Msc. Integrated Urban Development andDesign Luisa Correa deOliveira Master Thesis | 20. MODERNISM Algorithm-based spatial exploration of Urban Agriculture inBrasília EDIBLE Weimar, August 2020.

Edible Modernism: Algorithm-based spatial exploration of Urban Agriculture in Brasília.

Keywords: food systems, urban agriculture, , spatial justice, parametric , urban modelling and simulation.

Master Thesis What if we could turn modernism around and Integrated Urban Development and Design, these vacant spaces were producing food Reflective Urban Practice (M.Sc.) instead of reinforcing social segregation? Institut für Experimentelle Architektur | bauhaus.ifex Chair of Computer Science in | bauhaus infAr

Author: Luisa Correa de Oliveira Immatrikulation number: 120383 [email protected]

Supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc. Martin Dennemark : Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with permission. Reproduced França. Joana 2020 by Brasília. Copyright of view Aerial 1 : Figure Statutory Declaration Foreword

This Master Thesis is the end product of my two-year Master’s Degree within the In- tegrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD) program at Bauhaus Universität Wei- mar. This is a Research-Based Design work, which means that it is a scientific application of knowledge to inform decisions and that the process is more important than a final re- sult. I hereby afirm that the present Master The- sis is my own written work and that all the As a thesis in the IUDD program should be, sources, references and exterior aids are in- the main topics explored in our degree are dicated. Therefore, all passages quoted from developed here: urban metabolism-based other publications and autors are cited as strategies, computational design methods, such. and urban modeling and simulation applied in a broad and holistic approach towards ur- I am aware that my thesis can be entered in ban . a database after the examination period for future comparison with other works and to I hope this work contributes to the academ- contribute to knowledge dissemination. ic knowledge, as well as public and private Further rights of reproduction are, however, sectors discussions in Brazil, and not granted here and should be requested to regarding the topics it explores. the author. The development of this research was sup- This thesis was not previously submitted to ported and sponsored by the DAAD STIBET another examination board and was not pub- Graduation Scholarship and by the Women’s lished elsewhere. Promotion Fund (Frauenförderfonds) of the Equal Opportunities Office (Gleichstellungs- büro) at Bauhaus Universität Weimar.

03.08.2020, Weimar Date, Place Signature

4 5 Abstract Abstract // Português

Historically, food provision was in the core The research methodology consists of a lit- Historicamente, a provisão de alimentos sem- perimento substancial de Agricultura Urbana of the reasoning for human settlement de- erature review on the aspects of Urban Ag- pre esteve no centro das decisões de assenta- no Brasil tem um impacto notável tanto em cisions, and the evolution of the patterns of riculture regarding and case mentos humanos, e a evolução de padrões de nível local como internacional. food production, processing, commercializa- studies on other where the practice was produção, processamento, comercialização e tion, and consumption fundamentally shaped already applied. The next step is a local anal- consumo fundamentalmente influenciaram A metodologia consiste de pesquisa conceitu- the contemporary morphology of our cities. ysis of the urban conditions in Brasília, sup- a morfologia das nossas cidades. Durante o al acerca dos aspectos de Agricultura Urbana During past industrialization processes, what ported by GIS data, concerning the topic and processo de industrialização, realidades urba- no que diz respeito à Planejamento Urbano were once intertwined systems, urban and ru- how the current food system works. Next, all nas e rurais, antes interligadas, se tornaram e estudos de caso em outras cidades onde ral realities became exponentially more sepa- these ingredients are woven together in a sys- exponencialmente mais distantes em meio a prática já foi aplicada. O passo seguinte é rated amidst a significant shift in settlement tematic strategy relating the necessary Urban a uma mudança significativa nos padrões uma análise das condições urbanas de Brasília standards, as most of the population migrat- Agriculture aspects to the opportunities the de habitação, com a maioria da população e do sistema local de produção de alimentos ed to cities. The result is a continuous reality modernist urban form suggests. Finally, the migrando para cidades. O resultado é uma através de dados georreferenciados. Depois, of increasing and an agricultural strategy is spatially operationalized with a se- contínua realidade de espraiamento urbano esses elementos são estrategicamente in- production driven away from its consumers, ries of computational urban analysis. The first e uma produção rural afastada dos consumi- terconectados, relacionando-se os aspectos ultimately creating fundamental social, eco- iteration tests the land accessibility for two dores, criando desafios socio-econômicos e necessários para Agricultura Urbana com as nomic, and environmental challenges, from distinct urban agriculture typologies based ambientais fundamentais, desde a comodifi- oportunidades que a cidade modernista ofe- the commodification of food production to on proximity to pertinent urban features. The cação da produção de alimentos até crises de rece. Por último, a estratégia é operacionali- monocultures and deforestation. Urban Agri- result is visualized in a heatmap, which ulti- desmatamento. A Agricultura Urbana é vista zada espacialmente através de uma série de culture is therefore seen as a possible solu- mately informs where the best locations for como uma possível solução para alguns des- simulações utilizando ferramentas de dese- tion for some of these issues, for connecting each typology are. The second iteration tests ses problemas, pois conectando pessoas com nho urbano paramétrico. A primeira iteração people to food systems allows more efficient water accessibility from water harvesting sys- sistemas alimentares permite-se um uso e testa o acesso à lotes para duas tipologias de use and reuse of resources, more sustainable tems in a zoomed-in scale. Lastly, the third reuso de recursos mais eficiente, padrões de Agricultura Urbana baseadas na proximidade consumption patterns, and a strategic urban iteration analyzes solar radiation and its im- consumo mais sustentáveis e um planajeman- de estruturas urbanas relevantes. O resulta- metabolism-based future. plication on the location of composting ele- to urbano baseado em processos de metabo- do é visualizado em um “mapa de calor” in- ments related to Urban Agriculture. lismo. formando as melhores localizações para cada In this light, how could we adapt existing va- tipologia. A segunda iteração testa o acesso cant spaces in a , transforming them into Conclusively, when overlapping these results, Nesse sentido, como poderíamos adaptar es- à água por meio de sistemas de captação de food production units? How would Urban the outcome is a possible spatial organization paços vazios em uma cidade, transformando- chuva, e a terceira testa a melhor localização Agriculture support existing waste and water for Urban Agriculture, accounting for its im- -os em unidades de produção de alimentos? para unidades de compostagem com base na management systems? How could this new pacts on resources derived from the previ- Como a Agricultura Urbana apoiaria sistemas incidência solar necessária. sustainable strategy be spatially organized ously described research methodology. It is existentes de manejo da água e do lixo? Como within the existing infrastructure in the city? not intended as a unique possible solution but essa nova estratégia sustentável poderia ser Conclusivamente, sobrepondo esses resul- Investigating these questions, this Master rather a suggestion out of many on how the espacialmente organizada junto à uma infra- tados, o produto final é uma possível orga- Thesis presents an algorithm-based spatial subject could be addressed in Brasília. The re- estrutura existente? Investigando essas ques- nização espacial para Agricultura Urbana, exploration for the organization of Urban Ag- sults could be used in informed policy-making tões, esta pesquisa apresenta uma exploração levando-se em consideração o impacto nos riculture elements in the city of Brasília. decisions, public debates, and raising collec- espacial paramétrica para a organização de recursos naturais. O resultado não deve ser tive awareness of alternative food production elementos de Agricultura Urbana na cidade entendido como uma resposta final, mas sim Designed with modernistic stan- models. Hopefully, the contribution is also a de Brasília. como uma possibilidade em meio a tantas dards, the city has abundant public spaces and valid experiment in the contemporary sus- outras. As resoluções podem ser usadas para large vacant areas by default, making it an in- tainability debate and the validation of com- Planejada sob princípios do Urbanismo Mo- assistir políticas urbanas e interação entre teresting case study. Additionally, Brazil plays putational methods as an alternative for inte- derno, a cidade possui abundantes espaços atores urbanos, sensibilizando sobre a impor- a significant role in global food production grated simulations and design. públicos e enormes áreas vazias, fazendo com tância de modelos alternativos de produção and in terms of natural resources reserves. que seja um estudo de caso interessante. Adi- de alimentos. A contribuição também é válida Therefore, a substantial Brazilian Urban Agri- cionalmente, o Brasil tem um papel significa- na validação de métodos computacionais em culture experiment has a significant and scal- tivo na produção mundial de alimentos e em Planejamento Urbano como uma alternativa able impact beyond the local level. termos de reservas naturais. Portanto, um ex- para integração de simulações e design.

6 7 Acknowledgements

While I sit down to write this part, I stare at there was an ocean in between us. I love you my computer, utterly unable to believe this always, through space and time. rollercoaster journey is already at the end. My two years at Bauhaus brought me much My IUDD bubble, my international family, more than I ever dreamed or expected. This my adventure partners. Without you, none time permanently changed my life personal- of this would have been possible, at least not ly and professionally in deep and meaning- with the same colors, glittering happiness, ful ways, however mellow may sound to you, and glasses of wine. Thank you for showing dear reader. me your , and therefore making me question everything I thought I knew about First of all, thank you to the one person who mine. Thank you for all the love, trust, and was the most crucial pivotal node in my life, treasured moments we shared and the strong way before Bauhaus happened, but that lit- life-lasting friendships we managed to build erally brought me here. You were light from in this time. It was the greatest pleasure to the second we met and continues to be, until walk this path with you. Thank you for hold- the end of time. There will never be enough ing my hand while we were at it. I cannot wait grateful words in any language for what you to see what life brings us now, but know each represent. Thank you for showing me who of you carries a piece of my heart wherever I am and for the sun kissed roads I had the you are on this planet. honor to have walked by your side. MVRDV, thank you for having me for six in- Mamãe e Diogo, thank you for being the tense, beautiful, and life-changing months most unconditionally loving and supporting during this journey. My time in the office family a person can have. I love you to the brought so.much.more. than I could ever ex- moon and back countless times. Thank you pect. Thank you for the beautiful and inspir- for financially and emotionally allowing me ing souls I met along the way and for the dear to be here right now, and for everything that friends I now cherish. Thank you to my dear came before to pave this way. I know how ones who were there with me every step of incredibly hard it is and has been. Still, I hope the way, for living a shared dream. And thank I succeeded in making you proud of me, even you universe for bringing me out of those though you never demanded anything but dutch bike paths in one piece! my happiness. Thank you, universe, to everything that ever My dearest and profoundly loved friends in happened in my life, the happiness and the Brazil. Thank you for supporting and believ- sorrow, for all the pieces brought me here ing in me for so many years, you are also my right now. I proudly finish this chapter and family. Thank you for being my lighthouse, welcome whatever comes next with nothing my port, and support through everything for but gratitude. Let’s rock and roll! so long. Thank you for loving me even when

8 Table of Contents 20. 18. 17. 14. 51. 49. 46. 43. 38. 34. 33. 32. 30. 28. 24. Literature Review Local Analysis Introduction Methodology Research aims&questions Problem Statement Research Background Interim conclusions Existing initiatives The Local Food Supply Flow Chart The Local Food System Situating Brasília Interim Conclusions Legitimating Urban Agriculture Cities Without Hunger Urban Landscapesfor Food Security Urban Agriculture Conceptual Framework 02 03 01 Computational Exploration 94. 94. 93. 90. 100. 98. 86. 83. 77. 64. 60. 56. 54. References Reflection Strategy Outlook for further research Final Statement Limitations Conclusions Literature List List of Figures Final overview Infrastructure Water access Land access The New Flow Chart Operationalizing the concepts Summary of Findings 04 07 05 06

Figure 2: Detail of The Allegory of Good Government: A glimpse on a peaceful existence of city and country. Ambrogio Lorenzetti/Public Domain. 8 Research aim&questions 20. 18. 17. 14. 1 Methodology Problem Statement Research Background

