Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity


DIVISION 01 PRODUCTS OF AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE AND MARKET GARDENING 011 Cereals 0111 01110 Wheat and meslin 0111 1001.10.100 041.10.100 Durum wheat seeds 0111 1001.10.900 041.10.900 Durum wheat seeds other than seeds 0111 1001.90.200 041.20.200 Meslin 011101112 1001.90.110 041.20.110 Wheat seeds 011101112 1001.90.190 041.20.190 Wheat other than seeds 0112 01120 Maize (corn) 0111 1005.10.000 044.10.000 Maize ( corn ) seeds 0111 1005.90.000 044.90.000 Maize ( corn ) other seeds 0113 01130 Rice, not husked 011101111 1006.10.000 042.10.000 Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) 0114 01140 Husked rice 011101111 1006.20.000 042.20.000 Husked (brown) rice 0115 01150 Barley 011101112 1003.00.000 043.00.000 Barley. 0116 01160 Rye, oats 011101112 1004.00.000 045.20.000 Oats. 0111 1002.00.000 045.10.000 Rye. 0119 01190 Other cereals 0111 1008.10.000 045.92.000 Buckwheat 0111 1008.20.000 045.91.000 Millet 0111 1008.30.000 045.93.000 Canary seed 0111 1008.90.000 045.99.000 Other cereals 011101112 1007.00.000 045.30.000 Grain sorghum 012 Vegetables 0121 01210 Potatoes 153115317 0701.90.000 054.10.900 Potatoses, fresh / chilled other than seed 0111 0701.10.000 054.10.100 Potatoses, fresh or chilled seed 0122 01220 Dried leguminous, vegetables, shelled 0111 0713.31.000 054.23.100 Beans of the species vigna mungo hepper/ vigna radiata wilczek drie 0111 0713.40.000 054.24.000 Lentils dried 0111 0713.50.000 054.25.000 Broad beans & horse beans dried 0111 0713.90.000 054.29.000 Other dried leguminus vegetables 153115316 0713.10.000 054.21.000 Peas (pisum sativum) dried 153115316 0713.20.000 054.22.000 Chickpeas (garbanzos) dried 153115316 0713.32.000 054.23.200 Small red (adzuki) beans (phaseolusor vigna angularis ) dried 153115316 0713.33.000 054.23.300 Kidney beans, including white pea beans (phaseolus vulgaris) dried 153115316 0713.39.000 054.23.900 Kidney beans 0123 Other vegetables, fresh or chilied n.e.c. 01231 Locust beans 0112 1212.10.000 054.89.100 Locust bean, including locust bean seeds 01239 Other vegetables,fresh or chilled n.e.c. 0112 0704.20.000 054.53.200 Brussels sprouts fresh or chilled 0112 0704.90.900 054.53.990 Other cabages fresh or chilled 0112 0705.19.000 054.54.190 Other lecttuce fresh or chilled 0112 0705.21.000 054.54.210 Witloop chicory fresh or chilled 0112 0705.29.000 054.54.290 Other chicory fresh or chilled

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 1 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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0112 0707.00.200 054.56.200 Gherkins fresh or chilled 0112 0709.10.000 054.59.100 Globe artichockes fresh or chilled 0112 0709.52.000 054.58.200 Truffles fresh or chilled 011201122 0702.00.000 054.40.000 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled. 011201121 0703.10.100 054.51.100 Onions fresh or chilled 011201121 0703.10.200 054.51.200 Shallots fresh or chilled 011201121 0703.20.000 054.52.100 Garlic fresh or chilled 011201121 0703.90.000 054.52.900 Leeks & other alliaceous vegetables 011201121 0704.10.000 054.53.100 Cauliflowers and headed broccoli fresh or chilled 011201121 0704.90.100 054.53.910 Cabbages fresh or chilled 011201122 0705.11.000 054.54.110 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) fresh or chilled 011201121 0706.10.000 054.55.100 Carrots & turnips fresh / chilled 011201121 0706.90.000 054.55.900 Othersalad beetroot salsify, and other fresh or chilled 011201122 0707.00.100 054.56.100 Cucumbers fresh or chilled 011201122 0708.10.000 054.57.100 Peas (pisum sativum) fresh/chilled 011201122 0708.20.000 054.57.200 Beans (vigna spp., phaseolus spp.) fresh or chilled 011201122 0708.90.000 054.57.900 Other leguminous vegetables fresh or chilled 011201122 0709.20.000 054.59.200 Asparagus fresh or chilled 011201122 0709.30.000 054.59.300 Aubergines (egg-plants) fresh or chilled 011201121 0709.40.000 054.59.400 Celery other than celeriac fresh orchilled 011201122 0709.51.000 054.58.100 Mushrooms fresh or chilled 154915497 0709.60.000 054.59.600 Fruits of the genus capsicum or of the genus pimenta fresh or chilled 011201121 0709.70.000 054.59.700 Spinach,new zealand spinach &orachespinach fresh or chilled 011201122 0709.90.000 054.59.900 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled nes 0124 01240 Edible roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content 154915496 0714.10.100 054.81.100 Manioc dried and sliced 154915496 0714.10.900 054.81.900 Manioc other form 011101112 0714.20.000 054.83.200 Sweet potatoes 242324233 0714.90.900 054.83.990 Other than sago pith 0111 0714.10.200 054.81.200 Manioc in the form of pellets 0111 0714.90.100 054.83.910 Sago pith 013 Fruits and nuts 0131 01310 Dates, figs, bananas, coconuts, brazil nuts, pineapples, avocados, mangoes, guavas, mangosteens, fresh or dried 0113 0801.11.000 057.71.110 Coconut desiccated 0113 0801.21.000 057.72.100 Brazil nut in shell 0113 0801.22.000 057.72.200 Brazil nut shelled 0113 0804.10.100 057.96.100 Dates fresh 0113 0804.20.100 057.60.100 Figs fresh 0113 0804.20.200 057.60.200 Figs dried 011301133 0801.19.100 057.71.120 Coconut in shell 011301133 0801.19.900 057.71.190 Other coconut 153115315 0801.31.000 057.73.100 Cashew nut in shell 153115315 0801.32.000 057.73.200 Cashew nut shelled 011301132 0803.00.100 057.30.100 Benanas, including plantains fresh 151315134 0803.00.200 057.30.200 Benanas, including plantains dried 151315134 0804.10.200 057.96.200 Dates dried

2 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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151315134 0804.30.000 057.95.000 Pineapples fresh or dried 011301132 0804.40.000 057.97.400 Avocados fresh or dried 151315134 0804.50.100 057.97.100 Guavas fresh or chilled 011301131 0804.50.200 057.97.200 Mangoes fresh or chilled 151315134 0804.50.300 057.87.300 Mangoesteens fresh or chilled 0132 01320 Citrus fruit, fresh or dried 011301131 0805.10.100 057.11.100 Oranges fresh 151315134 0805.10.200 057.11.200 Oranges dried 011301131 0805.20.110 057.12.110 Mandarins fresh 011301131 0805.20.910 057.12.910 Mandarins fresh 011301131 0805.30.100 057.21.100 Lemons fresh 151315134 0805.30.200 057.21.200 Lemons dried 011301131 0805.90.910 056.29.910 Other citrus fruit fresh 0113 0805.20.120 057.12.120 Mandarins dried 0113 0805.20.920 057.12.920 Clementines, wilkings dried 0113 0805.40.100 057.22.100 Grapefruit fresh 0113 0805.40.200 057.22.200 Grapefruit dried 0113 0805.90.110 057.29.110 Pomelos fresh 0113 0805.90.120 057.29.120 Pomelos dried 0113 0805.90.920 057.29.920 Other citrus dried 0133 01330 Grapes, fresh 011301131 0806.10.000 057.51.000 Grapes fresh 0134 Other fruit, fresh 01341 Melons 011301131 0807.11.000 057.91.110 Watermelons fresh 011301131 0807.19.000 057.91.190 Other melons fresh 01349 Other fruit, fresh n.e.c. 011301132 0807.20.000 057.91.200 Papaws (papayas) fresh 011301131 0808.10.000 057.40.000 Apples fresh 011301131 0808.20.000 057.92.000 Pears and quinces fresh 011301131 0809.10.000 057.93.100 Apricots fresh 011301131 0809.20.000 057.93.200 Cherries fresh 011301131 0809.30.000 057.93.300 Peaches,including nectarines fresh 011301131 0809.40.000 057.93.410 Plums and sloes fresh 011301131 0810.50.000 057.98.910 Kiwifruit fresh 011301139 0810.90.110 057.98.110 Aren fruits shelled fresh 011301131 0810.90.120 057.98.120 Durian fresh 011301131 0810.90.150 057.98.150 Rambutan fresh 011301131 0810.90.190 057.98.190 Other tropical fruits fresh 0113 0810.10.000 057.94.100 Strawberries fresh 0113 0810.20.000 057.94.200 Raspberries,blackberries,mulberri esand longanberries fresh 0113 0810.30.000 057.94.300 Black, white or red currants and and gooseberries fresh 0113 0810.40.000 057.94.400 Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus vaccinium fres 0113 0810.90.130 057.98.130 Langsat / duku fresh 0113 0810.90.900 057.98.900 Other fruits fresh 0135 01350 Other fruit, dried 1513 0813.10.000 057.99.100 Apricots dried 1513 0813.20.000 057.99.200 Prunes dried 1513 0813.50.000 057.99.500 Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits 151315134 0806.20.000 057.52.000 Grapes dried 151315134 0813.30.000 057.99.300 Apples dried 151315134 0813.40.100 057.99.410 Tamarinds dried 151315134 0813.40.900 057.99.490 Other fruit dried

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 3 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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0136 01360 Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled 011101117 0802.90.110 057.79.110 Areca nuts in shell 0113 0802.11.000 057.74.110 Almonds in shell fresh or dried 0113 0802.12.000 057.74.120 Almonds shelled fresh or dried 0113 0802.21.000 057.75.210 Hazelnut / filberts in shell fresh or dried 0113 0802.22.000 057.75.220 Hazelnut / filberts shelled fresh or dried 0113 0802.31.000 057.76.310 Walnuts in shell fresh / dried 0113 0802.32.000 057.76.320 Walnuts shelled fresh / dried 0113 0802.40.100 057.77.100 Chesnuts in shell 0113 0802.40.200 057.77.200 Chesnuts shelled 0113 0802.50.100 057.78.100 Pictachios in shell 0113 0802.50.200 057.78.200 Pictachios shelled 0113 0802.90.120 057.79.120 Areca nuts shelled 0113 0802.90.910 057.79.910 Other nuts in shell 0113 0802.90.920 057.79.920 Other nuts shelled 014 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit 0141 01410 Soya beans 153115316 1201.00.100 222.20.100 Soya beans, whether or not brokenyellow 011101112 1201.00.900 222.20.900 Other soya beans whether or not broken 0142 01420 Ground nuts 153115316 1202.10.000 222.11.000 Ground-nuts, not roasted/otherwhisecooked in shell 011101112 1202.20.000 222.12.000 Ground-nuts, not roasted/otherwhisecooked shelled,whether / not broke 0143 01430 Sunflower, sesamum, safflower, rape, colza and mustard seeds 153115315 1207.40.000 222.50.000 Sesamum seeds 0111 1205.00.000 222.61.000 Rape or colza seeds, whether or notbroken 0144 01440 Cotton seeds 011101116 1207.20.000 222.30.000 Cotton seeds 0149 01490 Oil seeds n.e.c. and oleaginous fruit 153115318 1203.00.000 223.10.000 Copra. 153115315 1207.30.000 223.50.000 Castor oil seeds 153115315 1207.99.000 223.70.900 Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruit, whether or not broken, nes 0111 1204.00.000 223.40.000 Linseed, whether or not broken. 0111 1207.91.000 223.70.100 Poppy seeds 0111 1207.92.000 223.70.200 Shea nuts (karite nuts) 015 Living plants; cut flowers and flower buds; flower seeds and fruit seeds; vegetable seeds 0151 01510 Live plants; bulbs, tubers and roots; cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn 0112 0601.10.000 292.61.100 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots,cormsand rhizomes, dormant 0112 0601.20.100 292.61.210 Chicory roots 0112 0601.20.900 292.61.290 Other bulbs 0112 0602.10.900 292.69.190 Other unrooted cutting & slips of rubber woods 0112 0602.20.000 292.69.200 Edible fruit or nut trees,shrubs and bushes, grafted or not 0112 0602.30.000 292.69.300 Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not 0112 0602.90.210 292.69.921 Orchid plants : seedlings

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0112 0602.90.310 292.69.941 Marine plants in aquarium 0112 0602.90.320 292.69.950 Fresh water plants in aquarium 0112 0602.90.900 292.69.990 Other plants used in aquarium 011101115 0602.10.100 292.69.110 Rubber wood unrooted cutting and slips 011201123 0602.40.000 292.69.400 Roses, grafted or not 011101115 0602.90.100 292.69.910 Rubber budwood 011201123 0602.90.291 292.69.931 Orchid plants : aranda 011201123 0602.90.292 292.69.933 Orchid plants : dendrobium 011201123 0602.90.293 292.69.936 Orchid plants : vanda 011201123 0602.90.294 292.69.934 Orchid plants : cattleya 011201123 0602.90.295 292.69.935 Live plants : phalaenopsis 011201123 0602.90.299 292.69.939 Other orchid plants 0152 01520 Cut flower and flower buds including bouquets, wreaths, floral baskets and similar articles 011201123 0603.90.000 292.71.900 Other fresh cut flowers for ornamental purposes 0112 0603.10.000 292.71.000 Fresh cut flowers for ornamental purposes 0153 01530 Flower seeds and fruit seeds 0112 1209.30.000 292.53.000 Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivatted principally for their flowers 153115315 1209.99.000 292.59.000 Other seeds, fruit and spores of a kind used for sowing, nes 0154 01540 Vegetable seeds 0112 1209.19.000 292.54.190 Other beet seed 0112 1209.91.000 292.54.910 Vegetable seeds 016 Beverages and spice crops 0161 Beverages crops 01611 Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated 242324233 0901.11.200 071.11.200 Coffee Arabica WIB, not roasted, not decaffeinated 242324233 0901.11.300 071.11.300 Coffee Robusta OIB, not roasted, not decaffeinated 242324233 0901.11.900 071.11.900 Other coffee Arabica and Robusta, not roasted, not decaffeinated 01612 Green tea (not fermented), black tea ( fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packing of a content exceeding 3 kg 242324233 0902.20.100 074.12.100 Leaft other green tea (not fermented), whether or not flavoured 011301135 0902.20.200 074.12.200 Dust other green tea (not fermented), whether or not flavoured 011301135 0902.40.100 074.14.100 Leaf other black tea (fermented), whether or not flavoured 154915491 0902.40.200 074.14.200 Dust other black tea (fermented), whether or not flavoured 01613 Mate 0113 0903.00.000 074.31.000 Mate. 01614 Cocoa beans, raw or roasted 011301135 1801.00.000 072.10.000 Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted 0162 01620 Spices, whether or not processed 242324233 0904.11.100 075.11.100 Pepper neither crushed nor ground green 242324233 0904.11.210 075.11.210 White pepper, neither crushed

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nor ground 153115315 0904.11.290 075.11.290 Oth white pepper, neither crushed nor ground 011301137 0904.11.310 075.11.310 Black pepper, neither crushed nor ground 153115315 0904.11.390 075.11.390 Other black pepper, neither crushednor ground 154915497 0904.12.000 075.12.000 Pepper crushed or ground 153115315 0905.00.100 075.21.100 Vanilla whole 154915497 0905.00.900 075.21.900 Other vanilla 011301139 0906.10.000 075.22.100 Cinnamon & cinnamon-tree flowers neither crushed nor ground 154915497 0906.20.000 075.23.000 Cinnamon crushed or ground 242324233 0907.00.100 075.24.100 Cloves 011101118 0907.00.900 075.24.900 Cloves ( whole fruit or steam ) 242324233 0908.10.100 075.25.110 Nutmeg in shell 242324233 0908.10.200 075.25.120 Nutmeg shelled 242324233 0908.20.000 075.25.200 Mace 242324233 0908.30.000 075.25.300 Cardamoms 242324233 0909.10.000 075.26.100 Seeds of anise or badian 242324233 0909.20.000 075.26.200 Seeds of coriander 242324233 0909.30.000 075.26.300 Seeds of cumin 154915497 0909.40.000 075.26.400 Seeds of caraway 154915497 0909.50.000 075.26.500 Seeds of fennel or juniper berries 011101117 0910.10.100 075.27.100 Ginger fresh 242324233 0910.10.900 075.27.900 Ginger other than fresh or dried 011101117 0910.20.100 075.28.210 Saffron fresh 242324233 0910.20.900 075.28.290 Other saffron 242324233 0910.30.900 075.29.390 Other turmeric (curcuma) 154915497 0910.50.000 075.29.500 Curry 154915497 0910.99.000 075.29.990 Other spices 0113 0904.20.000 075.13.000 Fruits of the genus capsicum or the genus pimenta, dried or crushed 0113 0910.30.100 075.29.310 Turmeric (curcuma) fresh 0113 0910.40.000 075.28.400 Thyme; bay leaves 0113 0910.91.000 075.29.910 Mixtures of spices 017 Unmanufactured tobacco 0171 01710 Cured stemmed/stripped tobacco leaves 160016001 2401.20.100 121.20.100 Tabacco, partly or wholly stemmed/ stripped virginia type flue cured 011101114 2401.20.900 121.20.900 Tabacco, partly or wholly stemmed/ stripped of other than virginia 0179 01790 Other unmanufactured tobacco 160016001 2401.10.100 121.10.100 Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped virginia type flue cured 011101114 2401.10.900 121.10.900 Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped of other than virginia 018 Plants used for sugar manufacturing 0181 01810 Sugar beet 0111 1212.91.000 054.87.000 Sugar beet 0182 01820 Sugar cane 011101113 1212.92.000 054.88.000 Sugar cane 019 Raw vegetales materials n.e.c

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0191 01910 Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets; swedes, mangols fodder roots, hay, clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in form of pellets 153115311 1213.00.000 081.11.000 Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped 0111 1214.90.100 081.13.100 Other swedes, mangolp, fudder roots etc in the form of pellets 0111 1214.90.900 081.13.900 Other swedes, mangolp, fudder roots etc in other form 0192 Raw vegetales materials usedn in textile 01921 Cotton, whether or not ginned 011101116 5201.00.000 263.10.000 Cotton, not carded or combed 01922 Jute and other textile bast fibres, raw or retted, except flax, true hemp and ramie 0111 5303.10.000 264.10.000 Jute and other textile bast fibres,raw or retted 01923 Flax and true hemp, raw or retted; sizal and other textile fibres of the genus agave, raw; coconut, abaca, raime and other vegetable textile fibres, raw 0111 5301.10.000 265.11.000 Flax, raw or retted 0111 5305.11.000 265.71.000 Textile fibres of coconut raw 011101116 5302.10.000 265.21.000 True hemp, raw or retted 011101116 5304.10.000 265.41.000 Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus agave,raw 011101116 5305.21.000 265.51.000 Textile fibres of abaca raw 171117111 5305.91.000 265.81.000 Ramie and vegetable textile fibres 0193 01930 Plants and parts of plants used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy, or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes 242324233 1211.10.000 292.41.000 Liquorice roots 242324233 1211.20.000 292.42.000 Ginseng roots 020002020 1211.90.140 292.49.140 Sandal wood 011101117 1211.90.150 292.49.150 Patchouli leaf, including stalk andtwig 242324233 1211.90.210 292.49.210 Temulawak 011101117 1211.90.230 292.49.230 Kumis kucing 011101117 1211.90.241 292.49.241 Cinchona bark, containing by weight>= 3 % of cinchona 011101117 1211.90.249 292.49.249 Cinchona bark, containing by weight lt. 3 % of cinchona 011101117 1211.90.250 292.49.250 Cassia fistula 011101117 1211.90.260 292.49.260 Coca leaf 242324233 1211.90.290 292.49.290 Other plant used pharmacy 0111 1211.90.110 292.49.110 Vetiver roots 0111 1211.90.120 292.49.120 Garro wood 0111 1211.90.130 292.49.130 Laca wood 0111 1211.90.190 292.49.190 Other plants for perfumery 0111 1211.90.220 292.49.220 Cubeb pepper 0111 1211.90.310 292.49.310 Derries roots 0111 1211.90.390 292.49.390 Other plant used for insecticidal 0194 01940 Sugar beet seed and seeds of forage plants 0111 1209.11.000 292.51.000 Sugar beet seed 0111 1209.21.000 292.52.100 Lucerne (alfalfa) seed 0111 1209.22.000 292.52.200 Clover (trifolium spp.) seed 0111 1209.23.000 292.52.300 Fescue seed 0111 1209.24.000 292.52.400 Kentucky blue grass (poa pratensis l.) seed 0111 1209.25.000 292.52.500 Rye grass (lolium multiflorum lam, lolium perenne l.) seed 0111 1209.26.000 292.52.600 Timothy grass seed

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0111 1209.29.000 292.52.900 Other seed used for sowing 0199 01990 Other raw vegetables materials 0111 1210.10.000 054.84.100 Hop cones, neither ground nor pow- derred nor in the form of pellets 0111 1403.10.000 292.93.100 Broomcorn (sorghum vulgare var. technicum) 154915496 1212.99.100 054.89.910 Emping melinjo 154915496 1212.99.900 054.89.990 Other locust bean DIVISION 02 LIVE ANIMALS AND ANIMALS PRODUCTS 021 Live animals 0211 Bovine cattle, sheep and goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies, live 02111 Bovine cattle, live 012101214 0102.10.000 001.11.000 Pure-bred breeding live bovine animals 012101211 0102.90.110 001.19.110 Cattles weighing not more than 350 kg 012101212 0102.90.190 001.19.190 Other cattles 012101213 0102.90.900 001.19.900 Other cows & buffaloes other than pure-bred breeding animals 02112 Sheep and goats, live 012101217 0104.20.100 001.22.100 Goats pure-bred breeding animals 012101216 0104.20.900 001.22.900 Goats other pure - bred breeding animals 0121 0104.10.100 001.21.100 Sheep pure-bred breeding animals 0121 0104.10.900 001.21.900 Sheep other than pure-bred breedinganimals 02113 Horses, asses, mules and hinnies, live 0121 0101.20.000 001.52.000 Asses, mules and hinnies 012101215 0101.11.000 001.51.100 Horses pure-bred breeding animals 012101215 0101.19.100 001.51.910 Sporting horses 012101215 0101.19.900 001.51.990 Horses for other purposes 0212 Swine, poultry and other animals, live 02121 Swine, live 012201221 0103.10.000 001.31.000 Live swine pure-bred breeding animals 012201221 0103.91.000 001.39.100 Live swine weighing less than 50 kg 012201221 0103.92.000 001.39.200 Live swine weighing 50 kg or more 02122 Poultry, live 012201229 0105.12.100 001.41.210 Pure-bred breeding live turkeys animals 012201229 0105.12.900 001.41.290 Other live turkeys 012201229 0105.19.100 001.41.910 Other than fowls pure-bred breedinganimals, weight lt. 185 gram 012201229 0105.19.900 001.41.990 Fowl other than pure-bred breeding animals, weight lt. 185 gram 012201229 0105.99.100 001.49.910 Oth. than fowls pure-bred breeding animals weight >= 185 gram 012201222 0105.99.900 001.49.990 Other than fowls other than pure- bred breeding animals weight>=185g

8 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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0122 0105.11.100 001.41.110 Fowls pure-bred breeding animals, weight lt. 185 gram 0122 0105.11.900 001.41.190 Fowls other than pure-bred breeding animals, weight lt. 185 gram 0122 0105.92.100 001.49.210 Pure-bred breeding live fowls ani mals weight lt. 2000 g 0122 0105.92.900 001.49.290 Other live fowls weight lt. 2000 g 0122 0105.93.100 001.49.310 Pure-bred breeding live fowls weigh > 2000 g 0122 0105.93.900 001.49.390 Other live fowls weight > 2000 g 02129 Other live animals 0122 0106.00.111 001.90.111 Rabbit pure-bred breeding animals 0122 0106.00.991 001.90.991 animals pure-bred-breeding animals 012201228 0106.00.119 001.90.119 Rabbit oth.than pure-bred breeding animals 012201226 0106.00.121 001.90.121 Pigeon pure-bred breeding animals 012201226 0106.00.129 001.90.129 Pigeon oth. than pure-bred breeding animals 012101218 0106.00.191 001.90.191 Other live animals for human food pure-bred breeding animals 012201228 0106.00.199 001.90.199 Other live animals for human food other pure-bred breeding animals 012201228 0106.00.910 001.90.910 Silk worms 050005032 0106.00.999 001.90.999 Other live animals other pure-bred breeding animals 029 Other animal products 0291 02910 Raw milk 012101212 0401.20.000 022.12.000 Milk of a fat content, by weight 1-6 % 0292 02920 Eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked 012201227 0407.00.110 025.10.100 Bird eggs fresh for hatching 012201222 0407.00.120 025.10.200 Bird eggs fresh not for hatching 012201229 0407.00.900 025.10.900 Bird eggs other than fresh 0293 02930 Natural honey 012201228 0409.00.000 061.60.000 Natural honey 0294 02940 Snails, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, except sea snails; frogs legs, fresh, chilled or frozen 151215124 0307.60.000 012.93.000 Snails, other than sea snails 0122 0208.20.100 012.92.100 Meat & edible meat offal of frogs legs fresh or chilled 0122 0208.20.200 012.92.200 Meat & edible meat offal of frogs legs frozen 0295 02950 Edible products of animal origin n.e.c. 0122 0410.00.000 098.92.000 Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified/included 0296 Raw animal materials used in textille 02961 Shorn wool, greasy, including fleece-washed shorn wool 171117111 5101.11.000 268.11.000 Shorn wool, greasy 02962 Pulled wool, greasy, including fleece-washed pulled wool; coarse animal hair 171117111 5101.19.000 268.19.000 Other greasy wool 171117111 5102.20.000 268.59.000 Coarse animal hair 02963 Fine animal hair, not coarded or combed 151115111 0503.00.900 268.51.190 Other horsehair and the waste

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 9 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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put up as layer 171117111 5102.10.000 268.30.000 Fine animal hair 0122 0503.00.300 268.51.110 Horsehair and the waste put up as layer with or without supporting 02964 Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling 020002034 5001.00.000 261.41.000 Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling 0297 Hides, skins and furskins, raw 02971 Raw hides and skins of bovine or equine animals, sheep or lambs, goats or kids 151115111 4101.10.000 211.20.000 Whole hides and skins of bovine animals 151115111 4101.21.100 211.11.211 Other hides and skins of cows and oxen, whole 151115111 4101.21.900 211.11.219 Other hides and skins of other, excluding calf, whole 151115111 4101.22.000 211.11.220 Butts and bends of bovine animals 151115111 4101.29.000 211.11.290 Other hides and skins of bovine animals 191119111 4101.30.000 211.12.000 Other hides and skins of bovine animals, otherwise preserved 191119111 4101.40.000 211.13.000 Hides and skins of equine animals. 191119111 4102.10.000 211.60.000 Raw skins of sheep or lambs, with wool on 191119111 4102.21.000 211.70.100 Raw skins of sheep or lambs,pickled without wool on 151115111 4102.29.000 211.70.900 Raw skins of sheep or lambs, not pickled; without wool on 151115111 4103.10.000 211.40.000 Other raw hides and skins of goats or kids 02972 Raw furskins, except skins of rabbits, hares and fur-bearing lambs 0122 4301.10.000 212.10.000 Raw furskins of mink, whole, with or without head, tail or paws 0122 4301.40.000 212.23.000 Raw furskins of beaver, whole, withor without head,tail or paws 0122 4301.50.000 212.24.000 Raw furskins of musk-rat, whole, with or without head,tail or paws 0122 4301.60.000 212.25.000 Raw furskins of fox, whole, with orwithout head,tail or paws 0122 4301.70.000 212.26.000 Raw furskins of seal, whole, with or without head,tail or paws 0122 4301.80.000 212.29.000 Other furskins, whole, with or withor without head,tail or paws 0122 4301.90.000 212.30.000 Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cutting of raw furskins 02973 Skins of rabbits, hares and fur-bearing lambs 0122 4301.20.000 212.21.000 Raw furskins of rabbit or hare, whole , with or without head, tail 0122 4301.30.000 212.22.000 Raw furskins of lamb 02974 Raw skins of other animals n.e.c. (fresh or preserved, but not further prepared) 191119111 4103.20.000 211.99.200 Raw hides and skins of reptiles 191119111 4103.90.000 211.99.900 Other raw hides and skins 0298 02980 Insect waxes and spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured 0122 1521.90.000 431.42.000 Other vegetable wax 0299 02990 Bovine semen 012101214 0511.10.000 291.94.000 Bovine semen

10 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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DIVISION 03 FORESTRY AND LOGGING PRODUCTS 031 Wood in the rough 0311 03110 Logs of coniferous wood 202120213 4403.20.100 247.40.100 Wood in the rough un treated for pulping 020002012 4403.20.300 247.40.300 Other wood in the rought of pine 202120213 4403.20.900 247.40.900 Wood in the rough un treated of other coniferous species 0200 4403.20.200 247.40.200 Wood in the rough un treated of agathis 0200 4403.20.400 247.40.400 Other wood in the rought of cematanalau/cin; melur 0312 03120 Logs of non-coniferous wood 0200 4403.49.300 247.51.730 Keruing 0200 4403.49.400 247.51.740 Ramin 0200 4403.49.500 247.51.750 Kapur 0200 4403.49.700 247.51.770 Jelutong 0200 4403.49.800 247.51.780 Jongkong 0200 4403.49.900 247.51.790 Other kinds of tropical woods 0200 4403.91.900 247.52.919 Wood in the rough of oak for other purposes 0200 4403.92.900 247.52.929 Wood in the rough of beech for other purposes 0200 4403.99.100 247.52.931 Wood in the rough of other woods, for pulping 0200 4403.99.910 247.52.991 Wood in the rough of pulai group 0200 4403.99.920 247.52.992 Wood in the rough of matoa group 0200 4403.99.930 247.52.993 Wood in the rough of ebony group 0200 4403.99.940 247.52.994 Wood in the rough of iron group 020002020 4403.41.100 247.51.610 Dark red meranti, light red meranti 020002019 4403.41.200 247.51.690 Meranti bakau 020002020 4403.49.100 247.51.710 White meranti 020002019 4403.49.200 247.51.720 Yellow meranti 020002011 4403.49.600 247.51.760 Teak 202120213 4403.91.100 247.52.911 Wood in the rough of oak for pulping 202120213 4403.92.100 247.52.921 Wood in the rough of beech for pulping 020002016 4403.99.950 247.52.995 Other wood in the rought of sandal-wood; laka 020002014 4403.99.960 247.52.996 Other wood in the rought of kuku; perupuk; sonokeling; sonokembang; 020002020 4403.99.970 247.52.997 Other wood in the rought of giam; jeunjing/sengon; johar; karet; 020002019 4403.99.980 247.52.998 Other wood in the rought of cempakadurian burung; rengas; sindur; 201020101 4403.99.990 247.52.999 Wood in the rough of other woods 0313 03130 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar 020002020 4401.10.000 245.01.000 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs,in faggots or in similar for 0319 03190 Other wood in the rough (including split poles and pickets) 020002020 4404.10.100 634.91.110 Chip wood of coniferous species 020002020 4404.10.210 634.91.121 Split poles or piles of agathis

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 11 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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020002012 4404.10.220 634.91.122 Split poles or piles of pine 201020101 4404.10.900 634.91.190 Other worked woods of coniferous sp 020002020 4404.20.100 634.91.210 Chip wood of non coniferous species 020002020 4404.20.210 634.91.221 Split poles or piles of sandalwood;laka; ebony 020002014 4404.20.220 634.91.222 Split poles or piles of jati; kuku;perupuk; ramin; sonokembang; 020002020 4404.20.230 634.91.223 Split poles or piles of giam; joharjeunjing/sengon; karet; 020002019 4404.20.240 634.91.224 Split poles or piles of balau/ damar laut; bangkirai; 020002020 4404.20.290 634.91.229 Split poles or piles of other non coniferous 201020101 4404.20.900 634.91.290 Other worked wood of non coniferousspecies 0200 4404.10.230 634.91.123 Split poles or piles of melur 0200 4404.10.290 634.91.129 Split poles or piles of other coniferous 032 Natural gums 0321 03210 Natural rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip 0111 4001.10.210 231.10.210 Cream concentrate of latex, containing more than 0.5% ammonia 0111 4001.10.220 231.10.220 Centrifuge concentrate of latex, containing more than 0.5% ammonia 0111 4001.10.290 231.10.290 Other cream and centrifuge concentrate of latex, containing more than 0.5% ammonia 0111 4001.10.900 231.10.900 Other natural rubber latex, wheter or not prevulcanised 011101115 4001.10.110 231.10.110 Cream concentrate of latex, containing not more than 0.5% ammonia 011101115 4001.10.120 231.10.120 Centrifuge concentrate of latex, containing not more than 0.5% ammonia 011101115 4001.10.190 231.10.190 Other cream and centrifuge concentrate of latex, containing not more than 0.5% ammonia 251225121 4001.21.000 231.21.000 Smoked sheets 251225123 4001.22.110 231.25.110 Standard Indonesian Rubber (SIR) 3 CV, technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 251225123 4001.22.150 231.25.150 Standard Indonesian Rubber (SIR) 10, technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 251225123 4001.22.160 231.25.160 Standard Indonesian Rubber (SIR) 20, technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 251225123 4001.22.190 231.25.190 Other SIR 3 CV, 10, 20, technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 251225123 4001.22.900 231.25.900 Other Standard Indonesian Rubber (SIR), technically specified natural rubber (TSNR)

12 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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251225123 4001.29.000 231.29.000 Other natural rubber (other smoked sheets) 0322 03220 Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums 251225123 4001.30.000 231.30.000 Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and 0323 03230 Lac; other natural gums, resins and other vegetable saps and ectracts 020002035 1301.90.100 292.29.100 Gum 020002035 1301.90.290 292.29.290 Other resin 0200 1301.10.000 292.21.000 Lac 0200 1301.20.000 292.22.000 Gum arabic 0200 1301.90.240 292.29.240 Resin of pine 0200 1301.90.900 292.29.900 Other lac 039 Other forestry products 0391 03910 Natural cork, raw or simply prepared 020002020 4501.10.000 244.03.000 Natural cork, raw or simply prepar-ed 0392 03920 Parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, and grasses, mosses and lichens, suitable for ornamental purposes 011201124 0604.91.000 292.72.910 Other moses and lichens fresh 0200 0604.10.100 292.72.110 Moses and lichens fresh 0200 0604.10.900 292.72.190 Moses and lichens other than fresh 0200 0604.99.000 292.72.990 Oth moses & lichens oth. than fresh 0393 03930 Vegetables materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting or as stuffing or padding; raw vegetable materials of kind used primarily for dyeing or tanning; vegetable products n.e.c. 0200 1401.90.100 292.39.100 Attap 0200 1401.90.210 292.39.210 Kumpai mixed, roughly rubbed, un- washed, smoked or sulfured 0200 1401.90.290 292.39.290 Kumpai other prossed 0200 1401.90.900 292.39.900 Other than kumpai or attap 0200 1402.90.000 292.92.900 Other vegetable materials of a kind used primarily as a stuffing 0200 1403.90.000 292.93.900 Other vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in brooms 0200 1404.10.900 292.99.190 Other raw veg. matrl. used in dyeing or tanning 0200 1404.90.200 292.99.920 Coconut shell 0200 1404.90.900 292.99.990 Other vegetable products 0200 2308.10.000 081.19.100 Acorns and horse-chest nuts 201020103 1401.10.000 292.31.000 Bamboos 020002031 1401.20.100 292.32.100 Rattan mixed, roughly rubbed, un washed, smoked or sulphured 201020104 1401.20.500 292.32.500 Round rattan, fine polished of a kind used primarily for plaiting 020002031 1401.20.600 292.32.600 Rattan cores of a kind used primarily for plaiting 020002031 1401.20.700 292.32.700 Rattan bark, of a kind used primarily for plaiting 201020104 1401.20.900 292.32.900 Rattans other than split, washed 011101116 1402.10.000 292.92.110 Kapok 011101117 1404.10.300 292.99.130 Gambir 011101117 1404.90.100 292.99.910 Iles-iles(amorphopallus variabilli) DIVISION 04 FISH AND OTHER FISHING PRODUCTS 041 Fishes, live, fresh or chilled 0411 04110 Fish, live 050005022 0301.10.910 034.11.200 Marine ornamental fish 050005031 0301.10.920 034.11.300 Fresh water ornamental fish (live)

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 13 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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050005031 0301.91.900 034.11.419 Trout other than fish fry 050005043 0301.92.100 034.11.511 Eels fish fry 050005031 0301.92.900 034.11.519 Eels other than fish fry 050005031 0301.93.100 034.11.611 Carp fish fry 050005041 0301.93.900 034.11.619 Carp other than fish fry 050005015 0301.99.100 034.11.711 Other live fish fry 050005015 0301.99.900 034.11.719 Other live fish 0500 0301.10.100 034.11.100 Ornamental fish fry 0500 0301.91.100 034.11.411 Trout fish fry 0412 04120 Fish, fresh or chilled 0500 0302.11.000 034.12.100 Trout fresh or chilled 0500 0302.12.000 034.12.200 Pacific salmon fresh or chilled 0500 0302.19.000 034.12.900 Other fish, fresh or chilled 0500 0302.21.000 034.13.100 Halibut fresh or chilled 0500 0302.22.000 034.13.200 Plaice fresh or chilled 0500 0302.23.000 034.13.300 Sole fresh or chilled 0500 0302.29.000 034.13.900 Other flat fish, fresh or chilled 0500 0302.33.000 034.14.300 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito fresh or chilled 0500 0302.40.000 034.15.100 Herrings fresh or chilled 0500 0302.50.000 034.16.000 Cod fresh or chilled 0500 0302.61.000 034.15.900 Sardines fresh or chilled 0500 0302.62.000 034.18.100 Haddock fresh or chilled 0500 0302.63.000 034.18.200 Coalfish fresh or chilled 0500 0302.64.000 034.17.000 Mackerel fresh or chilled 0500 0302.66.000 034.18.400 Eels fresh or chilled 0500 0302.69.100 034.18.410 Marine fish fresh or chilled 0500 0302.69.900 034.18.490 Other marine fish fresh or chilled 050005011 0302.31.000 034.14.100 Albacore or longfinned tunas fresh or chilled 050005011 0302.32.000 034.14.200 Yellowfin tunas fresh or chilled 050005011 0302.39.000 034.14.900 Other tunas fresh or chilled 050005011 0302.65.000 034.18.300 Dogfish & oth. sharks fresh/chilled 042 Crustaceans; not frozen; oysters; other aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh or chilled 0421 04210 Crustceans, not frozen 151215122 0306.22.100 036.20.221 Lobster in airtight container 151215122 0306.22.900 036.20.229 Lobster oth. than in airtight container 151215122 0306.23.100 036.20.231 Shrimps and prawns in airtight container 151215122 0306.23.900 036.20.239 Shrimps and prawns other than in airtight container 151215122 0306.24.900 036.20.249 Crabs other than in airtight cont. 050005032 0306.29.110 036.20.291 Cray fish in airtight container 151215122 0306.29.190 036.20.299 Other cray fish 151215122 0306.29.990 036.20.990 Other crustaceans other than in airtight container 0500 0306.21.100 036.20.211 Rock lobster & other sea crawfish in airtight container 0500 0306.21.900 036.20.219 Rock lobster & other sea crawfish other than in airtight container 0500 0306.24.100 036.20.241 Crabs in airtight container 0500 0306.29.910 036.20.910 Other crustaceans in airtight container 0422 04220 Oysters 050005013 0307.10.000 036.31.000 Oysters fit for human consumption

14 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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0423 04230 Other aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh or chilled 050005021 0307.21.000 036.35.100 Scallops live, fresh or chilled 050005013 0307.31.000 036.35.200 Mussels live, fresh or chilled 050005022 0307.41.000 036.33.100 Cuttle fish live, fresh or chilled 050005013 0307.51.000 036.33.200 Octopus live, fresh or chilled 0500 0307.91.000 036.35.900 Live, fresh or chilled of other mollusca 049 Other aquatic animals 0491 04910 Coral and similar products, shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone 0500 0508.00.000 291.15.000 Coral and similar material, unworkd or simply prepared 0492 04920 Natural sponges of animal origin 0500 0509.00.000 291.97.000 Natural sponges of animal origin 0493 04930 Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, frozen or dried, whether or not ground 242324233 1212.20.100 292.97.100 Seaweeds 242324233 1212.20.200 292.97.200 Other algae


DIVISION 11 COAL AND LIGNITE; PEAT 110 Coal and lignite; peat 1101 11010 Coal, not agglomerated 101010101 2701.11.000 321.10.000 Anthracite 101010101 2701.12.000 321.21.000 Bituminous coal 1010 2701.19.000 321.22.000 Other coal 1102 11020 Briquettes and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal 231023100 2701.20.000 322.10.000 Briquettes, ovoids & similar solid fuels mfcd from. coal 1103 11030 Lignite, whether or not agglomerated 101010101 2702.10.000 322.21.000 Lignite, whether or not pulverised,but not agglomerated 101010101 2702.20.000 322.22.000 Agglomerated lignite 1104 11040 Peat 1030 2703.00.000 322.30.000 Peat (including peat litter), whe ther or not agglomerated DIVISION 12 CRUDE PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS 120 Crude petroleum and natural gas 1201 12010 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude 1110 2709.00.100 333.00.100 Crude oil to be refined 1110 2709.00.900 333.00.900 Other oils obtained from bituminousmineral 1202 12020 Natural gas, liquefied or in the gaseous state 232023202 2711.11.000 343.10.000 Liquefied natural gas 111011101 2711.21.000 343.20.000 Natural gas in gaseous state 1203 12030 Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands 1110 2714.10.000 278.96.000 Bituminous/oil shale and tar sands DIVISION 13 URANIUM AND THORIUM ORES 130 Uranium and thorium ores and concentrates 1300 13000 Uranium and thorium ores and concentrates 132013209 2612.10.000 286.10.000 Uranium ores and concentrates 132013209 2612.20.000 286.20.000 Thorium ores and concentrates DIVISION 14 METAL ORES 141 Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites 1410 14100 Iron oares and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites 131013102 2601.11.100 281.50.100 Iron ores, non-aglomerated 131013102 2601.11.900 281.50.900 Iron ores concentrates, non-aglomerated

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131013102 2601.12.100 281.60.100 Iron ores, aglomerated 131013102 2601.12.900 281.60.900 Iron ores concentrates, aglomerated 142 Non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates (other than uranium or thorium ores and concentrates) 1421 14210 Copper; ores and concentrates 132013203 2603.00.000 283.10.000 Copper ores and concentrates. 1422 14220 Nickel ores and concentrates 132013204 2604.00.000 284.10.000 Nickel ores and concentrates. 1423 14230 Aluminium ores and concentrates 1320 2606.00.000 285.10.000 Aluminium ores and concentrates. 1424 14240 Precious metal ores and concentrates 1320 2616.10.000 289.11.100 ores and concentrates 1320 2616.90.200 289.19.200 Platinum ores and concentrates 1320 2616.90.900 289.19.900 Other precius metal ores 132013206 2616.90.100 289.19.100 ores and concentrates 1429 14290 Other non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates (other than uranium or thorium ores and concentrates) 132013209 2605.00.000 287.93.000 Cobalt ores and concentrates. 132013207 2607.00.000 287.40.000 Lead ores and concentrates. 132013209 2608.00.000 287.50.000 Zinc ores and concentrates. 132013201 2609.00.000 287.60.000 Tin ores and concentrates. 132013209 2610.00.000 287.91.000 Chromium ores and concentrates. 132013209 2611.00.000 287.92.000 ores and concentrates 132013209 2614.00.000 287.83.000 ores and concentrates. 132013209 2617.10.000 287.99.100 Antimony ores and concentrates 1320 2602.00.000 287.70.000 Manganese ores & concentrates, witha manganese content >= 20% 1320 2613.10.000 287.81.000 Molybdenum ores & concentrates roasted 1320 2613.90.000 287.82.000 Molybdenum ores & concentrates in other form 1320 2615.10.000 287.84.000 Zirconium ores and concentrates 1320 2615.90.000 287.85.000 Niobium,tantalium and other ores and concentrates 1320 2617.90.000 287.99.900 Other ores and concentrates DIVISION 15 STONE, SAND AND CLAY 151 Monumental or building stone 1511 15110 Slate 1410 2514.00.000 273.11.000 Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut 1512 15120 Marble and other calcareous monumental or building stone 1410 2515.11.000 273.12.110 Marble and travertine crude or roughly trimmed 1410 2515.12.200 273.12.122 Marely cut traventine 1410 2515.20.000 273.12.200 Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone 141014101 2515.12.100 273.12.121 Marely cut marble 1513 15130 Granite, sandstone and other monumental or building stone 141014101 2516.11.000 273.13.110 Granite crude or roughly trimmed 141014101 2516.12.100 273.13.121 Granit, merely cut, by sawing or otherwise into slab 141014101 2516.12.900 273.13.129 Granit, merely cut, by sawing or otherwise into other forms 1410 2506.21.000 278.51.210 Crude or roughly trimmed 1410 2516.21.000 273.13.210 Sandstone crude or roughly trimmed

16 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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1410 2516.22.000 273.13.200 Sandstone merely cut 1410 2516.90.000 273.13.900 Other monumental or building stone 152 Gypsum; anhydrite; limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement 1520 15200 Gypsum; anhydrite; limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement 141014104 2520.10.000 273.23.000 Gypsum; anhydrite 141014101 2521.00.000 273.22.000 Limestone flux; limestone and othercalcareous stone 153 Sands, pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, natural bitumen and asphalt 1531 15310 Natural sands 141014105 2505.10.000 273.31.000 Silica sands and quartz sands 141014105 2505.90.000 273.39.000 Other natural sands 1532 15320 Pebble, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam; tarred macadam; granules, chippings and powder of stone 269326322 2517.10.000 273.40.100 Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone 1410 2517.20.000 273.40.200 Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste 1410 2517.30.000 273.40.300 Tarred macadam 1410 2517.41.000 273.40.410 Granules,chippings&powder of marble 1410 2517.49.000 273.40.490 Granules,chippings & powder of other pebbles 1533 15330 Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltities and asphaltic rock 1429 2714.90.000 278.97.000 Other natural bitumen & aspalt 154 Clays 1540 15400 Clays 1410 2507.00.900 278.26.900 Other kaolin 1410 2508.10.000 278.27.000 Bentonite 1410 2508.20.100 278.29.100 Fuller's earth 1410 2508.20.200 278.29.200 Decolourising earth 1410 2508.40.000 278.29.400 Other clays 1410 2508.50.000 278.29.500 Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite 1410 2508.60.000 278.29.600 Mullite 1410 2508.70.000 278.29.700 Chamotte or dinas earths 269926900 2507.00.100 278.26.100 Kaolin (china clay) 141014103 2508.30.000 278.29.300 Fire-clay DIVISION 16 OTHER MINERALS 161 Chemical and fertilizer minerals 1611 16110 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminum calcium phosphatic chal; carnalite, sylvite and other crude natural potassium salts 142114212 2510.10.000 272.31.000 Natural calcium phosphates unground 142114212 2510.20.000 272.32.000 Natural calcium phosphates ground 241224121 3104.10.000 272.40.000 Carnallite, sylvite and other crudenatural potassium salts 1612 16120 Unroasted iron pyrites 1421 2502.00.000 274.20.000 Unroasted iron pyrites 1619 16190 Other chemical minerals 1421 2527.00.000 278.55.000 Natural cryolite; natural chiolite. 1421 2528.10.000 278.94.100 Natural sodium borates. 1421 2528.90.000 278.94.900 Other natural borates and concentrates 1421 2529.21.000 278.54.100 Fluorspar containing by w/ lte. 97 %

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 17 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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1421 2529.22.000 278.54.200 Fluorspar containing by w/ > 97 % 1421 2530.20.100 278.99.210 Kieserite 1421 2530.20.200 278.99.220 Epsomite 1421 2530.40.000 278.99.400 Natural micaceous iron oxides 1421 2530.90.000 278.99.900 Other mineral subtances 142114219 2511.10.000 278.92.100 Natural barium sulphate (barytes) 142114219 2511.20.000 278.92.200 Nat. barium carbonate (witherite) 162 Salt and pure sodium chloride; sea water 1620 16200 Salt and pure sodium chloride; sea water 154915499 2501.00.100 278.30.100 Table salt 154915499 2501.00.200 278.30.200 Salt in bulk, containing min. 142214220 2501.00.900 278.30.900 Other salt 163 Precious and semi precious stones; pumice stone; emery; natural abrasives; other minerals 1631 16310 Precious stones (including diamonds, but not industrial diamonds) and semi precious stones, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped 369136911 7103.10.000 667.31.000 Precious stones unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped 1429 7102.10.000 667.21.100 Unsorted diamond 1429 7102.31.000 667.22.000 Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved orbruted non industrial diamond 1632 16320 Industrial diamonds, unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted; pumice stone; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives 1429 7102.21.000 277.11.000 Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved orbruted industrial diamond 1429 2513.19.000 277.29.100 Other pumise stone 1429 2513.20.000 277.29.900 Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives 141014102 2513.11.000 277.22.100 Crude/in irregular pieces,includingcrushed pumice ('' bimskies '') 1633 16330 Chalk and dolomite 269426412 2509.00.000 278.91.000 Chalk 141014102 2518.10.000 278.23.100 Dolomite not calcined 1639 16390 Other mineral n.e.c 141014101 2504.10.000 278.22.100 Natural graphite in powder/in flake 141014105 2506.10.000 278.51.100 Quartz 141014101 2519.10.000 278.24.000 Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) 142914292 2524.00.000 278.40.000 Asbestos. 142914299 2525.10.000 278.52.100 Crude mica and mica rifted into sheets or splittings 142914299 2525.20.000 278.52.200 Mica powder 142914299 2525.30.000 278.52.300 Mica waste 269926900 2526.20.000 278.93.200 Natural steative crushed or powderd 142914299 2529.10.000 278.53.100 Felspar 142914299 2529.30.000 278.53.300 Leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite 142914299 2530.10.000 278.98.000 Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites,unexpanded 1429 2504.90.000 278.22.900 Natural graphite in other form 1429 2506.29.000 278.51.290 Other quartzite 1429 2512.00.000 278.95.000 Siliceous fossil meals & similars

18 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

1429 2519.90.000 278.25.000 Other natural magnesium carbonate 1429 2526.10.000 278.93.100 Natural steative not crushed, not powdered 1429 2621.00.000 278.69.000 Other slag & ash, including seaweedash (kelp) DIVISION 17 171 1710 17100 Electrical energy 4010 2716.00.000 351.00.000 Electrical energy 172 Coal gas, water gas producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons 1720 17200 Coal gas, water gas producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons 231023100 2705.00.000 345.00.000 Coal, water, producer gas & similargasses, oth. than petroleum gasse DIVISION 18 NATURAL WATER 180 Natural water 1800 18000 Natural water 154915492 2201.90.100 111.01.910 Ice and snow 4100 2201.10.000 111.01.100 Mineral waters and aerated waters 4100 2201.90.900 111.01.990 Other mineral waters


DIVISION 21 MEAT, FISH, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, OIL AND FATS 211 Meat and meat products 2111 Meat and edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen 21111 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled 151115111 0201.10.000 011.11.100 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled carcasses & half-carcasses 151115111 0201.20.000 011.11.900 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled other cuts with bone in 151115111 0201.30.000 011.12.000 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled boneless 21112 Meat of bovine animals, frozen 151115112 0202.10.000 011.21.100 Meat of bovine animals , frozen carcasses & half-carcasses 151115112 0202.20.000 011.21.900 Meat of bovine animals , frozen other cuts with bone in 151115112 0202.30.000 011.22.000 Meat of bovine animals, frozen boneless 21113 Meat of swine, fresh or chilled 151115111 0203.11.000 012.21.110 Meat of swine fresh or chilled carcasses & half-carcasses 151115111 0203.12.000 012.21.120 Meat of swine fresh/chilled hams, shoulders &cuts therof,with bone i 151115111 0203.19.000 012.21.190 Meat of swine fresh or chilled other than carcasses & hams 21114 Meat of swine, frozen 151115112 0203.21.000 012.22.210 Meat of swine frozen carcasses andhalf-carcasses 151115112 0203.22.000 012.22.220 Meat of swine frozen

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 19 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

hams,shoulders & cuts thereof, with bone in 1511 0203.29.000 012.22.290 Meat of swine frozen other than carcasses & hams 21115 Meat of sheep, fresh or chilled 151115111 0204.10.000 012.11.100 Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb fresh / chilled 151115111 0204.21.000 012.11.210 Other meat of sheep, fresh/chilled carcasses and half-carcasses 151115111 0204.22.000 012.11.220 Other meat of sheep, fresh/chilled other cuts with bone in 151115111 0204.23.000 012.11.230 Other meat of sheep, fresh/chilled boneless 21116 Meat of sheep, frozen 151115112 0204.30.000 012.12.300 Carcasses & half-carcasses of lamb,frozen 151115112 0204.41.000 012.12.410 Other meat of sheep, frozen carca- sses and half-carcasses 151115112 0204.42.000 012.12.420 Other meat of sheep, frozen other cuts with bone in 151115112 0204.43.000 012.12.430 Other meat of sheep,frozen boneless 21117 Meat of goats, fresh, chilled or frozen 151115112 0204.50.000 012.13.000 Meat of goats fresh, chilled or frozen 21118 Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen 151115111 0205.00.000 012.40.000 Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen 21119 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules, or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen 151115111 0206.10.000 012.51.000 Edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled 151115111 0206.30.000 012.53.000 Edible offal of swine, fresh/chilld 151115111 0206.80.000 012.55.000 Other meat, fresh or chilled 1511 0206.21.000 012.52.100 Edible offal of bovine animals,fro-zen tongues 1511 0206.22.000 012.52.200 Edible offal of bovine animals,fro-zen livers 1511 0206.29.000 012.52.900 Other edible offal of bovine animals, frozen 1511 0206.41.000 012.54.100 Edible offal of swine,frozen livers 1511 0206.49.000 012.54.900 Edible offal of swine,frozen other than livers 1511 0206.90.000 012.56.000 Other meat, frozen 2112 Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. 21121 Meat and edible offal of poultry, fresh or chilled 151115112 0207.11.000 012.31.100 Fowls not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled 151115111 0207.13.000 012.34.100 Fowls cuts and offal, fresh or chilled 151115111 0207.24.000 012.31.910 Turkeys not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled 151115111 0207.26.000 012.34.200 Turkeys cuts and offal, fresh or chilled 151115111 0207.32.000 012.31.990 Duck, geese not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled

20 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

151115111 0207.34.000 012.33.000 Fatty livers of duck or geese, fresh or chilled 151115111 0207.35.000 012.34.300 Other meat of ducks or geese, fresh or chilled 21122 Meat and edible offal of poultry, frozen 151115112 0207.14.000 012.35.100 Fowls cuts and offal, frozen 151115112 0207.25.000 012.32.200 Turkeys not cut in pieces, frozen 151115112 0207.27.000 012.35.200 Turkeys cuts and offal, frozen 151115112 0207.33.000 012.32.900 Duck, geese not cut in pieces, fro zen 151115112 0207.36.000 012.35.910 Other meat of ducks or geese, fro zen 1511 0207.12.000 012.32.100 Fowls not cut in pieces, frozen 21129 Other meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled of frozen (including rabbit meat), excluding frogs legs 1511 0208.90.110 012.99.110 Meat & edible meat offal of frogs (excl. legs ) fresh or chilled 1511 0208.90.120 012.99.120 Meat & edible meat offal of frogs (excl. legs ) frozen 151115111 0208.10.000 012.91.000 Meat of rabbits or hares, chilled or frozen 151115112 0208.90.900 012.99.900 Other meat of frogs 2113 Preserves and preparations of meat, meat offal or blood 21131 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal 151115112 0210.11.000 016.11.000 Meat of swine hams, shoulders & cuts thereof, with bone in 151115112 0210.12.000 016.12.000 Meat of swine bellies ( streaky ) &cuts thereof 151115112 0210.19.000 016.19.000 Other meat of swine 151115112 0210.20.000 016.81.000 Meat of bovine animals 151115112 0210.90.100 016.89.100 Edible flours & meals salted or inbrine 151115112 0210.90.900 016.89.900 Edible flours & meals other than salted or in brine 21132 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood; extract and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates 151115112 1601.00.900 017.20.900 Other sausages and similar products of meat, meat offal or blood 151115112 1602.20.000 017.30.000 Liver of any animal prepared or preserved 151115112 1602.31.000 017.40.100 Meat, meat offal or blood of turkey prepared or prepared 151115112 1602.39.000 017.40.900 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal / blood of heading 01.05 151115112 1602.41.000 017.50.100 Hams and cuts thereof of swine pre pared or preserved 151115112 1602.42.100 017.50.210 Shoulders and cuts of swines in airtight containers 151115112 1602.42.900 017.50.290 Shoulders and cuts of swines in other container 151115112 1602.49.110 017.50.411 Bacon in airtight containers 151115112 1602.49.120 017.50.412 Pork floss in airtight containers 151115112 1602.49.190 017.50.419 Other cuts of swine in airtight containers 151115112 1602.49.990 017.50.990 Other cut of pork in oth container

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 21 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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151115112 1602.50.000 017.60.000 Meat, meat offal or blood of bovine animals prepared or prepared 151115112 1602.90.100 017.90.100 Other prepared or preserved meal ormeat offal of other animals 151115112 1602.90.900 017.90.900 Preparations of animal blood 151115112 1603.00.130 017.10.130 Meat extracts and meat juices of deer 151115112 1603.00.190 017.10.190 Other meat extracts and meat juices 151215129 1603.00.200 017.10.200 Fish extracts 1511 1601.00.100 017.20.100 Sausages & similar products,of meatfresh, chilled or frozen 1511 1602.32.000 017.40.300 Meat, meat offal or blood of fowls prepared or prepared 1511 1602.49.910 017.50.910 Pork floss in other container 1511 1603.00.900 017.10.900 Other extract from crustaceans, molluscs 2114 21140 Flours, meals and pellets of meat or meat offal, inedible; greaves 1511 2301.10.100 081.41.100 Meat meal. 151415141 2301.10.900 081.41.900 Pellet of meat; greaves etc. 212 Prepared and preserved fish 2121 21210 Fish fillets, other fish meat and fish livers and roes, fresh or chilled 1512 0302.70.100 034.19.100 Livers of fish fresh or chilled 1512 0302.70.200 034.19.200 Roes of fish fresh or chilled 1512 0304.10.100 034.51.100 Fish fillets fresh or chilled 1512 0304.10.910 034.51.910 Other fish fillets of marine fish fresh or chilled 1512 0304.10.990 034.51.990 Other fish fillets oth. than marinefish fresh or chilled 2122 21220 Fish, fish fillets, other fish meat and fish livers and roes, frozen 1512 0303.31.000 034.22.100 Halibut frozen 1512 0303.32.000 034.22.200 Plaice frozen 1512 0303.33.000 034.22.300 Sole frozen 1512 0303.39.000 034.22.900 Other flat fish frozen 1512 0304.20.000 034.40.000 Frozen fillets 1512 0304.90.100 034.55.100 Other fish meat of marine fish 1512 0304.90.900 034.55.900 Oth fish meat oth than marine fish 151215124 0303.10.000 034.21.100 Pacific salmon frozen 151215124 0303.21.000 034.21.210 Trout frozen 151215124 0303.22.000 034.21.220 Atlantic salmon frozen 151215124 0303.29.000 034.21.900 Other salmonidae frozen 151215124 0303.41.000 034.23.100 Albacore or longfinned tunas frozen 151215124 0303.42.000 034.23.200 Yellowfin tunas frozen 151215124 0303.43.000 034.23.300 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito frozen 151215124 0303.49.000 034.23.900 Other tunas fish frozen 151215124 0303.50.000 034.24.100 Herrings frozen 151215124 0303.60.000 034.25.000 Cod frozen 151215124 0303.71.000 034.24.900 Sardines frozen 151215124 0303.72.000 034.28.100 Haddock frozen 151215124 0303.73.000 034.28.200 Coalfish frozen (pollachius virens) 151215124 0303.74.000 034.26.000 Mackerel frozen (scomber scombrus, scober australasicus, s. japonicus 151215124 0303.75.000 034.28.300 Dogfish and other sharks frozen

22 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

151215124 0303.76.000 034.28.400 Eels frozen 151215124 0303.77.000 034.28.500 Sea bass frozen 151215124 0303.78.000 034.27.000 Hake frozen 151215124 0303.79.100 034.28.610 Marine fish frozen 050005011 0303.79.900 034.28.690 Other than marine fish frozen 151215124 0303.80.100 034.29.100 Livers of fish frozen 151215124 0303.80.200 034.29.200 Roes of tunas 2123 21230 Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish; edible fish meal 151215129 0305.10.000 035.50.000 Fish meal fit for human consumption 151215123 0305.41.000 035.30.410 Pacific salmon smoked 151215122 0305.42.000 035.30.420 Herrings smoked 151215123 0305.49.000 035.30.490 Other than salmon & herring smoked 151215122 0305.51.000 035.11.000 Cod dried (gadus morhua, gadus ogacgadus macrocephalus ) 151215122 0305.59.100 035.13.100 Teri fish dried 151215122 0305.59.900 035.13.900 Other dried fished whether or not salted but not smoked 050005011 0305.69.100 035.29.210 Teri fish salted 1512 0305.20.100 035.40.100 Livers & roes smoked 1512 0305.20.900 035.40.900 Livers & roes other than smoked 1512 0305.30.000 035.12.000 Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked 1512 0305.59.300 035.13.300 Shark fins dried 1512 0305.61.000 035.29.100 Herrings salted (clupea harengus, clupea pallasii ) 1512 0305.62.000 035.21.000 Cod salted (gadus morhua,gadus ogacgadus macrocephalus) 1512 0305.63.000 035.22.000 Anchovies salted (engraulis spp) 1512 0305.69.900 035.29.900 Other fish, salted but not dried or smoked 2124 21240 Fish, otherwise prepared or preserved; caviar 1512 1604.11.900 037.11.900 Salmon in other containers 1512 1604.12.000 037.12.100 Herrings prepared or preserved 1512 1604.13.900 037.12.900 Sardines in other container 1512 1604.14.900 037.13.900 Tuna, skipjack in other containers 1512 1604.19.000 037.15.200 Prepared or preserved fish whole or in pieces, but not minced, nes 151215121 1604.11.100 037.11.100 Salmon in airtight containers 151215121 1604.13.100 037.12.200 Sardines, sadinella and brisling or sprats in airtight containers 151215121 1604.14.100 037.13.100 Tuna, skipjack and bonito in air tight containers 151215121 1604.15.000 037.14.000 Mackerel prepared or preserved 151215121 1604.16.000 037.15.100 Anchovies prepared or preserved 151215129 1604.20.000 037.16.000 Other prepared or preserved fish 151215121 1604.30.000 037.17.000 Caviar and caviar substitutes pre pared or preserved 2125 21250 Crustaceans, frozen; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, frozen, dried, salted or in brine 151215124 0306.11.000 036.19.100 Rock lobsters & other sea crawfish frozen 050005012 0306.12.000 036.19.200 Lobsters frozen 151215124 0306.13.000 036.11.000 Shrimps and prawns frozen 050005012 0306.14.000 036.19.300 Crabs frozen 151215124 0306.19.100 036.19.911 Crayfish frozen 151215124 0306.19.900 036.19.919 Other than crayfish frozen 151215124 0307.29.100 036.39.110 Scallops frozen 151215122 0307.29.900 036.39.190 Scallops other than frozen

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 23 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

151215124 0307.39.100 036.39.210 Mussels frozen 050005032 0307.39.900 036.39.290 Mussels other than frozen 151215124 0307.49.100 036.37.110 Cuttle fish frozen 151215122 0307.49.900 036.37.190 Cuttle fish other than frozen 151215124 0307.59.100 036.37.910 Octopus frozen 151215122 0307.59.900 036.37.990 Octopus other than frozen 151215124 0307.99.400 036.39.940 Jelly fish frozen 050005013 0307.99.900 036.39.990 Other molluscs frozen 2126 21260 Crustaceans, mollucs and other aquatic invertebrates, otherwise prepared or preserved 151215121 1605.10.100 037.21.110 Crab in airtight containers 151215123 1605.10.900 037.21.190 Crab in other containers 151215121 1605.20.000 037.21.200 Shrimps and prawns prepared or pre served 151215121 1605.30.000 037.21.300 Lobster prepared or preserved 151215121 1605.40.000 037.21.400 Other crustaceans prepared or pre served 151215121 1605.90.100 037.22.100 Other aquatic invertebrates in airtight containers 151215123 1605.90.900 037.22.900 Other aquatic invertebrates in other containers 2129 Flours, meals and pellets, inedible, and other products n.e.c., of fish or crustaceans, mollucs or other aquatic invertebrates; dead fish, crustaceans,molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates unfit for human consumption 21291 Flours, meals and pellets, inedible, of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates 151215129 2301.20.100 081.42.100 Fish meal 151415141 2301.20.900 081.42.900 Other flour of fish 21299 Products n.e.c. of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates; dead fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates unfit for human consumption 1512 0511.91.000 291.96.000 Product of fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertabrate 213 Prepared and preserved vegetables 2131 21310 Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen 1513 0710.10.000 054.69.100 Potatoes frozen 1513 0710.22.000 054.69.220 Beans (vigna spp., phaseolus spp.) frozen 1513 0710.29.000 054.69.290 Other leguminous vegetable frozen 1513 0710.30.000 054.69.300 Spinach, new zealand spinach and orache spinach frozen 1513 0710.40.000 054.61.000 Sweet corn frozen 1513 0710.80.000 054.69.800 Other vegetables frozen 1513 0710.90.000 054.69.900 Mixtures of vegetables frozen 011101112 0710.21.000 054.69.210 Peas (pisum sativum) frozen 2132 21320 Vegetables provisionl preserved 1513 0711.10.100 054.70.110 Onions preserved in airtight con tainer 1513 0711.10.900 054.70.190 Onions other than in airtight containers 1513 0711.20.100 054.70.210 Olives in airtight containers 1513 0711.20.900 054.70.290 Olives other than in airtight containers 1513 0711.30.100 054.70.310 Capers in airtight containers 1513 0711.30.900 054.70.390 Capers other than in airtight containers 1513 0711.40.100 054.70.410 Cucumber & gherkins in airtight containers

24 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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1513 0711.40.900 054.70.490 Cucumber & gherkins oth in airtightcontainers 1513 0711.90.110 054.70.911 Friuts of the genus capsicum / of the genus pimenta in airtight cont 1513 0711.90.190 054.70.919 Friut of the genus capsicum/pimentaoth than in airtight containers 1513 0711.90.910 054.70.991 Other preserved vegetables in airtight containers 1513 0711.90.990 054.70.999 Other preserved vegetables other than in airtight containers 2139 21390 Other preserved vegetable (including dried vegetables canned vegetables and vegetable canned vegetable vegetables and vegetables preserved in vinegar) 1513 2002.10.900 056.72.900 Tomatoes whole or in pieces not in artight containers 1513 2002.90.190 056.73.190 Other tomato prepared in airtight containers 1513 2002.90.900 056.73.900 Other tomato prepared in other containers 1513 2003.10.900 056.74.190 Mushrooms in other container 1513 2003.20.900 056.74.290 Truffles in other container 1513 2004.90.900 056.69.900 Oth. vegetable prepared in other container frozen 1513 2005.70.000 056.79.700 Olives prepared or preserved other than by vihegar, not frozen 151315134 0712.20.000 056.12.000 Onions dried 151315134 0712.30.000 056.13.000 Mushrooms and truffels dried 242324233 0712.90.100 056.19.100 Garlic dried 151315134 0712.90.900 056.19.900 Other vegetables dried 153215322 1105.10.000 056.41.000 Flour, meal and powder 154915496 1105.20.000 056.42.000 Flakes 151315131 2001.10.100 056.71.110 Cucumbers and gherkings in airtightcontainers 151315139 2001.10.900 056.71.190 Cucumbers and gherkings in other container 151315139 2001.20.100 056.71.210 Onions prepared and preserved by vinegar in airtight container 151315139 2001.20.900 056.71.290 Onions in other container 151315139 2001.90.100 056.71.910 Other vegetable preseved by vinegarin airtight containers 151315139 2001.90.900 056.71.990 Other vegetable preseved by vinegarin other container 151315131 2002.10.100 056.72.100 Tomatoes in airtight containers 151315133 2002.90.110 056.73.110 Tomato puree, tomato paste in airtight containers 151315131 2003.10.100 056.74.110 Mushrooms in airtight containers 151315131 2003.20.100 056.74.210 Truffles in airtight containers 151315131 2004.10.000 056.61.000 Potatoes prepared or preserved oth.wise than by vihegar frozen 151315131 2004.90.110 056.69.110 Bamboo shoots in airtight containerfrozen 151315131 2004.90.190 056.69.190 Oth. vegetable prepared in airtightfrozen 154915496 2005.20.000 056.76.000 Potatoes prepared or preserved oth.wise than by vihegar, not frozen 151315131 2005.40.000 056.79.400 Peas (pisum sativum) prepared / preserved not by vihegar, not frozen

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151315131 2005.51.000 056.79.510 Beans, shelled prepared or preservd other than by vihegar not frozen 151315131 2005.59.000 056.79.590 Other beans prepared or preserved other than by vihegar not frozen 151315131 2005.60.000 056.79.600 Asparagus prepared or preserved oth than by vihegar not frozen 151315131 2005.80.000 056.77.000 Sweet corn(zea mays var.saccharata)not frozen 151315131 2005.90.000 056.79.900 Other vegetables & mixtures, prepared not by vihegar, not frozen 214 2140 21400 Fruit juices and vegetable juices 151315139 2009.11.000 059.10.100 Orange juice frozen 151315139 2009.19.100 059.10.910 Orange juice ready for consumption without dilution 151315139 2009.19.910 059.10.991 Orange juice in packing >= 20 kg 151315139 2009.19.990 059.10.999 Orange juice in other packing 151315139 2009.20.100 059.20.100 Grapefruit juice ready for consump.without dilution 151315139 2009.20.910 059.20.910 Grapefruit juice put up for retail sale 151315139 2009.20.990 059.20.990 Grapefruit juice not for ret. sale 151315139 2009.30.100 059.30.100 Juice of any oth single citr. fruitready for consump. without dilutio 151315139 2009.30.910 059.30.910 Juice of any oth single citr. fruitput up for retail sale 151315139 2009.30.990 059.30.990 Juice of any oth single citr. fruitnot for retail sale 151315139 2009.40.100 059.91.100 Pineapple juice ready for consump. without dilution 151315139 2009.40.910 059.91.910 Pineapple juice put up for 151315139 2009.40.990 059.91.990 Pineapple juice not for retail sale 151315139 2009.50.100 059.92.100 Tomato juice ready for consump. without dilution 151315139 2009.50.910 059.92.910 Tomato juice put up for retail sale 151315139 2009.50.990 059.92.990 Tomato juice not for retail sale 151315139 2009.60.100 059.93.100 Grape juice ready for consump. without dilution 151315139 2009.60.910 059.93.910 Grape juice put up for retail sale 151315139 2009.60.990 059.93.990 Grape juice not for retail sale 151315139 2009.70.100 059.94.100 Apple juice ready for consump. without dilution 151315139 2009.70.910 059.94.910 Apple juice put up for retail sale 151315139 2009.70.990 059.94.990 Apple juice not for retail sale 151315139 2009.80.100 059.95.100 Juice of any other fruit/vegetable ready for consump. without dilutio 151315139 2009.80.910 059.95.910 Juice of any other fruit/vegetable put up for retail sale 151315139 2009.80.990 059.95.990 Juice of any other fruit/vegetable not for retail sale 151315139 2009.90.100 059.96.100 Mixtures of juice ready for consumpwithout dilution 151315139 2009.90.910 059.96.910 Mixtures of juice requiring dilu- tion put up for retail sale

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151315139 2009.90.990 059.96.990 Mixtures of juice requiring dilu- tion not for retail sale 215 2151 21510 Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or bolling in water, frozen 1513 0811.10.000 058.31.000 Strawberries uncooked or cooked by steaming or boring water 1513 0811.20.000 058.32.000 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries 1513 0811.90.100 058.39.100 Other fruit and nuts containingadded sugar 1513 0811.90.200 058.39.200 Other fruit and nuts not containingadded sugar 2152 21520 Jams, fruits jellies and fruit no nut puree and pastes 151315133 2007.91.000 058.10.910 Citrus fruit 151315133 2007.99.100 058.10.991 Mangoes puree 151315133 2007.99.200 058.10.992 Guava puree 151315133 2007.99.900 058.10.999 Oth. fruit being cooked preparation 2153 21530 Nuts, ground-nuts, e.t.c., roasted, salted or otherwise prepared n.e.c 154915495 2008.11.100 058.92.110 Roasted ground-nut otherwise prepared or preserved 154915494 2008.11.900 058.92.190 Unroasted ground-nut prepared or preserved 154915495 2008.19.000 058.92.900 Other ground-nut, including mixtureprepared or preserved 2154 21540 Fruits and nuts provisionally preserved 151315131 0812.90.000 058.21.900 Other fruit and nut provisionally preserved 1513 0812.10.000 058.21.100 Cherries provisionally preserved 1513 0812.20.000 058.21.200 Strawberries provisionally preservd 2155 21550 Other preserved fruits 1513 0814.00.100 058.22.100 Peel of citrus fruit or melons fresh or frozen 1513 0814.00.900 058.22.900 Peel of citrus fruit or melons other fresh, frozen or dried 1513 2008.20.300 058.93.110 Pineapples in syrup and in airtight containers 1513 2008.30.000 058.94.000 Citrus fruit otherwise prepared or preserved 1513 2008.40.000 058.96.000 Pears prepared or preserved 1513 2008.50.000 058.95.500 Apricots prepared or preserved 1513 2008.70.000 058.95.700 Peaches prepared or preserved 1513 2008.91.000 058.96.910 Palm hearts prepared or preserved 1513 2008.92.000 058.97.000 Mixtures non-alcoholic prepared 154915499 0814.00.200 058.22.200 Peel of citrus fruit or melons dried 151315132 2008.20.900 058.93.900 Pineapples otherwise preserved 151315132 2008.60.000 058.95.600 Cherries prepared or preserved 151315132 2008.80.000 058.96.800 Strawberries prepared or preserved 151315132 2008.99.000 058.96.990 Other non-alcoholic prepared 2156 21560 Apricot, peach or plum stones and kernels 1513 1212.30.000 054.85.000 Apricot, peach or plum stones and kernels 216 Animal and vegetable oils and fats 2161 Fats of bovine animals, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry, raw or rendered; wool grease

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21611 Fats of bovine animals, sheep goats, pigs and poultry, raw rendered (including pig and poultry fat, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked and including lard) 1511 0209.00.200 411.31.200 Pig fat free of lean meat & poultryfat salted, in brine, dried or smo 1511 1502.00.110 411.32.110 Inedible raw fats of bovine animalsfor making soap 151115111 0209.00.100 411.31.100 Pig fat free of lean meat & poultryfat fresh, chilled or frozen 151415145 1501.00.000 411.20.000 Pig fat (including lard) & poultry fat,other than of hd 02.09 or 15.03 151415141 1502.00.190 411.32.190 Other raw fats of bovine animals 151415141 1502.00.200 411.32.200 Fat rendered,whether or not solventextracted obtain from those raw fa 151415141 1502.00.900 411.32.900 Other fats of bovine animals 21612 Wool grease 1711 1505.10.000 411.34.000 Wool grease, crude 1711 1505.90.100 411.35.100 Lanolin 1711 1505.90.900 411.35.900 Other wool grease 2162 21620 Animal oils and fats, crrude and refined, except fats of bovine animals, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry 151415141 1503.00.000 411.33.000 Lard stearin, oil, oleostearin,oil & tallow oil not otherwise prepare 151415145 1504.10.100 411.11.100 Cod liver oil 151415141 1504.10.900 411.11.900 Other fish liver oils 151415145 1504.20.000 411.12.000 Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish other than liver oils 151415141 1504.30.000 411.13.000 Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals 151415145 1506.00.000 411.39.000 Other animal fats & oils & their fractions, not chemically modified 2163 21630 Soya-bean, ground-nut, olive, sunflower-seed, safflower, cotton-seed rape, colza and mustard oil, crude 151415141 1507.10.000 421.11.000 Crude oil, of soya bean whether or not degummed 151415141 1508.10.000 421.31.000 Crude oil of ground nut 151415141 1512.11.000 421.51.000 Crude oil of sun flower seed 151415141 1512.21.000 421.21.000 Crude oil, of cotton seed 242924294 1514.10.100 421.71.100 Rape seed oil & its fractions crude 242924294 1514.10.900 421.71.900 Other crude edible oil 1514 1509.10.000 421.41.000 Virgin 2164 21640 Palm, coconut, palm kernel, babassu and linseed oil, crude 151415141 1511.10.000 422.21.000 Crude palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified 151415141 1513.11.000 422.31.000 Crude oil of copra 151415141 1513.21.000 422.41.000 Crude palm kernel oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified 151415141 1515.11.000 422.11.000 Crude oil of linseed 2165 21650 Soya-bean, ground-nut, olive, sunflower-seed, safflower, cotton-seed, rape, colza and mustard oil and their fractions, refined but not chemically modified; other oils obtained solely from olives and sesame oil, and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified 151415145 1507.90.100 421.19.100 Neutralized and bleached 151415145 1508.90.000 421.39.000 Other ground-nut oil and its fract

28 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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ions 242924294 1509.90.000 421.42.000 Other olive oil 151415145 1512.19.000 421.59.000 Other sun flower seed oil 151415145 1512.29.000 421.29.000 Other sun flower & cotton seed oil 242924294 1514.90.100 421.79.100 Rape seed oil and its fractions other than crude 242924294 1515.50.000 421.80.000 Sesame oil and its fractions 1514 1507.90.900 421.19.900 Other soya bean oil 1514 1510.00.000 421.49.000 Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives 1514 1514.90.900 421.79.900 Other rape, colza, etc 2166 21660 Maize (corn) oil and its fractions, not chemically modified 151415141 1515.21.000 421.61.000 Crude oil of maize 151415145 1515.29.000 421.69.000 Other maize oil 2167 21670 Palm, coconut, palm kernel, babassu and linseed oil and their fraction, refined but not chemically modified; castor, tung and jojoba oil and fixed vegetable fats and oils (except maize oil) and their fractions n.e.c., whether or not refined, but not chemically modified 151415144 1511.90.000 422.29.000 Other crude palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified 151415143 1513.19.000 422.39.000 Other copra oil 151415144 1513.29.000 422.49.000 Other crude palm kernel oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified 242924294 1515.19.000 422.19.000 Other linseed oil 242924294 1515.40.000 422.91.000 Tung oil and its fractions 242924294 1515.60.000 422.99.600 Jojoba oil and its fractions 151415141 1515.90.100 422.99.910 Kapok seed oil 242924294 1515.90.200 422.99.920 Balm oil 242924294 1515.90.300 422.99.930 Suntai oil 242924294 1515.90.400 422.99.940 Tengkawang oil 242924294 1515.90.900 422.99.990 Other fixed vegetable fats & oil 1514 1515.30.000 422.50.000 Castor oil and its fractions 2168 21680 Margarine and similar preparations 1514 1517.90.920 091.09.920 Other edible mixture of animal org. 151415142 1517.10.100 091.01.100 Margarine, excl. liquid margarine in airtight containers 151415142 1517.10.900 091.01.900 Margarine, excl. liquid margarine in other container 151415142 1517.90.100 091.09.100 Imitation ghee 151415145 1517.90.200 091.09.200 Imitation lard 151415142 1517.90.910 091.09.910 Other edible mixture of vegetable origin 151415142 1517.90.930 091.09.930 Edible mixture of mixed vegetable and animal origin 2169 21690 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared 1514 1516.10.100 431.21.100 Animal fats & oil >= 10 kg 1514 1516.10.900 431.21.900 Animal fats & oil in other pack 1514 1516.20.100 431.22.100 Vegetable fats & oil >= 10 kg 1514 1516.20.900 431.22.900 Vegetable fats & oil in other pack 217 Cotton linters 2170 21700 Cotton linters 1514 1404.20.000 263.20.000 Cotton linters 218 Oil cake and other residues resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils; flours and meals of oil seeds or oleginous fruits, except those of mustard; vegetables waxes, except tryglycerides; degras; residues; resulting from the

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treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes 2181 21810 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils 1514 2306.40.000 081.36.000 Oil-cake and other solid residues of rape or colza seeds 1514 2306.70.000 081.39.910 Oil-cake and other residues of maize (corn) germ 151415141 2304.00.000 081.31.000 Oil-cake & oth solid res. resultingfrom the extract of soya bean oil 151415141 2305.00.000 081.32.000 Oil-cake & oth solid res. resultingfrom the extract of ground nut oil 151415141 2306.10.000 081.33.000 Oil-cake and other solid residues of cotton seeds 151415141 2306.20.000 081.34.000 Oil-cake and other solid residues of linseed 151415141 2306.30.000 081.35.000 Oil-cake and other solid residues of sunflower seeds 151415141 2306.50.100 081.37.100 Oil-cake and other solid residues of coconut / copra coconut a 151415141 2306.50.200 081.37.200 Oil-cake and other solid residues of coconut / copra coconut b 151415141 2306.60.000 081.38.000 Oil-cake and other solid residues of palm nuts / kernels 151415141 2306.90.000 081.39.990 Other oil-cake and other residues 2182 21820 Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, except those of mustard 1514 1208.10.000 223.90.100 Flour and meal of soya beans 1514 1208.90.000 223.90.900 Flour and meals of oil seeds 2183 21830 Vegetable waxes, except triglycerides; degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes 1514 1521.10.000 431.41.000 Vegetable waxes 1514 1522.00.000 431.33.000 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment fatty subtances DIVISION 22 DAIRY PRODUCTS 221 Processed liquid milk and cream 2211 22110 Processed liquid milk 152015211 0401.10.000 022.11.000 Milk of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1 % 152015211 0401.20.000 022.12.000 Milk of a fat content, by weight 1-6 % 2212 22120 Cream 152015211 0401.30.000 022.13.000 Milk of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6 % 229 Other dairy products 2291 22910 Milk and cream in solid forms 152015211 0402.10.100 022.21.100 Milk & cream of fat lte. 1.5% added sugar in pow'r form,in pack.>=25 152015211 0402.10.900 022.21.900 Milk & cream of fat lte. 1.5% added sugar in pow'r form,in pack. lt. 152015211 0402.21.110 022.22.111 Milk&cream of fat>1.5% not ad.sugarin pow'r form, >=25kg, for infants 152015211 0402.29.000 022.22.900 Other milk & cream cont added sugar

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2292 22920 Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, other than in solid forms 152015211 0402.91.000 022.23.000 Other milk & cream not added sugar or other sweetening matter 242324232 0402.99.000 022.24.000 Other milk & cream added sugar or other sweetening matter 2293 22930 Yoghurt and other fermented or acidified milk and cream 152015211 0403.10.000 022.31.000 Yoghurt 152015211 0403.90.100 022.32.100 Buttermilk, in packing >= 25 kg net 152015211 0403.90.900 022.32.900 Other buttermilk, in packing >= 25 kg net 2294 22940 Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk 152015212 0405.10.000 023.00.910 Butter 1520 0405.20.000 023.00.920 Dairy spreads 1520 0405.90.100 023.00.100 Milk fat 1520 0405.90.900 023.00.990 Other butter and fat derived from milk nes 2295 22950 Cheese and curd 152015212 0406.10.000 024.91.000 Fresh cheese (including whey cheese) not fermented, & curd 152015212 0406.20.000 024.10.000 Grated/powdered cheese of all kinds 152015212 0406.30.000 024.20.000 Processed cheese, not grated or powdered 152015212 0406.40.000 024.30.000 Blue veined cheese 152015212 0406.90.000 024.99.000 Other cheese 2296 22960 Casein 242924291 3501.10.000 592.21.000 Casein 2297 22970 Ice cream and other edible ice 152015213 2105.00.000 022.33.000 Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa 2298 22980 Lactose and lactose syrup 154215423 1702.11.100 061.91.110 Lactose and lactose syrup for industry 154215423 1702.11.910 061.91.911 Lactose not for industry use 154215423 1702.19.100 061.91.190 Oth. kinds of lactose/lactose syrup not added flavouring,for industry 154215423 1702.19.910 061.91.919 Lactose not added flavour and not for industry 154215424 1702.19.920 061.91.929 Lactose syrup not added flavour and not for industry 1520 1702.11.920 061.91.921 Lactose syrup not for industry use 2299 22990 Dairy products n.e.c. 152015211 0404.10.000 022.41.000 Whey, whether or not concentrated/ cont.added sugar/oth.sweetng matte 152015211 0404.90.000 022.49.000 Oth. whey,whether/not concentrated/cont.added sugar/oth.sweetng matte DIVISION 23 GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS, STARCHES AND STARCH PRODUCTS; OTHER FOOD PRODUCTS 231 Grain mill products 2311 23110 Wheat or meslin flour 153215321 1101.00.000 046.10.000 Wheat or meslin flour. 2312 23120 Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin 153215321 1102.10.000 047.19.100 Rye flour

