1995-1416 iNfu ThErht NAME rJAfrrEof AllAh,AILah, ThErhe MOSTnosr BENEficENT, Ben{icetr, ThE rhe MOSTfirosr MERCiflJ1nenciful TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction 1 Background of Shee'Shee'ahah Ideologies 2 The Holy Qur'an 3 The SunnaSunnaor Hadeeth 6 Ijma' (Consensus or Semi-Consensus) 8 Articles of Faith and Pillars of 111l The Shee'ahShee'ahConcept of 13t3 The Family of the Prophet (peaceBeUponHim)6ro""neuponHim) 16I6 The Companions of the Prophet (peace@eaceBeUponHim)Be Upon Him) 18 Toq'yah (Shielding) 2r21 Mut'Mut'ahah - Temporary Marriage 24 Ghadeer Khum 26 Conclusion 30 References 31 INTRODUCTIONI*t*oDUCrroN Thanks be to ALLAH, His help we seek and His guidance we search for;for' whomsoeverra*romsoeverALLAH permits to go astray shall never have guidance, guidan"", whomsoever, rlrornro"rr.i ALLAH guides shall never be misled; and I bear witness that there is no but ALLAH alone and He has no partner; and I bear witness that Mohammed is His servant and messenger. Peace be upon him, his family, his companions and their followers until the . ALLAH commands us in the Holy Qur'an:Qur'an'."Let there arise out ofofyouyou a group of people iniviting to all that Lvis good (Islam), enjoining Al-ma'ruf(i.e.Al-ma'ruf (te. Islamic and all that Islam orders one to do) andforbidding Al­ Al- MunkarMunhar ( and disbelief and all that Islam hashasforbidden).forbidden). And it is they who are the successful"l.successful"r.I pray to ALLAH that He will accept this work as a correct response to His commandment. The purpose of this pamphlet is to present a brief idea about the religious issues that the Shee'ah scholars have disagreed upon with the majority of Muslim scholars. It is to acquaint especially those who have a vague picture of what the Shee'ah school of thought is in comparison to the majority'smalority'sversion ofIslam.of Islam.Inln short, it is to answer the ever-rising questions. Is the disagreement vital? And if it is vital, as a Muslim Shee'ah or following the Muslim scholars, what should I do to find the right Islam and the rightnght path to Paradise? May ALLAH bestow on us His mercy and not deprive us of His guidance. Ameen.

t I Thethe Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 104.104 Boa*cRouNDBACKGROUND oFOF 'HEE'AHSHEE'AD TDEoLocIESIDEOLOGIES

When Islam came as a guidance for mankind, the early generation of devoted Muslims sincerelyworked hard to propagateand defendit, allowing Islam to spread steadfastly.However, this createda wave of angerand hatredtowards Islam from some of the narrow mindedreligious figures, especially of JudarsmJudaism. They plotted to assassinate the prophet (peae(Peace Be upoUprn Him) and to creatediscord or fighting among Muslims (Fitnah). However,the Imanor faith of the companions was so strong that they werenot affected by such conspiracies. After the death of many companions,the Jewishconspiracy among others, represented by Abdullah bin Sabaa, found its way first, thru Muslims lesseducated about Islam then later on to therest of the Muslim Community.Community.l 1

During the term of the first and second Ca'lee'phah's (Leader of the whole Muslim nation) there were still many companions. By the end of the third Ca'lee'phah's reign, a greatgreatnumber of the companions of the Prophet (Peace(peaeBer.rptnHim) Be Uptm Him) had passed away, away, while the number of new generation and new converts had multiplied tremendously. At this time, the tribalist, racist and Jewish movements found an opportunity to come to the surface. Among these movements was that of Abdullah Bin Sabaa, as had been mentioned above. He is a Yemen Jew who claimed that Ali had divine divtneauthority. This developed further into the claim that he, his son, son-AI-Hassan,Al-Hassan. his son AI-HussainAl-Hussain and the descendants of the latter should be the future leaders of the whole Muslim Ummah forever. This was,was. of course,course. contrary to the current practice since after the Prophet (Peace(peaerlerJprnHiml Be Up,m Him) Abu Bakr had been elected as the Caliph (Leader) of the whole Muslim Ummah (Nation), followed by Omar. There was as yet, until today, no claim that Ali should be the first Ca'lee'phahCa'lee'phah'.2 d

This allegation however, finally found a place of acceptance in the capital of the previously Iranian lranian Empire, AI-Madayen,Al-Madayen, more easily than in the other regions of the Islamic Empire at that time, especially since AI-Hussain,Al-Hussain, second son of Ali, was then married to the daughter of the last Iranian Emperor?Emperor.3

This isis why thethe Shee'ah concept of the hereditary system of leadershipleadershipisis confined toto thethe descendants of AI-Husain,Al-Husain, beginning with fourthfourthShiite's Imam (leader).(leader).The claim that Ali should be the first first Caliphstarted mainly as a political ploy toto creatediscord among Muslims by agitating the tribal and racial differences and hostilities.

' I Zaheer,Zaheer,pp 17-24, l7-24, quoting three threeShee'ah source.source 2 2 IbnIbn Taymiyah,Vol. 3 pp. 116-72.I 16-72. t 3 Ali Hassan pp.pp.230-231. 230-231. 2 The end result of the political claim, however, was a religiousdifference and deviation from thethe Islammaintained by the great majority of Muslim scholars. Shee'ahShee'ahrl derive their name from Shee'eeShee'ee22 which means in Arabic supporter, here toto meanthethe supportersof Ali, his sons, Hassan and Hussain, and descendants of Hussain. Shee'ah are divided into groups:groups'.the theZaidis.Zaidis, whohavedeviatedthewho have deviated the least;least; thethe Ja'fari Eth'naiAshri, the Ismailis, and the AlawiAlawiNusairi.Nusairi. Druzesderive theirtheirrootsroots fromfrom Ismailism and Fatimid Shee'ah?Shee'ah.3

The following pages are devoted to the discussion of the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri (Ja'fari(Ja'faritwelvetwelve Imams), which represents the Shee'ah majority.

'Plural. 1 Plural. 2 2 Singular. 3 3 IbnIbnTaymiuah,Tayrniuah, Minhaj, vol. Ip.3;lp.3; volvol2p.l242 p.124 Tabatabai pp.pp.75-82; 75-82; Abdulla pp. 73-143; Al-Falwazan pp. 9-l9-18. 8. 3 HOLYQUR'ANoLY QIIR'AN 'that The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholar says: 'that thethe number of versesin thethe Holy Qur'an is 1700'.r1700'" Al-Kafi by Al-Kolayni,which is believedby Shee'ahscholars as the most trustworthytrustworthy and celebratedwork ofofHADEETH HADEETH known in thethe Shee'ah 'Any world, says: 'Any human being who claims to have collectedthe Qur'an in its completeform is a liar. Only Ali and the Imamscollected it all and preservedit'.2 The Shee'ah Scholars also allow their followers to read the existingHoly Qur'an till they are taught their version. This permissionis basedon a Shee'ah tradition which says: I said to lmamImam Ali Musa (the 8s8th Imam), we hearfrom you Qur'anic verseswhich we havenot leamed.learned. Are we committingsins tiy by not reciting them? The lmamImam said'No,said 'No, readthe way you havelearned. Someone will cometo teach you' (referring to the 12l2eth Imam who will reappearand bring with him the complete version according to the Shee'ah belief)3beliefi

The Muslim scholars assure us that Prophet Mohammed (peace(peaeBe Upoottp@ Him)Hin) compiled the Holy Qur'an in its complete, currentcunent existing form orally and duringdtring the C'laph'ah (leadership) of Abu Bakr, a compilation which was written down in a single volume.volume.a 4 During the C'laph'ah of Othman, the language of the Holy Qur'an was standardized and universalized.universalized.s5 The approved variations in reciting a few words of 6 the Holy Qur'an do not touch its basic meaning.meaning.6 ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an:"VerilyQur'an'."Verily We:lile: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (Qur'an) and surely,surely,lVeWe will guard it (from corruption)"7;"Itcorruption)"1;"It isfor

UsIIs to collect and to give you (0(O MohammadMohamtnud (peace(p.o".Bes, UponuponHim))Him) the ability to recite it" 8; 8; "Falsehood"Fahehood cannot come toto itfromitfrom before itit or behind it (it(it is)is) sent down by thethe All-WiseAlt-Wise WorthyWorthy of all praise (ALLAH)".9(ALL/lH)".e

t 1 Al-Usool Minal-Kafi, Minat-Kafi, vol.vol . 2p.2p.634, 634,1961;1961; seesee alsoZaheer,also Zaheer, pp.pp 77-152. 77-152. 2 2 Al-UsoolAl-Usml Min al-kafial-kafi vol.vol . 1,I,p.228,p. 228, 1968. 1968. t 3 Al-Kafi MinMin al-Usool,al-Usool,vol.vol . 2,2, p.p. 633,633,1961; I 96I ; alsoalsoseesee Al-Khateeb p.p. 11.I l. o 4 Al-Bukhari, vol. vol. 6,6,pp.pp. 477-8.477-8. t 5 Al-Bukhari,Al-Bukhari,vol. vol. 6,6, pp.pp.478-80. 478-80. u 6 Qattan,Qattan,pp.pp. 170-85.17G85. 7 7 HolyHolyQur'an:Qur'an: ChapterChapter1515 verseverse 9.9. t 8 HolyHolyQur'an: qur'an: ChapterChapter7575 verse verse17. 17. e 9 HolyHoly Qur'an:Qu'an: ChapterChapter41 4l verse verse42. 42. 4 ALLAH had promised to to preserve itit as a guidance forfor Muslims everywhere and forever.forever. This is in contrast to the previous divine books whereinwtrerein although their original forms are preserved with ALLAH, thethe onesin in thethe handsof the followers of thesethesemessages are distorted. The Muslim scholars who udro consider thethe belief thatthat thethe Holy Qur'an isis adulterated is a plain rejectionrejectionof thethe 1 Brothers and sisters, you can find out for yourself that the numberof verses inin the the Holy Qur'an isis 6236 excluding the "Bismillah" at the beginning of the Suras (Chapter),but the Shee'ah Scholars claim that thisthis Holy Qur'an isis not complete. Should we believe the Ja'fari Shee'ah source or the Almighty ALLAH and the Muslim Scholars? Perhaps some Shee'Shee'ahah deny their belief that thethe existingeisting Holy Qur'an isis not complete. But this denial could be shielding (Tuq'yah or to lielie to protect the Shee'ah belief).

