E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2020 No. 28 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was For every one of the 22 years he Mayor Tom Bradley in that Governor’s called to order by the Speaker pro tem- served in the Senate, H.L. was a force race that year. Gun Owners of Cali- pore (Mr. CUELLAR). to be reckoned with. He served for fornia continues its good work to this f many years in the Republican leader- day, as does its spin-off, Gun Owners of ship, but he was never ever a political America. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO insider. His enormous influence inside H.L. had a wicked sense of humor, TEMPORE the senate stemmed from the fact that and it was keenest when bursting bub- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- he never joined that club; he never lost bles of political pomposity. One of his fore the House the following commu- sight of the people who elected him. half dozen published books, still re- nication from the Speaker: And he not only worked tirelessly to quired reading in some college classes, WASHINGTON, DC, serve them inside the capitol, he is titled, ‘‘What Makes You Think We February 11, 2020. worked even harder to organize, in- Read the Bills?’’ His book, I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY form, and mobilize them outside the ‘‘Confrontational Politics,’’ offers a CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on capitol. civilized, but no less resolute, conserv- this day. He founded a multitude of advocacy ative response to Saul Alinsky’s NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House of Representatives. groups to empower the millions of Cali- ‘‘Rules for Radicals.’’ fornians who believed in individual lib- California, once called ‘‘The Golden f erty and economic freedom. He started State,’’ is today drawing more and MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the Political Action Com- more attention as a slow-moving train The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- mittee to support free market prin- wreck. The radical left has now domi- ant to the order of the House of Janu- ciples and the candidates who em- nated the State’s institutions for more ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- braced them, and it became the inspi- than 20 years, and California is show- nize Members from lists submitted by ration and prototype of groups like the ing all of the political, social, and eco- the majority and minority leaders for and Americans for nomic pathologies that accompany morning-hour debate. Prosperity and FreedomWorks today. leftist governance: failing schools; ris- The Chair will alternate recognition In the 1970’s, when Jerry Brown first ing crime; chronic traffic congestion; between the parties, with time equally came to power and appointed radical skyrocketing costs of housing, energy, allocated between the parties and each leftists to the California courts, H.L. and water; rampant homelessness; op- Member other than the majority and founded the Law and Order Campaign pressive regulations; the highest effec- minority leaders and the minority Committee, which became the driving tive poverty rate in the Nation; and a whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no force between the historic recall of population now fleeing to other States. event shall debate continue beyond Chief Justice Rose Bird and two of her Senator H.L. Richardson held back 11:50 a.m. associates on the California Supreme that tide for nearly 30 years. He was a f Court. That organization went on for mighty seawall that protected Cali- many years to restore common sense fornia from the left, giving one final REMEMBERING AND CELEBRATING to the California courts and criminal generation of Californians the joy of THE LIFE OF H.L. RICHARDSON justice system, including pressing the living in the most prosperous and beau- OF CALIFORNIA legislature to restore the death penalty tiful State in the Nation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The over Jerry Brown’s veto. But, as age took its toll, his influ- Chair recognizes the gentleman from His passion for the Second Amend- ence waned, the left steadily advanced, California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) for 5 min- ment was his most defining cause. He and none of us whom he inspired to fol- utes. founded Gun Owners of California to low him has been able to stop it. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, lost fight the growing movement in Cali- On January 13, H.L. Richardson amidst the tumult of the last couple of fornia to disarm law-abiding citizens, passed away at the age of 92, and with weeks was the quiet passing of an out- and its success not only beat back him passed the golden California of spoken leader of California, H.L. ‘‘Bill’’ Proposition 15, a 1982 initiative to ban freedom, opportunity, and prosperity Richardson. H.L., as he was known to handguns in California, it generated so that he fought so hard, so long, and so his friends, arrived in the California many new Second Amendment voters effectively to preserve. Perhaps the day State Senate with the freshman class in that election to put come when California will see a re- of 1966, part of the Reagan landslide Deukmejian over the top by a tiny birth of freedom, and on that day, that year. margin of victory over Los Angeles H.L.’s wisdom, courage, and leadership

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:57 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11FE7.000 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 will show that generation the way lives of those across our region. It is REMEMBERING THE BAKU PO- back. only fitting that the stories of Mar- GROMS THAT TOOK PLACE 30 We can hasten that day by remem- garet, Lana, and Milana will be dis- YEARS AGO bering and celebrating his life, his les- played with the rest of them. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sons, and his achievements. We must never forget those who Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from f paved the path before us. Stories like California (Ms. SPEIER) for 5 minutes. RECOGNIZING THE EXTRAOR- theirs make up the very fabric of our Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise DINARY EFFORTS OF THREE AF- Nation. They should be cherished and today to remember the Baku pogroms, RICAN AMERICAN WOMEN FROM celebrated. which took place in January 1990, some ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 30 years ago. The Baku pogroms rep- f resented the culmination of years of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The atrocities by the Azeris against ethnic Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from RECOGNIZING NATIONAL SCHOOL Armenians living in Azerbaijani com- Illinois (Mrs. BUSTOS) for 5 minutes. COUNSELORS WEEK munities, such as Sumgait and Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise Kirovobad. today as we celebrate Black History The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Time and time again, Armenians fell Month across our Nation. And I want Chair recognizes the gentleman from victim to their neighbors, as gangs of to recognize the extraordinary efforts Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 Azeris roamed the streets, smashed of three African American women from minutes. windows, burned cars, and attacked Rockford, Illinois, who have honorably Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. any Armenians they found. The gangs served three separate branches of our Mr. Speaker, last week marked Na- murdered and mutilated some women Armed Forces. Our Nation is indebted tional School Counselors Week. and repeatedly raped others. to them. School counselors play a valuable In Baku, the pattern held, as looters Later this week, the stories of Mar- role in the lives of our Nation’s stu- destroyed property and tortured the garet Patricia Whelcher, Lana dents. They help students navigate murdered victims. Thousands of Arme- McCants, and Milana Herman will be challenges, both academic and per- nians fled the systemic violence, world displayed to the public at the Veterans sonal, through all phases of education. chess champion Gary Kasparov’s fam- Memorial Hall and Museum in Rock- But some counselors truly go above ily counted among them. ford, Illinois. and beyond. Mr. Speaker, Azerbaijan was engaged Their contributions to our country Recently, I had the pleasure of join- in a systemic effort to erase this his- have been chronicled by local students ing the American School Counselor As- tory and silence those who repeat it. I from Harlem High School as part of the sociation for a meeting, where I met rise today so that they cannot succeed. annual Harlem Veterans Project, and Laura Ross, the 2020 School Counselor The history of this violence is one of they have conducted interviews, shot of the Year. Laura’s co-workers have the many reasons I believe that resi- videos, and have photographs and called her a true hero and a champion dents of Nagorno-Karabakh or Artsakh more. for the work that she has done at Five should be allowed to live in peace, free- Mr. Speaker, I would like to take a Forks Middle School. dom, and security. The United States moment to bring attention to their School counselors like Laura have has a crucial role to play in promoting sacrifices and thank them for their big responsibilities and even greater this outcome. service today. opportunities to make a difference in For decades, U.S. aid has helped clear Margaret Patricia Whelcher, she the lives of young people. When people mines in Artsakh, saving lives, pro- served in the United States Air Force choose to dedicate their careers to pro- moting development, and giving com- from 1988 to 1991 and achieved the rank viding support and guidance for these munities a sense of normalcy. Today, of senior airman. students, they are better equipped to even though the work is not done, that Lana McCants, she served in the tackle personal and professional chal- aid is threatened. United States Navy from 1991 to 1997 lenges and better prepared to enter the Today, even though Armenia and and achieved the rank of operation spe- workforce. Artsakh have embraced the Royce- cialist 3rd class. A successful career begins with a Engel peace proposal, while Azerbaijan Milana Herman served in the United has rejected it, Artsakh could lose the States Army from 1989 to 1994 and well-rounded view of what the work- force entails. Effective counseling can mining assistance. And today, even achieved the rank of staff sergeant. though Armenia has transformed itself In addition to their distinguished assist learners in better understanding their educational opportunities and ca- into a growing democracy, it is auto- military service, these veterans have cratic Azerbaijan that has received a worked to better our community. Lana reer prospects, while preventing stu- dents from taking on sizable debt. massive, disproportion increase in is an active member of the American military aid from the United States. H.R. 5092, the Counseling for Career Legion Post 340, while Margaret and If the administration won’t help Choice Act, seeks to ensure high school Milana routinely participate in local those who stand for peace and democ- students are made aware of their edu- stand-downs, where they offer a variety racy, Congress must. The legacy of cational options and career prospects of support services for at-risk veterans. Baku, Sumgait, and Kirovobad remind prior to graduation. To do that, the bill I am proud to see them represent our me why. We must fight for the memo- would establish a grant program for $40 community with such distinction and ries of those we lost, for their dreams million to invest in career counseling such honor. Their selfless commitment of safety and security, and for the programs for high school students. to country and community sets a promise of a free Artsakh. It also invests in professional devel- strong example for the leaders of to- f morrow. It is crucial that their inspira- opment opportunities for counselors tional stories are spread far and wide. working with these students so coun- RADICAL OPEN BORDERS POLICIES That is why I applaud the work of selors can do their jobs to the best of THAT ARE DANGEROUS TO OUR those students participating in the their ability and stay up to date on CITIZENS Harlem Veterans Project. These stu- workforce trends and postsecondary The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dents have sought to build a unique opportunities. This includes 2- and 4- Chair recognizes the gentleman from bond with members of the community year degree programs, but that also in- North Carolina (Mr. BUDD) for 5 min- and raise the voices of those around cludes certificate programs, intern- utes. them. ships, and apprenticeships. Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Institutions like the Veterans Memo- Mr. Speaker, we all owe a debt of to oppose a truly radical piece of legis- rial Hall and Museum in Rockford, gratitude to our Nation’s school coun- lation that was recently introduced in which will feature these incredible selors. All year long, their service and this Chamber. women, tell the stories of so many who support of our Nation’s young people is The New Way Forward Act, as it is have made an immense impact on the greatly appreciated. called, introduced with the support of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:57 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.002 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1021 more than three dozen Democratic co- Unfortunately, this bill makes a go, to determine how to stop, how to sponsors, decriminalizes illegal immi- mockery of that principle and replaces determine the origins, and how to gration, makes it nearly impossible for it with a set of radical, open-border thwart what might be a horrific pan- border authorities to detain and deport policies that are dangerous to our citi- demic around the world. How can you immigrants with criminal convictions, zens and our communities. It is for cut $4 billion? and forces taxpayers to foot the bill to that reason that it should be soundly Then, the precious children in my bring back previously deported crimi- defeated. congressional district, I have the privi- nal illegal immigrants. f lege of representing a number of school b 1015 districts, not just one, but a good num- HONORING FALLEN SOLDIERS ber of school districts. Every day, the Mr. Speaker, if this bill were to be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The administrators, teachers, and parents, come law, it would enable illegal immi- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from dropping their beautiful children off, grants who have committed crimes Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. are looking for an opportunity so that abroad to be returned to the U.S., and Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, they, too, might serve and contribute it would allow them to gain a pathway first, I would like to honor and express to this great Nation. Yet, a number to citizenship. my deepest sympathy, as a fellow that is so startling it takes your breath The bill eliminates the provision in Texan, to the family of Sergeant 1st away: $6.2 billion in cuts for education. current law that forbids an immigrant Class Javier Gutierrez, who lost his life After Hurricane Harvey, with 51 tril- from entering the United States if they in battle in Afghanistan. I also want to lion gallons of floodwater, people are have committed drug crimes or any acknowledge Sergeant 1st Class Anto- still suffering from the losses of their crimes involving moral turpitude. Ex- nio Rodriguez of New Mexico, as he lost homes, still trying to fix flooding areas amples of crimes involving moral tur- his life in battle as well. and mitigate the damage through in- pitude include child molestation, kid- It is a war that is endless. Nonethe- frastructure work. Yet, $1.7 billion has napping, rape, murder, and more. It is less, the service of our giants, our been cut from those needs of people unthinkable that we would allow any- young men and women in uniform, is who have experienced heinous and hor- one who has committed those crimes to to be constantly honored. rific natural disasters and still need freely enter our country. Sergeant Gutierrez, a family man, a the repairs that are necessary. To add to the egregiousness of this husband, a father, engaged in the serv- Of course, every child knows that cli- legislation, it calls on the Department ice of his Nation, enthusiastically join- mate change is real. So in this Na- of Homeland Security to pay for the re- ing. He came from a long legacy of tion—the innovative, important leader turn of previously deported illegal im- service to the Nation: his grandfather, of the world—we are slashing the dol- migrants. Under the bill, any immi- another hero in our Nation, and his fa- lars for climate research. grant deported since April 1996 would ther, another hero in our Nation. We are not aware as well, I guess, in be allowed to return to the U.S. as long I pray for this family, who has now this administration, that terrorism is as they met a stunningly lax set of cri- given the ultimate sacrifice and never on the rise, domestic terrorism in par- teria. It is ridiculous to require Amer- refused to put on the uniform to fight ticular. But we must also be vigilant ican taxpayers to foot the bill to bring in battle for this Nation’s freedom, its for the terrorism that brought down previously deported individuals back justice, and its equality. the Twin Towers on 9/11. Yet, those dol- onto U.S. soil. May God bless his family, and may lars are being cut from FEMA, $746.9 The bill would make it more difficult he rest in peace. million. for ICE to detain an immigrant with a DEFEAT PRESIDENT TRUMP’S PROPOSED BUDGET Then, let me say, as I close, that we criminal record. Agents would be Ms. JACKSON LEE. As I move to an- are also saying to those who are forced to prove that a suspect poses a other topic, I would like to say that unhoused, the homeless, those who danger or a flight risk without using this is a message to my constituents seek better housing, that they, too, the immigrant’s past criminal history and the American people. can’t get housing. Affordable housing as a sole factor. As you have heard in the news, and for the homeless and others is now One of the Democratic cosponsors on were probably frightened by the ex- waning. this bill even proclaimed that it would cerpts, I hold in my hand a budget for Mr. Speaker, I ask to defeat this end deportation for people who had America’s future. This was offered by budget, as we will. contact with the criminal legal system. the President of the United States. It f I would say it is common sense that a is frightening in its attack on the basic serious criminal conviction should lead security, domestic security, of the HONORING LITTLETON ALSTON to deportation. American people. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Worse yet, this prevents ICE from de- I would venture to say that even our Chair recognizes the gentleman from porting immigrants who have been con- young soldiers have found the need for Nebraska (Mr. BACON) for 5 minutes. victed of crimes with an average sen- their families to sometimes have as- Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, in honor of tence of less than 5 years. This bill sistance with the Supplemental Nutri- Black History Month, I rise to recog- would allow an alien who committed tion Assistance Program, food stamps. nize Littleton Alston for his lifetime crimes like auto theft, weapons crimes, Tragically, this budget digs deep to contributions in the fine art of identity theft, and fraud to remain in hatchet away the basic safety net that sculpting, both as a renowned artist the country. we have come to understand is not a and as a professor. Like many Americans, I want people handout for working families who may Littleton was born in Petersburg, to enter our country through the legal be impoverished but a hand-up. Virginia, and grew up in northeast process—we want them here—and then I am startled by the cuts, draconian Washington, D.C., where he had his to stay on the right side of the law. cuts, in this document. I am startled first encounter with great art and pub- Legal immigration is what makes our by $1.6 trillion in cuts for Medicare and lic sculpture. He still vividly remem- country great. But we cannot pass Medicaid. bers looking from his home down East bills, like this one, that incentivize I am startled by, in the midst of the Capitol Street and seeing the Capitol more people to come here illegally or coronavirus, a more than $4 billion cut dome. imposes no penalty on those who com- in funding for the NIH and the Centers His mother, who was divorced and mit serious crimes. for Disease Control, the very entities raising five children on her own, ac- I think most Americans would agree that provide lifesaving research and knowledged and recognized a unique that we should welcome those who possible cures for the American people gift that Littleton seemed to possess: come to our land in a legal, merit- and people around the world. drawing. Her devotion and his talent based way and that dangerous, illegal The World Health Organization is helped him land an opportunity to at- immigrants should not be allowed to begging to go into China at this time, tend the Duke Ellington School of the come into our country or stay in our and they are looking to have American Arts in Washington, D.C., where he country. researchers who are ready and able to graduated from high school.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:57 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.004 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 Awarded a scholarship to Virginia I salute and thank Littleton for his CRAWFORD) come forward and lead the Commonwealth University in Rich- impression upon the community, which House in the Pledge of Allegiance. mond, he received his bachelor of fine will be felt for years to come. Mr. CRAWFORD led the Pledge of Al- arts degree in sculpture and went on to f legiance as follows: earn his master of fine arts from the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Maryland Institute College of Art’s RECESS United States of America, and to the Repub- Rinehart Graduate School of Sculpture The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, in Baltimore. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. There, he was the recipient of the declares the House in recess until noon f school’s top honor, the Rinehart today. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Award. In 1989, he was accepted to the Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 27 PRO TEMPORE artist residency program at the Bemis minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- Center of Contemporary Arts in cess. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair will entertain up to 15 requests Omaha. A year later, he joined the fac- f ulty of Omaha’s Creighton University, for 1-minute speeches on each side of where he has attained the rank of full b 1200 the aisle. professor of sculpture. AFTER RECESS f For the past 30 years, he has consist- NEW YORK WILL NEVER FORGET ently given back to the community. The recess having expired, the House was called to order by the Speaker pro FLIGHT 3407 AND NEITHER Littleton served on the Omaha Public SHOULD CONGRESS Art Commission for 9 years, and he has tempore (Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN) at volunteered often for local charities noon. (Mr. HIGGINS of New York asked and and community service groups. He is f was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) especially proud of his educational out- PRAYER reach, having often led classes and Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Madam workshops at schools in low-income Reverend Dr. Cheryl Coleman Hall, Speaker, this week marks the 11th an- neighborhoods. Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, niversary of the tragic crash of Conti- In 2013, he was recognized by the city Washington, D.C., offered the following nental flight 3407. of Omaha for his artistic and civic con- prayer: On February 12, 2009, flight 3407 tributions with a Community Excel- God of infinite wisdom, of faithful- crashed in Clarence Center, New York, lence Award and by Governor Dave ness, of mercy, of justice and love, we killing all passengers and crew mem- Heineman with the Community Devel- gather in this place at this hour by bers on board and one person on the opment Excellence Award. grace, and we are grateful. ground. The National Transportation Littleton says he chose the art of We pray for clarity of mind for the Safety Board determined that the sculpting because he believes sculpture work of service that must be accom- crash was due to pilot error and inexpe- is the best vehicle through which he plished by each one here. We pray that rience. can best express the joys and sorrows they will use today wisely, for today Thanks to tireless advocacy of the of the human condition. He says that will become yesterday, and today is families of flight 3407 who lost loved he has explored many mediums and creating tomorrow. ones in the crash, reforms like 1500 conceptual approaches. As an artist, he We pray that broken places are made hours of flight training for first officers tries to convey the beauty and power of straight and the bridges we are build- have been enacted. However, more than the sculpted form. ing are strong and mighty, for we all a decade later, we still anxiously await Littleton Alston has been commis- must walk upon them. implementation of the pilot records sioned to create a variety of sculptural We pray for the persons who support database to allow airlines to access projects, including monumental bronze them, the family members, support records of pilots applying for jobs. figures such as: The Archangel Mi- staff, the unnamed and unknown as Madam Speaker, western New York chael, Christ Among Children, Dr. Mar- they carry out the awesome respon- will never forget flight 3407 and neither tin Luther King, Baseball Legend Bob sibilities of being their brothers and should Congress. I urge my colleagues Gibson, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and sisters, communities, and country’s to continue to strive for One Level of many others. keepers. Safety and remain vigilant about avia- His work has included international As we gather, charged with the awe- tion and safety standards. artist residencies. In 2019, Littleton some responsibilities for which we have f was selected from applicants from been called, we are reminded of all that REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF across the country to create a larger- is divine, all that is good, all that is BILLIE SUE HOGGARD than-life-size bronze statue portraying merciful in each of us. And we pray Willa Cather, a sculpture that will be that each of us is able to unabashedly (Mr. CRAWFORD asked and was one of the two statues representing the declare at the end of the day, with sin- given permission to address the House great State of Nebraska in the U.S. cere hearts: May the works I have done for 1 minute and to revise and extend Capitol. speak for me. his remarks.) This achievement is a hallmark for In the name of the One who reveals Mr. CRAWFORD. Madam Speaker, I our country and a homecoming for truth, the One who is the light that is rise today to commemorate the life of Littleton, who will become the first Af- showing in the darkness that cannot be my close friend Billie Sue Hoggard, rican American artist to create a work extinguished, we offer this prayer. who passed away on Sunday evening. to be displayed in the Statuary Hall Amen. Billie Sue was a lifelong public serv- collection, a compelling achievement, f ant, a political pioneer, and a devout 50 years in the making, for a young follower of Jesus. She was a nationally THE JOURNAL man who grew up in eyeshot of the board-certified teacher. Statue of Freedom. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Countless students in my hometown This wonderful addition to these hal- Chair has examined the Journal of the of Jonesboro, Arkansas, across five lowed Halls will be dedicated to his last day’s proceedings and announces decades and four schools, were blessed late mother, Gilbertha Otelia Alston, a to the House her approval thereof. to find themselves in her classroom. fitting tribute to the person who Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- She was selected for three inter- helped cultivate his great talent at an nal stands approved. national teaching exchanges in China, early age. f Japan, and Mexico. Her passion for We are proud that Littleton; his wife, teaching could not be extinguished, Anne; and his children, Sarah, Taylor, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE coming out of a well-deserved retire- and Daniel, call Omaha, Nebraska, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the ment just a few years ago to go back home. gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. into the classroom.