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153215322 1102.20.000 047.11.000 Maize (corn) flour 153215322 1102.30.000 047.19.200 Rice flour 153215322 1102.90.000 047.19.900 Other cereral flour 2313 23130 Groats, meal and pellets of wheat 1531 1103.11.100 046.20.100 Bulgur 1531 1103.11.900 046.20.800 Other groats and meals of wheat 1531 1103.21.000 046.20.900 Pellets of wheat 2314 23140 Cereal groats, meal and pellets n.e.c. 1531 1103.29.100 047.29.100 Pellets of meslin 1531 1103.29.900 047.29.900 Pellets other cereals 153115312 1103.12.000 047.22.100 Groats and meals of oats 153115312 1103.13.000 047.21.000 Groats and meals of maize ( corn ) 153115311 1103.14.000 047.22.200 Groats and meals of rice 153115312 1103.19.100 047.22.910 Groats and meals of meslin 153115312 1103.19.900 047.22.990 Groats and meals of other cereals 2315 23150 Other cereal grain products (including corn flakes) 153115312 1104.11.000 048.13.110 Rolled or flaked grains of barley 153115312 1104.12.000 048.13.120 Rolled or flaked grains of oats 153115312 1104.19.100 048.13.210 Rolled or flaked grains of meslin 153115312 1104.19.900 048.13.290 Rolled/flaked grains of oth cereals 153115312 1104.21.000 048.14.210 Other worked grains of barley 153115312 1104.22.000 048.14.220 Other worked grains of oats 153115312 1104.23.000 048.14.230 Other worked grains of maize (corn) 153115312 1104.29.100 048.14.291 Other worked grains of meslin 153115312 1104.29.900 048.14.900 Other worked grains of oth cereals 154915496 1904.10.000 048.11.000 Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting 154915499 1904.90.000 048.12.000 Other prepared foods 1531 1104.29.200 048.14.292 Other worked grains of rice 1531 1104.30.000 048.15.000 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flakee or ground 1531 1904.20.000 048.11.910 Prepared foods obtained from un roasted cereal 2316 23160 Rice, semi- or wholly milled 153115311 1006.30.000 042.31.000 Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed 153115311 1006.40.000 042.32.000 Broken rice 2317 23170 Other vegetable flours and meals 153215322 1106.10.000 056.46.000 Flour & meal of the dried legumi- nous vegetables 153215322 1106.20.000 046.47.000 Flour and meal of sago or of roots or tubes of heading 07.14 153215322 1106.30.000 056.48.000 Fluor and meal of the products of chapter 8 2318 23180 Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares 1531 1901.20.000 048.50.110 Mixes and doughs for the preparat ion of baker's wares 232 Starches and starch product; sugars and sugar syrups n.e.c 2321 23210 Glucose and glucoses syrup; fructose and fructose syrup; invert sugar; sugars and sugar syrups n.e.c.; artificial honey; caramel 1532 1702.40.100 061.94.100 Glucose & glucose syrup, containingfructose for pharmaceutical indust 1532 1702.40.910 061.94.910 Glucose containing fructose 154215423 1702.30.100 061.93.100 Glucose & glucose syrup, not

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cont. fructose for pharmaceutical indust 154215423 1702.30.910 061.93.910 Glucose not containing fructose 154215424 1702.30.920 061.93.920 Glucose syrup not cont. fructose 154215424 1702.40.920 061.94.990 Glucose syrup other than pharmaceu tical indust.,cont 20-50% dry state 154215423 1702.50.000 061.95.000 Chemically pure fructose 154215423 1702.60.100 061.96.100 Other fructose & fructose syrup for pharmaceutical industry 154215423 1702.60.910 061.96.910 Fructose not for pharm. industry 154215424 1702.60.920 061.96.920 Fructose syrup not for pharm.indust 154215423 1702.90.600 061.99.600 Sugar syrup 154215429 1702.90.900 061.99.900 Other invert sugar 2322 23220 Starches; inulin; wheat gluten; dextrins and other modified starches 153215329 1108.11.000 592.11.000 Wheat starch 153215329 1108.12.000 592.12.000 Maize (corn) starch 153215329 1108.13.000 592.13.000 Potato starch 153215322 1108.14.000 592.14.000 Manioc (cassava) starch 153215329 1108.19.000 592.15.000 Other starches 242924291 3505.10.000 592.26.000 Dextrins and oth modified starches 1532 1108.20.000 592.16.000 Inulin 1532 1109.00.000 592.17.000 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried. 2323 23230 Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, siftings or similar forms 154915499 1903.00.110 056.45.110 Pearl tapioca 154915499 1903.00.190 056.45.190 Flakes, siftings tapioca 154915499 1903.00.900 056.45.900 Other substitutes of tapioca 233 Preparations used in animal feeding 2331 23310 Preparations used in animal feeding n.e.c 153315332 2309.10.000 081.95.000 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale 153315331 2309.90.100 081.99.100 Sweetened forage 153315332 2309.90.912 081.99.212 Complete feed fow swine 153315332 2309.90.919 081.99.219 Other complete feed used for animal 153315331 2309.90.923 081.99.223 Feed suplement for shrimp 153315331 2309.90.929 081.99.229 Other feed suplement used for ani mal 153315332 2309.90.991 081.99.217 Meat bone meal and hydrolised fea ther meal 153315331 2309.90.999 081.99.218 Other preparations of a kind used in animal feeding 1533 2309.90.914 081.99.214 Milk replacer used for baby animal 1533 2309.90.916 081.99.216 Shrimp fry feed in packing of net weight lt. 1 kg 1533 2309.90.922 081.99.222 Feed suplement containing antibio tic preparations, used for animal 2332 23320 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets 1533 1214.10.000 081.12.000 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets 234 Bakery products 2341 23410 Crispbread; rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products 154115410 1905.10.000 048.41.100 Crispbread 154115410 1905.40.000 048.41.200 Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products

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2342 23420 Gingerbread and the like; sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers 154115410 1905.20.000 048.42.100 Gingerbread and the like 154115410 1905.30.100 048.42.210 Sweet biscuits 154115410 1905.30.900 048.42.290 Wafers and other sweet biscuits 2343 23430 Other bread and other bakers' wares 154115410 1905.90.100 048.49.100 Bread, ships' biscuits & oth ordnr.bakers wares not cont. added sugar 154115410 1905.90.300 048.49.300 Unsweetened biscuits 154115410 1905.90.400 048.49.400 Cakes containing fruit and or nuts 154915498 1905.90.900 048.49.900 Other bread or pastry 1541 1905.90.200 048.49.200 Communion wafers, empty cachets ofa kind suitable for pharm. use 235 Sugar 2351 23510 Raw cane or beet sugar 154215421 1701.11.000 061.11.000 Cane sugar 154215421 1701.12.000 061.12.000 Beet sugar 2352 23520 Refined cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter 154215422 1701.99.110 061.29.110 Oth raw sugar refined white packed for retail sale 154215422 1701.99.900 061.29.900 Other raw sugar 1542 1701.99.191 061.29.191 Other raw sugar refined white for pharmaceutical industry 1542 1701.99.199 061.29.199 Other raw sugar refined white for other purpose 2353 23530 Refined cane or beet sugar, in solid form, containing added flavouring or colouring matter; maple sugar and maple syrup 154215422 1701.91.000 061.21.000 Other cane or beet sugar containing added flavouring or colouring 154215423 1702.20.000 061.92.000 Maple sugar and maple syrup 2354 23540 Molasses 154215421 1703.10.000 061.51.000 Cane molasses 154215421 1703.90.000 061.59.000 Other molasses 236 Cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 2361 23610 Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted 154315432 1803.10.000 072.31.000 Cocoa paste not defatted 154315432 1803.20.000 072.32.000 Cocoa paste wholly/partly defatted 2362 23620 Cocoa butter, fat and oil 154315432 1804.00.000 072.40.000 Cocoa butter, fat and oil. 2363 23630 Cocoa powder, not sweetened 154315431 1805.00.000 072.20.000 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar / other sweetening matter 2364 23640 Cocoa powder, sweetened 154315432 1806.10.000 073.10.000 Cocoa powder, containing added sugar / other sweetening matter 2365 23650 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa (except sweetened cocoa powder), in bulk forms 154315432 1806.20.000 073.20.000 Oth preparations containing cocoa 2366 23660 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa (except sweetened cocoa powder), other than in bulk forms 154315432 1806.31.000 073.30.100 Oth chocolate in blocks,slabs/bars filled

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154315432 1806.32.000 073.30.200 Oth chocolate in blocks,slabs/bars not filled 154315432 1806.90.000 073.90.000 Sugar confectionary containing co coa in any proportion 2367 23670 Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, fruit, nuts, frui-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar 154315432 1704.10.000 062.21.000 Chewing gum, whether or not sugar coated 242324232 1704.90.110 062.29.110 Medicated sweets 154315432 1704.90.120 062.29.120 Not medicated sweets 154315432 1704.90.930 062.29.930 Raw material for cake layer cont. sugar in packing of 7 kg net / mor 154315432 1704.90.990 062.29.990 Other confectionary sugar 151315139 2006.00.000 062.10.000 Fruit,nuts,fruit-peel & oth. parts of plants, preserved by sugar 237 Macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products 2371 23710 Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared 154415440 1902.11.100 048.30.110 Macaroni 154415440 1902.11.200 048.30.120 Spaghetti 154415440 1902.11.900 048.30.190 Other paste containing eggs 154415440 1902.19.100 048.30.910 Rice vermicelli (bee hoon) 154415440 1902.19.200 048.30.920 Bean vermicelli (tang hoon) 154415440 1902.19.900 048.30.990 Other paste not containing eggs 2372 23720 Pasta, cooked, stuffed or otherwise prepared; couscous 1544 1902.20.000 098.91.200 Stuffed pasta, whether or not cookd or otherwise prepared 1544 1902.30.000 098.91.300 Other pasta 1544 1902.40.000 098.91.400 Couscous 239 Food products n.e.c. 2391 Coffee and tea 23911 Coffee, decaffeinated or roasted 011301135 0901.12.200 071.12.200 Coffee Arabica WIB, not roasted, decaffeinated 011301135 0901.12.300 071.12.300 Coffee Robusta OIB, not roasted, decaffeinated 011301135 0901.12.900 071.12.900 Other coffee Arabica and robusta, not roasted, decaffeinated 154915491 0901.21.000 071.20.210 Coffee roasted, not decaffeinated 154915491 0901.22.100 071.20.221 Coffee roasted, decaffeinated, in powder form 154915491 0901.22.900 071.20.229 Coffee roasted, decaffeinated, in other form 23912 Coffee substitutes containing coffee; extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee, and preparations with a basis thereof or with a basis or coffee; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof; coffee husks and skins 011301135 0901.90.000 071.32.000 Coffee husks and skins, coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion 154915491 2101.30.000 071.33.000 Roasted chicory and other roastedcoffee substitutes 23913 Green tea (not fermented), black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packing of a content not exceeding 3 kg 242324233 0902.10.100 074.11.100 Leaft green tea (not fermented), in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg 154915491 0902.10.200 074.11.200 Dust green tea (not fermented),

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in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg 154915491 0902.30.000 074.13.000 Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg 23914 Extracts, essences and concentrates of tea or mate, and preparations with a basis thereof or with a basis of tea or mate 154915499 2101.20.000 074.32.000 Extracts, essences & concentrates, of mate 2399 Other food products 23991 Homogenised preparations of meat, vegetables, fruit or nuts; preparations of milk, flour, meal, starch or malt extract, for infant use n.e.c. ; homogenised composite food preparations 151115112 1602.10.000 098.11.000 Homogenised preparations of meat offal or blood 151315131 2005.10.100 098.12.100 Homogenised airtight cont.not frozen 154915497 2104.20.000 098.14.000 Homogenised composite food prep. 1549 1901.10.000 098.93.000 Prep. malt extract for infant use, put up for retail sale 1549 2005.10.900 098.12.900 Homogenised oth container not frozen 1549 2007.10.000 098.13.000 Homogenised preparations 23992 Soups and broths and preparations thereof 1549 2104.10.900 098.50.900 Other soups & broths 154915497 2104.10.100 098.50.100 Soups and broths in liquid, solid or powder 23993 Eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh or preserved; egg albumin 154915499 0408.11.000 025.21.100 Egg yolks dried 154915499 0408.19.000 025.22.100 Egg yolks other than dried 154915499 0408.91.000 025.21.900 Other than egg yolks dried 154915499 0408.99.000 025.22.900 Other than egg yolks oth.than dried 1549 3502.11.000 025.30.100 Dried albumins 1549 3502.19.000 025.30.900 Other dried albumins 23994 Vinegar and substitutes therefor obtained from acetic acid 154915499 2209.00.000 098.44.000 Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid 23995 Sauces; mixed condiments; mustard flour and meal; prepared mustard 154915493 2103.10.100 098.41.100 Soya sauce sweet 154915493 2103.10.200 098.41.200 Soya sauce salted 154915493 2103.10.900 098.41.900 Other soya sauce 151315133 2103.20.100 098.42.100 Tomato sauce 151315133 2103.20.900 098.42.900 Other sauces of tomato 154915493 2103.90.400 098.49.230 Tauco 151315133 2103.90.900 098.49.900 Other sauces & preparation there of 1549 2103.20.200 098.42.200 Barbecue sauce 1549 2103.20.300 098.42.300 Sate sauce 1549 2103.30.100 098.43.100 Mustard flour and meal 1549 2103.30.200 098.43.200 Prepared mustard 1549 2103.90.300 098.49.120 Mayonnaise 23996 Yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead; prepared baking powders 154915499 2102.10.000 098.60.100 Active yeasts 154915499 2102.20.100 098.60.210 Inactive yeasts 154915499 2102.20.200 098.60.220 Other single-cell micro-organisms, dead

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154915499 2102.30.000 098.60.300 Prepared baking powders 23999 Other food products n.e.c 242324233 1302.19.000 292.94.190 Other vegetable saps and extracts 242324233 1302.39.000 292.96.900 Other mucilages & thickeners 154915496 1901.90.210 098.94.210 Kerupuk of shrimps 154915496 1901.90.290 098.94.290 Other kerupuk 154915499 2106.90.100 098.99.910 Autolysed yeast preparations 152015212 2106.90.291 098.99.922 Table cream powder having a basis of milk 154915499 2106.90.900 098.99.990 Other food preparation n.e.s 1549 1302.11.100 292.94.111 Opiatum, opium concentratum, pantopon 1549 1302.11.900 292.94.119 Other opium 1549 1302.12.000 292.94.120 Vegetable saps and extracts of liquorice 1549 1302.13.000 292.94.130 Vegetable saps and extracts of hops 1549 1302.14.000 292.94.140 Vegetable saps and extracts of pyrethrum 1549 1302.20.000 292.95.000 Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates 1549 1302.31.000 292.96.100 Agar-agar 1549 1302.32.000 292.96.200 Mucilages & thickeners, whether or not moif. derv. from locust beans 1549 1901.90.100 098.94.100 Malt extract 1549 1901.90.910 098.94.910 Other malt extract in pack. >=25 kg 1549 1901.90.990 098.94.990 Oth malt extract in other packing 1549 2106.10.000 098.99.100 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances 1549 2106.90.210 098.99.921 Non-alcoholic preparations use for making beverages in packing >=25 k 1549 2106.90.299 098.99.929 Other non-alcoholic preparations use for making beverages 1549 2106.90.300 098.99.930 Preparations used for making jellie 1549 2106.90.400 098.99.940 Sarikaya 1549 2106.90.510 098.99.510 Compound used for making beverages in packing 200 litres or net 1549 2106.90.590 098.99.590 Compound used for making beverages in other packing DIVISION 24 BEVERAGES 241 Ethyl alcohol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages 2411 24110 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume 80% vol or higher 241124119 2207.10.000 512.15.000 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by vol. >= 80 % 2412 24120 Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength 155215520 2207.20.000 512.16.000 Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength 2413 24130 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages 155115510 2208.30.000 112.41.000 Whiskies 155115510 2208.40.000 112.44.000 Rum and tafia 155115510 2208.50.000 112.45.000 Gin and geneva

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155115510 2208.70.000 112.49.920 Liqueurs and cordials 155115510 2208.90.000 112.49.990 Other undenatured ethyl alcohol 1551 2208.20.000 112.42.000 Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc 1551 2208.60.000 112.49.910 Vodka 242 Wines 2421 Wine of fresh grapes, whether or not flavoured; grape must 24211 Sparking wine of fresh grapes 155215520 2204.10.000 112.15.100 Sparkling wine 24212 Wine of fresh grapes, except sparking wine; grape must 155215520 2204.21.100 112.17.110 Wine exceeding 26 % proof spirit 155215520 2204.21.200 112.17.120 Wine not exceeding 26% proof spirit 155215520 2204.29.100 112.17.910 Wine > 26 % proof spirit in container > 2 litre 155215520 2204.29.200 112.17.920 Wine lte. 26 % proof spirit in container > 2 litre 1552 2204.21.900 112.17.190 Other wine in containers 2 litre net or more 1552 2204.29.900 112.17.990 Other compound alcoholic preparat ion 1552 2204.30.000 112.11.000 Other grape must 24213 Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plats or aromatic substances 1552 2205.10.000 112.13.000 Vermoth and other wine in container 2 litres or less 155215520 2205.90.000 112.13.900 Vermouth and other wine in contain er 2 litres net or more 2422 24220 Cider, perry, mead and other fermented beverages, except wine of fresh grapes and beer made from malt 155215520 2206.00.100 112.20.100 Cider and perry 155215520 2206.00.200 112.20.200 Sake (rice wine) 155115510 2206.00.400 112.20.400 Toddy 155215520 2206.00.500 112.20.500 Wines obtained by fermentation of juices and of juices 155215520 2206.00.900 112.20.900 Other fermented beverages 1552 2206.00.300 112.20.300 Mead 243 Malt liquors and malt 2431 24310 Beer made from malt 155315530 2203.00.000 112.30.000 Beer made from malt. 2432 24320 Malt, whether or not roasted 1553 1107.10.100 048.20.110 Malt not roasted unground 1553 1107.10.900 048.20.190 Other malt not roasted 1553 1107.20.000 048.20.200 Malt roasted 244 Soft drinks; bottled mineral waters 2441 24410 Waters (including mineral waters and aerated waters), not sweetened nor flavoured, except natural water; ice and snow 154915492 2201.90.100 111.01.910 Ice and snow 2449 24490 Other non-alcoholic beverages 155415540 2202.10.000 111.02.100 Waters, including mineral waters and aerated 155415540 2202.90.000 111.02.900 Other mineral water containing added sugar DIVISION 25 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 250 Tobacco products 2501 25010 Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes of tobacco or tobacco substitutes 160016004 2402.10.000 122.10.000 Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco

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160016002 2402.20.200 122.20.200 Machine-made glove cigarettes 160016002 2402.20.900 122.20.900 Other cigarettes 1600 2402.90.000 122.31.000 Other cigar/cigarettes of tobacco substitutes 2509 25090 Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; "homogenised" or " reconstituted" tobacco; tobacco extracts and essences 1600 2403.10.100 122.32.100 Blended tobacco of burley type 1600 2403.10.200 122.32.200 Sliced tobacco of smoking tobacco 1600 2403.10.900 122.32.900 Other manufactured tobacco 160016001 2403.91.000 122.39.100 ''homogenised'' or ''reconstituted'tobacco 160016009 2403.99.300 122.39.993 Tobacco extract and essences 160016009 2403.99.900 122.39.999 Other manufactured tobacco extract and essences DIVISION 26 YARN AND THREAD; WOVEN AND TUFTED TEXTILLE FABRICS 261 Natural textile fibres prepared for spining 2611 26110 Raw silk (not thrown) 1711 5002.00.000 261.30.000 Raw silk (not thrown) 2612 26120 Silk waste, carded or combed 171117111 5003.90.000 261.49.000 Other silk waste 2613 26130 Wool, degreased or carbonised, not carded or combed 171117111 5101.21.000 268.21.100 Shorn wool,degreased,not carbonised 171117111 5101.29.000 268.21.900 Other degreased not carbonised wool 171117111 5101.30.000 268.29.000 Carbonised wool 2614 26140 Noils of wool or of fine animal hair 171117112 5103.10.000 268.63.100 Noils of wool or fine animal hair 2615 26150 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed 171117111 5105.10.000 268.71.100 Carded wool 171117111 5105.21.000 268.71.210 Combed wool in fragments 171117111 5105.29.000 268.73.000 Other wool tops 171117111 5105.30.000 268.77.300 Fine animal hair, carded or combed 171117111 5105.40.000 268.77.400 Coarse animal hair,carded or combed 2616 26160 Cotton, carded or combed 171117111 5203.00.000 263.40.000 Cotton, carded or combed 2617 26170 Jute and other textile bast fibres (except flax, true hemp and ramie), processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres 171117112 5303.90.000 264.90.000 Jute and oth textile fibres process 2619 26190 Other vegetable textile fibres, processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres 171117111 5301.21.000 265.12.100 Flax broken or scutched 171117111 5301.29.000 265.12.900 Flax other than broken or scutched 171117112 5301.30.000 265.13.000 Flax tow and waste 171117112 5302.90.000 265.29.000 True hemp,other than raw or retted 171117112 5304.90.000 265.49.000 Textile fibres of genus agave 171117112 5305.19.000 265.79.000 Coconut fibres other than raw 171117112 5305.29.000 265.59.000 Textile fibres of abaca other raw 171117111 5305.99.000 265.89.000 Other ramie and vegetable textile fibres 262 Man-made textile staple fibres processed for spinning 2621 26210 Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning 243024302 5506.10.000 266.71.000 Synthetic staple fibre , carded of nylon or other polyamides

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243024302 5506.20.000 266.72.000 Synthetic staple fibre , carded of polyester 243024302 5506.90.000 266.79.000 Other synthetic staple fibre,carded 1711 5506.30.000 266.73.000 Synthetic staple fibred carded,combed of acrylic or modacrylic 2622 26220 Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning 243024302 5507.00.100 267.13.100 Artifical staple fibre, carded viscose rayon 243024302 5507.00.900 267.13.900 Other artifical staple fibre,carded 263 Textile yarn and thread of natural fibres 2631 26310 Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste; silkworn gut 171217121 5004.00.000 651.92.000 Silk yarn not put up for retail sale 171217121 5005.00.000 651.93.000 Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale 171217121 5006.00.100 651.94.100 Silk yarn and yarn spon from silk waste,put up for retail sale 171117112 5006.00.200 651.94.200 Silk worm gut 2632 26320 Yarn of wool, containing 85% or more by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale 171117112 5106.10.000 651.12.000 Yarn of carded wool containing >= 85% of wool 171117112 5107.10.000 651.13.000 Yarn of combed wool containing >= 85% of wool 2633 26330 Yarn of wool, containing less than 85% by weight of wool, put up for retail sale 171217121 5106.20.000 651.17.000 Yarn of carded wool containing lt. 85% of wool 171217121 5107.20.000 651.18.000 Yarn of combed wool containing lt. 85% of wool 2634 26340 Yarn of wool, not put up for retail sale; yarn of fine or coarse animal hair or of horse hair (including gimped horsehair yarn) 171117112 5108.10.000 651.14.100 Yarn of fine animal hair; carded 171217121 5108.20.000 651.14.200 Yarn of fine animal hair; combed 171117112 5109.10.000 651.16.000 Yarn of wool or fine animal hair containing >= 85% 171217121 5109.90.000 651.19.000 Other yarn of wool or fine animal hair 171117112 5110.00.100 651.15.100 Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horse hair for retail sale 171217121 5110.00.200 651.15.200 Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horse hair not for retail sale 2635 26350 Cotton sewing thread 171217121 5204.20.000 651.22.000 Sewing thread containing >= 85% of cotton, put up for retail sale 1711 5204.11.000 651.21.100 Cotton sewing thread not for retail sale containing >= 85% cotton 1711 5204.19.000 651.21.900 Cotton sewing thread not for retail sale containing lt. 85% cotton 2636 26360 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more bay weight of cotton 1711 5205.15.000 651.33.150 Single yarn of uncombed fibres not for retail sale, lt. 125 decitex 1711 5205.26.000 651.33.260 Single yarn of combed fibre not for retail sale, 106.38-125 decitex

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1711 5205.27.000 651.33.270 Single yarn of combed fibre not for retail sale, 83.33-106.38 decitex 1711 5205.28.000 651.33.280 Single yarn of combed fibre not for retail sale, lt. 83.33 decitex 1711 5205.31.000 651.33.310 Multiple yarn of uncombed fibre not for etail sale, > 714.29 decitex 1711 5205.33.000 651.33.330 Multiple yarn of uncombed fibre not for retail sale, 192.31-232.6 dec 1711 5205.34.000 651.33.340 Multiple yarn of uncombed fibre not for retail sale, 125-192.31 decit 1711 5205.35.000 651.33.350 Multiple yarn of uncombed fibre not for retail sale, lt. 125 decitex 1711 5205.41.000 651.33.410 Multiple yarn of combed fibres not for retail sale, > 714.29 decitex 1711 5205.42.000 651.33.420 Multiple yarn of combed fibres not for retail sale, 232.56-714.29 dct 1711 5205.43.000 651.33.430 Multiple yarn of combed fibres not for retail sale, 192.31-232.56 dct 1711 5205.44.000 651.33.440 Multiple yarn of combed fibres not for retail sale, 125-192.31 decitex 1711 5205.46.000 651.33.460 Multiple yarn of combed fibres not for retail sale, 106.38-125 decitex 1711 5205.47.000 651.33.470 Multiple yarn of combed fibres not for retail sale, 83.33-106.38 dct 1711 5205.48.000 651.33.480 Multiple yarn of combed fibres not for retail sale, lt. 83.33 decitex 1711 5207.10.000 651.31.300 Cotton yarn for retail sale containing 85% or more by weight of cotton 171117112 5205.11.100 651.33.111 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85% cot., lte.14 met.nbr unbleach, not merceri 171217121 5205.11.900 651.33.119 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, lte. 14 metric number , other 171117112 5205.12.100 651.33.121 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 14 lt.met.nbr lte.43,unbleach,not m 171217121 5205.12.900 651.33.129 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 14 lt. metric number lte. 43, oth 171117112 5205.13.100 651.33.131 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 43 lt.met.nbr lte.52,unbleach,not m 171217121 5205.13.900 651.33.139 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 43 lt. metric number lte. 52, oth 171117112 5205.14.100 651.33.141 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85%

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cotton, 52 lt.met.nbr lte.80,unbleach,not m 171217121 5205.14.900 651.33.149 Uncombed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 52 lt. metric number lte. 80, oth 171117112 5205.21.100 651.33.211 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cot. metr.nbr lte. 14, unbleach, not merceri 171217121 5205.21.900 651.33.219 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, metric number lte. 14, other 171117112 5205.22.100 651.33.221 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cot. 14 lt. met.nbr lte. 43,unbleach,not me 171217121 5205.22.900 651.33.229 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 14 lt. met.nbr lte. 43, other 171117112 5205.23.100 651.33.231 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cot. 43 lt. met.nbr lte. 52,unbleach,not me 171217121 5205.23.900 651.33.239 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 43 lt. met.nbr lte. 52, other 171117112 5205.24.100 651.33.241 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cot. 52 lt. met.nbr lte. 80,unbleach,not me 171217121 5205.24.900 651.33.249 Combed fibre yarn >= 85% cotton, 52 lt. met.nbr lte. 80, other 171117112 5205.32.100 651.33.321 Multi.uncomb. yarn >= 85% cot. 14 lt.met.nbr lte. 43,unbleach,not me 171217121 5205.32.900 651.33.329 Multiple uncomb. yarn >= 85% cotton14 lt. metric number lte. 43, oth 2637 26370 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85% by weight of cotton 171217121 5206.24.900 651.34.249 Combed fibre yarn lt. 85% cotton, 52 lt. met.nbr lte. 80, other 1711 5206.11.000 651.34.110 Single yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale > 714.29 decitex 1711 5206.12.000 651.34.120 Single yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, 232.56-714.29 decitex 1711 5206.13.000 651.34.130 Single yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, 192.31-232.56 decitex 1711 5206.14.000 651.34.140 Single yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, 125-192.31 decitex 1711 5206.15.000 651.34.150 Single yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, lt. 125 decitex 1711 5206.21.000 651.34.210 Single yarn combed fibres not for retail sale > 714.29 decitex 1711 5206.22.000 651.34.220 Single yarn combed fibres not for retail sale, 232.56-714.29 decitex 1711 5206.23.000 651.34.230 Single yarn combed fibres not for retail sale, 192.31-232.56 decitex 1711 5206.24.100 651.34.241 Combed fibre yarn lt. 85%

42 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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cotton 52 lt.met.nbr lte. 80,unbleach,not 1711 5206.25.000 651.34.250 Single yarn combed fibres not for retail sale, lt. 125 decitex 1711 5206.31.000 651.34.310 Multiple yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale > 714.29 decitex 1711 5206.32.000 651.34.320 Multiple yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, 232.56-714.29 deci 1711 5206.33.000 651.34.330 Multiple yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, 192.31-232.56 deci 1711 5206.34.000 651.34.340 Multiple yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, 125-192.31 decitex 1711 5206.35.000 651.34.350 Multiple yarn uncombed fibres not for retail sale, lt. 125 decitex 1711 5206.41.000 651.34.410 Multiple yarn combed fibres not for retail sale > 714.29 decitex 1711 5206.42.000 651.34.420 Multiple yarn combed fibres not for retail sale, 232.56-714.29 decitex 1711 5206.43.000 651.34.430 Multiple yarn combed fibres not for retail sale, 192.31-232.56 decitex 1711 5206.44.000 651.34.440 Multiple yarn combed fibres not for retail sale, 125-192.31 decitex 1711 5206.45.000 651.34.450 Multiple yarn combed fibres not for retail sale, lt. 125 decitex 1711 5207.90.000 651.32.000 Other cotton yarn for retail sale 2638 26380 Yarn of vegetable textile fibres other than cotton (including flax, jute, coir and true hemp); paper yarn 1711 5307.10.200 651.97.120 Single yarn of jute not for retail sale 1711 5307.10.300 651.97.130 Single yarn of jute for retail sale 1711 5307.20.200 651.97.220 Multiple yarn of jute not for re tail sale 1711 5307.20.300 651.97.290 Multiple yarn of jute for retail sale 1711 5308.30.000 651.99.300 Paper yarn 1711 5308.90.200 651.99.920 Rami yarn not for retail sale 1711 5308.90.300 651.99.930 Rami yarn for retail sale 171217121 5306.10.000 651.96.100 Flax yarn single 171117112 5306.20.100 651.96.210 Flax yarn multiple not put up for retail sale 171217121 5306.20.900 651.96.290 Flax yarn multiple for retail sale 171217121 5308.10.100 651.99.110 Coir yarn not for retail sale 171117112 5308.10.200 651.99.120 Coir yarn for retail sale 171217121 5308.20.100 651.99.210 True hemp yarn not for retail sale 171217121 5308.20.200 651.99.220 True hemp yarn for retail sale 264 Textile yarn and thread of man-made filements or staple fibres 2641 26410 Sewing thread of man-made filaments or staple fibres 171117113 5401.10.110 651.41.110 Sewing thread of nylon or other - polyamides not for retail sale 171117113 5401.10.120 651.41.120 Sewing thread of polyester not for retail sale 171117113 5401.10.190 651.41.190 Sewing thread of other synthetic filaments not for retail sale 171117113 5401.10.200 651.41.200 Sewing thread of synthetic filmt

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for retail sale 171117113 5401.20.200 651.42.200 Sewing thread of artificals filmt for retail sales 171117113 5508.10.110 651.43.110 Sewing thread contain>=85% of synthstaple fibres, not for retail sale 171117113 5508.20.200 651.44.200 Sew thred con lt.85%of art.stp fib mixwth fib ot cot,wol/ ret.s 1711 5401.20.100 651.42.100 Sewing thread of artificial filamen not put up for retail sale 1711 5508.10.190 651.43.190 Other synthetic staple fibre not for retail sale 1711 5508.10.200 651.43.200 Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibre for retail sale 1711 5508.20.100 651.44.110 Sewing thread of artificial staple fibre not put up for retail sale 2642 26420 Yarn of man-made filaments multiple or cabled (other than sewing thread, high tenacity yarn of polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon, or textured yarn), not put up for retail sale; man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale 171217121 5402.61.100 651.69.110 Multiple nylon yarn for medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.61.900 651.69.190 Multiple nylon yarn for other uses 171217121 5402.62.100 651.69.210 Multiple polyester yarn for medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.62.900 651.69.290 Multiple polyester yarn for other uses 171217121 5402.69.100 651.69.910 Other multiple yarn for medical/ surgical use 171217121 5402.69.900 651.69.990 Other multiple yarn for other uses 171217121 5403.41.000 651.76.100 Multiple yarn lt.67decitex of viscoserayon 171217121 5403.42.000 651.76.200 Multiple yarn lt.67decitex of cellulose acetate 171217121 5403.49.000 651.76.900 Multiple yarn lt.67decitex of other artifical filament 171217121 5406.10.000 651.61.000 Synthetic filament yarn 171217121 5406.20.000 651.71.000 Artificial filament yarn 2643 26430 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibres 171117112 5509.11.000 651.82.110 Single yarn contining>=85%of staplefibres of nylon or other polyamide 171217121 5509.12.000 651.82.120 Multiple/cabled yarn con>=85%of stafibres of nylon or other polyamide 171117112 5509.21.000 651.82.210 Single yarn containing >= 85% of polyester staple fibres 171217121 5509.22.000 651.82.220 Multiple/cabled yarn contain>=85%ofpolyester staple fibres 171117112 5509.31.000 651.82.310 Single yarn contin >= 85%of acrylicor modacrylic staple fibres 171217121 5509.32.000 651.82.320 Multiple/cabled yarn cont >= 85% ofacrylic or modacrylic staple fibre 171117112 5509.41.000 651.82.410 Single yarn oth yarn contain>=85%ofof synthetic staple fibres 171217121 5509.42.000 651.82.420 Multiple/cabled yarn oth yarn

44 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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cont > 85% of synthetic staple fibres 1711 5511.10.000 651.81.000 Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, cont >=85% of such fibres, for retail 2644 26440 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of such fibres 171117112 5509.51.000 651.84.510 Other yarn of polyester staple fibrmixed with artificial staple fibre 171217121 5509.52.000 651.84.520 Other yarn of polyester staple fibrmixed with wool or fine animal hai 171117112 5509.53.000 651.84.530 Other yarn of polyester staple fibrmixed mainly or solely with cotton 171217121 5509.59.000 651.84.590 Other yarn of polyester staple fibr 171117112 5509.61.000 651.84.610 Oth yarn of acry/modacry stapl fibrmixed with wool or fine animal hai 171217121 5509.62.000 651.84.620 Other yarn of acrylic or modacrylicstaple fibre mixed with cotton 171117112 5509.69.000 651.84.690 Other yarn of acrylic or modacrylicstaple fibre 171217121 5509.91.000 651.84.910 Other yarn of synthetic stple fibremixed with wool or fine animal hai 171117112 5509.92.000 651.84.920 Other yarn of synthetic stple fibremixed mainly or solely with cotton 171217121 5509.99.000 651.84.990 Other yarn of synthetic staple fibre 171217121 5511.20.100 651.83.100 Knitting yarn of synthetic staple fibres,containing lt. 85%of such fi 171217121 5511.20.900 651.83.900 Other yarn of synthetic staple fibres,containing lt. 85%of such fi 2645 26450 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibres, not put up for retail sale 171117112 5510.11.100 651.86.110 Single yarn of viscose containing>=85 % of artificial staple fibre 171217121 5510.11.900 651.86.190 Other single yarn containing>= 85 % of artificial staple fibre 1711 5510.12.000 651.86.000 Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn not for retail sale 2646 26460 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of such fibres, not put up for retail sale; yarn (other than sewing thread) of artifial staple fibres, put up for retail sale 1711 5510.20.000 651.87.200 Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with wool not for retail sale 1711 5510.30.000 651.87.300 Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with cotton not for retail sale 1711 5510.90.000 651.87.900 Other yarn of artificial staple fibre 1711 5511.30.000 651.85.000 Yarn of artificial staple fibres for retail sale 265 Woven fabrics (except special fabrics) of natural fibres other than cotton

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2651 26510 Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste 171217122 5007.10.200 654.11.200 Fabrics of noil silk; bleached 171117114 5007.20.100 654.13.100 Other fabrics containing >= 85 %; unbleached 171117114 5007.90.100 654.19.100 Other fabrics of silk or silk wasteunbleached 2652 26520 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair, containing 85% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair 171117114 5111.11.100 654.21.100 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of cardedwool of weight lte. 300 g/m2,unble 171217124 5111.11.900 654.21.400 Oth. woven fabric carded wool weighed lt. 300 g/m cont >= 85% of wool 171117114 5111.19.100 654.21.910 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of cardedwool of weight > 300 g/m2,unbleach 171217124 5111.19.900 654.21.990 Oth. woven fabric carded wool weighed > 300 g/m cont >= 85% of wool 2653 26530 Woven fabrics of cambed wool or of cambed fine animal hair, containing 85% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair 171117114 5112.11.100 654.22.110 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of combedwool of weight lte. 200g/m2, unble 171217124 5112.11.900 654.22.190 Oth. woven fabrics combed wool, we ighted lt. 200 g/m, cont >=85 % wo 171117114 5112.19.100 654.22.910 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of combedwool of a weight > 200g/m2,unbleac 171217124 5112.19.900 654.22.990 Oth. woven fabrics combed wool, we ighted >= 200 g/m, cont >=85 % wool 2654 26540 Woven fabrics of wool or fine animal hair containing less than 85% by weight of wool or fine animal hair 171217122 5111.20.100 654.31.210 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of cardedwool with man made filam., unbleac 171217124 5111.20.900 654.31.290 Other woven fabrics carded wool mixed or man-made filaments 171117114 5111.30.100 654.31.310 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of cardedwool with man made stap.fib.unblea 171117114 5111.90.100 654.33.100 Other woven fabrics of carded wool,unbleached 171117114 5112.20.100 654.32.210 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of combedwool with man made filament,unblea 171217124 5112.20.900 654.32.290 Other woven fabrics combed wool mixed or man-made filaments 171117114 5112.30.100 654.32.310 Wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of combedwool with man made fibre,unbleache 171117114 5112.90.100 654.34.100 Oth wov. fab. contain. >= 85% of combed wool, unbleached 2655 26550 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair 1711 5113.00.000 654.92.000 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair

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2656 26560 Woven fabrics of flax 1711 5309.11.000 654.41.100 Woven fabrics unbleached or bleache, containing >=85% of flax 1711 5309.19.000 654.41.900 Other woven fabrics >=85% of flax containing >=85% of flax 1711 5309.21.000 654.42.000 Woven fabrics unbleached or bleache, containing lt. 85% of flax 1711 5309.29.000 654.42.900 Other woven fabrics >=85% of flax containing lt. 85% of flax 2657 26570 Woven fabrics of jute and other textille bast fibres (except flax, true hemp and ramie) 1711 5310.10.100 654.50.110 Woven fabrics of jute unbleached plain 1711 5310.90.000 654.50.000 Other woven fabric of jute 171117114 5310.10.900 654.50.190 Woven fabrics of jute unbleached other than plain 2659 26590 Woven fabrics of other vegetable textille fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn 1711 5311.00.000 654.93.000 Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres 266 Woven fabrics (except special fabrics) of cotton 2661 26610 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weighing not more than 200 g/m2 1711 5208.19.000 652.21.900 Other fabrics unbleached 1711 5208.21.000 652.31.100 Plain weave bleached, weighing not more than 100 g/m 1711 5208.22.000 652.31.200 Plain weave bleached, weighing more than g/mì 1711 5208.29.000 652.31.900 Other fabrics bleached 1711 5208.32.000 652.32.200 Plain weave dyed, weighing more than 100 g/mì 1711 5208.49.000 652.33.900 Other fabrics of yarn of different colors 1711 5208.51.000 652.34.100 Plain weave printed, weighing not more than 100 g/m 1711 5208.52.000 652.34.200 Plain weave printed, weighing more than 100 g/mì 1711 5208.59.000 652.34.900 Other plain weave, printed 171117114 5208.11.100 652.21.110 Unbleached plain weave lte. 100 g/m2,voile or semi-voile 171117114 5208.11.900 652.21.190 Other unbleached plain weave lte. 100g/m2 171117114 5208.12.100 652.21.210 Plain weave > 100 g/m2, voile or semi-viole 171117114 5208.12.900 652.21.290 Other unbleached plain weave > 100 g/m2 171117114 5208.13.000 652.21.000 3-thread or 4-thread twill, includ.cross twill, cotton 171217122 5208.23.000 652.31.300 3-thread or 4-thread twill, includ.cross twill, bleached 171217122 5208.31.100 652.32.110 Dyed plain weave lte. 100 g/m2, voileor semi-voile 171217122 5208.31.200 652.32.120 Dyed plain weave lte. 100 g/m2, cambrics 171217122 5208.31.300 652.32.130 Dyed plain weave lte. 100 g/m2, othershirting materials 171217122 5208.31.900 652.32.190 Other, dyed plain weave lte. 100 g/m2 171217122 5208.33.000 652.32.300 3-thread or 4-thread twill, includ.cross twill, dyed

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171217124 5208.39.000 652.32.900 Other fabrics dyed 171117115 5208.41.200 652.33.120 Plain weave of dif. colour lte. 100 g/m2, ikat fabrics 171117114 5208.41.900 652.33.190 Plain weave of dif. colour lte. 100 g/m2, other 171117115 5208.42.300 652.33.230 Plain weave of dif. colour > 100 g/m2, ikat fabrics 171117114 5208.42.900 652.33.290 Plain weave of dif. colour > 100 g/m2, other fabrics 171117114 5208.43.000 652.33.300 3-thread or 4-thread twill, incl. cross twill, different colour 171217123 5208.53.000 652.34.300 3-thread or 4-thread twill, includ.cross twill, printed 2662 26620 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2 171117114 5209.12.000 652.22.200 3-thread or 4-thread twill, unbleached > 200 grams/m2 171217122 5209.22.000 652.41.200 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, bleched 171217122 5209.32.000 652.42.000 3- thread or 4- thread twill, including cross twill 171217124 5209.39.000 652.42.900 Other fabrics dyed weight > 200 g/m 171117115 5209.41.100 652.44.110 Plain weave of yarns of diff.colourikat fabrics > 200gr/m2 171117114 5209.41.900 652.44.190 Plain weave of yarns of diff.colourother plain weave >200gr/m2 171117114 5209.42.000 652.43.000 Plain weave of yarns of diff.colourdenim > 200gr/m2 171117114 5209.43.000 652.44.300 Oth.fabric of 3-thread or 4-thread twill>200 gr/m2 171217123 5209.52.000 652.45.200 3-thread or 4-thread twill,cotton> 200 gr/m2 1711 5209.11.000 652.22.100 Plain weave unbleached weight > 200 g/m2, containing >=85% cotton 1711 5209.19.000 652.22.900 Other fabrics unbleached weight > 200 g/m2 1711 5209.21.000 652.41.100 Plain weave bleached weight > 200 g/m2, containing >=85% cotton 1711 5209.29.000 652.41.900 Other fabrics bleached weight > 200 g/m2 1711 5209.31.000 652.42.100 Plain weave dyed weight > 200 g/m2 containing >=85% cotton 1711 5209.49.000 652.44.900 Other fabrics of yarn of different colors,weight>200g/m2 cont >=85% ct 1711 5209.51.000 652.45.100 Plain weave printed weight lt. 200g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotton 1711 5209.59.000 652.45.900 Other fabrics printed weight lt. 200g/m2, containinig lt. 85% cotton 2663 26630 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres 1711 5210.11.000 652.23.100 Plain weave unbleached weight lt. 200g/m2, containing lt. 85%

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cotton 1711 5210.19.000 652.23.900 Other fabrics unbleached weight lt. 200g/m2, containing lt. 85% cot 1711 5210.21.000 652.51.100 Plain weave bleached weight lt. 200g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotton 1711 5210.29.000 652.51.900 Other fabrics bleached weight lt. 200g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotto 1711 5210.31.000 652.52.100 Other fabrics dyed weight lt. 200g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotton 1711 5210.49.000 652.53.900 Other fabrics, dyed weight lt. 200g/m containing >= 85% cotton 1711 5210.51.000 652.54.100 Plain weave of yarn of different colors weight lt. 200 g/m2, cont lt 1711 5210.59.000 652.54.900 Plain weave printed, weight lt. 200g/m2, containing lte.85% cotton 1711 5211.19.000 652.24.900 Plain weave unbleached weight > 200g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotton 1711 5211.29.000 652.61.900 Plain weave bleached weight > 200 g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotton 1711 5211.49.000 652.64.900 Plain weave of yarn of different color containing lt. 85% cotton 1711 5211.51.000 652.65.100 Plain weave printed weight > 200 g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotton 1711 5211.59.000 652.65.900 Other fabric weight > 200g/m, con taining lt. 85% cotton 171117114 5210.12.000 652.23.200 Unbleached 3-thread or 4-thread twill including cross twill 171217122 5210.22.000 652.51.200 Bleached 3-thread or 4-thread twillincluding cross twill 171217122 5210.32.000 652.52.200 Dyed 3-thread or-thread twill,incl cross twill 171217124 5210.39.000 652.52.900 Plain weave dyed weight lt. 200g/m2, containing >= 85% cotton 171117115 5210.41.200 652.53.120 Ikat fabrics of yarn of diff colourcont lt.85% of cotton weight lt.200 171117114 5210.41.900 652.53.190 Other plain weave of yarn of diff color cont lt.85%of cot weight lt.2 171117114 5210.42.000 652.53.200 D e n i m 171217123 5210.52.000 652.54.200 3-thread or4-thread twill, fabrics contain lt.85% of cott weight lt.20 171117114 5211.11.000 652.24.100 Unbleached broche fabrics contains lt.85% of cotton, weight>200gr/m2 171117114 5211.12.000 652.24.200 Unbleached 3-thread or4-thread twillinc. cross twill weight > 200g/m2 171217122 5211.21.000 652.61.100 Bleaced plain weave contain

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lt.85% of cotton, weight>200gr/m2 171217122 5211.22.000 652.61.200 Bleached 3-thread or 4-thread twillcontains lt.85% of cott weight lt.2 171217122 5211.31.000 652.62.100 Dyed plain weave contain lt.85%of cottweight>200gr/m2 171217122 5211.32.000 652.62.200 Dyed 3-thread or 4-thread twill, contain lt.85% of cott weight lt.20 171217124 5211.39.000 652.62.900 Plain weave dyed weight > 200 g/m2, containing lt. 85% cotton 171117115 5211.41.200 652.64.120 Ikat fabrics of yarn diff colours contain lt.85% of cott weight lt.20 171117114 5211.41.900 652.64.190 Oth plain weave fabr yarn diff colocontain lt.85% of cott weight>200m2 171117114 5211.42.000 652.63.000 Denim of yarn diff colours cont lt.85%of cotton,weight>200gr/m2 171117114 5211.43.000 652.64.300 Other fabrics of 3 or 4thread twill 171217123 5211.52.000 652.65.200 3 or 4-thread twill,of yarn of diffcolor cont lt.85%of cot weight>200g 2669 26690 Other woven fabrics of cotton 171217124 5212.13.000 652.92.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton dyed weight lt. 200 g/m2 171117115 5212.14.300 652.93.300 Oth.woven fabrics of cott lte.200gr/m2ikat fabrics of yarn of diff col 171117114 5212.14.900 652.93.900 Oth.woven fabrics of cott lte.200gr/m2of other yarn of diff colours 171217124 5212.23.000 652.96.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton dyed weight > 200 g/m2 171117115 5212.24.400 652.97.400 Oth.woven fabrics of cott lte.200gr/m2ikat fab of yarn of diff colours 171117114 5212.24.900 652.97.900 Oth.woven fabrics of cott lte.200gr/m2of other of yarn of diff colours 1711 5212.11.000 652.25.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton unbleached weight lt. 200 g/m2 1711 5212.12.000 652.91.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton ble ached weight lt. 200 g/m2 1711 5212.15.000 652.94.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton printed weight lt. 200 g/m2 1711 5212.21.000 652.26.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton unbleached weight > 200 g/m2 1711 5212.22.000 652.95.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton ble ached weight > 200 g/m2 1711 5212.25.000 652.98.000 Other woven fabrics of cotton printed weight > 200 g/m2 267 Woven fabrics (except special fabrics) of man-made filaments and staple fibres 2671 26710 Woven fabrics of man-made filament yarn, obtained from high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, of polyesters or of viscose rayon; woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, obtained from strip or the like; woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, consisting of layers of parallel yarns superimposed on each other at angles, the layers being bonded at the

50 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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intersections of the yarns (including mesh scrims) 1711 5407.30.000 653.13.000 Fabr specifed in note 9 to sect xi 171117114 5407.10.100 653.11.100 Woven fabric from high tenancy yarnsynthetic filament yarn unbleached 171217123 5407.10.900 653.11.900 Woven fabric from high tenancy yarnof synth filmt yarn dyed,print&oth 171117114 5407.20.100 653.12.100 Woven fabr of synthetic filmnt.fromstrip unbleached 171217123 5407.20.900 653.12.900 Woven fabr of synthetic filmnt.fromstrip dyed printed and other 171117114 5408.10.100 653.51.100 Woven fabrics from high tenacity ofart filaments unbleached 171217123 5408.10.900 653.51.900 Woven fabrics from high tenacity ofart filament dyed,printed 2672 26720 Other woven fabrics of man-made filament yarn, containing 85% or more by weight of such filaments 171117114 5407.41.000 653.14.100 Woven fabr,contain>=85%of filament/nylon unbleached or bleached 171217122 5407.42.000 653.14.200 Woven fabr,contain>=85%of filament/nylon dyed 171117114 5407.43.000 653.14.300 Woven fabr,contain>=85%of filament/nylon of yarns of different colour 171117114 5407.51.100 653.15.110 Woven fabr,contain>=85%of textured polyester filament unbleached 171217122 5407.51.200 653.15.120 Woven fabr,contain>=85%of textured polyester filament bleached 171217123 5407.52.000 653.15.200 Woven fabr,contain>=85%of textured polyester filament dyed 171117114 5407.53.000 653.15.300 Woven fabr,contain>=85%of textured polyester filamnt yarn of dif colo 171117114 5407.61.000 653.16.100 Woven fabric cont >=85% non textur ed polyester 171117114 5407.71.100 653.17.110 Other woven fabric containing>= 85%of synthetic filament unbleached 171217122 5407.71.200 653.17.120 Other woven fabric containing>= 85%of synthetic filament bleached 171217122 5407.72.000 653.17.200 Other woven fabric containing>= 85%of synthetic filament dyed 171117114 5407.73.000 653.17.300 Other woven fabric containing>= 85%of synth filmnt yarn of diff colou 171117114 5408.21.100 653.52.110 Woven fabr contn>=85% of art filmntunbleached 171217122 5408.21.200 653.52.120 Woven fabr contn>=85% of art filmntbleached 171217122 5408.22.000 653.52.200 Woven fabr contn>=85% of art filmntdyed 171117114 5408.23.000 653.52.300 Woven fabr contn>=85% of art filmntof yarns of different colours

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1711 5407.44.000 653.14.400 Woven fabric printed cont >=85% fi lament or nylon 1711 5407.54.000 653.15.400 Woven fabric printed cont >=85% textured polyester 1711 5407.69.000 653.17.900 Other woven fabric cont >=85% poly ester filament 1711 5407.74.000 653.17.400 Woven fabric printed cont >=85% synthetic filament 1711 5408.24.000 653.52.400 Woven fabric printed cont >= 85 % artificial filament 2673 26730 Other woven fabrics of man-made filament yarn 1711 5407.84.000 653.18.400 Woven fabric printed cont lt. 85% synthetic filament 1711 5407.94.000 653.19.400 Other woven fabric printed of syn thetic filament yarn 1711 5408.34.000 653.59.400 Other woven fabric printed 171117114 5407.81.100 653.18.110 Other woven fabric containing lt. 85% filamnt,mixed with coton unbleac 171217122 5407.81.200 653.18.120 Other woven fabric containing>= 85%filament,mixed with cotton bleache 171217122 5407.82.000 653.18.200 Other woven fabric containing>= 85%filaments,mixed with cotton dyed 171117114 5407.83.000 653.18.300 Other woven fabric containing>= 85%film,mix with cottyarn of dif colo 171117114 5407.91.100 653.19.110 Other woven fabric of synth filmentunbleached 171217122 5407.91.200 653.19.120 Other woven fabric of synth filmentbleached 171217122 5407.92.000 653.19.200 Other woven fabric of synth filmentdyed 171117114 5407.93.000 653.19.300 Other woven fabric of synth filmentof yarns of different colours 171117114 5408.31.100 653.59.110 Other woven fabric of art filament unbleached 171217122 5408.31.200 653.59.120 Other woven fabric of art filament bleached 171217122 5408.32.000 653.59.200 Other woven fabric of art filament dyed 171117114 5408.33.000 653.59.300 Other woven fabric of art filament of yarns of different colours 2674 26740 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres 171217122 5512.11.000 653.21.000 Unbleached or bleached woven fabriccont>=85% of polyester staple fibr 171117114 5512.19.300 653.21.300 Printed fabric con>=85%of polyesterstaple fibres 171217122 5512.21.000 653.25.100 Unbleached or bleached woven fabriccont>=85%of acry/modcry staple fib 171217122 5512.91.000 653.29.000 Oth woven fabric cont>=85%of synth staple fibre unbleached or bleache 1711 5512.19.900 653.21.900 Woven fabrics, containing >= 85

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% of polyester 1711 5512.29.000 653.25.900 Woven fabrics, containing >= 85 % of acrylic or modacylic 1711 5512.99.000 653.29.900 Other of woven fabric of synthetic staple fibre 2675 26750 Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibres 1711 5516.13.000 653.60.300 Woven fabric cont>=85%of artificialfibre of yarns of different colour 1711 5516.14.000 653.60.400 Woven fabric printed, cont > 85 % artificial staple fibres 171217122 5516.11.000 653.60.100 Woven fabric cont>=85%of artificialfibre unbleached or bleached 171217122 5516.12.000 653.60.200 Woven fabric cont>=85%of artificialfibre dyed 2676 26760 Woven fabrics of man-made staple fibres, containing less than 85% of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton 171217122 5513.11.000 653.31.110 Wov fabric con lt.85%of polyester stapfibres,plain weave mix with cott 171217122 5513.12.000 653.31.120 Wov fabr con lt.85%of3 or4 thread twilof polyes stap fibr mix with cot 171217122 5513.13.000 653.31.130 Oth wov fabric con lt.85%of polyester staple fibres mixed with cotton 171217122 5513.19.000 653.32.190 Other woven fabrics contain lt.85% ofsynthetic staple fibre mix with 171217122 5513.21.000 653.31.200 Wov fabric con lt.85%of polyester stapfib,plain weave mix with coton d 171217122 5513.22.000 653.31.220 Wov fabr con lt.85%of3 or4 thread twilpolyes stap fibr mix with cott d 171217122 5513.23.000 653.31.230 Oth wov fabric con lt.85%of polyester staple fibre,mixed with cotton d 171217122 5513.29.000 653.32.290 Oth wov fabric con lt.85%of synthetic staple fibre,mixed with cotton d 171117114 5513.31.000 653.31.310 Wov fabric con lt.85%of polyes stp fibplain weave with cotton of yarn 171117114 5513.32.000 653.31.320 Wov fabr con lt.85% 3 or4 thread twillmix with cotton of yarn diff col 171117114 5513.33.000 653.31.330 Wov fabric con lt.85%of polyester stapfib,mix with cotton of yarn of d 171117114 5513.39.000 653.32.390 Oth wov fabric con lt.85%of polyes stpfibre,mix with cotton of yarn di 171117114 5514.11.000 653.33.110 Woven fabr cont lt.85% of polyes staplfibre,plain weave with cott>170g 171117114 5514.12.000 653.33.120 Woven fabr cont lt.85% of3 or4

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thread twill of poly stap fib cot>170gr 171117114 5514.13.000 653.33.130 Oth wove fabric of polyester staplefibres with cotton>70 gr/m2 171117114 5514.19.000 653.34.190 Other woven fabrics cont lt.85% of synthetic staple fib with cot>170gr 171217122 5514.21.000 653.33.210 Wov fab con lt.85%of poly stap fibres,plain weave with cott>170gr/m2 d 171217122 5514.22.000 653.33.220 Woven fab con lt.85% 3 or4thread twillpolyes staple fib with cot>170gr 171217122 5514.23.000 653.33.230 Oth wov fabric con lt.85%of polyester staple fib,with cotton>170g/m2 d 171217122 5514.29.000 653.34.290 Oth wov fabric con lt.85%of synthetic staple fib,with cotton>170g/m2 d 171117114 5516.41.000 653.81.100 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibr with cott.unbleached/bleach 171217122 5516.42.000 653.81.200 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre with cotton dyed 171117114 5516.43.000 653.81.300 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre with cott yarn of diff col 1711 5513.41.000 653.31.410 Plain weave printed weight lt. 170 g/m2 of polyester staple fibre 1711 5513.42.000 653.31.420 Woven fabric of 3-thread or 4-thred twill weight lt. 170 g/m2 1711 5513.43.000 653.31.430 Other woven fabrics of polyester staple printed weight lt. 170 g/m2 1711 5513.49.000 653.32.490 Other woven fabrics printed weight lt. 170 g/m2 1711 5514.31.000 653.33.310 Wov fabr cont lt.85%of polyes stap fibplain weave with cot>170g/m2dif 1711 5514.32.000 653.33.320 Wov fabr con lt.85%3 or4thread twill of poly stap fib with cott>170gr 1711 5514.33.000 653.33.330 Oth woven fabric of polyester staplfibre with cott>170gr/m2 diff.colo 1711 5514.39.000 653.34.390 Other woven fabric cont>85%of synthfibre with cott>170gr/m2 diff.colo 1711 5514.41.000 653.33.410 Plain weave printed weight > 170 g/m2 of polyester staple fibre 1711 5514.42.000 653.33.420 Woven fabric of 3-thread or 4-thred twill weight > 170 g/m2 1711 5514.43.000 653.33.430 Other woven fabrics of polyester staple printed weight > 170 g/m2 1711 5514.49.000 653.34.490 Other woven fabrics printed weight > 170 g/m2

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1711 5516.44.000 653.81.400 Woven fabric printed, cont lt. 85 % artificial mixed with cotton 2677 26770 Woven fabrics of man made staple fibres, containing less than 85% of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair 1711 5515.13.000 653.41.130 Woven fabric mixed mainly with wool or fine animal hair of polyester 1711 5515.22.000 653.41.220 Woven fabric mixed mainly with wool or fine animal hair of acrylic 1711 5515.92.000 653.41.920 Other woven fabric mixed mainly w/ wool or fine animal hair of synth 1711 5516.34.000 653.82.400 Woven fabric printed, cont lt. 85 % artificial mixed with wool 171117114 5516.31.000 653.82.100 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibr with wool unbleached/bleach 171217122 5516.32.000 653.82.200 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre with wool dyed 171117114 5516.33.000 653.82.300 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre with wool yarn of diff col 2679 26790 Other woven fabrics of man-made staple fibres 171117114 5516.21.000 653.83.100 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibr with filmen unbleached/blea 171217122 5516.22.000 653.83.200 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre with filament dyed 171117114 5516.23.000 653.83.300 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre with filmn yarn of diff co 171117114 5516.91.000 653.89.100 Oth woven fabric cont lt.85%of artificfibre with unbleached or bleache 171217122 5516.92.000 653.89.200 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre dyed 171117114 5516.93.000 653.89.300 Woven fabric cont lt.85% of artificialfibre yarn of diff colours 1711 5515.11.000 653.43.000 Other woven fabric mixed mainly with viscose rayon 1711 5515.12.000 653.42.120 Woven fabric mixed mainly with man-made filament of polyester staple 1711 5515.19.000 653.43.190 Other woven fabric of polyester staple fibres 1711 5515.21.000 653.42.210 Woven fabric mixed mainly with man-made filament of acrylic staple fbr 1711 5515.29.000 653.43.290 Other woven fabric of acrylic sta ple fibres 1711 5515.91.000 653.42.910 Other woven fabric mixed mainly w/ man-made filament of synthetic st 1711 5515.99.000 653.43.990 Other woven fabric of synthetic staple, nes 1711 5516.24.000 653.83.400 Woven fabric printed, cont lt. 85 % artificial mixed with man-made f 1711 5516.94.000 653.89.400 Other woven fabric printed of arti

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ficial staple fibres 268 Special fabrics 2681 26810 Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics (other than terry towelling and narrow fabrics) of cotton 1711 5801.21.000 652.14.100 Uncut weft pile fabrics 1711 5801.22.000 652.15.200 Cut corduroy 1711 5801.23.000 652.15.300 Other weft pile fabrics of cotton 1711 5801.24.000 652.14.400 Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut) of cotton 1711 5801.25.000 652.15.500 Warp pile fabrics, cut of cotton 1711 5801.26.000 652.15.600 Chenille fabrics 2682 26820 Woven pile fabrics and chenile fabrics (other than terry towelling and narrow fabrics) of man-made fibres 1711 5801.31.000 653.91.100 Uncut weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres 1711 5801.32.000 653.93.200 Cut corduroy of man made fibre 1711 5801.33.000 653.93.300 Other weft pile fabrics of man-made fibre 1711 5801.34.000 653.91.400 Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut) of man made fibres 1711 5801.35.000 653.93.500 Warp pile fabrics, cut of man-made fibre 1711 5801.36.000 653.93.600 Chenille fabric of warp pile fabriccut 2683 26830 Other woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics (other than terry towelling and narrow fabrics) 1711 5801.10.200 654.35.200 Tennis ball melton cloth of wool or fine animal hair 1711 5801.10.900 654.35.900 Other woven pile fabrics of wool orfine animal hair 1711 5801.90.000 654.95.000 Other woven pile of other textile materials 2684 26840 Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics (other than narrow fabrics) of cotton 1711 5802.11.000 652.12.000 Unbleached terry towelling &similar 1711 5802.19.000 652.13.000 Other terry towelling and similar 2685 26850 Other terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics (other than narrow fabrics) 1711 5802.20.000 654.96.000 Terry towelling and similar of oth.textile materials 2686 26860 Gauze (other then narrow fabrics) of cotton 1711 5803.10.100 652.11.100 Unbleached,not mercerised gauze of cotton 1711 5803.10.900 652.11.900 Other gauze of cotton 2687 26870 Other gauze (other than narrow fabrics) 1711 5803.90.000 654.94.000 Gauze of other textile materials 2688 26880 Tufted textile fabrics, other than carpets 1711 5802.30.000 654.97.000 Tufted textile fabrics 2689 26890 woven fabrics (including narrow fabrics) of glass fibres 1711 7019.40.000 654.60.400 Woven fabrics of rovings 1711 7019.51.000 654.60.100 Other woven fabrics of glass fibreswith a width not exceeding 30 cm 1711 7019.52.000 654.60.200 Other woven fabrics of glass fibreswith a width > 30 cm, plain weave 261026129 7019.59.000 654.60.900 Other woven fabrics of glass fibres DIVISION 27 TEXTILE ARTICLES OTHER THAN APPAREL 271 Made-up textille articles

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2711 27110 Blankets and travelling rugs (except electric blankets) 173017304 6301.20.000 658.31.000 Blankets (other than electric blankets) & travelling rugs of wool 173017304 6301.30.000 658.32.000 Blankets (other than electric blanket) & travelling rug of cotton 172117211 6301.40.100 658.33.100 Blankets of synthetic fibres of nonwoven fabrics 172117211 6301.40.900 658.33.900 Other blankets of synthetic fibres 172117211 6301.90.100 658.39.100 Other blankets and travelling rugs of non woven fabrics 172117211 6301.90.900 658.39.900 Other blankets and travelling rugs 2712 27120 Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen 173017304 6302.10.000 658.41.000 Bed linen, knitted or crocheted 172117211 6302.21.100 658.42.211 Other bed linen,printed of cotton batik 172117211 6302.21.900 658.42.219 Other bed linen,printed of cotton other than batik 172117211 6302.22.100 658.43.221 Other bed linen,printed of non woven fabrics 172117211 6302.22.910 658.43.228 Other bed linen,printed of man madefibres batik 172117211 6302.22.990 658.43.229 Other bed linen,printed of man madefibres other than batik 172117211 6302.29.100 658.43.291 Other bed linen,printed of other textile materials batik 172117211 6302.29.900 658.43.299 Other bed linen,printed of other textile materials other than batik 172117211 6302.31.000 658.42.310 Other bed linen of cotton batik 172117211 6302.32.100 658.43.321 Other bed linen of non woven fabrics 172117211 6302.32.900 658.43.320 Other bed linen of man made fabrics 172117211 6302.39.000 658.43.390 Other bed linen of other textile materials 173017304 6302.40.000 658.44.000 Table linen, knitted or crocheted 172117211 6302.51.100 658.45.511 Other table linen of cotton batik 172117211 6302.51.900 658.45.519 Other table linen of cotton other than batik 172117211 6302.52.100 658.46.521 Other table linen of flax batik 172117211 6302.52.900 658.46.529 Other table linen of flax other than batik 172117211 6302.53.910 658.46.538 Other table linen of man made fibrebatik 172117211 6302.53.990 658.46.539 Other table linen of man made fibreother than batik 172117211 6302.59.100 658.46.591 Other table linen of other textile materials batik 172117211 6302.59.900 658.46.599 Other table linen of other textile materials other than batik 172117211 6302.60.100 658.47.610 Toilet linen and kitchen linen batik 172117211 6302.60.900 658.47.690 Toilet linen and kitchen linen other than batik 173017304 6302.91.100 658.47.911 Other linen of cotton of knitted orcrocheted 172117211 6302.91.910 658.47.991 Other linen batik

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172117211 6302.91.990 658.47.999 Other linen other than batik 173017304 6302.92.100 658.48.921 Toilet linen and kitchen linen of flax of knitted or crocheted 172117211 6302.92.910 658.48.928 Toilet linen and kitchen linen of flax batik 172117211 6302.92.990 658.48.929 Toilet linen and kitchen linen of flax other than batik 172117211 6302.93.100 658.48.931 Toilet linen & kitchen linen of nonwoven fabrics 173017304 6302.93.200 658.48.932 Toilet linen & kitchen linen of manmade fibres knitted or crocheted 172117211 6302.93.990 658.48.939 Toilet linen & kitchen linen of manmade fibres other than batik 173017304 6302.99.100 658.48.991 Toilet linen & kitchen linen of othtextile mat'l knitted or crocheted 172117211 6302.99.910 658.48.998 Toilet linen and kitchen linen of other textile materials batik 172117211 6302.99.990 658.48.999 Toilet linen & kitchen linen of othtextile materials 1721 6302.53.100 658.46.531 Other table linen of non woven fabrics 2713 27130 Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds; curtains or bed valances 173017304 6303.11.000 658.51.110 Curtains knitt or crocheted of cott 173017304 6303.12.000 658.51.120 Curtains knitted or crocheted of synthetic fibres 173017304 6303.19.000 658.51.190 Curtains knitted or crocheted of other textile materials 172117211 6303.91.000 658.51.910 Curtains not knitted or crocheted of cotton 172117211 6303.92.000 658.51.920 Curtains not knitted or crocheted of synthetic fibres 172117211 6303.99.000 658.51.990 Curtains not knitted or crocheted of other textile materials 2714 27140 Other furnishing articles n.e.c.; sets of woven fabric and yarn for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale 173017304 6304.11.000 658.52.100 Bedspreads knitted or crocheted 172117211 6304.19.100 658.52.910 Bedspreads of non woven fabrics 172117211 6304.19.200 658.52.920 Bedspreads of cotton 172117211 6304.19.900 658.52.990 Bedspreads of other fibre 173017304 6304.91.000 658.59.100 Other furnishing articles knitted or crocheted 172117211 6304.92.900 658.59.290 Other furnishing articles of notknitted or crocheted,of cotton 172117211 6304.93.000 658.59.300 Other furnishing articles of notknitted/crocheted,of synthetic fib 172117211 6304.99.000 658.59.900 Other furnishing articles of notknitt/crocheted,of oth textile mat 172117211 6308.00.000 658.99.000 Sets consisting of woven fab & yarnfor making up into rug,tapestries 1721 5805.00.000 658.91.000 Hand-woven tapestries of the type gobelins,flanders,and like 1721 6304.92.110 658.59.211 Other furnishing articles of felt impregnated with tar

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1721 6304.92.191 658.59.218 Other furnishing articles of other felt weighing >= 750 grams 1721 6304.92.199 658.59.219 Other furnishing articles of other felt other weight 2715 27150 Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods 1721 6305.10.000 658.11.000 Sacks and bags of a kind used for packing of goods of jute 1721 6305.32.100 658.13.210 Sacks and bags of a kind used for packing of goods of non woven fabr. 1721 6305.32.200 658.13.220 Sacks and bags of a kind used for pack. of goods, knitted or croch. 1721 6305.32.300 658.13.930 Sacks and bags of a kind used for pack. of goods not elastics 1721 6305.32.900 658.13.290 Sacks and bags of a kind used for pack. of other man made text.mater. 1721 6305.33.100 658.13.310 Sacks & bag of akind used for pack.of good of polyethylene,knit/croch. 1721 6305.33.900 658.13.390 Sacks & bag of akind used for pack.of good of polyethyl.not knit/croch 172117215 6305.20.100 658.12.100 Knitted or crocheted sacks and bagsof cotton 172117215 6305.20.900 658.12.900 Other sacks and bags of cotton 172117215 6305.39.100 658.13.910 Other sacks and bags of non wovenfabrics 172117215 6305.39.200 658.13.920 Knitted or crocheted other than sacks and bags 172117215 6305.39.900 658.13.990 Other sacks and bags of other man- made textile materials 172117215 6305.90.100 658.19.100 Knitted or crocheted of oth textilematerials 172117215 6305.90.900 658.19.900 Other sack and bag of other textilematerials 2716 27160 Tarpaulins, sails for boats etc., awnings, sunblinds, tents and camping goods (including pneumatic mattresses) 172117211 6306.21.000 658.22.100 Tents of cotton 172117211 6306.22.000 658.22.200 Tents of synthetic fibres 172117211 6306.29.000 658.22.900 Tents of other textile materials 172117211 6306.31.000 658.23.100 Sails of synthetic fibres 172117211 6306.41.000 658.24.100 Pneumatic mattresses of cotton 172117211 6306.49.100 658.24.910 Pneumatic mattresses of non woven fabrics 172117211 6306.49.900 658.24.990 Other pneumatic mattresses of othertextile materials 1721 6306.11.000 658.21.100 Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds of cotton 1721 6306.12.000 658.21.200 Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds of synthetic fibres 1721 6306.19.000 658.21.900 Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds of other textile materials 1721 6306.39.000 658.23.900 Sails of other textile materials 1721 6306.91.000 658.29.100 Camping goods of cotton 1721 6306.99.100 658.29.910 Camping goods of non woven fabrics 1721 6306.99.900 658.29.990 Other camping goods of other

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textilmaterials 2717 27170 Parachutes 172117211 8804.00.000 899.96.000 Parachutes rotochutes;parts thereofand accesories 2718 27180 Quits, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows, sleeping bags and the like, fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics 1721 9404.30.000 821.27.000 Sleeping bags 1721 9404.90.000 821.29.000 Other mattress supports 2719 27190 Other made-up textile articles (including floor cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths, life-jackets and life-belts) 1721 6307.20.000 658.93.100 Life-jackets and life-belts 1721 6307.90.110 658.93.911 Oth.made up articles of felt impregnated with tar 1721 6307.90.191 658.93.918 Oth.made up articles of other felt weighing >= 750 grams 1721 6307.90.199 658.93.919 Oth.made up articles of other felt other weight 1721 6307.90.200 658.93.200 Other made up articles of non wovenfabrics 172117211 6307.10.110 658.92.110 Floor-cloths,dish-cloths, dusters of felt impregnated with tar 172117211 6307.10.191 658.92.191 Floor-cloths,dish-cloths, dusters of other felt weighing >=750 grams 172117211 6307.10.199 658.92.199 Floor-cloths,dish-cloths, dusters of other felt other weight 172117211 6307.10.200 658.92.200 Floor-cloths,dish-cloths, dusters of non woven fabrics 172117211 6307.10.900 658.92.900 Oth.floor-cloth,dish-cloths,dusters 173017304 6307.90.300 658.93.930 Other made up articles of knitted or corcheted fabrics elastic 173017304 6307.90.400 658.93.940 Other made up articles of knitted or corcheted fabrics non elastic 172117211 6307.90.900 658.93.990 Other than made up articles 272 Carpets and other textille floor coverings 2721 27210 Carpets and other textille floor coverings, knotted 172217220 5701.10.000 659.21.000 Carpet and the like of wool or fineanimal hair 172217220 5701.90.000 659.29.000 Carpet and the like of oth textile materials 2722 27220 Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked 172217220 5702.10.000 659.30.000 "kelem","schumacks","karamanie "and similiar hand-woven rugs 172217220 5702.20.000 659.59.200 Floor coverings of coconut fibres 172217220 5702.31.000 659.51.310 Carpt&the like pile con not made upof wool or fine animal hair 172217220 5702.32.000 659.52.320 Carpt&the like pile con not made upof man-made textile materials 172217220 5702.39.000 659.59.390 Carpt&the like pile con not made upof other textile materials 172217220 5702.41.000 659.51.410 Carpets&the like pile cons. made upof wool or fine animal hair 172217220 5702.42.000 659.52.420 Carpets&the like pile cons. made upof man-made textile materials 172217220 5702.49.000 659.59.490 Carpets&the like pile cons. made upof other textile materials 172217220 5702.51.000 659.51.510 Carpet&the like not con.not made upof wool or fine animal hair 172217220 5702.52.000 659.52.520 Carpet&the like not con.not made

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upof man-made textile materials 172217220 5702.59.000 659.59.590 Carpet&the like not con.not made upof other textile materials 172217220 5702.91.000 659.51.910 Carpet&the like not of cons.made upof wool or fine animal hair 172217220 5702.92.000 659.52.920 Carpet&the like not of cons.made upof man-made textile materials 172217220 5702.99.000 659.59.990 Carpet&the like not of cons.made upof other textile materials 2723 27230 Carpets and other textille floor coverings, tufted 172217220 5703.90.910 659.49.910 Carpets and the like of silk,noil or other waste silk 1722 5703.10.000 659.41.000 Carpet tufted of wool or fine ani mal hair 1722 5703.20.000 659.42.000 Carpet tufted of nylon or other po lyamides 1722 5703.30.000 659.43.000 Carpet tufted of other man-made textile materials 1722 5703.90.100 659.49.100 Carpet tufted with backing of felt or non woven 1722 5703.90.990 659.49.990 Carpets and the like of oth matrial 2729 27290 Other carpets and textille floor coverings (including those of felt) 1722 5704.90.000 659.61.900 Other carpet not tufted 172217220 5704.10.000 659.61.100 Tiles of felt not tufted or flocked lte. 0,3 m2 172217220 5705.00.100 659.69.100 Oth carpets of wool or fine animal hair 172217220 5705.00.200 659.69.200 Other carpets whether or not made up, of man-made fibres 172217220 5705.00.300 659.69.300 Other carpets of silk, noil or oth waste silk 172217220 5705.00.900 659.69.900 Other carpets of other materials 273 Twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof (including netting) 2731 27310 Twine, cordage, rope and cables 172317231 5607.21.000 657.51.210 Binder or baler twine of sisal 172317231 5607.29.000 657.51.290 Other binder of oth fibre of genus agave 172317231 5607.90.000 657.51.900 Oth twine,cordage and cable coveredwith rubber or plastics 1723 5607.10.000 657.51.100 Twine of jute or other textile bast fibres of heading 53.03 1723 5607.30.000 657.51.300 Twine of abaca (manila hemp or musa textilles nee) 1723 5607.41.000 657.51.410 Binder or baler twine poliethylene 1723 5607.49.000 657.51.490 Other binder of polypropylene 1723 5607.50.000 657.51.500 Twine,cordage and cable of other- synthetic fibres 2732 27320 Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made up nets of textille materials; articles of yarn, strip, twine, cordage, rope or cables n.e.c. 1723 5609.00.000 657.59.000 Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading 54.04 or 54.05 172317232 5608.11.000 657.52.110 Made up fishing net of textile mat. 172317232 5608.19.000 657.52.190 Other made up nets of tex materials 172317232 5608.90.000 657.52.900 Other knitted netting of twine, cordage or rape 279 Textille n.e.c.