| I Zaheer,7ahet,p.p. 141-7.l4l-7. 5 Sar'*'o"SU'N'AD oROR HADEETHHADEETH

TheThe Ja'fariJa'fari Shee'ahShee'ah scholarsscholars considerconsider SU'N'AH SU'N'AH asas whatwhat thethe prophetprophet(peaeBe (peace Be 1 rrmUpon Hin)Him) andand thethe ImamsImams said.lsaid. AL-KafiAL-Kafi byby Kolayni,Kolayni, inin Tabatabai'sTabatabai'swordswords isis "the"the mostmost trustworthytrustworthy andand celebratedcelebrated work work ofofHADEETH HADEETH inin thethe Shee'ahShee'ahworld".2world".2 InIn thisthis source,source, thethe namesnames ofof thethe transmitterstransmitters of of thethe HADEETHHADEETH areare notnot frequentlyfrequently mentioned.mentioned. InsteadInstead of thethe "prophet"prophet said", youyou fin{"finc\" thethe ImamImam said".said". ManyMany of thesethese I{ADEETHsHADEETHs contradict thethe HolyHoly Qur'an. The prominentprominent criterion inin validatingvalidating HADEETHHADEETH isis actuallywhether whether it it supports,supports, or at least, does not not negatethethe Shee'ah schoolof thought. The most trustworthytrustworthy of the prophot'Sprophet's peaer.t6-rr-r(Peace Be Upon Him) traditionstraditions are thethe ones receivedreceived through through thethe householdof the prophet,i.e. the Shee'ahlmams,Imams, even though an Imam could pass away while his child is only nine, eight or five years old.3old? For example,a F{ADEETHHADEETH reported by Ali andcompiled by SahihAl"AI .. Bukhari is rejected if it contradicts the Shee'ahconcept of TemporaryMarriage (Nikah Mut'ah), but if the HADEETH were supportiveofofthe the Shee'ahschool of 4 thought,it would be accepted no matterwho said, transmitted, or compiledit.ait.

The Muslim scholars define SU'N'AH or HADEETH as the sayings of the Prophet (Pea""(peaeBe Uponrtotn Him),nim), his deeds, tacit approvals or the description of his physical s appearance.appearance.sBasically, there are two ways ofHADEETHof HADEETH authentication. The first is the "Isnad","Isnad". which means the reliability of the transmitters. Therefore HADEETHF{ADEETH with broken linkages linkages betweentransmitterstransmitters are rejected because therel isis no way to find out how reliable the transmittersare. Second, there isis "Matn","Matn'', which means content of the HADEETH; thatthat is,is, whether or not itit contradictsthe teachingsteachingsof thethe Holy Qur'an, therethereis is anotherversion of the same HADEETH withwtth 6 a different chain of transmitters,transmitters,or whether therethere isis a strongerstrongerIsnad,Isnad, etc.etc.6 Based on thesethese methodologiesmethodologiesandand the the strictnessstrictnessofof thethe compilercompilerinin choosingchoosinghishis HADEETH,HADEETH, thethe MuslimMuslim scholarsscholarsaffinnedaffirmed thatthat the the compilationscompilationsofof AI-BukhariAl-Bukhari andandthe the MuslimsMuslims areare thethe mostmost trustworthytrustworthy sourcesource ofof the the SU'N'AHSU'N'AH ofof thethe ProphetProphet(pea""@eaeBetrptnuim;.7 Be Upon Him/ WhileWhile thethe HolyHoly Qur'anQur'an waswas compiledcompiled inin writtenwrittenform form rightright afterafterthe the deathdeathofof thethe

t I TabatabaiTabatabai,,p. p.93 93and andConstitution Constitutionarticlearticle 2. 2. 22Tabatabai,p.Tabatabai, p. 110.lto. 33Among Amongother othersources, sources,Tabatabai,Tabatabai, pp.pp.94,2O7'8, 94,207-8, and and210-1. 210-l 4oTabatabai, Tabatabai,p.p. 94.94. ,t Azami,Azami,p.3. p.3. 66Azami, Azami,pp.pp.32-72. 32-72. 7tIbn lbnTaymiyah, Taymiyah,Fatawi,Fatawi, Vol.Vol. 18, 18,p.p. 17, 17,Azami Azailrllip.p. 87-96. 87-96. 6 prophet @"*(peace Be npdUpoo Him), the serious compilationof the HADEETH took place after almost 100 years.lyears. l There were many reasons for this delay,the the major one being that agreata great proportion of F{ADEETHHADEETH dealtwith detailedteachingsteachings which shouldbe practiced by a true Muslim in his daily life. The companionswere actually living compilations ofofHADEETH HADEETH becausethey were representingthe propheticmanners themselves.themselves. Therefore, there seemed to be no urgent need for serious efforts towards a written compilation. Furthermore,some great Companions were of the opinion that the teaching of Islam shouldbe focusedfirst in the Holy Qur'an so that it would be well-established.This was to avoid what had happenedto previous Holy Books in which divine words were mixed up with propheticsayings. So brothers and sisters, which definition of FIADEETHHADEETH is more accurate, given the fact that Prophet Mohammed reaeBeUpmrlim)(Peace Be Upoo Him) is the sealof the Prophets?As God says in the Holy Qur'an'.Qur'an: ""Muhammad. lreoceBeuponni4(Peace Be Upon Him) is not thefotherthefather of any man among you, hutbut he is the Messengerof ALLAH and the last (end) of the prophets..."2.prophets... ,,2. Only the Prophets and the messengersof ALLAH can receive revelation which is binding unto whom the messenger is sent. When the Shee'ah scholars equate the sayings of the Imams to the sayings of the Prophet, they are claiming that the Imam also received revelation. If these scholars claim that the Imams were only inspired, then the inspiration is a different story. It is not binding to be followed or to be enforced on others nor should it be shared by other human beings.

t 1 Azami|'zarnip.2s.p.25. 'Holy 2 Holy Qur'an:qur'an: ChapterChapter3333 verse verse40.40. 7 IJMA'I"*o (CONSENSUS(coNsENSUSORoR SEMI-CONSENSUS)'EMr-.'NSENSUS) Shee'ahShee'ah scholarsscholarshave have a double standardstandard position concerning concemingIjma'.[jma'. On the one hand, thethe Shee'ahShee'ahscholarsscholars employ consensus toto supportsupporttheirtheir arguments,e.g. '... Tabatabai writes '... Both SunniSunniand Shee'ee Shee'eeclearly assertedasserted...' .. .' and 'which 'which were acclaimed by allall...'1... ,1 And on thethe other, Ijma' isis rejected by Shee'ah scholars who:

1.l.ClaimClaim that that thousandsthousandsof the Prophet's (peace6r".*Berfuorrim) Be Upon Him) companionscompanionshadplotted had plotted against the Prophet's commands and only less than tenten of themthem remained truthful,truthful, therebytherebytakingtaking knowledge from these against the majority. 2. Consider thethe millions of Muslim scholars throughoutthroughout thethe Islamichistory and the globe as non-believers because they don't believe inin thethe I'ma'mah asan article offaith,of faith, one which is based on claims rejected by the majority. 3. Question thethe authenticityof the Holy Qur'an and the HADEETHs authenticated by the majority including the interpretations which gained the acknowledgment of the same. Muslim scholars consider Ijma' as the third major source of Islamic teachings. When nothing is directly mentioned in the Holy Qur'an or the SU'N'AH about the case, then the Ijma' is considered as a valid source.source.22 The most authentic text is the one reported by a large group of transmitters to another large group. This is called "Tawatur".3 The most valid interpretation of the SU'N'AH/HADEETHSSU'N'AH/FIADEETHS is that which gains the approval ofIjma'.4of Ijma'.4For ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "And holdfast, all of you together, to the Rope of ALLAH (i.e. this Qur'an), and be not divided among amongyourselves"5.yourselves"s. Condemning deviation, ALLAH, addressing the Prophet (peaceip".*Be Uponrtoo Him)rrim) and referring to those who deviated from the right path, says:says'."Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (0 (O Muhammad (peaceTpeaceBenponni^)Be Upon Him)) have no concern in them in the least leasl Their affair is only with ALLAH, Who lVho then will tell them what they '...stick used to do"do'6.6. The ProphetProph€t (peace6reaenerp-n^1Be Upon Him) said: ' ... stick to the Jama'ah (Majority) and avoid division. Satan is with the one person alone but is more likely to avoid the two together, whosoever wants abundancein Paradise should stick to the

t 1 Tabatabai,p. +0.40. 'Ftawi,IbnTaymiahvol. 2 Fatawi, Ibn Taymiah vol. 19 pp. 5-8,and 192-202.lg2-2\2 'Al-Jazari, 3 Al-Jazari, vol. 1,l, pp. 120-6. o 4 Fatawa,Ibn Taymiyah,vol. 19,19,pp.267-72.pp. 267-72. 5'Holy Holy qur'an:Qur'an: Chapter3 verse 103. u 6 Holy qur'anQur'an: : Chapter6 verse 159. 8 Jama'ah...'.1Jama'ah.. .'.1 Jama'ah and consensushere is referringreferring to to thethe majority of Muslim scholars rarhowho are knowledgeableabout the the commandmentsof ALLAH. InIn another 'My HADEETH, the Prophet @ecBcrlorrim)(peace Be Upon Him) said: 'My Ummah will not have consensus '...MyUmmahwillbe .on what isis wrong'.2The Prophetp*Be(peace Be r&enin)alsoUponHim) also said: ' ...My Ummah will be divided into seventy threethree groups. Only one of them shall be savedand the rest shall be inin hellfire'. When he was askedwhich group is toto be saved,he responded: 'The followers of my path and my Companions'.[nIn anotherversion of the same 'They HADEETH he responded:'They arethe Jama'ah'.3Jama'ah,.3