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:57 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.006 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1023 Her service to the community ex- Harty III, Daniel McCabe Harty, and time since 2015, BCCC has been recog- tended to public office as well. She was Christopher Robert McCabe; as well as nized as the best of the best in the appointed by Governor his uncle, Robert Ainsley McCabe, Jr., Commonwealth. This annual accolade, as justice of the peace on the Craighead in earning this prestigious honor with presented by BestColleges.com, as- County Quorum Court and as the com- the Boy Scouts of America. sesses academic quality, affordability, missioner for the Arkansas Edu- Charles has also been elected senior and online competency to determine cational Television Network. patrol leader in Troop 10, serving with who provides the best overall experi- Under her leadership of the Scoutmaster Flynn Bowie, as well as ence for students. Craighead County GOP, the county being elected to the Order of the Butler County Community College is flipped all legislative seats and well Arrow. setting learners of all ages and back- over half of countywide offices. In 2017, As the father of four sons who are grounds up for success by providing an she was awarded the ‘‘Hi, I’m Frank Eagle Scouts, I am grateful to attend affordable education that readies stu- White’’ Award, the highest distinction courts of honor such as for Charles. dents for a 21st century workforce. given by the Arkansas GOP. This weekend, it was inspiring to be Thanks to this model, BCCC students Billie Sue is survived by her four with Andrew Talkish at St. Simon and are graduating with more opportuni- children and seven grandchildren. St. Jude Episcopal Church in Irmo. ties and less debt. Madam Speaker, I ask Congress to In conclusion, God bless our troops, I am proud of the educational excel- join me in offering condolences to her and we will never forget September the lence that Butler County Community family and commemorating the life 11th in the global war on terrorism, led College has to offer for students in and achievements of an incredible lead- by President . Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional Dis- er and servant. Congratulations to Coach Dawn trict and the surrounding area, and God bless Billie Sue Hoggard’s mem- Staley on her continuing victories for they are certainly well deserving of ory. the Gamecock women’s basketball. this recognition. f f f THE DONALD TRUMP BUDGET A SIMPLE, YET PROFOUND ACT REPEAL THE ABORTION MANDATE CUTS OVER $1.5 TRILLION FROM (Mr. BUDD asked and was given per- OR RISK LOSING IMPORTANT MEDICARE, MEDICAID, AND SO- mission to address the House for 1 FEDERAL FUNDS CIAL SECURITY minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given (Mr. TED LIEU of California asked marks.) permission to address the House for 1 and was given permission to address Mr. BUDD. Madam Speaker, 60 years minute and to revise and extend his re- the House for 1 minute and to revise ago this month, four African American marks.) and extend his remarks.) students from North Carolina A&T per- Mr. LAMALFA. Madam Speaker, last Mr. TED LIEU of California. Madam formed a simple, yet profound act. month, Health and Human Services Speaker, last week Donald Trump They sat at Woolworth’s lunch counter issued a notice of violation to my home came onto this House floor, looked the in front of a detestable ‘‘Whites Only’’ State of California that is in direct vio- American people in the eye, and he sign. They were called rabble-rousers, lation of the Weldon amendment, by stated: ‘‘ . . . we will always protect troublemakers, and worse. They did requiring all health insurers to cover your Medicare, and we will always pro- not yield. abortions in their plans. tect your Social Security.’’ In the days that followed, more stu- Governor Newsom has 11 days left to That statement is false. We know dents joined them, including my friend, comply with Federal law by repealing that statement is false because Donald Clarence Henderson. By continuing to the abortion mandate or risk losing Trump released his budget, and the sit, they were actually standing up for important Federal funds. Donald Trump budget cuts over $1.5 their God-given constitutional rights In the shadow of the 47th anniversary trillion from Medicare, Medicaid, and as Americans. of Rowe v. Wade, it is important that Social Security. They may not have known it at the we buck the status quo that increas- Let me say that again. time, but their act of courage lit a fire ingly takes human life for granted. The Donald Trump budget cuts over of freedom that spread across our coun- While Governor Newsom continues to $1.5 trillion from Medicare, Medicaid, try, all the way to the steps of the Lin- blatantly disregard people’s personal and Social Security. coln Memorial where Martin Luther and religious views, I will continue to The Donald Trump budget cuts over King, Jr., spoke to us about his dream stand here as part of the fight to make $1.5 trillion from Medicare, Medicaid, of a more just tomorrow. sure Americans are never forced to pay and Social Security. Madam Speaker, this Black History for other people’s abortions. The Donald Trump budget cuts over Month, we remember the brave sac- Madam Speaker, I urge Governor $1.5 trillion from Medicare, Medicaid, rifices that were made by so many so Newsom to quickly repeal California’s and Social Security. that each and every American would abortion mandate and get back in line The Donald Trump budget cuts over never again be judged, as Dr. King said, with the . $1.5 trillion from Medicare, Medicaid, by the color of our skin but, instead, f and Social Security. ‘‘by the content of their character.’’ GREAT NEWS ON THE ECONOMY f f THIS WEEK CONGRATULATIONS, CHARLES CONGRATULATING BUTLER COM- (Mr. HARRIS asked and was given WAITES MCCABE MUNITY COLLEGE ON THEIR RE- permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina CENT ACHIEVEMENT minute and to revise and extend his re- asked and was given permission to ad- (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania marks.) dress the House for 1 minute and to re- asked and was given permission to ad- Mr. HARRIS. Madam Speaker, great vise and extend his remarks.) dress the House for 1 minute and to re- news on the economy this week: The Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. vise and extend his remarks.) economy added 225,000 jobs in January, Madam Speaker, congratulations to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. and unemployment for Americans is at Charles Waites McCabe, a freshman at Madam Speaker, I rise today to con- a 50-year low. A.C. Flora High School in Columbia, gratulate the Butler County Commu- But the booming economy has re- son of John and Amanda McCabe. nity College on their recent achieve- sulted in worker shortages throughout Next Sunday, Charles will receive the ment. The college was recognized as the economy, whether it is for Aubrey extraordinary award of Eagle Scout the number one community college in Vincent of Lindy’s Seafood in my dis- from Troop 10 at Eastminster Pres- Pennsylvania. trict or for Alan Jones at Manor View byterian Church. He is preceded by his This is quite an achievement, but Farms. brother, John Franklin McCabe, Jr.; Butler County Community College is Right now, there are simply more and his first cousins, Michael Joseph no stranger to success. For the fifth seasonable jobs open than there are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.009 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 Americans available to fill them. And the bill for amendment the Committee shall Resources. It makes in order 12 amend- tens of thousands of full-time Amer- rise and report the bill, as amended, to the ments and provides one motion to re- ican jobs rely on the availability of suf- House with such further amendments as may commit. ficient temporary H–2B visa workers to have been adopted. The previous question The rule provides for consideration of shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as H.J. Res. 79 under a closed rule, with 1 meet temporary seasonal labor needs. amended, and on any further amendment Today, I rise to thank the Trump ad- thereto to final passage without intervening hour of debate equally divided and con- ministration for its past decisions to motion except one motion to recommit with trolled by the chair and ranking mem- release extra temporary H–2B visas. I or without instructions. ber of the Committee on the Judiciary realize that Congress should have de- SEC. 2. Upon the adoption of this resolution and provides one motion to recommit. termined the number needed and in- it shall be in order to consider in the House The rule deems as passed H. Res. 842, cluded that in legislation, but Congress the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 79) removing a resolution to clarify that a simple failed, and that is why, Madam Speak- the deadline for the ratification of the equal majority is needed for passage of H.J. rights amendment. All points of order Res. 79. er, I rise to ask the administration to against consideration of the joint resolution continue to support these seasonal Finally, the rule provides for stand- are waived. The amendment in the nature of ard district work period instructions businesses and release an adequate a substitute recommended by the Committee number of additional H–2B visas. on the Judiciary now printed in the joint from February 14 through February 24. resolution shall be considered as adopted. Madam Speaker, it has been almost f The joint resolution, as amended, shall be 100 years since the equal rights amend- b 1215 considered as read. All points of order ment was first introduced in Congress. against provisions in the joint resolution, as It has been 45 years since it was passed PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION amended, are waived. The previous question by Congress. In this year, as we cele- OF H.R. 2546, COLORADO WILDER- shall be considered as ordered on the joint brate the 100th anniversary of women NESS ACT OF 2019; PROVIDING resolution, as amended, and on any further winning the right to vote in this coun- FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.J. amendment thereto, to final passage without try, it defies logic that we are still in RES. 79, REMOVING DEADLINE intervening motion except: (1) one hour of a holding pattern when it comes to rec- debate equally divided and controlled by the FOR RATIFICATION OF EQUAL ognizing the equal rights of women RIGHTS AMENDMENT; AND FOR chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Judiciary; and (2) one mo- under the United States Constitution. OTHER PURPOSES tion to recommit with or without instruc- Therefore, I am proud to oversee the Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, by tions. rule for H.J. Res. 79, which will remove direction of the Committee on Rules, I SEC. 3. House Resolution 842 is hereby the questionable deadline for the ratifi- call up House Resolution 844 and ask adopted. cation of the equal rights amendment. SEC. 4. On any legislative day during the When Alice Paul, Crystal Eastman, for its immediate consideration. period from February 14, 2020, through Feb- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- and other suffragists and women’s ruary 24, 2020— rights pioneers set out to pass the lows: (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered as approved; equal rights amendment, they knew H. RES. 844 they had a long and fierce battle ahead Resolved, That at any time after adoption and (b) the Chair may at any time declare the of them. The first version of the ERA of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant was introduced in 1923, and it took al- to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House adjourned to meet at a date and time, House resolved into the Committee of the within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- most 50 years for both the House and Whole House on the state of the Union for cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by the Senate to approve it. When the consideration of the bill (H.R. 2546) to des- the Chair in declaring the adjournment. amendment was finally approved in ignate certain lands in the State of Colorado SEC. 5. The Speaker may appoint Members 1972, the preamble to the amendment as components of the National Wilderness to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- contained a 7-year deadline for ratifi- ration of the period addressed by section 4 of Preservation System, and for other purposes. cation. The first reading of the bill shall be dis- this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of rule I. Thirty-five of the 38 required States pensed with. All points of order against con- ratified the ERA in their State legisla- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- sideration of the bill are waived. General de- tures during that initial 7-year bate shall be confined to the bill and amend- tlewoman from Pennsylvania is recog- ments specified in this section and shall not timeline. The ERA had broad bipar- nized for 1 hour. tisan support from Members of Con- exceed one hour equally divided and con- Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, for trolled by the chair and ranking minority gress and Presidents Nixon, Carter, and the purpose of debate only, I yield the Ford but was unable to cross the finish member of the Committee on Natural Re- customary 30 minutes to the gentle- sources. After general debate the bill shall be line in the brief time allowed. considered for amendment under the five- woman from Arizona (Mrs. LESKO), Why the ERA did not become a con- minute rule. In lieu of the amendment in the pending which I yield myself such time stitutional amendment in the seventies nature of a substitute recommended by the as I may consume. During consider- is up for debate, but it was in large Committee on Natural Resources now print- ation of this resolution, all time yield- part due to vicious, antifeminist rhet- ed in the bill, an amendment in the nature of ed is for the purpose of debate only. oric and actions by conservative activ- a substitute consisting of the text of Rules GENERAL LEAVE Committee Print 116–50 shall be considered ists who sought to trample on the as adopted in the House and in the Com- Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I rights of all women to work for an mittee of the Whole. The bill, as amended, ask unanimous consent that all Mem- equal wage, to control their own repro- shall be considered as the original bill for bers be given 5 legislative days to re- ductive health, and to participate as the purpose of further amendment under the vise and extend their remarks. equal members of our society, in the five-minute rule and shall be considered as The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there name of protecting the traditional val- read. All points of order against provisions objection to the request of the gentle- ues of a privileged few. in the bill, as amended, are waived. No fur- woman from Pennsylvania? In the years that followed, courts ther amendment to the bill, as amended, There was no objection. have recognized and protected various shall be in order except those printed in the Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, on report of the Committee on Rules accom- aspects of women’s equality under the panying this resolution. Each such further Monday, the Rules Committee met and law through interpretation of the 14th amendment may be offered only in the order reported a rule, House Resolution 844, Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. printed in the report, may be offered only by providing for consideration of two But as even Justice fa- a Member designated in the report, shall be measures, H.R. 2546, Protecting Amer- mously recognized, nothing in our Con- considered as read, shall be debatable for the ica’s Wilderness Act, and H.J. Res. 79, stitution, as currently written, forbids time specified in the report equally divided Removing Deadline for Ratification of discrimination on the basis of sex. and controlled by the proponent and an op- Equal Rights Amendment. Therefore, final passage and ratifica- ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, The rule provides for consideration of tion of the ERA is critical in guaran- and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- sion of the question in the House or in the H.R. 2546 under a structured rule, with teeing equal rights to me, to you, to Committee of the Whole. All points of order 1 hour of debate equally divided and my daughter, and to all women and against such further amendments are controlled by the chair and ranking girls across this country. We will not waived. At the conclusion of consideration of member of the Committee on Natural go back.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:57 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.010 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1025 The equal rights amendment would isting laws to protect women. It is easy went to in order to make this bill a permanently and explicitly prohibit to treat women differently in a way success and one that will preserve and discrimination on the basis of sex. that is legal and in line with the law. protect pristine wildlife habitats, clean Laws change, as do the people inter- That is unacceptable, and that is why water, and access to outdoor rec- preting them, but we are a Nation gov- we need the equal rights amendment. reational opportunities. erned by our Constitution. The rights When women earn less for equal Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- given to us through the Constitution work, families earn less for equal work. ance of my time. are inalienable, and the protections If you choose to deliberately short- Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I they provide us with are invaluable. change the American family and deny thank Representative SCANLON for We hear from the other side of the them financial security, then, clearly, yielding me the customary 30 minutes, aisle that discrimination against we have different values. and I yield myself such time as I may women is already illegal. This argu- Although the ERA was passed with consume. ment might be more persuasive if it bipartisan support, and strong support Before I get to the points, I know was not being presented by a party from Republican women, we saw in the that we differ on policy, but I have to that is, if anything, less diverse than it Rules Committee last night and in de- tell you that I was offended by what I was in the 1970s. When a party reflects bate about this rule and bill that the thought were racist and sexist com- a predominantly White, male, and con- spirit of the late has ments made by my Democratic col- servative voter base, it is easy to see overtaken today’s Republican Party, league about the Republican party why that party might not understand which now seeks to cloak deep-seated makeup, and I totally disagree with the need for basic additional constitu- misogyny in anti-choice rhetoric. her. Madam Speaker, to begin, I would tional protections. Passing the equal rights amendment like to clarify what H.J. Res 79 is. It is Women continue to face obstacles to is long overdue. I am excited to be part not the equal rights amendment. It is a full equality, including unequal pay, of a Democratic majority that will re- date change. The legislation is a joint pregnancy discrimination, sexual and move this arbitrary deadline for ratifi- resolution removing the deadline for domestic violence, and inadequate cation and finally allow States to exer- ratification of the equal rights amend- healthcare access. One in three women cise their constitutional authority to ment in States that the amendment experience sexual violence in their life- pass this critical and fundamentally shall be valid and adopted as part of times; one in five women are sexually American amendment. the Constitution whenever ratified by assaulted on college campuses; and 56 This rule will also provide for consid- the legislatures of three-quarters of the percent of girls in grades 7 through 12 eration of H.R. 2546, the Protecting States. are sexually harassed in any given America’s Wilderness Act. This is a Democrats say this is about equal school year. Moreover, 60 to 70 percent package of public lands bills from the rights for women. Well, I am a woman, of women face sexual harassment dur- Natural Resources Committee that will and so I, obviously, support equal ing their careers, with Black and designate more than 1.3 million acres rights for women. But I oppose H.J. Res Brown women disproportionately im- as wilderness or potential wilderness 79 for the following reasons: pacted. areas, preserving those public lands for First: The bill is totally unconstitu- Women are paid less than their male generations to come. tional. counterparts for equal work. Women Few things in the United States are When the ERA originally passed on are treated differently in job inter- as universally cherished by Americans March 22, 1972, Congress explicitly set a views and can be determined a burden as public lands. Our country is home to deadline for ratification stating that for a company if they are pregnant or more than 111 million acres of des- the amendment shall be valid when planning on becoming pregnant. These ignated wilderness, and these lands ratified by the legislatures of three- indiscretions are only compounded help us to combat climate change, pro- fourths of the several States within 7 when we look at women of color and vide for an array of ecological diver- years from the date of its submission women with disabilities. sity, and offer recreational activity to by the Congress. That meant that the Women in general in this country Americans, young and old. final deadline was March 22, 1979, al- make 80 cents to a man’s dollar. As we continue to endure devastating most 41 years ago. Women with disabilities make about 65 and worsening effects of climate By the end of this initial deadline, cents to a man’s dollar and 7 cents less change, providing for millions of addi- only 35 of the 38 States needed had than a man with disabilities. Black tional acres of wilderness allows for ratified it, so Congress with a simple women make about 63 cents on a White these areas to continue to serve as crit- majority vote, which is questionable, man’s dollar; Native women make ical carbon sinks to capture and miti- extended the deadline once to 1982, but about 57 cents; and Hispanic women gate carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. no other States joined in ratification. make approximately 54 cents on a Additionally, wilderness areas are Thus, the equal rights amendment was White man’s dollar. The wages for some of our most naturally resilient dead. trans women fall by nearly one-third landscapes. This allows them to endure It is also imperative to note that five after transitioning. periodic wildfires and other disturb- of the 35 States rescinded their ratifi- A woman who works full-time year- ances, like floods, with relatively little cations. So then the count was down to round typically loses $430,480 in a 40- human impact or intervention. This only 30 States. year work-life period. That means this helps save the government money, as In fact, the U.S. Department of Jus- woman would have to work nearly 11 opposed to a more active style of forest tice issued a legal opinion just last years longer to make up this lifetime management. month reiterating that the ERA ratifi- wage gap. cation timeline is expired. This also has a serious financial im- b 1230 Ultimately, when the 1972 ERA’s pact on retirement. The average Social This legislation not only helps to deadline passed without ratification by Security benefit for women 65 and combat climate change, it also sup- three-fourths of the States, the pro- older is about $13,867 per year, com- ports access to clean water, protects posed amendment expired and is, there- pared to $18,039 for men of the same pristine wildlife habitats, and bolsters fore, no longer pending. The 1972 ERA, age. the outdoor recreation economies of therefore, can no longer be ratified be- So, I ask my colleagues on the other Colorado, California, Washington, and cause it no longer exists. side of the aisle: If paying women less more. In one of its works, the nonpartisan than men is already illegal, if treating The Protecting America’s Wilderness Congressional Research Service, which women differently in the workplace Act was crafted in direct coordination we all turn to, states that the ERA for- and other professional settings is al- with the stakeholders and local voices mally died on June 30, 1982. The U.S. ready prohibited by existing law, why that it will impact. I thank Chairman Supreme Court also dismissed all cases does it still happen? GRIJALVA, Congresswoman DEGETTE, related to the ERA because it held the The answer is simple: because it is and the members of the Natural Re- cases to be moot, saying that the ERA relatively easy to navigate around ex- sources Committee for the lengths they ratification date had expired.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.012 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 Regardless of one’s view on whether abortions and taxpayer funding of seem to go ignored. The consensus is or not the equal rights amendment abortions. that these bills will negatively impact should be adopted, the fact remains Don’t take my word for it. Let’s look individual homeowners, agricultural that the equal rights amendment was at what pro-abortion groups have done entities, water providers, first respond- not ratified by the necessary 38 States and what they are saying now. ers, and the recreation tourism indus- by the deadline set forth in the text of Abortion activists have already uti- try. the amendment itself. lized State-level ERAs to require tax- Today, it seems what we simply have Just last night, Supreme Court Jus- payer-funded abortion. before us are examples of: tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, certainly In 1998, the New Mexico Supreme Legislating in other Members’ dis- not known as a conservative, said Vir- Court ruled unanimously that the tricts without their support or any at- ginia’s recent adoption of an ERA reso- State ERA required the State to fund tempt to collaborate. lution was long after the deadline abortions since procedures sought by Increased risk of wildfires due to the passed. She went on to say, ‘‘I would men like, prostate surgery, are funded. lack of management and inability to like to see a new beginning. I’d like it A lawsuit in Connecticut used similar use mechanical means to fight or pre- to start over. There’s too much con- arguments and achieved the same ob- vent fire within all newly designated troversy about latecomers. Virginia— jective, full taxpayer-funded abortion. wilderness areas. long after the deadline passed. Plus, a In 2019, Planned Parenthood and Lack of support from local leaders number of States have withdrawn their Women’s Law Center filed a lawsuit in and stakeholders across each of the ratification.’’ Remember the five I Pennsylvania arguing that the Penn- bills in this legislation. talked about. ‘‘So if you count a late- sylvania’s ERA means abortion must Concerns about threats to private comer on the plus side, how can you be included in medical coverage for property rights when the vast majority disregard States that said we’ve women because men aren’t denied cov- of land proposed to be added to the changed our minds?’’ And deratified. erage for anything. Santa Monica Mountains National Rec- In addition, the Democrats’ sneaky In another example, NARAL Pro- reational Area is nonFederal. act to slip into this resolution lan- Choice America—which is a pro-abor- I urge opposition to the rule, and I guage that would deem that a mere tion group—in a March 13, 2019, na- reserve the balance of my time. majority vote instead of the two-thirds tional alert asserted that the ERA Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, cer- vote needed on a constitutional amend- would reinforce the constitutional tainly we see a laundry list of reasons ment, has significant constitutional right to abortion. It would require for opposition to this bill. and legal ramifications. judges to strike down anti-abortion We hear that it is unconstitutional. Should my Democratic colleagues laws. Although, in fact, nothing in the Con- wish to proceed with seeking to add the Further, in a 2019 letter to the House stitution speaks to deadlines that Con- ERA to the Constitution, the appro- Judiciary Committee, the ACLU stat- gress may set. priate method would be to follow the ed, ‘‘The equal rights amendment could We usually hear our colleagues from procedure outlined in the Constitution: provide an additional layer of protec- across the aisle invoking Justice Gins- Passage by a two-thirds majority in tion against restrictions on abortion, burg to argue that for some reason we both Houses of Congress, followed by contraception, and other forms of re- should start over with this century- ratification by three-quarters of the productive healthcare.’’ long process. States. And it seems as recently as last And the pro-ERA website itself, Justice Ginsburg has obviously been night, Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg EqualRightsAmendment.org, explicitly a champion on these issues, and to the agrees. states that ratifying the ERA into the extent that remarks that she has made Secondly: The ERA amendment is U.S. Constitution would ‘‘provide a are being quoted, I understand that not necessary. strong legal defense against a rollback they were expressing a personal view Women’s equality of rights under the of women’s rights, including but not about the ideal circumstances in which law is already recognized in our Con- limited to Roe v. Wade.’’ the ERA could pass, not a legal view stitution in the Fifth and 14th Amend- In conclusion, H.J. Res 79 is unconsti- about what is required. ments. tutional. The ERA is unnecessary since It is probably better to remember Women do deserve fairness and equal- constitutional, Federal, State and local that Justice Ginsburg has been a cham- ity under the law. Through established laws already guarantee equal protec- pion for the ERA since it was approved law such as Title IX, the Equality Op- tions, and the ERA, if ratified, would by both Houses of Congress in a bipar- portunity Act of 1963, Equal Employ- be used by pro-abortion groups to undo tisan way in the 1970s. And as she reit- ment Opportunity Commission, Preg- pro-life laws. erated just yesterday, ‘‘The union will nancy Discrimination Act, and Equal Also included in this rule is H.R. 2546, be more perfect when that simple Pay Act, plus State and local laws, the Protecting America’s Wilderness statement—that men and women are women have made huge strides against Act. persons of equal citizenship stature—is institutional discrimination against My Republican colleagues on the part of our fundamental instrument of women in education, employment, Natural Resources Committee have ex- government.’’ sports, politics, and many other as- pressed concern that each of the bills Please note, this is a tactic of dis- pects of society. in this package will remove large tracting and dividing. Last night I The U.S. Supreme Court has consist- swaths of land in rural areas from de- asked our colleague if he would be will- ently ruled that both the equal protec- velopment, threaten the economic base ing to vote for the ERA if, in fact, we tion clause of the 14th Amendment and of these regions, and reduce the effec- were to start over, which he said he the due process clause of the Fifth tiveness of fire prevention plans. would not. And we certainly do not see Amendment guarantee women equal My Democratic colleagues on the members of the Republican party say- protection under the law. Natural Resources Committee have ing that they would vote for the ERA if That is why the ACLU women’s continued the disappointing trend of it would be reintroduced. rights director Lenora Lapidus wrote moving bills that are not supported by What we are seeing here is simply an in response to what Ms. SCANLON the Members who represent the im- effort to quash the ERA, to end it, to brought up about Justice Scalia, ‘‘it pacted lands. In fact, all the wilderness put it to rest, to not have it be made has been clearly understood that the designations in H.R. 2546 are located part of our Constitution. 14th Amendment prohibits discrimina- outside the bill sponsor’s district. In- Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to tion based on sex. In decision after de- stead, most are located in Representa- the gentlewoman from Washington cision, many authored by conservative tive SCOTT TIPTON from Colorado’s dis- (Ms. DELBENE). Supreme Court Justices, this principle trict, who opposes the bill. Ms. DELBENE. Madam Speaker, I has been reaffirmed.’’ One of the greatest concerns about thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Third: If ratified, the ERA would be this piece of legislation is that signifi- I rise today in order to form a more used by pro-abortion groups to undo cant opposition from local counties, perfect union, and I do that by sup- pro-life legislation and lead to more communities, and stakeholder groups porting today’s rule and the underlying