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2791 Tulles, lace, narrow woven fabrics, trimmings and embroidery 27911 Narrow woven fabrics; narrow fabrics or warp without weft assembled by adhesive (bolducs); labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, not embroidered; braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings in the piece, without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted; tassels, pompons and similar articles 172917291 5806.31.200 656.13.120 Narrow woven fabrics for typewriterribbons with out ink 172917291 5806.31.300 656.13.130 Ribbon for slide fasteners with onereinforced edge of width lte.12 mm 172917291 5806.32.200 656.13.220 Narrow woven fabric for type-writerribbons with out ink of webbing 172917291 5806.32.300 656.13.230 Ribbons for slide fastener with onerainforced edge of width lte.12mm w 172917291 5806.39.200 656.13.920 Narrow woven fabric for type-writerof textile material 172917291 5806.39.300 656.13.930 Ribbons for slide fastener with onereinforced edge of width lte.12mm t 172917293 5807.10.000 656.21.000 Woven badges and similar 172917291 5807.90.900 656.29.900 Labels , badges and similar of other material 1729 5806.10.000 656.11.000 Woven pile fabrics &chenille fabric 1729 5806.20.000 656.12.000 Oth.woven fabrics,containing>=50%ofelasto metric yarn or rubber thread 1729 5806.31.110 656.13.111 Webbings for use in covering pipingand the like 1729 5806.31.190 656.13.119 Webbing other than in the heading n0. 58.07 1729 5806.31.900 656.13.190 Other webbing fabrics 1729 5806.32.110 656.13.211 Webbing of man made fibre for use in covering piping,and the like 1729 5806.32.190 656.13.219 Webbing of man made fibre for otheruse 1729 5806.32.900 656.13.290 Other webbing of man made fibre 1729 5806.39.110 656.13.911 Webbing of textile mat.for use in covering piping,and the like 1729 5806.39.190 656.13.919 Other webbing of textile material for other use 1729 5806.39.900 656.13.990 Other webbing of textile materials 1729 5806.40.000 656.14.000 Fabrics consisting of warp without weft assemb by means of an adhesiv 1729 5807.90.200 656.29.200 Labels , badges and similar of non woven 1729 5808.10.100 656.32.110 Braids in the piece combined with rubber theads 1729 5808.10.900 656.32.190 Braids in the piece combined with other material 1729 5808.90.100 656.32.910 Ornamental trimming in the piece combined with rubber threads 1729 5808.90.900 656.32.990 Other ornam.trimming in the piece combined with other materials

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27912 Tulles and other net fabrics, except woven knitted or crocheted fabrics; lace in the piece in strips or in motifs 1729 5804.10.000 656.41.000 Tulles and other net fabrics 1729 5804.21.000 656.42.100 Mechanically of man-made fibres 1729 5804.29.000 656.42.900 Mechanically of oth textil material 1729 5804.30.000 656.43.000 Hand-made lace 27913 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs 172917293 5810.10.000 656.51.000 Embroidery without visible ground 172917293 5810.91.000 656.59.100 Other embroidery of cotton 172917293 5810.92.000 656.59.200 Oth embroidery of man-made fibres 172917293 5810.99.000 656.59.900 Other embroidery of other textile materials 2792 Felt and nonwoves 27921 Felt 172917294 5602.10.000 657.11.000 Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics 172917294 5602.21.100 657.12.110 Oth felt of wool weighing>=750gr/m2 172917294 5602.29.100 657.12.910 Oth felt of tex mat.weigh>=750gr/m2 172917294 5602.90.100 657.19.100 Felt impregnated with tar or similar subtances 172917294 5602.90.900 657.19.900 Other felt,not imprenated,covered or laminated 1729 5602.21.900 657.12.190 Other felt of wool 1729 5602.29.900 657.12.990 Other felt of textile material 27922 Nonwovens 1729 5603.11.000 657.20.100 Non woven fabric weighing lt. 25 g/mì of man-made filament 1729 5603.12.000 657.20.200 Non woven fabric weighing 25 - 70 g/mì of man-made filament 1729 5603.13.000 657.20.300 Non woven fabric weighing 70 - 150 g/mì of man-made filament 1729 5603.14.000 657.20.400 Non woven fabric weighing > 150 g/m of man-made filament 1729 5603.91.000 657.20.910 Other non woven fabric weighing lt. 25 g/mì 1729 5603.92.000 657.20.920 Other non woven fabric weighing 25 - 70 g/mì 1729 5603.93.000 657.20.930 Other non woven fabric weighing 70 - 150 g/mì 1729 5603.94.000 657.20.940 Other non woven fabric weighing > 150 g/m2 2799 Other textile articles 27991 Wadding of textile materials and articles thereof; textille fibres not exceeding 5 mm in length (flock), textile dust and mill neps 1729 5601.21.000 657.71.210 Wadding of cotton 1729 5601.22.000 657.71.220 Wadding of man-made fibres 1729 5601.30.000 657.71.300 Textile flock and dust and mill nep 172117212 5601.10.000 657.71.100 Sanitary towels and tampons, napkin 172117212 5601.29.000 657.71.290 Other articles of wadding 27992 Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn and strip, impregnated or covered with rubber or plastics 251925199 5604.10.000 657.81.000 Rubber thread and cord, textile -

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covered 242324232 5604.90.100 657.89.100 Imitation catgut of silk 1729 5604.20.000 657.85.000 High tenacity yarn of polyester, ofnylon or oth impregnated or coated 1729 5604.90.900 657.89.900 Other rubber thread and cord 27993 Metallised yarn 1729 5605.00.000 651.91.000 Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn 27994 Woven fabrics of metal thread or metallised yarn n.e.c. 1729 5809.00.000 654.91.000 Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabr of metallised yarn hd 5 27995 Gimped yarn and strip; chenille yarn; loop wale yarn 1729 5606.00.000 656.31.000 Gimped yarn, and strip and the likeof heading 54.04 or 54.05 27996 Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon 1729 5902.10.110 657.93.111 Rubberised tyre cord of nylon chafer canvas type 1729 5902.10.190 657.93.119 Rubberised tyre cord of nylon other type 1729 5902.10.900 657.93.190 Other tyre cord fabric of nylon or polyamides 1729 5902.20.110 657.93.211 Rubberised tyre cord of polyesterchafer canvas type 1729 5902.20.190 657.93.219 Rubberised tyre cord of polyesterother type 1729 5902.20.900 657.93.290 Other tyre cord fabric of polyester 1729 5902.90.111 657.93.911 Rubberised tyre cord of artificialfibre chafer canvas type 1729 5902.90.119 657.93.919 Rubberised tyre cord of artificialfibre other type 1729 5902.90.190 657.93.990 Other tyre cord of artificial fibre 1729 5902.90.911 657.93.991 Other rubberised tyre cord fabric chafer canvas type 1729 5902.90.919 657.93.998 Other rubberised tyre cord fabric other type 1729 5902.90.990 657.93.999 Other rubberised tyre cord fabric 27997 Textile fabrics, impregnated, coated or covered n.e.c. 1729 5901.10.000 657.31.000 Textile fabrics coated with gum or amycaceous substances 1729 5901.90.000 657.31.900 Tracing cloth;prepared painting canvas and similar 1729 5907.00.110 657.34.110 Textile fabrics other coated with tar, bitumen or similar products 1729 5907.00.120 657.34.120 Textile fabrics other coated with wax 1729 5907.00.130 657.34.130 Textile fabrics other coated with oil or prep with a basis of dry oi 1729 5907.00.140 657.34.140 Flocked velvet,convered with texti-le flock 1729 5907.00.190 657.34.190 Textile fabrics other coated with other subtances 252025202 5903.10.000 657.32.100 Textile fabrics impregnated,coated with polyvinyl chloride 252025202 5903.20.000 657.32.200 Textile fabrics

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impregnated,coated with polyurethane 252025202 5903.90.000 657.32.900 Textile fabrics impregnated,coated with other plastics 172917292 5907.00.200 657.34.200 Painted canvas being theatrical scenery,studio back cloth or the like 27998 Textile products and aricles for technical uses (including wicks, gas mantles hosepiping, transmission or converyor belts, bolting cloth and straining c;oth 172917299 5909.00.900 657.91.900 Other hosepiping and similar 1729 5908.00.000 657.72.000 Text. wicks,woven,plaited or knitt.for lamps,stoves,lighters,candles 1729 5909.00.100 657.91.100 Fire hoses 1729 5910.00.000 657.92.000 Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material 1729 5911.10.000 657.73.100 Textile fabrics,felt woven fabric used for card clothing 1729 5911.20.000 657.73.200 Bolting cloth,whether /not made up 1729 5911.31.000 657.73.310 Textile fabrics and felt use in - paper making weighing lt. 650 gr/m2 1729 5911.32.000 657.73.320 Textile fabrics and felt use in - paper making weighing > 650 gr/m2 1729 5911.40.000 657.73.400 Straining cloth of a kind used in oil presses or the like 1729 5911.90.000 657.73.900 Other of textile products & articlefor technical uses 27999 Quilted textile products in the piece n.e.c. 1729 5811.00.000 657.40.000 Quilted textile products in thepiece,compas of layer of textil ma DIVISION 28 KNITTED OR CROCHETED FABRICS; WEARING APPAREL 281 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 2811 28110 Pile fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or crocheted 1730 6001.10.910 655.11.910 Long pile fabrics, oth than of syntfibre,unbleached,not mercerised 1730 6001.10.990 655.11.990 Other long pile fabrics,other than of synthetic fibre 1730 6001.22.300 655.12.230 Looped pile fabrics of man-made fibres unbleached, not mercerised 1730 6001.22.900 655.12.290 Looped pile fabrics of man-made fibres bleached and mercerised 1730 6001.29.200 655.12.920 Looped pile fabrics of oth textile materials unbleached,not mercerised 1730 6001.29.900 655.12.990 Looped pile fabrics of oth textile materials bleached, mercerised 1730 6001.92.300 655.19.230 Terry & oth pile fabric of man-madefibres unbleached, not mercerised 1730 6001.92.900 655.19.290 Terry & oth pile fabric of man-madefibres bleached and mercerised 1730 6001.99.200 655.19.920 Terry & oth pile fabric of

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man-madematerials unbleached,not mercerised 1730 6001.99.900 655.19.990 Terry & oth pile fabric of man-madematerials bleached, mercerised 173017301 6001.10.310 655.11.310 "long pile "fabr of synthetic fibreunbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6001.10.390 655.11.390 Other"long pile" fabr of synthetic fibre 173017301 6001.21.100 655.12.110 Looped pile fabrics of cotton unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6001.21.900 655.12.190 Other looped pile fabrics of cotton 173017301 6001.91.100 655.19.110 Other pile fabrics of cotton unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6001.91.900 655.19.190 Other pile fabrics of cotton 2819 28190 Other kniited or crocheted fabrics 173017301 6002.41.100 655.23.110 Warp knitted of wool unbleached,notmercerised 173017301 6002.41.900 655.23.190 Other warp knitted of wool 173017301 6002.42.100 655.23.210 Warp knitted of cott.unbleached,notmercerised 173017301 6002.42.900 655.23.290 Other warp knitted of cotton 173017301 6002.43.110 655.23.311 Warp knitted of synthetic fibre unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6002.43.190 655.23.319 Other warp knitted of synthetic fibre 173017301 6002.43.210 655.23.321 Other knitted of artificial fibres unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6002.43.290 655.23.329 Other knitted of artificial fibres 173017301 6002.49.100 655.23.910 Warp knitted of man made fibre unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6002.49.900 655.23.990 Other warp knitted of man made fibre 173017301 6002.91.100 655.29.110 Other fabrics of wool unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6002.91.900 655.29.190 Other fabrics of wool 173017301 6002.92.100 655.29.210 Other fabrics of cotton unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6002.92.900 655.29.290 Other fabrics of cotton 173017301 6002.93.110 655.29.311 Other fabrics of synthetic fibre unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6002.93.190 655.29.319 Other fabrics of synthetic fibre 173017301 6002.93.210 655.29.321 Other fabrics of artificial fibre unbleached, not mercerised 173017301 6002.93.290 655.29.329 Other fabrics of artificial fibre 173017301 6002.99.100 655.29.910 Other fab unbleached,not mercerised 173017301 6002.99.900 655.29.990 Other fabrics 1730 6002.10.500 655.21.150 Oth knitt/croch fabrc width lte. 30cmw/ >=5% of weight unblch,not mer 1730 6002.10.900 655.21.190 Oth knitt/croch fabrc width lte. 30cmw/ >=5% of weight blched, mercrs 1730 6002.20.500 655.21.250 Oth knitt/croch fabrc width lte. 30cmw/ lt.5% of weight unblch,not m 1730 6002.20.900 655.21.290 Oth knitt/croch fabrc width lte. 30cmw/ lt.5% of weight blched,

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merc 1730 6002.30.500 655.22.500 Oth knitt/croch fabrc width > 30cm w/ >=5% of weight unblch,not mercsd 1730 6002.30.600 655.22.600 Oth knitt/croch of syn fbr wdt>30cmw/ >=5% of weight dyed 1730 6002.30.900 655.22.900 Oth knitt/croch fabrc width > 30cm w/ >=5% of weight bleached, mercsd 282 Wearing apparel, except fur apparel 2821 28210 Panty hose, tights stocking, socks and other hosiery, knitted or crocheted 1730 6115.91.000 846.29.100 Foot wear with out soles of wool or fine animal hair 1730 6115.92.100 846.29.210 Foot wear with out soles containing rubber threads 1730 6115.92.900 846.29.220 Oth footwear without soles of cotton 1730 6115.93.000 846.29.300 Foot wear with out sofes soles of synthetic fibres 1730 6115.99.000 846.29.900 Foot wear with out sofes soles of other textile materials 173017302 6115.11.000 846.21.100 Panty hose & tights of synth.fibres, measur.per single yarn lt.67deci 173017302 6115.12.000 846.21.200 Panty hose & tights of synth.fibres, measur. per sing.yarn >=67decitex 173017302 6115.19.000 846.21.900 Panty hose & tights of oth.textile materials 173017303 6115.20.000 846.22.000 Women full-length hosiery lt.67decitex 2822 Wearing apparel, knitted or crocheted 28221 Men's or boys' suits, coats, jackets, trousers, shorts and the like, knitted or crocheted 173017302 6101.10.000 843.10.100 Man's or boy's overcoats,knitted orcrocheted of wool/ fine animal hai 173017302 6101.20.000 843.10.200 Man's or boy's overcoats,knitted orcrocheted of cotton 173017302 6101.90.000 843.10.900 Man's or boy's overcoats,knitted orcrocheted of other textile materia 173017302 6103.11.000 843.21.100 Knitted or crocheted suits, of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6103.12.000 843.21.200 Knitted or crocheted suits, of synthetic fibres 173017302 6103.19.100 843.21.910 Knitted or crocheted suits, of coton 173017302 6103.19.900 843.21.990 Knitted or crocheted suits, of other fibres 173017302 6103.21.000 843.22.100 Men's ensemble knitted or crochetedof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6103.22.000 843.22.200 Men's ensemble knitted or crochetedof cotton 173017302 6103.23.000 843.22.300 Men's ensemble knitted or crochetedof synthetic fibres 173017302 6103.31.000 843.23.100 Men's jacket&blazers knitt/crocheteof wool or fine

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animal hair 173017302 6103.32.000 843.23.200 Men's jacket&blazers knitt/crocheteof cotton 173017302 6103.33.000 843.23.300 Men's jacket&blazers knitt/crocheteof synthetic fibres 173017302 6103.41.000 843.24.100 Men's trousers knitted or crochetedof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6103.42.000 843.24.200 Men's trousers knitted or crochetedof cotton 173017302 6103.43.000 843.24.300 Men's trousers knitted or crochetedof synthetic fibre 1810 6101.30.000 843.10.300 Men's or boy's overcoats,car-coats,capes,etc. of man made fibres 1810 6103.29.000 843.22.900 Men's / boy's suits,ensemble,jacketblazers,etc. of oth.textile material 1810 6103.39.000 843.23.900 Man's or boy's jackets and blazers of other textile materials 1810 6103.49.000 843.24.900 Men'/boy' trouser,bib&brace overallbreeches & shorts of oth.tex.mat. 28222 Men's or boys' shirts, underpants, pyjamas, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 1810 6105.20.000 843.79.000 Men's or boy's shirts, knitted or crocheted of man-made fibres 1810 6107.12.000 843.81.200 Men's or boy's underpants, briefs, nightshirts,etc. of man made fibres 173017302 6105.10.000 843.71.000 Man's or boys shirts of cotton 173017302 6105.90.000 843.79.900 Man's or boy's shirts of other textile materials 173017302 6107.11.000 843.81.100 Underpants and briefs of cotton 173017302 6107.19.100 843.81.910 Underpants&briefs of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6107.19.900 843.81.990 Underpants&briefs of other fibres 173017302 6107.21.000 843.82.100 Night shirts and pyjamas of cotton 173017302 6107.22.000 843.82.200 Nightshirts and pyjamas of man-made fibres 173017302 6107.29.100 843.82.910 Night shirts and pyjamas of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6107.29.900 843.82.990 Night shirts and pyjamas of other fibres 173017302 6107.91.000 843.89.100 Man's bath robes ,dressing gown of cotton 173017302 6107.92.000 843.89.200 Men's or boy's bathrobes & sim.artcknit/croch. of man made fibres 173017302 6107.99.100 843.89.910 Man's bath robes ,dressing gown of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6107.99.900 843.89.990 Man's bath robes ,dressing gown of other fibres 28223 Women's or girls' suits, coats, jackets, dresses, skirts, trousers, shorts and the like, knitted or crocheted 173017302 6102.10.000 844.10.100 Woman's or girls overcoats,knitt orcrocheted of wool/ fine animal hai

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173017302 6102.20.000 844.10.200 Woman's or girls overcoats,knitt orcrocheted of cotton 173017302 6102.90.000 844.10.900 Woman's or girls overcoats,knitt orcrocheted of other textile materia 173017302 6104.11.000 844.21.100 Women's suits knitted or crocheted of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6104.12.000 844.21.200 Women's suits knitted or crocheted of cotton 173017302 6104.13.000 844.21.300 Women's suits knitted or crocheted of synthetic fibres 173017302 6104.21.000 844.22.100 Women's ensemble knitt or crochetedof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6104.22.000 844.22.200 Women's ensemble knitt or crochetedof cotton 173017302 6104.23.000 844.22.300 Women's ensemble knitt or crochetedof synthetic fibres 173017302 6104.31.000 844.23.100 Women's jacket&blazer knitt/crochetof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6104.32.000 844.23.200 Women's jacket&blazer knitt/crochetof cotton 173017302 6104.33.000 844.23.300 Women's jacket&blazer knitt/crochetof other textile materials : 173017302 6104.41.000 844.24.100 Women's dress knitted or crocheted of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6104.42.000 844.24.200 Women's dress knitted or crocheted of cotton 173017302 6104.43.000 844.24.300 Women's dress knitted or crocheted of synthetic fibres 173017302 6104.44.000 844.24.400 Women's dress knitted or crocheted of artificial fibres 173017302 6104.49.000 844.24.900 Women's dress knitted or crocheted of other textile materials 173017302 6104.51.000 844.25.100 Women's skirt÷d knitt/crochetof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6104.52.000 844.25.200 Women's skirt÷d knitt/crochetof cotton 173017302 6104.53.000 844.25.300 Women's skirt÷d knitt/crochetof synthetic fibres 173017302 6104.61.000 844.26.100 Women's trouser&short knitt/crochetof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6104.62.000 844.26.200 Women's trouser&short knitt/crochetof cotton 173017302 6104.63.000 844.26.300 Women's trouser&short knitt/crochetof synthetic fibres 1810 6102.30.000 844.10.300 Women's / girl's overcoats,car-coatcapes,etc. of man made fibres 1810 6104.19.000 844.21.900 Women's or girl's suits, ensembles,jackets,dresses,etc.of oth.tex.mate

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1810 6104.29.000 844.22.900 Women's or girl's ensembles of other textile materials 1810 6104.39.000 844.23.900 Jackets of other textile materials 1810 6104.59.000 844.25.900 Skirts and divided skirts of other textile materials 1810 6104.69.000 844.26.900 Women/girl trouser,bib & brace overbreec,short of wool/fine animalhair 28224 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts, petticoats panties, nightdresses, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 1810 6106.20.000 844.70.200 Womens or girl's blouses, knitted or crocheted of man-made fibres 1810 6108.22.000 844.82.200 Briefs and panties of man-made fibres 173017302 6106.10.000 844.70.100 Women's or girl's blouses, shirtsof cotton 173017302 6106.90.100 844.70.910 Women's or girl's blouses, shirtsof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6106.90.900 844.70.990 Women's or girl's blouses, shirtsof other fibres 173017302 6108.11.000 844.81.100 Women's slips and patticoats of man-made fibres 173017302 6108.19.100 844.81.910 Women's slips and patticoats of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6108.19.900 844.81.990 Women's slips and patticoats of other fibres 173017302 6108.21.000 844.82.100 Women's briefs and panties of cotton 173017302 6108.29.100 844.82.910 Women's briefs and panties of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6108.29.900 844.82.990 Women's briefs and panties of other fibres 173017302 6108.31.000 844.83.100 Women's night dreses and pyjamas of cotton 173017302 6108.32.000 844.83.200 Women's & girl's nightdreses and pijamas of man-made fibres 173017302 6108.39.100 844.83.910 Women's night dreses and pyjamas of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6108.39.900 844.83.990 Women's night dreses and pyjamas of other fibres 173017302 6108.91.000 844.89.100 Men's negliges,bathrobes,dress gownof cotton 173017302 6108.92.000 844.89.200 Women' / girl' bathrobes & sim.artcknit/croch. of man made fibres 173017302 6108.99.100 844.89.910 Men's negliges,bathrobes,dress gownof wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6108.99.900 844.89.990 Men's negliges,bathrobes,dress gownof other fibres 181018101 6208.19.000 842.81.900 Slips and petticoats of other textile materials 181018101 6208.22.000 842.82.200 Nightdresses and pijamas of man made fibres 181018101 6208.91.100 842.89.110 Panties of cotton 28225 T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted 173017302 6109.10.100 845.40.110 Single of cotton 173017302 6109.10.900 845.40.190 T-shirt other vests,of cotton 173017302 6109.90.100 845.40.910 Singlets of other textile materials

70 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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173017302 6109.90.900 845.40.990 T-shirts other vests of other textile materials 181018101 6208.92.000 842.89.200 Women's/girl's singlets & oth vestsnot knit/croch. of man made-fibres 181018101 6208.99.900 842.89.990 Women's/girl's singlets & oth vestsnot knit/croch. of other fibres 28226 Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 173017302 6110.10.000 845.30.100 Jerseys , pullovers , cardigans of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6110.20.000 845.30.200 Jerseys , pullovers , cardigans of cotton 173017302 6110.30.000 845.30.300 Jersey, pullovers, etc knitted or crocheted of man made fibres 173017302 6110.90.000 845.30.900 Jerseys , pullovers , cardigans of other textile materials 28227 Babies' garments and clothing accessories knitted or crocheted 173017302 6111.10.100 845.12.110 Gloves, mittens and mitts of wool or fine animal hair for baby 173017302 6111.10.200 845.12.120 Stocking,under stocking,socks,anklesock of wool/fine for baby 173017302 6111.10.300 845.12.130 Panty hose (tights) of wool or fineanimal hair for baby 173017302 6111.10.400 845.12.140 Underpant and brief of wool or fineanimal hair for baby 173017302 6111.10.500 845.12.150 Jerseys,pullovers,shipover,for baby 173017302 6111.10.600 845.12.160 Bathing costumes and trunk for baby 173017302 6111.10.900 845.12.190 Other babies garments 173017302 6111.20.000 845.12.200 Babies' garments and cloth.access. knitted or crochetted of cotton 173017302 6111.30.000 845.12.300 Babies' garments and cloth.access. knitted or croch. of synth. fibres 173017302 6111.90.000 845.12.900 Babies' garments and cloth.access. knitted or croch. of oth.text.mate. 28228 Track suits, ski suits, swimwear and other garments, knitted or crocheted n.e.c. 173017302 6112.11.000 845.91.100 Tracks suits of cotton 173017302 6112.12.000 845.91.200 Tracks suits of synthetic fibres 173017302 6112.19.000 845.91.900 Track suits, ski suits & swimwear, knitted or croch. of oth.text.mate. 173017302 6112.20.000 845.92.000 Ski suits 173017302 6112.31.000 845.62.100 Ski suits men's or boy's swimwear of synthetic fibres 173017302 6112.39.000 845.62.900 Ski suits men's or boy's swimwear of other textile materials 173017302 6112.41.000 845.64.100 Ski suits women's or girl's swim wear of synthetic fibres 173017302 6112.49.000 845.64.900 Ski suits women's or girl's swim wear of other textile materials 173017302 6114.10.000 845.99.100 Other garments knitted or crochetedof wool or fine animal hair

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173017302 6114.20.000 845.99.200 Other garments knitted or crochetedof cotton 173017302 6114.30.000 845.99.300 Other garments knitted or crochetedof man-made fibres 173017302 6114.90.000 845.99.900 Other garments knitted or crochetedof other textile materials 28229 Gloves, shawls, scarves, veils, ties, cravats and other made-up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted; kniited or crocheted parts of garments or of clothing accessories 173017302 6116.10.000 846.91.000 Glove impregnated,coated or coveredwith plastics or rubber 173017302 6116.91.000 846.92.100 Mittens and mitts,of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6116.92.000 846.92.200 Mittens and mitts,of cotton 173017302 6116.93.000 846.92.300 Mittens and mitts,of synthetic fibre 173017302 6116.99.000 846.92.900 Mittens and mitts,of other textile materials 173017302 6117.10.000 846.93.000 Shawls, scarves,mufflers,mantillas,veils and the like 173017302 6117.20.100 846.94.100 Ties, bow ties and cravats of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6117.20.900 846.94.900 Ties, bow ties and cravats of other fibres 173017302 6117.80.100 846.99.810 Other clothing accessories of wool or fine animal hair 173017302 6117.80.900 846.99.890 Other clothing accessories of other fibres 173017302 6117.90.000 846.99.900 Other made up clothing accessories,knitted or crocheted & parts 2823 Wearing apparel, of textille fabric, not knitted or crocheted; brassieres, corsets, suspenders and similar articles, whether or knitted or crocheted 28231 Men's or boy's suits, coats, jackets, trousers, shorts and the like, of textile fabric, not knitted or crocheted 181018101 6201.11.000 841.11.000 Overcoats,raincoats,car-coats,cap es,etc. of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6201.12.100 841.12.210 Men's overcoats,raincoats of cottonbatik 181018101 6201.12.900 841.12.290 Men's overcoats,raincoats of cottonother than batik 181018101 6201.13.100 841.12.310 Men's overcoats,raincoats of man- made fibre batik 181018101 6201.13.990 841.12.399 Other men's overcoat of man made fibres 181018101 6201.19.100 841.12.910 Men's overcoats,raincoats of other textile materials batik 181018101 6201.19.900 841.12.920 Other men's overcoat, raincoat of oth textil mat.fibre oth than bati 181018101 6201.91.000 841.19.100 Overcoats,raincoats,car-coats,cap es,etc. of man made fibres of batik 181018101 6201.92.100 841.19.210 Sarung batik of cotton for man 181018101 6201.92.200 841.19.220 Kain panjang batik of cotton for man 181018101 6201.92.900 841.19.290 Other of cotton other tanh batik 181018101 6201.93.100 841.19.310 Men's wind cheater,wind jacket of man made fibres batik

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181018101 6201.93.990 841.19.399 Other man's wind-jacket of man made fibres 181018101 6201.99.100 841.19.910 Men's wind cheater,wind jacket of other textile materials batik 181018101 6201.99.900 841.19.990 Men's wind cheater,wind jacket of oth textile material oth.than bati 181018101 6203.11.100 841.21.100 Men's suits of wool or fine animal hair batik 181018101 6203.11.900 841.21.900 Men's suits of wool or fine animal hair other than batik 181018101 6203.12.100 841.22.210 Men's suits of synthetic fibres batik 181018101 6203.12.900 841.22.290 Men's suits of synthetic fibres other than batik 181018101 6203.19.110 841.22.911 Men's suits of cotton batik 181018101 6203.19.190 841.22.919 Men's suits of cotton other than batik 181018101 6203.19.210 841.22.921 Man's suits of manmade fibres batik 181018101 6203.19.290 841.22.929 Man's suits of manmade fibres batikother than batik 181018101 6203.19.910 841.22.991 Man's suits of other fibres batik 181018101 6203.19.990 841.22.999 Man's suits of other fibres batik other than batik 181018101 6203.21.000 841.23.100 Men's or boy's ensembles of wool orfine animal hair 181018101 6203.22.100 841.23.210 Men's ensembles of cotton batik 181018101 6203.22.900 841.23.290 Men's ensembles of cotton other than batik 181018101 6203.23.100 841.23.310 Men's ensembles of synthetic fibresbatik 181018101 6203.23.900 841.23.390 Men's ensembles of synthetic fibresother than batik 181018101 6203.29.100 841.23.910 Men's ensembles of other textile materials batik 181018101 6203.29.900 841.23.990 Men's ensembles of other textile materials other than batik 181018101 6203.31.000 841.30.100 Men's or boy's jackets and blazers of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6203.32.100 841.30.210 Men's jackets & blazers of cotton batik 181018101 6203.32.900 841.30.290 Men's jackets & blazers of cotton other than batik 181018101 6203.33.100 841.30.310 Men's jacket & blazers of syntheticfibre batik 181018101 6203.33.900 841.30.390 Men's jacket & blazers of syntheticfibre other than batik 181018101 6203.39.100 841.30.910 Men's jacket&blazers of oth.textilematerials batik 181018101 6203.39.900 841.30.990 Men's jacket&blazers of oth.textilematerials other than batik 181018101 6203.41.000 841.40.100 Men/boy trouser, bib & brace overaletc. of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6203.42.100 841.40.210 Men's trousers and shorts of cottonbatik 181018101 6203.43.100 841.40.310 Men's trousers&shorts of synthetic fibre batik

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181018101 6203.49.100 841.40.910 Men's trousers and shorts of other textile materials batik 1810 6201.13.910 841.12.391 Men's flyers coverall-overcoat of man made fibres 1810 6201.92.300 841.19.230 Other outer garments of batik of cotton for man 1810 6201.92.400 841.19.240 Sarung pelekat of cotton for man 1810 6201.93.910 841.19.391 Men's flyers coverall-wind-jacket of man made fibres 1810 6203.42.900 841.40.290 Men's trousers and shorts of cottonother than batik 1810 6203.43.910 841.40.391 Men's flyers coverall trousers of synthetic fibres 1810 6203.43.990 841.40.399 Other men's trousers of synthetics fibres 1810 6203.49.900 841.40.990 Men's trousers and shorts of other textile materials other than batik 28232 Men's or boys' shirts, singlets, underpants pyjamas, dressing gowns and similar articles of textile fabric, not knitted or crocheted 1810 6205.30.200 841.59.300 Men's or boy's shirts of man made fibres 181018101 6205.10.000 841.59.100 Men's or boy's shirts of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6205.20.000 841.51.000 Men's or boy's shirts of cotton 181018101 6205.30.100 841.59.310 Men's or boy's shirts of synthetic fibre 181018101 6205.90.000 841.59.900 Men's or boy's shirts of other textile materials 181018101 6207.11.000 841.61.100 Underpants and briefs of cotton 181018101 6207.19.000 841.61.900 Men's or boy's underpants & briefs of cotton 181018101 6207.21.000 841.62.100 Nightshirt's and pyjamas of cotton 181018101 6207.22.000 841.62.200 Men's or boy's nightshirts & pijamaof man made fibres 181018101 6207.29.000 841.62.900 Nightshirt's and pyjamas of other textile materials 181018101 6207.91.100 841.69.110 Men's or boy's articles of cotton batik 181018101 6207.91.900 841.69.190 Men's or boy's articles of cotton other than batik 181018101 6207.92.110 841.69.211 Men's or boy's article of syntheticfibres batik 181018101 6207.92.190 841.69.219 Men's or boy's article of syntheticfibres other than batik 181018101 6207.92.910 841.69.291 Men's or boy's articles of other fibres batik 181018101 6207.92.990 841.69.299 Men's or boy's articles of other fibres other than batik 181018101 6207.99.100 841.69.910 Men's or boy's articles of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6207.99.910 841.69.991 Men's or boy's articles of other textile material batik 181018101 6207.99.990 841.69.999 Men's or boy's articles of other textile material other than batik 28233 Women's or girls' suits, coats, jackets, dresses, skirts, trousers, short and the like, of textille fabric, not knitted or crocheted 181018101 6202.11.100 842.11.110 Women's overcoats,raincoats of

74 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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woolfine or animal hair batik 181018101 6202.11.900 842.11.120 Women's overcoats,raincoats of woolfine or animal hair oth.than batik 181018101 6202.12.100 842.11.210 Women's overcoats,raincoats of cotton batik 181018101 6202.12.900 842.11.290 Women's overcoats,raincoats of cotton other than batik 181018101 6202.13.100 842.11.310 Women's overcoats,raincoats of man-made fibres batik 181018101 6202.13.990 842.11.399 Other women's overcoat of man made fibres 181018101 6202.19.100 842.11.910 Women's overcoats,raincoat of othertextile materials batik 181018101 6202.19.900 842.11.990 Women's overcoats,raincoat of othertextil materials other than batik 181018101 6202.91.100 842.19.110 Women's wind cheater,wind jacket ofwool fine or animal hair batik 181018101 6202.91.900 842.19.190 Women's wind cheater,wind jacket ofwool fine animal hair ot.than bati 181018101 6202.92.300 842.19.230 Other outer garments of batik of cotton for women 181018101 6202.92.900 842.19.290 Other of cotton for women 181018101 6202.93.100 842.19.310 Women's wind cheater,wind jacket ofman made fibres batik 181018101 6202.93.990 842.19.399 Other women's wind-jacket of man made fibres 181018101 6202.99.100 842.19.910 Women's wind cheater,wind jacket ofother textile materials batik 181018101 6202.99.900 842.19.990 Women's wind cheater,wind jacket ofoth textil materials oth than bati 181018101 6204.11.000 842.21.100 Women's or girl's suits,ensembles, etc. of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6204.12.100 842.21.210 Women's suits of cotton batik 181018101 6204.12.900 842.21.290 Women's suits of cotton other thanbatik 181018101 6204.13.100 842.21.310 Women's suits of synthetic fibres batik 181018101 6204.13.900 842.21.390 Women's suits of synthetic fibres other than batik 181018101 6204.19.100 842.21.910 Women's suits of other textile materials batik 181018101 6204.19.900 842.21.990 Women's suits of other textile materials other than batik 181018101 6204.21.000 842.22.100 Women ensemble of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6204.22.100 842.22.210 Women's ensembles of cotton batik 181018101 6204.22.900 842.22.290 Women's ensembles of cotton other than batik 181018101 6204.23.100 842.22.310 Women's ensembles of synthetic fibre batik 181018101 6204.23.900 842.22.390 Women's ensembles of synthetic

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 75 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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fibre other than batik 181018101 6204.29.100 842.22.910 Women ensembles of other textile materials batik 181018101 6204.29.900 842.22.990 Women ensembles of other textile materials other than batik 181018101 6204.31.000 842.30.100 Women jacket of wool or fine animalhair 181018101 6204.32.100 842.30.210 Women's jackets of cotton batik 181018101 6204.32.900 842.30.290 Women's jacket of cotton other thanbatik 181018101 6204.33.100 842.30.310 Women's jackets of synthetic fibresbatik 181018101 6204.33.900 842.30.390 Women's jackets of synthetic fibresother than batik 181018101 6204.39.100 842.30.910 Women's jackets of other textile materials batik 181018101 6204.39.900 842.30.990 Women's jackets of other textile materials other than batik 181018101 6204.41.000 842.40.100 Dresses of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6204.42.100 842.40.210 Women's dresses of cotton batik 181018101 6204.42.900 842.40.290 Women's dresses of cotton other than batik 181018101 6204.43.100 842.40.310 Women's dresses of synthetic fibresbatik 181018101 6204.43.900 842.40.390 Women's dresses of synthetic fibresother than batik 181018101 6204.44.100 842.40.410 Women's dresses of artificial fibrebatik 181018101 6204.44.900 842.40.490 Women's dresses of artificial fibreother than batik 181018101 6204.49.100 842.40.910 Women's dresses of other textile materials batik 181018101 6204.49.900 842.40.990 Women's dresses of other textile materials other than batik 181018101 6204.51.000 842.50.100 Skirts and divided skirts of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6204.52.100 842.50.210 Women's skirts & divided skirts ofcotton batik 181018101 6204.52.900 842.50.290 Women's skirts & divided skirts ofof cotton other than batik 181018101 6204.53.100 842.50.310 Women's skirts & divided skirts ofsynthetic fibres batik 181018101 6204.53.900 842.50.390 Women's skirts & divided skirts ofsynthetic fibres other than batik 181018101 6204.59.100 842.50.910 Women's skirts & divided skirts ofother textile materials batik 181018101 6204.59.900 842.50.990 Women's skirts & divided skirts ofoth textile material oth than bati 181018101 6204.61.000 842.60.100 Women/girl' trousers, bib and braceoverall of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6204.62.100 842.60.210 Women's trousers&shorts of cotton batik 181018101 6204.62.900 842.60.290 Women's trousers&shorts of cotton other than batik 181018101 6204.63.100 842.60.310 Women's trousers&short of

76 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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syntheticfibre batik 181018101 6204.63.990 842.60.399 Other women's trousers of fibres 181018101 6204.69.100 842.60.910 Women's trouser and short of other textile materials batik 181018101 6204.69.900 842.60.990 Women's trouser and short of other textile materials other than batik 1810 6202.13.910 842.11.391 Women's flyers coverall of man made fibres 1810 6202.92.100 842.19.210 Sarung batik of cotton for women 1810 6202.92.200 842.19.220 Kain panjang batik of cotton for women 1810 6202.92.400 842.19.240 Sarung pelekat of cotton for women 1810 6202.93.910 842.19.391 Women's flyers coverall-wind-jacket of man made fibres 1810 6204.63.910 842.60.391 Women's flyers coverall trousers of synthetic fibres 28234 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts, singlets, petticoats, panties, nightdresses, dressing gowns and similar articles, of textille fabric, not knitted or crocheted 181018101 6206.10.110 842.70.111 Blouses of silk or silk waste batik 181018101 6206.10.190 842.70.119 Blouses of silk or silk waste other than batik 181018101 6206.10.910 842.70.191 Shirt and shirt blouses batik 181018101 6206.10.990 842.70.199 Shirt& shirt blouses oth than batik 181018101 6206.20.000 842.70.200 Women's or girl's blouses, etc. of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6206.30.110 842.70.311 Blouses of cotton batik 181018101 6206.30.190 842.70.319 Blouses of cotton other than batik 181018101 6206.30.910 842.70.391 Shirt&shirt blouses of cotton batik 181018101 6206.30.990 842.70.399 Shirt&shirt blouses of cotton otherthan batik 181018101 6206.40.110 842.70.411 Blouses of man made fibres batik 181018101 6206.40.190 842.70.419 Blouses of man-made fibre other than batik 181018101 6206.40.910 842.70.491 Shirt and shirt blouses of man madefibres batik 181018101 6206.40.990 842.70.499 Shirt and shirt blouses of man madefibres other than batik 181018101 6206.90.110 842.70.911 Blouses of other textile materials batik 181018101 6206.90.190 842.70.919 Blouses of other textile materials other than batik 181018101 6206.90.910 842.70.991 Shirt and shirt blouses of other textile materials batik 181018101 6206.90.990 842.70.999 Shirt and shirt blouses of other textile materials other than batik 28235 Babies' garments and clothing accessories, of textile fabric, not knitted or crocheted 181018101 6209.10.100 845.11.110 Coat and jackets of wool or fine animal hair 181018101 6209.10.900 845.11.190 Oth. babies garments and clothing accessories of wool/fine animalhair 181018101 6209.20.110 845.11.211 Coats and jackets of cotton batik

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for baby 181018101 6209.20.190 845.11.219 Coats and jackets of cotton other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.210 845.11.221 Suit and costumes of cotton batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.290 845.11.229 Suit and costumes of cotton other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.310 845.11.231 Dresses of cotton batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.390 845.11.239 Dresses of cotton other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.410 845.11.241 Skrits of cotton batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.490 845.11.249 Skrits of cotton other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.510 845.11.251 Blouses of cotton batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.590 845.11.259 Blouses of cotton other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.20.900 845.11.290 Oth. babies garments and clothing accessories of cotton 181018101 6209.30.110 845.11.311 Coats and jackets of synthetic fibres batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.190 845.11.319 Coats and jackets of synthetic fibres other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.210 845.11.321 Suit and costumes of synthetic fibres batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.290 845.11.329 Suit and costumes of synthetic fibres other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.310 845.11.331 Dresses of synthetic fibres batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.390 845.11.339 Dresses of synthetic fibres other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.410 845.11.341 Shirts of synthetic fibres batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.490 845.11.349 Shirts of synthetic fibres other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.510 845.11.351 Blouses of synthetic fibres batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.590 845.11.359 Blouses of synthetic fibres other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.30.900 845.11.390 Oth. babies garments and clothing accessories of synthetic fibres 181018101 6209.90.110 845.11.911 Coats and jackets of other textile materials batik for baby 181018101 6209.90.190 845.11.919 Coats and jackets of other textile materials other than batik for bab 181018101 6209.90.210 845.11.920 Suit and costumes of other textile materials batik for baby 181018101 6209.90.290 845.11.929 Suit and costumes of other textile materials other than batik for bab 181018101 6209.90.310 845.11.931 Dresses of other textile materials batik for baby 181018101 6209.90.390 845.11.939 Dresses of other textile materials other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.90.410 845.11.941 Shirts of other textile materials batik for baby 181018101 6209.90.490 845.11.949 Shirts of other textile materials other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.90.510 845.11.951 Blouses of other textile materials batik for baby

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181018101 6209.90.590 845.11.959 Blouses of other textile materials other than batik for baby 181018101 6209.90.900 845.11.990 Oth. babies garments and clothing accessories of oth textile material 28236 Track suits, ski suits, swimwear and other garments, of textile fabric, not knitted or crocheted n.e.c 181018101 6211.11.110 845.61.110 Swim wear men's or boy's of cotton batik 181018101 6211.11.190 845.61.190 Swim wear men's or boy's of cotton other than batik 181018101 6211.11.210 845.61.210 Swim wear mens/boys of man-made fibbatik 181018101 6211.11.290 845.61.290 Swim wear mens/boys of man-made fibother than batik 181018101 6211.11.910 845.61.910 Swim wear mens/boys of other fibresbatik 181018101 6211.11.990 845.61.990 Swim wear mens/boys of other fibresother than batik 181018101 6211.12.100 845.63.100 Women's or girls' swim wear of woolor fine animal hair 181018101 6211.12.210 845.63.210 Swim wear womens or girls of cottonbatik 181018101 6211.12.290 845.63.290 Swim wear womens or girls of cottonother than batik 181018101 6211.12.310 845.63.310 Swim wear women's or girl's of man made fibres batik 181018101 6211.12.390 845.63.390 Swim wear women's or girl's of man made fibres other than batik 181018101 6211.12.910 845.63.910 Swim wear women's or girl's of oth.fibres batik 181018101 6211.12.990 845.63.990 Swim wear women's or girl's of oth.fibres other than batik 181018101 6211.20.100 845.81.100 Ski suits wool or fine animal hair batik 181018101 6211.20.900 845.81.900 Ski suits of other fibres 181018101 6211.31.000 845.87.100 Other garments,men's or boy of woolor fine animal hair 181018101 6211.32.100 845.87.210 Other garments,men's or boy's of cotton batik 181018101 6211.32.900 845.87.290 Other garments,men's or boy's of cotton other than batik 181018101 6211.33.100 845.87.310 Other garments,men's or boy's of man made fibres batik 181018101 6211.33.900 845.87.390 Other garments,men's or boy's of man made fibres other than batik 181018101 6211.39.100 845.87.910 Other garments,men's or boy's of other textile materials batik 181018101 6211.39.900 845.87.990 Other garments,men's or boy's of oth textile material oth.than bati 181018101 6211.41.000 845.89.100 Tracks suits & other garments for women/girl of wool/fine animal hair 181018101 6211.42.100 845.89.210 Other garments,women's or girl's ofcotton batik 181018101 6211.42.900 845.89.290 Other garments,women's or girl's ofcotton other than batik 181018101 6211.43.100 845.89.310 Other garments,women's or girl's ofman made fibres batik

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181018101 6211.43.900 845.89.390 Other garments,women's or girl's ofman made fibres other than batik 181018101 6211.49.100 845.89.910 Other garments,women's or girl's ofother textile materials batik 181018101 6211.49.900 845.89.990 Other garments,women's or girl's ofoth textile material oth.than bati 28237 Brassieres, girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders, garters and similar articles and parts thereof, whether or not knitted or crocheted 181018101 6212.10.000 845.51.000 Brassieres 181018102 6212.20.000 845.52.200 Girdles and panty-girdles 181018101 6212.30.000 845.52.300 Corselettes 181018101 6212.90.000 845.52.900 Braces, suspenders, garters & sim. articels & parts thereof 28238 Handkerchief, shawls, scarves, veils, ties, cravats, gloves and other made-up clothing accessories, of textile fabric, not knitted or crocheted; parts of garments or of clothing accessories, of textille fabric, not knitted or crocheted n.e.c. 181018101 6213.10.100 846.11.110 Handkerchiefs of silk or silk wastebatik 181018101 6213.20.100 846.11.210 Handkerchiefs of cotton batik 181018101 6213.90.110 846.11.911 Handkerchiefs of man- made fibres batik 181018101 6213.90.910 846.11.991 Handkerchiefs of other fibres batik 181018102 6214.10.100 846.12.110 Shawl,scarves of silk or silk wastebatik 181018101 6214.10.900 846.12.190 Shawl,scarves of silk or silk wasteother than batik 181018102 6214.20.100 846.12.210 Shawl,scarves of wool/fine animal hair batik 181018101 6214.20.900 846.12.290 Shawl,scarves of wool/fine animal hair other than batik 181018102 6214.30.100 846.12.310 Shawl,scarves of synthetic fibres batik 181018101 6214.30.900 846.12.390 Shawl,scarves of synthetic fibres other than batik 181018102 6214.40.100 846.12.410 Shawl,scarves of artificial fibres batik 181018101 6214.40.900 846.12.490 Shawl,scarves of artificial fibres other than batik 181018102 6214.90.110 846.12.911 Shawl,scarves of other textile materials batik 181018101 6214.90.190 846.12.919 Shawl,scarves of other textile materials other than batik 181018102 6214.90.910 846.12.991 Shawl, scarves of other fibres batik 181018101 6214.90.990 846.12.999 Shawl, scarves of other fibres other than batik 181018101 6215.10.100 846.13.110 Ties,bow ties and cravats of silk or silk waste batik 181018101 6215.10.900 846.13.190 Ties,bow ties and cravats of silk or silk waste other than batik 181018101 6215.20.100 846.13.210 Ties,bow ties and cravats of man - made fibres batik 181018101 6215.20.900 846.13.290 Ties,bow ties and cravats of man - made fibres other than batik 181018101 6215.90.100 846.13.910 Ties, bow ties and cravats of woolor fine animal hair.

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181018101 6215.90.210 846.13.921 Ties,bow ties and cravats of cottonbatik 181018101 6215.90.290 846.13.929 Ties,bow ties and cravats of cottonother than batik 181018101 6215.90.910 846.13.991 Ties,bow ties and cravats of other fibres batik 181018101 6215.90.990 846.13.999 Ties,bow ties and cravats of other fibres other than batik 181018102 6216.00.000 846.14.000 Gloves, mittens, and mitts. 181018102 6217.10.900 846.19.900 Other made up clothing accessories 181018102 6217.90.000 846.19.999 Parts of collars,tuckers,fallals, trimming for women and girl garmen 1810 6213.10.900 846.11.190 Handkerchiefs of silk or silk wasteother than batik 1810 6213.20.900 846.11.290 Handkerchiefs of cotton other than batik 1810 6213.90.190 846.11.919 Handkerchiefs of man- made fibres other than batik 1810 6213.90.990 846.11.999 Handkerchiefs of other fibres other than batik 1810 6217.10.100 846.19.100 Stocking, socks and sockettes 2824 Apparel and clothing accessories, of leather, composition leather or plastics 28241 Apparel of leather or composition leather 181018103 4203.10.000 848.11.000 Articles of apparel of leather 28242 Clothing accessories of leather or of composition leather, except sports gloves 181018104 4203.29.000 848.12.000 Gloves of leather for other purposes 191219121 4203.30.000 848.13.000 Belts and bandoliers of leather 181018104 4203.40.000 848.19.000 Other clothing accessories of leather 28243 Apparel and clothing accessories of plastics (inl. gloves) 252025209 3926.20.000 848.21.000 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of plastics 2825 28250 Garments made up of felt or nonwovens; garments made up of textille fabrics impregnated or coated with plastic, rubber or other materials 173017302 6113.00.000 845.24.000 Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics 181018101 6210.10.000 845.21.000 Garments,made up of fabrics of headn0.56.02 or 56.03 181018101 6210.40.200 845.22.420 Other men's or boy's garment of of synthetic fibres 181018101 6210.40.900 845.22.490 Other men's or boy's garment of of other fibres 1810 6210.20.300 845.22.230 Jackets in subheading 6201.11 to 6202.19 1810 6210.20.900 845.22.290 Oth.garmen in subheading 6201.11 to6202.19 1810 6210.30.000 845.23.300 Garments of the type in subhead no.620211 to 620219 of hs 5903 1810 6210.50.000 845.23.500 Other women's or girls' garments 2826 Hats and headgear 28261 Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt; plateaux and manchons of felt; hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material 1810 6501.00.000 657.61.000 Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt,neilther blocked to shape

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 81 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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wit 181018102 6502.00.000 657.62.000 Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material 28262 Hats and other headgear, of felt, or plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, or knitted or crocheted or made up from lace or other textile fabric in the piece; hair-nets 202920292 6504.00.000 848.42.000 Hats and other headgear, plaited ormade by assemb. strips of any mate. 181018102 6505.90.000 848.43.900 Hats and other headgear, knit/crochor made up from lace,oth tex.fabric 1810 6503.00.000 848.41.000 Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies,hoods 1810 6505.10.000 848.43.100 Hair-nets 28269 Other headgear except headgear of rubber or of plastic, safety headgear and asbestos headgear ; head-bands, linings, covers, hat foundation, hat frames, peaks and chinstraps for headgear 181018104 6506.92.000 848.49.200 Safety headgear of furskin 181018104 6506.99.000 848.49.900 Safety headgear of other materials 181018102 6507.00.000 848.48.000 Head-bands, linings, covers, hat fondations,hat frames,peak&chintra 283 Tanned or dressed and articial fur ; article thereof (except headgear) 2831 28310 Tannel or dressed furskins 1820 4302.11.000 613.11.000 Tanned or dressed furskin, whole, of mink 1820 4302.12.000 613.12.000 Tanned or dressed furskin, whole, of rabbit or hare. 1820 4302.13.000 613.13.000 Tanned or dressed furskin, whole, of lamb 1820 4302.19.000 613.19.000 Tanned or dressed furskin, whole, of other animals 1820 4302.20.000 613.20.000 Heads, tails, paws and other piecestanned furskins 1820 4302.30.000 613.30.000 Whole skins and pieces or cuttings thereof,assembled of tanned furski 2832 28320 Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other article of furskin (except headgear) 1820 4303.90.900 848.31.990 Other articles of furskin 182018202 4303.10.000 848.31.100 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of furskin 182018203 4303.90.100 848.31.910 Articles for industrial purposes of furskin 2833 28330 Artificial fur and articles thereof (except headgear) 182018203 4304.00.100 848.32.100 Articles for industrial purposes of artificial fur 182018201 4304.00.900 848.32.900 Other artificial fur and article thereof DIVISION 29 LEATHER AND LEATHER PRODUCTS; FOOTWEAR 291 Tanned or dressed leather; composition leather 2911 29110 Chamois leather, patent leather and patent larminated leather; metallissed leather 191119112 4108.00.000 611.81.000 Chamois (including combination chamois) leather 191119112 4109.00.000 611.83.000 Patent leather and patent laminatedleather; metallised leather

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2912 29120 Other leather, of bovine or equine animals without hair on 191119112 4104.10.110 611.30.110 Whole bovine skin leather,tanned orretanned , wet blue or crust 191119112 4104.10.190 611.30.190 Other whole bovine skin leather, tanned or retanned 191119112 4104.10.200 611.30.200 Leather of bovine or equine animalsparchment-dressed or prepared 191119112 4104.21.100 611.41.211 Bovine leather,vegetable pre-tannedof calf 191119112 4104.21.200 611.41.212 Bovine leather,vegetable pre-tannedof buffalo 191119112 4104.21.300 611.41.213 Bovine leather,vegetable pre-tannedwet blue or crust 191119112 4104.21.900 611.41.219 Bovine leather,vegetable pre-tannedof other animal 191119112 4104.22.100 611.41.221 Bovine leather,otherwise pre-tannedof calf 191119112 4104.22.200 611.41.222 Bovine leather,otherwise pre-tannedof buffalo 191119112 4104.22.300 611.41.223 Bovine leather,otherwise pre-tannedwet blue or crust 191119112 4104.22.900 611.41.229 Bovine leather,otherwise pre-tannedof other animal 191119112 4104.29.100 611.41.291 Other bovine leather; of calf 191119112 4104.29.200 611.41.292 Other bovine leather; of buffalo 191119112 4104.29.300 611.41.293 Other bovine leather of buffaloes, wet blue or crust 191119112 4104.29.900 611.41.299 Other bovine leather; of other animal 191119112 4104.31.100 611.42.311 Full grains and grain splits of calf 191119112 4104.31.200 611.42.312 Full grains and grain splits of buffalo 191119112 4104.31.300 611.42.313 Full grains and grain splits of buffaloes 191119112 4104.31.900 611.42.319 Full grains and grain splits of other animal 191119112 4104.39.100 611.42.391 Parchment dress of calf 191119112 4104.39.200 611.42.392 Parchment dress of buffalo 191119112 4104.39.300 611.42.393 Parchment dressed leather of buffaloes 191119112 4104.39.900 611.42.399 Parchment dress of other animal 2913 29130 Other leather, without hair on (including sheep, lamb, goat, or kid skin leather); composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre 191119112 4105.11.000 611.51.110 Sheep or lamb skin leather, vege- table pre-tanned 191119112 4105.12.000 611.51.120 Sheep or lamb skin leather, other- wise pre-tanned 191119112 4105.19.000 611.51.190 Sheep or lamb skin leather, other- tanned or retanned 191119112 4105.20.000 611.52.000 Sheep or lamb skin leather, parchment-dressed 191119112 4106.11.000 611.61.100 Goat or kid skin leather, vegetablepre-tanned 191119112 4106.12.000 611.61.200 Goat or kid skin leather, otherwisepre-tanned 191119112 4106.19.000 611.61.900 Goat or kid skin leather, other tanned or retanned

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191119112 4106.20.000 611.62.000 Goat or kid skin leather, parchment-dressed 191119112 4107.10.000 611.71.000 Leather of swine 191119112 4107.21.000 611.72.210 Leather of reptiles,vegetable pre- tanned of other animal without hair 191119112 4107.29.000 611.72.290 Other leather of reptiles 191119112 4107.90.000 611.79.000 Leather of other animals 1911 4111.00.000 611.20.000 Composition leather with a basis ofleather or leather fibre 292 Luggage, handbags and the like; saddlery and harness; other articles of leather 2921 29210 Saddlery and harness, for any animal, of any material 191219123 4201.00.000 612.20.000 Saddlery and harness for any animal 2922 29220 Luggage, hanbags and the like, of leather. composition leather, plastic sheeting, textile materials, vulcanized fibre or paperboard; travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning 191219121 4202.11.000 831.21.000 Trunks, suit-cases and the like, with outer surface of leather 191219121 4202.12.000 831.22.000 Suitcases, trunks with outer surfa ce of plastics 191219121 4202.19.100 831.29.100 Other cases made of woods, of iron or steel, of zinc 191219121 4202.19.200 831.29.200 Other cases made of nickel or alumunium 191219121 4202.19.900 831.29.900 Other cases made of other material 191219121 4202.21.000 831.11.000 Handbags with outer surface of leather 191219121 4202.22.000 831.12.000 Handbags with outer surface of plastic sheeting 191219121 4202.29.000 831.19.000 Hanbags with outer surface of othermaterial 191219121 4202.31.000 831.91.310 Other articles like handbags, with outer surface of leather 191219121 4202.32.000 831.91.320 Articles carried in the pocket with outer surface of plastic sheeting 191219121 4202.39.000 831.91.390 Other articles carried in the poc ket 191219121 4202.91.000 831.99.910 Other cases with outer space of with outer surface of leather 191219121 4202.92.000 831.99.920 Other trunks, suitcases with outer surface of plastic sheeting 191219121 4202.99.000 831.99.990 Other trunks, suitcase etc, nes 1912 9605.00.000 831.30.000 Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing, shoe, clothes cleaning 2923 29230 , except of metal 1912 9113.90.100 885.93.100 Watch straps, bands and braceletsof plastic 1912 9113.90.200 885.93.200 Watch straps,bands and ofleather / of composition leather 1912 9113.90.300 885.93.300 Watch straps,bands and bracelets oftextiles 1912 9113.90.400 885.93.400 Watch ,band & consistof/incorporate,pearl,precio us/semi 1912 9113.90.500 885.93.500 Watch straps, bands and braceletsimitation 1912 9113.90.600 885.93.600 Watch straps, bands and

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braceletsplated with precious metal 1912 9113.90.900 885.93.900 Oth. watch strap,band and bracelets 2929 29290 Other articles of leather or composition leather ( including articles of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other techinical use) n.e.c. 191219122 4204.00.000 612.10.000 Articles of leather, of a kind usedin machinery or for other tech.use 191219129 4205.00.000 612.90.000 Other articles of leather or of composition leather 293 Footwear, with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics, or with uppers of leather or textile materials, other than sports footwear, footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap and miscellaneous special footwear 2931 29310 Waterproof footwear, with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics, other than footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap 1920 6401.91.000 851.31.100 Other footwear covering the knee 1920 6401.92.000 851.31.200 Other footwear covering the ankle 1920 6401.99.200 851.31.920 Sandal and bathing slippers 1920 6401.99.900 851.31.990 Other footwear with 2932 29320 Footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics, other than waterproof footwear, sport footwear and footwear incorporating a protective metal toe-cap 1920 6402.20.000 851.32.200 Footwear with upper straps or thongassembled to the sole by plugs 1920 6402.91.000 851.32.910 Other footwear covering the ankle of rubber or plastic 1920 6402.99.100 851.32.991 shoes for sport 1920 6402.99.200 851.32.992 Other sandal and bathing slippers 1920 6402.99.900 851.32.999 Other footwear without metal toecap 2933 29330 Footwear with uppers of leather, other than sport footwear, footwear incorporating a protective metal toe-cap and miscellaneous special footwear 1920 6403.91.100 851.48.911 Other footwear covering the ankle for men's and boy's shoes 1920 6403.91.900 851.48.919 Other footwear covering the ankle with outer soles of rubber,plastic 1920 6403.99.100 851.48.991 Oth.footwear men's and boy's shoes 1920 6403.99.200 851.48.992 Oth.footwear women's & girl's shoes 1920 6403.99.900 851.48.999 Other footwear made on a base of wood, no inner sole 192019201 6403.51.000 851.48.500 Other footwear with outer soles of leather covering the ankle 192019201 6403.59.100 851.48.591 Oth.footwear with outersole leathercover the ankle for men&boy's shoe 192019201 6403.59.200 851.48.592 Oth.footwear with outersole leathercover the ankle women's&girls shoe 192019201 6403.59.300 851.48.593 Oth.footwear with outersole leatherfor sandal 192019201 6403.59.900 851.48.599 Oth.footwear with outersole leather 192019209 6405.10.000 851.49.000 Other footwear with uppers of

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 85 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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leather or composition leather 2934 29340 Footwear with uppers of textille materials, other than sports footwear 192019201 6404.20.000 851.52.000 Footwear with outer sole of leatheror composition leather 192019209 6405.20.000 851.59.000 Other footwear with uppers of textile materials 1920 6404.19.110 851.51.110 Other sport footwear of rubber for men's and boy's shoes 1920 6404.19.120 851.51.120 Other sport footwear of rubber for women's and girl's shoes 1920 6404.19.190 851.51.190 Other sport footwear of rubber for other 294 Sports footwear, except skating boots 2941 29410 Ski-boots, snowboard boots and cross-country ski footwear 192019202 6402.12.000 851.21.000 Ski-boot,cross-country,ski footwearouter sol & upper of rubber/plastic 192019202 6403.12.000 851.22.000 Ski-boots, cross-country ski foot- wear and snowboard boots 2942 29420 Tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like 192019202 6404.11.100 851.25.100 Sports footwear of rubber 192019202 6404.11.200 851.25.200 Sports footwear of plastics 2949 29490 Other sports footwear, except skating boots 192019202 6402.19.000 851.23.000 Other footwear of rubber or plastic 192019202 6403.19.100 851.24.100 Ski-boot&cross country sky footwearother with outer soles of leather 1920 6403.19.200 851.24.200 Ski-boot&cross country sky footwearother with outer soles of rubber 1920 6403.19.900 851.24.900 country sky footwear 295 Other footwear, except asbestos footwear, orthopaedic footwear and skating boots 2951 29510 Footwear incorpoting a protective metal toe-cap 1920 6401.10.000 851.11.000 Footwear incorporating a protectivemetal toe-cap 1920 6402.30.000 851.13.000 Footwear,outer sol/upper of rubber/plastic ,incorp. a protective metal 192019203 6403.40.000 851.15.000 Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe-cap 2952 29520 Wooden footwear, miscellaneous special footwear and other footwear n.e.c. 192019201 6403.20.000 851.41.000 Footwear with outer sole of leatherand uppers of leather straps 192019209 6405.90.900 851.70.900 Other footwear 1920 6403.30.000 851.42.000 Footwear made on a base or platformwood,not having an inner sole/meta 1920 6405.90.100 851.70.100 Diver's footwear 296 Parts of footwear; removable in-soles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiter, legging and similar articles and parts thereof 2960 29600 Parts of footwear; removable in-soles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof 192019201 6406.10.000 851.90.100 Uppers and parts thereof,other thanstiffeners 192019202 6406.20.000 851.90.200 Outer soles and heels, of rubber

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orplastics 192019202 6406.91.000 851.90.910 Parts of footwear of wood 192019202 6406.99.000 851.90.990 Parts of footwear of other material


DIVISION 31 PRODUCTS OF WOOD, CORK, STRAW AND PLAITING MATERIALS 311 Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of thickness exceeding 6 mm; railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, not impregnated 3110 31100 Wood, sawn or chipped lenghtwise, sliced or paeled, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm; railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, not impregnated 201020101 4406.10.000 248.11.000 Railway or tramway sleepers of woodnot impregnated 201020101 4407.10.110 248.20.110 Agathis, sawn lengthwise but not planned, sanded or finger-joined 020002012 4407.10.911 248.20.911 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of pine 020002012 4407.10.921 248.20.921 Sliced or pealed but not planed of pine 020002012 4407.10.941 248.20.941 Parquet flooring of pine 020002012 4407.10.991 248.20.991 Other wood sawn of pine for other purposes 202220220 4407.25.100 248.40.510 Sawn lengthwise but not planed, sanded of dark red meranty 020002019 4407.25.200 248.40.520 Sliced or peeled but not planed, sanded of dark red meranty 020002019 4407.25.300 248.40.530 Dark red meranty for parquet floor 020002019 4407.25.900 248.40.590 Other form of dark red meranty 020002019 4407.26.110 248.40.611 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of white meranti 020002019 4407.26.120 248.40.612 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of yellow meranti 020002019 4407.26.190 248.40.619 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of other white lauan 020002019 4407.26.310 248.40.631 Parquet flooring of white meranti 020002019 4407.26.910 248.40.691 Other forms of white meranti, nes 020002011 4407.29.110 248.40.811 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of teak 020002011 4407.29.210 248.40.721 Sliced or peeled but not planed of teak 020002011 4407.29.310 248.40.731 Parquet flooring of teak 020002011 4407.29.910 248.40.791 Other forms of teak 202220220 4407.99.110 248.40.710 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of ebony 020002016 4407.99.120 248.40.720 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of sandal 020002014 4407.99.130 248.40.730 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of kuku; sungkai; sonokembang; 020002013 4407.99.140 248.40.740 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of giam; jeunjing/sengon; 020002019 4407.99.150 248.40.750 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of balau; bangkirai; 201020101 4407.99.190 248.40.790 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of other wood 020002014 4407.99.220 248.40.820 Sliced or peeled but not planed of kuku; sungkai; sonokembang;

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020002013 4407.99.230 248.40.830 Sliced or peeled but not planed of giam; jeunjing/sengon; 020002019 4407.99.240 248.40.840 Sliced or peeled but not planed of balau; bangkirai; 020002016 4407.99.310 248.40.860 Other wood sawn, but not planed of sandal 020002019 4407.99.320 248.40.870 Other wood sawn, but not planed of balau/damar laut; bangkirai; 020002016 4407.99.912 248.40.920 Parquet flooring of sandal 020002014 4407.99.913 248.40.930 Parquet flooring of kuku; sungkai; sonokembang; 020002019 4407.99.914 248.40.940 Parquet flooring of giam; jeunjing/sengon 020002019 4407.99.915 248.40.950 Parquet flooring of balau/damar- laut; bangkirai; 020002016 4407.99.992 248.40.992 Other wood sawn of sandal for otherpurposes 020002014 4407.99.993 248.40.993 Other wood sawn of kuku; sungkai; sonokembang for other purposes 020002019 4407.99.994 248.40.994 Other wood sawn of giam; jeunjing/ sengon for other purposes 020002019 4407.99.995 248.40.995 Other wood sawn of balau/damar lautbangkirai for other purposes 2010 4407.10.120 248.20.120 Agathis, sliced or peeled but not planned, sanded or finger-joined 2010 4407.10.191 248.20.191 Other sawn agathis for parquet flooring 2010 4407.10.199 248.20.199 Other sawn agathis for oth.purposes 2010 4407.10.912 248.20.912 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of cematan/alau/cin; melur 2010 4407.10.919 248.20.919 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of other coniferous 2010 4407.10.922 248.20.922 Sliced or pealed but not planed of cematan/alau/cin; melur 2010 4407.10.929 248.20.929 Sliced or pealed but not planed of other coniferous 2010 4407.10.942 248.20.942 Parquet flooring of cematan/alau/ cin; melur 2010 4407.10.949 248.20.949 Parquet flooring of oth coniferous 2010 4407.10.992 248.20.992 Oth wood sawn of cematan/alau/cin; for other purposes 2010 4407.10.999 248.20.999 Other sawn coniferous, sliced or peeled but not planed 2010 4407.24.100 248.40.410 Sawn lengthwise but not planed, sanded of virola, mahagony 2010 4407.24.200 248.40.420 Sliced or peeled but not planed, sanded of virola, mahagony 2010 4407.24.300 248.40.430 Virola, mahagony for parquet floor ing 2010 4407.24.900 248.40.490 Other form of virola, mahagony 2010 4407.26.210 248.40.621 Sliced or peeled but not planed of white meranti 2010 4407.26.290 248.40.629 Sliced or peeled but not planed of other white lauan 2010 4407.26.390 248.40.639 Parquet flooring of other white

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lauan 2010 4407.26.990 248.40.699 Other forms of white lauan, nes 2010 4407.29.120 248.40.812 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of ramin 2010 4407.29.130 248.40.813 Sawn lengthwise but not planed of jongkong; jelutong; kapur 2010 4407.29.190 248.40.819 Other sawn lengthwise but not plane tropical wood, nes 2010 4407.29.220 248.20.722 Sliced or peeled but not planed of ramin 2010 4407.29.230 248.40.723 Sliced or peeled but not planed of jongkong; jelutong; kapur 2010 4407.29.290 248.40.729 Other sliced or peeled but not planed tropical wood, nes 2010 4407.29.320 248.40.732 Parquet flooring of ramin 2010 4407.29.330 248.40.733 Parquet flooring of jongkong; jelu tong; kapur 2010 4407.29.390 248.40.739 Other parquet flooring of tropical wood, nes 2010 4407.29.920 248.20.792 Other forms of ramin 2010 4407.29.930 248.40.793 Other forms of jongkong; jelutong; kapur 2010 4407.29.990 248.40.799 Other forms of tropical wood, nes 2010 4407.91.100 248.40.911 Oak,sawn lengthwise but not planed 2010 4407.91.200 248.40.912 Oak,sliced or peeled but not planed 2010 4407.91.910 248.40.918 Sawn wood of oak for parquet or wood block writing 2010 4407.91.990 248.40.919 Sawn wood of oak for other purposes 2010 4407.92.100 248.40.921 Beech,sawn lengthwise but not plan-ed 2010 4407.92.200 248.40.922 Beech, sliced or peeled but not planed 2010 4407.92.910 248.40.928 Sawn wood of beech for parquet or wood block flooring 2010 4407.92.990 248.40.929 Sawn wood of beech for oth purposes 2010 4407.99.210 248.40.810 Sliced or peeled but not planed of ebony 2010 4407.99.290 248.40.850 Sliced or peeled but not planed of other wood 2010 4407.99.390 248.40.890 Other wood sawn, but not planed of other wood 2010 4407.99.911 248.40.910 Parquet flooring of ebony 2010 4407.99.919 248.40.960 Parquet flooring of other wood for other proposes 2010 4407.99.991 248.40.991 Other wood sawn of ebony for other purposes 2010 4407.99.999 248.40.999 Other wood sawn of other wood for other purposes 312 Wood continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces; wood flour; wood in chips or particles 3121 31210 Wood, continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, and beading and mouldings) 2010 4409.10.110 248.30.110 Worked wood coniferous for parquet flooring of agathis 2010 4409.10.120 248.30.120 Worked wood coniferous for

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parquet flooring of pinus 2010 4409.10.130 248.30.130 Worked wood coniferous for parquet flooring of cematan/ alau ;melur 2010 4409.10.190 248.30.190 Worked wood coniferous for parquet flooring of other wood 2010 4409.10.911 248.30.911 Wood, beaded, moulded of coniferous of agathis 2010 4409.10.912 248.30.912 Wood, beaded, moulded of coniferous of pinus 2010 4409.10.913 248.30.913 Wood, beaded, moulded of coniferous of cematan /alau;melur 2010 4409.10.919 248.30.919 Wood, beaded, moulded of coniferous of other wood 2010 4409.10.921 248.30.921 Rounded wood or the like of conife-rous of agathis 2010 4409.10.922 248.30.922 Rounded wood or the like of conife-rous of pinus 2010 4409.10.923 248.30.923 Rounded wood or the like of conife-rous of cematan / alau ;melur 2010 4409.10.929 248.30.929 Rounded wood or the like of conife-rous of other wood 2010 4409.10.991 248.30.991 Other worked wood coniferous of agathis 2010 4409.10.992 248.30.992 Other worked wood coniferous of pinus 2010 4409.10.993 248.30.993 Other worked wood coniferous of cematan / alau ;melur 2010 4409.10.999 248.30.999 Other worked wood coniferous of of other wood 2010 4409.20.110 248.50.110 Non coniferous for parquet flooring of ebony 2010 4409.20.190 248.50.190 Non coniferous for parquet flooring of other wood 2010 4409.20.911 248.50.911 Wood, beaded, moulded of non coni- ferous of ebony 2010 4409.20.919 248.50.919 Wood, beaded, moulded of non coni- ferous of other wood 2010 4409.20.921 248.50.921 Rounded wood or the like of non coniferous of ebony 2010 4409.20.929 248.50.929 Rounded wood or the like of non coniferous of other wood 2010 4409.20.991 248.50.991 Other worked wood non coniferous of ebony 2010 4409.20.999 248.50.999 Other worked wood non coniferous of of other wood 020002016 4409.20.120 248.50.120 Non coniferous for parquet flooring of cendana ,sonokeling 020002011 4409.20.130 248.50.130 Non coniferous for parquet flooring of jati, ramin, ulin 020002019 4409.20.140 248.50.140 Non coniferous for parquet flooring of giam, johar, karet, mahoni 020002019 4409.20.150 248.50.150 Non coniferous for parquet flooring of cempaka, kapur, keruing 020002016 4409.20.912 248.50.912 Wood, beaded, moulded of non

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coni- ferous of cendana, sonokeling 020002014 4409.20.913 248.50.913 Wood, beaded, moulded of non coni- ferous of jati, ramin, ulin 020002019 4409.20.914 248.50.914 Wood, beaded, moulded of non coni- ferous of giam, johar, karet,mahon 020002019 4409.20.915 248.50.915 Wood, beaded, moulded of non coni- ferous of cempaka, kapur, keruing 020002016 4409.20.922 248.50.922 Rounded wood or the like of non coniferous of cendana, sonokeling 020002011 4409.20.923 248.50.923 Rounded wood or the like of non coniferous of jati, ramin, ulin 020002019 4409.20.924 248.50.924 Rounded wood or the like of non conifer. of giam,johar,karet,mahon 020002019 4409.20.925 248.50.925 Rounded wood or the like of non coniferous of cempaka,kapur,keruin 020002016 4409.20.992 248.50.992 Other worked wood non coniferous of cendana, sonokeling 020002011 4409.20.993 248.50.993 Other worked wood non coniferous of jati, ramin, ulin 020002019 4409.20.994 248.50.994 Other worked wood non coniferous of giam, johar, karet, mahoni 020002019 4409.20.995 248.50.995 Other worked wood non coniferous of cempaka,kapur,keruing 3122 31220 Wood wool, wood flour 202120213 4405.00.000 634.93.000 Wood wool; wood flour. 3123 31230 Wood in chips or particles 020002020 4401.21.000 246.11.000 Wood in chips or particles of coniferous 020002020 4401.22.000 246.15.000 Wood in chips or particles of non-coniferous 313 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives; railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, impregnated 3131 31310 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives 201020102 4403.10.110 247.30.110 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of agathis 020002020 4403.10.120 247.30.120 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of pine 020002020 4403.10.130 247.30.130 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of cematan/alau/ci 020002020 4403.10.140 247.30.140 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of melur/jamuju 201020102 4403.10.190 247.30.190 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of other conifer. s 020002020 4403.10.211 247.30.211 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of white meranti 020002019 4403.10.219 247.30.219 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of other meranti 201020102 4403.10.220 247.30.220 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of ramin 201020102 4403.10.230 247.30.230 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of pulai group 201020102 4403.10.240 247.30.240 Wood in the rough, treated with

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paint, stains; of kapur 201020102 4403.10.250 247.30.250 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of keruing 201020102 4403.10.260 247.30.260 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of matoa group 201020102 4403.10.270 247.30.270 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of teak wood 201020102 4403.10.291 247.30.291 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of ebony wood 201020102 4403.10.292 247.30.292 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of iron wood 201020102 4403.10.293 247.30.293 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of jelutong 020002016 4403.10.294 247.30.294 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of sandalwood; lak 020002020 4403.10.295 247.30.295 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of kuku; perupuk; 020002013 4403.10.296 247.30.296 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of giam; jeunjing; 201020102 4403.10.297 247.30.297 Wood in the rought, treated with paint, staints; of cempaka; rengas 201020102 4403.10.299 247.30.299 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains; of other non-con. s 3132 31320 Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, impregnated 201020101 4406.90.000 248.19.000 Other railway or tramway sleepers of wood 314 Boards and panels 3141 31410 Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood 202120211 4412.13.000 634.31.300 Plywood with at least one outer ply of tropical wood lt. 6 mm thickne 202120212 4412.14.000 634.31.400 Other plywood lt. 6 mm thickness, w/ at least one ply of nonconifero 202120211 4412.19.100 634.39.100 Plywood with outer ply of teak 202120212 4412.19.900 634.39.900 Other plywood with outer ply of other woods 3142 31420 Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood 2021 4412.22.000 634.41.200 Other plywood with at least one ply tropical wood cont particle board 2021 4412.23.000 634.41.300 Other plywood with at least one ply of non-coniferous wood 2021 4412.29.000 634.41.900 Other plywood cont particle wood w/ at least 1 ply tropical wood 2021 4412.92.000 634.49.200 Oth. kinds of plywood with at least one ply of tropical wood 2021 4412.93.000 634.49.300 Oth. kinds of plywood with at least 1 ply of tropical wood cont parti 2021 4412.99.000 634.49.990 Other plywood, nes 3143 31430 Particle board and similar board of wood or other ligeous materials 2021 4410.11.000 634.22.100 Waferboard, including oriented strand board 2021 4410.19.000 634.22.900 Other particle board and similar board of wood 202120213 4410.90.000 634.23.000 Particles board and similar board of other ligneous materials

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3144 31440 Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials 202120213 4411.11.000 634.51.100 Not mechanically worked or surface of fibreboard, density > 0.8 g/cm3 202120213 4411.19.000 634.51.900 Other fibreboard of a density > 0.8 g/cm3 202120213 4411.21.000 634.52.100 Not mechanically worked or surface of fibreboard, density 0.5-0.8g/cm3 202120213 4411.29.000 634.52.900 Other fibreboard of a density 0.5 - 0.8 g/cm3 202120213 4411.31.000 634.53.100 Not mechanically worked or surface fibreboard, density 0.35-0.5g/cm3 202120213 4411.39.000 634.53.900 Other fibreboard of a density 0.35 - 0.5 g/cm3 202120213 4411.91.000 634.59.100 Other fibreboard not mechanically worked or surface covered 202120213 4411.99.000 634.59.900 Other fibreboard of wood 315 Veneer sheets; sheets for plywood; densified wood 3151 31510 Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other wood sawn lengthwise, slice or peeled, of thickness not exceeding 6 mm 202120214 4408.10.100 634.11.100 Veneer sheets of coniferous, peeledby rotaring 202120214 4408.10.900 634.11.900 Other veneer sheets of coniferous 020002019 4408.31.100 634.12.311 Veneer sheets of dark red meranti in rotary shelled 020002019 4408.31.900 634.12.319 Other veneer sheets of dark red me ranti 202120214 4408.90.900 634.12.990 Oth veneer sheets of other woods 2021 4408.39.100 634.12.391 Other veneer sheets of tropical wood in rotary shelled 2021 4408.39.900 634.12.399 Other veneer sheets of tropical wood in other forms nes 2021 4408.90.100 634.12.910 Veneer sheets of other wood, peeledby rotaring 3152 31520 Densified wood 202120213 4413.00.000 634.21.000 Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes 316 Builders' joinery and carpetry of wood (including cellular wood panels, assembled parquet panels, shingles and shakes) 3160 31600 Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood (including cellular wood panels, assembled parquet panels, shingles and shakes) 202220220 4418.10.000 635.31.000 Windows, french-windows and their frames of woods 202220220 4418.20.000 635.32.000 Doors and their frames and thres- holds of woods 202120213 4418.30.000 635.39.300 Parquet panel of woods 202220220 4418.40.000 635.39.400 Shuttering for concrete construct- ional work of woods 202220220 4418.50.000 635.33.000 Shingles and shakes 202220220 4418.90.000 635.39.000 Other builders of woods 317 Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and other load boards, of wood; casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' product and parts thereof, of wood (including staves) 3170 31700 Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and other load boards, of wood; casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' product and parts thereof, of wood (including staves)

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202920299 4415.10.110 635.11.110 Case, boxes, crates, drums, and similar packing of plywood 202320230 4415.10.190 635.11.190 Other case, boxes, crates, drums, and similar packing 202920299 4415.10.200 635.11.200 Cable drums 202320230 4415.20.100 635.12.100 Pallets, boxpallets and other load board of plywood 202320230 4415.20.900 635.12.900 Other pallets, boxpallets and other load board 202320230 4416.00.000 635.20.000 Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and oth. coopers' products 319 Other products of wood; articles of cork, plaiting materials and straw 3191 Other product of wood 31911 Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, boot or shoe lasts and trees, of wood 202920299 4417.00.000 635.91.000 Tools, tool bodies, tool handles ofwood 31912 Tableware and kitchenware, of wood 202920299 4419.00.100 635.42.100 Chop sticks of woods 202920294 4419.00.900 635.42.900 Other tableware of woods 31913 Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood; statuettes and other ornaments, of wood 202920293 4420.10.000 635.49.100 Statuettes and other ornaments, of woods 361036101 4420.90.000 635.49.900 Other wood marquetry,cases for cut-lery, etc,not falling in chapter 9 31914 Wooden frames for plaintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects, and other articles of wood 202920293 4414.00.000 635.41.000 Wooden frames for paintings, photo-graphs or similar objects 202920299 4421.10.000 635.99.100 Clothes hangers of woods 202920299 4421.90.100 635.99.910 Wood paving block 202920299 4421.90.300 635.99.930 Match splints 202220220 4421.90.400 635.99.940 Blind and blind fittings 202920299 4421.90.600 635.99.960 Tooth picks 202920299 4421.90.700 635.99.970 Spools, cups, bobings, sewing thread reels of turned wood 361036101 4421.90.900 635.99.990 Other article of wood 2029 4421.90.200 635.99.920 Wooden pegs or pins for footwear 2029 4421.90.500 635.99.950 Fans and handscreen, non mechanical 3192 Articles of cork and straw or other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork 31921 Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in blocks, plates, sheets or strip; crushed granulated or ground cork; waste cork 2029 4501.90.000 244.04.000 Waste cork, ground cork, etc 2029 4502.00.000 244.02.000 Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared 31922 Articles of natural cork; agglomerated cork and articles thereof 202920299 4503.10.000 633.11.000 Corks and stoppers 202920299 4503.90.000 633.19.000 Other articles of natural cork 202920299 4504.10.000 633.21.000 Agglomerated cork in blocks, platessheets and strip 202920299 4504.90.000 633.29.000 Other aglomerated cork 31923 Manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork 202920291 4601.20.300 899.74.300 Lampit of rattan 202920291 4601.20.900 899.74.900 Other mats, matting screens of veg etables material

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202920292 4601.91.000 899.79.000 Other plaits material of vegetable materials 202920292 4601.99.000 899.79.900 Other plaiting material and similar product 202920294 4602.10.200 899.71.120 Basketwork and the like of rattan 202920291 4602.10.900 899.71.190 Basketwork and the like of other vegetable materials 2029 4601.10.000 899.73.000 Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials 2029 4602.90.000 899.71.900 Other basketwork or wickerwork DIVISION 32 PULP, PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS; PRINTED MATTER AND RELATED ARTICLES 321 Pulp, paper and paperboard 3211 Pulps of wood or other fibrous cellulosic material 32111 Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades 210121011 4702.00.000 251.30.000 Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades. 32112 Chemical wood pulp, other than dissolving grades 210121011 4703.11.000 251.41.000 Chemical wood pulp,soda or sulphateunbleached, of coniferous 210121011 4703.19.000 251.42.000 Chemical wood pulp,soda or sulphateunbleached, of non-coniferous 210121011 4703.21.000 251.51.000 Chemical wood pulp,soda or sulphatebleached, of coniferous 210121011 4703.29.000 251.52.000 Chemical wood pulp,soda or sulphatebleached, of non-coniferous 210121011 4704.11.000 251.61.100 Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, unbleached, of coniferous 210121011 4704.19.000 251.61.900 Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, unbleached, of non-coniferous 210121011 4704.21.000 251.62.100 Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, bleached, of coniferous 210121011 4704.29.000 251.62.900 Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, bleached, of non-coniferous 32113 Mechanical wood pulp; semi-chemical wood pulp; pulp of fibrous cellulosic material other than wood 210121011 4701.00.000 251.20.000 Mechanical wood pulp. 210121011 4705.00.000 251.91.000 Semi-chemical wood pulp. 210121011 4706.10.000 251.92.100 Cotton linters pulp. 210121011 4706.91.000 251.92.910 Pulps of other fibrous cellulosic material; mechanical 210121011 4706.92.000 251.92.920 Pulps of other fibrous cellulosic material; chemical 210121011 4706.93.000 251.92.930 Pulps of other fibrous cellulosic material; semi chemical 2101 4706.20.000 251.92.200 Pulps of fibres derived from reco vered (waste and scrap) 3212 Newssprint, hand-made paper and other uncoasted paper and paperboard of a kind used for graphic purposes, and punch card stock and punch tape paper 32121 Newsprint 210121012 4801.00.100 641.10.100 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets;white 210121012 4801.00.900 641.10.900 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets; oth.than white 32122 Hand-made paper and paperboard 210121019 4802.10.000 641.21.000 Hand-made paper and paperboard

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32129 Other uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, and punch card stock and punch tape paper 210121019 4802.20.000 641.22.000 Paper and paperboard of a kind usedas a base for photo-sensitive 210121012 4802.30.000 641.23.000 Carbonising base paper 210121015 4802.40.000 641.24.000 Wallpaper base 210121012 4802.51.000 641.25.000 Other paper and paperboard not con taining fibres, weight lt. 40 g/mì 210121012 4802.52.200 641.26.200 Woodfree writing/printing paper 210121012 4802.52.900 641.26.900 Other paper, 40 g lt. weight lte. 150 g 210121015 4802.53.000 641.27.000 Other paper weighing > 150 g/m2 2101 4802.60.000 641.29.000 Other paper and paperboard, cont > 10% fibres obtained by mechanically 3213 Toilet tissue stock, uncoated kraftliner and other uncoated paper and paper board; miscellaneous other papers 32131 Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres 2101 4803.00.200 641.63.200 Tissue paper 210121016 4803.00.100 641.63.100 Cellulose wadding 210121019 4803.00.900 641.63.900 Other toilet paper 32132 Kraftliner, uncoated 210121015 4804.11.000 641.41.100 Kraftliner unbleached 210121015 4804.19.000 641.41.900 Other kraftliner 32133 Other uncoated kraft paper and paperboard; sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled 210121015 4804.21.900 641.42.190 Sack kraft paper for other purposesunbleached 210121015 4804.31.100 641.46.110 Wetstrength 40 gram - 60 gram, for plywood adhesive tape 210121015 4804.39.100 641.46.910 Other wetstrength 40 gram - 60 gramfor plywood adhesive tape 210121015 4804.41.100 641.47.110 Unbleached kraft paper for formica industry 210121015 4804.42.100 641.47.210 Bleached uniformly kraft paper for formica industry 210121015 4804.49.100 641.47.910 Oth kraft paper for formica industr 210121015 4804.51.100 641.48.110 Unbleached kraft paper > 225 gram for formica industry 210121015 4804.52.100 641.48.210 Bleached kraft paper > 225 gram for formica industry 210121015 4804.59.100 641.48.910 Other kraft paper > 225 gram for formica industry 210121019 4808.20.000 641.61.000 Sack kraft paper,creped or crinkled 2101 4804.21.100 641.42.110 Paper for cement and fertilizer sack, unbleached 2101 4804.29.000 641.42.900 Other sack kraft paper 2101 4804.31.900 641.46.190 Other unbleached wetstrength 2101 4804.39.900 641.46.990 Other wetsrength 2101 4804.41.900 641.47.190 Unbleached kraft paper for other industry 2101 4804.42.900 641.47.290 Bleached uniformly kraft paper for other purposes 2101 4804.49.900 641.47.990 Other kraft paper for other

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purpose 2101 4804.51.900 641.48.190 Unbleached kraft paper > 225 gram for other purpose 2101 4804.52.900 641.48.290 Bleached kraft paper > 225 gram for other purpose 2101 4804.59.900 641.48.990 Other kraft paper > 225 gram for other purpose 32134 Semi-chemical fluting paper (corrugating medium), uncoated 210121015 4805.10.000 641.51.000 Semi-chemical flutting paper (cor- rugating medium) 32135 Multi-ply paper and paperboard, uncoated 210121015 4805.21.000 641.54.100 Multi-ply paper and paperboard; each layer bleached 210121015 4805.22.000 641.54.200 Multi-ply paper and paperboard; with only one outer layer bleached 210121015 4805.23.000 641.54.300 Multiply paper having three or morelayers;only two are bleached 210121015 4805.29.000 641.54.900 Other multiply paper and paperboard 32136 Other uncoated paper and paperboard; cigarette paper, not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes 210121015 4805.30.000 641.52.000 Sulphite wrapping paper 210121019 4805.40.000 641.56.100 Filter paper and paperboard 210121019 4805.50.000 641.56.200 Felt paper and paperboard 210121015 4805.60.200 641.57.200 Overlay paper for formica industry 210121015 4805.60.900 641.57.900 Other paper and paperboard lt. 150 g 210121016 4813.90.000 641.55.000 Other cigarette paper 2101 4805.70.000 641.58.000 Other paper and paperboard, 150 g lt.weight lt. 225 g 2101 4805.80.000 641.59.000 Other paper and paperboard weighing>= 225 g/m2 32137 Vegetable parchment, greaseproff papers, tracing papers and glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers 2101 4806.30.000 641.53.300 Tracing papers 210121015 4806.10.000 641.53.100 Vegetable parchment 210121015 4806.20.000 641.53.200 Greaseproof papers 210121015 4806.40.000 641.53.400 Glassine and other glazed transpa rent or translucent papers 3214 Processed paper and paperboard 32141 Composite paper and paperboard, not surface-coated or impregnated; 210121015 4807.90.000 641.92.000 Other composite paper and paper board not surface coated 2101 4807.10.000 641.91.000 Paper and paperboard, laminated with bitumen, tar or asphalt 32142 Paper and paperboard, creped, crinkled, embossed of perforated n.e.c. 210121019 4808.30.000 641.62.000 Oth kraft paper, creped or crinkled 210121019 4808.90.100 641.69.100 Creped paperboard 210121019 4808.90.900 641.69.900 Other corrugated paperboard 32143 Paper and paperboard coated with kaolin or with other inorganic substances 210121013 4810.11.110 641.32.110 Bank notes paper 210121013 4810.11.190 641.32.190 Other securities paper 210121012 4810.11.200 641.32.200 Coated writing and printing paper lt. 150 g 210121012 4810.11.900 641.32.900 Other writing and printing paper

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lt. 150 g 210121012 4810.12.100 641.33.100 Coated writing and printing paper > 150 g 210121013 4810.12.900 641.33.900 Other writing and printing paper > 150 g 210121014 4810.21.000 641.34.000 Light-weight coated paper 210121012 4810.29.000 641.34.200 Other paper and paperboard used for writing, printing 2101 4810.31.000 641.74.000 Bleached kraft paper not for writing or printing lte. 150 g 2101 4810.32.000 641.75.000 Bleached kraft paper not for writing or printing > 150 g 2101 4810.39.000 641.76.000 Other kraft paper not for writing or printing 2101 4810.91.000 641.77.100 Multi-ply paper and paperboard 2101 4810.99.000 641.77.900 Other paper and paperboard 32149 Other paper and paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated impregnated, covered, surface-coloured,surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or sheets 2101 4811.21.100 641.78.110 Self-adhesive paint masking tape in jumbo roll 2101 4811.39.200 641.72.200 Paper coated, bleached for formica and plywood industries 2101 4811.39.900 641.72.900 Other bleached paper or paperboard coated with plastics 210921090 4809.10.000 641.31.100 Carbon and similar copying papers 210921090 4809.20.000 641.31.200 Self-copy paper 210921090 4809.90.000 641.31.900 Other caarbon paper in rolls or sheets 210921090 4811.10.000 641.73.000 Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard 210921090 4811.21.900 641.78.190 Other self-adhesive paint masking tape 210921090 4811.29.000 641.78.900 Other gum or adhasive paper and paperboard 210921090 4811.31.000 641.71.000 Paper and paperboard bleached, weighing more than 150 g/m 210921090 4811.40.000 641.79.100 Paper and paperboard, coated,impregnated or covered with wax 210121015 4811.90.300 641.79.930 Metallic paper for paper condensor 210121014 4811.90.400 641.79.940 Acid proof diazo base paper 210121015 4811.90.500 641.79.950 Pattern paper for formica industry 210121014 4811.90.900 641.79.990 Other paper cellulose wadding webs of cellulose fibre 3215 Corrugated paper and paperboard and containers of paper and paperboard 32151 Corrugated paper and paperboard 210121019 4808.10.000 641.64.000 Corrugated paper and paperboard 32152 Sacks and bags of paper 210221020 4819.30.100 642.13.100 Sacks and bags for cement or fertilizer packing 210221020 4819.30.900 642.13.900 Sacks and bags for other purposes 210221020 4819.40.100 642.14.100 Other sacks and bags for cement or fertilizer packing 210221020 4819.40.900 642.14.900 Oth sacks and bag for other purpose

