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... S~ni~'b~~s'ft~m 'air~' : cZ:aft e~e~ci~es. ·o~t: .. of .-' .. ' . :Hollciman' A.i~, Force. ,BaSe ·s.parked. a' pl~a .from ' resi-:­ ;.... " .' dents·· :o(tWo cbm'mUnities ·to divert' nigh~ from·their .. air spa,ce. . , . '~":~, .David Thomas lastweek told :Lincolrf County Coin.. ' ·inissioners he was at their .' , ..meeting 'with:' neighbors '" : :. · from White Oaks'to ask'for' help.'" ." . . , ~<'rhe' . past' .couple of .• j ·weeks ~ WEi'ye' exp.erienced ·sonic·,booms .that coiricided . with the 8rrlval of a few of :.the F22s at aolloma:Q,"' '. 'I'homas sald. . ,'I . "1 have liyed' jn the gen~ , 'eral a.r~~ moSt of my, life· and .am. faIniliar with the 48 LINCOLN ·sound of sonic bOOms, 'but Ii these. w~'re experiencing COUNTY .i are far louder 'and mqre I' powerful than anything r i , I've heard before. They ere r· "I" more like sortie explosions." Thomas said he was in a I pasture with some horses ,I the la;;t time. a boom .hit i ~d Just mIssed beu:1g : .trampled by panicked ani- mals. . I t4My wife thought the' window blew out of the . . MIKE CURRANlRJJIDOSO NEWS house ,and a neig1:lbof' The In~ of the Mountain Gods Resort and' Casino hosted its second annu~1 Contest f'pw:-Wow Saturday and Sl)nday to the delighf of the thought a prop~ne ·tank exploded,~:he told commis- large c(Qwd that attended. Master of Ceremonies Oennis Bowen from Arizona oversaw the festivities. which included the Southem:Host Drum, - . .. "':.. the Otter Trail Singers from Okfahoma, Northern Host Drum. the,Wild BoYl singers from . plus ·22 dance categories and drum " . cont~sts: A'juried show of 39-pfus exhibitors showcased ihe finest in Native American. melchandise.. .'. " .. .

f i s1Jspecttos~dt.:dall]extsprittg. i' , lYfurder i a}-lthori~ J " .' DIANNE ,STALLINGS . He faces charges 0'£mur- ,tial1y was' charged .with. bt.trhed:body for a ,possible :' .returned. hiin.... to· . l . [email protected](m.~w;·fom fa1s~ hrtprisonment~,'a ~ ~ Fe'bru~ ! ,de:r; making :false' report to. identification.' .- . ,.ties·; In 2007,.,he. Letters .- .. '•. 4A. ~. '. " ." 4th-degree ,felony;' aban..: . police·and arson in cOIinec- i:\fi.', autopsy' showed entered a.plea ofI1Q conte'at: . r:. Lin.-,c•. o.ln, co~ty..'~ >.•..4B:, :·t'.-.··..%e ..m~n a~c~sed' ':of ··doriment,· or- abuse··of a;,tiOI1WiththErb~gofh1s'Alvarado',was'stahbed,sev:-,-' to:2nd-deg:.;ee·iJJ~der·aIid ( felony~' ~ ~ri.d~ . murdering· a, womart' -in . 'child1 8.· .2nd-0({:9: of"20"y:ear< . ·trictofJuaiez.·:' . May 'total .0f:2,4 yearsf ' followed· . ::.," ". i~ .. Weather.·~., ~ r:epr~sen~d bydefens~ ~abel nalzad~ i . .... '•.• 2A'" .. old AlVa-.The .grandparents, whb .2005, Ivan'Villais se'l'Vitig' by a.mandatow·two years r atfurney Gary'Mitchell at rado; who' was'. rep,orted ··identified- the. boy n-om'a: .- 20 :yearg for his .conviction·ofprobation.. i trial~'sch~q1ed~ e~ 1· ;lils begm missing-'to R:Uidoso: police: . photograph. ciri;l;l1ate'd by for 2ti;d-degree:"murder in He is able· to four' :. , 'March :2· ·artd ron ·three Dec.:20,:200'1,.-PY l},er moth- ·police,. were.retlnited·with the strangtilation death of . dayspermo,nth,ullnentOrl-> . I weeks Ul. the' 12th JudicitU:· er, was found bUrned in a. .' .th~ child. ~, '.':, " , .his' ex:'Wife~'.Kristy:l31ack.'· . mis 'deductions arid ·Was·· j. Court ,of'.' Judge: James' rocky 'de$'erf;' area, iIi, West.' ",'LThey··told '.police .about .After the muidez., Villa' gi*eh ,credit,for time served Waylpn CC!unts in<>AI~o-. 'Jml~~?:, Mexi<;:o.· : .. ' ...,' "..': their -ID.li3sjrtg daugh~r and fled,t;p.Mexico with Black';S. f-rotPc', NQY. . 11,. 2006;' ,! ' o 40.90'1.. 19,701' .6: .' gor~o~ -'. '. .... :.... '. R~i~':ArriIendatiz· ini-. were asked Wlook ·.atthe :6-month'-Old son,.. but.lat¢r .:f;lttoughMarch·16, ~007; . , .,.:

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'Wed • P. ·"thll .. .. Fri" . : 1P/Si, ,: .... ' 10/29 10/a.o ., ...... ~ ": -...... ~ ~~" ..'" 67/46 70/44 -68/43 Sunshine. Highs In the upper 60s Sunshine. Highs In Ihe low 70s and Abundanl sunshine, Highs In the' up· and lows In the mld 409 lows In (he mid 40s. 'perSOs Ql"id lows In Ihl1low'4,Ds,

SAW\' • ~n:aR .. :. '.' 5:25 7;Mi'P~

High ~~f3"Rodod PG-13 $~~.:CS" , Moon Phases New Mexico At A Glance IIM,XPAYNE· RAiEop~13.'· 15:10 7~ .iSCi . - (C') . ,'. ' .. ' . \ '" , . aRf5I){b'1~gRr{2" Santa Fe ')t: i" QUANTUM OF SOLA'CE, Last New BOLT AND TWILIGHT! 66139(0 :""," 'i'" Oct 21 •Ocl28 !~...(. : ._ .. .Albuquerque. , -/- .. . ..'.,., .... #--, .. ·.~~ i .' 74/50 "i,,,.' •.•. ,. ." . '... ',. :.' .....-,:c'w····:. " ' , ". , , . I . X:; First Full " .' ." . .:'. '. ' ~. - , I '(,.' Nov 6 NovJ3 UV Index ....' L ,Ruidoso. f ;" :'. : Wed1 High .·,,···.:·.11,."., '[';,.....-'6.7/.46. ' "." 0/29 m:lI " .'. , y, " . • ';OSW~if ". Thu 10/30 e· HJgh < The UV Indox Is m.ossuRl'don'a 0-11 num~r scale. wilh B l;Ugher I,JV Index. .. . ;. '. .,., ShOWln%t~lJ8d-!or9.~8klnpro-' .. ',' • . ;.,;' loction....., " " '1 ,

- ' .. I I . Area Cities City HI Lo ·ond. City HI La Cand. lty Hi L..Q Condo Alamogordo 77 44 sunny Granls 74 33 sunny Santa Fe . 66· 39 sunny Albuquerque 74 56 sunny Guymon. OK 75 45 sUl"iny Santa Rosa 19 4$ 8u~ny Carlsbad 77 47 sunny Hobbs 77 4B sunny Slrver' City 70 '3f$ 'sunny Chama 01 32 sunny Las Cruces 76 47 sunny Socorro '75 45. sunny' Clovis 76 46 sunny Las Vegas 70 40 sunny. St. Johns. AZ 75 \38' sunny Deming 78 43 sunny Lordsburg 79 45 sunny Taos ,-69 33 slJnny el Paso, TX 79 51 sunny Lubbock, TX 74 47 sunny TrlnIdac;l. CO' 73 '43 si..tnny Espanola 72 42 sunny OdeSsa. TX 75 49' sunny Truth or Consq. 16' 48 sunny Farmington 72 38 sunny Raton 73 3-7 sunny "tucson. Az -. 89 56 sonny Gallup 73 32 sunny Roswell 77 47 Bunny TUClimeart' 1'5 45 sunny

National Cities liftfl ' 'pW!iJB..m{ l!h1\"!!!III••~;~I.~!!4~'~"~.,~,,~.!!II_: C\\y Hi Lo Condo Atlanta 67 34 Bunny ~stOt1 . 74 52 sunny Phoenix 91 63' sUnny Boston 48 32' pt sunny Los Aflg~les 84 59 sunny San Franolseo 75· 5:i! .sunnY Chicago 52 31 sunny Miami 74 65 pl'sunny $QatUI(:l 5;" ,49 .¢IQ.~dy Dallas 75 ~ sunny Minneapolis 65 41' sunny Sf. LouIs 60 43 sUn'ny . Denver 11 43 sunny New York 48 33 1'1 sunny W~hingtc:m, bC 5' as, pt ~UMY' 0200s-.i'mol'lCai'l Profile Hometown !tonlenl Service V , N • Q , ., ; .' ( 4 -. .: '-' ".

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PAGE 4A c,u" US,· MAR'rY RACfNE,. £DITOR • ,. 1 ~ __ .~ ~__£E_~2S__ . .. RUIDOSO NEWS TerryJ. Fitzwater, publish~r Marty ~cine, editor

" : ..... A Mt:dlht'd every W~dner;d:n.' and Fnday , at 104 Park Avenue, RUldO'ifl, ,"lew Mcxic(J , .'...'.-' , '. , '.. , .",' . '. . .. ,. ".' .~. '., .' .:. . '. " ' - : , ' '.~~" . , .... : .' .,' When the skies '.. :,~, .. '.' . " " .. grew dark,.· , :',. Controlled burn was especially invasive· e move here or visit Apparently, Holloman offi- , the area to escape cials did take 'citizens' -con- W, some of the modern cerna into consideration; we world's annoyances. .are appreciative oftheir sensi- Yet those troublesome re- .tivity whe:p. planningout thQse minders follow us - even if all-important missions. they are 'purportedly iq our Weather conditions may· . '. ",'. .' ...... ' .. best interest. have played .a role in tamping ...... ' .' .' ..,.-. Last Thursday, as forest down the controlled burn that officials were conducting a created a eloud ofacrid smQke' '~";QUJt:Oi~lh~ih'w .. ' "", ';'.)~:' ":'-' ':' prescribed burn that blanket- from Ruidoso Downs.to Mes­ ed much of the area in dense "calet:"O, but one wonders why smoke, fighter pilots from this particula~ buril was so .Alesson£Orth~(~ig~cit)rpap~(· Holloman Air Force Base were invasive and wide:spread as ·to ': .'.' engaged in training missions pose a' serious health hazard To the edi.tor~ .' .' _.'.' - 'vo~4 ·.ag~t; :aa )n~y:: ~di; '.:. ·.~.d.~s·: 'ii~t~ :adqress; '.~1:J:~ ·lpi'ig.~n.n;·:' far overhead. to anyone,in the way~ ' BEe: ROCKIN': ~ 1.Iarig~. ~th. c q~tes ,a.s)::ha,ye voted' f~~. .J W:y '" \i-a.s~e~ of': Whb··~oul4 'O:W:Q.~; .'nlam;.· .:. ._.., The BOniC booms from those Ironically, weather c:ondi- Sarab. Howis itihatthe,jluklOso, hope tljat; iri11tY.Iif~e,·lcango'.:." .~J), ~s~. ~c;l.~e resp.o~il;lil~·· missions were relatively be- tiona that create saW burps. 'News-gets what The N~Ii>. Yor~..to'the poUs:,i>n.ce i¢.df...,l. lik,rl'm'·ity'foi'the1ift.ol' what·th~pp...."f .' ". nign, at least in comparison also tend to trap smoke. We . Times doesn't?· '. ,:.....'trulY. ~oting for great·people. '. . ..:a :tit;.;eil>nt.~j>."toSki Ap"""!>;;.,,.qoni" . E, D, Ehnch' .nddert,cnme"nddl>n, nQ-aC<:(lun-·..pleteJallacy; Folks .w;otilll: take' f?J9i:al:-- tanflitY: .Y{orld 'wEdi~e:iil.,· W.e bet?::., '. more: t'athex;, than. .le~B .time··at..s, .~.' Forget it, I'm voting .. tel''think hlU"d abou£.;hang'e. .. m",qh. greiiterexpimeetopilrkin . Back 00 track . No':matt,er.Wh('·Js ,elected, Eagle. Lakes, wall< to the tel'lrti-· there .ar.e··tough :economiq .tinie'$' . 'hal:and'lideto .ski Apache's. Elk for the mailman To the editor: ,.' ... ahead·foi'u.iresgomg tobediffi- ' lodge .-&-i>ai than. they,woul4 bY' o here we are. Within days money", Tinsley wants to make F.OR YEIUtS (about "btl, George .:.cult to h""g on' to whllt "'.,;have . diiWiig rip; .. ' :..... ':'. . i dedicated citizens will Bush~s tax cuts for millionaires Bush WllS able to eonVin<:ethe 'slin•. : ..to p~hase·ti!Jks,ts.at ..iniriimal' two New Mexico do or say anything to seen>s .to Ile almost over and we ,If we just I).II0w·· things. ,to·,.. $t5. ~ach, ·thst adds $75·tothe'.· decisions. alas. in '. get elected .. , first will finally be able to get this' "Keep' on·Keeping.onr wehitve,trlp ':'hey,.thlitfills·\1P.a.big gas . races out ofmy dis­ 'f'· - Harry Teague said country back on the Jig~t track~ no one.to.hlame'bllt. ourselves; .~these d~~' ," :. .. trict. ;:. ;",~ he would cut fund- . . Glenn Rem;ingtoft ' . . .. Pat Bowen " '". '. It is "~xJ>e~ive. enOtigb. ~ gO '.. I would not vote I"',ol ing: for New Mex- . Ruidosd . ..' Capita,., .sld thes·s· di!Ys. :If they. tried to· '. for Jerome Block fOT .<. ~J. ~V. ico's bravest ... now .. . .-" force thiS :issue; we ,v4ll et.1d· up c ~ ' ~ the Public Regulation -) 'I Harry is undercut- Dismaved voter No .gQodoIa, p"lease ..with far fewer.·skiers On the Commission. The guy ._. ting his position on 1 . ,." mountain rather.' thai}, tnore.. has been sleazy about Iraq.,. New Mexico To the editor: Tothe e!litor, . . People.like to travei'Vyitli 'their D rioN~ aki!sn~wbotlrd' a~r;"ski where and how he NED CANTWELL deserves better." I REALLY remember aD '. -I, ..$ALU'i"E AND ',"Congratulate ". geJlr", spent campaign Harry, you need to election like this one, nstionaIiy,· Bob' KurtZ end the.New Mr friendly ..... that early. When times get . begins with Hany Teague ... On the state le'V~l, ·my 'own occl.il7ed have been'mostly slow.: ·possibfe... . tough for Big Bill, he calls on Harry Teague, driving up gas personal chaJ.1engil has boon fig- .fendS....beiider·. types. Erosion, Dianne Stsllings' article did Sundance to lug him around the taxes. car taxes and more..... uring out the candidateS the ads pio.wi.rtg artiltt'llflic take t;beiitoll, n"t'mention that they.propose !' pasture to remind us he has Harry, are you nuts? We're sit­ are ~er;ring to. They are all so 'over, the yeatl:f.., 'Thii: old, wire··" four·s,toi:y ',Pm:kirig··.strueturf).. jn. New Mexico values, whatever ting here two Big Macs from negative and hateful; issues ' guard ririIi<' have 1;>eenfi,sted and, Eagle'Lllkesto aeeommodaoo the . those are. Poor Sundance earns bankruptcy and you want us to aren't addressed,exceptifthe.y're ',sf;r(ltChed"'Mr_ KurtZ' "pplfedfor .' anti.cipateil, "e~d'ror.. pittkirig.il:I.aJj her hay. pay more car taxes? Goodbye, promising to giVe us something, :.' fedef"I" lUrt.d;ng ."under :·the.' already. existson·the. mountaih.. The race between Demo Mr. Teague! ·Then.on our locslleveI,there' Federal Highw"}' Silfety·Ai>t to· n,,"84CtowersVloWdneedaC.,.·· : for the voter to beHeve anything Pearce stands with wealthy thei;r principles, artd honesty, hiiye 40':'e". ~derlW.job:Their.:' : Bad<.tei par"grap!i'bne.~they . they say. CEOs ... Ameri-can jobs go just to keep ort keepingon?We . ~oi;#l .•halle made'. "the"ro.ad" did., art lii¢redibleJob. makifig·. An interesting campaign overseas _.. sending American Can'tafford that. . .', .'. " nQj:ici:a!,lya,id'$ignifioan:~ .bet".'..iinj>~V~~!rer,gofidi>la~: ·.®ndoll:i.:eVen biifsts;· : .•:'.. :':. ; : Tinsley and Democrat Harry Decision time. Offto the elec­ The· Republicans. and the .' I.·have atteinde!l,"eaCtt ,'!rid Th;'gonaQla,woUtdb" 's.Judi. Teague, snd Demo tion center. I am going to write Democrats l;re in"re concerned": every .HighWay·532'D:leeting for" or~nothing.• :·project,·.·tr;iipro"e" and Republican Steve Pearce for in "Melvin the Mailman"'rorall about their parties:than:the p...,.. ,. the laat ·two y'e....s~ .1 ·he.Brdv:ery • ments toihi'-existingroad:!Jan he· the U ,8. Senate seat. elective offices. pie. A great exilihpU\ is.;aJt ofth.e'. little siiplWit for thewncept,nor done inl....gi> ot-:.i:iralfphal;e.'as .:.' Like every good American, I ineuttibents on our !;Jallot at this .. iii ·thei;elihy.logiClli .ratjol\.al·:to:.· . hu~ets"aJ.1a~. Letci>inm"".en.... .,. . saved all the mail glossies the NED CANTWELL - ncantwell­ time "that are running u!""P- e*e.eriteth~iqe"...•. > , ..... prevail. "ijd •. jusj;,ii:i1pro-v~.tlie . ',' emnpaigns sent out the last cou­ @beyondbb.com ..... is a spread­ posed. ~Vs shame onus. .., . :' ::At::best ..tl)is:would be .e.' oon- .',"'!i.titigl'6ad,....· ...... ,,:•. ple ofmonths and sat down to the-wealth liberal but would r will "eVer rtot· vote. W" a prpfit,a!;Jle"1' •• , : ': . ..'. ... ' . ..:.'-.~--,.~'~.~-:..:..:..' ~~':... ::':'.:.~ ••10.0 7 ' _-_ ¥ , ' ,' ..' ,;;._ ';.; ,.;.._ .. : " .' ' . .,~ , , , • 0 ; 2 ;: if : . ; ; , • " .' . " ' .. , ,J? ' .. " " -- .. ,. -- , " ....

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. ~. - .__ .. ~ -~------...~. -~"---~~.-- -'-'.~.--;-,-,' -_.- .., . '...... c·· >. ': \ o-ffici~~' ·~ay...~he special . pl~e is go~e~''but·it sOUfid,s ..:- . - '- " , 'kkhGrOisofCapiian smdhewas hoire-, ··BOOMS ,rneet;ilig, oialled' to eertilY,'" aka,a, pr<;>parie,~ explod­ :.. ~oom gen~al th.e:rQof.'~ , .' , bacleridingJhisyear when a sonic . .. electiqt1 i'e$U1ts;. ed. on '. . '," hi~ Lu¢kily~it didn"tc $podk his horse. ~ "Will begin at ,9 ".",. in the, "Rich G~s 'of CapitiUt :'. : . , ' commission·, chambers at said his area was .expert:' .: sioners. .' "the cottnty" courthouse ~in, encing .the same." thing dn County Manager Tom Carrizozo. .• . the spring ~d B~e17' "I -Stewart. said Thomas' CaroUne McGoY or. wonde~dwhere theywent" request already"'as passed' ''-, ' White Oakssits in' a bowl Nogal asked commission- obviously,to, White Oaks." to,theAirFl;Jrce. . where the soUnd would be. er.s-tO add her c:o:pununity ,He said he was riding;8' '. ~. CoItuniasion .Chainnail much worse. .to the"no boom""Iist, saYing horse 'in ~ the, mountains }'I Torn'Battin said the board,' , Battin s,aid' be and many peopl" ,ride, horses when one hit and only, ,I ean vote: on a resolutiOn, Stewart met with a -retired there and could be injured beca't,1ae the horB~ was'· 1 Nov""?, backiiIg-,the' idea of £' brigadier gen~:taI, w;ho rep- or killed. She reCalled pre-' experienced 'and well exclUding White Oak$ an9-' ,resel1;ts. the gove~or and viOUB work for an architec.. :train:e"d was he' tihharmed. an~ther settle.mentLNog'al" he agreed to help with the . tural finn in Carlsbad He's heard, the,ssme thing because bOth sitin "bowls"'·· , issue. 'Stewart added that when sonic booms cra.qked in the Bonito Lake area, he sun"(J'qI1d'ed by mountains. __ : .'Q1e Holloman presentation' . the- f()un~tion limestone said. . which intensifies the was a: i'esult'of tl:ta~ meet- caproCk on which a.hist;oric: A.majoi-,air exercise was sound. ,,~'There is rio way 'they the Ruidoso area," , mg., ,, strUcture-wasbullt;''This is schedUled' bist ,Thursday, .At that special 'eoJliiJ'lis'" .can stand .up to ilie pound- .. Sedillo said -She hears- Battin. enc~uraged. '),is .yery-. s~ous ~d I wotild and no·. complaints: were , " slorl- $eet;ilig, official" frOm ,'jng and',~Iosi"e cOncus-,'.-, thebOoms 'jn Carrl"ozo,'but," many ,people'"",possible t&, Ilk~' in'include: Nogal,", She ' 'received, about 'the ,sonic Holloman' are. ~~~ted to 'siona of ;the sonic boomsr .it lies on a: :£lat. plairt: -arid- . ,.attend.w he~ .wha.t. the:' . said.. ~'Yor..lpok up f;l1l.d·t1ie bo~nI1s. attettd·an:d give apresenb;t,,,. ThOniascontended. ..'...... -:. '. ": .':'.. ' .. , ' :-:.' ' .. , ~. ..' _ '.:' ...... tiori on the llittiation'at the, " ,Several, people 'in:the' base ""dthe new pla:nes~: ~oininui1iWd"riv.e: iqelr 1 ,.lr9~~ we've·. had addi-. . incom~s. ir.ani':;" liye-stpck· ,: tio",,,t :public ii:lPlit, and', opeiations., he, ,said, The ' , , h"ari): 6;oin'the)\ir',Force~": :haz~ds otworkh)g around' " , a:" resolution ,could ',be,,: l~r8l'-- l!lt1i~U1S ii1,tertsjfies:: " app~ved; .' Battin' .said)' when .~'sonie··b60tn.~tS~he '. itdding;, ''We', owe the*, 'said;',The-:booms"Jdso'"c"1i ",; that/' . ..' '. "r~su1t·inp.egative~fFet~tt:f01'1:'.·. ..: Cc;ifilmissloner ..:E:ileen . the. ~ai-s.·· ....., '., '; . LoVl!Ial!eSedlllp said 'the.- '''J; lian't e:gtpbllill.a toYQu: AiJ7 FiS rl'~lghprs~. . ''''Y ~oee'!lS ·was ,done fol' , , :,. . ' '., , , ",. . , , , , , , ' ,. , , , .' " " .. , -'.'; " , , , '" . _~ --. ., . .. " " • e'. ; . ./ ..., '.'. '. : " -., .,.. . ,' .. " . '. .... ',,: . ,. .', ~ ,r,., .. ,', ,."." , ' ...... '.'.'" '.."., "":' "< ".,'. ',"> ,:. "'.:~,~ " ••" :: ',' ,'...... ,.. , , ., .', "'.. " ,:'.', ' ..- , . , " .- .:. " ,-'., . ;. .. ' ' ,",: ' ...... ''',' ..... ,..; :.,:.:, ". "'.-. ".... ,,' '.."." ...... ;: ,.....,. , ' .... . , ~ '" . ':' '. ;'. ,. . '.',.j .. ,- .... • '. ,,'.•:' >" '.. , ;.... ." . ' '. ... ' ..: . .' '. ,,::' .. ",. " ,~.: '.", < • <- ,.'. ", " ',' .... "'. '.

P~GE 6A .CAL!, Us: TODD FUQuA, EbUCI\TIONEDl:roll. !?57;4J)Ql)" TOm;iF;~RuiIlOS()l:lEwj)\¢q.M :;t."WilDN~.sDA~qe:ti29,200a~'. Fighte1' $quadJ."Oo,· ~~~~~~;~~~~ct;iii8,~~~;i~~*~rii • AIRMAN SONORA M. EsCUTlA J'llU~h"t-hf: air~atl CO'~t, ;whp,~aiii fur'· ' '., '~.:~ 49sh Fighlt'r Wing Public AJfitin them and how t1;le eJ~~tiQn Bef;1.t'oper~ . ated, . , ,: .., ',", ' he cOTl1mander of the 7th . "r-' think they'l~ed t!lf;l.pre$enta....·';: h~re ~"l'hey':' d~fi':'< '~, ighter Squadron gave a tion/' Hernandez said.' ','. " TI, presentation to students in nitely had·toits',ofqueetiane.'i., " Ruidoso. Oct. 21, -introducing them· Ron 'Elkin. prin,¢.pal .:at .WlPte '. ...:,.' to Hollom.an·s ne-west weapons sye· Mountfiin ~lementary,.said.'# .waS, a.' . tern, the F·22A Raptor. ,gte.at opportunHyTQr the.clU!drep. 'j;;o. ':.'-: Mindful of community cuncernE;!; learn about. the U:.S~ Air 'Force~ ..'. I"egarding son.k bootrls, Lt. Col. Mike 4,'r tlliii.k the kids 'nE!',erl '~·.-appr:eci:"" ,.... .~'. '.:<*. ' " '." '...... :•..•-/' • ..'. ;~: Hern:andez was on hand ~ both:eduo:, ate what our .. l~litaryl-i~' doing to " . ".. ,., ..if"...... I1\.,'~ .. cate the .students about the F-22A protect ..thli!' United State$;tl h.e ~8id~ '- .~. '.'.:";* ...... ,. and to infonn'-them of Hollom~n's ,"Hopefully' it put ,a' f4ice ,:to: the' ~:'. ~rst- .W1d.l~t Jarge for<;e emploYm-en.t aerial Force them·'.see that theyre: ,. ..~, ,,:: exercise which took'place Oct. 23~ hum~n.'beihgs just -like.yol,l' and' I:' .:':,.' "I wanted to tea¢h ·them about Before, 'tl).e ~hd- .of tpe. presep.ta~ "'. ,.. " .'- what we do in the J\.ir Irorce ~d' tion, Elkin·.aske.d Hefuandez..W b;llk :."~ explain to them tbe fantastic capa­ , about his e'dUbatio-n so ',t.he childreh. .• bili-ties of th.e F -22/' Hernandez said. could see the ·bene,fits of do.ing 'well More than 700 students. third in· schooL "'.. "'.:' ," through six' graders, from White , ~:(W'anted to maka:it d~ar ..~. tp~ .:' Mountain Elementary·, and k~d8 'that equcati.crp .is the, ti~~et,.'to·..:.:­ Intermediate schools. watched and what 'you.' want. to, '40' in 'life...· Elkin, '.',. .,,::. : participated in the presentation said. ~I truly apP'r~cia.te. everYone~s'~": given by Hernandez. willingness to m~ke -this :happen. It.- .: " ,< gT~at~'~ The colonel showed videos of the was . ,," .------'7- F -22 and talked to them about its h " .' capabilities. He also e~plained sonic Lt. Col. MlI,e Hernandez, 7th FigHter booms and how they are fonned.. SquadrQn commai"'er from HOlloman Air . .The child.ren. many of whom' have FQ(ce Base, N.M, speaks 10 third and h.eard the F-22, seemed exerted to IQltrth graders atWhite MQuntain learn about the. fifth generation Elementary School, Oct. 21. Hernandel ,.' taug.ht the children about the F-22A . fighter. . .. ' . Raptor, its capabilities and about the sonic Hands darted in the air when ",." .. ' booms il pmduces:- ' ;,' (~olonel HCITlandez opened thc·noor , ;. for questionA. They ranged from how AIRMAN SDNDAA·ESClHIA/U.S. AIR F.oape. Area Knowledge Bowl, ····cll()t~~:~stuf;l~#~s'sh~n.e,.. '.:: .v-,;',.... ~ "-7' "'---"'-..,.,,;..s-., The month ofOctober has Superior, tZena Yankee, Superior. " " .. been a good one for students Amber Davis, Taylor Wap. Dry :Bones ·Ensemble,: at Ruidoso Middle School aha and Alexis McNulty) DivisiOn I. Superior ,fMa:tia:.: and Ruidoso High School. Ruidoso High School .Ramirez. Chelo Amadot; Both the 7th· and 8th­ Mark Kenney. Division Emily'Vickers, Jordan Ft.i.e~ , wade Knowledge Bowl 1+. Superior; Abby Proctor, son.' Airiel ,Vance:,. Lauri1n, . Teams earned 1st place in Division I, Superior~ AJ:i .. Cook, JacqUeline Pride and the month's regional compE'­ adne Eckerd. Division H, Kay-lee Bloomquist); Winter '~" , titian. Excellent; Chelo Am.adol', Wolf Ensemble; Di·Vision I... Also, choir Rtudents par­ Division IT, Excellent. Superior (Vincent l!eYl1ol4s, . ticipating in the New Mexico Jordan Frierson. Div­ Airiel Vance and, Jordan·' Music Educators Association ision II. Excellent; Emily Frierson); .Red,' Red Rose··. Southwest District Solo and Vicken1l, Division II. Exccl~ EnSemble, 'Division 1. Sup­ Ensemble Festival. Oct. 3, in· lent; Maria Ramirez. erior .; • these students from the I, Superior; Petet: Nazario, sembje, DiVision n" Excel­ Ruidoso Middle School and Division TIl, Good; Vmcent lent (Chela Amador.Andrea Ruidoso High School with Reynolds, Division I, Sup­ Huerta,Christa Aguilar,' their ratings: erior; Christa Ag'Qilar, Dane OToole, Abby Proctor;' • Ruidoso Middle School Division I. Superior; Jeanne Rosa Trevino, Adam Bow"­ "TOPD FUQuAillUltIOS'b'J{EWS Alexis MeNulty. Division BeITOtteran. Division t, Sup­ den and Mark Kenney). Me.jnliersof the FMclosoHigh Schbotcholr sing .'DIYBones' al this month'sSchot:iI!iO:lTd meeling, 1+. Superio~ Diana Bust­ erioG Kaylee Bloomquist, illos. Division I. Superior: Division I, Superior.... ShelbyAshburn. Division 1+. Andrea Huerta. Division Superior: Taylor Wapaha. I. Superior; Kathryn Mc­ SEPTEMBER BUZZY 'BEES . Division I. Superior. Kinney, Division n., Excel­ Xena Yankee. Division lent; Dana O'Toole, Division 1+. SUpE'rior; Give Me Winw; I. Superior; Jacqueline

Ensemble. Division I. Sup­ Pride. Division I, Superior. ' ....' erior {Shelby Ashburn. Give Me Wings Ensem­ Diane Bustillos and Taylor ble. Division I; Superior Wapahal; RIde on the Wind (Dana OToole); Ride On the Ensemble. Division I. Sup­ Wind Ensemble, Division 1. erior, (Alexis McNulty and Superior (Abby Proctor and Shelby ARhbunl); Morning AndJ-ea Huerta); Morning '. ,~. Star Ensemble. Division 1+. Star Ensemble. Division 1+. .' -' \ ! Trick or:.. PIZZA OCT• .31sT. All kids oge2-12 ge-t -their own ~.: . ...,,-. F!C\iEe. SLiCe OF' F'IZ~ '. '~"" ""'," ,.. :, ,'''.;: .' ',. " ,'.' '-" .. ,' '.,' ., :" ' ',' .:··C:OI)RfE'SY·· Buz:zyB.eeuINol.l Hill tilrIy Chl1dJioocltJeyelopment Centet fat S~pieinbera(e'(back riiwj Helena-Plantz; Marlah.Blirieras,AIIO\1dra'·· . " Obhoa,llindriWi!cQ)(,Half1Y~Sl1ahta, .Lozano; RayBal! Einlly fWnlrez,.Ang/l)lca 'PIZarro, Middlatow..(I"f)'!ititriey Silee, Acfrlarr Herrera, .' • VisiT Toby Sanc!lez, AOsUri NunnaHy,CflsllartF1ahC:Q,ShelbY~O[t(\; ~rQiltrow (I,.rj CodY FltspatriCk,Jennifer Fribetg,AlJigaii Navarrele,. .' : :... , PIZZA HOUSE Olivia Parker, Josselyn'Romero, . '. '.' .. '....• '. . '. "...... ;.... '. '.:' . .' .' ..... ,.. _. , .. 7::aS Sudderth. ~~~.~~.~'==t"'"j:' ~~. ~.~~.~';;.:'''~. l ..._- .." .. .., ...... '.' , . '. .'...... w>. • ••,.#;, .. , .. .. '. '.' .' .. or 1201 ~~-~-. aavingSUrgefi?-.~~~ Mechem .It,BaCk:'" from S - 15 Fir'n We specialize!n orthoPedic physi~"l therapy,: . . .' , .' , .,: ' ..,'... ' .,', ';Gr;Jt Btrangr;Jri' peel Si)Jtr;er" ~ l . . ." .'...... ' .'. ,

"". ,',.. ,. f'THERRPY . ' .. , ' . .. '. ! '=tS50CIRTE!!J; ':~. ,, : ~ 1/~, 1~C..~iit~~~jii~D'. If']·~;28ti'~'~:P~\trtl!$.~7·zu:::::*'t/: i, '. }.,~:." :*:~.:.;.;:. 4,., ., ,.,:\:\,' .. , ,i., .' .' "»" .. -; .. ,-:,.,.'...:,J : '.' . : '. -.-:' ", , .. ~{ . ..: :':., .'>' "., . " .'." ' . '< , . '. .' ' .' '. !.: .,: :" . . - .' ',,' : ,.' . i "' ...... '., . :,' ','. :., ,". ,,' ,'" ..;, .. ' . ' .•;0.:...... , ~, , .,' ' .. -.: ...... ·. ; .". . '. '>-, '",." .' '. , .... " '..'. , (":", ':,' . " ,:'. " ,: . :,.... '.'. .,BUSSJDP' .,':'.•.. '<:". .,' ~: .'.; . , '. "...... '." -.-':, ; .' "'.,::: ' . ..; I. ; .: ", " '.. . .' ":, :- ,.'... ,~ '; . '.' -:.. " ,:< . -- " '. .' . '. . ':' "'. '," . .. " .. ": .. - " .'. ,·c·,· ., .; '. " ' '.-...... •. , '...... " ~