Brothers and sisters, don't you think that consistencyis one of the crucial elementsof any valid measurementand a tool of an objectiveargument? Don't you think it is suspiciousif a personemploys an argumentwhen it supportshis biases and rejects the same onceit refutesthem? Think aboutit. Let us assumethat you as Muslims want to know which path leadsto paradise.A group of peopleyou don't know anything about claimed that they know which path leads to it. However, one among this group gave you a direction which contradicts the directions of the rest of the group, numbering no less than eleven people. Both descriptions seemed to be equally reasonable,which direction should you now follow? What if you came to know that if you do not know this person'sdirection or if you disagree with him he will hate you, but the others won't? For ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an:"Qur'an: " there is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoeverl(hoever disbelievesdkbelieves in Taghut (anything worshipped other than the Real God "ALLAH'~'ALLAH") and believes in ALLAH, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never breakbreahand ALLAHALL,AH ish all-Hearer, all Knower"Knower"4.4.

Brothers and Sisters, just think about it as a basic rule. There are three categories of issuesupon which scholarsdiffer and they areas follows: 1.1.The Majority had confirmed confrrmeditit as the rightright onebut had not definitely rejecteditit as wrong. 2.2.TheThe majority had not approved of it as the right one butbuthadnotdefinitelyhad not definitely rejecteditit as wrong either. 3. The Majority had rejected itit as definitely wrong. TheThe crucialcrucial differencesdifferencesbetween the MuslimMuslim and and the Shee'ahShee'ahscholarsscholars areare containedcontainedinin thethe lastlastcategory. category.

t I Al-Jazari,Al-Jazari,vol.vol. 6,6,p. p. 669.669. 2 2 BaleeqBale€qp.p. 544.5,14. ' 3 IbnIbn Taymiyah.Taymiyalr. Minhaj,Minhaj, vol. vol. 2.2. pp.p. 122-5.122-5 o 4 HolyHolyQur'an: qu'an: ChapterChaPer2 2verse256.verse 256. 99 BrothersBrothers andand sisters,sisters, rememberremember thatthat therethere isis aa greatgreat dealdeal ofof differencedifference 'majority betweenbetween thethe 'majority ofof Muslims'Muslims' wtrichwhich isis notnot aa sufficientsufficient evidenceevidenceand and thethe 'majority'majority ofof MuslimsMuslims scholars'scholars'wtrich which isis uitratwhatis is meantmeanthere hereby by Ijma'Ijma' OurOur DearsDears letlet usus remembqrremember thatthat ALLAHALLAH hadhad wamedwarned usus againstagainst deviatingdeviating fromfrom HisHis straightstraight path.path. HeHe sayssays inin thethe HolyHoly Qur'an:Qur'an: "And"And verily,verily, thisthis isis mymy StaightStraight Path,Path, soso followfollow it, andand followfollow notnot (other)(other) paths,forpaths,for theythey willwill seporuteseparate youyou awayawayfrom from His path.path. This HeHe has ordainedforordainedfor youyou thatyouthatyou maymay becomebecomeAl' Al- MuttaqunMuttaqun (the(thepious pious)". )".11

1IHoly HotyQur'an: qr'an: ChapterChaFer6 6verse verse153. 153. 1010 ~TICLESTICLES OFOF FAITHEAITH AND PILLARS OFOF'ISLAMISLAM The Ja'fari Shee'ahShee'ah scholarsscholars saysay that believing inin a hereditary systemsystemof leadershipleadershipof the whole Muslim Ummah (I'ma'mah)(I'ma'mah) isis as fundamental fundamentalas believing in one God.God.ll To them, I'ma'mahI'ma'mah isis an article offaithoffaithandapillarofand a pillar of 2 Islam.Islam.2. In tn addition, additioq among the articles referred to in the constitutionconstitutionand the other Shee'ah sources, there is is no mention of believing in thethe angels or divine destiny(Al-Qader). Muslim scholars affirm that therethereisis no such thingthing as I'ma'mah, an alleged hereditary system of leadership of the whole Muslim Ummah in Islam. There are evidences in the Holy Qur'an and the reliable SU'N'AH that even refute.and reject this concept. Inln the Holy Qur'an, ALLAH says:says: ""...and...and who (conduct)(conduct)theirtheir (Muslim) affairsalfairs by mutualmutuat consultation consultation..'tr... '''' and the Prophet

commanded: ""..,and... and consult them in the affairsaffiirs...".a... ".4

The Muslim scholars believe that Islam is built on five pillars: TestifyingTestifuingthat there is no God but ALLAH and Mohammad is His messenger, performing prayers, payingpaylng charity, fasting in the month of Ramadan and making the pilgrimage to the house of ALLAH. ALLAH.s5 Furthermore, they believe that the fundamental articles of are: To believe in ALLAH, His Angles, His Books, His Messengers, the last Day and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and 6 the evil thereof. thereof.6 If you read the whole Holy Qur'an you will not find any support 'I'ma'mah for the 'I'ma'mah concept', the alleged hereditary system of leadership of the wholeqiholeMuslim Ummah. Brothers and sisters, should we believe the majority of Muslim scholars who are supported clearly by the Holy Qur'an verses and reliable HADEETHs,FIADEETHs, or the few Shee'ah scholars whose opinions are not sanctioned by the Holy Qur'an or the reliable HADEETHs?I{ADEETHs? Make sure that our sole intention is to please ALLAH only and to find truth for our salvation in this world and in the hereafter. Let us, rememberthat ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "0 you who believe! Believein ALIllH,ALLAH, and His flis Messenger (Muhammad(p*",(Muhammad(p~..u BeB~ Uponupon Him)tHim)), and the BoohBook (the

I 1 Constitution Article 2 and Asifi.Asifi.. W.23-5pp.23-5 2Al-Kafvol. 2 Al-Kafi vol. 11p.290.p. 290. t 3 Holy qur'an:Qur'an: Chapter42 verse38. o 4 Holy qr'an:Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 159. r , Bukhari and Muslim - Forty Hadeeths,p. 35. t 6 Muslim -Forty Hadeeths,p. 30. ll11 Qur'an) which HeHe has sent down toto His Messenger,Messenger, and the Scripture which HeHe sent dmtndown toto thosethose before (him), and whosover disbelieves inin ALL'AH,ALLAH, His Angek,Angels, HisHis Books,Books, HisHis Messengers,Messengers, and thethe LastLast Day,Day, thenthen indeedindeed he has strayedfar a74tay"1.away"l.

t 1 HolyHolyQur'an: Qur'an:chapter chapter44 verse verse136.136 12t2 S"""'AHSHEE'AH .'NCEPTCONCEPT oFOF I'M.{MAHI'MA'MAH TheThe Shee'ahscholars scholars believebelieve thatthat thethe ImmateImmate conceptconcept isis anan articlearticle ofoffaith faith equalequal toto believingbelieving inin oneone God. God. I'ma'mahI'ma'mah concept concept meansmeans thatthat thethe spiritual,spiritual, religious,religious, educationaleducational andand politicalpolitical leadershipleadership ofof thethe wholewhole MuslimMuslim UmmahUmmah is is aa mattermatter ofof inheritanceinheritance confinedtoto only twelvetwelve Imams. Imams. These are the husbandof thethe youngest daughter of the Prophet (peae(Peace Be uptnUpon Him), Fatima, her twOtwo sons and sOmesome of the descendantsof her secondsons.sons, Husain, who was marriedtoto thethe Persianemperor's daughter.rdaughter. 1

This religious and politicalleadership could be inheritedinherited by a nine,eight or five year-oldboy.2boy? For example,the constitution of the Republicof IranIr~n statesthat: ... the official religion of Iran is the Ja'fari Eth'naiEth'nai Ashri and this article is unchangeableforever'.3forever,3

