Meeting Agenda



Location: Geneva Public Works 1. Call to Order Training Room 1800 South Street 2. Roll Call Geneva, IL 60134 3. Review of Building Permit Applications A. 307-309 West State Street CASE 2018-143 Applicant: Jim Ammirapi, Dave Cilio & Jason Levin / Nobel Time: House, Owners 7:00 p.m. W. Alex Teipel / Architectural Resources, Architect Application for: Proposed Exterior Storefront Rehabilitation

Commissioners: 4. Secretary’s Report (Staff Updates) Paul Zellmer, Chairman 5. New Business Jim Hamilton A. From the Commission Al Hiller B. From the Public George Salomon George Stazin 6. Adjournment David Warner Carolyn Zinke Next meeting September 18, 2018

Staff Liaison:

Michael A. Lambert Preservation Planner

630/938.4541 [email protected]

The Geneva Historic Preservation Commission meeting is audio-recorded, and summary minutes are transcribed by a recording secretary.

The City of Geneva complies with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require accommodations in order to allow them to observe and or participate in this meeting are required to contact the Planning Division at 630/232.0818 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to allow the City of Geneva to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.

Community Development Department Report


AGENDA ITEM 3A 307-309 West State Street September 4, 2018 Proposed Storefront Renovation

Applicant: BACKGROUND Jim Ammirapi, Dave Cilio and The 1909 Kendall Building property is identified as a contributing property Jason Levin, Owners in the local historic district and as a contributing building in the Central Geneva Historic District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places. W. Alex Teipel, Architectural Resources The commercial property was built with dual storefronts in 1909 for George Kendall. The building was constructed by the Wilson Brothers, prolific, local contractors, and originally housed a dry goods store in one tenant space and a grocery in the other tenant space.

Request: The building was expanded in 1910 with the construction of 305 West Permit Review for the State Street that originally housed the Aurora, Elgin and Chicago Electric Renovation of a historic Railway Transfer Station, which included a waiting room and lunch commercial facade, including counter. The 1910 addition replicated the architectural design of the two storefront renovation. storefronts to the west.

HPC Case Number: 2018-143

Staff Liaison: Michael Lambert 1918 image courtesy of the Geneva History Museum Preservation Planner 630/938.4541 [email protected]


Agenda Item 3A Page 2 of 11 Permit Review

The storefront at 309 West State Street is original to the building and incorporates a central, recessed entry. When constructed in 1909, the original storefront at 307 West State Street was identical in design to the adjacent, 309 West State Street storefront. However, based on information provided by the Geneva History Museum, it appears that the

307 West State Street storefront was remodeled very early, possibly within the first, two years of the construction of the Kendall Building. By 1912, the Star Theatre was operating in the 307 West State Street space. By 1920, the theatre had closed and a bakery occupied the space; the bakery storefront did not replicate the original, 1909 storefront. The 309 West State Street Circa 1912 image courtesy of the Geneva History Museum storefront was first painted approximately a decade ago, based on information in City of Geneva files. Originally painted white, the storefront was painted the present shade of pink between 2010 and 2012. The painting of the 309 West State Street façade pre-dates the City of Geneva’s adopted Design Guidelines for Historic Properties (2010) which follows the Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) Standards in its recommendation of not painting which, originally or historically, was unpainted. The Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) Standards have been adopted in the City of Geneva Historic Preservation Ordinance. Specifically, the SOI Standards prescribe the following in regard to the painted masonry: 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. 5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features…shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Following the Concept Review for the project by the Commission, Staff was invited to an on-site meeting with the Applicants (as well as their architects, interior design consultant, painter, and PPG representative) on June 28, 2018 to discuss concerns raised by the Commission during the Project Concept Review on June 19, 2018, namely:

Agenda Item 3A Page 3 of 11 Permit Review

a. painted removal from historically-unpainted masonry; b. historic 309 West State Street storefront retention; and c. reconstruction of 307 West State Street storefront based on historic documentation. During the June site visit, Staff noted that the paneled, masonry parapet showed signs of moisture infiltration and retention as evidenced by blistered paint; loose or deteriorated ; and displaced . The moisture-related issues are likely a result of the combination of the paneled parapet design (which requires maintenance of a mortar wash at the lower edge of the recessed panel); poorly maintained parapet coping and flashing; and the existing, painted surface coating. A lengthy discussion ensued about the removal of the existing paint and the cleaning of the historic masonry rather than applying additional coats of paint. Following the meeting, Staff provided the Applicants and their representatives information about time-tested paint removal products. The PPG representative noted that the existing paint had been applied over very soiled masonry. Additionally, exposed historic masonry was found to be soiled. Following the meeting and acknowledging the Commission’s concerns, the Applicants agreed to investigate paint removal and masonry cleaning. The Secretary of the interior’s (SOI) Standards, as adopted by City ordinance, prescribe the following rehabilitation measures to address the identified field conditions: 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Additionally, the submitted drawings indicate the removal of the entire storefront at both 307 and 309 West State Street. Detail images of the existing, historic storefront at 309 West State Street follow:

Agenda Item 3A Page 4 of 11 Permit Review

The proposed storefront incorporates operable windows over a new bulkhead/dado and the infilling of the transom area with new frame construction. No exterior lighting is proposed. A single, fixed awning of canvas is proposed to cover the infilled transom panels. Traditionally, individual awnings would have been provided for each storefront. The proposed details of the storefront trim and transom panels are not clearly identified. The submitted drawings identify the construction of a new, paneled bulkhead/dado over new frame construction to replace the existing / bulkhead/dado at the 309 West State Street storefront (installed within the 1835-1966 Period of Significance for the Central Geneva Historic District) and to replace the post-1970 bulkhead/dado at the 307 West State Street storefront. The proposed bulkhead/dado details do not appear to be based on any historic precedent or photographic documentation. The proposed bulkhead/dado appears to be a conjectural detail finished with fiber cement trim. The Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) Standards, as adopted by City ordinance, prescribe the following rehabilitation measures to address the identified design issues of the historic storefront, including the transom panels and the bulkhead/dado (emphasis added): 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. Agenda Item 3A Page 5 of 11 Permit Review

These two images provide historic details of the bulkhead/dado at the 1909 Kendall Building by the Wilson Brothers. The left image is dated circa 1918, and the image below is dated to the 1950s. These images provide documentary evidence of the historic storefront details. Images courtesy of the Geneva History Museum.

Supplementary Submittals and Analysis following the July 17, 2018 HPC Meeting At its regular meeting of July 17, 2018, the Geneva Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) reviewed the proposed storefront rehabilitation project at 307-309 West State Street, as submitted by the Applicant. The draft Minutes of the proceedings of that meeting reflect the following summary of Commission concerns as identified by the Chairman at the close of the discussion: Agenda Item 3A Page 6 of 11 Permit Review

Chairman Zellmer and the commissioners reported they would need more information on the project, the bulkheads, the transom details, how the existing storefront would be salvaged and how it would integrate into the next system. Specifications of the whitewash system were also requested.

At the July 17, 2018 meeting of the Geneva HPC (as reflected in the draft Minutes of the meeting), Applicant Jason Levin discussed the difficulty of removing the paint and having a uniform look on the original brick so the option was to go forward with a white wash/limestone look, which was a muted white look. As much of the original paints would be removed. Applicant Dave Cilio explained that in order to whitewash the building, the pink paint would be removed and, if there was a need to remove the other layers, that removal would be attempted “but within a certain budget.” Tuckpointing was also planned. Mr. Cilio assured that whatever whitewash product was selected for use “would be an external product and a breathable product.” Commissioner Hiller questioned the “breathability” of the proposed paint treatment. Mr. Levin did not have the paint specifications; however, Mr. Teipel explained that whitewash was “basically a thinner paint and the preparation work to the brick was basically the same as regular paint.” Per the audio recording of the July 17, 2018 HPC meeting, Applicant Dave Cilio testified that “whatever whitewash application” is used will “not damage any of the (historic) brick or mortar.” The Applicants favor a “whitewashed brick” look because, in their opinion, the paint treatment highlighted the “inconsistencies of the (existing) brick.”

No further information about the paint removal process was submitted by the Applicants by the application deadline.

Subsequent to the July 17, 2018 meeting of the HPC, the Applicants provided specifications for the proposed paint systems.

Based on the submitted specifications, Preservation Planner Michael Lambert contacted the PPG Technical Representative who stated that the proposed paint system is an industrial coating that will “bite into the brick” for “lifetime adhesion.” The coating product has been formulated for tilt-up panel construction such as warehouses and high-rise buildings. Removal of the coating, in the future, is “virtually impossible” without destruction of the face of the brick.

Consequently, the proposed paint system is not consistent with the following five (5) Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (“SOI Standards”), which have been adopted as part of the City of Geneva Municipal Code (emphasis added):

2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided.

5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved.

7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible.

9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible Agenda Item 3A Page 7 of 11 Permit Review

with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment.

10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.

Additionally, the PPG technical representative stated that the existing brick must be thoroughly cleaned— including the removal of any previous coatings—prior to the installation of the proposed coating. Therefore, it seems that the historic brick façade will necessarily need to be stripped and the underlying brick cleaned…which would be the recommended preservation approach for the storefront renovations. Additionally, the masonry must be free from moisture infiltration prior to installation of the proposed coating. The repainting of the brick seems to be an added project cost that is in conflict with the adopted goals and standards for preservation.

Consequently, a discrepancy exists between testimony provided by the Applicants on July 17, 2018 and product specification information provided by the manufacturer’s representative. Therefore, city staff suggested, via email exchanges, that the Applicants investigate alternate façade design elements that would convey the Nobel House brand without permanent alteration of the historic building materials.

Per the audio recording of the July 17, 2018 HPC meeting, the only consensus reached by the Commission regarding the painting of the storefront facade was that the existing pink color was not appealing and that the existing, latex-based paint was not appropriate for use at the exterior masonry wall.

Without resolution or direction regarding the painting of the façade on July 17, 2018, the Commission turned to the preservation of the 1909 storefront.

It remains unclear how the proposed, operable window wall system will be installed within the historic storefront.

The removal of the historic storefront conflicts with the following five (5) SOI Standard (emphasis added):

2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided.

5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved.

6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence.

9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. Agenda Item 3A Page 8 of 11 Permit Review

10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.

Since the July 17, 2018 meeting of the HPC, the Applicants have submitted the attached architectural drawings and shop drawings for the proposed window system.