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' ... :,...... '. ,.' •• :., ....,'••• •• < .... .' ,;:: :' .. :'::":".",=-:':":'~""'.:::':-- : :. '.. ':',:"', ".;,:,.~., ,'; "." ' .. :':i"<: ',.'.,.~ ..',,"' ': .. '.' , ,: ,::.. ''''. '" ,'.:'"' .. ;".< ~ ..: :".>.: :·:·.:·.·..:TODO·F,UQUA/RU~O~DN~lr. " ":A.bilsJeas~dIQMlsIPneios:lriC.; qfJ;I.\'aSO; gatl1ung up M~nday:,illlhe:corrie! 01. GrIndstone Canylinfloith the TV.. ..."'a.·.t-ch, o..ut:fi:.0.,1"'. . ~".ra:"her..~•. G.'a'f;$ love.·.·lo . chokit\g haz.....ds. A -ilmart . . ." 51'9 ""'t' U·..•· h" , 7~' '. . " .. 'j' '4ii"ineart ..SOciety" ·fo~the· we< "" 7:"1' .altel'riative to dressu>g :up' " " ' :".' >n.·lg way',,;'... ::' .. '. I .. ~~eve.nj;ion Qf Cruelty· t<> '. play w#h i:andywrapPers, but; .....•. '·.isaf'e.stiveHaIl6ween.ban··')9In uS.('Q!" 'SJ>OOKta:culai:"Savingll!' .. . ,'.' . . '.': ':'AiliQitjls, 'offere"d' some tiPs :·1n~es.ti.on.~o-.·a..l.u"m.inum,·:£..,l·o.r d~a..".. '. An(lquOStFumJtul'Ci.. C·olittetJbICs.. -r::o(ito(~Arl, lio~itiDc~o~' ..:, " J, t-.Q-.J1elp .. pet parents,·a,v~id.~·. ;0;' ic:> J~ .• D~cor.Qtions. can. be. . .' '.,.' .': Holldayltliins 1St SO'M.lJCjlMORE~1 . .';(. h 'd . ..~"~., cia' k ...... , Ju.,lArJ'ivedl. . . ,.. te '-' ~ar th· . "'I1C,hh' .. .' th . .Mon~Sa(9am"l\IE",I,ond6pm.SQi110atn~ ,' .. JlP nt"",", .. s·as ey .ceuo1' 'an'eean ca.....c·ngerous.1,W' in' put-.. 5ptn ceieb~teHilllowej,n this in*'.-esti-.-.1.. bloLfk.izd-e.. ·...... tingeandlee In .J",ek.O· .. October, , .'" ,.... "". -Lanterns.'Pets eon: easily,. . "MellY' ,of our. favorite ,.' . kllosk over . Jaek·9·Lan" Halloween t1;:liditions could .-.--..------.-.• - -_.---...----...... -~..'..,'.... ·teins··and start a fir,,; and: '''pose',a potential threat to "eaxi. b~ "poisonous ,to dogs.' kids. notpets.1)tuingtrick· ctuipus kittens are pa,rticti·.. · otlr·ci,,:npaniori. "!liriu;l';.w Elyen'Small'tmlountSof:xiYl.· o~·treatiilghours •. keeppets ' lilrly .at . risk 'of' gettIng ·spid ~r•.' ~~ve1',1 ·1la.J)&en,. ito) sweeterier can cause ~ . in a ro9m away from. your .' burned, by candIe llaine~; . _ bQard'eel'tified veterinary sudden drop in blood sugar, ·1ront·dao,...... '. Also tskecaieto prevent· ,~xi~o)ogietand genior Vic~' which .]e~d$·:to depressiob, . < "HaUoween. 'brings . a pats from'having ·acee~.to ptllsident; ASPCA Animal lack of' coordination and' ..I1urry' of ..ctiVitY With vi;si- wfrlis mid. corda from holi. · He..lth . Services;·. whichsei~ures. '. to",.. constantly airlVing at day decprations. Ifchewed•. ·.iJ,icl:UdeB ..th~·, ASPCA'"l;J', ."Choco}'ate.t especl~lIy' ·the door,·.and· petS lJlay· a .wire :ean 4llJt!age' a .pet's.. .- .Aribnal,· Poison Control baker's and:darkehoeolate, escape the.saf'e~.. pf·thel" moutholrom.sharda.ofgl..sli ,~ " .reto~en:del;1 ... ~ 'Genterin Urbana, ID! 'can' also be.potentially pbi- home,.'; nail .or pIa'stief or deliver a "So as you start toniake S()~OUSt,o.a:Qim8.1B, especlal- Bueh~-Bld,senior'Vice pres- . Potentially lethal electrical plans for trick-or·treating ly dogs," ...dVises Dr. ident of· the ASPCA. Pet . shoek.. ·'crr HaUoweein costlimes. pE!t . Hansen. Sympto~ 'of s"ig... . Adoption Center in :Ifan owner's dog or cat . · .parehts shoUld be aware of nifieontchocolate ingestion Manhattan. aceidentally ingests any ! Halloween-related . prod~ mayinclude vomiting. dfur· une sUre that your pet potentially harmful prod­ j ucts and activities that can thea. hyperactivity and has identification .tags ucts and·emet"gency·advice-. ... · be'potentially dangerous to incr"""ed thirst. urinatipn ' shoUldheprahe ..ccidental- is needed, consult a local . ~. ~. .Customer f .pets." . loose. , and"heart rate and" even Iy get Make your veterinarian or the',: · .. ' . " -' , Some Qftheways~aI seiz~s. petis we-Bring a cOllar with ASpeNs Animal -fl'oison' I'! I i love.... eankeep their pets • WaWh out for tho"e tlige andfor is micrp. CpntrOl Center ..t 888-426- '. Appreoiation !. ·safe this H ..lloween wrappera. CaI;B love to plliy chipped.w 4435 (a fee applies) or ! j' I include: witheondy 'wrappera, but. • Careful with 'cos- www.aspca.org!apc<:. . I •.Skip the s.weets. Bev- in"g~sting alU11linum fuil or tun1.e$. 1£ an o.Wiler'dresaes For more infonn;ttion on 'I ·.• OaY,isHeaded t .' erat - popular . Ra110ween t:ellophane can· eause up a' ,pet. 'rot" Ha1]Qween~ having a fun~ safe Ha11o.. i ~YourWay treats are ·.toxic·. to pets. intestinal blockage 'and . m:~e' sure the:. costume. ween With - pets, viSit·.1 .•·,·· I cont~ining.: tl~e :m(W~:" ·.qandies .. . induce v01i1iting.· ' ·does nqt· .'linnt .his, , WWW..asPca:.9rg. I, ' artificlal $wee.tener xylitoJ •. :rnc~ar~treatfug is f~r., . n1ent,· .hearlhg, sight or: - Diann;e· St~lihg.s - 1 · Friday; October;3:L ., ' .. ; ~ j ,. 'F-·· . . '., ·sp"m,-sp.m.. ·· "...' . · . . ,.-~~. .. : :/ .., .: .. Lord-y,:LQrd}(" .. '. . '1'· . Join' us for soma. food, fun· .. .··.()fFers~~ '. ' ... ···L.GG~WhOi$~ I . '. " . .' ...... ning,04C» · :andtt)ari k yous.. Plus, .thefirst· ., . ' . ,.... '.. '.. . . . '., ~ . ~'. '. " . ,',...... '59 ,i:hHdrenwlll receive free .... " '. . ";I'heNew Meidco:State ".' " " I' ./j;'i~e· Mar"hal's Olf1ce'ls scJ:ro:olsi.!ppHes"CandY '!Vi.l i' . I· p~omo~i,ng sa~ty· . I" . '. . fire i:q; be· dlstrlbu.ted...... •. '. ., ... ''C . · hop~s ofi'i>ducjng'fjrl>sand .. .' .bum injtirie.. . Fjre'Milrshal,"N"j;; . , , , · ioniitlY. about3.400citrnli.... ;' .. '. rel..ted burn b\furies: '.m;e. .'. • , '. •tt'eatedin,·ho.pital "nt'!..~· .. · :J;"~~~:4a;3"GROW· .. ." f '" " . .geney l:'OOIlis eaehYear.'P\U"' .. ·' '.' 'concern: .arises' from.: .the . .. \I\Iinds1:r~a:m.com .:.: • ·.i:n,tte~.se4,~Jq)~s~e ¢~....:.:.: ., ,., :.·.. to; , " ·"dleflri:!s: D.rol,Uld Hallpween•. " , ,. .' .' ,. " ' . ., .. . with cl1ildrai1'- atid' iric ' ·• c....MingIY adll1t1l'"' wearing . .. " . .. " l~""fitting. bsggy"..-. bit". .' ll. 1l.')l,'.'1\..'~I\\ '.' . wlridstream: : ... ' lowing coatllWea'. The..", Lb:v:e 'to'"GU "(~,rt£·R'NEt. ; pHONg·•.OIG~TA[' tv ,'" ..•. .' ..... j, : eo.tum,es,""'l:igJ1ite...... uij;.' . .'. . . "iI '.' . . ... '. :WjndS~r~.i.rn'i~:~. ~~gl~t~~eq.'~erVIi:.:e '~"~if<'~fWind'Str'e~~' ~.' .; 'itt!!' ina: yery~~iIi.risk Df'. ' -.#... "tn'..., ". O'U'-r ~a'.~ .....,'. '. ·.r,~oo8 ...... ) ./ ',' ".- Corporation. Wlndstr'l!!-am CO.f]::IoraUon •...... ,j \.¢r:ioU!'b1U'riinju,ri~ ~'Y""'; ~.':.~I., , '. ", •.• : ". ,,-,17.f:)l. _ y", ~ .\.... :'. '. '., " \. 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• : : .'~' .",' ." ,,::., ..... ' ..: ••' " ".:.,•• " ". < " • '. • ." -" .:':: - :.;. <', .~. ':,'.:' .. ::.: "::': .. .' '- ",. ... :" :' ...... :' . '. :.. ', ' ... '.. :" '. " ;. .... ::; ~...... : '.. ' ...... ' '. ~.... ,. '.' .'.'" .. ",' . ~ ':. :'.: ..;:.~ '.,".. , . · '.: ;':'Sv~n'JfY9U ~ovfOrle.s.Eveti'diin$ :f'i~md~.driVillg:·tol1fu$$;$t<)rlesof:;;'''oXo.u~ie.: '.' ·'·.;.!I'etern::liu...... lf.yc>u,getaw~yWlth 'tor.. n.ot~~,..;" ,': . c":, ,", . '. '.". ,,:',' .(, .....' .' :.. ' .~'. :'.' '., " ,', •'.' ,';.' :.,' .,"'.' ..:....,,' '. :,;, .' '",' '." .. :., . '. :"" ";h.l.MyD~eStallings,....hll.litllt Uite reads; "The ,,:. .". " Nil'" M~>liCCtAttorney Oe.jt.etM's OI'fj<;O'Ik'loOkinS' Intc> a Complaint'mea m,ore tluui a year'ago rega.dmg t.... LincobiCounty underioherlft'and:nUssiitgrailroad·.' '.' . J:ney·general.. They.ltadltin' a.tilnelYfaSb)o;1; I eatt't...... ver Cor theJr"'lsetoad"~'" . :'.,' . ",,'. " ." .. '.: "~.' :', .',. '.''., ., •• ' ,At,'the·1IriJ.e'J)t!n' Sulliylln'wa's in'a reCelecllo... bldtor:Sherl(t., The'RUldosiH'lewsquo~Sulll"".... as'sayltJg.·''t!ie<;ltS<>thersme. The ai'll", rell/lc>n this 1$ ¢omitlg up,: ~ 'feel; isppliti.;auy,inotl" .' .... ~ .,', , vated..lI,. " •.,"" '. ". '.. . ~ ',. ", :. .: '. , ' , -. '."' ...• , .. - .. ' ',. . ,'. , ..' '.', " " - ~ ',,' , ~ :rtf!! pal'er...epol;ted."On,the other$id oftli..p'!lItlea't'spectriln'i•.. heard of the.case;ntend law enforCeitie'"tagencies dragged1heir:f'eet'be-': .. ~" ~l'c"" ,·,",~ulJ1C', ..a ie.""'()'W·offi-~:.~y.,A- 'bl~:·a:--vuv~ < ' '.:.'::: : .',~' :, ··c···.,.;··.. :'. '-:'.:.:'" . . :."'.".".. :-'.' ':':.",,:. '.. .:...... '. :,' · ,', ·.'50 w~it.as.Sii1Uvait an~'.VI~4 I lnoked aUh,,~.. ..' '" . so~, c )l,'.:: : 1 w,oniic0re4,ift!ilsW,as·more pol.tl"".:O" Mat9h.,1.3•.,20!l8, 'IDm SUllivan came by.m)'·<)ffice; asked;.ltlm:allOutthe-theft,Tombeeam'!'$Otl).e.wbat angry anil . ':~ t01I1 ni,e.the theft C_W!l" Investigated by the; ,·,Ritnroad;SherlftOffi~.Pisirl¢t Attorttey.ltri.dC"rriZozQ Pollee DeJ;iOUtics· . ." ....'.. .' " .' , .' ".' '. ". .",.., . ,'" ~! ';' Oil Mlli'chu;im, the UnlonPaclBc R'aUrm-.d,reported atheftb(railroad ties to the llneo!n''::ountYSherlff.sDe~.etit,casem.:o!!s: 'Wif~es.es, nt.med ", · ! Lmcoltt CpuntY Unde";'herl(:f'Rlckvtrcl:E!n' as..."""Vect. "" :. '.,' . ': .' . ',: ,'. .. : . ..-::. :.." .' . ,', :, ",' . .. ,,', . OnMarch26; 2008, h:,!lIed the Uniun'Paciflc•. · . , J!'ollCll a\ilitlitg.:f'or '"~pyotthe repot1, Oil Aprll2Zi'20il8,tbe,,~~otebaeltSaYfnIll theyhavo lio repoitIri,thelifllesoCthe'l;hett,. ;.':, .',', '.' . ' .' The D{;;trlcfAttc>rney Claimsn ..,t to have thet,'eport. "tatJ~g be.,$!!IlUt to Attorney aeneral.·:lwrol:eetC) th" Atj0rttey Oetl¢~"1....de"~h",ope!1:recurd~aet·ti$king .' f"t·tbe report. to. a .Titly3U, 2008. letter tli" AttorneY.Ge..."titl said they~it",d)\,;""pot1otth" ritlIraad.tie theft in th!litflles.. ""."; . :' .,,:... :., .>. .' , ' I had no wp.ere togO but to the UncolnCounty Sh¢rlft""d'lll!kfor the repdrtfso'aceordlng·to theirmles, I wrote 'tlie"eoOtity molnager. aS~g:f'or',the",port. In a .July 22, 2008 le1ter, the Lincoln·Counj;)i<:Manager-said me·she!:iff.waS uQitble to lInf;1 report1199-085, naming h~ as l\.'!JlSpect: '. • .. . .. " . .,' I was h"wever. about t" find a supplemental "eport·:f'iom tbe Sh¢rfff's'offieebuJ not!ilni!f~batgil.... the; witness' itllnteB when,they·coUld be contacted to ~ee.0;'" " thiswaspoUtical~ -"~ .. ". :'. ,.' ". ···.:.. w :: :.: ..... <.'. '.' • ',.'••-. ,._ •• '. -.'• .; .:, '.' •• ".'- .',. - •• ' ••• ': EIght months after the crime the supplemental report .was'Writf;,n; Tit.... flrirtUn"descrlbed hoW u,e.depuj;)i<·'Writing til" report;·..,:,W r.,quested byUnc;ersh~ . edffRick Virden to follow up on an investigation.ofLlircehy ofRailroad 'ties.?': -';...... '. . ". -. Now norntaUy. ifthe boss ofa law enforcement org~~ii(inifra.e:cuset:i. ot'a..:re19ni~ the ¢8se·-Would go to tbe.s:ta~.p()~ce~.-·Not.·thf.s:~,,,Wii-a~it :Cimn"iQig' . move. Who would krlow that the boss would not :rteall7liliIr~adtieS butsomeone':\yP"P' wbt'k~~~or h~~fW&~ elS.e: woU1~ ~e' pam,s. t;o ensureJ:be case W~s'h$n...· dIed correctly and the right outcome would be delivered l!ut'an iilve!Jtigawr wh~se.job'-J1ungfn. the1?alance..lt.w8snothing f!lhort:Df a m~e"tfql piece·,of'ad.. vanc_cd police work, theJikes I have never seen_ . . .'.-_'. - ', ',. '" '- ". ".':' ':.:' " ': ." .. With a theft case that has stymied three police agencies, tl;>" district aUutttey and meAtt

• I1 I am Sieve ~@~erWaUlnd.pen,lIel1l;Oa"'lIld.lef..r,Sh.rl"askillg"Or·· , vour vO~~ November4Ih, 1IIJU·,ISeeW..atB.....rdlAtill,do.·" . .. ' .. " '.- : .. ' :: - ~ ..- ,'•.o:". :.' :., '.'; .' .. ', , .. ,.-

"'. Paid for by fHG-COrmlttee to .electStEl~·$~d.e~all;·S~eri~ •. ~tid Wl1~ lIk.e '~Uf~~ .~~9~~; M~i6t,w ~~c~~neR. !r~~Sl,J.·~.: ' ' If' '. f , "', .. .. ',' .. . I '--~_.~-~. ~._.~ .~- • _.~. , .' ...... ~. -~-~-~~-~...:...'-;---~~---"'-"'c:...,~....:...+~·'-;·,,~~·~"::...-~-":'''':'.,..:-7''':',.-''':'...... ~~---..--:--'-..,...:....· _ ..,..:--~,,,,,."--:J". , ,'.. . .",.'.. ' :; .. " ..; '~ _~:.+\, ~- ~,,;.,~ ~··"'~'''''h.''' o>oL~"""'~"-';~"'-"'~_"'." ~ :,;:"~ ~ '~'. ~,. ~". '~.:~ '~ :~~;'~: ~ ,'.~ "'" ,., ,,", 05 U" 1" ".-'+ 7' ••::.." .. : •.:.:. ::.: .. _ ,.:,'.', •. _...... c • '." , ~ ' ~.' ~. ,,, ...... - .. , .:. - " .",' ... ~ .~.'. ,­ ': . . . " '. .' '. " . " -, ... , • c' '. '.: '. - ,. . :." " ' . ;, '. .' i . " ' ..•. ,. " , . ," ".'" ',: ... > . • I " .' ' .' ,:','

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t:"DURTESY , .. fIIarcDS Rubio runs for daylight in Saturday's 21-11 victory over Albuquerque Academy, on a .29-yard TO pass piay "for the point-afti!i' whiCh remaining, the WarrjQra

train Carr.. 'pro:v-ed WlSQ.ccessfulj givirtg intercepted an Academy . An -ens~ng penalty ltuidoso a 10-P9int o.dvan- pass anti drove' to the placed the ball on the ~ge. Albuquerque 15-yard line With three, minutes See PIGSKIN. page 38

n.tldgeRosweIICoyotes, -, I.' t' , . " I I'

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TY-'WYANT For ,hf' RJ.idmu Hru.-·l

The da.-unting course cir­ cumnavigating Ski Apache reduced experienc;ed run­ ne,rs to walkers, but stamped the inaugural Ski Apache Mountain Chal­ lenge on Saturday morning ~s a race with a, future for the -region's endurance ath­ letea-, The Mountain Chal­ lenge was the leadoffevent during the daylong Party on the Mountain at Ski Apache. The race consisted of a 6.5--ki lometer race -that went to' the mo.untain's top and returned to- the, base area or a 3.6-kilometer scamper t.o the "tnp of the ski ar~~.

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Ruidoso's Frederic Moras lakes 121h place In the 6.5K race. _.' ....'-: ' ','. "-, ~[~~IJl[l[ERO!CARR'IZO:I;D"'FD.OtBA['Li " ;.' - ;. . .'. - . - : '. '., " .. ,. - .- - ,

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JUUE CARTERJRUIDOS N~S . .. _. _ . '_ . .,". ~UL1E ~"'RTEH1RUIDDSqNEWS. Cody Ventura sets up 10 pass agaInst the Mescalero Apache Chiefs Friday. Troy Kornell goes around the rellside of the line In 'Zozo1l40·14 win over Mescalero:

PROFESSIONAL CREMATORY SERVICES, LLC -Direct Disposition Services· in(:hatnpiQnshi~ - You Never Leave Our Care - Carrizozo (Serving Lincoln & Otero Counties) Mum CURRAN they took down 11 straight Three seniors -Jl'imrlrer ·the conununity," AlIef, PREPLAN FOR PEACE OF MIND mC1nrdn@roidon»thZ.~.mm match"" hl'itween Aug. 22 '. Shafer, Alyahi"CulIey apdlmid. "It's apleaSUi'eto be" (575) 437- 3002 andSept. 26. '.Kathleen Schlarb - willbe inthe gym with. them." . ~ The 19-3. 7-1, Carrizozo The two.losses they aUf- e>st for':;' ' ..... '. ",,. ".' .- ..'

.. " ..' ,. . ,. , . That victi,;; .theminth-eeha~fi~hfp , ;playoff match,.'Frlday.·U1... ·. 'ciittizoz<): at 5. p.1l;i.,". '.' :' . " .Iiltb,e ..meiUttipi!"th .. ' .' .... .' ..~Vl.IEe"'Tl'",""rDDsD N~ 1 '::.-'-»_~:;C7tj-:~'·"::r;~'-:-":··:~· ~'"1,: '.-~, ,"I>5'!rltJ'YeciU~l~f-l' ,~o~"rifllll~~lSUltJPSla~ o~~again~t'~iunl~ina!i.:OGi:2t'j .....lii· 'iI·.·, · ·irI·,ji1f'.·.t;"·iI·.·.'.· ·.,',...-'i.-:.:.·•..• .. '. . .' ...\ " . ~" ~ ':' ',' -.. ' . , .... :;: ,'-, :'" '- ..' 'r ...... ,.., . , '" .,:' ;. -' ',' , . . , " :.: :,;.," '; '...' '., : -;'.' ,.. :,' , t ' ""II ,', ...... « .. ' • .. , '. _.'-' '-;-, " ' " - .- -~'-. · ' . ," ", ," - "'. '",",,' '.", ,.'. , .' .. ,. ".' .~":. ':' , .. , ' ,' . ,." ,." " . . " .. : .. . .'0' .. -, . . '.' ..' : '. ", '., '. ' , '. '. , , ., ' . "', '. " . '" : " ..... , to. t" .: ;; • •

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... ' .

• ", OURJUY .., . ' '. :. "

. '. . , . . '. '~'.' I ;;"fi tip: to the mi\ldI~ ott1).e ,p~, "... sirld. '. . 'RosWellcow1;:' ,.'.' ,Thursday. at 6:30 'p.n;>.. ~All proceeds' from the'.' ...;:;t'" '~mi . BennBtt .l'ut the . the LadY WanierS'. will.hQst; in;etcl:l will gaU"the.BElACH.' ..•' 'cUstl.i<:trlv~ FROM-PACEIB .' leng.awaite,d icing' on'the bexter, ...' .a. chin'ltable: orgiu)ization:' .' , Cake when,.oO irtjttch point, . :T)1e niat,ch will be ""u-. which donates. funcls· for. ,wagon~ sh~ : served. up a ser:vicq a.ce pled witb:the. VoDeY for 'the woman"t's mainmQ,giarus "hi: .. ", ,. .RosweU(staterunn""",Ul'· 'and fl!Ok Ruidoso on to e' Cure .charity event which .Thearen. " , Iallt year) """fed s.i>< :un1Ui- mliteh wfu; . t'aiMs muchcneeded mol)ies pink will be the mode nf' " , $Wefed .pointsand took a 15, . ''Roswell's, one of the top for 'theongoing fight against . dreSs' for many Thursday. 14Ieed.~Thevillage girls did' teains~' in 'the ,,,tate; breastClUicer, "vening and' T.~l1irl8 of the • whattheyhadto do and.tied . Waniors'coec!J'SteveBrowi> ·RHS hoi> alrCady -raised same color wiIlba ol)·sale,at the ""tnt·I5. . said. "For Ruidoso. to \Vin ':'vor $900 for this cause and . the event. , Both teams .then two-out-of-tlu'ee ·irtaWhes ho~ to double that elfort '. RUIdoso' will fil)ish' out exchanged poi):itsinthe neXt fr<>m .them this year .is an through the Support of the ,th"ir l'l!!iuiar ' '. selisOn' few minutes $nd found 'incredible accomplishment." community arid _a lai'ge Sattirqay afternoon when themselves knotted at 16... ..BothsquedSnow hav" an turnout at the mateb. . ·th" Lady Waniers face olf ~ It was then the Lady identicel'15-3 Overall mark',: '. "We·hoPe peepl" in the' against ·the defending state Warriors found their mettle: but .mote ifuporl.antIyi' the area will join with Us in this champs, Portales.. at. •. . ~ . MIXE.CURRAN/RUIDOSO NEWS" stotoo aJtey pOint on a Warriors are 4-(J in district noble. endeavor,'" Brown. Ruicloso's.auxili,an".gym. , Ang~ia 'Ganinprgoes row amI digs on~ out for, the L~dY Warrio,rs. and . . . " SHARE THE. CARE PLEASE ADOPT MEl HUMAN'E.SOCIETV SMELTEd . 430GAVILAN CANYON · ... . ~. ,ROAD.' . 25"1-9841~ . .

~, ".j, '~ ". . hrkfaVl* a Clutr... about 6 l'tioltth. cl d... SalfVIs." hartd,o,"e'adult lital. oat .Trapperlt .'heiUtlftifadurt oatwith to~g,. . H"'h~1 a be.aut'ful'hJ~v bfackoqat... '. wltl1:a JieaotlfVl buff-coloTti( coat•. a ferrlflc per"ottalltY.. He Is a c whloh h-.I.wry-pro:.col~ o"ly wlIl!tah. about 6 p"Outlds; but Wi/II . .IoWju.sf ,bout•.nYWl'ierayo-if' gO"~ -ored cb.t~ HI wJfllt'labItSUpllr" 1!et: .En~$r your petin the Humane So~i~iy-'"1 '. get larger.., He It very rraYf-uL:..9~la.. Sarty Iwc.aU'tltlo" ahilwotllir be ' ItO)) by tfliShelterlltld'$ep; tlbK.fat, atfeot(o"af~ J~.t '. rRUldOt;lo, News·P\3.tco.stume contest.; .; .. ' , Mill •.•al a"'tllite cOlild" i)Q",t4nt·tb hat;!I. ottfaltd'·watot:a yottrurf:Trapp...welgh,,about'. r '... .. , ..eyer' waitt out ofa uti " .' : .: "Old "'OV(~ ..all dayl "~ :poultdl;Altd J:I~ftlll ~row.l1. .' ··,Ol).. Hallpl{\Iee·n. Mic!toWri,s~o.J'lby,with""" . '.· . ,,: . in · ." k·· ~, ' , . "$ro.!'''-SCJRF~ p~' '. YO\'Ir deC!l:ed-Clut pet oextt6. Picture '.' · ,'. .' ,• . '. ~PoMrJR~n nl<' .. .BIlot. P;l~PJN" ,This Gaflery.2621 Sudderth. 3.-5 pm." · . : . J)it~:E. :G:REM"LtI()r~( . ,i ,We'l( be 'taking piotures;theil·..." '. (j~oosir.'~g' ~Qfin.alist~·· iNhdse I'" ", .'. ~ .: pictures.wlliapPl:lar,"r th,e . :~, ,..,. Rut '. s. The Winner ..,~... ' ·WIII. be'el1os nby pdpular .;J.J..; ." '. emaillie>!e.,'· , .. ' .' ...... )......

· ' . ". £!e . aiUoptNMP8t.'Com/ado8IionS t "nt91"h<·p..to.tl'~"'l/r v, ... JvIl."''''trlkllt••h''''OIi1iI''·"''~·' "~' 'OPEN FOR AOO...... ONS· : . ,.', · ,. . r1.uteti'"vlrYfrleKdfy arul' adapt'-... ". :Pho,b"thapvl'.lilautlflll brindle;. ••. ok',oblO'Shah.,• .-.a.whlh:'·, : . ·a·lMatuna: adult• ..,d welgb. 7'.2 roll_I · ,• · .::~~<:~1I~3::~'l;~f.:r:~y~x~ 'n::(~lr:,h~~:~ r::~. ~~JI::r:~i; 1':~;:~"t~~~ r::e~:::tl~~fll.t:l:~ .OII~ TUEs, 'THU"~ 'Fill.'•. · ., . ;;'-5. ., .. ·1~~~~::~;~:~;~;~~:~~:W wl~prob'b'V~~~~:~b"""'~"-. ~1"'~~w~~t:M::;;~t.rrtl~~' CioS::'A~~~ '. .. · SON.' .'

· ',. . 'si'OlosokfJDhY , . SPONS6"';'~Y 1{'1't"':'':~~, Mail d,olilatjol1$l/tneniot'i~lsto: ..: ·~~~N.-.;;·;liG;:;· ~.B;:;lii;R.' ~;;;.;;~'''';;;';;;;~"';;;i;;;;""".~> m~ '~eo!' ~S~o~c~le~ty,~,t!.' '!i:P.:!,'O~'~' ~B~.o~xli··:.: a~2 ~;;;;';'fii;;iiii;;" ~ii;;;; o#~., ; ..·:...... ;:;"";;.;;;:....o::.:....'R;;:rr."';..• .'.&:.....'1>."';;"\;0;;_.' ;;;''ii!' • ..";..'...'H...... u. .:Rut.•a..n,!;. dSo '~M 88355·',,'..2;;is...... ";;i";;i;,...li.'iii" '..."...... ,:": l:".'1 1 c', ..• . ~, ,...... ~ - .'. , ;'.'. . " " . ...., ,. • . "". .'...... I ,;' . '.,

•• ,-. • • .,', .- ." - ~ ••->.... ~ -''';'' '~- "' ...... ' ,: : , :::, " ," - ""._,""~ ..:.'....:- "". -~....;;..;" ...... :. ~. ~-'- -~'" -" -,• .:.:.-' .:.....::...::._~ :.- :-. " -'.'~' . ' ,. , ,. . -, " ..- " ." ".' .-' ','. -<. ", "" ; .. - ..'." ' .. - "', .. .,'., ," ; :.. : . ' " . . ' . . .,,, .

." ..

l'<\GE 48

JULIE CARTER Mexico's" economic future' jcan~r(;:".'::':/."'.'';;.::'",: ~:" .. ':,.... : ...::.;. ·:.. ·,: ..·.~>~'~'.··.'.~u~i~d~~,~,~~IQ~)S~HEW~:~:: .. ··."" posed this dramatic initia- The program continues Carrizozo .sovimih graderS Wilre .lntroduCe\! t"th~:I~iiIOii~ornputefit~ey Would.ll~e-?rid;beirespoiisibl.eJ9iduring'lhe neldfive years of.'. :: ". tive on the premise that to be funded by the New' their educatlon.,L-r, 1rpht roW: J~ce·HIII, 'Sarah Fergusgn, ErreaVega,:Juanlta.~.allegos.Middle.rclw:.Maso.n Hus10A;.shayna:Galla9.~er .. ··.:, .' :"" , technQlogy and innovation Mexico Laptop Learnmg Jonathan Smllh, Jeremiill1 Sedillo, Dal10n vega; Rylah Zamora. Back row: !iloDaVsler, ZaChafilarriora, 'Nlch'CilllS Cheiv.n. Josh.Rernaridaz' .', . .: play key roles in New Initiative. ·anqDevonArteche.. ·· ,.' :'., .. , ..' '.. .,.'~':' "':. '.. ,.• ', ..,".. ::: . Hallovveen not: cancelled, justp.Qst:J?()n~4'~~~~s!::,.: '.' ."', ";~ ", . .' .:, Spedliltneetirlg '. . .. '. . ';BUs<>sniria:tnOim .. .. . 12:30.p.~;···· JULIE CARTER office manager Ibr the Carrizozo those that mQved from. the _ .' '.: . :': '. :./. :.... ::.,:.' .. ' ·.'·P...... de ';.,',' . .'.;.... jCrlrlt"Tfti'n"dvfrnlt"u';.ro,u Police. DepartIneI)t. Ma;vor' Bob With no forwaif OarrizDzoWaclof: :'.' .DiStriqtCb1!mwon;,wpVo~eybllll,• Hemphill said Schlageter was Inother~e.sa·~e·:C6unCil:' tri1iiteE!~:Will·l;I:ol~.k:ap~~.~.me".~tiDg'··~eif5·p.~~ .... ;...'.. . .. ·p.rn~J a~' ·Jl.o~e.c!Omi~ ~ ~ ;There is not anything to be selected as the best choice &om a :-. a.pproved: 0. adoption" of at ',6 .W4a;y, th¢,·t,['awii:'Hall.' .::._ FbotbalJ Game : , dope officially, but the Carrizozo num.berofqualifiedaplllicantsfor Resotutiop. R2008,-24 ~UP.P9~:- .The .>in~~ting, .ag~i:1'da:: inclp.des·'~, :.·ag'a3ns~:Jatt7·p;·Jrt.· . ',:! cooncil heard a courtesy request the full time positiQn. SchI..g.,ter the Ruid.O$O Downs l!&:e' Tta!'k' .t..:~m~Iit:' from t1l!'. mayor'senta:tion of CQlirt 'ana croWn- :: from the schoo) asking Carrizozo is originally from HobbS and is an~ Casino·' to achieY~.:eq~ :.:Sinle·. ii~tiQn,., to '-be-: '~en ' oil." the .' mg ofHom~tning'King:and Qu.eeh ~,' residents to resWnd to trick-or~ now a residentofOscura. statutorjrtteabnent; .' ...... Neid..erstadt::.. vs~:· The':--Town of::' athalftime" . '". .~: .:: .., treaters Saturday night, Nov. I, The council accepted the low 0 discuBaedprobleIl1f\ ar,id PI'!'" QiuiizQ~o law~t., . 'Pimee .~ediat!>ly followm,g: since Oct. 31 was also Carrizozo's bid for a pickup truck (cab and .sibilitie$ fo~ see~!lta:teliiridin~zoZOiioniecottiillg ...;.. :' . 'game, schQQI Ca:feterla, ~des7-12' Homecoming with all the usual chassis) for the maintenance to help with g¢ttin:g a"-·~ry . '.. -" :'.,: ,.0... ,~ .. " '. ," . "', ·'o~ ; .'~ . '. ,.', . '., • celebratioruJ and games. department. Sierra Blanca' store-in tow-n,i perTrustee Dennis . "':The "schedule -fot Oatiizozo's- :·Danee.ends 12.a.m..·' . ~. In a double-header for Motors' low bid Was for $25,130.. Dwmunl'. .' HOJ,necoining week is as follows: .. M'Fidl;';;"';",';'1 . , .:' Carrizozo Schools, not only will RuidO$O Ford's bid was $29,474. oapp;"vedResolutibnR2QOS-.. . S!'ion. booths Will Ii", :aVllilabJe.. The coWlcil, in their Oct. 14 signi.Dcantly lower than the ., heard 'airport manager: TeEj.cheTin--s:ervice:8to"l'Oa.Di.,. EV~ODe"invite4·fQt'.. the£8prily·fu:ii..· meeting, agreed to publicly sup- ·delivered"bids presented byRD. reportofsale of878g"uons o(fuel·Student'S report.u; 01"".'-:10.a.m, ,'. F""mor,,.infbl'riiation. Call64S-2346. port the school's request so fami· Blankenship and Johm;ly Autrey for $2,065 . . .' . .... Vote tor, Home<»ming iGng.ai1d '. ···pmFaJi' ~'.' . lies could erUoy the events at the that the council felt they colJ1d The Oarnao~ coun;ci1' will Queen. ' ' '.. :', - . -- . ._' . ;'- school and the holiday. A Fall haul it and still be money ahead. meet tonight in.a spe<:\al meeting~ake:roll ..... ',' . '. " .'. The Ca:irizozo P.FK Fall Oiu'nival. Carnival will be held at the school Mayor Hemphill reported that at 6 p.m. at Town Hall. The next·· Hom"""mmg.Assembly10:15 a.m,,, w)l1"·be Nov. 4 at,thaOid'Gy1J1, &;'1 .' Nov 4. inSeptember,$l,647,19hadbeen regularmeetingoftheoouncilwill.. OldGym '. .. . 'p.m•. " ..' . ;Approval to schedule a public collected on utility accounts in be·Nov.18,uPonapprovOlof:the ·EI.em.entf:ay stUdents·gO to.li1nch" "The oamival waa,'set-for.a lAter'" hetuing on the new franchise arrears. The co1ll1.ci1 will address col1Ilcil at the sPecial meetiilg to' '11 a.mr ..:' .'.-. "date to '. -not . ~nt1ict ':wiip:.-. the agj'eement with Otero County and list the accounts that are move it a week· to. avoid cOnflict . Mid':schoo! and'High School d!S:-' ..Hbine¢minggame lrrid·'festlvj'ties.on· El/octric Cooperative was given. uncollectable due to deaths or by with Veteran's Day, Nov. 11. inissed 11:30.a.in. ,. Oct. 31,.Boothappjie<>tlonS are avail•.• Tlie oid agreemeI)texpired in ~'-,' .lible,m: thehigh:'School ollice. : r------'-..,---+.-----...... - .. ...,...' ...... _-'-'.'_._'. ~. the 19808 and the new one " For )I1f';>re' mfonnationJ can will require an ordinance. WELCOME COMMBTTEE the SCIloolat648'2346, Chief of Police Rachel . , Cl'L Fitst.friday.. : Weiser reported 77 calls were . . : nuide by department officers _• .- " . Capitan:· Public .Librarys· :- in September and 20 traffic . F4'st 'Fritfuy event: will· be .: citations issued. The case log . NOv~, 7 ~t 7 p.Inat-the UbnU:Y : included one accident, five ~~.J~~..:' .....,' _... 1 :-''Ur., atlOl'E. Secondat. :, ..'" information caBs, three "r~~ .~_ '~~-~y; ~'.v:~\)~.-~ .'...... TbefEia.~guestiS..br.:: {etonies, nine misdemeanors ~; .Brad Blake apeak:i.pg about.:: . and four arrests. ~ .....':- ,~.;."-" ··the···A1Jleri~an $ot1th:west'~" :Margret Schlageter was ... '- ":'."..' ", i" . .1ndilma,· Dr, BIakeW:l11' awroved for hiring as the 4 ,. ~ - ,'..' .... share·his- imperiences as ,an' ~' iui'thi'Opoioili$t,' 'hi$..work'hi' t:he.':· field,i'ese....ch· he· has . ; . I . done,,*,d "bhiiot<>rl'C, and:; AhJaJllellfflr. takf. slttleflle"dealolt ,eoJlteIllPi!!ra:tjl' ·t1ibe~··of the::' " .. AltJ"6 -w':'b tJur HtJ-"'nn4th r"';",miru a"J mlJdolll DdJ/y sprrilt.b ...•..•.•....ro,~ da~ta:nLib~VOI.:~ ~b'I~ in t)f' C4~ Out CdceriHd A"~iLa.bll!! ';" 'un~Will P=i:iae i:efre;;l(: ': . .U5 5molle)' Bellt Blvd•• Cllpltlln. NM ". . • .. me'!1l:$.. afhlr:j;he '·progrli"v: : Open 11-7. Tue. . S.t '~.',:' ~ '~ull~,cil.RJE~UID.D.O... . . ~'EW8. ,~. .Fi:dit..' J.i'I¥""1ecture!l.'.' '. tire.·. Tom & Suz8nnlll Freem o-n" .. ".. > '." "...... , .,": .. ,.... "_ ""'V {formC'rlv Alto F..." Mark , Carrizozo Chamber 01flcers manned a "Welcome to Carriwto· .bpoth ilt Val!e d~l $oHlalurday durlng a big.lanil.safe evonl'allhe· .' ':i>f~;:;''';'''';ittion;~ :'8~:' ::",. <::...... 937-1515 ~ development L-r are Cindy Thompson, D1rk Norris and 'Gall Major. . ". . "'.' . . ..'" ".," ',' .' 30a5;,' '.. .' .. ~. - ," , .: ' ':- .:' .. . ,. ."-' " . ,. ,.. t,. SJM:c>k~¥'s'· HOMETO'W-N·. ughlng Sheep farm' ;" Linda Burson fot' District AttolTtey l-IC)LIQA'Y' BAZAAR···· .V'... "i:. "7 ~ , ..•. WkoIc.:.Suf '. , business owner 9A:bv.[,..4.P~ ." .,'.'. . , : " ~Whl:lle.Uili1b ~ Wl;o!ti Pig. ,: /,' . I:leal people cxperience ~ teaeher and college ,,'. '.·./kG1-b1oIkiNnd.q.;,.Il'#f.ao:."'an, • e..f\;..I<'£~ ,SA.·:t..F't ANp.y...UN¢HP...s· ~<;-:>i~< " ...... ,~9t"iiftf'...~=f"....,-lJ$b...... , instructor . ·SA E .' '.' ..IPlilHl't·1td. WIl."II"'" ~w...•....~~"d. our Real crhninal law e-xperience ~ as both. A.(J.'iN~ C:hDtI~e ~/RBJ. Q~·C_B.;I.·B#Ii:'h;'d.a~,.:- ,.' ._: ~"''* ...... _'llM·WJ'/lrf4d....Ifl!IO;'''tlt..riJ.... $'d"'''41"~/'''Y;#< ~yDI# t~~I".<: 1- ••'oiil\U;J;a",,",n4I1o"._iblr _ 3I-tld. qrS~'6;t.J~"8d "E>.,..#b, Soa.,j!$.. '. ' 'imttllf If r~,~IH_~taf. .." Real working relatiol'lshtps with loll"' enforcement and PR"IZ~~~~ILaNT"A1J6':' Ofn9f,f,or. ~~~~'"iI<:-'<:JR ',.' oIoluit'f~n~~,..v-o.r""""",,-. the community· supported Fraternal Order of Police Sterra pois_....I.m"~~~ ~ fotiflittiD~· ...;. Blanca Lodge V1;"ric.'>.'t~ 8tft:~· i~ ~lr""'·:""i."'t!l! i111"'/Il\if.~~~f"htt ...... · . , t..1,..hc::oUc"'n.hl.,. ..';f':. & .. : ,. fl_/i,~_I\ ~."' ,.. A ...; ;v~.,..:"'" "'..'..,.. L<> Q;.;;";;..;;";:;...~ . ': ", ' '.<' .' . , ,.. , .. ': . , ...., " .. . ' ' .. ' .. '" . .. '" . ..' ... ' '. .. . ~ " ,', ., . . :." . ' " ~ , . . i" ~~. :' . .. >., J ="i-' ' ~ h nr' " ,"1'; . t 's ;5' ..;....:.__...... ,...... -.-'- ..' ': ..~:. 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:.. , , , .:. . " " " , ' .. .. . , ... LOANS CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION , , .. ,: ,; " : "... ':'Mo'unt.,lfi G,qJd Construc;tTOi) THOIVIPSON. , '7 '. . .."MaJeStIc ·Blson sales. &. .tJ~nt$-. .' LONG&CO.,INC. RIGID " .,·.. ··.New.~nS#·u(iIQn ~J{e~·od~ls .:.'. l,.nAIfIltN1U~ All" IIfrl AlJ/l UU :~ .. .. Decks." Paints··. 'Deck -Rennl$hlhg· ·(6751 ,336.-1865 ' 0.\1'--";""'" ""' , . ::..':..:~n.:iY'p~s:·~loorlng"·· '- .. ' ", .

S75~.S75~~OI~ '. " " ' '." . • 'MIcah: ~,a!ldy:WhJtl!,~IL .. . ·9~7..6:t98 .'. ' .' '. Lleense 3"56028 • BOnded':. . ,,' Aifbrd~ble:. ··Ru.ido~.o ~. -,. .- ,~--., ' ..,.. - --, It·cllable. Locill" . '. ' .. CONSTRUCTION STORAGE UNITS Liri.·coln. .... S 1: at:ion' Cilristian . New F4diity ~ SeJfStorage(JnitS '. . '.' Security Gilte • LIlrge Uiiits lS'x30',,:l,2'x25' . .;. Constructio Easy Access -10 Ft. Roll"Up'-Uoors .Ci'edit,C~i'd.sAccepted '.... " •.. ' " HQh.~s:tel\elia1Jle '...... 276 Hwy 220 (Airport Rc:I..) .' He"" cQnstruction,....em«l~el,{additions; '. '. CaIlKathyAt57$~937~6479' " • .. laridscaping,rcu)fing, decl(s, . . . . inter.ioflexterioJ" p;il.nting, Wrought iron' "My advertising thro~gh the __ork,tile/__ood floors, retairiii1g walls. ,Business'.&Servke'Directory concrete.work,stone work, .. ho~ been a great tool fOr the , brick & bl.ock, etc••• expansion and growth of our compdny" Putting our name'out . 575..808-..,706' there hdS been a gredt sUCCeSs . . . a.:icensed·& 'Insured • LIC#355160" . . thanks to,the R'uidoso News," . PO Box 1331 -RUidoso, NM88355 " . -,Pastor Mark Anthony Mills . . ;', '~'. . t. .' . LANDSCAPING SEPTIC SERVICES " .... ,. ',' ".'.' '., .... . :Weshow up. We,o.re reliable Oh<;l We get the jobdonE!: Christiu!'l. Constru~tion..