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32153 Cartons, boxes, cases, record sleeves and other packing containers (except bags) of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres; box files, letter trays, and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like 210221020 4819.10.000 642.11.000 Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard 210221020 4819.20.000 642.12.000 Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper 210221020 4819.50.000 642.15.000 Other packing containers, includingrecord sleeves 210921090 4819.60.000 642.16.000 Boxes file, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles 3219 Other paper and paperboard products 32191 Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers, not in bulk sizes; duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper; gummed or adhesive paper 210921090 4816.10.000 642.42.100 Carbon or similar copying papers other than heading 48.09 210921090 4816.20.000 642.42.200 Self-copy paper oth than head 48.09 210921090 4816.30.000 642.42.300 Duplicator stencils other than heading 48.09 210921090 4816.90.200 642.42.920 Paper for office type offset machi-ne 210121015 4816.90.900 642.42.990 Other carbon paper other than heading 48.09 210921090 4823.11.000 642.44.100 Self-adhesive paper 210921090 4823.19.000 642.44.900 Other gums or adhesive paper 32192 Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards of paper or paperboard; boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendium, of paper or paperboard, containing paper stationery 210921090 4817.10.000 642.21.000 Envelopes 210221020 4817.30.000 642.23.000 Boxes, pouches, wallets and writingcompendiums 2109 4817.20.000 642.22.000 Letter cards, plain postcard and correspondence cards 32193 Toilet paper, handkerchief, towels serviettes, napkins for babies, tampons, and similar household sanitary or hospital articles, and articles of apparel, of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres 210121016 4818.10.000 642.43.000 Toilet paper 210121016 4818.20.000 642.94.200 Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towel 210121016 4818.30.000 642.94.300 Tablecloths and serviettes 210921090 4818.40.000 642.95.000 Sanitary towels and tampons, napkinand napkins liners 210921090 4818.50.000 642.94.500 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories 210121016 4818.90.000 642.94.900 Other sanitary paper 32194 Wallpaper and similar wall coverings; window transparencies of paper 210121015 4814.10.000 641.94.100 ''ingrain'' paper 210121015 4814.30.000 641.94.300 Wallpaper and similar wall coveringwith plaiting material 210121015 4814.90.000 641.94.900 Other wallpaper and similar 2109 4814.20.000 641.94.200 Wallpaper and similar wall coveringwith a grained or embossed 32195 Textile wall coverings 2109 5905.00.000 657.35.000 Textile wall coverings. 32196 Floor coverings on a base of paper or paperboard 210121015 4815.00.000 659.11.000 Floor covering on a base of paper

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or of paperboard 32197 Labels of paper or paperboard 221922190 4821.10.000 892.81.100 Paper or paperboard labels; printed 2109 4821.90.000 892.81.900 Paper or paperboard labels; other than printed 32198 Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp 210121019 4812.00.000 641.93.000 Filter blocks, slabs and plates, ofpaper pulp 32199 Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size or shape; cigarette paper, in booklets or tubes, or in rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm; other articles of paper pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres 210121016 4813.10.000 642.41.100 Cigarette paper in the form of bloklets or tubes 210121016 4813.20.000 642.41.200 Cigar. paper in rolls of width lt. 5 210921090 4822.10.000 642.91.100 Bobbins, spools of paper of a kind used for winding textile 210921090 4822.90.000 642.91.900 Bobbins, spools of paper for other purpose 210121016 4823.20.100 642.45.100 Filter paper 210921090 4823.40.900 642.99.490 Other recording paper 210921090 4823.51.000 642.48.100 Other paper and paperboard printed,embossed or perforated 210921090 4823.59.000 642.48.900 Other paper and paperboard for writing 210921090 4823.60.000 642.93.000 Trays, dishes, plates, cups and thelike, of paper or paperboard 210921090 4823.70.100 642.99.710 Paper gaskets and washers 210921090 4823.90.300 642.99.930 Paper in strips or rolls for tele-graphs 210121016 4823.90.400 642.99.940 Base paper of printed cork tippingfor cigarettes industry 210921090 4823.90.900 642.99.990 Other paper or paperboard of cellu-lose fibre 2109 4823.20.900 642.45.900 Other filter paper or paperboard 2109 4823.40.100 642.99.410 Cardiograf recording paper 2109 4823.70.900 642.99.790 Other moulded or presses articles 2109 4823.90.700 642.99.970 Card for statistical machine 2109 4823.90.800 642.99.980 Eldon-card unit 322 Books, brochures and leaflets (except advertising material) printed, printed maps; music, printer or in manuscript 3221 32210 Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, in single sheets, other than advertising material 221122110 4901.10.000 892.15.000 Printed books in single sheets, whether or not folded 3222 32220 Dictioneries and encyclopaedias, and serial installments thereof 221122110 4901.91.000 892.16.000 Dictionaries and encyclopaedias,andserial instalments thereof 3223 32230 Printed boolks (except dictioneries and encyclopaedias and serial installments thereof), brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, other than advertising material, not in single sheets; children's picture, drawing or colouring books 221122110 4901.99.000 892.19.000 Other brochure,leaflets and similar 221922190 4903.00.000 892.12.000 Children's picture,drawing or colouring books 3224 32240 Atlases and other books of maps or charts 221122110 4905.91.000 892.13.000 Maps and hydrographic or similar

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charts in book-form 3225 32250 Maps and hydrographic or similar charts (including wall maps, topographical plans and globes), printed, other than in book-form 221122110 4905.10.000 892.14.000 Globes 221122110 4905.99.000 892.14.900 Other topographical plans, printed 3226 32260 Music, printed or in manuscript 221122110 4904.00.000 892.85.000 Music, printed or in manuscript, whether or not bound or illustrate 323 Newspapers, journals and periodicals, appearing at least four time a week 3230 32300 Newspapers, journals and periodicals, appearing at least four times a week 221222120 4902.10.000 892.21.000 Newspapers, journals appearing at least four times a week 324 Newspapers, journals and periodicals appearing less than four times a week 3240 32400 Newspapers, journals and periodicals appearing less than four times a week 221222120 4902.90.000 892.29.000 Other periodicals 325 Stamps, cheque forms, banknotes, stock certificates, postcard, greeting cards; adversiting material, pictures and other printed matter 3251 32510 Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps; stamp-impressed paper; cheque forms; banknotes, stock, share or bond certificates and similar documents of title 2219 4907.00.200 892.83.200 Banknotes (currency) 2219 4907.00.900 892.83.900 Stock, share or board certificates and similars 3252 32520 Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings or messages, with or without envelopes or trimmings 221922190 4909.00.000 892.42.000 Printed or illustrated postcards 3253 32530 Trade advertising material, comercial catalogues and the like 221922190 4911.10.000 892.86.000 Trade advertising material,commerc-ial catalogues and the like 3254 32540 Printed pictures, designs and photographs 221922190 4911.91.100 892.87.100 Anatomical, botanical and the like,instructional charts and diagrams 221922190 4911.91.900 892.87.900 Other printed design 3255 32550 Plans and drawing for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand-written texts; photographic reproductions and carbon copies of the foregoing 221922190 4906.00.000 892.82.000 Plans and drawing for architecturalor similar purpose 3256 32560 Transfer (decalcomanias) and printed calendars 221922190 4908.10.000 892.41.100 Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifi-able 221922190 4910.00.000 892.84.000 Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks 2219 4908.90.000 892.41.900 Other transfers 3259 32590 Other printed matter 221922190 4911.99.000 892.89.000 Other printed matter 326 Registers, account books, note books, letter pads, diaries and similar articles, blotting-pads, blinders, file cover. form and other articles of stationery, of paper or paperbroad 3260 32600 Registers, account books, note books, letter pads, diaries and similar articles, blotting-pads, blinders, file covers, forms and other articles of stationery, of paper or paperbroad 221922190 4820.10.000 642.31.000 Registers, account books, note bookand similars 221922190 4820.20.000 642.32.000 Exercises books 221922190 4820.40.000 642.34.000 Manifold business forms and inter- leaved carbon sets

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221922190 4820.50.000 642.35.000 Albums for samples or for collecti-ons 2221 4820.30.000 642.33.000 Binders, folders and file covers 2221 4820.90.000 642.39.000 Other articles of stationary 327 Composed type, prepared printing plates or cylinders, impressed lithograpic stones or other impressed media for use in printing 3270 32700 Composed type, prepared printing plates or cylinders, impressed lithographic stone or other impressed media for use in printing 292929291 8442.50.000 726.35.000 Printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders & oth.printing components DIVISION 33 COKE OVEN PRODUCTS; REFINED PETROLEUM PRODUCT; NUCLEAR FUEL 331 Coke and semi coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbon 3310 33100 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbon 231023100 2704.00.000 325.00.000 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lig nite or of peat 332 Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or from peat, and other mineral tars 3320 33200 Tar distelled from coal, from lignite or from peat, and other mineral tars 231023100 2706.00.000 335.21.000 Tar distilled from coal, lignite, peat, and other mineral tars 333 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous materials, other than crude; preparations n.e.c. containing by weight 70 % or more of these oils, such oils being the basic constituents of the preparations 3331 33310 Motor spirit (gasolene) including aviation spirit 232023201 2710.00.210 334.11.100 Aviation spirit 3332 33320 Spirit type (gasolene type) jet fuel 232023201 2710.00.400 334.12.000 Jet fuel 3333 33330 Other light petroleum oils and light oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude); light preparations n.e.c. containing not less than 70 per cent by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude), these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations 232023201 2710.00.290 334.19.900 Other motor spirit 3334 33340 Kerosene (including kerosene type jet fuel) 232023201 2710.00.300 334.21.100 Kerosene, other than kerosene jet fuel type 3335 33350 Other medium petroleum oils and medium oils obtained from bituminous minerals (not kerosene), other than crude; medium preparation n.e.c. containing not less than 70 per cent by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude), these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations 232023201 2710.00.500 334.29.200 White spirit 3336 33360 Gas oils 232023201 2710.00.600 334.30.000 Distillate fuel oils 3337 33370 Fuel oils n.e.c. 232023201 2710.00.700 334.40.000 Residual fuel oils 3338 33380 Lubricating petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other heavy petroleum oils and heavy oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude), and heavy preparations n.e.c. containing not less than 70 per cent by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude), these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations 232023204 2710.00.920 334.50.920 Liquid lubricant preparation 232023204 2710.00.950 334.50.950 Transformer oil 334 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas 3341 33410 Propane and butanes, liquefied 232023201 2711.12.000 342.10.000 Liquefied propane 232023201 2711.13.000 342.50.000 Liquefied butanes 3342 33420 Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene and other petroleum gases or gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas 232023201 2711.14.000 344.10.000 Liquefied ethylene, propylene,

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butylene and butadiene 232023201 2711.19.000 344.20.000 Other liquefied petroleum gasses 232023201 2711.29.000 344.90.000 Other petroleum in gaseous state 335 Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products; petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bitumin materials 3350 33500 Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products; petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials 232023201 2712.10.000 335.11.000 Petroleum jelly 232023201 2712.20.000 335.12.200 Paraffin wax containing by weight less than 0.75 % of oil 232023201 2712.90.100 335.12.910 Paraffin wax 231023100 2712.90.900 335.12.990 Other petroleum jelly 232023201 2713.11.000 335.42.110 Petroleum coke not calcined 232023201 2713.12.000 335.42.120 Petroleum coke calcined 232023201 2713.20.000 335.41.200 Petroleum bitumen 232023201 2713.90.000 335.41.900 Oth residues of petroleum oils / ofoils obtained from bituminous min. 336 Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds; alloys, dispersions, ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues 3361 33610 Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions, ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium and its compounds 2330 2844.10.000 525.11.000 Natural uranium and its compounds 3362 33620 Uranium enriched in U235 and its compounds; plutonium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions, ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium enriched in U235, plutonium or compounds of these products 2330 2844.20.000 525.13.000 Uranium enriched in u235 and its compounds plutonium & its compound 3363 33630 Uranium depleted in u235 and its compounds; thorium and its compounds; alloys , dispersions, ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium depleted in U235, thorium or compounds of these products 2330 2844.30.000 525.15.000 Uranium depleted in u235 and its compounds; 3369 33690 Other radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds, alloys, dispersions, ceramic products and mixture containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues 241124114 2844.40.100 525.19.100 Radium and its salts 241124114 2844.40.900 525.19.900 Other radium products 337 Fuel elements (cartridges), for or of nuclear reactors 3371 33710 Fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors 2330 8401.30.000 718.77.000 Fuel elements ( cartridges ), non -irradiated 3372 33720 Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors 241124114 2844.50.000 525.17.000 Spent fuel elements of nuclear reactors DIVISION 34 BASIC CHEMICALS 341 Basic organic chemicals 3411 34110 Hydrocarbons and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives 241124117 2901.21.000 511.11.000 Unsaturated ethelene 241124117 2901.22.000 511.12.000 Unsaturated propene (propylene) 241124117 2901.23.000 511.13.230 Unsaturated butene (butylene) and isomers there of 241124117 2901.24.000 511.13.240 Buta-1,3-diene&isoprene

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 103 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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unsaturated 242124211 2902.11.000 511.21.000 Cyclohexane 241124117 2902.20.000 511.22.000 Benzene 241124117 2902.30.000 511.23.000 Toluene 241124117 2902.41.000 511.24.100 O-xylene 241124117 2902.42.000 511.24.200 M-xylene 241124117 2902.43.000 511.24.300 P-xylene 241124117 2902.50.000 511.25.000 Styrene 241124117 2902.60.000 511.26.000 Ethylbenzene 241124117 2902.70.000 511.27.000 Cumene 241124117 2902.90.100 511.29.910 Alkyl benzene 241124117 2902.90.900 511.29.990 Other alkyl benzene 241124119 2903.13.000 511.36.130 Chloroform (trichloromethane) 241124117 2903.15.000 511.35.000 1,2-dichloroethane 241124117 2903.16.000 511.36.600 1,2-dichloropropane&dichlorobuta nes 241124117 2903.19.900 511.36.990 Other saturated chlorinated 241124117 2903.21.000 511.31.000 Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) 241124117 2903.22.000 511.32.000 Trichloroethylene 241124117 2903.23.000 511.33.000 Tetrachloroethylene (perchloro- ethylene) 241124117 2903.29.000 511.34.000 Oth unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbon 242324231 2903.30.000 511.37.000 Fluorinated, brominated / iodinatedderivatives of acyclic hydrocarbon 241124117 2903.61.000 511.39.610 Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene & p-dichlorobenzene 241124117 2903.69.000 511.39.900 Other halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons 242324231 2904.20.000 511.40.200 Derivatives containing only nitro or only nitroso groups 2411 2901.10.000 511.14.000 Acyclic hydrocarbons saturated 2411 2901.29.100 511.19.100 Acetylene 2411 2901.29.900 511.19.900 Other acyclic hydrocarbons 2411 2902.19.000 511.29.190 Other cyclohexane 2411 2902.44.000 511.24.400 Mixed xylene isomers 2411 2903.11.000 511.36.110 Chloromethane (methyl chloride) andchloroethana ( ethyl chloride) 2411 2903.12.000 511.36.120 Dichloromethane(methylene chloride) 2411 2903.14.000 511.36.140 Carbon tetrachloride 2411 2903.19.100 511.36.910 1,1,1 - trichloroethane (methyl- chloroform) 2411 2903.41.000 511.38.100 Trichlorofluoromethane 2411 2903.42.000 511.38.200 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2411 2903.43.000 511.38.300 Trichlorotrifluoroethanes 2411 2903.44.000 511.38.400 Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes and chloropentafluoroethene 2411 2903.45.100 511.38.510 Chlorotrifluoromethane 2411 2903.45.200 511.38.520 Tetrachlorodifluoroethanes 2411 2903.45.300 511.38.530 Pentachlorofluoroethane 2411 2903.45.910 511.38.591 Chloroheptafluoropropanes 2411 2903.45.920 511.38.592 Dichlorohexafluoropropanes 2411 2903.45.930 511.38.593 Trichloropentafluoropropanes 2411 2903.45.940 511.38.594 Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropanes 2411 2903.45.950 511.38.595 Pentachlorotrifluoropropanes 2411 2903.45.960 511.38.596 Hexachlorodifluoropropanes

104 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

2411 2903.45.970 511.38.597 Heptachlorofluoropropanes 2411 2903.45.990 511.38.599 Other halogenated derivates of acyclic hydrocarbons 2411 2903.46.000 511.38.600 Bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromo trifluoromethane 2411 2903.47.000 511.38.700 Other perhalogenated derivatives only with flourine & chlorine 2411 2903.49.000 511.38.900 Other perhalogenated derivatives with other flourine & chlorine 2411 2903.51.000 511.39.510 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexaclorocyclohexane 2411 2903.59.000 511.39.590 Other halogenated derivatives of cyclanic 2411 2903.62.000 511.39.620 Hexachlorobenzene and ddt ( 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2 2-bis ethana) 2411 2904.10.000 511.40.100 Derivatives containing only sulpho groups, their salts & ethyl esters 2411 2904.90.000 511.40.900 Other sulphonated derivatives of hydrocarbons 3412 34120 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining 2411 3823.11.000 431.31.100 Industrial stearic acid 2411 3823.12.000 431.31.200 Oleic acid 2411 3823.13.000 431.31.300 Tall oil fatty acid 2411 3823.19.100 431.31.910 Acid oils from refining 2411 3823.19.900 431.31.990 Other industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids, nes 3413 34130 Alcohols, phenols, phenol-alcohol, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives; industrial fatty alcohols 2411 2905.12.000 512.12.000 Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol(isopropyl alcohol) 2411 2905.15.000 512.19.150 Pentanol and isomers thereof 2411 2905.16.000 512.14.000 Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomersthereof 2411 2905.17.000 512.19.170 Dodecan-1-ol , hexadecan-1-01 and octadecan-1-01 2411 2905.19.100 512.19.191 2 ethyl hexanol 2411 2905.19.900 512.19.199 Other saturated monohydric alcohols 2411 2905.22.000 512.19.220 Acyclic terpene alcohols 2411 2905.29.000 512.19.290 Oth unsaturated monohydric alcohols 2411 2905.41.000 512.29.410 2-ethyl-2-propane-1,3-diol 2411 2905.50.100 512.29.510 Tricontanol 2411 2906.11.000 512.31.110 Menthol 2411 2906.12.000 512.31.120 Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols dimethylcyclohexanols 2411 2906.13.000 512.31.130 Sterols and inositols 2411 2906.14.000 512.31.140 Terpineols 2411 2906.19.000 512.31.190 Other cyclanic,cyclenic 2411 2906.29.000 512.35.290 Other aromatic 2411 2907.12.000 512.42.000 Cresols and their salts 2411 2907.13.000 512.43.130 Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers 2411 2907.14.000 512.43.140 Xylenols and their salts 2411 2907.21.000 512.43.210 Resoircinol and its salts 2411 2907.23.000 512.43.230 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol and its salts 2411 2907.29.000 512.43.290 Other polyphenols

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 105 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

2411 2908.10.000 512.44.100 Derivatives containing only halogen subtituents and their salts 2411 2908.20.000 512.44.200 Deravitives containing only sulpho groups, their salts and esters 2411 3823.70.000 512.17.000 Industrial fatty alcohols 241124119 2905.11.000 512.11.000 Methanol (methyl alcohol) 241124117 2905.13.000 512.13.300 Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol) 242324231 2905.14.000 512.13.400 Other butanols 241124117 2905.31.000 512.21.000 Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) 241124117 2905.32.000 512.29.320 Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol) 241124117 2905.39.000 512.29.390 Other diols 242324232 2905.42.000 512.23.000 Pentaerythritol 241124119 2905.43.000 512.24.000 Mannitol 241124119 2905.44.000 512.25.000 D-glucitol (sorbitol) 241124119 2905.49.000 512.29.490 Other polyhydric alcohols 242324231 2905.50.900 512.29.590 Other acyclic alcohol 241124117 2906.21.000 512.35.210 Benzyl alcohol 241124116 2907.11.000 512.41.000 Phenol (hydroxybenzene) & its salts 241124116 2907.15.000 512.43.150 Naphthols and their salts 242324231 2907.19.000 512.43.190 Other monophenols 241124116 2907.22.000 512.43.220 Hydroquinone (quinol) and its salts 242124211 2907.30.000 512.43.300 Phenol alcohols 241124116 2908.90.000 512.44.900 Other derivatives of phenol 3414 34140 Carboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, except salicylis acid and its salts and esters and their salts 241124119 2915.11.000 513.74.110 Formic acid 241124119 2915.21.000 513.71.210 Acetic acid 242324231 2915.29.000 513.71.290 Other acetic acid and their salt 241124119 2915.31.000 513.72.310 Ethyl acetate 241124117 2915.32.000 513.72.320 Vinyl acetate 241124119 2915.70.100 513.76.100 Stearic acid 241124119 2915.70.900 513.76.900 Other palmitic acid 242324231 2915.90.000 513.77.900 Other saturated acyclic monocarbox-ylic acids 241124117 2916.11.000 513.79.110 Acrylic acid and its salts 241124117 2916.12.000 513.79.120 Esters of acrylic acid 241124118 2916.14.100 513.73.141 Methyl methacrylate 241124119 2916.19.000 513.79.190 Other unsaturated acyclic monocar- boxilic acid 241124117 2916.31.000 513.79.310 Benzoic acid, its salts and esters 241124119 2917.11.000 513.89.110 Oxalic acid, its salts and esters 241124119 2917.12.000 513.89.120 Adipic acid, its salts and esters 241124119 2917.13.000 513.89.130 Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their salts and esters 241124117 2917.14.000 513.81.000 Maleic anhydride 241124119 2917.19.000 513.89.190 Other acyclic polycarboxylic acids 241124119 2917.31.000 513.89.310 Dibutyl orthophthalates 241124119 2917.32.000 513.83.000 Dioctyl orhtophthalates 241124117 2917.35.000 513.82.000 Phthalic anhydride 241124117 2917.36.100 513.89.361 Teraphthalic acid (pta) 241124119 2917.39.000 513.89.390 Other polycarboxylic acids 241124119 2918.12.000 513.91.120 Tartaric acid 241124119 2918.14.000 513.91.140 Citric acid

106 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

241124119 2918.15.100 513.91.151 Calcium citrate 241124119 2918.16.000 513.92.160 Gluconic acid, its salts and esters 242324231 2918.19.000 513.92.190 Other carboxylic acid with alcohol function 2411 2915.12.000 513.74.120 Salts of formic acid 2411 2915.13.000 513.74.130 Esters of formic acid 2411 2915.22.000 513.71.220 Sodium acetate 2411 2915.23.000 513.71.230 Cobalt acetates 2411 2915.24.000 513.77.240 Acetic anhydride 2411 2915.33.000 513.72.330 N-butyl acetate 2411 2915.34.000 513.72.340 Isobutyl acetate 2411 2915.35.000 513.72.350 2-ethoxyethyl acetate 2411 2915.39.000 513.72.390 Other esters of acetic acid 2411 2915.40.000 513.77.400 Mono-, di-or trichloroacetic acids,their salt and esters 2411 2915.50.000 513.77.500 Propionic acids, its salts and esters 2411 2915.60.000 513.75.000 Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts and esters 2411 2916.13.000 513.73.130 Methacrylic acid and its salts 2411 2916.14.900 513.73.149 Other esters of methacrylic acid 2411 2916.15.000 513.78.000 Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids,their salts and esters 2411 2916.20.000 513.79.200 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicmonocarboxilic acids and their drv 2411 2916.32.000 513.79.320 Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chlor-ide 2411 2916.34.000 513.79.340 Phenylacetic acid and its salt 2411 2916.35.000 513.79.350 Esters of phenylacetic acid 2411 2916.39.000 513.79.390 Other aromatic monocarboxilic acids 2411 2917.20.000 513.85.000 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicpolycarboxylic acids,and their drv 2411 2917.33.000 513.89.330 Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates 2411 2917.34.000 513.89.340 Other esters of orthophthalic acid 2411 2917.36.900 513.89.369 Other terephtalic acid 2411 2917.37.000 513.84.000 Dimethyl terephtalate 2411 2918.11.000 513.91.110 Lactic acid, its salts and esters 2411 2918.13.000 513.91.130 Salts and esters of tartaric acid 2411 2918.15.900 513.91.159 Salts and esters of citric acid 2411 2918.17.000 513.92.170 Phenylglycolic acid (mandelic acid)its salts and esters 2411 2918.29.100 513.94.100 Alkyl sulphonic ester of phenol 2411 2918.29.900 513.94.900 Other carboxylic acid with phenol function 2411 2918.30.000 513.95.000 Carboxylic acids with aldehyde, their anhydrides & their derivativ 2411 2918.90.000 513.96.000 Other carboxylic acids 3415 34150 Amine-function compounds; oxygen-function amino-compounds, except lysine and its esters and salts thereof and glutamic acid and its salt thereof; carboxyimide-function compound and imine-compounds; diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds; organics derivates of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine; compounds with other nitrogen function 2411 2921.11.000 514.51.110 Methylamine, di-or trimethylamine and their salts 2411 2921.12.000 514.51.120 Diethylamine and its salts 2411 2921.21.000 514.52.210 Ethylenediamine and its salts

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 107 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

2411 2921.22.000 514.52.220 Hexamethylenediamine and its salts 2411 2921.29.000 514.52.290 Other acyclic polyamines 2411 2921.30.000 514.53.000 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicmono or polyamines, and their drv. 2411 2921.42.000 514.54.420 Aniline derivatives and their salts 2411 2921.43.000 514.54.430 Toluidines and their derivatives;salts thereof 2411 2921.51.000 514.55.510 O-, m-, p-phenylenediamine,diamino-tolu enes and their drv.salt thereo 2411 2922.11.000 514.61.110 Monoethanolamine and its salts 2411 2922.12.000 514.61.120 Diethanolamine and its salts 2411 2922.13.000 514.61.130 Triethanolamine and its salts 2411 2922.19.100 514.61.191 Ethambutol 2411 2922.19.900 514.61.199 Other amino alcohols 2411 2922.21.000 514.62.210 Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulpho nic acids and their salts 2411 2922.22.000 514.62.220 Anisidines, dianisidines,phenetidi-nes, and their salts 2411 2922.29.000 514.62.290 Other amino naphtols 2411 2922.30.000 514.63.000 Amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones andamino quinones; salts thereof 2411 2922.43.000 514.65.400 Anthranilic acid and its salts 2411 2922.49.300 514.65.300 Ed n(phosphonomethyl) glycine salt 2411 2922.50.000 514.67.000 Amino-alcohol-fhenols, amino-acid-phenols and oth amino-compounds 2411 2924.21.100 514.73.100 Paraethoxyphenylurea (dulcin) 2411 2924.21.900 514.73.900 Other ureines and their derivatives 2411 2925.20.000 514.82.200 Imines and their derivatives; saltsthereof 2411 2926.20.000 514.84.200 1-cyanoguanidine (dicyandiamide) 2411 2926.90.000 514.84.900 Other nitril function compounds 2411 2927.00.100 514.85.100 Azodicarbonamide 2411 2927.00.900 514.85.900 Other diazo,azo- or azoxy-compounds 2411 2928.00.000 514.86.000 Organic derivatives of hidrazine orof hydroxylamine 2411 2929.10.000 514.89.100 Isocyanates 2411 2929.90.190 514.89.919 Other cyclamates 2411 2929.90.900 514.89.990 Other compound with other nitrogen function 241124117 2921.19.000 514.51.190 Other acyclic monoamines 241124116 2921.41.000 514.54.410 Aniline and its salts 242124211 2921.44.000 514.54.440 Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereof 241124116 2921.45.000 514.54.450 1-naphthylamine (alpha-naphthylamin2-naphthyla mine and their derivati 241124116 2921.49.000 514.54.490 Other aromatic monoamines 242324231 2921.59.000 514.55.590 Other aromatic polyamines 242324232 2922.49.900 514.65.900 Other amino acid and their esters 241124119 2925.11.000 514.82.110 Saccharin and its salts

108 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

242324231 2925.19.000 514.82.190 Other imides and their derivatives 241124117 2926.10.000 514.83.000 Acrylonitrile 241124119 2929.90.110 514.89.911 Sodium cyclamate 3416 34160 Organo-sulphur compounds and other organo-inorganic compounds; heterocyclic compounds n.e.c nucleic acids and their salts 242124211 2930.20.000 515.42.000 Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates 241124119 2930.90.000 515.49.000 Other organo sulphur compound 242324231 2932.21.000 515.62.000 Coumarin,methylcoumarins and ethyl-coumarins 242324232 2932.99.000 515.69.999 Other heterocyclic compound with oxygen heteroatom lactoca 242324232 2933.29.000 515.73.000 Other compounds containing unfused imidazole 242124211 2933.31.000 515.74.310 Pyridine and its salts 242324231 2933.39.000 515.74.390 Other compound containing unfused pyridine ring 242124211 2933.40.000 515.75.000 Compounds containing a quinoline orisoquinoline ring-system; not fuse 242124211 2933.61.000 515.76.610 Melamine 241124117 2933.71.000 515.61.710 6-hexanelactam(epsilon-caprolact am) 242124211 2934.20.000 515.79.200 Compound containing a benzothiazolering system, not further fused 242324232 2934.90.900 515.79.990 Other heterocyclic compounds 2411 2930.10.000 515.41.000 Dithiocarbonates (xanthates) 2411 2930.30.000 515.43.000 Thiuram mono-,di- or tetrasulphides 2411 2930.40.000 515.44.000 Methionine 2411 2931.00.100 515.50.100 Organo mercury compound 2411 2931.00.910 515.50.910 Tetraethyl-lead 2411 2931.00.920 515.50.920 N (phosphonomethyl) glycine acid 2411 2931.00.930 515.50.930 N (phosphonomethyl) glycine salts 2411 2931.00.990 515.50.990 Other organo inorganic compounds 2411 2932.11.000 515.69.110 Tetrahydrofuran 2411 2932.12.000 515.69.120 2-furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde) 2411 2932.13.000 515.69.130 Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofur-ryl alcohol 2411 2932.19.100 515.69.191 Carbofuran 2411 2932.19.900 515.69.199 Other compounds of unfused furan ring 2411 2932.91.000 515.69.991 Isosafrole 2411 2932.92.000 515.69.992 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl) propan-2- one 2411 2932.93.000 515.69.993 Piperonal 2411 2932.94.000 515.69.994 Safrole 2411 2933.32.000 515.74.320 Piperidine and its salts 2411 2933.79.000 515.61.790 Other lactams 2411 2933.90.000 515.77.000 Other heterocyclic compound with nitrogen heteroatom 2411 2934.10.000 515.79.100 Compounds containing an unfused thiazole ring in the structure 2411 2934.90.100 515.79.910 Sultones and sultams 2411 2934.90.200 515.79.920 Diltiazem

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 109 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

2411 2934.90.300 515.79.930 Nucleid acid 3417 34170 Ethers, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, epoxides, acetals and hemiacetals and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives; aldehyde-function compounds; ketone-function compounds and quinone-function compounds; enzymes; prepared enzymes n.e.c.; organic compounds n.e.c. 2411 2909.43.000 516.17.430 Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycolor of diethylene glycol 2411 2909.44.000 516.17.440 Other monoalkylethers of ethylene glycol / of diethylene glycol 2411 2910.30.000 516.15.300 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin) 2411 2910.90.000 516.15.900 Other epoxides & their halogenated 2411 2911.00.000 516.12.000 Acetals and hemiacetals, whether ornot with oth oxygen,& their halogn 2411 2912.13.000 516.21.130 Butanal (butyraldehyde, normal isomers) 2411 2912.19.000 516.21.190 Other acyclic aldehides 2411 2912.29.000 516.22.290 Other cyclic aldehides 2411 2912.30.000 516.22.300 Aldehyde-alcohols 2411 2912.41.000 516.22.410 Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehy de) 2411 2912.42.000 516.22.420 Ethylvanillin (3-ethoxy-4-hydroxy- benzaldehyde) 2411 2912.49.000 516.22.490 Other aldehyde ether 2411 2912.50.000 516.22.500 Cyclic polymers of aldehydes 2411 2912.60.000 516.22.600 Paraformaldehyde 2411 2913.00.000 516.26.000 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated derivatives of prod.of head. 29.12 2411 2914.12.000 516.24.000 Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) 2411 2914.13.000 516.25.130 4-methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobutyl ketone) 2411 2914.19.000 516.25.190 Other acyclic ketones 2411 2914.22.000 516.28.220 Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones 2411 2914.23.000 516.28.230 Ionones and methylionones 2411 2914.31.000 516.29.310 Phenylacetone (phenylpropan-2-one) 2411 2914.39.000 516.29.390 Other aromatic ketone without other oxygen function 2411 2914.40.000 516.29.400 Ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehyde 2411 2914.50.000 516.29.500 Ketone-phenols and ketones with othoxygen function 2411 2914.70.000 516.29.700 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives 2411 2942.00.000 516.99.000 Other organic compounds. 241124119 2909.11.000 516.16.110 Diethyl ether 242324231 2909.19.000 516.16.190 Other acyclic ethers and their halogenated 241124119 2909.20.000 516.16.200 Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenicethers & their halogenated,nitrate 241124119 2909.30.000 516.16.300 Aromatic ethers &their

110 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

halogenated sulphonated,nitrated/nitrosated dv 241124119 2909.41.000 516.17.410 2,2'-oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol, digol) 241124119 2909.42.000 516.17.420 Monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol / of diethylene glycol 241124119 2909.49.000 516.17.490 Oth ether alcohol&their halogenated 241124119 2909.50.000 516.17.500 Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenolsulphonated/ nitrosated derivatives 241124119 2909.60.000 516.17.600 Alcohol,ether,ketone peroxides, andsulphonated/nitrosated derivatives 241124117 2910.10.000 516.13.000 Oxirane (ethylene oxide) 241124117 2910.20.000 516.14.000 Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) 241124119 2912.11.000 516.21.110 Methanal (formaldehyde) 241124117 2912.12.000 516.21.120 Ethanal (acetaldehyde) 241124117 2912.21.000 516.22.210 Benzaldehyde 241124119 2914.11.000 516.23.000 Acetone 241124115 2914.21.000 516.27.000 Camphor 242324231 2914.29.000 516.28.290 Other cyclanic without oth oxygen 242124211 2914.61.000 516.29.610 Anthraquinone 242124211 2914.69.000 516.29.690 Other quinones 242324232 3507.10.000 516.91.100 Rennet and concentrates thereof 242324231 3507.90.000 516.91.900 Other enzymes 3418 34180 Phosphoric esters and their salts or esters of other inorganic acids (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives 241124119 2920.90.000 516.39.900 Other esters of in-organic acids 2411 2919.00.100 516.31.100 Ethepon 2411 2919.00.900 516.31.900 Other phosporic esters 2411 2920.10.000 516.39.100 Thiophosphoric esters (phosphoroth-ioates) and their salts; nitrosate 342 Basic inorganic chemicals n.e.c. 3421 34210 Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and rare gases; inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals n.e.c. 241124112 2804.10.000 522.21.100 Hydrogen 241124112 2804.21.000 522.21.210 Argon 241124112 2804.29.000 522.21.290 Other rares gases 241124112 2804.30.000 522.21.300 Nitrogen 241124112 2804.40.000 522.21.400 Oxygen 241124112 2811.21.000 522.39.100 Carbon dioxide 241124112 2811.29.000 522.39.900 Other in organic oxygen 3422 34220 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide; chromium oxides and hydroxides; manganese oxides; iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours; cobalt oxides and hydroxides; titanium oxides; lead oxides; red lead and orange lead; inorganic bases n.e.c.; metal oxides hydroxides and peroxides n.e.c. 241124114 2819.10.000 522.52.100 Chromium trioxide 241124114 2819.90.000 522.52.900 Other chromium oxides and hidroxids 241124114 2820.10.000 522.53.100 Manganese dioxide 241124114 2821.10.100 522.54.110 Iron oxides 241124114 2821.10.200 522.54.120 Iron hydroxides 241124113 2821.20.000 522.54.200 Earth colours containing >= 70% of fe203 241124114 2822.00.100 522.55.100 Cobalt oxides.

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 111 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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241124114 2823.00.000 522.56.000 Titanium oxides 241124113 2824.10.000 522.57.100 Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) 241124113 2824.20.000 522.57.200 Red lead and orange lead 241124113 2824.90.000 522.57.900 Other lead oxides 241124114 2825.50.000 522.69.500 Copper oxides and hydroxides 241124114 2825.90.000 522.69.900 Other hidrazine and hydroxylamine 2411 2817.00.100 522.51.100 Zinc oxide 2411 2817.00.200 522.51.200 Zinc peroxide 2411 2820.90.000 522.53.900 Other manganese oxides 2411 2822.00.900 522.55.900 Cobalt hydroxides and other 2411 2825.20.000 522.69.200 Lithium oxide and hydroxide 2411 2825.30.000 522.69.300 Vanadium oxides and hydroxides 2411 2825.40.000 522.69.400 Nickel oxides and hydroxides 2411 2825.60.000 522.69.600 Germanium oxides&zirconium dioxides 2411 2825.70.000 522.69.700 Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides 2411 2825.80.000 522.69.800 Antimony oxides 3423 34230 Chemicals elements n.e.c.; inorganic acids except nitric and sulphonitric; inorganic oxygen compounds of boron, silicon and sulphur; halogen or sulphur compounds of non-metals; sodium hydroxide and peroxides of strontium or barium; aluminium hydroxide; hydrozine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts 2411 2803.00.190 522.10.190 Other carbon black 2411 2804.61.000 522.23.610 Silicon containing by w/ > 99.99 % of silicon 2411 2804.70.000 522.22.700 Phosphorus 2411 2809.20.900 522.34.290 Other phosphoric acid 2411 2811.11.000 522.36.110 Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) 2411 2811.19.000 522.36.190 Other inorganic acids 2411 2811.22.100 522.37.100 Silica powder precipitated dehy - drated 2411 2811.22.900 522.37.900 Other silicon dioxide 2411 2812.10.000 522.41.100 Chlorides and chloride oxides 2411 2812.90.000 522.41.900 Other halide oxide of non metal 2411 2825.10.900 522.68.900 Hydroxylamine and their in organic salt 241124111 2801.10.000 522.24.000 Chlorine 241124114 2801.20.000 522.25.200 Iodine 241124114 2801.30.000 522.25.300 Fluorine; bromine 241124114 2802.00.000 522.26.000 Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur 241124114 2803.00.110 522.10.110 Acetylene black 232023203 2803.00.900 522.10.900 Other carbon 241124114 2804.50.000 522.22.500 Boron; tellurium 241124114 2804.69.000 522.23.690 Silicon containing by w/ lte. 99.99 %of silicon 142114219 2804.80.000 522.22.800 Arsenic 241124114 2804.90.000 522.22.900 Selenium 241124111 2805.11.000 522.28.100 Sodium 241124111 2805.19.000 522.28.190 Other alkali metals 241124114 2805.21.000 522.29.210 Calsium 241124114 2805.22.000 522.29.220 Strontium and barium 241124114 2805.30.000 522.29.300 Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium 241124114 2805.40.000 522.27.000 Mercury 241124114 2806.10.000 522.31.100 Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric

112 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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acid) 241124114 2806.20.000 522.31.200 Chlorosulphuric acid 241124114 2807.00.000 522.32.000 Sulphuric acid; oleum. 241124114 2809.10.000 522.34.100 Diphosphorus pentaoxide 241124114 2809.20.100 522.34.210 Meta,ortho & pyro phosphoric acids 241124114 2810.00.000 522.35.000 Oxides of boron; boric acids. 241124112 2811.23.000 522.38.000 Sulphur dioxide 241124119 2813.10.000 522.42.100 Carbon disulphide 241124119 2813.90.000 522.42.900 Other sulphide of non metal;commer-cial phosphorus trisulphides 241124111 2815.11.000 522.62.000 Sodium hydroxide solid 241124111 2815.12.000 522.63.000 Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution 241124111 2815.20.000 522.64.200 Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) 241124111 2815.30.000 522.64.300 Peroxides of sodium or potassium 241124114 2816.10.000 522.65.100 Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium 241124114 2816.20.000 522.65.200 Oxide, hydroxide and peroxide of strontium 241124114 2816.30.000 522.65.300 Oxide, hydroxide and peroxide of barium 242324232 2818.30.000 522.66.000 Aluminium hydroxide 241124114 2825.10.100 522.68.100 Hydrazine 3424 34240 Phosphates of triammonium; salts and peroxysalts of inorganic acids and metals n.e.c. 241124114 2826.11.000 523.10.110 Flourides of ammonium or of sodium 241124114 2826.12.000 523.10.120 Flourides of aluminium 241124114 2827.20.000 523.22.000 Calcium chloride 241124114 2828.10.000 523.31.100 Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium hypoclorites 241124114 2828.90.310 523.31.931 Hypochlorites of sodium 241124114 2828.90.390 523.31.939 Other hypochlorites compounds 241124114 2828.90.900 523.31.990 Other hypochlorites 241124114 2830.10.000 523.41.000 Sodium sulphides 241124119 2831.10.000 523.43.100 Dithionites &sulpoxylates of sodium 241124114 2832.10.000 523.44.100 Sodium sulphites 241124114 2832.20.000 523.44.200 Other sulphites 242324231 2832.30.000 523.44.300 Thiosulphates 241124114 2833.19.000 523.45.192 Other sodium sulphates 241124114 2833.21.000 523.49.210 Other sulphates of magnessium 241124114 2833.22.000 523.49.220 Other sulphates of aluminium 241124114 2833.24.000 523.49.240 Other sulphates of nickel 241124114 2833.25.000 523.49.250 Other sulphates of copper 241124114 2833.26.000 523.49.260 Other sulphates of zinc 241124114 2833.29.000 523.49.290 Other sulphates compounds 241124114 2833.30.000 523.49.300 Alums 142114213 2834.22.000 523.59.220 Nitrates of bismuth 241124114 2834.29.000 523.59.290 Other nitrites, nitrates 142114212 2835.22.000 523.63.220 Phosphates of mono-or disodium 142114212 2835.23.000 523.63.230 Phosphates of trisodium 142114212 2835.24.000 523.63.240 Phosphates of potassium 142114212 2835.26.000 523.63.260 Other phosphates of calcium 142114212 2835.29.000 523.63.290 Phosphates of other compounds 241124114 2835.31.000 523.64.000 Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate)

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 113 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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142114212 2835.39.100 523.65.100 Sodium hexametaphosphates 142114212 2835.39.200 523.65.200 Tetrasodium pyrophosphates 142114212 2835.39.300 523.65.300 Sodium tetraphosphates 142114212 2835.39.900 523.65.900 Other polyphospates 241124111 2836.30.000 523.73.000 Sodium hydrogencarbonate(sodium bicarbonate) 241124111 2836.40.000 523.74.000 Potassium carbonates 242324231 2836.50.100 523.79.510 Food & pharmaceutical grade of calcium carbonate 242324231 2836.50.900 523.79.590 Other calcium carbonate 242324231 2836.99.000 523.79.990 Other carbonates 2411 2826.19.000 523.10.190 Other flourides 2411 2826.20.000 523.10.200 Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potasium 2411 2826.30.000 523.10.300 Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (syntetic cryolite) 2411 2826.90.000 523.10.900 Other complex flouride salt 2411 2829.11.000 523.32.000 Chlorates of sodium 2411 2829.19.000 523.39.190 Other chlorates compounds 2411 2829.90.000 523.39.900 Other chlorates and perchlorates 2411 2830.20.000 523.42.200 Zinc sulphide 2411 2830.30.000 523.42.300 Cadmium sulphide 2411 2830.90.000 523.42.900 Other sulphides polysulphides 2411 2831.90.000 523.43.900 Other dithionites &sulpoxylates compounds 2411 2833.11.000 523.45.110 Disodium sulphate 2411 2833.23.100 523.49.231 Basic chromium sulphate 2411 2833.23.900 523.49.239 Other chromium sulphate 2411 2833.27.000 523.49.270 Other sulphates of barium 2411 2833.40.000 523.49.400 Peroxosulphates (persulphates) 2411 2835.10.000 523.61.000 Phosphinates (hypophospites) and phosphonates (phosphites) 2411 2835.25.000 523.63.250 Calsium hydrogenorthophosphate (''dicalcium phosphate'') 2411 2836.20.000 523.72.000 Disodium carbonate 2411 2836.60.000 523.79.600 Barium carbonate 2411 2836.70.000 523.75.000 Lead carbonate 2411 2836.91.000 523.79.910 Lithium carbonates 2411 2836.92.000 523.79.920 Strontium carbonate 3425 34250 Salts of oxometallic or perometallic acids; colloidal precious metals and compounds therof; other inorganic chemicals n.e.c. compressed air; amalgams 2411 2841.10.000 524.31.100 Aluminates 2411 2841.61.000 524.31.610 Potassium permanganate 2411 2841.69.000 524.31.690 Other manganites 2411 2841.80.000 524.31.800 Tungstates (wolframates) : 2411 2841.90.000 524.31.900 Other salts of oxometalic 2411 2843.10.000 524.32.100 Colloidal precious metals 2411 2843.21.000 524.32.210 Silver nitrate 2411 2843.29.000 524.32.290 Other silver compounds 2411 2843.30.000 524.32.300 Gold compounds 2411 2843.90.000 524.32.900 Other compounds; amalgams 2411 2851.00.900 524.99.900 Other inorganic compounds 241124114 2841.20.000 524.31.200 Chromates of zinc or of lead 241124114 2841.30.000 524.31.300 Sodium dichromate 241124114 2841.40.000 524.31.400 Potassium dichromate 241124114 2841.50.000 524.31.500 Other chromates and dichromates; peroxochromates 241124114 2841.70.000 524.31.700 Molybdates

114 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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241124114 2851.00.100 524.99.100 Liquid air and compressed air 3426 34260 Isotoples n.e.c. and compounds thereof (including heavy water) 2411 2845.10.000 525.91.100 Heavy water (deuterium oxide) 2411 2845.90.000 525.91.900 Other isotopes 3427 34270 Cyanides, cyanides oxides and complex cyanides; fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates; silicates; borates; perborates salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids 2411 2837.20.000 523.81.200 Complex cyanides 2411 2838.00.000 523.82.000 Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanat 2411 2839.19.900 523.83.199 Other sodium silicates 2411 2840.11.000 523.84.110 Disodium tetraborate anhydrous 2411 2840.19.000 523.84.190 Other disodium tetraborates 2411 2840.20.000 523.84.200 Other borates 2411 2840.30.000 523.84.300 Peroxoborates (perborates) 2411 2842.10.000 523.89.100 Double or complex silicates 2411 2842.90.000 523.89.900 Other salt of in organic acids 241124114 2837.11.000 523.81.110 Cyanides & cyanide oxides of sodium 241124114 2837.19.000 523.81.190 Other cyanides compounds 241124114 2839.11.000 523.83.110 Sodium metasilicate 241124114 2839.19.100 523.83.191 Sodium silicate 241124114 2839.20.000 523.83.200 Potassium silicates 241124114 2839.90.000 523.83.900 Other silicates 3428 34280 Hydrogen peroxide; phosphides; carbides; hydrides, nitrides, azides silicides and borides 241124114 2847.00.100 524.91.100 Liquid hydrogen peroxide 241124114 2847.00.200 524.91.200 Solidified hydrogen peroxide 241124114 2848.00.000 524.92.000 Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined 241124114 2849.10.000 524.93.000 Carbides of calcium 241124114 2849.20.000 524.94.200 Carbides of silicon 241124114 2849.90.000 524.94.000 Other carbides, shether or not chemically defined 2411 2850.00.000 524.95.000 Hydrides,nitrides,azides,silicides & borides,whether/not chem.difined 3429 34290 Compounds of rare earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium 2411 2846.10.000 525.95.100 Cerium compounds 2411 2846.90.000 525.95.900 Other compound of inorganic or organic rare metal 343 Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivates; colouring matter n.e.c. 3431 34310 Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations based thereon; synthetic organic products of kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as luminophores; colour lake and preparations based thereon 2411 3204.17.100 531.17.100 Pasty pigment preparation in water medium 2411 3204.17.910 531.17.910 Organic pigment preparation (master batch) 2411 3204.17.990 531.17.990 Other organic pigment preparation 2411 3204.19.000 531.19.000 Other synthetic organic colouring method 2411 3204.20.000 531.21.100 Synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent 241124116 3204.11.100 531.11.100 Crude dyestuff for disperse colour ings 241124116 3204.11.900 531.11.900 Other disperse, dyes and preparat. 241124116 3204.12.000 531.12.000 Acid dyes, whether or not premetal-lised

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 115 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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241124116 3204.13.000 531.13.000 Basic dyes and preparations based thereon 241124116 3204.14.000 531.14.000 Direct dyes and preparations based thereon 241124116 3204.15.000 531.15.000 Vat dyes and preparations based thereon 241124116 3204.16.000 531.16.000 Reactive dyes and preparation basedthereon 241124116 3204.17.200 531.17.200 Synthetic organic pigment in powder 241124116 3204.90.000 531.21.900 Other synthetic organic colouring matter 241124116 3205.00.000 531.22.000 Colour lakes; preparations based oncolour 3432 34320 Tanning extract of vegetable origin; tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives; colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, except animal black; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin 241124115 3201.90.100 532.21.910 Gambier 241124119 3201.90.900 532.21.990 Oth tanning extracts of veg. origin 241124116 3203.00.000 532.22.000 Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origi 2411 3201.10.000 532.21.100 Quebracho extract 2411 3201.20.000 532.21.200 Wattle extract 3433 34330 Synthetic organic tanning substances; inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparation; enzymatic preparation for pretanning 2411 3202.10.000 532.31.000 Synthetic organic tanning substance 2411 3202.90.000 532.32.000 Other synthetic organic tanning substances 3434 34340 Colouring matter n.e.c.; inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores 2411 3206.11.100 533.11.110 Pigment containing 80 % 2411 3206.11.200 533.11.120 Inorganic pigment preparations (master-batch) 2411 3206.11.900 533.11.190 Other pigment and preparations base on titanium dioxide cont >= 80% 2411 3206.19.100 533.11.911 Other pigment and preparations base on titanium dioxide cont lt. 80% 2411 3206.19.200 533.11.912 Inorganic pigment preparations (master-batch) 2411 3206.19.900 533.11.919 Other colouring not containing 80 %, based on titanium 2411 3206.41.900 533.14.900 Other ultramarin inorganic pigment preparation 2411 3206.43.190 533.16.190 Other berlin blue inorganic pigment preparation 2411 3206.43.910 533.16.910 Hexacyan oferrat inorganic pigment preparation 2411 3206.43.990 533.16.990 Other hexacyan oferret inorganic pigment preparation 2411 3206.49.100 533.17.100 Colouring matter inorganic pigment preparation 241124113 3206.20.100 533.12.100 Chrome yellow and chrome green and molybdate red/or.base on 241124113 3206.20.910 533.12.910 Inorganic pigment preparation based on chromium compounds

116 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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241124113 3206.20.990 533.12.990 Other inorganic pigment preparation based on chromium compounds 241124113 3206.30.100 533.13.100 Inorganic pigment preparation based on cadmium compounds 241124113 3206.30.900 533.13.900 Other inorganic pigment preparation based on cadmium compounds 241124113 3206.41.100 533.14.100 Ultramarin inorganic pigment pre - paration 241124113 3206.42.100 533.15.100 Lithopone inorganic pigment prepa- ration 241124113 3206.42.900 533.15.900 Other inorganic pigment preparation 241124113 3206.43.110 533.16.110 Berlin blue inorganic pigment pre - paration 241124113 3206.49.900 533.17.900 Other colouring matter inorganic pigment preparation 241124113 3206.50.100 533.18.100 Luminophores inorganic pigment pre- paration 241124113 3206.50.900 533.18.900 Other luminophores inorganic pigmentpreparation 344 Activated natural mineral products; animal back; tall oil; terpenic oils produced by the treatment of corniferous woods; crude dipentene; crude para-cymene; pine oil; rosin and resin acids, and derivatives thereof; rosin spirit and rosin oils; rum gums; wood tar; wood tar oils wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; brewers' pitch 3440 34400 Activated natural mineral products; animal black; tall oil; terpenic oils produced by the treatment of coniferous woods; crude dipentene; crude para-cymene; pine oil; rosin and resin acids, and derivatives thereof; rosin spirit and rosin oils; run gums; wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; brewers' pitch 241124115 3803.00.000 598.11.000 Tall oil, whether or not refined 241124115 3805.10.000 598.13.100 Gum,wood or sulphate turpentine oil 241124115 3805.20.000 598.13.200 Pine oil 241124115 3805.90.000 598.13.900 Other gum, wood or sulphate turpentine 241124115 3806.10.000 598.14.100 Rosin 241124115 3806.20.000 598.14.200 Salt of rosin or of resin acids 241124115 3806.90.900 598.14.990 Other ester gums 241124115 3807.00.000 598.18.000 Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naptha 2411 3802.90.100 598.65.100 Activated earth 2411 3802.90.900 598.65.900 Animal black incl. spent animal black 2411 3806.30.100 598.14.310 Ester gums in blocks 2411 3806.30.900 598.14.390 Ester gums in other form 2411 3806.90.100 598.14.910 Run gums in block 345 Miscellaneous basic chemical products 3451 34510 Wood charcoal 241124115 4402.00.100 245.02.100 Coconut shell charcoal 241124115 4402.00.200 245.02.200 Mangrove charcoal 241124115 4402.00.900 245.02.900 Other wood charcoal 3452 34520 Sulphur, except sublimed sulphur, precipitated sulphur and colloidal sulphur 142114211 2503.00.000 274.11.100 Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulphur 3453 34530 Roasted iron pyrites 2411 2601.20.000 281.40.000 Roasted iron pyrites

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3454 34540 Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar, and similar products; pitch and pitch coke, obtained from mineral tars 2411 2707.10.000 335.22.000 Benzole 2411 2707.20.000 335.23.000 Toluole 2411 2707.30.000 335.24.000 Xylole 2411 2707.40.000 335.25.400 Naphthalene 2411 2707.50.000 335.25.500 Other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures>=65% by vol. distils at 250 c 2411 2707.60.000 335.25.600 Phenols 2411 2707.91.000 335.25.910 Creosote oils 2411 2707.99.100 335.25.991 Aromatic rubber processing oil 2411 2707.99.900 335.25.999 Other aromatic rubber 231023100 2708.10.000 335.31.000 Pitch 231023100 2708.20.000 335.32.000 Pitch coke 3455 34550 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fraction, chemically modified, except those hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised; inedible mixtures or preparations of animal of vegetable fats or oils 151415149 1518.00.910 431.10.910 Mixture of vegetable origin 151415149 1518.00.920 431.10.920 Mixture of animal origin 151415149 1518.00.930 431.10.930 Mixture of vegetable & animal orign 2429 1518.00.120 431.10.120 Soya bean oil 2429 1518.00.190 431.10.190 Other chemically modified of animal or vegetable oil 3456 34560 Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semiprecious stones, unworked 369136911 7104.10.000 667.41.000 Piezo-electric quartz 369136911 7104.20.000 667.42.000 Unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped 3457 34570 Glycerol 241124119 2905.45.000 512.26.000 Glycerol 2424 1520.00.000 512.22.100 Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes 346 Fertilizers and pesticides 3461 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids; ammonia; ammonium chloride; nitrites; nitrates of potassium; ammonium carbonates; mineral or chemical fertilizers 34611 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids; ammonia 241124114 2808.00.000 522.33.000 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids. 241124112 2814.10.000 522.61.100 Anhydrous ammonia 241124112 2814.20.000 522.61.200 Ammonia in aqueous solution 34612 Ammonium chloride; nitrites; nitrates of potassium; ammonium carbonates 241124114 2827.10.000 523.21.000 Ammonium chloride 241124114 2834.10.000 523.51.000 Nitrites 2412 2836.10.000 523.71.000 Commercial ammonium carbonate and other ammonium carbonates 241124114 2834.21.000 523.52.000 Nitrates of potassium 34613 Nitrogenous fertilizers, mineral or chemical 242124211 3102.10.000 562.16.000 Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution 241224122 3102.21.000 562.13.000 Ammonium sulphate fertilizer 241224122 3102.29.000 562.12.000 Other ammonium sulphates 241224122 3102.30.000 562.11.000 Ammonium nitrate, whether or not inaqueous solution 241224122 3102.40.000 562.19.400 Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate 241224122 3102.60.000 562.14.000 Double salt and mixtures of calciumnitrate and ammonium

118 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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nitrate 241224122 3102.70.100 562.15.100 Calcium cyanamide containing lte. 25%by weight of nitrogen 241224122 3102.70.900 562.15.900 Other calcium cyanamide fertilizer 241224122 3102.90.000 562.19.900 Other mineral or chemical frertili zer nitrogeneous 2412 3102.80.000 562.17.000 Mixtures of urea and ammonium aqueous or ammoniacal solution 34614 Phosphatic fertilizers, mineral or chemical 2412 3103.20.000 562.21.000 Basic slag 241224122 3103.10.000 562.22.000 Superphosphates 241224122 3103.90.000 562.29.000 Other phosphatic fertilizer 34615 Potassic fertilizers, mineral or chemical (except carnallite, sylvite and other crude natural potassium salts) 241124111 3104.20.000 562.31.000 Potassium chloride 241224122 3104.30.000 562.32.000 Potassium sulphate 241224122 3104.90.000 562.39.000 Other mineral or chemical fertili zer containing potassic 34616 Animal or vegetable fertilizers 241224129 3101.00.140 272.10.140 Supplementary fertilizer 241224121 3101.00.190 272.10.190 Oth. animal or vegetable fertilizer 2412 3101.00.900 272.10.900 Other animal or vegetable fertili zer, chemically treated 34617 Sodium nitrate 241224122 3102.50.100 272.20.100 Sodium nitrate containing lte. 16,3% by weight of nitrogen 241224122 3102.50.900 272.20.900 Other sodium nitrate fertilizer 34619 Fertilizers n.e.c. 241224122 3105.10.100 562.96.100 Ammonium sulphate 241224122 3105.10.300 562.96.300 Triple superphosphate (tsp) 241224123 3105.30.000 562.93.000 Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate ( diammonium phosphate ) 241224123 3105.51.000 562.95.510 Oth mineral or chemical fertilizerscontaining nitrates and phosphates 241224123 3105.60.000 562.92.000 Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing phosphorus and potassiu 242124212 3808.10.000 591.10.000 Insecticides 242124212 3808.20.900 591.20.900 Other fungicides 242124212 3808.30.190 591.30.190 Herbicides not for retail sale 242124213 3808.30.990 591.30.990 Other herbicides, anti sprouting prod. and plant-growth regulators 242124212 3808.90.100 591.49.100 Rodenticides and other put up for retail sale 3462 34620 Pesticides 242124212 3808.20.200 591.20.200 Fumigant for cigarette industry 242124212 3808.30.110 591.30.110 Herbicides put up for retail sale 242124213 3808.30.920 591.30.920 Plant growth regulators of triacontanol 242124212 3808.40.000 591.41.000 Disinfectants 242124212 3808.90.900 591.49.900 Rodenticides and other not for re- tail sale 347 Plastcs in primary forms 3471 34710 Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms 241324131 3901.10.100 571.11.100 Polyethylene lt. 0.94 liquids or

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pastes 241324131 3901.10.200 571.11.200 Polyethylene with a specific gravi-ty of lt. 0.94; granules 241324131 3901.10.900 571.11.900 Polyethylene with a specific gravi-ty of lt. 0.94; other form 241324131 3901.20.100 571.12.100 Polyethylene >= 0.94 liquids or pastes 241324131 3901.20.200 571.12.200 Polyethylene with a specific gravi-ty of >= 0.94; granules 241324131 3901.20.900 571.12.900 Polyethylene with a specific gravi-ty of >= 0.94; other form 2413 3901.30.110 571.20.110 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, dispersions or solutions 2413 3901.30.190 571.20.190 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, other liquid form 2413 3901.30.200 571.20.200 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, granules 2413 3901.30.900 571.20.900 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, in other form 2413 3901.90.110 571.90.110 Oth polymers of ethylene,in disper-sions and solutions 2413 3901.90.190 571.90.190 Other polymers of ethylene,in otherliquid form 2413 3901.90.200 571.90.200 Other polymers of ethylene, in gra-nules 2413 3901.90.900 571.90.900 Other polymers of ethylene,in otherforms 3472 34720 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms 2413 3903.90.100 572.99.100 Other liquids or pastes of polymers of styrene 2413 3903.90.900 572.99.900 Oth polymers of styrene in other forms 241324131 3903.11.100 572.11.100 Polystyrene (expansible), liquids or pastes 241324131 3903.11.900 572.11.900 Polystyrene, expansible in other forms 241324131 3903.19.110 572.19.110 High impact liquids or pastes of polystyrene other than expansible 241324131 3903.19.190 572.19.190 Oth polystyrene, high impact, in other form 241324131 3903.19.910 572.19.910 Other high impact liquids or pastes 241324131 3903.19.990 572.19.990 Other polystyrene, in other forms 241324131 3903.20.100 572.91.100 Styrene-acrylonitrile (san) copoly mers, liquids or pastes 241124117 3903.20.900 572.91.900 Styrene-acrylonitrile in oth forms 241324131 3903.30.100 572.92.100 Acrylonitrile butadiene-styrene (abs) copolymers, liquids or pastes 241324131 3903.30.200 572.92.200 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene in granules 241324131 3903.30.300 572.92.300 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene co-polimers in chips 241324131 3903.30.900 572.92.900 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene in other forms 3473 34730 Polymers of vinyl chloride or other halogenated olefins, in primary forms 241324131 3904.10.100 573.11.100 Polyvinyl chloride not mixed, li quids or pastes

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241324131 3904.10.910 573.11.910 Pvc resin emulsion process in powder form 241324131 3904.10.990 573.11.990 Other polyvinyl chloride 241324131 3904.21.100 573.12.100 Non plasticised of other polyvinyl chloride liquids or pastes 241324131 3904.21.900 573.12.900 Polyvinyl chloride non-plasticised in other forms 241324131 3904.22.100 573.13.100 Plasticised liquids or pastes of other polyvinyl chloride 241324131 3904.22.900 573.13.900 Polyvinyl chloride plasticised in other forms 2413 3904.30.200 573.91.200 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copo- lymers in granules 2413 3904.30.900 573.91.900 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copo- lymers in other forms 2413 3904.40.200 573.92.200 Other vinyl chloride copolymers in granules 2413 3904.40.900 573.92.900 Other vinyl chloride copolymers in other forms 2413 3904.50.110 573.93.110 Vinylidene chloride polymer in dis-persions or solutions 2413 3904.50.190 573.93.190 Vinylidene chloride polymers in othliquid form 2413 3904.50.900 573.93.900 Vinylidene chloride polymers in othforms 2413 3904.61.110 573.94.611 Polytetrafluoroethylene in disper- sions or solutions 2413 3904.61.190 573.94.619 Polytetrafluoroethylene in other liquid forms 2413 3904.61.900 573.94.690 Polytetrafluoroethylene in other form 2413 3904.69.110 573.94.911 Fluoro-polymers in dispersions or solutions 2413 3904.69.190 573.94.919 Fluoro-polymers in oth liquid forms 2413 3904.69.900 573.94.990 Fluoro-polymers in other form 2413 3904.90.110 573.99.110 Other polymers of vinyl chloride indispersions or solutions 2413 3904.90.190 573.99.190 Other polymers of vinyl chloride inother liquid form 2413 3904.90.900 573.99.900 Other polymers of vinyl chloride inother forms 3474 34740 Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms 2413 3907.10.110 574.11.110 Polyacetals in dispersions or solu-tions 2413 3907.10.190 574.11.190 Polyacetals in other liquid forms 2413 3907.10.200 574.11.200 Polyacetals in granules 2413 3907.10.900 574.11.900 Polyacetals in other forms 2413 3907.20.110 574.19.110 Other polyethers in dispersions or solutions 2413 3907.20.199 574.19.199 Other polyethers in liquids or pastes 2413 3907.20.900 574.19.900 Other polyether in other forms 2413 3907.91.110 574.34.110 Other polyesthers, unsaturated, in dispersions or solutions 2413 3907.91.190 574.34.190 Other polyesthers, unsaturated, in other liquid form 2413 3907.99.110 574.39.110 Other polyesthers in dispersions

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orsolutions 2413 3907.99.190 574.39.190 Other polyesthers in other liquid forms 2413 3907.99.200 574.39.200 Other polyesthers in granules 2413 3907.99.300 574.39.300 Other polyesthers in chips 241124119 3907.20.191 574.19.191 Polyol 241324131 3907.30.110 574.20.110 Epoxide resin in dispersions or so-lutions 241324131 3907.30.190 574.20.190 Epoxide resins in other liquid form 241324131 3907.30.200 574.20.200 Epoxide resins in granules 241324131 3907.30.900 574.20.900 Epoxide resins in other forms 241324131 3907.40.110 574.31.110 Polycarbonates in dispersions or solutions 241324131 3907.40.190 574.31.190 Polycarbonates in other liquid form 241324131 3907.40.200 574.31.200 Polycarbonates in granules 241324131 3907.40.900 574.31.900 Polycarbonates in other forms 241324131 3907.50.100 574.32.100 Alkyd resins liquids or pastes 241324131 3907.50.900 574.32.900 Alkyd resins in other forms 241324131 3907.60.110 574.33.110 Polyethlene terephthalate in dis- persions or solutions 241324131 3907.60.190 574.33.190 Polyethlene terephthalate in other liquid fprms 241324131 3907.60.300 574.33.300 Polyethlene terephthalate in chips 241324131 3907.60.900 574.33.900 Polyethlene terephthalate in other forms 241324131 3907.91.900 574.34.900 Other polyesthers, unsaturated, in other forms 241324131 3907.99.900 574.39.900 Other polyesthers in other forms 3479 34790 Other plastics in primary forms; ion exchangers 241324131 3902.10.100 575.11.100 Polyprophylene liquids or pastes 241324131 3902.10.200 575.11.200 Polypropylene in granules 241324131 3902.10.900 575.11.900 Polypropylene in other forms 241324131 3905.12.000 575.91.210 Polyvinyl acetate in aqueous disperions 241324131 3905.19.110 575.91.911 Polymer of vinyl acetate in disper-sions or solutions 241324131 3905.19.190 575.91.919 Polymers of vinyl acetate in other liquid forms 241324131 3905.19.900 575.91.990 Polymers of vinyl acetate in other forms 241324131 3906.10.200 575.21.200 Polymethyl methacrylate in granules 241324131 3906.10.900 575.21.900 Polymethyl methacrylate in oth form 241324131 3906.90.100 575.29.100 Other acrylic polymes liquids or pastes 241324131 3906.90.900 575.29.900 Oth acrylic polymer in other forms 241324131 3908.10.110 575.31.110 Polyamides in primary forms in dis-persions or solutions 241324131 3908.10.900 575.31.900 Polyamides in primary form in otherforms 241324131 3909.10.300 575.41.300 Urea formaldehyde powder 241324131 3909.20.000 575.42.000 Melamine resins 241324131 3909.30.000 575.43.000 Other amino-resins 241324132 3909.50.000 575.45.000 Polyurethanes 241324131 3910.00.110 575.93.110 Silicones in primary forms in dis-

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persions or solutions 241324131 3910.00.190 575.93.190 Silicones in primary forms in otherliquid forms 241324131 3910.00.900 575.93.900 Silicones in primary forms in otherforms 241324131 3912.11.000 575.51.000 Non-plasticised of cellulose acetates 241324131 3912.12.000 575.52.000 Plasticised of cellulose acetates 241324131 3912.20.000 575.53.000 Cellulose nitrates (including collodions) 242324231 3912.90.900 575.59.900 Other cellulose and its derivates in other forms 241124118 3914.00.000 575.97.000 Ion-exchangers based on polymers ofheadings no. 39.01 to 39.13 2413 3902.20.110 575.12.110 Pollisobutylene dispersion or solu-tions 2413 3902.20.190 575.12.190 Pollisobutylene in oth liquid forms 2413 3902.20.900 575.12.900 Pollisobutylene in other forms 2413 3902.30.110 575.13.110 Propylene copolymers dispersions orsolutions 2413 3902.30.190 575.13.190 Propylene copolymer in other liquidforms 2413 3902.30.200 575.13.200 Propylene copolymers in granules 2413 3902.30.900 575.13.900 Propylene copolymers in other forms 2413 3902.90.110 575.19.110 Oth polymer of propylene in disper-sions or solutions 2413 3902.90.190 575.19.190 Oth polymer of propylene in other liquid forms 2413 3902.90.900 575.19.900 Oth polymer of propylene in other forms 2413 3905.21.000 575.91.921 Vynyl acetate copolymers in aqueous dispersions 2413 3905.29.110 575.91.922 Dispersions or solutions of vynyl acetate copolymers liquids or pastes 2413 3905.29.190 575.91.923 Other dispersion or solution of vy nyl acetate copolymers 2413 3905.29.900 575.91.929 Other vinyl acetate copolymers 2413 3905.30.110 575.92.511 Dispersions or solutions, polyvinyl alcohol liquids or pastes 2413 3905.30.190 575.92.519 Other dispersion or solution of po lyvinyl alcohol liquids or pastes 2413 3905.30.900 575.92.590 Other polyvinyl alcohol 2413 3905.91.110 575.92.611 Dispersions or solutions copolymers liquids or pastes 2413 3905.91.190 575.92.619 Other liquids or pastes of copoly mers 2413 3905.91.900 575.92.690 Other copolymers 2413 3905.99.110 575.92.711 Dispersions or solutions of vinyl polymers, liquid or pastes 2413 3905.99.190 575.92.719 Other dispersion or solution of vi nyl polymers, liquids or pastes 2413 3905.99.900 575.92.790 Other polymers of vinyl 2413 3908.10.190 575.31.190 Polyamides in primary form in otherliquid forms 2413 3908.10.200 575.31.200 Polyamides in primary forms in gra-nules

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2413 3908.10.300 575.31.300 Polyamides in primary form in chips 2413 3908.90.110 575.39.110 Other polyamides in dispersions or solutions 2413 3908.90.190 575.39.190 Other polyamides in other liquid forms 2413 3908.90.300 575.39.300 Other polyamides in chips 2413 3908.90.900 575.39.900 Other polyamides in other forms 2413 3909.10.110 575.41.110 Urea resins in dispersions or solu-tions 2413 3909.10.190 575.41.190 Urea resins other liquid forms 2413 3909.10.900 575.41.900 Urea resins in other forms 2413 3909.40.300 575.44.300 Dispersions or solutions of pheno lic resins 2413 3909.40.900 575.44.900 Phenolic resins in other forms 2413 3911.10.110 575.96.111 Petroleum resins in dispersions or solutions 2413 3911.10.190 575.96.119 Petroleum resins other liquid forms 2413 3911.10.900 575.96.190 Petroleum resins in other forms 2413 3911.90.110 575.96.911 Oth petroleum resins in dispersionsor solutions 2413 3911.90.190 575.96.919 Other petroleum resins other liquidforms 2413 3911.90.900 575.96.990 Oth petroleum resins in other forms 2413 3912.31.000 575.54.310 Carboxymethylcellulose and its salt 2413 3912.39.000 575.54.390 Other esthers cellulose 2413 3912.90.100 575.59.100 Other cellulose and its derivates in granules 2413 3913.10.000 575.94.000 Alginic acid, its salts and esters 2413 3913.90.000 575.95.000 Other natural polymers, in primary forms, nes 348 Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, and mixtures thereof with natural rubber and similar natural gums, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip 3480 34800 Synthetic rubber and fractice derived from oils, and mixture thereof with natural rubber and similar natural gums, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip 2413 4002.19.900 232.11.990 Other sbr and xsbr2 2413 4002.39.000 232.13.900 Other iir 2413 4002.80.000 232.18.000 Mixtures of natural rubber 2413 4002.91.000 232.19.100 Latex of synthetic rubber 241324132 4002.11.100 232.11.110 Polybutadiene-styrene latex 241324132 4002.11.900 232.11.190 Other polybutadiene-styrene latex 241324132 4002.19.100 232.11.910 Polybutadiene-styrene rubber (sbr) 241324132 4002.20.000 232.12.000 Butadiene rubber (br) 241324132 4002.31.000 232.13.100 Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (iir) 241324132 4002.41.000 232.14.100 Latex of cr 241324132 4002.49.000 232.14.900 Other from of cr 241324132 4002.51.000 232.15.100 Latex of nbr 241324132 4002.59.000 232.15.900 Other from of nbr 241324132 4002.60.000 232.16.000 Isoprene rubber (ir) 241324132 4002.70.000 232.17.000 Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugat ed diene rubber (epdm) 241324132 4002.99.000 232.19.900 Other form of synthetic rubber DIVISION 35 OTHER CHEMICAL PRODUCTS; MAN-MADE FIBRES

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351 Paints and varnishes and related product; artists' colours; ink 3511 35110 Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers); prepared pigments; prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes, liquid lusters and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and other glass in the form of powder, granules or flakes; preparad water pigments of a kind used for finshing leather; prepared driers; pigments dispersed in non-aqueous media, of a kind used in the manufacture of plaints; stamping foils; dyes and other colouring matter, put up for retail sale; glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cement, caulking compound and other mastics, painters' fillings; non-refractory surfacing preparation for walks, floors and ceilings; organic composite solvents and thinners n.e.c.; prepared paint or varnish removers 242224221 3208.10.110 533.42.111 Anti fouling and anti corrosive pa-int for ship hull base on polyeste 242224221 3208.10.190 533.42.119 Other paints and enamels based on polyesters 242224223 3208.10.210 533.42.121 Enamels varnish 242224221 3208.20.100 533.42.210 Paints and enamels based on acrylic or vinyl polymers 242224221 3208.90.110 533.42.911 Anti fouling and anti corrosive pa-int for ship hull based oth polyme 242224221 3209.10.190 533.41.119 Other paints and enamels based on acrylic dissolved in aqueous mediu 242224222 3209.10.210 533.41.121 Enamel varnish dissolved in aqueousmedium 241124116 3209.10.290 533.41.129 Other varnishes and lacquers based in aqueous medium 242224221 3209.90.100 533.41.910 Paints and enamels of other based 242224223 3209.90.290 533.41.929 Other varnishes and lacquers in aqueous medium 242224221 3210.00.190 533.43.190 Other paints and enamel for finish-ing leather 242224222 3210.00.290 533.43.290 Other varnishes and lacquers for finishing leather 241124116 3210.00.910 533.43.910 Prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather 242224223 3214.90.000 533.54.900 Other painters fillings 2422 3207.10.000 533.51.100 Prepared pigments, prepared opaci- fiers,prepared colour and sim.prep 2422 3207.20.000 533.51.200 Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips) and similar prep. 2422 3207.30.000 533.51.300 Liquid lustres and similar prep. 2422 3207.40.000 533.51.400 Glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes 2422 3208.10.291 533.42.122 Varnish for electric equipment based on polyesters 2422 3208.10.299 533.42.129 Other varnish and lacquers based on polyesters 2422 3208.10.900 533.42.190 Other paints and varnishes based onpolyesters 2422 3208.20.210 533.42.221 Enamel varnish based on acrilic 2422 3208.20.291 533.42.222 Varnish for electric equipment based on acrylic or vinyl polymer 2422 3208.20.299 533.42.229 Other varnish and lacquers based on acrylic or vinyl polymer

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2422 3208.20.900 533.42.290 Other paints and varnishes based onacrylic 2422 3208.90.191 533.42.912 Teflon for protector 2422 3208.90.199 533.42.919 Other paints and enamer other than teflon 2422 3208.90.210 533.42.921 Enamel varnish based on other poly-mer 2422 3208.90.291 533.42.922 Other paints and varnishes for electric equip. based on syntheti 2422 3208.90.299 533.42.929 Other paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymer 2422 3208.90.900 533.42.990 Other paints and varnishes based onother polymer 2422 3209.10.120 533.41.112 Anti fouling/corrosive paint for ship hull base on acrylic,dissolve 2422 3209.10.900 533.41.190 Oth paint and varnish in aqueus me-dium base on acrylic or vinyl poly 2422 3209.90.210 533.41.921 Enamel varnish based on other poly-mer in aqueous medium 2422 3209.90.900 533.41.990 Other paints and varnishes in aqueous medium 2422 3210.00.120 533.43.120 Anti fouling and anti corrosive pa-ints for ship hulls 2422 3210.00.210 533.43.210 Enamel varnish for finishing leath-er 2422 3210.00.990 533.43.990 Other paints and varnishes 2422 3211.00.000 533.53.000 Prepared driers. 2422 3212.10.000 533.44.100 Stamping foils 2422 3212.90.100 533.44.910 Aluminium paste 2422 3212.90.300 533.44.930 Dyes or oth colouring matter put upin forms or packing for retail sal 2422 3212.90.900 533.44.990 Oth pigments in non aqueous medium 2422 3214.10.000 533.54.100 Mastics; painters' fillings 2422 3814.00.000 533.55.000 Organic composite solvents and thinners, nes 3512 35120 Artists', students' or signboard painters' colours, modifying tints, amusement colours and the like 2422 3213.90.000 533.52.900 Other artists' colours 242224221 3213.10.000 533.52.100 Colours in sets 3513 35130 Printing ink 242224221 3215.19.000 533.29.000 Printing ink in other colour 2422 3215.11.000 533.21.000 Printing ink in black 3514 35140 Writing or drawing ink and other inks 242224221 3215.90.100 895.91.100 Writing, drawing and marking ink 242224221 3215.90.200 895.91.200 Carbon massa for one time carbon paper 242224221 3215.90.900 895.91.900 Other inks 352 Pharmaceutical products 3521 35210 Salicylis acid and its salts and esters 2423 2918.21.000 513.93.210 Salicylic acid and its salts 2423 2918.22.000 513.93.220 O-acetylsalicylic acid,its salts and esters 2423 2918.23.000 513.93.230 Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts

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3522 35220 Lysine and its esters and salts thereof; glutamic acid and its salts; quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids; acyclic arnides and their derivatives and salts thereof; cyclic amides (except ureines) and their derivatives and salts 2423 2922.41.000 514.64.100 Lysine and its esters;salts thereof 2423 2922.42.290 514.64.229 Other salt of glutamic acid 2423 2923.10.000 514.81.100 Choline and its salts 2423 2923.90.000 514.81.900 Other quanternary ammonium salts 2423 2924.10.900 514.71.900 Other acyclic amides 2423 2924.22.000 514.79.950 2-acetamidobenzoic acid 2423 2924.29.200 514.79.920 Buthylphenylmethyl carbamate (bpmc) 2423 2924.29.300 514.79.930 Methylisopropylphenyl carbamate ( mipc ) 241124119 2922.42.100 514.64.210 Glutamic acid 241124119 2922.42.210 514.64.221 Msg (mono sodium glutamate) 242324232 2923.20.000 514.81.200 Lecithins and oth phosphoaminolipid 242124211 2924.10.110 514.71.110 Monocrothophos 242124211 2924.10.190 514.71.190 Other carbamates 242324232 2924.29.100 514.79.910 Acetaminophen (paracetamol) salicyl amide ethoxybenzamide 242324232 2924.29.900 514.79.990 Other cyclic amides 3523 35230 Lactones n.e.c., heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero- atom(s) only, containing an unfused pyrazole ring, a pyramidine ring, a piperazine ring, an unfused triazine ring or a phenothiazine ring systems not further fused; hydantoin and its derivatives; sulphonamides 242324232 2933.11.000 515.71.110 Phenazone (antipyrin) and its de- rivatives 242324232 2933.19.900 515.71.199 Oth compounds containing an unfusedring 242124211 2933.21.000 515.72.000 Hydantoin and its derivatives 242124211 2933.51.000 515.76.510 Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its derivatives; salts thereof 242124211 2933.69.000 515.76.690 Other compound containing unfused triazine ring 242124211 2935.00.000 515.80.000 Sulphonamides 2423 2932.29.000 515.63.000 Other lactones 2423 2933.19.100 515.71.191 Dipyrone ( antalgin ) 2423 2933.59.200 515.76.200 Diazinon 2423 2933.59.900 515.76.900 Other compounds containing unfused pyridine ring 2423 2934.30.000 515.78.000 Compound containing a phenothiazinering system, not further fused 3524 35240 Sugars, chemically pure n.e.c.; sugar ethers and sugar esters and their salts n.e.c. 2423 2940.00.000 516.92.000 Sugars, chemically pure, other thansucrose,etc;sugar ether &their sal 3525 35250 Provitamins, vitamins and hormones; glycosides and vegetable alkaloids and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives; antibiotics 2423 2936.10.000 541.11.000 Provitamins, unmixed 2423 2936.28.000 541.15.000 Vitamin e and its derivatives 2423 2936.90.000 541.17.000 Oth, including natural concentrates 2423 2939.10.000 541.41.000 Alkaloids of opium and their derivatives 2423 2939.30.000 541.43.000 Caffeine and its salts 2423 2939.49.000 541.44.900 Other ephedrines and their salts 2423 2939.63.000 541.46.300 Lysergic acid and its salts

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2423 2939.69.000 541.46.900 Other alkaloid and rye ergot and derivatives 2423 2939.90.100 541.49.100 Cocaine and its derivatives 2423 2941.10.100 541.31.100 6-apa non sterile 2423 2941.90.300 541.39.930 Quinolone and its derivatives; salts thereof 242324231 2936.21.000 541.12.000 Vitamins a and their derivatives 242324231 2936.22.000 541.13.220 Vitamins b1 and its derivatives 242324231 2936.23.000 541.13.230 Vitamin b2 and its derivatives 242324231 2936.24.000 541.13.240 D-or dl-pantothenic acid (vitamin b3 or vitamin b5) & its derivative 242324231 2936.25.000 541.13.250 Vitamin b6 and its derivatives 242324231 2936.26.000 541.13.260 Vitamin b12 and derivatives 242324231 2936.27.000 541.14.000 Vitamin c and its derivatives 242324231 2936.29.000 541.16.000 Other vitamin and their derivatives 242324231 2937.10.000 541.52.000 Pituitary (anterior) or similar hormones and their derivatives 242324231 2937.21.000 541.53.210 Cortisone,hydrocortisone,prednis oneand prednisolone 242324232 2937.22.000 541.53.220 Halogenated derivatives of adrenal cortical hormones 242324231 2937.29.000 541.53.290 Other adrenal cortical hormones 242324231 2937.91.000 541.51.000 Insulin and its salts 242324231 2937.92.100 541.59.210 Raw material for contraceptives 242324231 2937.92.900 541.59.290 Other oestrogens and progestogens 242324231 2937.99.000 541.59.900 Other hormones natural or repro- duced by synthesis 242124211 2938.10.000 541.61.100 Rutoside (rutin) & its derivatives 242124211 2938.90.000 541.61.900 Other glycoside 242324232 2939.21.000 541.42.210 Quinine and its salts 242324231 2939.29.000 541.42.290 Other alkaloids of cinchona 242324232 2939.41.000 541.44.100 Ephedrine and its salts 242324232 2939.42.000 541.44.200 Pseudoephedrine (inn) and its salts 242324232 2939.50.000 541.45.000 Theophylline and aminophylline and their derivatives; salts thereof 242324232 2939.61.000 541.46.100 Ergometrine (inn) and its salts 242324232 2939.62.000 541.46.200 Ergotamine (inn) and its salts 242124211 2939.70.000 541.47.000 Nicotine and its salts 242324232 2939.90.900 541.49.900 Other vegetable alkaloids 242324231 2941.10.200 541.31.200 Ampicillin non sterile 242324231 2941.10.300 541.31.300 Amoxycillin non sterile 242324231 2941.10.900 541.31.900 Other penicillins 242124211 2941.20.000 541.32.000 Streptomycin and their derivatives;salts thereof 242324232 2941.30.000 541.33.000 Tetracycline and their derivatives;salts thereof 242324231 2941.40.000 541.39.400 Chloramphenicol and its derivativessalts thereof 242324231 2941.50.000 541.39.500 Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereof 242324232 2941.90.100 541.39.910 Rifampicin 242324231 2941.90.200 541.39.920 Cephalospirin and its derivatives; salts thereof 242324231 2941.90.900 541.39.990 Other antibiotics 242324231 3002.20.190 541.33.219 Other bacterial vaccines for

