Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 BMC Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-021-01830-9

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Genetic interaction network has a very limited impact on the evolutionary trajectories in continuous culture‑grown populations of yeast Joanna Klim1 , Urszula Zielenkiewicz1 , Marek Skoneczny2 , Adrianna Skoneczna3 , Anna Kurlandzka2 and Szymon Kaczanowski4*

Abstract Background: The impact of genetic interaction networks on evolution is a fundamental issue. Previous studies have demonstrated that the topology of the network is determined by the properties of the cellular machinery. Functionally related frequently interact with one another, and they establish modules, e.g., modules of complexes and biochemical pathways. In this study, we experimentally tested the hypothesis that compensatory evolutionary modifcations, such as mutations and transcriptional changes, occur frequently in genes from perturbed modules of interacting genes. Results: Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid deletion mutants as a model, we investigated two modules lack- ing COG7 or NUP133, which are evolutionarily conserved genes with many interactions. We performed laboratory evolution experiments with these strains in two genetic backgrounds (with or without additional deletion of MSH2), subjecting them to continuous culture in a non-limiting minimal medium. Next, the evolved yeast populations were characterized through whole-genome sequencing and transcriptome analyses. No obvious compensatory changes resulting from inactivation of genes already included in modules were identifed. The supposedly compensatory inactivation of genes in the evolved strains was only rarely observed to be in accordance with the established ftness efect of the genetic interaction network. In fact, a substantial majority of the inactivations were predicted to be neutral in the experimental conditions used to determine the interaction network. Similarly, transcriptome changes during continuous culture mostly signifed adaptation to growth conditions rather than compensation of the absence of the COG7, NUP133 or MSH2 genes. However, we noticed that for genes whose inactivation was deleterious an upregulation of transcription was more common than downregulation. Conclusions: Our fndings demonstrate that the genetic interactions and the modular structure of the network described by others have very limited efects on the evolutionary trajectory following gene deletion of module ele- ments in our experimental conditions and has no signifcant impact on short-term compensatory evolution. However, we observed likely compensatory evolution in functionally related (albeit non-interacting) genes. Keywords: Compensatory evolution, Experimental evolution, Genetic interactions, Yeast, Genomics, Transcriptomics

*Correspondence: [email protected] 4 Department of Bioinformatics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawińskiego 5a, 02‑106, Warsaw, Poland Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Background In this paper, we investigated whether the genetic Genetic interaction networks are the subject of a grow- interaction network has an impact on the evolution of ing feld of scientifc research—systems biology. In high- biological functional modules. We expected that loss of throughput studies the calculation of ftness epistasis has function of one component of such modules would lead been employed to defne interaction networks among to evolutionary reorganization of the cellular machin- gene deletions. Te phenomenon of epistasis has been ery. Simultaneously, we verifed the impact of compen- studied for over 100 years and its defnition varies in satory evolution on modules of genetic interactions. As time and between scientifc felds. In this study it is con- an experimental model, we utilized the budding yeast sidered in terms of the ftness efects of two mutations Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is the most thoroughly alone, or in combination, and it is used to describe situ- genetically characterized eukaryotic microorganism. In ations in which those combinations show nonadditive this model, the genetic interaction network is well char- phenotypic efects. Interactions between genes occur acterized [5]. It has been shown that nonlethal deleteri- when the ftness of a double mutant difers from the addi- ous mutations are widespread in populations [6, 7]. Two tive expectation based on the individual ftness efects large-scale evolutionary studies suggest that such muta- of the mutations. Epistasis is positive when mutations in tions are frequently compensated for by other mutations two genes cause an organism to exceed the ftness pre- elsewhere in the genome [8, 9], a statement which is sup- dicted from individual efects of deleterious mutations ported by other fndings [10–13]. on the organism, and it is negative when mutations cause We tested the stability of two functional modules the organism to fall below the predicted ftness. Genetic associated with two evolutionarily conserved genes interactions identify functional relationships between with many interactions: COG7, which encodes a pro- genes and functional modules. Functional modules are tein involved in vesicular transport, and NUP133, which groups of genes (related by genetic interactions) that par- encodes a protein engaged in nucleocytoplasmic trans- ticipate in the same biological process. port. Using whole-genome sequencing and microarray Genetic interaction networks based on ftness epistasis techniques, we analyzed the evolutionary trajectory in also contain information regarding adaptive landscapes, cog7Δ and nup133Δ haploid mutants subjected to experi- which means that ftness data show whether in the back- mental evolution in continuous culture in a non-limiting ground of a given deletion mutant a deletion of another minimal medium. Continuous cultures assure the stabil- gene is benefcial or deleterious. In the early 1920s, Ron- ity of environmental conditions and the metabolic state ald Fisher pioneered the notion that adaptation is, on the of cells whereas a chemically-defned medium ensures whole, a hill-climbing process. In other words, adaptation reproducibility of results. Moreover, a defned medium proceeds through a progressive accumulation of benef- minimizes the number of variables thus facilitating the cial mutations [1]. Soon after, Sewall Wright proposed in exploration of those important for the given study. Tis a seminal paper that the relationship between genotypes is particularly advantageous when whole transcriptome could be visualized (or described) as a landscape [2]. Te studies are performed, which is one of the elements of ftness is the “height” of the landscape, while the geno- this research [14, 15]. types or phenotypes are points in the multidimensional We came to the conclusion that the supposedly com- space located beneath the landscape. During evolution, pensatory inactivation of genes in the evolved strains genotypes achieve local peaks of ftness by gradual step was very rarely in accordance with the established ft- mutations. Te evolutionary theories predict that difer- ness landscape and only a few changes in the transcrip- ent populations evolve toward a stable outcome unless tomes of the evolved yeast populations were in keeping the adaptive peak is constantly in motion i.e. landscape is with predictions. A substantial majority of the inactiva- unstable [3]. If a genetic interaction network is stable, it tions were in fact predicted to be neutral on the basis of could be expected that the landscape resulting from that the landscape of the interaction network [16]. However, network has an impact on the trajectory of compensatory we identifed mutations in genes that are functionally evolution in similar conditions and similar genetic back- related to COG7 or NUP133 and in new genes that are grounds. Te history of compensatory evolution studies likely involved in adaptations to continuous culture and is as old as microbial experimental evolution itself (for medium conditions. a review see [4]). Once a deleterious mutation is intro- duced in a given population, its negative efect on ftness Results can be alleviated through compensatory evolution. Tus, Experimental evolution—general description compensatory evolution is an adaptive process in which In order to check whether the genetic interaction net- specifc mutations are driven to fxation to suppress or work has an impact on evolution of biological func- mask the efect of a deleterious mutation. tional modules, we performed two sets of experiments. Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 3 of 21

