
!lome of the News All the News of

All the Pointes Every . Thursday Morning Grosse Pointe News Complete Nett's Coverage of All the Poiutes ------~------"--- ._--' ... ------..;..;.=-=-.:.:.....Vol. 3 I-No. 26 ~~e~~~l ~ltf:;O~tdD~~~~I,~n~fg:~ GROSSE ---POINTE, ,------JUNE 25, 1970 ------slf.&t;~8::r ------24 Pages - Two Sections - Section One

.-- .__ ------_.!l IIEADLINES Woods Mother Gives Birth to Triplets Abduction, Rape ISee Division of the In Opel'ation. "rEEK By August 1 As Compiled by the Of Six--Year"Old Grosse Pointe News Newly Formed Agency to Combat Crime Approved Tbursday. June 18 Shocks COnlnlunity By Board of Educ:ation THE HOUSE PASSED a bill Wednesday that would lower Ch'ld G bb d W H f S h I b By Pepper ,Whitelaw the \'oting age to 18 in all elec- I ra e on ay ome tom c. 00 y The Grosse Pointe Board tions starting January 1. Tile Heavy Set Young Man in Small Blac.~ of Education on Monday, bill, sent to the White House by a vole of 272.132, also would Car; Woods OHers Reward ,June 22, approved partici' continue for (ive more years B-y-P-h-i1-Lora-ng-er pation in the newly formed the 1965 Voting Righls Act 'In- Investigation by a combined task force of Woods' Youth Service Division by der which one million Negroes a vote of 5 to 1 with Calvin have been registered in seven' and St. Clair Shores detectives into the Wednesday, d southern states. June 17, abduction and rape of a six-year-old Woods girl J. Sandberg, absent, an • • was intensified this week, as officers combed the scene Arnold P. Fuchs voting no, th' h' f I h' h ld With this approval the Youth PRESIDENT NIXON firmly o r e crIme, searc mg or any c ue w IC COLI serve Service Division should be oper- rejected proposals for govern. as a link to the solution of the sickening attack. able by August 1, according to ment controls and. instead be- Shortly after 2:30 on the day "'~------I co.ordinator, Chesler PetersOJl. gan "jawboning" Wednesday in an e£fort to hold down wage or the incident and jU6t prior IEd. G The City of Grosse Pointe to the start o( II violent thun'l i Woods will house the YSD aDd demands and price increases. .1SOll ets der and hailstorm which struck serve as its managing munici- He also established a National Ihe community, Ihe youngster A 1 f pality whose function is to co- Com mission on Productivity. waved goodbye to her Ferry 0 d which Will issue periodic "in. School classmates after the pprova ordinate Ihe program; provi e flation alerts" calling public at- two schoot liaison agents, two lention to signiiicant wage and final day of regular classes and {Ite oost detectives, one clerk-secretary price incrcases. began walking towards home R B and part. lime auxiliaries for • • along Morningside drive. assistance as needed. • According to the child, a Increased Cost of. Street Friday, June 19 small, black car, driven by a To Fight Delinquency THE CONSERVATIVE PAR., heavy-set clean-cut young man lighting ~ 192,000 for The purpose of the YSD is to TY headed by Edward Heath believed to be in his late twen. Pointers: Appeal pre v e n t delinquency among made a stunning comeback in ties and having a day's growth E t d Pointe youth through develop- Britain's national election. On of beard. approached and stop- xpec e ment of plograms that will pro- the basis of half-counted re- ped near her. . -- I vide ynung people with a more turns early Friday the 53-year- The man emerged from the Despite protests from the. positive altilude toward society old bachelor appealed to be auto, grabbed the youngster, five Pointes, , Livo- and the law. Harold Wilson's successor as threw her into the car and nia. T r e,n ton, Highland Personnel o( the division will prime minister. Wilson, refus- drove off at a rapid rate of Park, Birmingham and oth. cooperale wilh various types of ing to make an outright con- speed. The shaken child. told Ier Oakland communities, educalional programs in:he cession of defeat. told his Labor Kiwanians )Occupational Educational Three Girls police officers that the man Iand Madison Heights, the fields of safety, good citize~. Party followers that "the Labor drove to a marln~ on Ihe shor~s I Michigan Pub I i c Service ship, law en(orceme~t, drug Party from now on will be on of Lake St. Clair in 51. Clair Commission has ruled to a~use and .relal~d tOPIC~. They the attack." His stlltement wa~ Seek Funds IProgram on Cooperative Born WIithin Shores, wher:e he struck her a I grant an increase of $6' Will take part In speCIal pro- interpreted as meaning he knew number of times, dragged her .. . I' grams al the schools, at rec, the election was lost and he For Display Basis Being Introduced I10 }linutes into a dry.docked boat and 5~4,872 III addItional e e~'1 realionat programs and )'outh would become the opposiHon raped her, Itn~ revenue to the DetrOIt and adult seminars. They will leader In Parliament. public: School System Ta~ing Pioneering Step in Offer- The attacker then prlX:eeded Edison Company. also act as a liaison IIgency with • • • Members Will Accept Population Explosion at St. (Continued on Page 2) The r u I i n g will cost The all public and private agencies Saturday. June 20 Donations to Help Fin- ing Course at N ortHighh School Under Pointes some $192,000. Three offering communily assistllnce THE MICHIGAN HOUSE ance Co'stof 23rd Tony Spadafore John Brings LoChirco of The Pointes had already ap. in areas of youth and parental Friday approved lessening the ------Family rotal to Seven proved tbeir 1970.71 budgets counseling oUI-patient medical penalties fQrpossessiolJo!. .two Annual Fireworks By Pepper Whitelaw prior to the increase, which and clinlc~1 Irealmenl'. and re- ounCf)S or less of marijuana with Show . , For the past 15 years much has been said about the Pauline LoChirco, a 42 will hal'e an extremely adverse habilitalion of offenders. only three dissenting votes. A nehed lfor tteaChinbgtoccupal!tiotlnahl edubcatiodn in the nation's year-old mother of near ~{!~gctts on their already tight .In addition the YSD will in- bill. approved by the House. and Kiwanians win man in' sc 00 sys ems u very I e as een one. teeriagers, gave birth to lie. ,vestigate crime Involving youth- sent to the Sena te for conSider. tersections in the Woods Of late. however, educators (1)>------The rate hike will cost The ful offclIders and cooperale with ation. would make possession of on Mack avenue on Fridav have. re~{(inned the nee~ for, regular course and will be as- triplets at Saint John Hos- Woods $80.000, not budgeted; law enforcement agencies with such qua n tI tI e s a misdea. ~nd Saturday, June 26 and and Instituted programs m, co- signed to training stations the pital on June 19, after be- The Shores, $12,000; The Park. the prime concern being crime meanor, rather than a felony. ., • -* 27, to accept donations from operative educlltlon. They have rest of the day ing admitted on June 8 for I 'b.' J., $44,000 not budgeted; The prevention. 'd found that industry is more . . . "feeling a lot of p. ressure." Farms. $36,000 not budgeted; EDWARD HEATH BECAME reSI ents to offset the cost than willing to cooperate in'their Any local bu.slDess o.r mdus. and The City $20,000. (Since Makes Contribution of the 23rd Annual . try which pro"lde tramlng on Born within ten minutes of' Prime Minister Friday night • FIre- efforts because if youngslers .' . s. The City passed its budget lit The Grosse Pointn Board of works D'spl' I t d f a part bme b~sls IS called a each other. the three girls ' with his Conservative Party reo 1 ay s a e or are not trained in tbese skills " - . ~ named after Mrs. LoChirco's a later dale Ihan the olher Education is contribuling a sum jolcing in a majority of 30 seats Saturday, July 4, at dark, a time will come when there trammg slation. Here the stu- communities it has allowed for equivalent to the lolal averao" in the House of Commons. Har .. . P ell M dISc . der.ts develop the necessary at- molher. mother-in.law and sis- .... In arc sid e hool wlAlltbeNnothlabHo~fhoreSe'hOOI ..t litudes and sklJIs to make them ter are Marla Sunta weighing the increase by increasing its satary and fringe benefit costs old Wilson, head of a Labor Field. or Ig e nen , Ib . M I tax mle 50 cents). of one full-time school liaison Party government for five.and- Proceeds from the event have year, the Grosse Pointe Public proficient employes. Employers,' s. 9 oz., Patrma .ary a so Edison maintains that it has agenl, not to exceed 17 per cent a-half years, spent 18 minutes been used in the past for trans- School System is joining other report to Mr. Spada.fore on the I' tbs. 9 oz. ~nd. Rosalie Mary, heen losing money on sfreet o( the proposed budgel, or ap' with Queen Elizabeth II 10 turn poi-ling Woods youngsters to of the nation's farsighted edu- progress of .the trainees. They born last, welghmg 3 lbs, l( oz. Composite Drawing of Rapist lighting for the past 20 years. proximately $16,851.76. in his resignation. Lake(ront Par k by busl for catars by oltering occupational work a mJn,lmum o( ]5 hours Mrs~ LoChirco, although x. ------This new rate .is a littl~ over The basic duties and rcspon. • • • awards to North and South High education In trades and indus. w.eekly, receive. an hourly w~ge I rays prepared her for the P" T I ~63 percent Increase In the sibililies of the school liaison: Sunday, June 21 School Co-Operative' Education tries, under the direction of an~ ~arn re~lts \Qward hIgh multiple birth, still finds It olDte eac ler I~candescent ornamental street agcnt shalt be to establish closll- PRIME MINISTER ED- students, to provide scholar- Tony Spadafore. . ',C 00 gra ua Ion. hard to believe and said it was Accident Victhll lighting category., which is .most working relationships with all WARD HEATH named an 18- ships, for shelters and barbeque Mr. Spadafore is an enthusl. Training Is Varied I no more difficult having three commonly .u~ed .I~ The POIntes. school personnel Ihroughout the member cabinet, a smaller than facili~ies at Lake(ront Pa:k. astle teacher who spent 17 Train!ng in drafting. a.uto babie,~ at a time tha~ having All mUnlc.lpalll~es a 1 s 0 ~p. communil)'; to develop a worl<. usual one, on Saturday night ThIS year proceeds Will be years In industry. He was gradu, mechaniCS, • wo.od procesSI~g, one. I fe~l wonder~ul, are the A 17-year-veteran teacher In posed Ihe dlsconhn.uan.ce of m. ing relationship with all phases with Sit Alec Douglas Home as used lot' OpeTlition Drug Alert" ated from Lawrence Tech and metats, eleclronlcs and graphICS words whIch deSCrIbe her ex- The Pointe's Public School Sys- ~ande~ce.nl str~et. light mg. seT\'- or the substance, (drug), abuse (oreign secretary. an international Kiwanis pro- has his bachetor's degree and is prov~ded. Teachers in .the pro. tremely calm acceptance of the tern rem. ain.s in a c.oma at Sara. Ice wllhln a limited penod of educalionul progra m in the pub- • • • gram geared to fight drug abuse master's degree from Eastern gram mclude Frank Sumbera, event. He.r husband was so toga General Hm;l!i!a! in De time. lic and private schools; to as- FORMER PRESJDF.NT SUo ,and (or contributicns to the Michigan Universiiy, and his Lou Gray and Dlin LlgKCil. I pi~ase~, that M.rs. LoChirco's Itroit, lifter he was struck by a Thc commission ruled that if sist school personnel in the de. KARNO of t n don e s i a, who Pointc's newly formed Youth Ispeciatist's cerlificale fro m Mr. Spadafore has all'eady pride IS mo~t eVlde!It when she motorcycte on Monday, June 22. the municipalities are willing velopmcnt of effectivc drug. carved an independcnt country Service Division. Wayne State University. He also secured employmenl for four or speaks of hiS reachon. 'in an accident, which le£t two to pa)" rates for incandescent ahuse I!ducational programs; to. out of the Dutch East Indies in Chairman of tbe event, and attended Ford Management next year's students with the Building Addition injured and one person dead. slrcet lighting service which maintain contact with offenders' the wave o( anlicolonialism immediate past-president, Rob./ School. Prior to coming to The Mobil Oil Company for the sum. Sam LoChirco a sclf.em. Robert G. Ctark, of 14244 Wi!. wou'ld res u I t in the Edison and children of troubled fami- alter World War n, dicd Sun. ert Hozdish said Vernier road, Pointe, he taugh~ for six ycars mer monl~s .. These boys' will ployed builder. plans to have shir~. Delroit, was struck by (he Company earning a rea,

I' GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------_._------Thul1c1ay, JU"' 25. 19~ ,. , ,. -' Educational Program Introduced. Crime Shocks Community (Conthlufli from Page One) the training program can be school and determine the coursc (Conllaued from Pa,e OIM) In In exprelSlon of

• • f Thum'.y, Jun. 25. 1970 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P.cae TlII'"

Single ParellttMeet June 26 I ed the rafters. Farms fIremen Boy ~~dly Bitten Japanese Headed for Farms Blaine Embers In Garage Fire , extinguished lhe flames in about The Grosse PoInte Chapter Edgar A. Kr8tllie and Dr. 10 minutes aitt'r arriving at the A lire, possibly started by still I erty of Bruce Cox, 269 Mt. 1 scene, of Parenls Without Partners, Calier W. Worrell, members of By VICIOUS Dog But End Up 'in the Woods' Inc. will meet on Friday. June the professional staff of Family ho~ embers .from a b~rbecuc i Vernon, on Sunday, June 14, I Fire Chief Michael Beau~re 26, at 8:30 o'clock, at the Life Education Council (FLEC) 'A helpful 10.year.old boy, grill dumped Inlo a rubbIsh can, I The flames shot upward from, said that damage to the bUild. Grosse Polnle War Memorial. will speak on "Drug Abuse." Benjamin Paddock, of 305 Lin. By Pbll LoraDlIer "When the travelers ftnally damaged ~ garage on the prop. ! the rubbish cont!'incr and ignlt. I,ing is estimated at about ~. coin road, was severely bitten For Matomasa Maegawa, an were made aware of their mis. on the back of the head and Assemblyman from Imatzu, Ja. take, they humbly apologized upper arms and suffered anum. pan, Monday, May 18, proved and were quiie embarrassed," unusual gifts for your gaming friends ber of lacerations on Friday, to be :I long and somewhat em. saId Leona. "They leit the way June 19. while attempting to barrasslng day, but the polite they entered, smiling and bow. •••••••••++.~•••••t••••••••+++++.. ~++ ... return a neighbor's dog to the Japanese gentleman may try Ing and taking pIctures. I stlll yard from which it had escaped again, according to an humorous wonder whether or not they Geta full performance story related this week to the really knew they had entered The dog, a black N~wfound. NEWS by Leona Llddl~, Woods lhe wrong city." land, belonged to the Richard P. Doerl:ts, of 300 Washington. City clerk. Aware or 'not, the group final. It seems Leona was hard at ly made its way to the Farms, ~t.t •• i.eet*&~••+~4+4~ ••• t •• ~t.,t+ Den was rushed to Bon Se. work In her glass.enclosed of. where they once again missed Temperature Tamer! cours Hospital by neighbors, Mr. fice, when th~e Jupanese men, the top.ranklng city officials, 93 Kercheval on the. hill • 2nd floor front and Mrs. ThomltS Conway, of one Japanese woman and an according to Andrew Bremer, SOl Lincoln. His parents were American tour guide, cameras Farms city manager. vacationing at lhe time but hIs slung from their necks and "Th J grandmother, Mrs. J 0 s e ph myriad little packages in their e apanese delegation ar. I -----_ .._--_._------rived and spoke briefly with Giant 14,000 Btu Sherer, of 190 Ridge road, was hands, entered the Woods Mun. John DeFoe, our public service notified and went to the has. ic.:Jpai building, bowing and director," said Bremer. "They pital. smiling as they came. left a number of gilts and plant. Cooling Capacity . The dog was, impounded im. ."H.ello, to all yoU Farms City, ed II small cherry tree. as a sign mediately due to the viciousness MichIgan, people. Good luck, of friendship. They left smiling of lhe attack. how are you, we are happy to and bowing" on 115-volt A. viol:tllon was issued tbe be her::!." they said, to the (lb. I . . . What is vious confusion of all office Who was thiS mysterious Ma. Doerers and a court date set House Current! for Wednesday, July 14. employes. "ThiS, is great honor. ~gawa.led ~roupe? The answer I You happy. We happy. Michl. I IS ra~her Simple and pretty reo gan, Farms and Japan very freshlng. , Christian happy." , Last year, SouJl High School' Chorus lleady While the tour guide insisted Director of Instrumental Music, that she had brought. her ~ussel1 Reed, pri?r to embark For Rehearsals charges to the offices of the In!! on a trIp With the school Science? Farms, the visitors continued to band to Japan, reques~ed that - . The Grosse Pointe Summer bow and snap pictures. The the Farms City Cl)uncll ~dopt Chorus, under the direction of Woods employes bowed back J!"atzu, .Japan, as Its o~lental Richard Johns, will begin reo and smiled for the cameras. sister city. The. CounCil ~p. hearsals June 30. They will "They really took us by sur. prov~d the resolutio~, becommg It is a religion based on the words and works of meet each Tuesday and 'rhurs., prise," said Leona. "The. city th~, i.lfth ,~'II.chlgan cl~y to adopt Christ Jesus. day evening through August 4 manager and the director of a slste~ I~ the Shiga Pref~c. at Grosse Pointe War Memorial. public ufety were both out of ture, which IS ~e. Japanese SIS' It has helped many like you to prove in a The chorus is open to men, the office at the time, and since ler state to Mlchlga~. Lansing, measure the meaning of Christ Jesus' promise: women and children. There are I was the senior member of the Traverse City, Sturgis 'and Ann very nominal charges which office of nil thelie who were Arbor are the other four com. "He that believeth on me, the works that I just cover the cost of the music present, the job of finding out munllles. do shall he do also." and reimburse the director and what was happening was left Maegawa had come to Michl. accompanist. Membership is $5 to me." gan to meel the Farms city of. It shows the scientific basis-of Christianity and I!or individuals; $9 for married While Maegawa, the spokes. ficials, but the confusion has how to availyourself of the laws of God in Icouples and whole families may man for tbe visiting group, already been explained. join for just $12. showed Leona a scrapbook of Now it appears that Maegawa FOR SPECIAL WINDOWS everyday life. It is not necessary to be an hIs hometown and the three might try it all over again ilt If you would like to learn more about accomplished singer or musi. others continued to photograph. mid.July, when 21 Japanese vis. cian to join the chorus. Anyone the office workers, the tour itors from Shiga are scheduled Christian Science, you are welcome to come to who enjoys grou? singing Is guide explained that she had to arrive in Detroit. He may be our Reading Room and to read thill week's welcome. Sight reading will be been directed to escort the Rmong the gro',;p of travelers. developed as one goes along, group to the Farms, but ~at Fa!ms Maror William .Butl~~, Bible Lesson. All the music sung by the her superiors must have gIVCm at hiS own expense, Will VlSIt Summer Ch.orus will be light in' her the wrong d~ections. Imatzu in the late days of J~y, CHRISTIAN SCIfNCE READING ROOM nature and the accent will be It t~k some txne for l,eona as a ~e~ber of a delegation on the tuneful. At the conclu. to straIghten the group out, but from MI~h.'gan, ~e~ded by Gov FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST sion of the summer on August she finally succeeded. Maega. ernor William Ml1hken. IIQ

ADJUSTMENT Happiness consisls mostly in .'********************** being satisfied with not having a great many things we would 18328 MACK AVENUE like to have. ------COUNTED OUT This Week's Any man who is fully satis. fied with what he has accom. plished will never get a medal Bell Ringer for what he intends to do. PRICES EFFECTIVE June 25th, 26th 6' 27th Thurs. Fri. 6' Sat.

HOW TO GET 'HYGRADE'S ... WEST VIRGINIA BETTER COLOR ... Liack and white, and SMOKED lIore TV & Fill stations 77:

WHOLE OR FUL.L HALF Get a BONELESS .. Boneless CHANNEL ROLL.F.D MASTER Always Fresh .. Ail Beef RUMP ROAST family COlOROTORAimsyour antenna (no mailer how big or heavy) emtly HAMBURGER STEAK where the color is. The reo 1 suit: the best reception in c1b :' the neighborhood. And may. 63 • $1 39Ib. be even TVand FM stalions $1 you nem knew existed. 3 or $177 (Top Round) Available in manual, semI. Lbs, for automatic, or fully automatic Fine For models, BARBEQUING 'nstall.d With 11.95 ~-- Alltlnn, for RIGHTENBURQ & SONS E.cl".lvl RCA DIII.rs Sorvlc. on ,"I Mlku of Rldlo. Blick .. W~1I1 .. Color TV 18401 E. WMr.n Phone - TU $.0609 TU 5.0069 " Page Four GROSSE' POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 25, 1970

Returning this week {rom a Pointe. Rick is stationed near Nub Cur Thief Following Chase Lightning Hits GP Farms three week visil to Germany Frankfort and attached 10 Ihe are MR. and MRS. WILLIAM 11th Finance Section of Ihe US PORCH ENCLOSURES A 16')'ear-old Delroit youlh, on~ Bedford, completely linor. H 'C $ PISHALSKI of Ridgemont road. Army. The visit included a com- who led Park police in a fast cd a stop sign for Kercheval, ome,.auses 15,000 Fire They visited with their son, prehensive lour of Germany as car chasc through city strc('ts turned north onto Kercheval to SP/4 CEDRIC ,I. PISllALSKI well. In addition, Ihe Pishalskis Screen, awning, window, slidir.g glass doors and who escaped on foot to be Buckingham, to in front of num. Lightning during a heavy to the attic, he added. Flames and his wire, the former MARl. loured Austria with a stopover caplured laler, was filed against ber 1223 Buckingha~, where he thunders~orm on Wednesday, burned a hole in the living room ANNE MILLER, also from The of several days in Vienna. with Juvenile Court authorities lost control. The small car June 10. struck the home of Mr. floor. ------_ ..~ .. -~_._-~.__ . _ •....•... _-- l.fJll\~l"E and charged with possession or jumped the curb, crossed over and Mrs. L. C. Hopkins, 4&7 Firemen doused the blaze in: •••••••••••••••••••••••• a slolen car and trying to evade the lawn of 1223 and 1221, and Chalfonte avenue, causing a fire about eight minutes with high arrest. hit a clump or bushes and came that c rea t e d approximately ....(.'.(1(1" " S",~/,.,,,('. pressure hoses, but remained at While on routine_ patrol on to a stop. $1S,OOOin damage, it was dis- Acron from Howord JohnlCIU the scene ror an hour cleaning D(JctOJ;S Curse KllolVledg(~ Wednesda)', June 17, at 6:40 The driver leaped out of the' closed by Fire Chief Michael away burned debris. 20497 Mack Ave. TU 1-6130 p,m" at Charlevoix and Devon. car as it was stili in motion Beaupre. ,shire, Patrolman William Fur- The chief said the lightning Like it or lIot 110 JIIlIliau beiug cau "I/II/eam Ilis edllCII- I la IV observed a 1965 Volkswagen, and crossing the first lawn, and Flames were, confined to the hit the television antenna, trav. tioll." Tile Doclor 11'110 spellds his life diagllosillg ulld , a lone while male drivinll, ran betwe~n the .houles. Furtaw living room, but there was ex. eled through the antenna wire Iraveling cast on Charlevoix. slopped hiS .scout car and got tensive heat and smoke damage and stopped at a metal lath trealing 'Iis patiellts may aile day illstillclit'cly IIse " \ The ofliccr checked his "hot out and contmued the cha~e on throughout the entire ranch. holding the wire, causing sparks hi~ diaguostic tools pll himself. 011 tllat day he may sheet" and found the vchicle foot, but lost the youth. type house. the chief said. and flames to ignite the wall 'ATTENTION clIrse his kUOlrlcdge oj his Ollli illcilralJle disca.~c, had been reported slolen in Dc- As Furtaw was checking the' . . and then the sofa. Iroil. neighborhood, sever") witnesses The heat of the lIghtmn~ boll The Hopkins were shopping I' The policeman said Ihat due 10 who had seen the chase and the melted th~ casing of the lutchen Arell't lI'e a/so IrlIJlped ill Ollr kilOldedg!' of tile world ~ when the lightning struck. : College & High School the heavy traHic and hcavy running boy. notified the of!ic~r clock, WhiCh stopped, a~ exactly __ I . beyolld ollr back yard? 'file COIIllllUllicn/ioilS of tile 70's rain. he was unable to make a that the youth was in the back. 2:07 p.m. A woman hvmg near. make it impossible Jar us 10 plead igilOralice to 1/1e .' STUDENTS turn to pursuc Ihe youthful yard of 1214 Berkshire. The br. arriving home from a shop • . pligll I oj tile "lIave lID!." Lil,e it or lIot Ife are I rapped ,. BILL BRYANT NEEDS YOUR HELP .Iriver, Furtaw said Ihat during policeman took the young man pmg trip at. about 3 p.m. saw Country House I, the wailing iJ~riod ror traflic to in custody at this location and smoke pouri~g ,trom the eaves by ollr awarelless, But Iwlil,'e /lle Doc/or lfilh tile ill • dear he called his dispatcher to took him to the station where of the Hopluns residence and Furniture !.- disease Ife can cllall!!e tile progllosis, • Get Involved in Politic~ I'crify Ihat Ihe car was slill on he was charged and released to phoned In the alarm. curable \I'e IIl1l'e 1I1l? main illstrlll/leut ill IlOlid. We are all'lIre! ,; • Be Construe{ ive in Your Action the stolen lis\. When the reply o!!ic~rs of Detroit's. Fifteenth I Chief Beaupre said that when STORE-WIDE • Learn Politics from the Grass Roots was positil'e. he look orf after Precmct, Conner StaUon. firefighters arrived, the living 'J• the Volkswagen. The lad, it was said, had room sofa-bed and a wall of the " SALE Call 886-8100 for information and reservation. " • Do Something with '(our Summer The driver of Ihe stolen car slolen the car at Rosewood and room were burning fiercely, If • turned and drove 10 Vernor. Kensington, on Wed n e s day, the neighbor had delayed the 14922 KERCHEVAL • Nur All., Iloed Grosse Pointe Human Relations Council , Vo/unleer your time 10 work for the election turned wesl on Vernor, at which June 16. The owner of the ve. call another 10 minutes, the fire " of a young, ruponsi./e candidate. Open t.II , p.m. Mon., Thu"., Fri. " tillle he saw the pursuing police hicle is Emil Ciccorelli or 3557 would have penetrated through Till • Tue." Wed., Sat. 60x 0-7, 99 Kercheval, GroSle Pointe Farms, Mich I'ehicle, and sleppcd on Ihe ga!:. Kensington. who had reported it ------'Ald fer by, And plun CIIl alll .rYlnl fer 511ft Rep, committe., 121.1166 '. TV 6-2T~ The )'oung man turncd south missing. Two Grosse Pointe students "10ft. '. were among 250 students who ,~1 received Bachelor of Arts De. I, , Choir Me1l1bers Receive Awards grees from Lake Forest College,

" , lIIinois, this June. CHRISTIAN " , Choir Recognition Sunday was' Lorrie Thomas, and for six GOTFREDSON, son of MR. and {j)anL ,'., held on Sunda)'. June 7 for jhe years with the choir Wendy ]JrL tlwkL 'lJD.u'lL , Special J.Votice! ,MRS, LAWRENCE GOTFRED. Grosse Pointe Woods Presby. Nelson . SON, Grosse Pointe boulevard, .' ',' terian. Church Youth Choir .. The Three weeks ago the West. an economics major, was a tech. ]D 'YflaJ&, So/J.IlJl/L /}/l, c:f.aiJl.1l. " foll?wlng me m b e r 5 receIved minster and Chapel Choirs took nical crew member of The Tot We Will Be Closed dlolr awards. a trip by train to Port Huron, Shop Theater and spent his , In the Angelous Choir re- and returned via the Bob.Lo 1969 Winter term In Florence • ceiving their first year navy Boat to Detroit. Their tenth as a participant in one of Lake ~.~ For Vacation blue pins were Nancy Steyer, annual cMir picnic is coming Foreot College's study.abroad i Debbie l~arwoOd. Susan' How. up soon. programs. He is a graduate of ells. Chris, Mark and Steve Youth choir officials include The Gun n e r y, Washington, ". Honkanon, .S c 0 ~ t Veenstra, Mrs. Frank Krager as Choir Conn . ,.."' July 4th through July 18 Sharon BleVinS. Bill an~ Susan Directoress. Mr. Arthur J. ,.. Swartz, ~eth and Bon~le Fer. Kuehnel, Assistant Director, ..I" ?uson, JIm Butz, Lorne .Paul. Mrs. Gilbert Gray, Mrs. Walter BURGLAR-FIRE t: Watch For Our lck, DaVId McRae, Dlannn Kuehnel, Mrs_ Stanley Russle '. McRea, Jeff COl(, Gary and and Mrs. Benjamin Thomas as ALARM '. Judy Catalana. choir mothers with Mrs. Thomas C.M. FAMILY OVER 50 YEARS. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '-, Receiving their light blue as chief choir mother. Belty An"ual August Sale! Will you 1M lIurlllrlltG nun ALL MODELS, HICH TRADE-I~ ALLOWANCE. second year pins were Cathy Shewan is the organist and IICitl"., nt., •lectron'c, wlr •• ~,- i Carr, Karla Krager, Robert choir sister...... y.t.m .uttom lh.llnecl for Reed, Terri Trask and Sally ...... oHIc.. ,nd .p.rtm . ." tl.nt.I_"otect you~ pro ty " I Schrader. MARY LOU BALL, daughter whll. " ••• t .. "I .... 'urch ... Out- COLONIAL r1lht-AI I"t, .n el.rm .y.t.m ROGER RINKE CADILLAC CO. ; Red third year pins were of MR. and MRS. DONALD F. IVIIlY homH ...... r .nd bUll"... FURNITURE i awarded to Beth Brodwicz, Tom BALL, of South Oxford road, ••n efford. VAN DYKE BET. 10-11 MILE RDS. BELMONT I Elliott, Diana Gray, Karen Nel- has 'received an Associate de. TELEPHONE 757-0767 or 536-6260 '... 20507 Mack Ave . TU 4-0883 son, Mike Reed, Kay Spencer gree from Lasell Junior College, 885-3868 and Jenny Zinno Auburndale. Mass. ------Sue Squibb received a I)lue ---- ,\l~ ~~,i:i:::!~~~~~*- . I).) S I & R t I (I A £irsl year pin was givell '.~a es en a 5 I) to Westminster Choir member . Na~y Un~w. ) d Pat Fellows, Susan Johnson, .' .'/~ an Lucy lIfcMain, Jenny Thomas, .-:.:~~I'~,! Fold Down ~~l~:ie }~~~~~~' st:~~ani~~[:~~ '\ I,I Schicker received their first t\ C T I I' 'pearl denoting their sccond :::~? amper rai ers 1 ye~~~ond pearls were 'award-I f, I ed 10 Blair Brudwicz and Ar- 'thur J. Kuehnel and third ;: ~ ~ pearls wenl 10 Betsy Chase, ': 1)"' ....-., 'I .'Leslie Nelson, Sue Russle, Gale I' i Thomas and Martha Watson. '. ~: Scven m~mlJers of the Chapel ,• 'Choir r e c e i v e d a sterling, Rented ... By The Day, Week or Month I silver necklace. They arc Con-I I nie Howard. Barh White, Sue i 886-9799 Sparks, Wendy Nelson, Paula I '----ALSO------t Schafer, Lorrie Thomas and Pat I RUTTMAN AND BENELLI i T~~~~a~~anrl Bell Ringers Choir I werc award~d for t~e. second' . I MINI BIKES I year on ChOir RecogOlllOn Sun- : \~.~ Sales, Service 6' Accessories i day. These members recei'Jed A~thoriJ:ed Dealer a handbell pin guard, First '.:",~/1 . ~ year recipients were Sieve rJ We'll help tailor-make a realistic savings progrnm for : I~ICOUNTY LINE SPORTLAND INC I' ~~;~~r,s~~~~~~::~ng;n:;:~:;: you and your family. Your savings will be insured up to ., ,J , • ~~ I included Leshe Nelson, COilOle We know howyou feel. $20,000 by an agency of the Federal Government •• Ii) 20990 Harper Ave., North of Vernier Rd. II I Howard and Gale Thomas. := i~.: Owned and Ope,aled. By ••. Recca Longene, Ray Bridge, Ii I Awarded for her, Ihird year No\v here's a key part of the First Federal Passbook , ~. _~_ '_. ~Teny D,Monge and Jehn Longene , \\\1 I was Susan SparKS,. fou~t~ Alld we can help you out. Savings program rh:lt no financial inSlimtion-no lWHfI'r : --,--;e;o~~~~~ 'year. Pat Thomas. flflh yeal how big an-:l prosperous - can beat:. ' :: ..•...,...... •..•.•...... •••••.•..••••••.••.-..- - We'll pay you the highest rate of interest On regul:lr passbook accounts Higher than most o(her fin,mcial in- Kyoull think First. stitutions are allowed (0. by law. •.1 A MESSAGE TO ALL i When it comes to ingenious kinds of checking accounts, We'll give you our special Daily Interest, tuo - from date charge accounts. colorful plastic charge cards, "easy" pay- of deposit to date of wi\hdra\\'al. last year, we p

1001 Woodward 31 Miehill.1n, 965-l4~\~ FLAME FURNACE CO. Kcrdlc\'31 nCM St, Clair, Gros~ Pointc, b81.iW7, 571.4610 : •••••.•• e•••• ~ .