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human medicines 3526 35260 Medicaments, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses 242324232 3003.10.000 542.11.000 Medicaments cont penicillins or de rivatives not measured in dosage 242324232 3003.20.000 542.12.000 Medicaments containing other anti biotics 242324232 3003.31.000 542.21.000 Medicaments containing insulin con sist of 2 or more constituent 242324232 3003.39.000 542.22.000 Other medicaments containing hormon 242324232 3003.40.100 542.31.100 Veterinary medicaments containing alkaloids 242324232 3003.40.210 542.31.210 Alkaloid for human medicaments containing narcotics 242324232 3003.90.910 542.91.910 Veterinary medicaments 242324232 3004.20.100 542.19.100 Veterinary medicaments containing other antibiotics in measured dose 242324232 3004.32.000 542.24.000 Medicaments containing adrenal cor tex hormones 242324232 3004.40.100 542.32.100 Veterinary medicaments containing alkaloids in measured doses 242324232 3004.50.000 542.92.000 Other medicaments containing vit. or other product of heading 2936 242324232 3004.90.922 542.93.922 Other human medicaments containing psychotropics 2423 3003.40.290 542.31.290 Other alkaloid for human medicament containing narcotics for retail 2423 3003.90.100 542.91.100 Prep.2 or more mix prod.of veg.anmlor mnrl measured dosis 2423 3003.90.923 542.91.923 Other human medicaments containing phsychotropics 2423 3003.90.929 542.91.929 Other human medicaments 3529 35290 Other pharmaceutical products or articles for medical or sugical purposes 2423 3001.10.000 541.62.100 Glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered 2423 3001.20.000 541.62.200 Extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions 2423 3001.90.110 541.62.911 Heparin in blocks 2423 3001.90.190 541.62.919 Heparin in other form 242324231 3001.90.900 541.62.990 Other glands and other organs 242324231 3002.10.100 541.63.110 Antisera 242324232 3002.20.900 541.63.290 Other vaccines for human medicines 242324231 3002.90.000 541.64.000 Other human or animal blood for therapeutic 241124118 3006.40.200 541.99.420 Bone reconstruction cements 353 Soap, cleaning preparations perfumes and toilet preparations 3531 35310 Organic surface active agents, except soap 241124119 3402.11.100 554.21.111 Sulphated or sulphonated oils or fats 2424 3402.11.900 554.21.119 Other anionic surface active agents 2424 3402.12.000 554.21.120 Cationic surface-active agents

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2424 3402.13.100 554.21.131 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate and nonyl alcohol etoxylate 2424 3402.13.900 554.21.139 Other nonionic of organic surface active agents 2424 3402.19.000 554.21.190 Other anionic 3532 Soap and detergents, perfume and toilet preparations 35321 Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap; paper, wadding, felt and nonwovens, impregnated coated or covered with soap or detergent 2424 3401.20.000 554.19.000 Soap in other forms 242424242 3401.11.110 554.11.110 Bath and toilet soap 242424242 3401.11.190 554.11.190 Other soaps 242424241 3401.11.900 554.11.900 Oth organic surface-active productsfor toilet used 242424241 3401.19.200 554.15.200 Hard soap in bars or tablets 242424241 3401.19.900 554.15.900 Other products and preparations of organic surface-active 35322 Detergents and washing preparations 242424241 3402.20.100 554.22.100 Liquid washing preparations, including bleaching for retail sale 242424241 3402.20.210 554.22.210 Detergents, liquid 242424241 3402.90.200 554.23.200 Liquid washing preparations, including bleaching, not for retail sale 242424241 3402.90.310 554.23.310 Detergents, unliquid 242424241 3402.90.390 554.23.390 Oth washing preparations, unliquid 2424 3402.20.290 554.22.290 Other liquid washing preparations 2424 3402.90.100 554.23.100 Surface active preparations 35323 Perfume and toilet preparations 2424 3307.90.000 553.59.000 Other pre-shaving 242424242 3303.00.000 553.10.000 Perfumes and toilet waters 242424242 3304.10.000 553.20.100 Lip make-up preparations 242424242 3304.20.000 553.20.200 Eye make-up preparations 242424242 3304.30.000 553.20.300 Manicure or pedicure preparation 242424242 3304.91.200 553.20.912 Face powder 242424242 3304.91.900 553.20.919 Other powder 242424242 3304.99.000 553.20.990 Other beauty or make up preparation 242424242 3305.10.000 553.30.100 Shampoos 242424242 3305.20.000 553.30.200 Preparations for permanent waving or straightening 242424242 3305.30.000 553.30.300 Hair lacquers 242424242 3305.90.000 553.30.900 Other preparations, used for hair 242424241 3306.10.100 553.40.110 Tooth paste 242424241 3306.10.900 553.40.190 Other dentifrices 242424241 3306.20.000 553.40.200 Yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental-floss) 242424241 3306.90.000 553.40.900 Other preparation for oral or dental hygienes 242424242 3307.10.000 553.51.000 Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations 242424242 3307.20.000 553.52.000 Personal deodorants and antipers- pirants 242424242 3307.30.000 553.53.000 Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations 3533 Cleaning and polishing preparations 35331 Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms 2424 3307.41.000 553.54.410 "agarbatti" and other odoriferous

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preparations 2424 3307.49.000 553.54.490 Other preparations for perfuming 35332 Artificial waxes and prepared waxes 2424 3404.10.000 598.31.000 Artificial waxes of chemically modified lignite 2424 3404.20.000 598.35.000 Artificial waxes of polyethylene glycol 2424 3404.90.100 598.39.100 Sealing wax 2424 3404.90.900 598.39.900 Other artificial waxes 35333 Polishes and creams, for footwear, furniture, floors, coachwork, glass or metal 2424 3405.90.100 554.35.100 Scouring powders for eye glasses 242924299 3405.10.000 554.31.000 Polishes, creams and similar prep. for footwear or leather 242924299 3405.20.000 554.32.000 Polish,cream and sim'r prep.for themaintenance of wood furni'r or oth 242924299 3405.30.000 554.33.000 Polishes and similar preparations for coachwork,oth than metal polis 242924299 3405.90.900 554.35.900 Other polishes and cream, scouring pastes and powders and similar pre 35334 Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preparations 242924299 3405.40.900 554.34.900 Other scouring pastes and powders 2424 3405.40.100 554.34.100 Abrasive lapping in powder forms 2424 3405.40.200 554.34.200 Abrasive honing in powder forms 354 Chemical products n.e.c 3541 35410 Essential oils and concentrates, aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions thereof; resinoids; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; mixtures of odoriferous substances of a kind used as raw materials in industry 2429 3301.11.000 551.31.110 Essential oils of bergamot 2429 3301.12.000 551.31.120 Essential oils of orange 2429 3301.13.000 551.31.130 Essential oils of lemon 2429 3301.14.000 551.31.140 Essential oils of lime 2429 3301.19.000 551.31.190 Essential oils of other 2429 3301.29.950 551.32.995 Essential oils of anisa, badians orfennels 2429 3301.29.960 551.32.996 Essential oils of palmarosa 2429 3301.30.000 551.33.000 Resinoids 2429 3301.90.300 551.35.300 Aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils 2429 3301.90.900 551.35.900 Other kinds of essential oil 2429 3302.10.100 551.41.100 Compound alcoholic preparations for food 2429 3302.10.900 551.41.900 Other compound alcoholic preparat. for food 2429 3302.90.000 551.49.000 Mixtures of odoriferous substances for other purposes 242924294 3301.21.000 551.32.210 Essential oils of geranium 242924294 3301.22.000 551.32.220 Essential oils of jasmin 242924294 3301.23.000 551.32.230 Essential oils of lavender or of lavandin 242924294 3301.24.000 551.32.240 Essential oil of peppermint (menthapiperita) 242924294 3301.25.000 551.32.250 Essential oil of other mints 242924294 3301.26.000 551.32.260 Essential oils of vetiver 242924294 3301.29.210 551.32.910 Essential oils of dapers citronella

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242924294 3301.29.290 551.32.920 Essential oils of other citronella 242924294 3301.29.400 551.32.294 Essential oils of patchouli 242924294 3301.29.910 551.32.991 Essential oils of nutmegs 242924294 3301.29.920 551.32.992 Essential oils of cinnamons 242924294 3301.29.930 551.32.993 Essential oils of ginger 242924294 3301.29.940 551.32.994 Essential oils of cardamoms 242924294 3301.29.990 551.32.999 Other essential oils 3542 35420 Glues and gelatine, peptones and their derivatives, and related products; caseinates and other casein derivatives; albuminates and other albumin derivatives 242924291 3503.00.000 592.24.000 Gelatin (including gelatin in rec tangular and derivatives 242924291 3505.20.000 592.27.000 Glues based on starches or on dex- trins 242924291 3506.91.900 592.29.919 Other product suitable as adhesives 242924291 3506.99.000 592.29.990 Other prepared glues or adhesives 2429 3501.90.000 592.22.000 Other caseinates 2429 3502.20.000 592.23.100 Milk albumin, including concentrates of two or more whey proteins 2429 3502.90.000 592.23.000 Other albumins and its derivates 2429 3504.00.000 592.25.000 Peptones and their derivatives 2429 3506.10.000 592.29.100 Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives 2429 3506.91.100 592.29.911 Marine glue 3543 35430 Lubricating preparations and preparations of a kind for the oil or grease treatment of materials, except of petroleum; prepared additives for mineral oils; prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission, except of petroleum; anti-freezing preparations and prepared deicing fluids 2429 3403.19.000 597.72.000 Other lubricating prep. contaning petroleum oils 2429 3403.91.000 597.73.000 Prep. for the treatment of textile mat'l, leather,furskin or oth mat' 2429 3403.99.000 597.74.000 Other lubricating preparations 2429 3811.11.100 597.21.111 Anti-knock prep. based on lead com-pounds put up for retail sale 2429 3811.11.900 597.21.119 Anti-knock prep. based on lead com-pounds not for retail sale 2429 3811.19.000 597.21.190 Other anti-knock based on lead 2429 3811.21.100 597.25.211 Additives for lubricating oils put up for retail sale 2429 3811.21.900 597.25.219 Additives for lubricating oils not for retail sale 2429 3811.29.000 597.25.290 Other anti-knock containing petro leum oil 2429 3811.90.100 597.29.100 Anti corrosive prep. and other put up for retail sale 2429 3811.90.910 597.29.910 Rust preventor and corrosion in - hibitor not for retail sale 2429 3811.90.990 597.29.990 Other anti knock preparation not for retail sale 2429 3819.00.000 597.31.000 Hydraulic brake fluid and oth prepared liq. for hydraulic transmissio 2429 3820.00.000 597.33.000 Anti-freezing prep. and prepared delicing fluids 232023204 3403.11.100 597.71.100 Lubricating oil preparations 242924299 3403.11.900 597.71.900 Oth lubricating prep. for textile,

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leather, furskins 3544 35440 Modelling pastes; "dental wax" or dental impression compounds"; other preparations for use in dentistry with a basis of plaster; preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades; prepared culture media for development of micro-organisms; composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents n.e.c 2429 3407.00.000 598.95.000 Modelling pastes, including those put up for childrens amusement 2429 3813.00.000 598.94.000 Prep.and charges for fire-extingui-sher;charged fire-extinguish grena 2429 3821.00.000 598.67.000 Prepared culture media for develop ment of micri-organisms 2429 3822.00.100 598.69.100 Plates, sheets and strip other articles of plastic impregnated 2429 3822.00.200 598.69.200 Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadd ing of cellulose fibres impregnated 2429 3822.00.900 598.69.900 Other diagnostic or laboratory reagents 3545 35450 Prepared explosives; safety fuses; detoning fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators 242924292 3601.00.000 593.11.000 Propellent powders. 242924292 3602.00.100 593.12.100 Dynamit 242924292 3602.00.200 593.12.200 Explosive gelatin 242924292 3602.00.900 593.12.900 Other prepared explosives 242924292 3603.00.000 593.20.000 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps 3546 35460 Pyrotechnic articles 242924292 3604.10.000 593.31.000 Fireworks 242924292 3604.90.000 593.33.000 Signalling flares, rain rockets andthe likes 3547 35470 Chemical elements and compounds doped for use in electronics 2429 3818.00.000 598.50.000 Chemical elements doped for use in electronics 3549 35490 Other chemical products n.e.c. 2429 3809.10.000 598.91.100 Finishing agents with a basis of of amylaceous substances 2429 3809.91.000 598.91.910 Finishing agent of a kind used in the textile industry 2429 3809.92.000 598.91.920 Finishing agent of a kind used in the paper industry 2429 3809.93.000 598.91.930 Finishing agent of a kind used in the leather or like industries 2429 3810.10.000 598.96.100 Pickling preparation for metal sur-faces 2429 3810.90.000 598.96.900 Oth pickling preparation for metal surfaces 2429 3812.10.100 598.63.100 Prepared rubber accelerators put upfor retail sale 2429 3812.10.900 598.63.900 Prepared rubber accelerator not forretail sale 2429 3812.20.000 598.93.200 Compound plasticisers for rubber orplastics 2429 3812.30.100 598.93.310 White carbon 2429 3812.30.900 598.93.390 Other anti-oxidising preparation 2429 3815.11.100 598.81.100 Supported catalyst with nickel for primary steam hydrocarbon re 2429 3815.11.200 598.81.200 Supported catalyst with nickel for

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secondary steam hydrocarbon re 2429 3815.11.900 598.81.900 Other supported catalyst with nickel 2429 3815.12.000 598.83.000 Supported catalysts with precious metal or precious metal compounds 2429 3815.19.100 598.85.100 Supported catalyst with precious metal for high temperature 2429 3815.19.200 598.85.200 Supported catalyst with precious metal for low temperature 2429 3815.19.300 598.85.300 Supported catalyst with precious metal for desulzation of hydro 2429 3815.19.900 598.85.900 Supported catalyst with precious metal for other purpose 2429 3815.90.000 598.89.000 Other reaction initiators 2429 3817.20.000 598.45.000 Mixed alkylnaphthalenes 2429 3824.10.000 598.99.100 Prepared binders for foundry mould or cores 2429 3824.20.000 598.99.200 Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts and their salts 2429 3824.30.000 598.99.300 Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together 2429 3824.40.000 598.97.000 Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes 2429 3824.60.000 598.99.600 Sorbitol other than that of subheading 2905.44 2429 3824.71.000 598.99.710 Mixtures containing acyclic hydrocarbons perhalogenated 2429 3824.79.000 598.99.790 Other mixtures cont perhalogenated prepared binders not cont acyclic 2429 3824.90.100 598.99.910 Copying pastes with a basic of gelatin 2429 3824.90.900 598.99.990 Other prepared binders not copying pastes 232023203 3802.10.000 598.64.000 Activated carbon 241124117 3817.10.000 598.41.000 Mixed alkylbenzenes 355 Man-made fibres 3551 35510 Synthetic filament tow and staple fibres, not carded or combed 243024301 5501.10.000 266.61.000 Synthetic filament tow of nylon or other polyamides 243024301 5501.20.000 266.62.000 Synthetic filament tow of polyester 243024301 5501.30.100 266.63.100 Synthetic filament tow of acrylic 243024301 5501.30.900 266.63.900 Synthetic filamen tow of modacrylic 243024301 5501.90.000 266.69.000 Other synthetic filamen tow 243024302 5503.20.000 266.52.000 Synthetic staple fibre, not carded of polyesters 243024302 5503.30.100 266.53.100 Synthetic staple fibre, not carded acrylic 243024302 5503.30.900 266.53.900 Synthetic staple fibre, not carded modacrylic 243024301 5503.40.000 266.59.400 Synthetic staple fibre, not carded of polypropylene 243024302 5503.90.000 266.59.900 Other synthetic staple fibre 2430 5503.10.000 266.51.000 Synthetic staple fibre not carded

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of nylon or other polyamides 3552 35520 Synthetic filament yarn (except sewing thread and multiple or cabled yarn), not put up for retail sale 2430 5402.39.000 651.59.000 Other textured yarn of syntetic fi lament, not for retail sale 171217121 5402.10.100 651.62.110 High tenacity yarn of nylon for tyre cord manufacturing purpos 171217121 5402.10.200 651.62.120 High tenacity yarn of nylon for fishing-net manufactur purpose 171217121 5402.10.300 651.62.130 High tenacity yarn of nylon for medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.10.900 651.62.190 High tenacity yarn of nylon for other uses 171217121 5402.20.100 651.62.210 High tenacity yarn of polyestersfor tyre cord manufacturing purpos 171217121 5402.20.200 651.62.220 High tenacity yarn of polyestersfor fishing-net purposes 171217121 5402.20.300 651.62.230 High tenacity yarn of polyestersfor medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.20.900 651.62.290 High tenacity yarn of polyestersfor other uses 171217121 5402.31.000 651.51.100 Textured yarn or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn lte. 50 171217121 5402.32.000 651.51.200 Textured yarn or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn > 50 tex 171217121 5402.33.000 651.52.000 Textured yarn of polyesters 171217121 5402.41.100 651.63.110 Oth yarn of nylon or oth polyamidesfor medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.41.900 651.63.190 Oth yarn of nylon or oth polyamidesfor other uses 171217121 5402.42.100 651.63.210 Other yarn of polyesters for medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.42.900 651.63.290 Other yarn of polyesters for other uses 171217121 5402.43.100 651.63.310 Other yarn of other polyesters for medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.43.900 651.63.390 Other yarn of other polyesters for other uses 171217121 5402.49.100 651.63.910 Other yarn of other materials for medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.49.900 651.63.990 Other yarn of other materials for other uses 171217121 5402.51.100 651.64.110 Nylon yarn with a twist > 50 turn/mfor medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.51.900 651.64.190 Nylon yarn with a twist > 50 turn/mother uses 171217121 5402.52.100 651.64.210 Polyester yarn with atwist>50turn/mfor medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.52.900 651.64.290 Polyester yarn with atwist>50turn/mother uses

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171217121 5402.59.100 651.64.910 Other yarn with a twist > 50 turn/mfor medical/surgical use 171217121 5402.59.900 651.64.990 Other yarn with a twist > 50 turn/mother uses 3553 35530 Synthetic monofilament and strip 2430 5404.10.000 651.88.100 Synthetic monofilament of >=67 decitex 2430 5404.90.000 651.88.900 Other syntetic textile materials 3554 35540 Artificial filament tow and staple fibres, not carded or combed 2430 5504.90.000 267.11.900 Other artificial staple fibre not carded 243024301 5502.00.000 267.12.000 Artificial filament tow 243024302 5504.10.000 267.11.100 Artifical staple fibre, not cardedof viscosa rayon 3555 35550 Artificial filament yarn (except sewing thread and multiple or cable yarn), not put up for retail sale 171217121 5403.10.000 651.73.000 High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon 171217121 5403.31.000 651.74.000 Viscose rayon yarn, untwisted or with a twist lte. 120 turn/m 171217121 5403.32.000 651.75.200 Viscose rayon yarn, with a twist exceding > 120 turns/m 171217121 5403.33.000 651.75.300 Cellulose acetate yarn 171217121 5403.39.000 651.75.900 Other yarn, single of artifical filament 2430 5403.20.000 651.72.000 Textured yarn of artificial filamen not put up for retail sale 3556 35560 Artificial monofilament and strip 2430 5405.00.000 651.77.000 Artificial monofilament of 67 deci tex or more DIVISION 36 RUBBER AND PLASTIC PRODUCTS 361 Rubber tyres and tubes 3611 New pneumatic tyres, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads, tyre flaps and "came-back", of rubber 36111 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars 2511 4011.10.900 625.10.900 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of other sedan car 251925111 4011.10.100 625.10.100 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of sedan 36112 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used on motor cycles or bicycles 251925111 4011.40.000 625.41.000 New pneumatic tyres of rubber, of a kind used on motorcycles 251925111 4011.50.000 625.42.000 New pneumatic tyres of rubber used on bicycles 36113 Other new pneumatic tyres, of rubber 251925111 4011.20.000 625.20.000 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of a kind used on buses or lorries 251925111 4011.30.000 625.30.000 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of a kind used on aircraft 251925111 4011.99.000 625.59.000 Other new pneumatic tyres of rubber 2511 4011.91.000 625.51.000 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, ha-ving a ''herring-bone'' or similar 36114 Inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber 251925111 4012.90.000 625.94.000 Other used tyres 251925111 4013.10.000 625.91.100 Inner tube of rubber of a kind usedon motorcars

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251925111 4013.20.000 625.91.000 Retreated or used pneumatic tyres of rubber used on bicycles 251925111 4013.90.300 625.91.930 Inner tubes of rubber for off the road vehicles 251925111 4013.90.400 625.91.940 Inner tubes of rubber for aircraft 251925111 4013.90.900 625.91.990 Inner tubes of rubber for other vehicles 36115 "Camel-back" strips for retreading rubber tyres 2511 4006.10.000 621.21.000 ''camel-back'' strips for retreading tyres 3612 36120 Retreaded pneumatic tyres, of rubber 251925112 4012.10.000 625.92.000 Retreaded tyres 362 Other rubber products 3621 36210 Reclaimed rubber 2519 4003.00.000 232.21.000 Reclaimed rubber in primary forms 3622 36220 Unvulcanised compounded rubber, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip; unvulcanised rubber in forms other than primary forms or plates, sheets or strip (except "cale-back" stripfs for retrading rubber tyres); articles of unvulcanised rubber; thread, cord, plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 2519 4005.10.000 621.11.000 Compound rubber with carbon black or silica 2519 4005.20.000 621.12.000 Solutions; dispersions other than those of subheading no. 4005.10 2519 4005.91.000 621.19.910 Plates, sheets and strip of com pounded rubber 2519 4005.99.000 621.19.990 Other compounded rubber 251925199 4006.90.000 621.29.000 Other forms and article of unvulca nised rubber 251925199 4007.00.000 621.31.000 Vulcanised rubber thread and cord. 251925199 4008.11.000 621.32.110 Plates, sheets and strip of cellu lar rubber 251925199 4008.19.000 621.32.190 Other form of cellular rubber 251925199 4008.21.000 621.33.210 Plates, sheets and strip of non-cellular rubber 251925199 4008.29.000 621.33.290 Other form of vulcanised rubber 3623 36230 Tubes, pipes and hoses of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 251925191 4009.10.000 621.41.000 Pipes and hoses of vulcanised rub- ber, not reinforced 251925199 4009.20.000 621.42.000 Tubes, pipes reinforced or otherwis combined only with metal 251925199 4009.30.000 621.43.000 Pipes and hoses of vulcanised rub- ber, reinforced with tex. material 251925199 4009.40.000 621.44.000 Pipes and hoses of vulcanised rub- ber, reinforced with other materia 2519 4009.50.000 621.45.000 Pipes and hoses of vulcanised rub- ber, with fittings 3624 36240 Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber 2519 4010.11.100 629.21.110 Conveyor belt or belting reinforced only with metal, width >20 cm 2519 4010.11.900 629.21.190 Other conveyor belt or belting reinforced only with metal 2519 4010.12.100 629.21.210 Conveyor reinforced textile mate

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rial width > 20 cm 2519 4010.12.900 629.21.290 Other conveyor reinforced textile material 2519 4010.13.100 629.21.310 Conveyor reinforced plastics width > 20 cm 2519 4010.13.900 629.21.390 Other conveyor reinforced plastics 2519 4010.19.100 629.21.910 Other conveyor belt or belting width > 20 cm 2519 4010.29.000 629.22.900 Other transmission belts or belting 251925199 4010.19.900 629.21.990 Other conveyor belt or belting 251925192 4010.21.000 629.22.100 Endless transmision belts of circumference 60-180 cm 251925192 4010.22.000 629.22.200 Endless transmision belts of circumference 180-200 cm 251925192 4010.23.000 629.22.300 Endless synchronous belts, of a circumference 60-150 cm 251925192 4010.24.000 629.22.400 Endless synchronous belts, of a circumference 150-198 cm 3625 36250 Rubberised textille fabrics, except tyre cord fabric 172917299 5906.10.000 657.33.100 Adhesive tape of a width lte. 20 cm 172917299 5906.99.000 657.33.990 Other rubberised textile fabrics 2519 5906.91.000 657.33.910 Rubberised textile fabrics knitted or crocheted 3626 36260 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves) of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 2519 4015.11.000 848.22.110 Surgical gloves of rubber 251925199 4015.19.000 848.22.190 Other gloves of rubber 251925199 4015.90.100 848.29.100 Diving suits of rubber 251925199 4015.90.900 848.29.900 Other articles of rubber 3627 36270 Articles of vulcanised rubber n.e.c; hard rubber; articles of hard rubber 251925199 4014.10.000 629.11.000 Sheath contraceptives 251925199 4014.90.000 629.19.000 Other hygienic articles of rubber 251925199 4016.10.000 629.92.000 Other articles of cellular rubber 251925199 4016.91.000 629.99.100 Floor coverings and mats of vulcanised rubber 251925199 4016.92.000 629.99.200 Erasers 251925199 4016.93.000 629.99.300 Gaskets, washers and other seals 251925192 4016.94.000 629.99.400 Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable 251925199 4016.95.000 629.99.500 Other inflatable articles 251925199 4016.99.200 629.99.920 Mats, table covers 251925112 4016.99.330 629.99.933 Vulcanised rubber for parts of motor vehicles 251925112 4016.99.340 629.99.934 Vulcanised rubber for parts of works trucks, tractors 251925112 4016.99.360 629.99.936 Vulcanised rubber for parts of motor cycles, cycles, invalid carr 251925112 4016.99.370 629.99.937 Vulcanised rubber for parts of baby carriages 251925112 4016.99.380 629.99.938 Vulcanised rubber for parts of trailers and semi trailers 251925112 4016.99.390 629.99.939 Other parts of rubber for vehicle 251925112 4016.99.910 629.99.991 Precured tread rubber other than hard rubber 251925112 4016.99.990 629.99.999 Other articles of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber

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251925111 4017.00.000 629.91.000 Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all form 2519 4016.99.110 629.99.911 Rubber stopper for pharmaceutical vials 2519 4016.99.190 629.99.919 Rubber stopper for other purpose 363 Semi-manufactures of plastics 3631 36310 Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, or plastics 2520 3916.10.100 583.10.100 Joint/case,protector,liner,button casing of polymerethylene 2520 3916.10.900 583.10.900 Other monofilament of polymer ethylene 2520 3916.20.100 583.20.100 Joint/case,protector,liner,button casing of vinyl chloride 2520 3916.20.900 583.20.900 Other monofilament of vinyl chloride 2520 3916.90.110 583.90.110 Joint/case,protector,liner,button casing of vulcanized fiber 2520 3916.90.190 583.90.190 Other monofilament of vulcanized fiber 2520 3916.90.200 583.90.200 Monofilament of hardened proteins 2520 3916.90.910 583.90.910 Joint/case,protector,liner,button casing for other monofilament 2520 3916.90.990 583.90.990 Other monofilament 3632 36320 Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics 2520 3917.10.100 581.10.100 Artificial guts of hardened protein 2520 3917.10.910 581.10.910 Noyax-sausage casing 2520 3917.10.990 581.10.990 Artificial guts of other cellulosicmaterial 2520 3917.32.000 581.40.000 Other tubes, not reinforced withoutfittings 2520 3917.33.000 581.50.000 Other tubes, not reinforced with fittings 2520 3917.39.000 581.60.000 Other tubes, pipes and hoses 2520 3917.40.000 581.70.000 Fittings 252025201 3917.21.000 581.20.210 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid of polymers of ethylene 252025201 3917.22.000 581.20.220 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid of polymers of propylene 252025201 3917.23.000 581.20.230 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid of polymers of vinyl chloride 252025201 3917.29.000 581.20.290 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid of other plastics 252025201 3917.31.000 581.30.000 Flexible tubes,pipe and hose,havinga min. burst pressure of 27.6 mpa 3633 36330 Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, not selt-adhesive, non-cellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials 252025202 3920.10.100 582.21.100 Corrougated plates and sheets of polymers of ethylene 252025202 3920.20.100 582.22.100 Corrougated plates and sheets of polymers of propylene 252025202 3920.30.000 582.23.000 Plates, sheets, film of polymers of styrene 252025202 3920.41.000 582.24.410 Plates, sheets, film of polymers of vynyl chloride, rigid 252025202 3920.42.100 582.24.421 Corrougated plates and sheets of polymers of vinyl chloride,flexibl

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252025202 3920.51.000 582.25.510 Plates, sheets, film of polymethyl methacrylate 252025202 3920.59.000 582.25.590 Other plates, sheets, film of acry lic polymers 252025202 3920.69.100 582.26.910 Tensilized polyester film size lt. 12 micron 252025202 3920.91.200 582.29.120 Polyvinylbutyral film of a kind used for safety glass 252025202 3920.91.900 582.29.190 Other form of polyvinyl butyral 252025202 3920.99.100 582.29.910 Corrugated sheets and plates of other plastics 252025202 3920.99.990 582.29.999 Other plates, sheet & film of other plastics 2520 3920.10.900 582.21.900 Other form of polymers of ethylene 2520 3920.20.900 582.22.900 Other form of polymers of propylene 2520 3920.42.900 582.24.429 Other form of polymers of vinyl chloride, flexible 2520 3920.61.000 582.26.100 Other plates,sheets and film of polycarbonates 2520 3920.62.100 582.26.210 Balanced and tensilised polyethylen terephthalate 2520 3920.62.900 582.26.290 Other of polyethylene terephthlate 2520 3920.63.000 582.26.300 Other plates, sheets and film of unsaturated polyesters 2520 3920.69.900 582.26.990 Other tensilized polyester film 2520 3920.71.100 582.28.110 Other plates, sheets and film of regenerated cellulose; foil 2520 3920.71.210 582.28.121 Viscose tear off ribbon 2520 3920.71.220 582.28.122 Viscose film 2520 3920.71.900 582.28.190 Other plates,sheets and film of re-generated cellulose, in other form 2520 3920.72.000 582.27.000 Other plates, sheets, film of vulcanised fibre 2520 3920.73.000 582.28.300 Other plates, sheets and film of cellulose acetate 2520 3920.79.000 582.28.900 Other plates, sheets, film of other cellulose derivatives 2520 3920.92.000 582.29.200 Other plates, sheets and film of polyamides 2520 3920.93.000 582.29.300 Other plates, sheets and film of amino-resins 2520 3920.94.100 582.29.410 Phenol formaldehyde (bakelitte sheet) 2520 3920.94.900 582.29.490 Other phenolic resin 2520 3920.99.910 582.29.991 Fluorocarbon plastic sheet/teflon 3639 36390 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics 2520 3921.11.000 582.91.100 Other plates, sheets, film of polymers of styrene 2520 3921.12.000 582.91.200 Other plates, sheets, film of polymers of vinyl chloride 2520 3921.13.000 582.91.300 Other plates, sheets, film of poly-urethanes 2520 3921.14.000 582.91.400 Other plates, sheets, film of regenerated cellulose 2520 3921.19.000 582.91.900 Other plates, sheets, film of

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otherplastics 2520 3921.90.190 582.99.190 Other plates, sheets, film of formica and the like 2520 3921.90.900 582.99.900 Other form of amino resin 252025202 3921.90.110 582.99.110 Formica and the like 364 Packaging products of plastics 3641 36410 Sacks and bags, of plastics 252025205 3923.29.100 893.11.291 Sacks and bags of laminated poly- propylene 252025205 3923.29.900 893.11.299 Sacks and bags of other plastics 2520 3923.21.000 893.11.210 Sacks and bags of polymers of ethylene 3649 36490 Other articles for conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics 2520 3923.40.000 893.19.400 Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports of plastics 2520 3923.50.000 893.19.500 Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures of plastics 2520 3923.90.100 893.19.910 Actuator over caps of plastics 2520 3923.90.900 893.19.990 Other articles for conveyance of plastics 252025205 3923.10.000 893.19.100 Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles of plastics 252025205 3923.30.000 893.19.300 Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles of plastics 369 Other plastics products 3691 36910 Floor covering of plastics, in rolls or in the form of tiles; wall or ceiling coverings of plastics 252025204 3918.10.000 893.31.100 Floor coverings of plastic of poly-mers of vinyl chloride 252025204 3918.90.100 893.31.910 Floor covering of polyethylene 252025204 3918.90.900 893.31.990 Floor covering of other plastic 3692 36920 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics 2520 3919.10.100 582.11.100 Self-adhesive plate, sheet, film in rolls of polyethylene 2520 3919.10.900 582.11.900 Self-adhesive plate, sheet, film in rolls 2520 3919.90.000 582.19.000 Self adhesive plate, sheets, film of plastics in other size 3693 36930 Baths, wash-basins, lavatory pans and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics 2520 3922.90.900 893.21.990 Other sanitary ware of plastics 252025204 3922.10.000 893.21.100 Baths, shower-baths and wash-basinsof plastics 252025204 3922.20.000 893.21.200 Lavatory seats and covers of plastics 252025204 3922.90.100 893.21.910 Sanitary ware for flushing water closet, urinal and sink of plastic 3694 36940 Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics 252025204 3924.10.000 893.32.100 Tableware and kitchenware 2520 3924.90.000 893.32.900 Other household and toilet articles of plastics, nes 3695 36950 Builders' ware of plastics n.e.c. 2520 3925.90.000 893.29.900 Other builders'ware of plastics 252025204 3925.10.000 893.29.100 Resevoirs, tanks, vats and similar of plastics 252025209 3925.20.000 893.29.200 Doors, windows and their frames of plastics 252025209 3925.30.000 893.29.300 Shutters, blinds of plastics

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3696 36960 Parts n.e.c. of lamps, lighting fittings illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, of plastics 2520 9405.92.100 813.92.100 Parts of lamps for flashlight, plastics 2520 9405.92.900 813.92.900 Parts of lamps for other purpose, plastics 3697 36970 Safety headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics 2520 6506.10.100 848.44.100 Safety headgear for fireman&divers 252025209 6506.10.200 848.44.200 Safety headgear for motorcyclists and scooterists 181018102 6506.10.900 848.44.900 Other safety headgear 252025209 6506.91.000 848.45.000 Safety headgear of rubber/ plastics 3698 36980 Electrical insulating fittings of plastics 2520 8547.20.000 773.28.000 Insulating fitting of plastics 3699 36990 Articles of plastics n.e.c. 2520 3926.90.200 893.99.920 Articles of a kind commonly used inmachinery of plastics 252025209 3926.10.000 893.94.000 Office or school supplies of plastics 361036103 3926.30.000 893.95.000 Fittings for furniture, coachworkor the like of plastics 252025204 3926.40.000 893.99.400 Statuettes and other ornamental articles of plastics 252025209 3926.90.300 893.99.930 Sealing tape and thread tape of artificial plastics 252025206 3926.90.900 893.99.990 Other articles of plastics DIVISION 37 GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS AND OTHER NON-METALLIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. 371 Glass and glass products 3711 Unworked glass, flat glass and pressed or moulded glass for construction;glass mirrors 37111 Glass in the mass, in balls (except microspheres), rods or tubes, unworked; waste and scrap of glass 261026119 7001.00.000 664.11.000 Cullet and other waste and scrap ofglass 261026119 7002.10.000 664.12.100 Glass in balls 261026119 7002.20.000 664.12.200 Glass in rods 261026119 7002.31.100 664.12.311 Enamel glass of fused quartz 261026119 7002.31.910 664.12.318 Boro silicate glass tubes as raw material for vial/ampoules industr 261026119 7002.31.990 664.12.319 Other tubes glass 2610 7002.32.100 664.12.321 Enamel glass 0 c lt.temperature lt.300 c 2610 7002.32.910 664.12.328 Boro silica glass tube's raw materifor vial/ampul ind.0 c lt.temp. lt. 2610 7002.32.990 664.12.329 Oth. glass of 0 c lt. temperature lt.300 c 2610 7002.39.100 664.12.331 Other enamel glass 2610 7002.39.910 664.12.398 Oth.boro silicate glass tube as rawmaterial for vial/ampoules industr 2610 7002.39.990 664.12.399 Other glass in ball's 37112 Unworked cast, rolled, drawn or blown glass, in sheets 261026111 7003.12.000 664.51.100 Cast glass & rolled glass coloured throughout the mass,non-wired sheet 261026111 7003.19.000 664.51.900 Oth. cast glass and rolled glass,

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non-wired sheets 261026111 7003.20.000 664.52.000 Cast glass & rolled glass coloured throughout the mass, wired sheet 261026111 7003.30.000 664.53.000 Profiles cast glass 261026111 7004.20.000 664.31.000 Drawn glass & blown glass, in sheetcoloured throughout the mass 261026111 7004.90.000 664.39.000 Drawn glass & blown glass, in sheetoth than colour throughout the mass 37113 Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets 261026111 7005.10.100 664.41.110 Float glass non-wired glass cut to shape 261026111 7005.21.100 664.41.211 Float glass other non-wired glass color throughout the mass cut shap 261026111 7005.21.900 664.41.219 Oth.float glass oth.non-wired glasscolor throughout the mass rectangu 261026111 7005.29.000 664.41.290 Oth. float glass and surface ground/ polished glass,in sheet,non-wired 2610 7005.10.900 664.41.190 Other float glass non-wired glass rectangular 2610 7005.30.000 664.42.000 Float glass and surface ground / polished glass,in sheet, wired 37114 Glass in sheets, bent, edge-worked engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed, etc. 261026111 7006.00.000 664.91.000 Glass of heading no.70.03, 70.04 or70.05,bent,edges worked,an graved 37115 Safety glass 261026112 7007.19.000 664.71.900 Other safety glass 261026112 7007.21.000 664.72.100 Laminated safety glass of size and shape suit. for vehicles 261026112 7007.29.000 664.72.900 Other liminated safety glass 2610 7007.11.000 664.71.100 Toughened (tempered) safety glass of size & shape suit. for vehicles 37116 Glass mirrors, multiple walled insulting units of glass 261026111 7008.00.000 664.92.000 Multiple-walled insulating units ofglass 261026111 7009.10.000 664.81.000 Rear-view mirrors for vehicles 261026111 7009.91.000 664.89.100 Unframed glass mirrors 261026129 7009.92.000 664.89.200 Framed glass mirrors 37117 Paving blocks, bricks, tiles and other articles of pressed or moulded glass, of a kind used for building or construction purposes; leaded lights and the like; multicellular or foam glass in blocks, plates or similar forms 261026129 7016.90.000 664.96.000 Paving block, slab, brick, squares,& oth artc of pressed/moulded glass 3712 Glass fibres and articles thereof, except woven fabrics 37121 Silvers, rovings, yarn and chopped strands, of glass 261026129 7019.11.000 651.95.100 Chopped strands, of a length of not more than 50 mm 261026129 7019.12.000 651.95.200 Rovings of glass fibres 2610 7019.19.000 651.95.900 Slivers, yarn and other chopped

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strands 37129 Voiles, webs, mats, mattresses, boards and other articles of glass fibres, except woven fabrics 2610 7019.31.000 664.95.310 Mats of glass fibres 2610 7019.32.000 664.95.320 Thin sheets (voiles)of glass fibres 261026129 7019.39.000 664.95.390 Other non woven products of glass fibres 261026129 7019.90.000 664.95.900 Other artcles of glass fibres thereof 3719 Other glass articles 37191 Bottles, jars, phials and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods, except ampoules; stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass 261026124 7010.91.900 665.11.900 Carboys,demi johns & oth. containerwith 1 l lt. a capacity lt. 20 l 261026124 7010.92.000 665.11.200 Carboys,demi johns & oth. containerwith 0.33 l lt. a capacity lt. 1 261026124 7010.93.000 665.11.300 Carboys,demi johns & oth. containerwith 0.15 l lt. a capacity lte. 2610 7010.20.000 665.11.600 Stoppers, lids and other closures of glass 2610 7010.91.100 665.11.100 Carboys,demi johns & oth. containerwith a capacity >= 20 litres 2610 7010.94.000 665.11.400 Carboys,demi johns & oth. containerwith a capacity lte. 0,15 litre 37192 Glass envelopes, open, and glass parts thereof, for electric lamps, cathode-ray tubes or the like 261026123 7011.10.100 664.93.110 Glass envelopes for electric lamps 261026123 7011.10.900 664.93.190 Other glass envelopes 261026123 7011.20.000 664.93.200 Glass envelope for cathode-ray tubes 261026123 7011.90.000 664.93.900 Glass envelopes for others 37193 Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (except bottles, jars and the like, of glass, and ornaments of lamp-worked glass) 261026121 7013.10.110 665.21.110 Coloured drinking glasses of glass ceramics 261026121 7013.10.120 665.21.120 Not coloured drinking glasses of glass ceramics 261026121 7013.10.910 665.21.910 Plates of all kinds 261026121 7013.10.960 665.21.960 Bowls of size of less than 6'' 261026121 7013.10.970 665.21.970 Bowls of size 6 '' or more 261026121 7013.10.990 665.21.990 Other glass ware for other purposes 261026121 7013.29.000 665.22.900 Other drinking glass other than of ceramics 261026121 7013.39.000 665.23.900 Other of glassware of a kind used for table 261026121 7013.99.000 665.29.900 Other glassware 2610 7013.21.000 665.22.100 Drinking glasses of lead crystal 2610 7013.31.000 665.23.100 Other glassware of a kind used for table of lead crystal 2610 7013.32.000 665.23.200 Oth glassware of akind use for tablof glass have l.c. lte. 5x10 -6/kel 2610 7013.91.000 665.29.100 Other glassware of lead crystal

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37194 Clock or watch glasses and similar glasses; glasses for spectacles, not optically worked hollow glass spheres and their segments for the manufacture of such glasses 2610 7015.10.000 664.94.100 Glasses for corrective spectacles 2610 7015.90.100 664.94.910 Unworked,merely cut out glasses fornon corrective 261026129 7015.90.910 664.94.991 Watch glasses 261026129 7015.90.990 664.94.999 Oth.worked glass for non corrective 37195 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware; ampoules of glass 261026122 7010.10.000 665.92.000 Ampoules 261026122 7017.10.000 665.91.100 Laboratory hyg.or pharma. glasswareof fused quartz or oth fused silica 261026122 7017.90.000 665.91.900 Other lab. hyg. or pharmaceutical glassware 2610 7017.20.000 665.91.200 Laboratory hyg.or pharma. glasswareof expansion lte. 5x10 -6 per kelv 37197 Electrical insulators of glass 2610 8546.10.000 773.22.000 Electrical insulators of glass 37199 Articles of glass n.e.c. (including glass inners for vacuum flasks, signalling glassware, glass cubes for mosaics, glass beads, glass microspheres and ornaments of lamp worked glass) 2610 7018.20.000 665.93.200 Glass microspheres diameter lt. 1 mm 261026124 7012.00.000 665.12.000 Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum vessels 261026129 7014.00.100 665.95.100 Glasses, cylinders and protector glass for miner`s lamp 261026129 7014.00.210 665.95.210 For lighthouse lamps,ships'lanternslocomotive and railway rollingstoc 261026129 7014.00.290 665.95.290 Other element of glass 261026129 7014.00.910 665.95.910 Other signalling glass ware for light house,ship`s lantern 261026121 7014.00.990 665.95.990 Other signalling glass ware & opti cal elements of glass 261026129 7016.10.000 665.94.000 Glass cubes &other glass smallwares 261026129 7018.10.100 665.93.110 Tasbeh,rosaries &similar devotionalarticles 261026129 7018.10.900 665.93.190 Other glass beads,imitation pearls 261026129 7018.90.000 665.93.900 Glass eyes,statuetes & oth ornamentof lamp-worked glass 261026129 7020.00.000 665.99.000 Other articles of glass 372 Non-structural ceramic ware 3721 37210 Ceramic sinks, baths, water closet pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary fixtures 269126209 6910.10.000 812.21.000 Ceramic sink,wash basin of porcelinor china 269326324 6910.90.000 812.29.000 Other ceramic sinks,wash basins 3722 Ceramic household and ornamental articles 37221 Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles 269126201 6911.10.000 666.11.000 Tableware and kitchenware of porcelain or china 269126209 6911.90.000 666.12.000 Other household artcl & toilet artcof poceilain or china 269326321 6912.00.000 666.13.000 Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, etcother than of porcelain or china

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37222 Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles 269126201 6913.10.100 666.21.100 Statuettes and other ornaments of porcelain or china 269126201 6913.10.900 666.21.900 Other of porcelain or china 269326321 6913.90.000 666.29.100 Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic artc oth than of porcelain 3729 Other non-structural ceramic wares 37291 Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses; ceramic troughs, tubs and similar recepticals of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods 269126203 6909.11.000 663.91.110 Ceramic ware for laboratory chemicaof porcelain or china 269126203 6909.19.000 663.91.190 Other ceramic ware for laboratory chemical 269126209 6909.90.000 663.91.900 Other of ceramic wares for laborat.chemical or other technical uses 2691 6909.12.000 663.91.100 Ceramic ware for laboratory of artchave hardness >=9 on the mohs scale 37292 Electrical insulators of ceramics; insulating fittings, for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, of ceramics 2691 8546.20.100 773.23.100 Electrical insulators of ceramicbushing for transformator 269126203 8546.20.900 773.23.900 Electrical insulators of ceramic ofother type 269126203 8547.10.000 773.26.000 Insulating fitting of ceramics 37299 Other non-structural ceramic articles n.e.c. 269326329 6914.90.000 663.99.900 Other ceramic articles 2691 6914.10.000 663.99.100 Other ceramic articles of porcelainor china 373 Refractory products and structural non-refractory clay products 3731 37310 Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods of siliceous earths 2692 6901.00.000 662.31.000 Bricks,blocks,tiles and oth.ceramicgoods of siliceous fossil meals 3732 37320 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods, other than those of siliceous earths 269226311 6902.10.000 662.32.100 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles containing by mg,ca,cr > 50 % 269226311 6902.20.000 662.32.200 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles containing by al2 o3,si o2 > 50% 269226311 6902.90.000 662.32.900 Other refractory bricks,blocks,tile 3733 37330 Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions n.e.c. 2692 3816.00.000 662.33.000 Refractory cement,mortars,concretesand similar compositions 3734 37340 Unfired refractory products; other refractory ceramic goods 269626509 6815.91.000 663.38.000 Containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite 269226311 6903.10.000 663.70.100 Refractory ceramic goods containingby weight graphite> 50% 269226311 6903.20.000 663.70.200 Refractory ceramic goods containingaluminium > 50% 269226311 6903.90.000 663.70.900 Other refractory ceramic goods 3735 37350 Non-refractory ceramic building bricks, flooring blocks, support or filler tiles, roofing tiles, chimney-pots, cowls, chimney liners, architectural ornaments and other ceramic construction

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goods 269326322 6904.10.000 662.41.100 Building bricks 269326322 6904.90.000 662.41.900 Other ceramic flooring blocks 269326323 6905.10.000 662.42.100 Roofing tiles 269326324 6905.90.000 662.42.900 Other chimney pots,cowls etc 3736 37360 Non-refractory ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings 269326324 6906.00.000 662.43.000 Ceramic pipes, conduits, gutteringand pipe fittings 3737 37370 Ceramic flags and paving, heart or wall tiles; ceramic mosaic cubes and the like 269126202 6907.10.000 662.44.100 Unglazed tile, cube & sim.articles,in asquare the side of which lte. 269326324 6907.90.000 662.44.900 Oth unglazed tile, cube and similararticles,whether or not rectangular 269126202 6908.10.000 662.45.100 Glazed tile, cube & sim. articles, in asquare the side of which lte. 269326324 6908.90.000 662.45.900 Oth glazed tile, cube and similar articles,whether or not rectangular 374 Cement, lime and plaster 3741 37410 Plasters 141014104 2520.20.000 273.24.000 Plasters 3742 37420 Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime 269426412 2522.10.000 661.11.000 Quicklime 269426412 2522.20.000 661.12.000 Slaked lime 269426412 2522.30.000 661.13.000 Hydraulic lime 3743 37430 Cement clinkers 269426411 2523.10.000 661.21.000 Cement clinker 3744 37440 Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement and similar hydraulic cements except in the form of clinkers 269426411 2523.21.000 661.22.210 White cement, of portland cement 269426411 2523.29.100 661.22.291 Portland cement type i 269426411 2523.29.900 661.22.299 Other portland cements 269426411 2523.30.000 661.23.000 Aluminous cement (''ciment fondu'') 269426411 2523.90.000 661.29.000 Other hydraulic cements 3745 37450 Calcinated or agglomerated dolomite 141014102 2518.20.000 278.23.200 Calcined dolomite 141014102 2518.30.000 278.23.300 Agglomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite) 375 Articles of concrete, cement and plaster 3751 37510 Non-refractory mortars and concretes 2695 3824.50.000 598.98.000 Non-refractory mortars and concrete 3752 37520 Boards, blocks and similar articles of vegetable fibre, straw or wood waste agglomerated with mineral binders 2695 6808.00.000 661.82.000 Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar artic. of vegetable fibre 3753 37530 Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster 269426413 6809.11.000 663.31.110 Board,sheets,panel,tiles of plasterfaced or reinforced with paper 269426413 6809.19.000 663.31.190 Other articles of plaster boards, sheets,panels,tiles 269926900 6809.90.000 663.31.900 Other articles of plaster 3754 37540 Tiles, flagstones, bricks and similar articles, of cement, concrete or artificial stone 269526423 6810.11.000 663.32.100 Building blocks and brick of

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cement 269526423 6810.19.100 663.32.910 Floor or wall tiles of cement 269526423 6810.19.900 663.32.990 Other articles of cement 3755 37550 Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering, of cement concrete or artificial stones 269526423 6810.91.100 663.33.100 Concrete building piles of cement 269526423 6810.91.900 663.33.900 Other prefabricated for building ofcement 3756 37560 Other articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone 269526429 6810.99.300 663.34.993 Caissons 269526421 6810.99.900 663.34.999 Other articles of cement or of artificial stone 3757 37570 Articles of asbestos-cement, cellulose fibrecement or the like 269926601 6811.10.000 661.83.100 Corrugated sheet of asbestos cement 269926601 6811.30.100 661.83.310 Ventilation tubing and other tubingcable conduits of asbestos cement 269926601 6811.30.900 661.83.390 Other pipes and pipe fitting of asbestos cement 2695 6811.20.000 661.83.200 Other sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles of asbestos-cement 2695 6811.90.000 661.83.900 Oth.articles of asbestos-cement, ofcellulose fibre-cement or the like 376 Monumental or building stone and articles thereof 3761 37610 Marble, travertine and alabaster, worked, and articles thereof (except setts, curbstones, flagstones, tiles, cubes and similar articles); artificially coloured granules, chippings and powder of marble, travertine and alabaster 269626502 6802.21.000 661.34.000 Marble, travertine and alabaster 269626502 6802.91.000 661.36.000 Other marble,travertine & alabaster 3769 37690 Other worked monumental or building stone and articles thereof; other artificially coloured granules chippings and powder of natural stone; articles of agglomerated slate 269626503 6801.00.000 661.31.000 Setts, curbstones and flagstones,ofnatural stone (except slate) 269626502 6802.10.100 661.33.100 Tiles & similar articles of marbles 269626503 6802.10.200 661.33.200 Mosaic cubes of natural stone 269626503 6802.22.000 661.35.200 Other calcareous stone simply cut or sawn 269626503 6802.29.000 661.35.900 Other stone simply cut or sawn 269626503 6802.92.000 661.39.200 Other calcareous stone 269626503 6802.99.000 661.39.900 Other stone 269626503 6803.00.100 661.32.100 Slab and roofing slates 2696 6802.10.900 661.33.900 Other tiles, cubes 2696 6802.23.100 661.35.310 Granite, width sheet, polished 2696 6802.23.900 661.35.390 Granite, other width sheet, not polished 2696 6802.93.000 661.39.300 Other granite 2696 6803.00.900 661.32.900 Other than slab and roofing slates 379 Other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. 3791 37910 Millstones, grindstone, grinding wheels and the like, without frame-works, for working stone, and parts thereof, of natural stone, of agglomerated natural or artificial abrasives, or of ceramics; natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of textille, paper or other material 2699 6805.20.100 663.22.100 Polishing disc on a base of paper

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or paperboard 2699 6805.30.100 663.29.100 Polishing disc on a base of other materials 269626503 6804.10.000 663.11.000 Millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping 269626509 6804.21.000 663.12.100 Other millstones, grindstones of diamond 269626509 6804.22.000 663.12.200 Other millstones, grindstones of ceramics 269626509 6804.23.000 663.12.300 Other millstones, grindstones of natural stone 269626509 6804.30.000 663.13.000 Hand sharpening or polishing stones 269626509 6805.10.000 663.21.000 Abrasive powder on a base of woven textile fabric only 269926900 6805.20.900 663.22.900 Other abrasive powder on a base of paper or paperboard 269926900 6805.30.900 663.29.900 Other abrasive powder on a base of other materials 3792 37920 Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate; articles of such mixtures, or of asbestos 269926602 6812.10.000 663.81.100 Fabricated asbestos fibres;mixtureswith a basis of asbestos 269926602 6812.20.000 663.81.200 Yarn and thread of asbestos 269926602 6812.30.000 663.81.300 Cord and string of asbestos,whetheror not plated 269926602 6812.40.000 663.81.400 Woven or knitted fabric 269926602 6812.50.000 663.81.500 Clothing, clothing accessories,footwear & headgear mixture with asbes 269926602 6812.60.000 663.81.600 Paper, millboard & felt of asbestos 269926602 6812.70.000 663.81.700 Compressed asbestos fibre jointing,in sheets or rolls 269926602 6812.90.000 663.81.900 Other articles of asbestos 269926609 6813.10.000 663.82.100 Brake linings and pads 2699 6813.90.000 663.82.900 Friction material & article thereof 3793 37930 Articles of asphalt or of similar material 232023203 6807.10.000 661.81.100 Articles of asphalt in rolls 232023203 6807.90.000 661.81.900 Articles of asphalt or of similar material other than in roll 3794 37940 Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch 232023203 2715.00.000 335.43.000 Bituminous mixtures 3795 37950 Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of semi manufactures 2699 3801.10.000 598.61.100 Artificial graphite 2699 3801.20.000 598.61.200 Colloidal or semi-colloidal graphit 2699 3801.30.000 598.61.300 Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and sim'r pastes for furnace linin 2699 3801.90.000 598.61.900 Other artificial graphite 3796 37960 Artificial corundum 241124114 2818.10.000 522.67.000 Artificial corundum 3799 37990 Non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. (including mineral wool, expanded mineral materials, worked mica, articles of mica, non-electrical articles of graphite or other carbon and articles of peat) 269926900 6814.10.100 663.35.100 Sheet and strip,simply cut to

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shapeof agglomerated mica 269926900 6814.10.900 663.35.190 Other plates of agglomerated mica 269926900 6814.90.100 663.35.910 Roll and pieces,simply cut to shapeof articles of mica 269926900 6814.90.900 663.35.990 Other articles of mica 269626509 6815.10.100 663.36.110 Touchstones of graphite/oth carbon 269626503 6815.10.200 663.36.120 Bricks, paving slabs,flooring tilesand oth.similar constructional goo 269626509 6815.10.900 663.36.190 Other non electrical articles of graphite 269326329 6815.20.000 663.37.000 Articles of peat 269626503 6815.99.000 663.39.000 Other articles of other mineral subtances 2699 6806.10.000 663.51.000 Slag wool,rock wool&similar mineralwools in bulk,sheets or rolls 2699 6806.20.000 663.52.000 Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays,foamed slag 2699 6806.90.000 663.53.000 Other mixtures and articles of heatinsulating,sound-insulating minera DIVISION 38 FURNITURE; OTHER TRANSPORTABLE GOODS N.E.C. 381 Furniture 3811 Seats 38111 Seats, primarily with metal frames 3610 9401.10.000 821.11.000 Seats of a kind used for aircraft 3610 9401.20.000 821.12.000 Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles 3610 9401.30.000 821.14.000 Swivel seats with variable heightadjustment 361036104 9401.71.000 821.17.100 Other seats, with metal frames up -holstered 361036104 9401.79.000 821.17.900 Other seats, with metal frames of other than upholstered 38112 Seats, primarily with wooden frames 361036102 9401.50.100 821.13.100 Seats of rattan 361036102 9401.50.900 821.13.900 Other seats cane,osier,bamboos 361036101 9401.61.000 821.16.100 Other seats, with wooden frames up-holstered 361036101 9401.69.000 821.16.900 Other seats, with wooden framesof other than upholstered 3610 9401.40.000 821.15.000 Seats oth.than garden seats / camp-ing equipment,convertible into bed 38119 Other seats 361036101 9401.80.100 821.18.100 Other seat of wood or of wickerwork 361036103 9401.80.900 821.18.900 Other seats of other materials 3812 Other furniture, of a kind used in offices 38121 Other metal furniture, of a kind used in offices 361036104 9403.10.000 821.31.000 Metal furniture of a kind used inoffice 38122 Other wooden furniture, of a kind used in offices 361036101 9403.30.100 821.51.100 Drawing table (unequipped) 361036104 9403.30.900 821.51.900 Other wooden furniture of a

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kindused in offices 3610 9403.30.200 821.51.200 Special furniture ( with cases ordrawers ) for printing works 3813 38130 Other wooden furniture, of a kind used in the kitchen 361036101 9403.40.000 821.53.000 Wooden furniture of a kind used inthe kitchen 3814 38140 Other furniture n.e.c. 289928992 9403.20.000 821.39.000 Other metal furniture 361036101 9403.50.000 821.55.000 Wooden furniture of a kind used inthe bedroom 361036101 9403.60.000 821.59.000 Other wooden furniture 252025204 9403.70.000 821.71.000 Furniture of plastics 361036102 9403.80.100 821.79.100 Furniture of rattan 361036102 9403.80.900 821.79.900 Other furniture 369936991 9610.00.000 895.92.000 Slate & board, with writing/drawingsurface, whether or not framed 3815 38150 Mattress support; mattresses, fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered 361036109 9404.21.000 821.23.000 Mattresses of cellular rubber orplastics 293029309 9404.29.000 821.25.000 Mattresses of other materials 3610 9404.10.000 821.21.000 Mattress supports 3816 38160 Parts of furniture 3610 9401.90.300 821.19.300 Parts seats of rattan 3610 9401.90.900 821.19.900 Other parts for seat 3610 9403.90.200 821.80.200 Parts of furniture for special fur-niture for printing works 361036101 9401.90.100 821.19.100 Parts of wood or of wickerwork 361036103 9401.90.200 821.19.200 Parts of plastics 369936991 9403.90.100 821.80.100 Parts of furniture for wooden draw-ing table 269626501 9403.90.900 821.80.900 Other parts of furniture 382 Jewellery and related articles 3821 38210 Pearls, natural or cultured and unworked 0500 7101.10.000 667.11.000 Natural pearls 0500 7101.21.000 667.12.000 Unworked cultured pearls 3822 38220 Cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, and synthetics or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones (except industrial diamonds and piezo-electric quartz), worked (except simply sawn, cleaved, bruted or roughly shaped), but not strung, mounted or set 3691 7101.22.000 667.13.000 Worked cultured pearls 3691 7102.39.000 667.29.000 Other non industrial diamond 369136911 7103.91.000 667.39.100 , sapphires and emeralds 369136911 7103.99.000 667.39.900 Other precious stones 369136911 7104.90.000 667.49.000 Other synthetic or recontructed precious stones 3823 38230 Industrial diamonds, worked; dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones 369136911 7105.10.000 277.21.100 Dust and powder of diamonds 369136911 7105.90.000 277.21.900 Other of natural/synthetic preciousor semi-precious stones 3691 7102.29.000 277.19.000 Other industrial diamond 3824 38240 Jewellery and other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; articles of natural or cultured pearls or precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) 3691 7113.20.000 897.31.200 Articles of jewellery of base metalclad with precious metal 3691 7115.90.900 897.49.900 Other articles of precious metal

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3691 7116.10.000 897.33.100 Articles of natural or cultured pearls 3691 7116.20.000 897.33.200 Articles of precious/semi-precious stones 369136912 7113.11.000 897.31.110 Articles of jewellery of silver 369136912 7113.19.000 897.31.190 Articles of jewellery of other precious metal 369136913 7114.11.000 897.32.100 Articles of silversmiths' wares andparts, whether or not plated/clad 369136913 7114.19.100 897.32.191 Toilet articles of other precious metal 369136913 7114.19.900 897.32.199 Other articles of other precious metal 369136915 7114.20.000 897.32.200 Articles of , clad with precious metal 369136914 7115.90.100 897.49.100 Other articles of precious metal for laboratory purposes 3825 38250 Coin 369136915 7118.10.000 961.00.000 Coin (other than gold coin) , not being legal tender 3691 7118.90.000 999.99.000 Gold coin & other coin being legal tender 383 Musical instruments 3831 38310 Pianos and other keyboard stringed musical instruments 3692 9201.10.100 898.13.110 Upright pianos in ckd 3692 9201.20.100 898.13.210 Grand pianos in ckd 3692 9201.20.900 898.13.290 Other grand pianos 369236922 9201.10.900 898.13.190 Other upright pianos 369236922 9201.90.000 898.13.900 Other pianos, harpsichord, keyboardstringed 3832 38320 Other string musical instruments 369236922 9202.10.000 898.15.100 Oth string musical instrument play-ed with a bow 369236922 9202.90.200 898.15.920 Plucked stringed instruments 3692 9202.90.900 898.15.990 Oth string musical instrument play-ed with other than a bow 3833 38330 Wind musical instruments (including pipe organs, accordians and -wind instruments) 3692 9203.00.110 898.21.110 Reed organs in ckd 3692 9204.10.110 898.22.111 Keyboard harmonica in ckd 369236922 9203.00.190 898.21.190 Other reed organs 369236922 9203.00.900 898.21.900 Oth. harmonium with free metal reed 369236922 9204.10.190 898.22.119 Other keyboard harmonica 369236922 9204.10.900 898.22.190 Oth accordion & similar instrument 369236922 9204.20.000 898.22.200 Mouth organs 369236922 9205.10.000 898.23.100 Brass-wind instruments 369236922 9205.90.000 898.23.900 Other wind musical instruments 3834 38340 Musical instruments, the sound of which is produced, or must be amplified, electrically 369236922 9207.10.190 898.25.190 Other electronic organs keyboard 369236922 9207.10.900 898.25.900 Other keyboard instruments 369236922 9207.90.000 898.26.000 Oth musical instruments that ampli-fied electrically 3692 9207.10.110 898.25.110 Electronic organs in ckd 3835 38350 Other musical instruments (including percussion instruments, musical boxes and fairground organs); decoy calls; whistles, call horns and other mouth-blown sound signalling instruments 369236921 9206.00.200 898.24.200 Musical intruments : drums 369236922 9206.00.900 898.24.900 Other percussion musical

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instrumens 369236922 9208.10.000 898.29.100 Musical boxes 369236922 9208.90.000 898.29.900 Other fairground organs, mechanicalstreet organ 3836 38360 Parts and accesories of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes 369236922 9209.10.000 898.90.100 Metronomes, tuning forks and pitchpipes 369236922 9209.20.000 898.90.200 Mechanisms for musical boxes 369236922 9209.30.000 898.90.300 Musical instruments strings 369236922 9209.91.000 898.90.910 Parts and accessories for pianos 369236922 9209.92.000 898.90.920 Part and accessory for the musicalinstruments of heading no.92.02 369236922 9209.93.000 898.90.390 Part and accessory for the musicalinstruments of heading no.92.03 369236922 9209.94.000 898.90.940 Part and accessory for the musicalinstruments of heading no.92.07 369236922 9209.99.000 898.90.990 Parts and accesories for heading no. 92.04-92.06, and no. 92.08 384 Sports goods 3841 38410 Snow-skis and other snow-ski equipment; ice skates and roller-skates 369336930 9506.11.000 894.73.100 Skis 369336930 9506.12.000 894.73.200 Ski-fastenings (ski-bindings) 369336930 9506.19.000 894.73.900 Other articles for gymnastics 192019202 9506.70.000 894.72.000 Ice skate & roller skate, includingskating boots with skates attached 3842 38420 Water-skis, surf-boards, sailboards and other water-sport equipment 369336930 9506.21.000 894.74.100 Sailboards 369336930 9506.29.000 894.74.900 Other water-sports equipment 3843 38430 Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment 369336930 9506.91.000 894.78.000 Articles and equipment for general execise;gymnastic or atlhetics 3844 38440 Other articles and equipmenr for sports or outdoor games (including sports gloves, balls, golf cloubs, equipment for table-tennis, and lawn-tennis racquets); swimming pools and paddling pools 369336930 9506.31.000 894.75.100 Clubs, complete 369336930 9506.32.000 894.75.200 Balls 369336930 9506.39.000 894.75.900 Other golf equipment 369336930 9506.40.000 894.79.000 Articles and equipment for table -tennis 369336930 9506.51.000 894.76.100 Lawn-tennis rackets, whether or notstrung 369336930 9506.59.100 894.76.910 Badminton rackets, whether or not strung 369336930 9506.59.900 894.76.990 Other racket, whether or not strung 369336930 9506.61.000 894.79.100 Lawn-tennis balls 369336930 9506.62.100 894.79.210 Soccer balls inflatable 369336930 9506.62.900 894.79.290 Other balls inflatable 369336930 9506.69.000 894.79.900 Other balls, oth than golf/tennis balls/inflatable balls 369336930 9506.99.110 894.79.911 Shuttle cocks 369336930 9506.99.200 894.79.920 Racket presses 369336930 9506.99.300 894.79.930 Nets 369336930 9506.99.910 894.79.991 Cricket pads, shin-guards and

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simi-lar articles 369336930 9506.99.990 894.79.999 Other articles for other sports 181018104 4203.21.000 894.77.000 Gloves of leather specially design for use in sports 3693 9506.99.190 894.79.919 Other parts of shuttlecocks 3845 38450 Fishing rods and other line fishing tackle; fish landing nets, butterfly nets and similar nets; decoy "birds" and similar hunting or shooting requisites 369936999 9507.10.000 894.71.100 Fishing rods 369936999 9507.20.000 894.71.200 Fish-hooks, whether or not snelled 369936999 9507.30.000 894.71.300 Fishing reels 369936999 9507.90.000 894.71.900 Other fishing articles 385 Games and toys 3851 38510 Dolls' carriages; wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children 369436942 9501.00.000 894.21.000 Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children;dolls cariages 3852 38520 Dolls representing human being; toys representing animals or non-human creatures 369436942 9502.10.000 894.22.000 Dolls, whether or not dressed 369436942 9503.41.000 894.25.100 Toys representating animals or non-human creatures stuffed 3694 9503.49.000 894.25.900 Other toys representating animal ornon-human creatures 3853 38530 Parts and accessories of dolls representing human beings 369436942 9502.91.000 894.23.100 Garments and accessories therefor,footwear and headgear 369436942 9502.99.000 894.23.900 Part&accessory for doll of oth thangarment and accessory therefor 3854 38540 Toy electric trains, and tracks, signals and other accessories therefor; reduced-size ("scale") model assembly kits and other construction sets and constructional toys 369436942 9503.10.000 894.24.100 Reduced-size electric trains, incl.tracks,signals & other accessories 369436942 9503.20.000 894.24.200 Reduce-size("scale") model assemblykit,exl.those subheading no.9503.1 369436942 9503.30.000 894.24.300 Other construction sets & constructional toys 3855 38550 Puzzles 369436942 9503.60.000 894.27.000 Puzzles 3856 38560 Other toys (including toy musical instruments) 369436942 9503.50.000 894.26.000 Toy musical instruments & apparatus 369436942 9503.70.000 894.29.700 Other toys,put up in set or outfits 369436942 9503.80.000 894.29.800 Other toys and models,incorporatinga motor 369436942 9503.90.000 894.29.900 Other toys 3857 38570 Playing cards 252025209 9504.40.000 894.37.000 Playing cards 3858 38580 Video games of a kind used with a television receiver 323032300 9504.10.000 894.31.000 Video game of a kind used with a tvreceiver 3859 38590 Other articles for funfair, table or parlour games (including articles for billiards, pintables, special tables for casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment), except video games of a kind used with a television receiver 369436941 9504.20.000 894.33.000 Articles and accessories forbilliards 252025209 9504.90.100 894.39.100 One set mah-yong

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369436941 9504.90.900 894.39.900 Other articles for funfair 3694 9504.30.000 894.35.000 Other games, coin-or disc-operated,other than bowling alley equipment 386 Roundabouts swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements 3860 38600 Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements 369936999 9508.00.000 894.60.000 Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries, travelling circuses 387 Prefabricated buildings 3870 38700 Prefabricated buildings 202220220 9406.00.000 811.00.000 Prefabricated buildings 389 Other manufactured articles n.e.c. 3891 Pens, pencils, stamps, typewriter or similar ribbons, ink-pads and similar articles 38911 Pens, duplicating stylos, pencils, pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders and parts thereof; cryons, pencil leads, pastels, drawing charcoals and chalks 369936991 9608.10.000 895.21.100 Ball point pens 369936991 9608.20.000 895.21.200 Felt tipped and other porous-tippedpens and markers 369936991 9608.31.000 895.21.310 Indian ink drawing pens 369936991 9608.39.000 895.21.390 Fountain, stylograph,and other pens 369936991 9608.40.000 895.21.400 Propelling or sliding pencils 369936991 9608.50.000 895.21.500 Set of articles from two or more ofthe foregoing subheadings 369936991 9608.60.000 895.21.600 Refill for ball point pens,compris-ing the ball point & ink-reservoir 369936991 9608.91.100 895.22.100 Nib points for ball point and pen-cils 369936991 9608.91.900 895.22.900 Other pen nibs and nib points 369936991 9608.99.100 895.21.910 Duplicating stylos 369936991 9608.99.200 895.21.920 Pen - holders, pencil - holders andsimilar holders 369936991 9608.99.900 895.21.990 Other parts of pens 369936991 9609.10.100 895.23.110 Black pencils 369936991 9609.10.900 895.23.190 Other pencils 369936991 9609.20.000 895.23.200 Pencil leads, black or coloured 3699 9609.90.000 895.23.900 Oth pastel,drawing charcoal,writingor drawing chalks and tailor chalk 38912 Date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like, designed for operating in the hand; hand operated composing sticks and hand printing sets incorporating such sticks, prepared for giving impressions; ink-pads 369936999 9611.00.000 895.93.000 Date, sealing or numbering stamps,and the like 369936992 9612.10.000 895.94.100 Ribbons 369936999 9612.20.000 895.94.200 Ink-pads 3892 Umbrellas, sun-umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops, buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners, press-studs, slide fastener and parts thereof; button blanks 38921 Umbrellas, sun-umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like 369936999 6601.10.000 899.41.100 Garden or similar umbrellas 369936999 6601.91.000 899.41.910 Having a telescopic shaft umbrellas 369936999 6601.99.000 899.41.990 Other umbrellas 369936999 6602.00.000 899.42.000 Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips,ridingcrops and the like 38922 Parts, trimmings and accessories of umbrellas, sun-umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-corps and the like

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369936999 6603.10.000 899.49.100 Handles and knobs of umbrellas 369936999 6603.20.000 899.49.200 Umbrella frames, including frames mounted on shafts(sticks) 369936999 6603.90.100 899.49.910 Part, trimming and accessories for articles of heading no.66.01. 369936999 6603.90.200 899.49.990 Part, trimming and accessories for articles of heading no.66.02. 38923 Press-fasteners, snaps-fastener, press-studs and parts therefor; buttons; slide fasteners 252025209 9606.21.000 899.83.210 Button of plastic, not covered withtextile material 289928999 9606.22.000 899.83.220 Buttons of base metal, not coveredwith textile material 3699 9606.10.000 899.83.100 Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and prestuds and parts therefor 3699 9606.29.000 899.83.290 Other buttons 3699 9607.11.000 899.85.100 Slide fastener fitted with chainscoops of base metal 3699 9607.19.000 899.85.900 Other slide fasteners 38924 Button moulds and other parts of buttons buttons blanks; parts of slide fasteners 3699 9606.30.000 899.84.000 Button moulds and other parts of buttons; buttons blank 3699 9607.20.000 899.86.000 Parts of slide fasteners 3893 38930 Linoleum 3699 5904.10.000 659.12.100 Linoleum 3699 5904.91.000 659.12.910 Linoleum with a base consisting of needlelom felt or nonwovens 3699 5904.92.000 659.12.920 Linoleum with other textile base 3894 Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed 38941 Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed 7494 3704.00.100 882.50.100 Plates and film, exposed but not develoved 242924299 3704.00.900 882.50.900 Other photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard 38942 Photographic plates and film, exposed and developed, other than cinematographic film 242924299 3705.10.000 882.60.100 Photographic plates and film for offset reproduction 242924299 3705.20.000 882.60.200 Microfilms 242924299 3705.90.000 882.60.900 Other photographic plates and film exposed and developed 3895 38950 Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track 9211 3706.10.000 883.10.000 Other cinematoghraphic film of a width 5 mm or more 9211 3706.90.000 883.90.000 Other cinematographic film, exposed and developed 3896 38960 Paintings, drawings and pastels; original engravings, prints and lithographs; original sculputures and statuary, in any material; postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery (stamped paper) and the like ; collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, ethnographic or numismatic interest; antiques 369936993 9701.10.000 896.11.000 Paintings, drawings and pastels 369936993 9701.90.100 896.12.100 Paintings, drawings and pastels ofcut flowers and flower buds 369936993 9701.90.200 896.12.200 Paintings, drawings and pastels offoliage, branches and other parts 369936993 9701.90.300 896.12.300 Paintings, drawings and pastels ofplastics

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369936993 9701.90.500 896.12.500 Paintings, drawings and pastels ofnatural cork 369936993 9701.90.600 896.12.600 Paintings, drawings and pastels ofprinted matters 369936993 9701.90.800 896.12.800 Paintings, drawings and pastels ofbase metal 269626501 9701.90.900 896.12.900 Other painting, drawing and pastel 269626501 9702.00.000 896.20.000 Original engravings, prints and li-thographs 269626503 9703.00.000 896.30.000 Original sculptures and statuary,inany material 369936993 9704.00.000 896.40.000 Postage/revenue stamp,stamppostmarkfirst day cover,postal stationery 369936993 9705.00.100 896.50.100 Collection and collectors piecesof archaelogical interest 369936993 9705.00.900 896.50.900 Other collection & collector piecesof other interest 369936993 9706.00.000 896.60.000 Antiques of an age exceeding onehundred years 3897 Human hair; wool or other animal hair or other textile materials; wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the like; articles of human hair n.e.c.; horsehair 38971 Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair 9302 0501.00.000 291.91.000 Human hair, unworked, whether or washed or scoured 38972 Human hair, dressed, thinned, bleached or otherwise worked; wool or other animal hair or other textille materials, prepared for use in making wigs or the like; wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the like, of human or animal hair or of textille materials; articles of human hair n.e.c. 369936993 6703.00.000 899.94.000 Human hair,dressed,thinned,bleached/oth .wise work;wool/oth.animal hai 369936993 6704.11.100 899.95.111 Complete wigs of synthetic textile for men 369936993 6704.11.200 899.95.112 Complete wigs of synthetic textile for women 369936993 6704.19.000 899.95.190 Switches,false beards, eyebrows andeyelashes of synthetic tex.material 369936993 6704.20.400 899.95.200 Wigs of human hair for women 369936993 6704.20.900 899.95.290 Other false beard and the like of human hair 369936993 6704.90.000 899.95.900 Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes of other synth.text.mat. 3899 Other articles 38991 Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, including conjuring tricks and novelty jokes 3699 9505.10.000 894.45.000 Articles for christmas festivities 3699 9505.90.000 894.49.000 Other festive, carnival articles 38992 Baby carriages and parts thereof 3699 8715.00.000 894.10.000 Baby carriages and parts thereof 38993 Brooms, brushes, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers (not motorised), mops and feather dusters; prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush making; paint pads and rollers; squeegees (other than roller squeegees) 3699 9603.40.000 899.72.400 Paint,distemper, varnish/sml. brush(oth than subhead 960330);paint pa

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369936999 9603.10.000 899.72.100 Broom & brush, consisting of twig /oth vegetable mat'l bound together 252025209 9603.21.000 899.72.210 Tooth brushes 369936999 9603.29.000 899.72.910 Shaving, hair, nail, eyelash and other toilet brusses for person 369936999 9603.30.000 899.72.300 Artists' brush, writing brush& sml.brush for application of cosmetics 369936999 9603.50.000 899.72.500 Other brushes constituting parts ofmachines, appliances or vehicles 369936999 9603.90.000 899.72.900 Oth broom, brusses 38994 Cigarette lighters and other lighters; smoking pipes and cigar or cigarette holders, and parts thereof; combs, hair-slides and the like; hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair curlers and the like ( except electro-thermic apparatus), and parts thereof; scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefore; powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations 369936999 9613.10.000 899.33.100 Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, non-refillable 369936999 9613.20.000 899.33.200 Pocket lighters, gas fuelled,refillable 369936999 9613.30.000 899.33.300 Table lighters 369936999 9613.80.000 899.33.800 Other lighters 369936999 9614.20.000 899.37.200 Pipes and pipe bowls 369936999 9614.90.000 899.37.900 Parts of smoking pipes, cigars or cigarrette holders 252025204 9615.11.000 899.89.110 Comb, hair slides and the like of hard rubbers or plastics 289928999 9615.90.300 899.89.930 Hair pins, curling pins/grips, hairculers and the like of aluminium 289928999 9615.90.900 899.89.990 Hair pins, curling pins/grips, hairculer & like oth than of aluminium 3699 9615.19.000 899.89.190 Comb, hair slides and the like , oth than of hard rubbers or plastic 3699 9616.10.000 899.87.000 Scent sprays & similar toilet sprayand mounts and heads therefor 3699 9616.20.000 899.82.000 Powder-puff & pad for applicationof cosmetic or toilet preparation 38995 Parts of cigarettes lighters and other lighters (except flints and wicks); pyrophoric alloys; articles of combustible materials n.e.c. 3699 3606.90.110 899.39.110 Flint for mechanical lighters 3699 3606.90.190 899.39.190 Other pyrophoric alloy 3699 3606.90.900 899.39.900 Other combustable materials 369936999 9613.90.000 899.35.000 Parts of disposable gas lighter 38996 Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, unsuitable for other uses 331133113 9023.00.000 874.52.000 Instruments, apparatus and models,designed for demonstration purpose 38997 Imitation jewellery 3699 7117.11.000 897.21.100 Cuff-links and studs 3699 7117.19.100 897.21.910 Imitation jewellery of base metal

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plated with precious metal 3699 7117.19.900 897.21.990 Other imitation jewellery of base metal 3699 7117.90.100 897.29.100 Imitation jewellery of plastics 3699 7117.90.300 897.29.300 Imitation jewellery of plastering material 3699 7117.90.400 897.29.400 Imitation jewellery of ceramic 3699 7117.90.500 897.29.500 Imitation jewellery of glass 3699 7117.90.600 897.29.600 Imitation jewellery of tortoise- shell ,mother of pearl , ,etc 3699 7117.90.900 897.29.900 Other imitation jewellery 38998 Matches 242924295 3605.00.000 899.32.000 Matches other than pyrotechnic articles 38999 Articles n.e.c. (including candles, tapers skins of birds with feathers, artificial flowers, entertainment articles, hand sieves, hand riddles, vacuum flasks, tailors dummies, animated displays used for shop window dressing, and parts n.e.c.) 242924299 3406.00.000 899.31.000 Candles, tapers and the like. 181018104 4206.90.000 899.91.900 Other articles of gut 369936993 6701.00.000 899.92.000 Skins and other parts of birds withtheir feathers or down,feather,par 369936993 6702.10.000 899.21.000 Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit of plastics 369936993 6702.90.000 899.29.000 Artific. flowers, foliage and fruit& parts thereof;of oth than plastic 369936993 9601.10.000 899.11.100 Worked ivory and articles of ivory 369936993 9601.90.000 899.11.900 Worked bone,tortoise-shell, horn, antlers, coral & articles thereof 369936993 9602.00.900 899.19.900 Other article of unhardened gelatin 252025205 9617.00.000 899.97.000 Vacuum flasks & oth vacuum vessels with cases; parts thereof not glass 369936999 9618.00.000 899.88.000 Tailors' dummy&oth lay figure;auto-mata&animated display used for sho 3699 9602.00.200 899.19.200 Capsules for pharmaceutical product 3699 9604.00.000 899.81.000 Hand sieves and hand riddles 3699 3606.10.000 899.34.000 Liquid or liquified-gas fuels in containers lt. 300 cm3 3699 4206.10.000 899.91.100 Catgut DIVISION 39 WASTES OR SCRAPS 391 Wastes from food and tobacco industry 3911 39110 Raw offal, inedible(including pigs' bristles animal guts, bird skins, feathers, bones and ivory) 0502.90.000 291.92.900 Other pig's, hog's and other brush making hair 0504.00.300 291.93.110 Animal's guts, bladders and stomach fresh, chilled or frozen 0504.00.900 291.93.190 Animal's guts, bladders and stomach in other form 0506.10.000 291.11.100 Ossein and bones treated with acid 0507.10.100 291.16.110 Ivory powder 0507.90.500 291.16.950 Powder, made of horns, beaks 0510.00.000 291.98.000 Ambergis, castoreum, civet and musk; cantharides

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0511.99.400 291.99.400 Silk worm eggs 151115111 0502.10.000 291.92.100 Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair and waste thereof 151115111 0505.10.000 291.95.100 Feathers of a kind used for stuff ing down 151115111 0505.90.000 291.95.900 Other parts of birds 151115111 0506.90.000 291.11.900 Other bones & horn - cores 151115111 0507.10.900 291.16.190 Ivory other than powder 151115111 0507.90.900 291.16.990 Other hooves 012101217 0511.99.110 291.99.110 Semen of swine, goats and sheep 012101215 0511.99.190 291.99.190 Semen of other swine, goats & sheep 151115111 0511.99.200 291.99.200 Sinews and tendons 151115111 0511.99.300 291.99.300 Parings and similar waste of raw hides or skins 151115111 0511.99.900 291.99.900 Other semen 3912 39120 Bran and other residues from the working of cereals or legumes; vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and by products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding n.e.c. 151415141 2302.10.000 081.24.000 Bran, sharps and other residues of maize (corn) 153115311 2302.20.100 081.25.100 Bran of rice 153115311 2302.20.900 081.25.900 Other residues of rice 153115312 2302.30.000 081.26.000 Bran & other residues of wheat 153115312 2302.40.000 081.29.000 Bran & oth residues of oth cereals 154915493 2302.50.000 081.23.000 Bran and other residues of legumin.plants 2308.90.000 081.19.900 Other vegetable waste used in animal feeding 3913 39130 Residues of strach manufacture and similar residues 153215323 2303.10.100 081.51.100 Residues of starch mfc. of manioc 153215324 2303.10.200 081.51.200 Residues of starch mfc. of sago 153215323 2303.10.900 081.51.900 Residues of starch mfc. of oth thanmanioc or sago 3914 39140 Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture 154215429 2303.20.000 081.52.000 Beet pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufactture 3915 39150 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste 011301135 1802.00.000 072.50.000 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste 3916 39160 Brewing or distilling dregs and waste 155115510 2303.30.000 081.53.000 Brewing / distilling dregs & waste 3917 39170 Wine lees; argol 2307.00.000 081.94.000 Wine lees; argol 3918 39180 Tobacco refuse 160016001 2401.30.000 121.30.000 Tobacco refuse 392 Non-metal wastes or scraps 3921 Miscellaneous textille wastes 39211 Silk waste, not carded or combed 171117112 5003.10.000 261.42.000 Silk waste not carded or combed 39212 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair 171117111 5103.20.000 268.69.200 Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair 171117112 5103.30.000 268.69.300 Waste of coarse animal hair 39213 Garnetted stocks of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair 5104.00.000 268.62.000 Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair

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39214 Cotton waste, except garnetted stock 171117111 5202.10.000 263.31.000 Yarn waste (including thread waste) 39215 Other cotton waste; garnetted stock 171117111 5202.91.000 263.32.000 Garnetted stock 171117111 5202.99.000 263.39.000 Other cotton waste 39216 Waste of man-made fibres 171117112 5505.10.000 267.21.000 Waste of man made fibre of synthe- tic fibres 171117112 5505.20.000 267.22.000 Waste of man made fibre of artifi cial fibres 39217 Worn clothing and other worn textille articles 6309.00.000 269.01.000 Worn clothing and oth worn articles 39218 Rags, scraps twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textille materials 6310.10.000 269.02.100 Sorted used or new rug,cordage,rope&cable of twine,cordage,rope/cable 6310.90.000 269.02.900 Other used or new rug,cordage,rope &cable of twine,cordage,rope/cable 3922 39220 Waste of leather, leather dust, powder and flour 4110.00.000 211.91.000 Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather 3923 39230 Residual iyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, including lignin sulphonates, but excluding tall oil 3804.00.000 598.12.000 Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood 3924 39240 Waste and scraos of paper or paperboard 210121011 4707.10.100 251.11.100 Waste of paper/p.board of unbleach kraft paper for paper making purp. 210921090 4707.10.900 251.11.900 Waste of paper/p.board of unbleach for other purposes 210121016 4707.20.100 251.12.100 Waste of scrap paper/p.board of oth paper for paper making purpose 210921090 4707.20.900 251.12.900 Waste of scrap paper/p.board of oth. paper for other purposes 210121012 4707.30.100 251.13.100 For paper making purposes 210921090 4707.30.900 251.13.900 Waste and scrap of paperboard for other purpose 210221020 4707.90.100 251.19.100 Unsorted waste and scrap for paper making purposes 210921090 4707.90.900 251.19.900 Unsorted waste and scrap for other purposes 3925 39250 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (except hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained therefrom 4004.00.000 232.22.000 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) 3926 39260 Used pneumatic tyres of rubber 251925111 4012.20.000 625.93.000 Used pneumatic tyres 3927 39270 Waste, parings and scraps of plastics 3915.10.000 579.10.000 Waste and a scrap, of plastics, of polymers of ethylene 3915.20.000 579.20.000 Waste and a scrap, of plastics, of polymers of styrene

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3915.30.000 579.30.000 Waste and a scrap, of plastics, of polymers of vinyl chloride 3915.90.100 579.90.100 Waste and a scrap, of plastics, of copolymer of vinyl acetate/chlorid 3915.90.900 579.90.900 Waste and a scrap, of plastics, of other polymer compound 3928 39280 Sawdust and wood waste and scrap 020002020 4401.30.000 246.20.000 Sawdust and wood waste and scrap 393 Metal wastes or scraps 3931 39310 Slaf, dross, scallings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel 2618.00.000 278.61.000 Granulated slag from the mfc. of iron or steel 2619.00.000 278.62.000 Slag, dross scalings & oth waste from the mfc. of iron or steel 3932 39320 Ash and residue (except fron the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals or metallic compounds 2620.11.000 288.10.110 Ash & residues of hard zinc spelter 2620.19.000 288.10.190 Ash & residues of oth. zinc spelter 2620.20.000 288.10.200 Ash and residues containing mainly lead 2620.30.000 288.10.300 Ash and residues containing mainly copper 2620.40.000 288.10.400 Ash and residues containing mainly aluminium 2620.50.000 288.10.500 Ash and residues containing mainly vanadium 2620.90.000 288.10.911 Other ash and residues 3933 Waste and scrap of precious metal 39331 Waste and scraps of gold or of metal clad with gold 369136913 7112.10.000 971.03.000 Waste and scrap of gold 39332 Waste and scraps of precious metal (except gold) or of metal cald with precious metal (except gold) 272027201 7112.20.000 289.21.200 Waste and scrap of platinum 272027201 7112.90.000 289.29.900 Other waste and scrap of precious metal 3934 39340 Ferrous waste and scrap 273127310 7204.10.000 282.10.000 Waste and scrap of cast iron 271027101 7204.21.000 282.21.000 Waste and scrap of alloy stainless steel 271027101 7204.29.000 282.29.000 Oth. waste and scrap of alloy steel 271027101 7204.30.000 282.31.000 Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel 271027101 7204.41.000 282.32.000 Oth. waste and scrap in turnings , shavings ,chips ,milling waste 271027101 7204.49.000 282.39.000 Other waste and scrap 3935 39350 Remelting scraps ingots of iron or steel 271027101 7204.50.000 282.33.000 Remelting scrap ingots. 3936 39360 Waste and scrap of copper, nickel, aluminium, lead, zinc and tin 272027201 7404.00.000 288.21.000 Copper waste and scrap 272027201 7503.00.000 288.22.000 Nickel waste and scrap 272027201 7602.00.000 288.23.000 Aluminium waste and scrap 272027201 7802.00.000 288.24.000 Lead waste and scrap 272027201 7902.00.000 288.25.000 Unwrought zinc alloys waste & scrap 272027201 8002.00.000 288.26.000 Tin waste and scrap.