Te evolving yeast strains were devoid of either the Te studied strains were cultivated in parallel with COG7 or the NUP133 gene. Tese evolutionarily con- three replicates for each strain, resulting in 12 independ- served genes [17–20], were selected because cog7Δ and ent continuous cultures. To detect adaptations unrelated nup133Δ mutants exhibited enhanced ftness while to the presence of the cog7Δ or nup133Δ deletions, we combined with some other deletion mutants in the performed similar evolutionary experiments for control high throughput Synthetic Genetic Array (SGA) assay strains; the parental W303 strain and the msh2Δ strain, of genetic interaction networks [16]. According to the both in triplicate. Te cell culture density was maintained 7 BioGRID repository (https://​thebi​ogrid.​org [21]), both in a stable state of 5.2 ± 1.1 × ­10 cells per mL, the den- genes exhibit numerous genetic interactions: COG7— sity equivalent to the late exponential phase of batch cul- 352 and NUP133—530. Based on the BioGRID database ture in the same medium. Te experiments were ended statistics available for S. cerevisiae S288C strain, there due to the appearance of focculation. All non-mutator are 443,432 non-redundant genetic interactions among populations (MSH2) were propagated for approximately the 5,962 unique yeast genes, therefore each gene 200 generations, and the mutator (msh2Δ) ones for ca. exhibits ca. 74 genetic interactions, on average. Accord- 350 generations (Fig. 1). Ten, the genomes and tran- ing to data from Costanzo et al. [16], COG7 is involved scriptomes of evolved populations were determined. in 248 and NUP133 in 362 interactions in comparison Because it was reported that in some evolutionary to 165 on average. Taken together, these data imply experiments, yeast cells can switch their ploidy ([30–32], that COG7 and NUP133 genes participate in 1.5- to for a review see [33]), we evaluated the ploidy of evolved sevenfold more genetic interactions than the average populations by DNA content analyses using fow cytom- gene. Tus, the likelihood of observing compensatory etry and we found that haploidy was distinctly dominant mutations arising in other genes seemed high even in a in all populations. Analyses were performed for all bio- short-term experiment. logical replicates, and representative DNA content pro- Te COG7 gene encodes an element of the oligomeric fles are shown in Additional fle 2. Golgi (COG) complex. Te COG complex organizes core vesicular trafcking to and within the Golgi apparatus Mutations in evolved yeast populations and is also involved in protein glycosylation. It is remark- To identify the genetic changes in the evolved popula- able for the number of interactions, and a lack of nearly tions complete genomes of 17 independently evolved any of its elements signifcantly afects numerous cellular populations (one of the evolved msh2Δ population processes [22]. Te Cog7 subunit forms a binary complex could not be processed due to technical reasons) were with Cog5 [23]. Teir interaction is conserved from yeast sequenced and compared with the genomes of corre- to humans and its disruption causes glycosylation defects sponding ancestor strains sequenced de novo. Te aver- [24]. Nup133, a component of the nuclear pore complex age coverage for a population whole-genome sequencing (NPC), is an element of the coat nucleoporin subcomplex across all samples was 113×. Variants supported by less (CNC) [25, 26]. Nup133 has multiple functions mainly than 10 reads across a given population were removed. linked to RNA export and NPC assembly [27, 28]. It is To flter for high-frequency variants, a 50% mutation also involved in the functioning of the mitotic spindle by frequency threshold (on a population scale) was applied. recruiting centromeric CENP-F to NPCs in the prophase Figure 2 shows summarized data obtained for each popu- and maintaining the association of the centrosome with lation studied. At the scale of whole populations, we iden- the nuclear envelope at mitotic entry [29]. tifed ca. 100–130 new mutations in non-mutator strains We also performed a second set of experiments and ca. 200–350 mutations in the mutator ones. Next, designed to speed up the evolution, in which double we calculated fxed mutation rate that was defned as an mutants cog7Δ msh2Δ and nup133Δ msh2Δ were used. average number of mutations (with a frequency thresh- Te lack of MSH2 gene increases the frequency of muta- old ≥ 50%) identifed in each yeast strain, per base, per tions and we assumed that introducing msh2Δ into cog7Δ replication cycle (mut/nuc/rep). Te fxed mutation rates or nup133Δ could increase the rate of appearance of ben- were similar in the cog7Δ, nup133Δ, and WT strains. As efcial variants by increasing the dynamics of mutation expected, the fxed mutation rates of the control msh2Δ rate. and the cog7Δ msh2Δ and nup133Δ msh2Δ strains were Before the continuous culture experiments were run, higher than in non-mutator ones. Te vast majority of all growth rates of knockout strains were measured in com- mutations were localized to tandem repeats (TRs), and parison to the wild-type strain in the non-limiting mini- numerous were found in putative promoters (Fig. 2). For mal medium used in further studies (Additional fle 1). one mutation in an ORF, there were on average ten (non- As expected, all mutants had increased doubling times mutators) or eight (mutators) mutations in promoter (0.4–23.6%) in comparison to the wild-type. regions. Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 4 of 21

Fig. 1 Schema of the continuous culture evolution experiments. This fgure was in part composed of elements derived from: https://​commo​ns.​ wikim​edia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Bredel_​Werki​ngspr​incipe_​anima​tie.​gif, https://​commo​ns.​wikim​edia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Micro​array_​and_​seque​ncing_​fow_​cell.​svg (modifed)

In further analyses we only considered single nucleo- PFK27, and WHI2) in nup133Δ population 1 and 2. tide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short insertion/dele- According to the Costanzo et al. [16] databases neither tion events. Intergenic mutations and those identifed in MEC1 interacts with COG7 nor CAN1, PFK27 or WHI2 TRs regions were not included. Because there were only with NUP133. A similar number of unique mutations small diferences in the number and types of mutations was detected in the evolved wild-type populations, where between diferent biological replicates for a given yeast we identifed mutations in MSY2, URE2, and DAL82, of strain, they were combined for further analysis. Point which only two were nonsynonymous (Table 1 and Addi- mutations in open reading frames (ORFs), putative pro- tional fle 3: Table S3). moter (5′ upstream regions—up to 500 nucleotides), and In the evolved cog7Δ msh2Δ populations, 43 unique terminator regions (3′ downstream regions—up to 250 mutations were identifed in ORFs, and 36 of them alter nucleotides) were analyzed separately. Summarized data the amino acid sequence of encoded (Table 1 are presented in Table 1 and Additional fle 3: Table S3, and Additional fle 4: Table S4). In the evolved nup133Δ Additional fle 4: Table S4 and Additional fle 5: Table S5 msh2Δ populations, 36 unique ORF mutations were iden- that show detailed information. tifed, of which 24 were non-synonymous (Table 1 and Data combined for three biological replicates. Inter- Additional fle 4: Table S4). genic mutations and those identifed in TRs regions not In the cog7Δ msh2Δ populations, the set of genes bear- included. Mutation frequency threshold ≥50%. ing nonsynonymous mutations could be divided into six In the evolved cog7Δ and nup133Δ populations we subgroups according to their biological function (except found few unique nonsynonymous substitutions, one for two uncharacterized ORFs, YPL247C and YPL277C), (in MEC1) in cog7Δ population 3, and three (in CAN1, shown in Table 2 (for more details, see Additional fle 6), Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 5 of 21

Fig. 2 Graphical summary of DNA-sequencing data of 17 evolved yeast populations including a number and type of mutations per each evolved yeast population and average fxed mutation rate per genotype (shown above the bars). Fixed mutation rate was defned as an average number of mutations (with a frequency threshold 50%) identifed in each yeast strain, per base, per replication cycle (mut/nuc/rep). The type of mutation is ≥ represented by color: light blue nonsynonymous, orange synonymous, red promoter (point mutations), navy promoter (indels located in = = = = tandem repeats), yellow terminator (point mutations), green intergenic and terminator (indels located in tandem repeats) = =

Table 1 Characteristics of point mutations identifed in evolved yeast strains Mutations

Strain ORFs Putative promoter regions Putative terminator regions Total Genotype-specifcb Total Genotype-specifcb Total Genotype- specifcb cog7Δ 4 1 ­(1a) 2 1 2 1 nup133Δ 5 3 ­(3a) 2 1 6 5 WT 4 3 ­(2a) 4 3 4 3 cog7Δ msh2Δ 44 43 ­(36a) 8 8 3 2 nup133Δ msh2Δ 36 36 ­(24a) 15 15 8 7 msh2Δ 8 7 ­(7a) 3 3 2 2 a Nonsynonymous b Unique to given strain in terms of given experimental group (non-mutator or mutator) Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 6 of 21