Firstof all, thisbelief is boundwith thebelief that these Imams are infallibleinfalliblea 4 and share with ALLAH the power of knowing the unseenincluding the knowledge as to when the Imams would die.die.55 They believethat obedience to these 'even Imams should be unquestionable- 'even the worship of God becomesunnecessary ' if this is the Imam's order,6order'.6In Khomeini's words, it says'says. We cannot imagine that the Imams can make mistake,7mistake'.7Also the I'ma'mah ists interwoven with the 'the belief that 'the spiritual status of the Imam is universal viceregency.viceregency ItIt is a viceregency pertaining to the whole creation, by virtue of which all atoms in the universe humble themselves before the holder of this authority. ItIt is oneof the essential beliefs of our Shee'Shee'ahah school thatthat no one can attain thethe spiritual spiritualstatus of thethe Imams,Imams,not even the angels of thethe highestrankrank or messengers of ALLAH'.ALLAH'.88 On thethe other hand, the concept is is inherentinherentinin thethe Shee'Shee'ahah belief thatthat all Muslim Ca'lee'phahsCa'lee'phahs(leaders(leaders ofof thethe wholeMuslim Muslimnation), rulersrulers andand judgesjudges areare taghootstaghoots

'Tabatabai,pp. 1 Tabatabai,pp. 190-211190-21I & & Hassan,Hassan,pp.pp. 230-1. 230-1. ' 2 Tabatabai,Tabatabai,pp.pp. 205, 205,7, 7, 10.10. 3 3 ConstitutionConstitutionArticleArticle 12.12. o 4 Asifi,Asifi, pp. pp.23-25,23-25, Constitution,Constitution, ArticleArticle 2.2. ' 5 Al-Kafi,Al-Kafi, vol.vol. 1,1,pp. pp.206-62. 206-62 u 6 IslamicIslamicgreatgreat Library Libraryp. p.6. 6. ? 7 Khomeini,Khomeini,Arabic Arabicp. p.91. 91. 8 8 Khomeini,Khomeini,p. p.64. 64. 13t3 (evil(evil ones)ones) if if they they areare notnot Shee'ahShee'ahor or of of thethe twelvetwelve Imams.Imams.lI ThereforeThereforethe the constitutionconstitutionof of Iran Iran mademade suresurethatthat only only ananIthna IthnaAshari AshariJa'afari Ja'afai Shee'ahShee'ahcancan be be 2 'national president.president.2andand thethe'national legislativelegislativecouncilcouncil shallshall notnot enact enactlawslaws that thatcontradictcontradict thethe principlesprinciples andand jurisprudencejurisprudenceof of the the officialoffrcial sectsect ofof the the state,.3state'.3The Thetwelfth twelfth Shee'ahShee'ahImamImam isis believedbelievedtoto havehave beenbeen bornbornin in 868868A.D.A.D. andandisis stillstill alivealive(now(now eveneven afterafter elevenelevencenturies) centuries)but disappeareddisappearedwhen he was 5 5 years old.old. He He will reappearreappearandand thethe currentcurrent RepublicRepublic ofof Iran Iran will be dissolveddissolvedforfor him to taketakethe the leadership.4leadership.a

TheThe MuslimMuslimscholars scholarsregard monarchy questionablequestionable wherewhere onlyonly the thepolitical power isis inherited.inherited. Therefore,they they rejectreject completely any form of monarchy in which even thethe religiousand the spiritual leadershipleadership isis inherited,inherited,unless therethere isis clear evidence in thethe Holy Qur'an or the reliable SU'N'AH of thetheprophetcPeaceBeUpoll prophotlreaaner6,n Him)ni-r thatthat supportssupportsthisthis claim. Not only isrs therethere no such evidence, but also the concept of l'ma'mahI'ma'mah contradictsthethe principle of the consultatIOn consultatronemphasized by the Holy Qur'an. ALLAH, commanding the Prophet, says: ,·"...... and and consult them in affairsaffairs...... '6,...... '05, and praising the believers says: " ...... and who (conduct) their

tt o affairs by mutual consultationconsultation...... ".6

The Muslim scholars also affirm that complete infallibility is an attribute of ALLAH alone and no creature shares it with Him. Even the infallibility of the prophets is limited to conveymgconveytngtheIrtherr messages truly and in avoiding cardinal or disobedience to ALLAH. For example, ALLAH addressing the Prophet says: "The Proph€tp"o""Prophetweace Be Uponupon llim)triml ftownedfrowned and turned away because a blind man came to him (interrupting)".(interrupting)".77 The HolyHolv Qur'an assures us that even the bestcreature on earth does not share with ALLAH the attributesattributesofof infallibility. ConcerningConcemingthe the knowledge of the unseen, ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "I (Mohammad(Mohamntod(PeaceTeeacene Be upmUpon Hin)H;mJ) have no power over onyany good or harm to my self except as God (ALLAH) wills, if I had knowledgeof the unseen,I should have multiplied all good, undand no evil should havetouched me...' ... ,,s. Muslim scholarsconsider those who believethat somehuman beings are better than the messengersof ALLAH as

' 1 Khomeini,pp.92-1.pp. 92-3. 2 2 ConstitutionArct.Aret. I115. 15. 3 3 ConstitutionAert.Acft.72. 72. 4 4 ConstitutionArct.Aret. 5. 'Holy 5 Holy qur'an:Qur'an: Chapter3 verse159. u 6 Holy qur'an:Qur'an: Chapter 42 verse38. t 7 Holy qur'an:qur'an: Chapter 80verses80 verses l-101-10. t 8 Holy qur'an:Qur'an: Chapter 7 verseverse I188. 88. t414 kaferon (unbelievers),1(unbelievers), I letlet alone thosethose who claim thatthat somecreatures share with ALLAH His unique attributes or that obedienceto to thesethese creaturesis is more importantimportant than than to to thethe Creator.The conceptof thethe still alive 12ft12th Shee'ah Shee'ah Imam is is a myth which should not bpbe believed,letlet alonebuild a whole systemof an Islamic goverrrmentgovernment on it. Al-tabariassured us that the 1111ft th Imamhad no offspring'sat all.all.z2

There are very few HADEETHs compiledby Termithy and Abu Dawood mentioning the appearanceof Al-MahdiAI-Mahdi among the signs of the Day of Resurrection.These HADEETHs say that he will have a name similar to the Prophet's(Mohammad (p",*(Peace r+Be up,-Up,m Hi-y)Him») and his father'sname will be similarto the Prophet'sfather (Abdullah), not Hassanthe l11 lthth Imam'sname. He will be from the descendantsof the first grandson of the Prophet 1p""*(Peace ireBe rhtnUpon Him) but not from the i secondgrandson's progenyprogeny3 Furthermore, there is no evidencethat sucha person willwrll live twelvecenturies. Brothersand Sisters.Sisters, the Shee'ahscholars consider the I'ma'mahconcept as an article of faith equal to believingin ALLAH. That is, if you don't believe this, then by their definition you couldbe a Kafer (unbeliever), God forbid. On the other hand, if you believesuch with all its implications and dimensionsdrmensions you could be a Kafer by the defimtIOndefinrtronof the scholars whose loyalty is only to ALLAH and the Prophet (Peace(peaeBerrprnHimr,Be Upon Him), not for a special dynasty or race. Make sure that you choose the nght path to paradise

t 1 AI-Tahawi,Al-Tahawi,p.p. 557.557. 2 2 Ibnlbn Taymiyah,Taymiyah,MinhajMinhaj vol.vol.lI P. P. 37.37. t 3 IbnIbnAI-Atheer, Al-Atheer,vol. vol. 10,10,pp. pp.330-2.330-2. 15l5 pRopHET F*rLyFAMILY oFOF THE PROPHET eo""n.uponrnm)(peaceBeUponIDm)

The Ja'fari Shee'ahscholars confineconfme "Family of the prophet(pea€B€rbmHim)"(Peace Be Upon Himj" to the youngest daughter of the Prophet (peae(pea"" Be rrpdUpon Him), FatimaFatima, , his cousin AliAli­ - husband of Fatima, the first grandsonand the secondgrandson (who marriedthe last kanianIranian emperor'sdaughter, then Shahrbanoo)and the eight descendantsof the 1 'lt second gtandsongrandson from his Persianwife.lwife. Khomeinisaid: 'It is oneof the essential beliefs of Shee'ah school that no one can attainthe spiritual status ofofImam Imam (Ali and his descendants),not even the close angels or the prophets who are also messengersof God,2.God'2. Shee'ah scholars believe that the leadershipof the whole Muslim Ummah is confined only to .Therefore they neglectthe accomplishmentsand the virtues of or castcardinal accusations against the rest of the prophet's 1p""o(Peace Be upmUpon Him) family and Companions, unless they are provento the Shee'ah scholars to have demonstratedstrong support to Ali. (This can be further corroborated by reading any of the Shee'ah sources in Islamic hIstOry,hrstory, for example Tabatabai, AliAIi Shariati, Ibn Abi al-hadid, etc.).

The Muslim scholars consider "Ahl-al Bait" the family of the Prophet (Pea""Be(peaeB€ Uponr}q Him) as all his relatives who cannot receive This includes the Prophet (peace@eeBe Uponrtom Him), Ali, Aqil, Abbas and their posterity,3 the wiveswrvesof the Prophet (pea""Be@eaeBe Uponrlo Him)rrim)are members of his family, ALLAH Says in the Holy Qur'an: "And stay in yoaryour houses and do not display yourselveslike that ofofthethe times ofofignorance,ignorance, and perform regular prayers (As-Salat), and give charity () , and obey ALLAHALI-/IH and his Messenger. ALLAH wishes only to remove Ar-Rijs ( evil deeds and , ect)ecl) fromyou,from you, 0O members ofthefamityof thefamily of the Prophet (peace@eaceBerJpon*im)eeBe Upon Him)" and to purfupurify you with a thorough purification.'4,purification. ,,4, notnot only that, but all the Prophet's wives are the mothers of the believers, ALLAH Says in the Holy Qur'an: " The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are their (believers~(believers') mothers (as regards respect and marriage)...... ,,5.