, .'. COntact Kefly 2$7-9001 . tp placeyour ad in fhe' :' ' .... Ruidoso'N"WsB~iness&:' Servic


SALON . ' .. " , ' .;.. ..:. 'rt7~~~A~~~t:i~"'{,O'-~'-~;'j;;' .;,CLEANER.'EPGE , : ..': '-'.Pf(~lb' .. ~i~·~~.1 :~;r~;~~' ;oi··y~~u~·.: :'...... ', ·'.VIViAN·tUCA-S '" . . " Cnmltl¢h:iaT &. 'Rl.'!o;"J(!.niinl ~lciihln'g -i1(l'(!d...... 't204,Me"hem,pr. . .-Stripping- Wa1(l~g'~ VaIlUu'riilu'g . ." "ito,;...5:1'S.9,37is9:.a.S ...... • Mopping ~: O~$tiil,g , . ,o~d.7S.2:s8.20.s.1·: . '~o't:x!~SH1Q1aSi'~':' . . '. ~'. ";;, .. ~~e.:=r::""?'~;;2·1 '~~..sl~ ." ,.... Mentlon:ntls'Ad'F'or DlitdUfit Ol'-'\"O 'rFbst: lit.· . .. ' ... ,' .'I ' . .." .; 1 . " ,,' ,'f ',' .., .. ". ... J . . , · ..- :;:." .:: .. '. - , . "'. .', ' '''. ., . . ' .. . ." ",,'. , " . ".; " -" ...... '-' . "'. ' . " . , , . '.'" ',:1' " • .... . ' .. r . : . ,< " .' . .' .... " " . . . ; .:",,' . , . _.• ',~. ~_u.,..., ~_ ~ ~-" •• ' " .n." _' ~, _ .~. :,,;.. ,,' <- •• , ,~".~. ~ .~, ~ ",:,""",-. -"','" ' .. -"". '-''',~. ~.,' .' .- ... -' -' .... ,.'" '.,." .' '".'...... e' "'":" '., . ",., ' . ',', , .'. ;

PAGE 6B • Rt:lD()SO NE\X''',


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" ' '," ' . '.- 1=( erCJ~!!l!!..r; ~(@)~~~ 5CI'lA.BB~E· 'S" I ....d~ d ·tastn-o..,l"e .;s ..~.., Can.ada f';2000 ••..11_ Dl~br ""Ourw!' Medoa s .... <;eo. nc: '"'" "Iltrll -...... , •

1fl4 ...... AV1' • Ili'n N M.~... 88'1-4" DDDDDDD _Nod ...... 1 ~~~~l:tter [§] [§J [G] 021 [B] [g IW4! oRACK 1 104 PARK AVE. RUiDOSO. NEW MEXICO 88345 0000000 (505) 257-4001 ~[ill~[IJ[B][IJlli"J ~.ruidosonev.rs.cotn ,':' .---... DRACK 2 0000000 .~ ~[lJ[J~ [GJ [ill oRACK 3 ',.,- ... ' UnscrSlflblo, these four JUmb'es~ , . ..'.. , one letler10- each square. ' otdl"ary,w~rds:. ·0000000 to fOrt:" four .. " ,.,' ' . ~~:: . '.' , [§] Q ULJ [B;] [TI IP3I[lJ Score DRACt< 4 PAR scoA:E 140·150 FOUR RACK TOTAl.. BEST SCORE 205 TIME LlMli: 20 M1N ',' DIRECT10NS: Make a 2- ~c -·'etler wo'd fro'" tlle letters If1 each rr;Ni Add ROGGE ," pernts of eacl1 v.om u$ll'tg sccn"g d"'ec1JOtll; al ngN Fmalry 7-leiter words get 50, ,.' ,", JX)ln1 bo'lus "BfankS" used as any letter have no penni value All the w'or'ds are ,n llle O"ioal SCRABBlE~Players D>CIronary 4ltl EdliJOn . , For mOrl1 Information on books. clubs, tournaments and the uhool program go to ~~~".,~.,.".", ,'.' www_scrabbINS$ot.comorcalllheNat/l1nilISCRABBLE" AssOciallon (831) 417-0033; PRUMBE 1,0-29 \'iHlEN: TH~'TATTdO ,'," ,AI<:Ti$T'I"UT A " ',' ." _,/Umljlle.CQl1:l· BUT""""FI,.V OK 1-lS~,:" ' SUDSIC "I,.IEG, :;'l;lfE'WA,$'..-- .'", , 'Nbv'-'- -arra"';"e:'.t~e; ,~ltCle.d :'i~tte~ _ .- to. fqr~ ;thEl 6!Jrprisa·;~ns.w.er. ~ ", ,su~~a,sted'tly,lhi:f abcwe cat:tQort~ . ,i Yo' ': Ail$wer: '. "

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',' .' ':lOB ANNOUNCE,MENT " " ' M~calet:O'ApachltSbhOO-IIS ,qo~itlg'for qu~hfi~ apt;Jlh:ants ..' . . for the. following poslti9riS: .' . , ;;.. lIig"'Scbl>(lIM;iit~' Teach " . '"", ~acltor Assistant" '" " ,, , ~. SQ.icide Prevention. G.ra.nt CO~)I;diQtttbr . ,,' ... Vo-oth',Boldao 4>re'l'orttlob S~oclll1i.t ,Th·~.:Ru190~~News 1s.1\ me'mber qf'the<' {~htee pCi$ltfl:tl'tSl ' ..• ',. . Media News Orc;>u.p Coit1p.any~ Salary. '" ' POSITIONS-AilE FILL!ID '. , . ;. Bonuses &:Eiceitent'lJehe.fit . .". . OPliN..!pm!, .' . p~~kng~ availap.t~ '.' . :·'~"'·~Ai{ C~rlUrdp~slti~ll$ tJiJ~ 'C~t:lring'p(!S/l/ims'rtt41~!n! q vprid i/~. l . .~ " r clfll,i!ronrt/it! />1M Plihllt:ElIt!cfJiinn J?i:lfU1t.lm~nt.·· ': . ." ." ~1~se~-end~1I'r~sutn~s'~~: , ;j,.uAl(ptJ$it/O/ls"re'qJIlr'l1 b"a.ckg1;'Ound.c1recki DatIClftOf'Ci/1celmm (In.)f _. .' cNmlnaI'd,a;lI.fst!iiJil:.lo:entpflJjime/lf. . .' .. '. , . ··*,·$i!I~tltJH$lo", emplajh1t!llt wfll bi; 1fdsed,oll tIle" RUidoso.,Ne~s , Me,fi!alemApac/le Tribitt Otdhf(Jlli:e 06.03•• , ' AUfi~.'t6~ . .', Fitz.water,·'Publ1sher Fe;~ addjfi9Qiil inf(jm~:tltiQ'iJ and 3$JplicatjQp;; . '1'.0.BOl<128 , " '. ,. ¥escat~roApache: sc~oor . , R,l1id"~, N'M,8ll34~". ' ,,'. '. - '." "'~J'sonn.el Offic-e . ". " Bo~ , .- . .. p..o. 230; 249 White.Motinhi.in Drive 'Th~'~\Jiab$O N~s: ~O;\rOppotruniUc,<;'.~pioYet.··· '. . '. .Mes94Ie[o~'NM883:40.··· :'. '., . is·tii:J. 1'I>.~ri.,.($OS) 4~_31 .,' "P"",'($qS) 464'4822 :.. ", " . ""..... 't: '".' .'. '. . , " /. .J •• • .<, '.,::. . J .', . ", '.' "'~' .'. , , . . ' .' " ,. ' . ~,:, .. . , .. •_.~"~_~ :."..s...... -...... _.'."-- . ., ... , ...... :...._._--~ .. _...... ~~ _.. - '...... ~ ~.'" '.... ".: 't ":. _ · '''''-,:o.- .. ,...,...~...~-.-_~_~__ ..... :;...... -e~ ...... --...... ::'i"':"'V""'...-,-+ ...... ,..."."""~7...,....,~-~:.-:-

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, ~ '11 " ...... PAGE 8B -RUIDOSO NEWS ~ "g.. ". i.: :. __ Unlum. Home •Genlral ReJldontal Loti 436 DOlistserMeslBllpplleI.. . Auto FoiSala . 917~BlIllnes~~i1 For ReiIV', ;...... ' 722· ... ._-Sale' .. ,. . :951.: .. 352 3/4 acre' wooded lot In ~~~99~hOrl:ler A~lIa6Ie'" Alto All utilities. 404 2007 . Nov: . '15... "'...... + • Spotleu 3bd/2ba : Lakeshore Drive. Dochshund puppy Tower Auto Sales 1 ft f ADA ~30.0oo 5050 336-4163 Rllg.m 6rno.old trl ( n". 'S,12c'.oon 'Sq " .un •. p .... n'attt',. & ..ramp; . ark' ~ OUQ' .,,, .. ",. house, secluded, color,long hair S4QO. ~~-,--:-,,",,""...... _-,-~, ng '. front ,'& real"' ' .... 9.31-1341 Mark studio/workshop, "000 e daR 5800/mo•. JI2 utll.'Cen ' ; " Great 10J wJ Trees • . $04.~00 pm . "rally ·Iocoted. 5'75.378- ,.' city utiL Jused or new, . 5680 or 575-5/3,7~0731: .,. , carport, laundry moblle QV­ WI$10K dwn. Campen/Travel Tl1ilerS ( 575.1527·8697 .-==::;::a .' .,' . ' .. lotion of the low. All -,.' , 808 'h' • ...... persons are hereby , . Cute wI many UP 2003 Hvundal Elr;J."'''o .";' Informed that all , $'1.500 '. - ",' '. grades 'M. WD floors '::.:. . -.. ~ '. , ' dwellings advertised big vord 311, 9K as LnU~~~~.lf9lr ...:. t..-' .:- .." sum. loon quolilica . ... :-.>..... are available on an tlon Remall 931-1745 . ",'., '- oqual opportunity ba· . .. ' .:...... , .:' . sis 2007 Hvunaa.l Sonatr;J · , ".~: 2bd/lbo unlurn Re $-15 615·' :. ':,"11I ; ...... ~ '. '. ~ : modeled good <,end_ soturn Qf Cas CrlJces. . ';,:.t .' ... ",' . Wh,'c mountain Molor Home' 810 '(575.152-1·1900 ...... ,,; . 'r'. meadows t hwv 10 ' ' ~. 1996 Allegro Buss In .. .'- .~.'I,. . ••. Capitan. AsklniJ " .:- ~f3ejQ4~3iel 3707 ... ~. , t'.ff? $38'{000. 34.10110 mIJes. .. ; . :'...... -: " l. nok For J~us Cwood ...... '.;' " . ~ 37 t Ipng, 8,,6-68Q-5842 • '.' + • .,hop nCJ«t to circle- '-.. , .' ... ~ . . •, ... : '.~ •• +- · ...... '0 To class! .:.. '.' ._ •• a ...... :.. ~ . 3 bd, 2 baw)th 2 car place a .....~ . .i, goroge on +,0 1.5 oc. fled ad '" ...... ' Private' .ettlng . phone 257.4001 '.' wJmounlaln fool...... ", . ' . Homel' General 412 n~a~OBo(M':'~~.06~gal .~ FSBO 2/1 COZy home -..,'.:,... .- .' dlnln'p/IIVIn8;W/fr~ 2008 Mozd.o 6 . '. ~ :.~. auto $17 115 ~!f~ ~9~V'5?~6~fko~5 SalU[n ol,Las Cruce's .'.. ... ' goods & 900-921 . 5151,,21.1900 , '. services :. : 600-668 & 2550-4137 "" '. .. fuellWood 620 ..'.' '07 Mllsubishl Galdnl $14,115'· . C' r ·.~1~ rS Ill".', Satuf'n of Los Cruces " , ' "'(111,11'o:c;on-lf'tlH. (5751521-1901/ {lid HOOf" n Jo :lH',I~t tJ J·T Junlper- By the cord ­ ·.a. ug"r Lano In c;ord Dr Bundles ~II 1011 U 505·937·4993

CARRIZOZO-LIKE NEWI 3 bd. 2: ba. Mfsc, Items 625 19. .hop. carport, Appro)(. 60 m-ovlng nlc~ troeJl w/prlvato '~·II'·ly···.······.···· r:,x°!iQ~rt:Js01e~'nlv ~I>o'w:r. v~~~ Fa':,pfi 2007 Pontiac G6 onc... $50.' 937-82:76 Ughl puty TlUj:t,s 911 $14995 ~J n:~.s, w~r4'S,b~~ Sotu[n (If Las Cruces r... '...... 4 • • ~ • '. ~.. ~ 2005 Chevy Silverado 5751521·1900 331.-1555 Z71, 4x4. 1 Owner. ~e'r.v cr;r~::.s ,xU~T' s:'e~ ·04 PO"II~~ ~Jon~ Am. tU::&84 505·931-7491 or. Levi Aulo SQ_les Alla- Golf ROll road tiC!> '11.00 ( 575)527·8691 1- • fru'-u ~ ; It 1 I eo 20mln. Upp<>r 1' ...• t • nIl -r ~ Canyon arro f~nn-I'~I 575·937,7614 l 'J ;" 2007 P'f Cruiser (t -t!'1 n1'H' ~12 615 Solurf! of Las Cruces ( :i75)S21·1900 626 PaM Rang., '98 APPIlIJICel Lodge 575-3711-4471 2007 Aura XE (575)521-15/00 Homes •General 412 ~'IS 995 so'urn of L.as Cruce!> 2009 SQturn Vue Oak desk, ~3(l0. 5010 & (5751.521 1900 $22 99$ . • choir. very comfort Sbturn of Lps Cruce!> able. nice & clean. House On Cree ~4oo. 575-331.-4163 2001 Black Corvene. (575)521·1900 Meadows GOlf T-top. Must see to ~fJS~6~:-~~~'" $20,000 Course 2005 ~pJ~'2 Vu.. GaragelYard/EStale Sales Solurn 'Of LOs Cruces On 10th Hole 3­ 628 (575)521-1900 Bedroom 21/2 Balhs 1 .500ft Deck ~~oC~~~:;jPeIY;~nd 2-Ca. Garage Top 158 19'11' 915 5159317 Greal SIerra Blanca 2004 Buick Century $5.500 & Golt Course Lev. Aula Sales 15751527-8697 2002 Suzuki Views Grond Vitara Must See-Possible $4,600. 2005 Bu,ck Lesabre Levi Auto Sales Trade-Dr-Owner $10.995 ( 57S)527·8697 fOR SALE Con'enl" Saturn at La!> Cruces FinanCIng (5751521 1900 505-263-6116 ~~ ~~OJO~t ~~rts T~~e 2006 Talf:?s>f5orOlta S and place to be- an noune-PO 2004 Chevrolel Cor Saturn of Las Cruces vette, V8 COUPe. 20. ( 575lS21·190tl ATf6spd, Carnmemo Green Sectional Soto . rollve Edition Pkg. Removeoble Gloss Homes • General 412 ?e~OdL~rz'1d·t~~1 A~rt1t~ OO Hwy 70 MM 266. ~~~v 4'Df70J'i Call 3 bd!3 balh wilh hours 10 to 6 doilv. large den and office in quiet area of Alto Garage/Yard/EStile Sales Garage/YatdlEstale Sales Stucco with 628 628 great views of Sierra Blanca and Sola & Love Seat -CAR- Ihe valley. Toyota PrliJs New hardwood floor (Iotated indoors) 2006 EXceilent .... in living room. $360.000 open on and household Condition With f: Saturdays or NeW 'MIchelln call for an appl. goods. Located 11m. 69.000 .' (575) 336-1206 or miles, 5OMPG. 973-0017 al231 Fir Drive. $21~900 eaIJ336-4004 8:30-1 (we orderBcl a NO EARLY BIRDS! now-one) ·TRUCK- Medlcil Equlpmem U3 2004F1504i4•. Home Care TraCtion .Svstem. B.est... Offer. I" 48.1JOO MUes•.. 2:57-912:7. 1~8 .".. Perf Drlve. Rbg. Cab With Full Wo:rk Rack $12.iJOO Building Matenals 650 '00 Chevy Camaro Ss Cali 336-4004 raP1e, Oak, Hlckorv Low Miles varro~~qUWidtt~~orw\ Great ShaPe ARE THE MILLI Lev1 la,,;rro\ales Fre

FOR.SALE John Deer Backhoe. ~b05 c"C~vZ~lQIOradO FOR lEASE-I loaded, wJcQ'b, 4x4, S15,995 70a Mechetti Orin, Owner Fi­ turbo, extended. Tower Auto Sales Swiie,. S25.ooo.'915-626-11693 (8661512-6002 Across frojrt IGA- www.ruidosoneWS.CODl·. . . . , .. ~ . . ~ . ~ . nance lcIwrftCe Iritt_.· 2008 ChelryMolibu 2 bed/2 bath .. $14,995 1600+sq.ff. AvalaWe pets Saturn 01 Lds Cruces ~erfl.d for ally .ffk•. 1/4acrs (.5751521·1900 settlft9.·(aiI U~DA 700"'725 fLACK at .' Chevy Malibu Clossic '05 land in Rui­ Cd., auto. ac 575.257.5900 for 1·8llS-504·1258 Barnett vJewfftg _ hrtliw dO$o. Call -Infer-tlOtt. AKC Boxer p,upples ReMoX:·,Terri 'ow... wI White mark 2005 Dodge caravan ~~~o~le 1200 ea. 575- Levi 'lun sales '.:I' , (575 J517-8697 437-2354 .., '.C·I '. ~ . .1

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>; 1"" By Jacqueline Cutler she's wearlnga jacket and pants. .Srown," Lo?k for Julie .60wen',Argqta ,$ay~,'Sh~'sdl~traCl~d,: @Zop211 he designed. but shepul her own and Dave Higgins In th~t slot.. ,.. 'Pretty ellS\l~, anq True snaps har" I spin on Ih~m, changing buttons Gordon,a longtlma television back40 reallty,1 amllk~het i1lot and lengths, Th~boss (Greg I, Most 15,year-old girts think they writer andproducet, wante~ to' She Js basically me on 'f\I: ~ , '..,' t Proops) realizes the firm's createlisllowforhls girlS, '.' Palmel'saysthat/lercMracl~tls. should be running the world, or at youngest person .Is twice Trua's I the very leasl, companies, and in age, so he hires her on the spot. "Tgey love fashloD, and they'.dQ'not much of II' strelchelthe,r., •• some cases, It seems as II they fashion shows,' he says o his .. SIQCeassuml~g th)srola, sh.e~., I, are, If she could have two wishes, daughters, 4and.6,~And I want· 'enJoy!ngfa~hlon a 101 more. I. True says, "Th~ first would be How else 10 explain a-inch heels, ed to do somelhlngabout wish .think Marc Jacobs. makes hIs .. , world peace: lh~ second would fulfillment. What do klds vianI? '. . clothes. for ' !TIe,' ~~e ~ays. dresses thai end Ii centimeter be my own fl\shlon line:" Now below the rear and the resur­ They vianno blHn charge and, 'EverythIng fits m~ perlectly.": she has it, and the women Who w~aiinga gence Of Menudo? Nickelodeon clawed Iheir way to the middle wanlto be the bO$s, That'S how It. $he's 'u,noutfll.oril/le takes Ihe teen-in-charge premise started percolating, and elllhlSshOW When summoned to a.... are less than thnlled to have this rileeting",~;',liite to a sitcom with "True Jackson, kid around, look shape from ihilre,lind then I mandatory. '. VP," premiering Saturday, Nov,'8, pitched It, and theyboughlit, and' becauseCrlc~ells Irylngl9 sab', ..... • Some of the adults play the roles I got very excited and, wrote a . otage her ,",and·asKed whatshe . I The lovely Keke Palmer far too brolldly, bul True's assls· bunch of drafts."· thinks' about ootfrts·forcareer.;! I ("Akeelah end the Bee") stars as tant in the first episode, Crlcket ~blackrs I True, who in the opening scenes, (Suzy Nakllmura), Is terrific, Though it wasn'twrllten. wlthrilen.and.w.omeri;lt's a . sells sandwiches In the fashion Series creator Gordon says Palmer In mind, she saw the the new blacl( IIne"il,ndeVeli fOf I Ancti soriptand cimtactedhlm,Gotdon . thos~' who' .always dr.ess· as:!f .'. I distriCt. The head of a fashion he plans to give tfue new assls· ~, '..'j company notices her, After all, tllnts regularly, as In ~Murphy admlls he Initially Perceived het they're en route toa furrel)ll,ltls I TrQesugga~ts ,of,.' I .as a dramatic actress, but Ovarauslilra, a few: . , I lunch with the young star and her ,flashes of color 10 lighten Ihe. '. ' I mom, 'he realized she would be .' look.. .'. '. ', I , perfect . '. . The reactions aie elipeeied':',' I " \ She IS, In the pllot,trila $tarts the 4asigner andhef' pos~e 01 .•' I . I WOrking In aswanky offi~ where pilllyllais are ,JealoUS" andlhe . bOsslsenthuslaStlc,assur~'Of.· I a pUsh of abutton opens awall, T(lJe~ ~ revealing aflat·screenTV,arida· hIs· decision to, hire for,. refrigerator, Herasslslant 1s now, this Is True.s ultracool sum~ I Instlmtly condescending, as arQtrl,er job. The sea~oQ .cilHhangflr '. the other women on the .show. . Will be what she. ytll( dO wneq .... True's best friends, Ryan an~· school rflsumes ·111 't~e.faJI; .. '. Lulu (Mall Shively, Ashley' Gordon says; '.. . • .. Argola), show up. Lulu is goofy, 'It's not tOQmuph differeilt from ,....•.." ..' I ~,,---_ ,--.-.-...1 - i giggly and boy-crazy, afairly, typ'hlgh school·; .crushes and ," .... " ,,, \ - ., ':-"'" .'~,.., leal. 15-year-old, homework'and '.. enemies," .' . . ". . ~'. ,,~.) , , .. . . ' -. . • de~hds. . . ,I.. "Lulu Is such ahappy person and .Palmer says. 'It. IflaUy . .. ", : .. . .' - , .. \\) DAILY NEWS loves 10 have fun and bea kid,' On howsne balances It alt,. .' .' Keka Palmer , " ',:. . '.' \. 51124· 81.... "- ' . , . , . .. .' ;, Alimogonlo, NM 88310 . · .; " ,.:-,' , " ,.' . , , , . ,', ,... .', ' ir' , '. , ..'" '" Ir '~,


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,• ..~:" ", "'" c",':,' :" ..... '... OJ'' " !",'. ",' '.,',' ;:'.:'"';':,(',' . .. '. " "f" I '. ;'~\Je5iI- .:",,,,, ."", ,"....'. '. ." ;: . 'J .'.. ," '" .' ,".< '~n~~r' '''' ..JO~NGCA§QN,·QDS,fA~~~, <.,', ....•. ". '. d,.', '<' ., .. :' •• ' .'>:>: ',i-.':. < '~: '. ',': "...: " ,/ .. " .,'. ,: ::,,' \)1I~k~ IJ l~'! .' In 'r8ctice In Alail)ogon.lMor.28 years., . ". ..;. '.

r"~j.~j. ';;.J~:;'_ • ,< "",'" >, :'".'.' •• ,' , : ,','.\ .' ! ""," \.,',.'" II",". ",., '. . •• '':''., .' . '. ," ,. ',.'1 .. ", •... "',1"'.,',,",', ,' .•• ':•..• ',: .".' ,." .,' .• , ..••~" "~;,.~.' .•.. " .:.. '.". .',' .:." .l"~" .'.~.- '.f' ": '<',:' .,' I ." .:' .,.... ,>! .,;,', ..,1',.: ." ., .... ". itle,~~" ,'."''''.>', "',' ..:" ". :.1.', ";". '_' ,I.', ',:: By Jacqueline Cutrer' . . '" ".s (', '.... '. ...< ,,' .;. ... ~~a'P~I.\' .:.;.. " ..~ ,....,;:,21i.N£W YORKAVE),::i::505~g4~0470.· '/ ";' ,. ax : Thay $~y,they areordinaryrnen, .. ,: Ii:,.:,:.' ;.,., ·cas.:o,n.:.',Qds,@.·.W,.w~,stn,·.,e,t.·,.,,·. ~;,'",:,.' ,,';, ,.. '., ',f ,,:.59f43,:. :~,.90,5.:.:.,'.. .: , :: ;tnrustJnt9 .eXlraQr(!inilry ~Ircum· •.. '. . stances,yelthey.mlght ilsweU·;,.. .' i ..... I'~ ,·P··· .. lod'· '.: '·IT·h'··· 1M '1'· p' '!':'La" ~La':'. " '. ":," i ihllVe cares and b~;abIQ:to.'fIY • .' f' .':~s~r,er. ,o~ta,~t~PY,usnger~ ,.s~.ser.:,:.: .• ;:.:.. i> Me.d8I~HdQnbrdrecdilp'la~ts,alhre·~""""",;"";",:,::,,:,,, '.... " .'" , ". ' .. '. '.. :,.','." ,;' :.: ,rare br~e ',an eSPlte· elt.'··' '. '. .. ..,' .... .' . ,downptllYing'oft~e. wOld;IheY' ."~)):';'" '. ' .. .' , .' .. ,":, ,;.' ,'::c~ue::t;lheril:;~~~':~n~,..<, ~(e·>:j'·:'::··,' '·;lu¢~Me~icZ1~1:::~~;' .." woman fr(thehonor'~histO~):'PT ,: BAR" :eN I'N,A ,. I.':;.. , pasastorythal is~lmp~" brealh:, ' ":' ': .' . , '. '.', . . . ,. , .' '.';.'" .' "..' f .taktng, a~totYof hlirrlan1ty aUtS'; .'. ii,:':: ...... Irab:h~ &.e: :.. '•.'. :t3C.'·: .. ', . ' .... 1-best;.'-S°Te'oLt~el1) .. ~reJold Jff.:.'~IIIiUU.::',: ..•. ': ",., ..<' J, ~~riesd~~~~~, S~~h~~~~~'" ..',".:,:,Thur$daY,,Ftlday, '~~aiurdaY';" :>,.', .... .' ~, '. I :~tl~slptljre106~rd~rr~es..:,:> ' ". . . , '.·IIJ8ITC.....-ri.~·, '.' ll!f:' '.:: rt~t, e~xte~~v~~~t~~~sengiJ~· '.:, ..•.... ", .,' .;>!NF~·Pai:~ge?n?MI ::.' .,~..!.;rx' ..' .:'.. '.' .1'; ..wren~hln,gfoot~ge:otwllrjothe ".' , . . ,'. !.' .' ~'I:: . ---''C'''- . ..,...... , ... '. '~'-;.~ ' .. Veerans,sores,t t I , ". .' ", .....".,.' '.." .... " .' _,.'.....,.41.."".... ". VlllNOlPrBEAR8..',,,:' ,.' , I . '. . '. .. , . . . ., . 4_AT QIANTS . '. j .~~;f;~:g~Yi:n~if~~tiea~~. .'. '~·.':r~ :'~~<" •.. <";,"'. . i:, . '.:.=:=8, '., . ~outh car~lna.·I.t~lnk t~e' .:-. .' '...' '~,,:. " ,.." "':: :" .: .arnconcemed,·oflbli.MedillC' I....arna custQdlan.... '. . \..,' ..' .:'.'.. ,. .' ,.". < """. H.ID. BBD.",_.COS.; '.. f·P.,I'TJU.O.'.T.S.··.•... 'y,' , ,.. . ··.. Tha!·nj.aybli.hoW'iti~Qllepiy· . \~~ ..' .. , ...•. : .....•...... • ' "~'; ..•.. ":f .i.. .. _'~.:..-,...$~-I7U ...• ·~:Ir.°t~ur~:~~ln:'~l~e~$~~.,.\' ... :·.,~,,. . .' ..'....•. .',' .... L~~.·';"~:·· ..•. "...... ' unfold In \he{1ocul11entary wourd . .' '\...... ' .. . ~.' ,',...... I)lake anyoneelseptalse hlsout-: :, \'.: . . .. ' . .' I . ~~:{~~~~ ~fs~:~I~rji~~JOhn j:'n~, ~lctU~I~ hi.\Ylf~, ~!'1ong vetQra~~ leIII09t/l~lts;o;les w. 1942 with Alice, Is: the on <'Il' ,,';. ,t-,;...'. ...'.','I InaNayYSEA~patrololl~rlv~t ."Medal ot HohOr" Wednesday on PBS; , ' '.. " ' .. :·i' InVlelnam;gatherln9. mtelli~ . '. '.., '. . , '.' "." . 1,',l~1lJf'.""r~if O\)~'~~,," i ,.:,":.'. ,gence onene.myactlVltY, }ho ...... ' (; :. '. 1t1,; '-(, .' .': i ..' ~~'hl~~~~J~~j~~~~f:fa~d, 'Eve~ day pf ~ur life is Memonal.· . won't hear many.mililary,lleOp!e: .' "These guys are 1~U9 iiving {. i;. ,;}h kJ \i~~p~~Wl;ht\0 ~\ Ci~\:', .. . .' ..' After .contlnulrtg .0nf90ttoward '.• Day, nol Jusl one day of the·, brllg aOO\ltthem, . superherQes: SMrinan .~ays. . l. . '\.', .. , ~.. J.. ij":>.I..· . .. .' thelt9bjlicllve,lbeyquickly real'" year,"hessys,'Wli shouldtakeFlnn says he knew what the . "They are the closest thing we .;:,:~j' y;.A·(l'·.: .. '.' .' i .. · '. ,/; . ", . l~edthey had Qversholiland '.' Ihls freed~llllhal out fQr~fath~ls~apanese wereca~able.Ofhave lQsUperliiltops, artdatlhe: ,I' ,1, .,' \ gy'1~'iQCl qeHs .>' 'i~:, .. ' werebehlodenemy.Unes. felughtfor. . .' '. ' '" · because he.hadselln .them., s me tlmthli lire older meri ,.. \·.'i ,i' If:T l}, ..:~ . . AS they tnedtoreluri) to the John W. Finno.the olde~th,Ylog ·~"ack Chfrta In. 193t '...'. ". '. a . '. ,e. y..... <' (.. '.....\:...... ',,',,1 . "'!"'~.' >//'; \.> . · beach, they w~te spoUed~nd , Medalo! HOnorteclpienlal99, ,Wii9n' lheslege Qn, PearlHarbOr And here they are~t~e~e frail,:., 'i ..\ '. . A,t A,. . 11M II n :',.•... ;" ;" . be~me lh&" tar9~t 0Jmassl~e, .' shares Th~rnton's:sent1ments Qegan, he raqout; grabbed amen, and YOUSlle jh~lr Photos.; ...... , 1)A'IT' E.n7iS./,-' ;: .. '., · gun!lre. Lt TomNomslol~ \11$ i1lidcredlts,tha Fc)undlngmaQhlne .gunil/ldbeganfoVihen.lhey were young, It's lust· ; .' .....··.·.1JAL"VV\ .. /" .... .' Illen 10 head for the water, and FalhersJorthls ,country's high ..• shoot. He dldn1 slop Shooting alam8%lngwhattheydlq: .. ..• "':':,. ., . :.. . · ~~r1rYT~r, som~onaNtol~~~: Ideals.... '. ". ... planes despite barng \lIt by . The film conveys that with each .. S. . ., ..... · b' ce\ 1I0ym~otntRjtk'Ielr a. '. "It Is importanl for ourchUdren . shrapnel in 21 places, His left . ~hot. ". Sherma~'s '. excellent' -..:.... '. ". . . "",..,... een faa s, s ng enemYnbt onlytoknQw ab6ul.~edal of arm was numb, and a bullel .' .... . '. . . • . fire, ~~ returned to retrieve' Honor peopletha. says from hispasseQ through Ils footFlnn research,a resull ~f deIVlngl~to:!:.,:~.C. :.'r;; "~~'''''',\' , Norr!s bod~, a~dhe hol~tedhomeoutslde san Diego; 'Ills.. :. k~tshooling. ...oldmllltaryfiles an~;mal~lng ," .' .,,"' . '. Nqrns ontQ hiS back. .'.. imporlantfofthemtqknowabout Indeed, ,even at 99,he stili clfps~fwar to the mens ~to~es, As Thon'lton ran,g~nfiresprayed(jur Faundfng Fathers and the enjoysshociting, anc!I'IOB belornakes IIJeelas.lfeach man's . ~~I~n~~~o~~~ri:I~I:~~i~~~ wonderful fonn of. go;vemment the fool whoi.ries todi~nnhlm.· .personaltlattiasare:lUustraled.. . .I hl$ back, Norris talked. He knew~ey g~ve us~~, ,.. . !h?u9h h.e.admits his hearing 'Even before you put sound . · ,his friend •was alive, and FlOnjoined the NaY}' l~ 19~6 .•ey Isn Iwhat.lt.was and that hllllOW effects on and music, which ' Thornton re(!oubled his efforts . Dee. 7,1941, hahad nsenlo the must use hiS le~ Mnd to shoot, '.' k' ',. II . ....•.. Anothetjnan wasinjuied;and rank of~ef petty Officer andhll ~mjoys hlscdllectiort 011,000 . ~a as ~e~otlona, IllY every Thori1lonwtllJilc! up tOl'ling both was ,statlone~ alPearl~artJor.gutlSi .' Single. time,ShenTlan sa~s of · rnerT In the l'Iil!er forlWo hours. He was sleePing When the,attack Finn. like ThomtOJi,waS ai;llfeer. .watching the documentary. Ifell- ·.Peoplehavet6tJi!derstand ftee.. starte,d, Finn ClInstfllrecile the .. NayY"1an~. Thoughbolh have like that's Whal t nelided to dam Isilolfree," Thomton says. n~esolth~ men Who se!V~d such Vivid memories of ,Ihe make; to rtot justmal, ~th hlmlhat ~terulmomlng..eveots.lhatl~ them t~(eceive rifled 'Aren'tthese sweel.old gOIng 10 disappear. Ive golbad .Iwasn't:!, bilsutprlsedat the the "lilitary's highest hoO?r, they men? Hoorahl'ltried to gel the !'lews if we 1IooHeep a strong ", audacl\y and darlng and bravery" remain modestlibout thelt hero- . '. .' . .... '.'

mllltary. We nseo. 10 keep a of the Japanese, he says. '111eylcs, as RogerSherrilan, the fdin's audience lnslde the story. ., " ·strong govemment~. . ..' did a.\,/onderfuljob mi\flarily.You director and producer, leamed. . And hesticceed$; '. ::- - -, '.' -' ' .. ' "., '" "..-' ..". . .. -t l •• · ~ •• , \- ,.<" ,j It'"";·'l,".'.,. ", J' .....",..,.. ,~ ...... ". ',11 ....:.. _.'"'1.:1 ~ '-f'iI'.;""'~""""'." .'...:,..,..,••••".H..-••~' ....-r., If'...... 4; tllIl"~ ••"""',.'" ,,.,11I ....~ I' ~ .'" ,,~ ...... '9~ ..

, . , ~.' , '" ' . ii' , .. " "" .:' , '. . - ",' . '. " "":' ,''. . " , . ',.' " .' " '...... :._,..:...... ' , ,. ',;.I'-i.". .:.~ ..1....'.":.;• .....".,~.. ..:.:.-'~..~'.~-.'~·.. ','" "", , ';'", --- < ••••• '. . ;;I' ":',;' 'j '" . 7 " . .-'. ";".; , 7 ' JI ,;'!g,';'PTr:,'m'uan ··liPy•.'I'm].J I ' '>.

I, I 4 .

,I . ',.- ";' :., ,: .o' ,,''. '",' .• I •• ", " '"., ", • ." :'. I 6', 8, !! 10 25. N:~~~r. of seasons fO('MurphY::, I ' 1* 2 3 4 5 7, * 26. Setting for Emily B~rgl's serie~: I 11 12 13 ' abbr.,,',""',' 27. Nightwe watched "Marcus .. ';, 14 * 15 ' 16 *.' ,Welby, M:O.':'abbr. ," ': , , , 28. "Emp'Y_" (1986.95) , 30. ActorWiII , 32. Cry ofdiscovery " ,', ",' 34. DoublEl-1in forerunner ,'", , 35. "The ....."; series about Ralph,Ea' ' ~....' -t* and their wives , ',' ,,','.,, ',' 24 , 41. "FatnerKriows Besf' role '" ~...... 42. John McCook's role on "The " 26* Bold and the Beautiful" ' ' I-i-f-""I '43.School attended Qy.James, 28 ,' .WOQds, lor short' I .. 44. Suffix for audifor'access" I "45. "..:.. Slalklngs" (.1991.99). ' : .. I 46. "Then Caine _II; 2000seriQs' " .-' I ,38 ,39' 40 , , DOWN 41 44 * 46 * The identity of the featured celebrity islound within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble thelet-­ ters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. .. 14. Role on "NCIS" (2) 17. Berry 1 "Greatest American ' 16, Muscle spasm 4. Eden, to friends 19. "Aboul _"; 2002 Hugh Grant 6 Role on "CSI" 11, Take advantage of . movie 12 "The Amazing, " 21, "~Bad things"; 1996 Cameron 13 Peggy _; Aunt Rose's portrayer Dlaz film on "The Wailons" 24. Paul Reiser's age

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'. '" ", . \I'~ .. ",':;" ':.:. "'.':!:,.' ."..: '>. ~ '.:', ,,:,:,':: ".':, ',;'<. ..";.:';.::,/::"::,:.'.': ,By Jay' B~~blrl' .•.....:.. '. '..;..•.. '. . '. : ales,Omelh!"ggoodfoillle~at I al;alidb.e'cauSll :peoplil,"mighl "flrotiin)1l I've il1~d !!napartmen(;.'..',' · ,@zap211 '" '. .• : ' .. ,q~lJl~ rnq~e}!humble comn~u;~nJoYS?elnQll1e In It.~ ':< .'slnce IWl!s.f1rstllere.' " ,', " •..... '.:',': ,..'. "'.', 'Ml1l'illh.. :"'" " ,". '. .•. for,as:rnuchiireparafion'as he's .•In lact,' ,Goldblum made hi~ ,. ..;,.; • .' J~ffGol9bluin has pillye~ lelevi; .... ~'1I~I~klt)eY.had ase~d 01 ary' :doojl::l0r.~i~ newlob,.~pldb)uni ."'sc'reeii~~b"~i'in'a:Nliw Yoik~set :. ;1, ..... ,:.':':; :slo,n sleulhs ~efore~ ,but ,~?W, . lC\ilam mind !forthe new (:harac· .mlJs~s, Ims~.r;e~hat:at ihe end" Iilr,n, as one ollhe. thugs :1'1110" ~ .• ." .. .' '.: ·,!1es.lI,ler!"lly onthude ~ft.aWW), and9yer, the last,: lew oJ IhIS, se~so~I,111 go, ~~W.I . ass1!'ull~d 'I~e ~hades ,Bro~sbh.,:'" .'. &Order.. .", .:. ,;. .1110nlh~, theyv.e beerverx~?r· kryllW rlOlhln~., 1m, not~iqg .lI, not.character's·Y/lfe:and dllughter in. . ..'" .: ·' The lanky, amtableactor lal1)lliar ?ial.80d ,kind about my throwlOg; 9qns.c1enUous, and. Iva b~en 'the 1974 .v.igilanle drama ~Deatl\ ',,:'." ",' .' from.suchll1ovles..as ~Jul'lis~ic : I~ 0\1. two cen~ h~re ~d thera.. .t~inkln~lIbQut,II, :and wo(klng Wish~."ll1a9done ap!ay oitWo:...' " Parki~':rha,Big ehlll~ and I!s d~veloplng ,eve,n '\11qr~,. ~nd wlth:\h!l,wa.rdro?e ~eople!lnd all,. belore'lhal,'! .Goldblumrecalls.,:.' . 'Independence ,Day' h~d' e,arlier. ,I 10 ,g~It'ng more' pa.sslonale' ,but thl1ls Whal, snice about!hi~ .• "Thai '"YBS the 'f1r$t'movie!' e ei- . '''' ". ·. serj~s, rUrl.s' ~n'~elisp~eda.n,d. '~pout sonie ideas I ha~e; So far, . form. It a!lows,Yo~ ,to devel,o~'(a' .gOI s~nt Upfor:·i goi it;andl:as ' , " ,,::.' , BrqWn .Shoe 'andlasf. year ~ ,1\ s', be~n .delightfully collabora, part)..; Even ~~en .you, read a ,thrilledaboulll,llwas a'brulal. . '. ' · ,sho~.'ived"R?jnes~~:.He..tackles . ·tive.~ " .,: • ".:. " : Qea~llfu~ mqvl.e $~pt!' it;s Ii .real,s e th b" ....,.:. :. . . ~, ' .. '. , ;. waeldywork again' aSe Chris . Th t . . .:' leap 01, ImaglOatlon 10 whal II '. c ,ne". oug. :.. ':", ,'. : ;'., ' . ·N lh'~ .I. .,,' I h":' 'laW &. •. • a enc.ompasse~ .. co star finally will be." .' .". '. There have been many other'· . ",' ;' o. 0 re~ a.~el11en w ?J'... •' Nicholson who· according to' .' " ...... " ., , .', ',' b' "" ,,' .' ., ~rQer: Cnm,lOallnle~r'.beglnslls;G6Idblum'.;1s 'iUSl spaciracular, "'Stlll: G?ldblum,lakes some com· ,~cen~s ;Ior 'Gold IUt'l\·,slnce., , :.:': . · elghth'S9Cison Friday,' Nov. 7..on" l'iJibl I In 'Sh d'd .fortlrom ·being. lamillarwfth Iha·.lOc)udmgll1pse In.hrs:latestlhe,. , "', . ,..' ",', .. .'., ,'' .' ",. '.' .' '.. . ,'1 USA. Network;, (Th~ . neVI . .. a. 9 an1l. ers;, e, I an . 'Law,&" Ordee',.techllique as a qtrlcal feall:lre:th~ .Paul .,.JulI~nn~. Nlc~olso~; Je~',Go!dbIU!1i, v.lncent.D'Onofrlo and ' .. ',' :: " episOd.es ..also .w.ill'havela!er .; !F~~~~~al~ll1a~o:~~ 'Sh;a~:~, vlewer.'lthjnk'Dlck WQlI Is such, 'Schrader"dlre~tEjd: '. "Atlarn. 'Kathryn:Erbe (from Ian) sW In "Law Be Order: Crlmlnallnt~nt," .'. "', broadcast,S,?" NBC:) ., ',; . gieatlll' that 8M's gtaat In. a:sinart 'guy, ·ilS we]1 as all tbe. Resurrected;" ~World War H,eta ' airing friday on USANetYior~ •. '. ,:" : ' .. ' ~,' ,', . .' .':' ,.As ,Detective ,Zack· Nl?ho!s; '. e~r)1hing ~hedtles;and she's. other people (on the three.. dramaabou~aryunlikeIY$avlor:ol,." " , .... , .'. :" ,', .' '.' '. G,o),dblum,; 'steamed ,With oolightfulinpersoO:: ..... shoWS), They.see.m l(l, re~I~. HoIQcaustsurv,!Vo~. '. •.. ' .. ' '.' .""'. " ."'r', ." . 'ii" . Jullanne"Nlcholson in Iler ongo· . AA '. . hi '. .' h . 1 "fJavin~ saldlhat; I'm t~e ~ihd-ol andtJlOug~ Ihalivas quile a' Sanf?rd Mel~ner ~utlined for, uS ...... ,.... '...... ' . "Ilovewhatlhey do,'Goldlil~m lellow-whofocusespredomlnanl· .whi~ago, I'Ve come back lorthalll could blla: lifelong prQJect , .. ' ....,...... ;: · sayso!lhosealrea9Y:liwolvei:lin.IY9Qlhecreal(ve·aspeCIS. Thiit's,.movlesandplaYsh~reand 'of Improv~ment a.nd vio.rthwhife ..(; .:.' ':'. . '." ". :', " : executlv~ produCilr Dick Wolrs .. Whyj~e eve.rdonelln~hlng, and there. ldidlha show 'The. w~rk. J'rn Just·thfil!ed; thaI. I got.~ "..:. :,: . f .'. " .. .. three-senes 'Law &'Orde~ lran~ . especlallynqw, I getlOvolved In .Pl1IowmaQ~. on Broadviaya lew the chance 10 do lUke, I have,· \ '" .' ~ . .. '.' . '.; .,'., .. .' chlse, 'aod rm!hnlled .10 be •..som,~thlng 'becau~e il mighl. be ye~rs ago: I. Was her~ lor six . consistently, alld 99Uhll'chance' '.'...'."".. With.. purchaseof -.". :abo.ard.. ltbought Ihey, could cr~.' .. adyenlurous, fUnand.educauo.n, •months lor tliat,but.lhls Is me '. tbge! beUer," " ..~ .' ..'. ". . .. " '.' ...: .. '.' . . ' ...... '. .', ".. ,."." ..' ." .. ',.' ,"' ,. . , ;.. . ' ." 'a' Ne·····w· ·~U' rn··a····"e·· · ,. '".". ." '1"" . , . , " ., " ., ,,',. '" ".:.... :," . ,. ....',.: . ',~·~I,., ,', ... :"', :::':" . ',:.