,", ., ... ' ~ .'f'. • GROSSE POINTE NEWS Donald G. Knobelsdorf of and Kerb)', someone .luhed 12211 Wadll, Detroit, reported the top 01 the vebiele, • c:on. ln~urance Bought By School Board Dutie, A."umed By New Pastor Iar pastor sInce Mly 15, 1ge9, INFLUENCE It the Firm. staUon on Mon. verUble, entered and took bll lwhen the Reverend Bertrlm It Isn't Important what PI!lpte da)', June 'lD, thlt whUe hII ear tape deck Ind 115tape., wol1b The BOlrd of Education, to whleh time T1'Il.tee ArllOld The GI'OIM Pointe Memortal deH. Atwood answered. caU to SI)' lbout )'ou-the thin, that of W.ltern New York, Ind S war I h m I) r e Presbyterlln really counts Is what )'Ou mat, wa. P'lrked In a lot at Mack a total of '120. meet ill wurlnee require. Fucb. Indleated that he wa. not Churcb welcom.. Into ill flm. 11 chalrmln of the Mlnlsterlll The. Church, Swarthmore, PeM, them beUeve, ments, purcoa... every thru In I,rument with the u.. of lIy of wonhipPtra Dr. BI)' It olopcal EducaUon of the Gen. _ yelr, a Compr,!len.ive Bu.IM.. ».trolt IIl.uranee A,ene)' AI the Kiei I' ill new paltor • Inluranee PoUe)' wb1eb eovtr. a,ent of record, Mr, Fuch. Indl. v• It. • ral Aa.. mbl)', all or tbe Vlrloua blzania Iud (Itee! that bl. dllllti.faetion He will preleb at both Mrvlee. Mre, Kiel)', formerI)' Martha expoaure. within the .ehool 'YI' with DI," blrked blek to the of wonhlp.-t:30 I,m, Illd 11:15 IMeJlte" I. a native of Mariett., lem Ineludla, fire, mlllcioul vi.lt of Martin Luther KInI I,m.-thia Sundly. 0" I Vldulte or Ohio Unlver. BLANKETS mlaebl,f, l1Iai coverll.e, pub. at wb!eb Ume SouUl Hia:h SChool alt)' It Ath'M, an author, Irtf.t, lie IIlblllt)', auto neet, boUer 'leUIU.. were u.ed. Mr. ruch. Dr. XI.ly 'Nil e1.cted pa.tor end lleturerwho ha. wrlt~'il I IYhen you think 01 CATERING aDd macblDery, broad form Indlclled that he felt the .y.. of the Groue Poiate Mtmorlal boole on DevoUon. ~1Ir Women mOClle.and _urill .. and mu.l. tem wu IlOt covered. adequate. Chul', CATERING DIVISION ~.~: a~ r~~:r::~~~dth~n.::::i ~~iil::': Ind theoloi)'i Mlrk, Ilrldu.te 15029 Kercheval 20087 Mock t:~:to;r:"~U::I~~~f:: r,:~' ~~i.::":of Ximball Union Academy. at Maryland elt Folrholrne neu and F!DlllC' Re)' MlcAr •• )'.tem', policy. The Board Vermont (lItO), a B,D. de. 868.8044 PICK.UP. DELIVERY VA 2.7055 tbur, tor review" .tud)' Ind voted 5 )'ea and 1 abaentlon (Mr. lI'ee from Union Theololiel1 who I. plannln, to enter col. •• "tll,f 1MfMtI roeommend.t1OA' to the Board. Fueh.), on DIA'. appolntm.nt, Seminal)' (IN.'), and an hon. le,e In September. ThlM r.commelldatiOlll w.re B)'me ••McClffre)', Inc. will II' orlr)' Doetor .01 DIYlnit)' d.,," The Grolle PoInte Memorial ,"bmlttecl Oft MOIIda" JUDe II, .I.t I. cOMlI1tanll. from CarroU COlle'l of WIU' Churcb has hit" without I .en. Dill 3 StNWnONSOFSMAITlmomlS at a .pecial Hu10ft 01lbe Bolnt The eonlraet tor Workm.n'. Iceaha, WII. (1M3). HI iI IC' '.*. **1 ot Idlolcatloll It wblch Uml lb. CompellilUOIl WI' allo awarded tiye ill lb. Iynod of WlleOnaln, .. followln' actiOll WII taklll: to CoDtlnefttal lllIW'allcl Com, I' pr•• l.deDt ot th. COlIDcl1cI .. The Compnbellilv. Bulin... plD)' lor purpo ... of colltldult)' Churcb.. of Utloa and Olltlda Charlie Rossie's ticss AWNINGS .. tn'urlnc, Polio)' WI~ Iwarded In the admln1lttatJOft of lb. en. CoUlltl.. , Cllalrman of the j Oft .. to Continelltal lUurlllOt Com. tin lII.urano. ,rolfam. ThI D., Ecum.nicil Committee tJI• : GIYI LONG LASIING HIYle. .. OCI. It pall)' H'M premium coati trolt JUUl'aMe AI'DO' wU Chu1'QhUllion In 01. PrtI~)'ter)' DOWNTOWN FORD : a.t Vllr 'Round Prot.otlon .. Ind I pro,rlm to •• t tbe... a,aln appoilltad l'lnt of rlCOl'Cl - .. po.u.... d.termlnlC! ~ the aDd Itmm.rtr and Compan)' .,... ~ "" It .. Invlt•• You To s"~. . • with N.w Bllutlful :loa i'd, TbI OOIlUlOt11m•• III OOIII\Iltantl, Thl Pllmlum for C.,I Kllh lei • . : Vinyl COlted O.oron •• Inllull premium quoWd It !hll II ••Uma'" at ~pprold, WI DIt.IVII 'or Your Next .,..... • F.brlol • ",,1M. . mltelr .'~l but wUl Ylr, ..• '1'IlI, prtmlum Illolud.. "It. aOfOrcl1Il, to UMIoomPtllllUon • ...... It .. • MIll N.w or u.... elf : ,I ., . -. "I" lOy.n,., brold Mm IISliritllll' wtthlll tJI. .011oo1 ; LO.7"".0 -t.. • 'nt. Milt Celt"... 'olllttu • Pilll .'!lMAfU • COHVDIIM TIIIM' monl)' aid .. ovUItI IDYlfa" 1)'ltem, R 0 I L Y N h. tII. Dltrelt ANI -~ 1M mlrUl' tIoawu tor .udeo. TtIt Ilmploytrl J1dtllit llid vllual ICIlllpm.nt, 1011nol 1M 1:'Nalurtrl load Wit wr1tt," .. MAR K I.T • 1"'11 ...~ L... hl' ' .... NIIt. laboratory l4ulpmll1t and oIft., a llparlte ""oy 184 IlWirdtd • CIIHfftIl' I.rwt.. .. VM' "wpmtllt. Aftlr Jtlld, it Wit to till LumblrmlllJ' Mutual MIl WIMI hw.tlWtl OHlu If' Dtw., l.lt Ulilt 1ft theM ,ii'tlelllii' OIIIl.It)' CloIllPlII)' tIItollP thl i.'•.. a_ .... artll it WII mort lCloMmlol1 lam.. 11)'11 Aleno)' lor I ~II.M -,. - tIw. Ih''''1II Artl alII to tlll UlteNIt of tht ')'1' UIfH')'IU prtmtum llllotfd. at -__- tl!ll\ to be I'U Ulllu'tcI. 'l"'l. 1133 E. JEFFERSON TIl. Detroit ll1lurlnol AlIIlI' wu IPpOllltld tho I •• nt of rtoorcl b)' Ull! bolrd alttr 001- .Ielm b~. dlloulI1oII II Ilr 1II' It', Hard Year The experts Sayee For Dog Warden

WooeS. Do, W.rdln Dlv, MCQUIllII 1. 100lttDi forward. to bl. Il.pcomln. vacltlon Ind, II !h. tvent. ot the put two WI.lu Irl anI blnt of whit hi mlll1t tace W. IMJImer, he'll need I ,ood re.t. "Fertilize noV'Vfor In the pa.t 11' dIY', Me. Queen hu been ulled to cap. ture at 1eut liven mlY dOlI. lour ItrQ)' CIU, two IqulrreLt IDd more thin 200 mlee, whleb hid 'heeu relelleC1 at loell .chlJOll. a greener sumtner!~~ lu Iddltion to theae cltIzeD compla1ntJ, he h:!ll 1110 been cilled upon to InYestl'lte four E'¥'erYoneknows that summer weather is rough on grass. The long hot do. bites, two eat bit.. and I number of mice bites, which dry spells, plWl summertime wear IDd tear, make it difficult for grass now .tand at lbout 17. plants to survive, let aloDe maintain good green "Btly, I've just never expert. color and thickness. ~ Quaker Maid Gives You ,Storage elleed a spring liIce thJI one," said McQueen. "I'm convinced . That's why a June feeding with Scotts famous Lawn Touch-up SpecIal Space 0 0 OlAnd Lots Of It! thlt there Ire more dOli Iud TURP BUILDER is so beneficial. Tad Builder he1p1 Du1 any aite bal of Turf BIIUder_ various other petJ throughout grass build a stronger and deeper fO()t system ,..... you ae t a hllldy lerosol call. 0~Scotts The PoiDte this year than ever Not an inch of space is wasted when. you have us 10 it can take full advantage of summer wat~. SPOT WJlIDIlIt at 'peci,l livings, before. l'~e also bleu called Knock out ICattcred lawn weeds by UutaU a Quaker Maidll Kitchen in your home.,. upOn to come to the lid of In. mg. especially if limited. ' .imply prmin,a &ulloa. jured wildlife at a record clip. Turf Builder won't turD a browned out lawn DOteven usually unusable corners. It's our way of The mice Incldenll reall)' put giving you more kitchen for your doUar. So. enjoy the icing on the cake." green overnight. But with a little help from rain. real kitchen convenience, plus lasting beauty and Gradulting seniors at North fall or watering, Turf Builder gets the most from High SChool, IPPlrently feel. any lawn, no matter what kind of grass you may charm. Come in or call us this week for an estimlte IIIi overly exhuberant on their exodus from the ballowed hills, have. So this summer do your lawn a favor. Bol- on installing a Quaker MaidS Kitchen in your home. last week relelfled 200 white ster it by fertilizing now with Scotts Turf Builder, mice within the school building. Available at any of the fine stores listed below. Quaker Maidl!!lMeans Quality Made. The frightened mlee proceeded 2~ to bite a number 01. .tudents (1.49.,...., and a ealeterla worker. A simi- 5.000 sq ft bag 5.~~ CombiMtiDn Iptcial Illds JUlie 30 lar incident occurred at Parcells 10.000 sq ft bag 9.95 Middle SChool. 15,000 sq ft bag 1.3.95 Inbnth Clser, McQueen WIS ordered to the scene, where he captured the elllsive rodents and escorted them to Hermln Kiefer Hospital, where the mice were administered tests, The tests showed the mice were HURRY! Bring in entry blank no later than June 30th, 1970 "clean," I'Ccording to the hlr. Thiele Construction ried McQueen. (Show Room It) 24145 Littl. MKk, SPITEFUL Nothing to buy. St. Clair Shorn People who Ire Ilways Ilnd. lust fill (r1 eoupollllrid tllb/'''"" Scotti Win a lawn of rttlll/tr 1/$lld hI/OW b, J."t 30t". ing lault with others lim to drag PR 5.2323 '0 completeWind_la_ will be them down to their Javel. IMrded by participatillil Scotti retailera Scotts Windsor sod in eastern and mld_tCl'll .talcI. •••• • m •••••••• Professionally installed-up to 5,000sq ft Y.ll1l'1nt 10 will .I.n ~f SCotti Wiachof ~ ... pllU' yeor'llUpply DCScotllla_ ~ Here's)'OUr chance to get an instant aWl! IC:aper 'lft1l remove your present turf. 1fId, rroduets",,,/ul Seolls Rollry Spreader... ~ plrq Silenl ScOIIi Mowen of W'lIldsor, Scotts improved 'ftriety of within hours. ,.au 'Will be enjoyilll tho N.m,~e _ Kentucky bluegrw. A profeasiODl111Dd- splendor of .. bralld new Windsor 11.'WIl. AddrtM _ Are you paying more than Cily Stlle 2'J11--_ O"'CI4L IIULl' ~.~~:~ m7.:~'.'~'.~~P).~I~:I~~I5"1P~:;'.~J:r.rwr.~I': 01 $'.11' Wlnd,or IOd" .nl,y ~o. lIon, 0' I~I $colI, 111111.. 1 lI,tlll b,I,,, - no 'lie, thin Jun, 30, 1'70 (!.. Id.nl. I' MI"'Uri C Full yearssupply of Scotts Ind WI,.on.ln mu,l mill Inl" ~I,n" Iu Iny parU,lp.llnl Seoll. 11 a gallon for your home's PLUS. ,"'If..~ productl to take care of the new 2, Wlnn". will bI d.l.rmlntd ,... nd,m 411"lnll uncllcl"'lIy Ille W"mdsor lawn. ~f,~il:~:I(,J,r'b:'~I.::r:~1:n:~:';,~~;11~":f~~~/1;~a~:~~~~,"j/:O:: heating oil? ~~~'t','.~~~~.~~~.~I~~~l:ll:llr~:~~a~i~~~:::I:~~ID)'OtI\IIelr • Scl1tu Rota" Spreader. 'a milI.. of O. M. S,oll l $oM CO. Ih.1r 14mll.lnl 1.1IIe', I" D. :.. Blllf Corporation. . ~. "old "~""I' p,olllbllt4 ., n..I. FHlnl, ItItI ... IIeIl • $'dent ScottI Mower...... '.II'n•• ppll. If you are, you can heat your home ------for less with Gas. 1 W_E_D_EL_IV_E_R_-_CA_L_L_8_82_-_8_8_77 1 If yc.nJar" now using natural Gas (or contractor, Repeyment can be made plan to) for cooking, water h811tfng, on your Gas bill, clothes drying or Gaslights, and your We'l/ buy the oil that's In your tank at use Is equal to that of our averase the prIce you paid for It. We'll remove relldentlal nonheatlng customer, read the tlnk from your ham. It no COlt to on. You cln get your Gas for heatlne you, !nd we'll Iven haul It aWlY If you under our speclallervlce rate at e prlc. want. Garden equal to fuel 011cOltlng ll~ a gal/on. Conv.rt to thrIfty nltural GII today Whether you convert your present and cut your h.atlne bills up to on•. furnace, or ever Install a new Ga. fur. third, Call UI today for the 111meof a Supply nace we will pay for It 8nd ItI Inltal. participating Gill heeling contractor latlo~ by a participating Gas heating for full details, 0.- h••, I'." ,.u • 11.11.,d.ll. A MICHIGAN DONIOUDAlID ClAI CDMPANVV 17727 MACK AVE., lit Univ.rsity Pig. Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 25, 1970

of the Palestine Lodge F&AM in SCHOOL WINDOWS BROKEN Sunday. June 21. They ap. EVE:rett, Mass. City police discov£red seven parently were broken by stones...... -R.a-c-kio1MS\e'W!IIlt-R.. e.. s-t-!I~..i-n.g.in~g~~'~I'~:~T:;~~~~;~OBITUAR!ES He is survived by his wife, windows had been broken at Police notified Larry Woods, Maire custodian. Alberta; a son, Charles A.; a :tfaire School, 740 Cadiemc. on I sister, Mrs. Bertram Harrison; RAY M. STINNETr geon with oICices in the Macea. two grandchildren. Tizoc and • TENNIS SQUASH With the ill6tallation of a • " rapidly.growing number of pri. Funeral services for Mr. Stin. bee Building. Rodrigo. ." vate indoor and outdoor swim. nett, 57, of Moross road, were Dr. Beach was a member of Memorial services by the PRE ~ All Grade, of Gut & Nylon I" ming pools by homeowners held on Saturday, June 20, at the American Legion. Wa)'ne Acacia Lodge 477 F"AM were throughout The Pointe, comes the Verheyden Funeral Home, and Michigan Medical Societies held on Wednl Safety OHicer and Fire Inspec. in SI. John Hospital, after a Surgeons. green Cemetery. f{ tor Russ Allard on the use of long illness. He is survived by his wife, JULY OFFER VA 3.2065 . '1 ~ s~ntilation chemical, whi~h, Mr. Stinnetl was a bus driver Ruth; a son, Philip, of Ann Ar. TIIIEF TAKES WALLET If If Improperly used or mls, for Lake Shore Coach Lines for bor; a daughter. Mrs. Chester ~_!il!m';~m:,'g~1!l'J;}'W~U1U?N,,':i,fAm:,'%~*Mm":~ handled. can be deadly. ' 27 years. lie was financial sec. McDonald, of Battle Creek; a Mrs. William Jackson of '17 ------Among thMe chemicals cu. retary of the AFL Local 1376 brothcr, Frcderick. of Dad Axe; Lakeview, informed Farms po. 95 lice on Saturday. June 20, that ------'------.1 rently available to the general for 20 years. He was a Mason a sistcr. Mrs. Elinor Gossin, of . public, which are designed to of Laurel Lodge No, 575 F&AM, California; and eight grandchil. while she was watching chilo and a World War veteran. dren. dren playing shuffleboard at serve as disinfectants, Algae. 1l $14 !S RESTAURANT Memorial Iributes may be the Municipal Pier.Park, some. He is survived by his wile, sent to The Michigan Cancer one stole the wallet from her COMPACTS 6.50.13 MILLER ~\~:~', ~:ct:ri~~:~ic~rd I:~~~~Genevieve and a daughter. Mrs. purse. She discovered the lo;;s 1 1! 11.4 "C a lei u m Hypochlorite." a Society or st. Paul Episcopal k A BeUe Anne Perry. as she was leaving the park. INTERMEDIA TES 1540 g mlC ve. commonly.used sanitation sub. Church. Bad Axe, Mich. Intcrml

i ~III / -.. .. O!.Ir,bl •. ..,.. 1tiOtI,..... ~ i V.h... .';/ , . ';: i JIf'.n,ul...,.'..",to."'.,..,.. .• " 1..~'OI"'C"""lNC", ...... ,. 1'01 ... ~ "'Of I.." \I'M TANFASTIC ._ ~~ " "",c..' LOTION ~ : WITH COCOA aoTTU ~ .-« « 4 :« 1• if r""!" It ~ O.T. i : LOTION 8AINde Cunnlnll"a",~ 19 SOUll DRUGSTORES""Prucrlpt!on Sp.cI.lllt. for 10 Vlln i i OAltKorWHITe 2 16941 KERCHLVAL 16450 WARREN 0.0 Cor. NoIre Dome Cor. E. Ouler Dr. _,...-...... -" . "",f, ,',:: 19103 MACK AVE, ROSEVILLE SPORT CARS ~~.,,~..~( ~'.~\}'~~t,'~ .. ,':;." .... .•..2,,,.. ..;"/0> I i Cor. 7 Mile a 29455 GRA J)~JOaOROSEVILLE I t....•.•..•..••.....•..•.....•.•...... •..••.....•.••...•.•.•.••, Thursd.y, June 25, 1970 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Poge Sevell , Church To Hold Coffee House Loch,noor Theft ------SHEP Program Starts 5th Year Seen Removing Rungel Speaks Ilere June 28 Teenagers can enjoy a Co!fee Ithe C.offee House wlll become House of their own at Grosse a regular f eat u r e of the Of $5,000 Probed The Sacred Hearl EnI'-ic-h-m-e-nt-j-t-he-I-80-students. An essential Loot fron) Car Hijinio Rungel, area -d-ir-eC-I-or-a-.m, Pointe Unitarian Church Annex Ichurchs' youth actIvities, Program, or SHEP as it is more role in SHEP is laken by Ihe of the United Farm Workers A movie on the grape harvest on Wednesday, July 1, and Anyone wishing to chaperone Investigation into the theft of familiarly known, starts Its filth I nearly 50 high school counse. David Ohlert 791 University Organizational Committee in called "Decision Al Delano," T h u r s day, July 2, at 8:30 should call the church oUice, nearly $5,000 from a safe at Tnt:' .vear on Monday, J un e 29. lors volunteering their assist. ..' ' Detroit, will address the con. will also he shown, o'clo(;k, 881.0420. Lochmoor Club in the early Created in the summer, 1966 ance throughout the day in the called City police on Thursday, gregation and guests of the A question and answcr pc. Formcr Pointer Jim Mont. I Admission is $UIO, morning hours of Tuesday, June by the Religious of the Sacred classrooms. the sports program, June 18, to report persons un. 1 Grosse p.o.inte Unitarian ChurCh. riod will follow ~lr. R..ungeI'S gomery will head the featured _ 16, has been undertaken and in. Heart, Grosse Polnle SHEP is the creative arts classes and knowr. had broken into his car, on Sunday, June 28, at 10:3U )rescntation. performers, ~lontgomery ~tiI'l Obserl'J.tion proves that the tensified bv detectives of the an educational service involving on the weekly ((eld trips. which was parked in front oC - -. - - -- .. - -- ler's Blues Band. easier it IS to reform a man the Woods Department of Public the total community. New and successful dimen. 1185 University the ni!lht before. ' Safety. If enough interest is shown" oftcner it has to be done. Thc program provides an in. sions to SIIEP in '69 will be ex. !\Ir Ohlert Lold officers that: The money was first discov. tellsh'c, dynamic learning ex. pandcd this summer _ that of . . I ered missing from 'the club's perience (or 180 fifth through act i v e iJII'olvcmenl of the a radIO was removed from the safe at 7:30 a.m. on the day of eighth grade girls girls from a mothers of the girls as teacher dash with wire cutlers and BEllE ISLE the incident by Samuel Nicholl, varied socio.economic. racial, aides in Ihe classrooms, assist. two Sears' Walkie Talkies reo of 59 Willow Tree, vice.presi. religious and cultural back. ants in creative activities and moved from the front seat of /7- GUNS, SHOOTING dent of the club, who imme. ground. Over 32 public and paro. chaperones on the fi~ld Irip~; the car. The Walkie Talkies diately called Woods police offi. ehial schools in Detroit and the of former SHEP gir13, , now in are valued at $100, Entry was cials. AWNING CO. suburbs are represented in this high school. returning to the gained by using a wire on the Woods police made an exten. enrollment. program to serve as counselors; locked rear door. ~ ACCESSORIES sive search of the room in which SHEP continues under the d t t h f 't the safe was located, finding direction of the Religious of an ~ues eac .e~s rom ~l y A witness told officers that Canvas • Vinyl • Acrilan • Dacron four black money trays on the the Saeret Heart and at the in. tShChon.s 10 fpartlclP.th ate duringk at 5'.15 a.m. on that date he SALES AND SERVICE floor and three metal strong vitation of the Grosse Pointe e course 0 e SIX wee S. ! observed a white male, between BUY NOW - AVOID boxes strewn throughout the Academy will use its facilities A unique training program 18 and 20 years of age leaning .4s of Jllne 27 We wm CI~~ QI 4 p.m. on Sotll.N)'S SUMMER RUSH area. The trays contained some at 171 Lake Shore road. has been designed for this fillh in Mr. Ohlert's car. The youth FREE i!STIMA T£S loose coins, but two of the The six week session of SHEP session of SHEP. Twelve SHEP left carrying something in his strong I:Jxes had been pried is designed to motivate under. 'graduates' including five SHEP hands and entered a '61 Black, Ser~lng Groue Point. Since J 931 B. McDaniel Gun Shop open and the money within each achievers, previde additlonal scholarship students who have Bonneville. He was described had been removed. tools for self.motivation for the just completed the eighth grade as about five-feet.nine, with 15101 KERCHEVAL VA 1.8200 average aD(' high achievers and al The Grosse Pointe Academy semi.long hair and wearing a LO 7-2293 7601 E. Jefferson MOSTIWOI An employe of the club, 10' • 0,.. TII.'. & ',1ft, , to • , ..... cated at \018 Sunningdale, told to increase awareness in all of will participate in a leadership white T-shirt and white slacks. CIEOIT CAIDS the students of their dignity and course. In addition to a spe. Mon., Wed., Thurs., 9 a 10 6 p."'. ACCEPTED police that he had checked the safe on the night of June 15 and potential. SHEP operates the cialized academic program these , found it secure. On that same 'bridge' eoncepl - it is a crea. girls will be given experience date, the club was the sile of tive institute linking young peo. in initiating aud directing crea. a large party for the BuUers' pIes from two cultures through tive activities wlh the younger TO PURCHASEOR !WE Association, whieh was atlend. an exciting learning experience. girls in SHEP as well as In a ed by about 150 persons. The volunleer SHEP staff under city day care center and will be CARPET CLEANING 1 Although no arrests have yet the leadership of Sisler Annette lrained for the role of SHEP been made in the case, police Zipple has been planning for a counllelors. Everyone is impor. COMPLETE SERVICE We have been in business since 1961, are currently investigating the '70 SHEP the best llver! Re- tant In SHEP-the studt!nl.s and activities of three suspects. IJglous and lay teachers (rom the many volunteers. S j s t e r We are reliable and do excellent work. both city and suburban schools Zipple said "the volunteer who will work togehter to provide worked hard aU last summer JIM ROACH Artists Market new and vllrled stimulation for and has prl'lmlaed to return this • WE ALSO CLEAN UPHOLSTERYAND WALLS growth of initiative and erei.. summer, as well as the one who TED EW A.LD CHEVROLET • STRIP, BUFF AND WAX TILE FLOORS "Finderskeepers," an exhibit tive ability in Ihe arts and hu. filled in at a moment's notice oJ paintings, sculplure, graph. manities. There wiII be a con. - all were important to the 15175 E. JeJler.on t1nued focus on developing an children. We have all grown • WINDOW CLEANING - LIGHT MOVING ics, ceramics and glass by old City r,nd new friends ot the Detroit awareness of and responsibility to know and love so many, and 15 YEARS At Limit. Artisls Market, opened Monday tQward key social issues through so many have grown to know RECOMMENDED USED CARS Really . . . No Job Too Small. Moderate Prices. at the Market in Randolph the medium of a slrong soeal and love us!" SAME street with a 4:30 to 6:30 reo studies program. A thank you note from one LOCATION VA 1.2000 ception and wlll remain there The curriculum includes Eng. of the children last summer HUNT JANitOR SERVICE through July 14, lish, literature, creaUve writing, summed it up this way: "I .1 language and communication thank you with all my heart - Call 891.0777 Gallery hours are 10 to 5 o'clock daily. The Gallery will skills, journalism, indivhlual and for learning me that not I be closed Saturdays in July. reading appreciation and Inter. everybody teaches for money I est, smaD group dynamics, role. but for love." playing, experience in a wide range of literary sludles, world j••-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-"'-"'-.-"'-"'-.-.-I' religions and current events, How about a Also included in this !'nrich. lion Baked H ment program are art and mu- ey am : sic appreciation, choral speak. thl. WMII ...... 0"... loalleel :10 : lng, singing, creative art, crea. 1Iov,., dry cured,-_I hlcka .., tive dance, dramatics and field ~r~~ 'B"::'~~.f:U:: trips to various cultural centers. Itle .... dy .nd ... load It wilt In add1ll0n to the academIc hlunt )'011 "" It' •• OM •• ,. ... 1 teachers, volunleers staff aU .u•• d Me .Ilt•• pe, h.m. areas of the SHEP program- art, music, sewing, dance and dramatics. The services of a school counselor, a readins con. sultant and a social worker are available daily for the need. of Disobedience ItITAIL STOIlI: 3741 I'INICILL Causes Arrest '1110011.1. UN 2-1622 Of LIft..,... 2.- A 46.year-old Detroit resident CIIII"'Nt.... pi ck., .tatl... • was arrested In the Woods on .... ------AMI • Sunday, June 21, when he reo GROSSE POINTE • fused to obey an order to move ...... eeI by 011. ----Clty,----...... ZIp : his car to the curb, after an ,...... ~.k'~::-::'":f****h •• ------•• -_ •••••• 3 •••••••• _ earIy.mllming accident. Woods U. Jack Patterson was patrolling along Mack, when he observed two Woods Public Safety Officers assisting in the removal of. automobiles, which had colIided at Mack and Haw. thorne. When Patterson stop- ped to aid the officers. he noticed Earl D. Burge, of 16088 Rosinni. Detroit, wandering in the middle of the roadway. Burge's vehicle was one of those involved in the collision. Burge began to pull at a piece of chrome, which was hang:ng from the side of his car, wben Patterson approach- ed him and asked him to pull his car to the curb because It was blocking both lanes on the street. Burge ignored the offi. cer and threw the chrome piece down on the asphalt road. Aitr making his request again and once more getting no reo sponse, Patterson told Burge that he would be in violation of a lawful ot:'der, if be refused again. Burge refused and was arrested for resisting an offi. cer. He was taken to .the station. where his wife posted bond and police released him until his court date comes up. FEW SUCCEED 'Iyou're unhappy with the FJI!one company, Nature allots a place for lt every man in the world, but few we" get you action. rNiWare able to find the locati('n...... "It happens. Forces' in its local offices. 1970'. "Sometimes people have a legiti. "Our 'Special Action Forces' are mate complaint against tfle phone com. mad. up of specially trained people. DUSTER pany. "They know tfI. best ways to tracle ''But too often tfley go to someone down misplaced orders, To answer un- '1936 .Ise for an answer, When we should b. COf"InOn questions. To process even the tt1. flrst to hear about it, most complieated. service and repair 8B.VEDERE "We're service and repair r.pre- requests. '1995 sentatives at Michigan 8ell, and if you "So If you ever have a telephone Some people might see the Shore Club as another apanment complex, - Can you set! it for what it reatly is? A green peninsula, Cut off by need an answer for a slip vp, call one of repair problem, just dial repair se..vTcII 'CUDA brick gate from the mainland. A place to escape from the vibration~ us flrst, for any other service requests, call your of office and store, Home. surrounded by parks, lagoons, the yacht II-- "We have t1 new way to handl. service representative at YO!.lr local '2244 harbor,, and" feeling that maybe you're really on a vacation. cOmplaints and unusual service requests Michigan Sell business office. If we can't milch faster, Now if you should Iver solve your problem througk regulCir ROADRUNNER SKY HOUSES. Terraces to view the lake: an archi. TOWNHOUSES, Your private home on a lagoon, tecturlfl idea open to your advenruring. n<;'hing like the old neighborhood. channels, we'll turn it over to our 'Special have a question for the phone company, POOL AND COMMUNITY HOUSE. Sun and neigh. PRIVATE SHORE CLUB YACHT HARBOR. live near you don't have to contact someone else. Action Forces'. '2444 bors outside, private parties in the clubhouse. your boat, moored a few sleps awa)' from your door. "Now, if you contact us flrst, you'll LAKE ST. CLAIR. Big ships, little boats, fish wait. "1'0 take care of these hang ups, ing for your line, c,isp breezes, and a sunrise like Michigan Bellhas set up 'Special Action ~Qt faster action." KEN few you've seen inland. 2 AND 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES FROM $395 TO $550 BROWN 2 AND 3 BEDROOM SKY HOUSE~ FROM $380 TO $595 @MichiganBei C"",Itr~"., lite. Models OPtn 0'11, .. Sund., Noon. 5:30 p.m. (Closed Tues.) Phone 773.7090 3350 E.Jefferson ENTER THE SHORE CLUB COMMUNITY ON JEFFERSONAVE. JUST SOUTH OF NiNE MILE RD. 568-0450 Managing Agents PROCTOR HOMER WARREN. INC. ~ . - GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd.y. June 25, 1970 ALITY Eastern High Plans Reunion Police Officer Durant Heading 1970 War Mem~r.ial Donors Listed .QU Twenty.!lve years have palled Co.chalrman Terry On Rivers Hired in Woods Tulane Forum ~------since the CliP and ,own sym. Edwards ur,os aU her former May It els Ryan, Dr.. Marle 5 alutaky , Mrs. Jamea A. Cameron, Mr. " ) . . bollzed the ,raduatlon of the claumate. to .end their check. The Wood•. Department Ilf W. Clark Durant JII, of Lln. Mr. & Mra. H. Rollin Allen, Mr. " Mfi. Frank Sandley, Mr. Mrs. John C. Cook, Mr. " Mra. FEED I. class of 1945 from old Eutern now for $20.00 a couple to: East. M •. G 0 C d Mrs Joseph Public Safety this week added coin road, has been named Mr. &I Mr•. Phlllip Ayoub, Mr. " Mrl. S. J. Schuflma. r. '" eor,e . owen. . Lawn & HIgh Scoonh I I Detro It. ern, HI h Reunion, CIO Gus a new public safety offlcer to Its chairman of Olrecllon '71, fourth "Mr •. Jamel V. Barker, Mra. Mr•. Ray Sitzman, Mr. &I Mn. H. Dillon, Mrs. Robert Donovan, Since that time, the war was Kocovea. 136l Yorktown, Grosse staU, according to Donald B. annuai Tulane University 5tU' Cyril J. Barrett, Dr. " Mrs. Charles Tatham, Mr•. Cathryn Mrs. Ralph Lee Fisher, Mr. &: arelen concluded, two more unofficially Pointe Wood., 48236. For Infor Coat•• director of Public Safety. dent symposium. I Jacques Beaudoin, Mr. &I Mra. Taylor. Mr. 4& Mr•. Waller C. Mra. Thom.. K. Fllher, Mr. " G en,aged In and former class. matlon or help call Bob Rose h I I f Id P The (orum Is acheduled for . Carl F. Boldt, Mr. " Mrl. Tony Therasen, ,Mr. 4& Mrs. Orvl11e )fra. Eugene P. Grummel, Mr. matea have scattered all over 822.8155 or Herb Steller 770;. T e h r ng 0 27.year.o at. B It M J H Thill, Dr. • Mrl. L. Murrav " Mrs. B. E. Grvcan, Mr. " ., rick McMath brought the :Ie April 21.l!8 1871 and ~11l (ea. ommar 0, ra. a me I . '" ., , •UppI the country. Many have settled 8300. ' • ture a lerl'e. 0" dlacus.!ons on Cooper, Mr. &I Mrs. Samuel Thom .. , Mr. &e Mrl. Edwin 'drl. Geor.. A. Ha"arty. Dr. ~ H In tho Gro'le PoInte.. Membe' th Cl f'" partment'l overall slrength to • h M Ch T' ".- M Hal h •. Mrl Vernon P Johnton Mr 2072 'IiiJ I rp.r re o. e use. 0 n I'4 men. current political, environmental Cracc 1010. r." Mrs. e.ler nOIJY.l60n,...r.. rl. p "'. . " .1 Vllnl., Now, a reunion Is plannod (or or '48 are Invited to attend. McMath who resldea with his and social problem. In the Craft, Mr. " Mn. Frallk J. Urlo, Mra. Herman Zerweck. "Mra. Harry B. Leonard, Mr. a Mil. 6' 1.94 ISunday, Soptember 13. to bi! ------wIfe, Dea~na, and two chlldfl'l1, United Slatea. Dale, Mr. 4c Mri. John A. MI)' II • ,Mr•. J. A. Knoob, Mr. &I Mr•. held at the Imperl.1 Hall, Groel' TOP 8LA8HED Patrick, Jr., and Colleen, In tho 0 ' I h Demorest, Mr. &e Mrs. Donald Dr. & Mra. Rol>ert C. Behan. Llurence Leverenz, Mr. " Mn. __ bock and 13 Mile Road In War. Walter Gibbs, DOl Unlvenlty. IPark, II a ,raduate of South. c..:111~~a:'~fa~~Ior :~dt :cTe~::s~ A. Doetach. Mr.• Mr•. AEarl Mr. 4& Mrl. J. S. Eichler, ~r. Allen M. Lomax, :\fl.. JOlnn C, • :II Iren. Cocktails, dinner and danc. called City police on Thursday eutern Hl,h School. He served laid he hoped to enlarge the Eckltrand. Mr. "Mn. . C. &I )fra. Daniel Brown. Mr. • Lon" Mrl. C. K. LYlln,or. • • In. will be Included. June 18, to report per.onl un: lhree years of active duty wUh aerle. "with an eye to Irealor Erlcklen, Mn. Frederick Evil. = iiiiiii_iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Since It 11 10 dlfflcul'. to can. known hid alaahed the top of llhO United Stal" Army from audl.nce participation" .Izer, MI.. Ruth Fiedler, Dr. I-tact many of the cia .. , help II h II Volklwalen convertible 1900.83 and Will mOlt recenll)' He explained that the forum I ~r~\t:III~~w~:.r~~~: f~r~ ." I'equelled from all members of Iwhich was parked In front of employed II 11 computer opera. I. the only one of ill kind In thll Oharles B Jr Dr. '" .. V21 the Eutern Hl,h Alumni "5 In hh home between 10 p.m. on Itor with tho Detrolt.blled Mil' Gulf Soulh re Ion and la do. I • Gorey, " loclltlnl millin, clallmltes. IJune 17, and 7 I.m., June lB. ley.Fer,ulon Corporatlon. sllned to acq,!~lnt colle,e .tll' I Mrs. Louis J. Gre,ory. ------1 HI. appointment to the Itaff I dents and other Interelteet per. Mr. 4& Mr•. J. N. Hartmann, Cuts your becomel effective on Wednes. lonl with "Iome cause. oC Ul'. Mr. &I Mr•. Henry C. Hollliler, tlrass day, July 1, and he will bealn ban problema and other majr,r Mr. & Mrs. James J. HOlkln" • basic police tralnln, Ihortly probleml In our loclety which Mr. " Mrl. Anthony Jamroz, I thereafter. are challen,ln •• tudent Inter. Mrs. CharlO' R. Jaqullh, Mr. " the easy \ eat today," Mrs. LaVerne E. John.on. Mr.

