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t àgN- 111111.- Ig H B S ' r tar. r Collection - I 11 -J wspape EA f St. 395 N on 4I f 10AON4 N° 10963 Ottawa.Ottawa Reg. N 40016309 -.=az=lir , ++' ' ' ^^ t . Pub. °' - North America's #1 N: .,owspäper Lest we forget Ì ...see page 12

Okarahshona kenh Onkwehonwene, Six Nations of the Grand Wednesday November 12, 2008 Long term debt $15 million CA . Late audit uses Casino Another Brantford f Rama funds, own source development

revenues to hide debt shutdown Y# By Lynda Powless i Editor Six Nations band council has finally released last year's audit...sort of and it shows despite attempts to curb the debt 1 with Casino Rama and other own source revenues, band de- rt partments 'are still almost $1 million in debt, while the com- ,n »s".' munity faces a $15 million long -term debt. a Band council, in an unsual move, The audit has yet to be approved released the audit, exclusively on by band council. . its website, a week ago. The audit shows, among other 4 t $ 4 Band council quietly agreed dur- things the controversial 6.6 mil- 1 7e.. ing a recent council meeting to up- lion "war chest" set aside from 1, , load the audit and hold a Casino Rama funds has dwindled r I - r;.-Pa community meeting with the audi- down to $745,547, while council P - = .r tors next month. travel and honoraria has risen to In previous years band council has almost a half a million dollars. the audit during a public It also shows band departments, presented s council session, approved it and that operate on federal and provin- distributed it the community, usu- cial funds, are running a $973,628 4, ally in a community meeting. deficit. (Continued on page 2)

Brantford development shut 4 .a r

i . down .14 1-41 .ç By Jamie Lewis ta ry] ,V Special to Turtle Island News S +. 3' V P ' - ' BRANTFORD- Another Brantford development site has been shut down ; r who were soon joined by a large contingent of by two Six Nations elders 1111.411 Six Nations men at Highway 403 and Lynden Road in the City's north -{,,,.-

end . sits in front of a stump remover shutting down another Brantford devel- Floyd and Ruby Montour arrived at the construction site at 6:30 a.m. A Six Nations elder Ruby Montour by Jamie Lewis) site that used have two houses and 5 (Continued page 3) opment. (Photo aTs Difficult in B.C. history ends with Inside í1 It's Back! chapter i'm lovin'rt Local 2 NIFEJPIiLlal!!Pinink return of seized aboriginal lands Editorial 6 and others who Sports 9 By Dirk Meissner "Regrettably lands were cut off, the ceremony of the didn't want to attend said the B.C. Diabetes Special .13 ` . -\ THE CANADIAN PRESS but not with the consent , needs to do much Classified 20 , VICTORIA -A "difficult chapter" First Nations involved," de Jong government 'OP, AS0i more than reconcile land deals that . Business Directory 21 ._. in Canadian history has come said. "A story that is tinged s Careers 22 r' to an end with an agreement to re- with unfairness, sadness and injus- have been in the works for decades turn to B.C. aboriginals thousands tice, today emerges as one of if it wants to build a true new rela- Price $1.25 . of hectares of reserve lands seized hope." tionship. there, there's a reason Daily news updatesP `ñ by the government almost a Aboriginal chiefs, government "I wasn't www.theturtleislandnews.com century ago. ministers and even a descendant of for that," said Grand Chief Stewart Minister of Aboriginal Relations the late commissioner responsible Phillip of the B.C. Aboriginal 0 1> De Jong announced last Tuesday were on hand at the B.C. legisla- Leadership Council, a group which that the B.C. government, Ottawa ture Tuesday for a ceremony mark- represents the First Nations Sum- and four B.C. First Nations have ing the agreements with the mit, Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs reached land and cash agreements last four of 22 B.C. First Nations and the B.C. Assembly of First Na- S. tions. I i 282 Argyle St. that settle claims dating back to a that lost almost 20,000 hectares. 0 74470 045 1 9 Caledonia land grab more than 90 years. But aboriginal leaders attending (Continued on page3 )

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' i November II, 2000 Novcmbm 12, 2do8 3 W W W.THETURTLEISLANDNE W S.COM LOCAL a RECYCLE THIS We're streaming native news all the time! Now Booking for our : NEWSPAPER .4lry Local News, Videos, Sports! li Annual Christmas Gift Guide Contact Turtle Island Band council running almost $1 million deficit....if you can find it News for details 519 -445 -0865 (Continua, d from front) 6 aged save 6216,684 Nam Fund tiered. morose generating funds set sside for economic develop funds received by Six Nations in the Atgewne nmetheauditsrems bind its reviou. lauyw.Thedgssrtm ,pus. .e Sin Nadons Bingo ment but have primarily been used to 200]2008 fiscal ye olio the Protest shuts down and provide lows Brantford council received over $18 million in received whopping $10116.76 Ball, ImgwisMillageCent. Eagles and pmpeaty Moo, and hinds were spent on as in previous development