Table 2 classifcation of mutated genes according to their biological meaning Biological meaning cog7Δ msh2Δ nup133Δ msh2Δ

Cell wall and cell division DMA2, ELM1, SKM1 DMA1, GIC1, SCW4 Cellular metabolism AMF1, DAK2, GLN1, GNA1, HXK1, ICL1, SEO1, SHM2, SHP1, SOL4, TKL1 CAN1, CEX1, EFT2, SAM2 Endocytosis ART5, ECM21 Genome maintenance AMN1, EXO5, HUR1, IRR1, NET1, PIF1, SAP30 APC5, GIC1, MEC3, RIM15, RSC1, SWI1 Golgi/ER-associated HSP104, KRE5, PMR1, TRX2 PRK1, SLA2 Histone modifcation ACC1, BRE1 Peroxisome-associated INP1, PEX21 Protein folding EMP65, HSP60, IBA57, TAH1 Transcription, translation ACE2, MRPS5, PAB1, PRP2, RPL4B, SSN3, WAR1

however, no enrichment of gene ontology (GO) terms to Costanzo et. al. [16], inactivation of ACE2 and ECM21 was found. In the nup133Δ msh2Δ strain mutated genes has no impact on ftness of neither cog7Δ nor msh2Δ, belonged to seven functional groups (Table 2, for details, while inactivation of SAP30 is deleterious both for the see Additional fle 7). Again, no GO term enrichment was cog7Δ and msh2Δ mutants. Loss of function of MEC3 found. has no impact on the ftness of nup133Δ and msh2Δ It should be noticed that cog7Δ msh2Δ and nup133Δ while inactivation of RIM15 is benefcial and inactiva- msh2Δ populations share some enriched groups e.g., cel- tion of TAH1 is deleterious when combined with msh2Δ. lular metabolism, and genome maintenance. In the control msh2Δ evolved strain only the URE2 gene In the control msh2Δ evolved strain only a small num- was truncated (population 2). Ure2 participates in nitro- ber of uniquely mutated genes was found: BRR2, DRN1, gen catabolite repression [34]. Deletion of URE2 has no MDN1, PMD1, RPL42B, URE2, and YBT1 thus GO impact on the ftness of msh2Δ in the genetic interaction enrichment analysis was not performed. network. Tus, the supposedly compensatory inactivation of Putative adaptive mutations in evolved strains genes in the evolved populations followed the expecta- We verifed whether the loss-of-function mutations tion (i.e., was in accordance with landscapes derived from acquired during our continuous culture experiments known genetic interactions [16]) only one in eight cases. ft in the yeast genetic network described by Costanzo In fve cases no impact on mutant ftness was predicted, et al. [16], which has been used as a model of the ftness and in two cases gene inactivation might cause ftness landscape. Such mutations are likely to have a universal decrease. Tus, a substantial majority of the inactivations benefcial impact on the deletion mutants subjected to were in fact predicted to be neutral. the experiments. We assumed that the loss of function What is more, we did not observe any trend of muta- of a second gene has a statistically signifcant impact on tions accumulation in genes that participate in the same the ftness of the original deletion mutant if the abso- functional module as primarily deleted COG7, NUP133 lute value of the diference between the ftness of the or MSH2, respectively (documented in Table 3). Also, the single and the double deletion mutant is higher than number of genes showing positive and negative interac- three times the standard deviation of the ftness of the tions with the tested genes was similar (data not shown). double mutant. Among changes present in the evolved Te analysis was based on Costanzo et al. [16] genetic mutant strains there were few causing nonsense muta- interaction network data and two fltration thresholds tions leading to protein truncation caused by premature were applied. Only genes mutated in ORFs and promoter stop codons. One such mutation (in WHI2) was found regions (in parentheses) were analyzed. in the nup133Δ population 1, but according to Costanzo Tus, we did not fnd correlations between neither et al. [16] inactivation of WHI2 has no impact on ftness MSH2, COG7 nor NUP133 and mutated genes in terms of nup133Δ. No putative loss-of-function mutations of genetic interactions. Te identifed genes are not the were found in cog7Δ populations. In the double mutant parts of the same modules as originally deleted ones and cog7Δ msh2Δ three putative loss-of-function muta- they do not correlate with the ftness landscape of genetic tions were found, ACE2 (in population 3), ECM21 and interaction network. Tus, the ftness landscape does not SAP30 (in population 2), and three in nup133Δ msh2Δ, seem to govern the process of evolution of tested deletion MEC3, RIM15 and TAH1 (in population 3). According mutants. Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 7 of 21

Table 3 A number of genotype-specifc genes mutated in the the encoded proteins, could compensate for the COG7 course of evolution exhibiting genetic interactions (GIs) with loss. Pmr1 protein delivers calcium and manganese ions primarily deleted COG7, NUP133 or MSH2, respectively to the Golgi. Both ions are required for proper process- Primarily Evolved strain Genes exhibiting genetic Mutated ing and trafcking of polypeptides through the secretory deleted interaction/s with genes pathway [38]. It has been reported that Pmr1 plays a role gene primarily deleted gene in the sorting of secreted proteins at the trans-Golgi net- Lenienta Stringent work/late Golgi membranes and in glycosylation since confdence­ b PMR1 inactivation led to some perturbations of the gly- COG7 cog7Δ 0 0 2 cosylation [39]. What is more, according to the data cog7Δ msh2Δ 5 (1) 0 51 (8) deposited in the BioGRID, PMR1 inactivation combined NUP133 nup133Δ 0 0 4 with deletion of some of the COG genes causes severe nup133Δ msh2Δ 8 (4) 3 (1) 51 (15) growth defects. Terefore, it seems that the Pmr1 and MSH2 cog7Δ msh2Δ 6 1 51 (8) Cog proteins are closely related functionally. Trx2 is an nup133Δ msh2Δ 3 2 51 (15) element of the thioredoxin system that plays an essential msh2Δ 0 0 10 (3) role in cell protection against oxidative stress induced a (P < 0.05) by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and participates in cell b (P < 0.05 and GIS > 0.16 or < -0.12) repair. Interestingly, the Trx2 protein is also required for vacuole inheritance and ER-Golgi transport where it par- ticipates in the retrieval of resident ER proteins cycling between the Golgi and the ER [40]. Terefore, it can be Te genetic interaction network we based our study on postulated that Trx2 has an impact on the Golgi-ER com- was determined for one specifc growth condition and munication and could alleviate the vesicle trafcking one S. cerevisiae strain. It is quite likely that upon dif- defects caused by a lack of Cog7. In the nup133Δmsh2Δ- ferent conditions diferent interactions will be revealed derived populations, we found fve mutated genes that [35]. However, since a signifcant conservation of GIs and might be functionally related to NUP133. Four of them: GI network structure has been reported even between ACC1 (population 2), BRE1, RSC1 (population 3) and distant yeast species [36, 37], it seems less likely that it SWI1 (population 1) encode proteins engaged in NPC would completely change the overall image of the net- stabilization, transcription and chromatin silencing [41– work itself. 44]. Because Nup133 is also involved in these processes To understand the mechanisms of adaptation of stud- [45–47], it is likely that the mutated genes could, to some ied mutants we searched through all genes mutated in degree, compensate for the NUP133 loss. Te ffth pro- coding sequences hoping to identify unanticipated muta- tein, Cex1, interacts directly with NPCs and participates tions. In result, we identifed mutations in genes func- in the tRNA export [48]. Tus, the mutation in CEX1 tionally related to COG7 or NUP133. We also identifed (identifed in population 3) is likely to compensate for mutations in genes involved in adaptations to the chemo- some functions compromised in nup133Δ. stat conditions, identifed by other researchers. Since our Because most of the amino acid changes were located experimental continuous culture conditions resembled in domains or motifs important for the function of the a chemostat, we could expect such changes. Tey are respective proteins it is likely that they caused signif- briefy described below. cant functional changes. We suggest that the mutations In the evolved cog7Δ population we found the muta- identifed in the above genes could be compensatory by tion leading to a change in the Mec1 protein. In nup133Δ alleviating the ftness loss due to the deletion of COG7 or – mutations leading to changes in Can1, Pfk27, Whi2. NUP133. Te missense mutations, by enhancing growth Tese proteins play important roles in DNA repair, of evolved mutants, may facilitate the restoration of their sugar metabolism, and general stress response but are ftness. However, the fact that not all evolved popula- not known to be, directly or indirectly, linked to COG7 tions of a given strain carry such mutations suggests that or NUP133, respectively. In the evolved cog7Δ msh2Δ alternative mechanisms of ftness compensation were and nup133Δmsh2Δ populations we selected a few puta- achieved, or other compensatory events took place. tive compensatory mutations. Te characteristics of Te majority of mutations occurred in genes involved the respective proteins and amino acid changes that in basic cellular processes. It is well known that cultur- resulted from identifed mutations are given in Table 4. ing in a chemostat, which our experiments emulated In cog7Δmsh2Δ we found mutations in PMR1 and TRX2 (constant growth conditions) except for the absence of (population 2), likely related to COG7. We assume that nutrient limitation, often results in altered cellular strat- mutations in these genes, if they enhanced the activity of egies independent of the original genotype but rather Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 8 of 21