;'. - way! ol~/Jd..""'~~ANM~M'h IvC?n~e8tWTinhnefr ob~~~~~i ~ae~ne~h:1P::;~~e~~ tf"Mr~ra~or~:~.~~~~i:i:: I f •. (/' V7~uy' u'w"'~ lchm 0 e t ~r::I~~1~r1l1~~.y~.po~~~kl~~: AI~:n E~WY•• lr. Mr." 'Mr., WU: • ... .,. WAO. Aye"v. author, publilher and frequent 111m E, K.nn.dy, Dr, " Mrl • . L_L MACI. AY."V • The compollr of North Hlih'. lpOhlman on curr.nt .oelll K. K. Klmb.rlln, Mr. • Mr•• • _'.I\, tU.hl .... 411•• 4 at_ lOW, WL.lll •• " ••••• 'I'V.'Ul4. 'l'V ,., ••• new alma mater I. JUll I IIt,le iuue.; 8yl¥la r. Porl.r, !Inan. A. Gerlrd Laone, Mr. II Mr•• AUTOMATIC udd.r thl. week for hi. mu.l. dll columnht alld edllor tor the Irlll A. Llndqullt, Mr, .. Mre. I. ul .trortl, NlI'N York Po It and luthor of Tho m A' Lito., Mill Delma rlit' GAIIAGI DOOR 1 navld Oreltory, I North Hlilh the book "How to aet More tor LOYllr, Mr., KlY T, Lyon., OPERATOI • ~tudljlnt, Ihb wuk wu named Y.our Money"l New York Mayor ElIl. B. Merry, Mr, " Mn, li;~~~~ID • Ihe winner of the ~~lIool'. Clon. John V. LhtduYI IIlld new. Ol!llrllt N. MOllro tn, Mr. II . ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... lnt to tlnd A nl!w Il!hool hymn, I!Ommllntator And IlIlIly~t How. Mn. OOlllld M. Mullen, Mr. , H." II oon".nl.no •• comfort Ind "ouflty It tn. tOlolonof •. I I HI. 1!1lm1lO~IUtlllWill lillll!~hld ard X, Smith, MrIi, Manhllll V, Nlltl!ku, Dr, liver Jilx lIlhl!r tlrlgllllli workil OUlllll Muved III flllllMl! , Mrli, JlIhn P. 01J01\, Mr, ~ I Dldionl V.maO'1 Dplr.tor I)P'"I Of 010111 YOloIf Ilf'll • dOOfInd turnl ~OUfIlfll' I1IMI ;n wll." ~ou touoh tl'l, ,• I I Ilia hll Willi IWlItdlld II tint, ohalr",ln ot blrl!l!tloll '70, I flro' Mu, Johll I, PIII'IlI, Mr. II MrM, , I" 1 Illll!l! prlu llt tll, lrllm OilAmerlull P(jllll~1ihilid JOll!ph RllIi, Mrl. Rohlrl t, illiton Inyour hOIlI' Ofon th. port.blfl trln.mltt" In:lololr • Thll prill WlI.8 Ilrt!ll!llb!d In Iurllllr till. Ylar lit Tuilitle, HI! Rl!lI11lde Mr. It Mn, Peter alf' QivelollI alII tod.y, W.lnetlll, w. 81J'''f1tH thl V.mao 1 1 lhe form or II moner liftlel', Will r!!l!elltly i!ll!l!llld A rllllr!!. Ruppe, Mln Marjorlll D 8111llllr, Auto,.,tl, Oil' Opa"!t', ~ f. MOW' 1 I whll!h DIiVid, lh@ lion of Mr, lientaUve to tit!! Arh /ltl.d 81.'[. Mr," Mu. Imll A. Ilur, Mr, a",., : and bll' ~our Itl.d Mrli, Jllmn Orlllllry, of Iltl.l!l!I 81udefit CoulIl!1I tit the , Mrs, LAUreJl!!e It!ovllte, Jf" . Jr•••' I 1 1008 BIlllrmool' l!llurt, ~lIIl rt ' 't'UIIlIU!Studetltnthnl\ll , .. d Mrl, H. 8, 8hllllllltl., Mr, II'Mu, • qulrl!d tll ulih lit lite 1I1!nOOI IIt' Durllllt III I JilintII mt. III Altred H, 'J'a(ll!tt, Mt. , MtJ • N"M.II~•• , " .. •: VACUUMS 1 ".Vle. 1 tltl!. KO;)11lfil!i' hI! hMd I!OIIVi!tt, Mr•• Itll!hud Dutlnt, m till' Jtohnt H. Taylor, Mr, II Mu, , lied hi. mOlley lll'dl!l'lo ~uh, Ore. tloln, 11M I IIr11,dulle lit (lroul! 8ydlllY Terr" Mr, , Mu, Illlfril 0 , . lI11ry pilltlld hl~ ",all!!t In hiM Poillte Ulllvml\y 8l!hool. Thllrllll, Mr, Ii MrI, Itllbert ,. JUNE SPECIAL ••• '99° , your 'awn whll. ~outr. mowln•• I • Cletfn Cond@ft,er I lIl!hool IOl!kel', while! hl! putll!l. ~'--'~=--==... Thomloll, Mr, .. Mr.. William Pll~~ IIIhi I!llllllllu'rn~dto r"lrl.ve I • wTurllllt, ~f ..... MMtIrOI'IM, u• ~l I I Al.,xltn(l~r Dlltln IV J 'R5-856O I "nlln II rl" .. ellnl, ur, n". I • L.ak Tt!.l Entire Sy,"em lor FrsOI! Ie I hi. wllll.t, h. dluo¥lll'@d that. DeCOUUtl JA Sit'tU.,r Wlllon, Dr. II Mr" Clyde Wu, ~ BLOW. I 011 Leah, I Ihe mlln,y was mlulllil. 'the 111, Mil" It • . I!IdellL look pile. on the flllil The 1!lllulntm'lll of Alexilldtr ' .• drlv.w.y. tnd w.lkI I • Check SI,ht Gau,e lor Full Charlie I day ot rllllular el...... BlAin tV 10 the Itaff of JUIlltlr Mr... Mra, WlIllarn X, AUen, • ., _.____ AchleYlm.nl Ii.. be.n announe. Dr. EdnA S, Andr.w., Mr, " •, elfin, RlmOVllr ... I • Check B"I- Ten,lo" I Don't expect to ne the bright ,d by Edwllrd P. Nalel, EXleu. Mr •. Bruc. O. 8lr,bau.r, Mr, ~ c.tehlr .nd put on • .,.... I IIghtl of tomorrow throu,h the tin Vice Pruldent, J.A. ot 4c Mra, Gordon J. BUlbauer, IhidoWI of ytlterday. Southeutern Mlehillan. Mr. " Mrs. John O. BlIlr, Nr. "dawn.flletar" (Optiona' I • Check Overall Perlormnnce 0 J I Mr. Blain of 2115 William., re. '" Mrt. T. E. Caldwell. Dr. " t, .qulpmlnt) I I celv.d .a BA In Engllih in 19M Mr., R'Ynlond Chrlll'llltn. ~r. Air Conditioner from Wuhlnilion .nd Jefferson "Mrl. Tom G. Conway, Mr.• •I • I 'I Colle,e, Wuhlniton, Pa., where Mrs. Albert L. Coole,Dr. '" Mr•. : I CLEANS-UP I he wu a member of Phi aam. John Corbett, :Mr. " Mr•• Da¥ld • I '7.95 I ma Deltl traternlty. H. aer¥edM. Crocker, Mr~.John R. Deck~ • I "W. Stop L.. k.fl with the U.S. Army tor three er, Mr. " Mra. James L. Dick• ',1"'--' LEAVES II .I years before jolnlll' Junior lOn, 'Mill Christine R. Edward •• pIcks up leaye. I • Ciuttl" • DeWII.lIti Achievement. Mr: " Mrl. William Finken. I • GIII."nl .. d •. AIIIIII I1111 III Bla,M wlll ,upervl18 J.A. bUll. .ta-"t..... , Mr• •.- Mr. ...L G Gale• . Ind plnlltr~w and I • MI,.I DICk•• Roof. . ill M 1_]1,{ Tho A G 11 ~hlrnn., '.p,l" ,n4 H,w nen centers III Southeastern r. '" rl. mal. a a. al .R~Cll~RV : Wo,k Mlchl,an and will work III close ,her. Mr. " Mrl. Rohert J. Gel. ball 'em you cooperation with Center man. dart, Dr.' &I Mr •• Mlcahel Haa •• mow. : "I ••• mont agers to brln, an undel'Btandlng Mrs. Margaret E. Heldt, Mr. &I -NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL MAKES I I Waterproofln." of business to more than 8.000 Mrs. Addison .E. Holton. Mr. &I .nd Mod.1 Cln :. I BUICK OPEL INC I W, 'Dl. ,nd R.,.I, teenagers In the "learn by do. Mrs. Walter R. Howell, Jr .• Mr. , • W. Do It Rl.ht--Yoll Con Ing" economic educatJon pro. .. Mrs. Frank W. Howland, Mrs. PIT'IID I I Count On It gram. Joseph Israel. Mr. &I Mr•. Theo. '1 •• on. • Hamlta,. • R,bblh • FAST AND ACCURATE D'ACNOSIS 15103 Kercheval VA IM5400 I • L.wn P,.tact.d dore Jacob, Mr. & Mrs. Robert '.,.k .. t, • Cana,l.. - Sqlll",I. I • Fr•• E,tIMat.. LIONS LEFT SHORT G. Kales, KoUar Enterprises. ' To Pin-point yowr Can Problem. I I • P,le. R•••• n.br. The manager o( the WanKow William O'Neill Kronner. SPECIAL GOOD FOR 30 DAYS I All 'STOPLEAKSCO. Restaurant, at 20922 Mack ave- Dr. &I Mrs. Benjamin M. Le. • PAY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS ONLY DO. & CAT I WITH THIS AD nue, reported to Woods f'ubllc wls, Mrs. Raymond F.Llttley, II••••• _ • _ • • .J;, 361.2204-922.7150 Safety Offlcers on Wednesday. Mrs. A1 Marcero, Mr. & Mrs. 'OOD June 17. that thieves removed David C. Miller, Mr... Mrs. • SAFETY CHECK YOUR CAR AllOrt.d b,an4. ,nd a Lions Club cannister from James N. Motachall, Mr. " Mrs. Before Summer Vacation he". to II"" Ita",. the premises shortly after 6:30 John R. Odell, Jr., Mrs. Martin p.m. It is believed that the can. Paye, Mr. & Mrs. Norman C. nlster contained "bout $5 in PerrIn, Edwlird Rem, William • PRICED FOR SUMMER SPECIAL-AT PIT IUPPLIIS change. J. Rewoldt. Mr. & Mrs. Fran- Chain" Colloll Ointment, Vitamin, U)e ,[jJroudl $9.95 y till fo, Coll,ct call. OEDAR & STRAW A,,.intllliftt Acc.ptad .BIDDING Fo, .nlmai. on4 plont .Congratulate KEN BROWN INC. p,otect",n. 3350 E. JeH.rson 568.0450 SIJI.FLOWER SEEDS BULK GRASS SEED LYNN G. All Brandl Any Quantity STEDMAN, C. L. U. Houlel and Pol .. Lynn G. Stedman, C.L,U. Come In AAA PERIONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE protects you while wlter skiing 81)d in I wide range of.other sports And See accidents with cash benefits up to $1,000. Hospl.tal expenses Purple M.rtin of $40 I week (up to 10 weeks) ere 81so Included .. In CO ROUTE addition, cash benefits up to "0,000 protect you while traveling. , • T I 1 A , • a for outstanding performance Skiing. huntlng, fishing, traveling , •• 8S 8 r p e- OUR member you're protected with AM Person.1 Accident 12.YOLT Hi., . Insurance. Spreaden. Roll.,.. Etc. and quality service extended to GARDIN I'm Reese Lamb, Michigan's Truck Driver of LIGHTING his TJolicyltolders in 1969, the Year. RINTALS I'd like to ask you a favor. "BIRD HOUSI. Life Member Million Dollar Round Table, Mr. Sted- Keep your cool driving on the hot Fourth of Th.rch Ramn.,. man ranked twentieth in 1969 among his Company's July. 3.000 Agents in 50 States. The hi ghways wi 1I be crowded ... traffic may move like a snaiL,. and tempers may flare. Selected as Agency Man of the Year 1969. Don't let a hol temper cause you to blow your During the past year he helped guarantee the plans, c;tacl:. dreams and ambitions of Detroit-Area people by the When your slack blows.,. your patience goes sale of over two mil/ion dollars worth of life insur- .. ,And you 1'i1aybe heading for trouble, ance through the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance This Is how accident statistics are made. Company. You don't have to be one If you keep your cool, So keep your coolon the hot Fourth of The M. James Houlihan Agency, Detroit Jul~, of If more people ao '" fewer will die, THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE AOV, COMPANY, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY Gro"e Pointe Dtvi8lon 15415 I. JlfPlRSON PHONI 821.6300 I,t"bllsh,d J845 George Mea,tZ, Manager

.. Thursday, June 25. 1970 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine WINS PROMOTION training noncommissioned offi. ------Robert H. Feys, 21, son of KQrnelfcl, Emily Mathews, Ka. Kathy Krieger, Valedictorian lIIr. and Mrs. lIenry Feys, 1349 ~:~Oil~ ~fhmp~~:in~i Annllnl ren Ne.well. Leslie Riddle. Joyce Beaconslleld, recently was pro. l:~i~:~:North High School Holds 2nd Awards Night and Nancy Kushman, Sal'ltator. u.s. Arll1)' Trllnlng Center, Sarrazin, Ann Schimmel. SUJ Ian. moled to Army specialist five Armor. His wife. Donna, lives GrOSBe Pointe North 111gb Sbort-StorY;-Kathy a-;jHes-1 N~~cy Nl;on, Ru~h J~nson, Robert MuylBerl, and Bonnie VanHever, Sue Yerkes and Deli. Stephen Schleicher received at Fl. Knox, Ky" where he is a lor at 11905 Lakepolnte, Detroit. School recently held its Second Bnd Eileen Locher [or Poetry, Mary MandIch, AlexIs V~mettis Thomson. ble Zydowicz, the Willillms College Alumni ------Annual Awards Night, Academ. and Stephen D'Arcy for Journal. and Judy Nassar J1ceived Dla. Valkyries honored were Lau. Parenls Club of Norlh High Association Award. ie, athletic and service awards Ism. Feature. cussion Cerl1ficates ~Ruth ~John. rie Hlmdricks, Kay Kappaz, School presented watches to were presented. ' Junior Division Commenda. son received 1I: lleclamatlon Jean Platz, Gina Spagnoli, Heidi For Your Next Car ••• Receiving awards in the Schoo lions went 10 Palricia Vermeu. Award. Walkowiak. Val Atkin, Sue Bak. lastic Art Exhibit-Senior Divi. len for Autobiographical Article Receiving Multiric A wa i: it t er, Leslie Beck, Chris Berger, sion were Deborah Herring, and Kalhy Guiles for Journal. were Brad Russell, Tom De. Priscilla Cooper, Pam Davis, Blue Ribbon: Susan Cady, Vicky ism.Editorial. . Seseto,. Phil ,Porter, Barb"W": Carla DiCiccio, Lynda Dupus, Cichy. Michael Graham, Lois Susan Kuehnel. !lnd Michael Gilstorf, Phil Begeman, J£m Pat Dushane, Debbie Fahrner, Hoogslra and Nina Ozar, Gold Graham were honored for par. Kegle, Marty Lapansl, Dlan&- Lois Faust, Cheryl Gray and BILL Keys; Susan Cady, Michael Gra ticipation in Southeastern Mich. Moghissi and Karen Watson. Barbara Gilstorf. ham, Deborah Herring. Joanne igan Junior Science and Human. . Ann Martin received an award More are Diane Jerger, Kris Hulversun, Den n i s Prowalny, ities Symposium, in the Serious category; Chris Kellogg, Mary Kirchner, Lynn Michael Sheridan. James Sim. Fred Amrine. Phil Begeman, Daniels and Rochelle Wilson reo Lasher, Gina Mashour, Nancy We Will Be man, Marlha Willoughby, all of Jane Ladney and Jeanne Kin eeh'ed honors in the Humorous IMcCort, Belh Meloy, Bev Mes. LAVIGNE who received Certificates of received Awards from the Ger. Category; Priscilla Cooper and ser. Mary Miller, Aline Saver. CLOSED SATURDAYS Merit. man Consulate. Foreign Lali. Nancy Nixon were honored in ino, Mlirty Schmelz, Dona Selby, In the Junior Division awards guage Resource Center Awards the Extemporaneous Division; Sue Smith, Margaret sObieski'll DURING CALL VOll[l.RITT wenlto Craig Schwan, Blue Rib. wete made to Penny Steyer and Judy Nassar,' Mary Mandich ICarol Steketee, and K are n FOR ALL PEST PROBLEMS bon; Holly Huckins and Tony Connie Wilmes, and Pedro DeBlas were honored Tlleuerkoi'n. JUL Y & AUGUST OOil'o .... 11 ~t11 cont'ol un be do.ll.routS.I' I/o.bl •• Be "', •• It GROSSE POINTE AMERICAN, INt Warren, Certilicales of Merit. Jill Alexander, Anne Humes., in Oralory. Still more are Pat Thompson, I ~T~'a~~'NO"~~:'~~~t:~.~'J Deborah was also awarded a Mary Meyers won the Belly H4100 24th (fJ.irthday.l To Know 1833 E. JEFFERSON __===c='::=-_=- __I Come goc'fl, Us (;for • NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL MAKES and Model Cars (jJirtltday Cake and O'JUflCIt • FAST AND ACCURATE DIACNOSIS To Pin-point your Cars Problems ~l (9uf £obby .PAY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS ONLY .SAFETY CHECK YOUR CAR Before Summer Vacation • PRICED FOR SUMMER SPECIAL-AT /",mcheoll Servetl 11 10 ,1 Village AIRPORTS S~e~E UNES INC. 1-800-552-3700 TOLL fREE • , • WATTS LINt , • , ••• for rerern';onr $9.95 .){anor Ten Served .'J to 5 6811 ST.CL\tl c.lI for Colfect coli, GIOSSE POINTE ,::...... len/ll.: oV ••.... r"I'" ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ A!,POint",ent Accepted MICHIGAN PARK CRIST MOTEL 'rOM METRO AIIt~T EVElY HOUIt Dinner Servetl 5 to 8 On the hour every hour, beginning 01 TU.2.1(10 50_m, ON TH£ HOUI HJUDAY INN AT CONNERS Limousine neor baggage claim areo at :s;:::Q::2 [ each terminal. KEN BROWN INC. 10 minutes ofte, each hour, every hour, ... ----. ... 3350 E. Jefferson 568.0450 , . " Pig, Ten G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W 5 Thursday, Jun, 25. 1970 ( -I" by ~~ Yankees in posting a 5.21 and ~sborn for the Yankees, I save a home run. -I' 3.2. A ~;I-P-Il-ch-I-n-g--d-u-e-I-b-e-'I'{-a-n-ne-d-17--o-n-a-n-o-.h-i-tt-e-r,-T-o-Ie-d-o'- cred Miami, 1B.l~ with Ra~dy decIsIon. Dave has now gone 25. FrIday, It was the Reds over Saturday, it wl'~ Porl1and on tween Tom Hastings and Dave' shutout Buf(alo, 7.0. Bartus. Walworth the wlOner postlllg innings without giving a walk. Ithe Phlllies, 9.2, wilh Reinhard' top again o\'er Louisville, 3.2, Lipo was the highlight with a i zewicz had {our RBI's wilh his 16 strikeoul~ and Schoenenberg .Little League Results . Bob Trombley paced lhe Cleve. t~e winner, who also had three in one of the best games o{ the' total of six hits in the entire! homer. Rappman got two with the loser with 13. John Jones I', ., !and ~illers ~ith two Cor lhree,! hIts. Cammett had a double (or year featuring excellent oHen. flame. Hastings fanned 10. i his lriple and Dr,ummy ~rove in I had a triple .• l ,GROSSE POINTE FARMS ! Thursdll)', June 18, wlOmng Inc/ud!nll a triple. Ca~e and J~e i the. Reds as did Purdy lor the sive and dl.'fcnsi\'e play on both the olher nm \\'Ith a slOgle. Friday, Craig Williams pitch. Majors Ihurler D~','(' Case, blew lhe ball, Gorski doubled, as dId Schmitt. Phlllies. Trip Howell had three sides. A double play started by June 16, on a slrollg perCorm. . I I eel P 11) ____ . . .__ -.------ICor three. including a double Duffy's great catch in center ance by Pat Vanderboom, who I June 18, Rochesler smolh. (Coot nu on age 'and also made a great cross.. (oUowed by a perfect throw to ----.------~---- bodied, one.handed catch of a the plale gelling the runner drive to deep center. Crom third wilh a great tag by The Indians came {rom be. Fellows. Bielski had a tremen. • hind in the bottom of the sixth dous home run smash and 10 eke out a squeaker over lhe D'Honl a double for Louisville. Red Sox, 7.6. Drew Miller got Fellows had a double for Pori. a single 10 drive in Jim Font land, with the winning run, after Bill Behind in the {i{th inning. Auslerberry had tied it up (or Hollywood exploded with six ; the Sox by stealing home. Tim runs to down Dem'er 11-7 on 'Corbett. Drew ~Iiller and Dave Saturday, June 20. Pitching in ! Case paced the Indians with relier, Phil Johnson held Den. : two hits each. Case had a tow. ver to one run on four hits in i ering solo homer while Corbetl Ihe last four lInd one.third in. had a pair oC doubles. Charlie nings. Hollywood doubles by Murphy or the Sox had a per. Pete Gotfredson. Dave Cornille, feel day with four for tour, in. Mike Naimish, 'l'om Wilson and including a double. Harvey Kulka spelled the mar. Saturday, in the second Round gin oC viclory. while Dave 1'l!c. P I a )'. 0 f f Championship the Intyre went three for three 10. Reds came on strong In lh~ lale eluding a double for the losers. innings to take the decision over Clan "COO League ! the Giants. 3.1. Cammett took June 13, iJullalo defeated 1 the win and also had a long trio Miami, 10.3, with GotCredson pie. Tom McCubbin had a the winning pitcher and Rinke 2042-44 Vernier Road homer {or the Giants. lhe loser. I . Triple "1\" League The same day II was Roches. I Brick Duplex. Each unit has fiye rooms, including \ Hollywood scored 15 runs in ler 2, S)'racuse O. on a ~ne.hlt. I . the first three innlJlgs to over- tel', by Pat Corb~~t WIth 15; family room with natural fireplace. Separate base. whelm Loulsvllle, on a no.hlUer strl.k.eouts. Case ':".0 the loser'i by Mike Naimish, 15.1. A triple raU


CHEVWAY CHEVROLET i)IEALERS LEASING/RENTAL SYSTEM DICKSHALLAtWIN' 16555 HARPER, Hr. W~ittier 885.0875 ~=====~======~=====~ now open ..• A 81T OF NEW ENCLAND in Crosse Pointe Farms it was mink or OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 Macomb Manor 255 HAMILTON COURT FASHION FABRICS SHOP It was an easy choice! Macomb Manor is LUXURYLIVING eY!ry BuilT ond che,i~hed by iTs pre~ent c.wne". ThIS carl,vating Cape Cad w,th 0 p'etty day ... AND luxury in every way. How (vtf,old~'one "'eplace " a p,cture of warmTh and ha~p,lol,!y. The farge screened could we resisl Ihe s"una NIh. swim- ming pool, shullie board courts and all 'erroco look,ng onto 0 Ivvely ga,oen offrrs the p,ivocy of a country eSlale Imagine the facilities of the soc:iable com. y()U' I()veiy antiques in thiS perfeCT ~e"mg! munity building? 17015 KERCHEVAL We had our choice of a I or 2 bed. The 3 )uPC(. ~ilC b('rlroom~ prO-vIde an air (,f ~Poc.luus.ncs.s. sdd( m found in hDmts room aparlment from only $180 a BETWEEN ST. CLAIR AND NOTRE DAME monlh - and we moved in immedi. "f Ih" lyre and price range One huge hedro()m ord balh on the I,,~, f100', "nd 2 b,g, ately and you can too! YOuun ue b,g be,l/ooml and bath On the 2nd floo, ma~ e Ih" charming home sa adaptoble Perfect the furnished models daily noon to 6 or Saturday and Sunday from 11.7. 10' the fam,ly WITh In. laws oT home, the large family wanting to be nea, schools. the lhere is • dishy/asher, central air Imalle, lam,ly des,"ng a Family Roam, or Ihe couple wanting One floor I,vmg wI,h la'ge conditioning and stonce room in Visit this exciting new world of fine domestic and every apartment. Macomb Manor 2nd f1oa, guel! ,aoms which may be ~hut off when 0101 in u~e Ap.lrtments Ire on Masonic Blvd, jusl west 01Grltiot in RosevUle. imported fabrics. Everything for the home sewing Incidentally. we're rieh! Priced for quick sale across the Welt from th enthusiast, including patterns and notions as well as Owner fransferred famous Macomb Mill shop- ping ~enler. Public trans. portatlon IVlilallle and an outstanding selection of exquisite fabrics. 1.94 XWIY interchange KARL DAVIES nearby. Adulls only. 81 Kercheval Avenue "U 5.3220 -. Thursd.y. JUM 25. 1970 &ROSSE POINTE NEWS

