lIay all of you find peiOCe and joy 1n thts rew year, 1996. Re-evaluate tne r:oeaning of the hgUdays and your own con!I val.-. NIl your days with acts of k1nmess. !Ienew your lOIIe and car!"", for your faomUes and your ap()['eCiaU oo fOC" your t-eritage. Talte. m:ment 1:0 exp: ~ thanks to your 1IeIl~ ly P'IIther for CIlIr ...... IIJj. atD!Stors, """""""'e Turley and f'nInci s Amelia ItlJrtJerley. An expressioo of ~iatioo am thanIaI are in order to .It of you who have s upported the effort ft\iIde to begin again this Theodore Turley Or9Bn1zatioo. Sa:te have oontrlbuted f unds, other have sent rI!IIn!!II and ackh:esses and IIOIlIe of you are 001"9 houn of resoarch trying to find our ancestors. It kIUII I!I!>de it IX"'sible for WI to fool Love for each other as a family and do organized re!J6atth. It was decided many nonths !KJO. it we had the rooans we ..auld send this tlewsletter to everyone for whcm we had an OOdress , oYer 1,100 of you . We had Kk S2 , 449.00 frcn whidl we will pay to'[" the !Z'inting and lMillng of the.January 1996 Ilcw!Iletter. We Nve over 100 9Cf'8Il1ogtcal l ine:!! bein9~ . If any of you ~ire to >«:Irk on any of the l!s , see the enclc;JBeo1 lis t of those> MW! biker! specific IIl1sigments, oonblct thIlt ~ and then we will not duplicate offort>!. If you desire II ccq>lete rec:ord of what we have, oontact Kim and 't'on.l lIaws, P.O. /kIl( II , St. Johns, Arizona 85')35. our genealogical research consultanta. Ra o flber, we are all oonnecbId by our hortt8ge. WI> need eac:h other. '"'"' "can /:10" s pirit i!; the fuel that IMkea things happen . Happy new yeul ~

J~y "'. Turley :J . ~~'') , . "':"";S:\.'i'\..""V' C O\ler:B~:'~~~~~Edlt. . PQ I ~ fi;:JL ~ An Ce5t.r",1 BloQr"'phy PQ.2- 7 \OJ , th th€" publ" '" ion O ! --.,'" u:;) Lhi ~· o"r ~ th nc ..... l.., I. Lcr .... Theodore Turley hav.. aceo"'!>! I .. hnd .. un; ty Who are ",e-Iast. PQ 7 t hat. only a ffl.i Iy t hat 10v6s ' I each other efln do , It h.:>s Trlbut.e- Ed .. ard frank I in ,ur e)' be",n a pri v i le<;IU Horl< I n9 for tlnd Idllt Elizabet.h EyrlnQ PQ. 8-9 you as the publ ;stmr . oo-Ye,- Rene'lo'lltllnlO P ~ 9 1 would appro.. : L.. te ny inpUt.. and i deas you ..:ly h.. ve to P~ 10 help •• " k .. t he f uture Let.s oet. acquaint.ed- Poli pUblica t.ion~ be even ",ore i n t ere s t ing and i n f o rmat ive . Barbra S.It.h May this y eo'" ~ be t he ve , y bes t f or e a c h and ..v .. ,·y one Ge n ea l o~y- p~ 12-13 and may you a l l be b l essed in t.o know You-P2 1'1-15 a ll y ou r effor Ls f or \ 996 _ "Bless Grandpa Turie)'­ love He l en Sl

Theodore Turley; A Biography

Richard E. Turley, Jr.


[This is another in a continuing series of ncwsl ellcr anicles Ihal together will make up the firs! rough draft of a biography of Theodore Turley. The draft will undergo considerable revision before being published in book form. I invile all f;sm ily members \0 read it critically. make sugge stions. 3ml offer additional information for possible indusion. Please send comments and information \0 me 0117435 South 2405 West, West Jordan, Utah 84084.]

3 Joining the Laucr-day Saints, 1837

Theodore Turley had been a deeply religious man since:1I leas! 1818 when, according 10 illS Dvm account. he "comenced PrcOIching Methodism" in England. After emigrating \0 Canada, he "CQ ntinucd in lhal COUTee . • . until P. P. Prall came to Canatlia."' Parley I'arter Prall was an apostle in what would soon be named The Chur(h of Jesus Christ of Laner·day Saints, a ,hurch organized by young New York prophet l oseph Smith after rereiving heavenly instructions to restore the chuf(h Ihat Jesus Christ fountled. l oseph had been letl 10 an ancient recortl wrinen on goltl plates that he translated anti published as the !look of J Mormon. Based on the book's name, members of the new church were nicknamed "Mormons.," though more formally known as Laner·day Saints, or just saints.: The missionary preaching of Parley P. Pran would begin a chain reaction of conversious that would include Theodore and Franres Turley and forever alter their lives.

One evening in April 1836, Parley lay awake trying to tlecide whether to start 011 a church mission or stay home, support his family, and work 10 payoff his deblS. A knock interrupted him. Answering the door, he fou nd fellow apostle Heber C. Ki mball anti others, who proceeded to bless Padey alld his ailing wife, Thankful. Heller prophesied that Thankful would bear a son, lold Parley to "go forlh in Ihe ministry, nOlhing doubting." and promised the Lord would provide them abundant means.

In blessing Parley, lieber specified where he should go \0 preach and foretold the outcome of his efforts:

Thou shalt go 10 Upper Canada, even to the cily of Toronto, the (apilal, anti there thou shalt find a people prepared for the fullness of the gospel, and they shall receive thee, and thou shalt organize the Chuf(h among them, and it Shall spread thence into the regions round about. and many shall be brought to the knowledge of the truth and shall be filled with joy: and from the Ihings

n ..k oI10/'f'/S.1'ap I -2- growing out of this mission, shall the fullne§s of the ~ospel spread into England, and cause a great work to be done in that land.