Based on the submitted information, it is apparent that the historic, 1909 storefront itself will not support the proposed operable window system. The submitted shop drawings indicate an all-aluminum storefront system with wood trim applied to the exterior face. The nominal width of the storefront system is approximately 4 inches in depth where the existing storefront system is approximately one-half the depth of the proposed storefront system. Similar historic storefronts have been adapted with a secondary framing system at the interior side of the historic storefront for comparable operating, window systems. Staff suggested, via email, that the Applicant should explore those examples that would allow the retention of the historic storefront; replicate the details at the adjoining storefront where the original storefront has been lost; and will allow the use of the desired operable window system. Furthermore, the proportions of the fenestration bays of the 307 West State Street storefront should be based on matching the dimensions of the historic recessed entry bay at 309 West State Street and, then provide equal bays flanking the central bay of the storefront. Based on dimensions provided by the Applicant along with evaluation of the historic photographs, the storefront display windows at the 307 West State Street storefront were only slightly narrower than those display windows at the 309 West State Street storefront.

A design solution that meets both the Applicants’ goals and the Commission’s goals seems achievable. However, the current submittal is inconsistent with six of ten (6 of 10) SOI Standards; the Geneva Window Policy; and provisions of the Design Guidelines for Historic Properties.

Supplementary Submittals and Analysis following the August 21, 2018 HPC Meeting At its regular meeting of August 21, 2018, the Geneva Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) reviewed the proposed storefront rehabilitation project. At that time, the discussion was divided into two areas of concern: the proposed paint specification for the historic masonry façade and the preservation/adaptive use/reconstruction of the historic storefronts.

Regarding the proposed paint system, the Commission heard testimony from Travis Green, PPG Sales Representative, who noted that the submitted specification was not appropriate for the proposed application. He asked that the submitted specification be disregarded by the Commission. Mr. Green clarified that the historic masonry façade would need to be cleaned thoroughly, resulting in a “near-original” condition and appearance of the historic masonry. In order to provide the whitewash treatment, Mr. Green described a system that would utilize a PPG graffiti-prevention coating as a “sacrificial primer” before a diluted paint wash (somewhere between 5 parts paint to 1 part water and 3 parts paint to 1 part water) would be applied over the “sacrificial primer.” The “sacrificial primer” would break down over time but, also, could be removed without damage to the brick in the future, if desired. The majority of the Commission was in general agreement with the process; the specifications of the system were requested to be submitted prior to the next review of the project. Specifications of the newly- proposed products have been submitted (see attached). Agenda Item 3A Page 9 of 11 Permit Review

Regarding the proposed storefront preservation or reconstruction, the Commission did not support the submitted proposal for removal of the 1909 storefront at 309 West State Street and reconstruction of the two storefronts with standard aluminum storefront components. Commissioners pointed out that the August 21, 2018 submittals were the first submittals that showed any significant details of the proposed storefront system. The majority of the Commissioners supported retention and adaptation of the historic storefront at 309 West State Street and the reconstruction a matching design at the 307 West State Street storefront. The majority of the Commissioners supported removing the glazing at the large storefront openings to accommodate the operable windows (as desired by the Applicants) but did not support the removal of historic transom glazing. The Commission asked that bulkheads either retain the existing stone veneer or replicate the historic bulkheads with square panels as documented in historic images.

New architectural drawings were submitted following the August 21, 2018 meeting. Upon review, Staff did not believe that the submittals addressed the concerns of the Commission. Therefore, Staff coordinated a meeting on the morning of Tuesday, August 28, 2018 with Jason Levin and Dave Cilio of Nobel House; W. Alex Teipel and Robert Akers of Architectural Resources; and Michael Lambert, City of Geneva Preservation Planner. The purpose of the meeting was to clarify the details that were sought by the Commission to achieve the goals of the Applicants. The requested window application requires rather complex architectural details to achieve the goals of the Commission and Applicants. Revised architectural drawings were returned.

The submitted architectural drawings have been submitted for review and comment by the Commission at a Special Meeting. The general concept is consistent with the requests of the Commission:

1. The historic storefront is retained at 309 West State Street; 2. A new storefront constructed of fiber cement materials and to replicate the historic storefront is to be installed at 307 West State Street; 3. The storefront bulkhead has been detailed to replicated the square paneling as documented in historic photographs; 4. The storefront proportions have been adjusted at 307 West State Street to more closely replicate the original storefront rhythm; and 5. The operable window units are placed in a secondary wall system at the interior face of the existing storefront.

The submitted architectural drawings; however, remain unclear or inconsistent with the requests of the Commission:

1. The use of fiber cement materials for the reconstructed storefront may be inappropriate because the material lacks structural strength when installed as indicated (Cellular PVC may be a more appropriate product but may also be subject to deflection without appropriate support); 2. Fiber cement products at the reconstructed bulkhead may deteriorate when exposed to snow-melting agents (Cellular PVC may be a more appropriate and durable product for the application); 3. The removal of the transom windows and the resulting ledge between the original storefront plane and proposed, new transom plane, as detailed, seems highly susceptible to moisture penetration and bird/rodent nesting; Agenda Item 3A Page 10 of 11 Permit Review

4. The proposed horizontal ledge at the interior face of the meeting rail between transom and display window openings does not appear to be a weathertight detail and may not provide sufficient strength to support the storefront meeting rail; 5. Architectural details do not indicate the location of (or receiver pocket for) the required, retractable insect screen at the operable windows (unless that is the intended use of the pocket created by the horizontal ledge at the interior face of the meeting rail between transom and display window openings); 6. Architectural details result in a non-weathertight condition at the common sill between the restored or reconstructed storefront and the proposed operating window wall; 7. The revised architectural elevations represent different proportions /appearance between the historic storefront and the reconstructed storefront; and 8. The proposed entry door is shown as a full-lite door.