: '.' . " .'.,' ~'I @', '~'.' .' ' ..< j ':; .. . "r-' .. f ( .....::...\\'·r·",2J.. ' r:"'~ .' . ... .' b"1 '0'f{J)duil, 1S t :J .>; . '. ' .. ' . .'C)tJ '.,JI ,... j' .... · ," . '. . :' ".. fJ!). '. '. ifbou·g~tb~fC)re.' .' .' '...' ." " " ... , ' .. ': . .MMirrialpi~n~1 'pro~es$ilig . .•.• ·Oc:tobet',3:1st,:200S. ' .. , ByKateO'Hate .... '.', . Sieve )JWin wasfi bigsupporler, flIlilcreWwas'llisrlJpUliglhe of',' '. ' . " , ' . , ... ',' " ...... ' @ZlIP2lt .'.'; . .' ., ...... ,J " "" • -- •• .' . ,'. ,.' " ..: , ,,' . -: " " -. '. '. C', ••• ' . . '. , .' ... '. '..... , ', ... '... ".". . '.\ ". ,'; , . \. .' .,' ." . "' . " ... ' . ';. .,..' , .. . .'. .. .' , , '.' '. . . . '. " . . ... - . .. , '~. " ":;'",_".~c.:.....:"_.,;.~~~~---===-.~~".,,,~~,.':, ~ . , ..,:';' . :...... ,''', '" ' . "',' . ' .. ,.. , ' .'.. ' ".' ...... ,.....".. ...,.... "~, , ...... :.' J'", , , ' . " ,. - ' . , . :", ' ". ' , ...; '. . '. ;.," . ,;' , '. , -.. . ."; . ." -. ' --en til' ' ; •• ' . ,.,:" ',.' ,or" ., ,'•. : '1', .'. ,,-"," "', '•• ,' "., .' '. ,', c, ." ~~~~~~~~~~~~k" '. ; , " :' ,'" '.' ,< ', ...... - •. .... ,,·'t·,c,· .. , ';' ...,:.•.'•. ,t,',· ..0' .':',..",'" .. ', ,;... t.",! "!"~'_':! ',' ,.,:._! , ' , ",' .",


AUTO RACING 5:00 p;m. ESPN2 NHRADrag: Racing ACDeico Las Vegaa. THURSDAY' Nationals Final 10:00 a.m. SPEED NASCAR Ellmlnallons. From Las Racing Sprint Cup - Pep Vegas. (Same·day Tape) Boys Auto 500. From AlIanta Moior Speedway In Hamplon, (CC) 12:30 a.m. ESPN2 NAScAJ:l Ga. (Taped) , , FRIDAY Racing Sprint Cup ,- 8:00 a.m. SPEED NASCAR Dlcklas 500. From Texas Racing Nationwide Sarles ­ . MOlor Speedway In Fori O'Reilly Challenge Practlca. Worth, Texas. (Same-daY From Texas Motor Speedway Tape) , In Fort Worth. Texas. (Live) 10:00 a.m. SPEED Formula MONDAY One Racing Grand Prix of 8:00 a.m. ESPNCI,. ,NASCAII Brazil Pracllca. From Sao Racing Sprint Cup ­ Paolo, Brazil. (Live) Dickies SOl}. FrOnT Texas 11:00 a.m. ESPN2 NA$CAR Motor SpeedWay in' Fori Racing Sprint Cup ­ Dickies 500 Pracllca. From Worth, Texas. (Taped) Texas Molor Speedway In Fort Worth, Texas. (Live) 2:30 p.m. ESPN2 NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup ­ Dlcklas 500 Quaillying. From Texas Motor Speedway In Fort Worth. Texas. (Live) 4:30 p.m. SPEED NASCAR Racing Nallonwlde Series ­ O'Reilly Challenge Qualllying. From Texas Molar Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. (Live) 7:00 p.m. SPEED NASCAR Racing Craftsmsn Truck Series - Chevy Silverado 350K. From Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas, (Live) SATURDAY 10:00 a.m. SPEED Formula One Racing Grand Prix 01 Brazil Qualifying. From Sao Paolo. Brazil. (Live) Phone # --_....:, -:--",--...,.'.,.'.,."..-.,.,_, _ 11 :30 a.m. SPEED Auto tt~ec~ of Legends. I From ~~ecaln Salinas. Calif (Taped) 2:00 p.m. SPEED NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup ­ Dickies 500 Pracllce. From Texas Molor Speedway In Fort Worth. Texas (Same-day Tape) 1:30 p.m. ESPN2 NASCAR Racing Nallonwlda Series ­ THURSDAY O'Reilly Challenge. From 6:00 p.m. KASA KFOX MLB Texas Molar Speedway in Baseball World Series Fort Worth, Texas. (Live) Game 7 - Philadelphia 6:00 p.m. SPEED World 01 Phlliles at Tampa Bay Rays. Oullaws Charlotte. From II necessary, From Tropicana Concord, N.C. (Taped) 8:00 p.m. ESPN2 NHRA Drag Field In St. Petersburg, Aa. Racing ACDelco Las Vegss Alternate prlmelime line-up Nallonals - Qualifying. Inoludes 'Hole In the Wall,' From Las Vegas. (Same-day "KUcher! Nightmares' and Tape) (CC) local programming. (Live) (CC) SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. SPEED Formula BASKETBALL One Racing Grand Prix 01 Brazil. From Sao Paolo. THURSDAY Brazil. (Live) 6:00 p.m. TNT NBA 1:30 p.m. KOAT KVIA Basketball . Houston NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Rocketa at Dalla9 - Dickies 500. From Texas Mavericks. From American Motor Speedway in Fort Airlines Center In Dallas. Worth, Texas. (Live) (Live) (CC)

.,',' , . : ...'" ' .. .: '" '" , , " . - " " -,' , . ,'.,' , . " . ; :" ...." " : .. 0" .•.• , . "', " i.,-' . . ~.-. . -. - ., '.. ,,-, . -.. ~._~....:.c,--,__ ~ ~,.,-",~.".:." L.• ~.,._. :.,._.c~~"'".·_,_~ ~ , ., .., . ., ~; , ;'., .. '. ':', , ,.' ; , , " " " ,'," ' .'" >.>'. ,'<, ..; I,. ", .. .':" . -'" .,., .:', ". , ..' .' ". ., .".",,'., '. '." ' , ,', ..!.'' ." , ,.""I ;~SchwabCupChllfl)plcinslilp' "'SATURDAY"'" "7:oojl.m.! . PlIJt World: F1n~la,XY.' Frqm ,DlvlaI6~: de M6Xk:P 2008. ;"p" ,':',.'" ,', lhl~:'season."Can;yoiJ naine' ,,1s,more !han a gl~ri~u~.nam~ '. ". ' "'.:,SUN,OAY',: ", ThOmas&MilckCe~!e~inLas .::Chlvas:.G~S~alalara:.v5.~. '..:' • ,,' "" .' him?',,:' ';';'. ',",', .lr9m,thelrpa,sl? :', ".,~.," '. ,,11:3ltaJ11. ~O~IfPG~ To~r, VeQ~', (Live)', ' "", .' ' :.' .puma!! ~NAM.· Des,deel, ,Questlllns: "'. ,::''',' ,,"p)Thls .three~tlnie;·AlI:Siat lor-. ,JQ). 11)e ,NeVI qrlea,ns ~Ofl1et~',: ':, '. · • Golf Ginn Sur. Mer, ~l.asa!c~ " ,'"., SUNpAY',·, ,:Esladlo,Jallsco.. (En Vlvo} , '. .1) rhe, Denver t-J,uggets shipped' waid 'joIned his slxth team:!n ;hope. thi!>; !QlYlard.s post~\la" ",': . . '. ~Inalfl~~!ul. FromFI~rlda.'4:OO~.~ VS. .Bull .'Rldlng . H:OO:P~IIl:FSC' A·~eague,oll this defensl~elygl~ed big .' ;13:ye~rs:Wilh ~is offseason ,'~~en :~~:~rn~ 7'1J.bs, .. o~ ~~ . . " · (LiVe) ':,; .' ,:.. ':P~R World FlnallfXY; FromSO.9cer Ne~caslle Jets, vs; ,:m~n to the Los, Ange!es trade "to ,*e" Memph!s,' .' .' m.. ,s,~, .',' ;" ...... 2;30,p.m.GOLF P.G!\ rour,; .Tho;nas ~.M~ck'.ce~lerii1. ~ :'. ,: Queensl~ri~ Roar. (Live) . :::.••. Clippers .afte.r~nolher .~iIr1y' '.' Griizll~s, WhQ Is he? ., .' ..'.' ' .. ' ": .. " " .•. ... :.... !, .,' i : Goll Champlona:-:- Charles , Vegas.(LiVe), ".: .'. ','. ':,.:."·,$.!i~DAY , '. '.' 'poslse~son e~lt. 'Ca~.. you 6),Thfs.tWo.\irneAI!-Star,pcilnt .,A~swe~.: :' ,.'.:', .' ',:, .:SChwab Cup Championship : '. ' .WEDNE$D,AY' ,.' 9;00 a~m, F~C :'"English : ,n~~h~m? "'< '.'. guardwoun~,.upsIQnlnpasa . ' 1) M~r~us Camby" ',:'.,: . - Flr'lal. ~ound~, Fro~ 7!3,O p.m;fSAZ ., Rod~o, Pfell!ler,:'L'eligue . So~ce.r 2) The liI,e\'i Jersey NelsUkad . ltaeage/ll wlt~Jhe ~hppers, .2)YlJlanllan; .' " ,,',:' '. · ~no01a,~hf. (Live)", '.: :.:Wral)g!er ProTo~r ~ A~1al' . Bolton' Wanderers ; 'V5.. .,w~al they saW In Ihls~lgh~·'N.all1ehrm;: 'i '.' , .. . ';3) Rpn A.rtest :i .. :" .' .: :., I •.' WEDNESDAY '. ,:. playoffs. From 'Omaha;Nap:>; , Mancheaier City. (Live) "': skills ,l~rward,pr.omptlng them :. n, WHa,t AlksJilr IM'Iar~ I,l!1d' . 4) Jermalne Q'Neal", ', ". :. · 9:00 p;m,.GOI:F ,EU~llpean: (Taped).·..,'. • , 11 {!10 a.m; '1 :,.'10) '~a~elfPO$ey , .".. .. Q:Oo,p.m.,fSl\Z NHL Hoc~ey' .(TapedllCC)';.;. ': ,SbccerTeilllls.fSlqTaped) . . " . . ..' . '.. ..' '. " . '. , ." '~

PclttsbutghPengilli\slil" 'SOCCER' .'., ' .. .'MONDAY' ' .." , '> I """,1 · ,Phoenllt 9oyoles''F.rom". '.': .' ...... ···11;00 ~.ni.i:SC '.. En IIsh'....'I ·.' ..' :~i:~~i~~~ilz; (~J:~a: In;1'1' ;oo·THFSUCR~P~Y .... I' .,premler LeagWSO~cer,." . . . '. : '.. . " ',' ',.,.' ... ,...... • a.m.·., .; Argent ,r'le .:Sollon "Wanderers , VS.· ...... ',.' .. · :.;.' MONDAY;:,: ',' .;soccerTeamsTBA. [Taped) .'.. '.l,!anche$lerClty;(Uve) .' ... ByGeorgeD'c~ . '.' .' ."':' , .' . .' 5:oop.m.Vs. N~~H~Ckey1.oop;m.fSC 1~llan.Serl~A, '.1:00P.lfl;FSC·MLS 'SoccerC%a~21I, '.. ;.. , . ". ·..~uffalo sab~es, ~I:~~\V ,So~carMlla"V8. Siena., Tepins,to Be Annoullce'd;'< ~. " .. ., •..... '.' '.. ". <. ..• 'eraey Devils From' (Taped) .. .' ,..,... '...... ' .' .. ' '.' , .' 'denilal Cenlei'· in Newaill .., 3;00 p.m;F$Cllellan Serl~.A·· '. :(Live) •.•...... ,. '...... • '. .'. H[nk \llimamsJr. will,~thefi~to.telL: ., .. , , . r,tJ. (live)' '. '.: .Soccer Florenllnil ya; Inter. " : ' .' .wan~tqrt'lake'a..•. '. ADVERTISE IN' '. '.' . .. ' . Ph~m~F~~ie:ilt~I~~JPlayolf;"l"eamaTBA.(~IVe) .teainH~A>[LiVil)(o.Ol.,.E~erslOcehls.19B4hn·AJIMyRIlW(ly :reaIIO'!pact,on your ' ...... ,' ,.",' '.' . 'F:lam~.Froiriihe Perigrowlh .6:,Oop.m.FSC, ..•.. Wol)1en's, a:oojl.m-iESpNCL ··.UEFAFnendS Are ~Ing~ar Ton~hl': . .p~fentl'a.lcll$~Omers7 0"," 0' )) ...... Saddledomli In Calgary, ,ColleQ!! Soccer ~Iori.daat Champlona League Soccer ~asrelrofifted with Ihe SlQna[ure line. . "".' .. ' .'. . .' '. . . • ..[LlVe)···.... '. ",' . .SOUlh:Cprollna! (LI~el' . . Tllams TBA. (TaPed) (Cc) Are you ~eady lorSDme Footb~lr ' :" '.":, '. "".. " ' ., .;': ; a,.oop.m.G~LAFOlbO 1(0~a.m.,FSCllalian'SerleA. andmadethet~01e$Qll{Jkl'Mo~ay,' ..... , ." .' .cON·. .' . 'I' 0·,,@.•',·,····i,. MOTORCYCLE R"CING. CACAF ,Llga de.· Socce! Regglna va. Inter. NlghIFootb~\ lhe ,veleran co~nlly , ...." i ~'., . !,- I • ." .' , .. .' Campeones:CSD '~JnI~lpal (11~ ed) ..' .' aJtiSl has e~joyedgreal success and .' '.,'! ., :.; J; .. ' '. ,'. . .. . SUNDAY, ': 'vs. Sa~l(js Laguoa. Desde. P ..' .' recognilloil,ffl(ll1yfriendshfps In and '!0 t:\~.r 3:0a p.m; SPEED FIM Raolng Estaqlo Naclonl\l Maleo,WE~NESDAY •.. , ··arotJridlheNFL.andtwli·l!eCadas. .. ,' , \Y"'~, '/D"::'13··.· , .• .' ",. . · World'.' Superbl~e .";'.." '. Flllres.' en laCIUdad,. de •!2:30p.rn;~S~~2 .OEF~ .' wilithoimel1lOnesr¢latl!diohis:bri~1 • .' : .'. 1:\'.' l'.BJ···" '.. ';: .·Portugal, Race, 1. From I,' ~ualemala; (En Vivo) ". . C~amplons League SoccerappearanClls each fall Monday nlgh~ , ..~ ~.' ...•\ 'IB"," "'"." ,". ,> P,orll!'l1ao,Po~ugal. (Same" 9.00p.m.FSC .,College, Teams TBA. (Livej(CC) ..Irsa role he cMrisllis~ f1tl:cal ' .~..j'A ....• ~;\' ' dayTape) " ' ' :, . (Soccer VC~A,at USC. 1:oo.p.rn;FSAZ, . EJ1gllbh. ..' ,'., . ..., e- I!:'~ .~.. '.. .•...... '4,00 p:m.SPEED~I.M,RaClrig '.' .• (same.~ayTape)·· '.' .' .... ' .Prernler'l:eagl,ltScccer .~:; ~~:~ngS,2OIhyearaslhe t!i# ~<9 .... ' " ' " . .. ,ri~~~:~!~;:I~:S:~f.J~!~tr'~~~:~;al;C~:le~:"3Ii~~~~::~c:nde::::~:!~et~~:~Nb::~~ere~i' . •... • '. ~~e~:" .' ...' .'.• ".• · day Tape) ...' ...., .. .~.Ohn~..lU...e) ...'. '. ..' Champions league Silccer ,lloethlisberge(s p~~urgb Sleele/S, '. '. . . ;\.;,,? ;TUE~DAY., ". .9:00P:rn,FSC College ' 1'eamsTBA: [Taped) (CC) .. (II1d .lheJasonCalnpbell·1ed ., ~'.. , "" 10:00 aim: SPEED MoloGP '.' ·SoccerC.loclnnall al SI•.. '. .,". ....:.... '. ~lI§h!ngtOl)Reilskl1s.alFlldEll Field. ,'.'" . ; j.. • Aai:lfiil1,25cc. .:. Vlilenclll, . John'lI; (Same-day Tap~) . TRACKANOFIELD 'loLandOver.Md." ...... •.. .' \'" ~ .:Wahtyour ..' .... "' . .' , GrandPrlx•.FromVale.ncla, ". SATURDAY·' . ." .WI1enhllwas ollQlnal~app[oached Wanl!();have a p.ot~l1tial cuslomers Spalr'l;(1'aped) '. .•...... 9:ooa.rit.,FSC '. ,English •.... SUNDAY. .... ' ·tO~Ihe'MNfthame,\'Jill1l1mssayS6ommandjl1gpresencEl . .lbrem~mber 11:ooa.m!.SPEED FIMRlicll1g' P~eniler LeagUe Soccer . 1.00 p.rn.YS. . Trlalhlon he didn'ltake "seriously,' ...... ··Ir)'I(le.markelpli3ce'?· .. YOlJrbusll1~ss? , .. ' World ..... Supersporl· ."... ' Chelsea va. SJlnderlan~." '.' IronmanArlzo~a. (T~pedl'Il'was klndo! hamill believe,' he ; TAKE OUT A " .... \Portugat From Porllmao. ..(Uye) . .... V~LLEYBALL recaIIs,'Your manager saYS, ,'fhBy ~ {J§j) , , i .. POrlilgal.(Taped) .11:30B'!D'~~C ". " English '.,'.' ..... viahtyOlito $inglhlS lor20millioo r,,',. 1\,n..', ....: ..'. :.RODEO ·.Prernler ~eague Soccer. ." .. FRIDAY.. . viewers, Blah blah b1a1t'Vihateverll' ... ,Tolte~hamtlot5pur vs. 8;00 p,m. F$AZ Wornen·.sW3S;b~ th,en, AndLlhoUg~.~ 'You . . .' '-..,,--'--"""-'--..-" Showsthafcolor~ds, fa~ge . I mURSOAY' .. Uverpool. [Live): .'. .... • <:ollege '. YolleYball ... gottabekiddlngme.'And¥said,'No, .Ac;Iverlislllg research ',' . 6:00p.m. Ys. Bull 'Riding 1:30 p.m.FSC Italian Serle A ... LoU1s1ana Tech at Newthey'nl notk!dding.'And so Whalwas .. ads,ai\d freguE!ncy•. r!'1ally do sell . I PBR.(Taped)· .' . .~~:rJUVe~lusvs. Romll· .Mexico Stale. (Taped) .... ···llon&~arda?f~Iyt1J,"edlnto . Speak to anyc>folir accounfrepresenlatlves 7:00 p.nt.V$. BUI! Riding. .2:00 il.lll;~SAZ. WOl1len~5 .' SUNDAY . .an~encanslQnature" ." . todl;l~ (orralas andcompleleinfcir mi3tion, and' r .' ·PBR. (Taped)·· . COllege Soccer Callforrila al 1:SOp.ln.FSAZ Women's . Backm 1989, the show~as ariltl~dff. .. Walch your company take off Wilh an : .9:00 p.m. YS. ,Bull Riding ·l,lSC.(Tilped). . .., '. . Cpllege VOlleyball Arizona . lerenL For one thing, It was still en ·outstliridlngaditerlising program. . .. ' •... 'l··'O...PooB.Rp·•.m(11.lIyPSed.).· B'ull R·I·.d.ln· g. ,.' 5:oop.m.KTDO Flltbol de Is. • alArlzonbslalei (~lve) .. lAse ~ck then and not ~r removed ...

Uga MeXican.li !,rlmera .." .' rom Its glD!)' .days With Howard.. . .. ' .. · .·PBR.(Taped) ..' , . 'Dlvll1I6n2p08: 'Moilleli~y ..... MISCELLANEOUS '~IL Andlhe~oolJilcers were All FRIDAY vs.Atlanta. Dasdeel Estadlo '. '.' . .. ." MIChaels, Pan Dlerdorl and .Frar\k! 1:00 p.m. VS. Bull· RldlilgTecI1016glco.(EnYil/o)' .. ' . .. ,TUESDAY'. ..' GiffOrd, ~talenlhascOmearid ' 'P~RWorldFlnalJXV~ From •.. 6:oop.m.FSC MLS.$oi:cer s:oop:m.ESPN.~OOnVcirld gone~nc&theni blltonethlngls coo- ..'. Thomas&MackCenterlnLas ...• Teams to Be Announced•.. Series Of PokeI', FromLa$ $lanl·WimamshasmadelriendSwith .alamog(]rdonews ~ t!._~:~.· ,'~' ·•• ~YQ9.~.lUY!lL~.·,.. ~~~~.;.,j~iyeL••• ~. ~~ ••••••.. " :\(e~.ITa~QJ. ~ .~ •• ,~ ,;.rIJ.3~oJthem., .' . " " '...... '. :J ',.:..:. .• · . '. ',' '." . .. , .. · ; ,"

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, " '-. -, " ",', .. '.., Ii' ." ~." t, .'. AaSeenOI1'fV . .',' ::.",., •. '. :'",'" '.. ,Oct:.2!J-Nov.4,2008. 8 ... 5.,... " .. ;.....:." .. ;,: .....\,.,:,', ." .•,,:.,..•.'.',' '",':., ..... ':' '., " .. ~,•. .',....'1' ", •.: •.. ".1;., ~,'" '. ...long,T~I'S $CalY. ·f9ralot,oltea•. ' i:p,m. ~~:t., . " ..... "',' /, : .'. :..... ',the ga091 red(Jpsh R~~nor) ·run.s 8:31 p.m. on KOaR KTSM 30 ~ock :.:', :.'SUN£!AY' >•... :int(t$Ol1le~ne fromnis'p~st. ~e ' , The Rock is backl No, not the :, " ." ...... '. . , ,hOped•. ton~ver" see {lgaln" , Jenna Fischer stars In "The wresller - the hit sitcom set IOslde • ; .. 6:1~p.m;on 1S0BRKTSM.NFt .·promptlng. all.ol.thenj 16. think., Office" Thursday on NBC. the offices of afictional television vari· ,.' " Fool~~",',.. :·abouthow they would ,handle', ety show. Tina Fey - who found a . . " EveryoQe reaQy !or.lhe c,lassie .' bumping Ir\la'silmeone 'herd, new sldefine gig afew weeks back, '. Matt, Qassel versus· Peyton' Jather forget. Amfw/iileJhey aren't, THURSDAY thenks to a cenaln pollllcian -:" . . Manning m.alchup?¥eeh, didn'l '. all lovers, we'd slipoUl ttieback; . Sp.m. on SCIA The Resl exorcist returns as Uz Lemon. who's trying to ;thinKso;Thedownsideofthe,NFL .' Jack; br:makeaneviplan,SlliQ.., • adjust to a WOrkplace without Jack Isn't 11 odd how whe" people try to 'ieared its ugly, heap Jor the New<, . ,"' ...., ' .• " take Ihe fear oul 01 something Ihey (Alec Baldwlnl. . .England Patriots before the:~a; ...... ''8 p.m.pnKoaR KTSM •. end up making II even scarier7l" Ihe ,Sil~ w~ aq~~~er ~1~l'!he~Tom . " .•.. salurdayNlghl Live.' opener 01 this new series, the Rev. :,BI1l~y npped up hiS Meei and .' ". Presidential Bash 2008 .... '.' Bob Larson Is conducting aseminar In ·•.·.now"~os gelto w.al~ plenlypl' .....• lbe'!\lIiire of.lheCountry Is rill , England when he finds himself Ilghl· .• '" c'::,.Pals games InpnrT)a'Umewl~: :Iaughlngmatt~t,'bul a.sJlmll)Y Ing the demons 01 ayoung man from a p.m. on ~DBC IqlIM Fijigardless, .thiS waeklhe I1Oh.ce .,'Qa5S~1 ,~tth~ helm:; It's ~othls' BUijel\!amll~sly, sllng.~1f we '. South Africa and a woman whose The Ex Lisl . In RanchoCucarnonga, CaIiL, ja~lt,ol course, but" sure can~t.,couldn:tlaugh;we wouldal! gp' enUre adult I~e has been tonnented . E rt tall us Iheu're called respond to. a 'shots fired" callmakeNBChC\PPythat 6f~~yand 'insane:Sositbackllhdenjoythis.' by evll SPirits, Laler. he meels wnh a ' .' brea~~ssbeCBUSS' theY'r~bJOken-and discover asuspecl.whO lrl~s .... Manning, YIon't be rerieWingtheir'.nilwetectlon,eve~pecial featuririg '. couple who believe a generational . bUI what ~ Ihey could be fixed by 10 playdumq, Then, deputlesm 'rivalry 10nJght ".: .' .'.;. .•.. 'theOOsl.'SNL"· political sk~IChlis,' curse is killing members ollhelr laml· simply removing the problem?When\.aS Yegastushto the scen~ of a, ..... ' . . ., '. ..' ." .. ,...... includlngP,myPilehler's Imper,.,. Iy Bella (Bizabeth Reaser) runs Into . domestl9-dlsturbance call losor! ' .' 7p.,n.. ~(lIo.ss.Bu(don't : Scene InvesUgatlon The 'Ghost Hunters crew. led by her family's murder or aboUI Jack be Interviewed during lh.e ~road~up 1~~~Xlnggyll,l, Ihaileach~ ... ,worry;tlverYoneillisadequal~ Dunng Ihe course of an invesllgjl' Rhode Island Rolo·Rooter plumbers Reese: however, the twounexpect· cast. . .underpnvdeged children; ,tim HIiI.'insurance· .. ' . ', ... '. Iton. the CSls discover that their ViC· Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson. edly Jealize they share a commOn .' , Wa$.\In aspiring boxer before he ',,'....•. ., Itm, ayoung woman who was mur· relums to Fort Delaware on Pea bond, "brokehis backWl!i1e woikin\lat a'\'\ .'" '. ..', , dered and found WIth several differenl Palch Island in the middle of the ," .' . •construction 'She. Unable to. con- '\' .. blood types In her system. IS the Delaware River for alive. six-hour tlnu~,bo~n~, daughler 01 awanted criminal in Ihe special to Investigate paranormal •.... he go! adagree In • .' ;\' activity allhe fonner Civil War POW SOCIal work and. beganlhe" new epISOde 'Lei It Bleed." Nicholas SATURDAY ... Geneva Boxing Team -.ttalning Tunurro ("I Now Pronounce You camp, That's nghl, live and six hours 6p.m. on HBO ·klds ages 810 21for free. . ., .'. . " ... Movie: 27 Dres~es '. , '" Always a bridesmaid and ., '. K' ... KV ..' " I"~ never the bride, Ihe woman .·8 p;m;oJl. O({,. IA.. ..' played by Kalherine Heigl ..... De$perateHousewlves ...... ('Grey's Anatomy') In Ihls genial .' Gaby (Evalongorta.Parker)Is . M(GINNE~~, D.D.~. romantic comedy has extra rea' "'e~clle~ when Cllrlqs·. (~icardo ' . AllEN son to be concemedaboullhe . . Antonro ChaVira)c1ienl makes.. next wedding she's slated 10 be . . " them anlrreslslibteoffer belore II . In. The groom (Edward Bums) is . .startlingdis,cov~ry feaves.hers!JC- . the man she long has adored,- ond·guesslng.·., Meanwhlre,' and the bride is her own sister'.'. Lynette (FerlClty Hl!f!r;nan) )hlnk$. ,. (Malin Akerman, "The. . Tom(DougSavanO IS cheating on· ."" Heartbreak Kid"). James ber, Brea and.Kathenne (Marcia " '.' 515-251-0246 Marsden ('X-Men") also slarsaS . .. . '. Citiss, Dana Dalil,l1y)continuetc> ' .. > • '.' I .' a reponer Intrigued by Heigl's John Walshho~Ia"~inetlca's ; ~Oiid,aridMrs.· McClu~keY.Adam Rodrlgll~l:starsln fA: 8:00 ' lPU TUHHUR: l:JO •4:JO track record as a matrimonial Most Wanll!lf: Ainerldal=l!lhls·(KathlYnyOOSle~) ,asksherslsler "CSk)IIaml" Monday on, . ' attendant. B 'ck"S' I'd' , .'F . , .' ." to herpdlg up dill on Dave (Neal .' CBS' , .. '.' .' '., 11I1AOI AlIPANOl . a aur ~y on ox. McDonou~h),: . ...• . . .

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TCM n..C TNT. TOOij TOONDIS TRAY TRU TVIJ) USA, ¥HI ... ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 TAURUS - Apr 21IMay 21 GEMINI- May 221Jun 21 CANCER -Jun221Jul22 teo· Jul231AiJg 23 .VIRGO .: Aug'24/Sept 22 . You can be unusually Taurus, you find deeper Asurprising question Cancer, aconftolitatlon Leo, whenyoUslle the' . .VIrgo, lUakl!S ci~lyone persuasive. Aries. Your meaning In the most catches you off balance, ends early whlln the . shllrtcUt this wilek. take khldword froni afriend biggest opponents are casual remarks lately. Gemini. Yet you don't opposlngparly glvestn It. There y,()uld be no . torenilndyouhow WOn· those who question y()ur Introspection causes miss abeat. CO.$mlc to your wishes. The crab entrepreneursi·ploneets, derful you are. There are timing. Act as 11 you you to do some self forces ate pushing love got lucky thIs time SO _ orlljllentors IfeverytlOe . mallywllling partners already know the answer analysIs. Believe hi your In your direction. enjoy make the mostof It. .. ' walted for perrni\'sloll to who ate Waltlllg for you and YOU'll be right potential and you can del the rush. Confusion arises mid. push


-- , "

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. , " , Ll6RA •Sept 2310ct23 SCOF\PIO. Oct 24lNov 22 SAGtn'ARIUS ~Nov ' 'CAPRICORN • Dec 221Jan 'AQUARIUS. Jan 21/F'eb PISCES· Feb 19IMar 20 ~ .. Expeci :aslldd~n teversal6elngtlmld Is not In Ydlir 23/DeC 21 .'20 " 18 It's filially time for Pisces ~bout In your IIfel LIbra. '. make-lJp, Scorpio. This Is Be careful glllting , "Caprlcom,you;vehad AlIoJdproblems by making to yell, I'ltotd you so! But· Everything 1$8tlllgolng yourw6!!kto shine and , Worn out thIs week; , enough ofbelilg alone. pe8~ with troublesome wa«untUtherelsalarger . yourway, but It chQnge$ .get noticed. The scorpl~ SagIttarius. It Illaybelline 'Ycullke to be iuouiidjleO:o IndlvldualOarlyon, ".' '. audienCe to experIence It. somehow, As Icing as you '. ori's dlllllr.es will not be . to pa8sthli lorchto,anoth· pie ellen If they are quite " Aquarlus.Thebe8tcClin­ . Tuesday: Is agood day. , " , .. W~r, , canadaPtqulcklyyou'lIbe .denIed and pity thos9Wbo e{ab1eperson,'/ou have 'dlfferenttrom you. promise IS.a combinallon "n fine.· . . 'stilndln yourWliY. ' to rlimember you'rE! only .. ' your heart onyour sl~ve "'Of etJeryone', best Ideu .. human fustllkeothe..... this week. . go With It; .. . ': " ,J.

