holy city” (or the Church) as in Nehemiah 3. In communicating C) A Lack of deep-end discipleship. this vision to others I recognised that I first had to identify the The Ascent Solution: Many young people are innoculated current problems we face and show how the Ascent process against the faith in the sense that rather than giving them holistic could respond to these. discipleship and the fullness of the Gospel they are given just enough to put them off (I am reminded of Pope Francis’ quote The challenges that I see we are facing in the wider Church in Evangelii Gaudium: “There are Christians whose lives seem are: like Lent without Easter”)! The other difficulty is that one can SCENT - The Church is not adapting to the fast moving culture only take young people so deep in a week or a weekend. resulting in falling church attendance. However due to its longevity the Ascent can provide holistic and The Ascent must value excellence but R e p o r t The Ascent Solution: systematic formation that gives them the foundations to be bold never at the expense of the presence of God. While seeking in their faith. Ideally this should be happening in our parishes. Rebuilding the walls of to deliver the most engaging, dynamic and relevant youth Sadly we know that this is not always the case. The Ascent does

ministry possible, we also want each group (cohort) to be open not intend to provide an alternative to parishes, however, but R e p o r t to seeking and asking God where he might want to take them. rather to help young people to connect with and commit to each This presence of God must be fundamental to all that we do. As other in the context of community in order that they can go back Will Desmond, shares the Karl Rahner said “In the days ahead, you will either be a mystic and replicate this environment in their own parishes. vision for Ascent, a three year (one who has experienced God for real) or nothing at all.” By discipleship process for 15-18 immersing the young people in a Kingdom environment and the So how do we attract a postmodern generation who have a year olds that was launched last presence of God we hope they will start to live out of a living phobia of commitment to commit to a 3 year process? year and aims to raise up a new encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist. genera�on of teens eager to - Firstly we provide an authentic experience and place of - The youth who are still present in our churches are not belonging. The term ‘family’ is really important to us. We are serve Jesus in their locali�es. evangelised and very often fall away at the first given dealing with a generation who are crying out for connection and opportunity. family that isn’t broken. We are determined to love them whether It all began in January 2012 when Sr Mary Paul, a consecrated The Ascent Solution: In order to reach young people with they believe in our message or not. sister, prayed with me for the vision the Lord had for my life. The the Gospel, you need other young people. Pope Francis has - Secondly we invite them to be part of something bigger than word that came to her was Nehemiah 3 and the sense was that recently affirmed the principle that peer to peer ministry is the themselves. In the average person’s lifetime we will influence an I was being called to be a Kingdom builder. This made sense most effective way to evangelise young people. Therefore in average of 10,000 people, therefore we emphasise that they, as to me as I do have a Kingdom building instinct and it seems to order to reach young people we train “Ascenters” to infiltrate young people, can make a difference and bring God’s Kingdom be the calling God has on my life. However Nehemiah 3 is at their schools, parishes and local communities with the gospel to the world. first glance a confusing passage as it comprises a very long list in a variety of ways. Therefore we gather together in order to of names of all those who contributed to rebuilding the walls of be sent out. Just the other day one of the “Ascenters” was taking part in Jerusalem. Then about 6 months later I had a dream. In this I saw our weekly online POD (Pockets of Disciples) which is our a terracotta pot which had different plants coming out of holes in - The youth are not being made disciples but rather just equivalent of a cell or small group. The difference was that this its side as well as sprouting from the top. As I saw it, I heard a churned through sacramental programmes. young person was PODing from his mobile phone on a London very clear audible voice say “UNITY”. I woke up with the word The Ascent Solution: The Ascent is a long term process and bus. When it came to the time to pray, he volunteered and ringing in my ears. Although this was an awesome experience, I we desire to get alongside young people for the long haul. proceeded to pray out loud, on a crowded London bus, a prayer did not think much more about it other than God was impressing This is a question I think we should regularly be asking of our of surrender and dying to self (we had been looking at Rahab on me the call to unity generally. At this point I had no idea what parishes and youth ministries: what percentage of our ministry as a portrait of Conversion during the POD). Having finished this unity might look like in practice. is producing disciples for the long haul? praying he opened his eyes to find the whole bus looking at him! That kind of boldness is what is going to lead to an awakening of However in October 2012 following a three day fast which I The challenges that I see we are facing the CCR are: faith in the nation. This is a generation who can have an impact had been offering for the mission team that I was leading at the A) Lack of Cohesion between groups and communities on the world like never before! We have been pioneering the time, I was sitting at my desk studying. Suddenly a strategy for working in isolation Ascent process over the last year with 16 young people. We are evangelising teenagers came into my mind from what seemed The Ascent Solution: The Ascent brings together all the gearing up to take on our second cohort in October 2014. like out of nowhere. This strategy is based upon the premise different organisations and communities in the Renewal in order that we are called to evangelise, to make disciples of young to contribute their charism in making disciples of young people. If you would like to sponsor a young person through the people and then empower them to do the same. As I wrote the In regard to strategy the Ascent acts as a follow up to all the process you can do this through CREW TRUST. strategy down, it developed into a three year process. I began initial proclamation events that exist. Teens therefore no longer to realise that Sion (the community I am a part of) would not have to wait a year until the next conference which provides a - £10 a month for 3 years would cover the current subsidy be able to sustain such a process by itself. We needed others “mountain top experience”. per young person. to help. It was then that the earlier pictures I received made - £28.75 a month for 3 years would cover the full amount per sense. I realised that I needed to draw other organisations and B) Stretched resources. young person. communities into the running of this discipleship process. Such The Ascent Solution: Many groups within the Renewal are Please write to: a programme I felt, as well as helping young people, would also trying to do the same thing and yet our finances, resources Ascent, c/o CCR Centre, The Crypt, Our Lady of Dolours have the potential to unite the different streams in the CCR as we and personnel are stretched. Therefore by pooling our time, Church, 264 Fulham Road, London SW10 9EL worked together on a joint project. Metaphorically speaking we personnel and finance into the same project we can develop would be “rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and repopulating the one of the best discipleship processes for teens available. www.theascentuk.co.uk

