to levy tolls, rates, and duties, upon, or in re- railway, commencing at or near Lingwell Nook, ipect of the said railway and works, and to exer- in the township of Lofthouse-cnm-Carltpn, in the cise any other rights and privileges, and for the parish of Rothwell aforesaid, and terminating by purpose aforesaid to alter, amend, extend, and en- the two several junctions following, that is to say, large the powers and provisions of " The Great one of such junctions with the. Branch Northern Railway Act, 1846," and " The Stam- of the Wakefield, Pontefract, and Goole Railway, ford and Spalding Railway Act, 1846." And to as already authorized by Parliament, at. or near enable the Great Northern Railway Company to the point where the said branch, is intended to cross, taise a further sum of money, by shares or mort- the river Colder* and, the other of such junctions gage, for all or any of the. purposes aforesaid.— with the York and North , at or Bated this nin^h day of November 1846. near the point where the said last-named railway Bfrcham, Dalrymple, and Drake, Bedford- crosses the said river Calder, each of guch last,-, row, , Solicitors. imentioned junctions -being in,the •to^n^ljip.^A^ [parish of Methiey,.in.t^ift,«aid "\jFesjt Riding -of the county of York, which, said junction railway will it-eeds, Dewsbury, and Manchester Railway, (Ex- pass from, in, through, or into, or be situate withinj tension to Wakefield, and Junction at Methley the several parishes, townships, and extr.a-.parophia^ with the Wakefield, Pontefract, and Goole, and : or other places- following, or, some of, them, that is the York and North Midland Railways.) \ to say,, East Ardsley,. Rothwell^ Rpthwell-cum- OTICE is hereby given, that application is ! Royds, Lofthous.e-.cum-.Carlton,Oidton-cum-Wood- N intended to be made to Parliament in the lesford, Stanley-Qum-Wrenthorpfc and Methley, al) ensuing session, for au. Act to. alter, amend, and '• being within the said West Riding; of. the county enlarge, and to repeal some of the- 'powers, and 'of York., ' . .!. provisions of " The , Dewsburyj, and Man- And it is also intended by such Act to take chester Railway Act,. i8,4oV' and " Tlie Leeds, power to. stop up, alter, or divert, whether tern-. Dewsbury, and" Manchester Railway, (Deviations porarily or permanently, all turnpike and other and Branches) Act, 1846," and to authorize the roads and highways, railways, tramways, aqueducts, Leeds, Dewsbury, 'and Manchester iRjfilway Com- canals, streams, and rivers, within the aforesaid pany to make and maintain the'Railways, following,; parishes., townships, and extra-parochial or other or one of them, with ajil proper works; approaches, places, or any of them, which it may be necessary and conveniences connected therewith/*' that is to to stop up, alter, or divert, by reason of the construpr isay, a railway commencing at and by a junction, tion of the said intended works,, or, any of them.., with the said Leeds., Dewsbury, and Manchester And it is furtherintended- by such Act to vary otf Railway, as authorized to be constructed by the extinguish all existing rights-or privileges in any Mid first-jnentipned Agt, at 05 near a place called manner connected with the lands proposed to be. Simons Bottoms, in the township of Churwell, and purchased OB taken for the purposes of the said parish of Batley,iin..the.west riding of the county undertaking, or which would in any manner impede 6f York, and terminating by three, several junc- or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or tions with the Manchester and Leeds Railway as ; use thereof, and to confer other rights and privi-i folio wsj that is to. say; one of such Junctions at leges ; and to authorise and enable the said Leeds, or near the station.of the said Manchester and Dewsbury, and Manchester Railway Company to Leeds Railway, in. the township and parish of purchase lands and houses by compulson or agree--, Wakefield, in the said riding ; another of such ment, for the purposes aforesaid; and to levy tolls, junctions at or near the point where the said Man- rates, and duties for the use of the said intended chester and Leeds Railway crosses a certain public railway 'and junction railway and works, and to highway commonly called Thornes Lane, in the grant certain exemptions from the payment of tollsj township of Alverthorp-with-Thornes, in the parish rates, and duties. And it is, also intended by^.the of Wakefield: aforesaid;. and the third of such said Act to enable the said .Leeds? Dew-sbury, and junctions at or. near the intended eastern point Manchester Rail way Company to raise a further sum of junction of the , , , of money for-.the purpoVfc aforesaid*, dr, any of them. Wakefield, Btuddersfield, and Gjool.e Railway, as And* it is. also-intended by the said Act to grant already authorized. b,y Parliament, with the said and secure to the Great Northern. Railway Com-. Manchester and Lefeds Railway, in. the township of ;pany (interpolated* 1846) the-right of passage for !|Iorbury, and parish^of Wakefield aforesaid, which all traffic passing to and from the Great Northern said intended railway and. works wi|t pass from, Railway; 6r«atiy. of its* branches or extensions, pit in, through., or, into,, or be situate withjn'r the such reasonable terms as ha-vfet been or may be several parishes, townships, and. ex,tra-par.ochial agreed;, on, for. that pni^pse, p$eE.and along the "said or other places following, or some .of them, that intended railway and junction railway^ or,.anypapt is to say, Batley, Churwell, Mprley., Rothwell, of them, and alsjo over and along so. much of the Middleton, Thorpe, Lpfthous.e-cum-Carlton, West main line of .the said Leeds, Dewsbury, and Mann Ardsley, otherwise Woodkirk or Woodchurch, Chester Railway as lies between the prpposed East" Ardsley, Wakefield. parish, Wakefield town- station of the. said Great Northern Railway in qhip, Stanley-cuna-Wrenthorpe, Alyerthorpe-with- the town of Leeds aforesaid and the point of; Thornes, and Horbury, all being within the said commencement of the said first-mentioned intended West Riding of the county of York; also a junc- railway at or near Simons Bottoms.aforesaidt, Ajid tion railway from and but of- the said intended it is intended, by such Act to alter, amend;