Dialogue Meets Sunday, June 28 ItlDdiD" on .J1mI1O were: ; w. LIlt Plalo'UI. • nlwl)' formed 01 nVI tlghborhood CI b News L'ttl L R I AJ1 Nl!dtnti th. N. . u II L_e_ea_~_u_e_e_su_ts__ 1~1:::.r~~nr:,:f:o:nv~~~The Braves, winner. of the Bra," • 1 : II'OIIP of Polntt aoUt ••• tud.nb Polaw 'N lnvltICI to .ttdd. , , . tint half Ind mlnaled by C..... J 1' wlll m"t lor tlr.1 lIm. on Colle.e .tlldtntl bome for I the the ulddl bid I lib Georle Colicchio, continue to Dedler. • I 8Wlde" JIIDI II. at o'clock, .ummlr are Incour.,ed to join - • Ie 00 .lu enl. w II elan.. A oUlh.11 el..... lire (CoMlnued from Pile 10) I three.two cClunt Ind two Dull lead the lealue In the second a w.nt to '0 with the ,roup to Itilled to d.te more will be In. ClIbt I I to dltcull with intertlted adll1t. 'Dlalolue Ind contribute their Tiler Blleball Gamel, Bob.Lo, stltuted if more students are ed a no.hltt!!r with 18 strike. lilted I ball over the cenler hall. G'lIIet tt Pia, - 5 "CoUe.es and CoUege Student •. " Idea. on current Illuel. and a leries of weekend camp. interested. The cost II $25 for outs, to give Columbus a 14.0 The coDellan. wUl meet at the Be honest-keep cool and In, tripi lor boys. TIger ball I club members and $30 for non. win over Richmond. Doubles War Memorial. .Uck to the plan lacta alway" lime trips Ile scheduled for members for on eight lenon by Zav!!l1 and Grim!!s led the June 30 with the Yankees, a series. attack. Sunday doubleheader on July Water skiing is also open to Saturday. Jl was Columbus 12 with Baltimore, July 31 wlll jUnIor and. senior high school 10, Buffalo 5, with Tom Has. nautical (j,tfis Browse teature the Twins, August 21 students. A iew openings are tings lhe winner. Slrong hitting with Milwaukee, and September still available. Water skiing, by Joe Murray (two hits) and and 'I with Baltimore. All trips will 'the world's lastest growing Bob PaUfy aidetl the win. the cost $5.50 which includes reo water sport, has always been The same day behind the served seat tickets, Insurance, of particular interest to Point. pitching and hiUing (three hits), and transportation. Reglslra. ers. Fees are $24 for club of Mike Clabault, Rochester rJ30at 8upplies .hlp'. tions wlll be on a first come members and $30 for 1'I0n.mem. took Toledo 7.3. Pat CorbeU had basis and all trips are chaper. bers for 8n eight week session. a homur for Rochesler. Jim Ii AMerlo ...... c.... "Ie. CIM," wheel oDed. S~nior and Juniors In high Vens was the loser with 13 The Club will feature an all school as well as the college strikeouls and also contributed • Dotcltley'. S,I'N'", day trip 10 Bob.La on Augusl 3, crowd' are in for a series of a triple. (... , ClHI'" ~,I H •• II along with the weekend camp. speclais with lhe "Village Loft." tIde, W. IIHtIc" • 5,.,,, T.. ing lrips for boys. Other lrips Folk singing will be provided GROSSE POINTE CITY . Sa fety "'t Sh... hi "Ie. Ile posslolp.' this summer. in a relaxed atmosphere witll Majors I •• i_II.... w.'.., G.t Iff Another new addition to the many fine college folk bands On June 15th the Cub bats • Ntlltic.. i.e.,1' Club tb1s summer will be an performing. were booming as they brokc out • HI. L.,...hi,l J.w.l" A.A.U. Body Building and For Middle Schooler the club of a long dormant period and Weight Lifting Club. Members begins Its series of Bike Mara. downed tllc Dodgers, 12 to 5. • Z... itlo Diredlell FlllGen must be 18 years or over. Fees thons on Saturday, June 13. Nell Blondell with four hils, in. SliP'S WNW. FAMOUS tfOIPOLI regarding this program CRn be Entry iee is 75 cents per biker. cluding a double and home run, WII., s.lfl .1ttI tIM ., ..- obtained by calling the Neigh. Junior bigh students should and Bob Holmes with three hits, borhood Club. This is an excel. watch this column for furth!!r including a double. paced the lent club for men with a pro- details on the Bike Rodeos. Cub attack. Other Cubs assist. $39.50 VALUE $29.50 gram for students under 18 com. Senior High students and Col. ing in the run production were J.clteh 0.." $2.4.S0 , V.llM $17.95 ing this fall. lege students are urged to watch Matt Boyse, Mike MacEachern, Rollie Whitted. Tim McGllian Joyce shoes and Amalfi, Bernardo, 19605 Mack TU 2-1340 Anolher A.A.U. Club Program for news on the ""::offee Rap" offered by the Neighborhood series. These sessions will bring and Tim Hurley. . Rosina Ferragalllo Schiavone sandals . 11.95 Ope. Dell, , ••. Sat., 5 II.•. Club Is .Judo. The Senior Club prominent personaUties to The Holmes gained lhe pitching is now a year old with 50 memo Pointe to discuss current na. victory by choking off several Amalfi flats, VaneH . bers and many honors. This tiona I and international issues. Dodger rallies at the right time. 13.95 Club is open to anyone 15 years The series will hopefully in. Tom Fetters handled the catch- Amalfi heels, Deliso Deb, MI'. Seymour . and over IDd interested people valve Political figures who will lng assignment. For Ute Dodg. 16.95 can join any time. The Senior speak to the studenls on matters ers, Wyn Fisher ied the batting Rosina Ferragamo SclJiavone, in Downtown Windso,! Club ml!tts at the Neighborhood which concern youth and pro- attack with a long opposite.field D'Antonio, Caprini _ . 22.95 Club every Tuesday and T1Iurs. vide the students with the opo home run. Mike Dowdy spar. day nights from 7.9:30. Inter- portunity to ask questions and kled In the field by catching a JllliRnel1i ' . ested people can get more de. state their own opinions. long drive in centerfield and 24.95 lails by attending practice ses. • • • doubling a Cub runner at the Sizes AAAA to C, 3~.lI, (sizes slons or by calling tbe Neigh. What an opportunity for a plate with a perfect throw to 10./1, Downtown only. $2 extra). bor~ Club. A Junior Judo trip into outer space when catcher Tony Montague. SIeve Some .pring styles included. IF•.. Ciub for students 9.13 is slill in Gemini I and II and Apollo I Coates, John Cantwell and Tom No mail. plione or C.O.D. orders. the process of being establish. and -II "blasted aU" on Tuell' Birk handled the Dodger pitch- All salell final. You lilee ed. Allis go with this new club day June. 30, at the Neighbor- Ing assignment. except lor locating an instrue. hood Club Day Camp at Brown. The Cards beat the Braves Steale? tor. Interest~d 'PeOple should ell Middle School! on Tuesday, June 16. 4 to 0, In pre. register with the Neighbor. Gemini I and Apono I will be a game where pitching and de- Downtown, Grosse Pointe, Northland, hood Club. manned by seven ill-year.old fense were exceptionally good Westland, Dearborn The Club 11&0 has all avail. Astronauts and Apollo II and for both teams. Sleve CJticchio YOU'LL able information regardillg the Gemini II by the five and six- for the Braves and Bill Mazer American Youth Hostel sum. year aids. for the Cards hooked up in a mer progrO\m. "We carry the A program to keep the young. pitching duel for four innings LOVE monthly brochure distributed by sters in orbit has been planned th"t kept the fans, players and the A.Y.H. and one can be by a versatile and enthusiastic coaches on the edge of their obtained at the Club." staff cumposed of Norbert Ig. seats with excitement. Steve Students are especially urged nasiak, physical e d u cat Ion allowed only one hit in four In. nlngs, but several walks put GEORGE'S to keep an eye Oil this column teacher in the Detroit School Cards on base in three of the reglrding the new evening hours System, Mrs. Lisa Gandelot and four. Bill scattered tour singles that the Club will be open this Mary Beth Dakoske, teachers in Try Our Pat MaUoD, Tom Steve summer. "We will be open three the Grosse Pointe area, ~nd to Lott, Nitzsche and Jim Peabody, but nights a week with one night Betz Johnson, Carolyn BeUall'e, Fahu/ous featuring the Villige Loft Fait Mike De Vuyst, Bill Squiers, ,both teams had the ability to Concerts. The other two nights college students, and John Sha- get the big out when they need. 30-0%. will be open for pool, plng.pong, heen, recreation auistllnt. ed it. ' The Cards scored a single run and get tin g toegther with Activities will include a varl. in the tourth on two walks and friends." Dates will be announc. ety of sports and athletic SIRLOIN alert base running by Steve Icd soon. events, arts and crafts, trampo. Worth the Trip Kleiner, scoring on a defensive • • • line, tumbling, nature study, lapse in the inlleld. The Card to Windsor This summer the Neighbor. square and folk dancing, and fifth saw Clark Standish, Trip hood Club will be offermg a special events every Thursday. Maghielse and Chad Morril hit variety of "In Things" to do. Scheduled for Thursday, July back.to-back singles but Clark New to the program this sum. 2, is the launching of helium was cut down at the plate trying mer are sailing and water ski. tilled balloons with return post For ..... l'Yldf .. to score, then Bill Mazer, with 650 ing. . cars attached, so that finders ClIfl '.519.254-1400 Sailing Is open to junior and may mall cards back to the OUELlETJE senior high school students. children to determine whose CA.LL GINS' ".Id", Openings are still available. balloon traveled the farthest. ,..1.. ,(Nt •• ,.....) There are several dates and Prizes are awarded at the t;nd Healher-On-1be-Hill times scheduled lor tIlese ses. of Day Camp to the champioll6. Anyone interested In this sum. , for mer fun-illled program should WEDDING call the Neighborhood Club 885-4600 lor further informa. INVITATIONS tion. • • • TU 1..7161 A course specially designed for Teens and Adults will be CLEARANCE conducted at the Neighborhood FOR SAFETY AFLOAT Club Teen Center. Those interested in attaining BROWSE and keeping a contour.cOlltroll. THE SHIPS of spring ed figure 'Will benefit from a most rewardin. and enjoyable WHEEL experience under the expert di. and rection of Miu Myra Halslg. Openings are still available. summer • • ~ The club points• out that there are still openings in the lIummer horseback riding trips for 6th, SHOES 7th, and 8th graders. The rid. ing i3 at Sugarbush Rancb, I (near Selfridge Field) and wl1l I SubstanliCll savings on a wardrobe of dress shoes, casuals, be beld every Wednesday through the month of July. The flats and sport shoes for your lown and Iravel fash ion life. date6 are as follows: July I, 8, CANVAS 15. 22 and 29. Members p:.y ~ OXFOIDS and non-members $6, whIeh covers riding, transportation LEATHER• HERBERT LEVINE and CHARLES JOURDAN now $26. and insurance. Thebus leaves OX FOJ,DS the Teen Center at 1 p.m.

ANDREW GELLER now $20. and £22. PIPE DR&UI the The theory that the best time ship's wbeel, iD~..Jl.l tohreak a habit is before you 1NOS MACK TU 2.1340 .: CUSTOMCRAFT now $20. begin has really Devcr been 0'1" DAILY' TO• Sit. tilt 5 II.m. . put to a ,practical test. HILL AND DALE now $17. JOYCE and CARESSA now $14. Sterling Silver OLDMAINE TROTTERS now $8. and $10. .. LUNT SAVE • ALVIN • TOWLE .MRHAM hey there, hi there... Mickey Mouse is backl MATCHING HANDBAGS now Va off • WALLACE • HlllILooM Bright-eyed and clever as ever on SWflat shirts ~ l) • INTIIINATIONAL 25 • IIUD & 'AIITON and T-shirts for guys and gals ... he's the new IVIItYDAY DISCOUNn ON THISI 'AMOUS a llANOS way to get in the swing of fun fashion. printed MISS J SHOES in vivid cartoon colors. Remember. when it comes to now $8. ond $10. EXPERT merry mousketeers. he's "top cat". Sizes S-M-L. Walch cnd Jewelfl' Cotton T-shirt. $3. Cotton/acrylic sweat shirt. $4. REPAIR


QUAD SHOP JacobSonS Vogue JEWELERS in the Village SHOE SALON 7 Mile II'" Mull Ave. in the Village 22377 MOROSS ROAD TU 4.2585

. • r 2 d 2 2 • 72 2sm 7 2 7 a ?l ...... --...... ------_.-_-~------~-~. ~._._.------~ ..• -. __ .. _-~~-~

G R0 5S E POI N TEN EW S Thursday, June 25, 1970 Grosse Pointe News IMemorial Center Schedule I What Goes 01. ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC • Wha/~i new OIJ . OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL Open Daily 9 a.m .• 9 p.m. (Tkket Office Closed Sundays) at GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 • All Memorial sponsored activities open to the Grosse 5eeoad CI... Postal' Paid .t Detroit, KlcbllaD Your Library Pointe public. Hospi1l1 equipment .v.llable for free 'Or .. , E .." II , , , loan: crutches, wheel chairs, heating lamps and hOSe B)' \'Ir"". LeGurd FULLY PAID CIRCULATION pl1l1 beds. By Pat Rousseau We are currenl1y celebrating WORKS OF BEETHOVEN. EmU Phone TU 2-6900 GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER AND LEND. the 200tIt aMlversary of tile Ludwig'. old but well.known Wrigley's . . • came to the Hill twenty years lIlembtr Mlchlllll PreM A.uodilion Ind NIllonl1 Edltorlll ANOCIIUIIIl ING LIBRARY. Mrs. lIarry Frost on duty Tuesdays, birth of Ludwig von Beethoven. BEETHOVEN, Romain ,Rolland's ago. It has become a favorite super.market with so NATIONAL ADVllITlStl'/O .IP....sENTATI\'1 Wednesda)'s, Thursdays 10 a.m.'" p.m. Volunteer And no one is prouder to be a older IJEETHOVEN THE CRE. many Pointers. Three years ago the front of the 1M FUUl AYenlle,WJ:~I~r:rt"'1C~~~wnV~~.:eIlLlllYe. Inc. BYrlnt '.7300 consultant on duty Fridays 2.4 p.m, 881.4594. part oi this observance than ATOR. R. H. Schautfier's BEE. store was remodeled and just recently a front line CHICAGO OFFICE Bonn. Germany - Beethoven's THOVEN, A. F. Schindler'. of new freezers was installed to give shoppers an »3 North Mlch~11I Menll' Phon, FIIllnell' "ZZ14 Thursday, June 25 birthplace. BEETHOVEN AS t KNEW HIM, upright view of products. Fred Wolski, who has ------.------• 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Robert Conaway, During the month of May ! and our local Sterbas' B):E. been with the chain for eighteen years, became ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR alld GENERAL MANAGER Instructor. • was fortunate enough to spend THOVEN AND HIS NEPHEW manager of Wrigley's on the Hillla5t year. He told WILLIAM ADAMO ADVER1'1l)ING UANAGER • 9 00 d 10 3 over Ii week In Bonn with (a psychoanalytic study). In me about the new Gourmet Meat Section and other JANET MUELLER FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY : an : 0 a.m. Children's French-MIle Henri. Grosse Pointe friends. and de. the music section we have JAMES J. NJAIK __ NEWS • 9:30 a.m. eBtatelleLtaCMroaiXr'y'IEnlslternucctooro'per,Instructor. voted one entire half.day visit. Grove's BEETHOVEN AND HIS innovations and improvements designed to serve PEPPER WHITEI.AW NEWS ing the home in 'vhlch he was NINE SY~PHONIES. In our you better. . PHILIP LORANGER , SPORTS, NEWS • 6:30 p.m. Theatre Buffet. born. The house Is lovely and Juvenile Department there are ,JULIE SPENCER .. , NEWS 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Numismatic Society. gleaming with its white win. also several biographies and a The Glass Menagerie •... at LILLIAN KARR , __.__ _ ADVERTISING • 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. Thursday Night Dance Club-Mr. dows and green shutters. Walk. section In a colleeled biography The Lea$ue Shop includes hand. ~ MARY LORIMER...... ADVERTISING and Mrs. Ted Forrest. Instructors. ing through the large front door, by Brower: S'rORY.I,IVES OF blown wmdow pleces ... a duck, one 15 almost overwhelmed by MASTER MUSICIANS. PAT ROUSSEAU ADVERTISING 8:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Theatre Performance "Flow. poodle and butterflies. The same ;--- JACK McALPINE...... ADVERTISING D S " the inner court and garden, But music is music. and no JOHN MacKENZIE _ BUSINESS er rum ong. aburst with aU kinds of sptlng matter how much one reads, artist has crafted highly inter. .". 1_ .~ JOANNE EASON ' ACCOUNTS Friday, JUDe 26 flowers. there Is no substitute for the esting and decorative ash trays Ill/.--;'JI'-T ALBERTA WiLKE... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • 9 lnslde, one walks in rever. real thing. This our Libraries and match boxes. These one.of. QOROTHY SOHUIANSKY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING :00 a.m. Parents Without Partners Tour of Court. ence from room to room, seeing can also offer you in our col. a kind sets are five dollars. BETrY RAUGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Robert Conaway, the one in which Beethoven was lection of tapes and reeords. MARIE KREINER , _ ,CIRCULATION Instructor. born (empty except for a bust Is It one of Beethoven's sym. .______.10:00 a.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor. Newcomers ... get acquainted with Wm. Den. and a wreath). vlewiRg his oor. phonies you want to listen to? ler & Co., 77 Kercheval. .'You'll discover you can 11:00 a.m. Towne Club. tificatll of baptism, tbe many We have them on both of the ~ely on their decorating expertise for large total other mementos, such as pic. above.mentioned audlo.v i5 U a 1 • 6:30 p.m. Theatre Buffet. lobs as well as small ones. Invitation to Burglars • 7:00 p.m. Beginning and Advanced Karate-Sang Kyu tures, a case of his hellring aids, media. Then there Is • wealth S';lectacles-even many of his 01 concertos, sonatas, over. Thieves are having a "field day" stealing anything • Shim, Direc.tor. . musical instruments. It was tures, quintets, quartets. Tbat Hamlin's Has . . . a•much requested cocktail of value thay can get their hands on, and Pointe resi. 8:30 p.m. Parents Wlthout Partners - Meetmg and onlv appropriate that my friend anyone man. especially during snack from France. Delicious miniature pre~els dents, in spite of numerous warnings, practically invite I 8'3 Speaker. . " and I eat lunch in the lovely his later years of deafnesa. c~eese or salt sticks come in tins and are eighty~ the robbers to commit crimes. say overworked police of' . 0 p.m. Grosse Pomte T,heatre Performance Flow. restaurant attached to the Bee. could have produced the quan. nlDe cents each. You'll want all three ... 89 Ker. thovenhalle, overlooking the tlly, q.lality, power and sheer cheval, TUxedo 5-8400. fjcers, who are trying to solve a staggering number of er Drum Song. Rhine River. heauty in music thOlthe did wID burglaries. Saturday, June 27 If I could just have attended always remain a wonder to me. The policemen were quick ~o point GUt that not • 9:30 a.m. German for Children-John Prost, Instruc. one of his concerts, the day Now, being a Beethoven aficlo. . P~oud Of Her Pie . •. . the bride will want to would have been complete! nada, I feel very lucky to have br10g lt to the table in the pyrex in Buenilum pie A.LL residents are aiding this crime wave, but a goodly tor. At one time Bonn was a Ro. been able to see his birthplace, number. enough to keep the officers of the Detective 12:45 p.m. Deanna Daniels-John Stephens Wedding server from Virginia Williams. This look like silve.l' man legion camp on the Rhine the museum, his surroundings. but easy care metal combines with crystal for Bureaus extremely busy. Rcc~tion., River. In the eighteenth cen. Now in lIstening to his music, handsome salad bowls. relish dishes chip and dip . Just who are these people, who indirectly extend • 6:00 p.m. ~ea. ow Brook C;oncert. Gary Graffman, tury, it became the baroque res- I shall have diHerent. but very idence of the Electors of Co- I t th his d' I bowls. Prices are from five to tweive fifty at 79 invitations to the robbers? None other than the citizens plamst. Roundtrlp ~harter. ~us. Best reo logne of the House of Wittels. p easan oug an VlS OM. I Kercheval. who go awa~ from home for a short time or any Ie gth served seats .B~ldwm Pavlllon $6.50 ~r . . ' . n Grounds Admlsslon $5.00. Suppers avall. bach. It was into this artistic I should imagine that as the I of. tim.e, an leave thelr garage doors open, wlth every. able at Trumbull Terrace or bring your own world that Beethoven was born year progresses, we shall see Personalized Gifts .•. . for on December 17, 1770. While more and more new book. about thmg In the garage on display. picnic supper. the wedding party can be found still l1v1ng In his native town, Beethoven, his life, bls music. Leaving the garage door open in the day time gives 8:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Theatre Performance "Flow. this great musician wrote son. New recordings will certainly at The Mermaid. Tiffany ster. a thief an opportunity to see what is in the building and er Drum Song." nets. rondos. untatas, Ilconcer. be forthcoming, as well II reo ling key chains start at five to decide whether it would btl worth his while to return S d J 28 to for pianoforte, a strin51.trlo appearan\~e. of some hIstorh: twenty.five. There are sterling during the dark hours. un ay, une Bnd a knights' balle!. He played recordings. An article in the in. letter openers, purse pens. desk By the same token, ~ith the doo! wid~ op.en during 10:30 a.m. ¥c~~l~enter of Truth Church and Sunday the organ and the harpsichord ternatlonal HERALD TRIBUNE calendars, ash trays. All are in the court orchestra in varl- for May 23.24 o~ this year eveD waiting to be engraved. There's the dark hours of the nlght, the thlef, or thIeves! can .12:00 noon. 5:00 p.m.-SYZYGY Exhibit of YOllng ous surrounding castles. In 1792 tells us that there ia a comic. a great selection of crystal and work under co,:er of darkness, and r.emo.ve practically Grosse Pointe Artist!; and Mod Fashion he left Bonn and went to VieD' strip story In one of the Paris leather gifts, too. anytping that wlll mean a. f{lW dollars In hlS po~ket, p~r- Show. Admission 50c. na, but the first 22 years In newspapers! But speaking of haps to ~urchase narcotics. These valuable Items 1o' • 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Robert Conaway, anyone'-s life are formative. and eomic.strlps. ,I am e age r 1y Beethoven undoubtedly always awaiting ODeof my heroes, Mr. Fashion ..• is moving• into a totally new phase. c~ude equIpment suc~ as s':10w blow~rs, lawn mowers, Instructor. remembered his early surround. Scbulz. Some time In December And eye make-up is moving with it. Estee Lauder b1cycles. tool chests fl1led w1th expenslVe tools, etc., etc. 9:30 a.m. Wei~ht Watchers of Eastern Michigan, Inc. inl1s and the mighty Rhine I am sure th.t one of the "Pea. defines this new eye for fashion ... the 6,Ye of the , These items do not necessarily have to be concerted .12:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Philip Gibbs, Di. River. nuts" characters, SChroeder, 70's in her innovational new collection of Ready into dollars, according to Park Det. Collin LaLonde. ' rector. The Grosse Pointe Public LI. will have his usual annual ob. to Wear Eye Make.up. It's an eye that looks wide They can be traded, especially by a person addicted to 12:15 p.m. Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon braries have materials, both in servam:e of Beethoven's birth. open, innocent. Less obviously laden with make-up. book and audio-visual form. on day which should reach new More subtle, more polished in its approach to make. drugs, for narcotics. and Meeting. Beetboven. Perhaps your choice heights. 1 wish I knew what he up. Discover how easy it is to have the .beautiful Addicts! he said, have been known, as arrest records • 7:3~ p.~. Grosse Poi~te Theatre A~ard~ Meeting. • will be a l:lography. There is has In mind. and confesslOns bear out, to exchange stolen goods val- 7.3, . 11.30 p.m. MO~le Rock. MOVle 7 .3~ p.m., fol. BEETHOVEN by Paul Bekker, So now I thInk:: I'll go bome . 1970 eye at Trail Apothecary, 121 Kercheval. Ask uedat hundreds of dollars, for '30 or $40 worth of lowed at 9.30 by Danc~. $1.25 10 advance, Jobn Burk's THE LIFE AND and pull out some Beethoven for the new very helpful booklet. ______I recordings. I th.it1kI could use heroin, or othPf hard drugs. $1.50 a~ door .. ID requlred. . . . .• 8:00 p.m. Memorial Brtdge for Begmners - Carrle an evening of the Ninth Sym. • • CAR ENTERED , Still Time •.. to catch the show at Mr. Sheri. Even lf the burglar is not a drug addlct, LaLonde Kiley Instructor . phony-or perhaps the "Erol. Mr.. Joan M. Bevington, ca.n dan - Books, 81 Kercheval. Florence Seeley's oil pointed out, anything he takes and converts into cash, ,'. paintings of landscapes, still llle and portraits will Is all "gravy" as far as the robber is concerned. , Tu..esd~y, June 30 16863 SI. Paul. called City p0- lice on Sunday, Julie 20, to , MONEY 1lDSSING ." be exhibited through June 30. If you have a post LaL0!1de said that it is appalling how many residents • 9:00 and l~t~c~o~' Art Camp I-Robert Conaway. In. report a larceny from her car. card or a picture of a favorite spot you have visited, She told officers 'that hllr Richard Kay, director of leave,thelr garage d~rs o.pet;l." S,ome of th~ worst of' • 9:00 a.m. LandslOape Painting and Drawing-Carol nephew. Joe Collins, parked the Community Servieel, complain. she can reproduce it. fenders ar~ people ~lv1Og m cornerh~uses, whose ga. ".' ..' Wald.' Instrudtor. ' car In her garage behind the 'ed to F.rm. police on Twlday, ' rages are 10 plain Vlew, not set back hke others down .10:00 a.m. Service Guild for Children's' Hospital. terrace apartments at 11:30 June 16, that someone entered . Here's An Opportunity.. . . for the right per. the street. 11:30 a.m. Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-Gin p.m. the previous night. and his office In the Grosee Pointe son. A well.known Grosse Pointe beauty' salon has . "It takes only a few seconds to get out of a car Rummy. when he returned to it on Sun. South High SChOOlAnnex, 'lld an opening for.a ha~ dresser with a clientele. A after taking it out of the garage, close and lock the 12:00 noon Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe- day morning he diacovered took $90 from a locked filing spacIous booth is avallable on a rental or commis- that an AM/FM portable radio cabinet. He dLscovered the Slon basis. Call TUxedo 1-6833. garage door, and get back behind the wheel." the de. Bridge. had been removed from the money missing when he went to tective said. "The same applies when returning home 12:30 p.m. Landscape Painting and Drawing-Carol glove compartment, and a pana. the cabinl!t to get the money to and putting the car in the garage. Just a few seconds Wald, Instructor. sonic tape recorder removed. put in the bank. He la.t saw the You Don't Need ... •an occasion to enjoy din. of the householder's time, that's all. could save the loss 1:00 p.m. Senior M.en's Club of Grosse Pointe- Total value of the missing Items cash on Friday, June 12. he ner at the Bronze Door, 123 Kercheval. Just call of valuable property." Pinochle. was $160. told the authorities. 886-1931 for a reservation to relax and dine in an LaLonde repeated' a request voiced many times by 6:30 p.m. Ki~a~is Club of ~rosse Pointe. elegant a~l';losphere. While yo~'r~ enjoying the police everywhere. 1£ you see anything suspicious in • 7:00 p.m. Palntmg All Media-Carol Waldo Instruc. superb CU1sme, you'll love the lilt10g melodies by harpist Harvey Griffen. ytlur neighborhood, or hear any noise. or have good • tor. .' . THE cause to feel something is suspicious, call police imme' 7:00 p.m. D~phcate Brldge-Mrs. Marvm Bourget, • diately. Do not turn on any lights, or call out, but phone • Dlrect~r. . the authorities and let police officers do the investi. 7:00 p.m .. Sca!1dmavlan Smor~asbord. .'

... Thursd.y, June 25, 1970 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen Mrs. Daniel L. Skubick Married Skubick-T ullke Rites. Celebrated June 20 Belgian lace and Clusters of Pearls Accent Bride'.s Peau de Soie Gown; Attendants Wear Pink . Silk Frocks with leghorn Hats Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church was th4l setting for the wedding of Elaine Claire Tullke and Dal). iel Lewis Skubick Saturday, June 20. Dr. Andrew A. Zaun officiated at the rites which we're followed by Q reception in the Fries Ballroom of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. ".------. WOMEN'S Iron of honor and bridesmai4s The bride is the daughter were ~Irs, George ~(esrey, 1Ilrs. of Mrs. Clarence R. Tullke, Terry :'litchell and the bride. of Devonshire road, and the groom's sister, Gail Skubick. late Mr. Tullke. H a r 0 I d They wore pink silk princess From Another Pointe Short and to Tullke, the bride's uncle. gowns with Icghorn hats and • ! escorted her down the aisle. carried an arm bouquet or va . .A reception al the Golden. The bridegroom is the son rious gardcn flowers, The Pointe Lion followed the !1alurday, f M d MM' L Dr, Benson Hursl acled IS of View June 20. wedding of JILL ALl. 0 ~. an rs. arVIn . best man. ,Ushering were Mar. SON HART, of Ridgemont SkublCk, of Lothrop road. vin Faust, James ~lielke and By Janet Mueller MRS. JEWEL ROBINS, of road. daughter of Mrs. Richard The bride wore a gown 0; can. Dal'id Wood. .... """'" Nottingham road, has just re- Newkirk, of Harper y.'oods, and dlelight peau ~e soie embroid. Both mothers selected pink turned from a visit wilh her Frank Hart, of Farmmgton. and ered wllh Belgian lace and clus. silk wool worsted dresses with To many people June means graduations . . . de- son, DR. JOHN C. ROBINS. sta. Larry J.aml~s Culby, son of the I ~crs.of pe~rls and a iull lenglh I beaded necklines and carried tioned at the U.S. Naval Hos. James J. Culbys, of Benlon illUSion veil. She also wore an cymbidium orcllids. . buts ... weddings .•. but to the residents of The Thomp' pilal In Naples. Italy. John is Harbor. Iheirloom broach, a wedding girt . ' son Home its that Red Letter Month when their Board a captain in the U.S. Navy. . from the bridegroom The newlyweds are plannl(lg of Trustees entertains at the annual June Luncheon in • • • Officiatlllg at the 5:30 o'clock I' . 1 Caribbean cruise vacation. the Crystal Ballroom of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. rites in' Grosse Pointe Memor. She carricd a bouquet or pink IThey will make their home in .HAnRY J. CHANCEY. JR., ial Church for which th~ bri?e roses: miniature carnations and Ann Arbor where the br!de. As the Thompson Home ladies stepped from their son of MR. and MRS. HARRY selected a full length white silk baby sbreath. groom will continue ;\(edlcal J. CHANCEY, of Grand Marais chartered bus last Friday they were greeted by mem. Pllolo by Paul Gaeh organza' gown with pink ribbon Mrs. David Wenzler was ma. ISchool. boulevard, has been graduated bers of the board including Mrs. George E. Cartmill, of drawn through the lace at her ------_ sun:ma cum laude from Michi. ELAINE CLAIRE TULLKE and Mr. Skubick, son sleeves and neckline, and a Touraine road, president, the Mesdames Ferdinand gan State University with a of the Marvin L. Skubicks, of Lothrop road, spoke Cinelli, Martin Heyclen, S. Wells Utley, Joseph M. Dodge, short illusion veil was The I Bachelors degree in Psychology. their marriage vows Saturday, June 20, in Jefferson Reverend Richard Mitchell. H. Lynn Pierson and many others. Harry has been accepted into Aveune Presbyterian Church. The bride is the daugh. Among the ladies who came out from the Home was Phi Beta Kappa and has been She was attended by her half. This is a soissors. ter of Mrs, Clarence R. Tullke, of Devonshire road, sister Cheryl Hart, whose long I Miss Lutie Bachtell, with 95 years of living behind her, forma lIy presented with the key representing membership in the and the late Mr. Tullke. frock was fashioned of yeUow It cuts hair. And how well hair is cut determines how a Thompson resident for more than 20 yeats of them, national honor society. He is chUfon. Michael L. CuIby served well hair selS and how long a set IaSlS. A scissors must who happily greeted her friends on the board, many of presently working toward a cation. Listed in "Students' ma Sigma, (election to Beta as his brother's best maD. cut with your hair, nevcr against it. A scissors must whose families she has known for years. Masters degree at Michigan Who's Who in America" in 1969 Gamma Sigma is the highest The bride's mother wore a cut enough, but nc\'cr too much. "'c use a scissors Mrs. George Hefferan was responsible for the party State. he has been active in the Col. scholastic honor a student in short pink silk dress with a this way-skillfully and sparingly. And W~ gClllc:luti. arrangements. She was assisted by Mrs. Robert McKean, • lege of Pharmacy's Drug Abuse Business Administration can matching coat while tJte bride- Program which sends student Mrs. Harold Tyree, Mrs. Jenness Newcomb and Mrs. WILLIAM TUCKER, of the 'win: Only the top 10 percent groom's mother selected a shorl ful"results. Like to see? Wc'd love to ShOH}'ou. and faculty speakers to area of those graduating are elig. Vernor Davis. City of Grosse Pointe Fire De. pink crepe costume. partment, and HARRY Mc. schools. ible for selection); JAMES J. The punch table and luncheon tables were covered OLDANI, of Kensington road, COL.\f and D~NIEL HEALY, of • • at the with deep rose c10thll and centered with pink geraniums. the Shores Fire Department, Ca;,Jtain ANDREW D. AMER. Sigma Iota Epsilon. Manage- And on the tables, ae each resident's place, was a charm- SON, son of RICHARD K. ment honorary fraternity; and where she will be a junior in were awarded certificates for the fall, daughter of the WIL- ing ceramic rose.breasted baby robin, crp.ation of a tal' satisfactory completion of a AMERSON, of Roosevelt place, KENNETH B. STANLEY, of was one of 58 graduates of the LIAM J. O'DONOGHUES, of ented local artict. fivti.day Bas I c Firemanship Merriweather road, Omicron 56th Basic Class at The Judge Delta Epsilon, Economics honor Bedford road, attended Alpha The robins were the residents' to keep, to remind Training Workshop recently at the Civil Defense llnd Disaster Advocate G.eneral's School in society. Phi's 48th biennial cOllvention them throughout the year of this very festive, happy Charlottesville, Va. in Dallas, Tex., June 12 through Training Center of The Univer. • 17. Deidre, who pledged Alpha party. sity of Michigan: • • • TERRY W. ALLEN, of Ridge. MARY CHRISTINE STARRS, Phi in 1969, has been active on • • • • • • mont road. bas received his the btaff of the , Graduated from EndIcott Jun. daughter of MR. and MRS. Bachelor of Philosophy degree A Good Reason For A Party J U. 0( 1!1.'s yearbook, and will ior College. Beverly, Mass., JOHNR. STARRS, of Kensing. From Thomas Jefferson College That cocktall party bosted yesterday by Raymond ton rOLJ, has been accepted for serve as its sports co-editor June 13 were SUSAN C. HESS. of General Studies, Grand Val. next year. Dykema, of Lothrop road, and Mr. and Mn. Wendell of Harvard road, and MARY L. admission at Wilson College, a ley State College, and plans to Bart Edmond C. Goddard, of Provencal road, honored the Board of four-year college for women at • WOOD, of Renaud road, a Jun. study Theology at Boston Uni. ,Receiving a Bachelor of Sci. ior Aide Of Ebinger Hall who Chambersburg, Pa, I'ersity in the fall. Beauty Salon Trustees and the Advisory Board of the Detroit Com. ence in Industrial Management munlty Music School, (formerly tbe Detroit Music Set- was named to the Dean's List. • • • • GROSSE POINTE WOODS DOWNTOWN Pointer JOHN S. EATON, an • from Georgia Institute of Tech. 21316 Meek Ave. 45 E. Adoms tlement Schooll. • • • DEIDRE O'DONOGHUE, pres. Education major. has received nology June 13 was JAMESM. Mr. Goddard is compleUng bJs fint year as presl' NANCY ABBS, daughter of ident of Theta Chapter of Al- NEVERGOLD, of Country Club 886.6060 WO 2-1112 .- bJ MR. and MRS. J. K. ABBS, of his Bachelors degree from the Thursday ond Fridoy evenings by appointment dent of the Board of Truseest an d will con twue s Cadieux road, has been grad. University of Montana. pha Phi International fraternity drive. duties for anoUier year. uated from Miss HaU's School • • • Mr. Dykema is an bonorary member of the trustees' for Girls' in Pittsfield, Mass. Among 90 outstanding high board. . She will attend Michigan State school students who have won Among the honoree.guests were Pointers'Dr. and University in September. scholarships for the Second An- Mrs. Richard D. Anslow, the Andrew W. Bam, Mr. and • • • nual Summer Science Institute Mrs. Mark Ethridge, Jr., Mrs. Edsel B. Ford, F. Clifford Among. those receiving Bach. at Lawrence Institute of Tech. h Willi Y G rds elor of Arts degrees at Colby 'Dology are ROY I. WEIDIG, a Ford, Jr., the Edward FrohUch~, t e .Im i. • .' College's June 7 commencement Grosse Pointe South High School . the Nathan B. Goodnows, the Carl B, Grawns, Miss Anna exercises!", .. Grosse Pointe Uni. 11th grader who will study S. Husband, the School's director, Jerome E. J. Keane, versity School alumna MARY Physics, son of MR. and MRS. Lookingforward to fall the Arnold Lungershausens, the Clayton C. Purdys, Jr" M. STEPHENS. who majored THOMAS 'H. WEIDIG, of T!lree the Donald M. D. Thurbers, Mrs. James K. Wat~ and in Economics, daughter of MRS. Mile drive, and University.Lig. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrigbt; III. .. '. i ELIZABETH STEPHENS, of gett 11th grader GEORGE AL. • • • Mapleton road. LEN SILVIS, JR., who will stu. • • • dy Chemistry, son of MR. and Another Good Reason For A Party WILLIAM CORNELLIS, of MRS. GEORGE A. SILVIS, of Friends are most welcome to drop by the University A I i n e drive, has received St. Clair Shores. place home of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric A. Richner, Jr., July Wayne State University College . .. . of Pharmacy's Medical Arts Michigan S tat e University Mrs.John Huntington returned to New York (Continued on Page 24) Pharmacy award for superior Graduate School of Business work in dispensing aDd out. AdminiStration students recent. standing academic achievement Iy initiated into national schoo and a Mead-Johnson Laborato. lastic honoraries include JOHN to completethe Fall Buy and ries llI'ant for undergraduate F. BEDDOW, of Moran road, research, presented at Wayne's and ROBERT L. BIERLEY, of June Pharmacy Honors Convo. Country Club drive, Beta Gam. CONTINUING OUR to assure\ earlier than, ever deliveries SUMMER UP TO Our Style Show Schedule includes: r Sept. 10 at the Grosse Pointe Yacht CII,b SALE! OFF Sept. 30 at Oakland Hills