22 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 23 if we don’t voluntarily learn to take a back seat, God ensures that eye he saw himself confidently arriving at the border of the biology helps us to embrace this whether we like it or not. Kingdom of God, driving a huge container lorry filled with all his considerable achievements. To his horror it was explained that he A Season for Everything Yet old age because of life experience brings wisdom that can be couldn’t bring the truck in with him. He had to just walk in himself. very useful for others. Wisdom takes a lifetime to acquire and it is He was terrified and realised that “Every single grace that I had by Kristina Cooper interesting that when one looks in the bible, how often characters received from the Lord, I had stolen some of the glory to build up didn’t begin their major work for God, until they were quite old, my own ego. Every gift of God to me had become an occasion of and seasoned in the ways of the Lord. One only has to think about sin and pride. I realised I could not enter the Kingdom of God with Moses, who had to spend 40 years at Pharoah’s court followed it all, yet I did not know how to live without all my achievements. I Old age is often feared and despised rather than honoured in of God’s providence too, as God is not only working in our lives, by 40 years as a herdsman in the wilderness of Midian, before he was frightened to be vulnerable.” Western culture. Sixty might be the new 40 for those with good but using our situation to work in the lives of those around us and was ready to lead the people of out of Eygpt to the Promised genes, energy and money, but we can’t forever stave off the bringing His Kingdom. He is teaching us that whether we are Land. Sometimes we can dismiss old people and not think about Over the years I have come to realise that all my projects and the process of ageing - whether it is the diminishment of our health, receiving or giving, everything is God’s grace, and we shouldn’t asking their opinion, but I know I have been amazed at times at work that God has asked me to undertake, however, laudable, are our memory or our energy. In a society where you are defined by feel superior if we give and inferior if we receive!. the wisdom of my 84 year old mother, when I think to ask her actually there for my personal spiritual growth rather than as things

R e fyour l e cjob, t i oyour n looks, your status or your money, it can be difficult advice. to “succeed” in or achieve. God is more interested in whether I R e f l e c t i o n to hold on to your sense of self worth and self esteem when these Where once you were at the hub… have grown in love and faith than how many people showed up seem to be dwindling. Hopefully as Christians we have a different now you are on the periphery God had other plans for a talk or enjoyed an article I wrote. And ageing for all its pains, perspective. If not God can often use the ageing process to teach if it is properly embraced is one of the natural and most speedy us valuable spiritual lessons. Old age then becomes part of God’s Those who have been powerful or influential can find it particularly One of the most difficult things to cope with as an older person is ways for God to complete our spiritual growth. This is to make us process of preparing us to leave this world and to be ready for the difficult to cope with old age and the changes that this can bring. losing one’s health and energy. But there can be a blessing too in ready for heaven, where we certainly won’t be the centre but will next rather than something to run away from or fear. Where once you were the hub around which everything and this. I remember Fr Tom Kenny, from Wakefield, who died in May be worshipping Him for eternity. everyone revolved, now you are on the periphery. It doesn’t matter this year. He was a very dynamic and active parish priest with a Part of this preparation is simply that life here often becomes less if you have been a busy mother or the MD of a multi-national, old passion for evangelisation. When he retired from parish work, his agreeable. If you are in constant pain or bedridden, if most of age, often sees a move away from the centre of power which can intention was to spend the rest of his life developing and promoting your friends have died, if you can’t eat the food you like, and your be difficult to cope with. The challenge is accepting this and not evangelisation, particularly the . However, God had hearing or eyesight has gone and you can’t do the things you have trying to maintain your position, which is no longer appropriate. other plans, and instead of being on the road evangelising, he A Time for Everything always enjoyed doing, the desire to stay becomes less strong and Grandparents often have to learn this when they see things going spent the last ten years of his life in and out of hospital, struggling heaven becomes more appealing. on in the homes of their children that they would never have with ill health following a knee operation that went wrong. I allowed or permitted. There is a big difference between the old wondered how he would cope. But he took it like the warrior he He witnessed that death was something to embrace granny who makes her family’s life a misery because of her views was and instead of turning in on himself and becoming frustrated without fear and demands, and insists on things being her way, the “right way” and resentful he became mellow and gentle even mastering his There is a time for everything, compared to the older person, to whom everyone naturally turns famous temper! He died a happy man, still serving the Lord, even and a season for every activity under the In Goodnews last year, we had a wonderful article from Pat Brown for compassion and sympathy because of her life experience and if this meant celebrating Mass in his bedroom for a few people heavens: about journeying with her husband in the last year of his life, as his wisdom. rather than preaching in front of thousands. a time to be born and a time to die, health got worse and worse, and she wrote about the many graces a time to plant and a time to uproot, they experienced together during this difficult time. More recently Why is it that we are attracted to some old people and not to In old age when we are stripped of our positions and status, it is I spoke to another friend, Frances, whose husband Bernard died others? I realise it is often because they are always so interested often then that our true wisdom and character is revealed. One a time to kill and a time to heal, recently. Frances was full of joy about the last three months of in you and want to know what you have been doing, rather than of the most encouraging people I have ever met is Dom Benedict a time to tear down and a time to build, his life and the beautiful way her husband had died. Surrounded insisting on telling you a catalogue of their doings – often at this Heron OSB, who is now in his 90s and lives in a care home a time to weep and a time to laugh, by his children and grandchildren, he had witnessed to them that stage a list of hospital appointments or aches and pains!. We all in North London. Once very active, he was like a bee buzzing a time to mourn and a time to dance, death was something to embrace without fear. In the way he died, like being listened to, as it makes us feel loved and affirmed but around, finding delight everywhere. His achievements have been he reaped the reward for a lifetime of service to his family and whereas in charity we might listen to the woes of an elderly person, many. He has written best selling books, worked for a time to scatter stones others. We can be sure that it will be the same for all those who it’s the one who listens and who is interested in us to whom we are and been one of the great pioneers of the Charismatic Renewal and a time to gather them, have served the Lord. They will not be abandoned at the end naturally attracted. in this country. Because of his limited health these days, however, a time to embrace either. Jesus himself promises us this when he says, “And if I go he doesn’t go anywhere much now. But it is not his achievements and a time to refrain from embracing, and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you Be part of the appreciative audience in someone else’s life that still draw people to seek him out and visit him, but the love to myself, so that where I am you also may be.”(John 14:3) and encouragement that he has sown over the years. Despite his a time to search and a time to give up, When I give talks I often tell what I hope are insightful or infirmity, he radiates joy and enthusiasm and continues to minister a time to keep and a time to throw away, Before we get to that final moment of death, however, the ageing entertaining stories which are usually well received. I realise in from his sick bed, still praying for healing and encouraging a time to tear and a time to mend, process helps to remind us that this world is not our permanent this lies a danger for me, however, as I can seek to transfer this others. a time to be silent and a time to speak home and it helps prepare us for the new life awaiting us. It also privileged position to my private life too. I can presume that those helps us to grow in humility and poverty. Our society encourages around me will be equally interested in what I have to say, rather I did not know how to live without all my achievements us to be self-sufficient. When you get old, however strong you than me wanting to know more about what they have been up to. might have once been, you start to need others more. This can Instead of insisting on remaining centre stage how much better I remember some years ago being very struck by a sharing Ecclesiastes 3 : 7 make one feel vulnerable but it is also an opportunity to grow in to be part of the appreciative audience in someone else’s life, by Dominique Ferry, who had had a very successful career in dependence on God and for charity to be stirred in others and rejoicing in their achievements rather than keeping them abreast business before he joined the Chemin Neuf Community where he for community to grow. To be dependent on others can be hard of my own. Yet I know I often feel the need to entertain, rather than ended up with an equally high profile. He told us about a powerful as it can make one feel worthless or a burden. Yet this is all part listen, to impress rather than be impressed. The good news is that image he received about himself whilst on a retreat. In his mind’s