Introduction introduction introduction

The current mainstream agriculture system torical circumstances and colonial geopo- Research Background relies mostly on intensive monoculture and litical configurations that left Latin America Global Food Paradigm heavy pesticides, causing deforestation, soil with the worst land distribution in the whole degradation, and large amounts of water go : In Brazil, 51,19% of all agricultural for irrigation. The same system also goes lands are concentrated on the hands of 1% The world is currently undergoing an unprec- around the globe as countries resilience, so- far beyond solely the environmental sphere. of the rural owners, according to Oxfam In- edented rural-urban migration, and it is ex- cial cohesion, and the ability to provide for Worldwide monopolies often control the ternational (Santos and Glass, 2018), making pected that by 2050, two-thirds of the world’s themselves are put to test. whole chain of production and distribution of it the 5th place in the world ranking of land population will live in cities (United Nations food, leading to a concentration of resources access inequality according to data from the Environment Programme [UNEP], 2017). The The food sector is globally a dominant user and wealth, perpetuating an uneven distribu- same institution. Brazil has 45% of its pro- complex problems that originate from urban- of a very significant part of the planet’s re- tion of land, compromising food security, and ductive land concentrated in with ization processes encompass environmental, sources: land, soil, water, terrestrial and ma- contributing to social inequality patterns. more than 1.000 hectares, which are 0.91% social, and economic challenges for achieving rine biodiversity, minerals, and fossil fuels are It is also fundamental to state that even of the rural properties (Santos and Glass, a sustainable future. The necessary land for all consumed in the food production (UNEP, though there is a global demand around the 2018). These farms are so big that, if all of food production, water supply, and energy 2016). That is the case because the resourc- topic and an overarching common agenda, them formed a country, it would be the 12o never seem enough to feed our modern life- es are consumed not only in the production specific conditions and challenges apply in largest territory on the planet, with 2,3 mil- styles. Urban settlements currently consume phase but throughout the whole chain of national, regional, and local levels of urban lion km2, an area bigger than Saudi Arabia 75% of earth’s natural resources, meaning packaging, transportation, processing, and and rural areas worldwide. (Santos and Glass, 2018). that unless the current patterns change, we storing necessary to keep cities literally alive. would need 1.6 planets to accommodate the Not to mention that in such a long chain of For instance, Brazil, the topic of this Mas- This massive agrarian inequality is reflected expected population growth (UNEP, 2017). processes lies many opportunities for losses, ter Thesis research, is regarded as a country in strong monopolies in the food production complications, and a very complex manage- where there is a bounty of natural resources business, in a reality driven by profit and high ment situation. and diversity of food production. The country productivity, neglecting ecosystem’s ecolo- “The sustainable and efficient management is the 4th largest food exporter in the world gies and inclusive labor market opportunities. of natural resources is now imperative for the (Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do achievement of all 17 United Nations Sustain- Brasil, 2020), has nearly 20% of the planet’s The interrelation of all these numbers is a able Development Goals (SDGs).” water reserves (World Bank Group, 2016), symptom that, among other problems, the (UNEP, 2016) and 58.93% of the country’s land is covered current food production model is a failing by forests (World Bank Group, 2016). How- system with disconnected social, economic, ever, this reality does not reflect in wealth for and environmental flows. It threatens en- Therefore it is clear that in order to sustain- a significant part of the Brazilian population, tire ecosystems, social cohesion, and overall ably develop, cities need to achieve more, and even this tremendous amount of natural resilience, limiting the path for sustainable using less. It means we have to continue to resources is under serious threat. According growth. supply our services in ways that are more to the Food and Agriculture Organization of resource-efficient, climate-friendly, resilient, the United Nations (FAO), 5.2 million peo- and equitable (UNEP, 2017). Additionally, in a ple suffer from hunger in Brazil (FAO, 2018), hyper globalized world, where decentralized only 62,1% of the population has access to economies and interdependency of resourc- both clean water and sanitation (World Bank es and supply chains are the rules, any dras- Group, 2016) while alarming 70% of the coun- tic environmental or economic change on try’s water consumption goes to agricultural one end disrupts the whole system. So now, irrigation (Agência Nacional de Águas, 2019), more than ever, is truly a global and approximately 1.7 million hectares of the agenda. Additionally, by the time this thesis Amazonian rainforest is lost to farmlands ev- is being written, the world is undergoing a ery year (Santos and Glass, 2018). Pandemic due to the novel virus COVID-19, and it has been one of the biggest challenges Such disparity in resources distribution and Figure 4: Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in August 2019. of our time. As a significant part of the world poor infrastructure draws back from the his- Copyright CC-BY by Mayke Toscano/Getty Images. Figure 3: Food Systems waste. The current Food Systems allow for a is on lockdown, economies are derailing all huge amount of food waste throughout the production chain. That accounts for lost resources and food insecurity. Copyright 2020 by No copyright infringement intended. 14 15 introduction introduction

Problem Statement Towards an Urban Agriculture exploration in Brasília

Brasília is a particularly interesting case study human-made landscapes. Such a choice of because since it has just recently turned 60 vast open spaces in the core of the capital years of existence, it is still going through comes at the expense of an extensive ur- major processes and their com- ban sprawl that consumes native ecosys- plexities, being a live laboratory of the con- tems outside of the city and pushes socially ditions stated in the previous pages. Beyond vulnerable groups to the fringes. Adding to that, its unique condition of being a real- that, the city is characterized by the mod- ized modernist utopia, a city designed from ernistic monofunctional landuse distribution, scratch in the heart of a continental country, in which industry and any heavy production exposes the perpetuation of strong spatial and processing activity is driven away from segregation and mismanagement of natural the urban center, making any logistics inte- resources. gration a challenge.

Figure 5: What are the environmental impacts of food and agriculture? : Agriculture as the major driv- The farmlands fall in the same rule and are er for land and freshwater consumption. Copyright CC-BY by Hannah Ritchie/ scattered in many different sizes, and produc- tion types in different places outside of the Given the complexity of the global food pro- relevance of this Master Thesis topic in the modernistic and heritage protected urban vision situation and its interrelated political contemporary Urban Planning education, core. Brasilia is one of the very few capitals and cultural processes, it is clear that the top- practice, and research. in the world that still has farmlands (Agên- ic should be addressed systematically, across cia Brasília, 2016). And on one hand, this disciplines, countries, and scales. On that note, the conceptual framework for existing agriculture system is a remarkable investigating the previously described back- success. It provides a great amount of fresh, ground touches the domains of food produc- nutritious food to the people who can afford “Food systems will play a central role in tion, ecology, resources management, and it and have access to fresh food markets, and delivering the land distribution, specifically spatial justice. employs a fair number of people. In fact, in agenda” (FAO, 2018). The current literature review on operation- 2017, Brasilia’s farms were among the most alizing these topics in an Urban Planning productive corn producers in the country, for perspective orbits around key concepts such example (Agência Brasília, 2016). Therefore, Food Security is also part of the as urban metabolism, urban and peri-urban global Urban Planning agenda. As stated by agriculture, and continuous productive urban What is, however, not so great is that the the Food and Agriculture Organization of the landscapes, which will be specified in the up- original plan for the city failed to foresee United Nations (FAO) in the “Framework for coming pages. its success and the unprecedented amount the Urban Food Agenda” (FAO,2019), “Focus- of rural-urban migration to the capital. A ing on the urban landscape does not imply Ultimately, in order to investigate the pos- city initially planned for 500.000 inhabi- a simple orientation towards food in cities, sible impact of a system supported by the tants now has 3.3 million people (Instituto but instead draws attention to the (re)con- concepts above in the previously explained Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística [IBGE], nections, (dis)locations and (in)justices that environment, this Master Thesis explores a 2019). That, and the artificial landscape the can be reworked.” According to the American resource-efficient spatial organization of- Ur Figure 6: Aerial view of one of Brasilia’s major mobility axis and the city was built on, strain the management of Planning Association (APA), a pioneering in- ban Agriculture elements in Brasília, capital of residential neighborhoods amidst green spaces. Copyright 2020 by the interconnected water and waste systems stitution in bridging Urban Planning and food Brazil. The research is intended as a valuable Joana França. Reproduced with permission. that keep the modernist machine working. A systems, the urban practitioners can “help case study which can trigger similar analysis Its monumental architecture structured high amount of the city’s water is currently build stronger, sustainable and more self-re- in cities elsewhere in the country. around enormous open green spaces cut by destined to the farmlands irrigation (Brasília liant community and regional food systems” wide highways is a patch of built and unbuilt Capital, 2016), the past deforestation of the (APA, 2007). Therefore the importance and

16 17 introduction introduction

original vegetation and poorly designed sew- startups, centers, ecological age infrastructure contributed to the most farmers associations, Zero Waste confer- significant water crisis in the place’s history, ences, and efforts from different ends of the Main Question: with a prolonged shortage in between 2016 Public Sector. and 2018. Adding to that, the lack of a prop- er destination for waste and its treatment However, what lacks so far is a cohesive What is a potential spatial contributed to the biggest landfill of Latin overall planning approach that coordinates America - a shocking achievement for a city the existing efforts, legitimating the prob- organization of Urban Agriculture of roughly 60 years of existence. All of that lems and the need to address them, purpose- comes as a desolating future in a country fully enhancing the existing structures and so rich in natural resources. The young city regenerating the urban-rural social and nat- elements in Brasília? also did not go through a significant agrari- ural ecosystems. Therefore, believing in the an reform since the decision to settle in the environmental, social, and economic valuable region, which means that a majority of the impacts this sustainable agenda brings, this farmlands are oversized properties focusing Master Thesis intends to contribute in that Follow up Questions: on a hyper-productive business. At the same direction with a spatial exploration of Urban time, displaced jobless families live crammed Agriculture as a possible start of future stra- What is important for Urban Agriculture to thrive, in an Urban Planning perspective? in informal settlements, barely affording any tegic discussions. food for each day. How are these features interconnected with existing Urban Planning layers? Research aim & How can Urban Agriculture connect to existing water and ? How is Urban Agriculture inserted in the existing local food system considering commercial and questions logistics operations?

Building upon the previously mentioned pro- How can Urban Agriculture successfully be integrated in the urban landscape and be accepted by the people? ductive, ecological, and social challenges, the goal of this thesis is, supported by computa- tional design methods, to explore a potential organization of Urban Agriculture elements in Brasilia. The core principles are the so- Therefore, the research aim revolves around 3 main overarching subjects: cial-spatial inclusiveness through a better

Figure 7: The biggest landfill of Latin America in a 25 min drive spatial distribution for land access, integra- from the Presidential Palace. Copyright by D Alves/CB/D.A tion with water and waste flows, integration Press. No Copyright infringement intended. with existing mobility and landuse structures, Food Production and small scale food production. It becomes clear that, despite the best in- tentions behind its plan, the current spatial Such a choice of a computational design ap- organization of Brasília’s landscapes is cul- proach allows for the development of a sys- Spatial Justice minating in neglected ecologies and social tem based on rules between the variables. It segregation, threatening the sustainability of permits the visualization of their dynamics natural resources, food security, and the local in different scenarios and the impacts each Resources Management social cohesion in the long run. The current part has on the ecosystem as a whole. The reality shows an urban metabolism with open conclusions drawn from these analyses can loops and lacking a strategy that integrates be used to inform Urban Planning and poli- the natural vegetation and water infrastruc- cy-making decisions. tures. The investigation aims to obtain clarity on There are currently great initiatives contrib- the following research questions: uting to these issues, such as composting

18 19 introduction introduction


What is a potential spatial organization of answer Urban Agriculture elements in Brasília? Research aim & problem definition

Literature review Case Studies

Conceptual Framework, General Guidelines :: What How these ideas were already applied in a simi- is important for Urban Agriculture and which are the lar context and which specific spatial conclusions features that relate to Urban Planning? can be derived from them?

Which conclusions are derived from the computational urban design exploration? Relevant Data & Interim Conclusions

Reflection Analysis

Visualization of the results with illustrations and diagrams

Analysing the local context :: How are the rele- Analysing the local context :: How does the cur- vant spatial features organized and which Urban rent local food system flow works conceptually agriculture opportunities they invite? and how is it spatially organized? Mapping and Simulations using Rhino + Grasshopper

Strategy Spatially operationalize these relations with parametric urban design analysis and metrics

Coming back to the successful ingredients for Ur- How can the Urban Agriculture ingredients tap ban Agriculture, how do they find opportunities in into the current local food system flow? Brasília’s, urban form from the analysis? Exploration

20 21

Figure 8 : Urban Agriculture. Copyright CC-BY by Markus Spiske/

2 3 Legitimating Urban 34. Cities 33. 32. 30. 28. 24. Interim Conclusions &Selected Data Urban landscapesfor food security Urban Agriculture Conceptual Framework without hunger Agriculture Literature Review literature review literature review

