
Thermodynamics of the interplay between magnetism and high- superconductivity

Steven A. Kivelson†‡, G. Aeppli§, and Victor J. Emery¶

‡Department of and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547; §NEC Research Institute, 4 Independence Way, Princeton, NJ 08540; and ¶Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973

Communicated by Zachary Fisk, National High Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL, July 16, 2001 (received for review April 30, 2001) Copper–oxide-based high-temperature superconductors have where T is the temperature, ␮ is the chemical potential for doped complex diagrams with multiple ordered phases. It even holes, . . . represents higher-order terms in powers of the order- appears that the highest superconducting transition tempera- ing fields, and the various coefficients embody the effects of all tures for certain cuprates are found in samples that display of short-distance physics. The phase diagram is then determined ជ simultaneous onset of magnetism and superconductivity. We (at mean-field level) by minimizing F with respect to S and ⌬. show here how the thermodynamics of fluid mixtures—a touch- Although such a mean-field description ignores important fluc- stone for chemistry as well as hard and soft condensed tuations, especially given the fact that high-temperature super- physics—accounts for this startling observation, as well as many conductors are quasi-two-dimensional, it provides a valid zeroth other properties of the cuprates in the vicinity of the instability order way to examine the global structure of the phase diagram. toward ‘‘striped’’ magnetism. From the macroscopic viewpoint adopted in the present paper, the parameters that enter the Landau free in Eq. he phase diagrams of conventional superconductors are 1 are purely phenomenological. However, some insight concern- Tusually simple, with no ordered phases competing with the ing the microscopic physics can be inferred from the behavior of superconducting state. By contrast, high-temperature super- these parameters. In particular, if g Ͼ 0, superconductivity and conductors have a number of competing phases that appear long-period magnetism compete, whereas if g Ͻ 0, they enhance as the temperature is lowered. One of the most astonishing each other. Indeed, Ichikawa et al. (4) have concluded that static manifestations of this competition occurs in the LaCuO magnetism and superconductivity compete, and this is certainly family of materials, where coexisting magnetism and high- intuitively sensible. Recent experiments on the behavior of temperature superconductivity (1–15) have been reported. In vortex cores (30) and on superconductivity-induced changes in La Ϫ Nd Sr CuO , long-period magnetic (‘‘stripe’’) order (as 1.6 x 0.4 x 4 the (31) of optimally doped detected by neutron diffraction) sets in at a higher temperature Ͼ than the superconducting T [and indeed, charge ‘‘stripe’’ order La2ϪxSrxCuO4 confirm that g 0, in agreement with these c arguments. One main purpose of this paper is to show how, even appears at a still higher temperature (1, 4)]. In La2CuO4.12 and Ͼ if g 0, magnetism and superconductivity can set in at the same PHYSICS La1.88Sr0.12CuO4, superconductivity and long-period magnetism appear to have the same onset temperature in the same bulk temperature in a single sample. ! However, although muon relaxation data tell a An important subtlety arises from the fact that, as in many grossly similar story (5–8), in La1.6ϪxNd0.4SrxCuO4, the corre- experiments on classical fluids, it is the total number of constit- sponding data (12) for La2CuO4.12 show that the magnetism is uents of the fluid rather than the chemical potential that is fixed. peculiar in that it resides in only a fraction of the sample, and its For the cuprates, the constituents are the charge carriers (doped temperature evolution is due to the growth of the magnetic holes), and their number is fixed by the chemical composition of fraction rather than an increase in the order within the magnetic the compound under study (e.g., the x in La2ϪxSrxCuO4). There- fraction. We show how these observations can be understood