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.014 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1027 resolution which will finally allow for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tection of the laws.’’ The Supreme Court has the 28th Amendment to the Constitu- time of the gentlewoman has expired. indeed read the 14th Amendment to ban tion, the equal rights amendment. Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I yield many forms of sex discrimination. But sup- The equal rights amendment will en- an additional 30 seconds to the gentle- porters of the E.R.A. say there are still gaps in existing laws, both at the federal and shrine the fundamental principle that woman from Missouri. state level, that need to be addressed com- every American be afforded equal Mrs. WAGNER. Madam Speaker, if prehensively. the Democrat majority wants to test rights under the law, including women. How did the amendment stall, and come In 1971 and 1972, Congress overwhelm- that bipartisan agreement and upend back to life? decades of precedent, they are welcome ingly passed the equal rights amend- Amendments to the Constitution require ment. And just a few weeks ago Vir- to use the simple, clear process laid out the assent of three-quarters of the states— ginia became the 38th State to ratify it in Article V of the Constitution to pro- these days, 38 out of 50—to take effect. When and the last State needed to amend our pose and adopt a new and legal ERA Congress passed the amendment in 1972, it Constitution. amendment. set a deadline for reaching that goal—origi- Let me be clear, Madam Speaker. I nally 1979, later extended to 1982. But only 35 b 1245 support equal rights for women, as does states ratified the amendment in time, in H.J. Res. 79 would remove the dead- the U.S. Constitution, but skirting large part because of an opposition campaign line for States to ratify the equal that process for partisan gain sets a led by Phyllis Schlafly, a proudly anti-femi- nist Republican. rights amendment, clearing the path dangerous and un-American precedent. for full equality of rights for women. There the issue lay until 2017, when a Madam Speaker, I urge my col- Democratic state senator in Nevada, Pat Because women are still subject to leagues to protect our democracy and Spearman, persuaded the Legislature to rat- significant pay disparities and sexual to vote ‘‘no.’’ ify the amendment, even though the deadline harassment, our work is far from over. Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I had long passed. That move revived interest Madam Speaker, I urge all of my col- yield myself such time as I may con- across the country, and Illinois followed suit leagues to support today’s rule and the sume. in 2018. An effort in Virginia fell short a year underlying resolution and join me in I include in the RECORD a January 15 ago, but after Democrats won in November, voting for a more perfect union. New York Times article, entitled: they promised to try again. Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I yield ‘‘Why the Equal Rights Amendment is Is Virginia’s assent enough to get to 38 1 states? 2 ⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman from Back.’’ Missouri (Mrs. WAGNER), my good [From , Jan. 15, 2020] That’s a bit cloudy. Virginia is the 38th state to approve the Equal Rights Amend- friend. WHY THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT IS BACK Mrs. WAGNER. Madam Speaker, I ment, but over the years, five of those (By Patrick J. Lyons, Maggie Astor and states—Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, South rise today to urge my colleagues to op- Maya Salam) Dakota and Tennessee—have voted to re- pose H.J. Res. 79. This resolution seeks Of all the laws the Virginia legislature scind their ratifications, and it is possible to unconstitutionally remove the dead- may pass now that Democrats have won con- that opponents would challenge the amend- line for ratification of the equal rights trol of it, none have been so long in the mak- ment on that basis. amendment. ing as the Equal Rights Amendment. First They would not have precedent on their In 1972, Madam Speaker, when I was proposed almost a century ago and passed by side. After the Civil War, several states tried 10 years old, Congress originally set Congress in 1972, the E.R.A., which would add to take back their ratifications of either the the deadline for ratification at 7 years a provision to the Constitution guaranteeing 14th or 15th Amendments, but they were by two-thirds vote. Before the original equal rights to men and women, could have counted in the Yes column anyway, and all sweeping implications if it takes effect. of those states later re-ratified the amend- time period expired, Congress then Both houses of the Virginia Legislature ap- ments. passed a 3-year extension, which also proved the ratification resolution on What about the deadline? passed before the necessary number of Wednesday. Supporters hope that will lift That is the big question now. It could be States ratified the amendment. the amendment over the threshold to become repealed, or challenged in court, or both. part of the federal Constitution. But there is Today, 37 years after the constitu- Most amendments to the Constitution considerable dispute over whether the state’s tional time has expired, it is quite have not had explicit ratification deadlines. action will have any legal effect or merely be clear that, because of a new focus on a The most recent one, the 27th, had been symbolic. so-called right to taxpayer-funded Here’s what it is all about. pending for more than 200 years before it was abortion, the equal rights amendment finally ratified in 1992. What does the amendment say? does not have support from a two- Supporters argue that the deadline for the thirds majority of Congress or, likely, The E.R.A. is three sentences long, and the E.R.A. is unenforceable because it is stated key one is the first: ‘‘Equality of rights from two-thirds of the States, cer- only in the preamble to the amendment, and under the law shall not be denied or abridged not in the amendment itself. tainly, as we have seen at least five by the United States or by any State on ac- The Supreme Court said in 1921 that States have already rescinded. count of sex.’’ The other two are about put- amendments had to be ratified within a rea- Instead of following the guidance of ting it into effect. sonable time after passage, and that Con- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader By some estimates, 80 percent of Ameri- gress had the authority to set a deadline, as Ginsberg and starting the amendment cans mistakenly believe that women and it has almost always done since then. But in process over again as the Founders in- men are already explicitly guaranteed equal 1939, the court ruled that the question of rights by the Constitution. But it currently whether ratification of an amendment was tended—and this is, let me just say, does so only for the right to vote. The Madam Speaker, Justice Ruth Bader timely and valid was ‘‘non-justiciable’’—in amendment is intended to remedy that omis- other words, it was up to Congress, and none Ginsberg’s legal view as a member of sion. of the courts’ business. the U.S. Supreme Court. It is her legal Supporters say adopting the E.R.A. would, Congress extended the deadline for the view. It is her constitutional view. In- among other things, sweep away discrimina- Equal Rights Amendment once—by three stead, Democrats are attempting, tion in the workplace; help women to years—and supporters say it could do so today, to retroactively and unconsti- achieve pay equality and allow men to get again, or repeal the deadline entirely. A bill tutionally remove this deadline by a paid paternity leave; require states to inter- to do that was introduced in the Democratic- vene in cases of domestic violence and sexual controlled House in April and attracted simple majority vote. harassment; and guard against discrimina- For decades, Congress has expressed broad support. It would also have to pass the tion based on pregnancy and motherhood. It Republican-controlled Senate, where its the will of the American people and not may bolster protections for gay and prospects are less clear, though it has spon- used taxpayer dollars for abortion. transgender people as well. sors there from both parties. Whether they were Democrat or Repub- Opponents have argued that the amend- Legal experts disagree, however, on wheth- lican Presidents, split Chambers of ment would, among other things, undermine er Congress has the power to remove the Congress or one party in control of family structure; intrude on religious prac- deadline retroactively, and that issue could both branches of government, there has tice; and lead to the outlawing of separate land in court. men’s and women’s bathrooms, single-sex been bipartisan agreement on appro- college dormitories and other accommoda- Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, for priations language to limit taxpayer- tions. Some also argue that the E.R.A. is un- nearly a century, advocates have tried funded abortions and support basic pro- necessary because the 14th Amendment al- to add a provision to the Constitution life protections across our country. ready guarantees everyone the ‘‘equal pro- guaranteeing equal rights to men and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.015 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 women. By some estimates, 80 percent should maintain primacy for the regu- was an important reason for reduction of Americans mistakenly believe that lation of hydraulic fracturing and pre- in greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. women and men are already explicitly vent any President from imposing a With continued technological ad- guaranteed equal rights by our Con- ban on hydraulic fracturing. vancements like carbon capture stor- stitution, but it currently does so only Many of the Democratic candidates age and utilization, we can continue to for the right to vote. The equal rights for President have pledged to ban hy- develop these American energy re- amendment will help remedy that draulic fracturing in the United States, serves while decreasing carbon emis- omission. a campaign promise straight out of the sions. It is necessary that Congress con- ‘‘keep it in the ground’’ playbook. Simply put, America is stronger and sider this amendment to the Constitu- While this widely used practice is our enemies are weaker because of tion to help women achieve pay equal- often vilified by proponents of the fracking. Any attempt to ban or limit ity, require States to intervene in Green New Deal, in fact, hydraulic fracking makes us less safe and less cases of domestic violence and sexual fracturing is heavily regulated by the prosperous. harassment, and guard against dis- States and governed by stringent in- A fracking ban will do nothing to re- crimination based on pregnancy and dustry standards throughout the coun- duce carbon emissions—in fact, it will motherhood. try. do the opposite—but it will destroy my Contrary to the arguments we are Thanks to hydraulic fracturing, U.S. entire State’s economy and send us hearing today, this is not an abortion gas bills have fallen by $13 billion col- back to the days where we rely on amendment; this is equal rights for lectively every year from 2007 to 2013. OPEC to fuel our economy. women. The U.S. is leading the way in emis- Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, may Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- sions reductions through innovation in I inquire if the gentlewoman from Ari- ance of my time. the energy sector. In 2017, U.S. carbon zona (Mrs. LESKO) is prepared to close. Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I am emissions reached the lowest level ever We are prepared to close. waiting for another speaker, but I will since 1992, and per capita emissions Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I yield yield myself such time as I may con- reached the lowest level since 1950. 3 minutes to the gentleman from Texas sume. And, very importantly, the U.S. has (Mr. BURGESS), my good friend. Madam Speaker, there are a couple become an energy exporter, and we no Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I of things that my colleague from the longer have to rely on OPEC oil like we thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Rules Committee, Ms. SCANLON, said. did in the 1970s. Fracking and U.S. en- Part of one of the underlying bills, She said something to the effect of ergy independence strengthens our na- H.R. 2546, the Protecting America’s nothing in the Constitution sets a tional security. Wilderness Act, includes language to deadline. Well, I have to disagree with Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to expand the Santa Monica Mountains that. Actually, it is not just me; it is the gentleman from North Dakota (Mr. National Recreation Area by some the Supreme Court. A 1921 Supreme ARMSTRONG), my good friend. 191,000 acres, an area known as the Rim Court decision, Dillon v. Gloss, af- Mr. ARMSTRONG. Madam Speaker, I of the Valley Corridor. firmed that: thank the chairwoman for yielding, In 2008, Congress directed the Sec- Congress has the power to fix the definite and I join the gentlewoman from Ari- retary of the Interior to study whether time limit for ratification of a proposed con- zona (Mrs. LESKO) in urging my col- to designate all or a portion of the Rim stitutional amendment under its authority leagues to defeat the previous question to determine the mode of ratification for an of the Valley Corridor as part of the amendment under Article V of the Constitu- so we can consider H. Res. 659. Santa Monica Mountains National tion. Hydraulic fracturing provides enor- Recreation Area. In 2016, the National As I said before, this expired back in mous benefits to the American people, Park Service recommended an expan- 1979. I mean, that is 41 years ago. Then, including energy security, national se- sion of 173,000 acres. of course, back then, Congress came curity, economic growth, and reduced The bill today expands the area by forward, and my understanding is they carbon emissions. more than that to 191,000 acres, includ- just did a majority vote instead of the The Baaken oil patch, stretching ing new areas that were not listed in two-thirds that I believe is needed to across western North Dakota, is an es- the study. They are completely discon- deal with a constitutional amendment. sential contributor to producing 1.5 nected from the Rim of the Valley Cor- But no other States had ratified. In million barrels of oil per day and over ridor; yet they are included in the ex- fact, by the 1979 deadline, five States 2 billion cubic feet of associated gas clusion. per day. had withdrawn their ratification. So b 1300 you were at 35, then it went down to 30, The United States is uniquely situ- In addition, the National Park Serv- and it is dead. ated in the world economy. We are one When my colleague says Justice of the very few if not the only country ice testified in June 2019 against the Ginsberg supports the ERA, I know that is both food and energy secure. I proposed expansion of the Santa that. That is my point. She does sup- am proud that North Dakota is a big Monica Mountains National Recreation port the ERA. But even she said we part of that energy security. Area, citing a need to focus resources need to start all over again because the Let us not forget that a mere 10 years on the deferred maintenance backlog. deadline has passed. ago, if Iran would have shot down a The proposed land expansion would Madam Speaker, if we defeat the pre- U.S. drone, seized the British ship in include Soledad Canyon, a mineral-rich vious question, I will offer an amend- the Strait of Hormuz, conducted a ter- area where the Bureau of Land Man- ment to the rule to make in order a rorist attack on a Saudi oil facility, agement has issued contracts to mine resolution to prevent any moratorium and shot rockets at U.S. troops in Iraq, millions of tons of sand and gravel for on the use of hydraulic fracking on oil would have skyrocketed to over $115 southern California. Our strong econ- Federal lands unless authorized by a barrel and stayed there. omy has led to an increase in manufac- Congress. Do you know what happened the day turing and construction. The problem Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous after those attacks? Oil went down is that the supply of construction ma- consent to insert the text of my $1.29. terials, like those that can be found in amendment in the RECORD, along with Fracking directly employs over 2 this area, is declining. extraneous material, immediately million Americans, including 35,000 This legislation, the underlying legis- prior to the vote on the previous ques- people in my home State. lation, would make it incredibly oner- tion. In 2020, the U.S. is expected to be- ous for contracted companies to move The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there come a net energy exporter. forward with agreed-upon projects. objection to the request of the gentle- In 2019, we doubled our natural gas Democrats often talk about the impor- woman from Arizona? exports. tance of a large infrastructure bill, yet There was no objection. Fracking offsets other carbon energy the passage of this bill would increase Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, this sources, which the Intergovernmental the costs of essential materials that amendment would affirm that States Panel on Climate Change has noted such projects do require.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.017 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1029 The bottom line is that the land first public call for women’s equality The question was taken; and the under consideration is currently in dis- at Seneca Falls in 1848; the National Speaker pro tempore announced that pute, and decisions that will signifi- Organization for Women and the the ayes appeared to have it. cantly change the landscape and activ- League of Women Voters, which orga- Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, on ity of an area should not occur without nized and activated so many Americans that I demand the yeas and nays. consensus. of both parties in support of this move- The yeas and nays were ordered. Last night, the Rules Committee re- ment; and so many of the other count- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ported a rule that included consider- less advocates who have fought tire- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- ation of two amendments that may lessly for women’s equality. ceedings on this question will be post- help address these concerns. Represent- This resolution is for all of them and poned. ative MCCLINTOCK offered an amend- for all the women and girls seeking to f ment to allow the Secretary of Agri- further advance equality and fighting ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER culture or Secretary of the Interior to for a more just America. PRO TEMPORE exclude from wilderness designations This resolution is a bold step forward any areas that do not meet the defini- in the ongoing fight for equal rights. I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tion of wilderness as defined in the Wil- recognize that I would not be here ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair derness Act. without the sacrifices made by the will postpone further proceedings Representative WESTERMAN offered women who came before me. Their pas- today on motions to suspend the rules an amendment to strike all designa- sion and strength paved the way for me on which a recorded vote or the yeas tions of potential wilderness under the and for so many of my colleagues to and nays are ordered, or votes objected bill. get to where we are today. to under clause 6 of rule XX. The House will resume proceedings Those are commonsense amend- But the battle is not yet won. Let’s on postponed questions at a later time. ments, and when the appropriate time pass this rule, pass this resolution, and comes, I urge all Members to support show our children that all Americans f the amendments. The underlying bill is deserve equal rights and protection SMITHSONIAN WOMEN’S HISTORY flawed, and I will oppose it on passage. under the Constitution. MUSEUM ACT Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I am Madam Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I prepared to close if the gentlewoman on the rule and the previous question. move to suspend the rules and pass the from Arizona is prepared to close. I re- The material previously referred to bill (H.R. 1980) to establish in the serve the balance of my time. by Mrs. LESKO is as follows: Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I yield Smithsonian Institution a comprehen- AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 844 myself the balance of my time. sive women’s history museum, and for At the end of the resolution, add the fol- Madam Speaker, in closing, I want to other purposes, as amended. lowing: The Clerk read the title of the bill. urge my Democratic colleagues to halt SEC. 6. That immediately upon adoption of The text of the bill is as follows: their attempts to change the rules and this resolution, the House shall resolve into H.R. 1980 bring back an expired amendment that the Committee of the Whole House on the would rewrite our Constitution. Not state of the Union for consideration of the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resolution (H. Res. 659) affirming that States resentatives of the United States of America in only is this unprecedented, but it is Congress assembled, wrong, and it is unconstitutional. should maintain primacy for the regulation of hydraulic fracturing for oil and natural SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. I believe Congress should oppose This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Smithsonian pointless legislation to remove the gas production on State and private lands and that the President should not declare a Women’s History Museum Act’’. deadline and focus, instead, on uphold- moratorium on the use of hydraulic frac- SEC. 2. FINDINGS. ing women’s rights, dignity, and oppor- turing on Federal lands (including the Outer Congress finds the following: tunity. Continental Shelf), State lands, private (1) Since its founding, the United States I urge my colleagues to reject this lands, or lands held in trust for an Indian has greatly benefitted from the contribu- resolution and work together to pro- Tribe unless such moratorium is authorized tions of women. mote truly helpful legislation for by an Act of Congress. The first reading of (2) Historical accounts, monuments, me- women. the resolution shall be dispensed with. All morials, and museums disproportionately represent men’s achievements and contribu- Madam Speaker, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote points of order against consideration of the resolution are waived. General debate shall tions and often neglect those of women. For on the previous question and ‘‘no’’ on be confined to the resolution and shall not example— the underlying resolution, and I yield exceed one hour equally divided and con- (A) a study of 18 American history text- back the balance of my time. trolled by the chair and ranking minority books concluded that 10 percent of the mate- Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I member of the Committee on Natural Re- rial documented contributions of women; yield myself the balance of my time. sources. After general debate the resolution (B) 9 statues out of 91 in the United States Madam Speaker, H.J. Res. 79 is a shall be considered for amendment under the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall depict long-overdue, bedrock civil rights ef- five-minute rule. All points of order against women; and fort, while the Protecting America’s provisions in the resolution are waived. (C) only one of the 44 monuments operated by the National Park Service specifically Wilderness Act is an effort that took When the committee rises and reports the resolution back to the House with a rec- honors the achievements of women after the input from a broad coalition of stake- ommendation that the resolution be adopted, 2016 designation of the Belmont-Paul Wom- holders to end up with a bill to posi- the previous question shall be considered as en’s Equality National Monument. tively impact local communities and ordered on the resolution and amendments (3) There exists no national museum in the further our national interest in pre- thereto to adoption without intervening mo- United States that is devoted to the docu- venting climate change. tion. If the Committee of the Whole rises and mentation of women’s contributions As Members of Congress, we have a reports that it has come to no resolution on throughout the Nation’s history. duty to uphold and protect the Con- the resolution, then on the next legislative (4) Establishing a comprehensive women’s history museum representing a diverse range stitution and the charge of our Found- day the House shall, immediately after the third daily order of business under clause 1 of viewpoints, experience, and backgrounds ers to continue to form a more perfect of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of is necessary to more accurately depict the Union. Passing the equal rights amend- the Whole for further consideration of the history of the United States and would add ment is truly representative of that resolution. value to the Smithsonian Institution. oath to ensure that all Americans are SEC. 7. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not SEC. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSEUM. treated equally and afforded equal apply to the consideration of H. Res. 659. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established rights under the law. Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I within the Smithsonian Institution a com- I would like to recognize some of the yield back the balance of my time, and prehensive women’s history museum, to be women in organizations who have got- I move the previous question on the named by the Board of Regents in consulta- tion with the council established under sec- ten us to this point: Alice Paul, who resolution. tion 4. graduated from college in my district; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the museum Crystal Eastman; Elizabeth Cady Stan- question is on ordering the previous established under this section shall be to ton and Lucretia Mott, who issued the question. provide for—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.019 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 (1) the collection, study, and establishment this subparagraph, the Board of Regents ducting business, but a lesser number may of programs relating to women’s contribu- should give special consideration to appoint- receive information on behalf of the council. tions to various fields and throughout dif- ing— SEC. 5. DIRECTOR AND STAFF OF THE MUSEUM. ferent periods of history that have influ- (i) members of the Congressional Commis- (a) DIRECTOR.— enced the direction of the United States; sion; (1) IN GENERAL.—The museum established (2) collaboration with other Smithsonian (ii) board members of the National Wom- under section 3 shall have a Director who Institution museums and facilities, outside en’s History Museum, a nonprofit, edu- shall be appointed by the Secretary, taking museums, and educational institutions; and cational organization described in section into consideration individuals recommended (3) the creation of exhibitions and pro- 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by the council established under section 4. grams that recognize diverse perspectives on that was incorporated in 1996 in the District (2) DUTIES.