Portions of "I eber's prophedes ~lu prised Parley lind Thankful. In nearly a decade of marriage, tlley had been childless. and having Pa rley leave Thankful sick at home so he could serve a mission seemed an unlikely 5OIution to their money problems.

They recalled the faith of the Old Testament prophet Abraham, however, and wi th Thankful'S consent, Parley embarked on his mission a few days later. He troweled northeast by coach from hi s home in Kirtland, Ohio, to Niagara Fa lls. Crossing westward into Canada, he soon C-,1 me to tile city of Hamilton on the far weStern bank of Lake Ontario. There he found steamer.; that could carry him along the lake to Toronto in just a few houl$.

Bu t steamer fare w a.~ two dollar.;. and the penniless Parley began to wonder if he \o"ould ha\'e to make the journey on foot instead. Pondering wllat to do, he retired to the fo rest and pnlyed for muney to cross the lake. He then returned tt) Ibmilton. "I had not tarried many minutt5: Parley\ history records. ' before I Wali accosted by a stranger, who inquired my name and where I \o,'as going. He also asked me if I did not want some money. I said yes. lie then gave me ten dollar.; and a le ner of introduction to John T aylor, of Toronto. where I arrived the same evening ....

10hn Taylor and his wife. Leonora. receivetl Parley hospitably but showetllittle initial in terest in hi s mi ss ion. The next murning, "tidey visited the local clergymen to secure a place to pre'leh. but tlley ca,h in turn refused him . l ie next asked the sheriff for pefll1ission to use the courthouse. and when the sheriff turned him down. he petitioned ull5uecessJully for a room in the marketplace in which to preach. Having t):hausleu his store of ideas. he retired 10 II nearby grove to pray again for help. Still despairing after his prayer, Parley went back to the Taylor.;' house to retrieve his bags before leaving the city for good.

A~ I'arley was picking up his hags, Isabella Russell Walton. widow of Toronto's fi rst lortl chamberlain. dropped by tile Taylors' on her "",1y across town 10 visi l a sister. Leonora Taylor received Isabella in the room neXI to that in wh ich Parley was stantling and toltl her about him. "tie has applied in vain to the clergy and to the various authorities for opponunily to fu lfill his mission. and is flOW about 10 leave the place: Leonora said. "11e may be a man of God; I am sorry to have him tJ.e parl .~

lsolbella hatl felt inspiretl to visit the Taylors', antl she now knew why. "Tell Ihe stranger lie is wclcome to my house: she saitl 10 Leonora. "' am a widow; but I have a spare room and bed, and food in plenty. He shall have a home at my house, and IWO large rooms 10 preach in JUSt when he pleases." Later, Isabella Walton sent her son John to tnc Taylors' 10 bring Parley back, and in tRe evening, she gathered her friends and relatives in her parlor to hear the missionary speak. Parley continued 10 hold meetings at the Waltons' and soon gathered many followers.

-3- Sunday arrived and Parley decided to forego a Sunday sermon, since it would likely arouse opposition from local clergymen. Instead, he went 10 a nearby chapel with a friend who introduced him to the preacher after the meeting. The preacher invited Parley to dinner and then to a study group meeting al the home of a weallhy governmenl official named William P. Palrick.1 The Palrick sludy group, which included John and Leonora Taylor, as well as Isabella Waiton, had been meeling Iwice each week for aboultwO years.

During the meeting, Ihe discussion lurned 10 the subjecl of divine revelation, bUlthe participanls in the discussion were unable 10 reach a consensus on the maI ler. Toward the end of the meeling, Ihe preacher who had invited Parley 10 Ihe meeting ~tood and introduced him. Purley, who had remained 'Iuiet during the discussion, look advantage of his introduction 10 inform Ihe people that he was "prepared to speak on the subject at some length." Leaming this. the group arranged 10 meet again in lhe evening In hear Parley'~ discourse.3

That evening Parley spoke to a large crowd for tWO or Ihree hours aboul revelation in the ancient church. The following evening he preached again, citing biblical prophecies of "a new dispe11Siltion revealed from heaven; by the ministration of angels, and sustained by the marvelous power and gifts of God." On the third night, he concluded his discourse by relating the "visions, manifestations and many of the details of Ihe organization and movemenlS of the Church of the Saints."

When William Patrick discovered that Parley was advocating Mormonism, he rejected him, and therefore subsequent meetings had to be held at Ihe Wahons'. Soon Isabella Waltnn and her household were converted to the new faith, as were John and Lennora Taylor.9 Parley baptized Isabella in Turonto Bay and then took the yet unbaptized to Charleton Seulement, ten miles West of Toronto, where Isabella had arranged for Parley to meet her brother. Isaac Russell.