24 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 25 Always Time for Half Toblerone er IN THE NAME OF JESUS th Mike and Maria Pia Oliver O tell us how they have been building relationship with Lalage Hall, who is in her 80’s and father had given me for my 21st birthday. Fortunately it was the e the homeless lives alone, shares about a recent wrong way round so that the stone was hidden and it looked h and unexpected opportunity she had like a wedding ring. “Now I’m going to lose it,” I thought, but it The idea was so simple - chocolate! For several Sue Whitehead to evangelise when she awoke to find remained on my finger. He dived into my shopping bag with my years, just before Christmas, we had been taking T wallet lying on top where he left it untouched. He then moved to items of warm clothing to the local night shelter, a burglar in her bedroom!

T e s t i m o n y my prayer corner where he shone his torch on my crucifix and to give to our homeless brothers and sisters who pictures of the Resurrection and Mary and Pope Francis. He gather there. This gave us the opportunity to chat There he was, at 2.15am, in my bedroom, a gentle spoken young then said softly, “I’m leaving now” and climbed out of the open with them and tell them about Jesus. But what I decided to change our bedding and had stripped the bed before man peering around with his tiny torch. I said “In the name of window! would we do when the warm weather arrived realising that the other sheets and duvet cover had been washed but had not yet left the ironing basket! I pulled them out and put the sheet Jesus, what do you want?” No reply. I wished I’d prayed more, and they no longer needed gloves, scarves, hats The Other Half on the bed. It looked okay, but it wasn’t “right”! Charles thought it though at one point I did pray aloud in tongues. Uppermost in The police, eight of them, that night and the next morning were and jackets? Walking round a Poundland store one day we spotted large bars of Toblereone for would do – after all we were only going to sleep on it – but it was very my mind was to somehow form a relationship with him. very supportive and said several times how brave I’d been. I crumpled and I couldn’t smooth it out to satisfy myself. I love ironing only £1 each. We held a collection at our prayer explained to them that it was not I but the Lord. I gave Him all so half an hour later the job was done and the bed was once more ready group and the next weekend a small group of I tried again. “You seem a good young man, why are you doing the glory. How could I be brave when I felt no fear. The idea of for purpose. this?” “Shush, be quiet, don’t speak,” he replied quietly. rape never entered my mind till later. My gentle burglar appears us set out with a bag of chocolate bars. What to have stolen absolutely nothing. Was I hallucinating – I think a great success. No one refuses the offer of And then I started thinking – the sheet had been clean and okay – I watched from my bed as he opened drawers and looked inside, not. There are marks in the garden where he placed his ladder. chocolate! We soon gave out all our Toblerone but not perfect. It could be used – but it wasn’t right. The parallel taking nothing although a large purse full of £5 notes lay on Was he already touched by God in some mysterious way – who and we were able to spend time with a number thought for me was about myself. I know that I am clean in God’s top. Nothing was spilled out onto the floor in the usual manner knows? of our new friends. Some of them confided their sight – washed in the blood of the Lamb – but I’m sure I’m still very problems with us and welcomed a short prayer. and each drawer was shut with meticulous care which was not crumpled. I’m okay, but not perfect – I need ironing. And because my Others were happy just to know that someone easy as my drawers are crammed to overflowing. As I lay there It was not a coincidence I think that I had spent the previous day heavenly father loves me so, He wants me to “be right”. I’m sure He cared about them. They all had a smile on their watching him and expecting him to ask at any moment, “Have with my close friend, Ida, and she had prayed for me , twice, needs to iron me to enhance my presentation. faces as they walked away with the Toblerone you any money here?”– as I had just been to the bank and invoking the prayer to St Michael. Next day she also prayed in their hands. Our trip to the night shelter is As I have said, I love ironing. There is such huge job satisfaction drawn out quite a large amount, I had quite a lot. I was thankful for any delayed shock. Looking back on what happened,. I had now a regular feature each month and is one at the end! But it takes a lot of effort, pressure and determination that he wasn’t wearing a stocking ovr his face. At one point my asked the Lord for a chance to evangelise. Little did I realise how of the activities that keeps our prayer group to remove all the creases and achieve a smooth finish. If the sheet hand must have made an involuntary movement under the duvet he would answer my prayer. Ida and I are now both praying that looking outwards. could feel, I think it would experience quite a lot of discomfort as because he swiftly threw back part of it revealing the ring my the Lord will continue to touch this young man’s heart. Alleluia. the hot iron presses down, smoothing out the ridges, sorting out the imperfections. COME