Conceptual Framework Key research terms and theoretical foundation

The Urban Planning approach towards food Food Systems systems planning and the three previously mentioned overarching subjects allow for “Food systems encompass the entire range conceptual framework support for the spa- of activities involved in the production, pro- tial exploration development. After an exten- cessing, marketing, consumption and dispos- sive literature review on the topic, selected al of goods that originate from agriculture, theories that foster the project’s goals are or fisheries, including the inputs presented here alongside the definition of needed and the outputs generated at each some important key terms for the research. of these steps. Food systems also involve the people and institutions that initiate or inhibit change in the systems as well as the socio- Brasília political, economic and technological envi- ronment in which these activities take place.” The definition of the boundaries of what is (FAO, 2013) considered the city of Brasília is a topic of per- petuating discussions, confusion, and polem- ics. Some consider Brasília as only the core modernistic original masterplan conceived by the architect Lúcio Costa, the so-called Plano Piloto, an area of 412km2 and 215.000 inhabitants (IBGE, 2019). Another definition is Brasília being the whole metropolitan re- gion, with 31 so-called “Administrative Re- Figure 10: The Urban Food Systems star. (Viljoen and Bohn, 2014). No copyright infringement intended. gions,” Plano Piloto, for instance, being only 2 one of them, and a total area of 5.778 km University at Buffalo, Food Systems Planning access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food and 3.3 million inhabitants (IBGE, 2019). is “a set of interconnected, forward-thinking that meets their dietary needs and food pref- activities that strengthen a community’s food erences for an active and healthy life” (FAO, Due to feasibility constraints time-wise, de- system through the creation and implemen- 1996). spite understanding and respecting the area tation of plans and policies”. (Growing Food as a whole ecosystem with the sum of its Connections, n.d.) Based on this definition, four food security parts, and aware of the delicate spatial segre- pillars can be identified: food availability, eco- gation in the region, this Master Thesis will in- “Food Systems Planning should suggest ways nomic and physical access to food, food util- vestigate only the modernist part of Brasília. the industrial food system may interact with isation and stability over time (FAO, 2008). It will, therefore, explore specifically the sig- communities and regions to enhance bene- nificant amount of unused spaces in that lo- Figure 9: The closed loop of an ideal sustainable local food system fits such as economic vitality, , Environmentally-sustainable Food Systems cation and check how an Urban Agriculture (Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, 2012). No copyright ecological sustainability, social equity, and approach in them could have a regional im- infringement intended. cultural diversity.” (APA, 2007) The definition according to the United Na- pact. Hopefully, it can trigger awareness and tions Environment Programme: “Food Sys- future research for the , Food Systems Planning Food security tems in which the environmental bases to starting from the core. deliver food security for future generations According to the activities by the Growing “A situation that exists when all people, at is not compromised. Three main principles Food Connections Institution, lead by the all times, have physical, social and economic must be followed to transition towards a re-

24 25 literature review literature review

source-smart food system: It implies that to achieve sustainable devel- 1. Sustainable use of renewable resources, opment, a multi-level planning strategy is Continuous Productive Landscapes Parametric urban design implying no degradation or depletion of re- needed to secure food production and eco- sources, such as land and soils, water and nomic development without compromising “Overlaying the sustainable concept of Pro- As mentioned before in the methodolog- biodiversity. land as a resource, and all the derived pub- ductive Urban Landscapes with the spatial ical description of this thesis, the chosen 2. Efficient use of all resources. lic benefits the population is entitled to. This concept of Continuous Landscapes propos- approach for the spatial exploration is sup- 3. Low environmental impacts from food sys- understanding is particularly interesting for es a new urban design strategy which would ported by computational design methods, or tem activities. Resource-smart food systems agriculture in urban areas, as this interaction change the appearance of contemporary cit- in other words, parametric urban design. As are not only about sustainable and efficient is much more evident. ies towards an unprecedented naturalism. supported by the literature excerpts below, food production; the key challenge is to be Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes Parametric urban design allows for the inte- effective in terms of overall food security, Spatial Justice (CPULs) will be open landscapes productive gration of data as input for a design/model- livelihoods and human health while protect- in economical and sociological and environ- ing/visualization outcome. That is what this ing essential natural resources.” (UNEP, 2016) In this Master Thesis, the concept of Spatial mental terms. thesis aims as a result: Urban Agriculture-re- Justice is used to tackle the fair distribution lated rules and parameters informing a spa- Land & Landscape of the previously qualified landscape quali- “CPULs will be productive in various ways, tial organization for it. ties in a system. Spatial justice bridges social offering space for leisure and recreational -ac Land itself is a finite resource, and as such, justice and space. It is the “fair and equitable tivities, access routes, urban green lungs, etc. “Parametric design tools accept variable in- it is affected by degradation all the time, distribution in the space of socially valued But most uniquely, they will be productive by put data, establish mathematical relation- and ecosystem services are lost as a result resources and opportunities to use them” providing open space for urban agriculture, ships and produce further data, including (European Comission, 2020). Therefore par- (Soja, 2009). This understanding is spatially for the inner-urban and peri-urban growing geometric information” (Steinø and Veirum, ticular attention should be paid to how we translated into segregation, exclusion, and of food.” (Viljoen, 2005). as cited in, Richthofen, Knecht, Miao, and can use this valuable and non-renewable inequality. König, 2018). element that benefits society as a whole. In “Producing food where one wants to eat it, that sense, it is essential to understand that The concept is valuable for understanding or consuming food where it has just grown, “With advances in computing power and landscapes are public goods (Lefebvre et al., landscapes as public goods and, therefore, establishes a healthy and sustainable balance the growing availability of data, parametric 2014). Which means that they are non-rival, the need for their fair distribution. This per- of production and consumption. It is an -ef systems can now be employed to deal with if the good is consumed by one person, it spective does not imply that farmers should fective and practical, but at the same time complex urban phenomena on a multi-scalar does not reduce the benefit available to oth- share their land, but that they should bring self-beneficial way of reducing the energy and multi-dimensional level. In comparison ers, and it is non-excludable, meaning that values to society, and those should be fairly embodied in contemporary Western food to conventional design methods, paramet- if the good is available to one person, other distributed. Specifically for Brasília, this rein- production.” (Viljoen, 2005). ric urban design uses rule sets as the basis people cannot be excluded from enjoying its forces that the existing empty spaces should for the configuration of 3D urban models” benefits (Agriculture and Rural Development be giving something back to the people, re- Urban Metabolism (Abdelsalam, as cited in, Richthofen, Knecht, European Commission, 2011). Moreover, gardless of any social conditions. Miao, and König, 2018). since agriculture production occupies a sig- “The multiple socio-technical processes by nificant amount of the available land, it plays Urban Agriculture which cities or regions gather, transform, and “In short, parametric urban design can be an essential role in the provision of a whole use biotic and abiotic resources, and expel used to model alternative scenarios, visuali- range of public goods such as high-quality air, “Urban agriculture is an industry located waste, to ensure their functioning”. (Galan sations and quantification all in one – a key soil, and water, as well as providing the resil- within (intra- urban) or on the fringe (peri-ur- and Perrotti, 2019) advantage over conventional design meth- ience of land to natural disasters such as fire ban) of a town, a city or a metropolis, which ods” (Richthofen, Knecht, Miao, and König, and flooding (Agriculture and Rural Devel- grows and raises, processes and distributes a Agroecological agriculture 2018). opment European Commission, 2011). How- diversity of food and non-food products, (re-) ever, at the same time, of course, farmlands using largely human and material resources, “Agroecological agriculture (of which organ- operate to provide also private goods, such products and services found in and around ic is one system) supports small farms that as food itself, so it means these different in- that , and in turn supplying human are diverse, integrated and use low levels of terests compete for productive resources and material resources, products and ser- input to ensure the long-term balance be- such as land and labor (Agriculture and Rural vices largely to that urban area.” (Mougeot, tween food production and the sustainability Development European Commission, 2011). as cited in Viljoen and Bohn, 2014) of natural resources” (Eldridge, 2018).

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require no regulations (ChangeLab Solutions, and, for example, access to energy, composting Urban Agriculture 2012), while the size limits for the other two material, and a direct connection to the agroin- and its key features categories will be derived from the case studies dustry commercial activities (USDA, 2016). In in other cities that will follow in the next pages. that sense, from an Urban Planning perspective, it is compelling to couple the productive plots Building upon the definition of Urban Ag- And the key considerations for their distribu- The compatibility with the existing landuses de- with a more comprehensive system of organic riculture, we now explore the features that tion, according to the same source, are: fines that Home Gardens are a permitted use waste recycling from residences and allocating make food production in cities possible. -Ac in all residential districts; Community Gardens specific landuses for agroindustry plots on the cording to the United States Department of The size of the land area; are allowed in residential, multifamily, mixed- proximities of Urban Agriculture sources. Oth- Agriculture (USDA) “Urban Agriculture Tool- The location of the area; use, open space and industrial zones, subject to er related uses that complement this primary kit” (USDA, 2016), there are seven key re- The number of users of the (and regulation; Urban Farms shall be a conditional infrastructure are, for example, centers to fos- sources for developing thriving Urban Agri- possibly the generated traffic); use in residential districts and subject to reg- ter Urban Agriculture innovation and training, culture. They are: The purpose of the operation (e.g., private or ulations in all districts. (ChangeLab Solutions, as well as community restaurants. Altogether commercial). 2012). These definitions are essential for cou- these structures build a more robust network Business planning, land access, soil quality, pling these requirements of the plots to the ex- and identity, making Urban Agriculture an inte- water access/use, capital and financing, in- Furthermore, different uses are defined as: isting landuses in the city fabric. grated feature of the existing urban life. frastructure, and market development. Home Garden: “A home garden shall mean This Master Thesis understands that land ac- the property of a single-family or multifamily 2. Water Access 4. Market Development cess, water access, infrastructure, and mar- residence used for the cultivation of fruits, Water accessibility is of extreme The possibility of successful- ket development are subjects in the scope of vegetables, plants flowers, or herbs by the importance, demanding sustain ly selling the products is vital for Urban Planning and will focus on them as the residents of the property, guests or a gar- able use avoiding overloading the success of Urban Agriculture design drivers. It is essential to state that the dening business hired by the property own- the existing network in the city. The standard (USDA, 2016). For truly bridging farmers, con- many and fundamental urban policies associ- er. This includes the rooftop, courtyards and means for water supply require specific sup- sumers, generating jobs and income leads to, ated with the access of these features, how- balconies” (ChangeLab Solutions, 2012). porting urban policies that allow the farmers to social sustainability and inclusiveness. The mar- ever extremely relevant are not in the scope tap into the nearest hydrant, for example, or in a ket development is, of course, in a commercial of this thesis. Community Garden: “Privately or publicly regular network outlet. However, locally adapt- and economic domain, but the Urban Planning owned land used for the cultivation of fruits, ed small scale irrigation and plant production sphere can contribute legitimizing market points 1. Land Access vegetables, plants, flowers, or herbs by multi- methods and schemes are possible solutions in the most convenient locations, supplement- Access to land in urban areas ple users. Community gardens may be divid- to save water. Low-cost water-saving technol- ing the existing ones and decentralizing the dis- can be particularly challeng ed into separate plots for cultivation by one ogies such as underground and drip irrigation tribution of food. The market development is ing. Even though it is not the or more individuals or may be farmed col- can increase water efficiency and allow safe intrinsically related to the infrastructure access, case in Brasília, empty spaces suitable for lectively by members of the group and may use of low-quality water resources (FAO, 2020). as they are connected in the productive chain. farming are not common in most cities. In include common areas maintained or used Systems of water harvesting through roofs and Just so as infrastructure should be connected to any case, the definition and tailoring of the by group members” (ChangeLab Solutions, catchment ponds, for example, are sustainable the productive farms, the market should also be different types of landuse for Urban Agricul- 2012). solutions that, with accurate dimensioning, it is accessible to the agroindustry products directly ture are important so they can be officially possible to pair the amount of water harvested from the farmers and, naturally, to the consum- incorporated into laws and municipal Urban Farm: “Privately or publicly owned to the number of productive plots that can be ers. It also contributes to creating the previous- plans. Although there is not one recipe that land used for cultivation of fruits, vegetables, sustainably watered in a network in the urban ly mentioned Urban Agriculture identity and the can be applied everywhere, according to the plants, flowers, or herbs, (and/ or for animal scale. integration of this culture in urban life. ChangeLab Solutions’ “Seeding the City: Land products, livestock production, or value in- Use Policies to Promote Urban Agriculture” crease) by an individual, organization, or busi- The more comprehensive the landuse distribu- (ChangeLab Solutions, 2012) publication, a ness with the primary purpose of growing 3. Infrastructure Access tion of these elements are, the better they will basic typological definition can be as such: food for sale” (ChangeLab Solutions, 2012). The access to infrastructure re work as an ecosystem with the existing infra- lates to all the necessary equip structure, just as a different and complementing Home Garden, Community Garden and When it comes to size limits, it varies from ment for Urban Agriculture, in layer of the urban realm. Urban Farm. city to city, and it is up to the local conditions many scales, since flowerbeds to machinery to regulate it. For instance, Home Gardens