Casino Rama kinds from April I spent SI 0,100,072- The dement Nen, Commercial buildings, welfare fwd lhefitigddwTrust m2ends rare She .viìA 9 XI (Co61,14, 73127f21(111 2 she "Ms 2007 - Ma h 31.2008, b. does nor added the $206,684 surplus to and the *onus building and Reserve Ponds are set aside by the Ottawa Trent Fund sofbwblolhadboevsidppad the stnppedaodualldevelop- Cued its exph4 what happened 6me fired 5371743 inrt9 .sifhed held onto White Pino WellnessCen6 and Six Six Nadons MnmCw6 Six Nano. has $L384,444in 0l- men l sopeJ on h HnIJ mand of almost 11 trees, o old as The audit may 495692ybe hiding me from last year in de- Nations mtin geS9Nanoo Sù Nations council has $16,982,021 hod and it earned $155.229 Deluding 100. Tact the Johnson Tmc ba400746mlds real deficit by off. - W inn revenues for Natural G.Compwy r loam b.d.mmp"yofwf.a , interest but 6107,613 oflha1 was and Eagles ,m _- n the coma the y it setting . d overruns total of $571,004 last Tim nods deer mat breakdown arc I anal f seven pat transferred to diSÚN-m band Floyd Montour said the idea that pund a natural1 h b for wak, with. N soe tux year m funds it is aoi individual companies cent per umwiN court. operations fwd - * .mat leaving fowofal development h- 5 and somedg97174 sophisms. deferring. a revenu. and expend; being invested back into rne program. $243zo6o in the fund curremly M claw gIinpmnC_.mJ consulting - Nalwsltdsmo qt The audit .shows hand council re- Social Semcm reeked a l won Imane. The Ottawa trot a.ouN has been northern uneprotea6. n i l cased, m (wino Rama ha of $2,605169 41d While the audit shows Six d in the past to fund Six Nations I h y N '8 Th: men M1 h- l l 6 '990 6' funds, span 52.73 609 and de- Na Band CodicilC Recreation a band council done Y' -n d 1 powtded clun the 1!19,,6:16$,d9 The Oita T Fund totalled ferred maned ma fwdard Bread mid Cbeme activities. - ltoo hbnse ondeT bymcp pi I - $2,432060 Iroquois Lodge received , $18 million There into breakdovm in the 200. d of Six Nations. 3rs Ruby Minn "Six N h t1l The 'War Chest or ligation Nut $20002$ and 25,446 The in Casino 2008 audit for the $107013 spent Six Nations N d W esflid halal SUMO. $2101623 saving: shows as being p Rama from the gm fwd btthtA.tchrpermentioned G - - mid h Confederacy " Economic development fmdsoWed aufcvred bot do. not indicated Six Nations longterm debt includes the medical building but hus IleVer / 9 h .a mown. '6' ^tea 51,030,796 wham it has been transferred to. Iroquois SW at $9,314,265 n 411(1 the Meet or the 149,87. 0000 The site is proposed to house a m0 1..,,, G 6..4 e . And catch of money refmed to as Correctional Services received C nh vmSra 55 &056 ill being Mlill on th: sils-. t Hotel and restaurant and a medical ' 104y,ucnmar +weber 4746 trees 81 develo9menr s4481Phnr! Reserve Funds of are 5392,448 and spent $í01,W4. How- 6!' Jwafe hewisl $23.03yí2 pp w' S Six Nam Operation Fund centre. He said the Confederacy Council pears,. audit. ever me52L066hfMtMSbenoff- 50' t $4,192,127 plus 5185,050 ím0 the operator that the 0evel- The protest was peaceful until site ground until Ilam when police The mule= duoosiin sources,- set with a defered clewing oí582,712. Public Weds; 51.76. rae 1 open. was going to stop today supers. John Vacano arrived ....Out they had talked to Va. S ' u. kinds total 644,751,009 when Pon Secondary received $7.255,148 Halm Services CHIC 550631 and that they (the developer) must and a verbal altercation blend our caw and he agreed to stop work on applied agdna hand deficits result g and spent 9,140,0)7. Social. Semi= id$i g m 570,905 consult with the people of Six Na- vacano sold the protesters Nat Ile site today. home - a sum. of$ 74,096,419. Howcv'a Trost secondary may ' S koquois Lodge aí5779,659 fora toml they efir trowennins on the site Six Nations resident lack;: (Tae J Deparnent deficits show a surplus W! me funds bngNam 515, 1 43,049. The drone complied with the re- and wanted the police to at him ford advised the 'operator that de- á ,i debt of I6 Sit Nations band depamnents inn a bave been allocated - 17 ) nuaW owes $45,656 for II quest and moved his equipment moved them, he then ordered the v816901°01 would not 8973,628 deficit including: Education received SIX P Eagle's building and the White way. operator of the stump remover to today or mmonow That the suite is Band central administration wag a 5511395 and spent =1f$ Pines Wellness Centre h a an out- b A short time later a tree removal continue with minute was doing. Pealed on Six Nations land and BAND 9.1061 $470,597 -COUNCIL, company arrived on site me io ask not she the malice $31,291 deficit home FEDERAL SHORTFALL, PROVINCIAL standing Ionia $3,288.667 I going you lobo asked tort.. the Public Works $2063.18re 50,002 suplua that has ...N.,,,s Theaudit ,544027 tlere area reenter smaller trees to be used fo7 mal: Nag. ale Mean., operator.. kMills lease the bind. Sú Nations Fire 5905153 deficit'. been deferred . of law 9uí6 against S. Nations but Ruby Mans. woo ova to the pow art Ilc+pung to are oe 'This b.labgywantdothis. Economic Development 5202,546 Lauds and omen received tuns as in previous years and ilmead fiends for the 2007 -2008 fiscal tear dom not indicate the number of operator and advised him he was Native 10.1 it en boat . Ile pa. you pew ere uetiry um Ill. b on not to remove a single tree from and Ole news and 1. deficit;'' $1109,034 that includes $51x1,818 m Mows these funds combined brought mere is no breakdown on where the demand band council is being sued ! Pere D you haw IM lob.. Tract. Much now in Parks and Recmlbn 5371,291 federal fiends and $697,216 in "mho in $15,108,280 and spent fiends went. foro ' the site. not crosuMJ who Si. %Il,.a: ...noon and Out eut for said Rubs Manua IIN1 deficit fonds" and spent the same amotmt 313,858410. ',audit does nor show a breakdown it's tonelievaók lep 466 theTall mighty, said. Vacano claimed he did talk to Six s bevy bvwn settled." Housing $134,813 deficit. The audit does not inhale where the The $1,249,870 surplus saw of Me $18.012.902 in Coin Rama dollar'she The driver got on his phone and N'a! when asked whom. bend mile Saida The ovemu $973 628 deficit 6 almost -marl funds caner $1,091,681 trans advised mat member: of Six Na- he did not want tolnn about it ho- ' We have o protect this land h is double 1.2007 deficit of$580,007. Six Nattons membership received 00940 641 m Six Nations Council honoraria and travel Ions were here and he was noun cause the swab was there. Mon. wen role and.,. and if y can- Al the sometime 96 NINON and span $393984 defy uth[dom runt Six Nations hand council has one full time chief and l 2 pan nine bard councillors This remove any tree from the site, Ile tour offered to talk to him alone 3101 espect our law i Vibe awful department surplus. non. oilier ring 616.090 mcaæ where the year ....Ion year from the band cowed b newly eland council end aim packed up and left and he refused. for everyone' she adds. including sur- S 4,111,182 und near,.::. _n` department deficits Welfare received rnto, Jeer. 1.aw. Je eopnMlee ret a odoh.) Nose The Fourthree councillors Miler $ most0.851, public As word got out that the Montour, Vacs. then got -n his truck and Shortly thereafter the onus.. pluses firn: Su Nad,ns Enterprise spay $),999143 deferring a told of ferted lo leaves funds forhonomdumhonorarium end travel as District Four Councillor Helen huller at$40,851,Dis- were on the she more people ar- left .6 site. wns rmomml off roe site. M Funds at $40 74472; $217125. surplus of has tote consulted and that has not 8riot Six Councillor Melba Thomas at $39,460 and District Two Councillor Gail Ave Nell "It's the same old thing again, they rived from 11uá samcce Men's A stand off beg between the Six says that Mc group will be heel $215,269 in Post Secondary £tads I nown:km mewed $405,441 and SI58,189 In rev - Ire S39.421. travels ostensively for the Iroquois Caucus, AFN and kiefs (Nano have to consult with Six NOW., Fire and local residents from Nations people and the opera. W the site everyday until there are (rte the funds have been allocated spent $405.441 mating a $4,006 Mill Shortly after %a.m. the Mon.. Council also voted itself, mise rec ently m a closed meeting. That mise will affect the20W- how many times does it have o be Brantford Six Nations' Men the stump remover, meaningful negotiations. but not d59ibutdyd) deficit with a defend opening of from Six Nations made 7h.ir wey to the beck of th e 2009 audit. in Ow paper before they catch' In manned the front entrance not al- For iny° hours the Si Nations $16,167 saphss from Daycare $4,279. ownd 7 Montour. am where tiwkhr wan elnov. p n! 4nnt Honorarium travel Expenses Total o711s1t_'s9ys lowing any workers onto then people and the micro trod their $135,646 surplus from -Ganohkwa Six Nations own source M. Council Member months ing debris from No ala. they ad Sm. EmnOmk Devel- ElectnldzfBD Monger H$19,121 -.- $8,086 $27,207 revenue Departments 4Hh surplus: ailment ...chief ant, lñnaa8 8 640679 916.307 957.186 SR Nations owned businesses are The Total chiefs office - w $60,000 $24.393 $84,393 3airdcowaTs Mara dgrmmens,4nx Economic B.C. band gets land back nHpitm kep mm hand ddm sown. Nations maneda dthe year off fund to The 5íz Careó I Ennxp Councillors g 2(00 64407 04260, pleased settlement giving his willing resolve ryas'.., on 2000.'x1 Hams of 9.32man[(746 are 1 I ' I.. - people back 4,755 hectares of re- it moves towards building future Dlsirim One "-Ifs an incredible stretch on the Lewis Slants j $17,714 57.975 $25.669 pan of the B.C. government to mow lands but $4 wasn't happy it relationships. Who makes what hard to ask to step ~ Claudine Mirk, -,llhn Ss.286 S1 166 6145- contend that the oneself lands set- look decades "Ifs people he with you into a new rela- Six Nations band operations top earners David Hill 12 526,000 $5,515 511,535 Clement. are in any way shape or "This has been a long process," forward have to tionship when mere are claims of crN ation, hand council '. matured by Indian and Northern Affairs 00 rrporl form connect. to me new rela- said. "0 dorsal l with such long-guiding nature remain the interns ( top earners. Sir Nation. instead reports a wage range of its District Two tamp take this long was unshod mid I very Carl llill $26,00 S1,764 52'.-fi4 The claims settlements announced it for approximately 30 years. outsmndtng'b directors. r those years." significant." Gall Ave Hal 12 526,1100 $13,421 $33,421 Tuesday date bock to the 1912- WC Matured over 11 Deyle Hralberry. senior administrative officer, from $811,06651 to 585,000 legislature -1916 McKenna- MOB2de royal Leighton and Selon Lake Band Phillip called On B.C. Rebecca Jamieson, Dgec19r ofPwst Secondary. from 577.11224 504.241. Travel expenses John, said the B.C. comm. a publicity stu0 . District Threec 4 commissio, which was established Chief Garry 68a5ó52.80$ - my view it's a very blatant. Get Canada's to look into Median reserve - government's plans to offer abo. "In I n 526íd9 . m albs Joann (rcene Director of Lands and Resources. I moody from S44.675.976.055 2ginals á new relationship based self-serving political manipulation Joanne 02030sm 5 %286 282(153: tion in B.C. g1 Calendar FREE Loamyna Romlom, I. ands and Rcw I I months 54 %675 $761155 sï_á Meme rtes. o and . f on hope and reconciliation has to to suggest that somehow mat this Roger lawman 6 51 114 62.387 $20.101 In the end, 22 B.C. aboriginal na- had 51.105 in !ravel expenses of the new relation- in paper ens had more than 19,000 mart showing more results. e . outcome this Lila Mobs, Dewier of Finance. 11 months, wage range $87,317ío $115,683 and had $386 ''''''''-'.--'-+ hectares removed from then Its The same day as de long an Nip," said. ! in ravel expense District M0r N 1 2B7.. serve lands without their consent. noma. the agreement a B.C. N íM1.600 Trudy Porter, Director of Finance. 1 month, wage range 9!o 5115,681 Glenda pone! - 51,690 18290 r The find agreements announced Supreme Court judge ordered the Ruby lambs, Director of Hmallh 5

GOT SPORTS NEWS? SCOTT pueen + - FORC 6poRTd COveRAcie IeIBI 445.09611 4. w,a 19.1465-24.19149}2Ma1 SPORTS ... _. .,__... - r w a tl w l n n l n 9 s p v r l s

Exploring opportunities for growth. Golden Eagles chalk up two more wins

I ext Generation Nuclear I Hydrogen I Wind Solar m...Ilia doing but 1 think we need soumet Stares Reporter _ real steady defence, W going to look Mr fellow likee I.J BRANTFORD- The Hrmrfmd V& Mamkerku, hut t Mae typos or . - . Golden Eagles of the Greater players just deal fall out of mew" I Ontario Junior Hockey League are PO - i ) The team 1-'c `t` n - , released derenceman y- approaching the midway point of Chris Marto las Tuesday night. the season and remain ofora, They ,d t `i ..,..N-41 ! "HC lust nad a rem rough sort mis are atop the n -eon Midwestern ' year. Were trying to place him on Conference with a record of I R -3-2. RLS:A(IRArr-AAYr d or affiliate team (M. Geo.. ache im pwas they nr What's also ve is 1 Smwm m Hockey

Ì ' four points up St. r CaMarines for . ? : League) a n Simone (Niagara top team in me entire league. 45f31' District Jumú l' Hockey League). Last merulay night a roc Brantford gain confidence," Ramie ( and District Civic Centre, the aid 611opefltllY. he gets what ha of Golden Eagles beat their rivals from Ì needs and mut is play, Waterloo by a score of 5-2. - r - On Saturday tight in Guelph. the "it was a pretty thorough heating. Golden Eagles defeated the I We beat ikon all over the ice. " Donn.. by a score or) -3. il . velli made 16 saves to his ewe pretty good. 1 think we I retard approached the game a lot tighter .. r IOth win of the season. He fias also yet to lose, Men we did the lag e l dunk. heat them if you go nan throe earn T liwaNhum Ind the way with two of the iceR said Golden Eagles' Ra goals and two amen Gadwwsky head coach Senn Rex. "I don't see r `Ç` 11b had two goads and an assist and where they matched up." innham had three assisw. Ogilvie Surprisingly, there were no goals Golden Eaglesrforwardelles S :r_echur who leads the Grener Ono or Hockey League had a mullaand a and -1 awn scored in the first period - The ing with 2l goals and el ans n l3 gams, leaks to makes in first riodoa nofhis m,.5 McKinley had tun e Golden Ggles scored twice in the win aver the 1l6rMon.S'IW0s Iasi Thursday night ut the aranHrd and District Claie Centre. 5,eahura and Luc Boissmmweaat Fada Moot period compared to only one close g his point totals from lao season. dolmen and Matt Mawr, lead an In tank paned, Me (Photo by Scott Hill) ..m by Waterloo. no name r.0.e Golden Eagles added three more newcomer auks n Moe Wednesday night after being ta go goals and twa as Igssr 11,0 n Battalion. p minutes In h 0062007 again tomorrow night they goals and Waterloo age only had had vi ann 1 - Mona, by OHL Brampton McMaster in 36 games with the Flmirn Sugar Kings. Ann la H2 Waterloo Bruce Power and Ales Detain had a goal In 13 games this sawn win swson, he played University le on the London Knights are had New they uelcome the TM1Oroid bust-n npton. the 18-year-old (In Hydrogen Assocscion 9 91 Daniell Sa If made 27 saves to get each and Mike McKinley, bustin Boa awsiah and 24 goals and seen awns as well as N Backhawks frost the Golden CRIB the win. Chris Dunham nine way Panic andurooren Ogilvie all had an Nov. lb) had fur m n year with with a goal and three assists Matt assist each. penalty Garbowaky and Mark Marianas Van Noakekc skated with the Brampton, the and naive in und had two bath had a goal and an assist and team for the first time last played 53 games