Oct. 22 at the Grosse Pointe Yacht CIr,b BRAS U,P misses' &j ior dresses and}eb. 17, 1971 $24 $33 TO were $ 152 GIRDLES at the Women's Village Club lightweight ats & suits Bloomfield Hills $40 t $55 FOUNDA liONS OFF were S 0$80 • -DRESSES LINGERIE Yes.' We are projecting into the next year which we -SUITS SPORTSWEAR are confident will be a fashionable one.' -COSTUMES Specially -COCKTAIL DRESSES P,iced

all sales final

Jbt .bop' of Jht sbop'sof

3 Kercheval Ave., at Fisher Road 16910 Kercheval Avenue W"lton..Pictrcct Punch and Judy Block lmlnI • 51. CIIIr em. r.- Walton.J'i~rCt Washington Blvd" Detroit III Illn lII1 s-.l I", TU 1.1505 KercMval at SI. Clair Grosse Paillte alId OIIr new store 21&1 SOIIIffSe1 lbU Tray


~L_-- -..__= •. ~ Page Fourteen GROSSE P01NTE NEWS l1Iursd.y. June 25, 1970

,Women's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women ------_._._-_. __ ._-_ .._------tions. She is the Ilranddaughler Foods executive based in Syd. June, Loring was honored at a of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry ney. dance given by (our grandpar. I Mrs, Charles C. Haffner I III I Bride-Elect I ,Miss Clark Speaks L. Newnan, o( Grosse Pointe, Loring made her debut in ents (or their three granddaugh. and of Mrs. Longycar Palmer, June, 1968, at a tea given by her lers, of \Vashington road. mother in their home where her Four members of Hoy's (am. I Her maternal great-grand. engagement to Roy was an. i1y, his parents, his aunt Miss Vows In St. Paul's father, Dr. Howard \V: Long. nouneed Saturday, June 13, at a Marguerite \Vinkles and his sis. year, served for many years as party given by her parents for ter Lauric Ann, who will serve Chief of Starr at Harper Hospi. :Becomes Bride of Charles Christian Haffner, Ill, at a small group of the engaged as olle of Loring's bridesmaids, tal in its early days. Her great pair's friends, will be comio" to The Pointe ~ Afternoon Ceremony Friday; Couple Will greal.grandfather was J 0 h n During her debut year, also in for the wedding. Wesley Longyear, first District '. Reside. in Chicago ----_ ..------Judge of Southeastern Michi. :~ lt1r. and Mrs. Charles Christian Haffner, III, are gan. :"acalioning in the Virgin Islands following their marri. lIer Grandfather Newnan was age Friday afternoon, June 19, in Saint.Paul.on.the-Lake. i a prominent executive and vice. BILL BRYANT shore. Monsignor Frank McPhillips officiated at the riles' president of the Detroit Insur. lot State Representafiye which preceded a reception at the Country Club of. ance Agency, where her father Detroit. ,------..----- ' today is a vice-prl'sident. REPUBLICAN - FIRST DISTRICT Itron of honor. Mary Ann Bourke Roy's falher is a General ~ The form~r Anne peron-I was maid o( honor, Brirlesmaids '. neau Clark is the daughter were :\!rs. Henry T. Chandler: :Of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer and :\Irs. Irving W, Clllburn. i :Anthony Clark, of Grosse both from Lake Forest, and i Poi n t e boulevard. The :\1rs. John M. Ke~logg, from! bridegroom is the son of Se.atlle, Wash., all sIsters of the i Deneral Charles Christian b~ldegroom, L~ura Chandle~, I :111',and lIlrs, William Loring f mece of the bridegroom, Patrl ,Haffner, Jr" 0 Lake For-I cia Fitzgerald, o( Denver. Col., Newnan. of Washington road. est, Ill., and the late Clar- Mrs. William P. Hodgkins, Jr., r--- have announced the engage. jssa Donnelley Haffner, of Chicago, Ill., Priscilla :'Ior. ment of thei" daughter, LOR- , The bride wore an Empire man and ;o,lary Waterman. (rom ~own of peau de soil' wilh ac- Palo Alto, Cal. ING MUNRO, to Roy Stanton cents o( Alencon lace. Her iI. Phoebe Ch&ndler and Claris- Winkles. son of Mr. and Mrs. lusion veil fell from a coronet sa Colburn, both nieces of the John Stanton Winkles. o( Syd. pf heirloom Rosepointe lace and bridegroom from Lake Forest, ney. Auslralia, formerly of she carried a bouquet o( gar. wer'.! junior bridesmaids. Irvington.on-Hudson, N. Y, - ~enias with stephanotis and iI'y, William P. Hodgkins, Jr .• aCI-I: An August wedding is plan- : Her attendants wore floor cd as best man. Serving as ush- length aqu1 c!lifCon dresses ac. ers were Anthony Clark, broth. ned, aner which the newlyweds hnted with matching Ii n e n er of the bride, from New York, will return for thei~ senior year f bands and velvet hats. They N.Y., Henry T. Chandler, Irv. at Turts University. Loring is a tarried bouquets of field flow- ing W. Colburn, John M. Kel. At an afternoon ceremo~y Friday, June 19, in student at Tufts' Jackson Col- ers. logg, Henry T, Chandler, Jr., lege, : Mrs. James P. Waters, of the bridegroom's nephew. Kent Saint Paul's.on-the.Lakeshore ANNE PERONNEAU "SHIRnt«i .THE Issur' Lake B1uH, m., serl'ed as ma- S. Clow, Jr., Wesley M. Dixon, CLARK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anthony 'I , She attended Grosse Pointe Clark, of Grosse Pointe boulevard, and Mr. Haffnel:, University School and was son of General Charles Christian Haffner, Jr., of Lake graduated from The Maslers The on-coming season's Forest, 111.,and the late Clarissa Donnelley Haffner, School, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. She nevy look , ... the stripe were married. Is a member of Sigma Gamma WATCH Association, shirt in bold or subdued Jr.. and William C, Pullman, ITea Dance Bo'w Roy was graduated from The all from Lake Forest. I' , Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, patterns .. , pointed col- Conn., and expecls to receive REPAIRING Other ushers were Stewart S. For Miss Vfllk a Bachelor of Arts from Tufts lar, French or barrel cuffs Dixon, of Chicago, Donald V. this January_ A_ Earnshaw. of Greenwich, in easy-care e a s y-w ear We repair all fine Conn" Theodore G, House, of Bright colors. the debutante's Loring's family on both sides Payson, Ill., Cornelius B. Ken. favorites, keynoted the lea have been prominent in the fabrics ... watches as well as nedy. o(~leLean, Va., Kenneth dance Friday afternoon, June civic, professional and business F Nebenzahl, of Glencoe, lll., and 19, at which 1IIr. and Mrs. life of Detroit for three genera- Chronographs and Chronometers. another nC?hew of the bride- Roberl E. Valk presented their groom, Edward Chandler. daughter Marie to society, ~our more ne~he~s o( the -Bowls filled with mulli.color. bridegroom we~e Jumor ushers. ed flowers were placed in the ~~'~~i~'~~~~~.J~~~~~llI . ..r They were Oliver Colburn, of I Valks' Renaud road living room \I,,~llll'rj~I'hl Ih~1 "ill ke"l' Lake Forest, and Gaylo~d, Char. where Marie. in a heavy while a lull, oIr".,,,.d ~dull ~1l11"1. les and Mathew KelJoog, from collon midi by Geoffrey Be ne ItI,'~1':1' \ l'~r-roLJ IIti "illd. Seattle. 'her waisl circled' witt, a :id~ hn'"k ..r [o~ Oil "r "11,1",,,' The bride's mother seJ."ded beaded belt, and. her parenls "ear. \m ,. ur 1"lefllal i(H\~1 an apricot silk dress and coat greeted thclr guests. Orange. \1"1]: \\"ollle,,: S.),). Valente with a matching bow. Amazon The deb carried hp.f father's ChildreIl il-I:! 81'>. lilies were attached to her gift bouquel of mixed flowers. JEWELERS purse. The bridegroom's mother wore a pale green silk dress Her m~~r ~~e a ~re~ Sin~e 1934 lenglh dress of multi.colored and matching coat and chose chiffon featuring long sleeves 16601 EAST W,A.RREN TEL: TU 1-4800 an orchid corsage. and a matching scarf. The newlyweds will make SOMERSET MALL their heme in Chicago. Dancing, in a large while tent IIRMINGHAM in the garden where ice cream 101 Townsend Troy tables were covered wilh bri;:ht ANN AUOk cloths and cenlered with bou- GkOSSE POIMTEFA~S mE. Liberly quets of brighl flowers, was to 76 KercheVAl the music of Jack Qualey and WESTGATE WOODVIllE MAtl ,Ann Arbor's Floating Opera. Toledo Tol,40 I Another Popular I James A. Valk. his sister's head usher, was assisted by the Bruee T. Barit. M. Christopher ship's wheel, in~. J~ Ware, Donald N. Sweeney. III, 19601 MAC K TU 2.1340 .. Robert E. Ford and Patrick OPEN OAI1. Y , TO • S.t. till S p.lIt. . HANDS-DOWN Storey, of Cleveland, O. SALE

D'you B@linningJune 25th Know rh.#.? fiy Paul Schweitzer

Evcr wOllder hew BANKS always seem to radiate a mood o( dignity? How upon visiting one, you somehl)1V Summer Merchondise get the feeling you're in a ALL Temple? TIle relation of Banks to Temples is not as far fetched Reduced - But Good! as you might suppose. Did you know that the very idea of Banking originated in Ihe ancil'nt temples o( Babylon? tip for the new bride: There arc records of loans carefree vinyl is the key to m"de by the priests of Baby- lon as early as 4000 B.C. i You know how disappointed E,'en later, in Greece, and in gracious indoor-outdoor entertaining. Rome, Ihe priests handled you were last time - because financial mailers much like on embossed Vinyl tablecloth by Sleoter, our Banks of today . .you waited too long. 'l'hey stored double.bordered by matching nylon lace Ihat odds elegance 10 any lable valuables In the i r arch. setting, .wfpes clean With a damp cloth and has a Iionnel backing lor ives and chan~ed money, They ~' non.sl,p safely. .the perleci gilt 10' 0 bride s new home. While, exlended~ loans on col. @1 green or yellow. 52 x52 square, $5. 52 x70 oblong, $6. lateral. jusl like our Banks - ,)'0\1 know. willing to Icnd )'011 moncy; if 60 )(80 oblong. $8. 68 found $8. 60 x90 oblong, $9. )'OU ran prove )'OU rlon't touch of elegance rl'ally nl'cd it! \Vhl'n you need l'xpl'rt ad. I'icc on Rl'al Estate Proh. lems f('lv 01\ SCIIWETTZER REi\!, E-STATE, 21300 Mack colonial feder.1 building A,'f' ... , PilON":: 886-4200, Jacob SonS ancl IB530 Mark Av(' .. _ . Store for the Home J PHONE: B86.1270. Fcrl frl'r, 63 K••eh••• I.oo.'h ••hill • gross. poio•• f•• m. • 886.3781 10 ron,~II1t with liS on any ! J prohll'm.

:..:~;::::::;;~;;::::::::;~ ~.+ ...."""'''''''~--'';~~

• I t .. .: '.,Jr.,.'/: ", .. GROSSE POINTE NEWS Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes . Welch.W estrick Sacred Heart, Bloomfield Hills, I Mrs. Martin F:. Welch, Jr., of Mrs. Robert L. Duley Troth Told and will receive her degree Anita avenue, Is an alumnus Robert Louis Duleys Rites Planned from the University of Detroit I of St, Paul's ~nd was gradu. in August. I ated from the University of De. Her fiance, son of Mr. and troit in May. The engagemenl oC Ann e I --- '.. . , -.- -- . - -" Vacation In South Mary Westrick and Martin Ed-I ward Welch. III, has be.:'n an- Claudia Jo Ladendorf Selech Rosepointe Lace and nounced by her parents, Mr. BILL BRYAN.I Peau de Soie Gown for June 20 Ritos and Mrs. Raymond T. Wes.' trick, of Pleasant Ridge.' lor State Representati'(e in Star of the Sea Chu"h The bride.elect was gradu-, REPUBLICAN - FIRST DISTRICT ated from the Academy of the 1. ... Wearing ~ Rosepointe lace and peau de soie gown and a Rosepomte Cathedral veil Claudia Jo Ladendorf, ------,---_ .._----- ._- -_ ..- "------of Wayburn avenue, spoke her marriage vows to Robert Louis Duley, of Royal Oak, Saturday, June 20. She held a gathered, old-fashioned bouquet of spring flowers. Father Robert Gardella ~..~----. ----- XJl.~e[!Jnde officiated at the ceremony A., Clapp, Linda Horen,. of in Our Lady Star of the Brighton.. and. Margaret Ploch Sea Church. A champagne were bridesmaids. !#;Mn .Y&it !#amt'ly dinner at the Detroit Ath. They wore Emplr~ frocks oC l~tic Club followed the :t~~~;d;ar~r::n~:ts w~~~ ~:~[e~ ntes. straw baskets {\ll~d with yel. Claudia is the daughter of low daisies, baby's-breath and '. , .. ~,,';~ii!!@i'i;,:8&\'1;8.f;:£.1 Mr. a/ld Mrs. Bernard Charles ivy. Mr. add Mrs. George Nayf tadendorf, II, oC Harper Woods, Ronald Russell, the bride- Bashara, of Balfour road, are formerly. of Broadstone road. groom's cousin, from Flint, was announcing the engagement of Robert IS the son of :'Ir. and best man. Serving as ushers their daughter, CAROL ANN, Mrs. Harlan L, Duley. of Flint. were Ralph Russell, another to Tobias George, oC Detroit, The bride's sister, IIlrs. Char. cousin. of Grand Blanc, William son of the late Mr. and Mrs. les. Doherty, served as matron Perkins, of Swartz Creek, Char. Tobias George. They plan a of honor. :'Irs. Dale Holton, of les Doherty and Peter J. Blick, December wedding. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Nadine or Cadillac. Miss Bashara was graduatlld i;"lm1'.~~,:::::",~~;;m,'WIfff.!:::i'@.1hou:n, YO'/leece Je't:lce (jll:efu'eee sleeved dress, belted at the recommend a successor to Pres. filiated with Tau Kappa Epsi. waist.. Both ladies chose cym- ident VICTOR F. SPATHELF, Ion fraternity. tzlrue ae((t,Jlff) fill Jix, /2J'J'. f/(uJbatc!l /11't'CO!c'Jt avaitdu. bidium orchid corsages. due to retire December 15, is After their vacation in Fort Pointer ROBERT GEHA, a Lauderdale and New Orleans, sophomore in the School of Busi. La., the couple will make their Dess and president of the All. Fall Bride horne in Royal Oak. College Student Government. THE SIGN :JE MERMAID 1J1rau 1Kitlau~'.!i rrrrr 75 KERCHEVAL on the HILL Needlepoint «\ Knit Shoppe Phone TU 2-1610 GROSSE POINTE 9~,?vt ORIGINAL cYuperb Continental CUL'sine NEEDLEPOINT DESIGNS Dininll RllDm Open Sundar 2 p.m, ifj! 10 p.m. • Crewel ~~~W1Jmlf:miJ1i&'t' COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR: • Hook Rugmaking BANQUETS, WEDDING RECEPTIONS, • Knitting Yarns CLUB MEETINGS, COCKTAILS, • Crocheting Yarns COFF'EE SHOP, - Free Instructior.s - BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS 881-5085 Ir:::y.::g&~W;~::1~ 31301 .GRATIOT :i::::~ (at 13 MUe. RoseviUe ) A September wedding Is II I !Il behlg planned by SANDRA 10 Min. Away From All The Pointes 1J1rau iKitlaun's GAIL SHINER and Timothy For Reservations - 293.4500 Earl Goltz, son of Mr. and Mrs. ~ ~ early SUMMER vacation "! Needlepoint & Knit Shoppe Earl Goltz, of H8rper Woods, ~! Open 7 Days Open 'Til 2 A.M. woose eni~lIement has been ) .:~~j 16115 Mock Ave. Bet. Devonshire and Bedford announced by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shiner, of Roslyn road. Four Couzens so ... I Bow At Lunch SALE The Country Club of Detroit was the setting for the large luncbeon given Tuesday, Jun8 Outlined Hand.Quilted Floral Print Bedspread! 16, by Mrs. Gerard R. Slattery. of Lakeshore road, to Introduce II;/'1 'Wi Ifour of her granddaughtere. Anne ond Carol Couzens, daugh. :fr I~I ters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twin size. . .now $35. Full size..... now $45 • ~rl ;~ Couzens, Jr., of Lothrop road, ;:;::: :::~ and Kathleen and Jerl Ann Couzens of the James Couzens, Queen size. .now $50. King size..... now $60 • II, of Blrmlnaham, to society... Pink, white and yellow snap- dragon arrangements centered the tables covered with pastel A v ivacious flowering of colorful blossoms, buds, cloths in the Club's Great Hall and on the terrace, where each and foliage screenprinted on combed colton table was shaded by a pastel STOREWIDE SUMMER umbrella. sateen with a mini-core permanent press Mrs. Slattery, In a pink and green.trlmmed white cotton dress, received with the Couz. finish ... machine wash-and-dry bedspreads ens cousins in the Club's Frendl .foom. fluff-filled with polyester, quilted with Carol wore a pink linen Crock Soon weCLEARANCEwill be taking our va- with long organdy sleeves, Ann lock.stitched hond.guided outlining. cation, but before we do we in- NOW UP TO • long.sleeved blue linen frock. tend to clear our stocks, so that Jerl.Ann's green organdy dress we may open the New Fall Blue or gold combinalions. and Kathie's salmon pink one were identical. Season with everything that is fresh, and new ... so we have put c1e..rance prices on Coats, OFF Sui t s, Dresses, Costumes, GARDENSENSE Knits, Sportswear and acces- ories ... and A 20 cent phone call -Many by famous designers more will do more to pull -f'.NJny for immediate wear -Many in lengths to be worn your flower garden later out of tbe rut of medl. -And all at important savings ~racy thin a bag ilf fertilizer, three garden All sales (inal, no approvals or C,O,O.'s I;.:~,~ books, and a good cry. diN Stop fussing and dial i~'. 463.0164 and talk It fashion is over wlth- I ~t~..~ DOAK'S If ",.; lhe ~;* FlOWERlAND Jacob SonS GARDENS 78 Kercheval on the Hill Grosse Pointe (,1 Store for the Home 43678 N, GRATIOT MT. CLiMENS Phone HO 3.01604 • dl~ • c

Page Sixt•• n GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 25, 1970 Women's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women and Bette Pauline Durham, PhlUp David Jursek, a 19571 was conCerred the degree of of Wa~'ne State Universily in the bridegroom's s i s t e r, Mrs. Robert L. D'urham gradl:ate of Au,Un High and Doctor of Philosophy in Mass this year's commencement exer. Miss Cotter Married were bridesmaids. formerly oC Wedgewood Drive, Communications by the faculty cises, held June 20 at Cobo Hall. The bride's gown was o£ candlelight peau de soie with appliques of lace and pearls. To Robert L. Durham Her chapel length train was ap. pliqued with crystal beads .and ,~ Newlyweds Will Make Home in Nashville, Tenn., while pearls and she wore an antique Bridegroom Completes Work for his Ph.D. lace mantilla. She carried a nosegay of baby's.breath and in Psychology at Vanderbilt University white roses. A garden reception at the Cotter home followed the Her attendants wore green • wedding of Lee Ellen Cotter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dotted. Swiss Empire dresses trimmed with white ric.rac Io'rank Davison Cotter, of Rivard boulevard, and Robert around their hems. necklines Lewis Durham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Durham, and shepherdess sleeves They 100 NEW SUMMER DRESSES of New York. N.Y., Saturday, June 20, Mr. Richard had green velvet ribbons trim. Mitchell officiated at the afternoon rites in Grosse med with white (Jowers and ivy Pointe Memorial Church. in their hair and carried bou- Eve Cottcr served as her !~onor- ParMla.-~i; quets of white carnations and iI'y. sister's maid of hono!'. Mrs, I from H~ddenfield, N.J,: Best man was Charla; E. Oz. Richard S, Lord was matron I Virginia Ives, Laura Levant zello, of Washington, D.C. Donald Stephen Buck, from Lake Forest. Ill.. James C. Roby, of Rolling Meadows, m., David Charity, of Middletown, N.Y., Richard Larson, of Boul. del, Col., James Rice Price and Mark A. Price, both from Co- Friday and Saturday Only lorado Springs, Col., served as ushers. Mrs. Cotter wore a re.em. broidered coral lace coat and matching sleeveless dress. Mrs. Selected from our ". Durham chose a pale iee green shantung ensemble with a Better Dress and Couture beaded neckline. Both mothers 6elected phalaenopsis orchid corsages. Departments ... all reflecting the newest Following a vacation at Mon. Pboto b, P.ul a.eh tego Bay, Jamaica, the newly- weds will make their home in Grosse Pointe Memorial Church was the setting fashion trends .. especially Nashville, Tenn.. while the for the Saturday, June 20, wedding of LEE ELLEN bridegroom completes work for COTTER, daughter of the Frank Davison Cotters, of chosen for our Grosse Pointe customers. his Ph.D, In psychology at Van. Rivard boulevard, and Mr. Durham, son of the Robert derbllt University. C. Durhams, of New York, N.Y. Out-of.town guests included Mr. and Mrs. David SChreiner, of Columbus, 0., Mr. and Mn. Christine Bows At Tuesday Tea GROSSE POINTE STORE ONLY '. James Luther, from Malvern, Pa .• IMrs. Marion MacDonald, It was a traditiOllllI lady tea grandmother alao wore a silk Kathleen MacDonald, Barbara debut given at Mr•. Lynn lie. ensemble. Reid and Norma Lazarus, all Naughton's Kenwood r 0 a d All arran,ement of mixed from New York City, Frederic home for granddaulhter Chris. pink and white flowers cen. L. Goeddel, from Wyoming, 0., tine H u d son McNaughton, tered the tea ta:ble, covered with and Melissa Kinne, from Cleve. daughter of 11M!. Jobn N. lie- I eJoth of embroidered ecru lin. land,O, Naughtons, or Edgemont Park, eD, and IITaDiementa of mixed Tuesday afternoon, June 18. ,arden flowers were scattered Grosse Pointe North High The three McNaughton ladles throulboot the bouae. Schoal recipient of the Grosse received iD Mrs. Lynn Me. Pointe Woman's Club Acbleve. Naupon's living room, In I RecelvlDg a Master of ArtJ ment Award, including a $300 miniature tree.t1anked alcove. degree In Guidance and Cowl. scholarship, is BEVERLY A. aeUng from BowliDi Green State BIST. of South Rosedale court, The debutante'. yellow 1In. Univenity JUDe 13 Wll!1 JANE feature edit'lr of North P'llnte, en dress wu sleeveIe... Her HUBBARD FRYMAN, daughter the school's newspaper, for the mother selected a s1eevelell of the GEORGE HVBBARDS, P36t tW'l years. blue.green dress of ei1k aad her of Neff road. . Watch Repairs EDWABD .'SKiI. CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER • 21 YEARS EXPERIENCE B (35,000 Watches Repaired) I-~(IS( )Il's • JEWELRY REPAIR and APPRAISALS ~h I(!i() ()f When You Need a Jeweler J 1« 'I'I( )f' I (\('Ol(diOIl KISKA JEWELERS 63 Kercheval . Colonial Federal IlIdg. 885.5755

THE STAFF If you're thinking of decorating or redecorating, we can put you into OF HUDSON'S the capable hands of a talented in- terior designer who will bring pro. INTERIOR fessionol objectivity and a fresh DECORATION viewpoint to your problems. One wh .. can plan '.10 entire home, odd IS AT YOUR color or function to a difficult corner, or odd to furnishitlgs you already SERVICE own. Phone for an appointment or come in to the Hudson's store nearest you and ask for a detailed brochure.

: 1 .. step into the thi,.d dimension and live adventurously with the GEOMETRIX COLLECTION by Martex ... designed for those I II special people who make everything they do on exciting adventure ... even bathing and toking a shower! The designs ore wild, the colors vibrant and the calion terry texture soft and luscious. A. "Ingress," in gold/red/block bordered by white. B. "Grillade" in charcoal/ebony. 27"x5.4" both towel, 5,50 1B"x32" hand lowel, 2.75 14"xI4" wosh cloth, $1.

C. "Parquet" in gold/hickory. D. "Cubano" in red/blue. E. "love Knots" in blue/red 2.4"x48" both towel, 3.50 16"x30" hand towel, $2. 13"xI3" wash cloth, .80 F. "Minorca" in green/turquoise. 24")(44" balh lowel, 2.50 16")(28" hand towel, 1,50 12")(12" wash cloth, .65 Jacob SonS GROSS}: POINT":: 20343 Mack Ave., TV 4.5885 BIRl\U:'-/GIf!l~: 999 S. lIunler Bhld,, Ml 7.2600 :,-/'WEST m:TIlOlT: 19449 W. McNichou, KE 2.3600 FACTORY: 5247 Grtlndv, Phone WA. 1.1000 VAN'S: 3 '.o~a\!on~: OJl(!n Mon" Thurs., &: fri. 'Tn 9 p,m.


777 n,ur.d.y, June 25, 1970 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P.~e Sevent.. " Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes '- The Re\'erend Leonard P. WaUace officiated at the THE FRANK RUGGlREL. DR. JOSE A. LOPEZ. son at Coard-Sweltlick LOS, at Vernier road, hosled Miss Kraienke Wed rites which were followed Mrs. William Zabicki MR. and MRS. LOPEZ LAOO, a Rehearsal Dinner on June 24 of Cayey, Puerto Rico. by I garden reception at Troth Revealed In honor of Ihelr bride elect the Krajenke home. niece MARY JEAN VARIO. To Captain Zabicki A lace bodice over1ald the Sliaron Ann Swelnlck and daughler of lhe JOSEPH VAR. Lile goes better for people bride'. Jullet .• tyled .. tin crepe Serlleant Thomas M. Coard have IOS, of Detroit, and her !lance, who lake things as they come. Mown. She wore a Cathedral let Augult 14 as the date for ------Donna Marie Krajenke, daughter of Mr. and Mra. length silk lIIullon veil and car. their wedding In Sl. John Fishel" Leonard Pius Krajenke, of Charlevoix avenue, and Cap. rled a garden b.. ket of white Chapel on the campul of Oak. I 14322 M.ek An. tain WilHam Benjamin Zabicki, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Ivory nowera. land Univerility. Benny P. Zabicki, of Port Washington, N.Y., exchanged Mrs. Carl Meier, Jr., served II her .Ister'. matron of honor. The brlde.elect, daughter of UPHOLSTERING CO. marriage vows at a morning ceremony in Saint Paul's. • Custom _ oll.the.Lakeshore Saturday, June 20. The brldellroom' •• Ister, Judith Mrs. F'rances Swetnlck, ol Rose. A. Zablckl, WII bridesmaid. ville, and Nick Swetnlck ,of REUPHOLSTERING & RESTYLING Each wore n long white gOWl1 printed wIth yellow flower •. The New Baltimore, attends Oak. - free pick up and d,lil)e~ dresses were sleeveless with land, Her flance, son of ~lr. • se/ecl tTom hundreds of fin, high rumed necklines In front and Mrs. David Coard, of Ani.: taoTlc, • cuslom made slip COVtr' ROSE-VILLA dlwlng Into deep back v's. ta avenue, Is slatloned at Clarki' James Clancy, of New York • guamnl"d • leTms aVIli/able All" Force Bue In The Philip. City, acted as besl man. Ben. FREE ESTIMATE~ - VA 2.96&:,0 Jamin P. Zabickl, the brIde. pinel wilh the 600th Air Force Nursing Center groom's brolher, ushered. Band. OVER 30 YfARS EXPERIENCE The bride's mother wore a pink chiffon frock and thl! Oi:. q=;;;:;:y bridegroom's mother selected a floral ensemble, also In pink. Bo~h wore cymbidium orchids. Following a vacallo", In the Outer Islands of Hawaii the W¥~~~ newlyweds will reside In the MassachuseUs area where the SURPRISE SALE bridegroom Is stationed with the \Y~ United States Army.

NANCY J. PI ESTER, daugh- Free Prize • • • A folding Wicker Chaise Lounge ter of MR. and MRS. JOHN W. PIE S T E R, of BucklnghClm SAT., JUNE 27th (for three houn only) road, was graduated from Wel. (FROM 12 NOON TO 3 P.M, ONLY) lesley College, all Saturday, June 6, receiving the Bachelor of Arts degree at the 92nd com. In Saint Paul's.on.the.Lakeshore Saturday morn. mencement held on the campus Confidence In Wellesley, Mass. ing, June 20, DONNA MARIE KRAJENKE, daughter r;lsocro r;l25'o r;l35cro . ... of the Leonard Pius Krajenkes, of Charlevoix avenue, is earned by carefuZ planning ------L.:-J off L.:-J off '-.:..-J eff . HAVE YOUR became Captain Zabicki's bride. He is the son of Mr. and Ml'S. Benny P. Zabicki, of Port Washington, N.Y. • Beautiful hornt-llke atmo.pher. LADIES! ~~~~~r::y AN EXPERT • Experl.nced, prof ••• lonal .laH 1 remodel old ;.w.lfll into Sarah Detwiler Bows June 17 IT]42;0CO2~:0 the lineat, lattlt 8t~lea. • Mo.rn Fully rflulpped Facility • Great Values III PI... Sarah Detwiler chose a IIhort In Iront of the Club'l lounge r------WICKU WORLD COUPON ------. with Climate Conlrolled Roollll DI...... , Witches white linen frock for the late fireplace, banked with yellow ... ell Gol" J.w.lry afternoon reception at the flower and butterly-trimmed NAME , , , , . Little Club Wedneeday, June artUlc1al tree., a flor.l theme We Be Pleased to Discuss Your Individual Requirement. 17, at which she wall pre.ented ADDRISS , ,.., ,.. wm I-HI GNtie W.teh R.,.lrln,1 repoated throughout the Club to 1I0cIety by her parent., Mr rooml, CITY STATE...... PHOlolE , , . "Minutes Awall From the Point.s" Ring. lized while ~ou walt and Mn. George A. Detwiler, WI"n., Will I. Selnt.d .t 4 P.M,-C,pollt COllpon .t SI.,. of Kenwood court. Six. of the deb', Wykeham Rise, Washington, Conn" cl.... YOU NnO NOT II PUSENT TO WIN The debutante carried her .... -- WICKER WORLD COUPON , , 25375 KELLYRD. (N. of T.n) ItDlIYIII.,Mich. 41066 Alf,.. E. ZI., m.t .. , housegueata of ber pa- J.w!., I ChJ.'llIlth f.ther'l gift bouquet of yellow ternal grandmother, Mn. Ward d.lslel, Mrs. Detwiler wor8 • Phone 773.6D22 16417 •. W.,,.,, TU 1-4910 A. Detwiler, were here for the OVER 3000 ITEMS IN WICKER AND RATTAN We buy old gold, Jewelry yellow afternO(jn drell. party. The trio received their gueets They were Lynl1a E.ton, of Westport, Conn., Gay Harlock. of Grosse Pointe er and Janet Creal man, of Dar. len, Conn., Joan Laplace, of 20643 MACK AVE. South of Vernier • GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL Westwood, N.J., Debbie Stand. PRESENTED BY ish, of West Hartford, Conn, PHOto'! 886-8469 HOURS: 9:30 to S:30 - Thll". 9:30 to 1:30 Women's Assodotion For The Detrcit Symphony Orch~stra and The Grosse and Julie Philips, of Fairfield Pointe Wcr Memorial Association to Btneflt The Detroit Symphony Orchestra County, Conn. Summer Festivol Orchestro J ULY 7th Conducted by Sixten Ehrllna For Reservations cnd Ticket Information Contoet The War Memorlol ot TU ).7511

Open ThursdlY and FrldlY Ev.nlnll

to 112OFF

We'",. a refreshing collection of

SALE spring and summer things to enloy Sportlwlar while thfHe's lols of summer left. Coordfnatu Youlll save on little evening looks, super sport things, town and travel

~ to Y3 off knits, lightweight wraps. A great time Regularly $16, to $38. to come to Hudson's Town & Country Shop,

Miss Hudson Shop, La Salle Room and Our entire stock of cool the Crystal Room, Downtown 7th with spectator coordinates, representative selections at Northland, now at savings ... pants, Eastland, Westland, Pontiac and Oakland. skirts, jackels and

blouses. predominontly

packable, carefree

traveling knits of

polyester in a

range of sty les

and colorings.

