Baron Corbin Has Sights Set On The Ultimate Prize

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Baron Corbin might be the biggest heel in the WWE. With a feud against forthcoming, The Lone Wolf will be taking the next step in his career. It's about time, as his momentum is at an all-time high.

Some believe Corbin is stale and boring, I don't happen to be one of them. Personally, I feel he's exactly what the WWE needs. A fresh, new main eventer that hasn't been in the main event picture before. Similar to that of , Corbin will solidify himself as a top guy with a title win.

After winning , it became apparent WWE wanted to push Corbin. And even from the start of his WWE main roster debut they've given him proper attention, as he won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at Wrestlemania in 2016. While it might have seemed like Corbin has done nothing since his Wrestlemania moment, WWE has gradually built him into a monster right before our eyes.

Not on the level of someone such as Braun Stroman, Corbin looks like he's an unstoppable force on Smackdown Live. He's run rough shot over the entire WWE roster. His opponents have included, , , , and Nakamura. And now in a program with Cena, he's going straight for the alpha male of WWE

It's not everyday that WWE books its talent perfectly. And while I'm not saying Corbin has booked exactly as he should be, it's been a great buildup to his future as a main eventer. He came onto the main roster with a

1 / 2 very bland gimmick and questionable promo skills. Corbin now embraces his Lone Wolf persona and has improved drastically on the Mic.

Who knows if Corbin will be able to carry Smackdown Live as its champion. He's going to be given the chance. Sure, there are others on the SD roster who could be bigger draws, it's Corbin's time.

I think he's going to make a great Champ. There are going to be some that disagree on that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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