& TIMSBURY PARISH COUNCIL A Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 27th September 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in the Jubilee Hall, Timsbury

Members of the public and press are most welcome to attend.

AGENDA Apologies

1. Attendees

2. Declarations of any Interest.

3. Open Period

4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 26th July and the Planning Meeting held on 29th August 2017.

5. Clerk’s Report ` 6. Village Issues

6.1 Sports Club issues – to include buildings insurance 6.2 Jubilee Hall lease 6.3 Emergency Planning

7. Planning 7.1 17/01219/FULLS Ground and first floor rear extensions with balcony and construction of new garage to replace existing integrated garage. Site: Newlands, Stockbridge Road, Timsbury

7.2 17/02234/FULLS Single Storey side/front extension Site: Inglewood, Manor Farm Lane, Michelmersh

7.3 17/02138/FULLS Erection of electronic wooden entrance gates Site; Goldcrest, Mesh Road, Michelmersh

7.4 17/02168/FULLS Demolition of bungalow, erection of dwelling and construction of vehicular access Site: Greensleeves, Haccups Lane, Michelmersh

8. Correspondence 8.1 M&T Sports Club – a) Buildings Insurance & Pavilion Extension b) Alternative to Grounds Enlargement Project c) Electrical inspection information 8.2 HCC Cllr. Roy Perry’s September report 8.3 HCC Email – response to PC’s request for 20mph speed limits on the village lanes 8.4 TVBC Email re: playground fencing 8.5 Preschool Email re: Preschool use of recreation ground 8.6 TVBC - Strategic Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment

9. Finance 9.1 Financial Summary 9.2 Invoices for payment

10. Meetings attended or to be attended

11. Chairman’s Mandate

12. Agenda items to be included in next month's Parish Council Meeting

13. Dates of future meetings – Due to half term holidays, this meeting will be held a week early on Wednesday 18th October

Katie Hardy, Parish Clerk Tel: 01794 367289 email: [email protected] 21st September 2017

Michelmersh & Timsbury Parish Council Clerk’s Report to PC Meeting of 27th September 2017

1. TVBC and HCC Determinations 17/01515/FULLS Erection of orangery to rear elevation using existing patio doors and lantern - 11 Redlands Drive, Upper Timsbury, SO51 0AG Decision: Permission granted

17/01410/LBWS Creation of a single door opening in the centre of the hallway wall - Michelmersh Court , Church Road, Michelmersh Decision: Consent granted

17/01609/TREES T1 T3 Horse chestnut - Fell T2 Ash - Fell T4 Magnolia - Fell T5 3x Beech- Fell and reinstate as a beech hedge. T6 Horse chestnut, Hawthorn and Ash - Crown lift to a height of 3 metres from ground level. - Orchard Cottage , Mesh Road, Michelmersh Decision: No objection

17/01354/FULLS Replacement entrance gate and brick piers - Michelmersh Court , Church Road, Michelmersh Decision: Withdrawn

17/01638/FULLS Erection of single storey extension to include entrance hall, WC, and bay window. - Manor Farm Cottage, Manor Farm Lane, Michelmersh Decision: Permission granted

17/01620/FULLS Redevelopment of site to include new business and storage/distribution accommodation following removal of existing storage units/containers, and new site landscaping Manor Nursery , Stockbridge Road, Timsbury Decision: Withdrawn

17/01596/FULLS Infilling of previous clay excavation hole with imported material and creation of new site access and landscaping - Greensleeves, Haccups Lane, Michelmersh Decision: Permission granted

17/01937/FULLS Install electric gates to existing driveway, a post and rail fence to be reinstated and a new forest style gate to the side of the existing pathway. - Elizabethan Cottage, Chapel Lane, Timsbury Decision: Withdrawn

2. Village Issues 2.1 Sports Club Correspondence (a)

8th September, 2017

Dear Katie, Buildings-insurance:

The Council’s letter of 21st August was considered by the Club’s Management Committee on Monday, when it was decided that the Club will continue to insure the buildings from renewal-date of 19th April next.