Adding clean energy to Ontario's mix MIDDLEPORT PLAZA ON THE GRANO RIVER SCENIC ROUTE AFE 54 (Formerly Hwy sal F tolLadinoodRd idea. C Now there's an innovative LEARANCE CENTRE

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Ryam, Lewis Assists went to Bob Neilson (2), Medeiros and Jay Pepper *evince. pygAso. - Harr s r\ the in In the second period, la Bush Island Neros Tyler White In the third period, League Special to Turtle play Ea Kyle Gardner scored on the power power play came to life scout, By Jamie Lewis Derrell Anderson assist) on the Ayr acrd The Ilagenvilit Hawks of the play. three unanswered goals. Sean Special to Turtle Island News goal. In the third period the Sought (halt¡° Junior hockey Last Saturn. night the Hawks Malone started things off after he Silverhawks rounded out the scm- Teague rammed two big wins this were in St George to fact the took a pass from Bob Neilson and O H S W B K E N - eng mira[ Berson banged Get Canada's opt week but they also suffered tough Dukes. Hagersville has had waned. wrist shot over the glove The Silverhawks of the Bush in a rebound alter Stores made a of Ken Cunningham to give °1 Leagues defeated the spoilers 3-1 Calendar Hagersville a 2-0 (sad at 8:3Y. e, big save after Muller nurse shot in Bush League last towards Ví Kyle Gardener padded the f action the Spoilers goal. Bob FREE Thursday nigh at the Gaylord also I 1lagtal le Iced to 3-0 after his Idem ma* le soal Powless Arena race, in this paper slap shot found the back of the Sr Anthony lea SitdOeir the 3-- George net at II:W. Braden N tookadthesttttvyiSMtOtterhd lead adtheuthirdwinofthesea- tookaassfromRyanManinand NOVEMBER 19.! Sullivan rounded out the a son. ¡ ÌJ 4 Hagenvi ,curing a 16: 03 of the - -_.: 1/ md to lea the Hawks to a 4 -0 lead. Burford responded with one O goal in the third to cur the lead to d10 1421 4'`' 4-I. the Tawe eels goalie Rah Porter es a glove saw during hie nawh "The boys played well over pushes his way'Bro.ss the net Hails eagtder lame, sent during game against the Sharks less Thursday night at the CPA. The weekend with a lithe set back on game George. The Ilaxks fou 5-i. *se: Saturday night, in St ;Tomahawks won the game 8 -5. (Photo by Jamie Lewis) Smuray eight, we are hoping to Whmo by Jamie Lewis) wild on the wins and move the

oram forward," said Hawks' yen- that they host the Pon Dover

l manager Todd BOMB. Sailors on Saturday night. Both I he Hawks next game is this games gel underway at 700 mom. Itchy night when they fly into Got a Delhi to face Re Travellers. After m sports Hama, gale Roa Parr, com p rh ; due, "- night's game against the Burford Buthlne.,. Porter was soffit between the pipes as the Hawks won 4 -1. (Photo By Jamie Lewìp story to check his leg up make a soya at ld Spoilers goalie Chad Sores kicks to of wins move the solving the goaltending d .: s defeat. The pant problems Spoilers gbP Tray ,Martin and Silverhawks Tim Bomberry look on has out into third place in the of Josh Speelotk also tt tell? Hawks Qv during last Thursday nigh 4s Bush League game at the Gaylord McConnell Conference. .e-mint stymied the Hawks to far this sea Powless Arena The Silverhawks won the contest 3 -1. theta rtleisland news.com Sailors son and Saturday was no exep- Contact ahead of the Port Dove (Photo by Jamie Lewis, and eight behind the SL George lion as they Wit 5 -3. Hagersville The Turtle Dukes. On Sunday, the Hawks point -getters were( Bob Neilson for daily fired a low shot on the stick side In the second game of the night travelled to Port Dover and.seiled (IG IA), David Watson (I G, IAA Island News past Chad Stye. Derrick the Tomahawks defeated the out with a 4 -1 win. The team was Shawn Malone (IG), Darrel sports Anderson also assisted. The Mat sharks 8 -5. The poem earners for with out least Sault with rumors Drawee (IA) and Kyle Gardener Anion from the Sphdm and Smomhmwn game lam Thursday night at today! period was fast paced with both the Tomahawks were: Chad swirling around Mat he has left the (IA) Last Wednesday the Hawks the GM. The won the game ]J. Inure by Jamie Lewis) updates! t ^r goatees coming up with huge Montour (IG), hmHenhawk Spirt team and without goalie Rob hosted the last -place Burford - } 445 -0868 519- saves. The Spoilers tied the game (I6)(2A). Matt Atkins (IAJ Bush League action tomtit - Bulldogs and handed them their .. -lkJ ers for the Spirits were Chris IIIAA and Brad Williams. Port Porter Cecil Moom (3A), at 1330 of the second when Montefonc (2G) ties tomorrow night at the GPA Il as they sports @theturtleisl Montour (IG), Kraig General Dover opened the scoring on a ninth loss of the season Brad Hill intercepted an errant Willy Fehtman (IA), OA). Tam Montour (2G) (IA), beginning at 8 pan. goal from Tyler Zylat in the first won 4.1.. Hagersville opened the and news.com Silverhawks pass and fired a laser Williams (1A) and Crandon Hill Brent Sault (1G), Cady Jamieson period. Ham/milk scored three ring with 22 seconds lea in the that beat a surprised Dallas (4G) (2A) (2A). Keegan Hill (ta) OM. unanswered gals in the second final after Sean Malone scored o Hawks players crash Me net &win, lavt l meal, night ¡wriest Ask for Scott Anders'. With just mat. minute The third pee banned the Sprits Benny Powless (IAA Wayne from Rick &hipper. Wake IM pots ml after his '_h against Burford /photo Mlamie /exist left in the second Tim Bomberry and Smathlown, with the Sprits Recycle this paper ir,) General (2A) and Cray Race0e Madeira and Allen Iknosnkoew'. found the back of Me act Derek finished off a nice three way pee winning the game 7 -4. Point earn. ¡tug play to lift the Silverhawks to a slim 2 -1 lead lack Muller amt Iroquois Lacrosse Arena Russell M. SIX NATIONS PARKS & RECREATION NOV 12' - NOV 18 2008 Raikes WEDNESDAY MONDAY MOM SATURDAY MOM MONDAY LL .B. 12 BRANTFORP VOW 11 1E m 515 ete nuts1150 sun Bwrr SCHEDULE 12,7 SONO mum. Mt In x.sO PUBLIC enlxsaDmsM November 12'x, 2008 to November lotte 20 Prizes IIA110BD 42%"47rt 5 'Arm SWAM for r REIM TIMIISOn FUMY MTAYIr MOAT Y eOI lb SD are available S 1050 Bum 55,410(50 en MIS5 xNe mob pickup at the gmro annota Rena OM. Illob S. 6MIO Davey Miracle 12pm Sm. Wm II ABeIA 10- 1 fawWa Six Nations Fair VAatiF 1.20 PM minim SUN - 7pm rare Arrow Express Cohen Highly.. MAMBO bxs IR Cut Stores nu - gp ie Rd arWm 'i6rï.. urns ii.m Winter League SMO011frow vs Mw Mp 6pm -9pm Board Office ermalha r ,DÚN' IMMeMele Arrow Express les o.. a11.:ir bar ka firm - 9pm starting rmas MRTs Swam Wimer I ga Minnesota IT lam honrnactut- *aunts am Indian ~ _ Wednesday November lot e -911. 0-I3opn Claims vl .ire. Residential School COMMUNITY raw mar Friday Slumber 11- ¡1u 730 sm epa -etlpn ,nuns.- Im+Mkn HALL p.m1'pxm Treaty Rights from lam Yam T Mens League Starting November16t" Aboriginal Rights Pair Board Potluck FOR INFORMATION CALL 519 -445 -4311 IROQUOIS LACRO SE ARENA PRESENTS ITS & Awards Night 4th Annual Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show Civil Lawsuits, November 19x rOZ":1=.171:: Wednesday = imbingsmo mammas.=.1 tow on December fith lading m 10am. INMAN MN 17 t Including Class Action staring at pm man ma For more -dyaafon contact Josh Piaulait 905-768-3999 balm enomeast 110011. hall* .ssomo.. HOME Everyone mamma - langen anno. Second Pemba can also be pried la. .1117.1tr"" up on that right PFOT ARROWS, CHIEFS, STING R R g6? gagers... ON 1so61 78s os99 T 672.9330 C." i (519) 87111173.21 .. Ir