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2014). Special subsidized programs facilitate planet. Urban landscapes for food security the selling for schools, hospitals, and retire- Urban Agriculture in Cuba ment homes. To systematically apply this knowledge to this thesis, a more specific take on the spatial -or This system’s success comes from the high ganization of these structures is needed. On Since the Urban Agriculture movement start- (FAO, 2014). The system can produce vege- cooperation between all the actors involved that note, the book “Continuous Productive ed in Cuba about three decades ago, the tables all year round and achieve an impres- in the process and stable government poli- Urban Landscapes : Designing urban agricul- country has become a reference in the field sive yield of up to 20kg per m2 (FAO, 2014). cies as backbone support. For instance, the ture for sustainable cities” (Viljoen, 2005), due to the success of its implementation and It is also remarkable that agrochemical tech- agricultural production in Havana is im- brings an exciting DNA of the characteristics the positive socio-economic unfoldings from niques in the gardens are forbidden by law. plemented under two national programs, of the many facets of Urban Agriculture in it. Cuba has been a global leader in the poli- one for urban and one for peri-urban areas. Cuba and the typologies on which they could cy, science, and practice of Urban Agriculture Both programs aim at “achieving local food be clustered, showcasing productive sizes based on agroecological principles (Fernan- self-sufficiency through food production in and derived yields. The result is as follows: dez, 2017), promoting essential innovations the neighborhood for the neighborhood” in the field. (FAO, 2014). Their basic principles are agro- 1. State farms for producers’ consumption, ecological production, local-level sustain- cultivated by workers. Size: more than 1ha; The context that originated the movement ability, continuous technological innovation, yield: 0.6kg/m2.yr; was that of the fall of the Socialist Bloc in the and producers’ ownership of what they pro- early 1990s and the United States trade em- duce (FAO, 2014). They are expected to use 2. Community Gardens, cultivated by fam- bargo, leading to an “era of severe food and simple technologies and minimal resources ilies. Size: less than 1000m2; yield: 8-12kg/ fuel shortages” (Fernandez, 2017), as 80% of to increase food production and reduce de- m2.yr; the Cuban imports at the time came from the pendence on food imports. A decentralized bloc (Fernandez, 2017). This abrupt transi- system with minimal inputs and a high de- 3. Intensive cultivation gardens, cultivated tion forced the shift of a “centrally-planned, gree of food autonomy have been the key by several families. Size: Between 1000m2 large-scale, high external input, capital inten- to long-lasting food security, environmental and 3000m2; yield: 8-12kg/m2.yr; sive monocultural system to a decentralized, preservation, and resilience on the island. small-scale, low external input, diversified, 4. Urban community garden, cultivated knowledge-intensive system” (Fernandez, Reported benefits from Urban Agriculture by collectives. Size: Between 2000m2 and 2017). The transition required a structuring recognized by both the government and so- 5000m2; yield: 20kg/m2.yr; and decentralization of land tenure and man- Figure 11: Organoponico plaza in Havana, Cuba. Copyright by James ciety are, for example, the creation of more agement, food distribution, technical assis- Pagram/ than 300.000 jobs, the reduction of children 5. High yield urban gardens, cultivated by tance, and knowledge exchange” (Fernandez, No copyright infringement intended. malnutrition, community strengthening, and co-operatives. Size: over 10000m2; yield: 2017). Particularly in the capital Havana, cit- solidarity (Fernandez, 2017). Also, the many 25kg/m2.yr; izens started to farm in whatever space they The city of Havana has around 35.900ha educational programs derived from the tech- had available. And over time, with strong (FAO, 2014) under agriculture production nical agricultural knowledge and the inher- Given the similarities in technological re- government support, the country’s Urban and that encompasses typologies such as ag- ent importance of preserving these achieve- sources and cultural backgrounds within Lat- Agriculture was “rapidly transformed from a ricultural enterprises, cattle farms, tree pro- ments for further generations. in America and the proven success derived spontaneous response to food insecurity to a duction units, pig and livestock production, from these standards, this Master Thesis will national priority” (FAO, 2014). agricultural cooperatives and also backyards A very interesting feature of the Cuban case use the Cuban precedent numbers as a step- plots utilized by families to grow fruits, vege- study is that it is the first country to face a ping stone for the follow up spatial explora- One of their most significant contributions to tables, condiments, and small animals. dramatic peak oil crisis in the contemporary tions presented here. Urban Agriculture was the invention of the age forced to make a drastic supply transi- so-called “organopónicos”. It is an intensive The commercialization of this production is tion in such a big scale. That points out the production system in raised beds that uses mainly with the direct exchange between the near future for all of us and sustainable, vi- drip irrigation, compost, and agroecological producer and the consumer. The fresh pro- able solutions that should be implemented management practices such as the use of duce can be sold in many different points, elsewhere regardless of the imminent threat well-adapted varieties, mixed cropping, crop usually located within 5km of the production of a crisis, but because it is the only way to rotation, and integrated pest management units, within the city’s neighborhoods (FAO, live in a more environmental and socially-just

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Cities without hunger Legitimating Urban Agriculture Urban Agriculture NGO in São Paulo The Food System Program in Belo Horizonte

“Cities without hunger” is today a leading 15, 2020). Belo Horizonte is Brazil’s sixth-largest city ricultural production in rural and urban areas NGO promoting Urban Agriculture, mainly with an estimated population of 2.5 million (FAO, 2014). in São Paulo, Brazil. Their work operates in a The NGO’s work is fully aligned with broad- (IBGE, 2019), and it is a remarkable example unique system and focuses on benefiting and er overarching goals such as the United Na- of the pioneering implementation of Brazil- Alongside the political will, a crescent civic employing socially vulnerable groups, espe- tions’ Sustainable Development Goals (Unit- ian Zero Hunger programs that started in the engagement over the years pushed for the le- cially unemployed women and migrants. ed Nations, n.d.). The production focuses on 1990s and continue until this present day. gitimization of urban agriculture as a landuse organic products, responsible use of water, Therefore, the city has become a valuable in the city. The municipality now sees it as The NGO works mainly in two different exclusively applying dripping irrigation and case study on how far Urban Agriculture and “contributing to the full development of the branches. The first one searches for idle and rainwater harvesting, not using the water local food systems can go when combined city’s social functions” (FAO, 2014). - Cur vacant plots in the city, manages the negotia- from the municipal network, nourished land with well-designed public policies and their rently, urban farming is recognized as an tion with the owner to use that land for urban via composting, commercialization of food environmental and socioeconomic benefits. economic activity and “urban farmer” as a agriculture and through sponsorship from pri- at fair prices and income generation for a legit professional category. Recognizing this vate companies, they set up the arable land, more inclusive society (Cities Without Hun- Like other Brazilian cities, Belo Horizonte importance boosts other related fields and irrigation systems, warehouses, bathrooms, ger NGO, personal communication, June 15, suffered high rates of poverty and hunger in the expansion of local and public education kitchens, rest areas and provide equipment. 2020). The salaries of the works are equal- the last decades. It was estimated that 38% programs on gastronomy and social services. People living in proximity to the gardens can ly paid and obey the minimum wages of the of the people in the metropolitan region Adding to that, on the municipality’s web- apply to work and go through the NGO’s ur- country. Additionally, the farmers are provid- lived under the poverty line, and 18% of the site, the location of the more of 200 gardens ban farming training process. The selling of ed with infrastructure, such as bathrooms and children aged less than three years old were spread around the city is available, organized products happens like in most cities: either kitchens, on-site, to work with dignity (Cities malnourished. (FAO, 2014). in between institutional and agroecological on the location or in markets. The NGO man- Without Hunger NGO, personal communica- family productive units. Likewise, a facilitat- ages and monitors the gardening activities, tion, June 15, 2020). Since 2004, the NGO Responding to these challenges, the munici- ed system directly connects institutions or considering the inputs, production, sales, in- built 27 urban gardens, employed 411 farm- pality created a leading supply agency, which individuals who wish to donate food to peo- come generation, and consumption. The in- ers, produced 732 tons of food, and built 51 has evolved to today’s Secretariat for Nutri- ple in need. The fact that all these pieces of tention is that after a while of the functioning school gardens, serving almost 30.000 stu- tion and Food Security (SMASAN). With the information are publicly available reinforces garden, the farmers are capable of sustaining dents monthly (Cities Without Hunger NGO, institutionalized power from the municipality the normalization of this system and its in- themselves without the help of the sponsor- personal communication, June 15, 2020). and its agenda and budget, the agency “de- tegration on people’s lives, with the official ship (Cities Without Hunger NGO, personal velops actions for food education and nutri- support of the local government. communication, June 15, 2020) In the coming years, the goals for the NGO tion, through mobilizing and dynamic strat- are to expand their activities to other areas, egies aiming at promoting a dialogue with The programs’ implementation relies heavily The second track of work is with gardens consolidate their data monitoring systems, the local community about the importance on the active participation of the community, for schools. A school with an available space improve water collection and distribution of healthy food access” (Secretaria Municipal as the local people are managing the plots. would request the work from the NGO, and, systems, and develop more partnerships to Adjunta de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricio- The process is that a group must apply for also with the support of sponsorship, set up foster local consumption and circular econ- nal, 2019). the lease of the land of one of the selected the land and provide the adequate training omy (Cities Without Hunger NGO, personal vacant plots, and once approved, SMASAN so that the students and teachers them- communication, June 15, 2020). These actions focus on socially vulnerable provides the necessary support and training selves can care for the garden. In this way, groups and work in cooperation with oth- to ensure the quality of the products under they are provided with fresh, healthy food in With this case study, it is clear how signifi- er municipal programs, notably on schools, their guidelines (FAO, 2014). For example, school meals and snacks. In addition to the cant Urban Agriculture’s impact can be and childcare homes, and centers for the elderly pesticides are prohibited, and the irrigation food itself, students have access to science, that such a model is feasible, especially if it and healthcare. The strategy encompasses comes from the city’s network, as currently, environment, and nutrition classes, an im- had the local authorities’ support, which is an extensive set of tools among subsidized there is no other option available. The com- pact that extends from school to family and the case of the next case study in another food sales and school meals, free food distri- mercialization of the products is mainly to public health in the long term (Cities Without city in Brazil. butions, affordable community restaurants, schools for student meals, food markets, and Hunger NGO, personal communication, June regulation of prices in food markets, and ag- directly to the consumers (FAO, 2014).

32 33 literature review literature review

In fact, the coupling of Urban Agriculture and tional infrastructure such as community restau- m2.yr (McDougall, Kristiansen and Rader, 2019). schools has proven to be a great success in the Interim conclusions rants boosting access to food. The plots should local context. It is one of the most effective ways & Selected Data also be somehow accessible for the workers // One of the most common crops produced in to promote the practice, where children are in- either within a catchment area from their own the region of the study: Corn (Agência Brasília, vited to attend workshops on micro gardening, homes or to a public transportation point. 2016) and they spend around 1 hour per day caring for After the literature review and the case studies, the plants. This strategy reaches around 96 000 notable takeaways will be applied in the thesis 6- The drip irrigation through water harvesting // The necessary amount of water for corn ir- pupils (FAO, 2014). The municipality also relies further development: systems is already an applied technology, hence rigation: 3-6mm per day :: 350-500mm for the on the children’s education to bring the changes presenting the significant potential to be scaled whole cultivation (Agência Embrapa de -Infor and awareness to their homes, expanding the 1- Considering Land Access, Water Access, In- up to an institutionalized strategy on a larger mação Tecnológica, n.d.). food education network in a natural process, frastructure, and Market Development as the scale; hence the success. four main features that contribute to the best // Average amount of fertilizer needed: 400kg/ performance of Urban Agriculture concearning 7- The use of composting material in the gar- ha (Braga, 2012). Besides working with schools, another source Urban Planning. These will be the features ex- dens is desired but still considered expensive of promotion of Urban Agriculture is the cen- plored in the computational simulations; and hard to access. Therefore a strategy that // Average amount of organic waste produced ters for agroecological living. They are located fosters the management of the organic waste in a household in Brasília: 650gr (Imbelloni, mainly in peri-urban areas and are also managed 2- The Land Access also encompasses a division from households to composting units and final- 2007). by civil society groups. They offer courses on or- in typologies and their compatibility with exist- ly the gardens in a local level is highly beneficial; ganic production, recycling, nutrition, and ecol- ing landuses. For instance, the thesis will adopt // Minimum average solar radiation required ogy. (FAO, 2014) the simplified division in Home Gardens, Com- 8- When designing an Urban Agriculture strate- to grow the crops: 500MJ (Yang, Xu, Hou, et al, munity Gardens, and Urban Farms as derived gy in Brazil, it must be evident that the priority is 2019). The results of all these years of the programs are from the “Seeding the City: Policies to to benefit socially vulnerable groups. Therefore that the vegetable consumption has increased Promote Urban Agriculture” (ChangeLab Solu- the landuse definition and accessibility rules // Average annual precipitation in Brasília: among families and students and an estimated 9 tions, 2012) publication; must be aiming at reaching people in need; 1668mm (Climate Data, n.d.). 000 city residents have access to pesticide-free produce at a reasonable price, (FAO, 2014). 3- For the sake of the simulations and the devel- 9- The understanding of land and landscapes as // Average temperature in Brasília: 21.1ºC (Cli- opment of guidelines, this thesis will, therefore, public goods, and therefore their responsibility mate Data, n.d.). The municipality plans for the upcoming fu- consider the following productive land sizes: on providing and being accessible for the whole ture are to facilitate access to Urban Agricul- Home Gardens will not have a size restriction, population, must be in the core of the imple- // Walkability standards to reach amenities: ture plots in urban centers and longer leases, Community Gardens, shall be plots up to 1ha mentation of land distribution plans, and this amenities in a 5min walk :: 400m (Morphocode, therefore lowering the competition with land and Urban Farms shall be plots from 1ha to 3ha, case for urban agriculture. Such an exercise has n.d.) for . The municipality as derived from the Cuban example; to be seen as an opportunity for fighting social also intends to implement rainwater harvesting inequality and spatial segregation through spa- // Walkability standards for taking the public systems and better integration with solid waste 4- The landuse compatibility will also follow the tial justice and the socio-economic opportuni- transport: average of 580m, maximum of 800m management to use local compost (FAO, 2014). “Seeding the City: Land Use Policies to Promote ties it unfolds; (WYG, 2015). The idea is that facilitating and improving urban Urban Agriculture” (ChangeLab Solutions, 2012) agriculture infrastructure more young people publication, being as such: Home Gardens are a // Maximum distance people walk before de- would be interested in the activities, therefore permitted use in all residential districts; Com- ciding to use a car for shopping: in between leading to the perpetuation of the programs. munity Gardens are allowed in residential, mul- In a more specific note, the following data will 1.000 and 1.200m (WYG, 2015). tifamily, mixed-use, open space and industrial be considered as the base for the future calcula- zones, subject to regulation; Urban Farms shall tions and simulations, complementing the pre- be a conditional use in residential districts and vious research: subject to regulations in all districts; // The necessary area to feed one person: 0.23 5- As seen in the Brazilian case studies, Urban ha (FAO, 2011). Agriculture has its best performance when cou- pled with schools and supplemented by addi- // Average yield of Urban Agriculture: 6-8kg/