fore, ␮ must be determined from the implicit relation from the classical thermodynamics of two-phase mixtures, which Ϫ ϭѨ ͞Ѩ␮ ϭ Ј ϩ ␣Ј͉ជ⅐ជ͉ ϩ Ј͉⌬͉2 ϩ is applicable because of the well-documented tendency of anti- x F F0 S S a ..., [2] ferromagnets to expel holes (16–22). Related thermodynamic Ј signatures of competing orders are observed in other transition where x is the concentration of doped holes, denotes differ- ␮ ជ ⌬ metal oxides (see ref. 23). entiation with respect to , and S and are the equilibrium values of the ordering fields as a function of T and ␮. However, Phase Diagrams with Competing Orders. The interplay between where two-phase coexistence occurs in the phase diagram, there ‘‘stripe’’ magnetism and superconductivity can be understood are values of ␮ at which ѨF͞Ѩ␮ has a discontinuity. In this case, ␮ most simply by treating the of mobile charge carriers in Eq. 2 has solutions for fixed at two different values of x, x1, Ͻ Ͻ high-temperature superconductors as fluids with a variety of and x2, but has no solutions for x1 x x2. The equilibrium state ground states. As for other complex fluids, such as for fixed x in this range consists of a two-phase mixture, with the ϭ ϭ , the coupling between the order parameters for the volume fractions of the hole-rich (x x2) and hole-poor (x x1) ϭ Ϫ ͞ various ground states can to phases with mesoscopic density phases determined by the classical lever rule, f1 (x2 x) Ϫ ϭ Ϫ modulations as well as diverse combinations of the order pa- (x2 x1), and f2 1 f1. Otherwise, in those ranges of x for rameters themselves. To make this phenomenon explicit, we which the equilibrium state is single phase, it is possible, if follow a standard paradigm of and consider desired, to perform a Legendre transform, so that the coeffi- (24–29) the simplest Landau free energy, F, for two coupled ␣ ␤ ជ ⌬ cients in the Landau free energy ( , , etc.) are expressed as order parameters, S and , which represent the long period functions of x and T. antiferromagnet and the superconducting order parameters, ⌬ Generally, broken symmetry phases occur only at lower respectively. Spin rotation invariance and gauge invariance ( is , so it is reasonable to expect ␣ and a to change sign a complex number whose phase cannot influence the free ជ ជ energy) imply that F is a function of ͉S.S͉ and ͉⌬͉2: †To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. ϭ ͑␮ ͒ ϩ ␣͑␮ ͉͒ ជ⅐ជ͉ ϩ ␤͑␮ ͉͒ ជ⅐ជ͉2 F F0 , T , T S S , T S S The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. 2 4 2 ជ ជ ϩ a͑␮, T͉͒⌬͉ ϩ b͑␮, T͉͒⌬͉ ϩ ␥͑␮, T͉͒⌬͉ ͉S⅐S͉..., [1] §1734 solely to indicate this fact.

www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.211363698 PNAS ͉ October 9, 2001 ͉ vol. 98 ͉ no. 21 ͉ 11903–11907 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 b(␮*, T*) Ͼ 0, and ␤(␮*, T*) b(␮*, T*) Ͼ 4 ␥(␮*, T*)2. If, on the other hand, the last of these inequalities is violated, i.e., if ͌␤(␮*, T*)b(␮*, T*) Ͻ 2␥(␮*, T*), the tetracritical point is replaced by a bicritical point. Not only does that mean that there is no phase with bulk coexistence of the two orders; it also means that below the bicritical point, there is a region of two-phase coexistence, where a hole-poor magnetically ordered and a hole-rich superconducting state coexist, as shown in Fig. 1b.In reality, this coexistence must not be taken literally. Because of the long-range Coulomb interaction between holes, macroscopic phase separation is thermodynamically forbidden. Where mac- roscopic phase coexistence would occur in a neutral system, a form of Coulomb frustrated phase separation (21, 22) is ex- pected, leading to a state that is inhomogeneous on an inter- mediate length scale. This also means that the two coexisting phases are in microscopic proximity to each other, and hence that a modicum of superconducting order will be induced in the magnetic regions, via the proximity effect and conversely (ref. 33; and J. C. Davis, personal ). Such competition Fig. 1. Schematic phase diagrams derived from the Landau free energy is a recurring theme in this problem; there are empirical and under the various conditions described in the text. IAF and SC indicate