—The Director shall manage the women’s history and contributions. of Columbia and that is dedicated for the museum subject to the policies of the Board SEC. 4. COUNCIL. purpose of establishing a women’s history of Regents. (b) STAFF.—The Secretary may appoint (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established museum; and two additional employees to serve under the within the Smithsonian Institution a council (iii) scholars and representatives of organi- Director, except that such additional em- to carry out the duties set forth under sub- zations that are committed to the study of ployees may be appointed without regard to section (b) and other provisions of this Act. women’s history. the provisions of title 5, United States Code, (b) DUTIES.— (3) INITIAL APPOINTMENTS.—The Board of Regents shall make initial appointments to governing appointments in the competitive (1) IN GENERAL.—The council established service. under this section shall— the council under paragraph (2) not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment (c) PAY.—The employees appointed by the (A) make recommendations to the Board of Secretary under subsection (b) may be paid of this Act. Regents concerning the planning, design, and without regard to the provisions of chapter (d) TERMS.— construction of the museum established 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, under section 3; (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in this United States Code, relating to classification (B) advise and assist the Board of Regents subsection, each appointed member of the of positions and General Schedule pay rates. council shall be appointed for a term of 3 on all matters relating to the administra- SEC. 6. EDUCATIONAL AND LIAISON PROGRAMS. years. tion, operation, maintenance, and preserva- (a) PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED.—The Director tion of the museum; (2) INITIAL APPOINTEES.—As designated by of the museum established under section 3 (C) recommend annual operating budgets the Board of Regents at the time of appoint- may carry out educational and liaison pro- for the museum to the Board of Regents; ment, of the voting members first appointed grams in support of the goals of the museum. (D) report annually to the Board of Re- under subparagraph (C) of subsection (c)(2)— (b) COLLABORATION WITH SCHOOLS.—In car- gents on the acquisition, disposition, and (A) 8 members shall be appointed for a rying out this section, the Director shall display of objects relating to women’s art, term of 1 year; carry out educational programs in collabora- history, and culture; and (B) 8 members shall be appointed for a tion with elementary schools, secondary (E) adopt bylaws for the operation of the term of 2 years; and schools, and postsecondary schools. council. (C) 7 members shall be appointed for a SEC. 7. BUILDING. (2) PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES.—The coun- term of 3 years. (a) IN GENERAL.— cil, subject to the general policies of the (3) REAPPOINTMENT.—A member of the (1) LOCATION.— Board of Regents, shall have sole authority council may be reappointed, except that no (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 6 months to— individual may serve on the council for a after the date of the enactment of this Act, (A) purchase, accept, borrow, and other- total of more than 2 terms. For purposes of the Board of Regents shall designate a site wise acquire artifacts for addition to the col- this paragraph, the number of terms an indi- for the museum established under section 3. lections of the museum; vidual serves on the council shall not include (B) SITES FOR CONSIDERATION.—In desig- (B) loan, exchange, sell, and otherwise dis- any portion of a term for which an individual nating a site under subparagraph (A), the pose of any part of the collections of the mu- is appointed to fill a vacancy under para- Board of Regents shall select from among seum, but only if the funds generated by that graph (4)(B). the following sites in the District of Colum- disposition are used for additions to the col- (4) VACANCIES.— bia: lections of the museum; or (A) IN GENERAL.—A vacancy on the coun- (i) The site known as the ‘‘South Monu- (C) specify criteria with respect to the use cil— ment site’’, located on the National Mall and of the collections and resources of the mu- (i) shall not affect the powers of the coun- bordered by 14th Street Northwest, Jefferson seum, including policies on programming, cil; and Drive Southwest, Raoul Wallenberg Place education, exhibitions, and research with re- (ii) shall be filled in the same manner as Southwest, and Independence Ave South- spect to— the original appointment was made. west. (i) the life, art, history, and culture of (B) TERM.—Any member of the council ap- (ii) The Northwest United States Capitol women; pointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the site, bordered by 3rd Street Northwest, Con- (ii) the role of women in the history of the expiration of the term for which the mem- stitution Avenue Northwest, 1st Street United States; and ber’s predecessor was appointed shall be ap- Northwest, and Pennsylvania Ave North- (iii) the contributions of women to society. pointed for the remainder of that term. west. (3) OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES.—The council, (e) COMPENSATION.— (iii) Any other appropriate location as subject to the general policies of the Board (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in identified by the Board of Regents in con- of Regents, shall have authority— paragraph (2), a member of the council shall sultation with the council established under (A) to provide for preservation, restora- serve without pay. section 4. tion, and maintenance of the collections of (2) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—A member of the (C) AVAILABILITY OF SITE.— the museum; and council shall be allowed travel expenses, in- (i) IN GENERAL.—The sites described in (B) to solicit, accept, use, and dispose of cluding per diem in lieu of subsistence, at clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (B) shall gifts, bequests, and devises of personal prop- rates authorized for an employee of an agen- remain available until the date on which the erty for the purpose of aiding and facili- cy under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, Board of Regents designates a site for the tating the work of the museum. while away from the home or regular place museum under subparagraph (A). (4) ENSURING DIVERSITY OF POLITICAL VIEW- of business of the member in the perform- (ii) TRANSFER TO SMITHSONIAN INSTITU- POINTS IN EXHIBITS AND PROGRAMS.—In car- ance of the duties of the council. TION.—If the site designated for the museum rying out its duties, the council shall ensure (f) CHAIRPERSON.—By a majority vote of its is in an area that is under the administrative that the exhibits and programs of the mu- voting members, the council shall elect a jurisdiction of a Federal agency, as soon as seum reflect the diversity of the political chairperson from its members. practicable after the date on which the des- viewpoints held by women of the United (g) MEETINGS.— ignation is made, the head of the Federal States on the events and issues relating to (1) IN GENERAL.—The council shall meet at agency shall transfer to the Smithsonian In- the history of women in the United States. the call of the chairperson or on the written stitution administrative jurisdiction over (c) COMPOSITION AND APPOINTMENT.— request of a majority of the voting members the area. (1) IN GENERAL.—The council shall be com- of the council, but not fewer than twice each (D) FACTORS CONSIDERED.—In designating a posed of 25 voting members as provided year. site under subparagraph (A), the Board of under paragraph (2). (2) INITIAL MEETINGS.—During the 1-year Regents shall take into consideration each of (2) VOTING MEMBERS.—The council shall in- period beginning on the date of the first the following factors: clude the following voting members: meeting of the council, the council shall (i) An estimate of the costs associated with (A) The Secretary of the Smithsonian In- meet not fewer than 4 times for the purpose each potential site. stitution. of carrying out the duties of the council (ii) An assessment of the suitability of the (B) One member of the Board of Regents, under this subchapter. space of each potential site, including size, appointed by the Board of Regents. (h) QUORUM.—A majority of the voting proximity to other buildings and transpor- (C) 23 individuals appointed by the Board members of the council holding office shall tation, and other external environmental or Regents. In appointing members under constitute a quorum for the purpose of con- conditions, as appropriate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11FE7.004 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1031 (iii) The recommendations of the Congres- clude extraneous material on the meas- American women than by establishing sional Commission. ure under consideration. a women’s history museum at the (E) CONSULTATION.—The Board of Regents The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Smithsonian, our country’s preeminent shall carry out its duties under this para- objection to the request of the gentle- museum and research institution. graph in consultation with each of the fol- lowing: woman from California? The Smithsonian Women’s History (i) The Chair of the National Capital Plan- There was no objection. Museum Act mirrors the highly suc- ning Commission. Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I cessful National Museum of African (ii) The Chair of the Commission on Fine yield myself such time as I may con- American History and Culture Act. Arts. sume. Like that bill, this bill calls for a 50–50 (iii) The Chair of the Congressional Com- Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- split between Federal and non-Federal mission. port of H.R. 1980, the Smithsonian funding, a model that worked very well (iv) The chair and ranking minority mem- Women’s History Museum Act. for the National Museum of African ber of the Committees on Appropriations and H.R. 1980 will establish a comprehen- Rules and Administration of the Senate. American History and Culture. (v) The chair and ranking minority mem- sive women’s history museum within The House Administration Com- ber of the Committees on Appropriations, the Smithsonian Institution. We can- mittee considered this legislation at a House Administration, and Transportation not tell the story of America without hearing with Secretary Lonnie Bunch and Infrastructure of the House of Rep- telling the story of women in America. in September. During our markup in resentatives. From the days leading up to our November, we agreed to an amendment (F) PRIORITY.—In designating a site under founding through today, the United offered by the minority to ensure di- subparagraph (A), the Board of Regents shall States has benefited from the contribu- versity of political viewpoints in exhib- give priority to a site which is on or near the tions, accomplishments, and sacrifices its and programs. National Mall. of women. (b) CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING.—The Board Women have come a long way since of Regents, in consultation with the council In the 1760s, the Daughters of Liberty the Daughters of Liberty began boy- established under section 4, may plan, de- came together to protest unjust laws cotting British goods and organizing sign, and construct a building for the mu- like the Townshend Acts, helping to protests in the 1760s. But despite how seum, which shall be located at the site des- spark the American Revolution. Soon far we have come, we still have a long ignated by the Board of Regents under sub- after the Revolution, Abigail Adams way to go. I am hopeful that today, a section (a). urged her husband, John, and other century after women were granted the (c) NONAPPLICABILITY OF PROVISIONS RE- Members of the First Continental Con- right to vote, we will take a critical LATING TO MONUMENTS AND COMMEMORATIVE gress to: ‘‘Remember the ladies.’’ She WORKS.—Chapter 89 of title 40, United States step in creating a museum to recognize Code, shall not apply with respect to the mu- would later become one of President these achievements and inspire our seum. Adams’ most influential advisers and daughters and our daughters’ daugh- (d) COST SHARING.—The Board of Regents confidants. ters to follow in the footsteps of the in- shall pay— In the years leading up to the Civil credible women who came before them (1) 50 percent of the costs of carrying out War, Harriet Tubman escaped from as we continue our unending work to this section from Federal funds; and slavery and guided dozens of slaves to form a more perfect Union. (2) 50 percent of the costs of carrying out freedom throughout the Underground Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- this section from non-Federal sources. Railroad, and she didn’t stop there. She ance of my time. SEC. 8. DEFINITIONS. went on to raise money for newly freed Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. In this Act, the following definitions apply: (1) The term ‘‘Board of Regents’’ means the slaves and joined other women like Madam Speaker, I yield myself such Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institu- Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. time as I may consume. tion. Anthony in their fight for women’s suf- Madam Speaker, I rise in support of (2) The term ‘‘Congressional Commission’’ frage. H.R. 1980, which would establish a na- means the Commission to Study the Poten- During World War II, 6.5 million tional women’s history museum within tial Creation of a National Women’s History women entered the labor force to sup- the Smithsonian Institution. Museum, established under section 3056 of port the war effort, including my own Throughout our history, women have the Military Construction Authorization Act late mother, who helped build airplanes made enduring and significant con- for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public Law 113–291; 128 in south San Francisco to fight the tributions to our Nation’s scientific, Stat. 3810). (3) The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- Nazis. They were exercising new power cultural, economic, artistic, and civic retary of the Smithsonian Institution. with jobs outside the home, and this life. It is critical to preserve and share SEC. 9. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. power has continued to grow over time, these stories because women’s history (a) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to albeit more slowly than many of us is America’s history. be appropriated to the Smithsonian Institu- would like. That is why I, like the 293 bipartisan tion to carry out this Act, including the Later in the 20th century, Rosa cosponsors of this bill, support a mu- planning, design, construction, and oper- Parks sparked the Montgomery bus seum in our Nation’s Capital dedicated ation of the museum established under sec- boycott, and Sandra Day O’Connor to showcasing these contributions. tion 3, such sums as may be necessary for fis- took the bench as the first woman ever This bill is the result of much hard cal year 2021 and each succeeding fiscal year. appointed to the Supreme Court. work. A bipartisan commission exten- (b) AVAILABILITY.—Amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization under this sec- More recently, Speaker NANCY sively studied the complex issues sur- tion shall remain available until expended. PELOSI became the first and second fe- rounding the establishment of a mu- (c) USE OF FUNDS FOR FUNDRAISING.— male Speaker of the House. In 2018, a seum. Their final report, issued in 2016, Amounts appropriated pursuant to the au- record 102 women were elected to the recommended the creation of a com- thorization under this section may be used House of Representatives. prehensive national women’s history to conduct fundraising in support of the mu- However, these and countless other museum and that it be part of the seum established under section 3 from pri- accomplishments by women notwith- Smithsonian Institution. H.R. 1980 em- vate sources. standing, historical accounts, monu- bodies this recommendation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ments, and museums disproportion- It is critical that the eventual new ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from ately represent the achievements of museum reflects the full spectrum of California (Ms. LOFGREN) and the gen- men while neglecting those of women. views among American women, includ- tleman from Illinois (Mr. RODNEY Furthermore, studies have shown that ing conservative voices and opinions. DAVIS) each will control 20 minutes. history textbooks discuss the accom- During committee markup of this bill, The Chair recognizes the gentle- plishments of men exponentially more my colleague MARK WALKER’s amend- woman from California. often than those of women. This should ment to ensure the diversity of polit- GENERAL LEAVE change. ical viewpoints in the museum’s exhib- Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I The contributions and experiences of its and programming was unanimously ask unanimous consent that all Mem- American women deserve celebration adopted. bers have 5 legislative days in which to and recognition, and I can think of few The Smithsonian faces a challenging revise and extend their remarks and in- better ways to celebrate and recognize task ahead. Creating a new museum

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11FE7.004 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 takes an enormous amount of effort This is a bipartisan effort. We have Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I and resources, with cost estimates ap- an overwhelming number of cospon- yield the gentlewoman an additional 1 proaching $650 million. sors—293—thanks to the efforts of all minute. Further, the Smithsonian has ongo- of my colleagues, including Congress- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New ing major capital improvement man BRIAN FITZPATRICK, who is the York. Madam Speaker, today we will projects, a nearly $1 billion deferred lead on the other side of the aisle; Con- pass this important bill, and I hope the maintenance backlog, and storage ca- gresswoman BRENDA LAWRENCE; Con- Senate will quickly do the same. I am pacity issues. gresswoman ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, grateful for the leadership of Senators As I have stated before, I think it is who is chairing a committee meeting COLLINS and FEINSTEIN who are leading imperative that we, as policymakers, now; and the Problem Solvers Caucus this effort in the Senate. holistically consider all the multi- led by JOSH GOTTHEIMER and TOM My response to those who ask why faceted components with these projects REED—bipartisan—Congresswoman this museum is so important is, if we and how they fit into the long-term SUSAN BROOKS; and many, many oth- do not even recognize women, how can strategic plan of the Smithsonian. ers. we empower them? These are challenges but should not I am particularly grateful to Con- We need the efforts and the ability to be obstacles to moving forward. With gressman FITZPATRICK for reaching out excel, but from all of our residents, strong leadership at the Smithsonian to me before this Congress even began male and female, to win in a competi- and the partnership of Congress, a to tell me he wanted to be a leader—as tive world. That is why this bill should Smithsonian women’s history museum his brother was—on this bill and get it be supported by every Member of this can become a reality. I look forward to across the finish line. House and, hopefully, the Senate. one day visiting it and sharing that ex- I also express my appreciation to Mi- This is not about politics, it is not perience with my own daughter. chael Fitzpatrick, BRIAN’s brother, who about partisanship, and it is not a Before I yield, I would like to com- supported this bill as a leader for many Democrat or a Republican issue. It is mend my colleague across the aisle, years. He is greatly missed. He was a an American issue recognizing the con- Representative MALONEY, and my col- great statesman, and he is part of the tributions of our mothers, our sisters, league standing to my right, the lead success with us today. and our daughters. This is about giving Republican sponsor, Mr. FITZPATRICK, The journey of this moment started all women our rightful place in history. on their dedication to pushing this bill for me with a walk around the Na- Madam Speaker, I thank ZOE LOF- through the legislative process. I thank tional Mall. I was looking at all the GREN so much, and I urge a strong, both of them and their staffs for their museums, and I saw them dedicated to strong vote in support of this bill. hard work to get here. air, space, spies, law enforcement, tex- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- tiles, the Postal Service, arts—all en- Madam Speaker, again, I thank my col- ance of my time. league, Mrs. MALONEY, for making this Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, we riching institutions. But I found myself asking: Where are bill a reality in partnership with my are fortunate that the author of this the women? good friend, as I mentioned in my open- bill, the gentlewoman from New York, Where is half the population of this ing statements, Mr. FITZPATRICK. is here with us today. She is someone country? This is the epitome of bipartisanship who has been pursuing this idea for our Today, with the passage of H.R. 1980, here on the floor of the House of Rep- country for so many years, and she the House is taking a step toward resentatives today. would never give up until we got to changing that. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to this day. Unfortunately, women have been left the gentleman from Levittown, Penn- Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to out of the telling of our Nation’s his- sylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK), who left the gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. tory. Sadly, if you walk around this his favorite job out in the world as a CAROLYN B. MALONEY), who has been Capitol, Madam Speaker, and you special agent fighting corruption at the tireless and persistent. We would not count the over 100 statues, only nine FBI. be here today without the effort of are of women. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Madam Speaker, Chairwoman MALONEY. If you look at our 2,500 National His- I thank Ranking Member DAVIS for b 1315 toric Landmarks across our Nation, yielding, and I thank Chairwoman Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New only 5 percent of our national land- MALONEY for her leadership, her part- York. Madam Speaker, I thank my marks honor women. And studies have nership, her friendship, and passion good friend, ZOE LOFGREN, for her lead- shown women are underrepresented in that she has shown to get us here ership in so many ways and for being the textbooks that we use in our public today. part of this success today. It would not schools. Madam Speaker, I rise today to have happened without the gentle- Getting to this point has been a very proudly support the Smithsonian Wom- woman, and I am deeply grateful. long road that took from 1998 to 2014 en’s History Museum Act. I was proud There is a saying that women hold up for Congress to finally pass my bill to join the chairwoman in introducing half the sky. I would say that is an un- that I worked on for years with then- this legislation last year. I am even derstatement. Women have made an in- Representative MARSHA BLACKBURN to happier to be here today to support it credible, lasting contribution to our create a congressional commission to on the floor. country since its founding, yet there is study the establishment of a women’s Madam Speaker, women’s contribu- not one comprehensive women’s mu- museum. tions to the development of our Nation seum dedicated to women’s achieve- This bipartisan commission was ap- are immense, however, only 5 percent ments and their contributions to our pointed by Republican and Democratic of the approximately 2,400 national great country anyplace in America. leadership and chaired by Jane Abra- monuments honor women, and as the We have sliver museums like an arts ham, a Republican, who has become an first museum in the United States museum or First Ladies museum or an incredible partner in this effort. Eight- dedicated to the full story of women’s Annie Oakley museum or Women of the een months later, the commissioners history, this museum will tell the di- West, but not a comprehensive mu- submitted a unanimous report that the verse story of the women who helped seum, which the Smithsonian is plan- U.S. needs and deserves—and it is long shape the United States of America. ning with research and the ability to past due—a Smithsonian women’s his- H.R. 1980 will finally establish a com- have exhibits across the country to tell tory museum and set out a vision of prehensive women’s history museum in the story of American women. how to build it. the Smithsonian Institution. The mu- Under the leadership of Speaker We took those recommendations and seum will honor and document wom- NANCY PELOSI and Majority Leader put them into a bill, with the en’s contributions to United States his- STENY HOYER, we will be changing that Smithsonian’s input, that is before us tory and exhibit diverse perspectives today by voting on H.R. 1980, the today. across our history. For too long the Smithsonian Women’s History Museum The SPEAKER pro tempore. The contributions of women and the con- Act. time of the gentlewoman has expired. tributions that they have made to our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.022 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1033 Nation have been overlooked and the gentlewoman from Puerto Rico I also want to thank the chairwoman underappreciated. This is unaccept- (Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N), who is a fight- of the House Administration Com- able. Women have been making con- er for her whole territory. mittee. I want to thank the ranking tributions to America since our found- Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto member of the House Administration ing, and it is time that they get the Rico. Madam Speaker, I thank the gen- Committee. I really welcome their recognition they deserve. tleman for yielding. leadership, and they have seen the im- This bipartisan bill sends a message Madam Speaker, I am here today portance of this legislation. loud and clear that women deserve an standing in support of H.R. 1980, be- The Smithsonian Institution was es- entire museum to show the important cause I firmly believe in honoring tablished in 1846 to increase the diffu- role that they have played in building women trailblazers who have shaped sion of knowledge, and I can think of the greatest Nation on Earth. It is history and the story of our country, no better subject matter on which to time for Congress to authorize the cre- women who demonstrate leading by ex- increase and diffuse knowledge today ation of this national museum, and I ample. in 2020 than educating Americans and am proud to stand with Chairwoman It is just what BRENDA LAWRENCE was those who visit our country about the MALONEY and all my colleagues to sup- saying: we need to demonstrate how we amazing American women who have port this legislation. can achieve that empowerment tool, come before us. Madam Speaker, as the saying goes, and I think this museum is going to be A museum dedicated to American if you can see it, you can be it. Let’s just that. women’s history will help ensure that Women like our first female Supreme show women across America, young my daughter and my son—future gen- Court Justice from Puerto Rico, Sonia and old, the contributions that they erations—understand the impact that Sotomayor; our first Supreme Court and their predecessors have made to our women have had on our country’s Justice, Sandra Day O’Connor; civil the United States of America can be past; and with a greater understanding rights activist Rosa Parks; astronaut theirs as well. of our country’s past we can better and astrophysicist, Sally Ride; the first Again, I thank Chairwoman MALONEY navigate the future. Latina to be elected to Congress, so much for engaging our bipartisan Establishing this museum to collect, former Representative Ileana Ros- Problem Solvers Caucus to be very in- study, and establish programs covering Lehtinen; and Representative strumental in getting us here today. Jeannette Rankin, the first woman historical contributions of women will Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I elected to Congress; are the better ex- inspire generations of women to yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman amples. come—women like Jeannette Rankin, from Michigan (Mrs. LAWRENCE), who is Each of them in her respective field the first woman to ever come to this a leader for women in Congress and in illustrated the strength and the com- body, the U.S. House, from Montana in the country. mitment of women when they set 1916 before women even had the right Mrs. LAWRENCE. Madam Speaker, it themselves a goal. They are just a few to vote. is with great excitement today that I of the women who transformed the b 1330 stand in strong support of the bill to American landscape, making it pos- establish the women’s museum in the Women like Lucille Ball, and we all sible for me to be here today as the love Lucy, she was the first woman to Smithsonian chain of museums in our first female representative of Puerto run a television studio and capture the country. Rico and now the vice-chair of the Con- attention of viewers around the globe. I want to share a story with you, gressional Women’s Caucus. Women like Dr. Mae Jemison, an en- Madam Speaker. When I walked According to the Census, women are through the doors of the Smithsonian 50 percent of the total population of gineer and physician, she was the first African American Museum, someone the country—165 million women in African American woman to travel to asked me: How do you feel? America—yet there is not one com- space. I said, I feel like this country has fi- prehensive museum dedicated to the Women like these three—and there nally recognized the contributions and history of women in the United States; are thousands more—who deserve to who I am in this country. and of the 2,400 national monuments, have their stories shared with folks We have not been able to make that only 120—just 5 percent—honor women. around the world and people here at commitment to women. When we all The role of women in the building of home. walk into museums in this great coun- this Nation was not properly recog- Madam Speaker, I encourage all of try, it is a reflection for the genera- nized while it was happening. We must my colleagues to support this strong tions to come of the struggles and the create a space where that history that bipartisan piece of legislation to create accomplishments that different cul- was not told in their own time can be this national museum dedicated to tures and populations have had on this studied, propagated, and given the high American women’s history. It will cele- great country. relief it deserves. brate the achievements of American I stand here today because of the Madam Speaker, I support this bill women. women before me who have struggled because I think it is time to honor how The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and fought. I stand on their shoulders. women shaped what is America today. time of the gentlewoman has expired. I want to be a woman of whom the girls Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. behind me will be able to say: Because Madam Speaker, speaking of women Madam Speaker, I yield an additional of her, I can be. leaders in this institution, it is bitter- 30 seconds to the gentlewoman. This is a vote for our children, the sweet because she is not coming back Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam girls who are coming after, and the lit- after this year, but I stand here and Speaker, I think it is important to tle boys who need to learn and respect yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman note that in this 116th Congress, where the history of women in this great from Indiana (Mrs. BROOKS), who is my you had a record-breaking number of country. good friend and my classmate from the women come to this body—101 women, I stand in support, and I ask all my 2012 and 2013 cycle. more than ever before, and hopefully, colleagues to please support this. This Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam even more will be coming in future is a step that we, as women, must not Speaker, I rise today to express my Congresses—I urge passage of this im- let go of. strong support for H.R. 1980, the Smith- portant piece of legislation. I want to recognize my colleague, sonian Women’s History Museum Act. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Chairwoman MALONEY, who has never I want to thank Representative Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to given up on this. MALONEY for championing this impor- the gentlewoman from Missouri (Mrs. Madam Speaker, as women, we know tant legislation. Her determination to WAGNER), my good friend, classmate, a we have to work twice as hard, but we honor American women, which started leader on women’s issues, and some- get the job done. back in 1998 and the fact that she has body I knew before we both got elected Vote on this museum. brought this type of legislation forward to this institution. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. ever since then is a true testament to Mrs. WAGNER. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to her grit. thank my friend and colleague from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.025 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 across the river in Illinois. I have the doing this because she is sitting right chair of the Committee on House Ad- great privilege of representing Mis- next to me, but we are going to see the ministration to come together and get souri’s Second Congressional District, retirement of an institution here in to this day where I believe we are going and he is a leader in this Congress, but this House. Come April 1, my House to finally approve this bill and send it most of all, he is a wonderful friend Administration minority staff is going over to the Senate. Hopefully, it will be and colleague. to lose our institution, our institu- such a large vote that the Senate will Madam Speaker, I also commend my tional knowledge, Ms. Mary Sue feel a degree of pressure to do the right good friend, Congresswoman CAROLYN Englund. thing. MALONEY from New York. We have Mary Sue has worked for government Madam Speaker, just a word of cau- worked in a bipartisan fashion on so for 31 years, 27 years here in the House. tion on how long it takes after we vote many issues, especially when it comes Working with the likes of Bill Thomas to approve this and the Senate, hope- to the scourge of human trafficking, vi- makes me look easy, I think. I don’t fully, and the President, hopefully, will olence against women, taking care of know all the rest of them before I got sign it, if we pass it. the most vulnerable in our society. I here, but the chairpersons of the com- Secretary Lonnie Bunch is the sec- thank her for her commitment. mittee before I got here, I know Mary retary for the Smithsonian Museum. Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- Sue, when I met her, she was working He has done a fabulous job. But one of port of H.R. 1980, the Smithsonian for then-Chair Candace Miller, and she his claims to fame is that he brought Women’s History Museum Act. This worked for Chairman Gregg Harper. the National Museum of African Amer- important bill will honor the immense For her to stay on and work with us in ican History from an idea to reality. contributions that women have made the minority, I am honored. He knows how to do this. And he cau- to our country by establishing the first It is people like Mary Sue who make tioned us that from the moment you national women’s history museum. this institution great. It is people like say go to the moment you open the Women from my hometown of St. Mary Sue who are going to be missed. doors to the museum, it is about 10 Louis have a proud history of service And it is people like Mary Sue who I years. and heroism. During the First World enjoy embarrassing today because I You have to raise the money. You War, a brave group of St. Louis women didn’t tell her I was going to do this. have to get the scholars to do the volunteered to go to war-torn France Madam Speaker, if the folks in the scholarship and the exhibition. So un- to start a hospital for injured Allied gallery would rise today to give Mary less you take that first step, you don’t soldiers. They were among the first Sue the sendoff that she deserves. get there. That is the advice he gave us last Americans to deploy to Europe and Madam Speaker, may I inquire how September: If you don’t take the first some of the very last to leave. When much time I have remaining. step, you never get there. So this is the they departed for France in May 1917, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- first step, and it is an important one. the United States had not even entered tleman from Illinois has 7 minutes re- Madam Speaker, I want to say that the war, and many remained in France maining. along with the fabulously important for a year after the armistice. They Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. and famous women who this museum treated more than 60,000 patients be- Madam Speaker, I yield myself such will honor, it is also going to go to the fore they returned home to St. Louis. time as I may consume. heart of America, the women who Through their courage, ingenuity, de- Clearly, I will not use that all, but maybe weren’t famous but built the termination, and integrity, American you want to talk about empowered country, the women like my mother, women have been instrumental in the women? I am joined here in this House who walked out of their homes and growth of the United States as a global today by three young ladies who are built airplanes so the United States force for good. I am so proud that their the daughters of somebody I used to could win World War II; the women stories will be remembered for the next work with when I was a staffer. who raised their children, who worked generation of women leaders. Ray Fitzgerald died too soon, in 2009. many jobs, who ran the PTA, who Madam Speaker, I urge my col- Ray, a former staffer, went back home helped form the next generation; the leagues to support this bipartisan piece to Naperville, Illinois. When his young- women who are the beating heart of of legislation. est daughter, Lucy, was 1, he suc- this country will be honored by this Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. cumbed to a deadly stomach cancer. museum. Madam Speaker, I have no further Those three girls, along with their Madam Speaker, you really don’t speakers, and I am prepared to close. mom, Kristin, are fighting the fight to know where you are going unless you Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, our eradicate stomach cancer and working have some sense of where you came speakers have all been detained at with us each and every day. from. That is why this museum will markup so I would invite the gen- I am proud to see that we are going help all American women and men to tleman to close, and then I will also to have a museum that is going to rec- have a brighter American future. close. ognize the people like Mary Sue and I will just say this: We do not fool Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. the Fitzgeralds—Kristin, Nora, Maggie, ourselves that having this wonderful Madam Speaker, I yield myself such and Lucy. museum will solve all the problems time as I may consume. We have to make sure that we con- that American women face. We still Madam Speaker, I support this won- tinue this fight. Even after today’s bi- have no family leave policy in this derful piece of legislation. It is talking partisanship is shown, we have to make country, so women are squeezed be- about leadership. You can’t get much sure that we stand together in a bipar- tween taking care of their children, better leadership than Chairwoman tisan way, because if we don’t, then we taking care of aging parents, not hav- MALONEY. This is an issue she has been don’t have the ability to get a brighter ing an opportunity to get time off from tenacious on. future for Nora, Maggie, and Lucy Fitz- work to do the things that life calls It is one I am proud to work with the gerald, along with their mom, Kristin. them to do. We still have pay disparity majority party on. At a time when Madam Speaker, I urge my col- in this country. We still lack constitu- America doesn’t think we are a bipar- leagues to vote for this bill, please, and tional protections under the equal tisan institution, I hope today is one of I yield back the balance of my time. rights amendment until we resolve the those instances where they can turn on Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I issue on the latest wonderful vote in C–SPAN, or maybe it will get reported yield myself such time as I may con- Virginia. All of those things remain. in the 24-hour news cycle, but we are sume. I will just say a few words here But this museum will be a point of going to come together to do some- in closing. pride. It will be a touchstone. It will be thing that is great, not just for Amer- First, I again thank CAROLYN MALO- something that every boy and girl in ica but America’s history. NEY, who, for the last 22 years, has America will be able to know about be- Madam Speaker, since I have some worked to be here on this day. cause it is not going to be just a build- time left, we are talking about women, I think it took CAROLYN 22 years, a ing. It is going to be a virtual reality, strong women who have been a part of female Speaker of the House, 101 Secretary Bunch has told us, a virtual this institution. She doesn’t know I am women in the House, and a female reality throughout the United States.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.027 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1035 Madam Speaker, this is a proud day creation of the Smithsonian Women’s History Ordering the previous question on for this institution. We can support Museum will allow all people in this nation and House Resolution 844; this bill. We can send it to the Senate the world to better recognize and appreciate Adoption of House Resolution 844, if and look forward to the day when we the significant contributions women have ordered; and join Congresswoman MALONEY in walk- made throughout history. The motion to suspend the rules and ing through the doors of the women’s Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to pass H.R. 1980. history museum. support this legislation. The first electronic vote will be con- Madam Speaker, I urge that we sup- Mrs. DAVIS of California. Madam Speaker, ducted as a 15-minute vote. Pursuant port this bill, and I yield back the bal- I rise to urge my colleagues to pass the to clause 9 of rule XX, remaining elec- ance of my time. Smithsonian Women’s History Museum Act tronic votes will be conducted as 5- Mr. VAN DREW. Madam Speaker, I rise in unanimously and immediately. minute votes. support of H.R. 1980, the Smithsonian Wom- First, I congratulate my friend and col- f en’s History Museum Act. league, Congresswoman CAROLYN MALONEY, On March 31, 1776, future First Lady Abigail on her decades of hard and successful work PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Adams wrote to her husband, John Adams, making the case for a women’s museum. OF H.R. 2546, COLORADO WILDER- urging him and the other members of the Con- Women are underrepresented in our na- NESS ACT OF 2019; PROVIDING tinental Congress to ‘‘remember the ladies’’ tion’s historical accounts, monuments, memo- FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.J. when fighting for America’s independence rials, and museums. RES. 79, REMOVING DEADLINE from Great Britain and drafting a new form of Our past, present and as of now, our future FOR RATIFICATION OF EQUAL government. are all marked by the absence of women’s RIGHTS AMENDMENT; AND FOR Unfortunately, despite this nation’s great his- stories. OTHER PURPOSES tory, we were slow to take Abigail Adams’ ad- From Native American women and early pil- vice to heart. It took 144 years to grant grims; to Abigail Adams when she wrote to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- women the right to vote, an historic event I her husband to ‘‘remember the ladies’’; to the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- talked about a week ago in a floor speech suffrage movement; to the one thousand, one ished business is the vote on ordering commemorating the 100th anniversary of New hundred, and two Women Airforce Service Pi- the previous question on the resolution Jersey’s ratification of the 19th Amendment. lots that revived our World War II effort; to (H. Res. 844) providing for consider- Even this Congress has downplayed the Rosa Parks to Title Nine. ation of the bill (H.R. 2546) to designate contributions of women in history as evi- And I could go on and on and on. certain lands in the State of Colorado denced by the treatment of Portrait Monument, Clearly, women have transformed the his- as components of the National Wilder- the statue in the Capitol of the three greatest tory of our country. ness Preservation System, and for leaders of the suffrage movement, Susan B. But the story of American women is not just other purposes; providing for consider- Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia in the historical moments. It is also the con- ation of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. Mott. tributions of women in every aspect of our so- 79) removing the deadline for the ratifi- The Portrait Monument was unveiled with ciety. cation of the equal rights amendment; great fanfare in 1921 shortly after the ratifica- There is a missing contextualization of the and for other purposes, on which the tion of the 19th Amendment, but for decades enormous impact that women have had in yeas and nays were ordered. it was relegated to an isolated area of the film, literature, science, government, edu- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Crypt without a plaque explaining the contribu- cation, culture, sports, and more. tion. tions of the three women or a description of We have the opportunity to tell the full story, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the female artist who sculpted it. so why are we only telling half of our history? question is on ordering the previous For decades, Congress cited the cost of With these contributions showcased in a question. moving the statue as reason enough for keep- museum, we will no longer ask—Why don’t we This is a 5-minute vote. ing it in the Crypt. In the 1990s, the sponsor have a woman’s National Museum? The vote was taken by electronic de- But instead, we will celebrate how fitting it is of today’s bill, Congresswoman CAROLYN vice, and there were—yeas 222, nays for every girl and every woman to identify with MALONEY of New York, led an effort to raise 186, not voting 21, as follows: the funds to move the statue upstairs to the our country’s past and want to play a signifi- [Roll No. 57] Rotunda. It was not until 1997 that the statue cant role in our future. YEAS—222 You can’t be what you can’t see. was moved to its current place of honor. Frankly, I cannot believe that this museum Adams Costa Golden That date is significant for our purposes Aguilar Courtney Gomez does not already exist. today. Susan Whiting, the chairman of the Allred Cox (CA) Gonzalez (TX) I urge my colleagues to vote for the pas- Axne Craig Gottheimer board for the National Women’s History Mu- sage of this bill. Barraga´ n Crist Green, Al (TX) seum organization has stated that ‘‘[The stat- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Beatty Crow Grijalva ue] was the beginning of the entire process of Bera Cuellar Haaland question is on the motion offered by Beyer Cunningham Harder (CA) eventually building a museum,’’ the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Bishop (GA) Davids (KS) Hastings It’s been a long road since 1997 to build a LOFGREN) that the House suspend the Blumenauer Davis (CA) Hayes Women’s History Museum but passing this bill rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1980, as Blunt Rochester Davis, Danny K. Heck today will be one giant step closer to our goal. Bonamici Dean Higgins (NY) amended. Boyle, Brendan DeFazio Himes Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, The question was taken. F. DeGette Horn, Kendra S. I rise today in strong support of H.R. 1980, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Brindisi DeLauro Horsford Smithsonian Women’s History Museum Act. Brown (MD) DelBene Houlahan opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Brownley (CA) Delgado Hoyer This legislation will authorize the Smithsonian in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Bustos Demings Huffman Institution to establish a Women’s History Mu- Mr. LESKO. Madam Speaker, on that Butterfield DeSaulnier Jackson Lee seum, which will be located alongside our ex- I demand the yeas and nays. Carbajal Deutch Jayapal isting Smithsonian museums in our nation’s Ca´ rdenas Dingell Jeffries The yeas and nays were ordered. Carson (IN) Doggett Johnson (GA) capital. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Cartwright Doyle, Michael Johnson (TX) The contributions by women to the history ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Case F. Kaptur and advancements of the United States are ceedings on this motion will be post- Casten (IL) Engel Keating Castor (FL) Escobar Kelly (IL) historic and consequential. Women have al- poned. Castro (TX) Eshoo Kennedy ways served this nation, from nurses in the f Chu, Judy Espaillat Khanna Revolutionary War to the ceaseless quest Cicilline Evans Kildee today for equal pay, civil liberties, and equal ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Cisneros Finkenauer Kilmer PRO TEMPORE Clark (MA) Fletcher Kim access to health care. Clarke (NY) Foster Kind I am particularly determined to ensure that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pro- Clay Frankel Krishnamoorthi the contributions and perspectives of women ceedings will resume on questions pre- Cleaver Fudge Kuster (NH) of color are reflected in this proposed institu- viously postponed. Clyburn Gallego Lamb Connolly Garamendi Langevin tion, as our country must demonstrate their Votes will be taken in the following Cooper Garcı´a (IL) Larsen (WA) historic and unquestionable significance. The order: Correa Garcia (TX) Larson (CT)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.028 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 Lawrence O’Halleran Sherrill Westerman Wittman Yoho Rose (NY) Sherrill Torres Small Lawson (FL) Ocasio-Cortez Sires Williams Womack Young Roybal-Allard Sires (NM) Lee (CA) Omar Slotkin Wilson (SC) Woodall Zeldin Ruiz Slotkin Trahan Lee (NV) Pallone Smith (WA) Ruppersberger Trone NOT VOTING—21 Smith (WA) Levin (CA) Panetta Soto Ryan Soto Underwood Levin (MI) Pappas Spanberger Bass Johnson (LA) Pence Sa´ nchez Spanberger Vargas Lieu, Ted Pascrell Speier Bilirakis Kirkpatrick Rice (NY) Sarbanes Speier Veasey Lipinski Perlmutter Stanton Byrne LaHood Richmond Scanlon Stanton Vela Schakowsky Vela´ zquez Loebsack Peters Stevens Cohen Lewis Rouda Stevens Lofgren Peterson Schiff Visclosky Suozzi Emmer Meadows Scalise Suozzi Lowenthal Phillips Gabbard Mullin Walker Schneider Wasserman Swalwell (CA) Swalwell (CA) Lowey Pingree Takano Graves (GA) Payne Wright Schrader Schultz ´ Takano Lujan Pocan Thompson (CA) Schrier Waters Scott (VA) Thompson (CA) Watson Coleman Luria Porter Thompson (MS) b 1409 Lynch Pressley Scott, David Thompson (MS) Welch Titus Malinowski Price (NC) Serrano Titus Wexton Tlaib Messrs. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee Maloney, Quigley Sewell (AL) Tlaib Wild Tonko and GONZALEZ of Ohio changed their Carolyn B. Raskin Shalala Tonko Wilson (FL) Torres (CA) Maloney, Sean Rose (NY) vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Sherman Torres (CA) Yarmuth Torres Small Matsui Roybal-Allard (NM) So the previous question was ordered. McAdams Ruiz NAYS—185 Trahan The result of the vote was announced McBath Ruppersberger Abraham Gonzalez (OH) Olson Trone McCollum Rush as above recorded. Aderholt Gooden Palazzo Underwood McEachin Ryan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Allen Gosar Palmer Vargas McGovern Sa´ nchez Amash Granger Perry Veasey question is on the resolution. McNerney Sarbanes Amodei Graves (LA) Posey Vela The question was taken; and the Meeks Scanlon Armstrong Graves (MO) Ratcliffe Vela´ zquez Meng Schakowsky Speaker pro tempore announced that Arrington Green (TN) Reed Visclosky Moore Schiff the ayes appeared to have it. Babin Griffith Reschenthaler Wasserman Morelle Schneider Bacon Grothman Rice (SC) Schultz Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, on Moulton Schrader Baird Guest Riggleman Waters that I demand the yeas and nays. Mucarsel-Powell Schrier Balderson Guthrie Roby Watson Coleman Murphy (FL) Scott (VA) The yeas and nays were ordered. Banks Hagedorn Roe, David P. Welch Nadler Scott, David The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Barr Harris Rogers (AL) Wexton Napolitano Serrano 5-minute vote. Bergman Hartzler Rogers (KY) Neal Sewell (AL) Wild Biggs Hern, Kevin Rooney (FL) Neguse Shalala Wilson (FL) The vote was taken by electronic de- Bilirakis Herrera Beutler Rose, John W. Norcross Sherman Yarmuth vice, and there were—yeas 222, nays Bishop (NC) Hice (GA) Rouzer 185, not voting 22, as follows: Bishop (UT) Higgins (LA) Roy NAYS—186 Bost Hill (AR) Rutherford [Roll No. 58] Brady Holding Abraham Gibbs Schweikert Moolenaar Brooks (AL) Hudson Aderholt Gohmert YEAS—222 Scott, Austin Mooney (WV) Brooks (IN) Huizenga Allen Gonzalez (OH) Adams Deutch Sensenbrenner Murphy (NC) Lawrence Buchanan Hurd (TX) Amash Gooden Aguilar Dingell Shimkus Newhouse Lawson (FL) Buck Johnson (OH) Amodei Gosar Allred Doggett Simpson Norman Lee (CA) Bucshon Johnson (SD) Armstrong Granger Axne Doyle, Michael Smith (MO) Nunes Lee (NV) Budd Jordan Arrington Graves (LA) Barraga´ n F. Smith (NE) Olson Levin (CA) Burchett Joyce (OH) Babin Graves (MO) Beatty Engel Smith (NJ) Palazzo Levin (MI) Burgess Joyce (PA) Bacon Green (TN) Bera Escobar Smucker Palmer Lieu, Ted Calvert Katko Baird Griffith Beyer Eshoo Spano Perry Lipinski Carter (GA) Keller Balderson Grothman Bishop (GA) Espaillat Stauber Posey Loebsack Carter (TX) Kelly (MS) Banks Guest Blumenauer Evans Ratcliffe Lofgren Chabot Kelly (PA) Stefanik Barr Guthrie Blunt Rochester Finkenauer Reed Lowenthal Cheney King (IA) Steil Bergman Hagedorn Bonamici Fletcher Reschenthaler Lowey Cline King (NY) Steube Biggs Harris Boyle, Brendan Foster ´ Rice (SC) Lujan Cloud Kinzinger Stewart Bishop (NC) Hartzler F. Frankel Riggleman Luria Cole Kustoff (TN) Stivers Bishop (UT) Hern, Kevin Brindisi Fudge Roby Lynch Collins (GA) LaMalfa Taylor Bost Herrera Beutler Brown (MD) Gallego Rodgers (WA) Malinowski Comer Lamborn Thompson (PA) Brady Hice (GA) Brownley (CA) Garamendi Roe, David P. Maloney, Conaway Latta Thornberry Brooks (AL) Higgins (LA) Bustos Garcı´a (IL) Rogers (AL) Carolyn B. Cook Lesko Timmons Brooks (IN) Hill (AR) Butterfield Garcia (TX) Rogers (KY) Maloney, Sean Crawford Long Tipton Buchanan Holding Carbajal Golden Rooney (FL) Matsui Crenshaw Loudermilk Turner Buck Hollingsworth Ca´ rdenas Gomez Rose, John W. McAdams Curtis Lucas Upton Bucshon Hudson Carson (IN) Gonzalez (TX) Rouzer McBath Davidson (OH) Luetkemeyer Van Drew Budd Huizenga Cartwright Gottheimer Roy McCollum Davis, Rodney Marchant Wagner Burchett Hurd (TX) Case Green, Al (TX) Rutherford McEachin DesJarlais Marshall Walberg Burgess Johnson (OH) Casten (IL) Grijalva Schweikert McGovern Diaz-Balart Massie Walden Calvert Johnson (SD) Castor (FL) Haaland Scott, Austin McNerney Duncan Mast Walorski Carter (GA) Jordan Castro (TX) Harder (CA) Sensenbrenner Meeks Dunn McCarthy Waltz Carter (TX) Joyce (OH) Chu, Judy Hastings Shimkus Meng Estes McCaul Watkins Chabot Joyce (PA) Cicilline Hayes Simpson Moore Ferguson McClintock Weber (TX) Cheney Katko Cisneros Heck Smith (MO) Morelle Fitzpatrick McHenry Webster (FL) Cline Keller Clark (MA) Higgins (NY) Smith (NE) Moulton Fleischmann McKinley Wenstrup Cloud Kelly (MS) Clarke (NY) Himes Smith (NJ) Mucarsel-Powell Flores Meuser Westerman Cole Kelly (PA) Clay Horn, Kendra S. Smucker Murphy (FL) Fortenberry Miller Williams Collins (GA) King (IA) Cleaver Horsford Spano Nadler Foxx (NC) Mitchell Wilson (SC) Comer King (NY) Clyburn Houlahan Stauber Napolitano Fulcher Moolenaar Wittman Conaway Kinzinger Connolly Hoyer Stefanik Neal Gaetz Mooney (WV) Womack Cook Kustoff (TN) Cooper Huffman Steil Neguse Gallagher Murphy (NC) Woodall Crawford LaMalfa Correa Jackson Lee Steube Norcross Gianforte Newhouse Yoho Crenshaw Lamborn Costa Jayapal Stewart O’Halleran Gibbs Norman Young Curtis Latta Courtney Jeffries Stivers Ocasio-Cortez Gohmert Nunes Zeldin Davidson (OH) Lesko Taylor Cox (CA) Johnson (GA) Omar Davis, Rodney Long Thompson (PA) Craig Johnson (TX) Pallone NOT VOTING—22 DesJarlais Loudermilk Thornberry Crist Kaptur Panetta Bass Kirkpatrick Rodgers (WA) Diaz-Balart Lucas Timmons Crow Keating Pappas Byrne LaHood Duncan Luetkemeyer Tipton Cuellar Kelly (IL) Pascrell Rouda Cohen Lewis Dunn Marchant Turner Cunningham Kennedy Perlmutter Rush Emmer Meadows Estes Marshall Upton Davids (KS) Khanna Peters Scalise Gabbard Mullin Ferguson Massie Van Drew Davis (CA) Kildee Peterson Walker Graves (GA) Payne Fitzpatrick Mast Wagner Davis, Danny K. Kilmer Phillips Wright Hollingsworth Pence Fleischmann McCarthy Walberg Dean Kim Pingree Johnson (LA) Rice (NY) Flores McCaul Walden DeFazio Kind Pocan Fortenberry McClintock Walorski DeGette Krishnamoorthi Porter Foxx (NC) McHenry Waltz DeLauro Kuster (NH) Pressley b 1420 Fulcher McKinley Watkins DelBene Lamb Price (NC) Mr. WITTMAN changed his vote from Gaetz Meuser Weber (TX) Delgado Langevin Quigley Gallagher Miller Webster (FL) Demings Larsen (WA) Raskin ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Gianforte Mitchell Wenstrup DeSaulnier Larson (CT) Richmond So the resolution was agreed to.