Table 4 Putative compensatory mutations in evolved cog7Δ msh2Δ and nup133Δ msh2Δ mutator populations Primarily Mutated gene Function aa change aa position PFAM Domain (aa) Motif Putative connection deleted (ELM prediction) with deleted gene gene

2 COG7 PMR1 Ion transporting F C 926 PF00689 Required for ­Ca + and → 2 ATPase P-type ATPase, trans- ­Mn + transport into membrane domain Golgi (762–934) TRX2 Cytoplasmic thiore- M V 40 PF00085 Thioredoxin Required for ER vesicle doxin → domain (10–100) fusion with the Golgi NUP133 ACC1 Regulates histone H R 2068 PF01039 Nup133 also plays a acetylation; → Acetyl-CoA carboxy- role in transcription required for syn- lase (1574–2130) regulation and chro- thesis of long-chain matin silencing fatty acids that were proposed to stabilize the NPC [41] BRE1 Required for meth- L S 599 ylation of selected → histones [42] RSC1 Regulates nucleo- A V 98 PF00439 some positioning → Bromodomain and transcription (31–98) regulation [43] SWI1 Regulates transcrip- T N 15 GSK3 phosphoryla- tion by remodeling → tion recognition chromatin [44] site CEX1 Component of A T 468 Associates with NPCs nuclear tRNA → by interacting with export pathway Nup116p [48]

Putative compensatory mutations in evolved cog7Δ msh2Δ and nup133Δ msh2Δ mutator populations associated with the response to the environment (for a in population 1 and W273L in population 2 (Additional review see [49]). In our study, they are likely represented fle 3). Te presence of these mutations, likely inactivat- by changes not related to the original deletion. Tese ing Hog1 and Whi1, indicates that experimental condi- changes may hinder connecting genotype to the observed tions did not trigger stress responses. At present, we mutations, but nonetheless, they provide valuable infor- cannot explain putative advantageous qualities of the mation about the spectrum of mutations that are adap- observed changes. tive in a specifc environment. Tey also validate the Mutations in URE2 (WT population 2), PFK27 conducted experiment indicating that it was carried out (nup133Δ population 1), BUL1 (cog7Δ population 1, and long enough to allow adaptation to growth conditions. nup133Δ population 2), and MSY1 (WT population 1 and In the non-mutator strains, we identifed mutations in 3) are likely to be adaptive. Tese genes encode proteins the genes HOG1 and WHI2 linked before to the adap- engaged in fructose metabolism (PFK27), regulation of tation to chemostat conditions [50]. Te Hog1 protein nitrogen utilization (URE2), aa-tRNA synthesis (MSY1), plays an essential role in multiple stress conditions (for and amino acid uptake (BUL1). Tus, in the non-mutator a review see [51]) and Whi2 is essential for general stress strains, the adaptations indicate that the environment response associated with cell cycle arrest [52]. We found caused a stronger selective pressure than did the intro- nonsynonymous mutations (both frameshift and mis- duction of gene deletions. sense) in HOG1 in wild-type (population 1 and 2) and In the mutator populations, two genes related to con- cog7Δ (population 1) (Additional fle 3). One of them tinuous culture adaptation were afected: RIM15 in resulted in a stop codon, the second mutation caused nup133Δ msh2Δ (population 3), and ACE2 in cog7Δ E186K substitution. In cog7Δ the mutation leading to msh2Δ (population 3). Rim15 protein activates transi- R290K substitution was identifed. In the gene WHI2 tion to the G0 phase in response to starvation [53], and missense and nonsense mutations occurred in nup133Δ its mutations have been described in a variety of nutri- populations, i.e., mutation causing substitution Q387* ent-limited chemostat experiments [50, 54–57]. ACE2 Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 9 of 21