TO ME Yes, that is how it feels when we ask the Lord to sort us out – to “iron Eva Eberlein-Sido reports. us”! He does need to put pressure on us - by circumstances we find ourselves in or by confronting us with our imperfections. When that Last November at the ICCRS Prophetic happens we should try to remember that we really do want to be the Consultation in Bethlehem Jesus said: “Come best that we can be for Him, and sometimes discomfort, even pain, is to me! I will give you new power!” The young necessary. people present decided to answer this call by Fortunately I have progressed from the old heavy flat irons that my inviting the youth of the CCR to an encounter with grandmother used. I have a wonderful steam iron which facilitates st Jesus on 31 of May, 2014 at 11.00am GMT. The ironing by a hundredfold! And our loving Father has the “steam” of response was fantastic. Youth from 50 countries the to enable our smoothing to be easier. How wonderful participated, each praying in their own countries is that? at the same time in the presence of the Eucharist. From Chile to New Zealand, from Sweden to The question is, when I am ironing tomorrow will I be able to relate to South Africa countless youth cried out for revival what the Lord is doing for me? As I squeeze the trigger to release the and experienced a new outpouring of the Holy steam, will I remember that the Holy Spirit is there to help straighten Spirit! Testimonies and pictures are still coming me out? I think ironing is going to become a whole new spiritual in. It’s amazing that in Jesus we can be together experience – I’d LOVE to be crumple free! regardless of space and finances. See Facebook page: www.facebook.com/youth.ccr Taken from © Sue Whitehead Report from info-letter of Euccril. To be put on mailing list email kees @ stucom.nl

26 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 27

40 years of Freedom, Faith and Fellowship Agape Ministries

Archie Cameron thanks God for 40 years of the Emmaus Family of Prayer in Southport

58 Marshside Road SOUTHPORT PR9 9TH Tel: 01704 224286 - Email archie @ agapeministries.co.uk The Emmaus Family of Prayer came together recently to thank God for forty years of friendship at a special celebration Mass on th NEW RECORDINGS FROM FATHER PAT COLLINS “ DIVINE GUIDANCE “

12 June 2014 at St Patrick's church in Stockport. When Cathy and R e s o u r c e s

A g aI left p e Scotland P a g e little did we know how our lives would be completely The talks were given at the 2014 Celebrate Twickenham: transformed. We arrived in Southport in1974 and bought a house Jesus the Hope of all the World. These talks will help you to remain in Ainsdale where we were welcomed by the fantastic parishioners faithful to your calling to be a follower of Jesus. from St John Stone parish. This parish had a great network of friendships and we were very impressed by the beautiful balance Talk 1: Hope for the least the last and the lost of faith and fun in these friendships. We were invited by Dave and Talk 2: Divine guidance by means of imaginative vision Maureen Grimley, a married couple, to a house Mass where we Talk 3: Divine guidance by means of words of wisdom met Harold and Barbara and that was it - the beginning of a life Talk 4: Divine guidance by means of changing process. Within twenty four months Dave and Maureen, Cathy and I had sold our houses and moved in together. We Each talk is available on CD (£5 each plus £1.75 p&p), or simply felt called by God to do so and trusted each other enough as an mp3 (£3 each). The set of four talks cost £15 plus £2.00 p&p. to step out in faith. From this little intentional community the Family Every Blessing of Prayer slowly began to grow. Archie and Cathy We wanted to make an adult commitment to Christian discipleship and witness

From the outset we wanted to make an adult commitment to Christian discipleship and witness. The teaching of Vatican II and the experience of Charismatic Renewal helped us to find a real joy and freedom in worship and fellowship and witness. Over the years as a community we have arranged opportunities for people to come together for ongoing adult Christian formation , fun and support. At Prayer with the Church by Ambrose Walsh The Family of Prayer became a place where a model of Christian discipleship was shared. Many then took that model back to The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Moses, … their own communities. We were a place where , priests and the God of David, … religious sisters could meet together and share faith together and the God who invited the Blessed Virgin Mary work together. Something that we still do. to receive Him into her life, the God who in Jesus lived and died in the flesh, In the early years most of us were young families with children. rose again and sent His Spirit to create a New People of God The witness of young professional families choosing a alternative from among all the nations of the world, lifestyle to live by both shocked and fascinated many people in our invites YOU area. Today it’s the same only now it’s the radical commitment of to come and celebrate the New and Everlasting Covenant… pensioners working together for the common good and the daily (taken from the appendix) building up of the kingdom of God. This is just as shocking and fascinating. Father Chris summed it up perfectly on the night of £11.99 plus £2.00 p&p (410 pages) our celebration.

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28 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 29 message of brotherly love and support to Kenneth was so rich, wonderful. What a precious moment…We however, to be an obstacle in con�nuing to reach out on a THEY HAVE FOUND Copeland, the high profile proponent of the prosperity have a Pope here who is the real deal.” Copeland was warm personal level to other Chris�an leaders. gospel. This message, which was recorded on the mobile delighted by the whole visit, showing his people snaps of THEIR BROTHER phone of Bishop Tony Palmer*, a South African, who is a the in�mate two hour lunch they had had with the Pope, Among his friends for many years is Giovanni Trae�no, personal friend of both the Pope and of Copeland, was sharing tes�monies of faith. On one level lunches and a Pentecostal leader from Caserta, in Sicily. The Pope Kris�na Cooper reports on the significance of played at Copeland’s annual leaders’ conference. While laughter and fellowship might seem very trivial, compared not only invited Trae�no to come and visit him at the the recent mee�ng of Pope Francis with Kenneth the Pope, with his emphasis on simplicity and the gospel with the serious work of theological ecumenical dialogue, Va�can, but also went to visit him at his church in Caserta, but Pope Francis knows exactly what he is doing. Before at the end of July. Here he asked for forgiveness from Copeland and a group of high profile evangelicals. of the poor, would not be a natural ally of Copeland, he was showing publicly that he was open to dialogue and you can even begin to talk about Chris�an unity, bridges Pentecostals for Catholics who persecuted them in the friendship. Copeland was charmed and sent a message of love and trust have to be built with those involved, past and emphasised unity in diversity. He said “Some to give them the strength and courage for the difficult people will be surprised: they will say, ‘the Pope has gone One of the surprises of the Holy Spirit that Michelle back, also recorded on Bishop Palmer’s mobile phone. journey ahead. to the evangelicals!’ He has gone to meet his brothers! Moran referred to in her ar�cle must surely be the new th Yes! Because – and this is the truth – they came to me friendships that Pope Francis has been forging with the On 24 June 2014, the feast of John the Bap�st, Bishop Ecumenism is clearly high on Pope Francis’s agenda. first, in Buenos Aires. And so this friendship began, this most unexpected people. In the past most ecumenical Tony Palmer facilitated a visit by Kenneth Copeland While he was archbishop in Argen�na, he was known for closeness between the pastors in Buenos Aires, and here dialogue has taken place between small groups of to meet Pope Francis at the Va�can. Copeland was his close rela�onships and friendships with evangelicals, today.” theologians behind closed doors discussing differences among a small delega�on of significant interna�onal Pentecostals and charisma�cs. This is something NEWS N E Wof S theology and denomina�onal beliefs and trying to find evangelical leaders, who were invited to a special one extremely unusual in La�n America where there is o�en points of communion. Charles Whitehead, a life member hour mee�ng with the Pope to discuss Chris�an unity. * SEE NOTICEBOARD FOR SAD NEWS OF BISHOP PALMER’ great polarisa�on between Catholics and Protestants. of the English NSC, is part of the Roman Catholic team This was followed by a two hour Italian style lunch, SUDEN DEATH. Pope Francis has not allowed even his new papal office, working with the Va�can Council for Promo�ng Chris�an where the conversa�on was warm and friendly and the Unity, who have met several �mes with major leaders of guests shared with each other their love of the Lord and non-denomina�onal independent charisma�c churches the joy of the gospel and the need for people to come in some official but less formal “conversa�ons”. to know Jesus personally. This is something the Pope is as the New Dawn conference, helping Myles Dempsey, the

“Happy Birthday Fr Mike!” constantly calling for himself, but was perhaps a surprise Euston Day of Renewal and recent intercession initiatives like This essen�al work is of its nature very hidden. Thus to some of the evangelicals there. These included three the New Year’s Eve celebration “Lift Jesus High”. His passion ground breaking events such as the signing of the Joint prominent leaders of the World Evangelical Alliance, Georgina Livesey pays tribute to Fr Mike for the Scriptures (he has written booklets on all the synoptic Declara�on on Jus�fica�on by Faith, signed by the outgoing CEO Geoff Tunnicliffe, Rev Brian S�ller and Gwinnell, who has been a priest for 62 gospels) also made him a natural choice to be chairperson and the Lutherans in 1999 (and later the Rev Thomas Schirrmachu, James Robison, a well known years and this September celebrates his of the Catholic Bible School board of trustees. Fr Mike’s love Methodists), which ended one of the major causes of the Bap�st televangelist with his wife Be�y and Carol and 90th birthday. for Our Lady of Walsingham led him to initiate (and fund) Reforma�on, hardly caused a ripple because most people John Arno� of Toronoto Blessing fame. the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Reconciliation, which has were unaware that it had even happened. Fr Mike Gwinnell became our new parish priest at St Ann’s, travelled throughout the UK, providing a focus of healing and A�erwards in repor�ng back to his people, Kenneth Kingston Hill in 1991. He brought with him not just his secretary reconciliation. He also has developed a special liturgy for the Pope Francis, however, seems to be taking advantage Copeland commented on the warmth of the occasion and house keeper from his former parish, St Cecilia’s in Cheam, unborn for children lost through abortion or miscarriage, which of the modern media to complement exis�ng formal and admi�ed that in other ecumenical occasions, he has but also a substantial number of “clients” for his special ministry he often celebrates at Catholic Charismatic conferences like the dialogues and mee�ngs through his own charm offensive some�mes felt “edgy”, which made him want to “get of praying for healing and of ancestral healing. His ministry annual Celebrate week and other events. directed at significant evangelical and charisma�c leaders. out and be with my own people.” But this was different meant that he travelled widely and when we were first told When he retired from parish ministry In January 2014 he began this when he sent an unexpected he said, “ It was the goodness of the Holy Ghost. It that Fr Mike was going to be our new parish priest, a fellow priest remarked, things didn’t get any quieter. It just “Well you won’t see much of him.” But gave him more time to travel and we did as he began to train up a team pursue his special calling which he of people from the parish to help him had developed many years ago with his ministry. I was privileged to through his friendship with Kenneth be one of these and so began for me a McCall. This has led to trips all over friendship and working relationship that the globe, sometimes accompanied by has lasted more than 20 years. myself or his two other great friends and ministry partners, Enda Devine Many of us owe a great deal of our and Sheena Tranter. spiritual growth and development to Fr Mike’s collaborative style of ministry as What sort of man is Fr Mike? parish priest. With him we helped run Above all he is a man of great the Parish Project, a monthly healing Mass, the Life in the Spirit compassion and generosity, who finds it difficult to say no and Seminars and Alpha. (St Ann’s was one of the first Catholic has always worked very hard. He is also very sociable and loves parishes to put on the Alpha course) and a host of other fellowship. He has always had a great thirst for knowledge activities. and a desire to pass it on to others. As he approaches his 90th birthday he can look back on a full life crammed with He is a great pioneer and enthusiast and has been at the experiences and legions of people who have benefited from his beginning of many significant initiatives of the Holy Spirit, such teaching, formation and ministry; a Life well Lived.