Sizes 8.16. JacobsoIlS in the Village

s sa a a moo a • -'-'_-4 _ ~--~-~~------"._----~"'-~!II-._"""-"""-"-."~-----~---..---.---.---IIIIJ...~.,1[1I•• ,"'.lI!.._!llJ''''lIIIi''Ulllljll!.'4I11l1jJI!IlM~U''''.!'''.''''•••••••••••••••••

• Thl.lrsday, June 25, 1970 GROSSE • POINTE NEWS Women's Page • • • by, of and for .Pointe Women ------_._- ._-"_._------_. __ ._------Many a fellow knocks himself The two Francesca" will be Miss LOI.d Bows In Wonderland oul trying to keep up with his Debut At Dance For Miss Cinelli honored at a ball in Florence in good intenlions, -~----- the fall given by the Countess 1 Edith Norton (De Del-Lord Hen~yPetri and Odlcy Gross. At a Siennese dance Monday I' and Mrs. Ayres Morrison host. of Piccolomini at the Piccolo. became "Alice" S:>.lurday night, man, creator of the Detroit In. night, June 15, in their Voltaire ed a dinner party in the Gram's mini Palazzo afll)r w:1ich Fran. June 20, for the Wonderland &titute of Arts' beautiful puppet place home Mr. and .Mrs. Fer. Moran road home preceding the cesca Cinelii will hegin her debut dance given in her honor sels, everywhere and floating 5unday, Junll 211, 1970 dinand Cinelli introduct'd their 10 o'c1ock dance for which Ital. studit;; at Le Fleuron in Flor' I by hcr stepfather and mother, hearts, diamonds and clubs dot. daughter, Francesca Leola Mc- ian banner" and twinkling ence. l :ltr. and Mrs. Tobey Hansen, at ting the surface of the pool. SPECIAL CONCERT Graw Cinelli, to 6Ocicty. candles were placed in the their Cloverly rO~.d home. Dancing was under a large 7:00 P.M. The debutante's gown was Cinellis' home and gardens. Among Monday's guests were De De who is also the daugh. white tent, to the strains of SRC, Given By: traditional, of white organdy the deb's Liggett School class. ter of ihe lale John Norton am! the midnight breakfast embroidered with white lace Catherlne and Gioconda Ci" mate;; including her American Primary, Junior, You'" Lord, designed her while or. mcnu featured eggs, bacon- and seed pe~rls. and floor nelli assi~ted their sister, ~s did Field Service "sister" Souad and Chancel Cholr$ ganuy Alice pinafore wiih hem and lasagna. length. Mrs. Cmelli wore yel .. her COUSin. Francesca PIccolo., . of low chiffon. I mini, here from her home in I Bel15ald, whO postponed her trip embroidery of bright silk flow. De Dc plans to spend t~e The H. James Grams and Mr I Florence, Italy, for the party, I home to Morocco for the party. ers over a long while organdy ",arly part of the summer In . GROSSE POINTE jumpsuit. Europe. ------_._---~_ ..__ ._ .. _------BAPTIST CHURCH Her parents were the King ------I B05 E. Eight Mile Rood and Queen of Hearts, with royal Some people doubt because it . G.P. Woods, Mich. crowns. is easier then investigating, I SORRY ABOUT THE TREE Mrs. Hansen wore a formal ----~------_ ....------_._---- gown of flowered silk, her ba. teau neckline detailed with petal scallops of matching material. BIL'- BRYANT "Wonderland" was the lIan. lor State Representative sens' garden, with scenes and Mr. and IIlrs Theodore F.I Mr. and Mrs. Vlclor Hawkins, characters from the Lewis Car. I REPUBLICAN - FIRST DISTRICT Werner, of Severn road, have: of Balfour road, have announ. roll classic, executed by Mrs.

announced th(' engagement of I: ced the engagement of their their daughter, THEA IRENE, dallghler, CHRISTINA KAY, to to Arthur R. Waters. son of i Nicholaus E. Ward, II, son of ~Ir, and Mrs. Robert A. Waters, i ~Ir. and Mrs. George Ward, of of Lakeland avenue. They plan: Bay City. an August wedding. I The bride-elect is a senior Both the bride.elect and her I. al Alma College and her fiance fiance arc University of MiChi., is a senior at st. Joseph's gan graduates. College, Renssalear. Ind. Bryn Afon Calls Young Pointers

The June 29 flight is reserved. Carol and Susan 'fettlebach. but it's very pretty when you see all. of it tiekets are purchased and ex. Didi Thibodeau, Edith and Jane citement is in the air as last. Thurber, daughters of the Peter And the house is a channer with a really comfortable arrangement as you minute preparations are com. Thurbers, and Jean Walker. can see. In addition to rooms shown there is a Library under the DIning Room pleted for this year's exodus Waiting to join the fun durin::: with a picture window overlooking. a sunken rock garden. Very attractive, Gas of young Poinlers to Camp Bryn Afon in Rhinelander, Wis, the second half of the season AC heal. The house is in excellent taste and nicely detailed. Shown by beginning July 23, are Nancy appointment. Joining their fr i end s for Donahue, Mary Howard, Jen CBA's 53rd season will be Libby nifer Mackey and Beverly N1l- Candler, Ann Carey, Carey and bandian. Lee Ford, daughters of the Horace C, Fords, Martha Frue. Among staff members Irom hauf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Pointe this summer will be Harvey Fruehauf, Jr., Martha Emily Baker, CBA's assistant Gard, Jacqueline Gushee, Mary director and Dean of Girls at and Sara Hendrie, daughters of University. Liggett; canoeing the John Hendries, Katrina Hig. counselor Mary BlakeSlee. for. bie, daughter of the Hugo Hig- mer camper and student at bies, Jennifer Hudson, daughter Denison Un I v e r sit y ; and of the Gilbert Hudsons, Ellen Charles Casgrain, III, who will Hyde, Julie Johnson, Lisa :Mc- head the water skiing depart- Cabe, Leslie McKay, Eula Me. ment. Dimensions believed correct" Kee, Pamela MacKinnon, Heidi but not gUGrGnteed Mosher, Carla and Lisa Reich. Charles is the son of 'former crt, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. CBA camper Merrill Canfield Carl Reichert. and Lynn Sales, Cas grain. daughter of the Murray Sales. For more houses to offer our purchasers and for more selling Bryn Alon, long a tradition power behind our owners' houses, our firm has always accommo. Also on board will be Virginia with Detorit.area families. is Schaefer, Chris Simone, Con. dated free cooperation with all rellable brokers working in the stance Smith, Penny Stroh, owned and operated by Mr. and Grosse Pointe area. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. H. Bradford Aarons, of I Week Only Stroh. Jr., Julie Sutherland, I Rivard boulevard. 90 Member of Grvsse Pointe Real Estate Board's Famous maker wigs $13 Multiple lAsting System Young, carefree cap of soft Dynel Modacrylic on a. stretch base to fit everyone. These wigs have every' ~ thing-smart shaggy back, side tendrils, easy to wash, Exclusive Agent __A _.a never need resetting. All the wanted colors, including MAXON BROTHERS.I- TU 2-tOOO ~ frosteds, Downtown Main Floor and aU branches, A c ••• ele.U ••• ,.lIe, •• 11•• Ita ••• 'rh •••

JI~D~~~~ ~rrmmgh.m,G'One Poiore, ~ No"h'.od, Wes".nd, Dea,hom .

.''.t.. . ' ..'~Qr?Tc,..~"";. ••...•..T;?~c .

.", ~ Enjoy nature at its finest: Privacy and seclusion in this unique setting offering 3.77 wooded acres with ravines. Home features 5 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, 30x 17 living room with fireplace, family room with fireplace, kitchen with built- ins, recreation room. Fully exposed basement. $85,000.

Onion~ 6' Real Estate SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT, 'NC. i George, the Greek, used to run a REALTORS ~~. IiUle lunch room in the Chicago loop. George wasn't much of a 134 W. Univcrsity Drive, Suite 307 businessman. but he had one idea Rochester that always produced results. 651.6100 WE LIKE THIS HOME-BECAUSE When business got dull, George would call to his helper, "Throw some onions on IT IS IN MINT CONDITION- the grill." WELL .~,OCATED-AND BARGAIN PRICED Soon, the odor of onions on that si7.zling grill would drilt lhrough the window onto OWNER MUST SELL THIS WEEK the sidewalk. One passer.by after another would hesitale, com" in, and order a While it has mellowed gracefully with age, it never.the.less is as modern as to- hamburger unlll business was soon booming again. morrow. It ha" been updated to the extent it is in fine physical and decorative condition and bel,ter constructed than many homes now available of more WELL, WHAT HAVE Ot-lIONS GOT TO DO WITH REAL ESTATE? recent vintage. There ar~ 10 main rooms inc-luding 5 bedrooms, 3'h baths. sharp modern kitchen Nothing, really. This little story is just our way of throwing onions on with all built-ins; paneled library. and an air conditioned family room, The roof the fire - of letting you know we specialize in the sale of Grosse Pointe is of lifetime slate and the gas fired hot waler hl'ating plant operates both effec. properties and that the above-pictured home is one of our most attractive tively and economically. offerings. It is located on a niccly land"caped corner site just 2 blocks from the lake and :l from the Village Park. Only 2 years old-in immaculate condition-Iocaled in an ex. elusive area near the lake-and very fairly pricl'd. Accommo. MA Y WE SHOW IT TO YOU? rlations and features include a family room, vanity, breakfast nook, sharp modcrn kitchen with all built.ins, 1st floor utility room, master bedroom anrl dressing rOl'm, 3 additional bed. rooms, 2 haths. 4 hall cJosel.~, c-arpel, draperies, inlercom, A CAREER IN REAl. ESTATE large frcc-form heall"l pool, attachc-d 2'-2 car garag<" ami a We woul~ like to add 2 .elesmon to ollr main ofllee sales organltalloo. A". IN THE SHORES plicants should b£" ",..(!oil ~ducated. IIImbllious, live pT('(crably tn Grosse Pointe I bcautifully lamlsc-aped sill', 110'x115' in size, or nc"by: be ",lIIlng to devole lull lime 10 lhe Job and be between 30.50 )'",ars or 8~"". If InteTt'!lited In Jolnln~ I JIve, ~o year old well I('slabll~hed com. Enjoy the therap~lltic drivc alonll thc lake whilc your pany, where oppo,lunltles arc unllmlled. ran Mr. Birdsall, TV ~~. MAY WE SHOW IT TO YOW family enjoys the luxury of this distlnctivc Coloni~l designed by Talmadgc Hughl's, registered a rrhiterl. Nl'ar Barnes f:ll'ml'ntary anrl North lIigh Srhools with the hrautiful recreation ra<'ilities of thl' n('vl'r tTOw(\ed Shl)rl'5 Park 3 Grosse Pointe 3 Grosse Pointe nearby. Th(' firsl rlMr rlan inrilldrs ., Family Room wilh Offices .....C.". Offices ..... C.". lars;e Master RNlroom and Bathroom which ran be shut off from the resl 01 the hOIl,'C' Thrre are 3 more Bedrooms Y?t ~.IIIJ!!I •• !~~ wilh 2 haths on the 2nrl floor. A second Hoor Drn is c-arahl" At I b.I!lI11i.- ,~;y; :b. of heing convl'rted into a 2 HC'droom SlIit(' with Bathroom. REALTORS Thl're is a Rl'crl'alion room in the hasement plus the uSllal REALTORS THE HALLMARK OF DI!PENOA8Lf SERVICE Li~ing Room, Dining /loom, Powder room and Moorrn TU 1-6300 TU 4-0600 Kitchen on thl! first floor. The hOlls(, is exreptionally wrll MfMllIIS OF THI DITROIT AND OROSSI POINTE AfAL ESTATE BOARDS equipped inclilding 2 llr.l'anl .. as fllrnaces, Cl'ntral air cool. ME.....BERS OF THf OnRDIT AND GR()SSE POINTE REAL ESTATE 80ARDS Bran,h oHlr., In n"o,h Mllr,. In ing, a Prl'ripilron Honcywl'lI elerironic air l'1eaner and Ilt:TROIT - (;RO~~t: POINn: - ST, ("[.,\111 SIlOR.:S - .',\RMIN(iTON Pf:T1IOIT GROSS.: POIN7t: - ST. ('1.\11I SlIO!lt:S F"'I~I'N(;TON inlercom systC'll1. Call OW/1('1'(\86.53'7R $1;8,00. (~I

J ThurSl.~'1Y,June 25, 1970 SP.OSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen '~,,\'J;},'Jl;m:~\\eli~mW,Wit~inill'awl;m'l'<\. ;'~"'~.Ul';~~i\IWl1.~~'~'?>mIl1Ai@ll~~.~.i@ll •••• I'-FOR RENT, '-FOR liNT, 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT I-ARTICLES FOR SALE . 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED STORE or office ln Grosse CARPETING, National brands. REEL TYPE power mower. CHIPPENDALE COURT Apart. HARCOURT - Central air eon. Pointe Woods. Mack Ave, first quality, 10% over mill Regular $t09. Will sell for $60. ment, Roseville. Fraser Rd. dltlonlng. Newly renovate.' new, .. pair 0 men s Charge Ad,- \ 2 Word lor $' .50 TUTORING SERVICE basic bookkeeping, Call 365. -,,------rage. $200 per month. Older I room. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, JACOBSEN KING reel type Bermuda shorts, waist 36; 3 IOc each additional ward KE 7-4653 4110. Mr. Brunner. .,T, CLAIR VILLAGE AM'S. couple preferred. large living room. Call area mower, 21", $55. TV 1.5795. pair or trousers, 36 waist, 29 20103 E. 8 MILE ROAD PALMS REALTOR TU 6.4444 616.334-4770. IDECOUPAGE handbags cas length. Sir Jac, 882963:;. Call GIRL, High School graduate. BOY '1.8 or over, or relrree. to I One and two bedroom apart •.. 1------bl 3717787 ,r. _ TUxedo 2-6900 Would love to help your child dell v e r flowers and w~rk ments, all appliances, carpet. UPPER flat, Iivin" dining kil.1 COTTAGE in Northern Canada, __~~a_ e, '. I POOL, above ground. 15x42. in reading math , French or around shop Must know City. I lng. StartIng at $170. Man-, chenette bedro;~ heat' and I 250 miles, beautifully furnish- 'HANDPAINTED mil k--~ans- I used one seaSOn, $45. 882. NEWS SALI-:S ST,\TIONS sewing. 884.6383. LA 6.6062. ,agers apt. 25 and 74. PRes. stove. $100. TU 2.0788, ed, ~ompletely equipped, in. basket purses; Raggedy An~ I 6868. DOWNTON AREA I------colt 62182 and '1'18.1443. . , cludlng boat and motor. TU and Andy and other charac. I-.------: Grand (;Ircus Park Ncws Sland CERTIFIED TEACHER desires SECRETARY to Vice Presi. ------12 MILE.JEFFERSON, Pointe 2.9729. ters key chains. Will hand' FIBER GLASS DUO.XI5 ski MajesUt News Sland to tutor children from 1st dent experienced shorthand ALTER ROAD - 2 bedrooms. ------, k 5Gh M nece'ssary. Pleasant oCCices. newly decorated. Beautiful. bus. Young Colonial, .. bed. LAKE HURON, 2~ wooded I deco~ate your antiques and ~a~ 2.330I~rsepolI'cr . ercury. grade t.hrough 8th E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS grade in Dubois Chemical, LO 7.2600. Call 1 p,m. to 9 p.m. VA 2. rooms, 2 th baths, many ex. acres, 100' sandy beach. Pri.1 oddities. TU 4.5392, . . _ Nada', Girt Shop, Marina Drh'c any subject. Call 884.1922 t and the Rh'erhou,e after 5 p.m, 6611. tras, ren Or option. 294.9403. vate ~ bed:~m c~ttage, alii K[TCHEN CAB[NETS with for. REFRIGERATOR; carpeting, Park Pharmac)', E. Jefferson and HOURS WELL SPENT-Your Ihe ell)' Limits ! MAUER MANOR, St. Clair WINDMILL Pointe subdi'/ision. e!ectrlc faclhtles, tiled bath. mica tops, including dishwash. approximately 12xl2 and 9x Spare Hours Can Earn You STUDENT Shores. 3 roon,s, stove, reo view of lake. Newer, upper fIreplace. screened pat I o. er, stainless sinle with dis. 12~. Luggage. 1500 South GROSSE POINTE PARK TEACHER desires $$ If You Visit Local Cus. to tutor frigerator, air condilion\!r, fiat, 2 bedrooms. appliances ._~~5~_r wek. 881.9147. posal. Good condition, 40" Renaud, ~tuler Pharmac)', Way burn an<. children from 1st tomers With AViln's Wide Kercheval grade through 8th grade ill carpeted. $170.175. PR 5.4173 and carpeting, $225 per LAKEFRONT, 3 bedroom year Frigidaire range. TU 1.8407. ----.------L(}u'. Porly St(}re, Charle\'olx Range of Magnificent CDS, aod Lakepolnle any subject especially math. th L d 't ------_____ DlNI:\lG room furniture, bump. Call D~exel 1.3352. metics And Toiletries And GROSSE POINTE AREA ~:pnosii. ~~sechfl~ren~ec~~~:. round home .. Caseville area. BEAUTIFUL Duncan Phyfe din. er pool and ping pong tables, GROSSE POINTE CITY I Gifts. Call Now-881.4447. Larlle, elegant 5J,2 room U';)per 331.1676 All con I'.e.n I e n c e s, rent ~ ing room table (mahogany) window fan, braided rug, Alger Party Siore. Mack and flat, carpeting and aU utili.' , weeks minimum to responsl. with 6 matching upholstered Maytag wringer washer, roo SI. Clair 2~AMPS 4A.-HELP WANTED ties included. $225 per month 6 ROOM lower flat, no peli;.1 ble party. 881.2523. , chairs and cadenza, General lisserie. EI'erything in excel. t~~n?~~~.~'o8ru~a~~0:e~d N~r:: Dame and Kerche,'al PLAY camp. Farms Pier. 10 DOMESTIC I plus deposit. You must see! $130. Call after 6 p.m. TU ON ST, CLAIR RIVER between I Electric washer and dryer, lent condition, 881.6377. LiltJe Proressor Booll Shop. a.m ..3:30 p.m. $12 weekly or FIKANY 886.3051 5.9964. I Algonac and Marine City I General ~ I e c t r i c kitchen ----.------Cadieux and Kerche,'al Notre Dame Pharmacy, Ker"he,'a) $2.50 daily. TU 4-4128. WAHlB Coiffures, 16721 Mack I Modern, winterized cottage stove, slOgle walnut bed, V J RGI N IA'S and Noire Dame Ave. A very good clientele op. EAST DETROiT, 9.Mile. Mod. LAKEFRONT apartment, SI. away from highway. No pets maple chest of drawers. All A TT IC TREASU RES Bon Secour Hospital, Cadieux and Maumee SUMMER Day Camp program, era tor needed, and a v e r y ern 3 room $U5. Swimming Clair Shores. 3 rooms and 884.1949. Week.ends 765.8062 Hems reasonably priced. Call . planned by two qualified high good manicurist. 886.9770. poo..-.I 773.... 1 or """'."""''()704 balh, aval'1abIe July 1, $175, collect TU 1-1665.after 6 p.m. 10:30.5 Daily Closed Mon. GROSSE POINTE fARMS school graduates. Ages 5.B 75 99 We Buy and Sell Briggs Crug Slore, Mack aod WANTED _ Experienced cooks. MAPLE CREST 7 .3 9. REDWOOD picnic table and 22418 Mack, bel. 8 and 9 Mile Touraine years old. Contact 886.5582. Rands Medical Pharmac)', Mack wa it res s e s and couples. 11 Mile near Jefferson. One LARGE lake front home, fully benches, $15; walnut china 7728606 and Moran HAPPY TRIBE day camp. Fun Grosse Pointe Employment bedroom apartment. includ. carpeted, 8 rooms, 1J,2 baths, cabinet, $10. 886.1265. ------Posl Orrlce, :\lack A"e. and Warren for children 4.8. Experienced Agency. TUxedo 5.4576. Ing heat. air conditioning, ap. Sl. Clair Shores.. Available ::-::c,---,------,- BARN SIDING - Authentic 1" Trail Pharmac)', Kercheva' teenagers in cbarge; $2.00 pUanees, carpeting, draperies. Ju[y 1, $300 plus utilities. SCHWINN boys Typhoon bicycle we..thered, hand hewn, na. on the HIli WANTED-5omeone to do iron. Near transportaton. 884.5155 Call 775.3999. converted to Stingray, $15. tural timber, 1-463.2179. Farms Drugs. Kerche\'al and daily. 884.2448. Fisher Road ing in own home. Call 889- or 754.0793. 881.5027. ------Schettler Drugs, Fisher 'and il778. 4 ROO"'IS. all utilities, air con. I":'.:..:;~::.:.:._=___ -----'C SHAMPOO car pet s wilhout Maumee 2F-5CHOOLS 21221 HARPER near 8 Mile dltioning, Adults only. Secur. GARAGE SALE-5tove, uphol. water. Use rooms instantly. Cunningham Druge, i.Mlle Road and ~[ack HOUSEREEPER. to live in, Road. Pra~tlcally new, one ity deposit. Will furnish. 882. stered chairs. lawn chairs and Works wonders. Rent our Cottage Hosplial, Kerclleval GROSSE POINTE Driving Gro53e Pointe Farms. Private bedroom apartment. Heated, 8426 after 6. table, antique mantel, shut. new Racine Machine. Walk. and Muir School. 886.3966. Bert Mitch. Blazo's Restaurant, Mack and room and bath with TV. 886. carpeted, aU appliances, DC. ters, rug, chandeliers, drap. er's. 20369 Mack Avenue, Bournemouth ell. former police instructor. 1800. cupancy July 1. "'lInager Apt. 6A-FOR REII4T, cries. 886,2892,1~10 Oxford. Grosse Poinle Woods. Merit Woods Pharmoc)', Mack and Bournemoulh 3-LOST AND FOUND HOUSEKEEPER for 2 adults. 1. 773-4968or TU 4.7657. FURNISHED AVOCADO double oven Ken. AIR condilioner, 6000 BTU, ex. GROSSE POINTE WOODS Live in. We also empioy clean. GROSSE POINTE WOODS SINGLE HOME _ from July more gas stol;e. Less than 1 pansion sides, new c.pndilion. Grosse POlnle Pharmacy. Maclr FOUND - Camera on Merri. lng woman and lall.ndress. Re. 1965 HOLLYWOOD. 3 bedroom 1st to September 1st, Farms year old. 839.8352. Ea,sily installed. TU 1.8044. and Manchester weather. Call 885.5859 to Hr~cnhe~~o;harmaoy, Mack and cent Grosse Pointe references ranch. Carpeting. draperies. park privileges. After:; p.m., :-S-=C-H-W-I"':'N-N-"':'b-ic-y-c-=-le-.-m-a-n-'-s,-3------Identify. required. 885-3965. Ilewly decorated. Off of Mack TUxedo 1.1734. speed, $25. TUxedo 1.324{). . 2nd Annual Sale at the H~:~~ a;::hr~~a~s Restauraot, FOUND-Parakeet. green male, Ave. August 1st occupancy. ------MONOGRAMMED BARN Bob'. D.rugs, Mack and Roslyn WOMAN for cleaning, some $235 per month, lease. TUx. EAST DETROIT, 9.Mlle, mod. GARAGE SALE-Sereens,tools, band on leg. If not eiaimed, laundry. 2 or 3 days weekly. edo 4.1340. ern 3.room, $1?:i. TU :1.0704, miscellaneous. Fridll)' . Satur. ANTIQUES: furniture, glass. DETROIT AREA needs good home. 885.3612. St. John Hospital. 7 Mile Road. Excellent referrlation. ated, Bathroom and kitchen ant, manufaclurer's repre~en. rVllIY homHw"'t ."41 llulI"'" taUve, etc. Quality Upholstering Shup Hours; 9:30 to 5:00 c.n atlord. GROSSE Pointe Spanish teach. I care worle. Aclivities and out. I We furnish most ~UPfJlles'l cAodmUI~~eteo~ry.:oe pe.~s~ dB~1.~8 366.6100 Men. thru Sat: 885'.3868 cr. Teach in your home or lings. Ages 5 to 10. $10, 7.hour Insured, Call 8 8.m.... p.m. ... MAXON BROS. TU 2.6000 Thurs. Eves. 7 p,m. to 9 p.m. minco All levcls. 886.8532. day. TU 4-7257. 354.3145 before 9 a.m.

Me _ = s • as as s 7 'ed •••• n •• m.e em sr. s,s a aa a a

taROSSE POINTF. NEW~ . ThUl'ldIY. Jun. 21. 1970 P'i' Tw,nty ,,' .• ...,- •••• ' r:<>:.. .'.• " ,.~_"_--=",-~~,,, ,,,,,,,,",,...__....::.a'.~~~' _riM: '/11"" IlA-COMMIlClAL IIZD-LAKI AND R,IVIR. II-RIAL ISTATI I ~~;~:~~ rp~DR ~~~ I, 4 'RO'IITY 'PIlOnRTY 'OR SALI ~~;c.I~:o~-:~~ilS~1J);,.i~~~ "". ,-,,=~==---,-~.-==~- 2.door Sport COUI)O. 'l,lHlO. 11100d, hctory IltlrllO, 5,000 ciiroiii~'poIN1,ifWO'Oi)i:i Onl)' down, mllOl, .... BUS INESS SITE ' ~EAUTI'UL Ilk. rr 0 n t .. •. blldroom Ranch, Hi,; balhl, I 'Ilia eMG. Kind)' beach, )'Olr I r O\l n d t1roplaco and tlmll)' room, CLASSIFIED I L.OCHMOOR I"ORD convortlblo''leei'';i,01'1 Mack Avt1nuo, Orollo Polnlo homo, I bodrooml, kllobon, Ownor, by IIIPolntmunt, 114, I PIl>k'1l0, Rhlrp, 'prlvllo, 'I" (')11)', 132'xIOO', tlno cornfl' Chrysler.Plymouth ~~~nh~ 1~~~no~I~~oe:IO~~:, nl~~~~~.~ __ .=_~~.,,=._ ,181M ,,'tI~ck 8lI11.3000 475, A.k for John, HI.~"OO, 10l.'ltlon, I .,'~.. • • ." .- .• ' , . b)' 16' connGolln, larillo ,nl' U'V OWNER - OrollO }101nlo •. CAMAnO, 111117, Ulack vinyl '82 PONTIAC convllrllblll, clo~l\, KARL. tural "II hot wator b.. elloard I 8 room Colonlll, .. blldrooml, I top, automaIlL', lIood condl. all powor, 'l'U 1.11771. • hOlt, part bllomont, n I 0 el )' a blttl~, 11 lavalorlul, Prlmu ADS DAVIES landlclpod, ClolO 10 Ilrport condltlon. AplJOlntmulIl onl)', : lIoll,3.~'OOU mIl0l,_8~,~24&8, CORVl!:1''l'E '611Cllupo,-autOma. I and Shant)' Crouk L 0 d • 0 I 882.1&811, WAN'r to buy a ro.1 .harp llell tic, (lxcopllonal l.'ondillon, TU 5.3220 '2UOO, '10,000 down, Oalan(o ~"._~-~.~-- .. C.II TUxedo 2~6900 - J Trunk Lln,. To S.rY' You Quickly Bull.'k Loll.bro? If Yllll do )u'l Many uxlru, 'UD5, TU 4. =._. u,., ...._~~-~.~, ,., on Illrooablo lorml, 0 w n • r KENSINGTON - 3 bodroom., c.1I TU 2.2352 or bollor yal I 7117S, " Your Ad Cln a, Chlr •• d ~oo It lit 1642 Hampton Rd I, ' ... -.• , ... .~... _. Samuol Jakhnoc, Route 2, BOll ramlly room, brllakrllli nook, lW: . Grono I'ollllll Wooda, Colo'; VOI.KSWAG1'.:N '(16 rUlllllCk, FOR INVESTORS &9, Uollillro, Mlch, 49615, Tolo. 1I1Hlatoll kit c h 0 n, tlnllhod ::~':W_ I)hono &33:8015, blllomont, 'I'Ullullo 2,eaea, I -Dark IIroon, \lower Itoor. now tirOl, Ilxcol1onl condition, 1&7 ACRES, bolwolln Ann Arbor ~.. ._-- ..c __-. • _ Inll, brlko., whltowall. radio rallio. 881.114112, Ind Plymoulh, on Norlh 'I'orrl. .' ------FARMS, Allard Road, 3 bod. lA-MUSICAL I II-ANTIQUES FOR SALI I lOA-MOTORCYCLES etc, One owner drlv~n, ha~ ~3'TJiUN-DE"RDIiiD'Lin(i.u-':' torlal Rd, 1,800' from Ilro. APPROXIMATELY 4 a 0 r o. 'I room Colonial, larilo family <. INSTRUMENTS'-< -, .. _. -I _, 'OR.S.~~_I._., 220 enillno, burnn reiular RadIo, whltowalh, powor (IOsod JoHrll!M Freeway Inter. overlooklnll Anchor BIY, $60,' kitchen, llnllhod bllement, .. - -- -_.- Antique Row' 5 Annual 50 c,c. Puelleot motorblko. Very fuel. Prlcl! onl)l $895,00. atcorlng, braken, windows, change. Ilu nowlnll stream, .000. Land contrACt. 1.'125.11403.. drive, 2 car, movo In oondl. adjoins Bracburn Golf Couno, ---" ------._- I tlon. TU 4.'1944, ~~~~~~~n,cl~~~I~,als31.°1~61.~~~9~ SIDEWALK BAZAAR Ilood condilloll. Brllnd new hel. i i9il8jAVEi.iN- 2.d~o;-h~rd~j;:_<~1l0'.!,,9.D86~ftor ~~ Avallllble on 10 year land , __ to _'. __ .<. _ .r____ _,m~_t._'I~Ofo~ ...11.._~81~~3~2~__1 Automatic, V.8, power steer. 1968 FORD XL convertlble. Dla. contract. GA'VI.ORD I DRU~I OUTfiT, complele. Stu- SUN., JUNE 28 1966 HONDA Super 90. low ing, radio. hCllLter. whitewall., mond blue, power brakes and "Wilderness Vaney" I BY APPOINTMENT dlo. very /lood condItion. lOt 6 I mileage. Like new, $190, 772. Medium green, black Inlerlor, sleorlnll, automallc, 28,000 SILLOWAY r_ CO, 10 ACnE TRACTS Used, S95, 861.3399. a,m, 0 p.m. 2306. I black bucket aeatn. $1,5911. mllea, $1,1195.TU 4.1367, fJ Family Cabin Situ I ALGER PLACE - Cuslom de . .--- ..- '. ---- 'Hamillon Ave. ~outh of 6 MUe <--- - FRANK ADAM ------962.6464 Phone.Wrlle for Map.3rochure signed And built lor present ; l--ciRS -"ORSALi--- LINCOLN M ERCURY CHEVROLET Impala 2.door I -_.- LUDWIG drum sel. 5350, or bcst 50 Additional Dealers . I - hardtop. Full power, 39,000 I 1.15 to Walers Exit, N. to Man. owner. For lormal lIvlnll or celona Rd" 5 ml. W. of Old 27'1 leisure hours I~ the large , offer. Call PR 7.7367. i Information, 864.5584 '68 CATALINA, 4.speed, 428 20777 GRATIOT. E. DETROIT aclual miles. One owner, like I FOR LEASE . fAmily room With fireplace _____ 0. .: cubic inch. Must sell. $l,850. PR 2.0200 new, $8711.88lt.BIl60. GROSSE POINTE excellent GEORGE WELLINGTON I and view of the Lake. All 8B-ANTIQU.ES FOR SALE 9-ARTICLES WANTED I TW 3.9438. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN-Sunroof. FORD, 1964':dooi\ $295.886. 3,000 square fo~t bUlldlng. SMITH Frigidaire kitchen, 4 bed. MA 6.2925 Franklin Village rooms, 3 baths. 2 car garage. , 19M CORVAIR Monza 2.door i whitewalls, and trim. Excel: I 943.9.. Man~ p"osslble uses. Very good