REQUEST The Applicant is seeking approval from the Historic Preservation Commission for the work identified in the submitted Permit Drawings. The proposed work includes the replacement of the entire storefront which will incorporate an operating window system but retain the westernmost recessed entry and cast iron pilasters. The bulkhead/dado is scheduled for replacement and transom panels are identified to be filled with frame construction and finished with fiber cement materials.

STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS After numerous submissions by the Applicants and lengthy discussions between the Applicants, their consultants, and the Commission as well as repeated efforts by Staff to reconcile the unresolved items, Staff offers the following recommendations to move the Applicants request towards approval by the Commission:

1. Stripping of the painted finish at exterior masonry shall be completed with the gentlest means possible with no more than low-pressure washing and without sandblasting; 2. Reconstructed storefront and bulkheads to be constructed of wood or cellular PVC materials rather than fiber cement materials; 3. Bulkhead design shall match documented historic details per August 28, 2018 submittal; 4. Retain historic transom glazing at the 309 West State Street storefront and replicate the single pane glazing at the reconstructed 307 West State Street storefront; 5. Install energy panels / interior storm panels (e.g. Indow units or similar) at the interior face of existing and replicated transom windows; 6. Identify location/plane and mounting details of required retractable insect screen; 7. Install secondary, operable window wall only to height of meeting rail between transom windows and display window openings, allowing vertical supports to extend to structural storefront lintel or ceiling structure, as required; 8. Provide weathertight sill and jamb details that preserve the historic storefront and reconstructed framing at bottom rail and jambs of display window openings; 9. Provide door specifications and details; 10. Verify color of secondary aluminum storefront system and operable window system; 11. Indicate location of any proposed façade lighting (including sign panel lighting); Agenda Item 3A Page 11 of 11 Permit Review

12. Approve the requested whitewash system (sacrificial primer and thinned, exterior paint) for the entire storefront only if the stripped and cleaned brick at 309 West State Street is not visually similar to the cleaned brick at 307 West State Street; 13. Identify that any and all Commission approvals of the storefront renovation exclude the proposed signage and awnings, which must be submitted under a separate permit and that signage and awnings are subject to administrative review and approval based on zoning compliance; and 14. Identify that all proposed, exterior, storefront modifications, approved by the Historic Preservation Commission, are subject to modification based on final approval of any proposed Life Safety accommodations for emergency egress and other considerations by the Building Commissioner and Fire Marshall.

If additional information is not provided by the Applicants at the Commission meeting of September 4, 2018, the Historic Preservation Commission may determine that Items 1-11 require resubmittal for final Commission approval.

LEFT: Example of operable window units installed in a historic storefront while also preserving historic transom windows.


1. 1999 COG Architectural Contributing Survey Designation (NC, C, PS, S):

2. Associated Architectural One-Part Commercial Block Style(s) or Type:

3. Significant Architectural Historic storefront at 309 West State Street; original brick and limestone parapet, Features: original cast iron pilasters; dual storefront configuration.

4. Date of Construction: 1909

5. Date(s) of Significant 1910 (addition of 305 West State Street) Addition(s) and/or Circa 1911-1912 (remodeling of 307 West State Street storefront for theater) Alteration(s):

6. Period of Significance (POS): 1909-1966

7. Historic Names Associated George J. Kendall, Spiegler & Son, Nichols, Wilson Brothers with Property:

8. Historic Images: Yes.

9. Historic Map Representation: Sanborn Fire Insurance Co: 1912, 1923, 1930, 1945

10. Why is it Important? An early 20th century, single-story commercial building; one of the earliest (Context / Significance) documented commercial buildings of the Wilson Brothers.

11. Proposed Architectural Retention of the brick parapet; preservation of dual storefronts; partial retention Features Consistent with of historic storefront (to be verified); retention of historic cast iron pilasters; Architectural Style and POS: retention of historic storefront rhythm at 307 West State Street storefront; (Exterior Rehab / Additions) removal of paint from masonry and masonry cleaning (to be verified) .