Isaac was a chorister and class leader in the local Methodist church. Parley preached a sermon at the home of Isabella's and Isaac's sister, Frances Russell Dawson, after which Isaac declared, ''This is the Gospel I have been looking for and am ready to live and die by." Soon thereartcr, Pariey baptited Isaac in Black Creek. a half mile west of the settlement, and ordained him to be an elder in the church. Parley also met and converted several others in Isaac's neighborhood. including and J05eph's sisters, Mary and Mercy.,n

After his baptism, Isaac Rus.<.ell began proselyting in nearby towns and villages.. including Churchville, where he would preach the new-found gospel to Theodore and Frances Tllrley.11 Theodore later recorded Ihat Isaac "came to my house & Said he had been notified in a Dreem that he must Come to my house & preach."11 Like other Latter­ day Saints.. Isaac believed "in the gift of tongues. prophecy, revelation. visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth."ll

I).. ~ 0( ' O/ I{9S. r,,,) -4- A PrOltslanl preacher who encounlered Isaac Russell in lhe Churchville area letl record of a solemn lestimony lsa:ac bore 10 him about spi ritual gifts:

I asked him. "did you mean to ~y Ihal you yourself have had a revehnion from heaven?" [H]e replied thaI he had, and proceeded to tell me of one in panicular, He said that one morning as he was medilali[ng], he saw the heavens opened and Ihe glory of God, and, I think he added, he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and he heard a voice saying to him ' Follow thou me ," This he told me in a se rious and ~ I emn strain,l'

Neither Theodore nor Frances left a record of what Isaac Russe ll preached at thei r house, bUI it probably bore some resembl ance 10 what Parley p, Prall had been teaching. One of Parley's Canadian converts. Joseph Fielding. described Parley's missionary preaching as follows:

I soon di~red that he had Ihe Spirit and PO'oIo"Cr orGod and such Wisdom as none bu l God himself could have give n to Man, by which he could ClIplain lhose prophecies of which the Preachen of the Day were ignorant. showing the great design and connection of the Scriplures Ihroughout, He also spoke of and introduced the !look of Mormon" " He at the same time [said] thatlhe angel made known Ihe record .... He spoke also of the present Siale of the Gentile Church, sayi ng Ihal they were in a fallen condition, thut they had all departed from the Truth, Iht there were none with whom th e Lord wa~ well pl eased; thaI they had tran.,sressed the Law. chnnged the Ordinances and broken the everlasting Covenanl, and it was necessary Ih al the Covenanl should be renewed before a pure Church could be bu il l up, to have the Ordinances. Gifls ,md !llessings of the Church of Jesus Christ as eslablished by himself; also Ihal the Day of the Lord was nigh at hand, . "even Iha t Ihe present Generalion should not all pass away until all Ihese Ihings shou ld be fulfi lled, Elder Prall laid before us the Ordinan-ces of the Gospel, which were very plain, being perfectly in accordance with lhe Scripture, being slill more clearly ClIpressed in the I100k of Mormon,u

Whatever lSOlllc actually preached 10 Theodore and Frances affected them powerfully. 'Theodore would write. "I received the lrulh the first time I heard it & my Wife aliso was h;lpti1.ed Ihe ] of March IS]7."1 ~ March 1, 11137. became a watershed dllle for Theodore and Frances Turley. From that duy on, th eir live s wou ld never be the same.

And the prophecies of I'lebcr C. Kimball on the head of Parley P. Prall eventually came 10 pass. I'arley was able to payoff his dehts, hi s wife bore him a son, and Ihe people in the Toronto area acrcpted Ihe gospel, which spread into the regions round 3boul.17 Theodore Turley would contribute to its dissemination in the area and would laler help fuifillihe last l)Ortion of lieber's prophecy, thaI "from Ihe Ihi ngs growing Out of this mission, shall Ihe fullness of lhe gospel spread into England, and cause a great ....· ork \0 be done in Ihal land."'·

000() 0( 'O/I~'. ' -5- Notes

I. Theodore Turley, Autobiography (ca, 1840), MS 13176, fd. I, Historical Depanment, The Church of Jesus Christ of Lauer·day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, hereafter abbreviated as HOC. Consistent with SCholarly practice, [ have retained the original spelling of the sources quoted in this article.

2. For a brief sketch of Parley's life and a list of biographical sources, see Larry C. Porter, "Prall, Parley Parker," in Encyclopedia of MomlO'lism (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 1116-17. For a canoniud account of key events related to the establishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Lauer-day Saints, see "Joseph Smitll-History" in The Pearl of Great Price: A Selection from the RevelatiOlu, Trans/atiOlu, and NamuiOlIS of JlJ$eph Smilh, Fim Prop/.el Seer, and R/!:Ilelaror to the Clmrr;/. of Jesus Christ of /..lIl1er-drry Saims (Salt La ke City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981),47·59.

3. Parley P. Pratt, [Jr.1. cd.. Awobiogrop/W of Parley Parker Prall (Salt Lake Ci ty: Deseret Book, 1980), 130-31.

4. Pratt. 131-35.

5. Prall, 135-36; "Laying the Foundation In Canada," Deserer News, July 31, 1937, Church Section, 1.

6. Pratt, 136.

7. Pratt, 136-39: Lethbridge Stake Historical Commiltee and Melvin S. Tagg, A HutOf)' of tire MormOt. Clmrch ill COlladO (Lethbridge, Alberta: Lethbridge Herald, 1968). 9.

8. Pratt, 142.

9. Prall,143-51.

10. "Laying the Foundation," 1; Isabella Russell Johnson, History of Isaac Russell, 2-4, Ubrary, Provo, Utah; Joseph Fielding, Journal. vol. I, pp. 5-7, HOC; Prall, lSI-52.

II. "Laying the Foundation: \; Joho.'\On, O.

12. Turley, Autobiography.

13. "The Articles of Faith: no. 7, in The Pearl of Greal Price, 60. Although these articles were not published as such until 1R42, they are a good restatement of Church beliefs about spiritual gifts before that time.