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3937 39370 Vessels and other floting structures for breaking up 359935990 8908.00.000 793.30.000 Vessels 3938 39380 Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators 8548.10.000 778.12.100 Waste and scrap of primary cells, batteries & elec accumulators etc


DIVISION 41 BASIC METALS 411 Basic iron and steel 4111 Primary materials of iron and steel metallurgy 41111 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms 271027101 7201.10.000 671.21.000 Non-alloy pig iron containing lte. 0.5 % phosphorus 271027101 7201.20.000 671.22.000 Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0.5% of phosphorus 271027101 7201.50.000 671.23.000 Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen 41112 Ferro-manganese 271027101 7202.11.000 671.41.000 Ferro-manganese ,alloys containing by weight > 2 % of carbon 271027101 7202.19.000 671.49.000 Other ferro-manganese ,alloys 41113 Ferro-chromium 271027101 7202.41.000 671.53.100 Ferro-chromium ,alloys containing by weight > 4 % of carbon 271027101 7202.49.000 671.53.900 Other ferro-chromium ,alloys 41114 Ferro-nickel 271027101 7202.60.000 671.55.000 Ferro-nickel ,alloys 41115 Other ferro-alloys 271027101 7202.21.000 671.51.100 Ferro-silicon ,alloys containing by weight > 55 % of silicon 271027101 7202.29.000 671.51.900 Other ferro-silicon ,alloys 271027101 7202.30.000 671.52.000 Ferro-silico-manganese ,alloys 271027101 7202.50.000 671.54.000 Ferro-silico-chromium ,alloys 271027101 7202.70.000 671.59.700 Ferro-molybdenum ,alloys 271027101 7202.80.000 671.59.800 Ferro-tungsten and ferro-silico- tungsten ,alloys 271027101 7202.91.000 671.59.910 Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico- titanium ,alloys 271027101 7202.92.000 671.59.920 Ferro-vanadium ,alloys 271027101 7202.93.000 671.59.930 Ferro-niobium ,alloys 271027101 7202.99.000 671.59.990 Other ferro-alloys silicon and ferro cromium 41116 Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99,94%, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel 271027101 7203.10.000 671.33.100 Ferrous products obtained by directreduction of iron ore 271027101 7203.90.000 671.33.900 Other spongy ferrous products 271027101 7205.10.000 671.31.000 Granules of pig iron ,spiegeleisen iron or steel 271027101 7205.21.000 671.32.100 Powders of alloy steel 271027101 7205.29.000 671.32.900 Other pig iron ,spiegeleisen ,iron or steel 4112 Crude steel and steel semi-finished products

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41121 Ingots, other primary forms, and semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel 271027101 7206.10.000 672.41.000 Ingot of iron or non alloy steel in other primary forms, carbon lt. . 271027101 7206.90.000 672.45.000 Other iron and non-alloy steel in other primary forms 271027101 7207.11.100 672.61.100 Slabs of rectangular of iron or non-alloy steel carbon lt. 0,25 % 271027101 7207.11.900 672.61.900 Other of rectangular of iron or non-alloy steel carbon lt. 0,25 % 271027101 7207.12.100 672.62.100 Rectangular billets ,carbon lt. 0,25% 271027101 7207.12.900 672.62.900 Other rectangular of iron or non- alloy steel ,carbon lt.0,25 % 271027101 7207.19.000 672.69.000 Other semi finished product of ironor non-alloy steel ,carbon lt.0,25 271027101 7207.20.100 672.70.100 Billets ,carbon >= 0,25 % 271027101 7207.20.300 672.70.300 Slabs ,carbon >= 0,25 % 271027101 7207.20.900 672.70.900 Other iron and non-alloy steel , carbon >= 0,25 % 41122 Ingots, other primary forms, and semi-finished products of stainless steel or other alloy steel 271027101 7218.10.000 672.47.000 Ingots and other primary forms of stainless steel 271027101 7218.91.000 672.81.100 Other stainless steel noy ingots & oth. primary forms of rect. crosst 271027101 7218.99.000 672.81.900 Other ingots and other primary formnot of rectangular crossection 271027101 7224.10.000 672.49.000 Ingots and other primary forms 271027101 7224.90.000 672.82.000 Other alloy steel in ingots 412 Rolled, drawn and folded products of iron and steel 4121 Flat-rolled products of iron or steel, not further worked than hot-rolled 41211 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than hot rolled, of a width of 600 mm or more 271027102 7208.10.000 673.11.000 Flat roll. prod. of iron in coils not further worked than hot rolled 271027102 7208.25.000 673.21.000 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more 271027102 7208.26.000 673.22.000 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils of 3 mm lte. thickness lte. 4,75 271027102 7208.27.000 673.13.000 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils of a thickness of less than 3 mm 271027102 7208.36.000 673.22.100 Other of flat rolled prod. of iron in coils of a thickness exc. 10 mm 271027102 7208.37.000 673.23.000 Other of flat rolled prod. of iron in coils of 4,75mm lte.thick. lte. 271027102 7208.38.000 673.24.100 Other of flat rolled prod. of iron in coils of 3 mm lte.thick. lte. 4 271027102 7208.39.000 673.22.200 Other of flat rolled prod. of iron in coils of a thickness of lt. 3 m 271027102 7208.40.000 673.25.100 Flat iron not in coilsnot further worked than hotrolled 271027102 7208.51.100 673.23.100 Flat iron not in coilsthickn.exc.10mm,weight>=0. 6% carbon 271027102 7208.51.910 673.23.910 Flat iron not in coilsof a thickness exceeding 40 mm

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271027102 7208.51.990 673.23.990 Other of flat iron notin coils, of a thickness exc.10mm 271027102 7208.52.000 673.24.200 Flat iron not in coilsof 4,75 mm lte. a thickness lte. 271027102 7208.53.000 673.25.000 Flat iron not in coilsof 3 mm lte. a thickness lt. 4,75 271027102 7208.54.000 673.26.000 Flat iron not in coilsof a thickness of less than 3 mm 41212 Flat-rolled products or iron or non-alloy steel not further worked than hot rolled, of a width of less than 600 mm 271027102 7211.13.100 673.31.110 Flat of iron,not furtherworked than hotrolled w>=0.6% carb. 271027102 7211.13.911 673.31.911 Flat iron in tape,bandof iron, hoop & strip for band form 271027102 7211.13.919 673.31.919 Oth.of iron in tapeband of iron, hoop & strip for band 271027102 7211.13.990 673.31.990 Oth. of iron intape,band of iron, hoop & strip 271027102 7211.14.100 673.32.110 Oth. flat of iron thick.>= 4,75 mm, weight >= 0.6% carbon 271027102 7211.14.911 673.32.911 Other of flat roll. prod. of iron width lt. 500mm in tape, band of i 271027102 7211.14.919 673.32.919 Oth.of flat iron width lt. 500mm in other tape, band of i 271027102 7211.14.990 673.32.990 Oth.of flat iron width> 500 mm 271027102 7211.19.100 673.19.100 Other of flat rolled prod. of iron containing by weight >= 0.6% carbon 2710 7211.19.911 673.19.911 Tape, band of iron, other thickness width lt. 500 mm hot rolled 2710 7211.19.919 673.19.919 Other sheets and plates, other thickness width lt. 500 mm hot rol 2710 7211.19.990 673.19.990 Other flat-rolled products 41213 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel or of other alloy steel, not further worked than hot-rolled, of a width of 600 mm or more (except products of silicon-electrical steel of high speed steel) 271027102 7219.11.000 675.31.100 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmin coils of thickness > 10mm 271027102 7219.12.000 675.31.200 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmin coils of 4,75mm= lt.thickness l 271027102 7219.13.000 675.32.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmin coils of 3mm= lt. thickness lt. 271027102 7219.14.000 675.33.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmin coils of thickness lt. 3mm 271027102 7219.21.000 675.34.100 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmnot in coils of thickness > 10mm

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271027102 7219.22.000 675.34.200 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmnot in coil 4,75mm= lt.thickness lt 271027102 7219.23.000 675.35.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmnot in coil of 3mm= lt.thicknes lt. 271027102 7219.24.000 675.36.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmnot in coils of thickness lt. 3mm 271027102 7225.30.000 675.41.000 Flat-rolled products ,width >=600mmin coils 271027102 7225.40.000 675.42.000 Flat-rolled products ,width >=600mmnot in coils 41214 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel or of other alloy steel, not further worked than hot-rolled, of a width of less than 600 mm (except products of silicon-electrical steel or high speed steel) 271027102 7220.11.100 675.37.100 Sheets and plates of thickness >= 4,75 mm ,width lt. 600 mm 271027102 7220.11.900 675.37.900 Oth. flat-roll product,width lt.600mmthickness >= 4,75 mm 271027102 7220.12.100 675.38.100 Sheets and plates of thickness lt. 4,75 mm ,width lt. 600 mm 271027102 7220.12.900 675.38.900 Oth. flat-roll product,width lt.600mmthickness lt. 4,75 mm 271027102 7226.91.000 675.43.000 Flat-rolled products not further worked than hot-rolled,width lt. 60 4122 Flat-rolled products of iron or steel, not further worked than cold-rolled 41221 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-rolled, of a width of 600 mm or more 271027102 7209.15.100 673.35.100 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,thickness>=3mm, weight>=0.6% carbon 271027102 7209.15.900 673.35.900 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,thickness>=3mm, weight lt.0.6% car 271027102 7209.16.100 673.36.100 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,1mm lt.thick lt.3mm, weight >=0.6% 271027102 7209.16.900 673.36.900 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,1mm lt.thick lt.3mm, weight lt. 0. 271027102 7209.17.100 673.37.100 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,0,5mm lte.thick lt.1mm,weight>=0.6% 271027102 7209.17.900 673.37.900 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,0,5mm lte.thick lt.1mm,weight lt.0. 271027102 7209.18.100 673.38.100 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,thickness lt.1,5mm,weight>=0.6% car 271027102 7209.18.900 673.38.900 Flat rolled prod. of iron in coils,thickness lt.1,5mm, weight lt.0.6% 271027102 7209.25.100 673.45.100 Flat iron not in coilsthickness>=3mm, weight>=0.6% carbon 271027102 7209.25.900 673.45.900 Flat iron not in coilsthickness>=3mm, weight

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lt.0.6% car 271027102 7209.26.100 673.46.100 Flat iron not in coils1mm lt.thick lt.3mm, weight >=0.6% 271027102 7209.26.900 673.46.900 Flat iron not in coils1mm lt.thick lt.3mm, weight lt. 0. 271027102 7209.27.100 673.47.100 Flat iron not in coils0,5mm lte.thick lt.1mm,weight>=0.6% 271027102 7209.27.900 673.47.900 Flat iron not in coils0,5mm lte.thick lt.1mm,weight lt.0. 271027102 7209.28.100 673.48.100 Flat iron not in coilsthickness lt.1,5mm,weight>=0.6% car 271027102 7209.28.900 673.48.900 Flat iron not in coilsthickness lt.1,5mm, weight lt.0.6% 41222 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-rolled, of a width of less than 600 mm 271027102 7211.23.100 673.39.131 Flat rolled prod. of iron, weight lt. 0,25% with of a thickness > 40 271027102 7211.23.911 673.38.911 iron,weight lt.0,25% cwidth lte.500 mm in tape, band o 271027102 7211.23.919 673.38.919 iron,weight lt.0,25% cw. lte. 500mm not in tape,band o 271027102 7211.23.990 673.38.990 iron,weight lt.0,25% cwidth > 500mm 271027102 7211.29.100 673.39.191 Flat rolled product of iron cont. by weight 0.6% or more of carbon 2710 7211.29.911 673.29.911 Tape, band of iron, other thickness width lt. 500 mm other hot rolled 2710 7211.29.919 673.29.919 Other sheets and plates, other thick width lt. 500mm other hot rol 2710 7211.29.990 673.29.990 Other flat-rolled products ,other thickness 41223 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel or of other alloy steel, not further worked than cold-rolled, of a width of 600 mm or more (except products of silicon-electrical steel or high speed steel) 271027102 7219.31.000 675.51.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmcold reduced of thickness > 4,75mm 271027102 7219.32.000 675.52.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmcold reduced 3mm lt. thickness lt. 271027102 7219.33.000 675.53.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmcold reduced 1mm lt. thickness lt 271027102 7219.34.000 675.54.000 Flat-rolled products ,width > 600mmcold reduced 0,5mm lt. thickness l 271027102 7219.35.000 675.55.000 Flat-rolled products ,width >

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600mmcold reduced of thickness lt. 0,5m 271027102 7225.50.000 675.61.000 Other flat rolled products not further worked than cold-rolled 41224 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel or of other alloy steel, not further wirked than cold-rolled, of a width of less than 600 mm (except product of silicon-electrical steel or high speed steel) 271027102 7220.20.100 675.56.100 Sheets and plates cold reduced width lt. 600 mm 271027102 7220.20.900 675.56.900 Oth. flat-roll product,width lt.600mmcold reduced 271027102 7226.92.000 675.62.000 Flat-rolled products not further worked than cold-rolled,width lt.60 4123 Other flat-rolled products of iron or steel 41231 Other flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel (not clad, plated or coated) 271027102 7208.90.000 673.51.900 Oth. of flat rolled prod.of iron ornon-alloy steel that width >=600 mm 271027102 7209.90.100 673.52.100 Others sheets and plates , carbon >= 0,6 % 271027102 7209.90.900 673.52.900 Others flat-rolled products 271027102 7211.90.100 673.53.100 Oth. of flat rolled product of ironcont. by weight >= 0,6% carbon 271027102 7211.90.911 673.53.911 Tape, band of iron, other process thickness = lt. 40 mm 271027102 7211.90.919 673.53.919 Other sheets and plates, other process thickness = lt. 40 mm 271027102 7211.90.990 673.53.990 Other flat-rolled products , other process 41232 Other flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, clad, plated or coated 271027102 7210.11.100 674.21.110 Sheets and plates thickness >=0,5mmplated /coated with tin,carb.>=0,6 271027102 7210.11.900 674.21.190 Flat iron which platedwith tin,t.>=0,5mm,weight lt.0,6%ca 271027102 7210.12.900 674.21.290 Others flat-rolled products plated or coated with tin thickness lt.0, 271027102 7210.30.000 674.11.000 Flat iron which elec- trolically plated/coated with zinc 271027102 7210.49.000 674.13.900 Others flat-rolled prod.of steel otherwise plated/coated with zinc 271027102 7210.69.000 674.43.900 Oth.of flat iron whichplated/coated with alu.-zinc alloys 271027102 7212.10.000 674.22.000 Flat rolled product of iron or non-alloy, plated or coated with tin 271027102 7212.20.000 674.12.000 Flat rolled product of iron or non-alloy,elect.plat.or coat. with zinc 271027102 7212.30.100 674.14.100 Tape, band of iron, otherwise plated or coated with zinc 271027102 7212.30.900 674.14.900 Other flat rolled products, other wise plated or coated with zinc 271027102 7212.40.190 674.32.190 Other sheets and plates, painted varnished or coated width lt. 500

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271027102 7212.40.900 674.32.900 Other flat-rolled products ,paintedvarnished or plastic coated 271027102 7212.50.220 674.51.220 Tape band of iron hoop & strip electrolytic coated with chromium 271027102 7212.50.290 674.51.290 Oth. flat rolled product of iron electrolytic coated with chromium 271027102 7212.50.911 674.51.911 Tape, band of iron, other coated width lt. 500 mm 271027102 7212.50.919 674.51.919 Other sheets and plates, other coated width lt. 500 mm 271027102 7212.50.990 674.51.990 Other flat-rolled products ,other coated 271027102 7212.60.110 674.52.110 Tape, band of iron, clad 271027102 7212.60.190 674.52.190 Other sheets and plates, clad 271027102 7212.60.900 674.52.900 Other flat-rolled products ,clad 2710 7212.40.110 674.32.110 Tape, band of iron, painted varnished or plastic coated width lt. 500 2710 7212.50.110 674.51.110 Tape, band of iron coated with lead 2710 7212.50.190 674.51.190 Other flat rolled products, coated with lead 2710 7212.50.210 674.51.210 Sheet & plate of iron electrolytic coated with chromium, thick lt. . 41233 Flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel 271027102 7225.11.000 675.11.100 Flat rolled prod. >600mm of siliconelectrolytic steel grain-oriented 271027102 7225.19.000 675.11.900 Other flat rolled prod >600mm not grain oriented silicon-elec.steel 271027102 7226.11.000 675.12.100 Flat rolled prod lte.600mm of siliconelectrolytical steel grain-orien 271027102 7226.19.000 675.12.900 Oth. flat rolled prod lte.600mm of silicon electrl. steel grain-orien 41234 Flat-rolled products of high speed steel 271027102 7225.20.000 675.21.000 Flat-rolled products ,width >=600mmof high speed steel 271027102 7226.20.000 675.22.000 Flat-rolled products ,width lt. 600mmof high speed steel 41235 Other flat-rolled products of stainless steel or other alloy steel 271027102 7219.90.000 675.71.000 Oth. flat-roll product,width >600mm 271027102 7220.90.100 675.72.100 Sheets and plates ,width lt. 600mm 271027102 7220.90.900 675.72.900 Oth. flat-roll product,width lt.600mm 271027102 7226.99.000 675.74.000 Oth.flat-roll product,width lt. 600mmof other alloy steel 2710 7225.91.000 675.73.100 Oth flat rolled prod >600mm with electrolycaly plated or coated wire 2710 7225.92.000 675.73.200 Other flat rolled products > 600mm otherwise plated/coated with zinc 2710 7225.99.000 675.73.900 Other flat rolled prod >600mm not silicon oriented & high speed

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steel 2710 7226.93.000 675.74.300 Other flat rolled products lte. 600mmwith elect. plated or coated wir 2710 7226.94.000 675.74.400 Other flat rolled products lte. 600mmoth.wise plated or coated with z 4124 Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled 41241 Bars and rods, hot rolled, in irregularly would coils, of iron or non-alloy steel 2710 7213.91.110 676.11.110 Oth bar & rocks,hot,rolld,dia lt.14mm containing by weight 0.77% or mo 2710 7213.91.190 676.11.190 Oth bar & rocks,hot,rolld,dia lt.14mm contng by 0.6% = lt.weight lt. 0 2710 7213.91.910 676.11.910 Steel bars especially for making w wire contng carbon by weight lt.0, 2710 7213.91.920 676.11.920 Concrete steel containing carbon by weight lt.0,6% 2710 7213.91.931 676.11.931 Cold heading in coils diameter more than 12 mm 2710 7213.91.932 676.11.932 Cold heading in coils rimmed steel, diameter up to 12 m 2710 7213.91.939 676.11.939 Other cold heading in coils 2710 7213.91.940 676.11.940 Shaft bars con. carbon by wght lt.0,6% 2710 7213.91.950 676.11.950 Manganese steel containing by weight lt. 0.6% 2710 7213.91.990 676.11.990 Oth steel&bars contng by wght lt.0.6% -other 2710 7213.99.110 676.19.110 Oth bar & rocks,hot,rolld,dia>14mm weight >= 0.77% of carbon 2710 7213.99.190 676.19.190 Oth bar & rocks,hot,rolld,dia>14mm cont. by weight lt. 0.77% of carbo 2710 7213.99.910 676.19.910 Other steel bars > 14 mm especiallyfor making wire 2710 7213.99.920 676.19.920 Other concrete steel > 14 mm 2710 7213.99.930 676.19.930 Other cold heading in coils > 14 mm 2710 7213.99.940 676.19.940 Other shaft bars > 14 mm 2710 7213.99.950 676.19.950 Other manganese steel > 14 mm 2710 7213.99.990 676.19.990 Other bars and rods > 14 mm not of free-cutting steel 271027102 7213.10.100 676.11.100 Flat-rolled prod.containing indent-ation,ribs,grooves,5mm= lt.thick= l 271027102 7213.10.900 676.11.900 Other flat-rolled prod.,containing indentation ,ribs ,grooves 271027102 7213.20.100 676.12.100 Flat-rolled prod. of free - cuttingsteel ,5mm = lt. thickness = lt. 10 271027102 7213.20.900 676.12.900 Oth.flat-rolled prod.of free - cutting steel 41242 Other bars and rods of iron or non alloy steel not further worked than forged, hot-rolled, hot drawn or hot-extruded, but including those twisted after rolling

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271027102 7214.30.000 676.22.000 Bars and rods of iron of free cutt-ing steel 2710 7214.10.000 676.43.000 Other forged bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel 2710 7214.20.000 676.21.000 Other bars and rods contain indent-ation , ribs , groves 2710 7214.91.100 676.21.100 Other concrete steel of rectangularcrossection 2710 7214.91.200 676.21.200 Other shaft bars of rectangular crossection 2710 7214.91.300 676.21.300 Other manganese steel of rectangu- lar crossection 2710 7214.91.900 676.21.900 Other of rectangular crossect. not concrete, shaft and manganese steel 2710 7214.99.100 676.29.100 Other concrete steel not free- cutting steel 2710 7214.99.200 676.29.200 Other shaft bars not free-cutting steel 2710 7214.99.300 676.29.300 Other manganese steel not free- cutting steel 2710 7214.99.900 676.29.900 Other bars and rods not concrete, shaft,manganese, free-cutting steel 41243 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly would coils, of stainless steel or other alloy steel 271027102 7221.00.000 676.15.000 Bar and rod,hot-roll,in irregularlywound coils ,of stainless steel 271027102 7227.10.000 676.17.000 Bars and rods,of high speed alloy steel 271027102 7227.20.000 676.19.200 Bars and rods,of silico-manganese alloy steel 271027102 7227.90.000 676.19.900 Other bars and rods,of alloy steel 41244 Other bars and rods of stainless steel or other alloy steel, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded (except bars and rods of high speed steel or silicon manganese steel) 271027102 7228.30.000 676.29.000 and rod,not further worked than hot-rolled,hot-drawn/extruded 2710 7222.11.000 676.25.100 Other bars and rods of circular section by hot-rolled only 2710 7222.19.000 676.25.900 Oth. bars & rods of stainless steelwith other circular cross-section 4125 Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than hot-rolled sheet piling of iron or steel; railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel 41251 Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel, not futher worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded 271027102 7216.10.000 676.81.100 Angels, shapes and sections of ironor non alloy steel ,height lt. 80 271027102 7216.21.000 676.81.210 L sections of iron ,height lt. 80 mm 271027102 7216.22.000 676.81.220 T sections of iron ,height lt. 80 mm 271027102 7216.31.000 676.82.100 U sections of iron ,height > 80 mm 271027102 7216.32.000 676.82.200 I sections of iron ,height > 80 mm 271027102 7216.33.000 676.82.300 H sections of iron ,height > 80

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mm 271027102 7216.40.000 676.82.400 L or t section of iron,height >80mm 271027102 7216.50.000 676.83.500 Other angles, shapes and sections, of iron cold formed 41252 Sheet piling, of iron or steel; welded angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel 289928996 7301.20.000 676.86.200 Angles, shapes and sections of ironor steel 2710 7301.10.000 676.86.100 Sheet piling of iron or steel 41253 Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel 2710 7302.20.000 677.09.200 Sleepers (cross-ties) 2710 7302.30.000 677.09.300 Switch blades, crossing frogs,pointrods and crossing pieces 2710 7302.40.000 677.09.400 Fish-plates and sole plates 2710 7302.90.000 677.09.900 Other railways track construction material 271027102 7302.10.000 677.01.000 Rails 4126 Drawn and folded products of iron or steel 41261 Bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel n.e.c. (including those not furher worked than cold formed or cold-finished) 271027102 7215.10.000 676.31.000 Oth.bars and rods of free-cutting stell 271027102 7215.90.110 676.44.110 Shaft bars of iron or non alloy 271027102 7215.90.191 676.44.191 Oth.bars of iron or non alloy steel of manganese steel, carbon lt. 0. 271027102 7215.90.199 676.44.199 Oth.bars of iron or non alloy steel of other steel, carbon lt. 0.6 % 2710 7215.50.000 676.33.000 Other not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished 2710 7215.90.900 676.44.900 Other bars and rods of iron 41262 Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel n.e.c. (including those not futher worked than cold-formed or cold-finished) 2710 7216.91.000 676.85.100 Other angels etc cold-formed or finished from flat rolled products 2710 7216.99.000 676.85.900 Other angels, shapes and section ofiron or not-alloy steel 271027102 7216.61.000 676.84.100 Angels,shapes,sects cold-former or finished only from flat-rolled prod 271027102 7216.69.000 676.84.900 Other angels etc, cold-formed or finished not from flat-rolled prods 41263 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel 289928995 7217.10.110 678.11.110 Nail wire containing by weight carbon lte. 0.25% 289928995 7217.10.120 678.11.120 Spokes wire nail wire containing byweight carbon lte. 0.25% 289928995 7217.10.150 678.11.150 Free cutting steel wire containing by weight carbon lte. 0.25% 289928995 7217.10.210 678.11.210 Nailwire containing by weight 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.60% 289928995 7217.10.220 678.11.220 Spokes wire nail wire containing byweight 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.60 289928995 7217.10.230 678.11.230 Flat hardsteel reed wire not coatedcontain by weight0.25% lt.carbon lt 289928995 7217.10.260 678.11.260 Free cutting steel wire containing

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by weight 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0 289928995 7217.10.310 678.11.310 Nail wire containing by weight carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.10.320 678.11.320 Spokes wire nail wire containing by weight carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.10.330 678.11.330 Flat hardsteel reed wire not coatedcontaining by weight carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.10.340 678.11.340 Bead wire containing by weight carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.10.350 678.11.350 Pre stressed concrete steel wire, strain type contain by carbon >0.6% 289928995 7217.10.360 678.11.360 Free cutting steel wire containing by weight carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.10.390 678.11.390 Other wire of iron/non-alloy steel contain by weight of carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.110 678.12.110 Nailwire plated or coated with zincby carbon lte. 0.25% 289928995 7217.20.121 678.12.121 Electrolytic coated clips & coated with zinc by carbon lte. 0.25% 289928995 7217.20.129 678.12.129 Other electrolytic coated clips andcoated with zinc by carbon lte. 0. 289928995 7217.20.130 678.12.130 Electric wires/cables plated or coated with zinc by carbon lte. 0. 289928995 7217.20.140 678.12.140 Spokes wire plated or coated with zinc by carbon lte. 0.25% 289928995 7217.20.160 678.12.160 Pre stressed concrete steel wire plated or coated by zinc lte. 0.25 289928995 7217.20.190 678.12.190 Other plated or coated with zinc contain by weight of carbon lte.0. 289928995 7217.20.210 678.12.210 Nail wire by carbon 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.221 678.12.221 Electrolytic coated clips & staplesby 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.229 678.12.229 Other nailwire for paperclipstaplesnot elec.coated by 0.25% lt.carb lt 289928995 7217.20.230 678.12.230 Other nail wire for making electricwires/cables by 0.25% lt.carbon lte 289928995 7217.20.240 678.12.240 Spokes wire plated or coated with zinc by 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.6 289928995 7217.20.250 678.12.250 Beadwire plated or coated with zincby 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.290 678.12.290 Other nailwire plated/coated with zinc contain by 0.25% lt.carbon lte 289928995 7217.20.310 678.12.310 Nail wire plated or coated with zinc by carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.320 678.12.320 Paper clips and staples plated or coated with zinc by carbon > 0.60%

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289928995 7217.20.330 678.12.330 Electric wires/cables plated or coated with zinc by carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.340 678.12.340 Spokes wire plated or coated with zinc by carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.350 678.12.350 Beadwire plated or coated with zincby weight of carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.20.360 678.12.360 Flat hard steel wire plated/coated with zinc by weight of carbon> 0.6% 289928995 7217.20.390 678.12.390 Other nail wire plated/coated with zinc containing of carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.30.110 678.13.110 Paper clips & staples plated/coatedwith base metals by carbon lte. 0. 289928995 7217.30.190 678.13.190 Other nail wire plated/coated with basemetals contain of carbon lte.0. 289928995 7217.30.290 678.13.290 Other nail wire plated/coated with base metals by 0.25% lt.carbon lte 289928995 7217.30.300 678.13.300 Wire plated or coated with base- metals by carbon > 0.60% 289928995 7217.90.110 678.19.110 Other spokes wire not plated or coated by carbon lte. 0.25% 289928995 7217.90.210 678.19.210 Other spokeswire plated/coated withbase metal by 0.25% lt.carbon lte. 289928995 7217.90.300 678.19.300 Other wire plated/coated with base metals containing of carbon >0.6% 2710 7217.10.130 678.11.130 Flat hardsteel reed wire not coatedcontaining by weight carbon lte.0.2 2710 7217.10.140 678.11.140 Pre stressed concretesteel wire con-taining by weight carbon lte. 0.2 2710 7217.10.190 678.11.190 Other wire of iron/non-alloy steel containing by weight carbon lte.0.2 2710 7217.10.240 678.11.240 Bead wire containing by weight 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.60% 2710 7217.10.250 678.11.250 Pre stressed concretesteel wire containing by weight0.25% lt.carbon lt 2710 7217.10.290 678.11.290 Other wire of iron/non-alloy steel containing by 0.25% lt. carbon lte 2710 7217.20.150 678.12.150 Flat hard steel reed wire plated orcoated with zinc by carbon lte. 0. 2710 7217.20.170 678.12.170 Steel wire by zinc >= 240gr/mm and silicon > 0.1% 2710 7217.30.210 678.13.210 Paper clips & staples, elec. coatedwith basemetals by 0.25% lt.carb lt 2710 7217.90.120 678.19.120 Steelwire with contg silicon lte.0.1% coated zinc

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lte.240gr/mm & pvc a 2710 7217.90.190 678.19.190 Other wire plated/coated with base metal by carb>0.25%not sp/steel pvc 2710 7217.90.290 678.19.290 Other of basemetal containing of 0.25% lt. carbon lte. 0.6% not sp 41264 Bars and rods, of stainless steel or other alloy steel n.e.c. (including those not further worked than forged, those not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished, and bars and rods of high speed steel or silicon-manganese steel); hollow drill bars and rods 271027102 7222.20.000 676.34.000 Bars and rods,of stainless steel , not further worked than cold-rolle 271027102 7222.30.000 676.45.000 Oth.bars and rods of stainles steel 271027102 7228.10.000 676.41.000 Bars and rods, of high speed steel 271027102 7228.20.000 676.42.000 Bars and rods, of silicon-manganesesteel 289128910 7228.40.000 676.46.000 and rod,not further worked than forged 271027102 7228.50.000 676.39.000 and rod,not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished 271027102 7228.60.000 676.47.000 Other bars and rods 271027102 7228.80.000 676.48.000 Hollow drill bars and rods 41265 Angles, shapes and sections of stainless steel or other alloy steel 271027102 7222.40.000 676.87.000 Angels, shape and sections of stainless steel 271027102 7228.70.000 676.88.000 Angles, shapes and sections 41266 Wire of stainless steel or other alloy steel 289928995 7223.00.000 678.21.000 Wire of stainless steel 289928995 7229.10.000 678.29.000 Wire of oth. alloy steel of high speed steel 289928995 7229.20.000 678.29.200 Wire of silico-manganese steel 289928995 7229.90.000 678.29.900 Other wire of alloy steel 4127 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of iron or steel; tube or pipe fittings, of iron or steel 41271 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel 271027103 7304.10.000 679.12.000 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines 41272 Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in the drilling for oil or gas, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel 271027103 7304.21.000 679.13.100 Drill pipe of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas 271027103 7304.29.000 679.13.900 Other of drill pipe for a kind usedin drilling for oil or gas 41273 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron 271027103 7303.00.110 679.11.110 Pipes and tubes with diameter lt. 10cm 271027103 7303.00.120 679.11.120 Pipes and tubes with 10cm lt. diameter lt. 25 cm 271027103 7303.00.130 679.11.130 Pipes and tubes with diameter >25cm 271027103 7303.00.900 679.11.900 Other tubes,pipes & hollow profilesof cast iron 41274 Other tubes, pipe and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron or steel 271027103 7304.31.000 679.14.100 Oth.tubes,pipe of iron or non-alloysteel cold-drawn or cold-rolled

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271027103 7304.39.000 679.14.900 Oth.tubes,pipe of iron or non-alloy 271027103 7304.41.000 679.15.100 Oth.tubes,pipes of stainless steel cold-drawn or cold-rolled 271027103 7304.49.000 679.15.900 Oth.tubes,pipes of stainless steel 271027103 7304.51.000 679.16.100 Oth.tubes,pipes of oth.alloy steel cold-drawn or cold-rolled 271027103 7304.59.000 679.16.900 Oth.tubes,pipes of oth.alloy steel 271027103 7304.90.000 679.17.000 Oth.tubes,pipes and hollow profilesseamless of iron or steel 41275 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, other than seamless, of iron or steel 271027103 7305.11.000 679.31.100 Line pipe longitudinally submerged arc welded 271027103 7305.12.000 679.31.200 Line pipe longitudinally welded 271027103 7305.19.000 679.31.900 Other line pipe for oil or gas 271027103 7306.10.000 679.41.000 Other line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines 41276 Casing and tubing, of a kind used in the drilling for oil or gas, other than seamless, of iron or steel 271027103 7305.20.000 679.32.000 Casing of a kind used in the drill-ing for oil or gas 271027103 7306.20.000 679.42.000 Casing and tubing of a kind used in the drilling for oil or gas 41277 Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of iron or steel 271027103 7305.31.000 679.33.100 Oth.line pipe longitudinally welded 271027103 7305.39.000 679.33.900 Other welded line pipe 271027103 7305.90.000 679.39.000 Other tubes and pipes 271027103 7306.30.100 679.43.310 Other tubes, welded diameter lt. 12.5 mm of iron or non alloy steel 271027103 7306.30.200 679.43.320 Other tubes, welded, 12.5 mm lt. dia- meter lt. 37.5 mm of iron or n 271027103 7306.30.900 679.43.390 Other tubes, welded diameter > 37.5 mm of iron or non alloy steel 271027103 7306.40.100 679.43.410 Other tubes, welded, 12.5 mm lt. dia- meter lt. 37.5 mm of stainless 271027103 7306.40.900 679.43.490 Other tubes, welded diameter > 37.5 mm of stainless steel 271027103 7306.50.100 679.43.510 Other tubes, welded diameter lt. 12.5 mm of other alloy steel 271027103 7306.50.900 679.43.590 Other tubes, welded diameter > 37.5 mm of other alloy steel 271027103 7306.90.100 679.49.100 Other tubes, welded diameter lt. 12.5 mm of other iron steel 271027103 7306.90.900 679.49.900 Other tubes, welded diameter > 12.5 mm of other iron steel 2710 7306.60.100 679.44.100 Other tubes, welded diameter lt. 12.5 mm of non circular cross sectio 2710 7306.60.900 679.44.900 Other tubes, welded diameter > 37.5 mm of non circular cross section 41278 Tube or pipe fittings, of iron or steel 271027103 7307.11.000 679.51.000 Cast fittings of non-malleable

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castiron 271027103 7307.19.000 679.52.000 Other cast fittings 271027103 7307.21.000 679.53.000 Flanges of stainless steel 271027103 7307.22.000 679.54.000 Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves of stainless steel 271027103 7307.23.000 679.55.000 Butt welding fittings of stainless steel 271027103 7307.29.000 679.56.000 Other tubes or pipe fittings of stainless steel 271027103 7307.91.000 679.59.100 Tube or pipe fittings for flanges 271027103 7307.92.000 679.59.200 Tube or pipe fittings for treaded elbows, bends and sleeves 271027103 7307.93.000 679.59.300 Tube or pipe fittings for butt welding fitting 271027103 7307.99.000 679.59.900 Other tubes or pipe fittings 413 Basic precious metals and metals clad with precious metals 4131 41310 Silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form 272027202 7106.91.000 681.13.000 Unwrought silver 273227320 7106.92.000 681.14.920 Semi-manufactured silver 2720 7106.10.000 681.14.000 Silver in powder form semi-manufact. forms or in powder 4132 41320 Gold (including gold plated with platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form 2720 7108.11.000 971.01.100 Gold powder 2720 7108.20.000 981.00.000 Monetary gold 272027201 7108.12.100 971.01.210 Gold in lumps, ingots or cast bars 272027202 7108.12.900 971.01.290 Other non monetary gold 273227320 7108.13.000 971.01.300 Other semi-manufactured forms gold 4133 41330 Platinum, unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form 273227320 7110.11.100 681.23.100 Unwrought platinum in lumps,ingots,cast bars,powder or sponge 272027202 7110.11.900 681.23.900 Other unwrought platinum 369136912 7110.19.000 681.25.000 Other platinum 289128910 7110.49.000 681.25.490 Other iridium,osmium and ruthenium 369136914 7115.10.100 897.41.100 Articles for laboratory purposes 369136914 7115.10.900 897.41.900 Other catalyst in the form of wire cloth 2720 7110.21.100 681.24.211 Unwrought in lumps,ingotscast bars,powder and sponge 2720 7110.21.900 681.24.219 Other unwrought palladium 2720 7110.29.000 681.25.290 Other palladium 2720 7110.31.100 681.24.311 Unwrought rhodium in lumps,ingots, cast bars,powder and sponge 2720 7110.31.900 681.24.319 Other unwrought rhodium 2720 7110.39.000 681.25.390 Other rhodium 2720 7110.41.100 681.24.411 Unwrought iridium,osmium &rutheniumin lump,ingot,cast bar,powder&spon 2720 7110.41.900 681.24.419 Other unwrought iridium,osmium and ruthenium 4134 41340 Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not further worked than semi-manufactured 2720 7109.00.000 971.02.000 Base metal or silver,clad with

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goldnot further work than semi manufac 4135 41350 Base metals clad with silver, and base metals, silver or gold clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured 2720 7107.00.000 681.12.000 Base metals clad with silver, notfurther worked than semi manufactu 2720 7111.00.000 681.22.000 Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum,not further worked 414 4141 41411 Copper matters; cement copper 2720 7401.10.000 283.21.000 Copper mattes 2720 7401.20.000 283.22.000 Cement copper (precipitated copper) 41412 Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining 2720 7402.00.000 682.11.000 Unrefined copper; copper anodes forelectrolytic refining 41413 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought; master alloys of copper 2720 7403.11.000 682.12.100 Cathodes and sections of cathodes 2720 7403.29.000 682.14.900 Other copper alloys 2720 7405.00.000 682.13.000 Master alloys of copper 272027201 7403.12.000 682.12.200 Wire-bars of refined copper 272027201 7403.13.000 682.12.300 Billets of refined copper 272027201 7403.19.000 682.12.900 Other refined copper 272027201 7403.21.000 682.14.100 Copper-zinc base alloys (brass) 272027201 7403.22.000 682.14.200 Copper-tin base alloys (bronze) 272027201 7403.23.000 682.14.300 Copper-nickel base alloys or copper-nickel-zinc base alloy 4142 Nickel, unwrought; intermediate products of nickel metallurgy 41421 Nickel matters, nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate product of nickel metallurgy 272027201 7501.10.000 284.21.000 Nickel mattes 2720 7501.20.000 284.22.100 Nickel oxide sinters and oth.inter-mediate prod.of nickel metallurgy 41422 Unwrought nickel 2720 7502.10.000 683.11.000 Unwrought nickel, not alloyed 272027201 7502.20.000 683.12.000 Unwrought nickel, alloyed 4143 Aluminium, unwrought; alumina 41431 Unwrought aluminium 272027201 7601.10.000 684.11.000 Unwrought aluminium, not alloyed 272027201 7601.20.000 684.12.000 Unwrought aluminium, alloyed 41432 Alumina (aluminium oxide), except arificial corundum 2720 2818.20.000 285.20.000 Other aluminium oxide 4144 Lead, zinc and tin, unwrought 41441 Lead, unwrought 2720 7801.91.000 685.11.100 Unwrought lead containing antimony 272027201 7801.10.000 685.12.000 Unwrought refined lead 272027201 7801.99.000 685.11.900 Other refined lead not containing antimony 41442 Zinc, unwrought 272027201 7901.20.000 686.12.200 Zinc alloys 2720 7901.11.000 686.11.110 Unwrought zinc not alloyed contain-ing 99.99% or more of

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zinc 2720 7901.12.000 686.11.120 Unwrought zinc not alloyed contain-ing less than 99.99% of zinc 41443 Tin, unwrought 272027201 8001.10.000 687.11.000 Unwrought tin, not alloyed 272027201 8001.20.000 687.12.000 Unwrought tin, alloyed 415 4151 41511 Powders and flakes of copper 272027201 7406.10.000 682.62.100 Powders of non-lamellar structure of copper 272027201 7406.20.000 682.62.200 Powders of lamellar structure; flakes of copper 41512 Bars, rods and profiles, of copper 289128910 7407.10.110 682.31.110 Bars and rods of refined copper of circular cross section 272027201 7407.10.190 682.31.190 Oth.bars and rods of refined copper 289128910 7407.10.900 682.31.900 Other copper profiles 289128910 7407.21.000 682.32.100 Copper bars, rods and profiles of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) 272027201 7407.22.000 682.32.200 Cooper bars,rods & profiles of cop-per nickel basealloys(cupro-nickel) 289128910 7407.29.000 682.32.900 Other copper bars, rods & profiles of copper alloys 41513 Wire of copper 2720 7408.11.000 682.41.100 Refined copper wire of which the max.cross-sectional dimension > 6m 2720 7408.19.000 682.41.900 Other refined copper wire 2720 7408.21.000 682.42.100 Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) wire 2720 7408.22.000 682.42.200 Copper wire of cupro-nickel or nickel-silver 2720 7408.29.000 682.42.900 Other copper wire 41514 Plates, sheets and strip, of copper, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm 2720 7409.90.000 682.52.900 Copper plates ,sheets and strip ,ofother copper alloys 272027202 7409.11.000 682.51.100 Copper plates ,sheets and strip ,ofrefined copper in coils 272027202 7409.19.000 682.51.900 Oth.copper plates ,sheets and stripof refined copper 272027202 7409.21.000 682.52.210 Copper plates ,sheets and strip ,ofcopper-zinc base alloys in coils 272027202 7409.29.000 682.52.290 Oth.copper plates ,sheets and stripof copper-zinc base alloys 272027202 7409.31.000 682.52.310 Copper plates ,sheets and strip ,ofcopper-tin base alloys in coils 272027202 7409.39.000 682.52.390 Oth.copper plates ,sheets and stripof copper-tin base alloys 272027202 7409.40.000 682.52.400 Copper plates ,sheets and strip ,ofcupro-nickel or nickel-silver 41515 Foil, of copper, of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm 272027202 7410.11.000 682.61.110 Copper foil not exceeding 0,15 mm not backed of refined copper 272027202 7410.12.000 682.61.120 Copper foil not exceeding 0,15

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mm not backed of copper alloys 272027202 7410.21.100 682.61.211 Copper clad lamination for making pcb 272027202 7410.21.900 682.61.219 Other copper foil backed of refined cooper 2720 7410.22.000 682.61.220 Copper foil not exceeding 0,15 mm backed of copper alloys 41516 Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings, of copper 272027204 7411.10.000 682.71.100 Copper tubes and pipes of refined copper 272027204 7411.21.000 682.71.210 Copper tubes and pipes of copper - zinc base alloys (brass) 272027204 7411.22.000 682.71.220 Copper tubes and pipes of cupro - nickel or nickel-silver 272027204 7411.29.000 682.71.290 Other copper tubes and pipes 272027204 7412.10.000 682.72.100 Copper tube or pipe fittings of refined copper 272027204 7412.20.000 682.72.200 Copper tube or pipe fittings of copper alloys 4152 Semi-finished products of nickel or nickel alloys 41521 Powders and flakes of nickel 272027201 7504.00.000 683.23.000 Nickel powders and flakes 41522 Bars, rods, profiles and wire, or nickel 272027201 7505.11.000 683.21.100 Bars, rods and profiles of nickel, not alloyed 289128910 7505.12.000 683.21.120 Bars, rods and profiles of nickel alloys 2720 7505.21.000 683.21.210 Wire of nickel, not alloyed 2720 7505.22.000 683.21.220 Wire of nickel alloys 41523 Plates, sheet, strips and foil, of nickel 272027202 7506.10.000 683.24.100 Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil of nickel, not alloyed 272027202 7506.20.000 683.24.200 Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil of nickel alloys 41524 Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings, of nickel 272027204 7507.11.000 683.22.110 Tubes and pipes of nickel , not alloyed 272027203 7507.12.000 683.22.120 Tubes and pipes of nickel alloys 272027204 7507.20.000 683.22.200 Tube or pipe fittings of nickel 4153 Semi-finished products of aluminium or aluminium alloys 41531 Powders and flakes of aluminium 272027201 7603.10.000 684.25.100 Aluminium powders of non-lamellar structure 272027201 7603.20.100 684.25.210 Aluminium flakes 272027201 7603.20.200 684.25.220 Aluminium powder of lamellar struc-ture 41532 Bars, rods and profiles, of aluminium 272027201 7604.10.100 684.21.110 Aluminium heat sink size 17,5 cm x 7.5 cm or more, not alloyed 272027202 7604.10.900 684.21.190 Other aluminium bar other size, not alloyed 272027201 7604.21.000 684.21.210 Hollow profiles of aluminium alloys 272027203 7604.29.110 684.21.231 Aluminium alloys bars-extruded, notsurface-treated 272027201 7604.29.191 684.21.237 Aluminium wire rod, not surface treated, alloys 272027202 7604.29.199 684.21.239 Other aluminium not surface

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treated alloys 272027203 7604.29.910 684.21.291 Aluminium alloys bars, extruded 289128910 7604.29.921 684.21.292 Aluminium heat sink size > 17,5 cm x 7.5 cm, forged, alloys 289128910 7604.29.929 684.21.293 Other aluminium bar other size, forged, alloys 272027202 7604.29.990 684.21.299 Other treated aluminium alloy bars rods, and profiles 41533 Wire of aluminium 2720 7605.11.100 684.22.111 Imitation gold or silver wire of aluminium,not alloyed exceeds 7 mm 2720 7605.11.900 684.22.119 Other aluminium wire not alloyed exceeds 7 mm 2720 7605.19.100 684.22.191 Oth.imitation gold or silver wire of aluminium,not alloyed 2720 7605.19.900 684.22.199 Other aluminium wire ,not alloyed 2720 7605.21.100 684.22.211 Imitation gold or silver wire of aluminium, alloyed exceeds 7 mm 2720 7605.21.900 684.22.219 Oth.aluminium wire alloyed exceeds 7 mm 2720 7605.29.100 684.22.291 Oth.imitation gold or silver wire of aluminium, alloyed 2720 7605.29.900 684.22.299 Other aluminium wire , alloyed 41534 Plates, sheets and strip, of aluminium, of a thickness exceeding 0.2 mm 272027202 7606.11.111 684.23.111 Venetian blind slat,of almunium notalloyed lt. 1000 mm in width 272027202 7606.11.119 684.23.118 Oth.venetian blind slat,of almuniumnot alloyed > 1000 mm in width 272027202 7606.11.190 684.23.119 Other aluminium plates not alloys not surface-treated 272027202 7606.11.900 684.23.190 Other aluminium plates not alloyed 272027202 7606.12.111 684.23.211 Venetian blind slat , of almunium alloyed lt. 1000 mm in width 272027202 7606.12.113 684.23.213 Aluminium sheet/coils, alloy 5082 or 5182 272027202 7606.12.119 684.23.218 Venetian blind slat, of aluminium alloyed > 1000 mm in width 272027202 7606.12.191 684.23.215 Alluminium sheet / coil alloy 19 temper, not surface-treated 272027202 7606.12.199 684.23.219 Other tetra papers thickness > 0,2 mm not surface treated 272027202 7606.12.900 684.23.290 Other aluminium plates not alloyed surface-treated rectangular 272027202 7606.91.111 684.23.911 Venetian blind slat,not rectangularof alum.,not alloyed lt. 1000mm wi 272027202 7606.91.113 684.23.916 Aluminium sheet/coils, alloy 5082 or 5182, not alloyed 272027202 7606.91.119 684.23.912 Oth.venetian blind not rectangular of aluminium, not alloyed 272027202 7606.91.190 684.23.913 Aluminium plates , not alloyed >1000 mm 272027202 7606.91.900 684.23.919 Other aluminium plates, not alloyed

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272027202 7606.92.111 684.23.921 Venetian blind slat,not rectangularof aluminium,alloyed lt. 1000mm wi 272027202 7606.92.113 684.23.926 Other aluminium sheet/coils, alloy 5082 or 5182 272027202 7606.92.119 684.23.922 Oth.venetian blind not rectangular of aluminium, alloyed 272027202 7606.92.190 684.23.923 Other aluminium plates not alloyed surface-treated other form 272027202 7606.92.900 684.23.929 Other aluminium plates alloyed 41535 Foil, of aluminium, of thickness not exceeding 0.2 mm 272027202 7607.11.100 684.24.111 Aluminium foil not backed plain,notsurface-treated 272027202 7607.11.900 684.24.119 Other aluminium foil not backed rolled but not further worked 272027202 7607.19.200 684.24.192 Oth alumunium foil rolled surface- treated, of a purity >= 99.98% 272027202 7607.19.900 684.24.199 Other alumunium foil not rolled surface-treated 272027202 7607.20.100 684.24.210 Aluminium foil backed plain 272027202 7607.20.210 684.24.221 Aluminium foil backed embosed sur -face-treated imitation gold/silver 272027202 7607.20.220 684.24.220 Printed or backed alumunium foil with plastic material 272027202 7607.20.291 684.24.224 Tetra papers 272027202 7607.20.299 684.24.229 Other alluminium foil backed embosed surface treated 41536 Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings, of aluminium 272027204 7608.10.000 684.26.100 Aluminium tubes & pipes not alloyed 272027204 7608.20.000 684.26.200 Aluminium tubes & pipes alloyed 272027204 7609.00.000 684.27.000 Aluminium tube or pipe fittings 4154 Semi-finished products of lead, zinc and tin or their alloys 41541 Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire 272027202 7803.00.000 685.21.000 Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire. 41542 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes 272027202 7804.11.000 685.22.100 Sheets, strip and foil of a thick- ness lte. 0.2% 272027202 7804.19.110 685.22.191 Plain lead foil,not surface-treated 272027202 7804.19.120 685.22.192 Plain lead foil other treated 272027202 7804.19.900 685.22.199 Other lead foil 272027201 7804.20.000 685.22.200 Powders and flakes 41543 Lead tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings 272027204 7805.00.000 685.24.000 Lead tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings 41544 Zinc dust, powders and flakes 272027201 7903.10.000 686.33.100 Zinc dust 272027201 7903.90.000 686.33.900 Other zinc ,powders and flakes 41545 Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire; zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil 289128910 7904.00.210 686.31.210 Zinc bars and rods not surface -treated 272027202 7904.00.290 686.31.290 Zinc bars and rods other treated 289128910 7904.00.300 686.31.300 Zinc profiles 272027202 7905.00.100 686.32.100 Zinc plates,sheets,strip and foil not surface treated

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272027202 7905.00.200 686.32.200 Zinc plates,sheets,strip and foil surface treated 2720 7904.00.100 686.31.100 Zinc wire 41546 Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings 272027204 7906.00.000 686.34.000 Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings 41547 Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire 272027202 8003.00.100 687.21.100 Tin wire 289128910 8003.00.900 687.21.900 Other tin bars, rods, peofiles and wire 41548 Tin plates, sheets, strip and foil; tin powders and flakes 272027202 8004.00.100 687.22.100 Tin plates,sheets,strip exceeding 0,2 mm not surface treated 272027202 8004.00.900 687.22.900 Oth.tin plates,sheets,strip exceed-ing 0,2 mm surface treated 272027201 8005.00.000 687.23.000 Tin foil lte. 0.2% tin powders and flakes 41549 Tin tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings 272027204 8006.00.000 687.24.000 Tin tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings 416 Other non-ferrous metals and articles thereof (including waste and scrap); cermets and articles thereof; ash and residue (except from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals or metallic compounds 4160 Other non-ferrous metals and articles thereof (including waste and scrap), cermets and articles thereof; ash and residue (except from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals or metallic compounds 41601 Tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, magnesium, cobalt, cadmium, titanium, zirconium, derrylium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium, rhenium and thallium, unwrought and waste and scrap and powders thereof, except powders of magnesium; cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy 272027201 8101.10.000 689.11.100 Powders of tungsten 272027201 8101.91.000 689.11.900 Unwrought tungsten, including bars and rods including waste and scrap 272027201 8102.10.000 689.12.100 Powders of molybdenum 272027201 8102.91.000 689.12.900 Unwrought molybdenum,including barsrods obt.d by sintering;waste/scrap 272027201 8103.10.000 689.13.000 Unwrought tantalum, including wasteand scrap powders 272027201 8104.11.000 689.15.100 Unwrought magnesium containing at least 99,8 % by weight 272027201 8104.19.000 689.15.900 Other unwrought magnesium 272027201 8104.20.000 689.14.000 Waste and scrap of magnesium 272027201 8107.10.000 689.82.000 Unwrought cadmium; waste and scrap;powders 272027203 8108.10.000 689.83.000 Unwrought titanium; waste and scrap 272027201 8109.10.000 689.84.000 Unwrought zirconium; waste and scrap 272027201 8112.11.000 689.91.000 Unwrought; waste and scrap; powdersof beryllium 272027201 8112.91.000 689.98.000 Unwrought; waste and scrap; powdersof heading no. 81.12 2720 8105.10.000 689.81.100 Cobalt mattes & other intermediate of cobalt metalurgy

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41602 Tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, magnesium, cobalt, cadmium, titanium, zirconium, beryllium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium, rhenium and thallium, wrought, and articles thereof, powders of magnesium 2720 8101.93.000 699.91.300 Wire of tungsten 2720 8102.93.000 699.92.300 Wire of molybdenum 272027201 8101.92.000 699.91.200 Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering 273227320 8101.99.000 699.91.900 Other tungsten articles 272027201 8102.92.000 699.92.200 Bars & rods,oth.than those obtainedsimply by sintering of molybdenum 273227320 8102.99.000 699.92.900 Other articles of molybdenum 289128910 8103.90.000 699.93.000 Other tantalum and articles thereofincluding waste and scrap 272027201 8104.30.000 699.94.300 Raspings,turnings & granules,gradedaccor.g to size;powdersof magnesium 272027202 8104.90.000 699.94.000 Oth magnesium and articles thereof including waste and scrap 289128910 8105.90.000 699.81.900 Other cobalt mattes 272027204 8107.90.000 699.83.000 Other cadmium and articles thereof 272027202 8108.90.000 699.85.000 Other titanium and articles thereof 272027203 8109.90.000 699.87.000 Other zirconium & articles thereof 272027202 8112.19.000 699.95.000 Other beryllium & articles thereof 289128910 8112.99.000 699.99.100 Other base metal & articles thereofrhenium and thallium 41603 Bismuth, antimony, manganese, chromium, germanium and vanadium and articles thereof (including waste and scrap) 272027204 8106.00.000 689.92.000 Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste and scrap 289128910 8110.00.000 689.93.000 Antimony and articles thereof, including waste and scrap 272027201 8111.00.000 689.94.000 Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap 272027201 8112.20.000 689.95.200 Chromium 272027201 8112.30.000 689.96.000 Germanium 272027201 8112.40.000 689.97.000 Vanadium 41604 Cermets and articles thereof 272027204 8113.00.000 689.99.000 Cermets and articles thereof, including waste and scrap DIVISION 42 FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, EXCEPT MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 421 Stuctural metal products and parts thereof 4211 42110 Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of iron or steel 281128113 7308.10.000 691.11.000 Bridges and bridge-sections 281128113 7308.20.000 691.12.000 Towers and lattice masts 4212 42120 Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, of iron, steels or aluminium 281128111 7308.30.000 691.13.000 Doors, windows and their frames andthresholds for doors 281128112 7610.10.000 691.21.000 Doors, windows and their frames andthresholds for doors of aluminium 4219 42190 Other structures (except prefabricated buildings) and parts of structure, of iron, steel or aluminium; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, profiles, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron, steel or aluminium; props and similar equipment for scaffolding, shuttering or pitpropping 281128113 7308.40.000 691.14.000 Props and similar equipment for

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scaffolding,shuttering or pit-proppin 281128113 7308.90.200 691.19.200 Sluice gates; masts for elect.transmisi lines;forcing frames for plan 281128113 7308.90.300 691.19.300 Frame-works of building and parts thereof 281128113 7308.90.900 691.19.900 Other structure of iron or steel 281128112 7610.90.000 691.29.000 Oth. aluminium plates,rods,profilesprepared for use in structure 2811 7308.90.400 691.19.400 Parts of tubes or tunnels, made offormed sheet of iron or steel 422 Tank, reservoirs and containers of iron, steel or aluminium 4221 42210 Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers (other than for compressed or liquefied gas), of iron, steel or aluminium, of a capacity exceeding 300 litres, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment 281128111 7309.00.000 692.11.000 Reservoir,tank,vat and similar con-tainers for material,capacity>300l 281128112 7611.00.000 692.12.000 Aluminium reservoirs,tanks,vats andsimilar containers 4222 42220 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron, steel or aluminium 289928994 7311.00.000 692.43.000 Containers for compressed/liquefiedgas ,of iron or steel 2812 7613.00.000 692.44.000 Aluminium containers for compressedor liquefied gas 423 Steam generators, (except central heating boilers) and parts thereof 4231 42310 Nuclear reactors 2813 8401.10.000 718.71.000 Nuclear reactors 4232 42320 Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); super-heated water boilers 281228120 8402.11.000 711.11.110 Watertube boilers w/ a steam production exceeding 45 t per hour 281228120 8402.12.000 711.11.120 Watertube boilers w/ a steam production not exceeding 45 t per hour 281228120 8402.19.000 711.11.190 Other vapour generating boilers, including hybrid boilers 281228120 8402.20.000 711.12.000 Super-heated water boilers 4233 42330 Auxiliary plant for use with boilers; condensers for steam or other vapour power units 281228120 8404.10.110 711.21.111 Soot removers 281228120 8404.10.200 711.21.120 Other auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading no. 84.03 281228120 8404.20.000 711.22.000 Condensers for steam or other vapour power units 2813 8404.10.190 711.21.119 Other auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading no. 84.02 4234 Parts for the goods of classes 4231 to 4233 42341 Parts for the goods of subclass 42310 2813 8401.40.000 718.78.000 Parts of nuclear reactors 42342 Parts for the goods of subclass 42320 and 42330 281228120 8402.90.000 711.91.000 Parts of steam or other vapour generating boilers 281228120 8404.90.100 711.92.100 Parts of auxiliary plant for use w/ boilers of heading no. 84.02

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281228120 8404.90.200 711.92.200 Parts of auxiliary plant for use w/ boilers of heading no. 84.03 429 Other fabricated metal products 4291 Domestic metal products 42911 Sinks, wash-basins, baths and other sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron, steel, copper or aluminium 289328933 7324.10.000 697.51.100 Sinks and wash basins, of stainless 289328933 7324.21.000 697.51.210 Baths of cast iron, whether or not enamelled 289328933 7324.29.000 697.51.290 Baths of other iron or steel 289328933 7324.90.900 697.51.900 Other sanitary ware 289328933 7418.20.000 697.52.000 Sanitary ware and parts thereof of copper 289328933 7615.20.000 697.53.000 Sanitary ware and parts thereof of aluminium 2899 7324.90.100 697.51.910 Sanitary ware for flushing water closets , urinals 42912 Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron, steel, copper or aluminium; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel, copper or aluminium; iron or steel wool; hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink 2899 7323.10.000 697.44.000 Iron or steel wool;pot scourers andpolishing pads,gloves and the like 2899 7418.11.000 697.42.100 Pot scourers and scouring/polishingpads, gloves and the like 2899 7615.11.000 697.43.100 Pot scourers and scouring or poli- shing pads, gloves and the like 289928991 7323.91.000 697.41.100 Household articles of cast iron not enamelled 289928991 7323.92.000 697.41.200 Household articles of cast iron enamelled 289928991 7323.93.000 697.41.300 Household articles of stainless steel 289928991 7323.94.000 697.41.400 Household articles of iron (other than cast iron) or steel ,enamelle 289928991 7323.99.000 697.41.900 Other household articles of iron or steel 289328933 7418.19.000 697.42.900 Other sanitary ware of copper not pot scourers etc 293029301 7615.19.100 697.43.910 Oth table, kitchen not pot scourersand scouring pads and the like 289928991 7615.19.900 697.43.990 Other pot scourers and scouring pads and the like 289328931 8210.00.000 697.81.000 Hand operated mechanical appliancesby weight lte. 10 kg 42913 Knives (except for machines) and scissors, and blades there for 289328932 8211.10.000 696.80.110 Sets of assorted articles of kniveswith cutting blades 289328932 8211.91.000 696.80.100 Table knives having fixed blades 289328933 8211.92.910 696.80.291 Knives having fixed blades with handle of base metal 289328933 8211.93.910 696.80.391 Knives not for agricult.with handleof base metal 289328933 8211.93.990 696.80.399 Knives not for agricult.with

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handleother than base metal 289328933 8211.94.000 696.80.400 Blades 289328933 8213.00.000 696.40.000 Scissors, tailors' shears & similarshears , blades therefor 2893 8211.92.110 696.80.211 With handle of base metal 2893 8211.92.190 696.80.219 Oth knives cutting blades for agri/horti.ral with nothandle of bsmetal 2893 8211.92.990 696.80.299 Other knives having fixed blades 2893 8211.93.110 696.80.311 Knives having for other than fixed blades with handle of base metal 2893 8211.93.190 696.80.319 Oth knives having for oth thanfixedblades with handle of base metal 2893 8211.95.000 696.80.500 Handles of base metal 42914 Razors and razor blades (including razor blade blanks in strips) 289328933 8212.10.000 696.31.000 Razors 289328933 8212.20.000 696.35.000 Safety razor blades,including razorblade blanks in strips 289328933 8212.90.000 696.38.000 Other parts of razors and razor blades 42915 Other articles of cutlery; manicure or pedicure sets and instruments 289928999 8214.10.000 696.51.000 Paper knives, letter openers,pencilsharpeners and blades therefor 289328933 8214.20.000 696.55.000 Manicure or predicure sets and instruments (includ.nail files) 289328933 8214.90.000 696.59.000 Other articles of cutlery,manicure or pedicure sets 42916 Spoons, forks,ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or table ware 289328933 8215.99.000 696.69.000 Other spoons, forks, ladles etc notplated with precious metal 2893 8215.10.000 696.61.000 Set of kitchen or table ware,platedwith precious metal 2893 8215.20.000 696.62.000 Other sets of kitchen or table ware 2893 8215.91.000 696.63.000 Kitchen or table ware plated with precious metal 4292 Hand tools (including hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry, hand saws, files, pliers and metal cutting shears, hand-operated spanners, blow-lamps and clamps); interchangeable tools for hand tools or for machine-tools, including dies for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth boring tools; knives for machines; plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of sintered metal carbides or cermets 42921 Hand tools (including hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry, hand saws, files, pliers and metal cutting shrears, hand operated spanners, blow-lamps and clamps) 2893 8205.51.100 695.45.100 Flat iron, not electric 2893 8205.51.900 695.45.900 Other household hand tools 2893 8205.59.300 695.46.300 Aluminium last for shoes industries 2893 8205.60.000 695.46.000 Blow lamps 2893 8205.70.000 695.47.000 Vices, clamps and the like 2893 8205.80.000 695.48.000 Anvils;portable forges;hand / pedaloperate grinding wheel w/ framewor 2893 8205.90.000 695.49.000 Sets of articles of two or more of the foregoing subheadings 2893 8206.00.000 695.70.000 Tools of the heading nos.82.02 to

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82.05,put up in set for retail sal 289328931 8201.10.000 695.10.100 Spades and shovels 289328931 8201.20.000 695.10.200 Forks 289328932 8201.30.000 695.10.300 Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes 289328932 8201.40.100 695.10.410 Hatchets and adze 289328932 8201.40.900 695.10.490 Other than axes , bill hooks and similar hewing tools 289328932 8201.50.000 695.10.500 One-handed secateurs ( including poultry shears ) 289328932 8201.60.000 695.10.600 Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears & similar two-handed shears 289328931 8201.90.000 695.10.900 Other hand tools of a kind used in agri/horticulture and forestry 289328932 8202.10.000 695.21.000 Hand saws 289328932 8202.20.000 695.51.000 Band saw blades 289328932 8202.31.000 695.52.000 Circular saw blades with working part of steel 289328932 8202.39.000 695.59.100 Other circular saw blades,includingparts 289328932 8202.40.000 695.54.000 Chain saw blades 289328932 8202.91.000 695.55.000 Straight saw blades , for working metal 289328932 8202.99.000 695.59.200 Other saw blades 289328932 8203.10.100 695.22.100 Files 289328932 8203.10.200 695.22.200 Rasps 289328932 8203.20.000 695.23.200 Pliers (including cutting pliers) ,pincers,tweezers and similar tools 289328932 8203.30.000 695.23.300 Metal cutting shears and similar tools 289328932 8203.40.000 695.23.400 Pipe-cutters,bolt croppers,perforating punches and similar tools 289328932 8204.11.000 695.30.110 Non adjustable hand-operated spann-ers and wrenches 289328932 8204.12.000 695.30.120 Adjustable hand-operated spanners and wrenches 289328932 8204.20.000 695.30.200 Interchangeable spanner sockets ,with or handles 289328932 8205.10.000 695.41.000 Drilling, threading or tapping tool 289328932 8205.20.000 695.42.000 Hammers and sledge hammers 289328932 8205.30.000 695.43.000 Planes, chisels, gouges and similarcutting tools for working wood 289328932 8205.40.000 695.44.000 Screwdrivers. 289328931 8205.59.900 695.46.900 Other hand tools 42922 Interchangeable tools for hand tools or for machine-tools, including dies for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth boring tools; knives for machine; plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of sintered metal carbides or cerments 289328932 8208.90.000 695.61.900 Other knives and cutting blades notfor metal/wood working 2893 8207.13.000 695.63.300 Rock drilling or earth boring toolswith working part of cermets 2893 8207.19.000 695.63.900 Other rock drilling or earth boringtools, including parts 2893 8207.20.000 695.64.200 Dies for drawing or extruding metal 2893 8207.30.000 695.64.300 Tools for pressing , stamping or

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punching 2893 8207.40.000 695.64.400 Tools for tapping or threading 2893 8207.50.000 695.64.500 Tools for drilling, other than for rock drilling 2893 8207.60.000 695.64.600 Tools for boring or broaching 2893 8207.70.000 695.64.700 Tools for milling 2893 8207.80.000 695.64.800 Tools for turning 2893 8207.90.000 695.64.900 Other interchangeable tools 2893 8208.10.000 695.61.100 Knives and cutting blades for metalworking 2893 8208.20.000 695.61.200 Knives and cutting blades for wood working 2893 8208.30.000 695.61.300 Knives & cutting blades for kitchenappliances / food industry machine 2893 8208.40.000 695.61.400 Knives & cutting blades for agri. or forestry machines 2893 8209.00.000 695.62.000 Plates,sticks for tools of sinteredmetal carbides 4293 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers (other than for compressed or liquefied gas) of iron, steel or aluminium, of a capacity not exceeding 300 litres, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment; stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks), capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal 42931 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers (other than for compressed or liquefied gas) of iron, steel or aluminium, of a capacity not exceeding 300 litres, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment 2899 7310.29.100 692.41.291 Oth. container of a capacity lt. 50 lof iron or steel 2899 7310.29.200 692.41.292 Oth. container of a capacity lt. 50 lof iron/steel forging and stampi 2899 7612.10.000 692.42.100 Aluminium collapsible tubular containers 2899 7612.90.000 692.42.900 Other aluminium casks ,drums ,cans boxes and similar containers 289928994 7310.10.100 692.41.110 Containers for transporting latex of a capacity >= 50 l 289928994 7310.10.200 692.41.120 Containers for coagulating latex of a capacity >= 50 l 289928994 7310.10.910 692.41.191 Other containers of iron casting of a capacity >= 50 l 289928994 7310.10.920 692.41.192 Other containers of steel casting of a capacity >= 50 l 289928994 7310.10.930 692.41.193 Other containers of iron and steel forging&stamping of a capacity>=50 289928994 7310.10.990 692.41.190 Other circular cross. of iron/non- alloy steel with capacity > 50 l 289928994 7310.21.100 692.41.211 Tinplate cans for packing goods of a capacity lt. 50 l 289928994 7310.21.910 692.41.212 Cans of a capacity lt. 50l of iron orsteel casting 289928994 7310.21.920 692.41.213 Cans of a capacity lt. 50l of iron & steel forging and stamping 289928994 7310.21.990 692.41.210 Other cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping 289928994 7310.29.900 692.41.900 Oth. circular crossect. of iron or non-alloy steel with capacity lte.5

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42932 Stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks), capsules for bottles,threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal 289928999 8309.90.990 699.53.999 Other packing accessories 2899 8309.10.000 699.53.100 Crown corks 2899 8309.90.100 699.53.910 Bungs for metal drums; bung covers;case corners protectors 2899 8309.90.200 699.53.920 Tear off capsules;of lead,aluminium/tin foil used for wine bottles et 2899 8309.90.912 699.53.992 Aluminium easy open can ends 2899 8309.90.919 699.53.998 Other packing accessories of aluminium 4294 Metal fasteners, springs and miscellaneous articles made from metal wire 42941 Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated 2899 7312.10.110 693.11.111 Stranded wire with diameter > 64 mm 289928995 7312.10.120 693.11.112 Stranded wire with diameter lt. 3 mm 289928995 7312.10.190 693.11.119 Stranded wire, 3 mm lt. diamater lt. 64 64 mm 289928995 7312.10.900 693.11.190 Ropes and cables 289928995 7312.90.000 693.11.900 Other plaited bands ,sling of iron or steel 42942 Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands, and the like, of copper or aluminium, not electrically insulated 2899 7413.00.000 693.12.000 Stranded wire,cable,plait band &thelike of copper not elect.insulated 2899 7614.10.000 693.13.100 Stranded wire,cable,plaited band of aluminium with steel core 2899 7614.90.000 693.13.900 Oth.stranded wire,cables ,plaited bands the like,of aluminium 42943 Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of iron, steel or copper wire; expanded metal of iron, steel or copper 2899 7314.13.000 693.51.300 Other woven cloth of endless bands for machinery 2899 7314.14.000 693.51.400 Oth woven cloth, not endless bands for machinery of stainless steel 2899 7314.50.000 693.51.500 Expanded metal 2899 7414.20.100 693.52.110 Oth cloth ofcopperwire for suitablefor mosquito nets and winds screen 2899 7414.20.900 693.52.190 Oth cloth ofcopperwire not for suitable for mosquito net & windows scr 289928995 7314.12.000 693.51.210 Woven cloth of endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel 289928995 7314.19.000 693.51.190 Other cloth, grill, netting, and fencing of iron or steel wire 289928995 7314.20.000 693.51.220 Grill,netting and fencing,welded atintersec.of wire with dimension>3m 289928995 7314.31.000 693.51.310 Other plated or coated with zinc ofcloth, grill, netting, fencing etc 289928995 7314.39.000 693.51.390 Other cloth, grill, netting,fencingnot plated or

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coated with zinc 289928995 7314.41.000 693.51.410 Other grill , netting and fencingplated or coated with zinc 289928995 7314.42.000 693.51.420 Other grill , netting and fencingplastic coated 289928995 7314.49.000 693.51.490 Other grill , netting and fencing 289928995 7414.90.000 693.52.900 Oth grill & netting of copper wire not cloth (including endless bands) 42944 Nails, tacks, staples (except staples in strips), screws, bolts, nuts, screw books, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers and similar articles, of iron, steel, copper or aluminium 289928993 7317.00.100 694.10.100 Dog spikes for rail sleepers 289928993 7317.00.200 694.10.200 Carding tacks for textile cardingmachines and the like 289928993 7317.00.300 694.10.300 Hob nails for footwear 289928993 7317.00.400 694.10.400 Hooks nails and ring nails 289928993 7317.00.500 694.10.500 Gang nails connector and anti splitting 289928993 7317.00.600 694.10.600 Wire nail and staples 289928993 7317.00.900 694.10.900 Other nails 289928993 7318.11.000 694.21.110 Coach screws 289928993 7318.12.000 694.21.120 Other wood screws 289928993 7318.13.000 694.21.130 Screw hooks and screw rings 289928993 7318.14.000 694.21.140 Self-tapping screws 289928993 7318.15.100 694.21.151 Screws for metal with or without nut 289928993 7318.15.200 694.21.152 Bolts for metal with or without nut 289928993 7318.16.000 694.21.160 Nuts 289928993 7318.19.000 694.21.190 Other thread articles 289928993 7318.21.000 694.22.100 Spring washers and other lock washers 289928993 7318.22.000 694.22.200 Other washers 289928993 7318.23.000 694.22.300 Rivets 289928993 7318.24.000 694.22.400 Cotters and cotter-pins 289928993 7318.29.000 694.22.900 Other non thread articles 289928993 7415.10.000 694.31.000 Nails & tacks,drawing pins,staples and similar articles 289928993 7415.21.000 694.32.100 Washers (including spring washers) 289928993 7415.29.000 694.32.900 Other articles, not threaded 289928993 7415.31.000 694.33.100 Screws for wood 289928993 7415.32.000 694.33.200 Other screws, bolts and nuts 289928993 7415.39.000 694.33.900 Other threaded articles 289928993 7616.10.000 694.40.000 Nails, tacks, staples and similararticles of aluminium 2899 7318.15.900 694.21.159 Other screwsand bolts 42945 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel; copper springs 2899 7320.10.100 699.41.110 Leaf spring 2899 7320.10.900 699.41.190 Other leaves for springs 2899 7320.20.110 699.41.211 Railway rolling stock coupling spring 2899 7320.20.190 699.41.219 Coupling spring for other 2899 7320.20.900 699.41.290 Other helical springs 2899 7320.90.000 699.41.900 Other of helical springs not coupling spring 2899 7416.00.000 699.42.000 Copper springs. 42946 Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, and loosely twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing, of iron or steel

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289928995 7313.00.000 693.20.000 Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire. 4295 42950 Wire, rods, tubes. plates, electrodes and similar products, of base metal or of metal carbides, coated or cored with flux material, of a kind used for soldering, brazing, welding of deposition of metal or of metal carbides; wire and rods, of agglomerated base metal powder, used for metal spraying 289928995 8311.10.900 699.55.190 Coated electrodes of base metal for electric arc-welding in other for 289928995 8311.20.100 699.55.210 Cored wire of base metal for electric arc-welding in other rol 289928995 8311.20.900 699.55.290 Cored wire of base metal for electric arc-welding in other for 289928995 8311.30.100 699.55.310 Coated rods and cored wire of base metal for soldering in rolls 289928995 8311.30.900 699.55.390 Coated rods and cored wire of base metal for soldering in forms 289928995 8311.90.100 699.55.910 Other welding rods in rolls 289928995 8311.90.200 699.55.920 Gauging electrode, solder foil, solder brass strip 289928995 8311.90.900 699.55.990 Other wire, rod, tubes, plates for for other purpose 2899 8311.10.100 699.55.110 Coated electrodes of base metal for electric arc-welding in rools 4299 Other metal goods 42991 Chain (except articulated link chain) and parts thereof, of iron or steel; chain and parts thereof, of copper 2899 7315.20.000 699.21.000 Skid chain 2899 7315.81.000 699.22.810 Stud-link 2899 7315.82.000 699.22.820 Other, welded link 2899 7419.10.000 699.71.000 Chain and parts thereof of copper 291329130 7315.89.000 699.22.890 Other chain 351135112 7315.90.000 699.22.900 Other parts of chain of iron 42992 Padlocks and locks, of base metal; clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks, of base metal; keys and parts thereof, of base metal; base metal fittings for furniture, doors, saddlery and the like 289328939 8301.10.000 699.11.100 Padlocks 289328939 8301.20.000 699.11.200 Locks of a kind used for motor vehicles 289328939 8301.30.100 699.11.310 Mortice locks 289328939 8301.30.900 699.11.390 Other lock used for furniture 289328939 8301.40.000 699.11.400 Other locks 289328939 8301.60.000 699.11.600 Parts of other locks 289328939 8301.70.000 699.11.700 Keys presented separately 289328939 8302.10.000 699.13.000 Hinges 289328939 8302.41.300 699.16.300 Hasps for buildings 2893 8301.50.000 699.11.500 Clasps and frames with clasps , incorporating locks 2893 8302.20.000 699.14.000 Castors 2893 8302.30.000 699.15.000 Other mountings, fittings & similararticle suitable for motor vehicle 2893 8302.41.900 699.16.900 Oth. mountings,fittings and similararticles for buildings 2893 8302.42.000 699.17.000 Oth. mountings,fittings and similararticles suitable for furniture 2893 8302.49.000 699.19.490 Oth. mountings,fittings and similararticles

192 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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2893 8302.50.000 699.19.500 Hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixture 2893 8302.60.000 699.19.600 Automatic door closers 42993 Armoured or reinforced safes, strong-boxes and doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms, cash or deed boxes and the like, of base metal 289928992 8303.00.000 699.12.000 Armoured/reinforced safes, strong boxes,doors & safe deposit lockers 42994 Paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal, other than office furniture 289928992 8304.00.000 895.11.000 Filing cabinets, card-index cabinetpager/pen trays, paper rests etc 42995 Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files; letter clips, letter corners, paper clips, indexing tags and similar office articles, of base metal; staples in strips, of base metal 289928992 8305.90.000 895.12.900 Oth fitting for loose-leaf binders or files,letter clips etc inc parts 2899 8305.10.000 895.12.100 Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files 2899 8305.20.000 895.12.200 Staples in strips 42996 Statuettes and other ornaments of base metal; photograph, picture or similar frames of base metal; mirrors of base metal 2899 8306.21.000 697.82.210 Statuettes and oth.ornaments platedwith precious metal 369136915 8306.29.000 697.82.290 Other,statuettes and oth.ornaments 289928999 8306.30.000 697.82.300 Photograph, picture or similar frames; mirrors 42997 Sewing needles, knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks, embroidery stilettos and similar articles, for use in the hand, of iron or steel; safety pins and other pins of iron or steel n.e.c; clasps, frames with clasps, buckles, buckle-clasps, hooks, eyes, eyelets and the like, of base metal, of a kind used for clothing, footwear, awnings, handbags, travel goods or other made-up articles; tubular or bifurcated rivets, of base metal; beads and spangles of base metal 369936999 7319.10.000 699.31.100 Sewing, darning or embroidery needles 289928999 7319.20.000 699.32.200 Safety pins 289928999 7319.30.000 699.32.300 Other pins 369936999 7319.90.000 699.31.900 Other of sewing, knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks etc 2899 8308.10.000 699.33.100 Hooks, eyes and eyelets 2899 8308.20.000 699.33.200 Tubular or bifurcated riverts 2899 8308.90.100 699.33.910 Beads and spangles 2899 8308.90.900 699.33.990 Other kind used for clothing,foot -wear etc 42998 Ships propellers and blades therefor 351135112 8485.10.000 749.91.000 Ships' propellers and blades therefor 42999 Metal goods n.e.c. (including anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel; grinding balls and similar articles for mills, of iron or steel; gutters, roof capping, skylight frames and other fabricated building components, of zinc; base metal hat-racks, brackets, etc; automatic door closers of base metal; flexible tubing of base metal; sign-plates of base metal) 351135112 7316.00.000 699.61.000 Anchors, grapnels and parts thereofof iron or steel 273127310 7325.10.000 699.62.000 Oth.cast articles of non-malleable cast iron 273127310 7325.99.000 699.63.900 Other cast articles of iron/steel of melleable cast iron

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 193 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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289128910 7326.19.000 699.65.900 Other articles of iron or steel ,forged or stamped 369136915 7326.90.000 699.69.000 Other articles of iron or steel 273227320 7419.91.900 699.73.190 Other household ,cast of copper 289328939 7419.99.900 699.73.990 Other household articles of non cast copper 273227320 7508.90.900 699.75.990 Oth cloth etc of nickelwire not scrfor print machines&elec plat anodes 273227320 7616.99.100 699.79.910 Other venetian blind of alumunium wire not cloth etc 273227320 7616.99.900 699.79.990 Other alumunium articles, etc not venetion blind 273227320 7806.00.900 699.76.900 Other articles of lead 289928993 7907.00.930 699.77.093 Other nails, bolt, screws & similarfastening of zinc not gutters, etc 289928994 7907.00.960 699.77.096 Other zinc callots for battery cell 289328939 7907.00.990 699.77.099 Other artices of zinc 289928994 8007.00.100 699.78.100 Collapsible tube for packing dentrifrices,colours and the like of tin 273227320 8007.00.900 699.78.900 Other articles of tin 369136915 8306.10.000 699.52.100 Bells, gongs and the like 289928999 8310.00.000 699.54.000 Sign-plates, name-plates, address -plates etc of base metal 2899 7325.91.100 699.63.110 Grinding balls and similar articlesof steel casting 2899 7325.91.900 699.63.190 Other grinding balls and similar articles 2899 7326.11.000 699.65.100 Grindings balls and similar articleof iron or steel 2899 7326.20.000 699.67.000 Articles of iron or steel wire 2899 7419.91.110 699.73.111 Resevoir,tanks, & similar containerof copper capacity of lt. 300 lite 2899 7419.91.120 699.73.112 Other cast of reservoir, tank with capacity exceeding 300 liter 2899 7419.91.210 699.73.121 Fitting for fire hoses 2899 7419.91.290 699.73.129 Other fitting for hoses 2899 7419.91.300 699.73.130 Electro plating anodes,fittings forships or other vessel 2899 7419.99.110 699.73.911 Non cast resevoir,tanks, & similar containers,capacity of lt. 300 lit 2899 7419.99.120 699.73.912 Other of cast, moulded, with capa- city exceeding 300 liter 2899 7419.99.210 699.73.921 Fitting for fire hoses of non cast copper 2899 7419.99.290 699.73.929 Other fitting for hoses of non castcopper 2899 7419.99.300 699.73.930 Electro plating anodes,fittings forships/oth.vessel of non cast coppe 2899 7508.10.000 699.75.100 Other articles of cloth, grill and netting, of nickel wire 2899 7508.90.100 699.75.910 Oth articles of elec.plating anodeswrought or not by cloth etc 2899 7508.90.200 699.75.920 Screen for printing machines