The majority of the Muslim scholars consider those who believe that some human beings are better than the Prophets as Kafir (unbeliever). Muslim scholars hold respect for thethewhole family of the Prophet (Pea""(peaaBerlmnim; Be Upon Him) in general.

t I Ash-SheerazeeAsh-sheerazeepp. 13-19.l3-19. 2 2 Khomeni, translation, Algar, p.p 64 & PSG p. 25.25 3 3 Muslim, vol. 2,2,p.pp. 517-21517-21&& vol. 4, pp.pp. 1286-7.1286-7 o 4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 33 verse 33. t S Holy Qur'an:qur'an: chapterchaper 33 verse 6. 16l6 The Prophet rp*(Peaao BcBe rl'Upm Hin),Him), in in a HADEETH reportedreported by MuslimtMuslim1 while commandingMuslims to stick to the Holy Qur'an as a sourceof.guidance,of guidance, also asked them toto be kind toto his family. Muslim scholarsalso preserveda high status 2 for all the Companionsof the Prophet@wBcrlorrim),{Peaao Be Upm Him), thethe chosensoldiers ofofIslam. Islam.2

Brothers and Sisters, being Muslims, could we really neglect the other daughtersof the Prophet@eeBcrloHin),(peace Be Upon Him), his relativesand their descendantswho were excellent muslims? Could we confinethe family of the Prophetrp**B€r&aHim)Prophet

t 1 Muslim,Muslim,vol. vol. 4,4,p.p. 12879.12879. 2 2 TheTheVirtues Virhresof of thethe Companions,Companions,inin Al-Bukhari&Muslim.Al-Bukhari&Muslim. 17l7 C'MPANI'NSCOMPANIONS oFOF THE PR.PHETPROPHET (PBUH) The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars claim thatthat thethe firstfIrst and the secondguided Ca'lee'phahs, Abu Bakr and Omar plotted againstIslam and tried toto eliminatethethe HADEETH so that theythey could interpretthethe Holy Qur'an in such a way as to serve their purposes. The Shee'ah scholars also claim thatthat thethe threethree firstfIrst guided 'Broke Ca'lee'phahs 'Broke their covenantwith the prophet(peaeBetbmHin) (Peace Be Upoo Him) and changed his SU'N'AH'.ISU'N'AH,.I They divide the thousandsof the Prophet'scompanions into three categories,2categories;2

1.l. The Companionswhom the Shee'ahscholars like, who areless than ten. 2. The worst elements (among these was Abdullah bin Omar who reported numeroustrue HADEETHs). 3. Those who sold their Honors (amongthese were Abu Hurayra,Abu Darda and Abu Musal-Ashaari. All reported many true HADEETHs).

One of the official newspapers then, after describing the Prophet (Peace(peaeBeL[m Be Upoo Him)Hin)as having singled out his son-in-law unjustly with special parts of the Islamic Message, assures that "most of the Prophet's (Peace(peaeBeLpruHim) Be Upon Him) generation did not have a clear picture even of the religious issues that the prophet (Peace(peaeBeB€ Uponup.-ni-; Him) had practiced hundreds of times before their eyes and within reach of their hearing. hearing.s3 '... Specifically, a Shee'Shee'ahah scholar mentions ' ... Abdul Rahman Ibn Ouf, a worshipper of money; the aristocrat, Othman; the careless Khalid Ibn Walid; and Saied Ibn Vaqas, as a man without piety'piety'.0 .4

The Muslim scholars say that the great companions are trustworthy and andare are reliable sources - all of them deserve high respect.respect.s5 ALLAH has praIsedpratsed the great 6 Companions inin thethe Holy Qur'an saying: "You are thethe bestof peoplespeoples"" 6 "The VanguardVanguard (of(of Islam), thethe firstJirst whowhoforsooktheirforsook their homes (AI-Muhajirin) (Al-Muhaiirin) andandofof thosethose who gave themthem aid (AI-Ansar)(Al-Ansar) and also whowhofollowfollow them inin all good deeds. ALLAH"ALI"/IH isis pleased with them as theythey are with Him. For them He prepared gardens underunder whichwhich riversriversflow toto dwelldwelttherein thereinforever".forever".T 7;; "Mohammed"Mohammed isis thethe t 1 Al-Askari, p.p. 34-8.3+s. t 2 TheTheMinistry Ministry ofof IslamicIslamicGuidance Guidanceinin Iran,lran, pp.pp. 28-30.28-30. 'Al-Jehad, 3 Al-Jehad, No.No.56 56 4 4 Shariati,shadati,p. p. 207207 5 3 IbnIbn Tayrniyah,Taymiyah, vol.vot. II p.p. 307307 6 6 HolyHoly Qur'qur'an:an: cp.apterclrapter33 verse verselII lo0 t 7 HolyHolyQur'an: qur'an: chapterchapter99 verse versel00I00 18t8 ApostleApostle of God and thosethose who are with each other. You see them bow ondand prostrateprostrate themselvesthemselves (in prayu)prayer) seehingseeking gracegrace fromfrom God and (His) goodgood 1 'The In a reliable HADEETH the Prophets**Prophe1:(peace B€Be upmUpoo Hin)Him) said: 'The best of my followers are thosethose living living inin my century'.2

The Muslim scholarshave no doubt that thethe ProphetGeaeBcrbcorrim)(Pe;lce Be Upoo Him) conveyed his messagewithout any discriminationor bias for his son-in-lawor anyanyone one elseof the companions. The great Companions were in general, more knowledgeable about the Islamic teachings.Among the non-relativesof the prophet@eacBerloHin), (peace Be Upoo Him), there were many who were more knowledgeablethan Ali or the other relativesof the Prophet(peaeBerporlm;(peaceBeUpooHim), in spite of the HADEETH forged by Shee'ahscholars.3scholars. 3

Among thoseCompanions who havebeen slanderedby the Shee'ahShee'ah scholars are those who have beentold that they were the peopleof paradise.Among them 'May also are thoseto whom the Prophet(Peace1reaeBerlmniml Be Upro Him) said: 'May my mother and father be sacrificed for you' or that the Prophet (PeacereaeBerlmrriml Be Upon Him) is from them and they are from him. Among those companions there are hundreds about whom the Prophet (PeaceGwBc Be 'None Upoou* Him)n-l said: 'None loves them but a believerand non hates them but a hypocrite'. Certainly, the blind, biased and exaggerated love are excluded. For these kinds of "Love" should rather be identified as hatred. If there were disagreements among a few Companions based on a difference of legal opinions (Ijtehad), we should not indulge in judging their personal deeds, for ALLAH condemns such acts; i.e. latter ones judging the deeds of the earlier ones. [nln the Holy Qur'an it says: "That "That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned, andyou and you of what you earned, And you will not be asked of what they used to do"?4do"?a

Brothers and sisters, do you believe ALLAH who plainly states thatthat He isis pleased with the Companions of thethe Prophet (Peace(peaeBeupmnim) Be Upon Him) or the Shee'ah scholars who honor just aafewfew Companions and curse and accuse thousandsthousands of others. Be sure to find the rightright way toto paradise and not function unintentionally as an agent ofof the enemies·enemies'ofof IslamIslam who areare tryingtrying toto destroydestroythe HolyHoly Qur'Qur'anan andand the 'Ifyouseeaperson HADEETH.HADEETH. RememberRememberthatthat ImamImam Ahmad binbinHanbalsaid:Hanbal said: 'If you see a person accusingaccusingthe companionscompanions ofof the ProphetProphet(Peace(peaeBertomHimr. Be Up= Him). you have thethe rightright toto doubtdoubt his Islam'Islam'

' 1 HolyHolyQur'an: Qur'an:chapter chapter4848 verses verses18-29.18-29. 'Al-Bukhari, 2 A1-Bukhari, vol.vol.5, 5,p.2. p.2. ' 3 IbnIbnTaymiyah, Taymiyah,MinhajMinhaj vol.vol. 3,3, pp.pp. 116-73.116-73. a 4 HolyHolyQur'an: qur'an: chapterchapter22 verses verses134.134. 19t9 Rahwaih and Imam Malik gave the verdict that whosoever accusesthe 'Whoever companions shouldbe punished.Ibn Taymiyah and Razi said: 'Whoever questions the good faith of the companionsis "Zindeeq" and unbeliever'. Ibn Hajar Al-Haithami and Imam Shaifeeare of the opinion, that w?roeverwhoever hates the companions is an unbeliever. Al-gadi abu Ya'ala concludedthat the majority of Muslim scholars have madea consensusthat whoever disgracesand accuses a Companion believing that the Companion deserves disgracing becomes a Kafer (unbeliever) but ififhe he doesnot believethat the companion deservesdesOrves it then he committed a serious sin (a Faseq).rFaseq).l