30 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 31 PRAYER FOR PRIESTS

It is easy to get discouraged sometimes when one hears of prayer groups dwindling in numbers or closing down. But sometimes these statistics African experience don’t tell the whole story. I recently had a very encouraging conversation with Ann Holms who comes from Newcastle upon Tyne. She was part of the original Monday night prayer group started by the famous Fr Sean Conaty, in his parish in Long Benton. After Fr Sean moved parish, the group, although it kept going, gradually grew smaller and smaller. Numbers eventually dwindled so much that it was decided it would be better to move the group out of the parish to a more central location. This now meets still on a Monday at St Andrew’s in Worswick Street, in the Vicky Chatten from the Midlands have witnessed a level of faith in society as a whole, which middle of Newcastle.

is far beyond anything I have seen at home in England. As NEWS NEWS shares about her time taking part potentially cause a resurgence of faith rather than missionaries of God’s word we were welcomed into people’s in a Discipleship Training school in the opposite. A friend helped me put this contrast Here the group has flourished and numbers gradually have grown homes where they were receptive to the message of salvation Uganda and what she has learnt. into perspective through the understanding that if the and now 15-25 meet every week. Out of this group has also grown and were grateful for the answer to prayers they received. I was devil revealed himself in western culture as clearly as an intercessory group, which meets on Tuesday afternoons. This is a reflecting upon how a similar outreach would have been received As I approach the final months of my time in Uganda, it is a good he does here, then people could not fail to see the prophetic intercessory group, which prays as it feels led - for the nation, in my own culture where I would expect to receive closed doors chance to reflect upon my experiences so far and how God has existence of God. His greatest weapon in Europe is for war torn places like Syria and Iraq, and for direction for the Catholic and more importantly, closed hearts, in contrast to the openness spoken to me through the places and people I have encountered the veil of unbelief over our society. I have learnt to Charismatic Renewal in the diocese. Since the recent national Diocesan I experienced here in Uganda. here. I have taken part in the Discipleship Training School at Yesu accept that there are evil powers in this world that can Service Team (DST) meeting in the spring, and Ros Powell’s teaching on Ahuriire Catholic Charismatic Community where I both received destroy us if we allow them to but we have no need to praying prophetic words, they now don’t just note the words they receive People often comment that Africa is more open to religion because and gave teachings as part of the course. This has involved fear because the power of the Cross has victory over down, but pray them into life too. of their need for comfort and solace in their difficulties and whilst this teachings on areas such as the Father heart of God, Life in the all works of the devil. By keeping our eyes firmly fixed may be partially true, this takes away nothing from the inspirational Spirit, self-acceptance, evangelisation and many other aspects of on Christ we will be protected and remain triumphant One of the words that the intercessory group received that has really levels of faith in the hearts of the people. Their struggles could just the formation of a disciple of Christ. To be serving as a missionary in Him. born fruit is of a picture of a patient on the operating table receiving heart as easily have caused them to despair at the idea of an all-loving, is the fulfilment of a lifelong calling and it is both a joy and a surgery and the words “work needs to be done in the heart and it must start all-powerful God: yet hope remains. However there are aspects privilege to be here. However this does not mean the transition The foundations of a faith built upon the Church help with my priests.” This coincided with messages from Medjugorje calling of the Ugandan culture which appear to be standing in the way of has been without its difficulties. us to see the truth in the midst of confusion and chaos on people to “pray for your shepherds”. As a result Sr Angela, Rosemary the progression of faith such as the dominance of witchcraft and and this is something which from my experience seems Prest and Ann, who are part of the intercessory group, decided to start ancestral worship. Especially within the less developed areas, I have witnessed a level of faith in society as a to have less of an impact upon the Church in Uganda. a monthly group on Sunday afternoons, especially to pray for priests. the reliance upon witch doctors to solve problems about health When the first missionaries brought the Catholic faith Whereas the Monday night prayer group and the Tuesday afternoon whole which is far beyond anything I have seen and finances is still common. Often without knowledge people to Uganda in the late 1800s we hear of the Ugandan intercessory group are very charismatic in style, the prayer for priests is at home in England are opening themselves up, not only to emotional and spiritual Martyrs who sacrificed their lives to defend their belief a mixture of different kinds of prayer. harm, but also to the power of evil which, under the protection of The culture of both in Christ but this is not when our Church began. As Christ, has no power Ann comments, “We felt we must start to build bridges instead of always the way of life and a result of this I have experienced at times a lack over us. having so many separate groups in the Church, and not just stick to the spirituality are of understanding of the history and traditions of our prayer that we like best or feel most comfortable with, but to be willing to worlds apart from Faith and how they shape us as people of God. With The devil’s pray different kinds of prayer.” The afternoon starts at 2 pm and finishes my own experiences other issues such as the difficulty of buying Church greatest weapon after 4pm. It begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with some and this has been literature e.g. the Catechism, the importance of in Europe is the praise, followed by silence, the divine mercy chaplet and the rosary and a challenge; to priests is paramount in the formation of the people. finishes with charismatic intercessory praise and worship in tongues. Ann adapt and relate to veil of unbelief But they are also not always readily available with comments, “We purposely do the charismatic bit at the end so people can how the community in our society some villages only receiving Mass once every two leave beforehand if they want, but most don’t, even if they are not familiar approaches its or three years. There are a lot of obstacles for the with that kind of prayer. There are often lots of young foreign people relationship with This was a difficult African Church to overcome yet their devotion to the who are in the church at that time, who join in with us too.” Although God. There is a concept for me to faith remains more steadfast than that of the western the priests in the parish are not involved in catholic charismatic renewal, great sense of joy come to terms with world where Christians have every opportunity to they have gradually warmed to the group, to the extent that the parish in worship and an when arriving here express and live out their faith but often choose priest felt comfortable enough to ask the group for the laying on of hands overwhelming trust as, in British culture, otherwise. I have learnt a lot about perseverance and and prayer for his bad back. The group is thinking of promoting this idea in God’s providence, we are now at a point appreciation of the Faith I have been given which fills of organising special groups to pray for priests in every parish in the even when people where the devil is me with ever more zeal to evangelise both here and diocese, as they can see fruits after a short time. are struggling for reduced to the evil when I return to England. Please keep the Church the basic necessities doings of human here in Uganda in your prayers as part of the body of Interested in knowing more? Contact Ann 07531 638292 or to survive. Through beings or evil as a Christ. I also pray for you as you strive to awaken the email Sr Angela angela13robson @ gmail.com outreach within fictional character. Church in England to the power of the Holy Spirit who different areas I Thus, a revelation is at work throughout all of God’s creation wherever of his works would that may be.