November I, 200N 12 LOCAL _ _ SPECIAL - - - Diabetes Awareness Month Support We remember...New Credit honours its veterans w Schmidt a BB . Diabetes Research Susannah r y,c y.;4 Writer t , ab`te. M°" Type 2dialietes occun when le +RSw with Native plants + Armand sewn .4- r . Diabetes: The details and how to prevent it madN h F k m arc Yn pancreas dues not produce enough rises above a p.m etched on ,a [ h 'd d4 .Wtil insulin or when the body done (NC)- TM1 growth diabetes in you know that more than two ma :third of them arc undes be. "Remember." B dm sien can ne mavgN. you effectively me the insulin Ihol Y' mat epidemic levels. Did Ion Canadians have diabetes and nosed? November is National Di- Thar, Incthe site of M g of t Cade may h ry d to find out that produced. Typ 2 affects 90 per the New Clothes new Veterans Me- bt b cent of people with diabetes. Ism where chief Aryan l, prevented. mI e ana more young mat n. Laramie welcomed community ,* The firm slop b identify n male being diagmsed, embers to Veterans last 7C7C law boner d adding In the neon Mat excess honour goCrikoa ad S array Now L + ]C There are for example, three main weight and fatty t g _ The pony will sorely keep flue Six Nations Long -Term Care/ types*, Dams M ahu., with lack f earache -may trim honour MNC the gar Mis form of the disease. wine on lapels to Home and Community Care Program Type !diabetes develops when VeteransnV.ofe WWII. the K body's Immune system destroys Gestational diabetes is caused by m Wb, the Boer War, and peace- islet cells nn the Pancreas. Thew a temporary form of glucose into, time assignments. cells are ceded a produce in craw, It is diagnosed in about 3.5 to .see eXe newly veiled al. Veterans such as Arthur Gain (centre), and co unity. rmdrn ¡okra SW Bunn, the hormone that regulates per cent of women during

-_ - of mind and spirit, wean now any -wire. blood glucose. Researchers be- and a commonmno your spirit is with u, again(' said f<`' lime genetic factor, exposure to " obese women and Monmo the chief. amain viruses and Met all playa with a family history of the dl. , s' Plans for the memorial show three Everyone Welcome!!! role. directions each marked by granite slabs with Veterans names from Sidebar: Signs of Type 1 diabetes rd. I WWI, WWII, and other military I sometimes _ _ -. (NC) -Type diabetes, service. The poem "Remember' called juvenile diabetes,can occur at by Stacey LaForme marks the Diabetes y ase. bu is mast commonly diag- moth direction. Szak nosed before the age of 30. It is a Mound the mound are Three Firm on- preventable, latomune dis- the .rÑ°.IF. s ire made of granite, for historic , _a Bobor ease Mat [tacks Mei sulin- roduc Anishinabek alliance of the ins cells in the pancreas and ' ' Screening Day Odium,Odew,,a Polawommi and Ojibway, I ! Wilson be controlled by rira and exercise. ° said Stacey Tarmac. Hosted by Six Nations Diabetes Education Program/ LTC/ HCC The [gaming signs of Type I diabem Six Nations and meal Veterans include: I] joined MNC Veterans with Six Na- Y1 fP. « aeons and unimmehable thimt tions elected chief William Mon - land and territory," said Phillips. accompanied by friends and fain Where: White Pines Wellness Centre Frequent urination r, A, grand chief Randall Community trust :hair Julie in into a reception after the cere- When: Friday, November 21, 2008 Georgeff Sudden vision chmges Phillips, and Ontario regional chief LeFormc said the memorial project moony. ,,.,. Time: 9 -4 per ram. or caveman* et man, his ex- Angus Toulouse at the unveiling. fulfils a long dream of having a Crain said as a young Light Refreshments & Prize Giveaways Doctors of Optomehy breath .- First Nations Veterans' servicewas permanent place to honour Voter- seder. of war was shaped both Increased appetite ,__i for Canada and the united States, by a youthful understanding and Sudden weight loss f5 f"d'.af Me rt was also 'Sc defense of this a WWII Veteran Anhui- Gain was the seriousness of sacrifice For more information call: 519-445-0809 Drowsiness. lethargy But in the spring, the woodland - "1 was 19.1 was working in the Heavy, laboured breathing _ +y,r f quietly keep vigil Status I came home for the week- People living with Type I diabetes strawberry will " m . [w1.)' ' -é. !' go ErE EErr are for life. While . ! end. 1 a coin - either insulin-dependent on top of the memorial mound. , ripped HOURS: the allows people with the dim It harkens to the tradition of back to the States, or go into Monday - live it is not a site for people Army, and I lost out," he said. : 530 p.m mse to live full, active mounds as burial fl[: fora time re. Otgmizadans like Juvenile of important status and the First s ,.1 , Crain worked as a cook Nina Burnham ofdoe Six Nations town ACCeSSible Diabetes Research Foundation are Nation's vision of mambas u f '' a in the southern coastal of Veteran's Association also at Enhance to fund re- r ® focused on raising money the nearby grove, said Carolyn `' 4/ Dover, England, tended the tinselling. orthotics, footwear that one day andMemre King, co -chair of MNC's cultural _ Ile recollected his shock at learn- the estimated 5,000 search will WWII. Of 31 William 51.. Brantford more infor- ' *J- ing that the bloody Meteor Dieppe B10NP (1 for Type 1 diabetes. For Canadian solider who fought & pedorthic care .17:"14- been raging w uwjdrf: Wild [ginger, foam flower. plan- ` in August 1942 had Mere, 9th were killed and another (519)759 -2250 sedge, and Christmas - just shoe distance away at min Carsick,eas[ni tain-leaved , 11,946 were taken prisoner. fern are also on the mound. France's northern coast. au. planted Crain served three years before he 23 TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FOOT PROBLEMS Around the mound, all the granite "Our guru would lire =learnt tuberculosis and was HELPING i's''' teubnall ana place, but the focus - they said they would. i never n quite in out back a to Canada. He spent 11 Complete mas,snold on tlealdonal from, knew a was suing on,' he said. Diabetic patients frequently develop an intermittent or permanent datation, monthsm in the Hamilton Sanatn- Chief .dan LaFOrma unveils a part of he new Veteran. ial at an) amati eauty was evident. VMaris Ax'rna vy. Dkppwa+ his health. loss of sensation in their feet. ri y wes:,Y anrenne of the New Credit First Nation sum regaining Solutions "Tn those nano reamed withscars Mtssissaugas one of the wont disasters of Without the warning from discomfort or pain, Album of Honour for Brant includes Six Nations Veterans pressures burn poor fitting footwear or foot IsiommemM.dMy lllndm mt- result t an open ulcer and 'a 8)' Saronrmf SchmWI Win- mumaehcd figure sporting light deformities can ins George in lily heroin cat ons. wire framed glasses and a nap with --i* Mash, venous comp! Wales t-- an lidAlon on Shrnren Avenue in ...open book. ae fags are Durfem and IHeldimand Rifles in- ow., old factory converted into an army Since 1986. our Canadian Certified Pednnhists tXyomgandfweabmd. . barracks have been alleviating foot and lower leg s The Album of Honour for Brant Sit4 Senors Ma.caredortmic MEDFchát Cowell 'Siena have been forty or so. ..Ie discomfort resulting horn Robs. arthritis, County lists at least 87 people from Nome says Robert was his grcat- 750 Colborne Street, Mention, was vary tensel y sum, and hemmed overuse sport or work injuries and other He said o his knowledge he Wc,I2oats who served intheSecond uncle. 15191 758.1000 1.800.587.1000 1 very quickly Ile was a good soldier painful conditions. World War had smedin the First World t Decal go back overseas tin World asan r Ida uncles how many of nose listed he said,. may have re-enlisted as ensure you complete service War II alter serving in World War 11 Our on -site labs may actually he ha old l,ssaugaa of older soldier. but he helped Bain soldiers who did and your maximum convenance, Men. tit: David 1. lapel leú The was a case with Frank Mon - ,1 I Wslde Cßnk liudontSixNationsthe ad tomr. said George - his pmdYM p peat the army in 1939, PM WITH ONE in and 4 Alta PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Chief Bryan laF°rme a MNC mys Frank fought Ypres la4arecol- aroma Wso [Mint regiment sal dan CERTIFIED PEDORTHI5T5 the mar gas said served OF OUR CANADIAN he wn a second cone who ver Ieted amigo( a ) .rÇd in ase Colo Intelligence Caps Are you without Doctor? membsaeMNC. Tiety People from Grosser 19aiagleb 9Vet- ail 1916. 225 Fairview Drive, Unite MNC served W W WQ said LeFame. :vans Day Parade banquet father was a WWI Brantford. ON Canada NOR 7E3 o7aa1110kYmmY stayed . Per said lean ____ The Brantt-end Rims. Club pub W WWII, said Gorge, Frank whet:mamefri.in./lone 519. 753 -2090 lined the nokin 1946. in Canada but served transporting V ara M of the elder generation of Mongers. WWII eterl Derek pile of the South prisoners of war on ovim. ikon he was mowing up his ram/ HOURS OF OPERATION Brant Legion flips Mutt& the pages Pile remembered the remediable ----+} leva1111 Om. Raw tom, would him to ase Nations to Monday -Fees 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm. who, although only in their bring in his Brantford kitchen minting out mamma a.m. 1:00 p.m. WM. Oily woom l'--r- amh remit gares and visit said Saturdays 800 e s V Six Hamm faces he mmnbers ern had already survived the First '031 veterans tir nummr Tuesday at th Pee www.btoped.com '-Dyads babel/ Manor with a World War and then anon ten years A for endered Ce Six Nations a Ilth hour. Duffs badge," he says,Winfing ode late served secor+... j 1 r 1 1