12. Proposed Architectural Use of casement-type windows in a commercial storefront; proposed infill of Features Inconsistent with historic, storefront transoms; loss of recessed entry at 307 West State Street Architectural Style and POS: storefront (suggestion of entry bay retained); painted masonry (to be verified). (Exterior Rehab / Additions)

13. Significant Landscape None noted at this time. Elements: 14. Application of COG Not consistent with Design Guidelines. HPC Design Guidelines:

15. Compliance with COG Not consistent with Window Policy. HPC Window Policy:

16. Compliance with COG Not Applicable. HPC Siding Policy:

17. Summary IHPA Comments: Not Applicable. (Projects utilizing or potentially utilizing Rehab Tax Credit or Tax Assessment Freeze)

World’s Best Graffiti Coating An extremely DURABLE and LONG LASTING, PROTECTIVE coating for brick, stone, masonry, timber and natural building surfaces Page 1 of 3

Product Data Sheet Product Code: WB0070 Issued: August 8, 2016 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION World’s Best Graffiti Coating (WBGC) is a water based all-weather, long-term SACRIFICIAL protection, formulated for most types of surfaces. Provides durable protection against spray paint, marker / felt tip pens pollution and grime. Also provides protection against salt and sea type moisture. Correctly applied, life expectancy against graffiti is generally 7 years but it can be effective up to 10 years. This protective coating is permeable and allows the surface to breath. Prevents graffiti from penetrating into the substrate. FEATURES & BENEFITS cont... The surface must be re-protected following graffiti • Non toxic and virtually odorless. removal which can be done immediately to a damp (not • Ideal for heritage buildings. wet) surface. • Can be used on porous and non porous substrates. WBGC is readily biodegradable according to OECD test 302 B. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE

Preparation Clean off both graffiti and other contamination, such as

road grime, grease, wax, oil and paint residue etc. from substrate. It is normal best practice to mask and protect windows in a Historic Decorative Feature suitable manner. Buildings Sound Walls Walls Exterior Protection Shake or stir product well prior to use. WBGC can be applied with any of the following: rollers, paint brush, low-pressure sprayer or airless sprayer. Two coats are usually applied. NOTE: Allow some intermediate drying between coats. WBGC can be applied to a damp, not wet surface. Wooden Split Face / Natural Runs and/or excessive application can easily be washed Fences Cinderblock Stone off with water, following completion of work.

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Urban Restoration Group US Inc. (URG US INC) maintains Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on all of its products. The SDS contain information that you will need to protect yourself, your employees and customers against health or safety hazards associated with our products. URG US INC requires that you obtain a copy of the respective SDS prior to using or transporting our products. The information in this Product Data Sheet is based on data that we believe to be reliable and is offered in good faith, but without guarantee, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in URG US INC’s Product Data Sheet and any additional documentation provided by URG US INC’s, as ultimately the conditions and methods of the use of URG US INC’s products are beyond URG US INC’s control. URBAN RESTORATION GROUP US INC MAIL: 1146 N Central Ave. #531, Glendale CA 91202 USA. WAREHOUSE: 5439 San Fernando Rd. W, Los Angeles CA 90039 USA. TEL: 1-818-247-2555. FAX: 1-818-247-2515. EMAIL: [email protected]. WEB: World’s Best Graffiti Coating An extremely DURABLE and LONG LASTING, PROTECTIVE coating for brick, stone, masonry, timber and natural building surfaces Page 2 of 3

Product Data Sheet Product Code: WB0070 Issued: August 8, 2016 Appearance on surface Transparent, mostly invisible dependent on type of surface. UV-resistant. Weather / water / graffiti resistant. Before commencing large scale use always test first to ensure finish is satisfactory. Some building materials could darken or become shiny. Handheld High Volume Airless Pump-up Low Pressure Sprayer EXTERIOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL Sprayer Sprayer (HVLP) Method 1: Normal substrate. Remove graffiti with hot water and high pressure (~ 90°C Interior Protection / 200ºF & 90-50 bar / 1300-2175 psi). For faster removal, Some painted substrates can be protected using a roller use World’s Best Graffiti Removers in conventional or with a low-pressure spray in combination with a brush manner. Re-protect cleaned area. or roller. The protection is applied three times.

APPLICATION Use the product as provided. Do not dilute. Walls can be dampened during hot weather to assist application.

This product information is intended as a guide for use of Filled-in bubble Graffiti is removed using just hot this product. Urban Restoration Group US Inc. cannot give writing on water at 2000 PSI / 2-3 gal per minute. any guarantee for end result achieved. The applicator of previously the product shall carry out testing and be responsible for coated masonry the result. wall.

COVERAGE GUIDELINES Varies dependent upon the porosity of surface material. • Concrete, brick or similar: 500 sq ft per gal per coat. • , plaster or other soft absorbent surfaces: 360 sq ft per gal per coat. Blue spraycan Rinse with Once clean, • Painted surfaces, 640 sq ft per gal per coat on pre-coated cold water. re-apply WBGC. random wall. 2 coats are recommended. Brush on BBSM.

Drying Period INTERIOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL The protected surface will be water and graffiti-resistant after 2 hours and dry after 4 hours. Ultimate protection will Removal from Painted Substrate be achieved after 72 hours. Brush on SENSITIVE SURFACE REMOVER to small areas at a time and wipe off with a damp cloth completing each area before proceeding further. Re-apply WORLD’S BEST COATING.