incom- theoretical reasons to believe (34, 35, 36) that the long antifer- mensurate (striped) antiferromagnetic and superconducting order, respec- romagnetic stripe order itself is at least in part a consequence of tively. The circles represent classical critical or multicritical points and the Coulomb frustrated electronic phase separation on a smaller squares critical points. The various vertical lines represent trajecto- length scale. ries through the phase diagram discussed in the text. The pale blue phase A third possibility shown in Fig. 1c occurs if there is a tricritical boundary in c represents the effect of an applied magnetic field on the phase point where ␣(␮*, T*) ϭ ␤(␮*, T*) ϭ 0, while all of the other diagram. coefficients (including certain higher order terms, not discussed explicitly) remain positive. This to a phase diagram of the at bare transition temperatures defined according to ␣(x, T) ϵ sort shown in Fig. 1c. Here, superconductivity, if it appears at all, ␣ Ϫ ϵ Ϫ ␣ manifests itself below a phase boundary that terminates on the 0(x, T)[T Ts(x)] and a(x, T) a0(x, T)[T T⌬(x)], where 0, Ͼ edge of the two-phase region in a critical end point. a0 0. (Here, we use the same symbol for the original and Legendre transformed coefficients in the Landau theory.) On For completeness, we present a fourth possible phase diagram both theoretical and empirical grounds, we expect the native topology, shown in Fig. 1d, for which a more thorough analysis of the free energy function is necessary. Here, instead of a magnetic ordering temperature Ts(x) to be a generally decreasing function of x, reflecting the frustration of hole in the multicritical point, we consider the occurrence of a simple critical point, below which phase separation occurs into hole-rich magnetically ordered state. However, a peak in Ts(x) at a special ‘‘commensurate’’ value of x can occur when the period of the and hole-poor phases, neither of which is ordered. In this case, stripe order is a small integer times the underlying crystalline both the antiferromagnetic and the superconducting phase lattice constant; such a commensurability effect gives rise (1, 4) boundaries terminate at critical end points. to the anomalous stability of the long period magnetism at x ϭ .␦Relation to Experiment in La CuO ؉ 1͞8, as shown schematically in Fig. 1. T⌬(x) is known empirically 2 4 The thermal evolution of a to be a nonmonotonic function of x, reaching a peak around an given material should be associated with a trajectory in one of the optimal value of x Ϸ 0.15 and dropping slowly as x is increased generic phase diagrams in Fig. 1. In particular, we propose or decreased. associating with La2CuO4ϩ␦ with the vertical dashed line in Fig. Several generic phase diagrams are derivable from such a 1 c or d. It is a special trajectory, in the sense that it is tuned to Landau free energy. Most simply, a tetracritical point can occur pass close to the critical end point, but this requires fine tuning at (T, ␮) ϭ (T*, ␮*), which leads to a phase diagram of the type of only one parameter. Below Tc, the system forms an inhomo- shown in Fig. 1a. Here, in addition to the phases with either geneous mixture of a high-density superconducting and a low- magnetic or superconducting order, there is a homogeneous density antiferromagnetic phase. At Tc, the sample is a single- intermediate phase with bulk coexistence of the two orders. We phase superconductor, with a superconducting volume fraction ϭ Ϫ have included in this and all subsequent frames of Fig. 1 a second fSC(T) 1 fMag(T) that shrinks at the expense of the superconducting phase (which is permitted but not required in antiferromagnet as T is reduced through the two-phase region. the simplest Landau theory) at hole concentrations x Ͻ 1͞8. This Because there are no critical effects on the shape of the phase is motivated by the observation that many high-temperature boundary associated with a critical end point, just below Tc, fMag ϭ Ϫ ϩ superconductors exhibit multiple humps in the superconducting A(Tc T) ...... where A is determined by the slope of the transition temperature plotted against hole concentration, most