32 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 33 ADVERTISING RATES 2014 Divine Retreat Centre UK, St. Augustine’s JOHN PRIDMORE NEW BOOK! ‘Visited by God’ – a history of the Abbey, Ramsgate, Kent remarkable movement of the Holy Spirit John Pridmore, the ex gangster world-wide - spanning six decades REATREATS AUTUMN 2014 now full time evangelist, says his spiritual life attained new beginning with God’s call in 1962 to - FULL OUTSIDE BACK PAGE (FULL COLOUR).....£580 plus VAT Michael Harper to work for unity in all RESIDENTIAL ENGLISH RETREATS depths when he consecrated nd the churches. ‘This is an unique account Every 2 week (Friday 8am to Sunday 5pm) - HALF OUTSIDE BACK PAGE (FULL COLOUR)....£300 plus VAT his life to Jesus through Mary Sept. 12-14, Oct. 10-12, Nov 7-9 and Dec. 12-14 of Michael’s amazing and enduring using the special consecration - FULL INSIDE BACK PAGE (FULL COLOUR)...... £580 plus VAT th influence on Renewal and Ecumenism first promulgated by the 17 BIBLE CONVENTION & HEALING SERVICE in every part of the world-wide Church.’ - FULL INSIDE BACK PAGE (SINGLE COLOUR)...£400 plus VAT Century French saint, St Louis de 1st Saturdays 8.30am-4.30pm (English) Montfort. The consecration has a Charles Whitehead, ex Chairman of the English NSC. 6th Sept, 4th Oct., 1st Nov. and 6th Dec. - HALF INSIDE BACK PAGE (FULL COLOUR)...... £300 plus VAT something of a pedigree and has The book is obtainable through Amazon been the turning point for many CHARISM RETREAT - HALF INSIDE BACK PAGE (SINGLE COLOUR).....£220 plus VAT ISBN 978-1-872897-15-8 holy men and women of God over (Friday, 9 am – Sunday, 5 pm) - Nov. 7-9. - BOXES ON THE NOTICE BOARD OR INSIDE BACK PAGE the centuries including St John Paul II. The language of (92mm x64mm)...... £ 100 the original, however, is difficult to cope with for the Noticeboard Accommodation available max 150 people.Prior st - HALF PAGES (SINGLE COLOUR IN MAGAZINE) 21 Century ears. This spurred John to simplify it while Booking MUST be made - giving Names and Dates, BISHOP TONY PALMER KILLED when available ...... £200 plus VAT retaining the core message and adding a few of his own via SMS 07548303824 or email josephedattuvc @ reflections. The book is available from Goodnews IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT gmail.com Books tel 01582 571011 price £4 plus £1.50 p&p Please ring our office on 0207 352 5298 for further enquiries and Bishop Tony Palmer, founder for a quote if you want to have an INSERTS of the ARC community (http:// http://divineuk.org/ramsgate-schedule/ thearkcommunity.org/), who has been responsible for facilitating personal THE HOLY WAY WEB SITE friendships between Pope Francis and some high profile evangelical The Holy Way is a web site set leaders (see page 30) was killed up by Greg Crowhurst who cares tragically in a motor bike accident, SUNDAY & HOLY for his wife Linda, who suffers a only weeks after a much publicised visit he facilitated chronic and painful ME. They are between Pope Francis and Kenneth Copeland and other LITURGIES both writers and poets and have leading evangelicals. Bishop Palmer’s vision was to try set up the web site to reach out to to get major evangelical and charismatic leaders to sign CYCLE B others who suffer and are on the the Joint Declaration on Justification by Faith that had edge of society and the church. been signed by the Lutherans and the Roman Catholic The web site is evangelistic and as Church in 1999, in time for the Golden Jubilee of the We feel and we know that the well as artwork and writing there are short videoed thoughts Catholic Charismatic Renewal in 2017. He was not Holy Spirit sets the word of Jesus, by Linda about what she has learnt through her pain which himself a Roman Catholic but was married to one and his the Gospel, on fire, on fire with they hope that those who are isolated but who are seeking children were also being brought up as Roman Catholics. love. We also know that love has God might find helpful. www.holyway.co.uk/index.html Surgeons at Bristol hospital operated for 10 hours trying to have a human face. And that is to save his life, and there was an internet prayer campaign why the Holy Spirit guides us to praying for his recovery, but to no avail and he died on the human face of Jesus, the Son EVANGELISING THE BAPTISED 20th July 2014. Please pray for his wife Emiliana and of Mary. And that, in a nutshell, their children Daniel and Gabriella. is the adventure that this book invites us to go Drawing on his parish experience and from on. This is a modern resource with questions for the 18 years he spent as the director of the groups and individuals. Nottingham Pilgrims, Fr Jonathan Cotton CONGRATULATIONS TO has written a simple but much needed book JOAN DEMPSEY “This is a fresh and fascinating guide to the helping to both inspire and equip Catholics Sunday and Holyday Gospel readings” to evangelise. The book draws very much on Who celebrated her 90th Professor O’Collins S.J. the Philip course, developed by Jose Prado birthday on 28th July. A great Flores from Mexico, and which was one of woman of God, a powerhouse For further details contact: the most popular and transformative of the of support, strength, wisdom courses that the Pilgrims used to run for and love for her husband LISTEN AND PROCLAIM parishes. This book enables the reader to go through the same Myles, Joan is a tremendous 202 Peel Green Road process either on their own or with a couple of others, by reading witness to all of us of the joy of Eccles the book and answering the questions at the end of each chapter. serving quietly but powerfully M30 7DS The book, which includes a CD of printable relevant in the background, and the Tel: 07757970833 resources for groups, is available from Goodnews Books fruits that flow from this. price £9.99 plus £1.30 p&p tel 01582 571011. (Cheques payable to “LISTEN AND PROCLAIM”)