Urban Restoration Group US Inc. (URG US INC) maintains Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on all of its products. The SDS contain information that you will need to protect yourself, your employees and customers against health or safety hazards associated with our products. URG US INC requires that you obtain a copy of the respective SDS prior to using or transporting our products. The information in this Product Data Sheet is based on data that we believe to be reliable and is offered in good faith, but without guarantee, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in URG US INC’s Product Data Sheet and any additional documentation provided by URG US INC’s, as ultimately the conditions and methods of the use of URG US INC’s products are beyond URG US INC’s control. URBAN RESTORATION GROUP US INC MAIL: 1146 N Central Ave. #531, Glendale CA 91202 USA. WAREHOUSE: 5439 San Fernando Rd. W, Los Angeles CA 90039 USA. TEL: 1-818-247-2555. FAX: 1-818-247-2515. EMAIL: [email protected]. WEB: World’s Best Graffiti Coating An extremely DURABLE and LONG LASTING, PROTECTIVE coating for brick, stone, masonry, timber and natural building surfaces Page 3 of 3

Product Data Sheet Product Code: WB0070 Issued: August 8, 2016

INTERIOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL cont... the following is made in lieu of all express or implied warranties: This product will conform to Urban Restoration Removal from Porous Substrate Group US, Inc.’s published product specifications and be Apply SENSITIVE SURFACE REMOVER. Rinse off with free from defects in material and manufacture on the date hot water and wet-vac. of purchase. Except where prohibited by law, Urban Restoration Group Re-protection of Cleaned Surface US Inc., further disclaims, and shall not be liable for any When removing graffiti, the protective coating is also incidental, special, consequential or indirect loss or normally removed. Re-apply 2 coats of WBGC. damage and/or personal injuries including death arising from the use of this product or the cost of labor involved in its application or any reapplication of product that is TEMPERATURE USAGE replaced, regardless of the legal theory asserted. Ideal temperature for external application should be SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR between 45º-95°F / 8º-35ºC. Minimum temperature is IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT 40°F OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THE LABEL. BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK OF USE AND/OR HANDLING OF Relative humidity must not exceed 95%. THIS PRODUCT AND MATERIAL WHEN SUCH USE AND/OR HANDLING IS CONTRARY TO LABEL NB: Fresh concrete has to cure for at least 28 days before INSTRUCTIONS. NO OTHER WARRANTIES ARE protection. MADE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN ALL TECHNICAL DATA EVENTS, URBAN RESTORATION GROUP US, INC’S Composition LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED SOLELY TO THE Water carried paraffin wax dispersion. REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT PURCHASED. This limited warranty may not be modified or extended by 5-10% solid contents. manufacturer’s representatives, distributors or dealers of Urban Restoration Group US, Inc. products. This warranty Properties gives the purchaser specific legal rights, as well as rights Color: White. which may vary from state to state. Urban Restoration Odor: Odorless. Group US, Inc. specifically disclaims any and all other PH: 8 obligations or liability to any party relative to the sale, use Storage: Store in a frost-free environment in original or application of its products. container. If this product is defective upon your receipt, your Shelf Life: Approximately 3 years. exclusive remedy shall be, at Urban Restoration Group Precaution: Use protective clothing and gloves. US, Inc.’s option, to replace the product or refund the purchase price of the Urban Restoration Group US, Inc. DOT Markings: Not classified as dangerous. product.

CONTACT MANUFACTURER See SDS for further information. Urban Restoration Group US Inc. 5439 San Fernando Rd. W., Los Angeles CA 90039 USA LEGAL DISCLAIMER Tel: +1-818-247-2555. Fax: +1-818-247-2515 Email: [email protected] Read and follow label directions and observe all safety Web: precautions in the use of this product. Because conditions of product use are outside of our control and vary widely,

Urban Restoration Group US Inc. (URG US INC) maintains Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on all of its products. The SDS contain information that you will need to protect yourself, your employees and customers against health or safety hazards associated with our products. URG US INC requires that you obtain a copy of the respective SDS prior to using or transporting our products. The information in this Product Data Sheet is based on data that we believe to be reliable and is offered in good faith, but without guarantee, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in URG US INC’s Product Data Sheet and any additional documentation provided by URG US INC’s, as ultimately the conditions and methods of the use of URG US INC’s products are beyond URG US INC’s control. URBAN RESTORATION GROUP US INC MAIL: 1146 N Central Ave. #531, Glendale CA 91202 USA. WAREHOUSE: 5439 San Fernando Rd. W, Los Angeles CA 90039 USA. TEL: 1-818-247-2555. FAX: 1-818-247-2515. EMAIL: [email protected]. WEB: FLOOD® PRO SERIES FLD820 ® FLOOD SOLID COLOR 100% Acrylic Stain GENERAL DESCRIPTION PRODUCT DATA Advanced formulation protects wood from moisture and sun PRODUCT TYPE: 100% Acrylic damage while adding a rich, opaque color. Recommended for VOLUME SOLIDS*: 33% +/- 2% use on any properly prepared exterior wood, including decks, WEIGHT SOLIDS*: 45% +/- 2%8 fences, siding, railings, outdoor furniture and other wood sur- VOC: <100 g/L (0.8 lbs./gal.) faces. Apply to new, dry, pressure-treated wood, uncoated new WEIGHT/GALLON*: 10.3 lbs. (4.7 kg) +/- 0.2 lbs. (91 g) or weathered wood, or wood previously stained or painted. *Product data based on product FLD820

COVERAGE: One gallon (3.78 Liters) will normally cover 350 to 500 sq. ft. (32.5 to 46.5 sq. meters). Coverage will vary due to porosity and texture of wood and application technique.

DRYING TIME: Normally dries to the touch in 30 minutes when applied in optimal temperatures of 50°F (10°C) to 90°F (32°C). Allow 2 to 4 RECOMMENDED SUBSTRATES hours between coats or before recoating. Application in high humidity or in temperatures below 50°F (10°C) may prolong drying and recoating Wood times. Allow 24 to 48 hours of drying time before light foot traffic or replacing furniture. Allow new stain to cure 30 days before washing.