phase boundary. Because the magnetic ordering of the hole-poor notably the Yba2Cu3O7-␦ [especially when lightly Zn doped (32)] phase would set in at a temperature well above Tc, the ordered and La2ϪxSrxCuO4 related compounds. As mentioned above, we moment M(T) in the antiferromagnetic fraction is immediately have also indicated a peak in the magnetic ordering temperature large and essentially temperature independent! The growth of at x ϭ 1͞8. The corresponding anomalous suppression of the the magnetism is associated more with the growth of the superconducting transition temperature at this point shown in hole-poor fraction rather than with the rise of the order param- Fig. 1 is a consequence (4) of the peak in the magnetic ordering eter within the hole-poor regions. under the assumption that g Ͼ 0, even if T⌬(x) is monotonic in Not only is this scenario consistent with the simultaneous this range of x. onset of superconductivity and magnetism, but it also reconciles The tetracritical point obtains as long as solutions exist to the the neutron scattering and ␮-SR data, which we reproduce in simultaneous equations ␣(␮*, T*) ϭ 0 and a(␮*, T*) ϭ 0, Fig. 2. Specifically, in a two-phase mixture in which only one which at the same time satisfy the inequalities ␤(␮*, T*) Ͼ 0, phase is magnetic, the intensity I of the Bragg scattering mea-

11904 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.211363698 Kivelson et al. Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 results in an inhomogeneous distribution of oxygen, which in turn would lead to inhomogeneous hole-density and electronic properties. The final outcome would be an inhomo- geneous distribution of magnetism and superconductivity, even while charge neutrality would obviously be satisfied on a local scale. Nonetheless, our sense is that this explanation of the data is improbable. First, the onsets of superconductivity and mag- netism coincide (13, 14) in La2ϪxSrxCuO4 as well as La2CuO4ϩ␦ in the same range of average hole density. Second, the findings of Lee et al. (15) provide an important clue concerning how charge neutrality is preserved at long length scales without substantial oxygen motion; they report magnetic order with a remarkably long correlation length (greater than 125 Å) in the basal plane, but with interplanar correlations extending only over two to three planes. Charge neutrality can therefore be preserved over distances of order 10–15 Å, even while the system breaks up into thin magnetic and superconducting layers— ‘‘pancakes’’ parallel to the basal planes. Finally, NMR studies (T. Fig. 2. Interplay between magnetic and superconducting order in Imai and Y. S. Lee, personal communication) suggest that the La2CuO4ϩ␦. The open and closed circles represent, respectively, the antiferro- material is electronically single-phase at temperatures above T , ␮ c magnetic fraction, fMag(T), and the product M2(T) fMag(T) from the -SR data implying that the observed inhomogeneities are induced by the in ref. 7. The open squares represent the neutron intensity I(T) from ref. 9, onset of order. scaled by a factor of 2.7. The line is a theoretical prediction for fMag(T), using the lever rule, for the vertical dashed trajectory in the tricitical phase .La ؊ Sr CuO ,La ؊ Nd Sr CuO , etc diagram in Fig. 1c,assuming the two-phase region is bounded by the curve T2 ϭ 2 x x 4 1.6 X 0.4 2 4 The phase diagrams in Fig. 4T0(x1 Ϫ x)(x Ϫ x2)͞(x2 Ϫ x1)2 with parameters (discussed in the text) T0 ϭ 43.7K, 1 provide a framework for understanding many other properties ៮ x1 ϭ 0.125, x2 ϭ 0.188, and with a mean hole density X ϭ 0.15, representative of the cuprate family. To begin with, a miscibility gap (15) of stage IV La2CuO4ϩ␦. leading to coexistence of superconducting and nonsupercon- ducting phases readily accounts for the finding of optimal Meissner fractions for La Ϫ Sr CuO only near special hole ␮ 2 x x 4 sured by neutrons is related to fMag and M, measured in -SR, densities (37). In addition, as for the superoxygenated according to the relation La2CuO4ϩ␦ discussed above, the ordered magnetic moments deduced from neutron diffraction (13, 14) are less than the ͑ ͒ ϭ 2͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ [3] I T M T fMag T . frozen local moments deduced from muon spin relaxation (5–7) and much less than that seen for ordinary insulating two-

That the absolute neutron intensity (15) at low temperature is PHYSICS ␮2 dimensional antiferromagnets, implying also that the magnetic 0.022 B, which is 40% of that anticipated from the muon experiments according to Eq. 3, suggests that either the sample order resides in only a part of the sample. The appropriate phase interior penetrated by the neutrons is different from the surface diagram for La2ϪxSrxCuO4 might then look like a disorder broadened (glassy) image of Fig. 1b. On the other hand, as Nd region probed by the muons, or that the integration of the is inserted, the magnetism (as detected in neutron diffraction) magnetic signal in the neutron experiment could be incomplete. becomes stronger (1–4) and seems to appear throughout the (We look forward to future muon and neutron experiments on sample volumes (8), even while superconductivity survives. the same samples to resolve the origin of the current discrep- There is also remarkable evidence for a nonmonotonic temper- ancies.) In Fig. 2, we have scaled the neutron data so that it ature dependence of the superfluid density (38), which implies matches the inferred intensity from ␮-SR data at T ϭ 0; the 2 that on cooling, La1.55Nd0.3Sr0.15CuO4 first undergoes a transi- (scaled) neutron data still falls somewhat short of M (T)fMag(T) tion to a uniform superconducting state and then to a state with immediately below Tc, probably because the neutron data are coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity. Thus, the peak intensities rather than integrals over the three-dimensional tetracritical diagram, Fig. 1a might be more appropriate for (in reciprocal space) structures containing the net spectral La1.6ϪxNd0.4Sr2CuO4, with a microscopic coexistence of mag- weight responsible for the muon data. More specifically, if there netic and superconducting order; La1.55Nd0.3Sr0.15CuO4 might is any broadening in the peaks as Tc is approached, the peak then be represented by the solid brown trajectory in that figure. intensity will be reduced relative to the integral. The red line in Finally, La1ϪxBaxCuO4 exhibits two separated superconducting the figure corresponds to the lever rule prediction for an average ‘‘domes,’’ with an intervening magnetic regime (at x ϭ 1͞8) that ៮ ϭ hole density (15) x 0.15 and assuming the simplest possible is magnetic and not superconducting (39–42). The correspond- parabolic form for the bounding curve of the two-phase region ing phase diagram could therefore be that shown in Fig. 1 a or ϭ Ϫ Ϫ ͞ Ϫ 2 Tc(x) 4T0 (x2 x)(x x1) (x2 x1) . To have no free b. Of course, any real material exists not on a one-dimensional parameters in determining the theoretical curve, we have taken axis representing the doping, but rather in a multidimensional ϭ ͞ x1 1 8, reflecting the special stability of the striped phases space spanned by the parameters required to shift from diagram Ϸ ͞ at x 1 8. The remaining parameters can be deduced directly to diagram in Fig. 1. The outcome is then that, as demonstrated ϵ ϭ from f0 fMag (0) 0.4 and the condition that antiferromag- by inelastic neutron scattering from La1.86Sr0.14CuO4 (43), op- netism and superconductivity onset at the same temperature, timally doped La Ϫ Sr CuO , described by the dotted trajectory ៮ ϭ ϭ ϭ ͞ Ϫ ϭ 2 x x 4 T2(x) Tc 42K, according to To Tc [4f0(1 f0)] and x2 in Fig. 1a, can show behavior associated with the quantum ϩ ៮ Ϫ ͞ x1 (x x1) f0. It turns out that the theoretical curves are very critical point where magnetism disappears in the tetratcritical sensitive to the exact value of f0. For instance, the quality of the diagram. ϭ fit can be improved if we take f0 0.35, which is somewhat smaller than the reported value, although possibly within exper- Additional Details. With the exception of La2CuO4ϩ␦, all of the imental uncertainty. materials discussed have intrinsic disorder due to the random In the discussion above, we have ignored nonelectronic phys- arrangement of the dopant atoms; any stripe ordering transition ics. The most obvious possibility here is that motion of excess is thus expected (44–47) and observed (48) to be intrinsically

Kivelson et al. PNAS ͉ October 9, 2001 ͉ vol. 98 ͉ no. 21 ͉ 11905 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 glassy, with the ordered phase being a ‘‘stripe .’’ It should increases in the antiferromagnetic Bragg intensities, which are also be clear that the interplay between magnetism and super- not anticipated from simply applying the lever rule (which would conductivity, which accounts for so many key observations, omits make them field-independent). This physics is clearly beyond the other features (49–52) expected or observed, of the actual phase scope of the present work, but may relate to early theory diagrams. Within the magnetic regime there can be a variety of indicating that vortices in superconductors derived from Mott– phases, which we have not indicated: the long period magnetic Hubbard insulators are insulating nano-antiferromagnets, with a order can be commensurate with the underlying lattice or different charge density than the surrounding superconductor incommensurate, and the stripes can point along the copper (56, 57). Magnetoresistance data (58, 59) indicate enhanced ͞ oxide bonds (‘‘horizontal’’) or (53, 54) at 45° to them (‘‘diago- insulating tendencies in La2ϪxSrxCuO4 for x near 1 8, i.e., fields nal’’). Finally, we have not shown the transitions involving charge above Hc2 uncover the behavior also seen when superconduc- order although certainly, at least for La1.6ϪxNd0.4Sr2CuO4, there tivity is suppressed by chemical pressure. Furthermore, neutron is a separate transition (1, 4) at which unidirectional charge diffraction reveals field-induced magnetic Bragg scattering, density wave (‘‘charge stripe’’) order appears at a temperature which sets in near the zero-field critical temperature for super- above the magnetic and superconducting transitions. conductivity (60). Even for samples beyond the miscibility gap, because type II superconductors below Hc2 are heterogeneous Prospects. A miscibility gap in the phase diagram not only resolves mixtures of ‘‘normal’’ vortices and superconducting material, the old puzzles, but also provides a framework for understanding vortices can exhibit—on a finite length scale—the magnetism current and future experiments. Particularly important are mea- one might have expected if superconductivity had not intervened surements of magnetic field-dependent effects, as they permit a (assuming g Ͼ 0). Recent inelastic neutron scattering experi- continuous variation of the parameters in the Landau free ments (30) on optimally doped La Ϫ Sr CuO are in agreement energy. Many predictions follow readily from the simple analysis 2 x x 4 with this expectation—the vortices are found to behave as presented here. For example, if La CuO ϩ␦, in zero field hap- 2 4 nanomagnets with growing ‘‘stripe’’ order with decreasing pens to lie on a trajectory that passes through a critical end point, as we have supposed, then in a magnetic field, which will suppress temperature. the superconducting T , magnetic Bragg scattering, originating c We acknowledge important conversations with S. Brown, S. Chakra- from a small magnetic fraction, will still appear at a temperature varty, L. Gorkov, Z. Fisk, T. Imai, A. Kapitulnik, C. Renner, Y. J. roughly equal to the zero field Tc. This is illustrated in Fig. 1c, Uemura, and J. Tranquada, and technical assistance from S. Brown. This where the field shrinks the superconducting region of the phase work was initiated while two of us (S.A.K. and G.A.) were participants diagram from the solid to the lighter blue line. However, as we in the High Tc Program at Institute for Theoretical Physics–University pointed out above, the vortex state is complicated—it is clear of California, Santa Barbara. S.A.K. was supported, in part, by National that physics beyond the simple Landau theory needs to be Science Foundation Grant DMR98–08685 at the University of Califor- invoked (55) to understand the dramatic magnetic field-induced nia, Los Angeles.

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