November l ?.SOON 14 November SPONSOR PAGE 12, 20011 SPORTS 15

h Ottawa ftesSases Id not emend their is Gee-Gees vim Op. passed for 357 yards 1 30 gon altoh. Na de ant Mays p season this pw Sfturday afternoon in hoolon completions in _. aft.. with two Truchs INkn In the Mitchell Howl. I11r.1r. -. ®- i wee, defeated b tn Western downs and interceptioft season comes r loo his Seal PM. Hoch h Il, Research slangs 31.17 h Support Diabetes Y Cy. His pa dJear fatal chuaraJm. the Nnkr to an end .. ye rlasr5aoyunche, backup tame.. Brad sm Children living with Type 1 diabetes travel to Ottawa on the quest for a cure: Small bodies with big voices are living proof research leads to medical advancements 9, is about al to (NC)- Colton Schmidt, funding organizations like -lain is not a ems.. These deter- Type I diabetes to summit Mown young. There are serious complier to on a great journey He is Diabetes Research mined children are on a mission anon leads to Ewa on Mw 25, 2008 don yaks with Type 1 d' slag Proof Ch p n that will Foundation (IDRF) 0 find save. 1ft die government know gre I climbed Mo. Ever.t to prom hetes, such as blindness, amputa- Silverhawks host 12th annual tournament joining 63 other Mild all "Finding a cure mean everything attention needs to be paid to this that the disease is not a limitmion to tOns, kidney failure and even vo under the age 16 of and all living to m11.. who resides in disease if a cum is to be found. 1 icvemenh whether that be in death. Unlike Type 2 diabetes, Type rant.. By Jamie Lewes ed their end with good lard Nang I on is with Type Quvnile) thaw... Calgary and one of the youth co- Andrew McKee, President sport, career, or everyday life", 1 -wit says can not be controlled by diet and *mashy Turtle Island News In the third period Manitoulin a trip win October worn chairs of the Ottawa delegation. "A and CEO of JDRF. "The theme of Sebastian "While I am proud of my exercise and people living with it opened the Bnd pus scoring the bi make me feel a nor- -annual Kids fora Cure naiad like our 2008 Kids far a Cure Libby accomplishment, 1 am also very are insulin-dependent for life. Christmas R r F OR D- threeIM unanswered Lobby Day. This inspiring and ,akin No more needles no more Day is 'Living Proof. Everyone proud to be a pat of Kids for a Cure Insulin is not a cure. B The Nations Silverhawks an toulin s Kay Corbien scored meaningful event sees children finger pokes, uo more worrying." with Type 1 diabetes is living proof Libby Day because we need no JDRF is the leading charitable fun- hosted their I2N n annual to after taking a 2 on 1 break from across Canada descend on the - from A mild living with juvenile Ma- nine effect research advaucemeMs keep fighting fora cure for Type I der and advocate of Type I diabetes ment r the weekend at the Ted Recolley, Cabal wrist shot. ' is almost National Capital to have lunch and heal requires approximately 1,463 have already had on the y;4.1r disease. We diabetes." earch worldwide. Is Its mission and hit the top c the W '.i BrantfordSix District Civic of Falco stings with federal Members of needles a year (based on per want them to be I four living proof there Type diabetes is on- pre - mfinds a cure for Type 1 diabetes ThThen n a *.; Centre. Manitoulin won Me over goal at 4:37. Icss then Parliament and talk about what in day) and 2,190 finger pricks a has 0 year been tremendous progress and mutable awoimmuue disease Nat and its oomplictrions through the 40 championship 3-O win over the minute later Manimulin's film P-,. here! means to live with Type I diabetes. to test their blood sugar. Living momentum in Type affects more than 200,000 support research. For more 111111, hearse- of Six Nations Falcons, who for the MiCOmber intercepted an errant 31,5 children aim no educate the with Type I diabetes means living a The children are tined to be Canadians. It is sometimes referred Illation on JDRF l diabetes, ,Type second year in a row failed to cap- Falcons pass and made no mistake MPs about the di else in the hopes very swetntcd lifestyle in order to ftcompanied on Parliament Hill by to as juvenile diabetes because the please visit www.jdrt.ea. ture the champpi110 sI. as he fired a laser fire the topDco . that the gavemment will recognize adequately regulate blood sugar Sebastian Saone. 28, who majority of people are diagnosed -News Canada Manitoulin road at manant r of the Falcons goal en okis a r now essential it Is to altar fader- and avoid mmplications. became the first Canadian with with the disease while they arc 11BOOK NOW fille first Erv11 drove in coed the shut out lifting F. rebound past FalconsFalco s goalie Manitoulin to the oldtimers char, >...y We would like to thank our Sponsors for making this page possible. Hick Hill. Gerald Williams gar- pionship. TO needd the assist. After one period In the second championship it was Manitoulin had a one goal lead. In Six Nations Razorback defeating 2008 Open winners, the SONations Razorbacks are: Rub Porter, ADVERTS the second period that was no the BC left I-1. The Razorbacks Hagersville f iE0 i Erie Hill, Dakota Powless, Travis Martin, Chanson Hill, Wade Dave Levee, M.P.P. scoring even though it was the opened the scoring at 5:50 after Arena Moose MonteP'orte, Brad IMIliam.s Stu Johnson, Sandy YOUR What -a- maumera division loth lama Chad Hill took a pass from GRE Porter, Chad Hill Roger Smith, Cody Johnson, Dean Hill, Evan I Brant Sault and Randy Johnson, (Photo by Jamie Lewis) moscoHliheral piam PHARMASAVE SPECIALS ' 100 %Native Convenience shot over the glove of BC. lets left in the ,card when Clayton Owned and Operated Q o goalie Chad Stares Hill: gal Porter fir. a shot alone the ice a3 WISHES "®" N. r t 30 Main If 3, se MO (519) 445 -0919 2176 Chiefswoad Rd r á 9 1g a. also earned by Ede Hill. The that Nob Porter cutting Hagersville 4 Constituency Office ,..9445-0257 1 1l YE his cm aping bee to c the the Razodvilks lead to -2. Dude in gam a R0I reme, Bombe. 96 Nelson St. Und let 9,anaard, ON Line 519-445-1844 mira 905 -768 Blase tun )u9obs puta Inhnw mM lin wood point Teh 15191-759.0361- Fax: (5191.759.6639 -1144 - ' i antra 7 she[ squeaked pus Nab Porter win an assist In the end pond The Turtle e f V C a Ryan Da u. Durk Boman Je Reaabak ria pan b. PARADISE Q.A. BENNETT assisted. The Razorbacks fought led went run elan eand4 :Island News Styres / GARDENS e \ a back and 2-1 lead IN2 Sandy wadi alto and , Hydroponics INSURANCE BROKER LTD MapleGrove \ 0 pd Lumber - i t` ! ' Moose Montcrone jammed In a Po road r.d the maw vent 28 Main St. N. the stick of Wade o. Ent Nell and Cody 4T), 1 rebound off Iona (Mm'..Aa.n...a Jonathon. Dean hill also assisted. Not b he out done the jets eat the 519-445-2275 Hagersville, ON Appliances _ tea.` ra{ Can 519- 445 -0868 -I- lead to 5-3 after Porte in I Cody Johnson gave the naiad for information Ph :019) 445 -2944 Chietswoed Rd. Brantford P (905) 768 -3384 Razorbacks a comfortable 3ls a rebound past Rob or misia. Ohsweken, ON f':rr:idi 6'e. Fax: (519)445 -2810 lead in the second alter his low and Bomberry each earned their ®t a CS shot beat Slyres. The Razorbacks s of the night The 10co50ehemmlsan wIs qalpt,.aa `a (519) 758 -5321 20080Idrimoswinners Hon :Manitoulin are: Ren Dokis, Mark eIae:em .0 .Ide.,... tamped to a 4 -1 lead laic m the Ramrba 5 rounded out the smn llb y yyo= r \ JhndeaN, Milo Pagmnaul4 Kay Carbiere, Jm McComber, En second when Roger smith capped ing when Oman 11111 took a J Panse9ish, Ted Recall Gerald INRfams. (Photo ley Jamie Lewis) ), way pass and pass from Dean and did the off a great three Hill Cet in on the r Loped in sandy Pones slap shot. puck under a falling Styles. Stu special savings! a Johnson assisted The Razorbacks MGM Video Ohsweken moved the puck well and defend- Dakota Powless and lined a wrist BC got goal back tun Imams r(i7X,taes'd shut down BC t win the, For all your video & DVD ¿7reamcatcñer a Speedway Championship game. o needs. YeeR/Pi Fund ° 64 Variety Consider your future at,.. Phone: 905.768.8962 Hune Sat Mìddl Plaza Toll Free: 1- 866 -5508 -6795 y...,.rlo)a tI area. ON The University of Western Ontario i 1110 . 54 Wan"ft.r (519) 445-0551 - Wes n Email m`s. harl dcran 519- 504973 students! 519 -445 -92104 9a Chlefnnnad Rd. as the Explore this unique °pop.. created specifically. to.enous even City,S ondon 7ou aoemmd to is Mound in die Orate a r.nar r (rand River 12, heart of b utrwuvem . l. LITTLE BUFFALO r Six Nations Oe AKA diva. Access Transition Program elk United' mdry wrhA- VARIETY Police auront An academic support program offered to students in STORE 1 ` Rentals I I.ol.o. IN its tank. of Health Sciences, Science, and Social Science. Open House Located at the comer slDeemed Timmoom Rental, Sales, Rd. and Indian Towner. (Reg. Rd 20) Service & Supplies warring for you! The AI I' will caber you: Come and join us to help >t wad the 150 Roy Blvd. Brantford host .t ta lao,., her 1969 Cnjefwood Rd., Ohsweken rn:.d adordp ab Mama piny congratulate Jennie Adams on a 905 -768 -3123 Faa,51905-a81 2170 519 -756 -0700 aa.r.d.w,e, 5so,.ltaa,.t - Sconon ASP nano, as mein aS,p00 beryls, sana l.,w happy retirement L 519-445-4191 A/ www.ur.com '%T .T p tidy gnat the z08ó Nahoval Lacrosse Lague entry Walters and the rest of the Knghthawks ploy Tigers continue Ho it aB . Knighthawks Noon gave they got :gaina .temp Ne Phantoms won 4 . iawnat? Ire team hus signed R chon vauvc ]oc Draft Follow no a standout NCAA lacrosse will take to the floor this weekend, when Ne slaelrers msmno on This Ida sow, thgn41h Tigers rebwdd pone The fsan won 3-!in melt me ramp n to roar sign Walters walan m a ene.ymr dwL unlneralty or Maryland newid nar,ing ninlly ¢per,. the end, theymeances She dm. mind with ai2 win Huer the Spitfires dnyikaslow previous meeting Noh.ix xss L ly dmfled by the xuffulo nos. aonaantrs,e on making the lmusition u, scoring chances null could not deal the son. mwas Six Nations impresses McKinnon Park are off to the semifinals boxer They a goal in the Wykmi Mill added field MIA he ham.' Spoils Reporter quarter and a touchdown m the Ruins mid the Iwo Imes aboi, In fotuth comes. players next season.