" .:-. "

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:,1.... . KVIA·. 6·. ." ".' NewslNI.·. :'-,'''; .., .,' This Wel!k~SteohanoPOulos"':' HanllllhMontana" lack &1:odV' ,(. Paid PrOQram.:·· .: paid Program. '.' EntetllilnmanlTonlahl'lN.111ID ' ... , : COUntll~ ':'" .' .. . KO r ", ;:'7 14 .. . 6:001 News@:':""·,'.,":,·'ThI'Wellk-Geo.t.5tepharioiJo.ulo,.'MillelnHollv· :' .TeenKldl NewS " :. N'llveNations: Civil Rllhl1·.·...: War oltho Worlds' ,: .c," ." '. . COIlntdown·,', '.' :' ...: "m ~aldProiltai1l.' , . . :8 31 . 8 .4 L1vlno Graca .,",." chrisMatthewa. : Mellt the Preaa@ ,.,'. . , . ·Ifia onNBW. .' 24 LilIhl Relief: " ..,: Paid Prohrliill., .' PaidPIOQraril '. . Paid Pio!iram.. " . Rurinl:' ". ':',',' .' . II .:". .,., ...• :. 9 ild,r~rem: PaldProgl'8lll' .Moellhe Preas lID';,·..:'·. ChrllMal1hewa·:··· P.ald Progrein: . lypna &8allla... '.. : Paid program" .. AmaricanAthlala·: Paid prog,.m· . :,' Runnln ":..',:, ..'. ': :. ,,: KBIM·. ". ITo: I:iai ,1.0 ' :30 caSNaws SWllilly Momlna1N1 .. ' FAce the Natlorl: J-: Pald P~ram. ". . NMoiIav IUveHID, '. ..:.' .. '. Pald program ": PAid Pllloram ':" Countdoim: The Beslln.SilOI1I<'· SlamBill·INIljj].· .. : : sy", 12.211··.' Anlmal#'dvent.llnlothaWJld'~olo,rellllll:· ~Food" . WJn~ SlBraofTomor:· .. Healthv-S~n 'COlohDeI01...·**i·UlI.1.JIr"11. JlmC8JTev.MeOra1lemev,.· .; '. :" " . KFOX' '. ' 141".' FOINIIYIISunllBv .' '.,.. , ". J~onesShilw.~HuddlA: FoxHFLSundavlUve ()@" ··NI'LFooIliaIiGreen8avPad(ersalTennesSeo'liIans.FromlPReldlnNashvllleTenn,@·,·" ...., .' ' '. '. : 18 I·:; ,; COmerstone.' ."., ,'., 'For.thSHeBrlof1beC .. ' ..... AlanG~~ ..' o;:SWIIIOYl. . '. FaveHaldln" , LlbertvCounsll' RlchaIdBOllkar•. ' rhunilanSCrivner. Ulhl-50uthWsl .. ". '. , . BO. . .:. " .... In·5esrch·lold· . Plld PrOliram·,. ~TalAl{NIlEII .S irlnaMJrs.ctei· ~1: Next ~nl: Neil'.•aslh Next' '.> ,;Ig!B.resll: Next: Dsl'Ho~no':;IID""'" ~alon~11\ .'.,' l KTEl·. I 20' .:...... V~aTalea'-''- prooremaPaaado~maPall8do., ~do . PilitiramaP~ ,TprogramaPaoado .1il\bofTelamundoToJtIca.vs:Allas.tEnVwo· '.:', ".,;..... ' ..... :TllUlareITel·. .." i~·· '21' ,. " - ,llOu6Locurll .... " ,. '. ." . AIPOnla.i·;" . ," ...:. RellubilcalleiiQJ1lie·· ,. "'. :::.' .. ' '. ,.'. '.: 'Emlllano~119IU)AnIDl1lb~Iar..'MeliOAImadt..' " ~! .~I\'... ' 1119 .. ', '.' ~~aCk'Vanlll!l!t .JoV~MOvll,·.walkli1thaWDId.DavotmIC(!VelY·IRalohMlrtln·,~all;':i" ,.~:. JohnAnke~. JovoIMUllc·,. ANICkOla'W~":; 1, . KEHW .: ..' '3:, .'", C~·.··i.·:' >', JovorMuafc.Blah '.' IJndacill8a:'•.: ARldtiAlonotheUncolnHlahwav ...... Gliltierrekker'Paklstllli~@/DVSI' .' taPlw 1\ 00. TodBl"~ '... " NOW on PB~ .• :. '.. i 'IA&E·'·· .. 52.' 23 20 TheSo noa 'PlIi-O·Mv' 1\ 'lID' .:•... The So~~er Old,ThIs" . ,. .: pa,.riOnnllSlala·IAmSlrlID> " :.. Cold ClatFiIes lID '.' ':'. '.:. COld caae:f1lel@ '.:. . ," Cold ClIIFll8s' ... .' ·IAMC. '. '. .: 48 .-14 . 4 Mad MOn 00" .'. ..: ..' <'. ShOolout--mfIID·· **~ 'ldr49' 120041 JOlibuin PhilefjlX: AffrefKlhlerllwalls reSCUe klIn:a hOmlM bul~lrNi,: '..'.,,' ..*** !'Cillr'8IllI Pilianl D8lIOBt' /1994\ Harrison fonl.,·.· :." 1 APL·· • 136 ,"., 22. II's Mao! lhli.,!1gft'ZululLoUIe'I!l1 .. ' 'Funniest Animals'. FunnleslAnlmals. '.' Grow/ng Up:;i'Moose~ BmtlllOOse ". .. Mlam#'nlmal PoUceoo . 'In5elrch.'ilftha Kin? CobrilllJ :."708idIVSlrike ,: BET , '. .,.. '. Video GoaliollID : .:. ,. TIlJth.iJoI1nson. RolI.l,lfe Olvas'" .• One on One lID " . One on One@ '" SIeve Harvev. : .ISteveHlrVev '. J!!!..PlirkllllID·' .".lrheParkerflID, GlrllrlelidsTIll ., .. · BRAVO . .47'''.~08llgn FOlunstiollvlrio soace,'" . Top oeslan'Uahflt UD'IID·; ,:'., ,; Too Dea.~Flnele partl':IiiJ.'· ,'RealHoiIsewlielofAtlanli@,:.:" Real Housewives of AlienlalID·. '. ", Housewives .. , :"" : ,CNBO' , 44, 1 Pa1d Ploorem "IPald PlllQrlim ' .. Paid Progrlim ' ' PpldProgram' '," Paldf'1'Oll~m· ". :1C8l Ab·SKrele. Paldprog,.m~ Pa)dPrO!ir'llm· PaJd~m .IPald ~ni' " paid ~m .. ," J . NN·. .. Lm. 41,·' 3d117llRellablBSOureu@ :. ,,' '. .', .l.ateEdniori-Wlth·Wolt.BIItziI:@ '. '.:.'.,.' .' ..' , ,", F~Z8ksrllGPS· .• .: '..' CNN::;peclelln\'eslloaUons Unll .. ' .' Your MOMY .' ,j' M'" 1m' ;>\6, . ;. ' .,' ,.' MAIltV COOriclhoEtller1ilner. 00 ." CoJbertRePOrt. '. IColbert RW!!: "ICOlbert R~ ,', ..IClilbertRaDart· " M#'Otv 'Mested Devo~pmenrcasl; '. *I "Blec~ 11996ComedVl CMs Farlev.1il '. , ... '.' . '.' r C I\N '.·m 95 ,":. , Nawlmakel'·lc.SPANWeekend ,'..'.. ""'" '.:'.'J.. ...•.•.. ' .. ::,'..: .C-.SPANWeekend '.. ":•.. ,...... ' ... ','.': ., ..' ""i' I P N2 .. ··• ...96.. • '. ,,'·Book.TV;:·.'.. ".' '.' ·',.·'IBoOklV· :..•. '.... . BookTV:AfterWords. .' BooklV. " .< BOOk·TV , ....' BookTV.' .. : .... , . DE .,, '." .,:. '. The.Joumal Press Club Gannadi Kalsovi .. :. Hln~.. Journal:··mlt .. :·· Euromlxl,'." .~I:wIUl:· IFallh.Mittera.· .. TheJoumaL.' .' ·llch.delJ1lch· Jouma~Wellk' .' ", .: i ~::~' :::' ~ ~: :dii~:-' =~ ~:~~,' ~::h~::~~Use .~.:.:~~ ~~~~~'~calr~H~:~a~VI\;:~:::~laIIChadle~to;al\'~:~~:;/,' ,.' • 61' .. '. Oallv.10Wknd .' ~ElN8WljNI','. .:. ;.. GlriNextDoor . GDxtDoor5tarJonet:,THS' .•. '. ." Or.90210'TIMs·P~I· : .. " ·.IOr, 110210 " , EpH.' fl!28 ',··91' 12 ~ierUve lID· '.. NFLCountdoim'/UvolID' , .....: ....".. 'PBADOWIlna~ViIle~Challlfironshln;(Uvol[ilJ o. . 'T~OOIliaIlFinalllil.."" .. ., .' . ~N2:' • '29" 3~ NASCARNow Uvs·'.· ..": NHRARaceOav' RUI8O&5toele(arAuetlon(NI@ ·"~ShowFJOmlliketandF~,IID.: .'," Crlcbl:SlanloJd20120..S r~eS .' , , ,~HCI.' [iJ 3D "." ~001bA1l .: .. . >. Blllllrdt:1~ Wome~$9,1l8I1 :., PPABowIlnl:·l994 1llilndeibIJd..QI£P, ' PBABoWllnn .'. '. PBA Bowllno2004ABGMaslers..> 'lPBABowlina ..: • rFAM .'. ,49 ' n21'10 StiDb~SIen lID . Sleo bv SI"OO :.'. sabrina-WI1ch '.' ,ISlbrin"WI1ch· Full House lID. .. f:!!11 House lID .***'IIoIH' 12003SInDoJnuiv Weaver. Awoman fotcesllNoolia dBllJllluenlS to dlnat acalM.· '. ." '.. , IFIT' '.' 236".'.. BodlAllnMolioh ToIaIBod~SclJlol: .carillo B~al MUSCtJIar.WOrlcout lID.. ..• In'S1isliol\ @' 'NemlislB!29!' Shlmmyii!J: ' Tolal ~seuloL Art of lilli Athlate KrlSIlYamaouthL .,: In.!!!! rTraInlna ,~. , 45' , '" America', Election HQ . . ' ..' .. .'.' . ., .. Amerlca'a EIec1Ioit HI) .... . '. " '. '. .... '. •. Soecla~mmln' . . ..' ~ ~;. . D53." .' Barefoot Cont:ICooklng for Real RelCtla Chef NI . 3D-Mlnula Meals. sandrli lee . IPaula'IBeal llOwn Homa . GUy:Olf lile Hook ' Recl1BBl VIOl. '. Road Tilled .' Olnt~:Drlve:lit ' .. . --: . NM2l' ' , Pro F~prevlBW .. Mal.. cardinals Fllhlna' :. FLW OUldool81NI " . 2Xlreem .'. '.' MoIO!SPOrts. '. nMy OwnWoid". In My Own Wordl Runnln',p#,C , '. , . .., , , , IIallan.:>erd SOccer·· '.' .. Etlglllh Premlar lJa oe SOccer BoIIOlI WanderersYs,l.Ianch9slerCiIV. ,," SuperSundayPIUS (Uvo) , ,, .;; • , ,llAlian serll Asoccer .. .' .' ;...... ' ~. ·39 " •.. , PrlaonBl8Ilk".ScvIla',I\: lID· ..•.. .' PriSon Break 'Breaklnl&Enterind',' : ~nBlIlk'Shul Down' (I[\il. .' Prison Braak ~Ea~osandMlols, . ..' PrlsoitBl8Ilk 'Sali a~nd' r~l 'IPrlsOn Sleak [If] . ' ...' '. x,p~v:: l~cetNillsINI:' ~n COoj(\IID.I~ ;,.Ar~. ,': .fi66. '"• ".X,plll'i. .' '-:'. X·PlaY... '. X·Plav .' .' ... ':ISPBcebAIIs 0 .' [Ii]. ·.ICoWBoston .' 1\ ["J . MA'~~ GALA ..... ;.,. ,. " .' Tusalud. .' Dellcloso· ., DecorandoCon, ModutRaacela ',' "; ,". ., '. I.aCo-lledlaHo" . ' .. '" ...... '. '. ,.' .' '. .'" 'ILF' . 31 , •. • EU~nPGnourGQ\r·,· .' pald~Am . PeldProanim '.' Pald~aill. '" PreGame IUvel .' TheTum '.." PGA.ToO~G.OIIGinn5urMerClass~;'Flnalfloond, FlomAonda: Uver :. ". '. < ..63 .", BlockbUsteR.. Chlld',Plev ..... MB1Ch G~IID' Passwoll! Plul Wha~IID'" prell Your LUCk. M~oo, ICamou1I~ :''lCheln "Imlen . Flnlllv-Feud(ll) ' . .. l' ' •.69 ':' ,Chelrif\OO • Chearil\lID·CIieenf\,IID· '. Cheer.floo· ~II~@" ., H~T1liCufOltheJHIoiJtJok8l1ll"n995I00·,.ltatloc~I)[«J.· " ' . '302 .. f .. ;., 'CornebAeks" : :. Villanova v~ Geo.!9!lown '. '.' .. ** 'E1li1be1h: The Golden Aoa~cele8~nchelt.1\ 'PG·13' lliJ...... " Real TlmII Wlth'BlII Maher 11l« . " ... *** 'H.$rfotl" ZllOOI 'FG'OO .' ... , . :l!OTV ': '54·" ,', Curb.'" Ha_HaadS.· .' 5ecreliThllSelI·· Get tt SOld , . :"lttou..Wor1Jj7:· •. IHlddenPolenl1al .' MVKllchen. . OSl8lVlnaDeslon.· MVIes01S~. 'De~.: . Del non IOIme " .' HIST :, 51, . 31.·· Jurallic F1ghlClub 'AnnaaaddOn·.· .. : Pretlll!Orfc Monstera"evealid {II' .' ...... ".. ..' How the Eirth .wil M,dSThe MalMleel his DrY ofl~irllllJ1eU«l :;.' .'. .,". .. - To BeAnJlOU~ . '. IFE .' 23· 26 23 W1l1lGrete lID" IWiII &-Grace·@· •** 'Odd Girl Out" 12005 Draina Alexa VM:I, Usa Vidal leah PiilI!s, (ilJ '.,..' 'loBe Fa Uktt.la' 12007 Docudrame)J ''40' . 13 .' The TwlllohtZone .' ..tt 'FalIY TaIB:A TrueSlDl'V"J~ FIorenceHoath Elizabeth Ell~. ** "1.Ieet Joe~taSvl Brad Pill. The Grim Re~ IlSSlJrnes the form of arecenllvdeceaiM ma'1;;. . '. ',It · SHOW'· . 343.' .• , 'l1l *1"DalaWItfian~·.. .lInsldethe NFL (fTVl /\@ .. . IHl"MSalballs"/I8791 Bin IJurrev..lTV, I\' 'PG' f\!l' " II :4slf5 ~lovaSlInkl' /1m,~French Stewart.I1Y.I\·R' «I.'.:" '.. P~ED·. . . ,57 .' . • ' NASCAR .RAceOaYILWal • .'. '. ....' •• ." FormulaQnll Reeln" Grand Pilx Of Brazil, From5eo Pelllo BraZil, Livel . "...... ' NASCAR RaceDIY IUveI. . .. MClusk: car " '. PIKE ., 37, 20 151 Mallled.. WIth IH~werW IiHollfwer lV MusclACir n ITrucksl t\ {ill Xfreme 414 {Ill Unsolved Mvaterios TQmSI~ Jr. 1\ Unsolvid IlerlAsl\ Unsolved MVIL ..E "77'" WlIOleWeddlnalillAn 1" SBWeddlno'llftA~ . rheOllh', .•' KalduhlaJlS SomERd. CleanHouSB'T/lSBlocl1Familof C1I1I1Hou'e . • TB .25 , 141 (6) ~1lIa1' "1* "SI~SlIverman' 2001.:comedyIJ95OIl.Jl!l19.!! SleVo1alm, 00 '. .' .** "The Pink Panther" 12006IIPAI Slove'Marlln Kevin Kline. fiiJ ... 'Gel Smartlllrucund LIo'id~ , TCM' ., 78 "'I7:3Of***'fIKbIth'/1948 Oramal Orson Well~ 1*** ''llctOlNIclorla~ 11982 Julle~ndrews James Gamet RoOOttPriSlon:'oo *** 'TOrn CiJrIaln' 1966I;PalJl Newman, I"] ',,' , TlC '. . [iii 38 ., 36· MoY!na· Up EnnlisllTudor hoines, '.. 'Movlna Uti 'Vietnam to ChakaKhan··. Movlno UillID .. ·.IUillold Siories'oflhe EMal· .' UnlOld·Sloriet al theE.RJilj ..... 'Unlold SlorIIs ~ 24 ' 1711 191 117:001 *** 'DIe Hlid WIth.~ , 1 lID '. ** "U.s. fLIrshall~ 199B Crime OlilmaIToinmv'Lee:!,' . .,.. ' .. .."'0, •' ..-.,-,' . ;.' ...... "'.."~ ...... ' .,., . "'... .,~;- .. : '-.' ""';'. ..:-:-.~~". ':\ '_":,._';' .-....,.-...,..-r ~.~.<._ .',".""''''', ,""' __ , _", ' __ ,' ,,-..- ,~_ ~ I . '.. ' .. ",' ''':':, :'-, :','• .,,,' :' ',I, ,'. ':'. ' .. ",' '.~ 'r" ,~. i :-~:,- ",:,~~.,.:",,-:;-, ~", ',-,: -, • ",.,. t',' .' ",\, "~"".'," "~" .,.~' "'l" , " ".'.'.',. "'.. ' :', .:";'-',';';'" "~""'~.".""""": ..',.:>."': ,', ,... '.."'.... ;:'", ,", ',;''',',,:,. 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'. \ __ ~. •• PGA Tour Golf: Ginn Slif Mer Classic PGA Tour Gol~ns - CI1a~9S ~=mO~Sh/O-FmaiRouIid' (l:I'Ial . .' .. ' '. .' pollGlme. Show ·IP.GA Taut GoIfGIn~SlirMarClalSlc. Final Round, .. .. ." . ;-~+ 53· •• FIIII!1v Feud Illl IB~riC8 :@selsnRoulelf.· Who Wlnta toBU 11m Ire 00 . (Hill .·.IPvllmIdMIl .. ~Ioh SlIkilPoker[il)..'. . • . '.' Hlah SlIkelPokel 00', ...• :.. ' 69 .:_. " :001 MIIIock "The Assass~atlon' Mill "Murdlr101: lheL' 2006llllck VanllVkaJID . .' .. lIu~.Wrolt '!.One Wrtness', lIu/dRSha Wrole'Shlo of Thieves" ... llW....-. ' 302· •• 12:30I**.·IfaPOYFItI"~ ~~*X"lhtCom8becb~ DlIvldKoedinaI,'PG-13',I.:tK"27D1Hitl· 2006~rIn!_I\'Pll-13' ""'. ~~~onei, If( it ,54··· COIorSll/alh IDlYlntOiiJin MyFlrllPlece ~WlleffronIHomea ", l~onJl ~VlrolnIHouI8Worth? ,.IDellonedtoSllI.25~, nMllIlIkes.' ~ 51. 31 • ToBaAnnounced . PrtmalFoarrliJ . '.' .. •.' -~c' ... MonlfMQuast"JawsInIMII1Oi!f.{lfl \ GinollndCriosln$attLakaCijy; . I ,I: : ~.6 ~ ~S~!=:~yon(~oo;~nlG::~oueenLatif~ ::'="i1~ DremaIROrM ***:'m'R~~llReMe.~~, Las1CoO~:~ " 322· • .~. 1981l·llilMumw, 'R' ~**"lheInV8ilor(@Nl.NblIe~'PG.'3'· ". 1I:451**~·IllIturbIi'(2007""if=" .' ~;I\ 'PG·l '.. 'I'~I~' ." , , 43 ••• MSNBCNtwl MSNBCNewsUYe IISNBCNIWIUve . '. MeettheprmOO>· , MSNBCDilcumenIaN." .•'. MSNBcDilcumeniiiY '.'',' 58 ••• ~ I.cickedUDAbroIcl'Ecuadof Mlam!!1!!!LCarll1 .... Woild',TouahollRua .. ~~nce.'MooriMyslBries' .' ~!FJve,YelllonMlra:ThaRoversINr' . 34 •• 24 sPOiiQtIiiib J!mmYNeiJtlon:BoY08nlul Bsck,BaiiiYIId lBack,Bamyjnl·· ~1011\ 00 ... • ,lmnatBoli.' .·ISIlOlIOOBab . Bob' :fS .. " __ ' oW • 13 • **h~3"(1095)TOiIiHan~BigPaxton.llaSedonthlltruesfoolollbell~atedl970mabilm1sllilll, '. "'. '~~StslTrtkfF1rlleontael'fl996~~Ih8nFrakei,'.' .. 343· •• U* 'Falhar Df lhil!rldl' 1199n: leve MsrtJndTV Premiere, I) 'PG'. ..11:201'** • WIlIIor" 12006 Dtama~NoIte;1TV, n 'PG·13' ... .. I~~ LelO,11V,'R' ..' 57 • .'. Two GUYI Garalll Formula DrIft SerIe8 N. Fill AAIIll: Wolfd Suoelbilul flU RICII1I1: WOlkISlid'lrtlike.. .. '. SPEED, !l!P.g!lJNL .. ,: ." '. NASCARVlttoiV Lane '.. '.' , 37 ' 20 IlSI tinlOlved MY.l UnlOlvedMvmn.s 1\ Un~rlei INlI\ . . CSI:CrIm.Setnelm~ n .• CSI:CrlrneScenlInvea~ri : CSI: Crillll SC81111nvl. atlorl.n . IRI: T7 -•• ,oolClaenHouI8 Claenl1oull"ThelN~a'eraFamill" ThaDllh .~ItKardUhlanl' WI1018Y1edd1 I'"~ ··.·WhoI8WeddlnalsnAnYWIYI . ·.··EItml/SUn~~·· '., IJB. 25 • .1411 161 'Bruct~ **'"GuttaWho' 1liI~Kutc/tBr. '.. . t"Mf.!lIIdI' 2002,~W~ . I**X'FunWllh~tJena"OO'" T ~+. 78 ••• 'TomCurt.lln" M5IU.K "lhe lloftIISIorm" f94a~Sulawn. '. ****~ 11158 ~Maurfce~DVS\ U**'AKIhi Pr1Ildenl'IMen- .' .' TlC ,38· 36 • Untold Slaries Unlold Stortae 01 the ER, [ll) Untold SIOliae oItha E.R, 00' "meld StOrles'oI the E.UI . ~nanl, . .... ·1Dldn1 xnaw IWI8 ~;:;;I:;;. ,..'''':'c'--'! __ 24· 17! 191~ • **. "l1lIn~ ll997 Drama) t.eonanla ~Kala V/j~.A_leis(0( en artlll alioaidlhe Ill-fated Ihill;] , . '. . **~'''lhe IIIVIncI COdI'/20061 35 ., Johnny Tell f. Joh!J!!l:Test :Ill Jo1j.!l!lYJlltriil Jolin Tast{l!J Jo1Inl1v Tilt John Tilt 00 JohnnvTnlOO' **.Jack froll" 11998'.Fsnlhs'I1Mlclfael Ke,s~ Kllilv Pres1oII, Prernklle, '. '.. I ,75··· Dove-Barbarian lJck&CodV Phlnia18ndFelb ~OO I~~[ii) . li!J D1olmoriOO . ~Manllil 'IChaoI!ctl 00: Mon.lerBuller . lPIICC8[ii; ... ' ~.~' • Yosem"e MLRulhmolllndlheBleckHlHs ~TenWOndersofthaWISIIID. ThaColorado'R£veroIWondertlID.., TrlbalRllelSliamans,OO . ,Tht~TrlbeiiJ·· • 74 • - :• ~ J~I AmerlC8n Jill IArnerIe8n Jill AmerlC8n Jail IAmeJfcan Jail . Amerle8nJlIIIAmerlcln Jill An\tr1C8n J,II .. IAmerlcan JIll . AinerlCan JIll . AmerlC8n Jail 60 .:.. ~ l:oolilOiial11l BonII11l"The Trail Gana' iiil . Gunsmokt'l.uke'OO Gunlmoka 'Oannli' 00 .. GunlmOke'HavM lID '. " Flrstfamll'1 . '. Firat Fimllv" . 28 " 30 1 12:00I'TOI11OIfOWN8v8IDI8s"1I!J 1***"lheBoame MaU~Fr3f1k8POlilnt8, '. .•.. .' .... HOUl8"NeOOleinaH @ HouA~rlSensi1iva' 1).00 •...... ' 56 • 56 • BehInd the UUIIc I) iiil ~Reh8b WIIh&.1lrlIw I) ~bWIIh Dr.D!rit 1\. .. Real Chlnceol LcYa CllUnlv la~,.1\ . Rock olLeiYllCharinSChool I) 00 50 • 50 • TrtaIh10n HoW _I ~ '. U~Hour Bull Rldlna PBRWoddF'ma~ XV, From Thomas &MackCon1er iilUlSV-..IUveI f\ •• IDucIled ... '. 245, •• Rlcl!-PIlor Bride Rich Bride. Poor Bride 1\ ;it Rich Bf1de POOl Bride 1\ 00 BrIdezIllu 'Avesha' JannWefOO BrkItilIlu 00. . BrIdezllluOO. ..' . II 5 ' [21 1131 :001 ** "lhe IlIleor lIIn' (t993.l11~l!Jownserd Coach 1\ 00 ICoach fl 00 Alf I\@ .." lAlf f\ 00 WKRPln C1ne1nnatl'~ PictUres" Ntwt\all [i]. Newhart~......

Did· You .Know? • , . If you're planning on owning the most expensive street legal vehicle available, you mIght Want to start getting your finances in order, The rilost expensive car available on the market in 2007-08 is the Bugatti Veyron, which will set you back $1,192;057. the fastestaccleratihg legal automo­ bile, the' Bugatti Veyron can go from 0-60 miles per hour (MPH) in· 2.5 seconds, It the Bugatti Veyron is alittle out ot your price' range, the gOOd news is the second most expensive car is si'gnificantly less expensive. The Pagani Zonda Ct2 will cost you alittle m'orethan hallot the Bugatti .. .. " . ',.,' .:' .' . . .. ,.. . . ',' ,..';'. : " - .. : . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~: ~.jij_.-jiO,. ". - "I 01 l, : -. ",'" •••_ "."":_ , .;10 _ ',

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II I :4" : 1 'II 'I III 1 I II I II I II 1.,," .~ ..' 2'11161 . .- Simlisons'.,' Kina or Hili .. ' Fiml Guy., A~rDad Newll~.:,: Newl13 .. ' MIN/HID':., ',,:, Des mlo Housewlviimj,'." CiJld.call"~oProrrilse·,, : ScrubaJiiJ" ,', . Nrnl '.r'.: . · liRI'I~::' ri- .' ·,. Nitu~{\ llI11DVS\ ;> .. .' I,llllelilieCeContemPOm;. DOmtlCar·: From Ihe TOll' FieewiPhllharmonlclID'" ShortList .' '. Off Air!' '. <.: ~ :'.' ..':- '>':,:. ..';:, :~C: .'.h-1 :,1111 TlieAli1iZ1nllRsce13IN\I);Coldcase:~eDeaJer N ··.TheUnll'lnoUlsnlon·mn· Nevis N,.·, CSI:NY /lllll: ' ,",:-'. Co!dCaM"ThePromlse.··· pald~m AutovlllOn.· ~lInLlr':' · KVIA:: , .6 ." '.' ~me Makeovar. Home, ::: DesperaleHousewlVes N.' :01 Brolhers& Slsl.ers N, , News fL. " :35rNews. '. '. At the Movlel '. :35IQelpersle ousewlves'" . 'fhelnllder '. mr, latino, t:atlNslI~(NI , ' .'. .;: · KOAT,'· :7'34 I.@ Extieme Makeover. Home, ~sperataHousewlvea N' ..', :01 Qrq!l1ers& Slsl!ra N, Naws N' ' Nell'S';'/ EnlertalrimaritTonlaht~'·, CSI:NV'Hosh' f\ lID . '. PaldPlO!Iram.P.ald PrOiliam : .. ~R.;· :. ',B, 31 j.1!!l 4.6:15 NFHlllltlialiNsw nnlandPal~lsat,lJIIImnaoansColIs.1ID ..'" . ' ...': ',' News N.... " News.. ·,·In,ldaEdltlon;' :05\AccessHolliWoodINlLaw&Order!,SVU",' ...•. Latlnur:. , :351Nsws . ,,' ., K'TSM, .,. i .::;+ ~ •. 9 .' 6:15NF.L Flllllball N~ nalandPalllOls atlnd~naoans Colld.' ': '.. SilOrts Extra' ~ N', ~., .' .Oilldoorsmsn :35 S~.Mlamll) l"t·, .BasIon Laaell1li!J ;. , Monk IID,.",-: i , KBIM.·. :10 ~10 "TheAnUli/nrRate.13 IN (\':ICo'dcase-:'TIId Dealer INI' " The UnK~lslllon'(NI A,,:, N~ N, . :35i1fousii'Culself lID·': :35 Mlink'I!JJ" ," .,:',. ,." Paid ~ram :05) Newh ,P.~ldP~ USy .' ..,. 12 28· " u* '1beHOwllria" (19BlI DeeWall1lClJ PslJlckMacnllll'" . ," The Dead,%One lID: " .. '. '. UFC Wired '.", ..', c Judae,Brown ; pald:P..!m"in .. ChsDbelle's Peld P rem ·S1ralahtlnIo08lkneli'!., • '. ,'" :, FOX"" • .14 4;',< SlmalOn!'> IKlng olHIII,lFamlivGllv.' lAmer Dad . NeWa INI .' ..,selnfefdlID. ISeunlf.CllV, SeXlnIf.CIIV, C~~le's ' FriiiiilID' Friend. 'lID; SlaiaaluSG"~Ulllo'IID:," KR~V''',mJ 18 9·'·. L1ghtorllieSoiltlrlleat ' ..:,;:'.,,' "';:':' ~atellraal.~ For,IheHeartDlthaCIIV ,'; UDdallleraaICharlesScoll', L1ahloflliuSoU!hwesl." ,'.. ' .','.""', ,., . IKWBa " ,19·. 4 ..... valentlns.:summurNinhI6'~.,'IEiIVMOhev'XtraMavo.INI 11'10111en' , ·~Fsinllv','" CollaboT!tlDn~ow', :' .:' pald~am Pald~mmTheHuntJorBllckGold" ·...1 :CNif' ,m 41>c;. 3 t la~KlngLlVe, .:' . ,D.L Hughley·NeWs ,. 'SbeClalJnveslliletlon~ ",''lL1nvKJna LiveI'",.' .Nawsroom'·:;.· .' ':' .: Speclallnveallgat onl·.. .' '. Larry Kina UVI:.' "', " ., ., COM: m .46 .. -" "• **"Sulltl.·TfdoMiI" (20011 JevChaild'~:IID" ."', Hi "Harold &Kumar·Go 10 White castIe"/200411 . ,South Park ,lChoc•. Ne\'lf S. Silverman .' IFulurama 1\ . Fulurama I)' ;IFuluraJl\s I\ . ,~ • 95··':; Prime "'/RoidtoIheWhllaHousuUUII ,',' .' .Q&A-.' . .'. '.' Primtl. -:.'.' Road 10 the While Hausa 2 " " " CoSPAN Weekend .' :' ., .,'," ,,' . ': ;~ •.96'. ··,····BooklY:A!tfrWorda:.::Boom,· .'. '. Boom" ., .llOllklV1AfferWordi .',', , BooklY· .. ' ,'.' .'klY:' ",c:'· BOokH· ...• ' ".' .: . '. DEUTS' I '. '.,.:;1;it;.;' Joutni~ wllhlEuromaXt: ,: Thedoumal .IGlaubsllch·Joumll. ':,IArtI:21 . .: • JOiJri1al:rrill, ·IHln ~ : Journa :\Vilh ;'. Faith Mallen . JournakWlrt· J!!WSCh ' '. Jourrial'Bus.' Termlnv. " ;,'; , ...: DIS, '·32 ." :!m\J811Mv1l1Buslers''MacGwer:. MvlhBuslumliiJ .' '.' ." Mvlhauslera·@· ... . ~ustereliiJ, .. " SlormChasers Nl. . .:.MvlhBuslem@ , . . . ~ullera1l!} ....', .,' " "DIS ". '33 . • 33 2B WIzards 'tWlzards'" ZlIck&Cody . Han.Monlana HBn:Montanl·. Wizards, .,', **1 "The PrilICllii DJarIes." 12001\ Jullu A11drews, I). '.' Zick&COlIV' Han:Monteni ThsVa-Riven .CoI'I'" .• ,'. '" EPN:.·.. :' .~~'.: .' ~ra:~ui~,te~~~scen,~·RO,:.rnore:~e'~~~~~:~n;;~~:i~·G'rta"~:~h:r&eune·.·.IOi.~alD·. ·'12;16\S~~~n~:':hlanSChel~', ~=I;~lnal .', ..... EPN2 '29'. 3~HRAOriaRaclna " .: ,. ABOAR.Now LIIal:' '",: • , 2OIl8World5erlasof poklir, .. ' 1200tWarid Serliilol POker. .' '200aWOIld Serles'oJ Poker '.' Pekar .",.' It/ASCAR AlclnaSorilllQuD .,D~kles500, ."" , ~NCL' '30· ' ". 'NoIJh.4O' . '~H *'IIOIIhDallil FaI1it" 19791 N~kNoIIe. 00 ,'IBaxllia '. .. .'. .IBOllno· . Rlnoslda .IID'· ..' ,," ..,.. .,,' ,' ,,,- :. .' F~ ' .... ,49 • 12r 10 !'WedcII..!!{,;, *,* "Practl~1 MlaIc"llgg6Sandra Buioclr. NIcoI~rnart.lID. ' ,. .*'U·Maa!iGIrIl'.I2004 ...' L1ndsliv Lohan.IID·' .' FreshPrlhi=e· Fresh Prince Joel Oateen: Feed' '. .. , .. ' . .' 236· '.' shlmriiV'[Ii] " ~IID, ~SCUI '. I!kldY Se\Jlpl': InSh~rID, IlnShabe{i]J . Shlmmy:aJ: IShlmmv 00: BOllVSC~IPl,. 'IBodySculpl; • House. For .... BooIcaniP,.' ComlDr! ' "PeldPrilliram' ., :,F, ·45;·" Hannlly'sAmerlC! ~""" Giiildo8tl.1rae'Aoo ".. , GemldOstLJr"'f\-lill· . HannllY'IAmerica' '. TheSIra~RObm.· ." Rill Eye . ','. . WarSlories.Norlh. .' . , lEQQl. ,;53 • ",'. InlnC1)efAmertca .... ChelJafl Prolect (NI '. ,.' " Dinner ',' Dinner' . lroo Chef mrica '. Chef Jafl Project '... Dinner Dinner ChallenliB:,' ',', . '. "~',' ..21,' • ,Air Racing ~tOl1don.. .' AIff~tlon:BANNED : " E1110 XC cardinals, PaclO,. .., .. Anal SCore: :. ClubWPT.com· '. .'. '.' Slarles,'·~. acs Retinas Final SCOre.'- Cardlhala . ' ': '. ·t::"-~:-I-! • ", •• .• !kraamTe~me'(NI' " Fox Socter RlOOrt@·',.,·EnnllshPremlerLeanueSoccer.Boilon 'I$; Man Cln '. .. Fox SocceI. R!I!! r!1ID, .'.' . .' . SkY SPOrts NeWS' 11M] .' ., , llallanserie ASoccer . .' '.,. :ag .• , !!!-:3001**~Dmtn'112 UovSdJmlborJulleSllles.· ...• SonlofAn8lch '. \.' 1IIeShleld~Mo~1n0 "': .'. KlnaorHlII'K1no.orHllr' PsldP~am .PaIdP/oilr.in aBSYMonev,' Plld~ .. ", ,G '.: 68;··. Lost'Hilmel:ollllna~floo" LOlt 'Outfaws' Aoo ,',' Anesled DeY, Arrelled Dev. Wired lor Sex red for:Sei Chealera n'· Chealersll' Chealera I\ Chealersl\. Unb. Banzuka Unb. Banzuke' ALA. • i • UnDesllno .. Un Deitfno .: ArchlYos ~I MilAlii .'. ' .. , Locol,:: : NotIcleroeon:' EnProfUnd/c!id. '." ~dO·'· paosdo. .... ~aaldo.'· ~aoado .'. 'LlCo:MlllleHora .' .' . ." " ".1.LF... 31··; PGATourGoIf:GlnnSurMer~essIil : . .'.IGoItCtnlral •. PGATotirGoIf:c~ns'~tha~~abeua~nshID ...... :.GoIfCtnllJl'PGAToUrGoItGlnnSurMerClilSSIHinil RDUnd, ,;,..>:, ...... 63·.· .•' Wortd PokerTour [jjJ .... '. .'. ." ..' H hSlakasPoker [li] :." IHloh SlIkel Poker I!il':' . World PoierTout!ID . 'c"" ••.. '. ..', whal's,une. IName'a-SBma H . 69 ., '. Murdar SheWrilte 11 (Iil ..: MUlder. She Wrell (\ rill ,," urda/ 101: The Lockad RoOm~2008IIliJ' .... .'. ··hllrslliJ,.··· lC1\iaii iilJ Cheela [iil '. . IChllrs [ttl·, ,Paid ~m Paid P!W!i1L I. : HSD , I 30t '" TrueBIoodINIA[ii] Enl~l L1ttlaBrltaln . Ufa&T1meS, Ca'zaalliJ' ,": TrueBlood Alill'.' , **~EIIDlleth:TheGo.ld8nA"~ 2OO7\~leBI:inchelt.· ":. ReaITimeWllhQIII,Maher' .' , UW., ,54 '," HDUlI' ,IHouse.,. P~.·.AralPlace .The~Q2!!IHO\lll2SBklDecoreUnaMlAtake~ ,House' 'IHouse, .. ' P~ .·.IF1ralPlsco'lhes~.Il12!!!H~UIe . I" '51 '. 31, Cl1Ies-or IheUnderwortd·lN! Ancient Discoveries [f!]- .'. UFO Hunlara[jjJ··· '..: .... Gannlsnd@.·' .... Cilies 01 IheUnderworld, .AncfentOlscoveiltll [«) .'. '" . UFO Hunlers {Ii] '.. ;. .: .. LI :23 .•; 26 23 ArmV·WJI'tII!lJ· :'i AnlIVWival(N,lil:··:,' • GreY'sAnatOlilvl)'[ij}, , IAnnvWiwslID', nnYWlVal[IiJ .' PlldProaram ',IPaldPrlJ!lmm PlldProgrein Plldproaram ". M '.' .,,64 .•• .,'1be tasl PJacton Eartb~, :.. 'An Unexileetod LoVe" /2003 Dramall.oslls HMA:OO: ':'. *~ "Tht WI Pllca:onEarU1" 12002 Dana A.'!ibtoo '. **~ 'Guardlno Tau" 119941 ShlrieY Maci.alM. reT '. . . Zllne'J~xChronlcliis' ':', ,M .. 322 ..... '." 6:301-'OniMlulcfCaII'A ' '. ***·lIItlIhaPitsnll'(2000IAobertDeNlro.'PG.13' ." lane'I5eI.· IlaIle·sSex'. Zena'sSex:·. :45 .' 11:20l'tHS"ThIMsfrll"ll999I.'R'l!iJ'· ,",' :MNBC ", 43 ~'. •• MSNBC.DoCumanlal'l:· MSNBCDocumenla . MSNBCDotumenlary: MSNBCDocUmerilory MSNBCDQtumenlo"" MeellhiPrass {Ii] ...• MSNBCDocUllitnllrv: ' -, '.- . . ".' H ..; ," 5B~' .;..•.. Naked SCience· .. '., ., .'. CslllngAIlAilen1 N. ' .' FIve Villi illIMirs. ' HakedSCliinco' ... 'calllngAIiAiluns,.· NakedSclerice ". . c ::',' HOnlerand.Hunllll ' 'i' '., HI ,34 ; , '·24 Ntd', SChOol DriketJDlh Drakl&Joah, ICariv [ii]. H20 MIl} ZOIvl0l /l Home Imp. 'Hollia ImD.. LiJlle.l ,LODer : Fam.Mat. 'IFam.-J.lIL. HllIIlalmp, Illonia:lmD. , =-'~'" ,.40'. 13 .' '8IItif~ 2006llackWard BroaGmnJ.Premlem" " '~2:A ~hSeduetlon~I2007 KiIilPoiffer,fe. '~ . ..•• D~Ide' '.' Darkslda '. OUfer Limits(\. [ill .", . 'CUI8I0fIheJ.lIsmsn" 11 '.' . , , W ' ,343· •,'. 6:551·**% 'ShoOter" (20071 Marle Wahllaro,'R' l!iJ' BrolheihooHlIIlI1 ." Dexti~lN Am} ., CallfOrll" caillom' Dexter lilY) A[Ii} . .. Brol/i!rhood lilWA@ . . · SPEEa '.., . 57· ~ ." WlndJunne~Deslliln' '... Pinks ~ All Out '. .... Wreilked, ,'. Wrecked Wrecked' , IWrecked .. 101cars' . SUilIrCars.·· SP~EO R~,' . : Car ...• Dream Clr- . IKE : ". 37. . 2016\ CS/: CrlllliSCene Inv~ CSI: Crime Scanalnv® CSI: CrlmeBcene Invs. .... ' **** ·GoJd!i~9MAcllonl sean Coonel'l, GoHrObe. (\ @ ." Whac~id Oul Dislirderly~onduet: Video ,..... LE '. 'r:! 77· ., 'EIallIiISUlil olthl Mind' :IThe,D1Sh . ClesnHouso· .' . ". *U~ElllllllsunsblneOIha~IIMlnd'(2004\Jlmcarmt.r;;;;:;;i;.. TheOllh .; PaldPr ~m, NelMllllons . ms '.. 25· 141 16\ 'FunY/lthDlcUilJne" 117:**%'F~D1Ck&JSne'I20051Jll1\ca!!§t, '.. 9:50l**l"GUISIWhO' 200S""iIieiifIeMae, 00 > ~WANlahtaIIheRoxbu~/1998 W1IIFeJie~' " '.' rCM .78 ',. .', 6:00 *iB"AJIIhe PraaIdanl's Men' . ~H* "ThtVearol LIvIng I n ouslv' /1982 lID' ·11:451 H% ·Dr.Jll:k" 11922\ Harold IlOvd, . H*·Eat s Bowl or TeI~ 11989' . Cora Mlao, '. .' ltC.EIi'.38 • 36 '. Purlt BaIlIIN!· . c. ' Pslnted BlblelaI17'KlioII4'~lnl '. .. '. PurilV Balli'. .: IPalnled Bablel at 17 .' 'c' ' Para~ii1d Pregnsnl', IPaldProorlm.IPald ProgT!m · TIlT- 12( • 11 19 6:001 U% 'The DUIIicI Codt' 2006 Tom Han1IS...... **1 'The DaVlIicI.Codt" /2006' lMelVlTom HanliS;AIKlrevTalJIilU. 00 .'...... U* 'lhlrtllft OIYs" (20001 Ke~n CoS1Mr.@, .... ; .' JOON 35 • ". SlIrWen' Saturdava FsmJ GUY AmerDed .. Fanlliv Guv; ChiCken... . Gulde,H.11101'1 AllY McGee Th~nos·. Family GUY": AmerDed .Family GIiI' ChiCken . GUIda-HIIIDry .. " ~IS "' 75' ~ • • Monal!r 'Monslll '. ~oMan ~-Man, .. Su...... nf\ .' Su_f1.· Sal~r-Mah '., . Splder""in .,~ .. SU,l!!!.RobotS~Robot.. · Slir·Rlcere .'. X;Uen{il). . Jacklii'Chln"c Slor.flacers • 'TRAY , 59· ... Triblil Riles 00 .. ., Gone Mllllng:Vsnlshed .. Anthony Bouidaln .' The H Tribil@.. TriblilRllei [i!].. .. Gone M~slng: Vanished' . Paid PlO!Iraln" Paid Prog!8m

TRU ... ,''74 0, •• AmerfcanJelf' AmerfcanJsll An\erIcan.Jall' AmerkanJsll Foranslc ... Forensic Forensic,' ForenIIc 'Forensic ".. ' forensic· .' ForensIc .• Foienslc. .... FGrenslc Forensic .' W "'60 • 16 26 RralFamliv '. Aral Femlly' firat Family. Rralf.mllY RrltFamliF. FlnlFamllY flrel Family .... FirstFamily AratFsmllv' Flrsl Family' RrsIFamli'l. Ar,minIlY. Arel FamllV', '. Flrsl Family.' · ~.. 26· 311 21 1I0use'Hall·Wif\OO House.'TooSeaer I) \=, TheSlarlllWIII@/ *"AMarlADlrt' VmDle~LaI9nzTale,IID' j U"1IIeHtI1ted" ·Aclibnl~ll!ClJonos.OO . VHl56 .56 ' Rock of Love ChainlSChoof The Pick Uo Arl/sll\ Rock ill tll~e ChlrmSdJooi .. The PIck UoAr1fsl A .c. , lSCream aueens MaJceovers. tele!:;l!v Rehab...... Naclurnal SlBtefl VS. SO ·SO ' BuIiRldlnll,PBAWDJ'dFina~XVA\ .,' .' .'. Bucked' .' BulIRlc1InllPBRWDJ'df'ma!IXY, A " .. . .,~..·IBuc~d PaldProtim!ll ¥/E'. ,245 - ° '~'Ka1rlna'Jal1ello' MvFlkWecldl . MvFalrW_Vanda' '. BrIdalJllat[ii] ....MyFsl/Wllldln . :TMVFalrWEd~'Wallda' . Brlderll1U:aJ WGN , . 5 • 2113 I Il1OlIfiI1Inr .IHtine..1!!l!!r WGN NiwI ...... Bawllthed "Bewitch'!! • Jeann~, l~nnJe... ' Hilbl.lIIea, '. Hillbillies 1TiieSleve VnJkosShow IN) '. ~ol, Ihe Seeker INI A, Veyron at$667,321. Of course, the Pagani will likely run you quite 'abitinshipping costs. Made by asmall independent manufacturer in Italy, the . '•. PaganI Zonda C12cail hit speeds as high as 21SMPH,Fot speed e.nthuslasts',·however, the real bargain restsinthe thirdspot. While:Ws only.' '. .the,third most expensive carIn the world, wilh aprice tag'of$6S4,400, the SSC'UlliinateAerotbps ouiat 251 MPH and can 90 from 0·60 in 2.7 '. seconds. However, if theSSGUllimateAero trUly tickles yourfancy,you'd bellest to. act as f(ist as the car drives, as industry insiders 'estimate . thatonly 25 of thesevehicleswere ever manufactured. For thoseWho only buyArperican,lhe Saleen STTwin Turbo qouldhethe speed ~ar,f.or.. ·. .Y9U. The fifth mostexpE!rlsivestreetlegar vehicle, the.SaleenS7Twln TtJ'rbo checks in at $555,000 and boasts alop speed of 248MPH;·' .... '. '.