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11FE7.005 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1037 The result of the vote was announced Johnson (SD) Moolenaar Shimkus b 1431 as above recorded. Johnson (TX) Mooney (WV) Simpson Jordan Moore Sires So (two-thirds being in the affirma- A motion to reconsider was laid on Joyce (OH) Morelle Slotkin tive) the rules were suspended and the the table. Joyce (PA) Moulton Smith (MO) bill, as amended, was passed. Stated for: Kaptur Mucarsel-Powell Smith (NE) The result of the vote was announced Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, I inadvertently Katko Murphy (FL) Smith (NJ) Keating Nadler Smith (WA) as above recorded. missed a vote on H. Res. 844. Had I been Keller Napolitano Smucker A motion to reconsider was laid on present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall Kelly (IL) Neal Soto the table. No. 58. Kelly (MS) Neguse Spanberger Stated for: Kelly (PA) Newhouse Spano ´ f Kennedy Norcross Speier Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Madam Speaker, on Khanna Nunes Stanton Tuesday, February 11, 2020, I regret not SMITHSONIAN WOMEN’S HISTORY Kildee O’Halleran Stauber being present for one vote session. Had I MUSEUM ACT Kilmer Ocasio-Cortez Stefanik been present, I would have voted in support of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Kim Olson Steil Kind Omar Stevens the Smithsonian Women’s History Museum ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- King (IA) Pallone Stewart Act, H.R. 1980, rollcall No. 59. King (NY) Panetta ished business is the vote on the mo- Stivers PERSONAL EXPLANATION tion to suspend the rules and pass the Kinzinger Pappas Suozzi Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. Madam Speaker, I was bill (H.R. 1980) to establish in the Krishnamoorthi Pascrell Swalwell (CA) Kuster (NH) Pelosi absent today due to a medical emergency. Smithsonian Institution a comprehen- Takano Kustoff (TN) Perlmutter Taylor Had I been present, I would have voted: ‘‘yea’’ sive women’s history museum, and for Lamb Perry Thompson (CA) on rollcall No. 57, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 58, and other purposes, as amended, on which Lamborn Peters Thompson (MS) ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 59. the yeas and nays were ordered. Langevin Peterson Thompson (PA) Larsen (WA) Phillips The Clerk read the title of the bill. Timmons PERSONAL EXPLANATION Larson (CT) Pingree Tipton The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Latta Pocan Miss RICE of New York. Madam Speaker, I Titus Lawrence Porter was necessarily absent from votes Tuesday, question is on the motion offered by Tlaib Lawson (FL) Posey the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Tonko February 11, 2020. Had I been present, I Lee (CA) Pressley Torres (CA) would have voted: ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 57, LOFGREN) that the House suspend the Lee (NV) Price (NC) Torres Small rules and pass the bill, as amended. Lesko Quigley ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 58, and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall (NM) Levin (CA) Raskin No. 59. This is a 5-minute vote. Trahan Levin (MI) Reed Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, due to a The vote was taken by electronic de- Trone Lieu, Ted Reschenthaler medical appointment, I was unable to vote on vice, and there were—yeas 374, nays 37, Lipinski Richmond Turner not voting 19, as follows: Loebsack Riggleman Underwood the following three Roll Call Bills on February Upton [Roll No. 59] Lofgren Roby 11, 2020. Long Rodgers (WA) Van Drew Had I been present, I would have voted: YEAS—374 Loudermilk Roe, David P. Vargas Veasey ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 57 (Motion on Ordering Abraham Clarke (NY) Foster Lowenthal Rogers (AL) the Previous Question on the Rule (H. Res. Adams Clay Foxx (NC) Lowey Rogers (KY) Vela Aguilar Cleaver Frankel Lucas Rooney (FL) Visclosky 844); ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 58 (H. Res. 844— Allen Cline Fudge Luetkemeyer Rose (NY) Wagner Rule Providing for Consideration of H.R. Allred Clyburn Gaetz Luja´ n Rose, John W. Walberg 2546—Protecting America’s Wilderness Act Amodei Cole Gallagher Luria Roybal-Allard Walden Armstrong Collins (GA) Gallego Lynch Ruiz Walorski and H.J. Res. 79—Removing the deadline for Axne Comer Garamendi Malinowski Ruppersberger Waltz the ratification of the equal rights amendment); Bacon Connolly Garcı´a (IL) Maloney, Rush Wasserman and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 59 (H.R. 1980— Baird Cook Garcia (TX) Carolyn B. Rutherford Schultz Smithsonian Women’s History Museum Act, Balderson Cooper Gianforte Maloney, Sean Ryan Waters as amended) (Rep. CAROLYN MALONEY— Barr Correa Gibbs Marshall Sa´ nchez Watkins ´ Barragan Costa Gohmert Mast Sarbanes Watson Coleman House Administration) Suspension bill. Bass Courtney Golden Matsui Scanlon Webster (FL) Beatty Cox (CA) Gomez McAdams Schakowsky Welch Bera Craig Gonzalez (OH) f McBath Schiff Wenstrup Bergman Crawford Gonzalez (TX) McCarthy Schneider Beyer Crenshaw Gooden Westerman McCaul Schrader Wexton RECOGNIZING THE 30TH ANNIVER- Bilirakis Crist Gottheimer McCollum Schrier Bishop (GA) Crow Granger Wild SARY OF NELSON MANDELA’S McEachin Schweikert Bishop (NC) Cuellar Graves (LA) Williams McGovern Scott (VA) RELEASE FROM PRISON Bishop (UT) Cunningham Graves (MO) Wilson (FL) McHenry Scott, Austin Blumenauer Curtis Green (TN) Wilson (SC) (Mr. ESPAILLAT asked and was McKinley Scott, David Blunt Rochester Davids (KS) Green, Al (TX) Wittman McNerney Sensenbrenner given permission to address the House Bonamici Davis (CA) Griffith Womack Meeks Serrano for 1 minute and to revise and extend Bost Davis, Danny K. Grijalva Woodall Meng Sewell (AL) Boyle, Brendan Davis, Rodney Guest Yarmuth his remarks.) Meuser Shalala F. Dean Guthrie Young Mr. ESPAILLAT. Madam Speaker, I Miller Sherman Brady DeFazio Haaland Zeldin rise today in recognition of the 30th Brindisi DeGette Hagedorn Mitchell Sherrill Brooks (IN) DeLauro Harder (CA) anniversary of the former South Afri- Brown (MD) DelBene Hartzler NAYS—37 can President Nelson Mandela’s release Brownley (CA) Delgado Hastings Aderholt Duncan Norman from jail. Buchanan Demings Hayes Amash Estes Palazzo Mandela worked tirelessly to abolish Bucshon DeSaulnier Heck Arrington Fulcher Palmer Burchett DesJarlais Hern, Kevin apartheid, empower his fellow citizens, Babin Gosar Ratcliffe Burgess Deutch Herrera Beutler and fight the injustices against the dis- Banks Grothman Rice (SC) Bustos Diaz-Balart Higgins (NY) Biggs Harris Rouzer enfranchised people of South Africa. Butterfield Dingell Hill (AR) Brooks (AL) Hice (GA) Calvert Doggett Himes Roy Mandela’s efforts led not only to his Buck Higgins (LA) Steube 27-year imprisonment and subsequent Carbajal Doyle, Michael Holding Budd LaMalfa ´ Thornberry Cardenas F. Hollingsworth Cheney Marchant ascent to the presidency, but it also Weber (TX) Carson (IN) Dunn Horn, Kendra S. Cloud Massie transformed the consciousness of a Carter (GA) Engel Horsford Yoho Conaway McClintock generation and precipitated a more Carter (TX) Escobar Houlahan Davidson (OH) Murphy (NC) Cartwright Eshoo Hoyer acute international focus on human Case Espaillat Hudson NOT VOTING—19 rights. I hope we are all informed by Casten (IL) Evans Huffman Castor (FL) Ferguson Huizenga Byrne LaHood Rouda his wise words: ‘‘May your choices re- Castro (TX) Finkenauer Hurd (TX) Cohen Lewis Scalise flect your hopes, not your fears.’’ Chabot Fitzpatrick Jackson Lee Emmer Meadows Vela´ zquez Here in this Chamber and around the Chu, Judy Fleischmann Jayapal Gabbard Mullin Walker world we should all feel indebted to Cicilline Fletcher Jeffries Graves (GA) Payne Wright Cisneros Flores Johnson (GA) Johnson (LA) Pence him for his service and commitment to Clark (MA) Fortenberry Johnson (OH) Kirkpatrick Rice (NY) justice.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.032 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 RECOGNIZING THE 40TH ANNIVER- REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF ANNE try, stood for this country, and helped SARY OF THE NATIONAL INTEL- COX CHAMBERS build this country. LIGENCE COUNCIL (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and I am excited about being part of the support and history of the Smithsonian (Mr. STEWART asked and was given was given permission to address the Women’s History Museum Act. I look permission to address the House for 1 House for 1 minute and to revise and forward to its doors opening for women minute and to revise and extend his re- extend his remarks.) to be acknowledged and recognized in marks.) Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam the greatness of this country. Mr. STEWART. Madam Chair, I am Speaker, I rise today to remember the honored today to recognize the 40th an- life of Mrs. Anne Cox Chambers, who f niversary of the National Intelligence passed away on January 31 at the age HONORING THE SUSQUEHANNA Council. This is an amazing organiza- of 100. COUNTY CAREER & TECHNICAL tion that has provided invaluable con- Her friends and family remember CENTER tributions to the security of the United Mrs. Chambers as a wonderful, kind, (Mr. KELLER asked and was given States. and elegant lady, whose influence permission to address the House for 1 On December 3, 1979, the NIC was cre- spanned the globe. minute and to revise and extend his re- ated to serve as a source of extensive An influential businesswoman, leg- marks.) expertise on intelligence issues, facili- endary philanthropist, and dedicated Mr. KELLER. Madam Speaker, I re- tate collaboration, conduct outreach to public servant, her many talents in- cently had the pleasure of touring the other experts beyond government, and cluded co-owning the family media Susquehanna County Career & Tech- to connect intelligence and policy com- company, Cox Enterprises, for 33 years, nical Center. munities through a wide variety of in- and serving as the United States am- Located in the heart of Pennsylva- telligence products. bassador to Belgium. nia’s natural gas boom, Susquehanna The work the NIC does is important. Mrs. Chambers was Atlanta’s first fe- County’s CTC is helping to provide low- It really does matter. These products male bank director, as well as the first cost education opportunities for in-de- include the National Intelligence Esti- woman to serve as a director of the At- mand jobs. mate, the annual threat assessment in lanta Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. During our tour, we heard stories of the form of Statements for the RECORD, Chambers was also a director of The students graduating in a matter of the unclassified Global Trends report, Coca-Cola Company. weeks or months to enter the work- and including oral remarks that the Mrs. Chambers supported many force with little to no student debt Director of National Intelligence gives causes anonymously, but was espe- making significant six-figure annual to us as Members of Congress. cially dedicated to the arts with her salaries. The NIC’s 18 intelligence officers contributions to the High Museum of Careers in trucking, the natural gas serve as the primary advisers to the in- Art. industry, and other blue-collar posi- telligence leader, and their expertise A force to be reckoned with who tions are highly in demand in Penn- and advice is greatly appreciated and made Atlanta and the world a better sylvania’s Twelfth Congressional Dis- greatly respected. place, Mrs. Chambers will be dearly trict. As a member of the House Intel- missed. Her family and friends are in It was also great to see Cabot Oil & ligence Committee, I am grateful for my thoughts and prayers during this Gas, one of the largest natural gas pro- them and for their 40 years of dedicated most difficult time. ducers in the country, investing in the school’s commercial driver’s license service and protecting the American f people. program to create a pathway from SUPPORTING THE SMITHSONIAN learning directly into a career. f WOMEN’S HISTORY MUSEUM This is another tremendous example (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was of the natural gas industry being ter- COMMEMORATING THE 120TH ANNI- given permission to address the House rific community partners while paving VERSARY OF ‘‘LIFT EV’RY VOICE for 1 minute and to revise and extend the way for America’s energy independ- AND SING.’’ her remarks.) ence. With February being Career and (Mr. LAWSON of Florida asked and Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, Technical Education Month, it is im- was given permission to address the there are always special moments in portant to remember that we should House for 1 minute.) this House, particularly when some- not be forcing our students into a one- Mr. LAWSON of Florida. Madam thing draws the support of Members size-fits-all system, especially when Speaker, today I rise to commemorate from both sides of the aisle. I have been programs like those at Susquehanna the 120th anniversary of ‘‘Lift Ev’ry supporting this legislation for a long County Career & Technical Center are Voice and Sing.’’ time, and that is H.R. 1980, the Smith- providing a low-cost option for in-de- This hymn was first performed this sonian Women’s History Museum Act mand opportunities. week 120 years ago by 500 school chil- carried by my colleague Representa- dren at the segregated Stanton School tive CAROLYN MALONEY and so many f in Jacksonville, Florida. cosponsors who evidenced the impor- COMMEMORATING AN IMPORTANT Today this song is widely known as tance of the history of women in this MILESTONE IN OUR NATION’S the Black national anthem and is per- Nation. FIGHT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL formed at churches, schools, sporting This is the 100th year of women’s JUSTICE events, and meetings around the Na- right to vote, and I am reminded of the (Mr. RUSH asked and was given per- tion. suffragettes who decided to take a mission to address the House for 1 Brothers James Weldon Johnson and chance and be courageous and to fight minute and to revise and extend his re- John Rosamond Johnson wrote this against the denial of women’s right to marks.) song at their home in the LaVilla com- vote. Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, I rise munity of Jacksonville in the Fifth Early in the 1800s, we know that today to commemorate an important Congressional District, the district I women of color stood up, like So- milestone in our Nation’s fight for en- represent. journer Truth, and said, ‘‘Ain’t I a vironmental justice. It was there that James Weldon woman?’’ to demand the right to vote; On February 11, 1994, President Clin- penned the words that inspired hope, she was a suffragette and an aboli- ton issued Executive Order 12898, mak- strength, and faith. It also reminded us tionist fighting for freedom and jus- ing it the Federal Government’s first to never forget the obstacles of the tice. major action on this issue. past. Now, this particular museum will Today, I have introduced a resolution I am honored to represent the birth- open our eyes to the extensive history to honor Chicago native Mrs. Hazel M. place of this great song that will live of women, starting from the Revolu- Johnson, whose contributions were the on for generations to come. tionary War that fought for this coun- necessary keys to this order.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.035 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1039 Madam Speaker, Mrs. Johnson ican people and, in some cases, to the We started GEAR, which stands for worked as the ‘‘mother of the environ- world. Government Efficiency, Account- mental justice movement’’ to address We have addressed issues such as re- ability, and Reform, to develop a play- racial injustices and improve environ- ducing drug pricing to all Americans. book of commonsense, nonpartisan so- mental protections fundamental to this We have addressed issues when it lutions for improving our government. action. comes to making sure that children We came up with more than 100 im- Therefore, I take pride in introducing have a safe place to go to school. provements. They are all recorded in legislation to celebrate the month of We have many issues that we are our report, which is now available, and April as Hazel M. Johnson Environ- faced with here in the House of Rep- I am excited to yield to my colleagues mental Justice Month. resentatives, and I am proud to say to talk about them here today. We will start with my good friend f that, although the media says that we just can’t get along, and, yes, we dis- from North Dakota, Representative b 1445 agree at times, but, at the same time, KELLY ARMSTRONG, who was a member HONORING JAMES RING we are, in fact, getting the work of the of the task force and really led our ef- people done in the House of Represent- forts to find these areas where we could (Mr. SPANO asked and was given per- atives. reform. mission to address the House for 1 I pray that we see the same go on in Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- minute and to revise and extend his re- the Senate and, in addition to that, see tleman from North Dakota (Mr. ARM- marks.) many of those bills get signed by the STRONG). Mr. SPANO. Madam Speaker, I rise President of the United States. Mr. ARMSTRONG. Madam Speaker, I today to honor U.S. Army veteran thank Congressman JOHNSON and Con- f James Ring. gressman GIANFORTE for their efforts After graduating high school, James RECOGNIZING THE 150TH ANNIVER- to make our Federal Government more enlisted in the Army and served in SARY OF CANNON LODGE 104 efficient and accountable with these both Iraq and Afghanistan. He later (Mr. VAN DREW asked and was given commonsense reforms. joined the Reserve Forces and, at the permission to address the House for 1 The Republican Study Committee’s same time, began a 13-year career as a minute and to revise and extend his re- GEAR Task Force report is a solutions- City of Lakeland police officer. marks.) based plan to reduce the government’s Now, in addition to serving as CEO Mr. VAN DREW. Madam Speaker, I size and inefficiency. Anyone who has dealt with the Fed- for his own small business, James is ac- recognize Cannon Lodge 104, which, on eral Government knows the frustration tive with the Lakeland Chamber, pro- February 26, will be celebrating 150 that the bureaucratic process can moting issues important to the small years as a chartered Masonic lodge. bring. Unnecessary government delays business community. Cannon Lodge had its first outreach to infrastructure projects have a par- Very soon, James will be returning on October 27, 1869, from Henry Can- ticularly damaging effect on economic to Active Duty and deploying again. non, whom the lodge is named after. On Now, that is commitment. growth and job creation. February 26, 1870, a Masonic charter Madam Speaker, I thank the Repub- People like James make me proud was granted, and Cannon Lodge 104 not only to be an American, but proud lican Study Committee for including came into existence. my bill, H.R. 3671, the Federal Permit- of my district. The spirit and the drive In January 1960, through the gen- that propel him to serve our commu- ting Reform and Jobs Act, in the re- erosity of Brother Elmer Smith, the port. This bipartisan bill will stream- nity as a small business owner and our present location of the lodge was do- Nation as a uniformed servicemember line and modernize the Federal infra- nated and dedicated to his father, Cap- structure permitting process. are unique and invaluable. tain Charles S. Smith. From the bottom of my heart, thank The Federal Permitting Reform and In 1995, Sea Isle City Lodge No. 280 Jobs Act will build on the reforms that you, James. And thank you Ring fam- was merged with Cannon; and, in 1999, ily for your service and your sacrifice. were included in the Fixing America’s Arbutus Lodge No. 170 of Cape May Surface Transportation Act of 2015, I know I speak on behalf of the entire Court House did the very same thing. district when I say that we are so very otherwise known as FAST–41. I am a proud member of Cannon My bill would make permanent the proud of you. Lodge 104, and we live by the motto: FAST–41 provisions and enact addi- f ‘‘Making Good Men Better.’’ These men tional reforms, such as a 2-year dead- around me there have made me a bet- WE ARE GETTING THE WORK OF line for the permitting process. ter man. We are dedicated to the bet- THE PEOPLE DONE IN THE FAST–41 ensures coordination among terment of ourselves, our community, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES several Federal agencies to streamline and giving to charity. ´ the permitting process for the largest (Mr. CARDENAS asked and was Madam Speaker, I look forward to infrastructure projects. given permission to address the House the continued work we will do in the The Federal Permitting Reform and for 1 minute and to revise and extend community, and I thank them all for Jobs Act would expand these types of his remarks.) the work my fellow brothers do. They projects that would qualify for this ´ Mr. CARDENAS. Madam Speaker, I are truly heroes in south Jersey. streamlined process: simply put, more am here in the House of Representa- f projects completed in a shorter period tives. I have had the honor to have REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE’S of time at a reduced cost. been elected to this incredible body for, This is a win for jobs; this is a win for GEAR TASK FORCE now, four terms. But I just want to re- infrastructure improvements; this is a port to you, Madam Speaker, that we The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. win for reforming the Federal bureauc- have, in fact, passed 275 bipartisan bills MCBATH). Under the Speaker’s an- racy and providing Americans with a in the last 12 months in these Cham- nounced policy of January 3, 2019, the more efficient and effective govern- bers. gentleman from Montana (Mr. ment. Madam Speaker, I thank my Repub- GIANFORTE) is recognized for 60 min- Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I lican colleagues, my Democratic col- utes as the designee of the minority thank Mr. ARMSTRONG for his work. leagues, and, yes, the one Independent leader. Permitting is an area where we can colleague who is part of every single Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I really make advances to make the one of those votes. appreciate the opportunity to hold this process more deterministic so we can I just want to say, that is the busi- Special Order on the Republican Study get projects on the ground going. I ness of the House of Representatives. I Committee’s GEAR Task Force. thank the gentleman for his leadership just want to remind you, Madam I thank MIKE JOHNSON, chairman of there. Speaker, that we are serious here, from the Republican Study Committee, for Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- all parties, to make sure that we ad- his leadership to make this task force tleman from Michigan’s Seventh Dis- here to the needs of the entire Amer- possible. trict, Representative TIM WALBERG,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.036 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 and I want to recognize him for his the GEAR Task Force and really do everything we can to rein in this work on the Taxpayers Right-to-Know brought a number of ideas to the table, Washington spending machine. effort. I thank the gentleman for his and he is here today to reflect on a Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I leadership. number of those. thank the gentleman for his leadership Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- here in highlighting some of these tleman from Michigan (Mr. WALBERG). tleman from Texas (Mr. CLOUD). wasteful programs. Clearly, we can do Mr. WALBERG. Madam Speaker, I Mr. CLOUD. Madam Speaker, I thank better, and I thank him for bringing thank the gentleman for yielding. the gentleman for yielding, and I thank them forward. Madam Speaker, I would like to him for his work and leadership on this At this time, I will yield to the gen- thank Chairman JOHNSON, Task Force task force. It has been a worthwhile tlewoman from Arizona’s Eighth Con- Chairman GIANFORTE, and my col- project, to say the least. gressional District, Representative leagues at RSC for their leadership on Madam Speaker, with over $23 tril- DEBBIE LESKO. She has brought to us this task force and putting together a lion in national debt and annual defi- some of the reforms related to improv- document that has answers if we are cits at $1 trillion, it is obvious that ing our immigration system, and I look willing to accept them and move them Washington has a spending problem. forward to her sharing that with us. forward. Moving them forward will We must do something to rein in this Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- make an impact for the better of this problem that we are leaving for our tlewoman from Arizona (Mrs. LESKO). country and its taxpayers. children, and we must do it soon. Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I Making government more efficient Every day, taxpayer dollars are wast- thank the gentleman, my friend, Mr. and accountable to the people is some- ed on unnecessary expenses. For exam- GIANFORTE, for giving me the oppor- thing we all should be able to rally be- ple, as part of the ‘‘use it or lose it’’ tunity to speak about this bill. hind. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue. last-minute spending sprees of 2018, I am from Arizona, so border security After all, we are a government of, by, Federal agencies spent over $4 million has been for years and still is the num- and for the people. on lobster tails and crabs, $673,000 on ber one issue that people in Arizona We are here today to talk about a se- golf carts, $308,000 on alcohol, and care about. They welcome legal immi- ries of commonsense solutions that $53,000 on china tableware. grants, but they also want to make will return power to the folks back Another example is that, despite the sure that Arizona and our Nation are home. I am proud that one of them is efforts to address the issue, the Federal secure and that illegal drug trafficking my bill, H.R. 3830, the Taxpayers Government makes over $800 million in is mitigated. Right-to-Know Act, which unani- payments to people who are no longer We used to see mostly single male mously passed the House last week and on this Earth. adults crossing our border, and they now is over in the Senate. It is a pretty And, finally, right now, there are du- would evade the Border Patrol officers; simple bill. plicative programs, including 91 Fed- but, recently, however, thousands and American taxpayers deserve to know eral programs that train healthcare thousands of illegal migrants are com- where, when, why, and how the govern- workers and more than 40 workforce ing from Central America, and they are ment is spending their hard-earned dol- development programs. Some of these being coached by the cartels, who lars, and they deserve to have those may be good, but consolidating them charge them $5,000 to $8,000 a person. dollars spent in an efficient, smart might be a great idea. They are saying: Let’s go up there and manner. We owe it to the American people to turn yourselves in to the Border Patrol My bipartisan legislation requires do better with their hard-earned tax officers, because there is a loophole, Federal agencies to supply online ac- dollars, and we owe it to future genera- and just claim asylum. counting of their program activities in tions not to borrow against their fu- And they know that, once they are an easily searchable inventory so that ture. in, they are in the United States and Americans can keep tabs on where and On the Government Efficiency, Ac- they can stay. how their tax dollars are being spent. countability, and Reform Task Force, b 1500 All of the information provided for the our aim is to make Washington take Instead of running away from Border inventory will be updated regularly to real steps toward returning the govern- Patrol, they turn themselves in, claim- provide for a more realtime accounting ment to its proper constitutional ing asylum, so our immigration courts of Federal programs and dollars. boundaries. are overloaded and legitimate asylum The Taxpayers Right-to-Know Act The recommendations compiled claims languish amidst frivolous will help cut down on waste, fraud, and today are not flashy. They won’t lead claims. abuse in the Federal Government by al- in the nightly news; they won’t domi- This backlog is severe. It is a non- lowing policymakers to better identify nate your social media feeds; but they partisan challenge facing our immigra- areas where any programs duplicate are important, and it is incumbent tion courts. A recent report stated that and put a stop to it. upon us to look past the 15-second backlog cases in immigration courts Congress needs to do more to lighten sound bites and get serious about the exceeded 1 million claims. the load for the next generation. We business of governing. This backlog has rapidly increased need to streamline efficiencies, in- Here are just a handful of solutions: over the last decade, and as the back- crease effectiveness, institute more We could sell unused Federal office log increases, so do wait times. Some- transparency, and provide better ac- space; times, it takes years for these cases to counting across the Federal Govern- We can consolidate duplicative pro- proceed through the courts. ment. grams and agencies; We currently have approximately 400 Madam Speaker, I applaud the GEAR We can identify programs that are immigration judges. That is about 2,500 Task Force for highlighting these pro- not working and eliminate them. cases per judge. This backlog strains posals and working to make our gov- The President’s budget has an entire housing facilities and prevents judges ernment better serve the people we rep- chapter on highlighting our govern- from granting asylum to legitimate resent. ment’s wasteful spending and some of asylum seekers and from swiftly re- Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I the efforts his administration is mak- moving those who have frivolous thank the gentleman for his leadership ing to eliminate it. claims and are abusing the loopholes in on this. All of America understands that we our laws. Taxpayers do have a right to know, need to balance our budget, but no ad- This is a big national security and and hopefully as that bill moves to the ministration, Republican or Democrat, humanitarian crisis. We need efficiency President’s desk, it will actually hap- can do it without that commitment in the Federal Government, especially pen. from Congress. when it comes to immigration. At this time, I welcome the gen- We are elected and given very spe- That is why I introduced H.R. 3859 to tleman from Texas’ 27th Congressional cific authority under the Constitution help reduce the immigration court District, Representative MICHAEL to control how taxpayer dollars are backlog and help legitimate asylum CLOUD, here today. He was a member of spent. We must roll up our sleeves and seekers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.038 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1041 This bill provides an additional 100 look at every dollar we spend to make Mr. TIMMONS. Madam Speaker, I immigration judges to reduce the asy- sure that we are using every dollar in thank the gentleman from Montana for lum backlog. Adding more judges will an efficient manner so that those who yielding. allow these cases to be adjudicated invest—in this case, the American tax- A decade ago, Congress passed a law faster and