encodes a cell cycle-regulated transcription factor [58]. ligase complex), PRO3 (catalyzes the last step in proline What is more, mutations in ACE2 likely contribute to biosynthesis), URE2 (glutathione peroxidase involved in the evolution of aggregation phenotypes [59]. Altogether regulating cellular nitrogen utilization), and already men- three genes engaged in cell cycle regulation (ACE2, WHI2 tioned HOG1. Mutations in these genes might be benef- and RIM15) and associated with the adaptation to growth cial in our experimental conditions, regardless of genetic conditions were mutated. background. Besides the above mutations, we found other poten- tially growth conditions-adaptive ones, in genes related Transcriptomic changes in evolved populations to basic metabolism. It is likely that the mutations In parallel with the whole population sequencing of identifed in PRO3 and URE2 (msh2Δ and wild-type), evolved yeast cell populations, we performed transcrip- AMF1, DAK2, GLN1, GNA1, HXK1, ICL1, PRO3, SEO1, tome analyses of the same samples. Here, we aimed to SOL4 and TKL1 (cog7Δ msh2Δ) and PEX21 and SAM2 reveal if the transcriptome changes are directly linked (nup133Δmsh2Δ) could have benefcial efects on yeast to mutations in 5’ upstream regions. We envisaged that growth in continuous culture in non-limiting minimal changes in levels within the continuously medium (for details see Additional fle 6 and Additional cultured cell population may have compensatory charac- fle 7). teristics or even that some of the diferentially expressed To sum up, we did not fnd compensatory gene inacti- genes (DEGs) belong to COG7 or NUP133 interaction vations linked to COG7 or NUP133. Our genomic data modules. indicate that mutations do not tend to accumulate in To reject changes in gene expression occurring due to genes belonging to a given functional module. Instead, rapid shift in conditions at the onset of continuous cul- we identifed a few putative compensatory mutations ture, we compared the transcriptomes of the cell popu- related to COG7 or NUP133 and compensating for their lation samples harvested after about 35 generations, i.e., loss, but not included in the Costanzo et al. [16] genetic shortly after reaching the steady-state, with the tran- interaction network. Substantially more mutations were scriptomes of fnal, adapted populations after about 200 linked to general adaptations to growth conditions. generations (for WT, cog7Δ and nup133Δ) or after about 350 generations (for msh2Δ, msh2Δ cog7Δ and msh2Δ Parallel evolution in the evolving yeast populations nup133Δ). Agilent Yeast v2 microarray and Cy3 Cy5 two- Te data from repeated experiments were pooled to color labeling were employed in this experiment (see facilitate the analyses discussed above. However, this Materials and Methods for more details). Hereafter, for approach prevented us from detecting mutations shared brevity, we call the results of these comparisons as adap- by diferent populations evolved from the same ancestor, tive transcriptomes. i.e., cases of parallel evolution. Tus, in the next step, we First, we analyzed the similarities between adaptive re-examined ORF mutations in each population sepa- transcriptomes of individual biological replicates within rately. Table 5 shows that in the non-mutators at least each genotype and between genotypes. We employed two populations which evolved from the same geno- Euclidean distance as a measure of this similarity and the type shared mutations in one (WHI2—in nup133Δ) or results are shown in Additional fle 8, A and B. two (MSY1 and HOG1—in wild-type) genes. As already Tis analysis revealed slightly higher level of similarity mentioned, mutations in WHI2 are speculated to pro- between adaptive transcriptomes of biological replicates vide a ftness advantage under certain environments or in of WT and cog7Δ genotypes than between those of the combination with other compensatory mutations [8, 60] remaining genotypes, but in general these diferences whereas a role of mutations in HOG1 remains unclear. were not statistically signifcant (p-value calculated with Although in the msh2Δ populations more mutations Student t-test was between 0.44 and 0.81). Te similari- occurred, as expected, they were not more reproducible ties between averaged transcriptomes of each genotype between replicates than in the non-mutator ones. Te (Additional fle 8, B) were on the same level. Te similar- only shared mutations in cog7Δ msh2Δ populations were ity tree, shown in Additional fle 8, C, revealed a some- in SEO1 encoding putative transmembrane transporter what stronger relationship between biological replicates and in CDC3 encoding a component of the septin ring of the WT genotype and that of cog7Δ genotype than the (Table 5). Tis indicates that parallel evolution within a remaining ones. Tus, it seems that evolutionary trajec- given yeast strain was overall rare in the evolving yeast tories of WT and cog7Δ populations were convergent, populations. while the remaining ones were more distinct. However, Interestingly, we identifed four genes that were in general, the prevalent similarity between replicates mutated more than once across all yeast populations i.e., of a given genotype in combination with transcriptomic BUL1 (α-arrestin, a component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin data abundance prompted us to pool data gathered for Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 10 of 21

individual replicates to show strain-specifc changes. msh2Δ, and 4.3% in nup133Δ msh2Δ. Te results (sum- Complete adaptive transcriptome results (see Additional marized in Additional fle 11) were then analyzed in fle 9) were subject to several analyses. the context of the interaction network ftness land- Having found the diferences of adaptive transcrip- scape with the assumption that downregulation of gene tomes between genotypes, as the next step we performed expression can mimic its loss-of-function (Table 5). the gene ontology (GO) analysis of identifed genes that Table 5 shows the impact of the genes exhibiting were diferentially expressed between genotypes. Tis altered expression levels during compensatory evo- analysis allowed us to determine the functions of these lution on the ftness of the deletion mutants assayed genes and to assess the potential compensatory capacity according to the genetic interaction network ftness of the observed changes in their expression. A given gene landscape. Notably, upregulation was more common was considered as diferentially expressed if its expres- than downregulation for those genes whose inactiva- sion had changed at least twofold (log2ratio ≥ 1, or ≤ − 1) tion was predicted to have a negative impact on ftness. in at least two of three biological replicates. Te micro- For instance, in the evolved cog7Δ strain, out of the array data were validated for several DEGs by RT-qPCR total of 57 DEGs whose absence should be deleterious giving excellent correspondence of the two sets of results according to the ftness landscape data as many as 45 (Additional fle 10). were upregulated. Moreover, according to evolutionary We found signifcant changes in the mRNA level theories, the level of fxation of deleterious mutations for 7.7% of genes in the evolved wild-type, 6% in the is very low. Tus, it could be expected that mutations evolved cog7Δ and 2.9% the evolved nup133Δ and for leading to down-regulation of genes with a predicted the mutator strains: 9.4% in msh2Δ, 4.6% in cog7Δ deleterious efect of inactivation are very rare. In

Table 5 Mutations in ORFs of evolved non-mutator and mutator populations, grouped according to their predicted efect

Protein effect Evolved strain Substitution Frameshift Truncation None BUL1; HOG1 DAN4 MEC1 CAN1; PFK27 WHI2 BUL1;DAN4; WHI2

WT evo_1 MSY1 HOG1 WT evo_2 HOG1 URE2 DAL82 WT evo_3 MSY1 IRR1; PIF1; SEO1; SHP1; WAR1; YPL277C CDC3; YER010C AMF1; ELM1; GLN1; HUR1; KRE5; ECM21; SAP30 CDC3;ISW2; MRPS5; PAB1; PMR1; PRP2; SEO1; NRD1; YPS1 SHM2; SKM1; SOL4; SSN3; TKL1; TRX2 AMN1; ART5; DAK2; DMA2; EXO5; GNA1; ACE2; CDC3; PEX7; VHS3 HSP104; HXK1; ICL1; NET1; PRO3; RPL4B; SEO1; YPL247C APC5; CAN1; DMA1; EFT2; GIC1; INP1; ADY3; BDP1; PEX21; SAM2; SLA2; SWI1 DCK1; EGH1; SRC1; TIP1 ACC1; EMP65; GEX1; IBA57; PRK1 CDC43; GEX1; RGT2; YRB30 BRE1; CEX1; HSP60; RSC1; SCW4; MEC3; RIM15; TAH1 FLO11; RIX7; SRB8 YLR177W PMD1 URE2 BRR2; DRN1; MDN1; PRO3; RPL42B; URE2; YBT1

Genes mutated in more than one biological replicate of a given strain are highlighted in gray, and genes mutated more than once across all tested strains are in red Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 11 of 21

Table 6 Gene expression changes in evolved yeast strains vs. Table 7 Percentage of DEGs in evolved strains showing genetic ftness landscape interactions (GI) with the COG7, NUP133 or MSH2 gene Impact in the interaction Downregulated Upregulated Evolved strain DEGs exhibiting genetic interactions network with (%)

Evolution of cog7Δ COG7 NUP133 MSH2 On cog7Δ** Deleterious 12 45 In accordance with functional Benefcial 6 2 module logic Evolution of nup133Δ cog7Δ 3.3 2.6 0.8 On nup133Δ Deleterious 7 11 nup133Δ 0.0 4.4 0.5 Benefcial 3 3 wild-type 1.2 2.5 0.6 Evolution of msh2Δ cog7Δ msh2Δ 0.0 1.5 0.3 On msh2Δ** Deleterious 14 68 nup133Δ msh2Δ 1.4 0.0 0.5 Benefcial 24 10 msh2Δ 0.6 4,0 1.2 Evolution of msh2Δ cog7Δ No. of genes exhibiting GIs 175 204 62 On cog7Δ** Deleterious 15 62 with deleted gene Benefcial 9 4 Results of analysis based on Costanzo et al. [16] data when stringent confdence On msh2Δ** Deleterious 14 68 fltration threshold (P < 0.05 and GIS > 0.16 or < 0.12) was applied − Benefcial 21 10 Evolution of msh2Δ nup133Δ On nup133Δ Deleterious 4 9 et al. [16] data fltration threshold applied [stringent con- Benefcial 6 4 fdence or lenient (data not shown)]. On msh2Δ Deleterious 13 19 Benefcial 14 9