-6- 14. Typescript of O,rUJiWl £.wminu II (Occ. 1838): 355. HOC The CI,rUJiWl £,ruminu was a monthly pUblication of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

15. Fielding. 6·7.

16. Turley. AU lobiography. This actOunl is the only one in Theodore's own tland 10 relate his conversion, bUI it is ralher ambiguous in some of its details. Theodore wrote Ihal ' Elder P. P. Prat! C'Jme 10 Canadia baptized Elder Isac Russe ll he came 10 my house & Said he had been notified in a Dreem that he mli St Come to my house & pre:tch [ received Ihe lrulh the firsl time I hearc.l il & my Wife aliso was baplized Ihe I of March 1837 Confirmed & ordained under Ihe hand of El de r I', I'nlt! as Priest."

There is no question that "arley I'. I'ratt ordai ned Theodore to be a priest weeks 1;lIer (see next ne",-sietter arlicie). Some persons have apparently assumed Ihal Parley also performed the baplisms and confirmations, bUI be apparently was nOI in Canada on March I when the baptisms occurred. Pratt. 158·67. Although il is pmsible Tbeodore and France5 were baptized on March I and confirmed much later. it seems more likely they were confirmed shortly afler being baptized. and Ihe most likely candidate 10 have performed both ordinances is Isaac Russell.

17. Prall. 165.

lit Pratt. 131. Wbo an We? last

B.d:·I"O\' (I. 10 R): Horn.), E~Ting Turky(lO or 11 )1""$).

and Frallklin Turley (12 or 13 ~TI)

FrOlll ·r<>W ( I.. 10 R): Harold E1O.".on Turle)' (I or 2 rrs).

Ed ... .,d V

~ tiI.ely lakm in EI Paso.. T e~

-7- m::ribut£ Edward Franhlin Turl"y & Ida Elizabdh EyrinJ! J ",. , The rom"""" and courtship of!he parenu oflhcsc childrm in the photo. Edward Frankli" Turley and Ida Eliubcth E~';ng. began in Colonia Juarez in 1890 when Ida mon-d Ihm: \\ith her pa,.:r'U from 51. (;(orge. , Ua),_ Edward's family had """'cd 10 l>.luioo a few ... ears earlier from Ikawr, litah and Arizona, and hi~ famil\'. was fairly well wablish.d in ~I.xico "honlda arriwd. Ed & ida ~al11. acquainted. courted 0'·.... a w« year 1 period. and thtn Wd Edward, «~iwd II noti.:.: from Bo~ B in Sah Lake City "ailing him ,• to sen'e 8.$ a miSliionary in Ihe N"orthtm States ~[i$Sion . Prior to his In';ns. thev Ih." had a son, Edward Ven"m. "ho WlIS born ~[ay 30. 1897 "hioh was just prior to Edwud's ckparture on Jun< I~. 1 897, "hen he lell. for Salt Lake City. Dah to be set apart for his mi$Sion. r • On Ihe 2nd July, 1897. Edward 8ITh'ed in Cin~inn.oti. Ohio. Edward Was diligent in his work: he studied and worked hard 10 i u".,.,ed in the mission C,dd. While he "All on this miliSion. Edward's Rnd lda's daughler, Ida Elizabeth Turley. passed away on February 18. 1899. A~"""ording 10 Ida. Ed lal..- illfonnrd her that he kncwby d«am ibat their daughter had died. lbI: trulh. oflhe rnlored gospel of Jesus Christ ga"e comfort to Edward and Ida: their temple marriage for time alld alietemilY assured them Ihallinle Ida and their firsl'borrt, Edward. would both be as much a)!-Or! oflheir C1mIAl family lS their other children.

I" spite of his grief. Edward continued 10 work hard in tile mi$Sion field. His dilis<,,,,e was rccogni~d anti he ""all gi""'1 spc.:ialrnponsibililiel. Edward wa.s away from home for o,'er 2 years. During tI,allime the ,,""Uense for hi s fin:mcialluppor\ belonged to Ida. She stales ill her journal thaI she worked h3.rd to 5uSl3ill her husband illihe miilion field as well as to suppor1 h(r little famil y. To qu01~ Ida. ""I worked hard caring fo.-our

orchard sold f",il and managed 1<) SCIld him money to kc(p him on his mission. H Edward rcecil'ed hi. missionary «lease On Sept. 26. 1899. ",>d retllrned to hi. 1i11k Camily ill Colonia Juarez. Hi. task now was 10 lISSume hi. responsibilily as PfO,;dcr for tilt family. Ed \\"a.s a hard work: ... and enjoyed ."ccess in hi. fanning. hor1icuitu«. a,>d O1h ... work and business acti,;lics. Bolh Edward and Ida were acti,·c ililheir Church work: """ill!! in ,·.ri...... c~l"'citi

Four me", ohildren would bl"" \.heir maITiage: CI.rm.:e Franklin Turley ""as born on Julv 16, 1900; Benry J Eyring Turley on June 7. 1902: Theresa Turley Oil ~larch 2L 1909; and, Harold Emenoll Turleyon No\"embcr22.191 1. t '. The ne oulb«ak of a ~I e~;can «\'olut;on whieh , br<:ll.gbt . w,thout lOll"" warning. a g ...... 1 uod,," by the ~ l onnODll: the Ch"Nh·. 0.-0...... 1 Authorities hod .. rcwmmcndcd thal ibe oolon,su lea,.e and «,\um to the United Stot.l SO as to avoid bloodshed. TI><:y «Iuelanlly \ !til. July 211 and 29. 1912. Many ofthose uiled from ~Jcxieo siayed in EI Paso. Tc.'W. while others dispcrWd " to .-ariQtlS I""at,,,,,, moslly in ibe western part ofib. United Stotes. Edward'. $CCond wife, Anni. Sari.h ) ~ I artineau W.I...... «iuctant to r~urn to Me~ioo, thC"l"(forc. robe took her family and Ihey went north to Logan. Uuh IIdIling in an area t1",y consie " ',dow Annie W.lser. -8- Aft.... abouilWO years of e~ile in EI Paso. Edward and Ida 1M Iheir fami ly relurned 10 Colonia Juare7, OIl Sep\. 16. 1914 to reclaim lheir propeSS of colwerting the wildnmss of "- nonhtrn Chihuahua itllo one of)'lc~ico'i agricullural show pla~ .