The Club made clear during lengthy negotiations that it would enter into a lease only if it insured the buildings. The Council suggested duplicating its arrangements with the Jubilee Hall, but this didn’t happen, despite which the Council trusted the Club to effect buildings-insurance. You will understand, therefore, that after an arrangement clearly satisfactory to both parties has been allowed to continue for five years, members of the Club’s Management Committee were dismayed and unable to understand why, despite the Council’s kind words to the contrary, its actions inform that they are no longer trusted.

The view was expressed that the key difference, in the matter of trust of committees managing the parish’s community-owned assets, is that Councillors sit, or have sat in recent times, on that of the Jubilee Hall but not that of the Sports Club. It was suggested, therefore, that up to two Councillors sit on the Club’s Management Committee, as was the case for decades some years ago.

We would be grateful if the matter could be included in the agenda for the Council’s September meeting.


We advised the Council that we are prepared to progress a pavilion-extension only if the enlarged building is in the ownership of, and insured by, the Club; and the Council has promptly responded by advising that it would like to discuss with the Club future development of the pavilion. May we assume, therefore, that the Council would allow the Club to assume ownership of, and insure, an enlarged pavilion?

Although full-length extensions front and back would be the more practical option for the Club, we can see that linking the pavilion to the Jubilee Hall could be more beneficial to the parish. That being the case, it would be good if the parish, through its Council, gave every assistance in raising the very large sum of money required, not least by minimising expenditure on the present building. Our letter of 10th February details how the Club has reduced expenditure on insurances by more than £1,200.00 annually since 2011. Much of that saving was achieved simply by changing insurers, but more resulted from including “buildings” in a single, all-inclusive policy. It makes no sense at all to “rob” the project of several hundred pounds annually by restoring the pre-2012 insurance arrangements.

We remain, yours sincerely, for Michelmersh & Timsbury Sports Club,

Robin Goodland, Hon. Secretary.


14th September 2017

Dear Katie,

Alternative to Ground Enlargement Project:

The Club’s plan to move “its” adults’ football-pitch off the cricket-square, by moving the former to Hunt’s Farm Playing Fields, has been blocked by Tony Ward, so that the Club needs to at least consider the alternative of again moving the square.

The square was moved to its present position in 1986 upon the Council completing the second Ground- enlargement. The new square was funded largely with grant-aid, with the biggest grant, by the Sports Council, conditional upon a consultant overseeing construction of the square, the inclusion of a non-turf wicket and the Club having a lease for the Ground – none of which had been sought by the Club or Council.

The non-turf wicket: Regardless of whether or not the square is eventually moved, we would appreciate the Council’s permission to remove the never-popular, and so rarely used, non-turf wicket immediately. It is now in poor condition and never likely to be used again; and we would like to remove it in October at latest, to give the newly-seeded area chance to establish before next season.

The square: The square comprises a 300mm-deep pit, half filled with clean stone laid on drains feeding a soakaway, and half filled with topsoil over a porous membrane. This specification is far too high for a club of our status, and from “day one” the constant need for irrigation made it very expensive to maintain.

The work involved in moving the square would depend on whether it is a) constructed in its new position to the same specification, utilising existing materials; b) constructed in its new position to the same specification, without disturbing existing materials; c) simply marked-out in its new position, with existing materials replaced with topsoil; or d) simply marked-out in its new position, with existing materials undisturbed.

The enclosed plans, of the present and proposed lay-outs of pitches, show that implementing option ‘d’ [at practically no cost], would cause one end of the square to be over the drainage-system and the other not, possibly resulting in wickets at opposite ends “playing differently”; however, it may be possible to overcome this problem, by replacing the porous membrane with non-porous where the drainage impacts on the new square.

Before consulting specialists on the various options and their likely costs, we need to know that the Council would allow the square to be moved as indicated in the plans; and would be grateful if the Council could give that permission.