34 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014 35 CCR Centre

Last spring in the Easter to Pentecost period if you before, but were both excellent. And Niru later went on remember we organised a Life in the Spirit seminars for to share her testimony at a prayer group in Gloucester. Our Lady of Dolours parish, where the CCR centre is The other speakers included volunteer Maureen Evans’ currently based. husband Roger, parish priest Fr Pat Ryall and Fr Chris O Brien another Servite priest from the parish, Daphne Kilner We were very blessed by the amount of volunteers from and as Madeleine O’Connell was too ill to come, Gabriele the London area who helped us put on the seminars and from the office stepped into the breach. All the talks were came to offer their support in different ways, from leading very well received, as well the worship, which was led by small groups, helping out with the administration or with Gabriele, assisted by Claude Sandy, Teresa Pereira (from the lunch. Alpha style we decided Cancao Nova) and on a couple of that we would finish each session occasions, Fr. Chris, who is quite a with a simple meal. This gave people musician himself. Stefanie & Paul a chance to chat and to fellowship Donovan from Tunbridge Wells together. It was a great success with acted as MCs. most of the participants and helpers remaining to eat and to talk more. For the final seminar instead of Two lovely ladies from Eritreya were having small groups we had a so delighted with the meals and the feedback session so that everyone sense of hospitality that, unsolicited, could share the blessings that they offered to prepare chicken they had received and hear from and rice for everyone one of the others. It was evident that many had weeks – no mean feat when we had received a lot from the seminars, on average 35 people for lunch. In including the volunteers who had the original Ann Arbor manual it taken part, who commented on the says that if participants can’t make joy that was evident throughout and all the seminars, which build on the sense of fellowship. And it was each other, it is better for them to true, there was a really wonderful wait until they are free to do them spirit generated through the spirit all. Nowdays, however, because of service and humility and self of people’s pressurised lives it is sacrifice of all the volunteers who almost impossible to get people to made it a wonderful experience. come every week for 7 or 8 weeks. Even enthusiastic team members As a result of the LSS, the parishioners find it difficult to do this because of asked if we would help them to start other commitments. Thus we had to a charismatic prayer group. This now compensate for this by having 2 or meets on Thursday mornings 11 am 3 group leaders to every group to to 12.30 am in the Founders Room ensure continuity, when one person in the priory. Daphne Kilner who might be away. Thus while we had has been in the parish for over 40 about 35 people each time, probably years was part of the original prayer about 50 people participated in group founded by Sr Mary Peter total. This included 30 participants Scanlan and Winefride Pinke in the and 20 helpers. 1970s, but which folded many years ago. At the first meeting of the As we knew it was going to be a group, she expressed her joy that small seminar, we decided instead it had come into being again. About of inviting established speakers 12 people have been coming each that we would give new people time. It has been lovely to introduce an opportunity to try out their the charisms to people for whom skills. Two of our volunteers Niru it is all new, and helping some who Fernando and Monica Chiles, for have never read the bible to start to example, had never given a talk find their way around it.

36 GoodNews 233 - September/October 2014