To Recoat: 2-4 hours For Pedestrian Service: 24-48 hours TINTING AND BASE INFORMATION Drying times listed may vary depending on temperature, humidity, film FLD820 White/Pastel Base build, color and air movement. FLD822 Deep Base* FLD823 Cedar CLEANUP: Clean brushes and tools with warm, soapy water. FLD825 Navajo Red DISPOSAL: Contact your local environmental regulatory agency for *Must be tinted. Refer to the appropriate color formula book, guidance on disposal of unused product. Do not pour down a drain or automatic tinting equipment, and or computer color matching storm sewer. system for color formulas and tinting instructions. PERMISSIBLE TEMPERATURES DURING APPLICATION: Material: 50 to 90ºF (10 to 32ºC) PACKAGING Ambient: 35 to 120ºF (2 to 49ºC) Substrate: 35 to 120ºF (2 to 49ºC) 1 - Gallon (3.78 L) 5 - Gallon (18.9 L) FLASH POINT: Over 200ºF (93ºC)

FEATURES / BENEFITS Features Benefits Acrylic Formulation Resists cracking, peeling, scuffing and provides excellent adhesion; Easy soap and water clean-up

Urethane Fortified Provides excellent durability and resistance to color fading

Water repellant coating Protects wood from water damage

Application down to 35ºF and as high as 120ºF Extends staining season

Rain-free window requirement of only 12 hours Adds more working days and faster job completion after product application

Read Label and Material Safety Data Sheet prior to use. See other cautions on last page. T.D. FLD820 FLOOD PRO SERIES FLD820 FLOOD SOLID COLOR 100% Acrylic Stain GENERAL SURFACE PREPARATION

Surface must be dry and clean. Remove all dust, dirt, mildew, oil, loose wood fibers and other contaminants. Remove loose, peeling stain or paint by sanding, scraping or wire brushing. To ensure proper adhesion, weathered, dirty or mildewed surfaces should be cleaned with FLOOD Wood Cleaner prior to applying stain. After rinsing, allow wood to dry.

WARNING! If you scrape, sand, or remove old paint, you may release lead dust or fumes. LEAD IS TOXIC. EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST OR FUMES CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN. PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE. Wear a properly fitted NIOSH-approved respirator and prevent skin contact to control lead exposure. Clean up carefully with a HEPA vacuum and a wet mop. Before you start, find out how to protect yourself and your fam- ily by contacting the USEPA National Lead Information Hotline at 1-800-424-LEAD or log on to In Canada, con- tact a regional Health Canada office. Follow these instructions to control exposure to other hazardous substances that may be released during surface preparation.

PRIME: This product is self-priming over most substrates. Some woods, such as cedar and redwood, contain high amounts of tannin, a colored wood extract. The first coat of stain may show some discoloration, but the tannins will be trapped in the first coat of stain. A second coat will result in a uniform appearance.


Apply when no precipitation is expected for 12 hours, and when air and surface temperatures are 35°F to below 120°F (2°C to 49°C) and will remain above 35°F (2°C) for the next 24 hours. If the surface is too hot to touch, lightly mist the surface using a garden hose to cool the surface before application of the stain. Caution: Avoid direct skin contact with hot surfaces. Avoid staining in direct sunlight. DO NOT THIN. Intermix containers to ensure color uniformity. Stir thoroughly and often during use. Apply to a small area and allow stain to dry to ensure acceptable appearance. Apply two thin coats with a high quality brush, roller, paint or stain-pad, or with spray equipment. When applying by roller or spray, always back-brush for best results. Some colors, or drastic color changes, may require a third coat to achieve a uniform finish. To help avoid lap marks, apply to only a few boards at a time, and maintain a wet edge.


While this product provides a mildew resistant coating, growth may still occur if the substrate is not properly prepared prior to painting and/or if the substrate is consistently exposed to conditions conducive to mold, mildew, and algae. Examples of these conditions include, but are not limited to, under eaves, behind shrubbery and trees, and in areas that are consistently damp with little to no direct sunlight. FOR EXTERIOR USE ONLY. PROTECT FROM FREEZING.


WARNING! HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES RESPIRATORY TRACT AND EYE IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. Sanding and grinding dusts may be harmful if inhaled. Do not swallow. Do not get on skin or clothing. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid breath- ing vapor or mist. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Wash thoroughly after handling. Provide fresh air ventilation during and after application and drying. Avoid the inhalation of dust, particulates, spray or mist arising from the application of this preparation. Use personal protective equip- ment as required. Note: These warnings encompass the product series. Prior to use, read and follow product-specific MSDS and label information. FIRST AID: If swallowed, rinse mouth with water (only if the person is conscious). Call physician immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. If in eyes, rinse with water for 15 minutes. Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention if irritation develops. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If experienc- ing respiratory symptoms call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. Keep out of the reach of children. For workplace use, an MSDS is available from your retailer or by calling (412) 492-5555. EMERGENCY SPILL INFORMATION: (412) 434-4515 (U.S.).