**Statistically signifcant (p-value < 0.01) under-representation of deleterious Gene expression profles in evolved strains—general genes that were down-regulated (according to the Fisher exact test) descriptions of transcriptomes At frst, to fnd out whether the mutations identifed ′ contrast to this expectation, we observed that still such in the 5 upstream putative promoter regions directly event is quite frequent (12 of 57). afected transcription we compared the results of whole-genome sequencing of yeast populations with the Genetic interactions vs. transcriptomic changes observed gene expression changes. We found that there was no apparent correlation between promoter muta- Next, we verifed changes in expression levels of the tions and changes in transcript abundance (Additional genes encoding components of the molecular machines fle 12). of which the Cog7 and Nup133 proteins are a part. We Next, to fnd the biological signifcance of the tran- checked if there is any enrichment in downregulated scriptomic changes we performed further analyses. To genes exhibiting positive GIs or, conversely, an enrich- identify DEGs unique to each evolved strain the list of ment in upregulated genes exhibiting negative GIs with DEGs for each of the mutants and control strains were COG7, NUP133 or MSH2. Only genes exhibiting positive compared with each other, separately for the down- and or negative GIs with COG7, NUP133 or MSH2 were ana- upregulated DEGs, and separately for the MSH2 and lyzed. However, we did not fnd enrichment in genes hav- msh2Δ strains (Fig. 3). ing genetic interactions among DEGs (Table 7). Next, the lists of genotype-specifc DEGs were sub- Moreover, even when the DEGs from the cog7Δ and jected to a GO term enrichment analysis. Te results are cog7Δ msh2Δ are analyzed for interactions with the summarized in Fig. 4, and detailed information concern- NUP133 gene, or those from nup133Δ and nup133Δ ing top enriched GO terms of DEGs of all strains studied msh2Δ for GIs with COG7, or those not bearing MSH2 is provided in Additional fles 14 and 15. deletion for GIs with MSH2, the results show no difer- To sum up, we found that the transcriptomic changes ence from a random distribution, indicating a lack of in the evolved strains were mainly associated with correlation between the expression changes and genetic adaptations to the culture conditions (e.g., downregu- interactions with the original deletion. Similar results lation of genes linked to the biosynthesis of glycerol were obtained for DEGs of wild-type strain which addi- and amino acids, and upregulation of genes linked to tionally confrm that evolution of gene expression seems glucose uptake). We did not observe evident changes to be independent of genetic interactions. Te outcomes that might indicate signifcant alterations in the level of of this analysis remain similar regardless of the Costanzo Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 12 of 21

Fig. 3 UpSet diagrams for genes whose expression was signifcantly up- (red) and downregulated (blue) in the three evolved non-mutator (A) and mutator (B) yeast strains. The horizontal bars show the number of diferentially expressed genes of a given yeast strain, while the vertical bars display the size of sets of genes uniquely altered (on the left), followed by those exclusively shared between multiple pairwise comparisons. For more details concerning genes whose expression was signifcantly up- and downregulated in biological replicates of given yeast genotype see Additional fle 13

transcription of the genes within COG7 or NUP133 func- invariable growth conditions. However, it is not clear tional modules. why these two mutants show such similar transcriptomic changes. To sum up, functional analysis showed a diferent Comparative analysis of evolved strains picture of changes in non-mutator and corresponding at the transcriptome level mutator strain. Hence, we did not observe sets of gene To identify a common set of genes that could be difer- expression profles of which can qualitatively assess the entially expressed in response to the COG7 or NUP133 common response of the yeast strains to a given gene deletion, unique DEGs of single mutants were compared deletion. with those from corresponding double mutants (Fig. 5). cog7Δ shared seven DEGs with cog7Δ msh2Δ, and Discussion nup133Δ shared six DEGs with nup133Δ msh2Δ in total. Te primary topic investigated in this study was re-exam- Te comparison of the transcriptomic changes in the ining the assumption that during evolution, nonlethal evolved msh2Δ and cog7Δ strains has interesting out- deleterious mutations are frequently compensated for comes. In total 71 DEGs are common for these two by other mutations elsewhere in the genome. An earlier strains, of which 16 genes are down and 55 upregulated study of compensatory evolution following gene dele- (the similarity of the upregulated DEG sets is refected tion in yeast by [8] indicated that the ftness losses caused in the GO analyses). We noticed that the majority of by deletions are rapidly compensated for by mutations the upregulated DEGs common to these two strains are elsewhere in the genome. In particular, frequent com- associated with rRNA modifcations and processing as pensation through loss-of-function nonsense mutations well as with ribosome biogenesis. Tis is likely a meta- was observed. Echenique et al. reached a similar conclu- bolic adjustment to constant substrates availability and sion after studying 37 gene deletion mutants [9]. Tese Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 13 of 21

Fig. 4 Enriched GO terms in the biological process category among DEGs from evolved non-mutator (A) and mutator (B) strains

researchers also identifed a number of premature stop performed large-scale experiments. We tested strains codons in other genes, which likely cause loss of func- devoid of the genes COG7 or NUP133 because these tion. In fact, approximately 20% of all non-silent muta- genes are prolifc interactors, and it was reasonable tions identifed in the two above studies were putative to expect fairly frequent benefcial inactivation(s) of loss-of-function mutations. Tese observations comple- elements of their networks. Te cellular processes in mented other evolutionary experiments with microor- which COG7 and NUP133 are involved are completely ganisms (bacteria and yeast), which have demonstrated unrelated to each other; therefore, any evolutionary that the most common adaptive changes are due to the pattern found common to the two mutants was likely loss or modifcation of a preexisting molecular function to be universal. Moreover, since the Cog7 and Nup133 [32, 60–66]. proteins are evolutionarily conserved from yeast to Te diference between our study and those of oth- humans, our fndings should be valid for other organ- ers is the scale. Specifcally, we subjected two yeast isms, as well, and our putative fndings could be impor- mutants to very detailed examinations, whereas others tant in many biological aspects, including medicine. Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 14 of 21

Fig. 5 A DEGs shared by non-mutator and mutator strains. DEG sets unique to a given evolved strain (as determined within the non-mutator (MSH2) and mutator (msh2Δ) set of strains) were compared with one another. Grey cells depict pairs that a priori cannot have common DEGs. Triangles pointing upwards and downwards indicate up- and downregulated DEGs. B Detailed comparison of all yeast strains tested. UpSet diagrams indicate intersections between up- (red) and downregulated (blue) genes in all yeast strains tested, generated by multiple comparisons. The horizontal bars show the number of diferentially expressed genes of a given yeast strain, while the vertical bars display the size of sets of genes ordered by increasing degree of intersections

However, neither cog7Δ nor nup133Δ had been tested of the genetic interaction network has some impact previously; thus, we could not compare our results to on the course of compensatory evolution. However, subsets of large data sources. this impact can be observed mainly in transcriptomic Notably, our study indicated that the lack of COG7 or experiments. NUP133 has an almost negligible impact on elements At the genomic level, we observed putative adapta- of modules of genetically interacting genes and on the tions to the continuous culture environment, although transcriptional activity of other genes in the modules. in our experiments an element of nutritional stress Whether this result is a particular case to COG7 and (typical to chemostat) was omitted. Tis included NUP133 or whether the other studies identifed only mutation in the WHI2, RIM15, ACE2 and HOG1 genes a specifc set of modules has not been determined. which are related to environmental adaptations. Evi- Tis study also suggests that the ftness landscape dently, continuous culture conditions exert a stronger selective pressure than does a gene knockout itself. Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 15 of 21