194 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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2899 7616.91.000 699.79.100 Oth cloth,grill netting and fencingof alumunium wire 2899 7806.00.100 699.76.100 Other articles of lead wool 2899 7806.00.200 699.76.200 Other articles of lead washers 2899 7806.00.300 699.76.300 Other articles of lead electro -- plating anodes 2899 7907.00.100 699.77.010 Gutters,roof capping, framers & othfabricated components of zinc 2899 7907.00.910 699.77.091 Oth electro-plating anodes of zinc not gutters, roof capping etc 2899 7907.00.920 699.77.092 Other stencil plates of zinc not gutters, roof capping etc 2899 7907.00.940 699.77.094 Other domestic articles and parts thereof of zinc 2899 7907.00.950 699.77.095 Oth tubular containers for packing phar. products of zinc and the like 2899 8307.10.000 699.51.100 Flexible tubing of iron of steel 2899 8307.90.000 699.51.900 Flexible tubing of other base metal DIVISION 43 GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY 431 Engines and turbins and parts thereof 4311 43110 Internal combustion piston engines, other than for motor vehicles and aircraft 2911 8407.21.100 713.31.100 Outboard motors in ckd 2911 8407.21.900 713.31.900 Other outboard motors 2911 8407.29.200 713.32.920 Oth spark-ignition reciproc/rotary combustion piston not in ckd lt.750 2911 8407.29.900 713.32.900 Oth spark-ignition reciproc/rotary combustion piston not in ckd>750 kw 2911 8407.90.100 713.81.100 Oth.spark ign.engines for railway locomotivesand tramway vehicles 2911 8407.90.210 713.81.210 Other reciprocating piston engines of a cylinder capacity 50-250 cc 2911 8407.90.290 713.81.290 Other reciprocating piston engines of a cylinder capacity > 1000 cc 2911 8407.90.910 713.81.910 Stationary engines max 20 hp complete in ckd 2911 8407.90.990 713.81.990 Other stationary engines max 20 hp 2911 8408.10.100 713.33.100 Marine propulsion engines in ckd 2911 8408.10.910 713.33.910 Marine propulsion engines with the output lt. 750 kw 2911 8408.10.990 713.33.990 Other marine propulsion engines 2911 8408.90.100 713.82.100 Oth.compres.ign.engines for railwaylocomotivesand tramway vehicles 2911 8408.90.910 713.82.910 Other compression-ignition internal combustion in ckd 2911 8408.90.990 713.82.990 Other compression-ignition internal combustion 4312 Internal combustion piston engines of a kind used for motor vehicles 43121 Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engines, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000 cc 3410 8407.31.100 713.21.110 Reciproc piston by cylinders cpcty lt.50cc for prop vhcles of head 87

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3410 8407.31.200 713.21.120 Reciproc piston by cylinders cpcty lt.50cc for prop vec of head 87.02 3410 8407.31.300 713.21.130 Reciproc piston by cyld capacity lt. 50 cc for prop vehc head 87.11 3410 8407.31.900 713.21.190 Oth reciproc piston by cylind cpcty lt. 50 cc for propelling vehicles 3410 8407.32.100 713.21.210 Reciproc piston by 50cc lt.cyld cpcty lt.250cc for prop. vehc head 87 3410 8407.32.200 713.21.220 Reciproc piston by 50cc lt.cyld cpcty lt.250 cc for prop vehc head 87 3410 8407.32.300 713.21.230 Reciproc piston by 50cc lt.cyld cpcty lt. 250 cc for prop vehc head 8 3410 8407.32.900 713.21.290 Other spark-ignition reciprocating in ckd 3410 8407.33.100 713.21.310 Reciproc piston by 250cc lt.cyld cpcty lt.1000cc for prop vehc head 87 3410 8407.33.200 713.21.320 Reciproc piston by 250cc lt.cyld cpcty lt.1000cc for prop vehc head 87 359135912 8407.33.300 713.21.330 Reciproc piston by 250cc lt.cyld cpcty lt.1000 cc for prop vehc head 8 359135912 8407.33.900 713.21.390 Oth reciproc piston by 250 lt.cyld capacity lt. 1000 cc for prop ve 43122 Spark-ignition reciprocating internal combustion piston engines, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc 343034300 8407.34.200 713.22.420 Reciproc piston by cyld capacity >1000cc for prop vehc head 87.02~05 343034300 8407.34.900 713.22.490 Other spark-ignition reciprocating 3410 8407.34.100 713.22.410 Reciproc piston by cyld capacity >1000 cc for prop vehc head 87.01 3410 8407.34.300 713.22.430 Reciproc piston by cyld capacity >1000cc for prop vehc of head 87.11 43123 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines, of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock 3410 8408.20.000 713.23.000 Engines of a kind used for the pro-pulsion of vehicles of chapters 87 4313 Motor and engines for aircraft and spacecraft; aircraft launching gear, deck-arrestor or similar gear, and ground flying trainers 43131 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines for aircraft 353035301 8407.10.000 713.11.000 Aircraft engines 43132 Turbo-jets and turbo-propellers 353035301 8411.11.100 714.41.110 Turbo-jets of a thrust lt. 25 kn aircraft engines 353035301 8411.12.100 714.41.210 Turbo-jets of a thrust > 25 kn aircraft engines 353035301 8411.21.100 714.81.110 Turbo-propellers of a power lt. 1100 kn aircraft engines

196 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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353035301 8411.22.100 714.81.210 Turbo-propellers of a power > 1100 kn aircraft engines 3530 8411.11.900 714.41.190 Turbo-jets of a thrust lt. 25 kn other engines 3530 8411.12.900 714.41.290 Turbo-jets of a thrust > 25 kn other engines 3530 8411.21.900 714.81.190 Turbo-propellers of a power lt. 1100 kn 3530 8411.22.900 714.81.290 Turbo-propellers of a power > 1100 kn 43133 Reaction engines other than turbo-jets 3530 8412.10.100 714.49.100 Reaction engines other than turbo- jets aircraft engines 3530 8412.10.900 714.49.900 Reaction engines other than turbo- jets other machines 43134 Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers 353035301 8805.10.000 792.83.100 Aircraft launch gear & part thereofdeck-arrestor/similar gear and par 353035301 8805.20.000 792.83.200 Ground flying trainers and partsthereof 4314 Steam turbines and other vapour turbines; hydraulic turbines and water wheels; gas turbines other than turbo-jets and turbo-propellers 43141 Steam turbines and other vapour turbines 291129111 8406.10.900 712.11.900 Oth turbines for marine propullsionnot in ckd 291129111 8406.81.900 712.19.190 Other turbines with output > 40 mw not in ckd 291129111 8406.82.900 712.19.290 Other turbines with output lt. 40 mw not in ckd 2911 8406.10.100 712.11.100 Turbines for marine propulsion in completely knocked down condition 2911 8406.81.100 712.19.110 Other turbines with output > 40 mw in ckd 2911 8406.82.100 712.19.210 Other turbines with output lt. 40 mw in ckd 43142 Hydraulic turbines and water wheels 291129111 8410.11.000 718.11.100 Hidraulic turbines and water wheels of a power lt. 1000 kw 291129111 8410.12.000 718.11.200 Hydraulic turbines and water wheels1000 kw lt. power lt. 10.000 kw 291129111 8410.13.000 718.11.300 Hydraulic turbines and water wheelsof a power exceeding 10.000 kw 43143 Gas turbines other than turbo-jets and turbo-propellers 353035301 8411.81.100 714.89.110 Turbo-propellers of a power lt. 5000 kn 291129111 8411.81.200 714.89.120 Turbo-propellers of a power lt. 5000 kn for railway locomotive & tram 291129111 8411.81.900 714.89.190 Turbo-propellers of a power lt. 5000 kn of other engines 291129111 8411.82.100 714.89.210 Turbo-propellers of a power > 5000 kn 291129111 8411.82.200 714.89.220 Turbo-propellers of a power > 5000 kn for railway locomotive &

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 197 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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tramwa 291129111 8411.82.900 714.89.290 Turbo-propellers of a power > 5000 kn of other engines 4315 Parts for the goods of classes 4311 to 4314 43151 Parts of spark-ignition reciprocating, compression ignition or rotary internal combustion piston engines 359135912 8409.99.000 713.92.000 Other parts of suitable of heading 84.07,87.08not for aircraft engines 3430 8409.91.100 713.91.100 Part suitable for use spark-igni - tion railway loco.&tramway vehicle 3430 8409.91.900 713.91.900 Spark-ignition internal combustion piston of engines for aircraft 43152 Parts of spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines for aircraft 3530 8409.10.000 713.19.000 Part suitable for aircraft engines 43153 Parts for the goods of subclass 43141 291129113 8406.90.000 712.80.000 Parts of turbines 43154 Parts for the goods of subclass 43142, including regulators 291129113 8410.90.000 718.19.000 Parts hidraulic turbines and water wheels, including regulators 43155 Parts of turbo-jets and turbo-propellers; 3530 8411.91.100 714.91.100 Parts turbo-jet or turbo-propellersfor aircraft engines 3530 8411.91.900 714.91.900 Parts turbo-jet or turbo-propellersof other engines 43156 Parts for the goods of subclass 43143 2911 8411.99.100 714.99.100 Parts of other gas turbines for aircraft engines 2911 8411.99.200 714.99.200 Other parts for railway locomotivesand tramway vehicles 291129113 8411.99.900 714.99.900 Other parts of other machihnes 432 Pumps, compressors, hydraulic and pneumatic power engines, and valves, and parts thereof 4321 Hydraulic and pneumatic power engines and motors 43211 Linear acting (cylinders) hydraulic and pneumatic power engines and motors 291229120 8412.21.000 718.91.000 Linear acting (cylinders) hydraulicpower engines and motors 291229120 8412.31.900 718.92.900 Pneumatic power engines and motors linear acting for other vehicles 2912 8412.31.100 718.92.100 Pneumatic power engines and motors linear acting for aircraft 43212 Other hydraulic and pneumatic power engines and motors 2912 8412.39.100 718.93.391 Pneumatic power engines and motors for aircraft 2912 8412.80.100 718.93.810 Power units 2912 8412.80.910 718.93.891 Oth.engines and motors for aircraft 2912 8412.80.990 718.93.899 Other engines and motors 291229120 8412.29.000 718.93.000 Other hydraulic power engines and motors not linear acting 291229120 8412.39.900 718.93.399 Pneumatic power engines and motors for other vehicles

198 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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4322 43220 Pumps for liquids; liquid elevators 291229120 8413.11.000 742.11.000 Pumps for dispensing fuel/lubricantof the type used in garages 291229120 8413.19.000 742.19.000 Other pump designed to be fitted w/a measuring device 291229120 8413.20.000 742.71.100 Hand pumps,other than those of sub-heading no.8413.11 or 8413.19 291229120 8413.40.000 742.30.000 Concrete pumps 291229120 8413.50.000 742.40.000 Other reciprocating positive dis- placement pumps 291229120 8413.81.000 742.71.200 Other pumps 291229120 8413.82.000 742.75.000 Liquid elevators 2912 8413.30.000 742.20.000 Fuel lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion 2912 8413.60.100 742.50.100 Other rotary positive displacement pumps in ckd 2912 8413.60.900 742.50.900 Other rotary positive displacement pumps, not in ckd 2912 8413.70.100 742.60.100 Other centrifugal pumps, in ckd condition 2912 8413.70.900 742.60.900 Other centrifugal pumps, in ckd 4323 43230 Air or vacuum pumps; air or other gas compressors 2912 8414.80.210 743.19.210 Compressor for ac 2912 8414.80.300 743.19.300 Turbo super charger 2912 8414.80.400 743.19.400 Other pump or compressor for dis- pensing gas 2912 8414.80.900 743.19.900 Other air or vacuum pumps , gas compressors or fans 291229120 8414.10.000 743.11.000 Vacuum pumps 291229120 8414.20.000 743.13.000 Hand or foot-operated air pumps 291229120 8414.30.000 743.15.000 Compressors of a kind used in re -frigerating equipment 291229120 8414.40.000 743.17.000 Air compressors mounted or a wheelechasis for towing 291229120 8414.80.100 743.19.100 Pumps 291229120 8414.80.290 743.19.290 Compressor for other purposes 4324 43240 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like 2912 8481.10.000 747.10.000 Pressure-reducing valves 2912 8481.20.000 747.20.000 Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions 2912 8481.30.000 747.30.000 Check valves 2912 8481.40.000 747.40.000 Safety or relief valves 2912 8481.80.100 747.80.100 Soda water bottle valves , gas operated beer dispending units 2912 8481.80.200 747.80.200 Ball valves; pressure gauge cocks 2912 8481.80.300 747.80.300 Valves for tyres and tubes 2912 8481.80.400 747.80.400 Valves for oxygen, hydrogen, carbondioxide and ammonia cylinders 2912 8481.80.910 747.80.910 Oth.appliances by hand,weight. lt. 3kgsurface-treated or of nickel 2912 8481.80.990 747.80.990 Other appliances used in pressure machinery 4325 Parts for the goods of classes 4321 to 4324 43251 Parts for the goods of subclasses 43211 and 43212; parts of reaction engines other than turbo-jets

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 199 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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2912 8412.90.500 718.99.500 Pneumatic power engines and motors linear acting for aircraft engines 2912 8412.90.600 718.99.600 Parts of oth engines & motors for railway locomtvs & tramway vehicles 291129113 8412.90.900 718.99.900 Other parts of engines and motors 43252 Parts for the goods of subclass 43220 291229120 8413.91.000 742.91.000 Parts of pumps 2912 8413.92.000 742.95.000 Parts of liquid elevators 43253 Parts for the goods of subclass 43230; parts of fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan 2912 8414.90.900 743.80.900 Other parts of pumps , compressor or fans 291229120 8414.90.100 743.80.100 Parts of pumps or compressors 43254 Parts for the goods of subclass 43240 2912 8481.90.000 747.90.000 Parts of taps ,cocks ,valves and similar appliances 433 Bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements, and parts thereof 4331 43310 Ball or roller bearings 2913 8482.10.000 746.10.000 Ball bearings 2913 8482.20.000 746.20.000 Tapered roller bearings, including cone and tapered roller assemblies 2913 8482.30.000 746.30.000 Spherical roller bearings 2913 8482.40.000 746.40.000 Needle roller bearings 2913 8482.50.000 746.50.000 Other cylindrical roller bearings 2913 8482.80.000 746.80.000 Combined ball or roller bearing andsimilar 4332 43320 Transmission shafts and crank; bearing housing and plain shaft bearing; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers; flywheels and pulleys; clutches and shaft couplings; articulated link chain 2913 7315.11.100 748.31.100 Chain used for cycle 2913 7315.11.900 748.31.900 Other roller chain 2913 8483.60.000 748.60.000 Clutches and shaft couplings (incl.universal joints) 291329130 8483.10.000 748.10.000 Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts)and cranks 291329130 8483.20.000 748.21.000 Bearing housing, incorporating ball or roller bearings 291329130 8483.30.000 748.22.000 Bearings housing, not incorporatingball ,plain shaft bearings 291329130 8483.40.000 748.40.000 Gears and gearings ,chain sproketsgear boxes and other speed changer 291329130 8483.50.000 748.50.000 Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks 351135112 7315.12.000 748.32.000 Other articulated link chain 4333 Parts for the good of classes 4331 and 4332 43331 Parts for the goods of subclass 43310 2913 8482.91.000 746.91.000 Balls, needles and rollers 2913 8482.99.000 746.99.000 Other parts of ball and roller bearings 43332 Parts for the goods of subclass 43320 2913 7315.19.000 748.39.000 Parts of articulated link chain

200 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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2913 8483.90.000 748.90.000 Parts transmission shafts & cranks 434 Ovens and furnace burners and parts thereof 4341 43410 Furnace burnes for liquid fuel, for pulverised solid fuel or for gas; mechanical stokers, mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances 2914 8416.30.000 741.25.000 Mechanical stockers , mechanical grates ,mechanical ash dischargers 291429141 8416.10.000 741.21.000 Furnace burners for liquid fuel 291429141 8416.20.000 741.23.000 Other furnace burners, including combination burners 4342 43420 Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, except non-electric bakery ovens; other industrial or laboratory induction or dielectric heating equipment 291429142 8514.20.000 741.32.000 Induction or dielectric furnaces and ovens 2914 8417.10.000 741.36.000 Furnaces and ovens for the roastingmelting of ores,pyrites / of metal 2914 8417.80.000 741.38.000 Oth.industrial/laboratory furnaces and ovens 2914 8514.10.000 741.31.000 Resistance heated furnaces and oven 2914 8514.30.000 741.33.000 Other furnaces and ovens 2914 8514.40.000 741.34.000 Other induction or dielectric heating equipment 4343 43430 Parts for the goods of subclasses 43410 and 43420; parts of non-electric bakery ovens 2914 8416.90.000 741.28.000 Parts of furnace burners,mechanicalstockers 291429141 8417.90.000 741.39.000 Parts of industrial / laboratory furnaces and ovens 291429142 8514.90.000 741.35.000 Parts of industrial or laboratory electric furnaces and ovens 435 Lifting and handling equipment and parts thereof 4351 43510 Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists; winches and capstans; jacks 351135112 8425.20.000 744.23.000 Pit-heat winding gear ; winches for use underground 351135112 8425.31.000 744.25.100 Other winches;capstans with poweredby electric motor 351135112 8425.39.000 744.25.900 Oth. winches ;capstans not electricpowered 291529150 8425.41.000 744.41.000 Built in jacking systems of a type used in garages 292429240 8425.42.000 744.43.000 Other jacks and hoists, hydraulic 291529150 8425.49.000 744.49.000 Other winches ;capstans 2915 8425.11.000 744.21.100 Pulley tackle and hoits for raisingvehicles powered by electric motor 2915 8425.19.000 744.21.900 Other pulley tackle and hoits for raising vehicles 4352 43520 Derricks; cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane 2915 8426.41.000 744.37.100 Machinery ,self-propelled on tyres 2915 8426.49.000 744.37.900 Other machinery ,self-propelled 2915 8426.91.000 744.39.100 Machinery designed for mounting on road vehicles 2915 8426.99.200 744.39.920 Other machinery not self-propelled 292429240 8426.11.000 744.31.000 Overhead traveling cranes on fixed support 291529150 8426.12.000 744.32.200 Mobile lifting frames on tyres and

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 201 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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straddle carriers 351135112 8426.19.100 744.33.100 Ships derricks 291529150 8426.19.200 744.33.200 Gantry and bridge cranes 351135112 8426.19.900 744.33.900 Other derricks and cranes 291529150 8426.20.000 744.34.000 Tower cranes 292429240 8426.30.000 744.35.000 Portal or pedestal jib cranes 292429240 8426.99.100 744.39.910 Other cranes 4353 43530 Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks whether or not fitted with lifting or handling equipment; tractors of the type used on railway station platforms 292429240 8427.10.000 744.11.000 Self-propelled trucks powered by anelectric motor for fork-lift 291529150 8427.20.000 744.12.000 Other self-propelled trucks 292429240 8427.90.000 744.13.000 Other trucks 2915 8709.11.000 744.14.000 Electrical vehicles 2915 8709.19.000 744.15.000 Other work truck 4354 43540 Lifts, skip hoists, escalators and moving walkways 291529150 8428.10.000 744.81.000 Lifts and skip hoists 291529150 8428.40.000 744.85.000 Escalator and moving walkways 4355 43550 Pneumatic and other continuos action elevators and conveyors, for goods or materials 292429240 8428.20.000 744.71.000 Pneumatic elevator and conveyors 292429240 8428.32.000 744.73.000 Bucket type continuous-action elevator 291529150 8428.33.000 744.74.000 Belt type continuous-action elevator 292429240 8428.39.000 744.79.000 Other continuous-action elevator 4356 43560 Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery 292429240 8428.50.000 744.89.500 Mine wagon pushers, locomotive or wagon tranversers,wagon tippers 291529150 8428.60.000 744.89.600 Teleferics,chair-lift,ski-draglines;t raction mechanisms for furnicula 291529150 8428.90.000 744.89.900 Other machinery of lifting,handlingor loading 4357 43570 Parts for the goods of subclasses 43510 to 43560 292429240 8431.10.000 744.91.000 Parts suitable for use solely/prin-cipally of mach.of head no.84.25 291529150 8431.20.100 744.92.100 Parts, self-propelled truck poweredby an electric motor 292429240 8431.20.200 744.92.200 Parts of other self-propelled truck 291529150 8431.31.000 744.93.000 Parts of lift ,skip hoists or esca-lators 2915 8431.39.100 744.94.100 Parts of other loading machinery , telphers and conveyors 2915 8431.39.900 744.94.900 Parts of other vehicle not mechani-cally propelled 2915 8709.90.000 744.19.000 Parts of vehicles 4358 43580 Buckets, sholves, grabs and grips for cranes, excavators and the like 292429240 8431.41.100 723.91.100 Buckets ,shovels ,grabs and grips of heading no.84.26 292429240 8431.41.200 723.91.200 Buckets ,shovels ,grabs and grips of heading no.84.29 292429240 8431.41.300 723.91.300 Buckets ,shovels ,grabs and grips of heading 84.30 439 Other general purpose machinery and parts thereof 4391 Gas generators; distiling plant; air conditioning and refrigerating equipment filtering machinery

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43911 Producer gas or water gas generators; acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators and similar water process gas generators; distilling or rectifying plant; heat exchange units; machinery for liquefying air or gas 281228120 8405.10.000 741.71.000 Produced gas/water gas generators, with/without their pury ;acetylene 292929299 8419.40.000 741.73.000 Distilling or rectifying plant 292929299 8419.60.000 741.75.000 Machinery for liquefying air or gas 2919 8419.50.000 741.74.000 Heat exchange units 43912 Air conditioning machines 2919 8415.20.000 741.55.000 Air conditioning machines of a kindused for persons,in motor vehicles 2919 8415.83.000 741.55.300 Not incorporating a refrigerating unit 291929193 8415.10.000 741.51.000 Air condition machine for window orwall types, self-contained 291929193 8415.81.000 741.55.100 Incorperating refrigerator unit & valve for several of cool/heatcycle 291929193 8415.82.000 741.55.200 Oth, incorporating a refrigerating unit 43913 Refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps, except household type equipment 291929193 8418.50.000 741.43.000 Refrigerating / freezing display counter,cabinet,show-cases&the lik 291929193 8418.61.000 741.45.100 Compressions type units whose condensers are heat exchangers 291929193 8418.69.000 741.45.900 Other refrigerating or freezing equipment 43914 Filtering or puriftying machinery and apparatus. for liquids or gases, except oil filters, petrol filters and air intake filters for internal combustion engines 291929199 8421.21.000 743.61.000 Machinery for filtering / purifyingwater 291929199 8421.22.000 743.62.000 Machinery for filtering / purifyingbeverages other than water 291929199 8421.29.000 743.67.000 Other filtering or purifying water 291929199 8421.39.000 743.69.000 Other filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus gases 43915 Oils filters, petrol filters and air intake filters for internal combustion engines 291929199 8421.23.000 743.63.000 Filtering/purifying machinery for internal combution engines 291929199 8421.31.000 743.64.000 Filtering/purifying machinery for internal combustion engines 4392 Machiney for cleaning bottles, packing, and weighing; spraying machinery 43921 Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing, capsuling or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for aerating beverages, other packing or wrapping machinery 2919 8422.20.000 745.23.000 Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers 2919 8422.30.100 745.27.310 Machinery for aerating beverages 2919 8422.30.900 745.27.390 Other machinery for filling,closingcontainers 2919 8422.40.000 745.27.400 Other packing or wrapping machinery 43922 Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better) 2919 8423.30.000 745.31.300 Constant weight scales 291929192 8423.10.000 745.32.000 Personal weighing machines,

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Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity scales ;household scales 291929192 8423.20.000 745.31.200 Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors 291929192 8423.81.000 745.31.810 Other weighing machinery having a maximum weighing capacity lt. 30 291929192 8423.82.000 745.31.820 Weighing machinery 30kg lt. capacity lt. 5000kg 291929192 8423.89.000 745.31.890 Other weighing machinery 43923 Fire extinguishers; spray guns and similar appliances; steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines; mechanical appliances for projecting dispersing or spraying liquids of powders, except agricultural or horticultural appliances 369936999 8424.10.000 745.61.000 Fire extinguishers, whether or notcharged 292129211 8424.20.000 745.62.000 Spray guns and similar appliances 2919 8424.30.000 745.63.000 Steam or sand blasting machines andsimilar jet projecting machines 2919 8424.89.000 745.65.000 Other mechanical appliances 43924 Gaskets of metal sheeting 2919 8484.10.000 749.20.100 Gaskets and similar joints of metalsheeting combined 291329130 8484.20.000 749.99.200 Mechanical seal 291329130 8484.90.000 749.20.900 Other sets or assortments of gasketand similar joints 4393 General purpose machinery n.e.c. 43931 Fans, except domestic type, centrifuges, except cream separators and clothes dryers 293029302 8414.59.100 743.43.100 Other fans for domestic appliances 291229120 8414.59.900 743.43.900 Other fans for other purposes 291929199 8421.19.000 743.59.000 Other centrifuges 43932 Machinery n.e.c. for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature 2919 8419.89.100 741.89.100 Heating and cooling plant and machinery 2919 8419.89.300 741.89.300 Sterilising apparatus 2919 8419.89.900 741.89.900 Other machinery,plant and equipment 43933 Calandering or other rolling machines, except for metals or glass 2919 8420.10.100 745.91.100 Calendering or oth rolling machinesfor the rubber industry 2919 8420.10.210 745.91.210 Calendering machine for the textileindustry in ckd 2919 8420.10.400 745.91.400 Calendering machine,ironing machine& wringer suitable for domestic us 2919 8420.10.900 745.91.900 Calendering machines for other industry 292629263 8420.10.290 745.91.290 Calendering machine for the textileindustry other than in ckd 43934 Automatic goods vending machines 2919 8476.21.000 745.95.100 Automatic beverage-vending mach., incorp.heating/refrigerating device 2919 8476.29.000 745.95.900 Automatic bev.-vending mach withoutincorp.heating/refrigeratin

204 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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g device 2919 8476.81.000 745.95.810 Other automatic goods-vending mach.incorp.heating/refrigerating device 2919 8476.89.000 745.95.890 Oth.automatic goods-vending withoutincorp.heating/refrigeratin g device 43935 Dishwashing machines, except household type 2919 8422.19.000 745.21.000 Other dish washing machines 4394 Parts for the goods of classes 4391 to 4393 43941 Parts of producer gas or water gas generators; parts of acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators; parts for the goods of subclass 43912; parts of refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps; parts of machinery for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature 2919 8415.90.100 741.59.100 Chasis, cabinet of air conditioningmachines, welded & painted 281228120 8405.90.000 741.72.000 Parts producer gas or water gas generators 291929193 8415.90.900 741.59.900 Other parts of air conditioning machines 291929193 8418.91.000 741.49.100 Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment 291929193 8418.99.100 741.49.910 Other refrigator, freezer and other refrigerating of freezing 291929193 8418.99.900 741.49.990 Other refrigerating, freezing furniture 292129211 8419.90.000 741.90.000 Other parts machinery, plantand equipment 43942 Parts of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; parts of filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids or gasses 291929199 8421.99.000 743.95.000 Other parts of centryfuges 2919 8421.91.100 743.91.100 Part of centrifugal drying machinesw/ a capacity of not more than 30 2919 8421.91.900 743.91.900 Other parts of centryfugal drying machines 43943 Parts for the goods of subclasses 43922, 43923 and 43933; weighing machine weights; parts of agricultural or horticultural mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders 2919 8420.91.100 745.93.110 Parts ,cylinder for ironing machine&wringer ssuitable for domestic us 2919 8420.91.900 745.93.190 Other parts of cylinders 2919 8420.99.100 745.93.910 Oth.roll.machine for ironing machin&wringer ssuitable for domestic us 2919 8420.99.900 745.93.990 Other parts of calendering machines 2919 8423.90.100 745.39.100 Weights 2919 8424.90.000 745.68.000 Parts mechanical appliances 2919 8476.90.000 745.97.000 Parts of automatic goods-vending machines 291929192 8423.90.900 745.39.900 Parts weighing machinery 43944 Parts n.e.c. of dish washing machines; parts other machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; parts of machinery for filling, closing, sealing, capsuling or tabelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers and of machinery for aerating beverages; parts of other

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packing or wrapping machinery 2919 8422.90.000 745.29.000 Parts of dish washing machines, cleaning and drying bottles etc 43949 Machinery parts, non-electrical n.e.c. 2919 8485.90.100 749.99.100 Oils seal rings 2919 8485.90.900 749.99.900 Other machinery parts, n.e.s in chapter 84 DIVISION 44 SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINERY 441 Agricuktural or forestry machinery and parts thereof 4411 44110 Agricultural horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers 2921 8432.21.000 721.13.100 Disc harrows 292129211 8432.10.000 721.11.000 Ploughs 292129211 8432.29.000 721.13.900 Scarifiers, cultivators, weeders and hoes 292129211 8432.30.000 721.12.300 Seeders, planters and transplanters 292129211 8432.40.000 721.12.400 Manure spreaders and fertiliser distributors 292129211 8432.80.000 721.18.000 Oth.mach. for lawn or sports-groundrollers 4412 44120 Mowers for lawns, parks or sports-grounds 2921 8433.11.000 721.21.100 Mower powered,w/ the cutting devicerotating in a horizontal plane 2921 8433.19.000 721.21.900 Other mowers for lawns ,parks or sports grounds 4413 44130 Other mowers; other haymaking machinery; straw or fodder balers; other harvesting machinery; threshing machinery 2921 8433.30.000 721.23.300 Other haymaking machinery 2921 8433.40.000 721.23.400 Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers 2921 8433.51.000 721.22.000 Combined harvester-threshers 292129211 8433.20.000 721.23.200 Other mowers, including cutter barsfor tractor mounting 292129211 8433.52.000 721.23.520 Other threshing machinery 292129211 8433.53.000 721.23.530 Root or tuber harvesting machines 292129211 8433.59.000 721.23.590 Other harvesting machinery 4414 44140 Pedestrian controlled tractors, other than of the type used on railway station platforms 292129211 8701.10.100 722.41.100 Hand tractors,designed for agricul-tural use 292129211 8701.10.290 722.41.290 Other hand tractors 2921 8701.10.210 722.41.210 Other hand tractors in compeletelyknocked down condition (ckd) 2921 8701.10.910 722.41.910 Other pedestrian tractors in ckd 2921 8701.10.990 722.41.990 Other pedestrian tractors 4415 44150 Other tractors, excluding track-laying tractors, road tractors for semi-traillers and tractors of the type used on railway station platforms 292129211 8701.90.000 722.49.000 Other tractors 4416 44160 Mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders for agriculture or horticulture 2921 8424.81.100 745.64.100 Agricult.mech. appl for projecting dispers. liquid/powder hand oprated 2921 8424.81.900 745.64.900 Other agricult. mech. appl. for projecting/dispers liquid/powder

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4417 44170 Self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi -trailers for agricultural purposes 2921 8716.20.000 786.21.000 Self loading/self unloading trailer&semitrailer for agricultur purpos 4418 44180 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit, seed, grain, dried leguminous vegetables or other agricultural produce, milking machines; poultry incubators and brooders; agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery n.e.c. 2921 8433.60.000 721.26.000 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs,or oth.agri.products 2921 8436.29.000 721.95.900 Other agricultural machinery fittedwith thermal equipment 2921 8437.10.900 721.27.900 Oth.machines for sorting seed,grain 292129211 8434.10.000 721.31.000 Milking machines 292129211 8436.10.000 721.96.100 Machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs 292129211 8436.21.000 721.95.100 Poultry incubators and brooders 292129211 8436.80.000 721.96.800 Oth. machinery for poultry-keeping or bee-keeping 292129211 8437.10.100 721.27.100 Machines for cleaning, for grading 4419 44190 Parts for the goods of subclasses 44110 to 44130; parts of machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce; part n.e.c. of agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery 292129211 8432.90.000 721.19.000 Parts mach. for agricultural, horticultural or forestry 2921 8433.90.000 721.29.000 Parts harvesting or threshing mach. 2921 8436.91.000 721.99.100 Parts of poultry-keeping machinery or poultry incubator and brooders 2921 8436.99.000 721.99.900 Other parts of machinery agricult.,horticultural and forestry 442 Machine-tools and parts and accessories thereof 4421 Machine-tools for working metal; machine tools for working any materials by laser or similar process 44211 Machine-tools for working any materials by removal of material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultra-sonic, electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic beam or plasma arc processes 2922 8456.91.000 731.14.100 Machines tools for dry-etching patterns on semiconductor mat. 292229221 8456.10.000 731.11.000 Machine-tools operated by laser or oth.light/photon beam processes 292229221 8456.20.000 731.12.000 Machine-tool operated by ultrasonicprocesses 292229221 8456.30.000 731.13.000 Machine-tools operated by electro- discharge processes 292229221 8456.99.000 731.14.900 Other machine-tools for working anymaterial by removal of material 44212 Machining centers, unit construction machines (single station) and multi-station transfer machines, for working metal 292229221 8457.10.000 731.21.000 Machining centres 292229221 8457.20.000 731.22.000 Unit construction machines (single-station) 292229221 8457.30.000 731.23.000 Multi-station transfer machines 44213 Lathers for removing metal 292229221 8458.11.000 731.31.000 Horizontal lathes with numerically

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controlled 292229221 8458.19.000 731.37.000 Horizontal lathes without numerically controlled 292229221 8458.91.000 731.35.000 Other lathes with numerically controlled 292229221 8458.99.000 731.39.000 Other lathes without numerically controlled 44214 Machine-tools for drilling, boring or milling metal 292229221 8459.10.000 731.41.000 Way-type unit head machines 292229221 8459.21.000 731.42.000 Other drilling machines with numerically controlled 292229221 8459.29.000 731.43.000 Other drilling machines without numerically controlled 292229221 8459.40.000 731.46.000 Other boring machines 292229221 8459.51.000 731.51.000 Milling machines, knee-type with numerically controlled 292229221 8459.59.000 731.52.000 Milling machines, knee-type withoutnumerically controlled 292229221 8459.61.000 731.53.000 Other milling machines with numerically controlled 292229221 8459.69.000 731.54.000 Other boring-milling machines 2922 8459.31.000 731.44.000 Other boring-milling machines numerically controlled 2922 8459.39.000 731.45.000 Other boring-milling machines without numerically controlled 44215 Machine-tools for threading or tapping by removing metal, except lathes and way-type unit head machines 2922 8459.70.000 731.57.000 Other threading or tapping machines 44216 Machine-tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing products; machine-tools for planning, shaping, slotting broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cutting-off and other machine-tools working by removing metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets n.e.c. 2922 8461.20.000 731.71.000 Shaping or slotting machines 292229221 8460.11.000 731.61.000 Flat-surface grinding machines withnumerically controlled 292229221 8460.19.000 731.62.000 Flat-surface grinding machines without numerically controlled 292229221 8460.21.000 731.63.000 Other grinding machines with numerically controlled 292229221 8460.29.000 731.64.000 Other grinding machines without numerically controlled 292229221 8460.31.000 731.65.000 Sharpening (tool or grinding) mach.with numerically controlled 292229221 8460.39.000 731.66.000 Sharpening (tool or grinding) mach.without numerically controlled 292229221 8460.40.000 731.67.000 Honing or lapping machines 292229221 8460.90.000 731.69.000 Oth.mach.-tools for polishing or oth. whise finishing metal/cermets 292229221 8461.10.000 731.78.000 Planing machines 292229221 8461.30.000 731.73.000 Broaching machines 292229221 8461.40.000 731.75.000 Gear cutting, gear grinding or gearfinishing machines 292229221 8461.50.000 731.77.000 Sawing or cutting-off machines 292229221 8461.90.000 731.79.000 Other machine tools for planning , shaping

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44217 Machine-tools for working metal by forging, hammering or die-stamping; machine-tools for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening, shearing, punching or notching; other presses for working metal or metal carbides 292229221 8462.10.000 733.11.000 Forging or die-stamping machines and hammers 292229221 8462.21.000 733.12.000 Bending ,folding or straightening machines numerically controlled 292229221 8462.31.000 733.14.000 Shearing machines numerically controlled 292229221 8462.39.000 733.15.000 Other shearing machines 292229221 8462.91.100 733.18.110 Hydraulic presses for treating metal or metal carbides 292229221 8462.99.100 733.18.910 Other punching or notching machinesfor treating metal / metal carbide 292229221 8462.99.900 733.18.990 Other machine tools for working metal by forging 2922 8462.29.000 733.13.000 Other bending,folding/straighteningmac hines 2922 8462.41.000 733.16.000 Punching or notching machines numerically controlled 2922 8462.49.000 733.17.000 Other punching or notching machines 2922 8462.91.900 733.18.190 Other hydraulic presses 44218 Machine-tools n.e.c. for working metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets, without removing material 292229221 8463.10.000 733.91.000 Draw-benches for bars, tubes, pro -files ,wire or the like 292229221 8463.20.000 733.93.000 Thread rolling machines 292229221 8463.30.000 733.95.000 Machines for working wire 292229221 8463.90.000 733.99.000 Other machine tools for working metal,without removing material 4422 Machine tools for working stone, ceramics and the like, and for working wood, bone, hard plastics and the like; presses for the manufacture of particle board and the like 44221 Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass 292229223 8464.20.000 728.11.200 Grinding or polishing machines for working stone 292929299 8464.90.000 728.11.900 Other machine tools for working stone 2922 8464.10.000 728.11.100 Sawing machines for working stone 44222 Machine-tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials; presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board of wood or other ligneous materials and other machinery for treating wood or cork 2922 8465.10.000 728.12.100 Machines-tools for working wood without tool change 2922 8479.30.000 728.44.000 Presses for the manufacture of particle board of wood or other 292229222 8465.91.000 728.12.910 Sawing machines for working wood 292229222 8465.92.000 728.12.920 Planing , milling or moulding machines for working wood 292229222 8465.93.000 728.12.930 Grinding , sanding or polishing machines for working wood 292229222 8465.94.000 728.12.940 Bending or assembling machines for working wood

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292229222 8465.95.000 728.12.950 Drilling or morticing machines for working wood 292229222 8465.96.000 728.12.960 Splitting , slicing or paring machines for working wood 292229222 8465.99.000 728.12.990 Other machine tool for working wood 4423 Tools for working in the hand, powered 44231 Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic or with self-contained non-electric motor 2922 8467.11.000 745.11.100 Hand-tools, pneumatic with rotary type 2922 8467.19.000 745.11.900 Hand-tools, pneumatic other than rotary type 2922 8467.81.000 745.12.100 Chain saws for working in the hand 2922 8467.89.000 745.12.900 Other hand-tools hydraulic or with non-electric motor 44232 Electro-mechanical tools for working in the hand, with self contained electric motor 2922 8508.10.000 778.41.000 Drill of all kinds of electro - mechanical tools 2922 8508.20.000 778.43.000 Saws of electro-machanical tools 2922 8508.80.000 778.45.000 Other electro-mechanical tools 4424 44240 Machinery and apparatus for soldering brazing or welding; gas-operated surface tempering machines and appliances; electric machines and apparatus for hot spraying of metals or sintered metal carbides 2922 8468.10.000 737.41.000 Hand-held blow pipes 2922 8468.20.000 737.42.000 Other gas-operated machinery and apparatus 2922 8468.80.000 737.43.000 Other machinery and apparatus for soldering, brazing or welding 292229224 8515.11.100 737.31.100 Soldering irons and guns electrical 292229224 8515.11.900 737.31.900 Other soldering irons and guns included laser-type 292229224 8515.19.100 737.32.100 Electrical brazing or soldering machines 292229224 8515.19.900 737.32.900 Other brazing or soldering machinesincluded laser-type 292229224 8515.21.100 737.33.100 Electrical automatic machines for welding of metal 292229224 8515.21.900 737.33.900 Other automatic machines for weld -ing of metal includ.laser type 292229224 8515.29.100 737.34.100 Electrical machines not automatic for welding of metal 292229224 8515.29.900 737.34.900 Other machines not automatic for welding of metal includ.laser type 292229224 8515.31.100 737.35.100 Electrical automatic machines and apparatus for arc 292229224 8515.31.900 737.35.900 Other automatic machines & apparat-us included laser type 292229224 8515.39.100 737.36.100 Electrical not automatic machines and apparatus for arc 292229224 8515.39.900 737.36.900 Other machines not automatic and apparatus included laser type 292229224 8515.80.000 737.37.000 Other machines and apparatus for arc welding metals 4425 Tool holders; parts and accessories for the goods of classes 4421 to 4424

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44251 Tool holders, self-opening dieheads, work holders, dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools; tool-holders for any type of tool for working in the hand; other parts and accessories for the goods of class 4421 292229221 8466.10.000 735.11.000 Tool holders and self-opening die -heads 2922 8466.20.000 735.13.000 Work holders 2922 8466.30.000 735.15.000 Dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools 2922 8466.93.000 735.91.000 Parts for machines of no.84.61 2922 8466.94.000 735.95.000 Parts for machines of no.84.63 44252 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclass 44221; parts and accessories of machine tools for working wood, bone, hard plastics and the like 2922 8466.91.000 728.19.100 Parts for machines of 292229222 8466.92.000 728.19.200 Parts for machines of 44253 Parts for the goods of subclass 44231 2922 8467.91.000 745.19.100 Parts of chain saws 2922 8467.92.000 745.19.200 Parts of pneumatic tools 2922 8467.99.000 745.19.900 Other parts of tools for working inthe hand 44254 Parts for the goods of subclass 44232 2922 8508.90.000 778.48.000 Parts of electro-mechanical tools 44255 Parts for the goods of subclass 44240 2922 8468.90.000 737.49.000 Parts machinery and apparatus for soldering, brazing or welding 292229224 8515.90.000 737.39.000 Parts of machines for arc welding metals 443 Machinery for metallurgy and parts thereof 4431 44310 Converters, ladies, ingot moulds and casting machines, of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries; metal-rolling mills 292329230 8454.10.000 737.11.100 Converters 292929299 8454.20.000 737.11.200 Ingot moulds and ladles 292929299 8454.30.000 737.12.000 Casting machines 292929299 8455.10.000 737.21.100 Tube mills 292329230 8455.21.000 737.21.210 Hot or combination hot and cold rolling mills 292929299 8455.22.000 737.21.220 Cold rolling mills 4432 44320 Parts for the goods of subclass 44310 (including rolls for rolling mills) 292929299 8455.30.000 737.29.300 Rolls for rolling mills 292329230 8455.90.000 737.29.900 Other parts of rolling mills 2923 8454.90.000 737.19.000 Parts of machines used in metalurgi 444 Machinery for mining, quarrying and construction, and parts thereof 4441 Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, for goods or materials, specially designed for underground use; coal or rock cutters and tunnelling machinery; other boring and sinking machinery 44411 Continous-action elevators and conveyors, for goods or materials, specially designed for underground use 291529150 8428.31.000 744.72.000 Continuous-action elevator designedfor under ground use 44412 Coal or rock cutters and tunneling machinery; other boring and sinking machinery 292429240 8430.31.000 723.35.000 Coal or roek cutters and tunneling machinery self-propelled 291529150 8430.39.000 723.43.000 Other coal or roek cutters and tunneling machinery

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2924 8430.41.000 723.37.000 Boring or sinking machinery self - propelled 2924 8430.49.000 723.44.000 Other boring or sinking machinery 4442 Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting or extracting machinery, self-propelled for earth, minerals or ores (including bulldozers, mechanical shovels and road rollers) 44421 Bulldozers and angledozers, self-propelled 2924 8429.11.200 723.11.120 Angledozers 2924 8429.19.000 723.11.900 Other bulldozer and angledozer 291529150 8429.11.100 723.11.110 Buldozers 44422 Graders and levellers, self-propelled 292429240 8429.20.100 723.12.110 Graders 291529150 8429.20.200 723.12.120 Levellers 44423 Scrapers, self-propelled 292429240 8429.30.000 723.31.000 Scrapers 44424 Tamping machines and road rollers, self-propelled 292429240 8429.40.100 723.33.100 Road rollers 2924 8429.40.200 723.33.200 Tamping machines 44425 Front-end shovel loaders, self propelled 291529150 8429.51.000 723.21.000 Front-end shovel loaders 44426 Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, self-propelled, with a 360-degree revolving superstructure, except front-end shovel loaders 292429240 8429.52.100 723.22.100 Hydraulic excavators 2924 8429.52.900 723.22.900 Other hydraulic excavators 44427 Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, except front-end shovel loaders and machinery with a 360-degree revolving superstructure; moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery n.e.c., self-propelled, for earth, minerals or ores 292429240 8429.59.000 723.29.000 Other self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers 292429240 8430.50.000 723.39.000 Other machinery, self-propelled 44428 Dumpers designed for off-highway use 2924 8704.10.100 782.11.100 Motor vehicle for transp. of goods, diesel gvw > 24 tonnes 2924 8704.10.900 782.11.900 Other motor vehicle for transport of goods, diesel gvw > 24 tonnes 44429 Buldozer or angledozer blades 291529150 8431.42.000 723.92.000 Buckets ,shovels ,grabs and grips bulldozer or angledozer blades 4443 44430 Pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers; other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compating, extracting or boring machinery, not self propelled, for earth minerals or ores; machinery n.e.c. for public works, building or the like 292429240 8430.10.000 723.41.000 Pile-drivers and pile-extractors 292429240 8430.62.000 723.46.000 Scrapers,not self-propelled 292429240 8430.69.000 723.47.000 Other machinery self-propelled 2924 8430.20.000 723.42.000 Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers 2924 8430.61.000 723.45.000 Tamping or compacting machinery notself-propelled 2924 8479.10.000 723.48.000 Machinery for public works,buildingor the like 4444 44440 Machinery for sorting, screening,separating, washing, crushing, grinding, mixing or kneading earth, stone, ores or other mineral substances, in solid form; machinery for agglomerating, shaping or moulding solid mineral fuels, ceramic paste, unhardened cements, plastering materials or other minerals products in powders or paste form; machines for forming foundry moulds of sand 2924 8474.10.000 728.31.000 Sorting, screening, separating or washing machines

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2924 8474.20.100 728.32.100 Crushing or grinding machines for stones 2924 8474.20.900 728.32.900 Other crushing or grinding machines for stones 2924 8474.31.000 728.33.100 Concrete or mortar mixers 2924 8474.32.000 728.33.200 Machines for mixing mineral subs - tances with bitumen 2924 8474.39.000 728.33.900 Other machine for agglomerating 2924 8474.80.100 728.34.100 Machine for forming foundry moulds of sand 2924 8474.80.900 728.34.900 Other machinery for process. earth,stone, ore and the like 4445 44450 Track-laying tractors 2924 8701.30.100 722.30.100 Track-laying tractors in ckd 292429240 8701.30.900 722.30.900 Other track-laying tractors 4446 Parts for the goods of classes 4441 to 4444 44461 Parts n.e.c. of boring or sinking machinery and of derricks, cranes, mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane; parts n.e.c. of moving. grading levelling, scrapping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery for earth, minerals of ores; parts of pile-drivers and pile-extractors; parts of snow ploughs and snow-blowers 292429240 8431.43.000 723.93.000 Parts of boring / sinking machineryof subheading no.8431.41 or 8431.4 291529150 8431.49.100 723.99.100 Buckets ,shovels ,grabs and grips of heading no. 84.26 292429240 8431.49.290 723.99.290 Oth.buckets,shovels,grabs and gripsof heading no. 84.29 291529150 8431.49.300 723.99.300 Buckets ,shovels ,grabs and grips of heading no. 84.30 2924 8431.49.210 723.99.210 Buckets ,shovels ,grabs and grips of heading no. 84.29 in ckd 44462 Parts for the goods of subclass 44440 2924 8474.90.000 728.39.000 Parts of machinery of heading 84.74 445 Machinery for good, beverages and tobacco processing, and parts thereof 4451 Machinery for good, beverages and tobacco industries 44511 Cream separators 2925 8421.11.000 743.51.000 Cream separators centrifuges 44512 Dairy machinery 292529250 8434.20.000 721.38.000 Dairy machinery 44513 Machinery used in the miling industry or for the working of cereals or dried leguminous vegetables other than farm-type machinery 292129211 8437.80.100 727.11.100 Rice-hulling machine,rice polishing 292129211 8437.80.900 727.11.900 Other machinery used in milling industry for cleaning,sorting seed 44514 Presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages 292529250 8435.10.000 721.91.000 Presses ,crushers&similar machinery 44515 Bakery ovens, non-electric; dryers for agricultural products; machinery for making hot drinks or for cooking or heating food, except domestic type machines 292129211 8419.31.000 741.84.000 Dryers for agricultural products 2925 8417.20.000 741.37.000 Bakery ovens, includ.biscuit ovens 2925 8419.81.000 741.87.000 Machinery for making hot drinks or for cooking or heating food

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44516 Machinery n.e.c. for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink (including fats or oils) 2925 8479.20.000 727.21.000 Machinery for the extraction or preparation of fats or oils 292529250 8438.10.100 727.22.110 Bakery machinery 292529250 8438.10.900 727.22.190 Other machinery for the manufactureof macaroni ,spaghetti 292529250 8438.20.000 727.22.200 Machinery for the manufacture of confectionery,cocoa or chocolate 292529250 8438.30.000 727.22.300 Machinery for sugar manufacture 292529250 8438.40.000 727.22.400 Brewery machinery 292529250 8438.50.000 727.22.500 Machinery for the preparation of meat or poultry 292529250 8438.60.000 727.22.600 Machinery for the preparation of fruits ,nuts or vegetables 292529250 8438.80.100 727.22.810 Oth.machinery for the preparation of fish 292529250 8438.80.900 727.22.890 Other machinery used in the millingindustry 44517 Machinery n.e.c. for processing tobacco 292529250 8478.10.100 728.43.100 Machinery for rolling cigarettes manualy 292529250 8478.10.900 728.43.900 Other machinery for preparing or making up tobacco 4452 Parts for the goods of class 4451 44521 Parts of milking machines and dairy machinery; parts for the goods of subclass 44514 2925 8434.90.000 721.39.000 Part of milking & dairy machineries 2925 8435.90.000 721.98.000 Parts of presses ,crushers and similar mechinery 44522 Parts of machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables; parts n.e.c. for the goods of subclasses 44513 and 44516 292129211 8437.90.100 727.19.100 Parts of machinery for rice-hullingmachine, rice polishing 292129211 8437.90.900 727.19.900 Other parts of machinery 291929191 8438.90.000 727.29.000 Parts mach. for the industrial preparation/manufact. of food/drink 44523 Parts n.e.c. of machinery for processing tobacco 2925 8478.90.000 728.53.000 Parts of other machinery for preparing or making up tobacco 446 Machinery for textile, apparel and leather production, and parts thereof 4461 Machinery for preparing, spining, weaving and knitting textiles 44611 Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textille materials; machines for preparing textile fibres or producting textile yarns; textille reeling or winding machines and machines for preparing textille yarns for use or machines for weaving, knitting and the like 292629263 8444.00.000 724.41.000 Machines for extruding, drawing on cutting man-made textile materials 292629263 8445.11.000 724.42.110 Carding machines 292629263 8445.12.000 724.42.120 Combing machines 292629263 8445.13.000 724.42.130 Drawing or roving machines 292629263 8445.19.000 724.42.190 Other machine for preparing textilefibres 292629263 8445.20.000 724.43.200 Textile spinning machines 292629263 8445.30.000 724.43.300 Textile doubling /twisting machines

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292629263 8445.40.000 724.43.400 Textile winding (including weft - winding) or reeling machines 292629263 8445.90.000 724.54.000 Oth.machines for use on the machineof heading 84.46 or 84.47 44612 Weaving machines (looms) 292629263 8446.10.000 724.51.100 Machines for weaving fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm 292629263 8446.21.000 724.51.210 Power looms 292629263 8446.29.000 724.51.290 Other weaving machines 292629263 8446.30.000 724.51.300 Machines for weaving fabrics of a width 30 cm,shuttle less type 44613 Knitting machines, stitch-bonding machines machines for making gimped yarn, tulle, lace, embroidery, trimmings, braid or net and machines for tufting 292629263 8447.11.100 724.52.111 Circular knitting machines weighingnot exceeding 3 kgs,diameter lt.16 292629263 8447.11.900 724.52.119 Other circular knitting machines diameter lt. 165 mm 292629263 8447.12.100 724.52.121 Circular knitting machines weighingnot exceeding 3 kgs,diameter >165m 292629263 8447.12.900 724.52.129 Other circular knitting machines diameter > 165 mm 292629263 8447.20.110 724.52.211 Flat knitting machines weighing notexceeding 3 kgs 292629263 8447.20.190 724.52.219 Other flat knitting machines 292629263 8447.20.900 724.52.290 Stitch bonding machine 292629263 8447.90.900 724.53.900 Other trimming ,braid and tufting machines 2926 8447.90.110 724.53.110 Embroidery machines weighing not exceeding 3 kgs 2926 8447.90.190 724.53.190 Other embroidery machines 44614 Auxilliary machinery for use with machines for textille extruding, preparing, spinning, weaving, knitting or the like 2926 8448.11.000 724.61.100 Dobbies and jacquards;card reducingcopying or assembling machines 2926 8448.19.000 724.61.900 Oth.aux. machinery for machines of heading no.84.44 to 84.47 4462 Other machinery for textille and apparel production (including sewing machines) 44621 Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or nonwovens in the piece or in shapes; blocks for making hats; machinery for washing, wringing, ironing, pressing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made up textile articles, except household or laundry-type washing machines and dry-cleaning machines; machines for applying the paste to base fabric or other support used in the manufacture of floor coverings such as linoleum; machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics 2926 8449.00.000 724.55.000 Mach.for the manufact./finishing offelt/nonwovens in the piece/shapes 2926 8451.30.100 724.74.310 Ironing machines and presses suitable for domistic use 2926 8451.80.100 724.74.810 Oth.machinery suitable for domesticuse 292629263 8451.30.900 724.74.390 Other ironing machines and presses 292629263 8451.40.100 724.74.410 Washing machine,each of a dry linencapacity > 6 kg

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292629263 8451.40.200 724.74.420 Bleaching or dyeing machines 292629263 8451.40.900 724.74.490 Other washing machines 292629263 8451.50.000 724.74.500 Machines for reeling, unreeling,or pinking textile fabrics 292629263 8451.80.900 724.74.890 Other machinery for washing ,drying 44622 Laundry-type washing machines, each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 10 kg; dry-cleaning machines; drying machines for textille fabrics or articles, each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 10 kg 292629262 8450.20.000 724.71.000 Machines , each of a dry linen capacity > 10 kg 292629263 8451.10.000 724.72.000 Dry-cleaning machines 2926 8451.29.000 724.73.000 Other drying machines 44623 Sewing machines, except book sewing machines and household sewing machines 2926 8452.21.900 724.35.190 Other automatic sewing machines 2926 8452.29.000 724.35.900 Other sewing machines not automaticunits 292629262 8452.21.100 724.35.110 Automatic sewing machines weighing max 25 kg including motor 4463 44630 Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather or for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins or leather, other than sewing machines 2926 8453.10.000 724.81.000 Machinery for preparing, tanning orworking hides, skins or leather 2926 8453.20.000 724.83.000 Machinery for making or repairing footwear 2926 8453.80.000 724.85.000 Other machinery for processing skinor hides 4464 44640 Parts for the goods of class 4461; parts for the goods of subclass 44621,except parts of machinery for the manufacture of finishing of felt or nonwovens and blocks for making hats; parts for the goods of subclass 44622; parts of household or laundry-type washing machines and textille drying machines, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg; parts for the goods of subclass 44623 (including sewing machine needles and furniture bases and covers for sewing machines); parts for the goods of subclass 44630 2926 8448.20.000 724.49.200 Parts and accessories of machines of heading no. 84.45 2926 8448.31.000 724.49.310 Card clothing 2926 8448.32.000 724.49.320 Parts&accessories machines of machines for preparing textile fibres 2926 8448.33.000 724.49.330 Spindles, spindle flyers, spinning rings and ring travellers 2926 8448.39.000 724.49.390 & accessories of machinesof heading no.84.44 2926 8448.41.000 724.67.100 Shuttles 2926 8448.42.000 724.67.200 Reeds for looms, healds and heald -frames 2926 8448.51.000 724.68.100 Sinkers, needles and other articlesused in forming stitches 2926 8448.59.000 724.68.900 Other parts and accessories of machines of heading no. 84.47 2926 8450.90.100 724.91.100 Parts of house hold washing machine 2926 8450.90.900 724.91.900 Other parts of household washing machines 2926 8451.90.000 724.92.000 Parts of machinery for washing , drying 2926 8452.30.000 724.39.300 Sewing machine needles 2926 8452.40.000 724.39.400 Furniture ,bases and covers for

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sewing machines and parts 2926 8452.90.100 724.39.910 Parts of sewing machine, arms, bed, stand and pedal 2926 8453.90.000 724.88.000 Parts of machinery for preparing skin ,leather 292629264 8448.49.000 724.67.900 Other parts and accessories of weaving machines 292629261 8452.90.900 724.39.990 Other parts of sewing machines other parts of sewing machines 447 Weapons and ammunition and oarts thereof 4471 44710 Tanks and other armused fighting vechiles, motorised, and parts thereof 341034100 8710.00.000 891.11.000 Tanks and other armoured fightingvehicles 4472 44720 Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and swords and the like 292729270 9301.00.100 891.12.100 Military weapon imported by or for the government 292729270 9301.00.900 891.12.900 Other military weapons 4473 44730 Revolvers, pistols, other firearms and similar devices; other arms 292729270 9302.00.100 891.14.100 Revolver and pistol imported by orfor the government 292729270 9302.00.900 891.14.900 Oth revolver & pistol not importedfor the government 292729270 9303.10.100 891.31.110 Muzzle-loading firearms imported byor for the government 292729270 9303.10.900 891.31.190 Oth muzzle-loading firearm not im -ported by or for the government 292729270 9303.20.100 891.31.210 Sport,hunt or target-shoot shotgunsimported by or for the government 292729270 9303.20.900 891.31.290 Oth sport,hunt/target-shoot shotgunnot imported by/for the government 292729270 9303.30.100 891.31.310 Sport,hunt or target-shooting rifleimported by or for the government 292729270 9303.30.900 891.31.390 Oth sport,hunt/target-shoot riflesnot imported by/for the government 292729270 9303.90.100 891.31.910 Other firearms imported by or forthe government 292729270 9303.90.910 891.31.991 Oth firearms very light pistols notimported by or for the government 292729270 9304.00.000 891.39.000 Other arms (spring,air or gas gunsand truncheons) 2927 9303.90.990 891.31.999 Other firearm not imported by / forthe government 4474 44740 Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof, including shot and cartridge wads 2927 9306.10.900 891.21.900 Other cartridges for riveting notimported by or for the government 2927 9306.21.100 891.22.100 Cartridges imported by or for thegovernment 2927 9306.21.900 891.22.900 Other than 0.22 cartridges not imported by or for the government

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2927 9306.29.100 891.23.100 Other than 0.22 cartridges importedby or for the government 2927 9306.29.900 891.23.900 Other than cartridges not importedby or for the government 2927 9306.30.110 891.24.110 0.22 cartridge imported by or forthe government 2927 9306.30.190 891.24.190 Cartridges not imported by/for the government 2927 9306.30.910 891.24.910 0.22 cartridge not imported by orfor the government 2927 9306.30.990 891.24.990 Other than cartridges imported by /for the government 2927 9306.90.100 891.29.100 Other ammunision imported by or forthe government 292729270 9306.10.100 891.21.100 Cartridges for riveting imported byor for the government 292729270 9306.90.900 891.29.900 Other ammunision not imported by orfor the government 4475 44750 Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths therefor 2899 9307.00.000 891.13.000 Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lancesand similar arms and parts 4476 44760 Parts of military weapons and other arms 292729270 9305.10.100 891.91.100 Part & accessory of revolver/pistolimported by or for the government 292729270 9305.10.900 891.91.900 Oth part & accessory of revolver orpistol not import by/for governmen 292729270 9305.21.100 891.93.100 Part & accessory of shotgun barrelsimported by or for the government 292729270 9305.21.900 891.93.900 Oth part&accessory of shotgunbarrelnot imported by/for the government 292729270 9305.29.100 891.95.100 Part & accessory of rifles importedby or for the government 292729270 9305.29.900 891.95.900 Oth. parts & accessories of riflesnot imported by/for the government 292729270 9305.90.100 891.99.100 Other parts and accessories of armsimported by or for the government 292729270 9305.90.900 891.99.900 Other parts and accessories of armsnot imported by or for the govern' 448 Domestic appliances and parts thereof 4481 Domestic electric appliances; non-electric refrigerators and clothes drying machines 44811 Refrigerators and freezers, household type, electric or non-electric 293029302 8418.10.000 775.21.100 Combined refrigerator-freezer,fitt-ed w/ separate external doors 293029302 8418.21.000 775.21.210 Refrigerators ,houshold compressiontype 293029302 8418.22.000 775.21.220 Refrigerators ,houshold absorbtion-type, electrical

218 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

293029302 8418.29.000 775.21.290 Other refrigerators ,household type 291929193 8418.30.000 775.22.300 Freezers of the chest type , not exceeding 800 l capacity 291929193 8418.40.000 775.22.400 Freezers of the upright type , not exceeding 900 l capacity 44812 Dishwasing machines and clothes or linen washing or drying machines, household type, electric or non-electric 293029302 8422.11.000 775.30.000 Dish washing machines of the house-hold type 293029302 8450.11.100 775.11.110 Household washing machines capacity lt.6kg fully-automat.for clothes-w 293029302 8450.12.100 775.11.210 Household washing machines built-incentrifugal drier for clothes-wash 292629263 8451.21.100 775.12.100 Drying machines each of a dry linencapacity lt. 10 kg for industrial 293029302 8451.21.210 775.12.210 Drying machines each of a dry linencapacity lt.10kg suit.for domestic 2930 8450.11.900 775.11.190 Other household washing machines fully-automatic 2930 8450.12.900 775.11.290 Other household washing machines built-in cetrifugal drier 2930 8450.19.100 775.11.910 Other household washing machines for clothes-washing 2930 8450.19.900 775.11.990 Other household washing machines linen capacity lt. 10 kg 2930 8451.21.290 775.12.290 Oth.drying machines each of a dry linen capacity lt.10kg,oth.than ind 44813 Electric blankets 172117211 6301.10.000 775.85.000 Electric blankets 44814 Household sewing machines 292629262 8452.10.000 724.33.000 Sewing machines of the household type 44815 Fans and ventilating or recycling hoods of the domestic type 2930 8414.51.000 743.41.000 Table, floor, wall, window, ceilingor roof fans output lt. 125 w 2930 8414.60.000 743.45.000 Hoods having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120 cm 44816 Other small electic domestic appliances (including vacuum cleaners, kitchen waste disposers, food mixers, shavers, hair dryers, smoothing irons, coffee makers and toasters) 2930 8509.80.000 775.73.800 Other electro mechanical appliances 293029309 8509.10.000 775.71.100 Vacuum cleaners 293029309 8509.20.000 775.71.200 Floor polishers 293029309 8509.30.000 775.73.310 Kitchen waste disposers 293029309 8509.40.000 775.72.000 Food grinders and mixers; fruit or vegetable juice extractors 293029309 8510.10.000 775.41.000 Shavers 293029309 8510.20.000 775.42.000 Hair clippers 293029309 8510.30.000 775.73.390 Hair-removing appliances

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 219 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

293029309 8516.31.000 775.83.100 Hair dryers 293029309 8516.32.000 775.83.200 Other hair-dressing apparatus 293029309 8516.33.000 775.83.300 Hand-drying apparatus 293029302 8516.40.000 775.84.000 Electric smoothing irons 293029302 8516.71.000 775.87.100 Coffee or tea makers 291429142 8516.72.000 775.87.200 Toasters 293029302 8516.79.000 775.87.900 Oth. electro-thermic apliances oth than coffe or tea makers or toaster 44817 Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters; electric space heating apparatus and soil heating apparatus; ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers and roasters 291429142 8516.21.000 775.82.100 Storage heating radiators 291429142 8516.29.000 775.82.900 Oth.electric space heating aparatusand electric soil heating apparatu 293029302 8516.50.000 775.86.100 Microwave ovens 2930 8516.10.000 775.81.000 Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heater 2930 8516.60.000 775.86.900 Oth.ovens; cookers, cooking plates,boiling rings, grillers & roasters 44818 Electric heating resistors, except of carbon 2930 8516.80.000 775.88.000 Electric heating resistors 4482 Domestic cooking and heating equipment, non-electric 44821 Cooking appliances and plate warmers, non-electric, domestic , of iron or steel; cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes, non-electric, of copper 2930 7417.00.000 697.34.000 Cooking or heating apparatus of copper ,non-electric 289928991 7321.11.000 697.31.100 Cooking appliances & plated warmer for gas, both gas and other fuels 289928991 7321.12.000 697.31.200 Cooking appliances and plate warmer for liquis fuel 289928991 7321.13.000 697.31.300 Cooking appliances and plate warmerfor solid fuel 44822 Stoves, grates, braziers and similar non electric domestic appliances (other than cooking appliances and plate warmers) of iron steel 289928991 7321.83.000 697.32.300 Other appliances for solid fuel 2930 7321.81.000 697.32.100 Other appliances for gas fuel 2930 7321.82.000 697.32.200 Other appliances for liquid fuel 44823 Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, of iron or steel 2812 7322.11.000 812.11.100 Radiators of cast iron 2812 7322.19.000 812.11.900 Other radiators for central heating 44824 Air heaters and hot air distributors, not electrically hated, incorporating a motor driven fan or blower, of iron or steel 2930 7322.90.000 812.15.000 Other parts of radiators 44825 Central heating boilers, for producting hot water or low pressure steam 281228120 8403.10.000 812.17.000 Boilers 44826 Water heaters, instantaneous or storage, non-electric 2930 8419.11.100 741.81.100 Instaneous gas water heaters of a kind used for domestic purpose 2930 8419.11.900 741.81.900 Oth.instantaneous gas water heaters 2930 8419.19.100 741.82.100 Oth instaneous gas water heaters ofa kind used for domestic

220 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

purposes 2930 8419.19.900 741.82.900 Other storage water heaters 4483 Parts for the goods of classes 4481 and 4482 44831 Parts of the following appliances; electromechanical domestic appliances, shavers and hairclippers, with self-contained electric motor; electric instantaneous or storage water heaters, immersion heaters, space heating apparatus; electro-thermic hair-dressing apparatus and hand dryers; electric smoothing irons; other electro-thermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes 2930 8509.90.000 775.79.000 Part of electro-mechanical domesticappliances 2930 8510.90.000 775.49.000 Parts of shavers, hair clippers andhai-removing appliances 2930 8516.90.100 775.89.100 Parts of electric heating resistor 2930 8516.90.910 775.89.910 Sole plate coated of electric app. for domestic purposes 2930 8516.90.990 775.89.990 Other parts of electric apparatus for domestic purposes 44832 Parts of stovers, ranges, grates, cookers, barbecues, braziers, gas-rings, plate-warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances, of iron or steel 289928991 7321.90.000 697.33.000 Parts of stoves, ranges, grates, cookers,barbeques,braziers,gas ring 44833 Parts of central heating boilers for producing hot water or low pressure steam 281228120 8403.90.000 812.19.000 Parts of central heating boiler 449 Other special purpose machinery and parts thereof 4491 Other special purpose machinery 44911 Centrifugal clothes driers 2929 8421.12.100 743.55.100 Clothes-dryers with a capacity of not more than 30 l 2929 8421.12.900 743.55.900 Other clothes-dryers 44912 Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard and for other materials except agriculture products 2929 8419.39.000 741.86.000 Other dryers 292929292 8419.32.000 741.85.000 Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard 44913 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard; machinery (except book-binding machinery) for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard 292929292 8439.10.000 725.11.000 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material 292929292 8439.20.000 725.12.200 Machinery for making paper or paperboard 292929292 8439.30.000 725.12.300 Machinery for finishing paper or paperboard 292929292 8441.10.100 725.21.100 Cutting machines of a kind use in photographic laboratories 292929292 8441.10.900 725.21.900 Other cutting machines 292929292 8441.20.000 725.23.000 Machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes 292929292 8441.30.000 725.25.000 Machines for making cartons, boxes,cases,tubes,drums/similar containe 292929292 8441.80.000 725.29.000 Other machinery for making pulp , paper or paperboard 2929 8441.40.000 725.27.000 Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp ,paper or paperboard 44914 Book-binding machinery; machinery for typesetting and the like; printing machinery and machines for uses ancilliary to printing (except office type sheet fed offset printing machinery)

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 221 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

2929 8443.51.000 726.67.100 Ink-jet printing machines 292929291 8440.10.100 726.81.100 Book-sewing machines 292929291 8440.10.900 726.81.900 Other book-binding machines 292929291 8442.10.000 726.31.100 Phototype-setting and composing machines 292929291 8442.20.000 726.31.200 Machinery, apparatus and equipment for type setting by other processe 292929291 8442.30.000 726.31.300 Other mach., apparatus & equipment for type-founding or type-setting 292629263 8443.11.100 726.51.100 Offset printing reel fed machine for printing repetitive design 292929291 8443.11.900 726.51.900 Other offset printing reel fed machinery 292929291 8443.19.000 726.59.000 Other offset printing machinery 292929291 8443.21.000 726.61.100 Reel fed 292929291 8443.29.000 726.61.900 Oth.letter-press printing machinery 292929291 8443.30.000 726.63.000 Flexographic printing machinery 292929291 8443.40.000 726.65.000 Gravure printing machinery 292929291 8443.59.100 726.67.910 Platen presses 292629263 8443.59.910 726.67.991 Machines for printing repetitive design 292929291 8443.59.990 726.67.999 Other printing machines 292929291 8443.60.000 726.68.000 Machines for uses ancillary to printing 44915 Machinery n.e.c. for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products form these materials 292929299 8477.10.000 728.42.100 Injection-moulding machines for working rubber or plastics 292229223 8477.20.000 728.42.200 Extruders for working rubber or plastics 292929299 8477.30.000 728.42.300 Flow moulding machines for working rubber or plastics 292929299 8477.40.000 728.42.400 Vacuum moulding machines and other thermoforming machines 292929299 8477.51.000 728.42.510 Machines for moulding or retreadingpneumatic tyres 292929299 8477.59.000 728.42.590 Other machinery for moulding or otherwise forming 292929299 8477.80.000 728.42.800 Other machinery for working rubber or plstics 44916 Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal (except ingot moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics 2929 8480.10.000 749.11.000 Moulding boxes for metal foundry 2929 8480.20.000 749.12.000 Mould bases 2929 8480.30.000 749.13.000 Moulding patterns 2929 8480.41.000 749.14.000 Moudls for metal or metal carbides injection or compression types 2929 8480.49.000 749.15.000 Other moudls for metal or metal carbides 2929 8480.50.000 749.16.000 Moulds for glass 2929 8480.60.000 749.17.000 Moulds for mineral materials 2929 8480.71.000 749.18.000 Moudls for rubber or plastics injection or compression types 2929 8480.79.000 749.19.000 Other moudls for rubber or plastics

222 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

44917 Special purpose machinery n.e.c. (including machinery for isotopic separation, machines for assembling electric lamps in glass envelopes, machines for manufacturing glassware and rope making machines) 2929 8401.20.000 728.47.000 Machinery & apparatus for isotopic separation and parts thereof 2929 8475.10.000 728.41.100 Machines for assembling electric orelectronic lamps or flashbulbs 2929 8475.21.000 728.41.210 Machines for making optical fibresand preforms thereof 2929 8475.29.000 728.41.290 Other machines for manufacturing orhot working glass/glassware 2929 8479.40.000 728.49.400 Rope or cable-making machines 2929 8479.50.000 728.49.500 Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included 2929 8479.60.000 728.49.600 Evaporative air coolers 2929 8479.81.000 728.46.000 Machines and mechanical appliances for treating metal 2929 8479.82.000 728.49.800 Machines and mechanical appliances mixing, kneading, crushing ,etc 2929 8479.89.100 728.49.910 Gas operated welding, brasing,cutt-ing surface tempering appliances 2929 8479.89.200 728.49.920 Automatic vending machine not beinggames of skill,other than no.84.7 2929 8479.89.600 728.49.960 Machines for flushing water closseturinals and sinks 351135112 8479.89.900 728.49.990 Other machines and mechanical appliances 4492 Parts n.e.c. for special purpose machinery 44921 Parts for the goods of subclass 44913 2929 8439.91.000 725.91.100 Parts of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material 2929 8439.99.000 725.91.900 Other parts of machinery for makingpulp of fibrous cellulosic materia 2929 8441.90.000 725.99.000 Parts oth.mach.for making up paper,pulp,paper/paperboard incl.cutting 44922 Parts for the goods of subclass 44914; parts of office type sheet fed offset printing machinery 2929 8440.90.000 726.89.000 Parts of book-binding machines 2929 8442.40.000 726.91.000 Parts of the foregoing machinery , apparatus or equipment 2929 8443.90.000 726.99.000 Parts of printing machines 44929 Parts for the goods of subclass 44915; other parts n.e.c. of special purpose machinery 2929 8475.90.000 728.51.000 Parts of machines for assembling electric/manufacturing glassware 292229223 8477.90.000 728.52.000 Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics 351135112 8479.90.000 728.55.000 Parts machines & mech. appliances having individual functions DIVISION 45 OFFICE, ACCOUNTING AND COMPUTING MACHINERY 451 Office and accounting machinery, and parts and accessories thereof

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 223 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

4511 45110 Automatic typewriter and word-processing machines 3000 8469.11.000 751.13.100 Word-processing machines 3000 8469.12.100 751.13.210 Automatic typewriters in ckd 3000 8469.12.900 751.13.290 Automatic typewriters other than in ckd 4512 45120 Other typewriters 3000 8469.20.110 751.15.110 Oth.typewriters electric with ordinary character in ckd 3000 8469.30.100 751.18.100 Other typewriters, non-electric in ckd 3000 8469.30.900 751.18.900 Other typewriters, non-electric other than in ckd 300030002 8469.20.190 751.15.190 Oth.typewriters electric with ordinary character oth.than in ckd 300030002 8469.20.900 751.15.900 Other typewriters, electric with other than ordinary character 4513 45130 Calculating machines; accounting machines, cash registers, postage-franking machines, ticker issuing machines and similar machines, incorporating a calculating device 300030003 8470.10.000 751.21.000 Electronic calculators capable of operat.w/o external source of powe 300030003 8470.21.000 751.22.210 Electronic calculating machines in-corporating a printing device 300030003 8470.29.000 751.22.290 Other electronic calculating machines 300030001 8470.30.000 751.22.300 Other calculating machines 300030003 8470.40.000 751.23.000 Accounting machines 300030003 8470.50.900 751.24.900 Cash registers other than in ckd 300030001 8470.90.000 751.28.000 Pocket-size data recording, reproducing & displaying machines 3000 8470.50.100 751.24.100 Cash registers in ckd 4514 45140 Photo-copying apparatus incorporating an optical system or of the contact type and thermo-copying apparatus 332033202 9009.11.000 751.31.000 Electrostatic photo-copying directprocess 332033202 9009.12.000 751.32.000 Electrostatic photo - copying indi-rect process 332033202 9009.21.000 751.33.000 Photo-copying incorporating an op-tical system 332033202 9009.22.000 751.34.000 Photo-copying of the contact type 332033202 9009.30.000 751.35.000 Thermo-copying apparatus 4515 45150 Office type sheet fed printing machinery 292929291 8443.12.000 726.55.000 Sheet fed, office type (sheet size not exceeding 22 x 36 cm) 4516 45160 Other office machines (including hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines, automatic bank-note dispensers, coin-counting machines, pencil-sharpening machines and perforating or stapling machines) 300030001 8472.10.000 751.91.000 Duplicating machines 300030001 8472.20.000 751.92.000 Addressing machines & address plateembossing machines 300030001 8472.30.000 751.93.000 Machines for sorting / folding mailor for inserting mail in envelopes 300030004 8472.90.000 751.99.000 Cheque writing machines 4517 45170 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclasses 45110 to 45130 and 45160, except covers, carrying cases and the like 300030004 8473.10.900 759.91.900 Other parts & accessories of the machines of heading no: 8469

224 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

300030003 8473.29.000 759.95.900 & accessories of machinesof heading no.84.70 300030004 8473.40.000 759.93.000 Parts & accessories of the machinesof heading no.84.72 3000 8473.10.100 759.91.100 Parts & access. of the machine head no 8469 into pcb or cabinet 3000 8473.21.100 759.95.110 Parts of the electr. calc. subhead.8470.10,21 plug into pcb or cabine 3000 8473.21.900 759.95.190 Other parts of the electronic calculating subheading 8470.10, 21 4518 45180 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclass 45140 332033202 9009.90.000 759.10.000 Parts and accessories of photo - copying 452 Computing machinery and parts and accessories thereof 4521 45210 Analogue or hybrid ADP machines 300030003 8471.10.000 752.10.000 Analogue or hybrid automatic data processing machines 4522 45220 Portable digital automatic data processing machines weighing not more than 10 kg, such as laptops, notebooks and subnotebooks 3000 8471.30.000 752.33.000 Portable digital automatic data processing machines 4523 45230 Digital automatic data processing machines, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit and an input and output unit, whether or not combined 3000 8471.41.900 752.21.900 automatic data process machines in the same housing 300030003 8471.41.100 752.21.100 'main-frame' computers 4524 45240 Digital automatic data processing machines presented in the form of systems 300030003 8471.49.100 752.31.100 Cpu for personal micro computer presented in the form of system 300030003 8471.49.900 752.31.900 Oth.than cpu for personal microcomppresented in the form of system 4525 45250 Other digital automatic data processing machines whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of units: storage units, input units, output units 3000 8471.50.100 752.32.100 processing units with cpu for personal & micro computer 3000 8471.50.900 752.32.900 processing units other than for personal & micro computer 4526 45260 Input or output units, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing 321032100 8471.60.100 752.61.100 Printer 321032100 8471.60.200 752.61.200 Display monitor 321032100 8471.60.900 752.61.900 Other input/output units other thanprinter 4527 45270 Storage units 321032100 8471.70.900 752.71.900 units other than hard disk drive 3000 8471.70.100 752.71.100 Hard disk drive 3000 8473.30.200 759.97.200 Magnetic tape drive, floppy disk drive 4528 45280 Other units of automatic data processing machines n.e.c. 3000 8471.80.000 752.98.000 Other units of automatic data processing machines

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 225 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

322032200 8471.90.000 752.99.000 Other of data processing machines and units thereof 4529 45290 Parts and accessories of cumputing machines 3000 8473.30.100 759.97.100 Parts & acces. of the machines head no: 8471 plug into pcb or cabinet 3000 8473.30.900 759.97.900 Other parts & accessories of the machines of heading no: 8471 3000 8473.50.000 759.95.000 Parts&access equally suitabale for mach.of headings nos.84.69 to 84.72 DIVISION 46 ELECTRICAL MACHINERY AND APPARATUS 461 Electric motors, generators and transformers, and parts thereof 4611 Electric motors, generators and the like 46111 Motors of an output not exceeding 37.5 W; other DC motors; DC generators 3110 8501.10.110 716.10.110 Dc motors lt. 37.5w in ckd conditions 3110 8501.10.190 716.10.190 Other dc motors lt. 37.5w 3110 8501.10.910 716.10.910 Other motors ac/dc lt. 37.5w in ckd conditions 3110 8501.31.100 716.20.110 Dc motors ;dc generator lt. 750w in ckd conditions 3110 8501.32.100 716.20.210 Dc motors ;dc generator 750w lt.output lt. 7500w in ckd conditions 3110 8501.33.100 716.20.310 Dc motors ;dc generator 75w lt. output lt. 375w in ckd conditions 3110 8501.34.100 716.20.410 Dc motors ;dc generator > 375w in ckd conditions 311031101 8501.10.990 716.10.990 Other motors ac/dc lt. 37.5w 311031102 8501.31.900 716.20.190 Other dc motors ;dc generator lt.750w 311031102 8501.32.900 716.20.290 Other dc motors ;dc generator 750w lt. output lt. 7500w 311031102 8501.33.900 716.20.390 Other dc motors ;dc generator 75w lt. output lt. 375w 311031102 8501.34.900 716.20.490 Other dc motors ;dc generator >375w 46112 Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 37.5 W; other AC motors; AC generators (alternators) 311031101 8501.20.900 716.31.900 Other universal ac/dc motors >37.5w 311031101 8501.40.900 716.31.490 Other ac motors ,single-phase 311031101 8501.51.900 716.31.519 Other ac motors ,multi-phase lt. 370w 311031101 8501.52.900 716.31.529 Ac motors,multi-phase 750w lt. output lt. 7500w other than in ckd 311031101 8501.53.900 716.31.539 Ac motors ,multi-phase > 75w other than in ckd 311031102 8501.61.900 716.32.190 Ac generators lt. 75 kva other than in ckd 311031102 8501.62.900 716.32.290 Ac generators 75 kva lt. output lt. 375 kva other than in ckd 311031102 8501.63.900 716.32.390 Ac generators 375 kva lt. output lt. lt. 750 kva other than in ck 311031102 8501.64.900 716.32.490 Ac generators > 750 kva other thanin ckd

226 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

3110 8501.20.100 716.31.100 Universal ac/dc motors > 37.5w in ckd conditions 3110 8501.40.100 716.31.410 Other ac motors ,single-phase in ckd conditions 3110 8501.51.100 716.31.511 Other ac motors ,multi-phase lt. 370win ckd conditions 3110 8501.52.100 716.31.521 Other ac motors ,multi-phase 750w lt.output lt. 7500w in ckd conditi 3110 8501.53.100 716.31.531 Ac motors ,multi-phase > 75w in ckdconditions 3110 8501.61.100 716.32.110 Ac generators lt. 75 kva in ckd conditions 3110 8501.62.100 716.32.210 Ac generators 75 kva lt. output lt. 375 kva in ckd conditions 3110 8501.63.100 716.32.310 Ac generators 375 kva lt. output lt. 750 kva in ckd conditions 3110 8501.64.100 716.32.410 Ac generators > 750 kva in ckd conditions 46113 Electric generating sets and rotary converters 3110 8502.31.000 716.52.100 Other generating set with wind- powered 291129112 8502.11.000 716.51.100 Generating sets with compression- ignition lt. 75 kva 311031102 8502.12.000 716.51.200 Generating sets with compression- ignition 75 kva lt. output lt. 3 291129112 8502.13.000 716.51.300 Generating sets with compression- ignition > 375 kva 311031102 8502.20.000 716.51.900 Generating sets with spark-ignitioninternal combustion piston engines 311031102 8502.39.000 716.52.900 Other generating sets with other- powered 311031102 8502.40.000 716.40.000 Electric rotary converters 4612 Electrical transformers, static converters and inductors 46121 Electrical transformers 311031103 8504.21.000 771.11.100 Liquid dielectric transformers capacity lt. 650 kva 311031103 8504.22.000 771.11.200 Liquid dielectric transformers 650 kva lt. capacity lt. 10000 kv 311031103 8504.23.000 771.11.300 Liquid dielectric transformers capacity > 10000 kva 311031103 8504.31.900 771.19.190 Other transformers capacity lt. 1 kva 311031103 8504.32.100 771.19.210 Other transformers,1 kva lt. capacity lt. 16 kva as a toys 315031509 8504.32.990 771.19.299 Other transformer, 1 kva lt. capacity lt. 16 kva 311031103 8504.33.000 771.19.300 Other transformers,16kva lt. capacity lt. 500 kva 311031103 8504.34.000 771.19.400 Other transformers,capacity >500kva 3110 8504.31.100 771.19.110 Power transformer, capacity lt. 1 kva 3110 8504.31.200 771.19.120 Step up/down transfomator, stabili- zer and current transformator 3110 8504.32.910 771.19.291 Oth. transformer of high