C A L E D O N I A - Running a at tournament -- back Jason Gadoury had "It was nard sea am Novo of rse I The old saying goes'defenee wiry 0uee Ionundowns to lead the way inexperience mat we had. II waro Kara McLeod wan gold vent was hosted by the championships" and for the for McKinnon Park. lot of coaching. A lot of teaming on and best female boxer al Brantford Black Eye McKinnon Park Blue Davits, Me Pdwrn thinks his oflhnce can be the kid's pmt but they ,pew u.:n r ` the ninth annual Boxing Club. The /gyro s- saying will be due for diem if they Just as good the defence when Dam and l mink Ney dalot of o _ . 1 cm win two more games m ay want to be, "I think we havea pad football Boxing has been boxing i,b' l Mae C upemos. finds hmselfon me bottom Summerhays old for oo,oxlanrlor0 Last Thursday Memo..., host- championship caliber oNmre when McKinnon Puko 01500000 in th Tournament in Brantford of h rte err running for ho yards into Port Dorm Laker rant, fiw Year, the .Ssamsod l lumwncs in the they vino to play. NO 1ussti y mmiMmls will he the Waterf N d ry 1 . Thusday afternoon at the Rol De (Photo by Janata Lewis) this past weekend. The (oho° by Jamie Lew'( gwutvr-finals and doted Moir spot kW, has been solid sll you Wolves. McKinnon Park Mol n . .R ,. nw Waterford advances to semifinals a lank Lotie up a lac Anvmini field Fol lo Put 11 .ynksl in túrtb bland News Inc Takers :6.117-13. Bomehmdulnf'to Mikc(',ngn WATERFORILAfler a _,.-.. 731..73 m m - ii.<. Covenant 41., heart brooking loss n me 3011611 kf l Eli foot- fra up 41du.lk 10 1 fi1W last' Ne n177....1-73.7 s2 1, 8 tNU his att _I0111 en' a p; Y d a ló la 'moot Ne WAol d Tog fth. me i I wm0 Nòlao 0Clenn vd nW. lo Ie1 - T. sore nay it 2 I hot dace Aura McLeod fln d) nades shots. (Photo by Jade LM.b I f n oryrryxat ikelc gob 'o4& 6tGr ltdO6 a an,]anvesov, who did at Wilson held n .cet 6r 1:30 Pm. Darg000kcChambers moo, l' oslesxadleadtn came M play and dry are vary not play last week helped a bit "xe In older action, Delhi beat Holy nos fmmtneonuyad Nkin NCSec ltd wan. esgamteb WateHÒd tough kids." gave us an next b win. hinny 23- Id and will face some. going toc N Yuan Iskasaohm in less Dana mmin. 137 hack yew allo who defeatedMho Heights &I5, McKinnon Park led after the Whw ne ways nnl \lky l I 40 the and15 Al first quarter and Id-0 et meme.halftime. wank to play quarterback. he will in dieNe Mho toms..semifinal. to Daniel Yin Mr I7 and 15 yunlssttyards ou Herd,/ MSS Chain Sow wer. 3T/HC r1 Kyarr MSS Chain Saw oflnfurBleepleducl vs f MS 270 Chain Saw ' (tfJ111NWtea MS PM Chain Sow MS lai BE them 5aw 1111P.-.-

free MS 301 Chain Saw M5290 C "BE Chin Saw YlE"=m

Vlore dodges apunck and looks fo land one. (Phono 0YJamk Lai, / l SEIM has over 900 authorized. smiting Dealers moos canada - drop in ana see mar local Dealer today, Christmas www.stihl.ca W.J. Heaslip Ltd. STIHL Nelles Corners is almost here! Reg. Rd 20, Hagersville 905- 779 -3467 BOOK NOW TO ADVERTISE YOUR - ATV SPECIALS a WISHES w:a Rebates in The Turtle Island News ) y .o. Can 579 -445 -0868 up to $1500 for information on in stook 2008 8) s email: (until Nov. 30, 20000) a ®Inmaist c orn joygthetuntleislandnews corn Visit W.J.Heaslip Ltd. ON Today! Get in on the special sayings! toll ,ww. HONDA wh.nro.n,«dy,og,_t,wntoady t, amp .Ihomaitadhlp and e,a lydww,o.mwfw,mal...wa«« IS , November 112a November 12, 2111111 TlIm1LE'SLANO NEWS ¿IRTLE ,SCACIO NEWS Water CALGARY-A dispute on Band lawyer harm Rath sap the d for demolition_ NATIONAL 19 Calgary -area reserve has ended up water should be back on by Rath says they are welcome to May Massive disaster TORONTO - Ontario will test its disaster Ontario and Quebec in two. The niu.About 1,000 dispute hack m co. TMee cm on the Tuesday, nofficials nave agreed o hotel at the band's expense, curdle. mcmbee of We Cam. wee web a mit éáß Naive hawse N Mend 23 ad 25 Forces - Tea Tina F' Nard oar Me Maim onto the property mil they utility problems have response exercise amen* d f.pecialised army vehicles, " o to Thunder Y segues. C ' 'p II . and one ' tM1 thee Fist More navel c P d rpI 0 will also be NATIONAL back in pl g Mil d avc any Thc three Men are 1 - g a Mack been resolved. planned in Thunder Thetis, 05000010011010 a mm.ia

fire Sagkeeng first Nation. RCMP Cl w ' - iteed II the a t sips ata ism W visited issues," arose out of lawsuit reload to what l gather, is on board to try to it said lands approach. for defying a court oMer to stay out l' to and being propel` p mid the tire broke house a.m. Kph Wiler +Drop) Baribeau said W a good abuse at else federal residential find concrete sot ' ahem The report, W be released Mooing has been exempted from They con., the governmentw E of We way of exploration comp. WI of certain communities and in 145 kilometres northeast Winnipeg. Sand. the month, of way I Wednesday by the environmental environmental assessment in moving too svith annum Platinex and to find g then Thc schools agreed to step in aim said Ara very name. ' that amity lies I. mama First Nations, in karts of people's The Sagkeeng fire department responded to the Maw but foul. the group Pcoj recommends that Ontario for decades, Mayer refold b de specifics, for after LaF quit. During arma, for th survivors, and for We ice, despite ee lions and'Avg giving Wan enough Venues, said he feels shut out of right to have a say over what hap mobile home completely engulf. in flames. The mhos of two Ontario toughen its antiquated ha ms tit can wreak on wildlife and time 0 talk with War the pens ting mnfdennality moment Friday's session, he met privately Canadian public." The pain man.- process. on their ammo," he said. occupants were located a the scene. Thc charted bodes have been mining laws to make sure con, among Me panes, but said dart with representatives from the aired to another meeting within transported to Winnipeg's Health. Sciences Centre for autopsy es kfoot the bill for We cleanup emings exceeded expectations. Assembly of First Nations andothv the next few weeks, but no date was Investigators with the Office of the Fire Commission., the medical work before a mining permit is examiner and the RCMP serious crimes unit and forensic idenEfdca- ' Everyone is happy compared to parties involvdend also held ases- confmn.. granted. a nvesdgadng. Kmpish said the fire is being treated as what we coed have expected;' he stun in such everyone was present Currently, the government can ap^áom i accept a company's credit mdng as Co taminated school to be torn down sufficient proof that Moll have TIMMINS, Ont.- The contaminated school in the James Bay the funds to rover the cost of communio piskat is scheduled to be turn dawn around the restoring the site - a test that's endof fHeoiner About SI48,000 was provided by the government come under fire from the W decommission the saw'. "The health and safety of the students Ontario is really important to us so fast% any we're continuing to work

