August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1315 On behalf of the 26th Congressional District, 21ST CENTURY ENDANGERED For these reasons, a broad coalition of inter- I offer my sincere congratulations to the Lake SPECIES TRANSPARENCY ACT est groups—including Alliance for Justice, Dallas High School Fighting Falcons on their Public Citizen, American Association for Jus- 50 years of teamwork, success and greatness. SPEECH OF tice, Sierra Club, and dozens of other environ- I wish them a bright future. HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. mental, civil rights, and civil liberties organiza- tions—oppose H.R. 4315. OF GEORGIA f I urge my colleagues to oppose this mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES guided legislation. RECOGNIZING MILLER’S HEALTH Tuesday, July 29, 2014 f SYSTEMS 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS The House in Committee of the Whole TRIBUTE TO DETECTIVE KEVIN House on the state of the Union had under BURNHAM OF THE SPRINGFIELD consideration the bill (H.R. 4315) to amend POLICE DEPARTMENT ON HIS HON. the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to require publication on the Internet of the basis for RETIREMENT OF INDIANA determinations that species are endangered species or threatened species, and for other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. RICHARD E. NEAL purposes: OF MASSACHUSETTS Thursday, July 31, 2014 Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I op- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pose H.R. 4315, the so-called ‘‘Endangered Thursday, July 31, 2014 Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, today I rise Species Transparency and Reasonableness Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, on July 25, the to congratulate a local small business for 50 Act,’’ which is an overt assault on the Endan- Springfield, Massachusetts, Police Department years of great service to Hoosiers all over In- gered Species Act designed to weaken its pro- diana. Miller’s Health Systems is known said farewell to their longest serving officer tections and guarantee the likelihood of extinc- when Kevin Burnham retired after 43 years throughout the state of Indiana for providing tion for wildlife, plants, and fish. excellent services in: assisted living, rehabilita- and 2 months on the job. A highly respected The Endangered Species Act is one of the professional, a popular colleague, and a dear tion, and nursing home care. Nation’s most important environmental laws. friend to everyone on the force, Kevin relin- The business started by Wallace and Signed into law by President Richard Nixon quished his senior officer badge last week to Connie Miller in 1964 as Miller’s Merry Manor over forty years ago, the Endangered Species Ruben Boerro following a time-honored tradi- nursing home on the outskirts of Warsaw. Act continues to serves as an effective tool for tion. For the first time since July of 1971, De- After the company was taken over by their son protecting our wildlife, plants, and fish from the tective Burnham would not be patrolling the V. Richard Miller, the company has expanded brink of extinction. streets of the city he loves. to over 30 Miller’s Merry Manors and 10 sen- To ensure enforcement of the Endangered Ask anyone in the department who their fa- ior living facilities. With the multitude of facili- Species Act, Congress empowered citizens to vorite co-worker was, and the reply would like- ties Miller’s Health Systems has today, they bring enforcement actions to hold parties ac- ly be Kevin Burnham. They admired his dedi- have grown to over 3,000 employees. Their countable for violating the law or to compel cation, strength and courage. They enjoyed mission statement speaks to the importance of the government to protect endangered spe- his sense of humor and the laughter that cies. Importantly, the law does not provide for the Miller’s Health Systems employees enjoy- seemed to follow him everywhere. And his loy- rewards of damages for the citizen bringing ing the work they do and helping them grow. alty was unquestioned. At the end of the day, the suit. Rather, the Endangered Species Act The company has helped this happen by hav- Kevin looked upon the Springfield Police De- allows for courts to award reasonable attor- ing Miller’s Merry Manor 100 percent em- partment as a band of brothers and sisters. To neys’ fees to parties that substantially prevail ployee-owned. The Miller’s commitment to him, the force was a family working together on the merits. to make our city a better place to live, work service and their core principles of passion, in- Congress has long recognized the impor- tegrity, stewardship, growth, and adaptation and raise our children. tance of encouraging citizens to bring meri- From his early days as a rookie, it was obvi- have helped Miller’s Health Systems withstand torious claims under the Endangered Species ous that Kevin was born to be a cop. He had the test of time. Act that they would otherwise abandon due to the streets smarts necessary to be effective in As the Representative for the many employ- the financial costs of hiring competent coun- law enforcement, but he also had compassion. ees and facilities for Miller’s Health Systems it sel. Many other federal statutes contain similar Those two qualities were the reasons his ca- is with great honor I recognize the 50th anni- enforcement mechanisms that encourage citi- reer was so successful. Whether it was be- versary of this great business. With the leader- zens to act as a private attorney general. coming one of the first detectives to work on ship of the Miller family and the passion of The Supreme Court has likewise observed the narcotics bureau, his service in both the their employees, I have no doubt there will be in numerous contexts that if private citizens uniform division and the crime prevention bu- many more celebrations to come. On behalf of are to enforce laws against ‘‘those who violate reau, or the responsibility that came with the Indiana’s Second District, I am proud to recog- the Nation’s fundamental laws are not to pro- job of evidence officer, Kevin performed each nize the last 50 years of Miller’s Health Sys- ceed with impunity, then citizens must have task exceptionally. He was honest and trust- tems and wish them many more. the opportunity to recover what it costs them worthy, and his fellow officers knew he had to vindicate these rights in court.’’ their back. f Contrary to the stated goal of H.R. 4315 to Being a police officer always comes with ‘‘standardize the awarding of attorneys’ fees to risks. And two years ago, one of his closest PERSONAL EXPLANATION prevailing parties against the federal govern- friends, Officer Kevin Ambrose, was killed in ment,’’ this legislation is a thinly-disguised ef- the line of duty. To Kevin Burnham, it was the fort to prohibit litigation by citizens and public- lowest of low points. But with his trademark in- HON. SCOTT DesJARLAIS interest groups. tegrity and character, he led the funeral pro- By eliminating the possibility of reasonable cession for his fallen friend along with nearly OF attorneys’ fees, this bill creates yet another one thousand law enforcement officials from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hurdle that will make it more difficult to find across the country. He helped turn a sad day competent legal representation to enforce into a touching tribute to a lost comrade. Thursday, July 31, 2014 complex environmental laws. That’s the kind of person he is. Reasonable attorneys’ fees are particularly Kevin and Barbara Burnham have been Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, on July 30, appropriate for complex and highly specialized great friends of mine for many years. They are 2014, I was unable to cast a vote on rollcall adjudications involving environmental law. En- good people and great fun. As Kevin begins No. 468 due to a personal health matter. vironmental groups are almost uniformly non- his long overdue retirement, I want to wish Had I been present, I would have voted in profit organizations. Many file lawsuits for in- him nothing but the very best. And on behalf favor of rollcall No. 468, H. Res. 676, to pro- junctive relief to enforce laws and protect the of the United States of America, it gives me vide for the authority to initiate litigation for ac- public health. But as a result of this bill, many personal satisfaction to congratulate him on an tions by the President or other executive of these organizations will be deterred from extraordinary career serving and protecting the branch officials inconsistent with their duties bringing such actions if they cannot recover citizens of Springfield. Well done Detective under the Constitution of the United States. attorneys’ fees. Burnham.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.070 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 3230, of the arts. After almost a decade as Execu- son Plantz, Storme Rynearson, Emory PAY OUR GUARD AND RESERVE tive Director of the Greater Denton Arts Coun- Shelton, Olivia Sims, Tristin Stevens, Mark ACT cil (GDAC), Ms. Chalfant is retiring from her Thomas Walker, Shane Wright, and Rachelle distinguished service at the helm of the non- Wyatt. Choctawhatchee Senior High School’s SPEECH OF profit organization. victory at the Florida High School Athletic As- HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Margaret Chalfant’s successful leadership at sociation Cheerleading State Championship is OF MARYLAND the GDAC began in 2005; in that same year, a true testament to the commitment and dedi- she was selected to attend the Women’s cation of all the members of the squad, and it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. During is a great reflection on Fort Walton Beach and Wednesday, July 30, 2014 her GDAC tenure, she has expanded and en- the greater Northwest Florida community. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today hanced its permanent collection, upgraded On behalf of the , in support of the Conference Report on H.R. and updated the physical facilities, and high- my wife Vicki and I congratulate the Indians 3230, the Veterans’ Access to Care through lighted the importance of the arts through edu- for their extraordinary victory and wish them Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act cation outreach to students from the elemen- all the best for their continued success. of 2014. I also want to commend Chairman tary level through college. She instituted an SANDERS, Chairman MILLER, Ranking Member After School Arts program for Denton ISD f BURR, and Ranking Member MICHAUD for their schools, hosted An Artistic Discovery—the work on crafting a bipartisan bill that not only 26th Congressional district’s annual high ON ADDRESSING THE HUMANI- provides for our veterans but addresses many school art contest, and collaborated with the TARIAN CRISIS ON OUR BORDER of the systemic problems within the Veteran University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s Health Administration. University to initiate the Getting Started with The final conference agreement provides the Arts program. Throughout her career she HON. over $17 billion in funding for the Department has demonstrated an unwavering commitment of Veteran Affairs. This includes $10 billion in to the arts, as well as engaging in multiple OF TEXAS funding to allow veterans who live more than civic activities to benefit the Denton commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 40 miles away from a VA facility, or who have nity and the North Texas region. waited more than 30 days for an appointment The sterling reputation of the Greater Den- Thursday, July 31, 2014 at a VA medical center, to seek care with an ton Arts Council is a reflection of the out- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I