Your gift to this Collection will fund youth ministry programs, seminarian education and catechesis in Latin America and the Caribbean . One participant in catechetical training, Andrea, said that the experience was informative and enriching—the catechists were able to meet each other

and share their diverse experiences.

Please be generous.


26 Jan SUN Baptism Ceremony Church 1:15 PM

27 Jan MON Small Christian Communities Padua Center SAM 7:00 PM

28 Jan TUES Tuesday Morning Rosary Group Padua Center ESA 9:30 AM

28 Jan TUES Holy Spirit Prayer Group Padua Center SAM 7:00 PM

28 Jan TUES Knights of Columbus #9770 St. Anthony Hall 7:30 PM

29 Jan WED Sew N Sews St. Anthony Hall 9:00 AM

29 Jan WED Traditional Choir Church 7:30 PM

30 Jan THUR Children’s Choir Church 5:00 PM

30 Jan THUR Teen Choir Church 6:15 PM

30 Jan THUR Praise Choir Church 7:30 PM

31 Jan FRI Knights of Columbus 2nd/3rd Degree Installation St. Anthony Hall 7:00 PM

1 Feb SAT Biblical Institute Padua Center ESA 9:00 AM

1 Feb SAT Reconciliation Church 4:00-4:50 PM

SUN, FEB 2 „ REP CLASSES „ 7:45 AM-11:25 AM AND 5-6:15 PM „ PADUA CENTER


2 Feb SUN Baptisms at Mass Church 12 NOON

MON, FEB 3 „ IN HONOR OF ST. BLAISE — BLESSING OF THROATS „ 8:00 AM MASS „ CHURCH Third Sunday In Ordinary Time January 26, 2014 — Page Three THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 26, 2014 “Wait for the LORD with courage; be stouthearted, and wait for the LORD.” — PSALM 27:14


ANNUAL APPEAL IS UNDERWAY Thank You For Your Generosity "Trust in the Father’s Care” January 19, 2014 THE 2014 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL Saturday 5:00 PM $ 3,743.00 BEGINS WITH A MAILING THAT MANY OF OUR Sunday 7:30 AM $ 2,710.50 PARISHIONERS HAVE RECEIVED OR WILL SOON RECEIVE. 9:00 AM $ 3,130.00 THIS IS A MAILING FROM BISHOP CONLON ASKING FOR A 10:30 AM $ 3,205.00 PLEDGE TO THE 2014 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL 12:00 PM $ 3,198.00 APPEAL. 6:30 PM $ 2,038.00

The Appeal not only funds many of the Other $ 1,668.50 operations of the diocese, it funds services that Total $ 19,693.00 are of great help to the ministries here in our IF YOU NEED A CONVENIENT WAY TO MAKE parish. REGULAR OFFERINGS or if you plan to make an additional gift, we encourage you to check out This year, the theme of the Appeal is “Trust in our electronic giving options (Please see page 12). the Father’s Care.” God does provide for us. He You may find electronic giving a most welcome never forgets us. His love sustains each of us. He is way to make contributions. Please Visit always giving to us. His grace is always there for or contact the us. parish office at 815-469-3750 for information.

Do we trust in the Father’s care? Christ tells us that we cannot serve two masters. Do we FIRST acknowledge God’s gifts and show him our SATURDAY gratitude for them? One way that we can show MASS IN our gratitude is by offering our generous financial MASS IN support to our parish and to our diocese and to HONOR OF the Church throughout the world. The gifts we THE BLESSED give enable ministries, education, and services MOTHER that touch thousands of lives. WILL BE CELEBRATED IN THE CHURCH AT Our parish goal is $114,765. 8:00 AM MASS ON SATURDAY, FEB. 1ST

With your support, we can reach and exceed this goal. When we exceed our goal in paid pledges, we will receive 60% of the amount over ST. BLAISE goal for use in our parish. BLESSING OF THROATS Please answer Bishop Conlon’s request and ON make a generous pledge. All pledges can be paid in 10 installments. MONDAY, FEB. 3RD AT THE Thank you in advance for your support. 8:00 AM MASS Page Four — January 26, 2014 Saint Anthony Catholic Church

Scripture Reflections for cross is one of service and sacrifice, not trying to make THIRD SUNDAY IN oneself more important than the others. ORDINARY TIME „ GOSPEL Jesus went to Capernaum, so that what had been said through might be fulfilled (Matthew 4:12-23). LLIVINGIVING Matthew quotes from Isaiah to show how Jesus fulfills the prophecy. The Jewish people in the time of Jesus considered the people of Galilee to be corrupted by Gentile ways and also to be a bit unsophisticated. It was thethe unthinkable for the Jewish leaders to even consider the possibility that the Messiah would come from Galilee.

Matthew must thus show that this was not only possible

WORDWORD but actually foretold. He consistently tries to show that


Jesus is the fulfillment of everything written in the law

and the prophets. Jesus preaches that we must turn away January 26, 2014

from sin in order to embrace the kingdom of God. The THIS WEEK’S FOCUS: kingdom of God is not a place; it is experienced when we THE REIGN OF GOD IS make God the center of our lives. PRESENT AMONG US „ REFLECTION During the first days of His public ministry, Jesus calls In this Sunday’s Gospel, , who was a followers to be His disciples. He also begins to show nearly constant presence throughout the weeks of them — and us — what God’s reign is about: to teach, Advent and Christmas, and even into the beginning of to heal, and to proclaim the Good News! Ordinary Time, now withdraws from the scene and Jesus

takes center stage in the unfolding drama, taking up the „ FIRST READING message that the kingdom of God is at hand. Jesus In Galilee of the Gentiles, the people have seen a great light teaches in synagogues about the Kingdom, and engages (Isaiah 8:23—9:3). in a ministry of healing that demonstrates God’s The northern areas of Israel were often considered dominion over the forces of death and destruction. Jesus contaminated by influences of the pagans who lived also begins to gather the followers who will become “the there. The territory of Zebulun and Naphtali, tribes that Twelve” — an inner circle of disciples who are also a lived in the north, were considered to be Gentiles. Isaiah symbolic group representing the restoration of the uses the symbolic images of light and darkness to twelve tribes of Israel. They too are a proclamation of the express the gloomy situation there. The Lord would call coming of God’s kingdom. What is striking in Matthew’s them from darkness and gloom to see a great light. The account is the lack of hesitation with which they respond Lord would fill people with great joy. to Jesus’ call to follow Him. Peter and Andrew leave their „ SECOND READING nets “at once.” James and John leave their father Zebedee That all of you may agree in what you say, and that there “immediately.” We might be misled by this way of be no divisions among you (1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17). putting things into thinking that the decision to follow Saint Paul addresses a difficult situation that had arisen Jesus was easy, or maybe even ill-considered. But what in the community at Corinth. They were new Christians, Matthew wants to emphasize is the sense of urgency that and they were not yet mature in the faith. A sense of accompanies Jesus’ message. It is a message that factualism had arisen within the community. One group demands decision and action. Of course, we all make militated against the other. They all claimed to be faithful decisions and take action in different ways. This might Christians, even citing one or another of the apostles as simply be a matter of temperament. Some tend to act their authority, but they were betraying the Gospel quickly and figure things out as they go along; others are through the things they said and did against each other. a bit more reflective, trying to figure the consequences at Paul distinguishes between the wisdom of the world and the outset. Whatever our natural inclination, however, the wisdom of the Lord. He is subtly accusing the we need to make sure that we count the costs of being Corinthians of living in a worldly manner for they are Jesus’ , but not let this become an excuse for only concerned for their own profit. The wisdom of the continually postponing our response to His call.


Monday, Jan. 27 Tuesday, Jan. 28 Wednesday, Jan. 29 Thursday, Jan. 30 Friday, Jan. 31 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19 2 Sm 7:4-17 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, Mk 3:22-30 Mk 3:31-35 Mk 4:1-20 Mk 4:21-25 13-17; Mk 4:26-34 Third Sunday In Ordinary Time January 26, 2014 — Page Five MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK PRAYERS FOR OUR FAMILY

„ MONDAY, JANUARY 27TH For the Sick 8:00 AM Please pray for all the sick and their families… Intention of Matt Warren/Olszta Family Dan Valdivia = Zbigniew Cieslak Jo Herrick

„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 28TH For the Deceased 8:00 AM Mary Louise Delaney = Kenneth J. Martin/Family Mother of Susan Allard = Kaelan Mondragon/Grandma "Eternal rest, grant unto her O Lord, = Pauline Cowfer/James Nash and may perpetual light shine upon her.” = A.J. Wysocki/Tom and Ann Wysocki

= Zbigniew Cieslak PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS „ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29TH ST. , PRIEST AND 26 Sr. Jill Dearmer, Sr. Mary Guido, Sr. Joyce Kemp = 8:00 AM Sr. Layra Koberlein, Sr. Eileen McCabe rc = Irene Zastro/Earl and Donna Zastro Sr. Marcian Deisenroth, Sr. Margaret Brennan = Zbigniew Cieslak Sr. Ekizabeth Burns RSM 27 Sr. Mary Brian Costello, Sr. Alice Marie Feehan = Alan Pierzchalski/Linda Sr. Mary Jo Keane, Sr. Teresa Malthy = Ralph Matusiak/Family Sr. Margaret Mary Moloney RSM „ THURSDAY, JANUARY 30TH 28 Sr. Vincent Schafer, Sr. Jane Schlosser RSM 8:00 AM Sr. Maria Aymes, Sr. Dolores Blahaus, Sr. Teresa Cole SH (HHS) = Ann Schneider/Roger and Alexis Leggero 29 Fr. Lawrence = Zbigniew Cieslak 30 Anthony Osei (Deacon Candidate) 31 Fr. Ildephone Slorup, Fr. James Walton OFM „ FRIDAY, JANUARY 31ST Fr. Francis Dyer OP, Fr. Donald Bates, Fr. Heyman ST. JOHN BOSCO, PRIEST

8:00 AM = Zbigniew Cieslak PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY A1C Antonio Cap y Sr. Airman Lawrence Clark „ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST Cpl. Ryan L. Gower y Petty Officer William Hartley 8:00 AM Cpl Horbaczewski y Capt. Timothy Hornik = Zbigniew Cieslak Major Thomas John-T.J. Hornick y LTC Alejandro Lopez 5:00 PM LCDR John P. Ladowicz y LCDR Timothy Ladowicz = Evelyn “Sally” Rekruciak/Aurelia Husnik Airman 1st Class Matthew G. Lusson y Sgt. James Talley = Dunphy/Hugh and Ann Dunphy Seaman Brianne Dillman y ITSN Donald Hammond Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Papp y Capt. Thomas Pierczynski = Rose Schultz/Virginia Sagert Seaman Bridget Reynolds y Spec E4 Michael Santoyo = Peter Lazzarotto/Jack Flannery Tech. Sgt. Michelle Shalloup y PO Thomas F. Shereck = Tony and Helen Spillie/Daughter, Judy and Les Lt. Kyle R. Smolek USAF y Lt. P. Stanek „ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND Corpsman Jonathan Waters y Lt. Thomas M. Zager FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD = 7:30 AM = Mark Nabors/Casey Giaimo “I baptize you = William Blocker/Arnold and Sandy Rossi in the name and Shirley Rubbo of the Father, = Deceased Family and Friends of the Knizner and Ozimek Family/Family and of the Son =9:00 AM and of the = Josephine Wasilauskas/Thomas and Christy Donovan Holy Spirit. = Antoinette Basile/Armand and Joyce Pettenon Amen.” =10:30 AM = Ed and Lani Kirsch/Bertrand Family Welcome To Our Newly Baptized Child = Christina Lindsay Finley/Mom and Dad 12:00 PM The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated on For the Parish Family of St. Anthony Sunday, January 19, 2014 = John Josa Ron and Elizabeth Miller ELLA JAGODA LACEK = 6:30 PM Daughter of Mariusz and Magdalena (Jagoda) = Zbigniew Cieslak Page Six — January 26, 2014 Saint Anthony Catholic Church

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES ST. ANTHONY CONFERENCE REGISTER NOW! In this Sunday’s Gospel, we find that Jesus “...proclaimed the good news of the kingdom, and cured the people of every disease and illness.” In December, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to proclaim the good news of the kingdom to the poor, by assisting 28 families, providing $5,400 in food and utility and rent payments. This is in addition to your generous food donations. Thank You!

SVDP SOCIETY RIDES PROGRAM If you have a medical situation and no other means of transportation, the St. Anthony St. Vincent de Paul Society These classes are intended for those has volunteers who will help. You must be able to transfer to the vehicle on your own accord/or accompanied by a baptized Catholics (high school age or older) caregiver. Please call Carol at 815-469-8322 or the St. who have made their First Communion and Vincent de Paul Office at 815-469-3750, x114 at least 48 Confession but have NOT yet been confirmed. hours before appointment time, if possible.

Classes will meet on Tuesday nights from

7-8:30 pm starting Tuesday, Feb. 4th WATERLEAF Classes conducted by Deacon Bill Boucek. “Evening of Hope” Candidates will join the St. Anthony RCIA Class Saturday, February 1, 2014 which began in September.

6 pm Cocktail Reception - 7 pm Dinner February 4 at The Abbington, Route 53 & Butterfield Rd., Sacraments and the Sacraments of Initiation: Glen Ellyn. Tickets $45 each including cocktail Baptism and Confirmation reception, dinner, wine with dinner February 11 and award-winning entertainment. Third Sacrament of Initiation: The Holy Eucharist The Fourth Annual "Evening of Hope" will feature the February 18 award-winning a capella group “Breath of Soul” (a Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation cutting-edge a cappella group based in Nashville and and Anointing of the Sick winner of the 2012 Lady Antebellum A Cappella Contest February 25 and chosen to open for the country super-group). Sacraments of Service: Marriage and Holy Orders Dancing by “Dogs Undecided”. Special guest Emcee: March 11 Dan Proft, an entrepreneur, writer, former candidate Role of the Laity in Evangelization for Governor, and WLS radio talk show host. For and the St. Vincent de Paul Society tickets: visit or call 630-701- March 18 6270. Make checks payable to “Waterleaf”. Mail to Making Moral Decisions 2849 E. New York Street, Unit D, Aurora, IL 60502 April 9 Waterleaf is a crisis pregnancy center providing free, Parish Reconciliation Service confidential, and compassionate support. in Preparation for Confirmation April 12 Saturday Retreat 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM May 4 St. Anthony Church Confirmation by Bishop at the Cathedral in Bereavement Ministry Joliet at 2:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE:

If you are an adult Catholic interested in being The January 29th Meeting has been confirmed or if you know an adult Catholic who would cancelled. The next Bereavement be interested in being confirmed and completing Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 26th 7pm in the Padua Center

the Sacraments of Initiation, please call Tony Schlott, Director of Adult Faith Formation, If you have lost a loved one and wish to attend, 815-469-6198 to register for these classes. we welcome you to join us. Third Sunday In Ordinary Time January 26, 2014 — Page Seven Page Eight — January 26, 2014 Saint Anthony Catholic Church FROM STARLIGHT TO STARDUST: Coming to Know Our Place Giving Tree Thank You in the Universe The Universe Story keeps calling us to new from Sacred Heart Church ways of understanding our connection and

interdependence with all of creation. On Dear Friends from St. Anthony Church, Monday, Jan. 27th from 9:30am-Noon, we will Sorry for the delay in this greeting. I’m looking explore our beginnings and follow the “Sacred

out the window at lots of snow. Be safe out there! Thread” that make us one through music and

On behalf of our church family, thank you so other forms of creative expression. Facilitator: much for all the wonderful gifts for our families Fr. Terry Johnson, Pastor of St. Parish and for all your thoughtfulness. Everyone looked and Spiritual Director. Fee $20. very happy when they picked up their gifts. Your Portiuncula Retreat Center is located at: 9263 W. St. Francis Rd., Frankfort generosity is such a gift to many people.

Blessings to all of you in this New Year!

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT EVENT Sr. Mary Beth The Passion and Purpose of Marriage On Saturday, Feb. 15th from 9:30am-2pm, Dr. Allen Hunt will speak on the Passion and Purpose of Marriage. Dr. Hunt is a nationally known speaker and best-selling author, and a member of Matthew Kelly’s Dynamic Catholic organization. He asks, “What’s the most important word in a marriage? What is really going on in your wife’s head? What do you wish your husband knew about you? Come discover the key ingredients to a healthy and happy marriage.” A special musical guest will also be part of the day. The event will be held at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Naperville and is sponsored by IMET, a consortium of nine Catholic parishes in DuPage County who have banded together to offer high quality marriage enrichment experiences. Tickets are $25/person PRO LIFE REFLECTION and PRAYER and include light snacks and materials for the Life, particularly human life, day. Couples/individuals can register at is the possession of God alone: or call 630-971-2406.

therefore, one who attacks human life, NEW MARRIAGE OUTREACH in some way lifts his hand TO EXPECTANT COUPLES against God Himself. Making Way For Baby —THE GOSPEL OF LIFE, 9 Patricia Mackie, a local Catholic counselor and educator, is offering a workshop fueled by REFLECTION the desire to help couples balance parenting No human being can own another, not even one’s own and marriage. “Making Way for Baby” is for child. God entrusts us to the care of one another, but He alone couples who are expecting or “expecting to remains the owner of human life. That’s why we cannot throw expect.” It runs three hours and covers all the a life away, no matter how small, frail, or inconvenient it may topics known to cause couple conflicts for new sometimes be. parents, as well as ways to turn those areas PRAYER of potential conflict into relational strengths. Lord, may all people acknowledge You as the only Master of The workshop is offered on Saturday, Feb. 22. Human Life. May those who defend life understand that they Session will be held at St. Francis Catholic are not only defending their brothers and sisters, but are also Church in Bolingbrook from 9 am-Noon. For defending You! more information and to register please go to Third Sunday In Ordinary Time January 26, 2014 — Page Nine Page Ten — January 26, 2014 St. Anthony Catholic Church Saint Anthony Church Religious Education ATTEN REP OFFICE HOURS: TION! SUNDAYS 7AM-12 NOON AND 4-6:30 PM TUESDAY-THURSDAY: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM CLOSED MONDAY AND FRIDAY NEW S UPDA New Format for Registration This Year: TE Watch for 2014-15 REP Registration Packets to go home with your child in early February which are due back the last day of REP, March 30th or sooner. New families please contact the REP office to receive a registration packet.

Adult Enrichment During REP! REP EVENTS

Sponsored by REP and AFF SECOND GRADE Watch Fr. Robert Barron’s Part 2 of PARENT/STUDENT CATHOLICISM Series The New Evangelization TEACHING MASS PART ONE: LITURGY OF THE WORD while your Children are at REP! Wondering what to do while your children are at REP? Join other parents in Sunday, February 9th the Padua Center while you wait and watch Fr. Robert Barron’s Part 2 of 3pm in the Church his acclaimed Catholicism Series The New Evangelization and join in on the discussion! Coffee and Refreshments, and Child Care provided! Fulfills PRESIDENT’S DAY HOLIDAY one hour of Parent Enrichment Hours each time you come! Come to any or NO REP CLASS all of them. NO PRIOR REGISTRATION NECESSARY. This series will also Sunday, February 16th th run on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am-11:30am through February 19 . Sundays during REP: 1/26, 2/2, 2/23 and 3/9 FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH 7:45, 9:00, 10:15am and 5:00pm PRAYER: PART ONE AND TWO OR Wednesday, February 26th six Wednesday mornings: 6:30-8:30pm in the St. Anthony Room Now through February 19th from 9:30-11:30am

The Family Hearth in Frankfort 32 West Nebraska, Frankfort, IL 60423

A storefront ministry of Forming Faithful Families, a nonprofit 501(c) 3 public charity

PROGRAMS AND SERVICES From a Christian View - All Denominations and Faiths Welcome

„ Scripture Reflection Group Tuesdays at 5:30pm „ Women’s Prayer Group Fridays at 1pm Adult and Young Adults – men and women Focus on Scripture to Encounter Jesus and Grow in Virtue Bring a Bible (Fee: no charge) Putting your faith into practice through prayer, meditation „ Christian Cancer Support Group Thursdays at 5:30pm and journaling (Fee: cost of journal and/or materials) Adult and Young Adults – men and women „ Women’s Evening Book Study/Prayer Group For all affected by cancer – patients and family members Wednesdays at 5:30pm (Fee: no charge) „ Spiritual Guidance/Life Coaching by appointment „ Women’s Book Study Group Mondays at 10am Personal Spiritual Guidance Session with Lay Spiritual Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women Guide/Life Coach Helping women proudly embrace their pivotal role in the Fully trained and experienced with 15+ years of experience family and society (Fee: cost of book study materials) (Fee: free-will donation)

For more information or to register please contact: [email protected] Visit: or call 708-334-1988 Third Sunday In Ordinary Time January 26, 2014 — Page Eleven

“We are the Knights of Columbus. We believe that a man is defined by his actions as a follower of God and as a leader in his community.”

Please help the Knights of Columbus extend a warm welcome to six new members. Mike Ebenroth, Mike Govert, Todd Morrow, Jeff Nelson, Steven Wells, Roy Williamson. Also, a special thanks to Gene Kalinowski and Bill Kenny for the great they did planning our Christmas party and also a thanks to Parmesans for catering the event. All 1st Degree Knights are invited to participate in the 2nd and 3rd Degree Initiation Ceremony and Dinner scheduled for Friday, January 31. For more PRAYER FOR THE SPREAD information please contact Tony Gies 708-534- OF PERPETUAL ADORATION 3442 or [email protected] to make reservations. Heavenly Father, increase our faith in the If you, or someone you know, would like to Real Presence of Your Son Jesus Christ in the join the Knights of Columbus please contact Tony Gies at 708-534-3442 or [email protected] Holy Eucharist. We are obliged to adore Him, orTravis Bloomfield at 815-469-1974 to give Him thanks and to make reparations or [email protected]. for our sins. We need Your peace in our hearts and among nations. We need conversion from our sins and the mercy of Your forgiveness. May we obtain this through prayer and our

union with our Eucharistic Lord. Please send

down the Holy Spirit upon all people to give PARISH REGISTRATION FORM WELCOME TO ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH them the strength and willingness to respond

Our warmest wishes to all who celebrate with us. If you to the invitation to Eucharistic Adoration. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

are not registered at St. Anthony or are and need to

make changes, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail to the parish office. Forms ADORATION CHAPEL OF MERCY available at Consider giving one hour a week to spend

with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. ______Open days and hours:

Name Sunday 2, 3 AM, 1, 3, 11 PM ______Monday 1, 2, 6, 11 AM, 12 PM Address Tuesday 3AM, 9, 10 PM ______Wednesday 3 AM, 12, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10 PM Thursday 12, 1, 2 AM, 8, 9 PM City ______Friday 10, 11 AM, 1 PM Saturday 2, 3, 4, 11 AM 12, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 PM State Zip Code Thank you to all our regular adorers.


Phone To become an adorer please fill out an ______Invitation to Adore (located in chapel), place in Email Address the collection or the church office or contact:

( ) New Parishioner, please contact me Soledad Shereck, Chapel Coordinator at 815-236- ( ) New Address or New Phone Number 3387 or [email protected].

( ) Moving—Please remove from membership list

( ) Email –Please add email address to your records. Page Twelve — January 26, 2014 St. Anthony Catholic Church

St. Anthony Catholic Church — Electronic Giving Authorization 7661 West Sauk Trail Frankfort, IL 60423

Parishioner Authorization Form Effective date of authorization: ______Type of Authorization: ‰ New Authorization ‰ Change Banking information ‰ Change donation amount ‰ Change Credit Card information ‰ Change donation date ‰ Discontinue Electronic Donation Last Name First Name


City State Zip

Home Phone: Email:

Account Information Please choose either Banking information or Credit Card information. Provide information for one account only. Banking Information for Checking Account or Savings Account Debits

Please debit my contribution from my (check one): Routing Number: ______Valid Routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3 Checking Account (attach a voided check) ‰ ‰ Savings Account (attach a savings deposit slip) Account Number: ______

‰ Monthly on the 1st Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ ‰ Monthly on the 15th Amount Per Contribution $______

Credit Card Information Credit Card Type Credit Card #:______‰ Mastercard ‰ Visa Credit Card Exp. Date:______‰ Discover Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ ‰ American Express

Amount Per Contribution $______

AGREEMENT I authorize St.St. Anthony’sAnthony’s andand TheVanco Cunneen Services Company to proces to sprocess debit entries debit entriesto my account. to my account. I understand I understand that this that this authority will remain inin effecteffect untiluntil I I provideprovide reasonable reasonable notification notification to to terminate terminate the the authorization. authorization.

Authorized Signature:______Date:______

Reminder: For Checking Account Debit: Please attach your voided check For Savings Account Debit: Please attach deposit slip


February 1 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. February 2 Reconciliation 4-4:50pm Celebrant Rec-Fr. Greg/Fr. Miro Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Miro Stepien Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Miro Stepien Fr. Greg Skowron (subject to change) Mass-Fr. Miro Stepien Lectors L. Sues T. McMahon J. Johnson J. Amendola M. August D. Cafaro Sr. M. Brizuela G. Stepenski C. Boukal T. Wysocki EOM M. Jarvie V. Stasulas T. Saccone R. Pora D. Walerga S. Jarvie J. Buck K. Saccone K. Pora B. Herrick T. Morrow K.McMahon J. Major M. Canoy J. Manns A. Morrow G. Stepenski J. Major M. Crowley U. Manns A. Thomas J. Moyle J. Savage D. Cylny V. Manns Sr. Ella J. Grady III S. Carlson S. Romberg L. Pammer D. Walsh D. Ducett T. Carlson T. Colclasure L. Walsh L. Pierzchalski B. Kenny T. Lagger J. Stepenski J. McCarthy K. Kiley P. Lagger M. Race L. Johnson J. Cupp M. Hejmanowski J. Molinaro A. Helwig MC E. Karl R. Townsend K. Schlott J. Helwig Altar I. Dirienzo K. Thomas J. Tijerina M. Amendola Servers N. Matheu M. Doyle J. Tijerina N. Pervan M. T. Molinaro K.Cupp Music Praise Choir Cantor Teen Choir Traditional Choir Cantor Welcome to St. Anthony Catholic Church 7659 West Sauk Trail z Frankfort, IL z 60423 z Daily Mass: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. (Morning Prayer: 7:45 a.m.) First Saturday of Each Month Mass: 8:00 a.m. Saturday Reconciliation: 4:00-4:50 p.m. Saturday Masses: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday Masses: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Mission Statement We, the members of St. Anthony Catholic Church, gather together to worship and celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, as we strive to live the Gospel in our daily lives. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to invite, inform, inspire and ignite the community in our faith journey by fostering stewardship through sharing of our gifts of time, talent and treasure. We are further called to share our faith through active evangelization and charitable outreach. CONTACT INFORMATION: Adult Faith Formation (815-469-6198) Parish Office z Deacon Tony Schlott, Director, x 149

Office 815-469-3750 [email protected] Fax 815-469-6514 Religious Education (Grades 1-8) z Rev. Greg Skowron, Pastor, x 115 Office 815-469-6072 Fax 815-806-9421 [email protected] (emergency 815-791-6073) [email protected] z Rev. Miroslaw Stepien, Parochial Vicar z Kathleen Littleton, Director, x 143 [email protected] [email protected] z Deacon Joe Johnson, Pastoral Associate, x 111 z Sophie Follenweider, Director, x 144 (cell) 815-922-9796, [email protected] [email protected] z Deacon Tony Schlott, Business-Facilities Manager, x149 z Maureen Hughes, Secretary, x 142 z Deacon Don Berkey, [email protected] [email protected] z Lisa Huguelet, Secretary, x 146 z Deacon Richard Rosko, [email protected] [email protected] z Deacon Dan Danahey Preschool (815-469-5417) z Deacon Bill Boucek z Karen Kiley, Principal, x 148 z Paula Bucciferro, Accountant, x 126 [email protected] [email protected] z Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Principal’s Asst., x 147 z Jeanne DeFries, Parish-Pastor’s Administrative Assistant., x 110 [email protected] [email protected] B.O.L.D. (Becoming our Lord's Disciples) Youth Ministry z Beverly Regalado, Secretary, x 112 z Jade and Art Fojas [email protected] [email protected] z Lynette Rea, Music Ministry Director, x 122 z St. Vincent DePaul Society [email protected] 815-469-3750, x 114 Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop, Diocese of Joliet Rev. Vytas Memenas, Pastor Emeritus

Highlights... at St. Anthony Church REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 Noon, 6:30 pm REGULAR OFFICE SCHEDULE PARISH OFFICE: 815-469-3750 Monday-Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm REP OFFICE: 815-469-6072 Sunday: 7am-12 Noon; 4-6:30pm • Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-4pm • Closed Monday and Friday PRESCHOOL OFFICE 815-469-5417 Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Closed Friday