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frequency, 1 kva lt. capacity lt. 16 kva 46122 Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes; static converters; other inductors 3110 8504.40.200 771.21.200 Uninteruptable power supply 311031103 8504.10.000 771.23.000 Ballast,for discharge lamps or tube 311031103 8504.40.110 771.21.110 Battery chargers ,rating > 100 kva 311031103 8504.40.190 771.21.190 Other battery chargers , rating lt. 100 kva 321032100 8504.40.900 771.21.900 Other static converters 311031103 8504.50.000 771.25.000 Other inductors 4613 Parts for the goods of classes 4611 and 4612 46131 Parts of electric motors, generators and the like 311031102 8503.00.100 716.90.100 Parts suitable for electric motors 311031102 8503.00.900 716.90.900 Other parts suitable with heading no.85.01 or no.85.02 46132 Parts of electrical transformers, static converters and inductors 311031103 8504.90.110 771.29.110 Parts of radiator for liquid dielectric transformers 311031103 8504.90.190 771.29.190 Other parts of radiator for transformers 311031103 8504.90.300 771.29.300 Parts of inductors for transformer 311031103 8504.90.990 771.29.990 Other parts of inductors 3110 8504.90.200 771.29.200 Parts of radiator,rating > 100 kva 3110 8504.90.910 771.29.910 Parts of oil immersed low voltage circuit breaker 462 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, and parts thereof 4621 Electricity distribution or control apparatus 46211 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connexions to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage exceeding 1000 V 312031201 8535.10.000 772.41.000 Fuses 312031202 8535.21.000 772.42.000 Automatic circuits breakers for avoltage of less than 72,5 kv 312031202 8535.29.000 772.43.000 Other automatic circuits breakersfor a voltage > 72,5 kv 312031202 8535.30.100 772.44.100 Isolating switches of commutator 312031201 8535.30.900 772.44.900 Other of isolating switch and make-and-break switches 312031201 8535.40.000 772.45.000 Lightning arresters, volt. limitersand surge suppressors 312031201 8535.90.000 772.49.000 Other electrical apparatus forswitching 46212 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, for making connexions to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage not exceeding 1000 V 312031202 8536.10.000 772.51.000 Fuses for a voltage lt. 1000 v 312031201 8536.20.000 772.52.000 Automatic circuits breakers fora voltage lt. 1000 v 312031202 8536.30.000 772.53.000 Oth. apparatus for protecting elec-trical circuits for voltage lt. 10 312031201 8536.41.000 772.54.100 Relays for a voltage lt. 60 v 321032100 8536.49.000 772.54.900 Other relays 312031201 8536.50.100 772.55.100 Make&break switch of a kind used indom.elec.wiring press. lt.500v,cap 322032200 8536.50.900 772.55.900 Other switches for a voltage

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lt.1000v 312031201 8536.61.000 772.57.000 Lamp-holders 312031202 8536.69.000 772.58.000 Other plugs and sockets 311031103 8536.90.100 772.59.100 Commutator for electrical apparatus lt. 1000 v 312031201 8536.90.200 772.59.200 Junction boxes for electrical appa-ratus lt. 1000 v 312031201 8536.90.300 772.59.300 Connector and socket cable for i.c.and printed circuit 312031202 8536.90.400 772.59.400 Cable connector and socket cable for i c & printed circuit 311031103 8536.90.900 772.59.900 Other electrical apparatus for avoltage lt. 1000 v 46213 Boards, consoles, cabinets and other bases, equipped with electrical switching etc. apparatus, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage not exceeding 1000 V 312031201 8537.10.000 772.61.000 Boards,panels for a voltage lt.1000v 46214 Boards, consoles, cabinets and other bases, equipped with electrical switching etc. apparatus, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage exceeding 1000 V 312031201 8537.20.000 772.62.000 Boards,panels for a voltage >1000v 4622 46220 Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus 321032100 8538.10.000 772.81.000 Boards,panels,consoles,desk,cabi netof heading no; 85.37 312031201 8538.90.000 772.82.000 Other boards,panels,consoles,desks,cabi nets of heading no; 85.37 463 Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables 4631 46310 Insulated winding wire 319031900 8544.11.190 773.11.119 Winding wire of copper in other form 313031300 8544.11.990 773.11.199 Other winding wire 319031900 8544.19.900 773.11.990 Winding wire of other than copperof other type 3130 8544.11.110 773.11.111 Rectangular winding wire of copper 3130 8544.11.200 773.11.120 Winding wire of copper covered withtextile 3130 8544.11.300 773.11.130 Winding wire of copper insulatedwith pvc 3130 8544.11.910 773.11.191 Rectangular winding wire of other, cover with paper 3130 8544.19.300 773.11.930 Manganese resistance wire 4632 46320 Co-axial cable and other co-axial electric conductors 313031300 8544.20.100 773.12.100 Co-axial cable fitted with connect-ors 313031300 8544.20.210 773.12.210 Co-axial cable not fitted withconnectors isulated with pvc 313031300 8544.20.290 773.12.290 cable not fitted withconnectors 4633 46330 Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships 313031300 8544.30.000 773.13.300 Ignition wiring set&oth. wiring setof a kind used in vehicle,aircraft 4634 46340 Other electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 1000 V 313031300 8544.49.110 773.14.911 Elect.conductor for a voltage lt. 80vinsulated with pvc 313031300 8544.49.190 773.14.919 Oth. cable for electrical

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conductorfor a voltage lt. 80 v 313031300 8544.49.910 773.14.991 Oth.elect.conductor for voltage lt.80vinsulated with pvc 313031300 8544.49.990 773.14.999 Oth. electric conductor lt. 80 v insulated with other materials 313031300 8544.59.110 773.15.911 Elect.conductor of 80v lt.volt. lt.1000 vinsulated with pvc 313031300 8544.59.190 773.15.919 Other cable for electric conductorof 80 v lt. voltage lt. 1000 v 313031300 8544.59.910 773.15.991 Other electric conductor of80v lt.volt. lt.1000v insulated wit 313031300 8544.59.990 773.15.999 Oth.elect conductor 80v lt.volt. lt.1000vinsulated with other material 3130 8544.41.000 773.14.100 Elect.conductor for a voltage lt. 80vfitted with connectors 3130 8544.51.000 773.15.100 Elect.conductor of 80v lt.volt. lt.1000 vwith fitted connectors 4635 46350 Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 1000 V 313031300 8544.60.000 773.17.000 Other electric conductors, for avoltage exeeding 1000 v 4636 46360 Optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres 313031300 8544.70.000 773.18.000 Optical fibre cables 464 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, and parts thereof 4641 46410 Primary cells and primary batteries 314031401 8506.10.000 778.11.100 Primary cells and batteries of manganese dioxide 314031401 8506.30.000 778.11.300 Primary cells and batteries of mercuric oxide 314031401 8506.40.000 778.11.400 Primary cells and batteries of silver oxide 314031401 8506.50.000 778.11.500 Primary cells and batteries of lithium 314031401 8506.80.000 778.11.800 Other primary cells and primary batteries 3140 8506.60.000 778.11.600 Primary cells and batteries of air-zinc 4642 46420 Electric accumulators 3140 8507.10.990 778.12.199 Electric accumulators of lead-acid 314031402 8507.10.100 778.12.110 Electric accumulators of lead-acid for aeroplane 314031402 8507.10.910 778.12.190 Electric accumulators of lead-acid of 6 or 12 volts 314031402 8507.20.000 778.12.200 Other lead-acid accumulators 314031402 8507.30.000 778.12.300 Other lead-acid accumulators 314031402 8507.40.000 778.12.400 Accumulators of nicles-iron 314031402 8507.80.000 778.12.800 Accumulators of other material 4643 46430 Parts of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators (including separators) 314031402 8507.90.900 778.19.900 Oth. parts of electric accumulators 3140 8506.90.000 778.17.000 Parts of primary cells and primary batteries 3140 8507.90.100 778.19.100 Parts of electric accumulators for industry or stationary 465 Electric filament or discharge lamps; arc lamps; lighting equipment; parts thereof

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4651 46510 Electric filament or discharge lamps; arc lamps 343034300 8539.10.100 778.23.100 Sealed beam lamp units for automo -biles 315031501 8539.10.200 778.23.200 Sealed beam lamp units for other motor vehicles or cycles 315031501 8539.10.900 778.23.900 Other sealed beam lamp units 315031501 8539.21.000 778.21.100 Tungsten halogen 315031501 8539.22.000 778.21.200 Other filament lamp power lt.200w andvoltage > 100 v 315031501 8539.29.000 778.21.900 Other filament lamp 319031900 8539.31.100 778.22.110 Discharge lamps used for decorativeand publicity purpose of fluorecen 315031502 8539.31.200 778.22.120 Fluorecent lamp 319031900 8539.31.900 778.22.190 Other fluorecent lamp 315031502 8539.32.000 778.24.900 Mercury or sodium vapour lamps; metal halide lamps 319031900 8539.39.100 778.22.910 Other discharge lamp used for deco-rative and publicity purposes 315031501 8539.39.900 778.22.990 Other discharge lamps other thanultra violet 315031501 8539.41.000 778.24.200 Arc lamps 315031501 8539.49.000 778.24.100 Ultra violet or infra red lamps 4652 46520 Photographic flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like 332033203 9006.62.000 881.12.000 Flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like 4653 Lighting equipment 46531 Portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (exceed those for cycles or motor vehicles); electric ceiling or wall lighting fittings (except those for lighting public open spaces or thorough-fares); electric table, desk, bedside or floor standing lamps; non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like 351135112 8513.10.900 813.12.900 Other portable electric lamps 252025204 9405.10.900 813.11.900 Other chandelier and other electricceiling 261026121 9405.20.900 813.13.900 Other electric table, desk, bedside 289928997 9405.50.610 813.17.610 Miner's lamps, quarrymen's lamps ofbase metal 289928997 9405.50.620 813.17.620 Pressure (gasmantle) lamps of basemetal 289928997 9405.50.630 813.17.630 Kerosene hurricane lamps of base metal 289928997 9405.50.690 813.17.690 Oth. non-electrical lamp & lightingfittings of base metal 369936999 9405.60.300 813.20.300 Illuminate sign,name plate&the likeof worked monument/building stone 369936999 9405.60.400 813.20.400 Illuminated signs,illuminated nameplates and the like of ceramic 369936999 9405.60.900 813.20.700 Other illuminated signs,illuminatedname plates and the like 3150 8513.10.100 813.12.100 Minner's lamp, quarry men's lamps 3150 9405.10.200 813.11.200 Chandelier & other electric ceilingof wood

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3150 9405.20.200 813.13.200 Electric table, desk, bedside ofwood 3150 9405.50.100 813.17.100 Non-electr lamp&lighting fitting ofplastics 3150 9405.50.200 813.17.200 Non-electr lamp&lighting fitting ofwood 3150 9405.50.300 813.17.300 Non-electr lamp&lighting fitting ofworked monumental / building stone 3150 9405.50.400 813.17.400 Non-electr lamp&lighting fitting ofceramic 3150 9405.50.510 813.17.510 Kerosene wall bracket lamps and ke-rosene hurricane lamps of glass 3150 9405.50.590 813.17.590 Oth. non-electrical lamp & lightingfittings of glass 3150 9405.50.900 813.17.900 Oth. non-electrical lamp & lightingfittings 46532 Lighting sets of a kind used for Cristmas trees 3150 9405.30.000 894.41.000 Lighting sets of a kind used forchristmas trees 46539 Other electric lamps and lighting fittings (including lamps and lighting fittings of a kind used for lighting public open spaces or thorough-fares) 3150 9405.40.100 813.15.100 Oth. electric lamp&lighting fittingof plastics 3150 9405.40.200 813.15.200 Oth. electric lamp&lighting fittingof wood 3150 9405.40.300 813.15.300 Oth. electric lamp&lighting fittingof worked monumental/building ston 3150 9405.40.400 813.15.400 Oth. electric lamp&lighting fittingof ceramic 3150 9405.40.900 813.15.900 Oth. electric lamp&lighting fitting 261026121 9405.40.500 813.15.500 Oth. electric lamp&lighting fittingof glass 289928997 9405.40.610 813.15.610 Oth elec.lamp&light fitting of basemetal nonflash beacon for aerodrom 289928997 9405.40.690 813.15.690 Oth elec.lamp&light fitting of basemetal 4654 Parts for the goods of classes 4651 and 4653 46541 Parts of electric filaments or discharge lamps; parts of arc lamps 319031900 8539.90.000 778.29.000 Parts of ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc lamps 46542 Parts of portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (except those of cycles or motor vehicles); parts n.e.c. of lamps and lighting fittings; parts n.e.c. illuminated signs, illuminated name-plate and the like 289928997 9405.99.100 813.99.100 Parts for pressure (gasmantle) lamp 289928997 9405.99.200 813.99.200 Frames for miners lamps, quarrymenslamps 289928997 9405.99.300 813.99.300 Frames for articles falling with inheading no. 9405.40.610 289928999 9405.99.990 813.99.990 Parts of lamps of base metals 3150 8513.90.000 813.80.000 Parts of portable electric lamps 3150 9405.99.400 813.99.400 Parts for kerosene cycle lamps 3150 9405.99.910 813.99.910 Parts of flashlight of base metals 469 Other electricao euipment and thereof

232 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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4691 46910 Electrical ignition or starting equipment of a kind used for internal combustion engines generators and cut-outs of a kind used in conjunction with internal combustion engines; electrical lighting or signalling equipment (except filament or discharge lamps), windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles 3190 8511.10.100 778.31.110 Sparking plugs designed for use in aeroplanes 3190 8511.20.000 778.31.200 Ignition magnetos; magneto-dynamos;magnetic flywheels 3190 8511.40.900 778.31.499 Dual purposes starter-generators 3190 8511.50.111 778.31.511 Alternator tobe used directly for ass./manufact.of sedan/stat.wagon 3190 8511.50.119 778.31.519 Alternator oth.than tobe use directfor ass./manufact of sedan/stat.wag 3190 8511.50.190 778.31.590 Alternator oth.than for assembly purposes & manufacture 3190 8512.10.000 778.34.100 Lighting or visual signalling equipment of a kind used on bicycles 3190 8512.20.300 778.34.200 Lighting equipment for automobiles 359135912 8511.10.900 778.31.190 Other sparking plugs 359135912 8511.30.000 778.31.300 Distributors; ignition coils 343034300 8511.40.111 778.31.411 Starter tobe used directly for ass.& or manufactof sedan/station wagon 343034300 8511.40.119 778.31.419 Starter oth.than tobe used directlyfor assembling of sedan/stat. wagon 315031509 8511.40.190 778.31.490 Starter oth.than for assembly purposes & manufacture 311031102 8511.50.900 778.31.599 Other generators other than alternator 359135912 8511.80.000 778.31.800 Other equipment for electrical ignition 351135112 8512.20.900 778.34.900 Oth. lighting or visual signalling equipment 351135112 8512.30.000 778.34.300 Sound signalling equipment 351135112 8512.40.000 778.34.400 Windscreen wipers ,defrosters and demisters 4692 46920 Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus except for cycles or motor vehicles, and except electro-mechanical traffic control equipment for transport facilities 319031900 8530.10.000 778.82.100 Electr.signalling,safety or trafficcontrol eqp.for railways/tramways 319031900 8530.80.100 778.82.810 Electr.signalling,safety or trafficcontrol equipment for roads 319031900 8530.80.300 778.82.830 Electr.signalling,safety or trafficcontrol eqp.for port installations 353035301 8530.80.400 778.82.840 Electr.signalling,safety or trafficcontrol equipment for airfields 319031900 8530.80.900 778.82.890 Other electrical signalling, safetyor traffic control equipment 351135112 8531.10.000 778.84.100 Burglar or fire alarms and similarapparatus

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351135112 8531.80.900 778.84.890 Other electric sound or visualsignalling apparatus 3190 8531.20.000 778.84.200 Indicator panels incorporating lcdor led 3190 8531.80.100 778.84.810 Telegraphic apparatus for ship'sengine room 4693 46930 Electrical equipment n.e.c. (including electromagnets; permanent magnets; electromagnetic couplings; clutches and brakes; electro-magnetic lifting heads; electrical particle accelerators; electrical signal generators; and apparatus for electro-plating, electrolysis or electrophoresis) 3190 8505.11.000 778.81.110 Permanent magnets and become permanent magnets of metal 3190 8505.19.000 778.81.190 Other permanent magnets and become permanent magnets 3190 8505.20.000 778.81.200 Electro magnetic couplings,clutchesand brakes 3190 8505.30.000 778.81.300 Electro-magnetic lifting heads 3190 8505.90.000 778.81.900 Other electro magnet including part 3190 8543.11.000 778.71.100 Ion implanters for doping semi- conductors materials 3190 8543.19.000 778.71.900 Other particle accelators 3190 8543.20.000 778.78.200 Signal generators of electricalmachines 3190 8543.30.000 778.78.300 Machine & apparatus for electropla-ting electrolysis / electrophoresi 3190 8543.40.000 778.78.100 Electric fence energisers 3190 8543.81.000 778.78.800 Proximity cards and tags 3190 8543.89.100 778.78.810 Electrical mine detonators 3190 8543.89.900 778.78.890 Oth.machines & app. for electro- plating, electrolisis/electrophores 4694 46940 Electrical insulators, except of glass or ceramic; insulating fittings for electrical machines or equipment, except of ceramics or plastics; electrical conduit tubing and joints therefor, of base metal lined with insulating material 3190 8546.90.000 773.24.000 Other electrical insulators of anymaterials 3190 8547.90.910 773.29.910 Insulating fittings of mica 312031202 8547.90.100 773.29.100 Elec conduit tubing/joints thereforof base metal lined with insulating 312031202 8547.90.990 773.29.990 Other insulating fittings 4695 46950 Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes, lamp carbons, battery carbons and other articles of graphite or other carbon of a kind used for electrical purposes 293029309 8545.20.000 778.86.200 Brushes 3190 8545.11.000 778.86.110 Electrode of kind used for furnaces 3190 8545.19.000 778.86.190 Oth.electrodes oth.than a kind usedfor furnaces 3190 8545.90.200 778.86.920 Battery carbons 3190 8545.90.900 778.86.990 Other carbon for electrical purpose 4696 46960 Parts for the goods of subclasses 46910 and 46920; electrical parts n.e.c. of machinery or apparatus 3190 8511.90.100 778.33.100 Parts of elect. ignition for plugs 3190 8512.90.000 778.35.000 Parts of electrical lighting or signalling 3190 8530.90.000 778.83.000 Part of electrical signalling,safe-ty or traffic control equipment

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3190 8531.90.100 778.85.100 Parts of oth elec. sound or visual sign app., plug into pcb or cabine 3190 8543.90.100 778.79.100 Parts of particles acceleratorsof electrical machines 3190 8543.90.900 778.79.900 Other parts of electrical machines 359135912 8511.90.900 778.33.900 Other parts of electric ignition 322032200 8531.90.900 778.85.900 Other parts of other electric soundor visual signalling apparatus 321032100 8548.90.000 778.89.900 Waste & scrap of elect. parts of machines or apparatus DIVISION 47 RADIO, TELEVISION AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT AND APPARATUS 471 Electronic valves and tubes; electronic components; part thereof 4711 47110 Electrical capacitors 321032100 8532.10.000 778.61.000 Fixed capacitor designed for use in50/60hz circuit&capacity > 0,5 kva 321032100 8532.21.000 778.62.000 Fixed capacitors of tantalum 321032100 8532.22.000 778.63.000 Fixed capacitors of aluminium elec-trolytic 321032100 8532.23.000 778.64.000 Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielec-tric, single layer 321032100 8532.24.000 778.65.000 Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielec-tric, multilayer 321032100 8532.25.000 778.66.000 Fixed capacitors of dielectric ofpaper or plastics 321032100 8532.29.000 778.67.000 Other fixed capacitors 321032100 8532.30.000 778.68.000 Variable or adjustable (pre-set)capacitors 4712 47120 Electrical resistors (except heating resistors) 321032100 8533.10.000 772.31.000 Fixed carbon resistors, compositionor film types 321032100 8533.21.000 772.32.100 Other fixed resistors for a powerhandling capacity lt. 20 w 321032100 8533.29.000 772.32.900 Other electrical resistors 321032100 8533.31.000 772.33.100 Wirewound variable resistors, for a power handling capacity lt. 20 w 321032100 8533.39.000 772.33.900 Wirewound variable resistors, for a power handling capacity >= 20 w 321032100 8533.40.000 772.35.000 Other variable resistors, includingrheostats and pentiometers 4713 47130 Printed circuits 321032100 8534.00.000 772.20.000 Printed circuits 4714 47140 Thermonic, cold cathode or photo-cathode valves and tubes (including cathode ray tubes) 321032100 8540.11.000 776.11.000 Colour cathode - ray televisionpicture tubes 321032100 8540.12.000 776.12.000 B/w or monochrome cathode-ray tvpicture tubes 321032100 8540.20.000 776.21.000 Television camera tubes; image con-verter&intensifier;oth.cathod e tub 321032100 8540.40.000 776.23.400 Data/graphic displ. tubes, colour with phosphor dotscreen pich lte.0. 321032100 8540.71.000 776.25.100 Magnetrons

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321032100 8540.72.000 776.25.200 Klystrons 321032100 8540.79.000 776.25.900 Other microwave tubes excluding grid-controlled tubes 3210 8540.50.000 776.23.500 Data/graphic display tubes, black and white or oth monochrome 3210 8540.60.000 776.23.600 Other cathode-ray tubes 3210 8540.81.000 776.27.100 Receiver or amplifier valves andtubes 3210 8540.89.000 776.27.900 Other valve and tubes 4715 47150 Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; photosensitive semiconductor devices; light emitting diodes; mounted piezo-electric crystals 3210 8541.21.000 776.32.000 Transistor, oth than photosensitivewith a dissipation rate of lt. 1 w 3210 8541.30.000 776.35.000 Thyristors, diacs and triacs, otherthan photosensitive devices 3210 8541.40.100 776.37.100 Photovoltaic cells, assembled inmodules or into panels 321032100 8541.10.000 776.31.000 Diodes,other than photosensitive orlight emitting diodes 321032100 8541.29.000 776.33.000 Other transistor 321032100 8541.40.900 776.37.900 Other thyristors,diacs&triacs, oth.than photosensitive devices 321032100 8541.50.000 776.39.000 Other semiconductor devices 321032100 8541.60.000 776.81.000 Mounted piezo-electric crystals 4716 47160 Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies 321032100 8542.19.000 776.41.900 Other monolithic i.c. 321032100 8542.40.000 776.45.000 Hybrid integrated circuits 3210 8542.13.000 776.41.300 Metal oxide semiconductors (mos technology) 3210 8542.14.000 776.41.100 Circuits obtained by bipolar technology 3210 8542.30.000 776.43.000 Oth monolithic integrated circuits 3210 8542.50.000 776.49.000 Electronic microassemblies 4717 Parts for the goods of classes 4711, 4712 and 4714 to 4716 47171 Parts for the goods of subclass 47110 3210 8532.90.000 778.69.000 Parts of electric capacitors 47172 Parts for the goods of subclass 47120 3210 8533.90.000 772.38.000 Parts of electrical resistors 47173 Parts for the goods of subclasses 47140 to 47160 3210 8540.91.000 776.29.100 Parts of cathode-ray tubes 3210 8540.99.000 776.29.900 Other parts of thermionic, cold ca-thode 3210 8541.90.000 776.88.000 Parts of diodes,transistors & semi-conductor devices 3210 8542.90.000 776.89.000 Parts of integrated circuits 472 Television and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony or telegraphy; parts and accessories thereof 4721 Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras 47211 Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus 3220 8525.20.100 764.32.100 Cellular telephone 322032200 8525.10.000 764.31.000 Transmission apparatus 322032200 8525.20.900 764.32.900 Oth.transmission apparatus incorp. reception apparatus 47212 Television cameras 322032200 8525.30.000 764.82.000 Television cameras

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4722 47220 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy; video phones 353035301 8517.11.000 764.11.100 Line telephone sets with cordless handsets 322032200 8517.19.000 764.11.900 Telp.sets;videophones other than line telp. set with cordles handset 322032200 8517.21.000 764.13.200 Facsimile machines 322032200 8517.30.100 764.15.100 Telephonic switching apparatus 322032200 8517.30.200 764.15.200 Telegraphic 353035301 8517.50.000 764.17.000 Oth.apparatus, for carrier-current line syst. (digital line systems) 322032200 8517.80.000 764.19.000 Other electrical apparatus for linetelephony/telegraphy 3220 8517.22.000 764.13.100 Teleprinters 473 Radio broadcast and television receivers; apparatus for sound and video recording and reproducing; microphones loudspeakers, amplifiers, etc.; reception apparatus for radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 4731 Radio broadcast and television receivers 47311 Radio broadcast receivers (except of a kind used in motor vehicles), including apparatus capable of receiving also radio-telephony or radio telegraphy, whether or not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock 3230 8527.12.000 762.21.200 Pocket-size radio cassette-players 3230 8527.13.000 762.21.300 Oth.apparatus combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus 323032300 8527.19.000 762.22.000 Other reception apparatus for radio 322032200 8527.31.000 762.81.000 Other radio-broadcast receiver withsound recording 323032300 8527.32.000 762.82.000 Other radio-broadcast receivers notwith sound recording 322032200 8527.39.000 762.89.000 Other radio-broadcast receivers 47312 Radio broadcast receivers not capable of operating without an external source of power, of a kind used in motor vehicles, including apparatus capable of receiving also radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 322032200 8527.21.000 762.11.000 Radio b.c. receivers used in motorvehicles with sound recording 323032300 8527.29.000 762.12.000 Other radio - broadcast receiversused in motor vehicles 47313 Television receivers, whether or not combined with radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus 323032300 8528.12.000 761.10.500 Colour reception apparatus for television 323032300 8528.13.000 761.10.800 Black and white or other monochromeof reception apparatus television 323032300 8528.21.000 761.20.500 Colour video monitors 323032300 8528.22.000 761.20.600 Black and white or other monochromeof video monitors 323032300 8528.30.000 761.10.200 Video projector 4732 Apparatus for sound and video recording and reproducing 47321 Turntables, record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus (not incorporating a sound recording device) 323032300 8519.10.000 763.31.000 Coin-or disc-operated record-player 321032100 8519.29.000 763.33.900 Oth.record-players with loudspeaker 323032300 8519.31.000 763.35.100 Turntables (record-decs) with

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automatic record changing mechanism 323032300 8519.39.000 763.35.900 Oth.turntables (record-decks) with-out automatic record changing mech. 323032300 8519.40.000 763.82.000 Transcribing machines 323032300 8519.93.000 763.83.300 Oth.cassette type for sound repro- ducing apprts. oth.than pocket size 323032300 8519.99.100 763.83.100 Sound reproducers, for film lt. 16 mminclud.cameras for double 8mm fi 323032300 8519.99.200 763.83.220 Sound reproducers, for film >=16 mminclud.cameras for double 8mm film 323032300 8519.99.900 763.83.900 Other sounds reproducers 3230 8519.21.000 763.33.100 Other record-players without loud- speaker 3230 8519.92.000 763.83.210 Pocket-size cassette-players 47322 Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording apparatus (whether or not incorporating a sound reproducing device) 3230 8520.32.000 763.84.319 Other magnetic tape recorders, digital audio type 3230 8520.39.000 763.84.390 Oth.magnetic tape recorders other- than audio/cassette type 323032300 8520.10.000 763.84.100 Dictating machines not capable of operat. w/o extern.source of power 323032300 8520.20.000 763.84.200 Telephone answering machines 323032300 8520.33.000 763.84.311 Oth.magnetic tape recorders incorp.sound reproduc.apprts,cassette type 323032300 8520.90.100 763.84.910 Sound recorders & sound reproducers lt. 16mm ,including cameras 8mm 323032300 8520.90.200 763.84.920 Sound recorders & sound reproducers>= 16mm ,including cameras 8mm 321032100 8520.90.900 763.84.990 Other sound recorders 47323 Video recording or reproducing apparatus camcorders and still image video cameras 323032300 8521.10.000 763.81.100 Video recording of magnetic tape- type 321032100 8521.90.000 763.81.900 Other reproducing apparatus 323032300 8525.40.000 763.81.000 Still image video cameras and othervideo camera recorders 4733 Microphones loudspeakers, headphones, earphones, amplifiers; reception apparatus for radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 47331 Microphones and stands therefor loudspeakers; headphones, earphones and combined microphone/speaker sets; audio-frequency electric amplifier; electric sound amplifier sets 321032100 8518.10.000 764.21.000 Microphones and stands therefor 323032300 8518.21.000 764.22.100 Single loudspeakers , mounted in their enclosures 323032300 8518.22.000 764.22.200 Multiple loudspeakers , mounted inthe same enclosures 323032300 8518.29.000 764.23.000 Other loudspeaker 321032100 8518.30.000 764.24.000 Headphones, earphones and combined microphone / speaker sets 323032300 8518.40.000 764.25.000 Audio-frequency electric

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amplifiers 322032200 8518.50.000 764.26.000 Electric sound amplifier sets 47332 Reception apparatus for radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 323032300 8527.90.000 764.81.000 Other apparatus for other radiobroadcast receivers 474 Parts for the goods of classes 4721 to 4733 and 4822 4740 Parts for the goods of classes 4721 to 4733 and 4822 47401 Parts for the goods of subclass 47220 322032200 8517.90.900 764.91.900 Other parts of electric apparatus for line telephony 3220 8517.90.100 764.91.100 Parts for telephone sets 47402 Parts for the goods of subclasses 47321 to 47323 and 47331 3230 8518.90.100 764.92.100 Parts of speaker / amplifier plug in pcb or cabinet 3230 8518.90.900 764.92.900 Other parts of speaker / amplifier 3230 8522.10.000 764.99.100 Pick-up cartridges 3230 8522.90.100 764.99.910 Cassette recorder mechanism in ckd 3230 8522.90.200 764.99.920 Magnetic sound reproducing heads 3230 8522.90.300 764.99.930 Magnetic erasing heads and rods 3230 8522.90.910 764.99.991 Parts of no: 8519 to 8521 plug into pcb or cabinet 321032100 8522.90.990 764.99.999 Other parts of no: 8519 to 8521 47403 Parts for the goods of subclasses 47211, 47212, 47311 to 47313, 47332 and 48220 322032200 8529.90.990 764.93.999 Other parts of heading 8525 - 28 32 8529.10.100 764.93.110 Low noise amplifier and low noise block 32 8529.10.200 764.93.120 Synthetizer for communication radio feed horn for anthene 32 8529.10.300 764.93.130 Wave guide 32 8529.10.910 764.93.191 Parts of aerial and aerial reflect-ors plug into pcb or cabinet 32 8529.10.990 764.93.199 Other parts of aerials and aerials reflectors 32 8529.90.100 764.93.910 Tunner for tv receiver in ckd 32 8529.90.910 764.93.991 Parts of heading 8525 - 28 plug into pcb or cabinet 475 Audio and video records and tapes 4751 47510 Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena (except cinematographic film and cards with magnetic stripe) 2429 8523.20.900 898.51.900 Magnetic discs for other purposes 252025203 8523.11.000 898.41.000 Magnetic tapes for sound recordingof a width lt. 4 mm 252025203 8523.12.000 898.43.000 Magnetic tapes for sound recordingof 4 mm lt. width lt. 6,5 mm 252025203 8523.13.000 898.45.000 Magnetic tapes for sound recordingof a width > 6,5 mm 252025203 8523.20.100 898.51.100 Magnetic discs for data processing system 252025203 8523.90.100 898.59.100 Matrices and prepared record blanks 252025203 8523.90.200 898.59.200 Film for mechanical sound recording 252025203 8523.90.300 898.59.300 Wax blanks and cylinders on whichthe original recording is to

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 239 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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be cu 252025203 8523.90.900 898.59.900 Other unrecorded media for soundrecording 4752 47520 Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena (except cinematographic film and cards with magnetic stripe) 252025203 8524.10.000 898.71.000 Gramophone records 252025203 8524.40.100 898.61.100 Magnetic tapes for data processing system 252025203 8524.40.900 898.61.900 Oth.magnetic tapes for reproducing phenomena oth.than for image 252025203 8524.91.900 898.79.993 Oth.recorder media for reproducing phenomena oth.than sound/image 252025203 8524.99.000 898.79.995 Oth.recorder media for reproducing phenomena sound/image 2213 8524.31.100 898.79.911 Discs for data processing system 2213 8524.31.900 898.79.991 Oth.discs for reproducing phenomenaoth.than sound or image 2213 8524.32.000 898.79.919 Discs for reproducing sound only 2213 8524.39.000 898.79.994 Oth.discs for laser reading system 2213 8524.51.000 898.65.900 Magnetic tapes for reproducing sound or image, a width lt. 4 mm 2213 8524.52.000 898.65.100 Magnetic tapes for reproducing sound/image, 4= lt. a width = lt. 6 2213 8524.53.000 898.67.000 Magnetic tapes for reproducing sound or image, a width > 6.5 mm 2213 8524.91.100 898.79.992 Magnetic disc for data processing system 476 Cards with magnetic strips or chip 4760 47600 Cards with magnetic strips or chip 3210 8523.30.000 898.59.990 Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe 3210 8524.60.000 898.79.912 Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe 321032100 8542.12.000 776.41.200 Cards incorporating an electronic integratid circuit ("smart" cards) DIVISION 48 MEDICAL APPLIANCES, PRECISION AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, AND CLOCKS 481 Medical and surgical equipment and orthopaedic appliances 4811 48110 Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiations 331133112 9022.12.000 774.21.920 Computed tomography apparatus 331133112 9022.13.000 774.21.930 Other apparatus based on the use of x-rays, for dental uses 331133112 9022.14.000 774.21.940 Oth app based on the use x-rays formedical;surgical/veterinary uses 331133112 9022.19.000 774.21.900 Apparatus based on the use of x-rayfor other uses 331133112 9022.21.000 774.22.100 Apparat.used alpha,betha,gamma rad.for medis,surgery,dental/veterinar 331133112 9022.29.000 774.22.900 Apparatus based on use alpha,betha,gamma radiation for

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other uses 331133112 9022.30.000 774.23.000 X-ray tubes 331133112 9022.90.000 774.29.000 Oth part and accessory of apparatuson the use x-ray,other radiation 4812 48120 Electro diagnostic apparatus, and ultra-violer or infra-red ray apparatus, used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences 331133113 9018.11.000 774.11.000 Electro-cardiographs 331133113 9018.19.000 774.12.000 Other electro-diagnostic apparatus 3311 9018.12.000 774.12.200 Ultrasonic scanning apparatus 3311 9018.13.000 774.12.300 Magnetic resonance imaging apparatus 3311 9018.14.000 774.12.400 Scintigraphic apparatus 3311 9018.20.000 774.13.000 Ultra-violet or infra-red ray appa-ratus 4813 48130 Other instrument and appliances (except syringes, needles and the like), used in dental sciences 331133113 9018.41.000 872.11.000 Dental drill engines 331133113 9018.49.000 872.19.000 Other instrument used in dentalsciences 4814 48140 Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers 331133113 8419.20.000 741.83.000 Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilisers 4815 48150 Other instrument and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences (including syringes, needies, catheters, cannulae, ophthalmic instruments and appliances n.e.c. and electro-medical apparatus n.e.c.) 369936999 9018.32.000 872.21.200 Tubular metal needles and needlesfor sutures 331133113 9018.39.000 872.21.900 Other catheter, cannulae etc. 331133113 9018.50.000 872.25.000 Other ophthalmic instruments andappliances 331133113 9018.90.000 872.29.000 Other instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical etc. 3311 9018.31.100 872.21.110 Disposable syringes, with or w/o needles 3311 9018.31.900 872.21.190 Other syringes with or w/o needles 4816 48160 Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; phychological aptitude-testing apparatus; ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus; other breathing appliances and gas masks (excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters) 3311 9019.10.000 872.31.000 Mechano-therapy appliances; massageapparatus;phisological apparatus 331133113 9019.20.000 872.33.000 Ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy,artificial respiration 331133113 9020.00.000 872.35.000 Other breathing appliances and gasmasks 4817 48170 Orthopaedic appliances; splints and other fracture appliances; artificial parts of the body; hearing aids and other appliances which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body; hearing aids and other appliances which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability 252025209 9021.11.000 899.63.100 Artificial joints 331133113 9021.19.000 899.63.900 Other orthopaedic or fracture appliances 331133113 9021.21.000 899.65.100 Artificial teeth 331133113 9021.29.000 899.65.900 Other dental fittings

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331133113 9021.30.000 899.66.000 Other artificial parts of the body 331133113 9021.40.000 899.61.000 Hearing aids, excluding parts andaccessories 331133113 9021.50.000 899.67.000 Pacemakers for stimulating heartmuscle,excluding part and accessor 331133113 9021.90.000 899.69.000 Other orthopaedic appliances 4818 48180 Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture; barbers' chairs and similar chairs having rotating as well as both reclining and elevating movements 361036104 9402.10.000 872.40.100 Dentists', barbers' / similar chairand part 331133111 9402.90.000 872.40.900 Other medical, surgical, dental orveterinary furniture 482 Instruments and appliances for measuring checking, testing, navigating and other purposes, except optical instruments; industrial process control equipment; parts and accessories thereof 4821 Navigational, meteorological, geophysical and similar instruments and appliances 48211 Direction finding compresses; other navigational instruments and appliances 331233121 9014.10.000 874.11.100 Direction finding compasses 351135112 9014.80.000 874.11.800 Other instruments and appliances ofdirection finding compasses 3312 9014.20.000 874.11.200 Instrument and appliances for aero-nautical or space navigation 48212 Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and appliances, excluding compasses; rangefinders 3312 9015.80.100 874.13.810 Radio sonde & wind sonde apparatus 3312 9015.80.900 874.13.890 Other instrument for surveying 331233121 9015.10.000 874.13.100 Rangefinders 331233121 9015.20.000 874.13.200 Theodolites and tacheometers 331233121 9015.30.000 874.13.300 Levels 331233121 9015.40.000 874.13.400 Photogrammetrical surveying instru-ments and appliances 4822 48220 Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus 322032200 8526.10.000 764.83.100 Radar apparatus 322032200 8526.91.000 764.83.910 Radio navigational aid apparatus 322032200 8526.92.000 764.83.920 Radio remote control apparatus 4823 Precision balances; instrument for drawing calculating, measuring length, etc. 48231 Balances with a sensitivity of 5 cg or better 331233121 9016.00.000 874.51.000 Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better with or without weight 48232 Drafting tables and machines, and other drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments 331233123 9017.10.000 874.22.100 Drafting tables and machine whetheror not automatic 369936991 9017.20.000 874.22.200 Other drawing,marking-out or mathe-matical calculating instruments 48233 Instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand (including measuring rods and tapes, micrometers and callipers) n.e.c. 331133113 9017.30.000 874.23.100 Micrometers, callipers and gauges 369936991 9017.80.000 874.23.900 Other instruments and appliances ofbalances 4824 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, except electrity production or supply meters; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting ionising radiations 48241 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting ionising radiations 331233123 9030.10.000 874.71.000 Instrument&apparatus for

242 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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measuringor detecting ionising radiations 48242 Cathode-ray oscilloscopes and cathode-ray oscillographs 331233123 9030.20.000 874.73.000 Cathode-ray oscilloscopes & cathoderay oscillographs 48243 Instruments and apparatus (except cathode-ray oscilloscopes and oscillographs) for measuring or checking voltage, current resistance or power, without a recording device (except electricity production or supply meters) 331233123 9030.31.000 874.75.100 Multimeters 312031202 9030.39.000 874.75.900 Oth instrument for measuring/check-ing voltage,current,resistance 48244 Instruments and apparatus (except cathode-ray oscilloscopes and oscillographs) for telecommunications 331233122 9030.40.000 874.77.000 Oth instrument & apparatus,special-ly designed for telecommunications 48245 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities n.e.c. 331233121 9030.89.000 874.78.900 Oth.instrument & apparatus with special designed for telecommunicatio 3312 9030.82.000 874.78.120 Instrument app. for measuring or checking semiconduc. wafers/devices 3312 9030.83.000 874.78.130 Other instruments and apparatus with recording device 4825 Hydrometes and similar floating instruments thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers, instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variabel of liquids or gases except navigational, hydrological or meteorological instruments and appliances, gas or liquid supply meters, and automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis, for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like, or for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light 48251 Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers 331233121 9025.11.000 874.55.110 Thermometers liquid filled, for di-rect reading 331233121 9025.19.000 874.55.190 Other thermometers 331233121 9025.80.000 874.55.800 Oth instrument: hygrometer,psychro-meter, pyrometers 48252 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables or liquids or gases, except navigational, hydrological or meteorological instruments and appliances, gas or liquid supply meters and automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus 331233123 9026.10.000 874.31.000 Instrument for measuring or check-ing the flow or level of liquids 331233121 9026.20.000 874.35.000 Instrument for measuring or check-ing pressure 331233121 9026.80.000 874.37.000 Other instruments or apparatus formeasuring and checking 48253 Instrumnets and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis, for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like, or for measuring or checking quantities or heat, sound or light 331233123 9027.10.000 874.41.000 Gas or smoke analysis apparatus 332033202 9027.30.000 874.43.000 Spectrometer, spectrophotometer andspectrograph use optical

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 243 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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radiation 332033203 9027.40.000 874.44.000 Exposure meters 331233123 9027.80.000 874.46.000 Other instruments and apparatus forphysical or chemical analysis 3312 9027.20.000 874.42.000 Chromatographs and electrophoresisinstruments 3312 9027.50.000 874.45.000 Oth instruments and apparatus usingoptical radiation (uv,visible,ir) 4826 Other measuring, checking and testing instruments and appliances 48261 Microscopes (except optical microscopes) and diffraction apparatus 332033202 9012.10.000 871.31.000 Microscopes other than optical mic-roscopes and diffraction apparatus 48262 Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of materials 331233122 9024.10.000 874.53.100 Machines and appliances for testingmetals 331233123 9024.80.000 874.53.800 Machines and appliances for testingwood, textiles, paper, plastic. 48263 Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters 331233123 9028.10.000 873.11.000 Gas meters 331233121 9028.20.000 873.13.000 Liquid meters 331233123 9028.30.000 873.15.000 Electricity meters 48264 Revolution counter, production counters, taximeters, mileometers, pedometers and the like; speed indicators and tachometers, except hydrographic and meteorological instruments; stroboscopes 331233123 9029.10.000 873.21.000 Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters,miliometrs etc 359135912 9029.20.200 873.25.200 Speedometers and tachometers incl.those combined with mileometers 3312 9029.20.100 873.25.100 Speed indicators designed for loco-motives 3312 9029.20.900 873.25.900 Other speed indicators 48265 Measuring, checking, regulating or controlling instruments, appliances and machines n.e.c. 3312 9031.10.000 874.25.100 Machines for balancing mechanicalparts 3312 9031.20.000 874.25.200 Test benches 3312 9031.30.000 874.25.300 Profile projectors 3312 9031.41.000 874.25.410 Optical instruments & appliance for inspect semiconductors wafers 3312 9031.49.000 874.25.490 Oth optical instruments & appliancenot specified in this chapter 3312 9032.20.000 874.63.000 Manostats 331233121 9031.80.000 874.25.800 Oth measuring/checking instruments,appliances and machines 331233121 9032.10.000 874.61.000 Thermostats 331233121 9032.81.000 874.65.100 Hydraulic or pneumatic 4827 48270 Automatic industrial process control systems 3313 9032.89.000 874.65.900 Other automatic regulating / con - trolling instruments 4828 Parts and accessories for the goods of classes 4821 and 4823 to 4827 48281 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclasses 48211, 48212, 48232 and 48233, 48241 to 48245, 48251 to 48253, 48262; microtomes; parts and accesories n.e.c., for optical,

244 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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photographic, cinematographic, precision, medical or surgical machines, instruments, apparatus and appliances 3312 9015.90.000 874.14.000 Parts and accessories of instrumentfor surveying 3312 9017.90.000 874.24.000 Parts and accessories instrument ofheading no. 90.17 3312 9025.90.000 874.56.000 Part & accessory of hydrometer etc. 3312 9026.90.000 874.39.000 Parts and accessories of instrumentfor measuring and checking 3312 9027.90.000 874.49.000 Microtomes; parts and accessories 3312 9030.90.000 874.79.000 Part & accessory of oth instrumentsand apparatus for t'communication 3312 9033.00.000 874.90.000 Parts and accessories for machines,appliances,instruments 351135112 9014.90.000 874.12.000 Parts and accessories of compassand other navigation instrument 331233122 9024.90.000 874.54.000 Part and accessory of machine fortesting the hardness 48282 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclass 48261 332033202 9012.90.000 871.39.000 Parts and accessories of microscope 48283 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclass 48263 and 48264 331233122 9028.90.000 873.19.000 Parts and accessories of gas,liquidelectricity supply/production mete 312031202 9029.90.000 873.29.000 Parts & accessories of speed indi -cators 48284 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclasses 48265 and 48270 331133113 9032.90.000 874.69.000 Parts and accessories of automaticregulating / controlling instrumen 3313 9031.90.000 874.26.000 Parts and accessories of measuring/checking instrument 483 Optical instruments and photographic equipment, and accessories thereof 4831 Optical instruments 48311 Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical fibre cables (except those made up of individually sheathed fibres); sheets and plates of polarising material; lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements (except of glass not optically worked), whether or not mounted, other than for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers 3320 9001.10.000 884.19.000 Optical fibres, optical fibre bundles and cables 3320 9001.20.000 884.19.200 Sheets and plates of polarising ma-terial 3320 9001.90.900 884.19.990 Other optical 3320 9002.20.900 884.33.900 Other filters for other purposes 3320 9002.90.100 884.39.100 Other lenses for use in cameras oras cameras accessories 3320 9002.90.200 884.39.200 Other lenses prisms for lighthousesand beacons 3320 9002.90.900 884.39.900 Other than lenses for other purpose 332033201 9001.30.000 884.11.000 Contact lenses 332033201 9001.40.000 884.15.000 Spectacle lenses of glass

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332033202 9001.50.000 884.17.000 Spectacle lenses of other materials 332033202 9001.90.100 884.19.910 Lenses and prisms for lighthousesand beacons 332033202 9002.19.100 884.32.100 Objective lenses for lighthousesand beacons 332033204 9002.19.900 884.32.900 Other objective lenses 332033203 9002.20.100 884.33.100 Filters for use in camera or as ca-meras accessories 48312 Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other 332033202 9004.10.000 884.23.100 Sunglasses 332033201 9004.90.200 884.23.920 Goggles 332033201 9004.90.900 884.23.990 Other corrective, protective lenses 48313 Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like 332033202 9003.19.000 884.21.900 Frames and mountings of other mate rials 3320 9003.11.000 884.21.100 Frames and mountings of plastics 48314 Binoculars, monoculars and other optical telescopes; other astronomical instruments, except instruments for radio-astronomy; compound optical microscopes 332033202 9005.10.000 871.11.000 Binoculars 332033202 9005.80.100 871.15.100 Astronomical instruments 332033202 9005.80.900 871.15.900 Other instruments 332033202 9011.10.000 871.41.000 Stereoscopic microscopes 332033202 9011.20.000 871.43.000 Oth microscope,for microphotographymicrocinematog raphy/microprojectio 332033202 9011.80.000 871.45.000 Other microscopes 48315 Liquid crystal devices n.e.c.; lasers, except laser diodes; other optical appliances and instruments n.e.c. 332033202 9013.10.000 871.91.000 Telescopic sights for fitting to arms;periscopes;telecospes 332033202 9013.20.000 871.92.000 Lasers, other than laser diodes 332033202 9013.80.000 871.93.000 Other devices, optical appliances and instruments 4832 Photographic equipment 48321 Objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers 332033204 9002.11.000 884.31.000 Objective lenses for cameras, pro -jectors 48322 Photographic (including cinematographic) cameras 332033203 9006.10.000 881.11.100 Camera of a kind used for preparingprinting plates or cylinders 332033203 9006.20.000 881.11.200 Camera of a kind used for recordingdocument on microfilm, microfiche 332033203 9006.30.000 881.11.300 Camera specially design for underwater use,for aerial survey 332033203 9006.40.000 881.11.400 Instant print cameras 332033203 9006.51.100 881.11.511 Cameras for ordinary use 332033203 9006.51.200 881.11.512 Cameras for special purposes 332033203 9006.52.100 881.11.521 Camera of roll film lt. 35 mm for or-dinary use 332033203 9006.52.200 881.11.522 Cameras of roll film lt. 35 mm forspecial purposes 332033203 9006.53.100 881.11.531 Camera for roll film =35 mm for or-dinary use 332033203 9006.53.200 881.11.532 Camera for roll film = 35 mm

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forspecial purposes 332033203 9006.59.100 881.11.591 Other cameras for ordinary use 332033203 9006.59.200 881.11.592 Other cameras for special purposes 332033204 9007.11.000 881.21.100 Camera for film of lt. 16 mm width orfor double-8 mm film 332033204 9007.19.000 881.21.900 Other cameras 48323 Cinametographic projers, slide projerctors and other image projectors, except microform readers 332033204 9007.20.900 881.22.900 Projektor for film of width >=16 mm 332033204 9008.10.900 881.32.190 Other slide projectors 332033204 9008.30.000 881.32.300 Other image projectors 3320 9007.20.100 881.22.100 Projectors for film of width lt. 16mm 3320 9008.10.100 881.32.110 Overhead projector in ckd condition 48324 Photographic flashlight apparatus, except flashbulbs; photographic (except cinematographic) enlargers and reducers; apparatus and equipment for photographic laboratories n.e.c.; negatoscopes and projection screens 3320 9008.40.100 881.33.100 Photograph.used in prep.'n of printing plate&cylinder for printing in 3320 9008.40.900 881.33.900 Other photographic enlarger and re-ducer 3320 9010.41.000 881.35.210 Direct write-on-wafer apparatus 3320 9010.42.000 881.35.220 Step and repeat aligners 3320 9010.49.000 881.35.290 Other apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuits pattern 332033203 9006.61.000 881.13.100 Discharge lamp (''electronic'') flashlight apparatus 332033203 9006.69.000 881.13.900 Other photographic flashlight 332033202 9010.10.000 881.35.100 Apparatus and equipment for automa-tically developing photographic 332033204 9010.50.000 881.35.299 Oth.apparatus & equipt. for photo- graphic laboratorium; negatoscopes 332033204 9010.60.000 881.35.300 Projection screens 4833 48330 Microfilm, microfiche or microform readers 332033204 9008.20.000 881.31.000 Microfilm, microfiche or oth.micro-forms readers capable copy or not 4834 Photographic plates and film and instant print film, sensitised, unexposed; chemical product for photographic uses, except varnishes, adhesives and the like 48341 Photographic plates and film and instant print film, sensitised, unexposed 242924299 3701.10.000 882.20.100 Photographic plates and film in theflat for x-ray 242924299 3701.20.000 882.20.200 Photographic plates and film in theflat for instant print film 242924299 3701.30.000 882.20.300 Other plates and film, with any side exceed 255 cm 242924299 3701.91.000 882.20.910 Other plates and film for colour photography (polychrome) 242924299 3702.10.000 882.30.100 Photographic film in roll,sensitis-ed, unexposed for x-ray

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242924299 3702.20.100 882.30.210 Instant print film for x-ray width >= 16 mm, length >= 120 mm 242924299 3702.20.900 882.30.290 Instant print film for x-ray in other width 242924299 3702.31.100 882.30.311 Col. film in roll in bands of 16 mmto 105 mm in width & length >= 120 242924299 3702.31.900 882.30.319 Colour film in roll in other size 242924299 3702.32.100 882.30.321 Oth film,silver halide emulsion, 16to 105 mm in width & length >= 120 242924299 3702.32.900 882.30.329 Oth film with silver halide emulsi-on in other size 242924299 3702.39.100 882.30.391 Oth film infra red transparent film 242924299 3702.39.200 882.30.392 Oth film in band of 16 mm to 105 mmin width and length >= 120m 242924299 3702.39.900 882.30.399 Other film in other size 242924299 3702.41.000 882.30.410 Oth film of a width > 610 mm and ofa length > 200m,for col.photograph 242924299 3702.42.100 882.30.421 Infra red transparent film, width > 610 mm, length > 200 m 242924299 3702.42.900 882.30.429 Other film, width > 610 mm, length > 200 m 242924299 3702.43.100 882.30.431 Infra red transparent film, width > 610 mm, length lt. 200 m 242924299 3702.43.910 882.30.438 Oth film of a length 120 m or more 242924299 3702.43.990 882.30.439 Other film in other size in length 242924299 3702.44.100 882.30.441 Infra red transparent film, 105 lt. width lt. 610 mm 242924299 3702.44.910 882.30.448 Oth film of a length 120 m or more,105 lt. width lt. 610 mm 242924299 3702.44.990 882.30.449 Oth film of a length lt. 120 m, 105 lt.width lt. 610 mm 242924299 3702.51.000 882.30.510 Oth film for colour photography of width lte.16 mm and of a length l 242924299 3702.52.100 882.30.521 Other film color, width lt. 16 mm, length >= 120 mm 242924299 3702.52.900 882.30.529 Other film color, width lt. 16 mm, other length 242924299 3702.53.000 882.30.530 Oth film for col. photo.of 16 lt.width lte.35 mm and length lte.30m,f 242924299 3702.54.000 882.30.540 Oth film for col. photo.of 16 lt.width lte.35 mm and length lte.30m,o 242924299 3702.55.100 882.30.551 Oth film for colour photography of 16 lt.width lte.35 mm and a length 242924299 3702.55.900 882.30.559 Oth film for colour photography of 16 lt.width lte.35 mm and a length 242924299 3702.56.100 882.30.561 Oth film for colour photography of width > 35 mm,and of alength >=120 242924299 3702.56.900 882.30.569 Oth film for colour photography of width > 35 mm,and of alength

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lt. 1 242924299 3702.91.100 882.30.911 Infra red transparent film, width lt.16 mm, length lte. 14 m 242924299 3702.91.900 882.30.919 Oth film,width lt. 16mm,length lt. 14 m 242924299 3702.92.100 882.30.921 Infra red transparent film, width lt.16 mm, length > 14 m 242924299 3702.92.200 882.30.922 Oth film of a width of 16 mm and ofa length >= 120 m 242924299 3702.92.900 882.30.929 Other film in other size, width lt. 16 mm, length > 14 m 242924299 3702.93.100 882.30.931 Infra red transparent film, 16 mm lt.width lt. 35 mm, length lte. 3 242924299 3702.93.900 882.30.939 Other film in other size, 16 mm lt. width lt. 35 mm, length lte. 3 242924299 3702.94.100 882.30.941 Infra red transparent film, 16 mm lt.width lt. 35 mm, length > 30 m 242924299 3702.94.200 882.30.942 Oth fotographic film of a length 120 m or more 242924299 3702.94.900 882.30.949 Other film in other size, 16 mm lt. width lt. 35 mm, length > 30 m 242924299 3702.95.100 882.30.951 Infra red transp. film,width > 35mm 242924299 3702.95.200 882.30.952 Oth film of a length 120 m or more,width > 35 mm 242924299 3702.95.900 882.30.959 Other film in other size, width > 35 mm 242924299 3703.10.100 882.40.110 Photographic paper in size of mini-mum 1m x 1000 meter 242924299 3703.10.200 882.40.120 Diazo paper 242924299 3703.10.910 882.40.191 Photographic paper in size of min. 1 m x 1000 meter 242924299 3703.10.990 882.40.890 Other photographic paper in rolls 242924299 3703.20.100 882.40.210 Photo typesetting paper 242924299 3703.20.910 882.40.291 Photographic paper of paper and paperboard 242924299 3703.20.990 882.40.290 Other colour photographic paper 242924299 3703.90.100 882.40.910 Other photo typesetting paper 242924299 3703.90.990 882.40.999 Other photographic paper nes 2429 3701.99.000 882.20.900 Other photographic plates and film 2429 3703.90.910 882.40.991 Oth photographic paper of paper andpaperboard 48342 Chemical preparations for photographic uses, except varnishes, adhesive and the like; unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form ready for use 2429 3707.10.000 882.10.100 Sensitised emulsion for photograph-ic uses 2429 3707.90.100 882.10.910 Flash light materials for photogra-phic uses 2429 3707.90.400 882.10.940 Toners for photographic uses 2429 3707.90.900 882.10.990 Other chemical preparations for photographic uses 4835 Parts for the goods of classes 4831 to 4833 48351 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclasses 48314 and 48314 332033202 9005.90.100 871.19.100 Parts and accessories of

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astronomi-cal instruments 332033202 9005.90.900 871.19.900 Other part and accessory of instru-ments 332033202 9011.90.000 871.49.000 Parts and accessories of opticalmicroscopes 332033202 9013.90.000 871.99.000 Parts and accessories of liquidcrystal devices 48352 Parts of frames and mounting for spectacles, goggles or the like 332033202 9003.90.000 884.22.000 Parts of frames and mountings 48353 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclass 48322; parts and accessories of cinematographic projectors; parts and accessories or photographic flashlight apparatus; parts and accessories of image projectors (except cinematographic) and photographic (except cinematographic) enlarges and reducers; parts and accessories n.e.c. of apparatus and equipment for photographic laboratories parts and accessories of negatoscopes and projection screens 332033203 9006.91.000 881.14.000 Parts and accesories for cameras 332033203 9006.99.100 881.15.100 Parts and accessories for photogra-phic flashlight apparatus 332033203 9006.99.900 881.15.900 Other parts and accessories ofother than cameras 332033204 9008.90.000 881.34.000 Parts and accessories of cinemato -graphic cameras and projectors 332033202 9010.90.000 881.36.000 Parts and accessories for photogra-phic laboratories 3320 9007.91.000 881.23.000 Parts and accessories for cameras 3320 9007.92.000 881.24.000 Parts and accessories for projector 484 Watches and clocks, and parts thereof 4841 48410 Watches 3330 9101.91.000 885.39.100 Battery or accumulator powered forwrist-watches 3330 9102.91.000 885.49.100 Other watches,electrically operated 333033300 9101.11.000 885.31.100 Wrist-watches with mechanical dis -play only 333033300 9101.12.000 885.31.200 Wrist-watches with opto-electronicdisplay only 333033300 9101.19.000 885.31.900 Other wrist-watches 333033300 9101.21.000 885.32.100 Wrist-watches with automatic wind -ing 333033300 9101.29.000 885.32.900 Other wrist-watches with / withoutstop watch 333033300 9101.99.000 885.39.900 Other pocket watches 333033300 9102.11.000 885.41.100 Wrist-watch incl. stop-watch withmechanical display 333033300 9102.12.000 885.41.200 Wrist-watch incl. stop-watch withopto-electronic display 333033300 9102.19.000 885.41.900 Other wrist-watch incl. stop-watch 333033300 9102.21.000 885.42.100 Wrist-watch incl. stop-watch withautomatic winding 333033300 9102.29.000 885.42.900 Oth wrist-watches without automaticwinding 333033300 9102.99.000 885.49.900 Other watches,oth than electricallyoperated 4842 48420 Clocks 333033300 9103.10.000 885.72.000 Clocks with watch movements batteryor accumulator powered

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333033300 9103.90.000 885.73.000 Other clocks with watch movements 333033300 9105.11.000 885.74.000 Alarm clocks battery, accumulatormains powered 333033300 9105.19.000 885.75.000 Other alarm clocks 333033300 9105.21.000 885.76.000 Wall clocks battery, accumulator ormains powered 333033300 9105.29.000 885.77.000 Other wall clocks 333033300 9105.91.100 885.78.100 Public clock,battery,accumulator ormains powered 333033300 9105.91.200 885.78.200 Marine & sml. chronometer battery,accumulator or mains powered 333033300 9105.91.900 885.78.900 Other clock battery, accumulator ormain powered of other type of cloc 333033300 9105.99.100 885.79.100 Public clocks 333033300 9105.99.200 885.79.200 Marine and similar chronometer 333033300 9105.99.900 885.79.900 Other clock 3330 9104.00.100 885.71.100 Instrument panel clocs, contructed for mounting in aircraft or vessels 3330 9104.00.900 885.71.900 Instrument panel cloc,contruct. formounting oththan in aircraft/vessel 4843 48430 Time of day recording apparatus, apparatus for measuring, recorrding or otherwise indicating intervals of time and time switches, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor 333033300 9106.10.000 885.94.100 Time-registers; time-recorders 333033300 9106.20.000 885.94.200 Parking meters 333033300 9106.90.000 885.94.900 Oth time of day recording apparatus 333033300 9107.00.000 885.95.000 Time switches with clock or watchmovement or with synchronous motor 4844 48440 Watch or clock movements 333033300 9108.11.000 885.51.100 Watch movement battery/accumulatorpowered with mechanical display 333033300 9108.12.000 885.51.200 Watch movement battery/accumulatorpowered with optoelectronic displa 333033300 9108.19.000 885.51.900 Oth watch movement battery or accu-mulator powered 333033300 9108.20.000 885.52.200 Watch movement with automatic wind-ing 333033300 9108.91.000 885.52.910 Watch movement measuring 33,8 mm orless 333033300 9108.99.000 885.52.990 Other watch movements 333033300 9109.11.000 885.96.110 Clock movements battery,accumulatorpowered of alarm clocks 333033300 9109.19.000 885.96.190 Other clock movement battery,accumulator powered 333033300 9109.90.000 885.96.900 Other clock movements 333033300 9110.11.000 885.98.110 Complete movements of watches 333033300 9110.12.000 885.98.120 Incomplete movements of watches 333033300 9110.19.000 885.98.190 Rough movements of watches 3330 9110.90.000 885.98.900 Other watches

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4849 48490 Other watch or clock parts (including jewels, cases and metal watch bands) 333033300 9111.10.000 885.91.100 Watch cases of precious metal or ofmetal clad with precious metal 333033300 9111.20.000 885.91.200 Watch cases of base metal, whetheror not gold-or silver-plated 333033300 9111.80.000 885.91.800 Other watch cases 333033300 9111.90.000 885.91.900 Parts of watch cases 333033300 9112.80.000 885.97.800 Other clock cases 333033300 9114.20.000 885.99.200 Jewels 333033300 9114.40.000 885.99.400 Plates and bridges DIVISION 49 TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT 491 Motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers; parts and accessories thereof 4911 Motor vehicles 49111 Road tractors for semi-trailers 292429240 8701.20.900 783.20.900 Other road tractor for semi-trailer 3410 8701.20.100 783.20.100 Road tractors for semi-trailers inckd 49112 Public-transport type passenger motor vehicles 3410 8702.10.910 783.11.910 Motor vehc transport>=10persons, diesel/semi, g.v.w >= 24 ton in ckd 3410 8702.10.990 783.11.990 Motor vehc transport>=10persons, diesel/semi, g.v.w >= 24 ton in b.u 3410 8702.90.100 783.19.100 Motor vehc transport>=10persons,oththan diesel/semi, g.v.w lte. 5 ton 3410 8702.90.200 783.19.200 Motor vehc transport>=10persons,oththan diesel, with 5ton lt.g.v.w lt. 3410 8702.90.910 783.19.910 Motor vehc transport>=10persons,oththan diesel, g.v.w >= 24 ton in ckd 3410 8702.90.990 783.19.990 Motor vehc transport>=10persons,oththan diesel, g.v.w >= 24 ton in b.u 341034100 8702.10.100 783.11.100 Motor vehc transport >=10 persons, diesel/semi, with g.v.w lte. 5 ton 341034100 8702.10.200 783.11.200 Motor vehc transport >=10 persons, diesel/semi, with 5ton lt.g.v.w lt. 49113 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (except public-transport type vehicles, vehicles specilly designed for travelling on show, and golf cars and similar vehicles) 341034100 8703.21.100 781.20.110 Jeep with cylinder capacity lt.1000ccwith spark-ignition internal com 341034100 8703.21.300 781.20.130 Sedan/stat.wagon, cyl.cap. lt. 1000 ccwith spark-ignition internal com 341034100 8703.21.900 781.20.190 Oth. vehc,cylinder cap. lt. 1000 cc with spark-ignition internal com 341034100 8703.22.100 781.20.210 Jeep, 1000 cc lt. cyl. cap. lt. 1500

252 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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cc with spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.22.200 781.20.220 Minibus, 1000cc lt. cyl. cap. lt.1500 ccwith spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.22.300 781.20.230 Sedan/s.wagon,1000cc lt.cyl. cap. lt.1500with spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.22.900 781.20.290 Oth vehc, 1000 cc lt.cyl.cap. lt.1500 ccwith spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.23.100 781.20.310 Jeep, 1500 cc lt. cyl. cap. lt. 3000 cc with spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.23.200 781.20.320 Minibus, 1500cc lt. cyl. cap. lt.3000 ccwith spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.23.300 781.20.330 Sedan/s.wagon,1500cc lt.cyl. cap. lt.3000with spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.23.900 781.20.390 Oth vehc, 1500 cc lt.cyl.cap. lt.3000 ccwith spark-ignition internal 341034100 8703.24.100 781.20.410 Jeep with cylinder capacity >3000ccwith spark-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.24.200 781.20.420 Minibus,cylinder capacity > 3000 ccwith spark-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.24.300 781.20.430 Sedan/stat.wagon, cyl.cap.> 3000 ccwith spark-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.24.900 781.20.490 Oth. vehc,cylinder cap. > 3000 cc with spark-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.31.200 781.20.520 Sedan/stat.wagon, cyl.cap. lt. 1500 ccwith compr.-ignition internal co 341034100 8703.31.900 781.20.590 Oth. vehc,cylinder cap. lt. 1500 cc with compr.-ignition internal co 341034100 8703.32.100 781.20.610 Jeep, 1500 cc lt. cyl. cap. lt. 2500 cc with compr.-ignition internal 341034100 8703.32.200 781.20.620 Minibus, 1500cc lt. cyl. cap. lt.2500 ccwith compr.-ignition internal 341034100 8703.32.300 781.20.630 Sedan/s.wagon,1500cc lt.cyl. cap. lt.2500with compr.-ignition internal 341034100 8703.32.900 781.20.690 Oth vehc, 1500 cc lt.cyl.cap. lt.2500 ccwith compr.-ignition internal 341034100 8703.33.100 781.20.710 Jeep with cylinder capacity >2500ccwith compr.-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.33.200 781.20.720 Minibus,cylinder capacity > 2500 ccwith compr.-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.33.300 781.20.730 Sedan/stat.wagon, cyl.cap.> 2500 ccwith compr.-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.33.900 781.20.790 Oth. vehc,cylinder cap. > 2500 cc

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 253 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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with compr.-ignition internal comb. 341034100 8703.90.000 781.20.000 Other diesel vehicles 3410 8703.21.200 781.20.120 Minibus,cylinder capacity lt. 1000 ccwith spark-ignition internal com 3410 8703.31.100 781.20.510 Minibus,cylinder capacity lt. 1500 ccwith compr.-ignition internal co 49114 Motor vehicles n.e.c for the transport of goods 3410 8704.23.110 782.19.310 Heavy duty truck,compr.-igni pistonwith g.v.m > 24 ton in ckd 3410 8704.23.190 782.19.319 Heavy duty truck,compr.-igni pistonwith g.v.m > 24 ton,oth than in ckd 3410 8704.32.110 782.19.511 Heavy duty truck, spark-igni pistonwith g.v.m > 24 ton in ckd 3410 8704.32.190 782.19.519 Heavy duty truck, spark-igni pistonwith g.v.m > 24 ton oth than in ckd 3410 8704.32.900 782.19.590 Mtr vehc.for trn.of good,spark-ignig.v.w.> 5 ton,oth than truck>24 ton 3410 8704.90.110 782.19.911 Other heavy duty truck, with g.v.m > 24 tonnes in ckd 3410 8704.90.190 782.19.919 Other heavy duty truck, with g.v.m > 24 tonnes oth. than in ckd 3410 8704.90.900 782.19.990 Oth mtr vehc. for transport of goodoth than truck with g.v.w. > 24 ton 341034100 8704.21.000 782.19.100 Mtr vehc. for transport of goods, diesel, with g.v.w. lte. 5 ton 341034100 8704.22.000 782.19.200 Mtr vehc. for transport of goods, diesel, with 5 ton lt. g.v.w. lte. 341034100 8704.23.900 782.19.390 Mtr vehc. for transp.of good,dieselg.v.w.>20 ton,oth than truck>24 ton 341034100 8704.31.000 782.19.410 Mtr vehc. for transp.of good,other than diesel, with g.v.w lt. 5 tonn 49115 Crane lorries 3410 8705.10.000 782.21.000 Crane lorries 49116 Motor vehicles, for the transport of persons, specially designed for travelling on snow; golf cars and similar vehicles 359235921 8703.10.000 781.10.000 Vehicle specially designed for tra-velling snow;golf car & sml.vehicl 49119 Special purpose motor vehicles n.e.c. 341034100 8705.90.000 782.29.000 Other special purpose motor vehicle 3410 8705.20.000 782.23.000 Mobile drilling derricks 3410 8705.30.000 782.25.000 Fire fighting vehicles 3410 8705.40.000 782.27.000 Concrete-mixer lorries 4912 Parts and accessories n.e.c. of motor vehicles 49121 Chassis fitted with engines, for motor vehicles 343034300 8706.00.000 784.10.000 Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehc head 8701 to 87.05 49129 Other parts and accessories n.e.c. of motor vehicles (including brakes, gear boxes, axles, road wheels, suspension shock absorbers, radiators, silencers, exhaust, pipes, clutches, steering

254 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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wheels, steering columns, steering boxes, and parts thereof) 3430 8708.10.110 784.31.110 Bumper for assembling/manufacturingof sedan and station wagon 3430 8708.10.190 784.31.190 Other bumpers for assembly purposes 3430 8708.10.900 784.31.900 Other bumpers and parts 3430 8708.31.110 784.33.111 Mounted brake lining for assemblingmanufacturing of sedan&stat.wagon 3430 8708.31.190 784.33.119 Other mounted brake lining forassembly purposes 3430 8708.31.900 784.33.190 Other mounted brake linings 3430 8708.39.110 784.33.911 Oth brake&servobrake for assemblingor mfg. of sedan & station wagon 3430 8708.39.190 784.33.919 Oth brake & servobrake for assemblypurposes 3430 8708.39.900 784.33.990 Oth brake & servobrakes and parts 3430 8708.40.110 784.34.110 Gear boxes for assembling or manu -facturing of sedan & station wagon 3430 8708.40.190 784.34.190 Other gear boxes for assembly pur -poses 3430 8708.40.900 784.34.900 Other gear boxes 3430 8708.50.110 784.35.110 Drive axle with diff.for assemblingor mfg. of sedan & station wagon 3430 8708.50.190 784.35.190 Other drive-axles with differentialfor assembly purposes 3430 8708.50.900 784.35.900 Other drive-axles with differential 3430 8708.60.110 784.36.110 Non-driving axles for assemblingor mfg. of sedan & station wagon 3430 8708.60.190 784.36.190 Other non-driving axle for assemblypurposes 3430 8708.60.900 784.36.900 Other non-driving axles and parts 3430 8708.70.110 784.39.111 Road wheels for assembling or manu-facturing of sedan & station wagon 3430 8708.70.190 784.39.119 Other road wheels for assembly pur-poses 3430 8708.70.900 784.39.190 Other road wheels and parts 3430 8708.80.110 784.39.211 Suspension shockabsorber for assem-bling/mfg. of sedan & station wago 3430 8708.80.190 784.39.219 Other suspension shock-absorber forassembly purposes 3430 8708.80.900 784.39.290 Other suspension shock-absorber andparts 3430 8708.91.110 784.39.411 Radiator for assembling or manufac-turing of sedan and station wagon 3430 8708.91.190 784.39.419 Other radiator for assembly purpose 3430 8708.91.900 784.39.490 Radiators for other purposes 3430 8708.92.110 784.39.511 Silencer and exhaust pipe for assembling/mfg. of sedan &

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 255 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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station wago 3430 8708.92.190 784.39.519 Other silencer and exhaust pipe forassembly purposes 3430 8708.92.900 784.39.590 Other silencers and exhaust pipes 3430 8708.93.110 784.39.611 Clutches for assembling or manufac-turing of sedan and station wagon 3430 8708.93.190 784.39.619 Other clutches for assembly purpose 3430 8708.93.900 784.39.690 Other clutches and parts 3430 8708.94.110 784.39.711 Steering wheel,column,box for assembling/mfg. of sedan & station wago 3430 8708.94.190 784.39.719 Other steering wheel,column,box forassembly purposes 3430 8708.94.900 784.39.790 Other steering wheel,columns,boxes 3430 8708.99.110 784.39.911 Other parts for assembling or manu-facturing of sedan & station wagon 3430 8708.99.190 784.39.919 Other parts for assembly purposes 3430 8708.99.910 784.39.991 Other parts for conversion kit 3430 8708.99.920 784.39.992 Chasis, body panel 3430 8708.99.990 784.39.999 Other parts and accessories 492 Bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; trailers and semi-trailers parts and accessories thereof 4921 49210 Bodies for motor vehicles 342034200 8707.10.000 784.21.000 Bodies for the vehicles of headingno. 87.03 342034200 8707.90.000 784.25.000 Other bodies for the motor vehiclesof heading 87.01;87.02;87.04;87.05 4922 Trailers and semi-trailers; containers 49221 Containers specially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport 352035201 8609.00.000 786.30.000 Containers equipped for carriage byone or more modes of transport 49222 Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping 3420 8716.10.000 786.10.000 Trailer and semi trailer of the ca-ravan type,for housing or camping 49229 Other trailers and semi-trailers (including trailers and semi-trailers for the transport of goods), except self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural purposes 3420 8716.31.000 786.22.000 Tanker trailers and tanker semitrailers 3420 8716.39.000 786.29.000 Other trailer for the transport ofgoods 3420 8716.40.000 786.83.000 Other trailers and semi trailers 4923 Part for the goods of classes 4921 and 4922 49231 Parts and accessories for the goods of subclass 49210 3420 8708.21.110 784.32.111 Safety seatbelt for assembling/manufacturing of sedan & station wagon 3420 8708.21.190 784.32.119 Other safety seatbelt for assemblypurposes 3420 8708.21.900 784.32.190 Other safety seat belts 3420 8708.29.110 784.32.911 Oth parts of bodies for

256 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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assembling/manufacturing of sedan&stat.wagon 3420 8708.29.190 784.32.919 Other than other parts of bodiesfor assembly purposes 3420 8708.29.900 784.32.990 Other parts of bodies not for assembly purposes 49232 Parts of trailers and semi-trailers; parts of other vehicles, not mechanically propelled 3420 8716.90.000 786.89.000 Parts of trailer and semi trailer 493 Ships 4931 Commercial ships and warships 49311 Cruise ships, excursion boats and similar vessels, principally designed for the transport of persons; ferry boats of all kinds 351135111 8901.10.110 793.28.110 Cruise ships of 5000 brt or less 351135111 8901.10.190 793.28.190 Other cruise ships 351135111 8901.10.910 793.28.910 Ferry boats of 10500 brt or less 351135111 8901.10.990 793.28.990 Other ferry boats 49312 Tankers (ships) 351135111 8901.20.100 793.22.100 Tankers of 7500 dwt or less 351135111 8901.20.900 793.22.900 Tankers of other than 7500 dwt or less 49313 Refrigerated vessels (ships), except tankers 351135111 8901.30.000 793.26.000 Refrigerated vessels, other than those of subheading 8901.20 49314 Other vessels for the transport of goods and other vessels for the transport of both persons and goods 351135111 8901.90.100 793.27.100 Barges and the like 351135111 8901.90.900 793.27.900 Other vessel for the transport ofgoods 49315 Fishing vessels; factory ships and other vessels for processing or preserving fishery products 351135111 8902.00.000 793.24.000 Fishing vessels; factory ships and oth vessels for fishery products 49316 Tugs and pusher craft 351135111 8904.00.900 793.70.900 Other tugs and pusher craft 3511 8904.00.100 793.70.100 Tugs and pusher craft of 4000 hp or less 49319 Other vessels (including light-vessels, fire-floats, dredgers, floating docks, warships and life boats other than rowing boats), except floating or submersible drilling boats), except floating submersible drilling or production platforms 351135111 8905.10.000 793.51.000 Dredgers 351135111 8905.90.000 793.59.000 Other light vessel, fire float etc. 351135111 8906.00.000 793.29.000 Other vessels, iclud. war ships andlife boats oth than rowing boats 4932 49320 Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms 351135115 8905.20.000 793.55.000 Floating or submersible drilling orproduction platforms 4939 49390 Other floating structures 251925199 8907.10.000 793.91.000 Inflatable rafts. 351135111 8907.90.000 793.99.000 Other floating structures 494 Pleasure and sporting boats 4941 49410 Sailboats (except inflatable), with or without auxiliary motor 351135111 8903.91.000 793.12.000 Sail boat,with or without auxiliarymotor 4949 49490 Other vessels for pleasure or sports; rowing boats and canoes 251925199 8903.10.000 793.11.000 Inflatable yachts 351135111 8903.92.000 793.19.200 Motor boats, other than outboardmotor boats

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 257 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

Group Class Subclass Title ISIC Rev.3KBLI HS SITC Commodity

351135111 8903.99.000 793.19.900 Other rowing boats and canoes 495 Railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock, and parts thereof 4951 Rail locomotives and locomotives tenders 49511 Rail locomotives powered from an external source of electricity 352035201 8601.10.000 791.11.000 Rail locomotive powered from an ex-ternal source of electricity 49512 Diesel-electric locomotives 352035201 8602.10.000 791.21.000 Diesel-electric locomotives 49519 Other rail locomotives; locomotives tenders 352035201 8601.20.000 791.15.000 Rail locomotive powered by electricaccumulators 352035201 8602.90.000 791.29.000 Rail locomotives;locomotive tendersoth.than diesel-elec locomotives 4952 49520 Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks (except maintenance or service vehicles) 352035201 8603.10.000 791.60.100 Railway or tramway coaches poweredfrom external source of electricit 352035201 8603.90.000 791.60.900 Other railway or tramway coaches 4953 Other rolling stock; railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical traffic control equipment for transport facilities 49531 Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles, whether or not self-propelled 352035201 8604.00.000 791.81.000 Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehc whether/not self prop 49532 Railway or tramway passenger coaches, not self-propelled; luggage vans, post office coaches and other special purpose railway or tramway coaches, not self-propelled (except maintenance or service vehicles) 352035201 8605.00.000 791.70.000 Railway / tramway passenger coachesluggage van,post office coaches 49533 Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not self-propelled 352035201 8606.10.000 791.82.100 Tank wagons and the like 352035201 8606.20.000 791.82.200 Insulated or refrigerated vans andwagons oth.than those of no.8606.2 352035201 8606.30.000 791.82.300 Self-discharging van and wagon,oth.than those of no.8606.10 or 8606.2 352035201 8606.91.000 791.82.910 Railway/tramway goods vans and wa-gons covered and closed 352035201 8606.92.000 791.82.920 Railway/tramway goods vans and wa-gons open, with non-removable side 352035201 8606.99.000 791.82.990 Other railway/tramway goods van andwagons 4954 49540 Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock; railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings, and parts thereof; mechanical (including electromechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields and parts thereof 352035201 8607.11.000 791.99.110 Driving bogies and bissel-bogies 352035201 8607.12.000 791.99.120 Other bogies and bissel-bogies 352035201 8607.19.000 791.99.190 Other bogies including parts 352035201 8607.21.000 791.99.210 Air brakes and parts thereof 352035201 8607.29.000 791.99.290 Brakes other than air brakes and parts thereof

258 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC) Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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352035201 8607.30.000 791.99.300 Hooks and other coupling devices,buffers and parts thereof 352035201 8607.99.000 791.99.990 Oth.part of railway/tramway or rolling stock 352035201 8608.00.100 791.91.100 Railway / tramway track ficture andfittings 352035201 8608.00.210 791.91.210 Mechanical, signalling, safety forrailways not electricity powered 352035201 8608.00.291 791.91.291 Mechanical, signalling, safety forrailways 352035201 8608.00.900 791.91.900 Part of mechanical,signalling,safe-ty 3520 8607.91.000 791.99.910 Oth.part of railway/tramway locomo-tives 3520 8608.00.292 791.91.292 Mechanical, signalling, safety forroads 3520 8608.00.299 791.91.299 Other mechanical,signalling, safety 496 Aircraft and spacecraft, and parts thereof 4961 Balloons and dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircraft 49611 Gliders and hang gliders 353035301 8801.10.000 792.81.000 Gliders and hang gliders 49612 Balloons and dirigibles; other non-powered aircraft 353035301 8801.90.000 792.82.000 Ballons and dirigibles, and other non-powered aircraft 4962 Aeroplanes and helicopters 49622 Aeroplanes and other powered aircraft, of an unladen weight not exceeding 2000 kg 353035301 8802.11.000 792.11.000 Helicopter of an unladen weight notexeeding 2000 kg 353035301 8802.20.000 792.20.000 Aeroplanes and other aircraft,of anunladen weight not exeeding 2000 k 49623 Aeroplanes and other powered aircraft of an unladen weight exceeding 2000kg 353035301 8802.12.000 792.15.000 Helicopter of an unladen weightexeeding 2000 kg 353035301 8802.30.000 792.30.000 Aeroplanes and other aircraft,of anunladen 2000 kg lt. weight lt. 15 353035301 8802.40.000 792.40.000 Aeroplanes and other aircraft,of anunladen weight not exeeding 15000k 4963 49630 Spacecraft and spacecraft launch vehicles 353035301 8802.60.000 792.50.000 Spacecraft (incl satellites) and suborbital & spacecraft launch vehc 4964 49640 Parts of aircraft and spacecraft 353035301 8803.10.000 792.91.000 Propellers and rotors and parts thereof 353035301 8803.20.000 792.93.000 Under-carriages and parts thereof 353035301 8803.90.000 792.97.000 Oth part of goods no.88.01 or 88.02 3530 8803.30.000 792.95.000 Other part of aeroplane/helicopter 499 Other transport equipment and parts thereof 4991 Motorcycles and side-cars 49911 Motorcycles and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with reciprocating internal combusition piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc

Correspondence of Central Product Classification (CPC) 259 Correspondence of CPC with ISIC Rev.3, KBLI 2000, HS 2003 and SITC

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3591 8711.10.000 785.11.000 Motorcycles with repric. internal piston of a cyld capacity lt. 50 c 49912 Motorcycles and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cc 359135911 8711.20.000 785.13.000 Motorcycles with repric. internal piston of 50cc lt.a cyld cpcty lt.2 359135911 8711.30.000 785.15.000 Motorcycles with repric. internal piston of 250cc lt.a cyld cpcty lt. 359135911 8711.40.000 785.16.000 Motorcycles with repric. internal piston of 500cc lt.a cyld cpcty lt. 359135911 8711.50.000 785.17.000 Motorcycles with repric. internal piston of a cyld capacity >800 cc 49913 Motorcycles and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, other than those reciprocating internal combusition piston engine; side-cars 359135911 8711.90.000 785.19.000 Other motorcycles 4992 Bicycles and invalid carriages 49921 Bicycles and other cycles, not motorised 359235921 8712.00.100 785.20.100 Racing bicycles 359235921 8712.00.900 785.20.900 Bicycle and oth cycle not motorized 49922 Invalid carriages 359235921 8713.10.000 785.31.100 Invalid carriage not mechanicallypropelled 359235921 8713.90.000 785.31.900 Other invalid carriage 4993 49930 Vehicles n.e.c., not mechanically propelled 359935990 8716.80.000 786.85.000 Other trailler of the caravan 4994 Parts for the goods of classes 4991 amd 4992 49941 Parts and accessories of motorcycles and side-cars 3591 8714.11.000 785.35.100 Saddles of invalid carriage 3591 8714.19.100 785.35.910 Part and accessories of vehicle forassembly purposes 3591 8714.19.900 785.35.990 Other parts of motorcycles 49942 Parts and accessories of bicycles and other cycles, not motorised, and of invalid carriages 3592 8714.93.100 785.37.310 Hubs, other than coaster breaking hubs and hub breaker 3592 8714.93.900 785.37.390 Free wheel sprocket wheel 359235922 8714.20.000 785.36.000 Part and accessories of invalidcarriages 359135912 8714.91.000 785.37.100 Frames and forks, and parts thereof 359235922 8714.92.000 785.37.200 Wheel rims and spokes 359235922 8714.94.000 785.37.400 Brake,incl.coaster braking hub&hubsbrake, and parts thereof 359235922 8714.95.000 785.37.500 Saddles of vehicles 359235922 8714.96.000 785.37.600 Pedals and crank-gear, and partsthereof 359135912 8714.99.100 785.37.910 Mudguard,mudguard rod,mudguard flapfootrest,handle bar grip windscree 359235922 8714.99.910 785.37.991 Bicycle parts & head parts - steering column 359135912 8714.99.990 785.37.999 Other bicycle parts

260 Correspondence Central Product Classification (CPC)