0 MQrtgage can be assumed, ANTIQUE Halian marble !Ire. W~ BUY old gold, lewelry and I hardtop, 4.speed transmission, lent condllioll. 884.733~. 1------,... .0. 10calo. place from Massal Mansion, SIlver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 cuslom paint, new engine, ex. 11 C-IOATS AND STE I N ER PRIME FRONTAGE LOTS on 1235 BEACONSFIELD - 6 and East Jefferson, Excellent, Moross Road. cellent condition .. 886.5198 I WE PAY HIGHEST PRICE MOTORS I 881.1900 Lake Michigan - Whitehall 6 brick flat. separate furnaces partially crated and dls. _' . _- FOil CLEAN CADILLACS. ---. and Frankfort areas. Recrea. and utllllies Lower Oat va. assemblcd. 886.9300. OLD GUNS, watches. clocks. 11968 C:HEVROLET Caprice 2., ASK FOR THISTLE Number 1165, roomy - .- - • tion property on White River. cant and just redecorated. ____ .___ Any kind, any condition. Call door hardtop. Beautiful Fire FRANK BROMLEY 17 foot day sailer. fully equip. l1B-VACATION Write Dept. 673 Admiral. Side drive and garage. Low WE HAVE recently acquired a Monte, TU 4.26M. Engine Red with .a bla.ck vinyl COFFEY CADILLAC ped for plea.ure sailing or PROPERTY FOR Tromp Associates. 1608 Fuller thirties. . . I top tlnd a black mterlOr. Full 3180 E JEFFERSON racin'!. P;lnlCO trailer, excel. SALE Ave. S. E. Grand Rapidl, muscgum qUaht~'GChlPdPfenlhda~ BOOKS, Art Objects, Sought. equipment. This on's a real L'O 768 lent condlt!on. $1395. 886-2807. ~nchigan 491507. 225 BEAUPRE - Semi-ranch I o n cas e ran a er I Browsers always welcome. b ut $1 995 . • 11 with large Jiving, dining clock by William Harris, Circa B. C Claes Book Shop Miss ea y- , . . 1968 11 foot Rinker built fiber- KINGSVILLE, CANADA - Maintenance free. new ranch LAKE FRONT year.round home rooms. 2 bedrooms, bath 1st : 1770 in heavily carved dtrk Ethei Claes 1670 Le~erette RICHARD BUICK 1968 FORD Falrlane !loo 4 door I glass. deep In-V hull. 120 floor. Open stairway to sec. . oak. Modeslly offcre": at $1200. (48216). WO' 3.4267. 16941 E, Wuren n,. Cadieux sedan,. full power, excellent H.P., Volvo inboard.oulboard on a blu!! with, panoramic on Hammond Bay. Terms. TU view of sky and water. Elec- 2.4831. ond floor which is ready to 'We also have on hand a large 886-3090 condition $1,400 or reason. molor, com pie t e canvas, finish into 2 large bedrooms . slock of fine wall, bracket AUTOGRAPHS wanted urgent. able offer. 882.1302 after 6 I i g h t s, instruments. bilge tric heat provides year around eiljoyment of this completely YEAR-ROUND two - bedroom, and bath. 2 car attached ga. and mantel clocks. Generally. Signed letters of Presl- 1969 CADILLAC DeVille four. p.m. pump, includes life jackets, rage. Walk to Kerby & 'line of antique furnilure and dents, authors, scientists, etc. door. Gold with black vinyl THUNDERBIRD, l00~, mooring lines, anchor. skis, and beautifully furnished beach rights, Lake Huron, $9,500,00. Caulkell 313-982- Brownell. ~'accessories, Sign of the Red Stamp Collections wanted. top. New condition. Loaded sharp, good COndition. like new. 621.2977 or 821.9642. home. Push button kitchen- ~~7. 8148. Port Huron. ':' Squirrel. 11037 Hamilton. just Highest cash payment. - with extras from factory. 44:54, exIra large freezer for the 879 ELLAIR PL. - Spacious, CHRIS.CRAFT, 22 foot. Sports. hunter. Fine wrought iron ~}outh of McNichol. 341.9466. 886.0437. Black leather interior. Asking man, mahogany. '54. Fast 155 SJX.Bedroom deluxe home, 2150 comfortable, older home for - $4,900. 371.7478. 1967 CAMARO hardtop, 327 railed terrace for cool sip. bigger family. Near the lake LIONEL standard gage electric cubic inch, 210 horfepower, H.P, Ex celie n t condition. ping. 1574tree orchard (pears, feet of prime frontage on $1500. TU 2.6010. Walloon Lake. 3.bedroom nice on quiet street. Modern kit. ~HERRY blanket chest, odd train, any condition. KE 5. 1967 TEMPEST V.8, automatic, power steerIng, 4 speed trans. peaches, apricot, and apple l chen. Large lot. 5973, radio. he ate r, whitewalls, mission. $1395. 884.5896. will produce next year. Three chalet nl'ar Walloon Lake, C ,cl1airs, sl'.!d, pine dresser and STARCRAFT alumnlum 18'6", fishing a.,d new golf course '. -chest of drawers with mirror, COM P LET E drum set. TU 17,000 mlles. $1,150. 372-4378. 110 horsepower, Merc Cruiser. extra lots on Lake - 6.71 2080 FLEETWOOD - 3 bed. FORD Tudor, 1962, automatic, acres in all. Let us drive yOU prIced to sell at $18,000. room Colonial with 1st floor " 'cherry piller, new and old 5.4911. CONTINENTAL, 1966 4.door. good tires, clean, 295. Cheap Good ski boat. VA 2.6322. Frontage on West Arm of . handmade quilts. 886.M37, there and enjoy the restful lavatory and family room, Sacrifice. $1,495. Air condit transportatlon. ED 1.3552. 16 FOOT Sea Ray, fiberglass, J,! h (\ u r trip to Shef.Mor Walloon Lake $175.00, Rent. plus mud room. 2 car garage . .' 20439 Mack Ave, Houseclean. GLAS S top wrought Iron dinette tloned, full power. 1056 York. als now available {rlr summer • ",Ing going on at THrNG.A.)IA. table and chairs. Wrought hi 1970 GTO CID 40 H.P. electric Evinrude, Shores. Priced at $33,000 with IS. iron .tool for desk. 885.8519. s reo 455 green. bucket canvas, $700. TU 1.6256. and ski season. Write: Col. sumable mortllBge of over " JIGS. HARSENS ISLAND - 37 acres VALIANT. 1966 V.100.6, auto. seat.," speed with conaole. well &: Co.• Box 815, WIUoon $18,000 .t 50/4 %. Lots of extras. Phone JIm THOMPSON III foot, 150 h.p. In. on Mld.Channel Drive, Plat. Lake, Mich. - L. S. Barrett, matlc. economical, excellent after 5, 792.1283 or 268.1323. board.outboard; ski s, life ted, 70 lot!. Golf course bor. Allent. 986 LO CH MOO n BLVD. - condition, 17,000 actual miles. jackets, winter cover, In water ders property. SEE $800. 885.5720. 1987 PONTIAC Catalina, power Larce lamlly home with 5 ready to go, Call after 6 p.m. bedroom a, 3iA1bath., llbrary. 1969 CHRYSLER 300 2.door steering, vinyl top, excellent JOHN S. GOODMAN 13-REAL ESTATI condition, $1,200. 882.8918. 881-8609. family room, 5 fireplaces, 93 Kercheval 886.3060 'OR SALE TED EWALD'S hardtop. Full power, power A.l CON D ITI 0 N Glasspar Modern kitchen adjacent to brakes, power neab, air con. 1967 BUICK Skylark 2 door. cabin cruiser 18', 100 horse. utility room. 3 car garage FINE CHOICE - A-I USEDCARS ditlonlng. Lime Green, green One owner. New car trade. STEPHENS ROAD and large lot. Immediate oc. power Evinrude. Loaded with FOR SALE or lease. Spacious top, green interio~. 11,000 20,000 mUes. Economical V.6. extras, $1,900. 1-791.5318. cupaney. WlII take Land Con. GROSSEPOINTE TRADE-I NS mlles. $3,1911. The perfect car for your reo summer home, 110 loot stone ONE OWNER Custom Built tract. FRANK ADAM turning college student. $1.. 26.FOOT CC CAVALIER. new seRwall on East Grand Lake, Colonial, 19156, with Large Impalas, Camaros. Corvettes 295. canvas, fully carpeted, ex- Presque Isle, Michigan. NO Living Room, Family' Room, 1253.55 MARYLAND - 5 and 5 LI NCOLN.MERCURY cellent co~.dltlon, runs like a . POLLUTION, PURE WATER. Library, Modern Kitchen on flat. Good condition. Sepa. 207'77 GRATIOT. E. DETROIT RICHARD BUICK top. Must see, call Saturday Completely furnished II bed. First Floor, 5 Bedrooms, 3 rate furnaces and utilities. I' PR 2-0200 16941E. Warren nr. Cadieux or Sunday a.m .. 779.0181. room, 2~ baths, 8 twin beds, Baths on Sec,md. Large Patio Side drive to 2 car garage. TED EWALD 1 double. Electric kitchen, overlooking pro f e ssiona1ly PONTIAC, '65 Bonneville con. 886-3090 ALCORT Sunfish sailboat. $300. living room 20x36, hardwood lanclscaped Yard and Garden. 38 McKINLEY PL. - This gra. vertlble, SpotlESl; condiUon, PLYMOUTH 1966 Fury Three, Excellent condition. 821-3910. floors, picture window over. Many extras. cious home will accommo. CHEVROLET new top, hydramatlc, power air, 383, power, warranty. TU looking lake, Cathedral ceil. date a large or small family. steerlnll. power brakes, radio. 5-7346. FIBERGLASS 23' Dorsett, 1967, ing. Peeled Birch logs like ARTHUR J. SCULLY CO. Includes library, family room. 15175 E. JEFFERSON 886.6399. 160 h.p., extr.s. TUxedo Hidden Valley. Stone wood 20169 Mack Ave. TU 1-8310 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 addl. 1969 THUNDERBIRD Landall, 1.4912. burnlnl fireplace. Under floor tlonal bedrooms and bath plua VA 1-2000 1968 IMPERIAL Crown Coupe. 8,000 mile.. $3250. 268.8958. furnace, 1'111,allon fuel tank, Srd floor aulte. Within walklni Fuil power, air conditloninll, SAILBOAT, flber.l.... '13'9", Beautiful draperi.. through. WHAT TYPE ARE YOU . •. dlatance to churchu. schools, ~.- ... vinyl roof, AM.FM radio. 8"1' FORMER Chevrolet official ha. fully equipped, .plnnaker. 200 mile.. Excellent condl. 1970 Impala. Loaded. Mu.t 100ci condltlon, new trailer. out. Generous supply Ilnnena, CONTEMPORARY? .hoppln.. Elrly occupanoy. bllnketa, dl.he., uten.U ••• il. Price reduced, tlon, 823.4854. .a11 to make room for new Mu.t .. U. 882.1881. 740 ANITA-12 year old. 7 - Ford, Me.5S1l3. 11 Do-T"A1LiRS AND vorware, 2 "pUo tankl, Dou. bedrooml, 3 bath., exeellent 278 MORAN - Three bedroom I , ble carport, Countle .. Blroh, condltlon, Immedllte pOll'" 11,1, bath home In exoenent , COOK FORD'S '89 CORVETTE oonvertlble, CAMPUS Pine, C.dar tr.... L)'man ,aId, 150.300 H.P" power boat, II outboard motorl, dOu, .Ion,' eondltlon, All larle rooml, Ite.rln" AM/FM radio, very RENT PLUSH TRAVCO ble bOlt hou.e, electric winch ENGLISH? Walk to aU .chooll and bu... , and track. Scr .. n.d room Will conlld.r land contract, VACATION VALUES clean. Mako offer. TU 1-1904, MOTOR HOMES 10711BALFOUR-& b.droom., BUT Air eondltlon, .. U contaln.d, over boat hou.e, 8 mlnutu o.ntral Ilr condltlonln,. a.. 518 PEACH TREE LANE - DUNE BUGGY VDO, ,ate., II"pl 7, Moloraml Rentll beef part •• '11100, 2 carb, pin. to Lak. Huron Belch and lumabl. &~ '" mort.I", IX. Cenler .ntranc. eolonlal on '67 T.BIRD '69 FAIRLANE BEFORE Ino, B&e.5B40, Proaqu. III. Harbor, 1 mlnllte cept10nal .I •• anoe, Cul.d"IIO, 'ormal dlnln. • elr. h.t. Full rnw.r 10 P"', w'lon. V.., .\I~" p,1. YOU BUY olko, Call 'rlda)', TU 2.1844. to I.nnll CC:llrt, Pure watlr, I'oom, tamll)' room, Modern NEW 18'10 VALIANT Du.tor DODGE F:~~~A~:lon Vanl, 12& toot drl1led Will. Airport I 187 MORAN - Larll .. ellm. kltohen, lit noor Iltl1lt)' room, $1595 $2395 BE SURE 2.door Sport COUpl. 11,11110. .1"pl adulh, ohlldnn, and ,oU oour.. at Alpena, Ible mort,a,e, 8 b.droom., 4 b.drooml, I blth., II car a a t88,OOO, Ideal EXlcutive roo all lar.. rooml, ft't, Palll'l attlch.d .ara.l, Land con. '69 COUNTRY SQUIRE TO VISIT Only '1110 down. All' condltlonld. tr .. t, Call or writ. Willer parllh. tract Ivailibl., '65 COUNTRY SEDAN 10 p.... Win, Lu..... flok, LOCHMOOR FAMLI,VANS, INC. o p''', Win, Y,', lulo., p,l. Y.I, lillo" p,'. ChrYller-Plymouth 881.0807 ~o'~~~u:,l~h~o~~w.e :::ndo COLONIAL? no PROVENCAL - Thll b.all' Coffey 181815 'Mack 888.S000 )Uchl.anBanklrd Honored 488.1842, 888 BALFOlJR-8 b.drooml, tlM homo and ,round ov.r. $795 $3095 tamll)' room, larl' lot, II' lookl thl COllntry Club Golf 'IIIIV,W, BUa, now tlroo and AIRSTREAM, 1"",28 foot, 101t ORAND BEND, ONTARIO lumlble II~ % mort.I'o. Coum, Lov.ly lit noor In. brlkCII, b)' orlllln.l ownar, I contalnod, tandam, .ood oon. Colonl.1 Brl~k, 2 .tory homo, 4 140& BALFOUR-I bedrooml~ 01u4.. Ilr •• IIvln. room, pan. '63 GALAXIE 5004.DR, '69 T.BIRO Cadillac N50. SU.22S11. dltlon, .... 21411, ~.o ,ulomille ~ow.r ItOtrlnl a.elr. II,T. 1.lnll'lI, Tlclor~ .lr. 31 eo E, JEFFERSON I bedroom., 11,1, bath., lIvlnl plu. walk.thru, now kltch,n, .Iod IIbrlr)', mornln. room, ~o.lIonl cond lIon, FIlII pow.r, LO 7.6811 '88 CAD ILL A C EI.Dorado. SHASTA 20', 1"'. Slcepl .Ix, room, dlnln. room, lar.e I.car lara,o, dlnln. ,room, lot. of famll)' Bel,e, cloan, 27,000 mlllll. completel)' lolf eontllnod, kitchen and den. Reo room, bedrooml pIll' mild'. roome, $495 $3295 Fro. Puklnll Orlv. In Full power, ~Ilmate control, Jl:xoollont. '1,1150, 881.5312, Electric heat, doublo ,ari". 1302 HOLLYWOOD - 3 b,d. 721 S, ROSEDALE CT. _ Con. To lie .old b)' auction, Satur. room., excllllent condition, trallv alr.condltlonod ono.noor I MUll .011 'l'hur.da)' or Friday. 1Z AC~IAGI AND - I day, June 27th at 1:30. Term. priced boloN market It hou.~ with • bodrooml, 2.... '67 FORD CUST. 2.DR. I '3,950 or baat otfer, 882.861111, -SUIURIAN '67 T. BIRD LANDAU 10% day of .. Ie, balanco In 30 tal 1100 .. v.n, lulnm.1I0, rcow.r U.. rln" SEEAND DRIVE I alter 5 p.m. day., Subject to relel've bid, " bath., larll' IIvlnll room, din. 4,dr., lull pnw.r. Ilelor~ .Ir, ~r:~~,Ind 11.. ~r, whl~w.lI. THE : 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, whlto .Ido. 54 Pinel Parkway 1148 LAKEPOINTE - 9 bod. In, area, tamlly room, built. w1l1l8. radIo, 1111heator, 1I00d ST. CLAIR RIVER, N. ot Southcott Pinel room. plun nunary, excel. In kltchon, 2~ Oar attlched $995 CONTINENT AL mechanical condlll,m, 1850, Marina Clty-4 bcdroom, 2'1 Grand Bend Ontlrlo lont Dutch Colonial lamlly iarage. $1895 882.8765. .lor)' home, complately re. ' homa, nllwly carpeted. 791 ROSLYN RD, _ ModUlo" MARK III -- built and modornj larl' rIver 12D-LAKI AND RIVIR .. 1966 MGll. Car Ilko now. One lot with extra lot on .treet PROPIRTY 47 BEAUPRE-One owner, 4 Cape Cod. Three bedroom., 2 In Our Showroom Today ownor. All Acronorlc •. 372. to rear--$55,250, bedrooms, St. Paul'. pulsh, full bath., library or mll.lc 3752. flexible flnancln,. room, dlnlnr. :oom, onCllo.ed TROUT FISHERMEN porch. Recreation room with Cook Ford CHEVROLET 96 C I 1 N. RIVERSIDE, St. Clair - 3 1904 THREE MILE - Spa. bar, plun ot!lce with fire. I. 1 9 apr ce, 5,. bedroom, older home on beau. THE COLDEN EAGLE 16801 Mack at Cadieux 882-7787 BART 000 mllcs, 2 door hardtop, 427. clous, cuntom.bullt, 9 bed. place. 70 ft. lot. 2 car lIan,e. air, AM.FM .tereo. Red with tlful river lot In excellent I RANCH I'ooms, IUlIa family room, low forti ... LINCOLN black vinyl top. Many extra.. area - $58,600. Other river Clean and sharp. Thursday homes available. BELLAIRE MICHIGAN 1294 LOCH MOOR - Quick' 191 TOURAINE RD. - Here'. poSlesnlon, 4 bedrooms, 21,2 a fine Mlcou houle Llvln. MERCURY and Friday 5.9 p.m. Call 886. I 2200 teet fronlage on be.utitul 5494: other days 8:30.5 p.m" CHURCH RD., Richmond - baths, asaumable II~ % mort. room, dining room, .t~dy plu. trou~ stream plus 40 pic. gage, large family room. morning room, b rea k f a a t 3700 E. JEFFERSON 87:5.7900, Ex. 482. Small !arm with about 12 turesque acren of land. Main LO 8-0500 acres; good, 4 bedroom, brick cabin. guest house and blm, 231111ALLARD-3 bedrooms, room, kitchen, scr"ened ter. 1968 MERCURY Colony Park home: modern kitchen: .11 .paclous carpeted kitchen race," bedrooms, 3 bath. "CATERING TO Ford tractor wnd mower. Be. WOOD g.passenger sl.Uon wagon, larlle roomSj 5~ miles from tween Shanty ere e k and quality features, convenlenc~ plus 2 maids' rooms and balh. PARTICULAR PEOPLE" Power steering; power brllkes, 26 Mile Rd. (.94 exit-$38,' Schuss Mountain, air service locallon. Large lot, 150x188. WhitE: with red Interlol. Lug. 000. Other land and homes In 4 !lights dally. Price $46,000. gage rack, $2.39:1. the country available. 831 GROSSE POINTE CT.- 21580 VAN K - Deluxe ranch Call or write Mr. Jacques. Custom.bullt. 2 bedrooms, - 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths. FRANK ADAM INVESTMENT - Apartments 886.4168, 19946 O'M.ra ct., large Florida room. beal:tI!ul Modem kitchen. Large family MOTORSINC. • LINCOLN.MERCURY - 24 aputments In 4 build. Grosse Polnle Woods. Also condilion. room with Clreplace. 2 car at. JUNE 20777 GRATIOT, E. DETROIT Inga; .11 aparlments have an 3000 loot fronlage on same tached garage. Assumable trout stream. 645 HOLLYWOOD - 3 good. mortgage. i PR 2-0200 excellent view of the St. Clair I Rlverj all are new (oldest alzed bedrooms, npacloun USED CARS SALE! . '62 CHEVROLET Impala Sporl family room, new kitchen, 2. 39 WESTWIND - Tn the Farma 5 yearal. carpeted and con. - attracllve Cape Cod, .. bed. : Coupe. Aulomatic. 6 cylinder, ntructed to highest quality ST. CLAIR RIVER car att. garage. SEE OUR roomn, 2~ baths, library. radio, new tires. Extra clean. slandards; excellenl value. Here's an opportunity to buy RECONDITIONED 371.2108. an "Estate.Slze property on 974 N. RENAUD-Fully car. screened terrace. Perfect for 60 To Choose From I peted, 3 bedrooms, central small family. USED CARS --_._-- Ihe Canadian side 0 f the VOLKSWAGEN 1968, Red 2 BEADLE.CURRIER river opposite Marine City, air conmllonlng, heated Flor. door, radio, 4 speed. white. ida room, I 1173 YORKSHIRE - Bea"tlful 100% GUARANTEE 50 TO CHOOSE FROM AGENCY Michigan. English colonial on a 93 ft. walls, Must sell. 881.3912, Realtor - st. Clair 48079 Beautiful landscaping and - ._---- 71 WILLISON - Arlistlca11y lot. Large Hvlng and dining Phone: (313) 329.4200 malure trees offer privacy i ON MOST MODELS 1966 VOLKSWAGEN-Excellenl landscaped, air contlltloned, rooms, modern kitchen, Ii. condllion, ilest offer, TUxedo and a fantastic view. There's 3 bedrooms. 2~ balhs. in brary and glassed.ln porch. ROGER 4.0973. !loo feet of river froDtage, a : the Shores. Large master bedroom with modern 10 room, yen.round I 30 days or 1,000 miles' METAMORA I home, a heated swimming I 9119 WOODS LANE-3 bed. dressing room and bath plus 1966 OLDSMOBILE. excellenl 2 more bedrooms and bath RINKE CHARMING reslored 3 bedroom I pool, double garage. docking rooms, baths, central air condillon. power steering and 2'" on 2nd. 41h bedroom and bath brakes. new tires. 886.9863. farm home with beamed ceil. , facilities and much, much condlUoning, mint condition, CADILLAC inll family kltchpn. den. full more. Priced to sell quickly built In 1963. on 3rd Ooor. Large paneled 15351 GRA llOT at 8 MILE MG's basement and beauWul land. ' at only $615,000 Canadian. recreation room. scaplng. Situated on high, Arrange 10 see this beautiful CO. TRIUMPH'S, ETC. roiling 24 acre parcel. parllal. TAPPAN Estate by calling (!l10) 344. H 1GB IE 372-2600 PR 8 6400 VAN DYKE WANTED! Iy wooded. $55,000. Terms. 887 TOM PEDDIGREW or 884 6200 Additional Acreage Available BET. 10. T 1 MILE RDS. JOE HANEY white TOM PEDDIGREW at • • Engine, traI'lS" rear axle, front axle assemblies, brake DATSUN GUILFOYLE.BARRONS I, Member of Grosse Pointe REA LTY system, and electrical systems. TELEPHONE Mac Glashan Company REAL ESTATE LIMITED Real Estate Board 15200 GRATIOT Metamora, Mich. , 1560 Exmouth Street, Sarnla I 84 Kercheval 886-7100' 157.0767 or 536.6260 DR 2.1777 I 678.2289 I 90 Kercheval On.the.HI11 Thursday, June 25, 1970 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-One U-REAL ESTATE U~REAL ISTATE I3-REAI. ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE U-REAL ESTATE U-REAL ESTATE FOR SALl FOR SALE FOR SALE 1J-REAL ESTATE I3-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SAU FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE IIUVARD at st. Paul. 3 bed. ------FONTANA LANE. Close to 1366 BISHOP 276 MERRIWEATHER room, 1952 brick house, 2 NORWOOD, 2016 - Lovely 3 BARRINGTON, charming 4 McMILLAN 287 - .. bedroom Lakeshore. From the circular OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 bedroom.;, ,I ~ bath colonial bedroom seml.ranch, 2 baths. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P. M. driv2 baths, Ji. "Iso boasts a natural fireplace, There is a separate dining French Colonial. Paneled Iiv near the Jake. on a beautl. rooms. scree.n.ed porch, and recrea. newer 3-bedroom ranch is just a step away from "Village brary AND Iamily room. room and f ami I y room jng room and dining room, fully I~ndscaped lot also 'Shopping." 3.car attached garage. separ~t.e dining ~O?m. terrific kitchen with good S. RENAUD - 3 bedroom spa. tion room in basement. Trans. down, We'll be there Sun. modern kitchen and screened Large airy kitchen. Ideal for anyone deslflng easy livlllg. breakfast ar'la, 2-car at. has a paneled den. spacious cious brick ranch; library, 3 ferred owner will give quick day, will you? porch. 3 bedrooms and baUl; possession, too. Sprinkler system. Finished basement. Assume high 6J,2% tached garage. Now $61,- kitchcn and is fully car. baths. family room, 2J,2 ga- paneled recreation room ari

,~ 1 . , , 4 .P.~ Twenty.Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 25, 1970

": IfUI~?~JiI\ ~~~~~ '''''~<'t~., .•,w",;%xl%i;i1,,~'&..;:.M\mX*-;m::;lA'&;m.\,~,. 13-~~~L '_JA-:::~~_~~_~~~_ 21 C-~~:~~:CAL I111-PAINTING AND 210-~CEMENT WORK s~~tTE S~~l_ DECORATING '...... ------. , I ---~-.----:)2x316' ON VERNIER ROAD, -----_. ----- LAWRENCE VERBEKE " R &: T professional painting, CEMENT CO. AI ~~ A VISIT to this New 1-0-::-:~5~*~n:~:6/~-n-:~::~~~£~~Y-ry-~~-a'('-r Frce estimates. 462 Roland, :'~ ~'L .V_ ".-.J"" ~ l~l~~~882-4586 or VE 9.3243. CONCRETE-BRICK ~.J '.l:I;';:';';:' •• l .~~ I Pointe Shores with view of ers. Violalions corrected, - -- -.- -- STONE-WATERPROOFING r ~ English Atmosphere lake. Plans al'ailablc!. TU FREE ESTIMATES PAINTING • WALLPAPER I NG CONCRETE - Driveways. sidc. • walks. ratios. garage floors, cement pall'!ling of all trpc~, Free Estimales B-,:-_6~_I:-;'~I~?~~~-Nla~-~i~?l~: G~~~~1~:D ,j .ADS I~:I~~~::E~~~~::,ome Call aftcr 5:00 p.m. BRICK AND BLOCK-Porch~s. pre.cast sleps. expert tu(.k PR 6-1237 pointing and patching. ehim. ~ C.II TUxedo 2.6900 _ 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly,. ,~. Grosse Pointe Schools ~~~~se~v:~~~~~g88~~~00~ 0 If -- W-A-T~-~-~f~:-G-- SUPEIHOR Pai;'li;ga-;dDeco. ners, : Your Ad Can Be Charllfed ( • Hudson's Eastland-5 blocks TOLES REAL ESTATE ALTERATIONS rating, Self employed. 2-man STONE - Patios, walks, flowel' crew. 499.2239, boxes, stone repairs of n!1 .: ;r' It Edsel Ford Express-1 block C-H-A-L;~~T~~ - ~ordering golf Ol'~~s~~er~~~n~~d.b~~~ess f; • .--- ... ------lypes. '~I*;m'im'<1i?,,~0'nWie%;"!0.%,,:,\&;lli~m!;;,#m,:!~',mi"'.';;:<@:W::,.,':e,':';::;::::,':t>',:.i.:i@'!t'CM;~}i!''i,'::'\i;',V, :',.J.'. .'S :.'""",':W,\";- • Park.Playgroupd-1 block links. 100 leet. Landscaped, General Roofing. Inc. FENCE Painling and yard work : GENERAL ROOFING. INC. by high school senior. Experj. WATERPROOFI:\'G - Bas c. "-REAL lSTATE .' In-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE DANBURY PARK SUB, 532,500, VAlley 1.3344 or TUxedo 56661 enced. reliable, 881.4634. menl leaks. 15 Ycars in Ihe Pointes \I~ FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE a development by GROSSE POI NT E FARMS. I . I -- ._ Lake Shore Road near Pro. 21 E-STORMS AND EX:rERIOR Paint!ng-2 respon. FREE ESTIIIIATES. LA 146~3 sl~le Gr?sse Pomte graduates, NO JOB TOO S:'II:\LL 11119 DEVONSHIRE. Grosse ca~ INC. vencal. 117 x 230 feet. ~C_R_E_E~N_S______I . FIKA N Y A. W J~~.~~ \\'111 pamt houses, garages. I ' etc. Very reasonable. Free: Licensed - Bonded - Insured 1'0inte Park, ~ bedrooms. 21 Grosse Pointe I 'lr VA 2.8420 JIlAXON BROS. ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION ~llll baths. 2 half baths. 21 REALTOR TU 2.6000 881.4400 eslimates. 886.6291 or 882 .. -- --H---.C. HA UV IN )laturil fireplaces. family.' For Appointment Wood and steel window replace. 8994. . , •. ,,"oom. Maid's quarters with i OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5 886-5051 I Bound BEDFORD. corner KerchevaL ment with new tilt window ~ rooms, full bath. private en. . Located oIl the West 10' lot Good buy. hardware. Per m its easy HOUSE NEED-PAi~TING?2 CEM:~Z T~~~TSR~fTOR . ira,nce .on a tri.level base.! MERRIWEATHER 71. N car GROSSE POINTE PARK Harper AI'e. Service Drive, KARL DAVIES TU 5.3220 cleaning of both sides of the college students 4 hire at rea. CEIIIENT WORK ~ent. Tile roof. $24.000 mort. I Grosse Poinle Boulevard, OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 between Eight Mile Rd. and ---.------glass from inside 01 the sonable rates. Greg/!. TU 1. ., .' , 1610 or Kel'an. TV 2.0433. ',0 \\ al.ks "f' Drives, ", Porches )lale to assume at 6~h per. Early American. twin-sized Vernier Rd. in Harper Woods. BEAUTIFUL. spacious H~.acre house. Insulated or regular I aCler 5:30. Pallos' \\ atel pl'Oo(mg c:ent. Shown by appomtment I- b~drooms. large panelled Ii. GRAYTON 1418 - 4 bedroom. lot In Bloomfield 1Ii1ls. Ncar glass. ',;' Pre.Cast Sleps 'mly.' VA 2.552~. , brary, 18.foOI. screened ter. center hall colonial. Nalural i ------..------Sacrcd Heart Convent. Call Insured Licensed .{: Tuck Pointing -T--~------i race. 85.foot lot. attached fireplace. new carpeting. den. I,COLONIAL - 3 bedrooms, 1¥l I 549.6220. ----.------PAINTING, decorating. wall 'lJORNE. ",024. Grosse I garage. fine garden with ma. screened terrace. 2 full balhs baths. 1993 Van Antwerp. By ------'21G-ROOFING SERVICES paper and \'in~'1. 11321_ No job too small HtWI. I' c, • V 4 6163 14 RE ~ LEST "TE I ------.. Maiden. 521.4519 or 521.3933, I ointe woods. English Colo. ture trees. plus lav. Gas steam hllat. appomtment. T -. - ~ ,.. ------.---.--- Free estimates \' recreation room. newly decor. ---~----. ---- WANTED J D C d I Licensed and Bonded lal-by owner. 881.4311. , HAWTHORNE fH3. near lake. ated in amI out. Side drive, GROSSE. POINTE City, Accom. -- ..----.--.-- • • 21J-WAI.L WASHING an er CALL ~", \ Superior ranch built 1955 and 2 car garage. Immediate pos- modahng, sound. 4.5 bed, FAMILY needs fine 3 or 4 bed. ROO WALL WASHING TU 2.6586 TU 2.5956 i~ OPE.l1 SUNDAY 2:30.5 well maintained. Three large session. Close to schools and rooms, or legal mcome. 50x room home. Cash. Private. F INC CO. 1 bedrooms, Fine family room. shops, 110. Terms. 294.6~03, )Ir. Jay. TU 1.7609. INC. PAINTING & DECORATING