34 35

Figure 12 : Satellite image of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Google Image Landsat / Copernicus

3 9 Existinginitiatives 51. The Local Food Supply 49. 46. Situating Brasília 43. 38. Interim conclusions The Local Food System flow chart Local Analysis local analysis local analysis

spaces and buildings. Following a sectorized ian reality where housing is usually fenced off Situating Brasília landuse distribution, the Monumental Axis and gated. The modernist urban form and its was assigned political and administrative -ac tivities and is considered the city’s body with derived opportunities the style and simplicity of its buildings, over- sized scales, and broad vistas and heights As mentioned before, the delimitation of producing the idea of Monumentality. This Brasília can be understood as the whole met- axis includes the various ministries, national ropolitan region or only the modernist core, congress, presidential palace, supreme court as shown in the diagram. Despite under- building, and the television and radio tower standing the importance of the whole region (Wong, 1989). as a connected ecosystem and that the most significant urban challenges fall exactly there, due to feasibility constraints and the unique character of the modernist urban form, the What if all this space thesis focuses on a spatial investigation of was producing food? that part only. Hopefully, the lessons learned here have the potential to be replicated in the other areas or simply to inspire similar fu- ture research. Brazilian scale

Figure 15: The special characther of the buildings. Copy- Brasília is a result of a design competition right 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with permission. aimed at finding the best project for Brazil’s future capital in 1956. The intention behind moving the capital from Rio de Janeiro to What if all these flat somewhere in the country was to boost and roofs had gardens? anchor the development of that area, which was far behind the coast at that time.

The importance of the new capital’s acces- Figure 14: The monumental axis: political and administrative sion inspired the symbolism of the plan of buildings, open spaces and highways. Copyright 2020 by Joana the winning proposal, by the urbanist Lucio Metropolitan region França. Reproduced with permission. Costa, with later architecture landmarks by Oscar Niemeyer. The uniqueness and rec- The Residential Axis was intended to con- ognized importance of its modernist design tain intimate character areas and is consid- were celebrated with the title of a UNESCO ered the most important achievement of the World Heritage Site (UNESCO, n.d.) - which plan. It was designed for housing and asso- yes also means that everything is frozen in ciated functions such as local commerce, time and cannot change, for better or worse. schools, cinemas, and churches, composed of 96 superblocks, the so-called “Superqua- “In Costa’s view, a modern city needed to be dras” (280x280m each), limited to six-story Figure 16: The superblocks are placed in between green deliberate, orderly, rational, and systematic. height buildings and 12 additional super- spaces, like a park city. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. —the opposite of messy, over-crowded cit- blocks limited to three-story buildings. The Reproduced with permission. ies that grew and developed organically over buildings’ architecture has a purity of form, time” (Budds, 2019). The plan has two main with flat roofs, orthogonal façades, and a The intention behind the superblocks was to components, the Monumental Axis (east public groundfloor, since they are elevated have small, self-contained and self-sufficient to west) and the Residential Axis (north to Modernist core by pilotis, which is a privilege in the Brazil- neighborhoods providing a walking distance south), connecting a patch of scattered open Figure 13: Situating Brasília in different scales. Own design. 38 39 local analysis local analysis

Mapping Brasília: Modernist landuse distribution and street network

The residential scale, despite 270m the many idle spaces, it is friendly to the pedestrians The large idle spaces in between commercial structures fragment the urban fabric


This rational landuse distribution would facilitate or burden an Urban Agriculture approach?

Industrial Mixed Use Residential Public Facilities and leisure Commercial and Services N Parks 0km 1km 2,5km 5km Lake Vacant areas/ no specification

40 41 local analysis local analysis

from daily amenities and uniform buildings placed amidst green spaces, as in a park, with minating in floods and water shortages. The istics of the architecture, such as flat roofs, apartments of two or three different catego- nonexistence of public ownership concern- be more useful hosting urban gardens, urban ries, where the vision of the integration of ing these spaces also contributes to urban bees, or rainwater harvesting, for example? upper and middle classes sharing the same violence problems due to the lack of urban Can a new organized way of implementing residential area could flourish (Wong, 1989). activity throughout the city. a different layer of be benefitial? In which ways? And how? The plan of Brasília also envisioned to allow free flow of automobile traffic, as in that time Moreover, do these places have the right cars were the symbol of modernity. More- conditions for that? What if these spaces over, until this date, even though Brazil has were utilized for a suitable type of Urban Agriculture for instance? How many people continental dimensions, there is not a railway Figure 17: Flooding in one of the Superblocks in 2019. Copyright network in the country, so all the movement by André Borges/ could benefit from them? How could they be brasilia-desaba-em-chuva-forte-veja-fotos-e-videos . No copyright integrated into the urban landscape? How of people and goods rely heavily on auto- infringement intended. mobile mobility. The result of this choice in Figure 18: The dimension of the open spaces on eye level could all this land serve the social value in- Brasília is a city-scale strange for pedestrians, further integrated in the strategy into the in the Monumental Axis. Copyright 2020 by Google. tended in its conception? with long distances without many attractions next chapter. in-between spaces. In sum, the idea of modernity in Brasília was As a start, the idle open areas though intend- the materialization of the dream of a country It is essential to highlight the tabula rasa ap- ed as urban quality, turned out to be a col- that moved forward, which boosted industri- proach that took place in the construction of lection of hyper underutilized public spaces, alization and urbanization, released from its the city. The native vegetation in the region resulting in immense voids of precious land agrarian past and colonial history. However, was mostly cleared out, offering space for in the middle of the city, which are simply what if today, modernity and contemporane- the urban core built from scratch in 5 years. very costly to maintain by the public funds. ity mean precisely coming back to that, due to Therefore all the nature that one can see in Furthermore, that happens at the same time Figure 19: The dimension of the open spaces on eye level the current urban challenges? What if Brasília in one of the Superblocks. Copyright 2020 by Google. the pictures was actually artificially placed that 13,26% (Companhia de Planejamento could again be a bold symbol of courage and there. do DF - Codeplan, 2018) of the regional pop- forward-thinking agency by prioritizing food ulation does not have access to housing, for In the residential scale, this scenario is slight- sovereignty and urban resilience, transform- Lastly, the city was conceived mainly to pri- example. And the people who do manage to ly different. The Superblocks scale allows for ing its criticized empty public spaces into Ur- oritize the aesthetic and functional forms, access a home are pushed away to land-con- unique pedestrian mobility in Brasília, and ban Agriculture, becoming a living lab of how neglecting other sides of the urban ecosys- suming-urban-sprawling new satellite cities the particularities of the architecture of the a city can adapt its existing infrastructure for tem, such as the management of waste and and informal settlements. This situation mir- buildings, such as the freed-up groundfloor, fighting poverty, hunger and social inequality water flows. As already mentioned before, rors the Brazilian society, characterized by connects the surrounding landscape in a con- in Brazil. there was no planning for solid waste, cul- enormous social inequality, and the uneven tinuous permeable path. This clear visibility minating today in the biggest landfill of Latin access to natural resources. brings safety, dynamicity to space, and pro- To apply any change in that sense, it is first America. The design of the street network motes a greater sense of community. necessary to continue this local analysis favoring automobile flows’ efficiency, with These public spaces without qualification moving forward to understanding the cur- their orthogonal shapes, challenges the ca- end up not being attractive or safe for lei- The question that arises is whether all these rent food supply conditions in the city. pacity of rainwater drainage as it overlooks sure activities and also do not quite work as green spaces could nevertheless be more the morphology of the rainfall in the terrain. green infrastructure for rainwater drainage, useful beyond contemplation and fruit for example, since the original vegetation trees. All this public space availability heav- The local food system All together, these features naturally result was completely cleared out. They are spaces ily contrasts with the reality of most of the And the opportunities it unfolds in many specificities, and whether Brasilia’s mainly covered by grass (but also many times residential areas surrounding the modernist modernist experiment is considered a suc- concrete and long asphalt roads), which often core, where access to green spaces is scarce. cess is an endless debate, and it falls outside become mud during the rainy season and dirt Therefore, since nothing can be built on the scope of this work. Therefore only a crit- in the dry season. As already mentioned be- them in any case, due to the Heritage title, As already mentioned in the background sec- ical outlook on the features revolving Urban fore, all these features combined with poor how can these spaces serve a broader pub- tion of this work, the farmlands that supply Agriculture potentials will be reviewed and water and waste management pile up cul- lic good? And how can the other character- Brasília’s metropolitan cluster lie just outside

42 43 75% The local food system’s spatial features: of the production is supplied by small scale farmers (Agência Brasília, 2019) 46%

of the rural plots correspond to small scale agriculture (Agência Brasília, 2019)


of the metropolitan area corresponds to rural zones (Agência Brasília, 2019)

there are currently around 19.000 rural properties in the metropolitan area (Agência Brasília, 2019)

small scale farmers are plots up to 20.000m2 Natural landscape (Agência Brasília, 2019) Main urban clusters Farmlands registered in the GIS database Lakes and dams

44 45 The Local Food Supply How the local food reaches the table of consumers in Brasília

How can the organic waste be more reused?

How can toxic emissions be How can more land be avail- reduced? able with less deforestation?

How can water be supplied more sustainably?

Figure 20: Local Food Supply diagram. Own design.

46 47 local analysis local analysis

of the main urban areas and are fairly produc- there is a solid local production, fresh prod- goods from a distant farm and carry them Notably, the pioneers of civic engagement in tive, substentially supplying the local popula- ucts do not equally reach the population back if not everything is sold every day. This the city, the “Nossa Brasília Movement” has tion and playing a very significant role in the (Jornal de Brasília, 2019), and there are still process can be arduous, as, beyond the logis- been taking actions on the implementation national exports as well. That means that in often logistic challenges for the family farm- tics barriers, the producer still has to search of community gardens in Brasília. The movi- average, the supply and consumer sources lie ers to reach distribution points (Canal Rural, for the costumers actively. Many of them ment from the civil society is articulated as a in a 50km catchment area as shown in the 2018). As shown in the diagrams, the pro- choose to do so despite the difficulties, as network of people, initiatives, communitary map in the past pages. The main produces of duce from the commercial farms goes to a they can earn more selling directly to people. organizations and social movements that the area are grains, such as soybeans, corn, centralized distribution center, called CEA- If they could produce already where they sell share the same vision for the right to the city sorghum, beans, wheat, peppers, tomatoes, SA, from where people can go shopping ei- it, the process could be simplified, reducing and human rights with a critic and collective