A bonus from moving the square as indicated is that wickets would run in the recommended direction of north to south. continued/2

Wicket-covers: Covers, in any case desirable, would be essential if a new square is constructed without drainage. These would be similar if not identical to those on Hunt’s Farm Playing Fields; and their frames could be stored between the “A3057 barrier” and hedge in the close-season. Is the Council happy for such covers to be introduced to the Ground?

Fixed-barrier and “Astroturf” hard-standing for the adults’ football-pitch: A third bonus from moving the square is that the hard-standing, shown [not to scale] in yellow in the plan, would not impinge on the cricket-outfield, whereas it would as things stand.

The simplest construction for the barrier would be scaffold-poles with uprights held in sleeves, but it could be of plastic or a material of the Council’s choice.

We remain, Yours sincerely, for Michelmersh & Timsbury Sports Club,

Robin Goodland, Hon. Secretary.


14th September, 2017

Dear Katie,

Fixed electrical installation/appliances inspection:

We enclose the electrician’s report on the captioned inspection, conducted in accordance with lease-terms.

In layman’s terms, the electrician’s third observation [page 8 of 8] is that the RCB in the shed sometimes trips a millisecond after that in the utilities-cupboard [in the pavilion]. We have displayed notices on sockets and floodlight- switches in the shed instructing that the RCD be tested before they are used, and added “check signage is in place” to the checklist, with inspections weekly.

We remain,

yours sincerely, for Michelmersh & Timsbury Sports Club,

Robin Goodland, Hon. Secretary.



Awbridge, Chilworth, East Dene, , , Michelmersh & Timsbury, & , , Extra, , Wellow, &


Superfast Broadband is apparently available to more than 91% of homes and businesses in , and we’re on target to reach more than 97% by the end of 2019. I am always conscious that those overall figures do not reveal the lower coverage in rural areas- including Romsey Rural. However the Hampshire Superfast Broadband team is working hard on BT to roll-out services as fast as possible. For example, this year alone, Romsey Rural, has seen more than 250 properties gain access to superfast services and plans are in place to upgrade at least a further 1,700 premises by 2019.

The community led Virtual Town project achieved the sign up levels required for Virgin Media to move to the next stage of its plans to bring fibre optic broadband to a number of villages in the area and you can read more about this on the broadband programme website: https://www.hampshiresuperfastbroadband.com/alternative-solutions/test-valley-virtual-town/

There are however areas outside of the programme because they are generally more expensive to reach. That’s why we’ve launched a Community Match Funding scheme to enable residents to pay for half the cost of installing a superfast broadband service while the council provides the other half. Two communities have already signed contracts – Silchester, near Tadley and Lepe in the New Forest. A crowd-funding facility will also be available shortly, to make the process even easier for residents and at last one community in the Romsey Rural is working with the County Council to develop its own solution.


Work in Bell Street Romsey began on Monday 4 September, and is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2018. Key dates and events have been factored into the plans, and works will be suspended on 9 September to allow for extra traffic expected in the area for the Romsey Show; and will shut down for the busy Christmas trading period from mid - November, ahead of the Winter Carnival and Christmas Lights switch-on.


The Department for Education has introduced a new method of GCSE grading for mathematics, English language and English literature.

This summer, for the first time, results have been rated using a scale of 1-9, with 9 being at the very top of the scale. With this new system, the benchmark of performance has been significantly raised.

With two systems temporarily running in parallel for different subjects, it is also a challenge to summarise the performance of schools. That said, early indications from schools would indicate that the underlying trend in outcomes is an improvement on previous years in Hampshire. See the figures for Mountbatten, Romsey and Test Valley Schools


The result of the recent general election means that it will be difficult, and probably impossible, for the Government to progress any devolution proposals that do not have widespread local consensus. I met recently with the Minister for Devolution and he acknowledged that the Solent proposal for a mayor to be shared between Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight (and afterwards districts of South Hampshire) does not have the required level of support

The County Council has put forward proposals for better local collaboration to help boost jobs, skills and infrastructure and will work productively with all its partners – including parish councils – to bring powers and funding down to a local level.