A~LLAAuI1.SS'EE'f'APthPLAUSE ' AdP. Alir ~onditioning and other in. GRAYTON 140~ _ A bedroom NOTTINGHAM near Jefferson. 'l6-P--E'T'--S-FOR-S "-LE -- Michigan's Oldest Roofer HOME MAINTENANCE CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION , or ese ou tst an. I.' USlOns. Immediate posses. .. Colonial 3 bedroom, l'f, baths, ~ Residential and Commercial ELMER T. LABADI E All types of Cement and 1ng properties. sion. center hall colonial. ,natural den. luge enclosed porch. MIXED TERRIER~Sp-;;.~i~lpup. All types of Roofs and Decks Brick Work fireplace. new carpeling and . G d Gutters and Conductors TUxedo 2.2064 .Dril'eway. walks. steps, ehim. LOTHROP 100 _ Splpndid fam. draperies. den, gas heat, 2 basement recreation. 00 I py. Free to good home, Male. ------. - ': ney repair, waterproofing. ~IY ,Mme _ Five bedroom BY APPOINTMENT car garage, corner lot. Ex. condition. 8248649. I Shots, 10 weeks old. 885.1838, Fre~o. Ej~~mt~e I~::eairs HIGH ~HO?L BOY wan.ts wall SpeCializing in Patios our baths. Spacious grounds. WESTCH ' cellent condition. Ideally l()o BY OWNER 'I DACHSHUND puppies, male or too small. washmg jobs. Experienced. All types of excavating wlmmlng pool. ESTER near the lake. cated. TU 2-7225. _. All work guaranteed ~, First adl'ertised. Excepllonal. 1030 BALFOUR-Lovely 5 bed- and female. brown or red CALL 899.2100 L-4,VONl''.!21\.30 - Sought alter Iy well construcled eolonial. GROSSE POINTE I<'ARMS room. 5 bath, Grosse Pointe with black markings, AKC, 21K •• WINDOW WASHING 885.0612 ~ocation on channel in St. built 1953. Three be<\rooms. 286 MORAN _ 4 bedroom Park home, near grammar 294.4093. ALL ROOF &: GUTTER WORK ----G-.-O-L-M-I-N---- J:lair Shores. Mint condition. two and one.half baths. Large brick colonial. 1Y.t balhs. new school and public transporta- N . 'AKC Caulking ch'mney r a'r ALL KIND CEMENT )'our bedrooms. 21h baths. family room. Cenlral air con. carpeting. family room, mod- lion. Freshly decorated. Large POBME~fAI IAN pUPPle s,00' 2 , ,I ep 1 s WINDOW CLEANING ,." k' f 45' bo t d't" S' d modern kl'tchen. dan. Iiv'.'n.g eaul! u, must sec. 864- ~. Gutters cleaned. SERVICE AND BRICK WORK ""oc mg or a. Ilonmg; paclOUs groun s ern kitchen. ImmedIate pos. • ------ADVANCE MAINTENANCE FREE ESTIMATES ':"AnD 879 Th b d with sprinkler s)'stem. Lots of session, priced to sell. room with fireplace, and for- PAMPERED PUP dog walking TV 2.5539 Garage f1oor~. driveways. rat R J,Y".. - ree e room _..".lras. mal dl'nl'ng room. Owner' service. regular exercise pro . WE ARE INSURED walls. prccast steps, porches. .. ream house. New roof, hOllse I GROSSE POINTE WOODS transferred, Price reduced to gram. 8861916 or 112.2144, FOR 372-3022 rebuilt or repaired. Patios ~nd garage: Beautiful decor. ST. CLAIR and Maumee. First I OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 under $50.000. For quick 01."I ROOF AND GUTTER WORK ----. ------and natural stone planters. ~ew carpetmg. Good assum. offering, Condominium. Four cupancy call 821.6357. Open 2 TOY SILVER poodles. 1 male, CALL RICHARD WILLERT7. A..OK Wmdow Cleaners. Serv All cement cracks rcpaired . • ble mortgage. bedrooms. three baths and up. 975 S. BRYS DR. - Elegant 3 2.5 Sunday. 1 female. Champion stock. 50 ROSLYN ROAD TU 1.8170 Ice on .storms and screens. Basement waterproofing. N lCOLONIAL COURT 23427- dated kitchen. 539.500. bedroom, 2 full b.aths. briek BY .O-W-N-E-R-.-.-'O-S-h-o-r-eh-a-m-. AKC registered. 1 weeks old ------1 Free estimates. Monthly rates. FREE ESTIMATES' 'p . " . ranch. new carpetmg thruout .... $15 each. LA 7.6164. 2 t H-RUG CLEANING '521-2459. NO JOB TOO SMALL !lr ~ew __Llstmg - Mormng. B ALL ANT Y N E. Substantlal plus new draperies Large Charming I' a n I.' h between 1------', JUST CALL s1

and onc-half baths. Paneled Owner tran~ erre . • ' place. pan e led basement, Technicians Guild R Zeeh I -~-.-- CQNDOMINIUM O:'ll8T. CLAIR I" • YERKEY & SONS 0- Townhouse with new kltch. family room, :llodcrn kitchen, FInST OFFERING-Very sharp screene( porrh. 112.car ga. 731.7701. : , "IlIVATI CHAUFFEIlED JOANNA WESTERN Early possession, 3 bedroom. 2 bath SEMI. ragc. Shadcd lot. All this Cor - -- - ._ ..--- 'WE SPECIALIZE - Exterior. :en, powder room Four bed. RANCI! neRr Ferry School. $29.900 or assume 6""r,~ mort. PfANO TUNIN.G and repairing .. painting. 27 years' experIence. i WINDOW SHADES ,"OOnlS, 2 baths, full basement. FLEETWOOD. Charming colo. ~age with 58.700 clown, 1544 Thoma!> Pettlt, VA 1.3392. '. ' LIMOUSINE Clean,ng, Turning, Repairillg garage. Available July 1st. nial. Wcll mainlained, Two I'~neled den, 2nd C100r sitting I DU PONT PA INTS Used PORCH SHADES ?ossible rental. room. games room. 2.car al. Hamplon Roarl, Grosse Pointe QUALITY -PIANO . SERYICE good bedrooms. Convenient tached garage. Assume exist. Woods. 886.4638, REBUILDING Reasonable. Call Evenmes. CUSTOM WI:'IIDOW SHADES John S. location. Priced to sell. Va. ing mortl'age, $41.000. .--_.------.-_.- SPECIALIZING IN TW }.5896 772.3l16 cant soon, " WI:'IID:'oIlLL POINTE SECTION GROSSE POINTE WOODS BAIM,DAWSOINN'SI,TAEMINI.WINAYEXPERT painting 2nd decorat. ing. Interior and exterior. (iRA'~{TOP GOODMAN: - We'rc proud of this center PRESTWICK, 1886 - Large 4 Call Mr. Young Frce estimates. Reasonable entrance COLONIAL and the bedroom center hall Colonial, SMILEY RROS TR 3.6800 rates. 499.1170, 93:Kercbeval 886.3060 SALES AND SERVICE MAXON hl'Rutiful IOOx190 foot site. attached garage. double 101.__ __.__ _ _ 1501 KERCIIEVAI. Induded arc 4 bedroom.', 3'''l l\hlsl sell, Occ\lp~ncy at clos. 21B-SEWING MACHINE R. L, SHURTLEFF t;"1 ol Aller • In lho Park BROTHERS INC. I baths, ultr~ l110dcrn kitchen, ing. In the 40's, Opcn 25, SERVICE 20 Years in Grosse Pointe n; HOW qo,od .\Iondal's 'T & J 83 KERCHEVAL TU 2,0000 i. pccan paneled (amily room. .---- -.-.- .. - - .. _- Interior-Exterior library & pine paneled game& i ROACH 886-5770 SERVICE CALL. tame.up. com Wall Coverings Installed Modernization room. Well priced at $64,800'1 ... .. pletc, $4.75, All makcs and all TU 1.7336 parts stocked, TU 2.1881. ------GROSSE POINTE Call TU 2.6074 Additions RANCILIO & SONS ROSLYN in the "Shores"-Cus. -._-.------_ .. I HAVE BRUSH - will travel. C.lor. tom built RANCH with truly i 489 BALLANTYNE 21C-ELECTRICAL Gro.~se Pointe teacher desires' Shoe ,Repair to advertise Sp.ci.l: luxurious appointments. Two NEW 4 BF.DROOM 21,~ baths ,SERVICES interior or exterior painting! under Cuide to 112.'4 $2910 Com. masler bedtt'o,:"s, den or 3,rd farm house colon'ial. Family I --ELECTRTCAL- WIRING ;ol1s (or summer, For free' pl.t.) hofill', SId- hedroom, family, room ~Vlth room. formal dining room.: and REPAIRS _ estimale call !82:~~!!:... ._ Good Service ill', GIIU.n, Dor. r~,~~m~~~~~~;1al1g~~~~en r~~: rathedral ceilinll living room .. KRAUS:lfAN ELECTRIC CO. ! COl.LEGE . S:rUDENTS desire '" I ,!, Su,plndld .------~,"':'.,~,------C.llln,!, Kltchall!, rcntral air conditioninl{ and utility room. basement. 2 car, TU 2.5!'<'O : house pallltlllg 1V.0rk Experl ", VA 1-2070 I.tlll, R.c. Rooml. " . d' aUachcd garage, Ful1y car...... ------I cnced. Frce estimates. Cali Allyth'n, fro," bo' to 1••• - there IS a f.replace III the In. peted, thermal pane windows, CANNON ELECTRIC I PR 1.1367, "'lilt. All work '1I11r 'lI.r.n- , mg room, $69,7.50. ctc, Shown by appointment. COMPLETE ELECTRICAL : ------SERVICE 'PAINTING, interior. cxterior. U:NfO~ ' &">~'>' •. '. t'ld. Rulll.ntl.! Ir Co,"",.,clll LAN D II E R V ICE c.n Allytlm. Johnstone & Johnstone COX AND BAKER RESIDENTIAL. : Reasonable rates. free esli. r;::.A , CO:lIMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL II mates, P and P Painters. 521. ; 19790 Mack Avenue TU 1.6300 885.7900 LANDSCA.PE D£SIGN, CONSTlUcnON AND MAINTENANCE 882.5510 • 775-3563 I 29404749 9367, 884.6111.

• Thursdey, June 25, 1970 GROSSE POINTE ~EWS Peg. Twenty-Tnre. 21R-FURN1TURE 21$-CARPENTER 21T-PLUMBING AND 21W-DRESSMAKING REPAIR ------_._-- 21I-LANDSCAPING ice cream at cost .(five cents)1 Counr-i1 will be In allendane.e . HEATING Center To Host and 10 cents). throughout the progra m if par. ; ------CARPENTRY WORK. moderni. SEWING Alteratiot.s, adults TRIMMING, removal spraying, Parents who wish 10 stay with. ents have errands to run, FURNITURE refinishing, all zation, paneling, partitions, LARRY'S CUSTOM and children, hems, zippers, fecding and slump rel,ioval. Free Kids Day types of work. Antiquing, kitchens, shelves, small jobs, PLUMBING AND HEATING pillows, drapes. Trousers Free estimates. Complele tre(' their children during Children's II The program will be over and . toueh.ups. 527.3933; 521.4519. elc. TU 2 .2795. cuffed. TUxedo 1.7455. service. Cal Fleming Tree Day arc welcome to do so, how. children must be picked up no Residenial and Commercial Grosse Pointe War Memorial Service, TUxedo 1.6950. e_v_e_r_~~~:_~a_f_f_a_n_d_You_t_h_: l_at_er_t_h_an! ~~I~~ ..... _._: Repairs and Remodel 21Z-LANDSCAPI NG Association is hosting its aDnllal ELEGANCE IN ---- ...------tree ehHdrcn's day program on UPHOLSTERING CUSTOMCRAFT Waler Heatesrs - A. O. Smith Permagloss and Rheem TREE and stump removal also BILL CROTHERS Wednesday, July 1. The pro. Custom made furniture; deco. Construction Company Glassline fenced in stumps, Easlern & SON gram begins at 2 o'clock, rativ.Jl fabrics; professional Tree Service, 293.4069 or 773 CITY OF TUxedo 1.7410 LAWN GARDEN All Grosse Pointe children of I needlepoint mounting, tapes- 0600. tries and )'ard; chairs and BUILDERS & •REMODELERS, MAINTENANCE e~emen.tary school age arc cor . stools in slock. EWALD, estab. FOR CLEAN and dependable and DESIGN d.'ally Jnv~ted, bU,t b.ecau~e ,the service, call ELMERS sIze of Fries AuditorIUm IS 11m. Iished 1926, 13929 Kercheval Additions. •Dormers, Protect your trees, shrubs and PR 2.1798 alter 6 p.m. ited parents arc requested !o at Eastlawn, VA 2.8993. PLUMBING AND HEATING, Rec. Rooms, Bathrooms evergreens with -.-----.--.-----.---- pick up their free tickets at the ~rOS1Se 1foinfe~arh --- TUxedo 4.4882. I Kitchens, New Homes, • THOMPSON I Center's oHie in advance if at 21S-CARPENTER , FOLIAGE SPRAY LANDSCAPING CO. all possible. I Custom Garages• and Doors RAMSDEN-Me KEE, C~stozn lawn and garde.n servo The program in air.eondition . NOTICE OF REGISTRATION INC. Ice. Complete landscaplDg and d F' A d't' '11' I d CHRISTOPHER- Pete Maguet and Sons desi nin )0' IT' d' e fles u I orlum WI mc u e CONST, CO. Free Estimales • and Planning PLUMBING g . g.. er I IZIng, sod IDg a professional variety act pup . FOR Serving Grosse Pointe Commu. and tfimmlDg, Free estim~~es. pet show staged by Harold Ram CUSTOM BUILDERS HEATING nities for over 30 years. ~.~. Box 5047. Grosse Pomte, and his wile. This will be [01 FINANCING •ARRANGED COOLING Modernization • Alterations SALES AND SERVICE .hch. TV 4.2'1~0. lowed by a magic show in which PRIMARY ELECTION Additions • Family Rooms • Kitchen & Recreation Areas 771-1500 I Licensed Landscaping and Main. HEDGE TRIMMING - Experi. some of the youngsters will be TO BE HELD ON Eslate Maintenance 881-1024 SHOWROOM I tenance, Lawn cutting. Spring enced general indoor.outdoor asked to participate. JAMES BARKER 23101 Gratiot, N. of 9 Mile cleanup, maintenance. 886,5467, 886. Also there will be a short I 3510. parade of color cartoons on the 923.8585 923.8587 CARPENTER wants small jobs, 'I E, Detroit, Mich. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910 -- screen. repairing, screens. porches. . I COLLEGE students with 5 years Following the show in Fries etc, PRescott 1.3729. 21V-SILVERPLATING! Call PR 1-8360 experience, desire lawn cut. Auditorium the Center's Youth Notice is hereby given that registration of, Modern ization DOING all types of carpent"r ------~ -- ! --- ting jobs for the season. Call Council will distribute free bal- I Ken Christian or Harvey Lip. loons to the oo)'S and girls on qualified electors who have not already registered' ~IORE VALUE for your money. work, remodeling attic rooms, • Silver and Gold Plating COMPLETE landscaping serv'j Additions. kitchens. dormers. ski, 366.1000 (a n s w.e r in g the lakeside lawn where the)' can be made with the City Clerk in the City of porches. Small or big jobs. • Oxidizing and Repairing ice by Julius LaQuiere. Top service). will also be able to bu)' pop and, basements, bathrooms, wall Estimate.> free. • Brass Polishing & Lacqul'ring dressing, cultivating, edging. I Grosse Pointe Park at his office in the Municipal removals, No job too small TUxedo 5.5892 shrubs, evergreens pruned, or ,0 large. • Fireplace fixtures refinished lawn cutting, fertilizing. Spring Building, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue, City of .. , • Attics • Porch Enclosures • Copper polishing and buffing clean.up work. Hourly rates. CITY OF • Additions • Kitchens Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Michigan, any BIDIGARE BROS. INC. Reasonable. Free estimales. • Gar~ges LEEBERT Office '772.5115 885-5659. date prior to and including July 3, 1970, and that • Commercian buildings SILVERSMITHS Evenings till 11, TU 1.6988 the City Clerk will be in his office daily from 8:30 JIM SUTTON 1410 CHARLEVOIX RETIREE. Professional land-, 3 blocks West of Chalmers scaping {or your home and ~tos$t1POinteJrRr1n~ a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Wednesdays until 6:00 p.m, ' Additions -- Alterations 1677 Brys Dr. VA 2.7318 business. Call Tom 776.753'1 Wayne County, Michigan New Homes TU 4.2942 TU 2.2436 . alter 5. NOTICE IS }I'URTHER GIVEN that for the Kitchens, Family Rooms EXPERT remodeling. Kitchens. convenience of the electors, the City Clerk will be . We Also Specialize in recreation rooms, allies. ad. NOTICE OF in his office from 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. on Satur. Modernizing Bathrooms ditions, porches, paneling. 499.1771. day, June 27, 1970 and from 8:00 a,m. to 8;00 p.m, TH IELE Construction NonCE OF REGISTRAliON REGISTRATION on Friday, July 3, 1970, for the purpose of receiving & Supply CO. FOR THE for PR 5.2323 H. F. JENZEN registrations. BUILDING REMODELING Home and industriat repairs. Kitchens - Additions N, J, Ortisi Additions, attics completed. PRIMARY ELEOION PRIMARY Recreation Rooms - Porches and repairs Porch enclosures, recreation TO BE HELD ON City Clerk rooms, garages repaired, - Insured - Licensed 15115 East Jefferson Avenue ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION TU 1.9744 TU 4.3011 I ELECTION 822.6200 881-4400 AUGUST 4, 1970 iN THE CARPENTER-All types repair 21T-PLUMBING AND I To Be Held On GPN-6!18 and 6/25170 and remodeling. Carl Watson, HEATING CITY OF LA 6.5501. I QUALITY WORK by carpenter A.UGUST 4, 1970 with over 20 years experience .p~~~~GNKLE I in Grosse Pointe. Kitchens reo fit099t Jointt lBOtl~9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that registration eHEATING 1 modeled, ,basements paneled, of qualified electors who have not already regis- room additions, etc. Conscien. • SEWER CLEANI~G WAYNE COUNTY, MICHICAN tious. Small jobs acceptable. 822-1282 tered, can be made with the City Clerk of the City TU 4.5372. Since 1916 TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS of Grosse Pointe Fanns, at his oUice in the Munici. TOWNSHIP OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICHIGAN pal Building, 90 Kerby Road, City of Grosse Pointe NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that all qualified electors of Farms, Wayne County, Michigan, any day prior to the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, Wayne County, Michigan and including Friday, July 3, 1970, and that the City GROSSE POINTE who are not now duly registered, d-:siring to vote at the NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION to be held in the City of Grosse Clerk will be in his office Monday through Friday Pointe Woods (Primary for Congressional, Legislative, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday eve. 795 Lake Shore R.oad State, County, Judicial and County Delegates) must nings until 6:0u p.m., for the purpose of accepting HEARING register with the City Clerk at the Municipal Building, 20025 Mack Avenue. Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan on or registrations. prior July 3, 1970, which date is the last day upon which To the Qualified Electors of the Township of Grosse Pointe: registrations or transfer of registrations may be made. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that for the VACANT LOT CLEAN-UP convenience of the electors, the Clerk will be in his You are hereby notified that any qualified elector o[ YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you may register the Township of Grosse Pointe, W~yne County. :'Uchlgan. or transfer your registration by appearing at the office of office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. E.S.T., on Satur. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT lhe City Cterk in the Municipal Building, 20025 Mack day, June .27, 1970, and from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. who is not already registered, may register for the Primlll'y Avenue. Grosse Pointe W{lods, Michigan during the regular Election to be held in said Township on the 4th

• :1 at Jacobson's, Tuesday, June :;0 from 10:00 a.m. until of Mr. and Mrs. Edward to her handbag. terof .Mr .. and Mrs. James They were styled with Empire Presbyterian Church. maids Linda Charvot, Mary Lou " d" I I • 1 gths 'The newlyweds are vacation. J. Bnguho, of Stanhope bodices outlined at their neck. Norton and Elizabeth Brown. 4 :00 p.m. See th e new an now n .ur, In en rang- John Wieferman, of Three ing ill Ponlpano Beach, Fla. avenue. The bridegroom is llnes and sleeves with white The bride's gown was .or- The bridegroom's brother, ing from knee to mid-calf. Mile drive, and the bride- They will make their home in the son of Mrs. Marjorie Venise lace. Their b~dpi~sgandy with an appliqued bodice. Robert Hall, was best man John • • • groom is the son of Mr. and Windsor. Gibbs Sloan, of Duval road, were fresh flowers and ivY and Her I~luslon veil fell frorol a Hall, another brother, Edward g The Kaleidoscope ... colors enamelware garden Mrs. Mat the w William .. ... arid Dr. Philip W. Sloan of ~they carried Old World bOll. mledatchinbeadbowf anddshniaecar- Maynard and Joseph Fisher green, perfect for al fresco entertaining. Collect divided O'Connor of st. Thomas Pre-Kindergarten Class Mount Clemens. ',quets of cornflowers and sea•. I' a nosegay 0 gar e s. Iushered. ' plates, a tiered snack trall, cups with vJicker hold~s, On1.' 'R . I 0' I The former Mis s Brigulio foam statice accented with Ivy.j Wearing yellow pique dresses Following a reception in the cof'~eeJ' and tea pots, creamer and sugar, because nrlCes,.. The bride's Empire lown '11'.. ecelves ts Ip om as wore an EmpIre weddlng gown Bes'• man was EugeQerauer....._.. '1with soph rt u If s1eevel lIlI d GrosIe P0Inte War Mernorla's. 1 ,tart at tu little tu one dolllJr and go to two fifty' at fashioned of two layc;rs of or. The first graduating class of of. while sill organza appliqued John C. Griffin, Jr., Thomas flower hairpieces to match the, Fries Ballroom the couple left 16135 Mack at Bedford. ganza, white over blue, with a the Grosse Pointe Pre-Kinder. With Venlse lace daisies,. de- W:tIker, of Mount C1emeas, and baakets of daisies and carna. i for a Maine vacation. • • ... high neckline and a long billow. garten recenUy received its signed with a bateau neckline, James BrlguUo, brother of the I . Berm.I, Bermuda, Bermada . IlIA Ing train. Appliques of beaded mortar boards and diplomas. Di- s h 0 r t sleeves and a Chapel bride, ushered. I F A h p. f V WlN'Ih!ppers. ,ollen, IWImmen, Be:mucla I. ~ Alencon lace accented the dress. rl!etor Connie Farris had a slide length train. A Camelot head. The bride'. mother selected a rom not er olnte 0 iew yoar p1.ee. EBJ.y .Ipllle. 1Io&e1J. ezCel1eDt 1\m. Her three.tlered veil fell from presentation for the chUdren piece of matching Venise daisies sUver grey chUfon dres. fa.b. ------food. n'. &he perfect wea&ber se...... ow. a Juliet cap of Alencon lace and their parents of the chU. held her floor length appliqued ioned with a tucked bodice and Can tboae folll at .,.. Q Travel for c_velll- ar.d beading underlined .In blue dren at work and play through- illusion veil. long full sleeves. $he pinned (Continued from Page ta) eat r.," Illd lDformaUoa .•. 186.0510. and she carried a Colonial bou- out the year at school' and on She carried a Flemish ,bou- pink cymbidium orthida to her IS-that's the Sunday after next-and say hello to an , ...... quet of white earnallons and field trips.. quet of white European flowers purse. old friend: Georgiana Richter's sister Roxana. Put Your Best Foot Forward ... this summer. stephanotis accented with blue I The children took their seats accented with lavender and blue The mother of the bridegroom Th f '1 . 1 d' gh . t' h' , Pamper with Vita Bath Heel to Toe Cream, Pumice strawflowers. on stage. to present songs and flowers. wore a pale yellow Swiss-em. N t 1. e(MamlAY'dlnCu TIDht e slsf perst two ot er dSlSLLers, Souffle and Touchstone (a real aid for callouses). Vita . ,finger plays to the parents, and Maid of honor Angela Brlgu. broidered organn midi. Yellow a a Ie rs. n rew} omas, 0 or Huron, an ucy Bath Jelly and Soap for the bath offers excellent skin Na~cy ~Iefe~man Berved as closed with a big thank you for lio. sister of the b rid e, and cymbidium orchids were pinned Ann (Mrs. John) Jeakle, of Grand Rapids, with THEIR care and is .particularly. refreshing in the summer. Find her sl5~r s m~d ?f honor. An. all the wonderful things they bridesmaids Marjorie Sloan. to her handbag. families, will already be there. D Pha othe! sister. ~atti Wlder",!ln, did during the year. sister ~f the bridegroom, Mary Following a vacation at Lake And Roxy's not traveling alone from Australia. these beauty product.s at the Notre ame rmacy. r:OUSIDSof the bride Mrs. RIch- Those receiving diplomas and An~ Gllannosa a.nd Nancy ~rl. of. the Ourks! Mo., th.e couple She'll be with her husband, Malcolm Booker, and the • • • . ...~d Mount an~ Mary Ann Car- lollipops were: Eric Nielsen, ~ho, ano~her Sister, wore Iris Will make theIr home In Mount. two younger Booker children, ll-yearold Margaret and A Perfect Haircut ... is the basis of a {>erject hatr rler, Mrs. Timothy Manardo. Lauri Evans, Nicole Allen, Gigi snantung 1men gowns. Clemens. Iseven'year-old Rosemary, who'll be living with their style. At Edward Nepi Parrucchiere, 19468 Mack ..\venue, !\frs. Tho",! a 5 Kaczwara and Borrego, Christopher Chamber. you'll find both, Edward's flawless tec~nique in hait. ?,{~ry L? u I s e Mourad were layne. David Cornwall" Michael p S h d 21 to 30 Id .,arents in Rome. cutting is well known and you'll be dell.ghted to know bridesmaIds. Conway, Sean FitzGerald, Vin- arty c e uled '1'his pie~;~~; rate on tickets Rome's .where the Bookers are headed. He's the that each of his stylists is trained intensively by him. They wore floor I en g t h cent Giacalone, Zena Giacalone, By St. Paul YAC may be obtained by contacting new Austrahan Ambassador to Italy. • • • sleeveless organza gowns in a Elizabeth Grenard, Katie Kelly, Paul Wemhoff, 885.7408, or * * • Bark 'allltiDg ••.. are the Dewest 11" shade of water clover over blue Elizabeth Keogh. Evelyn Luci. Tom Meier, 881.9438. Maps are They're leaving their two older children behind In rivall from Mulco. Tbey are hlply decora. s.tyled with .hlgh ruf~ed n~ck. i do, Lachlan Ma~ay, James The Silver Bell Lodge has Included with all ticket pur. boarding IC!hools Down Under: David 15 In TaslDllnla Uve, Deed no fr.lllm, IMatcaD be MOaD&e4 hnes and trImmed With rhine-I.McCready, Jr .., PhIlip McNama- agreed to open its doors to the chases d' , very effecUvely on burlap. Tbe colon are ~~, stone back buttons. ra, Amy Mcintyre, Sarah Me.' public for one night only this To 'get to Silver Bell, one and Emily, 14, In Sy ney. Itrl,bt, the 'l1bJeet••.. primitive delips of / l ~ I 'Fney carri,,;:! COIOlli:l! bou bus, And,!ew.M~~ke,:!..~ri N!.~. Saturday, June 27. and inem- drives north on the Chrysler Fortunately .the Bookers are u~d to a peripatetic aalmal. and blrdl. TIley come ID mallYIbape. .. r)uets or lavender blue cama'i mann, .l'I'eaenCK vUlson. I v, bers of the St. Paul Young Freeway, exits iit Liipi:;;i' rvid !lte. They met in Tb~ Philippines 20 years ago, both .from lonl ruMers to 111I111 Iquares. 'I11eprice tI led 'th d Gregory Preston, Lee Salol, Pe. Adults Club of Gr05se Pinte (M.24), turns right and goes stationed there in their respective countries' Foreign raDge II aeventv.flve~t Tb CefllMilto nfteen \Io1lan pesIonstaccefln.raw overs.WI eep pur- 'Townsendter Scala, FrancesTroy TurklnStroh,PhoebeSarah will h'be hImhosls there at a p'~rty ISh 11es to Ba.Id MISounta n ervtces, an d h ave IIve d since their marriage all over the U 141237 Mack I ree e. The bridegroom's cousin W II H' W h .' I to w. IC. all loca young adults road and make still another world. • • f • a. enry e meler. n, De are inVited right. The lollge Is one 1I',Ile M B II. ' be ' 's Posh . .' . to be one of the beautl'ful people. Thomas Dennis, from Windsor. Labadie. Ronald Abdullah. T b" . down Bald Mountain road on r. ()O er s en Australia s Ambassador to Thai. . It Ont., acted as best man.' , _ wo ands WIll play upstairs I d H' f th d i f SEATO S th And the beautiful people have Enny of Italy undetect- Gary Wiererman the bride's Returning to The Pointe after and downstairs from 8:30 tl> 1 the right side. ' an. e s one 0 e es gners 0 (ou east ahle stretch wigs. They are great for "at home" but they brother Richard Mount Tim.' an absence of four years are o'cl:>ck. An advance admission Tickets will also be sold at IAsia Treaty Organization) ..• are a must for travel and vacation. Come to the Posh othy Kaczwara Denni~ Wi!. the EDWARD J. WASNERS, charge of $1.50 for girls and t:te door. And before they go on to Italy they'll visit Good' Studio, 18700 Mack Avenue. Get measured. Pick your Iiams, Richard' Middleton and: rormerly or Berkshire r ~ a d, I $2.50 for guys incl~des refr~sh. ------heart, Mich., where Roxy's, (and Georgiana's, and Lucy color. Within three weeks you'll have your wig. Call Ray Seguin ushered. Johnny! present.ly of The. Sh?re vlu~, ment~ ~or ~he .e~lIre evening. Slate Teen Pool Ann's, and Natalie's), parents, the Theron Taylers, have fJ86-1377 for an appointment. Wicrerman. the bride's nep- who Will be movmg mto thm AdmiSSion IS hmlted to those been living since their retirement. , .." S hew, was ring bearer, new Trombley road home at Party At GPYC • ... • . The bride's mother wore a the end of June. CHRISTOPHER S. OLSON. U P rt' P . d (If Th' 0 C h 0) . Kimberly is having a store-WIde Kimberly £loor length gown of turq:Joise son of MR. and MRS. OSCAR mOre • I.' roml" IS ne ate 81 n 'sale with values up to one-half off 'pettl.poir.te accented wllh a L. OLSO:'ol,or Renaud road, has Tonight at the Grosse Pointe Spectacular innovation will be the order of the . • • • beadcd bodice and sleeves. A becn graduated from Proctor Yacht Club's pool GPYC's Teen night as the Detroit Boat Club's young adults introduce I Id bo I white orchid was attached 10 Academy, Andover, N.H., and Council will host a 7:30 to 11:30 their Friday Folk Festival tomorrow evening. Every. Ideal For Gifts ... or for your own u~e are raymo 'IV s her purse will enter the University of o'clock party, featuring re- thing begins at 8:30 o'clock at the Club's Band Shell. Ind trays made of flberllals. Tbey are so lood looking and very The bridcgrom's mother SC'i )fichigan In the fall. He was freshments-hot dogs and ham. All Boat Clubbers and their guests, 17 years and up, practical ... being dlshwllher proof, Ilalnproor and unbreak. lecled a long gown or pcach I captain of the Tennis Team and burgers-and outdoor dancing. are welcome. ablll. Now there are two new Pdatbltemsfln combln~t1ons of orTange,,(huron acce,ntcd with beading i __ outstanding playcr at Proctor, Admission is $1 and all Pointe Launching committee members Margie Engstrom, yellow and brown or green an ue. here sla sn a new ray.: al her waist neck and cuffs' losing only one match during teens, grades nine through 12, L V d kl G S mold ice bucket. At Wright'. Gift and Lamp Shop, 18650 Mack: . ' _ ._' the 1989-70 season. are invited to Ittend. ynn an er oot, ary tokes and Kirk Renaud prom- Avenue, prices start at one fifty, go to around twelve dollars. 1 ise the Festival will become a fortnightly "happenin"

. La Boutique Culinalre· ..... 16650 1", ,',: i'1 GARDENSEN'EJ More Than -ifed DBC'sit catchespoolsideon ...grillAnd,in withcase foresight,the weatherthey'vedoesn'treseN-co- East Warren, presents a duo of exciting ~ 6 000 operate. and Informative gourmet cooking seriesj We arc not just an. 3 Charlie The Pencilman-the imaginative trio of ... one for mother, the other for daugh. ] other Tom, Dick, or ' Allen Werneken, Tim Kiska and John Ray-will be hold. ter, commencing July 6. Call 886.3518 1 lIarry. Nowhere else DEATHS Ing forth in true coffeehouse fashion, their tones rang. for information. • • • , will you find such a ing from dulcet sappho.harp and guitar to spritely frivolous flute and harmonica. In Orbit ... keep your eye on oriental rugs ... at' c h 0 ice selection of Dramatically oriented, (and much like a medieval Ed Maliszewski, 21435 Mack Avenue. Copies and con-. rare and popular flow. That's how many people troupe), they'll present an original allegory with musi- temporary translations of oriental patter~, using plet,JS-' er gar den p I ant s were killed by automo' 19700 Mack eal accompaniment ... and a pro~rammed-for.audlence. ing ~v~rall designs is the great trend tn rooms With g row n especially to biles in 1969. .t 1-- LaM participation spoof "The TV Set That Ate Atlanta" ..• multIplied patterns.. ... • Grosse Pointe quality. TU 6-3600 and-well, further relevations would neutralize the sur. prlse element which Is part of their total performance. Crewel Embroidery ... II a fllclnatlng pastime! Day and For your gar den's Do you think the colIege ------evening c1asln ••. Mamie FeSltnden, 8116.4I1M. Crewel .up- sake see- pUe. III. available. students will close the Beautiful Long Stem Grosse Pol n t e University JOHN HOAG, a student at • • School gradulte THOMAS J. Amherst College, son of MR. Set Your Course •... for Ports of Call, 23220 Mack. colIeges and unite against GAGE, 80n of former Pointers and MRS. JOHN T. HOAG, of the DOAK'S at Carnations MR. Ind MRS. CLAUDIUS C. Washington road, Is enrolled In Avenue, If you're looking for a hidden treasure of dec- . FLOWERLAND autos? ....11 col(lrs GAGE, who now mike ,their the Sarah Lawrence College oratlves. They are waiting (or you to dlsco~er their true I - .. doz. home In New Orleal13, La" was European Summer Session in worth via a bit of refinishing and Imganlahon. Could be GARDENS Thund.,. Thru $"nd.,. On',. Ilt'aduated June & from Wash. Florence, and GEORGE BAL. your (un and proCitable summer proJect. . Nohl: You "wit "'Intlo" thl•• «1 to NCIIY. ,hi. wllk'•• ,.cl.I Inglon and Lee UnlvenUy LANTYNE. son of MR. an4 * •• ' where he majored In European MRS. FORD BALLANTYNE. Now ... that the youngsters are out • 43678 N. GRATIOT IIIstory and was aC'tive In the JR., of Touraine road, a student j[. STUDIO CAMERA SHOH 13300 E. WARREN of school, give yourself and them a MT. CLEMENS CARL JOYNER. - Young Republicans organization, at the College or Wooster, I. treat, a Coney Dog lunch at National Phone HO 3.0164 the Rlng.tum Phi, student news. enrolled in tile Sarah Lawrence IO~ zt M"CK - /It. -Me W~OdJ "Our Four!" Generotion of Florish" paper, and Delta Upsilon social College European Summer Ses. Coney Island, 19019 Mack Avenue. Fa. fraternity. slon in Paris. VOTS for the children add to the fun .