strawberries, guava, jiló, okra and zucchini ther for commercial use, such as restaurant the packaging, the CO2 emissions on trans- perspective. (Movimento Nossa Brasília, n.d.). (Agência Brasília, 2019). owners, or also for personal consumption. portation, and the physical and emotional The group organizes political participation in The other option is for the farmers to sell the distress of the farmer. varied areas such as Culture, Gender Issues, The main challenges that arise from the cur- products directly to the supermarket chains, Solid Waste Sustainable Management, Urban rent spatial organization are the concentra- send them elsewhere in the country or to in- One more important feature is that the local Mobility and last but not least, Urban Agri- tion of wealth and land in large-sized com- ternational export. This whole process is well population has a significant tendency to buy culture. mercial farms, straining the opportunities for regulated by local governmental authorities, processed goods such as already cut vege- familiar, small scale, and ecological produc- managing and supporting the farmers, orga- tables and fresh juice (Canal Rural, 2018). The group joined forces with interested peo- tion. The commercial farms usually heavily nizing the distribution, and checking for hy- Therefore, the local agroindustry is rising ple and volunteers to build community gar- apply chemical fertilizers, therefore not - of gienic and related regulations. and currently processes around 90ton (Canal dens in public spaces aiming on promoting fering organic and healthy products, and con- Rural, 2018) of food per month, generating the agroecological practice in the city, sup- sume a very significant amount of the region- many jobs opportunities and strengthening porting local actions and legal frameworks al water for irrigation (Brasília Capital, 2016). the relationship with the local farmers. They for the promotion of related public policies Additionally, the current food system has an usually partner with small scale producers with the production of healthy food. open end, as the waste becomes a landfill far and collect the goods directly from them, fa- away from the productive lands, instead of cilitating transportation, usually a challenge returning as compost material. This produc- from the farmer’s side. Therefore, support- tion chain was shown in the flow chart on the ing this already existing relation is a positive past page. strategy that should be taken into consider- ation when planning commercial and indus- Therefore, even though the agriculture sys- trial activities in the city’s strategy. tem is considered reasonably good because it accomplishes its primary duty of supplying The last layer on the overview of the local most people with food, when considering the food production is not anymore analyzing land potential inside the city of Brasília, a lot Figure 21: Inside the CEASA (Center of Distribution of Production) how the system is organized today, but rath- can still be improved by merging the urban the local producers have their stands. 55% of the people selling there er how diverse initiatives are already plan- and the rural realities and decentralizing the are family farmers (Agência Brasília, 2019). Copyright by Lúcio Ber- ning to change it. nardo Jr. / Agência Brasília. system. A decentralized system opens room for possibilities for smaller-scale enterprises, The small producers can also sell their goods job opportunities, and income generation at in smaller markets scattered around the ur- Existing initiatives the local level for more people. Meaning the ban areas. Some of them are institutional- A selection revenue of the products remains, employs, ized in given spaces others are self-initiated Figure 22: Group of volunteers from the Nossa Brasília Movement and feeds the local population. Additionally, and organized by the producers themselves. Urban Agriculture in Brasília is not exactly an working on one of the community gardens. Copyright by Movi- the necessary infrastructure for the produc- However, the farmers often have to drive mento Nossa Brasília/ tion can benefit from the existing water and to the city center and from there walk from innovative idea, as the will of growing local br/abraco-em-solidariedade-as-hortas-comunitarias-de-brasilia/. No copyright infringement intended. waste loops already inside the city. door-to-door to sell their goods or in the traf- food or simply attempting on a more off-grid fic lights when the cars stop. It means that lifestyle was already in the radar for some cit- After setting up some of the gardens, the In the socio-economic sphere, even though they need to organize, pack, and bring the izens and enterprises. group faced many challenges for keeping

48 49 local analysis local analysis

them. First of all, since it is still an innova- Another branch of their work is supplying it is believed that this can be reversed once tive practice, many people simply stole the the compost to local farmers and selling their Interim conclusions an institutional strategy is created and well food that was growing there or vandalized products for the people. It works in the same communicated to the public. As well as the the spaces. A second challenge was the re- way as a subscription, in which, for a weekly collective benefits that arise from the prac- current interruption of the water supply from fee, the person receives a box with the local At the end of this Local Analysis section, es- tice; the city’s agency (Movimento Nossa Brasília, harvest of a specific small scale producer. It sential conclusions should be highlighted and 2017). These problems probably arouse supports the local farmers and expands ac- carried on to the upcoming strategy: 7- Connecting households’ organic waste, mainly because there is not yet a legitimation cess to healthy and nutritious food and the composting and food production is already of Urban Agriculture, meaning that the ma- direct management of organic waste (Projeto 1- The main aspects of Brasilia’s urban form being implemented by private sector initia- jority of the population does not understand Compostar, n.d.). related to Urban Agriculture are the exten- tives in the city and having a significant pos- the boundaries and rules around it. Likewise, sive availability of land inherent to the mod- itive acceptance from the people, meaning it it is unclear how the integration with the oth- Lastly, a current effort from the government ernist Urban Planning and the orthogonal ar- potentially could be scaled up; er supply services should work. Once again, is also worth mentioning. In 2018 the munic- chitecture of the buildings in which flat roofs it shows that a centralized institutionalized ipality developed the “District Plan of Inte- can also be used as gardens; 8- Adding to the last point, now on the public strategy is imperative for its success. grated Solid Waste Management” (Governo side of waste management, a new municipal de Brasília, 2018), defining goals and guide- 2- The classification of Brasília as a World program decentralizes the responsibility for A second strategy to be mentioned is a cel- lines to be achieved in the next 20 years. This Heritage Site implies that nothing can be the treatment of generated waste, which ebrated local startup called “Projeto Compo- action is part of a broader strategy at the na- built on its empty spaces. It means that since means that commercial services that pro- star”, which works bridging organic waste, tional level to finally coordinate the actions those spaces could never become housing for duce it should find the correct destination. compost, local producers, and fresh food. The on waste management in the country. the future population growth for example, That opens up enormous possibilities, such process is that for a monthly fee, weekly, the maybe they can become productive fields, as the composting initiative, in an institution- organic waste is collected from the subscrib- The program’s main goals involve the according to the perspective of this work; alized city scale. It means that the solution of er’s household, transformed into compost at non-generation of waste, the reduction of its directly using the organic waste in near com- the company’s facilities, and you receive in production, the reutilization of materials, re- 3- The city’s flood challenges call for a solu- posting stations within urban agriculture el- exchange one herb or plant that was fertil- cycling, treatment, and final destination. The tion on the water management, at the same ements could become a legit approach in the ized with that compost (Projeto Compostar, program characterized the waste according time that the current irrigation system in city. n.d.). to its origin and the responsibility on the the local farms contributes to the problem, management depends on that classification straining the local network capacity; (VG Resíduos, 2018). 4- The current food production system works For example, it means that restaurants are favoring large commercial farms and their now responsible for the destination of their profit, while small scale organic producers organic waste, the factories that produce struggle to carve their way. Therefore, an Ur- packages are responsible for the destination ban Agriculture approach should prioritize of their share, and so on. This brings an ex- activities on the small scale, in other words, citing perspective as it opens up opportuni- family farmers; ties for innovative approaches and synergies between public and private sectors and new 5- The local agroindustry is already a strong employment opportunities and environmen- business that could be boosted with a facil- tal relief. In the prospect of this thesis, it con- itated integration with small scale local pro- firms that the integration of organic waste for ducers; composting is a coherent need that is aligned with the current expectations of the public 6- Urban Agriculture is already being tried agenda. in Brasília by civil society movements. How- ever, the acceptance of it by the general Figure 23: Composting process in the windrows. Copyright public is still troubled. From the knowledge 2020 by Projeto Compostar. Reproduced with permission. acquired during the research of this thesis,

50 51

Figure 24 : Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with permission.

4 6 Operationalizing theconcepts 60. 56. 54. The New Flow Chart Summary of Findings

Strategy strategy strategy

Relevant socio-spacial aspects of Urban Agriculture (Viljoen and Bohn, 2014): Summary of findings and derived spatial guidelines

After investigating the opportunities for- Ur ban Agriculture that linger in Brasilia’s urban form and in the current local food supply chain, understanding how and what can be done based on literature review it’s time to 1- Many empty spaces in the urban scale due Spatial Diversity Public Perception of Open Space tie it all together in a systematic approach. to the modernist urban design;

From the literature review section, derived that Urban Agriculture needs mainly four features that relate to Urban Planning:

2- Most of the buildings follow a modernistic Urban Connectivity Layered Infrastructure architecture design, meaning most of them have large flat roofs, a potential for Urban Agriculture; 1- Land Access

Employment + Income Training + education

2- Water Access 3- Points of flooding present potential for an integrated water harvesting system for Ur- ban Agriculture irrigation; These added aspects can aid the current socio-economic, socio-economic, added aspects can aid the current These in the city. challenges and mobility-related environmental

Water and waste management Access to fresh food 3- Infrastructure 4- The city can provide the necessary sup- port for Urban Agriculture such as available commercial plots for new industries;

4- Market Development

In parallel, the analysis of Brasília’s urban 5- The city already has many existing market Public Health and Nutrition Ownership + Agency form brings the following opportunities that points where the products can be sold. can accommodate the Urban Agriculture in- herent needs: 54 55 strategy strategy Operationalizing the concepts Transforming concepts into Urban Planning measures for spatial planning aided by Computational rived as a way of operationalizing the previ- Finally, how can these concepts and relations features must be scientifically qualified and Design. Therefore, from the literature review ously mentioned relations in between urban become a systematic approach in Urban Plan- quantified to be spatially analyzed, replicated chapter, the following measures were de- form and Urban Agriculture: ning? First of all, the previously mentioned elsewhere, and therefore create a framework

Urban Scale:

Land Access these constraints relate to: Market Development + Infrastructure 1. Map built/unbuilt potential. How much of the total vacant land could be farmed, and how could it be organized? In which typologies could 1. Mapping of the existing market the plots be divided? locations and their catchment areas


Typology 1: Community Gardens Typology 2: Urban Farms Landuse mapping of residences and Plots < 1ha 1ha < Plots < 3ha 1. schools and their catchment areas; 2. Mapping of bus stops and their catch- ment areas; Market and Infrastructure Ideally located: Ideally located: 3. Street Network centrality analysis; mapping inform the distribution - In the catchment area of residences - In the catchment area of bus stops; 4. Mapping of commercial plots sorted of each typology and schools; - In the catchment area of Markets; by size; - In the catchment area of bus stops; - Alongside the streets with the heaviest - In the catchment area of Markets; traffic flows; - Closer to smaller commercial plots that - Closer to larger commercial plots that could host small processing facilities. could host heavier processing facilities.

store values

Built/Unbuilt mapping Street Network Centrality Catchment area based on landuse weights and visualizes values Compost

The heatmap is a final visualization of where each typology would be best located given the constraints of their related complements. continues on continues the next page the next 56 Heatmap visualization 57 strategy strategy

Overall conclusion:

Heatmap visualization Neighborhood Scale:

Zoom in the heatmap for detailing water access and compost units

Heatmap visualization in the Overview of constraints in the neighborhood scale Water Access Compost urban scale

1. Map where the water naturally flows 1. Map of the solar and shadow local during rainfall events; conditions for best location of compost- ing windrows.

2. Map and visualize water accumula- tion points and therefore where rainwa- ter harvesting catchment could be im- plemented for irrigation.

Solar Radiation and Shadows analysis Overview of a comprehensive spatial organization for Urban Agriculture elements given their complementary features.

Rainrunoff simulation

Overview of constraints in the neighborhood scale

58 59 strategy strategy Proposed flow chart Implementing the strategy, how the local food system could be enhanced:

Features in orange are boosted by Urban Agriculture

Features in grey are discouraged, changing the system

Figure 25: Local Food Supply diagram with Urban Agriculture interventions. Own design.

60 61

Figure 26 : Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with permission.

5 86. 83. 77. 64. Final overview Infrastructure Water access Land access

Computational Exploration exploration | urban scale exploration | urban scale 1.1- Land access_Mapping the potential Built/Unbuilt map

How could these plots be organized for Urban Agriculture?

For the feasibility of the calculations, only half of the map will be computed

Vacant areas

2 32.682.000m + - of official unbuilt areas - +1300 70.000 + smaller green spaces and roofs that can significantly increase this number families in Brasília live under people could be fed using N poverty and have a hard only the official unbuilt area 2km 5km 10km access to food as productive units (Companhia de Planejamento do Distrito Federal, 2015)

64 65 exploration | urban scale exploration | urban scale 1.2- Inputs_Existing Infrastructure Residences and schools, bus stops, streets, market locations and commercial plots

The relationship in between existing landuse and mobility structures in- forms the organization of the Urban Agriculture typologies distribution

N 0km 1km 2.5km 5km Residential Commercial School centers Bus stops Markets vacant plot sizes vary from as little as 4m2 to as much as 3.975.300m2 (.ca 400ha) 66 67 exploration | urban scale exploration | urban scale 1.3- Explorations_ Accessibility and catchment areas Check where are the plots more accessible to residents and schools, accessible by public transport, accessed in the most connected streets by car and the closest plots to markets

The intent is to get the information of The intent is to get the information of which empty plots are in this catchment. which empty plots are in this catchment.

400m - 5min 400m - 5min

Map of the catchment area of a 5min walking distance from all residences center points. The Map of the catchment area of a 5min walking distance from all schools center points. The walk- walkability standards for amenities were derived from Morphocode (n.d.). as seen in Chapter 2. ability standards for amenities were derived from Morphocode (n.d.). as seen in Chapter 2.

68 69 exploration | urban scale exploration | urban scale

The intent is to get the information of The intent is to get the information of which empty plots are in this catchment. which empty plots are in this catchment. 1000m - 12min 1000m - 1min 800m - 10min

Map of the catchment area of a 10min walking distance from all bus stops. The catchment of bus Map of the catchment area of a 1km distance from all open markets that sell organic products. stops was derived from WYG (2015) as seen in Chapter 2. The catchment area was derived from WYG (2015) as the average maximum distance people walk before deciding to take a car for shopping, as seen in Chapter 2.

70 71 exploration | urban scale exploration | urban scale

Smaller commercial plots attract community The intention is to store which streets gardens and larger plots attract urban farms. have the heaviest traffic flows.

Map of commercial plots sorted by size. 7500m2 was chosen as the split area because it’s the half Street network betweeness centrality analysis: how many times a node acts as a bridge in between of the largest area. two other nodes. It was generated in Grasshopper and represents how are the movement flows when everybody is travelling everywhere. Commercial areas up to 7500m2 Commercial areas from 7500m2 to 15500m2 Streets with higher centrality values Streets with lower centrality values

72 73 exploration | urban scale exploration | urban scale

Overlaying the maps information and their scores using Grasshopper as the computational tool, a heat- A possible spatial organization for Home and Community Gardens typologies zoomed in: The heatmap shows preferred locations map represents the best land accessibility based on for small scale Urban Agriculture. this data. The weights were given as such as to visu- The existing empty spaces can be divided alize the best locations of the features that influence to be multiple community gardens while the placement of Home and Community Gar- also keeping leisure green areas. dens. These typologies benefit small scale The flat rooftops can family agriculture, which according to become home gardens. the previous research, is currently Larger plots can become Urban Agri- lacking more opportunities in culture centers, clustering community the city. kitchens and composting units. Heatmap of the weighted scores

Scores of the street network betweeness centrality

Scores of attractivity towards larger or smaller commercial plots

These locations are closer to resi- Scores of catchment dences, schools, smaller commercial areas of markets units, bus stops and markets.

*Not all the locations highlighted in the map have exactly the same Scores of catchment features shown in the illustration, but areas of bus stops 414.264kg could they carry the same principles for the be harvested in organization of open spaces. 51.783m2

Scores of catchment areas of schools

Scores of catchment areas of residences

Vacant plots

Basemap Most preferred locations for Home Gardens and Community Gardens

74 75 exploration | urban scale exploration | neighborhood scale

A possible spatial organization for Urban Farms typologies zoomed in: 2.1- Water access_Mapping the potential Vacant plots in detail The vacant spaces for Urban Farms can be used for more intensive production as they are The analysis in the neighborhood scale allows and not only the official vacant plots. When it usually located away from existing for a more detailed mapping of the vacant spac- comes to water supply, how much of the total buildings and residential areas. es available. It is possible to carefully consider area available could be watered with rain har- all the idle spaces between pedestrian paths vesting? And how and where? The urban farms can sprawl in between existing infrastructure, bringing activities and connect- ing large idle spaces. How much 697.053m2 of How much rainwater vacant spaces water do they could be need? harvested?

2317 tonnes could This section of the neighborhood exploration is a zoom in one of the most preferred locations be harvested in for small scale Urban Agriculture and will be used to analyse the water access potential: 289.701m2

Where does the water naturally These farms are located closer flow to be harvested? to heavier traffic flows, larger commercial plots, bus stops and markets.

*Not all the locations highlighted in the map have exactly the same features shown in the illustration, but they carry the same princi- ples for the organization of open spaces.

Vacant plots Most preferred locations Streets for Urban Farms Buildings 76 77 exploration | neighborhood scale exploration | neighborhood scale 2.2- Inputs_Mapping the potential 2.3- Exploration_the impact of flowpaths Environmental conditions: rainwater flow paths Relations in between the rainwater accumulation points and the

The flow paths visualization informs where the water naturally goes when it rains

Map of the terrain and the flow paths from the rainfall generated with Grasshopper through a Visualization of the accumulation points from the flow paths generated with Grasshopper definition by Julius Morschek (Morschek, 2020). through a definition by Julius Morschek (Morschek, 2020).

Analysis boundary Analysis boundary

78 79 exploration | neighborhood scale exploration | neighborhood scale

Overlaying this data, it is possible to visualize without overloading the already strained city where natural catchment ponds are formed. network and improve the resilience to flooding The water could, therefore, be stored there events as capturing the water prevents the rain and used for urban agriculture irrigation. The runoff from being on the streets. reserved water would grant irrigation access

Information on where catchment ponds would be best located

Information on water accumulation points

Information on the most affected buildings by rainrunoff

Information on the most affected streets by rainrunoff

Information on the natural flow paths

Information on the terrain slope

Base map

The impact of the accumulation points in the built environment generated with Grasshopper through a definition by Julius Morschek (Morschek, 2020). Darker colors of buildings: most affected. Red streets: more prone to flooding.

Analysis boundary

80 81 exploration | neighborhood scale exploration | neighborhood scale 2

The catchment ponds could have varied morphologies while having the same harvesting capacity of 100m3. A deeper analysis is however necessary to determine the best stuitable one for the local 3.1- Infrastructure_Mapping the potential conditions, specially taking into consideration the dry season and the water evaporation. Solar radiation and shadow analysis for composting units location

In this last iteration for analyzing the best loca- This analysis considers the windrow compost- tions for Urban Agriculture elements, potential ing technique, as, according to the research, it is places for composting units, and related sup- a recommended type for larger-scale compost- porting infrastructure such as sustainable dry ing. Windrow composting is the production of toilets are checked. The choice for dry toilets compost by piling organic matter or biodegrad- as infrastructure comes from the limitations for able waste, such as animal manure and crop water tanks, or underground reservoirs constructing permanent standard structures residues, in long rows (“Windrow Composting”, The catchment typologies could be connected to the buildings, open ponds, in Brasília due to the Heritage Protection reg- n.d.). These rows have to be turned to guaran- for example. ulations. Additionally, it is another urban layer tee the right oxygen content, remove or add that produces compost, and their location can moisture, and redistribute the pile’s hotter and be used to anchor a local community space for hotter portions. The temperature of the wind- Integrating the catchment Urban Agriculture in each neighborhood. This rows has to be continuously measured, and it’s ponds with the Urban designated space could store collective equip- one of the essential factors on the time and Agriculture plots ment, facilitate knowledge exchange, and a be success of the compost production. There is no laboratory promoting sustainable living for the standard for how much sun would be needed general public. as it depends a lot on the material being de- Considering the average rainfall composed and in the local climate conditions. of 7mm per day, and consider- For choosing the best location for the compost- However, a steady condition of sun and shadow ing that only 70% of this water ing units, the sun has to be taken into consid- seems to be the most indicated. On the con- can be stored (Aicher, 2020), eration as the correct amount of radiation plays trary, the composting technique for sustainable the 17 ponds are dimensioned a fundamental role in the biological process of dry toilets requires as much sun as possible to to have a volume of 100m3 for the transformation of the organic matter into process the humanure to happen inside the harvesting, each. compost (Washington State University, n.d.). chamber of the toilet (Biletska, 2018). Meaning that technically this Catchment ponds and area could be all watered only pipes/canals for the water with captured rainfall, as the distribution necessary liters are 2.439.685, 3960 households and 3.415.559 could be (Brino, 2016) harvested = 2574kg of organic waste per day (Imbelloni, 2017) 697.053m2 of corn (the average crop) would require 3,5mm of water per day 697.053m2 of green spaces, sizes per plot vary from X to X

Where should the composting units be located?

Best locations for water catchment ponds: in total 17 in this area

82 83 exploration | neighborhood scale 2 exploration | neighborhood scale 2

109.212m2 of vacant spaces would require 4.368kg of fertilizer (Braga, 2012)

Meaning that when reduc- ing the necessary space to produce the compost itself from the vacant plots, the area under productive ac- tivity could be significantly fertilized with the local The dry toilets can be com- organic waste, but proba- The compsting windrows bined with the allotments nec- bly not entirely. should have sufficinet amount essary for other infrastructure of sun, be close to the fields. such as equipament storage or community kitchens. The humanure is transformed into compost and reutilized on site

Best location for composting units The solar radiation simulation shows the amount of sun that reaches the surface. It demon- and dry toilets infrastructure strates as expected that the minimum amount of sun of 500MJ (= 138, 89KWh) for growing the crops (as shown in Chapter 2) is covered and also that it would be enough to reach the necessary temperatures for the composting biological reactions.

Solar radiation analysis

Shadows Analysis


The shadows analysis show that mild conditions, better suited for the composting activities would happen in the red colored areas, which is ideal since it’s not directly close to the residenc- es.

84 85 Composting units are always coupled with Bringing the elements together: productive ones.

A final summary of findings The Urban Agriculture Center can be placed in larger plots in central locations Taking into consideration all the simulation results for a possible spatial for knowledge exchange and logistics. distribution of Urban Agriculture elements in Brasília, this diagram is a final visualization of how the concepts spatially relate to each other. This is not at all intended as a design proposal, but rather as an abstraction.

Agroindustry plots can be in the commercial plots close to the productive units. Community gardens exist in between residental areas, also leaving space for non productive green areas.

Market locations are easily accessible for Community Gardens and Urban Farms.

Water catchment infrastruc- ture is scattered around the Urban Farms would be placed away city in crucial points. from residences, in larger plots and closer to heavier traffic streets.

86 87

Figure 27 : Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with permission.

6 94. Limitations 94. 93. 90. Outlook for Further Research Final Statement Conclusions

Reflection reflection reflection

based on GIS mapping of relevant elements The other follow up questions from the main Conclusions related to infrastructure and market devel- research question were also answered along opment, generates a series of computation- the way: al simulations and analysis mainly based on The idea for developing this Master Thesis ploration of the topic, and so many new con- proximity and attractivity relations. When What is important for urban agriculture to topic sparkled last year while doing our De- cepts appeared along the way, and for me, overlapping these results, a heatmap allows thrive, in an Urban Planning perspective? sign Studio at the IUDD Master Program on the hardest part of this whole process was the visualization of the preferred locations, in This was imperative for the development Rural Development under an Urban Metabo- framing the work and reducing the subject other words, land accessibility, of two differ- of the whole strategy, and as already men- tioned many times, the considered aspects lism framework for the settlement of Wurer to something feasible for our three months’ ent Urban Agriculture typologies. were land and water accessibility, infrastruc- in Ethiopia. It was the first time I worked with research time. Therefore, my study area had ture, and market development. such a conceptual framework as an urban to be condensed in only areas of the modern- The second iteration investigates the poten- planner. Moreover, the whole experience ist part of Brasília, and the understanding of tial locations of water harvesting systems for How are these features interconnected with resonated with everything I believe in as a Urban Agriculture remained very straightfor- the field irrigation based on rainfall and flow existing Urban Planning layers? person, as a professional, and with my hopes ward, without deepening into specifications paths analysis. The third and last iteration in- vestigates possible locations for supporting These features have a compatibility range for this planet as a human being, so working such as agroecological production and oth- with landuse and other Urban Planning el- with resources is something I wanted to ex- er possible variations. It was also imperative infrastructure, specifically composting units, through sun and shadow analysis, import- ements, as demonstrated in the strate- plore further. to keep a boundary in between what I was gy framework. For instance, housing and actually proposing - research to inform a fu- ant elements for the biological composting processes to happen. Finally, what remains a schools attract the location of community I was born and raised in Brasília and lived ture design - instead of detailing and creat- gardens for the facility of management and result is a comprehensive understanding of there all my life. Hence the empty spaces ing a design itself. That was hard for me as for allowing a direct channel for selling the where all these elements could be located in described in the thesis were (and are) a sig- my background is very design-oriented, so products; existing commercial plots can play the city based on their constraints and the nificant part of my memories. Furthermore, this scientific framework greatly enriched my a role supporting the necessary infrastruc- impacts of these choices. This outcome is, of while growing up around them and becoming professional experience. ture for the businesses; the vacant plots course, only one out of many other possible an architect, I always questioned what all of closer to streets with more substantial traffic them meant, how those spaces could be dif- Beyond personal notes, I return to my re- solutions for Urban Agriculture distribution. flows attract commercial farms for facilitat- ferent, the relationship between landscape search questions and how they were ulti- ing the transport with trucks; bus stops and and us, how they could be improved, main- mately answered during this process: It is interesting to mention that knowing the existing market points attract both typolo- taining the qualities of the original plan for city’s existing organization reasonably well, gies for mobility and commercial logistics. In this supposedly garden city. What is a potential spatial configuration of the result of the heatmap was quite predict- this regard, the features that are important to Urban Agriculture elements in Brasília? able. However, it does not decrease its value, Urban Agriculture are already existing inside Therefore, when choosing the master thesis The question was answered through the as a data-based solution is always much more the city. They simply can have an optimized topic, it was evident that I would be extreme- construction of a strategic framework based reliable and precise than just assumptions. It spatial distribution to boost productivity and ly interested in bridging my past Brazilian re- on extensive research to inform decisions. is an extra tool for possible stakeholder inter- full integration in the urban fabric. ality with the recently explored knowledge. This framework was spatially operationalized actions and planning discussions. The heat- Accordingly, it began the exploration of how with computational simulation and design map also shows that the organization of the How can Urban Agriculture connect to exist- Urban Agriculture in those empty spaces in tools that could ultimately enable the visual- two typologies are very clearly divided just ing waste and water management? Brasília could look like, and which impacts that ization of the expected urban configuration. like the existing infrastructure that influence As seen throughout the research, urban agri- could have. Also, during my Master studies, For the feasibility of the computations, this them, following the existing principles of a culture can be a catalyst and support for im- alongside the focus on urban metabolism, we process was done in different urban scales. rational modernist urban plan. plementing solid waste management strate- learned parametric urban design tools, which gies. More specifically, the productive fields was entirely new for me, and now I cannot Specifically, it was imperative to first know Ideally, the water and infrastructure analy- become a direct destination for transforming imagine a world anymore in which design is what influenced Urban Agriculture elements sis results should also be integrated into the organic waste into composting material and not done with the support of data and simu- and their placement in a given urban context heatmap visualization, although that was reused as fertilizer. Regarding the water, as seen as a result of the computational simula- lations as a first step. Personally, that was a and how they relate to the existing infra- not feasible for the timeframe of this thesis. tion with rainfall, the necessary water for irri- big realization during this individual process structure in the city. As demonstrated before, Therefore, the separation in two different gation could come almost entirely from rain- that I would like to register here. the four main features adopted in this thesis scales and understanding the results as accu- water harvesting structures. Therefore food were land and water access, infrastructure, racy for the whole city is a limitation. could be produced without overloading the My research began with a comprehensive ex- and market development. The first iteration,