The PPG Logo is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. FLOOD and the FLOOD and Paintbrush Design are registered trademarks of PPG Industries, Inc. © 2015 PPG Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc. believes the technical data presented is currently accurate: however, no guarantee of accuracy, comprehensiveness, or performance is given or implied. Improvements in coatings technology may cause future technical data to vary from what is in this bulletin. For complete, up-to-date technical information, call 1-800-426-6306. PPG Industries, Inc. Technical Services Architect/Specifier PPG Architectural Coatings Canada Inc. T.D. FLD820 1/2016 Architectural Coatings 1-800-426-6306 1-888-PPG-IDEA 2505, rue de la Métropole, One PPG Place Longueuil (Québec) Canada J4G 1E5 Pittsburgh, PA 15272 September 4, 2018 307-309 West State Street, Agenda Item 3A FINDING OF FACT – STAFF ANALYSIS

COMPLIANCE WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR’S STANDARDS FOR REHABILITATION 1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or Property will continue to be used as a commercial property; be placed in a new use that requires minimal historically, property has housed a dry goods store and grocery, a change to the defining characteristics of the theater, food service, a newsstand, a jewelry store, and a dog building and its site and environment. grooming studio. 2. The historic character of a property shall be The submitted architectural drawings indicate the retention of historic retained and preserved. The removal of historic transoms but shop drawings indicate new transom windows. The materials or alteration of features and spaces that bulkheads are identified as new construction and, now, replicate the characterize a property shall be avoided. historic details visible in available photographic documentation. Insufficient/contradictory details do not provide sufficient information to understand how the historic or replicated storefronts will integrate with the proposed, operable storefront windows and maintain system weathertightness and preservation of historic materials. 3. Each property shall be recognized as a physical Historic 1909 storefront at 309 West State Street currently remains record of its time, place, and use. Changes that intact except for bulkhead/dado facing material (circa 1950-1970). create a false sense of historical development, Submitted drawings indicate retention and retrofitting of the historic such as adding conjectural features or architectural storefront as well as the reconstruction of the second storefront to elements from other buildings, shall not be match the historic storefront. Shop drawings indicate that the undertaken. proposed operable windows will be supported within a secondary wall structure. 4. Most properties change over time; those changes Although the original construction of both storefronts matched the that have acquired historic significance in their other, the 307 West State Street storefront has been remodeled own right shall be retained and preserved. numerous times throughout the building’s history, perhaps as early as 1911-12. The existing bulkhead/dado material at 309 West State Street was installed within the Period of Significance for the Central Geneva Historic District (1835-1966) or within the Period of Significance for the Local Geneva Historic District (1835-1988). 5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction Historic storefront at 309 West State Street—including recessed entry techniques or examples of craftsmanship that and transom openings—remains intact prior to proposed renovations characterize a property shall be preserved. except for bulkhead/dado. Permit drawings and window shop drawings indicate retention of the intact storefront but removal of storefront and transom glazing. Brick and limestone parapet and storefront piers remain intact but are identified to be painted after cleaning and repair of masonry. The proposed paint system can be effectively removed in the future without damage to the historic masonry (per manufacturer’s sales representative). 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired Brick and limestone parapet and storefront piers show evidence of rather than replaced. Where the severity of moisture infiltration and minor joint failure; masonry repairs are deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive identified in the submitted permit drawings. The central bay of the feature, the new feature shall match the old in storefront at 307 West State Street closely replicates the existing, design, color, texture, and other visual qualities recessed central entry bay of the historic storefront at 309 West State and, where possible, materials. Replacement of Street. missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as Painted storefront at 309 West State Street is identified to be stripped sandblasting, that cause damage to historic and cleaned and 307 West State Street storefront is identified to be materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of cleaned, but no information about the proposed cleaning process(es) structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken has been provided. SOI Standards recommend the gentlest means using the gentlest means possible. possible to remove paint from historically unpainted masonry. 8. Significant archeological resources affected by a Not Applicable. project shall be protected and preserved. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be undertaken. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new Permit drawings are unclear about how the proposed, operable construction shall not destroy historic materials window system will be integrated into the existing, historic storefront. that characterize the property. The new work shall Submitted drawings do not identify whether or not the 307 West State be differentiated from the old and shall be Street storefront will replicate the historic details of the 309 West compatible with the massing, size, scale, and State Street storefront or be contemporary in design. The proposed architectural features to protect the historic operable window system is differentiated from the historic display integrity of the property and its environment. windows; however, the scale of the individual operating units is not compatible with the historic scale of storefront display windows. The Agenda Item 6A Page 2 of 2 307-309 West State Street – Exterior Rehabilitation

proposed paint system can be effectively removed in the future without damage to the historic masonry (per manufacturer’s sales representative). 10. New additions and adjacent or related new The proposed storefront at 307 West State Street could be removed construction shall be undertaken in such a manner without adverse impact on the essential form and architectural that if removed in the future, the essential form character of the remainder of the 1909 Kendall Block building. The and integrity of the historic property and its proposed paint system can be effectively removed in the future environment would be unimpaired. without damage to the historic masonry (per manufacturer’s sales representative).

HPC action on the agenda item may be as follows: 1. Adopt Staff’s Finding of Fact as presented. 2. Adopt Staff’s Finding of Fact, with modifications, basing any modifications on the SOI Standards. 3. Create new Finding of Fact, basing it on the SOI Standards.