outside provider. In addition, it provides the standing administration of Ms. Chalfant, and support Comprehensive Immigration Reform, VA with $6.5 billion in funding to address its her professional legacy will continue to benefit which would secure our borders, create a critical shortage of doctors and nurses and to the citizens of Denton for years to come. I join pathway to citizenship, and provides for elec- allow the VA to enter into 27 new medical fa- her colleagues and the community in com- tronic employment verification. I believe more cility leases. By expanding access to care, in- mending the Greater Denton Arts Council’s than ever after having seen the humanitarian creasing staffing needs, and authorizing new Executive Director, Margaret Edge Chalfant, consequences of the crisis firsthand, we must clinics, this bill is a great first step in tackling for her outstanding record and extend best act now. Having a broken system that is in many of the ongoing problems that have sur- wishes upon her retirement. It is my privilege dire need of reform only exacerbates the faced at the VA in recent years. to represent the City of Denton in the U.S. issue. The Conference Report strengthens a num- House of Representatives. However, I oppose H.R. 5230, Making sup- ber of other programs to help support our vet- f erans and their families. It expands eligibility plemental appropriations for the fiscal year and provides veterans who experienced mili- RECOGNIZING THE ending September 30, 2014, and for other pur- tary sexual trauma while on inactive duty the CHOCTAWHATCHEE CHEER- poses, and H.R. 5272, To prohibit certain ac- opportunity to seek sexual trauma counseling. LEADERS AS 1A SMALL CO-ED tions with respect to deferred action for aliens It also modifies the Post 9/11 GI Bill and al- DIVISION STATE CHAMPIONS not lawfully present in the United States, and lows veterans to receive in-state tuition rates for other purposes. These bills do not ade- at any public university, if they decide to relo- HON. JEFF MILLER quately address the problems in our immigra- cate. Finally, today’s legislation extends an im- OF FLORIDA tion system or deal with the current influx of portant program set to expire later this year to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unaccompanied minors. These bills will also end protections that have provided relief to provide housing for veterans struggling with Thursday, July 31, 2014 traumatic brain injuries. millions of people currently living in the U.S. I do, however, have reservations about a Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I am H.R. 5230 emasculates current anti-traf- provision in this bill which gives the VA Sec- proud to congratulate the First Congressional ficking law, meant to protect minors from cer- retary broad authority to fire Senior Executive District of Florida’s Choctawhatchee Senior tain countries and allow them to apply for asy- Service (SES) employees even though the VA High School Indians for winning the 1A Small lum in this country. The bill provides a fraction already has tools to remove SES employees Co-ed Division State title at the Florida High of the $3.7 billion requested by President who are rated unsatisfactory. However, I am School Athletic Association Cheerleading Obama to address the humanitarian crisis at encouraged that—unlike legislation that State Championship on January 31, 2014 for our border. The bill would likely produce simu- passed the House earlier this year—the con- the third year in a row. lated hearings with fast-track adjudication that ference agreement does provide SES employ- Located in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, mimics due process for unaccompanied mi- ees with an expedited appeals process Choctawhatchee High School boasts an ex- nors. through a Merit Systems Protection Board. ceptional cheer squad, led by coaches Shaunice Clay and Hailey Looney. During the H.R. 5272 eviscerates the vital Deferred Ac- Mr. Speaker, there is nothing more impor- tion for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, tant than providing for those who have sac- preliminaries, the squad ranked 1st out of a total of fourteen squads before claiming victory which has provided much needed relief for rificed so much for our country. I encourage millions of undocumented immigrants who ar- my colleagues to join me in support of this bill. over Harmony High School and Gulf Breeze High School. rived in this country as minors. DACA allows f I commend the following young men and the Department of Homeland Security pros- IN RECOGNITION OF MARGARET women of the squad for both challenging ecutorial discretion towards some undocu- EDGE CHALFANT themselves and inspiring their fellow students mented immigrants who immigrated to our na- and youth throughout our community: Jenna tion as children not of their own volition. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Angelos, Jean Bernier, Megan Bradley, Loren Mr. Speaker, the humanitarian crisis caused OF TEXAS Burkett, Olivia Carr, Kacey Childers, Dani by an influx of unaccompanied minors from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Connelly, Alexia Faustinella, Shayla Fish, Tif- mostly Central American countries with stag- fany Fought, Zach Given, Anna Greene, Rielly gering crime rates has tested our nation’s laws Thursday, July 31, 2014 Griggs, Holly King, Kerri Kriech, Amy and values. We are a nation of laws but we Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to LeMenager, Rachel Loughney, CJ McDonald, are also a nation of values. We must treat all recognize Margaret Edge Chalfant for a note- Emily McGaughy, Johnny Mundy, Temple individuals, especially minors, in a way that is worthy career dedicated to the advancement Nichols, Ashley Oliver, Sydney Pattison, Alli- consistent with our values.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.075 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS