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New World Order University Forumweishaupt and Rothschild - New World Order University New World Order University ForumWeishaupt and Rothschild - New World Order University ... New World Order University Forum Home Type and hit enter to search Purchase Information Page Click on the Donate button to buy The Hidden Masters ($10), History of Tibetan Buddhism ($6), The Illuminati and Thomas Jefferson ($4) PDF files only. Weishaupt and Rothschild Our question today is, how closely allied was Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, to the Rothschild bankers? Most of the sources we have found on this subject agree that the Rothschilds funded Weishaupt, who was only one of many leaders of the Illuminati. “The premise of universal domination found in the Law by the orthodox Jew was not interpreted by the Pharisees in the sense of the reign of the God of Moses over the Nations, but in the sense of a material domination which would be imposed by the Jews over the Universe. The expected Messiah…was to be a temporal King, all bloody from battle, who would make Israel master of the world and trample all peoples under the wheel of His chariot.” “But he (Adam Weishaupt) was not the first Illuminati, he has merely been the most obvious, and the Learned Elders of Zion, the Jewish Sanhedrin has allowed the world to believe it was Adam Weishaupt who founded the Secret Society, thus keeping themselves behind the scenes and out of sight of the peoples of the world!” “By means of these the mentality of the Western world has been for long and still is being Judaised in all departments of life, producing Socialism, Communism, and Bolshevism, which if successful would inevitably lead to Jewish domination and the destruction of Western 1 of 16 6/25/21, 01:31 New World Order University ForumWeishaupt and Rothschild - New World Order University ... and Christian civilization.” ——- “The Rothschilds had played a major role in the Bavarian Illuminati, (25) and it is known that a least one of the sons of Amsel was a member. As the reader remembers, Amsel placed his sons in the major European capitals, where they each set up the principal banking houses. By their own secret intelligence service and their own news network they could outmanouver any European government. (26) The large amounts of voluminous correspondence by Rothschild couriers attracted attention, (27) but no one ever stopped their personal intelligence and mail services. After the Bavarian illuminati were exposed, the central occult power over the European secret societies shifted to Carbonarism a.k.a. the Alta Vendita, (28) led by another powerful Rothschild, Karl Rothschild, (29) son of Amschel. In 1818, Karl participated in a secret document that was sent out to the headquarters of Masonry from the Alta Vendita. “The Jewish Ency. Vol. 2, p. 496 indicates other Jewish families “adopted the Rothschild plan.” These were the Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, and Seligmans. The Rothschild plan was to place family members in the 5 largest European capitals to coordinate their activities. One of Germany’s largest magazines is the Stern, and Ernst Stern is second-in-command of the World Bank.” (53) “The Jewish families that established the Frankfurt Judenloge (this was the Masonic lodge the Rothschilds belonged to in Frankfurt) included the Adlers, Speyers, Reisses, Sichels, Ellisons, Hanaus, Geisenheimers, and Goldschmidts. Isaac Hildesheim, a Jew who changed his name to Justus Hiller is credited as being the founder of this Frankfurt lodge. Michael Hess, principal of the Reformed Jewish school Philanthropin was an important figure in the lodge too, as was Dr. Ludwig Baruch (later Borne) who joined in 1808. “Most of these Frankfurt Jewish Freemasons engaged in commerce. (54) Those Freemasons from 1817-1842 were the leaders of the Frankfurt Jewish community. (55) A gentile Mason in Frankfurt Johann Christian Ehrmann began warning the German people that the Frankfurt Jewish Masons wanted a world republic based on humanism. In 1816 he came out with a warning pamphlet Das Judenthum in der M[aurere]y (The Jews in Masonry). A powerful ally of the world’s jewry can be seen beginning with men like Oliver Cromwell, who was considered a Mason. “The following quote by one of Nathan’s contemporaries describes his eerie countenance: ‘Eyes are usually called windows of the soul. But in Rothschild’s case you would conclude that the windows are false ones, or that there was no soul to look out them. There comes not one pencil of light from the interior, neither is there any gleam of that which comes from without reflected in any direction. The whole puts you in mind of an empty skin, and you wonder why it stands upright without at least something in it. By and by another figure comes up to it. It then steps two paces aside, and the most inquisitive glance that you ever saw, and a glance more inquisitive than you would have thought of, is drawn out of the fixed and leaden eyes, as if one were drawing a sword from a scabbard…” ——– “…the Jewish Cabalistic leaders were able to establish a control over all world banking through the Rothschild family, and…the political power was captured through the work of Adam Weishaupt. Here is how it was done: Meyer Amschel (a rabbinically trained German Jew who later took the name Rothschild) was firmly established in the German city, Frankfurt am Main, with an emerging banking house as early as 1764. The leader of the Cabala at that time, Jakob Frank (a Polish born Jew with the family name of Leibowicz) lived in the German city of Offenbach (just south of the city of Frankfurt) from 1773. Johann Adam Weishaupt (from a Jewish family that had 2 of 16 6/25/21, 01:31 New World Order University ForumWeishaupt and Rothschild - New World Order University ... converted to the Roman Catholic Church) was at Ingolstadt in 1770, a German city in Bavaria. With these three men, the stage was set to ignite a hell fire that would forever bring changes to the world. “At this point in time, it is not known who ‘supervised’ these three Jewish men, but it is obvious that someone directed their efforts. On May 1, 1776, just two months before the Declaration of Independence in America, the Order of Illuminati was founded by Weishaupt. At this time Weishaupt was 28 years old, Amschel was 32 years old and Frank was 50 years old. Meyer Amschel financed Adam Weishaupt and Jakob Frank laid the cabalisic theological foundation for the Order of the Illuminati.” (Ibid.) ——– The following quoted material is from Juri Lina, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, pp. 22-28. “It was no coincidence that the Order of the Illuminati was founded on the first of May. Among the Cabbalist Jews, this date, 15 (1.5) symbolized the sacred number of Yahweh and became their occult holiday. According to Goethe, the first of May — the day following Walpurgis Night — is when the dark mystical forces are celebrated. At this time a young Jew named Mayer Amschel (born February 23, 1744) was being tutored to become a rabbi. Amschel lived with his parents in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt am Main. He later took the name Rothschild. It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. Rothschild had given Weishaupt the task of restablishing the old Alumbrado movement for the Cabbalist Jews. Theoretical Cabbala embraces only secret teachings about God and nature. But practical Cabbala (such as Frankism) attempts to affect earthly matters. It involves the use of amulets and magic numbers as well as the conjuring of evil spirits. Both the Talmud and Midrash contain Cabbalist information. (Ancient Oriental and Jewish Secret Doctrines, Leipzig, 1805.) Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman shows in his book “To Eliminate the Opiate” (New York, 1974) that there was a clear connection between Frankism and Weishaupt’s Illuminism. The goal of the Frankists was to work in secret to establish Jewish world supremacy. Professor Scholem has clearly documented that they achived extensive political power. Jakob Frank summed up his doctrine in his book “The Words of the Lord”. He asserted that the creator God was not the same as the one who had revealed himself to the Israelites. He believed God was evil. Frank proclaimed himself the true Messiah. He vowed to not tell the truth, rejected every moral law, and declared that the only way to a new society was through a total destruction of the present civilization. Murder, rape, incest and drinking of blood were perfectly acceptable actions and necessary rituals. Frank was one of those refractory Jews who worshipped devils. The extremist Jews were particularly fond of a devil called Sammael. (C.M. Ekbohrn, “100000 frammande ord”, Stockholm, 1936, p. 1173.) In time, the Illuminati won control of every Masonic order in the world. Important financiers joined the organization: Speyer, Schuster, Stern and others. The Jews had therefore gained a very powerful position. Their base of operations was Frankfurt am Main. The Jesuits had taught Weishaupt much, not least their doubtful morals. He encouraged his closest collaborators to use the lie as a tool and to avoid giving the public any true explanations. The leaders of the Illuminati saw to it that their most dangerous opponents and others who might be a threat to the Order were poisoned. (Gerald B. Winrod, “Adam Weishaupt – A Human Devil.”) 3 of 16 6/25/21, 01:31 New World Order University ForumWeishaupt and Rothschild - New World Order University ..
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