I 1 Abu Mu'awiyah Muhammad, pp.pp. 11-13,25I l-13, 25 andand62. 62. 20 TTno,YAHUQ'YAH (SHIELDING)('HTELDTNG) 'TUe'yAH TheThe Ja'afariJa'afari scholarsscholarssay say that:that: 'TUQ'YAH comprisescomprisesninetenths ninetenthsof of thethe religionreligion ofof ALLAHALLAH andand whoeverwhoeverdoes doesnot not useuse TUQ'YTUe'yAHAH hashas nono religion.religion. TUQ'YTUQ'YAHAH isis toto bebeused usedinin everythingeverythingexceptexcept inin declaringdeclaringthethe prohibition prohibitionof ofwine wine andand thethe rubbingrubbingof of sockssocksin in ,.1wudu'.r TUQ'YTUe'yAHAH meansmeanstoto pretend pretendbyby doing doingoror sayingsayingexactly exactlythe the oppositeoppositeof ofwhat whatyou youbelieve believeoror feel, feel,e.g. e.g.toto pretend pretendtoto be benice nice whilewhilecursing cursingthethe person personinin the theheart heartwithoutwithout aa present presentdanger.danger.2 2 'preservation TheThe specificspecificpurpose purposeofof TUQ'Y TUQ'YAHAH isis thethe 'preservation ofof IslamIslamandtheand the Shee'ahShee'ahschoolschool of of thought;thought;if if thethepeople peoplehadhad notnot resorted resortedtoto it,it, ourourschool schoolwouldwould havehavebeen beendestroyed,3, destroyed'3,i.e.,i.e., to to thethe Shee'ahShee'ahscholars,scholars. TUQ'YTUe'yAH AH couldcouldbebe used used withwith non-Shee'ah, non-shee'ah, includingincluding Muslims,Muslims, toto preservepreserve thethe Shee'ahshee'ah Faith.Faith. TheThe prominentprominentShee'ah Shee'ahscholarscholar TabatabaiTabatabai sayssays thatthat Shee'ah Shee'ahTUQ'YTUQ'YAH AH isis basedbasedonon thethe versesversesfrom from thethe HolyHoly Qur'anQur'an thatthat say:say'."Let"Let notnot thethe believersbelieverstaketake the the disbelieversdisbelievers as Auliya (supporters, (supporters,helpers, etc.)etc.)insteadofthebelievers,andwhoeverdoesinstead ofthe believers, and whoever does thatthat will never be helped by ALLAH inin any way, exceptexceptyouyou indeedfearindeedfear a danger ftomfrom them.them...".4',.. ". 4; "Whover"vl/hover disbelieved inin ALLAH after hishisbelief, betief,except him who isforced thereto and whose heart is at rest with FaithFaith...,'.5... ".5

The Holy Qur'an also assures us that pretending to believe differently from what is in our hearts isiS the distinguished characteristic of hypocrites and it ,And condemnsthat. ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an:eur'an. "And when they meetthose 'We who believe they say 'We believe'. But when they are alone with their ShaytanShaytan (devil'polytheist,(devil- polytheist, hyprocrites, etc.), they say:say: "Truly"Trary we arcare with ,'.6".6

ALLAH also says: "Do yoayou (aithfull(faithfull believers)covet that they will believe in youryour religion inspiteinspite of thethefact fact thatthat a partyparty of them (Iewish(Jewish rabbis)rabbis)used to hear the liltordWord of ALLAHALLAH [the Taurat (Torah)J,(Torah)}, thenthen theythey used to change itit lrnowinglyknowingly afterafter theythey understood it?it? "And whenwhen thqthey (Jewg(Jews) meetmeet thoseihothose who believe (Muslims)(Muslims) whatwhat ALLAHALLAH hashas revealedrevealed toto youyou pews,[Jews, about descriptiondescription andand thethe qualitiesqualities ofof ProphetProphet Muhammad|peaceBeLponHi^)Muhammad(peace Be Upon Him) thatwhichthat which areare writeenwriteen inin

' 1Al-Kafr,Al-Kati, AL-Usool,AL-Usool, vol.vol. 2,2, pppp 217-9217-9. ' 2Al-KafiAl-Kati A.l-frua,Al-frua,vol. vol. 33 pp.pp. 188-9.188-9. 3 3KhomeiniKhomeini p.p. 144.144. o 4HolyHoly qur'an:Qur'an: chapterchapter3 3 verseverse28. 28. 'Holy 5 Holyqur'an:Qur'an: chapterchapter16 16verse verse 106. 106. t 6HolyHoly qur'an:Qur'an: chapterchapterzverse 2 verse 14.14. 2121 Taurat(Torah), thatthat theythey (Muslim) nay argue wtthwith youyou (Jants)(Jews) thenthen no understanding?".runderstanding?".! ALLAH also says:"Lo!"Lol youyou are the oneswho lovethem but theylove you not, and youyou believe in all the Scriptures[te.[i.e. youyou believein the Taarat(Torah)Taurat(Torah) and the Injee(Gospel),Injeel(Gospel), while they disbelievein youryour Book, the Qar'anJ.Qur'anJ. And when they meet you,you, theysay, "We believe".BtttwhenBut when they are alone,they bite the tips of their Jingersfingers at you in ragerage. Say: Say:"Perish"Pefish in your tage.rage. Certainly, ALI-/IHALLAH knows what is in the breast(alt(all the secrets)."2secrets).,,2 Therefore, ALLAH has preparedfor the hypocritessevere punishment. "They shall be in the lowest depthsof the ftre,fire, no helpers wiltwill you Jindfind forfor them".3 SoMuslim scholars considerthat pretendingthe oppositeof whatyou hideis lying,which is a form of 'The hypocrisy, for the Prophet (peae(peace Be upmrrim)Upon Him) said: 'The signsof ahypocritea hypocrite are three: whenever he speaks he tells a lie, when ever he promiseshe alwaysbreaks it and a he abusesthe trust given to him...'him... ' 4 The basicrule therefore,is that pretendingone thing and hiding another is hypocrisy and is condemned by the Islamic teachings. The case mentioned in chapter 3 verse 28 of the Qur'an above is applicable in the case of non-believers ONLY under special cases, i.e., a Muslim cannot apply it 5 against a Muslim.Muslim.5 Chapter 16 verse 106 of the Holy Qur'Qur'anan is applicable only when a Muslim faces a situation similarsimilartoto the situation ofofthe the great Companion Ammar when he had to choose between dying under torture like his parents pretending to be unbeliever by tongue. These cases are not the basic rule but rather exceptions, let alone the basis for nine-tenths of the Islamic religion. Brothers and sisters, give it a thought - what would happen if Muslims were to believe that nine­nine- tenths of the whole religion lies in TUQ'YTUQ'YAH?AH? Which is meansthat pretending what·what is different from our true belief and feelingsis nine times as importantas all the Islamic teachings? Could you ever trust a Muslim if this were the case? Can we really take our guidance and religious knowledge from scholars who believe that deception isis nine-tenths of his religion?IsIs itit right toto accepthis non-religious views as representingthethe truth? truth?If If a person considers lying about ALLAH, His Prophet (peace(peacBe uPonrdm Him)Hi-l and thethe Muslims asessential part of hishis beliefs inin order to to serveservehis biased goals, can we trusttrust him? Therefore, if you really want success inin thethe hereafter or or inin thethe eternaletemal life,life, be cautiouscautious ofof the manymanyargumentsofarguments ofShee'ah Shee'ah scholarsscholarswhich arearebased ondn distorteddistortedoror forgedforgedquotations quotationsandand references. references.

1I HolyHoly Qur'an:qur'an: chapterchapter22verses75-77 verses 75-77 2 2 HolyHolyQur' Qur'an:an: chapter chaper 33verse verse119. I19. ' 3 HolyHolyQur' Qur'an:an: chapter chapter44 verseverse145. 145. o 4 Al-Bukhari,Al-Bukhari,vol, vol, 1.l p.p. 31,31,Muslim Muslim vol.vol. 4,4,p.p. 1374.1374. ' 3 IbnIbnTaymiyah, Taymiyah,Minhaj.,Minhaj., vol vol 1.l. p.p. 213213and andvol. vol. 33 pp.p.259'260.259-260. 2222 Our Dearslet let us rememberremember thatthat chapter3 verse28 of the Holy Qur'anQur'an isis not only an exception, but rathrer a restricted exception.Not only is it forbidden toto be used againstMuslims but it also prohibitsus toto lie upon others.It meansthatthat if you oppose certain behaviours and you are in a situation where admission would endanger Islam or the Muslim community, you may choosetoto remain silent but you must avoid lying.llying. 1

1I IbnIbn Taymiyah,Taymiyah, Minhaj.,Minh4i., vol.vol. p.p. 213213and andIbn Ibn Katheer,Katheer,Tafseer. Tafseer. 2323 MUT'MnrnAn AH - TEMPORARYTEMP'RARY MARRIAGEMARRTAGE The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars claim that Mut'ah or temporary marriage is NOT forbidden because it was practiced during the Prophet's time. Only Omar forbade 1

l)The purpose of Mut'ah is to fulfill a physical need only; there is no divorce and the two partnersparhrers do not inherit each other.other.2 2 The Muslim scholars say that: The Holy Qur'an had established the legal forms of relationship between male and female and confined it into two types: the marriage in which the main reason is multiplication and the other being mutual relationship and possession. The Holy $And Qur'an says:says: "And those who guard their chastity (i.e.(Le.private parts,parts,from from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and the slaves) 3 that their right hands posses, posses,-for- for then, they arefree from blames" 3 2)2)TheseThese two legal forms Islamic marriagemaniage were also confirmed in the Holy Qur'an:"AlsoQur'an:'Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom you right hands possess.Thus has ALLAH ordainedordainedforfor you. AllAII others are lawful,lowful, provided you seek (them in marriage) with (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage)maniage) from your property, desiring chastity, not committing illegal sexual intercourse, so with those of whom you have enjoyed sexual relations, give them their Mahr is prescribed, you agree mutually (to give more), there is no sin on you. Surely, ALLAH is Ever All-Knowing, All-Wise".AII-Wise". "And"Andwhoeverwhoever ofofyouyou have not the means wherewith to wed free, believing women, they may wed believing girlsgirk from among those (captives and slaves) whom your right possess,possess,and ALLAH has full knowledgeltnowledgeabout your Faith, yoayou are on from another. Wed them with permission of their own folk (guardins, Auliya or masters) and give their Mahr according to what is reasonable; they (the above said captive and slave-girls) should be chaste, not adulterous, nor takingtahing boy friends. And after they have been taken in wedfolk, wedfolk,iftheycommitillegalifthey commit illegal sexual intercourse, their panishmentpunishment is halfthatforhalf thatforfreefree (unmarried) women. This isforis for him among you who is afraid of being harmed in his religion or in his body; but it is betterfor you that you practise self-restraint,self-restra'nt, and ALLAH is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful".4 Merciful".a In which the laws of marriage were detailed. The Muslims scholars confirmed that the meaningmeaninsof "Istam'tum""lstam'tum" is referring to