,...... ;. ....'~....".... 01 ...... '~ ~ ; .' ... .. ". . "

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The sl .Rme! 24110ut Des . "OUM lIuntarI " Cuib A' I:.....-~DIS lci5ell· Des IIId 10 SIll Deal non I DIme PIJ8I\II HOUlf: I • MlldirJI.MI!'Iela· . .' , .. ' -..' , . . . . , ,. I Frasier WHI AGrace Will AGlace :;:rIte".,H""ou""sewI=VU=.-'_.,.-",""",.l:Dea::: I Housewlvu ...... '. ,', ...... ;, , . .ul" ',. ", I' : Mov!e ~=r:-~ Varied '::=!lII,-'-r;;;MSH....:B;;;;C";;'NtiO::WI:-;u~va,-..;..:...... ----J:Mm;~O;f,Nr1i1'C~N~~i~Uc':ve-.:-·· -'-,------~~~f:':'E~'--..-"''''"'-.....,.;.:.,_

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'.,' J:, 'KOAT':' '7" OneUfetouve."GeileIlIIHoIDlIaI" ,'":,,.'TheEllen'lleGeneI1llShow ,"', OIll'lhWlnlrev: ' ':" ::'·,Nawl''''", ABCWklNaws"'Nm,:,",,,,Entarlllnmenl ",; '.' : KDBR,: 8'lml: 8 ,4l!!millourUvesR.eIlltIRiV ", "" ::J,[!!!S1.Juov. '" "IJIHlQeJudv "."Nllwa :' ":UnIIdeEdIUO/i'; 'Naw1' :',' NBCNewa',' . NeW!' : .'·5, '" ;, ":1 r KT M,' '.','• • ,,B1DaVi 01 ~ur uvea ' Th.llGckill ',," '"""". The' ElIM DeGanel1ll ShoW, " '0.' ~W1nlreV ,'.' ',J',.:i: " Naw1" .....": NBC, Nllwa ':','" Newa: ". '" ;. Gto"'" lOIlftt," '. ':,,' " ;' IKB M~ :; ro: r.'ii 10 ~ , You -lIettJeQ " Guiding Uohf :. " ,,'',' Dr, Phil, ."",,;" "", Nfi, ,:.' ,'. ilIWI:, :", Ev.hlngN.wa I Newe :"" "~',: ,.", Whial olFoiIune,:: :1 KA y,,' it~" "J.rrdp~Youn, 'C~stIna'ICOurt ,'DIvOICICourt : Dl'lorcaCQUrt,:. J~AIeX" "J~AIeX . JIHlQeKaren ~Klren" J~BrOw11 ~JoeBlPwii, '"I , KFOX,:, ',: , :14,14 .. -: '; ~rItndB'~hd.!n:," ",', M,~lcclJTtoMkI::, Frasier, '.' I!!!!tof~ns.;" '. FI.mIlVGUv ";: K1n.ooIQ~S ;,omn;:' .;". '.' ~ ", 1WllIHalIMan,,· "',.j · KRPV, , ~ ~ " .'. oolUghtolthaSolllhWesl.'. ".' ".' .' VarledPrlllilama. ":'" .," ...... " .... '. Joh~,.~ISIIII, Varled~m~" :',,'1 ~ Varlad,P~ms'.JThe5IeVtWllkOlShOW;, ~" Tha~, 'IB'. ...•. •. i.'.'. : ... Judoe,Jtan!naPIIIO·,.. . .. "',' Jamie FOQ" Wal'lnsBroa. . Frlenda .. ,lIi'ilIHaIfMen" ".11 M.n , . . '1' l .. · :20,""·, ;oorD.meCh~lala.' , ' ,".' .', ,', '. CaIO.Cirrsdo ",' . .'., .' AI RoloVlvoC1ll1Ma a.Celella'· tosPlal.ldol,,' NoU~T.ltmndo '.' UCO~onaa. :.. ',. ". '.:",' 'KL', ,21 ~",., LoII.EreslUh. PalabradeMulel "',',<,., :. ElGonlo vii F1.1¢1 ',', ,,:. ,P~merII11DscfQ.'.'/ .' , .... Nollel", '.', NOUelantUnlv;', QuerlilaEnamlai:' VariedProarll!'M.·,.,,' ,) · KVBA":" ~ -, ',' VariedProaraml . Home-Aritne·. "Varlid~m.' CBNNeYllWlteh' Vtrled~' ,l1JtJooClub','·,.' ":",,.FOCtJa4. ,',," '.' '.. .. JOhnM"':' LaiFaldlek ' ..' , " .... KENW>' 3- ';..~lford,Rtd : R~4RalnbllW Arth~r .'Mavl&!Ilollal, . WPIlIGIiI'./ .' F.lclil Ruff.. :IVlrted~raml BBCwoild NewS.IBuslnall Rn~o:' : ThfNeweHour WIIhJlm Lehlll,:" ":',' .A&E,,' .52· 23 201.ITh 01 :Amerkan,JlI~, '.' ..... 'COIdCaltfllaf"" "'.: " COIdCasefilaf ".~'" . '. CSI:Mlami',.··· . . "VarIed~rema' \','" '. 'AM " ...,48:;' 14 4 11:45iMov.1a'· ~~, " ., '., " :', ·'IMovi•. ,: . . VlrItd~lnI, '. 'f ":, :.'" ",: " '. ' No'IIe ""'. , .' ' . '.' 'PI ····~6·, • 22 ClPCOdliaHoolar . GrowIUo~. : .. "" .• ..' PelSI1r . '. "",.'c' It'.Maor~~', :" ;Warled~ma . . ". '. ..",'" ". . " 'f ., ,BET "': ' .•..•. : ,.0ne.PIIOnt,' StlvaHarvev,,:IStavaH'1Y1V'" S~mGUY' .·:ISnI&rtGUV :: '106&ParICBET'I.~101lv,··. . , ·.,:;IV.rIed~rams:."·:·' ': " BRAVO." ,47, ".,' :OO~Oeslon, VariedProaraml:," , '.,', "'c ,.",".,: ,'", '.' ,::.. ",.,, :".', " .. ' , :', .... ':," :':"""," '" '. ';, :,',',' ,'c ." •• " C, " '44 cl ' 2 15 :ooCloslnaBalI: Closllig,BaIf:,.'····•..·' .. ' ··IF.-IMone",', .. ··. ···.,·.'IMadMOlIfr "; ...•.....• , ,'W.IISIllllC~.II\MPnev. ' ... ,.' VarltdPr~ms , ,:" , ," ,; ,C N:,' . 41·' 17 Newsroom"',' " The snultlonll6Cm . '",'.. ',," ,,', '. ".," ,'.': '.. ,," ,LOu,DobbITPIIIghl'" '' Campliel Brown~ No BIIS',No Bull ~';:" ~ •• 46 ,"" • VIrItd PrOGrams' MADtv, ;',iVaried !W.ramr '. oallv ShoYI . '.JCOlbert ~" IMADtv, ..' ,. MAllt'i 'VarledPrlIlIraml ' IMovle . ," VarladPrO(Jrams."., AN: 95, ", ,; . ',' 11:110 Houseof RlIlflltlifaUv.i, '' "",,'.:', HOUleof.ReorilllllaUves '" ,"" .:. , VI~ml' ,.'", . ", " "', ' Tonight From Washl mOil.', " , : PAN2"" .96 '".' 10:00 U.s, sanato cog ....'.,.... ·U.sSenaIaCO~ ... ,>,,, , ,:' ":IV.rled~s' ,'WII~ , V.~ed~ ", o ',.' .:.'; "'. IrfadPrOOrems:', Joumal:~ IVi~ritnl:JOIJm.Hlul., :~VIrIed~ml: . JOIJrna~W1rt", lV.rItd".!alllml, ' . '" '.' oum~ .' Varlad~ " , 01'32,." 1818 VarladPlPorams'TheF~IFlIei '. '.. :.., ., '., AHlunUna •...... ' ' AH.unUng: :.IVarIed~ml: '. ".'.' CalhCal',:; " CashClb' .. ' :' , 33 '.~MOvIt,: ' ": · .. Izack~: zack&C?dY.lzack&Qg!!L:~rems '.' .,.'; ','. ."',' '.' :':' '. ": ,.' 61' ." '., • V'rIed~ms,.., .", , ,':' ':,','....•. ' ,'.' , ....""., ,.. ·ElNaw1 ·"~'o·" IVarIed~raml, " .' , ~":, P :28:': 12 FootbIIIUve:INFLUv. ,IRome-Bumlng" Aroundlho'1iOiil ,lnterrulltlOll.· 'SIlOt1lCantet' ~. VlriedPlPor'inj'~ ',<' ',' '...... • " '. EP2 . 29 • 3 IZI VIilldProorsrns'" . '.:., ',' '.' '.' '. '. .'. NASCARNow',." ROine-Buinlna .... AroundthaHom IInllllUPllPII ", NFLUv•.. ·IV.rledPrO!lllms .. ',' .. ,', .. '.', ·30 "" ,.' :OOICOl..!!i!.footbll· :,' '.' . ,', CO!:~ootbIlI' .' .... .' ". '. "." Anierlclnlilld~.lora' , Boxing, ¥arledPrOarsms· .. ,.

. 149 • 1121 to Fulilloust: .' SIalelSlslar.. 0 SIller, Siller., Sabrfna.Y/IIch'.', l5abrlill- h Full House Full Houle . Whet IUka" WI\III Uka 'GIII1IlII1lGlrll., : .',' '. 236 .,.'.~rool3ms' Shlmmv ··8PdIelInMollon A1ISIirWortouIJ N~l'~.'. T~SCIllot, Clrdl~Blalt V~ad~m. '" • ~ . ., 45· '", .' Studio IJ,SlnIlll ' YotirWot1dWlth Nell CI'iIII~ Ainar,¥a E1acIlon HQ ..... S I' " ,", The Fpx RtoOrt·W11h SI1IPIrdSmIth The 0 Relliv fmC! .. ~F"".",'.53: ·~:ITVIar·.UlUniit. SanlIlILaa ·.IE~IlaI~n' BllIIOOlCont.,IHomaCOokina »MlnutjMaaI"13O-MInuteMaals'C11II~.. 'GOOdElII ,IVarled~ " to 27 "•• VarledPrtoram. ", . " '. ...., ..,' . .., ", ",' ,,' , i , •. •• ; Varied Proariill\l' .. •...... ' , ..... ", . .. ' .' ...' .. ,I~_IVaried ~rams ".. .' ." . ' .,: ' "" '39"'", VarIed.Proorems" . ,". , .. .' .. ' '" '.' .. ,' . " . '. . "'., '. .... ' '. 4" : 68 ' •• Chaltell..·· ctioalall .' .'IC*'.. "[C;i ":,cop. '" NlnlaWarrlor NlnJ. w.rr1C! AltKk.ollhoShowI .. '.' X.plav,IHIaY '~ ' •••• NoUcla~ .... '~Claro ,Vlrled~IIIIII' Cha~olors ~nCOiola: E1Chivo, EICh.vp ElChrloJElChivo. V1dU.lvIJe' .. ' '. IGOLF' 31· •. ' PGATOUIGOIf p'ld~ram Paid PI ... p.~rem ..' ~~m: lrled~rama'," ...... ', '. IGolICen~al , lGSIi: .63 .; • ~ .... '.' WeabslUnk . '.. Feml~Feud~lnRilellon FamllvFeud' ~remld .... ~. ~~ '., Icateh21 WIioVl.nIII0BuMllllonslre ' " [W:, 69 ••• '.~Hoult' ~ahit/lrledP" ".•..•·IChaera . '~A'S'H. '.... M'A'S'H .. ' Y'A'S'H ..M'A'S'H, ". W'I~TIXlI~ •. ', Walker,T~lItRa~"'··-"'_"""""I il .' '.: ,::. : :J:~~ .'.' VlrledPlOllllrnl' "" ..' ,"W~UICouId 'UfW;lIsCOUld OeslanedlQ5alI" Hou1tWortl17. HoultWortl17 HoustHuntersD.IlQnedlp5eU : IVII~~mi HIST' .51', 31· lIled~ .• ",", '.' ,ItodIn1Marvals .. ,YildemMarvetl" .' UF ;' 23.- 26 "23' ';tOO lIoYIe WIIeSwap' lY/lle ~ .. ". ~. :lRIlla . ,,, SUU SlIndind , SUU SlIndind < Rilla 'IRIlaROCks · LM " u >': : 12:00 MovIt 1Iovft'... " , ' 1Iovft··· .',' , . IIovft ' . , 'MAX:' 322 ! . ~ - MovIe' 'c, , '. ',' . 'IVarIed~rsrns· :101MovIa ". '. .'. Varied ~II\S' ,::," .' .... . :151.Movla, " . 'mc '43,·' ,.,YSNBCNawi MSNBCNaw1Uve· '. .•..• . Ilanlball·. ..", Ract'orWhllaHouIHllVld~ Hardball. CounldOwnWlthKaithOIbtm1lnn' NiEO ~ ::;4: ;.~r:~ IWOwt~B~blF!!!!lOddParenlIV'rIed~m.' .' ". '.' .lsnRIII? ~~~ml' ~oo" .. ~ ,::13. V~~l70a\'1,., .~.!\!.'2!J!!. . '" .. ". ~SG-l '. . . ,IVarledPlIllIrlms .' Movie" ...... ' ~"". P ED .'. ;. PlnkalPehTlnll· ' VlrltdPlO!Iraml . • PIKE, 37" I CSI: NY '. " CSI: NY "E ': T1,", Varied Pr ms, .' .., .' . " .' '. ...•. nEnd. '.' .. ' ~ Cleln IIoOie ,." CIIa" HOUle .'. VlrIed P rams' TBS '. .25 ~. 141.ffi1. YftDear .. ' . .0tieeM· lK!!l9.of Dueei1I~, ~.. ~ . .IFrltnds· Stlnfald' lsetnfeld Faml1Y~ ""'";:"-"IIF.:;:::inl~1v IG~.irI:-:-'-t "

" ~M ".~ .:. ~ ": M '.' ~~~:~T'ke~Chaf "Jon&KataPlut8fJOOaKiItPJut8 WIIa!Jjg!.1aw~. , VlrledP~rams' MovIe .' . in 24 • 17" Bl VarIed~1hI ChIImed' Chlrined .. Law 'Order' VlrItd~n\I .'. . 100N 35 .... '. Chawder .. " 61eetl ,... TolIlDrama ..'... Jooo,-!!lTetl ..... oIohnnyTesl , VarledPlOQIIms' ...... ' : · TDDNDlS 75···· Varied ~ml .' laell &COdY PhMllnd.Ferb· MovIe .' ,.... .' ...;" . '. , '.' .Iveried Proorslils lSnldar-Man ..IPucca .' IFlnlalllCFOUI i1ncredlbla Hulk mAY 59·· ,', ~ nil' ., ' ",..;... .::""".. ' ----r.::===:f.--'_ ...... ~-1 • mu -74· - • A1m1&TrlIl ..INorlhMlIlIon ~11IloIi lHOlPursun; . IHoIPursull WorIif'W1\d11lPOIIciJVIdaOs.I~ , Va~'iiiI3:::ms;-,;;:":,;'==~ IlVLD 60 • 16 26 :0018lllllnll'IHoOan'l Haroaa ~I Heroei ~GrIffiIh~G!IfIIIlj ~(jrlffith ~GrIffiIh El1remfIfOmtl IVarled~:::::ml~' f.:'The"::"~.:::;Show::.::·,-,,IThe::::'.::::CO::.llWr..::!Sh:::::lIlI'-,.-f USA 26 • 30 21 law Order: CI . Law &OnIar:CrItnlnsllntanl . INCIS . NelS'·' NelS Houu . . '/HI 56- sa • Varied Proarsms • VS, 50 .50 • V~~ '. . WE' ·.·.245,· 'Y~ .. .' '. " . WGHS ' 21131 Thi~ IBt.lkeI .IFunnlestPelI JHomeV1deol . lVaried I7thHel'len. IVarIed~ml, 17thJlNven IV.IledProQIIiI1s , .'.

. .,.'. ' ..:, . .,' ..'. ' . . of onion. Heat the oil ina large skillet Over high heat. Add the oQions and.stir until thoroughly coated with oil; Stop sl1rrin~, thsnleave. the skillet onhigh '. ·.heat. Theonionson·1he periphery will start to brown first. Stir them into the center'Of the pan, spreadingthe onions out again Into an even layet.Do .' .... .1 . ..' ". .• '.' ". . .• . ••.. ..@soccasionaJlyuntilallthe onions begin to color. Resist the orgeto stir constantly...... •• . , NoW lowerthe heat to rnedium-Iow and cook until all the moisture has left theonionsjabout 20. minutes. Stir occasionally.The onions should turn a ... '.. .". very dark brown Without actually. getting burnt, Wflenall ihe onions are evenly browned and crisp, drain on paper toWels. They will crispfurtherasthey . .. , . .., .', ',' .•.:.. .•..... cool..Ifyou are not going to use them rlghtaway,storeinth.e refrig~rat~rin .atlghtly sealedcontainer, . ...• . • ...... •.. . .. ~.., ,

" ." ..., '. . . . ' ... . _J;' " , -', "

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'. .j ,', , " ..... , '.' ,-,I;.;'" ,'.\,., " .. "",:".':,,1,,_' I," " ;,",:," 'j" ",,'~ \ MONDAY EVENIN_G.,' .' . A~ Alam'"0 ordo fH:luldosoU -AlamQo(dcrliHFC ·CloudcroftH ~Hi h~RolIS','i' ;':,,;'.: .::","NOv'EMBER.3':200S:. r 'A Rue H II I: II : ,I " II II I" I I II I II I II I ,~, ~ 2 r6, SarahConoofChronlties', rlsonB eak . " .' 'Ne!'lUF.' New,ala '. JeoDa" I' Soullll'ark' ,Scrubs. Sexsnd-C "'. " Frailer,lID:, &tiaNfrID,; SClUb~'@" • .' H~U~'Fof .' • .' AnUoull Roadlhow INI rID ", Frontllne."lha ChoIca 200B',,() lID IDVS\, ":,,'TaVlaSmllev 11 lID ,,' ,> ' 'Charlie-RoDIN 'O'IID ',' . AI~ , ,,'"f ,",' ; , " ,','... •. "" ,'1" 11 Big BanoTh .IHewIMet'lWoMen ,,', WoJltW..k CSI:Mllml!Wrec!cln' Crew' '.,Naw.,'N'· 'lal!lShoYi-letterl11an" .:'l:8teU\eSh01l." ;":':, P.aldP~ram' PaldProoramPald~' ,1.1 6 ,. lllInclnaWllhtheSllIra Sarne-.davTaoa (). samantha ..... :02B.ostonlacial lID News ' '. :35INillhtll1e • :II6,JlmmVKlmmelUve/Nl ", 'KlngoIHIII",· HollyWood,' 'Enlertalnmenl Hatctml, ',' , u:--r ~ ImDanclno WlththeSllIrs saniiH1a Taoe () Semanthe ".' :02Blislon leoat NlID" .: Nev/a N lID. " '.,:", lOS Nlohtllne"; :361 Jhillriy KlmmeIUve!N)" , The]nslder '". WlII&'G~ce"', Pal~ram' ~" B:B !.ill 4 Deal orNo Peal INIIliJ Saturdav NlalitLlve PrealderiUeI Baah 2008 ()IID. '. .. News N " TheTonlllhl ShoVioJal\.eno' • HollvWOOd '·Ilate Nlnht.Con~nO'Brien,·' ,Last C~U • :351Niws " ' , • , 9 ONtO/NoDeal NltID '. saturdavNloht vePrealdenUelBaah2008 N·()lID ". Newa N.: TheTlinl htShoVioJayLeno ' , Late~.conanO'Brien:,: laIlCoU':, ;jJS PokerAllerDarklID '>, ': 10 1 !i9l1r10 • BlgBanaTh Howl Met 'lWoMen WoalWeek GSliMlaml 'Wrecklna Crew' Newi,1ID ,l:8tfShow·lJll1armell ';, .,·,LatelaIeShOw.,. ,..,PaldProgram', :0 Naws. PaldP~ram. ,. 12 28 '• CoIab~Exoos6 1M iii: .... Maglc'i~secrots.·. RENO 1U RENO 91R Punk'dliil .. Punk'a1w' Coos "lID. : CODa tllID'ln!i ofHIU' : King or Hilt Famllv Court' Hiltchell.., . , 14 14 ' ,Sarsb Connor Chronlclea p!!!g!Break INl rID NeWI. NlmJ >, Simosoila Selnleld rID.,:TMZ N\@ Seund-CII\':I.; Frlends ., Frls.lar,WJU& Grice RENO Slit. ' mY... lill 18 9 • ,Uohlof the Southwell U elaraal V. Slliamanca .Url/farel ,Christ·Proph UIJ(/lIe'laraet RlcO:Co/1lS '' Ughtoftha.Southwes! I.. "..,,".. '.: ',i .. ,:,. , . ,lliL-, 20,·, Oot1a Barbara EIRolfrodeAnella Sln5enOlnoHavPlralso·.· .clero ; Declslones' . ';,\,' . .' Declelones.,. .', • ; Failldo.• ,"~. Pelado ',:, P~,i!. ',: . IJ\l,lIZ • _ 21", Culdado conel Annel .Fliegoenlasangre'. Crillina : .' .lmDiiclo. NOllcleto :.'La.HoradelaRIsa:'·,.' AmarteesMIPecado," ",CIIIsI~os . '. Clbl~Humor , .. , ~,. _ . 1m, '~I" COrlnlhLlva. IPerrvSlone CBNNewa Rlchard-Undl8 Rilberts,,' Primarv;: o"'o'.Focusl'· ,," ":':.", . In-Cto$shalre: MU~ .. ';' OUICKS"~:dellevers'. : KENW • 3 • , ,Anllouel Roadlhow IN11i!J To~ Annoullted .'.' . Tracka,Ahead E=, AntlouesRoadlhow () lID,:, NavlaHour With Jim Lehrer .: ',ClassICAriS sh~VlCase," " ~ 52 ' ~ 0 InlarYantlon 'Charlos" tID ISurvlved tIDlThe.Rril4l1lID . .. .Intervenllon lID '." 'InlervenUon'Charles"..lID, ".I.Survlved lID,· '" .. ,' The First 48 lID '' ," .AML_ ': 48 • 14 4 8:001*** * 'RocltY'119781 Tal~),I!!ra' ',1H,** 'RockY' 1978 lliamiliSvivostor Stallone TaiiaShlm: ' " ..'. , <** "PhlladalDhle1!1993t~omanks,Fl~hJs IIrmlaW'ier WilhAIDSflQh\$baCk.: '. ' "" lAP.\.. 36 •• 22 Anlmel HalO1ls Phoenix Animal Heroal Phoenix Anlmal,Haroes Phoenix ,Animal Heroes Phoenix ....' Animal Heroes phoeniX" ;, Venom 911 ,lID • '. Anllnel Her,Des Phoenix ' '. .. 6001 ~Tnl1h2 at ~OV*1a ~ 'I~~' .DEL IfI:1 4' •• 'F1: l pMoVla W N M*DV!acSD. road arltn l'Ihei'sA SlalulHiil .'ch''...... " ':R"b'l 'Wi'I'II"; " 'I'Lo:.. 'do' 'p.' "':' 'I1iiWlre:() lID I. at' W: 'Th' W"I" WI';i.,:()IIDIIiiJNWrld ...• '.. 'I' DHAY2.- Lm 7 ' , • fhassI Alltho"avfNI K~ s'/2OO2\1 n~rs nson'Moun\;' , '. ~'Pal Adama~lI.99l on r ams, Dania n n: rem..ra: "': "0 '.0.", 0 eS,d. '; • ' ... ~, -m44 ' 2 15 OnthoMo~Y ThoBlaldeaWllhlleul1ch .cfMIdMQMV ~"IMOnev,: ,CN.BCEurOlJl'.~PaldPlOIlram paldPioQri~PeldPrOgram: I~ald~ , ~, ,41, 3 1 urIY KlnoUveiilJ Anderson Co~ [ijJ '. ~Klnil Uve, AndirsonCoooer 360 lID ,,' ,.. Andersod Coooor360@ .: ' , LarlY K1nilllvo, .•• '-. :. , - '. 46 ', '''N~' IR~NO 9111 Scrubs rID ~bs jiJ Oallv ShoW .IColbert Fu1uiama () ISciuth Paril.. South Park, '; Futura.mal\ '. DallvShow ". .IColbert , .' '. ChQc. News S,511vennan . .,;. j 95 ',, 8:00 Tonloht From Washlno on Clollal Newa rOdav ..' ",'j , •', , " .:." TOday In Weshln on' ,:, ,,'" ,.,' ' . ~ " , .., Tonloht From Washlno on CaDIIII'NawslOday , .... . ,..:' "' TadI'! In WUhln on,", '; """ ,: , I•,, ,Journalln Euro(1lll~ Journal 1m Focua Joumilin Talklnn JoUrriel ",' . Proll\6' JournaUn . . IInFotus . . Jouma~Wlrt . GIDIlIT3000: " Jourria~Bua, TOlnorrow 32 ' 16 18 CalhCIlb CaahCab HOIVoMade How-Msde ~. ONlrcived" Inves.tJ~linXNI· . :PloBoliibJNI . ,,",' HOW:Mlde, . HOw-Msda' DeslrOved' DesliOyad' '. 33 . 33 2B 5ultel.lfe ~ck&~ ~k&CocIv, Han,Monlane ~Blid·l9971Mldiaaljetor.~-t.\!L'··' , . WiUrda'"ILUooetek.'· zack~' Han.Monlanf 'That'.naven. Corv , , 61 •, ,Girls Girls Dr. 90210 Annwarsarv, INI EI Newl , Cheliea, . ICheisaa ". 'Tha SOuo. ,Dr,90210Anni'lo.rsarv,. '.' Kerdaahlans', Chailla ," . EI News . " The,DallY 10 , : 28 ' 00J!12 6:301 NFL Football Prllsburnh Slee~rs at Was!)i!lS!!nRedSklns.llJve SoortsCenIelIUvellID" '. . . '.' '.' ~FLP~NI'IID::" . SllOrtlCenter IUve\lD):,: ", "CoI!;9!,.FOlltbaU" ,: .... "1 29 ' ~b 2 2008Wor1d~aaoIPoker 2008Wor1d5erieaofPolulr El60 " . . Festbleak ·.INASCARNowlID,· ". '.. NFLRlrila' ". C~F06tbsIlTeamSIOBGAi1nolJnce(f:'''' ',,:' ... ' ;. , 30 •• ,Who't Number 11 Illl Amar1can Gladlalors lID Rodeo:t998 PRCA,' AWA resUlno,. .' '., . : ilBQiln ,: .' . Boxlno.· . Bo~no .," '. " '.: 20116 WorldSerlea of Poker' .' '"-,-.. 1'::, 49 '1121 10 My Wlfe-Kldl lMyWIIO-Klds 7QsShov/ . 70s Show .*b'Thi 'I('12004Roma anGoSlI,;rt'RachIllMcAdams, ,"", . The 700 Club lID",' '. samurslGlrllID ,: ' ;, ,",' !flL" 236,,' JuIlCookThlaIWl1h5am I.owCorb Low'Carb Qecadanca l~denes . JUlleoomlllWlthSem .' LowCarb.ILowtafb., ,pold~m'IPald~m' pold~am,IColonDelOx' ' ~_n"---':' ' 45 ._:" ' HannllY&CoImtslID On the Record-Van Susteren The PReilly FaclOl Hannllv&Colmes' ,,' ,,' .' On the Record-Van SUlleren .. ~.•... '" ". '.' Red ,'.. ' : ". " .L>!l!l!... ~',' "Unwraplled Un~~ Drnlll Diners GoodEatsU~ U~~Uri~~'Dlnerl'IDrnere" GoodElts,;'UnWrl~ GoodEltl ·.~tonPlate" I; 27 ' • ,Spotlight World Poker Tour. Sealon 1 Latlnolnfluenee-Buaball" . EricBvrllat SllQIIlghl,·· . FllllliSCore . A~R8es,'" ',' .' ... ' RnIISCOtt. AlrRece .': '.' .' .. , Erl~Bvrnti':'1 OC', ..- ..:, G:OO} Fox Football Fone-In Fox 5occerReoort r~l IFox'foolball Fone-In . '. ' .. . ForSoccar RBDOit@.' SkY'§~~ews LlVel . ~r:" .;...... J, .", 39", 'XXX: Sr.t, 01 the Union' H 'Bahlnd-Unn"12001 ActlonlOWom'W1son. ' **~SfIleollheUnIon112005Acl1onllce·CIiIle,. ' ~' COmfort", ~. PaJdPlOIIram ~t : j! ,,', ' 'Lnll'Tha23rdPsaim' H*K'ThiROadW.rrIOI" 1981lMeIGlbSon.Prenilere, '.' .... Allatkofthe~· .. '. X,Play .': .1X.plav .... 'CoM()·IID,· Coeall.oo~TOlallV." GAlA "_ . 'lIJuaada IJsNotlclasporAlIelll . NollclaroJ08QulnL6pu', ~lerO'TD Vlvlanu la Madlanoctie', : '. HumorEl 'LocOI,. ; t/eCesllounsAmloa ' ," :GOLF - 31,"" u.s, OPin Goll HIQhllghla Tha Tum INl ' LearnIng . LeSSO"1 GollCtntral u.s. 'Oilen Goll HI htlahts ..' The TUm ' , lJIamlnn ." LalJons.. GoII central Moreeael.Hlahll hlJ, '·~,'.I' ~,' 63", amlly Faud FamilY F.eud Cllch 21 tID Pvrsmld lID Unoollll Whammy. 'enMllllonillra" .' '.' Oue'lIon ':, ,ICamoullana' m Tllil '.. NOwVou5ee .What'a"'lna ' Nama'.Se~, .llALI. .~ .-=-' . *** '511111. Plain and T.II'I19911 Glonn CloSe, lID Murder She Wrola () [ill MtilderShe Wrote () [ii] ; !i!lkerTexlS Raood) '. .. Wal~ Talai Rana« 00 '. PaldP~ ~ald Proaram: .H82 • ~~.'. ~ • H * '~'I\d the Order lit the Photnli' 20071 'PG.-13· 00 '.. '. Cllzaqtie UlaJ,'IImes, H~ K'A~(20071James McAvllV,I'I'R'@:, , :3sa* 'Irilroduclno the DwI.ohtJ'(20071, , D, 1m 54 ', ,BloAmazJliQ'rmapoleotlll IHoU18 Housl Ext Uvlna B~60x DeaiQi1ed-5e11 CuibAni>a.tI/IlIQAmaz!(lII!HldPolenUaIIHOUla. ' . HouD", ' ExtUvlnd' ..'B8VOiid1iox '. .ltlSI 51, 31 • H* 'TombItone'I1993 Was/om KurlRIJSSellVal,KIlmer . . WiId'West, Modem Marvel. ii] *** 'Tombatona! 11993 WBsleml Kurt Russell Val Kiinal " i' '·Wlid Wasl ' , . JJEt. 23' 261mit*** ~Jonas't Dl1lV1 12001 Ra~~ Will &Graca. ~& GrKa FtislerOO. Frellelilil : Rill Rocks' Goldan1llri. Tha Nannv 'IPaldProgrsm Paid Pro rim Pald'PIDlIiarii : .uML "64,,, 6:00 'A FamilY Loll' 00 'EvelYU Saconds·119l1.llimY.!'ielz. Ga~ P'GralN,r,!,PJ.,' .' " 'Al'~J1J,0I1' 2OO~ G1bb' Daniel .' UNA MuI'ilar~MorIIlaln'I1999MIchele11ll.: ' 322, •, 8:00 'Thi~ 120071 t.'OntMIPad Call' f2OO8fI\ ~PG·l3' ,. Cood ,SlxGames·. Sex Gm, **'Thilrt'oll'lal"'i20001 Weslel:S!lklell. () '~~ WBecaulO1 SlId So' " ',' ' , 43 •" ,Tha Rlchel Mlddow Show CountdoWrioOlbOrinann Tha Rachel,MaddoW Show Hardball lID .,.,.... . Whlla HOUl8', " '. . Tii!Rl/)heIM~ow Show . . 'Hanlball@ . .', , •. '. , IC : 58 '•• Locked Uo AbrOJd Teboa Punlshlnc tlimlnals, seerats 01 the FreemalOns Locked UDAbioad '.' Taboo P~n1shlno crimlilalll, la HReal? ':Blofrior n 00 DanlleroOs World 'BGaclles'; ~~__-_-t ,134 ', 24 DralullJ~b lDrskelJosh Zoev101 () ICiriviir DorathaEXDlore~@ HomtIIiiD, Homalmo; '.. ~ •. "...~ " Fam.Mat.l~am.MlL " Hciinalll\ll.IHoillalm.o;" , ~O • 13 ' lost 'Aba f11ill LOll 'The Olher 4B Oavs" . Gurren IGull1!n Dtsceodanls Dtsceodalitl RlplIY'a BelieveR 01 Notl . The Hiles "V/elWlred' liil:· ' Dark ~Rushod' rUJ ' , 343 •• ,6:151***'BIlIvEillot"ff :151*H,'Yllrof~· ... lltxtar/iTVlnOO. ··.·COlifonl··..... ICalllom .... Br~~()@;llexf~noo' .. 157 .• ,NlSCARCOI1fldanliaIiN Barrett'llacklOn ~asiTimt ThlsWeGklnNASCAR .. NASCAR.Coi1fldintlal '.'. BllI1!lI.JackiOli ,,'. FlirmUIaDrI1t5erlas, , 3T :1lWt151 ** 'D~~ 1OOf"Aetlonl.Fkiree Brosnan. HaRe 80m/: n lID. ' CSI:NY"lheRlde;ln'@ . StarTrtk:Vovaoer n@. ,; SlarTrek:IleeD~NIna . 7DlVs'PIiIle Parkor@ . '. . I ..sml ': 77 :' ,Blg~ Loser ~.I Loser Clean'HoU" .~~t Lo"r· . B~II.Osel· , . Extrema MaklOver() 00 .. ,Paid PrOllram· {Paid proaram lDL__ 25' 14) (61 FamilvGuv Fo~Guv NI01I II E1rl INlmaIs E1rl Selnle,~[il] SerandoCllY· Solnd:CllV 1*,*~·_l996,~...Jsoo,lID· . : '....g·E1IzabethloWn·,20051@· " " ~ • 78 ', ,'RlI1ibrand1' ***'ThiBlrrtltldWimooiaSIrItt~/1934\.1ID '151 ***'ThiPrlvalsUliDlHanriW' ," . :1M~953JB8n~Jm. ... 'lIIn-IInder'" ". " :n.c.'- iIi 38 ' 36 • Jon &Kate Plul8 INI ~ .17 Kldl g. Kids LHie- Peoola U\1!e Peo~..Jon &Kala Plula 00, .. 17 KIds .:. 117 Kids: ..': UltIe P Ie' .IUIllt Peonla, Paid PrOoram' IPald proorsm ' J!lJ 124' 1 19 Raising ttie Bar Reilino the Bar ~:ID Bones 1110 Holn the She··Clow'SUdden oeal!\~· Rlilainatha Bar lID ': .. ' .... . W1thlll4l'Traet noo· 'WIIhOlitaTrace'AlRost', '.' EW' ~nYTest FamlIYG~ Fam~' :Famllv~ " 7355 c-;' ' ,JohnnyTasl 6teen TOialOrama F.mllYll!!I., Chlc'en- VenturtBros.' Mtlal' '.: HomaMovles MlpkinHIIt '. Chicken, > ,• R~ Rinlltta Monllel PUCCI :ill ~.' TI1a A:!rs, 'I§an . ~n VanoYol ~OO·, Jeckla ChanSlar,Racera X:P.fen 00 .. Jeckle ChanSlar·RKtrs ... ' .. P~rsm ~ 59 ' • ,Bizarre Fooda-Zlmmem IAntI1o!1Y Bourdaln I AnthOllyDoui1laln Bourdaln .... ' . BtzirreFooda-Z1mmem .'" . AnIl1onVDoui1laln. .. '. . Paid Paid PIDlIIIJil .. ' Jll!L-, ' 74 •, ,Smokillll Gun: Oumbelt tDB!llIIl I ForsnllclForel\llc Ski PI~oI SklPatrol, .. S Gun:Dumbei1· .. . Moat Darino; ..,' . ,,' Forensic '. . Forensl~' .. ' IY.I.D 60 • 16 26 ScrubsOC Scrubsili; 3n1RockoSun IMY1hs .ExlrOmaMIlulover.Homa C~ShoW Co~Show M'A'S'H@M'A'S'H@ . ~n . (Hillbillies : ' ILova~ lJlVe-Bea'ier" 'USA" 26, 30 21 6:00IWWEMondovNlahIRewIUval () w : NCIS 'OI1Ce 0Hero" LlII& Order. CilmllllllnlenL . !.OOIMonk@.'; .. ~OIiIIol"l2006Actlon\W .'. s;oo , .. '~ 56 • 5& • !leal Chance of Love IN! () Scream Oueentllil.() [ij] : Real Chanes 01 I.cva ScreamOueensO:OO...l)!)!,.Plckl1p Artlst () '. "~b . .'...... NOclUtIiIl Slate ()./...... ' ,Y5.. 50 • 50 ' NHL Hockay Hockay *K ' kfl'll988JackieMason,IID*" . kl'/l98lliJackle Mason: [jJ .·,cW~kcaoe 00, ' '" '.' PaId~ram . ... 'tit. - , 245 '• 'Glrltriends () Glrllrlends () Brkle2lIlas Ii!; MyFolrWaddirn . AmazJngWeddlnoCokes 'Brid!zlllasOO .. FaJrw~~. '. AmazJJi!Weddln Cokes· •. ~ lCon1erGaSThaSteYtWl~. ..pald~, WGN lB. 5 ' 211131 ALF () ALF () roc WGNNmstNlnelNl;ro ScrublOO SCrubs[JiJ l1ItBoil0ndTomshow . REN0 911t: PalliP .,