l1",re is not space her. to dabof'ate. butth. ' I""i';ng !i\'" ehildrey. rtrnaincd in Colonia Juarez "ho:re lhe)' raised a famil y offiw boys and four girl" 1Icru;' E~Tillg 5Cnled pcnnanClllly in San Antonio. Texas. whcre he aM hi s ,,;fe. Louise Robinson. along with their son and t!we daughlers w.... e a Slrcngthening influence for Ih" Church and Ihe College Il",re, l1",rcsa along wilh h.... husband. Edgar \ .... agn ..... and their two sons and IWO doughlCTS. r~naincd in M."ico and would ultimately rna ].:" their home in Colonia Dublan after a period in Chihuahua. Harold Emerson and his wife. Irela Pierce. made El Paso. Te~1lS. Iheir home and they wo:re bl=d wilh four boys and d"•• girls: Harold mainta;[}(d his )'!c.~ican citizenship unt il recently 10 lIS to be able 10 carry on and Church act;"iliflS in )'Ie";co,

Ed & Ida w.... e woodrrlUl parenlS. Thn' SCI an e:\llmpl. wonhy of emulation by aiL Edward enjoyed spans: he lond Ihe game ofbascialland W3S remembcud as a heal)' hin ..... He 101'ed 10 ma].:e home I'm", Edward had beautiful hand"Titing. and was an modd of c,~emplary """'ice in the Chur,;h. For about 35 )' he SCTl'cd fa,lhfullyas the ward clor].: in ColOllia JU8r.,_ 8 position ilIa! would utilize hi s superior penmanship and he SoOt nil ~.tamp l e <.>fbeillg places on time. Ida \\.,.s known for h .... flowers, !n hor diary she Slated: "\\'hcre e\'no We ho.,'e Ii"cd. we ha,'( plo.ntC'd fruit trees. flowers. shrubs and TOSC$: il would no! be hOlllc 11;1110111 flowers."

\\'ilh regard 10 thc childn:n ,n lhe photo abo,·c. Ida Ihc fo!lowing: · ·!lIC Lord has blcssed uS \\; th good chi Ide." and I 3m ,·.... Y Ih.n].J'u1 for his blessing and h~ and pray IhQtthc\' rn .. \, e,'cr lil-e true to Ih. failh and liw hOllor~hle righteous l'I·cs." I ]"'Ii",'e lhoir hopes 11III'C been rea lized and Iheir prayers answercd .

•• Compiled & wrinen b)' Richard E. Turley. a grandson. Oce<:mber 31. 199~.

:Ito... ." .., ." ..,., .", .., "'" ,.., :'" .., .-'" ' ....


A~ we are in the lea,ning a nd g,owing 5ta ge5, we have f ound tha t it wa ~ nRce~8a,y to put 80mewhRr. on t n. addrR~8 label information concerning the e~pir at ion of t he 5ub5cription to tne new~lettRr. Wnen you ~Rnd your 110 , 00 donation for tne new~ l etter wR will ma rk on your labal ona yRa, of thR montn tna t you 8 ubmitted . Any other donation above the 110. 00 wil l go tow ard~ rR5Ra rch unlR~8 you mark other w i~e . (ag in a gift for 5omeonR el ~ e) We h a vR triRd to back tra ck the informa tion aince we 5ta rtRd the newgletter . Hopef ully we are close enough to the correct month . Please be p a tien t with u5 a5 we lea rn and grow'

-9- 'I'I1EUXJ.rderson (801)225-1611 1135 E. 120 S. , Orem, utah 84058 Mary Ann TUrley 0J0k: Dulene GoriIh'9 (805)525-4741 131 Rhame 'I'&Ll,"""", Santa Paula, california 93060 Priscilla TUrley Lyman: LarTy & Cin3y Lyman (102)451 -0609 4060 Royalh111 Ave., Las Vegas, NevlIda 89121

rs»c 'n.IRlEr & SARAH ~: TI~e wilford TUrley: Shirley Oiercksen (602)946-7718 8614 E. Northland Dr., Scottsdale, At . 85251 A11n:d Ave., MeSa, Arizx:na 85204 J~ Hartley TUrley: Jay TUrley (602)524-2731 WOrk (602)524-6161 522 E. Florida, Ii:Il..brooI<, Ari2Ol"la 86025 tIyrun TUrley: LaPrill Lee (602)288-3466 P.O. aox 173, Joseph City, Ari2Ol"la 86032 Genge Albert TUrley: Barbara Ib.... dew (801 )375-6398 1095 s . 500 w. '22, Provo, utah 84601 Charles Dennis TUrley: .Joan Finley (505)877-2315 5324 DOn Miguel PI. g", All:uquerque, IfoI 87105 John Andrew TUrley: Kate foblTb ( 602) 428_4345 377 catalina Dr., Safford, Ari2Ol"la 85548

rs»c 1URI2Y & CLARA A!fl 'It(.mI' Ed\.erd F. TUrley:!J.Jana ROgerS (801)451_8348 97 w. Joy Drive, FamJ.nqton, utah 84025 ESther T. McClellan: ROy & Lenora MCClellan ( 602)964-0692 2051 E. Des MOines St., Mesa, AZ 85213 Francis T. Romney: John Pyper (113)481_4302 10826 Sage Trail, Houston, Tel0S 77089 ~t TUrley: ~ ~ (602)962_9716 1650 EaSt FOUntain, Mesa, Ari2Ol"la 85203 clara Ellen (Nelle) T. walser: lUI Bereillatt (108)949-7292 933 Hiqh1and Rd., HaOOelein, Illirw:>is 60060 Isaac TurLey Jr: lU.r!I RawS (602)337_4871 P.O. Box 8 , St. Johns, Ari2Ol"la 85936 Anna Priscilla T. Van Wagn:Ir: Alberta EaSI:m:lnd (801 )486-6066 2315 Stringham Ave., salt Lake City, utah 84109