' 1 Tabatabai, pp. 227-30.227-10. 2 2 Moosavi, pp.pp.79-96. 79-96. 'Hory 3 Holy Qur'an:qur'an: chapter 23: verses 5-7, chapter 70: verses 28-31.28-31 o 4 HolyHory Qur'an:qur'an: chapter 4 verses 24,25. 24 thethe enjoymentas part of thethe dutiesof the legallegal formsforms of marriagebetween a man and his wife. This part of the verse is spellingout the rightright of a wife toto a Mahr (maniage(marriage gift). This is clearly demonstratedby a HADEETH using thethe same word "Istamta'ta"in its singleform.lform. I

3)Mut'ah was permittedunder severecircumstances during'"during "jihad" time,time, but itit was always prohibited immediatelyimmediately after thethe needfor itit vanished.When itit was permitted for the last time, its prohibitionsafter that was final. The Prophet6r**(peace 'l BeupoUpon rrim)Him) said : 'I havegiven you permlsslonpermission to contract"temporary marriage" 'till 2 wrthwith women, but ALLAH hasforbidden it 'till the day of resurrection'.2resurrection'. So the permissionswere actually only occasionalexceptions from the originalrule set in the Qur'anQur'an and were made by the prophet (peae(Peace Be tto,nUpon Him) who had the authonty;authority; and the exceptionswere not left openbut wereclosed by the above FIADEETHHADEETH forever.3forever. 3

Later on, Ca'lee'phahOmar came to know that Amru bin Huraithwas 'Verily practisingMut'Mut'ah ah and so he announced: 'Verily ALLAH made permissible for his messenger (Peace(peae Ber3e UpmLrp(n Hunllrtrn) whatever he likes and as he liked And the revelation of the Holy Qur'an had beencompleted. So complete and Umra for ALLAH had commandedconmanded you and confirm by properconditions the marriage of those women (with whom you have performed Mut'ah). And any person who would come to me with a marriage of fixed duration (Mut'ah), I would stone him to death (which is the penalty for committing fornicationfomication by a previously married person).person).'a ,4

Brothers and sisters, is there any difference between a woman lending her body for a few minutes as In rn prostitution or for a few days or months as in Mut'ah, since both are temporary? Don't you think that the permission of Mut'ah today would humiliate our sisters, open the doors for playmates and finally destroy the concept of family in Islam? Remember the Shee'ah scholars of high status rarely 'allowallow theirtheirfemalefemale relativesrelatives toto practice Mut'ah inin order to avoid humiliation. InIn factfact thethe Mut'Mut'ahah permitted occasionally before its finalfinal prohibitions did not require thethe femalefemaleto to be a Muslim or even one from the people of thethe book whichmakes it completely distinguished fromfrom marriage. How could a Muslim legalizelegalizesuchsuch a typetype of illegalillegal relationshipforfor Muslims or practice itit himself?himselflWhat is the difference between fornicationfomication todaytoday andand Mut'ahMut'ah inin termstermsofof their purposes? Aren't both to satisfysatisfothethe sexual sexualdesiresdesires alone?alone?.

t 1 AI-MahmoodAl-Mahmoodp.p. 13.ll. 2 2 Muslim,Muslim,vol.vol. 2, 2,p. p.707. 707. 'Asqalani, 3 Asqaiani, vol.vol.9, 9.pp. pp.164-74. l6zt-74. o 4 Muslim,Muslim,vol.vol. 2, 2,pp. pp.610-1. 610-I . 2525 GHADEERG"ooEERr(HU,MKHU'M

TabatabaiTabatabaisaid: said: "For"For Shee'ah,shee'ah,the the centralcentralevidence evidenceof ofAli's Ali's legitimacy legitimacyasas successorsuccessortoto thetheprophet prophet(peace(peaeBerloHim) Be Upoo Him) isisthe the evidence evidenceofof Ghadeer GhadeerKhu'mKhu'm whenwhenthe the prophetprophet(peace (peaeBeBeUpoo rlo Him)rrim)chosechose Ali Ali toto the the "general"generalguardianship". guardianship".Referring Refening toto aa I bookletbookletdevoted devotedtoto thethedetails detailsofof GhadeerGhadeerKhu'm,Khu'm, wewefind find thethefollowing: following: 1

1.L MoreMorethan than100,000 100,000Companionscompanions attendedattended thethe Ghadeer GhadeerKhu'mKhu'm address.address. 2.2.ltIt tooktook placeplace onon thethe 1818ftth ofof thethe ThulThul HijjaHrjja afterafterthe the "bidding"bidding farewell"farewell,' pilgrimage pilgrimage ofof thethe Prophet(peace Prophete",o BeBeUprnrpm Him). Hnm).TheThe reasonreason thethe ProphetProphet (peace@eaeBerfmgim)Be Upoo Him) mademade thisthis addressaddressat at thisthis placeplace waswas becausebecauseALLAHALLAH revealedrevealed thIsths verseverscat at GhadeerGhadeerKhu'm: Khu'm: "0"o apostle,apostle,deliverdeliver what what hashas beenbeenrevealedrevealed toto youfromyoul: you from yout Lord,.Lord; andond ifif youyou dodo not not dodo itit thenthenyou you havehavenot not delivereddeliveredHis His message,.message;andand ALLAHALLAH willwill protectyou you fromfrom thethepeople".2 people,'.2

3.3. Therefore,Therefore, thethe Prophet(PeaceProph€tpeaeBeLrpmHimlBe Upon Him) mademade thesethese announcements:announcements: 'one •o thatthat he he waswas leavingleaving forfor Muslims Muslims twotwo mostmost preciousprecious things:things: 'one isis the the book of God;God,one end of which is in thethe handsof God and thethe other isis inin your 'God hands. And the second valuable thingthing isis my descendants'. 'God has informedinformed me that both of thesethesethingsthings will never separate fromfrom each other till till theythey reach me at the Fountain of Kausar'Kausar'.. 'of •o Taking Ali's hand and raising it he said, 'of whomsoever I am master (mawla), Ali is his master or mawla too'. . 'O • The Prophet(PeaceProphets""*Be Uprnrtom Him)nim) also said: '0 my God, be a friend of his who is a friend of Ali and treat him like a foe he who opposes Ali. Help them who help Ali andabandon them who go againstAli'.Ali' . 'O o• And he said: '0 my lord, whicheverway Ali turns orient the right in the same direction'.direction'.

Now,.let us discoverwhat thethe Muslim scholars say:3say:3 l.1. AccordingAccording toto Shee'ahShee'ah sources, only a handfulhandful of Companions(less(less thatthat l010 at a maximum)maximum) did notnot breakbreak theirtheir covenant withwith thethe prophetProphet sp",*(peace *.4-Be Upoo r*;.4Him).4 TheThe 100,000 companionscompanions who who heardheard thethe addressaddress plottedplotted toto deprivedeprive Ali Ali ofof hishis rightright toto bebe thethe successorsuccessorofdfthe the ProphetProphet@eaeBellorlin).(peace Be Upon Him). WhatWhat isis thethe probabilityprobability ofof thisthis toto havehave happened?happened? ForFor whatwhat benefitbenefit would would thisthis overwhelmingoverwhelmingmEoritymajority dodo that?that? If If youyou readreadthe the non-shee'ahnon-Shee'ahsources,sources, youyou willwill findfind nono reasonreasonatat all.all.

'Najafi, 1 Najafi,pp.pp. 9-19:9-19:Tabatabai, Tabatabai,pp.pp. 178-218.178-218. 2 2HolyHoly qur'an:Qur'an: ChapterChapter5 5 verseverse62. 67. 3 3ForFor detaileddetailedcomments commentsrefer refer toto Minhaj,Minhaj, inin IbnIbn Taymiyah,Taymiyah,vol.4, volA, pp.pp. g,l-784-7. a 4ShariatiShariatipp. pp. 28-30;28-30;A-estari N-Askari pp.34-43.pp. 34-43. 2626 2.2.TheThe Ghadeer Khu'm address took place on the 18186th of Thul HijjaHrjja month, the same year as the Prophet's (peaooBeUpooHim)ireaeBe emuin) "bidding farewell" pilgrimage. On the th 99ft of the same month the Prophet (peaoorpeeBelfmHim)Be Upoo Him) received the last verse which says:says'."This"This day I have perfectedyour religion, completed mymyfavors favors upon you l and I have hqve chosen Islam to be your religion" 1 How could a verse which asks