Fig. 5 continued Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 16 of 21

Moreover, because three independently evolved popu- very few studies analyzed changes at both the genome lations derived from a given strain were sequenced, we and transcriptome level [55, 73]. Because the reduction could search for parallel evolutionary events. Surpris- of the level of a given mRNA can, to some extent, mimic ingly, we found only few parallel mutations which indi- the efect of the lack of a gene, we carefully examined cates that compensatory evolution is not deterministic transcriptomic data. We observed fairly frequent down- and can lead to genetic divergence of evolving popula- regulation of genes whose inactivation is predicted to tions. What is more, the analysis allowed identifcation of be deleterious according to the ftness landscape of the recurrent mutations in BUL1, PRO3, URE2, and HOG1 genetic interaction network. However, these instances of genes apparently benefcial in our experimental condi- downregulation were underrepresented, which suggested tions regardless of the genetic background. a tendency of the gene expression changes during con- We also observed a few mutations that might compen- tinuous culture evolution to follow the ftness landscape. sate for the gene deletions assayed (Table 4). We hypoth- Nevertheless, similar to gene mutations, numerous cases esize that changing the activity of these genes could of gene downregulation did not conform to the predic- restore the ftness of cog7Δ and nup133Δ. However, these tion obtained from the known pattern of genetic inter- changes are probably related to diferent mechanisms of actions. Tus, although our experimental approach may ftness compensation or diferent compensatory events, have some limitations, this result suggests that the ft- since they constituted only individual cases and were not ness landscape is unstable and may be easily modifed by repeatable between diferent biological replicates for a genetic and external factors. given yeast strain. Te mutations identifed in the present study com- Conclusions prised nonsense mutations causing protein truncation Our results indicate that the assumption that nonlethal and likely depriving of activity, and missense mutations, deleterious mutations are frequently compensated for by which could have diverse efects on proteins: enhancing other mutations in genetically interacting genes during or inhibiting their activity or even modifying their func- evolution is not universal and, in fact, does not include tions and the outcome of such mutations is difcult to COG7 and NUP133 yeast genes. Moreover, at the level of predict. However, we found that the majority of missense gene expression, we noticed that for those genes whose mutations occurred in genes involved in basic cellular inactivation was predicted to have a negative impact on processes. It is not clear why the adaptive landscape asso- ftness, the upregulation of transcription is more often ciated with these genes is not stable. observed than downregulation. We tend to think that We also attempted to determine whether the adaptive the adaptive landscape of compensatory evolution is not landscape refecting the yeast genetic interaction net- stable and evolutionary trajectories are unpredictable work is universal and has an impact on the evolution of using landscapes derived for specifc conditions. In con- yeast deletion mutants. We assumed that if the ftness trast, general adaptations to given environmental condi- landscape of the genetic interaction network governs the tions and the landscape of such adaptations are stable. process of compensatory evolution, the loss-of-function Te results obtained with our model indicate that the mutations should also be benefcial for a given dele- modular structure of the cellular machinery has a lim- tion mutant in the ftness landscape. Tis observation is ited impact on short-term evolution in the conditions supported by studies of the WHI2 gene, which was also assessed. mutated in one of our experiments. It was shown that the landscape of the deletion of this gene is very unstable. Materials and methods According to the network of Constanzo et al., deletion of Strains and media WHI2 is neutral or slightly deleterious. Tis fnding was Haploid S. cerevisiae strains used in this study were confrmed in the study of Szamecz et al. [8], who found derivatives of W303 (MATa or MATα {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 that the WHI2 deletion is very weakly deleterious; these can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15}). All primers used researchers also found a compensatory efect of WHI2 are listed in Additional fle 16. To construct knockout inactivation during evolution of a rpb9Δ strain. In con- strains nup133∆ and cog7Δ, KanMX cassette conferring trast, in other environmental conditions (in dense colo- resistance to G418 was amplifed from the appropriate nies and upon nutrient deprivation), deletion of WHI2 is yeast deletion collection haploid strains (Euroscarf, Ger- benefcial [67]. In unstable landscapes, loss-of-function many), along with ~ 200 bp of both ATG-upstream and mutations of WHI2 are frequently observed [68]. stop codon-downstream DNA for homology. Wild-type In microevolution studies, the analysis of transcrip- strain W303 was transformed using the lithium acetate tome is often the only method used to identify adaptive method [74] and transformants were selected for G418 changes occurring in cell populations [69–72] and only resistance. To construct strains with deleted MSH2 gene, Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 17 of 21

hphMX4 cassette conferring resistance to hygromycin measurements with Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Termo B was amplifed from the pAG32 plasmid [75]. Primers Fisher Scientifc). Ten the DNA was mechanically contained 45-bp fragments upstream of ATG and down- sheared to an appropriate size and used for paired-end stream of the stop codon for homology. Te wild-type library preparation using KAPA Library preparation kit and knockout strains were transformed with amplifed (Roche) following the manufacturer’s instructions and DNA and transformants were selected for hygromycin B sequenced in the paired-end mode (2 × 300 bp) on a resistance (single mutant msh2Δ) or hygromycin B and MiSeq (Illumina) instrument. Te sequencing was per- G418 resistance (double mutants). All knockout strains formed at the DNA Sequencing and Oligonucleotide were verifed for correct cassettes integration by PCR and Synthesis Laboratory of the Institute of Biochemistry and sequencing of PCR-derived fragments. Te strains sub- Biophysics PAS, Warsaw, Poland. Sequencing data were jected to continuous culture experiments were grown in a fltered by quality using fastp toolkit [77]. Te average complete synthetic liquid medium containing 0.67% yeast sequence coverage from WGS of the yeast populations nitrogen base (YNB), 2% glycerol, 0.1% yeast extract, 0.1% was targeted at around 100×. Progenitor strain reads glucose and supplemented with the required amino acids were aligned against the genome sequence of W303 [78] and nucleotides. Ampicillin and streptomycin (25 μg/mL) to build a progenitor consensus genome for each genetic were added to prevent bacterial contamination. For over- background. Te reads were mapped to the W303 night liquid cultures and 2.0% agar–agar solidifed plates sequence using BWA-MEM [79] and genome sequence YPD medium (1% Bacto-yeast extract, 2% Bacto-peptone alignment was corrected using Pilon [80] with the “fx all” and 2% glucose) was used. option to correct all point mutations, indels, gaps and fx local misassemblies. Ten iterations of the above polishing Continuous culture evolution experiments scheme were run. Progenitor consensus genomes were Te evolutionary experiments were conducted in a self- annotated according to their Illumina reads and mapped made continuous culture set based on [76]. Briefy, the to the appropriate progenitor genome consensus using chambers, containing 20 mL of a medium, were made of BWA-MEM, followed by processing using SAMtools- 50-mL plastic Falcon tubes closed with a silicone stop- mpileup [81]. Variant calling was performed using Var- per pierced with three needles of diferent lengths. Te Scan v2.3.9 [82] with a minimum variant allele frequency shortest needle was used to add medium to the chamber. threshold set to 50%. From that point the data were han- Te longest needle reaching to the bottom of the tube dled with Geneious v10.2.6 software (http://​www.​genei​ provided fltered air (pumped with an aquarium pump) ous.​com/). De novo mutational events were identifed as and allowed efcient mixing of cultures. Te third nee- alterations from the ancestral strains found in the evolved dle was used for determining culture volume by remov- yeast populations. For that, point mutations and small ing efuent to collection bottles. To start the experiment indels calling were performed with the following options: 15 mL of liquid YPD medium was inoculated with a sin- minimum of ten reads and 50% mutation threshold fre- gle colony and grown overnight at 30°. Aliquots of the quency. Finally, mutations unique to the evolved popula- overnight cultures were inoculated into growth cham- tions were identifed and verifed by visual examination bers to ­OD600 = 0.1. After ca. 40 h, the fow of medium directly in Geneious. Variations at ambiguous positions was turned on at a dilution rate of 0.17–0.18 vol/h. Each in the sequence were ignored. Selected mutations local- strain was cultivated in triplicate. In total, 18 chambers ized to ORFs were validated in populations using PCR were inoculated. Culture samples were passively collected with appropriate primer pairs (Additional fle 16) and every week from fresh efuent for ca. 200 generations DNA sequencing. (non-mutator strains) or for ca. 350 generations (mutator strains) and stored as dry cell pellets and glycerol stocks DNA content analysis by fow cytometry at -80°. Troughout the experiment, vessels were moni- Te DNA content of yeast cells was measured by fow tored for contamination and formation of focculants. An cytometry as previously described [83], with modifca- experiment was terminated when cell clumps precluded tions restricting cells aggregations. About 10­ 7 cells from efcient mixing of the culture. initial and fnal yeast cultures were spun down (19,300 g for 1 min) and subjected to permeabilization and fxa- Whole‑genome population sequencing (WGS) tion via suspension in 1 ml of chilled (− 20 °C) 80% etha- and sequence analysis nol (Polmos, Warsaw, Poland). Cells suspensions were Population genomic DNA was extracted from dry, fro- held at room temperature for at least 2 h. Te fxed cells zen cell pellets using Bacterial & Yeast Genomic DNA were then washed twice in FACS bufer [0.2 M Tris– Purifcation Kit (EurX). DNA quality and quantity were HCl (Sigma-Aldrich) pH 7.4 and 20 mM EDTA (Merck, checked by agarose gel electrophoresis and fuorimetric Darmstadt, Germany)] and incubated at 37 °C for 2 h Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 18 of 21