90 91 reflection reflection

city supply, and the capture of the rain runoff Finally, and the main takeaway of this work is Conceptually, despite the research on the can help to prevent severe flood events. the understanding that inserting Urban Agri- literature review and the Brazilian case stud- culture in the landuse discussion in contem- ies, it is essential to highlight that it is not a How is Urban Agriculture inserted in the +2900 porary cities is not only possible but should guarantee that those parameters would di- existing local food system considering com- become an imperative for the upcoming rectly serve for Brasília or any other city, for mercial and logistics operations? years given the benefits and challenges it can instance. The propositions here should be As visualized in the food flow chart, Urban address. After my research and the experi- understood as an initial step, as they are in- Agriculture becomes a new source of food new direct jobs could be generated ence during the current COVID-19 pandem- tended. If such a strategy were to be imple- production, supports the local small scale in that analyzed area based on the ic, it is also clear to me the essential role and mented, some details would probably have system, and opens up opportunities for farm- number of vacant spaces urgent demand of solid resilience strategies to be adapted to a more specific reality. ers who did not have land before. The com- on local, regional, and national levels in all mercialization of the products can be - per planning topics, in this specific case, regard- Another significant limitation of the work formed directly to the customers or through ing innovative decentralized and sustainable is the scale of the exploration. Ideally, the the current markets and commercial chan- + food production systems. study should have been done for the whole nels. The difference is that since the distanc- metropolitan region, especially considering es are shorter, they do not require the farmer 155.000 During my investigation, it was made evident that the main argumentation point was pre- to own a car. The distribution can be done that a fundamental part of the implementa- cisely the integration of it, and the possibility by bike, or since it is close, the commercial tonnes tion of any strategy, as such must be a very of expanded income generation for vulner- establishments can pick up the products and thoughtful and meaningful public participa- able groups. When it comes to the analysis not the opposite, once again facilitating the tion process. As the productive fields can as such, since the water study is in a limited farmer’s production. of food could be produced in primarily be placed in public areas and most area, even though it gives a good insight in the analyzed urban scale area likely be self-regulated by the civic society, How can Urban Agriculture successfully be comprehensive and sensitive cooperation the neighborhood scale, an extensive inves- integrated in the urban landscape and be ac- between stakeholders must be designed. It tigation for other points in the city would cepted by the people? is a process that must also be widely clearly support a better perception of the broader This thesis’s scope did not directly measure communicated to the local population as so context and a more systematic recommen- the social dimension of the impacts, but it to avoid any misinterpretation on how this dation. Adding to that, the presented results is worth mentioning the expectations from +3M land is intended to be used for a collective for the water analysis should be better de- the spatial organization implementation. In liters purpose. tailed, as the location for harvesting points Brasília, the hope is that having the empty would also depend on other factors and the spaces being used could literally wake people feasibility of the infrastructure to success- for their surroundings and trigger more civ- fully distribute the water through the urban of water could be harvested in the an- Limitations ic engagement and ownership for that land. agriculture fields, completing the idea of the It can bring awareness that space is a pub- alyzed area in the neighborhood scale, rain harvesting for irrigation. It is neverthe- lic good and must be enjoyed, and everyone meaning all the fields in that area could less informative as a base for their location The research naturally also has a few lim- should care about it and benefit from it. be irrigated with a proper infrastructure on the desired study level for this thesis, and itations. First of all, it is important to state for harvesting and distribution the detailing of it remains a further step in again that this work was written during the The direct conclusions from the simulations future research. show that, in the urban scale of the study: COVID-19 pandemic, and an initially panned field trip to Brasília was not possible. There- A constraint in the research was also the fore, the local context’s visual documen- availability of GIS data regarding water and tation is limited as well as a more precise 2574 waste infrastructures. The primary urban delimitation of vacant plots on the neighbor- data, such as landuse, was reasonably com- hood scale. Additionaly, realizing an exten- +1300 kg plete, but the integration with the other sive work as such while the world was un- government agencies databases is still not dergoing such a delicate time was not simple, available for the other services in the city. and many personal and logistics challenges of organic waste could be transformed into With more precise data of the waste collec- compost instead of ending up in a landfill ev- emerged from that. people could be fed from the Urban Agricul- tion routes and destinations, for example, eryday in the selected analyzed area ture fields only with vacant public spaces on new elements could have been added to the the analyzed area in the urban scale

92 93 reflection

heatmap visualization. Nevertheless, overall, scale, it would be interesting to detail the the amount of data available was sufficient food production spaces to be able to recom- to explain the strategy of the thesis and its mend which crops could thrive according to central points. the specific local constraints.

Furthermore, from a computational simula- tion perspective, a growth model of this sit- uation would be extremely valuable. As the Final Statement research now shows how Urban Agriculture could be implemented precisely at this mo- ment in time with the current population As a final statement, the literature review, and resources, the same rules and parame- case studies, and local urban analysis made ters could be used to feed an extended mod- possible the development of a strategic el to assist future planning. The model could framework spatially translated through com- demonstrate how a future landuse distribu- putational design and analysis tools - toex tion could happen when the city expands, plore a possible spatial organization of urban aiming to keep the same favorable conditions agriculture elements in Brasília. The results for each Urban Agriculture typology and the were visualized as maps and diagrams, and balance of resource availability. they can be used for kickstarting a more detailed investigation, bringing awareness In any case, future research should continue to the subject, or reinforcing that resources to consider the core principles of supporting management and food security are topics of small scale producers and the benefits that the Urban Planning agenda. The study can land and landscapes serve as public goods. maybe inspire future works, especially in the local context, where such approach is cur- rently limited.

The methodology and the results, as intend- ed since the beginning, demonstrate how to integrate computational design methods and analysis to support future design decisions. Even though it was a modest exploration, I hope that the idea and intention behind it remain and further push the integration of such methods. Outlook for further research

As future analysis recommendations, drawn back from the limitations statements, simi- lar research on the metropolitan area would be of great value. Likewise, on the opposite


Figure 28 : Urban Agriculture. Copyright CC-BY by Markus Spiske/

7 100. 98. ieaue List Literature List of Figures

References Figure 16: The superblocks are placed in between green spaces, like a park city. 39 List of Figures Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with permission.

Figure 1: Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with 02 Figure 17: Flooding in one of the Superblocks in 2019. Copyright André Borges/ 42 permission. ja-fotos-e-videos . No copyright infringement intended. Figure 2: Detail of The Allegory of Good Government: A glimpse on a peaceful exis- 12 tence of city and country. Ambrogio Lorenzetti/Public Domain. Figure 18: The dimension of the open spaces on eye level in the Monumental Axis. 43 Copyright 2020 by Google. Figure 3: Food Systems waste. Copyright by No copyright 14 infringement intended. Figure 19: The dimension of the open spaces on eye level in one of the Superblocks. 43 Copyright 2020 by Google. Figure 4: Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in August 2019. Copyright CC-BY 15 by Mayke Toscano/Getty Images. Figure 20: Local Food Supply flow diagram. Own design. 46

Figure 5: What are the environmental impacts of food and agriculture? : Agriculture 16 Figure 21: Inside the CEASA (Center of Distribution of Production) the local produc- 48 as the major driver for land and freshwater consumption. Copyright CC-BY by Han- ers have their stands. 55% of the people selling there are family farmers (Agência nah Ritchie/ Brasília, 2019). Copyright by Lúcio Bernardo Jr. / Agência Brasília.

Figure 6: Aerial view of one of Brasilia’s major mobility axis and the residential 17 Figure 22: Group of volunteers from the Nossa Brasília Movement working on one 49 neighborhoods amidst green spaces. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced of the community gardens. Copyright by Movimento Nossa Brasília/ http://www. with permission. ias-de-brasilia/. No copyright infringement intended. Figure 7: The biggest landfill of Latin America in a 25 min drive from the Presidential 18 Palace. Copyright by D Alves/CB/D.A Press. No Copyright infringement intended. Figure 23: Composting process in the windrows. Copyright 2020 by Projeto Com- 50 postar. Reproduced with permission. Figure 8: Urban Agriculture. Copyright CC-BY by Markus Spiske/ 22 Figure 24: Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with 52 Figure 9: The closed loop of an ideal sustainable local food system (Chicago Metro- 24 permission. politan Agency for Planning, 2012). No copyright infringement intended. Figure 25: Local Food Supply diagram with Urban Agriculture interventions. Own 61 Figure 10: The Urban Food Systems star. (Viljoen and Bohn, 2014). No copyright 25 design. infringement intended. Figure 26: Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with 62 Figure 11: Organoponico plaza in Havana, Cuba. Copyright by James Pagram/ 30 permission. No copy- right infringement intended. Figure 27: Aerial view of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with 88 permission. Figure 12: Satellite image of Brasília. Copyright 2020 by Google Image Landsat / 36 Copernicus. Figure 28: Urban Agriculture. Copyright CC-BY by Markus Spiske/ 96

Figure 13: Situating Brasília in different scales. Own design. 38

Figure 14: The monumental axis: political and administrative buildings, open spaces 39 and highways. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. Reproduced with permission.

Figure 15: The special characther of the buildings. Copyright 2020 by Joana França. 39 Reproduced with permission.

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The world is currently undergoing an un- into food production units? How would Ur- precedented rural-urban migration, meaning ban Agriculture support waste and water that in the next decades, the environmental, management systems? How could this new social, and economic challenges that origi- sustainable strategy be spatially organized nate from urbanization processes will be ag- within a current urban infrastructure? gravated. A pressing point is that our modern urban lifestyles consume more resources Investigating these questions, this Mas- than the planet can accommodate, especial- ter Thesis, supported by a comprehensive ly with the expected population growth. conceptual framework, presents an algo- rithm-based spatial exploration for the- or Food production, for instance, is one of ganization of Urban Agriculture elements in the activities that consume reserves the the city of Brasília. Brasília is an unique op- most. The current long chain of production, portunity, since it has a Modernistic urban packaging, transportation, and distribution design, vast vacant public spaces are there touches all domains of our existence and a by default. The methodology encompasses significant part of the planet’s terrestrial and analysis and mapping of relevant Urban Ag- marine supplies. This system is intrinsically riculture features and the related infrastruc- related to monopolies, deforestation, and ture in the city. And, through computational the commodification of food production, design tools, simulate and visualize a possi- creating urgent socio-economic, and envi- ble spatial distribution based on proximities ronmental challenges. and attractivity relations of the pertinent features. Urban Agriculture is seen as a possible solu- tion for some of these issues, for connecting The results could be used in informed poli- people to food systems allows more effi- cy-making decisions and varied stakeholder cient use and reuse of resources, more sus- interactions, raising collective awareness for tainable consumption patterns, and a decen- alternative food production models. Hope- tralized economic model, in which inclusive fully, the contribution is a valid experiment and broader income opportunities can arise. in the contemporary sustainability debate and the validation of computational meth- In this light, how could we adapt existing ods as an alternative for integrated simula- vacant spaces in a city, transforming them tions and design.

Master Thesis | 2020 | Luisa Correa de Oliveira Integrated Urban Development and Design | Bauhaus Universität Weimar