with H I h C a des and the First Nation to resolve the Issue.. said National Briefs Susan Bertrand, a spokeswoman web Indies and Northern Affmrs IHJ Has Adoption (wot,noJjmm POSE Canada. Adam of b diesel 000 which maned in 1979eat J.R. NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #2B Of that, $4.2 million goes N " e Scheel. will begin in i asa the school ha been tan Highway 7 & 8 Transportation Corridor Planning and Class EA Study band members directly, mean- dawn. "So mere making prom inseams of demolishing the foie G.W.P. 13 -00 -00 ing each of the 2,800 members nee whoa" dlate." 1cae'giveyoe a specific date. !here will be given a $1,500 cheque are Naas such as omen. aka% coming Bathe elms J ba mar Touched Your rest the be Life? ' The of money will had isbegin the wall kbe removed,roomed. and «muliadoo aCWathe groundgmnnA The 14221, olFren on. (ammo 1t maw.mews used for economic will begin It 2009-10e p ai saw. tal. mxmwaAtmar e"aaa°`"'0.siaOmp ai dock... tiossr osa and to purchase land Wand mime, a new school b not in !MACS plan_ m,am,aadsrpb. Chief %ammo Winch. soya' web regularly review nrour hmIto ensure that eerily Is THE PAOCESS he only wishes be could .hare given m thath ulnae ddtewheath and safety nontconcerns owe Is s.ePn to the EnMmmanw the settlement with elders and f Joramrealize that A would like permanent elementary n o may Orna asseww. LEVismaise is eatq rerrreu canin lenders who fought fr decades school rata.. than portables." In April a steering lamb." comm.,. to settle the mane but have tined with representatives from government and Alluwnpiskut mmeaum awe dial councilcoil en find "alternativesone of, and the solution" m the almetinm It's a great reliefmi she Isar ere thin at must one of the group;gimps, theAnnwapùkalsenschool PUBLIC COMMA:MON al government) coming labe. authority, has taupe out of de from. kogee its "stallingg tame;' sow sisovenient ma can,. ere an and actually Wag doom and fleeitIts readvcbilityt]thoB.Nakowoofficer Weh lb. ene.. Ç visit www.ontario.ca /adoptioninfo Cane. 1212416cheduled a Corr and basically want- Rermg ill responsibility by or,"eking atlas rear,. b.. ingiog m correct the wrongs said to fond the school "116 not a w.akahk workingmeting group," he said. r 'tsar Nation; ` said "We're s.ttd g's g pull. tactic. They're inking name for iodate, bro rounds °WILL nave bamou and begging prime stir provinciality, govern- ITa "Thy way they dealt with it was ment) is malty eseMatives meter bins "It remains unclear am WawivremonhenVerb pretty fair," said band member if all of the from Alhwspiskal have mopped repro... sad wngvpur. pmare artamsmunnes Dwayne Cote. the memrnge.CallsCalls s Chef Charlie IIatl act amen. en "Maybe the mosey will be Monday n. -lame. Bay term hake Angus thin as tam addressing between ,E-snrea, nerboa range s rove aera* awe.. and for economic development "a." dealdhal of frustration"f over the We working group turned PUBLIC INFORNIATIOn cefri. IPM/ If you were involved in an adoption in Ontario, you need to know about and people will have joad en.' had aletofkpe that this warywas tfindlway tidal rm mama an merememme vs mama* added band member Ronald an important change to your information and privacy rights. with the issue which Is day navehave to bole a school." slesra,wt:.,., mane, maudsaintgrSitmid poem., yang sale." We meetings 5o om arocnceym Mmwmlma apMerrcdmniroraMmammiueem®a.eNesanalmammlwPlólsame aMs. "Peahen be less chug Effective June 1, 2009, Ontario adoption records will be opened. This means working group is still Were, can des remain available ten have a rrmr-ma.ti....ew..r and alcohols abuse in We adopted adults and birth parents will be given access to identifying Matinp with the First Maim" ta"reoawáwra. ** r:rúe Mr* fume, will help from the goe- information from birth records and adoption orders. BAT pleads guilty in btched SASK Mods election br*t.°iae.°* Stetlora with Sask.- One of mote than a dorm ample chupa ...oar wawa. mo pm pm, r Proposed forests act dis- with Wing eoirregularities years in o Maria Nation of l ulna a+w"e, mpmlla,matwnnapiavrremrh.naronmmmdyeawmerm criminates against band If Me adoption order was made before September 1, 2008, adopted adults and tion the titan foul years ape fits plod. parry to forgery. :° . aa s mn arvm or wi..e release of the information. pM tóon wmen Mrmri® mmswmu WHITEHORSE, Yukon- birth parents can file a disclosure veto to prevent the Ralph Ken co 53, mPBadord, Sank.. entered the take dñng ama I The Yukon government's pro- n ef.n an Beall Co.C of Queen,g,u, p amBench Mlobieg innombetiormill Miele 4281 Resources Act des- She hma inns.provincial joaemry ofthcgroup fros sentenced. ...Foresl If you want your identifying information to be kept private, you should file a ri.neuod to the snonhntaco,nhormm, mm criminates against a ince., hoed on area re.mmenaalion from ...roam and goner. disclosure veto before June 1, 2009. Somr,m em Neal aboriginal rt.,. and a no e eewe o re * r e..em ammaate er.er r* *AM a m eee* wu tide n. r traditional territory, i A leal 413 people were chagd after an independent coa en n r..m.. noino wn.me mrans a ra amm «awn m aw smmww eo,m mew, Fmn.it nim fe rata the tarts diet No contact notices are also available. numb er all. boxes tine tflW the ?fA4 sate and that Lind McMillan of the Liar number Mdal pyak ene da ea voting Few Ninon aid the territory The and federal governments ,shm .lhdmw mti l COMMITS To learn more about your rights to information and privacy regarding filed to consult the bad as it funding oga®pe Mahe delete WO WO 1 -800- 461 -2156 laaa Lour input ena commerris aura LS all {IIMBKI nannnsrnalrr.e,a. draped the act McMillan aid adoption, visit www.o0tafio.ca/adoptioninfo or call Robert eked pease i that ami a+aoe rar maaa.,m,am Rases madam. accepted that We (TTY 416 -325 -3408). merman held in ont. and na.m cmao M..r a. *Manly 1. haay prin. timber nanan 6 Three S k . memo celebrate land claim settlement north $1 . a,.. ey.m o*m.*ym.r be wafer.. +or mill. 1.12 KOMI am r a.aa. in the audaau pan of the 1 I Saw g up about 23 per Paid for by the Government of Ontario. REGINA-Three Saskatrneww reserves are celebrating an $80 mnnte..p.rrwmmmmer Consultant tint of the wry landmass. mala land-olaim settlement reach. this week with the federal Mow amwr arrnM and Nation intends M wa°a:.w MM s.a. II obtain a legal o d for NIS° h -w n f land a vie b Cote. ffimmkome ON ffiy Naha wee tta prepare a position nape, 1 n- al é `y Pc MAIM am meow,. aim log dries.. to have with The t 1 1 Nat .i g.h$2] million of the pra_ .am,awmJammra.smaen Ontario Muctmaas.adwn We Wan och" he told f fcwa.Irpp 191 10 Nov.. I_ 2008 November 12.100$ 21

To PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD, CALL: To be on this Business Directory Nov: 445-0868 Fort 445 -0865 Please Call Classifieds CiAsSitff i HEADLINE 15 12:00 PSI. ELLA. Business Directory 519 -445 -0868 BIRTHDAY IN MEMORY THANK You WORKSHOP FOR SALE .1K //G2/-G' ßv III The Family of the late COMMUNITY WORKSHOP H Sit -N -Lull MARTIN: QUOTA FOR SALE Fírst i0e PHILIP, HILL TRADITIONAL DRESS In Laving Memory of my Baby CALL 519 -445-9287 655 ezZ2 L§nS1. viuAa CAIL wish. to thank eessone m their MAKING Sìsteç Friend and Auntie C.sl. Ina J ,P Gas &Variety IhoughiNlness and expression of SAT. NOV 29 & SUN. NOV 30 FOR DETAILS r Lisa Any Martin who was taken n90 for your ameba., Your generosity and Contact (Shelley) Features: ÿ Phone: Daily tuck from us sddenly2yeersago today Movie Packages, conveniencesl ne aF s prynJUnnTtha difficult lnaa 519 -445 -4871 or 519445 -4477 FOR SALE 0 Monday B Tuesday Ì November 14, 2006. Extended /Basic (905) 765 -9858 & Dinne Specials Fireatlyappmclated. We would also TRADITIONAL FOOD Special Veit Our We are thinking of you a lot today LA 197A1 WOOD SHELVING The Discovery Channel, (905) 914 -2756 Inks k everyone that SAT DEC. 6 A SUN. DEC. 7 2 Large and everyday remembering how Video and Book Shelves, Well Learning Channel TSN, {} In store Bakery helped us. Contact Mona stash 4 Pepperoni Pizzas can Jar pricing precious the time was we had. You Shelving, Tobie top Book Racks, Family Channel, ASS, all , or storeMore on order. NYa wee. 519445 -2570 $2200 left us quietly we still don't know and Much more Nato. Networks 6 more Mon. Fri. ( Dessert Trass, Cokes, Family o. lam why. A piece of our hearts you took all Home orne 7:30 am- 5:00 pm Indian Cooain, and Donuts. Breakfast 1 _l Philip A. Hi(1 with You left us with aim of FUNDRAISER m519- 759 -0712 I". Fastest Lunch Assorted Buns etc.) you Your best ¡`.4 Bemba Special t memories to remember and rrtiw s XL Slice & PIP RACKNOE WORK 9 HAPPY 4111 BIRTHDAY TO great ,a TUPPERWARE BINGO viewing dollar 7 $3.50 BRANDON m1IIBARRVJR. Pas w 1 you and we know THANK YOU EXCAVATING SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1601 ATTENTION is spent herein. your Ina berm place now You will Emily ON NOV.112008 C. General Grade 7/8 Class IPM Sharp, Tel: (519) 445-2981 Call for Specials( COMMERCIAL FR DADDYXOXO never be forgotten wellwe 11 keep your want to thank all parent Doom open at 12 30pm ATTENTION b RESIDENTIAL Fol in 01 We Out "IDLE LAND HOLDERS. Fax: -4084 New Hours! i manor, alive. You are forever in voluntee s, Miss D. Hill & our Iroquois Lacrosse Arena (519)445 'a. a Mon, Tues, Wed hearts very sadly missed and 1 AM SEEKING TO RENT MOM nnASSy air Banquet Hall ¡' I - BIRTHDAY genmaos community for their Closing at 9Pm, SAND GRAVEL FILL 3783 MP tine, OhIsrken 145.0555 forever loved.. in making Toll Admission: 85.00 2 acres KI $150.00 per month contributions our al no longer 100m11 TOP SOIL TRUCKING 905. 765.2356 or 1 acre (g per month x 1 Love Booth ...mu m October 25th FUNDRAISER FOR 575.00 olawENlnrLw BULLDOZING 7 am - Ie 7 a Oast Deb w/ Utilities. Gas, and HYdne. .: ' /0.6, ont cart seer a huge mom. KAWENM:IO /GAWÉNI:YO 110A I 1.02 519- 445 -0396 1.. Wary A Neer ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Cä11519445 -2424 A.S.A.P. Han, Tommy, Amy &Thomas EVENT Tina & Trinity WHO ARE WE? WANTED The General NtrRV ' +_ Hills Water SIX NATIONS BENEVOLENT I-IEALINC, TRADITIONAL TEACHINGS PUPPIES WANTED FOR CONSIGN/viralONSIGNMENT OI' rignak Y" ` 7 days a week. ASSOCIATION GOOD FAMILIES 615 i IN MEMORY EUCHREE &AWARENESS NATIO 5 WHO ARE WE. If you want your pups placed in P "; 3493 6' Line Counselling Services MARTIN: LISA AMY "'EVERY WEDNESDAY° 1- 1 EVERY WEDNESDAY good bonus, please callus m soon l P.O. Box 191 at 7.00 pm. °w`vV`Íh,`TMl` licensed confidential pmlemonal 1969 -Nov.14, 2008 FROM 64P61 as the litter is born So we can sun _ at LT Mlk y's : Ohsweken NOA IMO alp ugh Innn tomorrow starts without me fording Adoptive Families for the 1530 Sorti Springs Rd. (200 Line) íc6- ANCESTRAL VOICES YouNeverY dl'n not there to see pups. Don't wan tilt they are many Noonday-Friday:yFiday: loa 5pm I, 1151 BIRTHDAY For more information, in Ohaweken Plan 2340 Hwy. 1 Al If the sun shout&rse and find weeks old. Also we can provide t rd y 10am 4pm "Refreshments. Relationships I KRISSY please contact: ko312. . your ryes Meri Oliver 90 ! asad. Sunday 905-765-2675 Open o all financial assistance or food for On November 12th Karen Martin 519-445-4177 or ago páOIe. All filled with tears for m mother Fear, trauma Have aGreat Day Carolyn Beaver 519-446-2785 Great Law, Elders, ga wi:io, Cycle know how much you laved me Call Bob Johnson at Adjustments to Love, of ceremonies, act We New & Used a Buy and Sell - As 905 -920-0678 CAPITOL AUGERS COMPRESSORS Mom Dad & Chemr changek And each funs a SERVICES Mary... EMPLOYMENT SKID STEER LOADERS Movies & Video Games and more... IN MEMORY 6NA Presidential EQUIPMENT ROTOTILLERS AIR HAILERS Sony Nintendo Microsoft PC Iaass0, NcmpatomOI., I know you'llmiss me too. ROLLERS PUMPS WELDERS anum YgP9.Naa 0nueaasr Limousine Services Blu -Ray But when tomorrow starts Grand River Insurance Solution WIRE MESH SONOTUBE DVD Ohswe en, ON RENTALS A without me DRAINAGE PIPE CULVERTS 519-757-2440 905- 765 -9928 N Please try m undersrand a Division of Insurance Central Limited .-Steel Supply Centre I REBAR all cod, brin nmoi Call for Pricing IMBOi VIDEO K.mrn. That when God came and called -loiwutrzrraw.w Warty Call in Advance DRYWALL PANEL LIFTER Is an licensed MS I. AU r otAF my looking for R.I.B.O MINI A AI'rr.r.Aar EXCAVATOR I took him hit the hand IAA,. Customer Service Representative 519-587-4571 603 Colborne St. E. 519- 751 -1073 BMW Pa or 1-800-26539ü vue am amura Ile said n,v plane was ready to loin our Ohsweken office In hwmwwr for alnwe (2462 Coyuga Road). .Aral that I would now have Grand River Law Weave Please forward resume to: n-eMlcT Ïa..a Modem Services in a Country Setting