the Prophet (peaooqe""*BeB€ Upoorhm Him)Hin) to convey the message follow this concluding verse, especially after the crowd of the "bidding farewell" sermon (on the 99eth of Thul Hijja)Hrjja) had already attested the Prophet (peace(peaeBerlmr{im) BeUpoo Him) and conveyed the message? As a matter of fact, chapter 5 verse 67 of thethe Qur'an was revealed before the Khaibar expedition, the conquest of Mecca and the "bidding farewell" pilgrimage. 3. The acclaimed announcement of the Prophet (peaoo(p""oBe UponL[tn Him) in the way and context that the Shee'ah scholars mentioned was a blatant lie, as Ibn Taymiyah emphasized: 'two •o The authenticated original Hadeeth of 'two most precious things' (al-(al-Thaqalayn)Thaqalayn) 'I says: 'I am leaving among you two valuable things:things : the first one being the book of ALLAH in which there is the right guidance and light, so hold fast to the book of ALLAH and adhere to it'. He extorted us (Zaid Ibn al-Arqam said) to 'The hold fast to the book of ALLAH and then said the Prophet (PeaooBeUpooHim):@eaeBertomuim): 'The second are the members of my household. I remind you to observe ALLAH intn

treating them,.2them'.2 The household of the Prophet (PeaoopeaeBerlonim) Be Upoo Him) as was previously explained includes all his wives, Ali, Ageel, Ja'far, Ja'far,Abbas and their offsprings. Did the Prophet (Peace(peaeBe Uponrh.E Him) say stick to my family as you stick to the Holy Qur'an? Certainly he did not. He asked muslims to be kind to all his household, not just Ali or thethe 1212ImamsImams of the Shee'ah scholars. If the HADEETH indicates any special power or privilege for his household, then we should praise the Abasid Ca'lee'phahs, the offspring of Abbas. Why then do the Shee'ah scholars curse them instead? •o The last part of the claimed HADEETH "is also a alie",Ibnlie", Ibn Taymiyah assured, 'of whether the Prophet's (PeacopeaeBerrpcnuim)Be Up"" Him) said: 'of whomsoever I am "mawla", Ali is his "mawla" or not". Ibn Taymiyah assured us that it is definitely rejected in this context and the majority of HADEETHFIADEETH scientists rejected it completely. Assuming that the Prophet (Peaco(peaeBer!,nHim) Be Upon Him) uttered it, what then is special about it?' The Holy Qur'an, addressing the Prophet says: "ALLAH" ALLAH is his mawla, so is Gabriel and so are the righteous believers".3 The righteous believers are certainly not the master of the prophet but friends and supporters. If the Prophet (peaoo(peaeBeBc UponLtom Him) had said: "of whomsoever I am "wali", Ali is his "wali", then it would have probably meant master or guardian. Furthermore, the prophet (Peaoo(pea€B€ Be

' 1 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 5 verse 3.3 2 2 Muslim vol. 4 pp.pp. 1286-7.1286-7. 'Holy 3 Holy Qur'an:qur'an: 66 verse 4. 27 rlmUpm Hin)Him) diddid notnot saysay thatthat AliAli waswas tOto be be "mawla""mawla" oror "wali""wali" afterafter hishis death.death. The The argument of the Shee'ahShee'ah scholarsscholars seemseem toto bebe nonsense,nonsense, especiallyespecially when when wewe readread thethe authenticated HADEETHHADEETH indicatingindicating thethe prophet'sprophet's @eae(peace BeBe (bmUpon Him) Him) "suggestions" forfor AbuAbu Bakr,Bakr, OmarOmar andand OthmanOthman asas hishis respectiverespective successorssuccessors (successively).(Bukhari and Muslim, chapterschapters onon thethe virnresvirtues of^these of-these three).three) . .• The HADEETH scientistsconsider thisthis statementstatement claimedclaimed by by Shee'ahShee'ahscholars scholars as a lie. Even by glancing at itsits meaning,meaning, itit doesdoes notnot indicateindicate anyany specialspecial advantageto Ali. The Proph€tProphet peaeBeupmrmr(Peace Be Upon Him) hadhad prayedprayed for for manymany believersbelievers allall sortsofprayersof prayers on various occasions.occasions. •o Just by glancing at this statement,a Muslim isis quick toto recognizerecognize thatthat thethe statement is a blatantlie which was forged without evengiving itit any thought.thought. What is this "right" (Haqq) which follows thethe decisions thatthat AliAli makes,makes, opinions that he gives, and the whims that cometo his mind? If thethe lielie were toto 'direct say: 'direct Ali to follow the right (Haqq)wherever right is' thenthen it it would seem to be logical. Nevertheless, Tabatabai, arguing the necessity of the hereditarysystem of 'the C'laph'ah, said: 'the enemies of Islam who did everythingpossible to destroyitit thought that since the protector of lslamwastheProphet(peaeBeltomnimlafterhisIslam was the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), after his death, Islam would be left without a guide and leaderand would thus definitely perish. But in Ghadeer Khu'm, their wishes were brought to naught and the Prophet (Peace(peaeBe UponrJp

tTabatabai I Tabatabai p.p.179. 179 2828 wanderwanderaway'. away'.I1 Ali,Ali, a agreat gleatwarriorwanior of ofIslam Islamandand anan excellent excellentmuslimmuslim isis described described herehere asasif if hehebelieved believedthatthat worldly worldlypower powerwas wasbetter befferthanthan to toteach teachtruetrue Islam. Islam.He Heis is afraidafraid ofof becomingbecomingalone! alone!Blind Blindbias biascan cancause causemoremore than thanthat. that.Instead lnsteadofof praising praising thethe beloved,beloved,the theextreme extremebiasbias leads leadstoto casting castingcardinalcardinal accusationsaccusations unwittingly.unwittingly. As As 'The IbnIbn Taymiyah Taymiyahindeedindeed putsputs it:it: 'The worstworstcalamity calamitytoto hit hitthe theShee'ah Shee'ahImamslmams waswas to to havehave suchsuchscholars scholarsasas their theirsupporters'. supporters'.

'Al-askari 1 Al-askaripp.37-41pp. 37-41. 2929 Co*"LUSIoNCONCLUSION FinallyFinally andand inin brief,brief, becausebecauseof of thethe lacklack ofof reasonablereasonableevidences evidencesin in thethe HolyHoly of Qur'anQur'an andand thethe SU'N'AH'SU'N'AH' ofof thethe ProphetProphet(p€s@BerDmnim) (peace BeUpm Him) thatthat supportsupport the the claimsclaims of thethe Shee'ahShee'ah scholars,scholars, theythey usuallyusually resortresortto to thethe followingfollowing techniquestechniquestoto rationalizerationalize theirtheir biasedbiasedversions versions of of IslamIslam asas follows:follows: l.Claiming1. Claiming thatthat thethe HolyHoly Qur'anQur'an isis notnot completecompleteand and isis comrpted.corrupted. This This allegation,allegation, althoughalthough denieddenied or or excludedexcludedbyby thethe Shee'ahShee'ahscholarsscholars inin theirtheir publicpublic propagationpropagation ofof Shee'ahism,Shee'ahism, stillstill eistsexists inin theirtheir mostmost trustworthytrustworthy sources.sources. Z.lnventrng2. Inventing manymany "FIADEETHs""HADEETHs" oror distortingdistorting thethe contextcontext oror contentcontent ofof thethe prophet'sprophet's HADEETH.HADEETH. This isis either usedused as a complimentarymeansmeans toto falsifufalsify thethe HolyHoly Qur'an versesverses or toto independentlyindependently argue bias. bias. 3.lnventing3. Inventing or adulterating thethe context or content of thethe historical eventsand stories to use them in comrptingcorrupting the meanings of the Holy Qur'an or the SU'N'AH'SU'N'AH' ofofthe the Prophet @eaeBerfmlrim).(peace BeUpoo Him). 4. Filtering these comrptioncorruption into the non-Shee'ahscholars' works in order to use them later in supporting their claims. Thesearexe cited citedeven if they were refutedor just recorded indiscriminately to include all informationsavailable for purposes of the total record. Brothers and sisters, the cornerstone of the Shee'ah faith claims that ALLAH assigned Ali as the successor oftheof the Prophet(PeaceBeUpmHim).Prophetrr**Betb{auin).If we check this claim against thethe historical facts which confirms thatthat Ali did not sacrifice himself, as itit was expected of a person of his quality toto carry out the commandment of ALLAH,ALLAH. thethe resultresultwill definitely be one of thesethesethreethree possibilities:possibilities:l 1

1.l.Ali,Ali, the the piouspious companion,companion, willinglywillingly disobeyeddisobeyedALLAH ALLAH andand betrayedbetrayed thethe prophet(Peaceprophetlr""oBeB€ Upoonpdrrin) Him) byby claimingclaimingthat thathis hisjudgment judgmentand andwisdom wisdomwere werebetter betterthanthan ALLAH'S,ALLAH'S, (may(mayALLAH ALLAH forbid).forbid). 2.z.Lli,Ali, thethe greatgreat warriorwarrior ofof Islam,Islam, unwillinglyunwillingly disobeyeddisobeyedthe the commandmentcommandmentofof ALLAH,ALLAH, becausebecausehehe waswas aa cowardcowardand andhis hisfear fearof of peoplepeoplewaswas greater greaterthanthan his his fearfearof ofALLAH, ALLAH, thetheAll-Mighty All-Miehty (may(m"y ALLAHALLAH forbid).forbid). 3.3.TheThe cornerstone cornerstone ofof the the Shee'ahShee'ahfaith faith isis false false andand baselessbaselessasas wellwell asas itsits dimensionsdimensionsandand their theirevidences. evidences. OurOur deardearbrothers,brothers, sisterssisters andandfriends, friends, wewe havehaveiust justpresentedpresented toto youyou thefactsthefacts totoprove pfove thatthat thetheShee'ah Shee'ahareare differentfrom dilfetentfrom Muslims.Muslims.

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