-10- let,s \let, ACQuaint,ed Let "s Qet acqu&lnled Hith : earb .. a Pearl Tu r ley S~i th , deu. o f George W•• Peer I G. Turley . I .... born the l ast of 7 child .. .., on Aug . 2 , 1 9~ 4. Moe .... very sick Hith ee & a t bi r th I onl y weighfil 3 1 /2 lb.. I .... born .. Ith .. hat mom CAlled "Tu rtev Finoe,...", where the 3,..d fing .. r i& Short.,.. than nor"'al • the 4 t h finOe,.. ir. the lonQest. I .. I so h ave 2 sis t .. r s & 1 brot h .. r that hAve it . I t anyone has mO .... in f o r ..atl0n or h •• the •• me type of fi nO .. ,.. • • it would b" int.resting to know 80<10" d in photography . I got my 8.5 . (8.rbr a S",ith) d ..gree by ",_hng , d.ting, "­ ~arrying Rog.r R.ymend S~ith en Aug. 16, 1974. We l ....dl.tely left for Da v~por t , l a . " her. Roger attend.d Chiroprac t lC School. In June o f 1976 ..a 11_ to Az. and surpr i sed 110", a. Oad to be .ealed in the Arizona Temple on June 1 ~, 1976 . (They thought we were going to go to the Washington Templ e . ) Rogar g r aduated f rom Palmer College of Ch iropr .ctic on Oct. I , 1977 &. t han wa moved to Pho",nix, where he set UP pr.ctice. Our only daughter Ky~ba r lee Kay. was born Jan . 7, 1979 .nd our on l y .on . Kurtis Kyl . .... born Mar. 28 . 1980 . In 1981 w. ,,"oved to I'Ies. &. h.v. been ~ n Mesa ever s i nce. In 1989 we moved Roger's bu"iness to Gilbert . but It ~. not good &. at t hiS ti~ his office is in Our he.e. I n i989 I " tarted working f ull time in the Media Center .t Long fell ow E l ...ntary , which I enjoy work~ng with the kids. As f or .y church ca l ling" I 'v .. ",ost ly been i n Youn g W~en s, some Primar y , &. am cur rently on the Homemaking Committee &. a .... I ways in the libr.ry . I start ed a hobby about l~ ye.r. ago that ov~ r the years hOI . dev.lop.d i nto a 2nd job for me .. •. tole-painting. Roger h •• g otten pretty good at cutting out my project. &. I paint &. sell it ""os tly a t the .chool. I f e .. 1 my ",os t crowning achleve ..ent has been my 2 kid.. . Ky .. has been dancing . t ·St.r." f o r 7 or 8 year., in whi c h we h ..v e be.n .b l . to tr.vel to pl.ces .... nor",.lly .ouldn ' t have ~n .bl. to ....-- Jap.. n . H• • aii , San, L.A. , Nevada 8< around ArIzona. She .. 1.0 have been a good kid with gre.t grades' My f.vorite son , Ku rtis . I •• very qui.t, .hy teen.ger "'t1'. a t alent f or ca.puter. &. drawing, he hopes to do some ~ .jor d a ..age to Nint.ndo when he '. old~r' When Helen •• ked me t o he lp with this Newsl.t ter t h.t Jay Turley h a d . t .rted, I though t I 'd just be nit I pinQ her every once i n a .. h i Ie .. , I s nould o f kn o wn .. . Nothing i s simple with Helen ' I ' .. glad f o r her •• ~ing me 8< thinking that I could do thi. . Who knew. year .go how b i g this prOJect would turn out to be' This really h ... been a g r owing eKperlenCe 1.n more w.ys than one) & I hope you are patient with me 8< my lea rn~ng •• I go •.. If there ~s anyone • • nyone at al l ' . who ha. time , computer knowledge, and would love this Job .. . (8c receive eKtr. ble .. sings )., r · . .. illing to p ••• it on, just c.II" -11- • Genealogical Work (lI!NIN.(IGIOoL RI!!SE1.ROI ASSIat I!N1'S

'l'I1£lIXIU!: 1'lIILEY I.INE:

John Turley: Hack I MarUyn Laraon, 64 46 e. TI:'a11 Ridge Cin::le, He!Ia, Arl:>:ena (602)981-8931 William Rtehanls & SUsannIl SilYl!rlll Richard E. & Jean W. TUdey (801 )532-2809 123 .seccn::I AV'e . 1513, salt Lake City, utah 841 03 'I't'OII1lS PenIhoJse & Hary Mintridge: oo~" SylvillTUrley (801)467-8516 2246 S . welUngta'I St. , Salt t.aldell : Lorin & Nancy Peterson (520)713_1591 Rt 4 Box 719 DB, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 John Clarke & DOrothy: Ferrin & Sheila Brinkerhoff (360)636-4099 3731 Penn. st. , Lc;ogview WA 98632 ~t 'i'h::J'flas: Harry & Ruth FrOst (520)536-4037 P.O. BOx 1985, SnJw'flake, AZ 85937 Peter M11txlum & Jane: Mary Pickett (520)645-3406 Box 57, Page, liZ Henry tUghtin<;l

c:v.AA 1INtl 'I'OL'It:N:

John Tolton '" r-.ary Lewis: carl '" A.llen TUrley (602)241_9444 Han!! 274-3236 3601 N. 6th . IS, Ph::oenix, JI.Z 85013 Edward Malin & Mary ~!ormlelghton : Tenna Heap (602)962_9716 1650 E. Fountain, Mesa, I\Z 85203 Mathew 9n1th '" l'\iI.ry: veldon & Yvonne T\lrley (602)964-7289 1030 E . DOlphin, Mesa, I\Z 85204 James WlItscw\: CIOuglll!l & Victoria 'l'Ilrley (8181952-3173 4362 Ha}'llWl "ve., LaCanada, CA 91 011 Ttnna9 Wilkinson & Eden Proctor: Roy & Lerora Mo:Clellan (602 1964-0692 2051 E. Des Moines St. , He!>a, A.Z 85213 James 'l"ennant '" Jane watscw\: Viola Haws (6021964-5724 1023 E. 8th St., MeSa, A.Z 85204 William Birch '" I$ahf!l Barrett: I

-12- fdlert P;t ...... ly: Acn Turley (520)77$-4897, 672 ~, 0I!I0I8y.u 86]27 .Jam Iblt' FI4i1Ul!lS: (801)8]5-2722, 2SO N. 100 E. , ManU, tn. 84642 Jane Freeth: Lym , Elaine ElUwc:a:th (520)536-7264 P.O. Box 690, Snawflaka, AZ. 85937 william Prioe , Elizabeth Pen'y: H!I.rvina D.Incan (209)35&-223' 2275 High st., Abater, CA 95301 .Jc Ie;"', san:ters , Rlizaheth Fitter: en.oe , JolIn Biddulph (603In8-952, 32 Pine st., EXeter, N.H. 0J833 .John BOlten , Fru.:1s: Ken1eth & Shara'l1\Irley (208)529_5432 840 P;inswood, Idaho Falla, ID. 83401 .John J\aZ'f:ICDlrt , ~t G1becwl .Jam DyOtt , catherine ..ten : l(eith , Janis 1\Irley (21 0}734-5815 28 Sharon Dr., West. Boerne, TX 78006 Job> Alden " Mary FI:Mce: o.ylill , stephanie Myers (801) 3n-7480 1282 C'IerTy lane, Provo, tJI' 84604 John f't)IJs , Elizabeth BlirnMI: Robert. O. , David Crodtett (805)252-6133 234a.t Glenddge Dr., Newhall, CA 91321 W11llam Kitchlns • Mary: t.:a"eine , l\esp"tn 16021969_4202 1114 E. Jrd Ave., MesiI, AZ . 85204 Richard Griffin. Altoe Faller: Ra'na Jensen (801 }753-3949 272 N. 1170 E., togan, utah 84321 ~lcmew Kettle: ~thy • Clarence IOIwIs (602)396-8810 SOl S. R "", MeSa, AZ 85206 J<:i1n Kill " Mary Hall: IterlJtort 1\Irley (210)249-8893 337 O1apaael creek, Ibceilil, Texas 78006 'ltaaMs 'l'aylor " 'I'hanIlS Knight: Tillman Turley (602)89()...()667 1033 E. DOlphin, Heea, AZ Nicholas Hyll I Elizabeth Calowe: Brent , I'brty Nieliloo. (l34}742-9259 105 Kall Ave., OpeIUwl, AL 36801

Jrbtqlher ~ , !kol"ittie YCM19: WInla Nielaen (6021964-7S42 1705 w. ArT;Jm, Meea, AZ 85201 Rbtit I' 1M' lAbel Q)et..: Grant. , Pearl 1"uI:"ley (5201636-4110 P.O. 9aii: 228, Qdn:) valley, AI 85323