-. ;

"., .' '. " ..' , . The acknowledgamentthat we are npt invincible and will potentially ne~d acontingency plan for madl¢al care and asslslarlCeone dayJs not something that allpeople are: Ein~ious to '....•..••.. make. After all, many do not want to advertise their weaknesses or humble themselves to ask for help. However,plarmingahead fot]ong;tefmeare isaflnanClal and Iifestyledeclsion. '. , that Is prudent·· and one that should be begun ear~ in apersorl'S working career. FaUlrlg10 h.ave. aplan in placemeansfamllymembers andyourSelfwili beior~d,lomakeimpo~nt ." decisions when acrisis arises, or at worst at atime when you may nOI be physically Or mentally,inshapetomake cholces;(lmay also maim you have10 expllndmore money or risk; . gelling taken advantage of in your Infirmed state, something that may be avoidlld if you plan ahead. As soon as you begin llamlnga stable salary, arid definitely when you gel married ' ani start afamily, It Is awise Idea to sit down with afinancial and eslate planner andlalkaboull/le steps to takllto reach someserilblance offinancialfreedomirl your golden'yeaf$.. '. '. These discussions should most definitely touch on options for managed care or· assisted Iiving,shouldthalroule be neSdect: Aftar aplan Is in place, here ~re some o!hersteps to taka,' . . .'. . "".,...' , ." . , . .. ,,', .. . """ " .. " .. , '. ',-," '. ...- ~ !.;. '.. . ,~ • . -• , . ,'.' ,.,', ," .... ,: • .. ' . , ,

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':(2:24)~1hu.5:30p.m,.'.' :.' \"' ..; c" '"~ ',':1 ,<"~J'" ."'1hJeUes~ ~:. ',: .'. ,",".' , :.. '.".' : ',' .. :. ",', ><'.>'.:, ";'R: ... : ',: .. ***(CCl.(3:OO)TNT· ". ,: "y<. '. ::' 1 ,.' ,':. 'A' "',,' "Df.!iy'oanclng" ***:O"(CCj" ,',.' .'.... :-,,',' ,'.. ,: '" ";"'.' ,,':.';.:1 :."All II1e'Presldelit'li Men'" H#', ;'Eal : 'Tea"*** (~ublilled. 'I(fDl)Sal~ P'~" . :: 'The Road ,Wafflo(\ *H~(~~), ,12:00) UFEsat:a P,m., . .,,: ' , ',.,' . ,,' : ." I (2:45) TCMSun. 6o.m•.. , ". a 2:OO)"C"Sun:'12ain', .... '.' .'. K' .' ~ROC~:,BP*.m*,,11*~(2·:303~imAM·'C; .j;'~ 6 . ,..', ,"", V· ,: ';'" , '''', ' '~AJ""';'F8mQus'{**·**OiCC)· '''''''':lhe'n;.L::, *"**'(" , '.',',,. ' ,::".J .*, ". 'I , "M'.: ." .;, . ',:' :,.. '1" '1" .' '/' "'~ · .' '/I''''', , 'C , ':,' \ , ,1;1''''' W'''lI''!' 2;00) G4 :' "Kw8Idan'" *** (2:45) T"M\'.,JI~""",. p.m.j'8:30 p.m., Tue. 3:30p.m.:. .' ..... , . .' .'", , .' ." "',' , (2:02)MAX,Wed.3p,m.,', Wed.BR.m."".': ': ..... 12 m . '.' ,. "RockyJI:.***'12:SQ}AMCTue.S''T!ieVallev.OlDeclsloo''.***\CC)', .. " .. · uApoIIo.1~' ***~,(3:(J(J) selFl ',' ~~laEsPraQue,MfAln6" ***~ . 8: ,.'"": 'o,in:,B;30 p.m,;Wed:~::lOp.m::, .. (2:1 SlTCMToe, ,11 p,m,' .' " . .'.': I '., ,Sun,1:30.p,m; " ':" , (2:00) I01lOSun.:2 p.m ," "',,L' . I'RockyIII" '*** '2:00)AMCWed &' l.n"NMc!ilria H* (00) (2'30) . ",. ' " '''AlOnement'' ***H) (CC)(2:D3)" 1., ' "!he" .'.", ..'..\,' '\"~"" ";, .". . • .", ,HB91hu: 1p.l1t, ~.lQ:;JO ~.m.i ". ~~t~*~~~LE~:·ieiti81 WellpOn'~ .** * (~~r :Pit8l~ H~ PIclU~ S/ioW,IC", S~n, ~30a.m., "" ..' , (,:'1 .' ." B'" .' " p.m 10 pm '. .'. . • B.RAYQ Sal 7p,ll).,.9,30 p.m, ,. *** () (CCrl2'001 KASY lbu 7" '. W····· D• I · ":, :.' ,'.' ." . "E~"'*H~OO)KASYS~n3 "~I Weapor12" ***~'(CC' 'm' ..... ".. : , .' ' .' " .... '," . '.' 'I ,)'BtindOlerOl~' ** * leO) j2::jO)' '. p,m, :.;. .. ,', • J2:39) ;mrWed)l p.m., 1:30 a,m, ,'P.R~I~ ~ ~~"*** (00) ,.'WarGanie's'~ , *** lC91.(2:30l, .. ,:",' .' AMCSaUO::ljlam. " ". '1hQ~orCI$l'! ****,(CC)(2:30l .ywaWOIllell ***~ °(ee), 12:30)AMCTua:t:30a.m,· ".' ~C:rue.l1P.m.,~ed,10a.m. ,. . ',', I ''The sa_of,Wlrop$ Stieet", BRAVO Fri. 11::lO-am. 9p.m: ." (1.58) HB0111u:,9 a.m;. .', ,~Ropil" ***(Ce)(f:30)TCMWed./ Wlllerl~ Bridge, ,*** ,(CCh . 0 , .': TC~IIloo. (Zoo)T~~Wed' ~.p,m.: t:**'(CC)(PVS) (2:00) -:: ::"',".':. ,M..· ,,,1,p.m; ..' : < H .. JDVS) .,: .'. ' . 7'30pm .... '., ,,:' .", ,F· '. .. .' , .'. "Ro$eI1iarY's SabrI ***~ (CO) 'The,WeddlngSfl)gel', 'lttl (\ , , ' ,,,~,~ *** (CC)(2;30)BRAVO ."l! FaCe lri lheC~d~ **'*"(cq' "'n11l' M~n ,From Do~n Under~ (2:1~~Fd.12:40p,m. ,', ,!2:OO)VltH~,7p.m"s,a1, 5p.m. .::".,: Thu.l0:30am.' , '.. '(2'16) JCMsat.e pm ',. . ~**(1;4.5).TCMMon.l.),5a.m.. . . ""'S'" ".' 'TheWeddlngSlnger' ***(CC), . M' . "B8troanBeglriJ"**~(3:00}Fx,,,Father'oi1heil~" :*** tI '~ManFI'OlIILaialnIe.***~, ..,. '. ,.' ,(2:0\l~.FAM,~t.10p,m;,SunI5;:lQ. . M' : >. ' · ,~~.~: ***'(CC) (1'~) TCM" rl:4~SIf()W SUil•.1:30p.in, '..... '..' ,!~oo~:a~:O~~I; *** ., ~'I~~Iids)TC~t~Ifl18" :'***. (Ce)'f.t{ Abo~:Bob?;! *** (CCI . ..K .,:',;: '< ,'FO:3P:~" , .. ' ~"" '~: ~' *** (ee)' !~:30)KTI)OSUn;4:30"p.m,,~ .. 'Sai'a/i;Pl8lnJ,~a"i,***(ec)'(2:00j.TIi$.wed,l2:30a.m.. · ..•.. :·.Solution·, .:.' .' · uBilly Elliot" (CC),(l:50) .IUclub~~;~~(~~I~~~6 "TllSlkCM'~driI 9~45' Via~re,\,*** (1:1~ (2:00)HAwMOn.7p:m.. ./..."WhIltiZomble"**~(1:1SlTCM. . 'DilvidCaruso.,: .: '***n ~' SHOW"Br8ckandBIUei~***:(Cc},I2:oo),MOO; 6'15p.m., .: '.' P.~''lI'Soo, 4 '" ,J , ''1Tle~'" " ".. .. .'''The(l:~lMAXMoo.S81i.. ***% () (CC), Frl; l2:15 p.m,· '. . .",.....:.:.--:-:""'~:,..., .' over l.miand", ***& (1'45)' ***%{\ (CC)(2.16), 6p.m: .".' .. '; ,'. .'. '...... ,.,."... . ,.: ,. ...: '. LMNTue.8 p.m" W~J? p.m.· , TCMWed lOng , '" ' ,,~Slll. 9:30am., 12:fO~m. : "setondhand Uohs" *** (ee)· :FREDERICK .FRENCH. 'MD. :.', ,inM~F~~:*~*(CC) ::"~& MI~~~MJdn~ght"~** (~(~H~l1t.:t~ll, 'J=~~i~2'~~*(Ccn~~1 .. ', .... ',' ' . '. .I" .. '., .::;: "B I' 'C'· / Plea yef (2:00)TCMTue.2p.m. Thu.310pm '. HA,f'Sa!.·12:30' 9'0/\' ,. R :;/" l Oi,,£,' .' ., " . pfll: .Ullural . mG~' '''fIuahed AwaY""*** 11 (CC) . "Me8nGlrfl***(CCj(2:00)FAM, ,"" 'p.m., :lNgm.. '. ,...... tJlJUi$iJl I~J" '" .. ', '.' '. ~oi~~~:*~A ~:'~*~cci{~OOj~. ~~p~~m*** ~~~~,;!o~,~~ GASTROENTER6~OGIST, i) (CC{ (:C}(3:16) ,'B,OARDCElttIFlW . ,i' (CCJ(I:24) MAX Thu,Bp.m.. ' .. Thul2:30am;' .. 11'EO'ift 8P.m· . ShOWSuslnll$S.. Th& ,R01ld. to. Fi_JF' h MD'" ". 2Q811 "R'Od N" mlillldllme Identlly'\ ***'(CC)'~FOibldden PJaneI" **** (CO) ,,' "1'1". "*** () (Broad\vllY"*** 0 jCC) (1:42) "1 ~~' rene" conrln~esfoleep311enlS31 " ~rtln' UI 010, .ew, " ,': · (2.'30jUSA'SaC,6:30 p.m.; Sun. 2:30 JDVSJ(1:451 liCM Sal4:15p,m. _ (r35) vm:'S:15 .m.. CC) i ·~HOW'1liu.B:45a.m, "., '. :M~fO' You ~ C:*l1our~llkeat 888'353~17Sor(5P~) 623-144~ for an .... . e·m• ""',, ...... ' ~Freedom Writers" *** {\ (CC). "Mise " '***. I)~C()J (2:00) . '1Tle ~~ MoVle*~* O. appolhtlnent ~ ~uld~SQ.: ,'...... , .. , Boys on 1he SIde ~** (2:30) WE (2:00) SHOW,Thu.2:55 p.m. 'KA$Y~ i p.tn. .,', ~~~T.~Iua'A'&~'(1'55) Or; Fl'loclllr:eCi3h~ In d~es of.lhe II0tulcl):.I!ver...gaIlblj~der, alon~ wub colon " · ~ltj.am, Ii • .,' G '., . ''Mr. smith Go&a to Was/1I0gt0n" MAXThl' . ~ ~. ", C3J1CCl saecnlOg lCrvlro.Dr,F~ncl1'~SQ~i1,~ In4i~tl o~ the.!tiUIUla~e . (~l ~:sa~ ***~ {\' .', . : .' **** (CC)(2:15)TCMT\l6,1:15 ,,,~.~~,T"*~:~,,~{(~oo) bow~and~~pcrfDnncndDSC?Plcp'lottilurC!lJl~udl.ogcql~no$~IC!,uppercndQ" ,~:nSS1Obt'S~~" *** .~mo:An~~· ~m. '. ".' AMCTue,lO':OOam.· ' .. lCOPIC!311dpIUammcnms~RUldoSQfor~llCnl.7~~' ... ', .~", ". '.' S" ",'. · J~:2.4}S~OW$al~30P,m.·jt~~~Su;1~:~ ,',(~) .•~~ Dvh'mllti" *** (CC) FXWed.8a.m. T., .. ' ;,;'tF ~ tstntl1· '. ClenCe , .'. , Charlles Angel~ . ***J)IG!JI'ThtlGre!ln"'11e' H*li(3:30) t=J«(2:0Ii) COM MOo. 5:30 p.m., Tue, 9 . .'f.·.. . ~,~, ...,. (1:38) MAXSal6.15p.m.· .. ' .. ''liue' 4:30pm' Wed 'l:30'p'm" . am. . .' ''Ii . !let, Pel" **·*·(CC·I (200l ') /.' ',",", . .' "ClearandPl'e$eOlqr' *** .' , "'.: •. "ANljJl1lmareilll ElmStreal" *** .~ s....: I";.>::., " •...... · .' ,. '. ' .'. . . '. TCM rue. 12.m, .. ,'...... ; . ,. '., . .' .. . . , :

..: .,", r ...... HBOWed 2pm' , .' , . .' ..,. "MOIl lpm. ;J,.. ". ,', .' " . "1I8IlPv~" -:~. .. KInd" ****(3:00)AMCSill6 ***(l(Cc}(l:48) "NiJlleBetlf. ***n (CC)'(l:4B) "rb8nliYOUlotSl11oklI19."*** , '"V,: '> . . '. . .': p.rn.,SlJll.ap.m..· .. ' HB(lSun:,l~p.m.• Weet Balli.' SHOWWed.l:30am. '.' (CC)(2:C())COMsa111p,m"Slal.5 '. '"..,),'::': ' ":~:;:' ...... , (~l~~ *~* (CC)~1IatrY Polterand II1eQrderril1he '' Op.m,·· Ii" '. ". '. ' •• ' ~cttk ':. "i:onie~Mormng" ***(cc) . Phoenix" *** fl(CC)(2:18)HBO. "OCean'sThlrte&ll"*** 1'\ ICC)'.~IlamiIIon' n~n" ,***~ . . /t'Y·.·. From IQcal politIcs 10 . \LMN' '6 l' 0 .' .". . Moo,10am. 7p.m, '. '... I' '. . '. I (2':15jTCM Wed. 11.45 p.m. '. .... '.' '. d I . I '( th· t · '. 12::00f •. .'. pm.,,, p.m. ••. .1loIes~*** (CC)(2.$) FAM sat 2:02) HBO Sill 3:45 p.m.. '. .','1hekila &LouIse~ ***(2:30) WE . ...•.. . eve op'men s.a ejar '" ·"Co!)1I~ Ip ~ H* n 7:30p.m:.~,l'am. .." .' .. ~Sky" H*n (CC) (2:00) ,lhu.9:30p:m.,Fri.f1:30a.m. . '...... reathes~ftheglobe, , iCC)(1:56)MAXToo',12a.m.. '. . "Holidaylleelt" ***(CC) (2:00) USA'Too,12"a.m,. .' . . "The1Nrig" ***(2:00}SCIF1lhu,. there's awide woMo£,: .. ComInand~. ***~(CC} BETWed.l0a.m;'. '...... "The ~.*** (2:30t BRAVOS.p,m. '.' .' ...... knowledgelobegained '. (2:oo)TCMTue.1.3:lp.m. . '.' "The HosI"***g (2:45) GUn. 6 Jr!, 9am. .' ·.''Thlrteen Dayi"*** (CC) (3.'00) '. . ,. , ...•. every day in the '0' .. '2" sat. 10 '1i B . P lNTSlill2am. ". ·news~aper.lnco...... ora.li.'n.s··. .' .. . '., ~~11~~" .am., 00. pm.,' . ". . .'...... ***, (llcC) (1:5i) MAx .. .'. new5p~~~lOlb .... ". · "DeedolNIghr ***II.(2.'OO)TCM . ,.Hoti.e ollisher" H*(CO) (1:3:11 "PbIladelphla~. *** {CCI (3:00)' .sat..4i15 p,m., 10:35p.1Il. .' .' ...... claSsrtlOmeurrle:uliul1S '. . I ~6~I***% n:(cc)~~:P:~ro1~"***1I. ~P'~I~1~p~)~~*:**(ecj(4:OO)TNT: enco~~;~~~~,t: .' . 12:32jHBOFri,l2:30alll. .(CC}(2.'OO}TCMMcin.f~p.m. fAltlfn,B:30p.m, ,,' ...... "Tomll8lOne ***ICC) (2:30). . '. and grow. ,... "The DesPerate lIoIn" ***%'1'he HOWlIng" U* (2:00)KASY' ~=Game *n() (CC) HlSTMon;7p.m" 11 Jl.~.. . ., . ~J:~=.*** '~re~IotRectoCtObei" t 1o~~:~(1:3ll: J.~~~p:~*~:~l. .. ***lI. = }~lJ:~n:::~~KBJMSal·(CC)(3.'OO}A¥CWed,l~Ji,m, '. rg:~a~eofKenrY~II"P;~***ICC) (2:30)TCM .' E::~., ~···.'I·n·~I·A~·I'E·E·:v~·-·-~:t"'~·~~·&s:-i2-~".J'" · l(}am," . . •. '.' ...... I ' *** (1:45)1:CM Moo,9:30p.m, '. Mon,3:30P.m.· '...... __. n _1 .' . .'. .' .. ... , '. .'- , , ,', . '...... : ; -.' "",' .. ;'-, , .' , ' , , '/', . " .,,, : .' ' . " . , ',,- '.: ' , .' . .. . . '. -, .'. . ;;. . "...... "' " .. .. ." . " ... " . '. , . , " '.- '... .' "" 'i ' ,' ' ,.' , " " . .. ,;-) ," '. ," -,.' "' .. .' .. : "," ...., : • . . ",'


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•~AIsc>RanGallery . r'emernbel's ruil~UP •Follow, .....apa . thto ~rbreathlJ1g •,MuffalettasandwiCh ~ad' &ctic:lJmber. _., • , '." ..... ',.. . , , '. -" .' • "'~"'_~"''''~.__ ~~'!c-';."•••••• l·...... l._ ••• _ ••• __ ••• ~._c_,.·.,__ ·, ...... ,.;...""...... :, .-. " :." '.' .. '... -." , .,' , ., ' . . . '.' .'. 0"-.--~-~~--"------'---C-----'-,C-,-,-.T.,~,~.-.-,...,....,,-,;r...F• -,' " , ',' " " , ',' ,,,', .,..,..,_...... ,.."..,..'.,...... ,.,.,.....""-~_._.. --""'-"t''p !}

~fTV 'bl~a$ .AmelticanProfile, . " ' .Q 'I'm a big fan wrestling. Do the. WWf, J .on Raw, ECWand Smackdownlever get InJured-';'reaUy in- . President 8< CEO R'Ch<1fd GPo,·tel' t "Jured? Or Is It all for show? . Senior Vice Presidenl1Exec~tive Editor J .(h.ld,e Cox 1 . -Maxine Hol/dlld, CdllWI, Obio Senior EditOr $1U.1'1 Fnglelt There's more than a clash of show business, certainly, in Editor R,ch.rd MIVC'! Enteminment Ediw Nell Pond professional wrestling. But it's nonetheless an l'Xtremely Assistant Editor I~ne Sr/gle'l physiC'JI job. Maria Kanellis, 26, one of the curtent World Food Editor undolle rrOjd Wrestling Entertainment "Divas," or female wrestlers, COntrlb~tlng Ed/(ors M.lt1' Atloun. Beth Drt'r'lCr ("dy Guel A~ln RoI~ found that out after her very first time in the SlII(/(k­ Senior Art Director Bren.ln Sho' p dau11.' ring. "1 got smacked so. hard it knocked one .of Art Director ER r'l,ott my fillings our," she says. The former beauty-conc(.'Stquecn· Designer ld~ Crosslin entered the WWE Diva Search, a national competition to firid . Director of Photog~phy O.1v'd Mudd I. r , Photo Editor DdVd DJmc the next female wrestling talent, in 2004. She didn't win, but 'Produc(lon Man~ger Sain P.lyne the WWE hired her anyway as an announcer and groomed Traffic Coordinator Sus." flS'''' '(\ her to compete. Now she's set her sights on the SlIJad!lloU'lJ! Manager or Internet Content Malt john\ton . Web Developer Ke,.n Todo Wrestling 4lDlva" Marla Kanellls ." I';.::~ female championship tide-all the while working on :.~} Imows about getting smacked " launching her singing l'ilreer and her own line of ADVERTISING SALES around In the ring. I designer clothing, 1800766JJ VP/Publisher &Director of Corporate Sales Am, (h('l "ofl "Heavy" actor Q Does actor Michael Michael Madsen NEW YORK Madsen always play bad wants to break Eas(ern Ad DireCtor ""."nOl1 H". guysllt sure seems like It. out of his Regioll3l Ad Director H.I" fl., "t.oJrr bad-guy Account Manager BreI, I a"o. )Uldn'lt' ViI:'nl~ 1.1'1/,,· Oliul. 1\ 111M. 1\/11 II. stereotype.

Mdlbl'n. 'ill. (hI' hrothl'r 01 CHICAGO Midwest Ad Director f"ea )1'".:1 .Illrl·\~ VlrglfllJ M.ld,,·n. hd~ Senior Account Manager I r,~' V;lnO, ponrayt'd .1 vanCIY Il( Ih;lr­ Account Manager )t,e!Il"r N",wn ,ltlN\ In mon° I h,111 l'iO TV and mOVI(' roll.., Ill' ,idlTlll\ NASHVILLEISAN FRANCISCOILOS ANGELES Southe3ltlWest Com Ad Director fran. l'e' hl'\ Illtl'n I)('('n l.I\( .1\ .1 . hl',IV( .'(!l·r pl.lylf1g iI mt·morJbl}· Los Angeles Account Manager 1.lrr(' Rdil ~adl\tll lUI' rortllrer If! 191)2\ I?nt'nm,. f)''iil-a trmd that mntlnul'\ wHh 111\ l'oIrl In Iht' rl'ltnt mOVIl' fMI NidI. Sull, MARKETING Creative Services Director Kelly I rl('[' hl'\ trYing III mt' .Ihov(' th(' \(t'rt'otypt III Sll'r/~~/h ,11/.1 111m",., ,111 Illdt'prndl'111 t" m (h,1t \ ht'l'n gl'tllllg r.IVI· n'vl('W\ on rllt' DIRECT RESPONSE ADVERTISING In(lv." I In lilt, ht' pl.IY\ .1 RIK kY-I'\qlll' hoxt'r In a fight Advertising Director I,nd.lIkh III \JVt' (hl' Iilt' of 1m dying \on "It '\ .1 IIflI' ~tlJry Ac Bmifr and Iseemed to keep saying. 'A little bit of everythlng,'" says Senior Vice PreSident/Controller Cire~ (ntJlp Wrangler country star Billy Currington ofthe tide of his latest release, Director ollnlormatlOn Technology M,'e 0" Little Bit ofE.vetything. An alum of People magazine's "2S Most PUBLIS f-HNG I Shoot'n Score Beautiful People" list, Currington rose tofame with the No. GROUP ':\:\IIIUL\ I hit "Must Be Ooin' Somethin' Right." The Georgia native I..." ,,,",·,,,f, 1\ f'ltl~RI.,IIl\ l)ul~NllnJ: (,'UliIl' ,. Anu-ll.,f Photo Contest. ~ "~nj.." Ilrll~'.tnl wrote rIVe of the new CD's 12 tracks and loves the process II f 1.1 "-lilt If':l. Ir.mLltn. lU1Itl'Wt ~,,,,. PI ••• 1'41'· 'II (.i!1 ,\1.111 C~'If'll'ttl'I"""fR'" .. rill "0 For VISll rnl'UlUh 'li IJIII..l'. \ ..,,111.1'1 ,\1.1,1, 1II (l-I~ "'''JUp nl1.1 details, of making albums, "The friendships you make and the hours "Iflill till IunUm, 1'\ \~,lfl' l·uhh..Jtlfl): (,n.~". Amcfll.1 americanprofile.com you put In the stUdio really make it special," h" \\,11 nul I, n""ul\dll 'I. 1In..1I" Itl,1 m.lftf... l" dill 1"nTI_ ~lur.n1Cn lIa nfum II' .un m.u«ruh \UllfT111IUI tn " !l11\ ,"'.? :' . ~."~.' , " -: .. , ,._"". ~.... ,.,.... .-,...... ,__~~~.' _~~""~~_'.;._ _--.. "*'.~_." --..:_r ·.:~_ 1"lhlntullJ,' ~.n .~II. I\ml1'lt,,l Jill 'I~ ti.,lJ I'".~J, 1\1 '" .Ilf.lll fll.lrL., 1'~~NIlIl': (,n.'I1I1' Anuu II, All n~llhn

£!:!::¥~ !!h._. '!: •••e_ ...... •. ~ II '" ."'e .-...... ;" _ "': e.•,.-··· - ;" .....:...... ~ _..- ';,,:. ..'.•._ :e _. _.• _ ••••• ~ --- _ ••••.'.. - - •.• '- -' - _ ••• .. '.-.--,-----'---,-.-;- ---, ';' ," " .. ,. " , ., , ' , " , " , , " ,I , ", " , ,.', • . , ' ,,'. " , ' , ,.'. ',' " ~ " " '" ' ,', " , , , ,,' ',', , , , ',' " , • , , ", '," , ',- " ',1 '" " -': . " , " ' ,,-. .' ',' " , , • ~" , ," .. " '-'. , " "..'-' ", , " ""~ " .. ,, " • ,; , ',' " " , .. "" .,'. ", , , , , , Fuel herhodya.l1d: " " " . <,' ...., " spark her iIl1agiriation~, ',' . ',' ',' .J. " " " ," , , '" ".- ,, " ,,' Campbell's4l,.C\~icken&, " ," , , Stars soup. "" , " t·,. " " , , " No artificial'fiavors.justytlmmynoodles( ., ," " 'real chicken, and wholesQmecarrbts.' ',' Just what she need~ to reach " ,', , .. for the, stars:-.Jim/M'm!. ' Goodr" , " ",".

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Melissa Grimm, 32, lives and l'xeruses liS a respiratory rhl'raplst, (;rimm didn't realize how the air in Dillun. br(',IlI1(', 11In,c h('alth . and i['.; not)l!>t bl'lau'ie ''I'm hJJ,: Into lInderstilndinJ,: exaltly what wit- W

frllrn 7 [(I II. ,ill h.IY(' \IlllJ,:gkd WIth matlt'r lim illl umulatl'. milkll1J,: It hardl'r to hn-Jdlt'. and 1l'.IJlng to lunJ,: dist'ases sUlh as dlronit hron­ thltlS, lhronit ohstrulllV<' pulmonary disl'asc' or asthma, Ongoing t'Xposurl' 10 air polllllion , , also lan rriggl'r anartill k by rill' hody's immulle sym'm, It'ading to ll1flammiltion In thl' IUllgs, hlood Vl'ssl'ls and (imliovilstuhtr'systl'm. whith (an jn(fl'a~(' the mk of Iwart attal k, de~pitl' , But thl' mh, tilk inl1 a ('\v simple . "--. '~'. ,I "', ""!;~...: __ .... .,' ,~~,~-- Stl'p~ lall help you hreathe il Sigh of rdief • ',~ ,i; '. ' ~'~'" ... - ". abour dlt' Ill'alrh of your lungs, If you work In " f .'l ~, -< .f. a fauory or un a (arm-or arl' simply mow­ ~ InJ,: rll{' lawn-(;nmm [('lOmml'nds lIsing a filtl'r m.lsk to ket'p dme and orhrr parridrs out of }'our lungs, Air pollution It'vels rend to Iw hlght'sr in thl' ilfrt'rnoon. so it's ht'st to ext'n ise or do strt'nuoll5 ourdoor work in rht, mornings and l'venings, To check rhe partl( ulMl' matt('r I('wls in your area, VISit 1III'/l,lIm/IJI/'.f!,Q/" it websltl, lhat trarks and forecasts aIr quallry ilUOSS rhe narion. Grimm ha~ I('arnl'd thaI her kids nre espe­ flally sensitive to t igaret!(' smoke, so the L..------f- Page 4 • amtrkanprofile.wm _, •. 1., i i ., '. , .. - ; ,- I . , ','. .' , .. ,'.'j ,. ', .. ;.. : ' , . ,.. ·.':".r '•'.• '. ',' , .. .' .' '. ~ " " ",. .'. \,' 1.""" '.: • , ., • ',", ...... ," '. , C' .', • ". I '. ,'.•• ".t ", •.,' " "-;- ' , ".'" ': . . .,' ," ...• .. , ,\ "I' . . "'" \.....", ~ ',' ." ,:" ",' , ' " " .. ,,' " \ . ';, .",: f " ,:. •" ':' •, " . ", " ",' '" ,'.', ,,' ',' "'; .. '. ,•' '_,'" "'.: +,,' 1. "'" ,, .... " ',' :,.',,:' ;' , '.' ': ' ' , " : ~ '.' .', ," ',', '\ ' 'r' ',' '"" '" ," I•. • ':'.', • ',. :- , '. . ' ' ,.,:''... . • ," • , • '.. ',' • .' , ,-,' "• :. 1 ' " • ,•,• " : ',', . " .. ." ". • • , .' I.,..' " .,". '. ".. .', ,. • .: "" '. "."", :' .,,' "• ,-' , ,,;.' ',:' : • •". .., I ,. •.•. ..' '. '.! "', ." ,.. . ."I:. ..' ., " •" ," •.' #,','. '" ," ,.,. . l , ' , . ...' ,',,',.' " .. ' -, . . 'r p' " ' •• , , • ,. , • <,.' .'. >\ . ' " "".~ ."~"'~." ...... ~; ...,. ,':'".,', ',:',::'" .' . '. ,;,.·,:':i"~". , '. '",I"~,r'- ,'" ""'~':'-::"".,., .\."." .• , , ~ ,' ." "',' ..,',,', •'. ,'. ',." '. ' .". ,," ;.. ..": . "'~' "'..' ! . , ,. .'. .' .. ' , . .". .. . ,. " ...... ' . . ...;' '. ''-'..;','" ",,', " , . P':... ' , ••.. , , . .. ., ".'. ..' :.,';': 'J ", " : '. " . . " ' " .. ' " ," ." .. ' '. . ' ...... ' . .- .' " .," ,". , ..' .'" '.' : . .' .,'. ..,'. '. .:-,," 1",.,' ,.:, •.. ,~. .'. '" ., .• ',., ...• "";,' ."."''', ",',' ,,: ' , • ,,' /', .'. • "" • , -. " " .,".' • ..' 'j '. ' ,, ',';,. '. ',.' •• ', ,•" ",\ • • r _ ' '",',', ',Y,'-.",,' ~".""'" .. :.,•••. ,'.. ',' ". .. , .. ,. . .,' ...... , , '.', , , ;. .: " .' , \ " ' " t • '" \' . ',' . '" ' '. • J, •'' • •' • i' , '.' .' • :''-' , .. " , ' , ' '" ".' '. :. ."", ",.; ."".' :" '. ""'." ,,:, ...... ~ , • 11 • ", •• • ,"" '. , " ,', • ".' ' ... ' _ , ';. .. iiJ , . .... •... .' , ,..,,' ~: '. ",' .,.... '.', "', .~ '.' ", ." , , ',' ' , '." .,~ . ';,:."., . .' ... ', " ;' .' '. , , ' " '. • ' ", \. ,,' r, :'.'.'• , ... . ',' , ," ··r,,' .' ~ . ":. , . j •, :".' . ',,' ""'.';~ >'.'-;-'.1.'.;':.',.' <,.., ,~"";::.~.' ... ':~'''.:."'" ,'.: , .: ' , .'" ", . .,}. ',: " ". -,; .... , '" ".'. "",' ,:' , '.".,', " . . ':'..-. . " ',' A !,' , , -' . '. . '" . , , " , , ' , '.~" . . " . ';t: ... ,

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/imlily tm'\ to ovoid places, wl1L're thl'}' know .pl'0I,le \viJl. 111.' s!nokinj.:. And Andrt'W gelS to st('tor d(~'lr of ;It k'IlS!mll'" " (heir(' ilround thl' hnUSt': yard work, whilh (hurns up dust thaI Gill Iri~,I(I'r his asthma, Arl\llhl'r Wl1Y co avoid Sl'ri­ ous IUI11: 'probk·Ols is to Sl'l' ~ •.• ~.'~ ...... t":,, .... .':'·... ·,;111~,...... ,- ..,,·\,\,::f,~~""~ "";~ ,I doltor if you nUlit I' p('rsls­ (.0 ". ~'~. '•• ";' '.lJ:" .. • l' ,. " '\ . ,:. " ""'"., if' · .' ...... " :,,' . >'~"',Jf'~. *., .. ,tir lellr Whl'l'ZIII,lt.Ulughing or f'" --f .'..•• " ..., .; ," __ ,.... f\ .. '"f 'lJl t ', "", .'. ".- ,·,~t" " , . . .",~.~ ','-" .:'., ~r '.' - .-'" . t, ne~s ·,.·'i~'\.".'4""-"-~':1 '.J;~ t.o.~. short of Im'at h. 01 herwise • ,. -J,..,~.. :&:", .•_ '~''';,'' ',l ~ ,~..,~ ".'• " ••. .... ;, '' .•. J ::v".-4", I,'." ""1' '. 1 . .". :.~:~, lir~..J: t,(,ljt':'i(~'.< .. "~ .~~,.~~j~l.,i ;"". '''/'~~r.''~'''',J'~.~c. ~ '.~,~, -·I-/$~'t.~,: 'j,~,"~ .. .. l.".J '/ ". _, ~. ,/ '." . '. :. '. ,:"-.,,,, ~l ,.; ".. '.,. ,'.. ' 'T .. .• '. \, " (..r.... ""'" ·"..u. ,. ... "l Iwalthy ndults llfll'n think dif· ..• '" ,q,ti> . "'\' --'" , +. '.' .". .-. '.t.' _.), .•. ',', .'. ,: .- '. >< ' • .' .. • .' r - ... ~, , "" . . '" ~.' ~ " .'" "'.,. ' . • t- "';I '", .... ' ," - ,I. . . I' ,,. '. . .' ., .... '.,. ,~.:".,', .., ,', ';, '.- "',,,' ;~j .••~l)"jJ,."~., (I(ulty brt'achin,lt is just :1 siJ(1I of ,lgln~ or of Iwilll: out shupe, People with COPD breathe better with SPIRIVA., ....•. ','. .'.' .'. '," .. ;, :"\\:¥. 'lays L"'ll (' Llltlll'rt, a f('spi­ . , ' , , . ' , , rilwry tlwrilpist iIt l{etlwo\1d ' If ~ (iu hUH' nhililoh of HlI1llklll/,llllitl hl'l'illhlnu l'>I'IRI\\d(J( Il'lllllll'('lliU(i(' Jast~lI('U 1t,R 1,llhll!ciM f{W ", ' Areu II nsp'jl ill ill Rl'dw()od , . 11l'ohll'lns. II ('(luld: hi' (:ppn (l'hl:uuk,llhliU;UI'llw .'s.ud(ii'IIl'l~111111 mns, hlll1~l\ s\\ nUm\. lIIl'SPIRlt\. , . 1;,111" Milln, (pllp. S,1S9), lIulll1l1lull'~ dls{'nHI'I~ (;ill'lllnc'lml('s {'h,'unfil '. {'illl$Ulft.'I'h(; lUUSI('tJlUlllOn si(ll' l,rfi'lt'()fSPIRI\\' . "They dOll't rl'al iZI' thilt . .,". . . lUughmJ( illld shortness of h,'olJl'hilIS,I'l1Illh~si'lJl:lllr hoth,. Is dr~ I1IOJllIt, OIIlI'I'S illl'Iull!' I'OIlMlpulIlIU :1111' •. Im'ath is r('sl,iratory

Please see brief summalYdf foil Prescribing. ..inlomalion oil reverse, .