in FACS bufer with 1 mg/ml RNase A (Sigma-Aldrich). mMapp​er). Euclidean distances were calculated with the After removal of cellular RNA, cells were washed with following equation: 2 2 2 sodium citrate bufer (50 mM pH 7.2) and incubated (p1 − q1) + (p2 − q2) +···+(pn − qn) , where p at 55 °C for 1 h in sodium citrate bufer (50 mM pH and q are log2 ratios for each gene in two transcriptomes 7.2) with 2 mg/ml Proteinase K (A&A Biotechnology) being compared and n is the number of genes. Cluster to remove proteins. Ten, the cells were washed with analysis and the similarity tree visualization was done on phosphate bufered saline (PBS) and stained overnight the whole transcriptome data using Cluster 3.0 [86] and at 4 °C in the dark with 100 μl of propidium iodide solu- Java TreeView [87] software, respectively. tion (50 μg/ml in PBS; Calbiochem). After the addition of 900 μl of PBS, EDTA was added to a fnal concentration Reverse transcription‑quantitative PCR (RT‑qPCR) analyses 20 mM, and the cells were sonicated at least three times To validate the microarray results the RT-qPCR was per- for 15 s each using Microson XL Ultrasonic Cell Disrup- formed in triplicate using QUANTUM EvaGreen® PCR tor (Misonix), to avoid cell clumping, just before fow Kit (Syngen Biotech) according to the manufacturer’s cytometry analysis of the DNA content. Tis analysis was instructions and a Mic Real-Time Cycler (Bio Molecu- performed with a FACSCalibur analyzer (Becton–Dick- lar Systems). Te primers used (Additional fle 16) were inson, Franklin Lakes, NJ). A total of 10,000 cells in each based on qPrimerDB (version 1.2) data. Primer speci- sample were counted. fcity was verifed by melting curve analysis. Each 20 μl reaction mixture contained 4 μl of QUANTUM Eva- Preparation of total RNA and transcriptome analysis Green® PCR Kit mix, two primers (4 pmol each) and Total RNA was extracted from frozen yeast cell samples 1 μl of template cDNA. Te cDNA was synthesized from obtained from 5 mL of continuous culture using the acid 240 ng of total RNA treated with TURBO™ DNase (Inv- phenol–chloroform procedure [74]. Te quantity and itrogen) using smART First Strand cDNA Synthesis kit quality of the RNA preparations were tested with the (EurX) according to supplier’s protocol. Te qPCR reac- 2100 Bioanalyzer expert assay RNA Nano (Agilent Tech- tions were carried out at the following conditions: 95° for nologies). Transcriptomes of the evolved cell populations 15 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95° for 15 s, 51.5° for 20 s were compared with that of the original one using Yeast and 72° for 20 s. Te value of crossing threshold cycles (v2) Gene Expression 8 × 15 K Microarray slides (Agilent (Cq) was determined using the micPCR software v2.8.10. Technologies) containing oligonucleotides that repre- Pfaf method [88] was applied to calculate relative senting all known S. cerevisiae genes identifed in the expression with respect to that of ACT1 that was used as SGD. cDNA probes labeled with Cy3 or Cy5 fuorescent the normalization reference for target gene expression. dyes were synthesized using the Agilent Two-Color Ten, the fold diference of the gene expression levels Quick Amp Labeling Kit according to the manufacturer’s between evolved and starting populations, corrected for protocol, with total RNA preparations as the template. efciency, was calculated. Te labeled probes were hybridized concurrently to microarrays. Tree biological replicates were run, each Supplementary Information with two technical replicates with dye-swap. Te result- The online version contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​ ing fuorescence images were scanned with an Axon org/​10.​1186/​s12862-​021-​01830-9. GenePix 4000B (Molecular Devices) microarray scanner. Feature extraction was done with GenePix Pro 6.1. Raw Additional fle 1. Doubling times and growth rates of yeast strains studied. data were normalized, technical replicates were averaged, Additional fle 2. DNA content analysis of the ancestral (START) and and subjected to statistical analysis with Acuity 4.0 soft- evolved (END) yeast populations. Flow cytometry profles indicate that ware. Additional data manipulations were done in Micro- short-term continuous culturing experiments did not cause changes in soft Excel. For each gene, the log2 ratio of its transcript ploidy as all yeast populations studied remain haploid. Control haploid level in each evolved population to that in the preadapted and diploid strains are shown on the right. culture was calculated. Genes displaying log2 ratio 1 Additional fle 3. Mutations in ORFs of evolved non-mutator strains, ≥ grouped according to their predicted efect. or 1 in at least two of three biological replicates for a ≤− Additional fle 4. Mutations in ORFs of evolved mutator strains, grouped given cell population genotype were considered diferen- according to their predicted efect. tially expressed (DEGs) and were subjected to further Additional fle 5. Detailed description of mutations identifed in evolved bioinformatic analysis. UpSet diagrams were generated yeast strains. using an Intervene online tool [84]. To classify the func- Additional fle 6. Extended characteristics of nonsynonymously mutated tions of the identifed DEGs, GO analysis was conducted genes of evolved cog7Δ msh2Δ strain. using a Cytoscape (v3.7.2) plugin BiNGO [85] and GO Slim Term Mapper (https://​www.​yeast​genome.​org/​goSli​ Klim et al. BMC Ecol Evo (2021) 21:99 Page 19 of 21

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