers LEO: You may start new business activi- crisis. Those involved in electronics or in life partner will be very good. INDIA’S NO. 1# BRANDED PCs, NOW AVAILABLE AT MIND-BLOWING PRICES STARTING @ Rs. 18,000/-* WITH COLOUR PRINTER HCL EzeeBee: - Intel Pentium4 Processor, 2.0 GHz, 128MB DDRAM, 40 GB HDD, 52 X CD ROM, 1.44 FDD, Internet  LIMITED Keyboard, Scroll Mouse, 10/100 Mbps NIC, Internal Modem, Speakers, 15" Color Monitor, Linux 10.0 Rs. 23,500/-* STOCKS, HCL Beanstalk:-Intel Pentium4 Processor 2.5 GHz, 128 MB DDRAM, 40 GB HDD, CD Writer, 1.44 FDD, Multimedia Keyboard, Optical Mouse, 10/100 Mbps NIC, Internal Modem, Altec Lansing Speaker with Super Woofer, 17" Dyna Flat GRAB ONE Monitor, Joy Stick, Head Phone with Microphone, 41 Thunder CD Pack, Windows XP Home @ Rs. 36,000/-* TODAY EASY FINANCE SCHEME AVAILABLE FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, BUSINESSMEN & PRIVATE PERSONNEL+

#HCL Desktop PCs Rated No 1 Sole authorized dealer in Sikkim: NAYUMA INFOSYS, SSI EDUCATION, NEAR KRISHI BHAWAN, TADONG, GANGTOK, by Dataquest – IDC Customer PHONE: 270876, CELL: 9832097317, 9832089970 GO BRANDED GO Satisfaction Audit 2004 * Freight & Local Taxes extra. + Conditions apply

Published by Lt. Col. (retd) P. Dorjee and printed at Darpan Publications Pvt. Ltd, Siliguri. Editor: Pema Wangchuk. Executive Editor: Mita Zulca Now! Near Ayurvedic Clinic, Gairi Gaon, Tadong. East Sikkim. ph: 03592 270949 email: [email protected] CMYK