Roy Perry September 2017


8.3 Response from HCC regarding further requests by the Parish Council to impose a 20mph speed limit on the village lanes.

“Dear Mrs Hardy,

I refer to your letter regarding the complaints that your Council receives from residents about vehicles driving at excessive speed along narrow village lanes.

Keeping Hampshire’s roads safe and well maintained is a priority for the County Council and we do this by directing our resources towards those locations where there is evidence accidents are occurring and the introduction of traffic and safety measures are most likely to reduce these. Specialist staff regularly analyse injury accident data to identify collision hotspots where potential safety measures are considered against the evidence to determine what interventions may need to be introduced.

The injury accident database, as supplied to us by the Police, has been checked the for the roads within the conservation area, Haccups Lane, Staff Road and Mesh Road. The outcome of this study has found that during the past five years for which data is available (up to 30th June 2017), there has been no recorded injury-accidents. This is a situation which is very difficult to improve upon. From purely a casualty reduction point of view, when compared with many less fortunate sites across the County, this location would be a low priority in terms of remedial measures.

For many years now the County Council has seen Education, Training and Publicity as a pro-active and effective way of accident prevention reaching significant numbers of road users in general together with targeted information to specific road user groups. We aim to minimise the number of people killed or seriously injured on the County’s road network through targeted activity using the latest accident data analysis techniques and measures together with promoting a mix of engineering, education and enforcement activity focused on casualty reduction and prevention.

With regard to your request that Haccups Lane could be subject to a 20 mph speed limit, the County Council is progressing a programme of fourteen pilot 20 mph speed limit schemes. The last remaining scheme was introduced early in April 2017 and we will, in due course, arrange for the after speed checks to be carried out which will complete the full data collection exercise for this project. We will then be able to complete the technical review of the effectiveness of all the pilot 20 mph speed limits delivered as part of this programme to identify what benefits these lower speed limits give to local residents. The outcome of these assessments will help determine future policy for 20 mph restrictions in Hampshire. We have made a policy decision that we will not be considering any more 20 mph limits until the review process is concluded, which will guide our future thinking on the application of such limits.

I understand the issues associated with the heavy vehicles using narrow lanes and the impact they have on local communities. A 6’6” width restriction order, with exceptions for access, applies to many of the roads in the Timsbury and Michelmersh area. I have attached a plan showing which roads the width restriction applies to. The width restriction order was recently updated earlier this year which incoporated a number of restrictions orgininally imposed in 1968. A width restriction applies to a greater range of vehicles than a 7.5 lorry restriction but neither can prevent larger vehicles from gaining access to premises. In many cases there are establishments and individual households that require larger vehicles to gain access for purposes such as delivery and collection, building work, events and other legitimate reasons.

I trust this information is helpful to your Council.


Martin Assistant Manager – Traffic & Safety Safety Engineering Team Economy, Transport and Environment Department Hampshire County Council

3. Financial Summary

2017 Category Monthly Financial Report 20th July 2017 - 20th September 2017 2017 Annual 2017 Category Budget Item Budget Spend to date remaining PAYMENTS Cleared Payment Katie Hardy Salary - July 2017 £411.67 £4,940.00 £1,646.88 £3,293.32 Katie Hardy Salary - August 2017 £411.67 £4,940.00 £2,058.35 £2,881.65 NW Adams Playground - ROSPA annual play inspection £99.90 £915.00 265.49 £649.51 Barker & Geary Village Improvements - rec.gate £235.13 £3,200.00 £660.13 £2,539.87 LK Ninnim Village improvements - metal gate removal £146.40 £3,200.00 £806.53 £2,393.47 Deon Design Admin costs - Webhosting £82.00 £1,900.00 £891.00 £1,009.00 Barker & Geary Village Improvements - Additional gate costs £13.28 £3,200.00 £819.81 £2,380.19 Five Star Cleaning Grass cutting £558.00 £1,500.00 £705.00 £795.00 M&T Jubilee Hall Admin - Room hire £24.00 £1,900.00 £915.00 £985.00 BDO Admin - External audit £120.00 £1,900.00 £1,035.00 £865.00 Total £2,102.05 Invoices for Payment Katie Hardy Salary - September 2017 £411.67 £4,940.00 2470.02 £2,469.98 Katie Hardy Newsletter - ink cartridge £52.99 £100.00 79.81 £20.19 Total £464.66 Uncashed cheques M&T Jubilee Hall Room hire £62.00 Total £62.00 Alloted project funds Total £0.00

INCOME Cleared Income Lloyds TSB September Bank Interest £0.39 Lloyds TSB August Bank Interest £0.36 Total £0.75 Account Balances Lloyds TSB 30 Day Savings Account £8,698.45 Lloyds TSB Current Account £17,266.17 Total £25,964.62 Actual Funds available as of 20th September 2017 £25,437.96


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 27th September 2017 at 7.30 p.m. at the Jubilee Hall, Timsbury.

Present: Parish Councillors: Cllr. Bob Davis, Cllr. Donald Cowling, Cllr. Peter Clarke, Cllr. Mike Lucas, Cllr. John Rhodes and Parish Clerk, Mrs. K. Hardy Five Members of the Public

1. Apologies Cllr. Helen Palmer, TVBC Cllr. Tony Ward, HCC Cllr. Roy Perry

2. Declarations of interest. Cllr. Donald Cowling declared an interest in any matter relating to the Jubilee Hall, as he is a member of the Jubilee Hall Committee. Cllr. John Rhodes declared an interest in any matter relating to the Sports Club as he is a member of M&T Sports Club. Cllr. Rory Fitzgerald declared an interest in any matter relating to the Sports Club as he lives adjacent to the recreation ground.

Open Period Mr. David Freeborn stated that he was in attendance to answer any questions that may arise regarding his planning application Open Period Closed

4. Confirmation of Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 26th July and the Planning Meeting held on 29th August 2017 were approved.

5. Clerk’s Report No further comments

6. Village Issues 6.1 Sports Club issues

Buildings Insurance In response to a letter from the Sports Club, the Chairman emphasised that the Parish Council was not questioning the honesty and integrity of the Club committee members in any way in requiring the insurance arrangements to be changed in accordance with the Lease. The legal advice obtained by the PC was that the Council’s interests are not adequately protected by the current arrangements, whereby the Club insures the premises with the Parish Council’s interest being recorded on the policy. The Parish Council is aware that this is likely to result in a higher premium than if the pavilion and contents and other risks are insured through a combined policy. It was not intended that the Club would suffer any financial loss as a result of regularising the insurance position.

Cllr. Rory Fitzgerald stated that if the PC does not comply with the legal advice, the Parish Councillors could be held personally liable if any financial loss occurred.

The Chairman restated the Council’s position: unless an alternative means was found to fully protect the Council’s interests in respect of the buildings leased to the Club, it is the intention of the PC to insure the buildings from the next renewal date of the Club’s policy.

Pavilion Extension Cllr. Davis stated that the Council would welcome any proposals or suggestions from the Club about replacing or extending the pavilion. However, it did not accept the Club’s condition that it would not discuss this matter unless it was agreed that the Club would own any new or extended pavilion.

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Ground Enlargement Project Cllr. John Rhodes stated that he had spoken to some of the M&T cricketers and they would prefer funds to be spent on covers rather than any pitch alterations. The Parish Council agreed that the Sports Club could remove the non-turf wicket and rotate the square. The Parish Council agreed that the Sports Club could store wicket covers on the recreation ground. The Parish Council agreed that, although it has no objection in principle to the fixed barrier and astro turf hard -standing, it would like to see a final design, particularly of the barrier, before giving final approval.