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ORO t Mink wear far apart won think Products The flower. we lay upon hisgra00 For 000:5 time of FREE John Grne Stone 8 Gravel in Photocopying Needs CRISIS ('B be right then your heart MOBILE Mary w rather and decor but the Morn in paper iddleport 2746 Rd. 9 Hagersville low trim who lies /wawa will &DM this Monaco at Steward Contact: Gina now fade eu'ud LiLluhn RESPONSE Loading Shelby & Cession I NOVEMBER 19'R! e love you arm The Turtle Island News echanical 7:30 - 4:30 Mon - Fri %DrabM Holey &Della 905.768.8395 Email: sales @theturtleislandnews.com norm...... ra naw 1- 866 -445 -2204 IN MEMORY Office: 519 -445-0868 ',:s,y 519- 445 -2204 In Memory of Copies ^I `:ä Fax: 519-445-0865 F.e Ennemoderforemorm 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week JOSH MONTURE I`,o w June lo, 1986 -Nov. Mt 20111 The Creator am m a MOFFATTSPOWELL maul angel BALI a. TILLSONBURG wethat! TURTLE ISLAND NEWS Ian Goldberg, Business Cards to earth to love for shon time Check Us Out On Barrister & Solicitor LUMBER STORE 146 Tillson Ave Heb a jo end hpp ss 5+9-445-0868 ADVERSTISING do The Web: Family Law 00 O that will lama lifetime. PHONE: 445-0868 li low a.On. www. Divorce, Child lama sods Asa. -. 519- 770 -4399 SHOP WHERE THE BUILDERS SHOP! 1R 'e i too! Turtle Island Print MOCn /A..54 Alma FAX: 445 -0865 m Alter Hours or Deck theturtleislandnews Family Responsibility Office Building a Home, Garage, Barn Roomy 4lowl. 51M-757-37M .com Aovaxrlsin. DEADLINE rs Criminal CALL JEFF (519) 429 -9901 510-115-0868 The Turtle Island News 5 :OB 0M. Fcandy worked Mims 1 -800- 363 -4201 HRH Ara.A Print North America's 41 Weekly Aboriginal Newspaper Turtle Island l.., einher l 21.6 22 No,ember 12, 21105 CAREERS 23 & & NOTICES Careers Notices e ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Turtle Haldimand- Norfolk CASE NO. PL051274 Christmas W R D BOUNDARIES Your Own Business Publication REACH Island is almost ' Date: January 15, 2009 supporting children, j milìes, co Time: 11:00 a.m. eryo err Place: Haldimand County council Chambers special corporate supplements that can be News Turtle Island News Publications produces 111. OlaantAriam 211 1..w` here! e.r.y..rwrrl.Y. ...r.r..er 45 Munson St N distributed in a variety of ways. If your company has an upcoming anniversary, a art Cayuga ON NOA 1E0 BOAR° RAMER Rod* COMMUNITY .YrM.aoeY major new product launch, a corporate reorganization or any other reason, to corn. REPRESENTATIVE Board The Ontario Municipal Board will convene a public hearing al the aforementioned date ..d.....Me and time to address an appeal of Haldimand County By -laws 640/05 being a by -law to to businesses or consumers, give us a call. We can write, illustrate and ., I BOOK NOW municate Andnonam sm.- ..,MI6 ...... l.r we're .w.rraaw..me authorize the adjustment of ward boundaries in Haldimand County. A copy of the subject photograph, an direct and finance with advertising a one -time publication that will and Nodallt by-law is available*. Haldimand County's website at www.haldlmandcountyon.ca. TO l help your company move forward. streamin' rrrli.lrr. bow. owing harm If you wish further information in advance of the public meeting you may contact IdesIln ammo, Adiminmislis ADVERTISE bw.ss.rla.nnnw .....nrr.enn.e Co on the For more information call 1.=11..r_ Ryan arma.. odal rename do Planning Assistant YOUR Ontario Municipal Board .1..wa1w_. web! I ." Suite 1500, 655 Bay Street ande" MaNer awl want to SPECIALS "w..n4n..._. ON M5G Toronto 1E5 wn.np rmin ar..ss malo Off Rem. contact Lio Turtle Island News 'Fla laminating Committee WISH tees and las4 loran un a :ew. Tel (416) 326 -8946 Fax: (416) 326 -5370 Email: ryas @onlario.ca Check out our moo, R "following tlo doom and union NIA ISO Ì!l -0868 of do Agenv (519) 445 15181587-2.1 or 1-800 newly poops. in special uses and ANNE m ,na,:. P.O. Box 329, Ohswilxn Ontario, NOR 1810 Erma revamped The Turtle Fac' 519 -445-0865. Email ahmst,lh,vun4nlaNlanuxm NATIONS POLICE SIX Island News 9 www.theturtleislandnews.com CONSTABLE I website at Turtle Island News Applications for two (2) constables with the Six Nations Police are now nw.thelunleislandnews.com cal 519- 445 -0868 for being called for One year contract positions. All applicants must fill out a information or email: standard ease niseOrberu,ueislenenee scon, application form available at me Six Nations Police Station. py®Inewve.alranew. corn CRITERIA for applicants are as follows: for Get in on the Notice for Public Comment 12 of of high schod or under o. Reg SUMO 66 grade graduate (able to provide proof successful completion equivalency test for grade 12 from a recognizeed educational Is6tutIRn), education daily special savings! LAxE ÉnlE-.. Let us Design and documents must be forwarded with the application form and must clearly state that DRINKING WATER SOURCE a grade 12 level of education has been attained; SOURCE PROTECTION 1 O N Print Your 19 years of age or over and able to provide an official birth certificate or aboriginal . Displaced ?' -ar-ra-ru. M` REGION Advertising proof of age; certified by a physician to be fit for duty as a front line officer of Ma Injured?* Six Nations Police and able to pass physical tests which are required news Hoverer say about local water sources. Nevekiicre. Feimen u in the recruiting process Unemployed? ee has Initiated a Malay meet period `You might he eligible for fund,. Melee Erie Sm,c inn Cum of good moral character, wirer* criminal record, coverage to memn of with second opportunity to make coalmen. on onsidek pi Nk cards in possession of drivers licence with adequate driving experience and good Want to Earn More Money? the draft Normal Reference documents for each of the four wateNhdswimin the driving record (able* provide a valid drivers licence upon request) mipron.lThis is Ilse wand phase of the p,Mk corer.. pram* Or the terns For All Your Print Advertising Needs applicants will be given equal consideration regardless of gender /TierReference, Thee donee. mere the sori Plan for the area. and studies Telephon Out pi. under the Clem water Ad to develop each watershed, Scarce The Turtle Island Desirable Qualifications: Your only source V.,~ erseectk. Plan. 0868 . Six Nations Band member preferred for up to the Provide your comma., in writing Assets: dembers ul Sc, pubic are invited m submit written comma. regarding Over Previous policing related experience minute aft documents during the 10-day comment period which ends thaw* 6. Law and security courses, etc. And elect[ copy of the documents can be viewed cline nwuw:sum:edlerci Closing Date: Applications must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 21, 2008. news `ear E05ooe..rREE..,= or during regular bras Own at one of the ..,.ovation authority head °Pox TURTLE ISLAND NEWS aboriginal Applications in complete form are to be mailed or hand delivered to: brown, listed below Six Nations Police Call: 519- 753 -1111 North America's N 1Nxtiye weekly Newspaper! weil 15511achP m Road Brantford Comma. may be umaledm summennpsnunsxatera and smukpooh, the PO. Box 758 siege watershed home/ Reference addreved in the comment Okarahsonha kenh Onkwehonwene 1689 CMel wood Road, Ohsweken, Ontario NOA IMO 519- 445 -0868 FmaU [email protected] Attention, Policing Administrator Written can etw be 1ect by mad or fax m Me responding Applicants will undergo a preliminary background check upon receipt d application. e0 yw, FREF,+swmaeore rmsyr onxnotion lu Mn',RR heed below: A Newspaper For further information, contact me Policing Administrator at 519 -4454191. and more please

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