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:f\ . feA Aft /I ffock Hill, S. <**** © ©"st^K:

Hill Receives Water Color From fcf r Library Loan Bill Barrymore As Gesture Of Good-Will Offered In House Because peoplp in Rock Hill took ' Because peoplP in Rock Hill took ; HHV r II • I lllliaill Hi©1 HSSVfeKSrff-Jfc... a memento or**ny .si,...,.,i^*7*4jB* .. . *\*O,... him "to their warm, uond*»rful, for information r«©£arding ni\ fam- By W. D. WORKMAN, JR. southern heart*," Lionel Rarr>- iviHiion fnr their pooihvill to ily. and of our part plajrd on the rn© . I ho[*» that as their Ciul Special Herald Correspondent l.more jnformod Ma>nr C. If Al- AmpricHn Stagp, tin* information to , .N©Hi u ill ,T( pirit of pond fe|- parinc lo rrad at ihp K^ystonp a bill in the House today authori/ing the Rock Hil! District Library rolnr "to thp riti/rn.s of Rork Board to borrow hinds for the construction of an addition to the Hill as a memento of m hip in ^ hirh U ^ s^nt. and Ctuh Thai \v as thp hrEirnmp of U public library. appreciation for© thnir goodwill to \ r«i may lind a small corner all, I srnt thp information, and a ;i: one of your civic hmkhncs \\hrj-p The measure. \-.hif thr C©luh in m^-Piing a the board to borrow not more than $50.000 and to repay the loan In his kMtnr to Ma\^ nf the happiness 1 rer*»i\rd al he- JatPr. t©rom that h^jfinninc * ©\arrn within 10 years from the present two-mill Rock Hill Library levy. the distinguished actor mi; arlopu-d by a group of \*arm friendship bot\\pen thf Rnrk Hill The bill states. "The loan shall be evidenced by a note or notes "Last April on the orrasion of kni^ht-an pfople to bt-ar interest at a rale noi exceeding three and on-halt per ©my spvrnty-fifih hn-ihda> . I i r- citi/.pns and myself was horn. It jwived hundred** of lifters from ih*» ©©I \\ish it \\et* possihjr for me is ihe first time in my experienre cent with the principal to he repaid in installments of not Jess thai ft rity has takpn me tr> its citizens of your (it\, all \\irfu\, *r»uihprn hearts, in om> thousand rnilf** of Rock Hill, Sincerely your*. \pry h=*pp\ indeed. \Vi o> i all again f t» lirinc SO V©.v nif» to rnp. It ^ a« em * u-jitpr rotnr, whirh I that had \et rerp|\pr| md^^d a lufk> d*> for m*1 that I in »-prn\ pd th» not* frnm Mr« T\ a ith." It ii competed now, and tv. rn the picture to the citueny of Kock Mooic Whitt P( your nts Calif. Although Lionel Barry- more never visited Rock Hill Barrymore, Well-Known To R.H. Dies and although few Rock Hill- ^oenvrxa VWolci ul 1U\&H- L____————^——.———— ians, if any, ever saw him HOLLYWOODWnT.T.VWnnn — (AP)(A.P\ ~ '© I ^^^1^^^ * © I iu vmHirHsindird artait min PP;>ri-;.; ,,i^ renitnod personally, he occupies a Gi*umpy - sounding, warm - -t i and warm spot in the hearts of hearted Lionel Barrymore, many and his death last York. His brolliPr John Itiffd liim who had no stomach for the hack to the stage in 1916 m "P- ter night brought sadness to theater but was long one of Ibhetson." hundreds. I.ionrl heram^ a star uiih h;.e Barrymore was almost Thn the most illustrious of actors, in "Tlie f!oppp? h^nd patrsn saint of the Keystone Club©] HP .joined Mrti o-Holdx- ; n-M"»© T is dead at 76. I which "adopted" him nearly two IP stat in "Th<- r.--»n ©r ©;" m 1TJI. Stricken at home nit/lit Injure years ago following a communica last while rei.-iiifiK the "Tomorrow Tlp~won an*~Xrart »my Award for hi« tion Irom Mis. Kva Moore White performance in "A Fre»* .Soul." and Tomorww and Tomorrou" who was pr^parinq a club paper soliloquy ironi Shakespeare©s Mac- with Norm a Shearer, in 1931. His on tht Barrymore family. Heth, the senior nu niher of art- outstanding mo\ ie» included ine©s "Royal Kamily" died at 7;lf> "Grand Hotel." "Rasputin And The Barrymore. 76, died last niqht -r» a hospilM in San Knrnanrlo Val (PSTl la.st night. Empress." "Dinner At Eight," ley, Cal. after a period of declin- He had hr^n in a coma 39 hours "David CopDcrfield." "Ah, Wilder ine health. at Vallry Hospital. A complication ness." "The Return of Peter MM. While said ihnt hi^ wire nf of ailments included arthritis, Grimm" and "Captains Courage frliriiniinn tn ihe rluh thro-v oluh which, after luo hip fractures, had ous." Mr was Rruff Dr. Giflespie memhem mlo a svvnnn similar to forced him to use R wheelrhair and In the "Dr. Kildare" series with ©-ijtt of ;i irnni©^rr o»© r> r Perry riiitrhcs thp past 17 \eai-s. Dr. IJPW Ayren. Como. Other letters to Mr*. Wiite John Paul Ewinc said heart ron- He WBA married twice. ITis 19- fnllov\ r-d in wliirh r^arrymor** ex sosiion was lh« year marriage to Doris McKee pressed his desire to vist Roek of death. Rnnkin ended in divorce in 1922. In July of ihe next year he mar lliM and tastp some Rood South- Only Kthpl Rair.v more, a ried actress Irene Fenwick, who em cooking. City Council isauM a \ounger, «ii©"> I^PS l.mnej in prorlama©ion for a Barrymore Day famH family trjitm\-irate of stace ve. 191 to b* at tho time the famed actor anjl Ht-rren Thi»ir brother John rould find it convenient to visit dfod in 191:©. Radio fnn* remrmhcr Lionel©s Roek Hill. About a year ago Barrymore portrayals for >ears fl» "Mnyor o( sent Roele Hill on* of his paint the Town." as narrator of the Sun ings "Christmas In The Old South" day night "HalL0t-£*£ine" and hVn which wilh proper ceremony was annual Christmas erisntment of hum a* Roi-k Hill Public Library Dickens© crusty ©©SerooK*." Hi» last ipovle was "L/>ne Star," in. \\here ii m*v h^ seen today. 105], with CUrk C«abl(» and Av»j On his pnst two birthdays Rork Htllifns have shmver-*. Mrs. Whit*© h*d mude ©i> in rhilaii©©l©>hia to H» mr no itomnrh© 1 tor «©ag* but pluu to vint him ia Uu «pnnf. Voik *i^ mr an actor >>* < in tthi©-h hn Mi