Cage to Cricket Nets The Club reported that the quotation from Durant (£3200 plus VAT) was preferred and that the Cricket Section had offered a contribution of £350. The Council agreed that this was not adequate and it would not proceed with the work on this basis. The Parish Council agreed that it would expect the Club to contribute approximately 50% of the cost, less any grant contributions. The Parish Council will be able to reclaim the VAT on the Section 106 monies and its own contribution. The contribution expected from the Club, on a ‘50/50’ basis including the VAT element, would be approximately £900, to be confirmed. The Clerk would investigate whether a grant could also be obtained from another funding body. If so, the Council’s and Club’s contribution would be reduced.

Open Period – reopened Mr. Ben Lucas asked the Parish Council what would happen if the Sports Club is unable to increase its contribution towards the cricket cage, as he is concerned that the issue has been unresolved for some time. Cllr. Bob Davis informed Mr. Lucas that in that event, the Parish Council would continue to require the Sports Club maintain the current nets to a safe standard in order to minimise any risk to playground users and parked cars. Open Period – closed

Ground Maintenance Plan It was agreed that Cllr. Helen Palmer review the GMP in relation to the Sports Club request to increase HP the number of specified grass cuts per annum and to add strimming around the car park bollards to the plan. Cllr. John Rhodes said that he would make enquiries to see how many cuts per annum were done on other local recreation grounds.

6. 2 Jubilee Hall Issues Lease Cllr. Davis informed the meeting that Bells Solicitors have delivered the Lease to the Secretary of the Hall Committee

6.3 Emergency Planning It was agreed that this item be removed from the agenda for the time being.

7. Planning 7.1 17/01219/FULLS Ground and first floor rear extensions with balcony and construction of new garage to replace existing integrated garage. Site: Newlands, Stockbridge Road, Timsbury Decision: No objection

7.2 17/02234/FULLS Single Storey side/front extension Site: Inglewood, Manor Farm Lane, Michelmersh Decision: No objection in principle to a single storey extension, however the Parish Council considered that the current proposed design is out of character with the existing house, in particular with regards to the roof pitch of the extension and its projection forward of the existing and adjoining buildings.

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7.3 17/02138/FULLS Erection of electronic wooden entrance gates Site; Goldcrest, Mesh Road, Michelmersh Decision: No objection

7.4 17/02168/FULLS Demolition of bungalow, erection of dwelling and construction of vehicular access Site: Greensleeves, Haccups Lane, Michelmersh Decision: No objection

8. Correspondence 8.1 M&T Sports Club – see item 6.1 8.2 HCC Cllr. Roy Perry’s September report – no further action 8.3 HCC Email – response to PC’s request for 20mph speed limits on the village lanes KH It was agreed that following several complaints from parishioners regarding continued speeding on the village lanes, in particular Haccups Lane and New Road, the Clerk request again that HCC reconsider its position on removing the derestriction sign on Haccups Lane and again request the introduction a 20mph speed limit on all village roads. In response to parishioner concerns raised about the narrowing of New Road as a result of overhanging/encroaching hedges, the Parish Council agreed to request HCC Highways to take appropriate KH action to deal with the problem. 8.4 TVBC Email re: playground fencing – no further action 8.5 Preschool Email re: Preschool use of recreation ground – no further action 8.6 TVBC - Strategic Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment – no further action Additional correspondence: 8.7 Planning Application 17/02030/FULLS - Timsbury Manor Quarry. The Parish Council has received additional information concerning this application to erect grid-connected battery storage units. . However the PC does not feel that the additional information is still inadequate to enable the potential KH impacts of the development to be assessed. The PC will maintain its decision to object to this application. 8.8 Bunny Lane Tip – The Parish Council agreed to write to HCC Cllr. Roy Perry to formally oppose any possible closure of the Bunny Lane House Waste Recycling Centre. KH

9. Financial Matters. 9.1 Financial Summary Agreed 9.2 Invoices for Payment Agreed

10. Meetings attended and to be attended Planning Workshop, 4th October Resilience Workshop 21st October

11. Chairman’s Mandate Agreed

12. Agenda items to be included in the next monthly Parish Council Meeting

13. Dates of future meetings 18th October 2017

The meeting closed at 10.00pm Katie Hardy Parish Clerk, 28th September 2017

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