-13- •

~8LESS GRAN DPA TURLEY " by Kate Howel l Mo rris "B l ess Dad dy and 1010". ' bless Stacey, bless Chad , bless B i sc u it. AND BLESS GRAND PA TURLEY. .in the nalll" of Jesus Christ. AMe n . M lIavin& o ur b eagle puppy, B i scuit . b l essed along with the rea t of o ur i_di a t e r a.; If wa s CO_On pra" t ice end ing our e v e n i ng falll i l y prayers, but wh e n ou r you ngest d aughter, t ..o and o ne half yea r o l d Mary lCat e, b l essed "Grandpa TIiT l ey", it Ca." a s • gTeat s urpri se to al I o f liS. "Grandpa Turley" .. as J ohn And r e w Tur ley , .y hu sband 's, grandfather. Di c t ' ••".a ti es o f hi s grandf ather are ske t c hy at bes t a" he di ed .he n he W" $ • young boy of s ix . So you can i~.& i ne ou r . s to n ish .. ent o f our I itt l e Mar y Kat e bl essing ••" .. beT o f o llr f .... 1 I ), we d id n 't really k no .. o r even speak o f thAt I eve r re me~b er, We p robab l y wo uld have dis~issed Ihe p u~zl ing blessing i n Mllry Ka te's p r aye r comp l ete l y rr o~ ou r reco llec t ion, e~cept f or t he fa ct th"t each time it .... II S her l urn to lelld w i th f ll mi Iy p rayer, s h e conti n ucd to bless Gr a ndplI Tu rley, The res t o f U,!! at o n e time or anot he r woul d o pen One eye focused o n Mllry Kate ".'I we tried t o anal yze her s inceri ty IIbOli 1 bless i n g her Gr e a t -Grellt Grandpa Turley wh o h ll d died many, mllny y e ats hefore she "'all even born, We all f ound her to be very reverent "nd s i ncere wh en o ffering her i nnocent prayer unl O the Lord and l\Ioo n accept ing he r bl es9i ll8 reques t of N.. Gr"nd pli Tur l ey " 9 c ommonp i li ce. '¢i.Y> I wa s baptized a member of t he Chll rch of Jes u s C Ch ris t o f ~q Llltter-dllY S~int.!l i n SeplcRlbe r. 1977. One yur I ll ter , Dick >7-"" 1 ~nd 1 wi th o ur three c hildren, Stacey , 8, C h~ d . 6 . and M~r y :'i~ 1 " a te , ) L/2, t raveled to UI"h t o have our fa .. il y sealed >-..~ , together In Ihe Sai l Lake Temple. Dick' s parent s . Gary a nd ~. : Thel ,," Morti s, and h is siSler a nd brother-in-la .... Susan an d ':"'-"1 Bob lIan e~. had Rlet u s Ihe r e 10 witness th is joyous e vent . ;;;-;: \ I n the IIIOlel the evening be f ore the se"Li ng , I wa s s haring »; the slory with my father-i n -Ia" of t he a~a~ing r ace o f how ",:1 Md~ry,Kllte .. <;:o~ t in~edb'o ', l e"sd"Qra n d Pa .Tur l~Y". ~)' .. no... , she "\ ,dn t liS. \"al ne e b esse every t !lle s " e too. "er t urn t o ·-~ I prllY, but s till r airly often. "~ I My father-in- l a .. , Gary Mo r ris, WII S qu iet a t fir s t as he -:, t hou8hlrull), <;:on t ulpillted I he impac t of h is slII&l l granddaught e r 'a praye r . Th en. t h r o ug h h is .... isdo,., he of f e r e d I~: I h i s s lIon,.a l ion. He slI i d he f e lt t ha t Mll ry Kate had been ye r y ~( \ cl osed to J o hn An drew Tu r Ley i n t he Spi r it Wo r ld. Wh en Ma ry :';;,,' , Kate callIe to o ur fll"'; l yon June 13, 1975, she had t o say her teMPOrary good-b),es t o ti e r beloved grea t -grelll grand f attle r . ;,1 Beclluse o r her t end er ),ellrs lind s hielded eart h ly e~ p etlences, Mllr)' Kale .... as s t il l IIbLe t o re~ember h i. and obviou sly ;;1 t hough t o f hill lind mi ssed h i .. very .. uc h . . Then Gllry lidded i$ 1 that a s Mar), Kllt e ItOWS O lder. s he w i ll probllbly not remelllbe r ::0\ him in her pn)'ers liS of t e n; then not a t all . ' I One ve r y d ea r member o r our r llm,ly we were b l essed to know :1 was Dick's Gr a nd mo the r Turl e)" Electa Druc; I la Wes t ove r ~~ , Turley. S he 19 J o h n Andrew Tur l ey ' s ... i fe, widowed for nlore ~W:V ·~!:;;ij~!~'~ 4_ than thirty years. We a l l Lo ved her so Much. She wa s not well her last year of I i f II' before her pas sing in Au g u s t, 1991. As .... e wo uld r Grand.a Tur l ey in our fa .. il y prayers, Nary Kate. 6 1/2 o nce aaain began to inc l ude Grandpa TurLey in her p r ayers occaslonnl I y. Upon Grnndmn TurLey's d eal h , Mary Kate prayed her l asl me n t i o ning o f Grftndpa Turley when s he lold !leavenly Fnt he r thnt she was grateful thAt Gr andflla Tu rley didn't have to ~uf fer any longer and had Joined Grandpa Turley in Heaven where they cou l d be happy and toget her o nce NO r e. Update Mary Kate: Mary Kate Mor ri s ..arried Oarren Selh Matti c e o n SepteMber l, 1994, in Safford. Ar i1:ona. They are p r esently ..aking their home in lI o u s ton Te~II S. Nary Kate wo rks II I Bank One and Oarren is wo rk i ng and pura uing a ca reer in Fune ... 1 Services. The y recent I y were s ealed in the Nesa Temple on November 24. 1995.

Ma r y June 13. 1975 AlHi 1 12 . 1885 10 Ma y 5, 1951

-15- Wbo arc We? nell)

Family H is tol'Y Ce nter

J Mesa. ~ri . o" ..

Front ro",: lert to ril1ht ROY McClellan &. Wife , WANDA S.,ilh VERDElL But-lon, 3; ANITA Rehies Back Ro",: left, to riQht Claude Despain, lOREINE Despain, Roper Bult-on 6. Paul Rehies ANCESTERAL LINE ROY 6. VERDELL & LOREINE-All'la-Isaac WANDA - Theodore Wilford-Isaac

.~ .,., . ~ -16- Suggested price f or the Newsletter and funds for research il $10 .00 per year. Anyone desiring to make additional contributuions f or research and additional blessings is i nv ited t o do so. Send all payments, suggestions, faith­ promoting e xperiences or other newsletter contributions to : BARBRA SMITH, 1341 S , RICO CIR., MESA, AZ, 85204. Make checks payable to THE OOORE TURLEY FAMILY ORGANIZATION. Just f ill out the coupon below, mail and you will be on the mailing list .

ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZlPNAHE CODE:'~~~~~ ~~;::=,~=:=:=:~~:,====:======:J",~C:== FAMILY RELATIONSHIP: (ll THE ODOR~;~T~"~'~'~'~' ~' ~2 ~' ======"( 5 ') ======'(6)"


-.7- Theodore Turley Family Organlutlon 1347 S. Rlc:o Cifde Mesa, AZ 8S204