" , . .', , . uOlt'rirl'lnpfofi!.I',l'Ol11 • Page 5 '" - , " . .. ".' . ' ,

'. " . . . " t,". , . . ~ , . , . " ..' , , ,.. . :. ",: :, .. ' '" . . , ;-:., . . .. , ;' . " '; , , .', .. , , .. :. ~ '. , _.' '.,~,~, '" 1. ." _.., . ':, . '. . .. ,', .,' ,; " .,' , .,'. ,,' ..' .... ' GarlatHe Uoo • Ollhe lolal number 01 pallenl' who received SPI.flIVA In Ihe I-year cllnlcalltlals, 426 were 3% In lha SPIRIVA group PHOTOS eptSDde& uf bronLhospu~rIl 16 rttSCliu lhorapy In tho I ~ar placobo,conlrolled I''''''' where lhe rato!! In lha SPIANA lJfOUP e~ceeded ! 1% frequency U1 hYp6r~~lllIIlt rc&tlon~ placebo Tho of corresponding 8\ICfllS Iho Ipral,QplUrn-CO/1lrollcd ~~timeto Immcdia1e ..... Includllig an Illeludlng SPIAIVA may (aufiD Pllfodollcal hlonctlosp.1sm Il this Body SYltem {E\I8nll Placabo·Controlied TrIals ~ 1IlalI OCtu,. I'oalmeru wll~ SPIRIVA slu",I'J he ,lopped and olhe' 1,..InloIII, <'OI..ldorod SPIRIVA Placebo SPIRI\'A· Ipralroplum membersskt'lhll.ldle. Try tht'St, tips PRECAUTIONS In • 560) In • 371) In • 368) (n • 179) to hdp you gl.'t ~n~lc photographs Gonernl Body------.::..-..----'--:...... ,-=--=---=--=---=-­as a Wholo As an antIChoIlnOfljI<. drug, SPiRIVA n.,lIoPium lJ'ld Wllh coullnn ., pull""I. wll~ any ul t1""'0 ._Chesl~. POin...... {non spocille)_ .. ---o,.--~7._ ...... _~ 5 • _-:5=---- _.__...... _.~2 __ _'_ _ • lMakc it (on. Play music and conddlOllS [dllrT1B., Dependenl 5 4 3 , , , As.o pmdoounantly renat1v excrotL"d 0019. Pt1henls with rnocJetalo 10 sworn ronal unpilll GntrolntasUnel Sysfem Disorders serve snacks. "lntt'mcr with your menl (croal."," cJoar.rce 01 ',0 mUo.nJ I"",led w~h SPllllVA shwkJ be rr1Ol11101Vd Abdonlln.1 Pain 5 3 6 6 Closely I.... CUNICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Phnrmacok,""oc" Sped.1 Populations, -- ---,-~- -- --.- . -- . --~,---~------~ subjt,ftS to Joostn them up," sug­ ---Consllpalron 4 2 1 1 RcnlJi/y ~ ~,------~--_._~---_ --~- "rrPlJlmd l'DI/l)(IIS) .------"- -'- .. _. ._--- -- ..- ~l'Srs Gn'~ Ilarfin~, InlonnaUon lor Pallenls Dry Moul~ 16 J 11 6 ;1 phoco}.:r.t­ .....-. ~_.------.. -- -_._~- -_. .,._. __ ._~-_.~._--~.- IllS Importsnl tot patIents 10 understand how 10 correctly atJmlnl\ltJr SPIRIVA cnpsuleft Dyspep~a 6 5 1 1 phef In Cllill. MJnl(:One us..g Ihn H.ndIH.I.. In~81a1l0l' devICe (seD Pallanl's Instructlons for UlICll SPIRIVA -- - Boulder, "If cnpsules should only be admlnlstored VIB the HandlHaler deVIce and the HondlHalOf Vomiling 4 2 1 2 sel.'rI1s unwmlilrrable, lKknowl­ devICe s~ould nol be used lor adm."slellng olhor modlUllrons The contanta 01 Musculosk.l.tal Sy.f.m SPIRIVA capsul.s are for orallnhel.lIon only end musl not be swallow.d, MyaiglB 4 J 4 J I.'Jgl.' it. Joke around. M MU$Culosl<.let.1 Sys/om OrsOlders skololal pain Card,ac f venls angina pectorIS multlplus may he ovor 91.11,n.1IfJd (JUff 10 dlnK.ulllUS In moawflng depomled dones In to iI\VJY C1U11t'liI. ommal Inhalalton !iludID,) IlncludlllQ Aggravalod MOina peclOflSl, P.ych/alnc Drsoldllr dOprOSBlon In/aClrons the ,idl', trom thl' hlll'pe. ,oslee, Rosprrillo/y System Orsordor (lJ{l{le/) IIIIYIIQ,IIS, V,s.,n Drsoldllr Tlo'roptum bromide demcY1~triitecl flO ftVldenCA of rnutagpmllfy 01 daslogOOK;lfy Jr' lhe (Jlildnl1 tiUl Sit on laps or srand lollowUlQ as'>dVS Ule [)a(l91yl qtU1lt rnulahon asF.ay 1118 V7Q Chinese hamster LBlI ,,,uta cAI.r.cl In .ddl1KJn, among lhe BdvllfSe ..onls observed In the cllnlcallrrats wllh an Incidence 01 . 1% were atnu! hbnhahon supravontncular IBchycardlC1. angloedoma. QtfflfrSl5 M!KI.,. lhe chromOf){}fnal i100rralloo iI..".SB)'\ In human lymphocytes In v,tro and next (() SlIlTK~ll1t' who IS kneeling. mouse mlfroouc.lnus fommtoo ,n VIVO and lhfl lmsrllodlJlod ONA SynlhAglti In pnmary and u""''UY ,elenllOn tal hepaltK ylM In ",'m A!)say In lhe Iy....' t,1;lls lhe Incldento 01 dry mouth consllpatiO/l lind unnary I'a,I ",Ieclron • ~-lIIII.nDl UI I~ Don't II1Cro•.oo Wllh ago lsee PRECAUTIONS, Gerlatrle U"I In rat!, dec..r0c1506S In Ihe number 01 U'upora lulua and the percentage 0' Implants wero 1~101OS ooled at InllnlatlOn hot/opIUm t1ases of 0 0 '8 mglkg/day 0' grealel lapprDJumalsly 3~ Two muftlCOf1l.. 6 monl~_ ,onlrollod slud... evalualed SPIANA U1 pall""t, Wllh COPD take wirh rhe sun dim.l­ """" Iho RHIJD on " "'Il/m 00...1 No 'ur.~ eNeels were ob'A,ved AI 0 009 mg!kg'd.y Tho Bdvcrs rpc.omm9l1ded human dally c1oc;.e fRHDO) gn~lll'f on a rTlQ/m oasl'} HOWfI'lIer Vl ral\ IRlal rftSOrplfOl1 hl16f loss decreases In the number Tt>e recommended dosago 01 SPIRIVA HandlHalo, Ilrol,op'um brOMIde ,nhnl.lion pK tun.., you rake, [he.' the 01 IIVA pup~ :II blrttl anr1the Il19an pup welQhts alld a delay In pup wx:ual maturatIOn powderl '" lhe onhnlallon ot Ihe conlenls of one SPiRIVA capsule oneo dally Wllh It>e ~eltlllg WMe ob'iorvro 011 rnhslJatlOf) l.olmp!um doy"i or {} OlR fTlQI1Iq lappromnalely 3S times Hand,Hale, Inh.la1lon dG'llce (see Patient" Instructlonafor Usel J~n tJstabltShftd Cnpy"OhIOl00R e""hnnqar lnoelhfHm Pharmaceullcals Inc All nghls r.smell 11108) Page 6' americanprofill.'.Com

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Ancw lldvnntcd qu,lnl oOhls umU~ln~hcatl~g ,·<;:·Nev.~rb,:.COldag·itln ::: .....:'." '. ... ,.Hov.rlt~()rk$~:.····'·~:···..' .• ;'. . '- -' . , .. ,' inlrured pOl'llIhh: bcnll:f. elelllent hllhef:den-:' \ " ., . ',' .. lhe EdenflVtU!'''.l'1ln CUI .PlJRW"? .. ." , yuur healing bills hyuplll A Thisjldl'anccd hcui~ 50'k, . ingclcmcnI \vll~disC{II'~'· Yuu havepilloohly hcmd cn:dncddcnlnlly by amill1 .: " . . , -. . /. llhmn lhe remllrkllhle &Jen- ll11med)tlhiIJulles;···· .. PURE'" U\ heard IlU PUll I, Q. WhlltlidvantllAC~S ..' Hilrvey New~ and (In fcle- docs Infnti'f:\J CJ~llrtttU.'IC: \isillll re~lure~ lIcrn~s the . hClllh\j; source havc owr .. ' nallun, . . .other lrealhig Sllurl:~ .' the EdcnPURE'" Ciln producls? . ! ..' . .' , pay lor ihclf In a mi,lIer A, lobn Jone~ dc~ign~~. '. '. ,. '. ~ hi~ . .' . Ilf I\'cl:k und lhcn 1\1 a1'1 hCilling wuree around, Ca.nnotstartaflrej achild. oranJmal . ., pUlling il grclil deal 01' Ihelbrecllloslimpurlimi cantopchorslt,onUwlttioUthamf" eXIra moncy in you r ellll~umcr bcl1~nls: el11Ilu-. . pockel ufll:r Ihal. my. cOlnfol1, .lQd ""fcIY. A l1lajul'(:llu~C III resi- . Inlhe ,EdcnPURE'" ~y~ •. dcntillilircs in Ihe Unitcd lcm.clcelriehy i.s USCd.lll: '. i. ....=... ";"_~I/W ~·n.·"z.it.::::=-lUtI" :...•. Sllllesi\pnrlllblc hClllers. genermc infrllred IIghl'· . e..__....1IIt ..=,...... "'""Ie-J:~,:· . HUI Ihe f;.dcnPlJRE'" tml·· which, in Iutu; cr~1I16 u' .. ' ,.."'~~~.. '. ..•. ;jl'l";~~;"'" .,' nul ciI\j\C alire, TIial is he- \'cry sdcr~.t humh"r' ." lIP", M,ijldllUI.llll1l1hcl '. . .! '.. \I ill nil! burn children 'lrchangcr\ in otIC Eden- .. 'I' .1 TlIllI1klh~ rhllllc, 1,,11 T(lll.l'lnll.H(IlJ,5HH.56l!K}:'I; 1-:1'IIK07,\ I'IJ('('.\,IIU. ! " IIllklhl.JN"~ l,"!"red,r"utl l!llclilllltHIICtll1 (1111) 2HIII't'; 7tll!" . t..' nel~, Pcls tiln ,Iccp on it PURE.'" hcutCl, . .' ...... _, I I I . I . I ,. euthcaiing biil~~ in Siln\C : vidc.e\·eilgic~lcI;S:~\jn!.!s r • "1f~uCrlilllU.·. Upllli I1\\II\Hllleald~LlI~~jd"h\cl\.'ll. . !. only heal ali ilrea a few 511 degrec~. bllllhc rnom .11 .1 In etHel\. C c. . h'" . r ! I ~IlH!flklln~I~I,I'I("I.lj\llr IhCI~ICllllll"r!jhl"tdllill. ill\!n:hlrc I 1"1) \h!PPIII'~ ! fecI a/1l1inll the hearer,' you arc IIcc\lpyin'l!. \Ihith The F.dcnPllRE'" will '.. OU(llIl\ on I l~ page. "or I alllllhlllllhl)~ ilnll hili rn,ch)I.,IIII~l1KIJfllr(,I'N \ Mllilel SIX' ","I ~'l'1foJl ... : Unlike III bel' hClilinn has the EdenPllRE"'. will pay foril~clfjn wcc~\.lllho~c rcildel' ordcnngaf· 1 . liI:NIM'kld flllki . . . .' '. '! ~ leI' 1lJ d Y f n'll thc d' Ie I I:rj"n.aJI~ \ . in, ('a.h (111:, ~~t"n~) IJnlcr .1 \Ilurces. lhc tll1enPURE'" he wurm and COlli fllrl' will pUI it greOlI dCiilnr cx" . . it~ r I ,I: 'liI:I~..\'lk't'k p;1l:Jhl~ '" Ih,irc.hlkw,lrd,ltlr \IIJf1:CUIf " : . cannllt pUI poisonnu~ COIl'- IIble, The EdcnPURE" i\ 1m ll\nncy in \l uscrs pock, oflhis publication.wcre-l' VJS;\. ~f~'I"I('aiil ,\111 bjJJClf~lIl1a.. 1l1\\"'h'fINIlIU' .:i bon monoxldc inlll arOllm pllltahle. When you mO\'e ,ct, Beeausc (l(100lay'S spl" scr\'ctll~ rig!lllU either i Al'\:Iluni:\" .. .. '.., '.'.,.; brUni': I. II' Ill' any lyre: IIHullles or any In a.nolber rCllllll. ilwill rilling gils, nif,prllpUilc. aCcI;pt ilrrcjcclotdcr re~ .L SI~IIJlllrc •..,.:,... '.' .- •••.' ~" .• .. .--:-'~------.:' , Iypc nf hannfnl mdi:llinil, tjuiekly heallbal room ai- itnd.uther eticrgycllSf • que~ls (II t1ic'~I~cuunlc~ .J. . .~I,\IL '((J:fhuh... lrllc'can:h I~rl EI'lIgri71 . '.1...... 1.S ..,' '.' 1911il\\ Illpplc ,\\~ NW. .'. . '. I ., .. Q. What Is Ihc orl~ln SII. Thisc:11I drastieafly Lhe EdenIlURU'(' \Villpl'll-prii:~.! ..' .. blllll;II.c1ll4~7Ii? '. .. ..' J . . '. ' L ::. , ,. ' · " , "' " .:. ,. " "" ,f . - , " -.' " " , ., -' .. . . " !,",' : ,,;'." ',., "• - '., '- .', " . .' ,'. " i.. ' ',. , . . --::. . .:" ,...... -' ,'. '....- c .! -'- ... ,,'" I. :' ,. . ' .. . . " . ,

Roy R0 ger S, the Lon eRa nger Thnole of Di lion origina lIy was wrinen for John .lfld IlopalollJ.( CJ,wl,' Wl'rl' strJlJ.(ht-sho()[!n' J.(IXIlI Waynt, who turnt,d it down in favor of his blos- t:uy' who 11l'111('d popul,lrIlt, (llwbo)', Oil tl'levI\lon, sllminJ.( mOVlt carrero But rhe Oscar-winning attor But 11111\{' of thl'Jl1 was .1 I1Wt h lor M,IT\hal Matt r('wmmrnded lilt' (,-felOt, ()-inch Arness, who pre- Dililln ,lIld ('/II/III/flit, televISIOI1', fIN "grown-up" viously had only small roles, anti also imroJutl'd Wl"lt'rn .lIld liS most t:roulldbrt'aklllg thl' TV st'ries on Its 0llt'ning night. "'1111, IV.t' III tilt' .~(), .lfld W" wht'll ldl'VISIOIl wasn't (,'(/II/I/I}(/: ,IISI) srilm'll Amanda Blake ltS saloonkt.'I.'IX1' .i1ll1wlIlg wntm to do tlXl Jl1UI h III tl1111S of llvil nghts. "Miss Kilty" Rus.sl'Il, Milburn SIOnt ilS lht· 100vns physi- 11l1Jl1lgr.llllnl or tht· wmrnUIII,t thn:Jt. cian, Doc Adam.s. and Dtnnis Wl~lV('r All tht"il' dlll1t:S \VI'll' nil-limit' III renm of as dt'puty Cht"'itt'r (jIXll!C', whtlS(' dr.lma Ilur IHI mild do thcm by much- limp marked ol1l' li,Ys 111'!>1 rt'guhlr lilt: lhl'm 111 .1 Wt"'it11l1 v:ltlflg:' \;IY" DaVid charnt'tt'l'S with a physiml Jisability. HI,lIllulll, /lInnl'T TV Inil( fllr tht· "'/1(' When WmVl1' Idi tht show in 1961 m )iI/I n./lh ,\,,'111 and .1 wlumllN fllr the smr III til{' shnrt-Iivt,j sc.-ric'S Kmft/lx') WI~""'Il(' lI'11'1/1h/li/ld/f/(~j"/II }W/fi. Kl'n Curtis was hin'd to St1 111 Ihl' I.llt· II·Plls. (,/II/III/IJ·/ had II' fill rhl' void and played deputy

,han' of (,llrll' nl,t1(1'\,lwl t: 1I)'\ .lIld \hmr- Festus Ilaggen unril the series OlliS. hill II ,t!VI 1')(1'10",1 rh(' I'VI"'i ,Ill..! Amess,w1thwifeJanet,madea ended its 20-year run in the

1'\11(" of It, j har.\( tl'I\,.1 lllena!!I'!'ll' nl rhe rare public appearance In 2001. sprinJ( of IlJ7'). t,llr-1ll111lhl I1wsh.1I .1I1IIlh(' otll('f Iflhahllams of Lhl).:t, "J had a bmk S1gl1in~ at the (;el1(' Aurry MUSl'\.lm (Il}. K.1I1·lh Wntl1'\ .lIld dm, rOI\ hnlu).:hl tlml" (Ill IJlS AnJ.,'t'!t«;) and an HOth birthdllY J'lrty t111:n':' I(,\s ,tllftl" 10 TV Vlt"l"'rs thill ,"11 ,rand up tod.I)'. With rl.,alls Amc'!'iS. now H'), will) has outlivt-d ITXlSt (i his to- Ihmw, \lit h .lS r.\( ISIll ,lIld n·lJptnl:' say' Jam!',> AIll('\..... '1.1". "Man)' of rhl' allOTS and wrirl1'S Glmc' by to Sl't' mt', \VIM) 'tam.1 ,l' M.llr Dillon .. Ilit'S(· \W!\' all [llW Idl~t\ to Wllldl\VilS ,dor oHun. Ovcflh(' yt~II\,1 k(1)( In toudnVlth tt"iI'Vl\llnl.1I .h.1l tllilt·" qUlrt'.1 hw Ikt1Jt III milch With Dennis Wmvc'T. Am.mda James Arness Cast memben Hilburn Stone, Ken Curtis, Burt Reynold$ B1ak!' and Milburn Stlllll' until thl1'left us, whilh WOlS a starred and Amess gather around Amanda "HIss Kitty" Blake. \ad day for aU tlllS." as Marshal • , Wl~IV(1', who \Vll1t on ro srar In I Ht!;llIlId and r')//I.1ultl Matt Dillon. PIJIIII "'_11,,\. and ht'l.llml' iln t1lVlITlllITXl1till and humanl­ ••• timiln ,lttlVI'iC 111 thdattl'T )'l'ilTS of hiS IJfi', dit'd lit i\1.'t' ... HI 111 2(X'(, tillm ttlllll~IGltions fmm 0111m. Blake, who lOIlt IllUt,I 10 gUl'S! sGlr on otht'T shows wht11 (;",/JII/okl' Idt rhl' ,\lr In II)!'), \VitS (,() Whtl1 she dit,1 In )lJH!), Cllllrr:Ktll1g AIDS tmm her h)lIrrh hllsh.md and c'V(lltually slInumh­ Ill!! III 1M'!' f,lIlurl.· hlTlllj:ht on by vmil ht1~titls. Curtis

(ontlmlt'd work In).: In other TV Wt'sterns. .- ... ,,:, ... " "',' .' ~ (COIlfllllfcJ IJll 1(1 e 12l .. j \; Page 8 • americal1profile.com • .. .,... • •• • ••.> ,.. •••• ~ - •• •• _.... • .' ~ .. ,'- ...... • e, '. ..~ . . ~ . . On any miEJleis(hmann's' Strip· 2&Iar .. . '1!I(1ulflh9 Vf'lKallfflpwhele IQlf . '",

.EI.,IIII1I.IH -.ftcacdl . • Pnp'nme!tOmtt'lutas ....n.:45m_kllal .....-,,1IIIt: 30 to 3S minutes -linn: 8 . 3'lfC tups aII·PtJlIlOSllflour .t·213cups very warm 'Waler (120" to13O>ij 1envelope FJiIIcIIIlaM'II ftIfldRlsI YNst 2Iablespoolrss)u~Parmesaa chce$e •.. 1tablespoon sugar 1tabtespoQn Italian herb seasonilig 1teaspoOn salt 1f4 cup exlraYlrgln olive oi~ dlvkjed

• flour. undissolved yeast $iigat and sailln alarge bOwtAdd 2lablespoons olive oil .. • aiId water, stirring until well mixed. S\!tead dough inlo greased 13 x9·lnchpan. Cover. . LEUI. until doubled, aboul30 minutes.. POKE mulilllie holes into lhelloughusing the handle1lf aWO!Jden spoon. Orizzle 2.· IabJespoon$oI oflV8 oil over do~h; spnnklelYilh Parmesan cheese and'lIalian lierb . seasoning. Covet.. ". " . . .. IS. an additional 1& minules while O'Ien preheats 10 375°F. . . . WE 30 itt 35 minutes 1Jllfj lighUy browned. Cool slightly and ClJI inlos/fellS; serve ..... waml. ff (/eSired. servewllh additlonaloliveoilfor dipping. . .

, ',' .. '

.. " '.' . '" .. . '. . " ;' .. ".. ..'- .--': . ~ , . ',' . ~ . ' ,, " , . " ..... '. , , -', "'...... , . " ., . . , '.- ,

Individual Pumpkin Cheesecakes , hlp TIme: t5minutes 'laketime: 30-35 minutes 'C1111111m1: 1hour 'MIbs: 18 r·-..-----..·------··-.:~~L--= ...~.!."="' ....~~.:;.....~~.::;--.. -=!::=.!:':.::::.-.-...... r"----.~-.- ....-....-. Ingrllllenll , teaspoon Spice Islands' Pumpkin Pie Spice : . t,!A!;lJIA(IUIIOto\:PO'l TfIFiWlnlIO.IlI41IZI01: 'or6mll~ro 18 paper baking cups (2·112") 2eggs •, i 18 gingersnap cookies 1cup canned pumpkin , limn one COClflOII ~ ~ and I onlt on slleClfI~ \lIlldUCllsl, Oller .ell wbe1e pro­ 12 ounces cream cheese. softened 1/3 cup Kuo° UtI SJTlIP • hlbfled, au&llOOed. reproduted taxed 01 res1l1C11d 3/4 cup sugar • casn va:ue I" OOC II subn\itted III compliance r VI1Ih IlUI policy available reQtJeS1 ACII Food 1tablespoon IJgo' .. Kingsford's Com SIIn:h • uDon CompanIeS Inc CI.lS Dept 61120, 1FilI\un Or . Del Rxl. rx 1ll84D wi:! r~mbcJlsc i£lailet fate PLACE paper baking cups In mullin pans Place 1gingersnap In each cup •• ~ahJe plus Be e1008 ACH FOOII ComtJ311les me IEAT cream cheese. sugar corn slarch and pumpkin pie spice With an elecllic mixer unUl well mixed Ad~ eggs and blend well Add pumpkin and syrup Beat 1minute POUR filling Inlo cups, dIViding evenly Bake 10 apreheated 325"F oven for 30 \0 35 minutes, unlillus! set CHILL for 1hour Garmsh as deSIred Reeve ~ole nKaro lile Syrup IS unavarlable subsiliule Karo Ughl Corn Syrup On any 16 Ol. orlarger Karo' product . 2 ., _ __ •.•.•.•"_h•• __ .~~ _ •• u •••••.••••••• _ jO ••_ '

• .' ., . . ' !"'! !I'M ~. "! _ .:.. · .1_ ..:. 01*"'·."'.:;,..."....1..:... :. ,.;.:,·.. ~t,2 ..u·o:: .. ..:. .. "'t...::~ ..!:"'_,l.!'~·!_"- .. ",t , Ll.,...I.. L.oO.,,,, l_:.~,JJ •• • ~" I ~ .. _'''''' ~ 0' I j .,.",,;;, .. J i I ... • ,,'.. ., , .. , ..~ ,." ~ I .. • i J ,'••1' I .. ~ I .. ,.,,!;. ,d,.!, J ,,",;r;i~"rl.~ ~ ,- .. ",' • .', , , , ' •• ", .> ," . ~ i~ • .' • I, : .... '. ,.... ",' ;,.: ',' , , " " " '. -: ,,-:' .. ,_."- .: ,:'. " ':'~ ,'. '.,' , , , ~ . . . t , <". .,''. ' '. ... " "I, •• ..' ...• ' :\ ' ,, , . " ' -" .. " , .'" .' ~. ..' .. ':. : " .' t. _' .. , . , ',. ,;"", ',', . ., ...., ...... , .,'. . , ' , . l' '. . :" .' • 'f . , -. . ' , " . '.' .. ,'. ',. ". .. ' ',., ' ...... ',:', '.!' " , .

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1: .American Proflle'sFirst..Ever Pet Cont~stAnnounced ...].• ;I Pet Owners Urged to Enter Early- Contest EndsDecembe~3l~2908 ,,'II rI Port;on of Entty Fee to ~enefft HaPPy'Tales Humane '" ",,,. ". ". o''', ". ' '1:1 htl~bal1d. r I Franklin: Tenn.- AmeriCa's hOltJetowo' "Collic'" ChllrJico' iscutct ". limn 'iny . 'o" " ·1''". Amer;~an ;i_~ ': I' magazine, Profile, recently and certainly CUlcrlhallr!unity to w~n .'.' ~\I' i our fmnJly. not just an anllnnl.l here arc so $3000.00, and aportIOn of the pt'oceedswllI .... '1. . ~I many bC:lUly cO,ntest: out there ft)r pcoplc;g.o lo!he Happy Tales H1H1iUne shelter ill: . ..'" .I 1:: I wc ~clt Il ~as Hnporlallt .t~u~. we. find Ihe I·ran~~~!$nncsscc. _" .-:::",,~#,.____ .. :\'~~'~"\ I;". '..;~ . I In /T:] . .1tf'f . " ." '. '.--..... cutest pel all of Amcrlca. saId Laurel ~ I Ihe t t r;::-";;':t·-VOIC,:,~ . .. ' '. . .' '---'~'""cn cr con cs "~o· ,j.~~' Wlllthi~.. ' . " . \.' I Moms fr01I1 the magulll1c. .•. .. • dogwin$3,OOO.OO? . 1 ,: I ~po~ el1lcring. pet.owners will bc :I?lc to I.Go to WWW.AmeriCanProfile.com/pets; .I cnllst frlcnds and famIly to votc forlbelr pet. '" .' .., . . .' . N01'E:As:1h added bO.lllls. the wil1liing I .. I thus l'llcrcasing their c1mnces of·.. winnillg.. 2. CI.lek 0. n., the Ent.er C.olltest.or"',ote pet Wm he fC:lhll'cd in an ttpcntning .•. I f issue ofAlI1l'rimn Pm'ih.... . '. '. j: . Votcrsand entrants will haven daily vjcw .uttortb In .t.he~1 ddl. eath.e page an d :J' I. I of how their pel is rankedli1lheconlesL follow the onlme instructIons. Completll contest rules can be found at ·1 .' Wi~cOJ1si~ I Ii!: I IMary Sue Pcrkins0l1 ft,·om. 3. V.OldE!Encourage your fatnily 'hand 'Yo" dwww.h···Amhburi:ao"profil:.com/pets. . ..•. , I • pans 10 enter!11C cOllIes aSSOOil aSll. ftie" s to votetoputYOll in t e . I W ~repfoi ite." pcntlllcg.l[l't!lid~llts.ohhc II S'h I bl 'd liM" "B 'd ...... (~i1tiri(>nt\IUS whIHi'C~gc IB6tllldcr:iUimoof.Chlry. ··1" . J opens. e l10t Sll lUllt YStu: Y or .0.1' '.' winners circle. '.' ...... ". . .. Cll~t(>$t~e~~?~~~~j'I~~~?andCnd$' .. , . ~.--, :-,~ ...... '-'... ' ... _- ...... --- -_·..... - ...,-- ...... • 1

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• When the winner of the U.S. presiden dection moves into the White House in Janunry, the wi II get a place of honor in fhe They Also Ran Galler Norcon, Kan. (pop..~,OI2~ . "They'n: all very import~nt men;' curator Lee Ann Sill }1. says about the 5H unsucct'Ssful prl'Sidential candidatt; Statf~E Curator Lee Ann Shearer ponders the next Inductee Into the They Also Ran Gallery; shrined in rhe one-room photo g.dl(;'ry inskle first William Walrer Rouse, the bank's former ~resident. cream gallery in 1965 after rt'Jlding Irving Stone's book, They Abo about the nllti/JO's prltsidenrilll runners-up, "Dad was interested in history ilOd cdutlUion and relld Homce Greeley had stopped in mwn," says Rouse's dauj Ann Ha;dert, 76, of Norron, Greeley, a 1H72 presidential hopeful who hlUnaed the YI)I'k T,'ihll//( and edirorializt;Q 1m the "Go West, young I theme. aJreatly was filmous for staying overnighr anhe Sl coach stop in Norton during a wl'Sr\vard journey. Rouse dc( ,,--.. - /' .--- thilt a must'um Ut'vou:d to prt'Siuential also-rans like Gr could be a boon kIt his town, . • ,.". ,\ ,< .' - ',' "" '. " ! " Ar the free museum, t'Very major-parry prl'Sidendal\van me from Thomas Jefferson to Jlhn Kerry is salurt't! with ,a " framed 16·by·20-inch official Library of Cong~ portmil a ,~(J(}-\Vord biognlphy. Minor-patty c,lOdidates have beel eluded since 19HO because of dwindling wall space. •"Gerald Ford's photo was double-bolted and nttached lik, orhers to tht, \\"0111, but it kepr tailing off," ShL'Urer Sllys, W laugh, '" k was kim! ofa klutz, yOll know," While the names and hlCes of inductees such as Saml r I ~ . Tilden, HOnltio Seymour. Winfield Scott Hancock and R -r-I-- - r II I Kint: may nor ring abell, others, like)effecson, Herbert Ho Richard Nixon and Gcor~e HW. BLish-who bOth won SAVE losr presidenrial campaigns-arr: lJuitt: filmillar. Htl1ry Clay holds rhe distinction of being the biggest pres $30.95 tialloser-or the must determined (() win Americas highes If you order by You Also (;el: lirical post. Clay rom as amndidate for three.parrk'S and lost I November 15th AJ-hour DVD thilt tral'C~ Elvis' spiritual roots, ~cmllnc devotion to ~()Spcl musil' .1Ild never-before-seen footage of perliJrmalKcs ;don~ with intcrcstin~ his poise-packed, 2-CD collection features 40 storics frnm tlvis' dnse friends. ' Tltirring gospel favorite. perfOrmed by one of the ! grearest artisu of OUT time! Ii!d\! 1lYlLill!l: ,,,ur famr.llJ: I ~ IOOjQ; Slllnd 1>1" ,If,'. Sow!>.d\' BI,~~"T Thllll 1"011 ITIIl I, ; SAVE $30.95 Order Today I Brh... ,,· /" Ihl' JI'In I",h,. Sfv, 1"lh, G'I1': I' . . '•. 'Tveal\v~Y$beeil morc·.· iri[ci~e~ted •. "c~~h\on h~s '~" C~~;9ut'sectlp~tllat .1, ",: .' •..... 'l'h~rapeiJtfc Spinal.' ':' .,,:1: ::':~~; J~lIll~~: JI~;~:;:~' ,~I,!" .'. '. i~ wl~y l>e~~)lf 'ost·~'i15tea~I:'()~' why', .~:~~. P~~~M~i~~~~~~4~'~~:'. I., Aligntnenrpmow(s),.~$12.97s •.. '... ,': .. ''.".' ::' .. '..,: ':. '·:.1:' c people won, sqys ChnsBll.ucU,·:?6'llf 'alignsthesplne spyoli cali sit pain' I 'C'A' 'Id' I: :'. " d"d' 7' "'5'" ',' 'la, S '.' ' , .' '.' ': . . . .'1' b .N b . . .' 6.' '.. ."...... '. ." . I' res en $ MUS ·a ,~ .. sa es x ' ..,' :. .' . . .. I' ,GOtlCn urg. c.(pO!l;3,l?)I,vJlO .•.• fre~,for.h,ours.:~lmplt~laceoo.a~y' I.", •• < ';"",;i',,~~:. ":".'.,: :," s~ent m~re,thnll an I}O\wr~1l~hlJ8::the.,,: !=halr, ~ouchor:st?o.l. for In~tlin~ :!' ". . . f.RE~.SHIPPING.; sFRE£ ... ' ."'. ..' .. "...... ·.i;',.1 '. blPgraphlCltJ sketches,' '" .' ..;' ~ltra·f9ft ·relief. ~oIYJJred1~~~ f~al)1 I .' ,,' '.: ,... " .. :'~4'1~",' . ". . '" . I. Itial .' of ~he gallery's: ::;. " ,'; . with. ~ashab'e :polyest~r.~eece·.I' :Add $2.00 H3Qdling 's2~OO i :'.... .", " .' .": .' inductees.: .~ ',::"CovJlr•. I~:'x 16")( 3.... :Hurry.·prder ...~~i',: "".,~r7,l~ '. " "Ii loser ,,~9ay,and 1 ..'...:.' ,:'. , ., ".'1 " '.\':: &!;t ·F.REE,SfHPpING!,. ·1 . p:lcase Print Clearly, .'. •.'" .,IlHIi.'DreililPi'oduets,lnc;,. :"::1. 10 l~tllP :Jt!lil~~"O"Cl~I~d:llIJleI)J~fO/.~~~~I.::·' :"'., ,:-OTAl: S ,~ ..O;~, ~1~DREA"'l:AN~.VAN~UVS~'~A 'y, .' ! . ny" ':: ol.911 i l, ..'dldo r ,~Vtll' rhe: " ',., '...."..." ~~---~.• _~"---.----':"",:,~~.'!"-."-~"':'''!'".j.''--'''''"''-''.'.'' •••_~~~:.'''.,'"''!~.-~-.,.~,.~-.'''~,

~arer; sen· ~:;~' ,ltlSlAN'IELIEF~'.OMBicK~PA'tl.·.· lank. dthe She-41rt'!' affec{ionflttly", adl~. the/UlisClun.·. . . . '( . '. R"fI, " ,,,.,.' ,. .. ,.I ", n(ln.~thd~ss·. . were· '1'1'":''' ·S·'t" '.. ; , ' , . . . , fit. \. rvng ,ones: .' thilt' ljlllte SllC(~ I men. I94nook '< '..... ~hter Htllry A. \v.·l1lacc.', ". Insplt;ed'<:reiltlon '.' fu~ l'xlIrup(c, .tht'. ~f the.th:ey'Also .' .•. N~1I'1948 'Pro/3ressiw .RiiI\C;allerY!I1'·.; .• t'lQrtb~~. .' llun H ' . Pmy'l1indidate who,.·.· Ka!l; '.' : cag<:~ ((1St fQI-IarryS, Trunlan,Se(ved .ali' :idedvice presidem to Frltnklin Delano: . ed~y I' . Rooseveltllndhelpet!nrgaillzetht:: .':, New Dea.l. programs. "..' .. ' ., '.. . .nabe· I . Shc;lrt'tsfavorjteindue[~'C'is (Jr4'Cley ,; IO(,cl- I" m'C'.iusc ofhis flt'etingm'S with Nomin; t and . Sht'ilreralsoJikt'SG.-eeley's t'llSIHlrrip-.' n c'x- (X'i11f1oce lind friendly hlee in his pottmir. . .. ''I've read that his \vife:was ;t'slipShod : e the fit . hOl1seKt'Cper andhe \Vol,ld t:Xitth,ehOlise .: 'ieh a in a rllmplttLcol\twithhis hair'J:11~ss\.~ '.' lind, those oeckwhiskl:rs;"Sllt-arersays.. .,' "But he lovt'Cl his cot:tntry," . " lei J. A(l'Sii'emscrvethdrl1lltitl!1ls~tnmmon ~uflls .: tr.litof nil ofrl1C rnuS(1tmS hill1(irt~'S/ ." '. over. ,. "They're all good men;Th~y just'. I and didn't win the vote," says visitor. GoldiJ ." iden­ AildersOil, 97, of Caldwell,klaho (/,01),'· .•. r po­ 25,967), who hl\S votl'(l in every·presi.'· . three dential election since 1932. "1'ml1titu' . DemOCl"Jt or a R(.'publj(~n," she ndds. "I'm just an Atnerki\n and uphold the one Ithil1k is best ftlr (lltr n.uti(jn:' ., •.. ' . On NClVt4, when ~oeelisendoni:pi'~ .. '. iclel1tilll candldlltetothe White HOllsc,· Shearer \~ill!lang jl portrait oftheloser' .. ' next to John Kerry,ehSuring thut the. .... lntest "also-rom" woo'tSOO!1 l~ f/>rgom:n . in Norton. * . StOlJ' 11)' Multi '\I/IIfIII. rollldh,ltillgfflitlll:: .. , , . .

.. Imas' Jlery..

:om...... ' ORDER TOLL FREE 1-800-410.. 2153 " '. ",' . " " .. :. '.; .'-, ' .., :'; .', ' - , , .' '; ",', ., ,I •. ", .\ ; . .. , . ' '" .:.. , " . . . .,'." .', ' ..' " ". . ..' . . "'~' , . "", ." .' ."' ...... : . . , " '., . ,., " ;.,-,':. - ", , .: .".' •. '." ", . ':.•"'? ,.', ',.". . ,.. ..: ( ... . -.. , . , .. . ,', .of , , " , ':. "t' .' ....., •• : .• : • "...', / • ',',," " .•.•. ' ."", '" . ", :...... \ .,' . -, ... ',,1, , , ,~" _.' , •• ' "" " ' ,:..1 ,• '; . ! '. r, :' '.,. • ". " • • \ . ", • '. •.

"•. (Cot/fjrmedjrofllll4ge 8) "

, ,', "'including .Tbe YeUotl'Rmeund OJIIllglJt1; and, WilS 74 when he wa~ fulled bya heilrt atmck iii 1991.SttJne IIlso suffered afiltlll Ii('ilrt' atroek in June 1980 a~ 75 yt'iITS ,oH . Anodlt'l' 'memortID!c GlllfJl/1ok dmmtlet W'.IS QI,lintAspcr,l~ayt'd by Burt Reynolds ; from 1962 to 1965. "WI)(l1 Burt "'.IS on the show, moJ:C women W(1'(.· wriring to . , 'him than to me;' Arnt.'S.~ says. dltll laughs. "Wonder why!" l1lCSe days, Amt'SS is involvt.J with his. favorite charity, VOiR\! (:tiebml Pellsy, and ' , he Cl'e'Jtt'd his own w{Usitc, jrllJt'.f(n7/''f.f,lJI//I, through wbich he constllntly ht'(\TS from fans and admi~rs. . "I especially likr the e·mailsfrom thl: younger generation who watch with their parents or grandparents," he says. ' "Many people write co ,me and say they ,can'c find anything lOday where they Ciln sit down with che whole family and enjoy ari evt'nin~show together. GIIIIJI//oke hud t hut qual iry. und people remember that anclra55 it on," * , .5/(11)'/1)' PtIllMfl' enb/l ({Vf/llt') G/t'II. C"'if

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.-1 .: ., .- ..' .. -. -', . .' . '.' "--~-:",_.~.-:~.__ ._,_._~---..-.---_._------...~.",_.,,,. ,,' j . A1110J1lCht of~r:ttitudc for thl' l.ord's many blessiJ,lgs UJ.nid thclrao(juil heal1tj' o[nilturc is': ....:. ".; . ." ll k:,,(' 11\~l'lUld:llrllllllllll;" \ ~:rfe{'tlr mptured fntlle pray:,'. ~ilf~lcn:il1w(lJ'k()f the <:clcbralcd P(~l1iM' ellUgbr. TJ1PIllas '.:1,' '.' '.' .' L'EIO'U".' Ardlclgh Elllot't"','II.:"l1l' III rI '''II11llt'r .... ! Kmkadl.'. Xo\\' his hl.'!o\'ed \'lSlon IS 1iI1()W('lISed in an lllt-ne\\' UlUS1C:II tremmre of !Je:l<.'cflll :.. hI: ' . 920Hcolct fnl"lhc Arl~ Ilrhc " . t inspiration.lirl.'sl'l1ting ... thc11)CJJlltl,.. Kil1lmd(J "(,'(lrt/eN ty'P/,((i't'/''' Music Box. '('xdusivclr 1 . )~lIes.IL6on4 ";' ! from ArdleiJ.dlElliou. ..:.,'Ju;,i n\\lm'li .\1'1'11( '\'I1U" . '; ,. A tr('~l';urc or' peace andb<:mJty froll" AIllCriC,I'!'i mosl-<;oUcctcd living -artist l YES., Jlll=:tsc rCSCr"c dIe 11/(1111(($ Killkt/dt' Thcll11's Intnquil garek'n nrtistry is hc:alltiflllIy r<",'reatcd in hand-painted 111in.latlllt' in... jdt~ .': "(j(IJ'tIl!il ofJ'mI'r!1'" ~111Sic Hox as dcscrillcd in Ihls ! this l11ahoA'ln}'.Onishcd musk hox of heirloom 'qualit)'..The OI'iginal artwork appears as a !aMounccmcnt: " .' .,' .. ". l striking hackdrop in the lid. and 1I handsome gnlden-r!J1ishl.'d n;imepl:m.' adds <.'ol!ectihility. : s . ' . ... l This premiere trl'aSlire plays the touching melody of ~Yoll'l! r\crer\X::llk (\Iont.... . ! "gnalUrEl ..' ; ., I .Satisfaction .guaraHteed; limit one p~r CUs()fiu·r.! Mr. Mrs. Ms. .' . '. I Already in high demand.thLii ()~Itstandingmusit· hox is premiere priced at only S5MW,,! .... 'Name(P(caSaPrin(ctcai~J' ,. '. r parablc: in IWCl easy installments ·of S29.99C::lch. wiih your s;lIbf:Il'tiol1 guamntced fOfonc : Address • . ". I full yellf'. Urge"t Notification: Availablii1tyis Stt/clty li",~tedr Send h(~ 1110rtc~ now!! . .. _, .... ·'·~"";_H. IkturJi tl1<.' Rescl'\':'tion AppUl':'tion toda}'.lfe must Ir1ceIII(!J'OItrjil'St jJtijll1lf1Jltbj' 12/15/08 .' !CiIY _ ., _ ,..,. ,Staie.Zlp .. ,. '..! to gll(tI'tllltee CbrislIfllls({e/l(IC/Ji! .. ..;.. ," ,:'PluU 10lal 01$899 Sbipplil!lnod seili(o . llt~7e-ool;E571Ql: ',' . , l·\lllcctibk~todtiy.coll1 IAfltliil~d·edlllO~pr~sentahOn reslritled 10 120 tlbn,ng d.ysSubjecl 10 prdducl avM.· . . ;.·~IMIH Anlldgh IJIllllt . """" ofl"~."'!I"" M'ht",l'.lnlllto""hbf": all1llf and l)rd~! mpMnce .. . , ...... :...."'" .. ".

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-.. ,.'. . ., I ANEW ORl.EANS· CLASSIC, While most people are familiar MUFFALETTASANDW,IC, . . .' . Wi(/l tht po'boy sandwich. so namtd beCil\l~l' it was in­ You'll have about 4cups of olive mi: nL~h-poor. vented to fel.J New Orleans' suikinr: streetcar enough to make lsandwiches. ... workers in 1929. not evt'ryont IS .lS fi'miliar with ,lnother of the l ity's iconic sandwkhes-the mllffi,ll.'ttu, New Orlean5~Style Tht mllffi,lettu was dtveloped by aSicilian WOl.'l-ry swre Olive Mix . owner in Nt'w Ork-.ms· French Quarrer in the early 1900s, The sandwich itself is a C/lmplex combination of ing~di­ 2 cups chopped 'pitted gre en[s~m()rt

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