help reduce the backlog. payers—get the most bang for their directing the executive branch to in- I thank the task force chairman, buck. form them within 2 years of how many GREG GIANFORTE, and the Republican Also, in our business, we have a bal- Federal programs existed within the Study Committee chairman, MIKE ance sheet, an income statement, Federal Government. We are still wait- JOHNSON, for their hard work to in- where we can actually run ratios that ing for that answer today. crease efficiency and accountability in we can compare and see how we are Since 2010, I think we can all agree our government, especially when it doing against our peers. that the size of the Federal Govern- comes to immigration. I mentioned that to someone on the ment has grown exponentially and has Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I Budget Committee and they said: I overreached in places it should not. thank the gentlewoman, especially for don’t think we have seen that in the This unchecked scope of power and in- bringing attention to this issue of im- Federal Government. efficient bureaucracy affects every as- migration. It is top of mind for so I come from the business community, pect of our lives and is a threat to our many Americans, and having the and I came to Washington because we well-being and to the foundation of our judges necessary to pursue these cases have to get down to business. I have Republic. to final outcome is so important. identified, again, working on this task The Government Efficiency, Ac- I yield to the gentleman from Geor- force, on the Budget Committee, and countability, and Reform Task Force, gia (Mr. ALLEN), from the 12th Congres- on the RSC, so many areas where, or GEAR, of the Republican Study sional District, a task force member frankly, we can be much more efficient Committee has worked over the last who helped bring forward many of the at spending every dollar. year on ways to rein in wasteful and ideas that are in this collection of com- Every taxpayer should be treated unnecessary government overreach and like a shareholder. They should know monsense government efficiency ideas spending, make the Federal Govern- exactly where and how their money is just published recently. ment more transparent and account- Mr. ALLEN. Madam Speaker, I thank being spent. able, and get back to the basics of the That is why I have a big problem my friend from Montana, the chairman legislative branch, to be a government with the appropriations process here in of this committee. It was a real privi- that works for the American people. Congress. Yes, we kind of go through Today, I would like to speak to the lege to serve on this committee. the motions here on the House floor, Over the years, the size of the Fed- reform aspect of the task force. In but we bog down, and it becomes a eral Government has ballooned. While order to promote and advance effi- four-corner deal where leadership on ciency within the Federal Government, it excels in some ways, like keeping both sides decides: Okay, these are the government practices must be re- our Nation safe, oftentimes, it does not caps, and this is how we are going to formed. serve the American people well, and spend the money. All Americans want a government that keeps my constituent services of- The appropriators appropriate to that is efficient and that delivers re- fice very busy back in the district. that number, and then we are given a sults. One of the ways that we can re- As a small business owner, I know 1,200-page spending bill 24 hours before form the Federal Government is to ad- how important it is to run effective we have to vote on it. That is ridicu- dress our cybersecurity shortcomings. and efficient operations. If you don’t lous. Every day, hackers, criminals, ter- serve your customers well, you won’t I have emphasized to my leadership rorists, and foreign countries seek to stay in business. But because the Fed- that I will not vote on a bill like that exploit our cybersecurity systems. Ear- eral Government is largely unaccount- again, that we should stand right here lier this year, a group of Iranian-affili- able, the only people who suffer from through the appropriations process and ated hackers infiltrated a U.S. Govern- government inefficiency are the people show the American people every place ment website, wrote pro-Iranian mes- it is intended to serve: the American we are spending a dollar. sages, and wrote a message about Ira- people. The GEAR report lays the ground- nian cyber capabilities. For far too long, we have let the ex- work for this type of reform. Our re- The threat landscape is constantly ecutive branch seize authority and em- port highlights specific ways we can changing, and the cybersecurity needs power unelected bureaucrats. I am make government more efficient and are evolving along with it. The govern- proud to serve on the Republican Study accountable to the people, including ment must continue to reform and up- Committee’s Government Efficiency, improving metrics to better inform de- date its cyber practices to best defend Accountability, and Reform Task cisionmaking, utilizing excess Federal against adversaries. Force, whose goal is to develop reforms office space, leveraging duplicative The GAO has made over 3,000 rec- to improve the Federal Government in government contracts, consolidating ommendations since 2010 regarding the order to better serve American fami- data centers, reducing security clear- U.S. Government’s cybersecurity poli- lies. ance processing delays, and much cies. As of GAO’s last full survey of Prior to my service here in Congress, more. these concerns in 2017, only 448 rec- I served as the Georgia co-chair for the These solutions are common sense, ommendations have been implemented. Fix the Debt committee, which was a and they should garner bipartisan sup- This is unacceptable, and it puts our nationwide bipartisan effort to identify port. I encourage my colleagues who Nation at unnecessary risk. ways that we could balance our budget. have not yet read the report to do so. I am pleased that the Trump admin- Our new report here in the GEAR We have highlighted over 100 ways we istration has made cybersecurity a pri- Task Force highlights strategies to can improve government and better ority, recognizing that protecting streamline government practices and serve the American people. cyberspace is key to our national secu- remove waste, much like the Fix the We must change the status quo. That rity and economic ability. Congress Debt committee identified. is why I came to Washington. should utilize its oversight authority For example, we all know that Wash- Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I to support cybersecurity initiatives, ington has a spending problem. If thank the gentleman from Georgia. I including requiring that the out- something isn’t working, many of my particularly appreciate his business ex- standing GAO recommendations be im- colleagues would prefer just to throw perience here in the House and his par- plemented. more money at the problem. But when ticipation on this task force. While I touched briefly on one of the has that worked? We need serious gov- Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- many important ways the Federal Gov- ernment reform. tleman from South Carolina (Mr. ernment can work toward reform, In my business, we emphasize the im- TIMMONS), from the Fourth Congres- there are many crucial steps that Con- portance of streamlining processes so sional District. He has also been a task gress can take to ensure it is con- we can maximize every dollar. We have force member, and his fingerprints are tinuing to work for the people and not a 5-year lookback procedure where we on this report. the other way around.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.040 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 The work of the GEAR Task Force is The President’s budget that he is So I applaud the Trump administra- important, and I hope that every Mem- talking about, he is going to take a lot tion for recently proposing reforms to ber will take some time to read of hits for that right now. At least he NEPA, but we should not have had to through the report. We all made a is putting the concept out there that is wait 40 years for the executive branch promise to our constituents to come to trying to work toward balance instead to act. This executive branch is doing Washington to work for them and of deficit spending. We will be con- so. prioritize their needs. sumed one day by the service on the Congress should be in the business of This report is not meant to be Repub- debt if interest rates go wild. It will addressing inefficiency in government, lican or Democratic. This report is eclipse our spending. having much more oversight, like something that all Members of Con- Let me just break it down, in my GEAR, like my colleagues are all work- gress, regardless of party, should be couple of minutes here, on a couple of ing on here as well, including ending able to get behind. It is a blueprint for things that I think are important the cumulative effects and indirect im- good government, the kind of gov- about this more locally, more for the pact statements required by NEPA. erning that was intended by our Found- Western States that myself, Mr. The Endangered Species Act also ing Fathers. GIANFORTE, and others share. poses a unique set of problems to Cali- Let’s work together to make Con- The RSC plan lays out more than 100 fornia, specifically with critical habi- gress and the Federal Government, as a solutions for GEAR reform, including tat designations. whole, work for the people. We can modernizing NEPA and the Endangered Take the valley elderberry longhorn start by enacting necessary reforms to Species Act, especially important in beetle. Fish and Wildlife recommended, make the government more efficient my State, as well as the West. I think about 15 years ago, to finally and accountable. b 1515 delist that. Here we still are waiting to Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I NEPA is Big Government at its best. delist that and all the habitat issues thank the gentleman from South Caro- It has been manipulated into some- with elderberry plants that inhibit the lina for his leadership on the GEAR thing that is a monster and that it ability to fix flood control projects and Task Force. to fix levees, because you have to plant Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- should never have been as far as pro- tecting the environment. It is often the back 15 to 1 for every elderberry bush tleman from California (Mr. LAMALFA), you might disturb because it is possible from the First Congressional District, largest hindrance on forest manage- ment, water management, water stor- critical habitat, even if you have never for his thoughts on government effi- age, and for simple power line clearing seen an elderberry beetle land there. ciency and reform. projects; like are so desperately needed The Shasta Dam project would raise Mr. LAMALFA. Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague from Montana (Mr. in my district since the town of Para- the dam 18 feet and supply about 650,000 dise burned a little over a year ago, more acre-feet of water for Califor- GIANFORTE) for his leadership on this. It is really a commonsense issue, and we are trying to rebuild. There are nians, whether it is for agriculture, isn’t it? Government efficiency, ac- more towns I could name in the dis- people, habitat or whatever—18 more countability, and reform is something trict that that same catastrophe could feet. That is a lot of water to an exist- that all Americans can get behind be- happen to because of overcrowded for- ing dam. It has been halted due to a cause, let’s remember for just a mo- ests, and in some cases proximity to lawsuit calling for the protection of ment, who pays for all of this? Who power lines. the Shasta salamander. The 3-inch long pays to keep the lights on here, all of According to this report, the NEPA salamander makes its home on the these buildings in Washington, D.C., all review can take nearly 6 years on aver- banks of Lake Shasta which has been of the people working in them, all of age to get a NEPA report. designated as a critical habitat. We are talking about forestry, them out in the districts, all of them Now, when there is a lot of rain com- Madam Speaker. out there in the forests, what have ing into Lake Shasta, the fastest the How long does it take to study re- lake can rise is about one-quarter inch you? It is the American taxpayer. placing a simple culvert in a Forest What is the American taxpayer faced per hour during heavy rain. So all the Service road? with? Trying to take care of their own salamander has to do is be able to Why does that even need a study? move at one-quarter inch per hour to business, their home, their family, If you built the thing to begin with, stay ahead of the lake level. their mortgage, car payments, saving just replace it. No. We have got to Where is the sense here? for college, whatever their priorities study it to death. We have to study and Eighteen feet above an already exist- are, maybe going on a vacation once in get permits to clear trees around power ing lake which the salamander already a while, saving up so they can have a lines that might be hazardous, a lean- thinks is pretty cool to live next to. week or two off. ing tree or a dead tree. Critical habitats unnecessarily delay What is it that we are doing with Now, thankfully, we got bipartisan critical infrastructure projects like the their money in Washington, D.C., or legislation, me and Mr. SCHRADER from my home State of California in Sac- Oregon, to help speed that process up, Shasta Dam, and their designation ramento? How are we respecting what and we are going to work on another standards need to be reformed for they earn? How are we respecting that bill to speed it up even more so we can whatever habitat is. by the priorities we are putting on do a simple, basic, commonsense thing The RSC GEAR report has done an spending what they earn? like that. excellent job at addressing these nec- And it isn’t a contribution, like Californians don’t have a lot of time essary changes, including reforms to sometimes it is talked about. I love to to wait for the government to do the NEPA and the ESA. I sincerely hope hear the talk around here: the con- forest management on its lands and in- Congress—both sides of the aisle—will tributions you make, and the invest- frastructure overhauls needed to pro- take these suggestions and hold bu- ments we are going to make. No, tax tect them from wildfires and droughts. reaucracy more accountable to the dollars are not voluntary. They are Indeed, when the Pacific Gas & Electric American people who pay for all this. taken from you per a formula. Company says that it might be up to 10 Madam Speaker, I thank the gen- So, how are we treating them? That years before we can get out of this tleman for yielding. is an important charge to me. power shutoff situation that we are Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I This is a big place, and there are a facing because of other issues that they thank the gentleman from California lot of Members, and there is a lot of are battling through with green power for his remarks. government, after 230-plus years of lay- mandates and getting permission to do I agree we have seen the impacts of ers. So getting back to just a little the lines. an overly lengthy NEPA process that more efficiency, I think, tells those Ten years of power shutoffs for my just ties projects in knots, and the hardworking folks that there is some- constituents? weaponization of the Endangered Spe- body in Washington, D.C., like this Are you kidding me? cies Act has allowed it to drift away GEAR committee, like these folks, who We need to narrow that down to al- from its original intent of protecting are trying to somehow work toward most nothing, because we can’t have species. So I appreciate the gentle- balancing the budget someday. another year like that. man’s leadership on this.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.041 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1043 Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- perately needed. And it is working to rebalance and reclaim our Article I tleman from the 21st District of Texas where it is being implemented. authority from the runaway bureauc- (Mr. ROY) for his thoughts on govern- The President is right to do so. He is racy that we have here in Washington. ment efficiency and reform and also his right that there is an emergency at our Madam Speaker, we started the Gov- leadership on national emergency re- southern border, and he is right that ernment Efficiency Accountability and form. the Members of this body led by Demo- Reform Task Force for one simple rea- Mr. ROY. Madam Speaker, I thank crats refuse to acknowledge the crisis son: only 17 percent of Americans the gentleman from Montana for his at our southern border. He was right to today say they can trust the govern- leadership on this and my colleagues defend our southern border. ment in Washington. We have to get who have been working together on But the question that popped into my the government working for the people this important effort. head is: All right, we have an emer- again. Madam Speaker, things like govern- gency. Now what? Madam Speaker, I was in Billings, ment efficiency, accountability, and This body, Article I, should do its Montana, and a gentleman who has reform are things you would think we job. It is incumbent upon Congress to been drilling natural gas wells for 30 would all be able to get behind. I am act. We shouldn’t allow an emergency years told me a story. He said 30 years certainly of the belief that the Amer- to be declared and then operate our ago when he wanted a permit to drill a ican people who are watching—even if policies under it, even if I agree with well, he would go into the field with a it is just a handful in their living the policy, and I do. I do agree with the clipboard, a single piece of paper, and a rooms—are a lot more than are watch- policy of what the President is doing. ballpoint pen. He would fill out that ing here in the Chamber. So I implore my Democrat col- application. The government official I am also interested, when you look leagues, who are not in the Chamber, would review it in the field and say: at the C–SPAN cameras, if you pan to come have a debate about restoring That will be all right. back, nobody is here to talk about Article I and about all of the different Today, Madam Speaker, that same what I am about to talk about. Yet we issues that may occur. form is 48 pages long, requires an engi- saw last week a Senate Chamber with I introduced H.R. 1755 which is the neer and a lawyer to fill it out, tens of 100 Senators sitting there debating companion legislation to that which thousands of dollars, and months to what? was offered by my friend, Senator MIKE process. Clearly, we can do better. They were debating failed Articles of LEE of Utah, in the U.S. Senate, and Our three branches of government Impeachment. that bill would take a President’s have drifted from their original pur- Here we are trying to figure out how emergency declaration and terminate pose to cultivating a culture of waste. to make our government accountable, it after 30 days unless Congress affirm- That is why we have produced this make it efficient, and make it effec- atively authorizes an extension. The playbook of 100 commonsense, non- tive. Reclaiming power from elected bill would also terminate the emer- partisan solutions for efficiency, ac- bureaucrats, reforming government gency declaration after 1 year unless a countability, and reform of our Federal practices to curb inefficiency and new resolution of approval is enacted. Government. waste, and reemphasizing and reward- It requires the President to report to Over this last year, the Republican ing innovation is something I think all Congress on how the President is exer- Study Committee GEAR Task Force Americans could get behind. cising emergency powers. has been meeting with outside experts But I would like to talk about some- Senator LEE’s bill has been passed and the administration and internally thing that I think is critically impor- out of committee, but we have had to produce a playbook of commonsense tant, which is restoring Article I and nary a debate here in the body about solutions for efficiency, accountability, restoring the primacy of this body and restoring Article I. We have had a lot and reform of our Federal Government. the Senate in governing our Nation. of speeches and a lot of complaints I want to thank the task force mem- We shouldn’t be looking to the execu- about the President of the United bers, the chairman of the RSC, MIKE tive branch, no matter who is in power, States and a lot of complaints about JOHNSON; BARRY LOUDERMILK; DOUG to be making decisions that should be what is happening at our border, but COLLINS; BRUCE WESTERMAN; RICK reserved to the Members of this body not one serious debate about restoring ALLEN; JOHN CURTIS; MICHAEL CLOUD; and the Senate. Article I. KELLY ARMSTRONG; WILLIAM TIMMONS; Congress ceded some of our power in Let’s do it. Let’s come together right and DENVER RIGGLEMAN for their en- 1976 with the passage of the National now and let’s stand up as a body in gagement and their leadership in pull- Emergencies Act, which pulled to- Congress and say: Do you know what? ing together this playbook through gether a number of different powers If there is an emergency, great, Mr. which we hope to run these common- contained in the 130 different statutes President, go act in the emergency; but sense ideas. at the time giving the President uni- 30 days later we can agree it is time for The report is broken into three sec- lateral authority to declare emer- Congress to decide how money is going tions. The first section refers to the gencies. to be appropriated and how we are comments made by my colleague who Madam Speaker, there are currently going to enforce and implement the just finished on the Article I power in 33 emergencies in effect, some of them laws that we think are important for the Constitution to restore the people’s dating back to the Carter administra- this body. control over an unchecked bureaucracy tion. Now, think about that. It is an This is critical to government re- by returning the constitutional bal- emergency. It is an emergency, and it form. This is critical to making sure ance between the branches of govern- dates back to the Carter administra- we are making government more effi- ment. tion. This is no way to govern. cient and more accountable. This body Our Founding Fathers never antici- I learned this how? is the body, this House is the people’s pated the size of the bureaucracy we Well, last spring when we were hav- House and most responsive to the have today. That is why we need provi- ing a robust debate about securing the American people. sions like the REINS Act, so that the border of the United States—by the I would beg, literally, my Democratic statutes passed in this House get re- way, a sovereign nation should not colleagues to engage in debate, as we flected in rules consistent with our in- need to have a debate about ensuring sit here in an empty Chamber, about tent. that our border is secure when you the kinds of things that I know the The second section of the report has have 900,000 individuals being appre- American people would love for us to to do with government practices to hended on our southern border last fis- debate. streamline Federal programs and oper- cal year alone, 900,000—600,000 of whom Madam Speaker, I thank the gen- ations to promote efficiency and elimi- were caught and released into our tleman from Montana for yielding to nate waste. country. The President of the United me and for organizing this activity. Madam Speaker, in 2015 the Social States is working to secure our border, Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I Security Administration told us we to put up physical barriers, to build a thank the gentleman from Texas, par- had sent benefit checks to over 6 mil- wall, and to build a fence which is des- ticularly for reminding us of the need lion Americans who were over the age

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.043 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020 of 112. Now, either they are drinking 3761. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- NIOSH-329] (RIN: 0920-AA74) received Feb- some special elixir of life or they are fice of Management and Budget, Executive ruary 6, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. not with us anymore. That is why I Office of The President, transmitting the Of- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 fice’s Final Sequestration Report to the Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and have introduced a piece of legislation President and Congress for Fiscal Year 2020, Commerce. titled stop paying dead people. I think pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 904(f)(1); Public Law 99- 3769. A letter from the Director, Regu- that would be a good reform. It would 177, Sec. 254(f)(1); (99 Stat. 1078); to the Com- latory Management Division, Environmental save American taxpayers and make mittee on Appropriations. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- sure the benefits are there for those 3762. A letter from the Program Specialist, cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Georgia: who do need Social Security. Chief Counsel’s Office, Office of the Comp- Revisions to Cross-State Air Pollution Rule The third section of the report is on troller of the Currency, Department of the [EPA-R04-OAR-2019-0462; FRL-10005-28-Re- gion 4] received February 7, 2020, pursuant to personnel, to transition government Treasury, transmitting the Department’s final rule — Regulatory Capital Rule: Revi- 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. personnel accountability and com- sions to the Supplementary Leverage Ratio 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- pensation toward more of a merit- To Exclude Certain Central Bank Deposits of ergy and Commerce. based system. I operated a number of Banking Organizations Predominantly En- 3770. A letter from the Director, Regu- businesses in the private sector, and gaged in Custody, Safekeeping, and Asset latory Management Division, Environmental there are many HR practices in the Servicing Activities [Docket ID: OCC-2019- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Federal Government which are very 0001] (RIN: 1557-AE60) received February 6, cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; ID: 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Idaho Portion of the Logan UT-ID 2006 24- different than they are in the private Hour PM2.5 Nonattainment Area; Moderate sector, things like merit-based pay, the Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Services. Plan Elements [EPA-R10-OAR-2018-0597; way we do performance reviews, and 3763. A letter from the Director, Regu- FRL-10005-17-Region 10] received February 7, making sure we have market-based pay latory Management Division, Environmental 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public for our good, dedicated Federal work- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the ers. Those are contained in the third cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval and Des- Committee on Energy and Commerce. 3771. A letter from the Director, Regu- section. ignation of Areas; FL; Source-Specific SO2 Permit Limits and Redesignation of the latory Management Division, Environmental In total, there are over 100 common- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- sense ideas in this report that we will Hillsborough-Polk 2010 1-Hr SO2 Nonattain- ment Area to Attainment and Mulberry cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Revi- run as plays here in the House to make Unclassifiable Area to Attainment/ sions to the State Implementation Plan Ap- the government start working for the Unclassifiable [EPA-R04-OAR-2018-0510; FRL- proved by EPA Through Letter [EPA-R04- people again. 10005-23-Reigon 4] received February 7, 2020, OAR-2019-0391; FRL-10005-22-Region 4] re- I appreciate the opportunity for the pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law ceived February 7, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Members of the task force and others Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and who have engaged on this issue to come mittee on Energy and Commerce. 3764. A letter from the Program Specialist, Commerce. today and share their commonsense 3772. A letter from the Director, Regu- Chief Counsel’s Office, Office of the Comp- latory Management Division, Environmental ideas. I look forward to partnering to troller of the Currency, Department of the Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- put these ideas into practice to get Treasury, transmitting the Department’s cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation government working for the people final rule — Other Real Estate Owned and of State Plans for Designated Facilities and again. Technical Amendments; Amendment of Ef- Pollutants; Delaware; Control of Emissions fective Date and Correction [Docket ID: Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- from Existing Municipal Solid Waste Land- OCC-2019-0004] (RIN: 1557-AE50) received Feb- ance of my time. fills [EPA-R03-OAR-2019-0160; FRL-9999-79- ruary 6, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. f Region 3] received February 7, 2020, pursuant 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, b 1530 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Services. Energy and Commerce. REQUIRING AN AFFIRMATIVE 3765. A letter from the Regulatory Spe- 3773. A letter from the Director, Regu- VOTE OF A MAJORITY OF THE cialist, Chief Counsel’s Office, Office of the latory Management Division, Environmental MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOT- Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ING, A QUORUM BEING PRESENT, the Treasury, transmitting the Department’s cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation final rule — Standardized Approach for Cal- of State Plans for Designated Facilities and ON FINAL PASSAGE OF HOUSE culating the Exposure Amount of Derivative JOINT RESOLUTION 79 Pollutants; Pinal County Air Quality Con- Contracts [Docket ID: OCC-2018-0030] (RIN: trol District; Control of Emissions from Ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 1557-AE44) received February 6, 2020, pursu- isting Municipal Solid Waste Landfills [EPA- ant to the adoption of House Resolu- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- R09-OAR-2019-0345; FRL-10001-02-Region 9] re- tion 844 earlier today, House Resolu- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee ceived February 7, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. on Financial Services. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 tion 842 is considered as adopted. 3766. A letter from the Secretary, Securi- The text of the resolution is as fol- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and ties and Exchange Commission, transmitting Commerce. lows: the Commission’s guidance — Commission 3774. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, H. RES. 842 Guidance on Management’s Discussion and Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of Resolved, That an affirmative vote of a ma- Analysis of Financial Condition and Results State, transmitting the Department’s final jority of the Members present and voting, a of Operations [Release Nos.: 33-10751; 34-88094; rule — International Traffic in Arms Regula- quorum being present, shall be required on FR-87] received February 7, 2020, pursuant to tions: U.S. Munitions List Categories I, II, final passage of House Joint Resolution 79. 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. and III [Public Notice: 10603] (RIN: 1400-AE30) 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Fi- received February 7, 2020, pursuant to 5 f nancial Services. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 3767. A letter from the Senior Legislative ADJOURNMENT 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on For- Officer, OCIA, Wage and Hour Division, De- eign Affairs. Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I partment of Labor, transmitting the Depart- 3775. A letter from the Secretary, Amer- move that the House do now adjourn. ment’s final rule — Nondisplacement of ican Battle Monuments Commission, trans- The motion was agreed to; accord- Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts; mitting the Commission’s FY 2019 No FEAR ingly (at 3 o’clock and 31 minutes Rescission of Regulations (RIN: 1235-AA02; Act Report, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2301 note; 1235-AA33) received February 7, 2020, pursu- p.m.), under its previous order, the Public Law 107-174, 203(a) (as amended by ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Public Law 109-435, Sec. 604(f)); (120 Stat. House adjourned until tomorrow, 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee 3242); to the Committee on Oversight and Re- Wednesday, February 12, 2020, at 10 on Education and Labor. form. a.m. for morning-hour debate. 3768. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- 3776. A letter from the Director, Office of nator, Centers for Disease Control and Pre- f Workers’ Compensation Programs, Depart- vention, Department of Health and Human ment of Labor, transmitting a letter written EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Services, transmitting the Department’s in response to the Office of the Ombudsman’s ETC. final rule — Guidelines for Determining the 2018 Annual Report, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Probability of Causation under the Energy 7385s-15(e)(2); to the Committee on the Judi- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Employees Occupational Illness Compensa- ciary. communications were taken from the tion Program Act of 2000; Technical Amend- 3777. A letter from the Management and Speaker’s table and referred as follows: ments [Docket Number: CDC-2019-0050; Program Analyst, FAA, Department of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11FE7.045 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1045 Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 145-AD; Amendment 39-19816; AD 2020-01-10] consideration of such provisions as fall with- ment’s final rule — Revocation of Class E (RIN: 2120-AA64) received February 7, 2020, in the jurisdiction of the committee con- Airspace; Grundy, VA [Docket No.: FAA- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law cerned. 2019-0785; Airspace Docket No.: 19-AEA-14] 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- By Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Ms. (RIN: 2120-AA66) received February 7, 2020, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- BARRAGA´ N, and Mr. RUIZ): pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law ture. H.R. 5842. A bill to authorize the Adminis- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 3785. A letter from the Management and trator of the Environmental Protection mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Agency to award grants to entities to enable ture. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- such entities to participate in decisions im- 3778. A letter from the Management and ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- pacting the health and safety of their com- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: munities in connection with the release of Transportation, transmitting the Depart- FAA-2019-1078; Product Identifier 2019-NM- certain hazardous air pollutants and the per- ment’s final rule — Amendment of Class E 207-AD; Amendment 39-19822; AD 2020-01-16] mitting of solid waste disposal facilities and Airspace; Winona, MN [Docket No.: FAA- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received February 7, 2020, hazardous waste facilities, and for other pur- 2019-0764; Airspace Docket No.: 19-AGL-25] pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- (RIN: 2120-AA66) received February 7, 2020, 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- merce. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- By Miss RICE of New York (for herself 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- ture. and Mrs. RADEWAGEN): mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- 3786. A letter from the Management and H.R. 5843. A bill to provide the Inspector ture. Program Analyst, FAA, Department of General of the Department of Veterans Af- 3779. A letter from the Management and Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of fairs testimonial subpoena authority, and for ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- erans’ Affairs. FAA-2019-0721; Product Identifier 2019-NM- By Mr. RIGGLEMAN: tives; The Boeing Company Airplanes [Dock- 150-AD; Amendment 39-19828; AD 2020-02-14] H.R. 5844. A bill to amend the Securities et No.: FAA-2019-0442; Product Identifier (RIN: 2120-AA64) received February 7, 2020, Exchange Act of 1934 to revise the share- 2018-NM-171-AD; Amendment 39-19826; AD pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law holder threshold for registration under that 2020-02-12] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received Feb- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Act for issuers that receive support through ruary 7, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- certain Federal universal service support 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 ture. mechanisms, and for other purposes; to the Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- 3787. A letter from the Chief, Publications Committee on Financial Services. tation and Infrastructure. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue By Mr. LOWENTHAL (for himself, Ms. 3780. A letter from the Management and Service, transmitting the Service’s final reg- CLARK of Massachusetts, Mr. COHEN, Program Analyst, FAA, Department of ulations — Return Due Date and Extended Mr. QUIGLEY, Ms. BARRAGA´ N, Mr. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Due Date Changes [TD 9892] (RIN: 1545-BN12) CASE, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- received February 6, 2020, pursuant to 5 HAALAND, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. tives; De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Lim- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. HUFFMAN, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. KHANNA, ited (Type Certificate Previously Held by 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ms. LEE of California, Mr. LEVIN of Bombardier, Inc.) Airplanes [Docket No.: Ways and Means. California, Mr. TED LIEU of Cali- FAA-2019-0702; Product Identifier 2019-NM- 3788. A letter from the Chief, Publications fornia, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. MOULTON, 118-AD; Amendment 39-19825; AD 2020-02-10] and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Ms. NORTON, Mr. PANETTA, Ms. PIN- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received February 7, 2020, Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only GREE, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. ROUDA, Mr. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law rule — Revenue Procedure 2020-8 received SARBANES, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- February 6, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. SUOZZI, Ms. TLAIB, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Ms. WATERS, and Mr. WELCH): ture. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and 3781. A letter from the Management and Means. H.R. 5845. A bill to amend the Solid Waste Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Disposal Act to reduce the production and Transportation, transmitting the Depart- f use of certain single-use plastic products and ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS packaging, to improve the responsibility of tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket producers in the design, collection, reuse, re- No.: FAA-2019-0860; Product Identifier 2019- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public cycling, and disposal of their consumer prod- NM-123-AD; Amendment 39-19827; AD 2020-02- bills and resolutions of the following ucts and packaging, to prevent pollution 13] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received February 7, titles were introduced and severally re- from consumer products and packaging from 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public ferred, as follows: entering into animal and human food chains Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the and waterways, and for other purposes; to By Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois (for Committee on Transportation and Infra- the Committee on Energy and Commerce, himself, Mr. BOST, Mr. COOK, Mr. structure. and in addition to the Committees on Ways ZELDIN, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. ROGERS of 3782. A letter from the Management and and Means, Transportation and Infrastruc- Kentucky, Mr. WITTMAN, Ms. Program Analyst, FAA, Department of ture, and Foreign Affairs, for a period to be STEFANIK, Mr. BACON, Mr. BERGMAN, Transportation, transmitting the Depart- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in Mr. WALKER, Mr. PENCE, Mr. LAM- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- each case for consideration of such provi- BORN, Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. MAST, tives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes [Docket sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Mr. TURNER, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. No.: FAA-2019-0725; Product Identifier 2019- committee concerned. KINZINGER, Mr. WILSON of South NM-099-AD; Amendment 39-19829; AD 2020-02- By Mr. ZELDIN: 15] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received February 7, Carolina, Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. H.R. 5846. A bill to provide for working 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public MCCAUL, Ms. CHENEY, Mr. DAVID P. with allies to seek increased compliance by Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the ROE of Tennessee, Mr. LOUDERMILK, China with certain OECD export credit Committee on Transportation and Infra- and Mr. HUDSON): standards; to the Committee on Financial structure. H.R. 5840. A bill to amend the Uniformed Services. 3783. A letter from the Management and and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act By Mr. BUTTERFIELD (for himself, Program Analyst, FAA, Department of to ensure that absent uniformed services Ms. ADAMS, Mr. MURPHY of North Transportation, transmitting the Depart- voters serving at diplomatic and consular Carolina, and Mr. PRICE of North ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- posts of the United States are able to receive Carolina): tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: and transmit balloting materials in the same FAA-2019-0610; Product Identifier 2019-NM- manner and with the same rights and protec- H.R. 5847. A bill to provide for the issuance 094-AD; Amendment 39-21022; AD 2019-26-11] tions as other absent uniformed services vot- of a commemorative postage stamp in honor (RIN: 2120-AA64) received February 7, 2020, ers under such Act, and for other purposes; of George Henry White; to the Committee on pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law to the Committee on House Administration. Oversight and Reform. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- By Ms. PINGREE: By Mr. COX of California (for himself, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- H.R. 5841. A bill to decrease the incidence Ms. SCHRIER, and Mr. GOMEZ): ture. of food waste, and for other purposes; to the H.R. 5848. A bill to eliminate asset limits 3784. A letter from the Management and Committee on Agriculture, and in addition employed by certain Federally-funded Program Analyst, FAA, Department of to the Committees on Ways and Means, Edu- means-tested public assistance programs, Transportation, transmitting the Depart- cation and Labor, Energy and Commerce, and for other purposes; to the Committee on ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Oversight and Reform, and House Adminis- Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: tration, for a period to be subsequently de- mittees on Agriculture, Energy and Com- FAA-2019-0858; Product Identifier 2019-NM- termined by the Speaker, in each case for merce, and Education and Labor, for a period

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11FE7.000 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H1046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2020

to be subsequently determined by the Speak- Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. PAPPAS, Mr. Clause 1 of Section 8 of the US Constitu- er, in each case for consideration of such pro- WELCH, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. tion visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the MCGOVERN, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illi- By Mr. KENNEDY: committee concerned. nois, and Mr. GRIJALVA): H.R. 5842. By Mr. GALLAGHER: H. Res. 845. A resolution recognizing that Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5849. A bill to require the Secretary of international education and exchange pro- lation pursuant to the following: Homeland Security to establish a Border En- grams further national security and foreign Article I, Section 8 forcement Security Task Force unit to in- policy priorities, enhance economic competi- By Miss RICE of New York: vestigate transnational criminal organiza- tiveness, and promote mutual understanding H.R. 5843. tion arms smuggling across the inter- and cooperation among nations; to the Com- Congress has the power to enact this legis- national border between the United States mittee on Foreign Affairs. lation pursuant to the following: and Mexico, and for other purposes; to the By Mr. RUSH: Article I, Section 8 Committee on Homeland Security. H. Res. 846. A resolution urging the people By Mr. RIGGLEMAN: By Mr. GALLEGO (for himself, Ms. of the United States to observe the month of H.R. 5844. HAALAND, Mr. COLE, Mr. HUFFMAN, April of each year as Hazel M. Johnson Envi- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Ms. MOORE, Mr. KILMER, Mr. LUJA´ N, ronmental Justice Month; to the Committee lation pursuant to the following: and Mr. CASE): on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to Article I, section 8, clause 1 (relating to H.R. 5850. A bill to expedite and streamline the Committee on Natural Resources, for a the general welfare of the United States); the deployment of affordable broadband serv- period to be subsequently determined by the and Article I, section 8, clause 3 (relating to ice on Tribal land, and for other purposes; to Speaker, in each case for consideration of the power to regulate interstate commerce). the Committee on Energy and Commerce, such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- By Mr. LOWENTHAL: and in addition to the Committees on Agri- tion of the committee concerned. H.R. 5845. culture, and Natural Resources, for a period By Mr. HIMES: Congress has the power to enact this legis- to be subsequently determined by the Speak- H. Res. 847. A resolution expressing support lation pursuant to the following: er, in each case for consideration of such pro- for the designation of February 12, 2020, as Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitu- visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the ‘‘Darwin Day’’ and recognizing the impor- tion committee concerned. tance of science to the betterment of human- ‘‘The Congress shall have power to dispose By Mr. HIGGINS of New York (for him- ity; to the Committee on Science, Space, and of and make all needful rules and regulations self and Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania): Technology. respecting the territory or other property H.R. 5851. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Ms. SCANLON (for herself, Mr. belonging to the United States; and nothing enue Code of 1986 to allow certain qualified CHABOT, Mr. SWALWELL of California, in this Constitution shall be so construed as over-the-counter securities to be treated as Mr. UPTON, Mr. NEGUSE, Mr. BUCK, to prejudice any claims of the United States, readily traded on an established securities Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. YOUNG, Ms. or of any particular state.’’ market for the purpose of diversification re- DEAN, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. COLE, and By Mr. ZELDIN: quirements for employee stock ownership Mrs. DAVIS of California): H.R. 5846. plans; to the Committee on Ways and Means. H. Res. 848. A resolution expressing the Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. HIMES: support of the House of Representatives for lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5852. A bill to redesignate the Weir the designation of ‘‘Public Radio Music Day’’ Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Farm National Historic Site in the State of and its deep appreciation for the role of pub- Constitution. Connecticut as the ‘‘Weir Farm National lic radio music stations in serving listeners, By Mr. BUTTERFIELD: Historical Park‘‘; to the Committee on Nat- musicians, and hundreds of communities in H.R. 5847. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ural Resources. the United States; to the Committee on lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. MCEACHIN (for himself, Mr. Oversight and Reform. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. MURPHY of North Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Carolina, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, and f Constitution, Congress has the power to col- Mrs. LURIA): MEMORIALS lect taxes and expend funds to provide for H.R. 5853. A bill to authorize the Secretary the general welfare of the United States. of the Interior to conduct a study to assess Under clause 3 of rule XII, memorials Congress may also make laws that are nec- the suitability and feasibility of designating were presented and referred as follows: essary and proper for carrying into execution certain land as the Great Dismal Swamp Na- 160. The SPEAKER presented a memorial their powers enumerated under Article I. tional Heritage Area, and for other purposes; of the House of Representatives of the State By Mr. COX of California: to the Committee on Natural Resources. of Michigan, relative to House Resolution H.R. 5848. By Mr. PALLONE: No. 123, urging the Congress of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5854. A bill to authorize the Secretary States to establish and fund programs that lation pursuant to the following: of Education to make grants to eligible support positive health practices for minor- Article I, Section 8, clause 1 (which pro- schools to assist such schools to discontinue ity mothers; to the Committee on Energy vides Congress with the power to ‘‘lay and use of a derogatory or discriminatory name and Commerce. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises’’ or depiction as a team name, mascot, or 161. Also, a memorial of the House of Rep- in order to ‘‘provide for the . . . general Wel- nickname, and for other purposes; to the resentatives of the State of Maine, relative fare of the United States.’’) Committee on Education and Labor. to H.P. 1440, memorializing the United Article I, Section 8, clause 18 (which allows By Mr. RUPPERSBERGER (for himself States Congress to provide access to banking Congress to make all laws ‘‘which shall be and Mr. KINZINGER): and insurance services to legal cannabis and necessary and proper for carrying into execu- H.R. 5855. A bill to amend the Public cannabis-related businesses; jointly to the tion’’ any of Congress’s enumerated powers, Health Service Act to establish a grant pro- Committees on the Judiciary, Energy and including Congress’s powers over appropria- gram supporting trauma center violence Commerce, and Financial Services. tions). intervention and violence prevention pro- By Mr. GALLAGHER: grams, and for other purposes; to the Com- f H.R. 5849. mittee on Energy and Commerce. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama: STATEMENT lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5856. A bill to amend the Federal Article 1 Section 8 Water Pollution Control Act to establish a Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. GALLEGO: decentralized wastewater grant program, and the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 5850. for other purposes; to the Committee on tives, the following statements are sub- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Transportation and Infrastructure. mitted regarding the specific powers lation pursuant to the following: By Mrs. DINGELL (for herself, Mr. GRI- granted to Congress in the Constitu- Artile I, Section 8, Clause 18 JALVA, Mr. MCEACHIN, Ms. DEGETTE, tion to enact the accompanying bill or By Mr. HIGGINS of New York: and Mr. DEFAZIO): H.R. 5851. H. Con. Res. 89. Concurrent resolution en- joint resolution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- couraging the Trump Administration to By Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois: lation pursuant to the following: maintain protections under the National En- H.R. 5840. Article 1, Section 8. vironmental Policy Act and reverse ongoing Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. HIMES: administrative actions to weaken this land- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5852. mark law and its protections for American Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- communities; to the Committee on Natural Constitution lation pursuant to the following: Resources. By Ms. PINGREE: Article I, Section 8 of the United States By Mr. BISHOP of Utah (for himself, H.R. 5841. Constitution. Mr. HIMES, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. MCEACHIN: PETERS, Mr. KEATING, Mr. MEEKS, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5853.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Feb 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11FE7.100 H11FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1047

Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1461: Mr. FLEISCHMANN. H.R. 4821: Mr. BERA. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1692: Mr. CROW. H.R. 5002: Mr. PHILLIPS, Mr. BAIRD, and Mr. Article I, Section 8 H.R. 1695: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. RYAN. By Mr. PALLONE: H.R. 1814: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER and Mr. MI- H.R. 5041: Mr. PANETTA, Mr. PAPPAS, Mr. H.R. 5854. CHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsylvania. CONNOLLY, Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1846: Mr. ALLRED. GALLEGO, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. H.R. 1953: Mr. KING of New York. lation pursuant to the following: SOTO, Mr. NEGUSE, Mr. LYNCH, Mr. ALLRED, H.R. 2117: Mr. NORCROSS. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Mr. SWALWELL of California, and Mr. LUCAS. H.R. 2148: Mr. WELCH. By Mr. RUPPERSBERGER: H.R. 5042: Ms. BONAMICI and Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 5855. H.R. 2178: Mr. MALINOWSKI. H.R. 2245: Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 5052: Mr. KILMER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2283: Mr. KINZINGER. H.R. 5117: Mr. SCHWEIKERT. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2339: Ms. WATERS. H.R. 5170: Mr. RYAN and Mr. BACON. According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 H.R. 2420: Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. MOONEY of H.R. 5229: Mr. HASTINGS and Mr. WEBER of of the Constitution, Congress has the power West Virginia, Mr. PHILLIPS, Mr. BRADY, Mr. Texas. to institute legislation which is necessary PETERSON, Mr. MCADAMS, Mr. GOLDEN, Mrs. H.R. 5231: Mr. GRIJALVA. and proper for the protection of the Amer- ROBY, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, H.R. 5234: Mr. ROUZER. ican people. and Mr. CHABOT. By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama: H.R. 5296: Mr. SMITH of Missouri and Mrs. H.R. 2442: Mr. TED LIEU of California. RODGERS of Washington. H.R. 5856. H.R. 2599: Ms. KAPTUR. H.R. 5319: Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2607: Mr. SMITH of Missouri and Mr. H.R. 5342: Ms. FINKENAUER. lation pursuant to the following: RIGGLEMAN. H.R. 5413: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Section 8, Clause 3, of the United States H.R. 2620: Mr. LEVIN of California. Constitution H.R. 2651: Ms. JAYAPAL. H.R. 5421: Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. COMER, and Mr. CRAWFORD. f H.R. 2653: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. HASTINGS, and Mr. STANTON. H.R. 5481: Mr. LUCAS. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 2731: Mr. BOST. H.R. 5491: Mr. RUTHERFORD. H.R. 2775: Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 5549: Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. CHABOT, Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 2850: Mr. CROW. and Ms. JACKSON LEE. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 2897: Mr. HARDER of California and Mr. H.R. 5581: Mr. ESPAILLAT. tions, as follows: GOODEN. H.R. 5589: Mr. ROUDA. H.R. 571: Mr. MAST, Mr. PERRY, Mr. ROONEY H.R. 3040: Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. H.R. 5605: Mr. CURTIS, Mr. COSTA, Mr. of Florida, Mr. RESCHENTHALER, and Mr. H.R. 3136: Ms. PINGREE. KINZINGER, and Mr. TAYLOR. H.R. 3219: Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. CRENSHAW. H.R. 5694: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia and H.R. 3315: Mr. KENNEDY. H.R. 573: Mr. DIAZ-BALART and Mr. CLINE. Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. H.R. 3550: Mr. RYAN. H.R. 663: Mr. SIMPSON. H.R. 5700: Mr. SIRES. XNE H.R. 779: Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. COLLINS of H.R. 3588: Mrs. A . H.R. 3633: Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 5712: Mr. PETERS. Georgia, Mr. ROUZER, and Mr. BIGGS. H.R. 3663: Mr. HUFFMAN and Ms. BROWNLEY H.R. 5719: Mr. FLORES. H.R. 846: Mr. GALLAGHER. of California. H.R. 5727: Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. H.R. 906: Mr. BUDD and Mr. CLEAVER. H.R. 3735: Mrs. MCBATH. H.R. 5744: Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. H.R. 919: Mr. RASKIN. H.R. 3749: Mr. KILMER and Mr. SUOZZI. H.R. 5770: Ms. JAYAPAL. H.R. 948: Mr. ROUZER. H.R. 3794: Mr. COOPER. H.R. 5814: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 969: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia, Mr. H.R. 3964: Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. MCHENRY, H.R. 5821: Mr. KILDEE and Mr. RICE of LUETKEMEYER, Mr. GOODEN, and Mr. GON- and Mr. ROUZER. South Carolina. ZALEZ of Ohio. H.R. 4078: Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. H.R. 5825: Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 1043: Mr. COSTA. H.R. 4230: Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 5831: Mr. BUDD and Mr. MCHENRY. H.R. 1195: Mr. MALINOWSKI and Mr. H.R. 4340: Mr. GARAMENDI. H.J. Res. 20: Mr. CRENSHAW. GOTTHEIMER. H.R. 4348: Miss RICE of New York. H.J. Res. 84: Ms. NORTON. H.R. 1325: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey and Mr. H.R. 4519: Mr. SOTO. H. Res. 374: Mr. HAGEDORN, Mr. BARR, Mr. GOTTHEIMER. H.R. 4563: Mr. HIMES. H.R. 1379: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey and Mr. H.R. 4569: Mrs. BEATTY. BAIRD, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. COSTA, and Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. H.R. 4644: Mr. RESCHENTHALER. BUCK. H.R. 1400: Mr. LAWSON of Florida and Ms. H.R. 4681: Mr. CHABOT. H. Res. 792: Mr. SCALISE and Mr. SERRANO. DAVIDS of Kansas. H.R. 4705: Mr. MEEKS. H. Res. 810: Mr. COLE. H.R. 1450: Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas and Mr. H.R. 4820: Mr. COSTA, Mr. PETERS, and Ms. H. Res. 815: Mrs. LURIA. STANTON. SLOTKIN. H. Res. 822: Mr. GRIJALVA.

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